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Name: 20040219_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 19, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Another live edition.
...of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
It is Monday, the 16th day of February 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
And I rebroadcast, of course, from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
So, at Central Time as well, nine hours a day.
No excuse to miss the broadcast.
In the third hour of the show, I've got Hutton Gibson coming back on the broadcast.
We had him on a few weeks ago, and an hour wasn't enough time to go over the state of affairs in the world.
Hutton Gibson is an expert, he's been exposing it for decades, on the takeover of the Roman Catholic Church by the forces of the New World Order.
We'll be talking about that and other issues in the third hour today.
Coming up here in about ten minutes, Texas Church.
Tries guns for roses on Valentine's from ABC News.
They got people to turn their guns in with armed police standing around.
They said it's the Christian thing to do, which is of course totally false.
Not defending your family is one of the worst things you can do, and having an armed society keeps the criminals at bay.
Having a disarmed society does the opposite, but that's coming up here in the next segment.
You're not going to want to miss that.
And of course we've got news from all over the world and what's happening with the police state here domestically as well.
Now the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and they've both been updated for you today.
Oh, and a side note.
Hosted on Infowars.com, we have a banner that links to the Passion website, the Passion of Christ website, and that's coming out on the 25th.
The 25th, here in just about, well, less than a week and a half, and I know I'm going to be there the first day it comes out, and we're going to go over some of the hit pieces that have been written against the film and how that's backfiring on those that don't want you to see this movie.
But you can link through to the particular subsection on Mel Gibson's Icon Production website and get free movie posters and free handbills, flyers to promote the film.
They're free!
And we've got that link there to the site if you want to help promote the film.
If you order them now, you'll probably get them before the movie even comes out or certainly right after it comes out.
You can hand those out at your church.
Or give them to your neighbors, or put them on people's car windshields.
That'll certainly infuriate the globalists as well, so go to InfoWars.com.
I know it's being updated right now, and that banner will be up there for you.
By the way, I talked to Hutton Gibson yesterday for about 30 minutes.
And let's just say this, you're going to want to watch Mel Gibson on Diane Sawyer's primetime ABC tonight at 10 o'clock Eastern, 9 o'clock Central.
We're not going to steal Mel Gibson's thunder.
I mean, Hutton told me about what Mel said in the interview, but
We're not going to steal his thunder here on the show and tell you what he said.
In fact, they interviewed Mel for over three and a half hours, Hutton said, and it's only a 30-minute piece.
And you take the ads out, it's probably even shorter than that.
But if they don't include what Mel said, and I mean, this is bombshell stuff, in this Diane Sawyer CFR piece, believe me, you're going to hear about it on this show tomorrow.
Because we're not going to let them get away with their normal activities.
Diane Sawyer, of course, is pure New World Order.
One of the biggest gun grabbers in Washington.
And she's a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, so there's no telling what they'll do with this piece tonight.
But I'm going to be up late working on a new film, so I'm going to tape it and watch it when I get home after midnight tonight.
So if they edit out the key stuff Mel was saying in this interview, we'll tell you about it tomorrow.
All right, stay with us.
Bunch of news coming up.
We'll be right back.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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Order online now at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, my friends, we're breaking open yet another week of broadcast of Resistance to Tyranny, Defense of Liberty, and all the things that have made our Constitutional Republic so great.
Coming up here in just a few minutes, Texas Church tries Guns for Roses on Valentine's.
Turn your guns in.
It's the Christian thing to do.
We've got the pastor coming on.
Then, some good news.
State House passes bill outlawing abortion.
Support in Senate for measure challenging Roe v. Wade decision.
And this is out of South Dakota, and it'll cause another Supreme Court case.
We'll see if the seven Republican appointed members of the U.S.
Supreme Court will strike down abortion in this country.
We know this is going to be a skull-and-bones election.
We've got George W. Bush, the skull-and-bones member, and we've got Kerry out front winning all the big primaries so far for the Democratic nomination.
Well, now Dean is discussing dropping out and plans to back Kerry.
Isn't that interesting?
So it looks like Kerry is the man.
So we'll have George W. Bush and John Forbes Kerry.
We're about to go to our guest.
This is an ABC News story.
It's edinfowars.com and prisonplanet.com right now.
Texas Church tries guns for roses on Valentine's Day.
I've seen articles where Catholic churches, Protestant churches, you name it, have these gun buyback or turn your gun in events they put on United Nations days.
Here in Austin, local Baptist Church does and tells you to turn your guns in.
A church in Dallas, Texas wants people to show their love by giving up their guns this Valentine's Day, which they did.
The First Presbyterian Church in Dallas is sponsoring a program for people to turn in their guns to mark the celebration of love.
The sponsors will be given $50 for each gun and would be glad if the cash was used to purchase candy or flowers for Valentine's Day.
Quote, we're not trying to disarm Cupid of his bow and arrow, but provide another meaningful opportunity for individuals to show their affection for their families by making their homes safe this Valentine's Day, said church pastor Bruce Buchanan.
The church has sponsored gun buybacks before, but pastor Buchanan said he has moved the program to Valentine's Day because most of the people who turned in guns had families and they did not want the guns in the homes.
The church is aiming to buy back 150 guns, and to tell us how this went is Pastor Bruce Buchanan.
Pastor, thanks for coming on the show.
Thanks for having me.
So, how did the gun buyback go?
Well, it was very snowy and cold here in Dallas on Valentine's Day, but we held the gun buyback.
This was the seventh one we've done in about three years.
We had 59 rifles and handguns turned in that day.
And were those by members of your church, mainly?
Actually, I don't believe there were any members of my church this time.
There have been in previous occasions that I've turned in a weapon, but this time, no, there were no church members that I was aware of.
Are you a member of any gun control organization?
No, I'm not.
Who approached you?
You said you've had seven of these over the last few years.
When did you start this?
Well, in the Presbyterian Church USA there has been for about almost 20 years now a peacemaking program in the church that's observed on the first Sunday in October.
And churches are encouraged to be involved in local peacemaking efforts, and for many churches that involves, say, supporting a domestic violence shelter, or some other initiative in the community that helps in that general area.
Here at this church, about three years ago, one of our church members suggested that we use part of that offering to sponsor a buyback, and that's what started it.
And ever since then, funds from people in the community have come in.
It doesn't come from church funds to support the program and to keep it going.
You say funds in the community.
What organizations?
No organizations.
The Presbytery did send us a donation this year.
That's like the diocese of the Presbyterian Church.
The Presbytery.
Okay, well let me just be... Pastor, I mean, we appreciate you coming on, but let me just be up front with you.
Number one, when one of the disciples at the Garden of Gethsemane cut the ear off the Roman, Christ put it back on and said, next time sell your cloak and buy swords.
But, I mean, let's elaborate on this.
New York, D.C., they have gun bans.
I don't remember Christ saying that.
Oh, he didn't say sell your cloak and buy a sword?
No, I don't remember reading that in the gospel.
You've got to be kidding.
You're joking, right?
No, I'm not.
Actually, I've got a Bible here on the shelf.
Go ahead and make your point.
Well, New York and D.C.
and other areas with gun bans have the highest crime rates.
Because I love my family, I'm armed to protect them from criminals.
And that's why areas with high gun ownership have the lowest crime rates.
And you know, Hitler was for gun control.
I think you've got a lot of useful dupes out there who are paving the road to hell by pushing this whole disarmament move.
Well, we did not force anyone to come and turn in their handgun or their rifle.
And there are people who are involved in this program and have been involved in the program from the beginning who are strong supporters of the Second Amendment.
But you imply, Pastor?
If I may finish.
That strongly support the Second Amendment and are gun enthusiasts themselves.
In fact, they are gun experts.
Who disables the weapons when they're turned in is a gun enthusiast.
And so by far, we have collected in all those seven events about 300 handguns and rifles.
And my experience has been that many of them come from women, which is a surprise.
uh... and uh... we've asked uh... you know just uh... curiosity darn people frequently just volunteer where they've got it and uh... uh... many of them at the big the guns were a gift from uh... apparent or a boyfriend concerned for their safety and you know that's understandable pastor uh... i read your quotes here from abc news
And what I get from reading the article is, people turn their guns in because they've got families and they think they're dangerous in the house.
And the last line here is, the Valentine's Day celebration will be overseen by armed police.
And they use these images on the news, and I've got the gun control group's own documents on this, to acclimate us to the image of people lining up, turning their guns in, and
I've had the experience of having a family in my congregation lose a child from
A child playing with a pistol in a neighbor's house.
Well, cars kill 12 times that number.
Are we going to ban cars?
I see the result of what that has done to that family.
Well, that's because they didn't properly store the guns.
Don't you know there's instant access pistol safes that cost $75?
Once again, we don't force anyone to turn in their handguns or their rifles, and we're pleased to make this opportunity available.
Well, I think that the families love their families.
307 households that we feel very comfortable that now feel safer.
Uh, that they don't have a pistol.
The first person to turn in a weapon was a grandmother.
The very first one that we had was the day before Mother's Day.
She came in, she had a rifle and a pistol, and she told us that the next day she knew her grandson was going to come and visit her for Mother's Day.
And she was glad that she didn't have that for him to find.
Well, Pastor, back on this, Pastor, Pastor, Pastor...
Yes, most people don't know how to properly store a handgun or a rifle.
People turn in weapons in cardboard boxes.
I saved one of the cardboard boxes.
That was taped shut, and it had written on the side, Danger, No Kids.
Well, anything that would invite a child to come in to open that box would be something like that.
Okay, let me stop you, Pastor.
Say what?
Go ahead and put him in my hold.
He wants to hang up, that's fine.
Uh, look.
This is all a bunch of anti-gun propaganda.
I was taught how to use a gun at a very young age.
That's where gun safety comes from.
And if you love your family, you learn how to use a gun, and you protect your family, this is all part of the big gun control agenda.
And for you to say that Christ didn't say, uh, sell your cloak and buy a sword, you're telling me, pastor, as a pastor, you don't know that.
There was a mistake.
We did not pass out roses, but we did pass out $50 cash, and there were 59
Weapons turned in, and we're very pleased with that result.
And I wish you well today.
I think it's horrible.
I think it's horrible, Pastor.
There, he just hung up on us.
That guy's not a pastor.
You know, I've got my Bible here on the bookshelf next to me, and I've sat through a lot of Sunday School and enjoyed it, but I do not know the particular verse.
I know 50 people can call in and give us the verse.
In fact, will somebody please call in and give us the chapter and verse?
Which gospel is it in?
Luke 2236.
Okay, I'm told we're getting a bunch of calls telling us Luke 2236.
Will somebody call in and please read Luke 2236?
Because I can't leave the microphone and go to the other wall and dig my Bible out and go to Luke 2236.
I mean, that guy was a real serpent.
And he wouldn't shut up.
And you know what?
I am angry because these gun buybacks are going on all over the country.
I must have seen 50 different police department news articles about them where they have these gun buybacks and take the guns and melt them down and make an image of a gun tied in a knot with a barrel tied in a knot and put that out front the church or put it out front the police station.
It's a culture of hating guns which is the only thing right now holding back the New World Order from absolutely eating our lunch.
I tell you, just ridiculous!
And as you hear that, the Presbyterian Church
Official policy is doing this.
Everybody should leave the Presbyterian Church.
You should leave all these churches that are working for the New World Order.
Baptist Church right here in Austin has U.N.
gun buybacks.
We'll be right back.
I think so.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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What an incredible statement by that so-called Presbyterian pastor in Dallas who's had a whole bunch of, well, seven different gun buybacks.
What does it mean that he didn't know the verse where Christ said, uh, sell your cloaks and buy swords?
What does that mean?
Well, it just shows that either the guy's a liar or he's completely ignorant of the most basic stuff in the Bible, in the New Testament.
And he wouldn't answer that question when I brought it back up to him for the second time.
He just hung up on me.
We've got a bunch of other news items coming up.
Believe me, there's a lot of it, and it's all important, but obviously everybody wants to talk about this now, so let's go to the calls.
Frank in West Virginia says he's got his Bible open to the verse, chapter and verse, and he's going to read us the verse.
Go ahead, Frank.
Okay, Alex.
Yes, you're correct, John.
I'm sorry, Luke chapter 22 and verse 36.
It says, uh, then said he unto them, but now he that hath a purse, now this is Jesus quoting, mind you, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his script.
And he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.
Now there's a follow-up verse to, uh, verses later, but the thing that came to my mind fifteen years ago is, is why did Jesus tell his disciples to purchase a, a sword?
And if they don't have the money to, to buy the script, uh, then to
Sell their cloaks, sell their garments, something that was necessary, something that was certainly a necessity, for something that was more of a necessity.
And the second verse after this, 37... Christ is saying, run around in a loincloth if you have to, because you're going to need weapons in the future.
And exactly, right here in verse 37, next verse, for I say unto you,
"...that this that is written must be accomplished in me.
And he was reckoned among the transgressors, for the things concerning me have an end."
This was the first advent.
This is the first coming of Christ, not the second.
Had it been the second, after Jesus would have defeated all the evil followers of Satan, certainly there would be peace on earth.
But there would be no peace until then.
And then he goes and says, actually one of the disciples said,
Behold, here are two swords.
And he said unto them, it is enough.
So, there was the MacIron sword.
There were two swords, a short sword for personal protection back then.
There was also a longer sword used for combat in military service.
So, we're literally talking about the pistol and the rifle?
Yes, in today's modern weaponry, I would have to agree with you 100%.
The pistol and the rifle are the modern day swords of today.
But the point here is, Frank, that we've got a so-called pastor on and he told me that that wasn't true.
He told me that wasn't in probably the most read part of the Bible.
Yes, that doesn't surprise me.
You think he was a liar or do you think he's a complete idiot?
You know, I've talked to a lot of pastors.
I'm a preacher myself and one thing that I've found is that people
People will not see what they don't want to see.
If they're not open to the truth, they can read that passage a hundred times over, and it just doesn't seem to stand out to them because they don't have the Holy Spirit teaching them.
If he isn't saved to start with, that's one problem.
You know, I've noticed that.
I can say something that's as clear as anything, and if people don't want to believe it, they'll just twist it around before they don't understand it.
I've given people your videos as a matter of fact.
And, uh, sat down.
I remember one guy sat down with God to the part in 9-11 Road to Tyranny, and this guy was, uh, the, uh, FEMA, I believe, the FEMA, uh, commander, who was talking about, uh, uh, Christians and, uh, Founding Fathers being terrorists.
This guy actually told me, he said, yeah, I can understand that, you know, but I guess they would be back then, they'd be considered terrorists.
This guy's identifying with the FEMA,
Commander that was demonizing Christians and Patriots.
And then we have the training manual that says gun owners, defenders of the U.S.
Constitution, we're all terrorists, homeschoolers.
He even watched the homeschooler part and said, oh yeah, we're terrorists.
Yeah, he could not, although he was a neocon, I have to say, and had been around conservatives all his life, he just didn't want to see it.
He just didn't want to see the truth.
But in the film we have video in their own public documents where they say Christians, homeschoolers, gun owners, we're all terrorists.
He watched that and agreed with it?
He agreed with a lot of it.
There's one more verse.
Here's a question.
Who invented the first weapon?
Now ask that to the next preacher that says that he's having gun buybacks.
You know who it was?
God Almighty.
In chapter 3, verse 24, that's when the cherubim, the high angel, was actually guarding the garden.
We got a brief!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, we're about to go back to the calls Richard and Kelly and Davey and Paul and many others that are holding.
Total free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
For those that just joined us,
About fifteen minutes ago, I had this so-called pastor on the show, Bruce Buchanan, of the First Presbyterian Church in Dallas.
That's a big church, by the way, folks.
I'm from Dallas.
And they've had seven gun buybacks, and had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of guns turned in.
They just had another one on Valentine's Day.
And I mentioned Luke 22, 36, where Christ said, you know, if you don't have money, sell your cloak and buy a sword.
And he said, no, that doesn't exist, I don't know about that.
When that's one of the most famous, well-known verses out of the New Testament.
But the point here is, is I have had listeners email me and send me news clippings and I have seen
Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of news articles of churches, Baptist, Catholic, you name it, having gun buybacks.
Alyssa sent me a news article a few years ago out of the Chicago Tribune where one of the big Catholic churches up in Chicago said you shouldn't own guns, turn all your guns in, guns should be banned.
One of the big Baptist churches here in Austin, every October 24th on UN Day,
Has a gun buyback and has a big U.N.
They're equating love and Christianity with turning your guns in.
And it's a big deal.
I know all the callers now want to talk about this and that's fine.
Coming up, some good news.
Again, State House in South Dakota passes a ban outlawing abortion.
Some bad news.
I'm not saying Dean's good, but he's not the establishment candidate.
New York Times says he's getting ready to drop out and to get behind John Forbes' Kerry, so we'll have a skull and bones candidacy.
A chilling article out of the New York Times with secret federal and local maneuvers for mass quarantines, forced inoculations, you name it.
That's coming up.
Bush says catastrophic attack possible.
Race for nuclear attack, of course, we'll have to take all our rights after that happens.
We're inches away from real live martial law.
And a lot more.
It's all coming up.
Some news on biometrics and the cashless society control grid.
Before I go back to your calls, here in just a few minutes, then we got Hutton Gibson in the third hour.
A lot of key info.
How these churches have been taken over.
Before we do that, I've made ten films.
I've written a book.
I've published a book.
And this is how you support the show as well.
We have hundreds of thousands of people every couple days watching the video clips on my website.
That's millions monthly.
And yes, I don't want to get into the amount of money I'm paying to do this, but I just bought another server.
Bought one two weeks ago.
That wasn't enough.
Got the biggest, most fancy server that'll do 3,000 gigs a month.
And if you don't know computers, just 3,000 gigs.
That's so millions of you can go watch the videos.
And I'm not a rich man.
So, help us, support us so we can... I mean, how can I turn this down?
Millions of people, MILLIONS, MILLIONS want to come watch the videos we're posting.
We're affecting change.
We're reaching people.
We're having an effect.
I mean, national TV shows just have, you know, 5-10 million viewers.
Every month we have over 2 million people watching clips on the site.
Think about that!
So, yes, I'm bragging.
I'm giving you the good news that God has blessed us, that we're reaching millions of people, and we're only one of many websites that are out there.
But I've looked at the finances.
I won't be able to continue this, but for a couple more months, because I will not go into debt, unless people can buy more videos, more books, more t-shirts, more bumper stickers, and support us.
And when you get my videos, I tell you to make copies of them.
Who else does that?
Maybe one other person that I know of, Pastor Butch Pog, a great man who makes some great documentaries and tells folks to make copies.
That's because we're here to get the word out of Bev Harris, who exposes the electronic voting machine fraud.
She decided to publish her book online for free.
I mean, we're trying to save this country.
Will you help us, please?
You know, I don't have millions of dollars, folks.
I don't have the thousands of dollars to continue this.
So please support us.
Please help us.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, plus their great videos, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terrorics, both those films exposed government-sponsored terror in September 11th in Oklahoma City.
Get my new film, Matrix of Evil, exposed, which goes through the Globalist Master Plan and how to stop them, full of solutions with Ron Paul and Colonel Roberts, myself, Frank Morales, Cynthia McKinney.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 2 hours 40 minutes, just covers the whole system, A to Z. The most educational film I've got.
They're $25.95 a piece.
$20 when you order 3 or more of any of the 10 videos.
Those are my videos.
I carry several other great videos by other authors, other books.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Don't wait!
Go to the sites, get the films, get the books, get them out to people!
Again, here's the toll-free number.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And if you want to be a distributor of the books, the films, the books on tape, you can also contact our office and do that.
1-888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And one more side note, I'm here to promote people that are doing good works, that are fighting evil,
That are effective.
And if you go to Infowars.com, we now have a banner up there that links to the subsection of the Passion of Christ website, where Mel Gibson, for free, is giving out movie posters, flyers, stuff to promote the film, The Passion of Christ, that opens next week, the 25th of February, 2004.
So, go ahead and go there and order some of those free materials and promote that film as well.
Take your friends and family to see it opening day.
You better go ahead and buy tickets online.
Most cities have now sold out.
Two weeks ago when I bought tickets, they were 60% sold.
Better get to Fandango.com or Movies.com or all the websites that sell the tickets.
Better get them now if you want to see it the first few days it's out.
Okay, let's... because that's what this show is about.
Supporting those that fight the New World Order.
Let's talk to Richard in Indiana.
Thanks for holding, Richard.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, there's a scripture in Luke 11.21.
When a strong man arms
Keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace.
That's all I wanted to say.
Well, it's common sense, Richard.
If you love your family, you're supposed to be a man and know how to use a gun.
You're supposed to train your children in the use.
And look, this sounds nuts to some people, but at four years of age, I was sitting in my father's lap.
Shooting Folgers coffee cans with a .410 shotgun.
By the time I was 8 years old I could shoot a buck moving at 200 yards away.
Today I can shoot deer at 600 yards.
Because my father trained me and no one in our whole family's history has had an accident with a gun.
And in the past, when we all owned guns, and the guns were on a gun case right out in full view, by the time a child could get up there to the guns, they knew not to touch them unless they were out shooting with their parents.
So we didn't have all these accidents because people knew how to use guns, and we were a free country!
Go ahead.
Back in my day.
I agree.
What do you think of this preacher claiming he didn't know about Luke 2236?
Yeah, he should be ashamed.
You think he's a liar?
No, I don't think he's a liar.
I just think he should be ashamed he doesn't study.
Oh, he's just a con.
Thanks for the call.
Well, I just don't know how you can go to seminary and not know.
You know, I've been told they don't even teach the Bible anymore at these seminaries.
Whether it's Protestant or Catholic, no wonder we're in so much trouble.
And look, I'm angry, folks.
If they get our guns, it's all over.
The guns are the insurance policy.
I mean, I'm not turning my guns in like they did in Australia or England or Canada.
I'm not doing it.
That's my line in the sand.
Let's talk to Kelly in Kentucky.
Kelly, go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
I don't know if I'd be telling people to pass out these tapes.
Police officers... Actually, I made a mistake and put it in his mailbox, and now they're trying to
Prosecute me over it.
Well, you know, we've had thousands of listeners make thousands of copies of the videos and give them to police and deliver them to firefighters and usually they get a positive response.
But you're telling me that you stuck it in the mailbox and now they're trying to claim what?
That it's a federal offense to stick something in a mailbox?
Well, no, they didn't even charge me with that.
Let me try to explain it to you.
First, I had been going by this, he was a state trooper.
I went by his house for probably about a month before I did this.
And on my way to work every morning, I thought, well, it'd be easy to try to inform him because I didn't think there was anything wrong with trying to inform people of authority in your area.
So I put the tape in his mailbox, the first one.
Well, evidently he didn't know where it'd come from or he didn't see me, right?
So I went ahead and went to work.
And then about two weeks later, I decided that I would put another one in his mailbox with another tape which confirmed your tape from other sources.
Actually, it came off the History Channel and C-SPAN and stuff like that.
Oh, you're a real radical!
Well, yeah, I guess.
But anyway, I put that one in his mailbox about two or three weeks later, and he saw me put it in there.
He evidently waited on the highway where he knew I would probably come back down and he waited for me that evening after work and when I came by he pulled me over and basically he acted out just like the tape said he would.
I think it kind of hurt his pride or something.
What did he do to you?
This KGB officer that thinks that spreading information is un-American so he needs to go ahead and arrest you.
What happened?
Well, he pulled me over and came to my window and I said, how you doing?
And he didn't say anything but get out of the truck.
So I got out of the truck and second thing he said was turn around.
And I asked him, I said, what am I being arrested for?
Because he started to put the cuffs on me.
He said, uh, you're being arrested for terroristic threatening.
So basically I'm being, I got locked up for terroristic threatening over your tape.
And have they charged you?
Uh, yes they have.
Oh, this is a major... They charged me with terroristic threatening and two counts of menacing.
Okay, sir, I need your, sir, uh, Kelly, I need your phone number.
You need to, I need to get you in contact with some First Amendment organizations.
Number one, they're idiots.
I know they've charged people that, you know, put the coupons in mailboxes, because you're not supposed to put it in the mailbox, but that's not really enforced.
They're so stupid they didn't charge you with that.
That's the one thing they could do.
I've told folks, don't put them in mailboxes.
Just hand deliver them.
But they haven't... Look, get a jury trial.
Just go, my goodness, I just gave the guy a History Channel show and some stuff.
I'm trying to inform people.
They're going to try to make you plea bargain.
I mean, this is horrible.
There's one other case I know of this happening.
A listener, and I actually got the news article on this, a listener in Florida, every day was putting multiple copies on the windshields, like people put flyers on my car every week, usually a restaurant or a quick lube, you know, for one of those gas station ads.
And they called the bomb squad out because it was a video.
They thought it was a bomb.
It wasn't a bomb.
He heard it on the news.
He called them and went in and said, I just gave you a video.
Nothing happened to him.
But in your case, this is insane.
Now, let me stop you.
I want you to go over what happened.
He puts the cuffs on you.
What happens next?
What does he say to you?
Then he threw me in the back of the car and he basically took me to a
Uh, small, uh, Lyon County Jailhouse.
And then from there, they transferred me to Caldwell County.
And that's where they locked me up there.
And what are they saying the threats are?
Uh, well, I told him that, um, after he had already told me that I was being locked up for terroristic threatening, um, he, I was in the car and I told him, I said, well, you know, when a father sees something in the future that may be a threat to his children,
Then he should take a course to try to protect them.
Well, this jerk turned around and said that I had threatened his family and children.
And he said because of the videos?
No, no, he said because he's trying to twist this around and say that I
He said that I had threatened his children over that.
Because I said, well, when a father sees something in the future that might be, you know, detrimental to their children, he has to take a course to try to protect them.
Well, there's no way they can twist that.
They've got recorders in the car.
Here's the thing, sir.
Most state police wear a lapel microphone that's hooked into the recording system, so there should be audio of that.
This is what they do.
This is what they do.
They arrest a patriot, then in the course they say you resist, or you threatened them, or you did something, then they try to charge you.
Once you got to the jail, did you say to folks, so it's now illegal in America to give people videos?
Um, no.
Uh, they didn't really, uh, let me talk to anyone.
You know, they basically, and let me tell you what happened after they released me from jail.
He, um, the jailer there, when he, when I got ready to leave the jail there, he, uh, had me sign a statement, okay?
Saying that I wasn't to become within a thousand feet of this officer.
Sir, you don't have to sign any statements in America.
Over and over again, they tell people to sign this, sign that.
That was the, that was the only, that's the only way I could get out of here.
Okay, what did the, yeah, that's what they tell you.
What did the statement say, sir?
It just said that I wasn't to come within a thousand feet of the officer.
Did it say anything else, like I agree that I harassed him?
Excuse me?
Did it say anything else?
No, just that.
And then a judge would release me if I didn't contact him first.
When is your court date?
My court date, the first court date is February the 23rd.
And what is your lawyer saying?
Well, he, uh, seems to think that there's some constitutional issue here that, you know, the First Amendment... Well, but, I mean, you never... Okay, where are you?
Where are you located?
I'm located in Fredonia, Kentucky.
How do you spell that?
It's a little town.
How do you spell that?
Uh, F-R-E-D-O-I-A.
And, uh, what's the officer's name?
It's an Officer Dob.
The old DD.
And did you ever talk to the people at the jail and go, this is crazy, I gave the guy a video?
Um, no, I haven't seen it.
And then they'll come back with, well, you said you were wanting somebody to protect their children.
Well, that's what everybody, that's a statement.
Oh, we need to protect our children's future.
Uh, I mean, look, they don't have, they're gonna, look, they're gonna try to make you plea bargain.
They're gonna go, this is how you get out of it, just go on probation.
And if you want to believe them and sign it, sign your rights away, go ahead.
But you need to, no, no, you need to get this thrown out, then you need to sue them for oppression, uh, for official oppression.
I'll tell you what.
Don't hang up, Kelly.
I want your home phone number.
And I need to get you in touch with some people.
This is insane.
But it's what's in the video.
I mean, what do you expect from these people?
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was just talking to Kelly during the break.
This happened three, four weeks ago.
He thought they'd drop it.
Then he went before the judge for pretrial, and the judge said, you're guilty of handing a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
And so, that is so important that he has witnesses to that.
If his lawyer doesn't know that that is totally insane, and has prejudiced the judge, then I don't know what does.
You've got to have witnesses to that.
You've got to get in touch with the different foundations that fight this type of stuff.
You've got to get in touch with a local newspaper reporter.
We need to give out your contact info for people.
I need to write a report on this.
I need you to fax me all the documents so I know this is a real story, though I believe you.
This is so scary.
And we're talking to Kelly Rushing, who gave a police officer some videos, including C-SPAN and Discovery or History Channel.
And, uh, the judge said you're guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
Which isn't.
I mean, my films I've made have aired on national TV.
Um, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove on the Trio Network.
So, uh, I mean, this is a free country, but they don't think so.
This is their mindset.
This is what we show in the video.
We're all terrorists.
We're bad if we talk about freedom.
Now, Alex, um, you know, after the judge told me that, I told him, I said, wait a minute, that was an anti-corruption tape.
But wait a minute!
You should have said to the judge, it doesn't matter what the video is, it's a free country!
So, how many witnesses do you have to the judge saying that?
Well, it was a pre-trial.
How many witnesses?
I don't know if there were any witnesses in there that were on my side.
I mean, I went to the pre-trial
Not realizing that they were actually going to pursue this thing.
But under oath, they may lie but under oath, but was your lawyer there?
Uh, no sir.
Was the court reporter typing?
Was there a court reporter?
Um, as far as I know, I know the prosecuting attorney was there.
You need to very quietly get a copy of that because that judge is in deep trouble saying you're guilty.
A judge saying you are guilty at a pretrial.
You are guilty, he's saying, and you're guilty of giving somebody a C-SPAN video.
This is anti-government.
I mean, oh my.
This is a small town.
Yeah, they're on power trips and they think they're God and they're not.
What's the judge's name?
I couldn't tell you, Alex.
You need to find all this out.
I need to have you on as a guest.
Can you fax me everything you've got?
Okay, let me give you my fax number.
And folks, don't send me 20 pages of fax.
Listeners do this all the time.
I give it out and people send me books, you know, 100-page faxes, you name it.
And folks, if you do that, send me... Hold on just a second.
Folks, if you do that, send me 20 bucks for a...
A cartridge for the fax machine.
Sir, I need you to fax me all this immediately.
I'll write a news story about it.
I'll have you on as a guest.
And I'll put some energy into this.
But if you don't, I can't help you.
Are you ready for my fax number?
Uh, yeah.
It's 512... 512... 899... Okay, hang on a second.
899... 9809.
Okay, that's...
Wait a minute here.
That's 512-899-9809. 98.
Oh, man, okay.
Yes, sir.
And, uh, Kelly Rushing, you need to get me proof of this.
This is one of the most ridiculous things I've ever heard him do.
Uh, but it's in the video.
That's what they say we are.
We're, you know, talking is bad.
The First Amendment.
Michael Savage says, put us in camps, and we disagree with the government.
I mean, this is... I take raw enemy combat in thinking.
So, so what did you say to the judge when he said this?
Um, well, I told him that it was anti-corruption.
And he says, well, you're rather outspoken, aren't you?
So he said that was bad.
I was thinking to myself, well, thank God for men that were outspoken.
You wouldn't be sitting there enjoying the freedoms you've enjoyed all your life, sucker.
And by the way, you also mentioned that you're facing a year in jail.
Yeah, yeah, that's what he told me.
Stay there, more calls are coming up.
I'm about to vomit.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we've got Hutton Gibson, expert on the New World Order, to talk about how they've taken over the churches in America and worldwide in this next hour.
Got a bunch of news we're going to get to in loaded phones.
Davey and Paul and many others that are holding.
Unexpected turn of events.
This is the first case of this I've heard of.
A listener in Kentucky, Kelly Rushing, who I believe, but I have to get all the documents on this, put in a police officer's mailbox one of my videos, a C-SPAN video,
Exposing the New World Order.
And so the cop waited for him, pulled him over, said, you threatened my family.
And he didn't take it serious.
Kelly couldn't imagine he'd done something wrong until the judge said, you're guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
So now that's a crime.
You've got to get the court record of that.
You've got to get the squad car audio, which will probably claim I disappeared.
But then if a jury hears all that,
This is the new America.
These people will sleep just fine seeing you go to jail.
You said the judge said one year in jail for threatening a police officer, and of course after they get you in the car, then he claims that you threatened his family, which you say you didn't do.
You said, well I think somebody would want to know about what's happening in this country, you know, to protect their children.
That's what we all say for your children's future.
This is the Gestapo system.
And you say that coming up the 23rd, next week, you're back in court, sir.
Yes, I am.
Yes, I am.
And what does your lawyer say?
Now, do you know your lawyer personally?
Because a lot of times you can't get a lawyer there locally that will really represent you.
No, sir, I don't know him personally.
I have some people that told me that every time they've used him that they've won their case.
Okay, good.
And he's in Fredonia, Kentucky.
Well, my lawyer's in Princeton.
I live in Fredonia.
Fredonia is a really small town.
Okay, and what type of judge is this that's going after you?
What type of judge?
Yeah, I mean, is he a county judge?
I really couldn't tell you, Alex.
You need to find all that out and get it to me today.
And if I find out what you're saying is true and I can already... I believe you.
This is standard.
Basic, simple old country boy, but I believe in right and wrong.
Now, you said during the break that, to me, off-air, that this is what the video says they do, and so wow, they're really doing it.
Oh yeah, he acted out just like the video said he would.
Well, this is America, you gave a police officer a video.
Yeah, well it confirmed things, you know, to me.
And of course, First Thessalonians 521 says to prove all things and hold fast to those that are good.
Of course, you know, how do you do that?
Sometimes it takes a hand-on approach to do that.
Well, I'll tell you right now, you're going to be blessed after all this happens.
So, that's how it works.
Every time I've been persecuted, I'm rewarded afterwards.
But I don't want to end up in a job situation where, okay, we'll see what happens if you're not blessed.
But I am so outraged, my friend.
Do you want, well,
I'm trying to think of the different foundations and organizations that would deal with this.
There are quite a few out there.
We need to get the facts of your story.
We need to put it in a news article.
Get it on the website so a couple million people can see it.
Then we need to get you back on the show as a guest.
This is what's going to happen.
You said when you left the jail, they said you can't leave until you sign this piece of paper.
That's official repression.
Hundreds of court cases on that.
That's very corrupt.
You know, sign this thing.
You won't come within a thousand yards of this police officer.
This state police officer.
The next thing you need to do is get the audio off the squad car audio, which they have.
Yeah, well, I put in a motion of discovery.
Well, right there in pre-trial after I pled not guilty.
And the judge says you're guilty.
Now again, that disqualifies the judge right there.
The judge said you're guilty.
You're guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
That's your crime.
The judge said it.
And now they're going after you.
And you need to... Oh boy, I tell you what.
Get me all the info.
You have my fax number.
I need that today.
I'll do it, Alex.
We'll get you on as a guest later this week.
We'll be back.
I'm just...ugh!
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
Disaster is a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
If you go into the Travis County
SWAT team office on the top floor of the Sheriff's Department off 11th Street in downtown Austin.
As I have done when Delta Force was in Austin a few years ago, I was down there.
You will see, at the time, four or five of my videos on the shelf.
And they know about the New World Order.
You also saw the Oklahoma City bombing video there, so they obviously have watched that and know who really carried that out.
And all over the country, thousands and thousands of listeners have gotten the videos and made thousands of copies, in many cases, dozens in other cases, and gotten them out to people.
They've aired on national television.
They've been put on access TV stations around the country.
And a listener gives a cop, a state police officer in Kentucky, some of my videos, including a video of some C-SPAN and History Channel stuff, and he's arrested, and they say it's a threat.
He pulls him out of the car, says, you threatened my family.
The guy says, what do you mean?
I gave you some videos.
And the guy says, you threatened my family and now he's being charged.
And the judge says, in Fredonia, Kentucky, that hey boy, you're guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
And then they go ahead with charging him.
And don't think he won't go to jail.
Now most police aren't like this, but in a lot of areas they are.
And certainly they've been under federal training.
That's what the caller before, the last caller was talking about.
And whoever we've got on hold, we'll go ahead and put them on hold.
We've concluded our discussion with Kelly Rushing.
We're going to be getting him on as a guest in the future.
Is everything okay, Stephanie?
I just heard a call or something in the background.
I mean, that's... See?
Yes, sir.
We're going to get you back on.
I'm sorry.
She thought I was still having you on the show.
That kind of broke my train of thought, but let me go back to what I was saying.
In my film, Road to Tyranny, we have FEMA, we have police, we have them being taught that all Christians are terrorists, the Founding Fathers are bad, anybody that talks about them is bad, that homeschoolers are terrorists.
We have their own documents, their own video, their own training flyers, we have it all.
And then you go out on the road, well it's like Abby Newman.
She's at a checkpoint, pulls up,
Behind the other cars, they're in front of her.
They say, we want to search your car.
She says, no, you can't do that without a warrant.
Fourth Amendment.
They jerk her out of the car.
She doesn't resist.
They charge her with resisting.
And then on their own audio, because they have microphones on their uniform, on their ties, they go, my goodness, you know, she's got a pocket constitution.
She's got information about Social Security.
She's got a, well, she even had a video she hadn't taken back to the store.
With that really evil right-winger, Harrison Ford, Patriot Games.
And in there was also my video, Police State 2000.
That upset them greatly.
And, you know, an award-winning film.
And so they discuss it and say, is this illegal?
Is she allowed to have this?
It's all on video!
So see, in America now, they think videos are illegal.
They think
They think giving a cop a c-span video is illegal.
They think just talking to them are illegal.
And they'll feel good putting you under the jail.
They'll feel good taking your life and ruining it.
Because they're God now in this country.
We're living in the new Soviet Union of America.
Absolutely amazing.
They're harassing homeschoolers.
They act like if you're a homeschooler, when CPS comes out, you automatically are some type of criminal.
Gun shops are being shut down and harassed.
Anything decent.
Anything America.
And I'm sick of it!
So, uh, Kelly Rushing, we're gonna get to the bottom of this.
Send me your documents, and I'm gonna write a news article about this.
I'm gonna get this out to everybody.
And I'm gonna, just, I am so sick of this type of garbage.
I gotta calm down, folks.
I just... Oh!
To see America turned into this...
Let's talk to Davey in Texas.
Davey, go ahead.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I've got a couple of verses here from Isaiah chapter 59, verse 14 and 15.
Okay, for those that just joined us and missed the preacher in the last hour who had a gun buyback at the First Presbyterian Church, according to ABC News, when I read the verse on air, or had a listener do it, Luke 22, 36, where Christ said, sell your cloaks and buy swords, he said that didn't exist.
And, uh, so now you're obviously calling it about that.
Well, that and the, uh, issue in Kentucky there, and it's fundamentally an issue of good faith.
As you pointed out in your videos, these, uh, mind control robots, they call themselves the police, which are policy enforcers.
They have no knowledge of truth.
And when somebody shows them the truth, they feel threatened.
Because their programmers didn't tell them what to do when the truth comes up and stares them in the face, and they feel afraid.
That's where fear comes from, is ignorance.
And the issue, Alex, is fundamentally one of good faith.
And that minister over in Dallas is not a good faith individual.
He's not telling the truth of the gospel.
He's putting forward an agenda just like the police officers in this country that listen to the programmers.
I was going to tell you about last week in Dallas, they had the police chiefs meeting.
Did you hear about that?
No, I didn't.
Oh yeah, they brought in police chiefs from all over the country, the 50 largest cities in America, to program them.
And we found out that, of course, they just returned from an ADL sponsored trip to Israel.
By the way, I was sent a big law enforcement magazine last year where it said, and I ought to dig that out,
Where it's said, where it's said, if somebody's got to get us out of the UN sticker, they're probably a criminal, go ahead and arrest them.
Now that is in a major, it was law enforcement technology.
Right, and the issue is one of good faith.
Arrest us for a bumper sticker!
Project Megiddo.
The only threat to them are people that know what the truth is.
That's the issue here.
We're already living in the Soviet Union, and if they could move against us en masse, they would have already done it, but some of their cops aren't programmed.
That's what's holding them back.
Right, Alex.
Also, there are these signs on the side of the road about guns cause crime, 1-800-ATF-GUNS.
I don't know if you've seen them yet or not.
Yeah, well, also they're using the new FEMA billboards that were supposedly for traffic.
It'll say, report illegal guns, and they have the BATF thing that shows a handgun, and it says, call the police.
Well, handguns aren't illegal in Texas!
But you're an idiot!
Listen, listen to me.
I'm getting really mad now.
About three years ago, I had a carpet cleaner.
At my office, cleaning the carpets in my studio.
And I've got a shotgun.
I bought it at a local sporting goods store.
Just a mainstream, no big deal shotgun.
It's on the wall.
He began to freak out, asking if that was legal.
And then I was smart enough to call down that afternoon.
Well, yes, there was a discussion of calling the police on you, but the owner knows that guns aren't illegal.
These idiots thought
That my shotgun in Texas was illegal!
And that's what those signs are meant to do!
Exactly right.
And the issue is, again, one of good faith.
This is all coming out of the ATF Department of Justice Project Safe Neighborhood.
You can do a Google search, Project Safe Neighborhood, Police Chief, ADL, and find out about that.
But I would like to quote this, Isaiah 59, 14, and 15, and it says, And judgment is turned away backward, and justice
Keep up the good work, man.
You're doing a great job.
What an incredible quote, absolutely, that those that tell the truth become prey.
Look at Mel Gibson trying to make a movie about Jesus getting attacked!
Look at how upside down things have gotten!
There's naked people running around at the Super Bowl!
There's... The Boy Scouts are being taken over!
All this is happening!
And... Oh, boy, I tell ya.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Paula in Missouri.
Paula, go ahead.
Alex, I wanted to quote that scripture, but I see everybody else has done the same thing.
It says the same thing in my Bible.
I guess that pastor earned his 30 pieces of silver, didn't he?
I guess he did.
Okay, that's all I wanted to tell you.
What did you think of what's happening to Mr. Rushing?
That's all part of their program, and I haven't seen it.
But I keep hearing about it, different things.
You know, I've got a pretty good memory.
Didn't you call about a year ago and said that you stop on the side of the road and give police my videos?
I did.
I gave a couple of them, yes.
And they never did bother me.
Well, I want to find out if my memory's activated.
That was about 14 months ago.
You called the show and you said you were handing out my videos to police on the side of the road.
And what happens to you when you do that?
Looks like they haven't gotten their proper programming.
Though the FEMA footage I've got where they say all Christians are terrorists was shot in Kansas City.
So these guys are the ones that I have approached.
They were the younger generation, younger guys, and I explained to them about it, and they said, sure, I'll look at it.
Well, in the future, they'll just arrest you, and that's threatening.
The judge will say, you're not allowed to give videos to people!
That's evil!
Well, thank you for the call.
God bless you.
Folks, this is shaking me up.
I just... I start thinking about it.
I've got Law Enforcement Technology magazine and it says...
If you pull somebody over, or it says pull them over if they've got a sticker that says get us out of the U.N., go ahead and take them in.
And police chiefs, don't chastise your officers for doing this.
These are generally terrorists.
The criminals need to be gone ahead and taken on in.
A major national publication, echoing what FEMA and the ADL are teaching everybody, says, you got an anti-U.N.
sticker on your car, go ahead and take y'all in to jail.
That is so un-American, that makes me just absolute!
Folks, if you don't know this is bad, then something's wrong with you.
Come back, take a few more calls, and get into the news, and we've got Hutton Gibson coming up.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I've got to work harder.
I need to take all the news articles about the FBI training manuals, Project Megiddo, the video clip of FEMA saying all the Christians are terrorists, all of this.
The law enforcement technology magazine that said if somebody's got an anti-UN sticker, go ahead and arrest them, go ahead and take them on downtown.
And take all these stories and put it together in one big article with hyperlinks and video clips and documents.
And then, you know, have everybody email that around so millions of people can see it.
Because what they've done to police is, over the last 50 years, is they say, okay, we're going to frame criminals.
But, you know, we know somebody's guilty, we'll go ahead and frame them.
So they get cops to kind of, you know, get into that evil and start it.
Then, it just becomes institutionalized where if you don't like somebody, just charge them with something.
And then the ADL, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and the Southern Poverty Law Center in their own manuals, which are written for the police, explain to them how they can get this done.
And then they go out and carry it out against the general public.
I mean, they come after you if you're a Christian, if you're a homeschooler, if you're into anything decent.
You're under attack because you threatened the New World Order.
Diana in Colorado, then John, James, Tracy, Betty, and others.
Diane, go ahead.
Hi Alex, my name's actually Deanna, but that's alright.
I'm calling in about the pastor who was on the show in the first hour, and I'd just like to defend him in a couple of areas.
The verse that you cited, I went to 16 years of Christian elementary school, high school, college, and I've read the gospel several times.
Hold on just a second.
Are you for gun control?
I'm not.
Okay, well, the preacher, for those who don't know, just joined us in the last hour, who had a gun buy-back in Dallas that ABC News reported on.
He was saying that he didn't know that in the Gospel of Luke, that Christ said, sell your clothes and buy a sword.
Okay, go ahead.
I would like to say, though, that the many times that I've read the Gospels, that verse has never jumped out at me, and it makes sense to me that people who are
Who are pro-gun would know verses like that and be able to use them to support their cause.
And then be able to say, well, those of you who don't know, well, then you must just be stupid because you've never... whatever.
Who hasn't read the part at the Garden of Gethsemane?
I mean, that's the most read part of the Bible is the last 12 hours of Christ's life.
The real point that I wanted to make was that I
I sort of feel bad for your unsuspecting interviewees sometimes because I don't think that they know what they're getting into.
And I felt a little bit bad for him because it seemed to me like he really has no bad intentions for what he's doing.
It seems to me his
His point that, you know, the first woman who gave up her gun was a grandmother who didn't... Do you realize how dangerous these useful idiots are?
I do, and I... Do you realize that they're preparing to put us all in concentration camps?
That's the head of NORTHCOM right there in Colorado Springs.
Yes, I listen to your show all the time, Alex, and I, you know, I'm on your side all the time.
Listen, that's why I'm upset.
This country is bleeding to death right in front of me, and I'm a little freaked out right now.
The only thing, the one thing I want to say is that I just think he's a little bit misinformed, you know, and I think for him, the way he's going to get the message is if
If we gently inform him, I think probably him feeling attacked isn't going to change his mind.
He'll probably just get defensive.
You know what I'm saying?
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I'm a little bit defensive right now.
John in Virginia.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
I called up and was going to talk about one thing, and after your caller in Kentucky, by golly, that got a whole other trade of thought going.
Listen, I just wanted to get my heads up this.
I know in different parts of the state,
Our country, I should say, that once a restraining order is put out against you, and that sounds like what was put out against him, it becomes a felony for you to have access to a firearm.
I have a friend of mine that's in Georgia that's going through that right now.
It seems as a course of
Just what happens when... And they told him, they told him, you can leave the jail when you sign this, and he fell for it.
Well, you know what?
Ignorance is not bliss, and he's not to be faulted for it.
A lot of people do that.
A friend of mine is going through a divorce in Georgia, and just as a routine matter of occurrence, judges down there issue restraining orders against the husbands, which means if the husbands have a gun in the house,
They all of a sudden are a felon.
Same thing in Texas and all over the country.
You're automatically convicted even if it's a no fault divorce.
Well he may want to talk with an attorney down there and really find out because he may get a knock at the door at about 3 o'clock and somebody do a random search in his house because really it could go from real bad to real worse real quick.
Yeah, that's our free country, our wondrous free country, where the police manuals and magazines say, if they got an anti-UN sticker, go ahead and arrest them.
Yeah, that's what America's all about.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And by the way, we have millions of people each month watching the videos I'm putting online.
And as the years progress, more and more people.
So the globalists better watch it.
Just in my life, I've done 1,400 radio interviews.
I haven't counted them up since 1,300, but I've done well over 100 the last few months, so it's upwards of 1,400.
And everywhere I go, people are waking up.
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Again, two, three, four radio interviews a day, and no one calls in the disagrees.
Five years ago, the complete opposite.
So we're winning the fight, and so the criminals out there that engage in this globalist activity, you need to know that we're on to you, we're on to your corruption, we know what you're doing, people are waking up to history, you're in a lot of trouble.
1-888-253-3139 is the toll-free number, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Now, I'm going to go to these calls really fast.
So, make your point.
John, you were finishing up.
Go ahead in Virginia.
I was just going to say, Alex, we don't want to paint these police with too broad a brush.
Some of these guys are really good.
They're on our side.
They understand what's going on.
That's what I was just saying.
We're waking up a lot of them.
Now, as far as your pastor goes, our problem is we have a bunch of 501c3 corporations that call themselves churches.
And you should have asked the pastor this, and you can't think everything, but you know the Presbyterian Church, from the hierarchy down, has said that gay marriages now are acceptable.
I mean, you do know that's the Presbyterian stand on gay marriages, right?
That would have been an interesting question for that fellow.
Also, and it's destroying their church all over the world.
People are leaving, and on top of it, I know the Presbyterians are getting some of the faith-based initiative funds that, by the way, did go through.
It just hasn't been totally legalized, they're just doing it anyways.
So this is part of the federal funding of the churches.
Absolutely, and if they come out and they talk about...
Government policy.
If they come out against government policy, the IRS has come in and they've already said they would yank their 501c3 status and pull the church away from them.
And the answer, but if they grovel, they'll get federal money.
The answer is having all our churches say no, we'll talk about whatever we want.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Let's talk to James in Colorado.
James, go ahead.
Hey Alex Jones.
Turn that radio down.
Most of the people, I'm not trying to accuse them, but they know not what they do.
They've made this social structure and traditions of a man God.
They use Colossians 2.16 to defend pagan traditions.
If it doesn't say to do it in the Bible, why add the tradition?
And I'm trying to make the link between why my gun is missing, it's been repossessed, and why people are walking around in a trance saying, there's nothing wrong, we're still free.
What happened to your gun?
I pawned it, and I didn't pass the background check to redeem it.
I see articles all the time where people with no criminal record are failing the background checks.
The NICS registration system, and that's what it is.
Gun dealers say, don't say it's a registration, it's not.
Yes, it is.
And if the gun dealers would get active and say no until the NRA know, we'd get our guns back.
But instead, compromise, compromise, compromise.
And also, in Jeremiah chapter 10, verses 1-5, and a few other scriptures, refer to specific traditions of men.
Like, where did Valentine's Day come from?
Is that something out of the Bible?
I don't think so.
Thanks for the call.
No, I hear you.
It's all been paganized.
Who's up next, Stephanie?
Tracy in Vermont, go ahead.
Hi, first time caller Alex.
I just want to bring up a point.
We have to look at the bigger picture as far as the sword situation and there's the scripture in Isaiah 2.4.
If anybody's ever been in the UN building when you first walk in, in the lobby or whatever they call it, it's the scripture Isaiah 2.4, He shall judge among the nations and shall rebuke many people and they shall beat their swords in the plowshares.
Let me give you the UN quote from July 7, 2001 at the Small Arms Summit in New York by UNIDIR.
And it is, quote, civilian ownership of firearms threatens the legitimate power monopoly of the state.
Power monopoly is dictatorship.
The U.N.
says citizens owning guns threatens their dictatorship.
Go ahead.
We know the U.N.
is responsible for the gun control through, well, the globalists through the U.N.
and we know the U.N.
is not a Christian organization and when we see that scripture in the U.N.
They're planting their heaven on earth, and this is a way of conditioning the people to give up their guns, to give up their weapons.
We're so brainwashed and so conditioned in this world, and especially in this country.
Peace, peace, peace.
Well, Alex, I commend all the work that you've done, and especially your wife for letting you do it.
She's a saint.
And you motivate me and many others that I know, and just thank you, thank you, thank you.
Well, I agree with you and uh... you know this whole peace thing...
That they come out with.
That means we're supposed to lay down to their tyranny.
We're supposed to submit.
When they say peace, that's what they mean.
It's a very dangerous concept that they even use the Holy Bible, you know, as scripture to back up what they're doing.
And we know that they're of the devil, the UN.
They're not a Christian organization.
And the pastors need to understand this, and especially this pastor.
In the beginning of your program, he's a charlatan.
He's a New World Order minion, as far as I'm concerned.
He's brainwashed and conditioned himself.
Thanks for the call.
Betty in Ohio, go ahead.
What she's referring to on the UN happens to be the scripture that's going to be used to form the One World Church, the ecumenical movement.
It's not about peace as it should be defined, but peace as a New World Order religion.
The other thing about that
First, is being taken out of context in Luke 22, 36.
Nowhere in the Pauline Epistles or anywhere in the Gospels are there any examples that were to live by the sword.
I'm not anti-gun.
Well, that's not true.
The entire Bible is about people defending themselves against tyranny.
But not since Jesus came.
That was in the Old Testament.
I've read the Bible more than... So it was wrong that the Founding Fathers stood up to England.
No, the truth of the scriptures are this, and that we... Well, let me just tell you something.
I'm going to defend my family, and I could have a hundred pastors on here to repeat what you're saying.
Well, I'm not... Look, you know, there's plenty of scriptures to refute it, to refute the fact that we are to not live like that.
It says, blessed are the peacemakers, and I don't mean... Yeah, and you make peace by defending and by going after the enemies that are attacking you.
Well, if you'll let me explain, that verse in 2236 of Luke,
That's not what it means.
It's been taken out of context.
It is in no wise meant for us to go arm... to fight... I've read the whole thing and that's not true and thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
Hitler was for gun control.
The Bible's not for Hitler.
Okay, let's go ahead.
I mean, it boils down to stuff real simple like that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
Okay, Alex.
Two things quickly here.
One, the problem in... your listeners' problem in Kentucky is callbite.
Talk about ignorance.
I think it's time for your listeners around the United States and around the world to contact their friends and relatives in the state of Kentucky and enlighten them as to what's really going on.
And for those that just joined us, recap what has happened to Kelly Rushing.
Well, apparently Mr. Rushing left some videotapes in the mailbox of a Kentucky State Trooper, and this State Trooper arrested him and charged him with terrorism.
So the people of Kentucky need to be enlightened the best way I can think of would be for your listeners to contact their friends and relatives in the state of Kentucky and enlighten these people.
Tell them about Alex Jones, Dan Stapp, John Stapp Miller.
What's going on?
And send them your video tapes and books, etc.
No, I agree.
We need to flood that county with these videos, which the police seem to think are illegal.
The judge told him, according to Kelly Rushing, he said, look, you are guilty of giving a police officer an anti-government, anti-police video.
I mean, folks, one of my videos is aired on national television.
I've been interviewed by national TV.
20-20, Good Morning America, hard copy, extra, C-SPAN.
The point here is that it's not illegal to make films and to write books, but these people think it is!
I have major law enforcement publications, magazines, documents, where they say if you've got an anti-UN bumper sticker on your car, go ahead and arrest them.
I mean, that's not America, Ron!
Oh, sir, it is.
Also, Alex, uh, Campus Censorship Lifting is the title of a short John Leo syndicated column from Today's Oklahoma that I'd like to read to you real quickly, if I can.
Okay, go ahead.
An actual debate on the merits of racial preference has taken place on an American campus, Utah State University.
For the Guinness Book of Records that is interested in this news, I am not certain.
I know I am.
Astonishingly, the university administration did not step in to halt proceedings on the grounds that feelings might be hurt.
The debate was civil, with some booing and cheering on both sides.
Some students seemed a bit testy or angry, but as one student sponsor of the debate said, that's part of politics and discussing diversity of issues.
This breakthrough raises a startling question.
Is it possible that other universities will begin experimenting with free speech?
Could it be?
Well, let me stop right there.
There's a big professor out in California who simply said that Palestinians are kept in the equivalent of concentration camps, and that it's wrong, and the ADL is trying to get him fired now just for criticizing Israel, now criticizing Israel's anti-Semitic!
Oh, now you're a terrorist!
See, I mean, this isn't America anymore if we put up with this, people!
Could it be, Alex, the fog of censorship on campuses is beginning to lift thanks to the pressure of litigation, bad publicity, and ridicule from a new and more pugnacious generation of collegians?
The litigation is being handled by groups such as the Center for Individual Rights, the Alliance Defense Fund, and most spectacularly, by the Philadelphia-based Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, which is now a major player in the campus war.
These groups have been winning free speech cases one after another, creating momentum that is forcing many censorship-minded administrators into a defensive crouch.
By the way, Ron, I have had some of those groups on.
Read the names of those groups again.
Those are some good groups for Kelly Rushing to get a hold of.
The Center for Individual Rights.
This is one reason I brought it up, Alex.
The litigation is being handled by groups such as the Center for Individual Rights,
Alliant, Defense Fund, and most spectacularly by the Philadelphia State Foundation for Individual Rights and Education.
Those groups, and this was a syndicated column by... I hear you Ron, I gotta let you go.
Gotta let you go.
And I got loaded phones, I'm not gonna be able to go to calls until later in the next hour.
I'm not even sure I'll take calls for Hudson Gibson if we get through all the material we may, or if he wants to take calls.
Got so much news here, but everything we've talked about has been very important as well.
Yes, that is encouraging.
And yeah, I think I've interviewed most of those groups.
Center for Individual Rights, and the Defense Fund.
I'll have to... Folks, help me.
Send me any good groups out there that have helped fight tyranny and violations of the First Amendment.
Send those to tips at infowars.com.
I'm going to have to get with
Kelly Rushing, do research, get the documents, confirm his case, and then I'm going to have to write an article about it and try to get him some help.
My phone's ringing off the hook with stuff like this.
I'm very frustrated that there's no way to cover it all.
Let me just shotgun out some of the news here.
Some good news.
State House passes bill outlawing abortion, support in Senate for measure challenging Roe vs. Wade decision.
The South Dakota State House has passed a bill that would outlaw abortion and challenge the landmark Roe v. Wade decision.
Approved 54-14 after two hours of emotional debate, the bill would make the practice of abortion a felony, carrying a five-year sentence.
A public interest law firm,
That it worked with lawmakers to drop the bill, says it designed to have the U.S.
Supreme Court reconsider its 73 Roe v. Wade decision, which struck down state laws banning abortion.
So, good news there.
But you watch the neocons up at the Supreme Court re-rule on Roe v. Wade in a pro-death fashion.
Really scary article out of the New York Times today.
New York police take broad steps in facing terror, meeting in secret and coordinating complex drills.
The department has brought together government agencies in a broad effort for much of last year.
In doing so, it has put together a program that some national security and law enforcement officials describe as unrivaled among American cities.
Now, in this lengthy article, they get into the forced roundups, the forced inoculations, the quarantines, the sports stadiums,
This is the government's smoke screen for a total lockdown.
And we have the head of NORTHCOM, General Eberhardt, in the LA Times, saying martial law is a good thing.
The outgoing head of CENTCOM, Tommy Franks, has said it.
It's happening.
Again, I cannot stress how serious things are right now.
And it's a chilling article, you need to read it.
Catastrophic attack possible, Bush says.
Associated Press, the United States still faces the threat of catastrophic attack by nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons, President George Bush said.
The possibility of secret and sudden attack with weapons of mass destruction is the greatest threat before humanity today, he said, as he highlighted his security credentials in a weekly radio address gearing to his campaign for this year's election.
And see, they can blow something up and say, see, we told you so.
Give all your rights up.
China transferred nuclear weapons
Designs to Pakistan.
We're going to have the UN takeover of Iraq, as we told you, but now it's official.
It's all coming up, and then Hutton Gibson, you don't want to miss the rest of this show.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're back live.
I was just talking to my wife during the break.
She was listening to the show.
There was a lady called talking about Bible verses and how we're supposed to be armed.
And then she said how great we were and I said, well I agree with you.
And my wife said it sounded like I was saying, yes I agree with you how great we are.
No, what I meant was, for those that didn't get it, was I agree with what you said in your call.
That's what that meant.
For those that heard that.
Again, we have a lot of unexpected things come up here on the show today.
We've got stacks of news here, but we've got a really important subject coming up.
In Bush's radio address, he said, intercontinental ballistic missiles are going to get us.
Give all your rights up, basically.
The tariffs are resourceful.
He said, quote, America faces the possibility of catastrophic attack from ballistic missiles armed with weapons of mass destruction.
So we are developing and deploying missile defenses to guard our people.
Well, it's come out that our government's helped arm China, North Korea, Pakistan, allowed Pakistan to transfer these weapons.
So while the government's arming all our enemies, they're telling us, race for all these attacks, and the terrorists are about to strike us, and Al-Qaeda's got suitcase nukes.
That was last week.
And if they nuke something, it'll be, we're arresting whoever criticized the government, we've got to do this to keep us safe!
Every time you complain, hey, do you see that smoke in U.S.
Shut up!
That's why it's so important to expose who's behind the terrorism.
We've got to do it now.
Here's another one.
China transferred nuclear weapons designs to Pakistan, our ally, so has Israel and others.
China has been identified as the original source of nuclear weapons designs found in Libya and the latest disclosure about the global spread of nuclear technology, including to Pakistan.
So that's there.
Meanwhile, the military and the police are trying to round you up and forcibly inoculate you and put you in camps for your safety, of course.
This is out of RFID Journal, the official industry publication paid for by the industry, promoting biometrics and other such technologies.
And it says, Oracle speaks of RFID plans.
That's Oracle.
And I saw the CEO back in
On January 31st, 1999, I saw Scott McKelvey on Lewis Rukeyser's Wall Street Recon Review, and Rukeyser said, what do you look forward to most in the new century?
He said, I look forward to putting a microchip in my son Maverick's neck and tracking everything he does.
So that's Oracle.
No, no, that's Sun Microsystems.
Oracle is the Larry Ellison, the guy that wants to
Make us all take National ID cards.
Excuse me.
I'm a little off today.
I'm pretty upset.
The enterprise software giant sketches out what it will do to help customers meet Walmart and DoD mandates and enable item level tagging.
Now listen to this.
This is very important.
After remaining in the shadows while rival enterprise software maker ASAP
Takes RFID into the enterprise.
Has public with the RFID plans for years.
Has finally outlined its plans for supporting RFID.
These are the tiny trackable chips to be in all products.
Walmart's already doing it.
Now listen to this.
While some Oracle customers may see the announcement as long overdue, the company maintains it has been developing support for RFID and electronic product code deployments in its products for some time.
We have been working on prototyping support for RFID for three years now, but we like to do the work first before we make announcements, says John Crowley, Senior Director of Development for Oracle Inventory and Warehouse Management Systems.
At its annual Apps World Conference in January, the company had announced the next release of its Oracle Warehouse Management application, which supports RFID, and then it goes on to say that
It is there to support under Department of Defense and Walmart mandates.
So again, the Department of Defense and Walmart a year ago met with Governor Ridge and they're going to force everyone to accept the RFID at the store level.
They're mandating it.
Just amazing.
We'll be back with Hutton Gibson.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're already into the third and final hour of this 16th of February, 2004 Monday edition.
We have Hutton Gibson on the line with us.
We've had him on the show, I don't know, four or five times over the last year or so.
Hutton Gibson's a very interesting fella.
He was the national champion of Jeopardy back in the 60s.
Moved his family to Australia and moved back a few years ago to the United States and he's been fighting the New World Order
Speaking and writing a newsletter, and he even made a little TV show that I aired here locally a few years ago, exposing the corruption in the Catholic Church and how the takeover took place.
And yes, obviously he's the father of Mel Gibson, and so you know where Mel Gibson got a lot of his insight into the New World Order, which he speaks about many times when he's in the national news, or when they don't edit that out.
Oh yeah, I'm glad to be here.
Insane as I am.
Yes, I did.
I've been right with you all morning, all afternoon, whatever!
I won't know.
Afternoon in some places, and morning in other places.
You're right.
Hutton, I don't want to digress, but I know you talk a lot about this.
I mean, to have a preacher in Dallas, a Presbyterian, saying that he didn't know that Jesus said, sell your cloak and buy a sword, it's hard to believe that a preacher wouldn't know that, but that cuts right to the heart of the matter of what we're facing.
You know, I've always heard these preachers that will say, I know every word that Christ said.
Of course, I say, you only know the words that are recorded in the gospel.
What do you do?
Walk around in silence the rest of those years?
But anyway, that's their province.
They're supposed to know that.
What did you think about the listener who gave a police officer a video, so he's been arrested now?
So that's a threat.
I would suggest that everybody in the neighborhood put a real threat in this policeman's box, so he knows the difference.
And of course you're joking.
Yeah, perhaps something even worse, like a C-SPAN video.
That's what, uh, one of them was an evil C-SPAN video, Hutton.
Oh, yeah.
That's bad.
Yeah, that's even worse than an Alex Jones video.
You know, he gave him two, a C-SPAN video and one of my videos.
Well, he didn't have the attention span for both.
You're funny.
Hutton, I had you on a few weeks ago.
We got into the New World Order and the draft and all of this, but I mean, I was captivated talking to you yesterday for 30 minutes about how the Catholic Church was taken over in 1958, or that's when one of the big takeovers took place, and I want to talk about that.
What are the basics?
Well, they had an election there in October to elect a new Pope.
And they did it twice, apparently.
The white smoke came up on October 26th.
That means we have a Pope.
And there's only one phone going in and out of the place.
The man inside called the man outside and said, Get the guard out.
We got a new Pope for you.
So, five minutes later, the smoke turned black.
The guy called back and said, Hey, it's a mistake.
People don't make mistakes in that.
The people that have a job like that, you know, it's probably been in their family for generations.
Not directly, of course.
It's probably uncle to nephew, that kind of thing.
But here is a man whose job it is to put in some straw, wet or dry.
And that's all he has to do!
And he's a highly intelligent man, and he's there because he can swing a lot of cloth and get into the conclave, though he's not a voter.
And he's going to make a mistake on a thing like that.
Sure, I believe that.
Well, I'll tell you what, we're going to go to break.
I want to go back and recap this and go over the evidence and then talk about what's happened since then and how this has affected the world and the change in the Catholic Church since 1958.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central, we're here folks.
And we're talking to Hutton Gibson.
Who really is an expert when it comes to tracking the decline of the Catholic Church, and he's also involved in a movement that has set up, you would say, I guess, Orthodox Catholic churches around the country.
And of course his son, Mel Gibson, has built one.
I guess it's in Malibu, where they still perform the same rites that have been changed over the last 40, 50 years.
Huntton, I was talking to you yesterday and you had that Latin saying about not letting the bastards grind us down.
Well, it's phony Latin, what it is.
The Carborundum Company that made Emery Wheels and things like that?
Uh, yes.
Well, this one is combined with two Latin words to mean, well, I'll give you the meaning.
After the, uh, the illegitimate Carborundum.
Which means, uh, don't let the bastards wear you down.
That's funny.
Illegitimate, they are, you know, not legitimate.
Yeah, they're, uh, instead of saying bastard, uh, illegitimate.
That's a good one.
That's the way Latin goes.
I've kind of modified that when I speak of the people in Rome.
I call them the fatherless lions in Rome.
Now, before the break, you were getting into 1958, Pope Pius dies, they have the wet straw, they have the dry straw, and for thousands of years before, they put the straw in, and whatever color comes out, then that tells them.
Go over that for people that don't understand it, and then let's get into the takeover of the Catholic Church.
Well, they burn the ballots each time, so nobody knows who voted for whom after they're counted.
And then they put them in the fire there, inside the Sistine Chapel, and the smoke comes out the chimney.
You see, they're white or black, depending on whether the straw is wet or dry.
So, when it comes out white, that means we have a pope elected.
And this 58 there on the 26th of October, it came out white.
And went that way for five minutes, then suddenly it started getting gray, and then it turned black.
And then they recalled the cards and said, hey, there's been a mistake.
As I say, that's unbelievable.
It's just not likely.
It'd be the first time it ever happened.
And then they come out two days later with our rotund good Pope John.
And he wasn't eligible.
Because to be a Pope, you have to be a Catholic.
And he was a well-placed member in the Freemasons.
And Freemasonry carried with it an automatic excommunication from the Church.
So he wasn't in the Church when he was elected.
So he wasn't eligible.
So he came out and started making changes.
Now the Pope's oath of office is to the effect that
He will take exactly what was handed him from his predecessor and hand it on absolutely without change.
No additions, no subtractions, not even divisions to his successor.
And these last four have done everything but.
Of course, I don't believe they take an oath anymore.
That's beside the point, because they are now superior beings.
They don't have to obey anybody.
They can correct anything that was done for 1900 years, and because they have been elected there, most people look at them and say, well, yeah, well, he can do this.
He's Pope.
He damn well can't do this.
But we have been infiltrated, like almost every government in the world, right from the top.
That's the way to get them, you know?
You get all the... the sheep on the bottom will just go along because this guy says he's Pope, and they don't look at the fact that he can't be Pope because he's not doing what a Pope should.
And then now, suddenly we see the results, all the scandals in the church, people not attending, can't get priests, we have at the same time
All over the world, more and more corruption coming out, and Catholic churches have these anti-gun doctrines, some of the other churches too.
It's just amazing.
Yeah, and this is not part of the program in the church.
Nobody ever said whether or not you could carry a gun.
It's not part of the doctrine.
It's a matter of outside.
The church is doctrinaire on
Matters of Revelation.
What is in the Revelation is unchangeable, it's God's Word.
But he did not say anything about whether you should join a militia, stay out of the army, whatever.
There were no... I mean a man, a Christian in the early days could be a member of the Roman Army.
Why could he be a member of one of the invading tribes?
It doesn't make that much difference to the Church.
Because the Church's kingdom, as Christ said, is not of this world.
And you can see that it's not of this world when you look around.
Well, we can see what the Establisher wants to do just over the furor with the attack on the Passion.
Everything that's good is bad.
Everything that is bad is good.
And you can't tell the truth for fear somebody might be offended.
You know, you tell the truth, you're not responsible for who is or what the results are.
It's incumbent upon you to tell the truth, right?
I mean, look, we have all our big institutions being infiltrated, run by the same people.
So, once they got in control in 58, what did they start doing?
Our friendly John decided he would open the windows and let in some fresh air.
So he didn't seem to realize that it was night out and he let all the bats in.
But they were there just waiting.
22 pounds.
They were in the various congregations.
They were in the various hierarchies.
The Cardinal of Vienna, for instance, was a Freemason, which means king.
So, they had their men all through the church, in the upper story, which they had told us they were going to do.
About 1850 or 1860, there was a gentleman named, I use the word loosely, Mussini, who was the head of the
The United Italy thing, which stole the Papal States and put all the other little kingdoms out of business, Dutchies, whatever they were, and molded them all into one country, which had not been one country since the Roman Empire.
Different peoples, they had Greeks down in the south, Sicily, and they had the Germans up in the northwest, and on the northeast,
And in between they had all varieties.
They didn't even speak the same language.
But they were nationalized, all put together in this great craze for nationhood by a bunch of Freemasons, who told us at the time they were going to lead us, following their flag, thinking it was our own.
And they threatened to do it, and you see the result?
And they didn't do it?
Now, Hutton, I've talked to some of your associates and I've read some books on this subject, specifically going back to 1958.
Do you have any information on what happened behind the scenes or how they made them change the voting or go back and then announce a new pope?
I mean, how did that take place?
Well, apparently they elected somebody and he would have been a man who was not
Particularly palatable to certain other interests.
And somebody went out and came back with that message.
This guy isn't going to go.
We're going to run into trouble.
Somebody's going to bomb Rome with the atom bomb.
Something like that.
And instead of standing up to him and going over to the radio and broadcasting that, they folded up
And elected somebody else without getting rid of the one they had already elected.
Now, do we know who they had really elected?
Well, I have a couple of pretty good guesses.
I think it was probably Cardinal Siri from Genoa.
Or, there's another one there.
Tettiscini, okay.
But they were, you might call, they would nowadays be called the right wing.
You know, I get a lot of this nonsense that I am a member of the Catholic Church, which has left the Catholic Church and won't recognize the Pope.
I'm just exactly what I started out like.
So how would you describe that as an Orthodox, I mean, a Catholic, how would you describe it?
Well, I wouldn't call it a movement for one thing, but it is
You'd have to say traditional.
Okay, that's the word I should use, then, not, uh... well, then, orthodox does mean traditional, then.
Yeah, well, orthodox means true.
That's all there is to it.
But you say orthodox, and somebody mixes you up with the... with the schismatic Greek Orthodox Church, or the Russian Orthodox.
Yeah, I was just using the term orthodox to mean, you know, going back to the original.
Yes, the true doctrine, the true teaching.
That's exactly what it means.
So, uh...
How many of these churches are there now, you know, real Catholic churches in the country?
That's a very strange... You have to figure there are some who are and some who are not.
I mean, we're not all united and what you might call rebelling for the same reasons.
So there's some groups out there that are doing it for different reasons, and I understand.
Some of them are doing it for cash.
I understand.
When we get back, we'll get more into this, and who knows, maybe talk a little bit, but not give any secrets out about this Diane Sawyer interview coming up tonight on Primetime.
She's a CFR member, so I don't trust her very much.
It's all coming up, folks, with Hutton Gibson.
We're going to talk more about the transformation of the Catholic Church.
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I didn't have Hutton Gibson on the show two weeks ago to talk about The Passion of Price, the new film coming out next week on the 25th.
And I didn't have him on today to talk about it.
He's welcome to if he wants to.
But it's all interconnected.
How sick our country's gotten, how sick the world's gotten that Mel Gibson makes a film
about Jesus Christ, and it's attacked, it's demonized, but it has blown up in their face.
But I do want to bring up one issue, and I'm not going to talk about it on air because I don't want to steal Mel Gibson's thunder.
You know, he told Hutton this with no intention of it going on the air.
But tomorrow we will talk about it, if it's not in the primetime live this evening, 10 o'clock Eastern, 9 o'clock Central.
I'm going to be watching it.
I hope you watch it.
And it concerns some of the statements that Mel made that are very powerful and also funny.
And we'll just see if CFR member Diane Sawyer, New World Order propagandist, puts these clips in there.
I'm looking at an ABC News synopsis of the interview coming up tonight, and it's on InfoWars.com.
I see none of the quotes I was told in there.
Hutton, it'll be interesting to see if out of a three-plus hour interview that's condensed down to 30 minutes, these quotes are in there.
Well, something's got to give, you know?
I think they won't.
Well, I'm putting my bets on that the quotes you told me that Mel told you will not be in there.
Well, that's the same.
So, we'll have to wait and see.
But I hope we're both proven wrong.
All right, folks.
We'll let you know tomorrow.
Either way, it's okay to talk about it tomorrow if it's not on there, right, Hutton?
Yeah, well, one of them anyway.
All right, well, listen.
I mean, you got my interest piqued with what you told me yesterday.
That was interesting.
Now, folks, we'll definitely be tuned in to see what happens.
But, uh, Hutton, the changes, specifically in the Catholic Church.
I mean, you said that you started noticing it in the 60s as well, or even the late 50s.
How fast, after the Masons took over the Catholic Church, did you see the shift?
Well, it started, uh, very quickly.
We were, uh, loosened up.
You know, things became, uh, moot questions, and, as I say, the man was going to open the windows for the council.
What he was doing was getting all the bishops into Rome at one time so he could share the responsibility for the changes he was going to bring in.
He did let, got one thing through, which, he let the council revolt on him in the first place, which he should have packed it up, if he were straight, he would have packed it up and sent it home.
They refused to take the documents which were all prepared for their consideration.
Their agenda was missing.
They just voted it out, 60 to 40.
Now, to get through it should have gone 67 to 33.
Two-thirds was required, but he went along with it.
You know, rather than pack it up and send it home because he would
So basically they drove a wedge in, started balkanizing automatically, in the name of quote, power sharing to get others involved in the breakup.
That's it.
He wanted all the bishops in to approve what he was going to do.
And then he died on them after the first one went through, which was sitting there just waiting to be taken up.
It was the only thing ready to be considered.
So they went through it and went
It's the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, and it's nonsense from beginning to end.
But one thing it did not border was a New Rite of Mass.
But Paul VI, when he put in the New Rite, said that he was obeying the Council in this.
Well, in the first place, the Pope doesn't have to obey a Council.
The Council's edicts are of no use until they're signed by a Pope, acting as Pope.
And Paul VI signed all these documents.
Uh, full of changes.
But, uh, the changes in the Council, uh, there were twelve specific heresies.
Outside of that first document, which I say was solid heresy, but from there on, there was at least twelve specific heresies which I've insulated, isolated, and treated in one of my books.
It's the Pope Catholic.
And, uh, they said, among other things, that
Uh, Christ completed his revelation with his death on the cross.
So, you know, without the resurrection, as St.
Paul says, we're all cooked.
So he's leaving out a lot of things there that he did not have revealed, that were not part of the revelation.
Including, uh, the descent of the Holy Ghost, and the Apostles going out and preaching, one thing and another.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network Take the National Rifle Association
Decades ago, it was pro-gun.
Today, its job is disarming the American people.
They go into federal courts, they botch cases, they go after groups that are really pro-gun.
They're there to neutralize the five-plus million members, to pacify them.
They've been overtaken.
The Baptist churches, a lot of them are pro-New World Order, anti-gun, anti-family.
It's happened to the Methodists.
It's happened to the Episcopalian.
I mean, you see these articles all the time.
You've seen it in your own church.
And this is what the elite is good at, is going in and taking over organizations, institutions, and clearly that's what happened with the Catholic Church after 1958.
And, uh, Hutton, you're telling me they went in and changed the basic doctrine down to saying that Christ hadn't done his work?
That's the idea, yes.
He left us an incomplete revelation.
In one document there, the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, they call it, from its first three words, that we are joined with the rest of men in the search for truth.
Search for truth!
When we are supposedly
The vehicle for proclaiming the truth.
Why would we be searching for it when it was given to us?
It's revealed truth that we're talking about.
Now, at the same time you're in the United States, you start seeing the change in the Catholic Church.
What were those changes that you saw on the ground?
Well, they started off with vernacularizing.
Everything has to be put in the local language.
And then they put in a table there instead of an altar and have the priest face the congregation.
And then you have people saying, oh, I like this better because now I can understand what he's saying.
I couldn't understand what he was saying when he was talking Latin.
The obvious answer is, well, he wasn't talking to you.
And then they couldn't
Translations themselves, there were plenty available, but they put out new ones, and they were wretched!
And everybody could look at him and say, my kid could do better, because he could.
So basically, we've seen the same thing with the Protestant churches, all these hundreds and hundreds of new Bibles that come out, where suddenly Jesus supports homosexuality, suddenly Jesus loves abortion, suddenly Jesus loves gun control.
I mean, I don't know, Hutton, if you've seen some of these new Bibles that are out there, but it's like Anton LaVey wrote them or something.
I kind of gave up on him after that good news for modern man came out.
I got that and the Jerusalem Bible and about five or six other Bibles.
But it's a waste of time going now.
One of the reasons they put out new ones all the time is so they don't have to pay copyright.
It's a weird situation so that if you're going to look up a quotation you have to
Find out if the other fellow has the same Bible.
Are you talking a source that both can defer to, or both will accept?
You know, you're going to start an argument with somebody, you have to argue with him on points on which you agree.
It's amazing.
What other changes did you see?
Well, they eventually vitiated all the sacraments.
They put in a new rite of mass, which is way out of their competence, as I say.
They've got to pass on what was given to them.
And not only that, but then, as they put the new one in, they made the old one redundant, you might say.
They forbade it.
Not officially.
No one can find where they did it.
But they did it just the same.
And it was by order of the various bishops who were in on this.
Well, the Bishops' Conferences, they decided a date on which this new right would be mandatory.
And you better not do the old one, in spite of the fact that, according to the law of the Church,
The old man was privileged, and don't think it could be forbidden.
And we've seen this not just with the Catholic Church, but the Constitution.
The textbooks don't quote the actual text, they tell you what it said.
We see this with other organizations, and now the world is upside down, where what you have is, goodness is evil, and evil is good, is what they tell us.
Yeah, and we even have a Pope coming out this past New Year's, and talking about how the New World Order is what we want.
I know, that was on CNN Live.
I even have it.
And when I talked about it on Air Hutton, I got emails saying I was a liar, that the Pope wouldn't do something like that.
Well, hell, Paul VI did something like that in 1965.
He went to the United Nations and called them the last hope of the world.
How did the world get along without it?
Well, I want to know how people deny that the current Pope said we need a New World Order when he said it on international television.
Yeah, I've got it here in writing.
That was on CNN.
Yeah, I've got the CNN article.
Well, I'll tell you.
So what did you try to do to insulate your family from this apostate, counterfeit church?
Well, the first thing I had to do was take them out of the Catholic schools.
Because they were being fed nonsense there.
They brought me what they were getting in school.
I wrote long papers, 14-inch pages, typed.
Uh, eight pages of it to the local Cardinal Archbishop of Sydney there.
A nun sculled by the name of James Freeman.
And, uh, I shouldn't call him that.
The poor fellow can't help it, he's a nun sculled.
But he's dead now, so I guess he won't get me.
Anyway, uh, I wonder how I get back from him.
I got a message back, uh,
We're not here to ram religion down your children's throats.
Oh no?
What do you think we send them to that school for?
So you put your child in a Christian school, a Catholic school, and then they go, we're not going to teach that anymore!
No, they had such nonsense as that Christ was going along in blind trust in his Father and he wound up on the cross wondering how he got there.
So what was he talking about the last supper?
Well, I mean, that's obviously a satanic doctrine that Jesus just didn't know what he was doing and had blind trust and wound up on the cross.
That tells you what to do with your blind trust in God, doesn't it?
I tell you, I mean, that sounds like something that a satanist would write.
Well, they were.
They had a bunch of apostates.
They were supposedly clergy, but we had clergy planted on us by the communists for
Since the 30's, as they will tell you.
Yes, it didn't spring all to life in one moment.
They were in the veins, you might say.
Well, I mean, I've read the writings and the statements of the Catholic Church before 58, and it's a very conservative, anti-world government, and then after that it becomes pro-New World Order.
You really can see the total shift.
Yeah, and you can even see it in the verbiage.
There's nothing clearer than the statement of Catholic doctrine.
But you read the documents of Vatican II, and you have to fight your way through the fog.
Hutton, before we run out of time, I've had you on many times, and never
promoted the fact that you've written four books and I've got a video you made and I've got your newsletter, but I haven't got one of these books.
I would love one.
You told me during a break that is the Pope Catholic is one of your best books.
How do folks get a copy of that?
Well, I know you just moved, but it's
And, and, uh, Hutton, speak up for us a little bit, because we're having to boost your audio.
Uh, give us that address, please.
141 Irish Street.
Uh, Summersville, West Virginia.
Now again, folks, I'm going to get 50 calls once I'm off air asking for this address.
Write it down now.
Here it is again.
Uh, one more time for folks, Hutton.
141 Irish Street.
Summersville, West Virginia.
That's S-U-M-M-E-R-S-V-I-L-L-E 2-6-6-5-1.
And how much is it for the book?
$10 for the Pope Catholic.
It's $10 also for The Enemy Is Here.
Still here.
I don't have enough copies of The Enemy Is Here which can be gotten from Omnibook at Palmdale, California.
Box 900566 Palmdale 93590, California.
So you've written four books.
You've written, Is the Pope Catholic, The Enemy is Here, The Enemy is Still Here, and what's your fourth book?
Time Out of Mind.
That's a kind of a shortened form, a conversational form of Is the Pope Catholic?
It has none of the documentation.
It's just
In a conversational style, almost a catechism.
Question and answer and argument.
And I've been accused of making some of these arguments up.
But honestly, I'm not that stupid.
You wouldn't believe some of the things I've heard from priests or have written to me.
And they are just ridiculous!
Well, it's like that preacher I had on in the first hour, Hutton, saying on air that he never heard of Luke 22-36 where Christ said, sell your garments and go buy swords.
Yeah, even I've heard of that one.
And Catholics, you know, we're not supposed to be great Bible readers.
But what we are is, we're not great readers of the Old Testament.
Because the idea behind that is, why bother with the foreshadow when you have the substance?
Which is the New Testament.
Well again, before we end the show, we'll give that address out one more time, but is the Pope Catholic?
You also have your newsletter, which is excellent.
Yeah, the war is now.
I've got, I'm working on number 61.
I'll tell you, you come up with the best names.
The war is now, is the Pope Catholic, the enemy is here, the enemy is still here.
That refers to the fact that on the cover of both those books is a map of Italy, and here is right opposite Rome.
So, they've been, as I say, we've been taken over, and nobody looks at the results.
And looks at where they get the competence to do the things they've done.
The church is just unrecognizable.
A lot of people have left it, and who can blame them?
Most people don't seem to get to that point where they can see the thing and say, this idiot cannot be Pope!
He says this, and he says that, and what did St.
John say?
Or what did St.
Luke say?
Or what did Christ say?
So it's contradicting the Gospel, but again, people don't go to the source documents to check it out, they just say, well this guy's wearing a big hat, so, you know, he must have the authority.
Yeah, well, if they see that there's this quotation that they all use, uh, Behold, I am with you all days, even at the consummation of the world.
But they don't leave the whole phrase in.
It starts off with, "...going therefore to teach thee all nations, and I am with you all days."
For that purpose.
Now they have, since Vatican II, they have quit the missionary effort.
The Church is no longer apostolic.
It does not go out and make converts.
It says, we'll negotiate with religions.
A religion has no soul.
You can't convert it.
It won't go to heaven or hell.
You work on the individual.
That's the only way.
That's what Christ said.
Well, basically, by conversing with other religions, the current Pope's come out and said that all religions are one, and we need this world religion.
Basically, the Catholic Church, or what they call the Catholic Church, this abomination there in Rome, is saying we're going to merge with all these other religions.
That's the idea.
That's part of the plot.
We have to have a world government, don't we?
So we have to have a world religion.
Uh, Hutton, how can people deny, I mean, the Supreme Court says they follow the orders of the UN, they're announcing the new world order on a daily basis, but then the FBI training manuals say anybody that talks about it's a raving lunatic.
It doesn't exist.
Of course not.
As soon as you say conspiracy, you're nuts.
There's an awful lot of nuts around.
People are catching on to this stuff.
They don't seem to be the ones that are going to church.
Well, a lot of people just go to church and they want to feel good, and the preacher wants to make them feel good, and they just tell them to go along with all this.
It's like Pat Robertson saying that, well, China's doing what it has to do with forced abortion and infanticide.
He said that on CNN, he posted it on his website, and I, people get mad at me every time I say he said that.
Well, I have to tell you, Hutton, getting a chance to meet you and some of your children and grandchildren and your wonderful wife, Joy, I mean, it's good to know that there are great folks like you out there here in the United States that have been getting the truth out for so long.
And for anybody that doubts that one person can have an effect and change people's minds,
I'm going to get a lot of hate mail in.
So, uh...
Anyway, they have changed, and they continue to change.
Every time you turn around, there's still another change.
And they were introduced in the first place, like, well, now this is the last change.
And two weeks later, in comes another one.
Everything was done step-by-step and gradually.
They involved people in the services and the masks.
Well, it isn't a mask, of course, but they claim it is.
They call it that.
Well, they'd get people in to read the various lessons and things that were always read by the priests.
So once they started changing things, it was just a pell-mell orgy of throwing out the old, bringing in bedlam?
Oh, yeah.
Innovation is where it was at, you know.
You get ahead by picking up things.
They didn't want anybody around that wanted to keep what he had.
And now look at the Catholic Church today, or the abomination.
It is falling apart, and do the people running it change course?
No, they accelerate, because I guess they want it to fall apart.
Well, that's part of it, but another thing, those that may be sincere think, well, we have to try something more.
It would be terrible if they turned around and went back to what worked for 19 centuries.
It's incredible, well... Of course they've gotten to the point where there's no clergy around anymore to do it.
Because they did change the sacrament of holy orders while they were at it.
Same day they put in a new mass, they put in a new set of holy orders and we haven't had a priest properly ordained or a bishop properly consecrated in the Latin Rite that was in communication with Rome.
You might find some in China or Ukraine, someplace where the
The Iron Curtain got in the way.
Tell you what, we got a break.
We'll be right back for the final segment.
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My friends, we'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
It's our final segment with Hutton Gibson.
Been a great show today.
Very informative and frankly scary.
For those that missed it, one more time, the address, $10 to get Is the Pope Catholic, is 141 Irish Street, Summersville, West Virginia, and the zip is 26651.
That's 141 Irish Street, like the people of Ireland, 141 Irish Street, Summersville, West Virginia, 26651.
And how much to get the newsletter, Hutton?
Five dollars a year.
I put it out roughly three or four times a year.
I don't guarantee that.
It's about eight pages.
So it's a periodical and intelligence report, basically, on what's going on?
Mostly on the religious side.
Once in a while I get political.
All right, well, again, folks, that's 141 Irish Street, Summersville, West Virginia, and the zip is 26651.
Hutton, in the last few minutes we've got left, and I definitely want to have you back up again in the future to get more into the New World Order, because I respect your opinion and research on it.
What are solutions?
How do we turn this around?
This is the total takeover of every institution by the New World Order.
The only practical thing that I can think of to do it bloodlessly is secession.
Just tell every state, get out of the Union.
Just own the federal government and let it sit there with its public debt.
Well, that's what the Declaration of Independence says we should do.
Yeah, it says that when the government does not take care of you, you have the right to alter or abolish it.
Yeah, when it starts becoming destructive of the Bill of Rights and Constitution, bye-bye.
But FEMA says the Declaration of Independence is bad, I better listen to them.
Oh yeah, sure.
I'll do that.
They've got a set of laws in, I think Bush signed them in in 1991 sometime, about these seven Noah Height laws.
And, you know, you're supposed to obey a bunch of laws and nobody knows what they are.
Well, that's like Patriot Act II.
Most of that is secret.
Yeah, but ignorance of law is no excuse, is it?
But they've designed ignorance into it.
Well, also, we've got the Supreme Court rulings.
If something's destructive of the Constitution, it's null and void.
I'm not going to follow their corrupt laws.
And when you've got criminals running things, what do you do, Hutton?
Well, you get out from under.
You say, you boys don't belong here.
We're going to leave.
That's a little more practical than saying, you guys get out.
I don't know.
It may come to that.
So basically, coming out of Babylon, I agree we should have some states secede.
That'll send the message and have some pockets of liberty that are left.
We're not going to fix the country by taking over Washington.
We're going to fix it by taking over our counties, our cities, our states.
That's how it's going to happen.
Hutton Gibson, it's good to know that they're wholesome, decent people like yourself and your wife and your children and grandchildren out there fighting the globalists.
And it was great to have you on the show.
Be careful on your upcoming trip and God bless you.
Thank you.
It's been a pleasure to be here.
Good to be with you.
Take care.
Well, there goes Hutton Gibson.
He is such a nice guy and so smart.
I really enjoy talking to him off air.
He's got an encyclopedic brain.
So much history, it's amazing.
And those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
Bunch of big guests and key news coming up this week.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've written a book and I've published another book.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to look at all the documents and free video clips or to perhaps order some of my videos or books and spread the word.
So InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139.
If good men do nothing, evil men and tyrants flourish.
We have got to stand in the gap against these people and defend civilization.
God bless you all.
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