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Name: 20040116_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 16, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2.
Central back from 9 to midnight.
I'm here live.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
It is the 16th day of the year 2004.
On this Friday edition, we're going to have wide open phones today.
We also have the folks from a new Christian website, BushRevealed.com, coming on with us.
And one of the folks that runs the website was on the show three years ago.
He was going to Temple University.
The head of a Christian organization there, he was kidnapped by school officials.
This was admitted, folks, in mainstream media for trying to have a counter-protest against the Corpus Christi abomination play that has Christ playing the part of a male prostitute, a homosexual male prostitute.
He protested that peaceably.
They kidnapped him, tried to put him in a loony bin.
But now they run a major website exposing Bush for his true record.
But I thought it would also be interesting having this guest back on, Michael Markavich, to go over what happened to him three years ago, because it's a thought crime that he had committed.
We also have Steve LeFemme, the director of Columbia Christians for Life, coming on the show, who also runs the website BushRevealed.com.
My website, of course, or websites, are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And here's some of the news that's on the sites and that's coming up today.
joins Iraqis to seek U.N.
role in interim rule.
See, the U.N.'
's going to come in as the good cop.
We told you that two years ago.
Jailed immigrants to register for the draft.
And that harkens back to the Washington Times article of a year ago, where it says they're hiring aggravated felons who are illegals.
That's right, for the military.
Not just criminals, like Stalin did or Hitler did.
Opening up the jails, but illegals who are criminals.
Danish tests show arms found in Iraq not chemical.
That's probably about the 25th time, I was counting it up last night, about the 25th time they've claimed they found weapons of mass destruction and then later announced that no, they were wrong.
Of course, in many cases they do find chemical weapons but can't announce it because it's got Made in the USA on it and well, that wouldn't look too good.
Also, court yelling at teens a crime.
They were drag racing out in the front yards.
This woman walked up and said, I'm calling the police.
You're going to jail.
The police arrested her instead.
And last week, a 75-year-old grandmother yelled at her granddaughter that lives with her, who's 16.
About not uh... stealing the car at night and uh... just yelled at her and she just got several months in prison and six months excuse me six years probation excuse me so uh... it will be like England soon where you stab an intruder in your home and you get life in prison a traveler's flute causes airport evacuation the idiots up in Maine didn't know what a flute was and thought it was some type of gun
To show their massive ignorance.
That's like last week, Homeland Security and the FBI and the State Police in Boston gave a homeschooler family a visit because the woman went to, a white woman by the way, imagine if she'd been an Arab, went to buy a flight simulator at the video game section of Staples, a business store, and they SWAT teamed them quite nicely, of course.
They say, don't have a road atlas in your car, they may have to take you in for questioning.
Federal court upholds D.C.
handgun ban.
NRA lost that one on purpose, as usual.
IRS moves to threaten the Second Amendment.
Oh, you didn't hear about this?
This is from gun owners.
We'll be getting into it for you.
Judge Darul on Israeli charge with weapon smuggling.
And who's he smuggling to, as usual?
The Muslims, that's right.
The biggest traitors against Israel are people in Israel.
Ontario considers fingerprinting robbers license, unifying that system.
Folks, I haven't even begun to get into the news.
We have a FEMA false alert as well.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now 8 minutes and 48 seconds into the first hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
We're going to have wide open phones.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
All across the country, and in Canada, and in England, I've been on the radio all over the world, people across the political spectrum are waking up
The fact that it doesn't matter if it's Republicans or Democrats, Tories or Labor, we are all losing our freedoms in this so-called war on terror, and it is the supposed protectors that are themselves the terrorists.
Coming up in the middle of the next hour, new Christian site, don't vote for W. BushReveal.com contends President is compromising faith, promoting evil, and they go through just some of the evidence.
We'll have to give them some examples of the real record, and I will when they're on air with us.
Let's go to the news right now.
joins Iraqis to seek U.N.
role in interim rule.
This is out of the New York Times.
The Bush administration trying to rescue its troubled plan to restore sovereignty to Iraq is joining Iraqi leaders to press the United Nations to play a role in choosing an interim government in Baghdad, administration officials said yesterday.
Now, about a month ago, Javier Solano, the former head of the EU, one of their top ambassadors now, said, oh yes, I've met with Bush and others.
We're going to have the UN running Iraq within a year.
And I told you two years ago, when they first started the Iraq drum war, drum roll, drum beat, I should say, the war drums, that they were going to have the U.N.
come in after about a year of occupation as the good cop, that we were going to play the part of the bad cop.
Because this is what they do time and time again.
This actually legitimized the U.N.
in the minds of the third world and energized this organization, which is totally illegitimate.
Again, they now say, okay, there's a New World Order, but will it be the UN-run New World Order or the evil American New World Order?
Well, either way, it's the New World Order.
But they give you this illusion of choice.
Paul Bremer III, the American Administrator in Baghdad, and an Iraqi delegation led by Anan Pachichi, the current chairman of the Iraq Governing Council, will make an urgent appeal on Monday for greater United Nations involvement, the official said.
Now, the average American has heard that they, quote, have had an election.
Bremer appointed, what is it, 320 governors or sub-governors over different districts and towns and cities of Iraq.
And again, then they control the so-called opposition, and so when you see the controlled opposition, it's a bunch of red flags, a bunch of communists marching around saying, we want the UN, we want the UN, and they go, okay, we'll give you what you want, here comes the UN.
This is one of the oldest tactics around.
Rome would send in a governor, he would oppress the people for a year or two.
Rome would rebuke him, remove him, and send somebody in as the quote, savior, who would actually turn up the heat and oppress even more, but it won't matter because now they'll accept him as their savior.
Giving them false victories.
And they do that here with our presidential elections.
It's all controlled.
So, as we told you, that's now happening.
Jailed immigrants to register for draft.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who we've had on before, has his own little private Shawshank Redemption system going down there.
Who gained notoriety for putting inmates on chain gangs and issuing them striped uniforms and pink underwear, has now ordered all undocumented immigrants currently in jail to register for the draft.
And, of course, they've reconstituted the draft boards as well.
About 500 undocumented immigrants housed in the Phoenix area county jail system have not complied with a 1980 federal law that requires all men between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for the draft regardless of their immigration status, Arpaio said.
And, folks, again, over a year ago there was a Washington Times article detailing the fact
That the military isn't just hiring illegals, but they're specifically hiring aggravated felonies.
Rapists, arsonists, robbers, armed robbers.
I mean, this is mainstream, folks.
I can't believe it myself, though.
And now they're gearing up to do this all over the country.
I've seen articles where they're now registering prison populations, jail populations for the draft.
In fact,
For years, they have been hiring people out of the prisons.
And the average person has no idea this is even going on.
And for those that don't know, when your government starts hiring foreigners to make up your military, you're in deep trouble.
Put the British kid in 1776.
But when you've got them hiring criminals on top of that, I mean, you don't need any more indicators of how serious it is.
And I've seen it!
I've seen it.
A lot of you have seen it.
Have you seen the Army of One ad?
I was a Russian Spitznaz.
Now I work for the Army of One.
The Army of One.
Yes, the Army of Sociopaths.
Breathing depleted uranium.
So, they're now inoculating us psychologically to accept this.
Danish tests show arms found in Iraq not chemical.
Again, there's been
At least 25 cases of where they dig up weapons of mass destruction, they claimed it was mustard gas, and then a tiny retraction.
Okay, the Danish Army said on Wednesday, to the folks that discovered it, initial tests showed a cache of mortar rounds found buried in Iraq on January 9th that did not contain any chemical substances that were originally suspected.
The expert group from the Iraq Survey Group have investigated five and none of them have shown any trace of chemical substances, the Danish Army Operational Command said in a statement.
But our military, the day they found them, said we found chemical weapons.
By the way, Iraq is littered from end to end, from side to side, from point of the compass to point of the compass, from north to south, east to west, with weapons caches.
But, they're declared weapons caches, and we have video of them, with U.S.
markings on them.
They've got to find stuff that wasn't declared, you understand?
Traveler's flute causes airport evacuation.
There's two out of the AP, a passenger's flute, tucked inside a homemade container, triggered the Portland International Jet Port.
Uh, evacuated Tuesday because screeners believe the package could be a bomb.
The jet port where two of the September 11th terrorists set off on their attack on the World Trade Center was reopened in less than two hours.
The passenger was allowed aboard, his flight up for being questioned, but without his flute in the container made of plastic PVC pipe.
Eight flights were affected and more than 300 passengers evacuated while the bomb technicians investigated.
But they still didn't give him his flute!
Now a week and a half ago,
A homeschooling mother, no criminal record, went for educational reasons to get a flight simulator, something that's on most school computers and that is one of the most popular video games sold.
There's hundreds of variants of flight simulators.
I played with them, you know, 18 years ago on the computers.
I mean, it's one of the first computer games out there on PC.
I remember being, you know, a young little kid playing with them.
And now, well you're a teenager I should say, but now we sit here and she goes into Staples and she says, I want to buy a flight simulator for my homeschooler as part of his education.
And the technicians, the little minion at Staples, a big office supply house, you've all heard of it, sells the flight simulator for $19.95.
And that night she gets a SWAT team visit, and the FBI's there, and they ask her, are you planning to have your 10-year-old fly into buildings?
And she said, what on earth are you talking about?
And the person at Staples just decided to call the FBI.
And remember, you've got a road almanac in your car, it's over for you.
The FBI admitted it.
They said this is so we can take more people in for questioning.
See, everything is terrorism now.
Federal court upholds D.C.
handgun ban.
That was a federal court case where the NRA argued we're for gun registration, we don't believe you should be able to leave your house with a gun.
That was their pro-gun argument.
Well, a federal judge on Wednesday upheld the District of Columbia's gun control law that prohibits ownership of handguns, rejected a legal challenge by the group of citizens backed by the National
Shill, Grab Your Guns, Rifle Association.
District Judge Reggie B. Walton dismissed the lawsuit in which the plaintiffs argued that a 28-year-old law violated their Second Amendment rights to own guns.
The D.C.
law prohibits ownership and possession of handguns and requires that others, such as shotguns, be kept unloaded, disassembled, or equipped with trigger locks.
Walton ruled the Second Amendment is not a broad-based right of gun ownership, just like the Ninth Circuit.
And the Supreme Court agreed with that last month.
They said, yes, we can ban any gun we want.
There is no individual right to own guns.
That's your conservative Supreme Court, appointed by Republicans.
IRS moves to threaten the Second Amendment newsletters.
Now, this is the campaign finance reform that Lord Bush signed, and he said, don't worry, the courts will throw it out, and I said, no they won't.
And now, it looks like if we try to have Larry Pratt on, or anybody else from any other 501c3 group, on 60 days before an election, or if they send out an email alert to tell you about a bill, they will be charged with felony crimes.
And the IRS is writing their own regulations off this law that are even more stringent.
We'll tell you about those when we get back.
And again, I know I'm a communist because I'm pro-gun.
I understand that.
I'm anti-open border.
I'm anti-abortion.
Yes, I'm a commie.
I'm pro-gun.
I know neocons that I'm bad because I don't love Bush.
I don't love Bill Clinton either.
And I'm just evil.
And I guess so is Larry Pratt.
So, Will, I'll tell you all about how they're going to get your guns when we get back.
And you can all feel good and call Rush Limbaugh and tell him how much you love it, okay?
But as for me, give me liberty or give me death.
So again, I'm a communist.
We'll be right back.
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I think so.
Alright folks, your calls are coming up here in a few minutes.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
IRS moves to threaten Second Amendment newsletters.
Gun Owners of America.
You can read this at InfoWars.com.
The ink is barely dry on the Supreme Court's devastating decision in McConnell v. FEC in the so-called campaign finance case that the GOA was involved in.
That decision severely restricted broadcast communications, thus making it more difficult for GOA to hold legislators accountable on the Second Amendment issues.
Do you understand
That they double the money big corporations can give and stop the money that individuals can give.
Oh, that's a real reform in the right direction.
And then said we can't interview people who are lobbying against government policies.
Can't talk to land rights groups, can't talk to second amendment groups, but the unions and the big liberal groups are all exempted by Bush.
Oh, what a good conservative!
Now the IRS is already leaping forward to expand the court's ruling to include GOA newsletters, email alerts, and other Second Amendment communications.
Put out for comment on December 23, 2003, but presumably no one would notice, the proposed IRS revenue ruling 2004-6 creates a broad new set of ambiguous standards which groups like GOA must follow in order to avoid losing all or part of their tax exempt status.
Under proposed revenue ruling, the IRS could create a vague balancing test to determine whether GOA communications would be permitted by the government.
Oh, permitting our speech now?
Well, again, that's conservatism, and being for the Second Amendment is communism.
I've got to learn the new neocon speak here.
And it says, under the proposed revenue ruling, the IRS would create a vague balancing test to determine whether GOA communications would be permitted by the government.
If the communication occurred close to an election, mentioned as an officeholder who was running for re-election, and was targeted to put pressure on congressmen through constituents in each representative district, all of these factors would push toward outlawing the communication.
Oh yes, influencing your leaders cannot be allowed.
Man, I tell you, this is so good.
This is so American.
Although the McCain-Feingold Incumbent Protection Plan was repulsive enough, the proposed revenue ruling would go far beyond the anti-gun statute.
Unlike McCain-Feingold, the proposed revenue ruling would not be restricted to broadcast ads.
Rather, it would apply to newspaper ads, email alerts, newsletters, and other communications by organizations such as GOA.
I guess I'm going to get arrested when I interview Larry Pratt 60 days before the election.
So it will not be more than 60 days now.
See how that works?
Very conservative.
For example, when GOA learned that the anti-gun rider had been placed on a defense authorization bill in 2000, GOA alerted its members to this provision, which would have allowed the Department of Defense to confiscate and destroy any military surplus item that had ever been sold by the government.
And it just goes on and on.
I guess we'll individually have to go research all the bills for ourselves, which we already do some, and shows like this we'll have to talk about.
But they're discussing that that may not be allowed, too.
They may bring back the Fairness Doctrine, where if I mention that I'm pro-gun, I'll have to have Violence Policy Center or Handgun Control or the 200 Bureaucrat March, I mean Mommy March on, and I will not be allowed to talk.
They will be given equal time.
Sounds like freedom!
We're not kidding here.
So, again, I'm sorry I'm a communist.
I'm pro-gun, pro-family, anti-big government, pro-border, anti-abortion.
I'm an evil liberal.
I've been accused of being one.
I should just shut up and just love gun control and love open borders and love everything evil and everything to be okay.
Turn my guns in and... What do you think about this, folks?
We're losing our entire country right now.
And I have arguments every day on the street with mindless so-called conservatives who tell me Bush is great and Alex, I can't believe you turned into a liberal.
Now, they are the vast minority of people, but they're old Republican activists that I've been friends with for years and been involved with back when I would, you know, do stuff for the Republican Party like putting up yard signs or poll watching.
I'd like these poor souls to call in.
I mean, I know you're out there listening right now.
I'm a liberal, because I'm pro-gun.
I'm not being sarcastic here, folks.
I'm being serious.
We'll come back, take some calls.
Then I'll get to Judge Darul on Israeli charge with weapon smuggling.
He was arming the Muslims, of course.
Ontario considers fingerprinting driver's license.
9-1-1 director gave evidence to own inquiry, talking about the corruption of that whitewash committee.
Median County false alarm heard nationwide.
A false FEMA alert.
Shades of the future.
Rumsfeld exerting pressure on Bush to launch military strike against Syria.
Arizona prepares for succession from the U.S.
It's all coming up.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Dan and Spencer and Paul and Jim and Fred and everybody else, your calls are coming up here in just a couple minutes.
We have the folks running the New Christian website who are activists I've actually interviewed before.
BushRevealed.com, all of his wickedness being exposed.
I don't know, Shawshank Prison down in Arizona.
So that's coming up, and now he's got all the illegal aliens registering for the draft down there.
They're already hiring illegals and convicted felons, aggravated felony illegals, who make up the majority of our military in many cases.
Many units are the majority made.
And they got the ads, Army of One with Russian spitsnats going, I now serve in the Army of One!
I am Russian!
Yeah, just getting you all ready for it!
Got the NATO aircraft in the skies, Czechoslovakian troops massing right where I'm at.
It's all very, very interesting.
So see, everything I've talked about now coming out mainstream.
I guess the show's not as radical as it used to be.
I guess that's why we're getting more AM and FM affiliates.
My goodness!
Five years ago, people couldn't believe it.
Now it's just right out in the open.
So those calls are coming up in a second.
I just got a bunch of other news here.
Before I go back to the calls, or to the calls for the first time today, I want to encourage every single listener to engage in the information war.
And that means if you listen to us on an AM or FM station, tell ten people a day, hey, tune in to 1360 or tune in to 1260 or tune in to, tune in, whether it's in Texas or Rhode Island or Kansas City or California or Oregon or wherever you're listening to us, or Florida,
Tell ten people a day about the show, because I've listened to all the shows out there.
I know we've got, frankly, the best show exposing the New World Order, with the best analysis out there.
It's just real simple.
Which scares me, because I'm not perfect, and I should do a better job, and I'm trying to.
But, big responsibility.
Please tell folks about the show, and get my videos.
These are amazing, professionally produced films.
I also carry the Loss of Liberty video about what really happened to the USS Liberty.
I carry Eric Huffschmid's Painful Deceptions film, two hours long, about 9-11, excellent info.
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I carry a lot of other great items and other videos by other authors that I think are really important.
I've got George Humphrey's books and his books on CD, very professionally produced, make great gifts to wake somebody up.
Just go to Infowars.com and check out our online secure shopping cart.
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And my ten videos, Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, those are $25.95 all over two hours.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
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The toll-free number to order the books, the videos, 1-888-8-888.
That's 1-8-8-8-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
Or you can also write to me.
I'm right here in Austin, Texas.
Address it to Alex Jones.
With your checks to Alex Jones.
Sometimes it's to the radio show or whatever.
To Alex Jones at 3,001
South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
I get complaints, I'll say that too fast.
Here it is again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Before I get back into the news, and I did do a good job of covering a lot of it, let's go back to the calls.
Dan in New York, go ahead.
Alex, God bless you brother.
He was a great worker, a great American patriot.
I want to thank you for waking me up.
I have all your tapes, your book.
I really enjoyed them.
Really woke me up.
Trying to share it with other people.
Woke some people up, some people were still skeptical.
A good friend of mine, a question I have, he's been listening.
He goes, his buddy moved down to Arlington, Virginia to become a firefighter.
He arrived on the scene of the Pentagon on 9-11.
He was one of the first at the theme.
He said, I'll call him up and if everything you say that Alex Jones says and Eric Huffschmidt says and everyone else about 9-11 is true, this guy will confirm that.
So I figured, well, this will be a slam dunk.
I'll win this guy over.
But he called his buddy Narrowington.
He said, yeah, a lot of people are talking about conspiracies about what happened at the Pentagon.
He goes, I was the first one there.
I saw it with my own eyes.
Well, let me answer this question as best I can.
My films, my two videos, and my book, my 220 page book and my five hours of video in my two 9-11 films,
Five hours total, those two videos.
In fact, over five hours.
I never talk about the Pentagon.
I never talk about the missing Boeing.
I never get into it, but I have reviewed the footage.
I have looked at the photos.
I have, I do have the interviews with other firefighters, police, military people who say they saw a small commuter jet.
Some said they saw a missile.
I mean, witnesses are, you know, historically very varied and people get things wrong.
He's a firefighter trained, this person you're talking about.
I wish it was him we were talking to.
And not third hand.
But he's someone trained, and I really respect firefighters.
I look up to them.
I looked up to police growing up.
I still look up to firefighters.
They're the salt of the earth.
God bless them.
Amazing individuals.
Real heroes.
A lot more than these stupid sports heroes.
So I respect what he's saying.
That's why I haven't focused in on the missing Boeing, because it can't be proven either way.
But I know this.
I have the video from the hour of the, you know, because the first 30 minutes it was just that far away shot of the smoking pentagon, remember?
And then 30 minutes in suddenly we saw news cameras up close, remember?
Okay, well I have the live video that I recorded, that I recorded of all this.
I sat down and watched it.
Spent nights after night watching it.
I have all the photos.
And there's nothing.
There's no photos of parts.
There's no photos of anything.
And also, there's photos and video of a tiny hole, maybe ten feet across, in a smoking black facade.
Then they spray water on it for three hours, and it collapses.
And I've seen video from right inside the hole.
There's no parts.
There's no nothing.
Where did it all go?
Then they come in and pour all this sand on the grass.
The grass wasn't even charred.
The most surveilled piece of property in the world, in the world, is the Pentagon.
And all they have is a white-hot flash explosion.
Not a dirty flash explosion like you'd see from a plane crash.
A white-hot explosion flash that Eric Hubschman goes over with the physics in the video.
And there are major
Questions that are unanswered concerning this.
So, that's what I have to say about that issue.
I agree with you Alex 100%, but do you think those firefighters keep lying, covering up, or my friend is lying?
Well, a lot of people... I agree with you.
I mean, there are still people that tell me there's no new world order when I have an entire... I have two paper boxes.
You know the big boxes that like ten reams of paper come in?
You know, the big packets of printer paper?
Okay, I have box after box, you know, just of articles, mainstream, over the last decade, with presidents, prime ministers, calling for a new world order.
The Pope called for it two weeks ago.
And then when I talk about the new world order, it doesn't exist, I'm a kook.
And people will stand in my face and say, I've never heard it announced, there's no such thing, the Supreme Court didn't say they're under the control of the globalists, you're a liar.
So a lot of people are masters of rationalizing, and just like witnesses say they saw a commuter jet, or a missile, or a bomb go off.
Who knows who's correct?
This guy claims he saw Boeing parts.
Okay, where are the Boeing parts?
I agree.
So we got so many different reports and the rest of it, I don't know.
So I don't talk about it.
I don't get into it.
Right, but I'm losing credibility with my friends because, you know, Eric Huffman's
It was on your website.
Yeah, we got it.
We got like, I don't know, 15 minutes for free.
Folks can watch.
And by the way, it's killing us bandwidth wise.
I mean, I should buy something.
I mean, now, more or less anything you say or I say, he won't listen to because he says, well, you were wrong on this.
And according to his friend, I'm just saying, I'm losing credit.
Get his friend's number.
We'll have his friend on as a guest.
Any eyewitness
To anything.
I mean, we don't screen the calls.
We want to discuss it.
I'll have them call you.
Hey, thanks for the call, Alex.
Thanks, Mike.
Hey, I appreciate it, Dan.
But what we do know is the public officials were told not to fly.
We do know an ORAB was ordered to stand down.
We do know the CIA was running a drill of flying hijacked jets into buildings in New York and D.C.
That's Associated Press.
We do know they flew out 144 of the Bin Laden family on September 11th.
We do know Bush Sr.
was meeting with the head of Bin Laden on September 11th that morning.
We do know the head of Pakistani intelligence, who wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta, was meeting with the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees that morning.
We do know they flew 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda out to safety out of Afghanistan in the middle of the war.
We do know there was CIA insider trading.
We do know that Bin Laden met with the CIA in July of 2001.
On and on and on for hours.
We have over 500 articles hosted in the 9-11 section of PrisonPlanet.com.
So I could just rattle on for 10 hours.
I've probably done 20 shows.
More than that, where for 3 hours I just go over smoking gun after smoking gun, red flag after red flag, as fast as I can talk.
All mainstream.
The hijackers still alive.
On and on and on and on and on.
That's why I focus on that.
Huffman does ask the questions about the Pentagon.
Why is it the most surveilled place in the world with thousands of cameras and no video?
Fighter pilots say they couldn't fly a Boeing that good.
Why did NORAD stand down?
Where's the video and photo of the parts?
Spencer in Ohio, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
You've talked a lot about cloning in the space program recently.
So why did Ike, uh, why was he against the space program?
And, you know, how can we put a man on the moon if we can't determine if Harrelson was the man up on the grassy knoll behind the picket fence?
And why did Barbara Walters say he is an innocent man?
How the hell does she know?
All right, thanks for the call, Spencer.
Spencer's always got funny comments for us.
I believe we've been to the moon, okay?
I know they've got 35 years of suppressed technology, and again, that's another debate I don't get into.
You're welcome to call in about it and give us your opinion, but I just can't prove it one way or the other, so I'll stay away from it.
You want to know what this acceleration of the space program is about?
It's a giant cash cow of black budget funding.
You know, it's more sophisticated than the $700 hammers and $500 toilet seats.
The money goes in, it doesn't come out, and they put some tanker toy on Mars, you know, some lander, and go, oh boy, look at how advanced we are.
I'm all for exploration, but not with it all secret and corrupt.
So, that's where I stand on that.
And I didn't know that Ike was against the space program.
I thought it really bloomed under him.
Let's talk to Paul in New Jersey.
Paul, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, go ahead.
I want to clarify some of your views about Taiwan.
Because sometimes you make it sound like the United States should either wage war against China in the defense of Taiwan.
Yes, we should.
You really believe that the United States
You go to war?
With China?
Over Taiwan?
You really do?
I'm surprised.
I believe in standing up to evil.
I believe in, you know, I believe we should have let MacArthur kick their tails in when he could have defeated them.
We should have used nuclear weapons on them then.
They killed 50 million people, buddy!
That's what I believe in, going after Hitler or Mao or Stalin or any of them.
So, in a sense, you're really not following the footsteps of George Washington where he did not want an interventionist
Uh, foreign policy, or believe that we were... Well, if we had George Washington in, they wouldn't have given the... America wouldn't have given the bomb to the CHICOMS and the Russians.
If we had George Washington here, uh, we would, uh, be, uh, helping put the Nationalists, uh, in power.
Right, but my point is, why should, uh, well, temporarily majority white nation in the United States, uh, basically get involved in an interracial, basically Chinese-Chinese conflict,
Over the freedom of 30 million basic foreigners.
I don't want to pay for this, Alex.
I don't feel we're obliged to save everybody in the world from communism or tyranny.
I'm more concerned about preserving my tyranny.
Now, if you are for a war, a protracted war with China just over Taiwan,
Do you realize what kind of draconian loss of freedom we would have, the amount of people required for the draft to go to war with China?
Okay, can I talk?
Can I talk?
And because you disagree, we'll hold you over as long as it takes and we'll get to Jim and Fred and everybody else.
Again, you're putting the cart before the horse.
If we had a real foreign policy and we had a good government,
Did you know that it is now admitted by the former CIA Section Chief, even on History Channel, but we already knew, but they admit it now, that our government put Mao into power?
I would believe it.
No, it's admitted in fact.
And they gave the... Right.
Right, okay.
So, I would believe in not being an intervention in the first place.
You know, it's our government giving nuclear reactors to North Korea.
It's our government that gave the bomb.
It wasn't the Rosenberg's folks.
It was... They were the Patsy's.
Our government gave the bomb to the Russians.
I agree with that, too.
They create these boogeymen, and then we have to deal with them.
And you're right, a war with China will be horrible.
China's afraid.
We have the power to squash them.
We should be arming Taiwan, okay?
That I agree with, Alex.
With the MAD system, Mutually Assured Destruction.
Instead, we give them 30-year-old destroyers and tinker toy missiles.
Meanwhile, our government's arming China with intercontinental ballistics to hit the U.S.
So I don't really believe we should go to war with China, but now we may have to because of what these pieces of filth have done in the Clinton and Bush administration.
And let me tell you something.
If I was in China and 50 million of us had been killed, I'd want somebody to come save me.
And that's what makes going after Iraq an angel compared to China.
But instead, our government loves China.
But I just feel we have no obligation to save foreigners.
You know, I just believe that.
And the best way to... The point is, we don't save people that deserve and need saving.
We arm the murdering creeps, and then we go to war against the murdering creeps.
I agree, there's a problem there, too.
So, understand, when the Communists attacked Korea, I believe it was the proper thing to do to fight back against them, and we should have taken China over then.
But no, we didn't.
So now we're going to have a staged war with them.
I'll explain what's going to happen when we get back.
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Look, this is what happened.
The globalists built up Hitler because World War I didn't get them their League of Nations, then becoming the UN in 1945.
Born in San Francisco,
And so they went around building up all these enemies all over the planet.
So they could build up a police state here to supposedly counter it.
Then they put Mao Zedong into power while all the time talking about how evil China was.
And this is an admitted fact now, folks.
Our government helped kill 50 million people.
That is the criminals in control of it.
The Dulles brothers and the rest of them.
And then we told Taiwan we'd help them, and now we're cutting them loose.
And that's wrong.
You don't tell somebody for 53 years, we stand with you, and then cut them loose.
I mean, China is as evil as it gets, folks.
And think about the treason of our government, giving them the missile parts, the supercomputers, everything.
So obviously, I'm not for this corrupt government having some staged war.
This is what'll happen.
We'll get into a war with Syria and Iran and a bunch of other countries.
China will then move, during a big terror attack here in the U.S., engineered by the globalists, against Taiwan.
It'll be just like World War II.
China will be given parts of Asia, and the globalists here will grab other parts of the world.
It's just empire.
And it's all part of the same system.
It's totally staged.
IBM and Hewlett-Packard and everybody else are building their factories.
Boeing, you name it, and China now.
The globalists have said, they're the model country, they're the new, uh, worker bee complex of the new world order to put everybody else out of business, to destroy the middle class of the world.
That's the system.
We have warfare being waged against us.
So China isn't going to nuke us or attack us, folks.
They're going to start taking over their neighbors, and we're going to stand by and fund them to do it.
What'll happen is North Korea will move on South Korea, and then China will move on whoever they feel like, and that's how it works.
It's a staged deal.
Paul, go ahead.
Well, Alex, if we wanted to really combat China, we could, for one, we should arm, and I'm for arming, Taiwan.
I just don't believe we should use our forces or our boys... Well, here's the question.
Would we buy goods from Hitler?
Let's say we never went to war with Hitler, and it was 1950, and we knew he had all these slave camps.
Would we have the number one import we have be from Germany?
No, we should ban all Chinese goods.
And people go, well, it'll hurt the Chinese people.
No it won't!
We need to ban all Chinese goods.
We're buying stuff from people that have killed 50 million human beings and have gotten worse, not better.
I agree with that.
But my point is, why burden the American taxpayer and take away their freedom?
Uh, for foreign, uh, civilians or foreign nations.
Let these foreign nations defend themselves.
Alex, if we want to transfer nuclear technology to Taiwan, I'm not against that, Alex.
Well, understand, well I agree with you.
Understand, we're not, we, that's the globalist controlling us.
We're not in the power structure.
We're not making decisions here.
Let's be honest about that and get into a position where we are making decisions, uh, Paul.
Uh, but, I mean, they created the problem.
They're certainly not going to fix it, okay?
Right, but I think it would be a fair warning, and I'm sure Taiwan knows that now, with what George Bush did recently.
They have to know they have to go it alone.
Selling Taiwan out, very conservative.
Hey, are you a communist for being for Taiwan?
I'm not a communist, and by the way, I'm not for Taiwan.
I think the Taiwanese
Should be for Taiwan.
And they do not depend upon the United States to come to their defense.
Paul, are you getting my sarcasm?
Yes, I get your sarcasm.
We're the liberals now because we're for Taiwan.
I'm serious.
I heard it in the news.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, okay.
We're liberal because we're for closing the borders.
So I've got to learn this.
We'll start the second hour and we'll get to Fred and Rick and Jim and Mike and everybody else.
And then I've got the New Christian website calls for Bush to be thrown out of office.
Got them coming on.
And I've got Sheriff Arpaio, Mr. Police State, coming on in the third hour.
He's getting all the illegals set up for the draft now.
So a big show lined up for you on this Friday!
TGIF, folks.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com are their websites.
More communism straight ahead.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Boy, we had a lively and extremely informative broadcast in the first hour.
This hour is going to be no different.
More conservative groups coming out vehemently against Lord Bush.
And his big government loss of liberty policies.
Also federal court upholds DC gun ban.
Of course, the NRA lost that one on purpose.
They've been covering that from day one.
Traveler's flute causes airport evacuation.
They're going after mothers who buy flight simulator programs for their ten-year-old sons.
In Helena, out west, court yelling at teen is a crime.
A bunch of teenagers were drag racing in people's front yards, and so a woman ran out and said, I've called the police.
Stop waking me up.
And so they arrested her.
And another grandmother yelled at her 16-year-old teenager who lives with her about sneaking the car out at night and said, I can't stand you.
Get out of my house.
She's been criminally charged and convicted.
And, uh, jailed immigrants to register for the draft.
We have Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mr. Police State, coming on to talk about how wonderful all this is.
Uh, the U.S.
joins Iraqis to seek U.N.
role in interim rule.
's now going to come in and play the part of the good cop over there.
Also, the I.R.S.
is, uh, telling gun owners of America and others they can't come on radio shows or send out e-mails, perhaps ever, not just 60 days before an election, with Campaign Finance and Incumbent Protection Act.
Uh, but, uh,
But, uh, period!
So, uh, we'll, uh, go back into that Danish test, show those so-called chemical weapons mortars they found are not chemical weapons.
More propaganda there.
And, uh, coming up, Judge Darul on Israeli charge with weapons smuggling, arming the Muslims, as usual.
And, uh, just a ton of other vital news in this, uh, hour.
Now, let's go back to the calls, let's talk
To Jim in Michigan.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I've got about 400 tapes out on you and I did the same thing for Jack McCammon.
I probably had a thousand up for him.
He gave up.
Well, he hasn't given up.
That is you're making copies of videos and getting them out to folks.
Yes, and they're free.
I don't charge for nothing, even for the tape.
But I have some differences with you.
First place, I don't consider this my government anymore.
By the way, I know this guy.
He's sent me news articles and stuff over the years.
You're the founder of Domino's Pizza!
Yes, I am.
Please continue.
Well, anyway, my brother's brain dead on this.
He's a friend of Bush's.
They both had ball teams together.
But he's right on a lot of things.
But anyway, unless they consecrate Russia, the specific consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, and this comes out of so many prophecies, and our Lord spoke to Veronica Lucan,
I'm going to be getting Hudson Gibson on again real soon.
And he knows we've been deceived.
He wants these churches brought back.
And we've been given the weapon, the Rosary.
The Blessed Mother says, I gave you, your Goliath, the Rosary.
Get back in there and get them churches back.
You bought them.
You paid for them.
You're going to just hand them to Satan?
The Hudson gives them the wrong.
He says communion is not valid.
Our Lord said communion would still be valid.
A good shepherd does not abandon his flock.
Jim, my show is not about arguing.
Let's talk about the secular stuff then.
I'm a Christian, but at the same time, when I get into this, everybody's going to fight with each other over who's got the right religion.
Which one was here when Columbus landed?
Which Christian church existed?
Well, that'd be the Catholic Church.
Well, what about Lief Erickson?
He was Catholic.
Hey, Jim, Jim, we always appreciate your call.
I really do, bud.
Thanks for that call.
Fred and Rick and Mike and others, you're up next.
When we get back with more news, 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Websites are Infowars.com and, of course, PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, 8 minutes and 25 seconds into this second hour of global transmission against tyranny.
Monday through Friday, we're here!
Resisting tyranny, defending liberty, from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time, that's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Eastern, and back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Simulcasting not just on AM and FM and Internet and satellite, but global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20, and back from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
Let's take four more calls and we'll get back into the news, and we've got two guests coming up as well.
Let's go ahead and talk to Fred in South Dakota.
Fred, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, it's been a long time, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
Well, I'll tell you, from what I heard from that last call, it sounds like none of us can deny old Scratch seems to be in charge right now.
Anyway, I had a situation happen to me.
About a week ago, I'm still angry about it.
I went into a break room, and there were a bunch of women in there.
And they're not just one age, they're all ages.
And they were talking about taking American citizens and holding them, like they've been doing with some of them, without trials.
And I simply said, as I was over by the sink, I said, that's against our law.
We have a constitution, Bill of Rights.
And one of those ladies said to me, if you think we're under that, you're dreaming.
Well, Mr. Jones, I kind of lost it.
I'm a Vietnam veteran.
And I told her that I was a veteran.
And I also told her I was to die for those documents.
And how dare she make a statement like that?
And before I got too angry, I took a dollar bill.
She says, and you know, and she said that in a smug way, and you must know that.
I said, I took a dollar bill out of my wallet, slapped it on the table.
And I said, then you explain to me what that symbiology means.
I said, if you know so much.
I walked out.
Now, was there a better way of doing that, Mr. Jones?
I'm still upset.
Well, this is what Neocon Talk Radio does, a daily discussion of how good it is to be secretly arrested and how this keeps us safe.
Statistically, Hitler said, first you get the women, then you got the children, so follow the men.
It's not that women are dumb, it's that the propaganda targets them.
And they had an Associated Press poll about two weeks after 9-11, and 60-plus percent of women wanted to put all Arabs in, quote, camps.
Uh, and it was only like 32% of men wanted to.
Statistically, women are very trusting.
Uh, they buy the authority figures line of, we're taking your rights to keep you safe.
And they go, well, if that'll keep my babies safe, then I'm for it.
What's a better argument?
Well, I mean, let's go back.
I mean, I want to know what happened.
You walk into this room and they're talking about how wonderful it is to secretly arrest Americans.
What were they saying?
How great this is?
Somebody has to do something.
People don't need rights.
Okay, I would have said, people don't need rights.
Well, what about Hitler?
He took people's rights in the name of keeping them safe.
What about slavery in this country?
Don't you know what government does?
Why do you think we have a Bill of Rights?
Why do you think our veterans have fought and died?
What makes America, America?
Is those rights?
So you're saying you've given up on America and embraced the dark side.
I don't know.
I'm still upset about it.
For her to say that to somebody that she knew.
Well, see, they've been told the economy will come back, life will get better if we just let them tie our hands behind our backs.
My goodness, if I did... I mean, it's like the women who the guy says, get in the car, be quiet, and you're going to be okay.
Well, they end up in a landfill.
They end up in a shallow grave.
If one of my sisters said something like that to my next door neighbor, who was an old World War II man, my father would have disowned him.
Well, I would start
I would give them copies of my videos.
I'd be nice to look at it.
It just made me upset.
I know things are, you know, scary and all, but why don't you watch this video?
And I think that, let's say, how many women were in the room?
About five.
Okay, we'll give them five videos, and I bet three of them will wake up.
Well, we can try that.
Try that, but I'll tell you, I don't... Look, I mean, this is, you've got Tommy French and General Eberhardt and all these people on the news saying tyranny equals safety.
You've got to teach them that tyranny equals slavery, not safety.
War, Alex Jones, is the lack of any rights.
And these, our women have been so terribly protected.
They've never seen bad.
And when they do see bad, it'll be too late.
That's the thing I'm trying to say.
Yeah, you should ask them if they've ever been down in Mexico and had the fellow Raleighs rouse them.
Thanks for the call.
Folks, we're all been sheltered.
We're very, very naive.
And it's very painful to see the warping of the psyche of the people.
And to see people not valuing liberty.
I mean, they had the survey two months ago of 339 universities.
The Washington Times ran a story on it.
And out of 339 universities, over 20,000 people interviewed in a major survey, 60-plus percent didn't know what the First Amendment was.
And then when asked, over half of administrators and students said they thought free speech was a bad idea.
So, I mean, we got Nazis on our hands, folks.
Most Germans weren't bad people.
They were just ignorant morons.
They'd had a bad depression.
They'd had a lot of street riots.
A young guy stood up and said, I can fix it all for you.
Just give me your freedoms, and I'm going to keep you safe, and we're going to protect the homeland.
And most Germans just went along with it.
It was peer pressure.
We've got to say no to that and reach out to these people.
Let us talk to
Oh, I guess up next is Rick in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hey Alex.
I've called you before on one other occasion.
We've had a lot of success with your videos, passing them out.
But I get a lot of people that keep asking this one question, which is, how could our government do this?
Where do they think they've got the authority in all of this?
So the question I wanted to ask you was, do you think that
1933 might have been the change of our government.
Well, I don't think I know.
That's when martial law was instated.
Wait a minute, Alex.
You say martial law is coming.
A higher degree of it.
They started the state police that are really federally chartered.
They started licensing.
They started regulation.
They expanded the IRS.
They began their control grid, the Uniform Commercial Code.
All of that came out of that.
And if people ask, how could government do that?
OK, say, what about Russia's history?
What about England's history?
What about our history with Indians and blacks?
What about the black men in Tuskegee, letting them die of syphilis over 50 years and spread it?
What about the uranium, giving it to the pregnant wives of GIs?
You know, start giving them examples of how every government gets tyranny and bad things happen.
It's a guarantee in history.
And then ask them, well, how did you become so naive?
Well, here's kind of what I was wondering.
I was doing some research on the net, and I came across some congressional records from 1933.
And they basically said that the U.S.
declared bankruptcy.
That our federal government was bankrupt.
Actually, I have a congressional record.
It's funny you mention this.
I have a congressional record here in front of me today.
It's 35 pages long.
I'm not going to read all of this.
Yeah, they're huge.
Let me just read this to folks.
Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation remarks in Congress, 1934.
Congressman McFadden's speech on the Federal Reserve Corporation.
Questions from several speeches made on the floor of the House of Representatives by the Honorable Louis T. McFadden of Pennsylvania.
Mr. McFadden, due to his having served as Chairman of the Banking and Currency Committee for more than 10 years, was the best posted man on these matters in America and was in a position to speak with authority in vast ramifications of the gigantic private credit monopoly.
Let me just read a few paragraphs of what he said.
Federal Reserve as a corrupt institution.
Mr. Chairman, we have in this country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known.
I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereafter called the Fed.
The Fed has cheated the government of the United States and the people of the United States out of money, enough money, to pay the nation's debt.
The deprivations and the iniquities
I think?
Uh, maldistractions of the law by the Fed and through the corrupt practices of the moneyed vultures who control it.
Some people who think the Federal Reserve Bank, United States government institutions, they are private monopolies which prey upon the people of the United States for the benefit of themselves and foreign customers.
Foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers, and rich and predatory money lender.
In the dark crew of financial pirates, there are those who would cut a man's throat to get a dollar out of his pocket.
There are those who send money into states to buy votes to control our legislatures.
There are those who maintain international propaganda for the purpose of deceiving us and granting of new concessions which will permit them to cover up their past misdeeds and set again in motion their gigantic train of crime.
Okay, that's page two.
There's 35 pages.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, it's just huge.
And I came across another one that was like from 93 or 94.
That was that you remember the congressman Traficant?
Oh, yes.
That they sent to jail.
Well, it's a congressional record of him speaking.
And which if you don't have a copy, I'm going to send you a copy on fax one over to you.
It's and it's it shows a complete congressional record of him speaking.
And he says that
I think so.
And taking all our rights and all our stuff, because they're not acting under the color of the Constitution anymore.
No, they're not.
And sir, there's $1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon.
They just calmly announced it last year.
Oh, there's $1.2 trillion been stolen, and there'll be no investigation, because those running the government are the ones that did the stealing.
I mean, folks ask how we have corruption.
They admit $1.2 trillion's missing, and the same folks that stole it plant fake letters from troops in hundreds of newspapers saying how much they love the
It sure does.
Hey, I appreciate it, Alex, and I'll let you go to the next one.
Hey, thanks.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
More phone calls on this Open Line Friday.
Mike in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, how you doing?
I've been listening to you for like about six, seven months.
Heard about you through TexMars.
Well, now you've got a master's degree in the New World Order.
I was just wondering, TexMars talks a lot about the Jews and how they control a lot of this country, the media.
No, he talks about the Masonic
Well, I mean, like, why don't you talk more about stuff like Tex Morris talks about?
Well, I do talk about the New World Order.
What Tex does is he does a book or a tape on a specific topic.
So he's got topics exposing the Protestants.
Topics exposing corruption in the Catholics.
Topics exposing... He exposes corruption.
So he's got things that expose corruption in Jewish organizations.
It's certainly there.
They're human beings.
But I don't believe the New World Order is run by Jews, and neither does Tex Mars.
He's a good friend of mine.
He married me and my wife.
And I don't have this fetish of hating the Jews.
How do we explain that the Jews want to destroy us with this multiculturalism?
The New World Order is giving AIDS to Africans.
The New World Order has killed millions of Jews.
The New World Order put Hitler into power.
It's more complex than that.
So that's where I stand on that subject.
I don't like the ADL, but I don't even call that a Jewish organization.
It's a government demonization outfit that goes around demonizing people while defending Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is a disgusting pig.
He's a disgusting Nazi.
Does that answer your question?
I guess so, thanks.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, Mike.
We're not going to go anywhere fighting corruption if we say it's one group, because it's not one group.
It's evil in the hearts of men we're fighting.
And to hold back the evil, to damn up the evil, we've got to restrict the size of government, then it doesn't matter who's running it.
Then they're not going to have the power to control your life.
It's real simple.
Vicki in Texas.
Vicki, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm right here in Austin.
I've met you before, and I wanted to talk to you.
First of all, I want to thank you for all you're doing.
Well, thank you.
I've met you before and I picked up the issue about electronic voting machines after I heard Bev Harris on your show being interviewed by you.
And I think I've seen you on TV now as an activist having quite an effect, going to meetings and informing thousands, so good job.
Well, thank you.
I hope I'm doing something along those lines.
I wanted to tell the listeners and update people about what's going on right here in Austin regarding Texas voting machines.
We need to remove the electronic systems they've got here.
There's no paper trail.
Well, absolutely right.
And what's going on, last week we found out, we got a tip from someone I believe who, I think it's someone from inside the Secretary of State's office, that there is a group called the Voting Systems Examiner's Board, who was meeting last week, closed meetings, the purpose of which apparently is to certify the use of the DBOLD and ES&S machines for use here in Texas, officially certify them for use.
So, some of my friends and I have been trying to find out what really happened in these meetings.
What was the result?
I've been calling down there and guess what?
No one's calling me back.
Yeah, it's a wall of secrecy concerning our voting.
We're not going to be given a receipt.
There's going to be no paper record.
And they've caught the major companies running scams from coast to coast with the CIA involved.
And they've caught Diebold manipulating elections during elections while they're happening.
Well, what I did on Monday was I called every TV news station in Austin and told them all about
We're good to go.
Good to go.
to get the results of whatever those meetings were last week so they have a ten day response period.
And this is the same state board that certified Dana Dubois' election that she ran in 98 where she admitted she double counted ballots, falsified signatures, broke safety seals.
I mean they would certify Stalin running an election.
I just want to ask other people in other states to check out what's going on with their Secretary of State's offices because they may be trying to get these offices certified.
We will do that.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for your work.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks, we're back live.
Last week, Michael Savage called for Bush's impeachment.
The open borders, a lot of conservative groups that have been in the dark.
We're starting to wake up about Bush's real record.
For the next 30 minutes we're going to be talking about that and go into your calls.
New Christian site, don't vote for W, bushreveal.com, contends President is compromising faith, promoting evil.
President Bush may not be able to count on solid voter support from conservative Christians, and the upcoming election of a new website run by Christians has any impact.
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We can win this thing if you take action.
And your purchase supports this show and makes it possible.
So please go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
And get the videos, the books, the t-shirts, get them out to folks.
It's all about information warfare.
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The toll-free number to order the films and books is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to get the videos.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Please take action now.
Don't procrastinate.
The Globalists know the time is short, and our time is short to expose them.
Going to our guest,
They're the folks that have exposed a lot of what Bush is doing, and there's a lot of stuff, of course, they can add to the website, but it's a nice website.
And let's bring Steve and Michael up.
And Steve, I talked to you during the break, but again, how do you pronounce your name?
Steve Lefferman.
Steve Lefferman, Director of Columbia Christians for Life, and Michael Markavich.
Now, first off, Michael, I interviewed you a couple years ago, recapping and making major headlines what the thought police did to you at Temple University.
Yes, indeed, and I appreciated the opportunity to speak with you about that.
That is still not in the court yet.
We're still waiting on a trial date.
And for those that don't know, and this was admitted by the newspaper, they were having the play Corpus Christi, where Christ is a homosexual male prostitute.
They were having this.
And all you did was go in and say, we'd like, as our Christian organization, to have our own meeting about this, our own rally.
And so they tackled you as you wore your suit.
You were a White House intern at the time, by the way.
No criminal record.
Tackled you.
Tried to have the mental institution owned by the university drug you and keep you.
The doctor said, there's nothing wrong with this guy.
You didn't even argue with him.
You just left the office.
So they tackled you and tried to put you in a mental institution.
Is that accurate?
Yes, indeed.
It was quite remarkable and that's the way that the whole situation was handled.
The doctors released me and said there's no grounds for what happened in their notes.
But this shows what they like to do to us.
This shows the system they're pushing.
Alright, you've started this website.
Gentlemen, why'd you start the website?
I've got a lot of ideas of stuff you can post there.
Cutting Taiwan loose.
Supercomputers to Communist China.
Open borders.
None of this is conservative.
You list some other stuff, too.
Go ahead.
Bushrevealed.com was developed to serve as notice to Christians across the nation that President George W. Bush, over the past few years, has compromised his quote-unquote Christian faith.
This is an admonition to Christians to adhere to a biblical standard when they vote in November 2004.
President Bush
Now Jay Sekulow says that when you vote for Bush, you're voting for God's man and the Patriot Act's good.
You know, Jay Sekulow also said that Judge Roy Moore should have moved the monument, so I don't pay much attention to what he has to say.
Yeah, Bush's judges had Roy Moore removed.
So I guess Roy Moore is a communist and Bush is a conservative now.
George Bush has nominated Bill Pryor, the Attorney General of Alabama, to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.
That's his nominee.
He hasn't been approved yet.
But Bill Pryor, as the Alabama Attorney General, was the chief prosecutor, I would say persecutor,
Of Judge Roy Moore, when Judge Moore was removed from his office on November 12th and 13th.
What are you, some kind of liberal?
We're Christians.
We're biblically based and we desire to be constitutionalists.
So those listeners that might want to put us in the Dean camp, or the lefty camp, or the liberal camp, the socialist camp, we're at the other, we desire to be in the biblical camp.
We desire to be
Folks who support the Constitution.
Well, I've been told I'm a liberal because I have no compromise on the Second Amendment.
I've been told I'm a liberal because I'm for Taiwan.
I mean, you know, I guess to be a conservative nowadays means you're up for Mao Zedong.
There's a flyer on this website, I call it the Bush flyer, that people can print and I hope they would distribute it.
It addresses what the situation here is with George Bush from two kind of broad perspectives.
One is that
In doing what he has done in office, he is an oath-breaker.
He has violated his oath of office that he made on January 20, 2001.
He said he would preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.
He's done that by signing unconstitutional legislation.
As a Christian, as a man who professes to be a Christian, and this should concern Christian listeners and Christian voters in November 2004, he is a covenant-breaker.
And I'm talking about God's covenant.
And on the flyer it addresses
Well, he says Allah is the same God that Christians worship, and he also likes the demon at the Shinto shrine.
That's right, and that's the very first point, as a matter of fact, on his flyer.
He has repeatedly violated the first commandment of the Ten Commandments.
He's called Islam a, quote, great religion.
He's blasphemously claimed that Christians and Muslims worship the same God, and he has celebrated Ramadan in the White House.
And about that Shinto statue worship,
The Japanese church warned him and there was also another gentleman that was supposed to go and he did not because of this warning.
But George Bush just went ahead and abandoned the advice from the Japanese church and just went ahead into that shrine and worshipped this Shinto statue.
Alex, a lot of Christians think, a lot of pro-life people think that George Bush is pro-life.
I was just at a rally on Saturday sponsored by the South Carolina chapter of National Right to Life.
I put life in quotation marks.
I had a huge sign that I was holding up over my shoulders that said, George Bush is not pro-life.
When you say that, that's almost sacrilege to many Christians, many evangelicals.
Well, he increases funding to UNESCO by $3 billion, then cuts abortion funding by $87 million.
That's like him.
I withdraw the thump in your nose, but I hit you in the head with a jackhammer.
There's a program called Title X. It's basically a population birth control program in the HHS appropriations bill.
When Bill Clinton left office, the appropriation for Title X was $253 million.
In 2002's appropriations, it was $265 million under President Bush.
And $265 million is what President Bush is requesting for his 2004 appropriations.
So in other words, it's gone up.
And out of that $265 million, Planned Parenthood gets over $50 million.
According to Planned Parenthood's annual report, when you combine what they're getting from Title X, from Medicaid and other government sources, and this is absolutely incredible, Planned Parenthood took in about $750 million in their 2002-2003 report.
Well, how do the so-called neocon Christian leaders
I mean, I guess they knew times were a-changin', so they better get on board.
How do these guys get on radio and TV and say Bush is the best thing since sliced bread, when government's exploding in size, liberties are going out the window, all this horrible stuff is going on, and they're busy telling everybody, you know, we ought to thank the Lord for George Bush.
Well, if I could just finish that point I was making about Planned Parenthood.
Of that $750 million, of that three-quarters of a billion, $250 million of that income was from federal tax money.
Now, that means
That George Bush and the Republican-controlled Congress have to vote for and sign off on that appropriation legislation.
What type of feedback do you get at pro-life rallies with your sign that Bush isn't pro-life?
Well, it's mixed.
Some people mock.
I handed out some literature.
We had a few folks handing out some literature.
A couple of ladies returned the literature.
They didn't want it.
Going by, as they marched by on their parade, had an unpleasant name to call me.
Oh, that's very Christian.
But others come over and ask, well, what do you mean?
And they're generally curious.
And my hope is, especially with young people, might be more open to truth, not be set in their ways, but would really look at the evidence.
Let me just say this.
Bush is a Trojan horse.
If Al Gore would have been elected, they couldn't get this agenda through because people would have their eyes open.
But Bush is in, let's just go to sleep!
I think you can make the case that Gore may have been the lesser of two evils because at least the House Republicans would have resisted for partisan reasons.
Of course, you know whether you have a Democrat or a Republican in, they're both puppets for the New World Order, for the establishment elite.
Well, your website's getting a lot of attention.
I just launched it.
It's a nice website.
I hope you add not just the abortion and the shrines and all that, but I hope you add to it the gun grabbing.
He says he'll sign the assault weapons ban, the blanket open border, trying to legalize lawbreakers retroactively.
I hope you'll get into taking all the supercomputer controls off to China.
I hope you'll get into campaign finance reform that's going to restrict the First Amendment.
I mean, you've got a lot there.
If somebody looks at this record, in fact, we've done a study.
If you folks have done this, you write out what Bush has done, give it to somebody and ask, what president is this?
They'll tell you Bill Clinton.
The laundry list of unconstitutional legislation, you can include the Bush-Kennedy no-child-left-behind bill.
I would include the October 2002 Iraq War Resolution.
That's an undeclared, therefore illegal, therefore unconstitutional war.
And the Medicare socialized medicine expansion for prescription drugs.
Just a long list of bills.
The government has grown by 45% in the last three years.
You know Alex, we have a discussion board at the BushRevealed.com website that people can engage in dialogue about these issues.
So certainly we do talk about the New World Order, which is father repeatedly stated in his speeches.
And I just want to tell you that I appreciate your video.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
What an excellent, remarkable film.
I suggest that any listener who has not seen that video, get that video.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny.
It explains a lot of things about the New World Order and what is happening in this nation.
Well, I didn't know you'd seen that video.
How'd you see it?
How did I see the video?
I purchased the video from your website.
Thanks for the support.
Yes, indeed.
We've made a lot of films since you got it.
I want to go to some calls.
They're all over the map, but it'll all pertain to this because it's all intertwined, but any other key points you guys want to make before we go to those calls?
Well, I just wanted to say that I encourage people to come to the website BushRevealed.com, take a look at these ungodly, unconstitutional things that President Bush has been taking part in for the last several years.
Hey, what about creating a skull and bones in Bohemian Grove section?
Mainstream news admits that he's skull and bones, but as an adult, he goes to the Grove
Where Republicans admit they ship in male prostitutes, they run around naked in the woods.
That's the Washington Times, Red Magazine.
I mean, you know, why isn't Jay Sekulow talking about that?
I mean, is Moloch worship now Christian?
Well, you know, it's interesting.
They don't want to touch those issues because they know that it's going to offend a lot of their donors.
And not only that, they also reject the blatant truth.
They do not want to receive
The complete truth, and they just continue to go ahead and buy into the lies.
We do have a section called the New World Order under the discussion board where people can talk about Yale's Skull and Bones Club and the movement toward a New World Order.
It also includes Bush's foreign policy and Bush's views on the Constitution, so it's some good dialogue that's taking place there.
One of the articles on the website addresses the Skull and Bones involvement.
Alex, can you just clarify
I've got Sacramento Bee, Associated Press,
I've got the annals of the Bohemian Grove put out every 10 years.
I have the 1986-96 copy.
The book's valued at like $500 on Amazon.
It's a very rare book, only they issue.
By the grace of God, I was sent a copy.
And it shows Bush Sr.
and Jr.
under the owl.
Oh, boy.
Yeah, standing there together.
But no, they admit they go there, yeah.
Just recently, I read an account of your
Your brave expedition insertion into the Grove with another fellow.
I just want to tell you, I admire your courage and of course you can thank God for watching over you.
You had several close calls there, but I read that report and it's just an amazing report and documentation through film.
Well, we got the video of it too.
If you guys ever want to put a clip of the ritual up or post that article, go ahead.
Because, I mean, look, the Bohemian Grove Club.
In the British documentary.
I shot the video.
Mike Hanson snuck in with me.
And the British media was covering our infiltration.
I gave them the copies of the video.
They went and made a national show out of it.
It aired in Japan, Europe.
Just a year and a half ago, it finally aired in the U.S.
like 15 times on Trio Network.
The Grove admits, yes, Mr. Jones snuck in.
Yes, he got the video.
What's the big deal?
What's the big deal about worshipping Moloch, I guess?
I would like to... Is Moloch a Christian?
Is he an angel?
Is he a good guy?
I don't think so.
I mean, doesn't Leviticus say he's like the most evil demon?
A demon.
It's a demon of child sacrifice.
And that if you worship him, your country is damned?
We're in trouble.
I mean, the Bible has specific warnings about this guy.
Yeah, we are indeed in a sad state.
And the people rejecting the truth about all these things is just remarkable.
To the Christian leaders, Alex, I would like to hit on one other topic, and that is the sodomy issue and how it connects with George Bush.
And there's articles on the BushRevealed.com website concerning this as well.
George W. Bush appointed Michael Guest, a homosexual man, a sodomite, the U.S.
Ambassador to Romania in 2001, just days after 9-1-1.
And at the swearing-in ceremony, Secretary of State Colin Powell, who's also CFR,
Recognize Michael Guest's homosexual partner.
And today, this man and Michael Guest live in a U.S.
official residence in Bucharest.
Alright, we'll be back and go to some calls, folks.
And we've got Sheriff Arpaio on, getting ready to draft the illegal aliens.
From the Associated Press.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
Learn more about Bohemia and Grove at InfoWars.com.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
All right, folks, we're back live.
About to be going into the third hour.
Eight minutes into the hour, we're going to have Sheriff Arpaio on.
Jailed immigrants to Redditor for Draft.
This guy's a real piece of work.
We've had him on before.
But for this segment and the next five minutes and the next hour, we'll have our guest with us.
Let's take some calls.
Pete in Missouri, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Pete.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
Your guest site last night.
And one comment, I did fire off a letter regarding this whole business of Bush and playing both sides, one with a marriage amendment and two with some legislation that would permit some kind of recognition of gay couples.
First of all,
I don't want that man going anywhere near the Constitution, because if he does, it'll be with malice aforethought.
Yeah, if they have a Constitutional Convention or anything, they're going to rewrite everything else.
The second thing is that if they want to go ahead and license gay unions, well, they're about the only people that can, because most certainly God doesn't ordain them.
So my question is,
What are we doing as Christians with marriage licenses in the first place?
Yeah, marriage licenses started for black people, folks.
The state should not be involved in your marriage.
It even goes back to England, you know, the movie Braveheart, where you've got to be licensed to get married.
That's historical.
The right of pre-monoctu and the rest of it.
Comments to that, gentlemen?
The marriage licenses and all the things that have come about
I think the people just go along with the flow of things.
They don't understand that these are God-given rights, and it's really sad that we've come to this place in our society where people just blatantly reject what is true.
I'm glad the caller brought up the issue of what Bush said about marriage, and then at the same time saying, in the interview with Diane Sawyer, he said he would support whatever legal arrangements, quote-unquote, people wanted to make as long as their states support it, which is code language for sodomite civil union.
All right, let's go on back to the calls here.
One more comment?
Okay, well, just as a parting thought for that, okay, if, again, why do we as Christians want to be swimming in that cesspool?
All right, thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I mean, my point is we shouldn't be licensed for anything.
And yeah, we don't need their license for marriage.
I didn't get a license.
I'm married.
I don't need the government to tell me I'm married.
Let's jump through their hoops, be under their regulations.
Let's go ahead and talk to Leon in Colorado.
Leon, you're on the air.
Yeah, hello.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
You bet.
I had called a long time ago because you were talking about Bushes and the New World Order bunch, all the bankers and everything.
And I just want to remind that one caller that in the New Hampshire Gazette back in October, there was an exclusive article by John Buchanan.
Yeah, Bush Sr.
running Prescott, getting all the Nazi money until the early fifties.
And I mean, if that, if his grandfather's doing it, you can bet that Bush's, right, you know,
Whatever you want to call him in the White House.
I think this new website's going to be great.
I think you guys need to post the Nazi stuff.
All of it.
Do I have this right?
I just go Bush Revealed.
Is it Bush at?
It's BushRevealed.com.
That's it.
The other thing I wanted to say about the Governors of America, what is being proposed, and I have my email from them,
Basically, what is being said is that there is basically a proposal by the IRS to jump in, and I'm sure it's going to affect you and everybody else.
Yeah, it's an interpretation of the Incumbent Protection Act, known as campaign finance reform, to not let gun owners talk to anybody or any other conservative group.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I'll get comments from our guests in the next segment in one minute.
Take a few more calls for them, then we're going to go to Sheriff Arpaio.
Stay with us.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight central, we're talking to the fellas, the two pastors that founded BushRevealed.com, going over some of his
Well, big government activities.
We're going to take a few final calls.
But comments, gentlemen, to what the last caller was bringing up just a few minutes ago, what Leon was bringing up.
Do you have any comments to that?
Steve, did you have anything in particular that you wanted to say in regards to that call?
Nothing in particular.
I'm glad he had the website clear.
I would like to fit in at some point, Alex, that there is an alternative for people.
You know, as he did, the caller prior to him brought up the subject of what we do as Christians.
I'm a pro-life Christian missionary.
I've received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Those who are followers of Christ should want to do what is righteous, what is
uh... edifying what is consistent with scripture there is an alternative people don't have to uh... stay home and not vote on november uh... in november two thousand four there is an alternative party that is biblically based and constitutionalist that is the constitution party and i would encourage people to uh... also check that out at constitution party dot com okay let's go to some calls here let's talk to ron in new york go ahead ron
It's an interesting point that you bring up today about marriage.
I've always wondered why that in a secular state, which is continually trumpeting separation of church and state in every other area, they want to have their hand in the middle of what is a religious, traditional institution or sacrament or however you should call it.
Why don't they see a separation or need for the separation of the state from church when it comes to that?
Well, the First Amendment says the government stays out of religion, not that religion stays out of government, and they've turned that around backwards.
And in that particular case, they're completely involved in every respect, yet everywhere else they want to secularize society, but there's a separation of church and state.
And the fact is, since the state has been involved in the issuance of marriage licenses, I'd say that tradition for the general population is somewhere
Slightly under a century old.
Maybe even less than that.
There have been less success with the marriages rather than more.
Well, that's it.
Thanks for the call.
Our churches have fallen apart since the government got involved.
Illegitimacy has exploded.
Society's falling apart.
Gentlemen, comments to that?
Well, that's an excellent point, but as we all know, on the program at least, that is their agenda.
That is what they want to do.
The more control that they can have over our lives,
The better they're off.
Absolutely, but I have seen an awakening now taking place by Christians that the so-called Christian leaders are a bunch of Judas Iscariots.
I'd like to see Christians understand that we should not be following the lesser of two evils or trying to bring about a righteous result by
By compromise or by supporting things that we know are antithetical to scripture.
Well, I mean, I think Bush is, you know, wears a black hood and worships Moloch.
That's a good Christian thing.
Let's talk to Scott in Virginia.
You've got about 45 seconds.
Scott, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
First of all, I thought we were terrorists and not communists.
I was being sarcastic earlier saying that we're pro-gun, pro-border, so we're liberals, and if you're anti-border, pro-China, you're a conservative.
It's not about the religious stuff that you have on now, but I have a question about the IRS.
There's a company called CSC Computer Services Corporation who is doing this multi-billion dollar computer
Rebuild for the IRS.
And it's like... I was supposed to actually work on that project, but it never went through.
Hey, I'll tell you what, sir.
Sir, I'm going to put you on hold and I'll get to you later on this subject because it's kind of, kind of, uh, it doesn't fit in and we're out of time right now.
So stay there.
We'll get to you later, Scott and then Regina and others.
Gentlemen, the website's BushRevealed.com.
I want to thank you for coming on.
We'll talk to you in the future.
Thank you.
You bet.
God bless you.
All right, folks.
We'll be back with Sheriff Arpaio.
Interesting gentleman.
Made a lot of headlines around the country for the little Maricopa County Sheriff's Department.
And they're gonna get ready to draft the illegal aliens there, so we'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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I'll give them that number, 888-253-3139.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, we've had Sheriff Art Pio on the show before.
He's in some conference right now.
We'll be getting him on here in a few minutes.
Jailed immigrants to register for the draft, Phoenix,
Arizona Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who gained notoriety for putting inmates on chain gangs and issuing them striped uniforms and pink underwear, has now ordered all undocumented immigrants currently in jail to register for the draft.
About 500 undocumented immigrants
It's immigrants now, not illegal aliens.
House and the Phoenix Area County Jail System have not complied with the 1980 federal law that requires all men between the ages of 18 and 26 to register for the draft regardless of their immigration status, Arpaio said.
I can't say I've ever heard of anything like this, but we do appreciate any effort towards compliance, said Dan Amon, a spokesman for the Selective Service System in Washington, D.C.
And of course, they've now reconstituted the draft boards, folks.
He said, Arpaio may be doing the undocumented immigrants a favor by ordering them to register because Selective Service is tied to a number of benefits, including citizenship.
Well, of course it is.
They give illegals citizenship if they join the military.
That's been in the news, and they want aggravated felons, according to the Washington Times, a new law they passed.
If they want to legalize their immigration status, the first thing would be to ask if they were registered for the draft.
Aman said.
The United States hasn't had a draft since 1973.
That's 30 years ago, folks.
30 plus years ago.
Registration was reinstated in 1980, and the law still requires that males who are U.S.
citizens or resident aliens register within 30 days of their 18th birthday for conscription.
They'll never get over that law they passed over a year ago that they can hire aggravated felons if they're aliens to make up the military.
Isn't that just
Just special.
Before I go back to your calls and then Arpaio, and we're getting through to him there at his command center, his work camp complex he has there.
This is out of Reuters today.
Judge Saruul on his raley charged with weapons smuggling.
And it says, a judge will decide on Thursday, that's yesterday, whether an Israeli citizen accused of illegally conspiring to send 200 U.S.-made nuclear weapons detonators to Pakistan should be freed on a $75,000 bill provided or remain in jail until his federal trial.
I actually have the new article from today.
I got these mixed up.
I'll dig it out.
Asar Karani, 50, was arraigned on
On January 2nd at Denver International Airport as he arrived from a ski vacation on Monday, U.S.
Magistrate Judge Michael Wannabe ordered him freed on $75,000 provided he remained at his rabbi's home in Maryland while the case proceeds in Washington.
How they can give any Israeli involved in espionage a bail when about half the time they run to Israel, I'll never understand.
By the way, with Dick Simkhanin and Aero Custom Plastics, he put full-page ads in USA Today saying the IRS was a fraud, didn't withhold taxes, told his employees to do it if they wanted to, and they're giving him, he's been convicted after a second trial, double jeopardy, of 125 years in prison.
And they never let him have bail.
But if you're an Israeli, they've arrested saying he was giving nuclear weapons detonators to Pakistan,
Every time I turn around, Israeli agents are arming Iran, arming Syria, selling stuff to the Chinese.
One of the biggest threats to Israel out there is Israel.
Really amazing.
And so we'll see what happens with that.
All over the world, they're going to buy a metric for passports, driver's license, ID cards, the same thing in Canada.
Ontario considers fingerprint driver's license.
The Liberal Government of Ontario giving serious thought to incorporating biometric data such as fingerprint, facial recognition, or retinal scans on driver's licenses.
The Hamilton Spectator has reported that the Ministry of Transportation is considering industry stakeholders about using such technology on driver's licenses.
In 2005, to parallel new standards being developed in the U.S., the anti-terrorism security measures may also be extended to health cards and other ID.
There's 20, 30 articles today with other countries doing this.
And now it's not just foreigners who have to face scan and thumb scan to fly.
You're going to have to do it, and all your personal data is going to be on there.
And there's also another article here, Ontario putting back in the red light cameras that are run by Lockheed Martin, of course.
Now listen to this story.
This is really important.
9-1-1 director gave evidence to own inquiry.
A panel set up to investigate why the United States failed to prevent the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, faced angry questions Thursday after revelations that two of its own senior officials were so closely involved in events under investigation that they have been interviewed as part of the inquiry.
Philip Zelkow,
The Commission's Executive Director worked on Bush-Cheney transition team as the new administration took power, advising his long-time associate and former boss, and National Security Advisor, Patelisa Rice, on the incoming National Security Council.
He came forward to answer questions in the case he might have useful information said Al Flinzenberg, the Commission spokesman.
The news was greeted with dismay by many of the relatives and the victims who campaigned for the Commission to be set up.
Folks, the whole Commission, many of them were involved in 9-11.
This is putting it lightly.
It's like Senator Danforth being appointed by Reno to investigate Reno, and it was always the Independent Counsel.
The Independent Investigator.
Again, I use the analogy of Heinrich Himmler being hired to prosecute Herman Goering or something in Nazi Germany.
I mean, it's that stupid.
And so, uh, and then there's some other conflicts of interest they're here talking about, but, you know, what do you expect?
Oh, this is about FEMA.
In 1997, working in local talk radio, the engineers were grumbling.
They had to put in FEMA control boxes called EAS.
Before there was an emergency, you got the signal and tuned into it to announce the emergency alert to the test.
And you would hear the, DOOOOO!
This is only a test of the emergency broadcasting system.
In the event of a real emergency, you would get instructions.
Well, that switched over to FEMA takeover boxes at the transmitter site, at the stations.
Everything has to be wired through them.
Then they came out with the so-called Amber Alert, which was federally funded and FEMA mandated.
Has nothing to do with, oh, kidnap children, you know, here's their description for billboards, cell phones, and car radios, and TVs, and cable.
The admitted plan is for Homeland Security announcements, you know, anti-terror announcements.
We're looking for this criminal announcement.
And they've been telling now radio stations, and I get this feedback all the time, they may take as much an hour of programming a day from them.
Just break in with their little news announcements.
And, uh, well, one of these went off by itself, uh, they're now saying.
Or they made a mistake and sent it out.
Uh, Median County False Alarm Heard Nationwide Tests Emergency Alert System Mistakenly Broadcast as Actual Civil Emergency.
It was only a test with the broadcast that declared a local emergency was heard across the country.
According to Buck Adams, director of the County Emergency Management Agency, a dispatcher, signed a test of the Federal Emergency Alert System on Wednesday, mistakenly broadcast a message that a civil emergency had occurred in the county.
We test on a regular basis, make sure everything's okay, Adams said.
We were on the phone with WTAM and someone hit transmit instead of test.
A very alert engineer saw the message come in immediately and broadcast it.
The emergency message contained an automated portion that declared the civil emergency had occurred.
Adams fielded 500 calls from residents and government agencies who heard only the first part of the message.
I can tell you for sure the thing does work, Adams said.
Dispatchers at the Median County Sheriff's Department received about 60 calls from residents and fellow law enforcement agencies.
They were even inundated by calls from CNN.
Everybody wanted to find out and wanted to help.
The alert also went on radio and television stations.
Uh, and a bunch of counties and cities.
Wadsworth Cable Television Station, WCTU, received three messages.
At 2.33 p.m., the message automatically pre-ends programming, so it got the attention of Gary Shrumpf from the station's communications department.
We listened for a whole message, and it goes on.
Oh boy!
The Running Man!
Rumsfeld exerting pressure on Bush to launch a military strike against Syria.
For an explanation behind the leaked memos, click here.
You can go read about those.
In a memo recently sent to the National Security Council, U.S.
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has said terrorists, including Hezbollah members, continue to cross the border from Syria to Iraq.
We're good to go.
Uh, recommendations the U.S.
leader to launch military action in Syria in the wake of Damascus, continued support of the Hezbollah, and other opportunity it provides for terrorists to penetrate from its terrorists into Iraq.
Of course, when they take over Syria, then the bordering country there will be aiding Syria and then on and on.
According to reports published in U.S.
press, the Pentagon officials have been pressuring the White House into approving military action against Damascus, but not through a massive force invasion.
Richard Perle has already been attacking them, folks.
A member of the Pentagon's advisory board and a close advisor to Rumsfeld has recently lashed out at Syria, saying the United States had a big problem with Damascus.
One of the things the Syrians are doing to facilitate the entry into Iraq of terrorists who are there to kill Americans, he told CNN.
We'll come back, take calls, see if we can get Arpaio on.
Then we'll get to Arizona Preparers for secession from U.S.
We'll get into more of the Iraq and police state news and recap some of the top stories.
A lot of key info coming up in the next 40 minutes, so stay with us.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231, 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are prisonplanet.com and infowars.com.
The show is about giving you the info to make up your mind about what you're going to do about the New World Order.
It's about resisting tyranny, defending liberty, one hundred and ten percent, my friends.
We're here live Monday through Friday, eleven to two central, back from nine to midnight.
So stay with us, keep it locked in to this quick break, and we shall return with the news and a lot more.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's go back to your calls, then back into all this vital news.
Lori in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you.
Well, I'm doing fine, Lori.
How are you doing?
Well, I'm doing good, Alex.
Alright, Lori's not there.
Let's talk to Mick in Arizona.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Hey, I wanted to ask Sheriff Joe
Why he wanted to stop people and give them toys last winter, or right before Christmas?
I don't know if you heard about that.
Yeah, he was always running some circuit to train you to be a minion.
Yep, he's a former FBI agent.
I've had Arpaio on before, and the jail guard says he can't get up and get the secretary, so I don't know if it's on purpose or what.
Yeah, he's a former FBI agent.
Well, for those that don't know, tell them what Arpaio did.
Well, he was proposing a plan.
Stop people from safe driving and give them toys that people had donated.
I guess it's to make them look like Santa Claus.
But these guys, if they stop you, they're just going to start looking around for other things.
You know what I mean?
And it's just creeping, dissolving over our heads.
Hey, did you hear about Organ Pipe National Park?
There's a head guy there that said that the so-called migrants, that's another term they're using now,
They're leaving tons of trash now.
And, uh, it's gonna take like years to clean up.
Anyway, about a year ago, you called, uh, you had, uh, sent an article where they were talking about taking blood in Arizona.
And I said, no way, Alex!
They're not gonna do that!
But, uh, two weeks later, right after that, uh, there it was in the paper, they were taking blood.
Anyway, there was a guy just, like, a couple months ago, he refused to give blood, and they had him in handcuffs, where they tasered him, like, three times in the neck, while he was handcuffed!
Would you like me to send you that article?
Uh, yes I would.
Yeah, they announced that all over this state, in Arizona, they're gonna pull you over at checkpoints and take everyone's blood out of a vein, in the dark, with needles, and this guy refused to give blood, and so I guess they just tortured him, huh?
That's exactly what they did.
There's a picture there with the marks on his neck.
Didn't they say that this was a good thing?
That this was a... Oh, maybe according to Sheriff Joe, I'd like to ask him.
Anyway, uh... So what'd they do to him?
I mean, describe it.
I just got the article, and it doesn't really go into it.
You know, if it's out of the Tucson Citizen, which is another Gannett paper, they're not going to really go into all the details, but they did have a picture.
They had him in handcuffs.
He wouldn't let them take blood, which, folks, I mean, that's a violation of the Fourth, the Fifth Amendment.
Now they want your blood at the checkpoints?
The Nazis didn't even do that.
So they tasered him and took the blood anyway.
Yep, but they had to throw it out, and now they changed the policy, so we did win.
We lost, but we won.
We're winning now.
They changed the policy.
Well, I wonder if people realize, imagine, you get pulled over and they go, I'm going to stick this needle in your arm.
You go, no way!
That's what I'd say.
And they put you in handcuffs and knock you out with electricity to take your blood.
But they've changed the policy and they're suing now.
They dropped the charges because blood... You're not going to suck blood on the roadsides anymore?
I guess not.
I don't know.
I don't think they like that.
Or they're not going to taser you to get the blood?
I guess not.
Maybe they'll find another way around it.
By the way, I don't doubt what you're saying, sir.
I believe it.
Email us at tipsandinfowars.com.
We'll post it.
But I've got to tell folks this.
I read articles, multiple articles, where they said it was good.
It said, at roadside checkpoints this Thanksgiving, and this was a year ago.
This was last Thanksgiving.
We're going to be pulling over everyone.
Don't worry.
No discrimination.
And taking your blood.
I didn't believe you.
But then I saw it.
It came out.
You were right.
You were right about the Free State Project, Alex.
There's a guy named Boston Tea Party.
He was in on that Free State Project.
He completely agrees with your analysis.
He says New Hampshire's a bad choice.
So he's moving to Wyoming.
He's encouraging other Free Staters to move there too.
Boston Tea Party's real name's Royce.
He'd make an excellent guest.
I want you to know, we just talked to a whacked out individual, Mick in Arizona.
He's saying that he doesn't like being pulled over with men with guns sticking needles in him.
Gosh, we've got some psychotic listeners.
Think of how weird we've gotten.
We don't want people sticking needles in us.
And then I saw articles after they started doing it, it described them by flashlight, sucking people's blood!
Police sticking needles in you!
I mean, this is the new America!
We think you may be on drugs, it's for drugs, so we're gonna suck your blood!
I'm sorry, folks.
I just... How much overt, and by the way, it's not just Arizona, Colorado's gonna start it,
In some of their counties.
Yeah, we're a bunch of loons on this show.
We don't want you to get pulled over and have police suck your blood.
I've had blood taken before.
You ever had a nurse mess up and can't find a vein and keeps jabbing your arm?
Imagine a cop.
And if you pull back and don't act like you like it, how about I beat you over the head with a nightstick?
You just resisted me!
By the way, Clinton signed an executive order.
It's in my film.
America Destroyed by Design, where it's a federal law, if you get a driver's license, they can make you give blood, urine, or other tissue.
They haven't implemented it yet, but they're getting ready to with clinics.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Well, this never happens, but I'm sorry that we inconvenienced Sheriff Joe Arpaio in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Biggest jurisdiction in that state.
He's quite famous for
The striped old-fashioned uniforms and the pink underwear with the inmates.
We've been calling the number.
It was getting rerouted somehow to a jail guard or something, but we called and his secretary said, yes, he's been sitting right here waiting.
So we're sorry that happened.
Sheriff Arpaio, good to have you on the show.
Next time I'll give you my cell phone.
You're from Austin, Texas, right?
Yes, sir.
And that's a great town.
I used to be head of the federal drug enforcement.
In San Antonio, and I covered Austin.
It wasn't as large a population, but it's a great town.
Thank you.
Well, luckily I never had to run in with you, because my coffee isn't illegal yet.
But there are moves to start taxing it and fattening foods.
Maybe I'll end up in your jail.
No, I don't think you want to do that.
I have coffee right here and a large pizza, sir.
We took away coffee several years ago, along with everything else.
They don't have pizza either, so... I don't think... Our meals, since I last talked to Austin,
Down to 15 cents a meal.
Do you have any... Are your folks doing labor or industry or are you not like the prisons?
I'm not like the prisons.
We put them on a chain gang on the streets of Phoenix and other areas and they don't get paid like prisons pay.
Prisons don't have chain gangs.
We have chain gangs.
So also our prisoners work in the kitchen.
They pump out the food.
30,000 meals, well actually it's 20,000 because I took away a meal.
They only get two meals.
They get brunch and dinner and meals are like 15 cents.
We also have dogs that have been abused in the only air-conditioned jail I have.
We have six of them.
So the abused animals are in the air-conditioned jail.
The inmates are in the hot tents.
So they don't like that, but they've been abused.
The animals have been abused.
They have $1.15 meals.
Where the inmates are like forty cents a day.
You know, Sheriff, I had you on a couple years ago, and you're very gracious with your time, you know.
I don't agree with a lot of the stuff you do, but I have to say this, you do come on the air, you are a smart person, a character, and you do defend your ideas.
This latest thing, I have the Associated Press here, out of Arizona Republic, where you have registered the aliens
The illegals, I guess the legals, any immigrants that are there in your jail, it says 500 of them, quite a jail, there for the national draft.
Well, we have 8,700 people in jail.
Out of the 8,700, almost 2,300 have not signed up for the draft, for the selected service.
It's a five-year prison term for a $250,000 fine, but that law has never been enforced.
But I'm enforcing it in the sense of allowing these guys 18 to 26 years old... But how can you have an illegal alien in the military?
I mean, they're felons to begin with.
This is not in the military.
They're signing up for the possible draft.
Yes, but you know the law.
It's stated there.
You stated it.
That they will take these illegals.
They are taking illegals.
Is that a good idea?
I didn't say they're taking illegals.
I say I'm signing illegals up for the possibility of draft.
But sir, you stated in the newspaper that the government does take illegals for the military.
Well, they have taken it.
Look at history.
Of course they take illegals.
Those good old German Hessians.
And I'll tell you one thing.
If they ever take an illegal, at least the illegal, should be a U.S.
citizen, automatically that illegal should become a citizen.
If you can fight for your country, you'd think you'd become a citizen.
Well, they're doing that.
They just changed the law.
I'm sure you probably heard about that.
Well, they do become U.S.
I think after six months in, they make it through basic training and stuff.
Now, Sheriff, have you seen the new Army of One ad where they have the former Russian spitsnat?
He goes, I'm now Army of One.
No, I haven't seen that.
So, I'm just getting your idea on this.
You don't think it's a problem having 20,000 of our troops in Iraq being people that were illegal aliens?
Well, you know, let me tell you this.
All I am doing is giving the inmates a chance to obey the law.
To sign up for selective service.
There is no draft right now.
So that's what I'm doing.
I have them in jail.
They're receiving benefits.
Illegals have benefits sometimes.
So why can't they obey the law and sign up for the selected service?
That's all I'm saying.
Sir, I think you're enforcing the law and I understand that.
I'm saying the larger picture is a bad one of having a bunch of illegals, you know, mercenaries basically, in our military.
Now, I just got a bunch of calls earlier wanting to talk to you and one of them lives there in your county.
He says he really enjoys it and he said he was talking about the news articles with the taking blood at checkpoints.
Can you tell us about that, Sheriff?
Taking blood at checkpoints?
Yeah, it was all over.
You're talking about DUIs?
He must be talking to people under the influence on roadblocks that they do every year here.
So you automatically, they're guilty when you pull them over and you're going to, they don't have a fifth amendment, you're going to take their blood.
Well that's legal to do that.
They give them tests when you, Austin, Texas, when you stop, have a roadblock, I'm sure they give you the test.
They do not do blood tests at the roadblock.
They can agree to the blood test.
They don't have to do it, they can agree to it.
Well I heard a guy just got tasered and they took the blood when he was passed out.
Well, you know, where?
In Texas?
No, in Arizona.
Well, I don't know about that.
I don't... I'm the Sheriff.
Well, Sheriff Arpaio, I would get upset.
I would get upset if one of your officers in the dark started coming at me with a needle.
Well, you don't have to take the needle then.
Don't take it.
Well, I do know in Austin, once they get you to jail, they will force taking the block.
Well, you know, we have a big drunk driving problem.
We have a drug problem.
The Supreme Court yesterday approved law enforcement with roadblocks.
I'm sure you're not going to like that either.
Well, no, they specifically said if you're out looking for a... A specific crime.
An escaped criminal.
No, it didn't say escaped criminal.
It said any crime.
So I'm going to, you know what?
I don't control Austin, Texas, but I'll tell you, I control Maricopa County, so I may implement that.
You probably don't like that idea.
I thought you were a nice guy.
What are you?
You in that liberal town of Austin, Texas?
I thought you were conservative.
Don't you execute more people in Texas?
Do you execute people in Texas?
Yeah, we do.
Are you complaining about that?
Well, I am for the death penalty, but I'm not... Oh, you're for the death penalty, but you don't like to take drugs off the street.
You asked a question, Sheriff.
Sheriff, you asked a question.
Yeah, go ahead.
Did you hear about Thule of Texas, where they framed 58 black people with no drugs or paraphernalia found?
Well, that's true.
Did you hear about the Houston Crime Lab training everybody?
That's not right.
I don't trust the government to carry out executions because there's more corrupt people in government than out of government.
Well, I don't know about the allegation of corrupting government.
I spent 44 years with the U.S.
Drug Enforcement, including Texas.
I've had the former head of the FBI Crime Lab on saying they had an industrial frame-up system going there.
Well, you know, I can't comment on that situation.
I wasn't there, so I'm not going to comment.
I'm sure you heard about it.
How do you know I heard about it?
I've got enough problems to hear a mic comment.
I don't read the papers.
What about the FBI running the murder for hire in Boston?
FBI in Boston.
Talk to the FBI.
I'm not the FBI.
What are you talking to me?
I'm the Sheriff out here.
Yeah, but you were involved.
I wasn't involved in a case in Boston.
No, no, no.
In Texas you were a Fed.
You were a Fed.
I was a Fed for 32 years.
I worked in Boston.
You're right.
With the Federal Drug Enforcement.
I was a Director of Mexico, South America, Texas.
The great state of Texas, where I endorse your governor, who's now the President of the United States.
Hey, Sheriff, let me ask you another question.
I'm sure that you have heard about the Patriot Act I and II.
Patriot Act, okay.
Do you like that?
Well, you know, I was the only agent in the Middle East, too.
I live in Turkey, fighting
The drug traffic, we're at war against terrorism, we're at war in Afghanistan, and we've got to get these terrorists off the streets.
That's the first priority of this country.
Now, you want to talk about Patriot Acts and everything else, we have to protect the people of the United States of America.
Yeah, those are now being used, they're using the Patriot Act against Rush Limbaugh, top
He endorsed my book, America's Toughest Sheriff.
Why give him that mouth and rush?
Go to World Net Daily or Associated Press.
They're using it to go after him.
Oh, they are?
Have you read Section 802 of the Patriot Act?
Oh, I know he endorsed my book, front cover, back cover, and I don't know about his drug situation.
What would you do if Limbaugh did what he did in your county?
If he did what he did in my county?
Well, if he was guilty, he'd be wearing pink underwear, but he's not in my county.
Anything else you want to hit me with?
Yeah, I've got a lot.
We always enjoy talking to you, your lordship.
Arizona prepares... My lordship?
No, I'm the king.
That lordship.
Why don't you come down and visit me?
I'll take you through the tents, show you the chain gangs.
And you can broadcast here, and maybe get a different perspective.
Maybe never leave, though, right?
Maybe never leave, though.
No, you guys have a right to talk.
That's what you get paid for, so don't worry about it.
You don't embarrass me.
So why don't you come down, and I'll show you our policies.
I'll be glad to do that for you.
They won't be waiting with needles for me.
There's no needles here.
We don't use needles.
Hey, did you hear about this headline?
Arizona prepares for secession from the U.S.? ?
I don't know about that.
Yeah, I'm not going to comment on that.
What's her name?
Karen Johnson?
No, I don't comment about that.
Well, I tell you, sir.
Where are we going to go?
To Mexico?
What's she talking about?
Well, we are.
According to Bush, you're in Mexico.
We're going to legalize all the illegals.
You commit a felony and you get legalized.
That kind of punishes those that obey the law, doesn't it?
Well, anyway, listen.
I'm sorry you had trouble reaching me.
I wasn't trying to avoid you.
Sir, I know you wouldn't do that because you're not a coward.
No, when I'm in Austin, I'll be glad to face you face to face.
If you were in New York, would you be the Duke of New York, A-number one?
The Duke of New York?
I don't know.
I'm the Sheriff, that's all.
You said you're the King.
Well, you call me a Duke and I promoted myself.
So, uh, how has your police force, uh, your sheriff's department grown, uh, since you, uh, got into office?
How it's grown?
Because you were saying you've actually reduced cost.
Yeah, you know, the 10, 15 cent meals saves 12 million a year.
I bet those are nutritious.
The tents, uh, we put up for 2,000 inmates, uh, uh, that's only 150,000.
We use Korean War tents.
Uh, they're in the desert.
It's 130 degrees.
They complain to me, but our men and women are living in tents in Iraq and Afghanistan.
There's 130 there, so I'm not concerned about it.
I told them to shut their mouths last month.
Stop complaining.
Stop complaining.
Now, was it you that also put cameras in there and it was on TV?
Yeah, I put cameras in the cell.
If you came down here and got arrested, everybody will see you worldwide.
mcso.org so you can tune in right now see if any of your friends
I've been arrested here at Maricopa County.
Also, now I read the news, and tell me this isn't accurate, even when they go potty, there's video of this.
Well, we did away with the live video, now I just show the pictures because that was donated, a company went out of business.
Now, Sheriff, how did you think it was okay to humiliate people like that?
No, they never saw the potty.
That was BS.
That's wrong.
Okay, well thanks for clearing it up.
One last question for you.
As you said, keen.
You called me a Duke!
I just said King!
I called you your Lordship.
Because we work for the government, we're the property of the government, and I admit that.
I'm a slave.
But look, I want to be honest here with you.
Maricopa County, the FBI put out tens of thousands of those flyers saying defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
I never put nothing out.
Those that make frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists?
I never put anything out.
It was in my office.
But you were aware of that, right?
No, I'm not aware of that.
You never heard about that?
No, putting flyers out.
I think that's wrong.
I don't think the FBI put flyers out.
Where are you getting your intelligence from?
Well, no, I had them on.
They admitted to having the FBI number there.
Well, talk to the FBI.
I don't know about the flyers.
Well, I was just a law enforcement professional, sir.
You think I care what flyers they put out?
I got a job to do locked up murderers and everything else.
I don't get involved in flyers unless it pertains to my jurisdiction.
And how are things going there in Arizona with the BATF?
How are the gun crimes going?
The alcohol and firearms?
It's going okay.
We're doing great.
We're locking up people that violate the gun laws.
I have a .50 caliber machine gun.
Are you concerned about that?
I'm the only law enforcement officer that has a .50 caliber machine gun.
Are you against that or for it?
Oh no, I'm for that.
Citizens can say some nice things about me.
Well, can citizens have .50 caliber machine guns?
Is it okay if the citizens have it to you?
A .50 caliber machine gun?
Hey, if they want to buy it, they can get it.
There's no law against citizens buying a .50 caliber machine gun.
Hey, Sheriff Arpaio, Sheriff Arpaio, you are just such a wonderful American.
Can we get you down on the border to help fight the Mexican troops that are killing federal officers?
Well, I used to do that when I was in the U.S.
Drug Enforcement.
I covered Mexico's border for 12 years.
But now I'm just a little old sheriff in Maricopa County now.
Well, let me put it this way.
9,000 square miles and 3.5 million people live in my county now.
So I guess they like it here.
They keep coming.
I guess they don't hate the sheriff.
So you're the king of the desert?
No, I'm the sheriff of the desert.
Sometimes they call me General Patton.
Sometimes they call me Wyatt Earp.
But I'll take it either way.
All right.
Well, Sheriff, who are you supporting for the 2004 election?
Well, I endorsed President Bush from Texas when he came to visit me, and I supported him in the primary against the U.S.
Senator from here.
And I think he's a great guy.
He's from Texas.
People from Texas are great people.
Well, actually, he's from Kennebunkport, Maine.
Well, he's not from Maine.
Okay, you want to go way back in history.
By the way, I'm from up there, too.
Well, I'm not saying it's bad that you're from Maine.
I'm not saying he's bad because he's from Maine.
Well, he was the governor of Texas and he did a great job.
He's doing a great job as president and I highly will endorse him again this time around.
Alright, let me ask you a question.
You've sworn an oath to protect and defend the Constitution.
Yes, I did.
If they come out with more laws to ban more guns and make everybody register them, will you enforce that law or will you be like Sheriff Richard Mack and say no?
Well, I'm not Richard Mack.
I do follow the law.
I do follow the law.
On the other hand, I'm for the concealed weapons permits that we have here.
I think people should be able to carry a weapon.
We just did an investigation with a shop owner, shot the stick-up guy.
So I commend that shop owner for having his gun and whacking that stick-up guy.
Well, I commend you.
You're an interesting fella.
You're an interesting fella.
Do you have a gift shop on the Sheriff's website selling the pink lingerie?
No, it's not lingerie.
It's pink underwear.
And just for your information, which you're not going to like, we're going to dye the sheets pink to match the underwear next week anyway.
Okay, because why?
Do you like seeing men in pink?
Well, they were stealing the white underwear, smuggling the underwear out of the jail, $50,000 worth.
So I dyed the underwear pink.
White pink, because I hate pink.
Why would you give prisoners a color they like?
There's a big market in used prison underwear.
Well, the underwear is pink.
Everybody wears it.
8,700 people I have in my jail.
Man, that's brilliant!
8,700 people eating the bologna sandwich and ten cent meals.
I'm not a small town sheriff.
Yes, oh, I understand, sir.
I know you have 300 sheriffs in Texas.
King, King, King of Arizona, I want to thank you for joining us.
Thank you.
Bye-bye, Lordship.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's jam some final calls in here.
I tell you, Arpaio is such a character, but the horrors that go on in his 8,000 plus person jail.
They don't have half that many in the Chicago jail, folks.
It's just, I mean, you spit on the sidewalk.
You've got Arpaio on top of you.
Let's talk to Bill in Colorado, then Curtis and Rick.
Bill, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
I wanted to call in, and this is something that it seems kind of minor, but I think that a lot of the stuff that's happening, that's kind of how people are getting away with it, is it starts out as a real small
And that's a totally legal ticket.
You don't have a person issuing it, and on top of it, then they don't even know who it is driving the car.
That's why those red light cameras are being thrown out.
Well, that's good, but see, I don't have the resources to get a lawyer.
I don't even know where to start.
Well, you need to research it, but no, you can find out, pop into a search engine, how to beat a red light camera ticket.
A bunch of articles will pop up.
You don't need a lawyer.
A lawyer will teach you how to give him your wallet.
Okay, yeah.
And see, that's the thing.
A lot of it is having the resources and the time to fight, because I think it's important to stop it
I don't even have a TV, Alex.
I watch a video every once in a while.
Well, I haven't done anything with it yet.
I just got it yesterday.
So, I'm playing on point.
I don't even know who it is.
Your work should say, this ticket's not legitimate.
You go to court and say, who's the individual?
Who's the person?
And who's the officer that issued this?
Yeah, the only problem is that I work with a bunch of sheeple that just kind of want... By the way, you can bring in all the news articles where about a third of the time those cameras malfunction.
Yeah, well, I'm planning on fighting it, and those are some real good ideas.
I think I'll do that, Alex.
I'd appreciate that.
Yeah, just demand a jury trial.
Come in there with a bunch of news articles and say, look, in, you know, in Maryland, they were found to be shortening the lights to make you run them to make more money, and they were caught in San Diego scamming people and giving a third of the tickets to people that hadn't run the red lights, and just say, these systems are a fraud.
Throw it out.
I really appreciate what you're doing, Alex.
Thank you, Bill.
Appreciate you.
Curtis in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Curtis.
Hey Alex, real quick, I heard a story this morning that I don't know if you're aware of or not, but the AARP, I think it's the Airline Reporting Program, some of their CPUs were taken and they were trying to cover it up, so people that are, you know, going with this CAPS II when they go to the airport and they get all this information, if these computers were taken, they were saying that you need to watch your bills and stuff because
You know, somebody's got these computers and the airline's trying to cover them up.
I've caught tens of thousands of IRS employees ripping people off.
That's the point.
Government's got more criminals in it than any other institution.
So, um, this guy's suited.
This is what could possibly happen if you get, uh, and, uh, that interview with that guy, I mean, he sounds like a sick man.
That didn't even sound like a real interview.
A real sheriff.
I mean, was that a real, real sheriff?
Yeah, it's like talking to a gangster.
I've talked to good fellas that talk like that.
I mean, it sounds like he treats the people pretty bad in the prison.
That's it.
I appreciate the call.
Let's go to Rick in Nevada.
Go ahead, you've got 45 seconds.
Alex, it's a pleasure.
It's an honor, sir.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
I'd like to plug Ellen Mariani's website, if I may.
Ellen Mariani, whose husband, Louis Neal Mariani, died when Flight 175 hit the South
A World Trade Center Tower.
Yeah, we had her on the show.
She says Bush carried out 9-11, so does her lawyer.
And her website is 911forthetruth.com.
Everyone who hears my voice, go to 911forthetruth.com and say in the comments section, InfoWars.com.
All right.
God bless you, sir.
Appreciate that call.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
We got books, videos, all the centered stuff right there on the side for you.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight, and back tomorrow doing Real Talk Radio.
Back on Monday.
Have a good weekend.
God bless you.
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Yes, I do.
I do.