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Name: 20040212_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 12, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Big Thursday Show!
Lined up for you, it is the 12th day of February 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
In about 30 minutes, we've got the New York Bill of Rights Defense Committee coming on the show.
Talk about New York under citizen pressure.
The city, of course, supported the Patriot Act until the citizens got involved and exposed what was in it.
Coming on, talk about New York throwing it out on Monday, as did St.
Paul, one of the twin cities up in Minnesota.
And several more towns and cities in the last three days have also thrown out the Patriot Act.
I haven't counted up how many cities have now thrown it out in six months or so.
Six months ago it was 400 plus cities and multiple states.
And you notice that news item has really disappeared now as this march continues with conservatives and liberals waking up to the Bill of Rights culture and trying to reenact it.
Also in the second hour, BBC Newsnight investigative reporter, best-selling New York Times best-selling author, Greg Palast will be on the show, and he exposes Al Gore, George Bush, all of them.
He's been reporting, you've heard about the Pakistan Arms Bazaar, well he reported before that how the U.S.
government was helping arm Pakistan and shutting down this story.
That's right, as usual, arming the enemies so they can proliferate the weapons and destabilize the world, and they can give us the New World Order as the solution to keep us all safe.
What do radical racist Mexicans Osama Bin Laden and Bush have in common?
They all hate America.
Remember on Monday we talked about
That game last week, one of the Olympic qualifying games, where the U.S.
won and before the game, the Mexicans were booing the Star-Spangled Banner in Mexico and then chanting, Usama, Usama, Usama.
Well, at an even bigger tournament in Guadalajara, yesterday,
Now, guess what happened?
This was the Associated Press, Mexicans scream Osama as U.S.
Olympic team loses, and they also booed the Star Spangled Banner yet again.
So, we were predicting, not hard to predict it, that that would happen again, and it's happened yet again.
And these are the people that Bush wants to legalize, he wants to get rid of the border,
But he wants to spy on the American people and outsource our jobs and it's amazing.
So, more on that coming up.
Walker pledges Utah will not reconnect with the Matrix system.
Salt Lake City Tribune, the Matrix tracking grid.
Some victories against it for now.
Bush report from the Seattle Times.
Bush report, sending jobs overseas helps the U.S.
That's right.
News analysis series of weird crimes upsets many Germans.
We're going to do some of the stuff happening in Germany.
Cross-border church visit cost man $10,000.
That's because he's an American citizen.
75,000 people have AIDS in New York City, according to the United Press International.
GAO, Pentagon, pays corporate tax evaders.
The big defense contractors owe $3 billion in unpaid taxes, but this goes on for decades and no one's ever charged.
If you don't pay your taxes, look out!
They're above the law.
I also report SLAM's Airline Computer Screening System, or CAPS2, which is really the National ID Card scoring or labeling of Americans.
FSB or KGB were warned about Moscow Metro Blast.
As usual, folks, they've been involved in this.
Police respond to federal lawsuit in drug suite.
Remember Goose Creek with the dogs attacking the children and the police having everyone put their hands behind their back for the drug search?
Well, they say that's a good thing they did.
Deputy charged with stealing cash from motorists.
We'll get into the Palm Beach Post article there.
Look, it's a big, big show.
Two guests, your calls, a ton of news.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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It is absolutely vital that everyone see the masses of terror.
Only by exposing the perpetrators of September 11th can we stop them from carrying out the next wave of attacks and destroying our constitutional republic.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
New York City becomes the largest city in the U.S.
to oppose the imprisonment of civil liberties in the name of national security.
So has St.
Paul, Minnesota.
In many other towns and cities this week we have folks from the Bill of Rights Defense Campaign joining us in about 25 minutes here on the air.
Then Greg Powless with the BBC, also New York Times best-selling author.
Talk about how our government is arming and propping up Pakistan and covering up the fact that they've armed our supposed enemies.
So, you don't want to miss these interviews.
We're also going to have wide open phones at 1-800-259-9231.
Let me dive straight into the news.
In the last segment I mentioned that I'm sure you've all heard that last week the U.S.
soccer team in qualifying matches beat the Mexicans in Mexico.
They were booing the Star-Spangled Banner, chanting, Usama, Usama, Usama.
They're idiots and don't know he's a CIA asset and works for the Globalist.
And I just pointed out that Bush, Bin Laden, and racist Mexicans, those that are racist, have one big thing in common.
They hate America.
And there were predictions that, with an even bigger qualifying match that had tens of thousands of fans attending, that they would boo again and chant Osama and the Associated Press says that exactly that happened.
Boo's nearly drowned out the Star-Spangled Banner.
As Mexicans chanted, Osama, Osama, Osama, as Mexico eliminated the United States in Olympic Men's Soccer qualifying, Tuesday night in Guadalajara, a loud anti-American crowd hollered as Mexico beat the United States 4-0 Tuesday night in the Under-23 Tournament, claiming a berth in the Athens Olympics, the Associated Press reported.
Citizens of the problem-plagued country, as well as millions of illegal aliens in America, are still in a smit about their 2-0 defeat to the United States in the second round of 2002 World Cup.
What type of sickos?
I mean, nobody in the past... We'd have different matches against the Russians during the Cold War.
They wouldn't boo our national anthem.
We wouldn't boo theirs.
Nobody acts like this.
I mean, this is incredible, number one, to boo during a national anthem, but that's nothing compared to chanting, Usama, Usama, Usama, who, who, these ignorant people in Mexico, just like the American people still believe, carried out the attacks.
He's a CIA asset, but he is evil.
The point is, they think he did all this, so they're cheering the murder of 2,800 and something people.
That is disgusting!
I'm telling you folks, Mexico hates our guts.
And a lot of people from Mexico don't buy into it, but a lot of them do.
And our government's helping fund and finance it.
And this is just a window into the minds of these people.
And shame on them.
That's disgusting behavior.
But don't worry, Bush is with Mexico, getting rid of the borders, spying on Americans, taking away our rights, but oh, giving more rights to all these illegals.
The establishment loves it.
Again, the terrorists attacked us because they had our freedom.
Military-Industrial Complex attacked us because they wanted to have a pretext to take our freedoms.
And that's exactly what they've done!
So I guess, Bush, you gave Bin Laden what he wanted, didn't you?
What you wanted.
That dark cult of evil you talked about that feeds off human suffering.
No one knows the power of evil.
Like goodness!
It was a weird speech he gave at the Pentagon.
I have that in, uh, Road to Tyranny.
Walker pledges Utah will not
Reconnect with the Matrix, Salt Lake City Tribune, and it's a total lie.
Let's read it.
Governor Walker pledged through her Chief of Staff that Utah will not reconnect with a controversial anti-terrorism program using billions of government records on citizens without specific approval from the legislature.
State Chief Gary Doxey said he hopes the vow persuades lawmakers not to rush to
permanently sever Utah's participation in Matrix during the current legislative session before a newly appointed oversight committee has a chance to thoroughly investigate the project.
Now let me just briefly, because I've got a bunch of news, explain this in 60 seconds.
TIPS, WAVE, SAVE, TOTAL INFORMATION, MATRIX, all of this is different names for programs of the NSA and its master program called ECHELON.
And so you protest, you demonstrate against Matrix, Total Information Awareness, TIPS, and they go, OK, we canceled it.
And then they will actually increase the funding and give it some new name.
And you start fighting that new name, and they come back.
Look, all the states have been collecting every piece of data about you you can imagine, buying it from private firms.
Many firms, like Walmart and others, just give it to the feds.
Bookstores, everything.
It's been going in there for at least 15 years.
At least 15 years.
Probably longer.
And so the governor says, oh no, don't pass a law banning this in the states.
They can't have a law saying it's illegal because then they'll have to break the law to keep it going.
They just want to say, okay, we won't do the matrix and then not have a law passed and just change the name.
So, just so you know, that's what they do.
You know, we think we have all these victories and we would have victories if we'd fallen through.
But instead we take the form of victory instead of the substance of victory.
Bush reports sending jobs overseas helps the U.S.
and this is from the Seattle Times.
The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S.
economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said yesterday.
That's real interesting.
I thought they said NAFTA and GATT would cause milk and honey.
That was, what, 94's?
10 years ago!
In fact, the reenactment of NAFTA is coming up this year.
And they are going to expand it under free trade area of the Americas.
And so it's a wonderful thing.
I mean, they're even taking the service jobs.
They'll bring in, pack a house full of illegals,
And then they have one power bill, one water bill to pay, and they're not on the grid, they're not paying taxes, and then citizens get displaced.
Even our service economy is shutting down.
By the way, new numbers out, there's actually more unemployment, more layoffs, but the average person says, well, the news says everything's wonderful.
Well, here's my economic numbers for you.
Three years ago, you couldn't go anywhere from six in the morning till
7, 8 o'clock at night without being in traffic for over an hour.
I can drive anywhere I want even in prime time traffic in 35, 40 minutes.
About a third of the houses I see are up for sale.
Most people I know are out of work.
Just come on.
Bush report, sending jobs overseas helps U.S.
The embrace of foreign outsourcing, an accelerating trend that has contributed to U.S.
job losses in recent years, has become an issue in the 2004 elections, as contained in the President's annual report to Congress on the U.S.
Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade, said N. Gregory Mancou, Chairman of Bush's Council of Economic Advisors.
And he says, it's great!
This is very good!
Well, then you're going to get more of this wonderfulness then.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
That's so sick!
Boy, I just don't know where to start here.
Cross-border church visit cost man $10,000.
Reuters, a man, a Catholic living up in Canada, I mean up in Maine on the border with Canada would drive across a little river there every Sunday and multiple times weekly to attend his church service and they put up a fence there now
And they just locked the gate.
The road was just blocked on Sunday, so he drove around it, and he's been given a $10,000 fine for breaching it.
But illegal aliens?
Hey, you can commit murder and you get thrown out of jail.
It's just very interesting to see that happening.
They really clamped down that northern border to get out.
I've talked to folks that have been going in and out of Canada on business.
Getting out of the country is hard.
Getting in?
Absolute piece of cake.
By the way, the southern border is getting like that.
Hard to get out.
Oh, easier than ever to get in.
That's your freedom.
Continuing here, 75,000 have HIV AIDS in New York City.
UPI, more than 75,000 people in New York City are known to be living with AIDS and are infected with the virus that causes the disease, health researchers reported.
That's where the government first in the US put HIV virus in hepatitis and other shots.
They got caught doing that.
We have the official federal documents on that.
Very serious situation.
Some countries in Africa, 45% of the population have it.
And by the way, there was a big BBC article a year ago going, well, people who've never had sex and whose parents don't have it, have it, and then they found it in some of the needles and they don't know how it got there.
GAO, Pentagon, pays corporate tax evaders, UPI, about 27,100 Defense Department contractors owe the federal government more than $3 billion in unpaid taxes, but the Pentagon continues to hire and pay them with taxpayer money.
A congressional investigation is found.
No one's being prosecuted.
You can steal billions, and there's no problem.
But if you don't fill out a tax form just right, or they lose your tax form, or they just decide they want to randomly audit you, bye-bye for you.
Bye-bye, baby.
No judge, no jury.
Some prison time.
Report slams airline computer screening and not a Press International.
Congressional Report to the Publisher Friday slams the planning for a controversial new computer screening system designed to identify potential terrorists among airline passengers, saying it has failed a series of tests set by lawmakers.
Folks, the Caps 2 system is the new national ID card rating system.
On your driver's license or ID card, they're going to have what you're rated as.
You understand?
According to credit, marriage, misdemeanors, and money in the bank.
It's all there.
Matrix system is one of the collection suckers, you know, down at the bottom of the tentacles.
Key activities in the development of the system have been delayed.
Transportation Security Administration has not yet completed information systems planning activities.
Says the draft summer report.
The damning report may prevent funds of the system, known as the acronym CAPS II for Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System Phase II, from passing Congress.
So Congress isn't worried about the violation of freedom and categorizing Americans.
They're just worried it isn't being put in quick enough.
A lot more coming up.
Oh, I haven't even scratched the surface of this news blitz.
We got two powerful guests coming up.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, your calls are coming up and a guest from the New York City Bill of Rights Defense Campaign throwing out the Patriot Act
And Greg Powell's from the BBC.
Andrew and George and Alan and Brock, we'll get to your calls here in a few minutes.
FSB were warned about Moscow Metro Blast.
This is out of the Gazette, Moscow Gazette.
A man who showed up at the Russian Embassy in Tbilisi a day before the attack on the Moscow Metro warned that a huge terrorist attack would be carried out in the Russian capital and in Stropol by people he had met in person.
This information was communicated earlier this week by the Georgian security minister, but the FSB did nothing.
Folks, the FSB
was caught in 99 planting explosives in a fourth apartment building and we've got all that posted and done a bunch of shows on it and got all the mainstream news articles at PrisonPlanet.com in the Russian Terror section and look at who stands to gain from that.
The Chechens have said publicly, why would we blow anything up?
Why would we come to Moscow and bomb you so then you get mad and come attack us?
This is incredible!
We're not doing it!
We have no reason to do this!
But it's not just common sense, it's the evidence of who's done it in the past.
By the way, that candidate running against Putin, who disappeared last week, showed up yesterday in a satellite of Russia and said that he had gone into hiding because he thought that Putin was after him.
And one of the other candidates running against Putin has been put in prison, and they've seized other media empires and done that, so I tend to lean towards believing him, but again, we just don't know.
Police respond to federal lawsuit in drug suite.
This is out of the state of South Carolina.
Remember, hundreds, it was like 150 children.
Police yelling, cussing at them, put your hands behind your back, get down on the floor.
Police dogs jumping on them.
And the Big Brother security cameras picking all this up.
Goose Creek Police acted in their official capacity.
...and did not violate student constitutional rights during a Stanford High drug sweep during which officers with guns drawn ordered students to the floor according to a response to a federal lawsuit.
Chief Harvey Becker was engaged in the performance of his official duties and at no time did he violate any clearly established constitutional rights of the plaintiffs which were known or should have been known to the 13-page response file this week.
I mean, folks, you've seen the video, at least most of you have.
I mean, it looked like something from a Supermax prison where they go, you know, where they open all the cell doors and throw everybody out on the ground and start going through things.
But there were no guns at the prisons.
Here they're aiming loaded guns at their heads, yelling at them, police dog jumps up, grabs a pack of a student and starts viciously shaking it, jumps on another student, they're crying, begging.
They had a police drill in Minnesota two years ago.
We had the teacher on.
They went to a portable building.
Didn't even tell the teacher it was a drill.
Said, get down on the floor.
I'll kill you if you don't.
Then drug her outside.
Said, walk towards the woods with your hands up.
She thought she was about to be killed.
Soiled herself.
This happens all over the country.
It's just training us how to be slaves.
And the filing also said the plaintiffs failed to state the cause of the legal action or facts supporting it.
The city of Greens Creek Police Department can be sued or held liable.
And 17 Stanford students sued December, alleging police and school officials terrified them during the November 5th raid, which attracted national attention.
Well, I've had their lawyer on, we've seen the video, and no drugs were found, and it's just, again, training our students how to be prisoners.
ID cards, cameras in the classrooms, many schools, cameras in the bathrooms.
This isn't freedom.
Here's an article on the Palm Beach Post, deputy charged with stealing cash from motorists, and he's been charged with pulling them over and taking their wallets and taking the money out of it.
That's just standard.
And again, we're not saying all police are bad, but you have criminals, just like you have anywhere else, in government.
But government then gets this shroud of anonymity and power, and they always bust some little cop who's doing something like this, but then
When crime labs systematically frame people and there's industrialized corruption, you know, and massive drug dealing, nobody goes to jail.
Debate over outsourcing heats up, ignited by election year politics.
Bush's official economic commission says that chipping jobs overseas is good for the economy.
This is another article here.
It says Myra Brostein, that lost a software job,
In April, when Bellevue-based Watchmark Comintel shifted her job and 16 others to a lower-cost operation in India.
Before Bronstein was let go, the Mercer Island resident was given the choice of either training for Indian replacements or forfeiting a severance package.
And she chose to train the workers.
And I've got a lot of friends who get told, we're going to let you go in a few months, train these Indians, and then go back to India.
Oh boy, I tell ya, globalism's wonderful, isn't it?
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, my friends, it is Thursday, the 12th day of February 04.
I'm Alex Jones.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We've been putting out a lot of new great reports that you definitely want to check out.
I want to thank the listener that transcribed, Andres von Bulow, the former German defense minister, and of course the head minister for the Ministry of Technology.
He's gone public laying out how The Globalist carried out September 11th, and we have that entire transcript, a perfect tool to email out to people.
It's riveting, informative reading.
I guess about 20 pages long.
You can email that out to your friends, your family, post it on message boards, and if you do that, this story will get legs and get the attention it needs.
First time we had somebody do a transcript was of Greg Pallast.
Well, that's not true.
They'd done it for
For the guy that brought down the mob in Chicago and helped impeach Bill Clinton, David Shippers, and we had some others out there, Stanley Hilton and others, but this is the first transcript that really went worldwide and was published, according to Greg Powell, in hundreds and hundreds of Latin American newspapers, dozens of newspapers in Italy and all over Europe.
Because we cut right to the heart of the matter to lay out the documentation.
So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
It's right at the top of the page at PrisonPlanet.com and get the Andres Von Bulow interview.
And at the bottom of the interview we also have the audio link where you can hear that interview.
So help us spread the word on this and I do want to thank the listener who transcribed it.
It's a great transcript of it.
Also before we go to our guest and then your calls for all those who are patiently holding up the phone lines.
I have made ten films.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror Exposed, those two exposed who carried out September 11th, how the military-industrial complex did it, what their plans are, how to stop them.
My book, Descent into Tyranny, also covers that.
Paul Watson's book covers how the Russians blow their own buildings up to blame it on their enemies, how the British do it, how the Israelis do it, how the U.S.
government does it.
That's another great book.
We also have George Humphrey's 9-11 The Great Illusion book on CD and cassette.
Very well produced.
Great book on tape.
If you don't have time to read a book, you can listen to the three-plus hours of painful deceptions, painful questions.
Those are Eric Huffschmid books and videos.
But with George Humphrey's 9-11 The Great Illusion, you can listen to it in your car.
So again, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, peruse the online secure shopping cart, or call toll free to get my videos, my books, the other books we carry, the other videos we have to offer.
And remember, your purchase also makes this show possible.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action.
Don't procrastinate.
Get involved now, ladies and gentlemen.
Ninety percent of those that see the films are waking up.
Here's the analogy, then we'll go to our guest.
You ever seen those posters you can buy?
Or you've probably seen them in art museums or wherever.
The hidden pictures.
And there'll be a picture, say, of a lake and some woods and the moon and some clouds.
And it'll say, find the hidden pictures.
Find the hidden images.
And you look at it for about 30 seconds.
You can't see anything.
But once you start picking out the images, you can't miss it.
And you're like, how could I not have seen that?
Well, that's how the New World Order works.
And it's time to step back and see the big picture.
The globalists have to reapply their lies, their fake left-right paradigm, on a daily basis.
All we have to do is to get somebody to look at it from another angle to see it,
And then, there's no going back.
So again, get the films, get the books, that's what they do.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
On Monday, or was it Tuesday, I've got the articles right here in front of me, New York City, City Council under pressure of the citizenry, left and right,
Throughout the Patriot Act, St.
Paul did it as well.
A bunch of other towns and cities have done it this week.
It's well over the 150 cities they've been saying for six months have done it.
It's well over 400.
And multiple states.
And joining us is a gentleman, Uday Ofer.
With the Bill of Rights Defense Campaign.
We've got a link to the website NYCDORDC.ORG at my website.
Uday, thank you for joining us, sir.
It's good to be on, and it's Udy.
Udy Ofer.
Okay, great.
I can hardly pronounce my own name.
Udy, good to have you on the show.
I mean, going over the Patriot Act and the process and how you guys got it thrown out and how other towns and cities can do it, just lay it out for us.
Yeah, well, first of all, we passed what we call a Bill of Rights resolution, and it was passed on Wednesday, February 4th, so about a week ago.
Okay, see, I saw the article on Monday, so I was thinking, oh, it happened Monday.
Yeah, there's been a bit of a media blackout on this issue, as I'm sure you're well aware of with other issues.
The resolution calls on government officials to protect and uphold civil liberties and civil rights while prosecuting the so-called war on terrorism.
The USA Patriot Act, but in addition to that, other government policies through executive directives, departmental regulations, and court rulings have had
You know, I've seriously undermined basic fundamental rights and liberties in the United States since 9-11.
Well, they're going after topless bars, county commissioners, Rush Limbaugh with it.
Yeah, you know, it's really, you know, there's been a lot of focus on the USA Patriot Act, but one of the things that, you know, we try to educate people here in New York City is that it's a lot broader than that, and it's just not the Patriot Act.
Well, it's Patriot Act II, it's Homeland Security, and before Patriot Act II was even passed seven weeks ago, Bush was already implementing
Well, Patriot 2 has not been passed.
One provision of Patriot 2 was passed.
Well, according to Ron Paul, and I've read the bill, much, I'd say about 60%, that's what the congressman says, about 60% of Patriot Act 2 has been passed.
Well, okay, well, he could say that.
I mean, there's one provision, the one that expands the ability of the government to go through your private records.
That provision was expanded.
Yeah, no more Fourth Amendment.
Now, you know, most of the bill is also classified, sir.
The Intelligence Funding Act of 2004, most of that is secret.
Well, let's talk about what happened in New York City.
Yeah, let's talk about it.
Yeah, it's pretty exciting, because first of all, obviously, as your listeners,
No, the majority of the 9-11 attacks happened here.
Our office is only a few blocks away from Ground Zero, from the World Trade Center.
And many of the council members who represent that area voted for this resolution.
Here in New York City, it was a grassroots effort that, as you said, was joined by both the left and the right, and sort of also not your typical actors.
We had everyone from
You know, the New York Public Library Guild, which is the largest library workers' union in the country, to the NAACP, to Bob Barr.
Bob Barr, actually, from the American Conservative Union, submitted testimony on behalf of the resolution.
It was a long fight.
It took about a year to get this resolution passed, because there were many council members who felt, you know, like lawmakers are feeling all around the country that if they take a stand, you know, for rights, for freedoms,
In this climate, they're going to be deemed unpatriotic.
Well, the U.S.
Attorneys also twist their arms, threaten them with not getting their funding, and the Feds say, do what we say, or it's going to be your fault when there's another attack.
That's the big stick they hold.
Yeah, no, and it's especially true here in New York City.
I mean, over here, we feel a lot of this pressure.
The U.S.
Attorney's Office, I mean, I actually, I debate, you know, some of the U.S.
Attorneys here in New York City, and it's always
It's always a heated issue because this is where, you know, this is ground zero for a lot of these issues.
Many of the U.S.
Attorneys who litigated, you know, the USS Cole bombing, the First World Trade Center bombing, the John Walker Ling case, I mean, they all sit over here.
So then, we meet them in debates and it's
It's interesting, because when you debate them and you get into the specifics of what has been happening to Americans and to people in the United States, because this is not an abstract discussion.
Well, they've always claimed, and that's a great point, Udi, they're always claiming that, oh, it's only for terrorists, but Section 802 has such a broad definition of H.R. 31
Yep, and that's a great example.
That's definitely one of the most egregious provisions in the Patriot Act.
The government says they haven't applied it yet.
But what we do know is that... That's a lie.
The spokesman for the Justice Department, and they have the transcript on the Washington Times, what Mr. Sierra said last year, they will use it in all crimes, they will use it in all investigations.
Yeah, and this is, you know, that section is part of the reason they actually have the left and the right coming together on this issue.
Because I think many people on the right realize that the next, let's say, pro-choice administration might use this on the pro-life movement.
Because, like we said, it could be read so broadly that anyone from Eleanor Roosevelt to Martin Luther King to just anybody engaged in minor civil disobedience... Well, we just had him subpoenaing people at a peace meeting at a major university.
Yeah, in Iowa.
And there are more examples.
In the first three months of 2003, the government labeled 56 cases as terrorism cases.
And Syracuse University, here in New York State, did some research into
What were those 56 cases?
And they found out that 8 of those cases were the Vieques protesters down in the island of Vieques off of Puerto Rico who were protesting the government's use of that island as a military exercise base.
And as some of your listeners might know, the government is pulling out of there.
But the arrest of 8 of those protesters who, you know, locked themselves up to a fence around the military exercise area have been labeled as terrorism cases by the Justice Department.
Well, they've been labeling drug cases, gun cases.
I mean, I have hundreds of these articles.
Yeah, so this is the fear.
This is the reality of post-9-11 America, that people engage in lawful dissent.
You know, probably one of the most American things you could possibly do, criticizing your government, are not being labeled terrorists.
And this is why there's this tremendous movement
Building across the United States.
Austin, Texas, I know passed a resolution a while ago.
You have over 250 cities, towns, and villages in three states, Alaska, Vermont, and Hawaii, that have passed these resolutions.
And you know, the resolutions, they take on different forms.
Like, some of them are purely anti-Patriot Act resolutions.
Other ones are general... Others are against NORTHCOM, Homeland Security, Patriot Act 1 and 2.
Yeah, so the 250 numbers that I use are the ones... I'm referring to the ones that deal with post-911 civil liberties issues, and I define that by, you know, Patriot Act, the roundups of Arab, Muslim, and South Asians, the stifling of free speech.
Because here in New York City in particular, you know,
In the weeks after 9-11, we had massive dragnet operations by the FBI and immigration authorities into immigrant neighborhoods, where people who just looked like they were Arab or Muslim were basically rounded up, thrown in jail for weeks without charges.
And beat up?
Subjected to a pattern of physical and verbal abuse.
And that's the language of the Inspector General's Office of the Justice Department.
It's not our language.
Um, you know, held for months, for months, on minor things like not filing a change of address within 10 days, and then all, 100% were cleared of terrorism charges.
Well now, now they're trying to pass a law, in fact it may not even pass, they said it was going to pass Monday.
Where if, when you set up an internet site, and if you don't put your home physical address, or your email gets changed or is wrong, seven years in prison or a multi-hundred thousand dollar fine.
We're seeing, you know, in the name of national security, in the name of fighting terrorism, we're seeing massive changes to our basic constitutional rights in the United States, and the lives of thousands of people are being directly impacted by this.
I mean, we talk all the time to families who, you know, especially Arab and Muslim families who say, you know, my husband went to the local grocery store, you know, a month after 9-11.
I didn't see him for six, seven months, you know, later, because somehow he got picked up on the street for walking
Meanwhile, Bush flies 144 members of the Bin Laden family out the afternoon of 9-11 when all other air traffic is grounded.
Yeah, that's a great example.
I'm happy that you're talking about this, but unfortunately most of the media in this country just hasn't picked this up.
You have articles in the major mainstream press on the Patriot Act and things like that, but it's still
They don't humanize it yet.
Well, when you hear about the Patriot Act, it's people are complaining about some surveillance rules to keep you safe, and it's only for terrorists.
Look, look, look.
I keep using the Las Vegas Review-Journal example, and literally, sir, Udi, I have hundreds of examples.
Las Vegas Review-Journal, a topless bar who may have paid a county commissioner for favorable zoning, and they use the Patriot Act?
I mean, that has nothing to do with terrorism.
Yeah, and this is one of the arguments we were able to get on a lot of council members here in New York City to get on board with our movement when we educated them that, you know what, so much of this has nothing to do with terrorism.
Now you know when Bush blows something else up, Udi, that...
That they're going to say, oh, it's your fault, now shut up, and we're going to arrest those that, you know, they've got national talk show hosts that say if you criticize the government, you should be arrested because you're aiding the terrorists, you should be put in a camp, the head of NORTHCOM says that the troops are going to take over our lives, the ongoing head of CENTCOM, Tommy Frank said we're going to go to martial law for the next attack.
Were you aware of that stuff?
You know, I'm not, I'm definitely not a North Com and other, you know, things like that, an expert of that.
But what I do know, and a fear that we have here at the ACLU almost every day, is what will happen if, you know, there's another terrorist attack?
Like, what's going to be the government's response?
Well, that's an interesting point you made, because, you know, you're obviously with the ACLU and also working with the Bill of Rights, the press campaign.
The ACLU didn't seem too worried about the police state stuff under Bill Clinton, and I just want to point out that the conservatives and libertarians have stood up against Bush, and I would hope if we get Bush's skull and bones peapod buddy in there, that when he's pulling all this, you guys are going to be just as active.
Well, I definitely will.
Because I've got to tell you, a lot of the powers that the Bush administration is using right now were actually passed into law during the Clinton era.
And I'll be the first one to say that.
And I gotta tell you, too, I don't view this as a Republican-Democrat issue.
I really don't.
Let's not forget that it was Franklin D. Roosevelt that ordered the internment of Japanese-Americans, you know, during World War II.
And by the way, most of them never got their property back.
So I, you know, whenever I speak publicly on this issue, I always make the point that
I don't view this as a Republican-Democrat issue.
See, you talk about people not knowing.
You need to read the Cigar Aficionado article from December where the outgoing head of CENTCOM says, if we're attacked again, we're going to set aside the Constitution for a military form of government.
The people are going to demand it.
Is that not chilling?
It's very chilling.
It's very.
And you know, when you look at it, this is where, you know, one of the points that I try to get across is that
You know, this is not the first time the United States is in a time of crisis.
And this is not the first time that the government is feeding us a line that say, we need to suspend the Constitution in order to preserve our freedoms.
America isn't America if we don't have those freedoms and liberties in the Bill of Rights.
NYCBORDC.org or link through at Infowars.com.
Udi, thanks for coming on.
We'll be right back with your calls.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
I know that Andrew and George and Alan and Brock and Michael have been holding.
Let's try to get to all of you in the next two segments.
Andrew in Texas, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
First off, real quick, I wanted to get Oliver North's email.
I wondered if you had that handy.
No, he hung up.
We didn't get it from him.
But I can get in touch with his publisher, I guess, and get it.
And also, I was wondering if you were aware of the Hurricane Andrew cover-up theories.
Or anything about that?
No, I'm not.
Um, well what the public record is that South Dade County was not evacuated.
And once everybody was hit, um, relief aid was not allowed into the county for 10 days.
I knew about that.
And so that's the question is why, why were they doing that for 10 days while Kate Hale,
Who was in charge of South Dade County relief efforts.
Not federally, that was Andrew Card at the time, the Secretary of Transportation.
Three words as to why they did that.
It was migrant labor camps.
Thousands of people apparently died.
People, witnesses have come forward saying that they helped to recover the bodies, that they witnessed the people.
Well, I have Associated Press articles where over the last ten years, they've built hundreds of these migrant labor camps.
Where they, quote, arrest people and put them in there later and yeah, that's why they love illegal alien labor.
That's why they've got 20,000 illegal Mexicans they made legal over in Iraq.
Because when they die, they just go in the dirt.
So, where I found out about this is a woman, a hurricane survivor, a Hurricane Andrew survivor, wrote a book about it entitled, Where Heavens Meet, and her name is K.T.
Where heavens meet.
Arnold, try to get her on.
Yeah, and especially Kate Hale.
If you could find Kate Hale.
We're trying to find her.
And she was in charge, and on the sixth day that they prevented relief going into that county, she was in front of the entire press junket, flying into hysterics because nobody would provide relief, and they're having more casualties.
Alright, well thank you.
A lot of that weird stuff has happened with hurricanes, but I don't really know the specifics.
George, where are you calling us from?
Oh, hi there.
Calling you from Ontario.
Welcome from Canada, go ahead.
I'll make a quick comment there about your last caller that was slightly off topic for me, but it's a warning from Thomas Paine.
He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression.
For if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself.
So when you hang your enemy, you do it with a rope around your own neck.
And I hope a lot of people that react emotionally to the news that is fabricated keep that very much in mind.
But what I called you about was I came across an excellent book called Gold Warriors.
It's written by Sterling and Peggy Seagrave.
And it's all about the loot that the Japanese took in World War II.
They stumbled on some files accidentally while they were researching the Hirohito family in a previous book.
Alex, you can't believe how much money was pilfered by these people.
Fifteen mine loads in the Philippines.
And the American administration at the time, the usual suspects in conspiracy, were responsible for liberating this money and making it disappear.
As one example, in 1960, Richard Nixon gave 35 billion U.S.
dollars to a man who became Prime Minister of Japan, who signed the Declaration of War Against Your Country.
This money, if they only use the interest off this money, they still have the principal.
And when you read about the people that were involved, the gangsters, drug dealers, war criminals... Well, I know this, $1.2 trillion is missing over the Clinton administration and now the Bush administration, and about 40% of that money has disappeared just while Bush has been in for three and a half years.
I mean, it is wholesale looting!
To an extent that I couldn't even believe.
I'm not familiar with the whole Japan thing, but I know that's why they love war, because there's so much clandestine stuff that can happen.
And it's a terrible shame, Alex, that that show we were on in Toronto, Cloak & Dagger, was taken off the air.
And it's still an internet show, cloakanddagger.ca.
It is.
Listen, we've got to break and start the second hour.
Stay with us, folks.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already into the second hour of this global transmission against tyranny, we have Greg Pallast, BBC Newsnight investigative reporter, best-selling author, joining us coming up the next segment to talk about, well, the arms bazaar in Pakistan and what's really going on with Lord Bush, his involvement protecting the proliferators of thermal nuclear weapons.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Alan in Texas.
Alan, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Alan.
You're on the air.
I hope your previous guest is still listening, because I wanted to talk for a minute about the city's resolutions for the Patriot Act.
And I first would like to highlight this.
There was a buddy of mine, I was delivering my wheatgrass down there on Barton Springs Drive, and one of the kids that runs that shop told me that he was walking into a travel agency and got called outside by four police officers, which pulled him aside, interrogated him about who he is, where he lives, what his phone number is.
What are you doing here in this travel agency?
I think I was just taking care of personal business.
And the kid says, well, wait a minute.
This is over the top.
Why are you guys asking me all these questions?
And I said, well, we saw you jogging across the crosswalk over there.
Now, that spurred me.
I called up, actually I emailed Mayor Pro Tem Goodman to ask her what sort of action had been taken on the resolution against the Patriot Act.
To ensure that those resolves were followed up on, what kind of bite is there in this resolution?
I got back a full page letter, she must be able to type really fast, and bless her heart, she's a great woman.
It said nothing.
Um, so I called the police department to ask what the community... Listen, when you sign a credit card, uh, uh, form now, when you get a bank account, uh, when you're going anywhere, it's all Patriot Act.
Patriot Act.
We're gonna give your info to the government when you buy stuff out of catalogs.
It's just, all these big corporations are lining up for the Caps 2 system.
Go ahead.
Okay, we need to move to the solution now.
Now, these resolutions... Well, what did he say to these police?
He just was like,
I was just stunned.
What have I done?
Why are you doing this?
And they said, oh, we're just acting on orders of the Homeland Security Act.
Now this was after the resolution was passed.
So I followed up.
When the council members were discussing this,
A lot of their conversation was about, well, what does this mean?
Now understand, that's like Nazi Germany where, let me see your papers, why are you going in there?
Right, now you said earlier in your show today, you know, we think we've made progress, but then either nothing has happened or it gets worse.
Okay, we cannot stop with a resolution on the Patriot Act.
We're going to need, and every one of these cities, I hope your listeners will take action on this, we're going to need hearings to talk about
Like, um, city law.
And to get that started, you can go sign up for your three minutes, take ten of your friends, sign up, and go, hey, you know, that young man needs to go down there and say, hey, I walked in a travel agency and they were asking me what I'm doing.
I mean, what is this?
It's, you know, the secret police milling around the street.
If they pass these resolutions and have nothing to follow it up with, the police department, they just, I mean, they sounded like they were just laughing at me.
What do you mean, do we have any kind of a monitoring system on
Illegal or unconstitutional activities.
Oh, so you talked to the police department?
I talked to them also.
Well, I know this Stan Nee was in the back room with the FBI and the U.S.
Attorney during the five hour debate about the Patriot Act, just beat red.
Well, you know, if we've got federal
wanting to move into our police departments.
Oh, that's been in the news.
The C.I.A.
is setting up offices.
The legislation's up there.
But if we have a local resolution that cannot prevent them from doing that, by making it illegal, punishable, by violating city law, and if the county law is the only, if our sheriff is the only guy who can really keep the feds out, they need to be on the bus.
I hear you, sir.
Good points.
We're going to have to follow up all of these cities, and we're going to have to get legislation to put teeth in the resolve.
Well, thanks for calling, Alan.
You're welcome.
I think I heard Alan's voice on this network.
I think he's a sponsor.
Thanks for your support.
Okay, we'll come back with Greg Palast and Barack, Michael, Joe, and others.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster with a New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Providence, Rhode Island to Los Angeles, California.
From Austin, Texas to Kansas City, Missouri.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com.
We're fighting the prison planet.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, short for Information War.
About a week and a half ago it came out that Pakistan, our little buddies with the dictatorship there,
Same folks that stage fake bombings against the President as an excuse to crack down on their population.
They do the same stuff Bush does.
It came out that some of their top scientists had been going around selling key nuclear weapons components.
Or is being alleged to foreign countries?
Well, our government, ABB, board member, Rumsfeld, I mean, Clinton allowed it, but Rumsfeld did it, arming North Korea.
Laurel, Hughes, these big Republican contributors, going and arming China.
They've been in there helping build up Pakistan, which is just totally nuts.
I mean, Pakistan is more unstable and crazy than Iran or Syria.
I mean, they're good guys compared to these people.
And then it turns out, as usual, Greg Paulus,
Best-selling author, a New York Times best-selling author of the best democracy money can buy, and BBC Newsnight investigative journalist, is Greg Pallast.
And turns out, con job, bush spike probe of Pakistan's nuclear mad scientist, and joining us is Greg Pallast.
Greg, good to have you on.
Great to be with you again, Alex, and obviously what people are just hearing this week on CNN and the rest of the American media, they would have heard already on your program, because I remember speaking with you last, when my book was released in the USA, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.
It's about six, seven months ago.
Yeah, almost nine months ago.
Thanks to your good work, by the way, it went to the New York Times Best Seller list.
But in that book at page 100, I just wanted to remind you we had spoken about the fact that Pakistan was giving out nuclear secrets.
I specifically named Dr. Khan, the Dr. Strange love of Pakistan, but there's something that has not been discussed on CNN that we discussed and I want to bring it back with a little extra.
In 2001, before the September 11th attack, our president's national security agencies ended, hindered, stopped the investigation of Dr. Khan, the Dr. Strangelove of Pakistan.
And it was the same thing with the Bin Laden?
It was part of the same directive that came out of, and that was in the book, and we had discussed it.
What happened was,
uh... i was sitting it was very chilling call i gotta tell you alex i was sitting in in bbc headquarters in london and despite our the recent attacks are still the the main uh... news outlet on this planet the biggest news network on the planet uh... and we got a call from inside of the national security apparatus of the of the uh... of our government the d i a c a complex and and a top operative told us
That investigations are being spiked and hindered.
And that was the W199I story?
Yes, that was one part of it.
See, the reason we got that call is that the FBI, just so you know the 199I story, that means a national security document, a secret document.
We got a hold of a fax, a copy of a secret document, which said that the investigation of the Bin Laden family in the United States, two members of that Bin Laden family, that
FBI agents were not allowed to go ahead with that investigation until September 13, 2001, two days after the attack, and these guys, of course, had flown.
So, but, the FBI, just so you know, the FBI's response to us was not that it didn't, that this document wasn't authentic.
They have never, the FBI, given every opportunity, has never challenged the authenticity of the document.
What they said to us was, there are things we have to do for national security that the public may not understand.
And so, I decided, well, I'd like to understand it, and their second excuse was that these were low-level agents.
Who basically had flipped these documents to us, and they didn't understand why they were pulled off the case.
But they didn't understand the big picture.
So we decided we'd better go to the top guys.
An investigation that included the supposed hijackers, the money men, all of it.
Well, yeah, the investigation is into the guys who were running what was considered a terrorist front organization.
You should know this terrorist front organization that they identified was
And I'll just say it, the CIA bag man
You know, all I can tell you is what I got, which is the file that said you can't look at these members of the Bin Laden family in the United States until, of course, they've left after the attack.
Well, I want to digress for a second.
Remember Colin Powell last year, right before the war?
He goes, no, Bin Laden is with Saddam.
Al Jazeera is airing the tape right now, and all the media ran out to go watch Al Jazeera and came back and said, no, it's not.
He goes, oh, it'll be on in a few hours.
Boy, they sure know when this guy they've been protecting is going to bring the tapes in.
Yeah, and what's very interesting is that when we got this call, you know, I said, look, he said that there was a major shift in U.S.
intelligence policy at the very top, this top operative, and he said it has hindered certain investigations.
This guy was like, you can imagine, intensely nervous, and we had his identity confirmed to us,
By National Security News Service, which is a terrific investigations outfit.
And he said, look, and I said, look, you have to tell me specific investigations that were halted by this administration.
I can't just go on the air and say, even if I just say on the air that it's general, you have to tell me specifically what investigations were spiked.
And he said, Khan Labs.
Now, I have to tell you, I didn't know Khan Labs.
I thought he meant like something in Connecticut.
Then I look it up.
Khan Labs is Dr. Abdul Khan, A.Q.
Khan of Pakistan.
The Nuclear Manufacturing and Research Lab in Pakistan is called Khan Laboratories.
And as it turns out, what happened was they had stopped that investigation.
Now, why?
The answer is twofold.
Because our president was going steady with his dictator boss, this guy Pervez Musharraf, the dictator of Pakistan.
And we didn't want to annoy the dictator of Pakistan.
Even more, and this has not come out in the news again either, is that according to our intelligence services, the initial money, we know that Comms sold secrets to North Korea and to Libya and to Iran.
But the initial money appears to have come from Saudi Arabia for Pakistan to build the so-called Islamic bomb.
And our agents were telling us, all these agents at many levels were telling us, you cannot investigate Saudi Arabian financing of terror networks or nuclear proliferation.
You can't look at the Saudis.
Because that brings you back to the Bin Laden family, and when you get back to the Bin Laden family, you get back to the family
Which has, you know, financially backed the Bush family.
And you get back to beady-eyed Bush and the Carlisle Group and the rest of them.
Now, as you know, right now we have a very, very unusual situation, Alex.
So, first of all, obviously, this still hasn't come out.
So, first, our newspapers are saying, and I was just sickened, by the way, to watch CNN.
In fact, I even pulled the transcript because I thought it was just so amazing what they're telling us.
Oh, by the way, Bush began his speech yesterday, our president, by saying, I see my friend George Shultz, a distinguished public servant and true patriot, with us.
George Shultz, by the way, was the head of Bechtel Corporation.
And he's Bush's main handler.
And as head of Bechtel, they are the guys who, they're number two after Halliburton in terms of cleaning up on these Iraq contagions.
True Patriot, sucking in those billions.
Yeah, direct pipelines of pure cash going directly into their fat bellies, no bids allowed.
Well, that's how you know he's a distinguished servant in True Patriot.
But he said also,
Anyway, Brigham says, now we know that once the administration has established that everything was true regarding Pakistan's involvement in the bomb, they pressed the dictator Musharraf to crack down on this and deal with Dr. Khan.
No, they stopped it.
The only reason, by the way, the game blew up and became public, is this was a little game played by Qaddafi.
When he decides to switch sides and join together with the oil companies in America and kind of switch sides, now he's our dictator, right?
Gaddafi's still a brutal, vicious dictator.
Well, this is 1984.
I mean, Greg, this is 1984.
He's always bad, he's always evil overnight.
He's now good!
He's all good!
Did they have elections there that I didn't know about?
I thought we were bringing democracy to the Middle East.
It looks like what they're doing is bringing this new oil contract
I mean, Gaddafi's not talking about democracy.
He's just cutting a deal with us.
But as kind of, I think, his little practical prank, was to say, oh, by the way, I thought I'd tell you who gave me some of the bomb secrets.
This guy from Pakistan.
Well, that's what Saddam did, and they had special forces troops go into the UN office, steal, and this was on the news, grabbed, what, 8,000 pages of the documents, and then Saddam released another copy, and guess what?
It was US and British companies.
That's right.
And so what you have is
I'm stunned at this, because we reported this just so you know, that this story about Dr. Khan and his bomb, and the story about the Bin Laden family as well, and spiking these investigations, this was page one news all over the planet, reported by BBC in November of 2001.
Over two years ago, just two months after the attack.
What was the headline on that?
Because, Greg, I want the headline on that because I want to post this interview with that article.
Yeah, in fact, actually, I got a University of California's journalism school gave BBC and the Guardian newspapers what's called a Project Censored Award for that story.
That means
The Project Censored Award from the Journalism School means that you have reported one of the most important stories on the planet, but it wasn't shown in the USA.
Yeah, I got one of those this year.
It's like you're talking about 40 countries running this story.
I'm talking page one and not a word in the US.
And now we get Dr. Khan.
Oh, we found this bad guy.
But what they're leaving out is how come the Bush administration, which had this information, like I say, according to our information, they spiked the investigation, but they still had plenty on this guy.
They never went after.
They never went after this guy.
And now that it's come out, they're going, oh boy, this is bad.
Let's do something.
We'll be right back.
Greg Powell, stay with us.
Hello, Ted Anderson.
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I can say this honestly.
Of investigative reporters that you can call mainstream, Greg Pallas is the best, the most prolific.
If you read his articles, his book, you'll find stuff out months, years before it finally trickles out in fragments in the mainstream media.
And really, it's just called old-fashioned work.
And, uh, you have our government knowing that Pakistan was proliferating nuclear weapons components, key stuff, and nothing goes on in that country that the government isn't sanctioning.
They're arming North Korea, North Korea's arming them, they're trying to sell stuff to Iran, everybody else.
And the military-industrial complex really likes this, folks.
It was our government that helped arm Russia.
Then they just burned the Rosenbergs as their patsies.
Because then they can have big weapons systems and keep the war going.
And that's what this is all about.
And Greg Pallast, years ago, in the BBC, put out these reports.
He put it out in his book on page 100.
His book he wrote a year ago came out nine months ago.
The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.
It's an excellent book, by the way.
This is scary.
Greg Palast, for those that just joined us that don't understand the players, boil it down for people in just a couple minutes what we're looking at and why this is so important because I don't want to just glaze over each one of these bombshell facts you've been laying out here.
Well, thank you Alex.
And by the way, I want to thank you because while I am on the biggest network on the planet, my stuff is virtually blacked out in the United States except on your program.
And so I really appreciate this opportunity to bring the information that's page one everywhere else on the planet.
I really thank you and I hope people realize how special and important this is to have this different outlet, which is not.
I mean, Alex has not been afraid to let me report all the news that I discover.
Now, I should mention, so to begin with, in November of 2001, FBI agents
Came to us at BBC television and the research groups you're working with, CIA, DIA officials, low-level, high-level, many, all complaining about the same thing.
That after, that before September 11th, they were not allowed to really hunt down terror networks and their alliances in the United States itself and in Pakistan and most particularly the connections back to Saudi Arabia and the Bin Laden family and other
Saudi funders of terror.
Now, you have to understand, and what they said was, when we were asked what specific investigations were killed, we were told one, the investigation killed the bin Laden family members in the United States, and the second, Khan Laboratories, which is basically running a carpet bazaar in nuclear secrets out of Pakistan.
And again, because the idea was not to disturb the Saudi money,
Now, one thing that should be very important and part of this discussion, the victims of September 11th, their families, the families of the victims of the September 11th attack, have sued the Defense Minister of Saudi Arabia for funding these characters.
This is the same guy that our information says was funding first Saddam Hussein and then later Pakistan to build an atomic bomb.
His lawyer,
His lawyer is a guy named James Baker III, who is also the senior counsel to Carlisle Group, who is also counsel to ExxonMobil Oil Corporation.
And former Secretary of State.
Former Secretary of State and counsel to George Bush, our president, in the Florida election count.
He now has an office, this man who represents the Saudi Arabian Defense Ministry, Exxon,
He has an office at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue given to him by our President.
This is the first in American history in which a foreign agent and oil company lobbyist is given a desk in the White House.
And the reason this is allowed to happen, just so you know, I mean, a strange subterfuge... Yeah, at least Clinton did it with the Chinese spies down the road at the Commerce Department.
Right, right, what you want to do is keep them off-site.
And in fact, if you remember, Henry Kissinger had to run away from the September 11th Committee because he wouldn't reveal his clients or get rid of his conflicts.
So why hasn't James Baker been required to do the same?
And the answer is, he has been tech-appointed to so-called reorganize Iraq's debts for the Iraqis, right?
They didn't ask for it, though.
But technically, he wasn't appointed by our President, but appointed by the puppet government that our President has installed in Iraq.
So, he does not have to go through a Senate confirmation hearing.
He doesn't have to reveal his conflicts.
He doesn't have to end his conflicts.
He still represents Saudi Arabia against the victims of September 11th.
And he's got an office in the White House.
In the meantime, our agencies are still covering for the fact that this madman, Dr. Strangelove, Dr. Khan of Pakistan, was in fact being funded by
Uh, by the Saudis.
So anyway, I've got to get off because I have another call I have to make.
This is Greg Pallis reporting for Alex Jones.
What a pleasure.
By the way, I've got a new CD out with this information, and Alex, I'm going to talk to you about that and maybe tell people about that tomorrow, okay?
God bless you, Greg Pallis.
Thanks for that report and take care.
We'll come back and take your calls, get into this, and cover more.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, Ted Anderson.
Listeners of the network are familiar with the Federal Reserve Note and understand the risks of deficit spending.
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I got Greg Palastone on short notice.
He's going to be joining us next week, perhaps tomorrow, for a full hour.
So we do have time to give you your calls.
We're about to go to Moroccan Michael and Joe, Tom, Ron, and many others that are patiently holding
But again, hidden in plain view, they protect Pakistan, they protect the fact that they're proliferating nukes.
Pakistan's got them.
I mean, the uranium, the parts, all of it.
Bush is hooked in with the Karwal Group, the Bin Ladens, the Saudi Royalty doing all this.
And meanwhile, they go into Iraq for somebody that doesn't have, you know, 5% of what Pakistan's got.
And we're setting this precedent where all these other countries can have nukes.
North Korea, Pakistan, Israel, everybody else, South Africa, you know, they got nukes?
Oh yeah.
Estimated to have over a hundred of them.
But that's all okay.
Japan's redeveloping nuclear weapons.
That is, re-arming, developing them.
Publicly saying they're developing them.
But now they want to go into Syria and Iran.
They bring this new story out instead of going, hey, why did Bush protect the Pakistani scientists and the government?
It's, oh, Syria and Iran may have gotten some of this.
Let's invade them!
Now, let's not invade the country that did it.
And I just... These stories are so huge.
The bravado of the Bush administration.
I mean, Bush on his military records.
We have his military records.
The media has had them.
The Boston Globe has written about them.
So has the Associated Press.
And Bush goes, fine, I'll release them.
They were already released.
They've expunged some of them, but the documents we have have already been out there for months.
We've been reporting on them here at nauseam.
And Bush says, they show I did my duty.
Well, he knows 99.9% of you are never going to go read the documents, 35 pages of them like I did.
Or like the Boston Globe did, and they could just say, oh, that's just liberals, you know, the documents show I did my duty.
They don't show that!
But it's the bravado of, they show I did my duty.
And with them producing these pay stubs, when it shows he's gone for 21 months, wow, that's even worse!
His Congress member, CIA director daddy really got the strings pulled!
The guy was grounded.
He didn't take his flight test.
He didn't take his drug test.
Didn't do any of it.
Just disappeared.
And then Bush tries to inject this spin that, well, don't talk bad about the guard.
Nobody was talking bad about the guard.
Now all the neocons are, yeah, I was in the guard.
How dare you?
I've got friends I've talked to who know about the new order.
And they go, well, don't put down the guard, Alex.
You know, Bush likes me.
He kind of said, he's with me, and don't talk
They get you to associate yourself with them.
It's like Clinton.
I'd talk to a liberal about, oh, Clinton's a criminal, a traitor, and I'd go, I just like him.
He's like my father.
I feel strong because I'm with him.
And then Fox News had that report with their psychiatrist.
I'm going, well, I've been talking to my, uh...
My clients, and they're conservative, and they're all very depressed that Bush has betrayed them on immigration.
They feel like he's their father.
I mean, this is a real trend, folks.
People identify with Hollywood, politicians, famous people, and they have like a little psychological, imaginary relationships with them.
I don't even know what I can say to this wall of lies.
This is a government that plants fake letters from troops in major newspapers with false signatures.
I mean, this is a government that lies about mobile weapons trucks.
And Bush said again that Saddam had mass graves in his Meet the Press interview.
Well, we found the mass graves.
And Iran was the one that said no.
The UN inspected that place in 92.
We send trucks multiple times monthly exchanging dead Iraqis we dig up that have been covered by sands and we exchange them for dead Iranians.
That's why it was boxes of bones and sand pouring out.
I'm not saying Saddam didn't torture and kill people.
He was trained by the CIA and put in by the CIA and told to attack Iran and told to attack Kuwait and in all of this.
The point is that they're liars and they're still telling the lies!
Alright, we'll go to the calls here in about a minute and a half.
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So again, take action.
Okay, let's go to these calls, bam bam bam.
Brock in Canada, thanks for holding patiently, you're on the air.
Hello Alex, I could only guess that this fiasco in Iraq is all about money and keeping the military industrial complex grinding.
That's a large part of it.
It's also about $4 trillion in oil there, $3 trillion in Afghanistan.
It's about setting up a police state here domestically.
That's about a lot of things.
And John Kerry and George Bush, they're both skull and bones men.
So would the policy of skull and bones men be just keep wars everywhere because that's how they were trained and their mindsets at that university?
One thing that's accurate in the movie Skulls, and again this is admitted, is they have a room called the War Room, and this was built 172 years ago, folks.
They have a room, and on the wall is war, and they pray to Satan that they believe Lucifer's God to give them power as captains, as kings, as pirates, to wage war upon the cattle.
And we're all seen as the cattle.
And they have these war chants they do.
And yes, it's all about war.
And you've got these district relations.
They say third cousins.
Lord Bush,
And Lord Kerry, in the same secret society, both with the same answer, so secret we can't talk about it, this proves it's WWF wrestling, Shakespearean theater, there is no presidential election, you can forget the electronic voting machines, that doesn't even matter, because the two candidates are from the same generational cult.
Yes, and I think that it'll probably be Kerry, because that will deflect some of the stuff that's slowly coming out about Bush.
And then they can shift back over, and then the left will suddenly love the Patriot Act and all that's happening.
But let me say this.
I said over a year ago that I thought Kerry would be the nominee.
Folks thought I was nuts.
I then have said that I believe George Bush will be the next president.
And you know what?
It doesn't matter either way, frankly.
Though, if Kerry gets in, neocons will finally wake up and become conservatives again.
Because, you know, if Kerry tries to get rid of borders, sign assault weapons bans, arm communist Chinese, he'll get heat.
Now, this is all conservative now under Bush, and I'm liberal because I'm pro-gun.
And I'm being serious here, folks.
But I personally think, when Bush looked at you and said, I'm not going to lose,
And he had total confidence there.
The demonic elf, Bediadonus, disappeared.
And he looked like a man.
And he said, I'm not going to lose.
I know where I'm going to lead.
It was very cryptic.
But again, I could be wrong.
But if need be, they got the voting machines in.
But if Kerry gives them, it's staged.
I can't get inside their minds.
But it'll probably be in 08, Kerry and Hillary Clinton as vice president.
That's what you'll probably see.
That's why Hillary's hanging back right now.
But it could be John Kerry.
Go ahead.
And I was also going to say, are there weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
Or have they been carefully maneuvered?
Or what is the story there?
Do they exist?
Well, they'll exist if they want them to.
Well, they could have produced them any time they wanted to.
They tried to bring out fake examples, but it was so shoddy they got caught.
And a lot of that is because the troops aren't evil.
And they don't have a lot of ground operators.
The globalists control the big banks and the media and systems.
They don't control the rank and file.
They have to control them through brainwashing.
And it just doesn't seem to be working.
And there's so many people in NSA, Defense Intelligence, FBI, CIA that are good, but are leaking all this.
That's why they haven't moved faster.
They're in a lot of trouble.
We're in this fight.
I mean, it's down to the 12th round, heavyweight boxing, the people against the New World Order, both sides have got eyes full shut, blood pouring out, loose teeth, and I'm telling you, we better fire up and fight even harder and just, you know, to win this thing or we're about to get KO'd.
Well, they are definitely winning, and credit to you for the good work you're doing.
I just wonder, you know, do those weapons of mass destruction exist?
They do if they want them to, but I wonder whether... Well, they know... We'll see, we have to make the UN be the good cops.
We have to embarrass America.
We do the work of the bankers and we get the blame.
And then the UN plays the part of the good guys.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
But we know they exist in Syria.
We know they exist in Pakistan.
And by weapons of mass destruction, folks, I mean, they consider any chemical weapon a weapon of mass destruction.
But everybody's got them.
And we know Syria's got some of that.
But nothing compared to other countries around them.
We know Pakistan has the nuke and medium-range missiles.
And they can go, what, 2,500 miles?
I guess I shouldn't say medium-range.
Intermediate-range is the proper term.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Let's talk to Michael in Texas.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hi, Alex.
I was wondering if you're familiar with the book Patriots by James Wesley Rawls?
Yeah, it's a great book.
I was wondering if you are ever going to get him on your talk show.
What happened is about four years ago I was going to get him on.
A big news story came up.
I canceled the poor guy.
And then I've always meant to contact him and get him on.
I just hadn't done it.
But I apologize for doing that.
It was a big news day.
I forget what it was.
A lot of times I cancel guests.
You just never know about it because a bunch of stuff comes up.
I just go, that's it.
I'm not taking guests.
But, yeah, I want to get him back on, or get him on.
I think that would be great, because I'm not trying to brag or anything.
I've been aware of the New World Order for 11 years already, since Waco woke me up.
Well, good!
And I'm only 25.
And you make some pretty interesting points about a UN-Federal collaboration after martial law was declared.
Yeah, that's going to be how it works.
That's the setup with the Southwest and all that, yeah.
United European troops coming over here and enforcing U.N.
Well, I'll tell you who talks about that now is General McKenzie at the U.N.
on Nightline.
The current Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, Wesley Clark, has given briefings saying that two years ago.
They are getting ready for martial law and firing troops.
They say, quote, if our troops are tied down in the war on terror overseas, foreign assets will be used to secure the homeland.
That's the current Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman's quote.
By the way, your taped 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, and The Masters of Terror, Rolls Bohemian Grove.
I have been giving them, selectively giving them to people, I think, that could think for themselves.
And it has been waking them up.
Thanks for the call.
I think everybody's a little awake subconsciously, but these push you out into the conscious mind and real intelligence.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joe in Arkansas.
Joe, welcome.
Thank you, Alex.
I wanted to tell you what I was told when I called to the detention center in Sheridan, Wyoming yesterday where Carl Klein is being held.
And that's the Patriot musician?
And so I asked why they were holding him, and I was told it was a destruction of poverty charge.
And I asked, isn't it usual for somebody to be out on bail pretty soon?
You know, on a charge like this, is he going to be out on bail pretty soon?
And the man told me that yes, that there was going to be a court hearing about it.
And by the way, he's been in there two months and nine days now, and he was arrested.
They told us on the phone, the district attorney's office, or county attorney, excuse me, they said that he was arrested for trespassing, and then he did something in the jail for a destruction of property charge.
Again, and then they've been doing some type of psychological evaluation, and two months and nine days for trespassing.
Yeah, so I was told by this man, I don't know if he was lying or not, but I was told that he was going to have some kind of a court hearing around the end of the week.
So we'll see.
That's what we were told.
We were told Friday.
That's about all I have right now.
Thanks, Alex.
Hey, thank you.
I appreciate the call, Joe.
Does anybody have comments about our government?
More than what Powell was saying, not just allowing them to arm enemies and protecting them and calling FBI off the investigation, but U.S.
companies have been selling them the goodies, as well as the Europeans.
That's been allowed to come out in our news, but not that our government's doing it.
But, I mean, who's the terror threat?
Our government protecting those arming our enemies with nuclear weapons?
When a young teenager walks into a travel agency and the police run after him and say, who are you?
Are you a terrorist?
No, this is the Patriot Act.
We have to ask these questions.
I mean, the Patriot Act being used against county commissioners, topless bars, pot dealers, Rush Limbaugh.
Is that what we're supposed to be doing here?
No, the answer is no.
But that's where it's all focused.
It's focused on you.
You're the terrorist.
I just want you to understand that.
Homeschoolers, Christians, gun owners, environmentalists, left, right, doesn't matter.
Anybody who doesn't lick boots properly and doesn't want to be a little mindless idiot slave is being caught in this net.
The good news is folks are waking up.
Tom in Colorado, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, thanks Alex.
This is probably off topic, but I had another, or I came across another example of... Sir, there's no topic.
We're all over the map on this show.
Go ahead.
I came across another example of hidden in plain view years ago.
I saw, you're probably familiar with David Icke.
I've had him on the show.
Okay, yeah, he's done a lot of research on symbolism.
And seeing your recent video on the website jogged my memory about this, that the streets around the White House are actually in the shape of an owl.
Well, it's an owl inside a giant pentagram, and the owl's belly is the Capitol Building.
I think it's at his mouth, actually.
Yeah, it's the White House's belly, excuse me.
And then the owl's, I don't want to get too graphic here, the owl's genitalia is the giant obelisk.
Oh, I didn't know that.
And by the way, they admit it's laid out.
I was watching some PBS special.
It must have been eight years ago.
It was a long time ago.
I know that.
Years and years ago when I first got on the air.
And they were doing the history of D.C.
and how they built it.
You can go research this online.
The main architect was a big mason and it is set up in an occult fashion.
So there's no debate of that.
So it's incredible.
Right in our face.
It is right in our face.
But, you know, what are you going to do?
I guess you can just get folks to try to notice it.
Anything else?
No, that's all I had.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
We'll continue rolling with your calls into the next hour, and I have covered about a third of the stack of news here.
And I've got a recap of other top stories coming up.
Ron in Oklahoma and others, you're up next.
And again, the premiere websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Got a lot of new stuff being added daily.
You'll want to visit the sites.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Coming up, Bush says that outsourcing jobs is good for the economy.
Jobless claims rise, CNN money.
Panel approves plan to monitor all prescription drug sales.
Everything you do, going into the database.
Already been happening, but now they're going public.
Senators push two-year internet tax ban.
That's some good news.
Feds back off case targeting anti-war activists.
More good news.
Russia launches nuclear war games.
And our country, under PDD 60, has been open since 1996.
We will accept a first nuclear strike.
And the subs have had the codes taken off of them.
And our government's letting Pakistan arm all our enemies.
Well, that's okay.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Let's go to Ron in Oklahoma, then Ron in New York, Sean in Rhode Island, Chris in North Carolina, Tim in Ohio, and others.
Go ahead, Ron in Oklahoma.
Alex, the FBI simply doesn't have the assets to invest in what Dr. Khan and Pakistan, when they've got all their assets tied up in Oklahoma City.
Surveilling Pakistani-owned container stores and businesses and restaurants owned by Middle Eastern people.
But also, yes, here in Oklahoma City... Sounds like you got a cold, but speak up for me.
I'm sorry, I do.
I'm a horse or cow or something.
Can you hear me?
Yeah, go ahead.
I hear you better now.
Here in Oklahoma City, yes, the U.S.
Drug Enforcement agent, with guns drawn in full view of his family members,
Mistakenly restrained and took down John Baker, who is a criminal justice investigator and police investigator, next executive board member of the Oklahoma City NAACP.
This was all a big mistake.
They were looking for somebody else, but they took this guy down and stole a few of his family.
Well, you know what's happening more and more is a cop's daughter in Texas
Goes to Miami for vacation, gets raped by cops, uh, you know, a politician's wife at the, um, big Michigan Detroit airport, uh, has her $10,000 diamond necklace grabbed by a laughing, uh, you know, uh, foreigner, uh, who's at a security station.
I mean, this is all happening.
And it's happening more and more and more.
So, these guys are getting their own medicine.
And, uh, you know, I'm too bad it's happening to them, but, you know, this is what goes on.
Well, also, Alex, here in Oklahoma City, we have a DynCorp operation, Tinker Air Force Base.
Alex, I've been on property out there.
You can have to sneak up on those people to catch them working, and then it's almost impossible.
I'd like to know what's going on.
Well, DynCorp was convicted in the civil court of kidnapping 200,000 women and children in 2000 alone.
I don't know.
But they got all the big Iraq contracts.
They're good folks.
They're the people out arresting Iraqis who don't wear RFID bracelets to have any job anywhere, street market, you name it.
You've got to be Halliburton approved and pay a percentage of your money to them.
I have to assume they get a percentage on each employee they hire.
That's where they make their money.
I don't know.
Well, it's all about slavery.
DynCorp is a government operation.
Also, Alex, when you tell a lie, make it big, repeat it often, and most
People will believe it, and that certainly seems to be what the government is doing now.
Yeah, Bush releases his military records and they show he was AWOL, and he says, see, I'm not AWOL.
And he refuses to talk about it.
Well, we won't go there.
We're not going to talk about that.
And that's the way it was during the 2000 election, too, if you remember when people brought up his drug and alcohol abuse.
Well, we're not going there.
Well, the reporter that put the story out, the story's been proven to be accurate, he died in a bathtub.
I was going to ask Greg Palast how many threats he gets.
Thanks for the call, Ron.
Thank you.
We've got a break now.
We'll come back to Ron in New York and Sean and Chris and Tim and others.
And I haven't even scratched the surface on a lot of the news.
Already had two great guests up today.
But stay with us because the third hour is going to be absolutely jam-packed.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I love this country.
I love freedom.
I love the Bill of Rights.
And I've never seen it getting chewed up as fast.
The Democrats are in there with Bush, voting all this through.
And the average conservative has been neutralized by the Rush Limbaugh's and Sean Hannity's of the world.
Time to wake up and get active and defend this republic while we still can.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, it happened again on Tuesday.
Last week, the racist, American-hating Mexicans
Down in Mexico, booed the star-spangled banner before the Olympic soccer game qualifying tournament.
They then chanted Osama, Osama, Osama, drowning out even the other crowd noise.
And it happened again on Tuesday where the Americans lost.
And this is who Bush wants the borders to be open to.
Our federal government funds these type of ideas.
And what does Bush, his business partner Bin Laden, and racist Mexicans have in common?
They all hate America.
We'll get back into that.
Also, a ton of other news I haven't even covered yet.
Right now, let's go back to these loaded phone lines.
They're always interesting.
And let's talk to Ron in New York, and we'll go to Sean, Chris, Tim, Kurt, and others.
Go ahead, Ron in New York.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, I'd like to mention three things, very interesting things.
In our local newspaper, New York Newsday here in New York, in the early part of this month, there was an article in there written by a man, an investigative journalist named Curtis Taylor.
It dealt with how municipal pension funds, of which I'm a member of, may have been depositing, the local control in New York City may have been depositing money in banks that turned around and gave Saddam Hussein credit throughout the years.
Now that goes back to BCCI and that whole private cash machine.
It gets better, Alex.
So I called this journalist up.
I spoke with him personally.
And he said yes, and that the control of New York City was now addressing that problem.
However, in the course of that conversation, he told me that in his investigation, it came out, he was chuckling as he was saying it, because he thought it was, you know, so outrageous in a way, it's like, how could people be so stupid?
American businessmen, American businessmen, since the first Gulf War, formed offshore corporations.
And they were doing business with Saddam Hussein right up to the last minute.
Let me tell you how this works.
Look, for those that just joined us, everything that our caller, Ron, is saying, I already have the mainstream news articles on it.
The average person just never hears about it.
Let me explain the magnitude of this.
The way the sanctions were written by the Security Council, controlled by the bankers in New York,
was that Saddam couldn't buy anything or sell anything but through them, namely Dick Cheney and James Baker and just a few dozen others.
And so right up until a month before the invasion, during the troop buildup, during the troop buildup,
He could only buy oil filled equipment, weapons components, you name it, from Dick Cheney and others.
And then they stand up and talk about how evil Saddam is and how anybody who trades with the enemy has got to be arrested.
And there they are, whether it's Al Qaeda, Saddam, Pakistan, everything.
And they take your pension money to do it.
And the funny part about it is, Alex, instead of them checking out these so-called American businessmen, they're hassling young guys who are jogging across a crosswalk and worried about the patriotism of simple people like that and old grannies and so forth.
Now, the second story I have is from a civil service journal here in New York called The Chief.
The New York City Council voted, 36 to 13 with one abstention, to pass a resolution
Calling for the United States Congress to repeal certain aspects of the Patriot Act.
They had a rally when they announced the result of this vote, and at this rally was a woman who belongs to a group called Peaceful Tomorrow.
It's an anti-war group which consists of families of people killed in the September 11th attack.
This woman in particular, Adelaide Welty, her son was a fireman, killed in the Twin Towers.
And we had the organizer of that on last, uh, first hour.
So, my point is, you can't accuse this woman of being a communist subversive.
She gave her son up to those efforts, okay?
He lost his life.
And she made this statement, I think it was a very brave thing for her to say and do.
She indicated that the administration is using American fears of further terrorist attacks, and this is a quote, to push its agenda for regime change abroad and repression at home.
And this is what this woman said.
I think it's time that we have to take heed to what's going on.
And lastly, Alex, I'd just like to mention, maybe it would be a great guest to have on your show.
It's a male-female, uh, group.
They're on the Pacifica Network.
They do a show testing the... Just email me the info.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we have loaded phone lines, an absolute news blitz of key information, a recap of top stories at the end of the show as well.
Got about 51 minutes left.
We got loaded phone lines here.
But before I go, back to callers in order, Sean and Chris and Tim and Kurt and others, I got a rule.
If you disagree with me, you go to the front of the line.
Number one, we don't screen calls here.
We just say, what are you calling about in case you disagree?
We ask where you're calling from, your first name, and hey, sometimes we ask, well, what are you calling about?
Because we want to know if you disagree.
We asked Richard in Texas, what do you want to talk about?
And he said, I just agree with Alex about his racist attitude towards Mexicans.
Before I go to Richard, let me just explain this.
If you go back and listen to what I said, maybe he's a new listener, is that I have a lot of Hispanic friends.
They're the most highly decorated, statistically, people in our military, Congressional Medal of Honor winners, all that.
I said, racist Mexicans
In Mexico, in Guadalajara, and in another soccer match, booed the Star-Spangled Banner and chanted, Osama, Osama, Osama.
And yeah, they're racist.
Now, I have gone to the METCHA website, I've read their quotes, I've shown video of them with signs of people, white people's heads cut off, saying, we're gonna kill the white man.
Now that's racism!
Now I've gone out and bullhorned the Klan, and I've gone out and bullhorned METCHA.
And last time I checked, I didn't see white people starting groups called The Race.
La Raza.
I mean, this is getting to be out of control.
And this political correctness that if you criticize, you know, groups... I mean, Khalid Mohammed says, kill all white people, kill all white women, kill all babies.
I've played the clip here many times.
Every nine months, a white woman lays down on her back and out rolls reinforcement.
Why do you say, kill a little blue-eyed baby?
Because that little white devil's gonna grow up and we gotta kill them all!
I mean, that's racism!
And I'm sick of it!
And I will stand up against it!
Now, let's go to Richard in Texas.
Go ahead, Richard.
Well, thanks for putting me at the front of the line.
And, uh... I can't really disagree with your previous tirade to a whole lot.
My point is this.
There's racism in every group of people.
The white woman is the military manufacturing center!
Uh... I know Mexicans.
I've traveled into Mexico, uh, a number of times.
I speak passable Spanish.
I'm, you know, I'm white as a Klansman, except I couldn't stand to be one of them.
But, there is... Okay, well, who do you think's Channing Osama?
The Easter Bunny?
The people that are being inspired by the American government.
What I'm saying here is the problem... All I know is when I'm eating somewhere, the Mexicans... Could I speak just a moment?
Hold on a second, hold on a second.
I talk just like this on my TV show, here in Austin, and all I know is, is that I, every time I eat at a Mexican food restaurant, my food's paid for.
I mean, I just, look, look, Mexicans who are patriotic and American know I'm telling the truth, because they're around it.
And that's, that's the truth, my friend.
Okay, if I could speak just a little bit.
Okay, go ahead, talk.
Your statements about the racism and all of this sort of stuff that, you know, is anti-American, you're reflecting only a minority of the Mexican attitude that's been inspired by U.S.
government stuff, okay?
Well, I gotta agree with it.
Make your point and then I'll comment.
Okay, I think what I'm saying is it's counterproductive to say that.
There are reasons that a lot of Mexicans dislike the American government.
I mean, we took over what was their supposed territory.
Here, let's be clear on that.
My ancestors did.
Well, mine did too.
I'm white as the day is long.
Sir, sir, sir!
There's a whole lot of people with brown skin walking around here who took it away from them, too.
You know who wrote the Texas Constitution?
Well, I know who wrote the Mexican Constitution in 1821.
But do you know who wrote the Constitution?
A third of our force was Tejanos!
I agree with you, and I'm not arguing with you, Alex!
Go ahead.
I'm trying to make a point here, okay?
But Mexicans are not racist.
I've traveled down there in two different ways.
That's like saying white people aren't racist.
Because you're not racist, you don't think there aren't whites that aren't racist?
Some are, but I'm not trying to argue.
I'm trying to make a point.
There have been bad things done to almost all of the Latin Americans by the American government.
A lot of them have resentment about that.
For good reason.
Are you familiar with the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
Yeah, I'm familiar with it.
I've read it.
Do you know one of the things that it said when we took over basically New Mexico and Arizona?
Well, let's see what you say, Scrooge.
Go ahead.
Spanish and Mexican land grants for land there would be honored by the American government.
That is, those who held the land would also be able to hold it under American provision.
The first thing that happened as soon as it was taken over, and it took some time, but as soon as we moved in there... Make your point, I've got to move on.
They started taking the land back from these people.
The other thing that I want to make, one other point.
Is that we have messed in Central American and Mexican politics negatively ever since this country has been in existence.
Okay, thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
I've got a bunch of callers and I've got a many guests I've got to get on here.
But let me just say this.
I'm not going to defend things that the government has done.
But our government compared to the Mexican government under Santa Ana and those that came after him were saints.
You can't own land in Mexico.
It's a tiny fraction, just a few hundred families that own almost all of it.
Okay, now in Mexico you can come up here and own land.
And what you just said isn't true because in South Texas, almost all the richest families in Southwest Texas all have Spanish surnames and they were Tejanos.
And they own the businesses, they own hundreds of thousands of acres.
It's just not true.
Now, were there range wars?
Did white people get run off land?
Did Mexicans get run off land?
That did go on, and that happened to everybody.
But Mexico, and most of the Mexicans I talk to who are illegals, and my wife speaks Spanish, she speaks German, she speaks French, she speaks it all.
Because her dad was a diplomat, she grew up in Europe.
You know, she hears the comments.
She knows what's going on.
I'm not talking about, you know, the Mexican peasants, the hard-working, you know, nice Christian people.
I'm talking about those out of the colleges and the people that are out there organizing and printing up the comic books and all the stuff that puts out this lie.
That's what I'm saying.
And Mexico, you know, the French,
The Russians tried to claim part of this country.
Everybody was grabbing it.
It belonged to the Indians.
It didn't, you know, Native Americans.
It didn't belong to Mexico.
It didn't belong to us.
And for Mexico to say the Southwest belongs to them, and to have South Texas towns flying the Mexican flag and no American flag, and saying you can't speak English in court proceedings, and the documents are in Spanish, that's wrong!
And there's a Lurican Quista going on!
A reconquering!
And that New York runs it because they want to break this country up.
Now, that's the fact.
Is Latin America mad because the CIA overthrows their governments and kills people in death squads?
Is that wrong?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.
But many times their corrupt governments blame everything on the U.S.
government and use that as a tool of control.
And I'm saying we've got a big group of people that don't like America pouring in here.
Now that's the facts.
Alright, we're going to go to the loaded phones, but I appreciate Jim Shepard holding for the last eight minutes.
Jim Shepard, big sponsor of this show.
I believe in the product, high quality water filters.
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Jim, thanks for coming on the show.
It's a pleasure.
By the way, I was listening to your previous caller, and I'd like to make just a couple points on that.
First of all, the land grants were not revoked.
In Colorado and New Mexico, there are large land grants.
That predate these territories being annexed into the United States.
One of them that comes to mind is the Baca land grant.
And so, I really didn't quite follow what the caller was saying on that.
Now, I think that he did make two good points.
I think that one of the points he was trying to make was that the government, that the people down there can probably distinguish the difference between the government and the people.
And then I would make one other point.
In my travels in Mexico, what I found was that, especially the border towns, and then the large cities like Mexico City, man, I'll tell you what, there's some of those people that'll kill you for two pesos in your pocket.
And then you get out in the rural areas, and they are some of the kindest people that you will ever meet.
Well, that's the point I was making.
That's the point I was making.
I'd say half the Mexicans hate America.
I'm talking about the ones in Mexico.
And the other half are good people.
This is a fact, folks.
It's just been my observation that when you get into the large cities, and of course that's probably true here in the United States too, you get into the large cities and people tend to be a little bit more keyed up than country folk.
But for me it was absolutely stark, the difference.
My first impression of Mexico was the border town.
And it scared me to death, and I got down in there 500,000 miles down, and I could not believe how kind and genuine and good-natured these people were.
And I think that you made a good point, also, with respect to the government systems.
Unfortunately, in Latin America, there's always been a patronage system, where when somebody gets into office, the first people they take care of is family.
And unfortunately, that breeds corruption.
And God bless those people that live under those governmental systems that have patronage down there.
That's one thing that we have not had to deal with here in the United States.
And I think that's one of the reasons why we have been so prosperous.
Well, that's it.
So, you know, we'll be right back, Jim, to plug the filters and we'll go to calls.
Everybody stay right there.
You don't want to miss the rest of the show.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to shotgun
Through the oldest calls that have been holding here after we're done with Jim, Sean and Chris and Tim and Curt and Pat, that'll be it for calls.
Then I'll spend about 15 minutes blitzkrieging through the final T-News items here.
Jim Shepard, herbicides, pesticides, sodium fluoride, chlorine, dead bacteria, uh, uh... Life bacteria?
Yeah, exactly.
Affluent from sewer systems, Ritalin, Prozac,
It's in the water supply.
Hormones from birth control pills.
It's admitted.
It's horrible.
Only a nut would drink tap water.
I was at a restaurant last night and, uh...
And you know, they didn't have bottled water, which I don't even like.
And then I tried to take a sip of tap water.
It tasted horrible.
People gotta stop drinking this.
How do we take control of our lives when we won't even stop drinking the poison water?
70% of your body is water, folks.
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What are the specials, Jim?
Okay, I'm going to modify the specials specifically because of the nuclear maneuvers that Russia is going to be doing starting the next week.
Have you briefed your audience on that?
I mentioned it in the first hour, but yeah, they're doing nuclear attack drills and... Basically, they're going to be launching intercontinental ballistic missiles, shooting missiles off from submarines.
They're going to be mimicking a seven-hour nuclear war.
They're going to be launching satellites into the space and so on and so forth.
So, the special this month is the Berkey Light without the lights and a free sport bottle.
Uh, for folks who want to avail themselves of that special, uh, you can, uh, swap out the sport bottle for potassium iodate.
Just in case anything crazy would go on, if you feel like that, if that will make you more comfortable, then you can swap it out.
Well, everybody should have potassium iodide, because how many Austinites know they have a pretty good-sized nuclear reactor, an old one, at UT?
No one seems to know that.
It could have a problem.
There's the South Texas Nuclear Project, a gigantic complex down there, one of the biggest nuclear reactors in the country.
So-called terrorists could attack it.
Uh, I mean, yes.
I have about, well, I bought about 20 bottles from you and I gave about 12 of them away to family and friends, but I've got eight bottles, uh, one in each car.
I mean, this is the number one cause of death.
If there is a radiation event, it's the thyroid filling and then literally rotting in your body.
Uh, so, uh, absolutely.
And of course, that wind can carry the nuclear fallout from an event like that, uh, for two, three hundred miles.
And so, uh,
So we're going to modify the special where you can have your choice of the sport bottle or the potassium iodate.
If you get the Berkey light with the light, then you can get two sport bottles or two potassium iodate, or you can get one of each mix and match.
And then we have the other sport bottle special that's five
I think so.
And then, or you can get a dozen of them for $1.99, and that is also a mix and match.
If you want to get, you know, some of the potassium iodate in lieu of the sport bottles, you can do that.
And by the way, the Feds have bought this for all their agencies, the Postal Service people, but somehow haven't told us to get it.
Call Debbie right now.
Put in your order, and if it's busy, leave your name and numbers, we'll call you right back.
Anything else, Jim?
Well, I think that you just made a good point, Alex, that government agencies across the United States are stockpiling potassium iodate, and somehow the people themselves are being left out.
And if you don't want to be dependent upon some government agency to be kind enough to pass it out to you before a nuclear event,
Uh, then you really ought to do what the government is doing and start getting some of that stuff in your own possession.
The land of the confused and the world headquarters of the brainwashed.
America is scared of people like me.
And what they will do, even their own kind, is put them in the ground.
Because information is leaked out.
Now if you look back through history, America was founded on gangs.
Now today we have the FBI, we have the police, we have the CIA, all gangs.
Even the correction officers are gangs.
I'll tell you what, stay there, you're making a good point.
We have hereditary mafia, wasp mafia, out of the East Coast, right where you're sitting in Rhode Island, and they're ruthless, and they're destroying America.
And they're a global organized crime syndicate.
That's what the new rule order is.
It's a global crime syndicate that runs the government.
Stay there, I'll let you finish up, Sean.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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There is a war on for your mind!
Let me just briefly mention this article.
This is out of the Hindustan Times.
Got a bunch of other stories here.
Russia launches nuclear war games.
Russia notified the United States on Tuesday that it has launched war games that involve the test launch of intercontinental missiles and flights by its heavy nuclear bombers.
Deputy Chief of Staff General Yuri Bolovansky
Stress that the exercises are being conducted, quote, in order to prevent aggression and military pressure being applied to Russia.
And by the way, about a year ago, the BBC reported they put all the red stars and peppers and sickles back on the aircraft and tanks.
That's our little friends.
But don't worry, we've got all the colleges watched and the borders open and citizens being tracked and traced.
Don't worry.
Pakistan's arming everyone.
Our government's armed North Korea, but again, don't worry, just give your rights up, let the police wear black ski masks and put cameras up in the schools.
Going back to Sean in Rhode Island, yeah, the New World Order is a handful of families who run their own hereditary organized crime syndicates over different sectors of the economy, and they have their own little criminal gangs that work for them, and it's the same psychology.
Go ahead and finish up, Sean.
Yeah, basically I just want to
Take that and let that be out in the open for people who was blind to the fact of that.
I just really wanted to call to put out a couple little things here.
And I just want to make this other, two more points and I'm going to let you be.
I want to let you people know, if you ever look to America for something, look at this.
There's gangs in America.
There's Bloods, there's Crips, there's all kinds of gangs.
Somebody shoots somebody who's somebody's family member.
There's going to be a retaliation.
America is the same way.
But ain't nobody killed anybody that belongs to America.
If somebody drops a bomb in Pakistan, America's going to go over there and show them who the real killers are.
Alright, thanks for the call.
And when you say America, I want to make it clear.
Criminal elements using America as its shill.
Let's go ahead and go to Chris in North Carolina.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Thank you for taking my call.
I appreciate all the good work that you're doing every time I call.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate the great palace interview today, too.
Something happened here in North Carolina yesterday that has got me absolutely fired flat to the pit of my being.
In Raleigh, the capital city here, we had an 18-wheeler turnover yesterday in the middle of town.
The 18-wheeler was reportedly carrying military arms.
Our military arms.
This is not getting any national coverage.
I have called local talk shows here, supposedly conservative edges.
They won't talk about it.
I can't get any information from anyone as to where the truck was going, what its destination was, what route it was supposed to be taking.
This thing shut down a half mile radius all the way around the crash site.
In town, we're not talking about on a highway, not that that would have been bad enough or whatever, but have you seen reports of this?
Do you know why we would be using 18-wheelers to transport military weapons through major cities in North Carolina?
I mean, this is subcontracted out 18-wheelers or something like that.
Well, was this a side street or a major highway?
No, this was through the middle of town.
I mean, Alex, how hot do you have to be to get
Masses from people.
I mean, now, to a lot of people, this might not sound like a lot.
What I'm trying to say is that it was weapons.
You want to know what type of weapons?
Well, I know they were shells, because you could see them from the video cameras on the 6 o'clock news last night.
But they won't tell what kind of shells, you know, what kind of armament.
Well, I know in Alabama they've been burning up all the old chemical weapons shells, but I...
No, I don't know.
I need some information.
I mean, I think they should tell us.
I have called WTVD 11, one of the local television stations here, and I'm supposed to be able to get video footage of that through that, or through their organization.
Now, here locally, about 40 miles northeast of Raleigh, there about, Camp Butner, an old World War II Camp Butner,
It's for the most part shut down now.
It has really no military use available to it now at this point in time.
We are turning up, I guess, on an average of about 50 to 75 shells per year that were buried there for training during World War II.
Now, you know, that in and of itself is bad enough being that
The local economy here for a little while was seemingly good in terms of people being able to refinance and build homes and that kind of thing.
Hey, how are shells buried in an old munitions area?
How is that tied into the economy?
Alright, well, that's what I'm getting ready to talk about.
The shells being buried in the old Camp Butner area, the economy that was good that produced
Well, I say good.
The economy that produced financing low enough to get homes bought, land paid for, that kind of thing, built right on top of old Camp Butner.
So in the back of people's yards, here we go digging up mortar rounds and so forth.
Here locally, I don't know, maybe it's just my crazy mind working.
I'm kind of a little bit perturbed about the whole shell issue.
You know, we deal with this out here in this area enough
And now we've got trucks turning over in the capital city, turning around bombs.
What do you do?
Who do you talk to?
Well, I agree.
They're not supposed to have big, live ordnance driving around the middle of cities.
And you need to complain so they don't do that.
And I appreciate the call.
I understand your concern.
Let's go ahead and talk to Tim in Ohio.
Tim, go ahead.
Alex, always a pleasure.
I feel your pain.
I try to tell people every day.
It's like, you know, we are on borrowed time.
I know that the New World Order is working pre-Cambrian.
They say I'm a right-wing extremist now.
Anyway, it's tax time again, and I was wondering if you were going to have maybe Bob Schultz or Irwin Schiff on the show?
Yeah, I should do that.
And also, I was reading somewhere where, first of all, I loved your video when you went in and you asked GW about
The Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations when they kidnapped you?
Ah, yes.
Now, I was reading somewhere where the Federal Reserve can actually be bought out for four million or a billion, I can't remember which one it is.
Four million or four billion dollars.
It's actually written into the Federal, the Banking Act of 1913.
Yeah, but the Treasury and the Congress has to agree to that.
And so, I mean, that's all the old laws.
I mean, they're not about to give it up.
I mean, sure, they have that clause in there, but that's for them.
They're not going to sell it to you.
I know what I'm saying.
But there's one way that we could, because that would just bring them to a grinding halt.
Take their money away.
Well, you don't think these criminals are just going to turn loose with things, do you?
Not at all.
You have to educate enough people for that process to begin.
That's what I thought about Bob Irwin.
Irwin's book, The Federal Mafia, is a great read.
It is.
And I must admit, I'm guilty of working for government, industry, the media, and education.
The BS got so high in each one of those I got out of them, and each time I got out of the pan and into the fire.
So, I don't know where I'm going to go next.
I told you a couple weeks ago I started my own organization, Truth, teaching and researching United States treasonous hierarchy.
Well, that's good!
This weekend, we are going to be going around to the different tax preparers, and we're going to have little cards, and we're going to be handing them out to people going into the tax preparers that ask them to ask their tax preparer
Where does it say we have to pay?
Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
Four simple questions.
And I would encourage other people to do that, too, around their area, because it's public property.
You can stand out in front of these buildings.
You can hand things out to people going in there.
And you can put the pressure on these places.
Thank you for the call, Tim.
Good to hear you're doing that.
Okay, who's up next?
Leslie in Virginia.
Leslie, you go ahead.
I was about to go to Pat, but they hung up.
Thanks, Alex, for taking my call.
I was listening to your callers, and I agree with all of them.
However, I think a lot of dissension has been directly... the cause and effect is with the World Bank and IMF.
And as you know, there is no, or if any, little oversight, except for when they come to Congress and beg for some more money.
Well, we're talking about over $200 billion within five years to the International Monetary Fund alone.
And what they do is they go to these Central American countries and South America.
I'm just giving you examples.
And they don't understand why the people outrage with this country.
I mean, this crowd does not... Well, yeah, in 1973 the IMF told the, what was it, the 50 most populous third world countries, they told them, you have to sterilize half your women forcibly or no more IMF or World Bank money.
So absolutely.
That's right and that's just one example of many and how these loans are made and I mean it's an extortion in my book.
Well they take our money that's fiat to begin with, backed up by our debt, then they go give it to dictators, tell them, and this has come out in World Bank and IMF documents, not to pay it back, they sign contracts signing the people, the land, the resources over to the globalists.
You got it.
And these people can't understand why
People are very upset with Americans.
I mean, these globalists need to be put on notice.
IMF needs to be abolished, Alex.
Well, the globalists have been, again, using America as their front.
Then America gets demonized, and the American people get demonized.
It's not really America doing it.
That's correct.
We were this free, strong, wealthy country.
The globalists took over, have used our wealth, our energy, our minds.
Uh, to dominate the world and now they're dumbing us down and taking our jobs and making us third world serfs as well.
You got it Alex, and the people need to wise up.
IMF needs to be abolished and I suggest that your listeners please call Congress and get this
A corrupt cabal abolished once and for all.
Well, they're the owners of the Federal Reserve.
Thanks for the call.
They still need to be abolished.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
And then it's the same bankers funding the textbooks and the comic books and the pamphlets in Mexico saying the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
Because they want to use these people to break the country down when they're the ones raping them.
That's the point I was trying to make earlier.
Who was he?
Richard from Texas?
All right, let me dive, and I mean dive, into the news here in the last 15 minutes as promised.
More news, then I'll recap some of the top stories at the very end of the show.
CNN money.
Jobless claims rise.
New weekly claims for unemployment come in unexpectedly higher than Wall Street forecast.
Now remember, two million people in the last three weeks have gone off their unemployment roll.
They're no longer counted as unemployed.
And then Bush says, oh, less unemployment.
New job claims rose in the United States last week.
The Labor Department said 363,000 people filed new claims for state unemployment benefits.
And the week that ends, February 7th, up from a reversed three revised, excuse me, 357,000, the prior week economists on average expected 345,000 new claims according to the briefing.
The four-week moving average of new claims, which irons out the volatility of the weekly data, rose to $350,500 from a revised $345,500 the prior week.
Continued claims, the number of people out of work for a week or more, fell to $3.08 million for the week ending January 31st.
The latest data available from the revised $3.1 million the prior week.
So, they're saying only a few hundred thousand people.
Unemployment's gone down by a few hundred thousand, but then we've got millions going off the rolls as they cook the books.
This is out of the Herald Tribune, Associated Press, South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina.
Panel approves plan to monitor all prescription drug sales.
Now again, all over the country, the
Pharmacies are already doing this, but now they're codifying it state by state, but it's federally funded.
The state would maintain a database of prescription drugs sold in the state, and who bought them under a measure a House budget panel approved Wednesday?
House Majority Leader Rick Quinn, Republican Columbia, won approval for the database as a Way and Means Committee wrapped up a work on temporary law changes that will be put on the state budget.
Quinn told a panel that the database operated by the State Department of Health and Environmental Control would help cut down prescription drug abuses.
For instance, he said, police would be able to catch people who visit multiple doctors for treatment of the same malady and get prescription drugs and then resell them.
The legislation affects Schedule II through V-drugs, those are the harshest legal narcotics, such as morphine, down to cough syrups and codeine.
So there you go.
It seems very overreaching for the government to be tracking prescription drugs use of all health care recipients in our state, said Sue Berkowitz, Executive Director of the South Carolina Legal Justice Center.
The budget amendment says different groups could access the data.
Pharmacists for the prescriptions they issue, patients for the prescriptions they receive, state regulators investigating pharmacists, grand jury for the subpoena, law officers investigating abuse of illegal drugs.
Of legal drugs, excuse me.
So now police without a warrant, just a big database, that cop doesn't like you next door, wants to find out what's going on, just type it right into the database.
Oh, that's just what they're telling you about it.
Quinn's proposal requires no subpoena or warrant for law enforcement access for the information people who
Uh, improperly disclosed data information face a fine of more than $5,000.
Law-abiding citizens should not have their records gone through just because law enforcement wants to check them, Berkowitz said.
Has nothing to do with terrorism, but it's all part of the terrorism of the globalists, centralizing control, part of the matrix system.
And that's not a movie, that's the system.
Uh, senators push two-year internet tax ban.
That's good news.
Now, U.S.
Senators opposed to a bill to permanently ban Internet access taxes.
See, it sounds good on the surface.
Unveiled rival legislation on Wednesday for a temporary tax moratorium that would not threaten state and local revenues.
Folks, there's not a tax on a Sears Roebuck catalog.
They say, oh, well, any other new catalog, anything out of state, you've got to pay taxes.
And a lot of companies are already doing it.
Very bad.
And can you imagine having to keep track of that?
Just amazing.
Feds back off case targeting anti-war activists.
Civil liberties groups Tuesday hailed the withdrawal of subpoenas issued last week before peace activists by federal prosecutors in Des Moines, Iowa as a significant victory, but instead the government must explain why they were issued in the first place.
That's what they're busy doing as Pakistan runs around arming everyone and Bush orders the FBI not to investigate.
And, uh, Ripken blames security services for his absence, Associated Press, the Russian presidential candidate Ivan Ripken,
...tried yesterday to end the discussion surrounding his five-day disappearance.
In an interview with the Echo of Moscow Radio, the Kremlin hinted that the blame lay on the security services for indirectly frightening him into hiding and for not telling the country where he was.
Rimkin announced that he was taking time out to decide whether to abandon his candidacy in the election of March 14th.
President Vladimir Putin is widely expected to win.
So it looks like a staged event.
Piglard to stop terror attacks.
This is out of the news of Australia.
And I'd heard the French did this when they had Muslims bombing them back in the 40s and 50s and 60s.
That they would ladle out Piglard up and down the rocks, the rock beds supporting the tracks.
Because if one of these Muslims thought that they bombed it, a rock hit them, they wouldn't get into heaven.
Israeli police have come up with plans to place bags of pig lard on buses in a bid to deter Palestinian militants from carrying out suicide attacks.
The Imarov Daily reported.
I'll tell you more about that and a bunch of other really serious news when we get back.
Stay with us.
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A new world order?
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm here live, folks.
And I really am proud of the work we're doing at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
We've been adding new video clips and key analysis and a lot of amazing info there, like my Skull & Bones Bohemian Grow tie-in special I did.
It's 41 minutes long.
It's for free.
It's on the website.
And every week or so, we're going to be putting up 20 to 30 to 40 minute presentations on key issues, and I hope you'll spread the word about it.
The Andres von Bulow, the German Technology Minister interview where he lays out the globalists behind 9-11, that transcript's up on the site.
I hope you'll get it and email it out to people.
I've got a few final news articles here that I want to get to, but before I do that, just briefly, I've made 10 films, I've written a book, I've published a book, I carry other good books and films and books on tape by the best folks, best researchers out there, the most accurate info I can find.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, don't wait, get the videos, get them out to your friends and family, make copies of them, spread the word,
Here's the total free number to get the films.
You get big discounts when you order three or more.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
My newest film is Matrix of Evil.
Full of exposés on the New World Order, full of solutions.
Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Roberts, myself, need to get it.
Oh, this pig lard to stop terror attacks.
Rabbinical authorities have given the idea its approval on the grounds that it could be a life-saving measure, even though pigs are considered impure to Jews, as well as Muslims, and they're talking about putting pig lard in schools everywhere.
Bags of pig lard.
I've read the French did this.
I'd like to hear from some Muslims.
Maybe the Mara.
Is it true that you're so afraid of a pig that that's true?
Because I've read that and heard that.
I guess it is true.
That's amazing.
Rumsfeld draws back on Blair's 45-minute claim, ABC News.
He now says, I don't remember the statement being made, to be perfectly honest, where I'm still at the Pentagon News Conference.
So he's now basically saying he never said that.
I've got him on video.
I had VCRs running for weeks leading up to the Iraq War, during the Iraq War.
Just more, I don't remember saying that.
Never said that.
Pentagon cooking the casualty counts.
American Free Press, there's a lot of mainstream articles on this.
It's in the thousands.
It's in the thousands in Iraq, it's in the thousands in Afghanistan, and it's in the hundreds worldwide, in the hundreds in the Philippines.
It's just horrible.
French lawmakers strike over a criminal justice bill, and French lawyers went on strike Wednesday as a permanent
Parliament prepared to enact a new criminal justice law that many fear would undermine civil liberties and strengthen police powers, lengthening detention periods and introducing plea bargaining.
And they're basically enacting the same police state measures that England and the US are.
It's the same thing worldwide.
The French aren't against the globalists.
They're all in it together.
So that's serious as well.
I'm out of time.
Boy, that show just exploded
Right past us, we'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time, right here on this same fine station you're listening to us on, whether it's AM, FM, shortwave, internet.
And we've got more great guests coming up tomorrow and some huge guests that we've lined up for next week.
So thank you for listening to this live Thursday edition, the 12th of February, 2004.
And thanks to our affiliates, our sponsors, our listeners, and number one, God.
And please help us get the word out and fight the globalists and realize that we don't have a choice.
I guess we do.
Submit to this and be slaves or stand up and fight it.
I know that giving in to tyrants only makes it worse.
So let's stand up and be part of history and defend this republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Again, God bless you all.
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