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Name: 20040213_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 13, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
Welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
It is Friday, the 13th day.
Of February 2004, the websites being freshly updated for you are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Bush and No Show at Alabama base says Memphis, or Memphian I should say, FedEx pilot Bob Mintz, backed up by a Carolina colleague, recalls no W
At the Air Force Base in 1972 and we have a talk to them and we're going to be getting them on the show.
And this is from the Memphis Flyer newspaper.
Two members of the Air National Guard unit that President George W. Bush allegedly served with as a young guard flyer in 72 has been told to expect him
And we're on the lookout for him.
He never showed up, however.
On that, both Bob Mintz and Paul Bishop are certain.
And by the way, the new documents Bush released show that he's a liar.
But this is the new spin.
They know most people will never even look at the documents and neocons posing as liberals
We'll go out there as the shill group and act like they're against Bush and then clear him.
This is one of their favorite little tactics that they use.
So we'll be getting to that.
Ex-officer Bush's file details caused concern.
That's from USA Today.
Moved to screen Bush's file in 1990s, as reported.
We already told you this years ago on this show, that Lord Bush had had his files expunged at many military records facilities, but some of them weren't destroyed.
Listeners of this network, what, four months ago,
Found them in St.
Louis, and Captain Joyce Riley snatched them up and began broadcasting it, and so did I, right after that.
And I don't appreciate Michael Moore saying he broke this news story.
Michael Moore says he broke the 9-11 story.
Oh wow, did that about a year ago?
I broke the 9-11 story before it happened?
My only point is, I don't even care about the credit.
The thing is, this network is doing a lot of good having
A big effect, and you, the listeners, are amazing.
That's what I have to say.
So we'll get into that.
Bush aides accused of destroying military documents.
That's the New York Times, by the way, as well as the Associated Press.
Their spin isn't going too well for them.
Also, Bush's driving records have now been disclosed.
More of them.
More of the drunken driving.
More of the accidents.
More of the, well, the spoiled brat skull and bones member engaging in his normal activity.
So we'll go over this first after the break.
Then I'll get into the really serious news.
Smart software gives surveillance eyes a brain.
That's right.
I told you about the smart cameras.
These have already been put in in England about a year ago.
Well, now they're going in here.
Blanks for the memories, that's from the San Diego Union Tribune.
About a year ago, more than a year ago, we learned that the Pentagon in Afghanistan
Was experimenting with amnesiacs on the troops after they did particularly nasty things.
You know, order them to mow down 3,000 innocent people.
And they would give them amnesiacs afterwards.
And well, now here it is out of the San Diego Union Tribune.
No, you didn't tune in to a science fiction movie.
It's 2004 and things are very bizarre.
The pure evil.
Also, stem cell technique murder or medicine's big hope?
Growing the embryos up and sucking them dry for all the stem cells, the babies.
So that's coming up too.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
This show will be absolutely jam-packed.
Please stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, a super massive broadcast of Total Import for you today.
It is Friday the 13th of February 04.
Just a program note before I get into Bush being caught in more lies, digging a hole deeper for himself on his military records.
We got a new server.
Now I guess we have, what, three servers for my websites?
Got a new backup server two weeks ago.
That's already over bandwidth.
So I've just put in an order for an even bigger server, a fourth server.
And, I mean, it's incredible.
The websites are getting millions and millions of hits now every week.
And we're putting video and more and more audio clips on the sites.
So just remember that when you're on InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, do occasionally buy a book or a video or a t-shirt or some bumper stickers.
Because we need your support.
I'm going to continue.
I mean, how could I turn down reaching millions more people?
This is the thrill of my life, unlocking all these minds.
But the sites are just geometrically growing now to be some of the most frequented sites on the Internet.
Think of the incredible success that we're all having.
Reaching millions and millions and millions and millions of people every week.
And that's just our websites.
Why did George W. Bush and his meet the press fiasco last Sunday?
Talk about, well, he hadn't seen the websites yet for what they're saying about him and Skull and Bones.
You know, I got on the air before 9-11 and I said, they're going to use bin Laden as the patsy to attack New York, probably the World Trade Center.
I said, call the White House, tell them don't carry the attacks out.
I did that July 25th and on about 10 more shows after that.
I remember years ago talking about Bush and his military records and how he was AWOLed.
We had some of the documents at the time, a listener of this network, of the Power Hour, and of course this show as well, but Joyce and Dave have been the ones that really have been on this, like a couple of hunting dogs after their prey hot on their heels.
One of our listeners went and got some of the documents out of St.
Louis that hadn't been esponged by Lord Bush.
And now it's in USA Today and the Associated Press and the New York Times that Bush did have these esponged.
Think about this.
He sits up there on TV and goes, well, yeah, I'll release the records, but I don't think they've found them.
I mean, I'm sorry they're not there.
They've sure been looking with those beady eyes and that smirk on his face.
And Dave von Kleist and Joyce Riley have just been on
Continual focused tirades and analysis of this for the last four months.
And really, they push the story over the edge.
We've had David Joyce on the show.
We've talked about it.
We've had guests on.
But to see Michael Moore earlier this week take credit for this story, to see him take credit for exposing 9-11, which he didn't do, makes me angry.
And it also makes it a left-right paradigm, and a lot of conservatives won't listen to somebody who's been caught lying in his film, bowling for Columbine.
This is not a left or right issue.
This is an issue of a war president who's a liar and lied about his military records and a media that's known about this for years and has been covering it up.
And it's an example of how you, the listeners, the active listeners of this network, of my show and David Joyce's show, are able to set bushfires in the minds of men and women, as Thomas Jefferson said, and give big stories legs and push them into the mainstream media.
And joining us is Captain Joyce Riley to give us the latest developments as Bush again has dug the hole a lot deeper for himself.
I think Karl Rove is losing it.
Joyce, good to have you on the broadcast.
Well, thank you, Alex.
And I do believe that it probably is because of my having been on your show last week that created all of this stir to get somebody to take a serious look at these records.
So I do appreciate what you did.
Well, I just appreciate all your research and our listeners, Joyce, because they're the ones that feed us this information.
This has turned into quite a soap opera.
Number one, why is it important?
Number two, give us the train of events here that have led us to this finally breaking as the number one national story right now.
Okay, George Bush, when he was in the military, was, we believe, guilty of two things.
He did not finish out his six years required service, number one.
And number two, he denied a direct order by not fulfilling his requirement to take a flight or physical, a flight physical.
And without doing that, you cannot fly.
So according to our records, he only flew about two years out of the six years.
So he was in violation of the requirements for his job.
Now, the whole problem with this story is that, as you said, they made it a left-right political issue, which it is not.
And so now that the veterans have gotten involved in this, with the American Gulf War Veterans Association doing a news release, which is at thepowerhour.com, now they cannot say it is left, right, or political.
Now the veterans have gotten involved in this and are saying, wait a minute, we want the answer.
We want to know, was this man absent from duty?
And number two, did this man deny the order to take a flight physical?
Because we all know what happened to Michael New.
When he denied a direct order to wear a green, excuse me, a blue beret.
Now the latest in this story is that Lieutenant Colonel Burkett, who came forward in 1997 with the information that the records had been altered and expunged, had taken a deposition during that time in which he went before the DOD, reported the story to the DOD of what happened, and then took a deposition of which he signed
And an affidavit stating that he knew that the records were altered or were taken out that would show the truth about his military record.
In fact, on the day that it happened, he wrote in his daily closeout report that this had taken place.
But he said on CNN today, I was sucker punched like everyone else.
I believed in him.
I was serving him as governor of Texas.
And he said I thought he was doing the correct thing.
He said, I was sucker-punched like everyone else.
Now, James Moore has written a book about the re-election of George Bush in which he mentions this story.
Now we are seeing that more and more they're going to start addressing the issue of the failure to take the flight exam, but they're acting as though it's no big deal.
So he didn't take a flight exam.
Well, that's like saying to an infantryman, well, I'm not going to carry a gun.
I'm not going to go fight.
It's the same kind of thing.
So he is guilty of some very, very serious military crimes, and that's why... Now Joyce, you were based in the Air Force and, you know, a captain in the very area that Bush was based when he was at Texas, so you have a very good insight into how the procedures and how things are done.
Now, from the documents, we know that it's just shy of two years that we can prove he was AWOL, but as you just stated, he's gone for four years.
We can just prove the 21 months.
Now, they're trying to focus on eight months when he left the Harvard Business School.
So, there's a lot of spin going on here.
Well, let me say, no, it's really two years, his last two years that he did not fly.
But what we're saying is that from 72 until 74, he did very little flying.
He was supposed to be active for six years, and part of that was in training, which we have to give him credit for that.
But, the other thing is, nobody's addressing this.
He did not go to officer candidate school.
He went directly in from enlisted men's training at Lackland directly into pilot training.
Now that just doesn't happen in the military.
So he was elevated from enlisted rank past second lieutenant into first lieutenant.
Almost in no time whatsoever.
Well jet pilots and helicopter pilots who have the best scores will spend years of going through different training and at different posts just to get a slot to try to qualify.
Now that you're really accurate about and it needs to be stressed that at the tail down or the ending of the Vietnam War they were loaded with people that wanted to be and fly for the Guard.
They were loaded.
I happen to know this personally
Because of the fact that I was somewhat involved at that time, what they had was what was called palace chase, which was if you get out now, go directly into the guard, you can get out of the military.
They were downsizing the Vietnam military.
So they were overloaded with these people.
So when he went into the guard, he had an awful lot of people that he was contending with, and yet he was at the bottom of the barrel, really, as far as his exam scores go.
So he was totally cushioned the whole way and taken care of.
Now, I was in the Guard.
I was in the Reserve also.
So, I really feel comfortable in saying that his failure to take a flight physical is tantamount to literally, like I said, a tanker who refuses to drive a tank.
Or an infantryman who refuses to carry a gun.
Well, they're arresting breastfeeding women who refuse to take anthrax and smallpox shots.
And he is throwing people into Article 15's, throwing them into jail, into Fort Leavenworth for things that are, in my estimation, less than what he did.
So this story, if the listeners will get thepowerhour.com or put it on your website, that news release, copy it and send it to every news media.
What we're going to do is find out who's willing to tell the truth and address the issue of him not taking a flight physical.
Now remember, he was suspended from flying.
He wasn't just, now here's what the BBC is trying to spin it, and some of the other outlets, or excuse me, not the BBC, but some European outlets, they're trying to spin it as, well, he probably failed it because of a knee problem.
No, he didn't fail an exam.
He was suspended.
Now, if you're taken off of flight status, you will be told that you did not make flight status, or you will be made what is called DNF, Duty Not Involving Flying, DNIF.
But they didn't have him.
They suspended him because he refused to take the physical.
And along with him, remember, was Major James R. Bath.
Major James R. Bath is the conduit, of course, to $35,000, allegedly, of the money that went to Arbusto Energy from the Bin Laden family.
And that was back in the mid-70s?
And again, this order was
August of 72, which he was suspended from flying, and you can get the records from us.
And the point is, you know, Bush wants to say this is political.
You're the guy that puts a uniform on and prances around on the decks of aircraft carriers.
It is absolutely disgusting.
Well, Joyce, one more segment with us, because I want to go over some of these news articles that are coming out now.
It's starting to come forward that they have been esponging records, and this is criminal.
Stay with us.
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All right, here's the Memphis Flyer newspaper.
Bush a no-show at Alabama base as Memphian.
FedEx pilot, Bob Mintz, backed up by a California colleague, recalls no W at the Air Force Base in 72.
Two members of Air National Guard unit that President George W. Bush allegedly served with as a young guard flyer in 72 have been told to expect him and were on the lookout for him.
He never showed up, however, supposedly there for years, folks.
Of that, Bob Mintz and Paul Bishop were certain.
The question of Bush's presence in 72 at the Air National Guard Base in Montgomery, Alabama, or the lack of it, has become an issue in the 04 presidential campaign.
Recalls Memphian Mintz, now 63, I remember that I heard someone was coming to drill with us from Texas.
And it was implied that it was somebody with political influence.
I was a young bachelor then.
I was looking for somebody to prowl around with, but says Mince that somebody better known to the world now as the President of the United States never showed up at the Air Force Base in 72, nor in 73, nor at any time that Mince, a FedEx pilot, now an active Eastern Airlines pilot, and it goes on and on.
So, Joyce, I tell you, they're in a lot of trouble, aren't they?
Well, they are, and it's getting worse.
You see, even if he went to Danly Air National Guard Base and had his teeth examined, I mean, big deal.
So what?
Like they said on TV, all that proves is he has teeth.
It doesn't prove that he did it then.
Well, this is a Pentagon 2 joist that plants fake letters from troops in the newspapers.
Can't even believe that.
And has to lie about whether somebody has amnesia or not.
So, you know, what we're looking at here is a major story, and we don't want to lose track of this.
We want people to continue to bombard the news media with this.
But I'm afraid it's also to deflect 9-11 issues.
It's to keep the focus and the heat off of the President for 9-11.
But with respect to what happened at Danly Air National Guard Base, remember, that is not an air training base.
That's not a flight base.
And once you are a pilot, or a flight nurse, or a flight engineer, or you are a rated personnel that is rated to fly, just because you go somewhere else and do something else doesn't give you points and credit.
So, what we have here is somebody who obviously did not show up, obviously was not interested in fulfilling his responsibilities.
But was still getting paychecks!
Obviously, yes!
And that's another fraud here, and maybe another potential crime.
So, if he was, in fact, not flying after they trained him in the, you know, million dollars to train a pilot, and he says, nope, I don't want to take that physical, well, that should have been an Article 15 issue.
That should have been something in which he was brought up on charges at that time, and I think the investigation needs to involve those who were over him.
Well, Joyce, you were in these exact type of units, even some of the same bases.
What would happen if you refused that?
Oh, well, obviously, now when I refused it, as a female, it would be a little bit different.
If he had refused it, he would have been on a C-130 to Vietnam in a heartbeat.
Within 24 hours, he would have been off to Vietnam.
They would not have tolerated this.
Unless he had political pull.
If I had said, I'm not going to take a physical, they would have said, well, excuse me, Lieutenant Riley, at the time I was a lieutenant, you are going to be brought up on charges then for dereliction of duty.
And you see, that is to me, one of the most sincere, significant elements of this whole case is that letter that we got from the father who had lost a son in the Gulf War, the second Gulf War.
And he says to the president, how can you possibly look yourself in the mirror
After what you have done to my son and all these other 567 people that have died, and yet you traipsed around on an aircraft carrier when you didn't even finish your military duty and refused to even take a flight physical.
It is absolutely, to me, it's many military crimes.
Well, Joyce, did you see Meet the Press when he goes, well, I flew fighters?
Yeah, and it's really pathetic.
It is.
It's very pathetic.
And in his book, A Charge to Keep, he says in there,
That he flew several years after he went to pilot training.
That's not true.
He only flew about one year after pilot training.
Well Joyce, you talk about, and I've heard this on the street, people think he was some kind of fighter ace in Vietnam and some even think World War II.
That's how dumb people are.
I know.
In fact, you called the Pentagon and they thought he was this big Vietnam fighter ace and got shot down.
Well, they thought that he was in the Navy, is what they told me, because they'd seen him on an aircraft carrier.
I mean, how ridiculous is that?
So, the whole idea here, though, is I don't want people to be drug-aside.
I want them to see the documents.
Those documents, and you can put them on your website if you want to.
Yeah, we've got them at Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, they're at ThePowerHour.com.
Please, look at those documents and see for yourself what this means.
Because we offer to all news media to provide 31 pages of documents in a bound format to them at no charge.
Not one of them wants it.
Not one will accept the documents.
I wonder why.
I mean, they're starting to talk about it.
A move to screenbush file in the 90s is reported.
That's right.
The New York Times talking about whitewashing.
Okay, well Joyce, thank you so much.
Thank you, Alex.
You too.
You're awesome.
Alright, we'll come back in more news in your call.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Nobody likes a phony.
Nobody likes a fraud.
And Captain Joyce Riley in the last segment made a good point.
That really this whole National Guard lack of service, being AWOLed, it really is at a certain level a diversion, a distraction from the Globalists carrying out 9-11, the end of Posse Comitatus, the amnesty,
The gun control, Bush protecting the Pakistanis while they were arming our enemies.
At a certain level, it really is a distraction, but it shows what liars they are and how they manufacture histories.
They knew, that is the White House
scriptwriters that having Bush land on that aircraft carrier and mission accomplished and strut around in the military outfit and Fox News was, man he looks good in that, man he's a fighter pilot, well you know he was a fighter ace.
I mean I watched them say this and he is just so incredible and so manly.
I mean you all saw it.
And then, oh don't be liberal, don't criticize it, and then Bush says, well don't talk bad about the guard.
Joyce Riley was in the guard.
A captain.
I mean, that's crazy!
It's like if a white guy goes out and commits a murder, and then he says, well, don't charge me, or you're against all white people!
In fact, we've seen black folks commit a murder or something, and they go, oh, this is just racist because I'm black.
It's kind of that same tactic, trying to get the group to identify.
Well, you can talk about my record, but don't you criticize the guard.
Nobody criticized the guard, but I know people.
One of my friend's wives who was in the guard, she's all, well, I don't believe Bush did any of this, and man, I'm tired of people talking about the guard.
Watching their propaganda work, because they know it's all about the surface.
Most people only look on the surface.
He lands on an aircraft carrier.
A lot of people think he landed the plane.
They think he was in the Navy.
I've heard people talk on the radio about, well, you know, he was a fighter race in Vietnam, wasn't he?
And the hosts will say, I don't know, boy, he's something else, though.
So, it's part of this false reality.
It's image over substance.
It's rhetoric over actions.
And ex-officer Bush's file details cause concern USA Today as Texas Governor George W. Bush prepared to run for the presidency in the late 90s.
Top ranking Texas National Guard officers and Bush advisors discuss ways to limit the release of potentially embarrassing details from Bush's military records.
A former senior officer of the Texas Guard said Wednesday.
A second former Texas Guard official who spoke only in condition of anonymity was told by a participant that commanders and the Bush advisors were particularly worried about mentions in the records of arrests of Bush before he joined the National Guard in 1968, the second official said.
And it goes on and on.
And there's evidence that they screened the files.
We know they grabbed them out of Colorado and other areas.
And on Monday, after Bush went on Meet the Press,
I guess it took the government months to realize that we already had the files out of St.
They, the Feds, ran in and grabbed those files and said, oh, to make sure that if they're private, they're not released.
Well, they were already public.
That's why they were released months ago under a Freedom of Information Act request of one of our listeners.
And copies of all those are posted at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and of course at David Joyce's website, PowerHour.com.
So, I mean, are you tired of being lied to?
And again, this is the guy that told you the amnesty isn't an amnesty.
So we've addressed the fact he's a liar right there.
And again, George Bush isn't running anything, but he's this set piece, this pawn for the New World Order
That makes any discussion of the globalist policies a left-right debate.
Well, Bush had prior knowledge of 9-11.
Well, that's just political.
Well, you lied about your records in the Guard.
Well, don't talk bad about the Guard.
And by the way, it's just political.
Well, the government's grown by 45% in the last three and a half years.
Well, that's just political.
Well, you were involved in protecting Pakistan and shutting down investigations while they were arming our enemies.
Oh, that's just political.
It's just all political!
Well, you're going to sign the assault weapons ban next year.
Well, you'd rather have a Democrat then?
And there's some new stuff about Terry and some mistress or something.
I mean, compared to all their other criminal activities, that doesn't even register
On the radar screen, my friends.
Doesn't even register on the radar screen.
Bush, being a member of Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove, dwarfs this National Guard business.
But at least people now know about the National Guard situation.
And we'll get back into this more.
We've got guests coming on to cover it, and we'll be exposing that more here on the air in the future.
Let me get into a bunch of other news, then we'll go to John in Virginia and others.
The toll-free number to join us, always a good idea, I guess, to give the number of the show, 1-800-259-9231.
Smart software gives surveillance eyes a brain.
In these days of heightened security and precautions, surveillance cameras watching over us
As we cross darkened parking lots or looking over the shoulders at airports may seem reassuring but they're only of use if someone is watching them.
Researchers at the University of Rochester's Computer Science Laboratories have found a way to give these cameras a rudimentary brain to keep an eye out for us and the research has already been licensed to a Rochester company with an aim towards homeland security.
Again, over a year ago
Thousands of cameras in London, of the four million in that country, have telescreens on them, have TV screens on them, and a computer face shouts things at you.
The computer is smart, and if it sees you drop something, or if you're walking suspiciously, it'll ask you what you're doing.
It does biometric data of how you're walking.
In five airports, they put NASA brain scanners, high-powered MRIs that scan your brain.
That's CBS News, by the way, two years ago.
I mean, folks, this is incredible.
Compared to paying a human computer time is cheap and getting cheaper, says Randall Nelson, Associate Professor of Computer Science and creator of the software Brain.
If we can get intelligent machines to stand in for people in observation tasks, we can achieve knowledge about our environment that would otherwise be unaffordable.
And, uh, he says, far from being an electronic big brother, the software would only focus on things for which it was trained to look.
Oh, like the gun in the airport, the absence of a piece of equipment in the lab.
Nelson has even created a prototype system that helps a person find things around the house, such as where reading glasses were left.
Oh, cameras!
And then they're talking about laws for Alzheimer patients to have computer cameras that monitor and retina scanning to start your car.
It'll decide if you're too tired or on drugs by the movement of the eye.
I mean, this is...
They want you to wear RFID bracelets to work in any big company so they know where you're at at all times, and most of the building can be evacuated.
It's just all for your safety.
And then, police all over the country, if they want to come into your house without a warrant now, just bust in the middle of the night, the whole SWAT team, and say, oh, you called 911.
Later you check the phone records, no such thing happened, but again, it's about getting into your life.
Or, oh, the camera picked up you saying something or doing something suspicious in that parking lot, so now we're going to have to interview you.
This is the system we're talking about.
And that story's posted, all these stories are posted at InfoWars.com.
I said a year ago, it's actually time's flying.
We're in 2004.
About two years ago,
There was a Wired Magazine article and also the Sunshine Project got some government documents about aggression drugs, amnesiacs, being tested on troops in Afghanistan.
And there were cases where our troops would put thousands of people in containers, leave them there for three days, most of them would die, those that didn't die were lined up and machine-gunned, and they would give these troops amnesiacs!
And they had the big top futurist at the Pentagon, 80-something years old, it looks like Dr. Evil, Dr. Marshall, talking about how wonderful all this is.
And then when Delta Force units came back and slaughtered their families, in one week, four guys attacked their wives and killed them.
When the police pulled up, one of them was flopping around the ground.
The police described him as being possessed.
They said, oh, it's the malaria drug.
Looks like they were using amnesiacs and other drugs on them.
Well, here is the San Diego Union Tribune today.
Blanks for the memories.
Someday you may be able to take a pill to forget painful recollections.
There's a scene in Shakespeare's Macbeth where the protagonist implores a doctor to treat Lady Macbeth, who was rocked by memories of past bad acts.
Caste thou, not minister, to a mind, Dissent pluck from the memory eruded, Sorrow raised out of the written troubles of the brain, And with some sweet oblivious antidote Cleanse the stuff, bosom, of that perilous stuff Which weighs upon thine heart.
The doctor, of course, can offer no real salvation.
Lady Macbeth is condemned to live with her bad memories.
The calling our past is part of the human condition.
But what if that really changed?
What if people, 400 years after Shakespeare asked, could take a pill to purposely dim, perhaps erase, our most painful and unwanted memories?
The notion has long been a favorite of fiction writers, from Shakespeare's fantasies to Philip K. Dick.
But serious people and scientists and scholars now believe it might be possible.
The burgeoning field of neuroscience providing new, more specific, and safer agents to help us combat all sorts of psychic distress, wrote the authors of Beyond Therapy, a recently released report on the President's Council of Bioethics.
Soon doctors may have just the sweet, obvious antidote that Macbeth so desired, drugs that numb the emotional sting typically associated with our intensely bad memories.
These are zombie drugs!
That was the headline, huh?
It was Marshall Plan, but one of the sub-headlines was Zombie Forces of the Pentagon.
Already being given to the troops.
Oh boy!
And the article is six pages long.
It's more detailed if you want to read it.
And it gets even more crazy.
Stem Cell Technique?
Murder or Medicine's Big Hope?
Now, about a month ago, New Jersey legalized, we read parts of the bill on air, word for word,
In fact, I've been thinking I should go back over that again.
It's kind of a big news story.
A little bit bigger than Janet Jackson or George Bush's military records.
This is horrible!
The law says they can grow humans in surrogate mothers.
At birth, they will take the body, keep growing it in a tank, and attach organs to it, and grow all sorts of things, and just use humans as factories.
No, just laboratories full of humanoids and tanks.
No big deal!
Legalized in New Jersey!
Average person has no idea, but they know all about the Super Bowl.
And this is out of Reuters.
Politicians, philosophers, lawyers, and scientists have been arguing about it for years.
But therapeutic cloning, making a human embryo to use it for medical research, is now a reality.
It's been going on for decades.
The BBC first reported six years ago that it had been going on for four years before that.
Korean scientists announced that they had made not just one, but thirty clones, not to grow into human babies, but to be used as a source of embryonic stem cells.
These are the body master cells, which then, taking from embryos, have the potential to create a brain, muscle, blood, organ, and a variety of other cells.
Opponents say the practice is murder because it involves the creation and destruction of human embryos, and they fear that the science could lead to the cloning of babies.
You know, I like to hunt, but when I shoot a deer, I still kind of have a feeling of sadness that I've taken a life, but, you know, it's part of the cycle, the life cycle.
But imagine growing babies just using them for body parts.
I mean, can you imagine the feeling you'd have doing that?
I mean, I even feel bad now when I smash a spider in my house.
I guess as you get older you realize life isn't infinite, you're going to die, and you love life more.
But my only point is that these cold creatures, we should be so outraged, but just, I don't have words to describe it.
Controversy continues to swirl around killing, even a long-abandoned human embryo for research, said John Kilner, president of the Chicago-based Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
Oh boy, I just... People have gotten behind the curve of how fast technology has accelerated.
I mean, where I sit, in this broadcast studio, and the neighborhoods around me, there are cameras now in the neighborhoods.
There are armored vehicles driving up and down the streets.
There are troops running checkpoints routinely on the major highways.
What's happening to this country is indescribable.
I've got stacks of other news.
We'll get to it.
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
And I'm not trying to be negative on this show, but we've got to face the problems if we're ever going to reverse them or even stand against them.
You've got to face the real world.
It imperils all of us that Americans have become spectators and self-centered and don't want to think about the hard questions and the bad things that are happening.
That's a recipe for disaster.
We're in a disaster, my friends.
John in Virginia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Alex, how you doing today?
I always want to say thank you because you certainly are opening up a lot of minds and waking up a lot of eyes out there.
You and Joyce and a few people out there are certainly responsible for the people that are waking up.
Well, I would say in small part, it's all of us working together.
Don't sell yourself short, my friend.
You've got more of a following out there than you think you do.
Oh, you know, it's kind of funny.
We were talking about, uh, you were talking about, George, just a minute ago, and it's the Dog and the Pony Show.
I can remember right after he landed there on the aircraft carrier, I was watching Fox the next morning, and one of the little girls on the show was talking about how Laura had certainly married a little hottie.
And the other girl couldn't agree more.
The women were just kind of falling all over themselves about how good looking he was.
And by the way, you know that's all staged.
Oh, well, sure it is.
Absolutely it is.
Oh, look at his beady eyes.
Man, he looks like a little green elf.
Man, he's really sexy.
I don't care.
Personally, I think that the service record Alex just shows more lies than deceit.
But frankly, I couldn't care less if the man was a
A winner of the Congressional Medal of Honor, and had a purple heart, and had both his legs blown off in wartime.
Fact is, Benedict Arnold, in his early days in military service, was considered a military hero.
Well, there were discussions that he would be the first president.
Oh, absolutely.
I mean, the bottom line is, this man is certainly committing treason.
The open borders,
I think the military record thing is just a diversion at this point.
And Alex, I think this, and I'm not being paranoid at all, I just think realistically, the closer we get to the truth, I think the closer we may get to another 9-11 event.
Oh, I totally agree.
So I think it's kind of important that we keep our eyes and our ears open and certainly our minds open to that possibility.
No, I think we find ourselves in interesting times, but I think more and more people are waking up.
I'm very encouraged.
Ten years ago, people with your message would have been considered crazy, and today it's mainstream.
Alex, LibertyPost.org, my friend.
Your articles get posted on there for discussion all the time.
I'd love to invite you over there.
Well, if I get a few seconds, I'll try.
I did four radio interviews, my radio show, a TV show, and then worked on a new film until two in the morning.
So, we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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All right, my friends, Alex Jones back live, haven't even scratched the surface of the vital news and information.
It's all coming up.
We're about to go to Mark and Wilfredo and Barack and many others that are holding.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I am far beyond driven.
I mean, when you realize how evil a globalist are, you almost have unlimited energy to fight them.
Or something's wrong with you.
I mean, when you know these people are kidnapping children, bringing in narcotics, and putting poison in the water, and horrible genetically-engineered designer diseases in the vaccines, and knowingly sending out AIDS-infested blood for the hemophiliacs, and when you start realizing just how wicked and soulless and sociopathic the globalists are, I mean, all you can do is fight them!
So I challenge you to face the full horror of the New World Order and to resist it.
I mean, all of us are in danger.
These people are megalomaniacal maniacs on total power trips.
You must resist them.
You must learn who they are and what they're up to.
Now, before I go back to these calls and all this news, just briefly, you know, I've made ten films.
They're excellent.
They're all over two hours long.
There's big discounts when you get three or more.
They drop down from $25.95 to $20.
A piece.
That's an $18 discount when you get three tapes.
A $24 discount when you get four tapes, and so on.
I've got pro-gun t-shirts, anti-tyranny t-shirts, a lot of liberal stuff, okay?
Again, we're pro-gun here, very liberal, I understand, we're liberal.
But you need to get these books, these videos, these t-shirts, because it spreads the word, it wakes people up, and secondarily, it supports the show and what we're doing.
I mean, there's frankly nothing I know of you can put your support into where it all gets used to fight the globalists like this show.
So go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get the videos.
Make copies of them.
Get them out on AXS TV.
Get them out to opinion makers and public officials in your area.
Call toll free to get the films 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
There's 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, both of those cover September 11th.
There's Matrix of Evil, getting into what the Globals are up to and how to stop them.
Police State 3 is an education in and of itself, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Mark in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
There's a talk show host that sort of follows your lead.
Lied about his age to join the Guard I think in the 70's when he was 16 and he decided it wasn't for him so he didn't show up for any more meetings.
And he talks about this proudly over the radio and they got paid for it.
He said a few months or a year down the line they called him into the office and he thought he was in trouble but he wasn't.
They promoted him.
And so he got an honorable discharge and all of that.
So it just shows you that
No, he was in the garden and told the truth about it.
Well, I mean, we have $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
About $3 billion of that was stolen by officers.
$3 billion of $1.2 trillion.
Bush's answer last year, this was in the news, was to double the amount from $25,000 on their credit cards, their expense cards, to over $40,000.
So a massive increase.
And, so I want folks to think about this, because they want to corrupt the officers.
They want to get dirt on them.
Anything else?
Well, maybe you should get him on your radio program one day at KTFA.
K-T-F-A, is that in Dallas?
Uh, no, uh, San Antonio K-T-F-A 550.
What's this?
Oh, yeah.
No, that's okay.
I know all about that station.
Neocon's all... Now, they said the Bohemian Grove doesn't exist, and I'm a liar.
When the Bohemian Grove admits it.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already into the second hour of global transmission.
Loaded phones, we're about to go back to your calls.
Poll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
More of Bush's driving records have come out, his drunken driving, his automobile accidents.
Members of the National Guard up in Alabama say Bush never showed up.
They were looking forward to meeting him, this big politico they were told.
He just never showed up for several years.
Never saw him.
And that's officers talking about that, and that's out of the New York Times, the Associated Press, USA Today.
Also, the Texas National Guard is saying they were told in the late 90s to cover up Bush's records.
By some of the governor's staff.
And this is the military saying it.
And Bush says, if you talk about this, you're against the Guard.
So I guess all these members of the Guard, and these administrators and folks, they're against the Guard.
I mean, this is the mindless psychology that they use.
Don't talk about the government, or you're against every police officer and firefighter!
You know, it's just this, the government's perfect, never did nothing wrong, don't criticize nobody!
And, uh, so we'll get back into that.
Also, we'll get back into new drugs to blank out your memories.
I say this is real good for you.
Cameras that have intelligence, their own intelligence, tracking you and watching your activities.
More on human cloning being legalized.
Former Iraq ambassadors, these decades-long U.S.
military presence.
Yeah, the original PNAC documents said five to ten years.
So they lied when they said, oh, the troops, as soon as you get to Baghdad, you'll be coming home.
O'Reilly has said again that he was wrong.
I was wrong.
Fox Pundit says, now they're going to hang Bush out to dry when he's just a puppet.
A judge dismisses suit about voting receipts.
A congressman had sued, saying there needs to be a record of how you vote.
And the judge says, no.
Having a record of how you vote and having a paper ballot is bad.
And the League of Women Voters agrees.
They say that, you know, this new system run by the CIA is quite good.
Sharon to ask Bush for $2 billion for a disengagement fence.
That's a new term for it.
I wish we could have $2 billion for a fence here.
Also, dollar tumbles on widening trade deficit and jobless claims rise.
But hey, not when you watch MSNBC or CNBC.
They say the economy's doing real good right now.
Also, most think truth was stretched to justify Iraq war in a major poll.
The truth was stretched?
How about it was flagrantly, premeditatedly lied to?
Loyola will test blood substitute without patient's consent.
The hospitals say, we don't care if you don't want it.
You know, hospitals already take your corneas, kill you in many cases, and take your organs.
They've been caught doing that, but now we'll just test stuff on you without your consent.
Who cares if you sue us?
We got federal funds.
Bush appoints Iran-Contra figure to head up Iraq intelligence probe.
Fox guarding the Hent House.
Iraqis blame U.S.
for bomb attacks on Army recruits.
Probably true.
Mad Vlad urges West and Russia to destroy Islam.
Yeah, I remember the guy that said he wanted to Vladimir Verovosky, the guy that wants to nuke the U.S.
and all this.
Well, now he's our friend and wants to merge with us.
to get the evil muslims and uh... iraq arms hunt in doubts you know to us a day of course they knew a note to that there they were going to find a weapons but i still like you know what's the big deal that's just what they did and uh... u s signals possible use of force over iran's weapons may need to go ahead and start that invasion so hey you don't like this war we've got another war to smoke screen uh... what you have to say out of africa carry prepares response to media probe of relationship
More mindless pat diversions of the Skull and Bones member.
And, well, a lot more coming up as evidence of the murder of Diana and Dr. David Kelly comes out.
So stay with us.
We'll come back, take calls, and then we will get straight back into the news that I just mentioned.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know, I'm gonna go ahead and say this now, so I don't forget to do it.
Mark's been running this show off and on for, what, four years.
And he's going to be leaving Minnesota and coming back down to Texas here in the next few weeks.
I want to tell Mark he's done a great job.
It's been good working with him.
His last day is next week.
And again, the way I operate, I'll end up forgetting to say bye to him on the air.
So good job, Mark, and good knowing you, and Godspeed.
Mark's been working at this network since he was, what, like 16?
Now he's twenty-something and he's going to be down here going to college.
He tells me he's not going to miss the six foot of snow.
Hey, it's bad down here in Austin.
We had freezing rain this morning.
I might see that every two or three years, so he'll be a little bit closer to the equator.
All right, let's get back to the calls.
Let's talk to Brock in Canada, then Wilfredo and Dennis John and others.
Brock, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
If we were to put it in a nutshell, the reason that we went into Iraq and Afghanistan and possibly Iran and Syria, is it mainly oil and oil contracts?
Well, look, we have the PNAC documents written by Dick Cheney, Rumsfeld, Richard Perl, Paul Wolfowitz and others, and they say that, number one, it's about using Iraq as a new military base to attack Syria and Iran to not
To restrict the amount of oil coming out of Iraq, thus boosting prices.
See, it's not just selling the oil, it's controlling the oil, having that monopoly.
And now they've cut the Russians off from pipelines through Afghanistan, now they can have those pipelines.
So it's about controlling a commodity and creating artificial scarcity.
They've got the left out there putting out false reports about peak oil, saying we're running out of oil, which is a total fraud.
We have enough in one field in Alaska to run the U.S.
for 100 years, by the way.
Enough coal to run us for thousands of years just here in the U.S.
So it's a fraud.
We can get clean burning fuels off corn.
You name it.
So they're going to tell you there's a scarcity of oil over the years, monopolize it, control it, and continue to frustrate new technological developments.
So it's about controlling resources, but to do that, they've got to have Iraq as a base to invade other countries, and if they invade other countries, maybe blow something else up, say that Syria or Iran got the nukes from the Pakistani scientists, which they, of course, financed to do this.
That is our own government.
Then they can make us forget about military records and skull and bones and open borders and gun control.
The next stage is, I think, this roadmap to peace in Israel is a total and complete and absolute farce.
Well, yeah.
I mean, look, it's like Waco when the tanks are pumping in CS gas and ramming down whole sections of the building.
I mean, at the back of the building they destroyed, you know, thousands of square feet running over dead bodies.
They had machine guns.
While the Bullhorns said, this is not an assault, this is not an assault.
So they go, roadmap to peace!
Intensify bombing!
It's a joke.
Well, is the whole idea to control that area, too, and just have the, you know, the globalists are a bunch of evil psychopaths, and is it all about UN population control?
It is.
They've got to get... Look, thanks for the call.
Let me boil this down for people.
When they sit around in Bilderberg Group meetings and high-level CFR and Trilateral Commission meetings,
And the Committee of 300 are the main ones that steer this, and again the Committee of 300 are all members of these other groups.
What do they talk about?
What's their main mission?
This is what they say.
This is how they rationalize putting viruses in the vaccines, and poison in the water, and genetically engineering the food crops so they don't produce seeds the next year to monopolize the food supply.
We've got to be more ruthless than anybody else out there.
Why do we have to do this?
Well, because we've got to be more ruthless than anyone else because they're going to be ruthless.
And we've got to protect the brain trust and the future of humanity.
And to do that, we've got to create a world government with no sovereign nations controlled by an iron fist.
Because of all this new genetic engineering and the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, we'll all be destroyed if we don't create a world government now.
And so we've got to be ruthless and vicious and lie and cheat and of course be in total power and control which we can't stand doing but somebody's got to do it.
That's the mindset.
So any quote rogue nation whether it's a dictator or a good country, good country bad, that doesn't matter to them.
They just want control and they want control over you individually so they can slow down technological development on the
Technological, societal, industrial, pharmacological, fourth wave level that we're on, they need to freeze or massively slow the development of civilization while they build highly advanced technocracy
peers or spires uh... behind a national security envelopes uh... and then use the life extension technologies all the new systems uh... for the power elite they say that they can't give six and a half billion of us this and you know that they're just going to hoard it all for themselves and then those that accept that argument go yeah we've got to do it we'll we'll we'll look at who the elite is a bunch of inbred
People on power trips that make Nero look sane.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
So, you know, they have this argument that they sell to MIT professors and that they sell to their nuclear physicists and their level 5 bioweapons lab folks at Groom Lake, and this is why we're doing all this, and yes, you know, it's horrible to see what we're doing and be involved in this, but the ends justifies the means.
And they said it.
I mean, the future will be compact cities and plantable microchips in you, tracking everything you do, forced drugging at birth, different classes of people, a ruling elite who's not all drugged out and hopped up and brainwashed, and then the one-child policy worldwide, and they want to kind of, you know, peacefully restrict birth that way, while killing off third-world populations through vaccines and the food supply.
I mean, that's the system.
You want to know what they're doing and their whole rationale, it's we've got to be more evil than anybody else because somebody else will be ruthless and they'll get control of the system and then it's all over for us.
The problem is, is to create the global crisis, just like they created World War I to give you the League of Nations, that failed, so World War II was bigger on a wider scale to give you the UN and now
They can say, see, these sovereign countries are threatening world peace.
We've got to have world government and world taxation to help the poor and the AIDS program that's really to kill the third world.
When you look at what they're doing, they're proliferating the weapons.
They're proliferating biological disasters.
They're doing all this to create the crises so they can then offer their solution, an even bigger clamp down on humanity.
Now, what I just gave you was the heart of the New World Order.
It's what it's all about.
It's information that is at the center of their program.
You have their program.
You have their operation now.
You have their system.
Okay, let's go ahead and take another call.
Wilfredo in New Jersey.
Go ahead.
Wilfredo, it's good to have you on the broadcast with us.
Are you there?
Yes, go ahead.
I'm not afraid.
I'm somebody else.
I'm Mike from Texas.
Okay, buddy, go ahead.
How do you fit in the scenario happening with the coming economic collapse as well as the 2000 signing of a friendship treaty between China and Russia, and then
Well, look, you have the international corporations that are bigger than any one government that control the governments through payoffs and loans.
And whether it's China or Russia or England or the U.S.
or Argentina, all the same policies, the same biometric ID cards, the same police training, the same type of propaganda and media mind-washing.
It's all unified.
Russia's controlled by the globalists, China's controlled by the globalists, Europe is, the U.S.
You do have different power blocks within this global mafia who occasionally fight for control, but that's why the big bankers are good at playing different power blocks off against each other to maintain their monopoly of power.
So it's just like Bush and Kerry.
Both skull and bones, both cousins.
It's not even a real presidential election.
Same thing with China and Russia and the U.S.
They're all in bed together.
Well, uh, one more thing is, uh, well, I'm trying to figure out how this country is just gonna vanish, because there's no trace of it in the Old and New Testament whatsoever.
What are you trying to find?
Oh, I'm just trying to, uh, picture, uh, just trying to figure out a scenario how it's gonna happen.
There's no mention of America in the, uh, Bible.
Old and New Testament.
Well, I mean, that's up to interpretation.
That's why I just stick to the news and the information and cover what's happening there because the danger is most of the preachers in America are bought and paid for by the government and they're putting out this false paradigm of, oh, we should rejoice the chips are coming out, we should rejoice that there's all this tyranny because that means the rapture is about to happen and let's just go along with it and the microchip isn't bad and forced abortion isn't bad in China
You know, this is now the new Christianity.
I guess they said that the rapture was going to happen before the Second World War, and the Second World War happened, and 50 million people died during that period.
Well, more than that, and Chinese Christians always think it's the rapture, and people in Africa think it's the rapture, and really, it's a big cop-out.
Regardless of whether the rapture's today or a hundred years from now, I'm going to fight tyranny.
I'm going to warn people.
I'm going to fight evil.
But you've got a bunch of Christians that just love it, and they're sucking their thumbs.
And when there's a new world leader on the scene, the Pat Robertsons of the world, we'll tell them that this is Jesus, He has come, and they will worship Him.
Thank you for the call.
That's what I see shaping up in the media.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
Jack Brownring for Midas Resources.
Last summer, we did some two-year comparisons between the equity markets and gold.
Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The Nasdaq in that same time frame is flat.
Two years ago, the U.S.
dollar was worth 17% more than the Euro.
Today, the U.S.
dollar is worth 28% less than the Euro.
Guess which one has gold backing?
January of 2002, gold's spot was 283.
January of 2004, it's well over $400 at a 13-year high, up near 40%.
Gold is moving.
Equities are treading water.
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We're here, folks.
Alright, let's try to go to Ann and Dennis and John and Michael and Reverend Martin and then I'm going to get back into news and we've got more guests coming up and more news.
Let's go to Ann in Colorado.
Ann, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Alex, I am a non-vaccinating home birth and mother of four boys whose husband is watching our 9-11 tape as we speak.
Just took the red pill, Alex.
What I want to know, basically, is what do we do besides
I've never seen such an awakening as is taking place right now, Ann.
We've got to awaken others because we all know that we're not going to change America through John Kerry or George Bush or Albert Gore or Howard Dean or any of these people.
We're going to change America through our hearts and minds and then putting that into action.
The globalists didn't build the new world order overnight.
We're not going to defeat it overnight.
But if we stand up and do the right thing and say no to their system, there is nothing they can do.
They will fail.
Well, it just seems like, you know,
Something's got to come down from heaven to stop all this.
It's so huge.
You know, and I just... I just think, you know, is there going to be a revolution?
Are people going to actually stand up and fight?
Okay, take your time, Ann.
Do you have cameras up on the street corners?
Oh, yeah.
Okay, well you can get the documents.
They're all over the place.
Those are federal, part of DARPA.
You can go to your city council, get enough people involved.
If people even took action, you could get those cameras removed.
There's other stuff going on in your town.
You could educate people about the Second Amendment.
You could educate them about vaccinations.
You could educate them about homeschooling.
You could get people out of the system, wake people up.
There's so much you can do.
You've got to pick one enemy you're going to fight, or a few issues you're going to go after, and go after those issues.
Well, it's... I mean, believe me, I mean, I've defeated legislation in this state just because I took action and got folks motivated.
I've, you know, helped send people to jail who were corrupt.
I've... I mean, I know the power of taking action.
And so you just have to take action.
Sounds to me like you already are.
Sounds to me like your children aren't going to be damaged by this system.
That they're already going to, you know, have a better foundation than the ravaged youth of today.
Well, it is a huge obligation.
To try and raise your kids out of the system.
Well, I think that right there is you're doing more than 99% of people.
Well, God help us.
I hope so.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Hey, thank you, Ann.
I appreciate that call.
Let's talk to Dennis in Missouri.
Dennis, go ahead.
I'd like to comment on the fraudulent Skull and Bones election.
You know, you saying what a fraud it was.
I was listening to the Charlie Rose Show last night, and I know you don't care about Howard Dean, but the media has done a complete blackout.
They act like he doesn't even exist as a candidate anymore.
And I've been listening to stuff over the internet and I see a huge awakening of people.
A lot of people are angry because they're realizing just how fraudulent this election is.
I mean, it's so out in the open.
Yeah, it's not just the electronic voting machine companies, publicly run by the CIA, engaged in total fraud, their own engineers going public, vice presidents of companies being convicted felons for computer crimes, wireless receivers and transmitters in them, you know, federal courts saying no voting record, ha ha ha,
I'm going to get to that later.
I mean, it's not just that.
Now we have two cousins from the same satanic cult as your presidential candidate.
Well, also, in Washington, I looked out on the internet and there was actually fraud going on.
A person found some fraud in two or three precincts.
Well, hear me out, sir.
I've got hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of mainstream articles where they catch them stealing elections.
Well, I think this is another one of those elections that's a complete joke, so that's just my opinion.
But again, everybody's so focused on the top of the pyramid.
The power is in your town and your city.
By the way, I have articles today.
Three more big cities, good-sized towns, throughout the Patriot Act.
That's great.
And I'm not talking about New York and St.
Paul from earlier this week.
Three more!
I agree with you, man.
You've met me.
I met you up here in Kansas City, and that's all I've got to comment on.
Well, good to hear from you.
And I think we're winning, regardless of what the media says.
Well, that's it.
You've got to realize that's an enemy propaganda arm.
When Peter Jennings says we all love tyranny, and Sean Hannity says every child needs a microchip, and cameras in the schools are good.
I mean, just remember that our troops didn't listen to Tokyo Rose on the radio going, you die, G.I.
You never see sweetheart!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
There's no way to do... What do the Borgs say?
Resistance is futile.
Resistance is futile.
No, resistance isn't futile.
Except for you.
Because evil always loses and always destroys itself.
The New World Order is going to hell.
They are going down into the pit.
It's already a fact.
We've already won.
Ha ha!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Jack Brownrigg for Midas Resources.
Last summer, we did some two-year comparisons between the equity markets and gold.
Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The Nasdaq in that same time frame is flat.
Two years ago, the U.S.
dollar was worth 17% more than a year old.
Today, the U.S.
dollar is worth 28% less than a euro.
Guess which one has gold backing?
January of 2002, gold spot was $2.83.
January of 2004, it's well over $400 at a 13-year high, up near 40%.
Gold is moving.
Equities are treading water.
This is a little of the billions lost in market scandals.
Put your money in a safe haven.
Physical possession, private gold.
Remember, gold cannot go bankrupt.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we'll go right back to your calls on this open line Friday, and then back into more news here in just a few minutes.
You know, I've just been thinking a lot lately about... Well, about death.
I mean, it's not really that scary, is it?
We're all going to die.
I mean, I think of how many members of my family, people I love so much, who have died just in the last few years, and they're gone.
And their short lives are here no more, but they're still alive in our hearts and minds and in our memories and the works that they did in their life, the families they raised.
Their stamp goes on through all of us.
And before you know it, you can be 25 years old out there.
Before you know it, you're going to be a grandpa, if you're lucky.
When you look back on your life, is it all just going to be filled with soap operas and football games and topless bars and bass fishing and feeding your own animal instincts?
Or would you have created anything?
Done anything?
Added something to the world?
Stood up against tyranny?
Helped widows and orphans?
You know, engaged in real charity?
Because that bumper sticker that's on the back of people's cars, I've seen it many times, that says, the man who dies with the most toys wins, or the girl who dies with the most toys wins.
That is such a fraud!
Everybody who's studied history knows that the person who dies wins, who stood up for righteousness, who did the right thing, who sacrificed for the greater good of their fellow man.
I mean, the great commandment, do unto others as you'd have them do unto you, is not a... frankly, I don't even see it as a cross to bear.
It is a great opportunity that God has given us.
I mean, what type of world will we have if we have loving, compassionate, strong, dedicated people with real values and real intelligence and real creativity who are daring to explore and push the envelope of exploration
In the past, that's what built Western civilization.
The rock stars were the scientists, and the thinkers, and the pastors, and the people who died fighting against impossible odds, but through their sacrifice, incredible things happened.
And I look at the
I look at the scam, the lemon, the desecrated system we've been sold, of do as thou wilt, and only care about yourself, and eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we die.
When you have that type of attitude, the world around you turns into a hell!
When everybody stops caring, and when everybody stops caring about the facts, and stops caring about politicians lying,
And stops caring about the government, doing something bad to your neighbors.
When that starts to happen, things race downhill very quickly.
That's why the globalists don't want us helping our neighbors, don't want us mistrusting the government.
They want us all isolated in little pockets, watching our televisions, not even knowing who our neighbors are.
We've got to change that.
We've got to be leaders.
And we've got to face the horror of the New World Order and face just how wicked it is.
I don't have words to describe to you my daily research, reading legislation, reading government documents, reading the news stories, integrating the information, just how wicked the globalists are.
But look at history, look at all the horrible things that the Japanese, the Chinese, the Indians,
The Persians, the Romans, the Greeks, the Germans, the Druids, the Aztecs, the Mayans, the Toltecs.
The norm in history has been bloodthirsty elites institutionalizing the predatory hitting like livestock animals of the general public and using us for their own sport and enjoyment.
And you know what?
That's happening again right now.
And you better see through it, you better look around you, you better realize what's happening, because we're on the edge, we're on the razor's edge, we're on the precipice.
And now that we're at the precipice, I see a shudder going through the body politic.
I see a lot of people smelling the stench of rotten humanity under the floorboards.
Well, instead of running out of the room, because we can't get out of this room, we can't get off this planet until we die, we gotta pull up the floorboards,
And we've got to face what's under them.
And really, the globalists have psychologically inoculated us with this New World Order.
They've taken the rotten corpse out, they've set it in an easy chair next to us, and they've dumped a bottle of perfume on it, and it smiles at us with worms coming out of it, telling us how good it is!
If you had eyeballs, if you had discernment, if your soul
Had anything but darkness in it, you would recognize what's looking at you from six inches away!
Look, you know, for me to fight the New World Order, people every day, oh your courage, oh you're so wonderful, oh you're so good.
Folks, I'm just an average person that knows what evil is, and I don't like it, and I feel threatened by it, and I mean, a dog will bark at somebody, you know, at something that's evil, but something that's threatening.
You know, a dog will attack it if it moves forward.
I mean, I'm no better than my dog, people.
I see some threatening, wicked, sickening system.
I'm just a normal person with normal, God-given programming, and I vomit at the sight of this New World Order.
I mean, I can't deviate.
I can't stop what I'm doing.
I am far beyond driven.
And you don't know what the New World Order is until you are far beyond driven.
I am far beyond driven.
There is... I'm like a river, just water, going towards my destination.
I can't stop.
I would never stop.
People all the time, you know, walk up to me in a... I was at the pet store.
Guy walks over.
Grocery store happens everywhere.
Mr. Jones, I... You know, I've got all these degrees, and I've researched what you have to say, and I... I know it's true, but aren't you worried about being audited?
Aren't you worried about them killing you?
Aren't you?
And I go, well...
Don't you understand that the idea, the mindset...
That you have, sir.
That everybody has this mindset and that allows the bullies to run rampant.
That allows the evil to increase and increase and increase.
Because that's why evil increases and waxes so bad when you lay down to it.
Because you'll have one evil person and then they get removed by another evil person.
And then only the most evil can maintain the positions of power.
It's an automatic synthesis of wickedness.
It's an automatic race to the ultimate level of evil.
Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts, absolutely.
I mean, it's a fact.
It's like gravity.
It's the law of nature, as our founding father said.
And so when we're all cowering and afraid, and, oh, I better not speak out, they might get on a list, and... When you act like that, as Alexander Solzhenitsyn said, you ensure your enslavement.
The new old order could have a gun to my head right now, and could say, you know,
Shut up, stop doing what you're doing, or we're going to blow your head off.
I mean, I've had those phone calls before.
And I mean, automatically, I intensify what I'm doing.
It doesn't even take a willing to do it.
It's just automatic.
Because as the force of the New World Order grows, our power is growing.
Don't you understand that?
That when the enemy comes in like a flood, the Lord will lift up a standard against it.
And you are that standard.
And you're all feeling the calling.
You're feeling it in your soul, your mind, your heart, your very fiber.
And the reason you're afraid and frustrated and freaked out is because you haven't given in to God.
You haven't surrendered to God.
And when you surrender to God, He will take you.
That's a great comfort, my friends, and you will be used however God wants to use you.
But you know what?
You've got to let God use you, and you've got to ask God to fashion you, and you've got to do it, or it's over for this society.
Again, there's nothing I can describe, just the roiling, stinking,
New World Order, and just the level of evil rising around us.
It's off the Richter scale, and you know what?
This is only the first wave of the storm.
It gets a lot worse.
Elites go into this type of psychosis in every case, and they've done it.
They're completely possessed by the spirit of wickedness that drives them.
I mean, how else could they operate?
You can't commit evil act after evil act, and either you get depressed, and your conscious comes in, and you go the opposite direction out of wickedness, or at a certain point of no return, it's like a black hole, these people have just been sucked into it.
And the pressures get worse and worse, and they totally commit themselves to it.
They're like anti-matter compared to the rest of the universe.
But understand, as their force increases, and it is growing, and I can see it, as it launches more and more salvos and more and more directions with more and more synchronistic operations, there's going to be more resistance.
And the New World Order hates us because they see in us everything they've lost, everything they could never be.
And they see the hell they've already created for themselves.
Alright, I don't want to get too esoteric or into philosophy here, but if you can't feel the evil, if it doesn't make you burn with a desire to smash it, then let me tell you, you're with the enemy.
I can hardly contain
My disgust, my, the push I feel against this, my wish that I could do more, my wish that I could be more effective, my total encompassing desire is to see you wake up.
And I mean really wake up.
Alright, before we go back to these calls and news, I've made 10 films and they're real good.
They're very informative, very scary, it gives you a glimpse into the full scale system we're facing.
They're interconnected.
They don't just focus on one issue.
They show you the overarching architecture of the New World Order.
You need to have them.
You need to have all ten of the videos.
You need to get them.
You need to make copies of them.
You need to get them out to people.
I don't know how I'm supposed to convince you to do this, to take action.
Please get them.
Please make copies.
And this is the best tool I've found.
Most of the people that see them are waking up.
And so how could you turn down something that's working this good?
You've heard the listeners talk about it.
I just thank God, and I hope God will help me make even better films, but I just... You need to get the videos, and you need to order them now.
You need to call right now.
You need to call 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Or 1-888-253-3139 or Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The films are $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more.
And I've written a book and published a book and carry some other great items at the website.
You know, Mark Twain said in the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared, but in time when his cause succeeds, the temptation to join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And what's the saying?
Coward dies a thousand deaths, but a patriot, a hero, only dies once.
I mean... You know, I'm sorry for the evil things I've done.
I... We've all got problems.
We're living in a very evil society.
And, um... Once you've been involved in evil, you try to rationalize it.
You try to make excuses for it.
The flesh is strong.
The best thing to do is just repent, all of us, for not doing our job, for not fighting hard enough, and to commit ourselves to the fight against the Globalist.
Okay, I guess John and then Michael and then Reverend Martin and Rhonda and Mike.
Who's up next, Mark?
Okay, Michael and Flora.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Or maybe not.
Yeah, put him back on hold.
He's got his radio up.
As soon as you're done with that, we'll bring you up there.
Go ahead, Michael in Florida.
You got your radio down?
No, he does.
We'll put him back on hold.
Let's go to Reverend Martin in Mass.
Reverend Martin, go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing?
I was just listening to you.
I just wanted to tell you, you were walking a spirit in me.
I served in the Army for seven years.
I was in Vietnam and all.
But I hadn't been listening to your program, and a friend had told me to listen to it, and I started listening to it the past couple of days, taking down notes and everything, and I passed on all kinds of information to people.
It's something I've been preaching for a long time, and now to know that somebody's there that's just getting this out, because you look at these people, they get up there and they promise you the world, and you see what they really stand for.
And it's not right, like you were saying, the evil.
I mean, evil is in this world so fast.
Sometimes, Reverend, when something is so close to you, you can't see it.
You just got to back away from it or see it from another angle.
I mean, both the presidential candidates are members of a hereditary, generational Satan cult.
And that's admitted.
We just calmly have devil worshippers running for president.
Any comments?
That's true.
Like I said, I was looking up some things online on the Illuminati and all the skull and bones and it gives all the names of who the people are.
When you look at them and see it, it's like going back in history and realizing this has been going on for a long time and now people are starting to stand up against it for the Lord.
I just ask God to bless you and your family in every way.
You're doing such a great work.
That's about all I can say.
Well, thank you for the call, and look, all I can say is I'm doing my duty.
Duty's mine, consequences, that's God's.
And, you know, my job is simply to get people to awaken.
We're all Paul Revere's.
And we know the threats here, it's been so creeping, now it's right on top of us.
Redcoats aren't landing, folks, they're knocking down our doors, they're knocking in our minds, they're taking our souls.
The Bible talks about the Antichrist, the King of the Earth, trading in men's souls.
And really, somebody who doesn't care about New Jersey legalizing cloning, past birth for body parts?
I mean, they don't have a soul.
They lost their soul.
That's why people can sit here and watch 45 million abortions and all this and not think it's a big deal.
These are soulless creatures.
They're dangerous.
And their hordes are increasing.
Hordes of these people.
But at the same time, those that were lukewarm, those that were on the fence, more and more of them are activating.
Their minds are turning on.
They're seeing it now.
We'll be back with more calls and more news.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Make no mistake, if we weren't here fighting this, if you weren't out there doing what you've done, we would already be in a much worse situation.
Let's go back to the calls.
Next up is Michael in Florida, then Rhonda in
Mike and Don and Jim and others.
Go ahead, Mike.
Yeah, Alex, I've listened to you for quite a while.
And number one, I wish you'd get on the XM Radio and that way more truck drivers could hear your broadcast.
We have tried.
We've tried to get on DISH Network, all of it.
Well, if there's anything I can do to help you, I'd be more than happy to do so because your broadcast is very, very important.
Go ahead and educate the truck drivers, and they will definitely educate the rest of the country.
As you know, truck drivers run this country, basically.
Without them, the country stops.
But what I wanted to call you about is, have you ever heard of destructive beam?
It's a new thing the government has... I'm using everybody's cell phone, and... Well, that's okay.
Go ahead.
Okay, well, if you could investigate it, it's a destructor beam, and what it does is the same thing as that thing that they shoot people with, the cops shoot them with it, and it destructs their body functions.
Yeah, I mean, you're talking about non-lethal weapons, which are training devices to train the police to engage non-violent
Folks that don't like their pension funds being taken, their land being taken.
That's what they've been training for for decades.
They have Humvees mounted with giant microwave dishes that can burn your skin or kill you or just hurt you.
They have sound rifles.
Have you ever heard of the people that all of a sudden go into flames?
I'm a ham operator myself and I deal very, very heavily to frequencies.
I'm a fanatic about it and I have picked up
Phone calls from what they call hard line, actual wires, okay?
Without frequency.
I'll tell you why that's happening.
They are now using data transfer over power lines.
And a lot of weird stuff's happening.
It's causing a lot of problems.
I have dealt very heavily in frequencies, and somebody told me that the government has this device right now.
They're trying to perfect it, but they have it right now.
It's a destructor beam.
It's almost like Star Wars.
They point it at you, they pull a trigger, and instead of the electrodes hitting you,
It's just a frequency that disrupts your body functions and neutralizes you.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for the call.
Look, they have sound wave rifles, they have different frequency systems.
These are admitted.
I don't know about a destructor beam, that particular term, but yes, they probably have a lot of these systems they want to deploy against us.
Rhonda in Missouri, go ahead.
Hi, Big Berkey.
Well, I guess now since you've been working out your Berkey Light, leaner but more powerful.
Hey, I called my local school superintendent this morning, because you're right.
We've got to take action.
With information comes responsibility.
And I called him because I'd heard him say on the radio that he was getting a grant from the government for security of the children.
So I talked to him this morning and asked him about it, what that entailed.
He said, well, um, you know, in case of disaster, whatever, there was different, you know, programs.
He offered me the opportunity to take a look at that.
I said that I'd appreciate that.
I said, let me just tell you, you know, my concerns.
I said, you sound like a good Christian man.
Um, but when I hear things of like the Assistant Homeland Security Director on the East Coast saying, uh, should we go into a red alert that if you're out on the highway, you're going to be considered an enemy.
You'll leave your house.
That's Ted Kaspersen, Gannett News Service, last year.
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll come back to you, Rhonda, and everybody else.
We'll be back in the third hour.
Stay with us, my friends.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'll tell you how the New World Order gets a lot of its work done.
It comes out with a plan that sounds like it's for the good of the people and to keep us all safe.
And then good, decent people who haven't researched the facts, but are psychologically lazy and cowardly.
Just decided to go along with it and not ask questions.
And now we're here at the point of a hyper-police state where the scaffolding of control greater than 1984 has been built around us.
And we're talking to Rhonda in Missouri, then we'll go to Mike, Don, Jim, and others, and then back into the news.
Go ahead, Rhonda, finish up what you were saying.
Well, Alex, and then I asked him, I said, okay, well, yeah, I understand all the, you know, security, and we've got to make sure the kids get back to the right parents and stuff.
I said, do you foresee any reason why the children would leave the city?
He said, oh no, I wouldn't think of anything like that.
I said, you said you're going to get the children, it's your responsibility to get the children together and then hand that responsibility over to somebody else.
Who is that that you're handing that responsibility over to?
He said, I would never let these kids go.
I said, what would you do if you were confronted with an M-16 in your face?
Or the person you handed the children over to said, okay, now we're leaving the city.
I said, you know, we have industrialized child kidnapping going on all over, not only this country, but this world.
We have DynCorp.
We've seen what happens when refugee camps are set up and DynCorp comes in and steals children.
Well, for those that don't know, all over the country, in thousands of cases, we've got these articles posted on the site, they do these drills where the army pulls up, they load the kids on buses,
And they ship them off to a, quote, FEMA center, and all over the country they put fences up, tell the parents you've got to have ID cards, you've got to get your kids from outside the fence.
They've got the, you know, the ID badges, the thumb scanning to get to lunches, the cameras in the classrooms and bathrooms.
So this is happening all over.
Basically, did you lay that out for the superintendent?
I did, and he was very, very receptive.
I said, you know, the one thing we've learned from our history is we haven't learned from our history.
I said, Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein aren't taking our rights away.
I asked him if he'd be willing.
He said, we're going to be running some drills.
He said, you're welcome to come watch.
He had the guy in charge of this program call me, and he's going to put me on the committee.
I gave him background.
I have background in law enforcement.
That's what we need to do.
We need to get in there.
We need to educate our local people, so if FEMA comes down and says we're taking our children, we've got a backup plan.
Well, that's what Sid Casperson in New Jersey, the FEMA guy, said.
And again, in the name of security, I mean, I've had the City Councilwoman from Denver saying, oh yeah, we're going to put you in the sports stadiums.
I mean, this is what they're setting up.
And we've got to inform people.
We can't be afraid to say the truth.
You know, we can't be afraid to gloss over it anymore.
When the security guy that runs that part of the program called me back, and I was asking him questions, and he said I could come in and take a look at the thing.
And then he said, do you mind if I ask while you're interested?
I told him about the plans if we go into a red alert.
I told him about Dying Corps Kidnapping Children.
I said, look at Florida down there.
They've got thousands missing in the CPS system.
He's the one that said, I'll put you on the committee.
Well, good!
Excellent, wonderful, Rhonda.
What I want to know is, do you have any points
I would go to the website and print off a Washington Post, an AP article, the Gannett News Service would say, Casperson, I would get these articles, put like a 20-page packet together and go...
We need local control over emergency programs.
We don't want to turn our schools into prisons.
This is the federal plan.
Let's keep this local.
And I think by educating people, you would have made your area safe.
I think so too.
And I'm very proud of our community.
We just turned down franchise trash service 88%.
And that just goes to show, Thomas Payne said, when most people have the truth, most people make the right decisions.
That's it.
Thanks for the call.
All right, we'll come back on a few news items we haven't gotten to yet, then I'll get to all the others that are holding.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Again, my friends, it's Open Line Friday.
Wide open phones at 1-800-259-9231.
Let me go over some news, then we'll go back to your calls, then back into news.
I'm going to recap some of the top stories as well.
As Lord Bush's real military records come out, he's caught in, yet again, massive total lies.
Former Iraq ambassador sees decades-long U.S.
military presence.
This is from Congress Daily.
Retired Army Lieutenant General Jay Garner, the former interim administrator of post-conflict reconstruction efforts in Iraq, said Thursday that a U.S.
military presence in Iraq could last the next few decades.
Oh, a few decades!
But questioned the mix of forces already there and current plans to reconfigure the armed forces as a whole.
Echoing concerns raised by lawmakers at this week's defense budget hearings, Garner said in an interview with the National Journal Group, reporters and editors at the size of the Army and Marine Corps should be increased by enlarging the infantry or ground forces.
You'll have to have a draft to do that.
And he warned that the current strain on National Guard and Reserve forces deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan could cripple efforts to retain experienced soldiers.
By the way, they have a little-known clause in the contract you sign, where you may be signing up for three years, five years, eight years.
They can just keep you in there.
And tens of thousands of troops are being held, and so we already really have a draft.
Continuing, I was wrong on Iraq, Fox pundit O'Reilly has admitted again.
It says a right-wing American television presenter.
He's not right-wing, folks.
I guess Stalin is, then.
Who outspokenly supported the Iraq War has backtracked on his views.
The Fox News Channel Bill O'Reilly told viewers he was now skeptical about the US President's claim that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction.
I was wrong, said O'Reilly, adding that all Americans should be concerned that no such weapons have been found.
Now I said before the war, we go in, we're the bad cops, we bulldoze their fields and kill a bunch of people, a bunch of our troops get killed,
The world demonizes us when the same international banks that own Europe own us.
Then the U.N.
comes in as the good cop, we're the bad cop, and the neocons then turn on Bush and, oh, it's all Bush, he did it.
That's like blaming some low-level street thug in a mafia organization instead of going after the capos and the don.
But again, people think Bush is the end-all be-all.
Why, he runs things!
President George W. Bush led the U.S.
to war, claiming its arsenal of illegal weapons posed a threat.
However, since the war, successive teams of investigators have been unable to find any evidence that Iraq possessed these weapons of mass destruction.
There's another reason that Rush Limbaugh and Hannity won't do it.
He's such a little lapdog.
Oh, Riley, you're having to do this.
They'll come in and say, yeah, Bush is the biggest government president we've ever had.
Yeah, he is for open borders.
Oh, but it's just politics, and Darnie's doing it, but, you know, we can't vote for Kerry, and yeah, they might have been wrong about the weapons, and Milo lied, but you know, Saddam's bad, and they're having to do this because their listeners are very angry.
You know, Bush coming out a few weeks ago and Blair saying, we never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
Well, I mean, even the dumbed-down public remembers that they did.
And I was bowled over when Tony Blair said, the Hutton Inquiry has cleared me!
I never misled you!
Apologize to me!
It's like you catch somebody walking out of your house with your television set and your wife's jewelry.
And the police come and arrest them, and as they're being driven away, they go, I didn't do it!
You better apologize!
So it's very, very serious, folks.
And this is all part of discrediting America.
I've said at a certain level, 9-11 has been allowed to come out publicly because we are meant to be demonized.
The world is meant to believe that the U.S.
government carried out 9-11.
And that O.C., the U.N., and the E.U.
were good, when in reality it's a group above our government, above the E.U., the globalist agents in our governments that did this.
So if we just think that George Bush, you know, engineered this, I mean, he is evil, he is a satanist, he is a socialist, he is a corrupt government pimp,
But he's a front man.
I mean, you know, he takes two or three naps a day and practices on a teleprompter dozens and dozens of times for weeks before he gives a speech.
I mean, he's the biggest puppet we've ever had, but so was Bill Clinton.
This is really sickening.
Judge dismisses suit about voting receipts.
Remember that a member of Congress, actually several members of Congress,
Had brought forward suits saying, wait a minute, you've got electronic voting machines with wireless internet connections and back doors built into them that anybody could hack, much less the companies themselves, many of which are run by the CIA publicly.
That's always a key term, publicly.
This is all public.
You've got to have a receipt for this.
You've got to have a paper ballot that's printed out and stored.
It's easy to do.
Hook it up to a printer with a coded number.
Do it!
League of Women Voters, which is a fraud organization, again, meant to protect the vote.
They've been caught many times stealing the votes, the good old-fashioned way.
They come out and say, no, no paper receipt.
You get a receipt at the grocery store, the ATM, but not with these machines.
So, a congressman's lawsuit seeking to require electronic voting machines to produce a paper trail was dismissed Wednesday when a Palm Beach County judge ruled he did not have the standing to sue.
And again, that's the liberal Palm Beach notice.
You starting to get this?
You Republicans and Democrats are all for this.
Representative Robert Wexler, Democrat Volker Votin, filed a lawsuit against Florida Secretary of State Glenda E. Hood and Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections Theresa Lepore, claiming the use of machines that do not produce paper duplicates of the votes cast violates voters' rights.
Without the paper trail, a manual recount is impossible, Wexler argued, and that's true.
But Circuit Judge Karen Miller ruled Wexler did not have the standing to file the suit, and that his suit did not prove he had been hurt, either as a citizen or as a public official, by the voting system complaints.
Oh, isn't that nice.
Would be better addressed through legislative remedies.
Wexler said the judge's order seems to ease Florida voters' ability to challenge the system.
I see this judge is dismissing Florida voters and their rights, he said.
And their voter rights, he said.
Oh boy, this is very serious.
And the Secretary of State said that she was very pleased with the court's decision.
We have never had any doubt with a high level of confidence in the equipment.
So we'll just trust you, huh?
We've just had, what, five big universities, multiple scientific firms, engineers quit and go public, felons running the company, CIA meetings,
Up in Nebraska, Chuck Hagel owns his voting machine company that he votes on, that everybody votes on, down here in Austin, Texas, the guy running for Congress.
Daddy is the chairman of the board of Clear Channel, who owns the voting machines they put in in Austin.
Ha ha ha ha ha!
Just, just, you know.
Clear Channel, we tell you to vote for a neocon, and we own the voting machines!
Ha ha!
Sharone to ask Bush for $2 billion for disengagement fence.
That's double speak.
The Prime Minister's office claims U.S.
demands for changes in the separation fence route means the NIS $1.5 billion will be wasted.
Prime Minister Errol Sharone will ask U.S.
President George W. Bush for $2 billion next week to influence the evacuation of settlements in the Gaza Strip.
Dollar tumbles on widening trade deficit.
The dollar's been devalued by 40 plus percent.
I tell people this on the street and they go, what's that mean?
Ten years ago people knew what that meant.
You know the jokes about the Mexican peso?
We're rapidly reaching their value.
You know the jokes about the Russian ruble?
And I'm not trying to be elitist or condescending or sardonic here.
It scares me that business people don't know what it means to have a weak dollar.
The dollar weakened broadly on Friday, hitting a one-month low against the euro after data showed the U.S.
trade deficit widened more than expected in December.
Now, we're at an 11-year low, but I guess they mean, what does a month low mean?
That's weird.
And this is the, this is Reuters.
The trade deficit grew nearly 11% in December.
That's quite a surge.
I thought you said a weakening dollar would be good for the trade, Bush.
I'm sorry.
Oh, he now says shipping jobs overseas is good.
I read his Economic Commission's quotes yesterday.
The trade deficit grew nearly 11% in December to $42.48 billion, more than a median analyst forecast for $40 billion.
That's just the growth, folks.
Eleven percent, so I guess eighty-nine percent.
The news prompted a sell-off in dollar as investors realized the greenback may have to fall further to help shrink the deficit.
See, understand, they're now, it's caused it to surge and they say it needs to fall further.
The data are suggesting the decline we've seen in the dollar over the last couple of years is not having an impact, said Gary Thayer, chief economist at A.G.
Edwards and Sons in St.
It suggests the dollar may need to still fall to help narrow the trade deficit.
It's like, his leg's cut off, he's bleeding to death.
Hurry, cut off his arms!
Are we getting dollar-encouraged exports?
No, it doesn't.
Not when you don't have any industry.
As it makes overseas prices for U.S.
goods cheaper, while discouraging U.S.
purchases of more expensive imported goods.
Folks, when you've got slave camps, slave labor, no workers' comp, no regulations, in China, in India, in Mexico, there's nothing we can do to compete.
You understand?
Nothing but tariffs.
Massive ones.
Oh boy.
The concept hit home this week at Republican Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan is misconcerned with the dollar's weakness, saying it should help narrow the gaping current account deficit, which is exploding at record levels after they devalued the dollar.
We'll be back, folks.
Stay with us.
We'll take more calls, cover more news.
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For the last 60 years, the United States has had the world reserve currency status.
It was a fiat currency, but they used the power of America to back up the dollar.
And now the dollar trails behind every industrialized nation, and there are even quite a few third world countries that have more valuable currencies than we do.
And the Federal Reserve says they need to drop some more.
This is a huge hidden tax.
Let's say you had $100,000 in the bank.
It's been devalued by 43.5%.
And people who have a lot more money than I do don't even know what this means.
I talked to them.
It's almost like we're engineered to not face facts.
This is inflation for America to buy goods.
But it doesn't matter because the layoffs are intensifying, the company's moving overseas, it's proliferating, and then they tell us, oh, we need the dollar to drop more.
This is going to be real good.
I mean, yeah, we had a whole bunch of factories 30 years ago if we had a weak dollar.
It would cause more manufacturing, yes.
More sales, but not when it's gone.
I don't know how to explain this to people, and if you can't figure it out, I know most of you know more about this than I do, I just cannot believe that a lot of people don't know what this means.
Let's talk to... Oh, who's up next here?
Mike in Pennsylvania.
Mike, go ahead.
How you doing, Alex Jones?
Yeah, I had that same conversation with my family, and they just tell me the dollar's not down here, whatever that means.
So that peak oil stuff that's on bull?
Total fraud, total scam, funded by the U.N.
covertly, so the oil companies can grab all the oil, restrict output, jack up prices.
It's artificial scarcity, just like with the diamonds, just like with the other commodities.
Yeah, it sounds very U.N.-ish when I was hearing on that on the Internet.
Another question.
Yeah, if Bill O'Reilly's conservative, you're a real socialist, huh?
I mean, this doublespeak is crazy that's going on.
Everyone here up in, um, Florida... I have seen Bill O'Reilly out of his own mouth say that we should ban SUVs or tax them.
How is that conservative?
Not at all.
Not at all.
But, yeah, the only answer to this problem is big tariffs, like you were saying.
Uh, tariffs built this country.
No doubt.
And then the bankers blew the stock market out and blamed it on the protectionists that built this country.
Yes, but now everyone up here... I don't have as much faith as you, Alex.
Everyone up here is letting the TV run their lives.
Well, look, look, sir, sir, sir.
My mom's gone.
Sir, if you got a million people in jail cells and there's a thousand people who aren't, who's got the power?
These people are in their own self-imposed jail cells.
They're on the bleachers.
They're not in the game.
What counts is who is on the field, my friend.
Oh, yeah, but, um, it's over up here, I think.
In these big cities up here in the Northeast.
Oh, well, I mean, I gotta tell you, the East Coast has got a lot of good people in it, but, uh... Oh, no doubt, but they're all... Most of them are clueless or don't want to be turned on to this.
The globalists have had their program in longer there.
They've done people down more.
Yeah, I'm a total protest to the New World Order.
I'm going to drop dead from their vaccinations one day, I know.
I'm lucky my dad taught me how to go into the Army, but my mom was pro for it, but he knew what it was going to do to me, because he knew what they did to him.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Thank you.
You bet.
And again, I'm not against the military.
I'm against what they've done with it and how they use the troops and the horrible things they do to them.
And if you don't know about that, again, I don't know what planet you're from.
Dawn, where are you calling us from?
I'm calling from Georgia.
Good to talk to you, Dawn.
Yeah, I've called y'all a couple times before and have listened to you for better than ten years now.
After Ron and Ann called, I said, well, I'm going to call.
Anne had four boys that she homeschooled and I have four girls.
And I'm the one that called about a year ago when the drug squad came on my farm with the skull and crossbones on.
Are you there?
I remember that story, yes.
Well, now they're not flying those on their front tags anymore and since then I've stayed in touch with them and I've given them your tape.
Funny thing is, they couldn't accept the tape when they came out here on official business.
But when I went by and saw them later at the store, you know, in their off-duty hours, they could accept your tape.
But I got over that hurdle, and last week DFAX came on.
Supposedly, you know, someone's doing a lot of calls, and they can't tell me all that they're investigating me for.
And what's DFACS?
Oh, Department of Children and Family Services.
Okay, we'll talk about it when we get back.
The new Soviet Union, where you get your government agent visits.
You know, we got weirdos living on a farm with their children.
Man, they're not living in a compact city, snorting cocaine.
We better do something.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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On this radio show, on my local TV show, I have shown people the University of Texas Calhoun Reader, the desk reference for those going to school to be social workers, and it says, the family is bad, it's a disease, they use these words, the age of the state is good, the age of the family is barbarism, now that's a quote
And these are not cases, in many cases.
And they don't go after people who are really in trouble.
You know, that would be a criminal matter with the police.
They really target homeschoolers and Christians, and then they get federal funding to do this.
It's to break the family up.
It's like the Soviet Union.
Hitler did the same thing.
Dawn, I remember last year you said the SWAT team came in and looked for drugs.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
And they found nothing.
And so then this year, I guess it's CFAX.
But like I said, when they came to my house, I talked to them and I was civil to them.
And in the meantime, the last year, I didn't just forget about it.
You know, I met them on the streets and talked to them and gave out your tapes and everything.
Okay, let me stop you for those that just joined us.
You've educated the police, you've gotten involved.
Now suddenly, where's the closest house near you?
You can't see a house from me.
I live on 70 acres in the middle of it.
Okay, and then suddenly CPS shows up.
Describe what happened.
They came onto my house and they had numerous phone reports and all of them were bogus.
My children have a four-wheeler and they ride it, but they ride it safely and they don't go on other people's property.
And I don't know if it's a neighbor because we've got an attitude in the United States that either
There's nothing we can do, or, you know, we're jealous because someone else has a little more than we do.
And instead of banning together... Well, I've heard Georgia's real bad about this.
People love the title, especially if we get a lot of reports out of Georgia.
So they say you're not... You didn't let them in your house, did you?
Well, no, sir.
But what I did was I let them talk to the girls, because we were all out, happened to be feeding the animals.
And they wanted me to, one of the complaints supposedly was I had too much traffic at my home.
So they wanted to stop the traffic.
So CPS now is concerned about 70 acres, you've got too much traffic.
So why don't you say, why don't you call a traffic cop then?
Well, you know, and one of the things was that my children had destroyed private property.
And I said, well, why isn't the sheriff coming out here?
Well, the bottom line is, because I wouldn't sign anything, it could have all been over if I would have just signed to agree to let them, you know, investigate me.
No, that's not true.
That's not true.
That is not true.
I didn't sign anything, so I'm automatically pigeonholed into uncooperative caregiver, and now it's going to be a mandatory 90-day investigation.
And so I went and hired an attorney because the children had to go to CPS and have an interview because the sheriff came out to my house and said if they weren't there within 24 hours that CPS was going to start proceedings to have them removed from the home.
Okay, you need to go to the city council, you need to sue these people.
You need to call the media, make a big stink out of this, you need to sue them.
Well, see, that's what I was thinking.
I've got an attorney for my children.
And so they come out to say your kids are riding a four-wheeler, and the police didn't come, and then suddenly the police do show up and... With a message from D-Fax that if my children aren't... And see, when they had to be there, it would have been Friday evening.
And so I just left the farm, and I went to stay with a friend, and I thought, you know, I'm not going to take my children up there Friday evening and just let them get lost for the weekend.
My attorney was out of town,
So, in the meantime, I contacted the police department.
Well, look, it's simple.
This is incredible.
Go ahead.
It is.
And see, people sit back, and we do just like we did in Germany, and huddle behind our windows and doors and hope they're not coming after us.
Look, they're coming after us.
Every single day.
And so where is it now?
From them saying somebody's riding a four-wheeler on your 70 acres, it's now to, you didn't sign our papers.
Again, that's the Soviet Union.
You didn't sign our papers saying we can do this, and now we're going to do it anyway.
You're an uncooperative caregiver, and your children, who are not your children, I was informed that my children are the state's children.
It's their responsibility to take care of them, not me.
And I had the food stamp fraud out here.
Supposedly, I'm selling my food stamps for drugs.
I don't get food stamps.
Well, ma'am, the reason you have these problems is, ma'am, is the economy.
Because you're in the system, they publicly have the computer database.
MSNBC just reported they just released a bunch of it out on the public websites.
And these bureaucrats are sitting around.
They've got to have so many cases or they don't get any funding.
Let me finish.
And so because you're in their system, you were on the computer, and so they're doing this to you and everyone else.
Did you know that if your children are in Head Start, oh, it's just a program for them?
No, they're going to have DFAX workers come to your home, and I tell people, don't put your children in school, don't put your children in Head Start, don't give your children vaccinations, and I mean, hey, ten years ago I was in food.
Ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, and don't take their food stamps because... Oh, no, I never got them.
See, they had two investigators come out here.
Oh, you never even got food stamps?
And I never even got them!
You never even got food stamps?
Oh, okay.
And I said, who am I?
And they told me, and I said, yes, sir.
And I said, and you're investigating me for?
And they said, for selling your food stamps for drugs.
And I said, well, I don't get your food stamps.
I don't get any of your handout government programs.
See, this new thing that DFAX has got is targeted case management.
And if I had Medicaid, they could bill Medicaid.
Well, I don't have Medicaid either.
You know?
My children are healthy, and when I have to go see a doctor, I'm responsible for that bill.
Okay, ma'am, ma'am.
I'm sorry.
Ma'am, where is it now?
Um, it's now that I've got an appointment next week to see my personal attorney and that's what I'm going to do is I want to do it.
But I mean, look, they just show up and say, show up.
Yes, sir.
They're not judges.
They're not juries.
They just have a cop come out and tell you to do it.
And see, here's something else.
They will not give me anything in writing.
So that I can defend the charges.
Ma'am, this is all color of law.
You need to get involved.
You need to call the homeschool legal defense group.
You need to get in touch with those folks immediately.
You are in a lot of danger.
Again, they don't care about you.
They're sociopaths.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
God bless you and all your work.
You bet.
Just keep me abreast of the situation as it develops.
I've seen stuff a hundred times worse, but... It's all color of law, folks.
It's just... Sign here.
Sign your kids over to us.
Well, no.
Well, you're nuts!
We're going to take them now!
You wouldn't sign here!
That's the Soviet Union.
That's not America.
Oh, man, we're in trouble.
God help us.
Let's talk to Jim in Michigan.
Jim, go ahead.
Yes, hi, Alex.
How are you?
The reason I called, you were mentioning a little while ago, you wish you knew better ways to get the message out.
I was listening, and I know how passionate you are, and I know how angry you can get.
I think that sometimes it's not so self-serving to your cause, and I mention that because I listened to your interview with Augie North, and a couple other interviews, too, where
You have somebody that you know is on the opposite side of the truth or your viewpoint.
And I think you get so emotional sometimes and so passionate that you end up losing the fight because emotion takes over.
Well, I mean, certainly I'm not perfect, but I didn't lose the argument with Ann Coulter or Ollie North.
We have the facts.
And I got Ollie North to admit that the depleted uranium is bad for the troops.
That's a big deal right there.
I guess it's a worthy approach.
Let's say if I was to take just that tape of that show and play it to somebody who's never been exposed to it before or let's say doesn't have any information, I don't think they would have a good opinion just because of the emotional level.
And again, I'm trying to be constructive here.
Well, here's the deal.
Here's the deal.
I'm not perfect, but
And this is scary, by the way.
This is the biggest patriot radio show in the country.
And so, no, I think we should be angry.
We should be in their face.
And I bring these people on to let them know that we know that they're not real conservatives.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Robert in Canada.
Robert, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, no, I just phoned to say, hey, we're supporting you up here.
And you guys fight.
And up here in Burlington this weekend, actually tomorrow, they're holding a military exercise with the troops going through the streets with unloaded weapons doing urban exercises.
And again, this is admittedly, we have the Pentagon documents.
This is to acclimate us to the end of posse comitatus.
And the same thing for your country, to prepare us to be under military rule.
And that's not my opinion, that's General Eberhardt, head of NORTHCOM, outgoing head of CENTCOM, Tommy Franks.
The next big attack, we set aside the Constitution for a military government.
Now, that's what they're saying.
And I brought that up to Oliver North, and he just said that's not true.
He also said they're not using the Patriot Act to go after non-terrorists.
So we posted the news articles and went over them.
It was jammed full of information.
Anything else, Robert?
Yeah, just like... I have a few things to tell you guys about our Prime Minister up here.
What's his name?
Paul Martin.
If you guys don't know, but he's head of
One of the world's biggest shipping companies, and I think he's on the same page as Bush.
As regards to the whole New World Order and globalization, and he's in a big heap of hot water up here with some scandals to do with taxpayers' money as well.
A bunch of globalists engaging in mass looting.
Thanks for the call.
Who's up next, Mark?
John Tennessee, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hannity and Combs had a great quote this week.
Alan Combs said, quote, I have a lot of conservative friends.
Sean gave me a copy of his book.
He dedicated it to Satan, end quote.
And Hannity and the guests only hesitated for a second, then they got back to the small talk without flinching.
So maybe that was some kind of Freudian slip about skull and bones and bohemian growth.
I don't know.
I'd love to have a video clip of that.
Yeah, I didn't copy it.
I was just sitting there enjoying them attacking Bush for being AWOL and deserting the National Guard.
I was, you know, actually enjoying the news for it.
Then they just throw that out there out of nowhere.
Another good quote would be the White House interrogation where the journalists attacked the spokesman on Bush's record, complaining that all the copies they gave him of his pay stubs were unreadable.
Well, yeah, McClellan, you know, McClellan's daddy's out saying he was LBJ's lawyer and LBJ had Kennedy killed.
That's got him real mad.
But McClellan's up there, and I did watch a clip of that online.
I didn't see the press conference live.
And, you know, the press has been giving the go-ahead to make this a big issue, and so now they're talking about it.
But, yeah, Bush just releases records.
But show we're telling the truth and that he just hopes people don't look at those records.
But now people who were at the Alabama Guard said, yeah, we were expecting him to show up and he never showed up for two years.
Well, they're attacking Kerry now all of a sudden for this alleged affair.
Hold on.
They have the Texas National Guard head guy who said he was told in the late 90s by the Bush Governor's office to cover up these documents.
Now, I mean, that's got to make these guys really worry.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, they're trying to cover their butts with the attack on Kerry for this alleged affair, but they skipped the fact that Bush has had all these affairs and the fact that he's got an arrest also for
Disorderly conduct and theft, and this is a guy in charge of a 1.5 trillion dollar bank account.
By the way, we already knew that, but now, more of the records have come out, and when you read it in the news on the front page, it's, oh, for some college pranks, but yeah, it was breaking and entering, stealing, drunken driving, automobile accidents.
He was on a diversion in Houston at a
I don't know.
And Michael Moore wrote about that at MichaelMoore.com.
He wrote about that two years ago.
Yeah, but again, Michael Moore makes it all left-wing.
Well, of course, and he backed the Jew, Sir Wesley Clark, Knight of the British Empire, who is a guy who leaked out this week, a registered Republican, who leaked out this week about Kerry's alleged affair.
And they're all related, and they're all in skill and bones, so it's probably all a big dog-and-pony show anyway.
Thanks for the call.
You know, just let's go back to more calls.
Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Manuel.
You're on the air.
I want to thank you guys on the network greatly.
And Michael Moore, a piece of filth.
The reason I called in was this.
We've got to really, really, really continue this activism on this network.
We have to greatly appreciate you guys.
I know you guys are definitely in the thick of it.
The persecution that you suffer simply for caring about what happens in our country.
We all get persecuted together and you guys especially get deep in the thick of it.
I'm saying if you get emotional, just the mental fortitude you guys show simply doing what you do every day is tough.
It's unbelievably tough.
I'm able to see that now more and more every day.
So just keep doing it and if we get emotional every once in a while, it's okay.
It's okay, absolutely.
And we're getting emotional about the right things at least.
And we do it intelligently anyway.
We go over the facts on this show.
And yeah, I did get emotional with North because he would deny everything.
He would deny stuff out of hand and say, well, you know, that's bad of you to say we had a concentration camp program.
That program was to keep us safe, you know.
We have the right to get upset, number one.
And with this cheap imitation of journalism out there, those fake imitations, spineless, soul-lacking
Mannequin of Americans that we have on radio nowadays.
I mean, I got hung up on the other day, and I lost it.
I was... Boy, that could send you into a world of depression for a while there.
It's okay.
We love you guys over there at Genesis, and we're going to continue supporting you.
So just keep doing it.
Hey, what do you think about Bush's lies concerning his military record coming out?
Well, you see the barrel roll that he's put himself into?
But it's just as you said.
They've hung him out to dry.
And I'll tell you one big mistake they did was both admitting they're good in bones.
We could easily use that.
The point now, that's what I tried to do today and got clicked on.
I called the radio show to point out that the federal level is hijacked.
They're both still in bones.
And as you said, they're from the same part of the country.
So look, I tell the guy, that's the military industrial complex is who's been running things and they run the media.
And then he goes, you don't know what the military industrial complex is and what's a induced corporate war for profit.
Go ahead.
Explain it.
So as I start, as I try to explain it and he sees, I know what I'm talking about, faded me out and clicked on me instantly.
And goes ahead and laments, but guess what?
He will be out tomorrow in public with our mayor, and I'll see him, and I will call him out for being a sorry cheap imitation of journalism.
Deplorable job that he's doing, selling us out, and I will ask him.
And I'm going to call into the show and ask the veterans out there.
We have a lot of veterans here in New York.
I'm going to ask them, how do you veterans feel out there?
We're being censored.
We're being censored with this cheap imitation here.
We're being called terrorists for opposing the war.
Can you believe that?
I'll never forget this.
When this comes out decades later, I'll remember.
That's what they say and do.
Thank you.
They have this Orwellian ad for the Austin Police Department going, RAPISTS AND MURDERERS ARE ABOUT TO GET YOU!
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Alright folks, we're back live.
I'm going to try to jam a few final calls in here.
Medical evidence does not support suicide by Dr. David Kelly.
The medical evidence shows he was murdered.
This is signed by a bunch of doctors and scientists.
Experts in trauma, cardiology, anesthesiology, pathology, on and on and on.
Liola will test blood substitute without patient's consent, Chicago Sun Times, in a rare exception to the way ethical clinical trials are conducted, Liola University Health System plans to test an experimental blood substitute on patients without their consent.
You can read the rest of the article, folks.
I mean, it's just getting nuts.
They're just setting the precedence.
No, you can't have a record of how you voted.
No, you can't have any freedom.
No, you don't get to have a trial.
No, you don't, you know, it's just
signals possible use of force over Iran's weapons.
This is out of ABC News.
Senior American State Department official says Iran is still trying to develop nuclear weapons and the United States will consider all options to deal with the problem, including the possible use of force.
The City Council to challenge the Patriot Act.
Bloomington, Illinois.
I've got other cities that have thrown it out or are throwing it out.
Just a whole bunch of those articles.
We're out of time here.
Let's take a few final calls.
Paul in Ohio, go ahead.
How's it going?
Pretty good, sir.
I want to let you know that my dad's from the former Soviet Union.
I talked to you about two, three years ago, and they started tapping my phone, you know, real bad.
I can tell it's a little quick sound on the phone.
I wonder how the CIA with 10,000 employees and the NSA with a couple thousand is able to tap all our phones.
I don't know.
They must have unlimited... They don't?
All they can have is computers with keywords.
Then how are people going to go listen to those recordings?
We run things.
We have the power.
It's all a bluff.
Well, I want to tell you what my father told me.
He was a general in the Russian military.
Your phones were probably already tapped then.
In that case, I believe it.
My father was a general in the former Soviet Union.
And Joseph Stalin didn't even put him in the history books because he got embarrassed.
Because he defected during World War II.
I got a picture of my father in a camp in Germany.
The camp.
I got my records.
I got my birth certificate.
My dad's a death certificate.
And my dad, sitting down there when I was a kid, I told my dad, America's a free country.
He looked at me and he shook his head and said, no.
He had a tear in his eye and he pulled that post-security card out.
And he said that the president from this country during World War II talked to Joseph Stalin.
And told him, make this a good system here, this social security system we have over here in Russia.
And what it does, it empowers the government over the people to know where you live at and all this, you know, to know your records, your work records and all that.
Exactly, and harass you and get you in the system, yes.
Right, my father had a tear in his eye and he said, America's not, he said, the American forefathers never intended you to have a number on you like you're a cattle, you know, like you're a farm cattle.
You know?
I know.
We've gone so far down this rat hole.
Call me back sometime, Paul.
Interesting info.
I'd like to hear more.
Steve in Illinois.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm fine.
Almost out of time, sir.
All right.
I've got to make this real quick.
I'm a first-time caller, about a three-year listener.
I found you by accident.
I think it's by an actual pirate radio station here in south Chicago, Illinois.
I'm glad to get on air with you, and the reason people are talking about your little situation with Ollie North, I believe is the emotional part they're talking about is you've got so much against him, so much weaponry at your command, that you kind of did lose a little bit of touch with it.
But beyond that, I think all the points you made were fantastic, great, and people were kind of
It's all a bunch of garbage, I mean.
The point is, we're exposing the New World Order, and it's not about Alex Jones or Ollie North.
It's about defending the Republic against enemies foreign and domestic.
I'm out of time.
Back Monday, 11 to 2.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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