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Name: 20040305_Fri_Alex
Air Date: March 5, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, it's hard to believe that another week has blasted past us, but here we are on Friday, already the fifth day of March 2004.
Time is short, my friends, and the globalists know that.
That's why they're moving so quickly.
Coming up in the second hour, we have Tex Mars coming on the show.
And I've known Tex Mars for a long time.
I've seen his, what you could call, evolution of thinking.
He was an Air Force officer, professor of space and aeronautics, wrote military handbooks and textbooks and books, best-selling books on robots, you know, back in the 80s.
Then he found out about the New World Order and the occultism and
has really studied what's at the heart of it, the Satanism.
And even if you don't believe in Satanism, the globalists do.
This is what they're into.
And they control the Catholics, the Protestants, the Jews.
I mean, every major group and organization is controlled by this global satanic cult.
The Muslims are controlled by it.
I mean, he's got the evidence.
All the big institutions,
Are controlled by this.
We'll talk about Skull & Bones and George W. Bush and Kerry with Tex.
In fact, a decade ago, Tex was the only other author to write a detailed book about Skull & Bones.
Now, it was just him and Anthony Sutton.
Now there are, I don't know, I've probably seen 15 different books on Skull & Bones out there.
So he's a pioneer when it comes to that as well.
So Tex Amar is joining us in the second hour of this global transmission.
Big show lined up.
I got upset a lot this week on air, and I hate to sound like a hypochondriac.
I'm somebody who doesn't get sick a lot, but I had the flu a few weeks ago and I've had allergies.
Moving to Austin, I got these allergies.
Is it the chemtrails?
Probably is.
Who knows?
So I've been a little bit out of control on air, but I want to try to be calm in this first hour and go over the news of today and then some of the news we didn't focus on enough during the week.
And we'll take calls as well at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air.
Here's some of the news that's coming up.
Explosions rock Baghdad as Council prepares to sign Constitution.
Wonder who's behind that?
sees cause for concern over gas prices.
Oh, the government sees concern!
You're paying on average, um,
Over $2 and in some areas of California $3, $3 plus.
And they're just training you to accept the higher price.
It always goes up and then never goes back down the level before.
It's just publicly training you to accept higher prices and they've got the phony disinfo people out there telling you there's no oil left, peak oil.
So you'll accept all this.
Fox is coming out to the ranch here in Central Texas over the weekend.
And Bush said, you know what, we're not going to thumb scan or take a digital photo of the people coming across the southern border.
Because, you know, that's wrong, that's racist.
Of course, if you're an American citizen, it doesn't matter if you're black or white or pink.
Or maybe you're seasick and you're green.
It doesn't matter what color you are, if you're a citizen, your thumb scanned, your face scanned, in 42 of the 50 states, federal mandate, the other 8 now putting them in, the grocery stores putting them in, the schools putting them in, the libraries putting them in, the school buses putting them in.
And I've told you, I've seen it.
At the bank, an illegal alien from Mexico has to give no idea, nothing, they get a bank account.
They had a special law, Lamar Smith got put in, he said it was for immigration, it was never about that.
To get the thumb scanners, where the illegals didn't have to show any ID to get a driver's license.
We've already had that in Texas for a long time.
You hear about it in Utah or California, it's a big deal.
They just give illegals in here.
In Texas, there's no discussion of it.
So, if you want to be a citizen, renounce your citizenship, go to Mexico, then you've got more rights.
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You hear a lot about the quality of air outside these days.
Is it as healthy as you'd like it?
Probably die.
Well listen to this.
Did you know according to the American Lung Association combined with the EPA, the air quality inside your home is actually 6 to 10 times worse than the air outside.
6 to 10 times.
How could that be you ask?
What about all those cleaners under your sink?
Where do you think all those fumes go?
Well, I'll tell you where they go.
They go into you.
Into your children.
Am I scaring you?
Remember this word.
Puritec makes the pure ear system.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, my friends, 8 minutes and 12 seconds into this Friday transmission.
Again, it is March 5th, 2004.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
I'm so proud of these websites.
All the independent contributors, we have that write articles for us, like Chuck Baldwin, and there's Paul Watson's brother.
He's written a book about going to college in England.
Every other textbook chapter is about the New World Order and says New World Order.
Then he went and pulled a book in the library about the New World Order and it said that dangerous right-wingers believe in this fantasy thing, and they're very dangerous, of course.
That's a good article he's written.
It's at PrisonPlanet.com.
You should go read it.
And all the news we're going to cover is posted on the two sites for you.
I know for those that don't have computers it must be frustrating, but
You can always go to the library and check this stuff out.
By the way, I kind of went into convulsions on the air yesterday of anger because I, you know, mentioned something and then I hear myself how crazy it sounds and then I build up to a point of saying, it is crazy, it is insane, but it's the globalists that are nuts
And, you know, it's so weird how the yuppies out there are, you know, say this stuff doesn't exist until the media says it's good, and then suddenly, okay, it's good, and they think it's wonderful.
And that was how the official Army website, official Army plan says that their job by 2020
Four, actually, was the date they gave, would be to put brain chips in all of us to control us and make us happy, and then there was the Hive Mind article, 400-page DARPA document about how we're going to be all connected together, and they might even need to put us in these tanks like the Matrix.
It's going to be wonderful.
I mean, that sounds insane.
It is insane.
But I'm not insane for covering it.
Here's the Register, major mainstream newspaper in England.
Google founder dreams of Google implant in your brain.
Now, see, that's today.
I see this stuff every couple weeks.
You know, the head of Oracle says he wants to put chips in our brains.
The head of some microsystems says he wants to put a chip in his child.
Chips are wonderful.
Everyone needs them.
Sean Hannity, while he's buying stock in it, he thinks it's great.
Every child needs a chip.
I mean, I've got him on video saying that.
Very Christian, very conservative.
And I'm the liberal because I'm against it.
So, Google founder dreams of Google Implant in your brain.
And he says, you know, to access the internet we're going to need our own brain chips.
The Army in 2000 even said, you know, a lot of people aren't going to accept brain chips right now, implanted by the military.
Their main job, you drop by a clinic and they, it's alright Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Brown, whatever.
Everything's going to be alright just later.
It's like body snatchers.
It's going to, you know.
They're easing us into it with the Prozac and other drugs, getting us ready, and they're going to pass the law that we all have to take the vaccines, and they've got new vaccines that cure us of anger, cure us of cigarettes, they change our brain chemistry, so they're normalizing, making us take shots that change our brain chemistry, so they're getting us ready for the implantation.
I mean, I'm not the one coming up with all this.
Here, just lay down, we'll get you sedative.
Surgery only takes a few minutes.
You're going to have such a new mind after this.
I mean, they say in there that... Well...
You know, people didn't like pacemakers at first.
And with our media power, people will be convinced to accept that the younger generations and widespread use of the brain chip will be popular in the next decade and by 2024, everyone will have it!
I mean, it's off the charts here!
Again, you would be completely normal to run down the street screaming right now, screaming this.
Opening your window, screaming it, flopping around on the ground, freaking out.
I mean, that's the normal response to the equivalent of flying saucers landing and green men walking off and saying, we, you know, take over the Capitol.
And no, please don't quote me in the Washington Post as saying, I believe green aliens are going to land.
It's the equivalent.
To have the military going, well, the main job will be putting the chip in your brain, and it's going to be so good, and everyone's going to accept it thanks to our media control, and there are some backwards people who don't like it.
I mean, you could lift your window open and just start screaming right now, and that would be a normal response.
Because it's insane.
It's the equivalent of opening your door, and there's a werewolf sitting in your easy chair.
You know, it's that insane, it's that crazy, it's that nuts, and it's right out in the open.
I remember the good old days, six, seven years ago, just talking about how they were about to come out and say every child needs a chip under their skin, and having the guest on who designed it in the sixties, and you know, showing one of the chips on TV, and oh, I was so crazy, and it'll never happen, and
No, it's commonplace.
So, this week, I see one of these every week.
You know, Paul Watson, we ought to create a section on prison planning.
I know we have a section on implantable chips, but how about just brain chips?
Because people don't seem to want to believe this.
This is the register.
Google founder dreams of Google implant in your brain.
Body modification is all the rage these days.
See, I had the Washington Post writer on four years ago, their technology writer,
For what, Wash Tech?
And he said, he said, yeah, it's true, Mr. Jones.
There is a move by industry to push body piercing and modification to prepare us for the implantable chips.
That was in his article.
Industry sits around and decides how to condition your children to take chips in their bodies.
And so here's the register again, giving you the same spiel.
It's a script, folks.
Doesn't matter what year we're in, it's the same script.
Body modification is all the rage these days.
As any parent with a teenage child knows.
Oh, see.
I want the chip!
I want it now, Mommy!
You can't tell me no.
You're just backward.
Why, Janet Jackson's got one.
I told you years.
That's gonna be the push, see.
Well, the biggest rock star's got an I-12ZX-9er brain chip.
It's the newest, and I went and got implanted because I wanted to.
I'm 13 now, and I got it.
And now I can access any info I want or access, you know, the centers of my brain and call myself, and I can interface with police officers.
They know I'm good, and I'm reporting you.
I'm reporting you.
Folks, I'm not joking around.
You're going to see all this happen.
Do you understand?
Unless we stand up and say no and start screaming out our windows and running down the streets waving our arms.
And I mean that as a figure of speech.
We've got to behave as if this is a major crisis because it is.
It's the equivalent of opening your cupboard door and there's a seven-foot green alien standing there.
It is the equivalent on the insanity scale.
You understand?
But it's real.
The concentration camps are real, the foreign troops are real, the setup is real, and I have foreseen the whole thing because I understand history and human systems and the PR propaganda system.
Again, body modification is all the rage these days.
As many a parent with teenage children knows, pack them off to school, disco,
Whatever that means.
And the next thing you know, they've come back with a fabric of piercings and tattoos that only a supercomputer can decipher.
Our very own Kevin Warwick, a Captain Cyborg to regular readers, was just a meddling tutor at the Midlands Polytechnic before he sought a whiff of the particular Zetich, whatever that means.
So see, now he's a big star.
Oh, he was nobody, but he was just a little tutor for the college, but he started putting chips in his body, and now he's a star.
And you watch these ads about the families that get the chips, oh, they're so cool, they're geniuses, the child's a genius, he got a chip, so everybody wants one, oh, oh, it's so wonderful, oh, oh, and this is how they do it.
For the past few years, Warwick has staged a succession of publicity stunts in which he augments his human self with bits of machinery.
His adolescent stunts have been pretty lame so far, but he has been successful in gathering an appreciative following in the international press.
And it goes on.
The issue of augmentation, or fusion with technology, is a mustabulary fantasy that we encounter often, especially out here in California.
The extroverted, ventured, extro-payans, again I'm proving how ignorant I am, I mean most of these words, I don't even know what these words are, I'm pretty new to vocabulary, are just one of the many cults that dream of transcending mortality and evading the messy social responsibilities to your brother or sister by launching themselves into cybernetically assured future to which only they have the keys.
Again, this is why the elite wants all this.
This is how they're going to sell it to us.
Enter Larry Page, who by cruel popular caricature is a friendly, goofy half of the partnership that creates Google in the manner of a Bond villain, the brilliant, cold, and secretive Russian
Sergey calls the shots while the American nitwit Larry loafs around on colored cushions between Segway rides and gets the chill with Joey Leto Lucky Larry.
And it goes on with this trendy babble.
This is what all the trendies are reading.
And it says, and it goes on with his quote here where he, I'm not going to put you through much more of this.
We'll come back and I'll read the actual quotes where we're all going to have our brain chips.
And, uh, again, uh, yes, Larry, that's pretty exciting, where he talks about he wants us to have a brain chip.
So we'll, uh, come back and talk about that.
Then we'll get to the other serious news.
Explosions rock Baghdad as council prepares to sign a constitution, which will now be a police state constitution, because everything's getting blown up, just like we got the anthrax attacks in Patriot Act One passed, and that led back to the CIA.
Most of the evidence now shows, this is even on NBC News, I couldn't believe it,
But the CIA is protecting the bombers and won't let them be arrested because they work for them.
Also, the U.S.
sees cause for concern over gas prices.
Oh, the government sees concern when they're the ones behind it.
Fox coming to Texas with Lord Bush, and they're going to go ahead and get rid of the border.
They've already basically done it, but don't worry, Fox is going to get what he wants.
And Bush says, hey, no more thumbprinting, face scanning for people coming across the border.
But citizens, again, have to do it to get a driver's license in Texas or California or these border states.
In fact, 42 of the 50.
You've got a thumb scan, face scan.
It's a national ID card.
Already federally controlled.
But if you're an illegal alien, you have more rights than citizens.
You get more welfare.
You get a get-out-of-jail-free card, literally.
So my name is Jorge Gonzalez.
I want the citizenship.
I don't want a thumb scan.
So my name's Jorge, or how about Max Riker or something?
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Alright folks, we're back live, and I'm discovering this registered news article out of San Francisco, and they're talking to Larry Page, the co-owner and founder of Google, which is, frankly, probably the hottest technology company out there right now.
I mean, it's tiny compared to the big devil IBM, but
It's the hottest thing out there.
And, you know, it's got its Russian and its American owner.
But Larry, the owner, went on and told CNET News and the New York Times that he wants a brain chip.
And it says, yes, Larry, that's pretty exciting, but first things first, John Markoff of the New York Times recently unearthed the gem that Google is planning to create a phone that directs the user to Google's incomparable archive of weblog trackbacks and payola bracelets.
And it goes on to talk about that he is so serious about the implantable chip that will transmit data from Google directly to your brain that he will willingly submit to such a complicated medical operation to make it work.
Alas, it still requires a messy medical science to implant a Google chip in your brain.
Can you imagine a car manufacturer touting such a pitch?
Which is the history of commerce.
Has the promise been so distant from the reality?
Car buyers wouldn't stand for this.
Just take our Ford implant, sir, and everything will work out.
And neither we suggest should you.
And it goes on where he says he thinks the future is an implantable brain chip that then you use your cell phone as an uplink and it wirelessly transmits the data directly to your brain.
It says, on the more exciting front, can you imagine your brain being augmented by Google?
For example, you think about something and your cell phone could whisper the answer in your ear.
He burbled.
I mean, yes, it's insane, but the people running things, the head of Oracle, the head of Sun Microsystems, the head of IBM, the head of Google, I mean, every time I turn around, they're on some TV show.
This is a TV I catch.
They had the head of Microsystems back in 2000.
It was the day that everything shifted over.
It was the new millennium, as they said, when the real new millennium was 2001.
But again, that's pointless to even get into that.
And he was on Louis Rukeyser's Wall Street Weekend Review.
That's where Rukeyser got canned.
And on PBS, he asked the chairman of
So, Microsystems, what do you look forward to most?
I look forward to putting a chip in my son Maverick's neck.
We're all going to have chips.
And they're going to be tracking us and Rukeyser in the same Atlantic action.
Oh, intriguing.
Tell me more about those chips.
I mean, I should have been taping that.
I was just with my mouth hanging open.
Well, you see, we're all going to have them soon.
Seems a little bizarre now, but we're, you know, we get it used to technology.
Very interesting.
The two both had the same voice.
What made it so scary?
I was going to... I mean, literally, they were both talking like that.
And, uh... I just... I mean, what's... what's wrong with this picture, people?
And it's all about control.
I got an article here where San Francisco's gonna put RFIDs in the library books, see, to track you in and out of the library.
And it's just stacks of this type of stuff.
Explosions rock Baghdad as council prepares to sign a constitution.
Six or seven blasts have hit Baghdad's main airport just hours before Iraq's leaders were due to sign an interim constitution.
A United States spokesman said there were no reports of casualties.
I can confirm that there were six to seven impacts on the northern part of Baghdad International Airport between 10 a.m.
and 10-15 a.m.
The spokesman said he was unable to say what explosive devices had caused the blast at the airport where the U.S.
Army is based and so the investigation was underway.
There were no reports of damage or injuries.
Thank goodness.
Now the bombings of earlier this week
What, Monday?
That killed 150 plus people?
No one's sure how many died.
One of the first things Paul Bremer did, the military governor of the plantation, or holding, our imperial holding, made it illegal to report cancer deaths, car accident deaths, shooting deaths.
No death statistics.
We had that million and a half number from 13 years of sanctions.
That's not going to end, so we can't let those numbers out now.
By the way, some of the Iran-Contra people who were held hostage, and these are not unpatriotic folks, are saying that Gitmo is the same thing, Autonomo Bay is a shame, and we're evil and torture's bad.
Well, maybe they need to go in Gitmo then, you know?
There's discussions of putting Paul O'Neill in there.
He talked about how they plan to go in Iraq, day one in the White House.
That doesn't fit the script.
Alright, I'll come back and let's clear more news and take your calls.
Stay with us!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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If you want to comment on the founder and owner of Google saying he thinks the future will be implantable chips in your brain, which the government agrees with him on, you can give us a call at 1-800-259-9231 on this Friday edition.
Or if you'd like to comment on Vicente Fox coming to Texas with Lord Bush for a little love fest,
And Fox says he doesn't care what we say.
He wants an open border.
You ought to see the stuff he says in Mexican papers.
This is out of the Washington Times.
Fox to press for relaxed immigration.
When does he not do that?
Because he's a tool of the bankers who want to get rid of our border.
Again, it isn't Mexico that wants this alone.
It's the establishment.
Mexican President Vicente Fox has no intention of easing his demands for relaxed immigration rules.
We don't even have a border.
When he meets today with President Bush, who the new rules legalizes them completely, but acknowledges that political realities may put off any changes until next year.
Ah, after the re-election, you can really sell us down the river.
We know it is going to take a long time before we reach an integrated agreement.
Get the key word?
Mr. Fox had an interview with the Associated Press.
It's Pan-American Union.
Nonetheless, he said his top priority during talks today and tomorrow at the President's Ranch in Crawford, Texas will be to press for the eventual relaxation of rules on immigration from Mexico.
So we got Fox, the Coca-Cola executive, the globalist, the destroyer of Mexico, the enslaver.
The Mexicans I talk to just hate this guy.
They know he's bad.
And meeting with Lord Bush, two equally greasy individuals.
And don't worry, as an olive branch to Fox, they're not going to track the illegals.
Oh, the corporations just hate it, getting employees for $2 an hour, and the big city welfare systems just hate having all these new people on the rolls, and you know.
The establishment wanted this, but they sold you.
See, the biometrics
At the border it's going to be for all the illegals to keep you safe and biometrics are good.
Why do we have it for citizens then in Texas in 1993?
And now almost all the states have it federally funded and controlled.
See, people never think about stuff integrated thoughts.
We're already doing this to citizens for ten years now.
In Texas.
And it's
Most states have had it for the last five, and there's just a few that don't have it now.
What, eight?
And then those are all, again, putting it in.
And they're going in the grocery stores everywhere else.
And see, the illegal aliens, they just come right across and live here and go back and forth.
And I've watched.
I've sat there and watched illegals at the bank.
And when I have bank business, and I'm sitting there in the chair for 45 minutes, the illegal, they'll have their own, you know, person there at the bank who talks to them and everything.
And I'll sit there and watch, you know, ten feet away.
And they just tell them their name, they write the name down, they give them a bank account, thank you very much, and... No nothing!
You just walk in, my name's Billy Bob!
Well, that wouldn't work.
It's gotta be a Spanish surname.
Maybe Russian.
Well, I guess if you're Russian too, they don't... It just seems like it's... You know, I know a lady who manages the biggest apartment complex in Austin for the biggest property management company in the country, and they went to their big Dallas meeting last year, and...
They told him, they said, listen, the people aren't supposed to know this, but we've been federalized.
And she goes, what?
Yeah, a third of our rental space, because we're not going to have to pay any taxes now.
Again, this is the public-private partnership, the big scam.
A third of our rental properties are government housing.
And they said, we don't care if there's ten illegals, ten foreigners, in an apartment, two bedroom, you don't bug them, you don't bother them.
But, citizens,
Crack down on them.
I mean, if they've got anybody extra, a relative staying with them, whatever, fine them, kick them out, whatever.
You see, it's about squeezing you, getting rid of the middle class, regardless of what color you are.
And here's more proof!
Well, the biggest proof we've got is seven to ten years on the two different plans they can do, no income taxes for foreigners to start businesses.
Well, no one can compete.
So the foreigners own all the motels.
I mean, 98 percent.
At least around here.
I've been around the country.
Almost all the gas stations.
Why is that?
Because you, if you're an American, if you're black or white or Hispanic or whatever, you can't compete against somebody who doesn't pay taxes.
That's a 35 to 40 percent reduction right there.
They got the cheaper gas.
They got the cheaper Twinkies and Coke and cigarettes.
They can undercut you.
Again, it's designed by the establishment to destroy this country.
And the World Bank said in their own documents released two years ago, Joseph Sicklet's quit, the chief economist there, and these documents came out, that it's about driving us into submission, destroying middle classes, a huge third world slave grid.
I don't want to rant all day, but we'll go to your calls just here in a few minutes.
Again, do you want to comment on this?
Does it make you angry?
You've got a thumb scan and face scan, but not the illegals!
And Lamar Smith, when he sold us this back in 93, the conservative congressman from San Antonio.
This is to stop the illegals and all the well-meaning conservatives.
Well, by all means, put the thumb scanners in!
And I remember seeing years later the Statesman article that immigrants get a waiver from showing their birth certificate and ID.
You just walk in, if you're any legal at the DPS, and say, hmm, ID.
My name's, you know, Francisco whatever, and boom, you're in.
Starting to get this, folks?
So, Bush eyes easing entry from Mexico.
The Bush administration plans to pull the plug on new border security program requiring millions of visa-carrying Mexican nationals to be fingerprinted and photographed before being allowed to enter the United States, according to Congressional and Bush administration sources.
Department of Homeland Security Undersecretary Asa Hutchinson, according to an advance copy of the testimony,
He said it was scheduled to be delivered yesterday before the House Government Reform Committee had planned to tell the panel to move to scrap the border checks for some Mexican nationals visiting the United States, but never mention the subject.
Instead, they announced on the news they were going to scrap everything.
And on the news it was, well, this is because they didn't make the Canadians do it either.
So now nobody has to.
Well, yeah, all the precious Russians and precious Chinese and precious mafia triads have to come in through precious Canada.
All the precious people from Syria.
And all the precious people from Iran.
And all the precious people from Somalia that our government imports to take the jobs.
My government really did you a favor today in Minnesota.
We've imported another 100,000 Somalis who can work for a dollar an hour!
You know, in parts of Austin that were nice five, ten years ago, there's chickens running around the street, open meat hanging up, sewers running down the street.
But again, the point is, these people, and I'm not knocking folks from Mexico or Poland, there was an article out of Alabama a few months ago, big mainstream article, and it talked about, I think it said
Seven Poles living in a one-room apartment.
I think the number was higher.
I'm going from memory here.
I read the article on air.
And almost the whole apartment complex is Poles.
Ford even owns the apartment complex.
And then a van pulls up, and they all pile in, and they get paid half of what Americans were paid.
Now they've laid off almost all the Americans.
I mean, they imported the Poles.
They were former... They formerly worked in Soviet tank factories.
I mean, you know.
So it's wonderful.
And so they just bring the labor force here, and then they all live in squalor, and I'm not knocking them.
It's better than their former Soviet countries.
And that's what we're supposed to compete against.
I mean, are you starting to get this?
Are you starting to understand what this means?
That's my point, is they'll put ten or more people from third world countries in a little apartment and they've got their side of meat hanging out in the front porch and some pigs and chickens in the backyard.
Nobody enforces the zoning.
There's chickens running around in the street.
I mean, in areas that were middle class just five years ago.
I mean, you're driving by nice houses and there's chickens running around the street and masses of children and flies billowing.
Folks, I'm not kidding.
So, and my point is, I don't want to live like that.
I know it's an upgrade from the cardboard boxes of Mexico City that half the population lives in.
By the way, that's documented.
And the black rivers of sewage, and water coming out of a spigot one hour a day, and a third of the babies being born with no brains and holes in their hearts.
I'm sorry, I just don't want to live like that.
Folks, I'm not joking around here.
The elite don't want a middle class, because you're self-sufficient and under their control.
But once you're living in a compact city apartment, you're going to put up with the black ski masks, you're going to put up with the cameras, you're going to put up with all of it.
That's why they don't care if nobody rides the buses in most of these cities.
I mean, I'm not exaggerating.
In Austin, you can sit there during rush hour and watch the buses, and you're lucky if there's five people on each bus.
There's just buses everywhere.
They don't care, because soon you're not going to be able to afford having a car.
Soon they're going to blow everything out, and it's going to be those buses.
I'm just, it's sad seeing America be destroyed.
I guess on the upside, when we're like Calcutta, India, in a decade from now in most cities, it's like a scene from Blade Runner.
You know, just masses of milling people.
All the people won't keep coming here.
Of course, I'm going to move there.
It'll be better there.
USC's calls for concern over gas prices.
Oh, the government's so sad for you.
And they say now, yesterday, they're real sad, but the prices may keep going up for two years.
They may stay at this level, or even worse, go up.
And then a CIA psychological warfare guy wrote that, of course.
It's going to stay like this for two years, or maybe keep going up for two years.
So, see, that sets your paradigm of, well, I hope it just stays like this, so you now accept it at two bucks a gallon.
See how they work?
Very, very sophisticated.
And by the way, if you're listening in Austin and go, I'm only paying $1.65 for 87 octane.
Yes, but in the average in the country, it's now $2.
And then I saw an article in LA, it's like $2.30.
In areas of San Francisco, it's like over $3.
And just last week, it was like $2.75.
Okay, let's go to calls, and then I'll get back into all this.
I'm sorry for not getting to them.
I'm being bad.
Well, let's go to them quickly.
Who's up first in Canada?
Reg, go ahead.
All right, Al.
Listen, I'll tell you, I've been listening to you guys for about a year and a half, right?
And I think it's time for us just to make a date, you know, like you are on the radio, you have a lot of listeners, everyone's waking up, right?
My friends are waking up and we're sick and sleepy and tired of this bullshit.
Okay, thank you.
So we're going to let you go.
You know, this broadcast is not a place to
You act like an idiot in your band from the show.
Who's up next after that?
Dan in Minnesota, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
One interesting thing is I did look in the Humanist magazine and they had kind of knocked that thing you were talking about with the Northwoods document.
They said it was a simulation from the Kennedy administration.
Well, yeah, that's what it is.
Not a simulation, it's a battle plan.
They carried that plan out.
They carried it out?
What magazine said this?
The Humanist.
I looked up after you had mentioned it.
I just happened to be at the library and looked in the Humanist magazine.
And inside of it, they said this guy heard about these so-called
...conspiracy theories and looked into it and said it was a simulation under the Kennedy administration.
So the Humanist, good people... Well, I'm sure the magazine has got some problems.
No, no, the government cares about us and loves us.
The Humanist magazine said that that was a simulation is what I'm saying.
Okay, well, I wouldn't listen to the Humanist or Alex Jones.
I'd go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com
And I would go in, and I would, if I was you, I would simply look there, in the document itself, and read it, because it's not a simulation.
I see.
I also looked inside... But I mean, you know what?
I'm glad you raised this, because, you know, there's all these rationales and all these lies.
And nowhere in that document does it say simulation.
It's a memorandum for plan of action for Cuba's situation from the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman L.L.
Lemitzer to the Secretary of Defense and to Robert F. Kennedy.
I looked in the Scientific American.
They also said that those RFID things are going to be scrap.
They said in Scientific American, in yet another issue, they said that the RFIDs were not going to be used in that way you were talking about.
Well, I guess everything's okay, then.
No, I'm just saying that I looked in there.
I mean, I know something's coming down, but I'm just saying, as far as you were talking, this RFID, and I looked in Scientific American... The RFID is already in almost everything.
What is it in?
Uh, it's going in library books, it's, uh, going in shoes, it's in a lot of the shirts, it's in Gillette Razor packages, it's just, it's all over everything.
You said Wal-Mart was doing this.
Uh, Wal-Mart, well, I didn't say it, I have, uh, the posted Wal-Mart Minutes, where they have said they're going to force all their manufacturers to put chips in everything now.
Well, how come I looked in Scientific America and they said they weren't going to be doing that long-range RFID tracking?
You know, I'm a little confused.
You keep repeating the same thing to me.
Well, no, it's not the same thing.
See, Scientific American, I looked in there, it said RFID will not be trackable after it leaves the factory, they said.
I looked in there, I saw that, I could bring it back up and call you.
Well, no, I'm giving you an answer, sir.
I'm telling you what Walmart says in press releases.
Okay, so what I should do is mail this to you where he says that after that item leaves the house where it was manufactured and sold, it will not be tracked.
And a social security number will never be used as a personal identification number.
But I'm talking right now about RFID from Walmart.
They said that they will not be tracked after the... Sir, I'm just trying to talk about your tone.
Because you just keep repeating the same thing over and over again like it's your proof that I'm lying or something.
I know something's coming down.
I'm just saying in regards to Walmart.
That's all I'm saying.
Okay, well I'm going to tell you again.
Walmart met last year with a ridge.
And said this is for tracking us, and it's going to be in everything.
And in the industry documents that are public, it shows it tracked from the factory to the store.
Let me finish talking, you ask the question.
From the factory to the store, to your house, to the landfill.
Did they track with like a reader?
Did they come in your neighborhood with a reader and then point that gun at you?
I mean, what distance did that thing travel?
Well, there's different RFIDs.
There's hundreds of different ones.
Some work at 200 yards, some from 2 feet.
Because you had said that there's a rubber gas bag going up that's going to be on the edge of the ionosphere, and you had said that this gas bag will have like an x-ray device to see through four feet of concrete.
Yeah, I didn't say gas bag, I said a dirigible or blimp.
Is it helium?
That was the same magazine you just mentioned.
Is it helium?
This gas bag, this rubber blimp?
You don't believe that either?
This rubber blimp, is it going to be able to see through four feet of concrete?
Uh, yes, that's what the ground penetrating radar does.
Now, can they find you by actually flying airplanes over your house and then sending information to that bag?
Well, yeah, that's what it does.
It's going to coordinate drones and other things.
Is DARPA drones going to be kind of working with this thing, hand and glove, too?
That's what the official Washington Post and... Now, do you have any kind of information on whether the bag has been constructed or what?
I just covered what the Pentagon said.
They're going to launch these things 30 times the size of the Goodyear Blimp.
And you said it's going to be hovered on the outside of space.
I didn't know there was an outside of space.
The atmosphere.
I thought the universe went on and on, but on the edge of our atmosphere.
Yeah, the edge of the gas bed.
A low Earth orbit.
And this thing can see through 100 feet of solid rock, he said.
No, I never said that.
I said 4 feet of concrete.
That's what they say.
That's the declassified number.
Well, they turn it up.
You know, like they say, an Abrams tank goes 45 miles an hour, but I'm told it goes 60.
You know, they say an aircraft carrier goes how many knots, but it really goes faster.
Have a good one, buddy.
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Yeah, we got Tex Mars coming up to talk about the Order of Skull and Bones and the Occult and to cover a lot of the other news items with us.
I know we got Cecilia and Eric and Roger and Frank and many, many others that are patiently holding.
Now that last caller, Dan in Minnesota, I wish he'd call back in the third hour and we'd have more time.
It was just bizarre.
It was real accusatory.
Well, what about this gas bag in space?
What about this?
What about that?
Uh-huh, well, I'm gonna understand that they're not gonna do that.
Well, and he just kept repeating and I could tell he was like... I don't know.
I just didn't really get the whole... I mean, what I cover here on the show is right out of the niche.
It's like somebody calls me up in a month and goes, I can't find that where the owner of Google says he wants to put, you know, chips in our brains to get Google's service.
You know, I get that all the time, and I mean, I don't care if somebody in the Humanist magazine comes out and says Northwoods was a simulation.
I mean, they now admit that, you know, the Gulf of Tonkin never happened, but they told us it did to get into the war.
We know they attacked the U.S.'
's liberty to try to blame it on Egypt.
We know, you know, countless examples of this all over the world.
And the Northwoods plan, we've always said, yes, Kennedy.
In my video, it's about, in 1962, we went, that was a simulation, back with Kennedy.
And the sun came up this morning.
What do you say about that?
But it wasn't a simulation.
It doesn't say simulation.
I told him, go to the website, read the declassified document, read the ABC News report, read the Baltimore Sun report, you know, headline, U.S.
government had plans to terrorize U.S.
cities, to bomb D.C., to hijack Jet Sparrow remote control, I mean, that's what it says.
And it's not a simulation, it is a proposal.
But that's always the spin when they find some horrible government plan.
Oh, here's an official funding to create the AIDS virus, 1970.
Oh, that was just a simulation.
Well, it doesn't say that.
Well, you prove it wasn't.
So I guess everything's fine.
Let's just go back to sleep and the RFID isn't a problem and we haven't caught them already tracking it with us.
By the way, you want to know, in fact, I mentioned to him that they're doing that in California, getting ready to.
And I mentioned, you know, they're about to do it with the library books and he said,
Scientific Magazine!
Well, I was giving you an example of where they're tracking us with them.
Well, I'm talking about the magazine!
I was like, okay, uh, well, how do I help you then?
I'm trying to dig that article out here.
This is out of the Associated Press.
San Francisco library officials grilled on plan to put trackers in books.
San Francisco library officials, by the way, it'll keep a record of what you're looking at, of course, hosted a public forum Thursday night to take up the theory, excuse me, the thorny issue
...of radio frequency identification tags, small paper-thin devices that the city's library system wants to put in books to improve inventory control.
Critics of the idea say that there is serious privacy concern about exactly what information would be contained on the tags and how secure the devices would be.
They fear third parties, board hackers, or the federal government might find a way to surreptitiously find out who's been reading what.
They already do that, folks.
The government already goes to borders, books, and the library and demands the records.
That's put in the news.
Privacy is really the handmaiden of the First Amendment, said Anna Brick, a staff attorney at the American Civil Liberties Union, which they always put on the part of a good cop.
And it says several large city libraries throughout the United States and the world use RFIDs for inventory control, and retailers are increasingly adopting the technology to streamline their operations.
And it goes on and on.
And uh... so that's what's happening there.
We've got a break and start the second hour with Tex Mars.
Tex is coming up in about ten minutes.
We'll come back and take some calls.
If you want to support this show and get videos that will wake people up big time, you need to get my new film, Matrix of Evil, or one of my other great videos, Police State, Three Total Enslavement.
We've got books, books on tape, pro-gun t-shirts, a lot of key stuff at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
Or you can just call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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I don't know.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright, we're now into the second hour of global transmission.
Got Tex Marr is coming up, professor and expert on the occult, also a pastor.
Talk about skull and bones presidency, your choice.
The skull on the left, the skull on the right.
And of course your calls, what's happening with the gas prices, what's happening with the police state.
Who's up first here, Stephanie?
Cecilia in Texas, go ahead, good to talk to you, thanks for holding.
Hi Alex, good to talk to you.
Long time listener, way back since the 98.9 days.
Well, welcome.
I wanted to ask one quick, I have several things, but the first things are, are you still broadcasting the third hour over the internet?
Because I don't get your shortwave the third hour.
Yes, we only have shortwave during the day from 11 to 1 central on 9475 and then this week just the third hour at night 3210 but next week it'll be the second and third hour 10 to midnight and then we're pretty soon we'll have that first hour for you on shortwave too.
Hey, that's good news.
Where are you in Texas?
I'm in Kyle, just up the road from you.
Okay, if you're in Kyle, you should be able to pick up 90.1 or 96.3.
I get you on the, well no, actually I can't.
I get you on the shortwave 90, 94, 75, whichever it is.
It comes in better than that 12.1, 72 anyway.
Yeah, we're not on that anymore.
Yeah, right.
I know that.
I found you, you know, when they switched over, so I did, too.
Well, that's wonderful.
What's on your mind?
Well, I received a notice in my bank statement yesterday.
I bank at the Public Employees Credit Union, and they have several offices there in Austin.
They're implementing the Thumb Printing Program.
And I don't know how many members are listening and are aware of that, but
It says down at the bottom, first it says at the top, they are, they have implemented it.
And that no thumbprints will be provided to law enforcement unless a crime has been committed with respect to... It's a total lie.
It's checked against the database, your records, everything go into it.
Right, and it says it's supported by local government agencies and grocery stores and other businesses are doing it.
And then they say in the last sentence, the PECU is looking into this program.
And then, like, they haven't quite made up their mind, but then at the bottom it says again, when making withdrawals, cashing checks, all of them, a current driver's license is needed.
So I'm thinking, well, what is it?
What do they really want?
A driver's license?
They just want to see me?
They want an eye scan?
Look, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
Seven years ago, I started seeing the ink pads with the red sticker on the top to condition you Pavlovian fashion to put your thumb on the laser.
And if you turn those ink pads over it'll say North American Morpho Systems, Biometric Access, different companies.
They paid to have those put in to train you for the ink print.
That was training.
Now the biometrics are going in, there's federal grants to these companies, these grocery stores, these businesses.
The police in some areas, like Arlington, tried to say, it's not the law, but you have to start thumb printing biometrically.
They've been trying it in areas of Denver.
People have been refusing.
So all over I see these articles of this happening, and so now it's going in.
So first it's the ink pad, paid for by the biometric companies and the feds.
Then it goes to the thumb scanner itself, which is now going in the grocery stores and banks all over the country.
From Piggly Wiggly, to HEB, to Kroger, to Safeway.
It's already been going out over the last two years.
Very serious.
The other thing I wanted to mention on this same little notice that I received, and it's just a little newsletter.
Apparently, and I didn't know this because I don't use the debit card, but apparently MasterCard has settled a lawsuit with Walmart with respect to signature debit cards.
I don't know what that is.
I only know about the PIN number.
Well, now Wal-Mart stores are no longer accepting the credit union's MasterCard signature debit card.
They will only take any debit card that has only a PIN number.
Well, that's because there's liability involved in that.
Is that just a... Yeah, that's just a liability thing because people can fool those biometric signature readers.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
We'll be back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I know that we have a lot of phone lines.
We'll go to your calls in this hour with Tex Mars, because no matter what issue you raise, you'll be able to address it.
It's all interconnected.
Tex Mars, Air Force officer, veteran, professor of space and aeronautics at UT, a pastor, best-selling author, you know, written textbooks for the military.
Tex is a good friend of mine.
He married myself and my wife a few years ago.
Well, time's really flown by.
Coming up on three years ago.
And I'm honored to have Tex here on the show with us to talk about, well, several issues.
Here's an article he's written.
We have a link to this at PrisonPlanet.com at the top of the main page.
Top story.
The Order of Skull and Bones.
The gaunt, naked initiate, John Kerry, was lifted out of the coffin and his blindfold removed.
As he blinked his eyes and gazed about the room, he was shocked at the scene.
He saw before him members in skeleton suits, in red suits, in bloody, torn, scroungy garb, and in ghostly costumes.
The heads of some were covered with black hoods, and he noticed that some were sparsely cut.
Ravish robes with strange symbols inscribed thereon.
He was then brought silently into the tower room before the mysterious hooded and crowned figure who sat regally on a throne.
Bow to the master, the order came from attendance.
But who was the master?
Cary asked himself.
Was this just an ordinary man, the human leader of Skull and Bones?
Or was this mysterious hooded figure, in fact, the one whom men fear and quiver before?
Could this be Lucifer himself, Prince of Darkness?
Well Alex, great to be with you again.
You bet.
I would ask him to boost your audio.
I can barely hear you, Tex.
Okay, well, I'll just speak up a little bit.
Yeah, well, that may be on our side, too.
Good to have you with us.
Skull and Bones.
We have the Skull and Bones candidacy.
I mean, really, no choice at all.
Well, that's right, because no matter who we vote for, the two major parties have given us the Skull and Bonesman.
I think that's very interesting.
You know, you and I have always warned people that there's not a dime's worth of difference.
And the two political parties.
And certainly, when you really get down to the record, other than some very subtle, meaningless distinctions between Bush and Kerry, they both stand for the same New World Order platform, don't they?
Well, absolutely.
Open borders, big growth in government, gun control, NAFTA and GATT.
I mean, really, the rhetoric's different, but the actions are the same.
It is the same.
There's a reason why Kerry voted for the World Trade Organization.
He voted for the war in Iraq.
I always laugh about this guy.
He always votes for everything the Illuminati wants, and then he tries to explain it away later to his constituency.
The man is... I don't understand how anyone could believe this guy.
I believe he lies more than Bush.
These guys
You know, we need to have a Mr. Liar contest, Alex.
They can really tell.
This guy here, though, is really a keen liar, because for 19 years he told everybody he was an Irish Catholic.
Comes out, not only his grandmother, but his grandfather was Jewish.
Now, there's nothing wrong with being Jewish.
Don't get me wrong on that.
There's some very patriotic Americans who are Jewish.
So why lie about it?
It tells me that
He just wanted to deceive people.
Well, I mean, that's a good point.
I mean, you know, it'd be like if I said for, you know, 10 years on the radio, I'm a native Texan.
I'm from Texas.
And then suddenly I said, well, actually, I'm from Connecticut.
Well, that's kind of what Bush has done.
But that's right.
You know, Bush says I was in the National Guard.
I'm not a draft dodger.
I didn't try to escape the Vietnam War by going to the National Guard.
Now we find out.
Not only is he a draft dodger, but he didn't even spend his time in the National Guard.
Well, we have the documents, and they got released from St.
Louis when Bush found out about it.
He had the documents seized, but too late.
They were already out there.
I mean, well, it's like Colin Powell this week saying, we didn't stage a coup in Haiti.
And then it comes out, it's admitted, they put a gun to his head and said, get on the plane or you're dead.
Or you're dead.
These people are very, very dangerous.
You know, we know that Dr. Kelly over in Great Britain, now more and more information is coming out about how he was assassinated, because he spilled the beans, how there were no weapons of mass destruction, and that was all a big hoax before the fact.
But he's a dead man now, and I suspect there are many people dead whose names we don't even know, Alex.
Who, you know, think of the woman
Uh, who is a terrorist expert for the FBI, who one of the two Maryland snipers shot.
Well, absolutely.
And then, you know, the towers fall and the FBI agent saying the government was going to be behind terror attacks a month before.
Body gets thrown into the wreckage.
Or the lady that wrote a book exposing Clinton, whose husband was a solicitor general, she supposedly dies on one of the planes.
I mean, it gets pretty ridiculous.
Tex, there's so much to talk about here, but I just want to bring up a side issue and then get into skull and bones.
I had a guy call up during the last hour and he said, well, the Humanist Magazine says the Northwoods plan was a simulation.
Well, the front of the document says it's not a simulation, it's a memorandum.
I think so.
I guess implying I was lying, and I'm just randomly throwing this out at you, Tex.
Have you heard about RFID and all this stuff, and the Northwoods Plan, and these Homeland Security blimps?
Well, of course I have, and the RFID, you know, we're talking about something that's been in the works for many years.
You wrote a book on that in 95!
That's right!
And by the way, my book was based on
Originally, an article that came out in the Narcotics Law Enforcement Journal, and it went to the DEA, the FBI, and law enforcement people across the United States, and actually the Western world, in which there was an article there about the LUCID project, L-U-C-I-D, and it was basically to control everyone on Earth through computers to give people a national
Identity card, which would really be a computerized chip, and eventually the RFID.
Now, the interesting thing about my book, Project Lucid, then, not only did it come from official government sources, and by the way, shortly after that, when people would call the Narcotics Law Enforcement Association, they could not get copies of that issue.
Suddenly, they became totally unavailable.
They had printed something they didn't really want to get out.
But I found out that it was connected with the United Nations, with the Department of Justice.
Now, this turned into the Total Information Awareness System.
And by the way, Alex, I'm sure you know now, according to the Associated Press, the PIA program is back under 14 sub-directorates.
That's right.
And the main one, though, is at the National Security Agency.
Which was an agency, the NSA, that I exposed in my book, Project Lucid, as well.
But that's the incredible thing, is that we have the Walmart documents, we have the Governor Ridge documents, where they say, this is going to be the track and trace of this new national sales tax to the national ID card, that's why we've got to have this national ID card, because, you know, they're going to, poor people won't have to pay the sales tax, but everybody's got to swipe to make sure, I mean, I've read their plans, it's all public,
And then this guy goes, well, well, you know, the magazine says they're not going to use it to track me.
I mean, their official plan says that's what it's for.
I mean, veterinarian offices across America and many localities in America, pet owners, it is a law, an ordinance of cities and towns for people to put a chip in their pet, your dog or your cat, so that when they're lost or found, they can be tracked down.
Uh, with a scanner.
Now, you're telling me, and by the way, this is going to be a good thing, because, I mean, we all want our kids not to be kidnapped, and when they are, we want to know where they're at.
Look at this poor, terrible incident over on the East Coast, where this family of three were murdered, and they spent a week looking for their bodies.
Well, if we all had a chip in us,
They could find us instantly.
Well that's what, here's the headline out of the register.
Google founder dreams of Google implant in your brain, Tex!
Well of course, you know, many years ago people sent me some material from Sweden, the country of Sweden.
Evidently the CIA, because they get in so much trouble in the United States, they love to use foreigners as guinea pigs.
And the nation of Sweden, they had a patriotic guy over there, a Swede,
Exposing the fact, it got in all the newspapers, that they were inserting, injecting microchips into the elderly in nursing homes and in hospitals.
And a number have died because of this.
You know, got infections and such before they perfected it.
And I'm talking about, I'm talking about 12 years ago.
That this occurred in Sweden?
Well, that's the thing, Tex.
They're on national TV saying every child needs a chip.
I've got them on video, but people email me going, you're nuts, it doesn't exist.
How does that happen?
Well, I mean, you know, they had to do this.
It's sort of like, you know, they have to bring everything they can to bear and lie and plant.
We have to understand, as far back as the 70s, it came out that the Central Intelligence Agency
They're journalists.
I tell you what, stay there Tex.
We got a break, we'll come back, get into Skull and Bones, continue with this, take calls.
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Alright, time flies every time we have Tex Mars on.
And I know we got a bunch of callers.
Everybody stay there, we're gonna get to ya.
Not even twist Tex's arm to stand a little bit in the next hour with us.
Tex, I didn't mean to get you off into dirigibles for surveillance and RFID, but I mean, there is this willful denial of what's going on in this country.
You and I, I mean, I know you're neurotic about it.
You've got whole rooms full of filing cabinets all meticulously filed.
Everything we talk about is just out in the mainstream.
A lot of it is in the mainstream.
But of course, you know, I have always read, if you go back and you read books by Saul Alinsky, you know, the 60s Marxist radical, he had a book in fact called Rules for Radicals.
And he told people how to destroy your opposition, meaning conservative Christian Americans, how to destroy them.
And one of the rules was to use ridicule.
You know, no matter how much proof that they present,
Ridicule it.
Call them a looney tune.
Call them a wacko.
Call them a nut.
And in this way, they would lose credibility.
This is one of the rules for Marxist Radical.
And this is what they do.
We're always going to get this.
And I believe all of us, because America has become such a propagandized nation, we cannot trust our media.
Even when we tell our next-door neighbors, and Alex, everybody listening to us is going to understand this,
When you tell your next-door neighbors, your best friends, your loved ones, and your family the truth, they look at you like you must be an alien from outer space because they have been so lied to.
The propaganda, Dr. Goebbels, the spirit of Dr. Goebbels, the Nazi machine, is still alive, believe me, here in America.
And listen, the federal government, the counter-terrorist people at the FBI and the CIA, for example, and the Defense Department,
They spend billions of dollars a year on PR and propaganda.
They have people, I mean, GS-26s, you know, making great salaries, and their only job is to plant fake stories in newspapers.
And they have friendly journalists who get paid under the table.
And anyone who says this is not true, go back and look at the hearings of Senator Frank Church and others.
Going back 30 years ago, it's gotten worse today of course.
Now we are cooperating with the British intelligence, the Canadians and all these others, the Israeli Mossad, and we have just become a police state, extraordinary.
And then we've got people, well I mean my point is, is there's an article on PrisonPlanet.com today where
You know, the guys in college and almost every textbook is about the New World Order, New World Order this, New World Order that, world government this, but then it says that anyone that talks about a New World Order is crazy.
So they talk about it, but then say if someone criticizes it, it suddenly doesn't exist and they're crazy.
I see a lot of that text where... Well, isn't this, you know, let's just take another subject, but I think you'll see the relationship, Alex, and people will understand.
Mel Gibson,
He's greatly criticized by these liberal Jewish organizations for his movie.
Now, how dare you say that the Jews killed Jesus?
How dare you report what the Bible says?
That horrible New Testament the Jews say?
Why, how dare you to do that?
That's a lie!
Why, we never had anything to do with Jesus' death.
But even the people saying these things, these hypocritical Jewish organizations, such as Foxman's ADL,
Uh... the Simon Wiesenthal Center and all the rest of them, they know that their very own holy book, the Jewish Talmud, the Jewish Talmud itself brags and says, hey, we Jews killed Jesus.
He got what was coming to him.
He was a blasphemer.
So they, and their own little seminary classes, brag about killing
Jesus, but if you, you, a Christian, go out and say it, or Mel Gibson put it in a movie, they want to hang you.
So this is hypocrisy taken to a very extreme level.
Well, I mean, what it is, is double-think.
And, you know, that's the amazing thing, is that I, you know, Tex, you've written a lot of books where you, you know, supporting Israel, and I've never not been, you know, a supporter of Jewish people.
I support everybody, but the Bible, I mean, I've read the Bible, it's all about the prophet saying, you're bad, you're going to be punished if you don't follow God's orders, and you don't deserve this land unless you're following it.
And then now it's morphed today into you support whatever happens, even if the Antichrist himself goes from Europe, sets up camp there, you've got to worship him or you're not supporting Israel.
Well, see, this is just not of God.
And we want to help the Jews, and you only help people when you tell the truth.
Well, it's amazing.
Tex, when we get back, I want to get into Skull & Bones.
I want to talk about your research that's come out to be very accurate on the satanic rituals they do, this generational ritual occult system, and then we'll get into some calls, talk about Bush, John Kerry.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright folks, talking to Tex Mars, Air Force officer, retired, space aeronautics professor, found out about the New World Order, done a lot of exposing it, written some amazing books, and has a free newsletter, we'll tell you how to get that a little bit later before Tex leaves us.
And he's got a bunch of different great websites, we've got links to them right at the top of the main page at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
Tex, in a nutshell, from what we know, what is Skull & Bones?
How was it founded?
What do they do?
What does it mean to have an election where both the candidates are Skull & Bones?
Well, first of all, we have to look at Skull & Bones as an ancient society.
It didn't spring up overnight, but back as far as the 1830s, on the campus of Yale University, it actually was a lodge.
Of the Freemasons that were there.
Very elite, because they went to Yale University.
But in the Captain Morgan incident, we don't have time to get into all that, I have a book written by John Quincy Adams, our 6th President, who renounced Freemasonry.
Talked about the Captain Morgan affair back in those days.
Well, go ahead and talk a little bit about that.
Well, Captain Morgan was a member of the Masons who realized its Luciferian nature
And he sought to expose it.
He left the Masonic Lodge, and then he wrote a little book talking about the different hand signs and handshakes and secret doings of the Masons.
Some Freemasons then got together and decided to kill him, because remember, Masons take an oath that they'd be slashed across their neck until dead if they revealed any of the secrets.
And they decided to carry out that oath,
That Mr. Morgan, Captain Morgan, had taken.
They took him out, they killed him, threw his body in Lake Michigan.
Now, when all this came out, this horror of killing a military veteran, Captain Morgan, and the murderous intentions of Masons came out, there was such an uproar in the United States, in fact, that I believe it was 1828, there was even an anti-Masonic political party that ran candidates for president.
The pressure against Mason, to expose Mason, was so great that a number of the Masonic Lodges were either disbanded or went into hiding.
Now at Yale University, the Masonic Lodge there, made up of the President of the University, as well as very high-level politicians and financiers, decided that they would change their name.
Interestingly, they chose the name Skull and Bone.
It is basically a black lodge,
A clandestine lodge of Freemasonry.
And this is its meaning.
They call themselves Chapter, where John Kerry, George W. Bush, became members of the elite.
Only 15 young men are chosen, rising seniors each year.
And that is called, interestingly enough, Chapter 322 of the Skull and Bones.
Which begs the question, Alex,
Are there at least 321 other chapters somewhere in the world?
Well, let me enter in briefly with this, because this is key, and I learned this from you.
You have a copy of Helmut Schmidt's Men and Powers, a political retrospective written by the German Chancellor before Helmut Kohl.
That's in my film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, in the intro that I helped research out of your library, and I'm indebted to you for that text.
But this is at major libraries, Men and Powers, Helmut Schmidt.
And he says, I'm a member of the CFR, Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, we're the world government people.
He wrote this, okay, folks?
And he says, we have our own ceremonial druid groves, and this stuff comes from Germany, but he says, my favorite place to do the ceremonies is in Northern California at the Bohemian Grove.
Now, we know Skull & Bones was founded out of Germany 1832, U.S.
version of the Illuminati,
Well, there is.
There's also, I recall,
Some people getting some documents about one, a skull and bones at the University of Alabama.
So evidently there's connections around the country, but I believe the premier establishment is the one at Yale University.
That's right.
And you're correct in the German connection, because the German Freemasons were very strong at that time, in 1832.
No doubt there is a German connection there.
And even today in Freemasonry,
A German, an American named Kleineck, Siegfried Kleineck, is the Sovereign Grand Master of Freemasons in Washington, D.C., of the House of the Temple.
So there is a German connection here, no doubt about it.
And, you know, you've written so much exposing the Bush connection, a family connection with the Nazis, the Germans too, which I think is quite interesting.
And, of course, Hitler opposed Freemasonry.
But he only did so because they were, you know, they were in opposition to him.
And he was a member of something called the Thule Society and also the Vril, which was its own form of secret society.
So they were just in, you know, like satanic groups in competition, Alex.
There's no honor among thieves, right?
But back to the skull and bones, this chapter 322, I am convinced
Many people ask me, what does that mean?
There are at least 321 other chapters.
I believe in this case, it is a hidden code.
And if people will turn to their Bible, to the book of Genesis, chapter 3, verse 22, 322 now, they will find an interesting quote.
There is where Lucifer, or Satan, the serpent, assured Eve that she would not die,
You know, surely as God said, uh, he taunted her and said, you know, in other words, accusing God of lying, surely you won't die.
And instead, said Lucifer, you'll become as a God, as God.
So, the real meaning, then, of chapter 322, Alex, the promise to the bonesmen is, through our initiation, you will become a God on Earth.
Which is exactly what the satanic people think.
It is what they think, and I think that's an interesting connection there.
Now, the question is, if out of all of the students at Yale, and they're elite, not because they make such good grades and deserve to go to Yale, but because their parents got them there... Yeah, Bush was a C average.
There you go.
Both of these men, Kerry and Bush, went to prep school, you know, and so they went to very exclusive schools.
Then they went to Yale.
Now, how were they chosen?
It wasn't because Kerry
Well, he's John Forbes, Kerry.
I mean, he's got a pedigree.
He does, indeed.
And, of course, his grandfather, now we know, came over from Czechoslovakia, Jewish, and founded a Wall Street firm.
A Wall Street banking firm.
Then John Kerry's father became a very high-level American diplomat in the State Department.
Kerry, I believe, comes from a Communist background.
All of these people in the Kerry bloodline were indeed marked as Communist Jews.
There's no doubt about that.
In my newsletter this month, I have a picture, and I've seen him do it numerous times, of John Kerry giving the Communist a fist-clenched salute.
He is a communist, and this was also a secret code.
And it wasn't just throwing up your fist in happiness.
You can see.
Well, it's not a... I mean, Tex, it's not a stretch that he's a communist.
You know, hanging out with Hanoi Jane and running around doing the things he did.
I mean... That's right.
Now, some people say, though, Alex... But wait, he was a war hero.
Now, that remains to be seen.
You know, Al Gore hated going to Vietnam.
We know that.
Pop smoking Al.
But his father and others in the Illuminati forced him to do that.
Now, he stayed away from combat.
Pat Robertson's father was a senator, and he had to go into service, too.
But you know the deal about the ship being ordered not to go out to war?
That was an allegation made by Congressman McCloskey against Pat Robertson.
Pat Robertson's father was head of the Banking Committee.
Of the Senate.
And so these elitist boys don't go fight and die like others.
Now, Kerry, they say, was a gunboat commander.
But now it turns out that he got the scratch Purple Hearts and then was left in four months.
Yeah, there's something there.
Now, Gary Aldrich, did you see that, the news, the press release that came out yesterday, Alex?
Gary Aldrich,
The former FBI agent assigned to the White House Personnel Office is demanding that John Kerry approve the official release of his confidential FBI file.
Now, Kerry once made a cryptic statement to the Senate Committee that he was quote-unquote guilty of war crimes during the Vietnam War.
He tried to brush it away by saying we all were.
Now, you know the other Senator Kerry, Bob Kerry of Nebraska.
There were two Senator Kerry's, both ultra-liberal.
He messed up, Bob Kerry, by making a statement calling Bill Clinton a liar.
Remember that?
Bob Kerry, Senator from Nebraska, was a chief candidate.
He would have been running for president probably right now.
Bob Kerry, he voted, if you remember, Deborah Winger, the movie star and all.
He was former governor of Nebraska.
Kerry made a statement, though, even though he's a liberal Democrat, he said that, he said, do you know that Bill Clinton is a liar, an unusually good liar?
Well, Clinton decided, I'm going to punish this boy, and he'll never be president, he'll never be nothing.
And he then, Clinton, had the FBI to release Bob Kerry's
Confidential FBI file to the press turns out that he was with the Phoenix operation to assassinate Vietnamese and put them in concentration camps and torture them.
Yeah, I've seen that.
So the question is, was the other Kerry... Now, Tex, I want to give us some calls here in a second.
I'll be all over the map and that's fine.
I appreciate folks holding.
By the way, Kerry, I just want to mention that Kerry promptly was forced to resign from the Senate after it came out that he had been a member of Operation Phoenix.
The secret CIA Green Beret program to massacre and kill tens of thousands of Vietnamese, many of them innocent citizens, torturing them, putting them in concentration camps.
It's a horrible text.
Now, skull and bones.
According to a lot of reports, they got Nazi flags, Hitler silverware, they chant death, and you know, chant these little Satan worship things.
And then you point out that Kerry's Jewish.
In my studies of this, and I had Aaron Zellman on just a few days ago from JPFO.org, you know, the Jewish program organization, great guy.
And he was saying, he said, yeah, it's like the ADL
It wants to go out and create anti-semitism, actually wants to go out and stir things up, go after innocent people, but then if it's a real live Nazi like Arnold, they leave him alone.
It goes out and campaigns for Nazis.
And every time I study this, and even some of the leftists are writing about this, when you look at it, it's like Zionists and Nazis are like always in a love fest or together in secret nestings.
Is this just because it's a satanic order at the top?
I mean, what's going on?
Well, it is that, but it's also the Hegelian dialectic.
They need two opposing sides to have conflict and to create chaos, and then they come up with a solution, which is the synthesis.
And, uh, so, you know, I remember some years ago, uh, up in the state of, uh, uh, Oregon, I believe it was.
No, I'm sorry, Idaho.
The state legislature was considering whether to pass a Hate Crimes Act, and it would have limited free speech, Alex.
Well, it was not going to pass the Senate, the State Senate Committee in Idaho.
It didn't have a, you know, a prayer to pass until the Aryan Nations guys showed up.
Only about six or seven of them.
They got off an Army, back of some World War II surplus Army truck.
They had on their black armbands and their Nazi brown uniforms, brown shirt, and went around giving the Nazi salute saying, you know, we're going to raise hell at this
The Hate Crime Act has passed.
We hate Jews and niggers.
This is what they said, okay?
Well, anybody seeing that, what would you want?
I'd want that Hate Crimes Act passed.
I mean, these terrible Nazis saying the N-word, and saying they want to kill all Jews.
I mean, if these people are around everywhere, and here they are right in the capital city of Idaho, giving the Nazi salute.
There's only a half dozen of them, of course, the Aryan nation.
I mean, the very next day, there was an editorial
By a Jewish man, head of some Jewish organization that was unknown.
His name was like Goldstein or something.
And he blasted the Aryan Nation.
I think it was the Aryan Nation.
And he said, this is proof that we need to pass this Hate Crimes Act right away.
And everybody said, well see there, a group sort of like the ADL is against this and is for the Hate Crimes Act.
Now, the Idaho Senate ended up passing that act.
Public pressure made them do it.
It was only belatedly that somebody did a little research in the Idaho Observer newspaper, if I can recall, come to find out Mr. Goldstein of this Jewish organization had the same mailing address as the Aryan Nation!
So they were both funded by the same group!
Well, Tex, that's what I've... I mean, Tex, I've found that over and over and over and over again.
I mean, when we went down to the Capitol to try to beat off a bunch of, you know, fight back a bunch of gun bills, and in comes the local gun group guy, and he's got two black guys with him, and they march him out, and they go, we're black, we're evil, we're dangerous, we'll kill every... you know, we shoot people, you better ban guns, and then they trot the guys out, and he pays them.
He's paying them and I got video of this.
Paid them in crisp $100 bills and then they just, you know, just talk to me in normal English all of a sudden.
No longer were they the ghetto, you know, black guys.
You know, we just got paid and walked out and left.
Then the paper calls me and goes, Mr. Jones, are you racist?
If these would have been white people, would you have shown them being paid off?
And the Capitol Ethics Board was saying, this is criminal what happened, but the paper was discussing, is Alex Jones racist?
But the point is, they have staged events, don't they, Tex?
Absolutely, they do.
And I am convinced that the FBI and the CIA are the funders and the founders of almost every so-called domestic terrorist group in America.
Oh, I know that.
Every time we look at it, they are.
And, you know, this is all they have to do.
They arrest one of their own people and then put out the word that they've prevented some horrible, tragic domestic terrorist act.
Or there's ten of them sitting around in a trailer.
They get one useful idiot drunk and go, how about we pipe bomb something, Bobby?
Then on the news, vicious attacker was about to pipe bomb.
These valiant FBI agents stopped them.
That's exactly right.
So, this is what is happening across America.
People need to understand that when you read the newspaper, I remember some years ago, they claimed that one of these Republic of Texas guys, he and others, had plotted to kill President Clinton with poison cactus quills.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
We'll take your calls, folks.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, our callers in California, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Indiana, and Tennessee,
Textmars has graciously agreed to stay with us another 30 minutes into the next hour.
So, I promise you, we will go directly to your calls starting the next hour.
Bam, bam, bam, quickly.
We'll take a bunch of calls for 30 minutes.
It's just, I always love having Tex on.
And I was just talking to Tex during the break.
He was telling me about how you cannot be a racist and be a Christian.
That's what Mel Gibson said, and it's true.
We're fighting those that create the Hegelian dialectic.
They're not Jews, they're not German, they're not Chinese.
They're evil people that use race as a control arm and go out and create the Aryan nations, and go out and fund the Black Panthers, and fund Mecha and La Raza, and then get us all at each other's throats.
In Africa, they'll play one black tribe off against another, and in Ireland, it's Catholic against Christian, Christian against, you know, or Protestant against Catholic, you know, all this stuff going on.
This is the system.
We've got to be conscious of that.
At the top, they're Satanists.
That's who runs things.
Now, before we go back to text, I just want to tell you folks, I've made ten films.
Matrix of Evil is the newest.
It's got Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts.
You know, we've got the left and right, everybody in there exposing the New World Order.
This video is full of solutions.
Ron Paul talks about how dangerous the neocons are.
You need to have Matrix of Evil.
$25.95, $20 if you order three or more of any of the ten titles.
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We've got a bunch of other videos too.
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Audio tapes, CDs, books on tape, pro-gun t-shirts, a lot of liberal stuff, because now it's liberally pro-gun, so I'm learning to be like that.
The total free number to get my videos is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
And my book is 9-11, Descent into Tyranny, covers government-sponsored terror in September 11th, great book.
It's $12.
Paul Watson's book that I published, Order Out of Chaos, is $19.95, over 300 pages.
Get those as well.
You can write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Or again, go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to use our secure online shopping cart system.
And your purchases also make this show and our continued work possible.
More films, more books, more no-compromise information.
Now, I got a broad text to do this, but I want everybody to call and get a free copy of his dynamic
You could call it inflammatory, a newsletter that cuts right to the bone of what is wrong with America.
Tex, how do people get a free copy of your newsletter?
Do we have Tex?
Hey, I'd like that free newsletter.
The next issue, I mean it is a knockout.
We'll send them our next issue because it's going to shock America.
But people just need to call our toll-free number 1-800-234
And hey, nobody's going to ask you for any money or anything.
What's that number for the free newsletter again?
Yeah, we'll send them a free newsletter and nobody's going to ask them for money or to buy anything.
We have, you know, as you do, books, tapes, and videos because we want to serve people with excellent resources.
But this time, just ask for the free newsletter and a friendly person will take your address and that's it.
And we never
You know, we're not going to be ever calling you again.
Now what's that number?
It's called Power of Prophecy Newsletter.
It goes out once a month.
And we'll send them at least a free sample copy of that.
We'll never call them again and ask them for money.
They can be assured.
Okay, so it's 1-800-234-9673.
And while you're at it, folks, get some of Texas books and tapes and videos.
It's scary stuff.
Third hour, your call, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Now into the third and final hour of global transmission.
Blasting out of the AM and FM dial, Rhode Island.
To Los Angeles, California.
Simulcasting at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And on WWCR during the day at 9475, 9.475.
And at night we're shifting over to WWCR now.
This week we only had it on the third hour at night on 3210.
Next week it'll be the second and third hour, 10 to midnight on 3210.
And very soon all three of the hours at night on WWCR.
So, again, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
We're talking to Tex Marsh about Skull & Bones, the State of the World.
We'll go right to your calls now.
Eric, thank you for holding from California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Great to hear your voice again.
Calling to let you know that I did see Passion of the Christ.
It is an excellent film.
And I have a website and someone you should probably interview.
Have you heard of Father Andrew Wingate?
Uh, no, I haven't.
I'd recommend checking out his website at trumpetersmission.com.
Okay, what else is on your mind?
Oh, also, I don't know if you've been watching CPC lately, but there is another possible presidential candidate.
Lyndon LaRouche.
You know, that's an interesting point.
And I've told people that Lyndon LaRouche addresses the problem of the New World Order, the British banks, the rest of it, but his answer is in this other liberal global government.
They're masters of giving us the two false good cop.
You know, it's like North Korea saying, we love Kerry right now.
Everybody's going, ooh, Bush must be good if North Korea likes Kerry.
Well, Bush helped with Rumsfeld give nuclear reactors to North Korea.
So it's all a staged event.
Tex, you want to comment on Lyndon LaRouche?
Yeah, of course, Little Rouge's organization does tremendous good things in some of their research and investigation.
I know Anton Shurkin, who works for them, and he's a good guy, in a sense, who has done great work exposing the Bush dynasty and so forth.
But, you're absolutely right.
These people really began as part of the Socialist Workers Party.
Now, they are very pro-Catholic.
So they approach things from a socialist point of view.
And you are right, there we have the Hegelian dialectic.
Yeah, this is anybody in the left.
I'm not for getting entrapped, you know, jumping out of the pot into the fire.
Well, yeah, basically, you know, they've got phony right-wing groups for those of us that are conservative that scurry out of the system.
And then for the left, they've got LaRouge for those that figure out about the New World Order, then they fall into that sub-basin.
That's right.
LaRouche was discriminated against by the SWAT team of Kissinger when he exposed Kissinger and Kissinger's murderous activity.
Then they went after LaRouche.
You know, I give LaRouche credit for that.
He had to spend some time in federal prison.
Undeserved it, I'm pretty confident.
And by the way, it's now all come out that Kissinger did tell the third world, sterilize half your women.
Kissinger did say kill 15,000 innocent people.
I mean, now, you know, that stuff's in the Washington Times today.
So that's why LaRouche is kind of an enigma, because I know they're... It's complex, isn't it, Tex?
Well, it is, and you mentioned it.
There's so many different front groups.
And some people actually accused LaRouche of being a CIA guy.
I don't know if that's true or not, but again, his connection with the Socialist Workers Group, that tells you right away, that's something to stay away from.
Alright, thank you for the call, Eric.
Thanks for holding up.
Frank in West Virginia, and Dick, and Danny, and Daryl, and others, your calls are coming up after this quick break with Tex Mars.
Any issue you want to raise, Tex is pretty knowledgeable on everything.
And a great resource for those of us that want to live in a free society.
Exposing the Luciferian New World Order.
And I want to, from your article, I want to also get your comment on this comment about who were they standing before, you know, who was the master at Skull and Bones?
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're back live, 8 minutes and 20 seconds into this third hour.
And we're about to go straight back to your calls.
In this article you've written, we've got a link to, at PrisonPlanet.com, you talk about John Forbes Carey and his initiation, and that he's brought before the Master, told to bow to the Master, and you say, is this the human leader of Skull and Bones, or was this a mysterious hooded figure?
In fact, the one whom men fear and quiver before, could this be Lucifer himself, Prince of Darkness?
What are you getting at there?
Well, I think the question really is, does Lucifer, on occasion, come down and talk to his neophytes?
You know, this is an occasion of a celebration of death.
These young men lay in a coffin.
They're initiated, as I explain it very carefully in my book, Dark Majesty.
The skull and bones itself is a symbol of death, and the X under the skull
The way the bones are placed in the form of an X goes all the way back to Osiris, the god of the underworld, the god of death of ancient Egypt.
So I can believe, although I'm not saying, I have no idea, to be honest with you, I've only got speculation from certain 40s, that it might literally be Lucifer himself who comes down once a year.
This sounds so preposterous.
On the other hand, some people have speculated it could be George
Bush Senior, Herbert Walker, who is now considered one of the patriarchs of Skull and Bones.
We have a Rockefeller, by the way.
I can't remember which one, but his name is in my book, who is a member of Skull and Bones.
William F. Buckley, you know, the supposed conservative, but a neoconservative.
Uh, is also a member of, uh, Skull and Bones.
Now, now, a lot of people go to Skull and Bones, but no one knows if they were really, uh, in Skull and Bones or they go to Yale.
Was Bill Clinton a member?
Bill Clinton, if he was a member, uh, he, uh, was, uh, somehow became what they call on-site.
In other words, they, they have a ceremony, and even though you, you didn't go through all of the, the regular rigmarole and such,
Because you're chosen by the master, you can be made a bonesman on site.
I know during World War II, there was one man that was made, I forgot his name, but there was a man who was made a bonesman on site.
Bill Clinton, of course, went to Yale University Law School.
While he was there, he was chosen for higher office by Averill Harriman,
Who he had met earlier, he and his wife, Pam Harriman, while going to Georgetown University.
Averill Harriman was the patriarch of Skull and Bones.
He was an ambassador to Russia, governor of the state of New York, presidential candidate, Averill Harriman.
So, I think Bill Clinton was a bonesman, and it came at a later time while he was going to law school there.
So, it just continues.
Let's go to Frank in West Virginia.
Frank, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, it's good to hear you again.
I just want to ask, uh, Pastor, a question, and then I didn't want to get off into this subject, but, uh, I wanted to report some good news and ask your, uh, another question.
First of all is, there's, uh, you published a letter.
It's, I think, 35 reasons or 35 things that a, uh,
501c3church cannot say or do.
And I was just wondering if you happen to have... I want to get copies of that out, with your permission, to other pastors.
But they're going to want to see documentation.
And I've seen a lot of it already throughout the bill.
Do you happen to have a listing for that?
You know, I'll tell you what a lot of that came from.
You know, we were audited by the IRS.
Let's just say we were brutalized by the IRS.
Four years.
They went through our books.
And the audit lasted three entire years.
They call this, I believe, intimidation, you know?
But let me say very quickly, I sent Dr. Dixon a copy of our audit report.
Yes, I know it.
And Dr. Dixon up at the Indianapolis Baptist Temple.
And he published segments of it.
And that's where a lot of that came from.
They actually put it in their audit report to me.
And in various documents.
Now if you ask, we went to the IRS, my attorney and I, and our accountant, and demanded the IRS under the Freedom of Information Act give us the authority for these things, these 35 rules that you mentioned.
They refuse to do so.
Well, by the way, here locally at Major Baptist Church that one of my good friends attends, last year they gave them a two-page printout and it said, do not even discuss who you're voting for in the church area, at a church meal, at a church function.
Don't even discuss politics.
Don't discuss that, you know, you're against certain things.
I mean, basically, some churches are saying, don't even talk about abortion now.
Just submit to the government, love the government.
I mean, the First Amendment says Congress shall make no law restricting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
They're not supposed to even be involved in it, but now the inverse comes in, that churches aren't supposed to be involved in anything.
That's right.
Now, here's the real key.
Certainly, I can put out this information.
I'd have to go back into our files and get our audit reports.
Uh, they will state it right up front.
One of the things that 501c3 organization, church, ministry, non-profit group, must agree to, and here is the big one, okay?
Bigger than all of those things that I mentioned, include them all.
You may not do two things.
You may not oppose public policy, and you cannot engage in what the IRS defines as propaganda.
Now, I asked them to define propaganda.
They basically said, we will know it when we see it, and we can punish you for it.
And now, as far as public policy, we said, what does that mean?
And they said, whatever is established public policy.
We asked, they said, for example, you, Mr. Mars, have opposed Freemasonry.
I don't
That they not be intimidated by you.
And by the way, they're now in the new terror laws they're trying to pass.
The governor of Rhode Island tried to pass it until people found out.
Criticizing, opposing government policy, trying to quote, influence politicians.
It said that, a text.
Let me ask you this question.
Well, that's terrorism now.
It is.
There you go.
That's their definition of terrorism at this point.
Anything that influences public policy, whether it be a population of people or individuals.
That's one of the other definitions in Section 802 of the Patriot Act.
The other definition is any action that endangers human life is a violation of any federal or state law.
Here's what the IRS guy told us.
When I said, well, I said to the gentleman, let's just call him that, I said, well, it has established public policy
That homosexuality is legal.
And therefore, since it's now, you know, sodomy is legal, if I... and abortion, too, is legal.
Roe versus Wade.
If I now oppose abortion or homosexuality, does that... is that a problem?
He said, well, if it's public policy, you cannot oppose it.
Now, here's what he told me.
He said, if you're not a 501c3,
I would like to talk about
Okay, go ahead.
The princes of this world had him killed.
Well, that's the point.
Hold on a second.
Is that the Romans, the Jews, the elite of the world, as that says, the establishment, didn't like what he was doing.
The same thing today.
Yeah, Jesus said, no man takes my life, I lay it down.
Okay, so... And one other thing, Alex.
I was watching C-SPAN yesterday morning.
They were talking about Posse Comitatus.
And probably anybody, I saw about three-fourths of the show and probably anybody was for it.
So I was wondering whether they're monitoring their success or their lack of success.
So you were watching C-SPAN and they were saying that they're getting rid of Bossy Commentatus and it's good?
Yes, the guy that was on there was trying to promote
Posse Comitatus.
And the callers thought it was wonderful?
No, the callers were against it.
Oh, good.
So, see, it's backfiring on them.
Yeah, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Tex, we're going to take a break.
I'm going to take a few final calls for you from Danny and Daryl and Steve and others.
But Posse Comitatus, you were in the military.
Is it a good thing to have the military out on our streets?
No, they're not qualified for law enforcement.
They're into killing.
And that's what we did in the military.
We trained how to kill.
And of course, there were also rules of engagement, rules of war, Geneva Convention, we could not just kill randomly, we could not kill unarmed civilians and things like that.
But no, they're not trained, and it's a very dangerous thing, and of course, here we get into the very definition of a dictatorship when you begin to use the military for law enforcement.
And now we have top generals openly talking about it, this is the next step!
We got Eberhardt, we got Franks,
Unbelievable, ladies and gentlemen.
This country is in dire, I mean dire straits.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Jack Brownring for Midas Resources.
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Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The NASDAQ in that same time frame is flat.
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dollar was worth 17% more than a euro.
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All right, it's our final segment with Texas Mars.
I'll come back and do a bunch of news and continue with your calls at 800-259-9231.
I want to encourage everybody to get Texas Free Newsletter.
I mean, it's a nice, handsome newsletter, jam-packed with info, and they'll just give you a free copy.
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Uh, and it's 800-234-9673.
And he's written dozens of books, put out hundreds of great audiotapes, uh, I don't know, 20-plus videos.
I mean, and I carry some of the best stuff he's got at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com as well.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Danny in Tennessee.
Danny, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you in Texas doing?
Uh, good.
I've got some very important information for you guys.
I've been fighting the New World Order for about five years.
I live down in Tennessee and I'm self-employed.
I'm a disabled veteran.
Every chance I get, I expose it to customers.
They'll listen to what's going on and I keep your videos at the store.
I've got a Christian bookstore right beside me.
Anybody that'll listen, I tell them the first thing they need to do is go to InfoWars.com.
Go over to the Christian bookstore and buy Texas A's book Circle of Intrigue.
But, uh, when I was in the United States Marine Corps, um, right before I got out, um, a female Brigadier General brought us in and we had a test.
And I figured it had to do something to do with me getting out medically, but in the test it was all kind of stuff with like what you would do with, uh, urban warfare training.
And one of the things in the test was,
If martial law was declared in the United States and you had to go house to house to seize guns from American citizens, would you be willing to fire on them?
And that's when... And you said no, and then all of a sudden you heard there was an unscheduled round of shots?
Oh, of course.
I said no, and I... Now, we have found, and we know this now, that the 76% that say no get given a vaccine full of poison and sent overseas, and the 24% that say yes get promoted and are running around with long hair in blacked out cars engaging in criminal activities.
Tex, you want to comment on what he was just saying?
I have heard about those.
I'm glad Danny confirmed what many of us have discovered.
You know, the very idea of asking military men, would you be willing to defy the United States Constitution and go around house to house rounding up people's guns, that to me is just an absolutely pornographic thing.
By the way, they told my cousin, who's been in Special Forces for 18 years, an officer, they're all getting chips.
They told the whole auditorium of this text
Well, I can understand that.
Hey, Alex, one thing.
I know we haven't got much time.
The caller right before this, I want to correct the impression he made about the Bible.
The gentleman selectively quoted the Bible is absolutely not true.
The Bible is very clear.
Certainly Jesus Christ laid down his life for us.
But there were human instruments, human agents,
And the Apostle Paul, in 2 Thessalonians, verse 14-16, says this, quote, of the Jews, who both killed the Lord Jesus.
I want to read that again.
The Jews killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets, and have persecuted us, and they please not God, and are contrary to all men.
Now, either the Apostle Paul told the truth, which I'm convinced he did,
Or he didn't.
But the Jews killed Jesus.
Pilate, again and again, said, I find nothing wrong with this just man.
I'm going to release him.
But the Jews cried out, here again we have the Bible, Matthew 27, they cried out, crucify him, give us Barabbas, and they said, his blood be on us and on our
Well, Tex, it's important to be historical and when I was agreeing with the caller, what I was saying was that
And there are those verses he was reading that the system, the corrupt system, you know, the Pharisees wanted this to happen.
And so I was being clear that, you know, it's this group not, you know, because there were a bunch of Jewish people who were followers of Jesus and didn't want him killed.
Well, that's true.
There weren't very many, though, and it makes clear that it was the multitude, all of the Jews.
And I'm afraid that we have many, many Jews who would do the same thing today.
Again, we should not say every Jew, because that's very, very unfair.
It's not true that every one of us are killers either.
Test, real quick, real quick, going back to Danny.
Danny, what else were you going to tell us about will you fire on Americans?
Um, well, some other things I noticed while I was in.
I was in the Marine Corps when they were doing the Operation Urban Combat.
Well, I'll tell you what, Tex, I'm going to twist your arm.
Will you stay five more minutes on the other side with us?
I'll be glad to.
Ah, Megan, Tex, stay with us.
Because I want to finish up and also finish up this discussion about, you know, who killed Jesus.
Danny, stay there.
I want you to be able to finish up, and we'll go to Darryl and Steve real quick, folks, because Tex has got to go.
I can't keep him on the air for, you know, two hours.
And, you know, the discussion is just getting heated up here.
So we'll be right back, folks.
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All right, my friends.
We've got about 27 minutes left here.
I'm going to take a few more calls for text.
But, uh, Danny in Tennessee, you were intriguing me.
I've actually talked to hundreds of military officers and people who have been given via computer, so there's no paper trail, but this goes back six, seven years, will you fire on Americans during a disaster if there's rebels who have guns and are, you know, and then the question is, will you fire on them if the President orders you to do so under U.N.
You know, these are the questionnaires.
We know about the 29 palms and all that, but I mean official ones.
Where were you?
What year was this when this officer came in and gave you guys this test?
Well, the whole thing gets kind of worse.
This was in, I believe, 1997 or 1998.
And this was when the urban combat was hitting hard and heavy in the Marine Corps.
What atmosphere was this?
Where were you?
In a big testing room?
I was in Camp Lejeune in North Carolina.
And we were brought in to... It was actually a one-on-one conversation.
I'd scored really high on the test.
I've scored over 140 on my IQ, and my grandfather and father were both 33rd degree masons, so I think that may have had something to do with it.
And so the general comes over, and what does he say?
She asked me, well, when I first came in, they had posters of the urban warfare development thing, and one of the first things that caught my eye was the poster of a green dragon rising out of the harbor.
Yeah, that's in my video.
It's a big dragon over a U.S.
city, yeah.
Yeah, and it was eating the World Trade Center.
And when she asked me this, of course, I was just outraged.
I'm a Christian and, you know, I know what's going on in the world.
And, uh, you know, of course I said, man, that's insane.
I would never do that.
And I said, what about the Posse Comitatus Act?
And she went on to say that, uh, that the Marine Corps didn't fall under that because they were a Department of Navy and all this other stuff.
And I said, boy, is that why the Marine Corps is running around everywhere in rider trucks?
Because my barracks was, uh, I shared a barracks with an NBC unit, a nuclear biological chemical unit, and they did all their training in Ryder trucks, the yellow moving vans.
Yeah, I know, I've got videos of that when they were out in California.
And, uh, I asked them about that, and I said, you know, what do you guys do in the Ryder trucks?
And they said that they ride around in those in American cities, so the public won't know that that's the United States Marine Corps.
No, I know, because I got sent a video of Urban Warrior in 1999 in Oakland by somebody.
It was Navy SEALs following with a drone.
I have video of this.
With a drone watching the marines and rider trucks doing things.
It's really bizarre.
Sir, I'd like you to write your account down of that and email it to me at tips at Infowars.com and I would post it and several million people would read it.
Oh yeah, I'd be glad to.
Okay, well listen, I'm going to have to go to Tex, but call me back.
Tex, do you have any comments on what Danny was just saying?
Well, listen, that's blockbuster information.
I know you've done so much more research on the police state than even I have.
Alex, your videos, Matrix of Evil, Police State 1, 2, and 3, but this really is just incredible stuff.
The Ryder trucks, you know there was a Ryder truck connection with the first World Trade Center explosion, and then with supposedly with Tennessee McVeigh at Oklahoma City Murrah Building.
There's something about... By the way, he just triggered my memory.
There are about five different SEALs with that Sea Dragon.
Remember in Police Stick 2000 it has the big Sea Dragon as their symbol?
And in one of the posters, we have video of this, I'm going to dig it out, it is attacking the World Trade Center and we have the 99 FEMA terrorism report with the crosshairs right on the spot where the towers then got attacked.
It's almost as if, like they had planned from the very beginning, this operation of taking down the two towers.
And the high levels knew that, and they were planning these subliminal subconscious messages.
Well, really, not even subliminal when you put it out on a poster, what you're going to do?
Well, it's like the Rupert Murdoch, a couple months before 9-11, a secret group hijacks a jet to fly to the World Trade Center, and they put it on the lone gunman episode.
Just absolutely.
I believe there's absolutely an occultic mind control message there going on, too.
You know, we're going to broadcast in advance what we're going to do, and there's nothing you can do to stop it.
This is the kind of message that brings great fear and induces really slavery in the minds of the people.
In other words, we've got to go along with this police state.
We have no other choice.
There's nothing else we can do.
So there's incredible psychological conditioning going on.
There is.
Two quick final calls, and I mean quick, folks.
Darryl in Colorado, go ahead.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
I'd like to cut some time on a lot of things, such as religion, because as I see it, Christ's spirit went out to all nations.
Because we already have the spirit of Christ in us, but that spirit's rejected by some, which are trying to dominate all the others.
So what I find is, you know, like in preschool, you circle those things that are similar, and well, you know, the Spirit of Christ has been speaking through people out of that spirit for thousands of years.
And therefore, what I see is that if you categorize it, everything according to Christ is love your neighbor as yourself, do good deeds, become members of one body, the population, except foreigners.
And that's one religion.
If you circle it, it's similar.
Buddhist, Hindu, Christian, Muslim, all contain that.
I find Buddhists becoming Christian, Christian becoming Buddhist all the time.
I don't agree with that.
Well, I do.
I have found those.
But what I find is that the other religion is worshiping mystery religions or worshiping power and success, which is the reverse of love your neighbor as yourself.
I mean, I agree with that statement, but I've got to let you go, Daryl.
Thanks for the call.
Tex, comments?
Well, of course, you put the people into a broad category.
They're either of God or the devil.
But who is God?
He has a name.
His name is Jesus.
All right.
Well, let's go to Yeshua.
Let's talk to Steve.
Last call for Tex Meyers.
I'll go to other calls.
Steve in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
First, I'd like to apologize.
I believe the last time I called, I was quite upset.
Well, listen, it's OK.
Let's not have a... Sir, do you have a question or a comment or a point?
Yes, I do.
A couple years back there used to be a so-called, I believe it was a white supremacy church around the Chicago area and one of this guy's followers went and killed about six or seven people in a
Mostly Jewish, but an affluent neighborhood.
Yeah, Neighbor Furrow.
Total federal operation.
He lived at the military base in Washington State.
Friends with Larry Ashbrook, who shot up the Baptist Center in Fort Worth.
And he told his neighbors, I'm under control.
I was in the Navy.
They're telling me to do it.
Neighbors saw a white van pull up.
People grabbed him a week before.
He freaked out, tore his house up, cried out for help.
And then went and shot everybody yelling, Hail Satan, and then blew his own head off.
Tex, you want to comment on that?
Actually, this was another deal out in Chicago.
I believe the guy's name was Hale.
And the last time I heard, he was arrested under the Patriot Act.
Now, this is the leader of the so-called church.
He said he didn't have nothing to do with this guy going and killing those people.
But they put some phony charges on this guy, saying he was trying to kill a judge.
They arrested him under the Patriot Act.
And he had a lawyer.
It's been like two years and I haven't heard another.
I was just wondering.
Yeah, I see these articles all the time.
Tex, you want to comment on that?
Yeah, I think you're talking about Matt Hale.
He's a lawyer.
Of course, I wouldn't agree with him on a religious basis at all.
He really does not believe in a personal God.
But I know him.
I've communicated with him.
And those are trumped-up charges.
What he really did was he disagreed with this judge.
And he asked people to write the judge and let him know you disagree with him.
Now, unfortunately, he didn't tell anybody to do any harm to the judge or whatever, but the judge didn't like to receive.
He's one of these elitist monsters who thinks that if you just criticize him, that's intimidation.
And the judge ordered Mr. Hale, then, arrested because he didn't like to be criticized.
So, again, I'm not for this church of the creator of the man.
By the way, he's not guilty of any crime whatsoever.
Yeah, I've seen that story, and the point is whether it's a Black Panther or a white supremacist, I mean, it's their right to have free speech.
Well, listen, Tex, thank you for the call.
Sorry, I appreciate it, Steve.
This is an important case.
You might want to write about it.
I can give you their numbers.
In fact, the American Free Press called me two weeks ago.
I never called them back.
I apologize, and I should have told
Uh, Kelly Rushing and others to call them, but I called the newspaper, I called around, I just got so overwhelmed texting.
One of my listeners gave a police officer a C-SPAN video of Ron Paul's Neocon speech.
He gave him one of my videos.
He gave the state police officer this.
The state police officer came and arrested him after that on the road, took him to jail, and the judge said, you're guilty of giving us anti-government, anti-police videos.
And they're going ahead with the trial, trying to put him in jail for a year as a threat, and they say giving him the video was a threat.
So, that's pure Soviet Union text.
Oh, absolutely.
And you know, this is the thing.
These things must be going on.
We're getting these reports now across America.
And the press will... You're the only guy out there, Alex, one of the few that has the courage to report this kind of thing.
But we've got to.
These are our sisters and our brothers, our fellow citizens.
We can't let these people just rot in jail without legal representation on trumped-up charges.
Now, everything we've said on this program, many people will say it's intimidation.
And yet, Alex, I know you personally.
I know... Listen, you wouldn't even hurt a puppy dog.
I mean, you're the kindest guy I know.
One of the kindest.
Your wife is one of the sweetest ladies I know, Violet.
And yet,
You see, they would claim that by our free speech, we're threatening people's lives, we're intimidating, we're creating terrorism.
This is nonsense!
And we've got to stop the nonsense before we lose our country.
Absolutely, and if folks want a free Power of Prophecy newsletter, I suggest you call and get one.
Tex, I appreciate your hard work and all you do, and I appreciate you coming on the show.
Alex, listen, I feel the same way about you.
You're really on the front lines, and people need to pray for Alex Jones.
You're doing so much good.
Just at my Bible Home Church meeting the other night, a gentleman came up to me.
He's a chiropractor.
He said his whole life was turned around by you, Alex, just listening to your show.
He had been a Rush Limbaugh fan.
But he says, but after he listened to Alex Jones, he said he knew that Rush Limbaugh just didn't tell the whole story.
And I want to thank you and your audience as well for the courtesy of me coming on today.
Well, thank you.
Take care, Tex.
And thank you for staying an hour and 44 minutes with us.
We'll go to a few final calls from James and Richard and folks who have been holding the longest here in a few minutes.
It's important that we understand that this is really happening.
I mean, they really are arresting people for criticizing the government.
And people say, well, then we better shut up.
No, we better speak out even more.
So they don't do that to me because I've got an infrastructure, I've got a support group, and I'm not some distasteful Nazi.
In fact, I don't agree with Matt Hale.
Now that they mention him, I've read some of his writings, and a lot of it's pretty disgusting.
I don't agree with, again, the Black Panthers' Khalid Muhammad.
Let me tell you something, folks.
They do it to those groups first, then they do it to all of us, and they do it to a nice guy like Kelly Rushing, and I need to talk to Kelly, and Kelly, you need to call the American Free Press.
I'm just so overwhelmed, folks.
That's my life.
I've got a stack of newspapers calling me.
I didn't even call the American Free Press back.
I apologize.
Two weeks ago, and they should do a report on this, I'm going in a hundred different directions.
And imagine, you give a cop a video of Ron Paul speaking to Congress.
I mean, that's national TV tape.
And, uh, you give them a copy of 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, which reaches out to police, and they arrest you, and they want to put, take him away from his family for a year, and I talked to them, I talked to the newspaper, I talked to the police, I called the, I called all the people, and it's, well, you don't give us videos, or you go to jail!
I mean, they think they're living in Russia!
I mean, I just, how do you get through to these people?
And, you know, this, um,
Matt Hale, I mean, I remember reading the news articles, he just said, write the judge and tell him he's wrong.
That's what America's all about!
Regardless of what your views are, if you're a black man or a white man or whatever you are, and the judge, they just said, well, this is a distasteful Nazi, people are going to let us do this, and so we'll just go ahead and arrest him.
Yeah, two years!
I just forgot about that!
By the way, it turns out the judge in the Limbaugh case, I was going to go after him, has been hopped up on OxyContin.
Limbaugh case, judge in Palm Beach, hooked on OxyContin rehab, removed from bench, no criminal probe.
Palm Beach County judge, who operated in the same jurisdiction that is currently hearing the Rush Limbaugh pill case, was hooked on OxyContin and forced from the bench, but was never fully investigated.
Well, that's the point!
These people got a lot of problems, and I guarantee, I bet you money, that judge sent a lot of teenagers to jail for having some pot.
And I don't take Oxycontin.
I don't smoke pot.
I'm down to one cup of coffee every other day, and you know, they could pull me over to Marr and claim I'm a drug addict, and I'm never seen again, because that's a terror act.
They use the Patriot Act on Limbaugh for his medical records, and I'm telling you, it's wrong, folks.
And they'll use it on you, too.
Look at this!
Mason-sponsored school ID program.
The goal is to create identification packages for children in the states, 169 towns and cities, all over the country.
The Masons.
Useful, idiot Masons who are good people, low-level, evil at the top.
...are going around getting people biometrically enrolled into the system.
It's horrible.
And again, to get on the school bus, you've got to do it.
To get the school lunch, you've got to do it.
Bin Laden evaded Pakistan raid.
BBC, a local official in eastern Afghanistan, says he has received credible reports that someone, Bin Laden, escaped the recent Pakistan operation to catch him.
So they're building up the chase.
They've got his dead body on ice, according to my sources.
They're going to roll him out right before the election, as we told you.
Now that's happening.
We'll see what happens.
So Ashcroft hospitalized with gallstone pancreatitis, as Chief Spokesman said.
Ashcroft, 61-year-old Missouri Senator, who's part of the Brotherhood, a weird... They believe that abortion's okay and Nietzsche's good and all this weird Satanism stuff, but then he's also on the surface this big Christian who anoints you with oil and
Pretty weird stuff.
But then the Brotherhood also says they're against abortion, but they like Nietzsche.
I mean, it's real weird statements from them.
Really insane group.
Justice Department spokesman Mark Corallo said the Attorney General initially believed he had the stomach flu.
So we hope he's okay.
Really, we do, because he's such a loving, good person.
Again, San Francisco Library putting tracker chips in the books.
Uh, Waite, U.S.
at Guantanamo, acts like Beirut captors, London Guardian.
The former Beirut hostage, Terry Waite, has accused the Bush administration of behaving like the Islamist militants who kidnapped him by jailing people in the Guantanamo Bay prison camp without charge.
Mr. Waite, to the nine Britons, held as suspected terrorists, were enduring the same nightmare.
Yeah, chained outside, mosquitoes feeding on you.
I think so.
This weekend, the former Special Envoy to the Archbishop of Canterbury is traveling to the U.S.
to support families of the British Guantanamo Bay detainees who will next week lobby for the release in New York and Washington.
By the way, the Archbishop of Canterbury is an admitted devil worshiper.
Just a little side issue that he's a pagan, but that's the new Archbishop.
Just a little side issue.
Dollar tumbles war against the Euro.
Not some other key news.
I'll blitz through, take a few calls, end this great show.
This Friday edition.
And I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, and back tomorrow, back Monday, 11 to 2.
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Alright, real quick, couple calls.
James and KC, go ahead.
Hey Alex, love you, love your show.
I just want to let you know that last night on my way to an evening job at a tech school, I pulled up in a park lot to discover a Kansas City Police mobile command post.
Followed by about 30 cars all around it.
I sat there for a minute wondering, what's going on?
And then I watched some of the guys come filtering out of there, and they were all wearing camouflage.
And the bulk of them didn't come out after that, but about the, you know, the first ten that came out were all wearing camouflage as they got into their civilian vehicles and went away.
And I was like, now that's very odd.
Well, since the late 80s, there's been military everywhere in plain clothes.
It's been a covert takeover operation.
Well, I asked my school about it, and they said, oh, they do that every year.
It's part of a yearly exercise.
Oh, yes.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Richard and Casey, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
I have a short question and comment.
The comment is, the true meaning for 3-2-2 in skull and bones is Genesis 3-22, which is... Yeah, that's what Tech said.
Yeah, that's the true meaning.
The question is, Kerry's skull and bones name, Bush's is temporary, but what is Kerry's?
You know, I knew that and I forgot.
That would be a good question.
Thanks for the call.
We're out of time for that.
I just want to hit a few news stories here.
Virginia governor says college degree required for right to home educate, even first grade,
And Governor Mark R. Warner strongly opposes a bill, because they're trying to pass another bill so parents can't homeschool, and then there's another bill so parents can, and he strongly opposes that.
He says you shouldn't be able to teach your children unless you have a college degree.
Even though homeschoolers are winning all the awards.
A college degree, by the way, in teaching.
The U.S.
uses laser weapons in Iraq.
That's now admitted.
Energy weapons as part of an effort to
Takeover there, interesting.
Every child in England can go on a safety list database.
Teachers, everybody can go on a public database for government people and add stuff to a file about your children.
Another article on PrisonPlanet.com.
About the stuff that's going on in the universities, just how it's all about how the New World Order is good and taking over, and then in the same textbook it'll say, but the New World Order doesn't exist if you're against it.
I mean, it's a real double thing.
I mean, this is really Orwellian stuff, folks.
Now, North Korean likes John Kerry, they're saying.
Isn't that interesting that they like him?
Of course, they should like Bush, too.
He gave them nuclear reactors.
And there's a worldwide 911 phone and fax email campaign we've got posted at PrisonPlanet.com with the phone numbers, the key people in Congress, Speaker of the House, and D.C.
House offices, and the majority leaders, and others to fax and write and send them 9-11 information, just so they know that we know.
And illnesses blamed on genetically modified crops in the Philippines.
This is out of Reuters.
We're out of time, my friends.
Big show today.
Suggest you tune back in tonight, 9 to midnight central and back on Monday, 11 to 2 and back from 9 to midnight.
In the last minute we got left, I've made 10 films, written a book, published a book.
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Or again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And you can also go to the website to see all the news we didn't have a chance to cover on the show.
Again, thanks to everybody and God bless you all.
And we'll see you back tonight and back on Monday.
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