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Name: 20040220_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 20, 2004
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We have another ultra-massive show for you.
Broadcast for you today.
It is the 18th of February 2004 on this Wednesday.
Huge broadcast lined up for you.
Kerry wins Wisconsin as Dean Flounders.
Dean is scheduled today to drop out of the race and give his support over to the Skull and Bones member John Forbes Kerry.
Abortion claim hits the president
One of the smut peddlers out there who's dug up a lot of accurate dirt in the past, Larry Flant.
Larry Flant says he has proof, the witnesses, the doctors, everybody, for a Bush abortion.
Also, Euro hits new high against the dollar.
We've got a bunch of news about the NRA engaging in covert gun-grabbing activities.
Well, this latest one is overt.
Explosions heard near Japan's defense ministry from Reuters.
I think it could be terrorist.
We'll go over that.
The big news, and we've got Jack Blood, talk show host on one of our great affiliates, Reality Radio 1320 up in Rhode Island.
He'll be joining us in the second hour.
I could hardly believe what I read this morning.
News Channel 10, Mainstream News.
Governor's proposed Homeland Security bill under fire.
This is for Rhode Island.
And it says, if you fly anything other than the American flag, if you criticize the government, it actually says this.
You will be arrested under World War I style laws.
It is martial law.
And the Feds are supporting this legislation.
And it's indescribable.
We'll just have to read from the mainstream news for you to hear.
And coming up later in the show as well, Bob Dacey, who's a regular contributor to this show and InfoWars.com, a few days ago I posted this article, Republican Link to Chinagate, Media Empire and Voting Machines Running for Congress.
We have this new 10th District.
They wrote the Democrats out of this area of Central Texas, which I didn't particularly cry over.
Lloyd Doggett is one of the worst members of Congress we have in this country, and he's been the Congressman for Austin for about a decade.
Well, guess what's happened?
A new development here.
Turns out the individual the Republicans are all pushing, because no Democrat is running against anyone in the slot, because it's such a shoo-in for Republicans.
But there are some real conservatives running, but you can forget them.
The media and everybody else is behind this particular Republican who worked for Bill Clinton, who's really a Democrat.
And it's hooked in to Clear Channel.
He's married into that family, and they've put the voting machines in here in Austin.
So a nice microcosm example of the type of corruption we're dealing with via the neocons.
Interesting article here out of South Dakota Gun Owners Association.
Right to arms in vehicles.
Bill Gutted in committee.
The NRA went into the committee and said we don't believe people should be able to have guns without permits.
They were about to pass a law
A Vermont-style concealed carry, where if you're not a felon, you can carry a gun, which is what we need nationwide.
And the NRA said, no, we want registration.
We want this to happen, you see.
That type of concealed carry turns a right into a privilege, and there's the NRA, as usual, out cleansing Clinton.
And from all publications, National Review is admitting that there's a bill for total gun confiscation.
Headline, Bill for Confiscation of Firearms, HR-2403.
And Lord Bush will sign this, he said, if it comes across his desk.
So, again, as liberals here on this show, we're against gun control and open borders and supercomputers in China and campaign finance reform and signing on to UNESCO and arming Pakistan and arming North Korea and arming China.
We're against a 45% growth in government in the last three and a half years.
We're liberal.
If you're for big government, gun control, open borders, abortion, you're a conservative.
So I'm no longer a conservative.
I am an ultra-left winger.
More ultra-left wing reports coming up.
Please stay with us.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
This show is going to be absolutely jam-packed.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, thanks for joining us.
It is Wednesday, the 18th of February, 2004.
Let's jump straight into the news.
Kerry wins Wisconsin as Dean flounders.
Wisconsin brought the populous anti-war campaign of Howard Dean to an end last night, reducing the Democratic nomination race to a two-man contest between John Kerry and John Edwards.
But the state's tight primary election also made it clear that the race was going to be closer than expected.
The pretty boy, John Edwards, caught up to a close second with John Kerry, and they think that in some of the races in the South that John Edwards may win, but I'm predicting that it's going to be John Forbes Kerry as the Democratic presidential candidate, and you're going to have Mr. Edwards as his VP running mate.
But again, it doesn't matter.
They're all establishment types.
It's a rigged game.
We're going to have our skull and bones presidency with George W. running against John Forbes Carey and of course the two are cousins.
What type of cousins is still under debate but they are related and members of the same generational secret society.
Abortion claim hits the president, this is out of the mirror out of England,
Photographer, pornographer, Larry Flint says he has nailed down his claims.
George Bush, a pro-life campaigner, arranged for a girlfriend to have an abortion in the 1970s.
Flint, 61, a failed California governor candidate, said, I've talked to the woman's friends.
I've tracked down the doctor who did the abortion.
And the Bush people who arranged for it have got the story mailed.
That's how Flint talks.
He said he would publish his claims in a book at the height of the election season.
Flint's mudslinging comes amid what promises to be one of the dirtiest battles for the White House ever.
Alarmed aides of President Bush
Want 130 million pounds for a campaign to derail the runaway success of Democratic hopeful John Kerry.
Republicans are trying to portray Kerry, a Massachusetts Senator, for 19 years as a hypocrite and a political puppet.
Well, you're both puppets.
And yes, Mr. Kerry did use his Purple Hearts to get out of Vietnam.
Yes, Mr. Kerry did protest with Jane Fonda.
Yes, Mr. Kerry is a whitewasher in a bunch of different committees.
But it doesn't matter.
They're both pieces of work.
And you can forget about the presidency.
We better work on getting our country back at the county, the city, the state level.
As Hutton Gibson says, we need to have a couple states secede not to send the message that we're not putting up with this martial law tyranny.
And don't think that that won't work.
A lot of people are starting to wake up.
Euro hits new high against the dollar.
The euro today rose to a new high against the dollar, pushing above 129 for the first time in its five-year history.
It rose to 129.27.
That's an all-time record in early European trading, beating a month-old record of 128.98.
And that's a 12-year low for the dollar against the euro.
The Euro didn't even exist 12 years ago, so I don't know how they came up with that number.
But just about a year and a half ago, the Euro was 90 cents to the dollar.
About two years ago, it was 85 cents to the dollar.
And now it's $1.2927 against the dollar.
So a 40 plus percent drop in the dollar.
And you talk to the average person,
I mean, I've talked to folks on the street wearing suits and ties get down in Mercedes Benz and they don't know what it means to have a weak dollar.
Just a few years ago we all made fun of Mexico for the peso or Canada for its devalued currency.
We're now approaching the peso.
But the average person thinks this is good because they heard on the news it's good.
So, okay.
Very interesting.
Yesterday we had Greg Powell's BBC reporter on and we have his article here.
Uh... that uh... he uh... wrote about uh... bush and how it came out in the late nineties when he was running for governor about how he had uh... altered records at camp maybury for his guard service that's now confirmed the folks at the guard have gone public they were ordered to sponge that record to shred those documents
And the lottery company called Bush up and said, hey, look, you give us the contract, the billion-dollar-a-year contract, or this is going to go public, because the lobbyist involved with that was the lobbyist involved getting Bush his little whitewash years before involving the guard records.
And why is this important?
Because in the next hour we're going to be going into the ruling class here in Texas, including the Clear Channel boys, and how they're running their own candidate for Congress, and they own the voting machines in which that person running for Congress's votes will become.
It's like Chuck Hagel up in Nebraska owning the voting machines that people vote in in elections.
So we're seeing more and more of this.
And it turns out this Republican is also linked to ChinaGate, Media Empire, and Voting Machines, who's running for Congress, and it's an article by Bob Dacey for InfoWars.com.
We've got Bob Dacey joining us at the halfway point of the next hour.
When we start the next hour, though, we're going to have Jack Blood on the broadcast, and Mr. Blood is going to be discussing this headline
From News Channel 10 out of Providence, Rhode Island, where we're on the local talk radio at 1320.
News Channel 10, Governor's proposed Homeland Security bill under fire.
Let me cover this now, then we'll get into all the other news.
And brace yourselves for this.
Audit of fire safety records required.
Legislation intended to strengthen the state's security measures drew criticism from a civil rights group that said the proposed law threatens free speech and academic freedom.
Governor Don...
And I can't even pronounce this name, so I'm sorry to our Rhode Island listeners.
CARSERIES, or C-A-R-C-I-E-R-I-S-S, New Homeland Security Bill Law, creates new felony charges, require annual safety audits of every public school, and closed some public records, including those that show whether businesses comply with the state fire safety code requirements.
Notice how the article gives you the petty stuff up front.
Then it gets meaty.
The bill, which the governor introduced last week, also resurrects World War I error laws that make it illegal to speak, this is a quote from the bill, that make it illegal to speak, utter, or print statements in support of anarchy, speak in favor of overthrowing the government, or to display any flag or emblem other than the flag of the United States as symbolic of the U.S.
Now, this is the World War I sedition laws that Michael Savage promotes every single day.
I don't know if that's true.
I've listened 20 times and heard him say it 15 plus times.
Every time I seem to tune in and listen for more than 10 minutes, he says, this person disagrees with the government, that is the terrorist, put them in a forced labor camp.
We were just talking about this yesterday on the show, and we see these type of laws being passed or attempted to be passed all over the country.
There was the bill in Oregon that the head of the committee, Senator Menace, almost got passed last year.
Ten police state, three total enslavement.
The actual bill zoomed in on the subtext.
If one person in a protest blocks traffic or a door, or engages in any other misdemeanor, everyone in the crowd is given life in prison
In a forced labor forest camp.
Well, that's a quote.
Forced labor forest camp.
Labor forest camp.
Well, the governor has his new bill.
If you display anything that's in support of anarchy, speak in favor of overthrowing the government, or to display any flag or emblem other than the flag of the United States,
And it says, uh, the director of the Rhode Island chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union.
You see, they have loyal opposition fighting it.
Stephen Brown, cold proposal, extraordinarily dangerous, and a return to McCarthyism.
See, no, now, no, McCarthy was right.
That's why he was kicked out.
That's why they went after him.
But see, the left tries to make it look like it's a left-wing agenda.
The conservatives think, oh, it must be good.
But people had to be careful what they said or what organization they belonged to.
The organization released on Tuesday a 13-page critique of the governor's proposal.
Jeff Neal, the governor's spokesman, said the legislation is based on laws that have been enacted in several states, including New York, Virginia, Florida, and Massachusetts.
Neal was quoted as saying, in a post-9-11 America, state governments have a responsibility to update their homeland security laws in order to protect their citizens.
Brown wrote in his critique that the proposed law has enormous ramifications for political protest, freedom of association, academic freedom, and the public's right to know.
One issue is the governor's definition of terrorism.
The governor's bill defines terrorism as a violent act or an act dangerous to human life that is intended
To intimidate or coerce a civilian population, influence the policy of a unit of the government by intimidation or coercion, or affect the conduct of a unit of government by murder, assassination, kidnapping, or aircraft piracy.
Now, notice that Section 802 of the USA Patriot Act says any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law is an act of terrorism.
This is a little bit weaker than that.
The language is similar to the U.S.A.
Patriot Act.
The federal law passed it for September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
Critics contend the law, which verifies and increases the powers that federal agents have when investigating crimes, threatens civil rights.
But if you read the bill, and I've got a copy of the governor's bill here, flying a flag gets you prison, criticizing the government gets you secretly arrested.
Now what do folks in Rhode Island think about this?
Now, remember yesterday I read from the Business Wire, where Homeland Security's handing out these armored vehicles to police departments, now treaded tanks, and says they're, quote, for Homeland Security duties, for crowd control and riot control.
See, Homeland Security is controlling you.
It's for you.
When you hear the word terrorist, you think, oh, that's some guy in a turban trying to hijack a plane.
And the answer is, no it's not.
It's for any misdemeanor that they think you might have committed.
Any misdemeanor they think you might have committed.
Alright, we'll be right back folks.
So please stay with us.
A lot more coming up in your calls.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Now they tried to pass a law last year in Oregon, where if one protester, it said it's word for word.
If one protester blocks traffic or blocks a doorway, all protesters get life in prison in a forest labor camp.
That's the exact quote.
It also said if you have an unlicensed gun in your car, if you download music, you get life in prison in a forest labor work camp.
It listed about, I don't know, 50 plus things in there.
And that bill was posted at Infowars.com in the archives.
I guess type something in like
Oregon bill gives you life in prison and forest labor camp, and it should pop up for you.
And we had county commissioners on and others about the concentration camps they built in the forest in Oregon and in Washington State.
Mainstream news, you know.
Just, oh yeah, the feds have built concentration camps and they've told us to keep our mouths shut about it, but we're going to talk about it.
And, uh, so this is the New America.
They like to put you in a forest labor camp if you download music, or if you have a gun, or... It listed a whole bunch of stuff.
Stuff that normally wouldn't even have jail time associated with it, but, you know, this is what they tried to pass, but folks found out about it, and... You know, this is the New America.
And, uh, up in Rhode Island, they want to, uh...
I'll put you in prison as a terrorist if you criticize the government, speak utter or print statements in support of anarchy, and again, that could be anything.
Reading the Declaration of Independence according to FEMA is a terrorist act.
We have FEMA saying it.
We have the documents of FEMA promoting it.
The law enforcement magazines, Law Enforcement Technology, a few years ago said that cops go ahead and arrest somebody if
They have a get us out of the U.N.
And so when this happens to you, you'll be wondering why.
I mean, this is the new America.
This is what's happening.
We can decide to cower and shut up and go along with them, then the abuse will be guaranteed.
Or we can stand up and say, no way, we're not putting up with this garbage.
Got a bunch of other news coming up concerning conservative gun control by the neocons.
But right now, let's talk to Sue Ann in Texas.
Sue Ann, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I'm over here at the University of Texas.
We're at the forum.
It's called Winning the War on Terror.
And I registered this morning at 8.30.
The lady was nice.
I told her I was from ACTV and that I would be filming and, you know, taping the sessions.
And she said fine.
And so I got in there and got all set up and it turns out this guy called Montgomery C. Miggs
Yeah, that's the General, and I've been to two of those, and I didn't go to the one two weeks ago.
They actually were assaulting Kevin, bumping into him, threatening him.
Anybody else can tape but our people and it's a big New World... In fact, the first one last year, the first symposium was called the New World Order and they don't want us taping this, no.
But everyone else is allowed to, but... Actually, they're not allowing anybody taping.
Not only can we not tape it visually, he said we couldn't even tape it electronically.
There will be no electronic
Notification of the text.
Okay, well they let us tape the two times I was there.
They wouldn't let Kevin a few weeks ago, but they let everybody else.
Now they're not letting anybody?
They're not letting anybody tape.
They're not even letting anybody use consent recorders.
At a university, at a major forum.
Why can't the taxpayer be allowed to tape?
We're paying for all of this.
Why can't we?
Well, they're afraid of us.
At least get an audio tape of what they're saying.
What are they going to say that they're so afraid for us to tape and play back to people?
Well, you've got former deputy directors of the CIA, top generals, FBI people there when I've been there, and the same guys there this time according to what you just said.
Well, I was just trying to get the word out that if people want to know what their government is doing and any patriot wants to know about the Homeland Security, they need to get here.
The Homeland Security Speakers are coming up at 2 o'clock.
By the way, everyone's always been allowed to tape this.
They're just selectively deciding this.
Well, there's nobody with any taping.
They had one person there from the University Press that had a still camera, just an SLR camera, and they were allowed to take a few.
Yes, but that was it.
You couldn't even have a cassette recorder going.
Well, we're a free country.
That's why.
You know, you can't... They're putting cameras up everywhere and putting cameras up in the schools and the school bathrooms and the state rest stops in Michigan, but you sure can't tape.
Yeah, I know.
A few weeks ago, they were basically assaulting Kevin, bumping into him, telling him, turn your camera off.
And he said, other people have their cameras on.
They said, you can't.
And that's interesting.
So he's there and he brought his camera.
They wouldn't let him tape again.
But they had already agreed to let me tape.
The lady had agreed it, and Ms.
Montgomery C. Meigs said no.
And I said, well, uh, how about just the text?
She said, no, not even the text.
We don't want any consent recorders.
We don't want any... Did you get that on tape?
Uh, no, but he made it very clear.
He said it in front of him.
Listen, listen, you always go into these situations with your camera running, so at least you'll get what they said.
Also, once the cameras get turned off, they can claim you assault them or something.
I wouldn't be there if they won't let you have cameras.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All over the country, federal courts have been ruling that you can have 500 Bush supporters on a public sidewalk with signs worshipping the neocon, but if one liberal has a sign saying, no blood for oil, they're told, Secret Service says you're not allowed to protest, they arrest them.
And all over the country, people who try to go out and videotape public events,
You can have people with 50 other cameras, but if they don't like you, they'll tell you to turn your camera off and arrest you.
And the same thing's been happening here at the LBJ Presidential Library in the last two events.
Because I know the last caller, Sue Ann, she's done a lot of good reporting for us in the past.
I know it's happened to Kevin Smith, who's been trying to go to these events.
And I should have been there today, but I had to obviously be live on air.
And they just don't want you going to their little Homeland Security event in the big auditorium with all the students and all their video cameras.
That's the way it's always been.
And the news media there, but nope, sorry, you can't videotape what they're talking about with Homeland Security now.
There's no law.
The UT tells you, of course you're allowed to videotape.
You know, the Secretary's people running it, but then the General gets up there at the podium and says, turn all your cameras off!
And they got goons in suits that will, um... Well, many of you have seen my film, The Takeover, Police State 2, The Takeover, where General Barry McCaffrey, who was then the drug czar, comes to speak, and I'm sitting up in about the 10th row, I have my video camera in my hand, and I say to him, during the question and answer, I say, Sir, your head of drug task force,
For South Com, down in Columbia, for the entire of South and Central America, him and his wife got caught shipping in heroin and cocaine.
What do you have to say about that?
You know, the CIA's been caught bringing the drugs in.
I mean, isn't that what you guys are really doing?
Well now, you see, that won't be possible.
Because they selectively enforce it and tell you to turn your camera off and let others have their cameras on.
And I guess now, there's nobody can have their cameras on.
This is in the spirit of America and the spirit of freedom at universities.
In the First Amendment.
Before we go back to these loaded phone lines, I want to just tell the listeners that I've made ten films.
Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, Police State 2, The Takeover, that I was just mentioning.
About five minutes of that two hour, five minute film is the confrontation with General Barry McCaffrey.
The kind of stuff that's in there.
You need to get these videos.
You need to make copies of them.
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You can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And we're winning the fight against the globalists.
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They're not going to get away with it.
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Again, the toll-free number one more time is 1-888-253-3139.
Now, let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Texas.
Jim, go ahead.
Good morning.
How are you, brother?
I'm doing okay.
Listen, I had heard you talk several times about all the speakers around Austin and, you know, on the street and stuff.
Well, you said, or microphone, so they could listen.
Ah, microphone, yes.
I'm real involved in shortwave radios and scanning and stuff.
And there's a publication called Monitoring Times.
And in their February issue, they were talking about a new radio system that Glendale, Arizona got, the police department.
It's a new $9 million digital system.
And one little article in here was really interesting.
It says, Glendale PD has more than 350 officers.
Beside the standard dispatch traffic, you may hear references to ShotSpotter,
This is an automated system that determines the location of random gunfire in areas of the city.
Audio sensors triangulate the location of the sound to within 25 feet and report the location back to the dispatchers.
Okay, let me break this down for you.
Have you seen Police State 2000?
Then you saw the Austin American Statesman headline, gunshot detectors, and we zoom in on the text and it says, okay, it's also an audio listening system.
Nationwide, they put these in.
They put it in in Austin in 1998 with a $840,000 a year grant.
They've gotten the grant each year.
They've put up hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of wireless shotgun microphones.
When you go to the company website that they bought from, it bribes that this hooks into the emergency centers of cities.
They can rotate the mics on the advertisement on the promo pack for it on the website it goes listen to this child talk to his friend about his basketball from over 250 yards and you hear the child speaking and talking about his basketball and so they advertise it to police as a microphone system but then when they announce it to the public it's a gunshot detector
In the last five, six years, they've never used it for gunshot detection.
It isn't used for gunshot detection.
But when they announce it to you, that's what it's for.
And yes, Austin has it.
A lot of other cities have it.
And these are microphone systems hooked in with the cameras.
But then when you get wise to it, they say, oh, it's a gunshot detector.
But no, it's a very specific
A shotgun microphone, that is.
It focuses on long distances, and that's exactly what they're doing with it.
Well, we have cameras all over here, and they've even started popping up in the little cities.
I notice when I drive around, half the time, or about half, maybe 25-30% of the time,
They're not even pointing down, they're looking down the side street.
Sir, I have video of cameras on the highway zooming around and looking into neighborhoods, turning back and forth.
They're now putting them in the neighborhoods in Austin.
Every small town has them, side streets have them, dirt roads have them, in the name of stopping people who are dumping garbage from England to Canada to Austin, Texas.
I have the news articles where they're going to put up in Austin, hundreds of cameras, including night vision cameras, in the woods, in the parks, on roads, by private property, so everywhere, just like 1984.
And then when you complain about the microphones, oh, that's a gunshot triangulator.
Which I have no doubt the system can also do.
Then they say, oh, we heard shots fired.
We've got to search your house.
Or one of their old tricks is, we got a 911 call from your house.
Well, no you didn't.
I'm asleep.
Well, we've got to go ahead and search it.
I mean, that's happened to a bunch of people I know.
It's everywhere, and you don't even notice it until you just start looking around.
And now the cameras are going in the school bathrooms.
And then if you say something, you're paranoid.
So, what else does the article say about the gunshot detectives?
That's all it said.
It just talked, it was a nine million dollar digital radio station.
And it says you just might be hearing the audio off these, but never mind that.
Yeah, don't worry about it.
And, you know, mainly it was just talking about, you wouldn't be able to monitor a lot of the communication because they're going to
Well, yeah, it's going to be digitally scrambled.
Or digital, they have scanners that can de-encrypt that.
No, I know, listen.
But the computer stuff, you can't.
Look, I've got articles where people around the country, on the internet, can get into the school cameras, because those are hooked in with the feds.
So if somebody's in Sacramento, you can watch it in Virginia.
Or they're in Tennessee, you can watch it in Texas.
This has been in the news.
And it's the same thing with these microphones.
You can get into these microphones.
Well, they have daycare centers.
They've advertised it.
Call in and check on your children, which is good in a way, but then somebody can hack into it.
Well, the point is that the government's been caught doing so many bad things that, you know, they're the ones that are using this.
Anyway, I just wanted to confirm a lot of things, and I appreciate your work, man.
Well, just think about this point.
Last thing, Jim.
In 1998, they put the microphones in at Austin.
They put in hundreds more each year with the $840,000 grant they get.
Now, that's just Austin.
Now, have you ever in Austin heard of them using the gunshot detector?
No, my daughter lives in Austin.
I've never heard a word about it.
Yeah, they're just quietly putting this in, and then if you ask about it, oh, it's a gunshot detector.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, microphones, folks, hanging out of the trees, hanging off the telephone poles in the neighborhoods.
In the first wave of them, they put them in East Austin.
Oh, it's just for those poor people.
Then they put it in Southwest Austin.
Then they put it in Southeast Austin.
Now they put them in North Austin.
Now they're in downtown.
Just little black microphones hanging down.
Uh, let's talk to George in Colorado.
George, go ahead.
Good day.
Uh, I have an interesting point.
You brought up some things yesterday I didn't have a chance to call in, but you're in good company being called a terrorist.
Because several members
and former members of the American administration called the POWs in Japan and the slave laborers used by Japanese in World War II are terrorists.
You know why they're terrorists?
Because Congressman Honda and Rohrabacher in 2001 were going to pass a bill that would force Japan to pay reparations to these people.
So three former Japanese ambassadors, Thomas Foley,
Michael Armacost and Fritz Mondale wrote a letter to the editor to the Washington Post in September 2001 saying that supporting that bill would be the equivalent to supporting terrorism.
So you are in fine company.
That's bizarre.
That's the global elite.
So how are they saying these veterans were terrorists?
Because they were going against the government.
The government signed a treaty in 1951 with Japan that said that they could not get any reparations except what was outlined in the treaty.
By going against the government, they were defined as terrorists.
Well, they run ads on the radio here in Austin, the Austin Police Department does, going, the terror in the night, fighting terrorists, the terrorists want to rape and kill you, no matter what others say, the APD are the heroes, fighting the terrorists.
Again, crime is now terrorism.
Suspected crime is now terrorism.
And yesterday I read the Business Wire report where, oh, armored vehicles are being given to the police departments to fight terror, riots, and crowds.
They're preparing for the future.
They know we're going to be rioting soon.
Why will we be rioting?
Well, they've got the armored vehicles ready to deal with us.
There's another interesting thing.
In 1976, there were congressional committees looking into
The criminal activities of the CIA at the time George Herbert Walker Bush was the director he sent his aide Donald Gregg to the committees in Congress and told them flat out with an ultimatum back off or face martial law.
More recently in July 2002 CIA official James B. Bruce declared we've got to do whatever it takes if it takes sending SWAT teams into journalists homes.
I remember seeing that quote
And the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act, they had a quote in the Detroit Free Press, it's in Rhode Attorney, where they said, our troops are ready to kill grandmothers if ordered to do so.
And they had a big drill in New York, all these secret drills, New York Times on Monday, for mass roundups, forced inoculations, and now the governor in Rhode Island wants to re-pass the World War I sedition laws, where if you criticize the government, you're arrested.
Well, when it gets to that stage of the game, Alex, if you're going to jail for life, then just remember Mel Gibson's other famous film, The Patriot.
Strip to the waist, get the tomahawk, and do what you gotta do.
Because if you're going to jail for life anyway, you might as well at least remember one famous American Revolutionary quote.
Give me liberty, or give me death.
But, I mean, what's wrong with them trying to pass a bill in Oregon that if one protester blocks traffic, everyone in the protest gets life in prison in a, quote, forest labor camp?
What's wrong with forest labor camps?
That's where we're going to put the globalists when we win?
Whatever they do to us, you just write it down and make notes.
And then when civil administration returns to its proper Republican base, and the people again rule their country, and the war criminals that tried to take over this country are put back where they belong, in jail.
I just can't believe we're sitting here calmly talking about forest labor camps and arresting people who criticize the government.
Well, it's a good thing we can talk about it, because then we don't have to fight about it.
Hopefully by talking about it, the anesthetized masses will wake up and start to realize, hey, these guys are serious, we have to do something.
And that can be done at the ballot box.
But if it can't be done there, then ultimately, the forefathers of this country said, we have the cartridge box.
Hey, I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Lewis in California.
Lewis, go ahead.
You know, I used to talk with you years ago and trade quips about our choice between the lesser of evils.
And you remember a couple of times I kidded you and picked on the fact that if you reduce basic language to mathematics, which they teach you to do, take word problems and change them into mathematics to figure them out, that we were obviously dealing with lesser of evils.
And you've known that as well as I have, but do you understand what it equates to when you and Joyce Riley give out the kind of information that you have this morning?
Mathematically, that equates to the fact that we're being given a choice between the greater of evils.
And that leaves us mathematically about a hair breath away from that final point when you can put down the equal sign
And say equals maximum evil.
We're not quite to that point yet.
But for your listening audience, I guess that maybe almost all of you in your school training, at least all of us, and I think almost all your listeners, when you were taught how to change word problems into mathematics to solve them, some things were just basic.
And certain problems, like say,
You know how we used to joke about years ago that there were always those old timers that said, well, when it gets so bad that my family starts starving, I'll reach into that drawer beside the bed there for my six shooter or for my revolver.
Well, then that is the choice of maximum evil.
And I would just say this to you, you haven't said anything
Anything meaningful for years that I have disagreed with.
Everything you've said is the same point of view as mine.
But when you reduce it to mathematics, even this thing that your last caller just described, it only takes one step more.
One small step more.
You're saying we're reaching the point of no return.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Well, all we can do is try to warn people that prison camps for protesters isn't good, and that microphones hanging out of the trees isn't good, and that foreign troops aren't good.
I mean, it's all public.
Martial law is public.
Top generals saying it's good.
Armored vehicles, all the police to oppress us.
I mean, it's here.
It's here, my friends.
It's happening.
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All right, my friends, we're back live.
About to go back to your calls.
Got two guests coming up in the next hour to talk about martial law in Rhode Island and well-staged elections here in Texas, a microcosm of what's happening in the rest of the country.
I want to say bye to Mark, who's been running this show off and on for five years.
He's, uh, it's his last, uh, last segment here and then he's gonna, um, be leaving down here to Texas to go back to college.
So, um, I want to say bye to Mark and good job over the years.
Tell you what, let's just go back to the calls right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jay in Colorado.
Jay, welcome to the Airwaves.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
A couple things.
I just wanted to first say that I got Paul Watson's book a couple weeks ago.
It's great.
It's referenced beautifully.
All the amazing points in it, which there's many.
And it proves who the terrorists are.
Oh yeah.
You can tell when he talks on your show that
The guy knows it through and through, and it's evident in the book, and I like the way it's referenced.
I wanted to mention that, so you can actually see where he's getting the amazing points from, so you can double-check if for some reason you don't believe him.
But anyway, I also wanted to know if you could have the Mariani case back on your show, just for an update, to see if they're getting... Yeah, for those that don't know who that is, why don't you tell them?
Oh, that was the wife of...
A gentleman, I guess his first name is Joseph, I think, who died in Building 1, I think, or the... Yeah, and they lay out the evidence of how the Globalists carried out 9-11, one of many suits by the victims.
Of course, Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, Stanley Hilton, represents 400-plus families and says the Globalists did 9-11, they didn't just have prior knowledge.
What do you think of all the martial law news, where they're gearing up publicly for martial law?
I think they're just rolling along and people just
Think that it's for the safety?
They just believe it.
They just believe it because they don't look under the rock and see these guys crawling around.
I mean, I got friends that are cops.
I got a friend who just applied to be the Homeland Security, whatever, director or something like that in Colorado.
He's just a trooper, but he's got his master's degree and stuff.
And they said he can't do it because he doesn't have a military background.
This is a police job, but he's like a, I forget what they call it, but an administrator or something.
Well, I read an article where they said Homeland Security is crowd control with the armored vehicles.
Well, I've got seven of your movies already.
A lot of them, if you do the extended play, you can put two on one tape, you know?
Yes, sir.
So I always put Police Day 2 on there because of the Seattle stuff.
I've watched people really almost get sick watching those guys beat up those people.
The cops.
And stomping on old women, and then hiring the 50 thugs that caused the crisis.
That's a perfect example of problem-reaction-solution.
One point is that, through the movies, you put all the local covers, which is amazing.
I mean, Oklahoma City, all the local covers, and that's what people are like, I didn't see any of that, I didn't see any of that, or I saw that one part, but that was the one part that wasn't, you know, against their
You know what I mean?
That's the only part you can pass on.
The globalists have trouble controlling local news when it's live.
Later they get their spin control back in place.
And that's why these videos are so important.
And the FEMA Center part where they're marching them all in and the people at the council meeting yelling about being stuck there and whatever.
That freaks people out too.
They're like, wow, the FEMA Centers?
And I had a few people
They wanted to check and see where the FEMA centers are out here in Colorado.
There's FEMA centers in every city.
Oh, yeah.
That's what I told them.
I said, there's probably more than one.
Here in Austin, it's the Robert Mueller Airport, the old airport.
It's probably the Lowry Air Force Base, which they shut down about ten years ago.
Out here, I think.
Anyway, the last thing I wanted to know is if you could give a couple of pointers on where to find schedules or calendars.
Or where these people are coming to speak and have their little seminars so I can go in there and ask them some real questions.
Just type in a search engine, Colorado Homeland Security meeting or... You mean Google?
Like Google or?
Yeah, just type it in and you'll find out.
Good to hear from you buddy, appreciate that.
Second hour coming up, we'll take more calls and we got Jack Blood, talk show host on 1320 in Providence.
Covered the Marshall Law headline from News 10.
And then we'll talk about local corruption right here in Austin.
Stay with us, second hour straight ahead.
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We're good to go.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coast to coast, county, city, state governments under federal funding and mandate
Are publicly federalizing their police, militarizing them, preparing all the so-called non-lethal weapons, openly talking about martial law.
And it's time to wake up to this fact and realize just how serious things have gotten.
Terry Wins in Wisconsin is Dean Flounder, so you're going to have your skull and bones presidency.
Dean is scheduled sometime today to be giving his little throw-in-the-towel speech.
Bush is in trouble over evidence that he was involved in an abortion.
Euro hits new high of $1.29 plus against the dollar.
Also, we're going to be getting into Republican linked to Chinagate, media empire, and voting machines running for Congress in Austin.
Quite an expose coming up in 30 minutes.
A right to arms and vehicles bill gutted by the NRA in South Dakota, more of their gun grabbing activities, and from the National Review Magazine, bill for confiscation of firearms, H.R.
2403, that would confiscate all guns.
That's the National Review, by the way.
So we're just calmly talking about total gun confiscation, no big deal, very conservative.
A federal terror prosecutor suing Ashcroft, Fox News, saying Ashcroft lied about terror threats.
Making people's liberties.
Australian troops told on the eve of the Iraq 2 war that there were no weapons of mass destruction.
Not to worry, that it was all a big lie, just an excuse.
That's out of the Herald.
Brain fingerprints under scrutiny.
The so-called brain scanners they put in the airports.
People are now saying they're frauds.
Scores die in Iran fuel wagon blasts.
And much, much more.
But joining us is Jack Blood, great talk show host, right there on 1320 Reality Radio out of Providence, Rhode Island, covering that state and parts of three others.
And we're honored to have him on the broadcast.
Governor's proposed Homeland Security Bill under fire.
And out of this News 10 article, it says that if you criticize the government, speak or utter statements, fly anything but the American flag, it actually says that.
It's the 1918 Sedition Law, that you will be arrested as a terrorist.
It's an act of terror.
And this is kind of like the bill they had last year in Oregon, where if you criticize the government, download music, have an illegal gun, engage in a whole host of misdemeanors, block traffic, protest, every protester, if one protester commits a crime, gets life in prison in a forest labor camp.
That's from the bill!
Jack Blood, good to have you on the show.
Yeah, thanks for inviting me, Alex.
And this is blatantly unconstitutional, this bill, and of course affects a station like ours, which 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, broadcasts language that might be defined as potentially dangerous or advocating anarchy or terrorism.
Oh boy.
And they hung people to criticize the government during World War I.
And just a few days ago on your show, Jack, we talked about Michael Savage there locally, how you listen to him every day saying, anybody that criticizes the government, put them in a forced labor camp.
That's an exact quote.
And now we see that type of mindset being brought forward by your local government.
Are folks concerned about this?
Yeah, actually, I am pretty optimistic, Alex, that this bill is not going to go through, and this was a big misstep by Carcieri, but we have seen him building up when he brought in this guy, Kim Brown, who is a New York City firefighter working with the city's emergency management office.
Okay, we know that's the state version of FEMA.
They've been working on this for a while, and it all kind of culminated at this Governor's Homeland Security Conference that they had on October 30th.
Yeah, the feds are pushing this nationwide.
This is going in all over the place.
Yeah, I mean, again, this is the scariest part of something like this.
This is not defined.
The language is vague and way too broad and can just encompass anything.
Jack, stay there.
We're going to come back, go over the bill, read from actual subsections.
We're just calmly talking about martial law.
So's Tommy Frank.
So's General Eberhardt.
We're on the air in Colorado Springs.
Want to say hi to them.
Probably say that the military will run our lives.
They're getting ready to set aside the Constitution for our new military form of government.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Some people have called, emailed, just a few of them, and they say, you know, you talk so much about martial law.
Yeah, I'm not going to talk about Republican versus Democrat in this whole WWF theater when they're all in the same camp.
I am going to talk about the Attorney General, the Deputy Attorney General, in the Oakland Tribune last year.
Mike Van Winkle saying, quote, protesting the war aids terrorists and so we're going to arrest those that protest the war.
We're going to talk about the law they tried to pass up in Oregon, where if you criticize the government, or download music, or have a gun that's not registered, or block traffic, every protester gets life in prison in a forest labor camp.
That's a quote.
We're going to talk about how they had the Governor's Homeland Security Summit with Ridge, and suddenly governors start popping up saying, if you criticize the government, we're going to put you in prison.
I mean, they're really trying to do it right now.
They've said they want to get rid of posse comitatus.
They've said they want to put troops on the streets.
We cannot stress this enough.
And joining us from our affiliate out of Providence, Rhode Island, is talk show host Jack Blood.
On PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com we have posted News Channel 10, Governor's proposed Homeland Security bill under fire, I would imagine, has been posted at JackBlood.com.
This came out today, and Jack, I read some of this in the last hour, but I want to go back over it, but you've looked at the legislation.
I've got the bill here in front of me.
I've got the news article here in front of me.
It's World War I-era laws.
Uh, that make it illegal to speak, utter, or print statements in support of anarchy, which they can say is anything, speak in favor of overthrowing the government, well that's the Declaration of Independence, or display a flag or emblem other than the flag of the United States.
So that's, that's the World War I law.
You got something other than the American flag.
I mean, that's how broad this is.
Yeah, it could be a Confederate flag.
It could be anything, but that shows, and they admit here that it's similar to Section 802 of the Patriot Act, that has the definition of, if you're suspected of any misdemeanor, secret arrest, secret execution.
Comments to this?
Well, first of all, we're trying to get through to Carcieri, and his spokesperson has put out a blanket report that's going to everybody.
This was also on the front page of the Providence Journal today, and not in a very positive way, I might add.
You know, they're saying that they did not specifically use the Patriot Act as a template, that they used language in state law and a bill passed in 1996, and ultimately what they're trying to do is get us in line with more progressive anti-terrorism legislation nationwide in states like Virginia and others, a couple of other states.
So, what I think is absolutely
I'm telling here, Alex, is that we worked very hard to repeal the Patriot Act in Providence.
We're going all through our coverage in a two-state area to repeal the Patriot Act.
We've been very successful in that.
And then here comes this bill to supersede all of that.
And I'll tell you, one of the things here it says, you know, in this legislation, in this particular bill Cartieri is offering,
Is that if you intimidate or coerce a civilian population, which I guess by reason we might be doing with our broadcast here, or influence a policy or unit of government, that that could again be life in prison or ten years in prison.
And the thing that's quite funny about that, Alex, is that that's exactly what I intend to do over here.
We are going to intimidate and coerce the governor to not apply this bill to Rhode Islanders.
Well, I mean, that's what protests and demonstrations and phone calls and emails are about.
And folks, this isn't happening in a vacuum.
Governor Ridge is getting his pass all over the country, and federal courts are ruling that you can't go out and protest on a street corner.
They're arresting people for this.
Or even picketing if your salary is being caught or you're being infringed upon by the nearest Walmart.
There was the Sacramento Bee article a few weeks ago that showed men with automatic machine guns and black uniforms arresting people on sidewalks who were protesting over the grocery store cuts and pays, the unions, and they just ordered their arrest.
Militarized police just come out and arrest you like this is Latin America or something.
Well, let's remember that Homeland Security and security being supplanted with the word control means Homeland Control.
That's what this is all about.
I'll tell you something very ironic in this bill, is that it's illegal to speak or print any language in defiance of state or federal constitutions.
That's exactly what this bill does, which is, of course, again, quite ironic.
So, if you print anything criticizing laws,
Oh, you know, we've got the news articles posted.
I've got the bill here in front of me.
I need to get that posted as to my two webmasters out there for Prison Planet and InfoWars.
I mean, this is one of the most deliberate and extreme attacks on the First Amendment and right to free speech in recent memory.
And here, part of the bill says, if you are printing or speaking any language, which would be this bill in defiance of state or federal constitution, that you again are liable for a federal crime and a felony.
Also, it defines weapons of mass destruction as an instrument or a device or substance causing death or serious injury to a person.
I guess that could be a firearm or a baseball bat.
That's what the Oregon law did, is it said that if you have an unlicensed gun, life in prison, forest labor camp, because it's a weapon of mass destruction.
Or a box cutter, I guess, could be a weapon of mass destruction.
And by the way, folks, people that say, oh, they're not going to use us for that.
Rush Limbaugh's medical records, Patriot Act 1.
Uh, uh, topless bars, county commissioners, zoning laws, pot dealers.
They're using it against everybody.
And the, uh, the spokesman for the Justice Department last year in testimony told Congress, we will use this against all crimes and all suspected crimes.
Yeah, this is something that they're going to try to implement in every city, town, and state in this union.
And I think what's behind it, largely, is this massive repealing of the Patriot Act all over the country, thank God.
And the fact that Bush is using bait as this Homeland Security bill money in order to force these governors to implement these draconian laws.
And by the way, when they blow something else up, when the military industrial complex carries out more attacks, national draft, up to 49 years of age, you'll have to domestically dick dishes, engage in tattletale behavior, the tips program has been expanded to have your cable guy, the carpet cleaner, spying on you, everything's an act of terrorism now.
I mean, this is a hellish end of America that we're talking about here!
It's the definition of terrorism where we're going to have big problems here.
Defined in this bill as a violent act, or dangerous act, or acts dangerous to human life.
Which could again be drunk driving, jaywalking, whatever.
I mean, this gives them the ability to put us in prison for life for the smallest offense.
Their defense is going to be, well obviously we're not going to do that.
But then they do it, and the local news won't report on it.
The spokesperson for Cartieri in this case has said, you know, that these laws have been around for nearly a century without any court challenge, of course.
And, by the way, they say that over and over again and that's not the case.
And the State of the Union Bush said, well, we've been using these laws in the drug war, what's wrong with for terrorists?
Yeah, they've been using asset-forward procedure where no drugs are found, no paraphernalia, they just take your house.
Yeah, that's true, they've been doing that for over a decade.
You know, and then we got this other thing where anything to do with an airport, including making too much noise in the parking lot, define for me, Alex Jones, threatening or tumultuous behavior in an airport.
It reminds me of that movie, Anger Management, where the guy is asking for headphones the next thing he's being hauled off the plane.
Well, we see those real-life cases every week in the news.
Look, I mean, this is serious, serious business.
And look, we cannot stress, let me just read from yesterday and then we'll go to some calls.
This is out of business wire.
Surplus Army vehicles find new life in error of Homeland Security.
They were doing this long before that.
Now listen to what they say they'll use these for.
The M113 family of vehicles is currently being used by law enforcement.
And other first responders in over 27 states and assist in natural disasters, search and rescue operations, counter drug operations, riot and crowd control, and other related Homeland Security, Department of Defense applications.
So, they're saying, this is military, Homeland Security, it says that the Deputy Head of Homeland Security
With the military officers met with the Calhoun County Sheriff's Department when they bought two of these.
And we got generals meeting with the local police, openly getting rid of posse comitatus, and now they're putting trapped tanks, not just the old APCs, but wheeled tanks on our streets!
That's true, and your film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, which we will be showing in defiance of this bill here at the end of the month, does a great job outlining what FEMA's powers are and what FEMA can do.
So this, you know, until the proverbial you-know-what hits the fan, Alex, I mean...
You know, look, this is how they're going to use it.
This is how they're going to control us.
Once they decide to pull the plug and FEMA comes in and takes over, none of this is even going to make any difference.
Well, here's the answer.
Their misuse of the Patriot Act has caused a backlash over 400 cities.
The last couple of big ones were New York and St.
Paul, Minnesota.
So, it's already blown up in their face.
Conservatives, liberals are all starting to wake up.
You're right.
They're not going to get away with this.
They're not getting away with it in other states.
They're trying to create this chilling effect.
The answer is, for all those people who've been on the fence, when General Eberhardt and General Frank say martial law is coming,
When they say this in the news, it's time for you, your business, your company, your family, to stand up in the spirit of 1776 and say no to this tyranny, no to the real terrorists that are trying to destroy our country.
You'd get life in prison for a statement like that, Alex.
Well, so be it.
Again, we stand against the black ski masks, the video cameras, the microphones, the armored vehicles, the open borders, the gun control.
All of it, folks.
And we're against putting people in a forest labor camp for protesting for life.
You know, meanwhile, on an episode of Law & Order last night, we learned how homeschooling is bad, parents wanting their kids in school to have a nutritional lunch is bad, and how anyone who homeschools their kid and is interested in the Constitution is psychotic and causes their kids to kill.
And this is what we learned last night on Network TV, a show watched by millions of people, Law & Order, right after 24 had aired on Fox, teaching us
Torture is good, and killing is good, and there are stings to buy biological weapons, and you know, we know how that works.
Uh, by the way, I never watch television anymore, but I was up doing my own TV show last night, and I had a cold, so I just ran a rebroadcast, and I was flipping through TV channels in the TV studio, and I watched the last 10 minutes of 24,
And they're torturing this woman, blood squirting out of her neck.
But she's bad, it's okay.
And this guy walks up and goes, oh, I love 24, Alex, it's my favorite show.
I go, yeah, but they're... Every episode they teach you how to torture.
He goes, yeah, but she's bad.
So, see?
And they admit the Defense Department is funding Law & Order and NYPD and Blue.
Oh, this is right out of a CIA script book.
Every episode, torturing people with blood squirting out of their necks.
We'll be back.
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We got Bob Dacian coming up in the next segment, but I'm going to have him hold about 10 minutes into the next segment so we can go to all these callers and keep Jack Blood on a little bit longer.
Jack, I'm glad you brought this up because I meant to talk about 24, the episode of 24 last night.
Folks, I cannot describe to you how horrible it is that I had to stop watching even any television, because every time I turned it on, homeschoolers were evil, had their children taken, Threat Matrix 24, Law and Order, all these shows, torture, there's no Bill of Rights, it's good.
So I'm sitting there, running my TV show, running a broadcast from last week where I talk about Building 7 and Skull and Bones, and I'm airing that, and
Somebody brought up a pizza up there, and so I leave the control room, I turn on the TV, I start flipping channels, and it's 24, and there's a woman with this big shocker thing hooked to her neck, and they're going, we're going to torture you if you don't answer the questions, we're going to torture you right now, and you know, they're all the good guys torturing her, and they torture her, and blood shoots out of her neck, and she's evil though, you know, she's bad, she deserves it.
And then I'm sitting there, and this guy who I've known for years, who does local TV shows, walks up to me and goes, Oh, I love 24!
Oh man, it's my second favorite show next to, you know, next to Pure Factor.
Oh my gosh, oh boy, they sure have gotten her.
And I go, well, you know, they're torturing her.
And he goes, yeah, I know, every episode they torture the bad guys.
I like it.
I mean, it was so Orwellian.
I'm going, yes, and I go, but don't you understand that this is to acclimate the police and the public and the culture, that torture's good?
And he goes, well, I don't have to worry, I'm good.
And so I'm sitting here, and every episode, I probably, because it's on when I'm on TV up there, I've probably seen pieces of four or five episodes
Every episode I've seen, they're torturing somebody.
I asked this fan, who never misses, and he said, oh yes, they torture every episode.
Now, you know, that's why I saw it, because he had it on.
And torture is now good, and the government in the real world is saying torture's good.
And the head general at Camp X-Ray from Rhode Island quit last year and said, I'm not going to torture people.
I mean, Jack, what did you see on the Law and Order show?
Well, first let me just say, at 24, after they tortured this woman who has been the thorn in the anti-terrorism side for the last three years, okay?
Once they determined she didn't know anything, they just shot her dead.
So she didn't have any more information, they were done torturing her, they just put a couple of bullets in her and she was dead and that's the end of the episode.
I'm telling you, this law and order thing,
My jaw was on the floor.
It starts off with a troubled teen or troubled youth that's in school.
His mom has taken him out of school and is homeschooling him.
One of the suspicious behaviors is that she didn't want their kids to eat the school lunches.
She gave them their own nutritious food.
And they go to her house and they're all really smart.
They're learning trigonometry and everything else.
But it turns out that the older kid, being homeschooled, kills the younger brother to protect him because the mother has indoctrinated them with conspiracy theories.
And he's so scared of the conspiracy theories that his mother has constantly laid on him that to protect his brother, he shoots and kills his brother.
Oh, see, these homeschoolers, despite the fact that they're the less violent, highest test scores of anybody.
But see, how many episodes have we all seen?
I don't even watch much TV where the homeschoolers are evil psychotics.
Yeah, and at the same time, all these celebrities that are being homeschooled, that's okay, because they're celebrities, right?
And it's a wonderful thing.
They don't have time to go to school because they're famous.
So what ended up happening?
The CPS saves everyone?
Yeah, exactly.
The mothers, the kids are taken away.
They show mercy and the kid who shot his brother gets off on temporary insanity and we all learn a lesson of how homeschooling is bad.
Because the mother was a conspiracy theorist and thought the school lunches were bad.
Conspiracy theories kill people.
There are no conspiracies as we know.
Well, we've got to go ahead.
We have the homeschooling families calling all the time.
They go, the police are here, CPS is here.
They're going to take my children.
What do I do?
But see, the sickos watch TV and their friends, the cops' friends, the CPS workers' friends, are the imaginary police forces on the federally, admittedly funded TV shows.
I want to say, before we run out of time, we're also doing a remote at Johnson & Wales tonight, which is across the street from us, on this white scholarship program.
Something else we're making national news about over here.
We're going to be doing a remote from that tonight with Brian Bishop.
Here's what we're going to do at WARL in opposition to this Carcieri bill.
We're building a new studio down on the street level, in the window, broadcasting onto the street.
We're on the same block here as City Hall, about three blocks down in the shadow of the State House.
We have recently acquired a 50,000 watt tower and transmitter.
We're engineering
To get your show and our programs out to even a wider audience, even more millions of people.
We're going to continue to show these monthly movies such as Police Day 3, how appropriate.
And I'm currently in negotiations for a TV show called The Blood Report here.
And as I said earlier, we are going to intimidate and coerce the governor to not adopt this type of legislation.
Stay there, I want to come back and take some calls, and we'll get to Bob Dacey, and I want to plug the movie showing, how folks get involved in that.
Folks, the biggest... I've got to start watching TV, because every time I watch it, they're torturing people, they're killing people, it's good!
They're busting in doors without warrants, and the cop says, I don't need warrants anymore, it's good!
Yes, it's good!
It's good, it's good!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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My friends, the federal government has something called propaganda placement.
That's my term for it.
It's public service announcement money that's paid to write the scripts.
They actually fund $44 million a year, according to the Associated Press, just for script insertions for major television shows.
And so I cannot describe how evil it is that every time I turn the television on, they're torturing people, but it's good.
They're violating the Bill of Rights, but it's good.
The homeschoolers are the scourge of the earth.
You know, JCPenney sells the t-shirt that says homeschooled, spelled incorrectly with a picture of a trailer.
This is mass demonization against those of us that are awake to what's happening.
They have TV shows where the crazy people think the vaccines are bad, where the crazy people think the Bill of Rights is being violated.
You know, that show, Judging Amy, they have to take the woman's children because she thinks the IMF is bad.
I mean, this is incredible!
And we've got Jack Blood on from up there in Providence, Rhode Island, here in a few weeks.
They're going to be airing Police State 3 Total Enslavement at the local movie theater.
And they're going to have some of my videos and t-shirts and stuff available there as well.
Shipping those off to them today.
Jack Blood, how do folks get involved in coming to the showing of Police State 3 Total Enslavement?
Yeah, this is a legitimate advertiser, so these guys are actually commissioning us to show this movie, which is the best of both worlds.
As you know, Alex, we not only get a fabulous facility in the Castle Cinema, but also they've come on board as an advertiser, so we just urge
We're good to go.
751-9200, 401-751-9200 to get advance tickets.
This is going to sell out, Alex, and we're also going to be having a friend of mine, John Buchanan, who's a great guy running for President on the Republican ticket.
This guy has been harassed the last couple of weeks.
He's been in jail.
He's been taken off the plane by the Secret Service.
Uh, really just harassed for being an advocacy of truth and daring to oppose... Yeah, he's the truth candidate who's running on exposing 9-11.
He's going to be speaking at this event.
I just spoke to him yesterday.
The poor guy, they've been rousting him.
They had him in jail for the last couple of days down in Miami.
But see, that's what they do on shows like 24 and Threat Matrix.
It must be good!
I mean, this is what happens when you legitimately try, as an American, to run for President.
And not the selection, but the election that we try to believe in.
So John will be speaking there.
I'll be speaking there.
Rick Adams, who's going to be doing more on this today.
I want to urge people to listen to RealityRadio1320.com to hear Rick Adams and Uncensored Radio Free Rhode Island for more coverage on this Cartieri bill.
Okay, well give folks the date.
And on the 28th of February, that's a Saturday, folks, and it's in the afternoon.
It's 2 p.m.
to 6 p.m.
You can bring your children.
They've got beautiful Lincoln Town car seats, Alex.
You get a drink or food served to you at your table while you watch the movie.
And I just want to point out that, you know, we've shown Road to Tyranny here in Austin.
We've shown it in Houston.
It's sold out.
I mean, people are concerned, and I just want to add, according to this new bill, it would be illegal for Channel 10 News or the Providence Journal to write articles today saying it's a police state.
So see, we're all thought criminals together.
92% of us in major polls believe the government killed Kennedy.
See, we're all nuts together, so their propaganda isn't working.
They tried to demonize the passion.
That blew up in their face.
We run this country.
We're taking America back from the terrorists.
That terrorist governor you've got in Rhode Island that wants to arrest citizens for their free speech.
He's the one that needs to be arrested.
Yeah, let's remember, Carcieri came in, he bought this governorship, he's a, you know, almost a billionaire.
This guy is a captain of industry who came and never had a political job in his life.
And he's engaged in sedition against this republic trying to pass these draconian laws.
Yeah, and this is also a guy, I remember I was on your show last year covering the station fire.
We're about the one year anniversary of that tragic event.
This bill also closes the books to any kind of fire code.
So that this doesn't have to be reported to the public.
Now that was the big rock band and that was that big fire.
Right, and a hundred people were killed and many more maimed and injured.
I mean, this has affected hundreds and hundreds of people here in our area.
No insurance in this place.
And these guys have pretty much, their reputations have been ruined, right, but they've pretty much got off.
They should be going to jail for what they did.
But this law,
Also means that any kind of fire code regulations are not available to the public for the public's right to know if they're going to be safe in your business or in your building and also any safety concerns at school with your children in public schools are off the record.
And it allows them to arrest you for your free speech or flying any flag other than the American flag.
That's the Providence Journal.
That's News Channel 10.
That's on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I want to bring Bob Dacey up right now, and then I want to go to some calls.
But I want to get, and stay there, Jack.
This is Bob Dacey, writes for Infowars.com, his local cable show as well.
He does a lot of great work.
Bob, listening to all of this, the propaganda on television, the martial law legislation, the massive demonization, I think they're getting desperate, Bob.
What do you think?
I think that they're pulling out all the stops, Alex.
That's what they're doing.
And they're doing it in ways that people are totally unfamiliar with.
This story that I'm on has to do with what looks to me like trying to install their own congressman, you know?
Sneak one in on us.
Which is what they're doing all over the country.
They own the voting machines which they vote on.
And they're involved in Chinagate and all the rest of it.
But what do you think, Bob, about, I don't know how much TV you watch, but 24 Threat Matrix, every episode torturing people, it's so good.
Homeschoolers are evil, grab their children.
I mean, how can anybody watch this and not see the propaganda?
Well, I started to watch some of that stuff, but then you just see immediately through the whole thing, and you say, oh great, they're teaching us that a police state is a good thing, and if you're against it, you're wrong.
I just turn it off, Alex.
You know, I just can't stand watching it.
But all these weak-minded people are watching it, being acclimated to it.
Let's take a few calls and we'll let Jack Blood go.
Kim in Texas, thanks for holding so long, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I call the local television stations in Austin.
Not one of them knew what was going on at the LBJ library.
And for those that don't know, it's the, what, the fifth giant Homeland Security meeting.
We've always had cameras there.
Now they don't allow it.
And the local news didn't even know about this.
Did not.
I called all three stations.
They told me they did not receive a press release.
That's why they didn't know.
I'm like, but it's been on radio stations, you know?
It was in the newspaper.
Well, I'm just flabbergasted.
And this is the takeover.
You've got generals, police chiefs, CIA people openly talking about taking over Austin, and they won't allow you to film in the major auditorium.
Bob Dacey, that sounds like freedom.
Yeah, that sounds like it's just a wonderful thing.
I didn't even know about that myself.
I'm totally shocked.
I didn't know they were going to have a meeting like that in Austin.
Oh, it's a secret.
Anything else, Kim?
No, that's it.
Thank you.
Kim, what do you think about the stuff you see on television?
I watch alias.
Because I want to know what they're going to do to me.
When they come after me, I want to be ready.
So by watching their propaganda, you get valuable intelligence.
Yeah, I'll buy into that, Alex.
That's good.
That's what I do.
Yeah, I can't stand it.
I just, I mean, every episode, I mean, they were shocking her and blood shooting out of her neck.
I thought that was too gross.
I don't watch 24, I don't watch NYPD.
I've never watched NYPD to tell you the truth.
Because I saw the blatant... Well look Alex, also, you know, look, there's a new U.N.
thriller coming out, which we talked about when you were on my show the other day with Sean Penn and Nicole Kidman.
And these movie theaters, these movie companies make deals with the U.N., make deals with the Pentagon for people to film on their premises in order to have script approval by the Pentagon.
Yeah, that's admitted.
Well, the Pentagon's writing the scripts, folks.
Thanks for the call, Kim.
Tim in Washington, D.C.
Another thought criminal joins us.
Welcome, Tim.
Jim in D.C.?
Uh, yes.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Always good to hear your voice.
The last time I called, I called to say this is when Ashcroft backed up on the Patriot thing, or they renamed something.
You may recall this.
Well, he said it didn't exist.
Yeah, but they're going to change the name.
And I said, yeah, but your people have got to know that you are having an effect, and we kind of talked about that.
You allowed us how that was the case.
Now I see you feeling more emboldened, and I'm thrilled to hear Mr. Blood talk.
Funny, though, before I say about the cows what I'd like to say, he mentioned that you could get arrested for the Confederate flag thing?
You can get arrested for any flag other than the American flag if they pass this law.
Any other flag with the American flag displayed, you will be arrested.
It's a funny thing, I'll jump to the cows, but in 1970 I was shooting a documentary film of a rock festival in Florida outside of Daytona Beach called Winter's End, and they arrested a young man for desecration of the flag.
I knew the producers of this show, Johnny Winter of Texas was the lead act, and so we went down there with a camera and everything and the guy unfurled the flag, you know, and he said, look buddy, this is the Confederate flag.
It was a very funny thing.
I'm talking about the downer cows, and this is something that you've been on and have made an issue way ahead of everybody else.
When I was a disc jockey in Washington in 1975, I interviewed a woman named Frances Moore Lappé.
She wrote a book called Diet for a Small Planet, and she was way ahead of the curve.
Basically, nobody has really been talking about this that I've heard on the airwaves since then.
Harry Chapin was with me that day in the studio.
Since then, I haven't heard people talking about it till you.
And when Secretary Veneman said, as of this moment, there'll be no more downer cows in the feud chain, I said, Alex Jones, you scored a point, and today I hear that the congressman from New York, Congressman Ackerman, is challenging them and says that they're pulling the wool over the public's eyes.
I am just calling to say, oh, by the way, I got a call from a sound man buddy of mine, okay?
I have turned on a bunch of crews to your website, okay?
And the thing is, you know, you've got the guy in front of the camera standing there.
He's the talking head.
The guy that's running the sound and running the camera, he's a whole different mindset.
And the word has flashed through the news crew about your show, about what you're doing, and people would be well to know that there are people out there that are taking the information that's not being put out and putting it to good use.
I was in Austin, I think it was 30-something years ago, and it was beautiful.
I saw the grass, you know, as we're driving north, we're going to Chicago, coming in from El Paso, and we went through that land, and when I heard how long your family had been there, I got a vision of how fabulous it must have been in the olden days when they let cows raise.
And I think that what you're doing, on every angle, we have a big lead water problem here in the District of Columbia, by the way, and people that are listening, get yourself a filter.
Never get depressed about what you're doing, Alex Jones.
But you heard about this television show where the homeschooling woman doesn't want to be eating the school food, she must be a terrorist.
Oh, please.
I mean, we're all terrorists because we don't want to drink the lead.
And they also said, Alex, in that show that the reason they want kids in public school is for a safety net to catch any quote-unquote psychological problems or abuses.
They could correct that themselves.
And we know the Tavistock Institute and exactly what U.N.
arm has been put into place to help us psychologize our children.
Can I say real quick about this flag thing?
I mean, what about the U.N.
flag, Alex?
That flies proudly.
That supersedes and is in preference
to our United States flag.
What about all these Puerto Rican flags and Colombian Guatemalan flags?
What are they going to do about those?
Hey, thanks for the call, Tim and DC.
We should make an InfoWars flag.
That's what we should do.
Let me just go back to this for a second.
For those that just joined us, Homeland Security wants the state of Rhode Island to pass a law where if you display anything with the American flag, you're considered a terrorist.
If you criticize the government, you're a terrorist.
This isn't a law to not burn the American flag.
This is a law that they can arrest you for any reason.
Comments to that, Bob Dacey?
I can't believe that, Alex.
You mean, if you display the Texas flag, you could be arrested?
Bob, I know you saw the law last year out of Oregon, where if one protester blocks traffic, all protesters get life in prison in a forest labor camp.
That sounds like the nuts are running the asylum there, Alex.
Oh, no, no, no.
We're crazy because we don't like the top generals saying martial law is coming and it's a good thing, Bob.
Well, then issue me a ticket to the loony bin because I'm crazy then.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
In Rhode Island, they want to pass a law that says if you display a flag that's not the American flag... You've got a congressman, Sam Farr, who's flying the U.N.
flag above his office, okay?
That's alright, congressman flies the U.N.
flag, that was on World Net Daily just several months ago.
And anything that influences or intimidates politicians, that's going to be illegal, a terrorist action.
Any gun is a weapon of mass destruction.
Let's take a few final calls.
Let's talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Good to speak with you gentlemen today.
You were talking earlier about the... I think what's important is to educate people on the effects of executive orders as they appear in the Federal Register.
Now, what happens is the President makes up a law.
All it has to do is
Appearing in the Federal Register and it is the law of the land.
That sounds like freedom.
No, what the heck, why not?
Just blow off the whole Constitution, blow off the separation of powers, you know, just forget it.
Just broker the pen and law of the land.
Kind of cool.
Now, if you go back to July 6, 1989, Executive Order 12681, signed into law by President Bush's father, had part of FEMA's National Preparedness Directorate, they would have as a primary function intelligence, counterintelligence, and investigative or national
Security work.
Then you throw in, in August 2nd, 1990, 12722 and 12723 that also involve martial law and the suspension of the Constitution.
And this is giving FEMA powers to make people work where they direct, register every person, commandeer their homes.
They've also snuck that into some medical legislation, I'm sure.
And they can also take control of all food and power supplies, radio, TV stations... Yeah, but the show 24 says if you talk about those executive orders, you're crazy and need to be tortured.
Come torture me, man.
Alright, I'm ready.
We're all living on borrowed... Yeah, we are, but you know, we deserve it.
Alex, I just want to say real quick.
I had a listener just send me a video.
Trains with handcuffs in them.
Long lines of cars just full of handcuffs.
Well, that's good, too.
You know, it's to keep us safe.
Tim in Ohio.
I mean, Ed in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Howdy, Alex.
A couple questions, Ted.
Well, I had a situation here in South Jersey where there was a
There was some kids they found, there was about seven kids living in the house, and they said, you know, and they, the big, the big, you know, they said everything, that there were, there were malnutrition, da-da-da, but there were homeschools.
And that was the big thing, they emphasized that.
Well, statistically, nothing's more dangerous than being in CPS custody five times more likely to abuse or hurt children.
Certainly, there's bad folks out there, but that's a criminal thing for the police, not for some federally funded group of snoops with basically TV ads running on all the broadcasts that homeschoolers are all terrorists.
Exactly, exactly.
And there was another episode, I think it was Judging Amy, where there was like this religious group, and one of the ladies, I think it was the mother, used to be in Cagney and Lacey,
She was uh... she barged into the house and the guy had a, you know, she had the kid, the guy with a strap, you know, whipping the kid because of the sins.
And, you know, and immediately the people that I was with watching, they said, oh, look at the Christians, look what they're doing.
And I'm saying, well, that's Hollywood.
Yeah, it's propaganda programming.
Thanks for the call.
I want to thank you, Jack Blood, for coming on the show.
JackBlood.com, folks.
Updated daily.
Thank you, Alex.
We'll talk to you soon, buddy.
You bet.
We'll be right back with Bob Dacey getting into local corruption.
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You will lose your liberty.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's what we're going to do.
We're going to cover this article that Bob Dacey's written.
That is extremely important concerning globalist corruption here locally and how they run this new system.
And then we'll go right back to the loaded phone lines here.
And then I'm gonna keep Bob off the rest of the show and just throw out news items at him we haven't even gotten to yet.
The NRA helping pass gun legislation, helping destroy good legislation.
We'll go over this for you here in this intelligence report.
Before I go back to Bob and your calls, folks, I've made ten films, and they're the best tool we've found to wake people up.
They're deprogramming Americans.
We've just got to show somebody one video, and then all the judging Amy's and Threat Matrixes and 24's and NYPD Blue and... All that propaganda just makes people angry.
They see through it.
But most people have never gotten outside the box, they've never realized what the New World Order is, they just buy all this propaganda.
All we gotta do is unlock their minds, open their eyes, put the pieces together, connect the dots for them.
I've made ten films.
They're waking people up.
Now, you can let the globals do what they're doing, let them propagandize, let them engage in all this.
They're scared of us.
That's why they're getting so blatant right now.
They're in deep trouble!
People know they're the terrorists.
They know how evil they are now.
But not everybody.
So get the videos, make the copies, get two VCRs, link them up, make a copy every night when you go to bed, hand it out to somebody each day, put them on AXS TV, put up websites, get your own talk shows, get aggressive!
America is under attack!
We have got to stand up against this onslaught!
Here's the toll-free number to order the films.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action!
Bob Dacey,
Republican-linked to Chinagate, media empire, and voting machines running for Congress.
The story's on InfoWars.com.
You meticulously research everything you do.
People say, well, this is a local issue.
Why do I care?
Well, no, it has national implications.
This is just a window into how they're doing things.
He's married to the head of Clear Channel that owns the voting machines that people will be casting ballots for him in.
He was involved in the Chinagate cover-up.
He's really a Democrat.
I mean, this is just a perfect example of what Bush is doing to us through his minions, by the redistricting.
Bob Dacey, tell us all about it.
Well, Alex, I kind of fell into this story, actually.
You know, for all of our lives here in Austin, we were stuck with Lloyd Doggett, the Liberal Democrat.
And then because of the redistricting they did, all of a sudden you had a district that I live in, the Congressional District 10, which is actually going to be won by a Republican.
And you know, the Republicans on the local level are pretty good guys, if you read their Texas platform, you know.
So I got interested in the story based on that, because it's an opportunity to... Yeah, the Texas platform, by the way.
Get us out of the UN, get us out of the Federal Reserve, get out of UNESCO, get out of the New World Order.
You know, we're all a bunch of crazies.
I don't think so.
And Michael McCall, who is the fellow that I'm talking about in my article, I met him and something about him just said, hey, wait just a minute.
I talked to the guy.
He said, I brought up the Patriot Act.
He didn't know where I was coming from.
And he said he had read every word of it.
He was thinking he was going to impress me.
And I, you know, I said, hey, what about Section 213?
What about this?
What about that?
The guy got real uncomfortable.
He got his wife to come over and kind of extricate him from our conversation.
It was basically like they live.
I got one that can see.
I got one that reads bills.
Oh man, we got to make some TV shows saying we should torture this guy.
I even asked him about his stance on the Second Amendment.
And he proudly talked about U.S.
vs. Emerson, and what a great deal that was.
Stay there, Bob.
We've got to start the third hour.
Folks, you do not want to miss this expose.
Your calls, ton of news, third hour.
Stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We're now into the third and final hour.
I know we've got a lot of folks holding.
We'll get your calls early in this hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Last hour, I went over a bill that Homeland Security wants the governor of Rhode Island and other governors to pass.
If you criticize the government or anybody, you're arrested as a terrorist.
If you fly any flag with the American flag, you're arrested as a terrorist.
I'm not kidding.
I'm reading the Providence article.
I'm reading the Channel 10 article.
We've got a bunch of other news here.
We've got Bob Dacey, local TV show, writes articles for Infowars.com, does a lot of great research with us.
And this story's important because it affects everybody.
This is how they're running elections nationwide.
You've got a so-called Republican, a new district.
The Democrats aren't even running anybody now in the new 10th congressional district of Texas that Lloyd Doggett was in.
And, uh, well it turns out he's married into Clear Channel that owns the voting machines.
He helped cover up China Gay.
He's really a Democrat.
And, uh, he's involved in a bunch of other stuff.
And joining us is Bob Dacey, uh, who's, uh, doing an expose on this.
Uh, the new neoconservatism.
Good to have you on with us, Bob.
Well, I really appreciate the opportunity to come on here, Alex, because this is a really, really important story.
You got a guy running for Congress.
I mean, that's the show.
You know, that's the United States Congress.
And he's not what he says he is, and I think the voters in the 10th Congressional District, and voters everywhere, need to know the truth about this guy.
Well, yeah, this is how they're running the scam all over the place.
Yeah, I mean, it's pretty disgusting.
This guy said that his big thing when I met him, he's all into national security.
National security this, national security that.
I started looking into him, I said, there's something about this guy I don't like.
I didn't know anything about him.
It was very easy to find out that
Gee, his national security experience, which he brags about in his campaign literature,
That he worked for Janet Reno.
He worked for Bill Clinton.
And she was his.
He was the main counsel for the Waco hearings.
A bunch of it for her.
This is her boy.
I mean, that's true.
The Waco thing, I discovered later, he was Janet Reno's counsel when she appeared before the Congressional Committee investigating the Branch Davidian massacre.
I mean, what?
This guy's a conservative Republican, right?
I mean, how bizarre is that?
But the main thing about his role in ChinaGate, and if you remember what ChinaGate was, it was smuggling Chinese communist money into the Clinton campaign to influence the election.
And giving communist generals offices.
Right, and giving them the technology to nuke the United States.
You remember ChinaGate, the Rao Corporation, Bernard Schwartz,
I mean, one of the spies that Johnny Chung brought into the White House was a colonel in the People's Liberation Army who worked for China Aerospace.
I mean, this is treason in the highest degree.
And Michael McCaul brags on his campaign literature that he prosecuted Johnny Chung.
No, he whitewashed it and had dinner with him.
Yeah, but it sounds so great to your average voter.
Gee, this guy was prosecuting Chinagate.
No he wasn't.
If you look into it, which is very easy to do, he prosecuted Johnny Chung.
He gave him a probate, he agreed to a probated sentence and some community service.
For something that he could have gotten 37 years in jail for?
That is disgusting!
Not only that, what's even worse than that, you know when you're going to prosecute somebody, you might cut a deal with some of the lower guys so you can get the goods on the bigger guys?
Well, Johnny Chung rolled over, he said, okay fine, I'll tell you what you want to know, just don't put me in prison, right?
Okay, so what happened?
He rolled over, he got a hand slap for treason, alright?
And what did Michael McCall, his prosecutor, do with the information?
Absolutely nothing.
Absolutely nothing.
He's a Janet Reno boy.
Now Bush loves him.
Now we'll get into the special voting machines that people will be voting for him on.
And we'll get into that and how it all ties into Clear Channel.
Yeah, this is an amazing three-part story.
It really is.
We'll come back and finish up with this story.
Then we'll go to calls and cover a bunch of other news items.
And again, we all deserve to be tortured and put in camps according to the media because we're talking about freedom.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
What is this disaster for the New World Order?
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, folks.
Michael McCaul is running for Congress in the newly formed 10th Congressional District in Texas, boasting of experience in national security, and prosecuting the infamous Johnny Chung, who we've interviewed, by the way, in the Chinagate scandal, the former Department of Justice attorney, but seen to be the perfect candidate.
However, this Republican, one of eight vying for the seat, no Democrat is running, is not at all what he claims to be.
He was involved in the Waco cover-up, Reno's favorite little council,
Involved in the ChinaGate cover-up, all of it.
And it turns out he's married and literally declared channeled.
They own the voting machines he's going to be, people are going to be voting on here in Austin and down into Harris County, south of Travis County.
And it just goes from bad to worse.
And there's so many candidacies that are just like this around the country.
And everybody should investigate this.
Bob Dacey, continuing with what you were exposing.
Well, let me tell you how I found out about this voting thing, alright?
Well, I already knew that Clear Channel owned these voting machines.
Well, you... I didn't, Dennis.
And what I was doing is, I was listening to your show a few weeks ago, and you had Bev Harris of Black Box voting on.
And I was already looking into McCall, and I heard one of you, I don't know whether it was you or her, say two words in the same sentence.
One of them was Clear Channel, and the other one was Tom Hicks.
And I said, wait a minute, let me check this out because Hicks rang a bell with me because Hicks is the vice chair of Clear Channel.
So I did a little research and I found out very quickly that Tom Hicks is the head person at Hicks Muse Tate and Firth, which is a
You know, an investment company, and that they control another company called Stratford Capital Partners.
And they're Bush buddies with the Rangers and all that.
Yeah, they're all together.
And then they use the money out of the big UT Trust Fund for all their purchases.
Hicks and Mays both were helping to run the UT Investment Management Company together.
Yeah, that $24 billion.
Yeah, that's a small change.
But anyway, Stratford Capital Partners, which is controlled by Hicks, Mews, Tait and Firth,
We're good to go.
Hart InterCivic makes voting machines.
Y'all, we're talking about voting machines.
These are the wonderful touchscreen, no record system we have here in Austin.
And so I looked into that and I found out that Hart InterCivic has voting machines in four of 254 Texas counties.
Get that?
Four out of 254.
And just coincidentally, the 10th Congressional District, where McCall is running,
Hart InterCivic has machines in Travis County and in Harris County.
And, of course, the 10th Congressional District runs from northern Travis County to western Harris County.
And Michael McCall is married to... Well, he's married to Larry Mays' daughter, Linda.
And, of course, Larry Mays is the head guy at Clear Channel.
Now, I'm not going to accuse anybody of anything here at all.
I mean, all I'm doing here with the voting machine thing is setting out a set of facts.
It is a fact that the people who made the voting machines that are going to be used in the 10th Congressional District, the people who have a financial interest in that company... Are the biggest campaign contributors to Michael McCaul and he's married into the family.
That's exactly right.
And, you know, the big picture here about Clear Channel is this.
I don't know.
Call me crazy.
I got called crazy the other day on Sammy and Bob's local show when I called in on this because somebody called me a nut.
Call me old-fashioned, but I believe that if you're a giant media mogul that's in charge of the editorial and news content of 1,225 radio stations and 39 TV stations, that you should not be financing
I don't think so.
Mr. Mays and Mr. Hicks.
Lots of bootlicking.
Yeah, a lot of bootlicking going on.
But the bottom line here, Alex, is that the press was envisioned by the Founding Fathers and supposed to be today, they're supposed to be the watchdog of the government.
So did Sammy and Bob deny this or did they just...
Basically, they said that what they do is just to make money and who cares.
And what they said to me was, are you saying that the Mays financing Michael McCall is illegal?
And I said, no, I'm not saying it's illegal.
I'm saying it's unethical.
You know, you're not supposed to have the press married to the government.
And especially not... Well, what did they have to say about the voting machines?
I didn't even bring that part up.
I didn't even bring that part up.
I was only on for five minutes.
Somebody called me a nut and then I was off the air.
But, you know, I went to the Federal Election Commission's website... Man, you're a nut!
You read documents, you write an article full of hyperlinks to every statement you make.
I mean, we're dangerous once we actually read the news!
But I went to the Federal Election Commission's website.
Anybody can do it.
And you can pull up the individual contributors to anybody's campaign.
Oh, even crazier that you know how to do that.
Yeah, I know.
And what this does, call me crazy, basically this looks like a Mays family reunion on this thing.
Larry Mays, Clear Channel Communications, Mark P. Mays, Clear Channel Communications, Paula Mays, Peggy Mays, Randall Mays, Clear Channel Communications.
Look, you know, I mean, they're giving the money, and of course they can, of course they can.
And they own the voting machines that 80% of the ballots will be cast on.
Well, that's just a coincidence there, you know, but they can.
And we have a county clerk, and we have a county clerk who publicly in 98 was caught double counting ballots, changing, falsifying signatures, breaking safety seals.
Yeah, that's something that you were involved in.
I don't really know much about that.
That was involved in what, a local candidate?
Well, the entire election.
I went down and confronted her during the certification and she turned blue.
And, you know, it's just how things work now in America.
Well, the thing about the voting machines that people need to understand, I'm not picking on Hart InterCivic.
Who picked on Hart InterCivic was the state of Ohio.
And it's on the article on your website.
You can link right to it.
I don't think so.
Yeah, all these companies, you can just magically go into them during elections, magically change things and cover up what you did, but just don't worry about that.
You know, there shouldn't be a record of how you vote, and well, you know.
Well, all I'm saying is that if you ask any computer expert who knows anything about these things, they tell you that if you control the source code to those machines, you can make them say whatever you want to.
And that's just, you know, when you have that ability
Coupled with someone financing a candidate to run for Congress.
Who has an interest in the voting machine company?
All I'm saying is, it creates a conflict of interest because you have some temptations there of motive and opportunity.
Absolutely, and people need to go to InfoWars.com, get this article, email it to all the Central Texas papers, you know, the Dallas papers, all the TV stations, which these people seem to own, but it's now time to take action here and expose this.
No question about it.
I issued a press release to every single outlet I could find.
And, you know, all the TV stations and newspapers and everything are trying to get this information out.
And again, the reason is because the Republican voters in this congressional district deserve to know the truth about this guy.
This guy worked for Janet Reno.
This guy let a traitor go!
He even went over to his house to have lunch with him.
They became friends, and according to Johnny Chung, McCall called Chung a hero.
A hero!
A man who is helping the Communist Chinese infiltrate our elections!
And you helped him get nuclear technology to nuke the United States with.
And he helped with the whole Reno's Chief Counsel and the Waco cover-up.
Yeah, I mean, to have that happen, I mean, she must have chosen to go down there and help her.
I mean, the Butcher of Waco, you know, the trigger-happy Attorney General chose this Michael Collins... That's okay.
Let him be his campaign contributors.
Let him own the voting machines we'll vote on.
Let him do it all.
It's okay.
That's what I'm talking about.
It's a national story.
It's so important.
And again, the bottom line, tell me I'm wrong.
Somebody tell me I'm wrong.
The media is not supposed to finance congressional candidates.
I need to get Bev Harris to post this story.
That'll get her major attention.
Be sure to email that to her.
Let's take some calls here on this issue or any issue.
Ron in New York City, another criminal, probably.
He doesn't like corruption, so perhaps, you know, he should be tortured according to Threat Matrix and 24 and all these shows that say that we're all evil.
Ron, go ahead.
Alex, keep me hooked with this, would you please?
I was being sarcastic.
You know it's a joke, don't you?
No, I know that.
Okay, good.
The point is that you ought to feel good about this.
Beb Harris was on coast-to-coast the other night for three hours.
Secondly, the National Committee, all over the local papers here, the National 9-11 Commission met with the Family Steering Committee.
The headline here is, Keene feels the wrath of irate 9-11 families.
And the question is, these people, the family
The Steering Committee should have your films, at least the 9-11 one.
Do they have them?
I know that Mariani woke up because of road tyranny.
She said that on air.
So, a lot of them do.
The Steering Committee itself?
I mean, that committee... That's a big whitewash.
Is it really?
Yeah, it's trying to keep control of the families, though it's not working in many cases.
I see.
Also, the...
Explain to us, if you would, how the local level, how we're going to do this from the local level up, how the progression is going to go.
From the bottom up.
Number one, you've got to keep electronic voting machines from going in.
You've got to run your candidates, get the county, the city, and then from there, the states.
And it's just going to take education, the outrage is there, the people are awake, it's happening all over the country.
Bob Dacey, comments?
Well, you know, again, this is an example of exactly what we're doing right now.
What we're trying to do at a local level here is to wake up the voters,
In the Republican primary election, because they're going to win the district, the Republicans are going to win, they need to be an informed voter.
They need to know that if they vote for Michael McCaul, they're voting for a guy who worked for Janet Reno and let a trader go, and whose family is loaded with media money.
I mean, they need to know this.
You inform people and let the electorate do their thing, as long as the electorate can do their thing.
Does that answer your question, Ron?
Yeah, Alex, but you know, the other side has
You said the pen mightier than the sword.
Stay there, Ron.
And you know, I was joking.
None of us are terrorists.
That was a joke.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
There is a war on for your mind.
But my point is, is that according to the television shows and the radio and the media, anybody that talks about freedom, anybody that investigates corruption is weird, is bad, is a terrorist.
We're all thought criminals.
Alex, you said that Penn is mightier than the sword.
They have everything ready to get physical with us.
In other words, to use the sword.
What do we do?
Well, they can't get away with that unless the general public buys it.
And even if a small percentage doesn't, they're not going to get away with it.
And a lot of people are awake right now.
They just don't know how bad it really is.
Bob Dacey, you got comments to this question?
Well, I don't really think that they're going to be whipping out the forward on us.
Their strategy, these people are very, very patient.
And their strategy for over a hundred years has been a patient gradualism, gradually eroding our rights from us and then basically tricking us out of them, getting us to give them up voluntarily.
They don't want to.
They don't want to.
They aren't giving up the martial law infrastructure though right now, Bob.
Say what again?
I'm sorry.
They are gearing up the martial law infrastructure right now.
Well, that's plan B, I guess.
It does worry me, but I think their main goal is to fake us out of our rights, to trick us out of our rights, to make us think that we don't have them and that we'll give them up voluntarily.
And to brainwash the general public that all that's okay.
Thanks, Ron.
Very good points and questions that you had.
Roy in Michigan.
Roy, go ahead.
Yeah, posted on the Homeland Security website is a logo which is a pentagram and two swastikas.
And I was thinking about putting a billboard out front.
I don't know if you were aware of it.
Yeah, I've seen it and I've seen that.
Yeah, it's a lot of occult stuff in there.
A lot of symbolism, a lot of global symbolism everywhere.
Bob, you got any comments on that?
Yeah, I've seen that too.
It looks like a couple of swastikas laid into a pentagram and, you know, I mean, whatever.
They do stuff like that all the time.
I mean, look at the stamp they brought out.
Was it last year?
Looked like a German eagle.
The 70 cent stamp or whatever the heck that thing was.
And it's got the German Axe and the, you know, the fascia.
Yeah, the fascia symbol.
Yeah, I mean, you know, they think it's funny.
I mean, they put that thing on the dollar bill back in the 30s.
The all-seeing eye, the Illuminati.
It says, announcing the new world order.
Yeah, I mean, people always talk about that symbol.
You know, it, you know, was it St.
Novus Ordo Seclorum?
Well, if you look above it, it says, Annuit Coeptis, Novus Ordo Seclorum.
And Annuit Coeptis means announcing the birth.
I mean, that's just the way it is.
But I've been on national TV shows where they go, Mr. Jones is a conspiracy theorist.
He thinks this means new world order.
It says new world order!
I just ask any Latin teacher what Novus Ordo Seclorum means, they'll tell you it means new secular order of the world.
I mean, come on, it's like if you
If you don't speak English, you can't speak English?
Come on, it's in Latin and it's very plain.
No, you're a conspiracy theorist.
What else is on your mind, Roy?
Okay, Roy's gone.
Let's talk to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, you're on the air.
I have three points.
First, the powers granted to the federal government by the state and the people are enumerated in the Constitution.
Any law or treaty contrary to or not enumerated in the Constitution is no law at all and is not to be obeyed.
Marbury v. Madison, Ninth Amendment, yeah.
And the second point is, pertaining to Bush, officers in the military don't get honorable discharges.
They retire and are subject to recall.
And third is, according to the Dick Act,
1902, everybody between the ages of 18 and 45 are either in the organized militia, which is the National Guard, or the unorganized, or in some branch of the federal military.
And the Guard cannot be sent out of the country.
Hey, Marnie, what do you think of all the propaganda and all the martial law they're publicly trying to pass?
Well, all I can tell you is, I took an oath when I joined the military,
And it's still in effect.
Now, again, FEMA says that means you're a terrorist.
I guess I am, too, then.
Yeah, right.
I'm in good company.
All right, Barney.
Thanks for the call.
Bob, we're going to come back and go over some other calls and a bunch of news items I haven't even gotten to yet.
I want to get your take on them.
Some NRA gun control sneakiness that's going on, but they are gearing up for martial law.
What do you make of General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, and Tommy Frank saying, yeah, you know, military government's the next step?
Well, I just don't want to think about that.
That's just something I do not want to think about.
But we've got to think about it.
Yeah, I know.
I'm just fighting as hard as I can to avoid it peaceably, that's all.
Try to get it from the ground up, from the grassroots up.
But it's obvious why they're doing this.
They're gearing up.
They're preparing for the next big move after they carry out the next terror attack.
Because they are the real terrorists.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Yes, we're evil.
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And it's even worse, folks.
The Big Berkey system is made in America.
And when you call, you even talk to folks who are here in America.
Sorry, they're not in India or China or Russia or something.
So, I'm sorry, that's pretty liberal that it's made here in America.
I understand we're pro-gun, too.
That's anti-American as well, we know.
But it's really important to take action.
And Debbie Morrow joins us, who you will be calling when you order a Big Berkey or a sports bottle or any of the great items they offer.
Debbie, good to have you on the show.
Hi there, Alex.
Glad to be here.
Pretty radical stuff.
Clean water.
Dangerous stuff here.
I know.
I was just reading an article on the atomic bomb and fluoridation of water.
Yeah, all the byproducts of the uranium and plutonium enrichment being the fluoride, and that's when they started putting it in the water, which is very good for you.
Isn't that just amazing?
I mean, after reading this article, it was like, oh my gosh, I never want to brush my teeth again.
Now I have to go buy the defluoridated toothpaste.
Well see, it's not calcium fluoride that's actually occurring or putting in there.
It's sodium fluoride and other byproducts of aluminum manufacturing and of course good old fertilizer manufacturing.
But when they first started it, it was the byproducts of the nuclear weapons industry.
It's kind of like depleted uranium.
They have this byproduct.
They don't want to store it, so we'll just put it in tank and other shells.
Right, and that's exactly what it says on here in this article.
Is that that's exactly, they didn't know what to do with the byproducts, so they found, they had these, this is really interesting, when they would do test group, and they would test group, it kind of slanted, like they would test group it and say, well these people have less cavities, so fluoride must take away cavities, except the people in that test group had less teeth.
Yeah, I know.
I've had probably a hundred top scientists on, and it's admitted Nobel laureates.
It's time to stop drinking it.
What are the specials for folks today, Debbie?
We have the Berkey Light without the lights in the base for $199, and with that you get a free Berkey filtered sport bottle.
And then we also have the Berkey Light with the lights for $259, which is so nice.
I mean, I really like the lights.
And then you get the two Berkey Sport bottles with it, or you can get two bottles of Passy Myodate, or you can mix and match and get one of each.
And then we also, we're still having the, you know, five generic Berkey Sport bottles for $99, or 12 for $199, with a lot of... And these do 600 refills.
I mean, you'll make your money back in just a few weeks of not buying bottled water.
Yeah, and people, you know, the sport season's coming, you know, kids are going to be going back to, you know, Little League and hockey and soccer and all that stuff.
And, you know, the Berkey Sport Bottles are a great item for a fundraiser, you know, for their little teams.
If they want to do something like that, they can talk to me about it and we can figure something out, you know.
You know, they get on those little school buses and go to different places and a Berkey sport bottle would be a great thing to throw in their backpacks.
I don't know though, the secret police might get concerned if they're filtering water.
Well, they've got TV shows about that.
Gotta watch folks that filter water and don't want to eat genetically modified foods.
Gotta watch us.
I know.
I mean, we're just bad news folks.
Of course, 49 states have MBTE in the water.
That's a major carcinogen, but just go ahead and drink it.
The government says it's good.
Debbie, you're there to take folks' call.
If they call and it's busy, leave your name and number.
Debbie will call you right back.
It's 1-888-803-4438.
These are the best water filters out there.
It's what I use.
The sports bottles are great, so you can put your tap water.
You go to the gym.
That's what my wife and I do.
There's 600 refills.
Try to buy one of these in a normal store.
$35, $40.
You're getting them for $20 a piece when you buy five.
Great gift for friends or family.
Stop drinking the poison.
Give Debbie a call.
And Debbie, I really do appreciate all the great work you're doing.
Oh, thank you, Alex.
And again, I know you're sorry these are made in America.
Another bad thing we're doing, but... You know, the best part?
I love talking to all your customers.
They are so awesome.
They certainly are, Debbie.
Well, thanks for coming on with us.
Thank you.
God bless you for all your great work.
Back to Bob Dacey.
Bob, you're in with the radicals now, filtered water.
I mean, this is getting pretty serious.
Well, I've been drinking filtered water for a long time, Alex, and it has nothing to do with being a radical.
What it has to do with is reading all the studies.
The scientific study is about four days of water.
I said, no way!
I'm not going to do that anymore.
So I don't drink that stuff anymore.
Yeah, but I mean the TV shows say this is one of the danger signs of someone's filtering, you know, the FBI training manuals, water, filtering water.
I mean, this is a major, I'm being serious here.
When I was on the Fammy and Bob Show the other day talking about McCall, they accused me of thinking I was smarter than everybody else.
They actually said that.
What, are you smarter than everybody else?
How dare you!
They actually said that to me.
I said, yeah, I am smarter.
I read.
I look.
I look into things.
We got one of these people that's reading stuff!
That's right.
He gave somebody a video.
Let's arrest him!
No, I mean, that's the mindset now.
I like tyranny.
I like being stupid.
I'm going to drink all the tap water I can suck down.
Bob, what was your awakening like before we get to other news items and calls?
How did it happen?
How did I start to wake up?
Well, basically, unfortunately, you had something to do with it, Alex.
That was back in 1998.
I was watching cable access TV here in Austin because I was bored and didn't have anything else to do.
I ran right into you and you were talking about the United Nations and them taking over the national parks.
I was thinking, man, this guy is crazy as a loon.
You talked about that for a while.
I said, this guy may be crazy, but he's got an entertaining delivery style.
So I said, OK, fine, I'll listen to this guy.
And I was very entertained by this nut.
And then you change the subject, and you start talking about the Second Amendment.
And everything you said about the Second Amendment was 100% dead-on accurate.
And so this put me into a quandary situation.
I said, how could this guy be a loony bit on one topic and 100% accurate on the other topic?
And so I looked into your nonsense about the United Nations and the National Park System.
And lo and behold, I found out that it was true.
And I didn't find out it from you, I found out it from the Kentucky State Legislature.
They passed a resolution condemning the whole thing, explaining the whole thing, and asking the Congress to ratify their biodiversity treaty that the UN had.
So I was just like blown away that that idiot that I was listening to on TV the other night was telling the truth.
And I didn't know about it, and it made me mad.
I said, wait, I'm an informed guy.
I've been a conservative Republican all my life.
I've kept up with political events and everything.
I watch the news, and why didn't I know about this?
And that started me into an odyssey that I'm still not out of yet.
A few years ago, I've been on the air now with the TV show, The Simple Truth.
I'm in my fifth season now.
I'm just trying on some level to help out a little bit because I've got no choice.
They're trying to take the country from us and we've got to stop them.
We need to get the Republic back.
We need to follow the rule book, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the whole nine yards.
You were instrumental in waking me up.
And now you've been instrumental in waking other people up.
Yeah, and I've had a real fortunate situation knowing you like I have for all these years because this particular story that I got about Michael McCall and his ties to Clear Channel and the fact that he used to work for Janet Reno, I was able to come on your show today and tell a million people.
And I feel that's an honor and a privilege, and I really appreciate it.
Well, no, it's an honor and privilege to have you on, Bob, but my point is that we can all take action, and I wish the stuff we were talking about wasn't true, but let me just tell the listeners, it is, and I challenge you to research it, because it's so horrible, I can't even describe how bad it is.
Terry Wynn's Wisconsin is Dean Flounders.
Now it looks like it's going to be Dean out of there today.
He's going to be announcing that, and we're going to have, which it didn't matter to begin with, but we're going to have the Skull and Bones candidacy.
You know that's interesting because there was an article that I was using to research the McCall thing from someplace up in New Hampshire when they were having the primary where someone had done a study of the voting machines up there and how badly Kerry beat Dean.
And the voting machines just slam-dunked the guy.
I mean, Kerry just wiped him out.
Well, magically, if it was a Diebold machine, Kerry won by over 10 points, and if it wasn't, he didn't.
Yeah, and they did the hand balance.
They looked at the hand-counting balance, and the spread there was like 1.5 percentage points on all the hand-counted ballots.
You know, and they were saying, well, that just kind of smells bad, you know?
And it kind of does.
You know, what can you say?
It smells bad.
Yeah, it's no big deal.
I mean... You know, voting machines are a horrible thing.
You know, you know Chris Mathanis very well, don't you?
Oh, yes.
Well, you know, Chris is a computer genius.
The guy, the guy's a software, he has a software company, and he knows all about computers, one side and the other.
And when I talk to Chris about voting machines, you know what he does?
He just laughs.
His eyes start to shine, and he starts to laugh.
And he says, it doesn't matter.
No matter how many safeguards you put on those things, no matter what you do, no matter how you reassure the public, if you want to mess with those things, if you control the source code of the machine, you can make it say whatever you want.
And Bob, we've caught them coast-to-coast doing this.
Let's get to some other news.
We heard about this Mirror story out of England.
Abortion claim hits President.
The dirtball Larry Flynt says he's got the doctors, the woman, everybody, and he's put out accurate stuff in the past.
That Bush is paying for an abortion back in the 70s.
What do you think of that?
Well, I have no way... You know, Larry Flynt, I mean, come on.
I don't even want to get anywhere near that.
But the problem is when he digs up dirt in the past, it's been accurate.
Well, I mean, maybe he's a good dirt digger-upper because he's been swallowing it for so long.
You know how I am, Alex.
I've got to document everything.
I've got to study everything before I comment on it.
Well, he says he's bringing it all out.
We'll see what happens.
Well, if he brings it out, let's see his documentation.
But I don't want to touch out that 10-foot pole.
Just like this voting thing I'm talking about in my story here on Infowars.com that you were so kind enough to post.
I'm not accusing McCall of anything in the voting machine thing.
All I'm doing is I'm pointing out a smelly set of circumstances which are totally and completely factually accurate.
That's right.
Here's another one.
Euro hits new high against the dollar.
It surged to $1.2927.
The dollar's plunging and the average person has no idea what that even means.
What's it mean to have a dollar that's basically worth what a peso is?
Well, what it means is that, I think, isn't the Euro partially gold-backed?
Ah, yes it is.
Well, there's part of your answer right there.
You know, people know that money that has gold backing is worth more than money that isn't.
I think maybe that's part of the deal.
The fact that everything else is being screwed up in our economy and all of our jobs are going overseas due to the free trade area of the Americas and NAFTA and GATT and all that nonsense.
They're exporting what they call outsourcing where they're sending all of our jobs overseas.
And Bush said last week, his economic commission said that's good.
Yeah, that's real good for our economy.
If you're a slave in China, you know, that's great.
Let's shift gears before we run out of time, because I've got a bunch of calls here.
Here's another one.
This is by the South Dakota Gun Owners Group.
Right to arms in vehicles, Bill Gutted and Committee.
The law denying your right to carry a handgun for self-defense in a vehicle will remain intact thanks to a sweeping amendment to HB 1247.
Originally, HB 1247 would have repealed the requirement to obtain a permit before carrying a handgun concealed in a vehicle for self-defense.
That'd be Vermont-style carry if they didn't have to have it.
But surprisingly, it's not surprising, David Conway, lobbyist for the NRA-affiliated South Dakota Shooting Sports Association, opposed the bill, the pro-gun bill, in Commerce, stating that he had a problem with repealing the permit requirement.
If you're going to carry in an enclosed motor vehicle, you better have a permit, Mr. Conway stated.
He then brought the amendment, supported by the NRA, which completely wiped out the pro-gun language of HB 1247 and replaced it with a minor adjustment to current law.
So, they were going to have
Right to Terry like Vermont, but no, now the NRA blocked that, Bob.
That's not surprising, Alex.
I mean, just a few months ago in that Washington, D.C.
case, the NRA stood up before the judge and said they were here to promote handgun registration.
I mean, that shouldn't surprise you.
I mean, you know, it's funny, I listen to you say that, you know, in Texas we're kind of half and half.
You're talking about a law that says you have to have a permit to have a gun in your car.
In Texas, we have concealed carry for handguns only.
I wish we didn't.
I wish we had Vermont-style legislation.
But in Texas, you can carry a loaded rifle or a shotgun in your car all day long.
And the concealed carry really did just turn a right into a privilege, but...
Here's the NRA, gun-grabbing as usual, but the average person doesn't even know this is going on, Bob.
Hey, listen, when I studied the NRA back in 1999, what they were doing at the United Nations, at their gun-grabbing conference, I mean, I got their own reports, their own transcripts of their meetings.
The guy from the NRA is sitting up there talking before the UN, and he's trying to make darn sure that their international laws don't interfere with the rights of sportsmen and hunters.
You know, what a
What a lame, lame, lame definition of the defense of the Second Amendment.
It has nothing to do with that.
Here's a federal law, H.R.
2403, headlined from the National Review.
Bill for confiscation of firearms, H.R.
And should unelected officials be allowed to order the confiscation of some or all guns and ammunition in the United States?
This is the question posed.
I think that any congressman who would sponsor such legislation
First thing I'll do is resign because he's violated his oath to protect and defend the Constitution at which the Second Amendment is a part.
That's the first thing I have to say about that.
That's disgusting.
These people put their hand on the Bible.
And they swear to protect and defend the Constitution.
The Second Amendment is the Second Amendment.
It's the Second Amendment.
You know?
It's in the Bill of Rights.
That's part of the Constitution.
How these people... But Bush... Bush says he's going to re-sign the Assault Weapons Ban.
That's very conservative.
Well, hopefully the Assault Weapons Ban extension will never get to his desk because it'll never get out of the House.
He won't have the opportunity to sign it.
What are you?
Some kind of liberal?
You're against a gun bill?
No, I just like the Constitution.
You gotta be a conservative like Sean Hannity, man.
Sean Hannity, yeah.
You gotta support Bill Clinton's legislation.
A Neoconservative like Sean Hannity.
We'll come back, take calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Back tomorrow, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
I'm going to try to give each caller here about a minute or so.
Here in the final segment.
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
If you're tired of sitting around and watching the New World Order take over, and you want to support this broadcast, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get my videos, make copies of them, give them to people, put them on AXS TV, take action on the best films out there when it comes to exposing the New World Order.
The toll-free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Take action now, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Martin in Mass.
Martin, go ahead.
Yeah, God bless you, Brother Jones.
On the flags in Rhode Island, what were they trying to pass this bill that, to me, that's totally ridiculous.
Well, that's just one of the things in the new Marshall Law Bill.
Flying any flag with the American flag, act of terrorism, criticize the government, act of terrorism.
I have the actual news articles here in front of me, just totally overt.
That's really bad.
I mean, when you think of it, what about churches that fly their Christian flags or other countries?
The point is, it's to pass insane things that are obviously tyrannical and then to start arresting people and just have us accept it.
Right, right.
That's like the other day when you were talking about Mel Gibson and the movie The Passion.
And it seems like they're all focusing on one thing, and who killed Christ, whether it be the Jew or the Gentile, and they're forgetting the main issue, that God sent Christ to die for us, or a Jew or a Gentile.
The point is, they're demonizing a movie about Jesus!
That's how sick the society's gotten.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Jason in Michigan.
Jason, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hi, Alex.
First time caller.
You're on the air.
Yes, sir.
Fortunate enough to be able to watch Masters of Terror.
We're making copies of that as we speak.
My buddy is a substitute teacher.
Getting it into the classroom now.
Fifteen, sixteen year old students.
I see how fast the youth can wake up, right?
Anyways, my point, um, question rather.
Michigan online voting.
And with the gerrymandering, alienation,
Yeah, the Michigan system is admittedly the most wide open, the most fraud ridden.
The Pentagon was going to use a similar system but suspended it because it was proven to be a fraud.
Bob Dacey, comments?
Well, you want to talk about an interesting thing.
My comment on that is this.
I need to make a quick announcement here, Alex.
Is that alright?
8 o'clock tomorrow night for all your local listeners in the area, Austin area, 8 o'clock tomorrow night, February the 19th, Thursday, at the University of Texas Student Union, there will be a debate with the 10th congressional district Republican candidate.
8 o'clock tomorrow night at the Student Union ballroom.
And Michael McCaul will be there.
And folks should be there and bring all this stuff.
Yes, you've got big problems in Michigan everywhere.
That's why they're so arrogant.
They're putting in these fraud machines.
So does that answer your question?
Yeah, I appreciate your time, Alex.
I'll be sure to call in again.
I just woke up a couple weeks ago.
Well, good to have you on board with fellow thought criminals.
Thank you, sir.
Let's talk to James in Tennessee.
James, go ahead.
Hi, my friend.
How are you doing?
Go ahead.
Quickly, two points to make.
One, Bill Moyer, Friday night.
We just watched him last week in their advertising this week.
They're going to show that protest in Florida on how they shot rubber bullets aiming at the heads of people.
At peaceful people?
And beat up judges who they didn't know were judges and you name it.
Just want to advise you on that in case you want to catch it or I can tape it and send it to you.
I need your help.
Tape it and send it to me.
God bless you.
I'm sorry to Wesley and Bob and others.
We're out of time.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
Bob Dacey, any final comments?
All I want to do is remind your voters that Michael McCaul is running for Congress, and he used to be a Democrat, and he's married to big media, and he's running for Congress, and heaven help us.
Good to hear from you.
Keep it up, Bob.
Thank you, Alex.
Appreciate it.
You take care.
You bet.
And this is an important story, because they're doing stuff like this all over the country.
Go to Infowars.com and get this article.
And help get it out to folks.
We have the power to save this country with God's help.
If you take action, if you get off the bleachers, and get in the game, and tell the New World Order, we are not your slaves!
You understand us, you scum!
We are not your slaves!
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.