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Name: 20040121_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 21, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Here we are, my friends.
It's Wednesday, the 21st day of the new year, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, VirginUtah.com, PrisonPlanet.com, and we're getting ready to launch some more websites for you, ladies and gentlemen, on more redundant systems and servers.
Because we've had federal government denial of service attacks going on about 10 times a day.
That is confirmed by the way it's been looked at.
And so when we get attacked, we just expand.
That's what we do.
They're taking pro-life websites off the internet.
They are taking environmentalist websites off the internet, both extremes of the political spectrum.
That is, anybody that isn't going along with the establishment is being shut down.
Pro-life demonstrators are being arrested and beat up.
At the same time, Green Party activists can't get on airplanes and fly around the country.
They're on the no-fly list.
They arrest protesters who demonstrate against Bush on public streets, standing in amongst people that are Bush supporters, and they say those that disagree are not allowed to stand with signs protesting.
And federal courts have said, yes, that's the new America.
People who go to the World Trade Center site and stand on public sidewalks with signs saying, Bush engineered 9-11, are being threatened with arrest.
And that was caught on tape.
It's a new atmosphere where we don't have a First Amendment.
People don't even know what the First Amendment is.
And slowly but surely, they try to silence dissent because it's hurting them so bad.
Now, I don't agree with the environmental land-grabbing activists that aren't under federal control, but I will fight to the death for their right to have free speech.
You know, I was sitting there last night watching my atomic clock when Lord Bush started giving his State of the Union.
He began speaking at exactly 9.11 PM Eastern Standard Time.
That was interesting.
Everything 9.11, probably just a coincidence, just like his dad on 9.11 in 1990 giving a New World Order speech.
It so happens 9-11 is the emergency number, and on the one-year anniversary of 9-11, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange came up 9-11.000, and the New York Lottery came up 9-11.
It just keeps on happening, but it's quite interesting.
We're going to go over some of the State of the Union.
Bush said he is not for amnesty.
That's right, total blanket complete legalization of everyone that's here or gets here in perpetuity, bringing Americans jobs to their knees, shipping in foreigners to take those jobs.
Sure, an American can't work for three bucks an hour, but we'll bring a foreigner in who'll do it, as Bush said.
I watched the Republicans and the Democrats and hardly anybody, I'd say one out of six members of Congress, you know, for every ten people in a row, you might have seen one or two people maybe stand up and clap
When Bush was telling everybody how much they love amnesty.
And I saw Democrats who weren't clapping, and some that were clapping for the amnesty, laughing.
And they would show close-ups of their faces, and you'd hear them saying, or see them saying, can you believe, man, what a lie!
Boy, he's got guts!
Because Bush is saying, this is not amnesty, and it cuts to their faces,
And everybody's laughing.
The Democrats are laughing.
Republicans have got their heads down looking angry.
Some of them.
A lot of them were enthusiastically praising the end of America.
So we'll go over the lies.
It's no longer weapons of mass destruction.
Now Saddam had weapons of mass murder.
They're changing the semantics too.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Last night, I sat there and watched Bush's entire speech.
His State of the Union.
And I realized how primitive we are, how easy to manipulate we are.
I mean, there's Bush, leading off two teleprompters, a speech written by some of the best speech writers in the world, and then after the speech, Bush
Was praised, and what a great speaker he is, and man, he was really eloquent, and wow, he put his point across.
The media, the so-called liberal media, was acting like, you know, this was actually Bush's ideas, or his lies.
And he did a good job.
He's getting better at teleprompter reading, after three years of it.
He only stumbled a couple times.
You know, in the old days, imagine a president actually getting up there with just a few notes, and actually talking to the Congress.
But watching everybody stand up like chimpanzees and, you know, clap for the head ape, and watching Bush go through his repertoire of his Rolodex, his encyclopedia of lies, just trying to chronicle them.
I have a ten-page printout here
Of Bush's entire State of the Union speech.
I was trying to highlight some of this last night and this morning, but I did several radio interviews last night after the State of the Union.
Well, I'm Jeff Rents for three hours, and then another interview, so I didn't get much sleep.
I've been trying to go over this.
But did you hear what he said?
This is not amnesty!
Hardly anyone clapped for that one.
The Democrats more than Republicans, though the Republicans of course are going to vote for that unless we put enough pressure on them.
And he said that Saddam Hussein, if we wouldn't have gone in, would have been continuing his weapons of mass murder programs.
No longer weapons of mass destruction, now they're weapons of mass murder.
He spoke out against torture again.
Funny that Donald Rumsfeld in the audience has spoken out for torture, and the news and the media have told us how it's a great virtue now, but I guess it's a virtue
When we do it, but it's bad when a tin horn dictator like Saddam does it.
And there were just so many lies.
It was just lies and half-truths all rolled together.
And he talked about how they're going to cut the deficit in half.
Ladies and gentlemen, the government has grown by 45%
In the last three years.
Forty-five percent.
Double the level of growth in the entire Clinton administration put together.
We have double the growth in three years compared to Bill Clinton's eight.
And no, I'm not defending Bill Clinton.
I get accused in emails, in faxes.
I wish you'd call into the show that I am now a liberal.
Because I'm against Bush reauthorizing the assault weapons ban.
He said last night the Patriot Act's a wonderful thing, need to expand that.
I'm bad because I'm against open borders?
No, I, if you want to use the current paradigm or semantical term, I am the most right-wing creature imaginable.
But, again, according to you, the new neocon, I guess I'm the most communistic person imaginable.
I mean, that's how turned around, how your heads are screwed on so crookedly that it just boggles my mind.
What is wrong with you?
I know it's a small minority out there, but I do hear from you.
And I'll be polite to you.
I've been being polite to folks that disagree.
How on earth
Is Bush conservative?
Yeah, he cut $87 million of abortion funding and then increased the total population control and sterilization and abortion funding by $3 billion!
See, I mean, I'm tired of smoke and mirrors, folks.
We're losing this country.
But what about Bush?
I'm going to read his quotes here later in the show, later in this hour, saying that the Patriot Act's good and why we can use this against money launderers and drug dealers.
Why can't we use this against terrorists?
Well, let's discuss that.
Some of what is in the Patriot Act 1 and 2 has been done through statutes and in government regulation in the last ten years of the drug war.
It's true.
They pull up, no drugs are found, they do a raid on your house, they find potting soil in the rose garden, and they seize your $300,000 house, saying the potting soil is paraphernalia.
I type into a search engine, home seized, because potting soil was found and is called paraphernalia.
Every week I see articles where an old lady or a young person is pulled over with two grand in their purse or wallet.
Cops just take it.
No drugs found.
We talk about Tulia, Texas.
Fifteen plus black people.
No criminal records.
No drugs.
No paraphernalia.
Twenty to ninety years in prison on the word of a cop from another county who was paid as an informant a thousand dollars per conviction.
He would just randomly mention people's names.
People he never even met.
He'd just get their names out of the phone book and say, I bought drugs from them.
That's admitted!
And I see those articles all the time in the news.
Every few weeks there's some new case of police framing people.
Not even criminals that they're framing, you know, that's how it starts.
Well, these are criminals, we're going to frame them, and then the police become total criminals and then start framing everybody.
And so Bush says, yeah, we've been using this against criminals for a long time, why not against terrorists?
And it's true!
In several cities around the country, if your 20-year-old son has a beer party when you're out of town, they siege your house.
You can't have a jury trial because it's a city ordinance, and so is a misdemeanor, but the penalty is taking your home.
So this is a new system.
Yes, they've been doing this for a while.
You've all heard the stories of the Asset Forfeiture Seizure, H.A.R.S.
It was a big, a couple years ago, big article
Out of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer that actually told the truth and said it was wrong and talked about how police now in Seattle, police officers, own about a third of the bars.
And we mean nice bars that serve food, everything.
How did they do that?
Well, police will go sell drugs, marijuana, cocaine to people in restaurant bathrooms.
And if one person buys drugs from a cop in your business and it's happening nationwide, they will seize it and then they end up getting your restaurant and cops end up personally owning it and running it.
But in Seattle it got worse.
The cops couldn't get people to buy drugs from them.
And so they would sell drugs to their informants.
A cop would meet with the informant, selling some cocaine in the bathroom, take them in in a fake arrest, they'd later drop the charges, and the cops would get the restaurant.
They own a third of them.
That was two years ago.
So yeah, Bush, he gets up on TV and says, well, we've been doing stuff like this for years in the drug war, why not do it now for terrorists?
And it's, uh, what he said is true!
If you support all that, if, uh, you support what's happened, uh, yes!
I mean, they say, hey, we got rid of posse comitatus in 96 publicly, they'd really gotten rid of it in the late 80s, now we got troops out doing rug raids nationwide, why not have them fight crime and terrorism?
That's what General Eberhardt and Bush and Franks and Secretary of Defense Cohen before Rumsfeld, that's what they all said!
You know, Army times in 97.
We need troops on the streets, armored personnel carriers on every street corner, Cohen said.
And I warned you, and now they're announcing they're gonna do it!
So, yeah, I mean, Bush told us the truth.
Uh, in a weird way, he said, hey, we've been using this for other stuff, why not use it for terrorists?
But here's the problem.
It expands the stuff they were doing in the past, the criminal activities, and it makes the definition of terrorism any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
That's most misdemeanors and almost all felonies.
And so now they don't just take your house and put you in jail for a couple years with no drugs found, because you had a cooking scale, who doesn't have one of those, because you had a timer, a cooking timer, because you had potting soil in your rose garden.
They take houses, people spend years in prison for that.
Yeah, the cops sleep well at night shipping you off in the paddy wagon to jail.
Now that doesn't happen, you don't even get a trial.
Under the Patriot Act.
You can be secretly held.
They spy on your lawyer.
They can secretly ship you to a foreign country.
They can torture you.
So that's what Patriot Act 1 and 2 do, is they expand all of this.
We're in a lot of trouble.
And Bush also implied that we're on this holy crusade and we're going to invade all these other countries now.
Again, this is very, very, very serious, but it shows that they're on the defensive.
He goes, we're not an empire.
The Patriot Act is good.
This is not an amnesty.
All lies.
This is not an amnesty.
The Patriot Act is good.
We are not an empire.
So, they're in trouble.
The problem is, is everybody thinks it matters who's going to be president.
Whether it's that psychopath, that beady-eyed nutcase, and he really is, folks.
You can just look at him, hear him talk.
Uh, Dean.
Or whether it's George W. Bush, it does not matter.
Whether it's John Kerry, they're both skull and bones.
John Kerry and, uh, George W., I mean, that doesn't, I mean, that's, that's a rigged deck right there.
So what do you think about the State of the Union?
And we'll get back in the new developments on WTC7, the owner admitting they demolished it on September 11th, and just so much other news.
Just wait until you hear about the fake lie detectors they're going to be giving all the police.
And now they're going to be deciding you've committed thought crimes.
This is unbelievable.
That's coming up too.
Phones that don't use audio but beam it into your skull.
Those are now on sale in Tokyo.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to be taking your calls concerning the State of the Union.
Bush said our Republic is in good shape.
That's another big fat lie.
But so much of the important info on this show gets discussed during the breaks.
I was talking to Mark, who runs the show.
Because I discuss a lot on this program the fact that I don't watch much TV, but when I do turn it on, whether it's NYPD Blue or LA Law or any of these shows, 24, Threat Matrix, every time I turn TV on and flip to a drama, to a fiction show, police are torturing someone and it's good.
And he said, yeah, have you seen that new show that has the guy who was the commish on FX called The Shield?
And I thought about it, and yeah, a couple months ago I tuned in, watched the end of the show, and they were torturing some guy, and it turned out that they were good.
Torturing him was good.
And I said, what did you see in the episode you saw?
And he said, well,
They're torturing this kid, jabbing a needle into him on the back of the badge to get answers from him, and the police come in behind the other cops, and he goes, they're torturing me, and they're hurting me, and the cops say, I don't see anything wrong with you, despite the fact he's bleeding.
All these weak-minded people sit there and watch this, and then, oh, that's normal!
And see, cops all identify with that, so in the real world, they're gonna do that to you.
And they do it all the time.
So, next time you look at a cop wrong, and you are in a bathroom for three hours, having a toilet plunger rammed into you with blood pouring out of your body, just remember that they're the good guys.
You should thank them for it.
Folks, this is scary.
This is scary.
I mean, we've got police here in Austin that sit outside the topless bars and pull the drunken dancers over and say, come with me and do some business or you are going to jail right now.
And so you've got the crime of official oppression, of rape going on, and also they're putting a drunk driver back on the road.
Am I saying all the cops do this?
I'd say about 5% do stuff like that.
20% are corrupt, getting some payoffs.
It's higher level if they're detectives.
We're in a lot of trouble.
And, by the way, they've caught them all over my state doing this, so it's not my opinion.
And it's going to get worse and worse, because on these TV shows, they plant evidence, they torture, they lie, but it's always good.
You know, the person's always guilty.
And, you know, it's needed.
And you need to ask yourself, why are all the cop shows, all of them, doing this?
I mean, folks, every time I walk into the television studio to do my show, and there's a cop show on TV, I'll stop for like three minutes,
Uh, and, and, uh, you can see they have TVs on all over the place in every office up there, and I'll sit there and watch it.
And they're always torturing somebody, they're always framing somebody, they're always saying, I don't, the person says, I have constitutional rights.
They go, no you don't!
You know, every episode has them saying that.
It's just, it's just always in there, you know.
And I know, folks, you watch television.
I watch maximum two hours a week, and most of it's C-SPAN.
My wife watches that while you were out in trading spaces, you know, where they do the fixing up houses.
She watches that a couple hours a week.
But I, uh, there's even propaganda in that.
I try to watch that Irwin show, that environmental, you know, crocodile hunter show.
There's always some police state land-grabbing environmentalist propaganda in that.
I can't watch anything!
Sometimes on the weekend, I'll tune in to Turner Classic Movies and watch an old movie.
And then that depresses me of how much things have changed in this country.
In the world.
But you better think about that.
This is such an important point.
That on the news, they're saying torture's good.
Then you tune into the TV shows, torture's good.
You tune into Frasier, gun owners are bad, and part of an anti-government conspiracy.
On Friends, they announced it's the new world order, get used to it.
About four years ago, my wife's watching Friends.
Which she rarely watches, and I walked through, years ago she watched a little bit more, I walked in the room and they're saying, it's a New World Order, get used to it!
I mean, what is that?
It's propaganda placement!
You know, Taco Bell and Pepsi and Coca-Cola pay to have Taco Bell and Coca-Cola and Pepsi in TV and dramas and sitcoms and, you know, TV and movies, but there's propaganda placement too, folks!
They have whole websites, uh,
The Screen Actors Guild does, of how to put anti-gun messages, ideas about how to put anti-gun messages in scripts.
And then your script gets picked up if you have that in there.
I've talked to Hollywood people.
I've talked to high-level folks.
This is admitted.
Under Bill Clinton, this really started getting bad, but there were some news stories about it.
You know, the government, the Justice Department, funding TV specials.
Now, it's bigger than ever, and the average person has no idea they're watching Running Man-type television.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight, blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles to Rhode Island.
On the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're about to go to these loaded phone lines here in just a few minutes.
Then I'm going to get into detail on the State of the Union propaganda.
Then Bush says invasion halted Iraq weapons program.
Block your ears to hear better on Japan's new bone phone.
Japanese telecom carriers, pioneers of internet cable and picture snapping handsets, have come up with a world's first mobile phone that enables users to listen to calls inside their heads by conducting sound through bone.
Now, we talked about the 1954 patents on this, and FEMA admits with DARPA they're going to put these up on cell towers to mass broadcast.
That was the Boston Globe last year.
There's a hyperlink to that in my DARPA Engineering the Beast System article on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Just click on Contributors, and it says Alex Jones on Prison Planet.
You can go read that, one of the first stories there.
Let's go third story down.
We're good to go.
And about three years ago, I had the CEO on of a company that by then had already put up thousands of Coke machines, that is, soft drink vending machines, that broadcast this beam that cannot be heard by the ear.
It's not heard by a regular system through the ear.
It's heard by the middle ear.
No one else can hear it.
It just beams out, targets your head, and tells you to have a delicious drink.
But again, I announce this and read mainstream news about it, and it still doesn't exist.
Block your ears to hear better on Japan's new bone phone.
And I have another article here about this.
There's an Israeli company and NASA's already put some of these systems in at airports.
It's total quackery.
They've proven that the old lie detector tests that put hundreds of thousands in prison
Over the last 50, 60 years, I was always a complete fraud, was just experts saying, oh, it shows you're guilty or it shows you're innocent.
Well, now they have a pair of sunglasses the police wear and they ask you questions and it tells them that you're a liar.
It says because you get upset, you're a liar.
Oh yeah, they pull you over, they want to search your car, are there drugs in your car?
Oh, get out, probable cause, the glasses, say you're guilty.
And then it'll take decades to prove to folks that they put innocent people behind bars.
I mean, now it's a pair of sunglasses?
Listen to this.
It may not be long before you hear airport security screeners ask, do you plan on hijacking this plane?
A U.S.
company using technology developed in Israel is pitching a lie detector small enough to fit in the eyeglasses of law enforcement officers, and its investors say it can tell whether a passenger is a terrorist by analyzing his answer to that simple question real-time.
Operations, military, insurance, claim, and law enforcement use is being repackaged and retargeted for personal and corporate applications by V Entertainment New York.
Our products were originally for law enforcement use.
We get all our technology from Nemesis Co., but we need more development time for that application, said Dave Watson, Chief Operating Officer
We're good to go.
The company showed plain sunglasses outfitted with technology at the 2004 International CES in Las Vegas earlier this month.
The system used green, yellow, and red color codes to indicate a true, maybe, or false response.
At its CES booth, V Entertainment analyzed the voices of celebrities like Michael Jackson to determine whether they were lying.
Besides lie detection, Watson said the technology can also measure for other emotions like anxiety, fear, or even love.
Indeed, V Entertainment offers Pocket PC Love Detector.
It's a total fraud!
But they're already using this, and they're putting in a lot more complex systems at five airports as of two years ago, with NASA and DARPA funding, Boston Logan the first,
Yes, we are!
They call you in a smaller room, put you under another CAT scan, and then start asking you questions.
Can you imagine a science fiction movie five years ago claiming that in the future we would have this here?
You'd get laughed at.
But now it's in the airport, and just walk under the brain scanner, please.
They're also there at Boston and about 20 other airports, what is it, 22 now, that have it.
The feds have put in the scanning system
Ground Penetrating Radar is what it is.
Microbursts of transmissions.
And it gives them a color image of your naked body in total detail down to the pores.
And of course this is all recorded as well.
You walk through them and they just digitally record your naked body.
So that's your freedom too!
Uh, there for you folks.
I'm sure you've all heard about that.
They've been telling you how wonderful it is for years now.
And, uh, these ground penetrating radar systems, uh, the public stuff that you can buy, uh, will pierce, uh, up to four feet of concrete.
They turn it down real low and it just goes through your clothes.
And, uh, so they use that for body scanning.
But they have mounted, as of five years ago, hundreds of major cities began getting Department of Defense grants to mount ground penetrating radar and other systems that do similar things on aircraft.
And it gives a crisp black and white image of everything you're doing in your home.
Sounds like freedom again.
And the average person has no idea this is even going on.
I'm not talking about infrared or FLIR folks.
That's old 1960s technology.
I'm talking about ground penetrating radar.
So, and they're announcing they're going to start using this.
The FBI, the police, airport screeners.
They're already using the more advanced systems.
And so you're now going to have a cop
I think so.
We are doing this, over Christmas they said, we are doing this to, as just a pretext to go ahead and get folks downtown.
This is something a lot of people have and this gives our officers a pretext to go ahead and take them in if they're suspicious.
So, I'm going to admit it right now on air, I know it's radical.
I have a Texas Mad Men glove compartment.
I have a Rand McNeely US Road Atlas behind the seat in my truck.
Yes, I'm sorry, I'm liberal, I'm evil, I'm pro-gun too, so I'm liberal, even more liberal there for you on that.
Okay, State of the Union, and there's so much other news, but I want to go to these calls.
Bush says the Patriot Act's wonderful.
We need to expand it, that's his words, reauthorize it.
The open borders and total amnesty is not amnesty.
Weapons of mass murder, Saddam had to be stopped.
We need to go into more countries.
I mean, it was all there for you.
And so let's go ahead and go to Kevin in Boston and Chris, Leon, Ethan, Doug and others.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
You've been letting the facts get in the way of your understanding.
I mean,
You've been wrong about everything.
All is going well.
Economy, the war, jobs, great.
And he said he wants, with his amnesty program, not amnesty, just his jobs program, to only reward those who obey the law.
And we found WMD doodles or notes or something related to WMD.
They found something.
Well, you're right, and I guess I was wrong.
Yes, everything is going wonderfully, and I apologize for not saying that that was the case.
I was wondering, I'm from Boston here, and New England quarterback Tom Brady, I wonder, was he there to confuse the public what the Patriot Act is about?
Maybe they think it's something to do with a football team?
You know, I saw that.
They cut to football players, to a quarterback, when they talk about the Patriot Act.
And by the way, that's all scripted.
You know, every time they talk about a particular issue, they cut to somebody of old people.
We want to take care of you.
And they cut to a little old lady or, oh, the installed governor we put in.
Let's cut to the western-looking Iraqi.
And then, yeah, let's cut to a quarterback now.
Patriot Act.
Here, let's cut to a quarterback.
I mean, folks,
That's what Fox News does now.
They'll talk about the Patriot Act or the war, or giving up our freedoms, and they'll cut to some sports news mixed in.
And did you notice the cheering when Bush started to state that many parts of the Patriot Act were about to expire, but before he could call for their being made permanent?
Because the five little soil-soaked neocon-bought-out media didn't notice that.
I'm tempted to air the first 10 minutes of the speech.
Maybe we'll download that and air it.
The great folks at Genesis might be able to.
They've been doing so much.
Maybe we should do that in the third hour.
So much was said in the first 12 minutes or so.
When Bush started his speech at 9-11 and went to a little bit past 10 Eastern to see him up there and yes and hardly anybody clapped when he said how wonderful the open borders are and when he said this is not amnesty I saw the Democrats and Republicans laughing.
Did you see that?
I did.
I wasn't laughing.
But it's not an amnesty, it's total legalization of whoever's here, whoever can get here, in perpetuity, bigger than anything ever done before, and they're going to bring foreigners in, on top of it, subsidize bringing even more in, but this, by legalizing all the illegals, this rewards those that follow the law.
I mean, that's like committing a murder and saying, well, we don't reward criminals, we're making murder legal retroactively for you!
Well, Ted Kennedy was shaking his head, you know, disappointed and in disagreement, but it was only in November that he was up on stage with his father down there, you know, talking about the good old days with Prescott when he was a boy and, you know,
They have their disagreements, but we're all Americans.
Well, look, what they do is they cut to the hated Ted Kennedy to balkanize and go, oh, the liberal's against it, see?
Oh, you're not for open borders?
Well, look, the liberal doesn't like it!
Oh, well, then I'm for open borders, then, if Ted Kennedy doesn't like it!
He keeps cheering himself up for all those tax cuts that he's for, but, you know, the folks know at this point
That deficit spending is a form of a hidden tax increase.
It's just deferred.
Well, our dollar being down by 42% is, thanks for the call.
Thank you.
And they've raised a bunch of other taxes, and they've put mandates on the states who are all increasing taxes.
And I've looked at the numbers.
They've been broken down by conservative think tanks, by the way.
Bush has actually increased taxes total.
Let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Chris.
Actually, I'm in Austin.
Okay, I was told Kentucky, go ahead.
Great points about the State of the Union last night.
I mean, it is a complete
Travesty, I think, when the American public can just basically take this wholeheartedly and say, oh yes, that is what's going on.
Oh yes, let's applaud.
Let's go on further.
Let's not be concerned with the 500 dead Americans from this so-called war.
And I also emailed you about, I think it was last week, about when Alan Dershowitz was in town.
Yeah, I got your email, and yes, I know who Alan Dershowitz is.
You were asking in the email.
He's the guy that says torture's good, concentration camps are good, the war in Iraq is good, and again, another Chuckie Schumer, another Hillary Clinton liberal loving George Bush.
Oh, not to mention, well, first off, I actually attended the speech because I got free tickets because I wouldn't ever pay money to go see him.
Yeah, I'm not going to pay $30 to go confront Alan Dershowitz.
But what was kind of surprising about it was how he was so, oh, we've got to fight for civil rights, and we've got to fight for the little guy.
That's why we've got to fight for Mike Tyson and Leona Helmsley and O.J.
Those are the little people.
He's for the Patriot Act.
He'll say, I'm for freedom.
Listen, in 1999, when they had the Baptist Church Youth Center shooting in Fort Worth, he got on air.
This is before I was Internet-savvy at all.
I didn't know that CNN had a transcript of it.
And it was good it was there, because people didn't believe me.
I saw him go, Christians deserve to die.
They get what they deserve.
These conservative Baptists support the Second Amendment.
And, uh, they caused this to themselves, and I think, uh, that guy killed, like, 12 people, uh, Larry Ashbrook, and I got on there and said, I saw Dershowitz say it was good.
People said, I don't believe it.
Then a caller called in, said, oh yeah, here's the transcript.
We posted it.
I mean, imagine if we said it's good if Muslims are good, if Hindus are good, if Jews are killed.
I mean, this guy is a sniveling demon.
And the other thing that he was saying about was, I don't understand, what's the big stink about the National ID Card?
Oh, this is such good!
Oh yeah!
Yeah, that's wonderful!
I didn't have to go hear his speech, I can read his news articles.
Torture's good, he says ripping people's toenails out's the way to go, that's a quote by the way, beating them with rubber hoses, he says camps are good, he says, and
I haven't heard the national ID card comment.
Oh yeah.
And he said, well there's three reasons why it won't happen in America.
And that's the quote here.
And I was like, okay.
Well, by the way, we already in 42 states have the federally mandated, funded, controlled, standardized national ID card.
The other eight are signing on right now.
They're federalizing the local elections.
Everything's being taken over.
Your driver's license is a national ID card.
That is admitted.
Your bank card.
Wells Fargo's coming out with a new national ID card for citizens and illegals.
That will be accepted.
Folks will understand that.
It's just your personal identification numbers hooked into the matrix system.
And his argument was, and one thing I will give him much credit for is, as being a sly and cunning attorney, is how he just rolled from topic to topic.
You know, I'm for freedom, that's why national ID cards are good.
You know, I'm for freedom, let's pull people's toenails out.
Oh, and plus he was completely for biometrics, retina scan and fingerprint.
What's wrong with that at the airport?
We just want to make sure who you are.
Yeah, and of course it comes out now that the census before 9-11 was already put in the matrix, total information, echelon system.
Folks go, wait a minute, those things weren't around.
Yes, they were.
It's called NSA.
Yeah, exactly.
And they come out with new names for programs.
We fight with that program as they expand the control system.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I just, I can't, I can't,
I've confronted Hillary Clinton, and I've confronted all these people, and I'm just sick of them.
These sniveling liberals... I can't even get near them anymore.
I just can't even look at them.
I just... I can't stand watching Bush.
It was pure torture to watch him for an hour last night.
Just the sniveling, lying, conniving death of America that he's perpetrated.
Thank you.
I think so.
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I mean, what's going on in the mind of Alan Dershowitz that he gets up on TV and says the day after a bunch of young people are killed at a Baptist church youth meeting, well, these right-wing Christian Baptists, they support, uh, you know, the Second Amendment, so they, uh, got what they deserved.
And he just said it like it was normal.
I mean, how hateful and wicked and sickening.
And he's totally authorized.
And he's totally supportive.
Oh, he's a good liberal.
So I want people to think about that out there.
And all this government power massing.
And I know there's a lot of Democrats that listen.
How are you for gun control?
Because you were never raised around guns.
You believe the lies about guns.
If we have a tyrannical government, is it good for us to disarm ourselves?
Stop being so foolish.
Your party is the same as George Bush's party.
New World Order whoredom!
All right, we're about to go to Leon and Ethan and Doug and Ron and Russ and others.
We will go to your calls quicker here in the next hour.
I want to go into this State of the Union, read some of the disgusting quotes.
We'll do that.
I want to get back into WTC7 and the incredible developments there with the owner admitting that they ordered it demolished on September 11th.
I don't
Valedictorian speech, they'll be arrested and put in prison for six months.
That's your new free country, folks.
See, now it's not separation of church and state as they first had it.
Now it's, oh, you can't even have your views or speak them if it's in a public place.
And study.
Census was used in information for terror profile.
You see, folks?
You see?
And now they want to have a yearly census.
And they demanded 54 questions on many of the census forms.
How much money you got in the bank?
You got a renter.
Do they pay cash?
What kind of stocks and bonds do you own?
They have some little bureaucrat with a little badge.
Answer my questions!
Answer them!
They even had them knock down doors thinking they were police.
I told you what this was all about.
A total control grid.
Before I end this hour and go back to your calls and detail all this news, it really is important for all of you to get my videos because the globalists can't censor those.
And once you unlock a mind, people don't go back.
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And my videos are the best tool we've found to do it.
One of the newest films is Matrix of Evil with Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, a Republican and a Democrat talking about world government, 9-11, the PNAC,
Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, myself.
It's a great new film, a little over two hours long.
Police State, three total, Enslavement is amazing.
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Some of the books are $5 and there's a lot of stuff we offer there on the site.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100,
Austin, Texas, 78704.
Next hour, coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I think that in the third hour, we will air some clips of the State of the Union.
Well, we'll just play about the first ten minutes of his speech, up past the Patriot Act comments, and stop and start it, and I'll make comments.
If we aired the whole hour-long speech, it'd take five hours to analyze all the lies and half-truths and manipulations by the biggest liberal ever to sit in the White House.
The man going after the Second Amendment.
The man protecting Bill Clinton.
The man giving the supercomputers to China.
The man restricting the First Amendment during elections.
With campaign finance reform.
The man who signed on to UNESCO and radically expanded the Department of Education, Health and Human Services, and CPS child-grabbing funding.
The neocon who is run by the Fourth International, according to Congressman Ron Paul in his speech of last year, and according to the Toronto Star and other major papers, the Communist Fourth International is in control of the White House.
Sounds totally insane.
It's documented.
You go, wait a minute, they're a bunch of fascists.
That's the point here.
Is that Trotsky created a takeover arm.
He'd been thrown out of Russia.
He believed in a little bit different form of communism.
And the people who were the head of the Fourth International, the top socialists, formed and in the sixties switched over into what you call the new conservative movement, the Betrayers.
And that's what they grew out of, that's what they are, and in their white papers they mention how they like Trotsky.
So we got people running the White House whose daddies were at Fourth International meetings
And the heads of the Fourth International, they're now the neocons, growing the size of government, going after your guns, attacking all these sovereign countries, taking our liberties and freedoms, creating secret police, hiring the former head of the KGB to work for Homeland Security.
All of this is happening!
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I'm not saying they're communist.
I'm saying they come out of a group that wanted dictatorship.
They grew out of political entry.
And it's very, very scary.
Very, very dangerous.
So we'll get into that and a bunch of other news items.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Leon in Colorado, you've been holding.
Thank you, Alex, for taking my call.
I had to turn on you on this morning to listen to you because I want to be reminded that I'm not crazy when Bush talks and makes me want to throw up, you know, with all of these lies and everything, so I really appreciate your commentary on that.
I'm calling you to let you know that I was sick of watching their analysts, so I turned over to the History Channel last night, and they had a thing on, they're called Catching Sodom, and guess what they came up with when they were
Looking for Sodom, they said, oh, and we have this secret that's been around for quite a while.
It's called Carnivore.
And they showed the guy standing there behind the monitors doing it.
Pushing it up and getting all of the... Yeah, and again... I mean, this is stuff that doesn't exist, you see, but you and I have known it for years and years and years.
But yet, it doesn't exist.
But now they're putting it out there.
Well, and notice, he'll talk about a carnivore system that is the equivalent
of a skin cell on the tip of the monster's finger, or they'll talk about total information awareness that is the tip of a pinky of the monster.
And then, okay, we're getting rid of carnivore.
Okay, we're getting rid of this.
They never do.
They just have different front names, different brand names for the tyranny they're bringing in.
But what I'm saying is it actually was mentioned.
You know, a lot of us knew about it.
I read about it on the internet and found out about it.
Yeah, five, six years ago.
But now, they've been doing this forever and ever and ever.
The other thing is, you know, I just watched Law and Order.
And it was okay for the cops, they were beating this guy up to get a confession out of him, you know.
Yeah, that's torture.
Tell you what, stay there.
Yeah, it's okay.
Stay there.
We'll talk about that.
Mass conditioning for the police and the public that tortures good.
Every program, every law enforcement show, this is good.
Very loving.
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We're going to play some of the clips from Bush's State of the Union later in this hour and more in the third hour.
Play some segments of the speech from the first half where he was talking about international issues and domestic police state stuff.
But we're talking to Leon in Colorado and we'll go to Ethan, Doug, Ron and Russ and others.
Leon, I cannot stress how important the point is you're making.
That these shows like NYPD Blue, LA Law 24, Threat Matrix, every episode they're torturing people to get answers out of them in torture chambers, in torture chairs, or just beating them up to get answers.
Lying, cheating, every time I turn TV on there's a cop going, we don't have a constitution anymore, shut up!
Haven't you heard of the Patriot Act?
This should bone chill everybody!
Because suddenly, like a light switch, all these shows are saying this is good?
This is where most people form their ideas about the world, form their opinions, and most people don't even watch the news other than sports and weather.
They don't even know what the Constitution Bill of Rights is.
Who the Vice President is, where Iraq is, how many continents there are.
But they do know what the guy on the shield on FX is doing, torturing people every episode.
They do know about the NYPD Blue, where they're having to torture to get a few answers.
It's okay, they're the good guys.
You said you saw an episode of this, Leon.
Tell us all about it.
Leon, you still there?
Because Leon wanted to hold over and talk.
Is Leon in Colorado gone?
Yes, Leon.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Oh, you got me?
Yes, I do.
Oh, okay.
Yeah, well, it was kind of interesting.
It was on law and order, and I normally don't watch it because it irritates me, but, you know, not only do they get people in rooms and have about four or five cops questioning them without the benefit of a lawyer, which I understand if that happens, that's not supposed to be admissible evidence, but they use it.
And, um, then they were going to prosecute this guy because what he'd done is he thought that the baby his wife was carrying was from another man, so he, as a psychiatrist, he'd been to medical school, so he knew how to give a, uh, a Syrian birth and kill the baby.
Then they were, they couldn't charge him because of, uh, oh, well, we don't know if that baby took a breath.
Because if it didn't take a breath, then it wasn't a person.
Yeah, so you've also got the whole abortion line wrapped up in it.
But this is an evil baby killer at the same time, but it's not a baby.
So what do they do to him?
Well, eventually he was going to get off.
Except that they found out through, what do you call this stuff, where you take a DNA, they found out the baby was actually his.
And they confronted him with it, and then he confessed at the end.
But otherwise he would have just gotten off.
Now you just said in the last segment they were beating him up.
Well, they weren't beating him up, they were beating up the guy who was a drug addict that she was having an affair with because she was a nurse at a methadone clinic and so they thought he was the one that killed her, so they had him over there at the construction site and they were beating him up and trying to get a confession out of him.
Now that's torture.
Now understand how they frame this.
You've got evil murdering drug dealers, you've got psychopathic psychiatrists, you've got all this, so what's wrong with beating them up?
But see folks,
Again, this is how it works.
Government is the most abusive thing throughout history.
The real psychopaths are smart, get into control of government, and then using that wall of secrecy and power, they carry out the mass oppression.
That's the point.
You can't violate those rules.
And now we have police, for real, torturing people.
And on these shows, every episode, torture, frame-ups,
And so there's more and more of this.
The cops watch that, and it becomes socially acceptable.
This is mass mind control.
We are social creatures.
Is that right?
And so we build our psychological profiles normally off our families growing up, but now the family doesn't talk, they watch TV together, and our social mores are formed by that group-tribe interface, that false illusion that is the television.
One more comment about the
Bush thing last night?
If people would look at it as, oh, here's a big production drama about to take place, because that's exactly how they set it up.
They even admit there was a bunch of AP articles this week showing Bush practicing it, and they met with all the people where they're supposed to sit.
Okay, the camera's going to be on you at this time.
You do this.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean, I tuned into the analyst going, what an incredible speech.
Man, he's really intelligent.
He's got some interesting ideas.
He did a great job.
He really told us what he wants.
He's reading off two of those computerized glass teleprompters.
It's all scripted.
Everybody, you know, stands up to clap at every word.
Oh, we all agree with you!
Oh, it's so good!
And it's all scripted, and the caller mentioned, I saw that, they talk about the Patriot Act, and they cut
to a professional football player, to a quarterback.
I mean, what is that?
Every other time they cut to
They talk about the military, they talk about the Army, they cut to the head of the Army.
They talk about the Navy, they cut to the head of the Navy.
They talk about the Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff, they cut to the Chairman, the Air Force officer.
They were going through all this.
They talk about immigration, they cut to a certain delegation on that.
But no, on the Patriot Act, let's cut to a football player.
And the mindless psychology is, football, yeah, mom and apple pie, Patriot Act.
I mean, what does this mean?
And so it's all scripted!
Scripted speech goes out there and just lies wall-to-wall!
Wall-to-wall lying!
And he said torture's bad!
But how is it bad if Saddam's doing it?
If School of America has just trained the world how to do it at Fort Benning, Georgia?
How, when your own administration is pushing torture, and they admit they're torturing people, to death, in Guantanamo and also over in Afghanistan?
How is that?
And it's not just the sitcoms and the dramas where torture is now good.
It's the newspapers.
It's television.
It's the Dershowitz.
And it's the Republicans.
And it's everybody.
Torture, torture, torture.
It's so scary.
And you say, well, it was bad when Joseph Mingala tortured.
I don't want to discuss that.
We're not Joseph Mingala.
We're good.
We're going to torture.
We're the good guys.
We can torture.
Don't you understand?
That's how it happens.
Again, I use the Lord of the Rings analogy.
You put the ring on, folks, you turn into the Dark Lord.
You don't start all this and be the good guy.
You put that on.
You put that ring on.
It's over, folks.
And they have put it on, by the way.
And they like it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
How you doing?
I am from Kentucky, but I'm doing an exchange program in Canada, and I want to tell you about my Canadian experience here.
I drove up here and upon entering Canada I was strip searched because I had pepper spray.
I was going to give it to my girlfriend.
I wasn't aware that pepper spray is illegal here.
They told me that if she was caught with pepper spray she'd be put in jail.
You're not allowed to protect yourself in these socialized systems.
And also, since this university up here is a town an hour from Toronto, north of Toronto, I can tell you that Triads and the Chinese intelligence have completely infiltrated this place.
I've actually witnessed them extorting store owners.
And I've tried to tell people that.
I've tried to tell authorities about it.
They just laugh at it because they're controlled by it too.
No, no, no.
They bring the organized crime in because they can use that as a terror arm against you.
Yeah, and when I try to warn people about this at this college I'm going to appear, they call it a xenophobic Nazi.
Well, that's how it works.
I mean, you know, we can talk about the Italian mob, we can talk about the WASP mob, you start talking about Chinese mob, Jewish mafia, oh, that's racist.
It's impossible for an Asian to do anything wrong.
Back whenever there was all the Chinese espionage in the news, there were big specials on TV, Dateline NBC,
Is this really covert racism?
All the complaints about Chinese espionage?
No, there's 3,000 Chinese front companies robbing us blind.
They're now not just extorting the Asians, they're extorting everybody!
Let me just tell the Italian mob, the WASP mob, the Jewish mob, the Asian mob, anybody who tries to extort me and some punk threatens me, I'm coming over the counter at them.
I'm a Texan, folks.
We didn't have that type of stuff down here, because we were red-blooded.
Yeah, I'm a Texan.
And I'm getting sick of this domestication.
I'm getting sick of thugs and gangs and all the trash.
You better wake up, people.
Go ahead.
On top of that, when people discuss my anti-gun control beliefs, I'm also labeled a Nazi.
Oh, absolutely.
Even though Hitler was totally pro-gun control.
And one other thing that I found out that's pretty peculiar, is last year I was told that a Bin Laden, I think, somebody, big brother, cousin of the family was going to school here, buying people drugs, you know, all that stuff.
And I think that's just, it's insane how brainwashed people are here, and it's spreading, and it's just, I just, I almost, ugh, you know?
Absolutely, thanks for the call.
Now, I hear what you're saying.
Canada's very, very controlled.
But see, they all know about 9-11 there, but see, the U.N.'
's gonna be the good savior.
Oh, America's evil right wing there.
No, it's not.
It's the same system.
Let's talk to Doug in Tennessee.
Go ahead, Doug.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I heard part of your program yesterday, and you talked about the flu shot vaccine.
Do you remember what you said was in there?
Yeah, it's a WorldNet Daily 14-page report.
I've already seen the information in other articles, but it was all condensed there.
It's 250 times safe levels in this new flu shot of thimerosal.
What's the name of it now?
The Marisol is the patented name of the mercury preservative.
Mercury, okay, right.
It's got mercury in it.
Yeah, but not just the normal level, it has even higher levels for no reason.
Okay, that's what I wanted to find out because I'm in the process of trying to educate someone on that.
And, uh, that's what I wanted to know.
Plus, I wanted to make this comment, and I'll let you go, let you get to other callers.
What you're talking about today, about Mr. Dershowitz and all of those types like him, Schumer, whatnot, and all of these people that support this torturous type system, and this police state, when it comes after them... Stay there, you gotta finish up.
Stay there, we'll come back to you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're getting a bunch of clips ready.
We've got the first 16 minutes of Bush's speech where he gets into international issues and the Patriot Act.
We'll take some more calls then we'll start airing that.
I'm just going to stop it and make comments.
We're also getting the clip
Mark's being tortured by having to watch an hour of it, and I feel sorry for him.
But later on in the speech, he gets into total blanket amnesty and says it's not amnesty.
That's the last clip we've got to labor through and get for you.
And Mark, instead of having to watch the whole thing, I bet money it's posted on AmericanPatrol.com.
I bet they got Bush's blanket amnesty of a border video clip up there.
You might just go grab that instead of having to listen anymore.
I really feel sorry for you.
We're going to play this and I'm going to comment on the lies on the international and terror issues and weapons of mass murder, the new term they're using that we're going over here.
We were just talking to Doug in Tennessee.
You were talking about the folks out promoting torture as the new American virtue.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to finish up by saying all of those who support that type of system, the legislators and what not, when it comes time for them to go into this Soviet style government that they are helping set up,
And selling you and I out, and the good American people, then they will be first in line to go into the camps and to be tortured themselves.
And as far as supporting any Red Russia or anything like that, all one has to do is go back into the history and see what they did, and see what Joseph Stalin did to his own generals and his own army.
Or Hitler, or Hitler, or Fidel, or...
Any of them, Brian.
Cole Pott.
Right, any of them.
So those who support this system, I got this to say and then I'm going to let you get to your other callers.
Those who support New World Order will die by New World Order.
And thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Thank you for the call, Doug.
Let's talk to Ron in New York and Russ and others.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Alex, this is a very interesting book and maybe you could have the author as your guest.
The fellow's name is Kevin Phillips.
He wrote a book called The American Dynasty.
Very interesting, very enlightening about this wonderful patriotic president of ours and his family.
It's a big mainstream book, and it gets into the secret societies, the organized crime, the mafia, all of it.
And the Bush family.
And it did have one curious thing.
They mentioned that one of the Bush brothers, I believe the youngest of the four,
And at one point had a company that ran private security for the World Trade Center, I believe back in the 1990s.
Yeah, that was Marvin.
No, no, he was running it up to 9-11 and that's when the contract ended.
Coincidences, coincidences.
Now as far as that truth-telling device you mentioned about that guy from Israel, I saw that moron and idiot in an interview about four or five years ago when he first engineered this technology.
He was on the court channel and he was actually challenged by a pretty sharp constitutional lawyer.
Before that interview was over, the guy was nearly crying.
He was made into a joke.
Even the people...
Who were the hosts of the show were laughing at the guy.
Let me stop you.
In airports and everywhere they're putting in brain scanners that they claim can tell if you're lying.
That's a fraud.
Now they are selling to police and others these sunglasses that listen to your voice and scan your face and decide if you're lying.
Oh, the government loves it and says it works wonderfully.
They've already proven the old lie detector test is a fraud.
This thing's an even bigger fraud.
That thing is an even bigger fraud because it works on the principle of voice stress analysis.
Which is even less reliable than the unreliable lie detector.
So, you know, you have a guy selling PT Barnum devices making probably millions of dollars on it.
You always notice that these guys that invent this PT Barnum technology that are always telling us how we need more security and more security because, of course, they're vampires, they're parasites.
They create the panic and then live off of it and sell PT Barnum devices.
As for the Bush State of the Union Address, pure Roman circus,
Which was orchestrated and designed for beer-slobbering American plebeians.
If any, I've seen high school plays that were better orchestrated than that, but that was made to appeal to people who have lower IQs.
Why would they cut to a pro-football quarterback when they mention the Patriot Act?
Because it's all cheap, unsophisticated theater designed for what they believe is largely a population of beer-slobbering, porno-watching,
uh... sports addicted moron they may not be that far off the mark with that but that's what that's designed for another wonderful thing here in the state of new york our beloved governor has proposed a law that says if you don't take a breathalyzer you'll be fined a thousand dollars now even if you go to trial and you are ultimately acquitted you'll still be fined a thousand dollars it's wrong it's out of control we got a break we'll be right back with more calls more calls and more info coming up
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, continuing with your calls, and I want to go to these a little bit quicker now.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
In the first 15 minutes of the State of the Union, Bush said most of the amazing lies and propaganda about the Patriot Act and weapons of mass murder and the whole police state and the war on terror.
So we're going to start playing that here in a little while and we'll just play some of it and make comments as Bush goes through his lies.
We'll do that into the next hour.
And I do have a bunch of other news we're going to get to.
Let's go to Russia and Texas.
Russia on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I sure appreciate all that you do.
Thanks for taking my call.
You know, Bush certainly said a lot of lies last night, but I'd like to focus on one thing that he said that was absolute truth, and I think we should adopt it as a national slogan.
What he said was, quote, America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country, unquote.
I think we need to paraphrase that and tell our servant government that Americans will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of their families and their property.
Well, that's a great point.
If we are the government, how can they be taking our guns nationwide and telling us we can't even defend our own homes, businesses, and cars?
Why in Texas can't I carry a handgun in my car without going and getting a permission slip that turns my right into a privilege?
You know, great rhetoric, well-written speech.
You know, we don't need a permission slip from the U.N.
You know, he's playing that off when he really is working for the U.N.
and expanding their funding, but it's true.
Great point.
We don't need a permission slip.
We don't work for the government.
They're not our mommies and daddies.
We're not their little children that get a permission slip.
Well, there's so many people that have been dumbed down to the point where they're out of control and they can't do anything without government help, and they go out and commit atrocious crimes.
I think William Pitt said, quote, Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human liberty.
It is the argument of tyrants.
It is the creed of slaves.
You know, everything that they do in its legalese is done by necessity.
We have to do this because this is out of control.
We have to do that because that is out of control.
The child is hyperactive.
We have to put him on Reddit and Improzac.
There might be crime in the school.
We have to put cameras in the bathrooms.
I'm not that smart a guy, Alex, but there's a lot of people before me that were extremely smart, and I was able to read what they wrote, and I remembered a lot of it.
Frederick Douglass, another quote that's extremely powerful, said, quote, Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and it never will.
Find out just what people will submit to.
You have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon.
And these will continue till they have resisted with either words or blows, or with both.
The limits of tyrants are prescribed.
I think it's important that we adopt that as a national slogan.
And let them know that we're not going to seek a permission slip to defend our properties and our families.
You know, I've read those quotes in the Federalist Papers and other places.
Why don't you email them to tips at InfoWars.com and we've got quote sections at PrisonPlanet.com but Paul Watson, I'm going to ask you to build up that section with those famous quotes because
It's so eloquent, it's so focused, it's so to the point, and our founding fathers all agreed that we should all have guns to defend against tyrannical government.
And to see, you know, law professors like Leno Graglia, who's supposedly a conservative,
I've heard him on local news go at UT.
Constitution's a luxury.
It's a privilege.
We need to get rid of all this stuff.
That's conservative.
And then Alan Dershowitz is saying the same thing as the liberal.
And they're counting on us knowing nothing about our history to buy this.
People need to learn where our rights come from.
Our rights don't come from the Constitution.
A right to come from God Almighty.
The Constitution simply points out rights that were already there, and the Ninth and Tenth Amendment clearly states that.
When our public servants take an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution, they guarantee to protect those rights.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
You bet, and thank you.
And this is the point I've made, and I make it in Road to Tearing, one of my best films.
We have the FBI training manuals, flyers, documents, video of FEMA saying it.
The Founding Fathers are all terrorists.
All Christians are enemies of the federal government.
Those that make frequent references of the U.S.
Constitution are enemies of the government.
Defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
We have video, training manuals, mainstream articles.
I know that sounds insane.
They are teaching police that those that talk about the Constitution are bad.
You swore an oath to it!
And I know the reason we're waking up so many police is most of you have been in training seminars so they teach you that.
What happened to you?
You know, it's like saying you're a Christian and saying, well, to be a Christian I must love Satan.
You know, that's the equivalent of how ridiculous this is.
Of how backwards it is.
You get taught that those that defend the Constitution are bad.
That's word for word.
But you've sworn an oath to it.
But you never read it.
So you don't know what you swore an oath to.
I mean, it's just... How dumb do they think the police are?
I mean, I got FEMA saying our founding fathers were bad.
I mean, this is un-American.
And Rush Limbaugh isn't going to talk about that.
So the conservatives out there aren't going to know.
You're going to be pacified and go along with this.
It's like saying white is black, black is white, up is down, down is up.
It's out of control.
I want to start airing the State of the Union, just 10, you know, 10, 15 minutes of it and making comments on it and just stopping it.
You know, I just want to stop it and make comments and then keep playing it.
And so that's coming up here in just a few minutes.
And I do want to get back into some news.
We'll hold off on calls for a little while and do this.
Before I play the State of the Union, though, I want to, again, encourage listeners.
Do you want to see FEMA in Kansas City to a room of a class of firefighters and police and sheriff's deputies with FEMA saying all Christians are terrorists, the Founding Fathers are all terrorists, enemies of the government, the news articles, the training manuals, that's in the film as well where they say defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists?
I mean, we have it.
Oh, the FEMA clip's three minutes long.
The documents and news articles are a couple more minutes.
That's about five, six minutes of the two and a half hour film.
And it's all that hardcore, all that insane, all that out in the open.
You can check it all out for yourself.
It's all public.
It's all just as horrible.
But people don't know.
They don't know that the cops are being brainwashed, being indoctrinated by this.
Ten years ago, they started putting out training manuals for police.
They said, if you hear someone say posse comitatus, that's code word for racism.
And that they hate police.
And so now when the military's out at checkpoints from Tennessee to Texas to New York to Idaho to Connecticut running checkpoints, we've read the articles where somebody goes, Posit Calimantanus, the cops freak, jerk them out of the car, slam their head in the concrete, start saying, you're with the terrorists?
I've got training manuals where it lists hundreds of things.
They talk about the Constitution.
They have Get Us Out of the U.N.
stickers on their car.
Better to go ahead and arrest them and take them in.
They could be terrorists.
This is major law enforcement magazines.
It's not just in the training manuals.
They have these law enforcement magazines.
I mean, it's crazy!
They're planning to do all this!
They're planning all of it!
We've got top generals saying they're building all these camps, and how military rule is about to take place.
Folks, we're on the edge here.
And so get 9-11 Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get Police State 3 Total Enslavement, get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, get America Destroyed by Design, get my videos, I made 10 of them.
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Call toll-free to get the films.
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Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Are you going to just stand by and let them do this?
You're going to stand by as nationwide, they go out to conservative protests, liberal protests, peacefully standing on the sidewalk, there's pro-Bush supporters there, one person stands with a sign on the sidewalk saying no blood for oil, they arrest them, federally charge them, give them present time, and say you're not allowed to do that if we say so?
I mean, America's dying, folks!
We're dying!
Everything America is, the soul of America is being sucked out by these people.
These private interests that control the whole police state apparatus.
I mean, we've gone from 1.3 million people in prison to 7 million, and now they're saying by the end of the decade there's going to be 30 million?
I mean, I want you to think about this.
I love this country!
We're losing this country!
Don't you love America?
Don't you love your family?
I'm so angry about this.
I'm living a nightmare here.
And so many people want to stick their heads in the sand and hope it all goes away.
You go ahead and serve them.
They're going to take your pension funds.
They're going to take your sons and daughters for a new national draft to attack 60 plus countries.
The police are going to get more and more corrupt and rape your daughters?
More and more frame-ups?
More and more corruption?
More and more evil national DNA databases run by an FBI crime lab where their former head quit and said they were framing everybody?
I mean, I just, we cannot allow this to happen!
We have got to speak out, get involved, and we are having an effect, and we are going to win this fight.
But the videos are such a big part of this.
Get them!
I'm begging you from the bottom of my heart.
If you've already got the videos, buy a second VCR, make a copy every night when you go to sleep, start the tape, start it, give the tape away every day, do it for a year.
Give 365 videos away.
It'll cost you $40 for a VCR and $365 for the tapes.
And if every listener did that, and gave out 365 videos, and 10% of those people made copies of the videos and did the same, a hundred tapes, I've done the math, will turn into millions of tapes.
A hundred tapes you get from me will turn into millions.
It's already happened, but we've got to push it harder and faster.
And I've probably already given my life for this, folks.
I mean, I want to be honest with you.
Uh, but that's okay, because in the scale of things, in the future of my family and all the families to come, and the evil, wouldn't you run into a burning house to save somebody?
Wouldn't you go up against thugs attacking an old lady even if you knew you?
I mean, don't you have that instinctive need to fight evil?
Aren't you disgusted by it?
Well, this is a thousand times, a million times more evil than, you know, than thugs attacking an old lady.
This is systematic dehumanization on an industrialized scale.
My humanity, my soul, the very stamp on my psyche.
There is not a question.
There is not a question of this fight.
There is not even a shred.
I am committed.
One hundred and ten percent
And there are millions of us, and if we all stand up and speak out, they can't stop us all.
Alexander Schultz and Nietzsche said that.
I should find his quote and read it.
It's posted on the main site.
It's our motto there at PrisonPlanet.com.
He talks about how when the secret police would go out and arrest thousands every night, he said, what would have happened?
He said, later we burned in the camps with anger.
Wishing that we would have met the secret police with hatchets and pokers and cleavers down in the dark front door, you know, apartments when they would enter and do this.
And what would have happened if even 1% of us would have done this?
It would have all ended instantly!
But we are winning the fight, but the globalists have joined the battle, and it is just, we are in the most, it's horrible!
I'm not gonna, you know, it's just, it's incredible!
What they're doing, legalizing taking a clone to birth, keeping it alive after birth, and using a little baby for body parts?
That New Jersey legalized that two weeks ago?
We're in hell itself, folks!
And we've got to get out of it!
What have you committed your children to by standing by?
What have you done?
Get the videos.
888-253-3139, or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, the first part of this speech is a bunch of babble, but we'll start it and we'll play it on into the next hour and we'll stop at the start and I'll make comments.
Here's Bush in the staged Roman Circus, as one caller said, reading off teleprompters.
Here it is.
Mr. Speaker,
Vice President Cheney, members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow citizens.
America this evening is a nation called to great responsibilities, and we are rising to meet them.
As we gather tonight, hundreds of thousands of American servicemen and women are deployed across the world in the war on terror.
By bringing hope to the oppressed,
And delivering justice to the violent, they are making America more secure.
Okay, let's stop right there.
Let's stop right there.
If we cared about the troops, we wouldn't have them breathing 1,900 times safe levels of depleted uranium, or forcing them to take an anthrax shot, which Admiral Crowe owns the company, BioPort, when they admit it's been killing and maiming the troops, and was experimental, so Bush ordered them to go ahead and authorize it.
If we cared about the troops, Halliburton wouldn't be feeding them rotten food.
If we cared about the troops, you wouldn't be extending their orders to stay there even after they're supposed to get out.
People who've served their tours.
If you cared about the troops, you'd bring them home to America.
And to sit there and claim they care about the troops is a sick joke from somebody who went AWOL from the Texas Air National Guard.
And I remember Bush later in the speech got into
You know, how we need to support the troops, how we're helping the Iraqis, and how much freedom they've got.
They don't let you have a job in the streets selling cantaloupes there, unless selling tangerines, unless you've got a Halliburton wristband with a microchip in it saying you're authorized.
They put a bag on your head and put you in the back of the truck, according to the Associated Press, and take you to the camp there at the airport.
That place is a living nightmare with criminals like Chalibi, convicted torture master and bank robber, running Baghdad.
Just go back to it.
Here's more of it.
Each day, law enforcement personnel and intelligence officers are tracking terrorist threats.
Analysts are examining airline passenger lists.
The men and women of our new Homeland Security Department are patrolling our coasts and borders, and their vigilance is protecting America.
Stop it right there, we've got to get a break.
Don't you love that spin?
Oh, we're looking at an airline list.
Yeah, it's going to be in a new national ID card.
To have a job, you're going to have to be secured and authorized.
We'll all have our own color coding.
I'm a green, my wife's a yellow.
Oh, our neighbors are red.
Where'd he go?
Well, he might have been with a terrorist.
He's at a work camp.
Shh, don't talk about it too much.
Homeland might hear.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're back live.
And I know we got loaded phone lines, but I want to continue airing Lord Bush's comments, because it's very important.
So, uh, oh, this, uh, analyst, Homeland Security analyst, that's the CIA, folks, uh, looking at the airline records.
Oh, yeah, getting your census reports, your divorce records, uh, your
Uh, everything!
Your, uh, credit rating, everything!
Into these big databases, and they have managed to be involved in our entire lives to have jobs on our new National ID cards, which are your driver's license.
So, uh, let's, uh, go back to how safe they're keeping us by leaving the borders wide open.
Uh, back to Lord Bush.
Americans are proving once again to be the hardest working people in the world.
The American economy is growing stronger.
The tax relief you passed is working.
Rate 20 taxes, uh, lower warrant.
They actually lowered 20.
Beautiful propaganda.
Tonight, members of Congress can take pride in the great works of compassion and reform that skeptics had thought impossible.
You're raising the standards for our public schools.
And you're giving our senior citizens prescription drug coverage under Medicare.
All further socializing medicine and federalizing the schools.
Big government programs.
We have faced serious challenges together, and now we face a choice.
We can go forward with confidence and resolve, or we can turn back to the dangerous illusion that terrorists are not plotting, and outlaw regimes are no threat to us.
Oh, we know you're a threat, and we know you're plotting.
We can press on with economic growth and reforms in education and Medicare, or we can turn back to old policies and old divisions.
We've not come all this way through tragedy, and trial, and war, only to falter and leave our work unfinished.
Americans are rising to the tasks of history, and they expect the same from us.
In their efforts, their enterprise, and their character, the American people are showing that the state of our Union is confident and strong.
Oh yeah, you're just getting rid of our sovereignty with the free trade area of the Americas and the borders, and you say new policies?
Government's growing at record levels.
That's not new.
Just amazing, amazing twist in here.
Very well written propaganda.
Our greatest responsibility is the active defense of the American people.
28 months have passed since September the 11th, 2001.
Over two years without an attack on American soil.
And it is tempting to believe that the danger is behind us.
Oh no, we know it's not.
That hope is understandable, comforting, and false.
You better believe him.
Killing has continued in Bali, Jakarta, Casablanca, Riyadh... You're men in Philippines.
Mbasa, Jerusalem, Istanbul, and Baghdad.
The terrorists continue to plot against America and the civilized world.
We know you are, yes.
And by our will and courage, this danger will be defeated.
And the danger to them is the Constitution.
When he said the terrorists attack us because they hate our freedom, it's true.
They hate our freedom.
They're getting rid of our freedom.
We'll be back with a third hour, continue with about 10-15 more minutes of this, and then we'll go to these loaded phone lines.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites.
Third hour, your calls, more of the state of the lies, and more.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Okay, we're going to go back to calls right now, and when we get back in the next segment, I'm going to continue with more of the State of the Union, that staged event we all witnessed last night.
Remember, George W. Bush as a daddy, four separate times in that same hall, that same chamber, called for a New World Order, and his son, the puppet, is certainly delivering that to us, and gun-grabbing, and everything else you can imagine.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jim in Florida.
Jim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Jim, you're on the air, buddy.
Okay, he doesn't know that, but we'll put him on hold.
We'll go to Ed in Pennsylvania.
Ed, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How's it going, Alex?
Uh, hey, I found on the internet this, uh, called the Chechen Press, and it's their official state information agency.
Yeah, and they're saying the Russians are blowing up their own buildings, and the FSB has said that, too.
Yeah, they're saying that the, uh,
The CIA probably is in charge of Al Jazeera.
I can't pronounce it.
Al Jazeera?
Yeah, the network.
That's, yeah, yeah.
It's incredible.
It's incredible, Alex, and it follows everything that you've been talking about.
And I just wonder how dangerous is it to pull up a site like that?
Well, it's not.
I mean, go to websites all you want.
There's tens of millions of people in America awake to what's happening.
We have the power that we all move and stop being cowards.
If people want a canary in the coal mine, I'm it, folks.
Move forward.
I mean, they win and we cower.
Bad things happen when good men do nothing.
Yeah, according to them, the CIA and the New World Order are behind everything.
They don't want to hear
Al Jazeera won't give any of the Chechen people their rights.
Look, they ignore all the other Arab networks.
Al Jazeera is a front.
And we've gone over the evidence of that.
Okay, Alex.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call, Ed.
Dino in Illinois.
Go ahead, Dino.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, I had a question.
I want to know about the Free State Project because I don't like losing our country and I don't like my rights being classified as privileges either.
Well, the Free State group's got a lot of people that, you know, I believe, I don't believe in abortion and stuff, I'm against that.
The Free States group is, you know, they picked a state they want everybody moved to to make that, you know, a society of love and freedom and all this stuff, but no, we need to have everybody spread out across the country being leaders in their own area, and I don't want to be stuck in some big conglomerate with a bunch of what we'd call social liberals.
Uh, well, it seems to make sense that, uh, you know, freedom lovers could perhaps gather in one place and, uh, you know, try to take back the government, uh, because it's, you know, we're not doing so well right now.
Well, that's because none of us have been leaders.
We just say we hadn't done so well.
We all need to be leaders and start your own organization in your city or county and pick issues you're going to attack, and that's where we have the effect.
We are doing pretty well, but I've never seen such an awakening.
We have 400 plus cities throwing out the Patriot Act.
We have all sorts of good things happening, but it's not happening fast enough.
Also, when are you going to get on the radio here in Chicago?
You know, I've been on one station in Chicago for about two years, and then they changed formats, and I'm... When a mom-and-pop station, a non-establishment station, puts us on, so call them, and we're on the big digital birds.
Tell them to tune us in.
Hey, thank you so much for the call, Dino.
We'll, excuse me, we'll break and come back and go to more of the State of the Union and to more calls.
Total free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get back to the lies there in the State of the Union.
I remember Bush, this was not amnesty, total legalization of all illegals, but this rewards those that obeyed the law.
Just total lies, total 180 of the truth.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Let me read this quote.
Tonight I also ask you to reform our immigration laws so that they reflect our values and benefit our economy.
Like it's a good thing.
Like your campaign finance reform.
Doubling the amount of money corporations can give, stopping individuals giving money, and restricting First Amendment discussions of politicians' voting records.
Sixty days.
Now they're expanding it before an election.
So I guess that's what you mean, our benefits, our values.
Tonight I also ask you to reform our immigration laws so they reflect our values.
What, of giving criminals amnesty?
Our values and benefit our economy.
The economy hasn't gotten better because of the 30 million illegals, folks.
I propose a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing employers when no Americans can be found to fill the job.
Now wait a minute.
His amnesty plan gives anybody who's here total legal status for three years.
Then three years later, they file a form and get three more years and a green card.
They're automatically legalized.
That's total amnesty.
And it allows companies to bring unlimited foreigners in to do jobs at any price.
And they're getting rid of, of course, minimum wage so they can do that, which will then drive down the wages even further.
So, this will help our economy, and he tries to act like, oh, it's just to bring in folks that, you know, who do the jobs we won't do.
Well, yeah, for the illegals of Birmingham, down to $2 an hour, you can't do that.
You can't survive on that.
So tonight, I will ask you to reform our immigration laws so they reflect our values and benefit our economy.
I propose a new temporary worker program to match willing foreign workers with willing employers when no Americans can be found to fill a job.
This reform will be good for our economy because employers will find new workers in an honest and orderly system.
We're good to go.
I oppose amnesty because it would encourage further illegal immigration.
Well, you are giving us amnesty and it has encouraged further illegal immigration.
He continues, and unfairly reward those who break our laws.
Well, you're going to retroactively say they're all legal.
This does reward those that broke the law.
My goodness!
My temporary worker program will preserve the citizenship path for those who represent and respect the law, while bringing millions of hardworking men and women out from the shadows of American life.
Then it says applause.
There wasn't much applause, folks.
I mean, how do you even respond to something like that?
Back to the earlier part of the speech, here is Lord Bush.
Inside the United States, where the war began, we must continue to give our homeland security and law enforcement personnel every tool they need to defend us.
And one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act.
Which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their cells, and to seize their assets.
Hey Mark, pause that.
For years we have used... Is there a way to back that up and play that again?
I just started with the Patriot Act statement he was just making in just a second.
I want to comment on that and go through it slowly.
Okay, let me tell you the code words here.
Share information with law enforcement means federalizing all U.S.
They have that bill.
They've already done it in Detroit.
They've already done it in New Orleans.
That's Times-Picayune, their major paper, admitting it.
That happened about, what, seven months ago?
This is all, no, nine months ago.
So that's federalize your local police, federalize the funding, the mandates, the control, and setting up an echelon system.
Well, the echelon system is already set up, but going public with it and then training you to be under this.
And then he says reinstate the Patriot Act.
Well, that's more deception, because the key police state provisions are not sunsetted in 2005.
There is a sunset provision, or what is it, Section 213, in H.R.
3162, passed October 27, 2001.
But all the key provisions, Section
213, 215, 208, just dozens of sections, at least like 30 sections, are, and I've written analysis on this on the website, those are not sunsetted.
So it's wheels within wheels, lies within lies, in this speech that took his millions of months to write.
And so he says reinstate it.
He means they've already signed Patriot Act 2.
He means we want to tag more stuff on with Victory Act 1 and 2.
So go ahead and play that again.
Inside the United States, where the war began, we must continue to give our homeland security and law enforcement personnel every tool they need to defend us.
And one of those essential tools is the Patriot Act.
Which allows federal law enforcement to better share information, to track terrorists, to disrupt their sales, and to seize their assets.
For years we have used similar provisions to catch embezzlers and drug traffickers.
If these methods are good for hunting criminals, they are even more important for hunting terrorists.
Alright, pause right there.
I talked about this in the first hour.
Now, understand what Bush just said was true.
Yes, that was true.
In a way.
They have been grabbing old ladies' purses full of cash.
They have been seizing houses where no drugs were found for potting soil or cooking timers.
I see the articles every week.
Now, drug paraphernalia is potting soil, scales, paraphernalia.
They can take your house, take your car.
In many cases, they take your house, your car, with no drugs found.
You've all heard about acid formature seizure going on for the last, really, 14 years, but accelerating in the last decade.
And it's true.
You don't get a judge, you don't get a jury, they just seize your assets and say that's the end of it.
No drugs are found.
And they talk about how, hey, we've been using troops to go out for drugs for a long time, so let's just use it to fight terrorists.
You know, on posit commentatus, they've all said that.
And that's true.
They've had the troops on the streets covertly since the late 80s at least.
They publicly got rid of most of posit commentatus in 96.
They've had the JAG officers, retired JAG officers, on admitting it.
And now we have Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, saying it.
Yes, it's true.
You've been violating our rights and setting up a horrible police state and putting up cameras everywhere for years.
But now under Patriot Act...
They strengthen the penalties.
They don't just take your house, because you had potting soil, or didn't have potting soil, in your garden.
No, now they are saying that all misdemeanors under Section 802 are acts of terrorism, and so you don't get judges, you don't get juries, you can be secretly arrested, you can have all your assets taken.
Oh, you had more than $3,000 cash when you bought a used car, we're going to arrest you.
And they're already using it for that.
Patriot Act against topless bars, county commissioners, Rush Limbaugh, small-time pot dealers, and then you watch shows like, uh, Threat Matrix on ABC, and I've got the episode on tape.
And, uh, the guy's a drug dealer, and they grab him, take his children, and say, well, he goes, you don't get a lawyer, you're going away for life.
Uh, you're a drug dealer under Patriot Act, we can secretly arrest you.
No one will even know where you're at, buddy.
See, and again, they sell us that on television.
Uh, so, uh, back to Lord Bush, please.
That's what the Patriot Act's really about.
Key provisions of the Patriot Act are set to expire next year.
The terrorist threat... Liar!
The terrorist threat will not expire on that schedule.
Oh, you say it'll last a hundred years.
A hundred year rule.
Total control.
You're right, it'll never expire, will it?
Until we know who the real terrorists are.
Totally disgusting.
Here comes more.
Our law enforcement needs this vital legislation to protect our citizens.
You need to renew the Patriot Act.
Just like you're gonna renew the assault weapons ban this year?
I'm saying next year.
It's this year!
America's on the offensive against the terrorists who started this war.
Last March.
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, a mastermind of September the 11th, awoke to find himself in the custody of U.S.
and Pakistani authorities.
Last August the 11th brought the capture of the terrorist Hambali, who was a key player in the attack in Indonesia that killed over 200 people.
We're tracking Al Qaeda around the world.
And nearly two-thirds of their known leaders have now been captured or killed.
Let's hit pause there.
Thousands of very skilled and determined... We'll back up in a few seconds and we'll come back from break and finish up and go to calls for everybody that's holding.
Folks, we have the articles at PrisonPlanet.com
And the fake terror alert section where they claim multiple times to have killed and then captured him.
They don't even come up with new names.
Oh, we killed Mohammed.
Oh, we captured him.
Oh, we captured him again.
And the media doesn't even question that or say, oh wait, you said six months ago you killed him.
But we take those articles from the same publications, post them right next to each other.
This is totally staged.
The U.S.
government flew 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda out to safety in the middle of the Afghan war and dropped them off in Pakistan that runs the terror attacks.
And that is documented.
And George Bush, you flew out 144 members of the Bin Laden family.
And your father was meeting with the head of the Bin Laden family on September 11th at the Ritz Hotel in D.C.
All public!
No one has connections to the Bin Laden family like you do!
I agree, we need to track the terrorists.
You need to track the terrorist.
And we know who you are.
You big government.
Gun grabbing.
Open border promoting.
Bill Clinton protecting.
Free speech destroying.
New World Order him.
And the neocons that love you?
You are sickening.
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Alright folks, we're back live and we're going to go to some calls.
We'll come back then and there more of the State of the Lying Union.
And the State of the Union is not in good shape.
The State of the Republic is in deep, deep trouble being pulled down by the Globalist.
They're using America as the fuel to drive the New World Order, even as they destroy us.
Let us go ahead and go to Jim.
And Jim, where are you calling us from today?
Okay, go ahead.
Alright, I was just calling, uh, you skipped over a part of the speech last night that I kind of, uh, kind of restored faith in me, you know?
When he said the Patriot Act was due to expire soon, you could hear people in the audience, you know, maybe a select handful, clapping.
And, uh, I don't know, it just kind of put faith back in me that, you know, there's some people up in them chairs that, uh,
I still understand what's going on.
Well, I didn't skip over it.
You know, we fade down the applause part so I can comment.
But yeah, there was a big applause when that happened.
And of course, the media didn't point that out last night.
And there were some Republicans and some Democrats doing it.
When Bush said, we're going to legalize all the illegals, but this isn't amnesty, most of the Republicans were looking down.
Democrats were laughing.
I mean, it was just, these were the biggest lies I've ever heard.
It was just, it was incredibly arrogant.
Yeah, yeah it was.
Yeah, it's just going to kill us up here in Northwest Indiana if they legalize those illegals because there's just so many of them up here.
We're overrun, Alex.
Man, you ought to be in Central Texas, buddy.
Are you kidding?
Yeah, I understand.
Anything else?
Not a whole lot.
Me and my buddy Joe, we're supporting your station, man.
We're getting the videos out.
I'm telling everybody I know.
Some of them think I'm a kook, but that's alright.
You know, right now I'm going through the courts.
About six months ago I got pulled over.
I was driving around listening to the radio station.
That's the only way I can get it, is in my car.
Because we're listening on a Mod Pod station.
It's really weak.
So a cop pulled me over and asked me what I'm doing, saying I look suspicious.
I asked him a few times what my violation was.
And he couldn't come up with anything, and he started getting real mad at me.
You know, I told him he was violating my rights.
Well, you didn't lick his boots properly.
Yeah, I know.
You gotta learn how to be a boot licker here in the new homeland.
So what happened when you didn't lick his boots?
Well, he made me up a ticket for speeding on the other side of the town, where I wasn't even, I wasn't even over there.
You know, and he said, you know, I was speeding over there, and wrote me a ticket, and
Well, I refused to sign and he got real violent, man, and five squad cars pulled up and...
Y'all signed it!
Yeah, and by the way, in the old Soviet Union, they made you sign things.
We never did this until just a few decades ago, but now it's, sign the ticket, it's a contract.
You see, there, it's a civil agreement.
You're signing a contract, that's where their power comes in, and the cops don't even know this.
They've been doing it so long, it's like having slavery.
You know, they thought it was just normal back then, and so what happened?
So they all, and don't use this cuss words, but, uh, what exactly happened?
Well, they all formed around my car, and uh,
The guy was getting real violent at me.
He handed me the ticket, you know, telling me to sign it.
I looked down on it, and I noticed, you know, it said on an Indiana State ticket, you know, this is not, you know, you're not admitting to anything by signing this.
That's not true.
You're agreeing to be in their jurisdiction and to go be part of the system and to appear.
I mean, if it's a real crime, they don't need you to sign anything, folks.
They go to a grand jury and indict you.
Go ahead.
Well, you know, I'm young.
I really don't know the system all that well.
I figured my two options were, you know, get thrown in jail for the night and miss work the next morning and lose my job.
So you signed the ticket, and I'm sure he got off on that.
Well, I'm still waiting for my court date.
I've went four times, and they keep pushing the date back, so I'm going five more years.
Yeah, they're waiting until you miss it, and then they're going to go after you.
You've got to demand they go ahead and give you the court date.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
It's all part of living in the new free country.
Back a long time ago, we didn't have to lick their boots, but licking boots is part of it now.
You know, because they take care of us.
We ought to thank them for all they do.
I'm not against the police folks, but I'm against those type of cops.
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Bob.
How are you, Alex?
I got a question yesterday.
Uh, you talked about a bill in Pennsylvania, a new bill?
No, it passed a year ago.
Oh, a year ago?
Yeah, your Governor Mark Schweiker passed a hate speech law.
You know your Governor?
Yeah, he's not there no more, but uh... Okay, but what's on your mind?
Okay, now, I called in because you had mentioned that you're not allowed to... that pastors aren't allowed to preach.
Washington Times, you name it, reported.
I tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about the freedom when we get back.
And more of the State of the Union and more news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, heard live 6 to 9 p.m.
Central, Monday through Friday, and 7 to 9 p.m.
Central on Saturday.
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Alright, I've got to go through these calls quick here because I want to finish the State of the Union clips I was going to play and cover a few other news articles, some important stuff.
But we were talking to Bob in Pennsylvania.
Yeah, last year they passed a hate crimes law in Pennsylvania and it specifically said that preachers read passages out of the Bible criticizing homosexuality or other actions that you can be criminally or civilly charged.
And then a couple denominations ordered their preachers not to read certain passages of the Bible.
And that was in the Associated Press, CNS News, and the Washington Times.
You don't happen to know what the bill is, do you?
No, a year later I don't.
Sorry, it's all over the internet.
You just type in, Pennsylvania passes law restricting free speech.
Yeah, because I called my representative today, and I was going to complain about that.
And he just laughed at me, and he says,
He said we'll never pass any law like that.
Oh, sure.
Sure they won't.
And he told me, he said, well you call and find out what the bill number is.
So that's what I was trying to... Yeah, federal, uh, the federal court just ruled in North Carolina that you can't protest Bush on a public street.
Even though there are Bush supporters standing on that same street.
I mean, these people keep denying what's happening.
No, it is happening.
Thanks for the call.
Okay, I had one more question.
If I could, quick.
Uh, now basically, what...
What do the Masons do with a casket with a skeleton in it?
Okay, thanks for the call.
That's a whole other subject.
The rituals that Masons do are these rebirth, born into the order, getting in coffins with skeletons, and doing a bunch of other stuff I don't want to mention with children listening.
Okay, and that's admitted.
They do it at Skull and Bones.
It's just part of the rituals, and I suggest you just go research it.
It's a cult.
Let's go ahead and talk to Charles in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Charles.
How are you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, my friend.
I don't know how you keep a cool head, my friend.
God bless you.
You're really doing a wonderful job.
Mr. Jones, I was thinking of maybe we could all get together a few of the callers and start putting ads in the paper about your program.
All about the tapes.
You know, get together and we'll start running a little ad.
Do you know what I'm talking about?
To try to speed it up.
Buzz, you know?
What do you think about that?
Oh, that's a great idea.
And if there's any other local shows that are doing a good job, put an ad in the paper and promote what they're doing.
We've had a lot of listeners put ads in the paper or write letters to the editor about the radio show.
And a lot of those have been published.
We really do appreciate that.
And groups of citizens together, getting together,
And going and educating local talk station owners, most of the stations we're on are talk station owners who heard me as guest on their stations five years ago, two years ago, three years ago, heard me laying all this out, thought I was a kook, and then three years later read it in the newspaper for themselves, they then put me on the air.
And that's where we get our new affiliates.
A lot of times, station owners were aware of what I was doing, knew it was true, but were afraid to do it.
They get a bunch of phone calls, they put us on.
We're good to go.
Let me ask you a couple of quick questions.
How much time do you think we've got before they really put the squeeze on us?
Well, I was in New Orleans when Bush come down there and they had, I wasn't in a protest, but they had signs saying that George Bush lies, many men die.
And I tell you the truth, Mr. Jones, I'm mad at the American people.
I can't help it.
I'm just upset with them for not really, you know, let this thing go too far.
Uh, I'm going to get some cards made up and I think that's when I'm going to have to start doing that, just pass some cards out.
But I wish the American people just quit getting scared or get off their,
I hear you my friend.
I appreciate the call Charles.
By the way, every day now for the last four or five days when we go on the air,
We are having government attacks on the website, bringing the website down.
Because we've got the bandwidth we need, despite the fact that it's like a thousand gigs or something.
I mean, it's just getting ridiculous.
We're victims of our own success.
It's gotten very expensive to put all these free videos for download up and all these clips and all this footage.
But we are in the midst of diagnosing it right now.
We would have already had the website up.
It'll go down for 10 minutes and we'll get an alarm and then it gets put back up.
But we've got it down right now because we're doing diagnostics.
Yeah, I think so.
InfoWars.net is our mirror backup site.
You can access our shopping cart information and documents by going to InfoWars.net.
And you can always do that as well.
And we're in the process of, we're going to have new websites on other servers.
So we'll have a whole family of websites, more redundancy here in the information war.
You know, when you're not over the target, you don't get any flack.
But when you're over the target, you get flack.
And we're hurting them very badly, and we have had unprecedented type activities against us since we came out with the Silverstein story on Monday.
The, of course, the owner of the World Trade Center is admitting that, oh yeah, on September 11th we decided to demolish, to pull, Building 7.
And that story has just
Caused massive ripple effects all across the country.
And it is very, very important for everybody to mirror that story and those video clips on their website so this gets out to everybody.
Bev Harris, the corporate corruption investigator, got the corporate minutes and the documents and had people at Diebold, the electronic voting machine company, one of the worst.
She got them to go public.
And she had Diebold go to the United Nations and order her websites taken down.
And then she started a lawsuit against them and had them put back up.
I mean, this is what they're doing.
They're taking pro-life sites down everywhere.
They hack them, they attack them, they go in and put porn up on them.
We've had that happen before, but our site's designed to go right down when they do that.
It's just...
And we can track it all back.
It goes right into Fort Meade.
It goes right into Laney.
I mean, that's the U.S.
Bush says, you know, billions of dollars more to propagandize the world, he said in the State of the Union, to spread democracy.
No, that's not what they do.
I've got a bunch of cretins working at the government who just hate freedom of speech, folks.
They hate America.
They hate our values.
They hate our freedom.
It's true.
The globalists attack us because they hate our freedom.
And so, as Bush says, the terrorists should love us because Bush is taking our freedoms.
Well, Bush is just a puppet.
And so is Howard Dean and all the rest of them.
And the sooner we realize that, the sooner we're going to have a free society.
So go to InfoWars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, spread the word about the sites, and go to InfoWars.net and link through and get some of the videos, books and tapes and stuff.
Let's go ahead and take a few more calls.
I've got to go quick here.
Let's talk to Warren in Colorado.
Warren, go ahead.
We've had some great programs the last couple months and it sure has made a believer out of me, even though I've been a long-time listener.
The callers really make the show, the program, and the guy from Indiana really needs to stop and type out everything that happened and go from there, give it to the judge or whatever.
But my comment, I'm kind of guilty I didn't listen to the speech last night and so on.
The record number of foreclosures that are going on in this area, Greeley, Colorado, and so on.
Well, when you listen to talk radio or just normal channels, it's all bankruptcy, triple mortgages.
Hey, it's a new economy.
We know there's no new jobs, but the reality, look.
Three years ago, I'd go to a store and there were always lines.
Everywhere I'd go, big stores, there's one or two checkout people, small lines, houses for sale everywhere, and the dollar's plunging, but they say the economy's doing real good.
Oh yeah, and I was wondering,
If there was an economy type speech that he did make last night, I'd rather listen to Alex.
Yeah, he told us how great it was and how wonderful his tax cuts are.
But, again, they've raised a bunch of taxes, cut some, which is good, and then put new mandates on the states that are all jacking up taxes.
So, it's a fraud, buddy.
Okay, thanks.
Hey, thank you for the call.
One last caller today.
Well, let me get through the rest of this speech, then we will.
Go ahead and go back to Bush's State of the Union last night.
August the 11th brought the capture of the terrorist Hombali, who was a key player in the attack in Indonesia that killed over 200 people.
Calm down, that was the U.S.
We're tracking Al-Qaeda around the world.
And nearly two-thirds of their known leaders have now been captured or killed.
You keep capturing and killing.
Scouting is a very skilled and determined military personnel are on the manhunt.
Going after the remaining killers who hide in cities and caves.
And one by one, we will bring these terrorists to justice.
I don't have the colonel's name in front of me.
I've got a bunch of articles posted in the 9-11 section of PrisonPlanet.com, which you can't go see right now, obviously.
It's hurting them too badly.
But you can go there later.
And there on the site, we have the colonels and generals and others who said, yeah, we had Taliban and Al-Qaeda cornered, and then hundreds of black helicopters landed and flew them out to safety.
That was in the Associated Press, or flying 8,000 of them out to safety.
And they keep capturing the same terrorist over and over again, too.
And then we got a bunch of articles where they'd arrest him and quietly release him, and it would come out that, okay, it was a CIA asset, and they just staged the arrest to protect his name.
I mean, it's just... We have a Pentagon that plants hundreds of fake news stories, hundreds of fake letters from troops in the newspapers, folks, that they are congenital liars.
Back to the lies.
Here it is.
As part of the offensive against terror, we are also confronting the regimes that harbor and support terrorists, and could supply them with nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons.
The United States and our allies are determined.
We refuse to live in the shadow of this ultimate danger.
We do live in the shadow of determination with the Taliban.
Who made Afghanistan the primary training base of Al-Qaeda killers.
As of this month, that country has a new constitution, guaranteeing free elections and full participation by women.
Total lie!
Businesses are opening.
Healthcare centers are being established.
And the boys and girls of Afghanistan are back in school.
With the help from the new Afghan Army, our coalition is leading aggressive raids against the surviving members of the Taliban and Al Qaeda.
People cutting in on your opium.
The men and women of Afghanistan are building a nation that is free and proud and fighting terror, and America is honored to be their friend.
Oh boy.
An opium production is at world records.
Since we last met in this chamber, combat forces of the United States, Great Britain, Australia, Poland, and other countries enforced the demands of the United Nations, ended the rule of Saddam Hussein, and the people of Iraq are free.
Saying the UN's deal with enforcing the UN, empowering the UN, and now they're about to take over Iraq.
Just incredible.
Having broken the Ba'athist regime, we face a remnant of violent Saddam supporters.
Men who ran away from our troops in battle are now dispersed and attacked from the shadows.
These killers, joined by foreign terrorists, are a serious, continuing danger.
Yet we're making progress against them.
The once all-powerful ruler of Iraq
was found in a hole and now sits in a prison cell.
Yeah, after the Kurds have caught him for months and kept him and beat him up properly and now he's got terminal cancer, conveniently.
Unbelievable propaganda.
Your former business partner is now in a jail cell.
Your daddy's business partner, now in a jail cell.
The top 55 officials of the former regime we have captured or killed, 45.
Our forces are on the offensive, leading over 1,600 patrols a day, and conducting an average of 180 raids a week.
We are dealing with these thugs in Iraq just as surely as we dealt with Saddam Hussein's evil regime.
They go into the public schools in the Associated Press and beat up the children and slam their heads in the walls and bulldoze their crops.
The work of building a new Iraq is hard.
And it is right.
And America has always been willing to do what it takes
For what is right.
After your dad punted Hitler.
Last January Iraq's only law was the whim of one brutal man.
Now it's the whim of Paul Bremer.
Today our coalition is working with the Iraqi Governing Council to draft a basic law with a Bill of Rights.
We're working with Iraqis and the United Nations to prepare for a transition to full Iraqi sovereignty
By the end of June.
Maybe you can give us a Bill of Rights.
As democracy takes hold in Iraq.
The enemies of freedom will do all in their power to spread violence and fear.
They are trying to shake the will of our country and our friends.
But the United States of America will never be intimidated by thugs and assassins.
Thugs and assassins?
Aren't you one of the business partners?
Saddam and bin Laden and the rest of them?
I mean, it's incredible.
John Gotti telling us he busted one of his thugs.
Oh, thank you, Mr. Gotti.
The killers will fail.
And the Iraqi people will live in freedom.
As you said, the terror threat wasn't ever going to go away.
It's a hundred-year war.
Month by month, Iraqis are assuming more responsibility for their own security and their own future.
And tonight we are honored to welcome one of Iraq's most respected leaders, the current president of the Iraqi Governing Council, Annan Pachachi.
Sir, America stands with you and the Iraqi people as you build a free and peaceful nation.
Just like they put Saddam in, they are putting in this new creature.
We're going to go to break and there's just some more of this, but just amazing folks, absolutely amazing.
to face this type of lies and propaganda.
I support the troops.
I do not support Saddam Hussein.
I do not support his business partners, the people that put him into power, the people that told him to invade Kuwait, the people that told him to attack Iran.
And later in the speech he talks about going into other countries.
It's very, very serious.
We'll come back and I'll hit some final news stories, take a final call.
I think that's it for the State of the Union.
I mean, it just goes on and on.
We'll be back after this quick break for this live Wednesday, the 21st of January, 04 edition.
Remember, the backup site is up.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Bullish in his speech said that what he's doing, legalizing all illegals in perpetuity, is not amnesty.
Now everybody knows that's a total lie.
On the same order of, I did not have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky.
Or, we found weapons of mass destruction, we know they're there.
We know he's hiding them.
Now he says he never said that.
I mean, it's just lying, lying, lying!
Loss of liberty, big government, we're turning into Saddam-style Iraq here, while they set up other police states there.
It's a fraud!
Now let's go to Jack in Rhode Island.
Jack, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, Jack Blood here in Providence.
Thanks for taking my call again.
I didn't know it was you.
In fact, I wanted to get you on as a guest sometime.
Oh, you know, I'll just waive my turn.
By the way, you've got one of the best websites out there, jackblood.com.
Well, thanks for that.
Hey, listen, I had to choose which network I would watch this.
I chose Dan Rather, CBS, Cult of the Eye Networks, Miramus Broadcasting.
And I thought it was really interesting.
One thing when he was setting this up and they were about to announce Bush, he was talking about the ritual involved in announcing the president.
And I thought that was a curious choice of words.
In other words, he could have said tradition, he could have said just about anything else, but he used the word ritual.
And I thought that was kind of interesting.
And that's really what it looked to me to be a complete ritual.
And these guys talk about the fake paradigm.
These guys are, you know, buddy, buddy, buddy, all the way up until the time when they start shaking their head.
I mean, it's just a real, it is a ritual, you know?
Well yeah, you're up there and Ted Kennedy's supporting almost all of Bush's policies, getting awards from his daddy, and then he's, you know, they cut to him, and oh, if Ted Kennedy's against Bush, it must be good.
Yeah, I mean, that whole thing about Afghanistan, it was just hilarious.
I mean, I almost broke my TV, Alex.
It's a fourth-world tribal death state, and he's making it out that, you know, it's the next New York or something over there.
I mean, even the soldiers are afraid to step out of Kabul.
So, I mean, again, I think a lot of Americans, though, have seen through this, and a lot of people are starting to understand, thanks to shows like
Maybe we can have you on the next couple days, Jack, and have you play some of those clips.
Well, anytime.
Actually, I wanted to get you on my show.
We'll take care of that off air.
But I thought, again, I want to repeat, Dan Rather used the word ritual, and I don't think it was a mistake that he used that.
This is a ritual, and who knows what they do behind closed doors or what they do to set up.
I mean, I could picture him down in the back room with candles burning and whatever else they do to get ready for something like this.
Well, they admit they do rituals in the skull and bones of Bohemian Grove.
I've been in Bohemian Grove.
Yeah, and I just thought that was really interesting.
And also, one other note real quick is I turned over to Fox to see how they were going to wrap it up, and it was really weird that they were actually harder on Bush than any of the Democrats.
I mean, here is the... Well, that's because there's a huge conservative backlash, and now Fox and others are trying to keep credibility.
Yeah, Roger Ailes is turning on Bush right now, I see, which could be pretty dangerous.
You see also guys like Jay Rockefeller coming out against Bush.
I mean, you really can start to see that the globalists are turning against them.
There's a huge infighting going on.
Yeah, that's the thing.
They use Bush as the bad cop to do the dirty work, then they hang him out to dry.
I've always said that could be a very real move.
And notice, everybody was wearing red ties.
You notice that?
And there's a whole language in ties.
It's like when Bush goes and gives a speech about the U.N.
and everybody's wearing blue ties.
Baby blue.
Notice the Speaker, the Vice President, and Bush, we're all wearing power ties.
Yeah, yeah.
I pay attention to that symbolism.
I mean, I know they do, so that's part of the decoding of the New World Order.
Hey, thanks again, and we'll talk soon, buddy.
Thanks, Jack.
Sorry to, Ron, everybody else, you'll have to call me back tomorrow from 11 to 2 Central, back to 9, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
And it's Jack Blood calling us from our affiliate in Providence, Rhode Island.
Well, it carries like 18 hours a day of Genesis programming.
Their other local shows are awesome.
We ought to get them on this network.
More good shows, more good hosts.
Man, we're out of time.
I will see you back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
So much news.
We covered a lot of it in the first hour of the other news, but go to Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Those are back up right now, and you can look at it all for yourself.
And get the videos.
Make the copies.
Get them out to people.
Expose the terrorists.
These murdering criminals need to be exposed.
I'm sick of watching the terrorists act like they're our buddies.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Radon 222 and much, much more.
It's rechargeable 8-lamp bright white LED lighting system provides the ideal source of emergency light.
The lights can run all night on a single charge and it is bright enough to read by.
This provides a relaxing and ambient night light that allows for optimum use during emergency conditions.
Emergency Light's revolutionary transparent design takes the guesswork out of refilling because you can see the water level at all times.
Get the Berkey Light, the standard of excellence for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.