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Name: 20040120_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 20, 2004
2521 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, it is Tuesday, the 20th day of January in 2004.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We're going to cover a lot of the news we didn't get to yesterday, the latest developments that have come out today, and spend a lot of time on the incredible job that Paul Watson has done with, of course, a lot of my input at PrisonPlanet.com and, of course, it's posted on InfoWars.com, a detailed
15-page analysis with about six different video clips, audio clips, concerning Silverstein.
New York Fire Department decided to pull, that is demolish, WTC7, an in-depth analysis by Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
Now, we just had the audio yesterday of Silverstein saying, well, you know, Building 7 was on fire, so we decided to pull it.
The video's up there now showing Building 7 being demolished.
The building on fire.
Some people try to say, oh, they're talking about other buildings in December they demolished.
No, folks.
Buildings weren't on fire in December.
Okay, this is Silverstein on television talking about Building 7.
They show Building 7.
They show it come down while he talks about pulling it.
He said, he had such a loss of life that day, so we decided to go ahead and pull it.
So I gave the order, talked to the fire department, and we watched it come down.
And then some people try to deny that when it's in their face.
It's like Bill Clinton saying, what does the word is, is mean?
Depending on what you see is, as.
Some people say, well, then, Silverstein meant they were going to demolish it that day, as it was on fire, but then it went ahead and came down anyways.
Well, really, how were they going to?
Uh, get explosives in there if it was already on fire.
That's another sub-question.
Okay, let's say it did go down right after he decided to bring it down.
I mean, you can say, what does the word is, is means.
You can do that type of Bill Clinton psychological gymnastics and game of Twister.
Again, okay, then it came down as soon as they said, we're going to blow it up without them having to put explosives in it.
Let's just ignore what he said out of his mouth, you know, as an average person would hear it and what it means, and let's say, okay, it just came down by itself after he gave the order to demolish it.
How are they planning, if they were going to blow it up, to get the explosives inside while it's on fire?
I mean, it's a job that takes a while, and in many cases days, to set these explosives up correctly.
And we have video of buildings that it took days to rig with explosives on Infowars.com, on PrisonPlanet.com, in this incredible report that Paul Watson put together for PrisonPlanet.com.
And we cleaned up some of the video that was online, ran it through better filters so it's a lot higher resolution.
And I just hope our websites stay up because
Well, we've gotten just... I don't have the numbers in front of me, but I was told millions of hits just overnight on this subject.
So, while you're there watching the video clips, and while you're there listening to the audio clips that we have hosted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com on those servers, you might get 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil.
Maybe buy my book.
Maybe buy Paul Watson's book.
Because we're going to have to buy even bigger servers now.
We're victims of our own success here.
So I'll go over the latest developments on Building 7.
I will air the new clips, longer clips, with the news announcing that he's talking about Building 7 and Silverstein talking about pulling Building 7.
But you don't have to just listen to it here on the show.
You can go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and watch the video for yourself.
And I would suggest that other websites mirror these clips and mirror the articles
That we put out on this so it's more redundant and so we spread the weight of all this bandwidth over more places and so we reach more people.
But it's a huge story and I'm going to go over it when we get back and we're going to play the clips and then we're going to get into U.S.
doctor claims clone implanted.
Walmart attacked for locking in overnight workers at its stores when they're injured.
You can be bleeding to death.
They make you sign documents before you can leave.
You're a prisoner.
Well, yeah, they're part of the military industrial complex.
Three-fifths of Americans opposed Bush's mission to the moon and Mars.
The flu shot with 250 times the level of mercury in it.
We'll be right back.
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, it is Tuesday, the 20th of the new year, January 04.
Again, the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We have new information for you today on WTC7.
Online, yesterday, we found a longer clip and a video clip of the PBS documentary that we had the audio clips from, America Rebuilds, or America Rebuilding, that aired in 2002 and then again in 2003, and it has the owner and controller of the World Trade Center complex, Larry Silverstein, on PBS, in plain view, saying that there had been such a loss of life
Uh, and that the building was on fire, so they decided to pull it.
Then we played the clip of a city employee saying, yeah, we later in December pulled other buildings, that is, demolished them.
So we played that clip to establish that pulling means demolishing.
I mean, that's the industry term.
You can go research that, but here we have in the same documentary, they're calling it pulling it, demolishing it.
Don't confuse the buildings that were blown up in December that were demolished by controlled demolition, the same folks that got rid of the evidence at Oklahoma City.
Control Demolition Incorporated.
Don't confuse that with the fires in Building 7 that afternoon, because that's what Silverstein's talking about.
They show the Building 7 collapsing behind him.
They say it's Building 7.
And when you have a smoking gun evidence, people just try to avert their eyes from it, deny it.
And again, that's mental gymnastics, mental twister, a game of twister, trying to deny this.
I remember people, you know, when we said that we had news articles about hijackers trained at U.S.
military bases.
They would deny it, even when you gave them MSNBC, even when you gave them Pensacola News Journal.
When we got into W199i, the BBC released copies of it, and articles before 9-11, and FBI agents saying they've been ordered not to stop Al-Qaeda.
People still try to deny it.
These are the smoking guns, and here's yet another one
I think?
And of course I was a contributor to it.
Silverstein is clearly talking about the demolition of WTC7 on September 11th.
And you can watch the high-res video clip of that PBS documentary.
Silverstein, New York Fire Department raised WTC7 in a stunning and belated development concerning the attacks of 9-11.
Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the
New York Fire Department decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Brothers Building 7, WTC 7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
And if you go to PrisonPlanet.com, we have the big, updated article written by myself and Paul Watson.
And by the way, we're both going to be on Rents tonight.
It says, 9-11 Blockbuster Silverstein
New York Fire Department decided to pull WTC7, an in-depth analysis by Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
It's full of video clips, full of documents.
It's just a great job.
And you heard us on air yesterday talking about the key points and deciding what to put in the article.
And the article is going to grow as more information comes out.
And it says, Alex Jones, host of the Alex Jones Show, which is aired on the Genesis Communications Radio Network today, featured an in-depth discussion of the comments of Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex.
In an unlikely coincidence, Alex was nodded off the air five times in the first ten minutes of the show whenever he mentioned this topic.
Again, that never happens, folks, just lately.
In a September 2002 PBS documentary called America Rebuilds, Silverstein states in reference to World Trade Center 7, I remember getting a call, he says, I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it, and they made the decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.
And it says, click to play to view the PBS documentary segment where Silverstein admits they pulled WTC Building 7.
Now this is the longer clip, folks, with the introduction by the narrator in the PBS documentary.
And I tell you what, Stephanie, go ahead and hit that clip for us.
I was just listening to it in the background there, but we'll get that clip for you.
Stephanie, you know what's going on with that clip?
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site, and there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life, and this is what I was going to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
Okay, folks, so again,
That's downloaded from the video.
The video's there.
The audio clip, of course, that we aired yesterday was a little bit cleaner.
We'll probably air that by itself a little bit later.
Now, understand that they show the buildings being evacuated.
And it says, you know, WTC7 had less loss of life because they had more time to get people out.
And it shows them all being herded out of the building.
Then they cut to Silverstein, and it shows the building on fire.
And he says, well, we had such a loss of life that day that, you know, we decided to pull it.
And so we gave the order and then watched it collapse.
I mean, how anybody can spin that to, oh, another building, or, oh, he meant he was going to pull it, but then they didn't have to because it collapsed.
No, he says, we decided to pull it, then we watched it collapse.
In fact, I'll tell you what, in case folks missed that, let's air it one more time, then we'll air it again in the next hour.
Call your friends and family, tell them to tune in, whether it's at InfoWars.com, or GCNlive.com, or on your local AM or FM, or Global Shortwave.
During the day at 12.172 and 9320 or at night from 9 to midnight at 5.085, 1690.
People need to hear this.
Stephanie, you got that clip ready again?
Go ahead and hit it again for folks.
I want to hear this one more time.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, seven burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
And this one, I think he was a poet,
They made that decision to pull, and we watched it collapse.
Alright folks, so continuing with the article, it goes on.
We know that the term pull, it means to bring the building down by means of explosives, because in the same documentary, a cleanup worker in December 2001, months later, refers to the demolition of WTC 6
As well as four and five, when he says, we're getting ready to pull the building six.
And we played that clip yesterday.
We'll play that again in a few minutes.
You can listen to it on the website as well.
That means that in direct contradiction to the official FEMA report, the goal of which was to find out why the building collapsed, the federal government had in fact demolished the building on the day of 9-11.
How did they manage to rig explosives in a matter of hours that would successfully have taken down a 47-story building in a built-up and already chaotic area?
A building on fire.
We have a map and a photo, a diagram of the complex, of the different buildings.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7.
For over two years, we have been asking the same question.
Why did Building 7 collapse?
It wasn't even hit by anything, save a small amount of debris.
It was a whole block away from the burning Twin Towers, and yet it collapsed in exactly the same way.
A perfect implosion on the day of 9-11.
Then we have a photo of some of the small fires on the 5th and 7th floor, right before it collapsed.
Here is a picture of Building 7 on September 11th, and the location of the portion of the building is darkened from the reflection of the other smaller building across the street.
The only fires are on the 7th and 12th floors, and you see one on the 5th too.
I think so.
But even the FEMA report admitted that these remained fully intact.
The FEMA report sought to explain how the building collapsed, but could only conclude the specifics of the fires, this is a quote, the specifics of the fires in WTC 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.
The report is available at www.fema.gov, forward slash library, forward slash WTC study, dot S-H-T-M.
You can go read it for yourself, we have a link right there.
Why did FEMA commission a report into how the building collapsed if it was already known that the government made the decision to destroy in the evening of 9-11?
And we have video footage of the collapse of Building 7 from different angles.
And then we continue with another clip of Dan Rather.
The video clip states on CBS that the building looks like it was rigged with well-placed dynamite.
And yes, folks, then we have Peter Jennings saying the same thing, if you can believe that.
You can also play a video with a closer shot of the shape charges going off as the building crumbles.
And we have that on Tower 1 and Tower 2 with the shape charges going off.
And we have video of other buildings being blown up with the exact little poofs going off down the sides of the building right before it collapses.
So you can do that for yourself, comparing to other buildings in controlled demolitions.
And we have those videos of controlled demolitions.
Compare the two videos below, the footage of the WTC 7 collapse and the actual collapse of the Twin Towers.
The video shows a collapse where charges
Have not been strategically placed throughout the whole building.
And we'll read the rest of the article when we get back, then we'll go to the loaded phone lines.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
Stay with us.
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We're good to go!
I think so.
Your phone calls are coming up in the next segment.
Uncle Eddie and John and Mark and Cliff and many others that are patiently holding.
I want to go through the rest of this article.
I said I would air the Dan Rather clip where he talks about it looking like well-placed dynamite.
The building collapses.
I have the live footage.
I have the CBS tape of this and it's in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
It collapses and he goes, let's back that up, let's play that again about 30-40 seconds after it collapses.
He plays the building collapsing and says, looks like well-placed dynamite.
Here's that clip, then we'll talk about Rudolph Giuliani getting a warning to get out of the building.
Go ahead and hit it.
Here's the... Coming up is the Dan Rather clip.
Again, who else knew that Building 7 was about to collapse?
A photographer named Tom Franklin was near Building 7 at around 4 p.m.
He remarked,
Firemen evacuated the area as they prepared for the collapse of the Building 7.
We were catching our breath, drinking water and juice, and I decided to walk back towards the debris.
It was between 4 and 5, I would say.
I was 150 yards away when I saw the firefighters raising the flag.
This strongly indicates that someone told the firefighters to stay away from the Building 7 because it was about to collapse.
Why would firefighters stay away from a building unless they knew it was going to collapse?
And I remember that day, live on ABC Radio, they said,
That they may bring down the building to keep everybody safe.
New Yorkers have called in and said they saw it on local TV as well.
So just amazing.
We've got to dig that out and we're on the job doing that.
We do have Giuliani saying he got a call and was told to evacuate.
No fire had ever caused the collapse of a steel building before and there were only two small fires that were blazing.
Why were the firefighters warned to stay away from the buildings while the people in the Twin Towers were ordered to stay in the buildings after both planes had hit?
Before either of the Twin Towers collapsed, Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and his associates were told to leave the headquarters.
They had set up in Building 7.
This is a quote from the Associated Press.
We were operating out of there, and we were told that the World Trade Center was going to collapse.
Rudolph Giuliani told Peter Jennings of ABC News that morning.
And it did collapse before we could get out of the building.
Despite this, Giuliani fled WTC7 at least eight hours before it collapsed.
How did he know that the Twin Towers were going to collapse?
If it was such an unprecedented occurrence, why did the firefighters on the ground get the same warning?
He said someone called him up and just told him to get out of that building before it even caught fire, folks.
How could the explosives have been placed beforehand?
And it says, Ben Fountain, a financial analyst who worked in the World Trade Center complex, told the People Magazine that in the weeks before 9-11, there were numerous unannounced and unusual drills where sections of both the Twin Towers and Building 7 were evacuated for, quote, security reasons.
The FBI and CIA were also in the Building 7.
That was their headquarters.
This was obviously the perfect opportunity to place those explosives.
How did Larry Silverstein benefit from the collapsing building?
The owner.
In February 2002, Silverstein Properties won an $861 million from Industrial Risk Insurance to rebuild on the site of WTC 7.
Silverstein Properties estimated an investment of WTC 7 was $386 million.
So the building collapse resulted in a profit of about $500 million.
That's just one of the buildings, folks, of the 7.
Objections raised to the meaning of Silverstein's comments.
And we will get to the mental gymnastics when we get back.
Let's go ahead and play that Dan Rather clip now.
Here it is, folks.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
The third time today, a steel building, a modern steel building, and that means the last 80 years, has never collapsed, firefighter engineering says, the oldest, most respected firefighter organization in the country.
They say it's a cover-up.
They say that only bombs can do that.
They say, how dare you ship the steel to China?
We're smelting.
How dare you threaten to arrest anybody who tried to take photos in the weeks and months after under FEMA emergency orders?
Very, very interesting, wouldn't you say?
We'll come back and take calls and get more into this.
And then coming up today, because I've got to get to all this other news, U.S.
doctor claims clone implanted Wal-Mart.
Attack for locking in overnight workers at its stores.
When they're injured, they'll let you sit there and bleed until you sign an agreement saying you won't sue them.
Pure torture.
Three-fifths of Americans oppose Bush's mission to the moon and Mars.
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250 times.
It's World Net Daily.
Also, Brehmer calls for U.N.
to help as Shiites demand an early election.
See, the U.N.'
's coming to the rescue now, playing good cop.
There is so much more.
An absolutely massive show for you.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Thank you for your support of our labors and of this network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time, back for 9 to Midnight.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We're going to get back into the host of other issues concerning the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7 and the owner, the controller of it, who bought it just a few months before and took out record insurance.
Six and a half billion dollars in the whole complex.
Mr. Silverstein just saying on PBS, well, yeah, that day it was, you know, September 11th, it's smoking, it's on fire.
The narrators come on and say, yeah, that day the people have been able to evacuate.
And then we cut to Silverstein and he says, yeah, you know, it was on fire.
And we talked to the fire department and we decided to go ahead and pull it, you know, to stop any loss of life.
So we gave the order to pull it and we watched it collapse.
And we'll play all those clips and some other clips we haven't played yet a little bit later.
But you can watch the video and go through all this.
We also have the firefighter transmission tapes, evidence of explosions used in the Twin Towers.
You can go listen to the 9-11 firefighter tape or you can just read the transcript.
It's all there on the site.
We're going to go over some of that as well.
But let's go ahead and go to some calls here and get people's response to this.
And then I need to get into the cloning and the rest of it because
That's also important.
And the more I think about it, I want to get Paul Watson, if he's listening, back on the show next hour, 15-20 minutes of comment from him because he's been doing a lot of research on this as well.
But this really is another giant smoking gun exposing what the globalists have done here.
I mean, day one we knew they'd demolished that building.
It had the classic signature, the flashes, the explosions going off down the sides.
So do the other towers, and we have those images and video clips on the websites.
And you can watch other demolitions where other buildings are blown up and they have the little poofs of smoke going off down the sides of them.
So, very, very serious and very damning evidence against the globalists here.
But, you know, the way their propaganda works is they know we're lazy, they know we're cowardly, a lot of us, they know we don't want to face this horror.
And so they know we'll just make up our own little excuses to ignore this.
You know, it's like saying, there is no new world order.
Anybody that says there's a new world order is crazy.
The new world order doesn't exist.
Give up your rights.
I mean, that's basically the line that we hear out there is, you know, the UN isn't taking over the Supreme Court, the borders aren't wide open, and Bush isn't going to sign the assault weapons ban, even when he says he is.
But before we go to the calls, it is so important that you get police state 3 total enslavement.
Two minutes of that two-hour, 40-minute film is the Dan Rather clip with Building 7 collapsing and him talking about well-placed dynamite.
How it looks like well-placed dynamite.
I mean, just to give you an idea of what's in those two hours and 40 minutes, it's all that fast-moving.
You know, it's got Bush having me kidnapped when I asked him a question about the CFR, back when he was governor, at the end of a speech.
That's about two minutes of that two-hour, forty-minute film.
Patriot Act I, II, Homeland Security, Ashcroft's Lie, what the New World Order is in the first twenty-five minutes, who the neocons are, the PENAC documents, the cashless society control grid, about ten other examples of government-sponsored terrorism I haven't covered in other films.
It's an amazing video.
Police State 3.
Total enslavement.
You need to have it.
You need to make copies.
You need to put it on access TV.
You need to give it to opinion makers, public officials.
We're in a fight for our lives, for this country.
Do you realize the level of evil, the sociopathic nature, the sadistic nature of those in control?
History is repeating itself.
Get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Get Matrix of Evil.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get Masters of Terror.
Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
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They're all well-documented, very well done.
The videos are $25.95 apiece, all over two hours, $20 when you order three or more.
So don't wait.
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and Israeli government together.
Carrying out the attack on the USS Liberty to blame it on Egypt trying to kill those men.
Another example of government sponsored terror.
We've got so much of this and it's so well documented.
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1-888-253-3139 is the toll-free number to order the films.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't procrastinate.
Take action now, folks.
Uncle Eddie in Florida.
Hadn't talked to him in years.
He's not my uncle, but that's his nickname.
I met him when the Delta Force was practicing a takeover of Brooksville, Florida, and the police were threatening to arrest us.
We asked questions and I was down by the railroad trestle behind the municipal airport where they had the takeover drills going on.
Uncle Eddie was up on the hill on an overpass and he saw the men in black uniforms and dune buggies under moonlight chasing us down into the swamps.
Do you remember that, Uncle Eddie?
That's the way it was.
By the way, you're in the takeover.
About a minute or two of you talking about it.
Yeah, my bay window profile really
The show's in good form.
Hey, Alex, I got the answer to you.
How they planted the explosives.
And Uncle Eddie, of course, is a retired aircraft engineer.
I was a flight test, aerodynamics flight test, among other things.
And also I did about 30 years working on equipment to make magnetic pulses to simulate a hydrogen bomb going off.
I met you, saw all your info, and it was great to see all the locals show up out there in Brooksville.
Again, that's in the Takeover.
Let me tell you, Alex.
Let me read this to you.
The events of September 11, 2001 that brought down the twin powers of the World Trade Center, not to mention all the other Trade Center buildings, were more complex than we were led to believe.
There's more to the story than a bunch of young Middle Eastern Muslim men with very questionable piloting skills performing maneuvers which the planes are not capable of performing.
The first
The first thing to be aware of is that the fact that the Twin Towers were designed to take a hit by a fully loaded Boeing 707 airliner without coming down.
The 757 and 767 type airplanes both have gross weights of comparable to a 707.
The Twin Towers successfully performed this function before being destroyed by another pair of events.
Before getting into detail, on the second pair of events, a little background information is in order.
An airliner is made out of aluminum and plastic, except the engines and landing gear.
When an aluminum and plastic airplane passes through a steel and concrete skycraper, the airplane is shredded into very small pieces, the jet fuel erupts into a big fireball.
In just a matter of seconds, all the fuel is burned up,
And any fires that remain are of the interior furnishings of the... And that's what the firefighters said, Uncle Eddie.
That's right.
This fireball should not be confused with an explosion as you would get with TNT C4 or... Hey, Uncle Eddie, and on top of that, no plane hit Building 7 and now we have Silverstein saying they demolished it.
What do you make of all this?
I got the answer, but you gotta wait.
Okay, go ahead and go to it.
A true explosive produces a sonic shockwave that propagates at 1150 feet a second.
The jet fuel fireball propagated at 200 feet per second, and in the case of the World Trade Center, reached a diameter of 400 feet.
No windows were broken except the windows the plane flew through.
A 78-minute audio tape of radio transmissions between the firefighters and a New York fire department
Proves that at least two firemen had reached the 78th floor sky lobby of the South Tower.
And we have those audio tapes.
Hold on, Uncle Eddie.
Hold on, Uncle Eddie.
Let's give and take here.
You're bringing up good points.
On PrisonPlanet.com, on InfoWars.com, in this big expose, we have those transmission tapes, which they first claimed had all malfunctioned and that there were no firefighter tapes.
Then they got caught lying.
The firefighters leaked it.
They're all very upset.
They were up there standing
In the area, it said the fires were going out, two small fires.
There were citizens, tenants of the building, standing up there in the supposed hottest area that was melting with steel.
Yes, sir, go ahead.
Now, right at the time these guys were telling the fire department to send a couple of companies up to fight this fire, boom, the building fell down.
I'm going to answer what made the building fall.
Now, I've got a little background information.
On July 23, 2001, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey signed a lease with Australian real estate developer Silverstein Properties and Westfield America, also Australian, in a 99-year lease worth $3.2 billion.
Silverstein Properties gained control of the 10.6 million square foot complex that comprised of the 100-story Twin Towers office building.
Westfield America took care of the retail operations within the World Trade Center.
After the takeover, presumably after the takeover, all the furniture on several contiguous floors of both buildings were replaced with new plastic furniture.
The plastic furniture was made out of, well, was stuffed full of C4 plastic high explosive.
Each piece of furniture had installed within it a micro radio receiver coupled with a detonating device.
Upon reception of the signal to detonate, all the furniture bombs in building number two simultaneously exploded.
The detonation, okay, and when that happened, all the windows in the neighborhood broke.
Exactly, exactly.
If a building was collapsing, why suddenly did a bunch of windows blow up?
Why did the seismographs pick up this heat?
And the massive, massive explosions.
And we have those seismographs from the federal and state government posted in the article as well.
And yet, it was not the explosion that dropped the building.
What dropped the building?
At this point, it's necessary to discuss the physical properties of C4 Plastic Explosive.
As we all know,
Listen, I got a lot of callers here, Uncle Eddie, and it's good to talk to you, but boil it down.
I know you're reading a long article here, but I gotta go to some more calls.
And I don't know about plastic explosive furniture.
I know they evacuated the building a bunch.
Electromagnetic pulse pulled the building down.
The electromagnetic pulse of C4 has the capability of just turning steel, glass, plastic,
Into dust.
That's just what you had.
That was the dust that covered everybody and shot out for miles.
Uncle Eddie, I just want to briefly go back to something, because I mentioned being chased by adult-reporting bogeys.
That sounds insane, but we have you in the film, and we're being chased by them in the film.
Go back to Brooksville back in 1999.
What did you see happen that night?
I saw these big, big guys in a black... I guess they would have been
Green berets, what they had the pot helmets on, riding along like they had chariots on dune buggies.
They flew by me about ten feet away from me.
And that was exactly, you stayed up there on the overpass, we went into the woods and the swamp, and all of a sudden we're being chased to the woods by dune buggies and guys in black uniforms, and people say, well where's the video?
Well when you're in the woods at night with a night vision camera and you can't turn it on,
Because when they got night vision goggles on, it looks like a giant strobe light.
But we do have the helicopters flying around and chasing us.
And this is in America.
We're on public land, you know, just by the railroad tracks, by this public airport, just trying to, you know, as we could videotape what they were going to do.
And then we walk into the police station.
That was before that happened that night.
They said, we'd like to talk about the foreign troops, or the troops.
Yeah, but I'll tell ya, you didn't get the whole story.
Well, actually, we've gone over all this.
It's posted on the site.
Electromagnetic pulse is what brought Bolo's building.
You know, I've read that and that that was registered by some censors, but I can't get into it because I can't prove it.
I can prove everything else.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Always good to hear from you.
Maybe I should set you up as a guest.
He really is a big engineer, folks.
Retired guy.
Great guy.
Let's talk.
A lot of folks showed up locally there in Brooksville when I said I was coming to town.
That was interesting.
Very, very interesting story.
Let's talk to John in Virginia.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, you're in a class all by yourself, buddy.
Listen, I live here in southwest Virginia, and I'm going to tell you, some of these folks get it.
Virgil Goode's my representative here, and we've had a couple conversations, and he's a congressman along the same line as a Ron Paul.
He'll sit down and talk to you exactly what this global government is about.
It's no conspiracy.
That's what's going on.
But you know, Alex, this thing that happened up in New York, that's just the government's MO.
They did the same thing in Oklahoma City.
They got seismographs there that clearly show
There were explosions, more than one.
The former head of Air Force Weapons Development says you don't blow parts of a building across the street the wrong direction from the truck bomb.
We have the seismographs, we have video of them removing the unexploded bombs, and the governor's saying we have the bombs.
Well, that's exactly right, and you know Waco.
I mean, this is what the government does.
They bulldoze that place down.
They not only bulldozed it down, they buried the remains, they fenced it, and then they posted guards around that stuff.
Hey, listen.
I have interviewed the concrete truck drivers.
They hauled the concrete wreckage that was in the building.
The church records of all the children and women died.
Huddleman Delta Force blew a hole in the top and killed them.
That's what Parton says.
I talked to the concrete driver and he said, yeah, we went to the private landfill, they dug a big pit, put the concrete in it, and we poured concrete for a whole day.
Why would they pour concrete over the chunks of concrete?
To get rid of that evidence.
Same thing happened.
Standard operations, Alex.
That's just what it is.
But let me tell you something.
It's real easy to sit back when you see all this going on and think everybody's corrupt.
They're not corrupt.
They're compartmentalized.
And I think if we just sit back
We need to talk to these people, not as radicals, but as people that understand what's going on and show them in an informed way because really a lot of the police officers, they get it.
A lot of the congressmen, they get it.
I am not willing to accept the fact that everybody's corrupt, because that's just not true.
Well, I've said that over and over and over again, but the system's set up to protect the 20% that is corrupt.
It's compartmentalized.
And that gives them all a bad name.
Hey, let me ask you something, Alex.
Did you ever get on LibertyPost.org?
Because you're kind of a hero over there.
No, I didn't have a chance to go over to that website.
Man, don't do it, because you're becoming quite a celebrity.
Well, I don't want to be a celebrity.
I just want to save my country.
Well, buddy, that's what's happening, and the word's getting out, and you are the main voice on the cutting edge, telling it like it is, and I think if we all just take an active role and tell our friends, our neighbors, our pastors, the pastor's got to talk about this at the churches, and we need to get and become friends with our local law enforcement.
They're not the bad guys.
They're the good guys, and if we treat them like good guys when all this comes down,
They're going to treat us like we're the good guys, too.
I mean, we just can't sit back and huddle in a corner and be quiet.
We've got to tell people what's going on.
I agree with you totally.
God bless you.
Good to hear from you.
We'll talk to Mark and Cliff and Michael and others when we get back.
Toll-free number to join us.
I'm going to go to these calls a little bit quicker, folks, and get back into the news.
WTC7, haven't even gotten to half the evidence of the controlled demolition of that.
And a bunch of other cloning news, and you name it.
Walmart employees being prisoners.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I'm going to have a more detailed report in the next hour on what really happened to WTC7 and the entire World Trade Center complex.
This is, if not the biggest, one of the biggest smoking guns proving the glove was carried out September 11th.
Larry Silverstein, the owner, told PBS that, you know, the building's on fire, the firefighters, we already had a big loss of life, so we decided to pull it.
So I talked to the fire department, and we gave the order to pull it, and then we watched it collapse.
I mean, that's right out in plain view.
And there's a lot of stuff like this that's right out in plain view.
Right now, and then I'll get into all the cloning and flu shot news.
It's all really important.
I will cover that briefly in the next hour.
Let's go ahead and talk to Mark in Michigan, then Cliff, Michael, Dan, Richard, and others.
So go ahead, Mark.
Hi, Alex.
Talking about in plain view.
Did you notice Rudolph Giuliani got knighted by the Queen of England for his actions during all this?
And then, didn't he receive Man of the Year from Time Magazine or something?
Yeah, he did.
And now he makes $25 million a year running an anti-terrorism firm that sells police state to all the cities and states.
And we're not done with him yet.
We'll see him on the national scene for something else later, I'm sure.
Yeah, and him and his whole family and the mafia ties and the rest of it.
Truly disgusting.
If you could also bring up, was it one of the deputy directors of the FBI that retired not too long before the... Yeah, John O'Neill was hired as the head of security.
It was his first day at work on September 11, 2001.
He had been interviewed by British and French media saying the government's going to allow an attack by bin Laden as a pretext to invade Afghanistan and get the oil.
That's a quote.
It's not getting too tough to connect the dots anymore.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
We knew.
I've been saying for two years and three or four months that it was a controlled demolition of WTC7.
And then we find out in plain view for over a year Silverstein's been on TV saying it.
I watched one of the largest, oldest buildings in Detroit go down a few years ago when they imploded it to make room for the new football and baseball stadiums in Detroit.
And it was like deja vu watching it all over again.
When you watch a building that's purposely being demolished, there is a definite pattern.
Well, we have the seismographs.
We have all of it.
Building 7 had some little bitty fires.
Giuliani gets a call to evacuate beforehand.
The CIA and FBI and the state and city's command base was built there in 99.
No doubt this was all set up then.
This is elaborate.
This is absolutely elaborate.
And they talked about it for weeks in Detroit about
The teams that were in there setting up for this.
Well, the FBI and others concerning September 11th have just been running around covering up all the evidence, telling firefighters to shut up, you name it.
And to do a huge building like that and to have it pancake straight down takes weeks of preparation and they do mock trial runs with their computers and they have the timing down perfectly.
I know.
And a steel building.
I've never done that in history.
And a modern steel building.
And there's been hotel fires that burned for three days.
With fire, you know, shooting out.
The whole place burning up into a shell.
It just doesn't happen.
The firefighters were in there on the 70th and 80th floors.
And they said the fires were almost down.
It was just black smoke coming out of there.
People standing in the open, bashed out windows.
Standing in the wreckage zone.
But again, Building 7 just implodes symmetrically.
You heard Dan Rather.
We've got Peter Jennings clipped, too.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, my friend.
Second hour's coming up, and we'll get to Cliff and Michael and Dan and Richard and many others.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 800-259-9231.
And then coming up, U.S.
doctor claims clone implanted.
Walmart attacked for locking in overnight workers at its stores, even when they're injured.
Three-fifths of Americans oppose Bush's mission to the moon and Mars.
Critics ask why flu shot doesn't match strain.
Mercury and vaccine found to be 250 times higher than recommended.
And the UN is going to be taking over in Iraq.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
Second hour.
Whether you're listening on AM or FM, or Global Shortwave, or the Internet, or satellite, call your friends, your family, your neighbors.
Your boss, your employees, have them tune in in this hour, because we're going to re-air the clips, the new clips, where the owner of the World Trade Center Complex, who bought it months before the collapse, Mr. Silverstein, says that on 9-11, the building was on fire, Building 7, and they decided to pull it, that's demolish it, and now we have some longer clips from the PBS special where he said this, and just massive amounts of evidence
On PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com for folks that want to go through that evidence.
We're going to detail that evidence when we get back in the next segment and go to your phone calls.
And there's a bunch of other news, again, about clones being implanted, Walmart making their employees prisoners.
This is out of London Independent.
News about the, very scary news about the flu shot you want to hear.
We will cover that, at least briefly in this hour, and a bunch of other news.
Right now, let's go to Cliff in Texas.
Cliff, go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
When are you coming back to Houston to see us?
I've been down to Houston twice to show Road to Tyranny.
I probably won't show Road to Tyranny again, but who knows?
I'll probably show up down there and show some other films in the future.
That's good.
I'll be glad to come see you when you're there.
Yeah, you got them on the run, Alex.
Well, I wouldn't say on the run, but we're definitely in a fight with the New World Order toe-to-toe.
Yeah, I think I have Uncle Eddie on as a guest, too.
You know, I've watched many of CDI videos on like the Learning Channel, Discovery Channel, and this and that.
You know, they say it takes days to set a building up to be demolished like that.
And that building was definitely pulled.
And again, we play the clip where city officials say we pulled the buildings, we demolished them, showing folks that pulled means demolished.
That's the industry term.
But for folks that haven't watched Discovery Channel or don't work in this business, you don't know.
Well, now you do.
Here's the city admitting it.
Then we have Silverstein saying, okay, and the documentary says on 9-11 they'd evacuated the building.
Everybody had gotten out of Building 7 because they had hours of evacuates.
There were no dead bodies.
And then they cut to Silverstein going, yeah, it was burning, and we didn't want to have any more loss of lives, so we gave the order to pull it, and then we watched it collapse.
And people watch that and hear that and still go, well, maybe he doesn't mean that.
I mean, you talk about denial.
Yeah, well, they're just being baffled with BS.
Well, my question is, why was it on fire to begin with?
It's not like it was a power plastic blow coming off of one and two.
Even if the substation did catch on fire, haven't they ever heard of Halon?
Yeah, but FEMA admits that didn't happen.
You know, the guy that called in yesterday said that there was an electrical problem.
Well, Halon puts that out.
That's what it's there for.
Even if the Halon didn't put it out,
Electrical fire is not going to run away like that because it's going to be shut down upstream somewhere.
Well, also, it's not going to make a steel building collapse.
That's never happened.
Especially one like that.
It's built like a brick.
I'm not going to say what it was, but... Yeah, and back on the site, we've got some diagrams of Building 7.
That thing was just amazing.
Like a brick cracker.
All right, all right.
I've got a lot of children listening.
Anything else, sir?
I wanted to maybe get out an alternative way for people to view your videos.
I don't know if you care too much about this, but one of those file sharing programs.
I've got several off of there, and I'm willing to share them.
You know, and if anybody's got some more that they can get up there, you know, to be shared.
Hey, listen, that's why I say make copies of my videos.
For non-profit educational purposes, I think it's great that they're on the file sharing
Uh, websites and I hope everybody will go repost them so more people that never heard the truth will be exposed to it.
Thanks for the call.
Now that's very exciting.
Thank you.
Yeah, millions of people have watched the video clips online just at my site, not to mention all the other sites mirroring it.
And I hope this great story that Paul Watson put together with our research, I hope everybody will mirror it and the video clips on their website is at prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
Right now, I hope some of the other great sites out there
We'll do that because it's very very important.
Okay, we'll come back and get into an analysis of the collapse.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We are now into the second hour, 8 minutes and 27 seconds into this global transmission against tyranny.
At PrisonPlanet.com, 9-11 blockbuster Silverstein, New York Fire Department decided to pull WTC7 in an in-depth analysis by Paul Watson and Alex Jones.
Paul Watson normally comes on once a week.
He does such a great job.
I want to commend him for his work.
Paul, I want to just in the next five minutes go over
the different bullet points in this expose that we put together that will be expanding.
And then I want to go through the clips one by one and they've got those ready at the network.
And again, folks, these will be audio on the radio.
You can see them in video on the website.
But for those who just joined us, it's clear.
They admit it.
They blew up WTC7.
You know, that's like if I got on TV and said, you know, I support Adolf Hitler.
And then they said, well, did he really say he supports Adolf Hitler?
Or have you got up on TV and said you love the Jolly Green Giant, and they said, oh, he didn't really say he loves the Jolly Green Giant?
Or have I got up on television and said, you know, I'm from Texas, and they said, well, he didn't really say he was from Texas.
I've seen some denial out there.
You go look at this evidence, there's no denial.
He got up there on TV, they showed the building collapsing.
He talked about that day, how it's on fire, and how they decided to pull it.
And then they watched it collapse.
So they wanted to pull it.
He said, yeah, let's pull it.
And so we watched it collapse.
I mean, it's like people going, well, Bill Clinton didn't really lie.
Depends on what is, is means, you know.
Now there are people arguing along those lines.
This is clear.
Boiling it down as simply as possible, Paul, give folks your analysis of this.
Well, I mean, with regard to that point, some people are saying that they only intended to pull the building down and then it just collapsed by pure coincidence, but anyone can go and watch the video and you can tell by Silverstein's body language that he's essentially trying to put a front on where he's saying, you know, regrettably, yes, we did have to pull the building down and anyone can see that, but I've actually got a new development which makes the deliberate destruction of that building an even bigger crime.
And that is, I mean, we've been led to believe that Building 7 was completely evacuated when it collapsed, but this is not true.
We know that the Secret Service office was located within that building, and it turns out that it was actually staffed at the time of the collapse.
And this comes from government websites, from the House of Congress websites, from the New York Electronic Crime Task Force website.
This is massive.
Are you posting that?
Yeah, I'm going to add it in due course.
Master Special Officer Craig Miller, who was a Secret Service agent, was stationed in Building 7 and died when it collapsed.
And so he asked the question, I mean, if one Secret Service agent was in his office, then, you know, what if there would have been others in that area of the building?
So, I mean, this makes Silverstein, even if we take the line that they destroyed the building to save lives and not, you know, make $500 million on the insurance just on that building alone,
They make them guilty at the very least of manslaughter.
You know, we had John O'Neill who was killed also, and maybe this Craig Miller person was somebody who they wanted to get rid of.
Exactly, these are always perfect.
It's like Waco, two of Clinton's bodyguards assigned to the VATF, assigned to that operation, go in the window, a guy leans in, machine guns them, and then, you know, the two bodyguards are gone.
They love doing this, but again, this is amazing.
Silverstein says, and we now have a longer clip, I want to play that here in a second, Silverstein, they're on television, they talk about how well they evacuated the buildings, nobody died in Building 7 because they had time to evacuate it, and then it cuts to Silverstein and images of firefighters and the building collapsing going, well, you know, we already had such a loss of life that we talked to the fire department about the decision to pull it, and I said, yeah, pull it, and so the fire department, and yeah, we pulled it.
It starts collapsing.
And then people watch that and go, I don't know exactly what he's saying.
And maybe he meant months later when they blew up some of the other buildings.
There weren't fires then, folks.
They show Building 7.
And then, again, for two plus years we've been saying it was demolition from the seismographs, the transmission tapes of the firefighters, which they first denied existed and claimed they'd malfunctioned.
The firefighters got mad and leaked it.
The firefighting association says it's a cover-up.
The reporters reported bombs, the firefighters were pulling back from Building 7, saying they were about to pull it.
People who live in New York called into the show and said, I remember them saying they were about to pull it.
I remember on 9-11 hearing ABC News going, they may demolish the building to stop the fire.
Everybody remembers that.
But again, this is all hidden in plain view.
And now that we've brought this story out and really given it a lot of attention, we're going to add more and more of this evidence as we locate it.
Because we all remember hearing it.
I mean, we could convict these people before a jury at this point.
Paul, go through the points we got on the site, and I want to play clips and go to calls.
Well, yeah, we've got the fact that we knew that it was a controlled demolition before any of this came out is proven.
We've got a video clip from, I think it's controlleddemolitions.com, where it shows two buildings of similar size to World Trade Center 7.
Building 7, so we've got those videos.
It takes days of skilled people to have the pile collapse inward to not damage other real estate.
I mean, number one, a steel building never did this, you know, collapse, period, with a fire.
Now it collapses perfectly with the implosion.
And, I mean, with any building, you have to clear the area.
I mean, I remember watching a program just recently on Discovery about demolition of Building
I mean, you have to clear an area, at least one mile radius in some cases, and this, we're talking about a building in, you know, one of the most heavily built-up places on the Earth, at the time of, you know, mass chaos anyway, and they're just going to go ahead and pull it when we've got the picture.
Yeah, he's saying, we've decided to go ahead and pull it, go ahead and demolish it, how are you going to do that when the building's on fire?
I mean, just, this is incredible.
Either way, it's incredible.
We've got the picture of Building 7 just a couple of hours before it collapsed with people standing around, emergency vehicles, cars everywhere.
So I mean, how did they envisage clearing an area of a one-mile radius and then pulling it down?
They just pulled it down anyway.
And as I mentioned before, the Secret Service office was staffed and people actually died in that collapse.
But that morning, Giuliani gets a call
Before the first planes even hit and is told to get out of there, and he tells ABC News this.
Why do these guys admit this?
You know, why did the head of FEMA go, yeah, we got there the night before?
I mean, I guess it's Freudian slips.
I mean, what's happening here?
Some of it may be Freudian slips, but as you mentioned before, it's sort of announcing something before it gets out to sort of cover your tracks.
Yeah, we come out with Stanley Hilton that NORAB has ordered to stand down under the guise of a drill.
I mean, we've got Giuliani.
Eight hours before the Twin Towers collapse, being told to evacuate Building 7.
And he was told directly, the Twin Towers are about to collapse.
At the same time of which, there's people on bullhorns at the Port Authority, telling people in the Twin Towers to stay at their desks.
And this is after both planes have hit, so Giuliani knows that the towers are about to collapse, but the people in the towers don't, and are told to stay in the towers.
Now, folks, this is admitted.
And you strike my memory there.
I remember hearing that some Secret Service and security guards and a few firemen died in the building.
And we've got to add all that.
I mean, this is just kidding.
And this is all admitted, Paul.
And I tell you what, let's go ahead and go to those clips.
Here is the documentary, and then it goes to Silverstein, the owner.
Let's go ahead and hit that clip, please, Stephanie.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, 7 had been cleared faster than the rest of the site, and there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, 7 burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander.
Telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
And Mr. Madison, he's a poet.
And they made that decision to pull.
And we watched the building collapse.
We made the decision to pull.
And then we watched the building collapse.
I mean, who could twist that into something else, Paul?
Well, yeah, he didn't say, we made the decision to pull it, but then it collapsed.
So we didn't have to.
He said, we made the decision to pull it, and then we watched it collapse.
So it's a direct link from one statement to the next.
How anyone can say that it collapsed, you know, out of pure coincidence?
In fact, I want to add that headline up above Silverstein.
New York Fire Department decided to pull WTC.
Add that.
We made the decision to pull it, and then we watched it collapse.
I mean, again, it's amazing that anybody could even deny this when it's in your face, Paul.
I mean, well, yeah, the major group of people
They're trying to get the word out on the fact that there were bombs in all the buildings or the firemen that were on the scene themselves.
I mean, months ago we had an article on Prison Planet from one of our contributors and he actually went down to the memorial and he met a fireman by the name of Paul Isaac who was stationed at Engine 10 across the street from the World Trade Center and this fireman told him that
They're getting direct orders to shut up about the fact that bombs were going off and that these orders are coming directly from Robert Woolsey at the CIA.
Also, we posted an article where people go unveil banners on a public street in front of it saying, Bush Engineered 9-11 and the police come and threaten to arrest them.
Yeah, these are people that were there at the time, during the attack.
So now, in America, you can't stay on the street.
Sounds like Beijing.
We're going to come back and take calls and get more into this.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us, Paul Watson.
InfoWars.com, PresentPlanet.com.
I want to commend both my webmasters, my wife, Violet, and of course, Paul.
Just incredible people.
I'm so honored to work with folks of this caliber.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Okay, we're going to play the Dan Rather clip about a controlled demolition, about well-placed dynamite, how it looked like that.
For three times in one day, we've seen this happen, he says.
Then I want to air the clip also from the PBS documentary, America Rebuilding.
Uh... where they talk about months later getting rid of some of the wreckage of the other buildings with controlled demolitions and they call it pulling buildings.
Just to establish, pulling means demolition.
And then we're going to go to Michael and Dan and Richard and Chris and others.
And we've got Paul Watson riding shotgun with us for a little bit more in this hour.
I know he's busy updating the site, so we're not going to keep him too long.
We're honored to have him.
Let's go ahead and hit that Dan Rather clip, please.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Paul Watson, we've also located, and I remember seeing it that day, but we've located Peter Jennings saying the same thing.
Starting to look a little scripted.
I wonder why they do this, Paul.
Well, yeah, we've got Peter Jennings discussing on ABC News with a reporter down on the ground as one of the Twin Towers collapses, and the reporter says,
It looks just like there's explosives within the building that are bringing it down, and Peter Jennings agrees.
But then, at the end of the clip, the reporter says, oh no, there was no explosion at the bottom of the building.
It definitely looks like the fuel caused the collapse.
Yeah, somebody in the earbud giving him the orders.
A little sloppy job there.
Let's talk to Michael in Washington State.
Go ahead, Michael.
Hi Alex, thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I'd like to commend you and Paul for all the great work you guys do.
Keep it up.
Really love the information.
I'm your biggest rube up here in Washington, and I'm in a bit of a quandary being a rube.
In that transmission from Silverstein, he says, he suggests that the best thing to do is pull it, and he got a fire call from the fire chief commander.
He suggested that we should pull it, and they made the decision to pull it, he says.
That would make the Fire Chief Commander the trigger man.
Very good point.
Yeah, there's so much to this.
So we need to ask the Fire Chief Commander.
He said.
I reported it.
He said.
They made the decision to pull it.
If he says that, then the Fire Chief Commander pulled it.
I thought they were the good guys in this whole scenario.
Well, most of them obviously are, and you can have Silverstein trying to lay this off on the firemen.
That may be what's happening, because we know the firemen are saying there's a cover-up.
They were really mad, and Bush shows up to hold their hands and kiss them and bullhorn and take them out to dinner, and then that all changed.
But, Paul, comments to the great points that Michael just made?
And we've now made it clear that they knew that the Secret Service office was still staffed at the time, so why on earth are they making the decision to take down this building when they know that it will kill people, whoever made the decision?
And obviously Silverstein was intricately involved with it because he would make $500 million out of just that one building alone, so it's basically premeditated murder.
Well yeah, clearly then the Fire Chief Commander, the Trigger Man, was the one that did it, so let's talk to him.
Well, Silverstein was going to get a payout of over $3 billion for the seven buildings.
In the last article I read, and Paul, you ought to find this in Post, it was over $6 billion this turkey's been paid.
And so there's outrageous profits here involved.
Just one building, $500 million here, and that's one of those medium-sized buildings there, not the shopping malls and the big towers and the rest of it.
Thank you for the call there, Michael.
Dan in New York.
You're on the air worldwide.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, Paul.
Good afternoon.
Just a couple of comments and one question.
You know, what's the probability of all three coming down like that?
You think maybe all three were pulled?
Well, that's what people are saying, and we have the photos of the buildings with the explosion marks going down them.
The classic, you know, popcorn explosion you see.
Then we show video of other buildings having the popcorn explosions go off, the controlled demolition going off, and that's what the firefighters have said, and I've talked to them on the phone.
But, again, we cannot totally prove that.
We now can prove Building 7.
Plus, it wasn't even hit by a plane, so they lose their argument of, oh, it was jet fuel.
Yeah, the bottom line is we've got photographs on that article on PrisonPlanet.com of plumes of smoke exiting one of the twin towers, both below and above the impact point of the plane.
So, I mean, why would a floor above the impact point be exploding before the tower collapsed?
Yeah, the little white explosions going down the side, all at the rib points.
The explosions are coming out right at the line of the girders.
I mean, it's what we've all seen on Discovery Channel, when it goes, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, and whoosh!
Which is exactly what we saw.
Ah, my goodness.
Good points, Dan.
We'll be right back with others.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to go to Richard and Chris and Ron and Barney and many others.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
I'm going to press gang.
Paul Watson, keep him with us for the rest of the hour.
The next hour, I'm going to get in, before this hour ends, I'm going to get in a U.S.
doctor claims clone implanted, Walmart attacked for locking in overnight workers at its stores.
And the new flu shot, 250 times more mercury than needed, and not even for the strain that is out there.
Boy, you talk about scary.
We're going to get to that, and that's all on PleasantPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Before we go back to Paula Watson and your calls, though, I haven't had her on in a while.
Since early last week, I want to bring her up.
She's Debbie Morrow, and she answers the phones and ships out the orders via UPS.
They're at New Millennium Concepts with water filters that I've been using for four or five years.
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I want you to call.
You don't think you have power over the New World Order?
They're poisoning the water, the Prozac, the Ritalin, the female hormones from the birth control in most major municipal supplies, in the fish, in the people, the mercury, the fluoride, the arsenic, the MBTE, the herbicides, the pesticides.
You know when you see the people spraying the lawns with the pesticides?
The herbicides?
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Where do you think that goes, folks?
Austin has some of the best water in the country.
After drinking water for just a few months out of a filter when I started five years ago, I can't drink it now.
I went to Houston a few months ago to show a film.
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And I said, people, do you taste this?
They go, no, because they were used to it.
People from out of town who had water that was a little bit better could taste the difference.
I mean, literally, folks, I thought I was drinking a scotch in water.
I'm not exaggerating.
It is that bad.
So, stop drinking the poison.
Debbie, how do folks get the filters?
How do folks get them?
What are the different great specials you have to offer?
Well, hi there, Alex.
Good to have you on.
Great, thanks.
They get the filters by calling me on 1-888-803-4438.
We've been having phone trouble, so anybody who's been calling and they've been getting
The recording that says that we've been having phone trouble is true.
Our phone company has been in and out working on the line, so don't get discouraged.
You leave a number, I'll call you back, and also call me back because the phones are working now.
They finally got it fixed this morning.
So have people call in.
So you called and heard the message, the phone company, it's always the phone company, has gotten there and fixed the system.
And that's 1-888-803-4438.
Tell folks about the different specials.
Hey, we have the Berkey Light by itself for $199.
And it comes with a generic sport bottle or a bottle of potassium iodate.
And a sports bottle doesn't cut everything out, but it cuts most of it out.
Looks like a normal sports bottle.
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They got other sports bottles, folks, little tiny elements.
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Normally, you can buy them for $25.
They're like $40 at the store.
They've got these great models.
It'll do 600 refills.
And when we go out on a trip to a hotel, wherever, my wife, when she goes to the gym, fills up the water fountain in her sports bottle.
600 refills.
That would cost you $600 to buy 600 bottles of water.
And that's on the cheap side.
So for $25, you save $575.
Take advantage of this.
Go ahead, Debbie.
And then if you want, you can get a bottle of potassium iodate instead of the sport bottle if you already have one.
And the special price on that is $199.
Normally, it would be $238.
Our other special that we have for the month of January is the Berkey Light with the light in the base.
And you get either two generic,
And this is top-of-the-line filtration, and folks, on top of that, it's made in America, you get directly from the maker, the distributor, you save a lot of money, and it supports
The show.
People also like package deals on getting a bunch of sports bottles to give to friends and family.
Do you have one of those specials?
We do.
We extended the Christmas specials.
They're normally $39 apiece, but you can get five of the generic Berkey sport bottles for $99.
Or you can get 12 for $199.
And for those that don't know, generic just means you can save money because it doesn't have New Millennium printed on it.
Right, exactly.
It just doesn't say Berkey Sport and New Millennium.
And so they charge us less for them, so we pass that savings on to the public.
We really want to make sure everybody out there has a good source of water.
And folks, I believe in this product.
It's the real deal.
And Debbie, thanks for all you do, and God bless you.
Thank you, too.
You bet.
Great lady.
And if you hear this show in the middle of the night when it rebroadcasts from 1 to 4 a.m., you know, call, leave your name and number, she'll call you back.
Or call her tomorrow.
Just give her a call.
Going back to Paul Watson, and I want to thank folks for holding to that.
It's very important.
And we're about real things here.
Filtering your water, documentary films, books, real stuff.
We don't have any magic super cures or anything for you.
That'll grow hair on your head or anything, but we do have real information and real products.
Paul Watson, before we go back to these calls, for people that just joined us, in about two minutes, recap this massive, huge story, one of the biggest stories, if not the biggest story, surrounding the tragic events, the police state that we've seen come out of September 11th, the military industrial complex terror attack.
Recap that for folks.
Well, we've been highlighting the fact that the controller, the owner of the World Trade Center complex, Larry Silverstein, publicly admitted in a September 2002 PBS documentary that they made the decision and decided to pull, which in the industry means explode, take down, demolish World Trade Center Building 7.
Now, up until this point,
The official line was that World Trade Center Building 7 collapsed of its own accord, like, according to the official version of events, the Twin Towers did.
But this documentary confirms that the government, along with Silverstein and the Federal Fire Department, actually
Pulled down the tower themselves, demolished it, even though now, as we've confirmed, there were people inside the building.
And I mean, the financial motive is there.
$500 million on the insurance for that building alone.
And then on top of that, we've got George W. Bush's brother, Marvin Bush, who was on the board of directors of the company providing security for the World Trade Center, StratSec.
And just by coincidence, that company had the contract for security, and it ended on the day of September 11th, which makes the later death of Marvin Bush's babysitter, who died mysteriously in a traffic accident while she was crushed up against a gate at Marvin Bush's residence.
That makes her death even more suspicious, but we've got Bush-linked companies.
And they found that other dead body.
They found that other dead body, the maid.
Yeah, and the contract ran out on the day of the attack.
Now, is that just another coincidence?
It's ridiculous.
And then the guy they hired for security, John O'Neill, former deputy director of the FBI, just quit two months before, have been telling British media, we ought to post that too, that they're going to use bin Laden to attack New York as a pretext to go in and get the oil in Afghanistan.
We have to refer back to the FEMA report just rounding this off.
They commissioned a report to find out how the building collapsed and concluded that the specifics of the fires in World Trade Center 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.
This was months after when they concluded the report.
But now we know that the government destroyed the building because Larry Silverstein on PBS admitted it.
Yeah, and let's go ahead and air the clip.
This isn't the Silverstein clip.
We'll play that again in the next hour.
We've already played it three times.
This is the clip in the same PBS documentary where they talk about pulling the buildings, other buildings, 4, 5, 6, in December and call pulling demolition.
Just to affirm here that pulling means demolition in the industry.
So go ahead and play that clip for me, Stephanie.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction has leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull Building 6.
We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the slurry wall, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
Well, that's interesting, and you know what, let's go ahead and air the Silverstein quote
Halfway through this, you'll hear Silverstein airing a long one with them talking about how they were able to evacuate Seven, so no dead bodies, which we now know is not true.
And then Silverstein talking about they made the decision to pull, so they watched it fall.
You got that ready, Stephanie?
World Trade Center Seven had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, Seven had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the North Tower collapsed, seven burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
And this man, he told us, this poet,
And they made that decision to pull, and we watched it in class.
Well, you just heard it, folks.
Let's go to some calls quick, because I want to get Paul's comments on these U.S.
stalker claims.
Clone implanted, Walmart having its workers as prisoners, and 250 times safe level of mercury in the new flu shot that doesn't even protect you from the current strain.
Let's go to Richard in Florida.
Richard, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex, Dr. Monteith had a guest on the show about a year ago and he explained some of the things you have touched on about how no steel building has ever collapsed.
He goes into the detail of how the building just implodes little by little, how each floor
It is being demolished before the top floor hits it.
There's something I speculated from day one, Alex.
There's no question that building was floated.
Well, we also have the seismographs posted there from the state and federal government.
The fact is that the planes were a diversion.
I mean, people talk about small nuclear devices, electromagnetic weapons.
We don't talk about that because we can't prove it.
But we can prove that the planes were a diversion and weren't the cause for the collapse of all three buildings.
Now we've got the public admission that one of those buildings collapsed due to deliberate explosion, which is what happened with the Twin Towers as well.
So, the bottom line is that the planes were a diversion and something else caused the collapse.
And now we've got them admitting what caused the collapse.
And we have the photos of classical explosion booms at key girder points down 1 and 2, and the same signature on building 7.
Anything else, Richard?
Alex, can I change the subject for a second?
Real quick, go ahead.
Okay, you know I've been serving a grand jury for three months, and I have been told point blank that I cannot conduct my own investigation.
You know, I need to find out if this is true.
So they're saying you can't call your own witnesses?
You're supposed to run that, and not the prosecutor.
The prosecutor's telling you what to do.
That's standard operating procedure, just like having black people as slaves was standard operating procedure 150 years ago.
But that doesn't make it legal or lawful or proper.
And we should have Red Beckman on.
You should get some of Red Beckman's pup, the granddaddy of the Fully Informed Jury Association, and he'll explain it to you.
Okay, Alex, I'll call you another day.
All right, thank you, sir.
Let's talk to Chris in Tennessee.
Chris, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, two months before September 11th in the year 2001, CBS News did a story.
The World Trade Center was supposed to be condemned.
Silverstein and his insurance company was worried about all the 52,000 employees suing them
For the highest test level.
Yeah, in fact, we have that report.
That's on the site.
We should post that there, too, as well.
And when we went back, too, I tried to explain to people that these jets were capable of flying by remote control.
If they would have did the turn, put a pilot in there, their necks would have slapped.
Now, one of the planes pulled six and a half Gs.
And also, the insider stock trading with Buzzy Congard.
Look at the money trail.
This is exact plot for arson and murder is involved.
And the fact of the matter, these buildings are going to be condemned
Uh, and it's right there documented on CBS News.
If anybody has a chance to get those, or did copy the news that night, or subpoena that, and you would watch this film.
And the film would say that the World Trade Center was going to be condemned, the building owners were doomed, it was going to cost them trillions of dollars, and everybody was going to sue them, and then
And then I watched the September 11th happening.
And then it collapses.
The firefighters get sick.
On this show, we had masks.
We said, don't give money to the Red Cross or United Way.
They gave it to gun grabbers.
People didn't want to listen to us.
People got mad.
But then it came out that they did, and people apologized.
Even a few stations said, turn me off, turn me back on, put me on more hours a day.
We don't make stuff up here.
And then Bush said, had the EPA say, oh, there's no asbestos, no problem in the air.
And later it turns out that was falsified.
The EPA said it's deadly and really hurting these people.
And what do we do on the show?
We said, for weeks on weeks, send masks to this local church because they didn't even have gas masks or breathers for the firefighters and rescue workers.
We actually tried to do something on this show.
Some of you didn't want to listen.
You wanted to give your money to gun grabbers.
Paul Watson, let me get comments from Paul.
Yeah, I mean, the fact is that many World Trade Center cleanup workers have got cancer and some have even died from the after effects of cleaning up the World Trade Center.
The bottom line, as we mentioned, is motive.
It's financial.
Some people don't believe that evil people do evil things because they're evil, or they do them because it had a geopolitical and a plea state motive.
But if you present people with evidence on top of that, that it had a gigantic financial motive with Silverstein, Marvin Bush, all the rest of them, then they will sometimes believe that because it's the age-old thing.
Well, not to mention holding his ransom for 87 million dollars for the Iraq war and they said in the PNAC documents we need terror attacks as a pretext to get into Iraq.
And now it's all happened.
Thanks for the call, Chris.
We'll come back and talk to Ron, Barney, and Tom.
We're going to go to you quick, folks.
Have your questions or comments ready because we're going to bam, bam, bam and then we'll start the third hour.
But you know what?
We can't take calls next time because I've got to hit these other news articles.
Stay with us.
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All right.
Callers, be patient.
We're going to start the third hour here in about six minutes, and we'll get to you and then back into the big story and some of the evidence we haven't even covered about the controlled demolition of World Trade Center 7 and obviously the other buildings.
Paul Watson, I want to go over a few of these articles with you, and then we're going to let you go so you can get back to work on expanding the story.
doctor claims clone implanted.
The claims by Paniotis Zavos, who we've had on the show.
We've got to get him back on.
We're met with skepticism from the medical establishment and anger from politicians in Britain, where the procedure, considered by many to be unethical and potentially dangerous, is legal.
We have implanted the first embryo two weeks ago.
Zavos told a news conference, but he cautioned that there are only a 30% chance that the unnamed 35-year-old woman could become pregnant.
We are waiting for the results this weekend.
We expect success, but it could result in no pregnancy, he said.
And New Jersey just passed a law where they could bring a pregnancy to term, a clone, and it has no rights.
It could be then kept alive.
I don't know.
A couple of years ago, and they, you know, dismissed cloning.
And meanwhile, New Jersey's legalizing it.
Meanwhile, yeah, in the background, it's all officially going on.
So basically, they're conditioning people that don't let crackpots get engaged in cloning, but when the government does it, it's okay.
Well, Zabos isn't a crackpot.
He's the top fertility doctor in the world, according to the Associated Press, and he's doing this.
Here's another one.
Walmart attacked for locking
I mean, Wal-Mart is total New World Order, Paul.
Yeah, well you know what the solution will be to this.
I mean, all government facilities now, like the Defense Department, to get from building to building you have to swipe, you know, a biometric ID card.
And so that's what they're going to say.
They're going to say, oh don't worry, we've got this new ID card and we've also added in this new security feature.
Well they have a rule that you can't even, they have a rule that you can't even leave, quote, you might try to steal something.
You're locked in there.
When you're in there at night after hours, you're locked in the building, and even when it's open, if you get hurt, they won't let you leave or call an ambulance.
And again, they're just allowed to do it.
It's literal slave labor.
I mean, we also had Newsmax last year reported on the bill that
Suggested installing Home 1, armed Home 1 security personnel in each factory to guard people while they work.
I mean, that's communist dictatorship.
You know, Chinese sweatshops down to the T. Well, also, good point.
Walmart, they got caught owning over 700 of the slave camps next door to prisons in China.
Paul, we'll get you back on as this develops with WTC7.
Thanks for your great work and take care.
Okay, thanks.
You bet.
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Third hour coming up.
Stay with us.
Your calls.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now into the third hour of this Tuesday, the 20th day of January 04 broadcast.
I want to get back into Walmart attacked for locking in overnight workers at its stores, even when they're injured, trying to make them sign documents.
doctor claims clone implanted.
Critics ask why flu shot doesn't match strain.
Mercury vaccine found over 250 times higher than recommended.
That's just some of what we're going to get into.
And I want to go back into building 7.
The owner of the World Trade Center, Mr. Silverstein, has now admitted that they gave the orders to have the building 7 demolished that afternoon.
And a detailed analysis is at PrisonPlanet.com with video clips, audio clips, government documents, firefighter transcripts, and we're adding even more.
So we'll go back into that this hour and re-air those clips and come out with some other revelations we have not yet even gotten to.
Right now, let's get to these loaded phone lines.
Let us talk to Tom in Arkansas, then Albert, Ron, Barney, and others.
Tom, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
Good to hear your voice.
Good to hear from you.
Your previous caller mentioned what I believe is the most important point that's come up just lately when he says that the buildings were condemned
A few months before September 11th.
And that did come out.
They were fighting the condemned order because of the asbestos.
I've sent you a transcript on this and my notes are posted at Rents.com under WT7 pulled by Silverstein, FDNY.
But the question, were the towers pulled too?
Oh, well you send that to Paul and we'll get that posted in there as well.
I've been trying to send it to Paul.
I seem to be getting about as much trouble.
On my DSL connection, as you had yesterday, but we'll go over that later.
In 1989, I moved to New York City as an architectural photographer, and I was very excited to get an assignment to photograph the Twin Trade Towers.
I walked in the building, and believe me, I had no business at all in the building, because I did exterior photos.
My assignment was specifically to photograph the relationship between the building.
So the original architect had plenty of pictures of the pretty towers.
He wasn't interested in that.
He only wanted to know what the site looked like.
For me, that was a weird assignment.
I took it.
I needed the money.
But I walked in the building completely by mistake and the guards came up to me and they said, you need to go to the meeting upstairs.
And I found that very surprising.
I looked down at the little register where he said I was supposed to go and I thought, well, this seems a little odd, but you know, I'll play these guys, whatever.
They take me up to a room and they have a very strange covert operation going on.
All the room has tape on the floor, all the people's desks have been boxed.
I see a group of about 12 guys in black suits and all these architects.
We're just sort of normal guys in blue jeans and loose ties.
They made every one of these architects sign off on this project.
They had a waiver and it said you promise never to tell that you've ever been involved in anything involved in this building.
That alone scared me a lot.
It kind of put me through a weird position with my business.
I like working for little architects who pay in cash and nice guys.
They escorted me out of the building after making me sign a form.
I learned some things from those architects as well as from my original client.
I put all this in a pretty
Well stated transcript everyone can read.
But the key here is, that you guys seem to miss, is that this is an aluminum building.
And the way the building was built, where the steel members adjoined to the vertical structure of the two buildings, there was an electrolytic exchange that was simply unsolvable.
The buildings were technically condemned in 1989.
And I'm not too way into politics like a lot of you other folks, but
I think Patty Bush might have been involved at that point in terms of politics.
And the more I read, the more I learned that really the reason these buildings were destroyed was to destroy record, court record.
Well, there's always, they always do things for multiple reasons, but you've got the CIA, the FBI, the Secret Service moved in next door to the State and City Command Center in Building 7, and they get rid of that one too.
Very interesting, sir.
I'll check out your info and maybe have you on as a guest, okay?
Please, I'd love to.
Okay, thank you.
We'll be back with more calls, more news.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
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We've been talking for most of the last two days about Silverstein on a PBS program called America Rebuilding.
Where the owner of the WTC, the controller of it, talks about how on September 11th, Building 7 had caught fire, they quote, didn't want any more loss of life, so they made the decision to pull it, gave the order to pull it, and then watched the building collapse.
And then people hear that, some do, it's a small minority, and go, well maybe he gave the order to pull it, to demolish it, but then it fell by itself, or, it's incredible, just go to PrisonPlanet.com, go to InfoWars.com,
I read the posting of your previous caller, Tom,
At the Rents.com website.
And it was attached to the article you had on your website by Jeremy Baker?
Who is this Jeremy Baker person?
That is that... I've got the website here in front of me.
They've done some good work.
It's a Patriot website.
Okay, thank you.
Is that it, sir?
Thanks a lot.
A couple days ago, over the weekend, on Saturday night, this article had just been posted, and I listened to the clips, then I went on the PBS website, and there indeed was a description of the film.
Then yesterday we played the clips, talked about it, then we put the video clip up on the website, when we found that, and went over it.
And then we have all, and then of course we have our memories from that day, I heard ABC News Radio driving my car, so they may decide to demolish this burning building.
For everyone's safety.
Well, why does demolishing a building cause safety if a building's on fire?
I guess they meant it couldn't spread to other buildings.
And then later we were told after it fell and the seismographs picked up explosions that, no, no, the fires did that, too.
We're supposed to go, okay, well, a plane didn't hit this building.
A modern steel building's never collapsed from fires.
And now three of them have done it.
And so this Silverstein thing just adds credibility to that.
And I suggest you go to PrisonPlanet.com and read the article for yourself and watch the clips.
Let us go ahead and talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You know, it was reported in local New York papers just prior to 9-11 that the owners of the Twin Towers were having financial problems.
That was the story here several times in weeks and months prior to the 9-11 incident.
Secondly, I mean anybody with common sense, any people who've even seen the recreational demolitions of old hotels in Las Vegas will know.
You just don't put some charges, you don't hastily put some charges in a big building and bring it down.
That takes days if not weeks of very carefully planned work and I doubt that they ran in there in a matter of a few hours in the midst of a building that was on fire and placed those charges to bring that down.
That is strange.
Secondly, correct, they said the reason the Twin Towers fell
It's because of the heat generated by jet fuel.
However, Building 7 wasn't contaminated with jet fuel.
They said it went on fire because debris fell from the larger building onto the smaller building.
Secondly, the jet fuel argument.
Now, if the jet fuel generates temperatures between 1,000 and 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, as they say it did, and that's what brought down the Twin Towers, then how come immediately in the area where the jets had penetrated and breached the Twin Towers,
Where you would think there would be the most jet fuel.
There's photos of tenants leaning out.
We have the transmission tapes posted.
The feds first claimed it didn't exist, but now it did.
They claim international security.
People can't have it, but the firefighters leaked it.
Where the firefighters are up there saying the fires are almost out.
Alex, the pictures of people hanging over the edge of the breach where the plane had penetrated the building.
There's a very famous picture of a blonde haired woman looking over the edge of the damage.
If it was 1,000 to 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit in there, you wouldn't live for a nanosecond.
Well, jet fuel, the hottest it can burn is at 1,200, and it takes 1,800 to 1,900 to melt steel.
The point is, Building 7 didn't even catch fire for hours.
It was small fires.
We have photos and video of that.
It was smoldering, right?
There weren't raging flames by sorts right here.
I lived practically here.
But you live in New York.
Did you hear the reports I heard where they said they may demolish the building for safety?
Dan Rather, I remember that report as well as I remember my own birthday.
I was watching it.
ABC and a very local news program we have in New York City called New York One.
Yes, they all reported it and I remember the part you played with Dan Rather.
I remember it identically.
I remember it.
How could people act obtuse like they didn't see this?
You know, this is the sick part.
And another crazy thing too, I know people, I've had friends that were killed there and I know people that survived.
They escaped the building.
Do you know that the ignorant security guards were actually telling people who were able to get out
And flee to go back into the building and wait to be rescued by the authorities?
Well, they've been ordered to do that by the command center in Building 7.
That's come out.
But Giuliani escaped hours before it even started and says he was told to leave.
I mean, this is a sloppy job.
Telling somebody to go back into a burning building?
Hey, Alex, man, I did law enforcement and I did the security guard thing.
The one thing you know is if you've got a burning building, the sooner you can get people up, the better.
They evacuate buildings if somebody drops some laundry detergent.
They think it's anthrax.
But planes, yeah, the planes are smashing into buildings.
They were on loudspeakers in the security system telling people to stay in the building after the second plane hit.
That's the Associated Press.
No, it's not just the Associated Press, Alex.
We had a guy, he's been on television, he's a gentleman of East Indian extraction who survived.
They told him to go back in.
He testified at my church, one block from my house.
Okay, the guy said it.
They were told to go back in.
He was completely in the clear and safe and he was told to go back in.
And only by the grace of God did he ultimately survive.
Now, that's insane.
Why would you give orders to tell people to run back?
Well, did he follow the order to go back in the burning building?
Yeah, he did.
I mean, I'd take a charge of striking an officer.
I'm going through him.
I'm not going back in a burning building.
If it was me, guess what?
That officer would have had my shoe print on his face.
I ain't gonna die for nobody in that way.
But they did.
Like cows, like cattle, they obeyed obediently.
Well, that sounds pretty Al-Qaeda-ish.
You're saying if an officer tells you to go back in a burning building, you'd say no?
Are you with Al-Qaeda?
Saying no to a God in a uniform is illegal.
Well, that's what most people thought.
And guess what?
Most of them went back in the building and they did lose their lives.
Well, I guess dying is better than violating God's orders.
Violating a guard.
G-U-A-R-D, not G-O-D.
I'm being sarcastic here, folks.
That's the cop a cops did.
Well, I mean, how would the cops even follow those orders?
If I was a cop and they told me to keep people in a burning building, I would just ignore the order.
Well, that was a guard, the security guard at the building that was doing that.
However, if you have any more conscience, sure, you would never tell innocent people to go back to their death.
Well, that's another point.
Why were the valiant police and firefighters running in if they thought it was going to collapse?
Firefighters knew things don't collapse like that.
They didn't think it was going to collapse.
Many of the people, many of the uniformed services... They had the first firefighters up on the 70th to the 80th floor.
What was it, over 50 of them?
They were reporting the fires were almost out.
Get up here.
We need to save people.
The elevators are messed up.
They didn't know it was going to collapse.
And then hundreds of firefighters ran in, and then that's when they hit the button and the whole thing blew up.
And when most of them were well into the building, what happened is the structure then started to decompose, if you will.
And that's how they got caught in the building.
They didn't know as they ran through the doors that the building was going to collapse.
You know, Alex, it's kind of weird.
There were firefighters who survived in the basement and got pulled out who were in pockets.
And they said, yeah, bombs were going off.
Got to let you go, Ron.
Thank you.
Ron, got to let you go.
Got to let you go.
Got to let you go.
Let's go ahead and talk to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex.
Back in the 50s, I was a building inspector for Baltimore City.
The owners and the fire department did not have the authority to pull the buildings.
Only building inspections.
I would like to see New York City's rules and regulations for such a contingency.
That's a good idea.
We can find the rules on demolishing a building during time of emergency in the city, Kobe, to post that at PrisonPlanet.com.
Yeah, no government agent would take the responsibility for a job of such magnitude
Thank you, Barney.
Great points.
We're going to break, come back, cover some more news on the flu shot that they're giving you.
It's deadly.
This is Mainstream News, folks.
And the cloning and the Walmart having its employees as prisoners.
That's New York Times.
I reported on this a year ago out of the Associated Press.
If you have a broken arm, cut your arm off.
They make you sign documents waving things before you can go to the hospital with their little armed guards.
That's coming up and a lot more.
Then we'll get back to Dino and everybody else who's patiently holding.
Before I end this segment, I want to tell you about the Aaronizer.
Uh, that, uh, John Stadtmiller offers, and he sells at the lowest prices.
It's a 50-year-old company.
It isn't an ozone machine.
It shoots out hyperoxygen, complex oxygen molecules.
You know, oxygen's what eats holes through steel in an open field.
But your house doesn't have that in it.
Uh, you know, it's stagnant, dead air.
This pumps out good oxygen.
And it really kills germs, you name it.
They've got them, you know, from stuff that'll do a room to systems that'll do a factory two-year warranty.
The Aeronizer makes your environment healthier.
The Aeronizer unleashes the power of the thunderstorm to purify the air, making your environment cleaner and healthier.
The patented Aeron Generator creates a special electrical corona that energizes the oxygen in the air, similar to the effect of a discharge of a lightning bolt.
You know that smell after a thunderstorm?
The aeronizer simply accelerates the process nature uses to break down air pollutants, leaving the air smelling fresh and clean without using chemical fragrance or costly filters.
The aeronizer is great for removing a multitude of indoor pollutants and allergens from cooking, to pet and smoke odors, to paint fumes and toxic gases.
The aeronizer charges and changes airborne particles and precipitates, removes, from the air you breathe.
The aeronizer also destroys viruses, bacteria, molds, pollens, and fungus, making your indoor environment healthier and safer.
See, pure oxygen does that, folks.
Very corrosive to bacteria and stuff.
Give Sandra a call right now.
She's sitting there right now to take her order or to get a free catalog.
They've got great shortwave radios as well at great prices.
Give them a call, folks.
I'm here in their studio.
They're great folks.
I've co-hosted a show with John Saturdays from 1 to 4 as well.
I'll give you that number and plug this a little bit more when we get back and then get into the news.
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Folks, finishing up, as I was babbling about the Aaronizer, it really is a great system.
I have one in my house.
It removes dust, pollen, danger,
A dander and other allergens from the air removes smoke, pet, cooking, and countless other unwanted odors from the air.
I'm here in the studio right now with one running beside me.
It removes smoke and most other odors from clothes, carpets, furniture, drapes, etc.
Oxidizes chemical fumes and toxic gases produced by household products and appliances.
Folks, it goes on for page after page.
You just need to give them a call.
This is light years ahead of an ozone machine.
We were getting calls, folks, and missed the number I gave out.
Okay, let's go.
I'll tell you what, for the loaded phone lines, we'll go to your calls in a few minutes, okay?
I've got to get back into the other news that isn't WTC-related for a little while, then we'll recap everything and take your calls in the next segment.
First, we'll go to your calls, then we'll recap and play the clips again.
Critics ask, why flu shot doesn't match strain?
World Net Daily, a huge 14-page report.
This is why I like World Net Daily.
They've got a lot of neocon bush worship there.
But at the same time, they do hard-hitting reports like this one.
Mercury in vaccine found to be 250 times higher than recommended.
We already announced this months ago.
It had been in the news, here or there, but this is a detailed report.
And this is from Insight Magazine, the Washington Times.
They carry the Insight Magazine.
And we're on that daily.
I mean, what's that mean that Insight Magazine is now more hardcore than you are?
Insight Magazine reports.
Early in the 20th century, an influenza, known as the Spanish Flu, claimed the lives of an estimated 20 to 40 million people worldwide.
It has been called the pandemic of 1918-1919, one of the most devastating in recorded history, claiming more lives in the Great War of 1914-1918, World War I, and even topping the death toll of the Black Death, a bubonic plague that swept from China in 1330 across the face of France and Europe well into 1352.
Given the deadly history of the highly contagious flu virus, it comes as little surprise that governments and their public health agencies pay keen attention to influenza-like illness arising even in the most remote corners of the world, or that news organizations cover the topic with virulence rivaling that of the bug itself.
And it goes into the 2003-2004 flu season has been remarkable in that it hit earlier than in recent years and forced government health officials
You know, they announced it'd be worse than they thought.
Oh, it'll be real bad this year.
Worse than we thought, and it was, of course.
Publicly to acknowledge that the influence a vaccine produced to protect against the virus doesn't protect against the strain of flu making its way across the country, leaving the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to tell the public, after all, the vaccine may provide some protection or lessen the symptoms.
The operation words being used, may and some.
After CDC spokesman has said that the vaccine doesn't offer foolproof protection, what may and some and foolproof mean in this context apparently is different to divine as it is for health officials accurately to predict the influence of strains circulating from year to year.
The identification of the virus that is the target of the inoculation
We're good to go!
of the Food and Drug Administration meet to discuss the ambient cases.
Usually, by May of each year, they vote on the strain of influenza virus from which to formulate the year's vaccine.
Some years the advisory committee picks the right virus and sometimes, like this year, its guess is wrong.
Again, it's a long 14-page article, but then it gets into the H3N2 strain.
It doesn't even protect you.
Why are they telling people to go out and take it?
And then they discovered
That the vaccine, my friends, has 250 times the safe level of mercury than even the regular dangerous vaccines that have mercury in it.
And they're asking themselves, why is this happening?
Why are they doing this?
How can it be 250 times safe levels in one shot?
Usually you've got to take three or four shots, and if you're a small baby, it overloads you with mercury.
And it'll be 37, 39 times, and by your second round, hundreds of times over the safe level.
One shot, 250 times safe level, and the article goes over that, and the CDC admits it, and when they ask him about it, why is the flu shot, it's not just this flu shot, it's the last few flu shots, why is it so high in thimerosal?
And the CDC won't say why, they just say, well, this level is toxic and anything else, but we're saying it's safe here.
And they've tested all these kids that have the autism,
And they always, always find elevated levels of mercury in the brain.
So, when we get back, I will read some of those quotes.
And then I want to get into Walmart and having its employees as prisoners.
And more on the cloning and a few other articles.
And then we'll go to Dino and Brock and Ian and John and Dan and everybody else.
We've got 30 minutes left.
We'll come back, take some calls, cover this news, and then do a recap of the owner of the World Trade Center saying they blew up Building 7 that afternoon.
A demolition of the building.
We'll be back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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It makes me wonder if the U.S.
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Hey Doris, great news!
I now own my own home, free and clear, and I did it in less than five months.
Did you receive an inheritance?
Well no, actually I found a way to eliminate my mortgage without bankruptcy and without the need of going to court.
And you too can do this legally, lawfully, ethically, and morally.
But Jim, I signed a note promising to pay back the loan.
Isn't it wrong even if I could discharge the loan?
Doris, I felt the same way, until I took the time to learn the truth about money and banking.
The most shocking thing I learned is the fact that no real money is ever loaned out.
There's a dirty secret that the banks don't want you to know.
And this is the basis of how I was able to discharge my own mortgage.
I know this is hard to believe, but go to the website to learn more.
Doris, get your pin and find out how many Americans are finding financial freedom by having their mortgages eliminated in less than five months.
Go to www.eliminatemortgages.com slash liberty.
Just the way it sounds and there's an S after mortgage.
It's www.eliminatemortgages.com slash liberty.
Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
The ring of fire.
Listen to this insane comment by the CDC.
They admit that there's 250 times the safe level of mercury
in the modern flu vaccine, despite the fact that that level isn't even needed as a preservative.
They could use a lot less.
Why is that, people are asking.
The CDC website also states, based on guidelines established by the FDA, the EPA, and the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, no child will receive excessive mercury from childhood vaccines regardless of whether or not their flu shot contains thimerosal as a preservative, close quote.
That's like saying, if I shoot you in the head with a .45 Magnum, regardless of the fact that your brains splatter all over the wall, and your heart stops beating, and they put you in a pine box in the ground, you will not die from me shooting you in the head with a .45 Magnum 15 times.
I mean, it's just more double-think.
It's just, it's insane!
And they go on to admit, well, it's not really going to protect you, this year's flu shot.
Very, very interesting.
Let me go over this article.
I mentioned it, but I didn't detail it, and then we'll go to your calls.
Walmart attacked for locking in overnight workers at its stores.
Now, a year ago, it came out, there have been several stories on this, mainstream, that if you break your back on a forklift, if you break your arm, you cut your finger off, they do not, there's security in there, at night and in the big distribution centers, but the stores as well, they don't let you leave, they walk over to you.
They've even had people before who were knocked out
And they've held him for hours.
Folks, this is documented!
You're a prisoner!
Well, yeah, they run 700 slave camps, according to the Wall Street Journal, in China alone.
I mean, what do you expect?
And I tell you, those employees... I never go to Walmart.
I haven't been to Walmart in about a year.
And all the stores were closed.
I need a ball cap, because I wear a ball cap when I go to the gym to keep the sweat out of my eyes.
And plus, people don't recognize me from the TV show and I get a workout in.
And I went to Walmart the other night, okay?
And I'm not going back.
Again, it's like a Baptist sneaking in a liquor store and seeing their buddy from church when they walk out.
That's what I felt like.
I saw people that knew me.
And, uh, they say, don't come here!
I run in, get my ball cap.
This old lady just groveled to me at the checkout lane and how thankful she was to work at Walmart and all this stuff.
And it's just sick, folks.
And all those Made in America signs when nothing's made in America.
I mean, you can't find stuff made in America there.
It's all doublespeak.
You know, they got the big signs up with the American flags, but nowhere is it made in America.
Walmart is so evil, folks.
Walmart... I mean, I bought a hat from a slave camp.
It said made in Mexico, but the hats I wanted were made in China.
I had to look.
There were two areas in the store that had ball caps, by the way, and I had to keep searching around.
I ended up having to go to the sporting goods area and found a hat.
So I hope they enjoy my Remington hat now.
That was not made in China.
The point is, it's just sick, folks.
Walmart, believed to be the world's largest retailer, is under fire, reportedly, for locking in overnight workers at many of its stores, sometimes to the detriment of their own safety.
The New York Times reported yesterday a number of cases in which employees were allegedly prevented from leaving a store when they were injured.
Unwell, or in some cases, in Florida, when a hurricane struck the area.
Yeah, they said you can't leave, you gotta stay here.
Michael Rodriguez, who works at a Walmart store in Texas,
Waited an hour for college to free him from beneath fallen machinery as they search for a key said, it isn't right!
And you have been bleeding to death and they have you locked in.
Folks, I've read the articles on air, again, Associated Press, you name it, over a year ago, where people have broken bones.
People are bleeding to death and they have the manager come and say, sign this waiver.
Which is total racketeering, folks.
That is criminal.
Walmart officials said a lock-in policy operated in some stores had come from up to 15 years.
Oh, so we've had black slaves for a hundred, so it's okay.
I love how they do that.
But they said the stores were either in high-crime areas or at risk for shrinkage, a euphemism for theft by employees.
Nonetheless, the latest charges can only tarnish Walmart's image and strengthen its reputation as a company that combines sophisticated 21st century retailing techniques and 19th century style treatment of its employees.
With 2,002 sales of $245 billion and employing more than 1.2 million people, Slave Mart, Death Mart, has grown from a small shop in Bentonville, northern Arkansas, to a global retail empire with over 4,500 outlets.
These days, however, it is increasingly seen less as an American corporate legend and more of as a pacesetter for the heartless new version of American capitalism.
It's not capitalism.
It's command and control.
They run off slave camps, folks.
In the past few years, the group has been embroiled in controversies ranging from complaints about poor pay and skimpy health care coverage for junior employees to allegations that it does not pay low-level workers for an extra hour in lieu of time off.
I worked for two months one summer when I was 16.
Or was it 17?
I think it was 17.
At a Walmart.
Yeah, and then when I was 18, I worked in a golf course.
It's all confused.
I worked in auto parts.
And my cousin worked at another auto parts store, so I thought it wouldn't be bad.
You know, they had machinery to pull down the batteries and do everything.
They'd pull up with a truck, and they'd have me climb up the back of the truck with these leaky batteries.
They were bad batteries.
The battery acid would get on me.
That's finally why I quit.
And they had me loaded in a shopping cart.
And I was in great shape, folks.
Somebody wasn't in great shape to be dead doing this.
I mean, I moved just masses of those.
I'd have to go load them in the racks, you know, climb up on a wooden ladder and put tires up in the racks.
I mean, it was just crazy.
And, uh,
The manager, one of the main reasons I quit, sort of pressuring me to stay a few hours to clock off and stay.
Hey, clock off and sweep.
And folks, this is like 14 years ago, 13 years ago.
So imagine, and that's been the news.
Type in, you know, Walmart sued over practice of forcing employees to work off clock.
That's what they do, folks.
I mean, it's just sick.
So you can go in and say $2.
Two dollars on a, you know, bucket of popcorn or whatever garbage you're buying.
And I'm a hypocrite, too.
I needed a hat.
I can't stand not having a baseball cap.
I only wear it when I go work out.
Couldn't find my baseball cap.
And so I went to Death Mart.
I'm evil, too.
We'll go back to news in a minute and recap the top stories.
But right now, let's go to Dino in Wisconsin.
Dino, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good afternoon, AJ.
How are you?
Good, sir.
Well, it's been a while.
I haven't been calling in, but I've been following some of your stuff on the website, so I just have a couple things and a question.
Sure, what's up?
You know, I don't think the economy is that hot out there, because I'm sitting here without a job now for about, what's going on, two years, sir?
Well, they don't count people who are off the rolls as unemployed.
So as everybody goes off the rolls, they say stuff's better, but the bankruptcies are up, and the foreclosures, and the corporate and private debt, but don't worry about that.
The stock market's at $10,500.
Don't worry if the dollar's down by 42%.
Well, you know what?
The thing that really gets under my skin, and I've had it with these guys, I'm talking about Bush and all of his comrades, now we're going to spend 50 billion bucks on one moonshot,
Well, I said he was out of a job.
It's very frustrating, friend.
Very frustrating to see these kind of people blow money.
They have no sense of reality, what's going on in the private sector.
It's unbelievable, sir.
I read your email on the Patriot 2 Act.
I printed it off last week.
That is amazing, Alex.
That Patriot 2 Act is one of the most tyrannical things I have ever read.
That's being
That's law in America!
You know, I secretly arrest you for suspicion of committing any misdemeanor, and they can secretly execute you.
That's your freedom.
No more Fourth Amendment, no more nothing.
But it's just for terrorists.
The definition of terrorism is all misdemeanors.
Section 802 of the First Patriot Act.
You know, it's beyond words that this is not being
Most Christians in America don't even know it's going on.
Rush Limbaugh says it's okay if the borders are wide open.
A little gun control is okay.
Hey, what are you, a liberal?
Here's the problem, Alex.
People are under mass deception.
I want to say a name, or you've probably heard of the guy.
They'd rather go out and read a book by Tim LaHaye, which is straight-out Bible fiction, instead of reading these laws.
I have Christian friends, and I appreciate the call.
Good points, sir.
I'm sorry I'm out of work.
I have Christian friends.
Who fought Bill Clinton with me.
Helped me expose Bill Clinton.
They are now totally possessed by the Antichrist spirit.
That's a good term for it.
They giggle about microchips.
They giggle about all the prisons.
They giggle about loss of liberty.
They say, this is our time.
You know, Bush has got to be tough.
We've got to beat the liberals.
And we're going to be raptured soon.
We're going to be raptured soon.
Were they raptured out of Nazi Germany?
Were they raptured out of Africa when the U.N.
was killing them back in 94?
You know, my whole point is we have a charge.
We have a duty to fight evil.
I mean, I've used the analogy.
If I saw five thugs with big butcher knives attacking an old lady across the street, and I didn't have any weapon, I would instantly surge forward to attack them.
And I'm not talking about how tough I am.
I'm just an instinctive, real person.
And, you know, I've done stuff like that, frankly.
I don't talk about it on air.
But, you know, that's what I do.
Somebody starts attacking an innocent, I attack them.
And it's real simple.
And I've found that fighting the info war is more effective than being physical, so that's what I do at this time.
But, I mean, most people would count the cost, or run back in their house, and do nothing for the old lady.
We hear about stories about a young woman in Canada, on a major busy street, beaten and raped by a lead pipe in a coma.
And she sat there for six hours, and while an executive laughed at her naked body out the window and told his employees not to call the police, because it would distract them from their telecommunications job, people just walked by by the hundreds.
There was a naked woman laid there.
In big cities like Chicago and New York, routinely somebody's stabbed in the street for hours.
Two years ago, a cop got hit in the middle of the road down the street from my house, and it said he laid there for 45 minutes until another officer drove by.
Just let a cop lay there in the road.
He died, by the way!
From haemorrhaging his brain.
They said he could have saved him if they had got him to the hospital.
I mean, we're a bunch of sicko demons.
I'm just telling you right now.
I'm weak-minded, too.
I went to Walmart, folks.
We've got to stop it or we're going to hell, folks.
Here on Earth.
You don't have to wait to go to the real place.
It'll be right here for you.
Let's talk to Brock in Canada.
Go ahead, Brock.
Hello, Alec.
I wanted to ask you a couple of things, at least.
First of all, what do you make of
You know, Bush pumping going to the moon again.
I think it's, there's obviously an agenda behind there.
I'm not too smart enough to see, but I instinctively don't like it.
I'm all for raw research, exploration, think it's great.
The truth is money doesn't even matter.
If you have a free market economy, people will simply create bigger businesses and institutions and ideas and inventions.
And money is just the currency to smooth the wheels of commerce.
We don't have a free market system.
We have a fascistic system that communizes our wealth, transfers it to the military-industrial complex.
And the tens of billions they want to spend going back to the moon and Mars will be used, not as a political distraction, but most of that funding will go into black budget programs, militarizing space, so a huge space platform can particle beam with radiation, whoever they don't like, and you die that day of, you know, cancer.
And also, I wanted to ask, can you see upcoming in the next couple of years, say, the genocide treaties enforced, where Christians are hauled away to the court in the Hague?
Yes, they're already doing that.
They're already setting that up.
The Supreme Court says they're going to follow it.
Criticize any group according to your religion, and you will be arrested.
When do you foresee the reality of this taking place?
Will they shut people out?
Pennsylvania already passed a law that if a preacher reads from the Old Testament criticizing homosexuality, they can be held civilly and criminally liable.
And then, so the big denominations put out letters to their church saying, don't do this anymore, and they go, okay, part of my free country, thanks for the call.
So that's, uh, it's happening.
It's how much of this will we put up with?
Uh, let's talk, and even if you, you know, agree with homosexuality, I think it's a great thing.
Don't you agree with the First Amendment, that somebody should be able to criticize it?
No, they say.
No, they say.
Okay, well, your free speech is going to get stopped, too, when you try to go protest Bush.
And it is.
It is me.
And that's wrong.
Uh, let's, uh, go ahead and, uh, talk to, uh,
Ian in Canada.
Ian, go ahead.
Alex, how long is it going to take to put a spike to the heart of this suggestion that jet fuel burned the steel?
Point one, everybody knows that those big black clouds of smoke with the red burning centers that blew out the side of the buildings was 99% of the jet fuel being blown out by sheer inertia.
Point two,
That jet fuel burns at 1,200 degrees.
Point 3, the World Trade Center 7 was never hit by a plane, but imploded, and now the owner says they imploded it.
Yeah, well the ones that were hit by planes, they were, that jet fuel, of course it burns at 1,200 degrees, but only within the contained high-pressure, high-heat environment of a jet engine.
And Colonel Jim Donaldson references
According to Flight 800, he said that the CIA's argument that the central fuel tank blew up.
He said he could hold a Weber barbecue in one of those six-foot fuel tanks.
Yeah, they stuck matches in the video into jet fuel.
It's designed not to explode.
Anybody who owns a wood stove knows that you can't ignite a three-inch log, even with a blowtorch, out in the free air.
You need to put it in that high-heat contained environment of the stove.
It's a completely phony argument.
Everything you see on the tapes, black smoke, very little of it once the explosion... Well, now we got the owners saying they blew up World Trade Center 7.
Great points.
Thanks for the call.
John in Colorado.
Last caller, because I want to re-air these clips and go back over WTC7.
Go ahead, John.
Well, how about the owners of the buildings?
You just said the owner.
Uh, and the insurance companies.
If they're insurance companies, aren't they interested in knowing the truth?
Again, it's all owned.
It's the military-industrial complex.
These insurance companies, uh, got federal bailouts.
The airlines, uh, got paid, uh, what was it?
Twenty-five billion dollars.
That was enough for those airlines to run all their flights with no one on them.
I think they said for like six years.
But then they declare all the layoffs and lay people off.
It's all a big payoff, sir.
So they're all a part of the insurance companies then?
Yes, the whole thing, sir.
The whole thing.
The insurance companies are owned by the big banks, that own the media, that own the defense contractors, that founded the CIA, that run the whole system.
That was my question.
Thank you.
Thank you.
I appreciate the call.
And we've got evidence of that.
We can go over that from top to bottom.
There have been tens of billions of dollars paid out just in New York alone.
In fact, that Red Cross money, half of it ever went to the people.
A bunch of it went to gun control groups.
It didn't go to the firefighters.
And then it went into, you know, other funds.
And the federal government collected money and didn't give it to people.
They tell them, waive all your rights to sue.
The airlines, the city, the government.
Sign a nondisclosure agreement.
You won't talk about it.
We'll give you 1.3 million.
And hundreds and hundreds of families have said, no, we're not taking your pay off.
We think you did it.
Most of the families, 400 families are represented by Stanley Hilton.
There's a bunch of other class action suits.
But you'll never see them on television.
We interview them here on this show on a routine basis.
People ask, well, how are you still alive doing this?
Because there's tens of thousands of websites.
There's hundreds of talk show hosts.
There are people in and out of government.
There are people all over the place telling the truth.
There's too many of us.
They're going to do is launch a major biological event or radiological event, try to smokescreen all this out, and then escalate the police state further.
9-11 was only the primer to get us prepared for this.
We'll air the Silverstein comments about destroying the building and other clips when we get back and recap the WTC story.
Stay with us.
Stay the course.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and family to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
The Road to Tyranny is already sending shockwaves through Washington and across the United States.
You absolutely must see this DVD.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terrorism, the police state and homeland security, the nightmare UN population control programs, the cashless society control grid, satellite tracking and viable microchips, and much, much more.
Bottom line, this film is waking people up.
Order your copy on VHS or DVD today, and man the guns in the info war.
Order right now by calling 1-888-2533-139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or order online at infowars.com or infowars.net.
Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.
We listened.
You asked for an elevated base so the system could be used in places beside on the edge of a counter.
We listened.
You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during power outages.
We listened.
After 9-11, you asked us to develop a filter that was more powerful in removing chemical agents.
We listened.
Introducing the Berkey Light, the gravity filter requested by America, designed by Americans, and made in America.
Get the Berkey Light, the American water filter, for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll-free, triple 8, 803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
This has been a great show today.
I'm going to rebroadcast it tonight from 9 to midnight central on your local AM or FM dial.
Or simulcasting on Global Shortwave at 5.085 or 6890.
Or the internet at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You can listen there as well.
Please tell everybody about the show today.
Tell them it's in the night, 9 to midnight, or from 1 to 4 p.m.
when it re-airs again.
Because everybody needs to know the truth about this, and geometrically, if you tell others and they tell others, the Globalists cannot, cannot stop us from exposing them.
They count on us being ignorant.
They count on us not being involved.
They count on us not being informed about history and what they're up to.
Before I play these final clips and go back over the WTC7 being imploded by the Globalists,
Uh, comments.
If you really want to wake people up, my videos are the way to do it.
I've made 10 films.
The latest film is Matrix of Evil.
The film before that, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 Total Enslavement gets into the history of the New World Order, what it is, first 25 minutes, 2 hours 40 minutes long.
Gets into the PENAC documents.
Uh, gets in, uh, to the phoniness of the Iraq War.
Uh, gets into all of it.
Gets into Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security.
The Cashless Society control grid, the foreign troops, the government-run white slavery rings, gun control, it's all there.
You need to have these videos.
You need to have them now, folks.
You need to order them.
And it also supports this show.
Get the videos, make copies.
If you've already got them and haven't made copies and were impressed with them, make copies.
Put them on Access.
Give them to public officials.
It's a toll-free number to order the videos, or the books, or the t-shirts, or all the stuff we have at the website.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Thumbs are $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more.
My vote's $12 to sit in a tyranny.
Paul Watson's $19.95.
We offer a lot of other great stuff as well.
Exposing government-sponsored terrorism.
That is so important.
Here is the owner of the WTC in his PBS documentary talking about how they evacuated Building 7 that day and then how they decided to pull it, that is, demolish it.
Go ahead and hit that clip.
World Trade Center 7 had always been considered the starting point for rebuilding.
Located north of the slurry wall, seven had been cleared faster than the rest of the site.
And there had been no bodies to recover.
Pelted by debris when the north tower collapsed, seven burned until late afternoon, allowing occupants to evacuate to safety.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life, and this is what it's going to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
Now, play the Dan Rather clip.
Here's the Dan Rather clip.
This is Dan Rather, seconds after it collapsed.
Go ahead.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, pick your word.
For the third time today, it's reminiscent of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
All right, folks.
Out of time for this show.
We'll cover this more tomorrow.
A lot of new developments being posted at PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central.
We'll also be on for two hours.
With Jeff Rentsch on his national show tonight.
I found out Jeff's been trying to contact me for months to get me on the show on other issues.
That's one of the emails I missed.
I'm sorry for that.
To all the folks running the show, the sponsors, the affiliates, the listeners, number one, God, number one, listeners, number two, thank you all, and please spread the word about this broadcast and expose the terrorists before they go to the next level of terror, and then it is to war in the streets.
God bless.
Through the years of providing water filters to America, you've come to us and we've listened.
You asked us to make the water level visible to eliminate the guesswork when refilling the water.
We listened.
You asked for an elevated base so the system could be used in places beside on the edge of a counter.
We listened.
You asked us to develop a filter that was made in the USA.
We listened.
You asked us to include an emergency light for camping and during power outages.
We listened.
After 9-11, you asked us to develop a filter that was more powerful in removing chemical agents.
We listened.
Introducing the Berkey Light, the gravity filter requested by America, designed by Americans, and made in America.
Get the Berkey Light, the American water filter, for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
That's toll free, triple 8, 803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.