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Name: 20040115_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 15, 2004
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I will.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It's Monday, the 12th of January, 2003.
They're claiming that over the weekend they found several dozen small chemical warhead mortars buried under a road in southern Iraq.
Now, that could be true.
We know Saddam was sold masses of chemical and biological weapons in the precursors as well by the Russians, by the U.S.
We know that there are hundreds of confirmed sites, that is, declared sites
The country was littered with chemical and biological weapon sites.
More chemical than biological.
And many times, during the war and after the war, the Globalists would go into one of these declared sites and say, look, we found sarin gas, or World War I-style mustard gas.
We have proven there's weapons of mass destruction.
And then the news would quietly, the next day, retract it and say, OK, it was a declared site.
Understand, they don't just have to find weapons of mass destruction.
They have to find weapons of mass destruction that was not declared.
I mean, the UN ran around that country for 12 years after the war blowing up declared chemical weapons or any type of equipment that could make chemical weapons or even make precursors to chemical weapons.
That's why Iraq wasn't even allowed to have a chemical industry to make fertilizer or anything.
Did you know that?
They had to buy everything from the West or from outside of their country.
But now they're saying they found some weapons of mass destruction, but they're not really heralding it in the newspapers and on television that I've seen.
Meanwhile, Blair is saying, Blair admits weapons of mass destruction may never be found.
But he said a few months ago that he would resign if they were not found.
He stated his position as the Prime Minister on it.
So, trying to figure that out.
And then again last week he said that
I don't think so.
From Nazareth he came with a ragtag band to bring a revolution.
Some would make him king, others couldn't stand for that.
The cross was a solution.
But he rose again.
Wise men follow him.
But he rose again.
Wise men follow him.
Thank God for the renegade.
And the lives they need.
For the head of the war.
Well, continuing here, my friends.
Also, there's a story here.
Where a woman in Massachusetts went to buy her 10-year-old son a flight simulator program.
We've all played these on our personal computers, at least most of us have.
They're sold everywhere.
Went to just buy a normal little video game, and the store clerk said, well, I went ahead and called Homeland Security.
She didn't say anything suspicious, but I did, and they're commending the store's staples.
They offer supply, and I guess they sell video games, too.
A supply store.
Because this is very, very suspicious stuff to have a mother.
Well, they said she was a homeschooler.
That was the main suspicion, but she didn't say anything suspicious.
But you know, we have the footage and the documents where the FBI says that homeschoolers are potential terrorists.
Yeah, anybody who isn't part of this corrupt system.
So we'll get to that as well.
A lot of news coming up.
Stay with us.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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I love America.
I love this country.
I love my family.
I don't like
Sitting here with front row seats to the deconstruction of our Constitutional Republic, our borders, our families, our Second Amendment.
I can't stand the fact that the IMF, the World Bank, the World Trade Organization, the UN have more control over our economy, our states, our counties, our cities than the American people do, than Congress does.
Because Congress has been signing away their authority to the President
Who then signs away his authority and treaties, whether it's Bill Clinton or George W. Bush, unto the United Nations.
I'm sure you all heard about the 60 Minutes program last night.
I actually tuned in to watch it.
It was a whitewash.
They announced the horror, the truth, that we already knew that day one in the White House, the Treasury Secretary, John Dickerson, is now reporting.
That the Treasury Secretary, Paul O'Neill, said that, oh yeah, the plan was all along to invade Iraq, to attack Iraq.
And they're all, oh, this is an incredible development, but then 60 Minutes makes a couple of excuses for it and says some nice things about Bush, and oh, well, it's really no big deal.
That's what they do.
They take incredibly damaging evidence of premeditated lying and warmongering and imperial fascism
And they transmute it over into, oh, it's no big deal, by having 60 Minutes calmly report on it like it's a side issue.
Well, forget what Paul O'Neill has to say.
We have Dick Cheney.
We have George Bush.
We have his brother, Jeb Bush.
We have Paul Wolfowitz.
We have Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld.
We have them all.
In dozens and dozens and dozens, there's several hundred, PNAC reports, and I've probably read or scanned through about 60 or 70 of them.
I've spent many hours reading PNAC documents.
Every time I find some new indescribable horror, we'll post a link to the PNAC document from PNAC's own website, Project for a New American Century, and then we'll watch it in the next few days and weeks develop into major news stories.
Because the mainstream media, the Associated Press, Reuters, Gannett News Service, Knight Ridder, are so lazy, I have to go out and write an analysis of Patriot Act.
I have to go out and find subsections of bills.
You as listeners do that.
Time and time again you'll see it on the so-called alternative media, six months, two years, five years before you see it in the mainstream news.
So what is PNAC?
It was Bush's kind of exploratory
presidential committee that was formed in 1997 that wrote some of its most chilling forecasts and wishes and plans in 2000.
And in Rebuilding America's Defenses, written by Chaney and Rumsfeld, different documents on the PNAC website are collaborative efforts by different members of this administration and surrounding think tanks, phony neocon think tanks.
And they say, word for word, Saddam is not a threat, but he is a convenient pretext
To get the oil and to use Iraq as a new military base of operations to go into Syria and Iran.
So when we get up on the air and say they were planning the war before 9-11, that they were planning the war before they even got into office, when we say that they wanted to use terrorism to scare us into accepting that, it's not our opinion!
That's where my frustration comes from on this show.
Everything I talk about, well, 98% of what I talk about is admitted, documented, public fact.
I don't care how looney tunes it sounds, later, especially long time listeners, know it always comes out.
That isn't the mainstream news, because all I'm going off of is legislation, government white papers, what globalists are communicating in amongst themselves.
I spend four or five hours a day researching their activities.
New York, discussing the case for the Iraq War in an interview with Times White House correspondent John Dickerson, former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill, who sat on the National Security Council, says the focus was on Saddam from the early days of the administration.
He offers the most skeptical view of the case for war.
Ever put forward by a top administration official in the 23 months I was there, I never saw anything that I could characterize as evidence of weapons of mass destruction.
He told time, there were allegations and assertions by people, but I've been around a hell of a long time and I know the difference between evidence and assertions and illusions or allusions and
Conclusions that one could draw from a set of assumptions.
To me, there is a difference between real evidence and everything else.
And I never saw anything in the intelligence that I could characterize as real evidence times new issue will be on newsstands Monday.
So, instead of just going directly to the PNAC documents,
Written by almost everyone in the White House, including the President and his brother and the Vice President and the head of the Defense Department.
Instead of going right to their own confessions that they published, there's no questions about this.
It'd be like if I committed some grisly murder and I shot video of it and, uh,
wrote down my confession and put it in an envelope and mailed it to police and then police said we're not going to arrest Mr. Jones even though we have the videos of this and it's signed confession.
We're going to go ask the mailman who does his route in another part of the city if he saw Mr. Jones commit this murder.
Now that's an interesting analogy, but that's how ridiculous this is.
See, by focusing in on O'Neal, they can say, this is the guy that made the markets in Brazil plunge.
This is the guy that caused the stock market to go down when he made comments.
This is the guy that went to Africa and was hanging out with Bono from U2.
Man, this guy's a quack.
Don't listen to John O'Neill.
He's just got sour grapes because Dick Cheney called him up and said, I want you to resign.
And that's what the neocons, I heard them this weekend on Talk Radio, were saying.
Well, hey, neocons!
Why don't you just go to the confessions of the president, of the vice president, of his cabinet?
They don't just talk about
Saddam isn't a threat, but he's a convenient pretext to get at the oil and attack the neighbors and use Iraq as a base.
I mean, it says that, folks.
That's a paraphrase, but I mean, it's almost identical.
I'm going from memory here.
You can just type that into a search engine and you'll find hundreds of articles about it.
And that's just the 2000 document.
Go read it for yourself.
Rebuilding America's Defenses, 2000.
What else is in that document?
Dick Cheney talks about maybe we need to legitimize the use, he doesn't say maybe, he says we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons and legitimize their use in the media.
Race-specific bioweapons.
I mean, what a little jewel that is!
Can you imagine if you or I got on the radio or wrote a news article about how maybe we should develop race-specific bioweapons and legitimize their use?
I would expect I'd have the FBI... Mr. Jones, get out here!
We got questions for you!
Get out here!
We're knocking down the door!
See, if we had a real FBI, that's who they'd be after.
But no, we're not saying that.
We're not writing that.
We're not doing that.
We're fighting against that.
But the Vice President says we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons with the public.
Do you know what a race-specific bioweapon is?
I know most of you do.
It's a bioweapon that kills certain races of people.
Again, I mean, that's so big, that's so evil, that's so out of control, so overt, I don't have words to describe it.
Maybe you want to comment on it.
So, this whole O'Neill thing is not vindication for this show and other broadcasts.
Okay, we don't need vindication.
We have the signed confessions of these people from their own battle plans, which they haven't tried to hide because they know the media is on their side.
But so much of this PNAC news has come out that they're allowing this O'Neal story to come forward, and I have no doubt it is sour grapes and he is telling the truth.
Not because I think O'Neal's a good guy, but because I already have the documents.
And so now the neocons, the Rush Limbaugh's of the world, can attack O'Neill and say it's just sour grapes.
And go, oh, the big O, you know, didn't like being bullied.
You know, what a wimp.
You know, he didn't agree with Bush's tax cuts.
He's a liberal.
This is how the left is getting at us.
On and on and on.
It's a joke.
And so it will descend down into those types of debates.
And try to get in one of these neocon shows, try to get into the show, and talk about PNAC.
They'll scream you off the air.
If it's a national show, you're not going to get on.
If it's a local show, probably you won't be able to get on.
It'll all just be O'Neill, sour grapes, and now when anybody talks about the White House's plan to attack Iraq before they even got into office, it'll be, oh, that's just from that O'Neill, you've got sour grapes.
This is how their propaganda works.
The news will focus in on evidence that cannot be totally proven while ignoring a sea of real, smoking gun, red flag, incontrovertible documentation.
And so that's the reality.
It's like cops going into Jeffrey Dahmer's house and ignoring the refrigerator full of body parts, looking at it, closing it, and saying, you can go free, sir.
I don't see any evidence of what your neighbor says about you.
So the police are focusing on the neighbor of Jeffrey Dahmer instead of going into his refrigerator.
Well, we've been into the refrigerator of the White House.
We know the horrors that are in there.
It's on the record.
You can comment on that if you like.
There's more on O'Neill, more stuff O'Neill talked about that is a little more important.
Tribes find chemical weapons in Iraq, they're now claiming.
We'll go over that.
And just a ton of other news, big show, lined up for you today.
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And then, troops find chemical weapons in Iraq.
Bush sought way to invade Iraq even before election.
Border Council calls Bush plan slap in the face.
Errant email shames RFID backer.
They were asking Catherine Albrecht, the lady fighting the tracker chips, one of the leading fighters of that control system, they accidentally sent her an email because they've been contacting her for a bio.
One of the people from the big RFID company that works for Gillette had sent her an email she'd sent to someone inside the corporation, accidentally sent her whole bundle of emails to her about ways to destroy her.
Oh, they're trying to dig dirt up on her.
Oh, RFID, such a sweet, nice thing.
A microchip embedded in every product that tracks it from the factory to the warehouse to the store to your home with your name on it from the store to the landfill, part of the new sales tax, national sales tax, world sales tax system.
Also, working in plain sight out of the San Diego Union Tribune, even they admit that there's almost zero enforcement of illegal aliens working inside major corporations.
And it says that since four or five months ago, when they raided and arrested 300 at Walmart, there had been no other arrests nationwide.
That was simply a staged event.
And much more amendment to CCB would detain UK citizens without trial.
They're now passing martial law provisions and legislations in England.
And a lot more.
There's also a reward issued in the hit-and-run murder of a chemist and microbiologist who was killed in that medical center last month.
Obviously, a murder for hire.
They ran over him and then backed back over him, jumping the sidewalk.
So that's part of what's coming up as well.
But right now, let's talk to Art in Kansas City.
Art, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to remind you that they've had race-specific bioweapons for at least 50 years.
Don't you remember the Tuskegee experiment?
For those that don't know about that, why don't you tell them?
Well, it was a specific strain of, I believe, syphilis that was introduced to the black population.
And it was done at the government funding and request in order to see how severe it would become, if it would become terminal, and to see how rapidly it would spread.
Now, when the government first got caught doing that, they said, oh, we just didn't give black men treatment in a study over 45 years.
And we did let them spread it but now it's come out that yes indeed they were giving black men syphilis and then not giving them treatment to study this disease.
It's sort of like the hepatitis B vaccine they released out of the
weapons lab in San Francisco, Los Angeles, and New York that surprisingly was given to the gay male population about the same time AIDS broke out.
And by the way, we have the government documents, official stuff, where they engineered the AIDS virus.
That is not debatable.
That is documented historical fact.
And for those that just joined us,
Dick Cheney in one of the PNAC documents said we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
How can they write documents like that and then not have it be a major media issue?
It's been in the London Guardian, for my knowledge, and that's it.
I haven't seen it anywhere else, Alex, but I appreciate you bringing it out.
God bless you and God bless America.
God bless you, my friend.
And understand, it's not just, oh, it's just the London Guardian saying it.
I went to the PNAC document.
It is there.
They say it.
It's documented fact, but only the London Guardian has written an article about it.
Ask yourself that question.
Joe in New York, go ahead.
Hey, Alex, just in case your listeners are not aware of this.
There's a woman, because I know you mentioned it a few times, but just to state my statement, I'd just like to reiterate a little bit.
There's a woman, Ellen Mariani, that's actually suing the Bush administration because she lost a husband in the 9-11 event.
And David Chippis, which is also an attorney in Washington, D.C., happened to receive, I believe, federal documents claiming that the Bush administration knew several weeks before the 9-11 event, and he tried
He was calling the Bush administration on the phone and basically he was stonewalled.
Yeah, we had David Chippers on the show.
My question is, how come you don't hear anything about David Chippers getting in contact with Ellen Mariani?
All he has.
Yeah, all these folks have been talking.
Okay, in late 2000 and
I'd like to hold on, Alex.
I'd like to hold on.
Yeah, sure.
Sure, stay there.
In late 2002, David Shippers, Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch, FBI agent Robert Wright, stood up the National Press Club and said, we were going to have a press conference, but we can't.
Here's a letter from the Justice Department saying we'll be arrested if we tell you what we know.
Talk about a cover-up!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2.
Back from 9 to midnight central, we do this show as we blast out on the AM and FM dial.
From Los Angeles, California to Rhode Island.
Providence, Rhode Island.
From Austin, Texas to Kansas City, Missouri.
We also simulcast on Global Shortwave at 12.172 and 93.20 from 9 to midnight.
Uh, 5.085 and 6890.
The daytime frequency is 12.172 and 9320 from 11 to 2.
Also, you can always listen at infowars.com or prisonplanet.com.
We go out on two digital satellites, ABC and Clear Channel.
We lease feeds on those.
We have two analog feeds, Galaxy 1 and now Galaxy 13.
And that new satellite that's replacing Galaxy 9 is at GCNLive.com.
Okay, before I go back to Joe and Charles and Mark and Jim and others, last week I mentioned
The fact that Bush is scheduled on Wednesday, now he was scheduled last month on the 100th anniversary of powered flight to announce it.
He suspended that announcement for the time being, but they're saying yet again in the Associated Press that Bush, this Wednesday, is going to announce a new moon mission, going back to the moon, and a first time mission by human beings to Mars.
I guess trying to relive the announcements of John F. Kennedy.
So if listeners want to comment on this, we really haven't had a discussion of it.
I've read a few articles about it.
I find it very interesting.
I'd like to get your take on it and what you think about it.
Is it a good idea?
A bad idea?
Why do you think Bush is scheduled to do this?
What do you think of NASA?
And of course, I've got my own comments.
We've got Paul Watson joining us in about an hour.
And he'll be with us for 30 minutes or more with a report.
And then the last 30 minutes of the show, we got Jack Foote from Ranch Rescue coming on.
That's the group that goes down and documents the open borders and tries to protect people's ranches from the thousands, in some cases, per ranch, per week, of illegals that are trespassing and vandalizing and robbing and raping and killing, in some cases, including border patrol agents.
Even killing them, forestry agents, you name it.
They were shot at by Mexican troops and this made headlines in a few papers around the country, but didn't get the attention it should.
We covered it here.
We'll be going over that with Jack Foote as well.
Also, Paul O'Neill, the Treasury Secretary, in a new book says Bush planned to go into Iraq day one when he first got to the White House.
We have Bush during the campaign, when he first got into office, saying, we'll never go into these countries, I'm against going into foreign lands.
Bill Clinton was bad because he did that, I'll never do it.
Then Bush said, oh, we're now going to do this because of 9-11.
I'm changing my mind.
And folks said, well, that's fair.
He's trying to protect us.
Folks, it was all premeditated.
Their own PNAC documents from 2000 said, terrorism is needed to get the people behind invading a host of countries.
And they listed 63.
With Iraq, Syria, and Iran, 1, 2, and 3.
Then Somalia, number 4.
Libya, number 5.
Perhaps even Egypt.
It goes on and on.
North Korea, China.
And that's why they've got the draft being lined back up and the draft boards being set up again three months ago.
So I'd also like to discuss this.
I've got a bunch of Second Amendment news, more on the open borders and Bush trying to totally surrender and capitulate to the invaders, and we'll be going over that.
But Joe in New York, only had about a minute in the last segment so I'm bringing him back up, he mentioned
Some of the widows of 9-11 victims, one in particular, saying Bush was behind it, the documents coming out, and he was saying, why hasn't David Shippers done more on this?
The man that impeached Bill Clinton, brought down the mob in Chicago.
We had him on two weeks after 9-11.
He'd been on the record saying terrorists are going to attack New York.
I know how.
He tried to warn the White House.
They wouldn't talk to him.
Tried to warn Ashcroft.
And the answer, why you don't hear from Shippers now,
Is Shippers and Larry Klayman of Judicial Watch and FBI agent Robert Wright who had evidence ten times more damning than Kathleen Rowley
We're told, you'll be arrested if you talk any more about any of this than what you know.
They held the letters up at the National Press Club, and the FBI just started crying and saying, I love America, I didn't know it was this bad, I can't tell you, and then Clayman shoves them aside and says, all I can say is, the Bush's vacation with the Bin Ladens.
And they all had tears in their eyes.
So, they know what we know.
Let's go back to Joe.
Joe, go ahead.
Yeah, but Alex, how can they actually enforce that?
Because there is really no law that, you know, can actually prosecute them if they do an illegal act.
Because it's unlawfully to begin with.
Any law that they try to say is a law that's unlawful isn't a law, so they really can't prosecute them and put them in jail.
Well, they shouldn't be able to use the Patriot Act to go after Rush Limbaugh or dope smokers.
But they are doing it, sir.
I know if I had that evidence, which I do, I'm going to talk about it.
But these guys did go far, did speak out, did get involved, and Robert Wright, the senior FBI agent, started crying.
And he said,
The evidence I have is much more serious than Kathleen Rowley.
It's eyewitness stuff.
We tried to stop the terrorists.
We were told we couldn't.
That's all I can say.
He goes, you wouldn't believe it if I told you.
He started crying.
And he said, why are they saying Rowley's a hero on the front cover of Time Magazine?
He said this, but I'm being threatened with arrest.
He started crying.
Well, that's just ridiculous.
The other comment I want to make real quick is you mentioned something about biological racial weapons.
That's nothing really new.
I mean, how many times have you heard in the media about ectinic cleansing?
It's just another word, Alex.
Same thing that's been going on for so many years.
Yeah, that's what different tribes do to each other.
But the point is, we know Joseph Mingula, the Nazi doctor, the scientist, was working on ways, bioweapons, to kill all Jews.
Major mind control and things like that.
Major mind control, and he was hired by the CIA, protected, brought over here.
That's even admitted on the History Channel.
But, Dick Cheney comes out and says we need to legitimize, this is a quote, we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bio-weapons in theater operations in the next century.
This was in 2000, okay?
Well, it was released in 2000, it had been written in late 99.
Again, why isn't that a major news item?
We have the Vice President talking about ethnic cleansing weapons.
Are you asking me a question?
Yes, I'm asking you a question.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Can you just repeat that question again?
I'm asking you, how does it affect you to know that Dick Cheney wrote this in a public document and it's not a major news issue?
Well, it affects me a lot, but I mean as far as, you know... Alright, thanks for the call.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, Joe.
Mark in Minnesota, go ahead.
Okay, we'll go to Charles in California first.
Charles, go ahead.
I just wanted to say a few things about this immigration bill.
It looks pretty bad from here.
I mean, this place is already crawling with illegal aliens everywhere you look.
And I'm wondering, what's going to be the change in procedure at the borders of, say, in San Diego now, where they legitimately have guards trying to keep people out?
Are they just going to close those down, or what?
Okay, I've read two bills that Bush is saying they're considering.
Okay, the bills that are already introduced, one by John McCain, what John McCain says in the bill is what Bush has proposed.
So that's what they're going with.
And both the bills I've seen are very similar, but basically this is what happens.
They're going to be online job referral websites.
You know, the type of sites we've all gone to.
But they're going to be for people in India, Mexico, China, Russia, every country in the world.
Now, companies will sell, and this is what's being discussed, will, and they already do this with the HP visas, they will sell, just for a few dollars in some cases, access to these websites that will then give the illegals a printout saying that there is a job prospect for them.
Then with that piece of paper, see, we already have 800 plus cities accepting matricula cards issued by Chile, Mexico, Poland, and dozens of other countries, okay?
You come in, this fake ID is accepted by cities, police, banks, everybody.
Now we have, to answer your question, Wells Fargo getting an award from Vicente Fox two months ago in Austin for saying that they're going to issue a new smart card
With the illegals face and Wells Fargo ID number, and cities are saying, the same cities that are saying they'll accept matricula, consular cards, from the country's consulate, they make an ID and then we accept it, not one of our IDs, now you're going to have banks issuing ID cards.
This is already happening.
They're already handing out the awards for this.
Fox is up here thanking them for doing it in Austin.
Now you're going to have these job search websites issuing a piece of paper saying you've got a job or a prospect to interview for it if you come to the U.S.
Bush is saying with that piece of paper, that is the equivalent of a visa to fly in, walk in, come through the border crossing.
So yes, basically they're saying they're going to get rid of the Border Patrol and simply have it for a drug suite point where they search your vehicle.
Okay, so this isn't just total legalization of whoever's here, it's also total legalization of whoever gets here.
But to get to the crossing, you will either show a Wells Fargo bank card issued in Mexico, or you will show a matricula consular card that Mexico issues for $23 to anybody that wants one.
Or you show the printout showing you have a prospective job opportunity.
Well, I read in David Icke's book that it said that the reason why the borders aren't being pursued is because all the drugs are coming through there and they don't want those people to be stopped.
Well, again, that's a part of it.
I'd say maybe 10% of it.
It's about driving down the wages.
Well, they've already done that.
They've already done the wages thing.
And another thing... Well, sir, if you think it's going to drop, if you think it's going to drop now, high-tech layoffs are going to get seven times worse over the next four years, according to the Congressional Budget Office.
Well, I was listening to that Ranch Rescue guy on the National Alliance Show, and it's, like, pathetic that the government
Won't even help these poor people that are volunteering to try to keep these people out.
It's like a dam bursting on their private property, and the government doesn't help them at all.
They're asking for donations, which, you know, is pretty pathetic if that's the kind of border we have.
I think that's in Texas.
Alright, well thank you for the call.
I know Jack Foote, and Jack Foote is no... I've talked to him many times on the phone.
He's not a racist.
And I would imagine he didn't know what show he was going on if he went on the National Alliance show.
I mean, the National Alliance brings up real issues like the open border, but then the media can point their cameras at them, who also have a Nazi philosophy, and then discredit trying to control the borders.
And boy, that is the wrong direction to go to.
We'll ask Jack about that when he gets on the show, if he did indeed do that interview.
But I guess I'd be interviewed by anybody.
I've been interviewed by the leftists.
I've been interviewed by the right-wingers.
I've been interviewed by the foreign countries.
I just want to talk to people and try to turn them to my way of thinking.
But a very interesting call there, Charles.
Before we go to Mark and Jim and Rich and others, I hate to repeat stuff, but a lot of times I hear my show and rebroadcast on the weekend.
I'm not that clear on things.
Do you understand Bush is going to legalize anybody who's here, anybody that ever gets here, and they're going to allow companies to pay to bring people here at an accelerated rate, it's already happening, and that they'll accept a piece of paper saying you've got a job interview as a new visa as a way to get you into the country.
All of this
While at the same time they're telling us, give up your liberties, we're going to scan and watch and listen to everything you do and put cameras up in all your neighborhoods because the terrorists are going to get us.
Meanwhile, private companies can issue ID cards that are accepted by the cities, most of the cities.
I mean, can I go start a company and issue ID cards?
No, I'd be arrested.
And I should be.
But if I was a big fat cat Wells Fargo doing this for the Globalist, it'd be just fine.
I mean, Vicente Fox came to Austin and gave an award to the APD for not following the federal law and for not arresting illegal aliens.
That was in our newspaper, on the news.
He gave a speech at the Capitol thanking them for this.
And gave awards to the police department.
Can you imagine if I went to Mexico and gave their police an award for not following the law?
I'd be arrested.
What are you, crazy?
Imagine if I went down to Mexico and I said, here's an award for not asking for ID cards of Americans and not asking for passports and letting Americans come down here and do whatever they want.
I'd be a laughingstock behind bars.
But it happens here, and it's, oh, it's a good thing!
See how all this ridiculous, out-of-control stuff is just right out in the open?
It's just right out in the open!
A foreign head of state, here, lobbying our state, giving awards, thanking our state for not following the law.
That is an enemy attack!
That is a usurper!
That's amazing!
And Bush is in Mexico right now with Vicente Fox steamrolling the deal to get rid of our borders.
And understand, folks, you can't get a telemarketing job, you can't get a customer service job.
I was watching 60 Minutes last night, not just the Paul O'Neill announcement about Bush planning to go into Iraq from the first days of being in office, contrary to his public speeches at the time.
But then I saw a show about immigration, and it was actually kind of, you know, happy-go-lucky.
You know, it's a good thing.
Well, there's these call centers in India, and now you're more often, when you call for customer service, to talk to somebody in India who's been trained to sound like an American than you'll be talking to a citizen.
You know, this is a good thing, and man, it's wonderful, and it gives you cheaper prices.
They even talked about something that I've reported on, but it's hard to believe, that most of the 50 states, when you call about your welfare benefits,
And the person that decides if you get more welfare, you're talking to somebody in India.
Now folks, there should be a law.
We're going to have this big government bureaucracy.
Which is bad enough.
Gets us dependent.
At least the people on the other end of the phone at the welfare center, at least some of that money should go into the U.S.
economy with government jobs.
I mean, I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's better than it going to India.
And they're laying off government jobs here, folks.
And they're going to India.
I mean, we're not even... Folks, for a long time, people in government thought, well, I'll be safe.
No, you won't.
You're not even going to be safe with a government job.
And yes, it's true.
They're now doing telemarketing out of prisons.
That's a big booming industry.
Prisoners, Indians, but not law-abiding citizens.
Again, illegal aliens come here, they get their green card, even if they're illegal, and they get 7 to 10 years tax exemption to open a business.
Why don't citizens get that?
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned, burned
Coming up, a Blair admits weapons of mass destruction may never be found.
And this report's from two days ago, but that's the same day that the headline read, Troops find chemical weapons in Iraq.
Dozens of mortar rounds containing chemical weapons have been found buried under a road in southern Iraq.
It was revealed last night.
Test of suspicious liquid that were leaking from the shells found that it was a form of blister gas, which include mustard gas.
Now, that's not a weapon of mass destruction by the real definition.
It's a World War I style weapon, but can we even believe this announcement?
Well, I tend to believe it because we know that's something Saddam made a lot of.
And again, there were hundreds of declared sites that don't count around Iraq.
And it's pretty easy to go to one of these sites, get these mortar rounds, and bury them, and then, oh, discover them.
I mean, how do you find mortar shells buried under a road by accident in a giant country, you know, a lot bigger than the size of Texas?
But again, we know Saddam has weapons of mass destruction.
That was never debatable.
It was undeclared weapons of mass destruction, and many times in the past,
They will send out their inspectors, they will go to a site that's already been inspected, announce they found new weapons of mass destruction, and then quietly retract it two days later in the back of the paper, saying, oh, that was a site we'd already looked at.
But again, it creates this subconscious belief that they're telling us the truth.
I don't know what to think of this, though, because they're not making a big deal of it in the media.
So we'll get back into that and of course your calls here in just a few minutes.
Before I end this hour though, I've made ten films.
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I think so.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into Hour 2 of this 12th day of January 04.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson to talk about the
We're good to go.
Mortar shells, also some of the new police state developments.
But I want to get through five or six calls that have been holding.
Let's go to you quick with your question or your comment.
Mark in Minnesota, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, how are you doing?
Good, sir.
The Anthrax Vaccine Immunization Program back running on all cylinders again.
$245 million contract that BioPort just received.
And I've got a new report here from other, more scientists, saying it's a dangerous vaccine.
Now what's interesting, Alex, is you notice that it was resumed on Wednesday when Bush announced his big Jobs for Legal Aliens program.
And so everybody, I've been talking to people, everybody seems to think the anthrax vaccination program was faulted.
And it's not going on right now.
A federal judge
said this is not approved for humans.
You can't make troops take an experimental vaccine.
It's been experimental for 14 years.
They've been giving it.
So Bush says, I want the courts to overturn that
And they wouldn't, so within four days, he told the FDA, okay, go ahead and approve it.
They wouldn't approve it for 14 years, and four days later, they approve it, and it's back in the troops.
In fact, what's interesting, the statute that that decision was based on, in fact, I have a copy of those statutes on my site.
Is that okay if I give that?
Sure, what's your website?
It's noanthraxvaccine, all one word, noanthraxvaccine.net, and actually, I have the executive order that Clinton wrote,
I don't
The President signs a waiver, or unless, of course, the FDA says it's okay.
And Bush wouldn't do Clinton have the evil nerve to sign that order.
Bush wouldn't reissue it.
He just told his FDA, which is the sneaky way of doing it, you go ahead and approve that.
Now the President, hey folks, you want a new heart medication that's not approved?
Just ask Bush to say it's approved.
Thanks for the call.
Think about the danger, the dictatorial power of that.
Bush is now a doctor.
Bush told the FDA to approve a drug, a vaccine they wouldn't approve for 14 years, that admittedly has killed a bunch of troops and made a lot of others sick.
That makes me very angry.
Let's talk to Rick in Tennessee.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
Listen, in reference to the new space missions we're having, wasn't it the report from Iron Mountain that talked about disposing some of the population through vaccines and keeping them diverted with unobtainable space-based missions?
Yes, and they admit that much of NASA, about 80% of it, is secret.
Most of it is military, so they can use the funds for a Mars mission, a Moon mission, and really use that, most of that money, for clandestine black budget operations.
It's a very evil organization.
That's all I had to say.
All right, good points.
And yes, Bush is scheduled.
Now he was scheduled to do it last month.
Didn't do it on the 100th anniversary of powered flight.
Bush is scheduled Wednesday to announce we're going back to the moon and to Mars for the first time.
What do you think about that?
Because we covered it but we didn't discuss it.
It's a big deal.
We'll come back and we'll go to Howard and Maggie and Spencer and others.
Then I'm going to hit some more of the news that we're getting Paul Watson on.
Then we've got folks from Ranch Rescue coming on to talk about getting shot at by Mexican troops.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In just the last decade, hundreds of prominent people from the Pope,
Two weeks ago, to the President's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, to the heads of academia, mass media, German chancellors, British prime ministers have called for world government, world taxation, world regulation, world disarmament of the people, gun confiscation.
But still,
The so-called liberals and the so-called conservatives that dominate our media, the neocon hordes, claim there's no such thing as world government.
So let me read four or five famous world government quotes, then we'll go to Howard, Maggie and Spencer and others.
This is David Rockefeller.
But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful and independent world order might be built, will not be open for long.
Already, there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global interdependence.
David Rockefeller speaking at the Business Council for the United Nations, September 14, 1994.
The next century
In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete.
All states will recognize a single global authority.
National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all.
Scrobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, was quoted in Time Magazine July 20th, 1992.
We shall have world government whether you like it or not.
By conquest or consent.
Statement by Council on Foreign Relations member
James Warburg to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950.
Our task of creating a socialist America can only succeed when those who would resist us have been totally disarmed.
Sarah Brady, Chairman of Handgun Control to Senator Howard Metzenbaum, the National Educator, January 94, page 3.
That was set on the floor of the Senate, by the way, on C-SPAN.
Well, we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical constitution with a radical Bill of Rights giving a radical amount of individual freedom to Americans and so a lot of people say there's too much personal freedom.
When personal freedom is being abused, you have to move to limit it.
That's what we did in the announcement I made last weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in their communities.
President Clinton, March 22nd, 94, MTV's Enough is Enough.
We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of ordinary Americans.
President Bill Clinton, USA Today, March 11th, 93, page 2A.
The last quote I'm going to read here, whatever the price of the Chinese revolution, listen carefully, whatever the price of the Chinese revolution, it has obviously succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of purpose mass mind control.
The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is one of the most important and successful in human history, David Rockefeller's statement in 73 about Mao Zedong, New York Times, August 10, 1973.
And this is really the last one.
The truth of the matter is that you do have those standby provisions, and the statutory emergency plans are there, where you could, in the name of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest Americans and hold them in detention camps, U.S.
Representative Henry Gonzalez, August 29th, 1994.
By the way, I have that video clip of him saying that, in Senate hearings about concentration camps,
In the film, The Takeover.
That's about three minutes of that two-hour, five-minute film.
Just to give you an idea of what's in these videos.
But think about David Rockefeller saying, for Mao's obituary, writing an obituary for his beloved Mao, who he made so much money with, that, oh, he did such a good job.
Mao killed 50 million people.
The Communist Chinese admit that.
50 million!
That is tens of millions more than Adolf Hitler.
The highest estimates of how many people he killed.
That's counting Jews, Germans, Russians, everybody who got killed due to Hitler's activities.
It's conservatively 25 million or so.
Mao kills 50 million and they just out in the open, oh Mao's so good.
And this is who runs the Trilateral Commission, who runs the CFR.
Okay, let's go back to calls.
Let's talk to Howard in Missouri, then we'll go to Maggie and others.
Howard, welcome.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I hope the name of Colin McMillan is never forgotten.
It's going to be just like Vince Foster because, you know, he lived right over by Area 51 over there.
He had several thousand acres and he was, of course, the appointee to Secretary of Navy by President Bush.
And I just think Mr. Bush is making a big mistake by
I don't believe he committed suicide.
Okay, for those that aren't in your mind, that don't know what you know, that don't know what I know, give them a little background.
Tell them what you're talking about.
Well, of course he was appointed by President Bush and then he said he committed suicide, Mr. McMillan, and he was appointed Secretary of Navy.
And I'll tell you the God's truth, my personal opinion, and if you look at the Secretary of the Navy now, and who's in charge of Nassau, you'll see the same family tree, and it all has to do with Fabian Socialism.
And I think, of course, Mr. Bush is being run by the Communists, and I can tell you something else.
I told people in Austin, Texas, they was going to kill four of Bush's people before Colin McMillan was, well, they said he committed suicide, but if you call over to the security over in Austin, Texas,
You'll find out I told him that they were going to kill four of Bush's men and I don't know how many people they killed, you know, in Washington, D.C., but Bush is being pushed around and if he thinks that he can, you know, come up with this Mars program and just forget about Colin McMillan, then I'm not going to forget about it.
That's all I'm going to say about it.
Okay, thanks for the call.
For those that just joined us, Colin McMillan, this is on the record, had had cancer.
He had beaten the cancer.
And he had fought it.
And then he gets appointed the head of the Navy and then blows his head off.
And that was last year, middle of last year.
I don't know if that was an assassination.
It may not have been.
I mean, the guy on the record was a Bush minion.
He had had cancer.
He'd gotten cancer again.
So that points towards the fact that he really could have committed suicide.
Now, when you get somebody like Mr. Baxter, who blows his head off in his underwear two blocks from his house, and had just bought a new boat, a new mortgage on a house, and was about to testify against Enron executives, that looks like murder.
The head, Arthur Anderson, accountant, his decomposing body was found three weeks dead outside Denver,
In the woods, in his car, he shot himself in the head, supposedly.
That, again, looks like a murder.
We know that the woman who was suing Bush, claiming that he had raped her.
I read the news articles, there have been just a few mainstream articles.
I said, I don't know if that's true or not.
Then she shot herself twice in the head.
So that adds credibility.
She might have been telling the truth.
Or she could have committed suicide.
But when you start seeing a pattern of this, it leans towards political assassination.
But look, the Bush administration has no need to get rid of their own people because most of them are on board.
O'Neal, for some reason, was a little more big government style and didn't want to cut taxes.
If you're going to cut taxes, you have to cut government programs.
And there was some fighting between O'Neal and Bush, and now O'Neal is out there speaking out against Bush while trying to spin it that he isn't, more double speak.
But again, I don't like to speculate.
I just don't like to speculate, and I don't know if they murdered the Secretary of the Navy.
He was becoming the Secretary of the Navy.
I know Clinton did have.
Uh, some admirals taken out, or at least those behind Clinton did.
There were clearly some murders of high-level military officials, uh, in the first few years of the Clinton White House.
Uh, especially when Clinton started coming out with, uh, his, uh, new presidential decision directives, uh, to have the nuclear forces stand down.
Uh, there were quite a few, uh, officers, uh, died suddenly when that was announced.
I guess they weren't gonna go along with it.
Let's talk to Maggie in Texas.
Maggie, you're on the air.
Hi Alex.
Your earlier mention of offshore call centers reminded me of this.
About two or three months ago, no more, there was a little item very briefly in the news about how Dell Computer was pulling back a few hundred of its jobs in Bangalore to the United States because of
We're good to go.
Texas, Tennessee, and I think it was Idaho.
Uh, you're talking to someone in India, and yeah, they teach them how to not have a thick accent just with certain terms and phrases.
They don't even know what you're talking about.
I've called customer service issues before, and I began screaming at them saying, get me an American.
And yeah, it's always somebody from India.
They don't know what they're talking about.
And we should all complain.
We should all say, I'm sending this computer back.
I'm sending this telephone back.
I'm sending back this piece of equipment.
If you don't give me an American right now!
Alex, my further question... Stay there.
Stay there, Maggie.
I want to finish up with you.
You're making some good points.
The majority of the telemarketing and customer service calls are in India.
And the state welfare agencies are starting to all contract with India.
That should be illegal.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Again, let me boil this down.
There have been laws that if there's going to be a weapons contract, or a welfare contract, or a construction contract, you have to give it to American companies.
But then most of our companies became international and built their divisions in Europe, or Latin America, or Asia, and so they've changed all those laws.
And now,
Most of the states, when you call for your welfare check, this was on 60 Minutes last night.
I had read articles about this.
Most of them, the calls go to India.
You're calling.
About your welfare check, or your social security, whatever, and you're talking to somebody who can barely speak English, and they showed it on television last night, who are reading off scripts.
They're taught how to sound more Western off simple scripts.
I help you.
So your computer's not working well.
Well, let me try to go through this with you.
It's all staged.
And I've been on the phone with these people, and they'll sound okay at first, and after five minutes of trying to fix a computer problem,
They're cutting out into, you know, Hindu or whatever.
And I won't be too mean to them, I'll just say, get me an American.
Excuse me, sir, we are here to help.
Get me somebody who understands me.
Transfer me now.
And they will transfer you, and they will transfer you to a call center in the U.S.
So it's simple.
We all start demanding to talk to a call center in the U.S.
We refuse to talk to somebody who is obviously not from this country.
Understand, folks, we pay taxes, they build a big government, and then we don't even get to work for the government.
Now it goes to a foreign country.
That should be illegal.
Now let's go back to Maggie.
Maggie, go ahead.
Oh, you just taught me a few things, Alex.
When I last called Sony for some help, I could actually hear the person typing on his own keyboard and bringing up the same pages of the same guidebook that I had failed to understand.
But getting back to Dell real quickly, the idea of an international corporation like Dell even responding to a complaint
Well, they're phasing them out.
We're at the crossroads of biometrics, the crossroads of RFID, the crossroads of the surveillance grid.
We're at the crossroads of the police state.
We're at the crossroads of electronic voting.
We've got a chance to boycott all this and back it off.
But this is a small window of opportunity and many times when I call customer service on an issue and I'm talking to somebody in India
I demand that they transfer me to a call center in the U.S.
every time they do it.
So what they're doing is what you just mentioned.
For corporate customers and others, they've still got people that know what they're talking about here, and you will get transferred back to the United States.
Oh, okay.
One more thing, quickly.
I remember when Dell first announced with pride that they were going to
Thank you.
Well, regardless, if a private company wants to do that, it's a free country.
But we should not buy their products, we should demand better service.
But, when the government does it, no, you keep the money here in America.
Hey, thanks for the call.
And folks, I've been mentioning this a lot lately because it's something that's kind of, I've known about it for years, but I never really talk about it.
There are two different federal laws.
And why do you think it's foreigners that own all the gas stations?
All the hotels?
Because citizens, whether you're black or white or hispanic or whatever, you can't compete against them.
Why can't you compete?
It's not because they're so hardworking.
I mean, folks, listen, talk about discrimination.
I mean, I know how blacks feel when only, you know, whites own the big businesses.
I've never seen a hotel that wasn't owned by Indians.
And this is in the last 10 years.
And I'm not against Indians.
My point is, how can they do that?
Well, because they're as hardworking and as smart as Americans, but on top of it, they get 7 to 10 years of no income tax.
That's 30-40%.
Bigger profit.
No one can compete against that.
No one can compete in prices against that.
Do you understand?
Why did the government do that?
It shows what they think of citizens.
Why would the government give foreigners the incentive to come here and get no taxes for seven to ten years, depending on what federal program they follow?
Why, why, why?
No one's addressed that.
We know why.
To get rid of the middle class.
Alright, Spencer and Chris and Dan and Richard and others, your calls are coming up, as well as Paula Watson and the big news blitz.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, for the loaded phones, we're going to get to everybody here in just a few minutes.
We're going to have Paul Watson with us for the next hour, then I've got Ranch Rescue coming on.
Talk about the Mexican troops shooting at their organization.
They've been shooting at the Border Patrol, killing members of the Border Patrol, forest agents, you name it.
But Paul Watson,
I don't know if you were just listening, but I was talking about how they've had this law for, I think, about 15 years here in the U.S.
And if you didn't know about this, folks, you should check it out.
Where for 7 to 10 years, foreigners who are opening a new business, only foreigners get this, get, in many cases, a decade of tax exemption.
No one can compete against that.
You try not paying your taxes for ten years, folks, and see what they do to you!
You see, but you're not a foreigner.
Why, Paul Watson, would the government do something like that?
Well, obviously, it's to, we know the agenda, to destroy the economy and jobs in the country, but you were talking about the coal centres which are being farmed out to all these different countries.
I actually had a friend tell me that he called up BT, which is the biggest telephone provider in this country,
And what most people don't know is that it's company policy with these call centres in India, for example, that the person that answers your call cannot actually, under company policy, tell you their name.
They're ordered to create fake names which sound British and it came out in the London Guardian that they're actually trained as to what's going on in the soap operas in Britain and what the weather's like so it can appear as if you're actually calling within the country and it's also... They even showed that last night.
They watched Hollywood movies, they watched the soap operas.
Uh, they teach them how to, and then to lie to you to go, oh yes, I'm in England, I'm in the U.S.
This was saying the U.S.
last night.
Oh, that's, I mean, again, look at the deception of that.
It's also actually, my friend asked this particular person which company they worked for or which subsidiary and they said that they were ordered by the company not to divulge that information.
So not only can they not tell you their real name, they can't even tell you who they're working for.
And you're supposed to give them your social security numbers, your credit card numbers, they've got all your data folks.
And then you can't get any data on them.
So yeah, it's all about knowing everything that we're doing.
And yet when you try to get some help from these people, it's all company policy not to divulge anything whatsoever.
It's amazing.
Paul, I want to run through about ten articles, get your take on them, then I want to go to some calls and get into more news into the next hour.
Troops find chemical weapons in Iraq.
Dozens of mortar rounds containing chemical weapons have been found buried under a road in southern Iraq.
It was revealed last night.
This is on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Test of a suspicious liquid that was leaking from the shells found that it was a form of blister gas, which include mustard gas,
Deposed Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was supposed to have destroyed all chemical weapons, but it is thought that the munitions had been buried for at least 10 years and might date back to the Iran-Iraq War, which ended in 1998.
Danish soldiers discovered the cache of 36 120mm mortar rounds buried 45 miles south of the town of Amara, not far from Basra, on Friday.
Paul, your response to this?
Well, I mean, ridiculous saying that Iraq hadn't declared them, because even before the war started, Iraq produced this 12,000 page dossier on what weapons they had and which ones the UN had destroyed.
The government tore out 8,000 pages and said, look, there's evidence missing, they're lying.
So we know what's going on there, but I mean,
I mean, it's obvious that this isn't any kind of smoking gun proof, otherwise it would be all over the headline news.
By the way, the 12,000 pages the Iraqis were smart enough to send other copies of the press, when they thought only two copies were at the UN building, the US Special Forces
And that came out in the mainstream German media.
I mean, Kofi Annan admitted that that raid had taken place and yet he wasn't concerned about doing anything about it.
But I mean, what it serves to do with these little stories coming out about, you know, so-called weapons of mass destruction or mass distraction, as Tony Blair calls them, is it subtly buries in the mind of the casual
Observer that the whole WMD premise was true because they don't see what we report which are the later retractions where the mobile biotrucks turn out to be for blowing up helium balloons and were sold by the British and the biological factories which actually turn out to be bakeries and etc etc and I mean we've even got Colin Powell we got the videotape
Of Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice in early 2001 saying that Saddam had disarmed and was no threat.
So it's just one thing on top of another.
What do you make of Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill talking about Bush having a plan to attack Iraq day one in the White House and the media focusing in on that but ignoring the PNAC documents which are from the President?
Well, I basically knew that it was a whitewash as soon as it came out.
I've barely posted anything on it because we already proved that the war was planned years in advance over and over again.
I mean, on top of the PNAC documents which stated, as you mentioned, that Saddam was just a pretext to invade in September 2000 was the most
The one that got most coverage in the media.
On top of that, we have the March 2001 documents from the Cheney Energy Task Force, which laid out all the Iraqi oil fields, pipelines, refineries, terminals, and strategized actually on which companies would get all the contracts after an invasion.
I mean, Judicial Watch got these documents which were originally written in March 2001, and so with this O'Neill thing,
I mean, we got the Drudge Report posting his comments from a year ago where he says he would never criticize the Bush administration.
Yeah, what they do is they have O'Neill bring this out with a weak argument, tear it apart, and then try to put the whole thing to bed.
Yeah, that's exactly what it's about.
It's about debunking O'Neill to debunk the whole argument.
But what's more interesting, which only received attention in one media report, was
Also, O'Neill's comments about the fact that Bush would conduct policy meetings like a deaf man.
He would basically never say anything and just sit there nodding.
So again, emphasizing the point that Bush is just a figurehead and he's not really running anything, basically.
And that's something the media doesn't want to report because then they can focus this big left-wing juggernaut onto the distraction of Bush-hating when targeting Bush really won't change anything.
I mean, Bush, Clinton, they're just front men, just puppets.
Paul, there is so much news here, and let's get into the latest Diana developments.
I mean, it's clear they murdered her.
She was pregnant with, you know, this Arab's child.
She said, they're going to kill me in a fake automobile accident.
That indeed happened.
There's been new developments.
Well, the developments a few days ago came from London Times, mainly.
We're good to go.
They are listing all the evidence that we talk about, which is proven as conspiracy theory.
So in effect, what they're saying is that Scotland Yard are getting involved to cover up the evidence.
So on the back of that, we had it out of the Observer yesterday.
The note that Diana wrote saying that Charles was going to kill her in a car crash was actually written a couple of years before it was claimed.
Now obviously that's part of the dismissal process, but even if that was true, we have
Another story out today out of the London Mirror where Diana had another car crash in 95 when her brakes failed.
Fortunately at the time it was only a minor crash so she wasn't injured but her brakes failed in a different car crash in 95 so throughout the whole period it's obvious that somebody was trying to kill her before finally succeeding in 97 and then
London Times also reported that the blood samples, and I mean we knew this but now they're just admitting it, the blood samples of the driver, Henri Paul, who was supposedly drunk at the time, were switched with somebody else, proving the official story that he was drunk.
Now we covered this years ago and just about a month ago you talk about this on air and now here it is mainstream news.
But of course they said it was just an accident and we shouldn't worry about it.
Just like the cameras turned off minutes before the crash in the tunnel and turned towards the wall on accident, just like the car was stolen and then returned, detailed days before, just like all of this stuff.
And it also came out that the
They're going to re-examine the Mercedes, which was involved in the crash.
And as you mentioned, before the crash, the Mercedes was changed and was a different model to the one they'd been using earlier in the day.
Now, on top of that, we have the Queen's former coroner, who works for her, coming out and saying, oh, I saw the body, she wasn't pregnant.
Yeah, which is obviously yet another part of this dismissal process, which they publicly announced.
And I mean, we had Diana two days before she died saying, I've got a big announcement in two days.
And I mean, the people who were, you know, intimately involved with Diana said she was pregnant as well.
I mean, it's one lie after another at the moment.
They're doing exactly what I predicted, which was to admit these so-called conspiracy theories, as they call them, but then try and whitewash them to bury the whole process.
And the same thing's going on with O'Neill right now.
The Mars mission, Bush is going to announce it supposedly in two days.
He's already cancelled one announcement last month.
But he's supposedly going to announce a new moon mission, a new Mars mission.
What do you think about that?
Well, it's obvious that partly it's a PR stunt in the Kennedy vein, which you mentioned earlier, to Bush's re-election, but I think it goes a lot further than that.
NASA itself is not an independent organization devoted to, you know, peacefully exploring space.
It's basically a criminal arm of the government, because most of the funds don't go into space exploration.
That's why, I mean, we've got NASA involved with the brain scanners at Boston Logan Airport.
So, I mean, we've got to focus on militarization of space at the moment, and that was actually in the PNAC document.
And if you look at the Space Shuttle Program itself, it's 90% controlled by private military contractors.
And it was actually Clinton that began that process back in 96, when he gave Boeing and Lockheed Martin basically free reign to... Yeah, I know about 80... it's 80 plus percent of the missions are classified.
And so they've been spending this classified black budget on things like the Aurora project, which is basically an advanced space plane.
And on top of that, as soon as they got into power, the Bush administration began appointing directors of NASA from the military sector.
So in the PNAC documents, we've got what they call full spectrum dominance, which is basically
And this was leaked in the middle of last year.
It's about creating a military empire in space with the idea of claiming ownership of near-Earth space and not allowing any other countries to gain access.
And so, with this black budget, and this is what I think is what this whole new mission is about.
It's about funneling the money into these Aurora space planes.
I mean, this mission's publicly stated that they will have the ability to destroy any satellites put into orbit by other nations.
And then on top of that we've got the lunar base, which they've also been talking about.
And again, it's stated in PNAC that they need a lunar base to act as a military outpost.
So they're basically going to pair up the space treaty and have this all set in motion by 2014.
So it's nothing to do with exploring space.
It's about militarizing space.
And people's tax dollars are basically going to fund the New World Order's next colony, their next empire, which they've announced will be in space.
And that's what we'd all read from the documents over the last few decades.
That's exactly their plan.
And they're also going to have these big platforms in space, these battle stations.
Folks, this isn't Alex Jones saying this, this is the government.
With particle beams, you name it, where they can just fry people individually on the surface of the Earth.
That's going to be nice, and a new ground-penetrating radar arrays in space to look through our walls, not just take photos of us.
Very, very scary stuff.
A few calls and we'll get back into news.
And there's a bunch of it here, folks.
That's just a small tidbit.
Let's talk to Spencer in Ohio, then Chris, Dan, Richard.
And Stacey and others.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Spencer.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Which gas stations should I start boycotting to keep the Bush empire from getting any richer?
Secondly, what does your guest think when America burns their Beatle albums?
And if he knows what a poly-orp is?
Alright, thanks for the call.
Let me just comment on that.
First question, the Bushes are a high-level servant management family.
They do own some oil companies and some stock.
They're worth tens of billions of dollars.
They hide their wealth, but they're just puppets.
So, I mean, there's really no way to boycott the Bushes.
If you want to boycott the Bushes, fight prison labor.
Go ahead, Paul.
I have no idea what a polyorb is, but even with the Beatles thing, it is interesting.
Obviously, we have no agreement with John Lennon's religious or philosophical doctrines, but it is a fact that the man who killed him was trained at the School of the Americas, which was a CIA assassination program.
It's obvious that, I mean, John Lennon was killed because at the time he was becoming politically active.
He started, yeah, he got out of all his liberalism and occult stuff and started writing songs, and I've got a CD of them, about the New World Order, you Satanist, you kill the children.
I mean, these songs are, it sounds like Eyes Wide Shut, folks.
And then this guy, who admittedly had been part of a CIA program, and that's admitted, walks up and shoots him.
Yes, I mean, at the time he was becoming a threat, because before with the whole Hari Krishna, you know, Peace Hippie movement, they left him alone because that wasn't a threat, because it was all... I mean, the LSD was brought in by the government in the first place and that was all set up, but when he started to focus on actually, you know, changing something and getting really involved, that's when he became too much of a threat for them to tolerate, so that's why he was taken out.
We're going to break and come back and get into more news and calls.
So Chris and Dan and everybody, stay there.
We're going to get to you.
Paul's going to be with us into the next hour, so will you, hopefully.
And I want to get into some of this other news.
Blair admits weapons of mass destruction may never be found.
I thought he'd resign if they didn't find them.
Also, report all flyers to be assigned threat ranking.
This is the CAPS2 system.
You're going to have this to have a job anywhere.
Army College attacks Bush terror policy.
More than 500 U.S.
soldiers killed in Iraq, says the Pentagon.
Vaccine linked to Gulf War syndrome.
News of Australia.
And a bunch of other news.
Again, we haven't even scratched the surface.
It's all very important and it's coming up on the other side of this quick break.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
George Bush on national television shortly after 9-11.
George Bush said the war on terror would last a hundred years.
Others have said two, three generations.
Here's the BBC.
Terror war could last 50 years.
And of course the big complex that's built up around it won't let it go away in 50 years.
They'll provide more terror.
It's like the drug war.
People can't figure out why they'd ship it in.
Not just the profits, but the police state, and the prison industry, and the corruption of the police if they get out of it.
Well, it's the same thing with the War on Terror.
They engage in the terror, they then get the business out of it.
The War on Terror could last up to 50 years, a senior UK intelligence officer has warned, speaking at a US government sponsored conference in Las Vegas, Superintendent Stuart Harrison, offered a rare insight into the intelligence community.
We'll get more into that in the next hour.
Paul, your comments on this issue?
Well yeah, we have Bush saying 100 years, we've got BBC saying 50 years today, but I mean, this is a UK expert saying this, and I mean, you just have to ask yourself, who needs the terror?
I mean, at the moment we've got
The British government trying to push this civil contingencies bill and we've got the ID card on the racks as well.
And we've got Rudolph Giuliani heading up, selling this to the states and counties, making tens of millions of dollars a year off the terror.
That's his payoff for keeping his mouth shut.
And in Britain it's all permissible that we have this endless war on terror because basically this country's been under a state of emergency since September 11 officially.
Also, also now, they're saying you've passed the 4 million mark of government surveillance cameras and they're announcing they're going to add even more!
Yeah, the 4 million number itself and that was in the Independent yesterday, or today, Big Brother Britain 2004.
They're saying 4.1, 4.2 million.
There's actually probably that amount of cameras just in London alone because that's where they're taking the figures from.
We've had reports before which say 10, 15 million and now they've got programmes to put them in areas of natural wilderness to keep out people trying to start forest fires.
Yeah, and now here it's, oh, to stop junk dumping.
All the woods in Austin are going to have cameras and microphones.
Again, this is right out of 1984.
Yeah, three years ago the British government announced a £70 million programme, which is about $150 million to put cameras in the trees in every single natural wilderness area.
And now it gets worse.
Now you have
We've got about a minute left.
We're going to come back and take calls, but plug your book.
I carry it.
I published it.
Order out of Chaos.
It's the best work out there.
Why should folks get it?
Well, one chapter that we've got, which is basically the last chapter, because I was finishing the book right as the Iraq war was going on, goes through all the different quotes out of the PNAC documents, which we've been talking about today, which prove that the war was staged in advance.
So, I mean, we've got that chapter, we've got
The British MI5 terror chapter which is particularly relevant to the prison without trial story today because MI5 have been caught carrying out the bombings in London to get all this police state so it's basically a synopsis of that and it's been very successful and Mike Bottom line folks it's 19 bucks
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Well, our last hour was a great hour of radio.
We probably covered 20 different important news items exposing the criminal activities of the global elite.
Took a lot of calls.
We've got Paul Watson who comes on at least once a week because I respect his great analysis and I agree with what he's saying.
We've also got some of the folks that got shot at by Mexican troops coming on the show here in about 30 minutes.
We've got a lot of people holding.
Let's get about 5 or 6 calls out of the way, then we'll go right back into about 10 other important news reports here while we still have Paul Watson.
Let's talk to Chris in Tennessee.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello Alex.
Hello Paul.
I wanted to talk about Social Security.
Three years ago, I broke my back.
I had three neurosurgeons all say that I needed another back operation and also another operation in my neck.
And these calls that I make to the Social Security office, they must go to India because I went to a hearing and continually get jerked around from Social Security for a disability claim with three neurosurgeons say that I do need both surgeries and I am disabled.
And I'm very upset at the fact that George Bush wants to give Social Security to illegal immigrants and Mexicans, where us hard-working Americans, who are unable to work, have been jerked around for years, and I know there's tens of thousands of people in the audience right now hearing this.
So what I did today, after I heard that the calls were being given to India, I told this person on the telephone that I wanted a direct letter from the Commissioner, her name is Barthart,
We're good to go.
There's 670,000 people that are disabled, and there's an outsourcing agency that are forcing these people to get jobs, and this agency is going to get $6,000 per person that gives these people a minimum wage job.
Well, yeah, that's how the corporate welfare works.
They get all the money, and then people who have broken backs don't get any of it, and then if you're a foreigner, you come here, and you get a decade of tax exemption, why don't citizens get that?
It's designed to get rid of the middle class, drive down our wages, get all of us on welfare,
Or in the criminal justice system.
Paul Watson?
Well, it boils down to the fact that it's nothing more than slave labour like the sweat shops in India.
It's not just exploiting and bringing down the country in America, it's exploiting via what is slave labour on the wages that they get when this outsourcing takes place.
I mean, the excuse with this amnesty deal that the Mexicans are coming in to do the lower paid jobs is defeated by that very fact that all the lower paid jobs are being taken out of the country anyway.
Yes, well if you people are in the same situation as I am, make that phone call and tell me you want a letter from the Commissioner of what the status is on your claim and why you're getting jerked around also.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, go ahead.
How you doing there Alex?
You know, this all proves one thing.
You just can't give corporations that type of freedom.
I mean, they just can't be trusted.
I mean, there's no laws against this, but... This is... No, you don't regulate the corporations.
What you do is, you keep the government so small, it can't start giving them corporate welfare, and even if they take over the government, the government's not big enough to control our lives.
You understand that?
Well, here's the thing.
If the people are not demanding the government to control the corporations, then the corporations will demand that the government control us.
That's what's happened.
So, the Founding Fathers said, you stop that by having a small government, then they even seize control, or a dictator seizes control, or a corporate oligarchy seizes control of the levers of power.
The levers of power are so small, they can't take over your life.
So instead, they're expanding the levers of control, because they have taken over.
I mean, just the fact that they're allowed to export so many things, I mean, there should be regulation.
But see, they already run the government, so when you give them regulation, they're going to use that selectively against you.
Of course.
One more thing, did you see that the Jewish people, some organizations, they say, anybody but Bush?
Well, yeah, there's a lot of diverse groups that don't like Bush.
It kind of surprised me, though.
70% against.
Oh yeah, that's, I mean, that's not one monolithic block.
No group is.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us, folks.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Paul Watson!
My guest, again, I'm Alex Jones.
Coming up we'll get a report from the border with Mexican troops firing at US citizens.
Paul, we need to talk about the false left-right paradigm, the false political spectrum of left and right, because
We were just talking to Dan in Illinois, and then we'll go to these other calls.
Dan in Illinois was saying, well hey, these corporations are so corrupt, using the government to control us, we've got to pass regulations to control them.
But understand the fallacy of that.
You don't have the lobbyists.
You don't have the payoff money.
You don't have your people controlling the government, staffing the government.
So if you try to get the government to pass regulations, they'll go, OK, and they'll pass more regulations for you.
The only way to stop
These big corrupt corporations that are organized crime syndicates, not free market, is to restrict the size of state, local, federal, international government because those are the mechanisms of control.
This should make perfect sense, but I was explaining that to Dan, and he still, I don't think, completely got it.
Look, that's what the Founding Fathers said.
The real political spectrum isn't left and right.
You know, the extreme of the left
Is police, giant prisons, control, regulation, socialism, communism.
The extreme of the right, in the false spectrum, is fascism.
Police in black uniforms, huge prisons, command and control, regulation, a small group running everything.
It's the same system with different window dressing.
And we weren't taught that spectrum, that false spectrum, until a hundred years ago.
And now the Democrats think, oh yeah, the evil corporations, let's grow the size of government to regulate them.
Well, what people basically need to understand is that
We advocate limited government, obviously, and free market capitalism, as it was supposedly intended by the founding fathers.
Not what we've got today, which is monopoly capitalism.
And yet, most of the left wing don't realise that monopoly capitalism is basically the merging of corporations and government.
So then,
They see capitalism itself as the enemy, so they run to socialism and big government as the answer.
When people call for this sort of thing, I mean, you can take this back 100, 150 years with the Rockefeller Standard Oil.
When people finally found out that it was a monopoly capitalist system that was being set up, Rockefeller just devolved all the Standard Oil, the National Standard Oil Corporation,
I think so.
Not perfect, no system ever is, but it's the fairest system that we should evolve back towards.
Exactly, I mean the meaning well liberals, I don't mean their cynical controllers, they think, oh you stop the evil corporations with big government, when the corporations are lobbying for big government.
Who's up next, Stephanie?
Okay, Richard in Kentucky, you're on the air, then we'll go to Stacy and others.
Yeah, Alex, good to hear your show.
I remember back last March when the shock and awe campaign started in Iraq.
I heard a lot of people say, let's bomb them into the Stone Age.
Well, Stone Age really sticks in my mind if you look at what's going on in California.
There's people being attacked on mountain lines.
Yeah, they eat children and women, smaller folks, every year.
And the sicko wildlife people that are being funded by the government to devalue human life and to get us into compact cities, they say you shouldn't be encroaching on their territory.
Yeah, really.
Pumas, mountain lions, rock cats, whatever you want to call them, are not even threatened, folks.
I have seen two or three of them, no, four of them, in East Texas deer hunting.
If I see one in my yard, I'll have a 12-gauge loaded up before you say, George W. Bush.
So, you know, here we're not supposed to have any guns, and guns are evil and all this and that, but, you know, what are you supposed to do, throw rocks at it?
They've even had black bears killing people now.
They didn't used to do that, but now they're not afraid of us.
Sure, yeah.
They associate people with food.
You're a goner.
And that always happens in these eastern states or these western states where they've taken and basically domesticated everybody.
A puma doesn't show its face around here.
They sneak around.
And believe me, the times I saw them, it was just for a second or two, and by the time I'd get my rifle up, they'd be gone.
I hear that.
One time I was walking down a path in the middle of the day hog hunting, one spring, wasn't even deer season, a huge red wolf jumped out right in front of me.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
They've got to protect them too, you know.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Paul, you've got it over in Europe now, where you have to play with your pig every day, give it a new toy, in these pens.
What is all that about?
Well, obviously it's about, I mean, the emphasis on animal rights is going on, coming straight out of the government and the big funders of this environmental movement, at the same time where we're losing all our human rights.
I mean, the biggest reaction I get from the left-wingers out there that do listen to us is when I post a story which debunks the global warming situation.
I mean, we had a story out on the weekend that it's the coldest in the North East for like 20 years or so.
And then we have stories which say, oh, it's the hottest day in 20 years, therefore proving global warming.
Well, no.
That only proves that it was actually hotter 20 years ago.
So again, there is some global warming, but it's due to natural sun cycles.
And again, when I try to emphasize this, that it's just a big left-wing, UN-funded, global, neo-feudalist propaganda.
Yeah, it's the excuse to start a world energy tax.
And the fact is, and this is consistent throughout all the studies, that at least 46% of the entire Earth's surface has never been encroached on by any humans.
And so, the assumption that we're, you know, spreading the cities everywhere and tearing down the trees, it's a complete fallacy.
Well, there are more trees now in the U.S.
than there were 100 years ago.
Yeah, and 46% of the Earth is completely untouched, so again, it's a lie.
I want to get back briefly because we got cut short and we'll go to more calls.
This BBC article, terror war could last 50 years and bigger than imagined.
They just say it's never going to end, there's going to be lots of new terrorists attacking us and the answer is just give all our rights up.
Well that makes sense.
If the war on drugs gets bigger and there's more drugs on the streets, well now the war on terror gets bigger and there's going to be more terror.
I mean they don't want their business to go away, do they?
Well, the shift that you will probably see is that they will move it into the situation in Israel where they have, you know, a suicide bombing every couple of weeks and so that gives them the necessary permanent state of emergency which is what the UK government are calling for and calling to
Yeah, let's go over that.
This came out about three months ago.
Now they're still trying to pass it.
The Queen has been out there promoting it.
And there's a new headline today.
Amendment to CCB Bill would detain UK citizens without trial.
Talk about that.
Well, again, it's just a case of them announcing something after the fact that they've already been doing it.
I mean, there are already British citizens imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, and so it's basically a recipe for dictatorship, and the British government badly needs a terrorist attack not only to push through this, along with the National ID Card, but also
Well, there's also been discussions of not allowing a referendum in England on the Euro.
They didn't allow referendums in the other member states.
They say they're not allowing it, because obviously at the moment they can't win it, but you look at the referendums in the other countries, like Ireland for example, if there actually is a referendum and the population votes no, all that they do is have another referendum two years later.
They wouldn't allow a referendum in France or Germany, where the majority of the folks were against it.
I mean, if our government wants to do what we want, then why don't they give us a choice?
The majority of Americans are against the free trade area of the Americas.
Which is the same thing for this hemisphere, but you notice they're not going to let us vote on that either.
Yeah, so even if you take their false paradigm of democracy, which is, you know, what the majority want, they're not even following that level of politics, so it's not even a democracy.
The Republic went and now it's not even a democracy either, so...
Also, there's a big move to get rid of juries in your country.
They're talking about that here.
There's been some new developments there.
The reason we talk about England so much, folks, is in some cases they're a few years ahead of us and we're ahead of them.
It's the exact same managers and model for New Zealand, Australia, Canada, U.S.
and England.
We're all under the same system.
And the British government is attempting to do all this on the basis that our constitution isn't written.
It evolves from custom law and the Magna Carta.
So, the Blair government has been enacting constitutional reform via press release, basically.
And they, as you mentioned with the juries, they came out and said that they want to also abolish the Lords.
And they only want to abolish the Lords because
It mainly consists of the sort of traditional right-wing element.
Yeah, they don't want to give up the sovereignty of England.
Yeah, and the Lords are obviously pro-jury rights, and so the government needs to abolish the Lords before it can abolish the jury system.
We'll break and come back and take some more calls and get into three or four other important little tidbits here, like report all flyers to be assigned threat ranking.
And this is going to be for your jobs, for your driver's license.
It starts there, but it's admittedly, I've seen Ridge say it, for everything.
It'll be on your ID card.
What level of rights you have.
Talk about discrimination.
Also U.S.
Army College attacks Bush tariff policy.
We'll talk about that as well.
Then we'll go to the border and discuss the invasion.
Stay with us.
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Folks, we're just trying to raise your awareness to the geopolitical
Folks, we're just trying to raise your awareness to the geopolitical system and the strata of power and what the elite is up to.
That's all this show strives to do.
We're about to go to Stacey in Delaware and West in Colorado and others, but Paul Watson, I kind of cut you short there at the end of the last hour when you were describing Order Out of Chaos, the book I published, the book you wrote.
It's such an amazing book.
People really need to have this book, and for those that just joined us,
Describe what's in Order Out of Chaos and why folks should get it.
Well, I mean, why people should get it?
I mean, personally I've had two separate instances where I've given the book to people who've been in the military 20 years and initially disagreed with everything I said.
They read the book and then apologized to me and then now they're actually getting involved themselves.
So I've found that it is a vital
Keystone to waking people up to what's going on.
Well, Paul, people ask me, you know.
How did 90% of those that see your videos wake up?
Because we don't engage in conspiracy theories.
The truth is out there.
The globalists have been caught doing everything they do.
It's such a big conspiracy that, yes, they get caught.
They leave tracks.
It's public.
This program is public.
And so with the videos and the books, we're able to wake people up.
We have a chance.
And, yes, these are some of the best tools we've got, Paul.
Well, I mean, people just don't understand the pace of the evidence of which this comes out every single day.
We have several smoking guns on different issues which either confirm what we said in the past or, you know, get ahead of us and actually confirm new things that we didn't know.
So people don't understand the pace of the cover-up because, I mean, they've lied so many times.
It's like the old saying,
If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember everything.
They've lied so many times that they're slipping up and not being able to cover up a lot of things because there are so many bases to cover that it's just not possible for some of the truth to get out.
It's amazing.
I mean, they're just absolute criminals on fire, doing every evil thing you can imagine, running around, looting all of our countries.
I mean, they really have reached the looting phase.
They're just going wild.
I mean, you'd think that they'd be good at lying after doing it so often, but we got the reverse of that.
We had the Bremer thing where he was in a public interview dismissing evidence that they'd found weapons of mass destruction labs in Iraq, and then blushing and stuttering when the interviewer told him that Tony Blair was saying it.
So these people have lied so often that it's becoming difficult to layer each lie on top of the next and they're becoming forgetful and making all these errors which we're able to pick up on.
So, order out of chaos in just a minute nutshell because then I'm going to Stacey.
In a minute nutshell, what do folks get when they, what will they learn in this book?
Well, I'll start by giving a brief overview of this Hegelian dialectic, because obviously a lot of that's been covered in the past.
I tried to stick to issues which have not received that much attention in previous books and videos, like the British intelligence MI5 bombings, which only came out in dribs and drabs, so I brought them all together and did a chapter on that, and then we've got
The Arming of North Korea, the Arming of Iraq and how these chaos mongers arm and then invade these countries.
Three chapters on 9-11 which basically, I mean, that's the spine of the book and none of that was released before.
The whole left-right thing that we were talking about earlier, about how it's a staged prison to keep people from seeing the greater horizon.
Absolutely, folks.
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Stacy in Delaware, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I just wanted to comment about the foreigners that come in and they're able to start businesses and then they have the tax-free issues.
Actually, my husband and I were in a Dunkin' Donuts and the guy that owned it was Indian.
My husband got to talking to him and he was actually very forthright about it.
They come here, they start a business and then once their time is up, they go back to their country and another member from their family comes here and starts, you know,
Take over the business.
So we're paying for them to come here to make money to send it home.
It's not even spent here.
They've set up an economic climate where it's impossible, regardless of what color you are, to be an American citizen and stay in the middle class.
They also use the 40 plus percent profit they get above anybody else to leapfrog it into other businesses to set up monopolies.
Tell you what, Paul Watson, I've got other guests coming up, but I wanted to hold you over one more second to talk about one or two other issues, so stay there.
We've got Ranch Rescue coming on as well.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM radio network.
I should have told Stacey in Delaware to hold.
I wanted to hear more of the story, how they go into the Dunkin' Donuts and talk to the man from India.
He brags, yeah, I don't have to pay taxes for 10 years and I just go back to my country and have another family member come take over the business and they don't pay taxes for 10 years.
And again, the average person, this has been going on for decades, doesn't even know about this because 60 Minutes isn't going to tell you.
Dan Rather isn't going to tell you.
It's just a quiet little secret.
Why would they do that and why would a citizen not get that?
It's designed to bring the third world here.
It's designed to displace any existing middle-class structure.
And look at it!
Foreigners, whether they're Polish or Russian or German, the majority is Indians because they're really good at it, own almost, and here in Austin I'd say they own about
Let's be conservative.
90% of the gas stations, 95%, I'd have to say 98%, I've never seen a motel in Austin not owned by Indians.
But again, oh, no one ever asked why that is?
No one ever wondered why that was?
Because they're not stupid.
I don't blame them.
They don't have to pay taxes.
They get to have a little bit lower rate.
They get to have more money for investment.
They get to run their competition out of business.
I've been on road trips across the country.
I've never seen a hotel, a motel, that's not a big chain, and even the big chains, again, are individually franchised owned.
I've never seen a motel that wasn't owned by folks from a foreign country.
Most of the time it's India.
And how did that happen?
Again, this is something we never discuss, and it is massive discrimination against citizens.
Paul Watson, final comments on this, and then one other article, and then we're going to go to Jack Foote.
Well, I mean, the key word is invasion.
The key word is not race, because if it was Chinese, Russians, whatever, it doesn't matter.
The key word is invasion because when you boil it down it's no different than going into Iraq and taking over their economy.
It's the same process and it boils down to an invasion of a country and that's exactly what it is.
And they have set up a climate where they give more welfare, more funding, more everything to illegals and legals of any type while citizens are put under more and more pressure, folks.
So we need to make this an issue.
We need to point this out.
Two final articles, then we're going to go to Jack Foote.
I'm going to let you go, and I appreciate you coming on, Paul.
Then we'll go to Wes and Ron and others with our next guest.
Justices refused a review case on security and 9-11 detentions.
The Supreme Court refused money to consider whether the government properly withheld names and other details about hundreds of foreigners detained in the weeks and months after the September 11th attacks.
The High Court turned down a request to review the secrecy surrounding detainees, nearly all Arabs or Muslims, who were picked up in the United States following the attacks of the World Trade Center and Pentagon.
And the Washington Studies Center, critical of Bush's administration response to 9-11, sued to learn the names and other basic information.
But the Supreme Court says, no, we're not going to let that come out, Paul.
Well, yeah, it's the same thing going on in Britain with the detainees without trial.
And I mean, even though in this country most of them get released anyway, it's about creating this false paradigm that there are terrorists running around everyone's backyard.
And I mean, they will try and shut these things up.
Came out in the Toronto store that they tried to buy off the 9-11 victims to sign legal forms where they wouldn't ask the government about prior knowledge or anything related to that.
Yeah, the headline was, victims refuse bribe.
Yeah, that's what it was.
It was a government bribe not to file lawsuits on the fact that the government carried out the attack.
Alright, here's another one out of NBC5.
Report, all flyers to be assigned threat ranking.
Volunteering personal information would shorten the security wait.
They admit, this is the Caps 2 system, you've got bad credit, you're going to get more of a search and may not be able to fly.
And I've seen Ridge about a year and a half ago on C-SPAN say, to have a job, you're going to have to have an OK security rating on your driver's license, which is really the national ID card, Paul.
Yeah, it's all being centralised into the national ID card.
And I can tell people through personal experience that even if you've been involved in a civil routine court case, not criminal, or even if you've got an unpaid parking ticket, or I mean they've even had
Absolutely, but the borders are going to be wide open and we're going to accept any fake matricula card, you name it.
It's a fraud.
Paul Watson, thanks for spending an hour with us and we look forward to having you back on next Monday.
Okay, thanks Alex.
God bless my friend.
Let's shift gears now to Jack Foote.
He's the founder of Ranch Rescue.
Jack, good to have you on the show.
Good to be back, sir.
Thank you for the opportunity.
You bet.
We'll have you on in the future for a little bit longer.
For those who don't know what Ranch Rescue is, describe the organization, what you do, and we'll get into the Mexican troops firing at your members.
Briefly, Ranch Rescue is a private property rights advocate.
And everything we're going to talk about today is available to your listeners on our website at www.ranchrescue.com.
We are conducting phase two of Operation Thunderbird here on Private Ranch in Cochise County, Arizona.
Your listeners may recall, Cochise County, Arizona is the number one illegal border crossing point into the United States and has been for the past five years.
On December 20th,
Our volunteers were conducting a reconnaissance patrol in the southern part of our host's land, which is right up next to the border road.
Mexican troops, armed and in uniforms, OD Green uniforms and OD Green Kevlar helmet, crossed onto our host's property and were challenged, verbally, by our reconnaissance team.
The Mexican troops, there's about ten of them we estimate, we know for certain there were two in the lead with AK-47 and RPK machine guns,
The rest of them retreated back into the wood line, and after they got themselves into a concealed position, they fired on our volunteers.
Unfortunately, none of our volunteers were hit, and our volunteers, to their credit, exercised remarkable restraint.
And not firing back and giving away their positions.
Now, that did make the Associated Press a news match, but the average person hasn't heard about it.
They cover it up when federal officers are being routinely killed, Border Patrol, FBI, Forestry Service people.
They've shot up dozens and dozens of vehicles.
Tom Tancredo, the Congressman, says there's been over 190 episodes of this in the last two years that he knows of.
He didn't even know about U.S.
citizens three miles over the border being kidnapped.
In December by Mexican troops for absolutely no reason.
They're bringing the drugs across.
What did the police and others do once you reported this?
The silence is deafening every time you try to report something like this.
So we gave up trying to report these incidents a long time ago.
We don't dial 9-1-1 out here because quite frankly it's a waste of time.
We are next door neighbors to the largest
Border Patrol Station in the nation.
I am standing outside looking at it right now.
It is enormous.
It's a multi-million dollar facility.
It is so huge it has its own water tower.
This is a small city.
Our property is directly adjacent to their back fence.
I am literally a 30 second drive away from the largest Border Patrol Station in the nation.
If they cannot keep the military troops from a foreign nation off of our property, then the only other choice is either putting troops on the border ourselves,
Well, we do it ourselves with volunteers here on this property.
That's what you do.
You go to private property that have giant footpaths and garbage everywhere where the illegals pour across.
They rob, they rape, they kill people, they break equipment, they kill farm animals.
These are what our national government now refers to as future foreign guest workers.
And they are coming across just in the last 72 hours.
I'm looking at one of our guys in the observation tower right now.
Just in the last 72 hours, we have seen
A dramatic increase in the numbers of criminal border crossers coming across our property.
Well, that's because the Mexican papers say, hey, we're taking over.
The New York Times on Friday said this land is our land and said, hey, don't complain, this is really Mexico.
Even our own government says yes.
It's amazing.
Now, I know you've done a lot of radio interviews.
I heard one of your listeners earlier ask about my interview on National Alliance.
For the record.
For the record, I am very aware, and I was aware before I did this interview, of the controversy that would happen from me being on this particular source.
However, I was also interviewed by Hal Turner a couple of years ago, and on that same day, I was interviewed by CNN.
I know more subscribe to the Hal Turner's viewpoint than I do the Ted Turner's viewpoint.
These people are offering me an opportunity to get the message out, and I took it.
Sir, you must have gotten a call then because it's not that big of a deal.
I mean, I said I'll be interviewed by the German press, the Chinese press, you know, the right-wing press, you know, whoever to get the word out about being shot at by Mexican troops.
Everybody needs to know.
I mean, it's like Paul Revere.
Well, what we're seeing is that every time they throw up this charge of racism, it is thrown up with the express purpose
Of diverting public attention from the real issue of crime on private property.
Well, that's exactly what's happening.
I mean, Mexico, the government, is racist.
Public newspapers saying, throw the gringos out.
But that's supposed to be cute, and it's not acceptable.
I've had a standing offer for the past three and a half years to publicly debate anyone about what we do within Ranch Rescue, what we stand for, and who we are.
One of our chief detractors, Isabel Garcia, who's a local personality here in southeastern Arizona,
has gone out of her way to make an accusation against us as being racist.
She showed up here at our ranch at our front gate with a group of protesters on the same day that we already had a video crew from the Univision television network, Spanish language network.
This television crew went to the front gate and told Ms.
Garcia, Jack Foote will debate you at the front gate on camera right now.
And she said no and she left.
They run away and they make
Filed accusations, but they cannot back those up with valid arguments.
Well, I know that's the case, and I know that we're always talking about Mexico, because that's the majority, but it's just as bad from India or Russia or anywhere else.
We're losing this country, we're losing our wages, and we cannot assimilate this mass this fast, and now Bush is going to legalize all of them.
So what are your guys going to do the next time Mexican troops shoot at them?
I know if Mexican troops were shooting at me, I know what I'd do.
Well, like I said, I commend the individual patrol team leader for his discretion and his restraint, and it was his call to make.
As the person in charge at the moment on the ground.
However, this came about because we had a standing policy of challenging them and warning them with the intent of placing them under citizen's arrest and then turning them over to law enforcement.
Since we now know that if we challenge them, we'll be shot at, we're not going to give them any warning next time.
The next time that armed, uniformed, foreign, military, terrorist troops are encountered on this property,
We will open fire on them.
We will not warn them.
Now folks, I think that's a radical statement.
That shows how neutered we've all become.
It's private property.
It's being invaded by foreign troops.
If anybody was on your property, especially armed, you have every right to defend yourself with lethal force.
Now that's just the law in Texas.
It's the law in Arizona.
It's been a law nationwide.
Now they're trying to get rid of it in many of the controlled eastern and west coast states.
Under state law, we may not use or threaten to use deadly force unless it's first used or threatened to be used against us.
On the case of civilian criminals, that means they have to point a weapon at you.
Now, did you make the police come out and do a report?
Not for this particular incident.
There was no point to it.
We didn't have any physical evidence, except some very scared looks on the faces of our volunteers who had been fired upon.
That would have been a minute late to time.
But, I mean, it's not like this isn't happening.
We have them running over fences, chasing Border Patrol seven miles, and shooting their vehicles full of holes, and killing people.
We'll be happy to call
Sheriff of the County, and bring him out here, just as soon as we've got something physical to show him.
Now we either will capture these criminal terrorists vertically, or we will capture them horizontally.
Why do you think they shot at you?
Because they can.
Because they know that if they, even if they hit one of us, if they commit a murder inside the United States,
They can run back into Mexico, and Mexico will never extradite them to face either the life or the death penalty.
And then it makes it, also there's a government, and this has been out there, I've talked to one of the top Border Patrol people here in Texas, he's one of my dad's patients, now he said, oh yeah, there's a $200,000 bounty on Border Patrol.
But Bush is down there in a love fest with Vicente Fox right now.
Our volunteers are better equipped and better deployed than the Border Patrol itself.
We have highly different rules of engagement when it comes to armed, uniformed, foreign military troops.
And we know some of the local... Rules of engagement are much different than those for civilians.
We know some of the local folks have detained tens of thousands on their ranches, and we know that there's Simcox Group, we know that there's American Patrol out there documenting all this.
How many people that are trespassing on one ranch have you guys put under citizen's arrest and called the police?
Most of the folks who come across here are just your simple illegal border crossers.
They don't represent a threat because they're not armed.
The last group that we encountered was a group of five.
We simply gave them food and water and evicted them from the property and told them not to come back.
Yeah, and now you've got Morris D's suing you, right?
Well, Morris D's is suing me and the current owner of the ranch that I'm sitting on, Casey Nethercott.
But those stem from an incident that occurred in Texas, not here in Arizona.
The owner, by the way, is still sitting in
Pima County Jail after having been arrested on false charges by the federal government.
And by the way, there was a French national reporter there, you guys, and this was on tape, the reporter caught it, took photos, this was in the French News, gave them blankets, helped them, said go on down the road, don't trespass again, and it looks like that was a staged deal, suddenly the police show up, this was what, four or five months ago, and this guy's still in jail?
Yeah, well, he was arrested a second time from
It's kind of complicated, not to bore your listeners, but basically he was free on bail.
He was here in Arizona at his new place.
And false statement was filed by the prosecutor in Jim Hogg County, Texas.
Rudy Gutierrez perjured himself by filing false charges with the FBI.
He wrote them a letter saying Casey did this, that, and the other thing.
The feds then took that information and placed Casey under arrest here in Arizona.
And when they went back to Mr. Gutierrez and asked him to testify, he refused to.
Subsequently, all federal charges against Mr. Netticott had to be dropped, because the federal authorities realized that Mr. Gutierrez, the assistant district attorney... By the way, this is the same South Texas where four towns fly the Mexican flag, not the American flag, and do not allow English in court proceedings.
Now, this is, in the particular case of Jim Hogg County, in the town of Hebronville, this is a county government that is really nothing more than an organized criminal enterprise
Disguised itself and masquerading as a legitimate government.
Okay, listen.
They've earned the name, Texas Taliban.
Alright, Jack Foote, give folks the website.
I'm going to get you back on in the future for a full hour so we can take calls.
What's the website again?
The website address is www.ranchrescue.com.
The phone number here at Camp Thunderbird is 520-364-3966.
And we are asking folks to come as volunteers and to send us donations.
All right.
Well, thanks a lot for coming on the show, Jack.
Thank you again, sir.
Much appreciated.
You bet.
And I've checked out the whole story they're telling.
I mean, there was a national French reporter from AFP.
That's their Associated Press there.
And they go out, stop a couple people.
They're cold.
They give them some blankets, say, don't come back on this property.
And luckily, there was the French reporter there.
This was all caught on tape and with photos.
And, good thing the French reporter was still there when the police came and arrested him for assaulting him.
I mean, it's nuts!
But Mexican troops kill federal officers?
Doesn't even make the news.
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I think so.
We're good to go!
Alright, let's jam a few final calls in here.
Wes, Ron, and maybe others.
Wes in Colorado, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex, good to talk to you.
You bet.
I want to thank you for your work.
I've got two quick things to mention.
One is a good way to get out the word is to get some business cards made up either on your own home computer or somewhere else.
And what you can do is if you love America, check it out and then write down
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Also the times and station and days for your broadcast locally.
And leave those cards out around town.
Well that works really well in areas where we have AM and FM affiliates.
And certainly folks can always listen over the internet or shortwave.
And yeah, a lot of folks are doing that.
And this show is only one small part of the solution against this tyranny.
But yes, that's a wonderful idea.
Another thing is community fairs.
When they have those, you can always rent a table and have download pages that people can be there and handouts also to people for free.
Another thing I want to mention was you mentioned about Bush.
Recently, I saw WWE had a wrestling
In the background, they're panning through the crowd of soldiers watching the wrestling.
And there's two or three guys holding up a sign that says, Bush 316.
Okay, and what does that mean?
I think it's a biblical reference.
I believe it is too.
It's just a little odd.
John 316?
But it was actually Bush 316.
Or is it Romans?
It's John 3.16.
And what does John 3.16 say?
I think it's the way to know the Father is through the Son.
Something like that.
Oh, yeah.
Alright, thanks for the call, Wes.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That was it.
Okay, thank you, sir.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
God's love of the world that He gave His only begotten Son.
I think that's done, 316.
But anyway, Alex, what I was going to say first off is people need to get your tapes, your 9-11 prerequisites.
Let people know what happened at Oklahoma City, 9-11, some of the others.
Get them copied and get them out.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, and Tex Marr's book, Circle of Entry, are the icing on the cake.
They really give you an inside understanding and knowledge of what's going on so you can talk to other people and explain it.
But anyway, what I called about was, I see this Moon Mars trip as a diversion and as a payoff to the Lockheed Martin and other defense contractors.
A diversion to keep the people from thinking about what's going on now, the immigration, the bad economy, Iraq, and whatever.
I don't see anything of substance to it.
Yeah, they cover up one big story with another.
They announce the Saddam thing, and he signs the Patriot Act, too.
He goes to Mexico to announce it into the border, and then he's going to come back the next day and announce a moon-Mars mission, which will get all the attention.
Yeah, that's what they're doing.
Well, here in Oklahoma City, in George Bush's America, we've had a record year for bankruptcies.
Even had a prominent businessman robbing a bank last week.
Couldn't afford to make his payroll and pay his employees.
Older people robbing banks apparently to pay for their prescription bills and now the FDA says they're going to block importation of Canadian drugs or of Bush's payoffs to the pharmaceutical companies.
I hear you, Ron.
I gotta let you go.
Great points.
And since you mentioned it, yeah, my films, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Get the films.
Make copies.
Get them to opinion makers, talk show hosts, county commissioners, your pastor.
Affect change.
It's really happening.
People are very open-minded to this because they already know, deep down in their guts, something is wrong.
Total free number to get my films.
Big discounts when you get three or more.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Don't wait.
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And support this broadcast.
I'll be back tonight 9 to midnight, back tomorrow 11 to 2, right here on this same station.
Now get out there and expose corruption and stand up for this republic and be part of history.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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