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Name: 20040205_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 5, 2004
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Yeah, I'm good.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, it's already Thursday, the 5th day of February, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Bev Harris from blackboxvoting.com, a corporate corruption investigator who's proven that the CIA is systematically controlling the electronic voting machine companies, stealing elections coast to coast.
Turns out they were manipulating things in the New Hampshire primary.
We have documented evidence of that and much more.
So that's coming up in our Election 04 coverage here in about 30 minutes.
We'll be joined by Bev Harris.
Again, I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, and of course PrisonPlanet.com.
And there's a ton of news we're going to race through in the meantime.
We've got more guests coming up later in the show as well.
And as always, we're going to have wide open phones.
Remember on Monday, I went over the fact that TiVo, your cable system piece of equipment, is watching you and tracking everything you do by name?
So are most of the digital cable boxes, your satellite systems, if you have pay-per-view with a phone line hooked up to it.
Well, the Chicago Tribune has that headline today.
I tell ya, they gotta be listening to this show.
TiVo users beware, Big Brother is watching!
TiVo users beware, Big Brother is watching.
Also, Dangerous Thinking, it's official, BBC.
They are going to start arresting people.
They're going to have complex computer systems off the data of what you buy and what you do.
And they will decide if you're a terrorist and go ahead and secretly arrest you.
We'll be going over that.
It's actual thought crime, ladies and gentlemen.
I've been warning you about that for a while.
Look, stuff is so bad that I don't have words to explain it, okay?
Stuff is so bad... By the way, there's an Associated Press article about the concentration camps for you.
I will be getting into that as well.
I mean, I just... It's all out in the open.
It's just out in the open.
This morning I heard CIA Director Tenet going...
George Bush never lied, we never lied, the terrorists are evil, we never said they had weapons of mass destruction, and I heard the neocons going, ooh, he sure told you!
You're all a bunch of liars!
Well, I'm sorry, we have memories, and we have the articles, and we have the video.
We know you got all over the news, all of you, the entire administration, and said they did, from Ashcroft to Bush to Tenet.
It's like Blair hiring Hutton in the Hutton inquiry to
Say that he never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
Well, he did it all over television!
But Tony Blair says you better apologize.
He never, he never, you know, and why, he's a good guy.
So, it's just getting so ridiculous, so unbelievable right now.
By the way, Senator Grassley election forecast will get Bin Laden
He said, he's sure that by the election, they're going to have Bin Laden for you.
Well, my White House source is, two years ago I told you, that Bin Laden died of natural causes, is literally frozen, and will be rolled out for the election.
And that was a year plus before the Iraq War, and my source said, no attack on Iraq this year.
When they had been saying they were going in, in just a few months, and then that source turned out to be right, it was a year later, so that source is
Turned out to be pretty accurate.
We'll get into this as well.
There's another firefight between the Border Patrol and Mexican troops.
We'll get into that.
It's just all coming up after this quick break.
It's just unbelievable.
The things that are happening.
The tyranny that's unfolding right in front of us.
And I got a bunch of Satanism news.
Mainstream articles of them murdering children and babies.
The rise of Satanism, so we'll get into that as well.
Want to stay with us?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, welcome back to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
Whether you're listening in the morning, the middle of the night, depending on your time zone, welcome to this live
February 5th, 2004 edition.
Again, we have the Electronic Voting Machine Exposer coming on here in about 25 minutes.
Bev Harris to get into some of the latest election fraud stuff that was going on, of course, up in New Hampshire with your loving Diebold Computer Machines, publicly run by the CIA with their Vice President, a convicted computer crimes hacker.
But, you know, and they're engineers going public saying it's all a fraud, and by the time you read about it in your paper, oh, they found a few problems.
Don't worry.
There's no paper ballot anymore.
No records.
Shut up.
We have the machine guns.
We have the armored vehicles.
We have the cameras in your neighborhoods.
We're building lots of nice prisons for you.
Just shut your mouths.
We're going to watch everything you do.
The Pentagon's going to be on the streets.
Martial law's the next phase.
Lots of camps being built for you.
We're the government.
We love you.
Go back to sleep.
We're going to protect you from the terrorists.
By the way, we had that live interview yesterday with Andres von Bulow, a former top member of the Defense Department over in Germany, the former head of technology, in his last post, laying out the evidence of the military-industrial complex carrying out September 11th
And I'm going to be live tomorrow for the second and third hour, but I've decided to re-air that in the first hour tomorrow.
First hour of the show, 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
So if you missed that, tune into that.
We're also going to be posting an interview at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and as soon as that's posted, I'm asking the great folks out there to make a transcript of it
to email it to us and we'll post it and then millions of people, and millions of people do read our transcripts, can then see it and can read it for themselves.
We'll even probably add some hyperlinks to documents in it and other key goodies there to expose the terrorists.
Okay, again, two years ago my White House source, and it is very dangerous for me to get on air and talk about this, and I said it at the time,
But hey, you only live once, and somebody's got to do it, so... My source told me, again, there's a lot of Bush people here in Austin, I'll just leave it at that, that they were on Air Force One, and Lord Bush and others were bragging that bin Laden had died of kidney failure, was on ice, and that they were going to roll him out right before the November election.
And that was two years ago.
And we put it on air.
We wrote a news article about it.
Paul Watson did.
And it's on record.
And now exactly what we said is being announced.
When Albright said they probably got him and are about to enroll him and then we've got this other Congressman LaHood saying, oh, we've got Saddam.
We're about to bring him out.
Tommy Frank said that in the December issue of Cigar Fish United and then it happened a few weeks later.
And now we've got this army colonel saying they've got Bin Laden and we've got, you know, we've got it in the Chicago Tribune and Asia Times and Associated Press last week.
Well, now Senator Grassley
Hold the Hill newspaper.
Senator Grassley's election forecast will get Bin Laden.
He doesn't bother to attend secret CIA briefings of his fellow senators because he seldom learns anything he hasn't read in the newspapers.
Senator Chuck Grassley, Republican Iowa, is convinced the U.S.
will track down the elusive mastermind of September 11, 2001 terror attacks.
By the way, they admit that hasn't even been proven, by the way.
This is a quote.
Obviously, he'll be caught between now and the election, Grassley said Monday, when asked if he is disappointed that Osama Bin Laden hasn't been killed or captured.
Quote, I think they're on his trail now.
In a way, they haven't been all year, Grassley said.
It will happen because we'll be able to divert more resources to hunting down Bin Laden.
By the way, Watson wrote another good article, a compilation of different stories a few days ago.
You'll want to go to PrisonPlanet.com and read it.
Where he lays out the facts of articles from 99 in the British press where Bin Laden publicly was being protected in Pakistan by US Special Forces.
He is CIA.
His people were flown out of Afghanistan in 2001.
That's why the war took a month.
That's admitted.
They claim it was an accident.
They loaded 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda on planes and flew them out.
Then arrested a bunch of goat herders and shoemakers who publicly tortured them in Guantanamo.
to make you think they're doing something about uh... terrorism makes me very very angry and uh... so you look at the evidence bin laden is al-qaeda uh... is CIA and that's just public and uh... he died and is going to be handed over probably here real quick and they'll you know claim he died in a firefight and well here's his dead body and or maybe they'll show us wax figurines like they did with Kude and Uze or Ude
Yeah, it would say underneath the photo, oh, wax figurine, but hey, look at the dead bodies!
Wax figurines!
Oh, I saw the dead bodies.
And they've arrested a lot of Al-Qaeda people, and then a month later you'll see in the foreign press, the CIA will say, well, we had to do this for their cover.
They'll arrest some Al-Qaeda leader and then quietly release them and go, oh, they were a CIA asset.
We staged the arrest to protect their, uh, their identities.
That's most of the big Al-Qaeda arrests.
It's just, it's a sick joke, folks.
The general who left Guantanamo Bay, Bacchus, who was over it, said there's no real Al Qaeda there.
The L.A.
Times has reported that.
I mean, this is all just stage theater.
Total theater.
It's like the 9-11 Commission.
Members of it are secretly testifying, involved in the Bush administration, covering things up, and they have this stage WWF pro-wrestling
Show for you, where, oh, we want more time.
No, you can't have more time.
Okay, you'll get more time.
That way you can announce what happened after the election.
They say, oh, we're not going to release these 28 pages of documents.
Bush doesn't want us to.
Then they'll release those and there'll be nothing in them.
And then it's, oh, well, that exonerates Bush.
It's just, it's sick, folks.
I mean, right now, the neocons are on the radio and TV.
They're all over the British media saying,
Well, the Hutton Inquiry clears Tony Blair of everything.
So, you better apologize to him.
He never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
And the Hutton Inquiry didn't even cover that, but they just say in the news, oh, well, apologize to Tony Blair.
He never said that.
And Bush never said it.
Well, you know they said there were weapons of mass destruction, but they don't care.
They know about half the population.
If they just hear they never said it, oh, they never said it.
But Senator Grassley is saying that.
Jack Foote from Ranch Rescue says there was a firefight going on here today from 4.15 to 4.30 p.m.
between the Border Patrol and some thugs from south of the border with rifles.
God knows who, but this is happening just a few hundred yards east of our position.
A Border Patrol field operations supervisor named Mike Hyatt just left here 20 minutes ago.
That's Camp Thunderbird, set up by Ranch Rescue, after telling us that he had been ordered not to say anything about the firefight.
We need your prayers, many thanks, Jack Foote.
So this is some new event that's happened in the last few days.
We're trying to get Jack Foote on.
Got that happening.
A pressure on Blair to publish evidence for a 45 minute claim.
That is the claim that Saddam had nukes or chemicals or biologicals and could hit England within 45 minutes.
Tony Blair was under pressure yesterday to publish the evidence behind the government's controversial claim that Saddam Hussein could deploy weapons of mass destruction within 45 minutes.
Michael Howard, the Tory leader, led demands for the Prime Minister to agree to the call on yesterday's independent by Brian Jones, the former leading expert on women's mass destruction at the Ministry of Defense, for the evidence to be disclosed.
Blair triggered further controversy over the 45-minute claim yesterday when he told members of Parliament that he did not know that it related to only short-range battlefield weapons until the crucial Commons debate last March, which authorized the Iraq War.
Only the day before it began, which has now admitted that they, again, they all knew it was a lie and didn't care.
But now they're claiming they never said it, so... again.
That's like saying George Washington wasn't our first president.
It's like saying the sky isn't blue.
I mean, just... But a lot of people will buy it.
I mean, George Tenet came out today and said Bush didn't lie, and we never said there were weapons of mass destruction, and, uh...
Al Qaeda is going to get you real quick if you don't give your rights up.
That's basically what he said, and Bush gave a similar speech.
So, this is how they operate now.
We never said it.
Shut up!
Okay, you never said it.
And you're a liberal if you do say they said it, okay?
A new Al Qaeda statement warns of major attacks on the U.S.
Every week, somebody on a message board saying they're Al-Qaeda, no doubt a globalist security agent, says, we're about to attack you, we're about to kill you.
Whenever they were saying that Saddam was working with Bin Laden, which was totally false, every time they needed some evidence, somebody would go on a message board and say, yes, I am Bin Laden, I work with Saddam, and they'd go, look at this, an admission from Bin Laden!
It's just every time they need Al-Qaeda,
I mean, I guess anybody could go on a message board and say that they are, um, I don't know, aliens from a foreign planet about to invade the National Louisville State.
Message board!
Chat room!
Aliens from a foreign planet!
I mean, this is totally uncredible, but they don't care.
But, understand, I'm not saying they're not going to blow something up.
I mean, Bush would lose to Kerry right now by, what, 10 points in major polls.
Not that that matters with the Diebold machines going in nationwide under federal funding under the Voter Assistance Act, but... Oh my goodness.
Look out!
The approval ratings are down and they're talking about terror attacks like I've never seen them before, saying, give us your rights, you're going to thank us, you better give your rights up.
There's so much more coming up.
I haven't even scratched the surface here.
And we've got Beth Harris coming on about election fraud with some new developments.
And of course, your calls.
So stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, I do have Bev Harris coming on here in a few minutes about election fraud.
I told you on Monday and Tuesday about TiVo, a type of digital cable box service that tracks everything you do, and of course sells the data.
And as usual, some people couldn't believe it.
Well, that's fine.
Here's the Chicago Sun-Times.
I'm sorry, I said Chicago Tribune earlier.
It's Chicago Sun-Times.
TiVo users beware.
Big Brothers watching.
So I'll get to that next hour.
Also, BBC.
Dangerous thinking.
They're going to gather all the data of what you buy and sell and do and hook up brain scanners on the streets that are already in five U.S.
airports and scan your brains and watch you and arrest you.
The computer algorithm shows you may be a terrorist or a criminal.
Oh, that's BBC, by the way.
No big deal.
Again, hell on earth right in front of you.
Worse than the most horrible science fiction movie you can imagine happening.
The average idiot has no idea.
And they want to microchip all the animals.
That's another article.
They admit that they're giving more and more toddlers antidepressants and amphetamines.
They say it's wonderful.
And there's a big article here out of the Idaho State Journal about concentration camps.
Do we need them?
A discussion of them?
Just a normal discussion of camps.
Again, no big deal.
Everything's fine.
Go back to sleep.
And, um, defense officials to boost budget for non-lethal weapons.
That's crowd control weapons.
Humvees with microwave guns for you and your family.
We'll get into the Matrix system.
Every time I mention the Matrix system, people don't believe it.
No, not the movie.
The state-level Echelon NSA control grid.
Oh, that's all coming up as well.
Again, I do not have words for how horrible and dark things have gotten, but if we don't admit the horror, it's going to get worse a lot faster.
Jay in Colorado, then Brandon, Mark, Trevor, Dylan, and others.
Jay, go ahead.
How you doing?
Hey, I was wondering if ATF is usually in charge of building fires?
Are they the ones that investigate that and cover that?
Yes, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Gun Grabbing is involved in that, yes.
Okay, because there was a big fire here in Denver before Christmas and the whole screen when they were showing the scene was about ten ATF jackets.
Anyway, also down here in Denver they just opened up a restaurant in honor of Chairman Mao.
He's got a statue right out front facing the street with his little hands crossed and his little uniform.
Got a mural of him on there?
Well, a lot of the law enforcement colleges have, they speak well of Mao.
San Houston, the big law enforcement university out here in Texas, it's communism is in the textbooks, they say it's actually good.
We've actually, I'm not kidding folks, we've covered that.
What's this restaurant where Mao is a good guy?
It's like a swanky, it's in the Cherry Creek area, which is the kind of rich little section
And they got all kinds of little restaurants.
What's the name of it?
I'd like to have them on.
It's called Mal's.
And I was hoping that it was just a coincidence that it was Mal's when my girlfriend's boss invited us down there for a drink or something.
Yeah, you've got the middle class yuppies who love death and love being slaves just embracing this.
Hey, look.
Watching MTV Music Awards, half these people have got Lenin, Stalin, Mao tattooed on their arms.
I mean, I've seen a hundred rock stars and Hollywood stars, at least.
A lot of the young people here in Austin wear red stars, hammer and sickles.
Yeah, it's all very loving.
I think I'll open a restaurant with Hitler out front.
He didn't kill as many as Mao.
When they complain, I'll just... Maybe I'll open a restaurant with Hitler.
Maybe you should.
Right next door, people complain and go, well, there's Mao's right there.
Yeah, well, one guy, one of the employees that was also there, he's about to finish his Master's.
I was kind of... I was upset when I... I didn't know... I hoped that it wasn't... Chairman Mao walked inside and there's all... Okay, here's the deal.
Is this in Denver proper?
It was in Cherry Creek.
Okay, listen.
Stephanie, I don't have a computer in front of me, I don't allow it because I get diverted by it.
Go to Google, type in, Mao's, is it Chinese food?
It's sushi and whatnot.
Mao's Sushi and Mao's Restaurant in Cherry Creek, Colorado, or Denver, Colorado.
And I'm not saying you're a liar, sir, I believe you, but I want to confirm this before I sit here and talk about it.
Well there was a Chinese, there was a Chinese employee and people sitting around eating and I was just aghast with that and I asked one of the employees, I went to the bathroom and I looked up in the ceiling and there's a big Sistine Chapel picture thing, not a Sistine Chapel with all the God and everything, but just a big mural of him on the ceiling too.
I said, oh my God.
And I asked the guy, I said, are you Chinese man?
And he said, yeah.
I go, you work here?
He goes, oh, well, it's just a joker.
I said, it's a joke.
Oh, yeah.
And he goes, oh, it's like all these Satan bands that are out there.
It's always just a joke.
Then the dead bodies start piling up.
And I've got some news on that.
Three articles today.
Dead children, dead women, dead babies.
And it's all just for fun, you know.
It's just for fun.
You understand.
Okay, I'll check it out.
Thank you, sir.
Well, I'm going to open Hitler's.
I mean, I don't like Hitler, but maybe he's actually good.
And Mao's good.
By the way, our government admits they put Mao into power.
That's now official U.S.
government statements, history channel.
Oh yeah, we thought Mao was better and so we put him in power.
We'll be right back, stick with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
My wife, Violet Jones, is the producer of this show.
And I don't allow myself to have a computer in the studio because I did it years ago and it always became a distraction.
I couldn't focus.
So I, uh, she was listening and heard the caller claim, and accurately so, but I didn't know if it was true at the time, that a big, uh, fancy sushi and Chinese restaurant had been opened in Denver, Colorado.
Called Mao's.
Chairman Mao's.
That it has murals of Mao and a big statue of him.
Mao killed 50 million people.
So my wife went online and did indeed find a news article reviewing the wonderful restaurant.
And we're going to post that on InfoWars.com.
So everybody feel free to start Adolf Hitler's, feel free to start Herman Goering's, feel free to start Joseph Mingala's restaurant.
Mao killed more than the Nazis by at least double.
And I see Hollywood people all the time with the tattoos of him, the idiot, what's the moron boxer, Mike Tyson, rock stars, it's so cute, Stalin, Mao, Lenin.
This is disgusting.
This is out of control.
And we will speak out and stand up against this.
We're about to go to Bev Harris here in a moment, but my wife has the review here for us.
I want to bring her on air.
I'm begging her to do it.
She doesn't like going on air.
Hello, dear.
Good to have you on the show.
You have the review in front of you.
Hi, Alex.
How are you?
Yeah, I found an article from the Denver Business Journal for the week of May the 12th, 2003.
And it's a pretty long article.
I didn't get to read all of it, but I can tell you what it says about the Mao theme.
Yeah, tell us all about Mao's and how we can drop by.
Mao had his military survive on dead children.
That's official news.
They would cook them in large boiling pots.
Please tell us about it.
Okay, it says in the article, named after China's infamous Chairman Mao Zedong, the new eatery will seat nearly 220 people between its dining room, patio, and lounge.
Huang said the restaurant will feature an intricate design theme that includes a variety of images of a late dictator including a custom-made bust of Mao and a ceiling mural of Mao's Red Army that leads diners into the chairman's room, a private dining room that seats 16 people.
And it goes on and on.
So the yuppies can play at being a murdering communist dictator?
Yeah, it's a long article and in here
There's been comments on him about how it's not, um... The restaurant shouldn't be considered a homage to the controversial leader.
Oh no, it's just murals and busts and named after him.
Well, hey, let's start a restaurant called Hitler's, then.
Yeah, he's saying in here, this place is not a worship of Mao, it's a sarcastic look at Mao.
Well, ha ha ha, you know?
It's just where I would not want to eat, ever.
Okay, just showing how sick the culture's gotten.
Of course, I'm joking.
Please, New York Times, don't say I want to open a restaurant called Hitler's.
But pure Mao, pure Hitler.
Are you going to post that at InfoWars.com?
I will post it.
I just wanted to make one quick comment that I've been meaning to tell you.
And you know that I do not watch very much TV, but I will watch Trading Spaces, which is a show.
Or no, it's called While You're Out.
It's a design program.
And I've stopped watching it because their carpenter
On two occasions has sported a hammer and sickle shirt and it's just, it's in your face everywhere.
It's crazy.
No, it's just for fun and get, you know, honey, just please, everything's fine.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Let's go to Bev Harris and we'll go to all these calls.
Bev Harris, thank you for holding while we discuss this new
Eatery in Denver, Colorado.
You're here to, well, I guess, kind of talk about people like Mao and Stalin.
It doesn't matter who casts the votes, it's who counts them, right?
Right, right.
Fascinating story.
That was a good catch, what you just were talking about.
Well, a listener said it, and I had trouble believing, and I thought the caller was telling the truth, but I had to check it out, and there you have it.
Bev, tell us about yourself, the website, what you've been through, and this huge story that we're losing our right to vote in this country, and the average person still has no idea, and now we've got a new development.
Kerry beat Dean in New Hampshire by only 1.5%, but on the electronic computers, he won by 10% when it was all over, and looks like the same thing we've seen over and over again.
Well, right, and New Hampshire was using a system that was never federally certified.
You know, this is the story of our life.
We're charging ahead and it's like a steamroller.
We're using these things that we... I don't know what I have to do, Alex.
I think I have to basically take six rig machines, trot them out on stage in front of Carnegie Hall with
Wally O'Dell, the CEO of Diebold, in a bag and handcuffs with a note pinned to his chest.
I did it, you know.
I compromised the system.
I mean, you know, no matter what we come forward with as proof, and it's darned solid stuff.
It's documents.
It's programs.
No matter what we come forward with, they keep steamrolling ahead saying, we're going to use them anyway, we're going to use them anyway.
No matter how many employees go public and then engineers quit and say it's a fraud, no matter how many vice presidents have convictions for computer crimes, no matter how many elections Diebold gets caught entering the machines by remote access during elections, which is a crime in and of itself, no matter how much happens, and it doesn't matter if MIT says it's a fraud and the other companies are a fraud and the CIA's running three of the companies,
And you get into secret meetings where they're bragging about taking over.
But the League of Women Voters says we don't have a right to a record of how we voted, Beth.
The League of Women Voters needs to be ashamed of themselves.
I'll go public and say that.
They need to be ashamed of themselves.
They are one of the bad guys in this.
And if they want to behave this way, I don't know how they managed to compromise the person who's the national head, because some of the local chapters are not pleased about this either.
Okay, I'm going to try to shut up.
Give folks an overview of how massive this is, Bev, because, I mean, we're losing our right to vote right now.
This is the dictatorship being set up.
Well, literally, what happened in a nutshell was, after spending over a decade as a writer,
In the early stages of my career, I wrote some pretty in-depth stuff on embezzlement.
Then I took a hiatus and I did some corporate stuff and some literary publicity type writing.
I found in October of 2002, I looked at how the voting system was done and I saw that they had removed the audit trail.
In other words, a vote counting system is an accounting system for votes.
It's bookkeeping.
It adds up the votes and you make sure they're correct.
And they had removed the checks and balances that allow you to audit the system to see that it was done correctly.
Well, I knew as soon as I saw what they had removed that somebody would walk through that door and tamper an election and would not be caught because you can't remove the safeguards in something like elections without that kind of thing happening.
And as I proceeded to look into it further, I was kind of trying to answer questions to reassure myself, you know, that it's not so bad, you know.
And so I would ask, well, you know, surely these companies, you know, are operated by, you know, some very safe and wonderful government body.
Well, no, they were private for profit with secret owners.
And when I was able to uncover who the secret owners were, they were vested interests.
They were Senators!
Yeah, Senators and people who were, you know, hanging out at the Crossroads in Texas.
One of the guys who is an owner of Heart InterCivic, he's one of the main investors, was the guy who bought the Texas Rangers from Bush, Tom Hicks, who's associated with Clear Channel, and he's got a bunch of
But, you know, Wally Odell with Diebold was promising to deliver the votes to Bush.
And, by the way, you know there's three parties.
There's the Republicans, the Democrats, and the corrupt.
You know, the corrupt is what we're really concerned with here, and they drop from both the Democrats and the Republicans.
It's not necessarily a specific party doing some sort of conspiracy.
Yeah, they're all fighting like mafias.
It's a group of guys who are
Not trustworthy who are taking advantage using illicit means.
Basically, Bev, from all that I've done, you know, eight years of research on this...
The systems are a fraud, and then it's whatever mafia is controlling the systems that decides the outcome.
Right, because I can tell you that among the people who are appalled at what is happening to the integrity of our voting system, you find a lot of Republicans, you find Libertarians.
I mean, this is not an issue of a particular political party.
That's really a misunderstanding people have.
It's an issue of
It's kind of a business crime if you look at it.
It's about money.
It's about people who want to be able to control decisions that are made which allocate billions of dollars to certain industries.
It doesn't have to do with what party you're in.
It has to do with ethics.
You've got a system where we set it up and we pushed it through.
Where you cannot verify that the votes were counted correctly.
And if you can't verify it, then the bad guys are going to come in and compromise it.
It's as simple as that.
You have to have something with checks and balances.
Bev, you started your investigation of the fact that it's designed for fraud.
The electronic voting machines with these wireless internet connections that nobody knew about.
Nobody can look at it.
Yes, it's all controlled.
Then we find out from California to Tennessee that these electronic voting machine companies have been caught manipulating things.
Well, I would say that's a little bit strong in terms of have been caught manipulating things.
Wait a minute.
Bev, in California they got caught changing the votes.
In Texas, Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports, you know, more votes get cast for somebody than there are voters.
We know that they count incorrectly.
You know, there's two reasons they can count incorrectly.
It can be an error, which is not acceptable, or it can be fraud.
In other words, an error with intent.
It's harder to prove that the error has intent, although you can, you know, kind of draw conclusions if you see a number of errors.
We do know now, though, that there are some locations where we can even prove that there was an error with intent, meaning, you know, deliberate fraud.
That's what I just said!
Yeah, but we know, I was able to document over a hundred cases where we were able to prove that the machines miscounted the election, and by large amounts
One of the frustrating arguments you hear is people will say, well, but you know, with these optical scan systems, which are also computerized, that's where you fill out a piece of paper and put it through a scanner, they're just as dangerous because we don't use the piece of paper to check the machine tally.
So we only use the machine tally.
And they'll say, you know, oh, well, yes, but if there's a recount and it's a really, really close recount, like within half of 1%, we can pull the paper ballots.
Well, you know what?
If you're going to tamper with an election, why in the world would you make it within half of one percent?
You wouldn't.
You'd make the spread big enough so that people wouldn't trigger a hand recount.
So that's such a silly argument.
And then, even if they did, one of the things I discovered when I looked at the actual program was that it had multiple sets of books.
In other words, if you did a spot check and you pulled these paper ballots, assuming you even had them, they've taken them away from some of the machines,
But if you pull the paper ballots for a spot check, it pulls the data from one set of books.
And if you look at the totals, which is what's submitted to decide who wins the election, it's a separate set of books.
So unless you can't do it with a spot check, you would have to actually pull every single vote and do a 100% check in order to determine whether or not the
I think so.
The companies are lobbying that there never be a record, and you're right.
The past systems had a lot of fraud and openings for fraud, but now under the Voter Assistance Act, billions of dollars to federalize elections to make the states put these systems in, and with it being all computerized, this allows fewer people to mass manipulate the entire system.
That's the point.
People will say, oh, well, but they manipulated paper ballots.
But, you know, you could only do that on a, you know, it was really kind of inconvenient.
You couldn't do that on a statewide level.
You'd have to go from place to place to place.
Understand that in Georgia, we had 22,000 machines, the entire state of Georgia, and we now know that one man, who's a resident of Canada, actually created a program that no one looked at that affected one million votes.
One man, one million votes.
That's what computerized voting does.
And we know that that happened.
And now Georgia has wiped his program off the computer.
It's disappeared.
Nobody will ever know what was on those Georgia computers.
But only one guy even looked at what was in the program.
So, you know, that's a big difference from, you know, what happened with Lyndon Johnson in Wells County, Texas, where he was, you know, there was 202 ballots cast in alphabetical order, ironically.
Which caused him to win the senatorial race in 1948.
But that's 200 ballots.
This is a million ballots!
Absolutely, Bev.
And, you know, for people to go, oh, the government wouldn't do that.
They're good.
Governments never rig elections.
Let's just go back to sleep.
Okay, well, they've designed these systems.
The engineers have gone public for multiple companies where people outside can get in.
It's open to hackers.
It's open to hackers.
And it's not just Diebold.
The reason that Diebold has taken such a lot of publicity heat is because I found their files.
You see, these companies keep their files secret.
For whatever reason, luck or, you know, a force from above helped.
I found 40,000 files.
It was the crown jewels.
And again, these idiots, explain how that happened.
They had an open door on their main website.
They were storing documents on a server that had a hole in it from the main webpage.
Well, it didn't even have a hole.
It was just open.
In other words, you know, you go to a website page and there's links down the side, and down the left-hand side it said press releases, staff, you know, blah, blah, blah.
And I was clicking each link.
And the bottom one said FTP, which stands for File Transfer Protocol.
I wasn't that familiar with what that meant at the time, and I clicked it just to see, and I'm reading the press releases, I'm reading the staff bios, I click FTP, takes me right in, and I'm looking at this page with all these different file names on it.
Bev, couldn't this be good people inside?
Because we had, what was it, the 98 election, where somebody at ABC News, days before, posts the exact releases for the election on the main website.
Well, I remember that.
In fact, I have actually got a screenshot of that website, because I figured it would disappear.
And it was, you're right, 24 hours before the election, the results were posted, and they said, oh, we were just running a test.
But it was very detailed, and it was race by race.
And it was very close to the final results.
It wasn't exact.
Well, a bunch of them were exact.
A bunch of them were exact.
Some of them were a little off.
I mean, because I have a copy of that in a file.
Yeah, I couldn't believe it.
If you were just telling me this on the air, I might say, oh, I don't know.
But I actually have a screenshot of that site, because somehow I wandered across that in my research, and I was incredulous.
And it was on an official ABC server.
The results were posted 24 hours early, which is sort of like one of the things, you know, in California that happened with San Luis Obispo County is they had a vote total show up.
When I was going through all these files I found on the DBOLD website, one of the files was a San Luis Obispo vote total.
Well, there's an activist by the name of Jim March in California, who's just a really entertaining and great guy, and he looked at it
And I said, well, this might be some sort of a test.
And then we looked at the date on the file, and there's an audit trail.
It's not just the date that it was put on the site, but there's an audit trail that's in the file that gives the date of every time it's been opened.
And the thing was run five hours before the polls closed, and ended up on an open website five hours before the polls closed.
Now, you understand that the
It's illegal in California to count votes before the polls close.
And by the way, I have the article.
The numbers ended up matching up as well.
Just magically, they knew what it would be five hours before the polls close.
It's just magical.
But they make a lot of mistakes, a lot of elections to steal here.
Bev, we're going to come back to you and get into more news.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
We've got Beth Harris about 15 minutes into the next hour, and if I start hyperventilating while she's on the air, it's because it freaks me out that we're losing our right to vote in America, and that the CIA is involved, and that the whole thing's a total fraud.
The average person has no idea.
This is how you're supposed to behave.
Imagine a movie, a science fiction movie, where the government's taking over the right to vote, stealing elections.
Imagine how the people would act who were finding out about it.
We've lost our capacity to get angry and upset.
I've spent years looking at this.
I got video of League of Women Voters punching out the names engaging in fraud in the 80s.
I mean, I've got just books and videos and documents and thousands of cases of election fraud and stealing elections and just... It's horrible!
And by the way, I know people inside the lottery.
I've talked to folks.
I've seen the evidence of Bush and his cronies here in Texas.
You know, sometimes they'll reshoot three or four times, the lottery ball's coming out.
That whole thing's staged all over the country.
I mean, things are bad, folks.
Things are really bad.
And I don't have, again, words to explain how evil things have gotten and how naive the general public is.
Before we go back to Beth Harris, I've made ten films.
I've written a book, Dissent and Tyranny.
I've published a book, Order Out of Chaos.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com, get the videos, make copies of them for non-profit, not-for-self purposes, air them on AXS TV, warn the people about who really carried out the terror attacks.
You heard the former German Defense Minister and Minister of Technology on yesterday agreeing with me on this.
You need to see the proof of who the terrorists are.
These people are killers.
They're dead serious.
And we better expose them, our lives depend on it.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free.
My films are $25.95, $20 when you order three or more.
They're all over two hours.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Your purchase also makes this show possible.
Again, folks, you need to get the films, the books, the anti-tyranny t-shirts, all of it, at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The new films are Matrix of Evil, Police State, 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny,
We're going to go to break here in a second.
We'll come back and go to Mark, Trevor, Ed, Roger, Brock, and others.
I'm sorry to all the others that hung up.
It's just we've got a guest on.
And Bev Harris, before we break and get back into election fraud and some of the new developments and what happened in New Hampshire, you've got a new book out, Black Box Voting.
People need to get it.
How do folks get it?
They go to blackboxvoting.org.
And now it's available for those who can't afford it or who can't wait to get it in the mail.
It is available online for free.
I've got all the chapters up and they're the latest chapters.
They have some new information even from what was up last fall.
And they can also order it directly from me or they can order it directly online from Plan 9.
We have actually a couple of versions.
My company is publishing the bookstore and the library and doing the direct sales.
And again, I tell folks to make copies of my videos.
You say the book is up for free.
Get out there and get it.
It's too important.
That's right.
And frankly, some of the people who are being robbed of their vote are people who can't afford it because they're unemployed.
And I want to ask these people out there, do they appreciate what you just said?
It's free.
Will you get it and get it out to people, folks?
Is America worth it?
Now, there's another thing that I really am asking your listeners to do.
If they have enough funds to buy books, what I need them to do is order some books from me or from the other publisher
And get them sent, order them on behalf of public officials and get the books into the hands of public officials.
Let me tell you something, they're trying to blame these fiascos a lot of times, and the local county elections people who are sometimes never told how, in fact I know they're not told how insecure these machines were.
Well yeah, you've got the... And then something goes wrong and they get blamed.
You've got the voting machine companies doing it by remote control.
Stay there, second hour, coming up, blackboxvoting.org.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
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I think so.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're talking to Bev Harris, Corporate Crime Investigator.
The book is Black Box Voting.
You can download it for free.
Oh, that's right, or buy a hard copy if you really care.
At blackboxvoting.org.
There's also blackboxvoting.com.
We're about to go to Mark and Trevor and Ed and Roger and Brock, everybody else has been patiently holding.
Bev Harris, we've got former CIA officials running these companies, their vice presidents are convicted computer crimes people, that we catch them manipulating votes during elections, that is confirmed.
Now, up in New Hampshire, the machines that weren't electronic
Showed Kerry only beating Dean by 1.5%, but the Diebold machines raced ahead with over 10% and gave the big victory to Mr. Skull and Bones.
This is a pretty big story and it's on InfoWars.com.
Your comments on it?
Well, you know, this is really important for people to understand.
The New Hampshire machines were not touch screens.
In other words, they had paper ballots.
They were optical scans.
Diebold optical scans.
And people have a misunderstanding and think that these optical scans with a paper ballot cannot be rigged.
It's absolutely false.
That's all computerized?
That's all computerized?
Yes, it's computerized.
There's no difference.
Because the law does not allow us to pull the paper ballot and compare it with the computer.
And as long as we can't look at it, you might as well not have it.
When you have a computerized system, even though you think, I'm filling up my paper ballot, I'm putting it through this machine, here's what happens.
Your paper ballot gets locked in the box and is never looked at, and only the machine tally is looked at.
Therefore, whoever programs the machine wins.
Bev, we caught Dana Deb Dubois, the county clerk in Austin, Texas.
Publicly double-counting ballots, falsifying signatures, breaking safety seals, that all came out.
I sat there at the same table with her.
They were certifying the election and said, you stole the election.
We have proof.
She never sued me, never did anything.
She got caught doing it.
The state election board certified what she'd done.
But, I mean, I was there at that election.
It's all computerized, off the scantrons.
And now they've got the touch screens put in and of course she didn't come after me because she was caught doing it and they don't want an investigation.
We said we wanted a recount.
They said you can't have one.
That's the point and I'm so glad you're bringing it up because I'm having a terrible time getting this through the heads and I am getting people talking to me now from Congress and from many state legislatures and they don't understand that as long as we don't use those paper ballots to actually compare the machine votes
Then they're no good.
You can't lock them in a box and there they sit forlorn, nobody looks at them.
Then you're still relying completely on the computer programming.
I had another official tell me the other day, well in Oregon we use all mail-in ballots and I said, well they're counted on these computerized optical scans.
And he goes, oh but they have passed recounts.
Well, in a recount, understand, they still don't count the paper ballots.
They run them through the same machine again and the same program counts them.
So it all comes back to what is in that program.
And what's in that program in New Hampshire, we now know that it was never put through federal certification at all.
Now, in New Hampshire, that's legal.
I will tell you that, too.
It's surprising.
In most states, it does need to be certified.
And they will brag that it's been certified, which doesn't really mean all that much, but it is at least done, supposedly.
Well, the Fox is certified, the Weasels and the Head House.
But in New Hampshire, they don't even need to send it in for federal certification, so they didn't.
And now magically, if it was a Diebold machine, it was for Kerry.
And New Hampshire did use primarily Diebold optical scans.
And then the other machines showed lower amounts for carry, but magically the Diebold machines did.
Same thing happened in Colorado, by the way, with the Allard versus... It was an upset also.
And in the 2002 election, the Diebold machines had a much different result from the other machines.
Now, you know, you can also... It's not cut and dry, because there are demographic issues that might cause... Stay there, Bev.
We'll come back and take calls, get into more of this.
Stay with us, folks.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're about to go to your calls.
We're honored to have Bev Harris from blackboxvoting.com and Orgon with us and download her incredible book for free at her website.
Or you might want to be a distributor of it and buy some of them.
Which, you know, by the way, Bev, I need to get a hold of you.
I want to carry your book.
I'll get them out to folks.
Now, there is so much to talk about here.
We've got a bunch of callers that have been holding forever.
I'm sure they want to talk about this issue because it's all interconnected, but just in a minute or so, I want to recap for people.
Diebold and others have been caught manipulating elections while they're happening.
We covered that last hour.
They've been caught with vice presidents who have
Felony convictions for computer crimes.
We have CIA former deputy directors involved.
We have these other companies.
We have the people winning an upset elections.
It's amazing and they admit the engineers have quit these companies and gone public and said, look, you can drive a Mac truck through the security holes here.
Then top technology companies and others have looked at it and said, looks like this is designed for fraud and to cover up your steps.
Can you tell us about that?
Well, yeah.
Here's just a simple example.
I think we've all dealt with something that has been similar to this.
In the central tabulation system for Diebold, they have what's called an audit log, which should supposedly, like a black box in an airplane, it's supposed to kind of log every single thing that happens.
You're not supposed to be able to change it at all.
When you're designing such a computer program, the default setting, in other words, the automatic setting, would be that it sets up an automatic numbering thing.
So every time you go into the program, a number is assigned.
You have no control over that number.
It's sequential.
So even if you went in and you erased a bunch of stuff, you'd end up with a bunch of numbered entries that had nothing in them.
And someone would say, hum, someone was here.
What were they doing?
But what they did was disable that function and make it so that you could go in and edit out
Your presence in the audit log.
In other words, it was set up properly and they had to actually set it up improperly.
That's what we mean by they seem to be set up to encourage back doors or illicit entry.
Another thing, two or more people can be wandering around in the vote database on computer without bumping into each other.
They have set it up for multiple access at the same time.
You see, and why?
When supposedly only the election supervisor is supposed to have access, why would you set the control so that multiple people can be in the database at the same time?
And then they claim that it's proprietary, that no one can look inside the black box, and they catch them with these wireless internet connections.
Right, in fact, let me tell you the latest on that.
Diebold Election Systems, their latest touch screen is called the TSX.
They're trying to get it certified and they keep failing in California and elsewhere.
In fact, they did a bait and switch in California and got some counties to accept delivery on these new things and now they're stuck because they've got an election coming up in three weeks and they have machines that are uncertified.
Be that as it may, they told New Scientist magazine just on about the 15th of January that there were no wireless connections.
Well, I have the drawings and the specifications for this machine, and I sent them to New Scientist, who confirmed within about an hour that indeed they did have wireless.
So then I sent them... So is New Scientist going to have a cover story that dive over a bunch of liars?
Oh, you know, they need to be braver.
I doubt they will.
Then I sent the same specifications to the California Secretary of State's office.
They asked Diebold, do you have wireless or not in these machines?
Diebold said, we don't know.
Now what the heck is that?
No, we don't know!
Then Vanity Fair contacted them and they told Vanity Fair there was no wireless.
So of course I have recently sent my specifications off to Vanity Fair and hopefully at some point someone will say, look
They're lying.
Now, think about this very carefully.
You said you talked to a bunch of big network people, and they said, we want to do this story, but we can't.
Yeah, they're getting the story killed at the top management level, and almost everything.
Everything we hear about 60 Minutes, 2020, Prime Time, all of them, they're all wanting to do it, and when you get right down to it, it's getting killed at the top level.
But let me just jump back to this wireless idea for a second.
Why would you, what legitimate reason would you have to lie to election officials about whether or not there's wireless?
You see that really concerns me because
If you've got it in there, then you tell the truth.
But we don't know!
You put it in there and you're lying.
You're only doing that so that you can enable illicit access, one would think.
Well, it's like asking Ford, do you have a carburetor in this vehicle?
We don't know!
Yes, exactly!
It's ridiculous for them to say they don't know.
Bev, do you have front teeth?
I don't know!
Yeah, and you know, so they're telling reporters they don't have it.
And when they are officially testifying in state situations where they could probably get nailed for perjury, they're saying they don't know.
But the documents are pretty clear.
We don't know!
Now, from the documents I've seen, three of the head folks at election companies are former high-level CIA officers.
Can you speak to that?
Then we'll go to calls.
Well, I don't know if I have the same numbers as you.
I know at Vote Here, Robert Gates, who was a former CIA agent, and now recently, Admiral Bill Owens has stepped down from that company, but he was on the Defense Policy Board, very close, associated with Dick Cheney.
With the other companies, it's revolving doors, literally.
By the way, just a side issue, Anthony Scalia has been going on hunting trips with Cheney two weeks before he's going to look at Dick Cheney's different cases before the Supreme Court.
And the news says this is no big deal.
It's so frustrating.
By the way, Cheney's paying for the trips.
Well, the problem is so frustrating.
It's kind of like what happened with the $9 billion accounting fraud with Enron, where there's no consequences for these people.
Diebold is in charge of a public trust.
Voting is a public trust.
They violate the trust by lying and by getting caught using unauthorized and uncertified software.
And then there's no consequences.
We say, okay, they say they fixed it.
We just take their word for it.
And so we're going to keep using them.
It's like if your kid comes in and he steals money out of your purse and you say, he says he won't do it again, so I'll leave my purse out with a couple of hundred dollar bills sticking out it in front of him and leave the room again.
Because he says he won't steal!
Well, it's worse than that, Bev.
You videotape him stealing the money, he says he didn't take it, and so you leave wads of cash out.
Yes, I mean, where are the consequences?
If you violate a public trust, hello, step aside, next!
But we have the, what is it, $5 billion in the Voter Assistance Act to federally force the states to put all these in.
And we've got to get on top of this.
All right, thanks for holding, folks.
Let's go to a few calls.
Mark in Rhode Island, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Appreciate it, Alex.
Great work as usual, and kudos to you, Bev.
Thank you.
I was just thinking, Bev, when I go to my local bank to go to an ATM machine to withdraw some money, I could have sworn I've seen Diebold as the maker of... Yes, they're the main ATM manufacturer.
So that means if I go to an ATM, and I pull up my screen to see how much money I have in there, or how much little I have in there, that may not be telling me the truth, right?
Well, at least you have a way to balance that.
Here's the deal.
Diebold knows there's oversight there, and you also get a receipt there.
You don't get a receipt voting.
Go ahead, Beth.
Well, and the other thing is, if you write a check for $1,000,
Or if you write a check for a hundred dollars and they actually make it a thousand dollars, it's going to bounce.
So you have a way of finding out.
If your vote goes to the wrong place, you have no way of knowing.
But you are right about Diebold and the ATMs.
And what's interesting is those systems also have been questioned because they're using Windows.
And sometimes they don't put the patches on Windows.
Perhaps not as secure, but they do have these paper checks and balances, and you're certainly watching your own checks and balances.
Yeah, they can't do it there because there's oversight.
You take the lotteries, I know for a fact the Texas Lottery is a complete fraud.
So, I mean, this is just everywhere, folks.
I was watching TV this morning, and Debbie Norville, is that NBC?
I can't remember where she's switched a couple times.
Well, she's going to be on TV tonight with a piece, and maybe this whole vote scam thing will be in there, because supposedly what she's going to talk about, Alex, is she's going to put all conspiracy theories to rest tonight.
We'll see.
They're having to respond to us.
This is a broad story, though, and it's got a lot of facets, and so one of the things that has challenged TV producers is, you know, they've only got five minutes to get a segment out there and try to wrap it up.
Oh, the same military-industrial complex stealing our right to vote are the ones that own these medias.
Isn't it interesting?
You talked about Clear Channel with the radio monopoly they're building, and they're involved in it.
Yeah, they've got major ownership in Hardener Civic, which is one of the voting machine companies used quite a bit in Texas.
In fact, I think it might even be your county, but I'm not sure.
Okay, thank you, Mark.
Let's talk to Trevor in Georgia.
Trevor, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Well, you were bringing it up quite a few seconds ago about the failure of the media.
And the main thing that, one thing that's concerning about voting and the media is the way we forgot about Florida so quickly.
And, and, um, in Georgia, um, in fact, somebody, you know, some listener out there, I would love it if they would tip me off on this because, you know, Kathy Cox, who is the secretary of state and wants to run for governor is really getting tremendous support
Uh, and kind of protection on the voting issue from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, which is owned by Cox Communications.
I would love to know, and nobody seems to be able to tell me, if there's any family relationship at all between Cox Communications and Kathy Cox.
Because the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has really fallen down on its duty to report this voting story.
I mean, they're in Georgia.
And I will tell you, when I contacted them and told them about the, you know, this was very, not long after the election, and I said, we've got
22,000 machines that received an unauthorized modification right before the election.
They said, we have to write an article on the state flag.
We consider that more important.
Anything else, Trevor?
Well, one thing that does concern me... Well, stay there.
I'll let you finish up on the other side.
We'll take a few more calls for our guests, and we've got more coming up.
Stay with us.
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Alright callers, have your question, your comment.
We're gonna get an answer from Beth Harris and move on because this is our last segment with her.
Real quick, Trevor in Georgia, ask your last question.
Go ahead, Trevor.
Your line has dropped.
I can barely hear you in the background.
Something's wrong with it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ed in Pennsylvania.
Ed, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Mr. Harris, I wanted to ask you, have you ever been on a New York station, a Bachelor Alexander show?
Well, there's a guy on about this whole election thing.
And Dave mentioned Diebold.
He's been on for a long time as a New York announcer.
He says, oh, what's Diebold?
Never even heard of it.
This was like about two months ago.
Oh, I can tell you so many people don't know about this.
In fact, I had a meeting with Dennis Kucinich last night and there was a reception afterwards and there was a lot of people there.
I was surprised that even some of the die-hard Kucinich supporters were still unaware of it, because they're quite progressive and so forth, and I would have thought that they would be a group that would be more aware.
Well, that's because the media won't talk about it.
Right, right, Alex.
Alex, you were talking about those restaurants.
There's a guy in Philadelphia that did the same thing, but a Russian theme, two years ago.
And he had a 5x5 picture in the dining room of Stalin, and the whole place was red.
Yeah, we're talking about Denver has a place called Mao's and it worships Mao.
Thanks for the call.
It shows how sick our society is getting.
But you watch, if somebody opens Hitler's, that won't be accepted.
Let's talk to Roger in Pennsylvania.
Roger, you're on the air with Bev Harris.
Yeah, thanks folks.
And Bev, I'm hoping you can clarify a few things.
I guess Alex, you referred to it as a voting assistance, which I heard named the Something American Voting Act.
Help America Vote Act, yeah.
Okay, Help America Vote Act.
And I assume there's just one bill, in other words, that would
According to our local county elections board person, mandates, these voting machines... Yeah, it was passed over a year ago, and it's called the Voter Assistance Act, and then the full name is what Bev just said.
Yeah, the Voter Assistance Act, and they also call it HAVA, which is an acronym.
Yeah, and they're using it as a club, kind of, to make county officials
We're good to go.
Yeah, so my local county election person basically lied when she described it as a federal mandate, which I thought would have been an intrusion.
But it's free federal money, Roger!
We've got to take it!
Yeah, so that would have been, if it was a mandate, it would have been an intrusion into what is a state or county prerogative, right?
Okay, thanks for the call.
Let me get some more comments from Bev on that.
That's absolutely right, and the other thing that they can do is they can apply for a waiver to delay any purchase until 2006.
They don't have to buy it now, they just can do it later.
And they could even still get money for it.
And the other thing is, it's an unfunded mandate.
Guess what?
They allocated $3.8 billion and then they didn't fund it.
It's coming out of our pockets at the county level.
We can't afford it.
So we end up paying for it.
Thank you.
Oh, yeah.
Paying to not be able to vote.
Let's talk to Brock in Canada.
Brock, go ahead.
You've got the same stuff going in there.
Go ahead.
Yes, well, I think that it's necessary to really
Take the telescope and specify the specific parts of the news media.
Who owns them?
Who's covering all this up?
I mean, it's quite obvious they want Kerry to win by an impressive margin.
It's certainly manipulation, but who are the players involved?
Who owns
You know, who's shutting up the 2020 at the top and not letting this... Well, we've got the Nebraska Senator owning the company that the people voted for.
Comments on that, Beth?
Well, and in the news media, in terms of this, if you look at what happened in the 2000 election, the news media director was, his last name is Hayward, Andrew Hayward.
And he made a statement that was very interesting when they discovered that they were putting bogus votes in and that they had incorrectly called the race and Gore had already privately conceded to Bush.
Gore's people called him and they had discovered that the vote toll was bogus and they said, are you going to pull away your call for Bush now that you know it's incorrect?
Understand that this top guy, who was the head of CBS News, Andrew Hayward, knew the vote total was incorrect.
And do you know what he answered?
He did not say, no, we're going to pull back our call for Bush.
He said, what is Gore going to do?
Gore was on his way to concede to the nation.
He was two blocks away when they decided not to concede.
And only after his decision to not concede did CBS pull its call for Bush.
Now, I find that absolutely unacceptable.
They knew.
They should have pulled it right then.
They waited until Gore decided not to.
All right.
Bev Harris, we've got to get you back up as the election heats up.
God bless you for your work trying to, well, keep America a nation where we get to vote.
So, God bless you for what you're doing.
Thanks a lot.
You bet.
We'll be back with a bunch of news.
More calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright folks, I know we got a lot of callers like Kathy and Trevor and others that are patiently holding and I got news like this.
TiVo users beware.
Big Brothers watching.
Now remember on Monday I spent 30 minutes on your television watching you, digital cable boxes, TiVo, your satellite system if you've got a phone line for quote pay-per-view, your OnStar, and every time I talk about that some idiot emails me and says I'm making it up.
Well, here's the Chicago Sun-Times.
You can tune in here and hear the news weeks, months, years, or you can just, you know,
Sit around and find out after the fact.
Tevo users, beware.
Big Brother is watching.
That's coming up.
Dangerous thinking.
They're going to arrest people for what they're thinking in England.
A thought crime.
It's BBC.
A new animal tracking.
Microchips to go on all your farm animals.
Popping pills in preschool.
Giving toddlers Prozac.
It's hundreds of thousands of them and increasing.
And concentration camps.
Idaho State Journal has a discussion of concentration camps in America.
Mainstream news.
And much, much more for you.
So that's all coming up after we get to a few of these calls.
And Jack Foote, who was there with the Mexican troops and others shooting at the Border Patrol, is probably going to be on sometime in the next hour with us.
The new attacks on the southern border there.
If you're tuning in for the first time, stop being naive.
They count on you not believing that the CIA is taking over the elections, okay?
They count on you not believing that the Federal Reserve is private run for profit.
They count on you not believing that all this is happening.
It is happening right now!
And we're in deep trouble.
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For about five minutes or so, we're honored to have Jim Shepard
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And these systems are made in America, which is very rare, and we're honored to have them as a sponsor.
Jim, I don't know if you heard us getting into the election fraud, but we really are losing our right to vote right now on an industrial scale.
In fact, we don't have voting here in Austin now.
It's all touchscreen systems.
Do you have any comments on that?
Well, you know, it's amazing to me that the people don't rise up about this.
I remember an election, and I'm going to tell you, it was probably four or five years ago in, I believe it was either Maryland or Virginia,
But one of the candidates won by 50,000 votes in a town that only has a population of 10,000 people, and nobody's up in arms about this.
And there's no way to recount these ballots.
That just happened in Tennessee.
Just recently.
Yeah, and it just happened in Texas, too.
Fort Worth Star-Telegram.
They'll be a town with 10,000 voters, and the establishment candidate will get 20,000 more in winnings, and they'll say, no investigation, they are the electee.
I tell you what, when we lose control of our voting, we really have lost control.
And I think that this is a very serious issue.
You know, a lot of people will get on the
Web and email their congressmen and their senators and on different issues.
But if the elections are taken out of our hands, I mean even that isn't very effective, is contacting your representative in most cases.
In some cases it is, but once they have no fear of being run out of office,
Gee, they can do whatever they want to do, and that's probably why they're a little bit emboldened right now.
I mean, we've had, and I mean hundreds of cases, where the polls show somebody winning by twenty percent, real local polls, and then the establishment candidate wins, you know, by vast numbers over that, and then it turns out people like Senator Hagel, he owns, owns, one of the companies, the company that did his election.
I mean, it's just, you own the machines,
You're the owner of the company and you're running and people are voting only on your machines?
I mean, it's getting ridiculous.
Well, I have to be honest with you.
I don't care too much for Dean, but all the polls were showing that this guy was way in the lead.
Oh, we've caught Diebold.
If somebody voted on a Diebold machine, it was ten plus points over other machines.
Yeah, New Hampshire, mainstream news.
Oh, it is.
And I've been scratching my head kind of wondering about that because he's being left in the dust.
And again, I have no loyalty to Dean.
I don't really agree with what he says.
Just as an observer, I'm looking at this and going, wait a minute, what happened here?
This guy was way out in front and all of a sudden we get the elections and he's way behind.
Well, he's not skull and bones.
And if he was skull and bones, he'd be doing well.
They want a skull and bones election.
Now, shifting gears.
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And, you know, I think that you raised a good point.
You said taking control.
And there is so much control that is being removed from the American people's lives.
Uh, it irritates me.
I mean, I know it irritates you.
I know it irritates a lot of people.
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Go ahead, Jim.
We have really gone beyond the pale, as far as a lot of our competitors are concerned, as far as extracting these things out of the water.
And the reason that we do that is we want folks to be able to rely on their drinking water, regardless of what source their water is coming from.
And, you know, a lot of people have a false sense of security with their water, and then they send it into the labs, and all of a sudden they start to find out there's a lot of stuff in that water that they haven't been told about.
I just want to tell Big Brother,
Ah, no sodium fluoride for me.
And you know, the other issue is the portability.
A lot of people travel, and you know, in this day and age, you know, hey, who knows what's going to happen next.
You know, if somebody would have told us 9-11 was going to happen, of course, you know, people like you are predicting that, and
Well, I just said Bin Laden was going to be using the Patsy to attack New York and the World Trade Centers two months before and said, call the White House, tell them not to do it.
You know, I'm not that smart, actually, Jim.
Well, that's a sign of a... You must be radical, you know?
If you say it six months after the fact, you're mainstream, and if you say it before it happens, you're a radical.
But again, you've got a bunch of different specials right now.
We do, and we have a special on the Berkey Light without the lights, and that's $199.
If you buy that, we'll also give a $40 Sport Berkey, no charge, and that gives you the power to bring the power of the Berkey with you in your purse or glove compartment, take it to work.
The Berkey Light with lights, and again, this is great for emergencies, not only do you have
Water, but you'll also have light if the power goes out.
And that's $2.59.
And if you order that, that will include two Berkey Sport bottles.
So you can leave one in the car and take one with you to work and leave it at work.
And you've also got the Sport Berkey package, $5 for $99.
Is it $12 for $199?
Yes, it's $5 for $99 and $12 for
And each one of these sports bottles does 600 refills on tap, 130 or something on stream water, right?
That's right.
And then down the road, if you need to get a new filter, then you can pick up a filter element for $13.
All right, again, folks, here's the toll-free number, 1-888-803-4438.
Stop drinking the poison.
I get a big thrill out of this, Jim, getting people off the poison, fighting the globalists.
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number, Debbie will call you right back.
One more time, 888-803-4438.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
You bet, my friend.
Thank you.
All right!
Let's go to the calls!
I'm out of control today.
I love exposing the globalists.
Let's talk to Kathy in New Jersey.
Kathy, go ahead.
Hi, Mr. Jones.
This is Kathy Ramos.
What I'd like to tell you about is I'm dealing across the street with the SPCA, New Jersey SPCA, and apparently six years ago, the Commission of Investigation of New Jersey did a study on them, and they're supposed to get rid of fraud, waste, and abuse.
I think so.
You name it, and it's our money.
Well, let me give you an example.
This is the new trend.
This is globalism.
Giving government power to NGOs.
That means non-governmental organization.
Here in Central Texas, we have the LCRA, who's grabbed the entire water supply and the power supply.
They are a private profit group.
And they have governmental power, they have SWAT teams, they're on police, they will pull you over, and they are just brutal, and they have lots of little propaganda, you know, cookouts for people, just like John Gotti would have free pizza a couple times a year.
It's the same stuff.
They're taking over everything, and there's hundreds of these NGOs, and they are the government now, and yes, I'm aware of what you're talking about.
How can we fight back?
I mean, they're literally on my
neighbor's property and they're taking over his horses.
He's got an Arabian farm and they're abusing these animals.
I mean, I have several volunteers that have come to me.
It's called the Mafia.
The Mafia became the government.
The Mafia became the government and gave themselves governmental powers and they've taken over the voting and they're building camps everywhere, the private prisons and it's just, it's human history happening all over again.
The average idiot yuppies busy in Denver at the new Mao restaurant worshiping Mao Tse Tung.
It's called Mao's.
But how can we fight back?
I mean, what can we do?
The yuppies love it!
The yuppies think this is all fun!
The yuppies love being slaves.
They think it's great.
But is there anything we can do?
Uh, yeah.
Your friend needs to learn their constitutional rights.
You need to sue these people and a criminal organization and fight them in your area.
It's about all of you becoming leaders.
And how do we do that?
Because there's a group of us, but people think we're crazy.
Oh, I know, because no government organization or quasi-government organization ever did anything wrong in history because your neighbors were taught that government is only good and the general citizens are bad.
It's a dumbed-down idiot mass, okay?
We've been bred to be cattle-like.
Before, we were Americans.
We were free.
We didn't trust government.
We hated government.
We were America.
Now we're slaves, and we've got to wake up and stop being slaves.
You know, it's like saying, how do black people stop being slaves?
Well, they stop putting up with it.
We've got to stop putting up with it.
Thanks for the call.
And we've got to realize how illegitimate this government is, okay?
This is not our government.
It's time for secession by the states.
Look, if they put in the electronic fraud machines nationwide, which they've basically already done, enough to tip all the elections in most states they're in, in many of the areas, you have to start a massive education program, you have to demand with a petition
That a paper ballot recount be done.
You have to sign the millions of petitions in your state, whatever is needed, to demand.
And you go start the organizations, okay?
You hear me?
I can't do it all.
You go out, you pick an issue, and you have the signatures, you get twice as many as you need, because they'll throw out most of them, and then you go in,
And you, in your petition, you lay out how it's done, the old-fashioned ballot, where they're hand-counted, and they're not put into computers for the tabulation, and you have to do a study before you do the petition of how many millions of dollars the state will have to spend to do this, and you have that ballot initiative to remove the electronic systems and go back to paper ballots.
And they'll say, oh, that's terrible.
You could take months to, you know, weeks to find out.
Well, that's the way it used to be when we were a free country.
Yes, that's how it'll work.
And no more will you allow the county commissioners and the county clerk to lock up the building while they're doing the final voting, no, and final tabulations, no.
And we have to have grand juries indict these electronic voting machine owners and take them to prison.
And don't say you can't do it, because humanity's done it before.
It's the same thing with the Second Amendment.
You've got to have recall petitions.
You've got to recall governors.
You've got to recall city officials.
You've got to put pro-gun people in.
You've got to recall city officials in these amnesty havens like Denver and Austin, Texas and LA and remove those city councils and put in your own people.
You've got to get angry and focused and never stop.
It's just that simple.
I mean, look at this.
On Monday, I went on the air.
And I said, hidden in plain view, the company TiVo, the big fast-forward, rewind, while it's happening, table box that millions of homes have.
I go, hidden in plain view, they're bragging about how popular TiVo is and how they monitored TiVo users and how it was the biggest rewind, replay event of history when that idiot Jackson was up there at the Super Bowl.
By the way, I was on the radio at the time fighting the Globalists, so I didn't watch it.
But the point here is that I said, hidden in plain view, they're bragging that they're watching what you do and tracking you.
And I've already reported that, but here it is again.
Well, the Chicago Sun-Times, TiVo, users beware, Big Brothers, watching.
Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson exposed more than her distinctive taste in jewelry at halftime on the Super Bowl.
You know TiVo, that newfangled digital video recorder that enables you to watch live telecasts as if they were on tape and remembers to record your favorite shows even when you don't?
Justin and Janet's little dance with community standards served to remind us that when we watch TiVo, our TiVo can watch us.
Can watch us?
It does.
All your scientific Atlantic cable boxes, everything.
They got microphones in them, people.
They're listening to you.
Do you just think these companies let me say this on air?
I don't make any of this up!
But now you can read it in the Chicago Sun-Times.
We'll come back, take calls, get more into this and all the other news.
Uh, they're gonna arrest you for what you think now.
Brain scanners will be all over the street scanning our brains.
Uh, they will arrest you, you're having terror thoughts, BBC.
Uh, just hell upon earth.
Just, just, there's no way to describe how out of control this is, you stupid yuppies!
Look what you've done to this country, you scum!
You scum!
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I think so.
Berkey Water Filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
The Berkey Light's self-sterilizing filter elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, and they reduce lead, mercury, aluminum, nitrate, salt for odors, foul tastes, and much, much more.
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Get the Berkey Light, the ultimate filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance.
To use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
And by the way, when I call out the scum on this show, I'm not talking about our listeners.
I'm talking about the greasy-haired yuppie driving along in their Mercedes that thinks they're a member of the establishment and laughs at any government corruption as if it doesn't exist because in their little brains they make the split-second decision not to stand for anything and be a bunch of self-centered New World Order whores.
It is up to the people of this country to research what we're bringing forward here.
Well, I don't care if TiVo watches what I watch.
I don't care if the cable boxes have microphones in them.
I don't care if the NSA publicly listens through the OnStar system.
I don't care if they're putting cameras in school bathrooms and showers.
I guess cameras in the showers is freedom!
Do I need to explain how bad that is?
I got mainstream articles about the concentration camps again today!
I mean, I just... Ah!
They're taking our right to vote away!
I'm angry about this!
They're taking our guns, they're getting rid of our borders, all our jobs are being shipped overseas and they tell you how great the economy is.
What a fraud!
Every show I see on television is how good torture is.
They're warping our minds for that.
I mean, they're warping us!
You think things are bad now?
They haven't even begun.
And let me tell the globalists something.
I haven't even begun, and neither have the good people of this country.
There is an awakening taking place, but we gotta fight, and fight hard!
We are down to sudden death over time.
We're in the game!
But we can lose this thing real fast!
Alright, we're going to start the second hour here in a few minutes and I'll go with some more calls.
Trevor and Vince and Barry and Elizabeth and others and then I'll get back into the stock of news I haven't even covered yet.
I just... Mexican troops attacking everything else.
It's just... Folks!
I mean, you wouldn't expect somebody on the news as an asteroid was about to hit the earth the size of New York City to be calmly talking about it, would you?
You know, I'm weird because I get excited about losing our right to vote and foreign troops attacking and the government building camps, but you're normal because you yelled and screamed during the Super Bowl?
Get your priorities straight, or the world's going to get them straight for you.
That's how it works!
Just please study history, and then look at what we had in America, and you'll figure out what we're losing.
Do you know what it's like to be a slave?
Oh, my goodness.
Okay, before I end this hour, I do need to plug the videos.
I've made ten films, they're full-length features, over two hours, absolutely incredible.
I mean, take two minutes of Masters of Terror.
That's like four minutes, actually.
It's my live TV show from two months before 9-11, where I predict that the government's going to attack New York World Trade Center using Bin Laden as the Patsy.
Yeah, that's four minutes of that two-hour, five-minute film.
And we go all through September 11th.
Road to Tyranny does the same thing, covers different facets and areas and other terror attacks by the government.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, publicly admitted that I got in there and got the footage of world leaders engaging in Satanism.
Mainstream news, been on national TV like 19 times now, on the TRIO network.
Get the video, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Find out how crazy stuff really is!
Get Matrix to Evil, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
Get my book, Descent to Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order the t-shirts, the bumper stickers, all of it.
Or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
We've got the Loss of Liberty video about that terror attack.
We've got
Just or so much, folks.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
The third hour full of your calls and a bunch of vital news coming up.
I am your wartime broadcaster in the second battle for the Republic.
Transmitting from Central Texas under heavy psychological warfare bombardment.
I am defending the Republic as I watch many people fall around me and succumb to the mind control.
We must resist!
We must resist!
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that Berkey water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other water filtration systems are measured.
The Berkey Light gives you the freshest, cleanest water possible from the world's most revolutionary water filtration system.
The self-sterilizing black Berkey elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, volatile organic chemicals, trihalomethanes, radon-222, and much, much more.
It's rechargeable 8-lamp bright white LED lighting system provides the ideal source of emergency light.
The lights can run all night on a single charge and it is bright enough to read by.
This provides a relaxing and ambient night light that allows for optimum use during emergency conditions.
The Murky Lights revolutionary transparent design takes the guesswork out of refilling because you can see the water level at all times.
Get the Berkey Light, the standard of excellence for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Defending this republic from enemies foreign and domestic.
Trying to get people to wake up and look around them and see how sinister things have gotten at every level.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're now into the third hour of Global Transmission.
In the third hour yesterday, you heard former top defense officer and the former head of technology in Germany, top-level cabinet position, Andres von Bulow, talking about how the Global was clearly carried out September 11th.
I'm going to re-air that in the first hour of the show tomorrow, and then we'll be live in the second and third hour.
We've got more guests and stuff coming up you don't want to miss.
So that's tomorrow, first hour.
You do not want to miss it.
We'll re-air that because it's so important.
We're also very close to getting Michael Meacher, the cabinet official for Tony Blair who resigned last year over the missing Weapons of Mass Destruction, saying it's all a big scam.
You're not going to be part of it.
Saying either the Globalists carried out 9-11 or they allowed it to happen.
We're lining that up too.
A lot of huge guests coming on the show.
And I've got some scumbag Globalists coming on too next week.
So that'll be interesting.
Boy, there is just...
Again, I told you back on Monday and Tuesday about TiVo, your cable box, your fancy cable box everybody's getting, how it's watching and tracking everything you do and sells your psychological makeup to people.
It's the most detailed algorithms known.
Turns out there was a spy in your room when you, taking notes, keeping track of every click on your remote control, your TiVo box, paying closer attention to what you were watching than you were.
That's the Chicago Sun-Times today, so I'm glad people are picking up on this.
We ought to create a whole section on the website, Infowars.com or Prison Planet.
Your television is watching you because all the new modern systems watch you.
And I have got the owner's manual and I've cracked into a Scientific Atlantic cable box, everybody has in Austin, and that baby's got a microphone in it.
Oh yeah, a little microphone for ya.
And again, in 1984, Winston did too.
What's wrong with it?
I mean, 1984 was freedom!
Slavery is freedom, folks.
Let's let Trevor and Georgia finish up, then Vince, Barry, Elizabeth, and others.
Trevor, go ahead and finish up.
Oh yeah, so you were talking about a battle out there, and the real battle is about the globalists and us, you know, right?
The main problem is that most people think that the battle is this whole liberal-conservative thing.
When both sides are controlled, and so they control us either way.
They're either one or the other.
And when I say I'm against Bush, they automatically assume I'm a Clintonite liberal.
If you're against Bush, we're open borders, gun control, biggest government ever, you're a liberal.
And they don't really care who's... well, they don't care that America's being destroyed when their side is destroying America.
And they're like, hooray, hooray!
You know, it's like, George Bush is on our side, I'm a conservative,
And as long as he's president, everything's going to be okay, but if Kerry wins, and he starts taking our guns, I'm going to rise up and take arms.
So I'm just wondering, how will the global elites be able to control both?
Because it seems like they can only win the support of one side at a time, when they're like... No, they just play it off, and they'll just incrementally get more control regardless of who's in.
So they don't care if the liberals and the conservatives are divided?
The policies of these two groups are identical.
The rhetoric is different.
You don't actually think George Bush actually runs anything.
You don't think Bill Clinton actually runs anything, do you?
No, they're just figureheads.
Of course.
I mean, even things are so complex now that even if they were good people, they would have to delegate good people, and they still wouldn't run things.
I don't think he's good people.
I think... Well, no, they're not good people.
The whole Christianity thing, it's like an act.
He acts all Christian and holy.
George W. Bush is an admitted devil worshipper, hidden in plain view.
And that's why he's got the Christian right, totally blindfolded.
Which says you're not Christian if you don't love the Patriot Act.
I've actually heard him say it.
I thought Jesus was fighting against secret arrest, execution, and torture.
Call for freedom.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Yeah, it's just so sick.
I mean, it's beyond belief.
It's beyond belief.
Thank you, Trevor.
All right, Vince and Barry and Elizabeth and Bobby and everybody else.
Your calls are coming up.
1-800-259-9231 and a bunch of other news items.
Hey, your television's watching you.
You like that?
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The revolutionary Berkey Light, with its exclusive black Berkey filter elements, remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and parasites to non-detectable levels.
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The rechargeable LED lighting system is beautiful as a night light, and as necessary in emergency situations.
Get the Berkey Light, the transparent water filter, for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
This disaster is a New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
You're called toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm a radical.
I'm an extremist.
Seven years ago, I saw a mainstream news story out of Australia.
Where they admitted that the new cable boxes had microphones in them and they were listening to people and it was no big deal.
Somebody found out about it and, you know, what's the big deal?
And now it's mainstream here all over the country in every system you can imagine and I'm bad because I'm against it.
I guess I'm also bad that I found out five years ago that everyone over the last 34 years now, back then it was over the last 29 years, had had blood taken at birth and put in a federal DNA database.
Now they admit it and
You're still bad if you complain about it, so I guess I'm bad.
And, you know, I visited the concentration camps manned by U.S.
and foreign troops and made films about it, and I'm bad because I did that.
And I'm bad because I'm against the total amnesty, and I'm bad because I'm against gun control, and I'm bad because I'm against giving China all the supercomputers, and I'm bad because I don't like the government growing by 45% in the last three years at record levels.
And, uh, I'm a radical because I don't like cameras going up in my neighborhood now, in every small town.
And, uh, I'm bad because I don't like the new national ID cards and the federalized state driver's license.
And I'm bad because I warn you about the new national sales tax that's coming out, uh, that will control everything you buy and sell and make you swipe your card, even if you pay cash, and track what you do.
And, uh, I'm, uh, bad because they passed laws to secretly arrest you and secretly execute you.
And I'm bad because I exposed the government carried out 9-11 to scare you into submission.
And I'm bad.
I'm just flat bad, folks.
I really am.
I apologize.
You know, Tony Blair said apologize to me.
I never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
Does it matter if he said it 500 times?
He still just says he never said it, and so let me apologize to him right now!
This is incredible!
I'm bad because when I pick up articles out of Canada, out of Texas, out of Tennessee, out of New York, out of Alabama, out of Louisiana, out of California where they're putting cameras in the toilets, in the stalls at the schools, I'm crazy because I don't like it!
No, let me be serious.
The people out there that make excuses for this and go, well I guess it's okay, you're the nutcases.
I can't believe that you came from real Americans.
I can't believe what we've turned into.
I can't believe how far we've fallen!
And I'm very angry about it, because I love my family and I love this country, and watching it get torn limb from limb by a bunch of gibbering, demonic, New World Order trash makes me sick!
Imagine having to watch the serial killers.
Imagine having to watch a serial killer stand up there and talk about how much he loves us, and how he's going to keep us safe, and how good they are, and how they're going to take all our rights, when you know, as an investigator, that they're the killer.
Well, that's what my life's like.
That's why I can't watch TV anymore.
I can read their statements and the bills.
I can't watch the smirking, the smacking of lips, the giggling, the glad-handing, the celebrations of evil when these people get up there.
Folks, tell you what, we're going to go back to calls and back in the news quickly here.
Vince in Indiana.
Vince, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
You know, this presidential election is just a complete joke and a scam.
There is no election.
There is no election.
And until we can admit that, we're not going to get our votes back.
I know.
Everybody thinks that they're so overwhelmed with their problems they can't do nothing.
Here's what I'm doing.
I'm telling all my friends and relatives that ask me about the election and
And who are you going to vote for?
I'm just trying to refute the legitimacy of this election.
Once people understand that George Bush and John Kerry are both part of this little skull and bones order from Yale, I mean, what are the chances of this being actually on the level?
This is ridiculous.
I want to bring up something that George Soros said.
Are you familiar with George Soros?
Oh yeah, I'm familiar with him.
He's a child agent.
Yeah, billionaire investor, speculator.
He's been making a lot of sounds in the past year about how he's unhappy with George Bush's policies.
Yeah, he says a lot of good things.
And that's like Hulk Hogan saying he doesn't like macho man Randy Savage.
It's all staged.
I know it is.
Okay, so I'm watching his moves and I'm watching what he's saying.
So here, what he's done recently now is he's pledged his support for Carey.
He's going to give millions of dollars to Carey.
Now George Soros is a very smart man.
You don't become a billionaire by being stupid.
When Bush started beating down the dollar, so did Soros.
They're owned by the same people.
It's theater.
That's how they control it.
It's absolutely theater.
Giving us the false choice.
Does George Soros really believe that there's a difference between George Bush and John Kerry?
Because George Soros is always putting Bush down, but now he's supporting Kerry and other skull and bones.
I mean, this is complete theater.
You're absolutely right.
This is so bold and arrogant of this New World Order cabal.
I think everything we... What everyone could do is just tell their friends and relatives, when they start talking about the President of the United States, just let them know some of these things.
Try to educate them a little bit.
Let them know that at least there's something terribly wrong here.
Look, we have the official reports now.
They've got Diebold in there scamming the Dean votes for Kerry.
And I'm not saying Dean's good, but he doesn't have the pedigree.
He's not the Skull and Bones member.
He isn't getting in.
Well, Dean almost picked a few of my family members, and they're not very stupid.
Some of the things that Dean said.
And yeah, he's out of the picture now, but there's definitely something wrong.
You know, maybe, just maybe, we can get a third-party candidate.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
In 98, I went down to the election, down to the big auditorium where they do it, and I sat there for five hours, stacking ballots, making sure they were all lined up the same after folks had voted, and I could see how people voted.
And Pat Buchanan, conservatively, it was a Republican primary, Pat Buchanan conservatively had about 50% of the votes.
I mean, half those ballots were Pat Buchanan.
You know what Pat Buchanan got that night when the election results came out?
Eight percent.
And I sat there with ballot box after ballot box from different areas of Austin, sitting there just stacking them up, you know, the scantrons, the bubblers, you know, you bubble them in, just getting them lined up the right way, because that's, you know, you volunteer, quote, and then they stick it in the computer, the computer counts it, it's all computerized, they do whatever they want.
I sat there and I watched that with my own two eyeballs.
And then, my friends, we found out the county clerk double-counted ballots, stuffed ballot boxes, falsified safety seals.
It was in the newspaper that her good personal friend she vacations with, Karen Sunlightner, the county commissioner, had lost.
She had lost at 2 in the morning.
I went to bed at midnight happy, still thinking we might have elections in this country.
And, uh, I thought we were still in a free country.
And I woke up to hear she'd won hardly.
And the paper said that Karen Sunlightner was crying.
Uh, the witnesses said it.
She went in the bathroom.
The county clerk went in there with her.
They came out smiling, and the rest is history.
I have to sit here and watch this.
And watch you bug-eyed, uh, yuppies out there giggle and laugh at me.
Well, I'm trying to save this country, and we could do it if people like you'd wake up.
I'm so sick of it.
Who's up next here?
Let's go ahead and talk to Barry in Arizona.
Go ahead.
Alex, always a pleasure to talk to you.
I'm glad you're doing what you're doing.
Thank you.
Go ahead, sir.
You're welcome.
Hey, there's a couple things I wanted to address for you.
First, I'll start, I guess, with some of the technicalities of voting.
I went in to the county recorder's office up here to register specifically as a non-14th Amendment citizen of Arizona State.
And they told me I couldn't.
So the only way I could vote was if I registered as a United States citizen.
Which is then a contract that makes you waive your rights.
The statutory definition of United States that they use in the voter declaration is District of Columbia.
It doesn't mean anything.
It has nothing to do with the state.
This is a whole area of study, and yes, it's true, and it's a private corporation, the crime syndicate that owns America, and they said, look, we can't give these blacks freedom.
Let's make them wards of the state, and they set up the 14th Amendment, which is now for all citizens.
The first marriage licenses were for blacks.
They said, we can't just let these people marry when they want.
They've got to come to us and get a license, and now we just accept it today.
Again, this is the freedom, and then they could take black children under that because they'd signed away their rights with a marriage license, hence CPS today.
Just to give folks an idea of what you're talking about.
Say that again?
Just to give folks an idea of what you're talking about, the real world application of this.
Yeah, well what they need to know is that almost all of the Supreme Court information that they'll be able to find on 14th Amendment citizenship will tell them
That it did not ever apply to free white citizens.
Now, that may sound like a racist statement, but it's just an ugly historical legal reality.
Yeah, but the blacks don't have to follow it either.
Just because somebody passes a fraud, hey, just because somebody says blacks are slaves doesn't mean it's the case.
I know, but see, that's why the Civil Rights Act, the 14th Amendment, was a component to that.
And what happened was, you know, they make clear distinction there between them and free white citizens.
And it's all racist, I know that.
And it goes back to saying, it goes back to the earlier Supreme Court ruling that blacks were two-thirds human.
Thanks for the call.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, that's what these sickos do.
And it's historical fact.
As usual, you don't want to believe it.
Yuppies, fine.
Fine, and your television isn't listening to you and cracking everything you're doing either.
It's just the Chicago sometimes.
I had a yuppie send me a mean email Tuesday about when I talk about this.
You're a crazy nut!
I'm a software engineer.
There's no such thing.
Oh no, it's just totally admitted.
Oh yeah, sure.
Oh, it's just public.
But again... Again, you'll read the Chicago Sun-Times article and go, okay, well it's good my TV's watching me and listening to me.
It's good now.
That Alex Jones is still bad.
I like George Bush.
And by the way, Mr. Jones, Bush says it's not an amnesty.
You're a liar.
Well, I've read the bill.
It's the biggest amnesty ever.
And I don't care what you say, because I read it.
Because I'm about facts.
And about getting you to wake up.
Slap you upside the head, you fools.
You're like somebody in a bed while your house is burning.
I come in and say, get out of your house!
It's about to fall!
Shut up!
It's my heater.
It's warm.
I like it!
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Alright, I'll try to settle down here a little bit.
I'm just going to take a few more calls and we're going to get to all this news that we haven't covered yet.
Let's go ahead and talk to Todd in Georgia, or is it Ted?
Go ahead, caller.
Yes, I'm plugging a VHS that's concerning the so-called New York intellectuals, including Irving Kristol.
And it makes some interesting points concerning the neoconservative movement.
It also concerns a man named Irving Howe, a socialist, a man named Nathan Glazer, and one named Daniel Bell, as well as Irving Kristol.
And, of course, Irving Kristol, in the process of this VHS, claims to have, they're claiming their place in history is what this is all about.
And in doing so, I think they're revealing some things that we've been trying to get out for some many years.
Well, do me a favor.
Send that to me.
Ron Paul gave a speech on July 10th last year, where he laid out the ultimate enemies of America are the neocons.
We've been betrayed by Bush, their New World Order.
And he laid all this out in a speech and then got threatened by some of the people over it.
And that's in my film, Matrix of Evil, where he talks about that.
Well, I got this copy from the library.
Well, the thing is available.
Well, what's the name of the video?
Arguing the World.
A film by Joseph Dorman, D-O-R-M-A-N.
And in the process of it, they also point out the fact that participatory democracy cannot be tolerated because people are not capable
...of determining their own needs.
Yeah, that's what the neocons say, is that they want to set up a dictatorship.
These are official documents written by the White House Cabinet, folks.
Well, this is... the thing that I'm speaking of is written by the... it's published by the, um... Humanities... what do they call it?
The, um... Arts and Humanities.
Arts and Humanities.
No, no, no, this isn't anything as odd as the... something about the Humanities.
And I don't see it on the... Well, sir, will you slap that in the VCR and make me a copy?
To be honest with you, I haven't been able to make a copy.
I don't think it's copyrighted, but I haven't been able to make a copy.
Well, if the back's busted out, you just put a piece of tape over it.
There's a little square hole in the back of the VHS.
That might be my problem, yeah.
You put a piece of Scotch tape over it.
Well, I think that... I don't think you'd have any problem getting it from your library.
I'm sure they'd be glad to provide.
Here's the problem.
When I get off the air here, I'm doing five shows today, including my own TV show.
Then I'm going to work until about two in the morning on a new film, and then I'll get about five hours sleep.
So I just, please folks, if you get stuff like this, send it to me.
Well, can I make a couple more points, Marty?
Sure, go ahead.
I've also been reading a book by Irving Kristol, who's a very interesting man, and has been very influential.
It mentions in this tape that
The influence that he's had with Newt Gingrich and Ronald Reagan.
Yeah, he was the head of the Communist Fourth International.
I don't doubt it.
No, that's public.
The big Toronto newspaper did a headline, The Ghost of Trotsky Walks the Halls of the White House.
Well, it mentions in this tape, it mentions the fact that these people are Trotskyists.
And it mentions their admiration for Leon Trotsky.
And what a wonderful man he was.
Yeah, that's your conservative leaders, getting rid of the borders, grabbing your guns, arming China.
They don't mention all the people that he killed.
All the hundreds of thousands of people that Leon Trotsky murdered with his army.
Well, they like to do that here, and that's what we're trying to set up.
He was the head of the Russian Army, the Communist Army.
Uh, Soviet Army at one time.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
It's good to hear from you, sir.
Uh, arguing the world.
Uh, look.
The average person isn't going to listen to Ron Paul when he tells you who runs the White House.
It's just public fact.
That's just so horrible, who can believe it?
Uh, let's talk to Al in Texas.
Al, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex, and thank you for your work.
You bet.
I may have talked to you about this before.
I know I mailed you some information at one time, and I know you've heard this before, and I know what your general response is.
I had sent you the packet on Lyndon LaRouche's campaign package.
LaRouche in 2004, do you remember that?
Big booklet, $100 price tag for the country.
Lyndon LaRouche, yeah.
LaRouche, right.
And we're looking for... we're stuck in a real tight spot.
We don't have leaders
Who have the awareness, the education, the backup system, the intelligence agencies, or call them counterintelligence agencies, who have the facts, who have the wisdom, who have the spiritual insight for true leadership and to act from a position of power.
To sit down with our Congress and train them, teach them, show them.
LaRouche knows that there's been a coup d'etat on our government.
He knows that 9-11 was a part of that coup.
He knows that they're dumbing down our kids.
He knows that we need to re-educate the people.
Okay, just stay there, and I'll... We'll talk about Little LaRouche, okay?
I'll break it down for you.
Not my opinion, as usual.
Absolute documented fact.
We'll be right back.
Stay there.
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Please tell your friends, your family, your neighbors, your email list, that folks can listen on your local FM stations, Global Shortwave, the Internet, at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
My Global Shortwave frequencies are 12.172 and 93.20 during the day, and from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
We'll be in the first hour tomorrow, re-airing that interview with Andres Von Bulow, then I'll be live the second and third hours with more guests and a lot of stuff lined up.
I've got to go through the last four calls I have time to go through, just bam, bam, bam here, because I've got some news we've got to get to here.
Going to Al in Texas.
Al, you still there?
Yeah, I'm still here, Alex.
You brought up Lionel LaRouge.
Lionel LaRouge addresses the problem with the New World Order, how they carried out 9-11,
All the Billaburgers, the Trotskyites, he's got the whole deal down.
Yeah, he exposes it, but then his answer is this big cooperative global system.
See, five years ago I started seeing the policy papers where the global was the public stuff that said, the people know there's a new world order now, we can't keep denying it, let's give them a false left-wing new world order.
And a right-wing New World Order, and give them a choice within that when it's not even a real choice.
To bypass debate.
Lyndon LaRouche does that.
Lyndon LaRouche is kind of like Soros, who's over here criticizing Bush, but is in his hip pocket.
Now, whereas LaRouche will go after Bush and Soros and talk about this whole system, the New World Order,
The New World Order, and we'll talk about the Rothschilds and the rest of it, again, his solutions are still this big global government.
Yes, but he is a good man with a good system, and we have a global problem, and it is going to take a global solution.
We're doing great, Alex.
You and me are fighting.
Our friends are out there fighting.
It is going to take people in positions of power to manipulate
This out-of-control global system to put it into the control of the general welfare.
Yeah, but see, that's what LaRouche says.
This big crash is coming.
We'll have emergency restructuring.
That's what the globalists are going to do.
They're going to give us, you know, a savior to put us deeper into this.
Right, well he's... Sir, I've been reading and watching LaRouche for at least 12 years.
Oh yeah, they put him in prison.
They blacklisted him, blackballed him.
They hate him.
They're scared of him.
I'm just telling you his solutions are wrong.
Well, I've...
I don't know.
I think we have a big problem, and it is going to... I just think he needs a closer look.
Okay, here's the deal.
I saw LaRouche, said that Bill Clinton was an evil Bilderberg Group New World Order takeover artist, then three years later, Bill Clinton's good has always been good, the evil British agent is Al Gore.
I've seen him flip-flop and change things.
Well, the man lied about his cigars.
Look what we're being lied to about now.
Relatively speaking, I think we're... I think you might have a point.
You know, we're looking at a totally different degree.
They tried to burn Clinton on a sexual tryst because they couldn't go after him for China or anything else because the Republicans were all involved in that.
It's not that Bill Clinton was good and they only went after him for sex.
Well, I just don't think we've seen the last of this, man.
I think as things get worse and worse and people are really looking for someone who has some answers, they're going to need that kind of media.
You know, I'm not as slick as Lonely Rouge, but I don't know how long you've been listening to this show.
Several years.
Do you find what I say to come true and be accurate?
In that he understands large government systems and large government corruption.
But I'm talking about myself.
Do you respect what I have to say?
Oh, yes.
I'm telling you, Lonely Rouge is no good.
I'm just telling you that.
I'm just, I'm telling you, I've seen all the info.
I could do a three hour show on it.
Yeah, well, you know, anybody that I look at, I would think, great, Alex for president.
Well, you know, Alex has a lot of things that we don't like.
He has a lot of things we do like and that we do need.
When I start putting things on the scale on who we have out there, who really has
Sir, sir, I'm telling you, and thanks for the call.
I appreciate the call.
I'm telling you, you're looking at the top of the pyramid, thinking it's going to get fixed there, and it's not.
It's going to get fixed in our hearts and our minds, where the power lays at, the city, the county, the state.
You can forget changing things up at the top.
That is gone.
You understand?
I mean, slavery wasn't, you know, the classical slavery in this country wasn't ended from the top down.
The beginning of the end started at the bottom.
So I'm just saying, this presidential election means nothing.
We don't even have voting machines anymore.
We don't even have real voting anymore in this country in most areas.
I don't think you're addressing how serious it's gotten.
Just a few more calls here.
I've got to hurry, folks.
Dave in Colorado.
Go ahead, Dave.
How are you doing, Alex?
I've talked to you before.
Thank you for everything you're doing.
It's great.
Well, please, folks, stop thanking me, but thank you.
Go ahead.
Here's kind of the way I'm looking at this.
You know, we've seen so many of these crooks exposed.
And yet, I see nobody doing anything about it.
I see none of the law taking its course, and these people, you know, going to court and paying for their crimes.
That's because they run the system.
Yeah, I know.
We've reached maximum decadence threshold.
We're now falling into the pit.
Well, I think it's time to lock and load, if you know what I mean.
I think that's the only way we're going to get this thing under control.
Another thing, I think it would be a great idea to make a deck of Neocon cards and play their same games that they're playing with us.
Put their Neocon cards out there.
Let the customers buy them cards and learn who they're fighting.
That would be a helpful thing, I think.
And on top of that, I'd be smearing it right in their face.
That's about all I got to say.
Thank you very much.
Now, that's a great idea.
I thought about that.
Thank you.
Great idea with the cards, not the locking and loading.
Locking and loading is defending yourself and your family.
The globalists have to blow stuff up to blame it on their enemies so they can get everybody else mobilized.
The pen is mightier than the sword.
And when you become a leader and get involved, that's when things get turned around.
They didn't build the New World Order overnight.
It would already be in total place if we weren't fighting it.
Two more calls.
Robert in Texas, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Robert.
Hey, good to talk to you.
I just want to let you and the audience know, last week in Round Rock, I've seen the police and the military working together.
I don't know what they was doing.
They was off of McNeil over there.
That's the first time I've ever seen that in my life.
Sir, speak clearly for us.
You saw the police and the military off McNeil Road north of Austin and Round Rock.
What exactly did you see?
They was just all grouped up together.
I don't know what they was fixing to do.
I hadn't seen nothing like that myself.
So off the Southern Highway, how many military, what were they doing?
There was probably about 8 military vehicles and 3 ground rock police cars.
They were just standing there talking on private property, but it looked like they were getting ready to do something.
I had an appointment, I couldn't stop and
Well, you know, we have video of up and down 35 troops running checkpoints.
Have you seen the takeover, the video?
Yes, sir.
I have 9-11 and Police State, too.
And I've made copies of both and handed them out.
Well, I mean, I was just bringing that up for folks that this really is going on around here long before 9-11 and it gets worse and worse.
Well, thank you for the call, Robert.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to
Who's that caller in Arizona, Stephanie?
Sheldon, go ahead, last caller.
Hi Alex, I was wondering if you had obtained my new model State Emergency Health Powers Act thing.
Yeah, I've been, I've seen the new legislation they've got, and the feds passed it at the federal level in the Homeland Security package, page 76, and now there's a new version of it out that they're trying to get the states to pass.
Would you like to tell folks about it?
Um, well, it's pretty much the same as the old Model Act, um, came, came out about September of 2003, and it's got the same provisions for quarantining people, forced drugging, etc.
Yeah, the first one had your gun confiscation, too.
Yeah, this, um, I haven't seen that anywhere in this, this one, but I know it was in the first one that they came out with.
Another thing, Alex, um,
Just recently I've seen the military, well I think they're trying to militarize the Sheriff's Department here around Tucson because the other night I was coming home and I seen a Humvee pulled over with the lights flashing on top and it was the Sheriff's Department taking care of somebody on the road there.
Well, yeah, they're not just bringing the regular military into our lives, as the head of NORTHCOM has said, they'll be running our lives, General Eberhardt.
Now, they've militarized the police.
Thanks for the call, good to hear from you.
And I'm sorry to all the other callers, I just got a bunch of news I gotta cover here.
Again, I told you on Monday and Tuesday,
About the TiVo cable boxes, watching everything you watch, tracking it, selling the data to the government and others, and here it is, Chicago Sun-Times, TiVo users beware, Big Brother is watching.
Turns out there was a spy in your room with you, taking notes, keeping track of every click of your remote control.
Your TiVo box may have been paying closer attention to what you were watching than you were.
And it goes, Monday's revelation was based on TiVo boxes and TiVo's announcement that the owners of those boxes were unaware that they were being tracked during the Super Bowl.
But TiVo says it knows next to nothing about the box owners.
Owners like you, like me.
And that's totally untrue.
We have it from the cable companies, all of them.
You have your ID number, that cable box.
Every national program ads have a psychological cue score.
But they build these complex algorithms.
From it to get the whole mindset that you have, very detailed.
BBC News, dangerous thinking.
Now remember, on Monday they reported that the government wants to go after people for thought crime.
Home Secretary David Blanket, this is England, same thing's happening here, says he wants to tackle terror attacks before they happen and is proposing new laws which he says will help do it.
But the idea of predicting who might commit crimes is an extremely tricky area.
And it goes on to say it allows secret arrests, secret trials, all of it.
And as part of this, what you buy, what you sell, where you live, what you do, this complex control grid.
At your state level, it's called the Matrix System.
And yeah, I'm not kidding.
And you'll laugh now, and you'll see it on the news.
And it's hooked in, and everything you do, everything you buy, what phone calls you make,
All into this, and it builds this, and NASA at five airports has put brain scanners in, and they're doing that in England too.
Mr. Blunkett's plans revealed this week on a six-day trip to India and Pakistan include keeping sensitive evidence from defendants and secret trials before specifically vetted judges, select judges.
He also discussed lowering the standard of proof required by a court to secure a conviction.
The Home Office has said it will be releasing a paper outlining portions of the renewal of the 2001 Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Bill next month.
And this new system
Again, it isn't just for terrorists.
The definition of terrorism is all crimes.
And the next headline is thought crime, but it said the overall aim of the legislation would be to tackle terror attacks before they happen.
Mr. Blunkett says he is determined to avoid September 11th-style atrocity occurring on British soil, but the idea of preemptive justice, for instance, locking people up before they have committed a crime, is fraught with danger.
And this is a four-page article.
It gets into
All the mind control systems.
It's hard to believe.
It's just amazing.
Oh boy!
Popping pills in preschool.
Wired Magazine.
Anywhere else, her revelation might have been a bombshell.
But no one flinched when a child psychiatrist told a conference of parents and the counselors last month that she had prescribed antidepressants to children as young as three and a half.
They're giving them to twelve-month-old babies, folks.
Audience members at the San Diego conference, after all, were quite familiar with the concept of preschoolers on Prozac.
Many of the parents in the audience have children who suffer from debilitating forms of shyness called selective mutism.
One of the handful of mental disorders thought to strike children younger than six, and several have put their kids on drugs despite the misgivings.
Yeah, over 200,000.
And well-publicized concerns about effects of antidepressants upon teenagers.
Yeah, the increased suicide rate in adults, children, doesn't matter.
It's still one of those things that my husband and I struggle with, admitted Texas preschool teacher, Jaina Chaplin, whose seven-year-old daughter takes Prozac.
You have to wonder if she's doing the right thing until we get the results.
Oh, yeah.
According to experts, a growing number of parents are finding themselves in Chaplin's position, reluctantly agreeing to treat their young children with antidepressants, even though their effects on the brains of adults, let alone children, are little understood.
Oh, it causes major problems.
We do know.
This is ignorance.
In the broadest sense of the terms, at Dr. Glenn R. Elliott, a child psychiatrist at the University of California, San Francisco, we don't know if it's a good idea or not.
And it says the United Kingdom already has outlawed the use of antidepressants, with the exception of Prozac, by minors.
The debate over the drugs, however, has largely left out kids under the age of 10, generally considered too young to kill themselves, but too young to suffer from disabling mental disorders.
And it goes on with, how wonderful this is for you,
Memories of World War II internment camps revived after September 11th, Idaho State Journal.
And it goes into how there's a big discussion now of camps and how the camps are being discussed and, you know, are camps good?
Defense officials to boost budget for non-lethal weapons.
This is out of National Journal Technology Daily.
And all over the country, they're mounting helicopters with spray bottles with knockout gas, Humvees with huge microwave guns, the Feds are militarizing local police with so-called long lethal weapons so they can engage us for no reason.
They're actually a training aid to train police to shoot unarmed, defenseless, non-violent people.
That's all this is.
When the White House unveils its fiscal 05 budget proposal,
The funding for a new science technology program to develop non-lethal weapons to combat urban warfare and terrorism!
The time has come now to develop new technology, said Al Schaefer, the Director of Programs and Plans for Defense Research Engineering.
Schaefer, with Susan Levine and Colonel David Harcher, top officials with the Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Directorate, told National Journal Technology Daily that the new program aims to give soldiers, the urban environments who are fighting terrorism, more choices to make better decisions.
My grandfather was involved in the Non-Lethal Weapons Program in the 60s, folks.
They've had this in place for decades.
It's very sophisticated now.
And according to the Boston Globe, which we have a link to in my article, DARPA Engineering the Beast System, they want to put up mind control towers in major cities for your safety that will make you be happy, go to sleep, become nauseous.
And DARPA wants to put these up along with the cameras.
They want to use cell towers as command bases for these.
That's the Boston newspaper, by the way.
This is out of the desert news.
Desert morning news.
Matrix may die in Utah as people find out how serious it is.
The state may not accept it.
Caps gains in TSA requests.
The new labeling of each American according to a security threat level.
And much more.
We'll hit the final segment to a news blitz here for you and end this transmission.
Stay with me.
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You know, I took a lot of calls and got behind here and forgot how much important news I had to cover.
Got an Associated Press article here.
Peruvian police investigate possible infant sacrifice for Earth God.
A decapitated baby boy found on a hilltop near Lake Tikikaka may have been a victim of a centuries-old human sacrifice ritual meant to appease the pre-Columbian Earth God, police said Wednesday.
And I'm not going to go on anymore there.
This is news from Norway.
Big national paper.
Norwegian black metal band shocks Poland.
They had five women crucified for real blood spraying, dead sheep everywhere, engaging in devil rituals, mainstream news.
By the way, this was carried on national Polish TV.
This is what they put on Polish TV networks.
The group Gorgon, Gorgoth's concert in Krakow.
I could spend two hours on this.
I mean, it's just every day I see stuff like this.
Killer was obsessed by porn websites.
It says there's thousands and thousands of these websites with, uh, torturing and killing women, real snuff film, simulated snuff film, CIA's begging this, London Guardian, and the guy had a 35-year-old school teacher he killed hanging up in his shed, and it's just stacks of these articles.
But again, Satanism's just cute and funny, and it's no big deal.
Christianity's the real problem.
World Net Daily's reporting that an NFL MVP, most valuable player, was a Christian, and when he didn't do too well, they said, quit worshiping Jesus, the coaches told him.
Quit reading that Bible.
It's taking too long.
You know, that's your problem.
It's making you weak.
Just shows the spirit of America now.
Matrix may die in Utah.
It says Governor
Walker has temporarily pulled the plug on the state's involvement with the much maligned Matrix supercomputer database, but state lawmakers are so angry that former Governor Mike Leavitt, kept in the dark about the project, are looking to kill it once and for all.
That's not true.
It's already in place under other names.
You've got to educate those lawmakers on that.
CAP's gains in TSA request, and it says in this year's budget proposal, President Bush's
Would increase funding for the controversial airline passenger identification system.
This is a national system with four color codings for what type of citizen you are.
Bad credit, you get a yellow rating, no more rights.
Just want you to know, this is the airline funding.
This is for a national, international grid.
And it talks about how that got a big budget increase there for you.
Scalia flew as guest on Cheney's plane.
Houston Chronicle.
Despite the fact that the Supreme Court is about to hear several cases concerning good old Vice President running scams, Scalia goes on trips with him on Air Force Two and has everything paid for.
That's totally criminal to have a judge who's on your case and the person that's the defendant is being blown around by them.
But I know it's no big deal.
Just accept it.
China forecasts to become EU's top trading partner in 2005.
They're creating a new system to forcibly vaccinate you.
I'm out of time.
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Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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God bless.
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