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Name: 20040204_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 4, 2004
2157 lines.

Host Alex Jones interviews former German minister Andres von Bulow about his book "9/11 und der CIA", which argues for an inside job theory regarding the September 11 attacks, suggesting that they may have been a covert operation to influence America into a long conflict with the Muslim world. Other topics discussed include Operation Northwoods (a U.S. government plan from the 1960s to carry out false flag attacks), insider trading before the attacks, destruction of evidence related to them, and the FBI's handling of the investigation.

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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It is Wednesday, the 4th of February, 2004.
And my goodness, you've tuned in to a very important show today.
We have the father of Mel Gibson, an expert on the New World Order, joining us in the second hour, Hutton Gibson, to talk about
Well, a speech he gave a few weeks ago to the American Free Press about secession from the Union, the National Draft, what's happening in Iraq, the New World Order, and much more.
He'll also give us his report upon seeing the Passion that's coming out later this month.
Then, in the third hour, we have Andre von Bülow,
The former Secretary of Defense, or Minister of Defense in Germany, that's Deutschland, and up until about a year ago, when he got off the board to write a book, he was also the head of German technology, the technology minister.
And I had a chance to talk to him in his home yesterday, what an intelligent individual.
He's written a book where he lays out the facts
of how the military-industrial complex carried out September 11.
He doesn't say they have prior knowledge.
He doesn't say that they allowed it to happen.
He says they did it.
And talking to him on the phone, he said, you'd have to be a conspiracy theorist to believe nineteen hijackers did it.
The evidence, the mathematics, the eyewitnesses, the facts show that this was a Hitlerian attack by the globalists to scare us into submission.
So, Andre von Bulow, the former Defense Secretary and then Minister of Technology,
In Helmut Schmidt's government, in Gerhard Schroeder's government, he's been in the German government since the mid-1970s.
Joining us to talk about his book, 9-11 and the CIA, and we have information on that at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And if your station doesn't carry the third hour, man, I'm sad to hear it, because you'll want to hear this interview.
I will probably re-air it sometime next week in the second hour of the show because I know this is going to be a very, again, very informative, very revealing interview.
We've got Michael Meacher, the Environment Minister, going public saying the Globalists carried out 9-11.
We've got Andre von Bulow saying it and bringing out the evidence.
We've got all these former military people worldwide, including U.S.
generals and colonels, saying it.
We have all the evidence.
It's just...
We're saying the world is round, and we are the Magellans of the 21st century.
We have proven it is round, and it's up to you to look at the facts and start accepting it, that the seas are not boiling, that the world is not a square, that it's not flat.
I will say it again, the world is round.
No, that's radical, but soon you'll all be accepting it if you'll just look at the evidence.
When we get back, Bush wants to loan U.N.
$1.2 billion for New York HQ renovation.
Always the big supporter of the U.N.
Emergency shelters planned for Beijing residents, and then Russia's been doing nuclear attack drills on us.
Intelligence chief bombshell, we were overruled on dossier.
They knew it was fake day one.
Condoleezza Rice is going to be testifying before the Whitewash Commission.
They're going to run a background check on you when you have your child, and grab your child if you've got anything on your background.
That's the Detroit Free Press.
A U.N.
resolution to globalize gay rights.
Paula Merton to return $27.4 million to government.
It's all coming up.
You don't want to miss this show.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright again, folks.
It is Wednesday.
The fourth day of February 2004, we have the former Secretary of Defense, and of course up until about a year ago he was also the head of German technology, the technology minister, one of the top positions in Germany, joining us as he'll go over the evidence of the U.S.
government carrying out September 11th.
You see, anybody with a brain knows this, and more and more people worldwide are saying the world is round, not flat.
And again, we are the Magellans of the 21st century.
We tell the truth.
We face the facts.
Who is an expert on history and the New World Order.
I mean to that point he was the 1968 champion of Jeopardy and written some books and puts out a great newsletter.
He's also the father of Mel Gibson.
He'll be joining us in the next hour to talk about the draft.
The ensuing Iraq whitewash and a speech, a great speech he gave a few weeks ago concerning secession, states seceding from the Union.
Is this a stopgap measure to finally educate the people about what's happening?
To have some states break away, to be free zones, and to try to reconstitute the Constitutional Republic?
So that's coming up as well.
Let's go ahead and run into the news.
We're also going to take calls in this first hour.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9241.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com,
And PrisonPlanet.com updated for you multiple times daily.
Thanks to the great work of my wife, who runs Infowars.com, and Paul Joseph Watson, who runs PrisonPlanet.com.
Okay, let's dive straight into the news.
Bush wants to loan the U.N.
$1.2 billion for New York HQ renovation.
This is from AFP.
President George W. Bush has asked lawmakers to approve a $1.2 billion loan to the United Nations to pay for a major renovation at the U.N.
headquarters in New York.
The State Department said, Bush, who is frequently derided by critics as a staunch foe of the multinational diplomatic approach, followed by the United Nations, included the loan request in the Foreign Operations section of his proposed fiscal 2005 budget, which was released yesterday.
Now, again, Bush signed on to UNESCO, something Ronald Reagan got us out of, something Bill Clinton dared not get us in.
He's increased U.N.
He's letting the U.N.
play the part of the good cop coming into Iraq now, while we play the part of the bad cop.
It's all owned by the globalists, folks.
The U.S., the U.N., Europe.
It's an elaborate shell game.
And this is their own document stating this.
Bush is the biggest empowerer of the UN as a puppet that we've ever seen in this country.
And that's just the facts.
But he does, in his rhetoric, put the UN down occasionally, which conservatives buy hook, line, and sinker.
It's like Arnold Schwarzenegger saying, oh I'm against giving drivers license to illegal aliens, and then saying last year, well actually I'll just write a new bill that does it.
So he gets rid of one bill, introduces another bill, and we go, oh that's so conservative.
And they couldn't be getting this whole agenda through if it wasn't Republicans doing it.
We would never let Democrats do this.
We know they want to do it, so we're awake to what they're doing.
Very, very serious.
State running background checks on new parents.
Now, the statewide federal control database of the Matrix system that hooks into the National Security Agency is going to have your divorce records, your bank account numbers, your directory assistance, what phone numbers you get, your phone records, who you call, everything you've bought with a credit card.
It's all going to be in there.
This is admitted!
No warrants, no nothing, and a huge database.
But also, any type of crime or misdemeanor that isn't even terror-related will be considered terror.
And if you've ever had a misdemeanor, when you have a child, you're going to get a visit from CPS that will try to then force you to sign documents handing your children over.
And Bush has roughly doubled the amount of Health and Human Services funding in these last two budgets, doubling Bill Clinton, who roughly doubled it himself.
That was one of the few things that grew under Clinton.
The government actually didn't grow too fast under Lord Clinton, but that's because he couldn't get away with it, because Republicans were watchful.
Now with Bush, well, you know what's happened.
But listen to this Detroit Free Press article.
I actually look at the law, it's much worse than what they say, but listen to this.
State running background checks on new parents!
That's right!
The licensing has begun!
Lansing, Michigan.
A new state program intended to protect newborn babies runs background checks on their parents to determine whether they have a history of child abuse that resulted in termination of the parental rights.
Well, I actually looked up the law.
It's any crimes.
And then they decide should rights be terminated.
Okay, so.
Now, the whole idea here is prevention, said Mark Jasonwich,
Deputy Director of the State Family Independence Agency.
I love that Orwellian.
It's like Ministry of Love is where they torture you.
Ministry of Truth is the propaganda.
Ministry of Plenty is the starvation bureau.
War is peace.
The Family Independence Agency, when the official CPS textbooks say their job is to break up the family, we've read those on air.
Quote, we want to identify those parents who have been abusive in the past and try to head off any possible incidents of future abuse.
By the way, the law is written where you got in a fight with your wife, you threw some stuff, she threw some stuff, she called the cops, your neighbors did, somebody goes to jail, well now they're going to take your children too.
So, it's all in there.
By the way, CPS is five more times likely to abuse children.
Again, the abusers are the ones where there's no oversight and they run things.
The program, which has been in place since March 7th, is designed to fill gaps in the state's child protection system.
Say a parent has his or her rights terminated, then they move to another county and has another child, there's no way for the local authorities to know the history, said Michael Foley, Executive Director of Children's Charter for the Courts of Michigan, a child and family advocacy group.
You know, a giant cash machine.
The F.A.I.
will gather information on about 144,000 newborns per year from the Department of Community Health and Search, or MATCHES, weekly against its own database of 34,000 parents whose rights have been terminated.
From there, the information will be forwarded to local F.I.A.
offices, which will make sure that the MATCHES are legitimate.
Yeah, right.
If they are, caseworkers will go out and investigate in extreme cases and extreme cases, yeah.
The newborn baby will be removed.
Some critics worry about the ability of large state agencies to keep their information up to date.
Others say the entire idea sounds as if Big Brother is now looking into homes and hospitals.
By the way, we've had doctors on the show.
We've read the mainstream reports here on the broadcast.
A large percentage of marijuana, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, painkiller drug tests.
When they take your blood, they don't tell you that they're about to violate your Fourth and Fifth Amendment, that they're doing a criminal investigation.
If any drugs are found, they take your child.
Now, the statistics are that in many of these tests, up to half of them are false positives, and we've had parents on where they run out, go to another hospital, get their blood tested, no drugs, they get the original sample, turns out there wasn't drugs, didn't even show a positive, they just lie and do it!
In fact, if you've got a poor family and a white baby with blonde hair and blue eyes, look out.
And again, this is mainstream news.
We covered this last week.
From Eastern Europe to the U.S., poor family, they get up to $200,000, the adoption agencies do.
CPS ends up getting about $100,000 of that.
And they'll come into a poor family, the quote was on welfare, and they do it to black and Hispanic and Asian babies too, but there's not the big market there.
This is admitted, by the way.
So it is just horrible that this is going on in this country.
So if you're poor and white, and you go to a city-owned hospital, look out.
I mean, I've been to these hospitals.
I've done news reports on this.
I've seen them get people's children with no criminal record, no drugs, no nothing.
They just say, sign these documents or we're going to arrest you.
The mother cries, signs them, and it's over.
They can't get a lawyer.
Nothing happens.
And that's the end of it.
No judge, no jury, no nothing.
And for middle school and junior high students here in Austin, we have the newscast off CBS.
They're very proud of it.
If you're late to class three times, that is a truancy, unexcused.
Criminal charges are filed.
You're called into the portable building of the school.
A judge is there.
They've set up courtrooms all across Austin in portable buildings.
And they tell the parents, this is on the news, sign here.
Your child's on probation.
They're going to be drug tested.
And for what?
Being late to class three times.
Folks, the magnitude, I'm not exaggerating, it's worse than what I'm saying, the magnitude of getting our young people, our babies, into their system from infancy to 18 years of age is huge.
How do you think we've gone from 1.3 million people 9 years ago in prison to 7 mil?
How do you, oh by the way, the official government numbers are 30 million by the end of this decade.
Just two years ago they were saying it would be $35 million by 2020, and that's in Road to Tyranny, that clip off CBS.
Now they're saying, no, no, $30 million by the end of this decade, and they're on track to do it!
And this is the same FBI and Houston and Dallas Crime Labs and every other crime lab you can imagine caught in industrialized frame-ups of people.
Dallas just randomly pulls you over, throws a bag of chalk in the back of your car, takes your house, your car, indicts you.
The drug lab certifies it as cocaine.
You go to prison.
DA indicts.
I mean, it's serious business.
The criminals are in control.
And now, if you got bad credit, you're gonna get a CPS visit.
Oh, oh yeah, I've got those articles too.
Did you know that?
We'll be right back with more news.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, your calls and more news are coming up.
Hutton Gibson joining us to talk about world politics.
Third Hour, the former Secretary of Defense, the Defense Minister from Germany.
And up until last year, he was then, of course, the Minister of Technology, the number three post in Deutschland.
To talk about who really carried out 9-11, he says, from all the evidence, it was the military-industrial complex.
I think we might want to listen to the former Secretary of Defense, or Defense Minister in Germany, Andre von Bulow, on this issue.
Oh, a program note to all our AM and FM stations, shortwave internet, all of that.
We're on Starguide ABC premium digital satellite.
We're also on a clear channel feed that we lease.
We're on G1, an old analog satellite that a lot of people like to use.
And we're on G9.
We've had some trouble with our connection to G9.
And so today, friends and other great folks out there, switch on this show to Galaxy One.
That's the solution.
We need folks to switch to Galaxy One, and I guess at night when I'm just on G9, you need to get on one of the digital birds, or do an audio coupling with a phone line, until that problem is fixed.
And I've been aware of it for some time, and so we'll do something about it.
But again, we have lots of satellites for you, that's why we do, and I apologize for folks out there that are stationed in Tennessee and others out there.
But you can just go to GCNLive.com and they have all the satellite frequencies there, but there's free analog satellites.
Galaxy One, ladies and gentlemen.
Galaxy One.
And I know Dave, you have G1, so we need to switch over to Galaxy One.
Thank you.
Boy, I tell you, there is just so much here that I want to go over.
But let's just go to calls right now.
Let's talk to
Oh I guess Mike in Michigan, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
Great to talk to you.
You bet, good to talk to you.
I gotta make a confession though.
First time I heard you about a year ago, I thought you were another one of those crazy doomsday nuts.
But I've come to see the light.
No, I'm not a doomsday nut.
I think we can defeat this new world order and the struggle of humanity is always against tyranny and we've just forgotten that, so we're going back into tyranny.
First time though, you know, I never had a shortwave radio and I bought one and I tuned through and I heard your program and I thought, oh my goodness.
Because I never paid a whole lot of attention to what was going on around me.
I was one of those people asleep, you know.
But the more I listen, the more I pay attention, boy, I tell you, I've never really, you know, and I think a lot of people are just like I was.
They just go on about their business and ignore it on purpose.
Well, the question I get a lot at the bookstore or at the grocery store or walking the dog is, Mr. Jones, do you really believe all the things you say?
Well, all I do is go off the documents, the bills, the public statements of the globalists, their program, the history of the New World Order.
What we talk about here is documented.
Yes, I've done all your websites and stuff, and gosh, it's unbelievable.
A big problem, Mike, is that there are a lot of people out there talking about the New World Order who don't document what they do.
And those are the people that the media gives attention to to discredit what we're doing.
That's why all of us have to have discernment and research on what people are saying.
You're up in Michigan.
What do you think of this?
And by the way, this is going on in other states.
They already do this here in Texas.
There's just no law.
They just do it.
What do you think of them spying on parents, seeing if they can find some dirt on them to take their children when a newborn is born?
Oh, you know that?
That's awful, but that's nothing new in this state.
There's stuff like that's been going on in this state for years.
And I've been thinking about moving out of here because it's really getting to be one of the worst states in the Union, in my opinion.
Michigan really is.
I mean, industry and jobs are moving out of this state in the past year at an alarming rate.
Well, according to the media, everything's wonderful.
Yeah, well, that's a big lie.
Well, there's some corporate profits.
Not everybody's laying people off, but hey, this is the global economy.
There's been an increase.
Everything has been increased.
Your fees for everything that you have to have every year have been increased.
They've got new hidden taxes everywhere you look.
They made two billion dollars a loan off the first year when they raised the cigarette tax fifty cents in this state.
Not one person, if they ain't on the welfare, has seen any benefit.
The only people that benefit from anything in this state are people on some kind of state aid.
You know, or welfare or something.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
You know, welfare is actually a small piece of the pie.
General welfare to the general citizens.
And it's bad because it gets you dependent.
But most of it's corporate welfare.
Most of the state and federal money goes into corporate welfare.
But the neocons, they don't want to talk about that.
They want to talk about some woman with three kids.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Again, my friends, we have the former Defense Secretary, the Minister of Defense.
He's also the former Technology Minister in Germany, up until about a year ago.
And, uh, he is André von Bülow.
Joining us, he's written a book called 9-11 and the CIA, where he lays out the facts.
It's still the best seller in Germany, by the way.
I think it's what?
Ten weeks running now, saying that the globalists carried out September 11th and laying out the evidence.
Let me see, we have the environment minister in England resigned.
Tony Blair's number three guy had said it's all lies and wrote an eight-page article for the London Guardian.
We're going to get him on, by the way, that's in the works.
Wrote an article saying if they didn't carry it out, they knew and financed it.
Now, again, they have simply looked at the facts.
It's real simple, and I would encourage all of you to do that.
We're about to go to Randall and Bob and others that are patiently holding.
The total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
And Andre Von Bulow is joining us in the third hour.
Hutton Gibson, been on the show before, great guy.
Had a chance to meet him down at the 9-11 Road to Tyranny show we did in Houston.
He's going to be on the show in the second hour.
Before we go back to Randall and Bob and others that are holding, and more of the news, if you want to see 9-11 the Road to Tyranny,
Which is the definitive work on September 11th, Oklahoma City and other government-sponsored terror events.
It's two and a half hours long, or the VHS version is 2 hours 24 minutes.
The DVD is 170 minutes long.
So you need to get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
The second part of that is the Masters of Terror Exposed, an amazing video.
Some people think it's better than Rotterdam.
Then there's Police State 3 Total Enslavement, one of my newest videos.
And the very newest is Matrix of Evil.
And they're all incredible films.
They're indescribable.
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Let's talk to Randall in Oklahoma.
Randall, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
You're welcome there, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Good, my friend.
All right.
Say, I've got something here I think is real interesting.
I believe it'll shed some light on what you've been saying about Mr. Bush, you know?
And at the high school level,
Five, uh, five questions to ask.
And, uh, if you would permit me, if you don't mind to, uh, to answer these, we'll... Well, we'll just elaborate on what you're saying.
Who constructed the Berlin Wall?
What was it?
Choice number one, the Democrats.
Number two, the Republicans.
Number three, the Communists.
Well, that's pretty simple, the Communists.
Question number two, what was the primary reason
Well that is number two.
Mikhail Gorbachev?
Number three, George Herbert Bush?
Well, it was, of course, Ronald Reagan.
Go ahead, sir.
The next one is... Well, you know what?
I'll tell you what.
Just, what's the point of these questions concerning George Bush?
Well, this last question right here shows that what you've been saying is 100% correct.
Okay, go ahead.
Uh, after the wall came down, uh, which way did most of the residents cross?
It was televised on TV.
From east to west?
Or from west to east?
Well, from east to west.
That's correct.
Now the last question, which two U.S.
presidents favor granting political asylum and or amnesty and citizenship to illegal aliens?
The choices are George H. Bush or
Ronald Reagan, deceased.
Or number three, George W. Bush.
Well, Ronald Reagan's not deceased.
Okay, I'm trying to understand.
I mean, obviously, George W. Bush supports it.
Thank you a lot, sir.
Have a good day.
Okay, I'm not quite sure how that ties into George W. Bush, but...
Is there some tie in there saying he wants to make the Mexicans free so they can come in here?
I don't... Maybe I'm a little dense there.
Bob in Canada.
Bob, go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
I wanted to ask... I'm thinking that if I was one of these evil globalists and I had an agenda, what I would do, if I was able, is to do weather terrorism.
You know, the HAARP project?
If I could control the weather, then it would be harder for anything to come back on me because people would say, oh, it's just an act of God.
And if there are weather disasters happening everywhere, what an excuse to bring down tyrannical laws and enslave the people.
Well, alright, look.
We know that HAARP can manipulate the weather to how widespread or
Large that control is, wide sweeping, we don't know.
We know that since Vietnam, they could seed clouds and manipulate weather, and that's even on the Weather Channel now, on a show called Atmospheres, they admit it.
The military was doing some type of weather control test two years ago, they admit it caused mega
Flooding in South and Central Texas killed, I don't know, it was like 30-something people.
That was quietly admitted.
But to say, oh, you know, they have these big torrential rains and mudslides because of this.
I mean, humans have always been being killed and endangered by weather and natural occurrences.
And the Earth goes through different volcanic and weather cycles.
And, you know, we just can't say that they're doing it.
So that's why I don't talk about it.
Okay, and the other question I had was, could you explain, basically, what is the Military-Industrial Complex?
Okay, thanks for the call.
That's a really good question, Bob.
The Military-Industrial Complex that Dwight D. Eisenhower talked about in his farewell address of 1960, in his farewell address he talked about how the corporations that had grown up
Through World War II and the Korean War, through the funding, through the hundreds of millions of dollars of funding, had taken over almost all of the programs, research programs, universities, had bought up most of the private inventions and inventors and laboratories, and that they had centralized it
control of the brain trust of Western civilization in just a handful of companies.
And he said that that stifled competition, he said that that centralized power, and that because they now own the universities, and because the military-industrial complex was buying up ABC and CBS and NBC, which was happening right at that time,
That they were going to control all the information, all the technology, and that it was, and by the way, we've aired this speech here before, that it was a foregone conclusion that martial law would be set up, because throughout history, when military industrial complexes, which they had in Germany and England, got big enough, they would always take total control.
The military-industrial complex is the big companies that were funded and financed by the big banks.
And the military-industrial complex is the spies, and the FBI, and the weapons, and the research money, and it's this web of corporate control that has quietly took control of the government.
And in 1947, with the National Security Act, they got total license to kill, total secrecy, unlimited secret funding, unlimited secret contracts to private interest, the same stuff we're seeing now with Halliburton in Iraq, on a much larger scale.
And so, that's what the military-industrial complex is.
So, who's up next, Mark?
Who should I go to next?
Michael in Texas, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I had a quick story for anybody who was having trouble believing about the RFID chips you were talking about yesterday.
I was entertaining a very dear childhood friend that came into Austin last night that works for Sun Microsystems.
Had a meeting with other major architects and software designers for Sun Microsystems and one of the presentations
One of them held up a small vial that had about 150 RFID chips.
He said about the size of a grain of pepper.
And basically went on to say that this is the wave of the future.
So, anybody that's failing to believe about the RFID chips, that's straight from the horse's mouth.
Sun Microsystems.
You folks better wake up.
Thanks for taking my call.
Let me ask you a few other questions.
Yesterday, let me grab the article, I talked about Outdoor Life, November 2003 edition, where they're going to put microchips in the fish.
Well, they're already doing it, so then they can track and trace what you're doing and make sure you're not breaking the rules.
See, it's always to stop the criminals.
Five years ago, I saw the Walmart documents and the announcements with MIT.
That everything we buy, everything we sell, will have embedded chips that you can't get out.
Woven into the fabric, in the rubber of the shoes, in the Gillette razors.
Then last year we got the internal meeting with over a hundred CEOs and Governor Ridge in a secret meeting.
The minutes were leaked.
These are public.
These are posted.
We posted them on the website.
It even made it in a few major newspapers and Wired Magazine as well.
It is to tax and trace and control you.
It is for Homeland Security, but again, set up five years ago.
This is for the Cashless Society.
And I still get emails when I claim that Walmart's already putting these for years in most products, okay?
I get emails saying, you're a liar, there's no such thing, shut up.
Thumb scanning's good.
People out there are in total denial.
I was a liar when I warned them five years ago.
Now, it's true, but I'm a kook for being against it.
What do you say to that?
Alex, he specifically spoke about the Gillette Razor program, which you've been talking about for I don't know how long.
People have to be a fool not to believe what's coming down the pike.
The only advice I can offer is you better wake up and educate yourself, and the tapes are the best way to do that.
Thanks for the call, my friend.
The pigs, the geese, the fish,
Everything microchipped.
Everything satellite tracked.
Face scanning cameras by the millions going up.
School children thumb scanning to get school lunches, no cash allowed, being frisked.
Cameras in the bathrooms, in the school lunch rooms, in everywhere.
Just training us how to be prisoners.
The admitted plan.
The admitted plan.
is a camera everywhere you go.
It's already happened in England.
Three million in London, a million more in the rest of the country, and they say that number is conservative.
Now the New York Times reported the feds, if your child's going to graduate from high school, will have to serve their last two years, upwards of ten hours a week, at a homeland security computer in your home.
Paid for by the government.
And your child will have to sit there and watch surveillance cameras around the country and report to police what they see and quote
In case your child gets lazy, the government is going to superimpose fake terrorists so clear, they can randomly insert fake video like the Running Man, and then your child, and old folks will do this too, as part of the new national draft, but it says to start out the high schools, will have to call the police, and let's say you're in Texas, you'll be tattling on somebody in New Jersey, crime, terrorism, everything.
There's terrorism and crime.
And to make sure your child's on their toes, your young person, they'll hit the button to a larger committee, they'll look at the images, hit the command of the police, the police will have a code number and go, no, this was just a drill.
And that's so sophisticated, I could talk for an hour about what that means.
This is why they've had the fake terror alerts and fake terror drills, is to create the subconscious illusion, delusion, that
We are under attack.
That's what all these school shooting drills are about and everything.
It's about fear.
So, it gets everybody used to seeing terrorists that don't exist and to the concept of fake terror attacks on television feeds.
I mean, do you understand that right there, that shows they can fake video?
But number two,
It acclimates everybody to terror attack, that, oh, there's this massive attack taking place, because there's no real terrorists, there's no real terror events taking place.
And then they've got a report to Homeland Security.
FEMA says that all our phones are going to start ringing with a special ring, and we're going to be criminally charged if we don't answer the phone for the automated terror warnings.
All the radio and TV stations have FEMA takeover systems in them.
Folks, this is worse than 1984.
Your cable boxes are listening to you.
They have microphones in them.
Your OnStar is listening to you.
Your TiVo system is watching you.
This is admitted!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, there's more news coming up.
We're going to talk about different news items with Hutton Gibson.
And we have the former German Secretary of Defense, and then former head of technology.
Imagine the technology, the secret technologies that this guy's seen.
Coming on to talk about how the globalists carried out 9-11.
That's what he says.
That's what I say.
That's what the facts say.
That's in the third hour.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Larry in Iowa.
Hello, Alex.
Good to talk to you, Larry.
Uh, you know, trying to wake up a few people and, uh, you know, just casual conversations and, and I think one of the best ways is, uh, let me preface what I'm saying by saying that I have nothing against, uh, Mexicans.
Uh, my, my half brother is, you know, half Mexican.
Uh, but this is, uh, something that affects everybody because it's, you know, right, you know, they're around us, you know, in our communities and, uh, this guy,
I did not believe that there's a Social Security office in Mexico City.
And, you know, I was trying to tell him about the eventual Pan-American Union, and this is one of the facts that are one of the building blocks to that eventuality.
Yeah, that's public.
And I'm a little nervous here.
So he denied that, of course.
Well, he wanted proof, which is, you know, encouraging, you know.
Well, you go to a search engine and you type in, uh, Mexicans to be paid social security in Mexico, and about 500 mainstream news articles will pop up.
Type in Pan-American Union, Union of American States, uh, you know, One Union, American Union, hundreds of mainstream news articles will pop up.
Yeah, I'm not too adept at computers.
I mean, you know what I mean?
A little out of loop on that.
I don't know what rock your friend's hiding under.
I mean, this has been all over the news how wonderful it is.
Well, you know, it's the preoccupation that has surrounded us for, lo, these many socialist years where, you know, the only thing we have to do is, you know, work harder to pay our bills and, you know, what can we do to rail against the system, you know?
That type of malaise, you know?
Well, I mean, the majority of Californians are against giving illegals driver's licenses, but Arnold doesn't care.
Bush doesn't care.
He comes out with the biggest amnesty in U.S.
history and says it's not an amnesty.
Certainly your friend knows about the amnesty, or does he deny that, too?
Well, yeah, he knows about that, but, you know, these people, they just don't, uh,
They don't connect the dots.
Well, you know what?
I would suggest that you not cast your pearls before swine.
I would move on.
I've got a sneaking suspicion you can give that guy all the news articles you want, he'll come up with new excuses to be lazy.
Good propaganda just plays to our own laziness.
One thing I wanted to say about the technology that's now, you know, becoming pervasive, I think,
These people, these globalists, are smart people from, you know, from way, way back, you know, centuries ago, and the technology is catching up with their philosophy and techniques.
They know about brainwashing techniques and mass propaganda, only they haven't had the machinery to do it.
Well, they've got more sophisticated ways to do it now, and you're absolutely right.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, thank you.
Newbutt, good to hear from you.
We're going to go on a break here in a minute and come back with Hutton Gibson, so you don't want to miss this.
Talking about secession from the Union, the national draft, the war on terror, then the German, the former German Secretary of Defense, the Defense Minister is their term for it, coming up in the third hour.
We'll also take calls for Hutton Gibson as well in this next hour at 1-800-259-9231.
And then I'll get into the UN Resolution to Globalize Gay Rights, Halliburton to return $27.4 million to government.
Oh, they get tens of billions, get caught scamming, then they get a little bit back.
Oh, they're good, see?
They've been punished.
British officers knew on eve of war that Iraq had no weapons of mass destruction.
The Scotsman.
firms announced deeper job cuts in January.
And, uh, well, there's a lot more coming up.
You don't want to miss the next two hours.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
We're now into the second hour of this February 4th, 2004 edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Coming up in the next hour, we have the former Secretary of Defense, they call that their Defense Minister, for Germany.
And up until last year, in his second post, he's been in the German government since the 1970s, in Helmut Kohl's government, and now in Gerhard Schroeder's government.
He's written a best-selling book covering how the Globalists, the New World Order, carried out September 11th.
So he'll be joining us in about 59 minutes.
Andres von Bulow,
For this hour, I am honored to be joined by Hutton Gibson, who has a great mind.
I mean, he was the national champion in the late 60s of Jeopardy, folks.
And that's how he moved with his family to do organic farming in Australia.
And he's got 11 children, one of them, of course, Mel Gibson, who has the passion coming out here in just a few weeks.
But he's here to join us today about a riveting speech he gave going over the right of secession of the states and how that could be a good thing.
And also we'll talk about the upcoming draft, the lies concerning Iraq, the new wars they've got publicly planned, and a lot more.
Joining us is Hutton Gibson.
Hutton, great to have you on the show.
Good to be here.
Hutton, you gave a speech a few weeks ago and
I had a chance to talk to folks that heard it and said it was pretty good.
Go over secession and what that means.
Well, you have to ask, can we afford a lunatic government?
You know, and it is lunatic when it taxes its own to support foreigners and in general to go out of its way to
To wage wars, undeclared wars.
The thing here is that secession was treated by the Founding Fathers.
They left it in there.
And the fact that it did not succeed in 1861 to 1865 is merely a matter of who had more banks and who had more soldiers and more munitions.
It was perfectly legal, and Lincoln at one time imprisoned the Maryland legislature so it couldn't succeed.
Did you know that the week before 9-11, New Hampshire and two other states had their counties and their select men preparing to withdraw from the Union?
The counties from the states, under their Article 10 right to revolt in that particular state,
And then suddenly the attacks took place and that didn't happen.
Arizona almost passed a law, it passed a committee to pull out of the union if quote, a new world order is declared or if gun confiscation begins.
If the federal government goes bad, it is our right, it is our duty to pull out of the union and then reconstitute the states as a more perfect union.
Is that historically accurate, Hutton?
Yeah, well there's one more thing.
They said if the Constitution were set aside,
And it has been.
I mean, they've got all that they need right now, if they wish to succeed.
Arizona, that is.
That's right.
The third thing was that the Constitution was set aside, and we know under Patriot Act 1 and 2 and Homeland Security, that has indeed happened.
Well, it's been set aside many years by the surrender of delegated powers.
By the federal government.
That's about it.
No, both.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking to Hutton Gibson, who has been conscious of the New World Order for 50 years.
And you can see the effect of his knowledge, his information, which I've checked out and is extremely accurate, on his son and the fruits of his labor with brave heart and the patriot and now the passion.
We're going to be talking today about secession from the Union, how it's a good thing, and I agree it needs to happen.
By as many states as possible, because this is an illegitimate government in Washington.
Then we'll get into the national draft, and the war in Iraq, and a little bit into the passion as well, because Hutton has been blessed enough to see it months ago, and I can't wait till I get to see it in theaters in a few weeks when it opens.
Hutton, again, I mean, your memory's better than mine.
Talking about the Arizona law that passed committee
He had the State Rep on a few years ago about this, and she actually woke up because of Police State 2000, that was interesting.
She got it passed out of committee, didn't pass the full legislature, to pull out of the Union if a new rule order is declared, gun confiscation begins, and I had forgotten, you're right, the third part, if the Constitution is set aside, and you're right, in 1913, it's not just the 16th Amendment with the IRS, the 17th Amendment,
Taking our senators from the states, making them creatures of the federal government, how important is that?
They were sent there in the first place as the state's ambassadors to keep a check on the federal government, to see that the representatives in the other house didn't run away with the place.
And they're then placed, instead of the state ambassador checking on the other, they're
Put in the same election.
Put in the popular election where they don't belong.
And answerable to the people rather than to the state government.
And to the people in this case means the political party in charge.
Well, it's just like the Roman Senate, when it got corrupt, they set themselves up as petty dictators, and now they put all the power in the federal government, whereas before, they were creatures of the legislature that was elected by the states, showing that the federal government was only a unit of the states.
Yes, it delegated very little.
But, like any tyranny, it simply absorbs everything it sees.
Sets up unconstitutional corporations, like health education and welfare.
Duplications and triplications of stuff done at local and state levels, where nobody's benefit except to get its own oar in and, say, control the schools so that the people come out of there
Having no idea what are their rights, or what is their history.
And very little of what is their language.
In the speech you gave to the American Free Press, Hutton, I mean, there's so many points I could bring up.
Can you elaborate on some of the key issues and facts that you brought forward?
This was at the We the People conference.
In Arlington.
It wasn't to the American Free Press.
Okay, well I know the American Free Press reported on it and some of them were there.
I'm sorry.
So anyway, uh... Well, uh... You've got to, uh... figure that they are taxing you and they're misinforming you and so on, but mostly they are encroaching on your rights.
And with penalties.
I mean, you send somebody to Congress and what does he do?
He represents you?
Well try and get him, get hold of him and see what he can do.
He just does what the party tells him.
We have taxes coming and we've got no representation.
We've got this revolutionary slogan, which is always true.
Taxation without representation is tyranny.
Well, absolutely.
And now they're coming out with all these new taxes, Hutton, and... Hey, they've got a tremendous tax coming up.
They're talking about the draft again.
This is the ultimate tax.
Nobody owes the government his life to go somewhere else.
To defend this country is the only excuse they could have for a draft.
And by the way, you're a veteran of the Pacific yourself in World War II.
And then when we got home, you know, the whole army, I think, pretty well was disgusted with the results.
We come home after winning a war, supposedly started over the liberation, or the invasion of Poland, and where was Poland after this?
Handed over to Soviet Russia.
Everything was given to the Communists.
And it was not as though we had to do it.
They were there, they were
Of course, only because we had built them up.
Here we go in a war and see it given away.
Is that when you started to wake up, Hutton?
No, I was awake a little ahead of that, but that certainly helped along.
What woke you up?
Oh, just things like how we got into World War II.
Now, Hutton,
Looking at 1913, the Federal Reserve Act, the private banks taking over, taking our senators, making them their own power in Washington, basically destroying states' rights at that point, 1933 War Powers Act, 1947 National Security Act, 2001 Patriot Act I, 2002 Homeland Security, 2003 Patriot Act II passed.
I mean, we see it accelerating, intensifying,
We have every right to secede and that's the only thing at this point is getting control of the states and reinstituting our Republican form of government.
Do you agree with that?
Yes, I do.
Now there's one thing about it.
We have every right to secede and it should be done bloodlessly.
But nothing else is going to be bloodless.
We're either going to have a revolt in this country from what they're doing to us or
We're going to submit and be subjected to a terror.
Like the French Revolution, like the Russian Revolution, like Pol Pot, like Mao Tse Tung.
Every place these people set up, we have a terror.
They just go out of their way to kill people as principle of the, you know, the mother comes in and says, uh, if my boy disobeys in school, slap the child next to him.
That will, uh, get him under control.
That will scare him.
So you kill the guy next to you, and then you're under control.
That is to say.
That is the essence of the Red Terror.
And of course, communism is a creation of the Illuminati, of the New World Order, and there's, I mean, Hutton, cameras in school bathrooms, cameras in our neighborhoods, our cell phones tracking us, microchips going into everything.
What is it like for you in the scope of your life to see this happening in America?
It's one of these things.
I see it, but I don't believe it.
How could it happen?
Only through... And if you say plot, you're crazy.
It has to be a plot.
Well, the EU was calling for a new world order yesterday, but we talk about a new world order and it doesn't exist.
Well, it's a funny thing.
We've had people calling for a new world order.
Paul VI go to the United Nations and say that it was the last Pope of the world.
Now, what kind of nonsense is that?
The man that's supposed to be the head of a religion that has always claimed it's the only Pope of the world.
Well, the Pope John Paul, the current Pope, said three weeks ago, we need a new world order.
That's what he said.
He said that.
And he didn't say it just once.
We also have the Protestant leaders supporting the Patriot Act, supporting the New World Order, saying we're not Christian if we don't support... We've already gone to Iraq, that's a fraud.
Now they say they're going into Syria and Iran.
We have their own public documents.
They want to start this national draft.
What do you think about that?
Well, you have to have a war so you can have a draft, don't you?
So they're going to keep on manufacturing wars, and they're going to say, well, we have nobody here.
Well, that's the trouble.
We have nobody here.
And then when the UN decides it's time to jump on us, the UN, of course, being the creature of the New World Order characters, we will have nobody here to defend us.
We'll have foreign troops in here.
By the way, that's official, Hutton.
I'm sure you've seen all the articles.
They're admitting they're going to, quote, use foreign assets to keep us safe.
Didn't the British use German soldiers to, quote, keep us safe in 1776?
They did, yes.
But, there's one thing, I just skipped my mind for a second.
I'll get it back.
But, you know, secession will allow
If the governor takes over the control of his state, or if several states get together and form a new kind of union, with the privilege of secession, which is a gun which should have been on the federal government at all times, but has not been since the Civil War, they will be able to withdraw their citizens from the armies.
Get them back home, where they belong.
Well, I mean, the Declaration of Independence says that if the government gets corrupt, this is what we're supposed to do, is dissolve the government, and then have the states set up another government of the people's choosing.
But, I mean, I guarantee you, if states try to secede, the feds are going to get violent real quick, Hutton.
Yeah, but, as I say, if we can do it without blood, it can be done.
People will just stick to it.
So we've got to take over the counties and the cities, then the states, and start having some of the states secede.
All of them, hopefully.
Because if you sit there, you know, here we have this tremendous federal debt that no one can possibly pay.
And of course, it's fiction.
It's bankers' bookkeeping.
You bet.
Hutton Gibson, stay there.
We'll come back and talk more about it and take calls.
We'll be right back.
I'm Alex Jones.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Those that don't know history are doomed to repeat it.
In the beginning, a patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared.
In time, when his cause succeeds, the timid join him because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And a real patriot for this republic is Hutton Gibson.
Hutton, you know, you've been around 85 years.
And you have 11 children and just scores of wonderful grandchildren.
And you've seen the mutation, the falling away, America turning into this high-tech police state.
You know, there's now... I'd said there were nine bills to reinstate a draft.
There's now two more, so that's eleven.
Two of those eleven will be drafted 18 to 49.
Most of us will have to serve here domestically in tattletailing, federal neighborhood watch, kind of East German type Stasi.
I mean, they're really shutting this up.
From your historical research, what does it mean when the government even drafts middle-aged people and makes them dig ditches and tattle on neighbors?
Is that a good sign for the country?
Not very good.
They don't even put the out-of-work people to work in this country, which they do in other countries.
They say, well, these people have nothing to do.
We can't feed them.
Put them to work.
And now they're talking about concentration camps, Hutton, in the mainstream media.
How good these are for us.
Oh yeah.
That'll keep us from having to walk to work.
Or drive to work.
Whatever the work is.
Which I'm sure will be essential.
Because the government says it's essential.
By the way, England and Europe, the whole Western world is passing these laws and setting up secret arrest of citizens.
What do you think about the Patriot Act?
I mean, isn't that a good reason to secede from this false government?
Yes, absolutely.
Even more though, the public debt.
It's self-perpetuating through the abusive money system, through banks rather than through answerable governments.
Well, you made that point before we broke for the last segment.
You're absolutely right.
I mean, the Federal Reserve is a fraud.
They design it to get us into debt.
We don't really owe this money.
Can you elaborate on that for us, Hutton?
No, they're not our debts.
We never assumed them.
We're entitled to a governmental debt-free money system.
Money is nothing more than an instant barter.
But the banks issue money unusually.
If the government wishes to continue to enrich suppliers of money, which it should itself supply, why do we care?
The government exceeded its competence in relinquishing a delegated power.
If I borrow your lawnmower, for instance, and sell it to my boss, it still belongs to you.
If the states delegated the regulation of money to the federal government,
The federal government cannot sell this power to its bosses.
It can return only to the delegates.
And thus, it's not one wit to vote out the men in charge.
The debts will remain.
So we must abolish the debtor, that is, the government itself.
Well, that's clearly what the 9th and 10th Amendments say, that the power resides with us, but you know that they're enforcing their power at the barrel of a gun.
How do you see us peacefully getting states to secede?
I mean, the feds would have trouble attacking Arizona if they did secede, or New Hampshire.
I guess we've just got to start the ball rolling to lobby to have this happen.
How would that process take place?
Well, hopefully you can get enough people to see that this is their way out of terrible debt.
They've got this debt hanging over them, imposed by, you might say, a foreign power.
That's what our government is these days.
It's a foreign power.
It has nothing to do with us, except to tax us.
And it taxes... It's a treasonous outfit.
It throws all our manufacturing capacity
Out of the country.
So we can't go to war.
Hitler was afraid to go to war with us.
Because we had this tremendous manufacturing potential.
We could do anything.
It's gone.
It's all out of the country.
And the government has done this.
Well, it's clear, Hutton.
America is being set up for a fall.
If we go to war,
We have to depend on enemies or potential enemies to supply us with the sinews of war.
We don't even have spare parts for our tanks anymore.
You're absolutely right.
I want to come back and get a little bit more
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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What does it mean to be an American?
America, the United States is America because we have a Bill of Rights, we have a Constitution, we can own guns, we can own land, we run our own lives, we don't have a government that spies on us, we are the government.
Look around you, that's not America today, and we're not just not America, we are a wicked, corrupt police state.
A decadent, wicked society.
And it's getting worse by the millisecond.
If you say you love America and have got American flags all over your car, you need to know what the Bill of Rights and Constitution is.
And if you do know what the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution states, and if you do know history, and if you do love America, you would demand that we abolish this alien, corrupt corporation, this organized crime syndicate
That is the so-called federal government.
The National Security Dictatorship.
Hutton Gibson, I got a call in the last hour and the man was saying, what is the military-industrial complex?
Do you have a good definition for us of this crime syndicate that's now running things and wants our sons and daughters for its meat grinder?
The word is tyranny.
Simple as that.
You know, if a state wants to, and it should, protect its unborn, why does it have to listen to a Supreme Court, which is an agency which is supposed to rule on constitutionality of laws?
And nothing else.
No one else gave them any more than that.
They simply go ahead and legislate by themselves.
They have set up
Things like a bunch of extortionists and they call them the IRS by their approval or refusal to see a suit which wants their constitutional status determined or they will allow the government to tax the citizen with his service
You know, when you look at these things, you start to
I wonder how?
Am I crazy?
Or is the government just crazy?
Well, we've got a bunch of criminal control freaks running things, Hutton.
And again, for those that have studied history, this is the norm.
America was different because we didn't go along with this.
And as you said at the start of the interview, the education is designed to dumb our children down.
So that they will accept this whole system.
And look, the Supreme Court has said, people didn't believe me five years ago when I was reading their rulings, but in the last year they've seen fit to tell us that, oh yeah, we follow the UN and the foreign court's orders, we follow their precedence, so the Supreme Court is ignoring the states, which are the body of the people, representative, but they're going to go over to Europe where they're
And people on grand juries, for instance,
Say, well, this guy must be guilty or they wouldn't bring the charges against him.
Instead of throwing the case out.
Or almost any kind of a ridiculous charge.
Well, judges will tell juries how to rule.
They're not supposed to do that.
No, it's none of their business.
And again, folks, being in America means you're in power.
That's why the jury and the grand jury makes the decisions.
Not the prosecutor, not the judge.
You know, Hutton, before we go to these calls, you've been taking action for decades.
And you've got a great newsletter.
You've got a great documentary where you go into the corruption in the Catholic Church.
You do such great work.
And at the same time, Hutton, you're also involved with Pastor Butch Paw and others.
Thirty-plus states are already putting Bibles back in schools.
How many people knew that?
This great literary work, even if they say you can't have religion in the schools, they put Harry Potter and humanism in there.
They even put the Koran in there.
They make the kids in California worship Allah and the five pillars.
That's mainstream news.
But you're involved in getting Bibles back in churches.
I mean, Bibles there too.
Bibles back in schools.
Tell us about that, because, I mean, everybody should get involved in this.
It is a study.
I mean, this is our culture.
And not only that, it's some of the noblest writing
You can never run across.
And people are simply told that you can't have this school.
But it is!
It can be done.
All you do is call it a study.
People are allowed to bring in... They're not proselytized in any way.
They are put in touch with some of our complete background.
The whole doggone Christian world respects the Bible, and a lot of people read it.
Now here we have a chance to get a generation which is miseducated, put them into a position where they can learn at least their history, and other history, Middle East history, and how to speak, and how to think.
Now, at 85, you travel around, give speeches, write a newsletter, do radio interviews.
You're fighting for this country.
I don't know what excuse people have out there.
They say, oh, I'm too young, I gotta party, or, well, I'm retired, I don't have a responsibility.
Do we all have a responsibility, Hutton, to stand up for this country?
We have if we intend to live right, but we cannot, you know, we're here to save our souls, and we can't do it in slavery.
We have to be free agents, responsible for our own actions.
We have personal responsibility.
And I have responsibility to my children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren.
Hutton, how do people get involved and help get Bibles back in schools?
Well, there's a lady in North Carolina.
Have you spoken to her, Elizabeth Ridenour?
No, but I've talked to Butch yesterday.
I'm going to get her on the show.
Yeah, that would be the way to do it.
I don't have the figures right at hand.
I'd have to jump to the other room.
But, no, that's exciting that you're going to be traveling around giving some speeches.
Butch was telling me 30 plus states already have Bibles in many of their schools.
I think he said 36.
Is that the right number?
I don't know.
He was telling me that.
You know, talking about Christianity, the Bible being under attack,
Did you hear me yesterday read that Paul Harvey article?
Yes, I did.
I didn't read the whole thing.
I know you've read it.
But, I mean, he said if we can't have a movie about Christ, we are in a lot of trouble.
And he's right.
We are in a lot of trouble.
We have the tail wagging the dog, as usual.
But I think it's backfiring on those that didn't want this film to be seen.
I think it's backfired on them.
I think more people are going to see it now because of their attempts to frustrate its release.
Yeah, everybody now wants to see it because it's a controversial item.
We need a little excitement sometimes in our lives.
You've seen one of the earlier cuts of it, and you told me it was the most powerful film you've ever seen.
Yes, absolutely.
People I've talked to that have seen it have said the same thing.
I mean, people that aren't even Christians, and now they're thinking about becoming Christians.
What a wonderful work your son's doing.
And at the same time, Paul Harvey said that it was as powerful as the birth of his first child.
That's amazing.
It is very powerful.
I mean, you come out of there, you're not looking to tag anybody for blame.
You say to yourself, I did that to my guy.
You know, Hutton, it shows what
No, I don't think so.
Just that we have to do something about this government.
And if it goes, the Supreme Court goes with it, the Congress goes with it, the Executive Department goes with it, the Treasury, everybody else.
The whole thing goes!
We don't have to worry about them anymore.
We set up separately.
That's the way they started.
And then gang together when they're out of the way.
And you know, we have to dare to think like that.
We have to make that decision and start pushing for it, setting up committees of correspondence in all 50 states to move to restore the Republic.
Hutton, in the past, you have told us how we can get a copy of your newsletter
That's put out periodically.
It's excellent and covers a lot of events and things that are happening in the world and what's going on with the corruption of the Catholic Church.
Would you like to give folks an address or tell folks how they can get that?
I'm at 141 Irish Street, Summersville, West Virginia.
The letter is mostly plain India and it's almost all
On the situation in the Catholic Church and how it has varied from what it has been for 19 centuries.
But now and then we let a little politics into it.
Not too often, but... Well, again, folks, the address to get a copy of this is 141 Irish Street.
Summersville, West Virginia, and what's the zip code?
How much is it?
Five dollars a year.
I don't guarantee any number of issues.
When I get postally correct, that is, enough to fit under one stamp, I put it out.
Usually four times a year.
Five dollars, folks, to, uh, it's interesting information, 141 Irish Street, Summersville, West Virginia, 26651.
And, uh, Hutton, you already get mail from all over, don't you?
Oh, yes.
Almost too much.
All right, before we get 100 calls here at the board, I want to tell folks the address one more time.
141 Irish Street, Summersville.
That's spelled like the season.
Summersville, West Virginia, 266-51.
And that's how you get involved.
All right, let's go to Calls Hutton.
He should probably be all over the map.
Who's up first, Mark?
Who should I go to first?
Who in Pennsylvania?
Nick in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, this is Nick from Pittsburgh.
Thanks for taking my call.
I finally got broadband, so I've been listening to you every day.
I just wanted to comment.
I actually changed my original comment.
I finally heard.
Okay, what's your comment?
Well, the Catholic Church.
I went to Catholic school my entire life, and from second grade on I was an altar boy until I graduated.
Every couple of months or so, after becoming an Alderboy, the priests and deacons of the local church would gather us Alderboys together and let us know that, you know, hey guys, we're going to have a big shortage of priests in the years to come, so anybody who's remotely considering being a priest, please become a priest.
So, back in the early 70s, there was a huge, huge push
For any older boys or anybody to become a priest.
So, in my opinion, that's why any of these scandals or any charges that have been leveled against any priest, that these bishops, all they would ever do is just, you know, shuffle the bishops off to another location or another congregation.
Now, that's how corruption works.
You cover it up.
It's how the police departments have gotten corrupt.
They cover up little corruption and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger.
Hunt and comments.
Well, one reason for this terrible depravity among the clergy, and it's not all of it by any means, but too many, far too many of them, and it's because there's no more grace.
They've stolen the Mass and the Sacraments from the Church.
They left in 1969.
As I've seen firsthand, you know, the push for pushing us all into the clergy is they didn't have enough priests.
So if they fired everybody who was ever accused of any improprieties, they wouldn't have enough priests to run the congregation as it was, you know?
They don't have.
They're not getting anybody.
So they couldn't fire them all.
They wouldn't have the income coming in, so they'd chop it down and hope for the best.
Thanks for the call, sir.
Let's talk to Bob in New Hampshire.
Bob, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Oh, actually, I'm in Idaho.
Okay, go ahead.
I was told New Hampshire.
It's a pleasure to be on your show, especially with Hutton.
I want to congratulate you on both your longevity on earth and your raising of a fine young man who knows the truth.
And God grant you many years of
I'm a pious and attentive Catholic and I've come to the realization, as has Hutton many years ago, that there are some serious problems with the Catholic Church.
As Hutton has pointed out, they date back to Vatican II.
The infiltration of Freemasonry into the Catholic Church cannot be overlooked.
Hutton is right.
It is about salvation of souls.
Every Christian should know the truth about what's really being implemented here.
A New World Order based on Freemasonry, a New World Order, secular New World Order, which has as its fundamental goal is to subvert every form of society with this New World Order.
I know Hutton knows about this.
Hutton, have you ever heard of a man by the name of Dr. James Wardner?
I've got a book or two by him.
Have you seen his tape, The Communist
Well, I'm not going to get the tape because I know all about it.
I've been studying this now for at least 35 years.
When I ran into it in the Catholic schools in Australia, my children were going to the schools and I had to take them out.
Yes, I did too, the same, Hutton.
I've seen the same thing both in the Catholic Church and, of course, the public schools don't follow any type of moral guidelines whatsoever.
They've intentionally subverted that.
The public schools are preparing our children to be slaves.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
We're going to break, come back, take a few more calls for Hutton Gibson.
And then we've got the former German Defense Secretary.
Coming on the show to talk about, well, how the Globalists pulled off 9-11.
Oh, you don't want to miss this either.
Hutton, one final segment.
It's been so good to have you with us.
Stay there, my friend.
We'll be right back.
We'll make a few more calls for Hutton Gibson.
Any questions or comments you have, stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we've got loaded phone lines.
We've only got Hutton Gibson, Father Mel Gibson by the way, for another five minutes or so.
And we've got the German Secretary of Defense, former Secretary of Defense and Technology coming on to talk about who carried out 9-11.
This will be very interesting.
Right now, let's try to go to these calls quickly.
We're going to have Hutton back on, by the way, in the next few weeks to talk about corruption in the Catholic Church.
He just agreed to do that.
We appreciate it.
Let's talk to Ida in Nebraska.
Ida, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Gibson, please go farther back than 1913.
Go back to Abraham Lincoln.
I believe he suspended the Constitution because
Even though we've been told that the Civil War was over slavery, it was actually because the southern states were going to secede because of the heavy hand of government.
Well, that's what Hutton was just saying.
That's historical fact.
It was about controlling their own destinies, Hutton.
And it would take nothing for the states to cc because they already have their own constitutions.
But we have to educate the general public on this to have that process take place, and Hutton Gibson and myself can't do it alone.
You're absolutely right.
We're all in this war together.
Thank you for taking my call.
Thank you, Ida.
Good to hear from you.
You know, that's an important point, Hutton.
Everybody's got to be a leader in this fight.
You know, you've got to figure that way.
Because you don't know who else is around.
It's one of these things.
Somebody has to do it.
And that's it, folks.
Let's talk to Clinton Missouri.
Clinton, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I'd just like to echo what your last caller said.
Yes, go back to Lincoln and also recognize that Hamilton and Clay also wanted to centralize the government banking and whatnot.
Lincoln's the only one that got accomplished because he did it by the barrel of a gun.
Well, they tried to assassinate Andrew Jackson seven times, the British banks did.
Didn't they, Hutton?
I never heard seven, but they got him once, dearly.
But I'd also like to add that the only way this government will be fixed, if you will, is your right by succession, and that must start with state sovereignty.
Could I give you my organization's website?
Oh, sure.
Plug away.
That's what we do.
It's League of the South.
www.dixienet.org and read about the session.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Who's up next, Mark?
Chip in Ohio.
Go ahead.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, Chip.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Yeah, I was... That's fine.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Just a couple of comments.
I was at the We the People conference that Mr. Gibson was a guest speaker at.
Did a fantastic job.
Got a rounding ovation.
But there's a couple of interesting things.
One, these people's approach is so critical and so important and it's just a tragedy that the press is blacking them out on what they're doing and trying to accomplish because their whole thing is we've got to stop feeding the beast.
And what they've been able to accomplish is simply truth in taxation.
If you don't answer our questions, we have a First Amendment right of redress of grievance, which says we have a constitutional right not to pay taxes.
Well, that's it, and that's what they've tried to do.
Thanks for the call.
Hutton, absolutely, the IRS is a fraud.
Final comments?
After that, you hardly have to say anything.
Yeah, it is definitely a fraud.
And it is an extortionist.
Absolutely, Hutton.
It is the enemy.
Or part of the enemy.
One of the major parts of the enemy that will go if we secede.
All right, well, Hutton Gibson, we'll be talking to you in a week or so here on the show, and God bless you.
Thank you very much.
And the same to you and all your listeners.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're already into the third and final hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
And in the last hour, we had Hutton Gibson, expert on the New World Order, and of course, Father Emel Gibson on, talking about the different key issues.
In this hour, we're joined by Andres von Bulow, and he was the Federal Minister of Defense, or the equivalent of our Secretary of Defense, been in the German government since the 70s, and up until just a few years ago, he was also the Minister of Technology, and he's written a book that, according to Reuters, is the bestseller in Germany, that translates into 9-11 and the CIA.
And he's not the only German minister that has said that we're looking at world fascism here, and powerful military-industrial complex institutions engineering terror attacks to scare us into submission.
And Andres von Bulow, we are so honored to have someone of your stature and obvious intelligence and your courage on this show.
Thank you for joining us.
Hello, this is Fabulo speaking, yeah.
We're going to break here in a few minutes and come back in a longer segment, but for those that just joined us, tell us a little bit more about yourself and then your book, please.
Well, I have been 25 years in politics, now I am out.
In the end, I was Minister of Technology before I was Secretary for Defense.
And then I had a deal in a commission about the East-West transactions about the secret service of East Germany.
And this was a very interesting inside story.
Because on the Western side, on doing deals between East and West, and violating the laws of economics in Germany, in the European community, and the United States,
It was always two parts which were dealing between East and West and this brought me a lot of insight in the Secret Service business.
In fact, I remember reading about the huge investigations you did.
That was massive international headlines concerning the SCSI.
And how different governments have actually been working with these people.
And if you'd like, you're welcome to get into that as well.
Again, folks, the equivalent of the Secretary of Defense, Minister of Defense in Germany, and then, of course, Technology, the head of that.
Just absolutely amazing.
Your best-selling book, and I wish there was an English translation, because I would certainly buy one,
My wife does read German, but please tell us about your book.
Well, I was writing another book, and then 9-11 happened, and it was strange to me watching.
Well, we all were horrified what was going on, and we said, well, it's impossible, and how can a crew of people manage to do such things?
At the first hours we didn't know who was it.
Then within hours came out that probably Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda was behind that.
And then within two or three days these 19 people came out.
And my objection was, or my
Looking at it, to whom make it bring good?
And I found out that it's rather damaging to the Islamist world.
And, uh, perhaps it might be not only a terrorist attack, perhaps it might be a covert operation.
And I watched the scenery going on, what the American, uh, government is... Uh, Minister, Minister, we've got a break.
We'll be back in three minutes.
Absolutely, we'll go into this in great detail.
We're honored to have you.
We're talking to Andres Von Muehle.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, my friends.
It's 8 minutes, 10 seconds into this third hour of global transmission.
I am so honored to have on Andres von Bülow, former German Defense Minister, head of their Defense Department, and then, of course, just a few years ago, the head of their technology system, which is a very high-level post, just as high-level as the Defense Minister in Deutschland.
And he's written a best-selling book.
I've read some of the quotes out of it that have been translated into English.
And the title translated is, 9-11 and the CIA.
And he lays out the evidence of the military-industrial complex carrying out the attacks.
Also, we're lining up for the show Michael Meacher.
And he, of course, was the British Environment Minister who resigned over Tony Blair's fraud, and has written articles saying if the globalists didn't carry the attacks out, they certainly funded and allowed them to take place.
So, if you've got a brain and look at the evidence, it's clear, and Minister von Bülow, a very intelligent individual, has gone over this.
So, sir, you said that
On the day of the event, you began to look at it, you began to research it, and from your specific expertise of intelligence and military and technology, you know, heading up entire sectors of the world's third largest economy, please discuss for us your research and how you wrote the book and what really happened on 9-11.
At 9-11 I just watched the scenery, and I said, well, there must have gone something very wrongly, in the wrong way.
And I watched the TV, for example, and in the same minute where the TV showed the planes driving into the World Trade Center,
You found these Palestinians dancing and laughing and a few days later one could find out that this was a fake.
It was made by a TV crew of the Defense Ministry in Israel and they gave candies to the people and they laughed about it and nobody told it and the question for me was
Who brought this TV stuff right in time into the international networks like CNN and CBS and so on and so on?
And then we looked for the... and then the story came up, this has been done by Osama Bin Laden and his Al-Qaeda and these were 19 people of Muslim background which did this.
And then you could watch at the passenger list, and nobody showed up.
Not one Arabic name is showing up there.
Then one is interested to see videos, because all these 19 passengers must have passed the video, a lot of video cameras in these three airports.
In Dallas, I think, and Newark, and in Logan in Boston.
And in Portland, in the North, and you don't get this stuff.
Then we are looking for the black boxes, we don't get them.
Then the story how these World Trade Centers broke down, they were constructed against an approach by airplanes.
The firemen of New York, they were able to come to the floor where the fires were burning.
And the fire commander said, well, I need two teams more to fight these fires, and then it's finished.
So the heat, it's impossible that the heat was as high as it has been written in the papers and in all the media.
And then, and then,
The Feds declared that all the firefighter tapes had malfunctioned.
Turns out that wasn't true.
We got copies of them.
And it did say that the firefighters said the fires were out.
Others are almost out.
There's video of people standing in the holes in the buildings with no fire around them.
We're going to go over the evidence that's in your book, sir, and why you came to these agitated conclusions.
But first, I wanted to ask you, have you heard the new developments?
The owner of the World Trade Center slipped up on TV and said that they blew Building 7 up, the 47-story building that wasn't even hit by an aircraft.
This just broke two weeks ago.
Have you heard this?
You're sure I have heard this?
I follow the whole scenery.
You know, normally it's not coming out in Germany, it's coming out in your country.
And it's a fascinating background to research via internet, because all this stuff is broadly spread over the internet.
So it's very easy to follow, but in the main media you don't get a yoda about this.
Well, I'll tell you what, later in this hour, it's only three minutes of audio clips,
We will air from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding, where they admit they blew up WTC7.
Now that's important because they said that building fell from fire, even though it wasn't hit by a plane, and now he slips up and says, we decided to demolish it on 9-11, but then the mainstream media just ignores that.
I mean, this is a public admission, sir.
Yeah, especially because the CIA headquarter in New York was within this building and
I think the emergency center for the mayor of New York was in this building.
So, um, and it was not hit by a plane, and the fire was very low, and the surrounding steel constructions were left over.
They didn't collapse, but the building number 7 collapsed in the late afternoon at 5 o'clock, I think.
Well, from our internal sources, they were running the attack, sir, out of the building, and so conveniently got rid of the evidence in one fell swoop.
This is one theory.
It might be.
It's convincing, but one has to get the whole proof.
But the problem is that the elements for proof are destroyed.
Also... You find them in Japanese cars and in ships of the American Navy.
Also, sir, we have Norad standing down for an hour and 25 minutes, but when the golfer Payne Stewart went off course for 15 minutes, he was surrounded in 18 minutes by five F-16s.
Why did Norad stand down?
Well, this is a big question, because it happened in 2001, I think, more than 60 times.
That fighter went up to clear what has been done to airplanes which showed some irregularities.
At 9-11, four planes for two hours were able to drive around, fly around, even one hour going in direction to the west, then turn around and then come back.
And the military air force was not able to interdict them.
It's unimaginable.
And the whole story is totally unclear what happened between the Federal Aviation Agency and NORAD.
Now, I don't know if you've seen the Associated Press, but the CIA was running a drill 15 miles from the World Trade Centers that day, applying jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
My sources inside the Pentagon, the lawyers who represent them, have said on this show that they were told to stand down because it was, quote, just a drill.
That's how you get the good military to stand down.
You tell them, oh, it's just a drill, and that drill was going on at 8.30 in the morning.
Is that not obvious, sir?
It's quite obvious, yeah.
It's so strange.
And the most strange thing for me is that after two years you don't have a white book which is documenting everything.
If you are looking for the timetable, for example, you have to make a medium between two or three or five newspapers and radio and TV announcements.
So, everything is unclear.
On the other hand, the American government is running, as they call it, a world war against possibly 16 nations without showing what really was the background of 9-11.
For me, it's impossible.
Now, by that, they admit that 9 of the 19 hijackers, the BBC says 7, but it's 9 who are still alive.
Bin Laden has not been convicted.
Bin Laden's known CIA.
You've got Bush meeting with the, have the Bin Laden family that morning in D.C.
at the Rich Carlton.
You've got the General of Pakistan, the head of their intelligence, meeting with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee at 8.30 that morning.
His second trip in his life to the United States.
You've got the FBI paying for the houses, the cars, the credit cards of the supposed hijackers.
I mean, sir, you've got public officials, Mayor Willie Brown, Joint Chiefs of Staff, told not to fly to New York that day.
That's all admitted.
What do you say to that?
It's all admitted.
So for me, since the official version is not credible at all, it's totally incredible,
The second solution is a covert operation.
And this is a way to influence, to brainwash the American people into a long, long ongoing conflict with the Muslim world in order to get, to bring
For example to the oil companies, the last oil reserves which we need for the next decades before finally the oil age is going out and probably behind this is a philosophy of geopolitical thinking that finally China has to be taken up and China is too big and you have to be able to
This is put down in the idea of a new American Century, which has been written by a lot of people which are now in government, like Cheney, like Rumsfeld, and others.
Now, sir, we've got a break.
We're going to get into the project for the American Century, Operation Northwoods.
Are you aware of the U.S.
government plan to carry out 9-11 style attacks?
You mean in Northwood?
Yes, sir.
You're sure I know?
Is that not a key piece of evidence?
Well, this is a key piece of evidence of the thinking of the military, probably in a dialogue with the politics.
Finally, I think Kennedy decided not to do it.
But it was... I think all of the... Stay there, we've got a break.
We'll be right back, folks.
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Alright, my friend, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
For the rest of the hour, we're honored to have Andres von Bulow, former Defense Secretary and then, of course, former head of technology, Department of Technology, in Germany.
And he just got out of government a few years ago.
He's written a best-selling book, 9-11 and the CIA.
We have info on that at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll also be posting this interview on the website here in the next few days as well.
There's so many facets of this.
Mr. Vombulo continuing
With the process of you waking up to what happened on 9-11 and researching it, what are some of the other key points that clearly show that it's impossible that these 19 people did this?
We know that's a fraud.
The conspiracy theory is to say they did it alone.
From your intensive research and your understanding of high-level government activities, what do you think really happened on 9-11?
Well, nobody can prove what has happened directly, because if it has been a covered operation, then you don't find proofs.
You will find only indications.
And one of the indications is, the indication that everything is right with these 19 people in Osama Bin Laden,
Is that the government is free to show all the proof which is on the table, which is on the street, which lays on the ground of World Trade Center and so on and so on.
If you have a covered operation, the probability is always that the left over pieces of proof
are taken away immediately and a lot of secrecy is, a band of secrecy is taken over everything and this has happened with 9-11.
Well that also happened, were you aware in the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune reported this in 93, the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the driver, had an Egyptian security agent doing it for him, had two retarded Muslims, literally retarded, drive the truck and park it, let the bombing go forward,
In Oklahoma City, the same company that destroyed the remnants of the World Trade Center blew up the remnants of Oklahoma City, had that buried under machine gun guard at a private landfill to this day.
They hold the rubble away from the WTC complex to China.
They wouldn't let you take photographs.
Yes, exactly.
At the beginning, the engineers were not allowed to go to the steel process and so on.
They had a lot of problems and there was very scarce money.
You know, to clear up the story of Bill Clinton with Monica Lewinsky, the Republican majority gave out 60 millions of dollars.
Boy, I think even 17 it's now.
And then they started with $600,000 to try to find out what happened in 9-11.
And they were taken away from doing research and so on and so on.
And they are upset.
And the fire engineer magazine is saying, well, it's totally, totally unbelievable what happened with this.
uh... this uh... examination of nine eleven well they say it's a criminal cover-up and uh... now sir we've turned into a police state they can secretly arrest citizens secretly execute us they're building admitted prison camps all over the country this is in our news uh... i mean we're turning into something like the soviet union here i can't comment on this but uh... what's going on in guantanamo is like that
I think, and the problem is, if you put people away, like in Guantanamo on Cuba, if you take them away for one or two years without letting a lawyer do them, without showing them what you are reprising to them, without having contact with families, finally they tell in all court processes
Well, sir, our mainstream news says torture is good, and they say they are torturing people.
That's the Washington Post.
Is that a concern that our government now admits they're torturing?
Well, I'm informed that, I don't know whether they are torturing, the kind of keeping them is a kind of a torture, but I'm told that there is an agreement with a lot of states to put these people, for example, to Egypt or to other states where torture is accepted and is done, and then you get the
The final outcome out of this torture and you can produce this in German before German courts or American courts and try to bring about Final judgment.
Well, that's it.
We'll be back long segment coming up and we'll get more into your book We're honored to have you Andres von Buelow.
Stay with us We're on the march the Empire's on the run and
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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That's www.openhearings.com.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're talking to Andres Vambulo, and to make this clear, up until about, what, two years ago, he was the head minister over the Department of Technology, and before that, in the parliament, he was the head of his parties group on defense.
We're going to take calls coming up here in a few minutes.
Your chance to talk to Andres Vambulo, and the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And if you read German, speak German, you can go online, just type it into the search engine or go to the website and link through and buy a copy of 9-11 and the CIA.
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Now, going back to Andres von Bulow,
Sir, we were talking during the break and I said, what are some of the other key points that you'd like to go over?
You mentioned the CIA and insider trading and the anthrax attacks.
Please discuss it.
Well, the inside trading, everybody knows that there were news about insider trading.
I think altogether about $15 billion.
And there was speculation about the going down of United Airlines and American Airlines, both airlines which were touched by 9-11 and other things.
And so normally you could find out because I think the American, the CIA together with the financial department, the treasury,
They developed this FinCEN watching the markets to find out speculations about going on terrorist attacks.
So they could immediately find out there's something going on and they could find out.
And in this case, in 9-11, the NSA people, which are the guys watching via satellites, the whole transactions going on on Earth, they said, they told
The people to destroy the tapes.
They had tapes about this interior trading and they said we have to destroy them.
So they are not there any longer for proof.
Now again, interior trading, that's a good term for it, insider trading or interior trading going on here.
And 15 million dollars, I think that's a low estimate.
It came out the first week.
Germany reported on it.
France, the US.
Oh, we're going to catch them.
Record put options against United and American.
Not against other airlines, but specifically against these.
And it led back to the CIA.
Suddenly they destroy the evidence.
Another smoking gun.
Then you get into anthrax attacks.
Bush on Cipro.
The most weaponized anthrax ever seen.
Tell us about that.
Well, there the question just is, who has the responsibility for this?
Because, you know, it overlaid the whole public debate, what was the background and the reason for 9-11, for weeks.
Because these attacks were going on for weeks and weeks and weeks.
And finally nothing came out.
We have no report on who was responsible, who did it.
And this, again, is amazing.
I think it belongs probably to the cover-up, the psychological cover-up of the whole scenery.
And then the Vice President and the President asking the Congress not to go too much into detail about the background of 9-11.
What does this mean?
And then, until now, what the President knew before 9-11 is a total secret.
I think there is no secret service around the world which gave not hints to the American
The most disturbing thing is that these guys which knew about something about coming up 9-11, they were cut out!
Before, I mean the local level, the regional level of the FBI offices, they knew quite a lot and they forced, they tried to force the central,
The central organization to go into the details about Arabs taking lessons in flight schools and so on, and the guy who decided on top, I think it's the second man within the FBI, he told, no, we don't do this, and he got promoted after 9-11.
By the way, the U.S.
embassies that allowed supposed al-Qaeda back in,
Got record cash bonuses.
The FBI agents that ordered other FBI agents not to stop Al Qaeda, they got bonuses.
Bush signed W199I months before 9-11, ordering the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
They threatened to arrest FBI agent Robert Wright if he tells us what he knows.
I've interviewed his lawyer, David Shippers, who knew about the attacks beforehand.
He went to Bush.
Bush wouldn't talk to him.
Wouldn't talk to him.
And you said something very astute, sir.
You talked about the anthrax being a psychological cover-up of the scenery.
That is, all these questions in the early days coming out about 9-11 got blacked out by the anthrax attacks.
And that's absolutely why that happened.
And we've tracked that back to Fort Detrick, Maryland.
And they said it wasn't weaponized anthrax.
It turned out it was the most weaponized anthrax ever seen.
Yeah, that's absolutely correct.
And then the wars which were reasoned to be as fights against terrorism.
The war against Afghanistan to put out the Taliban, it was decided long before and I think in June before 9-11, the Pakistan government and the Indian government was
I was told that there will be an intervention in October.
And also, 44,000 U.S.
troops, 18,000 U.S.
troops were in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
Bush had the battle launch orders on his desk two days before 9-11.
Yeah, that's exactly... And I want to digress, sir, back to torture for a minute because you have impressed me by how... I mean, you know so much about this.
You've researched it so well.
On the torture issue, General Rick Baucus
Quit Guantanamo because he quote refused to torture the people there and the CIA section chief bragged in the Washington Post that they fly them to foreign countries and the CIA tortures them themselves.
So they do admit the torture.
I can't, I can't comment on this.
It's, it's, it's obvious.
And all the, all the court proceedings against, for example, Maasai, I think it was the 20th, normally supposed to have in each, each aircraft five hijackers,
I don't think so.
Al-Qaeda, as the government is telling, if you don't give these people for cross-examination, then I can't deliver a judgment.
The same is true in Germany.
We have some people which are related to Al-Qaeda, or probably Al-Qaeda, because Al-Qaeda is probably an artificial
The nomination of very loose elements of Islam people.
In Hamburg, the trials are failing because the American government is not delivering the proof.
And look, we've had military officers, many others on.
It's clear, Al Qaeda is a CIA creation, a foggy boogeyman, so the military-industrial complex can carry out attacks, and then pin it on them.
And we know, I mean, when bin Laden blows up a building, supposedly, our government pays their family to rebuild it.
I mean, there's the payoff right out in the open.
The whole background, the whole personal, like Bin Laden, like Al Qaeda, like Taliban, even Saddam Hussein, these are all figures which were handled by CIA in former times.
So probably they are recycled in the system now as bad guys.
Before they were the good guys,
I don't know.
In the Balkans, in an operation where the Americans were with the UKG in Albania.
You find these guys all over.
You find them in Chechnya, for example.
And these are also former Afghanis, as they are called.
And they are driving the global play of secret services, of CIA for example.
Absolutely, and then they provide the crisis so the big brother can provide the police state solution.
Andres Vambulo, it's clear that if we do not expose who at least stands to gain from the terror and who was involved in it, that is the large financial interests that own our government, they're going to be able to use America as the engine for quote, imperial mobilization and world domination, as Brzezinski and the PNAC documents and others have said.
How important is it
To expose this for the future of free humanity?
I think it's for everybody outside of the United States it's extremely important because it's a question whether democracy will survive and the state of law is kept up or we are driven by public relation and financial interests and the main thing I think for the Americans is
Who pays for all this?
Because if the oil companies get more cheap oil and make their money out of it, the American taxpayer has to pay for the military machine.
Not the oil companies are paying for that.
Not the military industrial complex is paying for it.
It's the American taxpayer.
So it's extremely important.
Absolutely, and now we are paying record amounts for fuel, for petrol, Mr. Vombulo, in this country while they have record supplies and the oil companies are posting record profits.
I want to get into WTC7.
Because I want people to hear these clips.
This is from the PBS documentary, and this will just take a minute, sir, and we'll get your comment on it, where they describe how Building 7 fell, how they removed it first after it fell because, quote, nobody died in it.
And then it's the owner, Larry Silverstein, saying that they pulled it, gave the order to demolish it, on the afternoon of September 11.
So, Mark, go ahead and hit that clip for us, please.
Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, seven had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the north tower collapsed, seven burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
I think the smartest thing to do is pull.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
We made the decision to pull, and then watched the building collapse.
Now here's Dan Rather, seconds after it collapses, replaying the collapse of 7.
And this is what Dan Rather had to say, then we'll get Von Bielow's comment.
Go ahead and hit it.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible picture work.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Now, again, the seismographs show multiple explosions.
The firefighters were told to get back.
Vambilo, how important is this piece of evidence?
The explosions?
Well, sure, you know, the government has to explain it.
They have to prove their case.
They have to prove their conspiracy theory about these 19 Muslims under the direction of Osama Bin Laden.
That's not my business.
My question is only, if there are explosions, is this true?
Can it be that the heat out of kerosene is able to destroy these huge buildings in a manner that they are collapsing in a symmetrical fall?
In a very short, in a few seconds, they broke together.
It's nearly impossible.
And so everything which is on the table is telling that the government story is not true.
And that must be another story.
There must have been explosions.
And if there are spikes on the geological institutions in five states, 2.2 on the Richter Scala, then you have to find out what's the background.
And five or seven days later, the temperature on the
On the ground where 500 degrees or a little bit more, or 450.
Huge, if it's only five flowers which were destroyed and where the fire was burning.
And the whole building, more than 100 floors.
We've got a break.
We'll be right back.
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We're talking to Andres Von Bulow,
A minister at the highest levels of the German government.
His last post as the head of technology.
And I know we've got a lot of callers.
We only have time to take one or two from Dan in Oklahoma.
I just want to commend Andres Von Bulow for writing his book, 9-11 and the CIA.
And I would hope that a publisher in the U.S.
would get it translated and published here, because I would definitely carry it.
You can find information on the book for those that read and speak German at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Andres Rambullo, let's take a call.
Let's talk to Dan in Oklahoma.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
Mr. Rambullo, my question is, following this disaster of 9-1-1,
I understand Germany, France, and Russia why they didn't want to get involved because of the money that they had invested in Iraq.
With the military-industrial complex like it is, what do you understand the new world order to be, especially since they said they could use this event of 9-1-1?
Who are the forces behind government-sponsored terror?
Who are the forces behind government-sponsored terror?
I didn't understand this.
Well, we know there's this global government now forming.
We know powerful financial interests are engineering terror attacks.
Who are the forces behind the military-industrial complex?
Well, there's always an interesting... an interest if you look at the...
I think?
After the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the normal thing would be that we cut down this military-industrial complex, which costs the American taxpayer a huge amount of money.
And exactly at the same time that the Soviet Union is breaking down, this new terror thing comes up.
And the first terrorist attacks were, I think, the World Trade Center One, where you found out that the leading guy of this bomb building, this was at this time an agricultural bomb, he was immediately going to the FBI and telling them, I tell you everything about this.
And they agreed about that finally 24 hours before the attack in 1993 they would change the powder, the dangerous powder against an undangerous powder.
And the FBI didn't come up
Yeah, they cooked the bomb and trained the drivers, and that's another path scene.
A thousand people were inflicted, and six people were dead.
In Oklahoma, you had nearly the same thing.
You had two attacks.
One was perhaps McNally.
I think?
Explosive Institute and he said, never could this agrarian bomb bring about such a damage.
There must be something else and they found that within the building there were demolition charges.
Dan, thanks for the call.
I hope we can get you on in the future again.
Andres Ramulo, you've been so kind.
You have such amazing courage to stand up and tell the truth, and we've been honored to have you on the show from Germany.
God bless you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Have a good evening.
Folks, we're out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
We'll re-air this interview.
Tell everybody you know to tune in.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 as well.
Support what we're doing.
Go to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
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Get them out to everybody, because 9-11's only a primer.
They're getting ready for even bigger events, unless we expose these creatures.
Great job to all the folks running the show, and all our affiliates and sponsors, and you the listeners.
And thanks to God, number one.
I'm Alex Jones signing off.
We will expose the terrorists.
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