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Name: 20040203_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Feb. 3, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends, to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It is Tuesday, the third day of February, 2004.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
Coming up in about 30 minutes, we're going to have Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D.
To discuss this headline story from CNN and the Washington Post, FDA links antidepressants to youth suicide risk.
Now, when Prozac was approved in 1983, the trials showed a massive increase in suicide in those taking it.
The numbers go up even higher when adolescents or children are given it.
Hundreds of thousands of children, tens of millions of adults are on these Prozac-type drugs.
It's a whole class known as psychotropics.
They are hallucinogenic, by the way.
They put you in a mesmerized state.
That's how the drugs are described on their inserts.
So that's coming up.
They can't hide this forever.
They're about to ban giving Prozac-type drugs, Zoloft and all the different types of derivatives, in England because of the massive suicides.
And so that's coming up in about 30 minutes.
The British government is calling for a Department of Pre-Crime arresting you secretly, putting you in a camp secretly.
If they think you might commit a crime, and that's causing a lot of people to wake up in England, they've already passed similar laws in this country as well.
I want to get into how your satellite cable systems, that is, if you have a satellite system with a phone line so you can, quote, buy pay-per-view, is actually tracking what you're watching and can even listen to you through audio sensors.
The same thing goes for cable boxes.
And there was an interesting little article here about the Super Bowl, how they monitored what people were watching and what they were doing over their TiVo sets.
Tivo sets are that new system that came out in the last few years where you can pause, rewind, fast-forward events as they're happening.
And just here they are admitting that they're tracking what you watch and what you do.
Talk about 1984!
We also have more news where they're announcing their new world order.
The dollar has plunged even further today after they found Ryerson, a naturally occurring chemical weapon, or something that can be used as a chemical weapon, in three different government office buildings.
I will simply point back to the fact that we know the U.S.
government launched the anthrax attacks after 9-11 in 2001 to heighten the fear.
We'll go back over
The evidence that this is the government as well carrying out these attacks so they can firmly re-entrench their grip on the American people.
But when we get back, I want to read just a few pages from this Paul Harvey commentary, because Paul Harvey saw the passion
And said that it had as great an effect on him as the birth of his children and getting married to his wife and everyone I talked to!
Everyone I talk to who's seen this film, the film critics here in Austin that saw it when Mel Gibson came to town and showed it at the Alamo Draft House, to Mel Gibson's father, Hutton Gibson, who by the way is coming on tomorrow, to just you name it, says that it is the most powerful film they have ever seen.
By the way, Hutton Gibson's coming on tomorrow to talk about his speech he gave to American Free Press about secession from the Union, as well as the national draft, what's happening in Iraq, and a lot more.
And Hutton Gibson is a very intelligent, interesting individual, so you don't want to miss that tomorrow on the show.
So when we get back, I'm going to read part of this Paul Harvey commentary.
Then I'll get into all the news I mentioned and a lot more.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, it is Tuesday, again the third day of February.
2004, hard to believe we're already well into the second month of this new year.
Coming up, Blunkett to enact pre-crime terror law.
Home Secretary David Blunkett today unveiled far-reaching and controversial plans to tighten Britain's anti-terror laws.
He wants terror suspects to go to jail in secret, lower the burden of proof, and bring in pre-emptive, that's his quote, charges before a crime is actually committed.
So, guilty before proven innocent, secret arrest, you name it.
And I've got more articles here where world leaders are calling for a new world order, where they're enacting pre-crime type laws here in this nation as well.
We'll also get into the Ryerson attacks that the government's now reporting on Washington.
Ryerson and actually occurring
We're good to go.
in the months after September 11th.
But before I get to all this news, and then our guest, John Breeding, PhD, to talk about how it's now being admitted that Prozac and other type of psychotropics are causing children and adults alike to commit suicide at alarming rates, I want to read this article that came out a few weeks ago by Paul Harvey.
Because I haven't seen The Passion of Christ.
I'll see it when it comes out in theaters.
But again, everybody I've talked to says that it changed their lives, that it's an amazing film.
And it is as it was, as Pope John Paul said.
And again, folks, I'm not here supporting Pope John Paul.
He called for a new world order three weeks ago.
The point I'm making is that Billy Graham, the Pope, everybody sees this and says, it is as it was.
Because it's simply historical right out of the Bible.
But it's gotten attacked massively all over the so-called mainstream media, but it's backfiring on them because whether it's conservatives or liberals or Catholics or Protestants who see this film, they're saying it's the most powerful film they've ever seen.
And this is what Paul Harvey had to say about it.
I'm just going to read part of this because it's long.
I'm going to read the first two pages.
Paul Harvey comments on The Passion by Mel Gibson.
The majority of the media are complaining about this movie.
Now, Paul Harvey tells the rest of the story, and David Limbaugh praises Gibson, most people who wait and see a movie before giving the reviews that have been issued by the reporters trying to tell all of us what to believe.
The folks are waiting to see it for themselves, and when they do, they agree with Gibson.
Paul Harvey's words.
I really did not know what to expect.
I was thrilled to have been invited to a private viewing of Mel Gibson's film, The Passion.
But I had also read all the cautious articles and spin.
I grew up in a Jewish town and know much of my own faith journey to the influence.
I have a long life, deeply held aversion to anything that might even indirectly encourage any form of anti-Semitism
In thought, language, or actions.
I arrived at the private viewing for The Passion, held in Washington, D.C., and greeted some familiar faces.
The environment was typically Washingtonian, with people greeting you with a smile, but seeming to look beyond you, having an agenda beyond the words.
The film was very briefly introduced, without fanfare, and then the room darkened from the gripping opening scene in the Garden of Gethsemane to the very human and tender portrayal of the earthly misery of Jesus throughout the betrayal, the arrest, and the scourging
The Way of the Cross, the Encounter with the Thief, the Surrender on the Cross, until the final scene in the Empty Tomb.
This was not simply a movie, it was an encounter unlike anything I have ever experienced, Paul Harvey wrote.
In addition to being a masterpiece of filmmaking and an artistic triumph, the passion evoked more deep reflection, sorrow, and emotional reaction within me than anything since my wedding
My orientation and the birth of my children.
Frankly, I will never be the same.
When the film concluded, this invitation-only gathering of movers and shakers in Washington, D.C.
were shaking indeed, but this time from sobbing.
I am not sure there was a dry eye in the place.
The crowd
That I have been glad handling before the film was now eerily silent.
No one could speak because words were woefully inadequate.
We had experienced a kind of art that is a rarity in life.
The kind that makes heaven touch earth.
Did you hear that?
It makes heaven touch earth.
This is what uplifting art
What uplifting films, uplifting books could do if Hollywood wasn't so desperately wicked and under the control of the New World Order.
And those are my words.
One scene in the film has now been forever etched in my mind.
A brutalized, wounded Jesus was soon to fall again under the weight of the cross.
His mother had made her way along the Via Della Rosa.
As she ran to him, she flashed back to a memory of Jesus as a child falling in the dirt road outside of their home.
Just as she reached to protect him from the fall, she was now reaching to touch his wounded adult face.
Jesus looked at her with intensity, intense probing, and passionately loving eyes, and at all of us through the screen, and said, Behold, I make all things new.
These are the words that take from the last book of the New Testament, the book of Revelations.
Suddenly the purpose of the pain was so clear, and the wounds that earlier in the film had been so difficult to see in his face, his back, indeed all over his body, became
Intensely beautiful.
They had been born voluntarily for love.
At the end of the film, after we had all had a chance to recover, a question and answer period ensued.
The unanimous praise for the film from a rather diverse crowd was an astounding and, to the compliments, were effusive.
The questions include the one question that seems to follow this film even though it has not yet even been released.
Why is this film considered by some to be anti-semitic?
Frankly, having now experienced, you do not know until you view this film, the passion is, it is a question that is impossible to answer.
A law professor, whom I admire, sat in front of me, raised his hand and responded, quote, after watching this film, I do not understand how anyone can insinuate that it even remotely presents that the Jews killed Jesus.
It doesn't, he continued.
It made me realize that my sins killed Jesus.
I agree.
This is not a scintilla of anti-Semitism to be found anywhere in this powerful film.
If there were, I would be among the first to decry it.
And he goes on to say, it tells the gospel story in a dramatically beautiful, sensitive, and profoundly engaging way.
Those who are angling otherwise have either not seen the film or have another agenda behind their protestations.
This is not a Christian film.
It is a sense that it will appeal only to those who identify themselves as followers of Jesus Christ.
It is a deeply human, beautiful story that will deeply touch all men and women.
It is a profound work of art.
Yes, its producer is a Catholic Christian and thankfully has remained faithful to the gospel text.
If that is no longer acceptable behavior, then we are all in trouble.
History demands that we remain faithful to the story, and Christians have a right to tell it.
After all, we believe that it is the greatest story ever told, and that its message is for all men and women, the greatest right is the right to hear the truth.
So, again, I'm not a newsreader, folks, but that was Alex Jones babbling through the eloquent words of Paul Harvey.
And I've talked to local film critics that went and saw it when Mel Gibson was here in Austin.
They were stunned by it.
And it's not in English, folks.
It's in Hebrew and Aramaic and Roman.
And I can't wait to see it.
It's coming out in late February.
In fact, I don't have the release date in front of me.
I believe it's released the 23rd, the 24th.
Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it's coming out in just a couple weeks, and believe me, I will be there right after I get off this show at 2 o'clock.
I'm going to go see a 3 o'clock or 4 o'clock showing of it with my wife.
And I will give you my report at that time, but from reading descriptions of it, all it does is expose the Pharisees
Who wanted to kill Jesus because he was standing up against their corruption.
And look at the corruption of the church today.
Look what's happened to the church today.
How wicked it is, both Protestant and Catholic, how it's been infiltrated and controlled by the New World Order.
And so we face, you know, the Pharisees today.
Whether they're Jewish or German or Chinese, we face evil people that are pushing their own agenda, seeking to replace Christianity with their New World Order neo-paganism.
And so understand, folks, we are in a culture war.
We are in a battle for Western civilization and Christendom that is being destroyed!
And those of you out there that are against Christianity understand it is being replaced by the Satanism, by the Luciferianism of Skull and Bones of the Bohemian Grove!
Turn on the television!
You can't miss the occultism being promoted across the board!
Now, by the way, coming up tomorrow we have Hutton Gibson on the show in the second hour of the broadcast, and he is quite a historian, very well read.
I mean, he's the national champion of Jeopardy!
He's going to be talking about secession and how that's constitutional, how that's a good thing.
And I agree, some of the states should break off just to send a message and educate people about this new world order.
They'll also be coming on to talk about the national draft and the Iraq war and a lot more tomorrow.
We've got Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D., coming on to talk about Prozac causing the children to commit suicide.
When we get back, we're all going to do a bunch of other key news items.
The plunging dollar, the Ryerson attacks, you name it.
Infowars.com is the website.
Stay with us.
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I have just one or two more comments about The Passion of Christ, produced, directed by Mel Gibson.
And that is simply that this shows how sick our society's gotten.
That you can have Janet Jackson dancing around naked at 8 o'clock at night in front of the children of America.
You can have cuss words and all of this stuff on mainstream television.
And then somebody like Mel Gibson makes an uplifting historical film out of his own pocket.
And everyone who sees it is deeply touched by it and it's being demonized and attacked by the mainstream media.
And as Paul Harvey said, if this film's bad and we can't tell the story, we're in a lot of trouble.
We're in a lot of trouble.
We have a lot of attempted censorship and blackballing going on in the media.
You know, they won't even let MoveOn.org air their TV ad on CBS, which is tame stuff.
So we have censorship across the political spectrum, but I'm telling you, it's backfiring because people are starting to value alternative information.
They're starting to research history for themselves, and God bless Mel Gibson for his work.
And I hope we all pray that this film is wildly successful, and I think it will be.
And I know I'm going to be here promoting it.
Gosh, there is so much here.
I mean, how could I ever cover it all?
Ryerson Discovery closes three Senate office buildings, Associated Press.
Three Senate office buildings were closed today after a suspicious white powder, apparently delivered through the mail system, was found in the Senate Majority Leader's office.
Officials said, preliminary test, but not all of them were positive for Ryerson, a deadly poison.
Now, we don't know what's going to happen, but there have been hundreds of cases where they find white powder which they think is anthrax or riacin, and in every case before 2001, it was not positive.
In 2001, they did find positive, and people did die for anthrax.
So we don't even know if this is going to turn out to be riacin.
They're claiming it's riacin, but they say some of the tests show that it's not riacin.
Now, going back to the anthrax attacks, Bush's White House press secretary admitted in a press conference that the White House cabinet was on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic, on September 10th.
Then they claimed it wasn't weaponized.
Now they've had to admit it's the most weaponized, patented U.S.
Fort Detrick, Maryland anthrax ever seen, ever known.
The most microscopic, the most deadly, microscopically coated in bentonite, a process that takes a hundred plus million dollars of machinery alone to do the patented process.
The Russians couldn't even figure out how to do this.
And suddenly this stuff gets mailed out to a bunch of Bush enemies.
And he's on Cipro.
And then we go back to the companies, the congressional funding in 99 for a CIA program to male weaponize anthrax through the mail.
Then you have White House cabinet officials involved with the big drug companies that sell the drugs that treat the anthrax, who then saw their stock skyrocket as well.
And because of this, the dollar has dropped even more.
It's dropped by 42% in the last year and a half.
Now it's dropped even more.
Dollar drops against Euro after poison found in Frist's office.
Bloomberg Financial, the dollar weakened against the Euro in London after police said the poison, Ryerson, was found in Washington offices of Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, raising concern about terrorism against the U.S.
Now you notice in the AP they say some of the tests say it's not Ryerson, some of the tests say it is.
Bloomberg says it is.
It will make the market more cautious towards the dollar, said Frank Dong, Chief Strategist at Hong Kong, a Bank of America Corp, who used to work at the Federal Reserve.
The U.S.
has been warning recently about possible terrorist attack.
Powder found in Frist Mailroom in Driskin Senate Office Building tested positive for Ryerson.
Capitol Police said first Republican from Tennessee said the powder may have been inhaled by people who came in contact with it.
And the dollar dropped to 124.68 in London from 124.42 to 4 in yesterday New York versus the Yen.
The dollar traded near a three-year low.
At $1.554 from $1.562, so that's another serious drop from $1.23 to $1.29 in the next month, said Bank of America.
They're thinking they'll see an even bigger drop.
And the average American has no idea what this means to have a weak dollar.
It's not good.
But again, the average person has no idea.
Here's a clue.
Remember making fun of Mexico because their peso was worthless?
Or Russian rubles?
We're on the way to that!
Alright, we'll come back and get into what's happening with the children and the drugging and how it's making them commit suicide.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Just a program note, then we're going to our guest and your calls and a ton of vital news and information.
Colonel Craig Roberts, Army Intelligence, Marine Corps Sniper in Vietnam, expert on the New World Order, will be joining us to talk about some of the new revelations concerning a videotape that Congress was supposed to have
The surveillance tape of the BATF sting going on in Oklahoma City where they supposedly videotaped the two explosions and multiple bombers in Oklahoma City.
That's in the third hour.
We've got Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D.
for the next thirty minutes or so.
And in the second hour we'll open the phones up and take a ton of calls.
In fact, we'll probably go to calls before this hour ends for those that are patiently holding.
About two weeks ago, we posted video clips from a PBS documentary, America Rebuilding, where the owner of the World Trade Center 7 says that they decided to demolish Building 7 on 9-11.
That's a big deal because they claimed all the buildings fell on their own.
Last time I checked, over 3 million people at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com had watched those videos, had clicked on the story.
Then last week, I posted a 30-minute analysis with more video clips from my local TV show.
I posted that at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com, but I haven't really properly promoted it, and so only a few hundred thousand people have watched it, and that's obviously a lot of people, but I want to get this story out, the new information concerning Building 7, so
After the show, visit the websites and watch that video clip, and email it out to your friends and family and message boards, and help give this story legs, because think about this radio show.
Millions of people going to the website, watching the clips, reading the story.
That's huge!
That means we're affecting change.
We're hurting the globalists.
So please, help us get the word out on what we're doing.
This is a story out of the Washington Post today.
FDA links antidepressants to youth suicide risk.
Now, in the early 80s, it came out in the Prozac trials that it just doesn't cause children, but also adults, a massive increase in suicide.
People are in a mesmerized, delusional state.
Women will dance naked on rooftops.
They may get happy.
They may get sad.
They may commit suicide.
Men do it.
It puts you into a mesmerized state.
Federal regulators said for the first time yesterday that clinical trials of popular antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft show a greater risk of suicide among children taking the drugs compared with those taking dummy pills.
That's not true.
We have 20-year-old studies, 22-year-old now, since 1981, it was approved in 83, showing this.
Although only one of these drugs has been approved for the treatment of children with depression, doctors are prescribing them to hundreds of thousands of American children each year.
Joining us is Dr. John Breeding, Ph.D.,
Good to be here, Mr. Jones.
Thanks for having me on again.
I was happy you called this morning.
Good, you're on top of that story with the FDA that's happening this week.
Well, you heard me go over the fact that they're lying.
These aren't the first studies.
Can you tell us about it, sir?
Yeah, basically, you know, Prozac was the mother drug, and since then there's a whole handful of related ones that are so-called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, SSRIs, but it's Prozac, Paxil, Luvox, Effexor,
There's three or four others, and as you said, they started coming on in the early 80s and then just expanded from there.
And what's been revealed, we've been trying to reveal this for a long time, just like a lot of the things that you're trying to reveal, Alex, you know, and it's a real fight.
But fortunately in this case, recently we got some help from Great Britain.
The equivalent of the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration here, there is called the Committee for the Study of Medicines, and recently they basically put a ban on all the SSRIs for children, and why did they do this?
Because they had a panel, thanks to some activist people over there, and started looking into these drugs, and then they discovered that
Over half of the people on the panel were doctors that were in the pay of the drug companies.
Well, that's the point I was going to make.
The FDA owns, or is owned by Big Pharma.
The European and British drug companies own their panels.
That's been proven.
How are we now seeing them being forced to admit the truth?
Well, what happened was there was enough pressure on the people in Britain that they
They disintegrated the panel and created a new panel of people who didn't have links to the drug companies, and out of that came a close look at the data, not only in the sense of the clinical data of incident after incident after incident of suicide or violent action on these drugs, but also going right back
I'm sorry, every mass shooter, and I'm not exaggerating, I've never seen a woman drown five of her kids, or somebody go into school and shoot people, or Malvo, or Mohammed, in every Larry Ashbrook, Buford Furrow, Eric Harris, and Clybold, they're always on these drugs!
Almost every time they're on this class of drugs, you know, and what came out of the situation in Britain was they
They finally basically insisted that they'd be able to go back and look at all the so-called research data, which is mostly done by people in the pay of the pharmaceutical industry.
But even that data, once they looked at it closely, they showed that the companies had deliberately suppressed the information that revealed that early on in these clinical trials, there was always a certain percentage, anywhere from 4 to 12 percent of the participants in these studies
That would become suicidal or psychotic and this was suppressed and so they revealed that and then they analyzed and they finally decided that these drugs were dangerous and the so-called risk-benefit ratio was greater toward the risk and so they basically, they call it contraindicating, but they basically banned the drugs for children.
That forced
The FDA to at least take a closer look at it.
The FDA is very much an arm of the big pharma unfortunately in this country, but the spotlight is on them.
It's getting out in the press like the article that you just mentioned and we'll see what comes.
We don't have a lot of hopes that the FDA
We'll really confront this, but they're certainly getting more pressure on it than they ever have.
Well, in fact, in the Washington Post article, it goes on with a family, a bunch of families who met.
It says, patients and impassioned families pleaded for more urgent action at a day-long meeting of an expert advisory panel yesterday.
Dozens of parents, siblings, and doctors from all over the country gave lengthy
And moving testimony describing family members and patients who had committed suicide or had turned violent after taking the drugs.
We were told that Paxil and Prozac were wonder drugs, said Glenn McIntosh of Austin, whose daughter, Kaitlyn, 12, hanged herself with shoelaces weeks after being started on Paxil and then being switched to Zoloft.
We were lied to!
Yeah, and Glenn is on my board of Wildest Cults Resources.
He's a good friend of mine, and it's just a tragedy.
His daughter, what they figured out in retrospect was that his daughter had a sleep disorder because of a sleep apnea condition, and it was not diagnosed.
They put her on the psych drugs.
It just exacerbated the problem, and she tragically hung herself in Cedar Park High School.
He's going to be on your show later, I know, but not today.
It's these kind of tragic stories.
I've heard them from so many people.
Well, we also have the statistics, but 10 years ago, I had a girlfriend who was in a car wreck.
She wasn't even hurt very bad.
And she was a nice person.
She goes to the hospital, goes back to the doctor.
They recommend Prozac because her neck was hurt.
Oh, this will make you feel better.
Obviously, nothing to do with psychological problems.
And she turned into a different person, got basically manic, happy or really sad.
It caused psychological problems.
I had to break up with her, not before I read the insert on the Prozac prescription.
And it was listed basically as a cross between a hallucinogen and an amphetamine.
What exactly do these drugs really do?
Well, they're called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, but the selective part is about like the idea of a smart bomb.
You know, you can send a bomb in the area and pick out the people you're going to kill and not kill the other people.
The knowledge about the complexity of the electrochemical functions in the brain and the nervous system and all through the body is, at this point, is like caveman level of information.
But it's presented to the public as if we really know this and this is precisely how it works.
It's not true.
The basic effects profile, you use the word, is amphetamine, you know, with the drugs.
That's the basic effects profile.
And the real dynamic that seems to send people into psychosis
We call it Ream Sleep Behavioral Disorder or whatever, but basically it's the idea that the amphetamine effect, you know, it kicks in the so-called fight-or-flight hormones.
You know, you get the cortisol and adrenaline and it gives you a lift for a while, but then at some point your organ systems get depleted.
For some people it's very quickly, but it starts interfering with sleep.
You get sleep disruption.
You become sleep-deprived, particularly the Ream sleep or deep sleep.
I think so, yes.
I don't know what happened.
I can't believe I did it.
I was in a fog.
Doctor, you know, you've got a PhD in psychology from the University of Texas, but I've also talked to other medical doctors, and this is the classic thing that speed freaks do.
Because it is a classic speed effect.
It's an amphetamine effect.
Yeah, exactly.
You know, we talk about the fact that, for example, just on Ritalin for a second, you know, Ritalin, which is methylphenidate, if you take methylphenidate
You take methamphetamine, which is crystal speed, or you take cocaine.
Cocaine's illegal.
Methamphetamine's illegal, but Ritalin is a quote of medicine that's given to millions of school-aged children.
Now, doctor, yes, over six million, but they also admit that the drug effect is identical.
If you take the same dose in the same form, you can't tell the difference.
And whether you call it Prozac and it's a medicine, or amphetamine, and it's an illicit drug sold on the street,
You run into the same kinds of problems.
And again, this is hidden in plain view.
Right out in the open, in front of everyone, tens of millions of adults are on these drugs.
Millions and millions and millions.
I've seen the number of six million children are on these.
Hundreds of thousands now on the Prozac type drugs.
Six million on the Ritalin type drugs.
And that's year by year.
I mean, this is amazing.
It causes heart palpitations, brain shrinkage, stunting of growth, all the classic stuff that speed does.
We have the speed dealers now selling Ritalin instead of speed.
How are they getting... Look, I have the studies from the early 80s on Prozac where they admit it was causing increased suicides.
I mean, I covered this eight years ago.
How did they ever get this approved when they knew what it was doing?
Well, the real story is that the FDA is co-opted, you know.
But basically, to get a drug approved, all you have to do basically is create some kind of study that presumably shows that with some population,
It's at least as effective as a placebo or maybe slightly more effective on some kind of outcome measure, you know, which in this case might be a self-report that I feel less depressed, you know, and that it doesn't seem to kill a lot of people.
And that's about all it takes to get it approved by FDA.
They don't even consider these other factors.
And then what happens is you have the pharmaceutical industry, which is one of the most profitable industries in the world, as you know.
And you start to see, you know, Prozac for example, 45,000 or something like that adverse reaction reports to the FDA in the 1990s, you know.
I mean, it's like unbelievable more than any other drug in history.
And that's maybe 1 to 10% of the actual incidents, you know.
Thousands of those are deaths, you know.
But the drug company, and a lot of them go to trials, so there's these trials, you know, people want to sue the companies.
But the pharmaceutical industry has millions and millions and millions of dollars.
And they have lobbyists, more than one lobbyist for every single member in the U.S.
Also they fund the states, they're some of the biggest lobbyists there.
They also fund the election campaigns of judges.
All that.
So they've got massive control.
President Bush was on the board, the senior Bush was on the board of Eli Lilly, his family
You know, is all connected with that whole history.
By the way, they admit that most of the Bush family, and this is Parade Magazine, are on Prozac.
Did you know that?
Well, I was on a panel once with Neil Bush, and there was a situation with his son, and he was actually on our side in that incident, because he had been really pressured by the schools to drug his kid.
I'm not surprised.
I have to tell you, I don't really know the inside story on that, what you just said.
Well, it's incredible, Doctor, and here's the CNN headline, adverse effects on children, and it says, urge warnings of kids, antidepressant risk, FDA hears debate on behalf, side effects of the drugs on youth.
So, they're having to admit some of this, but... They're having to admit some of it, but the basic trend, as you mentioned, is that in the last few years particularly,
They've just been putting more and more children on these drugs, and it's just a tragedy, and that's what we're trying to stop.
Well, doctor, let me give you an example.
I go to the gym for about an hour a day, get on a stair stepper or an exercise bike for 30, 45 minutes, lift weights for maybe 20 minutes, and they've got TVs all over the gym where I work out.
And all I see is Prozac ads and other psychotropic ads.
I open magazines up when I'm on the stair-stepper, and every magazine I see is filled with drug ads.
I mean, it's just... I talked to a pharmacist for the Drug Enforcement Administration two or three years ago.
Her name's Gretchen Foissner, and she's pretty helpful in terms of giving me data and stuff.
She was telling me, and I wrote an article about this, she said that up until about three years ago, there was this so-called gentleman's agreement between the drug industry, the drug companies, and the DEA, which was basically that they wouldn't do direct marketing to consumers, particularly for the drugs for children, but that they would do all their marketing to doctors and to blah, blah, blah.
I think so.
You know, like you say, on TV, in the newspaper, in the magazine.
What we have is self-prescribing.
They go, oh, I need that drug.
It says, ask your doctor, is this drug right for you?
That was the goal of that marketing onslaught, and unfortunately it's been kind of effective.
A lot of people are pretty passive and pretty much at the effect of things that they see, and that's what's happening.
With children specifically, just this huge
I'll tell you what, we've got a break, sir.
We'll be right back.
This is what drug pushers do in the schoolyard.
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Alright, I've been going in a hundred different directions because we only have Dr. Breeding for 30 minutes.
And as he said, I'm going to have some of these families who are in the Washington Post on the show talking about the suicides of their children.
And so you're in a car wreck, you've got a sleep disorder, anything.
The answer is, here, we'll put you on these drugs.
My mother had terminal cancer last year and she got a little depressed, understandably.
And the oncologist gave her some samples of
I can't remember which one of these was, but it was one of the SSRIs.
It might have been Zoloft or Effexor or something.
Fortunately, I got wind of it and went up there, and she was already having the immediate reactions of so-called akathisia, which is the most dangerous symptom.
That's when you get this inner agitation and restlessness.
It's an effect of the drugs, and that's usually the precursor.
I don't know.
People I know that are on these, they stop, quote, working in a few months, and then people end up on three or four of these drugs.
It takes more and more.
That's what happens.
You start getting sleep messed up, and so then you start taking tranquilizers on top of it to balance it.
I want to make just a couple of real quick points, if I could, Alex.
Sure, go ahead.
One is that the danger of the drugs is paramount, okay?
But below that, the bigger, even bigger issue is basically the fraud.
You know, what people need to understand is that these drugs are not being prescribed for real diseases.
People are told that they have a chemical imbalance or a brain disease, but there's no real evidence of it.
Basically, there's just a report that I'm not feeling good, or there's an opinion about your child that they're not behaving right, and then it's assumed, and there's all this pseudoscience that's given out there that you have this disease.
But the truth is that there's no scientific evidence that really validates any problem routinely seen by psychiatrists as a real, quote, sort of biologically or genetically based mental illness.
That's the underpinnings that really need to be challenged here.
All right.
Well, Doctor, we're going to have to have you back on the show for a full hour.
Perhaps you can come on when the families come on the show.
We'll try to arrange that.
You bet.
And the website is
We're good to go.
And it's a great book folks should get at walduscolts.com.
And Dr. Breeding, the good news here is that people are starting to wake up, and I think Big Pharma, as more and more of their carnage gets exposed, you're going to see more resistance.
I like it.
I appreciate your helping us with it, Alex.
You bet.
Look forward to talking to you again soon.
Okay, great.
There goes Dr. John Breeding.
Can't do it in 30 minutes, but we'll have him back on here very soon with some of the families.
Before I end this hour and come back with your calls and a bunch of other news, stay with us folks on the second hour of the Colonel Roberts' third hour, getting into Oklahoma City and how that ties into 9-11 and some of the new developments there.
Before we do that,
I've made ten films.
Matrix of Evil is the newest.
Police State 3 is the one before that.
They're both excellent.
There's 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, covering government-sponsored terror.
There's my book, 9-11 Dissent into Tyranny, that I wrote.
I also published Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
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So please go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get our ProGun t-shirts, the bumper stickers, the deception dollars, the videos.
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So get three of the videos.
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And operators are there right now to take your order or to answer your questions.
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Second hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
In the last hour, we had John Breeding, Ph.D., on talking about FDA links antidepressants with youth suicide risk.
The original study showed that.
We can talk about that subject if you'd like.
I want to get into the dollar dropping against the euro some more, and the Ryerson, they claim, being discovered in some of the Senate office buildings.
More and more people are learning about the Matrix database, the Echelon NSA control system at the state level.
We'll get into that.
Also, I want to go over some new developments of how your television is watching you.
Everything we see in 1984 is now happening.
Cameras in school bathrooms and showers, your cable television, your satellite television, tracking what you watch and what you do.
Another headline here, after the Cold War, we need to build a New World Order, is the Herald Tribune headline, as they build their New World Order.
Kerry calls on Bush to settle questions on military record.
Bush went AWOL.
Also, Kerry leads Bush in New Poll.
If they were to have the election right now,
John Kerry would get 53% of the vote, Bush 46%.
So be afraid, be very afraid.
The globalists might decide to carry out some terror attacks to get Bush's approval rating up a little bit higher so he can stand on top of rubble and talk about how he's our savior.
But I don't know, they may put Kerry in there, he's skull and bones too.
Talk about two peas in a pot, or I should say two peas in a skull and bones coffin.
As they do their little rituals.
So that's coming up as well.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Brock in Canada.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to ask you about this white poison powder that has showed up and the anthrax scare of 2001.
If you could
I wonder how this ties in with what the globalists are setting up for the next move.
From all the evidence, it's totally clear, and I get into this in my two 9-11 films and in my book,
It is totally clear that the U.S.
government launched those anthrax attacks.
Bush was on Cipro before the attacks even got launched with his cabinet.
That's admitted.
The most weaponized anthrax ever seen.
They tried to burn Hatfield.
It turned out he was innocent.
We actually know the name of the individual who got in there and was dealing with the anthrax, and he was doing it under U.S.
government control, so of course they won't go after him.
And, uh, so this is, that's what's happening there.
They're not even sure this is riots and right now it could end up being riots and but we have an FBI crime lab that has been caught framing hundreds and hundreds of people and putting out false reports so we can't even believe that if they say it's real riots and we know the last stuff was real anthrax because it killed a bunch of people.
Well, I, um, wonder what they're, what they're trying to prove with this like in
with the anthrax and if this is Ryerson, what are they uh... what's their goal?
Well, what did the anthrax do?
It created fear, kept the hysteria going.
During the anthrax attacks when the Capitol was shut down, they passed Patriot Act 1.
It just creates a lot of hysteria and fear in Washington and scares the Congress into going along.
Okay, and I was going to ask the tie-in with Oklahoma City.
What they were trying to prove and what the next move is, is it just the bottom line to get the populace into tyranny and enslavement so that they can be pushed around at will?
Well, that's it.
The globalists couldn't get their anti-terrorism bill, which was basically another Patriot Act, passed in 95, in 94.
So there's a big Oklahoma City bombing, suddenly it passes, the anti-terror funding gets doubled, they start taking more of our liberties, and so it's a progression.
They take more rights, they get more funding.
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial.
From West Virginia to Colorado, from Texas to Rhode Island to New York to California, we're on the air on the AM and FM dial, simulcasting on Global Shortwave during the day at 12.172 or 93.20, pick your frequency, or you can simply tune in at night at 5.085 or 68.90.
Thank you for joining us.
Coming up, Marcello, Kevin, Mike, John, and many others that are holding.
I want to go through your calls quickly.
Then I want to get into some of the Big Brother news, some of the news on the global front as quickly as possible, and also what's happening with the election.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Marcello in Canada.
Another call from Canada.
Welcome, Marcello.
Thank you, Alex.
Yes, I'm calling about the anti-depressant drugs.
You see, I'm a distributor for an essential oil company, and we get these training tapes every month, and on one of them there is a speaker, Ann Blakely.
She spoke at one of their annual conferences, and she's an anti-depressant drug activist, against it, and she detailed about how they cause
What she called dissociative episodes.
And in fact, she was a witness at trials for these drugs, including Columbine incident.
And she talked about how one of the kids there, his records were sealed.
They weren't even allowed to discuss what he was on.
And, you know, that these drugs are very bad news.
Well, I mean, when I said that every case of a mother grounding her children, or somebody walking into a Baptist church or Jewish center shooting people, or Malvo and the other supposed sniper, Mohammed, in every case I've seen, they're on these drugs, on multiple drugs, in many cases.
And it puts you into a mesmerized, as you said, a disassociative state,
We're your sleepwalking around and that's why women get very promiscuous on these drugs.
They might be in a great mood, they might be in a bad mood.
Men get the same way.
People just drive off the edge of a bridge just not paying attention.
It totally puts you into a mind control state.
And now, tens of millions of people are on and off these drugs at any one time, six million school children, on Ritalin alone!
And it's just, it's just horrible, and again, it's hidden in plain view, and then they'll raid your house with guys in black uniforms and ski masks, knock down your door, looking for methamphetamine, that's the exact same thing.
You know, she might make a good guest on your show one day.
Yeah, I know who she is.
I ought to have her on.
I've had a lot of medical doctors and psychiatrists and psychologists on, and a lot of people are starting to wake up to this Marcello.
Would you like me to send you a copy of the tape?
Yeah, that'd be wonderful.
Thanks a lot for the call.
I appreciate it.
Kevin in Boston.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Hi, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I've got four of your movies.
I just ordered Gulag USA.
And painful deception, just so that when I'm showing people I can... I was looking for something to go along with yours that is from a voice other than yours, and I'm looking forward to those.
But comments on the Gibson film, and Paul Harvey's comments you mentioned, that was wonderful, because I read that article as well, and I liked... Paul Harvey mentioned, there's no way he's an anti-Semite.
He said he, as a Christian, grew up in a Jewish neighborhood,
And he said he developed a lot of his concepts of faith and his passion for faith through the neighborhood and his Jewish influence on him and he says he loves the Jewish people and he doesn't feel this film is of any value.
Well I've talked to a bunch of people who have seen The Passion and they just can't figure out why the ADL and
And then Simon Wiesenthal Center and others are attacking it, and I'll tell you why.
Same reason they're attacking getting the Ten Commandments out of Alabama, because the Pharisees
broke with what Moses had taught, and went into captivity in Babylon, and they came out occultic.
And so what Christians have done, and what Christ did, was go back.
Actually, that's what Christ said, is, I'm here to fulfill the commandments, fulfill the Old Testament, bringing that back.
And he told the Pharisees, you're a bunch of devils.
And so that's what the New World Order is, that's why evil people, regardless of what race they are, hate the Bible, hate the information there, and that's why they're attacking Mel Gibson.
Look, the Simon Wiesenthal Center will endorse Arnold Schwarzenegger, an admitted hater of blacks, Jews, everybody else,
And then, at the very same time, attack Mel Gibson.
And look, they'll attack Steve Bosch, who has songs about America coming together.
Anything wholesome, anything good, they try to attack it.
Anything that's truly Nazi-like, they defend.
Well, they had that nice Super Bowl halftime show, which they'll defend.
You know, CBS will issue a statement
Denying that they had anything to do with it, even though they can prove that they did.
And, you know, CBS... MTV bragged days before that it was all staged.
Then they tried to take it off their website.
They had a caller just ask, what reason for these ricin attacks, these anthrax attacks?
And I know, one of the things I read elsewhere is about these factions within the Illuminati.
They have that agenda for globalism.
They're all pushing, but they're fighting for power amongst each other.
And some of these hits are against each other.
You know, they'll roll it out for the terror effects, but also to send a message and retaliate between, you know, whether it's the European bankers or whether it's the neocon, you know, totally Bush group only, you know, amongst themselves for which, whether it's going to be more Europe, more American business interest.
And one thing that this group of talking about these factions was opting
They were saying Bush's space program announcement may be an opportunity for him to bring out some of their secret technology that they've black budgeted and already developed, so it may not cost all that much money, but they just may pull out some of these
New high-tech weapons and pretend that they've done it before.
Well that's it.
They already have the X-ray lasers and the nukes and the particle beams in space.
They already have space planes.
That's admitted.
And exactly, they're going to get now $600 billion over the next 20 years for the new space program and that's going to be used to be funneled into black budget projects.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Great points, Kevin.
Let's talk to... Oh, who's up next here?
Mike in Pittsburgh.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Good, my friend.
Hey, I'm just a first-time caller.
I just got online with the broadband app, and I just wanted to call and thank you for everything you're doing here.
My buddy turned me on to you, and ever since then, I've been trying to listen to you on them little shortwave radios, and they're just impossible to get it in.
So I finally got online, and I'm just calling to say thanks.
And also, I didn't get to hear too much about the John Kerry and the Skull & Bones.
I just wanted to go over that real quick.
Sure, thanks for the call, and it's good to have you on board, Mike.
At infowars.com and prisonplanet.com, there's a banner there at Prison Planet that says, uh, Skull and Bones Election.
And it's got some really good London Guardian, uh, excuse me, London Telegraph articles about John Kerry and Bush and the satanic rituals.
And the devil worship and how the CIA is run by Skull and Bones and the presidency and how it's all completely staged.
This election is staged, folks.
We have, for the first time, two Skull and Bones members running against each other.
And a lot of you want to defend Howard Dean.
Howard Dean is under attack because he's not their pick of the litter, but he's still from the same litter.
He wants a national ID card, wants to track and trace what you do.
He wants gun control.
I mean, he's the same thing.
He's just not the anointed one right now.
So I'm saying you're going to see George W. Bush
Or John Forbes Cherry in the White House.
And again, if things don't go right for the globalists, they've got their electronic voting machines put in that are admittedly run by the CIA.
And we, of course, have some articles now is as good a time as any to cover these.
Cherry calls on Bush to settle questions on military record.
And this is out of the Associated Press.
Democratic presidential frontrunner John F. Kerry, who has turned his decorated Vietnam War service into a theme of his campaign, said yesterday that President Bush and the U.S.
military should settle questions raised recently by Kerry allies about whether Bush completed his military service requirements of the Texas Air National Guard in the 1970s.
Well, at Infowars.com and ThePowerHour.com and others have it posted, we have the actual discharge documents, his service record.
He went AWOL for two years, about a year and about 11 twelfths.
I mean, it's almost two years.
He washed up, he wouldn't take the drug test, he wouldn't take flight exams.
Anybody else would have been court-martialed, okay?
He was down there in the Caviar Silver Spoon Regiment in Houston.
And so, Kerry doesn't need to ask the question.
He knows, okay?
Kerry leads Bush in new poll, CNN.
Senator John Kerry, the front-runner among Democrats, vying for their party's presidential nomination, leads President Bush in the head-to-head matchup, according to the CNN.
Senator Gallup poll released Monday.
Senator John Edwards of North Carolina and retired General Leslie Clark also emerged as formidable opponents, according to hypothetical matchups in the poll, which found a deadline
A decline in Bush's approval numbers.
The poll based on interviews of 1,001 adult members of America included 562 likely voters, was conducted in the days after the New Hampshire primary.
And they found that 53% say they'll vote for Kerry, 46% for Bush.
Well, do what Bill Clinton did, Bush.
Just blow up a federal building.
Oh, you probably did.
You were involved in that too, weren't you, your daddy?
Running the CIA still to this day.
But that's how it works.
So be afraid, be very afraid.
If Bush can stand on some smoking rubble and talk about how tough he is and tell us how he's going to get the bad guys on a bullhorn, we'll all learn to worship him again.
Jack Brownrigg for Midas Resources.
Last summer we did some two-year comparisons between the equity markets and gold.
Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The Nasdaq in our same time frame is flat.
Two years ago, the US dollar was worth 17% more than the Euro.
Today, the US dollar is worth 28% less than the Euro.
Guess which one has gold backing?
January of 2002, gold spot was $2.83.
January of 2004, it's well over $400 at a 13-year high, up near 40%.
Gold is moving.
Equities are treading water.
There's very little of the billions lost in market scandals.
Put your money in a safe haven.
Physical possession, private gold.
Remember, gold cannot go bankrupt.
Call Midas Resources today, 800-686-2237.
Protect yourself, protect your loved ones.
Call 800-686-2237.
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Alright callers, John and Michael and Ralph and others, I'll have to get to you in the next segment because I need to get into some of this Police State and New World Order news.
Then we've got Colonel Roberts in the next hour to talk about these new developments concerning
The ATF surveillance tapes, sting tapes of the Ryder truck going off and multiple individuals and how Congress has had a copy of this and so we'll get his take on what J.D.
Cash was saying yesterday in the third hour.
Continue with your calls.
I remember five, six years ago warning people that the new digital cable boxes had microphones in them.
I have the owner's manuals for these by the way.
And, uh, that they can listen to you and that they track everything you watch and build detailed psychological, uh, breakdowns on you.
Every national commercial TV show has different psychological scores.
Every part of the program has psychological scores.
And off this, how long you watch, what you watch, they build the most detailed psychological, uh, pictures you can imagine on you.
So Big Brother isn't just watching you physically, Big Brother's looking into your mind.
And they can also use it, audio-wise, to listen to you.
And last year, Television Week came out, big industry publication, and said, yeah, Homeland Security's listening to you over your cable boxes.
And most satellite systems, you have a phone line so you can get pay-per-view hooked into the system that comes along with the satellite system.
They're doing the same thing.
I told you that OnStar is being used by Homeland Security and the FBI to listen to you.
That's a cell phone in the car, and it listens to you.
You can turn your car off and track you as well, and people didn't believe it, and now it's come out in the mainstream news, and a federal judge said they can't do it, but they don't care if they're continuing it.
Well, I also have been told by cable operators that I know, because I'm one of the listeners that work for the cable and satellite companies, that TiVo, and TiVo's not the only one, there's lots of these systems that you can pause and rewind live television.
Well, uh, this is, uh, from, um, well, a release by PR Newswire by TiVo.
Uh, TiVos are very, uh, proud of themselves.
So this is what they have to say about it.
Just plain as day, right out in the open, publicly admitting it.
And again, in 1984, Winston is watched by the telescreens.
It listens to him.
In 1984, there's cameras in the bathrooms.
Hundreds of school districts now have cameras in the bathrooms.
State rest stops have cameras in the stalls.
This is Associated Press.
And it's totally normal and totally good.
But they just arrested some pervert up in Round Rock who owned a gym who was videotaping women in the dressing room.
The owner.
And he's gonna get, you know, 50-something years in prison.
Which is good.
But see, it's bad when a pervert does it.
When the government does it, it's good.
You start to understand how this works.
They put cameras in your 12-year-old daughter's showers at your middle school, and it's a good thing.
That's, again, Associated Press.
But it's bad when a pervert does it.
No, the government's all a bunch of perverts who make me sick.
It's bad when you do it, or bad when some pervert does it.
And this is how they sneak it in.
Somebody would read this article and wouldn't even get the import of it.
Okay, this is PR Newswire, and this is put out by TiVo.
Satellite interviews available with TiVo president to discuss Super Bowl highs, lows, whatever that means.
So there's a TiVo president saying, hey, you want to have us on your national news show to talk about how wonderful this is?
Have us on.
So this is from them.
From them!
From them!
PR Newswire.
Justin Timberlake and Janet Jackson topped the show during Sunday's Super Bowl, attracting almost twice as many viewers as the most thrilling moments on the field.
According to an annual measurement of the second-by-second viewership in TiVo households, second-by-second tracking
The Jackson Timberlake moment drew the biggest spike in audience reaction TiVo has ever measured.
TiVo said viewership spiked up 180% as hundreds of thousands of households used TiVo's unique capabilities to pause and replay live television to view the incident again and again.
Overall, the halftime extravaganza and the powerful grip of the viewers, according to TiVo's analysis of aggregated data from the anonymous sample, oh, they say anonymous.
Gee, oh, it's anonymous.
Our computers all are sampling over your cable box what you're doing, but it's anonymous.
No, it's not.
Sample of 20,000 households, viewership of the game's intermission increased by 12% compared to last year's halftime show.
So, the main article's, oh, everybody was wanting to see Janet Jackson over and over again, but the real story's buried there, that they're tracking what you're doing.
Just another example.
By the way, I was in the gym yesterday, picked up a fishing magazine, and wait until I hear, so I'll tell you what was in this.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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That's federaltax.net.
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Jack Brownring for Midas Resources.
Last summer we did some two-year comparisons between the equity markets and gold.
Let's update.
January of 2002 to January of 2004, the Dow was up a whopping 2.2%.
The Nasdaq in that same time frame is flat.
Two years ago the U.S.
dollar was worth 17% more than a year old.
Today, the U.S.
dollar is worth 28% less than a euro.
Guess which one has gold backing?
January of 2002, gold spot was $2.83.
January of 2004, it's well over $400 at a 13-year high, up near 40%.
Gold is moving.
Equities are treading water.
To say little of the billions lost in market scandals.
Put your money in a safe haven.
Physical possession, private gold.
Remember, gold cannot go bankrupt.
Call Midas Resources today, 800-686-2237.
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We're here live folks and I know we've got a bunch of callers that are patiently holding and we'll get to those calls coming up here in just a few minutes.
I was and do we have Debbie?
Okay well will you get her for me?
Thank you.
Again, folks, I was going over TiVo, monitoring what you watch, how much you rewind live TV, what you're doing, what your viewing habits are, and then telling the world about it.
And you have your digital cable boxes with the microphones in them.
Admittedly, the government can tap right into it and listen to what's going on in your house.
And the point is, they just announced this out in the open.
And so, I'm going to the gym yesterday, and I sit there on the exercise bike, and I go get a magazine off the rack, and it's Outdoor Life, November 2003 issue.
And I turn to page 18, and it says, Beep Beep, You're Busted!
And you guessed it, trackable microchips.
We'll tell you about that coming up here in just a few minutes.
After we get to some more of your calls and how that integrates in with this CNN Law Center article, Student Wins Battle Against Plagiarism Detection Requirement.
Now understand, the headline has nothing to do with the bigger issues involved.
You read into the meat of the article, all over the country, I remember hearing about this years ago, public school children from elementary right through twelfth grade have to post into a government paid for indexed
What they're writing, what they're doing, and then that's looked at by the government.
And quote, it's to detect if you're plagiarizing.
No, they admit that they're wanting to know about mommy and daddy.
They have, in most of the public schools, by the eighth grade you write a journal on your parents and your life.
And don't worry, it's your private journal.
Your parents can't see you and can't see what you're writing, but it goes on this internet database.
And so that's right out in the open.
I mean, this is light years worse than 1984.
Why are we putting up with it?
Let's go ahead and take some calls.
John in Florida, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, I always applaud your programming and admire your Herculean strength.
Ability to put out as much as you do, but I need to make a constructive criticism.
So I hope you accept this All morning you've been saying Ryerson you are mispronouncing
The word is right.
You're putting an extra vowel in there.
Well, listen, I butcher words all the time.
Okay, but I hear your audience also passing it on, so I just don't want to see misinformation.
Well, I know I'm mispronouncing and I have trouble pronouncing and I have a problem with some words.
I can read well, but sometimes I have trouble pronouncing.
How do I pronounce it right again?
You've been inserting an A after the I. Don't do that.
Now, Rison.
Yes, sir?
You're right.
That is how you're supposed to pronounce it.
Everybody's just gonna pick it up and pass it around, and then they're gonna be saying one thing where, you know, they're not really aware of what they're saying.
Okay, well, thank you.
Anything else?
Uh, you know, can I just say something about the OnStar, since you were talking about it?
Yeah, there's a, uh, you know, an ad going around now that I've heard, I think on Car Radio.
Uh, and of course, you know, these are all actors and actresses, people that are reading from script.
I doubt that any of these are real incidents, but the latest one is a lady's gone to the restroom, and she drops her car keys in the commode, and she has to call OnStar because she's too afraid to stick her hand down in the commode.
Well, that's the point.
That's exactly what, and I've actually heard that.
I mean, these ads are all over talk radio, all over normal radio, you know, regular music radio, and it's, it's, you know, basically, will you hold my hand?
How do I wipe my nose?
Oh, I dropped them in the toilet bowl.
What do I do?
And so this is training us.
We're the all-seeing, loving Big Brother.
I see articles every week where Big Brother's helping.
Big Brother wasn't so bad.
Big Brother's going to look out for us.
Well, thanks for hearing me on this.
You bet.
I really do appreciate that information from you.
Yes, Rison, not Ryerson.
I believe they call it Ryacin poisoning, though, for some reason.
I know I've heard that term, Ryacin, on the news.
Perhaps they're getting it wrong, but I believe it's called Ryacin poisoning, and Ryacin is the toxic chemical.
But again, folks, yes, I mispronounced it.
You're correct.
I do that all the time, by the way.
Quite a bit.
Especially when I'm reading Russian names or Chinese names, I apologize.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
I was just hearing earlier about they're talking about these mind control drugs.
I have a wife that suffers illness and I feel that these mind control drugs just worsen the mind instead of help it.
Well, the psychotropics are a mixture of methamphetamine and basically LSD.
Yeah, I know.
I've studied them, sir.
Last time my wife was in a facility in Chattanooga, I talked to the doctor there and, you know, it's kind of would be impossible for a woman with a chemical imbalance who has a mania problem at times to go into a schizoid problem.
Like I say, most of these doctors need to realize all they're doing is they're pretty much burying themselves, just burying themselves into
Well, what's happening, Ralph, is the industry of the big pharmacological military industrial complex owns much of the media, owns and funds the American Medical Association and others, and so they set the policies and the doctors carry it out, and the globalists run these TV ads, call your doctor, demand Prozac, and so the doctors give the people what they want.
So it's not just the doctors.
Yeah, yeah.
The companies to the rich men of the world.
Well, it's more than that.
The globalists print the money.
This is about control, getting us all drugged, just like Brave New World.
Oh, yeah.
And according to the Iron Mountain report, it's like they're going to make it where if you're not a citizen of the world, and you're a normal person, you will be considered insane.
And the ones that say that they're
World citizens who are insane, actually, will be considered sane.
Thanks for the call.
Look, the official Department of Education documents, the official Pentagon documents, this stuff's all public.
They want to break the family up, dumb you down, get you on drugs.
They've taken Brave New World in 1984 and meshed the two.
By the way, Aldous Huxley, who wrote Brave New World, what, 1934,
He gave a speech in 1961 that we've aired in its entirety at Berkeley.
He gave the speech just months before he died.
And he said, look, I wrote this book because my brother was a top eugenics expert, later became the first Secretary General of UNESCO at the UN that Bush has signed back onto, by the way.
Who publicly called for eugenics and sterilizing people and forced drugging.
He said, my brother is an expert on this.
Everything I'm saying in this book is what I think we're going to have by 2000.
George Orwell, whose real last name was Blair, fought for the empire, fought for the communists, then figured out both sides were controlled by the same elite, worked for the BBC.
He wrote 1984, and he gave speeches that he thought this is what the world would be like by 1984.
Well, it just got here a little bit late, folks.
So when you look at Brave New World with the cloning and the selecting babies and the womb and the eugenics and forced drugging and all of this and breaking up the family, when you look at 1984 with cameras in the bathrooms, 1984 begins with a black helicopter flying over the city.
And looking through people's windows, scanning through their walls.
Now that's happening!
Okay, so, you know, how did they, ooh, were they psychic?
Ooh, you know, a book written in 34, a book written in 48.
Because they were working for the New World Order!
Huxley said this, went public and was dead a few months later.
Orwell died with strange circumstances.
Okay, he was a top presenter and writer for BBC.
None of this stuff's made up.
This is their plan.
He'd been in Soviet-controlled areas.
He knew what they would do.
This stuff's happened before, is what I'm trying to say.
Before I go back to calls, Michael and John and others that are holding, toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I read the article where your TiVo cable box is tracking and watching everything you do and reporting it back to the government.
Well, I sit down at the exercise bike and pick up Outdoor Life, November 2003 issue, and I'm flipping through it, and I flip to page 18, and it says, Beep Beep, you're busted!
It's the size of a grain of rice, and once inserted into the fish, it's undetectable.
But this tiny chip is the Florida Wildlife Conservation Commission's newest tool to combat poachers.
Poachers use hidden traps with specially designed pop-up buoys.
Once they get the fish on board, they claim the fish were caught in legal areas.
But FWC officers have become highly proficient at locating these traps.
Once they do, they pull the traps and insert data chips into some of the illegally taken fish.
The chip records the time, the GPS coordinates, and after that, all the officers have to do is to be at the fish house when the boat's unloaded.
When you wave a special battery-powered wand over the chipfish, it beeps, says FWC Lt.
Bruce Cooper.
The first time we did that, you should have seen the poacher's jaws drop.
One poacher busted by the chip was fined $40,000.
The beauty of the chip, Cooper says, is that poachers never saw it before in there.
All they can do is wait for the beep, but by then it's too late, they're busted.
Now it shows the chip,
And it is about the size of a white grain of rice.
Older generation.
Applied digital is much smaller now.
They have even smaller chips.
It's RFID.
Satellite Track System.
Walmart's already putting it in most of their products.
It's going in everywhere else.
It tracks it from the factory, to the warehouse, to the store, to your house, to the landfill with a record of how you bought it and what you did with it.
And even if you try to pay cash,
They are going to come in with the new national sales tax, which means you have to swipe your card at point of sale.
That then is scanned onto all your items.
This is the admitted federal plan I read years ago.
I can't open up a magazine.
I mean, I was reading this magazine, Outdoor Life.
Deer rifles, week-by-week guide to hunting the rut.
I stepped into a black bear's death trap.
I'm thinking, man, I'm going to enjoy this.
I'm going to divert myself for a few minutes.
There's Prozac ads running on the big TVs around me.
Oprah Winfrey, you know, and that idiot Mari Povich breaking up people's families.
Propaganda all around me.
Teenage girls dressed like prostitutes working out everywhere.
You know, the whole breakdown of society.
And I'm sitting here in this Orwellian Brave New System, and I just flip it open and beep, you're busted.
Sounds great, doesn't it?
I've got stacks of these today.
Just stacks of them.
Stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of these articles.
And Student Wins Battle Against Plagiarism Detection Requirement.
All over the country, I remember six, seven years ago, accelerated the last two, I would see news articles and I would talk to students how, for English class or history, they go to computer terminals, Al Gore's initiative, and they have to write their articles, even if they write them at home, they have to stick their disk in, and it's loaded into the database, and oh, we have anti-plagiarism
System that looks at it, and also we read the articles, the principal does, to make sure, keyword, they can search thousands of articles in a second, the word guns in there, you're arrested, kicked out of school, they say they want you to go to a psychiatrist, you know, they tell you to write a fiction story, I mean, all my stories had guns in them, it seemed, you get kicked out of school, you've all heard the stories.
Again, Brave New World, 1984!
Everything your student's writing, being looked at by the government, that's the Soviet Union!
After refusing to submit his classwork to a plagiarism detection website, a 19-year-old sophomore has become the first college student to challenge university policy on the issue and win!
The Senate Committee of McGill University in Montreal
This is Canada.
He said last Tuesday that with sophomore Jesse Rosenfeld, who argued that he should not be required to submit his essays to turnitin.com, a website that verifies originality by comparing documents to thousands of others.
And again, these are government fronts, folks.
They have government sites that do this, too.
Through the ruling was a boon to student organizations across Canada and the United States who have protested use of the plagiarism detection site.
And it goes into how all over the western world, high schools, colleges, whatever you write, goes into this.
And they also have keyword software at the public schools, where they look for words, guns, or violence, or drugs.
See, now you can't write about drugs, you can't write about guns, because we have a zero-tolerance policy, you can't use the word gun.
Training a whole generation.
Look, in the lunch rooms they thumb scan in thousands of school districts to get their lunches.
No cash allowed.
Getting them into the database.
A record of what you eat.
CPS is called if your parents don't put the money in each month into the account.
The children are... there's cameras everywhere.
The doors automatically, magnetically lock inside the classrooms.
There's cameras in the bathrooms.
Cameras in the schools.
There's police in black uniforms searching the children, police dogs jumping on them, searching them, searching their vehicles.
It's a prison!
It's a prison!
And what you write is looked at by the school administrators and passed on to the police!
Everything is run through filter programs looking for keywords.
Your cable box is watching you and listening to you and tracking you and your OnStars listening to you and they're going around putting microchips in fish to track them.
It's into everything, everywhere, just chipping and chipping and chipping and chipping.
Total control.
Then I got articles here where they admit the new matrix system already in place in most states.
It's not 9 states or 20 states.
It's Echelon, folks.
The word matrix is new, but not the program.
That's how they confuse you.
Divorce records, directory service, what phone numbers you called wanting, your phone records, your divorce records, how much money's in the bank, where you live, where you work.
Everything about you!
No more warrants, no more freedom, no more nothing.
And it's to be used for all common crimes and
Folks, it's worse than 1984.
The control grid, the slavery's worse.
It's just they're not running out and arresting everyone right now.
They're doing it incrementally and assassinating patriot leaders.
And grabbing their homes and siccing the IRS on them.
Just trying to dumb you down to accept it.
You turn television on, torture's good.
Secret arrest is good.
You know, they're just getting everybody ready for this, preparing you.
But the good news is, people aren't buying it!
I've never seen such an awakening to what these pieces of filth are doing!
So I want you to wake up to the full horror, folks.
We'll come back and we'll go to
We'll go to Michael and John and others.
I'll also plug my videos.
Key tools in the Info Wars.
So get ready for that.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way, when I read that fish story of putting the microchips in the fish to track them and then to track poachers, you see, it's always for a good reason.
Well, we're putting cameras in the school bathrooms because fights happen in there.
We're drug dealing.
So see, cameras are good.
See, Big Brother said cameras were good too in 1984 to keep you safe from the terrorists.
Then it turned out in the book we're actually the government blowing stuff up to create fear.
You know, it's like here in Austin, they're putting up cameras now in the parks and on adjoining private property and on rural roads.
It said, well, we're putting them up in the woods all over the U.S.
and all over England and Canada to stop dumpers.
So now we've got to put cameras up in the woods in the middle of nowhere with microphones.
Everywhere we must watch you.
We're the government.
But then you've got to realize all the crimes this government's committed, all the bad things they've done, how evil people gravitate to government.
Then you see how insane it is.
Colonel Craig Roberts is coming up the next hour to talk about Oklahoma City and some of the new developments there and kind of controversy of, you know, what he thinks about J.D.
Cash and what he's saying.
So you don't want to miss that.
And Michael and Henry and everybody else that's, uh, Kirk and
Johnny and Martin and everybody else will get to your calls.
I just briefly want to encourage all listeners to stop procrastinating.
To get involved in the info war.
One of the best ways to do that is my documentary films.
I've made ten of them.
If you don't get them and make copies and get them out to people, no one's going to see them, and they're not going to have the effect they were designed to have.
And believe me, 90% of those that see the films, 90% are waking up.
They're incredible tools, very well produced.
And the latest video is Matrix of Evil with Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Roberts, myself.
Getting into the New World Order and solutions and how to fight them and what they're up to.
Just a great new film, indescribable.
Throwing the Patriot Act out in Austin, Texas.
Police State 3 is 2 hours and 40 minutes, a total tour de force.
There's my 9-11 films, Matrix of Evil, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Stop procrastinating.
We also carry other authors' books, other videos, pro-gun t-shirts, a lot of other great information warfare items at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or simply call toll-free to get the videos or books
At 1-888-253-3139.
Again, folks, get the videos, make copies, put them on AXS TV, get them out to opinion makers.
I want to thank those that have gotten the films.
If you've gotten them and haven't made copies, please do so.
You gotta see him to believe him.
We've really caught the Globalists with their pants down in these films.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And the films are $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more, so take advantage of that.
Okay, we'll come back, go to your calls, go to Colonel Roberts, then get into these mainstream news articles where world leaders are calling for a new world order yet again.
We'll also get into the new developments on the Matrix System.
may help Chinese bio-warfare labs.
That's Bush's latest outrage.
Bush is continuing to cut Taiwan loose to red China as well.
A totally jam-packed third hour straight ahead.
Stay the course.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Okay my friends, already into this third hour.
It is the third day of February 2004.
Colonel Craig Roberts is coming up here in just a few minutes.
We're going to get into the big revelations of the police
Raiding a former congressional aide of James Traficant's office, home, looking for video that eyewitnesses say they've seen of a second bomb going off at Oklahoma City, of other people involved, and we had J.D.
Cash on yesterday, a local news reporter who's put out a lot of information concerning Oklahoma City, and I wanted to get Colonel Craig Roberts' perspective.
He's a former member of Army Intelligence, a police detective who also investigated
The Oklahoma City case, because this is all tied into 9-11 as well.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to some calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael.
Michael in Kentucky.
Michael, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you kind of threw me off with this delay you got going there, but that avoids, if anybody's got the radio on, you don't get the echo effect anymore.
Okay, sir, what's on your mind?
The guy you had on talking about the wildest colts make the best horses, I think, was the title of his book.
Yeah, he's a Ph.D.
I've interviewed him many times.
One thing you might get into with him the next time you're on is a research or solution avenue for people that have family members, and there was just something on PBS last night that
That the one in four families has some mental illness.
They were of course parading out the guy that is advocating the new eugenics.
Uh, which is, you know, says that people should have the right to choose to abort their babies if they're defective, and stuff like that.
Well, they're saying they want to kill them up until two years of age in this country, in England, and they're saying we're all mentally ill, and they're creating new, uh, mental health SWAT teams.
I have a, I have a, uh, an article written, uh, uh, from the, uh, back in the Clinton administration where the Surgeon General said basically all Americans are declared insane and need medicated at one time or another.
Now what is being ignored is the studies that show that all these oils that are corrupted in our diet are diminishing the effects of things like fish oil.
And folic acid, B6, B12, and even calcium salt.
Sir, most children who have behavioral problems are drinking two or three cokes by noon.
That's why they're bouncing off the walls.
And they're zinc deficient.
They're deficient in zinc.
That is one of the things that you can do a little research and find out.
But the fish oil thing and the B12, B6, folic acid, I mean, you can get that at your local drug store and it'll improve your
But the FDA is moving to regulate and shut down that sale, but then they're pushing Ritalin and Prozac on your children.
The Codex Alimentarius.
It's a globalist agenda there to eliminate these things.
But another thing a lot of people don't know about is the cat parasite called Toxoplasmosis has adapted to live in humans.
It's not just pregnant women that can get this.
I know you have a little bit of a problem with cats, but that is one thing that will help.
Well, I just said I like dogs, I don't like cats.
Well, I can relate, I'll just say that.
Those things right there would be possible solutions for people and they've actually done double blind placebo studies in mental hospitals and one big story came out
They've proven that taking complex oils and getting your B-complexes, they have proven that it is more effective than all the drugs out there to stop seizures.
Yeah, and these mercury-induced autistic children can even benefit from it.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Kurt and Martin and others, your calls are coming up.
We've got Colonel Roberts coming up with us to cover a bunch of different news items, give us his worldview, his analysis, and to get into Oklahoma City.
This third hour is going to be jam-packed.
Keep it locked in.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, I know we got loaded phone lines.
We're gonna get to your calls early in this interview.
A ton of issues to cover.
Colonel Craig Roberts, Army Intelligence, Police Officer, SWAT Team Member, Helicopter Pilot,
I'm glad to be back and I've been listening.
Well, I mean, TiVo, your cable's watching you, tracking what you're doing, OnStar listening to you, cameras now in school bathrooms, microchips they're putting in the fish to track us, RFID going in everywhere, the Matrix system, which is Echelon and the NSA locally, everything you buy and sell or do, a new national sales tax coming out to force us all to scan our cards, even when we use cash.
I mean, this is incredible, your response to it.
Well, it's all been designed for a long time.
They've been looking for scientific and technological solutions to totally control the planet's population.
And the only way you can do that is identification and control the economy.
If you control the economy by the spending and selling habits, you know what products are being bought, you know where they're going, you know how much is being bought, and anything that sends up a red flag, the computer tells you, hey, this guy bought four boxes of ammunition, and there's no reason to buy more than one if you're a hunter.
This guy is storing food.
This guy over here is buying chemicals to sterilize water, and we don't want people to be able to do that.
They also know where you are by GPS all the time if your car or your cell phone moves, so they can track you for your own good, of course.
And so on.
And all the stuff you talked about last hour is stuff that we talked about five years ago and eight years ago and ten years ago, and no one wanted to believe.
They said, oh, they can't do that.
That could never happen.
And here it is today, and they're finally coming out and saying, buy stock in our company.
OnStar is good.
This is good.
That's good.
And we've got to have more cameras.
We've got to have cameras on the intersections and on the stoplights.
And plus it generates revenue and it cuts down on accidents because people won't run the red lights anymore.
We get all of this on and on and we're inundated with it to where there's two things.
You fall into the category of you've got to go along with it because it's good and that's what they said or you fall in the category of I'd like to fight it but I'm so tired of it and I'm so inundated and there's nothing I can do anyway.
I'm just going to go back in the house and sit on the couch.
So, that's what we've come up against, Alex, and right now is a critical time that if people don't start getting proactive and jumping up and down and saying, I'm not buying any product that's got a scanner chip, I'm not going to go along with this, I'm not going to have a cell phone that does that, you know, and you have to hit them back economically.
The CEOs of these companies that come up with this stuff look at the bottom line and if they go in the hole and the stockholders are going, we're not making any money on this, then the company can't function.
I don't know.
But I want to be in control of it, and if I find out you're in control of it, I'm unplugging it from the wall, and I'm not going to... And again, all new cell phones are satellite tracked.
I have a four-year-old phone.
People laugh at me, look at that old phone.
Well, my phone isn't a tracking device.
And you know, I went and checked it out and made sure and had engineers look at it.
But, Craig, they're putting in the infrastructure around us, they're getting rid of the checkout lanes that have service, putting in the self-checkouts, then the thumb scanners go in, then all this starts.
We're just a few years away from the total grid being in place at every store.
Right now, we can still boycott and keep them from going in.
But if we let it go in everywhere, then we won't have a choice, and you can either buy or sell without this system, and I think we've heard of that before.
Oh yeah, the mark of the beast.
And you know, the military's already there.
When I got my last ID card from the military, they scanned my thumbprint.
And I thought it was going to be the old retina scan and put your hand on the thing and all this kind of stuff.
And they didn't do any of that.
The computer took my picture, the little pad scanned my right thumbprint, and then the computer pukes out an ID card with all kinds of barcode stuff on the back.
Since then, they've come out with one.
It's a MARC card and it's got a programmable EEPROM chip in it.
You can see the chip.
It's gold.
It's right on the front of the card.
And most states now have that.
The children, the schools have been turned into little mini-prisons, preparing them for all of this under the CAPS II system to have a job anywhere.
Your driver's license will have the federal security code.
Clearance on it for what type of job you can have.
The new sales tax, Craig, which they're getting ready for, is going to bring federal control into every business, every transaction.
Oh, absolutely.
And then on top of that, they're going to come up with a way to where this driver's license is going to end up being a National Citizen ID card because of the invasion of the illegal immigrants across the border.
I don't
You know, they're going to come up with a problem, and they're going to advertise this problem, and the media is going to harp on this problem over and over again.
And then again, because it's all these foreigners, it's a global ID card.
I have articles three years old where the state driver's license, the county driver's license in England, the stuff in Europe, it's all standardized biometrically.
It already is a world ID card.
They just haven't told us yet.
Well, right.
But everybody right now on the 6 o'clock news is seeing the problems.
The problems are there.
We've got to do something about it.
We don't know what we're going to do about it.
It's an election year, but next year we'll have an idea.
And they're coming up with all of these things.
Well, we tried this.
We tried that.
It didn't work.
We're just going to have to use more microchips.
We're going to have to use more ID cards.
We're going to have to use more barcodes and scanners and cameras.
And everybody's going to go, OK, I understand.
Yeah, there is a problem.
And so it's problem, you know, solution, the Hegelian effect, just like we've talked about a hundred times.
It's here, and it's happening all around us, and everybody's just looking.
We're all behind the jet.
We're all behind the power curve.
We're all saying, geez, this is happening faster every day than I can even complain about it.
And that's what they do.
They try to stay ahead of us.
And it's already in place to where we can't do anything until it's too late.
I see articles out of Tennessee, Texas, New York, Canada.
Where they go, yeah, we put cameras in the showers and the bathrooms, but, uh, we're having a school board debate, you know, is this good?
There shouldn't even be a debate about putting cameras in the showers!
But, I mean, that shows how dumb and ignorant people have gotten.
Oh, it's incredible.
And, well, in Tulsa, the other day, when I was driving through town, I noticed for the first time on the major intersections, there's cameras pointed all four directions.
Let's say somebody came up and they wanted to blow one up with a shotgun.
There's no place you could stand in the intersection without another camera seeing you do it.
You'd be on film.
So, you know, I mean, it's a self-protective system.
Craig, they're going in in our neighborhoods now.
Here in Austin.
Well, and in England, they're everywhere.
Over four million, yeah.
Oh, it's incredible.
See, they were the test program.
The English were the test program.
Disarm them first, put the cameras in second, make everything against the law that you can't protect yourself.
And all of this stuff is, you know, the English are very compliant, like the Canadians.
They line up and they do what they're told.
If they think they can do it there by massaging the system a little bit, it'll work here.
And what they do is they divide the country up into different cultural sections.
They know that what works in the Pacific Northwest isn't going to work in the South.
They know that what works in Maine isn't going to work in Texas.
So they change it a little bit.
But eventually, they'll meld it all together.
It'll be one national thing, just like a federal income tax, and everybody's going to have to line up.
Absolutely, and Craig, I mean, looking at this matrix system, all this is, is turning the states into vacuum cleaners of info for the NSA.
We both know it's been in all 50 states for decades, but now they're announcing it to us, and they just say, everything you do will be tracked and traced.
Every book you buy, what you sell, I mean, this is not America.
And people say, well, it'll keep us safe.
Well, wait a minute.
The Houston Crime Lab, the FBI Crime Lab, all these crime labs admit they're framing people.
Now they want to start a new national DNA database.
And oh, by the way, for the last 34 years, every child born has their blood taken.
It wasn't for a blood test after all.
People go, well, this will stop crime.
No, no, no.
The criminals in government will selectively enforce that and frame people with those test ampules that they have.
Can you speak to that?
Well, you know, there was a time when I would say that that's ridiculous, but considering, you know, what we found out during and after the Oklahoma City bombing case, with the manipulations that the FBI lab did on that, and then when I was writing the book Medusa File, the investigations that I was involved in both here and in Europe,
And found out on Panem 103 how the laboratories manipulated the evidence on Panem 103 to try to make the Libyans look guilty when actually it was other groups all together that were involved in this that had to do with CIA drug running.
You know, when we found out that over and over that evidence was manipulated and falsified and then we started looking back and we got all the way back to the Kennedy assassination where we found out that the FBI lab and other laboratories and other law enforcement agencies intimidated witnesses
I've got documents that show what was found on the sixth floor of the school book depository
that were in the in the dallas archives and dallas police archives and in the texas department of public safety archives and the same documents that were in the warren commission uh... evidence where the numbers of the of the carcasses found on the floor had been changed well correct correct headline in the in the in the front page of the houston chronicle four months ago
uh... was police chief admits uh... your crime lab fraud and it says the article over two thousand innocent people have been framed by the houston crime lab then they catch the dallas police randomly pulling cars over throwing bags of chalk in the back taking their cars their houses
The Dallas Crime Lab certifies it as cocaine.
The DA indicts.
Innocent people go to prison.
Tulia, Texas.
58 black people.
No criminal records.
No drugs.
No paraphernalia.
20 to 90 years in prison.
The cop informant was being paid.
Every person he framed.
I mean, this is industrialized, Craig.
Well, it's rampant in a lot of the big cities.
Oklahoma City, last year, one of their laboratory technicians, I believe, was investigated and brought up on charges for all of the falsification of evidence that had gone through there to support cases.
And of course, you know, we all know about what Frederick Whitehurst said about the FBI lab on several cases, where evidence has been tampered with and falsified, just to make the cases.
And there are cases out there that we know of where federal agents and even local agents have got onto private property and buried evidence, then come back later with a search warrant, found it, and seized the property.
That's the point I'm making.
If you're 33 or younger, they got your blood, and now they're going to just legalize using it, and you can't believe any of this DNA stuff.
Where do you go to trust anything?
What is the checks and balances?
There is none.
All right, we'll come back, take calls, and we'll get into Oklahoma City.
Honored to have you, Colonel.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, we've had some callers only for a long time.
I want to get to Henry and Johnny and Kirk and Martin and others.
And then I want to get into Oklahoma City and these new developments.
Colonel Roberts, I was thinking during the break about the fact that there are crime labs in Houston and Dallas.
And I'm just using Texas as an example.
Where they will knowingly, randomly arrest people, seize their assets, and throw a bag of chalk in the back of their car, and then the whole chain of command goes along with the frame-ups.
I mean, I didn't even know that the average criminal was that ruthless and bad.
I mean, this is...
I mean, you were a police officer.
This is hardcore criminality.
How did they get to that point?
Well, I think what happens in some areas, some cities, and I'll be, you know, right up front, there are cities in this country that have been known for police corruption for a century or two.
You go to Chicago and New York City, you can find cases going back where they've had commission after commission trying to route out the corruption because it's so closely intertwined with the local organized crime.
Houston has always been a city that's had problems.
Dallas, you know, occasionally will have its upsurges of problems and so on.
Los Angeles, you know, you thought that place was squeaky clean back during the days of Adam 12 and Jack Webb and come to find out later on they were knee deep in problem areas and several areas including CIA agents wearing police uniforms and walking beets.
I mean, we see this stuff now.
So the point is, government, you shouldn't give them total power.
You should never trust government.
Oh, what a novel idea.
It's what our country was built on.
Well, all government in this country should be controlled by the citizen.
But the citizens, you know, are so busy out here trying to make ends meet that they don't have time to do both.
And a lot of people don't want to get involved.
But to answer your question, a lot of times in a police department,
They will get into a situation where they've had one thing get covered up, and then because it comes to light, the brass in the decks level up and decide, you know, we can't have this thing get out, we'll handle it ourselves.
But they don't want any bad PR, so they cover it up a little bit.
Then the brass above them say, gee, we've got two levels of cover up here and there's no way we can let it get out, so we'll cover it up.
And it goes all the way up and finally it'll get to the Chief.
Or sometimes he doesn't even find out about it until the whole thing blows up and when it gets leaked to the media.
This happens over and over.
Those usually end up in a grand jury investigation.
You get a case where you get a bad shooting.
It goes down.
You shoot somebody.
You thought they had a gun.
They didn't.
Somebody takes the throw down and throws it down.
And yeah, there's the guy's gun.
And then later on, three months down the road, the homicide detectives finally trace the gun.
And it was sold originally to a guy who sold it to a guy who remembers selling it to a police officer.
So, you know, these are things that happen.
And a lot of it's human nature.
A lot of it isn't.
We do see giant travesties of justice in property seizures now.
The property seizure laws have gotten so out of control that a lot of law enforcement people I know won't even touch them because they're just totally corrupt.
Here's the problem, and then we'll go to break and I promise go to your calls, maybe go to one right now.
We're going to see the first blood scenario, to use that Hollywood example.
Well, I think we've been there for a long time.
It's a powder keg.
You look at Waco, you look at Randy Weaver, you look at Gordon Call, you look at
A lot of these other things we don't even hear about anymore.
You look at the stuff that's gone down out in Arizona, out in Phoenix.
Well, they have drawn first blood!
Over and over again!
We can't be taking this!
It's happened over and over again, but the media has a way of... See, what we never had in the past was television.
Now everybody can sit in front of their TV when they come home from work at night and get the excuses, and the next day they get the spin.
So it's okay, this isn't the time because that guy deserved what he got type deal.
Where in the old days,
It happened in a local village.
They knew what would happen in five minutes and somebody would go get a rope.
So, it's a different scenario when you control the media.
You know, in the old Rothschild plan, there's two things they wanted to control.
One was the monetary system, and the other was all outlets of public information.
Because if you control those two things, you control the general population.
But now, I mean, Craig, in a week, 3 million people watch a video clip on my website, and I'm just one website.
They've got to be worried about that Internet.
Oh, they're terrified of that.
They're terrified of a lot of things.
They're terrified of the fact that there's no way, no matter what they do, that they're going to have total control over the entire population.
And this is the scary part, because you and I know that
And a lot of people out there that live in rural areas know that there's a drastic difference in culture in this country between who lives in the big cities and who lives out in the country, and the mountains and the swamps and the backwoods and so on.
I've got relatives that are hillbillies that I don't think they come out of the woods but once every 10 years, you know?
And they have a different country there.
They remember the country of 40 or 50 years ago, and this stuff's all new to them, and you're not going to be able to chase these people around the woods and do anything to force them to go into your new world order.
Now, they know this.
Now, here's the other side of that coin.
This is the scary part.
How, if you were one of these globalists, deal with that?
Well, if you're into population control anyway, the only way you're going to be able to deal with it is biological, chemical, or nuclear, and get rid of these people and start over again.
Take the rural areas, decimate them, reduce the population, then you put your own re-breeders back in there.
Alright, we're going to come back and bam, bam, bam, go to your calls.
Everybody stay there, and then we'll get into Oklahoma City with Colonel Craig Roberts.
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Alright folks, Alex Jones back live.
Your calls are up next.
Then we're going to get into Oklahoma City.
Colonel Roberts worked the case and is an expert on it, and there's been a new development.
Possible OKC bombing video shows two explosions, and he knows the parties involved in this report that we covered yesterday in some detail, so we'll recap the story and then get into it.
But first, we'll get to Henry and Johnny and Kirk and Martin, the folks that have been holding the longest, first.
Before we do that, for the next three minutes or so,
I want to encourage every listener to take control of your lives.
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That is really good and if you have you know any if you ever leave your house at all you were talking earlier about people who live in the backwoods and you know people who don't and they go places you want to take bottled water with you and so they go to the store and they buy that bottled water that you don't even know what's in it it could be just regular city water you have no way of knowing but with the Berkey Sport Bottle it's a 22 ounce handheld filtered water bottle
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Bottled water is about $1 for a 12 ounce, $1.59 for a 22 ounce.
You'll save the money in just a week or two on what you spend on bottled water, folks, with these sports bottles.
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So please give Debbie a call if it's busy.
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The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step.
Stop drinking the poison they're putting in the water.
And Debbie will also mail you out some literature if you want it.
Debbie, thanks for all you do, and God bless.
Thank you.
Bye, Alex.
You bet.
Take care.
That number again, 888-803-4438.
All right.
I'm only going to take five more calls, because we've got to get into this Oklahoma City news.
Colonel Roberts, ready to go to these calls?
I'm ready.
Let's talk to Henry in Colorado.
Henry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, gentlemen.
Good day.
Thank you for everything you do.
I've got basically two questions, two topics and three questions.
Number one, the Oklahoma City, KKTV here in Colorado Springs will not talk to me about a show, actually the bulletin they put on the OKC situation where they said, and these are the two bombs they have found.
And you could never get a reprint or a copy or anything of that.
They will not admit it.
Well, I have the video in my film Road to Tyranny of the local news reporting that.
Is that your first question?
What are your other questions?
The other question is, I'm having a terrible time with the Air Force Academy fighting, being blackballed for exposing drugs at NORAD, sex scandals at the Air Force Academy, things like that.
I've lost my job over this stuff.
And what I wanted to know was,
I've been fighting with these people for the last four years, and I've been taping their conversations, and the minute I told them I was taping their conversations, something's happened to my tape recorder.
My tape has been totally erased.
Is there any technology that can do that?
Let me answer that question, then Craig can answer the other one.
Thanks for the call.
I don't have time for three questions and two comments, because we've got a bunch of callers here.
But thank you, sir.
Let me try to answer.
Yes, they have magnetic systems you can buy that will erase whole boxes of tapes in a few seconds.
They have more powerful systems that can emit your house.
And demagnetize everything in it.
That's the answer to the first question, to the second question.
First question about the news reporting multiple bombs, removing the bombs.
Colonel Roberts?
Yeah, we had that situation happen on day one when they reported, they got everybody back and they said, we found the second device and we're working on it now.
And then Frank Keating, the governor at the time, came on and he said that we have it and now we have something that we can trace.
It's very sophisticated.
And then all of a sudden that whole story went away after they moved everybody back away from the building.
But what happened at the same time when they moved everybody back away from the building, moved them back about a half a mile, is about 50 guys wearing blue raid jackets with no letters on the back showed up and they went into the building and they were seen by one of the firemen who did not evacuate the scene, who was up on one of the other floors.
They were seen going in there and carrying out several things, including a stretcher that looked like what it had, like rocket launchers or something that he wasn't sure what it was, explosive of some sort.
And several boxes of files and putting them onto a military ambulance, which left the scene.
And we think that the files are probably one of the reasons that the Murrah Building was selected for destruction, because they led to a lot of things in the current administration at the time.
All right, let's go back to calls.
Let's talk to Johnny in Texas.
Johnny, go ahead.
Afternoon, gentlemen.
Two things very quickly.
My nephew, when he was a very small child, was put on Ritalin.
Today, as a grown man, he sits around his house drinking bottles of Jack Daniels.
He's completely psychotic, has a house full of guns.
This is just an example of what Ritland can do.
Second thing, I talked to Chris Simcox this morning with TombstoneTumbleweed.com and we got into the borders being wide open down there in Arizona and the battles that Chris is facing.
He's going to be on my internet radio show for those that missed.
It is at mastersofterror.net.
Please tune in, people.
You need to hear this.
This is very important.
Yeah, we did the interview yesterday about the foreign troops and running around, coming over the border.
I appreciate the call.
Johnny brings up some important points, and now the foreign troops are coming right across the border.
The people in the upper echelons in Washington, for the last 10 or 15 years, have encouraged non-enforcement of our national sovereignty on the southern frontier.
They've wanted to create this problem to the point where the states, not only just the border states, but the states that border the border states are inundated with illegal aliens to where they can come up with one of two things.
A solution to the problem where they have to track every citizen with ID cards and chips and so on.
Or, surrender it and just internationalize the whole area which, like NAFTA and GATT, destroys our national sovereignty by making us the North American coalition of nation states.
I mean, right out in the open, they're gonna accept all their IDs, give them IDs, and then give us IDs in the name of stopping them while they legalize them all!
And then Bush says it's not an amnesty, Colonel.
I mean, how ridiculous is that?
Well, you know, the Russians proved a long time ago you could totally lock down and control an entire country for decades.
We could do the same thing.
For the money we spend in some areas, we could build a fence and a trench all the way across the Southwest if we wanted to.
We could put Vietnam-issue jungle censors in on the ground.
I mean, there's so many things that we could do to stop this if we wanted to, but our border agents aren't even allowed to protect themselves.
Or to interdict anything, and you've got the Mexican Army sending special operations troops across the border in probes to see how far they can get and to intimidate the ranchers.
And they've been killing federal officers, but the feds seem to love that.
Kirk in Colorado, go ahead.
It's an honor to be on your show, Mr. Jones.
You're not going to talk to you?
Yes, um, you know, you made a point earlier about the checks and balances, uh, they're just gone.
I mean, if you look at Bush, he can't justify the war for being self-defense because he can't tie any of the murderers to Iraq.
We can't justify the war on basis of, I mean, because of weapons of mass destruction and, um, you know, so we can't justify it as far as, um, you know, safety or security or that sort of thing.
And, uh, you know, if we're just going to depose a dictator, they should have just said, hey, we're going to go after him.
And then once we got him, I mean, he's about the only one they haven't killed.
Then, uh, they would, you know, the war would be over right now.
But I, what I don't understand is how this court appointed dictator prince got around the electoral college when the whole point of the electoral college
It's to prevent the masses from electing a dictator through popular, you know, opinion.
Well, understand, it doesn't matter if it's Al Gore or George Bush, the same agenda would be followed.
But, yeah, I mean, I'm no fan of Saddam, but the whole war is a fraud.
It's about globalism.
Colonel Roberts' comments?
Well, it's simple.
It's, you know, imagine you're going to a city.
And you've got two roads.
One's a superhighway with four lanes, and the other one is a meandering country road with a scenic view.
They both arrive at the same city.
That's what we've got at the top levels of the electoral process now.
Well, also, I mean, they're now putting in a national ID card in Iraq.
They're not bringing freedom to those people.
Well, to them it would probably seem like superfreedom compared to what they've had, but everything's relative, you know?
We know better.
They don't yet.
And by the time they do, it's too late.
By the way, now they're going to bring the U.N.
in to take over and play the part of the good cop.
Well, and the whole thing really is irrelevant in the sense that what we're really facing here is a spiritual war and a religious war because the Muslims aren't ever going to get along with anybody else.
The Christians are always going to be persecuted.
And everybody that falls in between those two groups are going to be trying to rule the other one or make rules in between.
One last call.
We've got to get into Oklahoma City.
Martin in Wisconsin.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Martin.
We're going to bring you up now.
Is Martin gone?
Okay, I'm sorry to other callers, I don't have time to get to you.
Colonel Robert, well obviously you have to get you back on the part more about this, but we've got about 13 minutes left here.
Possible OKC bombing video shows two explosions, World Net Daily picked up this McCurtain Daily Gazette, this J.D.
Cash writer, and they talk about how this James Traficant's aid was raided.
He told Congress that he'd seen the video of the multiple explosions and the
And the people and interviewed BATF officers who said they saw all this.
We know they declared national security on the other surveillance cameras.
They claim this is footage of the BATF sting, which we know was going on, because they were there just seconds after the blast in their bomb gear.
You were involved in investigating all this.
What's really going on here?
Well, you know, that's a whole Pandora's box of items right there.
The first thing, let's hit, is the problem area that we've got with JD Cash.
Cash arrived into the story early on, and for some reason that I've never been able to completely determine, has been Elohim City, the right wing, the militias, the Aryan Resistance, the Aryan Nations, the Ku Klux Klan, you know, all of that wild goose chase over through that bunch.
You know, the CSA over in Arkansas and everything.
As a law enforcement officer,
What we did is we worked the best information we had from the eyewitnesses, which, you know, your eyewitness testimony on day one is the best information you can get.
And these were police and firefighters?
Right, and we're working citizens.
We're saying, what did you see?
You were standing there, what did you see?
And the thing that developed that we got within a few days, actually most of it the first day, was that there were Middle Easterners involved, that two were standing in front of the front door of the Murrah Building wearing blue jogging suits, almost like uniforms,
And they held the parking place for a rider truck that pulled up, but before the rider truck got there, there was a UPS truck, a brown UPS truck, and when it pulled out at 9 o'clock in the morning, it had ridden about 5 minutes to 9, then the rider truck came.
Well, I saw later on, and it was brought to
The trial that was held in Tulsa, an evidence trial that was held in front of three judges in Tulsa, and I went to it, and this photograph was brought up there on a plasterboard that showed the UPS truck in front of the Murrah building.
And the photograph was taken by the Oklahoma County Sheriff's Office.
Now, that was a surveillance photograph prior to the Ryder truck arriving.
And we have all these surveillance cameras.
They declare national security on it.
The FBI that saw that video told the LA Times that, yeah, it showed McVeigh with his other Middle Eastern there.
But Cash doesn't want to get into that.
Well, no.
In fact, what had happened is Kathy and Glenn Wilburn hired Larry Oliver, who was a Tulsa attorney, to represent them in a lawsuit against the government.
And Oliver is a former Tulsa police officer, and I know Larry, and he's a very good lawyer, and the undersheriff for Tulsa County called me up and he said, go over there and talk to Larry and show him some of the stuff you've come up with on the bombing case, because all he's got is what the feds have given him.
So I went over there, and I'm sitting there talking to him, and I hear this voice out in the hall, and I turn around and it's J.D.
Cash, and he's on the phone, and he turns around and he walks in, and he was kind of shocked to see me there,
But he said, I've almost got this nailed down, I've got one more phone call to make, and we've got L.O.M.
City locked in on this deal.
And I've lived here most of my life, and I've never heard of the place.
And this guy comes from nowhere, Oklahoma, originally, and working for the McCurtain County Gazette, which is a little tiny, I guess it's a weekly newspaper, that they talk about the price of cattle feed.
I mean, it's a nothing newspaper.
And all of a sudden, he's this big press-credentialed guy, walking around interviewing everybody, and pretty much staying with Wilburns.
And he's trying to get the Wilburns to go along with his story that Elohim City is where it all emanates out of, and it all goes back to Millar and Dennis Mahon and Strassmeyer and all this bunch.
Well, now he's saying Strassmeyer's a government informant, which we do know, but as you said, that whole place is government informants.
Well, it all was.
It was all a wild goose case from the word go.
Because we checked it out, and we worked it.
And we found out that everything down there was informing to the Feds.
However, while I sat there, we went to lunch and I looked at him and he came across this story about all of these players.
Stay there.
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I'll have to get Craig back up in the next few days, because we ran out of time here, which happens very often with so many issues.
Craig, we know they have surveillance tapes.
We know they have these sting tapes.
We know they did it, basically.
Engineered it, just like World Trade Center attack one, where they cooked the bomb, trained the driver, let the operation go forward, and said, oh, it was a sting gone bad.
But, so, in a nutshell, you know the congressional aide.
He's saying he's had this video.
He told Congress.
He's interviewed BATF.
It said they saw it in training seminars.
Your info on that.
Well, I know John, and he was a Marine sniper in Vietnam, by the way, with the 5th Marines at Quay City.
And we're both members of the Scout Sniper Association, and I've talked to him, and I helped him get started on writing his first book, Operation Tuscaloosa.
And he's John Culbertson?
John Culbertson.
And he's from Oklahoma City originally, and I didn't know that he was involved in looking into the case until just recently, because he wasn't part of our team or anything.
But I know that John is a very honest person, and if he says he had those photographs, then he probably did.
If he saw the video and told you what was on it or had the video, he probably did because he's a very serious-minded individual.
He's very honest.
And those pictures and videos, the video, I was told existed.
I had no idea that anybody outside of maybe the FBI or the National Archives would have a copy of this thing.
I have talked to VZ Lawton and a couple of other people in Oklahoma City that are survivors down there, and they said they saw a video, and it may be the one he had.
I don't know.
but in the video that they saw it showed who got out of the writer truck and that it uh... was
McVeigh, a Middle Eastern male, or somebody of dark skin, and a female, which is all new information to me.
Well, some FBI agents told the LA Times and News 4 that they saw it, that they saw McVeigh with others, and then the Feds grabbed the tapes and declared national security.
I mean, they could have ended this real quick by just showing that video.
Which is my contention all along, Alex.
Every time I do a seminar, even to have any interdiction to do with the federal government and the Congresses,
Show us the video!
Well, here's the big story.
They say Congress has a copy of this, the Intelligence Committee, but instead they raid John Culbertson, you know, wanting to know where the video is.
They already have the video, they're just wanting to cover it up.
Well, here's the problem.
They didn't just take his computers, they took his discs, they took his, evidently his paper files, everything he had on the case.
And this is supposedly initiated by the Nichols Defense Team.
Uh, but why would they go in and take every single thing that had nothing to do with... Well, why didn't McVeigh's lawyer, Stephen Jones, who got $18 million, why didn't he ever demand to show these tapes?
Well, he did.
He demanded all the tapes that he could get, and they wouldn't give him anything, and at the very last minute, they dumped in, you know, about a million documents of superfluous garbage on him that no one had time to go through.
That's how they play that game.
Uh, and then you run out of time in court, and then the judge tells you that he doesn't want to see anything that doesn't have to do with is McVeigh guilty, yes or no.
Don't bring anything else into the case, type deal.
That whole thing was rigged from the word go.
Alright, Colonel Roberts, we're out of time.
How do folks get your books?
Rifle warrior, one word.
That's not rifle lawyer.
And all the books are there.
Alright, well listen, I'll have to get you back on to just focus on this subject later this week, and God bless you.
Will do it.
And by the way, you can see Colonel Craig Roberts in my video, Matrix of Evil.
He talks about government-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
Congressman Ron Paul talks about the neocons and how globalists run Washington.
Cindy McKinney talks about UN-run white slavery rings.
She talks about 9-11 and the cover up there.
I get the Patriot Act thrown out with her Austinites.
It's full of solutions.
I confront the Deputy U.S.
Attorney, telling him he's a liar.
$25.95 over two hours.
Get three or more of any of my ten videos.
They drop down to $20.00.
Get my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
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1-888-253-3139 is the toll-free number to order.
Again, that's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com or just write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 787-04.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central.
Just get out there, wake up, defend your country.
The globalists are criminals.
They must be resisted.
God bless.
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