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Name: 20040209_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 9, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It's Monday, the 9th of February, 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
The websites freshly updated for you are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got Casey Nethercutt, the owner of The Ranch in Southern Arizona.
Who has been in the middle of multiple attacks by Mexican troops that have been written up in the Associated Press.
They have apprehended a lot of illegal aliens on their property.
He was arrested by the FBI, and he's now been released.
They tried to force him to sign confessions.
Just wait until you hear the details of this.
In the middle of the next hour, we've also got a bunch of other guests who are lining up.
In the meantime, you knew it would come to the United States.
A restriction on how many children you can have.
The government has been saying they want to do it for a while.
Of course, if you're a third-world internal population, you'll be given waivers, but for everybody else, there'll be restrictions.
We'll be getting into that.
Also, you may have heard of this.
soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico during the Star-Spangled Banner.
And I want to point out, these are the people that Bush wants to allow into the country, the people he wants to legalize, the people whose government says the Southwest belongs to them, chanting, Usama, Usama, Usama.
So, the radical Mexicans, Osama Bin Laden and George Bush together, in their hate of American national sovereignty.
Bush claims he's fighting Al-Qaeda, but wants the borders wide open and supports the people that love Al-Qaeda.
soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico and the question is will Mexicans cheer Osama again?
soccer team to play for Olympic spot in Guadalajara.
Will Osama be chanted again?
I mean a massive chant, folks.
Meanwhile, student group stands by Reconquista plan.
Metro won't disavow.
Document calling for recapture of Southwest.
It never belonged to the US.
It never belonged to Mexico.
It belonged to Native Americans.
It belonged to anybody.
And why does everybody from Mexico want to come here?
Because we were a free country.
How these people could want to turn this into Mexico, I'll never understand.
But the big New York banks are financing this.
They want to break the country up.
And that's what Bush wants.
That's what Clinton and Al Gore and all the rest of them want.
More on the Pakistan Nuclear Arms Bazaar.
The US, Europe, arming Pakistan.
Now they claim it's Bin Laden doing it.
It's clear it's our government arming North Korea, Pakistan, Iran, you name it.
They arm them and then, oh, we gotta go to war with them.
High treason.
Also, the guy who was the front-runner against Putin in the upcoming staged elections has disappeared, and Moscow won't allow a murder probe of that.
The White House is in a new fight over secret 9-11 documents they're blocking.
Defector details North Korean nuke plans, again, thanks to the treason of our government arming them.
Some good news out of Utah.
They've passed a resolution to get out of the UN to call for the federal government to do so.
A story out of News 8 in Dallas where the DPS, the state police, are giving illegal aliens fake IDs.
That's coming up as well.
We'll talk about Bush and his comments on Meet the Press, his incredible spin in that staged event.
Chinese workers pay for Walmart's low prices.
More on the slave camps there.
So you'll definitely want to stay with us in the next segment.
I'm going to go through all this and more.
Again, Legislature's bill urges two-child limit.
That's the headline.
looks at reopening Iraq's Israel Oil Pipeline.
The HIFO facility, we knew the war partially was over that.
More on the Gulf War Syndrome from the BBC.
Rape gangs target whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa, but nobody seems to care.
Again, it's all coming up.
You don't want to miss this show.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation, waging war on corruption.
Defending liberty, resisting tyranny, Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight.
Central Standard Time.
All right, we'll talk to Ranch Rescue folks on the ground.
There have been more firefights.
Well, I guess they're not firefights.
The Mexican troops are shooting at them.
Coming up in the next hour, we'll have wide open phones in this hour into the second and third hours of this global transmission.
Pull free number to join us on air.
Now, this news came out Friday, and I've been chomping at the bit to cover it all weekend.
Let's go straight into it.
soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico, and this is from the Associated Press.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
The Mexican crowd hooted
The Star-Spangled Banner.
It booed U.S.
It chanted, Usama, Usama, Usama, as U.S.
players left the field with a 2-0 victory.
Now, I remember right after 9-11, I saw local newscasts out of San Diego, newscasts out of Mexico City.
We posted photos and news articles about it, but it didn't get a lot of play here in the United States nationally.
That the Mexicans all over the country were selling Osama Bin Laden shirts, worshipping him, worshipping this piece of filth!
Now again, folks, I went to college and I heard Mecha and La Raza say that white people are evil, that the Southwest belongs to Mexico, and I heard Mecha, and I've got their website and it's in the news, say they're going to kill all the whites.
Can you imagine if whites were saying they were going to kill all the Hispanics?
I mean, I've gone out and protested the Ku Klux Klan.
I've bullhorned them.
And I've gone out and I've protested Mecha and La Raza to the point they don't show their faces at one of their demonstrations anymore.
And if they try it, I'll show back up if it's anywhere in Central Texas.
But in this politically correct world, it's okay to have all these Mexican racists, and it's spreading because the media says it's good.
The colleges, the white liberals are promoting it.
Why are the New York banks funding it?
Because they want to break this country up.
They want all of us at each other's throats.
I mean, we might be able to absorb the 25 million Latin Americans that are in this country, the illegals.
It's not 10 million, it's not 20 million, it's 25, probably 30 million, okay?
A million a year come across in Cochise County alone, one county in Arizona.
So, again, what are we going to do about this?
We cannot absorb these people if they take pleasure in not learning English, if the government's there, in the name of multiculturalism, creating this type of racism.
soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico.
And they chanted, Osama, Osama, Osama, and booed during the Star Spangled Banner.
I mean, Americans would never do that.
I don't know of any other country.
I mean, we've had soccer games with the Russians during the Cold War.
They were respectful during the Star-Spangled Banner.
We were respectful of their anthem.
I mean, this is out of control, folks!
They hate our guts, and I'm not talking about Hispanic Americans who are more American than I am, some of the most patriotic people out there, the highest level of Congressional Medal of Honor winners.
I'm not talking about the majority of Hispanics.
The majority of Hispanics in major polls cannot stand the open borders and know this is driving down our wages and know it's bad.
In fact, I would say for my TV show here in Austin, the biggest group of viewers, the biggest fans of the show, some of the most active people, when we have meetings and in rallies, are Hispanics!
I'm talking about the people in Mexico over the last 30 years, the New York finance textbooks and comic books and leaflets that say this is the Southwest, our government paying for survival packs for the illegals to come across, our government helping put in the water stations in the middle of the desert for these illegals!
So it's bad for America to have nationalism, but it's good for Mexico.
And again, the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.
The Spanish, who came in and enslaved the Indians of Southern North America, of Mexico, put the language of Spanish in, bought part of Texas from the French, it went back and forth, different empires were grabbing it at different points.
Mexico has no claim on the Southwest.
Frankly, the United States government doesn't either.
If you really want to talk about who owned the land, of course they didn't have that concept.
It's Native Americans.
But, just think about this.
Bush supports total blanket amnesty, despite the fact that it's unconstitutional, that the majority of voters are against it.
And Bush supports a country, a people, who
A large portion of them, and the government itself, say openly that they are going to kill all the white people.
Kill us!
They won't even allow a 4th of July parade in San Diego or L.A.
We got video of them beating Hispanics, blacks, whites, veterans with 2x4s.
The police stand by and let it happen.
This has been going on three separate times in the last six years.
We have video of it.
But again, it's not a national news story.
Can you imagine a group of white people
Uh, went to some type of Mexican get-together and started beating them over the heads with two-by-fours.
You never hear the end of it!
But it's okay when they do it.
I'm sick of Mexican food restaurants with images of Aztecs cutting white people's hearts out.
I'm sick of it!
And I want you to know that you're funded by the big New York banks to break this country up.
And if you are Hispanic out there, you better speak out against this and stand up against other Hispanics that have been sucked into this garbage.
Just like if you're a white person and know somebody in the Ku Klux Klan, you need to talk some sense into them.
We gotta come together against the New World Order, folks.
The Mexican crowd hooted the Star-Spangled Banner, it booed U.S.
goals, it chanted Osama, Osama, Osama as U.S.
players left the field with a 2-0 victory.
And that was in a game against Canada on Thursday, just 1,500 people.
A game Tuesday in neighboring Guadalajara will determine whether the U.S., under 23 soccer teams, headed to the Athens games.
This is what it's all about.
Coach Glenn Myrdick said you were 90 minutes away from being in the Olympics.
The U.S.
team faces Honduras on Saturday and it goes on and on.
And this has happened before.
Will Mexicans cheer Osama again, U.S.
soccer team, to play Olympic spot in Guadalajara, Mexico?
Things would get ugly in Guadalajara tomorrow when the U.S.
soccer team plays Mexico for Olympic qualification.
Last Thursday when the U.S.
played Canada in the qualifying round in Mexico, Mexicans in the crowd again booed the Star-Spangled Banner and chanted Osama, Osama, Osama.
Tomorrow, 60,000 fans are expected to watch the game that will determine which team goes to Athens.
Hey, if somebody's watching these channels, will you please type it for me and send it to me?
It's very, very, very serious.
And Bush supports open borders.
So Bush, Bin Laden, and a large portion of these Mexicans have one thing in common.
They hate America.
We're going to give blanket amnesty to people who openly say they're going to kill whites as soon as they get control.
Many South Texas towns, like El Cenizo, this is five years ago, folks, in the San Antonio Express News,
Multiple towns fly the Mexican flag.
You cannot speak English in court proceedings.
Everything is only done in Spanish.
This is all accepted.
The feds love it.
Student group stands by reconquista plan.
Metro won't disavow document calling for recapture of Southwest.
A Latino student group that drew attention during the California gubernatorial campaign.
Cruz Bustamante says it will not disavow a founding document outlining the aim of recapturing the Southwestern United States from Mexico.
Yeah, on some of their websites they've got images of dead white people and how they're going to kill us.
Responding to an allegation of racism, an allegation, members of MECHA Chapter of the University of California at Los Angeles showed up in force in an undergraduate student government meeting Tuesday to protest the campus student paper
The UCLA reported, the GOP student group, UCLA, Maroon Republicans have challenged MECHA and denounced a founding document, El Plan de Auslan, which they assert promotes violence and damages the organization's reputation as community servants.
The text calls for the return of the U.S.
Southwest to Mexico through members said they do not follow the particular ideology.
That's a total lie.
My wife speaks French, Spanish, Italian,
And just a couple weeks ago we were in a convenience store and there's two Mexicans, one at the counter, one buying something, one running the counter, and they're speaking in Spanish saying, yeah, I don't like speaking English.
I don't like that dumb language.
I don't like whites.
They're sitting there laughing at us.
I'm just standing there with my wife.
I mean, you know, oh, but that's cute and acceptable and funny.
It's real funny.
It's so sick, folks.
So incredibly, completely out of control and disgusting.
And in other news, legislature bill urges two-child limit.
Democrat wants state to promote population sustainability.
Yeah, let's do that in the western world where there's an average of, what, 1.3 children born per family.
The population of some European countries is dying by five percent a year.
Same thing in the U.S.
That's okay.
Let's do that.
It's not China's draconian one-child policy, but a lawmaker in Washington State is proposing legislation to urge parents to have no more than two children.
State Rep.
Marilyn Chase is a sponsor of what she calls two or fewer bill, which aims to promote population sustainability.
And then it begins to set the groundwork.
For limiting children, the amount of children you can have.
A pamphlet to be distributed in Washington's Health Department, spelling out the Brazilian benefits of having no more than two children.
And it goes on.
We'll give you more details of that.
Also, U.S.
looks at reopening Iraq's Israeli pipeline.
Rape gangs target whites, but I guess that's okay in Zimbabwe.
Whites slaughter in South Africa.
Plans made to conduct campaign of genocide after Mandela's death to kill all whites.
And hey, Khalid Mohammed says he's gonna kill all whites here.
But that's okay.
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Alright, coming up in the next segment we'll go to Brock and Scott and Stacy and many others that are holding patiently.
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Continuing with the anti-white crusade going on worldwide.
White people didn't invent slavery.
Slavery was, you can debate it, invented by the Egyptians, the Babylonians, and some forms of it were going on in Asia.
Some of the archaeological record shows even earlier than slavery was developed in the Mediterranean region and into North Africa.
But you would believe, according to the banker-owned and run media,
That white people are wicked devils, and we all secretly drink blood and fly around on bat wings at night.
And Khalid Mohammed gets up on TV, the new head of the Black Panther Party, and I've got him on video saying, I want to kill every white woman, every white baby, kill every white on earth.
And that's cute and acceptable and funny, and of course he's being funded by white people, the Ford Foundation, just like Mecha and El Raza are, because they want us all at each other's throats.
And so, it's just incredible.
And then we have these articles here, and boy folks, I mean, to look at what's happening in Africa to whites is just horrible.
Rape gangs target whites.
Racial violence surges in Zimbabwe.
I love how Africa said, be nice, be liberal.
You know, don't be domineering and controlling.
And so whites are like, okay, we will.
And I'm not defending colonialism or what it did, but it was wonderful compared to what the Africans are now doing to each other.
So they said, here, you take the machine guns, we'll be nice.
Well, the fun has just begun.
Rape gangs target whites.
Racial violence surges in Zimbabwe, World Net Daily.
There's good reason for a white minority in South Africa to be concerned about rampant threats of genocide by the black majority.
There's a precedent for it right now, a surge of that kind of violence in terrorizing Zimbabwe's dwindling white population, particularly in the mountainous eastern province, once a major tourist destination.
And then it goes on with stories of the police systematically go in, kill the white men, rape the white women.
It's a friendly thing they're doing.
Just like the loving Al-Qaeda did to the Serbs, but again, we're the good guys.
We helped do that.
White slaughter in... Oh, and then they get the little white girls and sell them openly and publicly.
We've had the major news reporters on about that.
You get the 5,000 pounds for the blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl.
They've got the bazaars for the Arabs coming by them.
But, again, that's okay.
The ACLU or Amnesty International doesn't want to talk about that.
Just to even say you shouldn't kidnap and murder white people is racist.
White slaughter in South Africa
Plans made to conduct campaign of genocide after Mandela's death.
While former South African President Nelson Mandela, 85, scoffs at rumors of his ill health, plans are being made by the nation's Communist Party to slaughter all whites in the country upon his death.
Well, it's already happening.
One of the operations planned entails 70,000 armed black men being transported to the Johannesburg city center within an hour
And this is what the communists always do, they just use one group to kill another.
In taxicabs to attack whites!
The plans are variously dubbed Operation Vula, Night of the Long Knives, nice Nazi term, Operation White Cleanup, Operation Iron Eagle, and Red October!
Operation Our Rainy Day was to be carried out after the death of Nelson Mandela and would have entitled blacks being transported to the largest cities in taxis.
This was an admitted plan, by the way.
The assailants were expected to take over fuel points and massacre whites.
The attacks would lead to a coup.
Forces say most blacks in the country are aware of the plans.
When racial disruptions occur, blacks often tell whites, wait until Mandela dies.
White people in South Africa can deny it to the end of their earth, but we are in real danger, one resident said.
This is no joke and any person with half a brain can see that this is spiraled out of control.
This rumor is spiraled out of control.
Many whites are now convinced the vicious campaign of ethnic cleansing will follow.
It's already happened.
They take their guns and the fun begins.
Some are making preparations for retreats.
I prepared myself.
We have gathered a place where we can fortify for four weeks after Mandela's death and one white South African.
If nothing happens, it will be a miracle.
The Red October campaign is allegedly a communist plot to oust President Thaibou Mbeki.
He will be replaced by Cyril Rambousa.
It's just incredible, folks.
By the way, South Africa has the highest crime rate in the world, and they've taken people's guns.
And the, uh, the people that are infected with AIDS, the blacks, many of them think that if you rape a child, it gets rid of AIDS.
And, uh, particularly a white one.
That's not racist, that's, I guess that's, you know, that's Christian.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome back ladies and gentlemen.
Already 33 minutes 20 seconds into this first hour.
We're going to have Paul Joseph Watson on with us riding shotgun as he always does on Monday in the next hour.
We're also going to have Casey Nuttercott of Ranch Rescue with the Mexican troops attacking and the FBI arresting him, trying to frame him, trying to get him to sign documents.
He's now been released.
That's coming up.
A ton of other news.
I want to get back into Mexicans in Mexico booing the Star Spangled Banner and chanting Osama, Osama, Osama.
And how Bush supports all this.
Supports open borders.
Supports those that support his business partner Osama Bin Laden.
Notice who folks are really aligned with here.
First I want to go to Brock and Scott and Stacey and Chris and others.
We'll do that first here in just a few minutes.
Then we'll get back into just a ton of other
Really important news, like U.S.
looks at reopening Iraq-Israel oil pipeline.
Bush going on Meet the Press this Sunday.
Yesterday, it's all coming up.
Also, the dollar plunging even more.
A bunch of electronic voting machine fraud news pouring out nationwide.
That's just some of what's on the plate for you.
Before I go to your calls,
I've made ten films, and they're the best tools we've found, period, to wake people up.
They're very well produced, professionally produced.
They explain the New World Order in shocking detail.
The newest film is Matrix of Evil.
Congressman Ron Paul talks about the coming depression.
How globalists run Washington and the universities.
Who the neocons are.
Cynthia McKinney talks about UN-run white slavery rings.
That's the congresswoman.
The 9-11 cover-up.
Frank Morales gets into the police state.
Colonel Craig Roberts, the New World Order.
Video of us throwing out the Patriot Act here in Austin.
I confront the U.S.
It's all in the film.
It's a great new video.
You need to have it.
It's full of solutions.
That's just one of the videos.
There's Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
There's my book, Descent into Tyranny, covering 9-11 and government-sponsored terror.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror and the New World Order.
I carry George Humphrey's books.
Books and books on tape.
Very well produced.
His 9-11 The Great Illusion book and book on tape.
We carry the Loss of Liberty video.
There's so much we have to offer at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Visit the sites and your purchase also makes this show possible.
So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free.
And the videos are $25.95.
They're all over 2 hours.
Some are 2 hours 44 minutes, like Police State 3.
It's really 3 or 4 films in 1.
They're $25.95.
$20 if you order 3 or more.
The toll free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or
You can simply write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Take action, write the letter, make the call, go online, we've got t-shirts, bumper stickers,
Well, it's all about information.
It's all about waking people up.
If the people get involved, if the people get informed, the globalists will fail.
They are failing.
They're in a lot of trouble.
We're in the middle of an information war here, my friends.
Or, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Alright, let's go to your calls.
Brock in Canada.
Hello, Alex.
Good, thanks.
I was going to ask you if you could encapsulate and explain the military-industrial complex and how it would relate to the banksters and these creeps that are targeting the white man and how it ties in and just what the grand scheme of things is.
Okay, let me answer that question in a nutshell.
The globalist
Aren't just targeting the white man, they're targeting humanity.
The Romans, 2,500 years ago, learned how to put the Greeks in one district, the Romans in another, Persians in another sector.
They learned how to, you know, they have a Jewish quarter,
And they would foster the groups hating each other and fighting with each other.
The globalists will play off Catholic against Protestant, Protestant against Catholic in Northern Ireland.
And they will carry out terror on both sides.
They've been caught doing it.
So then the British can come in and militarize and take control.
In Africa, the UN will play one black tribe off against another.
Or more ideally, they will play blacks off against whites, whites off against blacks.
It's just like Bosnia.
They will play the Croats off against the Muslims, the Muslims and the Croats off against the Serbs, the Serbs off against those groups.
This is how they control us.
That's why the government doesn't want to have foreigners learn our language, because in the past that created what they call a melting pot.
People would finally get along and be integrated.
But they don't want that.
Under multiculturalism, they want to create racial identity, racism, that is accepted by all the so-called minorities that are really the majority worldwide, and are in this country now.
They want to foster that, balkanize that, make the whites a bunch of subservient people, where they say, big government is good,
Small government is racist, and you know, basically, give your rights up or you're racist, or submit to big government or you're racist.
So, that's just the program being used here.
Any dominant group, any middle class group is targeted.
In Rwanda, if the Tootsies own a lot of the property, they get the Hutus all mad and give them weapons and they go in and kill the Tootsies, then Dutch Roll Shell comes in and takes over.
So that's all this is.
I mean, if we ever end up, which looks like it's what we'll have, is kind of a new peon status for whites in the Southwest and Mordedo and kickbacks and Hispanic criminal mafia running things for the bankers in the Southwest, then you'll start seeing moves to target middle-class Hispanics.
So you target whoever isn't dependent on the government.
And the bankers own the military-industrial complex.
And they're just using these third-world populations to drive down the wages, balkanize the country.
Let's talk to Scott in Virginia.
Scott, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Love the show.
I was wondering if you got the video that I sent you from Tech TV's Nerd Nation.
I did get that.
Why don't you describe it to folks?
Oh, sure.
Basically, it was a report on how all of the call centers are basically being shipped to India because the jobless rate is so high there.
They have a ton of knowledgeable, well-educated workers.
But the really scary part is
Yeah, it's like they were essentially training these people to think like
It's like they were giving them Western names.
Sir, what they're doing is they train them to act like, and to fool people, and to lie and say they're in the United States.
And even state and federal welfare programs are now being administered by foreigners.
Those government jobs, by law in the past, had to be Americans.
It's out of control what's happening, and the economy is falling apart.
Meanwhile, they tell us how great the economy is.
It's a fraud.
Yeah, I see also on the GCN network, they were talking about gold and stuff.
However, I'm starting to do research on it, and even that's not exactly safe, because there was a report about there was a gold price
Yeah, let me answer your question.
Thanks for the call.
Nothing's safe!
You know, why should you own a house?
It could get burned down.
Why should you ever have children?
Something bad might happen to them.
Why should you go on living?
You could die in a car wreck tomorrow.
Yes, they've confiscated gold.
The U.S.
government has, four separate times.
That's how gullible and servile we have become.
Four separate times, they say, turn your gold in.
By law, you can't own gold coins.
We're going to give you paper for it.
Now, most people ignore it when they do that, but I've talked to my grandparents.
They remember, you know, the newspaper, the radio orders, turn your gold in.
You'll be arrested.
People will go to jail for not turning it in.
How is owning gold bad?
Why do you have to turn it in for paper money?
This is how the scam works.
And yes, they have been depressing the price of gold.
Some of the big New York banks have been caught doing it.
Because they don't want gold to be a standard.
Nothing is safe.
The only thing that's sure in this world is life and death.
You're going to be born, you're going to die.
Death is 100%.
Let's talk to Stacey in Delaware.
Stacey, go ahead.
Hi Alex, how are you?
I had a question about the bill that you were talking about trying to
Control the amount of children that people are able to have?
Yeah, that's Washington State.
What are they proposing to do after these people have two children?
Are they going to sterilize them?
Or make them take a pill or something?
I mean, what are they proposing?
Well, Washington State is at the forefront of eugenics.
And over 400 plus thousand women
It's between 400,000 and 500,000, no one's sure, were sterilized from the 1930s up until 1985.
We've had some of these women on, it's been in the news.
Normally if you were a single parent mother, black, white, it didn't matter,
And your child made under a B+, they would send CPS to your house, they would grab you, they would kidnap your daughter, and they would take her and have medical students cut her uterus out.
Now, folks, if you don't believe me, you just have been hiding under a rock.
This is mainstream.
Now they've gotten more skillful with eugenics.
They call it bioethics.
And this new bill codifies a handbook for the CPS, for the health departments, and they go after the groups they have control over.
It's like, oh, you haven't given your child the 35 mandatory vaccines.
It's not the law, but you don't get your welfare.
Or, oh, you can't go in the public school.
Or, oh, we may go ahead and take your children through color of law.
And that's what this new law does in
Washington State, if it passes, it's in the legislature, is that it begins to codify guidelines to put pressure on people who have more than two children.
And basically it's the licensing.
I mean, under the federal programs they're trying to put in at the state level, everyone's going to get CPS
Visits to decide if you're a good parent.
They want to do background checks on you.
Any type of misdemeanors.
They may take your children.
Background checks when you have children.
It's a whole host.
In fact, I covered that last week.
The background checks at birth.
There's a whole host of things they're doing.
Everybody who's in Head Start now.
Oh, it's a good thing for your program.
You know, for your child.
Put them in Head Start.
You get three CPS visits.
Uh... a year and in many cases they take your children.
It's about with no probable cause getting quasi-governmental, quasi-law enforcement bureaucrats whose textbooks openly say they want to break up the family into our lives.
Okay, well I also had a question because uh... are they doing this in any other states do you know of?
Yes, there's uh... lots of lots of different uh...
Different policies being enacted all over the country.
Well, because I had a question.
Do they have any other ways of doing this with these women or children besides just cutting out the uterus?
Like, uh, maybe, uh... Well, I was telling you what they did.
...examining things like cancer or anything like that.
I was telling you what they did 25 years ago.
Well, the reason why I'm asking is because I've always been suspicious about this.
I'm now 26 years old.
The first time I had ovarian cancer I was 19.
They said I had probably had it since puberty.
Two years later I got it again while I was pregnant with my son.
Then I had to have a full hysterectomy while having my son premature and everything.
Now I can have no children.
My mother was on welfare.
I have three children.
You know, none of us... I mean, my brother, you know, he was always in trouble with the law.
My sister got hurt.
You had all the... Did you have all the vaccines?
Oh, yes.
All the vaccines and everything.
I mean, CPS had come to our house I don't know how many times because of all the issues going on in our household and so forth.
But, I mean, I'm just thinking, is this something maybe that they're doing?
Because now you look at... Well, well, well, Stacy, thanks for the call.
Let me answer your question.
Six years ago, the United Nations was caught
In over 130 third world countries, with over 100 manufacturers, that was the payoff to the countries to do it.
The UN would pay their government to manufacture the vaccine according to their specifications, tell them what company to hire to do it.
That's how they did the payoff to the politicians.
They caught them in the tetanus shot in a U.N.
program just for women, because, quote, you know, we're liberal.
We care about the women.
The boys don't get the tetanus shot.
No, no.
The girls.
We're giving you something, women.
And they caught them adding a very expensive synthetic female hormone that had been bound to the tetanus pathogen.
And so when the body created an autoimmune response to the tetanus, it would also create an autoimmune response to that hormone
uh... that was released during pregnancy and it would attack the different glands uh... in the female reproductive system and would develop polyps generally benign but in some cases malignant uh... on the ovaries and uterus and cause other problems so yes yes yes i don't know if that's the case with you
But a lot of these autoimmune diseases they found with the troops, and in other cases, they're putting very high-tech bioweapons that implant cancer, DNA, and other things into the population.
And they've been caught doing it.
They, in a major regional clinic here in Austin, a major clinic for the region, they are still giving the SV40 oral polio vaccine.
I have this directly from a medical doctor.
So, I mean, that's a deadly virus that gives you cancer.
I mean, this is going on everywhere.
The point is, it's just so horrible, I don't know how to explain it.
And the average person just can't believe this is happening.
I mean, stuff's gotten crazy.
You know, when the Boston Globe reports that DARPA wants to put up mind control towers on top cell towers,
I mean, we're living in the twilight zone.
And by the way, I got an email from an engineer going, why are cell towers low power?
What do you mean?
No, no, no.
I'm not saying using cell phone transmitters.
I'm saying the government wants to use cell towers as masts for more powerful transmitters that can send out frequencies, harmonics, that can change the brain activities.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Before I get emails saying, how dare you say it's good that the UN sterilized all these women, it's being sickeningly sarcastic, folks.
Again, oh, it's just a program for the women.
Yeah, because the tetanus shot with his hormone would only sterilize the women.
And when the UN got caught, oh, we're just helping the women.
And we just accidentally added that hormone in there with over a hundred different manufacturers.
Again, just proving what they're up to.
So look, I mean, I'm not against vaccines.
If we didn't have such a wicked group of eugenics Nazis, bioethics people,
Running the planet!
And royalty and Ted Turner and all these people talk about how they want to kill 80-95% of us, and how they want to sterilize us, and I've got official Australian and US and CIA documents.
It's in my books, it's in my films, where they openly ordered the third world to sterilize half their women or no more IMF and World Bank money.
I mean, that's Henry Kissinger 1973.
That's on the website.
I mean, these people are psychopaths.
You know, folks say, we've got to have national ID cards to stop the illegal aliens, we've got to have biometrics on our driver's license.
Well, the problem is, is I got three news articles out of Dallas, two TV stations and the Dallas newspaper reporting that the DPS is systematically giving out thousands and thousands in Fort Worth and Dallas alone of fake IDs, well, real IDs, I guess, to all the illegal aliens.
The system is out of control, corrupt.
They're coming out with a new bill for a national DNA database.
They've already been taking your blood from birth for 34 years.
They tell you it's a blood test.
It is blood tested.
Then they send it off to the feds for a DNA database.
You go, well, good.
We'll catch the criminals.
The government is the criminals.
They've been caught framing everybody at that FBI crime lab.
And now they want, if you're ever arrested or even pulled over, they want to start taking your DNA database if you're quote suspected of any misdemeanor.
You're like, oh good, this will stop the criminals.
No, they are the criminals.
So we're in a lot of trouble, folks.
We're in a lot of trouble.
But I'm not being negative here.
By talking about it, we can stop it.
We can wake people up.
We got two gas-loaded phones.
I've covered 10% of the news and I've done a good job this first hour.
I didn't cover a lot of what I wanted to get to.
There's so much coming up.
Just stay with us.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in North Carolina.
Chris, you're on the air.
Thank you, Alex.
I appreciate the good work that you're doing and continue to do.
You're making a big difference here in North Carolina.
I've made copies of your videos, 9-1-1 and Masters of Terror.
They are getting a lot of good response.
You're doing a great job.
What I'd like to point to today would be an article that I have from the News and Observer, Sunday edition, yesterday's paper, that speaks to CAPS Nexus, LexisNexis Axiom, and the Matrix programs.
I have limited internet access right now because I've recently purchased a piece of land and moved.
Could you speak to this a little bit in detail, or at least just a little bit of detail, and kind of give us an overview of what's going on with these programs?
I'd like to also add
Let me answer your question and I'll hold you over if need be.
I won't be able to probably answer it properly in the next thirty seconds, but
Every time we mention the Matrix System, every time, I get an email going, you're a raving kook, that's a movie.
No, there's a federal program with the states, it's really the National Security Agency and Echelon, they give them different names, Caps 2, Matrix, and then when you get mad they cancel the name, give it a new name, it's kind of a cat and mouse game.
The Matrix System is a hundred times
The level of the height of the KGB.
Spying on it.
And I'll try to answer that when we start the second hour.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in more detail in the second hour, rape gangs target whites in Zimbabwe, white slaughter in South Africa, a plan to kill all whites.
And again, the liberals will just love that.
You're racist if you're not for killing all whites.
A student group stands by Reconquista Plan.
Mecha says the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
Will be taken by force.
And Mexicans in Mexico chant Osama, Osama, Osama and boo the Star-Spangled Banner at a soccer match of the qualifying round for the Olympics.
And George Bush supports open borders and supports people that support his business partner Osama Bin Laden.
One of the radical racist Mexicans George Bush and Bin Laden have in common, they all hate America.
The terrorists did attack us because they hate our freedom.
The globalists are the terrorists.
They carried out the attacks as an excuse to destroy our freedom.
You see Bush and the terrorists attack us because they hate our freedom.
Why are you giving them what they want and getting rid of our freedom?
We're about to go back to Chris and Barney and Eric and Bill and Brad and everybody else.
We've got Paul Watson coming up.
We've got folks from Ranch Rescue coming on the broadcast as well.
You do not want to miss this jam-packed second hour.
We've got a bunch of other Iraq news, weapons of mass destruction news, you name it.
Chris in North Carolina was asking about the Matrix System and how that ties into Caps 2 and
The most important thing I can say about Matrix, Total Information, Caps 2, all of this, is that they're all just nodes and names.
You know, it's like when the government sends a nuclear submarine out to patrol and to spy on the Russians, they'll give each operation a name.
Whereas you have the nuclear submarine going out, it's part of the Navy, it's involved in a CIA program, the Navy and the submarines and the CIA will stay, but each name is different for each operation.
That's kind of a weird analogy, but they throw us off with names like The Tips Program.
Your cable guy and your phone guy and your neighbor are going to be, you know, going to be spying on you and all the truck drivers.
And to have a job, you'll have to enroll in this to be part of the spy network.
And, oh, you don't like that?
Okay, we'll cancel it.
Well, they cancel the name and double the funding of the actual program.
And so, they came out with the Matrix System last year, and they go, oh, it's been in operation for five years, and seven states are involved.
No, nine states are involved.
Well, actually, twenty-five states are involved.
Well, actually, forty-seven states have been collecting data, but not under the name Matrix.
Again, it's all to confuse you.
And they come out with the name Matrix to terrorize us that are in the know, to thoroughly dumb down those that aren't.
And who you've been married to, how much money is in your bank account, how many bathrooms you have, how many children you have, how many cars you have, where you work, who you call, all your phone records, what you buy with credit cards, if it's a big company that sells the data to the feds, most grocery stores, it's all in the matrix system.
What you watch on your cable television.
Those boxes track what you watch.
And it's got a microphone in it.
They can dial in and listen to you.
OnStar listening to you with key software through Echelon.
This is all the control.
It's called the National Security Agency.
It's called Echelon.
That's the major parent program under NSA.
And whether it's Defense Intelligence or the CIA or the State Police in New Hampshire, they all collect data and feed it into this.
Does that answer your question, Chris?
It very much does.
I would also just like to continue telling people out there that get the videos, make some copies, get people aware of what's going on.
Alex, you're doing a great job.
Thank you very much, sir.
Are you still there, Chris?
Yes, sir, I am.
What effect have the films had in your area?
Here, you know, family and friends, they're just blown away.
It is eye-opening.
It does the work.
Very well produced.
Very well thought through.
You're doing a great job, Alex.
Well, thank you.
I appreciate it.
And certainly, it's the best tool we've found to break people's conditioning to deprogram.
Really, I'm a deprogrammer.
I just lay out the facts and say, hey, America, you're in a big cult.
Time to get out of it.
We'll be right back with your calls and two guests.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, callers.
Never fear.
We're going to go to your calls in this segment.
Barney and Eric and Bill and Brad and others.
We've got Paul Watson on with us, riding shotgun for the next hour.
We've got Casey Nethercott coming on from Ranch Rescue.
They're on the front lines with Mexican troops shooting at them several times again in the last four or five days.
There have been rapes.
There have been attacks.
There have been thefts.
There have been killings.
And it's all in the local Associated Press in Southern Arizona.
You never hear about it nationally, though.
You never hear about it nationally.
This is so serious.
So that's coming up, too.
We're about to go to your calls, but joining us is Paul Watson from the United Kingdom.
Paul, good to have you on the show.
Good to be on, Alex.
So much is happening, so much is coming out.
Top stories at Prison Planet.
What do you think is most important right now?
Well, one of the most important things in this relates to the website is the Von Buelow interview which we've got posted top right on Prison Planet.
We're still begging people to do a transcript for us because we've seen in the past these transcripts get spread wide across the internet and in fact sometimes get picked up in magazines and newspapers across the world.
So if anyone out there can just spare a couple of hours to transcribe this interview for us, it is posted there at the top right-hand side of the page.
So I'm asking any of the listeners to do that.
Paul, we don't have the contact for the other great folks that have done it in the past.
Yeah, I've put it out on the internet, but no response so far.
So we're just hoping to get that.
An example of this is I never requested this.
I don't know how to do it.
I don't have the staff to do it.
It's very expensive.
I pay somebody to do it.
People started doing transcripts years ago, and the biggest one was that 2002 March interview with Greg Palast.
Greg Palast has said on the record, BBC reporter, that that's the biggest story he's ever been involved with, was that transcript.
It was posted, now understand this, in over 400 Latin American newspapers, dozens of Italian, European newspapers, our interview!
So yes, folks,
Please go do a transcript of it, email it to Paul, he will post it, and millions of people will read it!
You know, go to somebody in one of these transcription places.
It shouldn't be too much.
I just don't even have a hundred bucks to page time for it.
Pay somebody to do it.
I don't care.
Just, you know, this is how you help us, folks.
We're working so hard, doing so many radio interviews, posting so many stories.
We need your help getting this transcript of the Vombilo interview.
For folks who don't know what the Vombilo interview was, why don't you tell them, Paul?
Well, it's basically the most credible person on the planet saying the same thing that we're saying, that 9-11 was carried out by elements of the US government.
This is the former German Defense Minister, the equivalent of Rumsfeld, the former German Technology Minister as well.
It's an hour-long interview where he goes through the facts about how it was carried out by the US government as we've been reporting for the past, you know, over two years.
But the major point is it's the most credible person in the world saying that on top of others like Michael Meacher and, you know, Stanley Hilton representing all these top military officials.
And on top of the symposium that took place in Portugal under Colonel Don de Graham, which said the same thing.
So we need to emphasize these credible sources so they can back up and verify everything that we're saying.
And people will be more liable to stomach the facts if they come from credible people.
So we need that transcript.
The U.S.
looks at reopening Iraq-Israel oil pipeline.
Pentagon asked Israel about feasibility of reactivating Mosul Haifa facilities.
We said a year before the war, well the news got the documents, that Israel's been promised upwards of a third to a half, and we're not sure, different articles said different things, but on the low end a third, upwards of a half, trillions of dollars of oil for free!
That that was part of the invasion, was giving Israel free oil, and then of course U.S.
companies will get kickbacks.
I mean, you talk about enraging the Arabs, and that's just flat wrong, folks.
To go into a sovereign country, quote, we're liberating you, and then do this, and now here's WorldNetDaily admitting it, that Ariel Sharon offered to reactivate the old Mosul Hypo Oil Pipeline to move certain
To bring sharp reactions to an already tense Middle East?
I mean, how can they get away with this?
Another thing to mention on top of that, people will remember back in November when Bush was visiting London, there was suddenly this big bombing in Turkey.
Turns out that was a little slap on the wrist on the part of the globalists to Turkey because this Mosul-Haifa pipeline also connects into Turkey and the Turkish government basically said, no way, we don't want to be part of this.
I think so.
The Afghanistan Pipeline, which the BBC reported was a conspiracy theory in April 2002, and at the turn of the year to 2003, it was there on the ground and all the companies were there on the construction of that pipeline.
When we had the head of the pipeline company, a year before 9-11, before the Intelligence Committee and before other committees saying, we need this pipeline, we need a military invasion,
Yeah, and why did they need it?
Because the Taliban were in Texas, and back as far as 1997, and again a few months before 9-11, they were basically told that either they accept a carpet of gold or they face a carpet of bombs.
And the person that was blowing the whistle on the fact that the Bush administration were trying to negotiate with the Taliban and protecting all these other Saudi oil interests was John O'Neill, who was killed on 9-11.
So, I mean, these pipelines, people say, oh, it's a conspiracy theory he's making, like the BBG.
Well, they're now building the pipeline.
They're going ahead just like we said they would.
Well, I mean, it's not like we have crystal balls either, folks.
Publicly they said it was over the pipeline.
You know, it's not hard when Pinak and others say this is it.
The Vice President says it's over oil, and then we're liberals for pointing out what he said.
Yeah, I mean, we've had the articles where the major companies
Taking the bulk of this Iraqi crude, a Royal Dutch and Shell, owned jointly by the Dutch Royal Family and the Queen of England.
So, we see who benefits from this.
As we mentioned before, Cheney Energy Task Force documents, which featured all the maps of the Iraqi oil fields that they were set to take over.
And of course, Cheney still gets an annual check from Halliburton, who were also involved in the reconstruction of these.
I mean, we've pointed out the agenda many times and here it is just unfolding as predicted.
Well, it certainly is, Paul.
Mexicans cheering at the soccer game, the football game in British speak.
Worshipping, basically, Bin Laden booing the Star Spangled Banner, but that's okay.
Mexico's our friend, Bush says.
I guess they are.
They're friends with his friend, Bin Laden.
Yeah, it's ridiculous, but even some of the hardline neocons are starting to wake up about the fact that Bush is following this socialist agenda.
An example of the impact that we can have, I mean I've been on a lot of radio stations in the past two weeks basically doing interviews nearly every day and people have heard Alex mention many times that 90% of the feedback he gets on radio shows from callers is positive.
Well, I can back that up because I was on a mainstream show in Billings, Montana, a clear channel owned station which carries programs like Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage.
And before I actually went on the show, the host called me and said that he was totally blown away because he'd read my book, Order Out of Chaos, the night before the show.
And he'd actually woken up at 1am in a cold sweat, whereupon he read the book again.
And during the breaks in the show, where the top of the hour news was on, he was saying, you know, I'm never going to hear the news in the same way again.
And this tallies with the other feedback that I've been getting from the different host radio shows that I've been on.
The ones that have seen Alex's videos, for example.
So the point is that there's a vast portion of the population out there who are thirsty for this truth.
And I mean, before I went on these shows, I still thought we were a minority movement, but it's massive.
Well, you thought you'd be attacked, and you've gone on a bunch of big mainstream shows.
You thought you'd be attacked.
I said, no, Paul.
I mean, they can't really attack us because all we do is go off the facts.
I've only been attacked once and that was off air when I wasn't even there to defend myself.
So, I mean, I've done like maybe ten now in the past two weeks.
So I haven't been attacked on air once and every single caller that did call in agreed with me and brought up points that dovetailed with everything that I was saying.
So, this fallacy that, you know, you can't wake people up because they'll look at you in a funny way or they'll think you're a crazy conspiracy theorist is just not true.
Everybody out there knows that this is going on.
They just can't put their finger on it.
And we've got the facts to arm them with that precision, which they need to then spread the truth to other people.
So, massive awakening out there, which most people don't know about.
No, they don't.
I mean, I've done 1,300 plus interviews.
It's coming up on 1,400.
And there might have been a couple hundred calls that disagreed.
Thousands and thousands and thousands.
It's got to be over 10,000 calls that, yeah, that all agree.
And it's, you know, I work here at the Denver Post.
I'm a sheriff's deputy.
Well, I'm a SWAT team commander.
I agree with you.
I mean, it's just, I'm a school teacher.
I'm a professor.
I mean, I'm a real conservative and Bush is a liberal.
You know, people are waking up.
I mean, oh, it's just incredible.
I want to go to break and come back with some calls.
This Pakistan nuke scandal.
Our government arms them.
Then they arm North Korea.
And now they're trying to go, oh Bin Laden's involved.
No, no.
Publicly, our government is arming all these people.
And the question is, Paul, why are they doing that?
Order out of chaos, as the book is called.
I mean, Pakistan, Musharraf.
Immediately after September 11th, he got a gracious presidential pardon because he supported the war on terrorism when Al-Qaeda is run through Pakistan by their intelligence agency, the ISI, which is then controlled by the CIA.
And so obviously he's going to hand out all these nukes to North Korea and Al-Qaeda because he's controlled by the CIA.
It's their conduit to arm all these groups.
And then they get to keep the military-industrial complex rolling, building up, selling weapon systems, bid rigging, no bids, and this new war is domestically against us, the people, to enslave us, and then the smoke screen for that is security.
Beware the military-industrial complex.
We'll be right back with Paul Watson, your calls, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, Casey Nethercott is coming up with an eyewitness report of the foreign troops shooting at them and a lot more from the Arizona-Mexican border.
And of course, your calls.
Paul Watson, before we go to Barney and Bill and Brad and Mike and Elizabeth and others.
You know, it's incredible how when they can't find their weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, they go, oh my gosh!
Pakistan, a nuclear arms bazaar, but it was just a few rogue nuclear scientists there arming all these enemies.
And the proof!
Working with Bin Laden!
And then here's our government helping give the nukes, along with Europe as well, to Pakistan.
So, it's just elaborate propaganda.
What's your take on it?
I've got an entire chapter in the book where
Right before India and Pakistan almost went to nuclear war, this was in early 2002, you had both the British government and the Americans increasing the sales of jet-hawk fighters to both India and Pakistan and of course everybody knows about the 8,000 Al-Qaeda flown out of Kunduz, Afghanistan in 2001 straight into Pakistan and then we had the bombing of the Indian Parliament which was the
catalyst that almost led to the nuclear war.
And then you have the article from 2000 where the British media goes into Pakistan and there's U.S.
Special Forces protecting Bin Laden.
Yeah, that was in 98.
Oh, excuse me, 98.
He was being held, yeah, he was being held as a guest in Pakistan, guarded by elite U.S.
commandos and all the ambassadors and the aid workers on the ground there were bragging about
How they were working around the secret lair of Osama bin Laden.
And this was, of course, two years before the coal bombings, five years after the first World Trade Center bombing.
So, all this stuff about, you know, where's bin Laden?
We know where he is.
They've known where he is since at least 98.
Well, they used him in 98-99 to attack the Serbs.
That's a Republican congressional report.
Yeah, so he's been in their possession for a very long time, which is why this whole
Alright, let's go ahead and go to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, how are you doing?
The disturbance in the soccer game in Mexico indicates to me that the CIA and the International Police Force have a strong presence there.
Just like the agents used to infiltrate the Klan and agitate them and do the same thing with nations.
Well, it's more sophisticated.
What they've done in Mexico is, for over 30 years, they've been paying for these millions of these children's comic books.
And the U.S.
government pays for it, as well as the Ford Foundation and others, saying that the Southwest belongs to Mexico.
Our government pays to spread this propaganda.
Why do they want to do that?
Because to break America up, they want to create this myth
To create the Pan-American Union.
Well, it's like you said, divide and conquer.
Mexico is the best enemy they can buy right now.
But foreigners as well as Americans equate America with the international corporations.
Well, that's true, yes.
And the thing of it is that these
Corporations are the ones that cause all the disturbance around the world.
And they're using American dollars and American military equipment and even American personnel to go around the world suppressing freedom-loving people all over the world.
So, naturally they're going to hate us.
Well, they think it's America doing that when it's the bankers using America.
Great point.
In fact, Paul Watson comments to what Barney said.
Yeah, it was a Mexican soccer match.
Some of your listeners will remember two years ago.
I can't remember exactly who was meeting, but it was the World Economic Forum of some description.
And some of the protesters were holding up signs saying, begging Bin Laden to bomb this World Economic Forum.
So we see that via these left-wing groups who don't see the full paradigm, via these radicals, they direct the hate, the America-hating ethic, onto these people to try and again push this
A split in the world view where all this neo-con-imperialism is because America's bad when basically this is all set up.
So we see similarities in that case with the current story about the Mexican soccer match.
And Bush supports Mexico, wants to get rid of the border, wants to have blanket amnesty.
He supports the people that support Bin Laden.
Makes sense, doesn't it?
Look at what they do, not at what they say.
We'll be back with more of your calls.
Paul Watson, stay with us.
We've got another guest coming up, too.
You don't want to miss this show.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got Casey Nevercutt.
And just wait until you hear this story, this saga.
of Mexican troops shooting at him, the FBI arresting Casey, and what it's like to live on the southern border with the Osama-loving radical Mexicans.
So that is coming up.
They should love George Bush then, his boss.
That's coming up.
I want to take two or three calls.
I've been holding the longest here before we do that from
From Bill and Brad and Mike, and then we'll get to the other callers a little bit later.
But before we do that, Paul Watson, just to announce something here, it'll be out in a month or so.
I've already started work on it yesterday.
Because George Humphrey put out two of his books that he's written, actually three of them, we carry all three, on tape and CD, and they're so well done.
And people are so busy in America today that
We're going to come out with a five or six, it may even be a seven CD package.
We're going to read, and I mean professionally, myself and several others, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Ordered.
I'm going to make a book on tape of that, and that'll be out in a month or so.
Because so many people are busy.
They can't watch a video at home.
They don't have time to read a book.
I'm a big fan of books on tape.
And so we're going to put this on tape and CD, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order, because it's going to be a magnificent tool, a great gift to give people, where, hey, listen to this when you drive to work each morning.
The average commute in this country is like 45 minutes, 46 minutes.
I've seen the federal statistics.
So in a couple of weeks, you'll be able to listen to the entire book on tape, and we're thinking it's going to be about
Six, seven hours long.
You'll be able to listen to the whole thing on tape and it's going to be a great tool, folks.
If you want some wonderful books on tapes, we have all three of George Humphrey's books on tape and CD.
Painful Deceptions, we have Eric Huffschmid's video, we have his book as well, Painful Questions, we have George Humphrey's books, Common Sense, Uncommon Sense,
And 9-11, The Great Illusion on CD and tape.
Those are available at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com in the shopping cart.
But Paul, for folks that do like to read, kind of that lost art... Yes, Paul Watson's supposed to still be on.
Did we let him go?
Okay, well let's kiddie-peck on then.
Bunch of guests, bunch of callers.
The point here is,
For folks that still do read, Order Out of Chaos is the best book out there, covering government-sponsored terror and the New World Order.
And my friends, again, you need to get this book.
It's 320 pages long.
It covers the CIA carrying out terror, the British carrying out terror, the Russians engaging in bombings to blame it on their enemies and crack down on the population, the Israelis.
This is all from Israelis, British, Russian, U.S.
None of this is debatable.
This is stuff hidden in plain view.
And that's only part of what's in this book.
It's full of documents, news articles, diagrams, photos.
I published it in 1995.
Get a second copy to give as a gift when you buy one for $11.95.
And it also supports the great work of what Paul Watson is doing, and what I'm doing.
So go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, get the books on tape, the CDs, get the videos, get the information, spread the word.
Toll-free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
My videos are all over 2 hours long, $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order 3 or more.
The books on tape range from $15 to $18, and they're all over 3 hours long.
So again, folks, you need to take action and start waking people up now.
Let's take three calls.
We'll go to Casey Nethercutt.
Let's give Bill in Wisconsin a chance.
Bill, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, thanks for taking my call.
Thank you.
Speaking about Hidden in Plain View, yesterday on Meet the Press, Bush was asked by Tim Russert, he said, well, both of you
John Kerry and you are members of the Skull and Bone and he said this is going to set off the conspiracy theorists and what do you have to say about that?
And Bush got that smirk on his face and said, you know, this is so secret that we're not going to talk about it.
Well, then, man, I wish I would have typed that yesterday.
Yeah, you know, I don't like that guy, and I wasn't watching much of it, but I just happened to go over, turn it on, and there he asked him that question.
And I fell out of my chair.
I fell out of my chair.
And Kerry claimed he knew Bush at Yale, and, you know, he didn't like him then.
But Bush comes back and says, I didn't know him.
Yeah, he was just there two years before Bush.
Look, look, two years before Bush graduated.
So he was tapped two years before Bush and was there a year before Bush got tapped.
Look, again, Skull and Bones is an admitted satanic secret society.
That's MSNBC, you name it, it's not debatable, but you're saying
They go, ooh, the conspiracy theorist, and then Bush doesn't even deny it.
He says, oh, it's so secret I can't talk about it.
That's what he said during the 2000 campaign.
That's exactly right.
And I think it was just an attempt to get it out in the open, push it aside, and move on.
Well, Tim Russert is CFR and he's one of their top mouthpieces.
Well, he wouldn't be there.
And they admitted in the Associated Press last week, last Friday, that Bush had already been given the questions and that the White House was going over and over it, having rehearsals at the White House.
Well, I can't imagine that one being rehearsed, because it didn't look exactly like it was rehearsed.
But I don't know.
I don't know.
But the fact that it was on there again,
Well, I mean, think about this.
We have the two major presidential candidates, the President and the Democrat, John Forbes Carey, both from the same secret society, both New Englanders.
I mean, how ridiculous is this?
Well, you called it, Alex.
You called it a year or so ago.
You said we could possibly have skull and bones heading up both parties here.
Well, I said that I thought John F. Kearney would get the nomination because he's a Skull & Bones member.
Right, right.
And, you know, then all of a sudden they push Dean up there and then I think because of voter fraud, they bring Kerry out.
Well, you don't have to think.
Mainstream news, Diebold got caught doing some funny business in New Hampshire.
Thanks for the call.
The same thing, real quick.
Brad in Illinois, then Mike, then I'm going to our guest.
Brad, go ahead, in Illinois.
Yeah, the reason why Dean was pushed up was because it was before all these allegations were coming out and they thought Bush was a shoo-in.
Anyways, I wanted to ask you a question, Alex.
I got a cell call from my brother, who's an over-the-road driver.
It was very scratchy.
I couldn't make out a lot of what he said, but he said something about the talk was going around the CB radio.
Someone was mentioning about the illegal aliens coming across the Mexicans.
Someone mentioned that the reason why Bush capitulated and signed this amnesty was because with his meetings with Fox, he had told Bush that Mexico had developed a hydrogen bomb, and if he didn't buckle under, they were going to use it on Dallas or Houston or one of the major cities in the Southwest.
That's ridiculous!
Well, that's what was going on at CB!
I just thought I'd tell you!
That was on WBAP?
No, no, this was going around the CB radio with the truckers.
When you said CB, it turned out sounding like WBAP.
I just thought I'd run that by you, because I was totally shocked, and then I lost the signal, and he hasn't called me back.
Well, thanks for the call.
I mean, look, any excuse to make excuses.
Mexico is run by Chase Manhattan Citibank, the big New York Federal Reserve banks.
It is there to drive down the wages, break down the sovereignty, balkanize America.
Yes Alex, I just want to tell you that
I live in the Chicago area and my daughter does not go to a public school.
She goes to a private school, but I still get newsletters sent home.
Starting in 2005, the middle school, grades 6, 7, and 8, they're making it mandatory for Spanish.
They're going to make the kids learn Spanish.
It's a required course.
Alex, what they're doing is they're preparing us.
This is going to be Latin America within the next 20 to 30 years.
Oh, they admit it.
Again, but they don't want the foreigners to learn English.
This is how they're going to break the country down.
Absolutely, Alex.
You know what, I'm not prejudiced.
I've been to Mexico before on vacations.
I've taken sight tours off into the jungle, and I see the way these people live.
If I lived in Mexico, I wouldn't want to live down there either, and I'd want to have the American dream.
But the bottom line is, Alex,
They're lowering our wages.
They're taking all our jobs.
My brother works for a company that manufactures bake pans for Pizza Hut and Otis Spunkmeyer Cookies and Muffins.
He just lost his job last week.
17 years employment.
He said that they had to destroy all the die casts.
They sold their business to a company in Mexico.
They're going to make all this stuff in Mexico now.
Part of the sales deal was that they had to destroy all the dies here that made those casts out of a sheet metal.
So it just tells you where our economy is going.
40 people laid off of his company in that office.
You know, Alex, it's just a shame what's happening in this country.
We're just going in a downward spiral.
I don't know, Alex.
I know what's going on, and you know what's going on, and all your listeners know what's going on.
But the average Joe Blow American, how blind could they be not to see what's going on, Alex?
America is being looted.
It's being sucked dry.
It's being broken down.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Thanks for holding Casey Nethercott.
We've got Casey Nethercott on the line with us.
And Casey, tell us a little bit about yourself and Ranch Rescue and what's happening.
And again, everything Casey's going to bring up here on the show, because I've heard him on other shows and I've had other folks from Ranch Rescue on, is documented.
It's all been in the Arizona news, but the average American has no idea this is even happening.
Casey, tell us a little bit about yourself and the raping, the killing, the robbing that's going on, and how the feds are after citizens trying to protect their own property.
After us so bad that last, what, two weeks ago?
They told me and another member of Ranch Rescue that they said if we don't stop, he said, we will set you up on charges and send you to prison.
This is documented, and we didn't get a tape recorder, but we know who did it.
We know the agent, obviously.
They will do anything to stop us.
They will do anything to hide this from the American public, how badly this country is hemorrhaging down here.
Over a million illegals, federal loan numbers, it's much higher coming across in Cochise County alone each year.
Just go over some of the stuff that's happening down there just in the last few weeks.
Kidnapping of families, you name it.
In the last two weeks we've had a 13-year-old girl attacked with a ballpoint pen.
We've had a woman almost raped.
We've had the Mexican military threaten, the Mexican military, not our country, threaten a member of the Tombstone Tumbleweed and his friend
Do not take pictures of them because it's prohibited.
We've had military troops behind my property.
Machine guns, bazookas, the whole bit.
Back behind our property, watching us.
We've had our own CIA, the American CIA, captured in Tijuana, and in Agua, excuse me, in Tijuana, captured an AT-4.
This is a tank buster missile that's shoulder fired.
It was 22 miles from my backyard.
Also, I mean, you talk about, you know, they carjack, tell them how they punch the people in the face, how they're robbing, I mean, because I've got all these articles right here.
Oh, you mean the girl that was beat up?
The 13-year-old girl?
Well, that actually, to be absolutely fair, our news media down here, they couldn't report what they thought was going to happen.
They beat the girl, they pulled a ballpoint pen, or they thought it was a rape, but they didn't have enough time, so they didn't get that far.
Um, what's the other one?
The families have been beaten, the ranchers have been beaten out here.
Uh, there have been so many incidents out here in the last, well, uh, eight days ago, we had a professional sniper team try to shoot me coming out my back door.
We've had the Border Patrol under fire, under direct fire, one quarter of a mile from my home.
And we saw it happen!
The Border Patrol came over to my ranch and said, guys, we need a favor, don't say anything about this.
That's how bad it's getting out here.
Now, again, they admit Border Patrol have been killed, Forestry Service agents have been killed in your area by the Mexican troops, that's the Associated Press, but lately there's been a lot of gunfire.
What's been happening?
Well, if you would look at my place where it is now, Ranch Rescue, myself, and the Arizona Militia have set up a choke point.
You can't run drugs through here anymore.
You can't run illegals through.
Well, we've choked about 60% of their area off.
They can't get through.
So we're putting a dent in their economy.
We're shutting them down.
They don't want that.
They're getting very desperate.
And there's video and photos of it.
It's been in the news.
These scores of foreign troops coming over the border.
Armed troops coming through the fences.
But the FBI's not worried about that.
They arrested you, didn't they?
Oh, yes, sir.
They arrested me on four felony counts, for all your listeners.
Four felony counts.
And I'll tell you,
After I got done with my 52 days in jail, I walked away absolutely scot-free without a conviction.
Now I heard you this weekend describing how they tried to force you to sign stuff to go along with their story.
Now they've told you we're going to set you up.
Tell folks the story.
Well, basically what they want me to do is they want me to lie.
They don't come out and say lie.
What they want you to do is they want you to be an informant for them.
And then they say, here's your script, read it, or we'll put you in prison.
My answer to them is, put me in prison.
I'm not going to lie.
I'm a patriotic American, and I, by God, will not lie.
Well, tell folks what they tried to trump up on you, what happened, what happened to you in prison.
Because they put you in a prison.
Yeah, they didn't take me to a jail, they took me to a prison and they held me.
A friend of mine in Missouri named Clay
They made six to eight phone calls a day trying to find me.
They dodged him.
They wouldn't tell him where I was.
Jack Foote with the Ranch Rescue, every day tried to find me.
The only way they finally found me is they put out a missing persons report and the sheriff found me.
They found me in a prison.
Now do you understand I've never been convicted of anything?
I've never been sent to prison.
They took me to a prison so they could keep control of me.
They held me with no phone, no contact, no mail, nothing.
Yeah, enemy combatant type stuff.
I don't exactly play well with the FBI.
Describe what happened to you.
I mean, how the arrest took place.
Oh, they put my home under surveillance.
And what they did is they waited until I went into town with a 19-year-old friend of mine, who his mother and I were dating back then, you know how that goes.
And they had what we counted was 51 men with machine guns to take me and a 19-year-old boy down.
Well, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
And they tried to charge you, tried to get you to sign stuff.
You wouldn't, so they had to release you.
Now they've told you, we're going to set you up, buddy.
How dare you come down here and stand up against the Mexican Army?
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We're talking to Casey Nethercutt.
And I've been following this story for years.
With other locals, ranchers, police, border patrol.
I have the news articles.
It's a lot worse than even he's saying.
And there was a similar case last year in South Texas with Ranch Rescue.
One of the local landowners had French television there.
Bunch of illegals come over the fence.
They give them blankets.
They say, get off the property.
Because it was cold.
It was earlier this winter.
And they run off and file a false report, and if it wasn't for the witnesses and everybody, this individual would have gotten a lot of prison time.
The FBI put a bag over his head, the landowner took him away, wouldn't tell people where he was, wouldn't let him have his medication for his diabetes.
I mean, this is serious business.
So, Casey, describe how all these armed men come down on you, what they tried to charge you with, what they did once you were in jail.
Oh, yeah.
Alex, do you know the person with the bag over his head was me, right?
Did you know that?
Did your viewers or your listeners know that?
Well, they've done it to other people.
Oh, yeah, they've done it to a couple of them, but they also did that to me.
Basically, the FBI is stating that any citizen that they catch down here, anyone getting involved with anything, anyone who speaks out against closed borders, they're coming after.
They're completely on the side of the Mexican government and the Mexican military.
They will not help an American citizen.
Well, describe what happened to you.
Well, one of the things they did is they sent 51 armed officers after me.
They shut down the street, they pointed all their guns at me, and I guess they were looking for an excuse to shoot me, but actually, we had a reporter with us.
And they put him on the ground at gunpoint and took his camera and film.
So that we don't have any record of this because they conveniently take it.
They take me to jail, they're trying to torture me, they're trying to lock me in a room with no windows, no physical doors you can see through, no lights, no nothing, dripping water, just like North Korea would do.
I mean, American people have to realize, the public has to realize, it is that bad down here.
After they hold you in places like this, they want you to sign documents.
And work for them.
And as they call it, Authorized Criminal Activity.
That's what they want you to do.
They want you to break the law so they can get something on someone.
They ask you to lie.
They ask you to cheat.
They ask you to plant evidence.
This is your FBI.
Go ahead, continue.
Anyways, Alex, after they got me into court, we were in front of a federal judge who got wind of all this.
And this lasted about 10 days.
Well, maybe 14 days, 16 days, I forget which.
Remember, I lost track of the days.
They wouldn't exactly give me a watch.
And after she heard about all this, it finally got to the point where she said, you have a choice.
You can either have a trial, or you can release this man.
Well, they refused to have a trial.
Now, let's tell folks what they were charging you with, or claiming they might charge you with.
They were claiming that I had become a fugitive from justice from Texas.
Are you there, Alex?
Yes, yes, yes.
You're on the air, sir.
Okay, they claimed that I was a fugitive from justice from Texas.
The Texas prosecutor in the case that you just described to your listeners, the one in Texas, they said I didn't show up for a court date.
Well, I'm sorry, that's not what happened.
I had a court date on a Friday, and they arrested me on a Monday before the court date.
Looks like they jumped the gun a little bit.
So they lied, they manipulated the system, and they
They won temporarily.
They won one battle, but they're not winning the war.
Oh, it's just incredible.
And when we get back, I want to describe in detail, Casey.
Yes, sir.
And we've got some time here.
I want you to take your time and describe the things they did to you in jail.
This is the same FBI who admits they framed thousands of people with their FBI crime lab.
This is the same FBI that runs Murder for Hire in Boston and Los Angeles.
This is the same FBI that is here to destroy America.
That's their job.
And they're very dangerous.
I mean, I heard you describe them as the KGB.
And then that's what they are.
So we're honored to have you, Casey.
Stay there.
We'll be back in the third hour and take your calls and a lot of other news.
Stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're all ready.
Into the third and final hour of this Monday edition.
We'll have our guest for another 30-40 minutes.
Then I'm going to get back into some of the other news.
We have not even covered yet flu fears force killing of Delaware birds.
Now they think that flu is over here.
E-vote machines drop more ballots.
Been caught manipulating more elections.
Dollar slide ignores G7 warning.
And a lot more in this third hour.
Plus a recap of
A soccer game in Mexico where they were cheering Osama Bin Laden and booing the Star-Spangled Banner.
It doesn't matter if you go down there as a citizen or a landowner and defend your own property peaceably, even with national news teams there videotaping that you've done nothing violent, they will arrest you, they will arrest the news teams,
I guess the FBI agents like Border Patrol getting killed, and like Forestry Service agents getting killed, and like the raping and the killing and the robbery and all of this lawlessness.
Well, it just came out in the Dallas News and on television.
I have the articles here that the DPS, the state police, are issuing fake IDs to the illegals in a massive statewide scam.
So that's America, an establishment that wants to destroy America and get rid of our borders.
A president who loves a population that loves Bin Laden, his business partner.
Casey Nethercote was arrested by the FBI and they drug you off and put you in this prison cell.
They wouldn't tell anybody where you were.
Later when you got out, they wouldn't give you your wallet or your materials.
That's true, yeah.
But let's go back to the things they did to you, what they wanted you to do, and tell us about the prison you were being held in.
Again, not a jail, just disappearing into a prison.
Tell us about how they like to put bags over people's heads now.
Well, what the FBI did is when they arrested me, they took me directly
Oh, I think it was 128 miles north of here to Tucson, and they took me to a prison.
Not a county jail where you face trial.
They took me to a place where they can interrogate you, where they can work on you and no one can see you.
Well, the problem with me is I'm a very difficult person to try to break, so they put me in a room with no lights, no windows, no nothing.
The only contact with the outside was a little small food tray where they fed you twice a day, and conveniently, when I would act up, they wouldn't feed me.
My acting up was asking for a lawyer or asking to use the telephone.
The FBI has been manipulating other law enforcement agencies down here, and as far as they're concerned, the American public is going down if they get in the way of George Bush's amnesty or any illegal coming across these borders.
These illegals should be able to trash your home, they can do whatever crimes they want, and not only are they not prosecuted, but Alex, they'll put them on a bus and say, where would you like to go?
Now, it doesn't exactly work like that.
They do arrest them, and they may take them to a jail, but where are they going to go?
Back to Mexico?
Well, there was an article on Friday where it said that hundreds of thousands of violent illegals are just released.
Yes, it was 108,000.
They didn't want to prosecute them.
They felt that it was a waste of money.
Now, if I wouldn't commit a crime, which Alex, I assure you I don't, but if I decided to go out and commit a felony, they would put the entire state of Arizona against me to put me away.
But if I was an illegal with a matricular card, hey, you know what?
Let's just send you home after a couple of weeks.
The FBI is watching what's going on, Alex.
The listeners need to know.
They are going to hurt us.
This agency is going to take America down.
Well, I want to know, because obviously they're listening, how do they sleep at night?
How do they do this to America?
If you don't have a conscience, you can sleep fine at night.
They are dishonest.
They lie.
They perjure themselves.
The FBI lab itself is something you should look into.
That is just horrid!
I mean, they just... They literally just tell agents, okay, do you want it set up?
Okay, we'll do it for you.
What lab are you talking about?
What lab are you talking about?
Oh, there's two of them.
There's one up here in Tucson, there's one in Phoenix, and they're terrifying.
Well, the National Crime Lab, we've had the former head of it on this show.
He says that it's industrialized frame-ups.
Oh, yes.
Yes, sir, it is.
We'll be right back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
World Net Daily.
Student group stands by Reconquista Plan.
Bet you won't disavow document calling for capture of Southwest.
Violent overthrow.
And many of their websites call for killing whites on site.
And, again, I don't like white racists.
I don't like Mexican racists.
Why is our government funding and financing this?
Here's the Associated Press.
soccer team hears Osama chants in Mexico at the soccer game.
The qualifying round for the Olympics.
They boo the Star-Spangled Banner and chant Osama, Osama, Osama.
Almost the entire crowd.
There's another big match tomorrow.
Folks, Mexican troops shooting, killing, kidnapping, killing federal officers, killing sheriff's deputies, dealing drugs.
I mean, I've had congressmen on the show.
We've gone over this.
This is really happening.
Casey, we've got a bunch of calls asking, tell us about Ranch Rescue, tell us your story.
In just a couple minutes, recap it, boil it down for folks.
Then I want to get back into what happened to you when they kidnapped you.
That's what the feds did.
Then I want to get into the Mexican troops.
This was in the Associated Press.
Nobody seems to know.
They kidnapped a family a few weeks ago.
We've had congressmen on about that.
Break it down for people.
Well, I was arrested in Hebronville, Texas on the allegations of two
A male and a female, illegal alien, said that I pistol whipped them.
And I assure you, not only did I not pistol whip them, I was 25 feet from them when Ranch Rescue first contacted them.
Ranch Rescue took them to a, they were on private property, took them to the gate to release them, gave them food, gave them water, gave them blankets, and told them to leave.
While we had them at the gate, we called border patrol,
They wouldn't come out.
We called the sheriff, and they refused to come out.
They said, we're not coming out.
No, we're not doing it.
By the way, national French media was there throughout this.
That's the only reason you're not in prison now.
Yes, sir.
They took pictures of everything, showing these people completely.
They were treated better than we were down there, Alex.
Now, these weren't Mexicans either.
They were from El Salvador.
That's right.
Please continue.
Well, what we did is we filmed everything.
We have pictures showing that nobody hurt these people.
We have videotapes showing nobody hurt these people.
And we released them.
And as soon as they got into federal custody, somebody, and we'll guess who, said, we need to file a complaint for them pissball whipping you.
And that's what happened.
A few days later, myself and another member of Ranch Rescue went to the Dairy Queen to get burgers, and they swarmed on us.
And they said,
Why did you beat those people?
And we told them the truth?
And we told them what happened?
And nobody beat them?
And now Morris Dees is trying to take the property.
Well, let me tell you something about Morris Dees.
I talked to him two days ago.
He wants to deal.
He doesn't want... He wants to drop his lawsuit.
You need to sue him.
No, you need to do other things to him, Alex.
Unfortunately, it's illegal and I can't do it.
So now, here's the problem.
He wants to dismiss his lawsuit because he's found out
That it is 100% bogus.
We never hit those people.
We never hurt those people.
We never did a single thing wrong.
Now he's asking for anybody to give him $60,000 to $80,000 to cover the lawsuit and they'll drop the whole thing.
So he's pressuring the landowner to try to settle with him.
He shouldn't do that.
There'll be TV specials of how it was all true and the landowner's evil.
Oh, come on.
Nobody did anything to those people.
Morris Deeds is making the entire thing up.
So is the FBI, Border Patrol, and Hebron.
So then you go out to Arizona and get a piece of property.
Well, sir, I own more than just one home.
I'm sorry if I don't mean to... I have a bit of a net worth.
I mean, my dad left me some money, and I've been a good engineer my whole life.
I'm not exactly broke.
And I have some homes in California, and I have the ranch in Arizona.
Well, they said that, and I will quote the legal pleading, that I left Texas to avoid prosecution.
Alex, I've never lived in Texas in my life.
I was only down there for the ranch rescue event.
They lied.
And that's what spontaneated my kidnapping, as you call it, where the FBI arrested me and dragged me off to a prison, interrogated me, and did everything.
They lied about everything from the start, the beginning, and now the end.
Well, describe this.
I mean, the first day
They take you to this facility, all these armed men grab you off the street, they grab the reporter, they take you to this facility.
What did they do to you there?
Uh, they had, well, let me see, six, they had eight, eight customs agents trying to hold me back.
I'm a, oh, I'm about a hundred, uh, two hundred and sixty-five pound, five foot ten weightlifter.
Uh, I'm not exactly easy to control, especially with being kidnapped.
Uh, it took ten of them to move me around.
I refused to speak to them.
I refused to talk to them.
I refused to identify myself.
I demanded to use the phone and call my lawyer, and they said no.
They then put me in the back of a Suburban.
They had every limb chained.
They had the Dr. Lecter mask over my head.
They had everything they could do to control me, and still it took eight of them to move me around.
They then took me to a prison called FCI, Federal Correctional Institute in Tucson.
They put me in the equivalent of a big closet, a six by eight
Concrete room with no windows and a door that was solid steel with absolutely no light or no cracks around it.
And they would leave the lights off for 24-36 hours at a time.
When they wanted to question me, as you know Alex, they tried to get me to tell lies about Ranch Rescue, to tell lies about people involved with Ranch Rescue.
And they then finally came to me and they tried playing nice guy and saying, well, I'll tell you what, how about if we just dismiss your Texas case?
Here's your script.
Start lying in court.
That's why they don't like me, Alex.
I refuse to lie for them.
I refuse to manipulate them.
Finally, when the judge got wind of this, she finally dismissed the entire case.
The FBI goes to the sheriff up in Tucson and says, hey, they're releasing him.
He didn't go to court.
Well, I couldn't go to court.
I was in jail.
So they arrest me.
The FBI comes in with me and deputies, they put me in a county jail now!
And they say, well, you have a warrant because you didn't go to court.
Well, I couldn't go to court!
You had me in jail!
And that's Saga 2.
Now they put me in Pima County Jail.
Now they have the same exact case filed against me again, and a state court trying to get me.
Finally, Judge Henry let me out of jail.
After seeing everything that these people were doing, let me out of jail.
Do you know my bail was higher than a capital murder case?
For nothing.
Now you know that in most cases you would have gotten an evil judge.
You are blessed that this wasn't a completely sociopathic judge.
Oh, I'm lucky to have... Alex, you're not going to believe this.
That's the only thing holding these people back is there's still some good FBI, still some good judges, still some good cops.
Yeah, but they're persecuted.
I mean, if you've got 20 cops and 15 of them are bad, the 5 that are good are not going to do anything.
They're going to stay there.
They're going to keep their jobs, and they're going to keep their mouths shut.
They're not going to take a chance of losing everything they own, or maybe even be sent to prison themselves, because they won't go with the flow.
By the way, if folks are not believing any of this, I've got all the articles right here, and on top of it, the FBI has been caught running drugs, murdering people, bed-rigging, the Houston Crime Lab caught framing people, the Dallas Crime Lab, Tulia, Texas, just right here where I live,
In Dallas, they will randomly pull a car over, throw a bag of chalk in the back, take their car to their home, the Dallas Crime Lab will certify it, the District Attorney will indict, and then finally some good cops blew the whistle, but it's from the top down, the Dallas Police Department.
We're living in a sea of evil!
Yes, Alex, they also said
That since I won't cooperate with him, and now Alex, forgive my language, I'm not going to swear here, but they called me a hard something.
Casey, don't use their language or I'll have to let you go.
I know, sir.
They described me as a hard, you know, butt, you know, kind of person.
And I'm very sorry to do that, but that's what they described me as because I won't do their game.
They told us that not only are they going to set me up on a firearms charge, that they're going to wait, oh, maybe another couple of months until things calm down.
And then they're going to wait until nobody's looking, and they're going to plant evidence on me.
They're going to manufacture stuff, and they're going to set me up and put me away.
Now, in what context, where were you when this was sent?
Do you remember when I went to get my wallet, Alex?
When they played all those games?
Okay, tell the story.
Go through it.
When I got out of jail, they told me that they didn't have my wallet.
They sent it to Dallas.
And I said, okay, can I have it back?
It only has everything I own in it.
My credit cards, my driver's license.
They don't care!
Next day I call them and they say, oh well it went to Phoenix!
The day after that we call them and they say, oh it went to Washington!
The day after that they say, oh it's here!
So I rush down there.
And I have a bunch of ranch rescue people with me and they're hiding up and down the streets.
I walk into their office and they say, we want to talk to you.
So they set me in the interrogation room, which is a steel box, and they try interrogating me.
Well, after I pulled my two-way radio out from under my shirt and I said, FBI, after what you've done, I'm calling the police.
I'm going to have you arrested.
See this radio?
We just heard everything.
Alex, they gave me my stuff and threw me out of the office.
Then when did they tell you they're going to frame you?
They told me in the waiting room.
They said, we're going to plant something on you.
We're going to get you, because the type of person I am,
They're going to plant some kind of gun on me that's illegal.
We're going to get you for it.
It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow, but we're going to get you for it.
Who said that?
The special agent who was in charge.
This is the entire Sierra Vista FBI office.
The entire office.
The guy in charge of it said, we are going to get you if we have to lie, perjure, and plant evidence.
And then when he goes home at night and turns on 24, Keither Sutherland, or Threat Matrix on ABC, every episode is torture, frame-ups, lying,
And they're the good guys.
He'll feel good.
He'll have little magic friends on TV that do the same thing.
That's what this mass programming is doing.
And, uh, ends justifies the means.
You're bad.
You're a vigilante.
You're down there on your own property.
Uh, you've got the news media there.
You're showing the Mexican troops.
You're stopping the drug dealing.
Uh, you've got the support of the Border Patrol.
By the way, we have the Border Patrol union head of the whole country on.
He agrees with you.
Says it's, quote, the new world order takeover.
Yes, sir.
And so they're starting to panic, aren't they?
Yes, sir, they are.
Alex, do you understand how bad it is down here?
You can come down here at night and see the Humvees.
You can see the machine guns.
You can see the military prowling on our side and their side.
You can see the drugs.
We have tapes that are hidden that we can't show anybody.
We show the Mexican military moving
There's thousands of pounds of drugs down here.
Nobody does anything.
Well, wait.
The Tombstone Tumbleweed has the footage of them with the containers and stuff.
I know, but we've got one better than that.
We've got them where they come up to the fence and they say they'll kill us if we don't stop.
Well, why haven't you shown that?
Well... Are you there, Alex?
Yeah, we'll talk about it when we get back.
Stay there.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, we'll be taking some of your calls.
Here are just a few minutes for our guest, Casey Nethercott.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll get into more news coming up later in this hour.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Casey, we ran into that last break and I was bringing some questions up to you about these FBI agents and how they're saying they're going to frame you and how they're... You were saying you had this video and there's been a bunch of video released from right there in your area on the news and by alternative sites of the foreign troops and the shootings and the rest of it, but why aren't you releasing this video of the Mexicans with the drugs and threatening to kill you?
Well, we're trying to save the best for last.
We figure that
If we can get this on national television, if we can get all the watchers and listener groups and guys like you, if we can get everybody at the same time to see this stuff...
It'll absolutely floor you.
But I mean, look, it doesn't waste the footage to go ahead and put it on the internet, or go ahead and get it even on a local cable station, because that's what builds interest, and the national media doesn't want to air this, and even talking about having something like this will have the feds come in and raid you.
I don't know who's giving you this advice, Casey, but I wouldn't do that.
Well, how about if I send you a copy of it?
I'll send you a copy of it.
Okay, if you send me a copy of it, I'll air it.
So what do the Mexican troops say on it?
Uh, basically this.
They're very calm.
They're very well thought out.
And they tell us that it's prohibited to take pictures of them moving drugs.
That you need to stop or we're going to machine gun you down.
That's the words they use.
And this is right up in your face?
Uh, the person that says this, the Mexican sergeant, is about eight feet away.
And he's got five or six people with him with machine guns.
They're about 25, 30 feet away.
Then there's three... Well, Chris Simcox said that they threatened him with guns to turn the cameras off.
Is this the same event?
No, this is the second one.
It's happened here two or three times in a week.
Because I now have that tape.
You do?
Yeah, but I don't have the tape you're talking about.
Do you have the ones where all the soldiers are in America and they go running off our side and jump over the fence and run into Mexico and they make all kind of obscene gestures?
Is that the first tape?
That's the second one.
No, I don't have that one.
Yeah, I need that.
Alright, I can probably send you a copy of that.
You sent it to me.
Oh yeah, it shows numerous Mexican soldiers running from America into Mexico.
Well, no, I've seen some of the tape where it shows them running and walking up and saying, turn your cameras off.
Have you seen the one where they're jumping over from our side to their side and they're giving obscene gestures?
Uh, no.
Okay, we've got that one.
In my goodness, Casey, if you email me that video clip, I'll put it on the website and a million people will see it in an hour.
I think I better do that.
This is serious down here, Alex.
They will kill American citizens.
They'll rape them.
They'll kidnap them.
They do not care about us.
And our own government has abandoned us down here.
Now, that was admitted a few months ago.
They came across the Texas side, grabbed a family of five, and then the media wouldn't even talk about it nationally.
Yes, sir.
They blackballed it.
That's pressure from the White House.
It has to be.
No one has that kind of pull except for George Bush.
And frankly, he's got to go.
We need another president quick.
One of the things that they're doing now, the big terror tactic, is FBI and certain federal agencies that are in it, if you do anything to these people, even so much as point a flashlight at them, they'll say you're terrorizing them and they'll arrest you.
That's becoming the new thing with our government's doing now.
Well, they admit that illegal aliens have more rights than citizens, get more welfare, everything.
That's not fair.
Look, here's an example that people get.
Yes, sir.
There's two federal laws, done on the books for decades.
Why do you think foreigners own all the gas stations and motels?
I have no idea.
Because, I'm sure you've noticed that.
Yes, they do, sir.
No, this is federal law.
And ask them, they'll tell you.
They don't have to pay income taxes for seven to ten years.
Then they sell it to a family member who comes over.
They don't pay.
They don't have to pay income taxes.
How can anybody compete?
That's why they got cheaper gas, cheaper motel rooms.
That's why they're able to buy everything up.
It's incredible!
If I didn't pay my taxes, they'd have me in jail three days after April 15th!
I know, it's just...
Folks, it's designed to destroy America.
It is destroying America, Alex.
I'm sorry to interrupt you.
It is.
America is unraveling at the seams.
I predict that in three years, when they fake the next big terrorist attack, we're going to have martial law in America.
You're going to have no rights, no right to speak, no right to own guns, no right to vote.
It's going to be a military state.
It's getting bad, Alex, and we're scared down here.
Well, they love it.
I mean, they want us to live like they do in Mexico.
Well, I don't want to live like that.
I'm an American and a veteran.
I'm not going to live like that.
I mean, did you ever try to talk any sense into these FBI agents that, hey, man, we're trying to defend this country?
Alex, it's like talking with the devil.
You can't reason with the devil.
That's what the FBI is.
They are just backbone evil.
I know.
We'll be back with your calls.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well I know this, Casey Nethercott and Ranch Rescue aren't backing down.
I know that the folks with the, I guess you'd call it the Civil Defense Forces, with the Tombstone Tumbleweed and Chris Simcox aren't backing down.
Glenn Spencer there in Arizona, they're not backing down.
The contact info for Ranch Rescue right there at Camp Thunderbird right on the border with the Mexican troops shooting at them on a weekly basis now and the FBI harassing them is 520-364-3966.
If you want to get in contact with them, 520-364-3966.
And they got the footage of the Mexican troops saying, we're going to machine gun you if you don't stop videotaping us coming across the border.
And I take that serious because there's a big bounty on the heads of Border Patrol.
That's been in the news.
They've killed Border Patrol.
They've injured an FBI.
They've killed a Forestry Service agent.
They've killed a lot of the Mexicans that come across that they rob and feed on.
And basically, the Mexican troops are there shepherding and commanding the coyotes.
That's the smugglers, the drug dealers, all of them.
We're about to go to Wesley and others that are patiently holding.
We'll just take a few calls for our guests at 1-800-259-9231.
Casey, during the break we were talking.
Yes, sir.
You said four days ago you guys got shot at again.
Last night the Mexican troops were shooting flares up.
Yes, sir.
Not bullets, flares last night.
Yes, and you said four days ago you were shot at.
Yes, sir.
Describe that for us.
Which one?
No, just the first one.
We can't make it three days, Alex, without being fired upon here.
The one two days ago was where they had fully automatic weapons on Mexico and they fired across the border patrol trucks.
The one four or five days ago is when they shot my house up.
The one seven or eight days ago... Now again, there's bullet holes in your house.
Well, yeah.
And you need to shoot video of that and put that on the internet.
Well, I didn't think so.
It's a good idea.
I'll do that if your listeners want to see it, sure.
The one seven or eight days ago was a professional sniper attack trying to get Jackfoot or me.
That's where they sent three armed men down and they opened fire and they had one man with a sniper rifle waiting for me to come out of my house.
What he didn't expect is that you... Well, the way my house is, you don't go out the front door, you go out the back door.
And we actually saw him.
I would imagine that if you shot back you'd be arrested as being a terrorist because you shot at foreign troops in America.
Yeah, they'll say that you're terrorizing them or you're assaulting them.
You're terrorizing foreign troops on our side of the border that have killed federal officers.
Sure, that's what the FBI says, yeah.
It's asinine.
What does the Border Patrol think of what the FBI is doing to you?
No comment, that's what they tell us.
Matter of fact, I've even talked to a few agents personally about it.
They're scared.
These guys are worried.
They're down there on that border road alone in a pickup truck with a handgun and there's guys in Humvees with machine guns, belted machine guns driving around.
What do you do?
You call for help?
There's no help.
That's the problem down here.
It's not...
The FBI will prevent you from doing anything down here.
Well, I'll tell you why the FBI is doing this.
They want to keep the borders open, continue the destruction of America.
They don't want there to be a big incident.
They've already been a bunch.
They're having trouble covering up the forest agents, the Border Patrol agents they've killed, the kidnappings, the rapings, all this.
Yes, sir.
So now I guess they're afraid of an all-out war breaking out, which Glenn Spencer said three years ago was going to happen.
Yeah, we give it about another year and it's going to be full-scale war.
Because as it is now, we've got guerrilla insurgents.
You know from military background, Alex, what they're doing now is they're probing.
They're trying to gather intel.
Also, Vicente Fox just last year paraded thousands of Mexican troops right across the border there and openly said, this is Mexico, we're going to take it.
We need a call to arms to every patriotic American.
No, no, no.
That's terrorists.
When a foreign country is attacking and killing federal officers and dealing drugs, that's good.
Yeah, but... If you fight it, you're bad.
Right, but the President of Mexico and Bush, they're buddies.
You know that.
We're dying down here.
We need help.
And meanwhile, at soccer games, they're worshipping Bin Laden.
That's horrid.
Can you believe that?
They booed our national anthem or the Star Spangled Banner.
And then began to chant, Usama, Usama, Usama.
And these are the people Bush is aligning us with?
Well, of course he's aligned with the guy they're chanting for.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wesley in Tennessee.
Wesley, go ahead.
Hi, Casey.
Hello, Wes.
Hi, Alex.
I'm going to try to zip through a couple things real quick here and then get off the air and listen to your responses off the air.
Alex, I just learned about a week ago that the god Moloch is actually half an iron statue that's half cow with the lower half being half man with an open belly that's a furnace and they stoke that furnace up and that's what they throw.
Well, if you look at the Babylonian gods or the Canaanite gods, they were double-sided.
It was Al and Bull, I've gone over that, and for those that just joined us,
At Bohemian Grove, the Skull and Bones members and others, as old men, go and worship Moloch.
And I caught it on tape, and it's been on national TV, and they admit they really do these rituals.
Just like Bush on Meet the Press, going, yeah, I can't talk about Skull and Bones, but go ahead.
OK, the next thing I wanted to talk about was, and this may be old news, Alex, I don't know, because I've been sick for a couple of weeks, and I've missed a few of your shows.
Well, that's OK.
Have you talked about Global Hawk, Operation Global Hawk, the Air Force?
Global Hawk was a Air Force program where in 1989, no I'm sorry, I got my years reversed, 1998, with two fully qualified airline pilots on board just for safety sake.
Yeah, flying a jumbo jet from LA to Sydney, Australia.
Got it.
And that was run out of Fort Worth, Texas.
Yeah, I mean, look,
Joe Kennedy, the son of the Big Daddy Kennedy, died in a World War II mission piloting, with radio control from a fighter plane, a B-17 loaded with explosives.
So, remote control aircraft have been very old.
The Germans had them as well, okay?
Okay, last thing.
Casey, this is some advice for you, and I hope it's good advice.
But if these guys are telling you ahead of time that they intend to, you know, plant evidence on you, whether it's, you know, drugs, guns, or whatever, um, I would beg, borrow, or, no, I don't want to use the word steal, but I would beg, borrow, or do whatever I could to, um, hide a couple of, uh, video cameras in your house.
I would not walk out the front door of that house without one of those little miniature tape recorders on you.
The problem is, is they'll frame you and then take the recorders.
Well, I don't know.
Some of these things are pretty doggone small.
I don't want to advertise.
Well, yeah, there was a case in Arizona about three years ago where they raided this 20-plus year gun dealer with no criminal record for not paying an unannounced new pawn shop fee.
And he had a hidden camera.
Running on a VCR for criminals, and they did catch criminals, and it's the police stealing his guns, the BATM laughing about how they were going to frame him, and because of that tape, they were able to stop him.
Well, thank God for that.
Listen, Casey, God bless you, you'll be in my prayers, keep your chin up, and in the end, I hope that Americans will learn a lesson that we learned the hard way in Vietnam, the French learned it, and that's that a large standing army
We'll never ever be able to keep control over a country as long as there are people with guns.
Our American Revolution succeeded with less than 10% of the population cooperating with them, so there is hope for us.
I hope it never comes down to that, but... It already has.
It looks like it from what you're telling me today.
But like I said, I'll keep you in my prayers and God bless.
Thank you.
Casey, give that phone number out for folks.
Ranch Rescue.
The Camp Thunderbird is.
Area Code 520-364-3966.
Or it's www.ranchrescue.com.
And if you call down here and anybody wants to talk to me, I answer the phone about 8 hours a day during the day.
Well, Casey, thank you for coming on the show, and Godspeed.
We really appreciate you defending the Republic and being fought by the Mexican troops, the FBI, all of them there, dedicated to destroy this country for the New World Order.
Thanks for joining us.
Thanks, Alex.
And, you know, I know we've got a lot of other callers, but I'm just not going to take any more calls today because I need to get to all this news that I promised I would cover.
Our government armed Pakistan, put them into power, staged the coup d'etat,
Given them nuclear weapons, they've armed North Korea, and when all this comes out, they spin it and say, see?
Bin Laden!
Bin Laden!
He is working with Saddam.
Bin Laden met nuke scientists, nuclear bizarre story, out of Pakistan.
It's more bizarre with the new disclosure, as the Pakistani nuclear proliferation story widens, U.S.
intelligence officials say top atomic scientists from that country
Met with Osama Bin Laden and Mullah Omar in Afghanistan.
Now remember, this is our ally, folks, supposedly doing this.
Two former senior Pakistani nuclear scientists who were based in an Afghan town of Kandahar met Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden several times for the fall of Taliban.
They were later detained and questioned on their return to Pakistan.
Last week it became clear that Pakistan was the center of what has become known internationally as the nuclear bazaar.
President Peres Musarraf agreed to pardon nuclear scientist Abdullah Qadir Khan for selling the country's nuclear secrets to Libya, North Korea and Iran.
So they have decided to come out with a pardon.
Isn't that interesting?
Two senior Pakistan nuclear scientists were based in Afghanistan.
And they have now decided to pardon them, nuclear scientists, selling the country's nuclear secrets to Libya, North Korea, and Iran.
Oh, see, now the globalists have to invade North Korea, Libya, and Iran because a Pakistani scientist says, oh, he went and sold it to them.
And remember, it's Pakistan who's been caught
Sending $100,000 to Mohammed Adda, the top general over ISI meets with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman on the morning of 9-11.
It's all staged.
They proliferate the weapons or claim they have as the pretext to invade all these countries.
To give you your national draft, to set up the police state here domestically.
Donald Rumsfeld publicly has armed North Korea.
Giving them the nuclear reactors in 96!
Continuing the transfer!
Last year, Bush gave them more!
And they tell you, you gotta have the Pentagon watching you so we're safe from terrorists while the border's wide open?
While the Mexicans at their soccer games chant, Usama, Usama, Usama?
Oh my goodness, I mean... What are we gonna have to put up with in this country?
What, what, what new level of garbage?
I mentioned this earlier.
Legislature's bill urges two-child limit.
Democrat wants state to promote population sustainability.
That's from World Net Daily.
It's not China's draconian one-child policy, but a lawmaker in Washington State is proposing legislation to urge parents to have no more than two children.
And it creates regulations to pressure for that to happen.
They put out a pamphlet to be distributed by Washington State's Health Department, spelling out the presumed benefits of having no more than two children.
Mother and preschool owner, Lori Samen, told radio station KXLY in Spokane, Washington, she thinks the idea is ridiculous.
I think it's wrong.
I think it's wrong.
She said, if I had to do it over, I would have had
Ten, I think it's wrong for the government to get involved with that.
No kidding!
Chase, a Democrat from Seattle suburb of Edmonds, said the bill is up for discussion and if it gains support, would be put to a vote in the next legislative session.
China's one-child policy incorporates a variety of punishments for parents who have more than one child in an attempt by the Communist government to curb population growth.
America's dying, folks.
In an editorial, the Seattle Times called Chase's proposal, unabashed government nannyism.
More than that, big brother.
Total tyranny.
The paper notes the birth rate in many Western countries has declined to substantial levels, largely because individual couples decided to have fewer children for economic and quality of life reasons, not because of state-sponsored pamphlet.
But again, the pamphlet folks calls for regulations, CPS, you name it.
Tax penalties, the rest of it.
This is the government.
This is what they're up to.
It's so serious to have this happening.
Challenger to Putin for Russian presidency is missing!
One of Vladimir Putin's challengers in next month's presidential election is missing, and the police and security services announced today that they have begun a search for him.
Every time there's an election in Russia, by the way, there's a bunch of bombings.
And then Putin gets to say, give me your liberty for security, I've got to secretly arrest my competition, take over the media, and Putin's been caught publicly blowing stuff up.
Ivan P. Rybkin, a former parliament speaker and national security advisor to Boris Yeltsin, has not been seen or heard from since Thursday evening, raising fears among his family and campaign aides that something dire has happened to him.
We're trying not to let such ideas come to mind, said Aleksandr V. Tragachev, a campaign official, the deputy chairman of his party, the Liberal Russia.
But it's hard not to think about it.
Isn't that interesting?
And now the Russians are saying they will not allow a murder or missing persons investigation.
Putin says no one's allowed to file that report.
It's just going to be left open, and Putin says he thinks the person's hiding out on purpose to bring attention to himself.
And of course, right before the election, the railway station gets bombed last Friday.
Chinese workers pay for Walmart's low prices.
Yeah, they own over 700 slave camps, according to the BBC, in China proper.
Shining inside the factory amid clattering machinery and clouds of sawdust, men without earplugs and protective goggles feed wood into screaming electric saws, making cabinets for stereo speakers, women hunch over work tables, many hands bandaged and a few covered by gloves, pressing transistors into boards with their raw, bleeding hands.
You notice, though, the Washington Post tells you about the low-level stuff.
Oh, it's bad working conditions.
They built these
Prisons are right next door to factories, or factories right next door to prisons, and they have openly millions of people living in these slave camps.
By middle school in China, you were sent to a dormitory next door to a fireworks or clothing factory, textile plant, and you build American flags and fireworks and electronics.
And it says most of the 2,100 workers in this one factory are poor migrants from the countryside who have come to the industrial hub in southern China for jobs that pay about $120 a month.
And it just gets into all that.
BBC is reporting, call for Gulf War Syndrome review.
A senior lawyer has demands a public review of the issues surrounding Gulf War Syndrome.
Thousands of veterans have suffered a diverse range of illnesses, which many blame on injections administered before the conflict.
And we have all these major medical organizations and universities saying that the shots are causing accelerated autoimmune diseases, liver and kidney shutdown, cancer.
And the FDA shut down the plant that made it in 99, but they don't care.
They're still giving the shots and they've reopened it.
When we get back, I want to get into the slump of the dollar, also some of these new flu fears, and a few other key news items.
And I also want to mention, driver's license were sold.
The DPS selling illegals driver's license.
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Get the Black Berkey Filter Elements, leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
And the Black Berkey Filters are reclaimable.
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Normally $48 each, you get a 2-pack for only $91, or a 4-pack for only $173.
Get the powerful Black Berkey Replacement Filters now by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438 and protect your family.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals and operations of the New World Order.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight, we're here live.
And I've got a bunch of great guests and info coming up this week on the show, so definitely join us.
Some good news, yesterday the Utah
House of Representatives passed a resolution urging the U.S.
Congress to consider withdrawing the United States from the United Nations.
The resolution passed 42 to 33.
This is from last week.
It now goes to the Utah Senate.
We applaud the Utah House for its decision and encourage the Utah Senate to do the same.
On January 22, 2004, Congressman Ron Paul addressed the Utah Legislature, both House and Senate, on the subject of withdrawing the United States from the UN.
He also spoke to an overflow crowd at a rally in support of the Utah Resolution.
And dozens of cities have pulled out of the UN.
Hundreds of cities have pulled out of the Patriot Act.
This is the way we're going to get it done at the state and county level.
And it's up to you to be those leaders, folks.
Some bad news.
This is from WFAA Radio and TV.
It's from also News 8.
Sources tell News 8 that some state workers in North Texas are compromising national security, give me a break, they accept matricula cards, by illegally selling real driver's licenses to anyone who'll pay.
Billions of federal dollars are now being invested in the post 9-11 national security, yet it's still possible to illegally obtain a real driver's license in North Texas from workers at the Department of Public Safety.
And then it gets into
Thousands of illegals being sold this, and of course it's not enforced.
That's the point, folks.
The government is corrupt.
Statistically more corrupt than any other group.
CPS, the child grabbers, are five times more likely, official numbers, to abuse children.
See how this works, folks?
There's no one more corrupt than the FBI.
No one with a greater record of murder and drug dealing and falsifying records.
We're in deep trouble.
Dollar Slide ignores G7 warning the dollar has sunk against other major currencies, squashing hopes that a meeting of leading industrial nations in Florida could stem its decline.
The meeting of financial ministers from the Group of Seven had condemned excess volatility in exchange rates.
The warning was a dig at the way U.S.
authorities have encouraged the dollar slide, at first underpinning a rally for the greenback.
But the gain vanished, as I said it would.
Put the dollar again at a yet 11-year low against the pound.
That's all by design!
In Davos, Switzerland, four years ago, they said they were going to kill the dollar.
This is out of Reuters.
Flu fears forced killing of Delaware birds.
A flock of 12,000 chickens in Delaware was destroyed on Saturday in a bed to prevent the spread of a flu, a state agriculture official
Hasten to say the virus differs from the one that has killed people in Asia.
All these interesting new types of flus popping up.
Before I end this show, I do want to encourage every listener to take action boldly, to get involved in the fight against the New World Order.
To get the tools that we know are working when it comes to waking people up, I've made 10 films.
I've written a book.
I've published a book.
We've got books on tape.
We've got pro-gun, anti-tyranny t-shirts.
Infowars.com bumper stickers.
Road to Tyranny is so good.
Matrix of Evil is so powerful.
Get the films.
Make copies.
Put them on AXS TV.
Get them out to opinion makers.
Don't count on others to do it.
We have a chance to defeat this New World Order.
But none of you don't take action.
Big discounts when you order three or more of any of the ten films I've produced.
1-888-253-3139 is the toll-free order line.
And again, folks.
Your purchase makes this show possible.
1-888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order via our secure online shopping carts or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
Please join us and realize that we can fight evil and we don't have a choice.
It's our duty.
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The revolutionary Berkey Light, with its exclusive black Berkey filter elements, remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and parasites to non-detectable levels.
Harmful or unwanted chemicals are reduced to below detectable levels.
And it reduces nitrates and unhealthy minerals like lead and mercury, while leaving the nutritional minerals your body needs.
Made of durable lexan, the material used in making bulletproof glass, the system is durable, rugged, and yet attractive.
The Berkey Light is transparent, so there is no guesswork when refilling the system.
The water level is always visible.
The rechargeable LED lighting system is beautiful as a night light and as necessary in emergency situations.
Get the Berkey Life, a transparent water filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll free, triple 8, 803-4438.