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Name: 20040119_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 19, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
You had better strap yourselves in.
Very important broadcast lined up for you on this 19th day of the year 2004.
It is Monday, January 19th, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
Those of us that have researched September 11th know that they used demolitions on World Trade Center Tower 7.
A 47-story building.
It fell faster than gravity would allow a bowling ball to fall from 47 stories.
The building caught on fire later that afternoon.
Everyone evacuated and then it exploded just like one of those hotels in Las Vegas, Nevada.
That's where they built the Y2K command bunker in 99.
The CIA, the FBI were in the building that morning.
They had offices there.
Rudolph Giuliani was there that morning and he admitted in an ABC News interview that he was called right before the building caught on fire and told to get out of the building.
Just a calm public announcement that someone called him and said get out of the building.
A PBS documentary aired last year
No one seemed to pay attention to it until this weekend.
It's posted on PrisonPlanet.com and Infowars.com right now.
We're going to be airing these clips later in this hour.
And my friends, the owner of the World Trade Center Complex says that the building had been burning for hours and so
We got the call and we went ahead and pulled it, pulled the building and watched it collapse.
Pulling a building is what demolition companies call controlled explosions, controlled demolition.
My friends, this is nothing short than amazing.
It's bigger than the Associated Press articles where the CIA admitted last year that, oh yeah, we were running a drill on 9-11 of flying jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
That's why NORAD stood down.
It's bigger than...
All right, folks.
We're back.
That seems to happen now at the first of the show.
And it is not the equipment.
Continuing here from Austin, Texas, hooked under the great folks in Minnesota, the Genesis Network, I'm Alex Jones.
As I was saying, World Trade Center 7, a 47-story building, collapsed that afternoon at, what, about 4.30 Eastern.
It collapsed, and everyone watching it said it looked like a controlled demolition.
Explosions were seen rippling down the sides of it.
It fell faster than a bowling ball can fall from 47 stories.
How does that happen?
Because lower floors were turned into dust instantly, shortening the fall and causing the collapse internally throughout the structure.
Exactly what you see in Las Vegas when they blow buildings up.
And my friends,
Silverstein, and boy, the stuff surrounding this guy is nothing short than very revealing.
The guy who bought the towers right before they collapsed, who put a multi-billion dollar insurance policy on them, who has all these different New World Order ties.
The building's half empty, the rest of it.
He came out in a television interview and said, we decided, when it was on fire, to pull it.
Then we watched it collapse.
Pulling a building is the term used inside the industry of demolition.
We'll be back folks.
We're going to go into this in detail and a lot more.
Stay with us.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Again, my friends, thanks for joining us.
It is the 19th day of 2004 on this Monday.
At Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com we have the audio clips off of a PBS special
Where the owner of the World Trade Center Complex, Mr. Silverstein, talks about the controlled demolition of WTC7, using the industry term for demolition, of pulling the building.
He talks about how the building was on fire, and how he got the call, and they pulled the building, and then watched it collapse.
Now, the New York State Geological Survey and the federal monitors at the federal office and at the local university picked up the classical signature of controlled demolition.
In fact, they teach this at major universities because they have so many pieces of data and numbers and studies from other controlled demolitions around the country.
WTC7 pulled by Silverstein.
PBS documentary Silverstein raised WTC7 in a stunning and belated development concerning the attacks.
Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC7
My friends, we have had the phone company out to look at my end of the connection on the digital lines to Minnesota.
They've looked at them there.
And I've had multiple experts in there looking at this.
This is not the lines.
This is 90% chance of being done on purpose.
Every time I bring up a major development on this show now, this starts happening and I have to get in the vehicle and go to the backup studio 30 miles from me.
And if that has to happen, it will happen.
Because this information is so important.
From Nazareth he came with the right techniques to bring a revolution.
Alright, as I was saying, because this information is so vital, we are going to have to go to rebroadcast.
I'm gonna get in the car, and I will be with you before the end of this hour, and we'll see if they start sabotaging that studio.
Again, this never happens, and now it's happening because we're going over WTC7.
And we're going to play these clips.
We're going to go through all of it.
In fact, we're going to go ahead and stay connected here until the end of this segment.
And then we're going to go to an interview from last week.
And then I will be with you for the second two hours.
And we're going to go over WTC7.
And Mark up there at the studio is asking what we should air in its place.
I tell you what, call my producer and ask her of a good interview I did last week, Mark.
Perhaps Glenn Spencer or something.
He came on at the half hour point in the first hour of a show last week.
I don't have the date in front of me.
We'll talk about the open border situation.
And then we will get into the WTC pulled out.
We're good.
Lord knows where we'd be when it comes to heroes, when it means a fight.
All right, folks.
Every time I say WTC pulled by Silverstein, we are disconnected.
We're going to get this information out.
Stay with us.
Call your friends and family.
Tell them to tune in.
And we'll be back.
Here's some nice Steve Voss music for you.
We're going to rebroadcast, and then we'll be back with the audio clips of WTC7 being pulled by Silverstein.
Again, being pulled.
Wait until you hear this.
In fact, Mark, how about we just go ahead and play those clips now, back-to-back, while you're getting another song and rebroadcast ready.
You want to go ahead and do that, my friend?
We'll go ahead and do that.
And again, folks, this is not paranoia on my part.
We have had... British Media was here one time, and we actually caught them sabotaging what we were doing.
Somebody walked up and cut the line off the side of the studio before.
While I was on air, we saw the white van speeding away.
And I hope I don't, you know, get whacked over this, but everybody's talking about it.
They're not going to stop us.
They're not going to stop us.
Do you understand?
No matter what you do, if I have to, I'll get a frequency extender and go off phone line.
Bottom line.
It's driving me up a wall.
And again, this has been diagnosed by
Eight different people from the phone company.
There is nothing wrong with it.
We're being disconnected purposely.
Because they don't want you to hear this.
Now, there's two clips here.
These are from the PBS documentary, How We Rebuild.
And we'll go ahead and play these clips.
Hit it, Mark.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander.
Telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
Okay, there's longer clips there.
Let's go ahead and play the next clip.
Okay, you can hear the full clips at InfoWars.com or PresidentPlanet.com.
We're going to go ahead and go to a song, and when I get back on, we're going to play the entire clips for you, ladies and gentlemen.
So, please, again, stay with us, and go ahead and tag us out with... I think that song, Revolution, is fitting, Mark.
So, go ahead and hit that for folks, and we'll be back.
Again, this stuff never happens, but it's been happening the last three weeks.
As we get closer on the heels of the New World Order, stay with us, folks.
Wake up, boys, there's a light at the window.
I can hear someone knocking on the door.
There are voices in the street and the sound of running feet.
And they whisper the word, evolution.
There are men coming down from the valley.
There are tall ships flying off the coast And they carry the light in the dark of the night Like a whisper in the wind Revolution!
Bring my gun and a handful of silver By the sea we will gather for the fight
It's been so many years So many tears We have lost once before Now we'll settle the score When our cannons will roar Revolution!
We're good to go.
Let us march the road of the rocky hills tonight Under cover of the darkness we will slip behind the lines And we will take the men who have stolen our land For the ills of domination get them right between our eyes
We're good to go.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Again, let me boil this down.
There have been laws that if there's going to be a weapons contract, or a welfare contract, or a construction contract, you have to give it to American companies.
But then most of our companies became international and built their divisions in Europe or Latin America or Asia, and so they've changed all those laws.
And now,
Most of the states, when you call for your welfare check, this was on 60 Minutes last night, I had read articles about this, most of them, the calls go to India.
You're calling
About your welfare check, or your social security, whatever, and you're talking to somebody who can barely speak English, and they showed it on television last night, who are reading off scripts.
They're taught how to sound more Western off simple scripts.
I help you.
So your computer's not working well.
Well, let me try to go through this with you.
It's all staged.
And I've been on the phone with these people, and they'll sound okay at first, and after five minutes of trying to fix a computer problem,
They're cutting out into, you know, Hindu or whatever.
And I won't be too mean to them, I'll just say, get me an American.
Excuse me, sir, we are here to help.
Get me somebody who understands me.
Transfer me now.
And they will transfer you, and they will transfer you to a call center in the U.S.
So it's simple.
We all start demanding to talk to a call center in the U.S.
We refuse to talk to somebody who is obviously not from this country.
Understand, folks, we pay taxes, they build a big government, and then we don't even get to work for the government.
Now, it goes to a foreign country.
That should be illegal.
Now, let's go back to Maggie.
Maggie, go ahead.
Oh, you just taught me a few things, Alex.
When I last called Sony for some help, I could actually hear the person typing on his own keyboard and bringing up the same pages of the same guidebook that I had failed to understand.
But getting back to Dell though quickly, the idea of an international corporation like Dell even responding to a complaint
Well, they're phasing them out.
We're at the crossroads of biometrics, the crossroads of RFID, the crossroads of the surveillance grid.
We're at the crossroads of the police state.
We're at the crossroads of electronic voting.
We've got a chance to boycott all this and back it off.
But this is a small window of opportunity and many times when I call customer service on an issue and I'm talking to somebody in India
I demand that they transfer me to a call center in the U.S.
every time they do it.
So what they're doing is what you just mentioned.
For corporate customers and others, they've still got people that know what they're talking about here, and you will get transferred back to the United States.
Oh, okay.
One more thing, quickly.
I remember when Dell first announced with pride that they were going to
I don't
Well, regardless, if a private company wants to do that, it's a free country.
But we should not buy their products, we should demand better service.
But, when the government does it, no, you keep the money here in America.
Hey, thanks for the call.
And folks, I've been mentioning this a lot lately because it's something that's kind of, I've known about it for years, but I never really talk about it.
There are two different federal laws.
And why do you think it's foreigners that own all the gas stations?
All the hotels?
Because citizens, whether you're black or white or hispanic or whatever, you can't compete against them.
Why can't you compete?
It's not because they're so hardworking.
I mean, folks, listen, talk about discrimination.
I mean, I know how blacks feel when only whites own the big businesses.
I've never seen a hotel that wasn't owned by Indians.
And this is in the last 10 years.
And I'm not against Indians.
My point is, how can they do that?
Well, because they're as hardworking and as smart as Americans, but on top of it, they get 7 to 10 years of no income tax.
That's 30-40% bigger profit, investment.
No one can compete against that.
No one can compete in prices against that.
Do you understand?
Why did the government do that?
It shows what they think of citizens.
Why would the government give foreigners the incentive to come here and get no taxes for seven to ten years, depending on what federal program they follow?
Why, why, why?
No one's addressed that.
We know why.
To get rid of the middle class.
Alright, Spencer and Chris and Dan and Richard and others, your calls are coming up as well as Paul Watson and a big news blitz.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Switching gears here.
Alex Jones is on via cell phone.
Evidently, Alex, there is something going on with your ISDN line.
You keep wanting to play a clip and, well, your ISDN keeps cutting out.
Absolutely, John.
And it's a major, major news story.
Hidden in plain view a few months ago, a major PBS production talked to Mr. Silverstein, the owner.
He bought it right before the collapse and took out a record insurance policy on the WTC for $7 billion.
He also got a federal payout.
And here's this guy talking about, well, Building 7 was on fire, so for everybody's safety, we got to the fire department and we decided to go ahead and pull.
We're good to go.
But three years ago, when I was exposing Bohemian Grove, and the British media was in Austin, we were going over this, breaking the story.
After infiltration, the line would go down, and the phone company would come out and go, there's no problem.
Then we caught someone at the phone company in the big phone company box down the street from the studio manipulating it.
We had the British media hide out and catch him.
Right when I went on air going in and deactivating it, we pulled up to him and confronted him with a video camera.
He jumped in his car and pulled off.
The phone company said the guy didn't even work for the phone company when I gave them the identification numbers off the vehicle.
Then two days later, the line got cut.
I ran outside to catch the phone company down the street at the box for the digital line.
And guess what?
Someone had cut with a knife the line on the side of the studio and was screeching off in an unmarked white van!
Well, now that stuff has started up yet again, and this time it's because we're trying to bring out this WTC7 information, John.
We've had a lot of questions about WTC7.
The 47-story building that wasn't hit by an aircraft wasn't on fire.
Caught fire at about 2 o'clock this afternoon and a couple hours later collapsed.
Faster than a bowling ball can fall from 47 stories.
The federal government and the state government picked up multiple explosions, the classical signature of demolitions.
And now we have Silverstein on PBS calmly saying, well yeah, the building was on fire, so be safe.
We decided to quote, pull it.
Pullit is the industry term for controlled demolition.
Oh, and guess what?
That's the name of the company that later blew up the rest of the wreckage of the other buildings.
The name of that company is Controlled Demolition.
And Controlled Demolition is the company that a few weeks after the Oklahoma City bombing in 95 blew up the evidence, had the wreckage taken to a landfill, buried under 30 feet of liquid concrete, and has armed WACAC guards with MP5 submachine guns guarding it to this day.
Well, Alex, you're on your way to my studios right now.
Your cell connection is patchy.
What's your ETA here?
My ETA is about 10-15 minutes.
John, you go ahead and take it over, and I will be there.
God bless.
Call back, try to reconnect better.
This has been quite a day, and this cell phone never does this either, but who knows what's going on.
I'll see you in a few.
All right.
Alex Jones will be resuming his program from my studios.
Here in a few minutes.
This has happened on occasion before.
And it's really kind of nebulous.
I mean, you can catch these people doing this.
And the phone companies will claim that, well, they're not employees of ours.
But ladies and gentlemen, it's the phone companies themselves that are allowing, you know, who's the owner here of the phone companies?
Who's the owner of the internets?
Who is the big information providers that, well, they just conveniently, they'll pull down websites, IPs, do whatever they can to suppress truth?
You know, this really is an informational war.
I'm glad that Alex named his website InfoWars.com because this is an informational war.
And there have been people that have been trying to express this over the years.
One of the people I've had on my program, John Kaminsky, I'll have him up again on my program.
And it's who's trying to control the media here, ladies and gentlemen.
You know, we know that the Council on Foreign Relations, that's the sister to the roundtables in England.
They knew that they needed to have the voice here.
They knew they had to have the controlled media voice here in this country to perpetrate the propaganda.
We have caught federal agencies in CNN headquarters, their offices down in Atlanta.
This is being carefully crafted and scripted.
This is why this is so important that programs such as Alex's remain on the air.
And it's more important that you support those stations that Alex is on, that I am on, that the other fine hosts on Genesis are on.
Because we're not the clear channel.
We're not the infinity out there.
And these people are being controlled, as well as the programming being controlled,
You know, I'd like to have Alex instead of maybe Rush Limbaugh on 600 and some odd stations around this country.
Maybe we could put a real heat under these people's backsides.
But it is controlled, and I have absolutely no doubt whatsoever that they're cutting the guy's ISDN line.
And again, take a look at who controls that media, and then you'll find out who is playing on tap dancing, so to speak, on the capstone.
Alex has been doing this for a number of years, as well as I. The truth will stand of its own merit.
What these people are afraid of, they're afraid of the truth.
And then simply put, this is an informational war.
I want my country back.
I consider this country to be the greatest Disneyland that has ever been created.
We were blessed in this land.
As long as we were doing things correctly, hey, it continued to roll.
Now that we're in there with the harlots, the scribes, the Pharisees, the
I don't know the devil's advocate, and we're in there doing battle with them.
It doesn't surprise me that these sorts of things happen.
And, you know, there's been startling revelations, even about the 95 OK City bomb conspiracy.
You know, Timothy McVeigh, he was the Grand Poobah here.
He was the evil militia guy that on April 19, 1995, decided, you know, that that was enough.
It was time for retaliation.
I've got no doubt in my mind that Timmy McVeigh was one of their own people.
If you take a look at this, and I want you to think about this ladies and gentlemen, to what do people gain by blowing stuff up?
That's the tool to the other side.
That's the tool that you're selling here for global dominance, total information awareness, total information gathering.
The very same people that are hoisting these exercises to claim that they're legitimized by going and taking all these extraordinary measures and controls.
Think about this, folks.
Any legitimate, and especially here in the United States, there is starting to be more and more talk about domestic terrorists here in this country.
But we're not talking about Abe or somebody from a foreign country.
No, we're talking about white people here in this country, or members of organizations.
And it doesn't serve anybody's purposes here for the restoration of this great republic to run around and blow things up.
So I want you to be aware, and you'll see this probably happening in the near future, that any groups out there that really have sway and have the ability to make opinion, to coalesce and to gel people together in a common front against this tyranny, you're going to see more and more of these people accused of, well, maybe they were sending money to Al Qaeda.
Ladies and gentlemen,
As has happened to me, this talk show host, John Stapler, what has happened to me, and I've watched this as a progression over the years, they've got me down as a domestic terrorist.
A radio talk show host that wants nothing better than peace, sanctity, and security amongst their own people, our people, that want the rule of law, not the rule of men in this country, but the real rule of law, is on the government hit list as being a terrorist.
I kid you not.
You know, I've talked about this several times in my own program.
I'm sure Alex has talked about this on his.
That I have documentation that, by the way, that was given to me by Dixon Cannon, this is the guy that they just slammed Duncan up here in Fort Worth, Texas, for supposedly breaking the law on the income tax issue.
Well, this guy handed me a document that came from the Massachusetts State Police.
This was an inter-office memo that had to be sent to all the state troopers.
And on this list of the people that
Well, they just needed to be watched during routine stops.
And, you know, during these roadside interviews.
You know, do you have any guns or weapons or contraband or illegal stuff in your car?
Now, it's to the point that they're saying that, well, we've got to test these people to see what their political mindset is.
And they were dropping my name, listening to radio talk shows.
I've caught the FBI doing this.
Interviewing people being arrested, or at least run up on in their house, gang style, you know, kicking in doors, MP5s.
They would ask, well, do you know this John Stanton of a character?
So, Alex, I understand you're back.
Yes, sir, John, and I'm driving along listening to you on the local FM.
Again, this weekend I was just chomping at the bit Saturday night when I learned of this PBS special, and I even ordered the videotape from PBS.
We have on the website how you do that.
A major PBS production
We're good to go.
And say this type of stuff.
Why did Mayor Willie Brown of San Francisco say, Connalisa Rice told me not to fly to New York that morning?
She called him and told him not to fly the night before.
The National Security Advisor, Connalisa Rice.
Why did they admit that, well, the insider trading went back to the CIA?
Why did the Associated Press come out and say last year, okay, it's true, the CIA was running a drill,
Central Intelligence Agency was running a drill that morning of flying hijacked jets into landmarks in Manhattan and D.C.
Well, they had to get out ahead of the story because Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, had deposed military officers who said that we were ordered by Dick Cheney on loudspeakers in the bunkers at NORAD and other areas, this is ABC News by the way, to stand down.
And we report that two weeks before and then two weeks later it comes out in the news, the Associated Press, yeah, yeah, we were running a drill that morning and that's why NORAD stood down.
They try to announce this
To do damage control in case anybody ever leaks it.
They can say, oh yeah, that's no big deal.
We already told you that we brought that building down.
All these huge smoking guns and red flags right out in the open, John.
And Alex, you have done a marvelous job with your DVD, your video, your DVD, 9-1-1, Road to Tyranny.
That asked these important questions.
Now, they tried to rig the 9-11 Prior Knowledge Board.
They tried to put their own ringer in, Henry Kissinger.
There was so much fear about that that he begged out and said, well, there might be a conflict of interest.
Now, we're supposedly led to believe that in a couple of months, in May, the 9-11 Commission Board will release the information that they've gathered about prior knowledge on 9-11.
Do you believe this?
John, everybody on that board is a globalist, and the Associated Press, again, the Associated Press and the Washington Post on Friday came out with articles that are posted at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We covered it Saturday on Real Talk Radio, the show I co-host with you from 1 to 4 p.m.
Central, that two of the members have, quote, secretly testified in the hearings because, quote, they were involved in the 9-11 tragedy.
And literally, sitting here in my truck, I have those articles right here in my hand.
And so we'll have to go over that in the next hour.
And again, in the next hour, we're going to play both these clips.
They are posted on InfoWars.com and on PrisonPlanet.com, where Silverstein comes right out, the owner of the WPC, end quote, the controller of the complex, and says, yeah, we ordered
Well, and Alex, the questions that we have, and there's so much evidence here, on the World Trade Center 7.
The Pentagon, that supposedly a large commercial aircraft hit the Pentagon.
There's so many of these questions that have been going on.
What about the lawsuit here that was recently filed in New York, where a bunch of people are saying, well look, we've had 3,000 people here die in New York City, and they're trying lawsuits to try to pull the truth out.
Absolutely, and one of those is a Stanley Hilton suit with 400 of the victims' families.
And, John, remember the Dan Rather clip?
In fact, I left that on CD at the studio.
I'm going to play it today for my studio, and of course, and all the hysteria forgot it, but I'll play it tomorrow.
Dan Rather, I played it a dozen times, probably more than, probably 20 times, where Dan Rather, right as Building 7 collapsed, goes, wow, that reminds me of controlled demolitions where they use well-placed dynamite.
I mean, and of course that clip is in Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
I know Paul Watson's listening, perhaps Paul Watson from his studio, and perhaps next hour we can play that as well.
But this is just some of the information, John, and for everybody out there, you've got to look at 9-1-1.
At PrisonPlanet.com we have over 500
News articles, documents, transcripts, audio clips, video clips, and no one can look at that and not say that the government didn't carry out September 11th.
That is the criminal elements that are inside the government controlling things.
This is the reality.
And there's no way to look at it and not come away with that.
The German technology minister resigned a year ago and said, I'm resigning to expose 9-11.
And he wrote a best-selling book saying only the U.S.
government could carry out this attack.
Michael Mecher, the number three minister in Tony Blair's government last year, resigned, wrote a big eight-page editorial for London Guardian saying if the globalists didn't carry out 9-11, then they certainly allowed it to happen and funded and financed it.
And then he went into the PNAC documents, where they said, we need another helpful event like Pearl Harbor, which Ron Paul talked about in his neo-constitution.
Well, he went to the quotes of the neocons, people in the Bush administration saying, we need massive terrorist attacks to have a hundred year war and get the people behind this war for global domination.
We have the Northwoods document, official U.S.
government document, the call for hijacking jets by remote control, crashing people, bombing D.C., bombing ships, killing Marines, using U.S.
Army, blaming it on foreign countries.
We have the program.
It's now come out, mainstream news, CNN, you name it, the last week that, okay, we're right about the USS Liberty.
It was on purpose to be blamed on Egypt.
You know, we have a government that will attack its own ship to try to blame it on its foreign enemies.
John, I am arriving at the studio.
You take it over, my friend, and God bless you and thanks for being there.
Folks, stay with us.
Join us next hour.
Call everybody you know and tell them to tune in now.
John, take it over.
All right, thanks.
And folks, you don't understand who these PNAC people are.
These are the Project for the New American Century.
These are the very same characters, the Donald Rumsfelds, the Paul Wuppelwitzes.
These are the people that already drew up the plans under Bill Clinton's administration.
Evidently, Bill had enough baggage.
He couldn't pull this off.
He didn't have enough credibility.
What we needed was the son of a former president, George Herbert Walker Bush.
We needed George Bush in office to allow this to happen.
Folks, prior knowledge issue is very, very important here, because if we're correct, and that the government knew about the hijackings, allowed them to happen, allowed these buildings to blow up, the Pentagon to be attacked, this is the exposure that could blow the PNAC people, the globalists inside their country, of their agenda, blow them right out of the water, and congratulations, we start to get Disneyland back here.
That's what this country is, folks, Disneyland.
I want to play again.
I don't want to pay anymore.
We'll be right back.
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Alright folks, what a circus here.
Again, it is Monday, the 19th day of January in 04.
PBS documentary Silverstein raised WTC7 in a stunning and belated development concerning the attacks of 9-11.
Larry Silverstein, the controller of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the New York government
decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Brothers building or WTC 7 late in the afternoon of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
This admission appeared in a PBS documentary originally aired in September of 2002 entitled, America Rebuilds, and again it re-aired in late 2003.
Mr. Silverstein's comments came after FEMA and the Society of Civil Engineers conducted an extensive and costly investigation into the curious collapse of WTC-7.
The study specifically concluded that the building had collapsed as a result of an inferno within a steel building, a modern building had never done that, folks.
Three did it on that day.
Sparking, apparently, by debris falling from the crumbling North Tower.
Though, the fire didn't catch for, what, six, seven hours after.
In the documentary, Silverstein makes the following statement.
I remember getting a call from the ER Fire Department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire and I said, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it and they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
This can be heard at the audio files at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Thanks to
And then again, some other websites have it posted.
You can get it at PBS Home Video, ISBN 0-7806-4006-3.
It's available from shops.pbs.org forward slash products forward slash A-R-E-B-9-O-1 forward slash dot hyphen.
Folks, again,
This aired on national television and hidden in plain view.
And I want to go ahead and air this clip with Silverstein first.
I just read the quote, but here is Silverstein on national television saying this.
Go ahead and hit it.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe this is the smartest thing to do as a poet.
And they made that decision to pull, and then we watched the building collapse.
And then they show the building collapsing.
Folks, did you just hear what Silverstein said?
I want to go ahead and air that again for people.
I read the quote, we played the quote.
This is from PBS.
And again, hidden in plain view, it's like that London Guardian article and a Reuters article from a week after September 11, 2001, where George Bush Sr.
admitted, oh yeah, that morning I was meeting on the East Coast, it was there in D.C., with the head of the Bin Laden family for breakfast.
Or, two years after, okay, it's true, we flew 144 members of the Bin Laden family out to safety.
That just came out last year.
We've been reporting it since day one on this show.
Go ahead and hit that clip again of Silverstein.
Here it is, Roger.
I was getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe this is the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.
Now, I have talked to Stanley Hilton and others, and I mean off-air and on-air.
Two interviews with Hilton that made international headlines.
Bob Dole's former Chief of Staff.
One of the things he said was, of course, they were running a so-called CIA drill of planes flying into those buildings that morning.
That's how NORAD stood down.
NORAD's full of patriots, folks.
They had to manipulate them.
He also talked about, and some of my other insight sources, and firefighters that won't come on the air because they've been death-threatened, have talked about the fact that the excuse to blow up all the buildings was, oh, they're going to burn and catch fire, let's go ahead and blow them up.
And the firefighters didn't ask why are there explosives that take days to set up in all these.
But here's Silverstein, the owner, the controller, saying that.
We're going to air it again and again when we get back, and we'll take your calls and talk about it.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
If you want to respond to WTC owner
Federal Government, FEMA, Fire Department demolished WTC7.
Now, we already knew this because the seismograph, state and federal, picked up the explosions.
Copies of that were released.
It was in the New York Daily News about a year and a half ago.
When the story came out, it turned out the Feds had seized it and declared national security.
Also, firefighters told members of the press, People Magazine, you name it, in the week after 9-11 that, yes, there was controlled demolitions in the buildings.
We could look at them and see that.
The WTC7
Let me see, that happened at 8.30 in the morning, WTC caught fire at about 3, fell at about 4.45, so hours and hours and hours and hours later, 6-7 hours later, it catches fire, Rudolph Giuliani admits he quote, got a call, this was again on ABC News, on TV, it's always in live interviews they slip up,
Got a call and was told to evacuate the building.
You see, they had the CIA, FBI, former Y2K command bunker there on the third floor of the building.
But we just aired that clip.
We're going to be airing it again.
WTC owner demolished WTC 7 to, quote, save lives while the building's on fire.
It could catch other buildings on fire.
Let's go ahead and pull it.
Well, if that's the case, why isn't this a bigger issue?
The average person doesn't know that they demolished that building, and what I have from inside sources, I've been reporting this for two years and what, three or four months, from inside sources, is that they had bombs in all of those buildings.
They'd also had drills, bombing drills a week before, that they never had there at the complex, where the entire buildings, 7, 1 and 2, and others, were all evacuated.
Also, former Deputy Director of the FBI, John O'Neill, died supposedly in the building.
His first day at work, being hired there, was September 11, 2001.
Just start adding all these nexus points together.
Again, PBS documentary Silverstein raised WTC.
And here's the quote.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
And I said, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull and we watched the building collapse.
And again, we have these audio clips at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and some mirror site links that also have the audio from this video posted.
And a lot of folks already have this video in their hands.
We have ordered it.
And, uh, it's just incredible.
And again, this has aired twice on PBS.
First aired in 2000, then aired a few months ago again, and that's when this story got caught.
Can we air the Silverstein quote again?
It's better, more important than myself just reading the quote.
Stephanie, go ahead and hit that clip again for us.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull it.
And then we watched the building collapse.
And then they show the video of it collapsing in 3.2 seconds.
Faster than a bowling ball can fall from 47 stories.
Folks, you can see the explosions going off down the side of the building.
Again, it's in Police State 3, total enslavement.
And it's in Masters of Terror.
In fact, police state three total enslavement ends with Dan Rather saying, look at that, it looks like buildings you see that are destroyed with well-placed dino-mite.
Well, yeah, try C4.
And we've got Putin blowing up buildings to blame it on his enemies, we've got the British doing it, we've got the Philippines doing it.
We have whole sections on this at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're going to go ahead and come back and get more into this news, some of the other top stories.
We're going to take your calls, and then later in this hour we're going to be joined by Paul Joseph Watson, who's on every Monday for 30 minutes, and of course John Stattmiller to get his response to this.
So stay with us, 800-259-9231.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2, Central.
Back from 9 to midnight, Central.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
PBS documentary Silverstein and the Fire Department of New York City raised WTC 7.
Now again, we've always asked, how do a building that wasn't hit by an aircraft, hit by any falling debris, didn't catch fire for, I don't know, from the time of the collapse of the buildings at 9 o'clock in the morning until 3.30 in the afternoon, then it catches fire and collapses an hour later, small fires,
And then you have the owner of the WTC, and boy there's a lot of dirt there.
He buys it a few months before, takes out record insurance on it, billions of dollars of insurance on it.
And then you look at the 9-11 whitewash commission with the people on the commission who were intimately involved in September 11th.
Again, this is the Washington Post now and the Associated Press reporting on this.
There's just so many facets of 9-11.
I know we have loaded phone lines and we'll get to Eric and Keith and George and Jim and Kurt and others here in just a few minutes.
But here's another clip from the PBS documentary.
We'll go ahead and play the clip that we haven't gotten to yet.
Go ahead and hit that.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction had leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull building 6.
We have to be very careful how we demolish building 6.
You're worried about the building six coming down and then damaging the slurry wall, so you wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
I remember getting a call from the fire department.
All right, hit pause right there, because we're playing clips back to back now.
Now understand, this is an hour-long documentary on PBS called Rebuilding, and they tell you how
Months later, they demolished some of the buildings that were still standing, that were only slightly damaged.
Remember that?
And then Silverstein, the owner, goes back to the day of 9-11 and talks about the building being on fire.
Remember building 7, 47-story building?
Wasn't on fire until later that afternoon.
Everybody evacuates.
Rudolph Giuliani, where they have the Federal Command Center with the state and city, admits, I got a call, told to leave.
It catches on fire right after he leaves.
And then an hour later collapses with a tiny fire burning in some of the bottom floors.
Never before happened to a steel building.
But the reason that first clip is important is it has government officials on there talking about pulling buildings, meaning demolishing buildings.
Go research the word pulling a building.
That's what they call it in Las Vegas or Detroit or wherever when they demolish a building.
It's called pulling a building.
So they're talking about months later in December
Pulling some of the other buildings that had not collapsed.
Then Silverstein talks about how they pulled Building 7 on September 11th.
Now we looked at the video.
It was controlled demolition.
It was controlled.
It was exploding.
It was dropping faster than a bowling ball.
So let's play both those clips back-to-back.
Go ahead and start those over for me.
This is very important.
Play the clip where they're talking about pulling the other buildings, that is demolishing them later.
And then Silverstein, the second clip, saying, yeah, we pulled it on September 11th.
Go ahead.
Here it is, folks.
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction has leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull building 6.
We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the slurry wall, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.
Now folks, I want you to understand something here.
We're talking about Building 7 on September 11th, in the late afternoon, collapsing.
Demolition style.
We already had the witnesses inside government telling us that they had pulled all the buildings and firefighters have been asking the question, well how did you get the explosives in there to pull the buildings if you didn't know the attacks were going to take place?
It takes days to pull one of these buildings, to set up the explosives properly.
In fact, I've watched Discovery Channel specials where it shows Las Vegas hotels about one out of ten that they destroy.
They spend days setting up explosives and it doesn't fall.
Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom
How did they put explosives in a building that was on fire in the bottom floors?
How did they pull it?
And again, this building was federalized in early 1999 as the Y2K Command Center for the entire state of New York and the city of New York, and Giuliani's office was in there, on the floor, with the CIA and the FBI.
Now that's admitted!
Just type in FBICI Command Center in Building 7 into a search engine.
Dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of mainstream articles will pop up going back four years, five years now.
So just look at this.
Look at this.
This is amazing.
Do you understand what I'm saying here?
We have
The fire department talking about controlled demolition and how we pulled buildings in December.
Buildings 4 and 5.
And then we cut to Silverstein going, yeah, building 7.
We decided to pull building 7 because it was on fire that day and we'd already had such a loss of life.
How'd you get explosives in there, buddy?
Then the feds grabbed the seismograph reports, federal and state, and declared national security on them.
By the way, they grabbed all the videotapes from local buildings and declared national security on it.
They claim that all of the radios of the fire department failed in Tower 2.
They claim that all the radios failed.
Well, then it came out in New York Daily News, and I talked months before that with the firefighters before it even came out about a year and a half ago.
They said, oh yeah, there were bombs in there and our radios didn't malfunction.
Well, I can't come on the air.
I gotta go, Mr. Jones.
I think?
And then, of course, that was being monitored by the Feds, then the explosives go off, killing them.
And then, of course, they grab those transmission tapes, the emergency transmission tapes, because that's all recorded, the fire department transmissions, and say, oh, all the radios in that tower malfunctioned, the others didn't.
What are we going to do in New York to get better radios for our firefighters?
Why do you think the firefighters ran into the building when everybody else was running out?
Because they weren't stupid.
They knew that a steel building, modern steel building, had never collapsed.
Back in the eighties, remember that Chicago fire?
When a big hotel burned for two days, didn't collapse.
Fire shooting out of every floor.
There have been many of these.
Never collapsed.
In this day, you have three of them do it.
Three of them do it symmetrically.
Falling faster than gravity allows.
That's because whole bottom floors and mid floors were pulverized and turned into dust
So, thus, there was not as much of a fall.
The things just collapsed and were atomized into that white dust.
Not smoke, but white dust you saw shooting out everywhere.
So, I hope you're thinking for yourselves out there, and I hope you're seeing the big picture here, because this is such smoking gun evidence right out in the open.
And we'll talk more about it.
Eric in Connecticut.
First caller, go ahead, sir.
Alex, thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
This is nothing less than another bombshell, over two years after you blew the whistle on July 25th of 2001.
Basically, predicting this event.
Yes, I did get on the radio and I said, call the White House, they're going to use Bin Laden as Apache to attack New York, probably the World Trade Center, to have an excuse for war and a takeover.
Because I've been reading PNAC documents and looking at the Globalist on TV bragging about the police state that was coming.
I never before said, call the White House, but I did this time and I did it show after show, yeah.
Yep, and you've called it.
I have a DVD, Alex, entitled 9-11, where the Naudette brothers were filming at Church and Esplanade in New York City to cover a propane leak.
At least that's the story, that they were there to cover a propane leak.
During the filming, a jet's whine is heard overhead, and I'm a mechanical engineer.
I've studied some of these matters.
I've studied some of the matters of flight, and the jet's whine that you hear
It's just that, it's a whining sound, which is usually characteristic of a supersonic flight.
Most planes, large jumbo jets, it's more of a rumbling sound.
The camera pans up to the aircraft, which, and I've examined this and re-examined it, it doesn't look like a 767, Alex.
I know, those photos have been released and it is confirmed one of the jets had some type of bizarre belly pod.
Attached to it, and I've talked to airline pilots and others.
They've looked at it.
They say that's on no aircraft of that design they know of.
So these things have been retrofitted.
That's the thing about 9-11.
It's just all such a giant fraud.
But let me go back to this.
Eric, what do you have to say about Silverstein saying, we pulled the building, we demolished the building?
Well, he's saying, Alex, that he demolished Building 7.
I'm waiting for his admission, and I doubt it will ever come, that he pulled Buildings 1 and 2.
But how can they just calmly announce this and then it's no big deal?
We have to see the show.
We have to point out what he did in plain view.
Guys like the neocons, Alex Rush and Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity, they're covering for these people with giant smoke screens.
And they've got the public bamboozled.
I hear you.
More calls coming up.
Everybody stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
It is January 19, 2004.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can read the news articles about the owner,
I think?
And he says, oh yeah, on 9-11 the building had caught fire, Building 7, we'd lost so many lives already, so I made the decision to pull the building.
Then we play a clip of the fire department talking about, with controlled demolition, later pulling Buildings 4 and 5 in December, meaning pulling means demolition.
Why did they do this right out in the open?
Oh yeah, we told public officials not to fly.
Oh yeah, the CIA was doing insider trading.
Oh yeah, the CIA was doing drills that morning of flying hijacked jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
That's why NORAD stood down, but it's all just coincidental and an accident.
This subject must be addressed.
ABC News, CBS, Fox, all the talk shows, everybody should be talking about this.
I'm going to play the clips again in the next segment.
I hope everybody will call your friends and family, your neighbors, pull up next to a car, you know, at the red light and say, tune into the local radio station, whether it's right here in Austin, Texas or Rhode Island or Pensacola, Florida or Kansas City or Denver, Colorado.
Albuquerque, New Mexico, wherever you're listening, get this done, folks.
Keith in Rhode Island, you're on the air.
I mean, Keith, is that not an amazing revelation we just covered?
Well, I think Alex, you and I are going to have some disagreement about that.
Now, sometimes I listen to you and I cannot decide whether you are a deep cover, government disinformation specialist, or just an ignorant rube.
Now, you're talking about this Building 7, and I don't think you know anything about how the World Trade Center was designed, because if you did, it wouldn't be so quick to make up these fantasies.
About, uh, the collapse of Building 7.
Well, let me stop you.
You can use words like fantasy and stuff.
This has been picked up by the news.
He did say that that day they pulled Building 7, and pull means demolition, and the building clearly was demolished.
We've been saying that for over two years, and I've made that claim and backed it up in three documentaries.
So, exactly what are you saying?
Other than using words like fantasy, what have you got to... and words like rube, what do you have to back up your claims, Keith?
Well, actually, it's your callers who believe you.
They're the rubes.
Okay, just keep using the ad hominem attack, just a name calling.
Don't have any facts.
I have a fact.
I absolutely have facts.
Okay, go ahead.
Alright, in the building, apparently you didn't know this, but in the basement of building 7, there was a huge electrical substation, which
I don't know.
I have photographs of Building 7 on fire.
You can plainly see large... Well, I never said that it wasn't on fire.
I said a steel building, a modern steel building, has never collapsed.
Firefighter Engineering, the oldest firefighter association and magazine publication in the country, said that there's a massive cover-up and that it's a crime to underguard, cut up the remains, and ship it to China for smelting.
And on top of that, the firefighters said that there were explosives.
This is all on record.
So what are you saying?
Are you saying that Silverstein didn't say that they pulled Building 7 to stop the fires from spreading?
Or are you saying, well, it's really a good thing they did?
The point is, why haven't they admitted this?
Why are they just saying it in one interview and then leaving it there?
And why hasn't more been made of it?
It was Building 6 that they were referring to.
The tattered remnants of Building 6 had to be pulled down in December of 2001 in order to help clean up the site.
We played the clip about building 4 and 5.
You just heard them say 4 and 5, not 6.
And everybody saw them pull down those buildings several months later.
He's talking about that day with the fire.
There wasn't a fire in December.
Are you saying there was a fire in building 4 and 5 in December?
A huge underground fire.
You just said building 6.
Which one is it?
They all had to be pulled out.
Sir, you don't know what you're talking about.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate the call.
Folks, did you just hear that?
No facts, no information, doesn't even know what buildings he's talking about, and he calls in and injects this.
This is so amazing.
And I guess I'm a rube, too, for reporting that Mayor Willie Brown was told not to fly to New York that day.
I guess I'm a rube to say they flew out 144 members of the Bin Laden family.
I guess I'm a rube for reporting that MSNBC and Pensacola News Journal said that the hijackers were trained at Pensacola Naval Air Station.
What about the BBC reporting that 9 of the 19 hijackers are still alive?
That was an amazing call.
You are something else.
Now, we're going to come back and go to George and Jim and Kurt and others that are patiently holding.
If you've got any comments on that, folks, 1-800-259-9231.
I mean, there's no point of even continuing with that guy.
You know, there's a massive fire in Building 6 and, uh, we, uh, we, uh, and I go, wait, it's Building 4 and 5 is what they said.
They blew those buildings up later.
We're talking about Building 7.
It was on fire that day.
Unbelievable, folks.
Absolutely unbelievable to hear that.
Any way to distract you from the reality.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
In a PBS documentary, the owner and controller of the World Trade Center Complex admits that on the day of 9-11, Building 7 was on fire, and that they, quote, didn't want any more loss of life, so they pulled the building.
And to prove what the term pulled means, we played a clip where they talk about months later, they demolished Buildings 4 and 5.
And that last caller was sitting there talking about building six again.
We have the geological survey saying that there were explosions.
We have the firefighters saying there were bombs.
We have all of this, and Eric Huffman gets into that in his video, I get into it, and police state three total enslavement.
We've got Paul Watson on with us.
We're going to go to your calls here in just a few minutes, George and Jim and Kurt and Joe and others.
Paul Watson, hearing that, what amazing spin!
Well, yeah, the call basically said that, first of all, the emergency generators in Building 7 caused the collapse.
Well, the actual official FEMA report on the collapse stated, quote, the specifics of the fires in World Trade Center 7 and how they caused the building to collapse remain unknown at this time.
And on top of that,
They also concluded that the emergency generators that the caller was talking about had nothing to do with the collapse.
They were fully intact because they had fireproofing around them.
So, FEMA in their own report stated that.
And secondly, the caller said that Silverstein was referring to pulling the building and talking about building six.
He thought Silverstein was talking about building six months after 9-11.
And so, why in the background of the PBS documentary do we have police sirens going off and Silverstein talking about pulling the building to prevent further loss of life?
He's talking about Building 7 on the day of the attack.
Well, that's admitted in the PBS documentary, but you see denial at any cost.
Now, that guy probably is the Fed.
He accused me of being.
I've noticed when they do that, we've had some interesting activities today surrounding this major announcement here on air.
He comes on and says, you're a plant, you're a Rube, you're all this, and then just puts out a bunch of disinfo.
What did Dan Rather have to say on that day, Paul?
Well, we can go ahead and play that clip right now.
This is Dan Rather, folks, on the day of the event.
Seconds after it collapses, they play the tape again, and this is...
Dan Rather's comment.
Got that, Paul?
Here we go, folks.
Again, what you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
I'll tell you what, Paul, I think you had the audio up too high on that.
Back off a little on the audio and let's play that again here in just a few minutes as soon as you can get that cued back up.
Paul, just commenting on this again for those that just joined us, I want Stephanie to go ahead and play the Silverstein clip again.
And again, this is accompanied by images of Building 7.
This is how we know he's talking about Building 7.
Because the video has Building 7 collapsing in the background, and you'll hear the audio of that as Silverstein talks about it, with the other towers smoking and police vehicles and fire vehicles racing around.
That's the images there, and then it shows the building collapsing.
And obviously here on radio,
This is incredible.
I mean, just the amount of denial from that guy.
Stephanie, go ahead and play that clip of Silverstein, the owner.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such a terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull.
Then we watched the building collapse.
Watch the building collapse and showing WTC falling.
Paul, do you have that Dan Rather clip ready again?
Yeah, we can hit it right now with the volume down a little.
Yeah, let's go ahead and hit that.
Here we go, folks.
Here's Dan Rather.
Seconds after it collapses.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Describe that.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible, that you were.
For the third time today, in reminiscence of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
Now that clip is in Police State 3, folks, and it shows the building collapsing symmetrically, and Dan rather saying that.
Then we have the seismographs, we have the firefighters,
You know, amazing, as Dan Rather said, the firefighter engineering.
Why don't you talk about what they said about the cover-up and how a steel building had never done this in history.
Go ahead, Paul.
Well yeah, I mean, we've talked for two years about why Building 7 collapsed when they had just two small office fires on the 7th and 12th floors, which basically sprinkler systems could have been put out.
On top of that, why the need to bring down Building 7 when, if you look at the maps, it was almost completely shielded from the Twin Towers by Buildings 5 and 6?
And as you mentioned earlier,
Ben Fountain, a financial analyst who worked in the World Trade Center complex, told People magazine that in the weeks before 9-11 there were numerous unannounced and unusual drills where sections of the entire World Trade Center complex were evacuated for, quote, security reasons.
And this was obviously the perfect opportunity to place those explosives, which obviously would have took days and weeks of placing them correctly and not hours in which we're meant to believe.
Now, Rudolph Giuliani also said, and that's where he had his command bunker there with the CIA and FBI, this is admitted, he was told, got an anonymous call to evacuate, then the fire starts on three different floors and then suddenly it collapses, Paul.
And on top of that we've got
Van Romero, the Vice President at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, coming out the day after September 11th and saying that the collapse of both towers and the World Trade Center complex was too methodical and that explosive devices were placed.
Then, a week later, he comes out and mysteriously changes his mind after reportedly getting threatened.
The top three designers of the World Trade Center, and this is all documented, it came out in the Associated Press, that coming out the day after the attack, saying that they thought bombs brought down the towers, and again, as with Van Romero, a week later, they suddenly changed their minds.
Well, I wonder what Keith and other callers would say.
Is he saying we don't have video of Building 7 falling, and Dan Rather saying it looks like well-placed dynamite?
I mean, the level of denial, it's like saying there's not a New World Order here.
It's just incredible.
Well, I mean, it's the classic method, just throw out name-calling out there and don't have any facts to back up any kind of premise that you're trying to make.
On top of all this, Lou Cacioli, as you mentioned, he told People magazine that there were bombs going off all around him.
I called the guy at home and he started crying, saying, I love my country, Mr. Jones, but I can't talk to you.
And also, Neil Tyson, the head of the New York Planetary Society, was saying that there were bombs going off all around him.
He was there at the time, so... And there was some unknown voice, which they admit was from the command center of Building 7 across the street, in both the towers, after a second planet hit, yelling at people to stay at their desk.
And there were CEOs running around with bullhorns saying, get out of here, get out of here!
Then the firefighters run into the buildings, and they told people, because buildings never collapse, the fires were under control, the firefighters reported on their transmission tapes, it's also in New York Daily News, the tapes feds had said didn't exist, then it got leaked, and they said, okay, national security, that the fires were going out on the 70th through the 80th floors.
Yeah, that was also in the New York Times.
The quote was, two small pockets of fire, and this was in the South Tower, you know, basically seconds before it collapsed.
I mean, I'm going to throw all this together, including the video, the audio, and do a massive report on it tonight.
I don't know.
Well, this only happens on key issues.
And again, we've caught them cutting the wires on the side of the office.
We have caught people that don't work for the phone company in the phone box.
And then my dad, who's a local doctor, was talking to one of his patients who's high-level, let's say mid-level, for the phone company.
And he told them, yeah, there's a memo out that if anybody calls from Alex Jones's office to direct it to this special phone number,
So, it's amazing.
I don't even know what to say anymore.
Paul, let's take some calls.
George in Texas.
George, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
I attended the gun show on Saturday here in Austin, and I bought some more of your videos, and I also bought Eric Huffsmith's Painful Deception DVD, and he went into this whole thing in detail.
And there was no electrical fire in the basement of World Trade Center building number 7.
Right, and that's the question I was calling on originally.
I'm an electrical engineer and I can say with certainty
That unless there was major incompetence in the design of the building, which I doubt, because a whole platoon of professional engineers would have looked at the wiring and the design of all the Trade Center facilities.
Wiring has never brought a modern building down.
Again, they've had hotel fires that burn for days.
The Firefighter Engineering publication says it's a fraud.
And it is a fraud.
An electrical problem in Building 1 or Building 2
But not have possibly caused an electrical fire in the basement of World Trade Center number seven.
But you just heard Paul read from the FEMA report, which he's going to put up, which we posted in the past.
It's posted in the archive and on the main page.
Paul, I also want to take this whole discussion and these interviews, this second hour, and I want to post that as a supplement as well.
Can we do that?
Yes, certainly.
Tonight I'll get that all put up.
And then folks, it's up to you tomorrow to email everybody you know and get this out.
Right now, we have the clips up there on the site for you and a basic article about it at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Had a lot of engineers calling in.
Speaking of engineers, I have a friend, Jimmy Wright.
He's the brother-in-law of one of my good friends, Kevin Booth.
And they have a ranch out in Fredericksburg that I've visited quite a few times.
And they're out there at the ranch, but Jimmy works in New York.
He works at the World Financial Center.
He's actually an international banker.
Low level, but he works big deals in acquisitions.
He has a full engineering architecture degree.
I had him on my show at 11 a.m.
sharp on 9-11.
That's archive at GCNlive.com at the archive section.
I had Jimmy Wright on and he said, I've never seen such a perfect controlled demolition in my life.
And I think you can also find that interview, Paul, and post that in there as well.
Another engineer saying as he was next door, he was in the complex.
Paul Watson, any comments?
Well, yeah.
I mean, Nicole was talking about the electrical generators.
The bottom line is this.
And this is the bombshell proof of a cover-up.
Why would FEMA do a report on how the building collapsed if you have Silverstein on the day of the attack admitting that they pulled it down?
Why, for example, were all the photographers that are around the World Trade Center, why did they have their film confiscated and why were they told to leave the area?
And why did FEMA, within two days, start arresting people even with $5 snapshot film cameras?
Yeah, I mean, this brings more credence to the report, which some people have dismissed, that FEMA were on the ground on the night of September 10th, which came out just after the attack.
Well, the regional head of FEMA said, oh yeah, I came into town the night before and got ready for the disaster.
Folks said, oh, well, that was just a slip of the tongue.
Let's not focus on that.
Yeah, so this whole thing lends more credence to that as well.
Look, we have Silverstein saying they pulled the building.
Oh, it's incredible.
I just wanted to let you know that the Pearl Harbor documents have been reclassified because of the uproar created by their
Yeah, I saw that last week.
The confirmed, admitted letter from Roosevelt telling the military to stand down and to allow 7,000 civilians to be captured by Japanese for a month, not letting them evacuate the Philippines so they could be caught, because that would be good images in newsreels of civilians captured by the Japanese.
They would allow 7,000 people
Over half of which were killed by the Japanese.
More than the World Trade Center to be captured by the brutal Japanese just for some propaganda value in newsreels, folks.
Oh, but in 2001, they wouldn't kill 2,800 of you to get a total New World Order police state.
Thanks for the call, George.
Let's talk to Kurt in Louisiana.
Kurt, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
I got some more information for you.
If you go to Google,
You type in Live Police Scanner Broadcast and then you go down to the link Police Scanner Live Audio for many U.S.
cities and go in there and click on the Kansas City, Missouri report.
There's NYFD radio transmissions where they say twice that there were reported explosions.
Sir, there is a CNN clip where the reporter is standing about 10 blocks away and she goes, an explosion!
And dust comes shooting out the bottom seconds before it starts collapsing.
And they report that way.
You can listen to their extra transmission.
Sure, sure.
I have the governor.
I have four newscasts.
I have video of them removing the unexploded bombs from Oklahoma City.
Pieces of the building blown across the street.
The Fed's grabbing, what, 13 surveillance camera tapes from local banks and businesses declaring national security, not releasing them.
And then the local news interviews an FBI agent with his face blacked out.
And he says, well,
Well, yeah, we were told not to come into work that day, and we've seen the tape.
It's McVeigh with an Arab, but that's been seized.
I mean, that's all in 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Paul Watson comments.
You know, exploded the remainder of the Alfred P. Murrah building.
Controlled Demolitions Incorporated, the same company that cleaned up the World Trade Center site and shipped off all the steel to China before any kind of official investigation could have taken place, which was basically criminal in itself.
And the most respected firefighter organization and the oldest in the country, 160 years old, firefighter engineering, called for criminal indictments and said, why is there a cover-up?
And then not only that, what people are saying,
When there's a fire, don't you cut all the electrical lines and gas lines and stuff anyway?
Well, I mean, that's just a red herring diversion.
Hey, do me a favor, Kurt.
Will you email me at tipsandinfowars.com or email Paul that transmission tape?
Because I've heard those police tapes, but I have to find them.
Send that to me.
We'll be right back.
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From InfoWars.com, from PrisonPlanet.com, let me re-read this to you.
PBS documentary Silverstein and the Fire Department of New York City raise WTC7 in a stunning and belated development.
Concerning the attacks of 9-11, Larry Silverstein, the controller and the owner, I would add, of the destroyed WTC complex, stated plainly in a PBS documentary that he and the Fire Department of New York decided jointly to demolish the Solomon Brothers building, or WTC-7, late in the afternoon of Tuesday, September 11, 2001.
The admission appeared in a PBS documentary originally aired September of 2002 entitled America Rebuilds.
Mr. Silverstein's comments came after FEMA and the Society of Civil Engineers conducted an extensive and costly investigation into the curious collapse of WTC-7.
The study specifically concluded that the building had collapsed as a result of an inferno within, sparked apparently by debris falling from the crumbling North Tower.
The documentary Silverstein makes the following statement.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
And I said, we've had such terrible loss of life, maybe the smartest thing to do is to pull it.
And they made that decision to pull, and we watched the building collapse.
Then we play another clip where the fire department is talking about demolishing buildings, calling it pulling.
And that's the industry term.
Mr. Silverstein's comments stand in direct contradiction to the findings of the extensive FEMA report.
They even negate Kevin Spacey's narrative in the very documentary in which they appear.
WTC 7 fell after burning for seven hours.
If it had been generally known that the building was pulled, wouldn't Mr. Spacey have phrased it that way?
In the same program, a cleanup worker referred to the demolition of WTC 6.
We're getting ready to pull the building 6.
There can be little doubt as to how the word pull is being used in the context.
And that goes on the shocking contradiction hit another curious twist in the disturbing series of events surrounding the collapse of WTC7, the WTC complex in general.
Among these is the fact that in all the history of the high-rise fires, not one has ever resulted in a collapse.
On 9-11, three such anomalies were alleged to have occurred.
Those who argued that the towers were vulnerable in their top heaviness and
and uh... cannot then explain the collapse due to the fire of WTC 7 and broad base 47 story steel frame building there is also the fact that uh... most of the structures destroyed by falling debris were directly under the twin towers and none of them caught fire WTC 7 was not only a full city block away from tower one but WTC 6 stood directly between the two buildings and uh... certainly absorbed most of the damage in addition WTC 7 suffered
I think?
I think?
I think?
And we'll get into more in the next hour with Paul Watson and your calls.
And John Stapler is going to be riding shotgun with us as well.
Before I end this segment, I need to at least once in the last two hours plug my videos.
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That number, call right now folks.
Or just write to me on Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And Police State 3 gets a little bit of a World Trade Center attack at 9-11.
You know, getting into Building 7, we just focus on that.
But it's a lot of other government-sponsored terror as well.
Alright, we'll be back with the third hour.
Please stay with us.
I hope your station carries a third hour.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
We're now into the third and final hour of this Monday edition, the 19th of January, 2004.
And we're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, who's a contributor to my show, and also the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, my website.
We're going to expand on this WTC owner and New York Fire Department demolished WTC 7 in a PBS documentary.
He sits there with the building collapsing behind him as they play images of it, talking about building 7 and the controlled demolition of it, or quote, pulling the building.
Then we play other clips of
Of folks in the New York government saying, yeah, months later we then pulled other buildings.
Pulling means demolishing.
And there's so much other news here that I need to at least mention before we end this hour, but I also want to go to your calls.
People will find any way to deny what we're facing here, what's right out in the open.
Paul Watson, for those that just joined us, why don't you recap what we're talking about today?
Well, we're talking about the
It's a PBS documentary which actually aired last year but only just came to light, similar to the Bush scene in meeting with Bin Laden's brother on the morning of September 11th.
And then flying him out to safety that afternoon.
Silverstein admits that on the day of September 11th, Building 7, which was subject to a FEMA report which concluded that they didn't know why it collapsed and that the electrical generators remained intact, that that wasn't a reason for their collapse.
In light of that, Silverstein states that they decided to pull World Trade Center 7 in order, in his words, to save lives.
And this is a direct contradiction to the official government line that they didn't know what made that building collapse.
And then we also know that Building 7 did collapse.
Okay, I have a question and that is,
Is it normal practice for the owners of New York skyscrapers to keep their buildings always packed with explosives so that they can demolish them anytime they want to?
Uh, no.
I don't think that's the, uh, practice.
I wouldn't think so either.
I would think the insurance would be too much for them to afford if they did that.
So it sounds to me like this is the absolute smoking gun that absolutely proves that the American establishment did it on 9-11.
Well, what about NORAD standing down?
And then we started announcing the CIA was, quote, running a drill.
That's why they told NORAD to stand down.
And then two weeks after we bring that forward on this show, Associated Press, yeah, yeah, we were running a drill and doing that, but it's just coincidence.
I think they announced this and put it out there in one or two places in the media, so when they get caught doing it, they go, oh, yeah, it was just coincidence why we weren't hiding it.
We talked about it.
Paul, what do you think?
Well yeah, it's similar to the report which came out which stated that Atlantic City, they had two squadrons of F-17 fighters ready to intercept the planes that were heading for New York, but mysteriously they were decommissioned the day before in favor of practicing bombing runs, which obviously was pertinent with the later war in Afghanistan.
And Bush, two days before, had the launch orders on his desk,
Uh, to attack Afghanistan.
The troops were already massed.
Go ahead.
Yeah, we've already proven prior knowledge.
What this proves, on top of everything else, is one of two things.
Both direct involvement in the collapse of the buildings and official cover-ups because they're contradicting their own reports now.
The FEMA report which stated that the cause of the collapse was unknown.
They're even contradicting themselves because they've lied so often and this is another reason why it's come out that they're beginning to forget their previous lies and they've started to slip up.
And then we've also, at the same time, got the big firefighting organization saying it's all a cover-up.
Yeah, and we got the firefighter's tape saying two small pockets of fire.
Alright, we'll be back with more calls and let Joe finish up if he wants, so stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, Alex Jones here live on this Monday edition, talking to our contributor Paul Watson at theprisonplanet.com.
We've got this Silverstein story posted on both the sites.
Paul, just last week they came out and admitted in the Washington Post and their publications that two of the 9-11 whitewash commission individuals have secretly testified because they were involved in 9-11.
That's not my headline, that's the mainstream media's.
I think so.
Well, even back in 2002, I noted that the major contributors financially to the people that staffed the 9-1-1 investigative committee were basically the top contributor to a lot of those people who were supposedly investigating the attack was the Carlisle Group, as well as people like Lockheed and Boeing, you know, the very people that would go on to profit from both the war on Afghanistan and the war on Iraq.
But I mean, on top of what we've been talking about, I've just been looking at Eric Huffschmidt's book and it is clear that the firefighters were warned to stay away from Building 7 from about 4 to 5pm because we've got a photographer, Tom Franklin,
Saying that firemen evacuated the area as they prepared for the collapse of Building 7.
We were catching our breath, drinking water, when I decided to walk back towards the debris.
I would say I was about 150 yards away when I saw the firefighters raising the flags.
So between 4 and 5, the firefighters are told that Building 7 is about to collapse.
So again, that again proves what Silverstein said.
I want to play the Dan Rather clip again and then the other clips and then we'll go to Ron and Chris and Rob and John and others if you want to get involved on air.
It's 800-259-9231.
Do you have that Dan Rather clip again?
Yeah, it's ready to go.
Okay, this is Dan Rather.
Now, the building collapses because I have the live newscast.
And then about a minute after it collapses, they go, whoa, it just collapsed.
He goes, here, back that up.
Let's play that again.
And then he makes the controlled demolition, well-placed dynamite comment.
Let's go ahead and hit that again.
Here it is.
Stay with us, folks.
For this Dan Rather clip.
Go ahead.
Kind of caught Paul unawares.
Here again, what you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of a
My computer started to have problems at a very inopportune moment.
We'll cue it back up.
We've got our clips in the... We'll cue that back up, but let's go ahead.
This is all kind of impromptu, folks, with this new story coming out over the weekend.
Stephanie, are you ready with the other clips?
Okay, this is a clip with one of the local government officials on the PBS documentary talking about months after 9-11, after Building 7 and the towers went down.
This is a documentary.
Why is this clip important?
Because this is officials calling a demolition, a controlled demolition, calling it pulling the building.
Okay, so we're establishing here that this is a term used
By mid-December, the Department of Design and Construction had leveled World Trade Center buildings 4 and 5.
Oh, we're getting ready to pull Building 6.
We had to be very careful how we demolished Building 6.
We were worried about the Building 6 coming down and then damaging the slurry wall, so we wanted that particular building to fall within a certain area.
I remember getting a call from the fire department commander, telling me that they were not sure they were going to be able to contain the fire.
I said, you know, we've had such terrible loss of life.
Maybe the smartest thing to do is pull it.
And they made that decision to pull.
And then we watched the building collapse.
So we have the clip, the first clip, with them talking about pulling 4-5 and then later pulling 6.
This is months later in December.
But then we go to the clip of Silverstein talking about pulling 7 on that day, folks.
And again, just calmly announced, right out in plain view, and these stories come out, and they're just mentioned, and then there's never an investigation, we never hear a discussion of it.
And going back to this, Paul, because this is very important, we have Mayor Willie Brown saying, okay, I was told on September 11th, it was in the September 12th newspaper, an emergency release that actually came out the night of September 11th,
And then later the Feds went out and actually pulled copies of that.
That came out in the paper, but the online version stayed there.
Where Mayor Willie Brown said, I was told not to fly to New York that morning.
And then now we found out four months ago that it was Condoleezza Rice that made the phone call.
But it's not just her, it's Salman Rushdie.
The author of the Sid Hennick verses that has an Iranian fatwa or hit out on him.
He told them, I'm not allowed to fly to New York.
on American aircraft for the month of September, quote, for my safety, and the Times of London called the FAA and said, is this true?
And they said, yes, but we can't tell you why.
We have the Joint Chiefs of Staff who are planning to fly to New York, according to MSNBC, saying that they were told not to fly to New York that day for the meeting.
I mean, when you start adding all this together, then the seismographs of the explosions, then the video of the building falling, I mean, it had a small fire in it.
Paul, how important is this story?
It's the smoking gun that proves them all, basically.
I think it's, you know, the biggest smoking gun of them all.
We've also got the put options on American and United Airlines, which is speculation that the stock would go down.
We're placed in record levels the week before September 11th, while at the same time, Reuters was reporting that airline stocks were set to fly, and yet they were still placed in record levels, that stock would go down.
We've got
Half of the named hijackers still alive and the FBI admitting in Insight Magazine recently that they don't know who the hijackers were and probably will never know.
But passports at two different crash sites, New Jersey and WTC, come drifting down out of the sky.
Yeah, we've got the hijackers making sure they have their frequent flyer points booked on the airline tickets, which is... If they are, you know, going to die that day, why would they do that?
They're in strip clubs the night before getting drunk on the eve of what is supposedly... And leaving Korans.
And then leaving confessions in cars parked at the airport.
Folks, this is ridiculous.
Ron and Reno, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, I think the real smoking gun is at the Pentagon, where you can show that the government is directly involved.
Well, again, we don't have the owner of the Pentagon, which is the U.S.
government, but we don't have the head of the Pentagon saying, yeah, we decided to blow the building up that day.
We do in this case with Mr. Silverstein.
Well, you have the video showing that they lied about the plane crashing into the Pentagon.
Yeah, we have the most surveilled area in the world, and all they have is a white-hot explosive indicative of a high-yield explosive, not an aircraft.
But this is much clearer here with WTC7.
We didn't just start talking about WTC7, Paul.
Well, yeah, with the Pentagon thing, we've got the white hot explosion as it hits, which is, you know, inconsistent with a plane crash.
We've got the possible planting of evidence, because most of you listeners will know there's a picture of one tiny piece of body of the aircraft, which supposedly fits into the, you know, the American Airlines symbol.
And so,
There is nothing else apart from that on the Pentagon lawn, which is completely cleaned as well and, you know, graveled over immediately.
Just so happens to be an American Airlines symbol dropped on the ground.
Oh, here it is!
And it's miles away from anything else as well.
But, I mean, this is even more, you know, conclusive, the Building 17.
All right.
Thanks for the call, Ron.
Thanks for holding.
Appreciate that.
Let's talk to Chris in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Chris.
Thank you, Alex, for bringing this topic up.
I just got home and heard a little bit about this PBS tape.
Is this available?
Yes, it is.
We even have how you can get it on the website.
We're not selling it, but we have a link to it.
It's at the PBS online shop.
Just go to PBS and America Rebuilds, a PBS home video.
This is, to me, a real cover-up.
I wanted to ask both of you gentlemen, have there been any airline pilots or aircraft traffic controllers that have come forward and talked about this, about NORAD?
That has been in the news.
They have been put under national security gag orders.
All of the transmission tapes, not just from the planes, but with the planes to the air traffic control towers at at least five different airports.
They've declared national security on the firefighter transmission tapes, which they first claimed had all malfunctioned.
Paul, comments?
Yeah, I mean, there was a 72-hour symposium led by top military and civilian pilots under the chairmanship of Colonel Don DeGran, which met in Portugal, and this is where this came out, in one of Portugal's biggest newspapers.
They concluded that the attack was not a terrorist attack, it was a superbly executed military operation, and that the suicide hijackers that were described in the media could not possibly have carried out the attack, and even crack fighter pilots
Would have had a very difficult time carrying the attack out.
I mean, that's the top military and civilian pilots going on.
And we have the top, we also have the top German technology minister writing a best-selling book saying the military-industrial complex did it, laying out the evidence.
We have your number three British minister resigning off Blair's government and saying, I won't be part of this PNAC takeover.
If you didn't do it, then you certainly knew it happened and let it take place.
Yeah, we've got reports
I mean, both before and after September 11th, planes have gone astray and immediately been intercepted.
The only day in history where standard operating procedure was completely abolished was on September 11th.
And we have Payne Stewart, the golfer, in 15 minutes.
Within eight minutes, planes were launched.
Within 18 minutes, five of them had surrounded Payne Stewart's plane.
And they've had this remote control technology for at least 10, 20 years to be able to carry this out.
Yeah, they've flown a plane from Los Angeles to Sydney, Australia, a jumbo jet with no one on board.
And they did that in 1998.
They did it in World War II, too, folks.
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We're about to go to Rob, John, Jack, Ron, and others.
I'd also like to hear from some females today.
Some days it's all women that call.
Most days it's men.
When you hear a caller hang up, that means you can try to get in.
We'd love to hear from you.
We're going to have Paul Watson back on tomorrow.
We're going to do a big write-up on this, add more of the evidence to it, and of course research it more.
But the point is, we have Dan Rounder watching the building collapse, going, look at that, it looks like well-placed dynamite.
We have the firefighters saying they were told to back off from the building for their, quote, safety, because it was about to come down.
Just amazing stuff.
And then we have the Silverstein character on TV with the sirens and Building 7 and all this collapsing, saying we decided to pull it.
And then I was just talking to Stattmiller.
Stattmiller said, well, you know how dumb the media is.
Could it be that Silverstein is talking about 4, 5, and 6 in December and they just throw all this up there?
But then we have the FEMA clip where the head FEMA guy is there on national television the day of the event saying, yeah, we were on the ground the day before.
We were on the ground the 10th.
Paul, you want to go ahead and air that Dan Rather clip again for folks that may have missed it?
Yeah, this is Dan Rather on CBS News.
What you're seeing are high shots.
Now, here we're going to show you a videotape of the collapse itself.
Now we go to videotape the collapse of this building.
It's amazing.
Amazing, incredible.
I think you were.
For the third time today, in reminiscence of those pictures we've all seen too much on television before, when a building was deliberately destroyed by well-placed dynamite to knock it down.
That to the pile.
Let's go ahead and talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, just a couple quick points here.
Obviously, whether Silverstein's talking about 7 or claims he is or whatever, the fact is the building did go down on September 11th about 7 hours with no cause-effect relationship, direct cause-effect, you know, shockwaves or something.
It did go down.
It obviously had to have been controlled demolition.
The seismographs picked up multiple explosions.
So obviously they can't have had several days ahead of time unless it proves complicity.
That got me to thinking, and that's a 40 story tall building, building 7.
How ungodly would it be to try to sneak explosives into the trade towers
with all their floors unless they were put in when the buildings were constructed like some kind of unstable material or combustible material.
No, no, no.
They had unprecedented drills weeks before.
Paul, tell them about that.
Yeah, that came out from Ben Fountain, who was a financial analyst in the World Trade Center, told People magazine that in the weeks before the attack, there were numerous unannounced and unusual drills that had never taken place before, where everyone was ordered to evacuate certain parts of the building on different days, and that obviously gave them the opportunity.
But I mean, with the Building 7, I've got video, and I'll be putting this all in the article, which will go up tonight, of the demolitions of hotel buildings, as Alex mentioned, in places like
I don't think there's any question now that all of them were controlled demolitions.
It's obvious, you know.
Well, Paul, why don't you post the video and the stills of the little plumed explosives going off on Tower 1 and 2, the 110-story buildings, totaling 220 stories, showing those explosions going off down the side right before the collapse.
We've done stories on that.
Yeah, definite shape charges that you can see going off.
And why did the aerial towers on the World Trade Center turn to dust immediately as the building started to collapse?
Pulverized into total and complete dust.
We might even put a clip of Huffman's video there in the story.
And just absolutely amazing.
And we're going to air Silverstein's comments again.
And again, you can't see the video, folks, but hearing the audio of the building collapsing, of the fire trucks and the police sirens and all the rest of it.
We've had such a big loss of life.
We're going to go ahead and pull the building.
Thanks for the call, Rob.
And Paul, what are some of the other big smoking guns surrounding 9-11?
Well, one more thing on the explosives as well.
Obviously we had half of the victims, and this was 18 months after the attack, were completely unidentifiable.
Their bodies had been completely vaporized.
And so, I mean, why would that happen if it was just a conventional collapse?
We'll be back and
We will go to John and Jack and Ron and Dan.
And I'm going to get John Stattmiller in here on the microphone as well.
And then we'll try to hit a few of the other top stories.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright folks, more of your calls coming up here in just a few minutes.
For those that just joined us, we have been discussing PBS documentary Silverstein and the New York Fire Department raised WTC.
Now understand, these are clips
From a documentary, America Rebuilds, PBS Home Video, ISBN 0-7806-4006-3.
And the clips are online.
I have a copy being rush delivered to me as well.
We'll put that video up.
As well.
Now, the first clip, it says, in the same program, a cleanup worker referred to the demolition of WTC6.
We're getting ready to pull the Building 6.
There can be little doubt as how the word pull is being used in the context.
Now, that happened in mid-December.
And the fires, and we pulled this up, the fires were out.
They claimed there was some molten steel left down there.
That's what people couldn't, quote, get in there under Tower 1 and 2.
They claimed the fires were out three weeks after.
So understand, this isn't Silverstein talking about a building on fire in December.
He's talking about the building's on fire, we didn't want to have any more loss of life.
We talked to the fire department, so we pulled it.
And they've got the ambulances and everything going on in the background of this.
So we're going to get to the absolute bottom of this and document it.
And I've drug him in here.
I appreciate him, John Stapmiller, having me in the studio here, especially on Saturdays when we do Real Talk Radio from 1 to 4 p.m.
Of course, John Stapmiller's show is on from 2 to 6 p.m.
right here on this same network, the National Intel Report.
John, we've been talking about WTC for, what, two years and three or four months?
We were talking about it that day.
In fact, you were on the air that day.
As it was collapsing, we were asking, why did this building that wasn't on fire until a few hours before, a few little fires, we've got the video of it, collapse?
You were talking about it before September 11th.
You were the only person I know of, you're the only person that I know of, that actually warned that there was something going to be happening.
And on September 11th, we covered that.
The more information that we gathered,
And this was for the national sympathies, folks.
This was, as you said, this was the Maine, this was the Pearl Harbor, this was, you know, the invasion into Cuba, setting these people up.
Over and over and over again, we see these instances.
Now, Alex, the war in Iraq.
I don't know if these people really understand in Washington, D.C., what they're backing there in George W. Bush.
We have the evidence.
This guy had prior knowledge.
We don't know exactly if the government blew the building up.
Did they have prior knowledge of it?
Most assuredly that they did.
By culpability, that makes them just as guilty of this.
They needed this as a pretext for their invasion in Iraq.
And we have PNAC saying that in Rebuilding America's Defense's 2000 document, NewAmericanCentury.org.
You've got the members that weren't good enough to run for president, the ones that were thrown out of office.
On these various committees and boards, saying that we can use this to foment our plans for a new world order.
You've got Gary Hart saying that.
At a CFR meeting, three days after 9-11, and that's a 9-11 road turning.
And ladies and gentlemen, understand, and this is not conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy fact.
It is a conspiracy that has overthrown this country.
And these very same people that we're talking about here, Council on Foreign Relations people,
This was the organization inside the United States to help set up a world government.
Well, and there's a lot of talk that, well, you know, the United States just wants to be the new Rome, they want to strake out on their own.
What this is, is the good old boys club destroying infrastructure and destroying America, its constitutional roots, so we can meld this easier into the new world order.
Forget the phony opposition.
That's what these globalists are about.
They don't let presidents reign in the United States like George W. Bush,
Without their help.
So here we are, in the Middle East, possibly whipping up more hatred.
Now they're officially saying they are going into Syria.
They are going into Iran.
And claiming that Saddam shipped his weapons of mass destruction there.
And by the way, now it's official, they're quote, begging the UN to take over a completely and totally staged event.
Now, John, we said that on our shows.
We laid out the good cop, bad cop scenario a full year and a half.
Before they went into Iraq.
We laid it out on 9-11.
Paul Watson, we're about to go to some calls on this issue.
Comments on that?
Well, talking about the fact that the wars were pre-planned, we've also got Niaz Naik, the Pakistani Foreign Secretary, at a UN international meeting in mid-July 2001 was told by American officials that military action against Afghanistan would go ahead by the middle of October, and that was in the BBC.
So again, Bush had the plans on his desk two days before 9-11, it was all planned in advance.
Understand, we have the owner of the WTC in a CIA-FBI bunker, which they put in in 1999, across the street in the same complex, World Trade Center 7, Rudolph Giuliani.
You've got to get that article and post it in this big page you're building, Paul, at PrisonPlanet.com by tonight.
I appreciate you doing that, because this is all fragmented.
We need to put it all together.
Giuliani says, oh, I got a call and was told to get out of the building.
I left and it caught on fire.
And then a few hours later, it collapses.
And understand, people can try to spend this all they want.
We have the owner of the WTC saying, on the record, that, well, the building was on fire, we'd already had such a loss of life, that the fire department called me and we decided to pull it.
And then we have the articles, mainstream, where the firefighters are told, back off, stay away from this building between 4 and 5.
I mean, this is on the record.
The fires were out in December when they took down 4, 5, and 6.
Paul, how important is that?
I mean, this is admitted right out in the open.
Well, it's amazing.
We were talking about WT6 and how that was demolished a few months after.
World Trade Center 6 was basically a carcass, but it was still standing.
So the question is, why pull Building 7, which was even further away, a whole block away, and leave Building 6 standing?
I mean, why did they do that?
That's another question.
Well, and Paul, let me ask you this.
Now, you're sitting in England, eyeing the United States via radio programming, the internet,
Doing the work that you're doing over in England, do you think that this has the potential to not only pull down the Bush White House and expose the CIA and whoever else was involved in this operation in New York, prior knowledge or direct involvement, do you think this has the real ability to crack the globalist plans right in half?
Yeah, I mean the weight of evidence is now overwhelming and in Europe basically every best-selling book is about the fact that 9-11 was an inside job.
France, Germany, the top books there over the past two years, Von Buelow's book and Thierry Mesa, both books talk about exactly what we're talking about today.
And again, that's the German technology minister.
Let's get these calls in.
We only have time to go to John, Jack, Ron and Dan.
I'm sorry for others because I want to
Have some time to talk with John about some other key issues, and I want to really thank Paul for being here with us.
Again, I'm Alex Jones, your host, Monday through Friday, 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight.
Paul Watson is the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, and John Stadtmiller is my co-host on Saturdays from 1 to 4 for Real Talk Radio.
A great show, people love that show.
John, in Tennessee, go ahead, you're on the air.
Yeah, PBS on September the 11th, 2003 quoted an investigator confessing that jet fuel did not melt the steel and cause the collapse.
Investigator alleged it must have been burning paper because what else could it be?
But that's what melted the steel beams and caused the collapse.
Everybody knows paper burns cold.
You know, you have to inject oxygen and explosives to burn steel.
Well, also, John, on History Channel the other night, ironically, there's a story about the Empire State Building, the complete story, how it was built, who built it, so on and so forth.
And it was hit by a B-23.
A B-25, a Mitchell bomber.
It was hit by a Mitchell bomber.
We had the flames.
At the time, it wasn't diesel, it was gasoline, which would actually burn hotter.
And they showed pictures of the damage.
Now, we're supposed to believe that a modern skyscraper goes up, and they were worried about the wind, even the wind.
And they thought, well, okay, this is going to be a tall structure.
We better make sure that this thing is going to stand.
We're being asked to believe.
That two airplanes hit these two separate buildings, and because of this jet fuel and burning paper and detritus that falls down in the elevator shafts, that was threatening to get that steel so hot that it was oxygen deprived that it would melt the girders and everything would crumble.
We also have the Japanese architect in the Chicago Tribune two days after saying, I designed this building to be hit by a jumbo jet full of fuel, this is impossible, and then suddenly he shut up.
The head professor out in Arizona at the major university
The top three designers of the World Trade Center all said they designed it to take a hit from a large commercial airliner.
Fire melting steel.
I mean, go and buy Eric Kushner's book.
You've got pictures of two people standing at the exact impact point where the planes hit.
We have the firefighter tapes, where they've got up there and said there's two small fires, it's burning itself out, there's people standing out in the opens, you know, with flame ten feet from them.
It was a dirty black fire, and then suddenly they both blow up and collapse, folks, and then someone's on the loudspeaker saying, stay at your seats after the second plane has hit.
I mean, this is ridiculous.
John, anything else?
Yeah, the Loazzo family, who owns Controlled Demolitions Incorporated, was indicted for bribing government officials for government contracts.
They graduated from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, according to the UTK website.
The chairman of Browning Ferris Industries, William Miller, lives in the suburb of Knoxville, and CDI and BFI were paid $7 billion to demolish and clean up the WTC evidence
That's six billion more than it cost to build the WTC.
Yeah, I saw that.
A&E investigative reports, modern mobs, said that 25 of BFI's employees were convicted for membership in the Gambino and Genovese mafias and robbing the World Trade Center on garbage contracts.
I remember that.
That was back in the mid-90s.
Yeah, Knoxville, Tennessee now has a creepy monument naming all the sacrificed victims of 9-1-1.
The black Egyptian obelisk, our former Skull and Bones Mayor, Victor Ashe,
A 200 grand for the monument and it's now in front of the city council building.
And John, speaking of monuments, they've just finalized the new plans here for the monument.
It's going to stand as high as the old World Trade Center did.
And they're dumping all this money into it.
This is all theater.
This is like the Egyptians building a pyramid here, you know, so the king can enjoy the afterlife with all of his riches.
Great point, John.
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's talk to Jack in Colorado.
Jack, you're on the air with John Statman, Alex Jones, and Paul Watson.
Hi, guys.
It's great to talk to you.
I wanted to point out that we are also being asked to believe that whomever carried out this attack would have tried it knowing
That America had such superior air defenses that they could have been stopped mid-air.
It shouldn't have even been able to succeed, and therefore they would not have even tried it without knowing that they had internal compliance from the beginning.
Uh, Paul, comments to that?
Yeah, I mean, that's the whole thing, the NORAD stand-down.
The only day where it wasn't in effect, the standard operating procedure, was on that day, 9-11.
But talking about the, um,
I noticed that the new World Trade Center design will have 1,776 floors.
So that in itself is something to know.
And also, we were talking about the removal of the evidence.
It was basically a crime scene.
So what did they do?
They covered up the crime scene.
Shipped the steel off to China.
And John, what happened with Oklahoma City?
Same thing?
Well, the exact same thing happened.
I mean, and here were all the cameras.
And local medias did investigation and they did recreations of McVeigh and the truck bomb.
We've seen the eyewitnesses that have seen McVeigh with a Middle Eastern man.
Where was all the cameras that the feds compensated?
All the tapes and all the ROM drives are recorded.
They declared national security on those tapes.
What was the BATF doing there an hour before the blast?
Why was there nobody in the building that were federal workers?
They sacrificed those children.
Paul, it's sometimes hard to talk about this and have people actually believe this.
This guy in Rhode Island that called up on the program an hour ago, what I'm hearing here in these people's voices is they don't even want to entertain the fact that the government
We have video of them removing the bombs in Oklahoma City.
We have police on the local newscast when I talked to the ATF.
They were there in their bomb squad outfits a minute after it went off.
We said, what are you doing dressed up?
They said, oh, we've got a tip not to come in.
We've got a congressman that put his reputation on the line to do a grand jury into the investigation because he looked at it and said this is nothing but a cover-up.
Charles Key.
Thanks for the call, John.
Let's talk to Jack in Colorado.
Thanks for the call.
Ron in New York, go ahead.
Hi, gentlemen.
I live just a few miles from Ground Zero, and I remember the day that that happened, that it was reported on local affiliates.
We had a cable news station here called New York One, and the CBS and the ABC affiliate.
That World Trade Center number 7 was going to be demolished.
They had said that.
I heard that report on ABC Radio that afternoon, tuning in between John's show and the other local station, and then again, we don't have the staff.
How do we get a hold of all this?
We have the police, the firemen saying it, the owner of the building saying it now, and people are still trying to... It was reported, it was widely reported here in the local news market that they had made a decision that the building couldn't be saved, so they had recommended that the World Trade Center 7 be demolished.
The thing that struck me oddly about that, they claimed that it had caught fire because the debris from the Twin Towers, when it landed, had spread a fire to it.
And it is a relatively close, compact area down there.
I've been to that area in World Trade Center, Devon, the rest of them, a million times in my life.
The only thing that struck me as a little strange is, who the hell went into a burning building to place charges, you know, if it was in that bad condition?
Who would have been the one to run in there with explosives?
Well, they obviously had to already be there.
You know, I thought that was a little strange.
And another thing, too.
World Trade Center 7, and this stood out in my mind, too.
How's the nation's largest commodities market?
Do they trade oil?
Things like that?
Well, and if you notice, two days before September 11th, where was the market going?
The market was on a spiral downward.
And we have the CIA, the FBI, the FEMA Command Bunker with the State and City Command Bunker, Giuliani in that building that morning.
Which was sort of an ignorant thing.
A lot of people here criticized him for building a bunker 15 stories up in a building.
That's not the wisest way to construct a bunker, but that's neither here nor there.
As far as bodies, some bodies were incinerated, but there were body parts because my stepson was part of the removal of the rubble and the debris.
They removed it from the site and the scrap metal, large girders.
The Staten Island, there was a landfill on Staten Island, and they were pulling arms and legs and things like that out of there and just throwing them in a pile.
I don't know if there was ever any effort based on those remains to identify anybody, but that's what happened.
Now, the strange part of this is when the pieces of debris, mostly the girders, huge pieces of metal, it was phenomenal.
I was just going to say, and we have the pictures
that were widely circulated of a little government operation that took place just a few miles south of Oklahoma City with a rider truck with the drying equipment, the horizontal dryer.
A military army camp camp grouper with it covered up, you know, with the big fences around it.
And that was taken, that photo was taken by two police officers in a private plane a week before.
Yeah, and they shared that information with us.
Alex, it is a conspiracy.
It's a conspiracy of silence and cover-up.
And I'm glad this is coming to light again, because that issue is the thing that would actually bring down their house of cards.
It is.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We'll be back.
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All right, it's the end of the show.
We'll talk more about it tomorrow, 11 to 2, 9 to midnight tonight.
John Wednesday is going to have Paul Watson on to talk about this and a bunch of other issues on his show from 4 to 6.
I'm sorry to all the callers that are holding.
Don't have time to get to you.
I apologize.
We'll get to you tomorrow night on the show.
You know what we need, Alex?
We need you on about 100 stations.
I mentioned this, by the way, while you were in transit from your studio to mine.
Could you imagine the effect of this programming if, say, you're even on a hundred stations right now?
You need more AM and FM outlets.
I mean, we got some great people out there, the people that are calling into your show, the people that had sons or relatives or whatever, cleaning up the detritus after the criminals blew up the buildings.
I mean, this is important.
This is the one thing.
Aside from Oklahoma City, this is the one thing that could literally bring down the globalist elite inside this country.
And we could foil their plans.
Maybe start to get an honest government, a responsible government back.
Alex, this is big.
We need to get the country saturated like we have here in Central Texas with eight stations.
Just here in Central, or five stations in Colorado, or three in New York, or four in Florida.
One in Kansas City for all of Missouri isn't enough.
You know, hundreds of affiliates, but we need more of these to pick up your show.
Paul, I want to thank you for coming on the show, and I know you're going to, by tonight, put out a huge report for folks with a lot of the different key points we mentioned, and God bless you.
Okay, thanks, Alex.
You bet.
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Uh, give them a call.
What's the number, John?
Yeah, and it's important to support all these shows and all the hosts on this network.
If you want to find out the truth about September 11th, get 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get Police State 3, Total Enslavement, get my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order.
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And folks, if your neighbor's ignorant, doesn't own a computer, don't have a local AMRAAM affiliate, call John.
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Don't confuse the numbers, folks.
His video number is different from ours.
We're CSIN at 877.
You bet.
Put that plug in here at the end, folks, because we were moving so fast over this three-hour broadcast.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
And go to infowars.com and prisonplanet.com for the big update on the WTC.
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