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Name: 20040302_Tue_Alex
Air Date: March 2, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm Alex Jones, your wartime broadcaster.
As we blast out on the AM and FM dials, simulcast at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And now on WWCR Global Shortwave, the first two hours of the show at 9475.
And the last two hours of the show, 10 to midnight at night, because we're back from 9 to midnight, at 3210.
We'll get that third hour for the daytime and that first hour for the nighttime here in the near future.
I'm getting a lot of people saying, hey, we want more shortwave.
Well, we're looking for it, folks.
There is so much news and information here in front of me, and we've got another huge broadcast lined up for you today.
What do John Forbes Carey and George Walker Bush have in common?
Not just that they're cousins or members of the same hereditary death cult, but they're also going to vote
I'm going to support the assault weapons ban, which the pro-gun groups have supposedly told us wasn't going to pass.
Well, now they're saying it's probably going to pass.
Well, yeah, I mean, everything else socialist and evil is happening, so why not this?
Senators set to vote on extending gun ban, and it says Senator John Edwards of North Carolina and Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts plan to take a break from the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination to vote to extend the ban, and Bush has said he will sign it, even if it has a gun show, shutdown,
Uh... provision even if it has a uh... armor plated or any type of full metal jacket ammo could be banned and give you life in prison if you have it during the commission of any crime and that means you commit the crime having the illegal gun and oh it has illegal bullets so life in prison.
That's what the NRA head is calling for.
Life in prison due to gun laws.
You know it's very conservative.
I'm very liberal because I'm against it.
I mean this is so sick!
We've got the NRA blowing the North Dakota law that would have had Vermont concealed carry style, right to carry.
They said, no, we want registration.
That was in the news, in the Associated Press.
We have them just blowing gun cases everywhere on purpose.
Benedict Arnolds, but you love them, so just keep it up.
We're going to lose everything we've got.
Just tune in to Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham and they'll tell you how evil the Democrats are but how good Bush is.
And of course the Democrats are evil and we know that, un-American trash, but they'll tell you Bush is good and you'll believe it and go down with the ship.
So just go ahead.
Just enjoy yourselves.
We're losing everything.
Arizona Republic reporting that the troops are going to take over one of their cities and says prepare for them within your neighborhoods and helicopters in the skies and yeah there's going to be some checkpoints but it's all part of preparing us.
We'll get to that article.
Also, they're going to go door-to-door demanding blood samples in Canada.
That's from Canadian television, CTV, Canada.
And, well, it's again for your freedom.
Also, Bush Back's new terrorism TV series, Department of Homeland Security.
The White House has actually publicly gotten behind this show, all part of the Running Man-style media we now have.
Blast kills 125 at Iraq, Shiite shrines in Iraq, very serious.
Reports Saddam's wife says Uday Kuzey still alive as Saddam's daughter gets his letter.
Everybody's debating whether or not the new money in the US and Europe has RFIDs in it.
They have had RFIDs in them for years!
They're just putting newer, more sophisticated ones in there and announcing they're going to do it.
So I'll address that and Paul Watson's brother, and I believe this is on PrisonPlanet.com, I know, I saw the photos last night, stuck some Euros he had in the microwave and in the same spot they exploded because they have an RFID in them.
And by the way, that's been admitted now, but we'll go back over that.
And I'm set to do my experiment this evening.
I'm videotaping the $20 bills in the microwave with the tracker chips.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Again, my friends, it is Tuesday.
The second day of March 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
And I do this little broadcast Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central back from 9 to midnight.
And we're going to take your calls.
Wide open phones today.
We do have one guest coming on the show for about 15 minutes to discuss the police state and the public schools.
But other than that, we're just going to have a total news blitz overload, and your calls, the toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Some good news first.
Yesterday, I gave you the numbers, 80-plus million dollars, that have been released midday Sunday.
Well, as of yesterday, the Passion of the Christ had made $127 million, and that was just domestically here in the United States.
It's yet to begin opening around the world.
So, it's in the top five movies ever right now for gross, and I think that's wonderful, and it's on trend to make $300 million domestically, and another $300 million, they're saying, internationally.
So, $600 million on a $45 million investment, $30 million to make it, $15 million to promote it.
I'd say that again, the truth sells, and the people want something wholesome and uplifting, and that's exactly what the film is.
So I couldn't be happier for Mel Gibson and his crew.
He says he's going to make more biblical films, and I'll be first in line.
I saw The Passion when it opened after I got off the air last Wednesday.
And I'm going to go in a few weeks, if I can contain myself, I'll probably go earlier, when there's not 15 crying babies in the movie theater.
That's why America's degenerating.
I do have to say this.
I can hardly go see any film.
Open Range, or The Passion of the Christ, or any of the last few films I've seen.
Paycheck, I saw that.
I'm a big fan of Philip K. Dick, a sci-fi writer.
I mean, it doesn't matter what movie you go to, there will be five to twenty crying infants, and I mean, who does that?
Just a few years ago, people didn't do that!
We really are degenerating in this country.
I mean, that's just an example.
I mean, women look at me like I'm weird when I open doors for them at restaurants or at the shopping mall.
You know, older women don't, but the young ones think you're hitting on them or something.
Ooh, you're opening a door for me.
Well, I'm sorry, my mama taught me to do that.
And I'm not even that polite or nice of a person.
You know, I got my own problems.
I'm pretty aggressive.
It's just I sit there in movies and I can never have suspended disbelief because, you know, mainly the third world populations are here and then they just think you bring babies to movies, you know.
I might as well just, you know, move to
Or move to, you know, Venezuela or something?
I don't understand it.
Okay, side issue, I know it's annoyed you, I'm just a big movie fan, and I can't enjoy them because of, well, you know who you are, you're out there, and shame on you.
Okay, I got really earth-shattering stuff to talk about here, and I don't know why I just went off into all that, but that's how my brain works.
Senators set to vote on extending gun ban.
New York Times, OnInfoWars.com, OnPrisonPlan.com.
Senators pushing to renew a 10-year ban on military-style assault weapons showcase their backing for law enforcement officials on Monday as the Senate headed towards a series of politically charged votes on gun issues.
In major polls, 92 percent, the last big poll, mainstream poll, of law enforcement is against gun control.
But, oh yes, the CIA police chiefs, most of them are now publicly CIA officers.
It's now public.
It was always going on since the 60s, but now it's public.
It's been in a lot of the papers that they're all CIA liaisons.
Oh yeah, they stand up their federal pimps and say they want to disarm us, and cameras are good in our neighborhoods, and microphones are good, and thumb scanning us is good, and lots of private prisons is good, and we'll all have jobs in the prisons soon as inmates or as guards.
So senators on both sides of the fight said they expected a close vote on Tuesday on whether to maintain the ban, which is scheduled to expire in September.
The ban is being considered as part of legislation granting gun manufacturers and distributors immunity from civil lawsuits arising from gun crimes.
So this is a great new system for them.
When Bush signs it, he'll go, well, I support the, you know, the immunity for the gun manufacturers and
Well, I said I'd sign the Assault Weapons Ban, and yeah, I've had a bunch of added stuff.
80-plus new guns banned, and ammo banned, and all this, but shutting down the gun shows.
Can't sell a gun to your neighbor, you know, private sales, ending that.
But the NRA's gonna say, well, this is a great piece of legislation.
NRA, by the way, is supporting it, and that's official.
We have the video of it.
From C-SPAN.
But again, I'm very liberal and evil because I'm against this.
I understand.
Just listen to Laura Ingraham.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
You know, listen to your communist.
With the outcome uncertain on the assault weapons ban and other gun issues, Senator John Edwards of North Carolina and Senator John Kerry, conservatives, I'm a liberal, of Massachusetts plan to take a break from the campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination to vote to extend the ban because they're conservatives.
And anticipating a tie vote, Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, and a backer of the band, another conservative, I'm a liberal, wrote to Vice President Dick Cheney, another conservative, to urge him to support the band should it be called on to break the deadlock.
Well, he's already said he will do it.
I mean, again, you're very conservative out there, aren't you?
Just keep listening to Limbaugh.
Maybe take some Oxycontin along with him and we can all get rid of the borders and get rid of the jobs and nafta and gats good and you know and all this garbage.
So just keep it up.
So that's the article.
There's more of it there if you want to read it.
Toll-free number to join us on air again, folks, is 1-800-259-9231.
1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
Here's an article, Arizona Republic.
Marines in Valley to train for urban war.
During the first half of March, military helicopters will be buzzing the Valley, and Marines will be running around some neighborhoods in full combat attire.
It won't be World War III or a Homeland Security crisis.
Oh, not yet.
It will be the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit out of Camp Pendleton, California, turning up its urban warfare techniques.
Uh, yeah, I've been to these.
They have role players.
I'm an American.
Don't put me in the camp.
Where did you get the gun?
Who's your mayor?
Willie Brown.
You know, it's all domestic.
And we got a colonel, Colonel Love, admitting it's for you and your family.
Uh, it's Police State 2000.
Marine Gunnery Sergeant
Chago Zapatata said the exercise will be part of a six-month training program the unit must complete before being deployed to the Western Pacific and Arabian Gulf regions.
He said the locations where the action will occur can't be released for security reasons.
Oh, yes!
Domestically, the troops are doing things you can't know!
It's like when they had foreign troops burning buildings in downtown Kingsville, Texas.
Block helicopters.
You know, we got video of it in Police State 2000.
The police chief says, well, we can't tell people beforehand for security.
I go, but the foreign troops can come along, but the American people can't know.
So old people have to have heart attacks at the nursing home next door because of you.
Marines will go door to door.
Talking to valley residents and handing out flyers in affected neighborhoods before they begin their exercises.
That's the lie.
I've been all over the country, okay, and you've seen the films.
We've got the news articles posted, World Net Daily, Associated Press, you name it.
Generally, about the minute of the attack, I mean, as the helicopters hit, they'll covertly lease a building, blow it up in front of everyone to psychologically condition you so when they do it for real, you'll accept it.
This is all admitted Grand Corporation Program, Mind Control Program, Conditioning Program, Acclimation Program, Decentralization Program, Integration Program, Normalization Program, that they're running on us, to use some of their terms for you, and they'll run around and just throw a few flyers up on some houses as the attack begins, or seconds before.
So don't worry, get used to the troops.
We're just here to run a drill, man.
Stay in your house.
Oh, they also say that the police will threaten to arrest you.
Once it starts, the police block roads off.
Women beg and plead.
That was in the BBC a few months ago.
They had the troops from the Eastern Bloc, Ukraine and Czech Republic, and the families got quite upset.
The BBC said to have their daughters and sons pulled out at gunpoint with foreign troops screaming at them.
But, uh, the government apologized, said we'll be more careful next time when they shut down part of Northern Scotland.
But again, everything's fine here.
Just getting you ready for the fun.
You know, the top generals say, Tommy Franks and Eberhardt say, we're going to martial law here real soon, it's a good thing.
So, just get ready for that.
Uh, it's just sick, folks.
It's just totally sick.
Marine Gunnery Sergeant T'Chago Zapata said the exercise will be part of a six-month training program.
He said the locations where the action will occur can't be released for security reasons, but Marines will go door-to-door
Taking to Valley residents, talking to Valley residents, and handing out flyers in affected neighborhoods before they begin their exercises.
There's going to be some training going on and things residents don't usually see, like helicopters flying around and Marines in camouflage uniforms, although they won't see them in the streets all the time.
Oh no, they're usually in plain clothes, aren't they?
He said, as part of the training, Marine helicopter pilots will practice urban flying and navigation techniques, very dangerous,
A bunch of them died a few years ago out in Arizona.
Out by Tucson, what was it, 25 of them.
But hey, it's alright if they crash like they did in Houston.
They'll just cover up the people that died when the helicopter hit the skyscraper.
I don't know, it was in 98 by the way.
As part of the training, Marine helicopter pilots will practice urban flying and navigation techniques.
Using routes and altitudes approved by the Federal Aviation Administration, everything's fine.
The Marines will also coordinate their activities with federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies.
It's good to get the police coordinating, is what it's all about.
The Gunnery Sergeant stressed that the training isn't being done in response to any threat to the region.
It pretty much involves the Global War on Terror.
He said, that's what we'll be supporting.
Haha, sure.
Thanks to us, you're having to lie about it a few years ago you'd admit it.
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Later I'll get into the situation in Haiti.
It's clear, I spent hours researching this, plus just the video of the Liberation Forces with their brand new M-16s.
It is confirmed they did kidnap the president of Haiti, the elected president.
Colin Powell is a big fat liar, as usual, as if we needed any more examples of that, saying the truth is we rescued him.
The truth is he wanted our help.
That's the truth.
He had to tell you.
That's the truth.
And the weapons of mass destruction, right?
And the fake news articles you have planted in the media.
So we'll get into that.
More destabilization, more globalism.
And we'll get into just a ton of other news.
I said wide open phones here on the show.
Barney in Maryland.
Barney, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing, Alex?
I'm doing good, if you'll turn your radio off.
I got it off now.
Okay, what's on your mind?
Three points.
First, when the criminals are running their world, they don't arrest you for breaking the law.
They arrest you for trying to enforce the law.
Casey, head of Ranch Rescue, is an example.
Second, I've heard that there is a plan afoot to replace nearly 100,000 troops in Iraq all at once.
Ah, well, they're rotating them in and out right now.
They've already done about a third of the troop rotation.
Well, they came on one of the programs with that, but at any rate, have you ever heard of a time in history when they pulled all the coordinated combat troops off the line and replaced them with green troops?
And third, the question now is, when is the climax of this crisis supposed to occur?
When we have diverted troops to Haiti, when the troops have
Well, thanks to mind control, a yuppie can be living in a cardboard box and if they tell them that the economy is doing well, they will believe it.
You could have smoking ruins of cities.
And they told them that the economy was doing well, they would believe it.
You know, they tell the yuppies that open borders is good, and getting rid of our jobs is good, and having millions of prison laborers working for 20 cents an hour is good.
They believe it.
So to a yuppie, as long as they are doing okay, it doesn't matter if half the houses are for sale on their block, they still believe the propaganda.
So I just see things getting worse and worse and worse, and the government saying how wonderful everything is, and you know, hamburger jobs are manufacturing, so we've added four million manufacturing jobs, and more NAFTA and GATT is good, and that's what I see happening, and more terror attacks, and more troops on the streets, and
You know, more mandatory law enforcement classes in all the public schools and, you know, writing dossiers on mommy and daddy and thumb scanning to get your lunch and cameras in the bathrooms.
I mean, microchips in all the products.
I mean, this is the new freedom.
Thanks for the call, Barney.
And they'll just call it freedom, you know, and everybody will think it's normal because the dramas and the sitcoms are all about torture and secret arrest and world government and
Anybody that talks about communism is, you know, crazy or a Nazi, you know, it's just all... This is the new mindset, just everywhere, bathed in evil.
Michael in Kentucky.
Michael, go ahead.
Well part of freedom from fear that I think, what's his name, FDR talked about as one of the four freedoms to sell everybody on the United Nations.
Freedom from war, freedom from fear.
Freedom from poverty!
We're going to put you in a pen and feed you like a pet squirrel and live in freedom.
FDA approved hormone treated chicken or something.
A chicken in every pot.
I'm kind of at a fork in the road right now today.
I think so.
I've seen some of your videos, you're driving or something.
Okay, for those that don't know what you're thinking about, you're talking about the National International Mandated Biometric Drivers License.
The DPMV, Drivers License Association of Motor Vehicle Administrators or whatever, the Highway Safety Desk Book that's been in the works since at least 1995, and I think you've covered the
Army War College theories from the early 90s, even I guess when they started implementing their MARC card, the Multi-Technology Automated Reader card, which is basically what we all have.
What I'm wondering is, you personally, how are you?
I know you've said on occasion that a lot of the officers know you and they just wave you on when you go through a checkpoint or something like that.
Local people around here that are volunteer firefighters or whatever that that happens to, but I've never been quite that lucky.
Well, let me answer your question when we get back.
Thanks for the call, Michael, about the driver's license.
And I got a bunch of news articles on that today, by the way, so it'll be a nice tie-in when we get back to the world ID card.
It's all the same parameters, the same setup, and we'll go over that.
Same infrastructure.
Same architecture.
It's a global ID card that's in your back pocket right now.
You already have it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I'm always honest with my audience, and I've actually talked about this before on air.
Michael in Kentucky called in and he said, you know, I've seen your video, he's mentioning America Destroyed by Design,
I don't know.
And I went in and started basically preaching at the state police, and there's video of all this, and pointed out that it's part of the NCIC, a global ID card for a national sales tax control system with tracker chips.
And I go over the plans to start a national DNA database.
I hold up the executive orders.
I hand out the executive order from the federal website.
And I was then, subsequently, the head spokesman for the DPS, for the whole state, showed up and ordered me arrested.
They said they weren't going to arrest me, but he ordered it.
And then from 1997 until last year, or six years, I didn't have a driver's license.
So I was there to renew it.
And I was able to get on airplanes with the old out-of-date driver's license.
I was able to do things.
And then after 9-11, which they engineered to unify this control grid, I couldn't.
And so I was actually, you know, it's like I'm a rebel inside the system, you know, why not have the multi-pass in the running man, you know, my Cadre Pass to be able to, you know, Mad Dog Ben Richards, be able to travel around here in the free society.
So I went in and actually after six years I didn't, I didn't even, I had to retake the driver's test and everything when you haven't, when you've been expired that long.
And so I have a world ID card in my back pocket.
You know, there's all these articles, you know, are they putting RFID in?
Are they giving us a national ID card?
Ooh, how are we going to fight it?
They're masters at mislabeling things.
RFID has been in products for five years.
It's just more of a more ancient technology.
Now they're down to, you know, five RFIDs of the size of a grain of sand.
They're getting even smaller and more powerful.
Some people are having debates, you know, is that an RFID in the money?
You know, because they put money in the microwave and it caught on fire.
That's on prisonplanet.com and infowars.com right now.
Euronotes, they put that in the microwave and they caught on fire, you know, in the same little point in the middle where the RFID tag is.
And people are saying, is it true?
Is it?
Is Staples putting it in their stores?
Is Walmart?
Is Target?
They've said they are!
They've said they've done it.
It's in your clothes, it's in your shoes, it's in your Gillette Razors.
They got face scanning cameras.
It's a control grid.
I mean, it's everything you do.
Your television, if you have digital cable, has a microphone and is audibly listening to you.
If NSA wants to, your OnStar's doing it, your cell phone's doing it, even when it's turned off.
I mean, we're in maximum tyranny here.
And people are still saying, look,
Two years ago the UN, they passed the treaties, the US signed on, standardized world ID card, it's all in a big database, it was already set up in the 80s, but now it's standardized.
In Brussels, Belgium.
It's a world ID card.
Forty-two states have had it in for at least the last two years.
Texas had it nine years ago put in place.
The other eight, last time I checked, were signing on to it.
All the territories already have it.
The children are being trained on it.
They get on the bus.
They get their school lunches.
They live their lives.
I mean, it's already here.
So we're going to be having debates about national ID cards when we already have the world ID card in our back pocket.
Now the implementation of it begins, where to pay for anything, you're going to have a national sales tax.
That's the excuse where you have to swipe your card, or biometrically thumb scan, even to pay cash.
And then there's a history of what your cash has done, going back over a thousand transactions can be stored on the new money.
That's from the Federal Reserve in 1999 they put that out on their website.
They're going to now devalue your money if you don't keep it in the bank off the RFID tracker chips.
The new money has three chips they admit to.
The money, the redesign in 98, only had one tracker strip of primitive RFID in it.
So we're all sitting around debating and discussing... I've got to write more articles.
I've got to explain this to people.
And I'm not even that smart.
That's what scares me.
I mean, but the average, even, you know, patriots and researchers haven't gotten it yet.
Don't realize.
I mean, the corporate minutes last year of Ridge and the Pentagon and the Fortune 500 meeting and going, we will run over the opposition, they will submit, they're passive, 78% of them are against it, but it doesn't matter.
You know, we'll just force it on them, we will bring submission.
You know, they're using terms like this.
And with your new national sales tax, you'll be taxed, you'll be traced, you'll be punished, you'll be everything.
And when you're not a good globalist, suddenly your ID doesn't work, there's an arrest put into the face-scanning camera database, going in all the grocery stores, going in all the banks, going in all the street corners, small towns.
I mean, this is hell on earth, people!
And so, Michael, you know, asked about
What do we do about this when we try to educate people?
You know, they say they're doing all this biometric stuff because of 9-11.
It was already being set up in most states.
It was in 38 states before 9-11.
Four more have implemented.
Now the other eight are implementing.
So, you know, if your preachers didn't think it was great, if Pat Robertson wasn't saying microchips are good on his show, oh, I don't think implantable chips are bad, you know, that type of garbage, we wouldn't be putting up with this.
But people say, oh, the end's near.
We're about to get raptured, Martha.
And when it doesn't happen, they'll go, well, I guess it's of the Lord.
We've got to render unto Caesar.
Oh, look, Jesus came back.
He's our world leader.
He's on the throne.
I mean, that's what they're setting up to do, folks.
And they thought it was the rapture in Rwanda in 94.
They thought it was the rapture in Nazi Germany.
It's always the rapture.
And do I believe the Bible?
I believe, yes, but I believe we're told to fight evil and stand up against it.
And so just keep copping out.
And when you don't get raptured, well, I guess the chip isn't bad.
Pat Robertson says so.
I guess forced abortion in China isn't too bad.
He says it's okay now.
Every time I mention that I get emails, how dare you talk about Pat Robertson.
I'll email them back, well he did say that.
Well yes he did, but you know he's still good and well okay just be for the baby killing.
I'm liberal because I'm against it, I understand.
I'm against the gun assault weapons ban, I'm liberal.
Hey I've got how stupid you are, okay I understand it.
I understand that you're a liberal and didn't even know it.
And for the spineless, mindless, useful idiot leftists out there who think big government's the answer and everything you've been part of, you're run by the big banks.
You're run by the elite corporations.
You're the biggest idiots of them all.
I'm sorry, I'm being a little mean today.
I apologize.
I'm gonna be nice.
We're about to go back to your calls.
I mean, I just... I said I'd mention a few biometric articles, and we mentioned this yesterday.
I have it in front of me.
Petersburg Times.
Have your thumb ready to ride the bus.
Pinellas Schools pondered a $2 million system that will require students to use their thumbprint to get on the bus.
And again, the libraries are getting them, the school lunch lines, no cash.
The Pinellas County School District is planning to implement a system to ensure the safety of students and school bus drivers, keeping track of kids in buses.
And it says MDT, a versatile
Satellite mobile data terminal for dispatchers to send routing information to bus drivers.
GST tracker of the mobile positioning system.
Tracking hardware.
Fingerprint identification.
Device with fingerprint identification software.
Driver will know immediately if the student is on the wrong bus.
Accurate reports of rider statistics.
Lengthy driver's reports are eliminated.
Administration will know which student is on which bus at any time.
I remember four years ago, I had the little girl, the honor student on in DC.
Who got off the bus one stop early to have a hamburger.
She was a teenager.
And she was arrested because they tracked you with cameras on the street corners, caught her getting off at the improper bus terminal.
She was arrested.
And that's the new system.
Your child doesn't submit just properly.
They put over eight cameras on all the new city buses.
They're digital.
Here in Austin.
And they're talking about thumb scanners to write those.
So you're starting to get the picture.
So we've just got a thumb scan you, you know.
Sure, five years ago it was in nightmare science fiction movies.
Now it's freedom!
No more money needed!
And our new leader, Jesus, the new world leader!
Who's come back with strength and military.
And his prophet says it's good!
Praise him!
Raise him!
It's already started folks.
Already the church is starting to say, well maybe, maybe this is what the Lord wants.
I'm already seeing it folks.
This will be your new... You see, we'll be the heretics.
We'll be the evil devils because we're against it.
We're helping the terrorists because we won't go along with it you see.
You see, and we've got to render unto Caesar.
This new system keeps our homeland safe.
We've got our new Christian world leader.
By the way, I'm not joking around about this.
This is really what they're setting up.
So there's that article, and here's one out of EU Politics section.
Biometric big brother to watch EU.
Plans to create a digital fingerprint database of EU passport applicants.
See, everybody has to have that to go country to country.
All citizens and suspects.
Treats all citizens and suspects, say civil liberties campaigners.
And so the Brussels proposal, where they have the Beast, it's called the Beast Computer by the way, you can type that in and get an AP article.
The Beast System watches you, it's very Christian, to include digital biometric identifiers in all European passports and set a spark of argument over privacy rights.
And by the way, this is a treaty with the UN, the US is doing it too.
You just heard it was for foreigners coming into the US, remember?
Oh, it's just for foreigners coming in.
They have to thumbskin.
Oh, but sorry, it's a global treaty.
When you go to any country, you're starting to get it.
Oh, your driver's license facility does it too.
Oh, the grocery store does it.
Oh, and the bank does it.
And your children do it for the library and buses and food.
Oh, and you're starting to get the picture.
Oh, we're all graded on our ID cards.
What security level we have for what jobs we can have.
So you're starting to get it, folks?
You know, there's this unreported news story, and it says Staples executive Paul Gaffney, vice president and chief information officer, states, I think we Staples are probably about a year away from a point where an investment in RFID would pay benefits, but it's in something we are paying very close attention to because I personally believe it is something that we will fundamentally change retail.
And it says, and the article says, it seems like RFID may have already arrived at stables.
The photo below was taken by me, and it's of a pack of batteries purchased at stables by someone I know personally.
And it says, to help in the identification, the photo below of some RFID tags, and it says it's from TI.com.
Well, of course it's an RFID tag.
It's a primitive, large, high-power transceiver.
And yeah, it's an RFID tag.
Yes, I've seen these in almost everything for four years, five years.
So, yes, it's RFID.
There's also questions of, you know, well, is this RFID in the money when you put it in the microwave and it has tiny explosions at the same spot?
Yes, it's admittedly RFID.
They just call it an identification anti, you know,
What's the term they use?
Counterfeiting device.
You go, is that an RFID?
No, it's an anti-counterfeiting device.
Well, how does it work?
Well, it emits and also can be scanned, the radio frequency.
It's like, are those cameras on the street corner for surveillance?
And the Department of Transportation person says, no, we don't do law enforcement and surveillance.
We just watch traffic.
Then you ask the state police.
Oh, yes, it is for that.
See, it's all lawyer answers.
Okay, I'm going to stop ranting.
I'm really out of control today.
I just... And I've literally got as usual about... Oh, no exaggeration.
A hundred articles here.
Um... Who is up next here, Call Wise Police?
Uh, who?
Jim in Texas, go ahead.
Hi, I'm Alex.
I wanted to know about the guy down in Arizona.
I wanted to know what county in Texas was he arrested in.
I believe it was in Jim Hogg County.
Jim Hogg?
Yes, we really have counties called Jim Hogg.
Is that two G's or one?
I don't have a spell like you don't have in front of me.
Okay, because I call the state land person and they're like, we don't have anything to do with that.
We just deal with offshore or coastal or oil fields.
Well, yeah, if you call the Texas Railroad Commission, they're not going to have anything to do with something in the county.
No, this is the land commission, people.
No, it's all tied together, yeah.
So I was like, and I called Texas Referral and they said I have to get a lawyer in that county to talk to you about what's going on with you.
Well, you know, for those that just joined us that have no earthly idea of what we're even talking about, Casey Nethercott, no criminal record, done nothing wrong, was down in South Texas with the French media, videotaping illegals coming across, they did nothing to him, that's admitted, he was arrested in Jim Hong County,
And the FBI got him, and now he lives in Arizona, and the governor said under the Patriot Act, he's being arrested with no charges, and he did turn himself in, I was told.
So, that's basically it.
To talk about the Land Commission, or the Texas Railroad Commission, which also deals with that, I mean, it has nothing, I don't, yeah.
Can you spell his last name again?
You know, I don't have Mr. Nether, I don't have an article of Mr. Nether caught in front of me, either.
I don't have Jim Hogg County or Nether caught in front of me.
Never Cut?
Yes, Never Cut.
Okay, and also... And your name's Tim?
Alright, anything else on your mind?
Yeah, who do we talk to about getting these cameras off the streets in Austin?
Well, you supposedly run things, but the cameras and microphones are federally paid for, and they'll tell you they're for traffic, even as they admit they're going to use them for law enforcement.
And you've got a demand that they remove them, and you've got to, you know, get a city initiative going, or a ballot initiative to have that happen.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you, Tam, good to hear from you.
Lewis in California.
Lewis, go ahead.
Yeah, I wanted to chat with you just a second about this total
It just took place on the floor of the Senate with all these globalists and internationalists.
Okay, be specific please.
I'm going to ask the callers to be specific.
Yes, they made it look like it was a close vote on the two amendments, the three amendments to the gun liability bill.
Why did you say the Florida Senate?
No, no, no.
The United States Senate.
They just voted two amendments, actually three, if you consider the off-duty police officers and the retired police officers being allowed... Okay, let's be clear.
You're saying they just voted pro for the gun-grabbing amendments in the gun-grab bill?
Okay, and you saw this on the news, or...?
I was watching it on C-SPAN, the Florida Senate, and they made it look like... You just said Florida Senate again.
Yes, the United States Senators made it look like it was a close vote on the two gun-grabbing amendments, when in reality
A number of the gun grabs... And so you notice in the new age... We'll stay there a little while you finish up.
In the new age of conservatism, with the Republican Senate and House and Judiciary, Supreme Court, Executive... We don't just get the Clinton Law, we get more!
And we're going to thank them!
Thank you, NRA!
Thank you!
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You know, I caught myself during the break.
I'm extremely irritated and angry right now.
It's not with you, the listeners.
I'm watching total criminality, massive looting of the government, and they're saying that all these gun laws, these new gun laws, banning 80 plus new rifles and handguns,
Banning gun shows, that's what it does.
The so-called gun show loophole.
It bans full metal jacket ammo, and that's how it's written, and basically anything's illegal.
If you're, quote, using it in a crime, and then the crime is having a gun you're not supposed to have, and then, oh, you get life in prison.
I mean, and the head of the NRA is marching around the floor of the Senate.
You know, we've got video of him promoting all this, and when they pass it, the NRA will just kind of be mom on it, and
I guess you people want to lose your guns!
I mean, I love this country and we're losing it all right now!
Lewis, is this making you angry?
You're saying you were just watching C-SPAN, I knew the vote was coming up today, and you watch these creatures pass these amendments.
Well, it's how phony it really is.
If you're knowledgeable about who's up there in the Senate, they're making these things look like close votes.
Because a number of the people that are anti-gun are voting the other way so that it will deliberately appear close.
They made it look like a 57 to 46 vote and a 56 to 48 vote on the two anti-gun amendments this morning.
So the amendments, as we knew they would, went on in the Republican-controlled Senate, and then it will go on to the House, and Lord Bush will sign it, and we will thank him for his conservatism.
Yeah, they have enforced the so-called gun show loophole at all the gun shows I've been to in a number of states for some time.
Yeah, it's all by fiat.
They're already just doing it.
There's no law.
I mean, they already do it.
Well, what really cracked me up, though, is how the globalists and internationalists pretending to be Republicans and Democrats are up there, many of them, taking turns
Voting in the affirmative for the gun.
Hey, Lewis, Lewis, there's people driving around right now in their SUVs in Texas who are going, well, I guess I am for gun control then.
I like George W. They're not going to take the bumper sticker off.
They love it.
They'll turn their guns in.
They love the death of America.
They love the end of this country, Lewis.
Well, they're not going to vote against the armor-piercing ammunition for another couple of hours, but I can tell you
By just watching that sham on TV, and watching how these people are... The NRA is promoting the ammo ban!
Something Bill Clinton tried and failed, well now Judas can get the job done.
Thanks for the call, Lewis.
Yeah, just watching the sham, you can tell they're going to pass it.
I told you they're going to pass all this stuff, and I told you Bush is going to sign it.
You just watch it happen, okay?
And I know I'm liberal because I'm against it.
I mean, it makes me sick.
We'll come back and take more calls.
We've got a guest coming up later in the next hour.
Before I end this hour, I have made ten films.
I've written a book.
I've published a book.
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And the films document the murdering terrorists that run the New World Order and expose their crimes publicly.
You might want to get the videos and get them out to people and make copies of them and expose these killers before it's too late.
We're real close right now, as you can see.
So get the videos.
They're $25.95 apiece.
$20 if you order three or more of any of the ten titles.
My book's $12.
Paul Watson's $19.95.
I've got some Tex Meyers books, some Springmeyer books, a lot of great other videos and stuff.
Go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or just write to me.
I'm Alex Jones.
You can write to me at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Or you can just sit there and listen to Rush Limbaugh and hear how conservative Bush is and turn your guns in.
And turn your jobs over and we'll line up for the prison camp because that's where we're going.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central back from 9 to midnight.
We go out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Kansas City, Missouri, Fredericksburg, Texas to Providence, Rhode Island.
We simulcast at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and on Global Shortwave during the day.
You can get the first two hours on Shortwave at 9475 WWCR Global Blowtorch, 100,000 watts.
That's 9475.
And the second two hours at night, well it's only the third hour for this week, the next week, the second two hours, and later probably all three, but 3210.
From 10 to midnight.
And call into the other shows.
We just changed frequencies.
We're getting hundreds of calls an hour about it.
Call into the other shows for me, because I mean to do it.
David Joyce and John and others.
And tell them the new frequencies for folks, because it's a lot of people that don't know where we're at now on the shortwave.
Boy, I tell you, last hour I got pretty angry.
I'm very irritated.
I'm sick of what's happening.
I did confirm that the Senate did, what the caller said in the last segment is true, the Senate did pass several of the gun grab provisions on to the, what do you call it, liability protection for gun makers, gun manufacturers.
and they have put several of the amendments on there like the assault weapons ban extension a shutdown of the gun shows and coming up later today a attack on ammo, a huge ammo ban that the National Rifle Association is pushing sponsoring are you angry about this?
And Bush will sign it.
He said he will sign it with riders, with added things, with expansions.
They've got more amendments to ban a bunch of different guns.
Again, this is the new conservatism.
Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, they will not talk about it.
They will tell you how conservative Bush is, how evil the liberals are, as Bush votes with them time and time again on every issue.
I mean, you know, he'll cut $87 million of abortion funding and then increase the UN's funding by billions of dollars for it.
There'll be a few smoke and mirrors for you where he'll say, oh, I want a constitutional convention, you know, to stop homosexual marriage.
But that's all red herring.
They could care less.
It's about a con-con to rewrite the entire thing.
So it's all very cynical and, you know, I'm on so many talk shows.
I was on
Four of them yesterday.
And, you know, they're good conservative people, and they're like, yeah, I wish Bush wouldn't do that, but he's better, you know, Bush is better than John Kerry and Hillary.
No, he's not!
If John Kerry or Hillary Clinton was in office, people wouldn't put up with the biggest gun control move in U.S.
It's gotta happen.
You gotta have price controls, and you gotta go off the gold standard, you gotta normalize relations with China, and have all the tax increases under Richard Milhouse Nixon.
You gotta have the phony drug war in the police state, and all the prisons under George Herbert Walker.
You gotta have all this stuff under Junior, you know, the New World Order.
Because people are, they want substance.
But they're given just the semblance of substance, and they buy that as if it's substance.
That's why Limbaugh says, you know, the people are getting form over substance.
And there he is, giving them the form of substance, when it's not really the substance.
You know, more word games.
Yeah, that's right.
Words mean things, you neocon, America-destroying, Judas Iscariot, wolves in sheep's clothing, sickening, demonic traitors!
We'll come back and talk to Leon, Danny, Anthony, and others.
Toll free number to join us 1-800-259-9231.
I'm going to try to calm down, cover a couple of news articles, then go to your calls.
Then we've got a guest coming up.
Just please stay with me.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, now 8 minutes and 17 seconds into the second hour of Global Transmission Against Tyranny.
Your calls are coming up momentarily.
Some of the other news that's got me so outraged
This is out of CTV, big national Canadian television channel, and it says, uh, Stats can to collect blood urine samples.
The next time a Stats Statistic Canada poster knocks at the door, he may be out for blood.
Now remember, globally in the western world, they're using the census now, uh, as, it's like the ancient confession or something, you must confess to them.
And this stuff always starts as voluntary, then it becomes mandatory.
It's like, oh, you volunteer to give your urine and blood at public schools.
Now, Bush has a federal initiative to make your children do it.
And, oh, we've been taking your blood since birth for 34 years.
We're going to start using that, see how it works.
The federal agency plans to collect blood and urine samples from volunteers beginning next year in a radical departure from its usual question-and-answer checklist approach.
The $20 million project would involve a battery of lab tests from the blood and urine of up to 10,000 Canadians in search of dozens of key health indicators.
Researchers would look for diabetes, cholesterol levels, lead, pesticides, SARS, HIV, herpes, West Nile virus, and many other measures on the health of the general population.
The survey also include direct measurements of weight, which people tend to underestimate when answering pollsters questions.
Blood pressure, fitness, back strength, and many others.
This is total communism, total Nazi Germany, whatever you want to call it.
Command and control.
And we have the cases.
I remember finding out a few years ago that the 2000 census was going to be ongoing, and now people randomly are still being visited.
One in six homes got a 59 question
Questionnaire, you know, how much money do you have?
Where's your bank account?
Does your renter pay cash?
Where do they last live?
What level of water does your toilet have?
How many cars do you have?
When do you go to work in the morning?
How many children do you have?
You know, all these questions.
Do you own firearms?
And they would have young punks with their ID cards threatening, you better sign it!
You better fill it out!
I got the 59 question and this idiot came to my door twice and I finally stuck a camera in his face and said, get out of my yard, you moron!
And by the way, he was parked in the middle of the street.
That's how... I live on Blacktop Road and just sitting out there.
He thought he was a cop.
We had cases of him busting down doors on women and on power trips, you know, the Dudley do right, Barney Fife mode.
This is from E!
Never thought I'd be reading an article from E!
Bush backs new terrorism TV series.
And what would be a highly unusual action for a president to do it overtly is, George W. Bush is apparently giving the White House seal of approval to a television series, Department of Homeland Security, the series,
A drama about the Department of Homeland Security being introduced Thursday night at Prospective Networks at an industry gathering.
You have a government-produced film, folks.
I've been researching this for over a year, and they're trying to get somebody to take it.
President Bush and Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge both endorse and contribute soundbites to the introduction of the series according to the show's producers.
So we talk about propaganda.
This is the running man.
Through the series' theme relates to the President's agenda on national security and international terrorism, it is virtually unprecedented for the White House to endorse such a fictional representation.
It is unclear what input or relation of any of the President or real DHS would have with the show in the future.
HBO's recent series, K Street, featured star turns from real-life politicos and old FBI show, and it goes on.
Folks, 24, Threat Matrix, NYPD, Blue, these shows are publicly getting Justice Department grants.
Under Clinton, they have whole specials produced, funded by the federal government on CBS and ABC.
I mean, it's propaganda placement is my coined term.
You've all heard of product placement, you know, Budweiser, Taco Bell, whatever in a movie.
You know, Army of One.
In the American Football League now, you know, they've got sponsored by the Army, the Army, the Army, the Army.
Well, that's, you know, their product placement.
But when government's doing it covertly, I call it propaganda placement, and it's now in the tens of millions of dollars.
I've got some other articles here.
You talk about propaganda.
This is the Wall Street Journal.
Business Coalition Battles Outsourcing Backlash.
With overseas outsourcing a hot U.S.
election year issue.
Yeah, we're seeing what NAFTA and GATT have done.
But now hamburgers are industrial according to Bush, so it's okay.
Big business is quietly mounting an offensive against state and federal efforts to keep jobs at home and otherwise restrain globalization.
The businesses are fighting with the government's attempt to keep jobs here?
Now that's lie number one.
That's the weird spin by Michael Schroeder.
The government is... let's say we had a finger cut off, they're down there with a hatchet, hacking our legs off, saying this will help.
Some of the best finance trade groups in the U.S.
have formed a coalition to beat back federal legislation that would restrict foreign outsourcing by government contractors and limit visas for non-American workers with technology skills.
Folks, Bush's new amnesty is blanket for everybody, even unskilled.
Calling itself the Coalition for Economic Growth and American Jobs.
Don't you love the spin?
The new entity comprises about 200 trade groups, including the U.S.
Chamber of Commerce, the Business Roundtable, the American Bankers Association, the National Association of Manufacturers, and the Information Technology Association of America, as well as individual companies.
While U.S.
manufacturing jobs have been going abroad for decades, a more recent and highly publicized outflow of white-collar jobs from call centers of software engineering is causing anxiety among skilled white-collar workers.
Uh, yeah, it was real funny when I'd talk to a Dell employee or a micro-devices, advanced micro-devices employee.
I'd go, they're building factories in China and Germany.
You'll be losing your jobs.
I've seen the federal documents.
Whatever, Alex.
Have you seen my stock portfolio?
And I'd say, well, you better get out of the stock market now when it's at $11,000.
You know, it's gonna go down, and this is a big scam, and... Whatever.
You know, we're gonna lose these manufacturing jobs.
Okay, it's not funny now, is it?
You're out there fighting for a job at HEB, thumb scanning to get your paycheck, and... It's not funny, is it?
I know it's not funny.
I'm sorry it happened.
It's gonna get a lot worse for you.
Don't worry, you can tattle on your neighbors and get supplemental checks.
Don't worry.
Don't worry, lick boots, it's all right.
Get a government job.
Work as a prisoner.
In a prison.
Uh... so we've got that article and uh... oh my goodness, I mean the stack goes on and on.
Let me hit one more and then we'll go right to your calls.
Let me hit one more, this is all very important.
Bill Pryor got his Judas money!
Chuck Baldwin did this article.
According to news reports, President Bush used a recess appointment, this is a few weeks old, to give Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryor a seat on the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals temporarily.
Breyer was sworn in by U.S.
Circuit Judge Ed Carnes in the private ceremony in Alabama Friday.
His appointment is expected to last until the end of O5.
Faithful readers of this column know that Pryor was the political Judas who turned against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore after promising former Alabama Governor Bob James and the people of Alabama that he would back Moore all the way.
In fact, Bill Pryor would never have attained the Alabama Attorney General's office without his enthusiastic support for Judge Roy Moore.
Therefore, James and others were shocked at Pryor's sudden decision to prosecute Chief Justice Moore and orchestrate Moore's removal from the Alabama Supreme Court.
And Baldwin goes on to talk about how Bush, you know, had him do this.
And I hear you on the radio, Bush is such a good Christian, I love him!
Well, we need to get him into office again so he can put all these good conservative judges into play.
Yeah, the ones that are gun-grabbing, open border promoting, you know, sodomy cases, using the UN rulings, very conservative.
Just like the gun control bills that are passing right now.
And so the guy that does all this, Bush is rewarding him.
But again, I'm liberal, I understand, I know, I'm bad, I'm bad, I understand.
So, just, I'm getting madder and madder, people.
Let's talk to Leon in Colorado.
Leon, thanks for holding.
How are you doing, Alex?
Well, if you think all that was bad, I've got about another 75 stories here.
Well, I'm just as angry as you are.
In fact, I'm just infuriated over the whole business to the point that I can't even talk about it.
You must be a liberal.
I know, I've been a liberal all my life.
Where do I start?
I wanted to ask you, on this Craig, whatever his name is down there, Ranch Rescue, did you ever... Casey Nethercutt.
Casey Nethercutt.
Did you ever get that warrant posted on your website?
I was looking last night.
I never sent it.
Oh man, I wish they would.
You know, there's people around Casey that tell him, don't give people videos, don't give people documents.
Oh man, if we could get that, then I could answer my
So-called representative that says, oh, I don't have one case of any law enforcement agency acting irresponsibly.
Well, what happened in all of history?
The Roman law enforcement did a good job with Jesus.
The cause of it cannot be wrong.
You didn't know that?
They're being directly from heaven.
Well, I guess they're going to be like the Romans.
They figured that they were safe from being
Strung up on the crosses themselves, because the Roman law says they weren't supposed to be, but in the long run, they got strung up one way or the other.
Anyway, my question is... Well, let me answer your question.
We have articles posted every week where they're using the Patriot Act on pot dealers, topless bars, county commissioners, Rush Limbaugh.
So these people that deny it's being used, I mean, it's a fraud.
I'm going to go and copy some of them, but I just wondered if that one... And I'm going to send it back with this letter and say,
At least quick-handed.
I wanted to ask you one more question.
How much info can this $20 bill I have in front of me transport to this... I mean, what does it give?
Just a locator beam, or what does it do?
Let me break down what the money does with the tracker chips when we get back.
Thanks for the call.
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Alright my friends, we're back live and trying to answer Leon from Colorado's question.
They've got several different RFID tracker chips and strips in the new money.
The old money, the last redo, just had a strip running down the bill, and the Federal Reserve said that they could scan the record of that money, where it was minted,
And that they, if they wanted to, could put it back through a scanner that would register how long it had been out of a bank.
And so they could devalue your money if you didn't keep it in a bank for over a year.
And they gave a sliding scale for that.
This was a policy recommendation they say that they want to implement.
The new money has several other little chips in it.
Generally, with a small chip the size of a grain of sand, you have to have a reader that you pass over it, and then it pings back the information.
The reader reads it off of it.
They have some, though, that are a little bit bigger than the head of a pen that can be read from, they say, 50 feet away.
They've got some larger tracker chips that can be read from several hundred yards.
So this is just some of the systems they have out there.
But large quantities of money, they admit, going back to the 98 redesign, the police do have scanners that can pick up the large amounts of money.
That is a wad of bills.
Dollar bills don't have it, but fives and up do.
They have the old tracker chips, and now the new 20s have three chips, according to the security features that they've announced.
Okay, I hope that answers your question.
If you put them in the microwave, I don't recommend doing it, because yes, they really will catch on fire.
They will explode at the chip point.
I don't mean a big explosion, but a little pop and the chip will start smoking.
But if you put old money in a microwave, it will never catch on fire.
You can bake out the water in it, but it's the chips.
You can take a chip out of another product and put it in the microwave, it too will explode.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Danny in Oklahoma.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead, Danny.
Thanks a lot, Alex.
You're doing a good job on the show today.
Well, thank you.
At the beginning, you talked about filming the dollar bill exploding from the microchip.
I want to refer you to Title 18 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Yeah, I know.
You can't destroy their Federal Reserve money.
Yeah, it's $100 for six months in jail, so I don't want to hear you go off the air.
Well, I mean, you know, that's a... I'd like to see them try to enforce that.
I mean, we're documenting they got tracker chips in the money.
And another thing I wanted to talk about was Senator Inhofe.
You know, when I get things off the Internet, I like to confirm them.
So I sent the Joint Terrorism Task Force letter.
Because I've been trying to call Maricopa County, and they did confirm to Senator Inhofe's office, and he called me this morning, and he was upset too, because it lists Constitutionalists as terrorists, and he... Yeah, for those that don't know, see, this is a problem we have, and I have it too.
You're having a discussion that you and I understand, but think about what you just said.
The average person's going, you called Senator Inhofe about the Maricopa County thing, and then people don't know.
I mean, why don't you explain that?
Well, the Maricopa County, they received a document from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Phoenix, Arizona.
Yeah, they put out 25,000 flyers.
And I've been talking to them about PNAC and all these other things.
They didn't know about 1993's World Trade Center bombing and that it was backed by the FBI.
And that was another thing that I've been trying to locate that
information on your website so I can send it to them.
Yeah, it's in the 9-11 prior knowledge section.
Chicago Times and the New York Times.
Do I type that into your search?
No, it's a big ol' link.
It says 9-11 archive.
It's on Prison Planet and on InfoWars.
Plus, I emailed your tips.
They would like to get a copy of that thing, but they can't request it.
And I told you that I... They would like to get a copy of what?
The 9-11 Road to Tyranny that documents
Everything that went on.
Well, great.
Somebody send him a copy then.
I emailed you and I told you I'd be happy to pay for it.
Okay, well just what you can do is you can just put their address in and pay for it and send it or make a copy and send it.
But, well that's great.
You're certainly taking action.
The flyers in Maricopa County said that all Christians are basically terrorists.
Defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
Against the U.N.
Or if you just bring it up that you believe in your constitutional right.
If you make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution, you're a terrorist.
And, uh, yeah, that's on InfoWars, too.
Well, I appreciate all the assistance you're giving us, and keep up the good work, and stay out of jail.
That's right.
Don't show anybody the microchips and the money or it's over for you.
We'll be right back with more calls.
We've got a little mini guest coming on too.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Anthony and Emmett and Anne and Charles and everybody, your calls are coming up.
We do have Larry Pratt to talk about all the gun laws that are being passed in the Senate, being passed as amendments on to major packages as pork barrel by your Republicans, of course, with their little buddies, the Democrats.
Larry Pratt will be joining us in the next hour to discuss this, so stay with us for that.
Very serious developments across the board.
The next ten minutes or so, I wanted to bring this guest up because remember a couple weeks ago, a listener in Kentucky, and I got the news articles and the documents and the police report, it really is true.
He gave a police officer a copy of one of my videos, and he gave him a copy of Ron Paul, a speech Ron Paul gave on C-SPAN.
About the neocons.
A member of Congress gave a speech about how Bush is a globalist and works for the New World Order.
So he gave that to a police officer.
The police officer thought it was threatening, arrested him.
The judge said, you're being arrested for giving a police officer an anti-government videotape.
And we had him on air concerning it.
And now because of public knowledge of this, they've kind of backed the trial off, but he's facing on each count, and they're saying there's two counts, a year in prison.
And in the new America, you're pretty easy to go to prison for that.
But I got an email here from Justin, and I've already been aware of some of Justin's work in Colorado, and one of his neighbors and friends, Dana Beebe,
Her son and her daughter, the daughter is a freshman honor student, Kate, there at the local public school, he emailed her information because she'd been asking information about 9-11 for a report and clash, and he emailed her the link over to PrisonPlanet.com.
To the Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, his lawyer, who says the government carried out 9-11 and has deposed all these high-level military officers.
We posted that at PrisonPlanet.com, and it came back on her computer there at the school, and we've gotten this from people that work at corporations and libraries, and we've seen this before, this exact message, that it's terrorism.
It says, the site you are trying to access is not approved for viewing by our student audience.
The request was blocked for the following reason.
Which violates the following category.
I think I'm going to sue whoever's putting out this filter.
Ethnic intolerance.
Militant extremist.
If you have any questions about the message, please see your technology representative or the technology director.
And then also in the email, and I've called around to confirm this, of the son.
Also a good student.
They have mandatory law enforcement semester in most public schools.
They have that there.
You sit for an hour a day for half a year.
You write dossiers on your parents.
You write reports.
You learn to worship not having a Bill of Rights.
I mean, I've covered this.
This is what they really do.
And he just said, you know, I don't trust the government or police.
I don't... all the corruption they've been involved in.
So the police were called.
He was sent to the principal.
There were discussions of arresting him.
And, uh, but then the principal said, this is ridiculous, it's America, it's a free country.
So, see, he's a thought criminal, too.
And so, uh, he chastised the police and the teacher.
But, they all believe we are in Nazi Germany, and, uh, did try this.
So, this is the new America, folks!
Open borders, total tyranny, open corporate looting, but you have a video, or you try to go to a website, uh, it's very evil.
So, bringing him up to tell us the story is Justin, and Justin runs his own Freedom website.
Justin, good to have you on the show with us.
Hey, good morning Alex.
How are you all doing?
I'm doing okay.
Are you on a speakerphone?
Yeah, I am.
Yeah, it might be good if you get off that.
Just so folks can hear you.
Good enough.
How are you doing?
Oh, great.
Sounds wonderful now.
Alright, cool.
Tell us, I mean, I just...
Basically, put a synopsis out, but recap it for us in more detail.
Well, first of all, I got this email sent to me by Cliff Hughes, who is another patriot here in the community, of which, and whom, which I'm very grateful for.
But after reviewing the article, and then having dinner that night with Dana and her kids, the subject came up, you know, about what is really going on with 9-11 and everything else under the sun.
That's when Greg turned around and informed us what happened to him at this new version of D.A.R.E.
program that's going on in the school, and he's getting sent to the principal's office.
The reason why the principal didn't call us, he does get in trouble at school every now and then.
The principal did not call us because the principal, according to Greg, turned around and sided with him back in the classroom.
That is in the information that we sent you.
Which may actually land him in a FEMA camp.
That's been duly noted, by the way.
It's absolutely scary that we, the people, when we stand up, we get knocked down.
And as you mentioned earlier in your program that you were so upset, you should have heard me talking to the American Founding Fathers party the other night, the directors and president, vice president, treasurer, national treasurer.
I mean, I went off, we all did.
Our country is in trouble, and anybody that believes that the Republican Party or the Democratic Party is going to solve our problems is completely illiterate as to what is really taking place in this country.
Absolutely, but going back to the thought crimes that these children are committing, I mean, she tried to go to a website, it's blocked, it's evil.
What exactly did he say when he talked to his new Commissar Chieftains in his political meeting there at the school?
Who said what?
I'm sorry, I don't know.
The son.
Yeah, Gregor.
He was sent to the principal's office because, as it says on the email that I sent you,
He was asked, uh, who should we not trust in America?
And Greg turned around, having a lot of strength, you know, and personal resolve, stood up and said, you don't trust the government, you don't trust the police.
And, um, I wish he was here, but he's at school right now.
He could tell you it went on and on and on, and he held his ground to the point to where the teacher sent him to the principal's office.
So this is the new thing.
You're a bad thought criminal, and next time maybe it'll mean a train ride to Siberia, but, uh,
So the teacher, which is the police, sent him to the principal.
The principal did not believe that was a thought crime.
Oh, the principal sided with Greg wholeheartedly.
Okay, he needs to go to the camp too.
Obviously, we ought to send him to Lyon County, Kentucky.
They'd put him in jail for that.
Charge him.
I'm serious.
This is the new America.
I know, but the new America also is full of people that have had it up to here with us.
Look at it this way.
If Uncle Sam were an actual physical human being,
Well, what would we, the people, do to him?
I mean, I got to thinking about that the other day.
If Uncle Sam was actually a human being, I would possibly get thrown in jail for assault.
I mean, you want to talk about criminal activity, it is absolutely amazing what kind of deceptive control that they have over the American public.
You were also talking in your previous hour about facial recognition technology.
Here on Highway 82, when you look on a map, you'll see I-70.
Off of I-70 at Glenwood Springs, Highway 82 begins, and it ends basically at Independence Pass, Aspen, Colorado.
That is the pilot program for facial recognition technology.
They have cameras on the highway.
I understand.
I understand.
Any high quality digital camera is already hooked into face-it technology.
In every community they say, this is the pilot program.
That's Joe.
That's just part of the PR.
Check this out, Alex.
Inside of Hanging Lake Tunnel.
In the I-70, right in Glenwood Canyon, when you look on a good map, it'll say Glenwood Canyon, and it'll also show you where Hanging Lake Exit is at.
It's a beautiful little area.
Well, there's a tunnel of the road.
The I-70 goes through the mountain.
Inside that mountain is a complex four stories deep.
And it is literally, it looks like a NASA facility.
That is where the program is being implemented.
They have the power to simultaneously, uh, what is that?
They have the power to review 15 million faces per minute.
Oh, you're saying one of the control bunkers for all the cameras, is that it?
Oh boy, howdy.
And so we had Sheriff Mack, uh, was due into town and then he got called away to another, uh,
Yeah, I think so.
uh... to have a meeting and the interview actually go into the facility but when they found out that Sheriff Mac and when they looked up on my website and found out who we are, BAM!
We were no longer allowed access to the people, personnel, or the facility.
Yeah, why don't you blog your website?
You do some interesting stuff.
Uh, well, we have UAD, United American Voice Video Magazine.
What we will be doing and have been doing for the past year is putting people on camera, on air,
Literally featuring the best of information providers and compilers nationwide, of which you are one of the lead people.
There are many people out there like you that are trying to get the word out.
What we do with our print magazine, which is brand spanking new, and the video magazine is we promote
organizations or groups or centers, information centers that you've developed.
We've got to get more people in America to listen to Genesis Communication Network programming.
We have to have more people subscribe to all the products that you present and that they, the radio station, present.
We've got to literally plug America, those that want the truth,
We have to put them in touch with those that have been making the truth known for years.
The police, were they unpleased?
Because you said the principal was mad at the police.
You know, this young man's done nothing wrong.
What did the Gestapo do then?
You know what?
I have no idea, but I would sure like to investigate more.
I think they just let a sleeping dog lie.
They stepped right over... That shows their mindset.
That they think that it's illegal to say, I don't trust the police.
Hey listen, I appreciate you coming on the show, Justin.
And we'll have to have you back on as a guest sometime for a longer period of time.
All right, God bless you one and all.
Give me a call for those that, may I get my phone number out for those?
Sure, go ahead.
Okay, it's area code 970-963-8399, and I'd also like to say hello to AFFP, America Founding Fathers Party.
They are all listening right now, and God love their work.
Go check out their website.
It is absolutely phenomenal, but also to you, Alex,
Thank you for doing what you're doing.
Do not be ashamed for getting angry.
Angry, actually being angry produces a result.
You are doing a good thing.
Get all fired up.
And go after, continue to go after what you're going after.
Okay, thanks a lot Justin.
Good to have you on the show.
And you know what, I have articles here where students suspended for Marine Corps t-shirt.
Files lawsuit against district claiming first amendment violations.
We're on that daily.
And whether you agree with war, or disagree with war, or like this war, or love this war, or hate this war, you should still believe that somebody can wear a Marine Corps t-shirt if they want to.
But that just shows the mind control.
You know, on the phony right wing, criticize the police, we want to arrest you.
On the phony left wing, when I talk about war, you know, do anything, you're bad.
A high school student suspended for wearing a t-shirt with a
Machine Gun and Marine Corps Creed is suing the district over its dress code policy.
Nathan Griggs, 16, and his father, David, brought the suit to U.S.
District Court against Fort Wayne Community Schools, claiming the shirt was protected by the First Amendment free speech rights, the Fort Wayne News Sentinel reported.
And they say it's not appropriate.
I mean, a child writes the word gun in an essay.
They're kicked out of school.
CPS is called.
In some cases, they're arrested.
You know, they find kids with an aspirin in their purse that mommy gave them.
They're arrested and charged with a controlled substance.
I mean, it's all about getting you into the system.
And it's all about thought crime.
And it just shows the mindset of these people.
It's very, very scary.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Anthony in Louisiana.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I live in a small town, and your views and parts of your views have never really been expressed here or even widely known.
And I saw you about six months ago.
I don't agree with everything you have to say, but a lot of important things you have to say I've spread around here.
Well, what do you disagree with?
Well, I disagree with the level of coordination, specifically, of propaganda in the mainstream and policies that are enforced in the government.
I don't think it's as coordinated.
But a lot of your facts check out.
You don't think it's coordinated?
Okay, I think it's loosely, maybe not on all levels.
Let me tell you how it works.
The editors are all CIA of big papers, big TV stations, big networks.
They're admittedly all government ops.
They then pick the useful idiot types they want, then the consultants tell them what the new trend is every month or every six months, and that's how the agenda is set.
If they get out of line, you know, they get the detail,
You know, writing human interest stories about watermelon pickers.
But if they're a good little sniveling backstabbing globalist, they get the big front page political articles.
Okay, yeah, you are right to an extent, as far as I can research.
And that's one point that, the really long point that I'm calling, is that I've had to learn how to do research, where before I'd listen to you,
I wasn't a research-intensive person, and I didn't really even know basics.
Well, let me tell you how to do research.
Let me tell you how to do research.
Bush comes out against the Ten Commandments, and then sexs a guy on Judge Roy Moore, and then gives the guy a federal appointment judgeship.
You know, that's a sellout.
Gun control by Bush is a sellout.
Open borders is a sellout.
I mean, what is there to figure out here?
Okay, true, true, but true.
But those are opinion points, Alex, of sorts.
Opinion points?
I'm talking about facts that anybody wants to go ahead and check out from a few or more schools.
Okay, they're putting thumb scanners in in the schools all the time.
And I have checked that out and that is true.
Okay, so what's the point?
In a lot of schools actually.
But the point is that, well, the suggestion maybe I was going to make was that on your website you don't have any advice, tools, or for people who are like total idiots when they start listening to you, you're like, well look, this guy sounds wacky, let me try and find out on my own.
And then, but see, if they don't know how to even do the basics of that, like I had to figure out how to add AP wire and all these wires to my browser, and also private intelligence sources like Stratfor.com, that, you know, you read those, and it's like a quasi-CIA site, and it actually predicts a lot of what's coming.
That's why I'm saying a lot of what's coming.
Well, that's a government fraud.
That's based right here in Austin.
Right there in Austin, it's true, but see, I don't want to use it like bootlickers.
Okay, but Alex, I don't read that site, believing everything they say, but I read it for what they're saying.
I don't know what their propaganda is.
That's actually a valuable site, because a lot of the pre-war things that were going to happen, happened right on time.
It's not hard to predict.
See, I had to learn how to do that.
If maybe you or who you work with has a little time, like a cursory little
A few steps on how to start becoming... I've got an idea for you.
Why don't you write for us?
Why don't you give us your expertise and tell us what we should do?
I'm serious.
Well, I really taught myself, so I'm sure I'm not doing it as efficiently.
Well, no, I bet you're doing a good job.
You've got guts, and guts is enough.
Hey, why don't you just write me an article, and we'll post it.
Alright, cool.
Thanks, Alex.
Thank you.
No, that's a really good question.
There's a lot of films I'd like to make.
A lot of books I'd like to write.
Frankly, I'm exhausted most of the time.
I was up until 2 in the morning last night.
I got up at 7 a.m.
I did four radio interviews.
I don't get to see my family.
I don't do a very good job.
That's why I'm frustrated.
This country's being destroyed!
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You know, I don't think we confuse many writers.
Unless it's some personal plug and that's all the article's about.
You can submit articles on almost any subject.
Some stuff I don't even agree with has been posted.
At PrisonPlanet.com.
A lot of it's really great information.
And millions of people read the commentary.
That are posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
And I realize what a responsibility I have.
That's why it's very daunting.
I mean, I wish I could do a better job.
There's a lot of things I could do that would be more effective.
I've got all these hopes and dreams and ways to stop the globalists and things I know that we could do, but I'm just so busy fighting the New World Order, so busy doing radio interviews,
You know, one of the few venues other than the internet were able to pierce their veil.
And we're having a huge harvest.
People are waking up big time all over the place.
But, yeah, I mean, if you've got ideas about how to wake people up, or you want to write a 101 of what the New World Order is, and want to write a 100-page article or a 5-page article, go to PrisonPlanet.com, email the webmaster,
If Watson thinks it's good, he'll put it up there.
Or you can go to our message board and do that.
And hundreds of thousands of people see that every month.
But, you know, the point here is that we're only attempting to get you to think for yourselves.
I'm not your leader.
I don't have all the answers.
I just know how sinister this military-industrial-complex control grid is.
I'm told Bob in California disagrees with me, so we're going to go to him first.
But first, I've got to plug my videos.
I've made ten of them and they're great videos and they wake people up and they're very scary and very well documented and this is also how the show funds itself.
And believe me, when you support us, you can be assured every red cent of it's going to fight the New World Order.
These are the best videos out there, I can really say that, which is scary because they could be a lot better, but they're pretty good and pretty scary because they're all documented and real.
It's the real world, truth stranger than fiction.
Get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
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Again, that's 888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action, folks.
It's up to you in the fight.
Third hour, straight ahead.
Larry Pratt, your call.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right.
You know, they have the legislation to protect gun manufacturers from these frivolous lawsuits.
It'd be like if somebody bought a Ford pickup truck, drank a bottle of Jack Daniels and ran over somebody, and then you sue Ford, you don't criminally charge the drunk.
Well now, Republicans and Democrats are adding on bans of
Full metal jacket ammo, basically.
Gun show shutdowns, private sale shutdowns, the reauthorization of the assault weapons ban, and we're scheduled to have Larry Pratt right now.
Do we have Larry Pratt, Stephanie?
We're getting him on right now, ladies and gentlemen.
And so they're passing these amendments into the bill, and there's some more amendments they're passing, and Bush says he will sign it.
And so we can continue to be pathetic idiots and call this conservative or we can wake up to how serious this is.
Believe me, it is massively serious.
Also, there is a huge plethora of news that's coming up as well.
But right now, let's go ahead and talk to Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Emmett in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hello, Emmett.
Good to talk to you today on the show.
Well, I'm doing fine, Emmett.
How are you today?
I wanted to tell you that I heard on the radio this weekend that you get emotionally upset and charged up.
It causes hardening of the arteries and a lot of younger people are dying of heart attacks.
From what?
From emotional upsets and getting charged up.
Don't get so fired up that you give yourself a heart attack.
I don't know.
You know, it all depends on the personality of the person and their genetics.
I mean, I know 95-year-old men that bounce off the walls and get angry at everything.
And I know people that live the life of luxury and exercise and run, you know, five miles a day who have heart attacks at 35.
But yes, statistically, it's not good to get upset all the time.
But it's also worse to hold it in, statistically, in the medical studies I've seen.
We are not alone on radio.
Tex Mars, your buddy, this weekend program he had on... Yes, Skull and Bones Expose, and he's joining us this Friday.
All good.
Well, he was talking about John Kerry or John Cohen.
What is his real name?
Who is he anyway?
He's Jewish, but he goes to Catholic Church.
Well, I mean, these people are all chameleons.
You know, Bush says he's a
You know, this, then he's that.
Oh, he's a Christian, but he worships at the Muslim shrine.
And it's just more chameleon behavior.
Thanks for the call.
We've got Larry Pratt with us, connected, I believe, via the newfangled ISDN line.
And so we'll break here, and we'll come back with Larry Pratt.
Then we'll get to Ann and Charles and Brock and Bob.
Actually, we'll get to Bob after we're done with Larry Pratt, because I'm told Bob disagrees with us.
On some issue, who knows what.
But we'll talk about the state of gun-grabbing when we get back.
And why aren't they repealing any gun laws?
You know, we've got Republicans running the Senate, the House, so they've got the Legislative.
They've got the Judicial with their Supreme Court that says they follow the orders of the UN now.
Very conservative, of course.
And then we have the Executive Branch that's doing nothing but exploding the size of government,
Going after our guns, arming China, arming North Korea, covering Upper Pakistan, and telling us that hamburger jobs are now manufacturing jobs, and that exporting jobs is our new export!
So... And you've got all the neocons on talk radio running defense for Bush, who's basically Bill Clinton on steroids!
So we'll break and we'll come back and talk to Larry Pratt, who's in the middle of a big legislative fight right now.
We're honored to have him from Gun Owners of America.
We'll plug those important websites and news alerts for you as well.
We'll just have Larry on for one segment.
I know he's very busy.
And we'll come back in about 15 minutes, 20 minutes from now, and take your calls and get back into the big stack of news I haven't even covered yet.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.
We listened.
You asked for an elevated base so the system could be used in places beside on the edge of a counter.
We listened.
You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during power
We're good to go.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We are witnessing the total betrayal of America, as Ron Paul said back on July 10th of last year, by the neocons and their friends, Chuckie Schumer.
Joining us is Larry Pratt, who is a real conservative, a real American patriot, the founder and, well, the head of Gun Owners of America, and we'll give out those websites and contact info.
Everybody should sign up for their legislative alerts so you're aware of what's going on.
Larry, we've got one of the NRA minions, the Senator up there, trying to get his armor-piercing ammo legislation in place.
We've got him passing amendments this morning for loopholes and for assault weapons bans.
What in the world's going on right now?
Well, Alex, it's very disappointing to see the disarray in the Senate.
They, frankly, didn't employ some of the
Rules that Frist has frequently used in the past when something was important to him in order to block the progress of the legislation if it would get loaded down with bad amendments.
So now I'm even kind of hearing it in your voice, oh well they're just idiots and it's going to pass.
Well it's passing the Senate but I don't think it's a slam dunk in the House and the message to the House has to be very clear.
That the liability bill by itself, any amendments should be killed.
Nothing is acceptable as an amendment to that liability bill.
The liability bill, frankly, is only a slight help for the manufacturers and the dealers.
Oh, of course!
They're not going to give us anything.
It would leave in place the overwhelming majority
Of the lawsuits that these folks are already suffering from, and so the passage of that is worth no gun control.
Not that anything is worth any gun control, but there's just not a good argument even on some compromisers' frame of reference.
It's a very bad situation, and the Republicans have allowed themselves to be put on the defensive.
And, for instance, their defense... Oh, yeah.
We're on the defensive.
Open borders.
We're on the defensive.
Patriot Act.
They're behind it.
They're disgusting.
At no point did any of the Republicans come to make an argument that the trigger locks kill people.
They could have referred to Mary Carpenter, who's a very articulate, outspoken grandmother, who's two of her
Grandchildren were killed because guns were locked up in the house and the kids couldn't get out of the safe, uh, their younger siblings.
Oh, that was the guy running around with the hatchet in California?
Came into the house.
Pitchfork, that's right.
He barricaded, uh, the ways out of the house.
And when he got in, he thought he, uh, had a turkey shoot.
And the older kids, actually any of the kids, all of, all five of those kids knew how to shoot a gun.
But under California law, Dad was supposed to have it so they couldn't get at it, and by golly they couldn't, and so two of them died because of locking up your safety.
Well, this was the good version of the bill that passed, quote-unquote,
Let me tell you, if I was 13 years old and somebody came in with a pitchfork, that person would be dead.
When I was 13, I was a better shot than I am now.
I would have shot that guy repeatedly upside the head.
I expect both of us had a little bit sharper vision a few years ago.
What this law does is say that, first of all, a manufacturer has to sell a trigger lock with a gun.
I'm still looking in the Constitution.
I can't find that.
And then it says that you're not liable to a suit if somebody takes the gun and uses it criminally if you have the trigger lock on it.
Well, what that says... Also, it sets the precedent for regulatory control, you know, quote, safety standards, kind of a California-style deal.
Well, that's right.
This is all very dangerous.
That will come next, but in the meantime, it says that if you... by implication, it's saying if you don't have the trigger lock on the gun and some punk uses it, then
They can sue you because you didn't have to lock up your safety on it.
So, Bush has said he'll sign this.
He's made noises he'll sign it.
If there's even amendments, added goodies put on to the assault weapons ban, what happened this morning?
What passed this morning?
Oh, everything.
The semi-auto ban was renewed by a vote of 52 to 47.
Bill 2 or the amendment that is intending to kill gun shows passed 53 to 46 and the I believe Mr. Craig's ammo amendment also passed so we've got him in the position of renewing and and I'm not even clear myself yet whether he slightly expanded the
uh... armor-piercing bullet band but uh... the fact that the good amendment and that's a member of the NRA by the way well it's it's pretty disappointing that uh... well I'm sure you heard about the NRA in North Dakota blocking a Vermont style carry they were going to pass the law and the NRA said no we're not four guns if they're not registered we're very conservative haha well it's passing in uh... New Hampshire hopefully it's already passed the state senate there
The House has a bill which I think... And of course the NRA had their DC lawsuit they lost on purpose where they said, we're for registering all the guns and shouldn't be able to leave your house with one.
I'm telling you, I mean, the NRA is secretly run by Hillary Clinton.
It's certainly going to have to show its stuff to kill
Any of the amendments in the House, because... Well, it has shown it's stuff!
There's no way, if that bill leaves the House with any of those amendments on it, it will either die in the Senate from a filibuster, or more likely, it will pass and go to the President and be signed, because whatever the President has said about his concern about having a clean bill, look, he had concern about, he enumerated six different things that would cause him to
Veto the Speech Ban, the Campaign Finance Incumbent Protection Act, many of the ways we know it, and all six were in the bill when it got to his desk, and he went ahead and signed it.
And then the conservative Supreme Court upheld it.
Yeah, that was really a delight, because everybody knew they were going to save the politicians from themselves.
Well, I predict they're going to pass Amnesty, I predict they're going to pass this gun control, and then they're going to pass even more.
And I predict they're going to turn America into a total police state, and we're going to learn to love it.
And I predict people are going to pull over their SUVs, get out with their cowboy hats on, walk over and turn their guns in.
I predict we're jellyfish scum.
Well, certainly the curriculum in the schools would not
I think it is a very, very sad day and these politicians need to be dealt with.
We need to remember who they are.
Good thing it did happen.
What you gonna do, Larry?
You gonna vote for Hillary?
Yeah, well... Might as well!
At least we know!
I mean, Republicans would be angry if this was the Democrats doing this!
Well, you know, that point's been made by others.
Bill Clinton passed the assault weapons ban.
They lost the Congress over it.
This time, I just can't handle it anymore, Larry.
At least it was a tie vote when the Democrats had the Congress and the Gore had to break the vote.
They didn't even give Cheney a chance to vote!
There wasn't any tie vote this time, but one thing that was, you know, among the disasters that were happening, George Allen did vote right, and he had for four years been on record as having flipped from his position as a congressman against this kind of legislation.
Well, he flipped back, and that's a tribute to the grassroots in Virginia who really poured it on.
Who are some of the traitor Republicans that need to be removed?
And I don't care if the Green Party's put in, folks.
Well, one of the worst, one of the most visible was Mike DeWine, former FBI agent, Senator from Ohio.
He was out there giving all these reasons why the police state needs to be built up.
He is a very dangerous guy.
He comes across looking like a professor.
But he is bad news from the get-go.
Also, Mr. Fitzgerald of Illinois, but, you know, he's been pretty bad all along, too.
This is Collins and Snow of Maine.
They went against us.
Lugar of Indiana, that's, you know, that's Mr. Counsel on Foreign Relations.
That's a disgusting worm.
Nothing new.
Probably the biggest
And what could have been, you might say, is Judd Gregg of New Hampshire.
He voted wrong.
Even Sununu voted right.
Judd Gregg has shown that he's not a Republican.
You know they ought to get together and go, it's my time to stab him in the back this time.
Sununu, you vote against it, okay?
I mean, I'm just sick of these people.
What's the website?
It's gunowners.org?
And as you said earlier, that is the place where people can get on the email alert list.
So where does it go from here?
I mean, it's going to go to the White... I mean, if it passes the House, probably will.
Looks like it's staged.
They're probably threatening people's kids right now to get this passed.
And then it's going to go to Lord Bush, and he'll sign it, and then Rush Limbaugh will hail it as conservative.
Well, if it goes to Bush, you're absolutely right.
I think it will be signed.
I do agree with that.
Well, Larry, you know, we're the liberals now.
Well, the fight is definitely in the House and folks need to be sounding off to their representatives.
All of them are up this year and that does have a little bit of an effect.
Larry Pratt, will you be telling us who the key people are in the House?
You bet.
We're going to be putting out an alert probably this afternoon, but certainly we're going to have a series now updating people on
What's going on?
When is that flight coming?
Next week?
I would doubt it would be that soon.
So a month from now?
Between now and a month from now, right.
It's probably a black ops squad getting ready to do a mass shooting somewhere right now.
Yeah, well, that would play into their hands beautifully, that's for sure.
But that's... This is something that is the... I think it's the key issue right now.
You named some others that are
Also equally important, but right now this is where the fight is.
If the guns go, it all goes.
And again, another right-wing terrorist, George Washington, said that.
Larry Pratt, I want to thank you for joining us.
We'll have you back up, gunowners.org.
God bless you.
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We've got to get mad.
We've got to get angry.
We've got to stop putting up with Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Laura Ingraham and all these people!
Because they're the ones that get up on the radio and talk about how bad the Democrats are and how evil they are and how socialist they are.
We already know that!
But you heard Larry Pratt.
A bigger margin than the 1994 assault weapons ban.
A bigger margin.
It was tiebreaker time with the Vice President.
Masses of Republicans voting for gun control.
Bush saying he's going to sign it.
I feel like puking.
Remember telling Larry a few months ago that they're going to pass it, Larry.
They're going to pass it.
He goes, oh, no way, no way.
No way.
I told people Arnold was going to be the governor when he said he wasn't running.
Oh, no way, no way.
What the Bohemian Grove and the Skull and Bones want, and the Bilderberg want, they get.
This trash has electronic CIA-run voting machines, everything.
They're taking over.
We've got to be honest about how bad things are.
We're about to go to Ann and Brock and Bob and Michael, Michelle, but right now, and Ray and others, Bob in California disagrees.
So go ahead, Bob.
Morning, Alex.
Listen, I wasn't really paying attention to the morning part of the earlier part of the show, because I was, uh, I was out.
But I did hear the show yesterday, and before I start spanking you and get you all riled up, I was curious if you could give me the name of the guy who's getting railroaded into the, uh, the gulag down in Arizona.
Uh, yeah, that's, uh, Casey Nethercutt.
I think we need to contact the media.
At least I'm going to.
I'm going to call
Whoever I can, I have to see if we can't get this thing brought to light.
Yeah, that's important.
And I'm glad folks are concerned, but what do you disagree with?
Okay, here's what I disagree with.
The other day I also heard a call from some patriot who wanted to go shoot everybody, and you got pretty harsh on him.
You told him that he needed to smarten up and whatever.
And the thing I have to disagree with you about, on that particular issue, is that this guy has a place.
We need to not discourage him.
Just like he cannot discourage you.
You're the communicator.
When you're in a unit in the service, you don't shoot your radio man.
You need him.
Just like the radio man needs the guy to protect him, the guy who's out front.
Look, look, look.
You heard when I mentioned to Larry Pratt, they'll probably go kill a bunch of school kids.
The government will.
And he didn't disagree, he just laughed.
Because they do that, folks.
I mean, the feds have been caught.
And, uh, this is part of a Northwoods-type plan, and no matter how horrible that sounds, it's the facts.
And, uh, you know, I mean, the last thing we want is somebody to go off and blast a bunch of, uh, idiot FBI agents.
I'd rather expose those FBI agents as criminals and watch the system have to put them in prison, which it's been doing, by the way.
And, uh, the last thing we need right now is violence.
Now, I'm telling you to say this.
Hey, they start sending army trucks around and arresting people and doing what they're setting up for.
Uh, you're not going to have to wait for orders from headquarters, folks.
You can just go to the sound of the guns.
I'm not going to their FEMA camp.
Uh, so, uh, you know, that's the end of this discussion.
But if these cops and FBI and military want to keep going down this road, want to help flush America down the toilet,
They have to worry about their bosses, not us.
Because this system eats them alive.
Yes, sir.
I can't agree with that.
We just have to pick our fights and know when to get out there and do it.
Okay, so you agree or you disagree?
I'm not sure.
I kind of disagree.
I just don't want the community to fight amongst themselves.
There's people out there who are aware we can't be a picker on each other.
We need to concentrate on the Army.
There's going to be people that come out that I don't agree with and I'm going to have to tell them I don't.
I mean, you notice these guys that call for violence are always the ones sitting there telling me to go do it for them.
Okay, thanks for the call, man.
Good to hear from you.
Anne in New Mexico.
Anne, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Good afternoon.
Good evening.
I'm glad to see you're on a blowtorch WWCR.
Oh, you can hear us better on WWCR.
Oh yeah!
Say, a couple of comments and then a question.
You know the word conservative is nothing more than a cloaking device.
Well it is.
It means gun-grabbing, over-promoting, UN-supporting, trash brain.
And then you asked the father of that student what the teacher, or excuse me, change agent, police would do.
Well, he would make a note in the student's dossier.
So that's noted.
Yeah, that's what I said.
I was not joking when I said that principals now got a one-way ticket to a FEMA camp.
Those cops will sit there and kick that principal's guts out and stomp his guts all over the wall and talk about how it's for the homeland.
You want to add some more?
Okay, you can add some more then.
Yeah, these people will kill you in a minute, folks.
They love it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight central, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Got a bunch of news I will get to here in just a few minutes.
We're going to finish up with Ann and Brock and Michelle and Ray and Mick and then that's it for calls.
I'm going to go to you real quick.
Finishing up with Ann in New Mexico.
Ann, the point I was making is you got this good principal that tells the police who have law enforcement classes, they're brainwashing classes in most high schools and junior highs now,
The student says, I don't trust this government and this system, so they want to arrest him, they want to kick him out for his thought crime.
And my point is, if these globalists win, good people like that principal, the smart criminals, let me finish, the smart criminals, they go and they join.
They go and they join the military, law enforcement.
They get that uniform on.
They go out and enjoy themselves.
And that's what we're facing here with unlimited tyranny.
Go ahead.
I have a serious question here.
Speaking of track and trace nanotech, here's a scary thought.
You were mentioning killing people.
Would the RFIDs be able to respond to remote command for total control and possible extermination?
In other words, are they designer?
Smart chip?
Well, I mean, the general RFID tracker chip is just to identify... Well, it's passive, but can they be smart and respond to a command?
Well, of course.
The government can make basically whatever it wants.
Well, here's something encouraging for you, Alex.
In the world, you shall have tribulation.
But our master said, be of good cheer.
I have overcome the world.
So Yahweh bless you Alex.
You're a warrior.
You really are.
Well you guys are great.
I'm just fighting the New World Order.
I can't stand these people.
We're about to go to your final calls and get to some of this other news and a recap of some top stories.
But right now let's go to Debbie Morrow from New Millennium Concepts.
And Debbie, good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Hi there!
A lot of crazy news, a lot of bizarre stuff happening right now.
We've got our government down in Haiti overthrowing governments.
Talk about bad water.
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Listen, Debbie, thank you for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate you having me, and I look forward to talking to your listeners.
You're awesome, and if you want to talk to her, 1-888-803-4438.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I was wondering if you could say, in a nutshell, if possible, what is going on in Haiti now?
I was about to do that.
I mentioned it in the first hour.
In a nutshell, for some reason Aristide, who was a horrible demon, who they admit, his government was run by the U.S.
government, he had U.S.
provided special forces as his guards for the last decade, and he told the world.
He was surrounded, they pointed guns at him and said, you will come with us, or the rebels that we control will come in here and kill you right now.
And they pulled him out, and Powell said, that's not true, and lied to us, to our faces, and now the country's going to descend into total bedlam.
The group they just put into power is even worse than Aristide, is murdered.
What will the point be
You know, on the globalist military-industrial complex, like, what, are they trying to set up a situation so bad that America will have to go in and change the government and control it?
Well, that's it.
I mean, it's just a process of taking over third-world countries.
I mean, they're already doing it.
And so they put sanctions on Aristide for no reason.
They blocked the country.
They caused a major crisis.
This is just what they do.
And now they're taking full possession of it.
It's clear that Aristide hadn't been jumping high enough when they snapped their fingers.
And so it's basically just America having a means of control to get the New World Order coming?
Well, I wouldn't even say America.
Yeah, the bankers.
So they just want to get the third world in subjection so the bankers can influence what the U.S.
will do and the stronger... Well, the point is, it is a coup.
I mean, I've got literally 20 articles here, it's admitted now.
But again, that's the back of the paper, while Powell says, oh no, it's not a coup, we're not involved, and that's the truth.
You know, he said that's the truth.
And so it doesn't matter if they get caught being liars, because it's just lying now.
Everything's lying.
You know how it works, Brock.
And I was going to ask you, Columbine, was that not an arsenal?
Did they not have a whole factory?
Yeah, that takes an hour to go through, but that was a federal operation.
The children saw other men, full-grown men, doing it.
The whole thing was completely staged.
The sheriff and the principal had left that day, the school was 45% empty, and there was a tunnel under it, and they had over 100 bombs inside, and the SWAT team wouldn't let children run out, sat there for four hours, shot at least six of them, and that's mainstream Colorado newspapers, shot children as they tried to exit.
That was a federal op.
And what was the purpose?
Remember, they have the NRA convention that next week in Denver.
The gun grabbers were meeting in Louisiana for the big gun grab push, and so every time there's a bunch of key gun legislation on the table, a bunch of mass shootings take place.
So the Columbine was a government operation?
Yes, right down to... I mean, it takes hours to cover it, but yes.
And so, what was their purpose?
And just to get the control of guns by creating... Well, yeah, I mean, Operation Northwood says we'll shoot people and frame patsies.
I mean, we have U.S.
government documents talking about it.
I mean, this is what they're doing.
The whole purpose is to enslave the public to what we want to...
Put in force upon you?
Is that basically the final sort of... Yeah, and turn the schools into prisons, and barbed wire fences, and biometrics, and police dogs, and paddling on the parents, and ID cards, and it's just a total shift into the super-Soviet Nazi society.
How far away are we?
Like, where do you see the next... Where do we go next?
Like, in the next couple of years?
They've got about 90% of the total control grid in place now.
It'll be in total play for another year to two years.
Then they've got to condition us to accept it so people can start disappearing and it's already started and so it just becomes normalized.
So, it's just more and more... And that goes for your country too.
Well, I think our country's probably further ahead than yours because... No, it's about the same point.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate it, Brock.
Michelle in Rhode Island.
Michelle, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Okay, I just wanted to let you know that I really enjoyed seeing, well I didn't enjoy it because it was bad news, but Police Day 3 Total Enslavement at the Castle Cinema here in Providence and it was great to network with some other Patriots.
I think they sold out the theater there so it was wonderful to meet other people that were like-minded and
It just reminded me what you always say, you know, we outnumber them a million to one.
When do you think Genesis is going to organize a march on Washington?
Well, if somebody organized a march on Washington, the feds would detonate a truck bomb and blame it on the march organizers.
That's something they couldn't ignore.
A lot of useful idiots and well-meaning people and feds, people across the spectrum, have called for this big patriot march on Washington.
But if we did that, to quote, expose the New World Order, they would either totally ignore us or, I believe, they would detonate a truck bomb and then try to blame it on us.
That's heavy.
Well, you just gotta know how they operate, then you'll see what they're up to.
Listen, you've already marched on your governor who publicly tried to pass the Sedition Act to arrest anybody that criticizes the government.
That was in your major papers, Providence Journal and News 10.
Uh, and you guys took action.
He apologized and claimed he hadn't read the bill.
So we are marching on our capitals and our city councils.
And our school districts.
And that's where the fight is, not between John Kerry and George W. Bush.
Yeah, the local level's more powerful, I hear ya.
Alright, thanks Alex.
Hey listen, uh, so it was fun meeting all the like-minded people.
Well, yeah, I mean, we walked in from different backgrounds.
There was even a black man there.
There was only one black man there, and I went up to him and I said, hey, brother, it's good to have somebody of color here.
Bring your friends to the next showing, you know?
So, that was good.
There was old people, young people, some people brought their kids.
Are there a lot of black folks in Rhode Island?
Oh, sure, yeah.
I mean, if you go to one of my events, I mean, you know, everybody's there.
Old, young, black, white.
I mean, it's... everybody loves freedom.
Yeah, there was even a Spanish lady and she requested the videos be done in Spanish.
I wasn't sure how you felt about that, but... You know, I just don't have the time or energy.
I probably should.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, people... I got emails asking me about how the movies work.
You know, I didn't ask for anything for them to show the film.
Uh, there at the Castle Theatre, or for the radio station too, because the radio station has me on the air there.
Uh, I know there was a lady on the east, I mean on the west coast, uh, cause I talked to theatre owners who made about $100,000 last year showing Road to Tyranny.
I frankly don't care.
Uh, I'm not in this for money, I just want people to see the films.
I do need to make bigger and better, more professional films, and then try to officially put them in theaters.
But again, that takes millions of dollars and millions of dollars of promotion.
So, via the grassroots, we're able to do it.
Now, the radio station did buy some of my videos, and did sell some of them there, and they'll be doing that next time.
And so, in a way, the show does get supported.
That's all secondary to getting the word out.
That's why I do this.
I mean, I really believe what I'm saying.
These things are really happening.
It really is this bad, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ray in Colorado.
Ray, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I have something I want to try to put forth in maybe a better, positive direction.
Years ago, I spoke, I had someone on the street that I was trying to, uh, uh, get off the street.
He's a very bad person.
I spoke with a police officer, worked with him for a bit, for a while.
You know, let me talk to Stephanie for a second.
For some reason, the calls sound distorted to me.
Kind of weird.
I'm having trouble understanding them.
Can you hear me now?
Um, a little better, but... Okay, I'll try to, I'll try to talk a little louder.
Well, maybe you shouldn't breathe on the phone receiver.
Okay, is this better?
I guess.
Okay, anyway, the police officer, what he did, he worked with me for a while on this person and I gave him some information in a class with his records.
And he checked on it.
And the next day he was supposed to get back with me, he didn't, I went to him.
And when I went to him,
He said, if I were you, I'd lay low and hope it all blows over.
I'm not telling you what to do, but if I were you, I'd lay low and hope it all blows over.
Concerning what?
Concerning getting this person off the street.
Well, years later, they finally, you know, they aided me, and I went over to his home, and I got pretty good at finding people, so, uh, I went to his home, he says, uh, he says to me,
Um, how did you find me?
And I said, well, it doesn't matter.
I'm here.
And he said, yes.
And I said, here, I gave you a gift.
And I brought you a gift.
And I gave him the gift.
And it was a book.
The book was called Contract on America.
The Mafia Murder of John F. Kennedy.
And he looked at the cover.
I didn't say anything else.
And he says, let me give it to you straight.
I'll go after any thug on the street with a gun.
Any of them.
Doesn't bother me at all.
Toe to toe.
Doesn't bother me.
But when it's someone who'll go after my family, what am I going to do?
So, that was the end of the conversation, kinda, you know?
And so what happened was... So the police wouldn't go after a criminal because they were afraid.
Because they're afraid... And that's how it works.
They don't speak out against corruption in the department because they're afraid of the other police.
It's just cowardice breeds enslavement.
So what happens though, is now I understand, what he needed was a refuge and we should have been building him that refuge.
When people hand out your tapes, what they need to do is say, our officers, our military, need a refuge.
So is it?
Well, see, they're told by the police state that the refuge is the B system.
Well, we do this for your safety.
Christ's God is something different.
I understand, Ray.
Thanks for the call.
We'll take one final call and a few final news stories.
When we get back, and stay with us folks, I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
And I'm here Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central during the day, and back from 9 to midnight Central.
Be sure and join us.
We'll be back.
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The Berkey Light self-sterilizing filter elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, and they reduce lead, mercury, aluminum, nitrate, sulfur odors, foul tastes, and much, much more.
Yet, they leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
The Berkey Light has ridges to deflect water if the upper chamber is overfilled and it can be used anywhere on a flat surface.
That's because it has an elevated base.
The entire system joins together to make the Berkey Light convenient to transport even while it's filtering water.
It's rechargeable bright white LED lamps allow for optimum use at night or during emergency conditions.
Get the Berkey Light, the ultimate filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
By the way, you know this show just doesn't go out on the AM and FM dial or the internet.
The first two hours during the daytime show from 11 to 2 go out on 9475 WWCR.
We're trying to get a third hour.
And then at night, the second two hours on 3210.
That's from 10 to midnight central.
Uh, Mick in Arizona, last caller we have time for.
Go ahead, sir.
How you doing, Ev?
Hey, have you heard about the free gun lots?
Our local police officers are handing out.
I guess all you have to do is go down to the police station.
Tell the nice police officer about all the guns you got, where you live.
Well, yeah, that's the whole point.
And when people do that, they get questioned.
Sometimes they get raided.
I've had friends that were dumb enough to go do that.
And then later, you know, the cops go, what you got?
You got something illegal?
Out in Arizona, they also have knock and talk.
They come to your door and go, Dallas has this too.
They go,
We'd like to talk about your guns.
Usually while the man's gone, they scope the house out.
Usually middle class.
Well, yes, officer.
Well, mind if we come in and look at them?
This is America, folks!
They're inches away from confiscating them.
You understand that?
Oh, yeah.
Go ahead.
Hey, I took an article about a series of bombings back in the 60s in Tucson.
Did you get that?
Uh, no, I didn't.
Anyway, it looked like it was a bunch of mob families bombing each other.
But anyway, a state investigator
Caught two of the bombers, right?
Guess what?
They figured it was the FBI agent.
Hey, how did you send me that article?
It was like three weeks ago, probably.
And you mailed it in the mail?
It's probably in a big pile.
I probably missed it.
Anyway... I'm going to go back and look for it.
So this was in... Where were these bombings taking place?
In the 60s.
Back in the early 60s.
And it looked like it was mob warfare, but a state investigator caught two of the bombers.
Yeah, that's very valuable.
Send it again in case I lost it.
Yeah, I'll try to get it.
But, uh, they fingered the FBI agent, and here, old J. Edgar jumped in and shut the whole investigation down, citing national security.
The image of the FBI is necessary.
Hey, it's real simple.
They get more power out of killing us, we beg them, go save us, save us.
Hey, good to hear from you.
I appreciate it.
Miami Herald's reporting they were going to send more private mercenaries to defend Aristide.
The U.S.
government blocked it.
They did kidnap him at gunpoint.
That is admitted.
And then Powell doesn't care.
He'll just lie to your face even when it's public that he's a liar.
Also, on the West Coast, they're paying $2 a gallon.
Paying $1.70, $1.65 here in Austin.
And we got more oil than ever.
Just a big scam ripping you off.
Homeland Security has its first birthday, but critics say citizens aren't safe for them.
There's nothing to celebrate.
Well, that's just some of the news, my friends.
Just some of the news.
We're out of time.
I really love you guys and gals to death.
I'm honored to be your host.
I want to thank our affiliates.
I want to thank our sponsors, our listeners, God.
I just want to thank everybody.
And for the yuppies out there that want to deny what I'm saying because you're cowardly and want to deny how serious things are.
You want to be lazy and not face up to what's developing.
I feel sorry for you.
And you ought to love your children.
You ought to love humanity more than that.
You ought to face the horror.
For those that want to face the horror and do something about it, for those that want to take action and support this show, I've made ten films, I've written a book, I've published a book, I carry other books and videos by amazing, insightful researchers and authors, and you can go to infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to get the books and the videos, the DVDs,
You can call toll free to order them or to ask any questions at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Get the videos, make copies for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes, and educate people.
They're waking up 90% of those that see them.
You can't ask for numbers better than that.
Well, I guess 100%, but I'll take 90%.
I think we can win with those numbers.
It's up to us, though, to expose these murdering demons.
Berkey Water Filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
The Berkey Light's self-sterilizing filter elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, and they reduce lead, mercury, aluminum, nitrate, salt for odors, foul tastes, and much, much more.
Yep, they leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
The Berkey Light has ridges to deflect water if the upper chamber is overfilled and it can be used anywhere on a flat surface.
That's because it has an elevated base.
The entire system joins together to make the Berkey Light convenient to transport even while it's filtering water.
It's rechargeable bright white LED lamps allow for optimum use at night or during emergency conditions.
Get the Berkey Light, the ultimate filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.