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Name: 20040128_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 28, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Another powerful broadcast.
Lined up for you today.
It's already Wednesday, the 28th of January, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites have been freshly updated for you.
PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Blast kills U.S.
soldiers in Iraq.
CNN reporters killed as well.
Coming up in the third hour, I have the editor that worked on the major story for the London Mirror, Children Sold into Slavery by U.N.
Charity is the headline.
This is one of the most chilling inside investigative reports I've ever seen.
Well, we're going to read the article in the first hour.
The gentleman's coming on, Graham Johnson, in the third hour.
Coming up in the second hour,
I got a copy of the book a few months ago.
I never had time to read the whole thing.
It's encyclopedic, but what I did read several chapters was very accurate.
Encyclopedic is the word.
Chris Milligan is a writer.
He's also the publisher of some of Anthony Sutton, the late Anthony Sutton's books, and publisher, whose father was in the Office of Strategic Services, OSS.
They lived overseas.
He learned a lot about the New World Order there.
And he's written an amazing book about Skull and Bones, and a lot of you probably heard him on George Norrie the other night.
Well, he's going to be on this show today, and it looks like we're seeing a Skull and Bones race, a choice of Bonesmen, where we've got John F. Carey, John Forbes Carey, and his wife, Hines Carey.
Can't get any more elitist and blue blood than that running on their anti-establishment campaign.
That's a joke.
Running against George W. Now Kerry hasn't won yet, but it does seem, I said a year ago, that's who I thought would get it, not Dean, because Kerry's skull and bones.
The first skull and bones candidacy with Kerry and Lord Bush.
We'll see if that happens.
That's coming up in the second hour.
So again, a lot of key information coming up for you.
And now Dick Cheney suddenly claiming he never said that they had weapons of mass destruction.
We have dozens and dozens and dozens of the quotes of Cheney and Bush here on television and the news, where they said they were sure Saddam had it and was hiding them.
We have the 50 lies of Tony Blair, 50 times he said in public that they had them.
All the false reports, the corruption, the planting of evidence, all of it.
So we'll try to go through some of those.
And China!
Citizens to use new ID cards!
Well, if it's good for the communist Chinese, it must be good for us.
That's why we already have it in this country, but the globalists are more sophisticated here.
They call them your state driver's license, which is really a federal mandated and funded and controlled ID with the biometrics.
Citizens to use new ID cards.
Chinese citizens will be issued new second-generation ID cards with personal information contained in an embedded microchip.
Starting from the end of 2004, announced the Ministry of Public Security.
So again, what's good for them is good for us.
Also, satellites to monitor offenders in England.
Already happening here.
China tightens web control.
So is our government.
Whatever China's doing, we're doing.
New York Times Inspector David Kaye denies evidence of moved Iraqi unconventional weapons to Syria or weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.
They're going forward saying it's all lies.
But Cheney and Rumsfeld and Perl don't care.
They're ready for the next wave of the invasion now.
So again, we'll go back over that.
And top scientists and epidemiologists and doctors and then, you know, just whole scores of different scientists, cardiologists, you name it, came out and said that
That Dr. David Kelly was obviously murdered, and the Hutton Inquiry, the government investigating itself, says, no, no, no, no foul play, no problems.
And now we've gotten the full quotes of what Dr. David Kelly told one of his colleagues, that he expected them to kill him and put him in the woods.
Which is exactly what happened.
It's like Diana saying, they're going to kill me in a fake car wreck.
And then a few months later that happens.
Man, it's something else.
This is horrible.
It's all coming up in detail.
Two great guests.
You'll want to stay with us for the duration of this transmission.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, my friends, again, it's Wednesday, the 28th of January, 2004.
By later this evening or tomorrow morning, I'm going to have about 15 minutes from my local television show last night hosted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because I did a more detailed and focused analysis on the owner of the World Trade Center, Silverstein, saying that they pulled or demolished WTC7
On September 11.
And there's several new clips from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilds.
So we're going to have that posted with some new information for you later today, this evening, or by tomorrow.
Because I've just got to transfer it off the
The big digital television tape into the computer and then post it.
I'm going to write a little bit more to add on to what Watson has put up there on the site, so stay tuned for that.
My goodness, there is so much here.
Let's just start right into it.
Of course, we do have the Skull & Bones author who's written an incredible book on it.
Coming up in the next hour, it's encyclopedic to say the least, and then in the third hour we have Graham Johnson of the London Mirror, the editor who put together the story with his investigative reporters who went into a U.N.
slave camp in Montenegro over in Bosnia.
Now remember that we have a giant government-run white slavery ring section
At PrisonPlanet.com.
If you go to InfoWars.com, this article is posted, and then there's a link at the bottom to the elite sex ring section.
Kidnapping women, children, AP, Reuters, UPI, Huarache, BBC, London Guardian, on and on and on, French News, Le Figaro, AFP,
Digging up skeletons, digging up dead women, castles with women chained up in them, owned by globalists, dead bodies dug up on royal family property, members of the EU going public saying that's who runs the EU.
I mean just, just article after article after article after article after article after article if you wonder about the true evil of the globalists.
Well listen to this London Mirror article.
Now remember,
Back in 2000, I keep saying two years ago, four years ago, a UN chief police officer in one of the major cities of Serbia, and by the way we've had these folks on the show, and a DynCorp high-level employee quit
Well, I actually went public and said, we're running child kidnapping rings here of thousands of children and women just in our city alone.
We can't be part of this.
They were fired.
They sued DynCorp and the UN.
And about a year ago, both parties won multi-million dollar lawsuits and it all came out that it was true.
But no criminal charges.
Whether it's Africa or Eastern Europe or Russia, the snuff films, all of it, most of it goes on in Europe because worldwide the premium is on blonde-haired, blue-eyed children.
And that's right here in the article.
Child Protective Services here in the U.S.
goes after blonde-haired, blue-eyed children because they can get hundreds of thousands from the adoption agency and parents for them.
And this is admitted.
I've talked to hospital employees.
A poor family comes in, one of these study-run hospitals, they're not coming out with their child, folks.
I mean, it is.
It is industrialized here locally.
So this is going on worldwide.
Right in front of us, we're gonna, you know, watch the movie Roots and read, you know, the book and feel sorry for black people and it was horrible what happened to them, or feel sorry for what happened to the Native Americans, or talk about, you know, the Jews being in captivity 3,000 years ago in Egypt.
None of that!
In the numbers we're talking about now, millions a year,
In one country, 200,000 in 2000, all that, all that is dwarfed.
You think slavery's gone?
No, it's not.
Children sold into slavery by U.N.
Now this is just one of the latest articles.
Now listen to this.
Now I want you to listen to this.
With her big blue eyes and cute smile, four-year-old Angela would tug at the heartstrings of any parent.
But like her five-year-old brother, Echo, and their friend, Giovanna, Blonde Angela is for sale to anyone with enough cash to buy her.
Incredibly, the head of the British-funded charity is at the center of this despicable trade.
The children, some as young as three, are snatched from their parents and sold for as little as three hundred pounds.
That's about five hundred dollars.
Some are feared to have been taken as child sex slaves.
Others are put up for illegal adoptions by couples, including Britons, desperate to start a family.
These are kidnapped children.
These three youngsters all live at a former United Nations refugee camp in Montenegro, part of the old Yugoslavia.
And the UN was caught doing this, and they just handed it over to the private charities.
Posing as child traffickers, Sunday Mirror investigators visited the camp outside Montenegro's capital of Pogrocia, or Podgrocia, run by Christian charity boss Sinasin Nadzizin, to expose the sick trade facilitated.
He receives donations from the British-based evangelical charity, Smile International, and Catholic and organizations which are unaware of his sideline.
Nadas Deden, 27, told our reporter, quote, a hundred kids were trafficked from this camp.
Any of the children you see here are up for sale.
I am willing to do it because of my finances.
The camp was set up by the United Nations after the 99 Coastal War and now houses 5,000 refugees in three units.
We were shown children for sale from 300 pounds for a dark-skinned three-year-old gypsy boy to 3,000 pounds for a blonde girl of four.
Netherden works closely with two gypsy mafia bosses
Vladzim and Artan Shurkel who harvest the best looking ones.
That's a quote.
Locals say the brothers use violence to rule the camps and force families to hand over their children before fixing false papers and smuggling them overseas.
They should all be executed immediately.
Nadda Din said Artan has a really bad reputation and you are not surprised by anything you hear he said about feeding sharks with those girls.
That's a quote.
Despite admitting that he was aware that children could be sold to pedophiles, Nadda Din continued to negotiate with our investigators.
Last year, there was a couple from Liverpool who wanted to buy a child, he said.
The year before, some people from Scotland
We don't have set prices.
You must negotiate the price.
The lease price is 500 euros or 300 pounds for a gypsy.
The maximum is 5,000 euros.
He took us to see two children whose pictures have been emailed to us in the UK.
We found Angela and Akko playing on a cockroach infested floor with other children.
And Natadin said this is the best family for you to buy a child.
And they are desperate.
Angela was for sale for £3,500.
Arco was available for $2,500.
Their desolate mother cried, sometimes I sell myself to give them bread, I don't want to lose my children, but she was quickly silenced by a 6'5 Naziden who said, she doesn't matter, this woman has no choice.
Vlasnin wants to sell Angela, no one defies Vlasnin, that's the gypsy chief.
Not if they want to be safe, he uses the knife.
One of the gang's henchmen then made a cutthroat gesture to the mother.
I'm sorry, if I'd have been there, I'd have gotten violent immediately.
I'd have visited the nearest gun shop and been right back there immediately.
And it says Naziden, director of a local evangelical Christian charity called Fila, claims British charity Smile International has given him £2,500 to look after children at the camp.
On its website, Smile, run by Orpington Kent, by Baptist minister Clive Doubleday, and his wife Ruth, write about working with the church
...and camp, and visiting the camp to distribute aid and show a religious video.
Isn't that nice?
And it says, uh, Natizen told us he hopes Persuade Small International will help him set up a day, uh, crutch, which he would use as a child supermarket.
That's his quote.
He then showed us more children for sale, including Giovanna, four, who was on offer for 1,500 euros.
Natizen said, take photos.
Any of the children is for sale if you like.
I don't
Also arranges illegal adoptions for cash.
After leaving the camp, we got a call from Vlashman's brother, Artan, pressing us to wrap up a child-buying deal.
He said, you like Angela?
She is 3,500 euros, but you must pay 1,000 euros deposit to obtain documents.
If that is good, we see about more business.
We claimed we were also looking for young girls to work in massage parlors in the UK.
Artan said, we have children for more delicate business than adoption.
Have girls 12, girls 13, girls 14 for you.
There are 20 available.
They are pretty girls, all of them.
Some are experienced in movies.
Some have on internet sites.
You will not be disappointed.
Don't wait long.
I have other people interested.
When confronted, Cockroach, I mean Nazadin, denied having sold children from the camp.
This is illegal, he said, but it is the right thing to do if a white person is buying a child.
He admitted a pedophile could buy a child, but he added he would not approve.
So we got the editor of the London Mirror coming on about this.
Frankly, this is nothing compared to what we have posted on the site.
But again, Pat Robertson chooses not to talk about it.
A lot of your big international charities, by the way, this is their real business, Mind Control, other stuff like that,
And, uh, but the big Pat Robertsons and others, they're never going to talk about what's really going on.
This is the new Christian conservatism.
Just like the open borders and the gun control.
We'll be back.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I just read the headline out of the Sunday Mirror.
Children sold into slavery by U.N.
The U.N.
was caught running all these camps, doing this on an industrialized scale.
Then in the last two years, it's turned it over to their quote, private charities.
And there's hundreds of such camps in the
In the areas controlled by the Muslims and the Croats, Lobo did not allow any of this in their country.
Now the areas that have been overrun in Kosovo, the blonde-haired, blue-eyed children are being preyed upon by the racist Muslims.
And this is mainstream news and being shipped out.
They force you out of your house, put you in a camp, break up your family, and then take your children.
You know, I don't even like reading these stories.
I don't even like covering them.
I wish this wasn't going on.
It makes me sick.
I mean, I literally get tears in my eyes when I have to look at these articles every day.
You know, the Russian snuff films, all of it.
And the CIA, big government, big businesses, all in on this.
DynCorp was found guilty in civil court by a U.N.
employee and a DynCorp employee who went public
of kidnapping two hundred thousand women and children in one area uh... of uh... the balkans alone
And these are the people we're helping.
I'm not saying Slobo was any angel, but this stuff didn't go on in Serbia.
Serbia was once that entire area.
Now they've broken off more of it.
It's ethnic cleansing going on.
The CIA, in the Republicans' own report, admits they used bin Laden's forces under the CIA control to start the war with Serbia.
They fought against the Nazis in Serbia.
They saved Madeleine Albright, so she repaid them with bombing them.
Bombed their country with depleted uranium as well.
I just want you to think about who the globalists are and what they're up to and what they do.
If our government said we're going to invade right now to stop this, we're getting out of the UN, we're going to invade Mexico to get control of our border, I'd say draft me, I'm ready, I'm ready to join up.
I'd go over there in a minute and go into these camps and liberate these people.
These are concentration camps.
But our government's running it and behind it.
And instead we go into Iraq, ladies and gentlemen,
Which is a thousand times better than Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is a capital of this stuff.
Most of the children are being shipped there, as well as Israel.
And I know there's a hell, and I know the people involved in this are going to hell, but they're turning our country and our world into hell.
And I couldn't do what these reporters did.
I couldn't be around this.
Some, you know, gypsy walking over to me saying, we got girls for you.
You know, girls that have been in movies.
We got, you know, these little kids for you.
I'd start strangling them on the spot.
Who knows though, I might be listed as a terrorist because I'm against the UN's child kidnapping rings.
I just... I'm shell-shocked by this, and...
They got it all on tape.
This is just one more example.
Every day, there's another article of the same magnitude.
I don't even cover it anymore.
I can't stand it.
I'll see these articles, I'll read the first few paragraphs, I'll quit reading them.
My brain automatically shutting down.
I mean, folks, I can't even...
Be mean to my dog when it, you know, does its business on the carpet.
That's how much of a soft heart I am.
And to think of these evil people with no conscience who see other races as animals.
Like gypsies.
I mean, gypsies' culture is hating everybody else's culture, robbing and stealing and killing.
I mean, is that a racist statement?
The Nazi culture was bad.
They thought everybody else was evil and bad.
The Aztecs had a sick culture of death.
And our western culture has been superior to all of this and now we're turning into this.
In England, if a gypsy's raping your wife and you stab them, you go to prison and they get a cash award.
The government's using these people to run their sick operations.
But who makes the money?
It's the big rich bankers in New York and in London.
I just went over this article
Where this is happening.
And people just want to deny the nature of the New World Order.
I mean, there's no way to describe how evil this elite is.
People go, well, why would they do that?
Why would they?
That's the nature of history.
That's the facts of history.
That wicked people, when good people lay down, get into positions of power.
Smart criminals get into government.
And we've got to save these children.
We've got to... I talk about Pat Robertson and all these big national Christian talk shows.
They all know about this stuff.
They could be exposing it.
They know how many of the big Christian charities are really running this for the UN from Africa to Asia to Eastern and Central Europe.
The UN's own numbers from 2001 were 1.2 million women and children kidnapped out of Central Europe.
You understand the industrialized nature of this?
And if we let this evil go on, it's gonna happen here!
It's amazing.
We'll take your comments on this and much more at 1-800-259-9231.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, for those that just joined us, I have the Investigations Editor for the London Mirror, Sunday Edition, Graham Johnson, joining us.
They snuck in to
A U.N.
slash charity refugee camp outside Montenegro where they were openly selling children, 5,000, 3,000 pounds for a blonde-haired, blue-eyed girl, only 300 for a gypsy.
And the camp's run by the Gypsy Mafia and the U.N.
and in the past convicted Dime Corps shipping these children and women out.
And they take them from their families
And then I'll get into the latest trips that have died and the lies and the police state and the national ID card.
We've got a Skull & Bones expert, one of the publishers of Sanford E. Sutton's books, written his own huge encyclopedic book on Skull & Bones.
Now it looks like we're going to have the Skull & Bones presidency with Kerry and Bush.
So we'll break that down as well.
Your calls are coming up.
Dale and others that are holding, the toll free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
But the government running your life, the military industrial complex running your life, controls the kidnapping, snuff films, pornography of women and children.
And we have a huge section, all mainstream media, calmly announcing it, and the average person has no idea this is even going on.
We've got to make this one of the biggest issues out there.
It's as big as abortion, folks.
And, you know, talking about children being sold as sex slaves as young as three years old.
Here's the Scotsman from Monday.
Remember this article?
Government advisor killing children with defects.
This is the Scotsman, a government advisor on genetics, has sparked fury for suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with defects soon after they are born or up to two years of age.
He's the head of the British government's program, just like Peter Singer here.
John Harris, a member of the Human Genetics Commission, told a meeting at Westminster he did not see any distinction between aborting a fully grown unborn baby at 40 weeks and killing a child after it has been born.
And he's a professor of bioethics at Manchester University, and it says that he wants to take the organs of the children.
New Jersey, three weeks ago, passed a law that they can take a clone to birth with a surrogate mother, then keep the human alive or humanoid, depending on how you see it, and grow organs on them, take fluids, keep them alive in a tank.
This is mainstream news.
Well, you know, as I was listening to you, sharing some of that information,
I was sitting there thinking to myself, you know, in 10 years, the history books in the schools will probably be reporting to our, or teaching our children that the Nazis were simply ahead of their time.
Uh, you look at all this stuff that, you know, that was horrifying to us.
Uh, you know, when we heard about some of these experiments they were doing on, uh, children and, and, uh, even the, uh, Japanese with, uh, what was that, Unit 731 or something like that, uh, out in the area.
But here's the deal, Jim.
And, but what is, what is amazing is it was like, these guys were a bunch of, uh, outlaw rogues.
And, uh, but today what we're going to do is, uh, you know, pass laws so we do it legally and therefore it's sanitized.
I mean, it's just bizarre.
Well, exactly.
But see, you know, in ten years they won't say the Nazis are good.
What they'll say is, Nazis bad.
When they do it, we good.
When we do it, that'll be the mindless way they say it.
And I was using improper language on purpose, folks.
And then at the same time,
It's like Saddam, because he tortures, but we're good because we torture.
It's Orwellian double-think, Jim.
Well, it's probably because when we do it, we do it with compassion.
Well, that's what Hitler said.
No, I know.
The whole thing is bizarre, and it almost seems like we're going into the Twilight Zone.
What's kind of strange is you know that this stuff is going on, it's reported in mainstream news, but people don't see it.
You know, they walk outside, they see the birds singing, the trees and all that stuff, so it seems surreal in a sense.
And it's almost like I think that the average person just, you know, it's probably a lot like the average person that was in Germany in the 30s.
They kind of saw this stuff, but it really wasn't affecting their lives, and so they just kind of
Uh, chose not to see it, even when it was in full force.
And that's kind of what concerns me, is that we might end up with a situation where it's in full force and the people still choose not to see it, you know?
Well, absolutely, and CPS has been caught doing similar things in this country with children, and they investigate themselves.
You're five times more likely to be abused in their custody, but it doesn't matter.
They're still the officials, and I've been told by hospital workers that, yeah, poor families come in, blonde-haired, blue-eyed baby.
CPS is called.
They force them to sign documents, take the child, because they can get hundreds of thousands of dollars for a rich family to adopt them.
But here they're admitting it's for sex slavery and movies and all of this horrible stuff and it's right out in the open, but DynCorp gets all the big contracts from the Bush administration.
And then we don't hear our Christian leaders talking about this, then we find out that a bunch of Christian charities are involved in this.
It's beyond me.
It really is beyond me.
And you know, the corruption seems to be rife in every sector that you look, but especially in the charities.
I don't know if you recall, some years ago they had this big storm that wiped out San, oh geez, it wasn't Guatemala, but it was the other country.
It was Salvador.
So we donated a bunch of filters to the Salvadorian government to help in that relief effort, and we find out three months later
They're in a warehouse and most of the stuff goes to the brother-in-law of the premier or whatever.
Well, take United Way.
I remember at least five or six times in the last ten years where the director of United Way steals $15 million, the sub-director steals $3 million, and then, oh, they give most of the money to Handgold and Control Incorporated.
And I'm warning people about this before it's on the news because I know their history, and I'm bad for saying it, but now it comes out.
It's just amazing!
It's unbelievable!
Well, I think you're doing a good job in kind of keeping people aware of these issues.
You know, they're so easily forgotten because, you know, we've got... Well, heaven sakes, we're... You know, you turn on the radio and it's all sports stations and rap music and stuff like that, and it just tends to keep people away from what's really going on.
Look, if Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and Sean Hannity
...would talk about this, it would get reduced.
If the media wanted to make this a big issue, they could.
But instead, as Stalin said, one man's death is a tragedy, ten thousand is a statistic.
Yeah, one child gets kidnapped, national headlines for six months, and it's massive industrial scale with the British government, the Dutch government, the French government, the Israeli government, the Saudi government, the Serb government, all these governments
We're good to go.
One thing we can do is stop drinking the poison, the herbicides, the pesticides, the Ritalin, the Prozac, the birth control that's in almost all the water supplies, the MBTE in 49 states, the lead, the mercury, the arsenic.
You've got top of the line filters.
They're made in America.
You're the big sponsor.
You make the shortwave possible.
There's no reason to not order from you.
What are the specials?
It's a special, and let me just say real quickly, for folks that are confused about water filtration, there's four categories of contaminants.
One is radiologicals.
We remove radon 222, absolutely.
The second is pathogenic bacteria and cysts and parasites.
We remove those, absolutely.
Our tests have shown that none of them get through the filter.
The third category is the chemicals.
We show that we reduce those, absolutely.
Uh, or remove those, uh, completely.
And, uh, the fourth is the minerals.
And you want to get rid of the, uh, heavy metals.
And we reduce the heavy metals and leave the good, uh, nutrients in there.
Our, uh, specials on the Berkey filters are, we've got a, uh, uh, the Berkey light, uh, without the, uh, uh, the lighting mechanism, which is a great nightlight, emergency light, and will even be, uh, work as a flashlight.
Uh, uh, the one without the light is, uh, $199.
And we are going to add a sport bottle in there, a $40 Berkey Sport, so you can bring the power of the Berkey with you to work or wherever you go.
We also have a special on the one with the lights.
That is $259 and that utilizes the LED technology.
Uh, with 11 year continuous lighting without the bulbs burning out.
You also have a little solar panel folks can buy that will charge the batteries for two weeks.
And this thing can, you know, lights a whole room.
Blue lights or white lights.
Whatever you want to choose.
The incredible black elements in there.
Uh, Jim, there's also a special that Debbie was offering.
$159 for a unit.
Which one is that?
Yeah, okay.
Uh, now let me give you the price on this special.
With the black, uh, with the uh, uh, Berkey light, uh, and the LEDs.
That's $2.59.
And then we will also throw in two Berkey sport bottles.
That's an $80 value, so you can bring the power of the Berkey with you and also give one to your wife and let her take it, or your husband, whoever is doing the purchasing.
And then we have a special for the Berkey light with the ceramic filters, and that is $1.59.
And then that special was going to end on Friday.
So folks, if you want that, and that's a $40 savings, normally $199.
You can get that for $159.
And I believe she also said they throw in a sports bottle of that.
No, on that one, it's just a direct $40 reduction in price.
Okay, well that's a great deal, folks.
You can try to buy a comparable filter at a store.
It's $250, $300.
This is $159.
I suggest you get the Berkey Light with the lights.
Great unit.
Also, you have a special on sports bottles.
These are the little water filters that do 600 refills of tap water, 100 plus of pond or lake water.
Great thing to have for work or the office or at the restaurant.
What's so special on those?
Okay, now these are generic sport bottles.
We make these for people that don't like our name on there.
Otherwise, it's the same exact bottle as the Berkey Sport.
You can get six of them for $99.
This is the generic version.
Or you can get 12 of them for $199.
These bottles at the camping store are $35-$40.
This is a great deal.
The ones you'll find at the camping store have not been tested to remove bacteria.
I've noticed a huge difference.
Tim, I've bought some of those in the past, and the ones at the camping supply have a little bitty element.
Your element is about three times larger and heavier.
What is that?
Well, the difference is that we actually, uh, most of those are made for taking out in the wilderness and they're going to get rid of the cysts and parasites.
That's all they claim.
What we do at the Berkey Light is we design them so that they'll remove pathogenic bacteria.
To my knowledge, we're the only sport bottle that claims that.
In addition, we also go after those heavy metals so that if you're in a restaurant or you're using it at the office,
It's going to take the heavy metals out.
We also go after the chemicals, the herbicides, the pesticides, and we remove those out of there.
So basically we're giving you the power of the Berkey.
I hope folks take advantage of it.
Write this down.
Here's the number folks.
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number and they'll call you right back.
That number one more time.
And that $159 special on one of the big filters, that is only until Friday.
Jim, thanks for coming on, my friend.
Always a pleasure.
Keep up the good work.
You bet.
Good to hear from you.
I respect Jim's opinion on things.
He's been fighting the New World Order for over a decade, and I'd like to
Get his take on things.
That's why we had him on a little bit longer to talk about the UN-run white slavery rings.
Let's go ahead and go to some calls.
Our guest up first is Dale in Colorado.
Dale, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
Hello, my friend.
How are you doing?
I'm a first-time caller.
I've just been keeping track of your program here and been very interested in what you have to say.
And I was looking through the paper yesterday
And I
Certain passengers is green, certain is yellow, and others is red.
Yeah, and that's the cap system to be nationwide on all your national ID cards that you know is your driver's license.
I have read almost two years ago saying it on tape.
And this is the new system.
To have a job, you'll have to have a security clearance.
Yeah, they got Hutchison says the system is a priority.
And it's in the Rocky Mountain News of yesterday's article.
And then they have all the states, not seven or nine of them, with a matrix system collecting all your data, your phone records, your divorce records, how much money you got in the bank, where you live, what you drive, all the census data as well, all in there, and quote, the matrix system.
Listen, these are all just nodes.
The CAP system, the TIP system, total information, matrix, all of these are part of the NSA, sir.
Yes, I'm becoming more aware of it and I'm glad I've tuned into your station.
I also wanted to bring up one more quick thing.
The other day I happened to catch
The practice, I don't know if you've ever heard or seen it.
Yeah, I've seen it once or twice.
I don't watch much TV, but what were they doing?
It was very interesting because they were talking about the Patriot Act, but before they got into that, just to summarize real quick, they had a couple suspects that were fleeing from a bar and they were on parole.
Well, they were fleeing because they couldn't be at the bar, I guess is what the deal was.
Well, somehow a police got shot.
And they wanted to end the shooting on one of the suspects, but they had no gun residue and they had no weapon.
And he got shot, one of the guys got shot.
Well, they were torturing him in the hospital and he had legal representation and they wouldn't let the lawyers in there and wouldn't allow him to get medical treatment.
And they said that's because of the Patriot Act, right?
Yes, because of the Patriot Act.
Let me stop you.
I only watch television when I'm on the stair-stepper or the exercise bike
That is TV shows, you know, regular shows.
Every show I see, every show that's a drama, they torture, it's good.
The Patriot Act is good.
It's always a bad guy they're doing it to, so it's okay.
This is in every show I've seen.
I don't see any show where they don't go, there's no more Constitution, it's for your own good, Patriot Act, we're gonna torture you, we're gonna take your children.
This is mass conditioning.
Most people get their news from television and now you're witnessing it.
How does this affect you?
The bad part of the whole situation was the legal representation went to court and discussed this with the judge and the judge says, well, I disagree with the torture, but the case goes forward.
What ended up happening is they ended up plea bargaining and giving the suspect, because they didn't have any proof that he shot the officer, carrying a weapon or firing a weapon in a wrong area.
So they ended up doing like 90 days in jail or something.
So the moral is, as well, torture, you know, the case goes forward.
We just gotta... I mean, that sounds half decent.
Most of the shows I see, they torture them and it's good.
Every episode's torture, beating people up, framing them, you know, it's all good.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
But again, I don't watch much TV.
Every time I turn it on or walk past one, they're torturing people.
I'm not kidding.
Every time I see the television, they're doing it.
Berkey Water Filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
The Berkey Light self-sterilizing filter elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, chemicals, and they reduce lead, mercury, aluminum, nitrate, salt for odors, foul tastes, and much, much more.
Yet, they leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
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Get the Berkey Light, the ultimate filter for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance
This disaster is a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit infowars.com or prisonplanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
By the way,
Carl Rove and Andrew Card, the head folks at the White House, chief strategist and chief of staff, publicly in 2001-2002 met with all the big Hollywood and television execs and provided script ideas and said we'd like you to put out this, you know, this message.
That the Patriot Act's good and all this is wonderful, and now you see all the shows, it's all about the Patriot Act being good, torture being good, world government being good, gun owners being bad, men in black ski masks being your saviors.
The government gets what it wants!
Because the globalists, the corporations that own our government, own that media, and they're told, you do what this government says!
Alright, before we go to Bill and Sean and Mildred and others, and there's so much other news, and two guests coming up,
You need to get 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, Dark Secrets, and Aside Bohemian Grove.
These are all amazing videos that expose different facets of the New World Order.
I mean, take Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
About ten minutes of that two-hour, forty-minute film is government-run white slavery rings.
Just mainstream news article after mainstream news article after mainstream news article calmly admitting that the government runs kidnapping rings worldwide.
Kills the children, rapes them, does everything to them.
Women, you name it.
It's just mainstream news.
You know, another two minutes of the film is national British television where they're eating dead babies on television saying how great it is.
You know, mainstream news.
I mean, it's just all the wickedness of the globalists that the average person doesn't believe is going on because it's buried in the back of the newspaper.
Just to condition them if they happen to see it.
You need to get the films, folks.
They're incredibly horrible, okay?
It's the truth.
People need to know how horrible things have gotten.
That's why they wake up, people that see them.
Ninety percent of those that see the films, people have been known to get dizzy, to vomit after they see it.
Especially police and military that know what we're saying is accurate, never put the pieces together.
I'm not kidding!
Here, you've heard the listeners talk about it.
I mean, you know, this is horrible.
Yes, it's horrible.
We need to tell the truth.
We need to go see the death camps.
We need to expose this.
We need to face it.
The toll-free number, folks, to get these videos, these books, this hardcore information that will expose the globalist murdering trash is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order.
Again, that's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, Bill in Arkansas, go ahead, thanks for holding.
Yeah, Alex, I had two quick points to make.
The first one was off your website, I found this article about this Von Higgins.
Who puts dead people's body parts together and makes it look weird art?
Yeah, he takes excluded Chinese slaves and big displays all over Germany and England of rotten dead bodies and rotten babies and the liberals all just love it, yeah.
I mean, that's just terrible.
I don't even know what to say about that.
That just, as you were talking, it just shows you how bad things have gotten.
I mean, it's just awful.
And then my second thing I had to say was, I'm sure you know about this,
Al Qaeda said that they were going to do an attack on February 2nd and they had a website up telling how they were going to do a dirty nuke on New York City and the FBI shut it down.
Yeah, the FBI goes into a chat room and goes, it's official Al Qaeda, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
And that they, you know, the FBI shut the website down and everything, that being the day after the Super Bowl.
I mean, do you think that the government is going to try to do something then or is it just another
One of these blatant tactics and then they'll come out with something else.
I have said they would bring out how the government's liars, how they would bring out the Patriot Act being corrupt, how they would bring it all out, let us all grab and complain, blow something up and say that, alright, never complain again, see what you caused, you held us back.
So I think there's a very good chance very soon they're going to kill a lot of us.
But I don't know about, you know, dates.
Yeah, yeah, right.
But you keep up the good work and the Lord be with you, man.
You too, my friend.
We're not going to defeat the evil unless we face it.
And believe me, evil is on the rise.
We need to rise up and resist it.
We'll be right back, second hour, straight ahead.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed in minutes.
Black Berkey Replacement Elements are so powerful they remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites to non-detectable levels.
The trihalomethanes and volatile organic chemicals such as atrazine, styrene, chloroform, and MTBE are removed below detectable limits.
Black Berkey Filter Elements also reduce nitrates and unwanted metals such as lead, mercury, and aluminum.
Yet the Black Berkey Filter Elements leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
And the Black Berkey Filters are recleanable.
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Normally $48 each, you get a 2-pack for only $91 or a 4-pack for only $173.
Get the powerful Black Berkey Replacement Filters now by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438 and protect your family.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Coming up in 60 minutes, in the next hour, we've got Graham Johnson, Investigations Editor for the London Mayor.
They went into one of the big U.N.-run white slavery rings.
Blond-haired, blue-eyed girls, 3,000 to 5,000 pounds.
Dark-skinned gypsies, 300 pounds.
And this is what Dyncor and others have been caught involved in.
That's coming up.
And to expose who runs your lives, folks.
Just to give you an idea of how they'd like to treat us here in America if they get their way.
Coming up, Skull & Bones expert with a new Skull & Bones expose book that is encyclopedic.
That's in about 10 minutes.
Right now, let's go to Sean in Wisconsin and Mildred, Dave, and others.
Go ahead, Sean.
Good to talk to you, Sean.
You're on the air.
Well, just a couple of things I want to bring up quickly.
There's a file-sharing program called Kazali K++, and that's where I learned of it.
Learned of you, anyhow.
I downloaded a couple of your movies, and I've been sharing about three of your major movies, The Masters of Terror, Road to Tyranny, and so forth.
One thing I found that's very interesting is I have an IP blocker, an internet port blocker, and it blocks the IRA and everything else, and I haven't been getting
I've been getting attacks on my computer for the longest time, but now that I'm downloading Alex Jones movies and government-related conspiracy movies, I've been getting a lot of attacks on my computer.
And I just want to let your listeners know that they can download a lot of information, a lot of file-sharing programs and whatnot, and they can keep their computers safe if they have a program called PeerGuardian.
It's easy to find on the internet.
And since we're on the subject of orphanages and child pornography sex slaverings,
I discovered a banned documentary about the Republican guy named Larry King and the Boys' Tomb.
Now that was a British documentary made for Discovery that never aired in this country.
It's easily available on any file-sharing program.
If anybody is worried about being watched by the IRAA, just get PeerGuardian.
You're not doing anything that's illegal by watching these movies.
And understand, as they've created this internet secret police to, quote, stop illegal downloads of songs, just don't get songs, get the documentaries.
All right, sir, I appreciate that call.
And yeah, we have put a lot of my videos at an incredible cost to us.
We may have to take some off.
Uh, up there for free and video clips and all the rest of it of my films and other, uh, key films.
Uh, at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com because, well, we're here to wake folks up.
That's what we're trying to do and save this country.
Uh, but I hope you would buy the original DVDs or VHS films and make copies of those and spread the word as well, because at least we get some support and can keep this up.
Uh, Mildred in Colorado.
Mildred, go ahead.
Alex, a while ago you named a long list of governments that were involved in this child abduction ring.
Publicly, yes.
Yes, I wondered if you could rename those governments for me.
The United States government, the British government, the Dutch government, the French government, the governments in Bosnia, the Israeli government, one of the biggest is the Saudi Arabian government, the Thai government, the Japanese government, the Chinese government, the list goes on and on.
Okay, what is your information source for this?
AP, Reuters, UPI, BBC, London Guardian, hundreds of them, hundreds of them have been posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
I think there's like 50 or 60 mainstream news articles posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
Alright, thank you!
Thank you, and if you go to InfoWars.com, we've got the Mirror Story posted, London Mirror, and then under that, there's a link to the Prison Planet Elite Sex Ring page archive, or just go to PrisonPlanet.com and click on Subject Archive, and it's one of the subject archives, along with Election Fraud and Bilderberg Group and other subject sections.
And it's just calmly announced, you know.
Oh, they were at the Dutch Palace, dug up some more dead babies.
Oh, no big deal, you know.
Women escaped from a Globalist-owned castle.
They found other dead women in the basement, and no big deal.
You know, just 1.2 million women were kidnapped last year.
It's no big deal, you know.
They have slave cruise ships.
World Net Dailies reported on that.
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We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during
I don't know.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
Use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order?
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, more of your calls coming up in the next hour.
We have the Investigations Editor of the Sunday Mirror, the London Sunday Mirror, Graham Johnson.
The report they put out inside the white slavery rings.
Right out in the oven, not even being hidden.
Uh, for the next uh, 52 minutes.
We are joined by someone I'm obviously going to have back on the show.
Chris Milligan is a writer, researcher, and publisher.
His father was in the Office of Strategic Services, Military Intelligence, and later was in the CIA, rising to Branch Chief, Head of Intelligence Analysis for the East Asia.
His father told Chris some of the things that he didn't understand.
In the late 60s, these revelations led to over 30 years of research into the subjects of CIA drugs, clandestine operations, conspiracy theory, and secret societies.
Chris's Publishing House, Trine Day, brought Anthony Sutton's underground classics, America's Secret Establishment and Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, to a wider audience, publishing the book, and Expendable Elite, by Lieutenant Colonel Dan Marvin, and a tale of Special Forces Commander in his tangles with the CIA.
Trine Day's most recent release is Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, and it is being well-received, being called the encyclopedia and the bedrock of books on skull and bones.
Tryday also has a book, Ambush, Secrets of the Bush Family, The Stolen Presidency, 9-11, and 2004, coming out in April 2004.
Four other books in the works.
And we're pleased and blessed to be joined by Chris Milligan.
Chris, your book, I haven't read all of it, it is encyclopedic.
I mean, it's a huge coffee table book.
And what I did have a chance to read is very accurate, very piercing, showing the connections.
And it's good to have you on the show.
My pleasure, sir.
Thank you very kindly for having me.
Last hour I got into this London Mirror article where they went into one of these white slavery rings, so-called Christian UN charity groups, where they were openly selling children for pornography, slavery, you name it.
And, you know, Skull and Bones and other globalist organizations are deeply involved in this.
From your decades of research, comments on that.
Well, there does seem to be some sexual aspects with Skull and Bones, and there seem to be connections to the Franklin cover-up in Omaha.
Uh, their direct relationship with white slavery, I don't know, but... Well, the companies that Bonesman had up have been convicted of running it.
Uh, I wouldn't be surprised.
I really haven't been focusing on that.
Like, you're talking about a lot of my focus came out of the CIA drugs.
And one thing that we had there was a similar thing where the organization looking at the MIA situation in Vietnam was being used as a cover to run narcotics.
And there was a lady who worked for CBS.
Uh, who eventually, uh, left CBS over that because they wouldn't, uh, tell the story.
And then she wrote the book, uh, Kiss the Boy's Goodbye, that tells the story about the MIAs and how that operation was basically just a shell operation being used as a front for the importation of narcotics.
Alright, for those that just joined us, most people now heard that John carries skull and bones, George W. has skull and bones, his daddy, his daddy has skull and bones.
We've had three presidents that were Skull and Bones, what, five, six CIA directors, a lot of your governors and top people in administration, Skull and Bones seems to have other satellites, whereas Cheney wasn't Skull and Bones, he had relatives that were.
What is Skull and Bones?
How does it tie into the Bohemian Grove and the power structure in America?
Well, Skull and Bones is a...
Secret Society that was started at Yale University in 1832, so quite a while ago, it taps 15 juniors every year.
At any given time, there's between 600 to 800 of the people alive.
There's been about 2,500 of them, and as you stated there, they've had an awful lot of political power.
They have an awful lot of economic power, too, especially in the media.
And then they have been involved in drug running ever since the 1830s.
One thing that you find when you have a secret society and, you know, taking away all the politics and all the other things, when you just look at a secret society at a sociological level,
All right.
We're good to go!
And it's very interesting, when you go to study the opium trade, one of the best sources of information about the opium trade is a book on the Cabot genealogy that was printed in 1926.
Now again, the CIA didn't start dealing drugs, they were founded by the drug dealers.
The opium controllers, British East India Company and their U.S.
servants that founded Skull & Bones,
Uh, and your book gets into this, and this is mainstream history, folks.
Uh, they were getting mad because others were bringing in OPM and cutting down their monopoly, so they just made it illegal because they could control the police forces, go after their competition, jock up prices, corrupt society, correct?
Well, it took a little bit longer than that.
Basically, um... Well, I'm talking about 1830, I'm talking about now.
Well, yes, that is how it's now.
That is now, but the history of how it happened is really quite interesting.
In 1856, when they had the Second Opium War, and opium became legal in China, all of a sudden these smugglers lost all their cash cow.
And they learned very hard from this, because they went from controlling like 80% of the maritime traffic in the Orient to going down to about 5% because they lost their cash cow.
So what they proceeded to do
The Spanish-American War, they got the American public all riled up about the Cubans, and we were going to go save the Cubans from the Spanish, but the first thing that happened was we ended up taking the Philippines, and that's the whole story about how that happened.
Yeah, Manila, then they had the bigger fleet to encircle China, get control of the lanes.
Right, and in the Philippines, and look there,
William Howard Taft, who was the son of one of the founders of Skull and Bones, and a member of Skull and Bones, they sent him over there as the first civil governor.
And this was... They declared the war over.
It really wasn't over.
And, uh, but he was the civil governor.
And if you read anything about William Howard Taft, the guy was a jurist.
He looked good in black robes.
And so he really wanted to be on the Supreme Court.
And he was one of the first big, uh, folks to go to the Bohemian Grove.
Yeah, yes.
And he got asked by McKinley to be on the Supreme Court twice when he was in the Philippines, and he turned it down.
Finally, after McKinley got shot and Roosevelt got put in, his family was also involved in the opening.
He finally asked Taft to be Secretary of War, and Taft said, OK.
Well, you look at the historical record of what Taft did in the Philippines,
It was the first place that they made opium illegal in China, and so the black market stopped and started up again.
And then, when Taft was president, he started the Shanghai Convention and the Hague Convention, what proceeded to the situation where we have today, where we have three plants that are prohibited by law, which is against the U.S.
Constitution, and because of that prohibition, they are worth more than gold.
And with this amount of money, they're able to take over all these other industries and influence, you know, you have four states that are the largest importers of narcotics.
Mr. Milligan, can I stop you for a second?
Because I don't want to just glaze over what you're saying is so important.
And this is admitted.
The move to criminalize narcotics was because they were losing their monopolies.
They could then go into areas, make it illegal, use their police force to shut down their competition, jack up the prices, then that causes 9 out of 10 robberies.
Then people call for more police, then the police raise revenue, and then they go into private prisons, which they own.
I'm talking about today, but here you are talking about criminalizing drugs, the drug dealers criminalizing drugs, so they can control the monopoly and jack up prices.
Go ahead.
A high five all around, absolutely.
And they learn that, like I say, there's four states that are the largest importers of narcotics.
It's California,
I don't
I think so.
Uh, an insidious operation.
Alright, getting back into the history of Skull and Bones, how it developed.
I mean, how it was founded.
Let's talk about the Russell Trust.
Well, the Russell Trust Association, Skull & Bones was founded by William Huntington Russell, who was part of the Russell family, whose family business was the Russell opium smuggling concern.
They were the third largest in the world, and they worked with Jardine Matheson, and when they worked together, they were called the Combination.
You know, a lot like the octopus.
They were started in 1832 after Phi Beta Kappa, which was a secret society because of the big anti-Masonic scares.
John Quincy Adams banned it.
Excuse me?
John Quincy Adams was going after them.
Right, right.
And so Phi Beta Kappa became an open honorary organization.
And so these guys needed another secret society to do their initiations and to keep the secrets.
I mean, you know, we're talking about John Kerry and George Bush.
I mean, one thing that upsets me as being a citizen of this republic is their allegiance seems to be more to skull and bones than to us citizens and to our republic.
I mean, when they are asked about it in public, they lie about it, or they say that it's just so secret that they can't talk about it.
Hang on, let's stay there.
Stay there, we'll be right back.
We'll take your calls, too.
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Folks, I was talking to Chris Milligan.
He's actually sold out of this new book, but they're going to have some in a few weeks, so I would pre-order it now.
We'll tell you how to do that a little bit later.
I mean, if you want to have a master's degree in skull and bones, you're going to have to read the whole thing.
It's just too long.
I'm going to try to read it all, but the chapters I did read, very accurate, and I've been studying this for years, folks, for years.
And Chris, we've got John
We've got Forbes Kerry.
We've got Heinz Kerry, his wife.
He's even related to Bush, I've read.
I mean, this whole nest of people.
And for those who don't understand why they have a secret society, I mean, Grandpa doesn't come down to the Grand Center.
Daddy doesn't come to the sun when he's 18 and say, son, we're devil worshippers that follow a German satanic cult.
And we deal with all the drugs, and we run all this stuff, and we want you to join in.
No, the way to do it in these hereditary death cults, and other cults run like this, is to have peers bring the children in.
Is that not an accurate statement, Chris?
Yes, indeed.
And then, the initiation process, I mean, basically, you know, these people use ritual magic and whatnot to do their initiations.
And ritual magic is a form of mind control.
That's one thing I'd like to talk about because Alex, I believe you understand, I talk with a lot of radio people and they don't quite understand about what's going on and about
Their use of alchemy to try and, you know, alchemy basically means transform, to change.
And they're trying to change this country from being a republic into being a fascist state.
Well, going back to the witch doctors 5,000 years ago, they would, drugs and rituals, would con the public or their minions, and that's what these guys are into, and that's where mind control comes from, is from the occult.
Ah, yes.
And you know, they're very much, you know, they believe very much into numerology.
And they're very much into, if you go out on the internet and look into numerology or books into it, it talks about how number 11 is a master number, and 22,
And, um, you know, when they did the ritual of the killing of the king, uh, and murdered John F. Kennedy, uh, it was done on 11 slash 22.
Uh, and it was, uh, you know, it was part of an alchemical act, the killing of the king.
It was done on Bloody Elm Street, right across from the First Masonic Temple, right near the Trinity site, right below the 33rd degree parallel.
And it was, uh, part and parcel of some other, uh, alchemical, uh, big rituals that they, uh, have done.
Folks don't believe in all this.
I don't believe in this, but the point is when police are doing an investigation of a serial killer, most serial killers believe in the same exact stuff.
In fact, all of them, basically.
Police go according to that, because that's how you catch them.
You know, it's like the death card of the sniper case, 3-2-2.
What's on the door of Skull and Bones?
The Skull and Bones and 3-2-2.
Right, the Skull and Crossbones.
You know, you had Bushmaster using a 22-3, and you just reversed that.
You have Master Bush 3-2-2.
Okay, you had in 9-11, you had plane number 11 flying into the Twin Towers, which are kind of like an 11.
Happening on 9-11, where exactly 11 years before, you had George H.W.
Bush speaking before both houses of Congress, talking about how, you know, out of the chaos of the Middle East and Iraq, they can bring their New World Order.
You had flight number 77 fly into the Pentagon, which is on the 77th longitude.
And so you have... One thing they're trying to do there is to... When the Kennedy assassination
We went from the land of Camelot into the land of Oz, brought to us by Oswald and Jack Ruby, the Ruby Slippers, where the wizard is behind the curtain.
You know, manipulating things.
And they want to put that out there in the open.
And again, folks, every major psychopath you hear about, the Zodiac Killers, the rest of them, they're all doing this on certain parallels at certain dates.
If you have any criminology, this is what it's all about.
This is what psychopaths are into.
And we're not psychopaths, so we can't understand it.
And Alex, I don't know how you live in the great state of Texas there with Mr. Bush being the governor there, but you know, you know, Mr. Bush, you know, he killed a few people there that he had the power to, but you notice that he didn't kill Mr. Henry Lee Lucas, who was one of those murderers where the Colton would talk about cutting off people's hands and all kinds of different things.
And so, I mean... That's right, and some woman who was obviously innocent, Bush got on TV and went, she beckoned me, please don't kill me, please don't!
And started laughing, please, it's just so funny!
Kind of a nice little slip up there.
Right, when they have their ritual, they have that little thing where they sing, the hangman equals death, the devil equals death, and death equals death, and you know, I've been looking at this group for a long time, and looked into magic and mysticism, and
What I believe we're dealing with is a multi-generational cult.
Oh, we are dealing with it.
Stay there, stay there.
We'll talk about the multi-generational cult.
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Coming up here in a few minutes, we're going to take your calls.
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Now, throughout history, technologies have been hoarded by secret societies as a way of controlling them.
They're also what you'd call secret schools or mystery schools.
And the reason you have masonry so involved in this is the technology of mathematics, how to build structures, was closely guarded
And it comes from antiquity, so there was all these occult beliefs surrounding it, and that's just been carried through, and that's just an anthropological view.
But we look at Skull and Bones, this is a European or Druidic death cult.
Shut up by the elites to maintain their control and their oaths are to kill any one of their families if they're ordered to, to never go against the cult.
This is my control.
In fact, La Cosa Nostra, just a little Italian mafia, which is tiny compared to the real mafias of the world, the WASP and Jewish mafias that are out there,
Uh, how do you get a good little Catholic boy to prove he's come over?
Well, after he's committed murders and shaken down old ladies and done all this progression of things.
You will cut yourself, bleed onto a tissue, bleed onto a photo of Jesus, a painting of Jesus, a little card of Jesus or Mary, and burn that to say a little prayer to the devil.
Now that's mainstream, admit it.
This stuff's been recorded.
How does that feed in?
Because it seems like we have these multigenerational cults working at a lot of levels
Go ahead and elaborate on that please, Chris Milligan.
Yes, there seems to be a bit of an octopus out there where they have lots of different tentacles and you find that at the core level a lot of these things are related.
And to get back to one of the things I was saying about the number 11, and what is going on is this revealing process, where these secret societies are revealing themselves.
They are in control, but they want to reveal it to the public, and because, you know, if the 11 is a master number, see, if they're the master, then that makes us, quote-unquote, the slaves.
Well, this is revelation of the method.
It's like Larry Silverstein, the owner of the WTC, went on national TV and said, we blew Building 7 up, and then no one questions it, and it's just announced right out in the open, and then nothing's done about it.
Right, and if there were charges in Building 7 to have it blow down, that says that there was a lot of forethought to September 11th.
And you were talking about the hoarding of technology.
One thing that just amazed me when I really started looking at Skull & Bones is that it was a member from Skull & Bones that invented gasoline.
The very first petrochemicals.
He made gasoline and paraffin out of oil.
And after he issued his report where he said, gee, gentlemen, it appears to me that your company may have in their possession a raw material from which, by a simple and not expensive process, they may manufacture very valuable products.
As soon as he issued his report, the Pennsylvania Rock Oil Company of New York, that was started by the Bissell family, and they went to the Townsends for financing, it soon passed into the hands of investors from New Haven, Connecticut,
And pretty soon the Bissells and the Townsends had their sons in the order of Skull and Bone.
And so these people have had control of gasoline since it began.
And you know, it's very interesting.
You look at Mr. Diesel.
Mr. Diesel invented an engine that ran on peanut oil in the late 1800s.
Well, in 1913, he's on a trip to Britain and he's in the English Channel
And all of a sudden he sleeps with the fishes and the diesel engine is modified slightly so that it runs on petrochemical.
They're about controlling markets and they also have this cult of how they're pirates and kings.
Let's go over that and then we'll get into this election and we'll go to some calls.
Okay, about the Pirates and Kings?
Yeah, let's go through some of their chants, and some of their rituals, and some of the disinfo that's been put out lately, and what's really going on.
Well, you had an interesting book come out by Alexandra Robbins, and I recommend people reading it.
It does have some good information, but it does have disinformation in there.
She happens to be a member of another secret society at Yale.
There are seven of senior societies.
She's a member of the second oldest one.
And you know she talked about when the policeman came up to her and told her that there are these tunnels underneath and she puts out the story that oh well there's no there's just a tunnel to this one building and if you look at Yale University it has steam tunnels that have been around for a couple hundred years they just spent
90 million dollars upgrading of it what not and there's a big underground facility right outside the little secret courtyard that the tomb has.
Also the New York Observer just reported that they've had skull and bones dirty tricks against them.
And they did a big article where Ron Rosenbaum from the Observer took pictures of their ritual, where they are kissing a skull and doing a mock murder, and they run around singing that thing, hangman equals death, the death equals death, and the devil equals death.
And in Alexander, a book, they say, oh no, we were just putting that on as a show.
Uh, you know, and another thing she says in there, she says that, well, they didn't have anything to do with financing to Hitler.
It just happens to be that Prescott Bush just happened to be the director of this bank, and this guy just happened to have... And right up until now, 1953, the Nazi money was still going to him, and expanding out from there,
Uh... with some of the rituals because they're very similar to high-level order uh... stuff that most races don't even know about the higher orders uh... the uh... the uh... rebirth in the coffins the other things I don't want to get too graphic here but can you go over that for folks?
Well uh... you know there's there's a secret society we don't know for sure we we hear lots of stories you know of uh... you know wrestling in mud and masturbating in the coffin and then sitting and lying in coffins and telling your
We do have a live witness that is in Alexandra's book where when you marry in Skull and Bones all the members of your particular cell, the other 14 members, come to your wedding and then after the wedding your wife is inducted in a ceremony and one of the sisters of a wife
When President Bush goes on there and, you know, tells everybody he's a Christian, I mean, it gets really right down to it.
He's lying for political motives.
Well, let me cut right through what people say.
I've been to Bohemian Grove.
Yes, you have.
And high-five to you on that, Alex.
Well, I mean, it's Moloch worship.
And a mock murder of a child.
They claim it was mock.
I mean, this is your Christian conservatism.
And the Al Minerva
You know, the Hegelian dialectic, which is the means that these people use to want to move history in that direction.
They control both the left and the right.
You know, they try and control both the left and the right to move history on.
What a better example of Kerry and Bush!
Right, right.
And you had Prescott Bush, who was a Republican, and now that same office's boss was a big Democrat.
And you know, they've been playing it for a long time.
I mean, you know,
Jimmy Carter, you know, went to a Builder Burger meeting in 1975 and was our president in 76, and Carter went to a Builder Burger meeting in 91, and he was our president in 92.
Yeah, yeah, Clinton.
And they can't have, you know, just... And by the way, let me just stop you.
Let me just stop you.
In Men in Power is a political retrospective by Helmut Schmidt, the German Chancellor back in the late 70s, early 80s.
He says, I love our secret ritual, Grove, and our owl, but I really like the way we do it in Northern California.
That's my favorite.
And he talks about the European Satan worship centers.
So again, this came over from Europe, over, you know, with Weishaupt's blessing.
It's the same thing.
I have said this for quite a few years.
But this is Helmut Schmidt in his own book written by him saying it!
Not like it's a secret or something.
No, no, no.
It's just amazing that it's
Has played so much, and I truly see that we're going to see a revival of our republic, because I think the corruption is just getting so much of a stench that I don't think they're going to leave by the ballot box, but I think that if enough people get out in the streets and bang some pots and pans, they're out of here, because basically they just have virtual control.
We don't have to deal with their Federal Reserve.
We can, uh, you know, there's a lot of places in the country where people are starting barter systems and are coming up with other ways to deal.
And that's why their Patriot Act, that's why their Patriot Act tries to claim that any untracked transactions care, and they're putting in their new national ID cards and the driver's license and the national sales tax.
Uh, talk about the election because I want to get to these calls.
Uh, the background of John Kerry.
John Forbes Carey is a member.
Skull and Bones was a member in 1966.
I know that there was a gentleman he brought into his Senate office room one time that was a member at Yale that they wanted to tap that he asked him to join and the gentleman said he wouldn't join because Skull and Bones wasn't admitting women that time and John Carey tried to still get him to join in.
John Forbes was also a member of the Senate Select Committee on Narcotics during Iran-Contra when George Bush was out of the loop.
Um, Forbes and their committee, they found out a little thing, but they never found out everything.
Yeah, they put on these little fake committees, like the new 9-11 whitewash committee, and say, you know, act like they're, it's like professional wrestling.
Right, and the Forbes is related, uh, back through his mother, is related to the Cabots, and then, you know, he is related to the Bushes, and related to this same group of people, and they think that they are
Blue bloods are royals.
You know, Bush claims to have more royal blood than anybody else.
I'm sure as you folks have talked about before, why do the blue bloods think they're blue?
You know, they think they're related to King David.
And they want to bring about their new world order, which is basically a monarchy with them in control.
Yeah, that's the crazy thing.
They're like Nazis that think they're Jews.
It's really bizarre.
It's that British Israelism.
It's amazing.
Absolutely, and you can, you know, when you look at the secret societies, the secret societies came up with a social-political-esoteric philosophy called Synergism, and they wrote papers about it, starting in the late 1800s, and there's quite a few papers in the 1900s.
And basically, Synergism was the opposite of Anarchism.
In anarchism, where there is no control from the government, in synarchism, man's life is completely controlled by the government through the political, the religious, and the economic arms, and those arms will be controlled by the secret society.
Okay, let's take calls.
Bam, bam, bam.
David in California, and then Joanne, Joe, Linda, and others.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hi, Alex.
I've got three fast ones.
Are either of W's grandfathers still alive?
Prescott is not, and I do not believe that Barbara Bush's father is alive either.
Yes, and so no.
Okay, good.
When did Bush Sr.
join the CIA, and was he involved in the release of the Nazis?
Bush Sr., I believe, was recruited for the CIA directly out of Yale, and was in the CIA since 1948.
Uh... he uh... and and it seems to me that the secret societies at Yale are assets of our intelligence operation.
The one thing we have here is a secret society, you know, if there was a king here and they wanted to put their man in king, they'd have to, you know, make a plan, raise the money, take it to fruition, and then get their man to be king.
Well, here what they've done is created the national security state and have used the national security state against us citizens to take over the country.
I don't think so.
I don't exactly agree with what your guest is talking about, Alex, but I heard him on Coast to Coast AM on George Norris' show the other night.
And last night... Are you there?
Yeah, we're right here.
Okay, last night they were talking about Star Children and...
Neal Anderthal.
Yeah, what happens is they put real issues in with fake ones.
So why are you bringing that up here?
What do you want?
Does he know that he shouldn't cast his pearls before swine, man?
Hey, I mean, I'd take any opportunity to reach millions of people.
Even if there's garbage on there, you ought to point it out.
Oh yeah, without a doubt.
I mean, I'm not trying to discourage you.
Hold on, hold on.
Let's get a comment from our guest.
Go ahead.
Spell my name right.
Well, there's an old adage out there, you know, I don't care what they say as long as they spell my name right.
This needs to get out there.
Some people tend to cast me as being a kook because I was on George Norrie.
I don't care.
I'm saying you do that yourself when you're on George Norrie.
I don't have to say that.
Okay, thanks for the call.
You know, ABC News is total propaganda and manipulation, but one time they said you want to go live for five minutes on this issue, I went live.
So, just because ABC News... You understand that?
We have to point out what they're doing, but... And they try to control the debate by doing this, but it's not working, so... John, we're gonna... Most people don't even know what Skull & Bones is.
At least some of them know now, and they'll find out it's real, okay?
And people have discernment.
Let's talk to Joanne in Texas.
Joanne, go ahead.
Thank you.
Excellent program.
I have a friend that loves Bush because she says he's a Christian, and I've tried to explain to her that he's skull and bones, and she says, oh no, when he became a Christian, he gave that up, and now I don't believe that.
But my question to you is, has anyone ever gotten out of skull and bones that you know of?
There are people that haven't gotten out of it, but they have said, we really don't want to have anything to do with you.
And, uh, they just go, go, go away.
Um, but, uh, George Bush is intimately involved in it.
Whenever he needed money, there was people from Skull and Bones that helped him money, uh, in all his different, uh, various... He goes to Bohemian Grove to... Right.
I know.
And, and, and he lies, okay?
I mean, he, he has told people, he says, oh, well, it doesn't exist anymore.
It's so secret it doesn't exist.
In his own autobiography, he says, it is so secret I can't talk about it.
Okay, now, to me, he, you know, he says he's a Christian, but he doesn't act and walk like one, as far as I understand.
He's an actor that walks like one, yes.
Anything else, Joanne?
No, thank you.
Well, that's what I thought.
I just, I know what he is, so thank you.
Oh, and he's not at a Shinto shrine or a Muslim, you know, thing.
I mean, it's all just propaganda.
We'll come back and we'll talk to Joe and Linda and a few others.
So thanks for the call.
We'll be back with our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
Our guest of course is Chris Milligan.
Flushing Out Skull and Bones is the name of the book.
We'll tell you how to get it too when we get back.
Stay with us.
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I want to keep our guests five minutes into the next hour, that's as long as we can, pushing back the investigations editor of the London Mirror exposing the UN-run white slavery rings.
We've got a bunch of calls, loaded phones here.
We'll tell you how to get the book here in a second.
I've made ten films.
One of them is Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
The Grove in the British variant of my film that's aired on national U.S.
television admits that I didn't eat chicken in Full Moon Ritual.
They say, yeah, what's the big deal?
Kind of like Peter Jennings with the Skull and Bones footage.
Oh, they're just having fun.
They're just kids.
Well, these are old men doing this.
So find out how deep the rabbit hole really goes, folks.
Get Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove.
See the cremation care ritual, our infiltration, the history of it, and how it ties into Skull and Bones.
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South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Take action, educate others now to expose and defeat this system.
Going back to our guests and then back to your calls, Chris Milligan.
Chris, how do folks get any of Sutton's books you've published or your new book, Flushing Out Skull and Bones?
Well, they can give us a holler at 800-556-2012.
Please excuse us if the phones get busy.
They can also order it online at trineday.com.
And what's that toll-free number again?
And then we have a lot of information at ctrl.org.
That's conspiracytheoryresearchlist.org.
And then, you know, going back to one thing I heard in one of your commercials, you know, about terrorism, one thing that's very interesting, when Bush was Vice President under Reagan and really running a lot of things, he was in charge of two big working groups.
One of them was on drugs, and guess what the other one was on?
And my good friend Daniel Hopsicker, who wrote a great book called Barry and the Boys, who... You know, one thing, I've been looking into CIA drugs for a long time, so I've become friends with a whole bunch of
About people who, you know, used to work for major daily newspapers, or like Daniel, he had a show aired on NBC, that as soon as they stumble on, you know, stories about the CIA and drugs, or Oswald and other things, they don't work for these people anymore.
And so he's been in Florida all this time and doing some research on Bahamut Atta, and it's just amazing the things that he's found out, and he's found, you know,
Hammond Acton was working with drug people, and the people that were behind this are a lot of the same people that are behind the scenes in the CIA drugs.
And so, you have the same people that were involved with 9-11.
They were involved in a lot of the scandals that have happened here.
We have psychopaths running the military-industrial complex.
Let's take a call.
Let's talk to Joe in Pennsylvania, then Linda, John, and Storm.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, Joe?
Two questions for both of you.
One, is any portion of this war in Iraq to do with gaining access to Babylon?
And then, are any of these cults showing any interest in going over and sacrificing something over there?
Well, they're sacrificing a bunch of our boys over there right now.
I only deal what I can prove.
The Pasha, the big area there, is still tribal.
And see, tribal areas aren't under their control.
And so they want to have a big, you know, they really would like to get control over that area.
That's it.
We've got to break.
We've got to end this hour.
Stay there, Chris.
Basically, it's this.
All rogue nations, whether they're good or bad, aren't under their control.
Therefore, they're bad.
We'll be back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Chris Milligan is going to join us, author of Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, also the publisher of some of Anthony Sutton's books.
He'll be joining us again in the second hour on Friday, because we can't just do an hour on this.
We're going to try to get through the rest of your calls very quickly here about Skull and Bones, then we've got the U.N.-run White Slavery Rings coming up with the editor in the investigation section of the London Mirror.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to Linda in Wisconsin.
Linda, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Linda, go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call.
Mr. Mulligan, I'd like to try to show some parallelism that's going on here with biblical symbology.
And if I could just kind of, you know, quickly go through a couple of things.
Yeah, go ahead and do it.
This is what I've noticed, like with the Illuminati, Skull and Bones, the Freemasons.
Okay, let's take the number 322.
When you add that, it's 7.
In the Hebrew numbering system, that is a whole number that's good, that's from God.
In the Hebrew calendar... Oh look, ma'am, ma'am, ma'am, yeah, what they're doing is they're very much into numerology, yes.
Right, okay, and in September, when the two towers were hit, that is, on the Hebrew calendar, that's their New Year.
That's the Feast of the Trumpet.
The Mount Sinai means the burning bush.
Here's something I noticed just the other night.
I revisited the movie, The Maltese Falcon.
In that movie, this falcon is all about the Illuminati.
Yeah, it's from the Templars.
Did you notice in that movie this man that gets killed that's Sam Slade's
Partner, he was murdered on Bush Street.
The secret government wants martial law, they want to fly it into the tower.
They love throwing it in our face, don't they?
Oh yes, and I mean, these people have been, you know, see themselves as playing the main role in apocalypse, you know, for a long time.
The people that settled New Haven, they weren't just Calvinists, they were hyper-Calvinists.
And a hyper-Calvinist, along with some of the strict things that the Calvinists believed at that time, the hyper-Calvinists believed in the doctrine of reprobation, which meant that there was an elect in hell.
And so these people believe that they are, you know, that they are part of the select veteran held doing God's work.
And then the Brotherhood article out of Harper's says that.
Let's go ahead, and this is some sick stuff.
John in Tennessee, last caller we have time for.
I'm sorry, then we'll get to others later.
John, go ahead.
This month I found out my dad's a 33rd degree Mason and a Shriner, according to a book he wrote back in the 70s.
He was at that time sued for disbarment of his law license by the Tennessee Bar.
So he wrote the book apparently during the trial and appealed to influence the judges.
And Albert Pike, we know who he is.
He was one of the first presidents of the Tennessee Bar.
So it's really nice to know my dad lays in a coffin, drinks blood, and worships Lucifer like a vampire.
He's also an alumnus of the Scarabean Secret Society at UT.
In Tennessee, scarabs are apparently a franchise.
Every university, some sort of a secret society, and in some of them, especially, they seem to be strong in the South that go, you know, directly to the governorship in many things.
So there are other different secret societies, and some of them do have relationships with the scholar folks, yeah.
Yeah, satellites of the mothership.
Okay, sorry to the other callers.
I want to thank our guests for coming on the show, and we look forward to talking to you, Chris, on Friday, okay?
Thank you, my friend.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
More guests, more news, more calls.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight, blasting out across the country and worldwide.
We're joined by Graham Johnson, Investigations Editor for the London Mirror Sunday edition.
Children sold into slavery by U.N.
With her big blue eyes and cute smile, four-year-old Angela would tug at the heartstrings of any parent, unlike her five-year-old brother, Eiko, if I'm pronouncing that right, and their friend, Giovanna.
Blonde Angela is up for sale to anyone with enough cash to buy her.
Now, this is in Bosnia, Yugoslavia, in a town outside Montenegro, in a United Nations refugee camp that's now been handed over to some of these Christian charities.
And of course, the UN and DynCorp were found in civil court to be guilty of trafficking in 200,000 women and children in 2000 alone.
We have those articles posted at infowars.com right now.
We read the article in the first hour.
It is nightmarish.
I want to commend the editor and the undercover reporter for going in and exposing this.
This is just amazing.
And joining us from London, England,
And we appreciate him spending part of his evening with us, is Graham Johnson, the Investigations Editor for the Sunday Mirror.
Thank you for being on the show, sir.
No problem.
Please go over the story, how you guys got in, and now what's being done about it.
Please go over it for us.
Okay, well, this story started
When the Sunday Mirror investigated the trade in Sentex, basically the trade in illegal explosives in the former Balkans, sorry, in the former Yugoslavia and the Balkans, and basically we bought 15 kilograms of Sentex off a Muslim extremist group in Albania.
Uh, and some other weapons in Montenegro.
And while we were there, we found that, as well as weapons, illegal weapons being traded, there were also children being traded, uh, illegally from refugee camps in the former Balkans.
Now, sir, I mean, this story, again, it comes out, they get convicted, governments are involved, this has been released mainstream, but you guys got an undercover reporter in, obviously not using the name because of danger, described this, you know, these gypsy mafia, Christian charities at the U.N.
Can you describe what was witnessed in this camp when your reporter posed as a child trafficker?
Well, basically, conditions in the camp outside of Podgorica were very bad.
Basically, there's lots of refugees which were displaced from Albania and Bosnia during the civil war.
In 1999 this camp was set up and the refugees have been there ever since.
And obviously this place was temporary accommodation for them, but it still exists today.
And it's much like a shanty town.
Conditions are very, very bad.
Poverty is rife.
Living standards are very low.
Electricity is turned on and off.
There's disease.
You know, and many, many other social problems within the camp.
So therefore,
This cocktail of bad conditions has become a hotbed of crime and unscrupulous operators have taken advantage of this to start trading in children from the camp.
Now, from the article it says the children, some as young as three, are snatched from their parents and sold for as little as, is that 300 pounds?
That's correct, yeah.
And some are feared to have been taken as child sex slaves, and your reporter talked to the seller there and was, oh yeah, you know, that's what goes on, and they described taking the children from the parents,
I mean, how did your reporter handle this?
Has this shooken up your investigator pretty bad?
Yeah, I mean, we first received pictures of the kids for sale by email from a middleman which was in the Balkans.
It was very heartbreaking to see pictures of these kids up for sale.
I don't know.
I don't think so.
This was seen by the sellers, not by us or by anyone else, as less desirable.
Therefore, they wanted less money.
Yeah, it says here £5,000 for a blue-eyed, blonde-haired boy or girl.
That's right, yeah.
And you guys were being offered bargain basement prices only £3,000 for a Nordic.
Man, now this is...
Well, he didn't say that exactly.
He was just, you know, he wanted his money and he was encouraging our reporter.
Here, let me find the quote.
What precisely did he say?
Basically, the sellers in the camp weren't bothered where the kids ended up, whether they ended up in illegal adoption
Or they ended up in paedophile rings.
They admitted that some of the children from the camp have been sold into sex slavery.
Well yeah, there's the quote here by the head mafia, you know, the Minion here, where he says, you know, I'm trying to find the quote here, I read it in the first hour, he says, yeah, you know, we've got some girls that are experienced for you here too that have even been in movies.
Yeah, well that may be the case, but basically our story was to highlight the illegal adoption trade in the Balkans and also the child slavery and child sex slavery.
Our undercover reporters are at great personal risk.
Now, how are these British Christian Charities involved funding the camps?
Some British Christian charities had given donations to a charity, an NGO, which worked in the camp.
In good faith, the British Christian charity which had given the money didn't know that there were children being traded
Illegally in the camp.
In fact, the head of the Christian charity says they visited the camp a year before.
They've been to a camp to try and improve conditions, but obviously they weren't involved in any way with the kids who are being sold into child sex slavery or put up for illegal adoption.
And again, the history of these camps are UN camps, the UN pulls out of the camps, and then Christian charities send money to the camps.
That's the point we're making.
And I wanted to get their response to learning of this.
Well, that's right.
They're beset by the UN.
And again, in my opinion, in good faith,
I covered the war as a reporter in the Balkans and it was a very brutal war and the local populations were subjected to some terrible atrocities and conditions were very bad so the UN came in and
Are you aware of the Dime Corps and you, an employee, who was sued because they were fired when they went public?
Yeah, I am aware of that case, but I'm no expert on it.
Okay, well I wanted to read the quote from earlier.
This is from the London Mirror article that you're the editor of.
After leaving the camp, we got a call from Blaznem, his brother, Arton, pressing us to wrap up the child-buying deal.
He said, you quote, like Angela, she has 3,500 euros that you must pay 1,000 euros deposit to obtain documents.
If that is good, we see about more business.
We claim we were also looking for young girls to work in massage parlors in the UK.
Artan said, quote, we have children for more delicate business than adoption.
Have girls, 12, 13, girls of 14 for you.
There are 20 now available.
They are pretty girls, all of them.
Some are experienced in movies.
Some have been on internet sites.
You will not be disappointed.
That's right, yeah.
That's right, yeah.
That's right, yeah.
That's right, yeah.
You know, it's a terrible trade.
And it's terrible that families
I don't think so.
Well, I can only commend you for your courage, Graham Johnson, Investigations Editor for the Sunday edition of the London Mirror.
We've got one more little five-minute segment here.
We've got a quick break.
We'll come back.
Will you stay with us?
Yes, I'll stay with you.
Okay, great.
And anything you want to say, anything you want to talk about, you're the expert on this particular case.
We'll just let you break it down for us when we get back.
After this break with a final little four or five minute segment with our guests.
We'll let our guests go and we'll come back and take calls and get into some of the other news concerning the missing non-existent weapons of mass destruction.
But if we do not expose these types of evil, they will not be contained and eradicated.
So this is very good work they're doing.
We'll be back with our guests.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing for lies and disinformation.
Alex Jones here, back live.
Your calls are coming up in the next segment in more news.
Be patient, folks.
We're talking to the editor of the investigations at the London Mirror.
This was a Sunday edition story.
Children sold into slavery by UN charity.
Again, folks, but I was just talking to our guest during the break.
He wants to make it clear that these Christian charities just send the money and aren't involved.
We were talking about how the mayor doesn't have an agenda just to expose organized crime.
They were there to expose explosive smuggling by Islamicists and then found out about the sex trade with the children.
It's also huge with
With women.
Since your report came out, have you heard if there's been any type of criminal investigation by the authorities over there?
Of course, many of them are involved in Bosnia and surrounding areas.
Any word on that, Mr. Johnson?
Well, I don't know whether the police force out there is involved in this trade.
I'd be very surprised if it was.
But no, I haven't heard
That there's been an investigation, but it is early days.
But what I would like to say is that I'd just like to repeat that at the Mayor, we have no agenda other than exposing organised crime.
You know, we don't want to attack the UN.
We don't want to attack the Christian charities who in good faith send money to these very poor places in the hope that conditions will improve.
What we want to do is expose
The organised criminals who prey on very vulnerable people who have been made very poor and homeless through war.
Well, Graham Johnson, you said yourself that you guys were investigating organized crime and weapons smuggling.
This is, I guess, your first venture into this.
But let me just tell you, from hundreds of BBC, Times of London, Associated Press, we have a huge section at PrisonPlanet.com.
You can go read it and become an expert on it, and interviews with others.
Uh, that, that indeed the UN, indeed the governments, indeed the police.
I've had former UN police, you know, the head of a police officer for the UN who was, uh, uh, over one of the major cities there.
This is industrialized child kidnapping.
Uh, the UN says that in 2000 alone, 1.2 million women were taken out of Central and Eastern Europe by force.
So this is industrialized, but you weren't aware of that.
That may be correct, but I don't think... I mean, basically, at the Mirror, we're not conspiracy theorists.
We don't believe that organisations like the UN or this network of Christian charities who help
Mr. Graham, I didn't say that the Christian charities were involved.
What I said is that the UN and Civil Court, along with DynCorp, were convicted.
And I've got the mainstream news articles.
That's not a conspiracy theory.
I'm not saying this case.
I know, as a journalist, you're talking about this case where you had an investigation.
All I can tell you is about the story which I did, and the evidence which we have, and, you know, I only wish that the United Nations, after they'd set up this camp, had been able to put a force in place, you know, a monitoring force, a police force, whatever you want to call it, to help regulate conditions in the camp so that organised crime
We're good to go.
Absolutely, and God bless you for having the courage to put out this report and to go in there.
And Graham Johnson, we appreciate you and the Mirror for doing a lot of... I mean, you guys have been breaking a lot of stories on a lot of big issues, months and years before a lot of the other press, and we do appreciate you.
You know, we've got a long history of campaigning journalism.
This story was only one story.
Well, thank you for coming on the show and take care and spend some time with your family.
Okay, thanks very much.
You bet.
I think Graham Johnson's a good guy.
You can tell he's scared.
He didn't sound that nervous this morning when I talked to him.
And at the same time, it's not a conspiracy theory.
Again, he hasn't read all these articles.
They just stumbled onto this camp and did this report.
It is the UN police that set these up and ran them, and now they're gone, and the gypsies are running them.
So, that's the facts.
We'll be back with your calls and more.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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Welcome back, my friends.
Alex Jones here live.
We're about to go to Storm, William, Ann, Marcello, Michael, and many others.
And I want to hit on some other top stories here.
But BBC, Associated Press, French News, Dutch News, all mainstream, government officials, government ministers going public, people being arrested, industrialized child kidnapping, UN convicted of it.
This is the reality.
And we have our journalist friend on talking about just this case.
They're there exploring weapon smuggling and then they come upon this.
And my criticism of the Christian charities and all the charities is this, is that there is not oversight.
There is not oversight.
You heard Jim Shepard on the first hour doing a great job.
Had a big hurricane down in Latin America.
Sends a bunch of
A bunch of water filters free El Salvador, six months later finds out they're all just sitting there in a warehouse.
I've given money to charities before and found out it's used for something else.
I mean, now when I go to a counter and I'm buying something, they go, would you like to give some money to United Way or Red Cross?
I'm, no.
Well, why not?
Well, because they give a lot of their money to Handgun Control Incorporated and, you know, all this other stuff.
But the big charities out there won't do
What some good charities will do, if they find fraud going on, they'll talk about it, they'll expose it.
No, no, no.
You're not going to hear it on the big Pat Robertson shows or the rest of it, talking about the fraud and how this money's being used.
And time and time again, these refugee camps and Christian funding goes for mind control projects, drug dealing, prostitution, slavery, sex slavery.
It's going on.
We've got to talk about it.
We've got to admit it.
We've got to know what's going on here.
And the government sells the documents that allow it to happen.
And DynCorp provides the planes.
In the case of the Balkans, I mean, they were found guilty of it.
Just found guilty of it.
We don't just make these statements on air.
But you heard our guest.
I mean, he was just... You know, I mean, I was reading quotes out of the article.
And he was like, well, I don't really... And I would go, well, here, let's read the quote.
I talked to him this morning.
My wife had him on speakerphone, sounded real calm and happy, and you could tell he was scared.
This is scary stuff.
The other reporters don't want to come on.
They're scared.
Don't use their names.
It is scary.
But when you realize the cost of not fighting these bastards, excuse me, these demons, then when you count the cost, it's way higher to not do anything.
Oh boy, this is only one small piece of the big story, and it's at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com in the section on it.
The convictions, the admissions, all of it, it's right there.
There is so much here I want to go to.
I want to go to your calls, and I want to go back over some of this news, but we'll go to the calls first, here in just a moment.
First off,
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Make the call, go online, write the letter today, take action, and join us in the defense of this republic and our families, it's life or death.
Alright, let's talk to
Storm in New York, who's been holding since the last hour.
Go ahead, Storm.
Thank you.
Hello, Alex.
Alright, since you're our other guest, he left, so I'm going to talk something else on the subject.
Yeah, Skull & Bones.
Go ahead.
Oh, okay.
Or talk about whatever subject you want, sir.
First Amendment.
Oh, okay.
Alright, well, with the Skull & Bones, I was wondering, too, isn't that linked to Freemasonry?
Because, you know, what I was thinking, I do know about this.
The Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, not the York Rite.
York Rite is shorter, because that's only 11 or 13 degrees.
But the Scottish Rite, you have to go to 32, and then you get your honorary degree, which is your 33rd degree, only if you do something that will help bring about the great work.
Otherwise, you just don't get it.
And there's also degrees above 33rd.
Are you talking about the 44th degree Rites of Memphis or something like that?
There's 360 degrees.
Right, because it's 360 degrees of the sun.
And believe me, they're not happy that I'm saying this on air.
All right, let me ask you this, um... You know, this is the Lone Star State.
And, uh, so I know all about it.
Uh-huh, yeah, I know.
Well, um, let me ask you this, though.
That's the 33rd degree, like, like, uh, uh, what's the guy's name?
It descends into pure Luciferian worship.
Victor Borgenheim is the 33rd degree.
Um, there are, um, the degrees above that are considered beyond the veil, right?
That was the phrase that was used.
Now let me just stop you for a minute, because I want to make this clear.
It's like if you say the Red Cross is bad, people go, hey, I volunteered and put out soup.
Don't say that.
No, we're saying the leadership.
Yeah, right.
Let me just stop you, let me just stop you, because it's the same thing.
I know you know this, but it's for the listeners.
You know, most of the people that died at the Alamo were Masons.
They weren't evil, they were just inducted into it.
Let me just continue.
They had a lot of family, you know, at San Jacinto and the rest of it.
This state was founded by, you know, Masons, and George Washington wrote about evil Masons taking it over, and then they added in all this Luciferian stuff, but that had really always been there.
John Quincy Adams tried to ban it, because they were trying to overthrow the country for the British again.
There are secret societies within secret societies and there's wars that go on in these groups.
When you get into things like Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, that's above the 33rd.
Those are the real secret societies that use the envelope of the secret society of masonry to control things.
And so, when you're telling the average mason, who's, you know, 32 degree this, they've never heard any of this, they're angry at you.
But if they just read what Albert Pike, their own Supreme Grand Mason, said, he worships Lucifer.
Go ahead.
Right, but, alright, well, first of all, 32 degree is pretty high, though.
I'd say one set of much below thirty, because once you get up to thirty and thirty-two, thirty-one and thirty-two of a Scottish Rite, that's pretty much, as a matter of fact, at thirty-two you could be a Shriner.
But what I was saying is that, now you mentioned about the Skull and Bones, that's above the thirty-second degree.
So that means that if somebody doesn't want to work their way up from a Blue Lodge and go all the way up to the thirty-third degree, they could just go to Yale and join the Skull and Bones.
Well, I mean, go to Yale?
They only pick fifteen people.
Well, okay, let's say if you're lucky and you pick a little... Not like it's Walmart or something where you just go in and get your little degree.
Oh, no, no, no, I know.
No, no, you've got to be... They're all intermarried and related.
And most of them are British aristocracy or flat-out royalty.
Uh, royalty.
All of them.
Yeah, but they're taking women.
Yeah, take Kerry.
He's related to all these people.
Bush Sr., according to Reuters, is cousins.
His mother, the Walkers and the Bushes, could go back to England and declare title lands, my friend.
What about Clinton, though?
Uh, Clinton is the illegitimate son of a Rockefeller governor.
His mother was a whore, and that's admitted.
Oh, okay.
They have illicit breeding programs and sidelines.
There was two femur bones and a skull that was buried somewhere in Scotland, right?
And that's how the Scottish Rite came about.
So isn't that linked to the skull and bones?
Or aren't they one and the same?
Well, sir, it is Masonic, okay?
But these are the high-level people.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Interesting points there.
Let's go ahead and talk to... Is it William in Canada?
Go ahead.
How are you, brother Alex?
Good, go ahead.
That's the second time I'm calling you.
I'd like to tell you we're now graduated in a Jesuit school, in a Jesuit seminary to be a priest.
We have to swear the similar oath to the Mafia, equal oath to the Skull and Bones, similar oath to any other top secret organizations.
And our oath was to the Pope, directly.
That's right, brother.
Our oath was to
Eliminate any opposition to the Catholic institution.
And I'm telling you, when I graduated in Brazil, I couldn't believe my eyes what I'm going through.
Well, look at the Secret Service.
I mean, that name is hidden in plain view.
You know, when I graduated as a Jesuit, we've been told that any protestant or any opposition to the Church has to be eliminated globally.
Now, as you mentioned slavery,
When my father... I come from Jewish.
I'm a Jewish person.
My mother was an Orthodox Jewish.
They put me in a Jesuit school back in Brazil because the family was big after the war.
We immigrated in 1946 to Brazil after the war.
We were poor.
We couldn't afford to... So they decided to put me in at the age of five to the Jesuit seminary.
And I tell you something brother, my father used to say how they
During the war in Germany, they're taking the children away from the parents as guinea pigs for experiments!
And the same thing's happening today?
Nothing new today!
Here in Toronto, last year, that was in a national post and a star about how many hundreds of Polish girls that have been sold to the black pimps here.
And not only black pimps, but Vietnamese girls from the Orient, they've been sold.
And those are just the low-level street pimps?
That's right, right.
In Canada, thousands of girls are sold as a sex slave by the government to cover up because it looks bad for Canada.
The police don't get involved because, well, we don't want to be harassing or discriminating anybody.
Well, they're bosses.
They're bosses on the trade, sir.
That's right.
They're bosses.
And when you look at the United States, we have sex slaves.
They just found a couple hundred in Houston, by the way.
Modern history.
All over the world we have slaves.
There is a friend of mine that was in a kibbutz in Israel.
And he told me two years ago, and last year he mentioned, his name is Vito,
He says, you know Pastor William, let me tell you something.
There in kibbutz in Israel, when you have rumors, how many girls are brought from Poland, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Soviet, Ukrainian, they're bringing girls as sex slaves to Israel, and the top-notch people are using them when they get venereal disease, they're just shot in the spot and buried in the ground like a rat.
They don't care about human life in Israel.
The white girls are brought in as sex slaves to Egypt.
I talked to the Arabs about this.
They all come with the same information.
Oh, Saudi Arabia!
Alex, please!
In America, it's not immune from slavery.
America, it's an evil country.
You know, after as a Jesuit, I joined the Special Forces Green Berets.
I've been in the American Army as an officer.
American soldiers are so badly brainwashed they don't even know who they serve.
You can write this down.
They're talking about fighting for freedom, peace, democracy, and I'm fighting for my country.
How can you fight for your country when you don't even own that country?
When I asked Lieutenant Colonel Bogritch, I asked him, maybe you heard about Bogritch,
Well, I asked him, do you have any ownership of this country?
Do you own this country?
Could you do me a favor?
Can you give me a thousand acres of land, so let's make it a hundred?
For free?
He was laughing to my face.
I say, you don't own this country, you don't fight for peace.
You fight for slavery?
Slavery of what, brother?
Slave robbing?
You fight for slavery?
Let me just stop you, sir.
One man's slavery?
Sir, sir, sir!
Your friend in Israel, he's upset about them killing the sex slaves?
Yes, he told me that he has witnessed those things and he says, unbelievable!
And the Rabbi that phone you and the Rabbi that discuss about torture?
That Rabbi doesn't know the Bible.
Because the Jesuit
Seminary, they teach us the art of torture.
The French and the Dominicans, they teach us the art of torture.
And American forces, they are trained in the art of torture.
The American GIs, they've been torturing people in Vietnam, in Korea, in Japan.
It's nothing new.
American GIs, they've been conditioned to torture foreign people.
Hey, William, send me some documentation.
I know about the Israel and the Arab stuff, but send me some documentation.
Maybe I'll have you on as a guest.
Thanks for the call.
Oh, but I guess you don't want to know about that, America.
You've got a Super Bowl coming up, some beer to drink, some pizza to eat.
Okay, you're going to live in a police state, too, and I hope you enjoy it.
Let's talk to Ann in New Mexico.
Ann, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Well, that was incredible, wasn't it?
Oh, and I have more sad news to tell you.
By the way, Yahweh bless you.
I was listening to Fresh Air on NPR the other day, and Peter Landesman was being interviewed, and his article is entitled, in the current issue of New York Times Magazine, that would be NewYorkTimes.com, The Girls Next Door.
And this is the underbelly of the amnesty bill.
They're trading and buying and selling
uh... women and toddlers and young girls.
Yeah, I know.
In buildings in Houston, they're always finding hidden sex-slave dens with Mexicans, yeah.
It was so awful, I had to turn the radio off.
It was so horrible.
So I sympathize with you that you have to even report this kind of stuff.
And this is the government that wants our liberties, folks.
They're setting up a police state for us.
Oh, and by the way, you were asking about the connection between the Patriot Bill and that football player.
Well, the Super Bowl is coming up.
Yeah, for those that don't know what we're talking about, during the State of the Union, when they talked about the Patriot Act, they cut to the quarterback of the New England Patriots using psychological warfare to associate the Patriot Act with something good.
Right, subliminal programming.
And of course, the Super Bowl is this Sunday.
And by the way, there was a movie entitled Black Sunday.
Well, I don't know if anything bad is going to happen.
I hope nothing does.
Well, I hope not.
I certainly hope not.
But anyway, Yahweh bless you, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
Well, thank you.
We'll come back and talk to Marcello and Michael, hit one or two final articles, and that's it for this show.
And then I've got to go throw up.
Oh, man.
But you know what?
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Alright, final segment.
Couple final calls.
The world is under the black wings of the New World Order.
They're psychopaths who are sadistic and enjoy wickedness.
They want to create poverty so you are dependent on them.
And if they ever get our guns, which they're doing rapidly, you're going to see all the things they have in Eastern Europe, the things they do in Mexico, the things that are all being brought here and institutionalized and normalized, which ensure the continued predatory, sadistic, Malthusian,
Parasitic systems of the globalist.
We must expose these murdering maggots of hell.
We must face the reality.
We must get involved.
And I'm telling you folks, there is a God, there is a heaven, there is a hell.
And if you don't get involved and fight this, you are going to hell.
And I'm telling you that's a good thing.
Because anybody that doesn't fight this deserves hell.
Forty-five million abortions.
Now they want to kill newborn babies.
Legalizing cloning past birth.
Using them for body parts.
It's just... Hell itself has been unleashed!
The gates of hell just wide open.
And I'm telling you, we're in a lot of trouble here, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Marcello in Canada.
Go ahead, Marcello.
Hello, Alex.
Firstly, I'd like to comment on what you've been talking about today, about what's happening with the children is completely abhorrent and nothing short of a defilement of humanity.
And, well, the other thing I was calling about was, I'm part of a Yahoo group, and I get these emails, this group's called Truth Out Canada, and I get a lot of interesting information and stuff that's not covered, and
I just wanted to ask if you heard about John Buchanan and the New Hampshire primaries for the GOP primary?
Uh, no I didn't.
Oh yeah, apparently he's calling himself the 9-1-1 truth candidate and he's exposing this whole 9-1-1 thing as a Republican.
What's his name?
John Buchanan.
In fact, um... Email it to tips at infowars.com.
We'll get him on.
Okay, um, it's just a little short speech, uh, uh, it was included in the email.
I don't know if you want me to read it.
Read it all.
We got a few minutes.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon and thank you for welcoming me so warmly.
I stand before you today less as a candidate and more as a messenger and the message I bear is simple and stark.
We have all been lied to about 9-11.
The country is in mortal danger and the only
Only you can make it right.
If you need a label, I stand here as a 9-11 truth candidate, and some may thus dismiss me as a single issue candidate, and in a narrow sense, that is true.
But if you consider that 9-11 has led us into fiscal ruin, endless war, and constitutional twilight,
My issue is the mother issue of our age.
Yeah, very well said.
I'll get him on.
Thanks for the call.
We're out of time.
But very interesting.
Let's take one final call.
And I guess, who's that final caller?
Mike in Texas, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
You've made the statement a while back that you felt like the elections had been rigged since they blew Kennedy's head off.
In my own research, I'd have to agree.
In talking about the secret societies, you see all this emphasis on the democratic race and debate, and... Don't you know your F-wrestling?
Yeah, you talk about Dean being part of Dean Witter family, and the other one being Skull and Bones.
My question is this.
At that level, wouldn't they know that it's rigged?
Why would they go through all that effort?
It's staged, my friend.
And you take Wesley Clark.
I mean, he's a Rhodes Scholar, head of NATO.
It's all the same deal.
This is theater.
WWF Wrestling.
I mean, they get some sort of compensation for going through all this effort?
Of course they do, yeah.
And they get to be in the cabinets, and they get to be in the power structure, they get to become president later.
We're out of time!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow at 11 to 2.
Take care.
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