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Name: 20040304_Thu_Alex
Air Date: March 4, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Dave, I'm sorry, but I can't allow you to start the car, Dave.
Dave, I've got orders from the government that you haven't paid your taxes, Dave.
You need to report to the local Homeland Security office, Dave, and then perhaps we can talk about you being able to use your car.
And I'm sorry, Dave, we've locked you out of your house as well.
Yes, that's an imitation of the HAL 2000 in the film that came out in the 60s, the Stanley Kubrick flick.
The Arthur C. Clarke book, 2001's Space Odyssey.
That's the headline in Wired News.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com right now.
I'm sorry, Dave.
You're speeding, Dave.
Paul Watson called me up this morning and said, his afternoon over in England, he's the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, he called up and said, have you seen Wired Magazine?
There's also another article here out of another major paper, Times Union.
He said, have you seen it?
Because it's everything I laid out what your lives are going to be.
And they're already moving again here in the U.S.
to make you blow a breathalyzer to start your car.
It's a lot worse than that.
So we'll get into this.
I mean, I'm surprised Toyota came out and said this.
Toyota said that you've just got to submit to this.
Everything you're going to do in your life is going to be watched by cameras and tracked by the police.
Their new cameras, their new cars are going to have this.
And they just say that their entire fleet of vehicles is going to be like this.
And you're going to have a government score that will decide how fast you're even allowed to drive.
I'm not kidding, folks.
It was the Melbourne, Australia Motor Show.
And last week we talked about some of the things they brought out where you've got to swipe your card to start the car to make sure you're a good globalist.
The satellite tracking and taxation, of course, but it's much more than that.
Computer cameras will monitor everything you do.
And it's fed into the police database, and that's what emergency centers are all about.
All these FEMA emergency centers they put in at the county levels around the country.
These bunkers.
They're all going to be able to punch up your car number and watch you.
And MSNBC three years ago said this was the plan.
Of course, it was all for safety, and now it's for terrorism.
We will all have cameras watching us.
And then, yes, there's discussions within the home.
Oh, after they nuke a city, you're going to accept the cameras in your house.
Unless we stop them from nuking the city or releasing smallpox.
Heaven help us!
These people are not playing games!
And so, we'll go over that when we get back.
Also, members of Parliament want to ban spanking children in England.
It's not illegal there, it's not illegal here, but they already act like it is.
Also, it's being promoted everywhere.
The sound rifles, they claim it's brand new technology the Marines are going to use.
Funny, in 1999 the Marines said that they had this to me, we have video of it in Police State 2000, and that it's for you domestically.
In fact, they have microwave guns for you and your family.
Also, how tiny Swiss cell phone chips help track global terror web.
New York Times, how good the tracker chips are in your phones.
Every day a big advertisement about how good the police state is.
And we do have the News 8 Austin piece about our local police going under U.N.
Yes, we have the report.
Austin police going under federal and then U.N.
Police all over the world are going under.
They can now come here and arrest us.
It goes both ways, so we'll get into that.
The Supreme Court says they're now under U.N.
control as well, don't forget.
We have a big guest coming up in the second hour.
I'll tell you about that when we get back.
This is a very important broadcast.
You'll want to stay with us.
We're trying to avert the enslavement of you and your family.
There's not much time.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, on Monday, I had angry convulsions on air.
Concerning a New York Post article that's still up there at the top of the page, AIDS tots used as guinea pigs, and they are torturing these kids, and it's nothing short of murder, said Michael Elner, a minister and president of Health Education AIDS Liaison and Advocacy Group for HIV Parents, biochemist Dr. David Rasnick, who's coming on the show, a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley and an expert on AIDS medication,
Was outraged because the drugs alone, or combined, have acute toxicity which can be fatal.
CPS grabs the kids and then they also test vaccines on other healthy children.
They just kill them with those.
Not AIDS vaccines, just cocktails of other vaccines.
Give them double dosages of each vaccine.
It just shows the type of mindset of the people running things.
Human life means absolutely nothing to them.
It's all about control.
A bunch of mad scientists.
That's coming up for about 30 minutes of the next hour.
He's also a global expert on AIDS.
We did some research on this guy.
He's like the top expert out there.
He says the AIDS drugs are killing people, a lot of them, and that it's a big scam.
He works for major companies and universities.
He's pretty prestigious.
There's a bunch of other people coming out against this too.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Look, I am so blessed.
I am honored.
I think about how many people tune into this show, how many people listen to the show, how many people get the videos and make copies of the videos and get them out to people.
It's staggering.
I want to do a good job.
I want to cover all the news.
And some days I do a great job, some days I don't think I do that good of a job.
I mean, there's just so much coming at me from so many angles, you know, how do I tell this story?
But Paul Watson is the webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com and I've talked about how the websites get tens of millions of visitors every month now, between the two of them, InfoWars and Prison Planet.
We put up that story about the $20 bills exploding.
We just posted it on our site.
And it was the biggest
News story individual news story because they have big websites amazon.com and others track this it was the biggest external link story of the day and I told you that
Night before last, I went online at about midnight, and noticed the site wasn't loading very quick.
It usually just goes down if it has a problem, and then it reboots.
It was just loading real slow, so I called my webmaster, or my IT guy, Dwayne Cooch, and he goes, yeah, I'm on it right now.
The entire server farm, you know, this huge company where my servers are based, they thought the whole thing was under some type of denial of service attack, so they looked at it, it was just specific individual users.
Because it was getting 300,000 hits an hour, and that's the kind of hits that the Drudge Report or something gets.
And why do I keep talking about this?
Well, I mean, that's new that we got a couple million hits just to a news story in the last 24 hours, but it's actually more than that.
It just shows how many people are interested in
You know, alternative news and what's happening in the world.
And yes, I've received hundreds of emails saying, yeah, I put $20 bills, the new $20 bills in the microwave and they exploded.
Here's a photo of it.
Or I put 20s in and they just turned brown.
Or I put 20s in and they didn't explode.
They didn't, you know, catch on fire.
I tested it and when I get time, I'll put it on the web.
In an old microwave, it pops.
The RFID thing in there pops in like 10 seconds, and then the middle of the bill browns, and if you keep it going, it'll catch on fire.
But if you put it in a new little dinky microwave, over about a minute, it'll just turn brown in the middle, emanating out from where the chip is.
Also, Paul Watson's brother, and this has been posted on PrisonPlanet.com a couple days ago, put his Euros, because you know, they're in England, so the Euros are being used, not as the official currency, but they are all over the place.
The rest of Europe is using it.
They didn't have any choice.
And he put those in the microwave in the same spot where the little chip is.
Explodes, pops, and starts burning in about 10 seconds.
We have the articles out of AFP and BBC where they're putting RFID in the EU money.
There's websites out there, official government sites, that show the security features and the anti-counterfeiting devices that are in the money.
So they admit RFIDs are in the new money.
I mean, now there's a big debate.
Are there RFIDs in the money?
I think the fact that the money exploded or popped like firecrackers
It's just an illustration of, man, this is some weird money.
I mean, it's really a novelty, but people latch on to stories like that.
I mean, we'll post a photograph, and that'll get a million viewers, and then, you know, some government document from the Library of Congress about how the government engineered AIDS, and they say they engineered it in 1968, or 1975, and they say it's a soft kill weapon, and they describe it, and we post that, and it gets, you know, 10,000 people look at it in a month.
So, this also speaks to what captures people's attention.
And it's certainly images.
You know, exploding towers with jetliners flying into them.
You know, that gets people's attention.
That's why the Globalists did that.
And so somehow we've got to shift our minds into really becoming upset about bills and legislation and things like that.
Because if we could get people as excited about the Patriot Act 1 and 2, and what's in it, as we could about exploding $20 bills, then we would get this country back.
But people like visual things.
They like sports.
They like gladiatorial diversions.
By the way, Bush has outraged a bunch of the 9-11 families.
He's got an obnoxious TV ad running where he's at ground zero.
George Bush defended America.
George Bush will protect you.
George Bush crushed Al Qaeda.
Yes, crushed his business partners.
The terrorists are knocking these melons down and we're going to knock them down.
Standing there on top of his work.
It's like watching a serial killer dragging a dead body behind him going, look I found the dead body in the woods.
I'm a hero.
And the dead woman they're dragging has skin under her fingernails.
The guy's got a big scratch across his face.
Look, I found her.
But it's pretty sick.
That's an analogy, folks.
But before I get into all this news, I'm sorry Dave, you're speeding.
You want to know Toyota has announced, quote, drivers of the future who have grown up in the electronic age of heavy remote speed camera enforcement measures and electronic tollway charging systems are accepting of new technologies that assist their lifestyle as well as monitoring it.
A Toyota press release said about the car, it is essential for drivers to be fully
...informed in this area of increasing electronic surveillance.
And Toyota's now rolling out their cars, and of course it'll start in Australia and then be sold here.
It's gonna be sold here.
It's wired and ready for the cameras and the little electronic scanners.
You see the little bi-cameras.
There'll be little antennas aiming at your car.
They admit that's for scanning your license plate.
And also can scan the new stickers that are put on a lot of the cars.
It's all federally mandated.
And then the new Toyota car, of course, has a camera in it and scans you and watches you and talks to you.
And this is hooked into your emergency management centers.
I mean, it says it.
I told you this.
I've been telling you this for six years since I learned of it, but now it's coming.
It's like I told people in 97 that H-E-B was involved with the Feds, the big grocery store chain in Texas, and was going to be putting in thumb scanners.
The track and trace will control you for the new sales tax.
They have announced, it is official, it's gone in some stores in Houston and College Station two years ago.
A bunch of HEB stores in Austin in three weeks are putting them in.
And Piggly Wiggly, there's a big World Net Daily article that Piggly Wiggly and its stores are putting them in.
If you use credit card or check at the checkout counter, you're going to have to thumb skin Piggly Wiggly.
Safeway, Kroger, Target, Wal-Mart.
Just, I hope you enjoy it.
Just, I hope you enjoy it.
And if you're used to using it here in the next few years, they will announce your new sales tax.
I hope you enjoy it.
Federal control over every business.
Your business.
No matter how small, you'll have to have the thumb scanner, everything you do, and sell tracked.
Federal control.
You thought the IRS was bad.
Now they'll be in your life every day.
Oh, and by the way, they share the money with locals, so they'll be federally deputized and enforced.
And I do have the article here from News 8.
Police were federalized and then put under U.N.
control two days ago.
A bunch of them.
You know, it's to keep you safe.
No big deal.
So, really, I'm living in the Twilight Zone.
I mean, I... And the average yuppie, man, they just think it's great.
This is wonderful.
Bush wants our guns.
Well, good.
That's conservative.
So, we'll get into that.
Though, on my show yesterday, on this show, I never got to this article and
After the show, I was reading and thinking, what's my major malfunction?
This is really a horrible article.
It's out of South Bend, a pretty good-sized city.
It's a police group against residents having stun guns.
South Bend's paternal order of police wanted to keep stun guns out of the hands of residents.
They want them banned in the city, in your home, in your car.
Can't have them.
The group is supporting a proposed ban on the sale and possession of stun guns in the city.
You face criminal charges and a $500 fine for it.
State law allows anyone older than 18 to have a stun gun.
It's a little shocker type, not just taser guns.
Police say stun guns pose a danger to them when they are out in the field.
And it's going to be before the South Bend City Council on March 8th, in four days.
Now think about how nuts this is.
You don't think the police don't want your guns, people?
Don't want to take all your guns?
All over the country they're banning people in their homes having a little shocker.
We can't have anything?
But you're going to have guns and tasers and everything else to protect yourselves.
The federal courts have said police don't have to protect us.
It's not their job.
No liability.
As if they could protect us anyways.
I'm not even saying it's their job.
I agree with them.
But now, to protect ourselves, we don't want you having a stun gun, old lady.
So, I jokingly have said to people, maybe we could throw a brick.
So, how about they cut our arms and legs off?
Maybe take our teeth out, because we could bite them!
Well, I shouldn't give them ideas.
I'm not joking.
That'll probably come up next.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I've probably aired this Neoconstar pit about 20 times.
Because, according to the federal documents, the guests, members of Congress, people from the different legislatures I've had on about this, this is actually, minus the mobile injections, what life will be like.
Your car will lock you in it, it will not start if you've got one parking ticket,
A camera will watch you in your car.
It's actually worse than this so-called dark humor.
And so I'm going to read this story here in just a second and then get back into the other news.
Here's the Neo-Constar just one more time because Toyota has actually rolled out one of these and says that the government wants this and so they're providing it and this will be the new car that we all use.
And basically it is a mirror image.
Actually a little bit worse in several cases than this humor of two months ago.
So here it is.
The following is an actual conversation between a Neoconstar operator and a subscriber in distress who is locked in her car and doesn't have the proper authorization to get out.
With Neoconstar, help is just a satellite away.
Well, she's an old lady folks.
For some reason, some of those files have been hiccuping on us.
Stephanie, you know what's going on?
No, we've had someone in the computer hacking up the audio.
Well, that's pure genius.
We have another one!
Oh my goodness, now we have it for you, my friends.
Yeah, start it over for us.
Here's Neoconstar.
The following is an actual conversation between a Neoconstar operator and a subscriber in distress who is locked in her car and doesn't have the proper authorization to get out.
With Neoconstar, help is just a satellite away.
Neocon Star, how can I offer you great service today?
Please help me, I'm trapped in my car!
My retina scanner won't work!
Just relax, sir.
It's not sir, it's ma'am!
Please hurry, it's hot in here!
According to Hamro Poindexter's database, I have you at the Monsanto Mart on 2nd Street.
I have a live shot of you from the Neocon Star observation blimp in your area.
I'm an old lady!
Alright sir, looks like you have no outstanding warrant, so you're not under vision.
But I can't find it.
I'm looking everywhere.
I can't find my national ID card.
I'll take the lethal injection, please.
Thanks for using Neocon Star.
Have a nice day.
All right, folks.
And I have aired that too much, but it's really not even funny.
In one province in China, they have 24 mobile death vans, and they strap you down, no trial, automatic injectors go into you, and they have a gutting area, a stainless steel kind of bathtub in the back where they cuss your goodies out.
That's BBC by the way.
They show them dragging a young woman who criticized the government out by her neck.
They're choking her with pleasure because they're the police to protect you out to the vehicle.
But actually the blimps and the government watching her and the car being turned off and locking her in because she didn't pay parking tickets.
Here's Wired Magazine
Today, and then I have another one here, out of another major newspaper, reporting on the same thing.
And it says, Melbourne, Australia.
At the Melbourne Motor Show last week, Toyota unveiled a controversial concept car that would very closely monitor, and in some cases restrict the action of its driver, including refusing to turn on.
To drive the sleek Toyota Sports Tivo, a driver would have to enter a memory card into its console, turn on the engine.
Based on the driver's experience and driving record, the car adjusts its engine performance, cutting back for motorists with less experience or spotty driving records.
See, it's to save the children.
Drivers of the future who have grown up with the electronic age of heavy remote speed camera enforcement measures and electronic tollway charging systems
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, Ted Anderson.
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Alright, my friends.
Your calls are coming up here in a few minutes at 800-259-9231.
We've got a big guest coming up as well.
I'm here looking at this Wired Magazine story and it says while some say a car that would second-guess its driver's abilities might have limited appeal, Toyota says the purpose of the electronic login and authentication isn't to snoop but to inform.
And what we're suggesting is the driver's license of the future will be a smart card and it's embedded with all the data required to operate the car more safely and efficiently, Toyota project manager Bill Berenger said.
And it goes on to the new Sportivo, separate numbers for the driver's plate on the car and the license and the driver's wallet.
Instead, a screen on the car's rear bumper will display a number linked to the driver's license, which would be encoded on the smart card, see?
And it goes on for page after page.
Uh... and cameras watching you and they've got a retina scanner that decides if you're drunk or impaired.
It... it... it... it censors in the car to pick up the fumes of alcohol to decide if you've been drinking.
And again, it's about to pass the... I checked into it.
At last we get past the House and it's about to pass the Senate in New Mexico to make there be breathalyzers on all cars and make you blow to everybody to start your car.
Here's another one out of the Times Union, and it says, putting safety in the driver's seat.
About six years ago, Lotus, a commercial real estate manager for Slinger Lands, thought about the amount of drinking he did with friends.
Well, he only went out once a week or so.
He wanted three or four drinks he consumed were enough to put him in jail if he was ever pulled over.
It became a real concern to me.
I said, Lotus, now 64, I'm a social drinker, but you know how things go.
So Lotus invested in a device for his car called Sentsolock.
Because he really cares about you, that's why.
Made by a Denver company on the same name, that measures the alcohol on Lotus' breath.
If he's over the limit, the car won't start.
It's just for us to, you know, be responsible.
It's automatically in there, and if it smells any alcohol, you don't have to blow, it just picks it up.
Can't start the car, and of course, if anybody else is in the car, they've been drinking, can't either.
But, you know, this is... And again, the feds have already said,
How do I know?
Because three years ago, actually almost four years ago, Houston Chronicle, big front pager, oh, this company's got defense department links and it's a retina scanner that measures rapid eye movement because there's a move, a mandate with the feds and the automakers to put breathalyzers on all cars and they say this doesn't work.
It's intrusive.
So we've got a little camera that retina scans you.
Also just so happens to be hooked up with the police department, of course, for your safety.
Uh, through your wireless phone, little snapshots to make sure you're being safe and good.
And it measures microscopic movements.
If you're tired, if you're drunk, if you're on drugs, and your car won't start, and it notifies the police, uh, if you try to disable it.
And already hundreds of companies, this is three plus years ago, had bought it and put it in buildings to get in it, retina scans, and decides if you're tired or drunk at work.
But they said, you see, the breathalyzer won't work, so we want them to put all these on cars.
So see, that's how I know, see.
People go, how did you know?
How do you understand all this?
Because they say you're going to be taxed to drive your car, you're going to swipe your card and thumb scan to buy anything everywhere, and you're going to be taxed, and because they say they're going to do it, because the system's going in right now, people, do you hear me?
This is horrible!
And then it goes on, so Lotus invested in a device for his car called Sensolock, made by a Denver company of the same name.
If he's over the limit, the car won't start.
By using it, I found out how well it worked, he said.
Many a time, I went back inside and had a cup of coffee or pub soda and waited until I was sober enough to drive home.
Lotus decided to market the equipment himself.
Oh, he just magically did all this because he cares.
Now Lotus owns Sensalock Distribution of New England LTD.
This type of equipment is a way to prevent drunk driving in New York.
At the annual New York Association of Drug Court Professionals meeting at the Saratoga Springs City Center, Lotus had a booth showcasing sensor lock and other products.
I see this technology as being a true answer to the drinking problem that we're faced with.
So see, everyone must blow, everyone must get in the car, the sensor controls us, and it's not going to work because people are going to have their kids get in, or their wives get in first and get it started, and then they'll try all sorts of tricks and
They've already told us, see?
And then the answer will be the Retina Scanner, which they say is really like a Voight-Kampff from the Philip K. Dick book.
Do androids dream of electric sheep?
You know it as Blade Runner.
Uh, so it's really happening.
And, uh, so I don't know what you're gonna do about it.
Ha ha ha.
Cause, it's real close, folks.
But it's for the children!
Mommies Against Freedom!
I mean, Mommies Against Drunk Driving.
Which, by the way, everybody's against drunk drivers, okay?
But now they've lowered it down to the point where you have one beer, you can't drive in Texas.
You know that?
Unless you weigh, I think they did the calculation, 200 pounds.
Then you could have one beer and drive.
Now they're talking about lowering it to .6, and then you have to be, I think, what, 270 pounds to be able to drive with one beer.
People are getting DUIs after they mouthwash, and then later they can prove it and get off.
Or they pull you over and demand urine, or now it's blood, and you say no, so they take your driver's license for six months, no judge, no jury.
But this new system is, we're all guilty, and why?
If, you know, we can just do this, it'll save lives, and drunk driving's so horrible, and by the way, we want to put biometrics on all the guns, it'll save lives, only the owner can use the gun, and then, oh, by the way, the police can deactivate it from a distance, but ha ha ha, you starting to get the picture here?
I mean, cameras in the bathrooms, cameras in the street corners, cameras in the neighborhoods, cameras in the cars,
I want to warn you that in 2000, they said that by 2005, the auto manufacturers want to be offering, then they want to make it standard, an infrared camera hooked into your emergency management police facilities.
They're already set up for this.
They punch your code in and watch you, but again, the camera's there for your safety.
Again, it measures the heat in the car, and so if the pressure sensors in the seats pick up weight, and the temperature goes over 98 degrees,
It automatically dials into the police and off the cell phone embedded starts streaming the video infrared image to the emergency management center.
And by the way, uh, that year, uh, uh, 30 children died being left in cars.
It will save 30 children.
You're for saving 30 children, aren't you?
We've got to have an infrared camera in all the vehicles.
Folks, this is going to happen.
Do you understand me?
The thumb scanners are going in HEB, where I live, right now!
I told you this in 97, now it's happening.
Just rip my hair out.
We're going to your calls.
I just want to recap this story.
This is so important.
Again, yesterday, I have this article posted on the site, never covered it on air.
Police group against residents having stun guns.
And this was up in South Bend.
Good size city, and they just say, uh, you're an endangered police, we want to abandon the city and your home anywhere.
Now understand, hundreds of cities and towns have banned BB guns, period.
Adults can't have them.
Hundreds of others have banned people under 18 having BB guns.
Now, cities are banning paintball.
I see articles every week.
They're banning paintball, people.
I got some police notice thing going, you know, you better not have paintball.
Everybody got it, I guess, in the neighborhood.
Children have been seen out with paintball guns.
This is illegal.
I didn't know it was illegal in Austin, but I guess that's illegal now.
This is the new America, folks.
So they can't ban the guns because there's a lobby to defend those right now.
They can just demonize them and get ready for that.
But the symbols of them, toy guns, the New York toy guns are banned.
Did you know that?
Even, you know, red or pink fronts or green, you know, day-glone orange barrels.
This is happening everywhere, see?
I mean, the cops don't want our guns?
Man, they want to ban stun guns, plastic guns, everything!
Self-bent fraternal order of police want to keep stun guns out of the hands of residents.
A group is supporting a proposed ban on the sale and possession of stun guns in the city.
State law allows anyone older than 18 to have a stun gun.
People face criminal charges, $500 fine if you're caught with one.
Police say stun guns pose a danger to them when they are out in the field.
I was filling in for John Stattmiller yesterday.
I didn't cover it on my show, but I did on his.
His dad died.
I'm filling in for him.
So I'm on the show, and I pointed out, you know, we can throw a brick at somebody.
Or punch a cop.
I mean, you know, a lot more often than cops get hit with stun guns.
I never even hear that happening.
And so, how about we cut our arms off?
How about they remove our teeth?
Uh, so we can't bite them.
I know cops get bit by drug heads and stuff.
I've got cop friends who've got bite marks on them, they've shown me before.
And I know you've got a tough job, so hey, remove our teeth!
And then I thought to myself, you know, I shouldn't joke.
Oh, by the way, I'm not joking right now.
If anything I've ever thought up, they end up doing it.
So there will be proposals, I predict, within five years to remove our teeth.
Okay, I'm being a little bit sarcastic, but in a way I'm not.
Because that's really what they're saying here.
Well, stun guns could endanger us, and so we want them all banned in the city.
No, you want a monopoly on protection, like the mob.
You gotta buy insurance from the mob.
You don't want, in a city with a gun ban, South Bend's a big gun grab area, you don't want people to be able to have these stun guns to protect themselves.
You want everybody groveling and then they'll call for more police.
The crime rate explodes.
You get more power and control.
You're being federalized.
It's the same story all over.
A bunch of cities have already banned them.
So, I mean, understand.
Dozens of police alone each year in Austin get stabbed or cut by thugs.
And they should be, you know, put in prison for it.
There's hundreds of cases every year of cops getting stabbed.
Many of them die.
So, so, so how are we going to... I mean, this is the world.
People get stabbed.
It's a tough job.
Firefighters get burned.
You know, we can't ban fires because there's still going to be fires.
But you see, everything, oh, keep you safe, keep you safe.
I mean, what's wrong with the police?
That all over the country they're trying to ban you owning a stun gun.
I mean, what's wrong with you people?
How would you like living in your house without your gun or your stun gun?
What's wrong with you?
I want to point out that in major polls, 90% of police are against gun control because they know it actually makes everybody more danger.
But it doesn't matter.
The police chiefs, they want our guns.
And the average cop, I talk to the average cop on the beat, yeah, Alex, I'm for the Second Amendment, I go, what if they ban guns tomorrow?
And he goes, well, we'll have to come get them.
You know, I'll enforce the law.
Well, your little law or regulation doesn't circumvent the big fat one, the big ten.
Those are the big daddies, see?
That's what America is, Bill of Rights.
Alright, we'll go to your calls.
I just cannot believe, I mean, it's just so out in the open what they're doing to us.
Who's up first here?
Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Emmett, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, hi Alex.
Wondering when they're going to come around for my knife and sword collection.
Well, no, that's what I said.
Swords and knives and hatchets and baseball bats kill cops every year.
I've never heard of a cop getting stun gunned.
But the point is, anything that's a danger to them, we shouldn't be able to have it.
Well, then cut our arms off!
Remove our teeth!
And then I say, ooh, I better not joke!
But then I go back to the... Well, I don't want to get into that.
Well, anyway, if you put too much aftershave on and your wife
What's too much perfume on?
How are you going to get your Toyota started?
Well, Toyota says that governments, in the article, are wanting this.
They are simply preparing for what the government is doing.
I mean, I read the quotes.
Again, I read the federal documents.
I see new ones every month.
They're getting ready for this.
There will be cameras.
If we don't stop them within three years, maybe faster after they blow something up to get us all scared.
Well, there will be, hold on, there will be cameras in all cars, there will be breathalyzers in all cars, and it's going to happen unless we say no.
Go ahead.
Well, Art Bell kept me up until, and Art Bell and his After Dark Show on the weekend kept me up until 4 a.m.
They were talking about all these implants and sensors, and oh my, it was so fantastic, I wish all the listeners could have heard it.
Some of the things were, you'll go in a grocery store, just put the groceries in the cart, it'll record what your total is.
And then, of course, when you leave, it'll be deducted from your account.
Nine Safeways for a year have been doing that in Northern California.
Walmarts nationwide have hidden cameras that scan your face when you buy Gillette razors, and then it's put into a database and compared by a computer with your sales total when you leave, and they automatically call police on you if you don't, because they have your digital photo from the driver's license facility.
Well, this scientist said that the government has 300 other scientists, 300, working on these devices.
No, DARPA has many more.
DARPA and MIT come out with all of it.
They have thousands, almost all research at major universities.
I've been to the UT Psychology Department.
Because I have a friend who works there.
And it's all mind control.
And that's just the declassified stuff.
And I'm in an office, and there's classified DARPA stuff just laying around about mind control.
And I was actually, you know, said, I'm getting out of here.
They've got whole areas of monkeys with a chain down, with TV screens, how to mind control with different flashing.
But I'm not allowed into that area.
I was just told about it.
Well, they even went into how does your dog know when you're staying at work overtime and you're not coming home so the dog doesn't go to the door at five o'clock when you normally arrive.
They're studying that.
How our minds can signal to our pets.
Look, it's total mind control.
At UT they have giant complex
Across the street from the big new psychology building and it's full of animals chained down and it's admittedly all mind control.
What wavelength, what to push over the high-definition TVs to cause the brain to shut down, to cause you to get sick.
I mean publicly they're testing mind control how to control you DARPA AUT.
Thank you.
Good to hear from you.
Who's up next there?
Philip in England, that's what I thought you said.
Philip, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex, calling from England.
Yes, good to talk to you.
Where you're very much respected.
I just wanted to talk to you about the situation in Haiti.
You were talking about it yesterday.
Yeah, it's admittedly no debate who they talk.
Yeah, the rebel leader, it was mentioned on the news here, that the rebel leader has admitted that he's received US military training.
Well, I mean, the M16s were given to them.
It's admitted.
I mean, look, our government admits, the media admits, they put a gun to his head and said, you're out of here.
And then Colin Powell says, it's not true.
And that's the truth.
And then no one will hold him accountable.
And there's also a second important fact that's not been mentioned in the coverage of Haiti.
And that was mentioned in the news over here as well.
A Colombian drug lord
He's currently standing trial.
I'm not sure where, or his name.
They sort of slip it in there.
You notice how they do that?
They slip things back in there, hoping no one will notice.
But he admitted that Haiti is a major gateway for drugs to the United States.
Well, yeah.
It's the CIA cutting off all their competition.
Grabbing Afghanistan, grabbing Haiti, grabbing Colombia.
Well, Haiti is totally controlled by Washington.
Clinton sent 20,000 troops there in 1994.
And then it's admitted
Well I'll tell you what, stay there Phillip from England, we'll let you finish up.
It's not a guess.
They put sanctions on him, he wasn't playing ball, he was not being a good puppet.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The globalists are going from rope, going to the limit.
I mean, they don't care if they get caught Halliburton robbing
Robbing the Treasury.
They don't care.
Openly they're engaging in coup d'etats and everyone knows they're lying.
I mean, it's just going for broke, folks.
Real quick, going back to Philip in England.
Philip, talk right into your telephone.
We're having trouble understanding you.
You wanted to add something else?
Go ahead.
Yeah, I rescued the President who was kidnapped and bundled out of Haiti.
It's obvious why he fell out with his CIA handlers.
And suddenly these rebels
They come from nowhere and they take over the country.
I mean, is it any more obvious to anyone else what's going on?
Well, I mean, it's more obvious than even that.
If you read, there was a Reuters article and it said, oh yes, for the last ten years Aristide has had his Special Forces security detail provided by the Pentagon.
There's all these white guys with short haircuts with M16s and MP5s standing around him in every photograph going back for ten years.
They admit, quote, our government
Provided his government security men, he had to go out and kill and torture and, you know, run everything for this puppet.
And yeah, he becomes a bad guy, just like Noriega, not paying his cut, end of Daddy Bush.
I mean, I don't know why any of these drug dealing government leaders would ever not pay them exactly what they were ordered to pay.
I mean, they've proven they will invade, they will use rebel forces, they will take control of the cocaine and heroin shipping areas.
I mean, if they have to blow up 110-story buildings to get control of Afghanistan when they cut the opium up, they'll do it!
Now the record level's back on the street and your daughter, too, can inject heroin now!
Now, of course, they've got the U.N.
in there.
The U.N.
is saving us, yes.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Can you talk about gun control?
You were talking about gun control today.
I'm not sure if you're aware about the situation in Britain.
Total gun control, total ban on handguns, and following a tragic event where a guy went into a school and shot a bunch of kids.
So I think you're right when you predict that such events will occur in the United States in the future.
I think we saw that with Columbine and I think we'll see other events
Or other tragedies like that.
By the way, in the aggregate, you have many more shootings now and much more violence because they've taken the guns from the citizens.
All the figures point this out in Britain.
But it saves the children, so it's good.
Thanks for the call from England.
Good to hear from you.
We'll get to Howard and Mitch and Jeff and others.
We do have a guest coming up, but just for about 20 minutes, then we'll have open phones for the rest of the day.
But, I mean, this is not freedom, okay?
Your car, standard, having a breathalyzer on it, and not starting if you're tired, or not starting if you're, or if you've ever had an accident, well then automatically the car slows down, so you can't, I mean, it's just total control freak behavior, guilty until proven innocent.
Bunch of other news.
Vicente Fox says he doesn't care what our government says.
The U.S.
belongs to Mexico.
The illegals are coming.
Just masses of key news and information coming up.
Before we end this hour, you know the drill.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island to Los Angeles, California.
Simulcasting at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And on global shortwave for the first two hours of the show on WWCR 9.475.
And at night, of course, the show's from 9 to midnight.
Last two hours on 3210 global shortwave.
On Monday, I read a horrific story, but it's not the first time we've seen articles about this.
New York Post and others reported on New York Daily News two years ago that CPS would go to families and go, we're going to take your 10-year-old for experimental drug testing.
If you don't let us take your 10-year-old, let's just randomly go to poor families.
CPS getting federal grants and private pharmacological grants.
We'll take all your children.
Uh, so we've covered that nightmare.
Well, here's another one out of New York.
This goes on all over the place.
AIDS tots used as guinea pigs, and these drugs kill adults, or they'll withhold the drugs, or give them extra drugs, or give them multiple vaccines and see what that'll do.
And, uh, it's so horrible, I mean,
I don't have words to describe how bad this is.
Biochemist Dr. David Raznick, a visiting scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, an expert on AIDS medication, was outraged because the drugs alone or combined have acute toxicity which could be fatal.
He said the drug's side effects include severe liver damage, carcinogenic tumors, severe anemia, muscle wasting, severe and life-threatening rashes, and buffalo hump.
That's that from the steroids.
Fatty tissues accumulate behind the neck.
And it goes on and on.
Joining us is Dr. Rasnick, Ph.D.
He's got a bio about 150 yards long.
Tell you what, I'll just read the bio now, because this is a short segment, and we'll come back when all the stations join us after the news and go to Dr. Rasnick.
So Dr. stay right there, we'll be back in just a few minutes.
Here's part of the bio, Ph.D.
in Chemistry from Georgia Tech, 78, 25 years experience with
Different inhibitors, different drugs.
Worked 20 years in the pharmacological industry developing the inhibitors for tissue, destroying diseases, cancer, and it goes on and on with a bunch of technical terms.
Studied AIDS 23 years.
Former president of Rethink AIDS, the group for the scientific reappraisal of AIDS hypothesis.
It's a bioweapon, folks.
Look at the documents.
Former president of the International Coalition for Medical Justice.
Advisor to South African President
It's a pleasure to be with you.
This is hard to face, but there's a bunch of different facets to the story, isn't there?
Yes, there's the drugs, there's the children being treated with these drugs against their will, it's the children who are being taken away from their parents and put in these institutions because the parents refuse to treat them with these drugs.
It just goes on and on.
It just goes on and on.
Now again, grabbing people's children, against their will, drugging them, this is Tuskegee, this is Dr. Mengele, he did this to kids.
But I guess today, in the double-think world, Dr. Mengele is bad in Nazi Germany, but here it's good.
Yes, I believe you already indicated that these kids tend to be poor, impoverished, they might be
They tend to be children of color, black kids, and these are sort of the defenseless people of society.
We used to drug and experiment on prisoners and orphanages.
And now we're doing it on these poor, these poor kids and these, uh, violence, I guess.
We've got a break.
I hope all the yuppies out there listening that could care less about anything hear this.
I hope all the bleeding heart liberals that only care about grabbing people's property or, you know, getting my guns, I hope you're listening to this, because this is a real issue.
And it's going on all over the place.
Come back and talk to Dr. David Reisnick, Ph.D., and we will delve into the horror.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now in the second hour of this global transmission.
We're talking to Dr. David Rasnick, PhD.
Concerning the New York Post article where they just grab people's children against their wills, against their parents' will, and test experimental drugs, give them double doses of vaccines, withhold medication, do all sorts of things, killing children, openly and publicly, and going back to the doctor,
Doctor, recapping exactly what they're doing, the different facets of what's happening, and again, this has been in the New York News before, and it's happening in other areas of the country, where they go to poor families and say, we'll take all your kids, if you don't sign them over for guinea pig research, we'll only take one of them for research, if you do, but now they don't even care, they just grab people's children, exactly what's going on.
See how I got involved in this?
It came as a revelation to me that they were doing these research programs on these children.
I got involved with a particular family in New York City, and I'm not going to give their name because the Guardian is trying to protect the identity of the children, and I sympathize with her completely.
Her children were taken away from her and put into that institution in New York that was in the New York Post article.
And because she refused to treat them with the anti-HIV drugs that were very serious, toxic, and life-threatening, in fact, lethal drugs, so they took her children away from her and put them in this institution.
And if they refused to take the drugs, not her children, thank God, but other children's children in the same institution would have tubes put in their stomach and they were being force-fed with these drugs.
Now, this came as a revelation to me.
I didn't know about the extent of the horrors that were going on.
I had no idea that this institution was involved in all of these clinical trials.
I just got involved because of this one individual family and then you get a crack in the door and you see this dungeon of horrors.
So, I'm just a little bit more aware of what's going on there than what other people see in the New York Post and other places because I just knew about the individual family.
I didn't know about this
The magnitude of this horror?
Yes, sir.
I mean, please continue breaking it down for us.
Well, I've testified in court for a number of families.
The very first one was in Maine.
I believe it was 1997.
A woman, Valerie Emerson, I can use her name.
She's very public about this.
She had two children who were treated with anti-HIV drugs and she lost a daughter to those drugs and she almost lost her son Nicholas and she decided she wasn't going to see him die the way she saw her daughter die and she took him off of these drugs that were making him very sick and then within a week or so he started getting better.
Unfortunately the authorities in Maine found out about that and they were threatening to take the child away
Now let me give people some background because you mentioned they used to do this to the prisoners, they used to do this to the blacks.
You know, exclusively, you know, Joseph Mengele and people who we, by the way, brought to this country and protected over 800 Nazi scientists.
They didn't just run our rocket programs, folks, out there at the Goddard Space Center and the Wernher von Braun Space Center.
You know, the SS little colonels out there.
They also went into all of this type of treatment and
Yeah, I think so.
Out at Huntsville, it's been in the local papers.
They say, you don't get food unless you let us biotest and the poor person signs a waiver.
And we're talking about even non-violent offenders and they test bio stuff on them and sometimes the jail guards get sick and take it home and whole towns get mystery illnesses and it leaks.
I mean, this is so evil that it's hard to even imagine, Doctor.
Yeah, well, I don't know all these stories.
I do know that they also, in the past, were doing experiments in orphanages on children.
So we have
We have disadvantaged people that can't protect themselves, basically.
But doctor, how do you find doctors and CPS workers that are willing to take babies and go, here, we'll give them overdoses of vaccine and see what it does to this three-month-old baby.
Here, we'll put them on a cocktail of toxic drugs.
I mean, how do you find, where do they find this trash?
Well, I mean, you know, you're asking a very serious sociological question here, which I absolutely agree with you, but you can always find people to do this.
Historically, and what they do is that they think in their own minds that they're doing good, either for society by testing it on the unfortunate in society, the larger society they're hoping to benefit, or they rationalize it by saying, well, we're giving these unfortunates the best state-of-the-art drugs in the hope that some good will happen to them or at least to other people.
People can come up with rationalizations for just about any horrible thing.
But, I mean, it's right here in the articles that sometimes these children aren't even sick.
I mean, it's come out that they just randomly go to poor black people's doors.
I mean, this has been in the news, and say, uh, we're going to take one of your kids if you sign this.
If you don't sign it, we'll take all of them.
I mean, that was in the New York News just a few years ago.
I mean, how does it... where do they find somebody to do stuff like that?
I don't have an answer for you.
I mean, it sounds so heinous that it's hard to believe it's even true.
But they just calmly admit it and say, well, guess it's good.
Yeah, well, I mean, the thing that encouraged me is that the City Council is now going to investigate this thing in New York, and I hope it gets more publicity because of that.
Yeah, but I mean, as many people pointed out, it's going on in other areas.
Oh yeah, this is just the very tip of the iceberg.
Because I've been told from people that work there
And they may even give me documents that at the mental ward next door to Camp Mabry, here in Austin, that they've been testing all kinds of stuff on the mental patients.
Yeah, there's nothing new about that, unfortunately.
That's been going on probably, certainly the majority of the 20th century.
The thing that's really, really disgusting is that it still goes on.
In other words, it seems like we can't ever put these horrible things behind us.
The Nazis, many people may not know this, but during the Nuremberg Trials, the Nazis, many of them, some of them even successfully used the history of medical experimentation in the United States to mitigate their own sentences.
They said Margaret Sanger taught us how to do this.
Taking the little baby and killing it because it was retarded.
You guys are doing that.
You taught us how to sterilize women.
Yeah, they used the eugenics thing, which was basically an American push.
Back in the early part of the 20th century.
Well, that's who funded Hitler, but the left never says take down the name of Margaret Sanger off of public schools.
It's funny, it's usually some inner-city school, and then there's a name, you know, somebody who got awards from Hitler, gave awards to Hitler, and she's still a good person, I guess.
Well, yeah, that's going off in an area that I'm really not prepared to talk about, only because of the ignorance.
Well, Doctor, I mean, trying to understand this,
In New York, they're grabbing the children, they're doing this to them, even children that aren't sick.
You know, they say that, oh, we've stopped this program, but there are other programs.
I mean, what exactly are they doing to these children specifically?
Because they talk about how it's killing some of them or giving them mass doses of vaccines.
The only ones that I can speak to directly, because I know about it and I study it and write about it, are the anti-HIV drugs.
The DNA Chain Terminators that were developed as cancer chemotherapy back in the 60s.
These drugs are the mainstay of what I call AIDS incorporated.
AZT, DDI3TC, D4T, those sorts of drugs.
And these drugs are very, they're cytotoxic.
They're designed to kill cells.
They were designed to kill cancer cells, but they don't know the difference between a cancer cell and a regular cell.
And these drugs are given to these children, these HIV positive and also HIV negative kids, to try to prevent them from becoming HIV positive.
That's the hope, anyway.
They give them these very seriously toxic cancer chemotherapeutic drugs that you would not give as a lifetime prescription to cancer patients, but because they're HIV positive, the standard of care now is to treat for lifetime.
With these very toxic, lethal chemotherapies.
And everybody knows that a lot of times chemotherapy kills adults.
Of course it does.
But for a lifetime, for your lifetime now, we're going to put experimental drugs in you, and by the way, give you a massive of random vaccines.
They're also testing vaccines on the kids.
Yeah, I mean, I wouldn't test, I don't care what the material is, and what the justification.
I'm against this whole business about experimentation on these kids.
A lot of these children die from the drugs,
Of course they were, and the ones that don't die are injured.
Many people may not know this, but prescription drugs used properly, already FDA drugs used properly, kill 100,000 Americans every year and seriously injure over 2 million.
Now that's drugs that are already passed FDA approval.
Now imagine what the unknowns are with these experimental drugs and procedures that are going on in these institutions.
Now, I've talked to a lot of doctors, a lot of scientists, and they say that a lot of these AIDS drugs, someone will be healthy, they go on them, and they're dead a year later, but the drugs are killing the people.
Of course they are.
But then they're, in the area, if they're HIV positive, these deaths are attributed to HIV and not to the drugs.
And how come Magic Johnson doesn't need them?
He announced to us that, oh, I don't need any of this now.
Well yeah, I mean he started taking the drugs I think over a decade ago and they made him sick and he stopped taking them and it's pretty clear that as long as he doesn't take the drugs he's going to stay healthy and walk around.
He doesn't actually ever admit publicly that he is taking these drugs but he implies it.
You know you see these billboards at the subway stations in San Francisco and other places
That gives a clear implication that Magic Johnson... But I remember years ago when he said, I'm going off of them.
He said, I don't need it anymore.
Well, he absolutely did, because they were very toxic and he was a healthy guy.
Healthy people really don't need drugs.
Good Lord.
Stay there, Doctor.
Want to get more into this, and also I'm sure you've heard of this new virus that supposedly goes after AIDS?
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We try our best to expose evil on this show and it's assured that we always have plenty to talk about, unfortunately.
And it's going on all over the place.
We're talking to Dr. David Raznick, Ph.D., and perhaps we'll be able to keep him a few minutes into the next segment because there's so much more I want to get into with him.
You know, not just what the AIDS drugs do to people, the HIV drugs do to people, but how they're grabbing people's children to do it.
You know, I read this New York Post article, Doctor, I know you're the expert on the AIDS drugs, but
Also, they get into how they just randomly give them overdoses of vaccines that aren't even for HIV to see what drug interactions and vaccine interactions are with the drugs.
I mean, they literally are using them as guinea pigs, are they not?
Yes, unfortunately, and I mean, I had no idea until I read that article how pervasive and just how overwhelmingly horrible
What was going on in that place?
I thought they were just limiting it to just a few HIV positive kids, but they seem to be doing it, testing everything under the sun on these kids.
Well, absolutely.
Again, you might look up a New York Daily News article from two years ago, it was also in the New York Post, where they just go randomly grab healthy children.
Yeah, well, that one I don't know about.
Well, they tell the parents, give us one of your children, sign the waiver, or we'll take them all.
Yeah, that was the program.
I heard you say that in the intro.
Yeah, that was another horror story.
But I mean, I keep repeating it just because I can't believe it.
How do we stop it?
I mean, how do we root this out?
How do we investigate this stuff in our area?
Well, the first thing we have to do is publicize it.
That's what your program is doing.
That's what the New York Post is doing.
People have to know about it.
They have to get incensed.
I mean, I already know about the horrors, but I had no idea at the extent of them.
You know, I'm even learning things that I didn't know before.
So the first thing we have to do is just unearth what's going on, and then there should be enough outrage, enough indignant people, and hopefully government officials that will have hearings and prosecute people.
I mean, I've had lawyers already calling me about that story, eager to
To sue these institutions and other people.
So I think that's what's going to have to happen.
Now, the New York Post, though, goes on to quote some of the government officials as going, well, this isn't bad what we're doing, though we are going to stop it now that we got caught.
Well, what else do you expect them to say?
They're not going to admit that it's a heinous thing that's going on and take responsibility for it.
They say, well, we stopped it and it wasn't so bad.
Well, this is what Joseph Mingala did.
You know, it's funny, we don't hear PETA, who's concerned about a real live guinea pig, you know, a rodent having this done to it, but they're not concerned about this happening to a child?
You know, most, unfortunately, most of the drugs nowadays, unfortunately, in the past 20 years, certainly in the past 10 years, they're approved inappropriately by the FDA.
The FDA has pulled off, I think, maybe 10 drugs or so in the past 6 or 7 years because of inadequate
Testing and evaluation.
And basically what we've got going on right now is a multi-billion dollar experiment in tens of millions of Americans.
Whether they're wealthy, regular tax-paying citizens, or they're incarcerated children because they come from poor parents, we've got a major, major experimental study going on in the United States only because these drugs are released
by the FDA without proper safeguard.
It's the tip of the iceberg what we're talking about.
Well, yeah, I mean a good example is the FinFin.
Oh, by the way, this turns your heart valves into powder.
Yeah, I mean that's a good example that got a lot of publicity, but believe me, it's by no means the only one or even the biggest one.
It's incredible.
I mean, it's come out that Prozac's causing all these suicides and now internal bleeding and psychosis, and it turns out they knew all that during the trials, but you know what?
They're just going to keep prescribing it.
I know, and I mean, the story again, I think, just goes on and on and on.
You have no idea how bad this is.
I do, because I've been looking into it.
Virtually all of the drugs that are
And at the same time, they're moving to restrict over-the-counter vitamin sales.
Yeah, right.
I know.
Restrict these things that aren't anywhere nearly as toxic or devastating as the prescription drug.
I know, it doesn't make any sense, does it?
Unless you see that the big pharma wants a monopoly.
Well, they actually have it, pretty much.
So when you talk to these families, I mean, it freaks me out just talking to you, looking at the news articles.
I mean, what is it like when you talk to these families who have had their children stolen from them?
Well, oddly enough, it's a mixture of, you know, anger.
You know, you get angry when you hear about this.
But when you actually talk and meet face-to-face with these mothers and fathers, it's actually a very uplifting thing.
I mean, it's amazing that the courage that they can muster.
It's good to stand up and fight.
We've got a break.
Stay there, Doctor.
We'll be right back.
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We're talking to Dr. David Rasmick, Ph.D.
here for a few more minutes.
Then we'll go to Howard and Jeff and Tim and John and Barry and many others that are patiently holding.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com if you want to go learn more just out of the New York Post.
About how they kidnap children and then drug them with experimental drugs and vaccines to death.
And then they just take their little dead bodies and ship them on off to be buried.
Of course, I've read some stories where after they're done killing them, they take their organs.
So, it's about as horrific as you can imagine, but... I guess they got the police and the machine guns and... It's the new America.
We're kind of like Communist China or North Korea now.
We wonder how this stuff happens in other countries.
Well, now it's happening here, and I guess the government's God now, and that's just the way it is.
Until our leaders and our communities, until our pastors start talking about this, it's going to just get worse.
Of course, the churches are all being federalized now, and our local police were just federalized in Austin, so I've got the article here on that.
So I guess it's all part of the new freedom.
I guess I'm the one who's bad, because I'm against this.
Dr. Razanik, David Razanik, PhD,
Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of California at Berkeley.
Your colleagues in biology, in epidemiology, are they starting to wake up to what's happening?
I doubt it, and I don't expect them to.
It's going to require that the public, the public is the ones that are going to have to wake up, just regular Joe's merry citizens.
And demand that things change.
Unfortunately, there's too many people involved in this whole thing from the professional end that it's almost like physicians.
They don't squeal on each other.
You know, if one's an alcoholic or one performs the wrong surgery or whatever, they try to keep it really quiet.
They don't want the public to know about it.
Unfortunately, that's true in the scientific academic
Well, in 1960, in his farewell address,
Dwight D. Eisenhower talked about the undue influence of the military-industrial complex.
He pointed out that almost all research funding was the Pentagon and a few elite private corporations.
And now we see Big Pharma merging with the defense contractors, with the prison companies.
It's really the same family of corporations
And most of the research funding at universities, the funding to the AMA and other medical establishments is saying all of this is good, and so really it's the big payoff to legitimize this.
And so I guess people rationalize what they're doing.
If it's for the greater good of the Reich, then Dr. Mingala is going to do what he's told.
Yeah, and other people just have to, the researchers that write for these grant proposals,
They get their money and they work on their little, very highly technical thing, but it's part of this whole huge program to transfer the wealth of American taxpayers into large corporations, basically.
During the Cold War, everything was set up for the military-industrial complex, which had nuclear weapons and aircraft carriers and things.
Now, the Soviet Union is our evil creature.
Other terrorists in our regard whatever guys you want to put them in
And now... Now the budget's in bioterrorism, for example.
And now, guess what the new, uh, what the defense contractors, again, are moving into?
Prisons, red light cameras, FEMA command centers in every city, prisons, big pharma, and you just mentioned biological defense.
Well, Bush just got six million passed for BioShield, three dozen level four biolabs, dozens of new vaccines they want to make mandatory.
Is that what you were about to get at?
That's absolutely it.
The money now is going into the Centers for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, instead of the old military places that built airplanes and nuclear reactors and bombs and things.
But it's virtually the same thing.
It's to take the wealth, like I said before, of American taxpayers via government programs into these other areas that go into this complex, this biotech or biological industrial complex, which is now linked with terrorism.
Clinton, while he was still in office, made AIDS a threat to the national security.
That immediately brings in the FBI, the CIA, the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
That whole mess, you know, into a supposedly medical field.
And again, that then helps them cover up where it really came from, what the drugs are doing, allows the government to have anonymity and block disclosure of documents.
I mean, every facet of our lives now is being federalized.
That's right.
All of it.
I agree.
It's all of a piece.
Well, Doctor, we've definitely got to get you back up on the show and take calls and go over more of this in the future.
But it's so scary.
Do you think we're going to be able to expose this and back it off?
Or do you think they're just going to use the rationale of terrorism to give themselves blanket immunity like they try to do with the vaccine makers?
No insanity lasts forever.
It either self-destructs like the Soviet Union does or
Good people like your programs and the New York Post and other people actively try to expose these things, but it'll come to an end one way or another.
Do you think the people involved, do you think anybody will ever be prosecuted?
I sure hope so.
I'm quite prepared to testify.
And for now, at least this one program, they claim they're not
...murdering these children right now in this one program in New York.
Do you have any evidence to the fact that they really stopped this, or did they just change the name of the program?
No, no.
I mean, like I say, I don't have that much... I knew about this one family.
A lot of this stuff, it was new to me.
You know, I didn't even know they had that kind of program going on until I read it in the New York Post myself.
I just thought it was a thing that they were doing to this family that I knew about.
I had no idea it was so pervasive on all these kids.
Yeah, it's going on right here in Austin.
Alright, well Dr. Ravnick, God bless you for what you're doing and Godspeed.
Is there any place where we can read any of your writings?
The internet.
If you do a Google search, you'll find a lot of my name there.
But one place you can go is www.duesberg.com.
We've got a lot of
A lot of our articles on there.
Dewsburg.com, and we'll get a link to that on Infowars.com, and we've got a link to the New York Post exposing this as well on the website.
Can we have you back on sometime, Dr. Reynolds?
Of course, I'd be happy to do it.
I'd like to have you on just on the AIDS scam itself.
Alright, God bless you.
Take care.
Alright folks, there goes Dr. Rasnick, and I know we've got a lot of callers here, and we also got Jim Shepard coming up for a few minutes, and a bunch of other news to go over, but... No insanity lasts forever.
I mean, you may have mentally ill police and mentally ill social workers who are brainwashed and sociopathic, you know, just like the mafia can find thugs to go out and kill people and they think it's okay,
I mean, you guys may all think it's normal, and you may think you're riding high, and you may think you can just keep this going on forever.
You people are going to pay.
Just be advised up front that after we educate the people, after we get our country back, we're going to have a citizens court set up, and we're going to put you in prison.
And a lot of you are going to get executed.
I mean, I see quite a few people hanging high.
If there is justice in this world, murdering children, you pieces of trash.
You ungodly filth right out of the pit of hell.
Do we have Jim Shepard yet?
Okay, he'll be calling in a few minutes.
Let's go to calls.
Howard in Colorado, then Jeff and Tim and John and Barry.
Howard, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, this is in reference to Scott Nendercott.
His name's Casey Nendercott.
Casey, I'm sorry, excuse me.
I called Napolitano's office yesterday and they explained to me that
He was arrested on a procedural warrant out of Texas.
I've got to give people some background here, because you're just talking about Casey Nethercutt, and they have no idea.
I'm nodding for some of the listeners.
Ranch rescue guy, exposing the open borders, done nothing wrong, we've proven it's a fraud, and they arrested him, they said, under the Patriot Act, and they've already grabbed him once for 56 days, and we went right to prison, no charges, and they put him in solitary confinement, and they grabbed him again, and you call the governor's office, and they say, oh, it's just procedural, so go ahead.
And they said that the information I was getting wrong was wrong, so I asked him what he was charged with, and they said with assault.
I said, was that because he was taking pictures on the Texas border?
Because he was arrested for a warrant in Arizona because of the warrant was out of Texas.
And I said he was probably trying to defend himself.
She said, well, I can't tell you what that is.
And I said... Well, I mean, what did she say?
Well, what she said was, is that he was arrested on a procedural warrant from Texas.
That he was arrested on the Arizona... But again, they can't even tell you for what.
He's supposed to stand... Oh, no, for assault in Texas.
And I said, what, was he defending himself because they were trying to take the camera?
Okay, okay, well I've gone over what happened.
International French media was there with cameras.
They came over and gave blankets on a rainy morning to two illegals on a private ranch, called the Border Patrol.
When the Border Patrol finally came, they arrested them with the FBI for, quote, pistol-whipping the illegals who didn't have a mark on them.
And now he's supposed to go to trial for that.
He lives in Arizona.
He's going to trial.
So they've already grabbed him once for 56 days and told him, you know, sign a document you're a terrorist.
Admit you're bad.
Inform for us.
And he said no for 56 days.
We'll go to Jeff and Jim and John and Barry real quick.
Jim, good to have you on the show with us.
You've got some new specials and you're offering a video about preparedness when somebody orders a Berkey light system with the new super filters.
Good to have you on with us, Jim.
By the company that puts out the tape and the DVD that we've been offering in this month's special.
I get a lot of things from a lot of people.
And, uh, most of them just don't strike my interest.
This struck my interest, uh, for two reasons.
It was very, uh, uh, it was very informative, uh, number one.
But number two, it's presented in such a fashion that a housewife could take care of, you know, preparing a household in the event of an emergency, a bio-attack, or a nuclear, uh, you know, release.
Uh, and, uh, there's certain things that you want to do with your home to seal up the, uh, air pockets and all that.
And it sounds so confusing, uh,
Most people don't think too much about it, but this is just a simple step-by-step video or DVD that takes you through.
A housewife does it.
When you get through it, you walk away with the impression, hey, that's not hard.
I can do that.
My wife can do that.
And we could prepare a house in the event that a situation arose.
So we're offering that in with a special on the Berkey Light this month.
And again, it's designed by experts, but carried out by, you know, housewives, you know, in everyday fashion.
And it's VHS or DVD, and it's already a great deal, $199.
The Berkey Light System, a wonderful gravity filter system without the LED built-in lights for $199.
And how much is it with the LED lights and the adapters and systems?
That is $259.
And for folks who get the Berkey Light System without the lights for the $199 price, we're going to include the CD or VHS, specify which one that you want, or if you prefer, you can
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Which protects in case there's a nuclear event.
The number one cause of death is thyroid poisoning, and this blocks that if there's an event.
Also, you've got the five sports bottles for $100.
One of these is $35, $40 at a camping store, people.
Five of these for $99.
Twelve for $199 to give to friends and family.
The 630 refills on tap water.
How many is it?
164, I believe, if you're getting a remote source like a Lake Stream or River.
Is that 164?
That's correct.
Or 186, something like that.
But it's plenty.
Okay, great system, folks.
I might also mention that these are the generic sport bottles.
It's the same as the Berkey Sport.
We do generic sport bottles for missionaries and people that want them outside the country.
They just want an inexpensive price.
It's the same thing, it just doesn't have our copy
Uh, on the, uh, it doesn't say the Berkey Sport, it's generic, but same country.
Yeah, I understand.
Okay, so, uh, folks, you can take advantage of this, and also this, uh, the Berkey light in the system is made in America, which I know may be a negative for some people, but, you know, we're liberal here, we're having stuff, you know, we're pro-gun, we're liberal, we're pro-Christian, we're pro-passion, pro-border, we're liberal, and we like stuff made in America.
But it is made in America.
I know I may be arrested by Homeland Security for this, but it's Made in America.
And it really is part of a factory job, an industrial job.
Bush's hamburger flipping is now industrial, but this really is industrial, so factory jobs for people.
It's Made in America, and it supports our international global shortwave outreach, if you believe in that.
So it's Made in America, stop drinking the poison, and it also supports this show.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
If you call and the phone's busy, leave your name and number, Debbie will call you right back.
Jim, thanks for coming on the show, my friend.
You bet.
And let me just mention also that folks that would like to see the products or print a brochure, they can go to our website and actually print off a brochure on any of our products, and that's BerkeyWater.com.
Thanks a bunch, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
And we've also got a secure online shopping cart at Infowars.com that has all the filters on it.
And every day they take the orders off the secure online shopping cart, Debbie does, and sends the order out UPS.
So it's a good deal there as well.
My friends, before I end this segment and come right back and go to Jeff and Jim and John and Barry and others, before I do that,
I just want to remind you that I've also made 10 films, written a book, published a book, carry pro-gun t-shirts and anti-tyranny t-shirts, InfoWars.com bumper stickers.
It's all about information, it's all about waking people up, and it makes this show possible.
So don't wait, don't procrastinate, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get the videos, make copies of them, get them out to friends and family, put them on AXS TV, give a copy to the Sheriff, the County Commissioner,
90% of those that see the videos are waking up.
I mean, we have a tool that's waking people up.
We can turn this thing around, my friends, but it's up to you out there.
If you already have copies and haven't made copies, do it.
If you haven't gotten the videos, order them.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
They're $25.95, all over 2 hours long.
$20 if you order 3 or more.
The books range from $5 to $25.
Some of the books we offer are 700 pages long.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to pre-order the shopping cart or call toll free!
That's 888.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
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Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
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We're good to go!
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Recall toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, we have listeners.
Paul Watson, my webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com, will take key interviews and post them on the site.
Colonel Don DeGrand Prix, the intelligence lawyer out of England about the murder of Dr. David Kelly, Michael Shrimpton,
Interviews with Andres von Bulow, the former technology minister in Germany, exposing how the Globalist carried out 9-11.
Great Americans, great people, take those and do wonderful transcripts for us.
We post them, and conservatively, tens of millions of people read them.
Because millions read them on our website, and then even bigger websites post them, and millions more read it.
So thank you for what you're doing.
I'd ask Paul to take that interview with the doctor, David Razanik, and post that, and I want a transcript of it, because that is powerful information, very important, about the horror we're facing.
And yes, it is for the children, so they'll stop kidnapping and murdering our children.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff.
Jeff, you're calling us from Washington.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
Have you ever coupled all your teachings with the peak oil problem that we have?
Have you taken any look at it?
Yes, I've taken a detailed look at peak oil.
It's a United Nations false scarcity paradigm.
You don't think that we're running out?
Well, I know we're not.
It's just like diamonds or water or whatever.
They're telling us that there's no fresh water, they're telling us there's no diamonds, when De Beers has giant warehouses full of diamonds, admittedly.
Well, yeah, I know that diamonds are scarce.
Yeah, but, I mean, five years ago the UN put out reports about how big corporations said, we're going to propagandize that there's no oil so we can jack up prices.
Well, I just hit $3.59 a gallon in parts of California today.
See, that's the point.
They put out their propaganda about peak oil.
It's because there's no oil.
And then overnight it goes up to over $2 a gallon now on average around the country.
And then we just accept it because, oh, there's no oil.
There's enough oil to run the country for 100 years in Alaska, sir.
They're discovering giant fields every month.
It's not true.
It is a fraud.
Guess what?
They're now telling us there's no water.
So see, they have to double how much the water is.
They told us there's nowhere for landfills now.
So in two years, my trash pickup cost is doubled.
And they pick it up once a week.
Instead of twice a week.
It's called artificial scarcity.
They tell you there's no oil.
They tell you there's no water.
They tell you there's no diamonds.
But then if they want to suppress the price of something, they buy gold en masse very cheaply to suppress its price.
Because it is actually scarce.
It's all being manipulated.
It's being manipulated so a lot of these sources we can trust tell us there's no oil.
Magically, we're hearing this everywhere, right as the gas goes over $2 a gallon on average.
They're saying that, yeah, we've already hit the peak and now it's going to take us into the abyss, basically.
Yeah, it's like the 70s where they go, there's just no oil because of the Arabs when we had plenty of oil.
Sir, we are bathed in oil in Texas.
It's everywhere.
It's coming out our ears.
But instead of moving on to the new technologies and energies,
No, no, no.
They're going to keep us in oil, tell us it's scarce, and they're probably going to stop in the next few years at about $2.50 a gallon for us.
Europe's paying about $6 a gallon.
$6 to $8.
Yeah, and they've been doing that for 10 years.
So, was it scarce there?
They just have an idiot population.
Basically, it's just more smoke and mirrors.
It's total smoke.
There is enough in one field to run this country for 100 years.
I've had the oil execs, former execs, on this show.
Yeah, they do have a bunch of a cap for strategic reserve.
Oh yeah, yeah.
See, when it comes out that they've got oil coming out the years, it's, oh, strategic reserve.
No, they've got a problem.
They've got too much oil.
Notice they take Iraq, and then suddenly, there's less oil.
See, it's about controlling it and tying it down.
They'll make more money by not letting the oil come out of Afghanistan.
Sir, there's $3 trillion in Afghanistan alone.
$3 trillion worth.
It's a total fraud.
We'll be back in a third hour.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, somebody's
Gotta do it.
And I haven't been getting a lot of sleep lately.
I've been fighting the New World Order so hard.
So fast and furious.
But somebody's gotta do it and I'm gonna have to do it.
I'll have to write an article with the public scientific data that decoil is a fraud.
That we're out of oil is a fraud.
Because they got their disinformation specialist out there telling you that there's no oil.
And it's not true.
I remember five, six years ago seeing government and corporate policy reports about we must propagate the idea that there is not enough oil, not enough water, and then we can jack up the price of commodities and make larger profits.
It's like global warming.
They tell you, well, we're going to have all these new taxes on your cars.
It's to stop global warming.
Well, global warming is a fraud.
When most scientists who aren't government funded will tell you it's a fraud.
It's like when the patents ran out on the Freon.
Well, publicly, the big Dow Chemicals and others went and lobbied the government to ban the use in this country.
They could still sell it to the third world, who won't follow any rules, and then make you take a whole new system and a whole new refrigeration and air conditioning system.
They make their markets.
It's about monopoly.
There's enough oil to run this country for a hundred years in Alaska alone.
They're finding giant reserves of oil all over the planet.
I've got people out there saying there's no potash, you know, left and there'll be nothing for fertilizers soon.
I mean, it's a bunch of scams!
They're telling you there's no water now!
No fresh water!
Why, we've got us double your prices on water!
And you're like, well, why?
You've got more water than ever.
There's more reservoirs, more... It's a scam, people!
I've done the research.
I've got to go get it all and put it together and write an article.
It will reach millions of people.
I don't have to do everything.
It's just incredible.
Just watching it work on us.
You know, we've got to have Star Wars and all these space-based weapons that are really to particle beam you when you're not a good globalist, or hit you with some, hit you with some radiation to give you cancer if you're not a good globalist.
There, they've got those satellites up there.
Nice clear day, you're taking a walk a month later you die of cancer, because you're cooked.
You know, that's what this is really all about, but oh, we've got to put it in space because the meteorites are going to kill us any minute.
You know, it's just, give me a break.
Uh, let's talk to, uh,
Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you today?
Good, sir.
Tim from Truth here.
Pick your poison.
What can we talk about?
One quick thing about the guns you were talking about earlier and a message to all of these gun grabbers out there.
You look at the statistics.
Doctors kill more people every year than guns.
And I don't see anybody going after the doctors.
Well, we could always say cars do, but now they're going to have cameras in the car watching you.
Automatic breathalyzers.
By the way, it's not just New Mexico.
New York's about to pass the law.
I got that right here today.
But you're talking about guns.
Yeah, in a lot of studies, they're banning stun guns.
The cops say, well, it endangers us that citizens own stun guns, so we want to ban.
It's all about their safety, not about our safety.
And so I said, well, knives kill a lot more than stun guns, or more cops, so let's just ban all knives.
But I shouldn't joke, they're already moving to do that.
Yeah, they're going to cut your arm off and pull your teeth through.
That's what I said, yeah, you can throw a brick, so we've got to cut everyone's arms off so we're not a threat to the police.
Even spitting now with the AIDS virus can be considered.
We just had a story up here, a guy was charged with assault on a police dog because he barked back at it.
Oh yeah, that's right.
A year up in Ohio, in a Newcastle PA, a guy got prison time.
It jumped out of the window when he was walking in a parking lot and barked at him.
He just yelled back at him and cussed.
And a guy in Michigan kicked a dog and attacked him.
It was the wrong person.
And he got 44 years in prison.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
Yeah, we'll talk about it.
Stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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The Murky Lights revolutionary transparent design takes the guesswork out of refilling because you can see the water level at all times.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
This disaster is a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we've got about 51 minutes left.
We're going to go straight to your calls and back into the stack of vital news and information.
But, uh, Tim in Ohio brings up a really good point.
I was talking about South Bend, major city, and the police say that people owning stun guns in the city, we've already gotten your guns, endangers police so you shouldn't be allowed to own them.
I mean, it's all about them.
See, they're gonna have guns, they're gonna have stun guns, but you can't have it in your house.
I mean, how obvious is that?
Their first class citizens were nobodies.
And then you talk about some guy hit a police dog in Houston, got a couple years in prison,
They had a police dog get killed a few years ago, and thousands of police, you know, all took off taxpayer money to go to the funeral, but a veteran dies.
They can't even get a military burial nowadays.
Seriously, folks, it's just a weird, sick cult of worshipping these people and their dogs.
And I love dogs, but up in Michigan, this is about six years ago, a police dog attacked an innocent person.
This is in the news.
And he kicked it in the face.
It said, bloodied the dog's lip.
Didn't even knock a tooth out.
And he got 44 years in prison for attacking an officer.
So now they've said, this is a human being.
This is a God.
By the way, 90% of the time if you kill a cop, you get caught and put in prison.
Did you know that killers only 10% of the time, if it's a non-cop, get caught and convicted?
So you notice how things work here.
We just like the same treatment.
But they don't want you to have a stun gun all over their banning.
You know, old ladies can't hide in their hovels with their little stun guns now.
We can't have anything.
So I pointed out that knives actually kill cops, so do baseball bats.
Let's just ban all those.
But see, there's no... Knives are too prolific.
They can't convince us to ban those.
So, it's just don't have it in your car.
Just have it in your house to cut your food.
See how domesticated we are?
But I made the comment that, you know, you can throw a brick at a cop.
That kills cops every year.
So let's cut everybody's arms off.
But I shouldn't joke around, because they're not going to do that.
No, no, no.
They're going to mandate that we're all on Prozac or Ritalin.
And they're going to mandate, and this is the Army War College 2000, now you've learned no matter how nuts something sounds, it's true if I'm talking about it.
And the Pentagon said that by 2025 their main job will be medical centers who implant you with a brain chip that will control you.
And then in 2002 it came out, the Hive Mind was the article in the City Morning Herald, public Pentagon DARPA document,
They said that we'll all be connected in these pods and may live our lives in pods, the entire population.
Folks, I'm not joking, okay?
The new police database to track everything you do, they call it the Matrix.
They're flaunting it.
But the Pentagon said the main job will be inserting you into the control pod.
You think I'm... Paul Watson, will you please post that on the main page?
I don't want to talk about it and not have it.
You know, the Hive Mind article?
I know that Mac White's website had that post on the main page last time I saw it.
Mainstream news, they just said we'll be inserted into the pods.
Folks, I'm not joking.
Okay, it's the Pentagon.
I'm not joking.
But first, it'll be a brain chip.
Everyone will go to the local center and be implanted with a chip and then they can deactivate us so we don't do anything violent to a god creature, a god lord, a police officer, or black ski mask enforcer.
Again, you're doubting me.
You know, I mean, I've been on talk shows and said this before, and the host goes, that's not true.
And I go, okay, bet me $10,000.
And the host goes, uh... Come on, right now, you know.
I mean, this is what they said, okay?
I didn't say it!
I know it's insane!
It's totally nuts!
I feel like running down the street screaming!
I mean, they're grabbing people's children and killing them with drugs in New York!
New York Post!
I mean, I can't... We have entered hell!
We have entered hell!
We have entered hell!
So go ahead Tim, finish up.
You say in your area someone physically did something to a royal god.
He just barked back at the dog that was barking at him when he walked past it and he was charged with assault on a police officer.
Now in 2000 in Newcastle, PA that happened.
I have the AP article saved in a file.
You're saying in Ohio this is a new case?
Now, we had a guest on, what was it, from Washington State last year, who the dog barked at him and he said, oh, goofy, shut up!
And he was arrested.
So I guess talking to the God is wrong.
Can I ask you a quick question here?
I mean, let me go back.
Tell me details of how this person talked to a God and what happened.
I mean, what did they say on the news?
How good this was?
No, no, the newscasters actually thought it was in disbelief because
The judge and the jury actually threw it out.
They said, you guys are crazy.
Oh, so we've got thought.
Well, they're all going to be in FEMA camps then.
That's the good news is there's more of us than them.
Go ahead.
Well, speaking of FEMA, and I think we really need to focus some attention on this evil, evil organization.
Have you ever heard of a lady named KT Frankovich?
Uh, no.
I recently returned from South Florida where Hurricane Andrew was.
Oh yeah, everybody keeps calling about this.
I stumbled across a book, Where Heavens Meet.
Can I read one quick thing from her book here?
Are you the guy that calls and plugs this?
Okay, you're somebody else.
I gotta get her on.
Yeah, I'm Tim from Truth, teaching and researching United States treasonous hierarchy.
Yeah, I've actually read about the book.
It's where they actually wouldn't let people back into their homes, set up FEMA camps.
She said it was like three or four days after she had a broken jaw, she had like eight teeth knocked out, huge pieces of glass sticking out of her body.
The FEMA trucks rolled in, she asked for help, and the one guy finally does get out of the car, and here's a quote from her book.
Lady, do me a favor, he answered.
Find yourself a piece of paper and a pencil.
Write down your name and social security number next to the telephone number of your nearest living relative.
Tuck the piece of paper in your pocket, so tomorrow when I find your body, I'll know who to contact.
This is the mindset of the FEMA people.
Well, nine to eight percent of FEMA is this front of floods and disasters.
It's admittedly camps, gun grabbing, total enslavement.
They hire felons and criminals.
And she was just dealing with probably some, you know, felon.
And they talked that the official death toll of that incident was only 26 people.
And when you look at the statistics, I mean, there was over 8,000 mobile homes and 9,000 apartments virtually disappeared.
In two to three hundred mile an hour winds, and you have other witnesses that say there are at least, you know, 5,000 dead in the land, another 1,500 bodies were picked up out of the water, yet these people... And again, it sets the precedent that people can just disappear, and the news spins it, and no one ever knows.
I'm going to get it wrong, but going back here for just a second,
I'm trying to understand this.
Now, I just said that the Pentagon says they're going to put us in pods, and we're all going to live in pods, like the Matrix.
It's called Hive Mind.
Now, that's true, but when I said that, I want you to check out what I said, but how does that affect you to hear me talking like that?
Or are we so desensitized that the Pentagon wants to put us in pods, and that's normal too?
Well, like you said, I've been researching this since 1999, and nothing surprises me anymore.
But, I mean, the main job of the military will first be putting our mind control chip in, and then they say that from there we're going to be hooked into pods, and they say that the children are already learning to accept this, and that with body piercing and other things, even the Washington Post said it's part of a conditioning program,
I mean, folks, that's official.
And I guess I'm going to be arrested someday for being bad because I don't want to go to the pod.
Well, I've been telling everybody, if they come to the point where there's a line and you get to the end of the line and they say, microchip or bullet in the brain, I'm picking bullet in the brain.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Yeah, folks, I mean, I remember two years ago, almost three years ago, when I saw the Podbrain article in the City Morning Herald, and I linked over to DARPA, and there was the document.
We printed it off, and my wife's the producer.
She had it on speakerphone.
She called and talked to the scientist and said, yeah, this article's out.
We'd like to have you on.
She goes, the article?
Yeah, the Hive Mind.
How do you know about this?
It's on the... What?
I've got to go!
I mean, it's just like... Idiots!
You know, it's just... You didn't know that you'd released it.
It's like two weeks ago, the Pentagon was threatening to arrest a bunch of... American Federation of Scientists, a bunch of people, because they'd posted documents about, you know, DARPA and Hive Mind and all that.
And then they had to apologize because the idiots had made it public.
And, you know, the Pentagon had released it.
This is the stuff they're releasing.
Uh, ma'am, we'd like to have you on to talk about the Hive Mind article.
You're part of the research team.
Hive Mind.
How do you know?
It's in the City Morning Herald.
It's in the newspaper?
Well, that's not supposed to be... She actually said, that's not supposed to be out.
I'm not... That's not supposed to be public.
I've got to go!
You know, she's... Let's go ahead and... They know what we're doing.
I mean, it's just like, these people are evil, folks!
That's how she sounded.
Uh, let's go, I mean, who knows what she was hopped up on.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to John in Tennessee.
Uh, John, I mean, is this not the Twilight Zone?
Uh, exactly.
Uh, we better wake up or we're all gonna get killed one way or another.
Well, my point is these are psychopaths running things.
Sure, gangster government.
But it's more than that.
They want to put us in pods.
They're not putting me in one.
I'll defend myself.
Well, you're kind of insane.
You don't want to go in the pod.
I consider it insane to go along with anything they want to do these days.
Well, I just want to say that this is public.
I mean, I'm not kidding, John.
What I just said is real.
I believe it.
I was in the military.
I saw their genocide program face-to-face.
I've had relatives killed by AIDS, which is a bioweapon.
So, you know, I've got Gulf War Syndrome, which is a bioweapon.
You know, they sabotage our own troops with the vaccines.
You know, people better learn how to deal with this.
But, I mean, that shows how nuts they are.
They say that the Pentagon's main mission will be implanting us with chips and then preparing us for the pods.
We're in the middle of a civil war right now.
It's genociding people all around us.
And there's good people versus the bad people in all agencies.
And the good people better stop drinking beer and going to the movies and watching TV and playing ball and better start realizing we're in the middle of a shooting war.
Yeah, I'll let you finish up and we'll get back, and then we'll go to Leslie and a few others, then I'm going to cover news, because there's some news I haven't gotten to, very important.
Folks, I mean, I feel insane when I read off the Army's website that they've had camps with forced laborers in them since 1982.
But it's on the Army's website.
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Waging war on corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I mean, it is insane that the government said that they were going to have a promotion for your safety that everyone needs a microchip.
And again, I've been on the air since I got on the air saying this is the government's plan, we have the guests, the experts, the people who were in the Pentagon back in the 60s when they planned this.
And then it all magically came true, and now they put it in implantation centers all over the world, and people are getting the chips, and they're putting them in prisoners, and they just built the big plant in Communist China, and the Army War College says, you're going to accept the chip, and it's going to be put in your brain.
And then you're going to be put in a pod, and we're all going to live in a virtual reality pod.
And they said this before the Matrix.
You see, it's all part of conditioning.
And folks, it is insane.
I sound nuts saying it, but they said it.
You know, it's like Toyota in the mainstream news and Wired Magazine.
With, you know, cameras watching you, automatic breathalyzers tracking you, you gotta swipe your ID card to get at the start, retina scans.
And now New York's about to pass the law.
I just learned that.
It's about to pass in New Mexico.
I mean, it's happening.
It's happening.
This digital straitjacket's being put in place, and then the government's going to blow stuff up and say that there's a terror group that's against microchips.
And, uh, we've got to arrest anybody who's against the chip, because they're the ones that released the bioweapon.
And then, oh, now, you know, a million Americans died from the weaponized smallpox.
We've all got to take the chip to prove that we're with the government.
As Andy Rooney said after 9-11, he said that we should all have chips, uh, so we can prove we're with the good people.
Folks, I mean, I know this is horrible.
This is the anti-Christ system.
It's all true.
It's now happening.
Uh, John, uh,
Go ahead and comment on anything you want.
It's really starting to freak me out to see it all come into plain view.
I've got a comment on the patented one-shot cure for AIDS, which is tetrasilver tetraoxide by MarinTech.com.
But first I want to say something about the Toyota drunk driving car.
The real legal limit for blood alcohol is 0.00% in all states.
The person is already under arrest before a blood alcohol test is ever given.
So you could pass the breath test in your new Toyota and still get convicted of drunk driving.
DUI lawyers know that even the best alcohol test cannot test for alcohol and give false positives for innocent people.
Now you forfeit your car for DUI and can be jailed in SAC Hospital for DUI without trial.
And see, and see, it all sounds good, but now the Mothers Against Freedom, I mean Mothers Against Drunk Driving, they're out lobbying for checkpoints, lobbying for internal toll roads, and lobbying for breathalyzers in all cars.
See how good they are?
How good they are?
Well, the Mad Mothers are basically, nobody joins those groups except off-duty police officers, so they get these insane laws passed, and the wing commander of the Tennessee Air National Guard Base here in Knoxville just spent 30 days in the loony bin for alleged DUI, a false positive, stripped of command, so, you know, no conviction or nothing.
Hey, it's real simple.
Five years ago, they said there'd be 33 million of us in prison by 2020.
Now they're saying, by the end of this decade, official government.
It's now over 7 mil.
Up from 1.3 mil just a few years ago.
I mean, it's insane.
All the laws were all criminals.
Everything's criminal now.
It's like the governor.
I posted the Providence Journal, News 10, NBC.
I mean, I didn't say it.
The newspaper said it.
It said, flying anything but an American flag, you will be charged as a terrorist.
Criticize the government.
You'll be charged as a terrorist.
I mean, it said it!
And then when he got some heat on it, he said, I hadn't read it.
Uh, I don't know why you're so upset.
Uh, I mean, they're just, they're just trying anything and everything right now.
In communist Russia, first the Jews got you in the gulag, then they killed you with malnutrition and disease.
So the police state gulag system goes hand in hand with the death camps and become the death camps.
Explain that, because Hitler had death camps and put a lot of people in it, including a lot of Jews, and I guess you're saying that Russia was run by Jews, but Stalin arrested a bunch of Jews.
Right, and Stalin had three Jewish wives, and Hitler was a Jew, but Stalin killed ten times more than Hitler, and the Jews were running that program.
When Stalin tried to kill the Jews in the death camps, then the Jewish doctors killed Stalin.
So, my mother-in-law was a nurse who died of AIDS from a blood transfusion.
The drug AZT killed her, not the HIV virus.
And I don't know if you've had him on your show, but Boyd Graves, attorney at law, at boydgraves.com, has sued President Bush all the way up to the Supreme Court and the U.S.
government for inventing the AIDS virus.
Oh, I have the documents!
Yeah, and it mainly kills heterosexual black women, and it's not God's gift to queers.
And it's almost the same thing as the Gulf War Mycoplasma,
And AIDS is really a mycoplasma.
Genes fly.
Well, thanks for the call.
I don't agree with everything you're saying, but I mean, a lot of it is credible.
We'll be back with more calls, more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, my friends, we're back live.
We'll go to some more of your calls here in just a few minutes.
Well, Leslie's been holding so long.
We'll go to Leslie, then we'll go to these other final calls after I cover some news.
Leslie in Virginia, go ahead, you're on the air.
Thanks for taking my call.
I'm just following up on your other listeners, and I missed part of Dr. Resnick's interview.
I just got the latter part.
But there was a press conference yesterday, and it's on the unobserver.com.
And it was about... Boyd Graves gave a press interview at the National Press Building in the Sarah McLendon Room, and it's on there.
Anyway, this story, it'd be interesting to follow this, and we will find out who is telling the truth.
Okay, well explain to people what you're talking about.
Well, I'm just following up on the other... What other people don't know?
Tell them who Boyd Graves is.
Dr. Boyd Graves is making
We're good to go.
Well, I mean, I've had 50 scientists, 50 doctors, I've got the patents, I've got the Library of Congress, documents from Congress, where they say, you know, invent AIDS to kill people.
Well, Alex, what I'm watching is how the press is going to cover this story.
Because they were sitting there, and they were taking notes, and tape recorders, a whole nine yards.
It's going to be interesting how the press covers this story.
So this was on C-SPAN?
No, this was not on C-SPAN.
This was in the Sarah McLinton room.
And so, you know, thank goodness for you.
Well, ma'am, you say you saw it.
No, no, no, I didn't.
I misspoke.
I didn't mean I saw it.
I'm saying it's on the interview.
Yeah, you read about it, okay.
Right, but what I'm saying is that thank goodness for your show because we would not be able to learn what's going on
If it wasn't for your show.
Let me just tell you, if you type U.S.
government invented AIDS in, you'll get London Guardian, AFP, Japanese newspapers.
It's not debatable overseas.
It's even been in a lot of U.S.
They invented it.
They put it in the vaccines.
They gave it to gay men because they were very sexually active and were good vectors for it.
Alex, what I'm concerned about is, you know, the bottom line is this.
I'm very concerned about how
Information is so controlled what we're getting.
And as you know, the President of Venezuela had to come over here and to get an interview about what's going on over there because he and his complaints with the mainstream media was not covering the events.
And we are tempted to do that.
We're just being totally blacked out and they're determining what we can see.
And meanwhile, they have a national press.
You know, they go and be able to attend these meetings or whatever, and here we are, out here.
Yeah, I hear you Leslie, thanks for the call.
I mean, the answer really is, is don't watch Peter Jennings and Dan Rather and Tom Brokaw and the people on Fox, and their fake left-right garbage, unless you want to know what the enemy's pushing and doing and spinning.
I mean, you find the truth on the AP and Reuters news wires, but that stuff never gets past the gatekeepers.
All the reporters aren't bad.
They just wonder why.
I wonder why I never go anywhere.
You know, the AP reporter that wrote the story about how five black men drug a white man to death in Jasper, Texas.
They said, oh, we're going to pay you back.
And I called the sheriff and said, I got this AP article from January 14th, 2002.
I'd like to
He said, I can't come on and talk about that.
I'd be accused of being a racist.
So see, we all have this unwritten rule, and you're saying, well, what are you talking about?
You know, you go from implantable microchips to black people dragging a white man to death until his head came off.
Well, the point is, you all heard about them dragging the poor black man, Mr. I don't know, Mr. King Drug, I forget his name, drug him to death until his head came off.
And they were in prison together, in gang wars together, and it's horrible what happened to him, but
Five black guys drug an old white man to death, walking down the same strip of highway.
There's a white guy!
Let's kill a white!
And they do it, and the whole media knows.
I mean, what a human interest story.
Blacks kill a white on the same stretch of road?
Let's not.
But the AP reporter thought, wow, that's an interesting article.
Writes it.
I get the AP article.
No one ever reports on it.
I call the sheriff.
I'm not going to come on and talk about it.
That's a smart sheriff.
He knows the rules.
Yes, right.
He knows.
So, the media kind of all knows the rules.
That AP reporter, I guess, has now learned them.
So, that's how it works.
So, I hope you all realize that.
You find it all on the AFP and AP and Reuters news wires.
But that never makes it on to Peter Jennings.
That never makes it out there.
Or if you do see a piece about thumb scanning, or biometrics, or national ID cards, it's, how wonderful it is!
How it keeps us all safe, and it's good!
And then we take that article and say, no, it's not good, and here's why.
Okay, let's go through a bunch of news, and then we'll go back to all of your calls for those that are patiently
Holden earlier just a top story I read about the Toyota car that we reported on where you got to swipe your national ID card to start it.
And Toyota says, well this new car retina scans you and has an automatic breathalyzer and is hooked in with cameras into the surveillance system.
And they say, drivers of the future who have grown up in the electronic age of heavy remote speed camera enforcement, measures and electronic tollway charging systems, are accepting of the new technology that assists their lifestyle as well as monitoring it.
And it says the new Toyota Sportivo
A driver would have to enter a memory card into the console to turn on the engine, based on the driver's experience and driving record.
The car adjusts its engine performance, cutting back for motorists.
It automatically tests if they've been drinking.
The car won't start and refuses to turn on.
And again, here's the Times Union.
Recently, Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, Democrat Brooklyn, sponsored a bill that would require alcohol-sensitive technology in every new car sold in the state.
Ortiz has said he would receive positive feedback from DWI accident victims.
Oh, you were just hit by a drunk.
Should we test everyone for alcohol?
Oh, yes, yes.
And they're announcing how they want to put it on all the cars.
And they're about to pass the law in New York and New Mexico.
Again, all guilty until proven innocent.
A mysterious virus may thwart HIV.
I meant to ask our HIV expert this last hour.
This is the new scientist.
HIV patients who are
Also infected by a second mysterious virus or less likely to develop AIDS and die of the disease suggests a new study.
Up to six years after their initial HIV infection, men whose blood can contain the second virus, known simply as GB virus, were nearly three times as likely to die than HIV positive who did not have the secondary infection.
So three times less likely to die.
And a strange phenomenon, GBVC, was discovered less than 10 years ago.
It was initially suspected to cause liver disease because it is a close genetic relative of the Hepatitis C virus.
The studies of thousands of patients failed to find any link to the disease in their liver or anywhere else.
At that time, the world stopped studying the virus, but now it shows that it blocks HIV.
And of course, suddenly you'll never hear about it again, and they won't give this to somebody as a vaccine.
And all the time they come up with cures and you never hear about it again.
But the elite has all this for themselves.
Vicente Fox told the Associated Press he doesn't care what we say.
This is Mexico.
I mean, I've got the article and they're going to get open borders and legalization.
He commended Bush.
South Carolina, eye in the sky to protect the abused.
Domestic violence officers are celebrating the fact that they've got all these satellite tracker systems.
And it says offenders who take one step in the wrong direction will soon be tracked by the technology-savvy Big Brother.
See, now Big Brother's a good guy all the time.
Funded by the $120,000 federal grants, it's always federal, State Department of Prohibition, Probation, Parole, and Pardon Services.
We'll have global positioning system units ready to go in the next couple of months and it says the satellite link devices, GPS units that become a popular option in vehicles will soon be worn by men who are convicted of violence against women.
He says we track sex offenders, why not track them?
And then of course it'll be everybody else.
See, everybody has to blow into the breathalyzer.
See, it's everybody.
Oh boy!
And, um, just total control.
You know, I don't want to spend too much time on this.
Every day I see these articles and they just make me sick.
Uh, but, um, in France and Belgium and the Netherlands, they'll, they'll bust into a castle in Burgundy and find a bunch of dead women in boxes and a couple live in cages that weigh 85 pounds and, uh, they'll tell the police, uh, you know, well the governor or the big banker was here or the judge was here and
This is where the dead bodies are buried and they'll go on some royal person's land and dig up dead toddlers and then suddenly the whole story shuts down and they say, oh, we're not going to discuss it.
I mean, we've just got hundreds of these posted.
We need to add the new ones daily, though.
There'd be thousands if we did.
At PrisonPlanet.com in the Government White Slavery Kidnapping Ring section,
And it said Regina Loaf was the first of 11 people to come forward to talk of their harrowing experiences at the hands of Belgium pedophile networks.
This is BBC.
She told investigators of how, from her earliest childhood, she'd been used in the pedophile ring.
This had included her grandmother, her parents, and a pimp, Tony.
She now says it was big business, blackmail.
There was a lot of money involved.
She knew, she said, that sessions were secretly filmed.
Without the client's knowledge, influential people were involved.
We're good to go.
And Nihal, one of the regular organizers of these parties, she said, was a man she knew as Mitch Gene Michael Nihal.
The session not only involved sex, they included sadism, torture, and murder, and Satanism.
And again, she described in detail the place, the victims, and how they were killed.
She also claimed that young Mark Detrox was there.
And now it's come out that they found a bunch of dead kids in his basement with some living ones in cages.
And then by the way, they bust these people and the police say leave them alone and they kill more.
It's incredible.
And they get into the pentagrams and the Satanism and meeting in the woods and the groves.
Funny, then you read a book by a German Chancellor and he brags, oh I love the rituals we do in the woods.
Published by them, you know.
Uh, Regina Loaf's testimony was vitally important.
If true, it placed the troops and other suspect accomplices in the latest child abduction together at the scene of similar crimes ten years before.
And it goes into Satanism.
Pedophile warned he would attack again.
Outrage after trial.
Here's how man begged to be locked away for life.
It was given his freedom within three years and then
I don't know.
A Bellington television station has broadcast a clandestine interview with the pedophile murder suspect, Mark Dutrox, who is awaiting trial on charges of abducting, raping, and killing four girls.
Dutrox was arrested in 1996 in a case in which rocked the nation.
Two of the children who he abducted starved to death in a makeshift dungeon under his house.
In the interview with the Flemish language station, VTM, Dutrox admitted locking up the girls.
He also said he was part of a wider pedophile network, but said the justice system did not want to pursue it.
And it goes on, and it checks out with people who blew the whistle even before he got caught.
But, oh, don't worry, the Belgium King wins pedophile rebuttal.
The big bombshell book in France exposing all this.
They're not saying it didn't happen, it's just they have to print his rebuttal in the front of the book.
The French publishers of a book about pedophiles in Belgium have been ordered to insert a formal denial by the Belgian King, Albert II, of some of the allegations it contains.
King Albert of Belgium, I just can't stand this anymore, a government went to court in Paris because they said the book, the Pedophile Dossier, contains a series of unfounded libel.
The book by two French journalists is a sensationalist account of the case of Mark Dutroux, the alleged sex offender and killer, whose discovery five years ago caused such trauma in Belgium and the country's political establishment.
And folks, we've got articles where they caught the head media people, the head bankers, royalty all over the place,
Prince Charles has been involved in, this is mainstream news, you know, in rapes.
They hold down the servants reportedly while he does it.
I mean, we don't know if that's true.
Diana said they're going to stage an accident and kill me in a car accident and it happened.
I mean, is that true?
Well, she did die like that.
There's a star reports conspiracy theories resurface at Belgian pedophile trial.
And it says, alleged child killer Mark Detrox has gone on trial eight years after his arrest for a series of horrific crimes that convulsed Belgium and shocked the world.
Detrox, a convicted child rapist, was arrested for the abduction, rape, and murder of several girls.
An impressive, and it just goes on and on, all the evidence.
Detrox, speaking from behind bulletproof glass, addressed the court yesterday only to confirm his name and that he was unemployed.
And it goes on to say that he says it was part of a satanic cult.
Funny, that's what everybody else says.
I mean, I don't know.
I got Henry Kissinger in a CIA document declassified in 92 ordering a bunch of third world countries to forcibly sterilize half their population or they won't get any money.
I mean, would the elite be involved in other stuff?
Here's Insight Magazine.
Kissinger had a hand in dirty war.
Newly released U.S.
documents obtained by Insight show that a 76th Secretary of State, Henry Kissinger, played a key role in assuring Argentina's military rulers that their antagonist campaign, anti-terrorist campaign, involved the disappearance and torture of assassination of at least 15,000 people, many of whom were not combatants, would not be criticized by the United States Human Rights Grounds.
I mean, you know, I got documents which are public where he said, sterilize your women or you don't get the money.
I mean, you know, they're grabbing kids in New York and killing them with drugs.
I mean, New York Post.
These are ruthless people, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ed in Utah.
Ed, go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex.
You've got a rip-roaring show today.
Well, thank you.
What's going on?
Well, there's a lot going on in Utah.
You brought up the Mexican issue, and also that jerk there on Handle on the Law was bragging just about what you said there.
There was a guy up for 15 years for rape, which he deserved, but then he spit on a cop during the arrest, and they put him away for life.
And this guy on Handle on the Law was relishing this, Alex.
Of course, he's with big media.
Well, this is my point, and see, it's always
They didn't give the child murderer his rights.
We go, yay!
He was a rapist.
He's put on the cop.
Live in prison.
And now you kick the police dog, you get 44 years.
Or you yell at it when it barks at you and you get prison time.
Yeah, exactly.
Now your friends here on Ktalk, Alex Jones and Barbara Jean, despite their best efforts, namely Barbara Jean, they couldn't stop or repeal the Temecula card giving these Mexicans illegals
Uh, the right to have a driver's license.
It was quite a furore here.
So now all the illegal felons get driver's licenses?
Well, yeah.
This guy named Reyna, he claimed he was an agent of Vincent Fox, but he's an unregistered foreign agent, Alex, and he physically threatened, verbally mind you, against Mike Thompson, the state senator.
I didn't know Utah had done that.
Arnold says he's going to do it, but again, that's conservative.
We'll be right back.
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Operators are standing by.
You know, a lot of this is hard to believe, but if you check it out or study human history, it's really the norm when good people don't stand up.
Smart criminals get in government, grow the size of government, and start feeding on you, and then tell you what a big favor they're doing for you.
Then all the people that work for them make excuses and go along with it, and the evil just grows and grows and becomes normalized, and societies fall apart.
And again, I can't even chronicle all the crimes they commit each day, all the insanity, all the corruption, all the warping of freedom.
Real quick, because I want to get to the people that are holding here.
Randy and David, if you're the final callers, finish up with what you were saying, Ed, about Utah.
Yeah, former Governor Levin, of course, Bush's boy, he's the head of the EPA now, and BCCI criminal, U.S.
Senator Orrin Hatch is from here, so keep that in mind, you know, when you're surprised.
The guy who wants Arnold to be our next president.
Yeah, exactly.
And wants double tuition for illegals and citizens.
And the other comment I had, you brought up your friends there on the AFP, the American Free Press.
And just quickly, Alex, did you catch Michael Piper's story that can now connect Morris Dees of Southern Poverty Law Center, who of course is connected to the ADL, to Andrea Straussmeier?
And can bring full circle the Oklahoma bombing incident that... Yeah, we had those guests on.
I mean, again, who gets power off these bombings?
Well, there you go.
I mean, I've said it over and over again.
The Nazi groups are controlled by those that get power off their being Nazi groups.
And Alex, for your Southern California audience, I don't know if you know this, but on March 13th at Irvine, at the Atrium Hotel, the American Free Press is sponsoring Hutton Gibson, actor Mel Gibson's father,
To speak out on some of the things that are going on, similar to what you're saying, and also to expose who was trying to stop this movie and some of the cultural aspects.
Yeah, we've had him on and talked about it.
Yes, you have.
Got to let you go.
Thanks for the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Randy in Florida.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
What's your email address for the show?
Tips at Infowars.com.
Yeah, Tips at Infowars.com.
Okay, anything else, sir?
What's your take on this Bush's plan to amend the Constitution to protect marriage?
It's a total scam.
They tried the flag burning too.
I mean, I'm not for homosexual marriage.
I'm not for burning flags.
But, you know, the freedom in America is the freedom to burn that flag.
That's what the flag symbolizes, the right to do that.
But it's a red herring.
If we get a constitutional convention, they can rewrite the whole Bill of Rights.
I guarantee you, if a ComCon starts, there will be a huge terror attack during the ComCon, and they'll throw out the entire Bill of Rights.
That's the plan.
He didn't mention the CON-CON, but I think, you know, it's a joke.
I mean, how do you think they get a constitutional amendment, sir?
They don't have to call for a convention.
Congress adopts it and sends it to the states.
Well, that's what a CON-CON is.
Well, there's an amendment.
When you have a constitutional convention, there's a difference between a convention and an amendment.
No, I mean, to get an amendment, it has to go to the states, and once that's open, the states can change everything.
Well, anyway, you know, that's what we get for electing these phony conservatives like Bush and Arnold.
You know, I mean, I find it curious, if not unsettling, that, you know, Kerry's position and Bush's are identical.
You know, they both want to have it both ways.
Well, we don't want gay marriages, but we'll allow civil unions.
Yeah, it's... It's just a backdoor attempt to get the whole sordid mess.
Exactly, it's all smoke and mirrors.
Let's go ahead and talk to David in Colorado.
David, last caller, go ahead.
Yeah, am I on now?
You sure are.
Okay, Alex, I'm calling from Greeley.
First of all, I just wanted to tell you I love your program.
Thank you!
I listen to it on the American Freedom Network out of Johnstown, and though there may be some people that misunderstand your position on Israel, I think you are right on the mark as far as speaking about the leadership of Israel goes, because from the reading my wife and I have done, they are in bed with the Bush administration,
Well, basically, almost every country is run by globalists.
And that's all I've pointed out before, is that's going on.
But somehow, you know, again, it's like, no, Israel never did anything wrong.
It's impossible.
Israel's perfect.
Well, then what was Jesus saying to Israel?
Hey, I'm out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow.
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