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Name: 20040114_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 14, 2004
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Believe it or not, it's already Wednesday.
The 14th day into the new year of 04.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
And we do have a guest coming on here in about 30 minutes.
Bonner, the president
of the Border Patrol Council.
That's the union for the rank-and-file Border Patrol officers.
They're calling this betrayal.
They're calling this a slap in the face, treason, you name it.
So he'll be joining us in about 30 minutes.
We've got some other guests we're lining up as well.
And of course, we're going to be taking your phone calls throughout the show.
Right now, let's launch straight into the news.
I saw this headline this morning and I thought, oh good!
But then I read into the article and said, oh well, I guess that's not good.
Forex dollar rebounds buoyed by narrowing U.S.
trade gaps.
Now, for the last, what, three years, the trade gap gets bigger each month.
And it's still bigger than what it was three or four months ago, but it went down a little bit from what it was the month before last month.
And so the dollar that had been trading, the euro, $1.29 above the dollar, well, it went down 2.5 cents to $1.265.
That's their good news.
Hey, I hope the dollar stops its plunge now.
It's bad enough.
Look at gas prices.
Why do you think gas prices are so high?
And they're saying they're going to stay that high.
Because it takes more dollars that are devalued to buy that fuel from the Middle East.
And we can't have our oil out of Alaska.
BP gets the contract on that, and it all goes to Asia, where they can get a premium for the fuel.
See, it's not free market, folks.
It's crony capitalism, or what you'd call fascism.
A lot of news about Halliburton and scams they're running.
Salon is reporting, Salon Magazine, that Halliburton's going to get a big piece of the increased NASA funding.
I guess now they build spaceships and satellites.
Now, they never have before, but now they're going to be getting that.
Also, Halliburton trainees complain they're not being paid.
And contractors serve troops dirty food and dirty kitchens.
This is out of the Taipei Times.
I mean, just to show what they think of the troops, we'll go over this.
Not to mention double-charging the Pentagon for fuel they were selling.
There's just no end to these people.
But no one's being indicted.
Nobody's going to jail.
It's like Enron.
But in the case of Dixon Cannon, up in Dallas,
In the IRS case, they're trying to get life imprisonment now for failure to withhold.
Axe murderers don't get that now, but also that doctor up in Missouri who treated someone and testified about how they brutally beaten someone in the jail.
They pulled her over, beat her up, and are charging her criminally with a bunch of stuff.
The state prosecutor got involved, and they're wanting to know why the governor wants her behind bars.
And there's an article on that
civil rights groups vow to fight color-coding of air passengers.
It's not just for air passengers.
This is what's going to be on your national ID card and the new discrimination system.
Bush to seek unmanned missions to moon this decade.
It's rumored that he was going to announce manned mission, but because the polls came out against it, now it'll just be unmanned missions.
Also, the new World ID Card shaping up.
We'll get into that.
Four dead and suicide.
Bombing in the Gaza Strip.
Court upholds use of random police roadblocks.
That's just some, some of what's coming up here on the show.
And I even plan to go to your calls before our first guest gets on with us here in about 25 minutes.
If you want to get involved on air on any of these news items or any stories you want to discuss, 1-800-259-9231, InfoWars.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, it's eight minutes past the hour.
We do have the President.
The National Border Patrol Council, which represents all 9,000 of the Border Patrol's non-supervisory agents, has told its members to challenge President Bush's proposed guest worker program, calling it a slap in the face to anyone who has ever tried to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.
The agents are told in a letter
From Vice President John Frecker, that the proposal offered last week during a White House press conference implies that the country really wasn't serious about immigration enforcement in the first place.
Well, that's the way it's been for years.
They'll make a Border Patrol agent sitting in a truck by himself in the most dangerous law enforcement job statistically you can have, and they're allowed to look, say, north down a road or south down a road, but not both ways.
They're fired routinely if they get outside that purview.
They're told to spend about half their time picking up garbage.
They have to go into the woods, into the scrub brush, and pick up the garbage left by the millions of illegals.
And they get shot at and killed by Mexican troops and drug dealers.
They've been killing about, what, three Border Patrol agents a year for the last five years.
They've killed two Forestry Service agents, killed an FBI agent, injured two more, killed a bunch of sheriff's deputies, killed a whole bunch of citizens.
They find dead Mexicans all the time at the Coyotes.
And I don't mean the dog kind, or the canine type.
I mean the drug dealing, human smugglers, feed on the illegal aliens coming across who aren't authorized.
Makes me very, very angry.
And we could not talk enough about this subject.
Frankly, I don't think I've been discussing it enough.
We've been talking about it so much over the last few years.
Bush tried amnesty right before 9-11.
And tried to say that, well, amnesty is a good thing.
Well, now amnesty is even worse.
That was going to be a one-time amnesty of whoever was here.
Now it's going to be whoever's here and whoever gets here in perpetuity.
So perhaps you'd like to comment on this.
I've been talking to so-called conservatives and they've been listening to talk radio and they're going, well, I guess it's a shrewd move by Bush.
You know, we can't vote for Dean.
Might as well support it.
This is what we're getting.
And I confronted one of my longtime friends last night out in the TV studio.
He runs a pro-life show.
And I said, you know, what about our loss of liberty?
Well, we've got to do that to be safe from terrorists.
Well, what about the open borders?
Well, I guess we've got to do it.
Well, what about Bush saying he's going to sign the assault weapons ban?
Well, you're not for Howard Dean, are you?
And I go, no, I'm not for Howard Dean.
My question is, what are you going to do about it?
Well, I guess nothing.
Yeah, I guess nothing.
We've totally capitulated.
It's disgusting.
And of the Limbaugh's and the Hannity's, they're not saying much about this open border thing.
They're saying, well, we could just secure it and stop terrorists.
I guess it'd be okay to have all these immigrants here.
They're already capitulating.
The only big national host that isn't saying that is Michael Savage, which I have to commend.
He's saying, impeach Bush.
And I heard two of my conservative friends who haven't woken up yesterday saying, oh, he's a nut.
I don't like him now.
I mean, anything to worship Bush!
Oh, you liked Michael Savage when he was saying, put anybody that disagrees with the government in a forced labor camp, but you don't like it when he finally says, we cannot have open borders, and impeach George W. What do you think about all this?
Before I get back into the news, I was just thinking about this this morning.
How time speeds past.
I mean, years are what months were when I was a child or even a teenager.
Seasons go by like they're weeks.
Like weeks would go by in the past.
And I thought long and hard
About this, why is that?
Well, it's because when you're a child, everything is new.
Your mind is alive.
It's soaking everything up.
You're developing your personality and your psyche.
And that's why time goes by so slow.
But when you get older, you're so set in your ways.
You've got blinders on.
You've got so many responsibilities.
You're working so hard that everything basically flows past you.
And before you know it,
The big heart attack's hitting you and your life is over.
Well, I want to challenge people.
Before you die in a car wreck, before you get diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, before any of this happens to you, get involved in spreading the word about freedom.
Get involved in fighting for this country's sovereignty, for the sake of your children and grandchildren.
Don't live as a spectator.
Don't spend your life as someone on the sidelines.
And when you do get involved in fighting the New World Order, your life does become richer, your mind does become more focused and sharp, and the time slows down a bit.
It doesn't slow down to the speed of when you were a child, but when I am fighting the New World Order and when I am working hard in the fight against it, every day is longer and fuller and richer.
But when I'm just doing busy work or tearing out the trash or cleaning out the garage, time goes by in an instant because it's just mindless work.
I don't know if that instruction helps you any.
Perhaps you'd like to instruct me about the world.
I'm learning more every day, and that's why I'm so alive.
Because I want to learn more.
I want to understand history.
I want to understand the present.
I want to understand the future.
And I do, to a greater degree, every day, thanks to God.
But at the same time, I realize how much I don't know
And then I sit here in shocked amazement at the ignorant masses of people that don't know what it means to have a weak dollar, that don't understand what it means to our society to have open borders, that don't know what NAFTA and GATT is doing to us, that don't know about the cashless society beast system that's being put in place.
It's very frustrating.
I want to reach out to them and throw cold ice water on them and awaken them.
Let me tell you, what's worth more than all the gold in the hills to myself, what's worth more than all the treasures, is unlocking minds, seeing someone who was in darkness, who was only focused on themselves, to the point that they destroy themselves.
The thrill of my life is seeing the blinders come off, unlocking minds.
And that's the goal of this show.
We're losing our freedom,
They're breaking up our families.
They're isolating humanity.
They're dumbing us down.
They're suppressing advanced technologies that could extend our lives and improve the quality of our lives.
They are destroying our institutions and replacing it with police state mechanisms.
America is on fire!
I do not have words.
I do not have semantics.
I do not have the vocabulary to describe the full weight and horror of what I have seen developing.
We are already inside the New World Order.
We're like a frog in the pot, and it's set now from simmer to medium, and now the globalists are cranking the dial to high.
And the bubbles are forming at the bottom of the pan, and the country is almost cooked.
And there is a lot of struggling happening.
A lot of people are uneasy.
A lot of people are more perceptive and receptive to what we're saying, and deep down know it's true.
Go the rest of the way.
Check out our claims.
Research what we're saying.
Research history, research the present, then you'll know the future.
And then join us in removing the electronic voting machines going in under federal control.
Join us in demanding the borders be sealed.
Join us in demanding the Federal Reserve be abolished.
Join us in demanding that drugs be decriminalized because the government ships them in to create the crisis.
Join us in stopping the environmental land grabbers.
Get involved and you say, oh there's nothing we can do.
Have you gone to a city council meeting?
Have you joined a land rights organization?
Have you joined a second amendment group?
Have you gone to your state capitol when it's in session to shake your state rep's hand and to look them in the eyes and tell them don't sell out our children?
Have you gotten in the face of a lobbyist?
Have you caught bribery going on at the Capitol?
Have you stood up to Presidents and Prime Ministers and Governors?
Have you put up websites?
Have you gotten access to television shows?
The answer is no, you haven't!
Have you called into local talk radio shows to have your two cents put in each day?
Because it's your responsibility and it's a lot of fun to get out of the benches and get on the field and stand up for the final battle of humanity against the dehumanizing forces of the New World Order!
Who's up first, Mark?
Bretton, Missouri, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, enjoy your show.
First time caller.
I actually didn't know I could get you in Kansas City until this weekend, so I'll be a loyal listener from here on out.
You can listen to me six days a week in Kansas City.
I just wanted to make one quick comment.
You called Michael Savage perfectly yesterday.
You took notice of him calling for Bush's impeachment and gave him 30 days to turn around and start worshiping the man.
It took less than 30 hours, my friend.
Last night on his show, he pointed out how he called for Bush's impeachment, and then he was saying how he thought he was a wonderful man, he's a good man, he just needs help, and we're trying to save your presidency, Mr. Bush, and it was blatantly sickening.
I mean, up until that point, I had listened to Savage, and I had observed that he was kind of wishy-washy on certain subjects.
He'd mention the New World Order at times, but then he'll go right back into Republican-Democrat stuff.
Well, he will claim, I've only listened probably 20 times, he will claim that fighting globalism is a New World Order plan.
He'll say you're with the New World Order if you're fighting globalism.
Have you heard him say put people in concentration camps?
I have.
Stay there, we'll talk about it.
And I never really talk about other talk show hosts, but you've got to when Limbaugh says there's no New World Order.
Edwin Savage just put people in concentration camps.
I mean, folks, you gotta talk about that!
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Alright folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Updated daily for you.
Let's go back to Brett in Missouri.
Finishing up with his comments, then we'll go to Manuel and Barry and Rhonda and others.
Go ahead, Brett.
Again, I was focusing on Michael Savage and his spin last night back to basically worshipping George Bush, and I just wanted to commend you again.
You called it perfectly.
And as for your limbos, he'll totally dismiss anybody who can get past the screeners who mentions any kind of global plan or New World Order.
He dismisses it as rubbish.
He says there's no proof.
And he will just, he will nix them as soon as he can.
And this is while Presidents, and the Pope, and Prime Ministers, and UN plans, and hundreds of news articles about urban warfare with black helicopters terrorizing people, it doesn't exist, even when it's in USA Today, it doesn't exist.
You're crazy if you say it exists.
You're correct.
I mean, what did you think when you'd hear Savage call for anyone that disagrees with the government is aiding terrorists, put them in a forced labor camp?
It's, I mean, it's speechless at times.
I mean, you think, okay, he's, you listen to him and he'll get on a tirade and then he's like, okay, he's shooting off at the mouth.
And then, but if you stop and actually just, and you know, uh, comprehend what he is saying, you know, it makes, it makes it very difficult to, uh, to, uh, haven't, you know, to give any credibility to anything he says.
I mean, I'm, I'll, I'll openly admit I was somewhat gullible to different talk radio shows.
I listened to certain things.
Well he's an elitist supporter.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I mean folks, we're losing our freedoms.
America is about freedom.
We're becoming the biggest police state in the world with the most draconian controls of any nation.
We're becoming communist China.
They treat protesters like they do in China now, here in America.
They hire provocateurs.
They beat them up.
They run over them.
They kill them.
This isn't freedom!
And they control the fake right wing, they control the fake left wing, and there's no difference.
I've told liberals, you should love George Bush.
He's following every Clinton policy to a tee, and getting it ramrodded through.
Let's talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Manuel, go ahead.
Alright, we're having another good discussion here.
I got good news, man.
When you made a rant one day about your local news host, talk host, not being able to get in through the screener,
And them fading you out, basically censoring us like they all do all over the country.
I started listening to my A.M.
band here.
Found the local show.
And I'm going to tell you my two experiences.
This makes me feel very good.
In this city, we passed the reaffirmation of the Bill of Rights and Constitution here against the Patriot Act.
Well, today there was a discussion with a general, a gentleman named Mike Williams.
And he was talking about the Patriot Act 1 and 2, pushing it as if it's something good.
Well, the host took a lot of calls, and in those calls was one of mine.
And I mentioned the subsection of the Patriot Act, how they strip our citizenship, the new definitions of terrorism.
They did not dispute that.
The host even said, yes, I have a copy here.
The next caller was, this is what you're really going to like, a Vietnam veteran.
He said, listen, sir, this is to the general.
When I swore my oath to protect this country against all enemies, foreign and domestic, I'm going to tell you, sir, and he was talking to the guest, he said, you are a domestic enemy.
And the guests had nothing to say to that.
Nothing at all.
And this is what I like hearing.
All of the corners were against this.
Also, we had another time a couple weeks ago... You're telling me there was a general... Mike Williams... ...defending the Patriot Act is for all citizens and all crimes, saying it's good.
Check this out.
He's General Mike Williams.
I got his name.
I remember this.
Yeah, I know who he is.
Defense Science Board.
I have no clue what this is.
It doesn't mean anything to me.
They're helping set up the Total Information Awareness Network.
They want to sound legitimate, Defense Science Board.
Well, check this out.
A couple weeks before this,
We had a Second Amendment discussion.
Show comes on at 11.
Always run to it.
Ever since I heard it.
They don't censor your calls.
And I'm going to tell everybody out there quickly.
Any host, no matter what they talk about, if they do not censor your calls, get in there.
Because once you call in there consistently with the facts, it doesn't matter what they're saying, they can't argue with you.
So I'm going to tell you this about the Second Amendment.
We called in.
Everybody here was calling in for the Second Amendment.
This was the case.
Our local newspapers, two of them,
We're using a commonly used tactic, and I'm sure you're very aware with this, where they said, oh, this guy has diabetes.
He's about 76 years old.
And he is a veteran.
He was carrying a so-called arsenal of weapons.
You want to know the arsenal of weapons?
Two handguns.
And they kept making a point about a hollow point bullet, and how he had potassium iodate, and a Kevlar helmet, and a water filter.
So what?
Well, check this out.
All of the callers were against it.
When I called in and told them, that's a classic propaganda piece of the whole.
He didn't even disagree.
Oh, look, look, you can call into these shows and make the host change his opinion.
Exactly, that's what I tell people.
They don't stand for your calls.
Call in, people.
No matter what they're saying.
If you can get through, call in there with facts consistently, be coherent and cogent, and you'll do a good thing.
Absolutely, that's where the fight for this country's taking place.
More news and a guest coming up.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, heard live 6 to 9 p.m.
Central, Monday through Friday, and 7 to 9 p.m.
Central on Saturday.
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The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and Rhonda and Barry and Jeff and Elizabeth and Stacy, your calls are all coming up as well.
Earlier, I read out of the Washington Times, Border Council calls Bush plans slap in the face.
The National Border Patrol Council, which represents 9,000, all 9,000, of the Border Patrol non-supervisory agents, has told its members to challenge President Bush's proposed guest worker program, calling it a slap in the face to anyone who has ever tried to enforce the immigration laws of the United States.
The agents are told in a letter from Vice President John Brecker that the proposal offered last week during a White House press conference
Great to be here.
Tell us about the National Border Patrol Council, of course the website, and what your members are saying, and what this total amnesty package will do.
Well, there's a website that people can visit if they want to express their displeasure with the proposal, and it's noamnesty.com.
And basically what this would do is reward people who have broken our laws, and encourage other people to come in illegally, and this is not speculation, this happened
During the 1986 amnesty, and we will see it happen again, only in much larger numbers.
Now your organization represents all of the foot soldiers, the rank and file of non-supervisory Border Patrol, and we've gotten calls from Border Patrol agents, we've read their quotes in the papers, they're hopping mad, they're getting killed, putting their lives on the line, and Bush says we're just going to legalize all these people.
Yeah, it's a huge slap in the face to all Border Patrol agents or any other person who has enforced the immigration laws, and more importantly, it's bad public policy for the entire country.
Well, absolutely.
What is your organization doing trying to stop this?
I mean, when you've got the Border Patrol against what Bush is doing, that doesn't bode well for his plans.
Well, we're encouraging our members to speak out, and we're also encouraging the public to speak out.
Because the only way you can turn bad policy around is by making your voice heard.
If enough people tell the President and tell the Congress, this isn't what we want, you're going down the wrong path.
Perhaps they'll wake up and come to their senses.
I've heard from border folks, listeners, and organizations on the border that since this announcement was made last week, that there are record numbers of illegals now pouring across in Arizona and California.
Well, that's no surprise.
It happened back in 86.
As soon as they announced it, the volume of traffic increased dramatically.
And it really never went back down to the pre-amnesty levels.
Back at that time, they were estimating that there were 3 or 4 million people in the country illegally.
Since then, the latest census figures show 8 million, and that's 8 million people who stood up and said, yes, I'm here illegally, count me that way.
And I would guess that 90 plus percent of illegals don't come to the door and tell the person that they're illegal.
So, the real figure is much, much higher than the 8 million that the Census Bureau estimates.
A lot of the think tanks that have done the research say it's 25 to 30 mil.
It's quite possible.
We've got a real problem on our hands, and rewarding these people who have broken our laws is not only a slap in the face to those who enforce the immigration laws, it's a slap in the face to everyone who has played by the rules and waited patiently in their country waiting to get in here legally.
What feedback are you getting from the Border Patrol that you represent?
We're getting a lot of positive feedback on this effort to educate the public and our opposition to this amnesty.
Well how can you have people committing federal crimes and then reward them by saying you're all legal now and anybody that ever gets here is legal now?
You might as well not even have a Border Patrol.
You may as well not have
Any immigration laws at all just open up the borders, but as we all know, that would be a disaster vis-a-vis homeland security.
Because if it's easy, which it is right now, for an illiterate, impoverished peasant from Mexico to slip across the border, how much easier is it for a well-financed terrorist to do the same?
Well, I know that the police will apprehend large groups of Arabs, and it doesn't even make the local news, and they just release them, just like all the other illegals.
There's been articles as central states as Virginia and Tennessee, where sheriffs are running checkpoints, sobriety drug gun checkpoints, and they catch van loads of illegals and smugglers, coyotes, and they call the INS.
The INS says, release them.
It's almost like if you're illegal, you've got more rights than a citizen.
Well, sadly, the strategy that the government is employing is ignoring the entire interior of the country.
They've focused almost all of their efforts on the borders, and yet that's a very narrow window.
Once you transit the border, then you're going to be staying in the country for years.
The efforts need to shift, and the focus needs to be on
Finding a way to stop people from taking jobs from American citizens.
There was an LA Times article on Monday, sir, Mr. Bonner, President of the Border Patrol Council, an organization representing all 9,000 of the Border Patrol non-supervisory agents.
There was an article about how the only bus
It truly is.
College students writing a school paper for their architecture class about a bridge and they get an FBI raid, but the border's wide open.
I mean, how can they sell this to us?
I guess they think they were pretty unsophisticated and stupid.
But I don't believe that to be true.
I think the average American is a lot more
Mr. Bonner, I read an article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram over a year ago where it said that thousands of Border Patrol had quit because they were tired of having to pick up garbage on the streets and not being able to go after people, but mainly because they get tens of thousands of dollars more starting pay to be an Air Marshal.
How has that affected the Border Patrol?
We took a pretty big hit.
At that time, our attrition was up at 20%.
That's one out of every five people leaving.
It's a little better now, but not nearly good enough.
I think we're down at 15, 16%, which is still pretty high.
And that's yearly.
So I guess, if there's 9,000 foot soldiers on the Border Patrol, the article saying 2,000 was accurate then?
Yeah, well, we're hiring.
I think this year we'll be hiring in the neighborhood of 2,600 people.
And that's to just make up for all the losses.
Slight growth, but mainly it's making up for those attrition losses.
You've got less people than a mid-sized city as police.
Oh, absolutely.
And we have 6,000 miles of land border to patrol.
4,000 between the U.S.
and Canada, 2,000 between the U.S.
and Mexico.
I want folks to think about this.
If you've got 9,000 Border Patrol, and I'd say a third of them are off at any one time, you know, for the weekend, and then you've got three shifts a day, what is that about?
2,500 Border Patrol actually on the border at any one time nationwide?
Yeah, approximately.
That is, I mean...
We should have a hundred thousand border patrol agents.
That's the only place we need more law enforcement.
I mean, you're the president of the, of the, uh, of the, uh, what I call it, a union, or?
Yeah, it's a union.
So what's going to happen, Mr. Bonner?
With the amnesty?
I mean, we're just not going to have a border patrol.
I mean, we already really don't have one.
Well, some of the policies have effectively tied our hands behind our back.
And it seems that there are people who make the laws for this country who aren't too serious about stopping people from coming into the country.
I'm not sure.
I can tell you not nearly enough.
I mean, what country in the world lets a million people come through in one county?
I mean, you don't have a country if you don't have a border.
It's pretty hard to be a sovereign nation when people can just come and go at will.
What will Mexico do if a million of us try to cross there?
Oh, you know, that there'd be this international outcry of how we're invading their country, blah blah blah.
I'm sure you know, sir, that Mexico claims the Southwest is theirs and is teaching that in high school and college and grade schools, elementary schools, and I've got both Mexican presidents on tape, the last two, saying that they're going to take this country over.
I think they've already made a pretty good start.
Well, 80 plus percent of Hispanics are against open borders and polls, but Bush claims Hispanics want this.
But that's a fraud.
They're doing this because corporations want cheap labor.
Absolutely has nothing to do with what the Hispanics want.
Because Hispanics who have come into the country legally, rather, are very upset about this.
Because it's slapping them in the face and saying, you were stupid to wait in line for five years to come in under our laws.
You could have just broken the law and we would have forgiven everything.
This would be like proposing a tax cut
For everybody in the country and say, oh and by the way, anyone who has not paid their taxes for any reason previously, it's all forgiven.
And then no one would follow the law from that point on?
No, exactly not.
Why should you?
Because you know that down the road they're going to figure, they'll run another amnesty and they'll forgive me.
Now this amnesty, sir, is different than others because it's not just, okay, for three months you all get amnesty, line up at the offices of the INS.
Now they're saying it's in perpetuity.
Well sure, if you're here, and you have a job, and when you walk across the border you can show up at some ranch and say, hire me.
And they hire you and you say, okay, I have a job.
Well you obviously lobby.
What is your advice for my listeners, and there's millions of them,
What is your advice for my listeners to do to stop this?
My advice is that the most effective way of communicating with your member of Congress is to write out a letter, a handwritten letter.
The next most effective way is to send an email.
I know that's somewhat counterintuitive because a lot of people think, well if I pick up the phone, if you pick up the phone you're going to get some staffer who's 22 years old and they're just going to check some block that says
I don't know.
The best bet is to have some form of communication, whether it's a postcard, a letter, or an email, that lets them know how upset you are.
I have found the best, other than that, the best tactic is when your congressman or woman is coming to meet and greet in their district, which they do all the time folks, it's in the newspaper.
Oh absolutely, if you can get in front of their face and stand up and say, this is bad public policy,
What's your position on this?
I hope you're not supporting this travesty.
That's absolutely the best way to do it, but those opportunities don't always present themselves.
I've got loaded phone lines, and a lot of them we're holding before you've joined us.
I'm going to ask my folks in front of the show.
We don't screen calls, but I want to find out who wants to talk to you so we can go to them.
We're talking about a bunch of different issues.
Mark, find me some of these callers that want to talk to Mr. Bonner, and we'll go to the others after he's gone, because I want to go to these calls.
I should have told you that in the break.
I'm sorry.
Give us the website again, Mr. Bonner, please.
It's pretty simple.
It's noamnesty.com.
All one word, noamnesty.com.
Mr. Bonner, I've never seen my listeners as angry about any issue, even gun control, as they are about this.
I guess people instinctively know this is the end of our sovereignty if they allow this to happen.
And they're absolutely correct.
What feeling are you getting, the sense of the Congress?
Are they going to go along with Bush on this?
He's getting a lot of opposition from his traditional supporters.
The conservatives are not happy with this.
And then, of course, the liberal Democrats are not happy because it doesn't do enough.
So, perhaps between the two of those, we can have a coalition to sink this bad idea.
All right.
Mark, who should we go to first here?
All right, Barry in Arizona, you're on the air, go ahead.
Alex, hi, good to talk to you again.
I'm listening to this conversation and I have in my hand an article from the Arizona Republic today about how Organ Pipe, one of our parks here in our state, is being endangered and trampled and ruined because of border crossers, okay?
But the interesting thing is that Organ Pipe is part of a UN biosphere that was one of the great gifts that Clinton gave us, okay?
What I'm not hearing in this conversation are issues of jurisdiction, and I want to address that.
Yeah, that's a good question.
Why can't the sheriffs, because you can do this for a forest fire or an axe murderer that's loose, why aren't the sheriffs calling up citizens, veterans, a quick week-long training course to go out and help arrest these people and to aid the Border Patrol?
Why can't that happen?
I can answer that.
Okay, the reason why is because
In the Constitution, only the President is empowered to do that.
In his original jurisdiction capacity.
But Bush is not seated in his original jurisdiction capacity.
Nobody in our legislatures or in Congress are.
Because we're, again, like I spoke to you yesterday about... Let me get a comment from our guest on this.
I want to hear what he thinks about, and yes, the sheriffs and the state governors can do whatever they want.
I don't need the president to do it.
You're incorrect.
Sir, go ahead.
Actually, they have a law in the books that passed a few years ago that empowered these state and local jurisdictions to assist us.
If they go through some training, but very few have stepped forward and said they want to do that.
Most of them say, we'd lose the trust of the Hispanic community if we were out there arresting illegals.
And again, that's not true.
The majority of Hispanics are with the rest of America.
They know this is killing the country.
Yeah, but you know, that's their excuse for not.
Stepping up to the plate and helping out.
Yeah, Barry, I'm not trying to sit here and tell you you're wrong, but we don't need the President to tell the Governor what he can do.
Oh, I agree with you, Alex.
I'm not saying it's right, but I'm just saying what the Constitution says, and I don't know what the state statutes say about that.
But, let me tell you something.
If that, under the law now, which is a color of law, okay, if organ pipe, for example, is under U.N.
control and jurisdiction, how is a sheriff
The sheriff is waiting at the county line of that national park to arrest those illegals and they levy taxes to pay for it.
That's something you're supposed to pay taxes for.
All right.
Thanks for the call.
We're going to come back with our guest in the final segment of this hour and talk to Roger and Elizabeth for our guest.
Then I'll start the next hour and get to Rhonda and Jeff and others and Steve and others, Stacey and others.
Stay with us.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back.
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Folks, we're back live and Mr. Bonner has agreed to stay with us 10-15 minutes into the next hour so we can get to all the callers that want to talk to him.
I was just talking to Mr. Bonner during the break and he talked about how Bush is giving away the whole country and how there's this alliance of left and right against it.
We'll talk about that in just a second and go back to your calls.
Before we do that, my friends, I've made 10 documentary films.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Masters of Terror, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
The newest film is Matrix of Evil, exposed with Congressman Ron Paul.
Exposing how a bunch of globalists run Washington, who the neocons are.
Frank Morales on the Police State, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself.
There's video of us throwing the Patriot Act out in Austin.
By the way, Dallas is voting to throw out the Patriot Act.
Uh, now, uh, so are a bunch of other cities.
They're really panicking.
The film gets into all that and a lot of solutions, so get Matrix of Evil.
Get Paul Watson's new book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the films, the books, the t-shirts.
That purchase also makes this show possible.
Or call toll free to get the films or the books.
This is such a big part of the solution.
Waking people up to this whole police state that's for citizens, but not for illegals.
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Order three or more of any of the 10 videos, they drop down to $20.
You can write to me here in Austin, Texas.
I'm Alex Jones, and the address is 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Our guest is the president of the only, it's the big union,
We've got a link to that on InfoWars.com.
This is a side issue, but I found it really illustrates things for people.
I'm sure you're aware that foreigners who come here legally get seven to ten years of tax exemption, but most folks aren't aware of that.
Why do you think, as the head of this major lobby and union, why do you think the government discriminates against citizens in so many ways?
Boy, you're asking me to crawl inside the head of someone that I don't care to do.
I really don't know why they come up with these policies.
Disfavor the people that they're constitutionally bound to protect.
Do you think we can defeat this legislation?
I think we have to.
I don't think it's a question of just giving it our best effort.
I think we absolutely have to defeat this legislation.
If we want to remain as a sovereign nation, we have to.
I mean, we're not going to have a country if we do this.
That's precisely
That's my point.
You know, if you allow anyone to come in here, then soon we will just become yet another third world nation.
Mr. Bonner, they're also on record in this legislation saying that they're going to allow companies to bring illegals in legally from anywhere in the world now.
And the scary thing is, the devil's always in the details on these things, but it could be engineered in such a way that they say,
That if you can't find somebody to work at minimum wage, an American citizen, then you can bring in someone else.
Well, that's what I said.
Well, you take a skilled trade, you're not going to find someone in the U.S.
who's willing to lay bricks at minimum wage.
But yes, you would find someone from Mexico willing to do that.
All of our jobs could be taken over by foreigners.
It is.
And I hear these idiots saying it's a good thing.
Stay there, Mr. Bonner.
We're going to break start the second hour.
We're going to go straight to Roger and Elizabeth and others that are patiently holding.
Stay with us, folks.
Second hour.
I'm Alex Jones.
Stay with us.
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That's told you.
You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
We've only got our guests about 10-15 more minutes, but I want to get as many of your calls in as possible.
He's T.J.
Bonner, President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union which represents all 9,000 of the Border Patrol's non-supervisory agents,
He's called Bush's activities a slap in the face of all Americans in the Border Patrol.
Now, let's go to the calls.
Roger in Pennsylvania, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks, Jensen.
I think no one will be able to find any law to preclude average citizens from interdicting any federal criminals, let alone any local or state law enforcement from doing the same.
Problem is, the FBI will still come after you.
They do not want people protecting their own private property.
Well, nor requiring any special training precedent to doing so.
Now, two questions, please.
Even the more establishment read a Bush administration-friendly analyst, pointed out in the last week or two, about how totally unworkable Bush's proposals are, among other things, requiring additional, vast new bureaucracies to administer the guest worker programs and such.
And they point out that the systems are already two years in backlogs and all this already.
Roger, it's total capitulation.
What's your question?
Yeah, now it's one thing for these local clear channels to grouse on a weekly basis about illegal immigration.
Yet, do you find yourself with a shortage of interviews or getting turned down at the last minute once you cause real serious embarrassment?
Okay, thanks for the call, Roger.
Comments, Mr. Bonner?
Well, it's going to be logistically
Difficult to administer a program like that, obviously.
And I'm not arguing against a guest worker program, but there are two things that would have to happen in order for it to be legitimate.
One, don't reward the people who broke the law.
Don't give them any of the jobs.
And the other is, you have to turn off the job magnet.
You have to make it so that
Immigration agents can enforce the laws against hiring people who don't have permission to be here.
Well, in the last three months, since the Walmart rate of 300, there have been no visits to any companies.
They need to charge these owners with felonies, and if they start doing that, the jobs will dry up real quick.
Well, the problem is the law puts the onus on the back of the employer.
They're the ones who have to come up with... They're charged with
Proving that the person is here illegally, and that's not fair.
They're not the experts.
Federal agents study for years to pick off counterfeit documents.
You have 70 some odd documents... No, I'm not talking about counterfeit documents.
I'm talking about where they know they're illegal.
That's what I'm saying, Alex.
There are 70 some odd documents that you can...
So what we do is we come up with one identification that a foreign worker has to have.
But anybody who was here illegally is deported.
Can't we do something like Eisenhower did?
Round up these millions and throw them out of here?
We could if we had the will.
And it wouldn't be very hard.
I guarantee you, you start arresting a couple thousand people a day in every state, the others are going to head for the hills.
That's what happened last time.
But when we really boil it down, Mr. Bonner, the government wants it legalized, don't they?
The government wants, they want to reward the big business owners who want cheap exploitable labor.
They want to drive down the wages.
They want to eliminate the middle class.
And that's the state of government plan.
Eliminate the middle class.
We've got one more quick segment with our guests.
We'll come back and talk to Elizabeth and then Kevin and then we'll let our guests go and we'll go to Rhonda and Stacey and others that are patiently holding.
We're talking to the President of the National Border Patrol Council, P.J.
And the website is noamnesty.com.
We've got a link to it at infowars.com.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, my friends.
From deep in the heart of Texas, we're coming to you live on this 14th day of January 2003.
It's going to take two or three more calls for our guest and let him get back to his important work there in Washington, D.C.
He's the president of the big union of 9,000 Border Patrol agents, the National Border Patrol Council.
Got a bunch of news articles with their comments and analysis at InfoWars.com.
Their site is NoAmnesty.com.
Mr. Bonner, again, President of the organization, right before the break you said it, that's what I said yesterday, this is about, because we have a big corporation saying this on record, getting rid of the middle class, turning this into a third world country, that's what the elite want, that's what they're doing, but still the average American I don't think understands that.
From what experience do you draw that conclusion?
You look at the way Mexico is run now and people say,
Mexico is such a poor country.
It's not a poor country.
They have more natural resources than we do.
The problem with Mexico is all of the money is in the hands of a very few people at the top.
They have more billionaires, according to Forbes, per capita per population than any country in the world.
But they don't spread the wealth and I think that some people believe that that's the solution to the
Illegal alien problem.
We depress our economy to the point where it becomes like theirs, so then there's no incentive for them to come across.
Everything is normalized.
They go up a little bit, we go down a lot.
That's not the American dream that I grew up.
Well, sir, you're very eloquent, right to the point.
Certainly you've heard NPR or the nightly news shows.
I hear them, Republicans and Democrats.
Oh, it's good the dollar's plunging.
Oh, it's good wages are dropping.
We've had it too good too long.
We're going to lower ourselves to the other standards.
This is fair.
But really, it's just a bunch of elitists setting up a command and control system.
You don't see them giving up any of their money.
Well, number one, when you lower standards of service and wages, it hurts the entire economy.
It only helps the elite.
We don't have to accept, you know, the bottom falling out and, you know, the giant sucking sound.
That's what globalism does, is it brings down the mass of people and centralizes the power for a tiny elite.
Man, I tell you, we're blessed to have you as the Border Patrol Union Head.
I would guess that you're elected?
Well, that's why.
This shows.
This man is a representation of our Border Patrol.
Before we go to these calls, these final calls, what about the Mexican troops shooting and killing your officers and the federal government?
I mean, I know that if some right-winger or left-winger killed a Fed, there'd be a task force of 500 Feds hunting them down, their mommy, their daddy, and their greedy, greedy granny.
But when Border Patrol gets killed or forest agents get killed by Mexican troops or shot at, nothing happens.
Talk about that.
Well, even worse than that is if the shoe's on the other foot, nothing happens.
A good example was there was a Marine Sergeant out in San Diego a few years ago.
Went down to Tijuana to pick up a couple of his troops who had been disordered the night before.
Drove into Mexico in his private truck and they said, do you have any weapons?
He said, well, I've got my hunting rifle behind the seat.
They seized his truck, threw him in jail.
It took several months with congressional intervention to get him out of Mexican prison.
Fast forward a few years,
Later in El Paso, Texas, near El Paso, Texas, 14 armed Mexican soldiers in two Humvees firing automatic weapons shot at Border Patrol agents.
We apprehended them within hours.
State Department told us, let them go.
Everything went back to Mexico.
Well, look, I mean, the case you talk about, somebody can have a .22 shell under the seat that they forgot, and they take your car, beat you up, put you in a dirt-bottom jail, take, extort $100,000 out of your family, but nobody weeps and wails, you know, about that.
Oh, that's loving!
All I'm saying is, if we're gonna, if they want to play it that way, we should play it the same way.
Well, sir, I've said that next time Mexican troops open fire, which they do now on a weekly basis on people, we need to have the military down there and wipe them out.
Generally speaking, when someone crosses your borders with their military and fires upon your citizens, that's an act of war.
Well, sir, absolutely, this is all just common sense, but...
You know, they're putting troops on the streets, giving military hardware to police where it shouldn't be.
The one place it should be is on the Border Patrol.
Have you, uh, has your union and the 9,000 officers called for armored vehicles and 50-cal weapons and helicopters to engage these enemy forces?
No, but we have asked for the military to support us.
Well, why not just militarize the Border Patrol?
That's totally constitutional.
I suppose that's one way to do it.
Look, how about the governors sending the state guards down there, contingents, to serve their yearly terms on the weekends with you guys?
I mean, we need troops down there now!
Well, I disagree that we need troops to stop illegal immigrants because it takes specialized civilian law enforcement training and you have to understand the language so that you don't get yourself hurt when somebody
I was saying have troops there to stop the Mexican troops.
Okay, that I agree with.
Okay, let's take three calls.
We'll let you go.
We appreciate all your time.
Let's talk to Elizabeth in Maryland.
Elizabeth, go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Yes, Mr. Bonner, I think one of your key points is to enlist the middle class.
It's a big voting bloc.
And I think what people don't realize, the border is right out by our front door.
It's coming closer and closer to all this anarchy.
And I want to say something that Alex said that sometime back, that we had a small window of time to stand up against various things within the New World Order, like the RFID.
And he encouraged me, he was part of my encouragement, to start a talk show.
And I would like to invite Alex and your listeners
Stay tuned, especially if you're listening this evening at 1 a.m.
Eastern Time.
My little half-hour show has my Christmas character, Barbie, interviewing fatherland security.
And this will continue next week, too.
Okay, ma'am.
What else is on your mind about immigration?
Alright, I think that it is very imperative that each of us takes our conscience and our will
And does what Mr. Bonner said, and writes, we write a letter to our congressman.
And I think that we have to get out of this apathy.
And if three million listeners are hearing you, Alex, all three million should do it, not just listen.
Thanks for the call.
So many people say, oh, we can't do anything, there's nothing we can do.
That's because you've never gotten off your hind end.
We'd be in a lot worse shape if it wasn't for people like Mr. Bonner.
Sir, comments to that?
Oh, absolutely.
And, you know, if you don't want to write your own letter,
Visit our website, noamnacy.com.
There's a pre-canned email that you can send off to the President and to your members of Congress.
No excuse.
Jay in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
You took my question.
I was hoping you would talk about the military coming across and kidnapping people.
Oh yeah.
What about kidnapping that family, sir?
Could you imagine the outcry if U.S.
troops had done that with Mexico?
We would not hear the end of that during our lifetimes.
And yet, I haven't heard a word about it.
Just a little bit of media coverage, and it's gone.
Sir, what did you think, or were you aware that Fox came to Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, gave awards to governors, to police forces.
I bullhorned him, shut down his speech in his press conference.
He gave awards to the police and said, thank you for not enforcing the immigration laws and accepting the Council of Matricula.
That's sad.
What if Kim Jong Il came here from North Korea and gave awards to people for not, you know, letting him infiltrate?
The American public needs to be outraged and they need to make their voices heard.
Okay, Jay, anything else?
No one else really had any more details on what the family, the family of five and the dad was kept and the family was released, what they were charged with and what that guy, you know what I mean?
But that was the reason besides showing they could do it, I know someone opined that, but I wonder if Mr. Bonner knew what that guy was even charged with, why they even said they needed to take him.
He lived a mile over the border, he was shooting at rabbits with a .22, and then for some reason a day later, the Mexican troops thought they had been shot at and came and grabbed the family.
Is that what you got, Mr. Bonner?
Yeah, and all I have is what I read in the paper.
I don't have any inside information on this, unfortunately.
I think so.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, Jay.
Your Border Patrol agents routinely get their vehicles shot up.
What have they been instructed to do when they're shot at by Mexican troops?
Because I've read they've been told not to return fire.
Yeah, especially if it's going across the border, they're told you have to be really careful about that.
So don't shoot back when you're getting shot at.
So don't shoot back when you're getting shot at.
Well, they haven't gone quite that far.
But they're saying that, look, if you're going to be shooting into Mexico, you can harm innocent people.
And it's like, well, wait a second, they're shooting into the United States, and there's the odds are that they're going to harm some innocent person here.
Well, they've been killing people.
Let's take one final call.
David, last caller.
Go ahead real quick.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
You know, you talk about certain things that make it apparent that you understand.
I'm sure you do understand the larger ramifications of this.
Um, yes.
It's pretty outrageous when Mexico is parading its military force and actually using their military to serve as a foil for the drug runners.
But until the United States stands up and says, this is unacceptable, it will continue.
Alright, Mr. Bonner, President of the Big Border Union, Border Patrol Union, thanks for spending time with us.
Take care.
Thank you, bye.
We'll be back folks.
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Alright, we're going to go right back to calls and back into more of the news here.
But what an amazing interview with the head of the Border Patrol Union, talking about plans to get rid of the middle class, plans of the elite, end of America, end of sovereignty.
I mean, these are the exact things I say on this show, because it's what's happening, folks.
It's the reality.
We're about to go back to David in Michigan and Rhonda in Missouri, because they've been holding so long, and then I'm told Don in Pennsylvania disagrees with me or something, so you'll be next after them and then Mark and others.
David in Michigan, making great points.
Go ahead and continue.
Sir, well, what I wanted to say, and I wanted to say this, if I could, to Mr. Bonner, but, you know, people that you interview on these subjects, a lot of times they see these things in isolation because they're so close to the thing.
But it sounded like he does understand that what this is really about is the end of national sovereignty and the fact that you have people getting arrested for invoking their rights under our laws
Yet our people somehow go to Mexico, including our president.
We're expected to make concessions so that we can be more like them.
And at the future of all of this, George W. Bush is not acting out of stupidity.
And Vicente Fox is giving speeches saying, I'm taking America over.
He's got armed troops marching along the border, publicly saying we're taking things back, putting out bounties on Border Patrol agents' heads.
And it's so cute.
It's so funny.
GW is doing what he's there to do, just as Clinton was doing the same thing, that we were outraged about these things.
Somehow the neocon talk shows, now they're making noise about it when it doesn't matter anymore.
You know, let us burn out our anger and talk about this until we're tired and then, you know, we'll go on.
But we could have done something about this before Bush actually, you know, pulled this off.
There could have been so much rage and there could have been so much interest in the public that they might have
They contacted Congress and put a lot of pressure on them to stop, but they're not about to do that.
Now they'll let us burn our anger out after the deed is already done.
Well, Bush has to... Bush, you know, he's saying he may not even need Congress, but yes he does, and we're not going to let him do that.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Rhonda in Missouri.
Rhonda, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
You're my big Berkey to this toxic stream of information we have to listen to all the time.
Yeah, boy, opening up these borders ought to make Al-Qaeda easier to find.
Doesn't that ought to make it easier to find them Al-Qaeda boys?
Them Al-Qaeda's.
We got to give all our rights up, because Al-Qaeda will get us.
Let's open the border up.
Let's just legalize them all.
You know, people say, well, CNN can't expose the PNAC document, and Fox can't expose Clinton's involvement in putting HIV into the blood supply.
Because evil can't cast out evil.
Because they're, like you said, all the time, they're two arms of the same beast.
And what prompted me to call was your opening remarks at the beginning of the show.
And I agree with a lot of what you said.
And, you know, what I've come to discover is, you know, what faith does it take to wait until you see the Lord Jesus Christ before you speak the truth?
I figure I won't see him unless I do speak the truth.
You know, because the Lord is the truth.
And I see it as my duty, if I want to bring heaven to earth, to bring it, let the Lord come through me.
And He is the living vine.
And you know, all this talk about, well, you know, the Lord's got to return.
I'm seeing more and more that He doesn't have to return to me, I've got to return to Him.
We create hell on earth by going along with evil and not standing up against it.
And we can create heaven on earth, too, just like you.
The things you've gone through, you know, being kidnapped by their, you know, goblins and, you know, speaking out the truth, you know, the Lord's protected you.
Not because he's somewhere else.
Because he's here.
Oh, I have no doubt of that.
Thanks for the call, Rhonda.
Yeah, you talk about his goblins.
That's when I asked Bush a question about the CFR, and they kidnapped me for 45 minutes and threw me out on the side of the highway.
There's video of that in Police State 3, total enslavement.
Let's go to Don in Pennsylvania, and Don will hold you over, so don't hang up during the break.
You say I don't have credibility or something?
Oh, no, I apologize.
Maybe I wanted to clear something up.
No, I want you to.
I want you to disagree with me.
Go ahead.
I've been listening to your show since August 15th.
You've optimized a few things.
I have a concern I want to bring up to you as a friend here.
Look, you had said a few days back something about how, it was a small snippet of information, how with all these companies facing all these crises of stock games and insider trading and all this stuff, you had mentioned how the Enron hadn't gotten in any trouble because they were Bush buddies.
Yeah, this is not a head guy they're prosecuting right now.
It's not?
No, it's just a little side minion.
You're not going to see anything happen to Kenneth Leigh.
My point was, is they're going after Martha Stewart for nothing, while not going after all the... I mean, look at the stuff Halliburton's doing right now.
All the scams they're engaged in, right out in plain view.
Stay there, Don.
I'll come back to you after the break and talk about this, and we'll talk to Mark, and then I'm going to go into news and back into calls.
Stay with us, folks.
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All right, folks.
We're now to the halfway point of this global transmission.
A ton of news, key info coming up, but let's finish up with some calls right now.
Don in Pennsylvania was calling in and
He volunteered to the folks answering the phone that he thinks I've lost some credibility.
Then once we got him on air, we're trying to find out exactly what he's saying.
What I'm telling you, sir, is that everybody at the high levels in Enron needs to have already been tried and convicted.
It's so obvious what they did.
They're a giant offshore money laundering operation.
But instead, you've had a few top-level people in Arthur Anderson and Enron with their heads blown off.
And you've got mid-level executives, you know, the assistants of top-level people, you know, vice presidents and people who are going to take the ride of the federal Hilton or the federal Hyatt and spend a few years and then get right back out and be right back in it.
And that's what they've done in the past with the SNL scams and all of it.
They just do this over and over again.
Go ahead.
Okay, thanks.
I wasn't meaning to attack you.
I was just concerned that maybe you had said something that turned out to be different than what you had said.
Apparently, though, I wasn't paying enough attention to the information I heard on the news today.
I've actually got the article here about going after one of the executives, and it is an executive, but it's not Ken Lay or the other top people.
Okay, okay.
Well, I learned something today.
The point I was making last week about these corporate scammers, the show I think you heard, was it last week?
I think so.
Somewhere, it was a few days ago.
What I said was, is they're going after, yeah, it was last Friday with the international forecaster Bob Chapman on.
We were talking about after hours trading
By Martha Stewart, that didn't even amount to a million dollars, that is unethical but not illegal.
And I've seen the law.
Meanwhile, we've got Bush with Harkin Energy dumping all his stock right before they imploded the company.
That clearly was illegal.
So, it's a joke.
Martha Stewart isn't even on the Richter scale compared to the big scams of Halliburton and Enron.
Yeah, Martha should be left alone.
I do agree with you on that.
I just saw something on the news this morning.
Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention.
I didn't catch the name of who it was.
I thought it was one of the higher-ups.
And I just wanted to call and say hey.
Well, that's how they phrase it.
That's how they phrase it.
I got you.
Thanks for the call, bud.
I learned something.
I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you.
Man, I thought that was somebody who was mad at me.
Those make for great calls.
I get mad at those calls, but they are interesting.
I like to hear why folks think I'm wrong, but no, they're not bringing the real corporate criminals to justice.
Bottom line.
Let me give you a few examples of that and we'll take some more calls.
Here's a couple examples of that.
This is from KHOU Television.
Halliburton trainees complain they're not being paid.
And it says, Channel 11 News, with more devastation happening every day, the big job of rebuilding Iraq is the responsibility of Houston-based Halliburton.
Hundreds of Americans have been recruited and brought to Houston for training.
Busloads of skilled workers, like carpenters and mechanics, have been hired by KBR, a division of Halliburton.
While we're not here,
While we are here, we are not being compensated with pay, said one worker.
And he won't be until his work in Iraq for a month.
He's a truck driver who asked not to be identified.
He's been in Houston since December 14th.
And he goes on to talk about how they were promised pay, and then weren't given it, and are being strung along, and are sent to Iraq and not paid.
I mean, that's like indentured servant.
But compared to that, I remember a story last year when Halliburton went in there and took over most of the contracts.
They will not let Iraqis sell beer, fish, dates, pomegranates, everything on the street corners unless, and this was in Baghdad, Chalibi, unless they go to Chalibi and sign up with Halliburton and pay Halliburton a percentage, a license to be able to work.
And then they have to wear an RFID bracelet or necklace.
And then I, a little microchip, and then I had to scan who they are and if they're registered.
And then a week later I saw an Associated Press photo, an accompanying article, of a truck full of men with bags over their heads.
And it said these men were caught selling items without provisional government authorization, and so now they're being taken to the Baghdad airport as terrorists.
And it listed what they've been caught selling.
Beer and fish.
Now, are you starting to get an idea?
You go to the airport, where they've got barbed wire fences and people with their children living in sand with nothing but a blanket over them.
They torture the living daylights out of people.
There's articles every day admitting that.
I mean, this is what they've done to Iraq?
This is freedom?
They're confiscating their guns, something Saddam didn't do.
How could Saddam stand there in a crowd of thousands with AK-47s?
You know, ten yards from people below them with loaded weapons firing them in the air.
Again, I want you to think about that.
And I'm not saying he's a good guy, but they were freer there with the Second Amendment, their own Second Amendment, than we are here today.
And he's a dictator and he's so wicked.
Wow, he must have really been hated, folks.
But the point is, they're taking their guns, they're taking everything.
And listen to this.
Contractors serve troops dirty food in dirty kitchens.
This is out of the French News Agency.
Also have one here out of the Taipei Times.
It says the Pentagon reportedly warned contractor Halliburton KBR that the food it served to U.S.
troops in Iraq was dirty, that's the quote, and as were the kitchens it was served, NBC News reported on Friday.
Halliburton, Kellogg, Brown and Roots promises to improve have not been followed through, quote, according to a Pentagon report that warned serious repercussions may result if the contractor did not clean up.
The Pentagon reported finding blood all over the floor, dirty
Pans, dirty grills, dirty salad bars, rotting meats and vegetables.
And for the military messes, the company operates in Iraq, NBC said, citing Pentagon documents.
I'm just trying to give you an idea of Halliburton.
Did you know I saw an article last year where, when the invasion had just been successful, where it said the federal government will not allow water filters to be shipped to the troops.
They won't pay for them.
Instead, Halliburton trucks water from Kuwait in trucks, and it's making the troops sick.
Because why?
Halliburton makes more money trucking in tankers of water than sending the troops water filters that every other military issues their troops.
He's starting to get the picture here.
By the way, they're also, the Pentagon now makes the troops pay for their meals.
This has never been done, but over half of the meals they eat, they must purchase.
Oh, support the troops.
Oh yeah, this is while they're breathing depleted uranium.
But you think, you know, what's the big deal with that?
This is what they're doing to the troops.
Halliburton, there's been no bids allowed.
Halliburton and its subsidiaries got all the contracts.
Bechtel and Dyncor and the rest of them all got the contracts.
Nobody else did.
Then when heat got put on them for not allowing bids, they said, we're not going to give them Frenchies any contracts.
That was a red herring.
No one's been given contracts.
Not American companies.
No one.
No one but these three groups with Halliburton getting over 80% of it.
So then there's the red herring on the news of, are we going to let those evil French have some of the contracts?
No, no, no!
You see, when they get caught not allowing contracts for American companies, they put the red herring out of, we can't allow the French to get it!
And then they keep a close shop.
This is how they deceive you.
Great example of that.
And folks, that's not even the beginning of it.
I have a Salon Magazine article here in front of me.
And I bet you didn't know that Halliburton makes rockets and satellites.
Well, they didn't, but Bush's new giant $80 billion over the next decade, NASA increase he's scheduled to announce today, but I've got the details right here.
Guess who's going to get the money?
That's right, Halliburton.
I mean, it's just like a giant private cash machine.
First they caught Halliburton charging over double what fuel cost and not allowing others to bring fuel in to sell it to the army.
Oh, and then they found the fuel had had water mixed into it.
I mean, you talk about a criminal looting, folks.
That's what's happening.
And then Limbaugh gets on the air and goes, the liberals are attacking Halliburton.
No, all the liberal leadership are in on the cash cow.
Halliburton on Mars, take me to your CEO.
When President Bush inspires us onward and upward to Mars this week, his political calculations may be more earthly.
Expanding space exploration is a wonderful aspiration for America's humanity, I agree.
And also quite promising for the Houston economy, the national aerospace industry, and one company in particular that has long pondered exploration of the red planet, Halliburton.
Yes, the firm once headed by Vice President Dick Cheney, fabled beneficiary of the no-bid multi-billion dollar military contracts and high-priced provider of Kuwaiti oil, is determined to drill on Mars and the Moon.
Surely this scheme has nothing to do with the Bush Space Initiative, but somehow, no matter what worthy motivations lie behind the President's policies, he and Cheney always appear to be shifting with a corporate clientele.
And then I get into the article here, a handful of top firms including Halliburton Shell and Schlumberger showed up for NASA's workshop at Los Alamos, New Mexico.
And I looked into this this morning.
What they're doing is,
They're not going to go drill on Mars or the Moon.
They're going to have giant, multi-billion dollar test stations, where instead of having a $3 million oil drilling rig, it'll be billions, because it's designed specifically for Mars, and they won't even be drilling.
They'll just be out in the desert doing tests.
I mean, this is just craziness, folks.
They plan to be drilling on the moon by 2007.
I mean, now we're going to be sending spacecraft to the moon with oil rigs on it.
And of course, it's all just, oh, it's research!
This is just getting nuts, man.
I mean, you know, rotten food, double-priced oil, not paying their employees, scamming everybody.
They're organized criminals, folks.
Let's go back to the calls.
Now I don't know who's up next.
It's my fault, as usual.
Who's up next, Mark?
Mark in Texas, then Rodney and others.
Go ahead, Mark.
Hey, Alex.
I wanted to make a couple of points.
Your previous caller, Rhonda, alluded to two arms of the same beast.
I caught the tail end of your cable access show here in Austin last night.
You were speaking to a couple of University of Texas students about a sociology textbook that made reference to the New World Order.
At the tail end of their call, one of them had mentioned the symbology on Fox, some of the symbols on Fox.
For those that don't know, this textbook, we had a bunch of callers about it, and I don't doubt it because I've seen similar stuff in the news, said we're going to go under martial law, new world order, if you try to leave the city you'll be machine gunned, it's good, yeah.
And I did get the ISPN number by the way, and that is a real textbook.
Yeah, what I thought was crucial in helping people understand the two arms of the same beast is this symbology.
That's right under our nose, right in front of our face.
You made mention of PBS and some other, AOL.
Yeah, the Time Warner symbol is the eye of Lucifer.
Same thing that's on the dollar bill.
It says New World Order under it, and then Rush Limbaugh says there's no New World Order.
It's just so blatant and in your face.
Hey, they've got a new Army of One ad.
I heard about it, went online and watched it.
They have a new Army of One ad.
I forgot to tell my webmaster to post that.
Paul or Violet, post that.
That's important.
New Army of One ad where it goes, I was a Russian Spetsnaz.
Now I am here in America and going to help you.
I mean, now the foreign troops are on the Army of One ads.
It's absolutely insane.
Uh, if you can stomach enough of Hannity and Combs, if you watch the camera shots that they make of them, they actually have little pyramids with a star over their head.
Uh, the symbology now on Fox, they've just changed a bunch of their graphics.
Now they're also mixing football reports with war, like it's entertainment.
Very sick.
And MTV is now, I've seen the articles, callers were calling about it last night, are flashing, Global Army, take over!
Power Rage!
You know, flashing all these images.
And the kids were all, Power Rage!
It's just getting nuts!
I think it would be an important segment in your next documentary film to include
I just had one other point I wanted to make and I'll let you go.
You know, I appreciate everyone who's out there that's handing out tapes, that's talking to people, but I think we need to start thinking in
And how we can reach more people with one fell swoop, whether it's going into chat rooms, whether it's breaking through these call screeners at these neocon talk shows.
We need to start thinking about how many people can we reach at once.
To get the message across.
Think about that.
These big national shows screen the calls.
If you get through and expose them as phony conservatives, they will claim you are a seminar caller, that you don't exist.
I've had it happen to me.
I've had them claim I'm a Democratic Party plant because I exposed Bush for wanting to sign the assault weapons ban.
Thanks for taking my call, Alex.
Hey, good to hear from you.
We'll break, come back with more news and more calls.
I'm here for the loaded phone lines.
Before I end this segment,
The best solution we've got in this fight, when it comes to waking people up, the best tool I've seen, and you've heard the listeners say this, this is where I'm getting the info, is my videos.
They're so hardcore.
People will witness the troops trying to take their guns.
They'll witness the troops admitting that 14 years ago they were kicking down gun dealers' doors in Virginia.
They'll witness the government carrying out the September 11th attacks.
They'll witness all the documents and the evidence.
Folks, just get 9-11 Road to Tyranny so people can see FEMA saying all Christians are enemies of the federal government, all defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are enemies, those that don't like the U.N.
are enemies, homeschoolers are enemies.
We have all this.
Admit it!
Main Street!
You need to get Road to Tyranny, you need to get Masters of Terror, you need to get Police State 3, you need to get Matrix of Evil, you need to get my book, Descent into Tyranny, Watson's Book, Order Out of Chaos, the Pro-Gun T-Shirt, Politicians Love Disarmed Peasants, Mass Murders Agree, Gun Control Works, with a picture of Hitler, Stalin, and Mao, and secondarily, it makes this show possible.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Order the videos.
Make the copies.
Put them on AXS TV.
Put clips on your website.
Get them out to people.
There's millions of us.
If we all engage the media, we'll take it over.
It's already happened to some extent.
That's why they're panicking.
Call toll free to get the films or books.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me.
And I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait.
Get these videos and know it's having a big effect.
Again, 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order.
More news, your calls, ton of info straight ahead.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
A new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, Rodney and Ron and Brandon and Malta and Gene, your calls are all coming up.
Third hour, straight ahead.
Court upholds use of random police roadblocks.
Supreme Court.
Four dead in a suicide bombing.
Facing a biometric future.
BBC, the world ID card.
Bush to seek unmanned mission to the moon this decade, as well as Mars.
civil rights groups vow to fight color-coding of air passengers.
That goes into the world ID card.
And more.
First off, court upholds use of random police roadblocks.
They say that's not a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
And they say as long, and it's a reissuance of what they said last year.
They keep ruling like this.
Well, as long as you violate everybody's rights, it's not discrimination.
It's fair.
Just search everyone, dig through everyone, and it's okay.
Folks, that's not what the Bill of Rights says.
But again, people don't know the Bill of Rights.
They don't know our history.
So, oh, it must be good.
Court upholds use of random police roadblocks.
The Supreme Court yesterday upheld the use of random roadblocks by police to track suspected criminals.
Oh, see, now it's to track suspected criminals, saying limited checkpoints do not violate the constitutional right and privacy of motorists.
Having somebody demand you get out of your car, they're going to search you.
In a 6-3 decision, the high court overturned an Illinois Supreme Court ruling that said 97 alcohol-related arrests of a motorist at a roadblock set up by police to collect tips about a hit-and-run driver, oh, there's always for that, violated a man's Fourth Amendment guaranteed against illegal search and seizure.
Folks, the Feds preemptively announced national checkpoints for Christmas and other holidays.
New Year's and Thanksgiving.
And they've upheld that.
Are those national search warrants that are announced?
Is that to stop hit-and-run drivers?
No, it's to search people's vehicles as the National Seatbelt Initiative Act of 98 funded it $4 billion a year.
To set up checkpoints, to train us to accept checkpoints, to then set up polling.
That is toll roads.
To get us ready for that and to fund that.
And to federalize your local police.
Have you got the AMBER Alert?
It had nothing to do with AMBER.
I've had the former top FCC people on, who are now retired, admitting that it's a control grid to have the feds take over radio and TV.
So, just so amazing that that's happening.
And there's this article here out of the BBC.
I remember about four years ago, I read the articles where the UN called for a world ID card.
Now, you'll still have your driver's license, which is a fiat national ID card with federal standards of biometrics and a face scan, a thumbprint, a strip on the back to be used for the new national sales tax.
But that is set according to the international treaty.
All the cards go into the same database system and are integrated.
And we all hear about, oh, the foreigners now have to thumbprint and facecam when they come into the country.
Yeah, but when you leave the country, you've got to do it too.
See, it's a world ID card.
They set this up last year.
They admitted it.
They talked about it four years ago.
But again, they don't call it open borders.
They don't call it end of sovereignty.
They call it amnesty.
Or they say they don't call it amnesty.
They call it guest worker.
They don't call it the Pan-American Union.
They call it the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
They label things differently.
Facing a biometric future, by the middle of next year the British passport could be quite different than the document currently waived at immigration.
As part of a growing concerns about national and global security, immigration and asylum, as well as a plain old identity theft.
The old UK travel document will not just carry a photograph, it will also have a microchip in it.
The chip will hold biometric data, unique psychological or behavioral characteristics.
See all the data from what you buy and do.
And will be mandatory in passports renewed from 2007 to 2008.
From mid 2005, the data will be in the form of a digital photograph, which will be matched with a passport's chip.
And it goes on and on.
And our government's doing it, too.
So, there you go, boys and girls.
That's the new system.
Hope you enjoy it.
We'll come back and go straight to these loaded phone lines.
And a stack of other just as important news that runs the entire gamut.
Third hour, straight ahead.
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You should ask them why.
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It is so powerful it purifies raw, untreated water from remote lakes,
You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome back, folks.
Now into the third hour of this January 14, 2004 edition, this Wednesday edition.
We got loaded phone lines here.
I want to go to your calls, and then I'm going to get back into the news.
IRS gives no quarter.
Business owner faces life in prison for tax stance.
Also, bid to keep state off doctor's case rejected.
That is the case of Dr. Ramona Miller.
If you haven't heard about this, you'll definitely want to stay tuned.
soldiers kill protesters in Fuljala.
Israelis to quiz Jacques Chirac on anti-Semitism.
demolitions may violate laws of war.
Also, I've got a bunch of news about the National ID Card, the CAHPS II System, and the Total Control Grid.
Now, that's all coming up and a lot more.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to Rodney in Texas.
Rodney, welcome.
Doing, and thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
I was interested in that article that you read about the Supreme Court ruling 6-3 to allow these checkpoints to be set up.
And the reason why I was interested is, in the article you were saying that there were random checkpoints, correct?
Well, what I'm saying is, is that there have been a bunch, they've been ruling multiple times yearly on different types of checkpoints.
They say if you're looking for drunks, you can do it.
If you're looking for drugs, you can do it.
Now it's, oh, in this case, if you think there's a hit-and-run driver, you can search everybody's cars.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
The cars don't even look the same.
Yeah, I just don't understand.
You know, I was listening to your guest, Mr. Bonner.
Yeah, once we have checkpoints on the border.
Yeah, that's what I was thinking.
You know, why don't you take some of those random checkpoints and put them down there on the border?
I mean, you know in that one county in Arizona that you mentioned, you got over one million coming into that state alone.
So why don't you put some of those random checkpoints down there rather than harass, you know, your Americans who are legally here in this country over
You know, insignificant things like maybe having an open can of beer, you know, in the front seat at Starbucks.
Well, the other thing is, why do you give foreigners 7 to 10 years of tax exemption on income tax?
Why don't citizens get that?
Well, the news doesn't tell people about that, so they don't know!
You know, and I have actually witnessed that.
I've lived in neighborhoods where you had businesses, neighborhood, you know, little maw and paw businesses put out.
I think
citizen challenges withholding, goes public, and they're about to give him life in prison.
But sure, if you're a foreigner, hey, no taxes for you, baby.
Yeah, yeah, see this, this is, it really angers me, and there's one other thing that I want to touch on.
Well, what angers me is the foreigners are creating a monopoly of motels, hotels, and gas stations.
And grocery stores.
They're going to own everything.
That is by design.
Well, on Salon.com I was looking at an article where they were saying Bush was trying to sell his free trade to the Latin American countries.
Well, the Orange County Register back in November ran an article saying that out of 27 Latin American countries, upwards of 75% of those people over there hate George Bush with a passion.
Now they have started to associate Americans with all the bad things.
That have came as a result of so-called free trade.
And by the way, they pointed out that poverty is up in all 27 of those countries.
Look, look, look.
This so-called open border stuff is bad for everybody.
Great points, great call.
We'll be back with more calls.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
This disaster is a new world order.
A new world order can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, let's go right back to these calls because the callers bring up different issues from different angles and really gives us a good view of what's going on and make a lot of wonderful points.
Ron, and then Brad, and Malta, Gene, Alki, and Hawaii.
Everybody stay there, we're going to get to you.
Ron in New York.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
You were correct when you said that equality is not just the purpose of the Constitution.
It's supposed to be not an equality of abuse of the citizens, but an equality of the enabling and the liberty of the citizens.
Well, the Supreme Court says as long as there's an equality of abuse, that as long as you search everyone on the highway, it's good.
I'd like saying, you know, Hitler isn't bad now because we found out he killed all Jews.
If one Jew wouldn't have escaped, it would have been good because he didn't discriminate, he killed all of them.
The Supreme Court no longer holds legitimacy as a judicial or political institution when two of its more senior members come out and make public pronouncements.
That their decisions should be based on international and foreign law as opposed to our Constitution.
Sir, four of them have said they're going to follow foreign courts, and the majority of the court has ruled citing foreign cases, so it's not two of them.
Okay, well it's even worse than I thought.
But that just proves my point all the more.
Sir, I've been seeing him say this for at least eight years since I got really informed and got on the air.
And let me tell you something, I have been accused so many times, I would say the Supreme Court's following you in law, following, oh you're a liar, shut up!
But now it's been all over the news, hasn't it?
Alex, with reference to the most recent ruling yesterday with the checkpoints for automobiles for the purposes of investigating unsolved past crimes.
Now how cleverly it's put, and if you look at that ruling, you'll see.
Unsolved past crimes.
Anybody who was in law enforcement, or probably anybody who watches TV, will know that there are a zillion unsolved past crimes.
The ruling didn't stipulate that even the crime that they might be stopping you for has to be one in an immediate time proximity.
They could set up a roadblock to check out a grocery store shooting from 1967.
uh... that they are saying that the point here is the feds since ninety eight paid four billion dollars a year to pay the states to have checkpoints on a regular basis they've announced it on the news oh we got this federal program we're gonna be running hundreds of checkpoints in the city thousands of states and so how can the supreme court then claim oh well it's okay because it's looking for past crimes Alex my point is this
That if you have a zillion past unsolved crimes, that means you will almost in perpetuity, if you choose to, the state can have road checkpoints set up because there'll be a zillion reasons on a zillion occasions to set these checkpoints up.
Now let me stop you.
They got federal and state funded, that is state that are federally funded handbooks.
I've got dozens, dozens and dozens.
I've probably got a hundred of them, folks.
Well, of course.
How would this fall three seconds?
It's any excuse to get their hooks into us.
That's correct.
You really don't think, and I don't think your audience is so naive as to think that these checkpoints will largely be set up to find out about old grocery store robberies.
They will be used as a dragnet to call as many violations and arrests as they can and inquires as they can for everything else
Other than that, that's what this is about.
Okay, the National Seat Belt Initiative Program, that I have the images of the document in Police State 2000, my first Police State film, it says that it is to get us used to checkpoints, to set up internal toll roads that are state manned, and also with volunteers, citizen volunteers at them, and it says these checkpoints are a great way to look for guns and drugs.
You got it, and not only that,
As much as they've been doing it, now with this ruling they have an excuse to even do it far more than they have and they've been doing it too much.
And the Supreme Court also ruled on Monday that they can keep the names secret of who they've arrested as citizens and not release them.
Well you know what that's about Alex?
As it turns out that those detainees, none of them since 2001 have been charged with a crime.
I've come to this conclusion on my own.
The federal government made a big mistake.
If they could keep these people in jail until they die, they figure they could avoid any civil liability lawsuits if they let them out, and that's what they're going to do, probably, in my opinion.
Now, another thing, too, if the Illinois... This is another habit of the Supreme Court lately.
If a state chooses to give its citizen more protection and more liberty above and beyond the minimums of the U.S.
Constitution, that has been understood since time immemorial that any state has a right to do that.
It would seem to me, in this case, as in many, many others,
Illinois chose to give its citizens greater protection from police intrusion.
Yet the Supreme Court chose to intervene and override Illinois.
The state of Illinois.
The courts of Illinois.
Thanks for the call, Ron.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Brad in Illinois.
Brad, go ahead.
Yeah, I'm sorry I had the radio on.
I just wanted to call about talking about Illinois.
And that's the National Service Act.
The compulsory national draft that's in there, and it's going to turn into dozens of hours a week, digging ditches, picking up trash, watching Tattletail computer monitors, feeding them, the surveillance cameras around town.
That's what your young children are going to be trained in.
How to be an East German Stasi.
Now my son graduated last year, and they had a less restrictive
A program in the school he went to and he didn't go through it.
I told the school he wasn't going to go through it.
My daughter's upset.
But what gets me is in the letter, in the article, one of the social engineers that worked for this commie, another communist, made the comment, he said, that at first the students seem to resist this program because they don't understand what we are trying to accomplish.
I called my state representative, I fired a letter off the three newspapers, and I tried to get a hold of this guy who made this comment, but I told my state representative
I said, the reason why the students resist this at first is because they want to be paid for their services just like all of you people do.
And I said, what does he mean by they don't understand what we are trying to do?
Also, they're going to take your daughter, and again, the federal proposed stuff is thousands of hours.
We're talking 8-10 hours a week.
Your children.
And they're going to tell them where to go, and it's going to be with these government perverts, and the rest of it, and with the police, and all of it.
Taking your children as slaves.
It's not enough to have 7 million people in prison, and the prison factories putting all the outside businesses out of business.
I got articles on that today.
It's not enough.
Now it's going to be your children, folks!
Hey, you want to live in the Soviet Union?
You're living in it, folks!
Well, it's not going to happen in this household.
And the last thing I want to say before I go, and I've been on the John Stattmiller Show and the Power Hour, and I've said it there and I've said it for a few years now to people at work, and that is this.
One of the ways that all of your listeners, everybody out there, can help fight back against these people, writing letters to the newspaper is a good one, but they've got to get in the frame of mind to stop supporting them
Look, it's already started.
Most people won't go to a basketball or football game because they're tired of supporting a bunch of drug-dealing rapists.
And so they just charge the cult members even more, you know, 200 bucks for a back row seat.
But yeah, look, people are tuning out of the mainstream media.
They are tuning into alternative press.
People are waking up.
But they just keep putting out the illusion that we're all buying it.
And the good news is, we're not buying it, brother.
Well, that's right, we're not.
My brother's a truck driver.
And he says, you can't believe the new cars that got stocked up in the farmer's fields up in Michigan.
He says, there's just rows and rows of them in farmer's fields.
He says, don't give me this garbage about they're selling these cars.
He says, they're not selling.
Okay, well thanks a lot and keep up the good work.
I appreciate the call.
And you're like, well, that'll hurt our economy.
Folks, don't be part of their system.
And you know what?
Get your children out of the public schools.
There's no way to fix them, okay?
It just don't get worse.
And they're trying to outlaw homeschooling.
Better do it while you can.
We're coming to the point of hiding underground, you know, just like
You know, in Nazi Germany, you know, people hiding in the back room.
I mean, it's really coming to that.
These sicko social engineers.
Folks, I have the UT textbook.
They use it at UT.
The Calhoun Reader.
I've read it on air many times.
It says, this is the CPS manual.
People going to school to be CPS.
The family is the enemy of the state.
It must be eliminated.
The family must be broken up.
The children belong to us.
And a caller called in and talked about it.
I was sent the link to it.
I've seen it.
IBM runs an ad.
Where they go, the future will not be... In the future, the strong or the intelligent will not survive.
Only children of the world adopted by the global system.
If you do not change, if you do not alter, you will die.
I mean, they're running ads talking about you will die if you don't accept the change that's coming.
And they've got Army of One ads going, I am a Russian Spetsnaz!
Now I serve in the U.S.
Army of One!
I mean, we've known the foreign troops were here, now it's, I am Russian, and I am here for you!
And they hired the former KGB general to run Homeland Security with the internal passport system?
I mean, that's admitted!
It's all craziness!
It's all total and complete massive insanity!
By the way, we're going to talk about massive insanity.
I told myself at this point in the show today, I was supposed to do that after the break, I would explain something that happened on the show yesterday that is incredibly ridiculous and hilarious.
And so I'm going to tell this story briefly when we get back.
Because yesterday I wanted to re-air this interview in the last hour with a cloning doctor.
Talking about New Jersey legalizing taking clones through birth and then after birth and using them for body parts.
Wait till you hear it.
It's just funny.
I've got to talk about this.
And I knew I'd get some emails.
I did get a couple.
Because the way it sounded on air, because I was driving down the road leaving the studio listening, it sounded so nuts.
It was something else.
We'll come back.
I'll tell you about that, too.
And get to more of your calls and more news.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right.
I just want to hammer through these calls because I do want to get into more of this news.
Let's go to them quickly.
Gene in Florida.
Gene, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
I wanted to know, do you want to know
Supposedly a conservative talk show that's replaced you here for 30 minutes.
The scam they run.
They're not really conservative is what I'm getting at.
Where are you in Florida?
Those are great stations.
They carry me at night.
I called them to see if they wanted a complaint and they told me no one hung up.
Are you talking about WVTJ?
Yeah, well what happens is, I believe they still carry all three hours at night.
Yeah, they do.
On one of their sister stations.
So, I mean, that's pretty good right there.
That covers, you know, hundreds of square miles.
And then, they've gone over the years from an hour in the day to two hours during the day.
How much are they carrying during the day right now?
They carry you sometimes 15 minutes from 11.45 to 12.
And then sometimes, depending on what they've got scheduled from
About 12, 10 to 1, sometimes they'll cut in for even a half hour.
So I'm on still about an hour every day during the day?
Yeah, look, I think, I've gotten calls on this, I get called, Jay Seculo, right?
And they tell you how good the Patriot Act is, and if you're not for the Patriot Act... Well, I can tell you how they run the scam.
I've called them four times with three different questions.
They run the same scam every time.
Okay, tell me about it.
They'll tell you, well, that sounds like a good question, but all our phones are real busy right now.
Why don't you let me record it, and then when we don't have anybody talking,
I'll go ahead and put it on for them.
Yeah, I know.
But isn't that Christian?
To screen your call out every time and claim that they just didn't have time to get you on?
That's right.
I can get movie stars on this show.
I can get senators on this show in about a week.
But I've called 20 times and Jay Sekulow's people say he's too important to come on my show.
Sounds like it.
Bottom line, if you're not for gun control and open borders and the Patriot Act, you're a liberal.
You're a devil worshipper.
He likes to brag about having been a hero part of the Patriot Act.
He likes to brag about that.
He didn't know that.
Oh yeah, I had seen that.
Well, anyway, I just want to understand, folks, that we don't pay to be on the air there.
Jay Sekulow does, and we've had a lot of this happen.
We've had Sekulow take our time on a lot of stations to the point of, I'm starting to think it's on purpose, and we need people to call the sponsors, support them, sponsor shows locally, go spend money with those radio stations,
Especially stations we've been on like four years, like WVTJ, but I don't want to gripe at the station because they've already got me on three hours a night.
They just upset me when they said they didn't even want to hear a complaint.
They didn't even know the program I was wanting to complain about.
Young lady just said, no, we're not interested and slammed the phone down.
Well, folks get stressed out.
I've talked to the folks at that station.
They're great people, but again... They need to have a different lady answering the phone, I'll tell you that.
Well, call them and tell them that.
Anything else on your mind?
No, sir.
Yeah, Jay Sekulow is an absolute piece of filth.
I mean, look, he says the Patriot Act is Christian.
I've actually tuned in and heard it.
Uh, because they re-aired it night here in Austin.
I listen to Christian radio, okay?
And I-I-I just, I can't listen to it anymore.
It's-it's-it's satanic.
It's anti-Christ.
Uh, and I'm not just talking about his show.
So many of these shows are lying, deceptive whores of the New World Order.
The Patriot Act's being used against Rush Limbaugh!
The Patriot Act's being used against county commissioners!
The Patriot Act's being used against zit-faced teenagers!
And Sekulow tried to claim it wasn't.
Now he admits it is and says it's good and brags about how he wrote parts of it.
That is shameful!
That is devilish!
So they're lying to you.
This is war.
Why don't you call into that show and lie and go, I just think Bush is so wonderful and I want to talk about it.
You'll be on the air.
And then you'll prove that they're liars.
I don't want to get nasty here, folks.
Nothing makes me madder.
I can't stand Bill Clinton.
I can't stand Al Gore.
Howard Dean makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.
But I know they're evil.
They don't claim they're conservative.
They don't claim they're Christian.
But when I get George Bush and the rest of these guys up there destroying America, I get angry.
And Jay Sekulow.
I mean, I've heard him 20, 30 times at night.
When I'm driving around, I'll tune into the local Christian station, and I'll hear him on there.
That guy's very smart, by the way.
And he is the biggest liar.
And you know, I've never talked about him like this.
But he won't come on this show.
He won't defend his propaganda.
Okay, now I don't want to get off into side issues here, folks, but I'm sick of it.
So, if you want that off, stations, where they're covering us up with it, take your carpet business, or your whatever your business is, and go down there and plop down some money, and I know we got listeners, I know you'll get a response.
Get them off there!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen, now into the home stretch with two segments left.
I'm going to talk to four more callers and that's it because I've got some important IRS news and some other stuff here we want to go over.
Let's talk to Alki in Hawaii.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Hello, can you hear me?
Yes, I can.
Bush is going to Mars, right?
Well, I wish he would go to Mars, but no, he wants to send a... I thought he said Mars.
Did he say Mars or not?
Bush, as of right now, hasn't made the announcement yet.
The White House said a month ago they were going to make the announcement.
They said it again last week.
And yes, they say they're going to go to Mars and the Moon.
Because here's my prediction.
I predict that the current
Um, car or rover that's on Mars right now.
I think it's going to find oil.
That's what I think.
And then I think Bush is going to try to go to Mars for the oil.
Well, that's what Halliburton is saying since 97.
That's in Salon News Magazine right now.
Someone already predicted that?
Uh, yes.
I read that last hour.
Okay, well, and here's another one of my
I have an analysis of, I think that people that vote, I think that their vote, because the, who said that they control everything, the um, the voting system?
Like, even if you vote, it really doesn't matter?
Who said that?
The CIA or the, someone?
Well, the new electronic touchscreen systems that are going in federally pushed and mandated,
I'm pretty... I think the current systems are, um...
Because when you vote, it goes to some big, huge building, right?
Well, it's still, a lot of the systems, whether it's Scantron or Bubble systems, you know, with the hanging chads, those do go into a computer.
They have caught them manipulating those.
But this new electronic system is centralized, where just a few people can steal whole regional elections, whole national elections.
Okay, one last thing.
I think the courts
I think like you were talking earlier about how the Supreme Court and everything like that, if you were to go in there with a case that, like, if you were to sue, let's say, the state for wrongfully going into your house, you'd never win.
Well, no.
A lot of those cases get won, and then the government doesn't care about paying out the damages, because it's just more tax money they take from you, and they keep doing it.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Chris in Kentucky.
Go ahead, Chris.
Hello, Alex.
How are you doing?
Go ahead.
These roadblocks are going to be so good for the new America out here.
I'm just so sick and tired of people just saying this is going to be for their safety.
They've got an article in here because of the Elizabeth Smart kidnapping, and we need more.
We're good to go.
And, uh, you know, I'm driving through a parking lot to exit back out, and everybody's driving quickly, doing what they're told, turning onto the road, and, you know, the accident had been there for 30 minutes, and the sheriff's deputy was just hatefully, I mean, you'd thought we were all killers or something, waving his arms, yelling at people, hurry it up!
And there weren't any ambulances backed up.
Nothing like that.
People were already taken away.
They're just flipping out on us.
We're bad.
We're criminals.
We've got to be bossed around.
We've got to be treated with hatred.
You know, we're a bunch of idiots.
And those who never got the film Police Day 2000 get that because that's very informative on that when you're out there on those roadblocks because that's the system.
That's what they want to do.
And that was before 9-11 folks preparing this for us.
It's going to get a lot worse.
We go over the federal plan.
It's all a federal plan to train you for eventual hardened checkpoints outside every city and on every state line where they search everyone's vehicle.
The harassment you see at the airports will be at every major highway.
It will be a lot worse.
You have to stand out in your car and you may even lose your car.
They've said they're going to do that.
It's not like it's my opinion.
And they're training us to accept it.
And they're getting all these TV shows on here that violence is okay, and we're going to torture you if you don't let us do this.
This is okay, but Hitler's bad, and Saddam is bad, but it's okay to do it here.
Okay, thanks for the call.
And Mark just did something really good, the fellow running the show.
I'm really bad about saying I'll come back with something, then I get distracted and go into something else.
About 15 minutes ago, I said that I would
I think?
Top bioethics scientist on.
We read the New Jersey law where they can take clones up to birth, give birth to them, surrogate mothers, keep the babies alive, grow them up even larger, take their organs, grow organs in them, use them for biological testing.
And I wanted to re-air that interview because it was so important.
Well, part of it didn't get re-aired because I said sayonara, went to take care of some business, was on the highway listening to the local station.
And I noticed it was another hour of that Tuesday show, and they rarely make mistakes.
You know, I mean, that happens.
It was the wrong hour airing off the computer.
And so I called in, and I said, hey, I don't care if it sounds bad.
I said, I want you to go to the right interview at the same minute.
And they said, OK.
So I hang up the phone, and I'm listening.
And this takes them a few seconds to do it, and this is what I hear.
I'm on the air from last Tuesday, eight days ago.
And I'm talking about how SWAT teams look at people's power bills, and they know how many people live in a house.
And if somebody's got a bunch of fish tanks, or indoor stuff, or a lot of computer equipment, it's drawing too much power, it will
You know, make you use too much power, and then they think, oh, you're growing marijuana.
And I've talked to the former SWAT team commander who admits that they'd bust in a house, some old lady's house, there'd be nobody there, it'd be a bunch of fish tanks, they'd feel embarrassed, and leave, and then not even file a report.
Okay, that's in Austin.
So here I am on the air, and this is what I say.
Again, a different hour from that same show airing, I'm talking about the police bust in, the SWAT team bust in, and there's these big old fish tanks.
Right then, they switched to the next hour from that show, and you couldn't even hear it.
Word for word, it just meshed perfectly, because when Mark Cassidy does something like that, he'll do it when a word ends.
I go, yeah, the SWAT teams bust in, and there are these fish tanks, and they're growing clones in them!
Yes, yes!
Uh, clones of babies!
And they're going to have them in these tanks!
And the scientist I have on goes, Yes!
Growing them in tanks!
I almost ran off the road!
I mean, you just... If that doesn't sound funny, folks, you had to hear it.
And I knew I was going to get some emails.
I got a few emails.
One of them, in fact, I got it right here.
It's like, you have gone off the deep end.
You are completely insane.
The police bust in.
They're growing clones in old ladies' fish tanks.
Hey Mark, I know you don't like to go on air, but you've got to admit that's funny, isn't it?
Oh, you went back and re-listened to it this morning?
Oh yeah, the site just comes back and goes, yes, growing people in tanks.
They've legalized it.
Imagine listeners for the first time.
And there's no way to take it back either.
I mean, thousands of people think I'm a complete lunatic now.
There'll probably be a New York Times article where it says, they've done this before, you know, Mr. Jones believes old women grow clones in fish tanks.
Hey, Mark, if you were listening to that this morning, is there any way to go back to that recording of that narrative again?
Yeah, you want to do that again?
Yeah, yeah, see if you can find it.
It was about 14 after.
14 after when you merged the two.
All right, he's gonna grab it.
I mean, we rarely have humor here on this show, but imagine Murphy's Law that it meshed with me talking about old ladies with their fish tanks, and then, yes, they're growing clones in them!
In fact, I might ask callers... I wanted to get to the news, though, didn't I?
I'll get to some of it here in a second.
I ought to ask callers if they heard that.
What'd you think when you heard that?
I literally almost ran off the road.
I was laughing so hard.
It was high humor, folks.
I mean, and what's the chance?
Talk about synchronicity or synchronicity isn't the proper term.
I mean, to have those two things mesh like that.
That was nuts.
Let's go ahead and real quick finish up with these two callers.
Eric in Connecticut.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
You made my weekend.
I saw Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove Friday night on the internet.
And I'll tell you, you've got brass lobes.
And I was cheering you all the way.
How you snuck in there and you caught that bizarre ritual.
On tape.
And the Bohemian Grove that Bush and others attend admit in the San Francisco Chronicle and on national television, with the British documentary that I was in with the footage, they admit that I got that and that that is the ritual.
It is not debatable.
What did you think of the film?
I liked it.
I thought you covered the bases.
I liked how you had little snapshots, so to speak, of your airline trip.
From Texas to California, and just sort of how you... The film flowed very well.
You know, I think you chronicled your trip very well, too, and how you met up with the British reporters.
Well, we had to do that.
I mean, we couldn't just say, we snuck in, here's the footage, no one would believe it.
No, I agree.
And I think the film flowed very well.
You covered a lot of information.
And I think, frankly, I think you made believers out of a lot of people who kind of had a quizzical eye towards you.
I tell you, the human sacrifice that goes on by these people, the scale is... I don't think a lot of people just know or realize the scale of which these sacrifices take place all over the world with children and everything.
They admit it.
Every week I see in Germany, France, the U.S.
it'll be just a tiny news story, never makes national news.
Satanist, you know, murder, man cut his heart out, Satanist killed baby.
You can ask police about this.
They see this all the time and they're told by their departments here in Austin, don't file that as a ritual.
Just file it as a murder.
We don't want to, you know, get off into religious discrimination.
I thoroughly recommend all your listeners
See, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, I'll tell you, that was a mind-bender.
And the owl truck, how they took you up to the site and everything else.
The way that you caught it on video, I loved it.
It was great.
And you know, on a dollar bill, you can actually see the Owl of Moloch.
By the way, they have a History Channel show where they show all the hidden stuff in the money and the history, and they even show that owl.
It's not like we're saying it says New World Order.
It's not like we claim there's an owl.
It's really there.
Yeah, on the upper right-hand one, the shield surrounding the one, just to the left of the top, it's so small you need a real strong magnifying glass or a low-power microscope to see it.
But it's actually the Owl of Moloch right there.
One last thing, Alex.
I saw a show, it's a new show called Jake 2.0, a real new World Order advertisement, and they supposedly foiled a plot by the militia to resend-bomb a subway.
Oh, see, there's hundreds of these shows with the militias killing everyone and it creates the illusion that, oh, these groups are really doing that with the average TV head who gets the reality from the dramas.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
And folks, I never really plugged our secrets inside Bohemian Grove.
Three years ago, I snuck in there.
British media called me and said, we think you've got what it takes to sneak in.
I asked Mike Hanson, who does some camera work for me, though I ran the cameras inside the Grove, a little hidden camera.
I said, you want to sneak in with me?
It'll be easier for two to do it.
We snuck in, acted like we were members, got that footage, and the Bohemian Grove admits I snuck in, admits that's their ritual, and says, oh, I'm just making a big deal out of it.
You need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Call toll free to get it.
That's 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order the documentary film.
I'll plug it better later, but
Okay, for those that just joined us, again, yesterday I decided to re-air this interview with this doctor about New Jersey legalizing cloning.
Past birth.
He uses the body parts.
It's so horrible you can't, it's hard to describe it.
But, the wrong show got here.
A show where I was talking about SWAT teams busting into old ladies' houses because they were using too much electricity because of fish tanks.
So I'm talking about SWAT teams busting in because of fish tanks because of too much power.
They think somebody's growing marijuana in there.
And then when I told them, switch it back to the right interview, it switches to me talking about tanks and clones.
And it was pretty funny.
So here it is again.
Play it, Mark.
I've talked to former SWAT team people.
One of them works at the airport now.
He's a retired Vietnam veteran sniper in Vietnam.
He was the head of the SWAT team.
I've talked to others.
Many times they would be told, go raid this house.
They'd bust in.
It'd be generally some old retiree.
There'd be four or five fish tanks.
and maybe some plants and they were using too much about allowing them to bring a clone to term and then after that in the development for medical parts.
So I guess it's going to be like a Frank Herbert book where you've got these tanks with these humanoids growing in it.
I mean I'm not saying that's what they're doing but you just said they legalized that.
Oh absolutely.
It's very explicit.
They say that you can produce through cloning these human beings.
You can
Let them develop as embryos.
You can develop all the way through the field stage.
So women can be carrying these clones.
And then it says that you can kill them, abort them, take their parts.
And it says, although it puts in place saying, well, you can't actually make big profits off this.
And then it goes on to say, you can't make big profits, you can make some profits.
But, I don't know, driving along hearing that, it was pretty funny how those two things went together.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
Good to talk to you.
Good to talk to you, Alex.
Alex, I'm appealing to your listeners around the United States and around the world who have friends or relatives in the state of Oklahoma.
Contact these friends or relatives.
Tell them about Alex Jones, John Stattmiller, InfoWars, Prison Planet.
Send them your tapes, your books, your bumper stickers.
Here in Oklahoma, the media is so tightly controlled, we don't get you on AM or FM.
The only way we have listening to you is the internet or shortwave.
There are a number of people I know here in Oklahoma working to get the word out and information, but there are also a lot of people around the country I know that have
Friends and relatives in Oklahoma.
And if they would spread the word back to the Oklahomans, we could really get a movement going here.
And it was Oklahoma that passed a law that they wouldn't be part of the U.N.
or world government, and a month later, you had the bombing there to get you back on track, didn't you?
I missed that one, Alex, but I'm not surprised.
I'm not surprised.
You see, after the bombing, Alex, we were absolutely, totally flipped with media propaganda.
We were simply overwhelmed.
It was 24 hours a day.
It never stopped.
People were never given a chance to stop and think about what happened or gather any information on their own.
So, uh, we're just... So many people are really in the dark and have no idea what's going on.
And the best way... I'll tell you, I've been in Oklahoma many times, and every person I've talked to on the street thinks the government did it.
Stay there, I'll let you finish up real quick and I'll hit some final news.
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Let's finish up two calls real quick, because I want to go to this caller in Nicaragua.
Ron in Oklahoma, finish up.
Go ahead.
Okay, Alex.
You are right in one regard.
I am seeing a lot more letters to the editor for the Daily Oklahoman, which sound like they're from Alex Jones listeners.
But also the best example I can give is a story told to me by a young man when he said one of his high school classmates at the time of the bombing, just after the bombing, complained to the teacher about all of the bombing, incessant bombing coverage, on and on and on, and instead told his high school teacher that he was tired of it and didn't want to hear about it anymore, he was sick of it, he'd had enough of it.
The kid was expelled from class and sent to the principal.
The nail that stuck up in Oklahoma was hammered down.
He did not dispute the party line.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Let's talk to Nick in Nicaragua.
Last caller.
Go ahead, Nick.
Greetings and job blessings, Alex.
Good to have you on.
Good to have you.
I've been listening to you on the internet here.
It's good to get some news from the states, especially some different news, and it's nice to call up a radio show without getting
Screen first.
A couple of things.
First, talking about the Illuminati and the dollar bill.
If you look on the back of the dollar bill and you make that pyramid with the all-seeing eye into a tetrahedron, into a Star of David, you draw another triangle pointing down, and you connect, you circle the letters at each point.
It spells Mason.
Yeah, this point was made, yeah.
Oh, you heard that.
The other thing was
I want to know your thoughts on the Illuminati and I'm sure you know the history of the Illuminati tracing their bloodlines back to Mesopotamia, which is now modern-day Iraq.
Well, that's where they trace Moloch and their Babylon mystery religion gods back to.
Right, and the Anunnaki, no?
Well, they think they're gods.
I mean, the elite is on a power trip, and elitists always think they're God.
I mean, that's what Idi Amin thought he was God.
Thanks for the call from Nicaragua.
I can't suddenly pronounce it.
And I'll try to get into that.
I mean, you ought to get the book I offer at InfoWars.com, Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier.
Talk about punishing him.
Boy, they framed him, put him in prison for writing that book.
Speaking of punishing people, this is out of American Free Press, IRS gives no quarter.
Business owner faces life in prison for tax stance after a controversial trial.
A businessman and tax honesty advocate who challenged IRS tax demands now faces a possibility of 129 years in prison.
After a federal jury this week found him guilty of multiple charges of withholding taxes.
For Richard Simkanen, a 59-year-old Texan, it was his second trial, the first having been declared a mistrial, and the jury deadlocked.
It was 11 to 1, folks.
They said he was innocent.
On Wednesday, a second jury returned guilty verdicts, because they wouldn't let him show evidence, on 25 felony counts, each of which carries a maximum five-year sentence.
They also declared him guilty of four misdemeanor charges.
Until a few years ago, he was a little-known owner of Aero Custom Plastics in Bedford, Texas.
But in March 2001, he and four other people took out full-page ads in USA Today, declaring their opposition to the federal income tax.
His life changed drastically when he soon found himself in the wrong end of the law.
All we did was publish the law there.
But if you're from India or Mexico, you get 10 years, 7 to 10 years, no taxes on your business.
But if you're somebody that says, I'm not going to withhold, my employees can do whatever they want to, you get, well you could get 125 years in prison after a kangaroo trial.
If you want to get Matrix of Evil or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove or 9-11 or Road to Tyranny or any of my great films, and they're really good folks, go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com
In order, the toll-free number to call is 1-888-253-3139.
For the websites to order.
Again, 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central, and of course back during the day, 11 to 2 Central,
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