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Name: 20040127_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 27, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
My friends, it is already
Tuesday, the 27th of January, 2004.
And I hope that you're going to strap yourselves in because I've never seen so much out in the open corruption, dismantling of America and the world into a high-tech police state.
So strap yourselves in.
Bird flu outbreak is deadliest on record.
We'll get into that.
Big headline out of the Associated Press.
Retailers look to finger scans, get ready to thumb scan to buy and sell.
Made my first film about this in 97.
I've seen the federal documents, but here it is in the Associated Press, carried in the Sacramento Bee.
Global unemployment at record high.
Nuclear war danger highest ever, UN weapons chief says.
Republican lawmakers won't back Bush on immigration.
Some good news.
Gotta keep the heat on them.
Expecting to pass it on some midnight evening and then claim that they didn't know what they were voting for.
But good news there.
Part of Patriot Act ruled unconstitutional.
By a judge.
We'll see if that sticks.
More good news.
Three doctors dispute how Dr. David Kelly died.
Folks in the government are saying he was obviously murdered, that he didn't commit suicide.
No kidding.
Again, headline, Dr. Kelly did not kill himself.
Leaked news memos.
Election 04 to be stolen again.
Media to interview actors posing as troops on how great the war was.
Now, two months ago,
When the Queen of England went to Nigeria, they used a soap opera set in the country in a fake village and didn't announce it until after that when they got caught that it was staged.
Remember, the Pentagon has been caught planting hundreds of fake letters from troops in newspapers across the country with false signatures.
I wouldn't put it past them, and these folks with these leaked memos have been accurate in the past.
Dean, who I've never liked.
I don't like John Kerry.
I don't like George Bush.
They're all globalist folks.
That's the selection process.
He called for a microchip ID card, so we'll get into that in the New Hampshire primary taking place right now.
We'll get into rumblings from Rummy.
The battle plans to invade Syria and Lebanon are next.
And Dean says he's closing fast on Kerry.
Accuses rivals of dirty tricks.
A story I didn't get to yesterday that I should have that we will detail.
Is it conspiracy or coincidence that there's a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia, including the Bin Ladens?
This out of the CBC Fifth Estate Program.
Also, Financial Times reporting top 9-11 suspect was granted U.S.
Skull and Bones denying it's right.
Suckers AOL Time Warner.
This is out of the New York Observer.
Some of Skull and Bones dirty tricks against the New York Observer since they broke the news of the, well we've talked about it for years, but mainstream news broke it two years ago with the satanic rituals they caught on tape.
Illegal immigration in the U.S.
grew by nearly 70% in the last 12 years.
Criminal aliens abound in the U.S.
We'll give you the numbers on that.
Chiefs of Police, Border Security, a sham organization claims lax federal policies causing the murder of cops.
Oh yeah, it's these illegals are the biggest group of cop killers out there.
But that's okay, you'll arrest good patriotic Americans when they arrest illegals on their own property.
New federal detention center planned for South Texas.
Planned Parenthood moves to shut Crow Life firm successfully.
Border Patrol agents slam alien amnesty.
And there's a New York Post article where they did a little test of eating nothing but McDonald's for a month.
And people who were completely healthy became deathly ill.
We'll be going over that.
Ashcroft, war justified even without
Weapons of mass destruction.
That's about a third of what I got in front of me.
We'll detail it all.
Take your calls.
Big show lined up for you on this Tuesday.
And the stories are posted at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
The toll-free number to join us on air worldwide is 1-800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Again, my friends, it is Tuesday, the 27th day of this first month in 04.
I'm Alex Jones, your host,
If you'd like to read along with us as we cover the legislation, the bills, the documents, the news articles, visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or our backup site InfoWars.net.
Oh my goodness!
I have quite a task before me today.
I wanted to get into the Walton family.
The world's wealthiest family is the headline.
That's actually not true, but they're one of the richest new money families out there with a worth well over 100 billion dollars.
So we'll be getting into that story.
This bird flu situation outbreak is the deadliest on record, they're saying.
Every few years there's some new bird flu and they kill all the geese and the chickens, or most of them.
Bird flu hits 8th country.
Laos outbreak as deadly as ever with death of 2nd Thai boy.
Thailand confirmed Asia's 8th human victim of the bird flu.
Tuesday the deadliest outbreak on record while a map of the affected areas widened with Laos becoming the 9th government to report infections in its poultry.
Australia, which remains free of the virus, urged other countries to immediately reveal bird flu cases following allegations that Thailand and Indonesia initially covered up outbreaks.
Countries in the region must learn from the SARS experience, and that is, fess up as soon as you find a case as quickly as possible, Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer told Australian Broadcasting Corporation Radio.
Make sure everybody knows it is there and how to deal with it.
Well, folks, I mean, we have an average of 35,000 flu deaths a year in this country.
That's just the normal strains, and all these strains, all the modern strains, going back to World War I, come out of Asia!
Wake up, boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the word, REVOLUTION.
There are men coming down from the valleys.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Evolution!
Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
Watch and wait, get ready for the sign.
There are many here among us now who have not seen the light.
We must say the word to all the people in the land.
Go to every hill and mountain, for the time is now at hand.
That's right, my friends.
For the years of domination hit them right between the eyes and light a fire.
Welcome back.
Let's try to continue here with my connection from Austin, Texas to Minneapolis, Minnesota.
There are the satellites orbiting the globe.
Out to the AM and FM stations, internet, shortwave, you name it.
By the way, we're on global shortwave Monday through Friday from 11 to 2.
Central at 12.172 and 93.20.
And back from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
I get emails every day asking what shortwave frequencies we're on.
Those are all listed for all the shows at GCNlive.com as well.
But the bird flu outbreak is deadliest on record.
And why suddenly do we see all this showing up?
And why are they fear-mongering?
It's obviously serious, and it's killing people, and it's a deadly strain of flu.
But the reason we see the flus always coming out of Asia is because they'll have tens of thousands of pigs in pens on these giant hog farms right next to thousands and thousands of geese and chickens.
And they've done the studies.
They've known for 50 years it's because the manure of the different species combine together and becomes like giant petri dishes where different types of flu viruses mutate and merge together.
And that's where it's all coming from.
And the Asians aren't about to stop this unhealthy practice they've been engaging in for thousands of years.
And now here in the Western world, we imitate it with our hog farms and feedlots and the big chicken production plants where they cut the beaks off the chickens and put them in tiny cages.
And you know why they cut the beaks off the chickens?
So they don't commit suicide.
They're so unhappy they literally peck themselves and others through the cage mesh to death.
And it's unhealthy.
I mean, I'd rather pay more for good food, wouldn't you?
But no, they're not going to stop.
Big Pharma, Big Agriculture, Big Biotech sets up this system, then it creates the mad cow and the rest of it, they feed antibiotics to the chickens, causes all these new super-resistant strains of bacteria, and then they come in with federal regulations and regulate the small farms and ranches out of existence, and then all you have is Big Agriculture owned by Big Pharma and Big Biotech.
That's what I have to say about the bird flu.
We'll watch it as it develops.
Retailers look to finger scans.
This is how the AP was also posted in the Sacramento Bee.
Allison Roberts wrote the story.
Retailers look to finger scans.
Checking IDs could get more reliable with biometric tools.
Biometric devices, which can confirm identification by measuring biological or behavioral features, how you walk, how you talk, your face, your thumb, your hand, have been a staple of police work in science fiction movies for decades.
Now they're moving into the everyday world of airports, workplaces, and corner markets.
In the Sacramento area, finger scan identification systems are showing up in growing numbers of check cashing windows, many with grocery stores.
And in the future, expect to see them at cash registers, allowing customers to pay for food and goods as well.
No ATM card or wallet needed.
And then if you're not a good globalist, they just turn your national ID card number off.
And what is your national ID card?
In 42 states, and the other 8 are signing on as we speak,
I haven't checked it out in the last few months.
I know it was 42 about six months ago.
I need to look.
I think a few other states have actually signed on to that.
Your driver's license is federally mandated with federal biometric systems hooked into what you know is the matrix system that again is in 42 states, not 7 states.
And that's all part of the National Security Agency and its real program name is Echelon.
So, I just thought I would mention that, and they go on to say, we'll all be using this to buy and sell, this is going to replace credit cards, and just get used to it.
And let me tell you how this is going to work in about 60 seconds.
In the next two years, they're going to come out with a national sales tax.
Neocon traders will advertise this as a way to replace the income tax, which I'm no fan of, which is criminal.
16th Amendment was never ratified.
They will come in and they will keep the income tax for quote Social Security at 14 to 16 percent.
They'll then ratchet that up after they put in the sales tax.
The national sales tax will be shared with the county and the city and the state bringing them under federal control.
All businesses will have this in place and you will have to swipe your card to do it.
To quote, take out the taxes to make sure it's all properly paid and divided amongst the county, the city, the state, and the feds and the internationals.
They're going to get a portion of it.
It's part of the Tobin Tax.
This is publicly announced.
And you will have to swipe your card.
And then they're going to have problems with cards being stolen.
So they're going to make you thumb scan or retina scan or face scan or all three to activate your card.
Then they'll say, oh, don't worry.
You don't have to use the card.
Just thumbprint.
Five years ago, they began putting thumb scanners in public schools.
No cash allowed if you want your school lunch.
You must thumbprint.
And this is under a federal mandate, federally funded, that that happened.
It's now in thousands of school districts, since the first school districts we learned of in Texas.
It is now in almost all 50 states that we know of.
Again, I see articles every day about thumb scanners going in the schools, and the public plan is to do this.
They will put in the self-serve checkout lanes, which are now replacing almost all the service lanes everywhere, from Walmart to most grocery store chains, to Target.
You name it, it's happening.
Even smaller sporting goods stores.
They will then replace all the checkout lanes.
You will have to bag your groceries and thumb scan to buy and sell.
This is the new system and we're about two years away from not being able to buy or sell if our human biometric code system does not go through.
And you say, oh, this will stop crime, this will stop, you know, identity fraud, all of this.
Folks, you have to remember how criminal this government is, what they've been caught doing, and the precedence they're setting where if you haven't paid your parking tickets, they, you know, they come take your car, you can't renew your driver's license.
Walmart, by the way, well, I got more news on this.
Very scary.
We'll come back and get some more news.
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Your calls are coming up in the next segment to Chris and Dave and Charles and Garen and others.
Let me launch back into news right now.
And again, I'm just going to skim over these and get more into detail as the show progresses.
Global unemployment at record high.
More than 185 million people were jobless in 2003 as global unemployment levels hit record highs.
I talked to a lady who works at a mortgage firm.
They were doing hundreds and hundreds a month.
This is a little small mortgage house.
Now they've done four in the last month.
Give you an idea there.
Nuclear war danger.
Highest ever UN's nuclear chief.
Cities, North Korea, Iran, underground trade in nuclear weapons parts.
Yeah, with our own government helping arm these supposed rogue countries.
The good news, Republican lawmakers won't back Bush on immigration.
Republican lawmakers who generally back President Bush are not backing him on immigration.
In fact, they want their leaders to know they have serious concerns about President Bush's proposed immigration policy.
Now, just two weeks ago they were saying they liked it, but now because of the heat you put on them, they're having to back off.
In a letter addressed to House Speaker Dennis Hassell, Representative Walter Jones, Republican North Carolina, and several other members of the Congressional Immigration Reform Caucus said they won't go along with the President's plan because it does not address the problem appropriately.
Like Bush is fixing something?
This is blanket, total, in perpetuity amnesty for six years, and then it gets re-upped from there.
Here's some more good news.
Problem is, the White House just ignores courts.
Heart of Patriot Act ruled unconstitutional.
Ban on giving expert advice or assistance to foreign terror groups called too vague.
You know, the way it's written is, if you sell gasoline to a suspected terrorist at the gas station, you can be secretly arrested.
If you sell them a cell phone, because you run a little cell phone business.
I mean, everything's an act of terror.
And remember, the definition of a terrorist and a foreign power is any action that endangers human life that is a violation of any law of any state or the federal government.
So it's so broad, everything's terrorism.
And again, prosecutors down in Florida say they want a guilty plea from Limbaugh.
They're going to go ahead and probably indict him, and they use the Patriot Act, a provision of it, to get his medical records, folks.
Because under drug trafficking, they say that's an act of terror.
Is Rush Limbaugh a terrorist?
Are these topless bars, are these county commissioners and bed-rigging terrorists?
They're obviously criminals.
By the way, I've heard Limbaugh say, you know, put all these... From Nazareth he came with the rag-tag bands to bring a revolution
Sorry folks, we've had so many people trying to diagnose this, it's amazing, but it seems to happen once or twice a week, never used to happen.
We'll keep rolling with the punches here, my friends.
I was continuing with the Patriot Act discussion.
And, uh, a federal judge has struck down a section of the USA Patriot Act and makes it a crime to give expert advice or assistance to foreign terrorist organizations.
The first ruling to declare any portion of the Patriot Act unconstitutional.
District Judge Audrey Collins of Los Angeles said the ban was so vague that Americans would be uncertain about whether they could give the most benign advice to a foreign organization, for example, on how to follow the law without risking prosecution.
And we covered the 60 Minutes piece, arming our enemies, fronting our enemies yesterday, where it's Halliburton and Bechtel and a handful of others who are actually selling the weapons and infrastructure components to Libya, to Iraq, to Iran, to Syria, and through the sanctions they've gotten set up, no one else is allowed to sell to these people but those supposedly waging a war on terror.
What a great system!
Well, that's what this whole New World Order is about.
It's not free market.
It's crony capitalism where you use government power to go after your competition, to restrict the middle class, and to set up systems where third-world countries can only buy from them.
And that's exactly what's happening.
But with this ruling on part of the Patriot Act, expect to see that be appealed.
And even if a Federal Circuit Court, even if a Conservative Court or a Liberal Court
That's why conservatives should be doubling
Against the Patriot Act, and I challenge you to read it for yourself.
It is the death of America.
It is totally un-American.
Well, come back, go to your calls, get you a ton of other news.
Believe me, it's very important you stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Late summer 2003, mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
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We're going to have wide open phones on the show today and I am going to get here in just about 5-10 minutes or so to all the callers that are patiently holding and then I'm going to get back into the news.
We just covered some of the good news.
In fact, I haven't even detailed it yet.
We have the big police associations coming out against the open borders, saying it's getting cops killed, which we've already told you a million times.
We've got the Border Patrol Association coming out.
In fact, we had the director on last week saying this is to destroy the middle class and bring in global government.
Folks are starting to get it!
That's the head of the 8,000-plus strong union.
We have part of the Patriot Act being thrown out.
Then coming up, three doctors dispute how Dr. David Kelly died.
Pop scientists who looked at the evidence.
Again, the headline out of the Evening Standard, Dr. Kelly did not kill himself.
Well, the eyewitnesses saw a bunch of guys in black uniforms standing around the dead body who ran off when the police came up.
I mean, the news says, not a murder, not a murder.
So we'll get into that.
Also what some of the new leaked news memos are saying about the government staging actors playing the part of troops, saying how much they love the war on television.
Howard Dean called for microchip ID card.
We're good to go.
All right, folks.
Again, thank you for bearing with us.
This used to happen about once a year.
Last few weeks, it's happening quite a bit.
And by the way, only when we're live, we can connect for hours and not have this happen.
It happened about three years ago like this, and we'll just have to work around it.
Appreciate everybody out there.
But again, all that news is coming up after we go to some of your calls.
Coming up here in just a few minutes.
But first off, I want to bring Jack Brownrigg up.
Jack hasn't been on the show in about six months or so.
It's been a while, Alex.
He's one of the head honchos at Midas Resources, a great supporter, one of the biggest sponsors of this network.
Here to talk about the economy and where gold is at right now is Jack Brownrigg.
Alex, thanks for having me on the show.
It has been a while and it's a real pleasure to be back on with you.
You bet!
First thing I want everybody to do is write down this telephone number.
This is going to be an all-important telephone number for you in a couple minutes.
That's 888-294-6187.
Don't worry, I'll give it to you again, but don't forget that number.
That's an Alex Jones number.
It's Alex Jones listeners only I'm going to be talking to about these coins.
Alex, I've never offered MS62 coins on your show before.
I've never offered slabbed coins.
Slabbed coins mean they're certified independently by outside companies.
Not necessarily Midas Resources.
Actually, not Midas Resources.
PCGS, Professional Coin Grading Service, NGC Numismatic Guarantee Corporation.
These are two companies that do nothing but grade coins.
They don't buy or sell coins.
They grade coins and they guarantee that grade of the coin.
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Hermetically sealed in a slab.
This is something that everybody should be looking at.
And there's nothing wrong with the circulated coins.
Don't misunderstand me.
But right now, gold moving the way it is, it's up about $6 today.
It's well over $4.10.
Everything looks strong, strong, strong for gold.
Now is the time to jump in to some of these slab coins.
What I've got today, $20 gold pieces.
This is an unusual offer, Alex, and it's only for listeners of your show.
I'm selling Saints and or Liberties at the same price for listeners of Alex Jones Show.
I'm going to go beyond that.
I'm going to go well beyond that.
If you buy just Liberties, $20 Liberties, I'll give you at least seven different dates and or mint marks in a slabbed coin, independently graded coin, MS62.
If you buy Saints,
A much smaller run coin, so there aren't as many dates, there aren't as many mint marks.
I will give you at least three mint marks.
I'll give you a Philadelphia, I'll give you a Denver, only minted two years, and a San Francisco.
This is an extremely good buy for people that are looking to protect their assets.
I can sell them to you in groups of 10 or 20, mixed up like that.
Now, first off, first thing, some of these guys say, geez, I can't afford 10 or 20.
You know what?
Don't say, I can't afford 10 or 20.
Call up your broker here at the Alex line, 888-294-6187.
Let them know what you need to protect.
You need to protect your loved ones.
You need to protect yourself.
You don't need to protect
Cable television.
You don't need to protect anything else.
This is life and death, people.
This is absolutely life and death.
Give us a call today on the Alex line.
Alex, when we get off the air, when you're off the air, I'm going to be talking to you about adding some of these to your portfolio.
Well, I've bought coins.
I know it's three times.
And I was very pleased with it.
One of my buys, let me see, I made $150 per coin, an increase in value.
I'd pay $250 for a coin, and now it's worth over $400, so I guess it's more than $150.
Some of the coins I bought have gone up about $75 in value apiece.
And you know what?
I got calls.
Yeah, you're tough on us.
You won't sell us back to him.
I understand that, Alex.
And you know what?
We will buy him back, but you'll have to force us into buying him back.
Folks, people that listen to Alex Jones and buy what Alex Jones bought, because, you know, Alex has never bought a coin from anybody other than me or Midas Resources.
I've never sold him anything that I didn't also offer on his show.
So think about it, folks.
Had you listened and acted at the same time Alex had before, you'd be in profit situations with that.
Not necessarily telling you that you should sell or telling Alex that he should sell.
I'm willing to buy Alex's coins back, but I'm not looking to buy them back, because I don't think he's moved anywhere near where they're going to move.
Now, I was talking to Michael.
He's like, hey, you want to sell those back?
But seriously, folks, I believe in gold.
I believe in real things.
And when you get these coins, you also don't just get the gold value.
You also get the collector value with them as well.
And gold is...
Over time always goes back up and it's not like our fiat currency that's been devalued by 42% in the last year and a half.
So I do hope that people will call 888-294-6187 and take advantage of that 888-294-6187.
Anything else Jack?
Alex, I just implore the folks to listen and to give us a call today.
Gold is moving it today.
Like I said, it's up $6 plus today.
13-year high.
I've been doing this for 26 years, Alex.
I'm as happy right now with the way gold is going as I was in 1979 because it looks like we're off to the races here.
Give us a call today on the Alex line, 888-294-6187.
Tell them you're a loyal Alex Jones listener.
Tell them you want the Alex Jones special.
As a bonus, as a bonus, anybody that buys 10 coins, I'll give a free subscription to the International Forecaster.
All right.
Well, Jack, thanks for coming on the show.
My pleasure, Al.
You bet.
I appreciate that.
I have stacks of news on Skull and Bones.
Mainstream stuff, folks.
I have stacks of news about the Bushes and the Bin Ladens coming out.
Mainstream news.
You've already heard it on this show, but it's years ago, but it's important to go back over it when it finally breaks in the mainstream media.
That is coming up.
Right now, let's go to the calls.
Let's talk to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
I appreciate you holding, Charles.
Go ahead.
Now, Charles, how are you doing, Mr. Jones?
I'm doing okay.
Go ahead.
I got some news.
I heard just last night, and I checked a couple of people.
I don't have a computer, but this is what's on the computer.
It's on Al Morton's award.com.
The CIA was planting bombs in Iraq and got killed.
Did you hear anything about this?
I did, but I can't confirm that.
I can confirm that an admitted CIA agent was planting bombs in the Philippines last year, and one went off before he got in the building and blew his legs off, and the CIA landed and took him out of the country, and that came out in the major papers there.
And then a bunch of Special Forces troops took over a shopping mall, didn't hurt anybody, and said, we're doing this.
To get attention to the fact that we're being shot with bullets that our own government's giving the terrorists.
They work for the CIA.
Our government's doing this to maintain, quote, martial law.
I know MI5's carried out most of the bombings in the last 25 years in England.
I know Israel, according to Heratz and Jerusalem Post, has carried out some of the bombings in Israel.
I know that Vladimir Putin was caught planting bombs in the 4th apartment building back in 99 as a pretext to invade Chechnya and be elected as a popular war president.
I know that the Global has carried out September 11th, but there's new info I cannot confirm.
Well, the woman that flew the whistle is called Melba Rogers.
She works for the government.
Yeah, we're going to... I'm researching that now and looking at that right now, Charles.
And can I just say one thing about today?
I know you'll probably get tired of me talking about this, but the people have to show their fury.
And how they do that is to show your fury is to wake other people up.
This is our only chance, and I wish people would just try to push to the front a little harder.
We don't have much time.
And these tapes are like a mini paper press.
Just one tape.
You don't know whose hands you're going to give it to.
That person might make thousands of copies.
You know what I mean, Mr. Jones?
And if people have to show their fury by this,
If people would just do this, I mean, just do it on the weekends.
Buy a few tapes.
Give them out.
Spend a few dollars.
Keep the program on air.
These programs are the only thing we got.
And people don't realize until we lose things, what we lost, when it's too late.
And I urge people to get these tapes.
I'm telling you what, just take a neighborhood.
One person can just wake up a whole neighborhood by itself.
Well, I have found that about 90% of those that see the videos do wake up because they're so hardcore.
I mean, it's the globalists.
It's not Alex Jones making the claims.
We have the globalists admitting from their own documents and on television and in their own legislation what they're setting up, what they're doing.
And we've never steered folks wrong.
Thanks for the call, Charles.
And, I mean, going back over this,
Just briefly, we told you there were official plans to invade Iraq before Bush got elected.
It's their own admissions, PNAC!
And then everybody freaks out when David Kaye, our head inspector, says he was lied to and it was all a fraud.
People can't believe it.
When Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill goes public about the first cabinet meeting being a plan to invade Iraq and Dick Cheney's Energy Commission with the maps of who was going to get the oil.
But forget all that!
We have the PNAC documents!
It's a signed, published confession!
It's not like some confession that, oh, we claim we found!
They published it!
They put it in their own magazine!
They put it on their own website!
Dick Cheney!
Donald Rumsfeld!
Richard Perle!
We've been lied to, folks!
They say Saddam wasn't a threat!
But see, they go, oh, look, the liberals are against the war!
You're not a liberal, are you?
Well, in truth, Bill Clinton saying they were really weapons of mass destruction.
He supports Bush.
Hillary Clinton's for the war.
Chuckie Schumer.
All the real socialists.
You know, it's like Bush's campaign finance reform.
The dream child of Bill Clinton.
He couldn't get it, but George Bush did!
Because conservatives have gone to sleep under Bush.
Let's go to Dave in Ohio, then Chris, Garen, Jack, and others.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hi, Alex.
Good to find a good chance to talk to you.
I've got a couple things that I wanted to let you know.
One was, um, you've gone over this thing a bunch of times on the Silverstein video and that, but last Thursday I decided to send a link in email to about 25 different friends on the page that you had set up on PrisonPlanet.com with all the different videos and all the different information.
And I sent out the 25 emails about 11 o'clock Thursday night, and then Friday I decided to check it because I put in the email that I wanted comments back from any of my friends on what they thought about this.
And Friday night I go to go into my email, check it, and I type in my password, and of course it says invalid password or username.
So I tried this three times, got the same message, and I decided to click on the help button, and I did that, and let me get a page that comes up that says this Yahoo account has been deactivated.
So I found it to be quite interesting, and I went to go to my Yahoo Messenger to see if I could get on that and talk to some people, and I plug in my username and password.
And I get a little message that comes up says, System, your account has been locked for security reasons.
That's never happened before when I've emailed anything out and I've got this happening now, so that was kind of interesting that that happened within a 24 hour period of time.
They're very upset!
About the Silverstein story.
I can see that.
Well, yeah, I mean, my show would probably go off the air about, you know, ten seconds once a year.
And now it's continually happening.
We've had the phone company out here eight times and looked at it.
We can connect when we're not live.
Nothing happens.
Then when we're live, this happens.
I have to go to a backup studio.
I'm considering that now.
Right now, permanently moving to the backup studio.
But again, they better be concerned.
Silverstein slipped up and said they blew up WTC7.
Exactly right.
I've talked to some people in the office.
I work in financial services, which is another area that I want to discuss something on.
But a lot of the people that I've told to watch this stuff or look at this stuff, they won't even take the time to look at it.
I did have two guys actually did look at the video.
And what they told me, this is what their opinion was, was Silverstein didn't say
I think?
I mean, look, when Bill Clinton got caught lying, he said, it depends on what the word is, is means.
So, it's psychological gymnastics.
We have them saying, the building's on fire.
There's been such a loss of life.
We talked to the fire department.
We made the decision to pull it.
We said pull it.
We watched it collapse.
That's the industry term.
Plus, I've been saying for two years and three, four months that they blew up WTC7 because the seismographs picked it up, the eyewitnesses said it happened, the firefighters described bombs going off, Dan Rather said it looks like well-placed dynamite, and then we have Silverstein saying it and your friends don't want the responsibility to stand up against evil, to get involved, to speak out, and so they just say, uh-uh, that's not the case.
That's not what happened!
You know, it's incredible.
In fact, I said we'd air those clips again yesterday and we only aired one of them.
I will air those clips again in the next hour.
You can go watch the video at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com and I suggest folks continue to email it out to people so everybody can see this for themselves.
But I was doing national shows this weekend and people would call in and go, well, what does it mean if they blew it up?
What's the big deal?
Because they said they didn't all along.
But we always pointed out that all three of the buildings fell symmetrically with the popcorn-type explosions going off down the sides, identical to other admitted controlled demolitions.
So we have this hidden in plain view, right out in front of everyone, and you're saying people you work with are saying, no, no, he didn't say that.
He clearly says we made the decision to pull it.
And one of the guys even said, well, so what if he blew up his own building?
He had the right to do it.
He owned it.
Why don't we discuss this more?
By the way, a Secret Service agent died in the building.
Oh, so another one said, so what?
Yeah, so what?
As long as I don't have to have any responsibility.
I don't want to hear about it.
I want to be a slave.
Well, don't worry, buddy.
You will be.
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The Building 7 story is massive.
So I will recap that.
Early in the next hour, we're about to go back to Dave and Chris and Garen and Jeff and Joe and many others that are patiently holding.
And then I'll get into the Skull & Bones news and the latest Bush-Bin Laden connection information that's out there.
Just briefly, before I go back to calls, if you want powerful videos that'll wake people up, you've heard the listeners rant and rave about them, get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
And I want you to make copies of my videos.
In fact, I don't want you to order them unless you're going to make copies.
If you have the videos and were impressed with them, and checked out the information in them, please make copies of the films you already have.
I know a lot of you have got them but haven't made copies, or you loan out the originals and never get a bite.
Make copies!
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and help us circumvent the mainstream media.
Once you open somebody's eyes up, there's no going back for them.
And the globalists, see, they're weak.
They have to reapply their lies over and over again.
We don't have to.
We just put the truth out.
It stands on its own.
So, Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Some of the films are 2 hours 40 minutes, 2 hours 25 minutes.
They're all over 2 hours.
Some are 2 hours 5 minutes, 2 hours 10 minutes.
They're $25.95.
Order 3 or more.
They drop down to $20 a piece.
We've got discounts on the books.
We've got books on tape.
About September 11th, we carry a lot of other great items.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
Let's go ahead now and go back to the calls.
I guess we were just talking to David Ohio, now we're talking to Garen in Rhode Island.
Garen, thanks for holding, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I want to let you know that I got a public access TV show in Rhode Island, which actually covers the entire state, and I've been putting on your films, and people have really been waking up to what's going on.
Most people, at least around here, don't really know much about this stuff, but a lot of people that see my TV show
Uh, you know, they're really waking up around here to it.
Uh, Darren, I've gotten emails from Rhode Island folks watching the AXS show.
I've signed over 400 AXS television waiver forms for folks to air them, though the films say on them you're allowed to air them, and in the takeover I give the clearance right there on the film to air all my films.
And, uh, how many subscribers are there to this statewide cable system?
Well, uh, it covers the entire state, so
Potentially over a million people, depending on who actually has... And let's say watching at any one time.
What time is your show on?
It's on Sunday mornings at 1130.
So that's not a peak time, but I would guess that tens of thousands watch at any one time.
Think of what you're doing.
Think of the effect you're having.
And you're saying folks are waking up.
Oh yeah, I get emails, calls.
Calls came in to the Cox Communications office.
I got personal telephone calls besides
I always steer them to Infowars.com, tell them to buy your videos.
Yeah, it's had a big effect around here.
Well, that's incredible.
Again, my dad is a medical consultant.
He's also an oral surgeon and has some other medical degrees.
My father has been in hotel rooms in San Francisco, Kansas City, Florida, and he'll turn the television on in the hotel room and there's his son.
Because of you guys, it's had a massive effect.
Oh, it has.
It's excellent.
It's an excellent tool to wake people up.
What do you think of Building 7?
Oh, that's smoking gun evidence right there.
That it was engineered and staged by our own government and the globalists.
If you can't realize that after seeing Silverstein admit that they pulled the building a few hours after the 9-11 attacks, they would have never had time to... Tell you what, stay there, Garrett.
In the second hour it's coming up, I'll let you finish up with your points and we'll go to other callers and more news.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go!
We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m., and then back from 9 to midnight Central, I'm your host, Alex Jones.
There has been some good news we've gone over so far in the show today.
We have a judge throwing out a portion of the Patriot Act.
We have Republican lawmakers saying they won't back Bush on immigration plan, and that's admittedly because of the heat you've put on them.
Also, we're going to get into top doctors saying that Dr. David Kelly was obviously murdered.
Dr. Kelly did not kill himself as the headline.
Get into some of the late news memos about some of the staged events they're planning.
We have Dean calling for microchip ID card to use the internet.
But it won't matter.
I mean, so has Skull and Bones member John F. Carey.
John Forbes Carey.
And we're going to get into Skull and Bones and a big Canadian report about the Bushes and the Bin Ladens.
So that's coming up as well.
Plus, top 9-11 suspect was granted U.S.
Right now, we're going to go back to your calls as promised.
Call the free number to join us on-air, 1-800-259-9231.
And it will also be airing clips from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding, because we've had so many requests to do it.
Those that aren't online and can't see it at the websites, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, where they talk about destroying, pulling, demolishing Building 7 on September 11th, that afternoon at 435 Eastern Time.
Right now, let's go back to Garen in Rhode Island, who got cut short by the break.
Anything else, Garen?
Yeah, well, I was just saying about that story is huge.
I mean, like I said, that's the smoking gun evidence.
If you can't
Wake up to what happened after seeing that story and Silverstein admit that they pulled the building and it's an impossibility for them to have put those explosives and set them up in a few hours time.
That only leads to one conclusion.
There is only one conclusion to that.
And I think when this story gets out to more and more people, really, I mean, you can't deny it, in my opinion.
There's just no way you can deny it.
And another thing is,
I don't watch TV much, but the last couple of nights, and surfing through the channels a little bit, Sunday night saw a deep impact where the president there declares martial law, and it's just like, oh, you know, it's just normal.
I go to a local big gym, it's a big chain, and I'll sit on the stair stepper, I've lost 20 pounds, folks, I'll sit on the stair stepper or an exercise bike for an hour when I have time,
And so I'm basically forced to watch five TVs, and they'll all be on different channels with the audio blaring, and it's cop shows, it's dramas, it's all New World Order, Patriot Act, torture, martial law, and again, I don't really watch television anymore, I watch the State of the Union, but every week now, you know, going back into the gym, as I become a disgusting fat body, as a drill sergeant would say, sitting there watching this, it's disgusting!
And then sometimes I go at like 3 o'clock when I have time, and I get to watch Mari Povich.
I mean, talk about destroying our culture.
Talk about degrading our culture.
It's just the most... How could anybody willingly watch this?
And then last night, they have Armageddon, which again, martial law is declared.
And then I noticed on there... They've got this new movie about the Ice Age coming and it's martial laws declared there.
Yeah, and then in between I see the advertisements for NYPD Blue and the police are beating up people.
And then I'm watching the local news and what do I see?
That they have all these security cameras that are placed everywhere on city blocks and highways and streets.
And oh, it's for our safety.
It's just out of control.
You see it everywhere you look on TV.
And here's the Associated Press going.
You'll soon be thumb scanning to buy and sell.
It's official.
You're going to have to do this.
How many years have I warned you folks?
How many years?
Well, Garen, you keep it up and keep being perceptive and noticing that.
All right.
Thanks, Alex.
God bless you.
Keep up the good work, man.
I appreciate it.
All right.
We'll come back and talk to
Jeff and Joe and Brock and Roger and others and then we're going to launch into this news.
You don't want to miss it.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We had a listener call and say, is Alex going to finish his point about Walmart?
That we ran into a break and I last hour didn't finish up with it.
I was going into this Associated Press article about how the thumb scanners are going in in the grocery stores everywhere else now, as we said they would, and how they're going to make you thumb scan when you buy and sell for everyone's security and part of the new national sales tax they're engineering.
How wonderful it is and how it stops crime and I was mentioning that Walmart is involved in this.
Walmart is involved tracking and tracing what you buy and profiling you
And one of the reporters at the Associated Press went in and tried to buy some little lithium batteries for his watches and things, and they were on sale for a dollar apiece, so he tried to buy five of them, and they said, sorry, you can only buy four.
And he said, well, how many things are on the list?
He said, oh, we're adding more all the time.
And so he talked to the manager, and they are instructed to watch what you're buying very, very closely.
And it's not just the different allergy medicines and things that can be used to be cooked into methamphetamine.
It's hundreds of items.
And they're there reporting to the police what you do and creating databases of all of this.
That's not freedom, my friends.
That's not freedom.
I tell you what, before we go to Jeff and Joe and Brock and Roger and others, let me cover a couple news articles here.
One of them is out of the New York Observer.
Now, two years ago, the New York Observer was able to perch atop a chimney of a building across the street from the tomb in New Haven, Connecticut,
Uh, where, uh, Yale is based, and they were able to catch on video one of the rituals they do that have been reported and leaked by Skull & Bones members of the past.
And that is ritual throat-slitting of women, and then offering their bodies up to Satan, and then, uh, one of the Skull & Bones members walks out in an outfit
Dressed up like the devil and says, I'm Satan, you've now entered the underworld, your sacrifices serve me well.
And the New York Post reported on it, the New York Times reported on it, Fox, CNN.
Peter Jennings, I've got him on video, playing it and saying, oh, they're just having fun, what's the big deal?
And the New York Observer released this.
Well, the New York Observer is now writing about how
A well-known book that was just released last year, where this particular woman interviewed hundreds, she said over a hundred Skull & Bones members, how they specifically placed disinfo into her story.
And now the New York Observer has obtained the documents where Skull and Bones was laughing and bragging about how they were putting out disinfo about Skull and Bones through her book trying to discredit the New York Observer and how they were out to get the New York Observer.
That's a big, highly respected
We're good to go.
And it's not conspiracy, as their title says, but they go over the facts here.
I love how they say conspiracy, and then go over the admitted public facts.
So the headline is, Conspiracy or Coincidence?
And it says, Is it a Conspiracy or Coincidence?
There is a long and tangled history between the Bush family and the elite of Saudi Arabia.
It begins in the 1970s in Houston, Texas, where George W. Bush was just starting out in his family's two businesses of politics and oil.
The powerful and very rich Bin Laden family helped fund the first venture into oil.
The cozy relationship continued for decades.
After a terrorist attack at the barracks in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 Americans, the Bin Laden family received a multi-billion dollar contract to rebuild it.
Every time I mention that when they blow up, when Al-Qaeda blows up a building, the family then as the payment gets the money to rebuild it.
That's not the only case, by the way.
So again, the cozy friendship continued for decades after a terrorist attack at a barracks in Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 Americans.
The Bin Laden family received a multi-billion dollar contract to rebuild.
And incredibly, George Bush Sr.
was in a business meeting at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington on the morning of September 11th with one of Osama Bin Laden's brothers, the supposed head of the family.
Below is the timeline that details the relationship between the Bin Laden and the Bushes' families that culminates in the tragic events of September 11th.
Well, I mean, we've got FBI agent Robert Wright standing up at the National Press Club crying, saying, here's the letter, where if I tell you what I know, I'll be arrested.
That's W199I, folks.
That's an order arising out of that order.
People still deny W199I.
When it's in the Associated Press and the BBC, admitted, Bush said, don't stop the Bill Maudins, don't stop Al-Qaeda.
And again, people just say, well, I'm not going to talk about that, it's not true.
Okay, it's not true.
Vanity Fair did a big article about this a few months ago.
The flying out of 144 Bin Laden's the night of September 11th.
And I've been reporting that since September 11th.
I've been saying it since the day of the event.
How do I know?
Because it was in the Associated Press.
September 12th.
And then it was in the Miami Herald, September 14th, and then never heard of again, and we were called conspiracy theorists for saying it, and now the Bush White House admits it.
That's right, they admitted it last year.
Right out in plain view.
I guess they can admit they do this.
It's like Jeffrey Dahmer admitting he, you know, puts people in his refrigerator, and then the cops say, well, you know, no cannibalism here.
And then the next nine pages are their relationship with him.
I don't even know how to go over this.
Two incredible, all the connections between them and the last entry, and there's been a lot that's happened since, but they say it's the last entry.
The attack occurs the morning of the attack.
George Bush Sr.
is in meetings with members of the Karloff Group in Washington.
Bin Laden's own brother is at the meeting.
Members of the Bin Laden family are allowed to leave the U.S.
without questioning two days later.
No, they started leaving that night, folks.
Get it straight.
Also, top 9-11 suspect was granted a U.S.
This out of the Financial Times of London today.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged mastermind behind September 11 plot, was granted a visa to enter the U.S.
just six weeks before the terrorist attacks in Washington, New York, according to a new revelation from the Federal Commission studying the attacks.
Now, that's the Whitewash Commission, where two of the members have had to secretly testify, quote, according to the Washington Post, because they were involved somehow.
If the other Democrat being paid off with the head of the import-export bank is going to head that off for Bush... Folks, it's just ridiculous.
You've got to get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, my two films covering September 11th, if you want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes, the hundreds of smoking guns, the total proof, the official government plans to carry out 9-11, my book, Dissent and the Tyranny,
Paul Watson's book order out of chaos.
If we don't tell the story, they're going to keep carrying out the attacks until we submit.
Now, attacks are coming, and when the next attack comes, you've got to give your liberties up, so you'll be safe.
And we've had top generals, the head of NORTHCOM, the outgoing head of CENTCOM, Eberhardt and Franks, saying martial law is the next step, set aside the Constitution, military government.
Oh, the power elite would just hate having total power.
They never want that throughout history.
How ridiculous, people say.
Government's always good, never did any wrong.
We should just give all our rights up.
That's the sensible thing.
But wait, they're saying martial law.
Is that good?
No, it's not.
How long have I been saying martial law?
They were making preparations.
Since I got on the air, folks.
Ten years ago.
Since I got on radio.
Eight years ago.
Because I read the government documents.
Oh boy.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to... We're going to go ahead and go to Washington now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jeff.
Hello, Jeff!
Morning Alex.
How you doing?
Not too bad, how's yourself?
Pretty good.
You know you keep bringing this up about the chips in Walmart and of course you being a Christian man, you know what the end result is.
We will either take a chip or we'll be hunted down like dogs.
I mean
I try to wake people up on this, but you have to realize that what is going to happen is going to happen, and the Bible flat states that the One World Government will do this to us.
I mean, it's in there.
So I guess we'll just take the chips, and Pat Robertson says it's good, and we'll just, uh, they'll tell us Jesus has come back and runs the world now, and... Absolutely, that's what they're gonna do.
Yeah, and he's our new leader, and he's gonna stop the war, and... He'll be able to bring fire from heaven off the harp or whatever, and make it look real good.
You know, no matter how much you wake people up, you know how many people that I try to show this to that know that there's something wrong?
I mean, the real player videos that are on the internet of World Trade Center falling straight down, number seven, I mean, that's classic demolition!
Center first and both sides collapse!
I mean, come on!
You don't get that from a fire in the basement!
But people, I show it to them and they just shrug their shoulders because they have so much problems in their life already, they don't want to know the truth.
Well, now we've got the owner saying they blew it up!
Well, I guess that's good, then.
Hey, I was at the Randy Weaver siege!
I was there standing on the front line when they shot Zickey!
I took Bogrights to the bridge when he went up and got Randy Weaver out, and the people of Boundary County, Idaho shrugged their shoulders and went, oh, well.
And then when the Clinton administration seemed they could get away with that, here comes Waco, here comes Oklahoma City, bang-a-da-boom, kabam, right down the line.
But what do we do?
They've got a stranglehold on us.
If we get too cocky, they'll tank this economy and scare us!
If they aren't already.
Well, I guess we better just submit to tyranny and then maybe they'll be nice to us.
I don't know.
You know better than that.
Well, let me just say this.
They're gonna kill you.
Sir, let me just say this.
Well, if they kill me, that's fine.
No, I mean, if you don't take the chip, it says right there in the Bible, they will kill you.
And I know you're not gonna take no chip, and neither am I. What's gonna happen is,
What's going to happen is, you know, the different sellouts out there are going to get on television, the Christian leaders, and say, oh, it's not bad.
Go ahead and do it.
Go ahead and do it.
It's a good thing.
We'll be right back, folks.
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Alright, coming up in the next segment, I will play all the clips we've got concerning Building 7 one more time.
At least for the next few weeks, and recap what happened there.
And then I'm going to get into illegal immigration to U.S.
grew by nearly 70% in the last 12 years.
I want to go over criminal aliens abound in the U.S.
from the Washington Times, how they are the crime wave.
Then World Net Daily, chiefs of police, border security a sham, organization claims lacks federal policies causing murder of cops.
Oh, I just so happen to have the numbers here from the Washington Times, federal numbers.
Did you know that over a third of the cops being killed are being killed by illegal aliens?
I don't care what your superiors tell you.
You need to get these criminals off the streets.
Also, we'll get into Planned Parenthood moves to shut down Pro-Life Firm and a lot more, my friends.
And I want to get back into the bushes and the Bin Ladens as well and some more on the Dean camp and what John Kerry's up to in the New Hampshire
A primary that's going on right now.
But right now, let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Oh, you know what?
We're going to go to Joe and Barack and Roger and Joel and Eric and others here in a few minutes, because during the break I was thinking about what Jeff in Washington was saying.
And Jeff, I know it's of great concern.
It's horrible for those of us that can see what's happening to witness all of this.
Let's take it from a biblical perspective.
This world government, the RFID chips, the applied digital chips, which by the way, a former top Reagan administration official is now going to be heading up that company.
And it's really owned by IBM and the Communist Chinese military.
I told you that four years ago in the 2002 filings.
It's now been public last year.
The big chip manufacturing plant in Beijing, owned by the military.
This is all very daunting, but time and time again, you know, prophets were sent to Israel, and God would say, repent, get out of the wickedness, stop doing what you're doing, or I'm going to remove the protection from you and I'm going to allow you to be enslaved!
You reap what you sow.
It's real simple.
If we get involved, say no, boycott the customer loyalty cards and the RFID chips and the driver's license with the biometrics in it, if we say no to that, and most Americans are against it, by the way, in major polls, we have the majority, if we'll just move against it, they won't be able to implement it.
And so we can get a reprieve.
We don't have to let them have their anti-Christ system.
And even if you're an atheist out there, I mean, you're not for the matrix system, are you?
For everything you buy and sell, everything you do, who your renter is, how much money you got in the bank, when you go on vacation, what type of books you read.
I mean, is that something that the state should be collecting for the feds?
Obviously not!
So, I mean, look, they wanted to forcibly inoculate the police and firefighters and medical workers.
Ninety-nine plus percent said no.
They were then planning to make them go out and give us shots, but their own enforcers won't do it.
What are they going to do?
You know, they tried to have Henry Kissinger as the head of the 9-11 whitewash commission.
Nobody bought that.
All this corruption's coming out, but again, no one's being held accountable.
At the bare minimum, we can passively not go along with this.
Let me tell you something.
Don't use the self-checkout lanes.
That you'd be able to use the full service lanes.
And when they just get rid of those and say, we don't care, go to the mom and pops.
Go to the junk shops.
Do whatever you have to.
Stop buying their garbage.
Don't let them put in those self-checkout lanes, because then the thumb scanners go in, which has now happened.
It is happening right now.
Then they phase out all the checkout lanes that are serviced.
Then they make you do that.
Then they come out with a new national sales tax, which will mean federal control over every business, county, city, and state.
And track everything you do.
That's the national ID card.
That's neither buy nor sell without it.
You've got to stop their system from going in.
If your public school makes your son or daughter thumb scan to buy and sell and keeps a record of what they eat, by the way, for CPS, say no!
Go to the meetings.
Go to the PTA.
Go to the board.
Say no!
Take it out!
They had a school in Louisiana with hundreds of children, a 5A school, and this is five years ago.
They were making them wear ID cards with barcodes on it.
One student said no, they expelled them.
Ten students said no, they expelled them.
All of them said no, a whole bunch of them did.
They had to stop the program.
Just learn to say no!
And learn to recognize the system they're putting in place.
And learn to see the propaganda.
Every day, in every major publication I see, there's articles about how great biometrics are, how great RFID is, how great all this is going to be.
You've got to educate others.
People are against this.
But they've got to learn how to boycott and say no.
Folks, we destroyed Rosie O'Donnell because she was anti-gun.
We boycotted her, she's gone.
They admit it.
We destroyed her.
We destroyed Kmart!
Because they, you know, we're going to stop selling guns.
Just learn to boycott these people!
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
Now, coming up here in just a few minutes, we'll go to Brock and Roger and Eric and David and others that are patiently holding.
The total free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Then I'll get into all this illegal immigration news, the latest developments, very important.
And later, probably in the next hour, we probably won't have time to get to it in this hour, the New York Post, and it's an article about a little test that was done eating nothing but McDonald's for a month.
A healthy person gained 25 pounds and became very ill.
Their cholesterol rose.
They started vomiting.
Interesting story.
I have quit eating fast food and started exercising again, and I've lost 20 pounds in about three weeks.
I guess now it's almost four weeks, but I used to be in perfect shape.
I could run ten miles like that, lift weights for three hours, bench press 330-something pounds.
I got another 20 pounds to lose, folks, to get down to 200.
I got up to 240-plus pounds because I've been working so hard, doing radio, TV, making films.
I stopped exercising for the fight against the New World Order until I realized it was damaging me, and I just said, look, I've got to be strong for this fight, so I'm spending about an hour a day, seven hours a week, working out again.
But again, that's coming up.
Before we go to these calls, I want to go back through all of the WTC7 clips and briefly recap what really happened there for those that have missed those reports and give you some of the new developments.
But, folks, talking about... Let me just read part of this New York Post article because this dovetails with what I'm about to do.
New York Post, yesterday.
Last February, Morgan Spurlock decided to become a gastronomical guinea pig.
His mission?
To eat three meals a day for 30 days at McDonald's and document the impact on his health.
Scores of cheeseburgers, hundreds of fries, and dozens of chocolate shakes later,
The formerly strapping 6'2 New Yorker, who started out a healthy 185 pounds, had packed on 25 pounds.
But his supersized shape was the least of his problems.
Within a few days of beginning the drive-thru diet, Spurlock, 33, was vomiting out the window of his car.
This was all documented for a documentary.
And doctors who examined him were shocked at how rapidly Spurlock's entire body deteriorated.
It was really crazy.
My body basically fell apart over the course of 30 days.
Spurlock told the Post.
His liver became toxic, his cholesterol shot up from 165 to 230, his libido flagged, and he suffered headaches and depression.
Spurlock charted his journey from the fit to flab in a tongue-in-cheek documentary, which he's released at the Sundance Film Festival in the hopes of getting a distribution deal.
We'll cover more of it in the next hour.
But that dovetails into the next five minutes with Debbie Morrow, my good friend at New Millennium Concepts.
Not just the food, Debbie.
What's been keeping me going all these years, I mean I get sick maybe once a year, is that I don't drink tap water.
Once you've been drinking out of a real filtration system, I don't mean one of the cheap ones that doesn't work, but a real filtration system, you can't drink tap water.
It tastes bad.
You go to a city that's really got bad water, it tastes like kerosene.
Dallas or Houston.
Houston's the worst I've seen around the country.
But even Austin's quote, good water, the chlorine, the fluoride, the dead bacteria, the herbicides, the pesticides, the motor oil, the Prozac, the Ritalin, the birth control drugs.
Stop drinking it!
Stop being part of it!
And I don't know of what I can say or do to convince listeners of this show.
Who I know, who I see on the street, people that watch the show, listen to the show, still drinking tap water.
I will not do it.
Did you know that if I drink a glass of tap water in the morning, say when I'm in a hotel or something, I mean it really makes me feel like I'm going to get sick.
I won't even think about it.
I'll toss it back and ugh, this feels weird in your stomach.
You can drink gallons of clean water and it's so good for you.
It's just as important as not eating fast food.
I gotta tell you, I've eaten fast food that doesn't make me feel sick like McDonald's does.
I'd eat at McDonald's and just a few hours later would just feel horrible.
But again, your body is a temple folks and stop crashing it.
Why would you drink all these poisons and toxins and there's hundreds of stories and documents and it's admitted.
Debbie, you got some specials for us.
How do folks get involved and stop drinking poison?
I do have some specials, Alex.
They get involved by calling me
On our toll free number which is 1-888-803-4438 and we have January specials that will provide them with a Berkey light for $259 and with that they get two filtered sport bottles to take with them on the go so when they do go to work or to activities that they're away from their Berkey
They can still have good filtered water while they're out and about.
It doesn't do quite the same as the Berkey, but at least it's going to get out your pathogens, your herbicides, things like that.
That special is a $337 value for $259.
Now what do you get for that?
You get the Berkey light with the lights and that comes with the black purification elements.
The black purification elements
Um, take out our pathogenic bacteria, they take out your... Now this is a top of the line system, right?
What else do they get?
Um, they also get two filtered Berkey sport bottles with it.
All right, and by the way, you're the big sponsor for the International Shortwave.
This stuff's made in America.
That's, I know, a negative for most people.
It's made in America.
We're sorry.
We apologize.
It's an extreme rarity.
It's made in America, and at the same time, it's the top-of-the-line system, and it supports this broadcast, and you're getting it from the maker or the distributor, so you get a better price.
You guys also have a $150 deal, don't you?
Yes, we do.
We have $159.
It's the Berkey Light Canister.
It's our Lexan Canister, but it comes with the British Birkfield Ceramic Imperial Filters.
Which are excellent as well.
And what else do they get when they buy that?
That's it.
They get that because that's a $200 value in itself.
And we want to make it affordable, so you know, some people... Now, how many gallons will both these units do before the filters have to be replaced?
The Berkey Light with the black purification elements will do approximately 4,000 gallons before you need to change out the filters.
An average family, if they did four gallons a day, that would be two years and seven months of pure water.
Now, I understand a lot of you buy bottled water.
Statistics show that much of that is dirtier than tap water.
And again, you can just type in, you know, Bottled Water Dangerous and every AP report you can imagine will pop up.
Dan and Water killed some folks in New York three years ago.
I mean, that's on the news.
So, you'll save money just with the sports filters.
Getting the sports filters, folks.
These guys really clean your water up and they do what 600 refills so that will save you hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of dollars right there.
In fact you do have a deal on sports bottles too don't you?
Yes we do.
We have five of the generic labeled Berkey sport bottles for $100 or $99.
Or we have 12 for $199.
Now again, if you try to go to a camping supply place, $35, $40 for one of these.
They have a smaller element, because I've bought these in the past, you know, going camping.
And you know, that's better than nothing.
The filters you've got, the sports bottles, that is a big element in there.
I mean, it's got to be three times the size of other units I've seen out there.
It is a really good filter.
It works and lasts a long time.
My husband and I use them.
I think so.
Great gifts for family.
And yes, it makes this show or international outreach possible.
So you're killing two birds with one stone here.
Well, three birds.
It's also made in America.
Here's the toll-free number.
Call right now.
And if it's busy, leave your name and number.
Debbie will call you right back.
Debbie, thank you so much for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
You bet.
And we also have the same specials at InfoWars.com and my staff gives her the orders every day.
I think so.
For six hours a day of global shortwave, so it's very important to support us in what we're doing.
Okay, I know we got loaded phone lines, I know we got a lot of news I want to get to, and we're going to, but I want to spend five minutes on WTC7, and let me attempt to just boil this down to the simplicity of what happened.
Sometimes the simplest things are hard for some under globalist mind control to understand.
There were seven buildings in the World Trade Center Complex.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
On September 11, 2001, two buildings in the mid-morning were hit, Tower 1 and Tower 2, the 110-story buildings, the North and South Towers, Tower 1 and 2, were hit by jet aircraft, passenger jet aircraft.
Most of the fuel blew out the other side in huge orange clouds.
The firefighters went up into those floors.
We have the transmission tapes from the government's own website posted where they say the fires are almost out.
Two small pockets of fire.
Send up four more units of firefighters.
We'll be able to put all these fires out.
Two more teams per building.
That's on the record.
Suddenly, explosions went off down the sides of the buildings, which we have still photos of on Fox News.
The popcorn-type explosions you see, and a hundred other demolitions you've witnessed on television.
The buildings collapse.
The seismographs pick up the classic signature of controlled demolitions.
And then, later that afternoon, a fire starts at Building 7, a 47-story building, the furthest away from all the other six buildings.
That building had the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, State and County and City Command Center in it.
That was a special federal takeover of that building in 1999.
Complete with secret floors and access security and all that.
Rudolph Giuliani told ABC News Live, coming out of Building 7, that we got a call to get out of here, that Tower 1 and 2 were going to collapse.
Before we could get out of Tower 7, 1 and 2 did collapse.
That's Rudolf Giuliani, ABC News.
How did they know 1 and 2 were going to collapse when it was an unprecedented event?
Suddenly, Giuliani comes out and says, oh yeah, we got the call to get out because 1 and 2 were going to collapse and maybe 7.
Then, a few hours later, building 7 catches fire.
Small fire, 7th and 12th floor.
Firefighters said they can contain it.
Then suddenly, ABC News announces on the radio, I heard it, they may demolish the building so it doesn't spread fires.
Then, at 435 in the afternoon,
Uh, the building falls in 3.2 seconds, with explosions going off down the sides, implodes in on itself, only the most skilled demolitions can do that, so it doesn't damage surrounding buildings, and it collapsed.
And the seismographs pick up the multiple explosions, firefighters told the AP, oh yeah, we were told to get back, that we were about to bring it down.
That all happened at the time.
I reported on that in Road to Tyranny and Masters of Terror in my book, Descent into Tyranny, over the last two plus years.
Now it comes out that on a PBS documentary, the owner of the World Trade Center complex, the leaseholder, Larry Silverstein,
In a documentary about the clearing and rebuilding, they're talking about in the film how they clear the site, you know, what they're going to rebuild there.
They go back to the day of September 11th, and Silverstein goes, yeah, the building was on fire, and, you know, we had such a loss of life that we talked about it, the decision to pull it, and they made the decision, so, we gave the order to pull it, and then we watched it collapse.
Then we air the clip, we're in the same documentary, a city official talks about it on December, in December, two and a half months later, how they blew up four, five, and six, remember, the wreckage of those buildings, to clear the site, and uses the word pull it for demolition.
It's clear, it's public, it's out in the open.
Here are the two sub-questions, then we'll air the clips, go to your calls, and cover more news.
It takes days, if not weeks, to plant explosives properly to bring down a building.
One out of ten modern buildings they try to control demolition, to demolish, with explosives.
One out of ten, this is the official number, does not collapse.
They have to go back in and plant more explosives.
This is when they spend weeks doing it.
So on 9-11, we're to believe they went in and put explosives in a building, which they now admit they blew up, in just a few hours, when it was on fire!
Then there's the second question.
Why hasn't this been publicly admitted?
Why is it... Why did FEMA deny what the firefighters and seismographs have said, and said, no, it collapsed because of the fire?
So there's a cover up there.
Okay, let's go to the first clip.
This is from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding.
Go ahead and hit that.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
We've called Silverstein's office.
Others have no comment, won't talk to us.
Now, here's the next clip.
Dan Rather.
This is about 30 seconds after collapse.
They back up the tape and go, now let's show that collapse again.
And here's Dan Rather, about actually 45 seconds after Building 7 collapses at 4.35 p.m.
This is what Dan Rather had to say live on the spot.
Here it is.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible picture work.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Okay, and we also on the website have Peter Jennings talking to a reporter, and the reporter says, you know, looks like bombs.
The firefighters reported bombs.
They were carrying cops out going, bombs, bombs.
But again, we had always said they blew all three of the buildings up that day.
We have the seismographs, the witnesses, the firefighters.
Now we've got the owner.
Saying they blew up WTC7.
When we come back, we will define pull for you.
When they talk about two and a half months later blowing up 4, 5, and 6, calling it pulling the building.
And then we'll go to Brock and Roger and Eric and David and others.
I appreciate you guys holding.
Then I'll get into all the immigration news.
More on the Bushes and the Bin Ladens.
And we'll get into this fast food diet, what that's doing.
Ashcroft war justified even without Iraq having weapons of mass destruction.
We'll talk about Arnold getting ready for a big tax increase.
And a lot more.
Italy and their new fascist leader getting rid of free speech in Italy.
Just like we're doing here in this country.
And more in the Casual Society control grid.
There's so much I want to go over today.
But first, we'll go to calls until the oldest callers that have been holding there the longest.
Until we get to you.
So stay with us.
If you want to read the full report about WTC7, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and Paul Watson is doing an update with some new developments at PrisonPlanet.com.
Concerning this, we'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
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Now folks, we aired this clip from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding,
To make it clear what the word pull, pulling a building, then watching it collapse, that that's the industry term for controlled demolition.
And some people watch this and go, oh, okay, well, Building 7, Silverstein's talking about, you know, December, and the admitted controlled demolition of 4, 5, and 6.
No, he's talking about building 7, they say building 7, on 9-11.
Then later they admittedly demolish the rest of the site.
Remember that?
We're just playing this clip to understand what the word pullet, the term pullet, means.
Go ahead and hit that clip.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction have leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull building 6.
We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the Red Story Wall, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
Alright, we're about to go to your calls.
I just want to briefly tell folks that
Having millions of people watch these clips at InfoWars.com has been very expensive server-wise.
I've had to add another smoking server, the latest, the best design, just so millions of you can go watch this for free.
I would suggest, folks, if you want to see this show expanded, and the website's expanded, and I'm bringing more and more, to get my videos.
I've made ten of them, I've written a book, I've published a book, I carry books on tape concerning 9-11, I carry other publications.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get the films, get them, make copies, get them out to folks, and support this broadcast.
You can call toll free to get my videos.
Big discount when you get three or more.
Again, that number.
Whether it's Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, or 9-11 Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, or Police State 3, or Matrix of Evil, they're all incredible films.
You need to have them.
1-888-253-3139, or just write to me.
I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Okay, let's go to Brock in Canada.
Brock, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex, you're doing a tremendous job.
I think that the caller from Washington and you brought up a fabulous point that I want to hammer home.
That is that there are fake Christian leaders who are going to
Team up with the horror church, Mystery Babylon, and say, oh, it's all right to take the mark.
Don't worry about it.
The Patriot Act's good.
Homeland Security's good.
National ID cards are good.
They're suddenly saying this.
And, um, what I was going to suggest is just expose them, you know, right on this show.
And so the people won't send the money and that they'll
I don't think that these scanners will arrive in two years, largely because of the good work you're doing.
Thousands of public schools, hundreds and hundreds of grocery stores, thousands of check cashing facilities.
I have the AP.
It's going in everywhere now.
Do you have the self-checkout lanes at your area?
I work at Safeway, which I think is bombs, you know, in the California area.
And they're leading it?
Well, I don't know, but I'll say this much.
Because of the good work you're doing, I think it's going to slow up those plans.
You know, because I do believe enough people are waking up to say, no, we refuse it.
I refuse.
I work in a grocery store.
I refuse to go through anything other than a checker.
You know?
And I advise everyone else to do the same.
I know.
I hear these checkers going.
I love it they're putting in the self-checkers.
Then a month later, they're all laid off.
Again, we'll be back.
Great points.
Third hour coming up.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
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I don't know.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, my friends.
We're now 30 seconds into this third hour.
We're going to have wide open phones on any issue, topic you'd like to discuss.
Then I'm going to get into illegal immigration to the U.S.
group by nearly 70% in the last 12 years.
More Halliburton corruption.
Some of Walmart's big brother activities.
Just so much more.
You do not want to miss this third hour.
I also want to get into the Walton family.
World's wealthiest family, according to this report.
That's not actually accurate, but we'll go over it.
Let's go ahead now and get all these great callers out of the way that have been patiently holding.
Roger in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
Yeah, I had called the last 30 seconds of the show yesterday, and I was trying to respond about these bush-loving ostensible Christians, and I said about, you know, the only detractor I've heard on your show I've been
But these questions... Now, if you're all wet, Alex, and your interpretations of these things, then shouldn't these people be the same ones demanding truly exhaustive congressional investigations that can redeem the reputation of George Bush?
You know what I meant to follow up?
Well, let's do this, Roger.
If Bill Clinton was voting for total blanket absolute amnesty and then said it wasn't amnesty, imagine the howl from conservatives.
If Bill Clinton was going to reauthorize the assault weapons ban, imagine the upset.
If Bill Clinton was signing campaign finance reform, if Bill Clinton that was giving all the supercomputers to China, if Bill Clinton had lied about weapons of mass destruction, which he is, he's saying Bush is right by the way, of course, they're together,
Imagine if it was Bill Clinton or Al Gore doing this.
Oh no, but because it's Bush, oh, suddenly the Patriot Act's good and all Christians should be for it.
Well, the microchip isn't the mark of the beast, you know, the head of the 700 Club says.
I have him on video.
To which I would just add... And by the way, forced abortion in China isn't bad either.
Yeah, to which I would just add, as impossible as it sounds, that with the
The secrecy of Bill Clinton, Bush has managed to exceed that.
Now let's say, for sake of argument, that say in foreign intelligence, you have to keep say secret, I don't know, 20-30% of it so you don't jeopardize investigations or sources.
If that's the case, it would only stand to be maybe 2% for domestic purposes, having, you know, anything to do with true security of our country.
And not merely the security of the office holder.
So, shouldn't they be the loudest ones clamoring for release?
They can't release one lousy video or a few odd little scraps here, and they're not even 1% of the volume of material they have when they should be releasing.
I hear you.
There's a cover-up.
But, I mean, look.
People say, well, Bush didn't lie about weapons of mass destruction.
Were you watching the State of the Union last year?
Oh, the year before that?
Yeah, well, watching that State of the Union, that truly is service above and beyond the call of duty.
Thanks for the call, Roger.
Folks, the country's cooked if we don't turn around now.
Blanket, total amnesty, and then he says it's not amnesty.
That right there shows you it's all lies.
We need to redo the Patriot Act.
We need more of it.
Well, you already did sign Patriot Act, too, Bush.
But again, Bush is a puppet.
Bush isn't doing anything.
But because he's a puppet, he makes conservatives think everything's okay.
Well, if you want to call me a liberal because I'm against Pat Robertson saying China's doing what it has to do with forced abortion and infanticide, then okay.
I'm a liberal because I'm against forced abortion and infanticide.
I mean, I'm a liberal because I'm against gun control.
That's literally, literally, literally!
All your callers to national shows call in and go, I'm a real conservative.
Bush is a liberal.
And the host will hang up and go, you're a seminar caller.
You're really a big liberal.
You know, Bush is conservative.
Shut up!
I mean, it's just totally dishonest!
They control the Republicans and the Democrats.
They're putting the agenda in place.
We have to stop it.
Eric and, uh, Joan, I mean Joyce and others, uh, your calls are up next, and more news, stay with me.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, I'm going to take three more calls real fast, then I'm going to go back in the news, then back into calls.
Let's talk to Eric up in Skull and Bones country.
I guess I should say Christian conservative country.
And we're liberal country here because we're against abortion.
Eric, up in Connecticut, go ahead.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Welcome from Neoconnecticut.
That's right!
You know, and speaking of Neocons, I got my first Freedom Magazine from the Neocon Rifle Association, and I looked and looked and looked through that magazine, Alex, and I couldn't find one reference to George W. Bush wanting to reauthorize the assault weapons ban.
Or any of the other... Did you hear about him doubling the funding for the BATF?
Is that in there?
Yes, I did, but they somehow managed to omit that, and they didn't say anything about that.
Oh, but they told you how good he is, right?
Yes, they did.
They also said he's fighting for freedom, and also they poo-pooed the idea that Bush and Bin Laden could be long-time business pals.
Oh, when it's publicly admitted by the FBI and hundreds of publications and the White House doesn't even deny it, but that's not true either.
That's right, and I think you're right, Alex, that if the NRA truly wanted us to get our gun rights back,
We'd get them back.
Yeah, with 5.5 million members out of the 160 million gun owners, they're there to pacify those that are politically active.
And again, NRA two months ago, federal court, of course we lost the case, their pro-gun stance was we are for all guns being registered and not being able to leave the home with them.
Yup, gun control is good for their bottom line.
It really is.
Look, we've had one of the former board members on, and he'll tell you they're selling you out.
Oh yeah, and as soon as they submarined Neal Knox back in 1994, you saw the Brady Bill come in, and the assault weapons ban, and a lot of other things.
Yeah, look, it's simple.
When an enemy force, a mechanized, military, scientifically run enemy force of organized criminals
One more thing Alex, I have a great report in addition to the superb information you've put out about World Trade Center 7 on your website and Paul Joseph Watson's website.
It's a 28-page report, and it's called, The FEMA Report on World Trade Center 7 Collapses a Total Joke, and it's at www.indyhawaii.org.
Do me a favor.
Email that to tipsandinfowars.com, and email that to Paul Watson, the contact info on Prison Planet, and he will get that posted.
I know he's doing an update.
You got it, Alex.
Thank you for the call, sir.
I really appreciate that call from Connecticut.
Let's go ahead and talk to Joyce in Wisconsin.
Go ahead, Joyce.
Yes, I'd like to address the caller a while back that called about the Book of Revelation.
And the Book of Revelation is not written in stone.
And he was saying that what's the use of doing anything to try to stop this New World Order?
And that's just the mindset that the Church of Laodicea that was addressed at the beginning of the Book of Revelation had.
And if we don't do anything about it, the Book of Revelation tells us what's going to happen to us.
I just wanted to straighten them out a little bit.
I mean, I've had God work in my life.
I've had experiences, folks.
I know it's real.
But the cop-out!
People in Nazi Germany thought it was the end of the world.
They think it in Africa whenever there's a slaughter.
They think it in China.
And I hear these so-called Christians giggling, going, Praise God that there's a microchip they're going to put in us!
That means it's the end!
Well, you know, and people think they're going to be
Raptured out of this, well then why does it describe the Antichrist killing millions of Christians and Jews?
You know, why do you see this happening there?
It's because people won't go along with it, and some will say, well, that, you know, folks that don't go along with it after it.
Regardless, I have a job to expose this system.
And again, even an atheist should be against the matrix and caps and tips and the New York Times said that, you know, to graduate from high school, you'll have to watch hours of surveillance cameras hooked into your computer from different parts of the country and report suspicious activity.
The feds making us sit at tattletale computer terminals.
I mean, it's just, it's just so far gone already.
They're putting in the cashless society control grid.
Just ten years ago, most Americans were for abortion.
Now, because we've told the truth...
A lot of heroes have, the majority are against it.
We have the power, and we can get a reprieve.
If anything's clear, we can back off the judgment a 50 years, a 100 years, if we repent.
And that's God's promise.
And it's common sense.
If good people get involved and fight evil, it's not going to run rampant.
But if we say, there's nothing we can do, look at it, it's too powerful, and then don't do anything, it's over.
And you know, I had a guy, I was at the pet store last night,
Buying dog food.
And he walks over and he goes, Mr. Jones?
And I go, yeah.
And he goes, aren't you afraid they're going to kill you?
And I said, no.
And he goes, weren't you worried about the IRS, you know, coming after you?
I said, no.
Well, well, well, you know, I mean, I know what you're saying is true.
You know, I'm this computer software engineer.
I've checked it out, but I'm not about to go public.
Something might happen to me.
And I said, look, buddy.
I said, listen to me.
I said, if
When everybody's got the attitude you've got, you insure tyranny, you insure a bad life for yourself.
It always takes a few people like me that are willing to put it all on the line so people like you can sit there on their behind ends.
And the guy got freaked out and ran off.
I'm sick of it!
I mean, it's not a choice for me!
I don't have a choice!
My very programming, my very soul, my very makeup!
This is what disgusts me!
I'm just a man!
I'm just a man!
I'm just doing what a man does, what a human being does, when they see tyranny!
The globalists, admittedly, have kidnapped millions of women and children, publicly.
This is all admitted.
A huge section on Prison Planet.
How could I not fight creatures of this level of evil?
I mean, there's not a choice.
If I see five thugs attacking an old lady across the street, and they've got machetes, and I know I'm going to die fighting them, you know what?
The way I work is I don't even think.
When something's wrong, I go into action.
It is not debatable.
It just makes me so mad.
If that guy wasn't a coward, if all these people that talked to me weren't cowards, and would get involved and realize the leadership they've got, and be the leaders they are, this New World Order would be trashed in ten minutes!
That's right.
Can I ask you something?
There was a news blurb, it was a national news blurb on last night's news about the Patriot Act being unconstitutional.
Doesn't that protect the terrorists?
Of course you're being sarcastic, right?
No, it sounds like it's protecting the terrorists, that the terrorists have constitutional rights, that groups of people shouldn't be protected, that they deem terrorists, you know.
I hear you, I appreciate the call.
Look, what's happening with the courts is, the terrorist is the military-industrial complex.
They get the power, the control out of it, they have the motive, then you look at the evidence of who's done it, it's them.
But, uh,
This is a judge going after a very small provision in it, and they've had high federal courts say stuff's unconstitutional, and Bush just says, I don't care.
And this Supreme Court has been ruling on campaign financial reform, it's been ruling on all this stuff saying it's good.
Again, you're a so-called conservative court.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to
Jay in Colorado.
Go ahead, Jay.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to ask you about the November elections.
Really, like, who are you going to vote for?
Let's be honest.
There is no presidential election.
And I can prove that from multiple directions.
Everybody you're given a choice of is controlled.
It's the oldest scam in the book.
I control the choices in a certain paradigm and I give you a choice from within that controlled outcome.
You understand?
So it doesn't matter if it's Howard Dean, or John Kerry, he's skull and bones, or George W. Bush, or Bill Clinton, or Al Gore, or the Easter Bunny, it's all the same agenda.
Open borders, gun control, bigger government, Patriot Act, Homeland Security, loss of freedom.
And as soon as we realize it's a fraud, and realize it's control, then we can set about fixing it.
But as long as we stay in la-la land about how far down the rat hole we've gone, we're going nowhere.
I'll tell you where the fight is.
It's in the counties and the cities and the states.
And number one, you've got to stop the touchscreen electronic voting systems from going in that the feds are paying, forcing to be put in.
Nine states have said they're not putting it in for now.
The feds are trying to twist their arms.
They've caught them in fraud.
You've got to stop that.
You've got to get control of your counties, your cities.
You've got to educate the people.
I mean, look, the hour is late, my friend.
Go ahead.
I just mean like, I know, I'm aware of all that, blackboxvoting.com is really good on that and all that, but I'm saying November 2nd comes around, when it comes around.
Are you, do a write-in vote?
Don't vote at all?
I mean, what are you going to do?
Like, what should you do?
Well, number one, I refuse to walk into
The county here and vote on an electronic voting machine where there's no record, no paper ballot, no nothing.
My vote has been taken here in Austin.
There is no voting.
They've caught the county clerk running scams in 98, double counting ballot boxes, falsifying signatures, breaking safety seals.
Nothing happened to her.
And now we've got this touchscreen system and it's a complete joke and here in Austin I've got to protest and point out that we've got to get rid of these.
Like, boycott.
We've already fallen here.
Sir, we're falling right now.
It's all coming down right now.
Oh, I know.
That's what I mean.
We are two years away.
We are two years away, if not sooner, from 1984 on steroids.
Why do you think the government's so arrogant?
And they don't care if you catch them in lies.
If everybody's busy, then no one cares.
Like, not no one cares, but I mean... A lot of people care, but they say nobody cares and I can't do anything.
Right, unless I mean even when you vote you can't really vote because it's all... I'll tell you what you do in the United States that are not doing it, people are suing them saying you've taken my right, there's no paper ballot.
There's a bill in Congress to make them go back to paper ballots.
You've got power, you need to sue to stop the system going in or sue if it's in.
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Alright, let me cover news for a while, and then we'll get to
All the great folks that are patiently holding to briefly try to answer Jay's important question.
Who would I vote for if I still had a right to vote?
I mean, this has been the history of America.
You know, blacks and Indians couldn't vote.
Well, now it's back to that all of us can't vote once they put in the electronic systems.
They've caught them engaged in fraud in every state where they put it in.
Convicted felons running the elections for computer crimes.
I mean, it's over, folks.
The CIA publicly runs the big three voting companies.
I've done dozens of shows on this.
But if I had a right to vote, I would vote the Constitution Party, I would vote for the Libertarian Party candidates of my choice, but there is no election.
After all, sir, as Patrick Henry said, we have no election.
And the feds are planned by next year to have this in all 50 states and every county and city.
Nine states because, quote, of questions about problems of the machines have stopped it for now, but under federal law in two years, they have to put it in.
And that's the Voter Assistance Act.
They're helping you.
The feds are helping.
And folks, you know I don't get up here on the air and make claims that aren't documented.
You don't have a right to vote if you've got electronic voting machines.
And the League of Women Voters are arguing in Congress to block
A congressman's bill to demand a paper ballot.
Okay, use your computer, but a ballot and how you voted gets printed off according to number, not your name, but according to number, and put in a box for recounts.
Which then they have to go in and hand steal and scam and
You know, do all that.
Makes it harder for them.
This centralizes everything.
But no, our government's saying no paper ballots, no records, and the people that we've got that we trust to run the elections, the League of Women's Voters who's been caught stealing elections themselves in the past, we've got video of them in Florida doing it in the late 80s.
They don't want that!
In America you shouldn't have a record?
Don't be a conspiracy theorist!
No, we just have the top engineer at Diebold quitting, saying it's all a fraud.
We have major reporters getting into a meeting where the heads of four of the voting companies and others were meeting with the government talking about, don't let the public know this is racketeering.
We will deliver all the votes to George W. He will deliver all of them, and a lot of conservatives go, well I kinda like that then.
We don't need to vote no more, we'll just have George Bush forever.
We're in a lot of trouble.
And don't worry, the Democrats, this federal system, they'll control it when they're in office.
Al Gore was trying to steal the election, but he didn't have as much control of the states as Lord Bush did.
And Bush definitely did steal the election, so you had two different crime rings fighting with each other.
And what happened?
The Supreme Court appointed our first president.
Never happened before.
We now have our first appointed hereditary leader.
Kind of like Syria has Assad or North Korea has Kim Jong-il.
Not a good sign.
Oh man, there's so much here.
Let me cover this first.
Dean called for microchip ID card to use the internet after Howard Dean's unexpected defeat last week in Iowa.
Public attention is focused on his temper.
His character and his guttural tyrannosaurus bellow of the not-so-quite-a-concussion speech.
But Dean's views on America's private rights may be of a superior test of his fitness to be president.
Well, that's the case, and you shouldn't like Bush.
He's called for it.
Dean's current stand on privacy appears to leave little wiggle room as campaign platform pledges unwavering support for the constitutional principles of equality, liberty, and privacy.
But Dean went on to say, though, we must move to smaller, smarter license cards that carry some digital information that can be universally read at vital checkpoints.
Dean said in March 2002, according to a copyist for a pair of remarks, issuing such a card would have little effect on the privacy of Americans.
He went on with quotes saying you should have to swipe a card to use a computer, buy, sell.
Well, that's just standard platform.
I mean, you know, that's what they're putting in.
And of course, you'll get the same thing with John F. Kerry or E.O.
or N.W.
or any of them.
Three doctors dispute how Dr. David Kelly died.
This is a medical professionals and trauma orthopedic surgeon and specialist on anesthesiologists and diagnostic radiologists who do not think evidence given at the Hutton Inquiry has demonstrated that Dr. David Kelly committed suicide.
And here's another article out of the
Well, this is out of the evening standard.
Dr. David Kelly did not kill himself.
An American confederate, Dr. David Kelly, has cast doubt on whether his death was suicide.
Days before Lord Hutton's report into his death is published, Maya Pedersen claimed the government scientists received death threats because of his work in Iraq.
We reported this three months ago.
She said she was surprised that he had apparently taken 20 painkillers, which were undigested, before slashing his wrists in remote woodland, because he has an aversion to swallowing tablets.
Peterson, a United States Air Force translator who worked alongside Dr. David Kelly in Iraq, refused to give evidence to lower Dutton's inquiry.
But in a statement to police, she said Dr. David Kelly had told her he would never commit suicide and that he feared that he would be found dead in the woods.
Reported that,
Three or four months ago.
And there's these other scientists saying he was clearly murdered.
Just like Diana!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Thank you.
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That's HerbalHealer.com, your website for safe, effective natural alternatives and education.
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Look, I don't want to sit here and talk a hundred miles an hour, but the admitted, confirmed lying and criminal activity of the leaders of almost every government in the world
The concerted effort to build a cashless society control grid to tax us and regulate us and discriminate against us, and having what level of security clearance we've got on our driver's license, part of the national ID card, and everything we buy and sell tracked, and cameras in the school bathrooms and showers, and cameras in the rest stops, and this isn't freedom!
This is not America!
The country is run by criminally insane nutcases.
And by that, they're very intelligent, but they're on power trips.
And they've got horrible eugenics plans for you and your family.
One child policy worldwide.
Right here in the Western world, it's dying.
Our population's dying.
The old populations of Western Europe and the U.S.
Total regulation, total control, social services in all your lives, CPS in all your lives, banning homeschooling.
This is all being announced.
This is all being done.
And when you really talk to people about these facts, they're not for it, but they're not taking action.
And it's time you all do that.
Alright, let me just run through news and we'll go to
All these callers that are holding.
Again, part of the Patriot Act found to be unconstitutional, but we'll see what Bush does with that.
Republican lawmakers won't back Bush on immigration because of the heat they're getting.
That's some good news.
Illegal immigration to the U.S.
grew by nearly 70% in the last 12 years.
The number of Mexicans illegally entering the United States increased by 66% from 1990 to 2002.
The Mexican government report said Monday the study by the National Population Council found the number of Mexicans who cross the border illegally every year has grown to more than 1 million.
Of that number, only about a third achieve their goal of staying in the United States to work.
That's totally false numbers, folks.
In Cochise County alone each year, in Arizona, there's one million.
Thought you'd want to know about that.
Criminal aliens abound in the U.S.
The Washington Times.
About 80,000 illegal criminal aliens, including convicted murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and child molesters who served prison time and were released and loosed on the streets of America
Hiding from federal immigration authorities.
There hasn't been one raid in three months since Walmart got raided of any business.
Despite the creation of a new agency to hunt down criminal aliens, that's a fraud.
And the infusion of millions of dollars to get the job done, that's a fraud.
Many state and local police agencies who might contact with the aliens either never learn of their immigration status or never advise the federal government of their release.
Two months ago, Vicente Fox came to Austin and gave an award to the police chief for, quote, not following the federal law.
A foreign power, and it doesn't matter, Washington's doing it too.
According to figures from 2002 from the Foreign Immigration and Nationalization Service and the U.S.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement, more than 375,000 known illegal aliens have been ordered deported, but have disappeared pending immigration hearings.
Washington area sniper Lee Boyd Malvo was one such alien.
And it gets into the crimes they're committing.
They are a higher level of criminals than any other group, and they're almost invincible.
Remember the serial killer that killed, what was it, 14 women?
He was a Mexican illegal, riding the trains, killing people in all these different towns.
He got arrested all the time.
Always got released.
Chiefs of Police, Border Security, a sham organization claims lacks federal policies causing murder of cops.
The National Association of Chiefs of Police claims National Border Security is a sham.
And the lack of controls by the federal government is rewarding criminals.
Oh, really?
In a statement, Jim Corey, Vice President of the 14,000 member organization, slams the feds for using smoke and mirrors in our border security strategy.
He also indicates states issuing driver's licenses to illegals.
Even the President of the United States is prepared to reward lawbreakers, he said, referring to President Bush's proposal to legalize millions of illegal aliens in the U.S.
Border security is the weakest link in our anti-terrorism effort.
There isn't an anti-terrorism effort.
They're doing it, sir.
It's our Achilles' heel, said Corey, who claims billions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted on an immigration bureaucracy that does practically nothing to stop illegal alien traffic.
And, uh, I've got, uh, other articles here.
Border Patrol agents slam alien amnesty.
law enforcement on the front lines are speaking their minds about the President's immigration moves.
We had the President of the Border Patrol counsel on just a few days ago.
Let me hit some other news.
It's very important.
Then we'll go to your calls.
Just be patient, folks.
I already went over the CBC article.
It begins in the 1970s in Houston, Texas, when George W. Bush was just starting out in his family's two businesses of politics and oil.
The powerful and very rich Bin Laden family helped fund his first venture into oil.
The cozy friendship continued for decades after a terror attack at the barracks of Saudi Arabia, which killed 19 Americans.
The Bin Laden family received the multi-billion dollar contract to rebuild it.
And incredibly, George Bush Sr.
was in business meeting at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Washington on the morning of September 11th with one of some of Bin Laden's brothers.
And of course, they flew him out of the country that day as well.
Just thought I'd mention that again.
Continuing, this is out of the Financial Times of London.
Top 9-11 suspect was granted U.S.
visa, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, who they claim they captured and killed three separate times.
He's CIA, folks.
They've caught him capturing these people and quietly releasing them, and when they catch him, they go, oh, they were a CIA asset.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, alleged mastermind behind the September 11th plot, was granted a visa to enter the U.S.
just six weeks before the September 11th attacks in Washington and New York, according to new revelations from the Federal Commission whitewashing the attacks, I would add.
Mr. Mohammed, who had previously been indicated in the U.S.
for his alleged role in the earlier terrorist plot, was granted a visa through a U.S.
consulate in Saudi Arabia after applying under a false Saudi passport.
And we've had the former head of that embassy on to say that they were ordered by the CIA to let him in.
Gotta let the boys back in there.
That goes on and on too.
The FBI paid for their houses, their cars, their credit cards, their plane tickets.
They followed Al-Qaeda out to an Al-Qaeda summit in Malaysia where they were trying to stir up trouble there for the CIA.
Out of all this, they get more power, more control.
This is a very, very, very important story.
Global unemployment at record high, Associated Press.
More than 185 million people were jobless in 2003, as global unemployment levels hit record levels.
A United Nations report on Thursday revealed 185.9 million people, about 6.2 of the total labor force, were out of work.
The highest unemployment figure ever recorded.
There were, however, only a marginal increase on 2002 figure.
When 185.4 million were jobless.
And folks, let's take U.S.
They also do not count people who are off the unemployment rolls.
And Europe doesn't do that either.
So these numbers are much higher.
Let me hit this.
Two more stories and we'll go to your calls.
Walton family, world's wealthiest family.
This is from EIR, Executive Intelligence Review.
The Walton family, which founded and today controls Walmart, lives off blood money.
Operating jointly with the City of London, Wall Street bankers, Walmart's Walton family, built a fortune through decimating the U.S.
and world physical economies.
It has applied ferocious systems which, by driving wages and living standards ever lower, leave the level needed for existence and has sucked the lifeblood out of the population.
This, Walmart calls savings.
Through accumulating these genocidal savings, the Walton family made itself the world's wealthiest family.
Forbes Magazine places the worth of the family at greater than $100 billion.
No fortune by any other family in the world comes faintly close to that of the Waltons.
Though, through its use of fortune to expand Walmart, the Waltons have also extended into other destructive endeavors.
The Wall Street City of London financier oligarchs have financed and helped and in fact erected the development of Walmart since it was founded in 1962 by Sam Walton, the deceased patriarch of the Walton family.
Among the Walton family's evil ventures, the Waltons are using their enormous leverage to carefully construct a major banking empire under the tight Walton family control.
The principal bank is the Arkansas-based Arvist, owned by the Waltons, possessing $6.6 billion in assets.
It is already one of the 75 largest banks in America.
And as an adjunct to this, the Waltons would like to build a second banking network that will be under the ownership of the Walmart stores.
They're engaging in bankrolling of the neoconservative network, which is part of the Cheney system.
For example, John Walton, who was worth more than $20 billion himself, was the largest single individual contributor to the neocon governor, Jeb Bush, in the 2002 Florida gubernatorial race, forking over $325,000 at a point in the race when Jeb utterly needed the cash.
In addition to being the brother of the President, Jeb Bush is part of John Ashcroft's domestic fascist network, with heavy interface from drug-linked Cuban networks.
According to the 990 PF Tax Form, the Walton Family Foundation, the family's philanthropic arm, funds some of the leading neocon utopia organization centers, including the Heritage Foundation, the Hudson's Institute, and the Cheney Operations Base, et al.
Walton Family is the largest financial force in America.
In an effort to privatize the public school system through school vouchers, which would wreak public education, they would create a Walmart School Mart that would result in the same quality of cheapness associated with Walmart's store concept.
Okay, I don't agree with ERI on several points here.
Number one, the Rockefeller family dynasty in 1906 had over six billion dollars in liquid cash.
Six billion in today's numbers is over four trillion dollars.
The Rothschild family publicly owns over half of all of the Western world's central banks.
Estimated to be over 175 trillion dollars.
Bill Gates, the Waltons, they're all Johnny-come-lately mid-level elites, folks.
Their billions are nothing.
The U.S.
debt is $43 trillion now, according to the Dallas Morning News.
$43 trillion.
These are the type of numbers we're talking about with these people.
We're not... This is just a sick joke.
They own the universities, the banks, the roads.
That's what privatization is all about.
You know, they say vouchers will wreak havoc on schools.
No, it'll take public school money and take over the private schools and outlaw homeschooling.
That's the plan.
That's why vouchers are bad.
Walmart, from coast to coast, is involved in anti-terror drills where the citizens are told to report voluntarily for a prize and practice under police view of guns, taking jelly beans that symbolize the forced inoculations.
Walmart, at their center up in Fayetteville, has the FBI running their new Echelon hooked-up control grid.
Walmart owns, according to the Associated Press, 700 slave camps
In the BBC, 700 slave camps built onto prisons in China alone.
But how you can feel good when you can't find anything made in America in the store, because there's lots of American flags hanging around, form over substance.
Okay, let's go to calls, I'm gonna go back in the news.
Who's up first here?
Dana in Texas, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, this is Dana from Houston.
Welcome, Dana.
Hi, I was just calling to see if you had heard the story of the security guard out here in Freeport that was shot.
This man was taking pictures of a, let's see, the BASF chemical plant and the security guard went over to ask him what was going on and went to call for backup and the guy shot him in the shoulder.
The interesting part is this security guard now went on the news last night on Channel 2 and said that the FBI has come to him and asked him to change his story.
Uh, saying that they can see it in his eyes that he is actually wanting to tell somebody a different story and that he needs to get it off his chest, trying to say that he wasn't really shot.
Did he, uh, say he saw a white guy?
Actually, he said that he saw, he thinks he's, um, of Middle Eastern descent.
He said he was dark, he had a dark mustache, uh, was in a white truck.
No, I haven't seen that story, but there have been cases of firefighters and police shooting themselves, finding pipe bombs, and to be part of the new celebrity anti-terrorist system.
Right, well that's what I was wondering.
You see, in the first article, they say he was unarmed.
That came out on Saturday.
It happened Friday night.
On Saturday, they say he was unarmed, and then now they're saying that the FBI is suspecting that he shot himself.
Um, I was just wondering if you had heard of it, would you tell us about that?
I don't know.
It sounds a little fishy.
Well, I mean, I know they, the FBI killed some cops and people, uh, who, uh, said that there were bombs inside the building and it helped remove them.
They killed detectives and others, tortured the living daylights out of them.
Witnesses saw the FBI following them and the police had been threatened.
Uh, but, um, I don't know in this case because I don't have any of the, any of the details.
Yeah, I just wanted to get that out there.
I didn't know, you know, with Super Bowl weekend coming up and stuff, I didn't know.
It just sounded a little fishy to me that they were trying to get him to change his tune like that.
And I just wanted to bring it up.
All right.
Thank you for the call.
Interesting point.
I'll check into it.
Who's up next now?
Ruth in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
This relates coincidentally to your Click Shake Muhammad article that you just read.
I've been seeing a couple times on cable this month, and I watched it a couple times, a movie called The Long Kiss Goodnight.
It was made in 1996, and one and one half hour into this movie, it starts talking about 911 type scenarios that are exactly, and this was made in 1996, exactly like the real 911, right down to the number of people that will die.
It stars Geena Davis and Samuel Jackson, it talks about
Yeah, I've seen it.
And there's two ways to look at this.
Why did Rupert Murdoch, who's in business with Larry Silverstein, the owner, why did he make a show two months before 9-11 where a secret government group hijacks a jet by remote control that crashed into the World Trade Center to, quote, get martial law?
And that clip's in Masters of Terror, by the way.
Why did Phillips in 99 run a TV ad?
I have the AP article about it, I haven't seen the TV ad.
Where two F-16s bomb the World Trade Center, and then they say, Phillips, changing your world.
Why do they do this?
Why do they throw it in our face like this?
That's a question.
I have no idea.
It makes me wonder, too.
But this was in 96, and it even gives the number of the need for killing 4,000 people for the purpose to scare money out of Congress to fund CIA operations.
It talks about Islamic Patsies for these attacks.
Hey, why did PBS?
You know, put Silberstein up there bragging we blew the buildings up.
I mean, it's a practice of hanging it out there, in our face, and laughing at us.
The other thing I wanted to bring up to you that I thought was interesting, it's just a small point, but I was looking at a software advertisement that is advertising genealogy software, and they were giving examples of people of lineage, and they gave George Bush.
George Bush is in Colin Powell, our cousin.
No lie.
They go back to Longshanks, the cruel king in England, and one of Longshanks' descendants impregnated a slave in Jamaica, which is Colin Powell's great-grandmother, which only goes to show you how they keep it all in the family, because there's been a number of presidents in the United States, as you know, related to the Queen of England.
According to Reuters, the Bushes could go back to England and demand title lands.
They're that close to the royal family.
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We're good to go!
We have been working hard since 1988 to save the remnant.
That's HerbalHealer.com, your website for safe, effective natural alternatives and education.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, folks, we're back live.
I don't want to disagree with the last caller, but Longshanks was around hundreds of years before the British even started coming into the Americas, so Longshanks couldn't have had a child with a slave from Jamaica.
Now, are you saying that some of his descendants did?
I don't know about Colin Powell's genealogy.
I know about most presidents.
According to Reuters, Al Gore is related to the now kicked out, obviously, French royalty and British royalty.
But no one in U.S.
history has had more connections than the Bushes.
They, by the way, were Tories back during the war.
They were pro-British.
Even had to leave the country for a time.
Came back in in the 1830s as part of public British agents trying to overthrow the country.
Helped set up Skull and Bones at Yale.
And yeah, this is who we're dealing with.
British East India Company.
Corporate chieftains.
According to Reuters, they are very closely related cousins to Queen Elizabeth.
The Walkers and the Bushes.
They're not just not from Texas, they're not even from the U.S., folks.
They're pieces of filth.
Total gun-grabbing, open-border promoting, tax-and-spend, destroy America, neocons, so I hope you enjoy them.
I hope you enjoy the end of America, folks.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brad in Illinois.
Last caller.
Go ahead, Brad.
I just want to make a couple comments for Jay, who called earlier about the voting.
You should probably get a book called Vote Scam by the Collier Brothers.
Now that exposes how they scammed the old elections.
If this is totally centralized now, before Republicans and Democrats would fight over their regions, now it's going to be all centralized.
And he should also ask himself the question why would he want to volunteer to be part of their system by swearing that he's a United States citizen.
Go ask the county, his county clerk,
For a legal definition of a citizen of the United States or a United States citizen, see if they'll even give it to them.
Now I have a question for you, Alex.
Last week you were talking about the 9-11 Twin Towers.
Correct me if I'm wrong, please.
When they showed the pictures of the rubble of the Twin Towers, these two gigantic office buildings, did you or anybody else see all kinds of evidence of desks, chairs, computer terminals, computer screens, filing cabinets,
All the stuff that would normally be in big office buildings, did anybody see any of that in a pile of rubble?
Well, it was all blown into little pieces, but yes.
Well, I don't think you could, no.
I'm sorry, I've had people tell me that I don't agree with that.
Those buildings were both 110 stories tall.
There was tons, should have been tons of that stuff in there.
Sir, it was all coated with, it was all coated with the, are you saying that stuff wasn't in the building?
What I'm saying is that the pictures I've seen of the piles of rubble
You didn't see any evidence of any partial parts of the shared desk?
Well, that's because it was from hundreds of yards away.
FEMA would arrest you if you tried to take photos up close.
Well, that's what I mean, but you still couldn't see any.
Even when you blow them up, you don't see them there in the rubble.
You don't... Listen, I'm out of time.
You can call me back tomorrow and we can talk more about that when you see what you're getting at there.
A digital angel named John R. Block, the Board of Directors, former Secretary of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture under Reagan,
Ashcroft war, uh, war justified even without weapons of mass destruction.
And a lot more.
Before I end this hour, if you believe in what we're doing, you want to wake people up, you want riveting, powerful, influential films, I've made ten of them.
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3 are the newest.
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I wrote a book about 9-11.
Publish another book about government-sponsored terror.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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More great shows coming up.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
We will continue to chronicle the criminal activities of the global elite and the fight against these murdering trash.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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