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Name: 20040210_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 10, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
You are not going to want to miss this broadcast.
We have a top-level neocon, a communist, a liberal, a big government promoter in sheep's clothing, joining us in conservative clothing.
Scheduled, but I'm not going to say who's coming on, because if we do that, sometimes they don't show up.
That's coming up.
Also, we have the father of a young girl who went on a psychotropic drug and then hung herself, and the statistics show and the medical studies show that these drugs are causing that to happen.
In the next segment, I'm going to play the two clips of George W. Bush on Meet the Press, talking about skull and bones and how it's so secret he can't talk about it, and John F. Kerry a few months ago on Meet the Press with Tim Ciafar-Russert.
And by the way, we had these video clips up yesterday linked to some other websites, but they couldn't handle the bandwidth.
As soon as we linked to them, we crashed their servers.
And so, we've grabbed the clips and put them up ourselves at InfoWars.com.
Prison Planet, I think, is still linked to the site that's up and down because of the tens of thousands of people every hour that are linking through and watching them.
We have a lot of news stories about Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, and the Luciferian activities of our so-called Christian conservative leaders.
It's getting worse and worse.
I mean, I could spend all day on two or three of these articles.
There's just so much happening.
Let's try to run over it.
Dozens die in Iraq car bomb blast.
Of course, FDA links antidepressants to youth suicide.
That's coming up.
Another article, woman participating in Lilly trial hangs herself.
They knew about this and tried to cover it up.
CDC vaccine data leads scientists to shocking discovery.
Children 27 times more likely to develop autism with exposure to mercury.
Containing vaccines.
Findings reviewed at today's meeting in D.C.
Again, more on Skull and Bones.
Defense Department seeks Bush guard file, that is to cover it up.
We have the proof that Bush was AWOL at Infowars.com.
We've been talking about this for years and that's another clip I'll be airing probably tomorrow is Bush on
Meet the press saying he did his duty and basically lying about his service.
Because we know he's lying from the documents.
Hero vs. Zero, W's war record, a problem.
So we'll be going over that.
And I also have his war record.
His war record is his AWOL record from the Texas National Guard.
And he tried to spin this to, well if you ask questions about my service in the Guard, you're putting down everyone who's in the Guard.
That's ridiculous.
If somebody goes AWOL from the Guard, that doesn't reflect on the Guard.
Great spin there.
Also, it's come out in BBC that the Pakistani scientist, the father of their nuclear program, the U.S.
government was aiding him and helping him arm these so-called enemies.
And so there's a big cover-up there.
As usual, our government arming Pakistan, arming North Korea, arming China, whether it's Bill Clinton or George Bush.
The New World Order just keeps going on.
Another Houston Chronicle article, Justice Scalia's impartiality, highly questionable.
And it gets into how, well, it's illegal for Air Force Two and Dick Cheney to be flying around a judge who's going to be over a case that they're now hearing in the Supreme Court.
It'd be like having a mob boss flying around with a judge who's about to hear his case.
Well, that's what we do have happening here.
Also, Al-Qaeda may have nuclear weapons.
Translate that to CIA may detonate a nuke in a major city.
Don't think they won't, okay?
They'll totally re-engineer our whole society with this.
9-11 is just the primer for this activity.
And so now they're saying Al-Qaeda's got nukes and is sure to nuke us.
And your Matrix system spying on your children from MSNBC.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, again it's Tuesday, the 10th day of February, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Someday, I was busy doing radio interviews and working on a new film and a book on tape, so I didn't have a chance to watch Lord Bush, the ultimate big government gun grabber, open border promoting, Chinese arming, North Korea arming, Pakistan arming globalist.
But I stayed up late last night, and at midnight central time, I recorded Meet the Press.
They re-aired Bush with Tim Russert, his CFR buddy.
Now, tonight on my TV show here in Austin, I'm going to air the clips, do a presentation, about a 20-minute presentation on Bush's going AWOL from the Air National Guard in Texas and Alabama.
But that's going to be the second part of it.
I'm going to spend about 10 minutes on Skull and Bones and play some clips of Bohemian Grove and go over the history of Skull and Bones and play the video clip of Bush and Carey
Uh... talking about uh... skull and bones or how they can't talk about it because it's so secret.
You notice the same scripted response from both of them.
Now, yesterday we found these clips online and they're just horrible clips.
That is the audio
And video isn't very high quality, so forgive the background noise.
By tomorrow, we'll have crisp, fresh clips up there on the website for you.
And you can go to InfoWars.com and watch both these video clips and read a detailed
Grouping of news articles mainstream about the satanic order of death that is also a admitted Nazi organization.
Nazi flags, the Adolf Hitler's plates and silverware.
By the way, that's MSNBC.
So, that's coming up.
In fact, every week I'm going to be putting together 20 to 30 minute
Video montages of key analysis on the site.
A few weeks ago I put up the Building 7 analysis from WTC Complex.
How the owner admits they blew the building up.
And so every week we're going to be doing these reports on the website for you.
There's so much I want to say about the Skull and Bones situation.
And again, we've got two guests coming up.
A big neocon coming on the show today.
There should be some fireworks there.
Also, we have a father coming on the show whose daughter died, committed suicide after going on a psychotropic drug.
And the scientific studies that have come out admitting that they covered up the fact that they knew, Big Pharma knew, that these drugs caused this.
So again, just a jam-packed broadcast today.
I don't think I've ever had a show with this much news I want to cover.
But there's another little interesting caveat to the Bush clip we're about to play, and this is again posted at InfoWars.com.
Skull and Bones, George Bush, and John Kerry.
Tim Russert asked the President Sunday about Skull and Bones, and the President confirms he is a member by saying he can't talk about it.
Part of the transcript below, President Bush, this is a quote, politics, I mean this as you know, if you close your eyes and listen carefully to what you just said, it sounds like the year 2000 all over again.
You were both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
President Bush.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
President Bush.
I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the unintelligible yet laughs.
Number 322.
First of all, he's not the nominee and I look forward.
We have the whole transcript there too.
Well, it's not unintelligible.
It might be in this clip we're about to air, but on the VHS copy I taped last night, you can hear exactly what he says.
He says, I haven't looked at the web yet.
Or, I haven't seen the web yet.
It's totally clear.
He says, I haven't seen the web yet.
So this is how the quote goes.
I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the web yet.
So, Russert, what does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the web yet.
Now, Russert basically asks the same question of Kerry, and Kerry just sidestepped it.
Well, it's secret.
Can't talk about it.
But what's not a secret is I disagree with this president.
Now, Bush is a liar.
Now, we already know this on a hundred different fronts.
He says the amnesty isn't an amnesty.
He says he never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
I mean, there's been a lot of just amazing spin going on here.
But, Gary says that he knew George Bush at Yale.
He was in Skull and Bones two years before Bush.
And that means he was a senior at Yale one year before Bush was tapped.
Now, they admit that several times each year, Skull and Bones members all meet together.
There's usually only a hundred or so of them alive.
Any one time, there's, uh, haven't even been that many.
It's only 15 each year.
And the Bushes, and the Careys, by the way, are cousins.
That's been on NPR, Reuters, you name it.
They're both related to the Queen of England, that's Reuters, you name it.
I mean, this is, think of this, a secret organization
That's hereditarily related, and both the big presidential candidates, and it looks like Kerry's a shoo-in, it might end up being Edwards, I don't know, but I said over a year ago I thought it'd be Kerry and Bush in 2004.
And I'm on the record as usual, you know, laying it out, what's going to happen.
Because it's my life to study this stuff.
So we have a secret society founded by a German Illuminati.
That's admitted.
They admit the Illuminati.
It's a real organization.
This is the history books.
Founded it in 1832.
Because the Illuminati had been banned in this country.
They were being hunted down by President John Quincy Adams.
This is the history books.
Stuff you're not taught.
And they went underground and took over Yale, quote, to overthrow the U.S.
for the British.
And they used German financing and German Illuminati money.
So we have the two big presidential candidates, the president and this big senator, who are related, who are members of a hereditary order of death, or order of skull and bones, and the president says it's so secret he can't talk about it.
Right before the 2000 election, he got asked about it here in Austin.
He said it's so secret, I can't talk about it.
And we've aired that clip here as well.
So, this is very, very serious.
Let's go ahead and play the Bush clip, then we'll air the John Kerry clip.
Now go ahead and hit that clip.
You were both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I'm sure they are!
I don't know, I haven't seen the website.
Number 322?
Are you prepared to lose?
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
Now that last part, and again, we're going to have crisp video up for you tomorrow by MedShow.
I've got the video.
It's crisp.
I don't know what they did online with this clip that we got off another site.
I mean, it just, it's like they ran it through ten generations or something.
But you can clearly hear him say, I haven't looked at the web yet.
You can hear Russert, well we just read the quotes, you both were in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society, Bush, it's so secret we can't talk about it.
Russert, what does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
Now it's not a conspiracy, they both admit they're members of a secret society and can't talk about it.
I say the sun came up this morning, it's not a conspiracy theory.
You can look outside and see it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
President Bush, I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the web yet.
Russert, number 322.
President Bush, first of all, he's not the nominee.
And I look forward.
Okay, go ahead and play it again.
Play Bush again.
You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the weather.
You're not going to lose?
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
Now, when he said, I'm not going to lose, and I've got a vision for the country where I want to lead, yeah, we know.
Into the biggest growth in government ever,
Into Patriot Act 1 and 2, police in black ski masks, troops on the streets, millions of cameras scanning our faces, Echelon, DARPA, the Matrix System, the TIPS System, yes, we know.
Supercomputers in China, nuclear reactors in North Korea, arming Pakistan, letting them proliferate weapons, yes, resigning the assault weapons ban, we know where you want to lead.
And the neocons aren't going to be able to cover up for you.
They were trying to cover up until two weeks ago, when their own listeners started leaving them in droves, and now they're scrambling and fumbling, and, okay, Bush is a liberal, we're sorry, uh, uh, uh, uh, you can't vote for Kerry.
Look, you can forget the presidential election.
It's staged, do you understand?
Both of them are members of a secret devil-worship society.
That is not my opinion!
I have snuck in and shot video of what they do at Bohemian Grove, which is a Skull and Bones organization.
They worship Satan!
They admit I shot video of it.
It's been on national TV almost 20 times.
No, I count it 19 now.
I'm not sure.
It may have aired more on the Trio Network.
They admit, yes, Mr. Jones shot the ritual.
Oh, we're just having fun.
Oh, the Washington Times reported you ship in male prostitutes, the $1,000 an hour type.
More male than female, that's your Christian conservatism.
I mean, look, you couldn't make this type of stuff up!
Male prostitutes, Nazi flags, just come on!
Come on!
George Bush is a Christian man of God.
When he's not worshiping Allah or the Shinto Shrine or seizing the Indianapolis Baptist Temple or
Going after Judge Roy Moore with his judge, with his federal judge.
They're now trying to make a big-time judge.
I mean, come on!
Look at the fruits of this tree.
It is wicked.
Okay, let's play.
I'll tell you what, we'll break.
We'll play John Kerry when we get back, and I'll air these again later in the second hour.
We got a big neocon coming up in about ten minutes.
I mean, a big neocon.
If the individual shows up, a lot of times they don't.
And I got so much other news here, it's just...
It's just incredible.
I got an MSNBC article here where they, where the feds released all this data on your toddlers and preschoolers and young children, spying on them, everything about them.
I mean, they're just spying on everybody.
And just a bunch of drug news, vaccine news, war news, you name it, stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've got loaded phones, and I haven't even given the phone number out.
And we'll get to you, but you're going to have to hold a while, because we've got a chief neocon coming on here in a few minutes.
But you'll get a chance to talk to him, so I guess you can bring up skull and bones to him.
But I want to go ahead and air this John Kerry clip.
And again, these are off the web, and they're horrible quality for some reason.
We're going to be putting high-quality versions up tomorrow on the website.
But here's John Kerry a few months ago on Meet the Press when Russert basically asked him the same exact question and gets the same exact answer.
So go ahead and play John Forbes, cousin of George W. Bush, Kerry clip.
Here we go.
Here's John Kerry.
Okay, so, it's a secret, can't talk about it.
Bush, it's a secret, can't talk about it.
So secret, can't talk about it.
Your president, the number one Democrat running against him, related to each other, same area of the country, and Bush lied.
He said that he didn't know John Kerry.
Skull and Bones members meet each year.
When one of them gets married, they induct the wife into it at a ceremony where all attend.
But no, they never met.
Sure, sure, Bush was just the president of his fraternity that then led him into Skull and Bones, and Kerry was one of the heads of the other fraternities, and they never met.
Kerry says they did, but Bush says no, never met him.
Never met him there at Skull & Bones.
That is a complete lie, because the last three or four classes to graduate come to the initiation of the new Skull & Bones members.
And Bush was inducted a year after Terry graduated.
So, you want lies, folks.
You're getting it.
But again, Bush doesn't lie, it's not an amnesty, no, it's just a total capitulation, the biggest amnesty ever, but it's not an amnesty, and he's conservative, he's pro-gun, but he's going to sign the assault weapons ban.
I mean, have you figured out you're being lied to yet?
And also, we're going to put on the web, Bush saying that he served his duty, that
And we know they've been trying to cover up these documents, but we have them.
They've been out for months.
Bush's record, he did go AWOL.
He was grounded.
It's true!
But I just love how he said, I was flying fighter jets.
I was... I was...
Now, sir, don't you try to put down the guard.
Nobody put down the guard.
But now I've seen the stories out there, if you talk about Bush's military record, you hate the National Guard.
What type of commies are you?
I mean, I love how they... See, they do this association thing where, well, if you're not for me, you're against everybody who's ever been in the National Guard.
You better watch it.
So I guess if anybody ever goes AWOL from the guard, the guard's bad.
No, that's crazy.
But that's how the psychology works.
That's how they do this.
But interesting that Bush said that he hadn't looked at the web yet to see what the conspiracy theorists were doing.
And it's totally clear what he says on the video that I watched last night when they re-aired the Meet the Press Sunday interview.
And then when you get to the transcripts, it says unintelligible.
So very interesting.
Again, Defense Department seeks Bush guard file.
Hero versus Zero, W's war record problem.
That's just some of what we will be getting into.
And we've got all the records right here.
I've got about 30 pages of them.
And also we'll get into government agency exposures, daycare data, daily whereabouts of hundreds of children posted on public website.
New York City Council passes anti-patriot act measure, but again it hasn't really gotten any attention.
Paul up in Minnesota just passed one.
I've probably seen in the last week
20 cities and towns that have thrown the Patriot Act out.
It's normally not 20 I see in a week, normally I see about 10 a week.
But this has been going on and on and on, but still when you hear the national media they go, 145 cities have thrown out the Patriot Act.
They've been saying that for a year.
Last time I counted them up it was about 7 months ago, and it was over 400 cities and 3 states.
And now it's 4 states.
So, we'll get into that as well.
Coming up, we have a great American coming on the show, let me tell you.
Oliver North's War Stories debuts on the New York Times Best Seller list, and we're going to be talking to Oliver North.
He's scheduled, as they say.
Coming up in the next segment, and we'll talk about Operation Iraqi Freedom, and we'll talk about his new book and some other stuff.
You don't want to miss that.
And then we have a father of a young lady who committed suicide after she went on a psychotropic drug and the scientific studies that have been suppressed showing that it's causing suicide.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
I'm Alex Jones.
Websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're joined by Oliver North, and he's written a new book that's already on the bestseller list, The New York Times, War Stories.
That's also the name of his show on Fox News.
And Mr. North, it's good to have you on the show with us.
Alex, it's a pleasure.
Thank you.
You were in Iraq.
We obviously all watched you on television, and you've written a book concerning what happened during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Tell us about it.
Well, it's still going on.
In fact, I just got back here just before the holidays, and I'll be going back again to cover the Marines that are going back over there here in just a few weeks.
What we've got is a remarkable victory being cast by my colleagues in the media as something other than that.
And unfortunately, it not only denigrates what the United States of America is capable of doing, it also, in many ways, minimizes the extraordinary sacrifice that's being made by these young Americans.
If I had any fault to find at all with the administration on this thing, it would be that all we get told to do is to keep enjoying life back here, and it's all going to get taken care of.
You've got, right now, about 107,000 Americans on the ground in Iraq.
You've got another 8,000 on the ground in Afghanistan fighting the war on terrorism that, thank God, is being fought at arm's length over there instead of right here in the streets of our cities here in this country.
And so, when I got back the first time, Roger Ailes, my boss at Fox News, said, look, I want you to do a book.
And I said, hey boss, I've been gone for months.
I'm recovering from a little malarial relapse here.
And he said, I don't care.
He said, I want something that a thousand years from now some youngster can pull off a shelf and find out how magnificent these young Americans really are.
He said, I want pictures in it and I want, I'm going to put a DVD in it from Fox, the first time Fox has ever done a book.
And obviously one of the, I know that others have now put DVDs in books, but Fox broke the ground on that.
Oliver North, again, you need no introduction.
You've got a national TV show.
You've done a syndicated radio program.
I'm going to be honest with you right here from the outset.
I'm not going to sit here on the show and sneak attack you.
I'm angry about the open borders.
I'm angry about the Patriot Act.
I've read it.
I'm angry about arming North Korea.
I'm angry at Clinton.
I'm angry at Bush.
I'm angry at everything that's happened in this country.
Let me just finish.
I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein, but there's this disconnect of who armed Saddam, who was in bed with Saddam.
We've seen all this happen.
I certainly support the troops.
And you've been over there for months and months and months in the last year or so, and I certainly appreciate that on-the-ground coverage, but, I mean, come on!
Well, where do you want me to start?
Do you want me to start with Iraq and work our way around the globe, or what, Alex?
Well, Oliver, my point here is that I've looked at the evidence, okay?
And it's clear.
You know, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, these guys are all for this war, too, and Ron Paul's against it.
I'm tired of hearing from people saying you're against the troops, or you're not a conservative, and you're not all out for this war.
I'm concerned because they want to go into Syria, Iran, all these new countries.
Do you support that?
Well, first of all, I've seen absolutely no evidence that anybody wants to go into any of those.
I mean, there may be people talking about it outside the government, but I've heard nobody inside this administration, surely no one at the Pentagon and nobody at Central Command,
Talking about going into Syria or Iran.
There's been skirmishes going on with Syria.
Rumsfeld's put out three plans to go ahead and invade Syria.
We've got war plans to invade Antarctica.
We've had those on the books since World War II.
And you're constantly updating those things.
Well, I'm talking about the PENAC documents written by Dick Cheney in 2000, Rebuilding America's Defenses.
Have you read that PENAC document?
Yeah, I mean, I've read the classified as well as the unclassified versions of these things.
I mean, one of the things that we've got to be aware of here in this country is that to defend this nation against our adversaries, we've got to be literally prepared to go anywhere to do it at arm's length instead of having to, you know, defend, you know, New York City.
I mean, this is important.
I mean, 9-1-1, if anybody needs a reminder, this was 19 people who came to this country with one intention, to kill themselves, trying to kill as many of us as possible.
And right now, the terror center of the universe, which used to be at Tora Bora in Afghanistan until November of 2001, and I was there, covered that for Fox News,
And it then moved to the suburbs of Baghdad, a place called Salman Pak.
It is now in the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon.
I mean, anybody who knows anything about terrorism knows that.
And the Bekaa Valley of Lebanon is essentially a province of Syria.
Colonel North, we have a clip in one of my videos where you're before the Congress
And Congressman Jack Brooks brings up the plans that have been published, and I have copies of them, for concentration camps in America.
Now, Alex, that's just not fair to your audience.
First of all, there was never a plan anywhere in my government, and certainly not the administration I worked in, for concentration camps for anybody.
You know, Jack Brooks
Had a political agenda.
His agenda was to remove Ronald Reagan from office.
He raised that issue, and you may remember, if you play the full clip of that hearing, I sat there stunned that the continuity of government plan to preserve a constitutional republic, that's what that plan was all about.
We spent $16 billion on it from 1981 to 1983.
Trying to make sure that the country could never be decapitated, and it would never, ever be in the hands of someone other than... Mr. Norris?
Alex, I let you finish.
Are you going to let me finish?
Well, Colonel, I have all the mainstream news articles, Newsmax, I'm sure you've heard of them, where they found out about the current plan to build one million man... Alex, let's just finish one topic at a time before we go off into the ether here.
You're talking about 1987, the hearings in the summer of 87.
What Jack Brooks raised was a very, very sensitive plan that had been paid for by the government in funds that he didn't even know about.
Yeah, the chairman shut him down and said, don't talk about it.
You're right.
You know who it was?
Daniel Inouye, who was also a Democrat.
Why did Inouye stop it?
Because it would have revealed how you were going to preserve a constitutional government in the United States
Run by civilians, not the military.
That's the reason this Marine was assigned to work on that program.
Colonel North, have you read Patriot Act 1 and 2?
I have.
I've read the entire bill.
Okay, do you know what Section 802 says of the first act?
Well, I don't have it right here in front of me, but I'm sure you do.
Well, let me tell you what it says.
3162, Section 802, says the definition of domestic terrorism is any action that endangers human life that is a violation of any federal or state law.
And now they're using it against Rush Limbaugh to get his medical records,
That's not true.
Alex, that's not true.
The Patriot Act has not been invoked to get Rush Limbaugh's medical records.
That's not fair to your audience.
That is true.
It's not true.
I mean, you call up the U.S.
Attorney's Office.
They'll tell you the provisions of the law that they're using.
I don't particularly think it's fair or right.
The spokesman!
Hold on, Colonel!
The spokesman!
The spokesman!
Alex, what I'm saying to you is that the Patriot Act is something I did not support in its enactment.
I didn't think it was appropriate to do this thing, even after 9-1-1.
Notwithstanding that, I do not believe that the Patriot Act is being improperly applied at this point.
If you want to go ahead and communicate some emails to me, I'll be glad to give you my email address off the air.
Okay, well, look, I appreciate you coming on and... No, but Alex, it's not fair to your audience to make these kinds of claims.
They're not claims.
It doesn't bother me.
They're not claims.
I mean, I've seen the New York Times pieces about me and the liberal press and what they've said about me.
It doesn't bother me at all.
But for you to mislead the audience and say Ronald Reagan intended to put people into concentration camps is an outrage.
Okay, let me stop you right there, Colonel North, because what you just did is an outrage, okay?
Hold on a second.
I didn't say Ronald Reagan wanted to put people in concentration camps.
Ronald Reagan created... Hold on a minute.
Let me finish.
Let me finish.
I said that those plans have now been released, and the old plans have been integrated with new plans, and I've got Denver Post, Associated Press, Washington Times, a liberal conservative admitting Newsmax got the purchase orders for three one million man camps.
Okay, this is last year.
It's all posted at PrisonPlanet.com in the Civilian Inmate Labor Camp Program.
I have the Army documents where they're already using prisoners to expand these.
And so, I know you've been out of the country, you know, in Iraq and all this, but what I'm telling you is, I'm not bringing up, you know, smoky conspiracy theories.
Alex, I recommend you get out there and start campaigning for John Kerry right now.
I mean, that's what you gotta do, buddy.
Oh, another Skull and Bones member?
Well, I mean, John Kerry's the guy who wants to take apart our military, and obviously you're afraid of our military and afraid of our government.
Well, hey, you know that Senator Warner and Bush and Cheney and all of them have said they want to get rid of Posse Comitatus.
No, I have not heard them say that.
I have Red John Tate saying they want to get rid of it.
On Fox News, are you for getting rid of Posse Comitatus?
Certainly you know that in the late eighties they already had Marine Corps officers dressed up in police uniforms doing drug and gun raids in Norfolk, Virginia.
Oh, Alex, good Lord, help me.
Look, what was being done in the 1980s to prepare for combat in build-up areas was to be able to insinuate U.S.
military... This is a training operation for foreign operations.
No, I mean law enforcement operations.
I have the interviews with these people and the video.
Okay, Alex.
What I'm saying to you is we're turning into a police state, Colonel North.
I mean, look, you talk about supporting the troops, okay?
Well, you know, you sound just like John Kerry when he came back from the war.
He's flashing his medals all over the place and bragging about what a hero he is.
And if you read the writings of people like General Giap, who before he died in the 1980s, wrote that if it weren't for organizations like the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, they would have lost the war.
And John Kerry did exactly the same thing you're doing.
You say, oh, I support the troops, but I'm against the government.
Yeah, you're right.
I'm against the troops breathing 1,900 times the safe levels of uranium.
Look, Colonel Moore... I'm sorry I missed that in my book, Alex.
Well, that's just the...
I'm saying depleted uranium is responsible for the Bushmaster being as effective as it is on the 25mm gun on both the Bradleys and the Light Armor.
Well, I mean, neutron bombs would be effective, too.
Look, you're sitting here trying to imply I'm for John Kerry.
I don't know who you're for.
I didn't say you were for John Kerry.
I'm saying it doesn't matter.
You've got two people who are related to each other.
So what are you going to do, overthrow the government?
You know what?
My Declaration of Independence says that when my government becomes illegitimate and becomes destructive with the Bill of Rights, it is my job to replace it.
And I want our country back.
Well, then I recommend you do it with balance instead of bullets, Alex.
Oh, the Diebold systems are doing quite nicely now.
Have you seen the thousands of articles admitting, with their own engineers, saying that it's a scam?
Okay, so you don't want to do it with balance.
How do you want to do it?
I'm going to try to do it by educating people, and of course... To do what?
I mean, just sit there and listen to you, or are you willing to do something?
Oh, I am doing something.
No, no, I'm asking what you want the people to do.
I mean, I'm kind of curious about this.
I want them to become... You don't want to do it with ballots.
I want them to become leery, leery of big government.
The government's grown by 45 percent, Colonel North, in the last three years.
Well, then I recommend you get guys on your show that will talk and support this kind of stuff.
All I did was write a book about how brave American soldiers, sailors, and Marines are, and you call me up to blast me about the government.
Because... You know, I get a paycheck from the government of the United States every year for 23 years.
And I happen to believe... I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, got shot up several times for doing it, and you call me on your show and invite me to come on to give me a nuclear attack about how screwed up we are, you know?
Notwithstanding how bad things are, buddy, it's better here than anywhere else on the planet Earth.
I've been to 125 different countries, and I commend you.
Travel around a little bit and see how bad it is out there.
Colonel North, I can see where this is going.
Love it or leave it, I'm defending the Republic.
I'm defending the Constitution.
I didn't sign campaign finance reform.
I'm not for blanket total amnesty.
I'm not telling you that it's not an amnesty.
I'm not the one giving supercomputers to China.
I'm not the one giving nuclear reactors to North Korea.
I'm not the one butchering America.
And I'm telling you, it doesn't matter if it's Bill Clinton or Al Gore or George Bush, this whole agenda, this New World Order that Bush's daddy talked about, is materializing.
Are you saying that's not happening?
I don't know.
I've been so busy covering soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines out there fighting for our country and fighting for the values that, you know, I raised my kids to respect and admire.
And sidestep into the depleted uranium situation.
Excuse me?
Do you want to talk about depleted uranium because they admit it's hurting the troops?
Well, if you get inside a vehicle that's been hit by it and the shell has penetrated, you can be exposed to it.
For example, all of those vehicles that are out there in the so-called highway of death that connects between Kuwait and Safwan inside of Iraq,
They are off limits to human beings because they've got depleted uranium.
We're turning areas into wastelands for hundreds of thousands of years.
Well, we should have just left Saddam alone then, right?
Well, we shouldn't have given him the botulas and the anthrax.
We shouldn't have given him the weapons.
We shouldn't have Rumsfeld and Lovefest with him, sitting on couches with him.
Just like George Bush Sr.
hanging out with Manuel Noriega.
Alex, you're obviously very angry.
I am angry.
We're losing our country.
Well, I'll tell you what.
I'm glad we've still got youngsters willing to defend it.
Oh, youngsters.
You know I'm a youngster, huh?
No, I'm talking about youngsters.
The 19-and-a-half-year-olds that I was just covering.
Well, let's take a few calls.
Let's talk to Jerry in Wisconsin.
Jerry, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yeah, how's it going, Alex?
Fine, go ahead.
I was wondering, does that guy you're talking to, does he listen to any of your videos or what?
No, I don't think Oliver Norris has seen any of my videos.
It kind of sounds that way.
He needs to blow up some of the cobwebs out of his ears there.
I've got two questions for you, Alex.
I was wondering if you
You heard of the book?
I'll tell you what, I'm going to put you on hold, because I'll get back to you.
Let's go to George in St.
George, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi Alex, and hi Oliver, hi George.
I heard, I believe it was last night on the news, could have been the night before, no I think it was last night, that they, on one of the major affiliates, either the CBS or NBC affiliate,
It was a local coverage story.
They took Bush's records out of the Page Avenue Records Center here in St.
Oh, I have them in front of me.
Three days ago.
They won't.
Okay, well, I've seen those on the Internet, but I mean, I don't know what other records they had.
There might have been something else, but the ones from Page Avenue were removed from Page Avenue three days ago and sent to the Pentagon.
Isn't that interesting?
Yeah, that's the Associated Press I have that they grabbed the records.
Colonel North, comments to that?
I don't know.
I haven't seen the story.
William, certainly you've heard about the controversy that Bush has disappeared for almost two years and was grounded because of it, but that somehow got all that esponged and now the feds have grabbed the records out of St.
Like I say, you and George need to get out there and hustle behind John Kerry.
Absolutely, yeah.
Let's have a president who lies and says he did his duty when he didn't.
And by the way, Colonel North, I have his records, all 30 pages, in front of me.
Please stay with us.
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By the way, we've posted Limbaugh's Patriot Act medical records.
We're on it daily.
We've posted the Las Vegas Review-Journal.
In fact, I'm going to go back over this interview.
We're going to post about 20 stories for every point I make from conservative and liberal publications.
We'll just have to do that and then repost this interview.
On the websites.
In fact, I think I'll post the Concentration Camp News articles there, too.
Colonel North, Ben Parton said he worked on one of your campaigns.
You've stayed at his house.
General Benton Parton, former head of Air Force Weapons Development.
He says there were bombs inside the building and obviously government elements were involved.
You said during the break that you were aware of his report.
Do you have any comments to it?
Well, I don't know what I'd report.
I mean, what do you want me to add to it?
Oh, I mean, do you think a truck bomb did that?
Well, there's no doubt that Timothy McPhedra drove a truck bomb up there.
You don't doubt that, do you?
I got the police on record saying multiple people got out of that vehicle.
It was a government operation for Herr Clinton.
But, I mean, answer the question.
Does a truck bomb blow a building out and pieces of it on top buildings?
Well, I've seen buildings, you know, blow up all kinds of different ways, and Ben Parton's an old friend of mine, and I'm not about to criticize his analysis of it.
But let me just tell you something.
Well, do you have the courage to answer the question?
Do I have the courage to answer what question?
Alex, unlike the other people... Oklahoma City, what is your expert opinion on it?
I'm not an expert on buildings blowing up.
I'm a Marine infantry officer.
So you don't know anything about explosions?
Well, I've certainly caused a lot of them to happen, but I certainly don't know anything more than what I've read about.
So we've got 18 wheelers full of C4 in Saudi Arabia that just blow the face off a building and blow it in, but magically a little truck bomb in Oklahoma City blows the building out and columns further back get blown off with blast points on them.
What is your point, Alex?
I just wanted to, you know, I know you know Ben Parton.
I wanted to see what you thought about it.
Yeah, but I'm not an engineer, a structural engineer, an explosives engineer.
Ben Parton is.
Well, here's my point.
Real conservatism is disappearing in this country.
Our liberties are falling apart.
Bush says he's going to re-sign the assault weapons ban next year.
Do you support that?
Do you think that's conservative?
No, I don't.
I'm going to be a board member of the National Rifle Association.
That's inconsistent with our board's position.
Well, I sure wish the magazine would tell people about it.
Which magazine?
America's First Freedom doesn't seem to want to tell folks that Bush is going to sign that assault weapons ban.
Well, I'll talk to the editor about it.
Wow, you know what?
You're a very influential person, Colonel.
We wish you would do that.
That's the point of this interview, is we get neocons on the show, and I don't know if you consider yourself a neocon, but you certainly support the neocon camp in Washington, and we try to get people like Ann Coulter and others.
I mean, she told me that she's written a book about the Patriot Act, but I asked her if she'd read it.
She said she hadn't read it.
You said you've read it.
And your point?
My point is that
We've never had a more liberal president than George W. Bush.
Well, then what are you going to do about it?
That's a question.
That's a good one.
What am I going to do?
We've got a choice between John Kerry and Bush.
Yeah, it kind of looks that way to me.
I mean, I don't have the gift of prophecy, but it kind of looks like that's how the nomination's going to go.
We've got a primary in Virginia today that looks like it's going to hand it to him.
Oliver North's War Stories.
It's got a DVD, a video with it, huh?
And the publisher is Ragnarin.
It's on bookshelves everywhere.
It's a bestseller.
And Oliver North, maybe I'll get you on for an hour sometime so we can really have a debate and take more calls.
Well, just last question.
A few years ago, they caught the head of Southcom down there.
In Latin America, shipping drugs into New York.
You got any comments about the CIA and drug running?
Well, if somebody's doing it, they ought to get caught and punished.
Why do you think Bush Sr.
liked to meet with Noriega so much?
I didn't know that he did.
I mean, I was with him on several trips and I never saw him meet with Noriega.
I did see him go into a room full of armed men and tell the folks in El Salvador that they better have an election or else.
All right.
Well, Oliver North, thanks for coming on the show.
Take care.
You too, Alex.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We just had Oliver North on.
And I have had probably 20 different top neocons over the years.
He was the slickest.
Oh, I'm just a nice war hero.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I don't understand.
But when I faced him down with all of the socialism and big government of Bush,
He began to falter and didn't know how to respond.
Because everybody knows it's true.
Conservatives, real conservatives, are hopping mad about what's happening.
By the way, that interview will re-air tonight, 9 to midnight central.
We'll rebroadcast that interview in the first hour.
Coming up on re-air, the meet the press, skull and bones comments of Lord Bush.
Also the John Kerry comments.
In 30 minutes we've got the father of a young girl who went on a psychotropic drug and then committed suicide.
The big drug companies have suppressed their own studies from the 80s and 90s where they know that this happens and cover it up.
They're banning giving children psychotropics in England because so many have committed suicide and done violent acts.
I want to get to all your calls before we do that, and I've got about, I'm not exaggerating, 60, 70 stories here that are all bombshell, giant events.
I don't even know how to do this.
I'm going to go to your calls.
I'm tempted to just take these calls that we've got on hold and not take any more.
I don't know how to cover all this.
And last hour, we sat there and plugged Oliver Norris' book for him, The Millionaire.
Look, I didn't plug my videos.
That's how I support my operation.
I can make more films, write more books, do more.
When you guys buy my films, my books, my t-shirts, my bumper stickers, they're the best things that are out there, the best tools to wake people up.
Ten films, written a book, published a book, got pro-gun.
You'd call them liberal t-shirts because they're pro-gun.
Neocons would.
It's all at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and we're having to buy new servers and hire new people because we're growing so fast.
Please go to the site and buy some of the videos or books or books on tape or all the great stuff that we have to offer.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Now the new film is Matrix of Evil.
The last film I made before that is Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
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Now, we're going to break.
I'm going to go to your calls fast, folks.
This will be like normal talk radio.
We'll get about a minute apiece.
Paula, Brock, who's in Pennsylvania, Ruth, Jerry first, Elizabeth.
I'm going to take four, five, six calls.
I don't know.
And then we've got a bunch of news I want to blitz through.
Then we've got a guest coming on.
This is very important.
There are certain things we can do.
We can stop taking their deadly vaccines.
We can stop taking their psychotropic drugs and their Ritalin, which is an amphetamine.
There's a lot of different things we can do to take control of our lives.
Stop drinking the poison water.
Stop buying stuff at Walmart.
There's a lot we can do.
Boycotting the NRA, because they're not a real gun organization.
They're infiltrated.
There's a lot we can do, so we'll talk about that as well.
This tragic story.
Big show!
Okay, and we've got about an hour and 55 minutes left.
We'll just bam, bam, bam through your calls the next segment and then get to the news.
Stay with me, and we'll re-air those Skull & Bones clips as well.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now eight and a half minutes into the second hour of this global transmission.
I said we were going to go to these loaded phones, and we are.
Just a few minutes, Captain Joyce Riley called in and said that she's had a guest on the show, Rusty, Bentley, and Abilene.
Who was there on the highway of death back in 91, where Oliver North admits, oh, you can't go in there because of the depleted uranium.
Yeah, the A-10 warthogs with their Vulcan death cannons, as they're called, you know, firing out hundreds of thousands of rounds apiece.
Again, that is over multiple missions.
Together, what was it, like 15 A-10s attacking those, so hundreds of thousands of rounds right there alone.
The Abrams, the Bradleys, all of it attacking, using this.
And they admit, it's deadly, it's horrible, the Army's own scientist, Dr. Rookie, has gone public, they hired him to go whitewash it.
And you heard North, oh yeah, you can't get in a tank that's been hit by this, can't get around it.
Well, the media and the Pentagon still say it's good for you!
So there we have Oliver North, to his credit, admitting that this is not good for you.
And it was bad in the first Gulf War.
It is conservatively ten times higher this time, and not out in desert areas on highways, but in Baghdad itself, in the presidential palaces, where the troops are staying, and it's horrible.
They're already getting lung lesions, radiation sickness.
This is all over the foreign press.
Just for three or four minutes, because I don't want to keep him too long, but Rusty Bentley, Gulf War I vet, listening to Oliver North, and what he had to say.
Do you have any comments?
Yes, sir.
For the first thing, I was on the USS LaSalle, and I was a sailor.
And what we did is, we were the flagship for the whole Persian Gulf in that area, and we had an admiral on our ship.
And basically, we opened up the port to Kuwait City going through the minefields and the water.
And we opened that up and everything.
And this was right after the war that we finally got there.
And they wanted us to go out and rebuild schools, help the local people build back up and everything.
And, uh, so we all got on, I don't know what kind of little, I don't even remember what kind of little boats.
The kind of boats you float out of the back of the ship.
And, uh, we floated and we went into Kuwait City.
And they loaded us up on buses.
Some of us went to go help rebuild schools.
And some of us, they took us out to Death Mile.
And, uh, they loaded, and I have pictures of all of this.
Every single bit of it, I have pictures of it.
And they took us out there and now let me tell you what I have now and I don't know how I got the mycoplasma infection, the mycoplasma incognita.
Well that's been in the vaccines.
But also I have a pacemaker now and my colon, I have irritable colon real bad to where I'm almost crapping myself to death all the time.
Sir, we have a lot of children listening please.
I understand what you've been through and we appreciate it.
And these people, these people,
They owe me 100%.
I have 20% disability through the VA.
And they have been fighting me, and fighting me, and fighting me, and I am sick and tired of them people running me over.
Oliver North, you're a criminal and we're going to hang you.
And you better get ready for it.
And all of you people out there, we're coming for you.
And that's the truth.
And I don't care who you are.
Well, I understand you're angry.
Yeah, we're coming for you.
What did they have you doing on the Highway of Death?
Moving the vehicles?
Clearing the road?
What did they have you doing on the Highway of Death?
All they did, they had us out there taking pictures.
Just driving around like a tour.
Right into that stuff.
Climbing all over the tanks and everything.
And uh, and uh, and uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh,
I mean everywhere, plum down that road.
And I have pictures of some of the ammunition on the side of the road.
I have pictures of all of the people that were on the bus.
I have pictures of the tanks.
I have pictures of the oil well fires.
I have it all.
Rusty, you want to give those to David Joyce or you should have somebody scan them in, email them to me, write a little article and I'll be happy to post it and they do admit that
Hundreds of thousands of rounds, what was it, 15 warthogs, 14 warthogs that attacked it, a bunch of other weapon systems were used, and that's just in one spot.
I mean, imagine what's happening to the troops now where much of Baghdad was attacked with this stuff, and a bunch of other towns and cities were also hit with it.
I mean, our troops are in a lot of trouble.
And I just want everybody to know something else, too.
Uh, they were supposed to supply us water on our way to Kuwait when we were going through them minefields.
And uh, because the water, our ship pulled the water out of the ocean.
And the water had oil and gasoline and everything in it.
And we're, they're supposed to give us water and it took them about a week to give us the water.
And we had to drink that poison water coming through the ship's water system, and it tasted like gasoline!
I understand.
Rusty, thank you for coming on the show, and I understand why you're so angry.
God bless you, sir.
Take care.
Again, Dr. Rookie, the head scientist for the Pentagon, was sent in 1991 to, quote, disapprove to put uranium.
He came back, wrote a report, said it's deadly.
He's been on the network.
We need to get him on this show.
And, uh, he then left the Pentagon.
He's been back since the end of the last war.
Well, it's not over yet, but the main, you know, takeover.
He says it's, uh, much worse.
They've used ten times as much, and in populated areas this time, depleted uranium.
What's left over from designing nuclear weapons, and in the enrichment process, and from nuclear power plants.
And, uh, this is what they do.
They take the byproduct of aluminum manufacturing and purification, and, uh,
Of course, fertilizer production, and they put it in your water.
Sodium fluoride.
They got a bunch to put in uranium?
Here, we'll just put it in shells.
It's horrible.
It's just amazing.
And this shows what the globalists are up to.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's let Jerry in Wisconsin finish up what he was saying earlier.
Go ahead, Jerry.
Is Jerry still there?
Go ahead.
Yeah, there's a 1992 article, it's titled, Is the New World Order Planning a Series of Crashes to Panic the U.S.?
And that was published in 1992.
I was wondering if you... No, I haven't seen it.
I was wondering if you read that book, October Surprise.
It was published in 89.
Yes, I have.
Alright, that's all I got to say.
Keep hammering it to them.
Alright, thank you.
Let's go now to Paul in Buffalo, New York.
Go ahead, Paul.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
I'm myself a 15 years military intelligence ASA, INSCOM, MI, and NSA.
Colonel North's got a lot of catching up to do.
This whole thing in the Mideast, I've just got time to point you in the direction of the Krasnoyarsk Mountains on the northwest tip of Mongolia.
Super resources of oil.
They can't get it out.
There's a couple things standing in the way.
Iraq and Iran.
Now, I, too, wanted Saddam Hussein gone.
I want Obin Laden gone.
But what I've been hearing in the press just recently this week has got me kind of nervous.
They'd better hurry up and get Obin Laden and get our boys out of there.
I don't think we can sustain five years of our troops in the Mideast.
Well, they've also said that they're about to produce bin Laden, and we were told that he died of natural causes and was going to be, had been handed over two years ago, and was going to be produced right before the election.
Now they're saying that, and again, yeah, Saddam's a bad guy, so is North Korea, so is Pakistan.
Why is our government arming these people so the military-industrial complex can have more wars to fight, and as you said, grab the four trillion in oil in Iraq, the three trillion in Afghanistan, it goes on and on.
It goes on to Russia, sir.
You can't have a Russian pipeline going across Iran and Iraq and competing with Iraqi oil with Saddam Hussein still in place.
That's the point.
You need to look to Russia, the Krasnoyarsk Mountains, and look for reports about oil companies doing surveys in the Krasnoyarsk Mountains.
Well, they told the Senate in 99 that they needed an invasion to get that oil.
You're right.
That's correct, but it's not Iraq oil.
When they say they're not interested in Iraq oil, they're not lying to you.
They're not.
Well, your analysis is correct, but that's only part of it.
They have said they need to, quote, control the region so they can continue the monopoly on oil.
Correct, sir.
Now, what the way forward policy is here, you've got to look all over the world.
And now you've got Korea, China, and according to the Washington Post and Newsmax.com, something that raised my eyebrows, being in intelligence for 15 years, was the fact that China recently claimed the ancient Korean kingdom of Goguryeo.
Now, as an ancient Chinese Han Chinese kingdom.
Now, to me, that's alarming.
We already know they gave back Hong Kong.
That's just history.
The British moved out.
And they claimed that as an ancient Chinese province, which they did have claim to, and now they're claiming Taiwan.
But now they're posturing it to Korea, even to the raised eyebrow and chagrin of Kim Jong-il of North Korea.
Sir, great, great points.
And meanwhile, our government's helped perfect their intercontinental ballistic missiles, has given reactors in North Korea, you name it.
I meant to ask Oliver North about the national draft, because that's coming up.
I wanted to get his take on that.
Let's talk to Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
I just have a suggestion to be a part of the solution.
You know, when I first talked to you, I've come a long way because I thought Bush was great, and oh, he was going to be great.
And your facts, and you've had 20 stories here and there to substantiate facts, has turned me
Realizing that, you know, I don't trust him as far as I could push this apartment block I'm in.
And my point being that Ollie North is going to have to persevere with you and start to face down the facts.
And I was going to suggest I'd be a part of, you know, sending him two or three of your videos.
I didn't get his address.
Sir, Oliver North knows all about the New World Order.
Oliver North knows exactly what he's doing.
He's making millions of dollars doing it.
It's just sad.
Sad that people have done this to our country.
Thanks for the call, Barack.
We'll come back and talk to Ruth and Elizabeth.
And that's it for calls for this hour because we've got another guest coming up and a bunch of other news items.
Stay with us.
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Coming up, FDA links antidepressants to youth suicide.
Defense Department seeks Bush guard file.
Hero vs. Zero, W's war record problem.
And now it's true, the Pentagon has seized the documents out of St.
Louis that we already got and that are posted at InfoWars.com.
So now they've grabbed them so they can, quote, investigate things for us.
Yes, sure.
Also, Action Against Anti-Terror Act.
They have thrown out the Patriot Act in New York City.
They have now thrown it out in St.
Paul, Minnesota, yesterday.
And major cities in Louisiana are about to do it in Jacksonville, Mississippi, as well as Louisiana.
So that's, again, some more good news.
Folks, I've got a giant stack of really important info that's coming up.
We're going to go back into Skull & Bones and re-air the clip of Bush on Meet the Press.
Also John Kerry on Meet the Press and get into that.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rusty.
Rusty, where are you calling us from?
Okay, we just talked to Brock in Canada.
So, let's go ahead and talk to Ruth in Pennsylvania.
Ruth, go ahead.
Hi, I was going to bring up the oil issue with Oliver Norris, and there were two things he said that I think were true, actually.
I'm not defending him, but one thing he said was, we have plans to go to war even with Antarctica.
And my sister, who was the CEO of Boeing for a long time, not any longer, was explaining to me how corporations, or even the military, always has a plan
She said they have a plan to go into every country.
Okay, let me just stop you for a second.
Because this is the package statement they give when they release plans to attack North Korea, or plans to attack Syria, or Iran, or Lebanon, or to go into Libya.
They say, oh, we have battle plans for the U.S., we have battle plans for Mexico.
Yes, they do.
These aren't just contingency and war games.
These are official statements that they want to invade Syria and Iran, that they need Iraq to do it.
This is written by the Vice President.
Then when they're confronted with their own writings, they say, oh, that's just a plan on the shelf.
They said what they wanted to do officially.
Now they've been carrying it out.
Go ahead.
Well, okay.
The other thing I was going to bring up was about the oil.
In my own estimation, I do see a slight difference between the Democrats and the Republicans.
And that is George Bush, by going after the oil, is bucking the system and trying to maintain the United States' dominance in military strength.
That's not true.
No, that's not true.
That's just kind of how I was kind of seeing it.
Okay, well let me comment on that.
Thanks for the call, Ruth.
Oh boy.
George Bush's father called for a new world order.
George Bush and his daddy are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.
George Bush is getting rid of our borders.
Cutting much of our main military force, submarines, you name it.
George Bush is legitimizing the UN.
George Bush is expanding UNESCO.
George Bush is New World Order.
George Bush is skull and bones.
They want to control Iraq and Afghanistan so that there will not be too much oil, so they can keep the prices up.
Notice that we've got more oil than ever, but you're paying more for the fuel than ever.
And the oil companies are registering record profits the last year.
Now, why is that?
Because we have the oil company's own statements to Congress.
This is about control of supplies.
They can't have the Russians and the people in Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and all these other countries selling oil to whoever they want.
They need to go in, take over, and actually restrict output.
You see,
In economics, it isn't just getting more of something, it's suppressing the supply.
It's like the beers.
Did you know diamonds are way, way overpriced?
They have a monopoly on them to jack up the price.
It's just like the people that dealt the drugs in America, the legal cocaine and opium.
They're the same families that set up the CIA and passed the laws to criminalize narcotics so they could control the black market and make bigger profits.
So, I mean, look, George Bush, Patriot Act 1 and 2, all this stuff, gun control.
He's not defending American military, bucking the system.
It's good cop, bad cop.
I said years before the war that we were going to have, that we were going to have
This invasion that then the U.N.
would come in as the good cop, that the world would say you've got a choice of world governments, the evil right-wing American world government or the loving liberal communist world government.
When the whole thing is owned by the same people, they give you a false left-right choice.
Where is this illustration any better or any clearer than with John Forbes Carey, skull and bones, third cousin of Bush,
Running as the head Democrat and then Bush as the Republican nominee.
I mean, how does it get any more obvious?
Come on!
Look at the fruits of the tree!
Big government, gun control, open borders, arming enemies, taking our liberties.
Cameras going up everywhere.
George Bush isn't running anything, and neither are any of these people!
They're puppets!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Bush!
The Bush military record lies about his service in the Air National Guard is breaking into the mainstream.
There's never been a question about it.
We've got the records.
He went AWOL.
He tries to equate talking about it with hating the National Guard.
I mean, how insane is that?
It's like, if you talk bad about an Italian gangster, you hate Italians, or
If you talk bad about, you know, one brand of automobile, you hate all cars.
It's just, this is the mindless, groupthink, tribal behavior, this left-right garbage that's killing us.
We're about to get into FDA-linked antidepressants, with youth suicide risk, and a woman participating in Lilly trial hangs herself.
Very serious issue.
Then we'll get back into your calls, and back into skull and bones, and the election, and the military records, and
Preschoolers' records in the whole echelon system being put on public computers, everything about your children.
There's so much news here.
Before I go to our next guest, I've made 10 films, I've written a book, I've published another book, but the best books and videos that are out there to wake people up about the real world and what's happening, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Documents Who Really Carried Out, September 11th and how they're using it to set up a police state, Part 2 of that film is Masters of Terror, my newest film is Matrix of Evil.
These are amazing films, folks.
You need to have them.
So stop procrastinating, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get the videos.
I authorize you to make copies of them for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes and put them on AXS TV.
The total free number to order the films is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or again, you can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And the films are all over 2 hours long, $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order 3 or more.
My book, Descent into Tyranny, is only $12 over 200 pages, documenting who carried out 9-11 and their master plan to enslave us.
You need to take action.
You need to get the videos and the books now.
Okay, let me read part of this article and then we'll go to our guest.
Washington Post, and we had Dr. Breeding on last week about this.
FDA links antidepressants to youth suicide risk.
Federal regulators said the first time yesterday, that's not true, that clinical trials of popular antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, and Zoloft show a greater risk of suicide among children taking the drugs compared with those taking dummy pills.
Parents and impassioned families pleaded for more urgent action in the day-long meeting of an expert advisory panel.
Dozens of parents, siblings, and doctors from all over the country gave lengthy and moving testimony describing family members and patients who had committed suicide or had turned violent after taking the drugs.
We were told that Paxil and Prozac were wonder drugs, said Glenn McIntosh.
Of Austin, Texas, whose daughter, Caitlin, 12, hanged herself with shoelaces weeks after being started on Paxil and then being switched to Zoloft, we were lied to.
Now, again, for nine years on the air, I've talked about the 83 trials of Prozac, and they covered up the fact that there was a massive increase in suicide.
Because it puts you into a mesmerized, dreamlike state.
It can, you know, do anything to you.
Turn you into a sex fiend, make you happy and normal, make you commit suicide.
It's Russian roulette.
It is a cross between an amphetamine and a hallucinogen.
This is on the inserts of these.
So it's like going and snorting some speed and taking a little bit of acid.
And there are millions of adults, millions of children on this stuff.
Now, hundreds of thousands of toddlers as young as two years old on this.
We've got school administrators pushing it on our children and joining us is Glenn McIntosh.
Glenn, we're so sorry about obviously what happened to your daughter.
We appreciate you trying to save other children and adults because it makes adults commit suicide as well.
Again, every mass shooting we've looked at or woman drowning five of her children in Houston, they're always on these drugs and thank you for joining us.
Yes, thank you Alex.
I appreciate the opportunity.
You bet.
And you were exactly right.
These drugs are dangerous.
They're like Russian roulette.
It's kind of like acid.
You know, some people had a good trip and sometimes people had a very bad trip and jumped off buildings thinking they could fly.
If you go back to the original formulation of Prozac, which was purchased by Lilly from the European company that developed it, it's very, very similar to the chemical
formulation of LSD.
It's scary.
Well, it's classified as a hallucinogenic.
Yes, and that's because I believe the scientist at Lilly patterned it after LSD and made it very similar.
But that's neither here nor there.
The point is these drugs have become very popular.
As you said, 11 million.
There's 11 million school children on these drugs.
My daughter was unfortunately one of them.
And we were told that this was a wonder drug.
It was even implied to us that if we did not give our child these kind of drugs to help with her depression, that we would be bad parents.
And the truth is, the drugs had the exact opposite effect of what they were supposed to do.
She immediately got worse, her depression got worse, and instead of just feeling despondent and having trouble adjusting to the sixth grade and feeling like she didn't fit in and all that... Which is normal.
All that typical normal stuff.
She started having strong urges to throw herself out windows, hallucinating about bloody knives.
Her behavior changed dramatically from a couch potato that liked to sit and watch TV to somebody who had to be moving around.
She was moving all the time.
She would run away from home and say, I don't know why.
I don't know where I'm going.
I just got to get away.
She would write in her journal, I want to die.
I have this strong urge to die.
It also causes anxiety attacks.
I don't know why.
It was anxiety.
It was something called akathisia, which is a documented known side effect that the drug companies have been aware of for a long time, which is a severe inner and sometimes outer agitation that is so
Disturbing that it could actually drive somebody to suicide.
Well, sir, I've had friends who were in car wrecks.
And because they're depressed over it, in the hospital, they're told, oh, why don't you go on Prozac?
They send out free samples of it to millions of people in the mail.
I mean, this is like sending hits of acid to people in the mail.
And again, it's hidden in plain view.
Right out in the open, this is happening.
And what really got me, and the reason I went to the FDA Advisory Board and testified, is that they have known for years, they've known since 1991,
That a possible side effect of SSRI-type drugs like Prozac, Zoloft, Effexor, Celexa, Luvox, etc.
A possible side effect is suicidality, suicide ideations, and sometimes homicide, and rage, and psychosis as well.
Well, actually, I've got those documents too, but in 83, in the trials, they knew this.
And that's what's so frustrating to me, having lost a child over this.
If we'd have been warned, if they'd have said,
This is a possibility.
Watch it.
But no, we thought these were wonder drugs, and we believed the doctors when they said, oh, well, the symptoms are getting worse.
Let's up the dosage.
Let's put her on new and different drugs.
That's what I've seen happen.
I know a lot of people who are on four or five of these, because when they take one, it gets worse.
They give them another, another, another, another.
And the reality is the drugs themselves are causing side effects that look like mental symptoms that they then treat with other drugs.
And it becomes a downward spiral.
One of my daughter's friends at her last year's memorial service, we were talking and we asked her, why do you think Kaitlyn killed herself?
And she says, you know, I knew Kaitlyn and Kaitlyn was so in love with being Kaitlyn.
She just was so real and so in touch with other people that when these drugs stopped her from being herself, they interfered with her ability to be the girl she was.
She just couldn't stand it anymore.
And I think that's a simplistic but a nice explanation.
Well, again, I mean, take Ritalin.
It's just the amphetamine.
It doesn't have the hallucinogen added.
They admit it shrinks the brains, heart palpitation, retardation of growth.
I've known families.
I've watched children grow up where one of them is not on the drugs, the other two sons are on Ritalin, the parents are both over six feet, the other children are growing fast, and the other children on the drugs are runts.
I mean, it's all right out in the open, but our doctors tell us it's good and we trust our doctors.
I know it's hard to go over, sir, Glenn McIntosh, but can you tell us
It all started with her changing from 5th grade to 6th grade.
In the 5th grade she was a straight A student, a talented musician, artist, she wrote poetry, she loved animals, she wanted to be a veterinarian.
Then 6th grade began and
It was
I think so.
I think so.
You know, psychologically, spiritually, I believe, mature than a lot of the kids in her school.
She was frustrated by that, but this is normal stuff.
This is stuff that could have been handled with counseling.
Frankly, I'll tell you, and this is one of the things I regret, she asked me if she could go see a counselor, because her mother is a counselor, but you can't counsel your own family members.
It just doesn't work.
So she wouldn't talk to her mom, but she says, can you send me to a counselor?
Well, I had just lost a job.
We were in dire straits financially.
I had no money.
I said, look, I just can't afford counseling right now.
Why don't you go talk to your school counselor?
Maybe she can help.
We offered for her to talk to us and tell us all bare soul and tell us everything that was bothering us.
But you know, in that 12-year-old state of mind, she just didn't want to open up.
So we respected that and said, fine.
Find somebody you can talk to.
Talk to your school counselor.
Well, she talked to the school counselor who called us and said, well, your daughter's depressed and she says she's relating to some article she read in a teen magazine about another girl that was depressed and that other girl was cutting on her arms and I'm afraid she might be thinking about hurting herself.
Well, that's another thing.
The media hypes up suicide and hypes up weirdness.
I really tried to, you know, it's hard to forbid a girl from looking at a magazine, but it bothered me that she looked at these teen magazines.
But nevertheless, the article was there, she thought she related to it, she talked about it to the counselor.
They called me saying, you've got to get her in.
To a psychiatrist, you've got to, you know, I think she might be thinking about hurting herself.
You've got to take care of this.
So now we see a huge escalation.
Now, exactly.
Before, it was just a passive, gee, I don't know, life's got me down, I'm not fitting in, I don't like the way my body looks, my boyfriend dumbed me, I don't know.
You know, just kind of a vague, and I kind of feel like the girl in the article, implying that she might be thinking, you know, not even talking suicide, but just hurting herself, because she felt so bad.
We go from there to, they put her on Paxil.
Now there's another aspect of this too which is really interesting.
Even with that report from the counselor, there was another problem going on with her that we related most of this to, which was a sleep problem.
She was having trouble sleeping at night.
And a study just came out of Massachusetts that lack of sleep can cause depression and low self-esteem.
Well, that's common sense.
People who use speed don't get sleep, and then it moves into hallucinations.
If you don't sleep while you are asleep, you'll sleep while you're awake.
Your brain will... Which is what Prozac does.
It puts you in that mesmerized state.
And so she had this problem anyway because we believe that when she was nine years old she had a slight seizure disorder.
She would like blackout for a second and drop her book or pencil.
And so now this accelerated that.
What happened?
So now we're saying, you know, she has a sleep disorder.
We want to get her help.
We took her to the doctor.
The doctor gave her Paxil because he said it'll help her sleep.
But it'll also help her anxiety and her coping at school.
It'll keep her from being so depressed about what's going on at school.
And the doctors don't even look at the medical reactions.
I mean, I know, and I'm not a doctor.
You know, my dad is.
But you don't give somebody who's got a sleep disorder a drug that interferes with sleep cycles.
They don't know it interferes with sleep cycle.
All they know is what the pharmaceutical drug rep
Give them on a little pamphlet and a whole bunch of samples of, you know?
So how long was your daughter on this before she... She was on it for about a week and we noticed how badly she was doing it.
It made her into a zombie.
Nothing got better.
She didn't sleep better.
Her depression got immediately worse.
And so we went back to the doctor and he took her off cold turkey, which you're never supposed to do.
And then we waited for another week or two until we can get in to see a psychiatrist, which we had initially sent a, you know, tried to get an appointment with, but it takes six or eight weeks.
So we saw the GP.
He gave her the Paxil.
Then we finally got in to see the shrink, and he gave her Zoloft.
Oh, Paxil's not working.
Let's put her on Zoloft.
And it was immediate.
It was immediately after that that her personality changed, her behavior changed.
She went into this agitation state.
And instead of just feeling down and depressed and lethargic about sixth grade, she started putting her head down on her desk and waking up in a dream state where she saw a pool of blood.
She saw knives on the wall and a voice telling her to grab one and kill herself.
Whenever she would walk by the second story window, she would feel a strong urge to throw herself out.
The poor child was just tormented by these feelings which came out of nowhere all of a sudden.
You know, and I know that the pro-drug people are going to say, well, she was just mentally ill and it just progressed.
That's garbage.
This was a normal kid who had just normal type depression, adjusting to sixth grade.
And all of a sudden, she's like in this psychotic state, seeing bloody things and violent images and feeling strong urges.
How many weeks after going on these drugs, what happened that day?
Okay, what happened is that
She went on these drugs and she started getting worse with these strong feelings.
So they immediately wanted to put her into Shoal Creek, which is an adolescent ward of a mental hospital, to balance her meds.
Now, we were so caught up in this.
We grew up thinking that science and medicine was wonderful and doctors know best.
They go to school for eight years.
Even though part of us was saying, this is wrong, we went ahead with it.
We got her in the hospital.
There, because she was having all these strong feelings, they decided that she might be psychotic, so they put her on Zyprexa.
They put her on Depakote, just in case she did have a seizure disorder.
They put her on a Crazadone, which is a kind of a sedative.
They put her on all these drugs, and needless to say, it just got worse and worse.
She was a completely changed person coming out of the hospital.
She seemed okay for a week or two and then immediately took another down spin, had to go back to the hospital, came out again, went into trying to run away.
I mean, we did everything we could.
We glued the windows closed in her house.
We took all the knives out.
We have no guns.
We took the door off her bedroom and put a mattress in front of it and slept in front of her bedroom in case she tried to get out in the middle of the night.
She'd have to trip over us.
We did everything to protect her.
Finally she went to school after Christmas break and the kids started teasing her, oh you've been in the loony bin and one thing after another.
And her second period teacher on January 5, 2000 gave her a detention slip because she didn't turn in work from the day before.
Well the day before she went
To the counselor's office.
Yeah, that's right.
Now, if you don't do your schoolwork, you go to detention.
Yeah, and she had every right not to because we had her under a 504 plan that said if she's feeling unsafe, whatever that means in the classroom, she could leave and go to the counselor's.
Why didn't they say she was feeling suicidal?
They wouldn't even spell it out.
So she was under a 504 that nobody paid any attention to.
We've got to break Mr. McIntyre.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
Folks, he's coming on the air, so this doesn't happen to your child.
Your child's bouncing off the wall.
Stop letting them drink three or four Cokes a day.
That's a big thing you can do.
Just protect your children.
This is such a dangerous society now.
We'll be right back.
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We just had Oliver North on the last hour.
And he admits, yeah, you're not supposed to get near areas that have been bombarded with depleted uranium.
And yeah, it's ten times what it was in the first Gulf War.
And all the Army's top scientists say it's hurting the troops.
But again, they're going to keep doing it.
Just like we're in London, Prozac and Zoloft.
All these great evils that hurt people, just going to expand.
It's not going to go away until we stand up and speak out.
And Glenn McIntosh is saving a lot of lives, speaking out and testifying, going public.
A lot of people are starting to do it.
A woman participating in a Lilly trial hangs herself.
A coroner will examine whether an experimental drug played a possible part in 19-year-old suicide.
It's just horrible.
By the way, now here in Austin I have the newscast.
If you're late to class three times, they call you before a judge in one of the portable buildings and they try to put you in the criminal system.
This is a system that really does squeeze our young people.
But your daughter hadn't finished her homework.
In Houston, they have criminal charges for parents.
According to Houston Chronicle now, they don't finish their homework.
She's depressed, been in the hospital.
And they give her a detention.
And now being sent to detention because she didn't finish her work.
What happened next?
And like I say, she didn't finish her work because she was taking advantage of her not feeling good and going to the counselor the day before.
And yes, at the end of the day she was supposed to go back to the class and pick up any work she missed, but her mom picked her up, took her to the mall.
She forgot.
So what happened next is the teacher gave her the detention and she just shuffled down the hall.
Her friends said they never saw her look so dejected and depressed to the girls bathroom right after that class with the detention slip in her hand.
She basically hung herself with her shoelaces from the hook on the back of the girl's stall.
She was tall.
The hook was probably not as far off the ground as the top of her head.
She had to have really wanted to die.
The urge had to have been incredibly great because she had to have slumped down and allowed her body weight to strangle herself.
They didn't find her right away either.
Where is Caitlin?
Nobody bothered to call from the third period class.
I guess the teacher just assumed she must have been going to the counselors.
Then lunch came and went and nobody saw her.
Finally, a little girl discovered her after the lunch break in the bathroom.
She saw legs standing there and said, hello, hello, are you alright?
Nobody answered.
She came and got a teacher and they found Caitlin.
Oh, I tell you, I can't imagine it.
What did the doctors and others say?
I'm sure you were outraged, or how did it begin to dawn on you?
Yeah, that's interesting.
I mean, obviously it was just a suicide, and it was originally attributed to, you know, just a child committing suicide.
It must be mental illness.
Of course, there's always the implications on some people that, well, gee, was she abused?
Was she beat?
Was she from a terrible home?
Which, anybody who knows us in our church community, Live Oak Unitarian Universalist Church here,
Everybody knows she had a good family life.
You know, there was nothing like that going on.
So what could explain this?
Everybody was searching for answers, and we were searching for answers.
We had no clue.
And right away, letters started coming from people saying, you know, you might want to look at the antidepressants she was on.
They have been known to cause suicide.
And we got letter after letter.
John Breeding wrote an open letter in the Austin American-Statesman stating that this is a tragic story that may have been caused by the drugs that were supposed to help her.
We thought he was some kind of an anti-drug nut, you know?
We at first ignored all these letters.
We thought, this can't be right.
They're just, you know... The more we started reading, the more we started going to the internet and researching... When did you find the official studies where the drug companies admitted it?
We found a lot of that from drugawareness.org, the International Coalition for Drug Awareness, a real good source.
Uh, and we just, as we were following it, we became aware that, yeah, there's been studies out there where these studies have indicated that.
Of course, the thing that blew the lid off was UK, the CMS, the FDA equivalent of the UK, coming out and finding these nine studies of, uh, Glasgow SmithKline, which indicated a three times increased rate of suicide of... Hang on, sir.
Stay there.
We've got them right... We'll be right back with the third hour.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Third hour, we're talking to Glenn McIntosh, his daughter.
I had just some mild teenage depression.
Went to the doctor.
They said put her on these different psychotropics.
She was put on Paxil and got more depressed.
They said, here, let's put her on Zoloft.
A few weeks after that, committed suicide at her public school.
Well, I'll have time to take a few calls on this subject up until the 20-minute mark.
Then I'm going to break and I'm coming back.
I'm just going to cover skull and bones, Bush's military record, the economy, what's happening in Iraq.
That's coming up, so stay with us.
We're going to re-air those clips from Meet the Press with John Kerry and Bush.
If you want to talk to our guest, here's the toll-free number.
I know we've had people holding since before our guests got on.
I'm sorry we can't go to your call.
We'll have to call back tomorrow.
But for those that want to talk to our guests, Mark and Rhode Island and others, we'll get you on in the next segment.
You and about 60 other parents went to Washington for a big symposium on this, as you were just saying.
The British FDA is now banned giving these to children in this country.
They're now giving them to toddlers as young as two.
They know what these do.
Why do you think, I guess it's big business, but it's more than that, why do they keep so energetically pushing these on the whole population, and at the same time, what effect did this symposium have on waking people up?
I really think it really is big business.
We're talking billions of dollars.
Tens of billions of dollars they make on these drugs.
I mean, this new one that the 19-year-old hung herself during the trials on recently, some kind of a drug that's supposed to treat depression and incontinence.
I mean, they're going to add it to everything.
I guess they figure if you're incontinent, you're going to be a little depressed and embarrassed, so, you know, why not add a little Prozac in there too?
That, they predict, is going to make $200 million in its very first year.
So we are talking a billion-dollar industry.
There are people out there in places of power within these companies that, frankly, are putting human life below profits, or putting profits above human life.
The only thing that's going to stop it is a grassroots movement of enough of us rising up and saying,
These drugs have hurt enough people that they are dangerous.
And as a caring society, we should not allow, you know, I don't care if it's only 6 or 8 or 10 percent of the kids that go, you know, bonkers on these things and get psychotic or shoot other people or kill themselves.
That's 80, 100,000 kids against the 11 million that are on it.
And I believe it's a higher number than that.
But even if it's only a few percentage points,
Well, there's also the statistics that once you go on these drugs, it primes your receptors to become very drug addicted to illegal drugs.
Oh, that's possible too.
I know that these drugs themselves are very difficult to get off of.
I know people that just are having a heck of a time getting off of them.
You have to get off them very slowly because if you stop them, there's something called discontinuation syndrome, which is really a euphemism for withdrawal.
It already causes an imbalance in the different chemicals in the brain.
It's like being a heroin addict and going off heroin.
The point is, they don't know.
As much as modern science wants you to believe that they know, they don't know how the brain works.
They don't really know what these drugs do and how they... All they know is that they block the uptake of serotonin so the serotonin builds up in your brain.
They don't know how that affects different people.
Everybody is different.
And so it's a complete Russian roulette.
And it's not dealing with the root of the problem anyway.
If a person is depressed, if they have these mental symptoms, a lot of times it can be traced back to other factors.
Not an imbalance in their brain, but something in their environment.
Either sociologically or physically.
Toxins in the environment.
The sugar you were mentioning that so many kids consume.
And the caffeine.
Cut some of that out.
Get a decent diet and some good exercise every day.
And a lot of these problems will go away.
And just get the kids off the television.
That's so much of a good amount there in the sports.
We'll come back and take calls and get more into this amazing story.
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Every other day, and I'm not looking for these stories, I read about teenagers who were mildly depressed, or were in a car wreck, or the boyfriend or girlfriend breaks up with them.
For any reason, missing class, school counselor, school nurses.
Push them on these drugs, and every case I've looked at, Kip Kinkle, Harris Kleibold, the woman drowning her children in Houston, Larry Ashbrook shooting up the Baptist Church in Fort Worth, Buford Furrow shooting up the Baptist or the Jewish Center.
I mean, all these people, Malvo, Muhammad, they were both on this stuff.
In every case we look at, they're on these drugs.
And some people, hey, makes them happy, they're great, but causes all sorts of brain problems in the future and problems with organs and toxicity.
But for some people it seems to work.
I mean, you know, it's like taking ecstasy or something.
Well, I feel better.
But for a lot of people, suicide, depression, these panic attacks, violent outbursts, and they admit all this, but the nightly news doesn't talk about it.
We're talking to Glenn McIntosh's daughter, who committed suicide just a few weeks after being put on these drugs, and she'd been fine before that.
Glenn, I want to talk more about the symposium and what happened in Washington, but right now, can we go ahead and take some calls?
Oh, sure.
Okay, let's talk to Mark in Rhode Island.
Mark in Rhode Island, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Mr. McIntyre, I'd really like to express my condolences to you for the loss of your daughter.
Thank you.
And I applaud you for being active about this.
You know, this whole
thing with the medical industry and pharmaceutical drugs.
It really, really burns me.
I have to say to you, Alex, also because, to me, this is going to be one of the greatest hoaxes of the 20th century.
When you have an agency like the FDA, and I think we need to go after the FDA, expose them for the criminals that they are, because all they do is they go after the natural alternative treatments, they go after the vitamins,
The minerals, the herbs, and they want to vilify, you know, everybody who's identified with that.
Well, that's because, that's because it's a revolving door.
If you look at those that head up the FDA, they were either working for big drug companies before or after.
They all, I mean, every case I've looked at, they then go to work for the drug companies after.
It's the same thing with the EPA.
I mean, and then it's all selectively enforced.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and we need to get out there and expose the fraud of the FDA and what they're doing because, you know, you try to talk to people about, and I try to talk to people about this.
I used to belong to a network marketing company that sold a product for your immune system, and I'd tell some of these people that I'd be working in their houses, and they would say to me, you know, especially the older people,
They'd be like, well, I'm taking 8 or 10 prescription drugs, and I don't know if that's going to be safe.
I have to check with my doctor, and I don't know if it's FDA approved.
And it's that mentality.
We've got to break that mind lock of faking it.
I hear you, Mark.
Thanks for the call.
Let me get some comments from Mr. McIntosh.
Yes, I definitely agree with Mark that there's a mentality out there.
It's a quick fix society.
We just want to take a pill and have it go away, and everything's going to be fine.
And the FDA is, I believe, pretty much bought and paid for by the pharmaceutical company.
To give you an example, at the hearings I went to last Monday, February 2nd, it came out that the medical guy on the FDA, their medical advisor, examiner, reviewed all of the clinical trials in preparation for this meeting they had.
And he came to the conclusion that, my gosh, there is some risk here.
There does seem to be an increased risk of suicidality on these drugs.
And guess what?
They didn't allow him to testify.
They said he had already drawn a conclusion, he was biased, and they didn't allow his testimony.
You know, neither did they allow the testimony of Dr. David Healy, the world's foremost psychopharmacologist.
I mean, he's like the father of psychopharmacology.
But he's not in with the big boys anymore because he has
He's come out and said, absolutely, his research, his books, everything he's done shows that these things can cause suicide in some people.
Well, also, I mean, this is what happens.
People say, well, the government's this corrupt on all these different issues, and owned by these corporations, controlled by them.
You know, we'd hear about it.
People blow the whistle.
They do!
People quit the electronic voting machine companies.
They're chief engineers and say it's a fraud.
The average person never hears about it.
They come out and admit the depleted uranium.
Nobody hears about it.
They come out and admit these drugs are killing people and causing suicide.
Nobody hears about it.
Ritalin killing children.
Heart attacks.
Nobody ever hears about it.
People in these institutions do go public, but then they get totally shut out of the media.
And the media is very complicit with this.
I agree, sir.
I've seen it happen over and over and over again.
Let's talk to Howard in Texas.
Howard, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'm calling from San Antonio.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
You know, you're right.
I was on Celextra and I tried to go cold turkey and I tried to commit suicide.
And the drugs themselves, I mean, it's bad news.
I'm a veteran and I've seen
Other veterans on all these drugs.
Oh, that's another thing.
That's another thing.
They just keep increasing it.
They just keep increasing it.
Yeah, they increase the dosage.
Well, let me say something about the veterans.
If you break your leg, you're in a car wreck, you take the vaccine, get sick, you breathe plenty of uranium, the veterans group, VA, this is their number one prescription.
Here, we'll just put you on Prozac or Zoloft.
That's another example.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and I got hospitalized.
And when I got out of the hospital, I was back on Celex drug again.
And I started, you know, checking into how to get off this drug.
But you cannot go cold turkey off this drug.
Anybody on these drugs, you have to stay on these drugs.
There are ways you can get off the drugs.
You have to get off of them slowly.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Ray.
Ray in Michigan, go ahead.
My condolences for your family for the loss of your daughter.
Thank you, Ray.
I've been researching childhood vaccines and I'm certain that if your daughter lived in America and went to public schools that she's been vaccinated.
You might look into the acetylcholine and serotonin imbalances and what a select group will do and that select group is more than most people want to admit.
By the way, they're looking at Generation X and they're modified with the chemicals.
Yeah, there's dangers with those too.
I know I've heard of people whose children have died as a result of vaccination.
Well, I've got the CDC report here.
Vaccine data leads scientists to a shocking discovery.
Children 27 times more likely to develop autism than seizures.
With exposure to mercury-containing vaccines, findings reviewed at today's IOM meeting in D.C.
That's correct.
And we've gone from 1 out of 25,000 getting autism 20 years ago to 1 out of 167.
2,000% increase in the state of California.
And that's just where it burns their brain really bad.
And so they sit in the corner in diapers until they're 20.
And I hate to be so graphic, but that's it.
For a lot of children, it just causes some problems.
There's always a wide range, but if they just
They use the drugs as a way of making money, and there's a certain, at some level, there's people that just don't care that it's hurting a lot of people as long as they're making their millions of dollars in profits.
Well, it's like feeding meat to cows!
And then we get mad cow disease.
Just because they want to do something with dead, rotten cows, they feed them back to cows.
Anything else, Ray?
No, I just... Our prayers go out to you.
Thank you.
Please do your research.
It isn't just, as Alex mentioned, the massive damage done by mercury with autism.
It's the slight glazing that we know is Generation X. And what it is doing to society as a whole.
It's a reality.
It's right in front of us.
And, you know, the same thing is true of these SRRI drugs.
I am an example of an extreme case, as are thousands across the country, where children have had dramatic, violent suicide or murder or whatever.
However, how many smaller cases are there?
I have read stories and heard stories of a mother who was a great mother, never hurt her child ever, and she was given Prozac or PMS or whatever else, and one day her child was misbehaving and she just went up to it and broke his finger.
She couldn't report this?
Well, they even came out with a Prozac, the little purple pill, it had a feminine name, I forget.
Right, right.
Just for women.
What's the name of that drug?
Seraphim, yeah, Seraphim.
Thank you for the call, Ray.
Last caller for our guest, Warren in New Hampshire.
Warren, go ahead.
Yeah, Glenn, I'd like to say I'm sorry for your loss.
Thank you.
And I just want to know one thing.
How long have you been listening to Alex?
Actually, this is the first time I've been on his show and I've only been peripherally aware of him through a friend of mine, Dr. John Breeding.
It's hard to give you the whole ball of wax in one short speech, but if you listen to Alex, this is part of a plan.
Basically, it's a genocide against the American people.
I'm sure Alex would agree with that.
Well, when people don't believe that, the eugenics at the UN, bioethics, Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley's brother, Huxley gave a speech in 1962 at Berkeley, a month before he died, saying, which was all a government plan, they planned to force drug everyone by 2000, I've been in the secret documents, my brother headed up UNESCO for the UN, my book is
What I think is going to happen, and that's why Brave New World is so scary today, because it is coming true.
It is.
I just read it recently, and it's really frightening.
I think there is something to it.
I mean, I've never fancied myself as a conspiracy theorist and all of this, and usually I think this stuff as well, kind of out on the fringe.
But the more I learn, there's doctors out there that want to put Prozac in the water.
They think everybody should have it.
I've seen those reports.
Uh, well listen, uh, thanks for the call, Warren.
Uh, Glenn McIntosh, how do folks get in touch with you if they want to send you information?
Well, um, I guess my email would be the best.
M-G-M-C-I-N-T-O-S-H at earthlink.net.
Tell you what, stay to the break and just plug that on the other side.
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My friends, I have the Associated Press articles with the government.
Top scientists are proposing putting Prozac in the water supply.
I believe it.
And, I mean, this is what they're up to.
This is what they want.
This is really happening.
And I'm sorry to Jim and Cliff and Elizabeth and everybody that's been holding.
I've got to get into all the news that we haven't covered.
So, we're going to go ahead and
Stop this discussion at this point.
I want to have Dr. Breeding and, of course, yourself, Mr. McIntosh, back on in the future.
For folks that want to get in contact with you, or want to network, or want to send you information, what's your email address one more time?
It's m-g-m-c-i-n-t-o-s-h mgmcintosh at earthlink.net.
All right.
Well, again, God bless you, sir.
We're really sorry for your loss, and you're in our prayers.
Thank you.
Thank you for going public and speaking out to hopefully get folks to think a little more and learn so they don't end up in the position you've been in.
That's my purpose.
All right.
Well, take care, my friend.
Thank you.
Alright, again, no more calls on the show today, because I'm looking at about 50 stories I haven't gotten to, and some other top ones I've got to recap.
Right now, Skull & Bones.
I'm sure you heard that Sunday, Bush was on Tim Russert's Meet the Propaganda CFR member, I mean, Meet the Press.
And John Kerry, a few months ago, the frontrunner for the Democrats, a relation of Bush, and a member of Skull & Bones, said it's too secret, I can't talk about it.
Now, these clips are off the web, so the audio's not the best, but here's the quote.
Russert, you were both in Skull and Bones, The Secret Society.
President Bush, it's so secret we can't talk about it.
Russert, what does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
President Bush, I'm sure they are.
I don't know.
I haven't seen.
Unintelligible, yet.
Russert, number 322?
Bush wouldn't answer it.
Now, it's not unintelligible.
On the good video I've got, that I taped last night when it re-aired at midnight, he clearly says I haven't seen the web yet.
So that's interesting right there, that they say unintelligible when it's not.
But here's that clip with Bush.
Listen to this.
This is Bush on Meet the Press.
You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I don't know.
I haven't seen the weather.
Are you prepared to lose?
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
It was shilling when he said that.
Because Bush wasn't animated.
He was a stumbling, sputtering, big government pimp.
The entire time until the end, his eyes just burned.
He said, I'm not going to lose.
You see, I got a vision of where I want to lead.
But notice also in one of those clips, he asked him, and we're putting all these clips up on the web, better clips of them off the original that I took last night.
This is somebody else's site we linked to to get this.
He says, did you know him at Yale?
And Bush says, no, I didn't.
Bush says, uh, I didn't know him in Yale.
Skull and Bones members all meet, all living members, at least once a year, when somebody gets married, they induct the woman.
Uh, they're there.
That's another lie.
John Kerry says he did know him there, at Yale.
Bush was the president of one of the other big fraternities.
Of course they knew him.
Kerry was there when Bush was there.
Just incredible.
But, uh, think about it.
We have the President and the Democratic frontrunner, both related to each other from the same area of the country in the same admitted satanic secret society.
It's admitted!
They do satanic rituals and they go, oh well, it's just for fun.
Well, I've gone to the place where they go, as old men, as adults, called Bohemian Grove, and I got video of it, my film, Dark Secrets, inside Bohemian Grove, Moloch worship!
Look up Moloch in the dictionary!
Canaanite god that children were sacrificed to.
Symbolizes a large owl or bull.
It was two-sided.
And, uh, I sneak in, I got a hidden camera, and I videotape him worshiping a 45-foot stone owl burning the effigy of a baby.
And they admit I snuck in.
It's been on national television.
I made the film, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
I don't care how nuts it sounds.
They just admitted skull and bones.
Oh, so secret.
I can't talk about it.
The president with the guy he's running against are in a secret society together.
Come on!
And it was founded by the opium trade, by German and British money.
The CIA didn't start dealing drugs.
It was founded by drug dealers.
And most of your CIA directors are skull and bones, and now we've had three presidents, vice presidents.
It's sick!
We live in a country where a secret society has both the big candidates.
Isn't that obvious?
And you know, Russert, what does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
Conspiracy theorists?
You admit it's a secret society, a death cult, you're in it, you go to Bohemian Grove,
So, I'll go over a little bit more on this and we'll get into, I mean, folks, there is so much news here.
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I don't know how anyone, how anyone could watch the president and his relative, another British blueblood,
Openly members of a satanic secret society being our two candidates.
And that's what it's shaping up to be.
As I said over a year ago.
It was my prediction.
I mean, you talk about a staged event.
These guys are in it together.
And I snuck into Bohemian Grove, folks.
I snuck in there with a hidden camera.
I got the video.
I got it out.
You need to get Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove.
We're going to air the carry clip here in a second.
How could anyone out there, I never even hardly talk about this, how could any of you not get this two hour, five minute film to watch the mock human sacrifice?
And I was a hundred something yards away.
They say it's a mock sacrifice.
The bound body, bring it up there, begs for its life, they burn it.
High level Luciferian garbage.
This is ten times worse than Anton LaVey in a red jumpsuit, dancing around saying, I'm the devil, look at me, aren't I cool?
I mean, this is the real deal with all the regalia, everything.
Eyes wide shut.
And I was in there for four hours.
The Washington Times, Parade Magazine, Spy Magazine, Helmut Schmidt, German Chancellor, they say it gets a lot more satanic than that.
Helmut Schmidt has booked Men in Power, and this is in the film, says, oh, I love the rituals we do at our grove in Germany, but my favorite ceremonial ground is the Bohemian Grove.
I love our druidic rituals.
Washington Times talking about, you know, shipping in the male prostitutes.
I've talked to the locals.
Male prostitutes, female prostitutes, but they seem to be mainly for the males.
You know, it's part of the Christian conservatism.
I've been on national Christian shows and had them accuse me, you wicked devil, George Bush ain't no member of no skull and bones, Patriot Act's good, you need to repent for bearing false witness.
This is America!
This is what America has turned into!
And it's disgusting!
So get Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove, make copies, show it at your church, show it at your VFW hall, research Molek,
Good, good.
I know you all got dictionaries online or in your house.
Go look up Moloch.
Why don't you just do that for yourself?
It's not a very Christian deity.
It's a little worse than even Allah or the Shinto Shrine with Bush.
It's the most demonic demon in the Bible.
God says that Moloch is basically the symbolism of Satan and it's the worst god that the pagans worship.
And that he'll curse whoever's leaders.
The Bible says whoever's leaders follow Moloch.
You're like, well, I'm an atheist, I don't believe in that.
Well, you better believe in it, because the President does.
Because he's so Christian.
So again, Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get Dark Secrets, Inside Bohemian Grove, $25.95.
Order three or more of any of the ten videos, they drop down to twenty.
I've got Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets, and Police State 3.
And if you haven't got 9-11, you need to get that.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
If you won't get the films and make copies and get them out to people, who's going to do it?
We got psychotic, power-tripping Satanists running the country.
You're like, that sounds insane.
Oh, the Aztecs, the Romans, the Babylonians, the Egyptians.
In every culture you get criminals on power trips who have demonic deities they worship because they're sociopaths, they're psychopaths.
Look at every run-of-the-mill psychopath you read about.
You ever read crime books?
You ever research real crime stories?
Every one of these psychopaths you've ever looked at who's out killing women and children and people, they're always devil worshippers.
They're always into the occult.
You can't be a psychopath and not love the devil, folks!
Let's say you're an atheist.
Well then understand that they image their own psyche and their mind.
They worship themselves.
They're self-centered.
That's the very nature of Satanism.
Do as thou wilt.
And then they create this God image for themselves.
Now I believe in that God image that they worship.
I know that's real.
You understand?
I know that's there.
But you can say, okay, well, you know, this is mumbo-jumbo, I don't believe it.
Well, it doesn't stop the fact that they're laying in coffins, naked, engaging in sex acts, and shipping in male prostitutes and female prostitutes and worshipping Moloch.
They believe it!
And they're manifesting that hell on earth here on this planet.
So I believe in God, and I believe in the devil.
And I know that the world leaders do.
So you better wake up to this, folks.
If you want to understand how deep the rabbit hole goes in this Alice in Wonderland system, you've got to face up to this.
You'd better research it.
So let's air Bush, and then right on the back of that, John Kerry.
Both of these from Meet the Press.
Sorry about the audio quality.
It's off the web.
The video clips are at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Here it is.
Go ahead and roll it.
You both were members of Skull and Bones, a secret society at Yale.
What does that tell us?
Uh, not much because it's a secret.
Is there a secret handshake?
Is there a secret code?
I wish there were something secret I could manifest.
A secret number?
There are all kinds of secrets, Tim, but one thing is not a secret.
I disagree with this president's direction that he's taking the country.
We can do a better job than I intend to do.
That's John Kerry.
And we'll be watching.
Be safe on the campaign trail, John Kerry.
Thanks for joining us.
Okay, that's John Kerry.
Uh, let's hear Bush again.
You were both in Skull and Bones, the secret society.
It's so secret we can't talk about it.
What does that mean for America?
The conspiracy theorists are going to go wild.
I don't know, I haven't seen the website.
Number 322?
You're going to lose.
No, I'm not going to lose.
If you did, what would you do?
Well, I don't plan on losing.
I've got a vision for what I want to do for the country.
See, I know exactly where I want to lead.
Yeah, well your father wants to lead us a new world order.
As the CFR said days after the attack, we're going to use this disaster for a new world order.
And boy, he knows exactly where he's going to lead.
No more borders, no more sovereignty, going after your guns.
Think about this.
We have the President in a secret organization with the guy he's running against.
And Kerry says, so secret, can't talk about it.
Bush says, so secret, can't talk about it.
Same scripted answer.
And all these Skull and Bones members say that same thing.
So secret, can't talk about it.
No, there's lots of secrets, can't talk about it.
I mean, you talk about a staged event, folks.
Oh, I tell you.
And I still have people on local talk radio attacking me.
Alex Jones believes in a thing called Skull and Bones.
He's an idiot.
He's a liar.
It doesn't exist.
There's no new world order.
Oh my goodness.
You know, tomorrow I'll have to re-air these clips again and we'll do an hour on Skull and Bones and take your calls on it because I know folks want to talk about it.
Let me get into the other news.
Let me just rapid fire through this.
We've got 19 minutes left.
Defense Department seeks Bush
Guard file.
This is the Washington Post.
The Defense Department has requested that President Bush's payroll records from the Service of the National Guard be sent to Washington from DoD Archive in Colorado.
They're asking whether they can be released to news organizations and public interest groups and have formally requested them in recent days according to DoD officials.
Now, we have 30 pages of these records.
They're held up in St.
Louis and have an AP article.
The Feds have now grabbed those.
They've already been released, but now they're grabbing them so others can't get them or so it can't be confirmed.
Bush, in an interview on the Sunday show NBC Meet the Press, said he would release all his records, including pay stubs, to put to rest political suggestions that he may not fulfill his duty near the end of the Guard service.
He wasn't there for 21 months.
He was grounded.
He refused to take his test, his drug test.
I mean, this is incredible.
Bush, in an interview on the show Sunday, said he will release them to put to rest
Any discussions that he did not finish his guard service from May 72 to May 73.
The President also suggested there might not be anything in the records that has not already been in the public domain.
The media has had these records for months, okay?
We have them at Infowars.com.
I mean, people have been looking for these files for a long period of time, trust me, and starting a 94 campaign for Texas Governor, Bush said, and I can assure you that in the year 2000 people were looking for those files as well.
We have the files, and the media has them!
So it's, oh, where are the files?
Where are the files?
Asked in the interview whether he would authorize release of the guard records.
The president said, yes, absolutely.
Then he went on to say that if you criticize him on this, you're criticizing the guard and you better watch it.
It has nothing to do with it.
But, oh, I have a lot of people, I was in the Guard, how dare you talk bad about me!
They know you associate your power with Bush, just like liberals associate their power with Clinton.
You won't think because you're with him, see, oh, you're with me, he says, see, you're with the big, powerful President.
Don't let them criticize us.
And, I mean, the whole story of Bush and the Guard,
And the silver spoon in his mouth, and how he was grounded, and how he had the worst possible flight scores you could imagine, but wasn't kicked out.
It just goes on and on.
His daddy was director of the CIA at the time.
He'd been in Congress.
He'd been ambassador to the UN, major power broker.
What Bush got, what Bush wanted, he got.
And something that no one seems to know about, Minneapolis
Sister City, St.
Paul, just pulled out of the Patriot Act.
New York did.
Again, every day, multiple cities and towns are pulling out.
A year ago, the media would report on this, that, oh, 147 cities, 160 cities have pulled out.
And still, when you hear the news, oh, about 150 have pulled out.
No, folks, I see at least 10 cities a week in town.
I quit counting at 400.
I spent hours counting them up about 6-7 months ago.
But again, this shows the spin.
Very, very important.
Continuing, 9-11 panel threatens to issue a subpoena for Bush briefings.
We're not hearing how the Condoleezza Rice secret meeting went about her telling Mayor Willie Brown not to fly.
The entire committee is made up of folks involved in 9-11 or part of the Bush cabinet or part of Bush businesses.
But they've got to act like there's some type of investigation going on so people go, oh, that was all put to rest.
More theater.
Passion Poised for Heavenly Box Office.
This is out of Variety.
The movie that couldn't find a distributor a year ago has now become the year's first surprise hit.
We went online to buy tickets for it when it comes out February 27th.
They'd already sold 65% of the tickets in all the theaters in Austin.
So, think about that.
You try to keep a good thing down, it'll just explode with more power.
I can't wait to see it.
Though it has not had a single television ad, it has been aired for the Passion of the Christ two weeks before its release.
Mel Gibson's depiction of the crucifixion of Jesus is eclipsing mainstream Hollywood fare and audience interest.
And it says it's scheduled to open with a $30 million dollar first weekend.
You better get your tickets while you can.
I love it.
I love it, I love it, I love it.
It's like this show.
I've had the number one ratings in Austin.
And they told me, you shut up about the New World Order.
This was five years ago, or you're off the air.
And they did kick me off the air.
They were making money hand over fist.
I got $200 a week, folks, for a local FM radio show from 7 to 9 at night.
And the show became number one, won Best of Austin, got national attention, that's right as I was getting syndicated.
And the owners of the station I was doing the syndicated show out of said, you shut your mouth about Bill Clinton and the New World Order and Waco and the militarization of police or you're off the air.
And I said, I got the number one ratings.
The truth sells.
They just won't give us a chance to put it out there.
That's the truth.
Feds seize family ranch.
World Net Daily article.
They're seizing a whole bunch of ranches.
This is by Henry Lamb.
People own their land and the Forest Service just shows up and just takes ranches that have been in people's hands for 50 to 160 years.
Big article on that.
Just land grabbing going on everywhere.
Exploding under bush.
Army intercepts
Betraying soldiers, U.S.
resorts to hiring ex-Saddam loyalists to gather intelligence.
That's blowing up in our face.
Food runs out for 6 million North Koreans.
London Independent, the U.N.'
's food agency, made the emergency appeal for food aid to North Korea yesterday saying that its supplies are nearly exhausted and it would have to stop sending food to almost all the 6.5 million people it feeds.
By the way, North Korea has been caught taking almost all that food and selling it to China or selling it to other countries.
All they allow the people to do is grow opium to be sold to the CIA.
Oh boy, so serious.
Some of the other news that I want to get to here concerns what's
Happening with Al-Qaeda.
They're saying now that they're sure Al-Qaeda has nuclear weapons, that the Russians sold them in 98, and they're going to nuke us any minute.
If one nuke goes off, they've got martial law set up, General Eberhard has said it, the head of NORTHCOM, the outgoing head of CENTCOM, Franks has said it, I should have confronted Oliver North the first hour with that when he was denying it, that the, quote, Constitution will be set aside for favor of military government.
That's Cigar Aficionado, December issue, Tommy Franks, General Eberhardt and the L.A.
Those are both on Infowars.com.
And one nuke goes off.
You think things are bad now?
That's when all the secret arrests, the death camps, all of it begins.
And I'm not kidding.
This is what's happening.
And all of us need to be aware of this because
Because America is on the edge of dying completely and totally.
And it's just so sad.
Our dollar has plunged even further to right at $1.28.
The euro was worth 90 cents a year and a half ago against the dollar.
So that is almost a 40% drop there.
There's a more continual plunge of the dollar.
It's so sad for this country.
But don't worry, the government's going to give you something to celebrate over.
Press Trust of India reporting, so is the Associated Press, U.S.
optimistic of catching Bin Laden by year's end.
Bunch of different senators and Madeleine Albright and Bush officials have been saying this, but Bush, when he was asked to meet the press, says he doesn't know, doesn't know where Bin Laden's at.
Well, what does that mean to you, folks?
And our country's become such a secret police bastion that all over the nation, at Christmas, if children tried to bring Christmas cards with Jesus on them, anything else was okay.
Santa Claus was okay.
Buddha's okay.
The children are sent to the superintendent, expelled, disciplined, threatened.
Christmas card with Jesus banned.
Kindergartners at a public school in Oregon were invited to bring cards to Christmas party, but a teacher barred one student from distributing his holiday greeting because it mentioned Jesus Christ, prompting a lawsuit.
Again, separation of church and state, folks.
That means the government stays out of religion.
It doesn't mean you can't bring to school or anywhere else whatever you want, or during your Vow of Victorian speech, it doesn't mean you can't mention the word Jesus.
You have a First Amendment, but now they say you can't.
See, this is the new thought crime.
Here's the article, St.
Paul Passes Resolution Condemning Patriot Act.
New York's done it as well.
When we get back, I'll get into Bin Laden supposedly going to nuke us any minute.
50 killed in car bombings south of Baghdad.
Bahrain, China, Iraq, England all putting in national ID cards.
But England says they will not close their borders.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Stay with us for the final segment.
More key info straight ahead.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, folks, through the Associated Press, Reuters, Al Jazeera and others,
They're saying they're sure that suitcase nukes, which the government claimed came up missing in 98, or was it Alexander Leavitt that first said that, has been sold to Bin Laden, he's gonna nuke us any minute, you better give up all your rights.
And again, they'll re-engineer our entire society if that happens.
50 killed in car bombing south of Baghdad, at least 50 people were killed and 50 hurt in car bombing at a police station south of Baghdad, hospital says.
A car bomb exploded Tuesday morning at a police station, killing dozens of would-be recruits lined up to apply for jobs, and hospital officials said at least 50 people had been killed, 50 others wounded.
officials in Baghdad put the figure at 35 killed and 75 wounded, but said the figure could be higher since Iraqi authorities were handling the investigation.
The local Iraqi police commander, Lt.
Abdul Rahim Saleem, said the attack was a suicide operation carried out by a driver who detonated a red pickup truck as it passed by the station.
And all over the world, in Iraq, our government's putting in a national ID card for the Iraqi people.
They've got to have special clearance and wear an RFID bracelet to have a job anywhere.
That's the so-called freedom we're bringing them.
And Beiran plans smart ID cards.
Beiran plans to introduce by June a national identity card embedded with a smart chip that would store a wealth of personal and administrative data.
Same thing's happening here.
England's moving ahead with that.
The UK will not close its borders.
The UK's Home Affairs Minister, David Blunkett, has said the UK will not close its borders to citizens of the EU's 10 new members who are set to join in May.
Eastern Europe, folks.
In Central Europe, many of the Guardian and the Secretary of State denied that the UK has become the latest EU member to announce it will not give new citizens the same rights as those Germany, France, Spain or the like.
Blunkett said a proposal made by Prime Minister Tony Blair last week did not amount to a ban on workers from countries of Eastern and Central Europe.
Within 20 years, England will be a majority foreigner, but let England's culture die, you know.
You know, it's no big deal.
Let's just give all our rights up and we'll all suddenly be safe.
If we just give our liberties up, the good people at Skull and Bones will keep us safe.
And, well, I guess then the answer is that we just need to submit to the New World Order and everything will be alright.
And we read about, oh my gosh, we've got to invade Syria and Iran and Libya now, because the Pakistanis, they sold nuclear weapons parts to all of them, and then it turns out that the General, the head of this, Pakistani Intelligence Chief,
Was involved with the Clinton, Bush, White House, you name it, and allowing all this to take place and Bush tried to block an investigation of that.
This is from the BBC.
You go, why would they arm China, North Korea, Pakistan, help give them the delivery systems?
Because that escalates the crisis worldwide.
Then they can claim that rogue groups get the weapons and they get to invade countries that really aren't a threat, like Iran and Syria and
And Libya, and then they can be buddy-buddy with North Korea behind the closed doors, and then out in the open they can say that it's a quoted enemy and get the new national draft passed and all the rest of it.
Bottom line, crisis brings control, and the military-industrial complex owned by the big banks said, hey, why don't we just take over the society?
Why don't we just dominate everybody?
Why don't we just claim there's a new threat called terrorism?
Why don't we just become the dominant force in the world?
That's what powerful institutions have always done.
It's happening again, but the average person doesn't even realize this.
That's it for this broadcast.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
We'll re-air that Oliver North interview, and I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
So be sure and tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, everybody to tune in, whether it's on the AM or FM dial, global shortwave, the internet, you name it.
And realize that by speaking out and getting involved and not having this oh-so-what, moral, relativist, cynical view, we can save this country and our families.
But if we don't get in the fight, it's over for America and the world.
Tyranny is growing at geometric proportions.
Yet again, we've got to stop it.
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