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Name: 20040126_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 26, 2004
2447 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Another fresh week spans out before us.
On this Monday, the 26th day of the new year, 2004, I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
I was on a talk show in Delaware, on one of the big talk stations there last night, and talk show host Davis Lerman
I was playing clips off of the Laura Ingraham Show where they edited out the applause when Bush said the Patriot Act is set to expire.
Everybody clapped, and we played that clip here, or a lot of the folks in the Congress clapped.
And then strangely enough, when she aired it, and Sean Hannity here, Mr. Socialist aired it, they had edited that out, so we might be playing that in the next hour, just to reveal the level of crafting that we're facing.
And again, my job here on this show is to expose the Socialists, the neocons, the Communists, and their banker owners and masters, and to expose the globalist control grid being put in place.
The job of the big national neocon talk show host is to keep good conservatives in the dark about the reality of what's happening, so the agenda of total micromanagement and control can be put into place.
So much news today, I'm going to launch into it right now, and we're going to take your phone calls on these issues, or any news item you'd like to mention, any questions, any comments, if you disagree with me on some issue, you go to the head of the line.
Five GIs killed in Sui Triangle attacks over the weekend.
We'll get into that.
Saddam's weapons of mass destruction never existed, says American Chief Arms Inspector David Kaye, who was the big war hawk.
You saw him all over the shows saying how important this war was and how Saddam had the weapons.
Well, the last straw for him was seeing Bush in the State of the Union mention that he told him in a report that there were weapons of mass destruction, and he said, look, I never said that, it's a lie.
So this is one of their own little neocons turning on him.
Why is that happening?
Also, this is out of the Scotsman, very chilling, government advisor killing children with defects.
Now, we told you.
You like abortion?
Well, they're gonna kill you when you're old and sick.
You like abortion?
Well, it's going to be babies until two years of age.
That's what Princeton and Peter Singer and the Governor's Conference has been discussing, and worldwide it's happening.
A government advisor on genetics has sparked fury by suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with defects soon after they're born.
Oh, I've seen the globalist policy reports.
It's up to two years.
We'll be getting into that for you.
No weapons stockpiles in Iraq.
They knew it.
Day one.
Hey, forget what Paul O'Neill said.
Forget David Kaye.
I don't need them.
You know, last Friday this came out about the David Kaye saying that they lied about weapons of mass destruction.
And I got emails over the weekend.
Hey, why didn't you talk about this more?
Because I've talked about it two years before the war started, folks.
We had the PENAC documents.
When are you going to figure out that we only go off the admitted public record on this show?
Nothing we talk about is speculation!
Maybe 1% of the show out of 100%.
It's almost non-existent on this broadcast.
Kay asked why U.S.
thought Iraq had weapons of mass destruction, why he was told they did.
Democrats call for probe of Iraq weapons claims.
Well, wait, Bill Clinton says that Saddam did have them, and he's for Bush.
So's Hillary.
So, again, we'll get into that.
Saddam's weapons of mass destruction hidden in Syria, says Iraq's survey chief.
Yes, it's in Syria.
We've got to go into there.
And this and a lot more coming up, folks.
Just massive news day for you.
You do not want to miss this show.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I'm here live, folks.
And all the news we're about to cover is posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Today, there have been some new developments concerning the admitted, controlled demolition of WTC7, so I want to spend no more than about ten minutes on that later in the show, in the second hour.
I did a lot of radio interviews this weekend and played the clips on shows across the country, and a lot of listeners called in and said, well, what's the big deal if they blew up Building 7?
What's that mean?
Well, they told you that they didn't blow it up.
And we know they blew up 1, 2, and 7 on September 11th.
We've always known that from the eyewitness reports and the seismographs, but the government denied that, and then the owner of WTC7 and the entire complex, Larry Silverstein, went on national television and said they did blow it up, and this should be a big news item and people should be talking about it.
And, uh, how did they get explosives in Building 7 after it was on fire that afternoon and imploded perfectly?
It takes days, if not weeks, to do that.
To set them up properly.
In fact, routinely, when they have weeks to do a controlled demolition, uh, about one out of ten buildings that they rig do not come down.
They have to replant explosives and it's very dangerous because, uh, the technicians have to go back into the building.
I tell you, it's amazing.
So many people out there just cannot think.
They cannot think.
They cannot use their brains.
And I'm not trying to be elitist or sardonic here.
It scares me.
Because I'm just an average person, folks.
I'm just an average Joe who's read history, understands the human dynamic, understands what the power elite is up to.
I read their own documents.
They're so arrogant.
They've made public.
And I'm trying to save this country because I love my family.
And I don't want my children and my grandchildren growing up in a police state.
All right, let's go to the news and then we'll go to John and Forrest and others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us on air today.
We'll go to calls early in the show.
A helicopter went down this weekend and uh... last time I heard, I don't know how many were killed there.
Got this headline, five G.I.'
's killed in Sunni triangle attacks.
Associated Press, Iraq insurgents struck Saturday in the volatile Sunni triangle west of Baghdad, killing five U.S.
soldiers in separate bombings and narrowly missing an American convoy with a blast that killed four Iraqis and wounded about forty others north of the capital.
The bloody attacks occurred as U.N.
Experts began to study the possible return of UN international staff to play a key role in Iraq's transformation to democracy.
The thud of dissident explosions rumbled across the capital late Saturday, heightening the sense of insecurity that still prevails nine months after the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime.
By the way, they're going to fill Saddam's spider hole with concrete.
They don't want that being investigated, they don't want that being looked at, just like they blew up the wreckage of the World Trade Centers, just like they blew up the wreckage of Oklahoma City, just like they tore up the concrete structure at the Waco compound and buried it in a landfill under guard.
Always get rid of the evidence of their systems, their cover-ups, their crimes.
They're staged events.
But the UN has taken over Iraq.
And I told you that within a year of the takeover, the United Nations would be firmly ensconced as the bosses.
And we've got three months to see if my prediction comes true.
And it is coming true.
They're going to play the part of the good cop.
America now demonized.
We're allied is the bad cop.
But we're all owned by the same system.
And I'm very sad for our troops.
Saddam's weapons of mass destruction never existed, says Chief American Arms Inspector.
Now folks, this stinks to high heaven.
David Kaye was all over television before the war, during the war, after the war, saying Saddam does have weapons of mass destruction, we've got to attack him.
He was the big hawk, you know, the Chief American Inspector.
And uh... well then he is now saying that he was lied to and it wasn't true.
Now, Dr. David Kelly, who was also the former head of the Bioweapons Lab Bioport, he was also the chief British inspector.
He said he was lied to and that it was a fraud and then he was seen, according to the Times of London and other publications, with five guys in black uniforms standing around him.
As the police arrived, they disappeared and there was his body with the wrist slit and the undigested pills in his belly.
And uh, no blood at the scene.
So, uh, man, I wonder if David Kaye has taken out a large insurance policy.
A life insurance policy might be good for his family if he does that.
David Kaye, who stood down yesterday as the head of the Bush administration's hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, said that he did not believe that any stockpiles of such weapons ever existed.
Mr. Kaye, a former U.N.
inspector, said that most of what was going to be found in the hunt for Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction had already been uncovered.
Well, yeah, there's hundreds of declared sites.
There's chemical weapons from end to end in that country.
I have the video from when our troops went in in 91, and it's all U.S.
marked chemicals.
Well, not all of it, about 80% of it.
Some of it's Russian marked, but the really nasty stuff is U.S.
Sarin, VX, you name it.
And so that's the reality here, boys and girls.
This is the reality of what we're facing.
And the average American still has no idea of what's really going on.
Remember those 36 mustard gas mortars they dug up?
Turns out that wasn't true.
Well, yeah, you're not going to have people with no gloves on grabbing them and throwing them around.
I remember the inspectors, right before they went into Iraq, the inspectors would screw off the cap of a missile and stick their nose in it.
Here, let me see if this is a chemical weapon.
Here, let me stick my nose in it.
And these are people with doctorates in chemical and biological weapons.
People who worked for different governments on chemical and biological weapons programs.
Just like Dr. David Kelly was the head of Horton Down.
Well, then they sent him off to be the head British inspector.
Same thing with the U.S.
inspectors and the Belgium inspectors and the German and French inspectors.
They know what a chemical weapon is.
They don't just walk up and stick their nose in it.
They knew by looking at them they weren't chemical weapons, but they put it on the news.
Is this a chemical weapon?
And Sean Hannity would say, We found them!
We found them!
That lying neocon is still on the air saying they found mass graves.
Folks, that was a declared 1992 site that the U.N.
questioned the Iranians about.
They said, oh yeah, we send trucks there every month exchanging dead Iraqis for dead Iranians from the Iran-Iraq War.
That's why they shoved the boxes full of sand with skeletons in them.
They were dead bodies dug out of the sand from shallow graves in trench warfare.
I don't want to go back into all this.
It's just, it's just, they're still telling the same lies.
George Bush told you that this is not an amnesty, folks.
That's just a total lie!
It's the biggest amnesty ever!
So of course they're lying to you about everything else, and I don't want to hear, oh, but then you're for Howard Dean or John Kerry.
No, I'm not!
It doesn't matter.
They're all Yale trash.
They're all skull and bones.
My point here is we don't have a choice, and the government's grown at record levels.
20 plus percent in the last year, 40 plus percent in the last three years.
I better hurry.
I want to go to your calls.
Government advisor killing children with defects acceptable.
This is out of the Scotsman.
Government advisor on genetics has sparked fury over suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with defects soon after they're born.
John Harris, a member of the Human Genetics Commission, told a meeting at Westminster he did not see any distinction between aborting a fully grown unborn baby at 40 weeks and killing a child after it had been born.
Harris, who is a professor of bioethics at Manchester University, when you hear biometrics, that's the new word for eugenics, would not be drawn on which defects or problems might be used as grounds for ending a baby's life, or how old a child might be while it could still be destroyed.
Well, I happen to have the big Eugenics Society documents on this.
They want to kill babies up to two years.
And they've called old people, retarded children, anybody with defects, macro-subhuman
And other horrible terms.
That's Dr. Peter Singer, who spoke to the Governor's Conference two years ago.
I mean, this is the people they bring in to speak to them.
This is what's happening.
This is the reality.
And so you're for abortion.
Well, now you're going to have to be for this, I guess, because this is where it all leads.
We'll get more into that.
Sixty minutes, everybody was calling me yesterday, oh my goodness, did you see Sixty Minutes tonight?
It's so incredible.
They came out and said that our government is arming all these terrorist countries, oh my goodness.
Alex, this is a major breaking story.
We have a huge section at PrisonPlanet.com.
What's the title of it?
Arming our enemies?
Where they're giving nuclear reactors in North Korea, Israel's giving nuclear weapons parts to Iran, the US, the British are doing it.
I've got every publication you can imagine reporting this.
Do you know what the Halliburton scam was?
And Bill Clinton did this.
Again, Bill Clinton allows Rumsfeld to give reactors through ABB, the Swiss company he chaired.
The North Korea, Bill Clinton allows the missile transfers, or Alan Hughes, and all these big Republicans, you know, did the transferring, and we all focused on Bill Clinton, the evil traitor who allowed it.
And yes, he's an evil traitor.
And George Bush is protecting him now, blocking Barden Gate.
Well, because under the sanctions the last 12 years, no one was allowed to sell oil field equipment to Saddam, but Halliburton.
That's the U.N.
Well, you can only buy from our people.
See how this scam works?
This is an amazing scam.
But doing business with the enemy, we'll get to that when we get back, after some calls and 60 minutes.
Did it ever occur to you that when President Bush says, money is the lifeblood of terrorist operations, he's talking about your money and every other American's money?
And then they get into how it's the Fortune 500 who's arming Libya, Iran, Syria, Iraq, everybody else.
Well, of course they are!
It's just incredible.
You'll be right back.
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That's 1-800-656-4746 or visit www.nissan.com Alright my friends, coming up I'll get more into the British government's officials saying, hey we want to go ahead and kill babies too after they're born.
And New Jersey's legalized cloning past birth, then they can keep the human being alive and use it for body parts.
Again, late night horror movie, it's the new reality.
We'll get back into doing business with the enemy, how you're loving government, and corporations are arming all the supposed terrorists out there.
And we'll also get into some of the election news and how staged and phony it all is.
And Halliburton's been caught running a bunch of other scams, as usual.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Right now, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to John in New York, then Forrest, Wyatt, Michael, Elizabeth, and others.
John, you're on the air.
Thank you for taking my call.
I'd like to thank you for all you do and the forum that you provide for the callers to call in and discuss different issues.
Point of information, while I was listening to you when you were talking about the budget, George Bush Sr.'
's last budget in 1992 was $1.2 trillion, today it's $2.2 trillion plus all the stuff that's off-budget, so the cost to the federal government has doubled in about 11 years.
Well, and understand, this is the real numbers.
It only grew a little bit
Under Clinton, and most of that growth now has been in the last three years.
What is it?
44% increase in the last three years.
Oh, it's horrendous.
Forty-four percent.
And look, it's not, quote, conservative programs that are expanding.
It's Department of Education, UNESCO, Health and Human Services, that's CPS, folks.
It is everything bad.
And again, I'm liberal because I'm against open borders, I'm against gun control, I'm against abortion.
Well, I can't disagree with you at all.
I called in for two different things.
The first
There was an article in the Rochester New York Democrat and Chronicle dated Sunday the 25th in the A section.
The source is the Associated Press.
The title of the article is States Prime Database Sets Off an Alarm and this is a description of the matrix system that's being set up by the federal government
uh... the current members states involved
Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, New York State, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Utah.
That's the multi-state anti-terrorism exchange.
Let me read to you and to the people who are listening all the different things that are listed.
Let me just stop you.
A lot of our listeners drive along in cars, don't read the newspaper.
Every time you say there's a new matrix system, I get emails saying it doesn't exist.
That's a movie.
This is real, folks.
And by the way, all 50 states are in it.
It's been around for a decade.
When they say seven states are a part of it, that is not true.
They're all part of it.
This is the local level data mining of Echelon of the National Security Agency.
And all these names are meant to confuse us.
Total Information Awareness, TIPS, Matrix.
These are all just front names.
Go ahead.
This, again, my source is the Associated Press.
This is a list of the things that are listed in this article that are included in the information database.
Criminal and Correctional History.
Voter Vehicle, Pilot and Boat License and Registrations.
Federal and Local Weapons, Hunting and Professional Licenses.
Yeah, it's a gun registration program.
Voter Registration.
Digitalized Photos.
Property ownership, address, history, and utility records.
Divorce records, also has your financial bank accounts, your credit history, who your neighbors are, who your friends are.
Let me continue.
directory assistant, bankruptcies, and U.S.
domain names.
That's the stuff that it lists in the article.
I urge everybody to call their state legislators
And tell them that we want to get out of this.
I wrote a detailed article called DARPA Engineering the Beast System four months ago.
It details what this system really does.
I suggest everyone go read it.
And again, for those who don't believe it's called the Matrix System, I just feel sorry for you.
This is public, in your face.
I know you want to deny it.
Okay, fine.
The last thing I wanted to bring to your attention, Alec, was
There is a new video out called Painful Deceptions.
Have you heard or seen this video?
Yes, I carry the video at the 1-800 number on the website.
I urge everybody to get this because it dovetails very nicely with your 911 tape and it does a terrific job in explaining why
The buildings couldn't come down because of the fire.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, we carry it in DVD and VHS.
Painful Deceptions, $22.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are the toll-free number.
Or write to me.
We'll be back with more of your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, folks.
I want to get to all your calls, so have a question, a comment,
A statement, and then we're going to move on because I've got a ton of news and some guests and just so much info for you today.
Before we go back to the calls, a listener, John in New York, just mentioned Eric Huffschmid's video that accompanies his book, Painful Questions, is the book with hundreds of colored photos and diagrams and documents of how they brought down Tower 1, 2, and 7, which is now publicly admitted with 7.
The video is stunning.
And it's two hours long, $22 on DVD or VHS, and we have them in stock right now.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
We also have 9-11 Road to Tyranny, my film about September 11th, Part 2 of that, Masters of Terror.
We're good to go.
And so much more.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, where I snuck into the secret occult compound in Northern California.
That's now been on national television, by the way.
It aired again two weeks ago on the TRIO Network, my infiltration of the satanic coven up there, where most of the Christian conservative leaders go.
They're really Satanist.
I don't care how crazy that sounds.
It's been in the Washington Times.
You need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
See the ritual for yourself.
One of the rituals, there's many, I just caught one on tape.
I was inside four and a half hours.
The films are all over two hours long.
My videos are $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
Now there's my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
It's excellent as well.
My book's $12, Watson's $19.95.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift when you buy one of Order Out of Chaos.
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Toll-free number to order 1-888-253-3139.
When you get my videos, you're authorized, I want you to make copies of them, to put them on AXS TV, to get them out to opinion makers, your neighbors, and your community.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action, get the films, wake people up.
Folks are very open-minded now.
They see the pieces.
We've got to help put the pieces together for them.
Okay, let's quickly go to these calls.
Forrest in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Alex, John was right.
They're pulling the net up around us.
You're right, too.
We went to Washington, D.C.
to the Bush, I mean the March for Life rally.
And we were dropped off at Constitution and the Vietnam War Memorial.
Well, Regina had made a sign.
She wanted to put it together.
So we put the stick in the sign and proceeded to walk past the War Memorial up to the Lincoln Memorial.
We were about 500 feet away.
We wanted to take a picture.
Well, the security guard came up and told us we couldn't bring a sign onto this property, onto this section of land.
Well, I asked him why not.
He said, this is sacred ground.
I said, these men died and bled so that my wife
Who would carry this sign onto this property.
You can take it up with me, or I'll call the Park Police.
Well, that disturbed me a lot.
And all of a sudden this picture of Police State 2 flashed into my mind.
I saw policemen standing there just doing their job.
So I told him what came to mind.
It was amazing how your videos and other people's videos just give you building blocks upon which to speak with people.
And I told him, well, that's what the Nazis said when they were taking the prisoners to the camps.
When we proceeded to leave that area quickly and shake the dust off of our feet, we moved to the rally.
I thought it was at the Washington Monument, but the Washington Monument's been cordoned off.
You can't get to within 400 yards of the Washington Monument.
So it was between the Washington Monument and the White House.
There were a lot of good people there, and the Children of God for Life stood up at the end and said loudly, the idea of vaccines containing fetal tissue will not be forgotten.
I thought that was one of the best attaboys.
What do you think about the British government, their big eugenics head, saying, hey, we need to kill babies after they're born?
Well, Regina's sign, and I wanted to tell you that.
Her sign said, uh, President Bush rejoining UNESCO equals increase in infanticides and perversions.
And there was no mention of that, uh, uh, that comment.
There was just, it was all pro-Bush, pro-Republican, and I'm not saying these are bad people, but I'm saying this is, this is swinging into an area where we have to, we have to look at this British man
And we have to understand, and we have to educate the Christians and the Catholics.
Not that there's any difference, but we have to educate them on what you're saying.
Alright, well thanks for the call, Forrest.
Three weeks ago, federal court in North Carolina ruled that you can have hundreds of pro-Bush supporters on a public sidewalk with signs that say, I love Bush, and if one person walks up with a sign saying, no blood for oil, you can be arrested and federally charged.
You have to go to a free speech zone, a baseball field a half mile, two miles away, with no media, and the media is not allowed to go to the location you're at.
Federal court ruling, no First Amendment.
And it's going to happen to pro-lifers, it's going to happen to liberals, it's going to happen to all of us.
This is the new America.
Wyatt in Maryland.
Wyatt, go ahead.
A while back PBS had a special, I think it was around the Memorial of 9-11,
They had a special about the construction of the World Trade Center from its inception.
Prior to its inception, from what the ground used to look like, it was like closed up dockyards and basically turned into slums.
And the Rockefellers are the ones that put the whole idea together to build this World Trade Center.
So it was the Rockefeller money who actually put the land, the buildings, the funding, everything together.
The Rockefellers held the note
On the Port Authority construction of the complex and they made the money off of it.
They sold it to Silverstein right before 9-11.
He took out his insurance policies and the rest is history.
And as I talk about a lot, when we hear very much about the Rockefeller participation in that, of course we know that they're globalist.
And since it was the World Trade Center, they're the ones that told it.
And the only buildings that collapsed were everything apart of that World Trade Center complex.
That was it.
Nothing else collapsed.
So what they did, they destroyed their entire... Yeah, there were buildings owned by other people closer to 1 and 2, but then one across the street, building 7, touches on fire later and then implodes, and now the owner says that they blew it up.
And this is just calmly announced.
What do you think of this big Larry Silverstein story?
Oh, well, you would have to be a complete dimwit
Not to be able to put the pieces together.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist or a brain surgeon to figure this out.
I mean, the average American can figure how this all went down without any complexity involved.
But of course, the government or the officials can always say it's a conspiracy.
They can use the word conspiracy against the citizens of the United States at will, but when we use conspiracy,
It's something that's a UFO tactic.
But this is admitted in plain public view that Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft, that it caught fire later that afternoon and collapsed at 435 Eastern Time, and the owner of it, Silver Stingets, on PBS and says, we made the decision to blow it up.
Well, I agree.
The mass media that put out the propaganda
Well I want to know this.
Any news reporter out there can go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com, look at all the evidence.
There's no debating it.
They blew up Building 7.
How'd they get the explosives in if they made the decision while it was on fire?
Why hasn't it been a bigger news item that they did demolish it?
This is hidden in plain view.
Everybody should contact local news reporters, radio hosts, you name it, and tell them, hey, go investigate this, because if anybody investigates this, it's totally clear what happened.
Thanks for the call.
Sure, go ahead.
A caller about two weeks ago called in and said that he had to disagree with you, that you were putting out false information.
uh... he said that a friend of his was at the fire at the pentagon and said he saw, in this quote, he's doing third party now, he said my friend told me he saw the tail section with American Airlines.
Remember that?
Do you remember that, Carl?
Uh, yes.
Okay, well it was a United plane that hit that building.
It wasn't American Airlines.
Well, look, I mean... But you know, it's just a bad thing that they do that to you.
Thanks a lot.
I appreciate the call, Wyatt.
Let's go ahead and talk to Michael in Washington.
Michael, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing?
Fine, sir.
Hey, I checked out some more of Silverstein's stuff.
Do you know about his lawsuits?
With Harry Miller?
Yeah, why don't you go over it for folks?
Okay, well, I sent him to you, but Harry P. Miller was a Vietnam vet.
I don't know if he's still alive, but he's 70 years old now.
The Vietnam vet and Harry Miller in 1989 sued Larry Silverstein because he owns a strip club in New York called Runaway 69.
In his suit, Harry Miller, the plaintiff, he filed $49 million in damages against Larry Silverstein, the alleged owner of Runaway 69, a Queens dance club.
WNBC-TV, Channel 4, Television Station, the City of New York, Residents Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon, Ross Perot, John Vesey, and General Colin Powell.
The gravamen of Miller's complaint is that the named defendants committed or aided others in committing illegal acts, including assassinations over a 25-year period, beginning amidst the Vietnam War, in furtherance of a conspiracy to distribute Laotian heroin,
He also asserted that the defendants are still engaged in heroin trafficking today, and that Goldfingers International, a business that supplies nude dancers to nude dance clubs, is laundering the proceeds of the conspiracies through Runaway 69.
I saw that article, but again, I can't confirm that, so I don't really get into it.
But I mean, we know about BCCI.
I mean, when you talk about heroin, drug dealing,
I mean, you get into the CIA and the people running the White House.
I mean, look, the CIA didn't start dealing drugs.
Those that were drug dealers founded the CIA.
That's admitted mainstream.
I mean, opium money of the British East India Company founded Skull and Bones.
Now, that's MSNBC.
And it's the same crowd we're dealing with today.
Well, it took ten years for the case to be dismissed.
I mean, he appealed it and everything, but it was dismissed as frivolous.
I've seen the lawsuit.
Gives me the indication that Silverstein is pretty well connected.
Well, Silverstein is very well connected.
I mean, we're not saying Silverstein brought down the towers and the whole thing was just to get the insurance money.
That's just a side issue caveat.
Yeah, but he admitted to pulling it.
Thanks for the call, Michael.
Let's talk to Elizabeth in Maryland.
Elizabeth, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just have two points.
Thank you so much, especially for holding the line on sanctity of life
Protecting the weak and the vulnerable and those who can't protect themselves.
And I urge your listeners to pray to hold this line.
Now in this country and in England, they're saying we want to kill babies after they're born.
That's just terrible.
So I guess you know I'm evil because I'm against that now, so.
And the cloning in New Jersey that you reported, I hope there are many people who are really, really shocked by that.
And the other point, I want to tell you a success story for the Big Berkey.
Uh, we ordered one at Christmas, but we haven't been able to use it yet, and I gave one to a neighbor who's had some health problems, both she and her husband, and I had noticed how rough her skin always looked.
And so she's been using it for two weeks and she decided to wait and tell me after she gave it a good trial.
And I looked at her and I thought, my goodness, your skin is so smooth.
You look so much better.
And she says, we're drinking so much water now and it tastes wonderful.
And this is the funny part.
She said their dog even wants to drink more water.
I don't know how your water is in your area of Maryland.
It's not good.
But in Houston it tastes like kerosene.
And I don't know how anybody can drink it there, but now that I've been drinking filtered water for five years, I can't drink tap water.
And bottled water, which they admit isn't very clean, tastes like garbage to me.
Folks, your body is 70% water, and this is one of the biggest areas we're being poisoned, and it's a simple way to take control of your life.
And absolutely, thanks for that plug, Elizabeth.
You're welcome.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Let's talk to Dave in Maine.
Dave, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I have a couple things for you today.
First off, I was listening to Neil Conlimbaugh last week, and he did some pretty interesting mind games with his listeners.
What he did was he said, I'm not going to talk about the Democrats' response to Bush's State of the Union, so I'll just sum it up for you in 90 seconds.
And what he did was he went down
Through a bunch of the traditional Democrat maxims, such as global warming, tree huggers, and he was giving quotes of what a Democrat would say, and every now and then he would slip in a thing like
Halliburton oil is evil.
Halliburton wanted all the contracts.
The Gulf War was all over oil.
There are no weapons of mass destruction.
And the way he wove it together... Yeah, they vulcanized it where you're a liberal if you don't like lying, phony wars.
When the most conservative member of Congress was against the war and brought out the PENAC documents before the war, Ron Paul, and said, look, they say Saddam's not a threat.
They say it's about oil.
That's not Alex Jones or Ron Paul saying it.
It's Dick Cheney!
Right, but it comes across as anybody who says it is a dumb liberal.
Now the second thing I have for you is I was reading through a Terms and Conditions of the Capital One Credit Card Offer, and you and I both... That says Patriot Act One.
No, no, this is even worse than that.
You and I and most of the listeners know that all money is created from nothing and it's all counterfeited at the time of the loan.
And some people have been countersuing for that fact
The credit card company or bank never actually suffered any damages at the loan because they accepted a promissory note.
Yes, fiat.
Well, what they've done in this new condition that they have for their Capital One credit card is, it says, quote, I understand that the customer agreement contains an arbitration provision that may limit my legal rights, including my right to go to court, to have a jury trial, and to participate in class action.
And it goes on to say, I'll receive the Capital One Customer Agreement and bound by its terms in all future revisions.
So they left it pretty open-ended right there after they said, you can't, you've agreed to no court, no jury trial, no nothing.
And we're going to do what we want.
Well, when you get a bank account, they have you sign that now.
And that's how the IRS grabs your account with no charges or no trial.
Well, I'll tell you what, I'm getting sick and tired of this.
So I purchased some time on a local AM station up here.
I started teaching about debt money and driver's license and all that in a half hour show and I'm running your 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny commercials right on there in the commercial breaks.
Well that's awesome!
What station are you on?
We're on AM 1390 WEGP in Presque Isle and I'm trying to get you on.
And where are you on?
Presque Isle, Maine.
When are you on?
7 o'clock.
7 o'clock when?
Thursday night.
We'll be back with more calls, more news.
Stay with us.
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You know, it's not debatable that Halliburton double charged on fuel in the Pentagon.
It's not debatable that they've been given most of the contracts with no bids.
It's not debatable that Dick Cheney has his big account that's managed by his money manager so he's not involved in Halliburton decisions.
Give me a break!
They're the White House not allowing any bids and giving it all to Halliburton.
And again, they say you're a liberal and you talk about this.
It's just mindless left-right garbage.
Now when the Democrats get in on this,
In a year, or in four years, whenever that happens.
They're going to be, while they're running scams for the globalists, it'll be, oh, it's just those right-wingers saying it.
You see how the left-right system shuts down the thinking process?
They're all together!
Bill Clinton was giving reactors in North Korea for Rumsfeld!
So, that's coming up, and of course, more of your calls.
I'm going to go over this doing business with the enemy, this 60 minutes whitewash everybody thinks was so incredible last night.
More on David Kaye saying there's no weapons of mass destruction.
Kucinich, Iraq policy will lead the draft.
That's what Ron Paul is saying as well.
The word in Congress.
And a lot more.
Also, Bush's approval rating drops massively.
Only 52% of voters that are not going to vote for Bush, so be afraid, be very afraid, and look for more terror attacks so we can love our gracious leader again and accept their police state agenda.
But do you realize how evil the matrix system is?
That's local police and businesses collecting all data on you and putting it into the NSA.
Tracking and tracing everything you do with no 4th Amendment or 5th Amendment.
I mean, it's just so un-American, and it's all right out in plain view, hidden in plain view.
Richard in Florida, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
Concerning the grand jury situation, I spoke to you last week, but I didn't want to change the subject, so I want to get into more detail.
You know, I had ambitious plans, I was very enthusiastic, but, you know, so far,
It's been a big disappointment for me.
I mean, there are roadblocks everywhere.
My hands are tied.
I saw Red Beckman's video over the internet and it appears to be a very noble cause, but I don't know how realistic it is.
Okay, for folks that just joined us and don't know about our past conversations, Richard, you're now on a grand jury.
And grand jurors are supposed to run the proceedings themselves.
But just like everything else, they've usurped that voting box.
You vote in the jury box, the grand jury box.
You vote in elections.
There's the soap box as well.
They're trying to take that now with these protest zones and free speech zones and the rest of it.
And so you're now running in a red box.
That's exactly
What we're talking about, the power of the grand jury was able to make Bill Clinton testify about his perjury back in the late nineties.
But grand juries have become creatures of the prosecutors, and they tell you what to do.
And you're saying you've seen that happen.
You need to educate the other grand jurors.
Yeah, it's been a very big disappointment.
I mean, the joke that grand juries are nothing but rubber stamps
That can even indict a ham sandwich is very true.
I mean, I've preached or I'm blue in the face.
I mean, it's like, you know, people, you know, I haven't been able to get them out of the matrix.
And it's like, I don't know, they don't care.
But, you know, I would take that, you know, as far as we cannot have a, you know, we're a rubber stamp, I would tolerate that.
But where it really crosses the line with me is the fact that I can't play often.
And you know, because I had some ambitious plans to go after some big guys.
And I've been told, you cannot make your own investigation.
And that's totally false.
The grand jury is supposed to do investigations.
And I need some help, Alex.
I don't... What do I do?
I mean, where could... Is there anything I... It's a hard fight against tyranny, but we can't give up.
Richard, I would...
Get you in contact with Red Beckman.
Tell you what, I'll put you on hold.
I'll get your number.
I'll try to get you Red Beckman's number.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into the second hour, more air calls, a ton of news, and a guest coming up.
Alex Jones here, folks.
Websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
You know, what do you do when you go into a federal court and the judge says you can't protest on a public street but people who support the government can?
What do you do when a federal judge says you cannot bring up the Constitution or read any of the Bill of Rights as your defense?
You can't read the law!
I will instruct the jury to convict you!
They can't see the law!
You can't read the law.
What do you do when the grand juries are told to shut up and not ask questions and not call witnesses?
Happened with Oklahoma City.
Major cover up there.
We've had one of the chief grand jurors on the show.
Hoppy Heidelberg.
Well, you educate people about the illegitimacy of the system.
What do you do about the electronic voting machines that are publicly running scams and stealing elections run by the CIA?
Well, you educate enough people and you have a recall election that's run by paper ballot.
There is so much that is happening that's bad, but at least people are waking up to the atmosphere we're now in.
Folks, David Kaye, who stood down yesterday as head of the Bush administration's hunt for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, said that he did not believe that there are any stockpiles of such weapons ever existed.
This is the guy who ran around on television saying he knew that they existed.
Now he's saying he was lied to.
We can get into that issue.
Also, government advisor killing children with defects acceptable.
This out of the Scotsman.
The government advisor on genetics has sparked fury over suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with defects after birth.
And that's up to two years.
So now kill babies out of the womb.
How are you going to say it's not a human being?
Well, they'll just say, okay, it's a human being.
We're going to kill him.
Also, 60 Minutes last night talked about doing business with the enemy and our own government's arming all the enemies and that's standard operating procedure.
That and a lot more.
A bunch of Halliburton scams, some election news.
It's all coming up.
Right now, let's go to Phyllis in Missouri.
Phyllis, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I have a problem that maybe you could solve.
My husband believes that the NRA is doing great things
And he is signing up.
Well, does your husband wonder why the NRA, when he gets their magazine, America's First Freedom, he won't hear anything about Bush to re-sign the assault weapons ban this year.
And I guess you should go to my website and type into the search engine NRA lawyer calls for registering all guns and the actual court record of three months ago will pop up in federal court a case they threw on purpose in DC where the NRA lawyer says we are for registering all handguns we believe all guns excuse me no one should be able to leave their house with their guns
That's their pro-Second Amendment argument.
They're there as loyal opposition to con gun owners and to not creating real gun organizations.
Yeah, well, it sounds real good, you know.
And they were sending the magazines, even though we weren't members, you know.
And he started reading them and he thinks they're just really doing good.
I'm going to look up on your site and I'm going to make a copy of this NRA lawyer
I think this will open his eyes up.
Yeah, I mean, tell him to join Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, or Gun Owners of America.
The NRA won't even put out alerts on real gun legislation.
They just talk about, we love the Second Amendment, and boy it's important, and boy we love Republicans, and everything's good, while we're losing the Second Amendment.
They're there to pacify.
I will tell him.
Thank you much.
You bet.
Yeah, they're wolves in sheep's clothing.
And I don't mean the members.
I mean the leadership.
I mean, we've had the former, one of the former board members of the NRA on, Neil Knox, to talk about the scamming that goes on.
It's not a secret.
There's 160 million gun owners.
If we wanted our guns back, our Second Amendment back, there's nothing that could stop us.
But we're pacified by the NRA, Judas Iscariot.
Let's face facts, shall we?
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
We use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
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You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
Dick and Bill and Moses and many others that are patiently holding your calls are coming up here shortly.
I will get back into the 60 Minutes White Wife last night that people think is so hardcore.
Doing business with the enemy and they're getting into U.S.
companies and the Bushes arming all the terror groups.
Also, we'll get back into David Kaye saying, yeah, there never were weapons of mass destruction.
I was lied to.
A bunch of new Halliburton scams coming out and much more.
But I've done over 1,300 radio interviews in the last 27-28 months since September 11th.
I did 4 interviews yesterday, 6 hours of it.
I was on WLW, you name it, and I'm not bragging.
Ooh, I'm on radio stations.
I wish I could go on the air like Peter Jennings and reach 25 million people at a swing.
Instead, I go around beating my brains out, station by station, reaching folks.
I was also on another big blowtorch covering the tri-state area, based in Delaware, WGMD 92.7, with Davis Lerman, who is also a local professor.
And I was amazed.
I mean, this guy really knows what he's talking about.
He's doing a great job.
And it was a great interview.
And he had so many wonderful clips he was airing that were illustrating what we were talking about.
We were talking about the government blowing up Building 7 and a lot more.
And we pointed out a lot of inconsistencies, outright carnival show scams that were run during the State of the Union of last Tuesday.
The El Presidente, you know, it was all scripted who the news cameras would cut to.
The news cameras would cut to somebody when they talked about health care, the Surgeon General.
They talked about the Navy.
They'd cut to the head of the Navy.
Talked about the Pentagon.
They'd cut to the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
But then when they talked about the Patriot Act, they cut to the New England Patriots quarterback.
They cut to him as if football has something to do with the Patriot Act.
So that was, you know, outright scripting and basic, by association, mind control going on.
But listeners pointed out, and I went back and watched the tape, it's true, that when Bush said, hey, you know, the Patriot Act's set to expire before you finish a statement, you know, we must reinstate it, there was a big round of applause.
And we aired that clip here on the show.
But Mr. Lerman,
Working at WGMD that carries some of the local national establishment shows like Laura Ingraham and others.
He also recorded Sean Hannity doing the same thing.
Notice that they would play the other applauses, but when it came to Bush being interrupted by the claps for getting rid of the Patriot Act, which is wonderful by the way, they edited that out.
And this is on two separate shows.
So, Davis Lerman, I really appreciate you coming on the show, and certainly Delaware and Virginia and Maryland are blessed to have a guy like you on a big blowtorch station telling the truth.
Good to have you on the show.
I'm glad to be with you, Alex.
Let's discuss the sound clips that we're going to be presenting in order.
It's very interesting how you mentioned thought control, mind control really, and I think the ultimate kind of thought control is when people are essentially self-editing or self-redacting.
It's amazing that unless all of these neocon talk show hosts who are cut from the same mold, unless they're all getting some kind of memo,
Uh, which is highly doubtful.
Uh, actually they do.
Oh, do they really?
Uh, yeah, I've talked to people inside who work at Clear Channel and uh, yes sir, they do.
Oh, that's amazing.
I'm sure their memo went out then to uh, begin redacting portions of uh, Bush's speech that didn't flatter him.
Well, what happens is, is Clear Channel and their other subsidiary providers, they have uh, uh, people that put together the playlist loaded into the computer for all their hosts, and so it's automatically edited for them.
Oh, well therein lies the reason why all these people have the same soundbites.
Well, of course, it's centralization.
But, Davis, go ahead.
Alright, well, I'm going to start with a portion that was not transferred via email to you guys, and you know how this starts.
This is a portion of the President's State of the Union Address, and this is a live analysis done by one Michael Savage, another establishment tool, although I admit he talks a better game than others.
Let's go ahead.
Here we go.
Before the war began, we must continue to give our homeland security and law enforcement personnel every tool they need to defend us.
Okay, so it starts like that.
The cuts you have, Alex, they pick up right from that point.
Let's go ahead and play.
Now let's point out, Savage actually played the real unedited clip.
By the way, he's not out of a Clair Channel studio.
That's why.
Yes, and he is talking
Mind you, in between the President's statements, throughout the applause, so occasionally you'll hear what appears to be some kind of cut out or... You'll hear Mr. put anybody in a concentration camp that doesn't agree with the government.
Yeah, that's him.
And anyone who disagrees with the Patriot Act, you'll hear Michael Savage himself say that they're some kind of evil Democrat.
And one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act.
Which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their sales, and to seize their assets.
For years, we have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers.
If these methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting terrorists.
He's 100% right on that.
And a liberal enemy wants to undo the Patriot Act.
Now you see that?
You're a liberal enemy, Alex, don't you know, if you don't like the fact that the Patriot Act... Now let's go over the reality.
Nobody in this country is a bigger drug dealer than the Bush family.
They have mainstream news, hundreds of them going back decades, and opium, cocaine, CIA, Afghanistan, all of it.
And, you know, it's true.
They've been grabbing old ladies' purses.
With $3,000 in them and grabbing people's money in houses with no drugs found.
And they have been violating the Constitution.
Now this federalizes it further.
Brings the control in for any misdemeanor.
So that's actually a true statement.
Go ahead.
Alright, well we also have, but did you hear the, besides, I mean more shocking than Savage's commentary is of course the President's total intellectual dishonesty at every level, standing there before the American people telling them that something's already been illegal, but more laws about the same illegal stuff is somehow going to help.
It's ridiculous at every level.
And then to top it all off, we've got
People that will applaud the commentary of Michael Savage.
You must be completely mind-numbed that this guy is stating, this well-educated man, admittedly, is stating that you are an evil liberal Democrat.
You know, you're bad news.
You're far left if you dislike the Patriot Act.
You know, like Don Paul and Bob Barr, and now they're using the Patriot Act to go after Pumpkinhead, Limbaugh.
Now they're using it on topless bars, county commissioners, pot dealers, and going, hey, you're all terrorists.
Continue with the clips, because I want to air the edited clips.
Oh yeah, that's interesting.
Because they're all involved in something illicit.
The provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
The terrorist threat...
Hold on, Davis.
We're going to re-air that again in a second.
That's even worse.
We're all involved in something illicit because we don't want to give up the Bill of Rights.
We don't want the Matrix System taking a record of what we
Buy and sell.
By the way, in Austin, Half Price Bookstore now, in a big ledger, I called them, they admitted this, I kept getting calls about it, they write down what you're buying, what you're selling, and put it in a big law enforcement book that's owned by the APD.
When you go in there to sell them books now, they put it under the new Patriot Act.
Folks, this is just unbelievable.
So go back, play that again, because I want folks to hear this,
Play that again, because we've got, we've got, when he says it's set to expire, people clap.
Go ahead.
Yeah, there's such applause, the man can barely continue.
And one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act, which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their sales, and to seize their assets.
For years, we have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers.
If these methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting terrorists.
See, he's 100% right on that.
And the liberal enemy wants to undo the Patriot Act.
Because they're all involved in something illicit.
The provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
Here it is.
The terrorist threat.
Liberal Democratic.
The terrorist threat.
Now, you see, Ben Savage went on to call anyone who disagrees with the Patriot Act or thinks that it violates the Constitution of the law.
At least he admits they were clapping.
What's this next clip?
Now, the next clip is Laura Ingraham, which is post-analysis because she was on the following morning
And then from Lori Ingraham, we had also Sean Hannity that following afternoon.
So Savage was the only major market nationally syndicated host that was on live.
The rest of them in post-analysis the next day were airing these post-produced edited, you know, where the applause that made Bush look bad was all redacted.
Go ahead and hit one of those clips before we go to break.
Go ahead and hit that section.
The terrorist threat will not expire on that schedule.
And that's the end of the first clip.
That's right.
Now here we go to Lori Ingram.
The provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
The terrorist threat will not expire on that schedule.
Did you hear that?
The provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
No applause.
The terrorist threat... Did you hear that?
...will not expire on that schedule.
And you even got the clip with her voice on it.
We'll air that.
And we'll be right back, folks.
And Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity here.
Oh, I guess the open border's okay.
I didn't really like it, but hey, who you gonna vote for?
Sean Hannity, Sean Hannity here.
Alex Jones here defending the Second Amendment, defending the borders, standing against the socialists and the neocontrojan horses with our guest Davis Lerman of WGMD 92.7 FM covering the tri-state area.
We'll be back, we'll play the rest of these clips, then we'll take your calls and have Mr. Lerman with us for the rest of the hour covering other news.
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Folks, that's a big deal to have multiple national shows editing out
Congress having a big round of applause when Bush says that the Patriot Act is set to repeal in 05.
By the way, it's not set to repeal in 05.
There's a bunch of provisions about, you know, loving your neighbor and happiness and loving Arabs.
I mean, it really, they really have provisions like that.
Those expire, but Section 213, 215, 802,
I think it's about, what, 16 different provisions.
All the key meat of Patriot Act 1 is not set to expire.
And Bush says, well, don't let it expire.
Well, Patriot Act 2 was a duplicate of Patriot Act 1 with more stuff added.
So they're like laying in, you know, the same laws and different pieces of legislation.
It's like firing multiple torpedoes at a ship you want to sink.
The Republic's the ship.
That's what they're doing.
These loaded phone lines are coming up.
We're going to do a whole host of issues with our guest, Davis Weirman, again on Alex Jones.
Do you want to air the clips, Davis, where we hear Ingram babbling so we know this is on her show, on the record?
Yeah, in fact, we can tell it's on her show because not only does she babble immediately following the President's statements, but in the middle of his statements, she adds a sound effect, what she calls a dramatic stinger.
I guess to mock what it is people would find shocking about the President's statement.
So, let's hear that now.
Manufacturing Consumption One of those essential tools is the Patriot Act, which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their sales, and to seize their assets.
For years, we have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers.
If these methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting terrorists.
He's 100% right on that.
And the liberal enemy wants to undo the Patriot Act.
Let's play Track 4.
Yeah, let's play Track 4.
Key provisions of the Patriot Act... Key provisions of the Patriot Act... You guys have it.
That's the one.
Okay, go ahead with track four, guys.
The provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
The terrorist threat will not expire on that schedule.
Our law enforcement needs this vital legislation to protect our citizens.
You need to renew the Patriot Act.
It's on the up against the terrorists who started this war.
They were just so...
Anyway, that's her.
So, we started the Savage clip, we went to say four, so we aired the next clip where you hear him not stop for eight, nine seconds while they applaud that it's going to be repealed, and then just keep it going in one big piece.
Oh yeah, again, the applause that does not flatter, you know, their
Their man, Bush, they've redacted it.
Well there's precedent for this.
He told the House of Commons, I will not speak to you unless you promise to not laugh at me.
You must clap.
That's the Associated Press.
Then he was going to speak to the EU Parliament.
And they would not sign letters agreeing to clap and not boo, so he didn't show up there.
I mean, no one's ever done that.
When he went into some African countries, they had thousands of homeless people arrested, their homes bulldozed, their shacks on the main road from the airport, so Bush
This was in the news.
Wouldn't have to look at it.
BBC, they put them in sports stadiums.
Whenever Bush went to Indianapolis, Indiana last year, they ordered everyone to take their ties off or they'd be thrown out because, quote, the White House Chief of Staff Card and his controller, Karl Rove, quote, didn't want to look like old white-collar people.
That's the level of crafting here that we're facing.
Oh no, it's actually, it's absolutely controlled, it's packaged product, and all of these right-wing pundits who pretend to be real news analysts, what they're doing is really just, they're playing the hand they've been dealt, and I think they're doing very well with it.
Now, David, you call them right-wing, you're against the open borders, you're for the Second Amendment, why call them what they claim they are?
They're worse than neocons, they're trash of the earth.
No, they are self-titled, yes, you're correct, they are self-titled, but
Again, the title of something isn't necessarily representative of what they do.
I think it's very deceptive for a person to go on the air and play an edited version of the President's speech as post-analysis.
It's just deceptive at every level.
These are the people who claim they are the lovers of freedom, and they're just looking for the truth, you know.
Oh, that's right.
And the evil liberals, well yeah, we know the liberals are evil.
They're part of the same system.
And look, I remember trying to wake Democrats up to Bill Clinton.
They wouldn't listen.
So good luck.
And it's the same thing with these neocons.
They don't care.
They don't care if they're losing their guns, losing their border, losing their country.
They love it.
They just love it, Davis.
No, it's trench warfare mentality.
Well, you ain't for them Democrats, are you?
Well, no, I'm against the Assault Weapons Ban.
That's some kind of cunning liberal trick.
Davis, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk to Dick and Bill and Moses and Steve and Ed and others.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
We're talking to the host on 92.7, Davis Lerman.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, we're about to go to your calls and I was impressed with Davis Lerman being on the show for two hours.
How well produced it was and all the insight that he had on what the Globalists are up to.
In fact, we ought to try to get Davis Lerman's show that's on Sunday nights for two hours right before Drudge fed on this network.
We're always looking for good hosts.
Who knows?
Maybe we can get that done.
Davis, let me throw out some news articles here.
We need to get Jack Blood to show on this network too.
There's just so many great hosts out there that I'm aware of who need to be reaching people across the country on more AM and FM shortwave internet satellite systems.
Davis, I want to get your take on a couple different stories here.
I'm going to go right to these calls.
Saddam, weapons of mass destruction never existed, says Chief American Arms Inspector.
Saddam's, what was the mass destruction, never existed, says Chief American Arms Inspector.
This is David Kaye.
Yeah, David Kaye ran around worshipping the war, saying they had him.
It was a sniveling wolf-like creature, ferret-like creature.
Now, now he's saying he was lied to, they never had him, it's a fraud.
Why do you think this is happening now?
Why do you think we see John O'Neill going public saying it's all a fraud?
Well, there is the CYA version
Let me tell you, this is really interesting.
Again, if we limit our study today only to the self-described right-wing pundits, or some of them even feign to call themselves independent-minded, but this guy Drudge, you know, who the drug-addicted pumpkinhead gave him a Friday on his show, and ever since then, Drudge has been licking the boots of Rush Limbaugh.
Interesting how last night Drudge came out and was concocting really very complicated theorems
As to why David Kaye now is coming out and saying this.
It couldn't be because it's true, according to Drudge.
It had to be because of some very complicated political scheming.
Something like David Kaye was upset with the way the President dismissed him at some point.
Or Drudge was even theorizing that David Kaye was, for some reason, angry with George Bush's father.
Just all the excuse-making.
Forget David Kaye, forget Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, we have the Project for a New American Century documents written by Rumsfeld, written by Dick Cheney, and in the Dick Cheney-Rumsfeld document, Rebuilding America's Defense in 2000, September, they say Saddam is not a threat, he doesn't have weapons of mass destruction, he's a pretext to get the oil, to use Iraq as a military launch base.
Why doesn't the media focus in on their own confession, instead they focus in on other individuals?
Well, because distraction is a great tool, and maybe David Kaye said this, again, following the precept of Occam's Razor, maybe the easiest explanation is true.
Maybe David Kaye said it because it's true!
Well, what David Kaye said is, I, the last straw was, he did not tell Bush the information that Bush brought out in his State of the Union last Tuesday, and David Kaye said, I was given false info and now I look stupid!
Okay, so, I mean, again, David Kaye was used as a useful idiot.
Same thing with Paul O'Neill.
And O'Neill just said, look, I mean, you know, the President isn't running anything.
It's a rubber stamp.
You know, there's nothing in his eyes.
The first cabinet meeting, all they talked about was the invasion of Iraq.
We got Dick Cheney's Energy Commission documents.
He fought to stop the release of them.
They've only released like 10% of them.
Well, they had maps of who was going to get what oil in Iraq.
Yeah, they were cutting up the pie way back then.
But again, Drudge, and Savagy, and Sean Hannity, and Pumpkinhead, and all the rest of them, they don't want to touch all the admissions of their big government pimp masters, do they?
They want to focus off on tertiary side issues.
Well, of course, they want to distract, and more importantly, these advocates of
Of the ideology that folks like Bush sell.
Those advocates are really all about compromise.
And that's the greatest virtue now, isn't it?
Everything's about compromising.
And guys like you, you're about no compromise.
That's why you're the real enemy.
You're not the enemy.
I'm not the enemy because of our ideology.
We're the enemy because we don't compromise.
Absolutely, and I wouldn't even call it compromise.
I mean, Bush, let's say Clinton was a dragster.
Racing towards the New World Order.
Well, basically, they put rocket engines on the back of a dragster, and that's what Bush is doing with big government and loss of freedom, and it's just unbelievable.
People forget that there's a distinction, and this is not a distinction without a difference.
This is collectivism, and it is statism, which ultimately is fascism.
Now, it may not be the same kind of
Fascism that is overt like a Nazi Germany type fascism, but this is the consensus doctrine that leads to collectivism and a coming friendly fascist state where everyone is just looking out for you and what's best for you.
Of course, you can't have your freedoms anymore, but we will protect you.
Well, I wouldn't even call it touchy-feely.
I mean, it's very draconian.
I mean, this matrix system... Well, a packaged product is definitely touchy-feely.
But we both operate under the same model that this collectivism, this statism, of course, they're just, I mean, both are wider, generic terms.
Of the type of economic, political, government rule that we see.
It's all command and control, centralized, and they go, you can have fascism or communism.
The Democrats will give you communism, Bush will give you fascism, and it's the same thing, police in black ski masks, giant prisons, cameras everywhere, everything you do being tracked.
Let's go to just bam, bam, bam to these calls, then I want to get to the 60 minutes piece, doing business with the enemy.
How many years have we told you about this?
Here it is.
Uh, let's go ahead and talk to Dick in Indiana.
Go ahead, sir.
Yo, Alex.
Uh, pertaining to the, uh, Silverstein, uh, film, we got that in the mail, uh, probably, uh, the very next day we ordered it, and there was something in there, kind of confusing.
You notice when they were working on the building, uh, what is it, five and six, it looked like they were actually pulling it down with a chain or something, eh?
And, uh, when they did come to building number seven, it was totally different.
I have a couple of other things you can comment on.
Okay, for those that don't know, let me just recap what we're talking about.
Last Monday, we pushed the story over the edge.
It was already out there, but we gave it legs.
Three-plus million people have been watching the video clips in the last week alone at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And buy something, folks, or I can't keep paying for this bandwidth.
I just had to buy more servers last night.
And that's the... servers alone, not just the bandwidth.
I had to put the order in last night for that.
It's getting ridiculous here.
But we're going to continue putting this stuff out for free.
At least until I can't do it anymore, but I'm shelling out thousands of dollars just so you can watch this stuff, folks.
I understand that.
But the story got massive, got picked up by a bunch of hundreds of other alternative sites, and then millions of people have watched it.
The owner of the WTC and a PBS documentary, America Rebuilding.
We put a link to PBS where you can buy the video, and so we're doing them a favor there.
Everybody's been going and getting it.
Yes, it is.
And also Alex, this morning a white van went by the house and it had 9-1-1 on it and it was getting out of the van and taking photos of all the houses.
I didn't know if you heard anything about that or not.
That is the Pentagon Interspatial, I don't know if this particular one is, Interspatial Directive.
Billions of dollars to photograph and diagram every home, who lives there, who your friends are.
It's happening to everyone.
They also have military helicopters with ground penetrating radar videotaping the inside of your house.
Looks right through your walls.
Comments to that, Davis Lerman.
Well, I just back up that I've seen with my own eyes what it is this caller is referring to.
We have Silverstein.
He is clearly stating... Let me see if I can get this here, Bill.
...starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Halted by debris when the North Tower collapsed.
Seven burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
Here's Silverstein.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
And this one I was going to do is a poem.
And there he is, and of course, you were wise, Alex, on your side to back up, really.
What pull it meant by confirming that the term pull it means to demolish and destroy a building and implode it.
From the same documentary we have city officials talking about two and a half months later blowing up four, five, and six and using the term pulling it there as well.
In fact, we have those clips in the computer at the network.
Stephanie, why don't you go ahead and pull those up and then we'll air those in a second and go back over it.
Anything else, Dick?
Yes, there was.
Yeah, the silent movie that you requested.
I don't know if you got that or not, but I have it.
Uh, no.
A listener said on Turner Classic Movies they were airing a 1914 or something silent film out of Italy where it showed Satanists worshipping a giant stone owl and that goes along with Bohemian Grove and so yes, I would like a copy of that.
Okay Alex, and one thing real quick.
We went to the library a couple days ago and
We got this 24-17, and they made us sign a paper for it, and it said on there not to be distributed.
Should we take that back or what?
Now let me stop you.
You went to the library, and you asked the librarian to go to the Library of Congress, print off Patriot Act 2 for me, publicly passed five weeks ago, and the librarian made you fill out your name and information.
Yes, exactly right.
Now, I want to stop you right there.
I want to know what town you're in.
Okay, we're in Richmond, Indiana.
Richmond, Indiana.
And what's the name of the library?
The library was at the University of Richmond.
University of Richmond.
Is there one library or what building?
I'm not sure, Alex, but it's just open for the public.
So it's the big University Library.
And did you ask why you have to sign something to get a bill now?
Yeah, we did.
We asked and she said, well, everybody has to do that now.
But she said, don't worry about it.
Yeah, don't worry about it.
We just mark down what you read and what you do and you want a public bill posted at house.gov or thomas.loc.gov and
That is so sick!
And then the neocons go, well the liberals are against it!
It must be good!
And now when you go to Barnes and Nobles, or any of these big, this has been in the news two years ago, when you go to Barnes and Nobles or Borders, you pay with a credit card, that goes to the FBI, what you're reading, and now when you go to sell books at half-price books, whether it's one book or ten books, they pull out a huge police ledger and fill out what you're buying and what you're selling.
I mean, folks, this is not America.
I mean, do I have to explain how marking down what you read and do not being freedom, folks?
One thing about this, uh, silent movie in 1915.
It has, uh, Tyrone Power Sr.
in it.
I don't know if you remember him or not.
He's a movie star.
For those that don't know what you're talking about, describe the name of the film.
Okay, it was called Where Are My Children.
Back in those days, abortion was wrong, right?
And, uh,
The penalty, I think, the doctor got 15 years for performing abortion.
I thought the listener said the name of the film was Cambria or something.
This may be a different one, but it's very, very, very good.
And what does it show?
It's like a story about Tyrone Power, his dad.
He's dead now, but... That's a different film than I was requesting.
What a very informative video.
Well, does it show the Moloch worship?
No, it doesn't show that.
Okay, that's a different film.
Hey, but still send it to me.
Thanks for the call.
I will.
I appreciate it.
Let me go ahead and talk to Bill in New Jersey.
Bill, go ahead.
Okay, you owe me for this one, Alex.
I met a gentleman who worked on the World Trade Center building, the World Trade Center.
He installed the interior walls, okay, the sheetrock drywall that goes inside the towers.
He's dying right now from asbestos exposure.
And after 9-11, he flipped out completely.
The reason was because of what he told me, and he's going around telling everyone, I can get this guy if I have to for an interview.
Evidently, he was observing people installing the locks on the doors inside the World Trade Center, including the fire doors.
These locks would lock automatically in the event of a fire.
Right away, he says, what's going on?
Why do these doors lock if there's a fire?
They said, well, they don't want people jamming up the stairwells or the fire department can't come up to put out the fire.
He says, in a small fire, the sprinklers would take care of it.
The fire department would come up, let the people out, and the people could come back down again.
He says, if it weren't for that,
A lot more people would have been able to get out.
Also, uh, from my own... Well, I know the public schools now have the automatic lock, where it's like magnetic doors, like at a, you know, prison.
They hit one button, and those heavy doors all lock.
Next time there's a mass shooting, they're gonna kill everybody.
Now, in 1993, okay, uh, the bombing in 1993, uh, you'll see, if you look at the video, there were people that were trapped in those towers, okay, in the upper floors.
Yeah, getting smoke inhalation, I remember.
Also, the night before the bombing in 1993, I was with a gentleman named Michael Brown.
His father was the president in charge of purchasing for New Jersey Transit, which is a division of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey.
He says to me, I want to go to New York.
I want to look at the World Trade Center.
I gave him a ride up there.
He says, no, his wife, I guess.
He wanted to show it to his wife, whatever.
I'm there at 1130 at night, okay?
Uh, with my hands on the building, looking at these buildings.
They're closed down.
Uh, nobody around.
Uh, as we were leaving, we saw a guy, uh, in a red Adidas, uh, jogging outfit, black ski mask, smoke glasses, and gloves.
I said to my friend, I said, look, this guy's either a bank robber or it's like Michael Jackson or someone.
I said, should I grab him?
He says, no, keep going.
Now, after the bombing in 93, I said to him, I says, look, uh,
I want you to... I work in radio over here, okay?
I want you to give an interview, I want you to say what happened, you know?
I also talked to FBI and State Police, okay?
Okay, so what happened?
They weren't interested.
Oh, now he has amnesia.
Now he says he doesn't remember anything.
Another thing, Alex, very important... Well, sir, all I can prove with the First World Trade Center is the FBI cooked the bomb and trained the driver.
Chicago Tribune, New York Times.
Okay, let's stay with the fire doors, then.
Also, I want your listeners to contact the advertisers of these talk shows that you're talking about, and the advertising bureaus.
And, like the Howard Stern Show, there's going to be restrictions from now on, on certain talk shows.
How does that sound?
Okay, sir, I appreciate the call.
Comments to what he was saying, Mr. Dorman?
Well, I don't know what he means by certain restrictions.
I don't know if I favor any restrictions beyond decency codes, maybe.
Yeah, I mean, look, these neocons are taking over by buying everything up.
The last thing we want to do is give them censorship, and then they can use that selectively against us.
Well, this is the precise problem, is the short-sightedness of, let's say Michael Savage isn't a tool and he believes everything he's saying.
The real problem is the short-sightedness.
If you loved George Bush and really believed everything the man said, you still wouldn't want to give
You wouldn't want to give any president the power of the Patriot Act.
You wouldn't want to give a government the power of the Patriot Act.
Because the Democrats are going to have it in a couple of years.
Yeah, because someone you disagree with Sunday could be in there now tearing up your rights.
That's it.
We'll be back with more calls on Alex Jones.
More news coming up as well.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're racing towards the third hour.
And we're going to go over a ton of Halliburton scamming, doing business with the enemy, and a lot more.
And of course, your calls here in just a few minutes.
Moses and Steve and Ed and Alan and Pat and others.
Before we go back to Davis Lerman with a great talk show on WGMD 92.7 FM out of Delaware covers the tri-state area.
Before we do that, and re-air the WTC7 clips again in the next hour,
I'm only going to do this a few more times, but it's such a big story, it's so important.
A lot of you still haven't heard it or seen the clips on the website, so we'll do that again.
Before we do that, I want to encourage all the listeners to get my videos.
I've made ten films.
They're all full-length features, exposing the globalists, carrying out the terror attacks, taking your liberties, taking your freedoms.
They're cult activities at Bohemian Grove and how that ties into Skull and Bones.
The films are $25.95 apiece.
Some are 2 hours 40 minutes, 2 hours 30 minutes.
Some are 2 hours 5 minutes.
They're all over 2 hours.
Order 3 or more, they drop down to $20.
We have Eric Huffman's video about September 11th, Painful Deceptions, his book.
We have George Humphrey's audio books.
We're good to go.
Uh, so, please go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and support what we're doing and get powerful tools that are waking people up.
Toll-free number to order the films, 1-888-933-933.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
At the end of Police State 3 Total Enslavement, we show Building 7 collapsing and Dan Rather saying it looks like dynamite.
That's just two minutes of that two-hour, forty-minute film.
Okay, let's talk to Moses in Texas.
Moses, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Hey, guys.
You need to get Kevin Phillips on.
He just came out with a blockbuster book that backs up all the stuff you've been bringing out.
He's a Republican strategist from way back in the 60s during Nixon's time.
And he's got a book called American Dynasty, Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush.
Yeah, we're getting Kevin Phillips set up for the show, and he lays out the drug dealing, the crime rings, the organized crime.
In fact, I've got the book.
I've read half of it.
Comments on that, Mr. Lerman.
Can you hold me over?
Sure, go ahead, Mr. Lerman.
Interesting how the title of his book refers to nepotism.
I mean, here we have
What is essentially a Bush dynasty in a country that, well, used to be a free and representative constitutional republic.
They have Assad, who's a hereditary dictator in Syria, Kim Jong-il, a hereditary leader in North Korea, and now we have that.
It's not a good sign when the president's son becomes the president.
No, not a good sign at all.
It's even a worse sign when you've got hack jobs
Uh, on the radio, who are pretending to offer you the truth, uh, but all they're doing in actuality is, uh, is, uh, aiding and abetting the President in his, uh, unearned political capital through manufactured consent.
That's all that's going on with these hacks.
They're dismantling America.
It ain't coming back if you don't stand up now.
Go ahead, uh, and finish up, Moses.
Uh, well, the... Kevin Phillips, in this book, he's got about, uh, uh,
Project for a New American Century.
They're doing their oil-based Pax Americana starting from before the election.
He's got about Tom DeLay saying God has put Bush into office.
This is before Boykin.
This book just came out about a month ago.
This is the beginning of this month.
He's got about Hillary and Lafarge shipping the CIA weapons over to Iraq.
The deal that Rumsfeld set up.
And they're talking about how he's manipulated the whole religious right by how they turn from these
I'll tell you what, stay there, I'll let you finish up.
I'm telling you though, a better book is Order Out of Chaos.
It's got all that and more.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, folks.
It is Monday, the 26th day of January in the year 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've got loaded phone lines and a ton of riveting news.
Halliburton corruption, doing business with the enemy, scams of every type, the government wanting to kill babies after birth.
It's all coming up, and we're joined by Davis Lerman, who's got an amazing show on WGMD.
That covers the tri-state areas at 92.7 FM, 100,000 watt FM.
I think so.
And we'll go back over Building 7 as well and a bunch of other news.
Right now we're talking to Moses in Texas.
He's talking about this Kevin Phillips book, American Dynasty, and I've got the book.
I've read half of it.
We're going to have him on the show.
The publisher sent me a complimentary copy.
That's kind of good, but I have so many books I don't have time to read, but I read part of this one.
It's got a lot of the stuff that's in order out of chaos, public-admitted stuff.
What we have is organized crime in the place of the Bushes, and Kevin Phillips, a big
Big Republican strategist, saying I'm not going to be part of this.
So let's go back to Moses, let him finish up his comments, then we'll get a comment from Lerman, then we'll go back to calls.
Go ahead Moses.
Well that's what I like about this Kevin Phillips book, I've been showing people your videos and I've talked to them, I've went to visit my folks in the DC area, and this thing came out, it's the Book World, it's the Washington Post book review from the first, January 11th, and it has
George Jr.
and Sr.
in these powdered wigs like the British aristocracy.
And so I'm telling them all this stuff and all of a sudden it comes out in this paper about skull and bones and all this stuff.
And I'm saying, yeah, see look, but they believe him because he's so established.
And they go, wait a minute, that's all the stuff you've been telling us.
But oh, talking about the State of the Union, back in September 11th, 1990, George Sr.
Went up before the Congress and said, a New World Order can emerge.
That tape you always have on your show?
On that commercial?
So this year, George Jr.
W. Walker, he said, basically a New World Order has emerged.
And last year, talking about chopping things out, if you look at any of the transcripts of his State of the Union last year, when he said, they're going to feel the power of our military, they're going to feel the power.
Then he paused and he said, there's power.
There's wonder working power.
This is how this thing in the book review ends up.
It says, it is a gloomy, even frightening picture.
Global oil ventures, national security, sophisticated investments, arms deals, the skull and bone chic of covert operations, blah, blah, blah.
It says, compounded by the religious impulses and motivations of the so-called born-again.
It says, the born-again George W. brings to the mix.
It operates not in the free market its rhetoric prattles about,
But a crony capitalism that gives every advantage to the cronies with enough capital to buy their way into the game.
Exactly, and their new economy will be police state.
Thanks for the call.
Davis, comments to what he just said?
Well, sure.
The new economy is a mixed economy.
It's massive social programs.
It's a mixed economy with no principles, no limits.
It's a contradiction of freedom and government controls.
And this is what serves to balkanize a nation into warring factions.
It's precisely why I think you're on target with the Hegelian dialectic as what underpins the globalist mindset.
It's the problem-reaction-solution dialectic.
It's what they do.
Are you seeing the awakening in your area that I'm seeing here?
I've never seen people more primed to come out of ignorance.
Well, yeah, I'd have to say that there are more and more callers every week that seem to agree, but you know, at the same time, there are more and more callers that are more full of venom and hatred when they do call to disagree.
So I would say it's quite diametric.
It's kind of
It's tough to gauge if there's more of one than the other, but I would say feelings are growing in strength on both sides, really.
Well, see, I was on your show and nobody called in and disagreed, and it just seems like they just can't do it to me.
Oh, no, no, no.
Well, there were some calls that night, in fact, that never got through, and so they were cursing up and down at the guy in the end here.
Oh, okay, yeah.
We'll be right back.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I've conducted my own hold, doing over 1,300 radio interviews.
It's approaching 1,400.
I have to go back to my day timer and count up the last couple months.
I've been saying 1,300 since I reached that a couple months ago, so I guess it's getting close to 1,400, but I've got to go count it up.
And I'll be on Pacifica, liberal stuff, I'll be on conservative shows, and maybe one out of 20, 30 callers, depending on the program, will call in and disagree.
I can see what Mr. Lerman was saying about he couldn't let some of the disagreed on his show because they were cussing so much.
Those that do disagree are universal.
They'll go, boy, we're gonna get your type.
I can't wait to put you in a camp.
I'd love to beat you up.
I'll stomp you into the ground, you little communist.
Don't you lie about George Bush.
He ain't for gun control.
And, you know, that's in the south of the west.
If it's up north, it's... Let me tell you something, buddy!
I hope they put you in a camp, and I'd like to punch you in the nose, you liar!
Oh, yeah!
So, uh, you know, I mean, it's incoherent.
It's, well, they're for open borders or for gun control.
We're not!
Shut up, liberal!
You know, it's just mindlessness.
And I remember trying to wake Democrats up to Clinton.
They'd go, you're just an evil right-winger.
You just don't like the Clinton.
I like him.
They associate their personal power with these people, so you're attacking them.
In fact, there was a World Net Daily article about this big Fox News psychiatrist.
And in her own private practice, all these conservatives are coming in going, oh, I can't believe he betrayed me on the immigration.
I feel like he's my father figure!
And that's the type, I heard that from Democrats.
I feel like Bill Clinton's my father.
I feel powerful because of him.
And but WorldNetDaily went on to say, well it's okay, don't worry, it's not really amnesty, everything's alright.
I mean, it's just, you know, go ahead and go into the squeeze chutes, cattle.
No, these folks definitely align themselves politically so that they have this ideological brethren that they do somehow derive at least self-aggrandized power from.
I wish they would, instead of identifying with some of these politicians, I wish they'd identify with Article 4, Section 4 of the U.S.
I wish they'd read the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers, start identifying with some of the people that founded the country, and start to bring their vision alive instead of this Balkanized nation, the warring factions, what is essentially a socialist state under fascist economic doctrine.
That's it, Professor.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Steve in Florida.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Previous caller in the previous hour.
Mentioned that you'd have to be a dimwit not to see what is happening.
I've been sharing people about the project for the New American Century and other stuff.
Especially how the first jet went into the building at 820 at the World Trade Center.
Then the one that went into the Pentagon was 938.
And then that nearly hour and twenty minutes or so, no jets were sent from Andrews Air Force Base just ten miles away.
And I question the people I'm talking to when I show information like this to get them to think.
Was it stood down?
And their eyes go glazed.
And I know it's partly because of the dumbed-down public schools, and the fluoride, and the polluted air, and food.
But there's one aspect that many do not talk about.
We wrestle against flesh... We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against rulers of darkness of this age.
His name's Satan, and you know that as well as I. More people of God
We need to be praying and fasting, as well as doing what you and I are doing, and you're a good guest.
Pray and fast, because we know who our enemy is.
Well, they have been sent a strong delusion.
And they... I mean, it's incredible.
I have... Churches become nothing more than a social group.
Oh, that's rampant down here in the south, in the southern states.
This place is... People go there, they don't even know what's happening around them.
They're just in their little
I was talking to a lady the other day, an older lady, and she said, Alex, I know what you're saying is true, but I'm older and I just don't want to worry about it.
I asked an older gentleman Sunday if he watched the speech of Mr. Bush the other day.
He said yes.
I said, did you hear when he talked about the Patriot Act?
He said yes.
I asked the gentleman, did you notice where the camera was panning when he said this?
He said, no, I don't remember.
I explained to him that it went to the quarterback of the Patriots, etc., and that's a very subtle way of brainwashing.
And he interrupted me, and the gentleman said, well, I'm not brainwashed.
Well, isn't that really not true?
Because if we don't remember something, and it really faked out our eye and our brain, weren't we brainwashed?
Of course we were.
See how it works?
It does, and that's how some... I mean, I had marketing folks.
I just had one semester of it, and they talked about subliminals, how to phrase it, you know, all of that.
And when you've had it, and you know what it is, you see it, that's the best marketing is subconscious.
I know for a fact we had troops pre-deployed in Turkmenistan in March of 2001.
I know this because I did a career in the military, and I have Special Forces friends.
And I tell people about my own experience, and their eyes glaze, and they don't believe me.
I show them things about this PNAC document that proves that plans for military action were way ahead in Iraq and Afghanistan, well before 9-11, and their eyes glaze.
It's not only the pollution that we're eating and breathing, it's because of the principalities that we can read about in Ephesians, and I want to encourage all your homeschoolers and Christians listening to keep praying and don't give up.
Well, absolutely.
Also, sir, a lot of people don't have mental toughness, and they've proven with studies
That charging a machine gun nest takes less courage than standing up against the mob, the peer pressure.
We've all experienced that.
So people like you who are tough-minded are able to do this, and it's actually empowering.
For other people, it's terrorizing to them.
It's terrifying to get out of line with the other sheeple.
Thanks for the call.
Comments, Mr. Lerman.
Well, I couldn't agree more, and of course the perfect slave doesn't know he is a slave, and so the perfect thought control victim would be one who doesn't even realize that his thoughts are not his own.
And you can see this in the trench warfare mentality of, again, the left-right diametric
It's a paradigm.
It's a political paradigm that seeks to maintain its semblance of order with decree on one hand and moderation on the other.
You know, you realize that the only great virtue now is some kind of compromise or some kind of tolerance.
You know, this is... the gentleman who was attempting to argue with your caller probably expected him to compromise and say, oh, well, you're right.
I guess you're not mind-controlled.
Okay, your thoughts are your own, but you didn't realize what they were doing to you.
I had to remind you.
And folks, what we have going for us is once you show somebody the lies, then the lies don't work anymore.
They have to keep reapplying their lies.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ed in Utah.
Ed, go ahead.
Thank you very much, Alex and Mr. Lehrman.
You know, some people were just going to have to let them wallow in their uninformed stupor.
And I do appreciate the job that these callers and you folks are doing.
They're uninformed, whatever the reason is, mind control, eyes glazed over, whatever.
The fact is, you brought up Mr. Silverstein.
I want to point out a couple things, and I have a question for your guest, Alex.
Mr. Silverstein is aligned, he was one of the two partners, of course, as you pointed out, with Frank Lowey.
A man originally from Israel, but he was in Australia as a longtime friend with Rupert Murdoch, the Australian owner of Fox News Corporation.
And I bring that out for a reason, because I'm hearing a lot, and it's very valid, about the Bush crime family and their oil conglomerates, etc., around the world.
However, it is a combination.
It is a dual force coming together with the Israeli lobby in this.
And this is what I want to hit home here.
Mr. Davis, just down the road from you, or up the road from you, if you're in Delaware there,
Are you familiar with the American Free Press Newspaper in Washington?
Oh yeah, yeah.
Okay, they have put out, and Alex, this is really the smoking gun.
I have a copy, and they sent you a copy of the 60 page Drug Enforcement Act report.
This is a smoking gun, to go in with this.
Of the 120 plus Israeli Mossad so-called students from the University of Jerusalem that were in this country running a Mossad operation, apparently going after or keeping tails on Arabs that were in this country.
Let me stop you right there.
I have a follow-up.
Sir, at prisonerplanet.com and infowars.com, 9-11 archive, we have the news articles from two years and two months ago, 26 months ago,
Publicly, where Fox News and others reported that they arrested not 120, but 140 plus Israeli Mossad who were tailing the supposed hijackers.
People go then, okay, well why would Fox announce that?
It was some kind of back-and-forth blackmailing going on, that's clear.
It's like Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad operative.
But let me just finish.
But then to say Israel did it, doesn't make sense because of this.
The FBI arrested these people a week before 9-11 and grabbed them.
Why would our government arrest this Mossad following around the Al-Qaeda?
And the government goes, well, we were trying to stop the attack.
Well, wait a minute.
The FBI was paying for the cars, the houses, the credit cards for these supposed hijackers.
So we don't... I don't know exactly what happened there.
Then you had the, what was it, six Israelis on top of the building videotaping the first plane.
They arrest them.
They go to the office.
It admittedly was owned by a Mossad officer.
It's all cleared out.
The computer's gone.
That did happen.
So, yes, that is going on.
But it just came out in Germany that the Iranians warned us.
Everybody was following this and watching this.
Go ahead and comment.
Well, here's the thing.
If you look at the Israelis, you brought up the Iranians.
Their original intelligence was SABAC and that was produced by the CIA and the Mossad.
Michael Piper could come on your show and explain that from the American Free Press.
The point being here, Alex, if Mr. Silverstein and Mr. Lowey controlled the building, that would give them control of security, much of it, which would allow these 120, or you say 140, operatives to place the bombs that were at the bedrock of the building.
And that becomes critical because then they hire John O'Neill.
Sir, here's the problem.
See, I can't prove that.
And how would Israel order NORAD to stand down?
Well, that's where it comes together here, with American traders like Dick Cheney, that have worked with the Project for a New American Century, which are largely Jewish.
Mr. Kristol, with ties to Israel, Mr. Perl, and Mr. Wolfowitz, all of them.
I mean, it's clear that elements in Israel,
Because Israel isn't one block.
Are aiding the globalists.
But, you know, Tony Blair's aiding them as well.
But, I'll tell you what, I'll let you elaborate on this.
I don't think that it was Israel that carried out the attacks.
I think that they were, some of them were in a support role, but why were others then arrested beforehand?
Why would the FBI do that?
We'll be right back, stay with us.
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Alright, I was going to let Ed Butroff finish up, but he hung up.
If you can get back in, Ed, that's fine.
We're going to go to Alan and Pat and Sharon and Roger in the next segment.
I want to go over some other news items right now with our guest, Davis Lerman of 92.7 FM.
You can hear his show Sunday nights there in the tri-state area out of Delaware.
But on the whole situation with Israel and 9-11, comments, Mr. Lerman?
Well, I think you fall into, again, what is essentially another dialectic trap.
I mean, you're right.
It is ridiculous on the face of it to consider that Israel could somehow, you know, stand down NORAD and the like.
It's just interesting the way you see things, and that's
It's in a very micro and macrocosmic way.
I have to admit, I'm not as keen and perceptive on some of the detail, but nonetheless, everything you're mentioning in retort to callers that keep hinting toward, I guess what could be called a Jew world order, it just isn't more clear that, again, we have this consensus doctrine as reality, where we have these
Well, I mean, here's the deal.
Israel is very corrupt and does horrible things.
They are, the elites there, the biggest in the child kidnapping
Yeah, the abortion rates are out of control.
But it's a diverse group of people, and it's got a corrupt elite running things, but Saudi Arabia is number two for child kidnapping rings and running all this, so I guess it goes back thousands of years where all that was legal in that area, but that doesn't mean... Look, when I fight the WASP mafia, I'm not saying white people are bad.
When I fight the Jewish Mafia, which is a big part of the New World Order, it's not saying Jews are bad.
And the Jewish Mafia is good at telling its people, hey, go along with whatever we say, don't criticize us, or, you know, you're not supporting Jewish people, and that's what's allowed evil people to get in control of Israel, is because they've used that, oh, the terrorists are gonna get us, you better not ask questions.
Same thing's happening here today.
Now, my whole point is, it's true that the Israeli company Odigo admits they told the Israelis to get out of the building.
Uh, so, but does that mean Israel did it?
I'm not here defending Israel.
I'm not here defending Yasser Arafat, the pedophile.
Uh, you know, I'm not here defending, uh, you know, the folks there that are murdering.
The point is that all these different sides are controlled, and no matter what color the controllers are, and boy, it's a diverse crowd, we've got to fight evil.
And if we don't make it one group or another, people will come together and we'll win this.
If we don't, though, they're going to keep playing this balkanization game.
Well, that's why you have to offer the Big Ten Theory.
If you're someone who loves freedom, come on in.
Put the other petty differences aside, because if everyone who loves freedom is in fact united, what you have is a place that's free enough for people to express their religious differences without it coming to fisticuffs, wars, manipulation, control, and the like.
You know, what I have to offer is
To the listeners, that is something perhaps new, as far as a perspective goes, is to just try to consider for a moment, I mean, I don't think time permits me to detail the importance of philosophy to a political system, but suffice it to say that a philosophy implies a belief system driven by reason, exclusive of an emotional component.
This is, you know, classical philosophy.
One has to ask, is there an emotional component to our political system?
Because if so, it has no philosophy.
And the component to our political system is, in fact, fear.
Fear is the formal, explicit, anti-ideology of the day.
It's the anti-philosophy.
And that's the definition of terrorism, is doing something violent to get people to go along with you, and the government's getting all the police state it wanted but couldn't put in place out of the terror.
Hence, when Bush says the terrorists attacked us because they had our freedom, that's actually true because they are the terrorists.
They did this to get our freedom and firmly ensconce their power.
Yeah, but look what fear allows.
Fear allows a bankrupt culture.
Fear allows a government by consensus.
This is not a system.
It's an anti-system.
Moderation is its guiding creed.
We've got government by consensus at every level.
Statistics are substituted for truth.
Vote counting substituted for principles.
Numbers for rights.
Public polls for morality.
A pragmatic range-of-the-moment experience is the criterion for a country's interest now.
Moral relativism.
What's that?
Moral relativism.
Oh, absolutely.
Now, moral relativism is truly defined by what we have today.
We have government by consensus in the sense that the number of its adherents is the criterion of an idea's truth or falsehood.
Do you see how we can have enough people agree with you it must be true?
It's like 1984, where O'Brien says, I'm a soap bubble, and it flowed off the floor, and Winston says, no you're not, and he goes, well everybody will say I'm a soap bubble, so because we say it, that means it's true.
That's right, and this is how fascism takes hold, Alex.
It's the proverbial road to hell that is indeed paved with the intentions of these creatures.
Okay, we'll hit three or four articles quickly, then we'll go back to calls and back into articles.
Davis, just stay with us the entire time.
I know you've got a snow day there at the university.
We'll be right back.
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I don't want to keep going on with this Israel discussion, but you're welcome to comment on whatever you want, listeners.
It's free speech zone here on the show, where we decipher the spin that's going on.
But look, the United Nations says Israel's illegitimate.
The United Nations always puts out decrees against Israel.
The United Nations has always caught funding and helping the Arabs.
Now, how is that?
How is it that the UN and our own government is busy putting AIDS virus and the vaccines for black people and other third world populations, but then we hear the secret plan of the New World Order is to destroy the white race, meanwhile they're killing the blacks and the Asians and the Latin Americans.
So see, it's more sophisticated than what you see on the surface.
It's to destroy and enslave everybody.
It's like the NRA, our loyal opposition, Trojan horses, wolves in sheep's clothing for the elite.
So is the Jewish leadership.
They traffic with the Nazis and fund the Arabs and set all this up to scare Jews into submission to follow their tyranny.
Just like George Bush, the supposed great white leader, you know, great conservative, that undercurrent of racism, well, he's for the open borders and the third world population.
It's a scam!
Our leaders are whores of evil!
They're evil!
They're not Germans, they're not Jews, they're not Chinese, they're evil people!
And the ADL's got a great system.
I mean, it was set up so when people went after, you know, different Jewish mob groups, they could go, oh, you're a racist.
Well, everybody knows about Bugsy Siegel and the Jewish Mafia.
I'll talk about the Jewish Mafia whenever I want.
I'll expose criminals whenever I feel like it.
I'll expose the WASP Mafia, which is the dominant Mafia, whenever I feel like it.
I'll expose Skull and Bones.
I'll expose Bill Clinton.
I'll expose any criminal.
It comes down to that.
And here's a great example, then we'll go to your calls.
Douglas, I'm sure you heard about 60 Minutes last night.
While I was on the air with you, this was airing.
Doing business with the enemy.
Davis, have you heard about this?
No, fill me in.
Now, we've already reported this from different articles, but here it is.
Did it ever occur to you that when President Bush says, money is the lifeblood of terrorist operations, he's talking about your money and every other American's money?
Just about everyone with a 4-ok pension plan or mutual fund has money invested in companies that are doing business in so-called rogue states.
And again, their sanctions are designed, and it gets into that, so only
Halliburton and two other companies can do the business, you see?
And under Saddam, Saddam can only buy oil-filled equipment under the sanctions from Halliburton.
In other words, there are U.S.
companies that are helping drive the economies of countries like Iran, Syria, Libya, that have sponsored terrorist correspondent Leslie Stahl reports.
Now again, why is the left-wing 60 Minutes admitting this?
To make you think the left is the answer, the U.N.
is the answer, that evil right-winger Bush is bad, when it's all owned by the same people.
Again, Israel gave high-tech nuclear weapons parts to Iran!
Arrest the people that did that!
You talk about endangering Israel, that's a lot worse than some suicide bomber!
Now, let's continue.
The revenue that is generated from the work that these companies are doing, we believe, helps to underwrite and support terrorism, says William Thompson, the New York City Comptroller, who oversees the $80 billion in pension funds for all city workers.
I'm almost done.
He says he wants everyone with a remnant, a retirement, or investment portfolio to know that these companies are up to.
We're going to increase the public visibility of these issues until these companies change their practices.
He's actually identified specific companies that have invested in these rogue countries, including Halliburton, ConocoPhillips, and General Electric.
And he points out the New York pension funds own nearly a billion dollars worth of stocks in these three Fortune 500 companies, which have operated in Iran and Syria.
That's only one state.
What was Thompson's reaction when he found out about this?
Anger that there are companies that could be controlling and contributing to the attacks of our nation.
He says, you'd think to yourself, well, why would they do that?
I don't think that they could.
And more than anything it is, you thought that the law prevented them from doing this.
In fact, law does ban virtually all commerce with rogue nations, but there is a loophole that GE, Conoco, Phillips, Halliburton have exploited.
The law does not apply to any foreign or offshore subsidiary so long as it is run by non-Americans.
So that's why Halliburton has over 200 subsidiaries.
You'll go, oh, Halliburton didn't get in all the contracts.
No, 20 of our subsidiaries are.
And it says these three companies are far
As we are concerned, appear to have violated the spirit of the law, says Thompson, and it goes on and on.
Dick Cheney doing this.
The head of ABB giving the nuclear reactors in North Korea, Donald Rumsfeld.
James Baker selling them the chemical weapons.
I mean, across the board, England, the U.S.
and Israel are arming the Arabs, selling them missiles, selling them weapons, selling them avionics, selling them jets,
And, on top of it, selling them their equipment!
When they put a sanction in, they then come to them and say, now you gotta buy from us whatever price we say!
Now, how incredible is it that our troops are dying due to funding of the very people running the War on Terror?
The people running the War on Terror, no one has bigger connections to Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden and all these people than those, quote, fighting the War on Terror comments.
Well, you're illustrating once again the overarching, what could be the theme that we're outlining today, starting with the neocons, is that today there is a supreme virtue, superseding even morality and reason.
It is now picking a team and rah, rah, rah, and of course that is a form of moderation and the cult of compromise, the consensus doctrine.
This is how collectivism happens.
This is how the coming friendly fascist state will take hold.
Again, if we review, it's this road, it's the cliched road to hell paved with these intentions.
Clearly the road is the cult of compromise, a type of consensus doctrine which you've called manufacturing consent.
They're setting up terror as the way to focus the military-industrial complex into the total takeover of the entire economy, top-down, left-right, the entire system, and making us all prisoners and slaves, and then our leaders publicly fund and finance and profit and work and meet and visit and vacation with the terrorists!
Now you see, yes, you've outlined the end game.
The end game, if the road to hell is paved with good intentions, the end game is the hell you're going to, and this is a dialectic materialism
Okay, you got a clip?
They want to control our thoughts!
This is the way the guy did with me, too.
He's like, I'm calling to respond because I'm concerned.
We have a concern about your dangerous thoughts, Lerman.
You see, they begin like that.
They say, first we will label you hate radio.
Then we will label the radio stations that carry your hate radio, and we will begin
Labeling the people who listen to these radio stations, and those people who are caught desecrating the purity of the Reich, will be eliminated!
Horizon, horizon, horizon, oh!
New World Order and Nazi freaks.
That's what we're dealing with now, folks.
And there you go.
You know, because I, uh, there is caller after caller, uh, defining
They define certain folks with certain opinions.
Defining people who speak out like you and I as haters.
And all of a sudden you're on with a bunch of haters.
Notice how the language of Bill Clinton has now been adopted by the neocons.
Interesting, yes.
The politics of personal destruction has come home to roost.
It's amazing.
It's not working though.
Let's go to the calls and I'll get back into some other news here.
But I did want to get your comment on this.
This is out of the Scotsman today.
On InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, government advisor, killing children with defects, acceptable!
A government advisor on genetics has sparked fury over suggesting it might be acceptable to destroy children with defects soon after they're born.
Well, this is the public plan.
John Harris, a member of the Human Genetics Commission, told a meeting at Westminster he did not see any distinction between aborting a fully grown unborn baby at 40 weeks and killing a child after it has been born.
And the government is pushing for this policy.
So is our government.
Comments to that?
This is just how far we've fallen.
I mean, Rome is burning.
Nero is fiddling.
You know, I say this in jest, but I almost think it might be a useful voting tool, although I guess voting only encourages them.
It's called my scorched earth voting policy.
I think we should perhaps all unify to go into the voting booths and fill the ballot boxes, electronic though they may be, for the worst candidate.
We want to pick the worst candidate.
That's what I said.
Is that put an Al Gore in and then the conservatives will at least wake up.
They have to put a Bush in.
Well, see, great minds think alike.
Yeah, because the sooner... It would be almost easier to take, as an individual, as an American, if Lady Liberty was simply decapitated in one fell swoop, and we'd have to rush her to the OR, we could rebuild Rome brick by brick that much sooner.
But instead, we're sitting here, and she's dying a slow death.
It's unreal to look at, and these figures, it's just the news, and the news, and the news, and we're being databased, and we've got this Ashcroft going before
The Select Committee saying the United States government has defined terrorists as, and I quote, those who perpetuate, premeditated politically motivated violence against non-combatant targets.
And that's a lie!
They lie to your face!
I guess they expect you to... We also said there's no Patriot Act 2!
Two months after it was introduced, and now they passed it.
Just like there's no amnesty, folks.
I mean, how much of this are you going to take?
Oh, that's right.
There's no amnesty, but it's a three-year program, but it's a six-year program.
And did you notice, too, that some of the language of, well, folks in your video can find where Ashcroft is denying the existence of Patriot Act II before the Senate Post-911 Committee there.
Did you notice some of the language about immigration, even back then, as if they were planning this a long time ago?
Well, they tried it two weeks before 9-11.
Let's take some calls.
I guess up next is Allie in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, you're on the air worldwide.
Thanks, Alex.
Reading again, some of Tex Moore's 1992 book, Dark Majesty.
And in the third chapter, which deals with BCCI, you find the same cast of characters on the scene today.
An admitted drug-dealing, money-laundering, child-kidnapping bank.
That's right.
And now it came out last week, the Bank of England was actually running the whole scam, of course.
If you substitute the name Bin Laden for Abu Nidal, you have pretty much the same bunch.
Through BCCI accounts, Kuwait, Samir,
gave Abu Dhudal, Paris Front, $60 million in 1987.
And then in 1989, the Emir, who aided along with some other Arabs, gave Abu Dhudal $500 million through the BCCI.
And, of course, the other people involved in this BCCI scandal were Saddam Hussein, Emmanuel Noriega, the Medellin drug cartel, arms dealer Khashoggi,
The Emir of Kuwait, already noted, and the CIA to get money to the Nicaragua Contras.
That's amazing!
The most recent person to return to the scene that surprised me is Senator John Kerry.
He was head of the Senate Investigation Committee.
And as far as I know, they never convicted anyone.
No, no, they're the whitewash.
And Ali, look at this election.
A skull and bones election developing with a choice of two bonesmen.
Thanks for the call, Ali.
A great point.
So let's talk to Pat in Texas.
Pat, go ahead.
Alex, how you doing?
I'm good, go ahead.
I just wanted to first start off by stating I'm a perfect example of the uneducation of our students.
I know very little about our U.S.
history, but I'm learning more every day.
Thanks to you, you turn me on to it.
By listening to your radio show, I've become sort of angry.
But I just had a question.
When I go to talk to people about things that I learn about in your videos and in other sources, they tell me I'm a liberal.
And I don't feel right being labeled, but... And I try to talk to them and tell them, you know,
There is truth in this, whether you want to believe it or not.
Well, this is what you tell neocons.
You go, okay, I'm against the 45% growth of government in the last three years.
I'm against open borders.
I'm against Bush resigning the assault weapons ban.
I'm against Bush signing campaign finance reform, restricting the First Amendment.
I'm against Bush taking all the restrictions off supercomputers and communist China.
I'm against the loss of liberty and freedom.
And I know the Democrats are all voting for this with Bush, and only fighting at the rhetoric level.
So explain to me.
I'm a liberal because I'm against gun control.
And I asked them who they're going to vote for, and they tell me, well, I'm going to vote for the lesser of two evils, being George Bush since he said that
They say that George Bush said they would have to put the assault weapons ban in front of me in order for me to sign it.
So they say they would rather vote for George Bush because the Democrats didn't know the first thing they're going to do is sign the assault weapons ban.
Well, look.
It doesn't matter who's in office at the presidency.
That's a puppet system.
They need to focus on the cities and the counties to get out the Patriot Act, to stop the land grabbing organizations.
That's where the power's at.
And, you know, just don't waste your time on those people.
Move on.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, if they like the end of America, the end of the Bill of Rights, the end of the First Amendment, then, you know, I hope they enjoy what they get.
Comments, Davis?
Oh, well, absolutely.
I mean, I can only summarize.
You did a great... There was a great list there.
I mean, campaign finance reform, some conservative.
You look at campaign finance... Those who support campaign finance reform...
...are supporting, in essence, an amendment to the Constitution without employing the process set forth in the Constitution.
Which, P.S., is subversion of the Constitution, and that is defined as treason.
So the neocons need to wake up, man.
I don't know what these guys are doing.
If you get the sense that you're dealing with a hollow patriot, walk away, because you can't fill up a hollow patriot with the truth.
And, of course, it goes further.
The education reform.
Oh, that's some reform.
The immigration reform, prescription drug plans, basically a medical benefit reform, the assault weapons ban.
You know, when government operates outside of its legitimate functions, everything becomes what H.L.
Mencken called an auction of stolen goods.
So basically using our tax money to buy our votes with campaign finance when none of the votes actually even count.
I mean, it's truly insane!
It is, it's amazing.
Let's talk to
Sharon in Kentucky, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hi, I appreciate both of you.
I have three quick questions.
First of all, where is your guest on in Delaware?
What station?
92.7 FM, WGMD.
Uh huh.
And is that, can that be heard in Philadelphia?
Well, we wouldn't broadcast to Philly.
Philly is pretty much
1300 AM or I think there's something in the 10s, like a 1080 or a 1040.
Those are the top powerhouses in that area.
Okay, where are you at in Delaware?
It's actually located in Lewis, close to Rehoboth Beach.
It goes into Virginia, Maryland, and much of Delaware, ma'am.
Because of the placement of the tower, there's even some, we touch upon the Jersey Shore.
And what is your last name?
Lerman, L-U-R-M-A double N.
That's correct.
Okay, Alex, I wanted to know if you were aware that WLW in Cincinnati, where you've been a frequent guest on Bill Boucher's program, is owned by Clear Channel?
I'll tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
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Before I go back, some final calls from our guest.
German trial.
Here's how Iranian agent warned U.S.
of impending Al-Qaeda attack.
London Guardian.
The United States was warned of impending September 11th terror attacks by an Iranian spy, but ignored him.
German Secret Service agents testified yesterday in the trial of an alleged Al-Qaeda terrorist.
This is the Financial Times.
Halliburton wins Iraq deal despite price gouging.
The Bush administration knew that Halliburton had overcharged the U.S.
government on an Iraq reconstruction contract before it awarded the company a separate lucrative contract last week to repair Iraqi oil fields.
And then, of course, Halliburton admits to $6 million in cutbacks.
That's nothing compared to the truth.
Newsweek poll campaign 2004.
52% of Americans say they will not vote for Bush.
So look for terror attacks.
Big concern there.
Before we go back to these calls, I just want to remind you again that I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made 10 films, written a book.
I publish another book and carry a lot of other books and videos by other great authors and researchers.
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Going back to Sharon and Kentucky, what Clear Channel does, and they're phasing this out by the way, is they will put real conservative talk radio shows locally on Saturday or Sunday night.
They get top ratings, huge listenership, and then that gives people a steam valve in the other malaise, but they're even phasing that out now, and that's why you hear better shows like Bill's on a few Clear Channel stations.
Does that answer your question?
I suppose I was wondering why they would allow not only Bilbo Shears to say what he does, but also to have you on there as a guest.
Well, I've talked to Clear Channel hosts, and they go, yeah, I've been told I'll get syndicated if I stop talking like this, but until I stop talking about the New World Order, I'm going to be on it from midnight to, you know, 3 a.m.
Yeah, right.
Also, I wanted to ask... I understand they're greedy.
They want the audience it gets.
Okay, but then eventually you think programs like Bill Boshears is going to be phased out?
Well, I don't know about Bill.
I know what they've already done in most markets.
Oh, I see.
Hey, listen, I appreciate your call.
I've got to let you go.
Comments on that, Davis?
Oh, well, sure.
That's a fascinating control mechanism to have that weekend valving.
I think that's probably what's sustained it so long.
I wonder what the impact will be on the talk radio industry when they do away with certain valves in certain markets.
That's it, folks.
I mean, the show I did here started as a weekend show, became number one, that's why they put it on during the week, until the government called.
A couple of interesting things to point out, because I know religion came up earlier.
If you look at folks like Ted Turner's and Maurice Strong's phony environmental movement,
Has nothing to do with the environment and everything really to do with their population control agenda and their wacky new age one world religion.
That's the religion folks should be worrying about.
Because a quote from those guys is, we've lost our way.
We've got to pray to our mother goddess.
These guys are looney tunes.
Now that was James Coburn.
Oh, that was James Coburn.
Yeah, that's in Road to Tyranny.
They said they want to kill 80-95% of us, so we have those quotes from their own publications.
And perhaps folks that are trying to convince what they perceive as patriots with some hope, if they could just look to 9-11, the road to tyranny, where you talked about the motive of the oligarchy.
Oil, heroin, weapon sales, record defense budgets, record military expenditures, an imperialist excuse to invade any nation.
And domestic police state here domestically.
Real quick, sorry to rob another, Roger you got 30 seconds, go ahead.
Yeah, my comment just directed towards those ostensibly Christian conservative knuckleheads, I mean, because you haven't had detractors from, say, the atheistic left, who ostensibly invent them.
But, if you're wrong and they're right, then shouldn't they be the first ones demanding exhaustive congressional investigations to redeem the image of George Bush?
They're not thinking it's all Bush, conservative, you, liberal, you know?
Davis Lerman, thanks for coming on.
Everybody, thanks for being here.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
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