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Name: 20040122_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 22, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I tell ya, this week is just blasting past us.
It is Thursday, the 22nd day of the New Year.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next 2 hours and 59 minutes, 10 seconds.
And there is just a massive plethora of news that I'm going to cover in this first hour.
And we're going to take your calls throughout the show and we're going to air some of those State of the Union clips again.
I'm going to go back over WTC7, re-air those clips and recap that massive, massive story.
That you can read about and watch the video clips and listen to the audio clips at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
What's coming up?
Two U.S.
soldiers killed in Iraq and on CNN there's a video clip with Japanese soldiers running around with their machine guns.
Japan's throwing out their pacifist laws, building nuclear weapons and
It's an interesting world, isn't it?
We'll get into that.
Also, five million on terror watch list.
And guess what?
People they think are criminals are on the list, too.
And they've caught the Census Bureau using all of our names to put it into the Matrix System.
That's the name of the system, the Matrix System.
Hooked into the National Security Agency.
This is very suspicious with
Kerry, John F. Kerry, Mr. Skull and Bones being low in the polls, and then racing ahead, defeating Dean and others, and now being ten points ahead of everyone else, seven other candidates, he's got 43% in New Hampshire in polls.
Good old media manipulation with the electronic voting machines in Iowa.
John Kerry.
You know, I said about a year ago that I thought it'd be John Kerry getting the nomination.
I may be wrong about that.
Doesn't matter.
They're all globalists.
Howard Dean's just as scary or more scary.
But it doesn't matter whether it's George Bush, John Kerry, Howard Dean.
Doesn't matter.
Doesn't matter who's in there.
And we know that Dick Gephardt will never get it because he's against Naftan Gatt, at least on the surface, and against open borders.
So, uh, we'll get into that.
Also, Pentagon stands by internet voting system.
That's right.
You think Diebold and the other electronic voting machine companies have been caught in a lot of dirt?
The government admits that the internet system's a complete joke, but the troops are still going to vote with it anyway.
And, uh, we'll get into the odds versus Bonesmen in 04.
Just, just, just wait until we get to, uh, this, uh, article concerning John Kerry and George W. Blueblood Bush.
Also, listeners pointed out yesterday, after the State of the Union, that they had the New England Patriots quarterback there.
When they talked about the Patriot Act, they cut to him.
As if football has something to do with it, and the little Patriot tie-in, and it turns out Bush had indeed staged the entire event.
So now if you're against the Patriot Act, you're against professional football.
This is how mindless the theater has gotten, and even Lord Drudge is pointing that out.
It turns out that Stephen Brill had a summit meeting of TV anchormen at their boss's home over dinner in his Fifth Avenue apartment.
With Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge to discuss how they'll cover the next terror attack.
Talk about stage manage.
Brill, whose book, After, details the response to the 9-11, spearheads the American Prepared campaign to educate the public.
Joining Brill, his wife Cynthia and two of their three kids for dinner, were Fox News Channel boss Roger Ailes, ABC News David Weston, CBS News Chief Andrew Hydeward, CNN anchor Aaron Brown, plus Peter Jennings and Tom Brokaw.
Ah, getting ready for the next staged event.
Now, Peter Jennings and others aren't going to be retiring, but Dan Rather is in 11 months.
So if Dan Rather wasn't there, does that mean they're going to launch the next attack right after the election?
They did last time.
He'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Operators are standing by.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, it is Thursday, the 22nd day of January 04.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I started getting into some of the headlines in the last segment, but let's launch back into it and detail it.
There is so much to cover here, and we're going to have open phones on any of the issues I'm about to go over or any topics you'd like to bring up, any questions, comments.
If you'd like to yell at me and tell me I'm a liar and try to disprove something I'm saying, then hit me with your best shot.
Fire away, as they say.
And the websites that just get better and better by the day, Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Two U.S.
soldiers killed in Iraq, a mortar and rocket attack on a U.S.
military base near Baquaba on Wednesday night killed two American soldiers and wounded three other soldiers, U.S.
military sources said today.
And Bush says, bring them on.
That's with Mr. Awol.
It's easy to say that, I guess, with the rest of the chicken hawks.
The wounded have been treated and have returned to duty.
But the interesting thing here is it gets into the Japanese troops at the base.
And there's a video clip and a photo here.
Japanese troops measure the perimeter of the base.
Area Thursday in Samawa, southern Iraq, where there were other attacks.
And, just interesting to see the Japanese now throwing out their pacifist constitution, admitting that they're developing nuclear weapons, but nobody seems to want to talk about that.
What do you think about the Japanese re-arming, building up their military again?
Very, very interesting.
You really can't blame them with North Korea threatening to nuke them on a monthly basis.
Firing, what now, three missiles over their coastline, having intercontinental ballistics targeted just for the 800-mile journey, plunging them into the water off their coast.
And they've got the old Taipan Dong-2, Variant 2, that can hit any part of the U.S., including Austin Tejas, where I join you from.
Thanks to George Bush and Bill Clinton arming them.
Five million on terrorism watch lists.
This is out of the Toronto Sun.
security agents have a master list of five million people worldwide thought to be potential terrorists or criminals.
Notice it's always terrorists and criminals.
Officials say the U.S.
Lookout Index contains some five million names of known terrorists and other persons representing a potential problem.
Brian Davis, a senior Canadian immigration official in Paris, said in a confidential document obtained by The Sun, the names on the list are compared against those applying for visas on flights traveling to the United States.
And of course, domestically, conservatives try to fly, Green Party activists, land rights groups, you name it, there have been, I don't know, 50 different cases of this I've seen, or I've seen 50 separate plus cases, I know there's more than that.
Where people try to get on board aircraft and they're told, sorry, you're on the no-fly list.
And they're questioned and script-searched and then told to get out of the airport and then they try to sue and Homeland Security says, we don't care, it's Homeland Security.
People with no criminal records.
Doesn't ever seem to be Arabs either.
But this is part of the new future system.
You'll have your national ID card through your driver's license and you'll have four levels of security clearance on it.
A rating the government gives you.
Bad credit?
You go from green to yellow!
Sorry, you don't have any rights because you've been profiled.
But don't worry, it doesn't profile any race.
It profiles everyone.
Anyone whose name is on the list is questioned or banned.
And passengers were on two British Airways flights to Los Angeles two weeks ago.
Five-year-old child was one of them.
The master list was revealed by the U.S.
Embassy officials to a Canadian Standing Immigration Committee in April 2002.
And what they're doing is, Canada's going to biometrics to leave the country or come in.
So is the U.S.
Now it's for citizens.
All these other Western countries are doing it.
This is the World ID Card System, as announced two years ago by the U.N.
This is under treaty.
I don't
We're good to go.
But on the 54 question survey, it would ask, where is your bank account?
How much is in it?
What stocks and bonds do you have?
Do you have a renter?
Do they pay cash?
Where do they last with?
What type of cars do you drive?
What make and model?
What time do you go to work in the morning?
Do you have a low flush or a regular flush toilet?
How many children do you have?
What are their names?
Do they have any medical illnesses?
Does anyone have mental illness problems?
Do you own firearms?
Of course, every 10 years they are to enumerate just the number of people in the states for proportionate representation in the House of Representatives, and that goes back to the Magna Carta in 1214, and from there back to Mount Sinai 3,000 years ago with Moses.
Who was told to count the people.
That's it.
That's all you're supposed to do.
But no, we're going to ask how your toilet flush is and what you do.
But all of that now, and if you own guns and what your bank account has, all of that under perjury of law.
They say it's a document and you have to sign it.
And they had little bureaucrats with plastic badges busting down doors, threatening people.
They would think they were cops and someone would refuse to answer their questions.
There were articles where they'd knock on the door and come in and attack people.
Start grabbing them saying you better fill it out or I'm going to arrest you.
A lot of this stuff happening.
And now it all goes into the NSA.
But we never talk about the NSA in Echelon.
They confuse you with terms like Matrix.
Now, they could feed you with terms like total information awareness or carnivore tips.
Those are all just nodes of the NSA.
And for over a decade, they've been in control of all the states and all your personal data.
If you don't pay cash for something, it goes into the database.
If it's with a major shopping retail chain and now they're going to try to push the new national sales tax as a way of getting rid of quote the IRS.
They're going to keep the income tax for quote social security purposes and then give you a 15 to 20 percent national sales tax which will bring federal interfaces into every business by law and everything we do will be recorded even if you pay cash you'll have to swipe the card or enter your ID number.
This is what they're proposing.
This is what's being put in.
The infrastructure.
They put the infrastructure in and then start proposing it and then pass it.
I didn't want to get off into a side issue on that, but 5 million on terrorist list and a crime list, of course.
It's all, oh, we're just going to use the Patriot Act for terrorists and crime.
Rush Limbaugh, topless bars, county commissioners, pot dealers.
Oh yes, that's now being used against them.
The Patriot Act is for all of us.
Being expanded, Lord Bush says.
Very suspicious activities concerning John F. Kerry.
John Forbes Kerry, a true thoroughbred New World Order minion, who was buddies with Bush when they were kids, buddies with the Kennedys.
They're all just a nice plan.
Kerry takes lead in New Hampshire.
New Herald Poll shows, Boston Herald reports, Senator John F. Kerry has catapulted into a 10-point New Hampshire lead six days before the nation's first primary.
Bouncing out of Iowa, another longtime frontrunner according to a new Boston Herald poll.
Massachusetts senior leads Dean 31 percent to 21.
And a slipping Leslie K. Clark at 16% after skipping the Iowa caucuses.
Senator John Edwards in fourth place, 11% followed Senator Joseph Lieberman, with 4% over now.
Sharp Representative Dennis Kucinich continued to barely register.
Kerry suddenly in Iowa beats everybody from being near the, he was in the middle, was he number four?
Now he's number one, and just magically happening overnight.
And so we're going to have a Skull and Bones candidacy.
It looks like.
I mean, I said day one over a year ago, people said, who do you think will be the nominee?
And I said, well, I would say Kerry.
And why is that?
Well, he's a member of the same, well, the popular term is Skull and Bones.
The actual term they use is the Order of the Death Orientus
Or the League of Lucifer.
That's mainstream news.
I was a member of the League of Lucifer Order of Death, and I hung out in a place called the Tomb with swastikas on the walls.
I wonder if I'd be considered a Christian conservative like Bush is.
I guess not, folks.
But, again, they're very serious, and so it looks like we're going to have Bush and Lord Kerry in there running against each other.
The first Skull and Bones candidacy where both of them are Skull and Bones.
Not the first time Skull and Bones has been president.
This will be the fourth time.
Odds of Skull vs. Bones in 0-4, somewhere between 43 and 100%.
The return of Senator John Kerry.
Now, with former Vermont Governor Howard Dean's rise, Kerry had become almost a forgotten and forlorn figure in recent months.
Journalists said he was running a weak, ill-defined, mush-mouthed campaign short of energy and long on boring, sensational bromides.
After those stories ran their course, what you heard about Kerry was mostly nothing.
He was stuck in third place in the Iowa polls, I saw fourth, and sinking in the New Hampshire polls.
The Dean people complained about bad press, but the Kerry people got no press.
The Kerry win propels him back into the limelight at a time when he really needs it.
New Hampshire voters aren't known for following Iowa's lead, but in this case, it could give Kerry almost a native son, the second look that he desperately needs in New Hampshire.
We're reasonable people here, and we have a sense of history, so we're not going to make this bigger than it is.
Only three of the last seven Democratic nominees in contested races actually won Iowa, so Kerry shouldn't put on his crown just yet.
New Hampshire is a more important predictor all Democratic nominees in the modern era have placed either first or second there.
Only one candidate, Bill Clinton, failed to win either Iowa or New Hampshire and went on to win the nomination.
History would suggest he pressured on Dean to win New Hampshire, but it ain't over.
And there are only seven in the 43%.
How did Kerry go from third place to sudden victory with no press?
And it gets into skull and bones.
We'll talk about that.
And then, what does a football player have to do with the Patriot Act?
Why'd they show him there in the State of the Union?
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
Thank you.
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Today, the U.S.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
So, coming from nowhere, John Kerry is the leader of the pack with all the Democrats.
And it really doesn't matter, again, because they're all globalist puppets.
They really are.
They just give you different packages on the same New World Order, big government laws of liberty agenda.
That's all they do, just like George Bush and Bill Clinton.
And more and more conservatives are finally waking up to this and actually looking at Bush's record, but we'll get your comments on that skull and bones situation, the skull and bones candidacies.
Do you think that's what we're going to end up having in the presidential election?
Not that it matters.
I mean, if John Kerry actually wins, they'll just stop the vote counting or recounting and
I'm sure all the die-bold machines, the owner has promised to deliver votes to the Republicans, and then even if there's a problem there, the Supreme Court, for the second time in U.S.
history, will just appoint Bush President.
And then it wouldn't matter if John Kerry got elected to be the same agenda.
So, either way, very, very serious.
And talking about the election, Pentagon stands by Internet voting system.
They got caught running scams in 2000 with the troops' votes.
The Pentagon is standing by an internet voting system it developed.
It developed?
For U.S.
citizens overseas, in spite of an inadequate analysis that said it was so vulnerable to attacks that it should be scrapped.
I love how I turned independent analysis into inadequate analysis.
Independent analysis, it said, was so vulnerable to attacks that it should be scrapped.
In a report released Wednesday, four computer security experts to the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment
I love how they call it, the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment.
See, it's an experiment, but the experiment, we're calling it secure in the name, so it's secure.
We're calling the Patriot Act a Patriot Act, so it's patriotic.
And it goes on, it could be penetrated by hackers, criminals, terrorists, or foreign governments.
And I would add, or this government, which is a criminal government.
So again, in a report released Wednesday, four computer security experts said the Secure Electronic Registration and Voting Experiment, or CERV, could be penetrated by hackers, criminals, terrorists, or foreign governments.
Internet voting
But wait a minute!
That doesn't matter.
I mean, we've had engineers quit Diebold and quit the other big voting companies.
It turned out Diebold's vice president was a convicted felon for computer hacking and other crimes.
And he was out there running the last California election in 2003 with Lord Schwarzenegger.
And, uh, millions of people cast their votes on those, uh, on those machines, and it turned out that a lot of them were remotely accessed by Diebold, but don't worry, there won't be any investigation of that.
Big deal!
They're convicted felons for computer crimes.
Oh, we're running things, accessing them with wireless internet built into the machines.
It's no big deal!
Then the troops are gonna run off a system the Pentagon designed!
They designed these other systems to begin with.
The big three voting companies are all run by former deputy directors of the CIA.
And they've been caught scamming elections from Tennessee to New York to California to Texas.
There are hundreds and hundreds of articles where they admit these electronic machines are scamming, but it's always an accident.
Don't worry.
And the Pentagon now says they don't care.
They don't care what you say about this system.
This is how the troops vote.
Do you understand us?
They don't do an absentee ballot.
They don't fly these in, which is bad enough.
No, that's not how this works.
A Pentagon that was caught planting hundreds of fake news articles, that is, letters from troops with fake signatures in newspapers,
The Pentagon that did that is going to run the electronic voting for the troops and other citizens overseas, millions of them.
So how does that sound to you folks?
Oh boy, this gets better and better.
We'll come back and go to a bunch of calls, then I'll get back into the news.
A listener pointed out that
They have the New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady standing between Colin Powell's wife and Rumsfeld's wife and behind the President's wife.
Mrs. Bush and he kept standing up and clapping and just loves Bush.
Notice when they talk about the Patriot Act, that's a nice little tie-in they were told to do, scripting in the media, to cut to the football player from the Patriots.
If you're not for the Patriot Act, you're against National Football League.
You're not very patriotic.
I mean, this is the level of base manipulation.
Wake up!
We'll be back!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show!
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I got an email yesterday, and I did go back and check my videotape of the State of the Union from Tuesday night.
And Bush, you know, had that great line written by his speechwriters where he talked about how the Patriot Act expires, you know, five, but the terrorist threat doesn't expire.
And everybody, not everybody, but a lot of people start clapping, and that was ignored by the media.
Now, before that, people clapped when he was talking about how the Patriot Act was going to expire.
And people who are against the Patriot Act, some members of Congress, clapped for that.
But then when Bush gave his line about how the terrorist threat doesn't expire, a bunch of Republicans clapped.
I mean, that's really showing how they're getting their power, their control, out of the terror attacks.
What an improper time to clap talking about terror threats that don't expire.
And Dick Cheney has said 50 years, Bush has said 100 year threat.
British ministers have said a 50-year threat, a generational war, it's never going to end, the terror threat is going to morph into the evil right-wing conservatives in America.
Wait till the Democrats are in office.
Then they can really use the Patriot Act against the Russian and Bosnian world.
Very, very scary.
And then when you try to go out and protest a Democrat, they'll say, sorry, we have the federal court rulings by Republican judges that you can have a thousand Bush supporters on a public street worshiping Bush, but one person has a sign saying, no blood for oil, you're arrested and federally convicted.
So now you can't protest John Kerry or Howard Dean or whoever else.
Well, I think Bush is getting back into office.
Why would they get their shell out of there who's been able to pacify most conservatives?
We're going to go to your calls here, Rob and Myron and Chris and Gary and Greg and others, here in just a few minutes.
I want to get, after that, into Bush-Kerry battle over Super Bowl.
Brady, after appearance at State of the Union,
Talk about stage management.
Also, Governor Ridd, head of Homeland Security, meeting with the heads of the media to craft the response to the next terror attack.
I want to go through that.
French fume over proposal to ban beards in France.
Yes, the Muslims, we've got to ban people having beards.
And this is a serious news report, folks.
This is being proposed by the government over there.
Talk about freedom.
And there's an article here from what really happened, the State of the Union, the real State of the Union, I want to go over that.
North Korea on the brink of getting nuclear arsenal on a telegraph.
Folks, they've had nukes for at least seven years.
Now they have the delivery systems, thanks to the military-industrial complex.
So we'll be going over that.
Pentagon stands by its internet voting system, I want to give you their comments on that.
Tron, I'm not resigning.
Uh, from the Associated Press, despite the fact that a lot of people in the government are calling for it in this big bribery scandal.
And infiltration of files seen as extensive.
Senate panel of GOP staff spied on Democrats.
Kind of another Watergate type of event, but hey, that's no big deal nowadays.
I mean, old corruption like Nixon was involved in really is nothing compared to $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
And there's an article here about the USO and the Pentagon with hundreds of thousands of dollars of scam charges when they were flying Kid Rock and other sultry entertainers to Afghanistan and Iraq, other Hollywood people and rock stars.
It turns out that some folks were over-billing and scamming.
So they talk about a couple hundred thousand dollars stolen.
And that's a big news headline.
Meanwhile, $1.2 trillion is missing, and it was only in a few newspapers and never really discussed.
And then that's their tactic.
They'll talk about some microscopic corruption compared to mountains of evil, and to make you think they're stopping the corruption.
Well, we caught an Army captain that was on his expense card buying computers and selling them out of the back of his truck.
He's getting ten years in prison
Meanwhile, all of that thieving in the last couple years only amounted to a couple billion dollars.
I think it was, what, three billion dollars stolen in 2002 alone.
We don't have numbers for 2003 yet.
That was what was stolen by troops, and then there's one point two trillion missing, stolen by contractors and generals and others, and now there's no real discussion of that.
So that's coming up, too.
Before I go straight to these calls, I do want to invite all of you
Go to InfoWars.net or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to link through our secure online shopping cart to peruse the books on tape concerning the New World Order, the books, the videos, my videos, and other great videos by other wonderful researchers.
To get the pro-gun, anti-tyranny t-shirts, the liberal t-shirts that I have that say, Mass Murderers Agree, Gun Control Works, from the back, Politicians Love Disarmed Peasants, very liberal stuff at the website.
I'm being sarcastic, I get those emails.
Because we're against open borders and gun control and abortion, we're very liberal now.
So if you want to support our liberal activities, our socialist activities, our downright commie activities,
Uh, you know, that are against the Patriot Act and the tyranny.
Uh, you can go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and peruse that.
Or you can call toll-free.
My newest videos are Matrix of Evil, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny is one of my best videos as well.
There's also Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, where we caught Bush engaging in, uh,
Well, conservative rituals.
Satanism is now conservative.
Christianity is now liberal.
Again, I'm being sarcastic, but this is really the new paradigm.
I snuck into Bohemian Grove.
It's admitted in major publications, and it's real video of it happening.
The Grove members admit it in the TRIO Network special.
You might want to get my film.
Two hours, five minutes.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free to get the films, the books, the t-shirts, the CDs, all of it.
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And there's discounts when you get two or more books or three or more videos.
You can ask about that when you call.
Okay, let's go ahead and go to some of the phone calls.
Let's talk to Rob in Colorado.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I wanted to talk about World Trade Center Building 7.
Yeah, I'm going to re-air those clips and get back into that next hour, but go ahead.
I think that every time you talk about the demolition, you ought to emphasize that there were people inside.
Because I think a lot of people are listening and thinking, okay, well, the owner ordered the demolition, so what?
But the difference is between a demolition and multiple murders.
I'll tell you what, for those who just joined us, we covered this Monday and Tuesday, didn't get much into it Wednesday, I'm getting back into it next hour.
Recap what happened, what we have on the website, the video clips, the documents, the firefighter tapes, and that massive story Paul Watson and myself put together, mainly Paul, why don't you go ahead and recap it for folks?
Well, the owner of the World Trade Centers, who
Who had taken out insurance on all those buildings like a matter of weeks before 9-11.
Yes, record insurance, expanding the insurance right before.
Larry Silverstein.
When the so-called disaster occurred, it was a disaster, but it was a planned disaster,
He ordered the destruction of World Trade Center Building 7.
And uh... And who told us that?
Larry Silverstein did with his big fat face in the camera.
In an interview, yes.
Another thing I was thinking, you know, we should do a uh... Every state has the equivalent of a Freedom of Information Act.
We should do a New York Freedom of Information Act or Open Records Act request and send it to the fire chief.
Why, you might be a terrorist.
All of that is sealed under national security.
Anyone trying to take photos was arrested.
They've threatened the firefighters with arrest if they talk.
That's always a good sign, isn't it?
Oh yeah.
Well, I'm sure if they claim the national security exemption that it's obvious they're hiding something.
Well, that's ridiculous.
Governments don't lie and never do anything bad.
The question is, why did Silverstein
Admit that they pulled the building.
We already knew that thing imploded.
Never hit by an airplane.
Caught fire hours after the other centers fell.
Everybody evacuates out except for a few people who stayed inside and they say are now dead.
And the thing collapses.
Isaac Rasch picked up multiple explosions.
And Silverstein says, yeah, it was on fire that afternoon.
We decided to pull it.
Gave the order and watched it collapse.
And then we have other city officials saying, yeah, pulling is demolishing.
The other big question is, how'd they get the explosives in there while it was on fire?
Or, well, that couldn't happen.
They had to already be there.
But, I think they ought to... I think people like that have two realities in their mind.
One reality they expose to the public, and the other reality is the truth.
And sometimes they get confused and the truth comes out.
Well, I mean, Silverstein didn't misspeak.
I mean, they show Building 7 coming down, and he's going, yeah, we decided to bring it down.
Then you have it being brought down.
You have the clear signature of that happening.
Good points.
Thanks for the call.
And we do have one of the Secret Service agents and the House of Representatives' comments about his death in World Trade Center 7 when it collapsed on PrisonPlanet.com on the updated version of the story.
Let's talk to Myron in South Dakota.
Go ahead, Myron.
Yes, Alex, your program on TRIO, on your escapade in the Bohemian Grove, aired a couple times within the last week again.
Yeah, that means that's 17 times they've aired that.
Let's go ahead and talk about Howard Dean and Max Fleeland.
Well, I'll tell you what, let me stop you, let me stop you, because when I say I snuck in and caught world leaders devil-worshipping, the average person doesn't believe that, even if the San Francisco Chronicle admits it, even if the Press Democrat admits it, in Santa Rosa, even when the head of the Bohemian Grove told the British media in the video, their version of the video, you know, I have my dark secrets, they have their secret rulers of the world, they used my footage for it in interviews with me, and they covered our infiltration,
They admit at the end that yes, I indeed snuck in and got that footage.
Oh yes, definitely.
There's no doubt about it.
According to some people, I've made that up.
According to some major Christian leaders in this country, I'm a liar.
This place doesn't exist and Bush doesn't go to it.
Well, I've known about that group for a long, long time.
I used to live within 80 miles from there.
Oh, there's just been articles in the Washington Times and the Associated Press 20 years ago.
They had Khrushchev there 40-something years ago.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Excuse me, Khrushchev's foreign minister.
That's incorrect.
Go ahead.
I was going to talk about Howard Dean.
I noticed the very same thing that you commented on, and I've noticed how Dean is being attacked and incessantly by
You know, people like William Crystal or some of the other neocons.
He's being attacked by Time and Newsweek!
Yes, and it's just continuous attacks, and I was wondering how long he can handle that.
And, you know, he's a socialist like the rest of them, but he did something that upset these people, and you know what that was.
He exposed Bush for being a big liar and how he got us involved in Iraq, and there was no need for it.
And he said there's questions around prior knowledge of 9-11.
And so he started playing the hardball of them.
They played hardball of him.
Right, exactly.
Besides, he's not a thoroughbred like Bush or John Kerry.
He's not from that small area in New England.
He didn't go to the same prep schools, the same orders, the same order of death.
He's not a thoroughbred.
And he also isn't a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, which is one of the key organizations.
And, you know, even the Club for Growth, besides taking out ads against them,
And we hear it continuously, and I watch C-SPAN, and we hear this, well, he can't win.
Rush Limbaugh on High Energy.
Continuous, well, he can't win.
You know, if they're so concerned about getting Bush elected, they should be happy that he's going to win the nomination.
Wouldn't you think so?
He's an establishment, New World Order guy, but he's not a thoroughbred.
He is a loose cannon.
The guy is a little bit nutty.
And so, he's not their boy.
Thanks for the call.
Go ahead, Myron.
I was going to talk about Max Cleland.
I don't know if you caught this or not, but there was a meeting of the 9-11 Commission a couple months ago, and they commented that Max Cleland wasn't on the committee anymore.
And they explained that, okay, Max Cleland, and I think there was another called Rumor, two people, wanted to subpoena the records from the White House about the administration.
And so he resigned and was given the head of the Ex-Im Bank.
Right, and they wanted to make it very clear to the viewers that
There was no connection that he is not on the committee and they were dropping the subpoena also.
And now two of the current members have secretly testified, according to Washington Post, because quote, they were involved in 9-11.
It doesn't end.
Well, I mean, look, it's like having, you know, a mobster having his top lieutenant be the prosecutor.
Thanks for the call.
I mean, watching Bush give the State of the Union, I felt unclean, like it was the devil giving a speech or something.
I mean, again, Saddam's evil, it was like Satan rebuking a demon.
I mean, it just doesn't work.
Chris, in North Carolina, go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I appreciate you also bringing up the Silverstein issues regarding 9-11, keeping us all informed in terms of our current information, where that news is relevant.
It's absolutely outrageous.
Anyway, what I called about specifically was to ask your opinion or get some information from you if you have any information regarding the Intelligence Authorization Act of 4th Fiscal Year 2004.
Essentially, this looks like an expansion of the Patriot Act in terms of taking
Well, yeah, that's admitted.
It's Patriot Act 2.
It's about 60% of what was in the original bill and some other stuff that wasn't in the original Patriot Act 2.
And what was it, 24-17 is the bill number.
And Bush signed that with no ceremony, secretly, on Saturday.
And then the announcement was made an hour after the Saddam capture announcement.
That blacked out the news for that entire week.
And now the average person doesn't even know that that was passed.
How can I get better information on that in terms of real documentation?
I mean, I've got an AFP article in front of me, I've got that kind of thing, but I'm looking for like legitimate
Government documentation.
Well, I mean, HR 2417 passed and Ron Paul's on the show and said it's Patriot Act 2 and you go to PrisonPlanet.com there on the right hand side there's a banner that says, uh, uh, Stealth Enactment of Patriot Act 2 and you just click on that and there's a couple of AP articles and admitting that it, uh, what it does.
I appreciate your time, Alex.
You bet.
Good to hear from you, Chris, in North Carolina.
Greg and others, you're up next and more news.
Well, we'll hear those clips of building WTC7 collapse in the next hour and continue with the news and information.
So stay with us.
We'll be back.
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Let's go straight back into the calls.
Then I'm going to go back into a bunch of other news we haven't even gotten to yet in the next hour.
Then we'll go back through WTC7 as well and some of the new developments there.
Let's go ahead and talk to Greg.
Oh, she's telling me Gary's up first.
Gary in Tennessee.
Gary, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hello Alex.
Yeah, I had a question to ask you, but I did see those on the TRIO channel, I think two or three times about when you got in there and got video of that.
I'll verify it for you.
And, uh, I'm still making copies.
But I had a question concerning, uh, you know, the way people vote, and those machines, and, you know, people go out and vote, and, uh, and then they have the electoral vote.
Electoral College, uh, don't they go mainly by the Electoral College?
I mean, even if people get here and waste their time voting, how does that mesh together?
Okay, each state has its number of electoral votes.
So, have you ever played the game Risk?
Well, each country has a certain score value, and it's a world domination game, and so at the end you tally up how many countries you've gotten against others, and that's basically who wins.
Well, you try to dominate everybody and kill your enemies, but basically it's that same system.
Each state, depending on its population, has a score.
Okay, and so they tally up the states, and whoever wins the Electoral College wins.
So really, it is a popular vote, because the popular vote is within each state, but it's a system designed for state sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment.
Uh huh.
So he really won.
Well, again, that's apples and oranges.
I am for the Electoral College.
And so the two, electronic voting and the Electoral College.
Electronic voting is just a new way to vote locally, which is then tallied.
And then the state either goes to the Republican or the Democrat or the Independent.
But does that answer your question?
So it is important for a person to vote and you're not wasting your time?
This is what's happened.
Certainly we've all heard about LBJ stealing the election in Texas to get elected to Congress.
We've heard about other election fraud.
Kennedy had the mob stuffing ballot boxes in Chicago.
I mean this has happened, this has been admitted to.
But it's never been centralized where it's run by the federal government.
Now, after 2000,
They passed the Voter Assistance Act, which billions of dollars, it was over $5 billion, they wanted $6 billion, they got a little over $5 billion, I believe it was $5.2 billion.
For the states, Chuckie Schumer wrote it up, Bush signed it, but the feds then federalized local elections that are making your state's counties
We're good to go.
The 2000 election, these same systems were caught running scams.
A lot of cities and counties and states already had these.
Now, it's been federalized so it's going in everywhere.
So we've got to stop those machines from going in and demand a paper ballot receipt so there can be a proper recount.
There cannot be under this system.
I hear you.
Okay, well it is important for me to vote.
I appreciate the call.
Thank you.
We'll come back, but that's how the Electoral College works.
It's to maintain state sovereignty.
Until 1913, legislatures appointed the senators.
That's how we control the federal government.
Not anymore.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We had a caller from Tennessee who was asking about the Electoral College.
And during that one minute break, I was thinking about how to properly describe the Electoral College.
I don't think I did a very good job.
So, after I go over some news and take some more calls, I'll get back into what the Electoral College does and how it was set up and why.
So that is coming up.
Also, there's a lot of other election news.
The Pentagon has developed its own electronic voting system for American citizens overseas and troops.
That's millions of people, potential voters.
And it's been found to be fraud-ridden, designed for fraud, by top analysts.
Four different analysts that looked at it.
The Pentagon says that they stand behind their internet voting system.
Also, John F. Carey, John Forbes Carey, another Blue Blood, another Skull & Bones member, has obviously won in Iowa a couple days ago and now is 10 points ahead in the New Hampshire polls.
And that's obviously got a lot of stage-managed stuff involved in it.
troops, two of them killed, three wounded in mortar attacks in Iraq, tragically.
Five million on internet terrorism lists that the government has compiled through the Matrix system.
Five million suspected terrorists and quote, criminal.
And you won't be allowed to basically, even if you haven't committed a crime, be able to do anything under this new system.
I want to get back into that.
Also, listeners have pointed out that during the State of the Union address two days ago, when Bush talked about the Patriot Act, they cut to the quarterback,
For the New England Patriots, Tom Brady was standing amongst the Bush wife and the Powell's wife and Rummy's wife.
And people are, even judges, saying, what does Tom Brady have to do with the Patriot Act?
I mean, it's just a mindless ploy, but perfectly designed for the public.
Well, I'm for the Patriot Act.
I'm for football teams.
I love the NFL.
I love that young man, Tom Brady.
And they admit they met with Tom Brady and staged this whole thing.
Just an example of the stage-managed nature of all this and what theater that was we witnessed two nights ago.
Also on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Stephen Brill had a summit meeting of TV anchormen and their bosses over dinner at his Fifth Avenue apartment on Tuesday night with Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge to discuss how they'll cover the next terrorist attack.
This is the New York Post saying this.
And I guess because Dan Rather wasn't there, he's been at similar meetings planning this stuff in the past.
He's retiring in 11 months.
Retiring from his full-time anchor job.
That could indicate they're going to launch the terror attack after the election.
Very, very serious.
ABC News in 1999 had a five-night drill of a huge bio-attack on martial law, and at the end of each show they would quietly announce this was just a simulation.
But it did cause kind of a War of the Worlds-type panic, because they were putting this in our psyche.
Totally staged!
Homeland Security had a meeting with them and admitting, we are meeting to figure out how we're going to announce and how we're going to cover this.
That should chill everyone.
But again, hidden in plain view, the total stage-managed nature of all this.
So I'd like to get your comments on that as well when we get back.
I want to hit a few other news items, get into the Electoral College, then we'll go to your calls at 1-800-259-9231.
I haven't even scratched the surface.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Austin, Texas.
Denver, Colorado from Kansas City, Missouri to Pensacola, Florida.
Simulcasting on Global Shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20 and back from 9 to midnight central at 5.085 and 68.90.
Let me shotgun through some more of the news then we'll go to
Ron and Mike and Ryan and Michael and Melissa and others that are patiently holding.
And then I want to get into some of the electoral college and describe that and what really happened in the 2000 election.
Both sides were trying to steal the election.
There was fraud on both sides.
Just put it that way at first to make it simple.
Pentagon stands by internet voting system.
I mentioned that, but
This is out of the Associated Press.
A bunch of top scientists and others have looked at it and said it's designed for fraud.
Like all the other big electronic voting machine companies with their own engineers have quit and said they're scamming everyone.
That doesn't seem to matter.
The Feds are paying to put it all in.
The Pentagon is standing by its internet voting system it developed for U.S.
citizens overseas in spite of independent analysis that said it was so vulnerable to attacks that it should be scrapped.
They say we don't care.
Just to show the level of control.
Israel criticizes France because they won't arrest more people that are neo-Nazis or more Muslims that say things against Israel.
And I don't agree with the neo-Nazis or some of the Arabs that are vicious.
I mean, they'd kill a Christian in a minute.
But, I mean, France won't allow, will try to stop Yahoo from allowing World War II memorabilia to be sold on its websites.
France said, well, you're here in France, you can't do that.
Trying to control the world.
You can't sell World War II memorabilia because you can't sell swastikas.
I mean, that's the level of control there, and that's not enough for Israel?
I mean, I'm tired of Israel trying to pass laws here to restrict the First Amendment.
I'm tired of them trying to do it in France.
And they've been lobbying in France, and now this is being reported, French fume over proposed ban on beards.
And another thing, you know, Israel's lobby, it was a couple different lobbies, but, you know, they love Arnold Schwarzenegger, who's a real live Nazi, folks.
And says he hates black people and all this other stuff.
But they're, again, going after the First Amendment.
I'm just sick of it.
France's fight to keep religion out of schools has threatened to engulf the country, and has entered a new, and some say absurd, territory.
Teachers and some religious leaders streamed Wednesday over a government minister's call to ban beards and bandanas from classrooms, along with Islamic headscarves, Jewish skullcaps, and Christian crosses.
See, it's going after everybody.
But this starts when certain groups, the atheists, don't want Christian and Jewish and Muslim stuff, and then Israel's out lobbying to not let Muslims wear their headscarves.
It's incredible.
I mean, everybody's lobbying for a police state.
And, uh, here in this country, it's worse in some cases.
You know, in the New York Police Department, they can have a menorah, uh, they can have a Qur'an under glass in the main entryway, but no, uh, no mangers seen.
Muslim leaders were divided, with some denouncing the curb on facial hair as total delirium.
Others said street protests against the plan law had rattled the government and provoked a crackdown.
Le Monde newspaper devoted its front page cartoon to the subject, showing a teacher inspecting a student's beard with a magnifying glass.
This veiled woman with big smiles looked on.
The latest twist in France's controversial plan to ban religious symbols from classrooms came Tuesday when Education Minister Luke Ferry said the planned ban on religious symbols could also cover facial hair and bandanas sometimes worn as a discreet alternative to the traditional Muslim headscarf.
And they're going to ban Jewish skullcaps, Christian crosses.
Folks, they're doing that in this country now!
Even the socialist interpretation of Thomas Jefferson
It's a letter saying we should separate church and state.
He meant not have a national church, like a Church of England.
Instead, they now say, okay, you can't have any religious symbols at the schools or in public places, and now it's, oh, you can't wear a cross or in your speech as Valedictorian or in your speech at the speech contest.
You can't say God or Jesus or Allah or any of it.
But then that's all selectively enforced.
Out in California, all the schools have a five-week course where you wear a Muslim dress, worship Allah.
It's just out of control, folks.
It's totally and completely out of control.
And it's attacking free speech.
Separation of church and state is not taking Ten Commandments, which is what our law comes from, out of courthouses, you know, right next to Greek gods that can stay.
Uh... North Korea on the brink of getting a nuclear arsenal and an assessment of North Korea's weapons.
The International Institute of Strategic Studies warned at the time
I was coming when North Korea would have the weapons.
There is still some time for diplomatic efforts to halt and eliminate North Korea's nuclear arsenal while it remains limited to a handful of nuclear weapons.
We've had those for years.
That is a problem.
And our government helped them develop it.
Sharon, I'm not resigning.
Associated Press, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said in a newspaper interview published Thursday that he will not resign despite
Uh, corruption allegations and possibly he might be indicted in coming weeks.
Rowan also said the burgeoning scandal would not deflect his attention from what he considers more pressing issues.
I am not about to resign.
I emphasize I'm not about to resign.
I am busy with the work of from morning to night and I do not intend to take time for issues that are under investigation.
Again, we got a trillion-two missing from the Pentagon.
And Israel's military-industrial complex has been caught running a bunch of scams in the billions of dollars.
But let's not talk about that.
Let's talk about $200,000 in Sharon.
Let's talk about the USO, a couple hundred thousand dollars, you're saying $400,000 in over-billing for bringing in these Hollywood people and rock stars, instead of talking about the $1.2 trillion.
I'm not saying the USO's okay.
I'm not saying Sharon's alright.
I'm just saying this is a classic tactic.
Okay, you know what, let's go ahead and go to the calls, and then I'll get back into the news, and then the WTC7 clips and a recap of that and some new developments.
Let's go to these quickly, folks.
Question or comment, and I'm moving on.
Ron in Oklahoma, go ahead.
Alex, I agree with you that there will be a massive assault on our civil liberties this year.
I suggest watching April and October attacks in Rydia.
Both were at the time of eclipses, so were the attacks on our embassy.
In the Middle East, there's always a disaster around that time of the year, or around an eclipse cycle, whether it's an earthquake, an airplane crash.
I have watched this phenomena for many years.
And that's because the globalists are into the occult, and this is admitted, and a lot of times they do do things according to numerology, and yes.
But like I said, your listeners can verify it easily by simply watching these cycles.
Okay, that's funny.
Hey, I appreciate the call, Ron.
I know what Ron's saying.
We don't believe the eclipses actually do something magical.
I don't believe in all this mumbo-jumbo.
What we're saying is the globalists do.
Do you understand that?
Do you understand that?
They admit it.
I mean, every major president we've had.
Bush, you know, back to Lincoln.
Has astrologers, seances.
Clinton was really bad about this.
Nancy Reagan, Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr., this Bush.
They're into the occult, folks.
I mean, that's mainstream news.
And so when police are investigating, let's say there's a serial killer that kills people on the full moon.
A lot of them do that.
In fact, almost every serial killer that we look at is into the occult and does it as a ritual.
The police don't go out and do stakeouts when the serial killer's out on the full moon because they think the full moon actually does something.
The police don't believe the mumbo-jumbo.
They're out on the street looking for the criminals, the nutcases, because they know that's when they strike.
You understand that?
We're just pointing out this phenomenon.
Let's go to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
A couple quick things.
Earlier you were talking about Howard Dean, when your callers were asking about him.
And I know you didn't mean to leave this impression, but Dean may not be skull and bones, but skull and bones has always had a very intimate relationship with
If the big investment banking firms like including Dean Witter
And Dean is part of that family.
Look, Dean is an elitist.
He's just not the caliber, skull and bones member like John Kerry and George Bush.
And he is also a Yalie like Bush.
Who knows, he may belong to one of the affiliated organizations.
No, he does belong to one of the other cult elite fraternities.
I've read that.
Also, the election business.
There was a question before about how our elections work.
Oh, the Electoral College.
That was intended as a Republican system rather than a direct election system where you actually elected the electors.
They go and
Based on the number of congressmen and senators that you have in your state, that's how many electors you have to go to the electoral college.
And that keeps the power in the state, just like the 17th Amendment got rid of legislatures appointing the senators.
You elect your local state representatives, they then control the senators, recall them, have total power.
That gives the states power over the federal government.
Right, but it's one step removed from you directly electing that president.
You send these guys, they cast the vote.
They're generally committed on the first ballot, but after that, they can change and vote for someone else other than who your state wins.
And that's done to expand the separation of powers.
Hey, I have one question for you.
The NORAD story always intrigues me.
Yes, I do.
And stay there.
Stay there, Mike.
We'll get into that when we get back.
Then we'll go to Ryan, Michael, Melissa, and others.
And then in the WTC7 Recap and more of the news I've mentioned.
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Alright, we'll try to answer Mike's question as quickly as possible.
In the Masters of Terror, we get into NORAD standing down, and then in the middle of last year, ABC News came out with a story.
It was broken by the alternative media that Dick Cheney, as of 8.30 in the morning, was on loudspeakers in the FEMA bunkers in NORAD, in the entire shadow government, making announcements
And they've declared national security and refused to release those, but from Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff, and the military officers he's deposed, they say that Cheney was telling them to just stand down, that they were in control of the situation.
Also, we have the Associated Press articles where the CIA was running a drill of jets flying into buildings in New York and D.C.
at 8.30 that morning, that began at 8.30 that morning.
That's how NORAD stood down.
Also, they said, oh, it's just a drill, stand down.
And this is what Hilton was saying before it even got announced in the Associated Press back in 2002.
So we have a lot of these different examples.
We also have the jets nearby being commissioned away from air defense over to bombing run training right before that happened.
And we know that they were ordered to stand down.
Also, and I've had the guest on the show during some of the public hearings of last year in the 9-11 whitewash commission.
They had the spokeswoman for the FAA under questioning by some of the press, just admitted.
She goes, oh yeah!
She goes, we got a call at about 8.30 in the morning, right as it was all starting, even a few minutes before, going from memory she said that, and this is on record, she said that we got a call and it was the White House and they were in the phone tree system and were taking control of the situation.
So we have that as well, and there's a bunch of other news articles from different angles on this fact, but this indeed did happen.
You have Payne Stewart, the golfer, 18 minutes after his plane went off course in the middle of the country, is surrounded by five F-16s, and now this happens over an hour and 25 minutes and nothing's done in the most controlled air corridor in the country.
Does that answer your question, Mike?
Yeah, Alex, is that available on your 9-11 section?
Yes, at PrisonPlanet.com, yes.
Okay, I'll track that down.
Thanks very much.
I appreciate it.
Oh, Mike?
I was going to ask you, what do you think of the Silverstein stuff?
You know, as usual, they've taken this tact of, you know, drag it out years, and then leak the information a little bit at a time to do damage control, and it seems to be very successful.
Up until now it has been, at least.
Yeah, and again, for those who don't know, the owner of the WTC calmly says we blew it up on 9-11.
I mean, that's incredible.
We already knew that and been saying that.
My two films go over that.
But here it is, just right out in the open.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Ryan in Ohio and Michael, Melissa, John, and others.
Go ahead, Ryan.
Yeah, how you doing?
Hey y'all, the Gorilla News Network, they have an Aftermath of Anonymous Questions 9-1-1, which is a real good timeline on NORAD, from the time things happened to when they were supposed to take off.
So just, you weren't listening, I was listening to that.
I just thought that was pretty good.
And I'm in that video too!
Yes you are, as a matter of fact.
And the one thing, I hope you can defend this one for me,
Which, um, I was listening to a talk radio, like I always do.
And, um, the one about, with the Patriot Act, that allows the government to go look at books that you took out.
Well, this conservative talk show host put it like this, saying that, um, the ILI, or the whichever, um, what do you call that when the people have a group?
Yeah, we've had them on, yeah.
Okay, thanks for the call.
I'll try to answer that.
How do I defend it?
I mean, that's the oldest tactic in the book.
Why, this axe murderer is for the Second Amendment.
You're not for the axe murderer, are you?
Answer the question.
The Union, which I don't agree with on some things, came out and said we shouldn't put filters on all the computers and make people log in and list their names and have a record of what they're surfing and doing, and by the way, those same filters block out my website that doesn't have as much as cleavage on it, okay?
They block out gambling, terror, hacking, porn.
And, of course, I've been listed as terror because I post bills on my website.
So, again, this is a classic thing.
Why this liberal is against the war, so you better be for the war.
You're a liberal.
I mean, it's not even a real debate or a thought process.
Yeah, the Patriot Act, everything you read, you do, even at private bookstores.
They seem to focus in on the
On the libraries?
No, it's for bookstores, too!
And that's admitted, so I guess the bookstores, are they for porn, too, and so it's okay?
I mean, it just makes no sense.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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It'll only take me about 10 minutes to recap WTC7.
It's a huge story we need to go back over and there's been a couple new developments.
I do want to get to Michael in Washington, Melissa in Texas, John Tennessee, Dave Colorado, Ivan in Oregon, and many others that are holding.
We will get to all of you.
And there's a bunch of other news here as well.
Very, very important police state stuff.
Republicans got caught breaking into Democratic offices again.
But nowadays, hey, that's no big deal.
Bill Clinton did it.
Nixon did it.
Now the Republicans do it again.
Wesley Clark admits that he's seen the plan to attack seven Muslim states.
Well, yeah, I've seen the Pentagon plan to go into Syria and Iran.
That's official.
Tony Blair's been caught in a bunch of other lies here, my friends.
And North Korea using food as a weapon, evil degenerates that Kim Jong-il is, well yeah, the UN said at the 97 Food Summit they're going to use food as a weapon.
But it's all about total control.
That and a lot more coming up.
But I want to bring Jim Shepard up.
And Jim is the owner of New Millennium Concepts with the amazing Black Berkey system made right here in America.
One of the best filters out there.
But Jim, side issue.
I just had a caller.
I want to address this.
I want to get your take on it and see what you think about it.
You know, the Patriot Act I allows them to have all the library records, all the bookstore records, which you buy at bookstores.
He calls in and says, well, the National Library Association is against this, but they're also for, you know, having porn accessible on the internet.
And so how do you defend that?
Well, what does it mean?
I mean, if Joseph Stalin is for lemonade, and I'm for lemonade, should I stop drinking lemonade because Joseph Stalin likes it?
I mean, these type of arguments, but I hear the fake conservatives use those type of arguments quite a bit.
You know, if some group we don't agree with on something agrees with us on something else,
Oh, well the ACLU's against the Patriot Act, it must be good!
Well, just because the Patriot Act's, you know, bad and they're against it doesn't mean they're good.
How do you address that?
Well, you know, we have a really crazy environment right now, and I heard you, I don't know, about six months ago talking with somebody from the ACLU, and you were in agreement with them, and I thought, boy, what a stark day, and I am finding that the lines
You know, it used to be, five years ago, that, you know, if you were a Republican, you pretty much knew what the Republicans stood for.
If you had a Democrat, then you pretty much knew what they stood for.
And you really didn't get into each other's camps.
And what I'm finding today, Alex, is that, uh, geez, there's a lot of, uh, liberal, uh, crazy Democrats that I'm finding myself in agreement with on certain issues.
Well, it's like Bob Barr is, you know, campaigning against the Patriot Act with the ACLU.
And so just because the ACLU's wrong about the Ten Commandments, they're right on this.
But I don't go get my gauge from the ACLU whether they're wrong or right about something.
I go off my own internal compass and my research.
So for somebody to say, well, a bad group is agreeing with you, how do you defend that?
I mean, that makes no sense.
Well, and you know, this country, Alex, was formed on the idea that we Americans, from the very get-go, wanted our liberty.
We wanted our private property.
We wanted our right to privacy.
We wanted due process of law.
We believed that no man, even if it was the President of the United States or any other powerful person, was above or beyond the law.
Now, that is the gauge, and when you cross that, whether it's a liberal organization, a conservative organization, when you cross those lines,
You're giving them the territory that is un-American.
But notice, exactly, but notice the discussion isn't, is it right to have the FBI with access to all your book purchases?
They admit they've gone to Barnes & Noble, Borders, you name it.
They want a computer feed into everything.
They're selling what we're all reading with our names.
And then they go, well, it's okay because the librarians are against it and they're liberals.
I mean, that doesn't even make sense, but I've heard the neocons out saying that.
Well, again, everything is getting confused and gray, and I think that what you said about a moral compass, that is the issue.
And it's just like a compass, if a compass is pointing north, it doesn't matter if a Democrat's holding the compass, or a Republican, a conservative, a liberal, north is north, and right is right, wrong is wrong,
And what we're seeing is that the American people have spent so much time in front of the television, getting their paradigm for life, and not spending time reading articles, listening to various points of view, and what's happened is the American people have stopped understanding how to analyze and think
Well, Jim, I've been called a liberal because I'm against any gun control.
I am controlling our borders.
I am against abortion.
I'm against giving supercomputers to China.
I stand against campaign finance reform.
I don't like Bush protecting Bill Clinton, blocking pardon gate investigations.
I know that Bush is calling for amnesty.
I call him a liar when he says he's not, because I've read the legislation.
And I get an email going, you're a liberal now.
Now it's conservative to be for big government.
No, it's not.
And so that's the scrambling that's taking place.
My take on this amnesty issue is a little different than I've heard.
And my take on this is that you may recall ten years ago they were trying to get this North American free trade thing going, NAFTA and all that, and globalizing the labor markets, and people were standing up screaming at that time saying, hey, stop this, we're going to be losing jobs, jobs are going to be exported.
Now what I see happening is the people were right, that's exactly what's happened, our jobs are being exported.
And what the government is finding is that with those jobs that are being exported, revenue is also being exported.
In other words, people in China are not going to be paying U.S.
And now the wages have been driven down, and so they have to bring in the third world population that will work for that.
They're making us the third world.
That's right, because now we're in competition with the third world, and since all those jobs have been exported, let's re-import those at lower wages and at least
The U.S.
government gets their tax money.
From the non-residents here in the United States.
Oh, very astute, Jim.
They admit this is to prop up Social Security.
And then create dual citizenship and pay Social Security in Mexico.
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Very liberal.
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Again, I'm just illustrating how liberal we are here.
Jim, thanks for coming on, my friend.
Always a pleasure.
You bet.
God bless you.
Some of these callers have been holding a really long time, and I'm going to get to everybody here.
Just real fast, let's go to Michael and Melissa, then I'm going to re-air these clips from WTC7, then we'll go back to John, Dave, Ivan, and others.
Michael in Washington, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Hey, I was wondering last night what I could do as a person, and I figured not much, because I'm just a small voice, but then I thought, an insurance company is a big voice.
They're in it to make money.
And I got an article here from the InsuranceJournal.com about the WTC buildings were insured by Swiss Re, or Swiss R-E, I don't know how they pronounce it, but Howard Rubenstein, spokesman for Silverstein, was saying that Swiss Re's remarks are cynical and manipulative to attack on Silverstein's properties.
An effort to collect the insurance bought and paid for by the World Trade Center, in turn, attack rebuilding of lower Manhattan.
Rubenstein said to compensate for the weakness of their legal position, Swiss Re has engaged in a scurrilous personal attack on Mr. Silverstein and his legal counsel.
I got a hold of Swiss Re last night because I couldn't sleep over this new WTC information.
I emailed them all of the bullets that you've been uncovering.
They will go back and fight this more.
Um, because this is clearly insurance fraud.
If I had a neighbor that was torching his house or blowing up his house to collect insurance money, I would let the insurance company know about it.
They've got the power, they have the interest to protect.
Well, that is important.
I know they had multiple insurers.
Swiss Reg was one of them.
They also have been given a federal payout.
And yeah, they should ask Mr. Silverstein, in that position, why'd you say on PBS you ordered the demolishing of the Building 7 on 9-11?
Why'd you do that?
Would you like to answer that question?
Yeah, I emailed them the link to the video and to the latest articles.
And I watched that video
Over and over again last night, and an interesting thing when I watched that greasy New World Order pimp, when he says, we decided to pull it, he does this weird right eye wink.
Like, his right eye winks at you like he's guilty.
It's really shocking to watch over and over again.
Very interesting.
Anything else on your mind?
No, I just wanted to point that out.
If everyone would contact the insurance company that has to back up his murder, we should pummel them with emails and scream to the top of our lungs.
They've got the power, they've got the attorneys.
All right, thank you for the call.
We do point out from the House Representative's website that they claim that a Secret Service agent died inside the building.
I don't know if that was deliberate or if Silverstein's a useful idiot.
I don't think I'm going to call him a murderer, but it does start bordering on a manslaughter, if you knew.
Well, manslaughter, I guess, is when it's accidental.
We'll continue to track this.
Let's talk to Melissa in Austin, Texas.
Melissa, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Let me see if I can get this logic straight with the President's speech with the Patriot thing.
If I were child-sitting for a friend and we decided to do a history project and also employ arts and crafts, and I said, let's do a collage of
And let's take magazines and cut out pictures and paste them on a paperboard and we'll make a picture of Patriot.
And he runs in his room and gets football cards instead of pictures of Minutemen with three-cornered hats and muskets.
He's going to paste a football card on there.
Is this how they're thinking that we are like a seven-year-old who can't tell the difference between a New England Patriot football player and a Patriot?
Yeah, for those who just joined us, Bush-Kerry battle over Super Bowl Brady after appearance at the State of the Union Super Bowl New England Patriot quarterback Tom Brady has become one of the most sought-after political endorsements this election cycle after he agreed to be the guest of President Bush and Laura Bush in their VIP box during the State of the Union speech.
TV images of 25-year-old Brady giving Bush repeated standing ovations and cheering during several of the speech's passages
Real White House operatives.
But the point is, when they talk about the Patriot Act on television, they cut to Brady.
Oh, look, he's with the Patriots, trying to psychologically
Associate the unpatriotic act with football.
It's very base.
So any old patriot will do.
Oh, good.
I'm so glad.
I'm learning a lot about the language.
Well, that's our heroes.
It's not firefighters anymore.
It's not police that go up against crooks and expose corrupt police.
It's not a grandmother who takes care of three children when their parents die.
No, it's heroes are drug dealing basketball players.
I'm so glad that I'm getting more and more logical with this pixel logic that they have.
You're starting to love Big Brother.
Thanks for the call.
Alyssa, good to hear from you.
Before I end this segment and come back and play audio clips and get back into WTC7, we'll continue those in the next hour, I want to tell you I've produced ten films.
Matrix of Evil, Police State, Three Total Enslavement are my two newest.
They're incredible videos.
Everybody needs to have them.
They cover what the globalists are up to and how to stop them.
There's also 9-11 Road to Tyranny, the film.
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Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
Go to InfoWars.com or go to PrisonPlanet.com and order the documentary films via our secure online shopping cart, or call toll-free to do that at 1-888-253-3139.
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These are powerful Infowar tools, and you get big discounts when you get two or more of the books or three or more of the films.
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen, with a recap on WTC, more ear calls, and a ton of other vital news and information.
Keep it locked in.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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Alright my friends, Larry Silverstein in a documentary that aired on PBS in 2002, they re-aired it this year and folks finally caught it.
And I bought the video, I've got the PBS copy of it and there's even more stuff on that I want to put on the internet here pretty soon.
When I get the time to do it, I've done like six radio interviews yesterday and my show and trying to make a new film.
Ah, but it is great to be in the fight to this level.
And here is the program on PBS, America Rebuilds.
Rebuilding, excuse me.
Where they talk about the rebuilding of them, but then it goes back to the day of the event and how Building 7 was cleared first because it had been the building that they didn't have to get bodies out of.
And we now know that's not true.
So they talk about how Building 7 was cleared quickly that day because they had a warning and it burned and then came down that afternoon.
Then they cut directly to Silverstein going, yeah, we decided to pull it.
So there wouldn't be loss of life that afternoon, and we watch it fall.
And then later we play clips of where they have government officials describing pulling it, meaning controlled demolition.
So let's go ahead and go to that first clip.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed.
Seven burned until late afternoon.
Allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander.
Telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe this is the last thing we can do is pull it.
Uh, and they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
Dan Rather, 30 seconds after it first fell, because I have the live tape from that day, says, back it up.
OK, now we're going to go to the collapse of this building.
And about 30 seconds after it falls, they play it back.
And this is his comments.
Peter Jennings said similar things.
We'll play those later, too.
Go ahead.
Here it is.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Describe that for me.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by wall placed dynamite to knock it down.
And we haven't aired this on the show.
I don't know if you guys have downloaded it, but on the website, down at the bottom, we also have Peter Jennings having a discussion of the building looking like it's coming down from demolition charges.
They're talking about Tower 1 and 2.
And we've got some other clips and we have controlled demolition of other buildings in other cases where they admit it's a controlled demolition and it's identical.
The buckling of the sides, the imploding into a small pile.
That's a new technology over the last 30 years or so.
Very hard to set up.
Very hard to do a specific signature of collapse.
That's exactly what happened.
So I've been saying for 28 months that that's what happened at WTC7.
It never was hit by a plane, caught fire later, they were told to evacuate before it even caught fire, it collapses.
And now we have Silverstein blurting this out about deciding to pull the building.
Again, hidden in plain view, right out there in the open.
There's a detailed report on this at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and our servers are laboring
Millions of people are watching these videos, and it's costing me a lot of money, so will somebody please go buy something on the website?
But, hey, we've got to get the truth out, whatever.
I can mortgage my house for the bandwidth.
Just, you know, a thousand gigs every couple days on this.
Usually we spend a thousand gigs in a month, so we'll be right back, folks, with the third hour.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
That's right, folks.
Already in the third and final hour of this live Thursday transmission against tyranny, because we resist and fight tyranny,
Defend Liberty.
We're about to go back to John and Dave and Ivan and Robert and BD and others.
And then I want to go back over and re-air those clips and air some of the other clips we haven't aired yet from WTC7 being deliberately demolished, according to the owner, on 9-11.
And then we'll get into the stacks of other news we have not even gotten into yet, like U.S.
plans to attack seven Muslim states.
Wesley Clark says more on the election.
You name it.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let us talk to John in Tennessee.
Go ahead, John.
Probable cause for arrest warrants.
Hey, you need to start back over.
You weren't on air at first.
Go ahead.
Well, obviously those confessions on WTC 6 and whatever give probable cause for arrest warrants for dozens of people.
At the very least, the grand jury should want to talk to them.
In the Air Force, part of my job was emergency demolitions of nuclear bombs on aircraft in case of invasion, and those things are thought out years in advance.
Everything is scripted years in advance.
It's not left up to chance at a spur-of-the-moment thing.
So for them to say, oh, we just threw something together at the last minute, that's just not plausible.
Well, it's more than not plausible.
Maybe they could wheel, you know, tons of explosives in and blow the building into pieces if they were lucky, but you can't have a controlled demolition with it imploding in on itself, you know, within a few hours of placing explosives.
Well, you can't lay explosive deck cord in a burning building.
You can't do it.
You know, the fire was in the middle of the building.
The deck cord went everywhere but where the fire was.
You know, if it were
Powering Inferno, it wouldn't have even been possible to lay debt court.
So the whole thing is just a big lie.
But notice how it's just right out in plain view.
Why would Silverstein come out on TV, the owner, and say, yeah, that afternoon we demolished the building.
We made the decision, and so we gave the order, and then pulled it.
Well, they're probably trying to incriminate as many people as possible so they all cover their asses.
You know, they've got to cover their butts in case of an investigation.
So they get as many people in every level... That's why they released the article going out.
The CIA was running a drill of flying jets into buildings that day.
But it's just coincidence.
That way, when Stanley Hilton's military people blow the whistle, which they've done, they go, yeah, but you're just misinterpreting that.
We already talked about that.
And that's why they said the fire chief, that's why Silverstein threw the fire chief under the bus.
Because they had 350 firemen die.
And so they threw him under the bus to guarantee that the fire department won't scream up and down, you know?
That's what I said on Monday, that's clear.
Yeah, also I wanted to say something about electronic voting.
Here in Knoxville, Knox County, Tennessee in 2000, 25,000 registered votes disappeared.
Yeah, that was in the Associated Press.
Right, and the U.S.
Justice Department is supposedly investigating.
Over 250,000 people live here.
But the Skull and Bones Mayor got elected by landslide with a total of 7,000 votes.
A police officer asked me to check to see if his vote was counted.
They had refused to let him vote at the polls, but he threatened to get a court order and shut them down if they didn't let him vote.
So they gave him a paper ballot, and I went to the county election office and asked to see his vote.
There's no paper ballots, only computer printouts, and his vote was not counted.
The cop and the mayor are both Republicans, but the cop supported another
Republican for mayor.
A former police chief.
And the election commission always sells the entire county voting record on computer disk for about a hundred dollars.
And anybody running for office needs to get this to verify if his voters were all counted.
By the way, they do store that here, but our county clerk will make you pay ten to fifteen thousand dollars to see anything.
I mean, it's a total.
John, you were cutting out on me.
Thanks for the call.
Good point.
We'll come back and talk to others, so stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I'm gonna zip through five callers, then I'm gonna get back into the WTC7 clips, then I'm gonna get into U.S.
plans to attack seven Muslim states,
Nuclear bomb for Saddam in three years with Tony Blair's quote saying that he does have the weapons of mass destruction.
We will find them.
North Korea using food as a weapon.
Government aims for a ban on handguns.
Bomb joke was foolish mistake.
21-year-old faces 15 years in prison for joking, oh yeah, I got a bomb.
Also a Bush-Clinton ticket would be unbeatable.
This is from the Future of Freedom Foundation saying that no one is more liberal than Bush.
And much more.
Right now, let's go to Ivan in Oregon.
Thank you for holding, sir.
How are you today?
What I'm calling about is I haven't heard any mention of the We the People Foundation convention going on in Washington, D.C.
as we speak.
Okay, for those that don't know what it is, why don't you tell them?
Well, it's We The People by Bob Schultz.
They're having a convention in Washington, D.C.
It is telecast on the Internet.
Go on, We The People.
You can buy a ticket to get on to the Internet for it.
I ought to sell tickets for this show instead of paying for the bandwidth.
But for those that don't know what they do, what it's about,
Well, why don't you tell folks what they... Well, for one thing, they are wanting the government just to explain to them where the law is that we're required, we're liable for an income tax.
The fact is, yesterday they started a class action suit, of which a good deal of the people that follow We The People have joined into, and Mark Lane is the attorney for the class action suit, and it started yesterday.
Yeah, and for those that don't know, they put the
With others' help, the four full-page ads in USA Today listing the U.S.
Code with the IRS and the 16th Amendment was a fraud not ratified by the states.
They exposed the fact that the IRS is a collection agency for the private Federal Reserve.
Ron Paul has bills in Congress.
We're good to go.
Wrote a letter to Rosati about it and said either give me info on this or I'm going to resign.
They got a letter back, go ahead and resign.
They got a bunch of other IRS agents exposing it.
Not to mention how the IRS criminally grabs people's bank accounts and stuff without due process.
That's a whole other subject.
Or how through indentured servitude you have to collect money for your employees for them without them paying you to do the task, which is a violation of the Constitution.
We need to get Bob Schultz back on.
I've had him on the show about 10 times over the years, but I haven't had him on about a year.
I'll get Bob Schultz back on.
What else is on your mind?
My main point is that a little guy like me, what can I do?
Well, what I can do is cut them off of their money pockets.
That's what I can do, and I've been doing it since 1996.
I have no complaints.
I worked through SHIFT and I worked through the IRS codebusters up here out of Tacoma, Washington.
There are now 40 million non-filers and the biggest percentage of non-filers of any group
The highest percentage of non-filing is federal employees, and of that group, it is members of Congress.
There was a big Fox News report two years ago on that.
Something like 30% of Congress doesn't file.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Yeah, they all know, and you go, well, then what runs the government?
Well, they print the money up out of nothing.
To create a dollar, the Federal Reserve puts us in debt a dollar.
Whereas before, the government just coined and printed the money, and there was no debt created, money's the symbol of transaction.
It isn't the commodity itself.
It has no inherent value itself, but it's a symbol of value to smooth exchange and get us past the barter system.
It could be seashells, tally sticks, gold, silver, you know, precious gems.
Many things have been used, but they like small, easily transportable, easily recognizable symbols.
But the bankers figured out how to take over central banks of countries, start charging governments that use money.
They proud and fit thin air.
Alex, did you tell me whether Arizona is going to succeed from the feds?
No, three years ago we had the member of their legislature on, who had seen Police State 2000 and gotten it passed out of their committee, that if martial law or a new world order is declared, that they will pull out of the union.
And that was dead in the full vote, the session ended, so no.
Well, George said there was, back last week, on Wednesday I believe it was, said that there was talk of them succeeding.
Uh, yes, so that the bill passed out of committee but never made it out of the full house.
And the member of the legislature took action because one of you gave her the video.
You gonna put this on, uh, video on the World Trade Center and Silverstein and everything?
Uh, it is for free on the internet.
Uh, right now you can go watch it.
But, uh, yeah, you can be assured it'll be in a film.
All right.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate that, Robert.
BD in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
All right.
Good afternoon, Alex.
This is a little segment for, up to two parts of it, for the other listeners.
Last year I got picked up for DUI while I was sleeping in my car.
And beyond all that, I was going to go to jail for 30 days.
Let me just stop you.
I've been at protests before, or demonstrations, and cops will start randomly arresting people going, you're drunk, you're public intoxication.
One time we had a bonfire going when I was in high school on somebody's property, and believe it or not, we were not drinking, folks.
There were some cigars being smoked.
It was only about, I don't know, 20 of us.
And, uh, we were all out there.
Cops pull up and say, you can't have this party.
We go, it's private property.
You can't do that.
Look, I go, look at our vehicles.
There's no beer here.
Why'd you drive on this property?
Cops goes, you're drunk.
That's it.
You're arrested.
Go ahead.
The only thing, I mean, sleeping in the car and everything.
I was working at 30 days in jail.
And it came to the end of it.
They gave me two years probation.
But I had to sign a waiver.
I noticed those one-on-years, two years probation, and on that article, it's, you give up your Second Amendment right, plus you give up your Fourth Amendment right.
So, I mean, right now, I mean, they could walk right through my door.
Well, let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
You didn't have to plea bargain.
Did they do a breathalyzer?
No, they took me straight to the hospital.
And took a blood test?
That was for me to, that was my choice.
You know.
Had you been drinking?
Oh yeah.
But you were asleep in the car.
Well that's, that's wrong.
You should have demanded a jury trial.
You brought up a good point, but I was going to fight it with jury trial.
But what bothers me, I sent Jones some paperwork on it, about it.
What scares you about jury trial is the majority of the kids out there today are taught what the state wants.
Parents can't teach their kids, you know.
The state teaches kids, you know.
Okay, well, I understand.
So you agree to this probation.
I had to agree to probation.
And now written into the misdemeanor probation that they say you can't own guns.
I can't own a gun?
They can walk right through my door.
You know.
And this is part of getting us all under the system.
Well, you shouldn't have done that.
No, I shouldn't.
They got something called personal recognizance bonds.
They go, just sign here, we'll let you out.
No lawyer, no bails bonds.
And you agree to thousands of dollars of classes.
It says you're in family violence, you're a drug dealer, you're a drunk driver, you're a robber.
No, this is in Austin, all over the country.
You sign it, and then you start, and then you have to come in and you're on probation without ever even being charged.
Either I signed or I went to jail for two years.
Well, that's what they told you.
That's what everything was marked down for.
Well, you didn't get a jury trial.
If I would have got a jury trial, they would have put me in jail.
Oh, that's what they told you?
They sat there and cornered you?
Let me just tell you something.
As soon as you told them, I want a jury trial, I'm going to fight this, they would have pleaded you down to a fine or something.
They did.
They pleaded it down a lot, down.
Down to probation?
No, you didn't plead it down.
Sir, sir, listen, I'm not mad at you, I'm not talking down to you, but millions of people hear this show, and I don't want them making the mistake you made, okay?
I have experience with this, I've studied this.
I'm telling you, I'm not saying you're bad, I'm saying you're sitting there convincing yourself why you did this, and I'm telling you that you could have done better, but now you know better.
But don't you dare say you had to, you had to, you had to.
Uh, there was one other thing I wanted to mention on that.
You had a call yesterday, they called in and he was saying
What do we do?
We need to all get together.
I mean, listen to your show.
I mean, you hear a lot of information.
And I don't remember his name, but what he was saying is, what should we do?
Get all together and then, you know, get information with one another and then go after our congressmen and legislators?
And you said, no, you have to get stronger and do it yourself.
And I've done that, you know, with, uh, it's with a lot smaller, a lot smaller issue.
And what happens, you go by yourself, is you go up there and you get
That's not what I'm saying.
I'm saying be a leader in your area and force multiply your numbers there.
Okay, we now have the majority view in this city.
We've now, now we got to get the listeners in Austin to move and we got the city back.
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My friends, I wasn't trying to be mean to BD in Pennsylvania.
It's just that they were saying, well, I had to.
They were going to get me.
I had to.
I was going to jail for two years.
I had to.
I didn't want everybody hearing that and going, oh gosh, I've got to too.
I mean, I've gone to jail before when I wasn't even drinking.
Let me see, I've been in jail three times.
Once for a fight, and then they dropped the charges because witnesses said the person hit me first.
Another time for the arguing with the police going, look we're on private property, sitting here, and nobody's drinking, look around you, you can't tell us to go.
And then the other time was for thumb scanning, I was at a thumb scanning protest, they said I could protest, and the head of the DPS, the head spokesman showed up, said arrest him, and they did, and then dropped the charges, there was no record of that arrest.
There's video of it happening.
They didn't want me to have a lawsuit against them, which was my plan.
That was back in 1997.
That's in my first film.
I made it in 98.
America destroyed by design.
But, I mean, it's simple.
We go through these cases all the time.
They have a law in Texas where they pull you over and demand you to blow, and if you don't, they take your driver's license.
Well, there's really a loophole there.
You can go fight it and they can't, but that's what they announce.
But police pull me over and tell me to blow.
I'm not blowing.
It's a violation of my Fourth and Fifth Amendment.
I can't penalize you for refusing.
You can go, well, we've got to stop all these drunks.
They've got ways of doing that, folks, without turning America into a total police state.
And I don't drink and drive, and so I'm not going to have people doing that.
I don't even hardly drink, period.
I might have a glass of wine with Italian food.
Maybe a beer occasionally if I'm out bass fishing or something, which I do about once every two years if I ever have time to do it.
Uh, Mark's popping in my ear talking about breathalyzers.
Yes, yes.
The police pull you over and demand you blow into a breathalyzer.
How funny, Mark.
This is a family show.
Okay, now I get it.
Ha ha.
No, no, no.
That's other APD activities.
I'm not a... Oh, come on.
Very, very bad, Mark.
I thought you were being serious there.
Trying to figure out what you were saying.
We're going to take three more calls and no more calls and then go back to the WTC and all this news I haven't covered.
Let's go to Margaret in Texas.
Margaret, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
I've been following the WTC7 thread for several days and I've listened to that clip numerous times and also read the article about it that was posted on, I believe, Prison Planet and I'm still not
A hundred percent clear on who provided the demolition team that ultimately took the building down in a controlled explosion.
Which payroll were they on?
I've called Silverstein's office.
Others have.
I know that Jeff Rents has.
We're not getting calls back.
We're not getting answers.
We do know that Building 4, 5, and 6
In mid-December, the 14th to the 18th, they did publicly do the controlled demolition by Controlled Demolition Incorporated of those buildings.
But what Silverstein is saying is that on 9-11 that afternoon, we ordered to pull the building, gave the order and pulled it, and watched it fall.
And no, we don't know who did that admitted demolition of that building on September 11th, where they now admit that at least one person died.
Oh, so it's not just me who doesn't understand who the we and the they are.
When he says, uh, they decided to pull it.
And then they pulled it.
Yes, I'll tell you what, stay there.
Stephanie, go ahead and roll that clip again.
Put her on hold and roll that clip again for everybody.
The first one was Silverstein Police.
The narrator introduces it.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Helted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
I guess the last thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
So, this is the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding, and they're talking about the rebuilding of the site, then they cut back to the data of, oh, well, we rebuilt seven, cleared building seven quicker, took away the rubble because on that day we demolished it.
You know, that's what's being said here.
And does that, so no, he's not clear about who pulled it.
They made the decision, so we gave the order and watched it fall.
Anything else, Margaret?
Um, I'm just wondering if the firefighters didn't think this was strange and maybe talk about it among themselves.
Tell you what, stay there ma'am.
We'll come back and talk about that.
I have answers for you on that important question.
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I've got an article here where Eastman Kodak, based in Rochester, New York, is talking about laying off 12,000 to 15,000 people.
I've got a whole stack of layoff news.
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plans to attack seven Muslim states.
But our last caller, Margaret, in Texas, we'll bring her back up, she was talking about
The firefighter, because we've got the owner of the World Trade Center saying, yeah, I talked to the fire department chief and, you know, we decided to go ahead and pull the building, demolish the building on 9-11.
I mean, that's what he's clearly saying.
Well, the fire department doesn't do the demolition of buildings, and it takes time to set that up, days if not weeks, to do it properly, which it did one of the most beautiful implosions ever, which they do in those small spaces not to damage other buildings.
We have another clip of them admitting later.
Uh, and she was asking, you know, why haven't the firefighters spoken out?
Uh, we have the news articles posted in the big exposé at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on Building 7, polling Building 7, where the firefighters told the news, get back, get back, told press, they're going to pull the building, the building's going to collapse, they're going to demolish it.
And so yes, and then later the firefighters have all been told to shut up.
They confiscated all the firefighter video.
They confiscated all the firefighter audio tapes.
They claimed all the firefighter radios had malfunctioned.
Remember all that story?
Turned out it wasn't true.
The tapes got released.
And now those are posted on InfoWars.com and that story as well.
Not just the transcript, but the audio itself.
So I hope that answers the question
For the people out there.
Let's go ahead and go back to Margaret.
Margaret, does that answer your question?
Yes, it does.
Thank you very much, Alex.
What do you think about this whole WTC story?
I mean, it's a huge story right out in plain view, but don't ever expect to see it on mainstream media.
I think it's absolutely astounding.
And I've always had a great deal of respect for firefighters.
I do too.
I cannot imagine them not at least sitting around the firehouse
Doing the fad about this one, but apparently they've been silenced very effectively.
The firefighters had their men in the towers.
They said the fires were almost out.
Two small fires in one of the towers, one small fire in the other.
And they told a bunch of the other companies of firefighters to come up and assist in rescue efforts.
Then the last transmission heard is bombs.
Bombs are detonating.
And that's public.
That's New York Daily News.
That's the tapes.
That's everything.
And so there it is.
No, those firefighters were going in there to help get folks out of the building to fight the fires.
They know how buildings burn.
And this is one of the best fire departments in the country.
They know that a steel structure, modern building, has never collapsed, even when a Chicago hotel burned for three days.
They know this.
And firefighter engineering, the oldest and most respected and largest firefighting organization in the country,
In their magazine, right after 9-11, said, this is a cover-up.
Those buildings did not collapse the way they say.
They're hauling the steel away.
This is a crime.
And other firefighters said bombs were going off.
I would call them and they'd say, Mr. Jones, I love my family.
I can't talk to you.
And the news said the feds had ordered them under national security to talk to no one.
Pretty amazing, huh?
Oh, it's amazing and disgusting.
And I'd never have heard about that except for your program, probably.
It's in Masters of Care.
We have news articles in there.
Yeah, I have Masters of Care.
What did you think of the video?
I liked it.
I thought that was one of your best.
Alright, well God bless you Margaret.
I'm going to take one more call from Michael in Kentucky.
Sorry other folks, don't have time to get to you.
I've got to air these clips and cover news.
Michael in Kentucky.
Michael, go ahead.
One of the things that you've got on here that I wanted to ask about was the TV execs
Uh, and Ridge discussed coverage of the next attack.
Was there not a meeting among media moguls and the government back in the summer of 2001 before September 11th happened?
Were they?
Uh, no, they had multiple, and yes, we have those articles, they had multiple meetings
Remember back in 2001 after the Gulf War, somebody released video from weeks before the war with scripted newscasts with Dan Rather where he was saying the exact things that were said on the actual day with the same Bush Sr.
I mean, it was all scripted with Dan Rather down to the exact words and Bush's releases two weeks before they went into Baghdad or into Iraq the first time.
You mean you're talking about in 1991?
Yeah, 1991.
Yeah, you said 2001, but... No, no, I understand.
I was giving another example of this total scripting.
Go ahead.
Well, I just wanted to clarify what you said.
I thought you meant the first Gulf War, and you're talking about both times it happened.
No, I'm talking about you mentioned in July of 2001
The media meeting and scripting 9-11, having these weird meetings, and then I said, here's another example, Dan Rather, back in 1991.
Well, the premise, I think, was for these meetings is they were trying to
Give the media, coach the media on how not to cause mass panic in the event of a terrorist attack.
I think was what the, what I remember about those stories.
You know, it's the opposite.
They try to create panic when there's a power outage, anything.
Well, you know, that's the way it was covered in the news stories that I read about it.
But the other thing I wanted to mention to you as a, uh, kind of as a sort of a critical thing, I've seen it happen several times or I wouldn't mention it.
When you go and run your little
We're good to go.
I've seen that happen several times, and I thought it might be something you might want to know about, just to watch for.
Let me comment on what you said.
It's a complicated thing, I know.
We're trying as hard as we can to do the best job we can, and I'm sorry.
Well, I just thought you'd like to know that, because I never know if my emails get through to you or not.
But I know you get thousands of those.
Well, I get hundreds of real good emails from people like you, and then I get hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Viagra ads and mortgage ads and scam emails from Africa.
It's ridiculous, yeah.
Scam emails from Africa.
I don't know how many times I've got that one.
Money available from Africa.
But the other thing about Joyce Riley, that earlier caller did mention
Rents has the story about, they've introduced another copy of that succession resolution in Arizona.
And that's what Representative Karen Johnson, I guess, has introduced that again.
Now, have you seen that yourself?
Right, I'm looking at the page right now from Rents.com by Julie Foster.
I'll tell you what, read that article, because I went and looked for it and only found the old one, and I had the... Read it, go ahead.
It was on WhatReallyHappened.com, I don't know, several days ago.
An Arizona State Legislative Committee has approved a resolution calling for the dissolution of the federal government in the event
That abolishes the U.S.
Constitution, declares martial law, or confiscates firearms.
Scenarios, some say, are unrealistic.
Critics of the resolution, however, call the measure a, quote, total waste of time.
Sir, you need to read down deeper in the article.
It'll say she wants to do this because of Bill Clinton.
It does talk about the reason for the previous bill being the Antiquities Act seizure of
What was it?
Not the Grand Canyon, but creating a monument by abusing... Now that's a confusing article.
I know that came out on the, what, the 4th of this month?
14th of, yeah, 14th of 04 by Julie Foster.
I thought it was the 4th.
No, this one says the 14th.
Okay, I will get Karen Johnson on the show.
Well, I just thought you'd want to, you know... No, no, thank you.
I was confused.
I tried to figure that out and got confused by it.
Well, Miss, uh, what's-her-name, Rock, I guess that's probably where Joyce Riley got it from, was from the same website.
Democrats criticizing her, the Republican,
It's a very confusing article.
It almost looks like a reissuance.
I think what happened is, because I went to World Net Daily and it was a three-year-old article, the same article, I think it's a reissuance of the same article.
I'm not sure.
I'm going to find out.
I think it talks about that, though, that that was the reason for the first resolution.
And of course, the resolution has no real authority.
You have to have an enactment.
Speaking of New Hampshire, remember the week before 9-11, half their counties, they call them something else, but half their regions were pulling out of the Union and out of the state because of martial law and gun control and taxation.
That was threatened in Maine just about two or three years ago too.
And I had select men on from Maine too, yes.
And there's a lot of weird, you know, you talk about occasionally, you mentioned Ron Paul's proposed this or that bill.
And I think there's a bill up in New Hampshire right now that's calling for re-monetization of silver and phasing out of the Federal Reserve notes, but those bills don't seem to get very far now do they?
What I'm telling you is the cities in those old states have better laws than some of the western ones.
They have a right to revolt law in their Bill of Rights, a state Bill of Rights.
They were going to do it and suddenly the attacks took place.
Well, most of the states, as the United States progressed westward, like Kentucky especially, and I think Minnesota and some other states... They became territories and never got full statehood.
They would adopt the laws that were in place for the state that they were carved out of, or that was their parent.
That's the way, when Kentucky became a state out of West Virginia, they adopted most of those laws back.
So if you dig deep enough, a lot of states still have those references to the laws
That have not been superseded by their own state law, so... That's it.
Hey, thanks for the call.
But I was... Great points.
I was talking about Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, Oregon, stuff like that.
They were territories so long that they adopted the territorial laws and really don't have very good Bill of Rights at the state level.
Don't have very good constitutions.
Great calls.
Okay, in fact,
I told my producer that I want Karen Johnson on.
I want to get to the bottom of this.
So you're going to be hearing her on the show and some of the other folks in that story.
We'll repost that at PrisonPlanet.com.
We posted it a week or so ago.
Let me just run through all these clips of WTC7 again, make a few comments, then get to the other news before we wrap this show up.
We've got about 15 and a half minutes left.
Stephanie, I want to play, we've heard it twice, but let's hear it again.
This is important.
Silberstein, the narrator talking about rebuilding, that's what the film's about, and they say Building 7 got cleared quicker because there were no dead bodies in it, then they cut back to the first day when they demolished it on September 11th.
We'll play that, we'll play Dan Rather.
Then I want to play a later clip from America Rebuilds, America Rebuilding documentary, where we have one of the city officials, where he talks about, you know, three months later, two and a half months later, demolishing Building 4, 5, and 6 with controlled demolition, and using the word pull to describe demolition, just to prove that's an industry term.
Go ahead and run through that first clip again, please.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site, and there had been no bodies to recover.
Helted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life, and this last thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull it, and then we watched the building collapse.
And you can watch the video clip of that at InfoWars.com.
You can also watch the video clip of Dan Rather.
And here is the video clip of Dan Rather.
30 seconds after it collapses, they back the tape up and he makes these comments.
Here it is.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a video tape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
And then there's questions, is he talking about Building 7?
Yes, it's video of Building 7.
Damn right they're saying that, because right after he said that live, he got, it's like a minute after it's collapsed, after he plays the clip again, a minute and a half, he says, that's Building 5, and then he goes a minute later, no, Building 7, excuse me, Building 7 has collapsed.
And you can watch those video clips at the end of Police State 3 Total Enslavement, a two-hour, 40-minute expose.
It's at the very end of the film.
Let's go ahead and go to the next clip from America Rebuilding.
from PBS, just to establish that pulling means demolishing.
Okay, that's the industry term.
This is, again, the show's about rebuilding, so it's talking about months later, this happened September 11th, well, through December 15th through the 18th, they destroyed buildings 4, 5, and 6, admittedly with controlled demolition, using the company Controlled Demolition Incorporated, the same company that got rid of the evidence a few weeks after the Oklahoma City building was bombed,
They destroyed that evidence, cut it up in pieces, buried it in a landfill, poured liquid concrete in with it, so even archaeologists can't find out the truth, and to this day, ten years later, have armed guards with machine guns out there guarding it at a private Wackenhut landfill.
And the same thing with World Trade Centers.
They ship all that to China, and that's a big cover-up.
Here's that next clip.
Go ahead.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction had leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull building 6.
We have to be very careful how we demolish building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the slurry wall, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
We had to be very careful when we demolished these, yes.
Been floating them in a little nice neat pile just like 1, 2, and 7 did for the third time today.
Amazing, what looks like well-placed dynamite.
We got Peter Jennings clips too.
They're on the website, so definitely check those out.
We've got to give this story legs.
We've got to tell everybody we know.
We've got to email the story at PrisonPlanet.com out to everyone.
It's the most focused and detailed of any of the reports on this out there.
Please help get it out to everyone, because we've got to push this story into the mainstream, and that will happen.
We've just got to email it and fax it and call your local talk stations, radio stations, your local TV stations, national TV stations, and say, hey, this is a major issue.
This needs to be discussed.
This needs to be exposed.
And we are attempting to get Silverstein on.
We're attempting to get a lot of people on, the New York Fire Department and others, and they go, oh yeah, we'll call you back, and then they don't.
But they sure like talking to the mainstream media.
That is certainly a fact.
I can get Senators and Congressmen and Hollywood people on this show in a week.
But it is very hard to get people in and around 9-11 on the broadcast.
We'll come back and cover U.S.
plans to attack seven Muslim states, a nuclear bomb for Saddam in three years, going back to some of the lies, North Korea using food as a weapon, government aims for a ban on handguns.
We'll also get into some other key articles here, like making way for designer insects.
They're going to release designer genetically engineered bugs.
Can you think of anything more dangerous?
And Kodak plans to cut 12, 15,000 jobs from the United States.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Before I go through some of these final stories, if you're tired of the globalists, if you're tired of these murderers, if you're tired of them destroying the heart and soul of America, one of the best tools I've found to wake people up is my videos.
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I carry several other films by other great researchers on key issues of exposing the architecture of the New World Order.
I carry books by other great authors, books on tape that are a great way to wake people up.
Almost everybody will listen to that on their way to work.
George Humphries, I've got three of his books on tape, for very low prices.
Two of them on 9-11, by the way.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to peruse our online, secure online shopping cart.
Or call toll-free to get the films, books, videos, t-shirts, bumper stickers.
It's all about information.
I have made, again, ten films.
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The three newest are Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil.
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That's some other special deals as well.
So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or our backup site, InfoWars.net.
And you can also call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
And your purchase of these videos, books, films, t-shirts, helps me get more done, make more films, pay for having everything free on the website, hundreds of audio interviews, hundreds of video clips,
We don't get more support though.
I may have to cut back on audio and video.
It's very expensive when you've got millions of people in just the last few days looking at stuff.
It's normally millions every month listening to files and watching video.
So, support us, folks.
We're the real deal and we deserve your support.
Plus, these are great films and I tell you to get them and make copies and get them out to folks.
1-888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Now, from the PNAC documents and other globalist documents, we know they plan to attack 63 countries.
But on the first battle plan, it's to take over seven.
We've been saying this for three years.
Here is Al Jazeera reporting what Wesley Clark said publicly.
plans to attack seven Muslim states.
Presidential hopeful General Wesley Clark says the White House devised a five-year plan.
After the 9-11 strikes, uh-uh, Paul O'Neill says before that, and we have their own PNAC documents, seven majority Muslim countries.
A former commander of NATO's force in Europe, Clark claims he met a senior military officer in Washington in November 2001 who told him the Bush administration was planning to attack Iraq first before taking action against Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia, and Sudan.
We already have the PENAC documents from 2000 written by Dick Cheney!
None of this is secret!
Clark says that after September 11th, 2001 attacks, many Bush administration officials seemed determined to move against Iraq.
So he's out there shilling for Bush.
We have the Treasury Secretary saying, first cabinet meeting they plan this.
And we posted some of Tony Blair's lies from last year of how he knew they had weapons of mass destruction and nuclear bomb parts.
North Korea using food as a weapon.
Amnesty International warned yesterday that food was being used as a political weapon in North Korea, where hundreds of thousands of people have starved to death in the past 10 years.
It was 2 million in one year back in the late 90s.
Also, making way for designer insects.
Risk and benefits of gene-altered bugs merit thorough study, says a report in the Washington Post.
The insect world could shortly undergo a genetic makeover.
Can you think of a more dangerous thing to do, folks?
In the laboratory, scientists are working developing silk worms that produce pharmaceuticals instead of mist silk, honeybees resilient enough to resist pesticides, and even mosquitoes capable of delivering vaccines.
They've been doing that for years, putting it in mosquitoes.
We've had a lot of guests on about that.
I'm out of time.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
Get out there and fight the globalists.
They're murdering trash.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.
We listened.
You asked for an elevated base so the system could be used in places beside on the edge of a counter.
We listened.
You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during
I don't know.
That's toll free 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.