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Name: 20040224_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 24, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
It's Tuesday, 24th of February.
2004, and I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We've got Angel Shamaya from KeepinBearArms.com coming on the next hour.
One of their writers is also a writer for Guns and Ammo and other major publications, wrote a letter to the San Francisco Police Department saying, you know, you guys aren't enforcing the law with these gay marriages, and, uh, you know, I mean, what would you do if gun owners didn't follow the law?
Would you not enforce
Your unconstitutional gun laws?
I mean, real simple what he said.
I've got his letters, so he got police calls and police visits and it's all part of the secret police atmosphere, so that's coming up.
In the meantime, a ton of vital news and information.
Court declines appeal on 9-11 secrecy.
The U.S.
Supreme Court gave the government the power
To keep certain terrorism cases in near total secrecy.
And that ruling came down yesterday.
So they'll secretly arrest you and then not tell anybody that they arrested you and secretly try you and secretly execute you.
The Supreme Court says that's a good deal.
Also, we have a new federal office that does espionage research, and this is a very interesting article about these mushrooming new federal spy agencies here domestically.
Here in Austin, Texas, we, well, have had Texas Independence Day marches, rallies, for over a hundred years, and it's a family event.
But the City of Austin doesn't want to be a part of that.
It won't allow a parade.
They won't provide security so you can't have a parade.
The City of Austin sponsors Cinco de Mayo.
Or Mexican Independence in Austin, Texas.
Over 10 years ago, I guess about 12 years ago, University of Texas banned Texas Independence Day from the school sponsoring it or any department sponsoring it, but they do sponsor Cinco de Mayo and Quonset and everything else.
And so I have the Associated Press article here, Texas Independence Parade cancelled because of cost.
That is, they say, you can't have a parade because we don't want to pay for it.
The city can't spare the police.
But they can for tens of thousands of screaming people waving Mexican flags on Cinco de Mayo.
City of Austin cancels Texas Independence Day parade, but sponsors Cinco de Mayo and everything else as long as it's not Texan.
The University of Texas canceled Texas Independence Day over ten years ago, but banned a university department from supporting it.
Now the City of Austin is saying they can't allow the parade because they can't supply police for it, but every year for Cinco de Mayo, Austin's downtown is shut down as thousands of screaming people violently wave Mexican flags.
Then I have the AP article under my comments.
Texas Independence Parade cancelled because of cost.
We'll get into that.
Also, cashless society.
More and more businesses forcing their employees to take their pay on a debit card.
They don't even want to give you automatic transfers or force you onto the cashless system that way.
And so we'll go to a letter from a listener and a news article out of Money, Florida Today.
Pay cards replace paychecks.
Actually, I have the Gannett News Service posted on MoneyFloridaToday.com.
Pay cards replace paychecks.
We'll get to that story.
Japanese banks using biometrics.
Texas grocery stores.
We'll go over the cashless society control grid.
Government backs down on random drug tests in public schools in England, but they're not backing down here in the U.S.
We're more Big Brother than the British on this area here in the U.S.
Blair moves in with measles, mumps, and rubella shots.
In West Virginia, they're going to make it the law that you have to take the shots if you're arrested.
And look, I haven't even scratched the surface.
Big Show lined up for you.
So please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It is Tuesday, the 24th day of February 2004.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, updated daily for you with audio, video, government documents, mainstream media, alternative news, analysis, you name it, transcripts,
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to thank both my webmasters, my wife, Violet Jones, who does Infowars.com, Paul Watson over in England that runs PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, there's a bunch of news from yesterday I didn't get to that I want to cover.
And I know we've already got callers who are holding.
We'll go to Weston, Texas, and Stephen, Illinois, and others.
The toll-free number to join us, always a good idea on a talk show to give the number out, 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231, and we'll get you up and on the air.
I mean, look at this.
Greenspan warns against U.S.
job protectionism.
I didn't get to that yesterday.
He chastised those of us that had pointed out that NAFTA and GATT has destroyed our economy.
Bush came out two weeks ago with his economic committee and said, his little group, his working group that puts out propaganda and said,
Oh, export of jobs is good.
This is our new commodity.
This is what we produce.
We ship our jobs overseas.
They actually said that.
And then now I find out today that Bush's economic board, there in the White House, his economic council, their proper term for it, says that they want to change
McDonald's jobs specifically, in-job flipping hamburgers, they mentioned McDonald's specifically as manufacturing... Folks, this isn't a joke, okay?
I have the article, the Associated Press.
They want to change burger flipping to manufacturing.
So they can say that we've added all these millions of manufacturing jobs.
And understand, that's not even real jobs, period, being produced.
They're just going to say already existing jobs that are out there, whooping burgers, or making, you know, coney dogs, or whatever.
All the fast food restaurants, suddenly Bush will go, we just added six million manufacturing jobs.
The neocons will say, see how great Naftan Gat is?
See how wonderful it is?
Shut up and never say it again.
By the way, the Pentagon has come out and said that, and again, this is five weasels saying they're investigating the giant grey fox, but yes, it is a criminal investigation right now of Halliburton.
They're going to get to the bottom of it.
You can be assured that some low-level employee will be given five years in the federal Hyatt Regency and in some luxury federal penitentiary with golf courses.
You know they have those.
Or he'll have his own valet, and then all the big boys will run off with their hundreds of billions of dollars.
But, yes, yes, the Pentagon is criminally investigating Halliburton.
But don't worry, Halliburton is running TV ads.
And guess what?
I just so happened to have caught one last night.
I watch very little television, but there was an ad going, you know Halliburton, good American company.
We get the jobs and contracts in Iraq because of who we are, not who we know.
I mean, they're running TV ads about why they get all the contracts?
Oh, because of who we are, not who we know.
No bids were allowed, folks.
It's not just that Halliburton got the job because they know how to do the job.
It's because no bids were allowed.
No one else was allowed to bid.
And Halliburton can say, well, we're experts in oil reconstruction and oil drilling and oil pipelines, which is true.
I mean, there's about 80 other companies that are, you know, as good as Halliburton.
But, okay, I mean, yeah, you can get the oil contracts.
No bids allowed.
But food service, camps, maintenance, water,
Uh, administration of the Iraqi government running the Iraqi debt.
They've got Baker and Associates running that and giving the contracts to Halliburton.
I mean, it is insane, folks.
They're all, you know, given different sectors of the economy and they all give each other the contracts.
It's just... I've never seen such blatant, total looting.
And how do the neocons counter this?
The gun-grabbing, open-border promoting, America-hating neocons.
How do they handle it?
What do they do?
Well, they just come out and they say, Hey!
We got news for you!
Oh, I just can't handle this anymore.
I was going to make a point about it.
I mean, do I even need to make the point?
The neocons come out and they say, if you say a word about Halliburton, you're a liberal.
You're up there on a gun turret with Hanoi Jane, and you love John Kerry, and you're a socialist.
So we've got these gun-grabbing, anti-American, the most corrupt people in Washington running things, looting the economy, up one side and down the other, telling us that exporting our jobs is good, and don't you dare say that exporting all our jobs is bad, why it's good, and McDonald's is manufacturing, and no bids allowed are good, and rotten food to the troops, and not giving the troops medical care when their legs are blown off, and not letting us see that, you know, all this is good!
And if you talk about it, you're a liberal.
So they've got a great new system set up.
If you talk about how Bush is anti-gun, you're a liberal.
If you talk about Bush's open borders, you're a liberal.
If you criticize anything the government does, growing by 45% in the last three and a half years, you're a liberal.
I mean, it's just amazing.
So, Halliburton is now running TV ads where they say they deserve all the contracts they're getting.
And then, when a neocon talk show host gets a call about this, they go, somebody will call in and go, you know, Halliburton's getting all the contracts and that's not right, and they'll hang up on the caller, and they get memos on this, how to talk, and they say, how dare you say the French deserve those contracts and the Germans!
America deserves that money, you traitor!
Move to France!
No, no, no, no, no, no.
When it came out that no bids were allowed, the White House came out and said, you know what?
We're not about to give France and Germany contracts.
That's a red herring!
American companies aren't allowed to bid!
See how that works?
But now when the average dumbbell who thinks they're conservative, they're really left of Joseph Stalin, is driving along in their truck feeling real good about their country boyness and how much they love George W. of the Kennebunkport Blueblood.
He's so Texan!
You know, while the people driving around in Texas with the fake Texas accents, never seeing a cow, or feeling very conservative about Bush, I just don't even have words to describe the idiocy of all of it anymore.
It's just so hard to deal with.
My head is spinning right now, ladies and gentlemen.
It really and truthfully is.
These people are just amazing.
All right, the total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
There is no difference between the Republicans and the Democrats.
You know the old cliche, two sides of the same coin, two arms on the same beast, two heads on the same hydra.
I mean, it's really that simple.
They're different managers inside this global corporation, this crime syndicate that is the New World Order.
They're like two generals in the Roman legions battling for the eye of Caesar.
And Caesar is the big central banks.
And our presidents are mid-level nothings.
But to have Halliburton running ads, and to have the average conservative tunes into a show and hears us talking about Halliburton, they go, that must be a liberal!
Because we believe that Halliburton shouldn't be getting all the contracts and double-charging the Pentagon and scamming everybody.
And then as soon as the dumbbells start waking up to that, the White House just goes, we're not going to give the French the contracts.
When it never had anything to do with the French.
It's just, it's mindlessness.
Okay, again, your calls are coming up.
I'll get to you here in a few minutes.
I've got to talk about this.
West Virginia.
They're about to pass a law that you gotta take whatever vaccine the government says.
Right now, 35 vaccines are mandatory.
Doesn't matter how much mercury's in them.
And this is the government saying, we'll put in your body whatever we want, whenever we want.
Bill forces shots on all children.
We're on that daily on InfoWars.com.
Homeschoolers fight state legislation that criminalizes parents who object.
West Virginia homeschooler families and others were scheduled to stage two rallies today to protest the proposed bill that would require every child in the state to have a record of compulsory immunizations.
Now no one has done this but the District of Columbia with one shot.
And this is the government, and they're coming out with new ones they want to make mandatory every year.
This is the government being able to put in your body whatever they want, whenever they want, just like the troops, which they now admit the anthrax and smallpox shots are killing them.
There's been like 10 more major medical reports by institutions and universities in the last month.
I don't even read the articles anymore.
The legislation, Senate Bill 439, stipulates any parent or guardian who refuses to permit his or child to be immunized would face a criminal charge.
CPS, taking your kids.
The rallies, sponsored by West Virginians for Vaccination Exemption, were scheduled to take place at the State Capitol in Charleston and outside the Marion County Courthouse in Fairmont.
If passed, this bill will turn all West Virginian parents who choose not to vaccinate for religious or other reasons into criminals or force them to move to other states, said Helen Tucker, co-founder of WVVE and state chair of the Libertarian Party of West Virginia.
That's America, folks!
They're coming for you, and it's not just going to stop in West Virginia.
Jack Brownrigg for Midas Resources.
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I mean, think about this.
They're publicly putting video cameras in school bathrooms and showers.
Frisking the children, have drug dogs jumping on them, putting up barbed wire fences, making them thumbscan to buy food at the lunch line, no cash allowed.
At the same time, in New Mexico, they've passed the law out of the House, it's in the Senate, to put breathalyzers on all cars, and make everyone blow a breathalyzer to start your car.
Guilty until proven innocent.
They're setting up checkpoints around the country where police demand blood now to make sure you're not driving under the influence of drugs.
Again, no Fourth Amendment.
Talk about illegal search and seizure.
Unreasonable search and seizure.
I mean, it's just all the opposite of freedom.
Cameras in your neighborhood on poles with microphones is not freedom.
It's the opposite.
And then in West Virginia, this is a big, big deal, and then we'll start going to Steve and Wes and Dylan and Clayton and Leslie and everybody else that's patient and holding.
Bill forces shots on all children.
And it's a long article.
And the bill says, unlike 48 other states, West Virginia currently does not have a provision for a religious or philosophical exemption.
However, families can assert they have sufficient medical reason for not immunizing a child, which works, in effect, like an exemption.
The new bill would do away with that right.
And they've got passages here from the bill.
You will be arrested, CPS will take your children, if you don't take all 35
Of the mandated shots, and every year they're adding new injections.
Six or seven years ago it was only three or four shots.
Granted, those were combo shots with two or three different things in each shot, but there were just a few mandated shots.
Now it's over 30 shots in the average state, 35 in West Virginia.
And they'll just come out with more and more!
They're going to have vaccines against aggression, vaccines against drug use, vaccines for earaches, vaccines for cigarettes, everything!
Folks, we're in so much trouble.
I mean, this country, wherever you live, you better call the legislature.
In West Virginia.
And it's Senate Bill 439.
And it's scheduled to pass in the next few days.
It's got a bunch of co-sponsors and looks like it's going to do it.
And by the way, I have about a hundred articles all this horrible today.
I mean, how am I supposed to cover it all?
Folks, I live in Texas.
My family was involved in the war for independence against a brutal dictator called Santa Ana, who was later overthrown by the Mexican people.
Over a third of those that fought against Santa Ana for Texas independence were Hispanic.
It was a Tejano gentleman who wrote the Texas Constitution and was the second command of its new government.
But they try to make it this racial issue and they've done a great job and it's the big white bankers, it's the government that's doing this, to get us all of each other's throats.
And I got up this morning
and turned on the radio at about six o'clock and uh... they said yeah they've banned texas independence day not just at the UT which they did twelve years ago uh... but uh... the city will not allow a parade or march now they have it for Cinco de Mayo they shut down all the texas independence day march was to be on congress about an hour long
We're Cinco de Mayo and I'm going to go shoot video of it this year because I've been down there, I've seen it.
They will shut down, I don't know how many streets, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 streets in between 4th Street and 8th Street and then all the streets deep, about 6, 7, 8, about 8, I'd have to count them up, quite a few streets, a huge area of downtown.
They shut it down.
But Texas can't have just an hour-long little march.
And I've been to these things.
I mean, it was just a happy family thing.
Oh, we love Texas and, you know, Texas flags.
It was nothing.
But Mecha and La Raza made it a racial issue, just like the ADL made the passion a racial issue.
No one ever even thought of that.
And I've been to the Texas Independence Day Rally at UT, sponsored by a student group.
Again, the
UT used to fire cannons and have a big march and everybody loved it.
They don't have that anymore for 12 years.
But I was there and people dressed up like Aztecs ran up and attacked me, grabbed the birthday cake, put it in their mouth, spit it out, screamed at us, laughed at us, and then the paper had them as the good, loving folks the next day, of course.
But now the city of Austin says, no, you can't have a parade.
They'd given the permit, but now they say they're not going to because they can't spare the police officers.
And a few months ago we had Vicente Fox here giving the police awards for violating the law and not arresting illegals.
So, I mean, just Austin, Texas is run by Mexico.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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My friends, I'm not going to back down.
I can't back down.
I love this country.
I love my family.
I have to defend against the globalists.
And we're about to go to your calls.
I mean, look at the news I just covered.
Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to be president.
He wants you to get rid of the law so he can do it.
We told you that was in the works.
Greenspan says, don't you criticize the loss of jobs.
Shipping jobs overseas is good for the economy.
Bush wants to change it to where working at McDonald's is manufacturing.
So he can, in the economic index, call that manufacturing.
That's an official thing from his economic council.
The city of Austin says, after 100 plus years, no more Texas Independence Day.
They will not allow or issue a permit for that, but they will for Cinco de Mayo.
They're going to pass a bill in West Virginia that you will take every shot they say, or you will have your children taken from you.
They're about to pass a law to pass the house in New Mexico where everyone will have to blow into the breathalyzer every time you start your carb.
Again, we're all criminals!
They're about to make kids in the AISD.
Everyone will have to drug test.
There's discussions of it.
They're trying to pass the law in San Marcos, just south of us.
Every day I see articles where new school districts around the country are doing it.
Everybody must drug test.
Everybody must give blood, urine.
I mean, it's everything!
This is the Soviet Union!
If that is not freedom!
Let's go to the calls.
Steve in Illinois.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
How you doing Alex?
I'm just, I'm, I'm, I'm blown away.
I can't believe how fast it's getting bad.
I don't blame you one bit.
I think all the issues you touched on go down to one thing and that's ignorance.
Ignorance of people.
Everywhere I look I see ignorance.
You know, the only shows we got down here that they quote so-called conservative talk shows.
All they do is talk about how evil Hillary is.
We know she's evil!
Why don't you talk about biometrics, or drug testing of all the children, or breathalyzers in all the police cars?
Not only that, but if anybody calls in, I know they must scream the heck out of them.
Excuse me, I wish it was just breathalyzers in the police cars.
Breathalyzers in all.
All cars, yes.
All cars, excuse me, go ahead.
If it wasn't for you and Genesis, I would be
Brainwashed like the rest of them.
Listen to this garbage that they spew out.
They do street calls.
They look for idiots.
I've told them to disagree with the government before.
The only people they allow to disagree with are blatant liberals that have no common sense whatsoever.
It's like they only allow what they can shoot down.
They create a false debate.
They create a false debate.
If it wasn't for you and Genesis, I don't know what I'd be listening to.
Probably nothing.
I've been through the whole gamut of the, you know, it's just unbelievable out here.
And the people that I talk to, they are so ignorant.
You know, on my table, I'm 41 years old.
I've got a book about, it's the Roosevelt myth.
And my friends say, what are you reading that for? 1933.
You know, people are so dumbed down by this.
By the way, every time I tune into a neocon now, they're talking about how great Roosevelt was.
What's this new trend of hearing people talk about how great Roosevelt was?
From what I'm getting out of this book, he was basically the start of all this.
He pushed government beyond unbelievable what he did.
I mean, he ran his platform trying to get elected on
Hoover was spending way too much money.
The first thing he does, he gets in the office and he starts, you know, what, 50 different organizations for this and organizations for that, basically just taking control, the federal government just took control of our whole nation ever since.
It's unbelievable.
And that's fascism.
People don't even understand.
They don't even care.
All they want to do is watch these ignorant, stupid reality TV crap and
Hey, I hear you.
I'm going to let you go, Steve.
I appreciate the call.
Let me just say this.
For a man of your age, you've got to be ten years younger than me.
What you did in Waco, Texas, if anybody has character assassination of you, all I've got to tell them, you know, I bought all your tapes.
And last night, I just watched Police State 2000 takeover.
Everyone's got to get that video at least.
Along with all the other ones.
But character assassination on you, I tell them, well, look at what that young man in his twenties did down in Waco, Texas.
He organized all that, built the church for those people, and all people want to do is talk about, oh, Koresh was raping them young ladies, and the people were all nuts.
I say, hey, look what that man did for those people.
And you call yourselves Christians?
All these phony Christians they talk to?
It's unbelievable.
Hey, Steve, I hear you and I appreciate the kind words.
I've got to let you go.
Thank you.
Steve, you're great, but I've got to be fair to the other callers.
Yeah, I never really talk about that, and I guess I should, because people have forgotten.
And I'm no longer in my twenties, folks.
Those were the days.
Back in the late 1990s, they were having a civil trial, and the judge, Walter Smith, wasn't allowing a jury.
He just said, well, there's no law, but I won't allow a jury in the civil trial.
The Davidians are suing the government, and I've decided I just won't allow a jury.
And he said, OK, I've got federal marshals, they've got submachine guns, and we're going to have a fake trial here, and I'll decide.
So I said, you know, I'm not putting up with this.
I said, we're going to build a memorial church for those that died, because you don't save the 17 little children by barbecuing them, which Delta Force did.
That's admitted.
The government set that place on fire.
And so, thanks to you, the listeners of this show, we went and we built a memorial church for all those that died, including the BATF.
There's a plaque out front for them, too.
I'm probably a terrorist because I did that, but there is a memorial for all those that died.
The church seats 400 people comfortably.
It's built out of fire-retardant hardy plank.
It's got a small second floor.
It's got beautiful beveled wood and all that stuff in it.
And yes, it was a wonderful thing.
And by the way, we gave people three different hardware stores and we said, we need a hundred boards this size.
We need fifty pieces of sheetrock that size.
We need lights.
One hundred percent of the money that was sent in went to that.
In fact, I spent thousands of my own money.
Every time we needed some money, I put some money in.
But the point is, is that 100% of that money went into it.
We needed trusses.
That was the one thing we couldn't get from one of the hardware stores.
So we said, all right, we picked a truss company.
Here's their number.
They're going to take your credit card numbers.
And when we get the $8,000 we need for the trusses, it'll be done.
That included the delivery.
It was just amazing.
So yes.
Thank you, Steve.
I hear you.
Wes in Texas.
Wes, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I appreciate all your hard work on behalf of Truth and Liberty.
Thanks for having me on.
Well, thank you.
I'd like to let you and your listeners know about another situation that's brewing in Waco, Texas, where free speech in the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is under attack.
February the 3rd, the Waco City Council passed an ordinance barring street activities and parades
Within school zones during certain hours.
Now your listeners may be saying, why is this a big deal?
Well it just so happens, coincidentally, that the Planned Parenthood abortuary happens to be in the school zone of the Waco Montessori School.
And by school zones, these school zones are gigantic.
I mean, they're, you know, they might be 500 yards of major roadway with government buildings and businesses everywhere.
I mean, at least the school zones in Austin, I mean, they're school zones that have got to be 700 yards long.
And of course there's demonstrators regularly.
See, that sounds real reasonable.
Oh, we just can't allow that, you know.
It's because they're so concerned for the children, yet while they're allowing the murder of these children to go on, and that's indirectly what they're trying to, or directly what they're trying to protect, is the murder of those unborn children by shutting down the preaching and the pictures and the demonstrations outside of the abortuary.
Well, that law needs to be challenged.
And of course, this is in the big Baptist hamlet of, let's worship George Bush, literal George Bush worship, billboards up everywhere.
So what are the Baptist churches saying about this?
Or are they saying suddenly that abortion is a Christian thing?
Well, I'm here in East Texas, but I want to let your listeners know it was challenged last week.
Brother Rusty Thomas of the Waco-based Elijah Ministries rallied about 70 Christians outside the Planned Parenthood facility last Wednesday morning.
The police did show up and handed out copies of the ordinance and gave them all a warning and left.
But he plans to show up again tomorrow at around 7 a.m.
And the ordinance kicks in at 7.30 a.m.
and he's going to challenge this ordinance again.
He's trying to rally Christians who'd like to come and stand on behalf of truth and on behalf of their unborn neighbor and to challenge this tyrannical ordinance.
He's trying to rally them out there.
Well, Wes, I'll check into that.
Send me an email with a news article on that.
I'd like to get that gentleman on.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, thanks.
Appreciate it.
Dylan in Texas.
Go ahead, Dylan.
Hi, Alex.
It's great to talk to you.
Thanks for being of service today.
Well, guys, you need to quit thanking me.
I'm just doing my duty.
I think you guys are wonderful, all of you.
Steve, Wes, Dylan, everybody that's called.
We really appreciate you.
I'm here to testify today, Alex.
And let me tell you where I'm coming from.
I used to vote for Bill Clinton.
I was, as an ardent supporter of pro-choice, as I now am a pro-life,
Um, and let me just testify that not because of the way you speak or because I dislike or do like your personality, I've just checked out the things you've said.
I've compared it with the international news wires and government documents, and I'm yet to come up with something that isn't true.
I'm not talking about fiddly stuff like dogs versus cats and stuff.
And more specific, um,
I am plum tired of these chemtrails and I want to focus myself, I want to focus more on speaking to the City Council, I guess, here in Austin about doing away with our voting machines and once the voting machines are done away with, I'm going to confront the elected officials about doing something about these chemtrails in the sky.
These things are not natural.
We didn't grow up with them and I noticed
After, sometimes, when there's a lot of chemtrails in the sky, and then that evening, I'll just take a nasal infection, like, right away.
Not like I was stressed out and stuff for a couple of weeks, and then I got ill.
No, like, all of a sudden, boom, I got a nasal infection.
Well, I know this.
I know this.
We all grew up watching the trails at 30,000 feet disappear in a few minutes, if not a few seconds.
I have sat there on my back porch doing yard work for five hours and watched fifty trails appear at two thousand feet and sit there for two or three hours and then turn to giant cloud banks.
That's not normal!
Something's going on!
And then the government comes out and goes, yeah, we're doing some weather modification but we can't talk about it.
No, there's more to it.
I have an official government bill in my book, Descent into Tyranny, it's also on the website, that admits these chemtrails.
Something is going on, and you're right.
We've got to get to the bottom of it.
That's basically what I have to say, Alex.
Thank you.
Hey, good to hear from you, Dylan.
Let's talk to Cliff in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, in Oklahoma.
Yes, Cliff.
Oh, hi.
How are you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
I was calling up to let you know about an event that I'm going to be putting together in early June.
Take an action.
What's going on?
Well, basically, what I'm doing, I'm playing a band out here, and I don't know, you may have gotten my CD when I sent it to you, we're called Behold the Pale Horse.
Yeah, yes, I did get it.
Okay, great.
Well, anyways, basically, we're going to be staging something called the Conspirathon, and it's going to be a mixture of bands playing, and in between bands playing, we're going to have
Actual videos like yours and some other conspiracy videos and things like that.
We're going to be playing them in between to help educate people about the New World Order.
Well, great.
Where's that taking place?
It's going to be up at the Conservatory, which is a venue out here in Oklahoma City.
I'm going to have probably about seven or eight bands that are going to be playing.
When is it going to be happening?
June 5th is the tentative date, which is a Saturday because we want to make it an all-day type deal.
And, uh, we've got about four or five bands that have already confirmed for us.
Well, great!
Send me some info on it!
Yeah, definitely.
So, you got to hear the CD?
Uh, yes, I did.
Oh, you did?
Well, um, hey, actually, I'll have to send you out our new one that we've put together.
We've got some more songs, uh, Novus Ordo Seclorum and Smoke Screen and I Believe in Conspiracy.
Well, that's wonderful.
Do you have a website?
Actually, we're in the middle of getting one put together.
I've got a guy that I've just kind of... Well, that's how we're going to defeat the New World Order, is everybody with their talents reaching out to people.
I appreciate the call, Cliff.
Now, we're going to continue to take calls, and these have all been great calls, but does anybody want to comment about states moving under federal mandate and funding to make everyone blow a breathalyzer every time you start your car?
Do you want to talk about nationwide drug testing of all children in public schools beginning?
Do you want to talk about all over the country, states moving to make you give your children vaccines as the movement builds to resist them?
Does this concern you?
Does Arnold Schwarzenegger getting on Meet the Press and saying, I want to be able to run for president, I mean, does that concern you?
Is Bush saying that McDonald's jobs being a new manufacturing sector, does that make you angry?
I mean, this is serious, serious business.
What about Austin, Texas, saying, hey,
We're not going to have Texas Independence Day rallies.
Now, UT already banned it twelve years ago.
It was a big deal!
Cannons firing and, you know, Texas dancers and baton girls and, you know, just... We love Texas!
A celebration of Texas!
Folks, they shut this city down for Cinco de Mayo.
There's hundreds of police.
The mayor comes and gives a proclamation and, you know, all that, but no!
Texas is bad!
America's bad!
So now the city says you can't have a rally, you can't have a parade.
We're going to revoke the permit because it's so big and popular.
The annual Texas Independent State Parade in the state capitol has been cancelled following the city council's decision against sponsoring the event.
Meanwhile, council members will decide Thursday whether they made the wrong decision in January to not help pay for the parade and fun run.
Celebrate Texas, a non-profit group, would have spent $11,800 for the parade and run this year.
Up from the $5,000 it paid last year, said State Senator Gonzalo Barrientos, a board member of Celebrate Texas.
So, even Barrientos is for Texas, but no, not the City Council.
We just, you know, you gotta pay for a parade if you want one around here.
And UT, boy, they canceled theirs.
So that's your new America, folks.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
And I haven't even scratched the surface on the news.
There's a lot more coming up.
Let's go ahead and go to Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I just want you to know I want to applaud you for bringing up the Halliburton
I mean, it's not like we're the liberals because we stand up for America.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
I'll let you talk on the other side.
I went to you too late.
I apologize.
Stay there, Leslie, and Phillip and Anders will get to you.
Again, we've already had 50 minutes of the show.
I haven't even scratched the surface, though we've covered a lot of key issues.
I've got a giant stack in front of me, and it's all coming up!
And we'll address how the First Amendment's under attack in the next hour with the folks from KeepinBearArms.com.
InfoWars.com's the website.
Stay with us.
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Okay, we were talking to Leslie in Virginia about Halliburton.
And she's right.
It was Judicial Watch that first pointed out the corruption of Halliburton.
And you really got to hand it to Judicial Watch.
I mean, you want to talk about a group that isn't government controlled.
A group that goes after corruption.
You notice when Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity go, Oh, Halliburton's wonderful.
It's all liberalized.
They don't point out it's Ron Paul criticizing it.
They don't point out it's Larry Klayman.
They don't point out, No, no, no, no, no.
It's got to be a Democrat.
And then they'll point out how Democrats are running scams with bids.
As if it's okay.
Well, they're corrupt.
Well, we're corrupt.
You know, it's a joke, folks.
George Bush is not a conservative.
He's a big spender, police state, wannabe dictator, with his hair on fire.
You know, at mock speed here, destroying America.
Go ahead, Leslie.
Thanks for making that clear to your listeners, Alex, because we've got to make this clear.
Larry Klayman, he filed suit a couple years ago, and he would be there to this very day.
In fact, he didn't leave until about 15 months ago.
With Charles Rizzotti, he was the IRS commissioner for AMS.
I mean the IRS commissioner, but he was the founder and a huge holder of stock of this corporation, AMS.
Well, he was, uh, the IRS was insuring the Commissioner's company millions of these contracts and other federal agencies.
And so, you know, that just quietly went away, wasn't in the news.
But anyway, it was Larry Klayman that exposed that conflict of interest.
And, you know, they still have the other Clinton appointees over there.
You're talking about Kim Traylor.
You've got the EPA inspector, Nikki Tinsley.
She's still there.
Hey, look at the CIA director as a Clinton boy.
That's right.
And see, you had a guy on there last week, and I couldn't get on, because your phones were loaded with callers.
And what he was exposing was the conflicts of interest in this 10th District race.
And the reason why this was so important is because the guy that, the former prosecutor, that's running in that race, you know, he asked the, I forgot the name of the guy... Yeah, let's be specific for folks, because they have no idea what we're talking about.
There was a case here in Texas, it's ongoing, they've created a new district, the Democrats aren't even running for it, because it's built for Republicans, which is fine with me.
The problem is, is the guy they've got running, McCall, he is a Democrat from the Clinton administration, helped cover up Chinagate.
He's married to the head of Clear Channel's daughter, who owns the voting machines that people are going to be voting for him on.
So Clear Channel gives him the money, runs the voting machines, and covers up for the Chinagate individual.
Thanks for the call.
It is very important, and thank you for the call.
I'm glad you brought that up, Leslie.
Before I end this hour and come back with the folks from Keeping Bear Arms, and then we'll go to Phillip and David and Rich and others, before I do that, I do want to spend about a minute and a half here encouraging you that if you want to have a tool that will wake up your friends, your family, your neighbors, people in your community, your police chief, your local talk show host, your pastor, your rabbi,
You need to get my videos.
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Second hour, straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
You are now smack dab in the middle of Hour 2 of this Tuesday, the 24th of February, 04 broadcast Transmission Against Tyranny.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Well, we're about to go back to your calls, and we've got a guest coming up, but I would like to get your comments on this.
West Virginia is about to pass a law where they take your children and criminally charge you if you don't take every vaccine that the government mandates every year.
Big, big deal here.
I mean, are we a free society, or do we have to take whatever the government says into our bodies?
Just amazing.
Especially with all the background of these vaccines.
I mean, all the hard,
Just the carnage they've caused.
Also, the Supreme Court said yesterday that yes, they can secretly arrest you, secretly try you, secretly execute you, no one ever needs to know anything.
If it involves terrorism.
And of course, under Section 802, every misdemeanor is an act of terrorism.
Of course, the good news is, up in Rhode Island, they had to throw out their martial law bill
Because people actually read it and the Governor has apologized.
They got a bunch on the Cashless Society control grid.
It's a ton of news I haven't even gotten to yet.
Also, yesterday I mentioned New Mexico passed a law out of the House into the Senate to make all cars have breathalyzers on them where you all have to blow every time you get in your car.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Do you like that?
Do you think that's freedom, folks?
Does anybody have a comment on that?
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to, I guess, Phillip in Virginia is up next.
Phillip, go ahead.
Yahweh with you, my friend.
Alex, I want to get your comment or analysis on something before I let you go, but I do want to comment on the things that you're talking about.
I am sick and tired of this hypocrisy of these media outlets, the newspapers,
And the television, they'll sensationalize these things like this drunken driving, things of that nature.
Saddam Hussein, he killed, used chemical weapons on the Kurds and yet we're being subjected to chemicals every day.
Some of your callers have already brought up the subject about the chemtrails.
On and on it goes, the double standard, they're in our face and then when you put it back in their face about the forced testing for drugs and then you mention the things about like Barry McCaffrey and what you confronted him about in the takeover and you get the documentation.
How the CIA has been caught shipping drugs in this country.
Yeah, they create the crisis.
Yeah, and you put it back on their face and they just shut you right out.
They don't want to hear the truth about anything.
It's just total spin, total theater, and it's disgusting and I can't even believe that some of the things you're talking about are total insanity.
The forced
Vaccinations in West Virginia, but I guess, you know, they've been forcibly drugging us with the fluoride in the water for years, you know, so, you know, it's nothing to them.
Hey, I've got mainstream news articles where the government's talking about putting Prozac in the water.
And then we're going to be crazy because we're against it.
Oh, these weirdos don't want everyone to have to blow their breathalyzer.
Why, this will save thousands of lives.
Well, you're for the children, aren't you?
You aren't for drunk drivers, are you?
Oh no, absolutely not!
But we could just mount a camera on all your heads and, you know... By the way, they now admit that the cell phones are tracking everything we do and the federal court just said, yeah, you can use OnStar for the government to track and listen to people.
I mean, it's just wall to wall.
It's worse than 1984.
And so now, you know, what happens when somebody reads that book and they think, oh, this is a nice place to vacation.
This sounds like a wonderful place.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Phillip, I think you said you had a question though?
What's your analysis?
Okay, I'll let you ask the question when we get back.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're about to be talking to the director, the founder of keepingbeararms.com, really the premier information news source and action source, kind of a nexus point, matrix point for fighting for the Second Amendment, Angel Shamiah.
But this case he's going to be joining us concerns the First Amendment and how it intertwines with the Second and how both of those are under attack.
You don't attack one and not the other.
But, and then we'll go to David and Rick and Mark and Sean and others.
But, Phillip in Virginia, you got cut short.
You had a question for me?
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
About an hour ago, Lord Bush, by the way, is backing a constitutional amendment for the marriage thing, but he won't do that for abortion.
Just more hypocrisy.
What about the neocons are using Libya and Iran
For justification for this war, so-called war on terrorism.
You got any insight on that?
Was that just a theater?
Did the U.S.
do some diplomatic wrangling to get Libya to crawfish?
You got any insight on that?
Sure, let me comment on that.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, look.
Our government went in and up until
This moment is continuing to arm Iran.
They arm Iran through Syria.
They arm Iran through Israel.
They arm Iran through Pakistan.
They arm them through North Korea.
They arm them through China.
Our government has armed Libya.
In fact, Muammar Gaddafi just released his nuclear development program, and it really burned the US and the British, because there's the US and the British shelling him and stuff.
There's a big firestorm over that, and it's in the foreign press.
Our government's been arming Pakistan, North Korea, and China.
They, in turn, arm Iran.
Israel's been arming Iran and been caught doing that with sophisticated weapon systems.
Regardless of the geopolitical makeup of the world, you know, what they're putting out on the surface, the globalists go out and arm everybody to then create the crisis.
It's like, you know, they ship the drugs in, make the money off the first sale, then they make the money off arresting people, putting them in private prisons, having them build widgets that then compete against the free market.
They then make money off, you know, having government contracts being paid to private corporations in the war on drugs.
So they set up these systems where they make money, but more importantly, gain control over more and more of our lives.
And so that's what's happening.
But no, I mean, Gaddafi's been playing ball since Ronald Reagan bombed him
Back in the 1980s, Qaddafi's not been a threat.
Qaddafi's just been sitting over there, basically smoking his opium pipe, and that's been about the end of it.
Gallivanting around Africa with delusions of grandeur.
Look, I don't defend Libya or Syria or Iran or Saudi Arabia.
They're monsters.
The globalists are the bigger monster, and the globalists arms them as an excuse to be able to attack them.
You understand?
I mean, just because these countries aren't good, doesn't mean the globalists are good.
I mean, just because Hitler attacked Stalin, doesn't mean Hitler was good.
You understand?
Just because Stalin attacked Hitler, it didn't mean that Stalin was good.
But that's how the globalists operate.
They go, you know, we're over here fighting these evil people, so we must be good.
Just look at who put Saddam into power, gave him the weapons, told him to attack Iran, told him to attack Kuwait, made up stories about babies and incubators.
I mean, Saddam Hussein was mild compared to our other supposed allies.
Compared to Indonesia and all these other little allies.
I mean, Saddam is nothing, was nothing, compared to these people.
Very tolerant of Christians and Jews in their country.
Now, not anymore in the last decade, not since the sanctions and all the rest of it.
And now look at the situation in Iraq.
So, I hope that answers your question.
Let's go to Angel Shamaya.
And Angel, good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Do we have Angel there, guys?
I hear some noise in the background.
Perhaps she's taking another call or had a phone problem.
Okay, we'll try to get him back on then, police.
Keaton Bear Arms, writer, investigated for questioning civil authority.
Police say investigation ongoing.
And did you know that writing a rhetorical letter to civil authorities in California challenging their hypocrisy results in police investigation that includes not only calls from detectives, but two black and white police cruisers coming to your home?
That's what happened to longtime gun rights activist and professional writer David Kodera this week, but follows as a link to the investigation-inspiring letter, a detailed description of what transpired, and a description of how trying to get our own answers from the investigators resulted in unwillingness to respond to our simple, reasonable inquiry.
And he writes for Guns and Ammo and a bunch of other mainstream publications,
And he wrote a letter saying, you know, you're doing this with gay marriage in San Francisco, which is a violation of state law.
Would you like it if gun owners didn't follow the law?
Are you not going to prosecute gun owners if they don't follow all your unconstitutional laws?
And to go back to the caller's question,
You know, he was saying, well, Bush is coming out with a defense of marriage act, a constitutional amendment, but he won't do that for abortion.
You watch, out of this amendment, they're going to say, well, it just, we won't call it marriage, we'll call it a union or a partnership.
And, they've been looking for an excuse, flag amendments and the rest of it, to get a con-con going.
A constitutional convention
Once they get one of those started, they can rewrite the whole Bill of Rights!
And you can just guarantee there'll be a nice terror attack that'll happen, that the globalists will carry out, during the Con Con, and then magically everything will be rewritten.
Including the part of the Constitution that doesn't allow Arnold to be President.
Let's go to Angel.
Angel, are you there, my friend?
I am.
Okay, good.
Good to get you on.
This case concerns the First Amendment and the Second Amendment and shows the secret police mentality of major police departments.
It does.
It does indeed.
So break it down for us, my friend.
Well, long story short, I apologize if I sound hoarse.
I haven't been feeling too well today.
So, I don't know if I can stay on for a whole 30 minutes if my throat will allow it.
Well, you sound great, so let's just rampage through it.
I'll ram through it.
Long story short, you know, San Francisco gave out 3,000 plus licenses for same-sex quote-unquote marriages, and our writer decided to say, well, gosh, if you're willing to violate that law, then of course you're willing to violate the law that
That is actually protected by the Second Amendment.
Surely you'll go ahead and let me keep and bear arms in your city, too.
So what do you think if I come down there and bring, oh, I don't know, a pistol, handgun, maybe even my AR-14, can I have your support to exercise my rights?
Would you be willing to support me in that?
It was a tongue-in-cheek letter.
You can read the whole letter on our website.
But it was very tongue-in-cheek.
Long story short, the police contacted him
You're not planning anything violent, some type of attempted overthrow, are you?
Yeah, right.
You're not planning to tell folks what happened?
Well, David Codry is the writer's name, and he received a phone call from an inspector
At the San Francisco Police Department and they apparently because they weren't able to get in touch with him fast enough.
They sent two.
He lives in Redondo Beach, so they sent two black and white cruisers to his home and interviewed his wife to make sure that he had talked to the inspector because the inspector wanted wanted to talk to him.
That was more or less where it ended.
Other than this, we sent our own and another writer on our behalf.
As the publisher of this letter, he emailed it to the mayor, the police chief, and to a Superior Court judge who's been supportive of these marriage licenses they've been handing out.
So we sent an investigative reporter to call the investigator and investigate the investigator and what we wanted to know, there were several questions we wanted to ask and we've got those questions posted on our website as well.
What we found out is that they refused to release information because it's quote an ongoing investigation.
Now, these are the same police departments now that if you're a land rights group, an environmental land grabber group, a second amendment group, they've had the military out in many cities, Denver, D.C., taking photos of groups.
The Pentagon's job now is keeping track of us protesters and dissenters.
I mean, this is part of this overall spy system, isn't it?
Well, I would have to say so, and I find it very interesting that
The mayor officiated weddings between same-sex couples against state law.
I'm not even commenting on the marriage issue.
It's not my issue.
I don't want to get into it.
I have my opinions about it.
It seems like everybody's got one.
But the issue is, that wasn't the issue he raised.
The issue he raised was that they were violating the law.
And since they're willing to violate the law for the, you know, quote-unquote rights of the oppressed class, we've got a Second Amendment.
We have a specifically enumerated right.
So, simply asking if he can have their support to come and exercise his right in their city
It's not beyond the realm of a fair question.
It's a fair question.
And then suddenly, I mean, the questions that this San Francisco detective was asking him, you're not planning anything, are you?
You're not going to come get us, are you?
Well, they also, you know, you said this is a First and Second Amendment issue.
It's a Fifth Amendment issue, too, and a Fourth, really.
I mean, they asked him, you know, he mentioned bringing a band, AR-15, just because it's
You know, uh, but... I'll tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about it, Angel, when we get back.
Uh, and, uh, then I'm gonna ask you, how dangerous is a con con?
If folks don't know what a con con is, stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I wanted to have Angel Shemaya on a little bit longer to talk about the treachery of the NRA and how they've been caught from South Dakota to Illinois involved in gun cases, arguing for registration, arguing against Vermont-style right to carry laws.
But if he's got a cold, we'll let him go at the end of this segment.
We'll get back to the news and for all the callers that are holding, we'll get to you.
But Angel,
Getting back to this case, you were talking about it also being a violation of the Fifth Amendment.
What the secret police in San Francisco were up to, responding to one of your writers, simply sending them an email.
Well, basically they contacted him and said, so do you own a band, AR-15?
You know, it's like calling a guy who stands up for reform of the marijuana laws and calling him up and saying,
Do you have marijuana?
It's just another attempt.
The police have gotten... You know, there's a lot of good police officers.
Yeah, it's like raiding somebody's house during the abolition movement because, you know, they might have some blacks hidden in the basement.
Yeah, exactly.
You're standing up for the right of black people being free, so since you did that, you must be part of the Underground Railroad.
So we need to come and make sure... So where does it stand now with these crazies?
What did the police do at his house to his wife?
Well, they played good cop, bad cop.
One of them was really respectful.
The other one was bad cop.
And basically interviewed him, wanted to make sure that he had made the call and talked to Inspector Peter Walsh at San Francisco Police Department.
And, uh, you know, they radioed in.
She said that, yeah, he's already talked to Mr. Walsh.
And they radioed their dispatch who called up, or radioed or called, to the San Francisco Police Department to confirm that he had, in fact, spoken to the man who wanted to talk to him.
I mean, that's not America, Angel.
And the reason I bring this up is I have confirmed it.
And, by the way, American Free Press wants to write an article about it.
I'm supposed to get them the information.
But one of my listeners,
Uh, Kelly Rushing in Kentucky, Leon County, just gave a state police officer one of my videos and a C-SPAN video of Ron Paul.
The cop the next day pulled him over, arrested him, said this is terrorism, and they're trying to put him behind bars for a year for giving him a video.
And the judge said it's illegal to give police videos.
You are kidding me.
No, I'm not kidding.
Oh my God.
I mean, that shows how crazy... well, look.
I mean, in New Mexico, they're about to pass a law that all the cars are going to have breathalyzers on them, and you're going to have to blow a breathalyzer for it to start.
I mean, they've got... And you know what's interesting about that is, it won't affect people who don't live in the state.
So the state is basically verging on giving more protection to a right to be free from an illegal search, which is exactly what that is.
And they're going to protect people who don't live in the state.
Someone who's visiting from out of state for the first time is going to have more rights than someone who's a fourth-generation New Mexico person.
Also, did you hear about West Virginia, where they're about to pass a law to force you to give your children vaccines?
Oh, in Oregon about a year ago, a man and a woman decided not to vaccinate their child.
Two armed police officers came in to enforce the doctor's decree.
Saying that they are required by law to vaccinate armed police officers in a hospital room, sitting by while the parents are, you know, very in shock and, you know, surely, you know... And there was no law in that Oregon case.
These people are insane.
A con con.
How dangerous is a con con to the Second Amendment?
Well, you have the perfect name for it.
Constitutional Convention.
The thing about a Constitutional Convention,
The downside, obviously, is that once you have a constitutional convention, it can be a jamboree of amendments that are submitted.
That's the downside.
They can do any dang thing they want to.
The upside is it takes 38 states to ratify it.
Of course, we're living in times where people really would rather put their own
Security above freedom.
And so many manufactured scares have been created at this point that there's a lot of stupid people out there.
Well, Angel, last question.
That South Dakota case where the NRA lawyer went in and they had a bill about to pass for Vermont right to carry, carry at will, which is the best law, you know, it's Second Amendment.
And the NRA went in and said, no, no gun permit without a permit, no having a gun in your car without a permit.
I mean, does that not show what the NRA is up to?
Well, I would have to say that it does.
A permit, I mean, would you agree to have a permit in order to be able to write a letter to the editor?
Or would you agree that you have to have a permit in order to purchase a Bible or a Koran or any other type of religious text?
Would you agree to have to have a permit so you can have friends over in your home to talk about politics?
That's all First Amendment stuff.
So, NRA supports... I mean, if you're going to support a Second Amendment permit, I guess you support a First Amendment permit.
Angel, thanks for coming on.
Glad to be here.
You bet.
We'll be back with your calls and more news.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Sean and David and Rick and Mark and Paul, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes, then I'm going to get into this big stack of vital news and information.
Before I go any further, though, I want to remind the listeners that I'm a documentary filmmaker, and one of my newest videos, one of my longest videos, is really a tour de force.
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And your purchase makes this show and future films and books and works possible.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to some of your calls.
Let's talk to Sean in Colorado.
Thanks for holding, Sean.
No problem.
My favorite film is the one that you just read, Sal, which is Police State 3.
How many videos have you seen?
I actually have nine of your videos.
Thank you.
Yeah, absolutely.
I mean, this is the least I could do, which I wake up 20, 30 people a week in this city of Denver here.
And not only do I, but so do every single one of my close friends and family.
What do you think Police State 3 is the best?
I just think that summarizes what is going to happen and is happening at this moment against us.
I mean, when it comes down to it, regardless if they did 9-1-1 or if they did Oklahoma City,
This is directly attacking you as a person, and I feel that it wakes up... Yeah, cameras are going up in the school bathrooms, they're going up in the streets, they're going to put breathalyzers in all the cars, they're going to make you thumb scan to buy and sell, they're going to make you take vaccines when they say how they say, they're going to leave the borders wide open, they're going to take your jobs away, they're going to lower your wages.
I mean, it is happening.
They are building prisons everywhere, they are taking our rights, they are saying we're all terrorists, they are doing it!
Yes, they are.
And that film truly does show people they are coming after you.
But that is not why I called.
The reason why I called is I wanted to make a short comment on West Virginia and what's going on there.
I'm glad somebody is.
When they come to poke my children, which are two and four right now, my daughter's four, my son's two.
When they come to poke my children, because I know the agenda always goes on, regardless if it starts in West Virginia or if it starts in any other state,
It's going to be pushed.
When they come to poke my children, I will not let them.
I guarantee you I will lay down my life before they poke my children.
Or before they draft my children.
Or before they draft some of my family.
I guarantee you, I will not let them.
And if they try, just let them try.
Well, for those that don't know that just joined us, they're about to pass a bill that your child will have to take 35 vaccines containing mercury.
They admit it's killing and maiming, total autism, massive brain problems, mainstream news admitting the troops are dead and dying from the vaccines.
They say, nationwide, as the feds are pushing this, a bunch of states are about to try to make it the law
They won't get my children.
The other fact that I wanted to let you know, you had on as a guest about a month or two ago, Mr. Rabbi Stevak, and yesterday I was listening to, or actually it was today, I apologize,
On his show, which comes on just before yours here in Colorado, he was mentioning that this gal that called you yesterday, Mildred, and she was questioning you on Zionism, and is a close friend or at least a correspondence with Mr. Rabbi Spivak, and apparently he got word that you
He did not like Zionists, which are racist Jews.
Not Jews, but just racist Jews.
And he declared at the very beginning of his show today, at the top of his lungs, that he is a Zionist.
And he wants to debate you again on Zionism.
I'm not going to have the guy back on my show no more.
Any issue, he talks about it, then I have him on.
It's a joke.
Well, I'm quitting to listen to this guy because he seems like he's waking up every single day
George Bush and into corruption and and all this stuff he seems like he's waking up and then he sucks himself down right back into the pit that he started up with and it really really frustrates me when you see and hear this stuff happening every single day it truly does affect those people who do not know what's going on
Hey, I hear you.
I appreciate your time.
I appreciate your call.
Take care, Sean.
Let me just say this.
That guy got on the air and was saying that in certain cases, torture is okay.
And I said, no, it's not.
We had a lively debate about it.
And let me clarify what I was saying about Zionists.
You've got a lot of well-meaning people that are told Zionism means you support Israel.
And so you go, oh, I'm a Zionist.
Oh, I support it.
No, I'm saying certain groups who call themselves Zionists, certain people who call themselves Zionists have written and said racist things and talked about ethnic cleansing of Arabs or Palestinians and so let me make it clear.
Everyone who's in La Raza, which means the race by the way, is not racist.
It does not hate white people and black people.
Everybody who says that, you know, that, that, that, oh, I believe in, you know, Zionism, a lot of them are ignorant or, or, or don't know the full history of it.
So, uh, I mean, let's make it clear.
I'm not saying all people who think that they're Zionist or, or believe in Zionism, uh, you know, are evil or racist or whatever.
What I'm saying is, is that the tenets or, or those that founded Zionism, uh, it's very atheistic,
It's bad news.
And you know what?
That's it.
I'm going to get the super-Orthodox, Neutro-Cardi Jews on the show.
Man, there's probably 50 Jewish groups I can get on, the ultra-conservative ones, to talk about this.
You know, the folks that really follow the Old Testament.
And I don't want... it'll just turn into a total circus.
And my show is not about being a circus.
And I've said I don't support
You know, the type of Muslims that are in Saudi Arabia, that are ten times more dangerous than a Zionist.
You know, if they see a cross around your neck, they will kill you!
If they see a Star of David around your neck, they will kill you!
But, I mean, I'm about being fair here, folks.
I will criticize... I mean, I see it in the Jerusalem Post all the time.
They'll have some Zionist saying, you need to kill all the Palestinians, or ship them into camps, or, you know.
I mean, that's racist, folks.
That's not right.
Okay, so I will say that there are some Zionists, and the founders of it, it was really an atheistic, uh, a sick thing.
And I mean, it's just a fact.
And so you got a lot of people that will say, well, I'm a Zionist, you know.
You know what?
I'm sick of this discussion.
Because I got people that claim, you know, I'm this Israel-supporting Mossad agent, you know, and then I got people claiming that, you know, I'm secretly a Nazi, and I'm, no, I'm a freedom lover.
Do you understand that?
And I'm sick of talking about Israel.
I'm sick of talking about who runs the New World Order.
Do you know who runs the New World Order?
Evil people.
Their color is evil.
Their color is green, folks.
It's about money and power.
And when we even have these big debates and discussions, it just feeds into it.
Let's just be human beings and stand up for decency and righteousness.
It doesn't matter what color we are.
I mean, it's like this Texas Independence Day.
UT stopped it and said, well, it could be racist, you know, some Hispanics don't like it.
No one had ever thought of it in those contexts.
But Cinco de Mayo is just fine.
And now the city, well, we're not going to pay for it, we're not going to allow a rally or a march, you know, for Texas Independence Day, even though the co-chairman of it is Hispanic.
It doesn't matter to these people.
And so by doing that, the liberals have made it something dirty.
They've made it something bad.
It's amazing.
That's what that rabbi was saying in the Daily News in New York yesterday.
He was saying no one would have seen the passion
And thought about Jews.
It would have just been these Pharisees are the bad guys.
And the Romans are the bad guys.
And when you have a movie where there's bad guys in Ireland, you don't think, my gosh, the Irish are all bad.
That's what Mel Gibson said.
He doesn't see a movie about World War II and then hate Germans today.
It's nuts!
It's just nuttiness!
Got everybody in their own little tribal units loving to fight with each other while the globalists eat our lunch.
Boy, I tell ya, I am just sick of it.
Uh, David in Texas.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Uh, yes, uh, thank you.
Thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
Uh, I wanna, uh, I had heard you a couple weeks ago on, uh, the More Closer Look show.
Uh, you were talking to a doctor about the, uh, um, uh, I can't remember exactly.
Yeah, Dr. Len Horowitz.
That's right, Dr. Horowitz.
Yeah, a great man, yeah.
Very interesting show.
I tried to call in on that one, but I wanted to commend you on that one.
Yesterday I also called in to talk to Mike, the fellowship guy from England, that you had on your show yesterday.
I tried to bring up this point.
I wanted to get some information from him.
By the way, that article about the murder of Dr. David Kelly and the MP3 and all that's posted on the websites right now.
I'll have to go look at that on your website.
Okay, but I mean, go ahead.
Okay, I wanted to bring up this point.
I've been doing a little research into this lately, since about September of last year, and I tried to bring this up yesterday on your show.
I know you said that.
Go ahead and say it.
The media coverage of the good versus the bad.
There's always got to be somebody in the wrong.
A particular subject that I'm talking about is the
The Tel Aviv television, they have their own MTV, they have their own network and stuff.
Yeah, the government runs the television network over there, but I mean, what about it?
Okay, they actively promote a couple of religious things where you're basically dying for Allah.
If you're over the age of 18, I believe it's called a faqwa, and if you're under the age,
It's called a Chakwa or something.
I know I'm not... Hold on, you're telling me that the... Because I haven't seen it.
I mean, I've seen clips of it on C-SPAN.
You're telling me that the... Now, is this Arab stuff?
Or are you saying... This is... From my understanding, and I've seen it on the Internet... Sir, we don't have much time.
You need to go ahead and say it.
Okay, well, they're... We're promoting that there's terrorism over here, you know, with our government.
But on the opposite side, our media does not report about what's being shown on television.
Okay, and what is being shown?
That they are actively promoting this idea of dying for Allah.
They had a thing that I was trying to... You're telling me that the stuff on Israeli television promotes the suicide bombers?
Okay, not Israeli television.
I'm talking about Palestinian television.
Yeah, well you keep saying Tel Aviv.
Tel Aviv is not Palestinian.
Tel Aviv is the big city on the ocean.
It's a Jewish city.
Okay, well I'm using that in an incorrect term, but I have been researching since last year.
Yeah, I know they are promoting it.
I mean, they promote little kids with bombs on them.
It's horrible.
Last week I saw a show that was broadcasted last year on, I don't know, Palestinian TV.
Where they were interviewing these small children, you know, middle school age children.
And they're saying, I want to kill Jews.
They were asking them about dying, and of course they were all afraid of dying.
Yeah, I'm seeing it.
Right, you know what I'm talking about.
Where they use this term, the Shakwat term, where it's okay to be a mortar.
And then they'll turn around, someone will do this.
The government, you know, on English TV, they'll say, oh it's bad.
But then they'll elevate that person, that is the martyr, pay off their family, you know, it's really a big deal.
That's not really being talked about.
It's not being talked about on our television.
But it's a two-way game where we are saying we're fighting terrorism.
They're fighting what they believe to be terrorism.
It's pit against pit.
Everybody's beating everybody.
Yeah, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate that call.
We'll come back and talk to Rick and Mark and Paul and others.
It's an ancient tribal war.
Both sides do brutal things.
Both sides say the land is theirs, and it's not going to stop.
I just want to know why Israel has been caught arming Iran.
I really want to know that.
I want to know why our government's been caught doing it.
I want to know why Pakistan's got nukes now, and why Bush blocked the FBI investigation of that.
I'm sick and tired of it.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals and operations of the New World Order.
It's this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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In the next hour, I'm going to contend you with a giant news blitz of information.
Some of the top stories we haven't even gotten to yet.
I realize that we have loaded phone lines as usual, and I want to go to all these great people.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead, and who's up next here?
I guess Rick in North Dakota.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Jones, after that rant, uh, you know about it.
You know about Iran, don't you?
Aren't you a Mossad agent?
Ha ha, yeah!
Just kidding.
Hey, I was on PrisonPlanet.com yesterday and I noticed you had a picture of that jet going into that tower?
Uh, yes.
You know, that's not a jet.
That's a flying bomb.
And I'll tell you what, I got about a thousand miles of videotape from 9-1-1.
That jet engine has got a very, very comparable sound to the old German V1 pulse jet, Buzz Bomb.
Well, I know this, and the oldest and biggest paper in Spain had top experts look at it,
A whole bunch of them, and there is something attached to one of the jets, a giant belly bomb.
I mean, a huge thing is attached that is on no jet in the world, not on that model of jet.
Something is hooked onto it.
We pointed this out over a year ago, but the major publications have done research on it.
Everything about 9-11 was such a sloppy job.
I just stick to the stuff I can prove.
Uh, the wings and the tail section on that thing are an illusion.
Hey, go get yourself some video.
Start messing around.
Well, see, I mean, I can prove public officials were called and told not to fly.
I can prove NORAD was ordered to stand down.
I can prove U.S.
troops were massed in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
I can prove that they funded Al-Qaeda.
I can prove Al-Qaeda's CIA.
I can prove they flew the bin Laden's out.
I can go on for about two hours like that.
But I can't prove all the other stuff, and I will not get into it.
Yeah, well, NORAD was stood down because there were no jets hijacked.
There was nothing on their radar.
Well, that's not true.
What else is on your mind, sir?
I just thought I'd call in and say that it was on PrisonPlanet.com and I liked your show.
Alright, thank you.
I appreciate the call.
Some people say that they were really missiles and they had holograms and all this.
Yes, yes, they for decades admit they can project Allah or Jesus or Moses in the sky and they did some of this in 1991 and that's come out even on the Discovery Channel that some of that was done.
Yes, they can do stuff like that, but I can't prove it on 9-11.
I can prove public officials were told not to fly to New York that day.
So I'm just going to stick to stuff I can prove.
That's what I do on this show.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Kentucky.
Mark, go ahead.
I'll tell you what, put him on hold.
Because this is what, folks, let me tell you, you gotta turn the radios off.
Let's skip Mark and go to Paul in New York.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing?
Go ahead.
First of all, I was trying to call in today and I couldn't get through.
And I'm thinking, geez, you're getting real busy and that's good.
I take a lot of calls on the phones.
Yeah, fill up and stay filled up.
What's going on?
So listen, first of all, I got all your tapes.
I think I bought six or seven of them.
And I'm dividing them up and I'm putting them on my public access channel.
I really appreciate that.
I think that people are really intrigued about it.
But now, listen, I had a great idea for a website sort of like that.
Remember when DARPA came out and everybody put up Poindexter's information on the internet?
Oh, yes.
I think that we ought to have a website called Parr and Feather.
Parrandfeather.com is taken, but it looks like a small potato guy.
And it's ready to expire in April.
But carandfeather.net is still available.
And if we put up all these new Will Cronies information, anybody anywhere that lives close by them could go talk to them.
If you know what I mean.
carandfeather.com or .net.
It's just an idea.
You know, I try to find a lot of information on a lot of people just because I'd like to know where they are.
I'll tell you what, Paul, stay there.
We'll talk more about it.
And we've got a bunch of news coming up.
Third Hour, folks.
We haven't even scratched the surface.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, already into the third and final hour of this Tuesday edition, the 24th of
February 04, I'm Alex Jones, your host, and let's go ahead and go back to the caller that we were just talking to, Paul in New York.
Paul, you were making some points.
Yeah, well, you know, I just thought that, first of all, that card and feather
I mean, yeah, it's good to have websites that expose corrupt politicians and corrupt government pimps and minions.
The problem is there's hundreds of thousands of high level bureaucrats, millions total, hundreds of state and county and city agencies in every state, if not thousands,
And, I mean, it would be encyclopedic.
What we need is lots of regional websites that are muckraking and being promoted to the grassroots.
Well, that's true.
I mean, we could have one major website.
You could pick your region.
Oh, kind of like IndyMedia.
Have, like, IndyMedia.org and then have, like, IndyMediaAustin.org or IndyMedia dot, you know... Like, I'm in New York here, right?
You know, like, where's...
Where are these people?
You know, like David Rockefeller.
He lives in New York.
You know, like that Poindexter.
Everybody threw out a lot of information on Poindexter, and that was great.
I mean, you know, you got aerial views.
But I know it's a lot of work, and I tell you, I'd be willing to work with somebody on a project like that.
Well, actually, I think that took them about an hour to get that info.
Poindexter's info, because of data mining software, was online.
They were able to go to a company that had satellite photos, color photos of the idiot's house.
And then people said, OK, you like total information awareness?
Here it is.
By the way, I told folks total information never went away.
It's called Echelon NSA.
But now they admit, oh, it never was scrapped like we told you.
They never scrap it.
They just change the name.
Listen, I sent you a copy of a website.
I don't know if you saw it.
About a guy that lost his sister up here in Kingston, New York.
They burned his house down.
He was working on a
A stepper x-ray machine that would print, that they want to only make one in the world, and that would print the new money card.
And right now they don't have the technology to mass produce those cards.
And this guy, another guy, had the technology and, you know, they killed the one guy that had the technology.
Now New York State actually has the patents on it, and they won't sell them to this guy, the Busy B Company, and he's an ex-IBMer.
But they want one of these machines in the world because they don't want anybody to be able to counterfeit the new money that's coming out.
By the way, I'm going to get into the cashless society control grid and what it means for everybody later on in this hour.
In fact, early in this next hour.
Thanks for the call, sir, and I appreciate what you're doing.
Alex, I'll talk to you again sometime.
Okay, good to hear from you.
Let's see if Mark in Kentucky's got his radio off.
Mark, go ahead.
Yes, this is Mark.
Welcome, sir.
Hey, I got a question for you.
I've been to your website numerous times over the years using a friend of mine's computer.
And I guess it was last week or the week before, he came home and his computer was going haywire.
And the only thing, there was like several blank screens in front of his
On his computer and one of them at the top said that the police are looking at your computer.
Okay, well... Have you had any other problems with that?
Yeah, I get emails every day because the software sellers sell software and say, your computer is wide open, the police could look at it.
Buy our software!
That's the sales pop-up window.
If you go to any of the major websites
Amazon, Drudge, anything.
They have an advertiser that has a pop-up that pops up and fills your screen with pop-ups and it says, the police are watching you.
Your computer is wide open.
Buy our software.
Okay, okay.
So, yeah, that's what happened.
And then I get emails every day asking me, oh my god, the police are watching me.
You hold me over to the next, uh...
Sure, sure.
I'd be glad to.
So, yeah, that's what that is.
I get emails every day.
It's not the police, folks.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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The self-sterilizing black Berkey elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, volatile organic chemicals, trihalomethanes, radon-222, and much, much more.
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Get the Berkey Light, the standard of excellence for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Recall toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's the deal.
I want to take more of your calls.
I'm going to take the calls that are on hold.
The people that are online right now, you'll get on air.
We appreciate your call.
I won't take any more calls after that because I've literally got about 50 articles I at least want to mention.
They're all very important and some top stuff I want to recap.
And we're going to have Debbie Morrow up here for about four or five minutes here in a second.
Everybody stay with us.
Before I go to Debbie, we just had a caller, Mark in Kentucky, and we'll get back to you later, Mark, because you wanted to get another question.
These are driving me up the wall, and I'm glad he called in.
I get these emails every day, and it's usually somebody who isn't real computer savvy.
And I'm not knocking you, because I'm not very computer savvy, but I'm more than a lot of people.
When you surf the internet, they have provocative pop-ups.
You know, screens, as you said.
A pop-up window opens.
After you close out of your browser, you're done surfing, all these other windows pop up.
They've loaded these little scripts onto your computers.
Now, I could do these on my website.
When you visit my website, you don't get these.
But, when you link to other websites, when you go to the big ones, or
You know, any website for that matter, who's taken these as an advertiser, or somebody who's got web space, say with GeoCities or AOL or something, part of having quote free web space is they have these pop-ups loaded.
And one of the most popular type
Is you go to a website and all of a sudden a pop-up comes up.
Your computer could be scanned.
The police could know everything you're doing.
You're not safe.
Click here to fix it.
You click there and there's a nice software package.
Why, this will, you know, scrub your computer and watch your identity and, you know, people won't know where you visit and what you do and you'll all be safe and maybe that's something you want.
But my point is, there's only about 20,000 employees at the CIA, maybe 20,000 at the NSA, not even that many.
Most of those are janitors and computer programmers.
Yes, the NSA can listen to you with keyword software.
Yes, they can use the cameras on the street corners.
They're putting in this whole grid for everybody.
And it's a system that's tracked and controlled by computers.
But they don't have millions of people to be running around the internet, why, the police are watching you!
You know, and... That's not how it works, folks.
That's a soft, a whole bunch of software companies do this, and I'm sure they're making money hand over fist.
Because they have a pop-up window that goes, you've been scanned.
You're being watched.
I mean, I've had arguments with people on the street.
They go, you know, I was on the web, and I'd been to your website, and then later I was on another site, and it popped up that I better buy software.
I was being watched.
And I go, yeah, everybody gets that.
That's an ad.
That's a script.
That is a computer script that you go to a site.
It loads it on your computer.
A pop-up window comes up and says, buy our software.
Protect yourself.
And I have arguments.
I had arguments with some lady about a week ago about this.
And I said, no, it's not the government.
I said, it's a little gray screen with a red button saying they're watching you buy this.
Well, yes.
How did you know?
Because it's a company.
It's a pop-up window.
I just don't, I can't spend all day on this.
But I'm going to have to.
It's clear.
And so what if the government's watching you?
It shows what tyranny we're under.
That they are watching you with your cell phone, and your OnStar, and your credit cards, and they're giving the data to people, and they're creating psychological algorithms.
Your digital scientific Atlantic cable box has a microphone in it, and they admit they're listening to you!
Your TiVo system tracks what you watch and what you do.
I told you that years ago, now here it is in the Chicago Tribune two weeks ago.
So, you know, yes, that's happening, but it's a widespread computerized control grid system.
Okay, collecting data, building psychological databases, selling the data, getting rid of the Fourth and Fifth Amendment.
It's the system itself.
It's not individuals going after you.
People know you're afraid because of this, so they sell you products along those lines.
Okay, I want to thank her for holding.
She's a wonderful, dear person who brings people incredible service and the products are made here in America.
And she, it's just, it's the products I use long before they were sponsors.
They make the International Shortwave Outreach possible.
Let's go to her, Debbie Morrow, New Millennium Concepts.
Debbie, thanks for being on with us.
Hi Alex, thank you for having me.
Debbie, let me just ask you, have you ever been online and had the pop-up windows pop up?
Actually, I was glad you covered that because I get those all the time, if, wanting to know if I want to buy that software and I always click no.
And, you know, I figure
I'm not doing anything I'm ashamed of, so I don't care.
But the point is, is that my wife's a computer guru.
I've got people that work for me that are.
They've looked at that software.
All it is is a pop-up window scaring you.
It goes to everybody on the internet.
And I get these emails asking me what it is.
It's a pop-up window.
Well, you know, so many companies use it.
You know, my husband works for one of the large phone companies in outside repair.
And they gave him global positioning, and they told him that they weren't going to use it against them, that it was in case there was an emergency and they got hurt on the job, they would be able to fine them.
But of course, that hasn't been exactly the case, because they have used it for tracking where they are.
Well, now they're implementing it.
And now they're going to do it to all of us and tax us with it.
That's the official federal plan.
Debbie, you've got some great water filter systems.
Everything's nuts, but we can take control of our lives in a big way.
71% of the body, 70% 71 depending on male or female, is water.
This is where we're getting the majority of the poison, more than the air.
How do we protect ourselves?
Well, you protect yourself by drinking your gravity filter water through the Berkey water filter, especially with our black Berkey purification elements.
Now one thing about the Berkey water, it changes the pH of the water to make it more alkaline.
And it does make, you know, the more alkaline your water, the better it is for your body.
You assimilate things better.
The Berkey water is great.
It's portable.
You can take it if you need to go anywhere.
And they're very reasonably priced.
It's amazing when you figure out how much water you get through the Berkeys and
Compare that to if you were going to buy bottled water and take your risks of what you're getting.
Well, on the package deal it comes down to $20 per portable murky light.
And it's 630 refills.
You would spend that much in two or three weeks on bottled water, the $20.
Instead you're getting a high quality system where you really know you're getting clean water with all the horror stories about bottled water.
I mean, it's healthy, it's economical, it supports the show, it's made in America.
I mean, what more do you need, folks?
And they get to talk to me, and I get to talk to them, and they're wonderful people out there.
I hear wonderful stories from your customers, but the Berkey Lights are on special, and we do support your short wave time, and that is really a major issue.
So if people want to call me to get the new specials, it is the Berkey Light with lights for $2.59 with two free
Thank you.
Yeah, and trying to buy that at a camping store would be $300 for all of them.
It really would.
It would be more than that.
It would really work.
That's the thing.
I know there's a lot of people out there who've heard this over and over and they think, yeah, why do I really need this?
But it really does.
My neighbor across the street, she's known what I do for all these years and the other day her doctor told her, I want you to drink
Thank you so much.
You know, and here, you know, she's been so sick for five years with everything in your uncle, and finally her doctor told her, check your water.
Yeah, a lot of these weird, you know, chronic fatigue stuff, they've linked it to the pesticides, the herbicides, the chlorine, the fluoride.
I mean, folks, you're not supposed to be drinking this!
That's right, and that's what she has is chronic fatigue.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Yeah, that's exactly what she has, and so she's
I've got a neighbor who's got that and she started drinking bottled water two years ago and she doesn't have it anymore.
I know, well you know I drink 60 to 80 ounces of water a day while I'm working because I just drink all day long water and I feel so much healthier and when I don't get the opportunity to drink that much
I feel like a fish out of water.
Hey, how much is the big Berkey with Alpha Lights?
You get the free sport Berkey with that?
That's a great deal, folks.
A comparable filter is like $250 at stores.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
Debbie, thanks for everything.
Thank you, Alex.
Take care.
Give her a call, folks.
Okay, callers, you know what?
I'm not going to go to the calls and then the news because then we run out of time on the news.
Just be patient, my friends.
Mark and Darren and Roger and Steve and Tim, we will get to you.
I figure this news will take about a segment and a half, so about 10-15 minutes, and then I'll go to calls and I'll recap some top stories the last few minutes of the show.
I've got to get to all this when we get back.
It's all very important, so we'll break here in a second, and then we'll come back and get to all of this news.
You know, I said I'd recap the news.
Look at this.
Bill forces shots on all children.
Homeschoolers fight state legislation that criminalize parents who object.
After everything that's come out with the vaccines, after millions of people are refusing them now, after more and more medical institutions, top scientists come out, they say, we don't care.
We're going to make you take it.
See, before they didn't need a law because we were so stupid in this trust of the government.
By the way, Tony Blair just failed and moved to try to force drug testing on all school children and to try to force the vaccinations.
But here in America, we put up with it.
And so we'll get to that, but a bunch of news I haven't even gotten to yet.
Childcare scandals threaten Bush.
Image in Florida.
And, oh yeah, and we'll get into many Americans support TV executions, major poll.
Larry Klayman detained at airport.
A lot of stuff's coming up.
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Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight, we do this show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I got an email from a listener, and it's Cashless Society Cinemark Theater Workers to be paid with cash card.
This is happening all over the place.
I work at a theater in the Cinemark movie theater chain based out of Plano, Texas.
I believe it is the third largest theater chain nationwide and the largest privately owned, although they are trying to go public.
I am writing to inform you, your many listeners and viewers, that this company is about to change the way employees get paid.
In the matter of a few more weeks, no longer can they get paper paychecks.
They have to either get direct deposit or a paycard, which they will then either have to use in ATM machines, use as a calling card, or to purchase things.
Then the employees have the option of using credit card-like cash advance checks to get all their money.
Even with that choice, there are charges involved, and it says there is a rumor that we won't even be able to get paper pay stubs unless you go to an ATM.
Well, yes, that's happening all over the country with hundreds of different companies.
If you would like to examine the article in the employee newsletter for yourself, it can be read at, and it's got the Cinemark website.
Thank you for your time, and keep up the good work spreading the word against the New World Order.
Faithful listener.
And then we have the Cinemark newsletter posted, and we're just so happy to have the Gannett News Service here today.
Pay cards replacing paychecks.
More employers are replacing traditional paychecks with payroll cards, a new type of system that allows employees to get money out of cash machines instead of cashing checks.
Instead of getting a paycheck, employees can opt to get... no, see, it was opt a few years ago, now it's you have to... to get cards that are credited each pay period with their wages.
Workers can use the cards to withdraw money from automated teller machines, or they can use them like a debit card to make purchases.
Some users have to pay a transaction fee or monthly charge.
For the cards, in other cases, fees are waived.
Employees who use the payroll card often get a paper or electronic pay stub with a wage or tax information.
And it goes on to say that it gets into biometrics and McDonald's and Blockbuster and Domino's and everybody's doing it and how wonderful it is.
Okay, here's the problem.
Finland put this in about nine years ago.
And all your money has to be in your bank account.
The government controls it.
And then you're taxed according to how much money you make.
And if you get a ticket, you're taxed according to how much money you have in the bank.
And your paychecks are automatically put there.
You must keep your money there.
Even if you pay cash, you've got to swipe your national ID card because your taxes are taken out depending on your wages.
They have an amortized according to wage, according to wealth, national sales tax.
They track and trace everything you buy and sell and what you do, and a bunch of other Scandinavian socialist countries have done this.
Well, that just so happened over the last few years.
Have you seen the federal documents?
Well, they plan to do that here.
And the neocons are going to sell you a new national sales tax as the conservative thing to use to get rid of the evil income tax.
The problem is they're going to keep the income tax as your, quote, FICA, your Social Security, your Medicare, your Medicaid.
Then they'll jack that up over time, because you'll have an income tax.
And at the same time, you're going to have your new national sales tax, which brings federal control into every shop and business.
And new federal tax police over county and city, who they share the wealth with, federalizing county and city and state.
And everything you do, tracked through this system.
And employers and government agencies are trying to force employees to go to automatic transfer or new pay cards.
And it's big trouble, folks.
The end of cash!
Oh, just a few years away.
And they have a little biometric RFID chips and the new money and the history of the money and who it goes to.
All tracked.
Destroying the underground economy.
One of the few things keeping us going.
So I thought we'd take this Cinemark article from our listener.
And it's lengthy.
You should go look at it.
Very revealing.
Very, very interesting.
A piece of information.
Also, this is from Australian news.
Japanese bank uses biometrics.
Biggest bank in Japan.
One of the top four banks says all its customers will have to scan their hands according to the blood vessels in the hand to buy and sell and to use their banking system.
That's already going in here too.
It was very interesting.
By the way, all the so-called new jobs, guess who got those?
Recent Latino immigrants won majority of new jobs.
Nightrunner News Service.
Latinos landed a disproportionate share of new jobs created last year, and most of those jobs went to very recent immigrants.
According to a private foundations report issued Monday, Lapue Research Center found that out of the new jobs created,
Overall, the majority were illegal aliens.
By the way, Bush has moved to lower the minimum wage for the illegal.
See, now it races down even more.
And they can live ten to a house and really drive the wages down.
So we'll come back and continue with that.
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All over the United States they're starting to drug test elementary school students.
Junior high, high school students.
First it was, if you're in the band or play football or park your car in the parking lot or, oh, get to go to the planetarium, you've got to agree to drug testing.
And you know the argument as well, it stops the drugs.
Yeah, and we turn into the total Soviet Union while the government ships them in.
No, kids aren't going to stop it, folks, as long as the government ships it in and makes it so fashionable on MTV.
They just get into the criminal justice system and then learn how to be real criminals.
But government backs down on random drug tests in schools.
Of course, that's over in England, not here in America.
Random drug tests, see, random drug tests on school pupils will not be compulsory, Tony Blair said yesterday.
So see, now he announced that last week, but it kind of blew up in his face.
Downing Street was forced on the defensive after teachers, leaders, and anti-drug campaigners claimed the plan was unworkable.
The Prime Minister used a weekend newspaper interview to say that head teachers could be given the power to impose tests where they thought drug use was a problem in their schools.
Oh, so now the teachers are judged jury in execution.
So see, the so-called compromise is still very bad.
One of their tactics.
Blair intervenes in an MMR fight.
They've had masses of kids die and be maimed.
Ninety-plus percent of parents refuse to give the shot, so... The Prime Minister, Tony Blair, today called for an end to fears over MMR vaccine after it was reported that a doctor who sparked fears of a link between the triple jab and autism had a conflict of interest.
Oh, see, the shot's good for you now.
The Prime Minister said he hoped that parents would now recognize that there was no evidence of a link between the combined measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and autism and ensure that children receive the jab.
The calls were prompted by an editor of the medical journal of Lancet, Richard Horton's admission that he would not have published the research had he known that Dr. Wakefield had been paid for a second study funded by 55,000 pounds from the Legal Aid Board.
Oh, it's so horrible!
A group funded the study, but then the government's got all its studies paid for by the drug companies.
That's all good!
Oh, Tony Blair saves us!
Then, of course, Bill forcing shots on all children, homeschoolers, fight state legislation that criminalizes parents who object.
And, of course, the CDC's internal documents came out last week, ABC News, and then it said in the transcripts, this is maiming the children, this is a massive crisis, this is brain-damaging them, we've got to cover this up.
Okay, everybody keep your mouths shut.
Alright, it will continue.
I mean, you know,
It's not our opinion!
But you just keep taking your shots, and let's just have a government that puts in us stuff, you know, whatever they want, when they want.
A government, the CIA, funded the third world to force sterilize half their women.
We have the official CIA documents declassified by Congress in 1992 on InfoWars.com.
The forcible sterilization of half the women of the third world.
Oh, it's real loving!
And they do it through the vaccines, they say, but let's trust them now!
Childcare scandals threaten Bush image.
Troubles at three state agencies that deal with children threaten to mar Governor Jeb Bush's legacy.
This is the Miami Herald.
And it says that 3,000 children are still missing that the state took from people's parents, and they have found quite a few of them dead.
Sacrifices and rapes and, you know, satanic cults seem to get them.
And the head folks that run the CPS in Florida, the Miami Herald admits, are convicted pedophiles.
But that's okay.
They're five times more likely to abuse your children, but they'll still be the folks that deal with children.
Now, Jeb Bush has long flourished as governor's Teflon governor, suffering bitter partisan battles over the reshaping of state government with high approval ratings and even a landslide re-election.
But swirling scandals enveloped the agencies in his administration that were responsible for taking care of children, now threatening to soil Bush's legacy on the centerpiece of political agenda, improving the lives of those he has called Florida's most vulnerable.
Appointed criticism has come in recent days from Republicans and Democrats alike, outraged over the events that led to the death in June of a teenager in the custody of Bush's Department of Juvenile Justice, and the occurrence that has followed the criminal charges against two nurses, the firing of several officials, and the departure on Friday of the department's head, Secretary Bill Bankhead.
And it gets into, you know, five-year-old girl found with her, you know, missing, and other girls found with their heads cut off, and just thousands of missing children.
And then, I mean, here's another one.
Grand jury assails DJJ operator over misconduct, mistreatment of girls at a prison.
And the girls were in there, you know, for having pot or whatever, and the people running it were raping them and videotaping them.
With inadequate and virtually untrained staff and poor state oversight, a hundred-bed prison for hard-to-manage liquid girls became a nightmarish place where girls were injured and sexually abused.
Palm Beach County Grand Jury wrote Monday in the latest rebuke of Florida's juvenile justice system.
Folks, there was an Associated Press article two years ago where they admitted that most of the toddlers they grabbed from families
They just lock them up, and when the child cries, that's mental illness, so they put them on antipsychotics, and they're just warehouse babies with bedsores on antipsychotics and drugs and comas, you know?
It's just, oh, the government's so good.
I mean, nightmare hells, you can't even imagine.
I can't even imagine.
And it's just page after page of it.
I can't even read it all.
I've got to go to your calls here in a few minutes.
Uh, poll.
Many Americans support TV executions.
21% would pay to watch Bin Laden put to death.
It just shows how sick people are.
You're not for Bin Laden, are you?
Uh, no, I'm not for the CIA government agent.
Larry Klayman arrested.
He had his cat in a cat cage going to the airport.
They wanted to search it and he said, uh, my cat is not a bomb.
So if we're saying the word bomb, he said, it's not a bomb.
Which is a First Amendment.
Well, he was arrested and
Let's apologize now and everything.
Pentagon opens criminal probe of Halliburton deal.
Of course, that'll be a whitewash and it'll burn some low-level nobody.
Meanwhile, in session of Season of Campaigns, Halliburton joins in.
They're running ads saying, TV ads saying, Halliburton gets all the contracts because of who we are, not who we know.
Point is, Halliburton, no bids are allowed.
No American companies are allowed to bid.
And that's, again, just some of the news.
I'm sure you heard about the Education Secretary saying the NAA, the National Education Association, is a terrorist group, and then apologizing about it.
And I'm no supporter of the National Education Association.
Bush is.
He's massively increased Department of Education funding and signed onto UNESCO.
So this is all good cop, bad cop stage theater.
But just notice how everything's terrorism now.
You know, drugs are terrorism.
Guns are terrorism.
Misdemeanors are terrorism.
The APD here in Austin runs ads about how they fight terrorists in crime every day.
So that's turned into quite a controversy.
I heard radio
News this morning that they may have captured Bin Laden, but aren't reporting on it, and they killed a bunch of Bin Laden supporters in Pakistan today, and they're very close to capturing him, but Bin Laden releases more tapes and says, I'll kill you any minute, ha ha!
Al-Qaeda is all-powerful, Bush cannot stand against me.
You know, whenever the CIA needs him to pop up, he does it.
Some Bin Laden is still in Afghanistan and planning further attacks on American interests, a spokesman from Afghanistan, Al-Sataliban regime said.
Sure, if you want to believe that, I've got a bridge I'll sell you on the moon.
It's just amazing that anybody is buying this type of propaganda.
And some of the other news I have here is just amazing.
Manufacturing McDonald's, this is from the Associated Press, posted at Newsday.com, on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And you can even link over and read the President's Commission.
This is what the President's Council, Economic Council, says.
I mean, again, you couldn't write comedy like this.
Manufacturing McDonald's.
White House economists wonder whether hamburger flippers at fast food restaurants should be considered manufacturers.
Not a chance, said Edson Pardo, manager of the McDonald's around the corner from the White House.
We don't flip hamburgers, he said.
We just heat them up.
President George W. Bush raised the issue in his annual economic report.
And they want to change the economic index.
Again, this is a smoke and mirrors.
When you go off the unemployment rolls, you're not counted as unemployed.
And so, 2 million people last month went off the unemployment rolls, and they go, oh, we added 200,000 jobs.
That means we actually lost millions more.
But, I mean, this is how the spin works.
They want to say that all hamburger workers, anybody in fast food, is manufacturing.
I'm not kidding.
And they're trying to change this.
And the article gets into it.
I mean, in detail.
This is official.
And that's like two weeks ago Bush came out to the same Economic Commission and said, exporting jobs is good.
Losing jobs is good.
Losing high-tech jobs is good.
They actually said it yesterday.
Greenspan warns against U.S.
job protectionism.
Excuse me, it was two days ago, Greenspan said this in testimony.
Toronto Star ran the article.
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan warned yesterday that protectionist curses being advanced to deal with the country's job insecurities would make the situation worse.
During the political charge debate over U.S.
service jobs being shipped overseas, Greenspan said a lack of adequate educational
Training, rather than outsourcing, posed the greatest threat to future American prosperity.
So, he went on to say it's a good thing, and it's a long article.
Again, making a hamburger is manufacturing.
It's a good factory job, folks.
And they're going to get rid of the minimum wage entirely, so the vacuum of the third world will completely drive us down.
It holds back some illegals that they can only get, you know, five and a half dollars an hour.
Because then they can't put $15 to a house, and believe it or not, then some people won't hire them, they'll go ahead and hire citizens.
So if the illegals can get $2 an hour, that'll actually bring more of them up here, because then the industries can lay all citizens off.
But hey, that's okay.
We'll just put you in a prison and have you work for 25 cents an hour, and then idiot neocons will say, make them prisoners work.
Hey, fool!
The reason you're unemployed is because of that prison!
It took your job!
Okay, uh, so... I've got a bunch of other... I'll get to more news here in a minute.
I said I'd go to your calls.
Thank you for holding.
Uh, let's talk to Darren in Colorado.
Darren, thank you.
Thank you, Alex.
It's a real pleasure, it's a real privilege to be with you again.
Well, it's a privilege to be with you.
What do you think about hamburgers as now manufacturing?
You know, it's so bizarre, it's hard to swallow as reality, but they are actually saying these things.
I've seen it on mainstream news now, they want to call, just like you say, these servile jobs, manufacturing jobs.
I work, uh... You know, routinely I read this stuff and I don't believe it.
I don't believe bills when I hear, well, puts you in a camp for life, in a forced labor camp, give you protest.
You know, Alex, what prompted me to call was a story I heard on NPR yesterday.
There's this new scourge of pure, pure heroin, pure.
It's not diluted, it's not cut, it's pure and it's in every major city across the United States.
And it just so happened to come from Afghanistan.
And little children are being busted with their little packets of pure heroin.
The thing that dissuaded people from using heroin in the past was you had to use it intravenously because of its impurity.
But this strong, good heroin, you can snort!
And these kids,
Don't have that stigma now.
Yeah, I know.
And then the feds advertise how to use it.
Oh, don't use drugs.
Let's show you a sexy chick snorts some heroin on MTV.
Ooh, don't do it.
You won't be like her riding around in the Mercedes.
And then, oh, yeah, I know.
They ship it in, promote it.
I'm so sick of them, aren't you?
It's just heartbreaking.
It's just, oh, it's a travesty.
I'm 38.
I came from a good home, the salt of the earth.
The families are breaking up, the middle class women are becoming nothing but whores by 15.
It's just that the entire country, sir, is being looted and falling apart.
I've seen it.
I've seen Alex in my own life, in the lives around me.
I've seen this.
Let me tell you, all the families, almost all the families I grew up with who were middle class, their daughters,
All have kids by 14 or 15 with gang members.
They're all living in hovels.
CPS takes their kids.
They're on drugs.
The entire country is going straight to hell.
Oh, it's beyond words.
It defies description, the heinous state that they're bringing us to.
Don't worry, the government's got more of it for you.
I mean, if they can't get you, one way they'd get you another!
They have this thing, it's a stacked deck!
The good citizens, the ones that want to obey and comply, they're going to get on these safe, prescribed medications to fix them, and the non-conformists will be drawn away another direction, and they're going to turn us into zombified citizenry!
And you could go on,
With these electronic methods I've heard mention of that
Yeah, the Boston Globe calmly says DARPA wants to put up mind control towers in every major city to make the population submit during crises.
Openly, major publications talking about mind control towers, and that shows they're probably already using them, but they put stuff like that in the news.
Thanks for the call.
You're a great caller, Darren.
I appreciate you holding.
Roger in Pennsylvania, probably another thought criminal.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Yeah, that was just such a beauty about redefining the hamburger flipping in the manufacturing.
Where's your end product?
Oh, I just ate it.
Yeah, and you know what?
The neocons are actually on the air agreeing with Bush.
Yeah, you know, we thought it was like obvious enough when they redefined the consumer market basket out of its petroleum products and everything high-priced, you know.
But this is just like
Just when you think you've heard the last straw.
Oh, it's going to get... Listen, we're going to have to have debates with people!
We're going to be told we're crazy because hamburgers are manufacturing.
Yeah, two items.
Oh, and by the way, it just ain't fair.
I mean, go figure that Genesis also has the best computer show as well.
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Oh, it's excellent.
No call screening prep, instant answers, little conversational style so you don't have to call back the next two weeks to get the two parts to the same question answered.
Well, that's great.
What else is going on, Rodney?
Now, just because one may believe, as a Christian, and that's the only framework I propose to
I mean, if that was the case, then Jesus should have followed the head high priest.
We'll be back.
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All right, my friends.
We're back live.
Yeah, those that say that we're supposed to give blind submission to whoever's running Israel and follow any orders they give us is... I mean, I don't know where that comes from.
And, I mean, I hear that all the time, and I'm sorry, I'm not gonna... I mean, Hitler used render-unto-Caesar, you know, the things that are Caesars, which is totally taken out of context.
I mean, I'm just not gonna follow any man blindly.
It's just not gonna happen.
A few final calls here.
Let's go ahead and talk to Steve in Texas and then Tim and Frank if we can.
Steve, go ahead.
Yeah, I used to call you at JKFJ and met you when the BATF agent was here in town about four years ago at the Chariot Inn.
Anyway, let me make a point here.
I sent an email yesterday to all the city council members about the spraying that was done on Friday and Saturday here in Austin.
Oh, massive chemtrailing, yes.
And I'm sick and tired of it, too, like your caller about an hour ago.
And I got a reply from Jackie Goodman, and I know you just did a lot of work with her on repealing the Patriot Act, and I'm wondering if I could speak to you maybe tonight after the studio, if you come in or whatever, and see if I can pick your brain and get... Well, what did the email from the Mayor Pro-Tem say?
Well it says, it's good and bad, she says her mother is in the ICU but would you mind meeting with my assistant Jerry Rusthoven to get the ball rolling?
Fill him in and also I got a reply from Betty Dunkerley, she's kind of interested too.
And this is the second time I've sent them an email showing them a picture and showing them what's happening.
And obviously, they have to know about this, but I'm ready to get involved and do something.
Well, good.
Yeah, sure.
Take care.
I appreciate it, Steve.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Alex, always a pleasure.
How are you?
I was doing a silly and a serious here.
I was just wondering, did you hear NAFTA just reported that when people eat those manufactured burgers and the subsequent bowel movements that are made, those are going to be considered exporting manufacturing jobs?
Okay, please stop it.
And for Steve, a good book for him to check out is William Thomas' Chemtrails Confirmed.
And have him check his mother's blood, because aluminum, carbon black, and quartz have found to be some of these substances inside these chemtrails, along with beryllium and some other... Barium, salt, so I know, it's a massive program.
Crazy, crazy stuff.
And you know, our own congressman here, running for president, Mr. Dennis Kucinich, was involved
In a bill, H.R.
2977, in October of 2001.
Yeah, exposing the chemtrails, Tim.
It disappeared under pressure in Congress, and it re-emerged as H.R.
I hear you.
I'm out of time.
Great call.
Frank in West Virginia, when they're about to pass a law to make you take any vaccine they bring forward.
Frank, what's going on?
Alex, just a quick update.
I didn't have a chance to read that article yet, but I did call Charleston, our capital in West Virginia.
And I found out that the article that you read is just a little bit dated because it's coming up for the third reading tomorrow morning at 8, I'm sorry, at 11 a.m.
and it may be voted on at 11 a.m.
so anybody from West Virginia can contact their
I can give out an 800 number if that's okay with you.
Sure, give it out.
Stop forced inoculations.
Yes, Senate Bill 439 is the number.
That's 877-565-3447.
Okay, we're out of time.
Thank you.
Yeah, and this is going to happen nationwide.
Imagine in a major state saying everybody's got to take vaccinations or we'll take your kids.
I mean, that is not America.
What's happened to us?
Every car must have a breathalyzer in it.
Cameras everywhere.
Every child must be drug tested.
Guilty until proven innocent.
Go to InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, get my videos, get my books, get the material, spread the word, support the show.
Toll toll free to get the films.
And I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central, back tomorrow 11 to 2 Central.
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