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Name: 20040129_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 29, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It is Thursday.
The 29th of January, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live the next three hours.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
and then back from 9 to midnight.
You can listen to the broadcast obviously on your local AM or FM affiliate from Rhode Island to Los Angeles, from Austin, Texas to Kansas City, Missouri to Denver to Pensacola, Florida.
You can also tune in via the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, some of the best websites out there if you want to be truly informed about the criminal nature and the activities of the New World Order as we chronicle that.
And Global Shortwave during the day from 11 to 2 Central at 12.172, 93.20, and back from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
Alright, big show lined up for you today.
You know, back in early 2002, there's a lot of people in the Bush administration that have second homes in Austin.
And I got it directly from someone, let's just say very close to the administration, that Bin Laden died naturally of kidney failure in early 2002, and that Osama Bin Laden was literally on ice to be rolled out right before the election.
Now, it is admitted that the cards had captured Saddam, had him for months, did put him in that hole, if it is Saddam, and that the capture was staged.
That has been admitted, but again, it's admitted in the back of the paper, and the average person has no idea it's even going on.
Madeline Albright on national television told folks at Fox that she thinks Bush has bin Laden, has had him all along, and is going to be bringing him out.
That was a few months ago, five weeks ago, right after the Saddam Hussein capture.
Now it's almost six weeks ago.
And at the same time, Captain Joyce Riley, who has really good sources inside the military,
A few weeks before they captured Saddam, so that was about to happen.
Tommy Franks bragged, oh yeah, we got him, you know, you're going to see him real soon.
He said that in the December.
Zidar Fichinado, that came out in November, so about three weeks before they captured Saddam, he said that.
And now Joyce is getting the same intel from the military that they already have bin Laden and are getting ready to roll him out.
She's going to be on with us in the third hour.
In the meantime, we're going to go over that news
Get into the lies of Dick Cheney, of Bush, of the Tony Blair and the incredible spin machine.
They're now saying, uh, Tony Blair said apologize to me.
I never said they had weapons of mass destruction.
I never said the war was over that.
In front of me I have 50 quotes from NBC, BBC,
Every channel you can imagine.
You all saw him on television say they have it.
We know they have it.
He was saying it two weeks ago.
Now he's saying he never said it.
If you say he said it, you're a liar.
Everybody needs to apologize to him.
He never said it.
This is like Bush saying, this is not an amnesty plan, when it's the biggest amnesty ever.
And a lot of people buy that.
You know, they don't read legislation, they don't know what the Bill of Rights is, they don't know anything.
So they just, you know, people tell me, there's no amnesty deal.
No, no, there's not.
Bush never said there was weapons of mass destruction.
Okay, sure.
A lot of people do these psychological gymnastics to not face what we're dealing with here.
So we'll go over that as well, and remember two years ago we told you about the Homeland Security blimps?
Well, they're going to launch one here real soon.
It's hundreds of times bigger than the Goodyear blimp.
It will orbit and fly around the cities at 40,000 feet and surveil us with ground penetrating radar, looking right through your walls.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Hello, my friends.
It is Thursday, the 29th of January.
Thanks for joining us.
You know, I have this popular science article about this blimp.
Hundreds of times bigger
Uh, then at least 350 times bigger, uh, than the Goodyear blimp.
And it has a giant pod of surveillance systems.
Basically, it's a huge satellite, and it will be in the air from 40 to 80,000 feet.
They're going to launch dozens of these.
Now, they announced this a few years ago.
In fact, I remember about 10 years ago reading about Alexander Haig, from the Reagan administration, who was trying to, in the private sector, sell these surveillance anti-terror blimps.
They were all saying terror was going to get real bad soon.
We need these big surveillance blimps over the skies of the United States.
In the skies of the United States over our cities.
Think about this.
Cameras in the schools, in the classrooms, in the bathrooms, in the showers.
Cameras in many of the rest stop bathrooms around the country.
Michigan four years ago.
Cameras on the street corners, cameras in your neighborhoods, blimps in the skies looking through your walls, helicopters in the skies for five years, with the Defense Department ground-penetrating radar looking through your walls, crisp images, everything going on inside your home, a look through four feet of concrete.
That's not freedom!
That's not America!
The new matrix system, the echelon NSA control of the states, gathering everything you do, everything you buy, your entire record,
Public and private.
There's not even a discussion of the 4th or 5th Amendment anymore.
More and more federally funded checkpoints, federally controlled electronic voting machines going in by law in all 50 states, 9 states trying to fight it.
The general public totally unaware even of what's going on.
This is out of Popular Science.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Being oversized has its advantages, just ask researchers at the U.S.
Missile Defense Agency, which recently dished out $40 million to arms maker Lockheed Martin to design what could soon be the world's largest pilotless airship.
Measuring 500 feet long, with a volume of 5.2 million cubic feet, the prototype high-altitude airship
It will be 25 times, excuse me, larger than the Goodyear blimp, and at least 350 miles in any direction.
I'm sorry for misreading that.
From a military perspective, such a XXL craft may seem like an inviting target, especially since its top speed is only 80 miles per hour.
However, parked 12 miles up, it will become immune to most ground-launched missiles, and its onboard sensor systems will see at least 350 miles in any direction.
And of course, we've posted all the articles and go on with the fact that they're going to use these domestically.
Compared to high-altitude unmanned aerial vehicles such as NASA's ill-fated Helos, the airship should be able to carry a heavy payload.
Its 4,000-pound capacity makes it ideal
For toting heavy surveillance and communications equipment, another big advantage, HAA solar panels and fuel cells will allow it to loiter above the jet stream in a geostationary position for up to a year, something no drone or spy plane can do.
These are giant, this is what Alexander Haig said, they can be at 30,000 feet, 80,000 feet, 120,000 feet,
They can park it wherever they want, but remember, hey, ten years ago, I was just learning about the New World Order, talking about how they would connect giant blips together and have whole cities of surveillance equipment and communications systems up there.
And it does make a lot more sense than satellites.
Four communications, but they admit it's going to be used for surveillance.
And it's also going to have weapons, particle beams, missiles, jamming systems.
The missile defense airships, again, missile defense and homeland security and this new Mars mission, that's all the black-op budget funding for this.
And they admit these aren't to be used for homeland security surveillance of the American people.
But listen to what they're going to be equipped with.
The missile defense airship might carry laser radars for pinpointing ballistic missiles, or relay mirrors to extend the range of the 747-delivered airborne laser, other possible payloads, radar systems to detect low-flying cruise missiles, weather sensors, communications relays, and cell phone-based stations.
Now, notice in this article, it's, you know, oh, it's to keep us safe from missiles.
You know, from the evil North Koreans that we've given missiles to in the nuclear reactors, just like the Chinese as well.
But when you just go to the website, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and type in Big Brothers Blimps and AP Reuters Homeland Security Announcements, they say they want to have at least 10 of these to start.
Uh, in a stationary, uh, I guess sub-orbit, and then they describe some of them at 30,000 feet, some at 80,000 feet, smaller blimps controlled by these other bigger blimps.
See, there's people on the ground with the cameras and the sensors and the control antennas, just like this is a satellite, up there controlling the big blimp, and then it directs and controls drones and smaller tattletale blimps.
And I've seen them developing small blimps the size of a city bush, little bitty drones that are only five feet across, a couple feet long.
And these will all be controlled, basically swarms of these being controlled by the mother blimp.
The mother homeland blimp.
Remember that Neocon Star piece we aired where they talk about the, you know, that dark satire with, you know, she's stuck in her car, she can't get out, her national ID card won't let her, she hasn't paid her taxes so she can't, and they go, well, we can see where you're at with our Homeland Security blimp.
I mean, none of that's a joke.
That's where all of this is going.
Alright, U.S.
forces going after bin Laden.
What sources?
Planned operation into Pakistan, seeks to destroy Al Qaeda.
Now, I was told by someone, let's just say very close inside the administration, somebody who's been on Air Force One and heard the giggling jokes about it, that bin Laden is dead, died of kidney failure, and his family gets all the big base contracts and satellite contracts and weapons contracts for the U.S.
military over there.
And they're on the Carlisle Group and their payment for having their son play the part of the bad guy, he's been CIA since the mid-70s at least, is codenamed Tim Osman, that's publicly admitted.
You know, he was dying of kidney failure, so that's how the scam works.
He dies, he plays the part of the evil boogeyman, the CIA puts out lots of Al-Qaeda tapes, and re-edits old tapes, and threatens us with the evil bin Laden, and Al-Qaeda.
He dies of kidney failure.
They put him on ice, and we were told, two-plus years ago, that they would be rolling out
His dead body right before the election, claiming they killed him in a firefight, and he would have really died from kidney failure.
And I said at the time that time will bear this out if this is correct.
Could be disinfo.
There's a lot of Bush administration people around here and they have a few drinks at parties and spout off and people hear it and
Yeah, don't worry.
Bush is in.
No way to stop him.
Bin Laden's on ice.
Diet of Kidney Failure.
They'll be kick-rolling him out right before the election.
And somebody else knows about this.
Madeleine Albright, a few weeks ago, what, six weeks ago,
Well, WorldNet Daily, Albright thinks Bush hiding Bin Laden.
Former Secretary of State Allen Albright told Fox News Channel analyst Morton Kondracki yesterday she suspects President Bush knows the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden and is simply waiting for the most politically expedient moment to announce his capture.
Kondracki made the announcement about Albright
Hold him backstage before an appearance on Fox News Show Special Report with Brit Hume.
Kundraki was incredulous that the former Secretary of State could believe something like that about a U.S.
She was not smiling when she said this, offered Kundraki who believes Albright is serious about the conspiracy theory.
Albright is on a media tour to promote her new book.
She was mildly critical of Bush administration policy and I reckon camera later appearances on the O'Reilly Factor.
Told MSNBC's Hardball with Chris Matthews, I'm one of those people that said I understood why of the war, but I didn't understand the why now, or the what next, she told O'Reilly.
I still have a lot of questions.
See, playing good cop, bad cop.
Bill Clinton says he's for the war, he says Saddam's got the weapons, he doesn't lie!
You know, good ol' guys like Tony Blair and admitted socialists.
Admitted socialists, Bill Clinton, tell us the war's good and Bush isn't lying, so let's believe Tony Blair and Bill Clinton.
After all, George Bush is protecting Bill Clinton, blocking the Pardon Gate investigation.
What do you expect?
But, uh, so we have all this news of the Bin Laden capture, and I have the Times of Asia here, uh, saying that, uh, top military's saying, oh yeah, we're gonna have Bin Laden, uh, for you, uh, right before the election.
In fact, that's the, uh, headline.
You'll have him by Christmas!
Just a few weeks before the election.
We will have him, but then WorldNetDaily says U.S.
forces going after Bin Laden.
Sources, planned operation into Pakistan seeks to destroy Al-Qaeda.
You mean the 8,000 you flew on C-130s out of Kandahar and Kabul publicly and then said, oh, it was an accident?
You mean the Arab fighters you pay and then you control and we're trained here?
forces are planning an offensive operation against some of Bin Laden's al-Qaeda in Pakistan, hoping to destroy the terror network and capture its notorious leader.
The Chicago Tribune quotes military sources as saying, the report says U.S.
Central Command putting together a team of intelligence officers in Pakistan ahead of what is being referred to in an internal Pentagon message as the Spring Offensive.
The operation would involve Special Operations Forces, Army Rangers and Army Ground Troops, the paper would report.
A Navy carrier would be deployed to the Arabian Sea.
The Chicago Daily reports a source familiar with the details of the plan said that it is not like a contingency plan for North Korea, something that sits on a shelf.
The planning is like planning for Iraq.
They want this plan to be executable now.
While Pakistan President Peres Musarraf, the CIA-installed dictator, has allowed only a small number of U.S.
personnel within his borders in the past, the leader reportedly is cooperating with the planned offensive.
Last week, Musarraf said he believed Al-Qaeda members were hiding in the mountains along the Afghan border.
He also said we are reasonably sure that it is Al-Qaeda that was behind the two recent attempts on his life.
That's now been admitted in their papers that Musarraf staged fake bombings, always after he'd already left the building or gone over the bridge, to get more martial law.
And that's come out in mainstream news.
So, nice propaganda from WorldNetDaily.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, more like diving into a sea of lies.
You see, 20 years ago, when politicians got caught lying on big issues, they were removed from office.
But somehow today it's, well, that's just what they do, we've got to accept it, so the corruption gets worse and worse.
I mean, Halliburton admittedly got caught double billing the Pentagon for hundreds of millions of dollars of fuel for the aircraft and for the vehicles.
The tanks, the Humvees, the Bradley fighting vehicles.
And it's in the paper a few times, it disappears, and the neocons go, you're a liberal if you talk about it.
You're a liberal if you talk about depleting uranium.
But then all the real liberals, Bill Clinton and Hillary and all them, they just love it.
So now you're a liberal if you talk about corruption.
And you're a liberal if you talk about how Bush is for gun control.
You know, you're just...
And Halliburton, you know, has a fall guy.
Oh, well, at least we fired a few employees that engaged in $6 million in kickbacks.
Halliburton's involved in, you know, sucking dry $87 billion just in the new funding.
But again, let's focus in on some employees getting kickbacks of $6 million.
And so Bush and Cheney and Rumsfeld and Perl and Wolfowitz, oh we know they've got weapons of mass destruction, we know they've got them, we've got the proof and bring out fake Niger documents of uranium and fake weapons trucks and false mass graves and then when it all comes out to be a fraud they go, we never said that, we never, they're actually in the news saying we never said that.
And over in England they have the Hutton Inquiry that investigated, you know, if Blair lied about weapons of mass destruction, and the Hutton Inquiry comes out and says, Blair never said that.
Blair never lied.
As if the people need someone appointed by Blair to investigate Blair to tell them everything's okay, the government says, when everyone saw Tony Blair say it and do it.
But again, they know we're lazy, they know we don't want to face the fraud, that's why the propaganda works.
It's just, hey,
You know, we'll give you an excuse.
Don't worry about it.
You don't need to get involved.
Go back to sleep.
And it's like that for everything.
And so Halliburton's been caught in a bunch of new scams, and so what's their reward?
Bigger contracts.
This is how the propaganda works.
By the way, American companies are not allowed to bid on these contracts.
And when people started complaining, they craftily came out and said, you know, there's a lot of talk about giving the French contracts.
We're not about to do that.
They weren't for our war.
Yeah, I don't give them contracts.
American companies don't get to bid.
But see, that's how the scam works.
They change the subject with a similar headline, and people buy it hook, line, and sinker because, folks, people that even read the newspaper kind of look at it in a cursory fashion.
It's just so sick, folks.
It's like Bush saying, this is not an amnesty.
It is the biggest amnesty in U.S.
world history for that matter.
It is not a one-time amnesty like Ronald Reagan or Jimmy Carter or Bill Clinton or George Bush Senior.
It is a total, complete, in perpetuity, total legalization on the spot if you can get here or if you're here.
And he says this is not amnesty.
And I've had, you know, I'd say former conservative friends, just a few of them, walk up to me on the street and go, oh, it's alright, oh, it's not an amnesty.
I mean, I want to just spit in their face!
I want to slap them!
To wake them up!
And they sound just like Bill Clinton supporters.
I try to warn Bill Clinton supporters.
They go, I like him.
He's like my father.
You know, I just see him as my leader.
And you're just jealous of him.
Oh, I feel so powerful because I like him.
And there have been mainstream Fox reports where they go, Conservatives see Bush as a father and they're upset about the immigration.
Don't worry, it's not really an amnesty.
The article actually said that.
I read it last Friday.
They had the quotes out from Fox News on World Net Daily.
World Net Daily said, yes, he's our father and we need to just, you know, this is an amnesty.
It's the same sick, weird,
These people smile and go, I like Bush.
You know, we're together.
I support him.
I get a postcard from him at Christmas because I gave $5,000 and it's signed by him.
Look at it.
Look at it.
It's on my refrigerator.
I've had that experience a couple times.
I'm just going, it's a mass mailing.
I mean, these people have personal relationships with George Bush.
Neocon followers are like the people that, you know, have pictures of Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston on their refrigerator and talk to them and watch the entertainment shows and, that's my friend, and, you know, talk to the television when they watch these stupid shows.
It's just, we're a nation of idiots, of just mind-numbed, mentally ill, just gibbering idiots.
You can't even talk to most of these people.
Well, the Hutton Inquiry says that Blair never said there were weapons of mass destruction.
That'd be like if somebody put out a report and said, Bush never said that this wasn't an amnesty.
Bush says the sun doesn't come up in the morning.
And you're a liberal if you disagree.
I mean, it's just mind-blowing.
We'll get into this and a lot more when we get back at your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Any news item, any story you want to tell us about, anything you've witnessed on the propaganda television, comments on the Skull and Bone presidency campaign with the John Kerry and George W. George fake Texan, fake conservative, fake everything Bush.
You got comments about the open borders, you got comments about, oh, they're about to capture Bin Laden?
They're now saying, as we told you they would years ago.
What's your take on all this?
We'll go to Ralph in Tennessee and others here in a few minutes.
There's a Washington Times article headlined, Republicans warn Bush on immigration plan.
And a whole bunch of members of Congress have written a letter to Bush going, look, you're killing our campaigns, you're going to hurt your campaign, this is really hurting us with conservative voters, they're outraged, they're talking about you're out of control spending, you know, doubling, actually tripling Bill Clinton.
What is going on?
Well, what they haven't been told, I guess, is that Diebold and the other big election touchscreen systems that have been publicly caught stealing elections coast to coast have got everything in place.
And then we'll just have big government and destruction of liberty under Lord Bush, or maybe of the establishment.
I want to put the other Skull and Bones member, Bush's relative, which I even heard him admit on NPR the other night, Bush's cousin, John Kerry, might do quite nicely as well.
So, and by the way, John Kerry's anti-establishment, yes.
John, Forbes, Kerry, Hines,
Warburg, Rockefeller, Kerry.
I mean, this is a disgusting joke.
It's a tiny nest of inbred filth running this country.
Just a couple dozen families.
And they're all married in with each other.
They all look like vampires, man.
There's photos of Kerry out there.
And those smiles look like something out of that movie Alien.
That guy is scary to the core, not just how he looks.
But the way he acts and what he's up to and what he's all about, you're like, well, who do we vote for?
You just admit to yourself that, again, it's a carnival barker trick.
You think you're going to try to pick the walnut husk that has the pea under it, and with a slight of hand, they've taken the pea away.
There's no pea under any of them.
So you can't win.
It's the oldest scam in the book.
You know, you go on a used car lot and, well, you don't like this car, and then one of the dealers, one of the sellers will play good cop and go, yeah, don't buy that one.
Don't go with Bill.
Go with me.
This is a better car, and they're both lemons.
It's a fixed race, a rigged bet.
You know, the mafia did this a lot.
They would bet on every horse, and then there's no way to lose.
Or they would have the other horse's riders paid off to rein back their horses so their guy could win.
It's one of the oldest tricks in the book.
WWF Wrestling, to show the mind control, every time I say WWF Wrestling is fake, I get threatening emails, I've even gotten calls going, how dare you say it's not real?
Oh yes, it's real.
I've been watching since Yvonne Erickx were doing it and that's real!
It's all real!
And there was outrage when Rowdy Piper a few months ago said it's all fake and it went public.
As if we needed someone to go public.
And you're going, what are you talking about professional wrestling?
Well, professional wrestling is staged.
They train for hours every week for the
Production, the show, uh, the play, uh, that they're going to put on.
All right?
I mean, in the real world, if you hit somebody 50 times in the face and drop them on their head, their, their neck breaks.
Believe me, folks, I've punched somebody once and they've been in a coma for three weeks.
You know, I'm not sitting here saying I'm a tough guy.
That's why I will not get in fights.
Um, but, uh, you know,
The last two fights I got in, I'd punch somebody a couple times and they'd be in the hospital on a breathing apparatus for a few weeks.
These giant, steroided, 280-pound people pounding them in the face over and over again, body-slamming their heads, slamming them from the ropes, and you idiots, and I'm not talking to my listeners but the few out there that don't understand, you're the same folks that think Bush is a conservative,
You will threaten me and send me emails going, it's real!
It's real!
It's real!
Oh yeah, folks.
I've been in a 30 second fight and ended up having my leg broken before.
The problem with America is most of you have never been in a real fight either.
We just got a domesticated jellyfish population.
So my whole point here is, is that this Kerry Bush thing is, you know, like the New World Order, that's the bad guys, you know, fighting whoever the good guys are, and they're, I'm gonna get you, you scumball, you're going down, you're dead!
And they slam each other on the ground, and, I'm gonna take you down, they fight for 30 minutes, and people believe that's real!
Grown men believe that's real!
And some people say, well, how could it be staged in a presidential election?
You know, how could that happen?
That's impossible!
Yeah, we've got a country that believes that wrestling is real.
And I guess this was built into our minds in John Wayne movies, where John Wayne would punch somebody 45 times in a bar, and they'd just have a bloody nose.
You punch somebody 45 times, they will die, guaranteed, if you're really punching somebody.
I just... Again, it's all false reality.
People don't know... Most people don't think about how food gets to the grocery store, how they hear radio shows.
I get questions all the time by people, Well, how do I... I've been listening to you in Austin on the radio, and I heard you in another city,
A thousand miles away, do you, how do you go, do you live there too?
And these are people with businesses and families, and I go, Satellites!
People don't think how things work, they don't know how many continents there are, they don't know where Iraq is, they don't know what the Bill of Rights, they don't know anything!
They're just mindless idiots!
And I'm starting to realize this more and more!
And it just scares me to death!
It scares me to death that it's almost impossible, and I'm talking about yuppies in Lexus's, and yuppies in the $500,000 house with the premium golf club membership.
I'll have one of them swagger up to me in the grocery store and go, how the black helicopter's doing, Alex?
I don't care what you say, I like George W. And I go, well, he's going to sign the assault weapons ban.
Oh, you're a liar.
Well, here, let's talk about it.
Ah, nah, just whatever.
Well, if those cams are real, I hope they put you in one.
Well, wait, I thought they weren't real.
You see, you're such cowards out there that you make the split-second mental exercise of denying it all because deep down you're scared to death and you know every word of it's true.
Your guts know it's true.
This country is disappearing right now.
And this election is nothing more than professional wrestling.
And you know, in my short life, I've lived more than 98% of people, I tell you.
Most people just sit their lives out on the bench, never getting in the game in any way.
And let me tell you something, you're not alive until you get in the game of life, until you get in the arena.
I probably had 50 people last week on the street walk up to me and go, I'm surprised you're not dead yet.
I agree with what you're saying, but man, I wouldn't get involved.
The IRS might come after me or they might do something to me.
And I said, you know they're criminals, but you're so cowardly, you won't stand up.
I try to explain to them, don't you understand that creates a society of fear and enslavement?
That's how the Russians behave.
That's how the Chinese behave.
That's how they behave in Latin America.
I'm an American.
One hundred and ten percent bread right here in Texas, going back to the founding of this state, going back to the founding of this country, and it is instinctive.
It isn't a question of courage.
There is no fear.
There is not even a debate.
You've got scumbag trash filled, destroying humanity, systematically dumbing our children down, surveilling everything we're doing, taking our jobs.
How could you not fight it?
What is there to discuss?
Alright, I said I'd go to calls and I'm just ranting.
I start thinking about people believing... Folks, George Bush can open the borders up, and if the globalists want him re-elected, he'll be re-elected.
Because, let me tell you something, almost every state's got the electronic machines in, and it's a fact.
You don't have an election if you've got those babies in.
We've got whole sections posted on the site, mainstream news, but it's all regional, you never hear about it nationally.
Alright, let's
I don't want to get off into a rant here.
I'm in kind of a bad mood today.
You might have picked up on that.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ralph in Tennessee.
Ralph, go ahead.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Well, I'm a conspiracy theorist because I say professional wrestling is fake.
Professional wrestling is nothing but a joke.
That's all it is.
It's just all rigged.
It's a joke.
They know who's going to win, who's going to lose.
It's a big pile of payoffs.
No, it's not liberal.
No, it's, oh yeah, it's not liberal.
You're a liberal because you don't believe it!
Yeah, that's why people are there being numbed by it.
And, uh, it's existed for years.
It's nothing but totally rigged.
They know who's going to win, who's going to lose.
Um, there's all that stuff is totally fake, fake blood.
It's a big stage.
It's a big act with your famous big actors.
Who fill their cells up with steroids and so forth.
And a lot of them are totally drug addicts.
But I got another comment.
I'm a certified nursing assistant and it seems like the area where I live, I've been with one employer who totally rigged something on me with total lies when they had terminated me.
And another facility had hired me, another place close to where I live,
And I was in an orientation with them and they had already checked my past employment, my background check, my drug test, everything, come back fine.
And after the second day of orientation, after it was done, then they called me in, told me that they were terminating me and I was coming to the conclusion
That this last employer had somehow blackballed me from the work I do.
That's exactly what they do.
They're experts at it.
I mean, I had filed an unemployment claim with that one employer who made up a bunch of lies on me, which I'm going to go in front of the tribunal.
Well, actually a phone tribunal.
Yeah, our new system, tribunals.
Yeah, and we'll be doing that next week.
Well, I'm just pretty much getting sick of, you know, health care here.
I mean, I love taking care of people.
I'm going to be going into a different job field soon, but being trained in it.
But the sad part is a lot of your CNAs in health care don't realize how totally corrupt nursing facilities can be.
Because I've come to the conclusion these two nursing facilities are kind of partners, but they're not with the same companies.
Yeah, it's capitation.
It's capitation deals with insurance companies.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I really appreciate it.
Who's up next?
John and Matt, go ahead.
Yeah, I just got a couple of questions.
John Kerry goes with his whole skull and bones connection and everything.
Let's call him Hulk Hogan and Bush is the Undertaker.
Let's just start calling him professional wrestlers.
Or he's uh... He's uh... Who's the guy that says step into a Slim Jim?
I don't know.
I haven't watched that.
I'm trying to think of names of professional wrestlers because that's the mentality.
I was just going to say, what do you make?
I mean, he has this elite
Connection with the Skull and Bones Secret Society thing, but what do you make of his tour of duty in Vietnam?
What do you make of that?
Well, let's just say he's not a coward.
He didn't run off with a bottle of Jack Daniels and cocaine AWOL for a year and a half from the Texas National Guard.
I just found it interesting that he had that connection, but yet he still did that tour of duty.
Well, I mean, in the past, the elites did send their sons off to war.
George Sr.
did that, did bail out on his crew, and then there was big talk on the carrier that he'd be court-martialed, but of course he wasn't, because it was the pilot's job to get the crew out in that particular aircraft.
But that's better than Littlebush.
But yeah, I mean, Kerry really is a war hero.
I mean, he's... I wouldn't want to be in a dark alley with him.
And one more question.
Do you think he'll be the Democratic nominee?
I said that over a year ago from instinct, but I don't know.
Could be Edwards.
He's got the Hollywood looks.
He's got the ladies drooling after him.
The Democrats need a Southerner to win.
That's the last four Democrat presidents.
Back to Truman.
But, again, they've got the electronic voting machines in now.
We've got a Supreme Court that appoints people, so it doesn't really seem to matter.
It's total WWF now.
You're on a roll today, Alex.
Well thanks a lot and you know I rarely up a couple times I've talked about you know fights or whatever and I it just sounds really stupid even get into it but my whole point is is that watching professional wrestling where they hit each other a hundred times slam people's heads into the ground hit them upside the head with chairs
I mean, I've been in 30-second fights, folks, and before I know it, I'm in an ambulance going down the road.
Growing up in Dallas, I mean, down here in Austin, people don't even fight, and I think it's great.
Growing up in Dallas, I mean, you'd be at a bonfire, you'd be at a red light, look at somebody around, they'd be knocking your windshield out.
I guess in the 80s, stuff was rough, into the early 90s, but...
The last few times I got in a fight, one time this big old 240 pound guy who liked to bully people attacked me.
I hauled off and hit him once and his head smashed open on the concrete and the guy barely lived.
I didn't get in trouble because he attacked me.
My whole point is that these people that watch and believe professional wrestling are the same ones that believe George Bush is a conservative.
Because they've never lived, they've never experienced anything, they believe anything they hear.
So do you get the weird analogy?
Yeah, oh yeah, definitely.
It works perfectly.
Well, that was it.
Thanks a lot.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
Alright, I appreciate the call.
I really do appreciate the call.
What got me really mad this morning is the Hutton Inquiry.
Tony Blair goes out on television and we've got 50 quotes where he said it, a whole bibliography posted at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com of where and when he said it and links to it.
You all saw Blair say, we know they have them, we've got proof, he's hiding them, and then now they had a Hutton inquiry, he hires his own minister to investigate him and says, uh, no, uh, he never lied, he never said that.
I mean, the Hutton inquiry actually says that.
I mean, how do they do that?
That is just such a blatant, over-the-top, complete lie.
And Bush and Cheney are saying, we never said that.
They're saying it now, and... Oh, it's just... It's just mind-blowing.
I've never seen propaganda this, this amazing.
This out of control.
We'll come back, take more calls, get into a bunch of other news.
I don't even scratch the surface.
Then we got a guest coming up.
More of your calls.
Stay with us.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Time Magazine is reporting that Bush wants $600 billion for his new space initiative.
$600 billion.
And most of that, again, is going to go to black-budget secret programs, which they now are making public, like their Homeland Security blimp, reported on in Popular Science to be 25 times larger than the Goodyear blimp.
And, uh, it will be, uh, tethered, uh, at, uh, well, in the edge of space, where it can come down lower, they're saying, and, uh, it's got ground-penetrating radar to look through your walls, you name it!
This is your freedom!
And ground-penetrating radar is not infrared, they show you on the news, no.
A lot of police helicopters, over the last five years, have had the Pentagon put ground-penetrating radar in them that looks right through your home's walls, and I've actually seen video of it on tech TV,
There's just been a few reports on it, but I remember seeing the federal funding five years ago, and the last year they've been announcing it.
It shows a black and white crisp image.
It's like x-ray glasses.
You're looking right into the house.
And that's what's going to be mounted in this blimp.
So I thought we'd re-air Neocon Star.
Go ahead and hit that.
Neocon Star, folks.
This little piece, Michael Corbett.
Please help me.
I'm trapped in my car.
My retina scanner won't work.
Just relax, sir.
It's not sir.
It's ma'am.
Please hurry.
It's hot in here.
According to Admiral Poindexter's database, I have you at the Monsanto Mart on 2nd Street.
I have a live shot of you from the Neo-Constar Observation Blip in your area.
I'm an old lady.
All right, sir.
Looks like you have no
But I can't find it.
I'm looking everywhere.
I can't find my national ID card.
Sir, I'm going to send a Homeland Security helicopter there right now to check you out.
You have a 99.2% chance of being a terrorist.
Would you like the in-car lethal injection right now, or would you prefer to wait for the agents?
I'll take the lethal injection, please.
Thanks for using me.
All right, folks.
I'll come back, I promise, and we'll get to Regina and Malcolm and Jerry and Dave and Ryan and others.
Third hour, we got Troy Schreiler coming on about the bin Laden being in the bag on ice and how that whole scam works and are they about to bring him out here in the next few months.
We've got the Times of Asia, we've got World Net Daily, we've got Chicago Tribune saying it, and we've been saying it for two years.
So, that's coming up, my friends.
Before I end this hour, I've made ten films.
Ten professionally produced films.
The latest are Matrix of Evil and Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Or just write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas.
Again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Order a call, order the videos, books, tapes, CDs, everything.
And again, folks, with God's help, we can defeat the New World Order.
We'll be back with the second hour.
Please stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Two weeks ago, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair were all saying that they were still weapons of mass destruction.
Now they're saying they never said there was.
You didn't see the State of the Union last year.
You didn't see hundreds of newscasts.
You didn't read it in hundreds of papers.
Tony Blair didn't say it two weeks ago that he was still sure of it.
Then they asked Paul Bremer, the new Iraqi dictator, and he said, well, whoever said that's lying and putting out misinfo, but oh, when they said Tony Blair, he turned red.
So just be idiots.
That's what they want you to be out there.
Again, it's not amnesty what Bush is doing.
We're about to go to Regina and Malcolm and Jerry and Dave and Ryan.
In fact, let's just do that now and then.
Illegals rise 15% since Bush's plan was announced.
The Border Patrol's unofficial investigation and poll.
And this is what we already knew.
Day one, there was giant surges coming across.
And now it's even gotten worse.
So right there is an enemy tactic, even if they don't get it passed.
To demoralize the Border Patrol and much more.
And Congress has sent a letter to Bush, a whole bunch of Republicans saying, you're going to destroy our re-election bid.
Well, that's the point.
To get the Democrats in.
Don't you understand that?
Let's go ahead and to Regina in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Regina.
Hi, Alex.
I've been wanting to get this to you for a while, because I always counted on you to bring out these issues, and I noted that
George Bush brought in $23 million pilot plan to encourage student drug testing in his speech.
Did you pick that up in the public schools?
Oh, yes.
And they want to have the military drop by.
I have this from the news here locally to your businesses, your schools, and collect your samples on a weekly basis.
This is mainstream news.
And the feds are funding it in the schools.
Not just having it where, well, you play football or in the band or
Uh, you know, go off school grounds.
Uh, you know, any type of extracurricular activity.
Well, you can't go on the field trips unless you agree to drug testing.
Now, schools all over are making it mandatory for everyone, just like cameras in the school bathrooms and giant Homeland Security blimps.
And, uh, looking through your walls.
It's just all part of freedom, Regina.
Well, I wanted to send this to you because I thought this was good and I didn't even know if you wanted to maybe get this person on.
This was an article from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
It's a little dated, 11-26, but things are happening so fast.
It was thumbs down on school drug tests.
In Pennsylvania, the Supreme Court justices questioned Delaware
Valley's testing of student leaders in an effort to set an example in a majority opinion.
They said that the district failed.
Now don't you love that?
You're a leader so you have to be drug tested.
And you know, the leaders they can't target with Ritalin because they want to destroy.
It's now, you'll be drug tested.
You're a leader.
Well they stood against that.
What I understood here was they... All of the US Al-Qaeda members.
The State Supreme Court said that
There has to be a need.
A need exists that there is a problem with this person.
And when we went to Washington, I brought that before our Congressman, one of his aides.
The fact that, you know, they could have her
You know, just coming through the door and tested all the time because, you know, you have to have some kind of... Well, Regina, let me tell you how they do drug testing in Austin, because they can't make everybody do it.
If you're late to class three times, that's a tardy.
And we have video from local newscasts, CBS, we've heard it on our TV show.
Judge Gene Mear goes a couple times a week to a portable building, holds court at different schools, and we've got our own video going, you've been late to class three times, I'm ordering drug testing.
Slams down the gavel.
So you're like the Klaus now, you get drug testing.
And of course, the parents don't know the procedure.
The judge goes, sign here.
And the parents don't know.
The judges can't say sign here.
They're signing away their rights.
Doesn't that sound like a free country to you?
Well, what concerns me is I think, I guess what I'm having trouble with here is when you say that, you know, people are stupid.
I think that, you know, when people do stand up, they're not really recognized.
Like, to me, this whole election is looking at
If you support a constitutional amendment for man and woman, you'll get our vote.
Stay there, Regina.
I'll let you finish up on the other side.
What I'm saying is that people who think George Bush is a conservative are idiots.
They're the types that believe professional wrestling is real.
I'm not saying... We'll talk about it when we get back.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I'm angry!
I'm watching the country I love being destroyed, being dismantled, being cut into little bitty pieces.
And I'm watching a bunch of silly, small-minded people call themselves conservative and associate their personal power with George W. Bush, who's nothing, who's a teleprompter reading puppet.
I'm about to go back to Regina and everybody else.
I just want to briefly give you an action alert.
We have posted a new 31-minute clip
At InfoWars.com.
I don't think it's up on PrisonPlanet.com yet.
At InfoWars.com with some new clips out of the WTC7 collapse and from that documentary America Rebuilds from PBS where the owner admits that they ordered the building imploded, destroyed, pulled on September 11th in the afternoon.
And it's 30 minutes of my hour-long TV show, and it's where I air clips and show some diagrams and go through some of the other evidence.
Very important info, and very expensive, because I know millions of people are going to watch the clip, but I don't care.
I want to get the information out.
How exciting is that?
You know, Peter Jennings gets 20 million people watching him every night, and sure, okay, in a week or so we get 3 million people watching video clips, but that shows how we're gaining on these people.
That shows why they're panicking and want to get total control now and want to regulate and shut down the Internet.
They're going to lose, folks.
So go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and download the video, make mirrors of it on your site,
Put it on to the video downloadable sites out there so other folks can get it.
Just get the information out to people on this Building 7 story.
So big Part 2, really it's Part 3 report on InfoWars.com on this subject and later it will be posted of course at PrisonPlanet.com as well.
And let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Back to Regina real quick.
Regina, go ahead.
You were talking about the schools and how in Pennsylvania they're refusing to drug test people randomly and how that's a good thing and people aren't stupid.
And you very astutely said that they give us the illusion that people are dumb and don't care by walling off dissent in the media.
But you're right.
People are waking up.
I've never seen such an awakening.
When I talk about idiots, I mean the neocon, the average person out there that doesn't care if Bush is for open borders, or assault weapons bans, or arming China.
I'm talking about those that support campaign finance reform.
I'm talking about liberals that didn't know it.
Go ahead.
I guess I'm having a hard time here after what I'm seeing here is basically if the constitutional amendment is supported for man and woman, then that's okay even though
You know, we're going to have this massive program of drug testing, $23 million while our budget goes up, while, you know, Bush's daughters, you know, he's given us reports on the, and I've even read that, underage drinkers, you know, but we're supposed to... Well, look, I mean, that's petty compared to U.N.-run white slavery rings, but all I said was, is right after 9-11, let me just tell the story since you mentioned it, I was at City Grill, I come walking in, there's federal marshals who are doing their protective detail,
And they were fans of the show.
And I said, who are you protecting?
They said, well, we can't say Alex.
And so I go in.
There's more of them standing around.
And they seat us right next to the Bush daughters with two heavy meddlers.
And they were fall down drunk.
And my buddy Kevin, it was his wife's 40th birthday, he goes, I got a video camera in the car.
Let's video tape them drunk.
I said, do you want to live, Kevin?
I said, I will expose the corruption of the globalists.
But they will snuff your lights if you mess with their children.
And real quick, the guy that took the photos of them falling down drunk in Boca Raton, Florida, at American Media, he's the one that got the anthrax letter.
So, I mean, I was scared to death even being in the same room with him.
You know where you should not go.
Every time you say, Alex, I don't want to be critical, but keep in mind that, you know, you say that we might be better off with a liberal, and you don't seem to have much faith in the election anyways, but keep in mind, my own senator, he supported Goals 2000.
He supported H.R.
He supported GET.
You know, they looked after Sec.
Clinton's, you know, personal life, but they didn't do anything to stop all these other programs that we continue to expand.
I hear you, Regina.
Gotta let you go.
Gotta go to more calls.
Let me just boil this down.
I didn't vote for president in the last election.
And I said it was the last election I could vote here in Austin, because there was another local election I didn't even vote in after the electronic voting machines went in.
I didn't vote, though, in the presidential block.
So I couldn't vote for Al Gore and I couldn't vote for George Bush.
It's like you had to vote for Adolf Hitler or Herman Goering and vote for Satan or Beelzebub.
So I didn't vote.
Because there isn't a real choice there.
In this new election, I'm not going to vote because they've got touchscreens with no record and they've caught the county clerk stealing elections before with the old system, so it's over here!
We've got to now build up the awareness of this and demand a recall election with signatures done by paper ballot with witnesses throughout the process.
We're going to have to remove touchscreens, once folks finally wake up to this, with signatures for recalls of the system.
It's already that point.
Or we can have Congress repeal the Voter Assistance Act that's billions of dollars to federalize the elections.
All I said is if Al Gore was in, conservatives when he was, listeners, but people, when they heard Al Gore going, I'm going to resign the assault weapons bill, I'm going to give supercomputers to China, I'm for amnesty, they wouldn't let it happen.
And good conservatives would win in Congress, would win seats.
Instead you're going to have a backlash on Bush, more Democrats elected in Congress,
Good morning.
I'm from Richland Park, Illinois.
Yeah, I'm a new listener.
I've been listening for, well, all of two weeks, and I've already got four or five of my friends
Thank you for having me.
You've got too many thoughts running around in your head.
Yeah, I've heard that.
You read too many books.
Oh, we've got a reader, boy.
This is bad.
I've even been told I'm going to run myself nuts by having too many thoughts running around in my brain, you know.
But this guy, Kerry, is the strangest looking person I've ever seen.
He reminds me of someone in one of these sci-fi horror flicks where they have a human-alien hybrid.
He's just a strange-looking guy.
Well, they're all in bread.
Yeah, and his looks match the strangeness of his thought.
So this thing that you were talking about him being a cousin to Bush and all that, is that well documented?
Yes, sir.
I already knew it, but I heard him say it on NPR.
Well, are you disseminating this information anywhere to let that be known?
I've seen it before.
We can post it again.
But NPR, during his victory speech after it, said,
I don't have my computer hooked up yet because I just recently moved where I am.
Listen now, my son is 32 years old.
You still believe that that's for real and we have these arguments about it.
So now I just laugh at him.
I don't even contend with him anymore on that.
I said, anytime you get a man that weighs 350 pounds, jump up and down in the face of another man and the guy gets up and shakes it off and throws him out of the ring, you're going to tell me you don't know that that's fake, you know?
I guess your son's never been in knock-down drag-outs.
Well, I guess that's a good thing for you.
I'd imagine you've been in a few fights in your day.
Oh, I've been in quite a few of them.
I used to box, I played football and stuff like that.
So what happens if you punch somebody hard a couple of times?
You knock them out.
If you hit them right the first time, they don't get up.
So if you hit them four or five times, they might wind up in the hospital with a concussion or something.
And your son believes the wrestling is real?
He still believes that at 32 years old.
So I just laugh at my poor son.
But you see how I was using this as an example of how a lot of people believe this.
They certainly do.
But I was going to say before I get off that I believe that these people behind the scenes are spreading a lot of money around.
They're afraid of Dean.
They can say bring it on Dean, but that's the one candidate I believe that they're really afraid of.
And again, I don't think Dean's a good guy.
He's a globalist, but obviously he's not the anointed.
That's why you've seen pedal to the metal.
I mean, NPR has been demonizing him, and then Rush Limbaugh's demonizing him, and then Drudge is demonizing him.
When you've got the left and right,
Both attacking somebody, and when the people want it, you know they're trying to kill the candidacy.
Yeah, they're trying to kill.
Now listen, this touchscreen voting thing, that scares me to death now.
What can we do about that?
How can we get the information out on that?
What can we do to turn this around?
The reason he's doing all this stuff with his smug arrogant self is he feels like, well, we're going to get back in anyway, so we don't care if they get ticked off because of the immigration policy or anything else.
He's very confident that he's going to get back in, so he's going to do the same thing that he did in Florida and do it nationwide this time.
Now, how can we circumvent this touchscreen voting thing?
Demand the national media report on it.
By the time it gets on the national news, there was a small problem at Diebold.
No, their chief engineer said it's all a fraud.
Their vice president, running the California elections, convicted of computer crimes.
The other companies are admittedly run by the CIA.
They've caught them in meetings.
I mean, we just gotta educate people.
Do you have a newsletter or something like that?
Because like I said, I'm a new... You know, I did a newsletter for a while.
It was just too expensive.
I had to stop it, but we have a huge section at PrisonPlanet.com.
Go to the library... Listen, thanks.
I'm going to tell all my friends to listen to you and be instructed, okay?
Yes, sir.
You've done some good work.
God bless you.
We appreciate the call, Malcolm.
Good to have you on board.
Okay, Jerry and Dave and Ryan and others, your call's up next, and we'll get back into all this news.
Stay with me.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest, a gun on my hip, and the right to arrest.
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looks into new national ID card system for Iraqis.
The Coalition Provisional Authority was in the early planning phase of the new ID card system, but it stressed no decisions have been made on the format and who would run it.
Okay, that's a total lie.
We've already heard about this months ago.
To have a job anywhere in Iraq, you have to wear a Halliburton issue.
They already run the hiring system.
If you want to sell oranges or beer,
That was a particular AP article on a street corner.
You gotta have the RFID badge or bracelet, and the AP article and photo, we put it on the site, was trucks full of Iraqi men with bags on their heads going to the concentration camp at the airport, the Baghdad International Airport, bussing them out there in these open-backed trucks, and their crimes was they had not gotten their license to be vendors.
So that's the new Freedom, and China's coming out with their new National ID card.
We've already had ours for many years in America.
Federally standardized and funded driver's license.
This is publicly admitted.
The average person has no idea and says they'll never accept a National ID card.
Well, in about two to three years, when they ask you to swipe it to buy anything, even if you're paying cash as part of the new National Sales Tax, that's the cover for it, remember me.
Remember what I told you.
Oh, man, I want to stop this.
How do we stop it?
We inform these sheeple out there.
Let's talk to Jerry in Pennsylvania, then Dave, Ryan, George, Charles, and many others.
Go ahead.
Three or four things real quick.
The previous caller, for new listeners, tell them to stay at it, like two months or three months, because a lot of times people will listen to your show once or twice and they get frightened and they run off.
You have to stick with it.
After a while, the wheels will start turning in their heads, and then they'll start thinking, and this is what's needed.
Okay, the movie that you're looking for.
A 1914 Italian movie?
is the name of it.
I'm looking at a mail order catalog that carries that on both
VHS and DVD.
Say what?
Send it to me and write a letter and say Alex says send me two videos and a book of my choice.
Send it to me and that way it'll, because when I leave here I'm doing two radio interviews, a TV show, about 50 people to call back.
I'm literally going to be up till 2 in the morning.
That's why I never get stuff done like this.
Mail me this video.
Have you seen it yourself?
I haven't.
We've just gotten calls about it.
It's got the Moloch satanic ritual.
The folks that have seen it say that it's identical to the Bohemian Grove ritual I shot video of in 2000 that Lord Bush attends.
Yeah, it was done.
Well, this is not a Hollywood movie, as I tell you.
Will you do me a favor and order that and send it to me?
Okay, I'll do that.
Okay, let me get through the two or three other things I want to talk about.
Okay, I received a letter from the Fully Informed Jury Association.
There's a fella here who was arrested in Ohio.
He's from New Hampshire.
He needs help.
His name is Jeffrey Jordan.
He was driving through Ohio and he was arrested for speeding because he had guns in his car.
The police dumped on him.
If everybody will go to the FEJA website, that's F-I-J-A dot org, or the Keep and Bear Arms website, or the Sierra Times website, or if you can get in contact with FEJA, they'll give you more information on it.
What they're asking for are people in the Ashland County, Ohio area to pass off FEJA literature
And to attend his hearings.
Well, people should do this in every community, and what the Fully Informed Jury Association does is, they teach juries that they're the boss, not the judge.
And that's important.
You know, I heard Gary Brownville talking about in Illinois, a man defended his family from a burglar, and the sheriff is going to go after the family saying, you shouldn't defend yourself.
You should call 9-1-1.
I mean, let's see the Sheriff give up his guns and go out and try to stop criminals.
The third thing, I don't know if you're aware of, if anybody has mentioned this, but the head of FEMA is running for the Board of Directors of the National Rifle Association.
He was nominated by the nominating committee.
His name is Joe M. Albraugh.
You're joking!
Joe M. Albraugh?
He just left FEMA a few months ago.
And you're telling me that this monster is running for the board of the NRA?
Stay there, okay?
Are you there?
I want to hear what you heard about this.
This is true.
Red alert.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Okay folks, we're back live.
And I just talked to Jerry in Pennsylvania.
I don't take the American Rifleman because I'm no longer a member of the National Disarm the American People Association.
And Stephanie, is everything okay?
Everything good?
Okay, great.
Folks around the show were telling me something and I couldn't tell.
They're up in Minnesota.
I'm down in Austin, Texas.
I'm always on remote here.
It's kind of like I'm on the moon and they're in Houston.
But to make a long story short, I don't take the American Rifleman anymore because you get one of their magazines when you sign up.
I did get it for years when I was a member.
Because I'm not a member of the American Disarm the American People, uh, traitor organization, um, that's there to pacify the gun owners.
Now, uh, the former head of FEMA who just left, uh, what, about a year ago, Mr. Alba, is a wicked creature with total CIA control systems, every form of globalist activity you can imagine, very sinister, and, uh, involved in 9-11, of course, and, uh,
Jerry calls into the show and says, I got my ballot here.
If you're a live member, you get one of those ballots to vote for who's on the board.
Of course, the nominating committee, they decide who you get to vote for.
It's kind of like with George Bush and John Kerry.
They select and you get to pick.
And they run out real gun folks off the board many years ago, back in 94.
Neal Knox, the last real member, was kicked out.
I don't mean honorary presidents, figureheads like Heston.
And during the break you were reading that to me, and you're going to text me a copy, or somebody's going to deliver me one of these ballots I'm going to put on the website.
This is a red alert.
The former head of FEMA, one of the 9-11 minions,
They've got him first on the ballot, and this is who the NRA wants to be on the board.
This is very scary.
Jerry, tell us more about it.
Go ahead and read to me what you just read.
Okay, well, he's nominated by the Nominating Committee, and here it is.
I'll read the resume the way it's printed here on the ballot.
The Honorable Joe M. Albaugh, McLean, Virginia.
Nominated by the NRA Nominating Committee, Albaugh was Chief of Staff to President Bush in Texas
for six years when then Governor Bush signed right to carry and lawsuit preemption bills into law.
Joe has worked very closely with the NRA in protecting those vital bills and other Second Amendment rights.
President Bush named Joe Director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency and he led the federal government's response to the 9-11 attacks on our country.
For his outstanding service during that crisis
Joe was named Oklahoman of the Year in 2002.
In March 2003, Joe established his own strategic business consulting firm with offices in Austin, Texas, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and Washington, D.C.
He also farms in north central Oklahoma.
Joe is an NRA life member, avid hunter, owner of many guns, and a fighter for our Second Amendment rights.
Okay, and so they've got him at the top of the list.
I just want to point out, concealed carry turns a right into a privilege.
They want to have a FEMA person over all those gun owner lists and to control and steer that.
Bush is going to re-sign the assault weapons ban.
This is incredible.
Okay, it was either last year or the year before last, one of the fellows who was running for board of directors, he was from here in Allegheny County, he was a psychologist.
And according to his resume, he works closely with the police, and he is on the staff of Mayview.
Well, Mayview is our local insane asylum.
And one of the things the police have been doing, and I saw one article several weeks ago, they're forming what they call psychological SWAT teams, or psychological rapid response teams,
Well, they're being taught in psychology.
They're giving courses in psychology.
Yeah, the same thing happened in the Soviet Union.
You're crazy.
We're going to commit you because you don't like the government.
Well, this guy was running for the Board of Directors.
I don't know if he made it or not.
All right.
Thanks for the call.
Interesting info, Jerry.
Dave, go ahead, Dave.
Where are you calling us from?
Hey, Alex.
Michigan here.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was looking in my encyclopedia of film, and the movie I came up with, the 1914 Tyrone Power movie,
It's called Aristocracy.
Yeah, this is another movie, sir, we're talking about.
Oh, it's not the same movie?
In my book, it shows that was the first movie he was ever in.
Well, we're not talking about this individual.
For some reason, we talk about this Italian movie showing Moloch worship, and then it turns into this Tyrone Power character.
Totally separate.
What's on your mind, sir?
Well, I was wondering about... Did you say they were worshiping an owl?
Well, it has two meanings.
It's a calf and it's an owl, yes.
Because like the owl was the sacred bird of Athena, the triple goddess of Athens.
Basically, she was the female equivalent of the modern male trinity.
You know, for folks that just joined us, I think we need to give them a little background here.
Dave, I snuck into Bohemian Grove in 2000 and shot video of where our world leaders in medley go and engage in satanic rituals.
It's in my film, Dark Seekers Inside Bohemian Grove.
The footage I shot has aired now about
Eighteen times.
It was fifteen times until a few weeks ago it aired three more times on Trio Network.
It's aired on British television, Japanese television, German television.
And the Grove members admit, I indeed shot footage of their ritual.
They say they're just having fun, just like the Skull and Bones video on ABC two years ago.
Oh, they're just having fun.
It's no big deal.
And then a caller calls in and talks about some Italian movie called Cambria, where they made in 1914, where they show a ritual like this, you know, with the elite of Rome engaging in this Moloch worship and human sacrifice burning a child before it.
And then, somehow, people call in and talking about another movie from 1914.
So, what else is on your mind?
Well, you were mentioning they were having fun.
Well, there was a book I read by Victor Hugo called The Man Who Laughs, and there was an English aristocracy club in the 1700s called Fun.
And it was illegal back then for the aristocrats to kill a commoner, or set their house on fire, or take them out and beat them up on a street corner, and that's what they had for fun.
Yeah, and that goes into the Hellfire Club and some other stuff.
Thanks for the call.
Very interesting, Dave.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ryan in Ohio.
Go ahead, Ryan.
How's it going there?
Yeah, I heard you on WGNU the other day.
You were very good.
What's... St.
Oh, yeah.
Very good.
I think people are waking up.
And the more radio stations you get on, the more they'll wake up.
But the one thing...
Oh, not sold, I said that again.
I've given away about 200 copies of your, um, The Road to Tyranny and Police State 3, because I see those are the best to wake people up, and it seems to scare the daylights out of them.
And, um, the one thing is that bothers me is about, um, I call these radio stations up in the, where I live at, and these conservatives seem to think that the Chinese workers making 30 cents an hour is fine, and that by me making them think of it,
Yeah, I'm out of my mind.
By me saying I don't shop at Walmart and haven't shopped at Walmart.
Look, don't play their game.
They're not conservative when they're for gun control, open borders, arming Red China.
They're not conservative when they restrict the First Amendment and campaign finance reform.
Stop playing their left-right game.
They're elitist pimps who are stabbing the American people on the back.
They're Judas Goats.
That's who those whore talk show hosts are.
What I do is I call and I read them the different news articles that I have.
And I got them so confused yesterday.
They've got two guys on the air when they found out I was coming out to try to beat me down.
But it didn't work.
I was really surprised that I'm doing as well as I am.
Because I think the thousands of listeners that are listening, maybe a couple of them, are waking up to it.
And you can say to the listeners, hey folks, you can ignore these guys that are trying to be gatekeepers of info.
Get past them.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Learn the truth.
Well, that's great.
Keep it up, my friend.
What else is on your mind?
You keep up the good work, too.
Hey, thanks.
I appreciate it there.
Let's go ahead and talk to George in Texas.
George, go ahead.
Alex, thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
Calling you from the beautiful city of Austin.
I just want to let you know that I'm a first-time caller.
I've been listening to your show for six months.
I believe there's conditioned people, there's idiots, there's treasonous, and there's truth-seekers.
It just takes time.
I believe 9-11 backfired, because that's when I woke up, from my conditioning, and it took time.
I listened to Borg, and Drudge, and World Net Daily, and Limbaugh, and Art Bell, but that's all I could handle.
And I listened to your show a couple of times, it was just more than I could take in at the time, but now that I'm capable of taking it in, you are the number one show, and people
It's going to take time for them to wake up.
I bought your CD, 9-11, and took it to my conditioned parents.
They're now thinking.
It does work.
That's a good point.
A lot of times, somebody hears it,
doesn't believe it but then they see it for themselves independently and then you start thinking and then you see it for yourself.
You don't even need to, you know, hear Alex Jones rant and rave about what's happening.
You've got your own brain.
You can study history yourself and see it repeating right now.
You know what?
You might have a person, that's why I called to have a person on your show.
I know you're busy at this because you mentioned it.
He mentioned that this season is right now.
People are waking up.
It is true.
There's a guy by the name of William Strauss.
He wrote a book called The Fourth Turning.
And basically it just says history repeats itself.
Documents it all.
There's seasons in the history.
And we're in the season of change, and I don't mean like fall, spring, or winter.
And the globalists know that.
They're trying to control the change into more control, because they know we're bringing the change on to defeat them.
That's why they're so desperate, and they better be afraid, because we're going to bring these criminals to justice.
Exactly, and this is the time for change, and it does mention there's going to be... What happens in this season will shape the next three seasons.
Yeah, there are cycles.
Right, they're cycles.
It's very important that we, and there is going to be someone that becomes victorious, and it's going to be us, and we need to make sure that happens, and that's why your show is important.
Keep planting the seeds.
You never know when they're going to sprout up.
I'm proof of that, and I listen to other listeners, and they're doing the same thing, so just keep the good work up.
All right, thank you.
One more call, then I'll go back into news and into more calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Charles.
Yes, good afternoon, Alex.
I have two examples of propaganda I've seen.
One was on television a couple weeks ago, a movie the night before Martin Luther King's celebrated birthday.
It was a movie about the Million Man March, a bunch of guys on a bus going cross country to Washington, D.C.
During the movie, the
The bus driver gets up and gives kind of a pep talk to the other men and says, we black men need to get together for this new, get it together rather, for this new world order.
And he says it very, very like out in the open.
And then later in the movie, you were talking about Bohemian Grove with the trees and the 40 foot stone owl.
Later in the movie, they're driving, they show the bus driving through trees near Washington, I guess.
And on the side is a spotted owl.
Which I thought was interesting.
So I don't know if it was anti-New World Order, just kind of giving it away or what, but... Another propaganda in a November 2003 National Geographic.
They have a bunch of pictures of the X-Ray Big Brother camera technology.
There's about ten glossy photos, one of them showing a bunch of Mexicans, I presume, in a box truck.
You can see the bananas, you can see the Mexicans,
You can see the ribs of the truck interior.
Pretty amazing.
Yeah, they also have those systems in five airports that look right through your clothes.
They've got the photos of, you know, naked women, naked men.
But understand, that's low-power ground-penetrating radar is what that really is.
They've got systems on helicopters for five years.
They've been putting them in.
The Pentagon has local police helicopters.
That give them a black and white color TV image of everything you're doing in your house.
And now the Navy SEALS and people have got systems that basically it's like a sonogram but a thousand times better.
And they can zoom in right into your beating heart.
Watching the ventricles.
They can zoom right into your lungs.
Right into your... I mean they can look through walls and then into your body with the settings.
This is our freedom.
Hundreds of times worse than 1984, and they've already got cameras in hundreds of school bathrooms and showers, publicly, how good it is that the schools videotape your naked children.
That's America!
And the average idiot has no idea, and I'm here to wake them up!
I'm trying to do my best, too.
One other thing, Alex.
A trucker called a local talk show here in Philadelphia, and kind of put this... did what you do, and that's put
Put a lot of this propaganda and show what it really is, like bring it down to earth.
As far as this non-amnesty that Mr. Bush is pushing, the way he put it, the trucking companies might just say one day, if this goes through that is, well, we're going to pay $5 an hour, so no Americans will be able to take that job.
So, guess what?
Mexicans and others will come in and be able to take you to the... That's the whole point.
If you're here, you're legal.
If you get here, you're legal.
And they'll bring you in to take a job if, quote, somebody doesn't want it.
Well, of course you're not going to want it when you go from $10 an hour to $5 an hour.
And if you're in the system, pay the taxes, you can't live on it.
But the illegals, $10, $15 to a house, they can.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you, Al.
And this is how it works, folks.
And this is designed to get rid of the middle class.
I have the official federal documents.
We'll come back and get back into your loaded calls and we've got Captain Joyce Riley coming on in the next hour as well.
Before I end this segment and come back and go to your calls, I have made 10 videos, 10 full length feature films.
They wake up about 90% of those that see them.
America Destroyed by Design, America Wake Up or Waco, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed, 9-11 The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, My Book Dissent to Tyranny, Paul Watson's Book Order Out of Chaos.
Go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, order the videos today!
Don't wait.
They're amazing.
They expose the criminality.
We show in the films everything we're talking about here.
And it's the Globalist's own words, their own statements.
You know, they're fat heads up there doing it.
You need to have these videos.
You need to expose the terrorists.
They can't stand if you get the films and make 50 copies.
It's easy.
Buy a second VCR.
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Check it out for yourself.
If you believe this and want to get involved, make copies.
And 50 will turn into thousands.
Thousands will turn into millions.
I've done the math.
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So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The films are $25.95 apiece.
They're $20 when you order three or more.
My book's $12.
We've got George Humphrey's books and books on CDs.
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Pro-gun, anti-tyranny t-shirts, which you would call liberal for the neocons.
It's all at Infowars.com or presentplanet.com or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
The globalists are counting on you not taking action, deciding you can't affect change, deciding it's inevitable.
You're going to be a slave.
No, you're not going to be a slave.
We've been slaves a long time.
We're waking up to the high-tech slavery, and we're getting our freedom back.
So again, folks, Second American Revolution, the Second American Restoration,
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By 1868, almost everyone was against slavery.
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In Communist China, let's just say you're taking an astronaut ID card, and you're going to have to scan it to buy or sell, to have a total record of everything.
Halliburton running the big scams coming out with the National ID card for the U.S.
government in Iraq.
Oh, that's the freedom we're bringing.
They're doing it in England.
We've got it here.
They just don't tell you it's a National ID card.
You're going to find out real quick, my friends.
And it makes me so angry.
You know, last night I went into H-E-B, who I boycotted.
Been in it maybe twice the last year.
Because it's one of the only places you can pay bills if they're late.
I'm so busy, I forget to pay bills.
And so I'm up there and doing that.
I think, what, three employees run over.
Oh, we're all fans.
You know, did you get the story we sent you about how they're putting thumb scanners in for us to log in?
They're about to put them in at all the self-servers.
They said, just like you said, we're probably all going to lose our jobs.
Two years ago, there were only two of these self-checkouts.
Now look at it, and like 80% of them.
It's a huge mega store I went to.
There's got to be, I don't know, 25 of those self-checkouts.
There were all these big lines of people, even at 10 o'clock at night, going to the self-checkout, and one checker there with a huge line.
I mean, that's America, folks.
That's the control grid.
And now they'll put in the national ID card, through your driver's license, for the national sales tax, federal control.
Even if you pay cash, you'll have to scan it.
Is this what you want?
You want all of the school children drug tested.
You want cameras in every neighborhood.
You want cameras in the school showers.
Is this America?
No, it's not!
A mindless idiot with a 60 IQ could figure this out.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to, is it George in Oregon or is it Josh in Oregon?
Josh, go ahead.
Hey Alex, great show.
I recall after 9-11 reading something about in building 7 there was a bunch of Enron documents.
I was wondering if you heard about that or have any articles.
Yeah, that's where they had the New York criminal investigations for fraud in that area.
And yes, that was destroyed.
Everything was there.
CIA, FBI, Port Authority, County, City, State, Secret Service, Command Center.
They ran the loudspeakers in Tower 1 and 2 telling folks, stay at your desk, even after the second tower had been hit.
That's crazy.
Just keep up the good work and keep the videos going.
I major in political science and my professor lets me bring in the tapes and I show them in class and good response.
Got people going to your websites.
I send you news articles all the time and all that good stuff.
And I would bet that your professor was once kind of a liberal but we've deprogrammed him?
He's half and half.
He's more of a liberal but he lets other students have other opinions and he believes in nine-tenths of the stuff.
We're getting to them.
Yeah, we're deprogramming them.
Thank you.
Yeah, George Humphrey, just a few years ago, former city council member, very successful businessman here in town, he would go to big Democrat meetings, try to wake them up, and none of them would wake up.
Now, half of them, when the others attack him about the New World Order, the other half go, no, he's right, guns are good, and open borders are bad, and it's true, the Democratic Party's controlled!
New World Order!
New World Order!
New World Order!
And see, in a couple years, we'll have all of them.
See how that works?
Yes, we're defeating the New World Order.
Let's talk to Ralph in Texas.
Go ahead, Ralph.
It's good to talk to you, Alec.
Yes, sir.
On the deal that you were talking earlier about wrestling, back in the fifties I was a kid and my mother and my stepfather always used to go to the wrestling matches and I'd watch it on TV.
And my mother had an opportunity to run into this guy that was a valet for Gorgeous George
I don't think so.
Just like they believe that the difference between George Bush and John Kerry is real.
And it's WWF wrestling.
Anything else, Ralph?
Uh, yeah.
Stay there, I'll let you finish up.
We've got Captain Joyce Riley coming up, too.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're now into the third and final hour of this global transmission.
We have Captain Joyce Riley, who does the Power Hour with Davon Kleist.
Who's been doing some great research on the weapons of mass destruction, the New World Order lies, and of course, the fact that they're probably going to go ahead and pull Bin Laden out of a hat right before the election.
I've had this intel for two years.
She's getting it from her own sources, and now there's a bunch of mainstream news from the Asia Times, the Chicago Tribune, as well as World Daily.
That's all on InfoWars.com and PRISON.
Yeah, I realize that.
Um, also on that 9-1-1 I was watching it when it when it happened.
And as I was watching it, you could see the explosions coming down the side of the building.
And I only saw that one time and they pulled it from the network.
Yeah, one time, live on Fox.
We have the stills of the video on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and the Building 7 archive.
And you can clearly see the demolition charges going off.
And we have the seismograph reports, the eyewitnesses, the firefighters, and now the owner of Building 7 saying they blew it up.
What channel were you watching when you saw that?
I don't recall right now, because we were kind of switching back and forth.
I hear you.
Listen, thanks for the call, Ralph.
Good to hear from you.
And in the future, folks, turn your radios off when we're talking to you.
Let's go to Captain Joyce Riley.
Joyce, always good to have you on the show.
Well, thank you, Alex.
It's my pleasure.
It's an honor to be on your show.
I've got to thank you.
Now, you know, Tony Blair says we owe him an apology.
It doesn't matter if he said 50 times plus that there are weapons of mass destruction.
The Hutton Inquiry says he never said that and we're all liars.
That's right, and the Justice Department said today that the Patriot Act has never been abused in this country.
So I think we know where they're coming from.
And Ashcroft said that it doesn't matter if there's no weapons of mass destruction, the Iraq invasion was good.
Well, the Iraq invasion wasn't good, unless you consider killing innocent people.
And I think that the average person is waking up.
And I'll tell you, one of the things that really got my attention last night was when Ed Koch, former Mayor Ed Koch of New York,
Came on Fox News saying that the Democrats were too liberal for him.
He's going to go with George Bush and support him.
That's what told me that George Bush is really in trouble in the eyes of the mainstream public.
Well, certainly, but they've got the electronic voting machines in place, Joyce.
Of course, but they want to keep the sham going as long as they can, because they don't want people revolting on them and understanding all that is taking place.
But again, look at the choices we've got.
It's like WWF Wrestling, as I keep saying.
John F. Carey is the macho man, and we've got Cole Cogan, who's bullish.
I mean, it's a staged event.
It really is.
And for those people that keep saying, well, who do I vote for?
Who do I vote for?
I don't think they understand fully that there really is no vote right now.
Now, of course, people say to us, does that mean we don't vote?
Do we lose hope?
No, it means we educate faster and more furious than we ever have before, because that's where the answer is, as you say, telling people to get a paper ballot when they vote.
Yeah, we've got to demand a recall of the electronic voting machines with signatures, have a campaign that way, then get the recall election of the machines themselves and to have that recall election done on paper ballots.
That's going to be the solution and we've got to focus on that.
Joyce, when we get back, you're getting the same intel I'm getting.
I think we're on top of it.
Alright, well we'll get your intel on the other side and go over some other news with you and take calls for Captain Joyce Riley.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us, I'm fired up!
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
We're good to go.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, here's the BBC headline.
Vindicated, Blair demands apology.
Tony Blair has called on those who accused him of lying about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction to withdraw their allegations in the wake of Lord Hutton's report.
Now, Lord Hutton's hired by him to go say he's good and that he never said this.
And you all heard Tony Blair say, and I mean I have 50 quotes here from television.
This is a televised address to the nation, March 20th, 2003.
Tonight, British servicemen and women are engaged from air, land and sea.
Their mission to remove Saddam Hussein from power and disarm Iraq of its weapons of mass destruction.
And he goes, here's another quote, as for the existence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, there could be no doubt that those weapons existed.
It is the job of the Iraq Survey Group to find out what has happened, which it will do.
And that's Tony Blair, House of Commons.
There's another quote here, we know he has weapons of mass destruction, we have the proof of the mass destruction, it goes on and on and on.
Fifty of these
Where he says they have nuclear weapons.
He says, like, Joyce, I want to get into the whole Bin Laden thing, but to have Cheney and Bush now saying they never said this, they're now saying that, to have Blair saying two weeks ago they still had weapons of mass destruction, now he says he never said that, when he would sit there and say it all.
I mean, how do they do stuff like this?
Because it's as if they are programmed to do it, and I'm not saying they are programmed, I'm saying that it is a program.
In which they say something they deny it later or they conflict themselves in testimony and only those people who are in the independent media are going to focus on it.
Now remember when I talked to a reporter at when the second Gulf War began
That asked me, from a major network, asked me, what is your position of your organization, the American Gulf War Veterans Association, on the war?
And I said, we are dissenting on the war.
We talked about a few issues with respect to the war as to why we were dissenting.
And by the way, we were joined by the British Gulf War Veterans Association.
Well, this reporter said, I'd love to be able to carry this story.
And I said, and what holds you back?
You are a producer.
You're not just a reporter or editor, you're a producer.
What holds you back?
And the response was from a major network, it conflicts with the prevailing domestic policy.
And I said, so are you telling me then that you can only carry those items to which the Bush administration basically agrees with?
The response was, yes.
So, anybody who comes out is going to become one of those reporters that gets put through the buzz saw.
There's also admissions that our troops were ordered to kill Reuters and AP reporters premeditatively to scare them out of the area.
Well, there's all kinds of stories now and we're hearing all kinds of things from those troops coming back.
Now, there was a gentleman who was actually said to have been filming
Dead military people, U.S.
military, Mazandana was his name.
And there's even video of the tank rolling.
He's a Reuters video guy.
The tank rolls up and opens fire right at him.
The video was released of them killing him.
That's correct.
And the story was that they were actually burying our troops in mass graves over in Iraq.
And that was the story that he had been covering.
He was going to release it very shortly.
And I talked to one of his best friends.
Who did say that he confirmed that story, that the family did possess the video of those Gulf War veterans being buried.
And I've been talking with him to try and get that video, which we have not had any luck.
I can't say that it exists.
I can only say that we're starting to hear all kinds of stories.
Oh, that's the kind of video that will get a wet team sent to your house, Joyce.
Oh, no kidding, no kidding.
Then we got the video from Afghanistan of what happened over there with respect to the prisoners being taken in 18 wheelers and they killed them in the 18 wheelers.
They weren't taking them to another prison and transferring them.
They were going to kill them.
By the way, that was nobody's shoemakers and goat herders.
The real Al-Qaeda was flown out to Pakistan publicly by the CIA.
That's correct.
I mean, the stories now are just amazing.
In fact, in talking to the military people, they tell me, the ones that are just back from Iraq and one that's just back from Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan, is they are absolutely
They're physically sick now.
The three units that had contacted me on this issue... Well, it's 1,900 times safe level of depleted uranium in Baghdad alone.
That's right.
Now, you take the Gulf War I veterans and then you take times four the amount of depleted uranium that the Gulf War II veterans... I thought it was two times, Joyce.
Well, I get conflicting statistics on that.
I really don't know for sure.
But then you get, you know, the cumulative addition of all this depleted uranium
And you're going to have some people really sick.
In fact, Major Doug Roeke, Dr. Doug Roeke told me, he said, if you're breathing in Iraq right now, you're going to be sick.
And that's the guy they hired in 91 to go disprove this for the Pentagon.
He said, this is making them sick.
Radiation sickness.
That's right.
And in fact, the Pentagon is doing a real... But Joyce, how dare you?
You know, you don't support the troops unless you support them dying.
Supporting the troops means you support them dying and having their benefits cut and having to pay for their flights home and having to pay Halliburton for their meals.
Yes, that's right.
If you support the troops, you have a yellow ribbon out, and you fly a flag, and you watch the funerals take place.
Well, no.
When you support the veterans is when you tell the truth, and not supporting a veteran is failing to tell the truth.
You were talking about the Pentagon when I interrupted.
Well, I was going to say that the Pentagon is doing a real hit job in the media on Dr. Doug Roeke now, saying that
He was never in the position of which he says he was.
He was never involved in doing a D.U.P.
I have the articles from 91.
They're online where he was the head guy.
I've got the video that he made for the Pentagon.
Yes, but you see it doesn't make any difference.
Black is white and white is black.
Because the average person doesn't have a five minute memory or attention span, much less ten years.
That's right, but here's what we do have right now and that is the military records of George Bush that are going to make a difference.
Now the reason I say that is because we've got 24 million prior service people in this country who valued the fact that they completed their military service.
They did not go AWOL or they did not shirk their responsibilities.
Now we have got a president who, when this comes to light, and people understand that he did the same thing that they accused Michael New of doing, our president, when he was in the military in 1972, and I have the document, denied a direct order.
Now you see, all the media that's focusing on the story of him being a deserter, and they did it sort of off-the-cuff, you know, tacitly looked at the issue of him being a deserter, whether he was or not, whether he finished his job in the military,
What we now know is that in August of 1972, and this ought to be front page everywhere, but I've even talked to media that won't dare cover it, is the president denied a direct order.
He denied a direct order to take a flight physical.
Now I want to thank Joe from Arkansas who was an incredibly supportive person who was able finally to get these documents.
A lot of people couldn't get them, but he got the document showing that George W. Bush
Have you heard of George Bush Military Records?
Well, you can't have a co-kid taking a blood test and a physical and then he ran off to Alabama for a campaign.
Well, that's exactly right.
Now what happened in 1972, for those of us that were around then, is that that's the first year the military instituted drug testing.
Now, a flight physical is a little more... I mean, I'm not downgrading a flight physical, but I took them all the time.
Every six months, we were required to take them.
And what we would do is go through the line and we would see the doctor.
Now, a lot of times you take a physical, you see a paramedic or whatever.
Well, we saw the doctor and we had to have certain requirements for blood pressure, that kind of thing.
So it's no big deal to take a flight physical.
Besides, after the government has spent a million dollars training you to fly, and I'm talking about a pilot, I'm not talking about myself as a flight nurse.
But when they spend a million dollars teaching you to fly an aircraft, they don't expect you to say, uh, no, I don't think I want to teach that to you.
You also have one of the lowest ratings ever recorded for that unit.
Anyone else would have been washed out.
That's right.
Especially during a time when everybody wanted to be a pilot.
But Joyce, she's an incredible war hero.
I mean, I heard him on Fox when he landed on the carrier going, man, look how good he looks in that.
Remember, this is a fighter race.
This is, this is...
You know, I gotta tell you, I called the Pentagon one day and I said, I'd like to confirm or deny with the Secretary of Defense's office about the military service of George Walker Bush.
And I couldn't believe it, Alex.
The girl had answered the phone, and I really hate to say anything, but she was a young girl, didn't know very much.
And I said, I'd like to confirm or deny the fact that George W. Bush did not complete his service in the Air National Guard.
And she said, oh no, no, no, he wasn't in the Air National Guard.
And I said, pardon?
She said, no sir, the President was not in the Air National Guard.
She said, the President was in the Navy.
And I said, no, ma'am, you're wrong.
The President was in the Air Force.
She said, yeah, he fought with George Washington.
And then he fought at Guadalcanal when he was a fighter ace against the Nazis.
No, you know what she said?
She said, well, you remember that picture of him landing on a ship out in the middle of the ocean?
I couldn't believe Alex, she actually said that.
She thought that was his Navy experience.
I mean, I don't know what she thought, but she thought because he landed on a ship that he was in the Navy.
Look, I was watching it live, and Fox goes, what a leader.
Look at how good he looks.
Do you see how he landed that?
Man, he is, you know, this guy's a fighter race.
His dad was a fighter race.
It's in the blood, Joyce.
Yeah, right.
Yeah, right.
Well, that's why in 1 August of 1972, and you go to thepowerhour.com,
Listeners, click on that thing, click on the George Walker Bush military records and check it out yourself and you will see that First Lieutenant George W. Bush was suspended from flying and from that date on, and this is what the media will not cover, he was never, and I repeat never, flying.
He was AWOL!
Well he was AWOL a little period of time after that and that's for 30 days then desertion becomes after 30 days and it and desertion by the way charges can be filed for 40 years.
Yeah but then he disappeared for the rest of the tour.
Oh yeah he was gone for essentially the next two years but I just want to say to everybody that we treat these we had a breastfeeding mother Rhonda Haisley who was not wanting to take the anthrax vaccine because she was breastfeeding and they put her in jail.
And they gave her an article 15.
And they drummed her out of the military.
Now she has a felony conviction for the rest of her life because she was breastfeeding a child and refused the anthrax vaccine.
Here we have the president who denied a direct order, didn't do anything, but become president.
But wait till you hear who was with him when he was suspended.
Alright, I know we got a lot of callers.
We'll get to you, Rob and Joanne.
Russell and many, many others.
We're going to have Joyce with us for the rest of the hour and we are going to get into Bin Laden.
The state's capture, is that right around the corner?
We've been talking about it for two plus years.
It's all coming up when we get back.
Stay with us.
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The original investigative reports at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are better than almost all the mainstream media garbage that we see.
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Go look at Bush's crew service record.
And then I have arguments with folks on the street.
He's a fighter race.
He fought in combat, I think, in Vietnam.
No, no he didn't.
He was AWOL.
Shut up, hippie!
This is, you know, you're not gun control.
You're liberal.
And you're doubting us on this.
Joyce, you call the Pentagon.
She goes, no.
No, he's a
He's with the Navy!
I mean, it's just... Joyce, what is going on with people?
I mean, I know you don't have an elitist view of yourself.
I don't have one of myself.
I mean, we're just average people, but compared to some of these people, I guess we're geniuses!
Well, I think that we just simply study, and we have a desire for the truth, and we're not going to stop.
And, the other thing is that I know you're not afraid.
And that takes the big sting out of them because, you know, people will come after us and try and trash us and they'll do these horrible campaigns to kill the messenger.
But that only means that you're doing something because they don't mess with people that are not doing anything.
And I think that's important for people to understand.
And when you're talking in terms of these military records here, which I think are absolutely crucial to the credibility of our president,
And when I did, by the way, this young girl passed me off to the Secretary of Defense's Lieutenant Colonel spokesperson, of which I said, would you please confirm or deny that our President completed his military career?
And they said, well, we can't do that.
And I said, really?
Why not?
I said, he said, because that doesn't come under the purview of the Department of Defense.
I felt like saying, well, who should I call?
Like Parks and Recreation?
I mean, this is craziness.
So then he referred me to the Guard Bureau.
Guard Bureau wouldn't touch it.
Then they sent me to Texas Guard Bureau.
Called them.
They wouldn't touch it.
Then finally we were able to get some information from somebody who had been researching this that had actually talked to some people in the military that said,
He did not go to his position, his last position in Alabama, that it was a postal unit and had never been one with aircraft.
Well, that's when I realized and went back and checked and saw that on August 1st of 72, he was suspended from flying.
At that Air National Guard Unit.
Wait a minute, he's a Vietnam fighter ace, most highly decorated.
Not at all, he didn't even go to Vietnam.
But here's the issue, on that date that he was suspended for failure to accomplish his annual medical examination, which I gotta tell you, I don't know of anybody who's never done that.
Wait a minute Jones, you don't tell me that this, he said this ain't no amnesty.
Well I'll tell you what, I wish that there would be some charges filed against him
Uh, for what he has done in this situation, because he was also with another major.
Now there, I've never seen one order to suspend flying, let alone two people on the same order.
The other person, verbal orders of the commander that came down on one September of 72.
And that is a Colonel Tim, T I double M.
The other person was a major!
And that major was James R. Bath, the atheist.
Oh, and then in 76, they start the Al-Qaeda business here in Texas.
According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, but again, that's a conspiracy theory too.
Well, that's where they met up.
They were both in that champagne unit.
We call it a champagne unit because you had to know somebody to get into that unit.
And he was flying F-102s with the Interceptor, which was going to be phased out.
That was not even going to be a plane that was going to be in the inventory.
Why don't we just give Boyce the Congressional Medal of Honor?
Yeah, that's surprising, isn't it?
And say that he raised the flag on Iwo Jima.
Yeah, right.
And Major James R. Bath, who later provided the first $35,000 given to Arbusto Energy from the Bin Laden family,
I think so.
Is that this is a man who was suspended from flying.
He then became AWOL.
He was then a deserter.
And recently the Annenberg Foundation decided to research it and said, oh no, he had an honorable discharge.
What does that mean?
Does that mean he did not deny the direct order?
And here Michael New has probably spent millions of dollars trying to defend himself
For standing up and doing the right thing.
These anthrax refusers have been doing the right thing.
And they're in jail now.
But we have this man who's gone on to become the president.
So these records are very critical, I believe.
And especially the news release they put out about him flying.
It's just, it's pretty funny.
Well, I tell ya, did you know he was a test pilot too with Chuck Yeager?
And an astronaut!
Aw, come on!
Yeah, and a professional wrestler.
Well, it doesn't matter.
They might as well just start saying that.
I mean, hey, Joyce, are you going to apologize to Tony Blair?
He never said that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
We'll talk about Bin Laden when we get back, and take your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, heard live 6 to 9 p.m.
Central, Monday through Friday, and 7 to 9 p.m.
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I tell you, listen to this music.
Keep it rolling, Stephanie.
Makes me think about how lucky we are to have a veteran, a combat veteran, a fighter ace.
He was our president.
He wasn't a little hippie with sandals running around AWOL.
No, he wasn't a little Jack Daniels drinking coke head.
Always getting in trouble at the parties and drunk driving.
He's a leader.
He's a man fighting Al Qaeda.
Now never mind his first business dealings were with the Bin Ladens.
And never mind the fact that he's a daddy.
I was meeting with the Hathabin-Lawton family on 9-11 over breakfast at the Carlisle Group.
That's what good men do.
And, uh, we're lucky to have them.
Now, I've kind of reassessed things as a neocon.
I support the gun control.
I think it's conservative.
I support the open borders.
I support campaign finance reform.
I support
I just, uh, I tell you, we're doing good here, aren't we, boys?
All right, folks.
I know we have Rob and Russell and Brock and Todd and Ron.
I promise we'll get to all of you.
We're going to get back to George Fradley and briefly get into this Bin Laden situation.
A lot of key indicators.
They've already got him on ice, literally about to roll him out.
For the next three or four minutes, though, we're going to go to Debbie Morrow because
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And Debbie from New Millennium Concepts joins us.
Debbie, good to have you on the air.
I just wanted to tell you, George Bush is a fighter racer, and did you know I'm an astronaut?
I actually stepped foot on the moon.
It wasn't Neil Armstrong.
Go ahead.
And Tony Blair never said Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
Are you ready to apologize to him?
I'm sure.
He's asking for an apology.
I'll be glad to.
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That is an insane deal!
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That's right.
They really, the sport bottles are great.
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You know, I'm going out of town this weekend and we'll be taking our sport bottles with us on our trip.
You know, you have the assurance of not drinking that nasty-tasting water in restaurants and different things like that, you know?
I don't know, though.
Maybe you don't trust the government.
I mean, that might be a sign of Al-Qaeda if you filter your water.
It might be.
In fact, even in movies like Doctor Strangelove, it's crazies that filter their water.
Again, folks, this is very radical what we do here on this show.
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I'm being sarcastic.
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Debbie, you do a great job.
Anything else?
Well, I just wanted to say that all of the proceeds, you know,
They go to you to keep you on the air.
You know, we support your air time and it's really important that we keep you on the air by having these calls come in and we appreciate all of our customers and all of your listeners.
God bless you, Debbie.
Yeah, since you brought it up, I pay for the Global Shortwave.
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So, it's made in America, great system, and you support the international outreach, and you stop drinking poison.
Alright, we're about to go to your calls in a couple minutes.
Joyce, getting Joyce Riley back on the show, thepowerhour.com.
Madeleine Albright Fox News, two months ago, or six weeks ago, she said, yeah, they've already got Bin Laden, they're about to bring him out at the opportune time.
The Times of Asia quotes a high-level source in the Pentagon saying they're about to capture Bin Laden.
World Net Daily says they're about to launch a big operation into Pakistan to catch him.
I was told two years ago by someone involved in the White House, I'll just say that,
uh... who've been imbibing uh... that yeah he got a kidney failure and the family handed him over and they're going to roll him out before the election.
I don't know if that's the case but the world where they got body doubles and wax figurines of Uday and Kuzey, Saddam's sons, and the world where they catch Sheikh Mohammed three times and kill him twice and then release people and later admit they were CIA operatives and oh we just had to stage this
There's no telling what's going to happen.
We may even stop them by doing this, but you have inside info, Joyce.
Well, it's interesting, Alex, that the last time when we had this major occurrence with Saddam Hussein, we had received a phone call one week prior to that time saying that Saddam was about to be found.
And you saw this on air?
We went on the air and said, this is what we're hearing.
Yes, and we're calling this, we call it our power hour chatter, just like the DOD calls it their chatter that they hear.
Well, we had heard that Saddam was going to be found, and then shortly after that, Osama would be found, and that weapons of mass destruction would be found that had NATO numbers only of Germany, France, and Russia on them.
In other words, that there had been this hauling mission that we talked about once before in which
Many troops were injured and died.
That's right, injured and died.
Liquefied lungs, chemical weapons exposure.
They were discharged from the military while still in the hospital.
That's right, and they said, the troops said that they were taking weapons and moving them to an area.
You had him on air?
You had him on air?
We don't know what it is because obviously it was classified.
However, we now are receiving word from the sources that they are about to find Osama Bin Laden.
We're hearing that it's at the Pakistan-Afghan border.
And since we're not supposed to be having Delta Forces in Pakistan, it's kind of a covert operation of guys coming out of Fort Bragg and that they are going to find Osama Bin Laden and that Operation Exodus has begun.
So I think it's just, I don't know if it's going to be a week, two weeks or whatever, but it is going to take place.
There's no doubt in my mind.
Now, from my White House source, again, the family, when Bin Laden supposedly blows something up and they get a distraction in the media, the Bin Ladens then get the contract, usually double what it's worth, rebuild the base, that's CBC, folks, admitted, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.
This is all admitted, this is the payoff, here's the dead body, he takes the blame, then they get even more cash and more contracts.
Or they could just grab a double.
There's no telling.
Or they could claim, oh, we arrested him and five years later there's no discussion of it.
Or they could say, oh, he's got cancer, then he dies before the court, and who knows if anybody was even ever captured.
Again, they could be putting out disinfo, but it's been accurate in the past, Joyce.
Our chatter is much more accurate than the propaganda they put out.
Well, and I think so.
And to reinforce that, one day after Jessica Lynch was taken hostage as a POW or MIA, we received information from our sources saying that there was a whole different story.
In other words, the world is listening to this beautiful young girl was in a firefight, shot down to her last weapon, was taken in, was abused, blah, blah, blah.
We are hearing the whole nine yards.
She says later that it's a fable but the average person still believes the fable.
That's right and we received word that next day and went on the air with it that that is not what happened.
In fact it was a Humvee accident that these people were horribly injured as a result of hitting an 18-wheeler.
Yes, many of them were killed at the scene, brought back to that hospital later, and that she was treated absolutely admirably.
But the other thing that we learned at the time or the day after was that not only did she not shoot down to her last bullet, but that she never fired her weapon.
In fact, we were told they never fired.
It was a maintenance company, they were not really prepared, not really trained, and that's not to take anything away from them.
Yeah, take a wrong turn in a sandstorm going 50 miles an hour, you're in trouble.
Yes, yes.
And so I thought that was interesting because that took a lot of guts to say, you know, this isn't how the story happened the day after it took place.
And also, Joyce, five of the people that had blown the whistle would have men in black uniforms pop up behind fences and shoot them at the barbecue pit.
They'd die in car wrecks, drown in an inch of water.
I think she knew she better get the story out before she had an accident and then was, you know, enshrined and Bush would lay flowers at her tomb.
Yes, and I'll tell you,
When her father was questioned about this, they asked him in the news conference, did your daughter have amnesia?
And he said, absolutely not.
She has her memory as good as the day she left West Virginia.
So, why does the Department of Defense need to lie over that?
See, you've got this tiny group of evil people, and they try to always con us into going along with it and believing the stories, and more and more people are going, no!
And I'm going to say it here on air.
Over 50 times, we have the article posted, Tony Blair said, we know they have weapons of mass destruction, now he says he never said it, because my Hutton inquiry says I didn't say it.
I mean, it's just, no, I'm going to say it.
You did say it, and so many people will buy it because he says he didn't say it.
They don't have memories of two weeks ago, Joyce.
And now Rumsfeld and Bush and all of them are saying, we never said they had weapons of mass destruction.
We said they had weapons of mass murder.
You see the stories are morphing now as well as they are causing whiplash among the average person.
So every day some new story comes out to get everybody concerned and go down this rabbit trail following the story which may turn out later to be a phony story.
I was trying to think of another case in point, but I mean, if we take just the Jessica Lynch story... Joy, here's another one.
We have the Pentagon planting in hundreds of papers, not dozens, hundreds of papers, fake letters from troops with a false signature.
We have the Pentagon putting out fake news reports, folks, in America!
General Eberhardt says we're going to martial law.
The Pentagon's watching us.
Tommy Franks says it.
Tommy Franks bragged a month before Saddam was captured, oh, we got him.
And the Congressman, what, LaHood, said we're about to capture, or we've got him.
I know something you don't know.
Let's take some calls.
And I mean quick, folks, because you've all been holding a long time.
And you told me somebody hung up.
Who's up first?
Okay, Russell in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex and Joyce, here's something you might be interested in.
I asked Daddy Bush, what happened to his crew when he bailed out of that Grumman Avenger back in W2?
It's on the record, and they've had the veterans on, they thought... I saw the films fishing them out.
Everybody basically spitted him when he landed on the carrier.
I thought about Daddy Bush, wait a minute, Daddy Bush, I'm talking about.
I said Daddy Bush.
Daddy Bush, when he landed on the carrier, we even interviewed the folks.
Oh, I didn't see that.
They were all thinking he was going to get court-martialed, and then they claimed that the plane caught on fire.
Those planes couldn't.
No, no.
I'll tell you what it was, Alex.
It was a TBM, a government torpedo, TBM.
Sir, sir, sir, I'm saying, after they put him on the sub, put him on a plane, blow him back to the carrier, they
Yeah, I know about it.
And by the way, like daddy like son, George W., I know about 102s.
If I could fly a 102, he could, but I doubt he ever flew a 102.
Is that right?
Yeah, we operated over there a number of those things, the photo recon thing, and that's an airplane that not many people can fly or could fly.
And a lot of them died, an average of one a day, out of that photo recon during my tour of NAMM.
I just want to say, I've never seen any, in his military records, any of the flight orders.
You know how you would get a flying order before you go?
He doesn't have any in his military records.
No, no, no.
He never flew any airplanes.
And when I was there, when he was over on MOPAC over here, hanging out, we lost 52 men, 26 airplanes in the first two months.
And they were all KIAs.
And I have no love for any of the Bush family, I can tell you.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Brock in... Brock, where are you calling us from?
Knoxville, Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Yeah, a friend of mine called me this morning and told me you were on the Mankow Show.
And normally I don't listen to him because of all the vulgarity on his show, but...
Anyway, a bunch of my friends at work listen to him all the time and they were shocked because I've been talking about you before.
I've been listening to you since 2000.
And I've been talking about you to them before and they were like, oh, he's just, he don't know what he's talking about.
And then all of a sudden you come up on their show this morning.
And they're all, well, maybe he's got some there.
Alex, you were on with Man Cal?
I've been on about five times.
That's incredible!
I had no idea.
Well, I mean, who's Man Cal?
I do five interviews a day, Joyce.
You know, so do you, so.
Well, but he's on CNN all the time.
I mean, the guy has an interesting show from what I've heard.
People say it's pretty wild, but I mean, he agrees with me.
He says he agrees, and he seems to speak out against the New World Order, but I guess they're mixing him with all that other... And by who's man-cow, I mean, everybody's like, man-cow, man-cow.
People say that, wow, you're on man-cow.
But I mean, he does have the number one show in Chicago, and I've been on there about five times, and every caller agrees.
I had to bring some guy in studio this morning to disagree with me.
Oh, wow.
That's interesting.
Yeah, most of the people that listen to this show are a bunch of potheads.
So, uh, you know, I don't know how good it'll do.
Maybe it'll do some good.
You never know.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Joyce Riley is an amazing individual doing so much incredible work.
And she shows what one motivated person can do with the support of others.
Joyce, they said the world was flat for a long time.
They imprisoned those that said it was round.
But overnight, you were a kook to say it was flat.
That's going to happen to the globalists.
It's happening now.
They're trying mind control, just saying, I never said that.
I never said weapons of mass destruction.
It's not amnesty.
They're trying this on us, but it's not going to work.
And those that it will work on are so stupid, they don't even matter.
The Founding Fathers said that.
You know, forget the furniture.
We need the thinkers and the folks that have honor and courage, and we're going to win this fight.
You know, and I say, you know, everybody wants to worry about Bubba on the couch with a beer in one hand and a remote control on the other.
And what I say is, don't worry about him.
You don't want him in your foxhole anyway.
So go after the ones, and my favorite word is next.
I got to tell you, Alex, probably just like yours.
Oh yeah, somebody starts giggling at me, I just say, I feel sorry for you and walk on.
Yeah, I don't have the time.
Somebody cares, wants to get involved, I'll give them a hug, shake their hand, talk to them, and I'll tell you, the goofballs are less and less, and when the goofballs see the other people waking up, they, you know, suddenly want to find out what's happening.
Real quick, two calls, let's talk to John Florida, then Ron New York.
John, go ahead.
Oh yeah, I'm glad I got through to both of you.
You are excellent program hosts, and I've got to thank GCN for the great lineup of programming that they have.
We've got to thank our affiliates.
We need more affiliates.
Pick it up, my show and David Joyce's show.
Now listen, I want to tell you what I hear amongst people here in this military community.
I live between the Navy and the Air Force bases here in the Panhandle, and a lot of people
Think that our current president was fished out of the South China Sea, and was taken on a submarine back to his aircraft carrier, and there are other people, okay, who think that, like, uh, Nixon started a, uh, attempt to go to Mars, and that the president, our current president, was, like, taken off into an astronaut training program, and that the Republican Party was going to lay claim to Mars way back in the 70s.
So that's why he failed to show up for his Alabama drills.
Oh my goodness!
That's the type of weirdo... Well, she calls the Pentagon and she says he's in on the Navy fighter race.
Joyce, I don't know how you can get up in the wee dark early like you do, but you're doing great.
He's raising that co-host husband of yours.
Oh, he's wonderful.
Thank you so much.
Alright folks, let's take a final call.
Ron New York, how about it?
Hi Alex.
Hi Joyce.
Hi there.
Gee, Alex, I always thought that, uh, GW broke the siege at the Battle of the Bulge, but you say it was at Iwo Jima.
Listen, you know, you mentioned Fox, and it's a very interesting thing, and I don't think too many people know this, but when GW landed on the deck of that aircraft carrier, in that flight suit, okay, the photographs that were released by UPI and the rest were kind of edited photos, but in fact, Hannity, Sean Hannity, was about ten feet to the President's left, in a flight suit as well.
Oh my goodness!
And in one night, in an act of braggadocio, he showed the photograph on his show.
Now how does a guy who purports to be a reporter and journalist... This is classic stuff!
Third world dictators put salad dressing on their chest, strut around in uniforms, and talk about how wonderful they are!
What I'm saying is this makes Hannity, not that I ever thought he had legitimacy, but this eliminates even
This flight is thought that the man has any legitimacy in reporting.
Yeah, that's impersonating an officer.
You can get in trouble for that.
He's practically a de facto member of the administration.
How did he manage to land that, getting a flight suit?
Obviously, he must have flew over on a military jet, too, and standing ten feet next to the president.
Joyce Riley, when am I coming on your show next week?
I don't know yet, I've got to talk to you about it, but just watch our website, The Power Hour, and we'll have it up there for you.
Thank you.
I'm the first to go, last to know here.
Take care, Joyce.
Folks, I actually am a Mars mission astronaut myself, and I am a World War II fighter pilot.
I'm joking!
It'll be in the New York Times that I say that.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
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Plus, these are great films.
1-888-253-3139 to order.
Or Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, my friends.
So keep it locked into this local station.
God bless you all.
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I don't know.
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Not yet available in Iowa.