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Name: 20040113_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 13, 2004
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Here we are on this live Tuesday edition of the World Wide Broadcast.
It is the 13th day of January, 04, and it's another jam-packed show transmission for you today.
I want to have a lot of callers.
I want to give a lot of people a chance to get their ideas, their points,
They're feelings out here on the show, but really the focus of this broadcast is getting you to think outside the box, getting you past feelings and into the meat and potatoes of the infrastructure of control that is the New World Order, becoming conscious of what's being built around us, and then hopefully resisting it, speaking out against it, exposing it.
There is so much news today.
Michael Savage says impeach Bush over immigration plan.
Conservative talk radio star author says amnesty is betrayal of country.
Now that's funny, Mr. Savage, because you said that we should support Bush for his war.
You said arrest anyone that disagrees with the government and put them in a forced labor camp.
I've heard you say that at least 10 times.
I've probably listened to your show.
Maybe 20 times maximum.
So about half the time I tune in for 10 minutes you're talking about putting people in camps.
And you said anybody that disagrees with Bush is hurting the war on terror.
And that we shouldn't question him, we should be putting him in camps.
So I guess you now should be put in a camp.
Actually, I have to commend Michael Savage.
I mean, I don't agree with him on some things.
Of course, I agree with him on most things.
But, I mean, I get pretty freaked out when somebody gets on air and says, if you disagree with the government, you're aiding terrorists to put you in a camp, a forced labor camp.
But on the issue of the borders, he's absolutely right.
And that's why I've been so mad at neocons like Savage, like Limbaugh, Hannity, and others.
Because they act like George Bush is some kind of conservative that's going to save us.
Where right now, I mean, Bush has got a perfect score when it comes to enacting the new world order here in America.
But now, Savage, I have to ask you, does that mean you should be put in a camp because you're disagreeing with Bush?
Savage, impeach Bush over immigration plan.
Well, I've been saying that for years.
Impeach Bush because he says he's going to reauthorize the assault weapons ban.
Impeach Bush because he's for open borders.
This will be the third time he's called for it.
Impeach Bush because he gave unlimited supercomputers to Communist China.
Impeach Bush because he blocked Dan Burton's committee going after Bill Clinton.
Impeach Bush because he signed the Patriot Act and committed treason.
The latest indication President Bush is having problems with his conservative core political constituency, Michael Savage, one of Talk Radio's biggest stars, tonight called for the impeachment of President Bush over his plans to legalize millions of illegals.
I'll go more into that.
Also, Border Council calls Bush plans slap in the face.
Fox seeks to open U.S.
We'll get into that.
Government seeks probe amid O'Neill interview.
They want to perhaps even indict O'Neill for going public.
Bush is now saying, oh, I always said we were going into Iraq.
Funny, I got you on video on TV during the debate saying you weren't for that.
But now he says, oh no, I was always for going into Iraq.
So they're trying to preempt everything right now and talking about indicting O'Neill.
More U.S.
troops killed.
More civilians killed in Iraq.
The American people don't like the idea of a Mars mission with humans.
It's all coming up here in the next two hours, 55 minutes.
So be sure and stay with us.
And the website is PrisonPlanet.com.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Welcome back, my friends, to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
We're now 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the first hour.
I want to have wide open phones today.
I could have as many guests as I wanted.
Many of them are informative, but I want to have wide open phones for the first two hours at least.
And then I want to get back into New Jersey legalizing the industrialization of cloning humans, allowing them to be brought to term, then being born, then being continued to go into a growth cycle, and to be used as organ parts.
Yes, they're going to keep babies alive after they're born, they're going to have no rights, and they're going to be used for organs.
In the first segment, I mentioned that Michael Savage called for Bush's impeachment.
Now, I have called for Bush's impeachment, and that is one of the few
Things I've called for that I've actually gotten quite a few mean emails over.
And by quite a few, let's say I get a couple hundred positive emails every day from listeners or people giving me information or pointing out guests or attaboys, I may get one or two mean ones a week.
Well, every time I call for impeachment of George W. Bush, I might get 10 or 15 mean emails.
You're a secret liberal.
You're a Trojan horse Democrat trying to undermine conservatism.
How dare you call for the impeachment of George W. Bush?
And I'll go on air and I'll say, OK, here's the toll-free number.
If you disagree with me, give me a call and tell me why.
And I'll try to be polite to you.
In fact, I've done a good job when callers have called in lately that do disagree.
I am very polite to them unless they start name-calling me and calling me a liar or a coward or something.
I think I called a guy a peon a few weeks ago when he was name-calling me and I shouldn't have done that.
I'm sorry.
But my point is here that I've done over 1,300 radio interviews in the last two and a half years and the vast majority of people agree with me that George Bush is a big government pimp.
That George Bush is the Trojan Horse!
But I tuned in last night, while I was driving back from my office, I'm working on a new film, and I was driving back from my office listening to a rebroadcast of Sean Hannity, and a man called in from Dallas, Texas, and he was well-spoken, and I can tell a seminar caller, folks.
He called in and he said, look, I'm a real conservative.
But he said the government has, you know, grown by 40-something percent under Bush.
We're losing all our freedoms.
We're losing the Second Amendment.
And Hannity starts hitting the delay, and then bringing the guy back up.
And Hannity says, you're a liberal.
This is a staged call.
I've been getting lots of these calls.
You know, we've been screening a lot of them out, but we can't screen them all out.
You're a seminar caller.
Now, what is a seminar caller?
I've never found that to really exist, folks.
But I remember listening to Limbaugh 12 years ago.
Longer than that, you see.
13, 14 years ago.
He's been on Texas since the very start.
Since he got syndicated.
And I remember, well, I just loved Rush Limbaugh in college.
Oh, he's so good.
That was before I saw the big picture, before I sacrificed so much for this country and found out that Republicans at high levels are worse than Democrats, folks.
That's because, again, they've got a cloaking device.
They're a Trojan horse.
They're a Judas Iscariot.
You don't know, as conservatives, what they're really doing, so you trust them and they get a lot more by you.
But the point I'm trying to make here is, Limbaugh, every time somebody would call in who was eloquent and pointed out the hypocrisy of the Republican Party, he would claim it was a seminar caller.
And I would go, yeah, and I would picture these big rooms of Democrats being taught how to call in to talk radio and how to get on the air and tell lies.
Well, something happened over the years.
I noticed that if I called into a radio talk show, even after I had a talk show, you know, I'm on the road a lot and I'll call into these shows, that it could be a national show, a local show, if I disagreed with the President or any type of Republican or anybody in Congress, if I was criticizing the Republican Party for not being truly conservative,
And sticking by what their platform is, they wouldn't let me on air.
They'd say, uh, thanks for your opinion.
No, we're not taking those calls.
If you were a mindless liberal, they'd have you on air and tear up your argument, beat you up, slap you around.
So I've learned how to call in and go, I just love what the Republicans are doing, and we gotta get more judges appointed, and I think we need to arrest all these Democrats.
I'll be right on air.
Then I go on air, and I say what I have to say.
And they'll accuse me of, you're dishonest, you're a liar, or
You're a seminar caller!
You work for the Democratic Party, don't you?
Yeah, here I am with a, you know, huge gun safe full of guns and, you know, I'm for totally controlling the borders and against abortion and I can't stand the U.N.
and, I mean, imagine I'm sitting here time and time again being accused of being a Democrat.
And I've been a guest on these conservative, these so-called conservative talk shows
And they'll take 15-20 calls, and the one caller calls in who disagrees, and they'll say, You're a liberal, aren't you, boy?
We're gonna stick with George W. Don't even try it around here.
I bet you're a Yankee, aren't ya?
You know, they'll try stuff like that, or I'll call into a conservative show up north, and they'll say, You're just an evil, you know, Southern Democrat.
Everybody's got their own weird view.
And so you've got all these so-called conservatives out there playing these mind tricks with themselves to convince themselves that the Republican Party is good.
Well, Ron Paul gave that speech back in July of last year called Neocon on July 10th.
It's in the News and Focus section of Infowars.com.
And he says the conservative revolution has been betrayed.
The most dangerous thing to our freedom is now the neocons running the Republican Party.
He talks about how they're sworn to dictatorship, sworn to the Trotskyite worldview.
This is the most conservative congressman reading their quotes in the well of the house where they are the Communist Fourth International.
I don't care how crazy that sounds.
You know, growing clones up to birth and then keeping them alive after birth, which they've now legalized in New Jersey, you know, that sounds pretty crazy.
Putting microchips in children sounds crazy.
Satellite tracker interfaces in all your new cars sounds nuts.
But you know what?
It's happening.
It's going on.
All I do is report the facts.
And that's all Ron Paul did.
So, a lot of you out there are just going to have to grow up.
And you're going to have to face the true horror of what we're in right now.
But we're going to lose this country.
Anyways, this guy calls in and says, you know, I've been a Republican all my life, I'm a real conservative, and Bush is bringing his big government.
We'd be better off with Howard Dean, because he said, I've looked at the statistics, and government doesn't grow as fast under Democrats.
Which, by the way, is true, because conservatives have their ears up, and are watchful when a Democrat's in.
Well, Hannity started
Delaying him.
Fading him down.
Not letting him finish.
Accusing him of being a seminar caller.
Then the next three callers said, yeah, that's seminar caller.
What's wrong with these people?
So, see, what a Hannity or a Limbaugh will do is, they'll just say you're a fake caller.
If you say George Bush is for big government.
You don't exist.
You're crazy.
I remember hearing Rush Limbaugh ten years ago.
Before I'd ever heard of black helicopters, he said, look, there's a kook detector.
Anybody that talks about black helicopters is a kook, a crazy person, or some type of racist.
And I thought, okay, okay, Rush.
This is when I started waking up to him ten years ago, right before I got on the air.
I was, you know, just a radio listener.
And then suddenly I started reading, you know, in the newspaper about urban warfare training, people being terrified.
I had the mainstream news articles because I was a voracious reader.
And then I would hear him talking about it, and I went, wait, he was on air saying these black helicopters don't exist before they were doing all this scare tactics.
And I understood that he was preemptively saying, don't talk about this.
You understand?
And that chilled me to the bone.
So I started studying more about these guys.
But good for Michael Savage to say that Bush needs to be impeached.
In the latest indication, President Bush is having problems with his conservative core, political constituency.
Now you're having problems too, World Net Daily.
You've gotten pretty bad.
One of Talk Radio's biggest stars tonight called the impeachment of President Bush.
That was last night.
This is the worst betrayal of our country in my lifetime.
Yes, sir, it is, said Mr. Savage, whose program is heard in more than 350 stations with an audience reaching some six million.
It's more than that.
And it goes on with his comments.
So let me ask you out there, neocons, are you going to send him an email saying he's a liberal now?
Maybe you're going to say he's a red diaper doper baby because he's finally woken up, at least for now.
I predict in a month, if this is a cynical attempt to keep listeners, because he knows where the audience is going, he has to say this or lose his audience.
I predict that in a month or so, because I know I'm right about Savage, that he's bad news, that he'll be back to worshipping Bush.
But for now, he's telling the truth.
So what do you think about that?
We'll get into a bunch of other news when we get back on the space program, on the CAPS 2 system tracking you, on the smart grocery store of the future.
Very scary stuff.
And your calls.
So stay with us.
The website is PrisonPlanet.com.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
Ed and Justin and Jesse and Alan and Barney, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
And I want to get into the Border Council calls Bush plans slap in the face.
We've got the Sente Fox quotes from yesterday and today about how wonderful totally open borders will be.
See, Bush says, OK, I'll give you all blanket amnesty in perpetuity, but don't call it amnesty.
And Fox says, well, that's not enough.
I just want to get rid of the border.
Isn't that just precious?
And now they're talking about indicting.
They're going, well, it could be illegal.
We may have to indict Treasury Secretary John O'Neill.
He may have shown secret financial documents on 60 Minutes.
But then Bush, yesterday, in Monterey, New Mexico, Monterey, Mexico, excuse me, not Monterey, New Mexico, but Monterey, Mexico, down south,
Uh, said, oh yeah, I always planned to go after, uh, Saddam.
Yeah, no, I never said I didn't want to do that.
Oh, funny, you just said it during the campaign and on television after you got elected.
But why are we all talking about what John O'Neill, Paul O'Neill said?
Well, my brain scrambled this morning.
Why am I saying that?
Why are we spending all day on this?
We have the PNAC documents.
Where they said in 2000 they were going to invade Iraq and use terrorism as the pretext to do it.
But instead the media focuses in on former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill.
So we'll get into that too.
Right now, as promised, let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Ed in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Ed.
Hi, Alex.
Can I give you an audio clip of our
Our fearless leader?
Sure, go ahead.
All right, hold on.
Make sure your phone's right up to the speaker.
All right.
This is fine.
If you have credibility on the line, is that construction correct?
Uh, I'm not exactly sure what that means.
Pretty funny, huh?
Well, yeah, for folks that may not have been able to understand that, that's why I don't like doing that on air, why don't you tell them what Bush said?
He said, uh, is there any credibility in the fact that there's weapons of mass destruction in Iraq?
And he says, uh, uh, I have, I have no understanding of that.
Yeah, he just said about five hundred times that we know Saddam has them, we know Saddam's hiding them.
Here's the question.
They announced over the weekend, Ed, that they had found, what was it, thirty... No, they found their shells.
Yeah, thirty-six hundred and twenty millimeter mortar rounds with mustard gas.
Why aren't they using that in the news?
Well, it's very interesting you say that, because there's a gentleman, uh, Palantir, I think his name is?
The New York Times, he was an analyst in Washington, a journalist, and he was saying, I'm sure you know it already, but I don't know if your listeners know, but the gas that killed the people in the Kurds was a blood agent.
You know, it wasn't the gas that the Iraqis... It was a cyanide-based gas that the Russians sold to the Iranians, whereas Saddam was using sarin, which he'd bought from the U.S.
And we know that most of the killing was the Iranians, but I've interviewed
McGovern and other CIA analysts, we're not sure who did it.
We're not totally sure.
We just know that the CIA and Bush cannot be sure either and say it was Saddam.
But we invade, it doesn't matter, we just invade, right?
It's just amazing that we're going on these whims.
It's basically a whim and we're putting our boys at risk on a whim.
Well, it's more than a whim, and I appreciate the call, Ed.
It's more than a whim.
The White House, in waiting, before Bush got elected, said, his exploratory committee, his cabinet that was already constituted before he was elected, said, Saddam is not a threat, Saddam doesn't have these weapons, but we can say he does as an excuse to get the oil.
Now, I didn't say that
You know, the liberals didn't say that, okay?
George Bush's vice president wrote that.
So, again, to even focus on O'Neill saying that they planned the war from the first cabinet meeting the first week after Bush got inaugurated, that's a red herring, too.
We have the confession of Lord Bush.
Okay, we'll come back and go to Justin and Jesse and Alan and Barney and others.
And then I will get into the discussion by the White House and the new Justice Department probe, possibly discussing criminal charges of Paul O'Neill, the Treasury Secretary, for daring to go on 60 Minutes and talk about Bush being a big, fat liar.
Hey, read my lips.
No new taxes.
That apple didn't fall too far from the tree.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright my friends, we're now 33 minutes into this first hour.
And we're about to go to your calls, all the folks that are patiently holding, and then I want to get into the discussion of indicting criminally charging Paul O'Neill.
I mean, if that isn't obvious punishment to discourage other whistleblowers, I don't know what is.
Also, in major polls, the majority of Americans are against an expansion of the space program, and it seems that most of our listeners are as well.
And Bush is also saying that, oh, he did want to go into Iraq, and he'd always said that from the very first.
The claim that he did say that he was against the war is ridiculous.
I guess he's counting on us not having a memory, but George Bush, a long time ago, hashed Bill Clinton up when it comes to lying.
But before we go to these loaded phone lines, I do want to bring Ted Anderson up for about five minutes to plug our new analog satellite.
We've got another satellite now.
And also give you guys a free offer, I guess one more time, for the Freedom Calendar.
Hey, thanks for having me up again, Alex.
It's great to know that we didn't have any disruption at all on Galaxy 9, which has now become Galaxy 13.
Just kind of at the nick of time, I was able to strike a deal with the company and get that feed up and replaced.
For those of you who like to listen off of the satellite, you can find us on Now Transponder 20 rather than Transponder 2.
And it's 7.7 narrowband horizontal polarization.
They actually used to call the bird, the satellite, Galaxy 9.
And now they call it Galaxy 13.
It's actually in the same location as Galaxy 9 was.
It's at 127 degrees west, which is going to be out toward the western skies, maybe directly above California, right in that area.
So if you're out there searching the skies for the satellite feed, you just go ahead and turn it to Channel 20.
We're good.
About the calendar.
And you're right.
Usually I do sell the calendar and I put a silver dollar in there with it because it gives a person a chance to see what real money used to be like.
And then they also pick up the calendar from Dan Pilla.
And I'm just going to tell you a little bit about Dan Pilla.
He's been fighting the Patriot fight.
When he comes in the door, he looks like I would guess him to be in his 60s.
And really, you know, just a down-to-earth good person who just really believes in this nation and really believes in the freedoms that we should have and does a lot of things to do that.
And one of the things that he does is he does have a printing press.
He believes in the free press, the First Amendment here in the United States.
And I just want to just really quick read a couple quotes off of this calendar, because what he's done is he's pulled together the quotes from our forefathers who have put together this country.
It's the militia members who decided to take on the king.
Here's one right here.
I don't know if anybody knows who Thomas Erskine is, but he was one of the quotes in January, and I just think it's so great.
It just says, the press must be free.
It has always been so.
Much evil has been corrected by it.
If the government finds itself annoyed by it, let it examine its own conduct, and it will find the cause.
I mean, just simple things like that.
Here's one by James Madison.
Of course, everybody knows who James Madison is.
Here it says, Americans have the right advantage of being armed, unlike citizens of other countries whose governments are afraid to trust the people with arms.
I mean, it's just simple things like this, but if you take a calendar like this and you keep reminding yourself, and then take a little time with your kids and just go, hey look kids, here's a quote from one of the forefathers of the country, Thomas Erskine, who happened to live from 1750 to 1823.
This man put his life on the line so you can have some freedom.
And here's what he had to say during this time.
Also, Ted, it's a good idea to hang it up in the kitchen where you eat breakfast and every morning have your children read over some of the quotes and then talk about what those comments by our forefathers mean in context today.
We're rediscovering our Bill of Rights, our Constitution,
Well, they can call and get a copy at 1-800-686-2237.
That's 1-800-686-2237.
2, 2, 3, 7.
And the main thing is, actually I'd like to limit it to one per household, but if you know somebody else who wants one in a different household, that's fine.
It's just that I have a limited supply of them.
I think we sent out, I think we're up to about 900 of them or so.
And I would like to see if we can get this in the hands of, you know, I would, it would be nice if we could get into about 5,000 hands.
Maybe, you know, between that and then they pass the word on to their friends, the ripple effect could be monumental.
And obviously that's what this show is about.
It's about maintaining the rights and the freedoms that were given to us by our forefathers who decided to actually put their neck on the line.
It bothers me, Alex, when I hear people talking about how bad the militia is and how bad the patriots are and how they're terrorists and so on and so forth.
The reason why we have a free country today is because the people of the United States of America, actually it wasn't the United States, then the colonies, people of the colonies decided to stand up against a wicked man who wanted to just tax them to death.
I mean, some of these kings would kill their wives so they could go marry another one.
I mean, what kind of life is that?
Exactly, and now the same spirit
Uh, that was, uh, in the King of England is now controlling America today and we're living inside that second American Revolution.
Folks, give him a call.
Get a free calendar.
Ted, thanks for coming on.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
You better take care.
Alright folks, I suggest you take advantage of that.
It's a great calendar.
Very educational.
Maybe you're a school teacher.
Perhaps you're homeschooling.
Maybe you want a calendar for your Sunday school class to hang on the wall.
And every Sunday you could read one of these quotes and discuss it.
We need to rediscover the Bill of Rights culture.
How many of you have been listening to this show for years, but you don't know what the Bill of Rights is?
How many of you don't know and can't quote the first ten amendments to the Bill of Rights?
I can.
You really should be able to do that.
And I guarantee you, you know all the football and baseball and basketball scores.
You know who won the Big 12.
You know all about Pete Rose.
None of that matters compared to our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.
Alright, let's talk to Justin in Colorado.
Justin, go ahead.
How you doing there, Alex?
Hey, how's your sales going on your videos?
They're going okay, I guess.
Alright, I just watched, what was that, Matrix of Evil last night.
Cliff Hughes, a buddy of mine here in the Aspen, Colorado area, turned me on to it.
He apparently got permission from you to record some of your tapes and pass them on to friends.
Yeah, everybody that gets my videos, I don't want you to get them unless you're going to make copies.
Well, I've got a nationwide infomercial about to take place and 30-second commercials where we promote.
Uh, products such as yours.
Oh, you're the guy that tried to contact me a month ago.
Pardon me?
Didn't you try to contact me a month ago?
Uh, yeah, and I realized, uh, apparently you get like 10,000 emails a day or something.
No, like 2,000.
Oh, really?
So, you're actually, your, uh, call is actually in a file.
I've been supposed to call you, and I will try to call you, because I'd like to, you know, I'd like to be involved in that.
Oh, well, I tell you what, after watching your information, uh, that's what we do at the UAV, is, um,
We are taking the American public and literally plugging those people that want the truth into people such as yourself.
Your information and where you compile it, I was just sitting there with permagrant on my face last night just watching that going, yeah buddy.
And it was just point after point after point after point that you made and I'm very happy that you're out there doing what you're doing.
Well if you thought Matrix of Evil was good, you've got to see 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3.
It's amazing.
Last night when Cliff invited me to this peace rally in Glenwood Springs, Colorado, it seemed to be at the first, at the start, a Bush-bashing seminar, and yet I constantly was trying to inform them, it doesn't matter which political office is in power.
What matters is the puppets behind the strings, you know, that are pulling the strings.
How did Bush get into office?
He is not working for the American public.
Our federal government has been completely out of our control, and Americans do not understand that.
This upcoming year, it's going to be amazing how many people will think that they're going to correct America's problem by hiring, you know, another political candidate.
And it doesn't matter which side they're on.
So, your information that you presented in your material, by the way, he gave me a whole list of your, you mentioned 9-11, I'm sorry?
Yeah, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
I think he gave me a copy of every single one of those.
And I tell you what, I have to really applaud Cliff Hughes for his dedication.
He passed out, not only to me, gave me like five tapes.
I think there's like eight hours on each tape.
And then he turned around and gave out another tape to everybody at that meeting.
And I'll tell you what, we need more people like Cliff Hughes out there on the street level, passing out information such as yours, but we also need to plug more Americans into programs such as this.
Well, I'll tell you right now, Justin, if we go to every leftist meeting and educate them with the real paradigm, it's over for the globalists.
And I have found, here in Austin, we have deprogrammed tens of thousands of former liberals
And they still got the long hair and the sandals, which is great, but now they own guns, now they know the Constitution, now they know the Democratic Party is evil, now they're against the phony environmental movement.
That doesn't mean they're not for the environment.
And we're able to deprogram these leftists because we're not hypocritical, lying neocons.
There you go.
And we're unstoppable once we get these leftists deprogrammed.
And let me tell you something.
It is happening right now.
We're teaching the leftists how the communists were funded by the big banks and the corporations.
They're now getting the big picture.
And that's why the globalists are panicking and trying to move so fast right now.
That's true.
That's why I hope everybody listening, if you want to have your competent documented material promoted nationwide, plug into uavmagazine.com.
Get involved now.
We're in the process, as you know Alex, of building
I'll tell you what, Justin.
I've got your number at home and at the office, but I'm here at the studio now.
I'm going to put you on hold.
I apologize for not calling you back.
I'm not bragging, folks.
I've got Hollywood producers calling me and I don't call them back.
I don't know what's wrong with me.
I'm so busy.
Let me put you on hold.
I'll call you during a break and we can talk about you guys maybe using some clips of the films in your information, Marshall.
And I'm going to put you on hold right now.
Stephanie, get me Justin's number, please.
Thank you.
Yeah, folks are authorized to make copies of my films for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
And I want you to get my videos and to make copies of them and get them out to people.
But we need to talk about
The impeachment of George Bush, the treason of George Bush with this Open Borders move.
We need to talk about the discussion they're now having of going after Paul O'Neill criminally for simply telling the truth on 60 Minutes.
We need to talk about these issues.
Let's talk to Jessie in Colorado.
Jessie, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
I have a couple of questions for you and I will listen to your response off the air.
I just wondered if you knew
Dick Cheney's daughter, Mary, is a big gay rights activist in Colorado.
Yes, I knew that.
I wonder if you have any knowledge whether this administration had anything to do with the legalization of sodomy in Texas.
Thank you.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for holding to ask those important questions.
Dick Cheney's daughter is a big activist.
I mean, I really don't think that has any connection to his policies, which I oppose, and I don't think the administration had any control over the particular Texas court that legalized sodomy.
I do know that Republican appointed judges, Bush appointed judges, went after
The Chief Justice Moore in Alabama, and that was Bush.
So I do know they did that.
And I know it's the so-called, what, seven of the nine members of the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans, and they're out cleansing and cleansing right now.
So, it's amazing.
Let's talk to Allen in Ohio.
Allen, go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Paul O'Neill was on the Today Show this morning in an interview with Katie Couric and they really let him talk.
He kind of backed up just a little bit on some of that and tried to reaffirm his position.
One of the big points is he actually got his documents that he used from the Treasury themselves.
He had called and asked them what he could have.
What was it?
And they actually sent him a disk with all that material.
Well, yeah, I've looked in the news here and these were public documents that are routinely released and this is another red herring to try to demonize Paul O'Neill.
But again, why even discuss what Paul O'Neill is saying about Bush planning to go into Iraq while he was saying he was against it?
We have the PNAC documents.
Well, I'm just trying to put a little... Oh no, I'm not disparaging the points you're making, but how transparent is that, that they're discussing indicting him now, they're looking at criminal proceedings, because the guy went on TV and exposed him?
Which is probably going to get him nowhere, if he did what he said.
I don't know, with these people it doesn't seem to matter.
Yeah, you're right.
The facts don't seem to matter.
You're right.
My opinion on this, he made a terrible mistake giving that interview to 60 Minutes, letting 60 Minutes use that.
He was really just plugging his book.
I think they used him for their story like they always do.
Yeah, he would have done better going on something live like Good Morning America.
I mean, I love the time I went on Good Morning America.
I had five minutes to say whatever I wanted.
They gave him probably ten this morning.
They really let him go.
I think he really did a good job of restating his position on a lot of that.
I think that was the best ten minutes he ever spent in his life.
You know, I don't think Paul O'Neill gets it that this is all a puppet government.
He said that no decisions were made, they didn't listen to him, they didn't listen to anybody.
Bush just sat there, and then, you know, normally presidents are in control, and it just shows how Bush isn't running anything.
I think you're right.
One of the reasons why he was put in as Treasury Secretary is he's kind of a technocrat, and he understands data and how to
He was really upset they wouldn't listen to him.
It just reaffirms what you just said.
They don't care.
Thanks for the call.
So Bush says he never wanted to go into Iraq.
Then he says yesterday in Mexico, oh yeah, I was always planning it.
What are you talking about?
I mean, you talk about spin.
This is becoming ridiculous.
It's so transparent.
We'll be back with more of your calls.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Alright, let's get more of these calls in here.
Let's go ahead and go to Barney in Maryland.
Barney, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
The Mexican, the Chinese, the Buddhists, and the Muslims are not our enemies.
The one-worlders are our genuine enemies, and they won't have peace in the world until the one-worlders are eliminated.
That's it.
Well, even if you arrested every globalist, the systems of power, the mechanisms of big government would instantly have a new criminal step into every position of control.
That's the nature of man.
You must limit evil by limiting its instruments of control.
That means having a small, decentralized government.
Well, you can't possibly rebuild as long as the one-worlders and their usual idiots are
Well, I've never said that the 25 million illegal Latin Americans are our enemy, but I'm saying they are a tool like breaking a dam.
The water that comes out of the dam to pour over your town isn't itself evil, but those that open the floodgates are.
So I agree, the globalists
Have engineered this, the problem with the illegals is, they'll work for a dollar an hour, 20 cents an hour in Mexico, they'll come here, drive down the wages even further, and so that's one of the big reasons we've got to stop this flow.
Also, the government's there, pushing welfare on them, and then that bankrupts the state governments, then the feds come in with more regulation and control.
That has to be addressed, but you could eliminate a million Mexicans and One World would replace them with a million Chinese.
So you've got to get rid of the One Worlders before anything is settled.
But again, I agree.
We've got to get rid of corrupt institutions.
We've got to restrict their power.
We've got to indict criminals.
What I'm saying here is, sir, that if we had a small government, it wouldn't matter if criminals were running it, because it wouldn't be big enough and strong enough with enough regulatory enforcers to actually do anything.
That's why they've quietly grown the size of government, gotten it involved in every facet of our life.
That's where the tyranny gains its power.
Yeah, that's right.
And they discard the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
Of course, that's the way, the means that they obtain the large government.
That's it.
Appreciate the call.
They do it through taxation and regulation.
It's all about control.
They want to get everybody in the system, either on welfare or the criminal justice system, or on, you know, the social security system.
It's all about controlling you.
Getting you into the psychiatric system.
We're all being pushed into some type of, you know, government pigeon hole.
Let's talk to Kevin in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I wanted to know if you wanted to know about like all the propaganda I've seen in the commercials during the playoffs.
It's like non-stop.
Tell us about it.
There's like a Coors Light commercial.
They're playing this song from ACDC.
They say, we'll salute you.
And they show people like throwing that hand sign, the Satan sign, you know, like the heavy metal people use.
And then IBM has a commercial with this kid.
They got like three of them.
They said he has no family.
He's adopted by the world.
And at the end of one of them, it says the strong and the smart won't survive.
Only those willing to change will survive.
It's crazy.
Yeah, well exactly.
They're letting us know that we're going to have to submit to them and accept this new system of total control.
Yeah, and then the Dodge Ram commercials.
They got that big giant goat.
It's not like a Dodge Ram.
CBS, they have their eye logo.
Sometimes that's on fire.
They'll show it spinning around on fire.
You know, like the eye from that
The movies?
Yeah, the Lord of the Rings.
Yeah, I did not.
I actually addressed that in Police State 3.
It's very occult.
Thanks for the call.
When the struggle seems to be drifting defiantly towards a world social democracy, there may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system.
Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.
We'll be back.
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Protect your family.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
Hour two.
Wells was a globalist, futurist writer.
He didn't just write science fiction like War of the Worlds.
He also wrote a book in 1939 titled The New World Order.
When the struggle seems to be drifting defiantly towards a world social democracy,
There may still be very great delays and disappointments before it becomes an efficient and beneficent world system.
Countless people will hate the New World Order and will die protesting against it.
When we attempt to evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a generation or so of malcontents, many of them quite gallant and graceful looking people.
And then the listener talked about an IBM ad that I have watched online.
It's airing on television where it says the
You know, the strong and the smart aren't going to be the ones that survive.
That survive?
Look at this young, weak orphan with no parents.
He is a child of the world.
He will survive because he can change.
If you don't, if you can't change, you're not going to survive.
And that's the system.
Break up the family.
Brainwash the children in the schools.
Go after the middle class, go after the strong, go after those that are not dependent on government.
And IBM is the most wicked company on the face of the earth.
It is at the very heart of the new world order.
And they've, you know, IBM four years ago, for two years, up until two years ago, ran this ad where a young man, leather jacket, real cool, real good looking,
You know, really studly.
He is walking through this grocery store, stuffing stuff in his jacket.
You think, oh my gosh, he's arrogantly stealing.
Boy, he's going to get in trouble.
He walks through the cash register.
A blue light scans him.
Scans his face.
Face scans him.
He's walking out of the store.
A security guard goes, sir!
Has fear on his face.
The security guard does.
The young punk arrogantly turns around and says, huh?
He says, sir, your receipt.
You know, selling us on face scanning, selling us on casual society.
It was IBM that had... This sacred ground deserves my all, no less for God
Freedom's call And if my life Be laid down Let it be On sacred ground It was purchased With the blood of patriots Consecrated
We're good to go.
Let my life be laid down Let it be on sacred ground Who will answer the cry of the warrior?
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, welcome back.
8 minutes and 14 seconds into the second hour.
We do have a discussion of cloning and the horrible New Jersey law that passed last week.
We need to recap this and go back over it.
It's so important in the next hour.
And right now, we're about to go straight back to your calls and then into a ton of other very important news.
Right now, let's go ahead and talk to John in Virginia, I believe, is up next.
John, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Alex, I personally want to just take the opportunity to thank you for getting this message out.
It's going to get harder and harder as time goes on.
I think Alex, I look at this, it's different.
I think the die has been cast.
I think the Rubicon has been crossed.
I think there is no turning back at this point.
They have told us that they can manipulate the die bowl machine, so all that we can do
is prepared for what's coming.
They have calmly admitted that the three major voting machine companies are stealing elections, are run by the CIA, and they said it doesn't matter, the feds passed the four billion dollar package, they're forcing the states to implement it, nine states are postponing it for now because of massive protest, but you're right, if we don't stop,
The electronic touchscreen systems, from going in, it is over.
It is admittedly a fraud.
Alex, as a Christian, we know world government is coming.
We know that.
There's no doubt about it.
We can sit back and be surprised at the laws they're passing.
We can be surprised at the speed at which the laws are passing.
But we know it's coming.
And my Christian brothers and sisters that think that
Bush is better than Clinton.
They're both globalists, and they're going to bring in and support the world government that the Antichrist will use to persecute Christians.
I think people need to get their priorities in line, get ready for what's coming, get as self-sufficient as possible, get out of debt, get close to your loved ones.
It's going to get nasty out there.
Keep your faith on God.
Keep your faith.
Because that's what it's going to come down to.
There is no avoid in my mind what we're headed toward.
We're just now forming up the side.
That's all you're doing.
The war's started, my friend.
The shooting just hasn't started.
And there's a great post site out there called libertypost.org.
And your name gets mentioned on it often.
There are a lot of good brothers and sisters out there that are getting the word out, and anybody that is looking for information, I certainly, certainly would point them in that direction.
Well, let me just say this, John.
There are a lot of people, and I appreciate your comments and agree with much of what you're saying.
A lot of people, a lot of the so-called new neocon Christians,
are talking about now how there's going to be a good world government of Christendom, how there's going to be this good world leader who's going to help.
I think you're going to see this Antichrist form of Christianity rise to the forefront, and then when the real Christians are being arrested as quote, being terrorists, a lot of these so-called Christians are going to be cheering as we're taken to the guillotines.
Comments to that, John?
If you go to 2 Thessalonians 10, God tells us this.
For those who have not received the love of the truth, God would send them a strong delusion that they would believe the lie.
These people that don't see it can't see it, Alex.
All that we can do is plant seeds and hope that the Holy Spirit moves in their lives.
But right now, they're deluded, and they can't, they can't, for the life of themselves, they can't see it.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate that.
I know this, though.
Our founding fathers fought against tyranny and were successful.
Many people in Africa thought it was the end of the world every time some dictator was slaughtering them, and it didn't happen.
Christians in China, for 50 years, have thought that
It was the end of the world and they were going to be raptured out.
Many people in Nazi Germany thought the same thing.
Many Christians in Russia were thinking that God was going to pull them out of the middle of it.
And Alexander Schultz and Nietzsche bemoaned this.
He said, look, God gives you the tools and the backbone and the mind to fight this evil.
And we've all got a job regardless.
Duty is ours.
Consequences are God's.
As many of the Founding Fathers said, and others have said it in different ways, Robert E. Lee said it, you know, duty is mine, consequences are God's.
And if I see ten street thugs beating an old woman to death, I'm going to not even think about it.
I will instantly attack them.
And I'm not bragging, ooh, I'm a tough guy.
That's what upsets me, that's what scares me, is that I instinctively fight evil.
There's no question of, oh, I've got so much courage, as people say I do.
It's instinctive.
It's my very core.
I can't stand bullies.
I can't stand wickedness.
It disgusts me.
It angers me.
And yes, these so-called Christians that aren't concerned about all this and just think everything's, you know, honky-dory.
I hear them going, oh great, they're promoting implantable chips.
That means the end is near.
Good, I'll be out of here soon.
I don't have to worry about it.
Believe me, if you don't have a sense of duty and a burning desire to fight evil, folks, you're on the wrong side.
Now, I will say this.
What's different from Nazi Germany and Communist Russia, or what Fidel Castro has done, or dictators in Asia like Pol Pot,
Is that they really are putting in the national ID card.
They really are putting in the cashless society control grid.
They really are moving ahead with the microchips.
They really are setting up the world government.
They really are attacking real Christianity right now.
This is very, very scary.
And it is happening, folks.
You cannot deny what's happening.
And, you know, to some atheists out there, they'll say, look, the New World Order has looked at Revelations, and they think, man, this is a great system of control.
We'll use it.
And they're saying, oh, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Well, regardless, and I'm not saying it's a self-fulfilling prophecy, because I believe in God, and I believe the Bible.
But let's say it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.
It doesn't matter.
They're setting up the Antichrist system.
So whether it's man or the devil, it's the same thing.
Do you understand that?
You can't cop out about what's being built, about what's being designed.
There's no way to get around it.
I mean, I've had people say, oh, I don't believe in God and the devil, so what's the big deal about Bohemian Grove?
So you snuck in to Bohemian Grove and got footage of world leaders engaging in a satanic ceremony.
Big deal, I don't believe in God.
Well, the point is, even if you don't believe in God, would you let your neighbor walk your dog?
Or babysit your child if they were a practicing Satanist?
And let's say you don't believe in Satan.
Well, still, this person, this predatory individual's mind identifies with this archetypal image, you know, of this totally wicked creature.
I mean, don't you believe in evil?
Well, no, you see, when you're a humanist or an atheist, most of them I've talked to, don't even believe in absolute good or evil.
You know, it's this moral relativism.
So you'll tell me, well, no, I don't really believe in evil.
But I bet if I walk up to you and hit you in the head with a ball-peen hammer and crack your skull, you're going to think I'm evil.
You're going to say that was wrong.
You're going to say that wasn't a good thing to do.
So this is all part of the warping of the psyche.
But before I go back to the calls to Randy and Kenny and Kerry and Barry and everybody else that's
That's holding.
Let me get into the cashless society control grid news.
I have quite a stack of it today and I rarely even cover this now because I've made films about it.
I've detailed it so much in the past I have to remember to go back over it.
About six years ago I warned you that they would pull out all the checkout lanes and make you self-service checkout.
Then they'll put in thumb scanners
They'll make you swipe your ID card to, quote, make sure you pay the national sales tax.
But it's not really about just the tax.
It's about knowing what you buy, knowing what you do, and bringing federal, and that means international, control down to every business and every company, large and small.
This is out of the St.
Petersburg Times today.
A grocery store that practically reads your mind.
This store doesn't need a conveyor belt at the checkout counter.
Each shopping cart comes equipped with a computer so customers can scan in purchases as they load up.
The smart cart knows what you've bought at the same store before.
Its computer can display customer-tailored coupon offers, trigger TV ads beamed on plasma screen monitors as you pass by a chart, a path to items you cannot find, just like
That movie Minority Report.
Scales in the store not only weigh the price of produce, thanks to digital cameras, they can distinguish a potato from a pomegranate, then spit out the proper price tag.
Retailers have talked for more than a decade of such innovations, but this future store is no longer science fiction.
It opened last April in Rheinberg, Germany near Dusseldorf.
Safeway in Northern California opened 14 stores two years ago that do this.
It's not just Dusseldorf, St.
Petersburg, Ryder.
It works, said Zygmunt Mitterdorf, Chief Information Officer at MetroCorp, the world's fifth largest retailer.
Consumer acceptance has exceeded our expectations.
The Metro Group set up a working 14,000 square foot version of its future store for inspectors at the National Retail Federation Convention here Monday.
And it gets into RFID computer chips and products, pallets, and cases so they can be tracked from factory to customer and to your home.
It talks about one big impediment until now has been Big Brother privacy fears, but it says critics say the chip attached to the package of Gillette Mach 3 razors could keep beaming its location all the way to the buyer's home.
And it goes on and on.
Okay, folks.
Now again, what does this do?
This tracks everything you buy, it gets rid of the service, and it brings in the national sales tax, which is the national regulation taxation control system.
We'll be back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
They're building a system where if you haven't paid your taxes, you have unpaid parking tickets, you have bad credit, you won't be able to fly on an airplane, ride a bus, get a job, drive a cab, work at a restaurant, you won't be able to go to the grocery store.
If you're not a good globalist, if you've committed some crime, you won't be able to walk outside your house without face scanning cameras going off.
I mean, you talk about a matrix-like system, you talk about a brave new world, you talk about a system that will allow government to oppress us to a level never before seen, it's happening.
And I've seen Governor Ridge, on C-SPAN, again, say that your driver's license is really a national ID card with federal standards on it, a face scan, a thumb scan, a barcode, a magnetic strip on the back, and that to buy and sell, you're going to have to swipe that card,
Everything you do is going to be tracked and traced.
And you notice with the CAPS II system, which they've now implemented, they're saying that to get on an airplane, if you've got bad credit, maybe you're an environmental activist with no criminal record, maybe a leftist, a conservative.
I have dozens of these articles, hundreds of these articles, where activists are being denied the capability to fly.
They're just told, sorry, you're in the no-fly list.
Homeland Security says so.
That's the future, folks.
And when the police pull you over, they'll know what you eat, who your children are, where you work, what prescription drugs you're on, everything.
Caps 2 stands alone, though, the Feds say.
A Homeland Security official denied on Monday that a proposed airline security system designed to color-code domestic passengers based on their risk of committing acts of terrorism will be merged with another program that fingerprints and photographs visitors to the United States.
Folks, that's a global treaty.
All the other countries are starting to do that now, too.
That means when we go to a foreign country, we're in the system.
It's global.
And of course it's part of the CAPS2 system.
CAPS is part of ECHRILON, Total Information Awareness, the MATRIX system.
It's all part of the same grid.
But don't worry, some flyers could avoid extra security if they go ahead and enroll for a special ID card.
Take your ID card, be pre-approved, which is what Ridge already said.
To have a job, we'll have to have it on our driver's license, what level of security clearance we've got, to work anywhere.
Airline passengers who voluntarily, see it's voluntary now, submit to a background check to demonstrate that they are not security risk, could receive identity cards that would exempt them from being routinely selected for extra screening at airports.
Well see, they're already doing a background check to decide if they're going to do that.
A spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration said Monday.
And it goes on and on.
This is so serious.
Everything you see going on in the airports is a beta test for outside the airports.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Randy in Minnesota.
Go ahead, Randy.
Hi, Alex.
Uh, yes.
Hi, um, what I wanted was, I need some documentation on this.
We were talking about a lawyer for the NRA said they were always for, um, registration and that?
Uh, yes, about three months ago when they, uh,
We're having a federal case in D.C.
The head lawyer for the N.R.A.
in that suit said that we're for gun registration and we support it.
And we posted that for weeks on the website, had about five guests on about it, and it's on Infowars.com, it's on Presented.com, and it was also in the newspapers.
Oh, okay, because I brought it up at work and everybody got beat up, I think.
No, no way, no way!
Do you know how to use a search engine?
No, I don't have a computer, but I know people that do.
Well, you go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and you type in NRA Lawyer supports gun registration and a bunch of links will pop up and you can click through to the actual court minutes, the actual court record.
Oh, okay.
That'd be great.
And then you just hit print on the computer and it'll print.
Alright, thanks.
Ed, I just got three of your tapes here and they're great.
Well, thank you for the support.
Which videos did you get?
I got Road to Tyranny, Police State 3, and Matrix of Evil.
What did you think of them?
Well, I'm only halfway... I got... Oh, they're great!
What I've seen so far.
I went through Road to Tyranny and halfway through that.
Matrix of Evil now.
And fantastic.
I'm doing what I can to help.
That's awesome.
Make copies.
Get them out to folks.
God bless you.
You know, I ought to plug my videos.
It's been an hour and a half.
I haven't done that yet.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, I'm going to blast through everybody who's been on a whole, well I guess the longest.
Kenny and Kerry and Barry and Marcello and Bill.
Then I'm not going to take any more calls because I want to finish up with a huge stack of really important news.
I'll just give you basically the headline and then my analysis of the article that I went over.
You can always go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and read all these articles for yourselves in detail.
Also, I am going to have a discussion of some of the new nightmare cloning laws that have been passed, particularly in New Jersey.
We went over some of this last week, but we're going to go back over it because it's so important and most people aren't even aware of what's happened in New Jersey.
I can't believe it, but I've got the bill here in front of me, so that is coming up as well, so you're definitely going to want to be staying with us for that.
But before we go back to your calls, I do want to encourage the listeners who haven't gotten my films.
You just heard Randy in Minnesota talk about how impressed he was with Road to Tyranny and Matrix of Evil.
He got Road to Tyranny, Matrix of Evil, and I think he said Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
They're all over two hours long.
Some are 2 hours 40 minutes.
They're amazing.
They're fast moving.
It's just BAM!
All documented.
Globalists admitting their crimes.
Their own statements.
Their own documents.
The structure of the New World Order.
Hatred Act 1 and 2.
The Cashless Society Control Grid.
That's all in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
If you want to understand how the Globalists carried out September 11th in Oklahoma City, and the first World Trade Center attack as well, you need to get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
And of course you can't tell that story in two and a half hours, so I made part two of that, Masters of Terror Exposed, which is a little over two hours long and just amazing and focuses mainly in on just 9-11 and all that evidence.
And then I carry Eric Huffschmid's great video about 9-11 painful deceptions.
I carry Tito Howard's loss of liberty video about government-sponsored terror, trying to sink that Navy ship to blame it on Egypt.
I carry a lot of other books and films by other great authors and researchers.
Go to InfoWars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com and peruse what we have to offer.
The pro-gun t-shirts, the anti-tyranny t-shirts, the bumper stickers, the deception dollars.
It's all about information.
It's all about waking people up.
That's what I traffic in.
That's what I do.
That's the thrill of my life is seeing a mind unlocked.
90% of those that see my videos are waking up, folks.
They're hard poor.
They're unlike anything you've ever seen.
So you need to get them.
They're $25, $95 a piece.
I've made 10 films alone.
They're $20 when you order 3 or more.
That's why a lot of folks get the 3 tape special and they're always pleased.
I don't know, maybe there's been 5 people in 7 years that, not 7 years, yeah, 6 years that don't like the films.
But 99% of folks like the films.
90% of those that see them wake up.
You need to get these videos.
Toll-free number to get the films 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that number.
Operators are there 24 hours a day.
I pay a pretty penny so we have these 24-hour order takers.
2-5-3-3-1-3-9 or go to our secure online shopping cart at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the films, the books, the t-shirts, all of it.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action.
Stand up to the evil.
Get the films.
Get them out today.
Now, for the next four minutes or so, we're going to talk to Debbie Morrow.
Haven't had her on in about two or three weeks.
We'll talk about protecting yourself by not drinking the poison water.
Then we'll get to Kenny and Carrie and Barry and Marcello and Bill and then get back into the news.
Debbie, good to have you on for the first time in the new year.
Hi there, Alex.
I know, I can't believe it's 2004 and here we are.
You know, I believe in the products New Millennium offers.
You're great sponsors.
You have top-of-the-line water filters made here in America.
There is Prozac, Ritalin, female hormones from the birth control in almost every water supply.
There's the nickel, cadmium, the Grignard reagents, the lead, the mercury.
It's all in there.
Folks, once you've been drinking water out of a real water filter, I don't mean one of these pieces of junk they sell at the store, you cannot drink the tap water anymore.
What are the new specials for folks that might want to stop drinking the poison?
Well, our January specials are good ones.
I really like these.
They're very affordable for everybody, Alex, and that's what I really like.
We have the Berkey light with the black Berkey elements in there without the LED lights and a generic Berkey sport bottle or a bottle of potassium iodate.
And the total price is $199, which gives you a saving of $39.
Now, again, what do they get for that?
They get the Berkey Light without lights.
It doesn't have the lights in the base, but it's the Berkey Light and it comes with the black Berkey element, the purification elements.
And, you know, the purification elements are so important because they take out so much dust.
And then what else do they get?
They get either a Berkey sport bottle or a bottle of potassium iodate.
Folks, that is a great deal.
And again, the sports bottle doesn't cut, you know, everything out like the black Berkey.
It just cuts out a lot of it.
This way, when you're at the, you know, restaurant or at work, it does, what, 600 refills.
You fill it up and, you know, it cleans a lot of the trash out.
These are great little sports bottles.
You get one of those, or potassium iodate, in case it has a 10-year shelf life, in case there ever is a radiological or nuclear event.
You take this, your family takes it, your pets take it, and it fills a thyroid full of good iodine, and that's the number one cause of death under a nuclear attack is from a radiation poisoning.
So please take advantage of this special.
This is one of the best specials I've ever heard of.
Give folks the number, Debbie.
It's 1-888-803-4438.
And are there any other specials or is that the special?
No, we have a couple other ones with it.
That one's really good for people who don't feel they need the light.
If you'd like to get the lights with the Berkey Light, which they're beautiful and they have the rechargeable batteries and they make a great night light or an emergency light.
And they run for two weeks off the rechargeable batteries.
You can also buy the little solar panel to charge it during the day if you were going to be in, you know, survival conditions or wanted to put this at your, you know, hunting cabin or whatever.
The special for that would be the Berkey light with the lights and you get to choose either blue or white LED lights and they're in the base and you get either two generic Berkey sport bottles or two bottles of potassium iodide or one of each and the total price on that is $2.59 which is a $78 savings.
Folks, these are good deals, and if you're procrastinating and are still drinking tap water and still giving it to your children, shame on you.
I bought Big Berkies from these guys.
I bought it through one of their distributors and paid a lot more five years ago.
I've got three of them now.
Please take action.
They also now make them in America.
You can still get the units from them in the stainless steel case if you want made in England.
But the Black Berkey element is even better.
Debbie, thank you so much for all you do, and God bless.
Oh, thank you, Alex.
Take care, and everybody have a Happy New Year!
You bet.
Folks, that's a great lady, and they're great sponsors, and you're going right to the source, the big national distributor, one of the makers of the Black Berkey.
Alright, I want to just rocket through your calls because I'm behind on the news.
I've been doing a better job lately of getting to the news and that's not happening today.
I need to do that.
Let's go real quick.
Kenny, where are you calling us from?
Kansas City, Missouri, sir.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
As a vet, I had to be shocked this morning by my boss showing me a video being forwarded to him by his cop friends that shows one of our helicopters overseas somewhere
I don't think so.
The thing about it, he's like, well what's the big deal there?
I'm like, well one, the guys are unarmed.
Sir, let me stop you.
Is this a video that troops brought back from the gun pod that has not been on the news?
I don't know, but I forwarded to you a tip at InfoWars.com.
You forwarded a clip?
I just forwarded it to you.
But is it a video clip?
Yes, sir.
Okay, I will have my webmaster, we're doing the update this afternoon and so this morning, Brent Voors, I will have her post that.
You're telling me, is this a news clip?
No, no, it's just like, you can tell it's done, you know, it's done with night vision goggles inside the actual cabin of, you know, the helicopter.
You hear the two crew talking back and forth, okay, there's a target over there, fire at him first.
Okay, there's one over there, he's wounded, he's like, him?
Like, yeah, shoot him again.
And so they annihilate him.
They destroy a couple vehicles there.
There's a guy waving a flag.
They just destroy him.
Nobody's armed.
But regardless, I don't know that there's... Oh, wait a minute.
Is this from the first Gulf War?
I'm not sure where this is from, sir.
Yeah, there's famous footage, and it was on the news, where they're waving white flags, and they're killing them, which is just horrible, folks.
The thing about it is, as a vet and as anybody that's learned the rules of war and engagement,
I don't know that we have a weapon on any of our modern helicopters that you have any business shooting people with.
They're too large of a caliber.
That's the first thing I was taught.
You know, you don't shoot people with a .50 caliber.
You don't shoot them with a 20mm Vulcan minigun or any of those type of weapons that are on a helicopter.
And these guys, like I said, I don't see anybody carrying weapons.
I see a guy injured and they go ahead and just shoot him again and blow him into a million pieces.
I don't know of anything that we have that we have any business shooting people with.
and mortars and everything on ground trips.
You were in the military, I wasn't, but from my family that was in flying helicopters in Vietnam and from everything I've seen on the Discovery Channel and History Channel, they do use those as an anti-personnel weapon.
They're very good.
They're desensitizing people and they're treating them like it's a video game.
I'm like,
These are human beings here, and they're like, well, they're al-Qaeda terrorists.
I'm like, I don't know what they are.
Okay, well, they're saying that, then it's a modern video.
I'm like, you know, these guys are unarmed.
You're shooting them with a weapon.
That is a war crime.
Right, I mean, you have no business shooting.
The guy's injured, at least the way I know it.
At that point, you're supposed to, like, let him be taken, captured a prisoner, and take care of him, and give him medical, you know, care.
And you interrogate him.
Not, oh, well, he's still moving around shooting.
Let's see, now nobody can stand against the globalists, so why should they play by the rules of engagement?
I just want to know how we're going to complain the next time this happens to our troops.
Thanks for the call, sir, and I'll get that video posted.
Very interesting.
Let's talk to Kerry in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Kerry.
How you doing, Alex?
Yes, I got a question for you.
It's to go back to 9-11.
Okay, we have all this videotape of 9-11 of the World Trade Center getting hit.
How come there ain't any videotapes of the Pentagon getting hit?
With all the tourists that run around Washington all the time, you don't see no tourist bringing a videotape of the Pentagon getting hit.
It's the most surveilled place on Earth, they say.
The government says.
But they don't even have footage of a plane.
They just have footage of a white-hot explosion.
Yeah, I've seen that on a videotape that a guy had made.
And also, this is the mindset we have in Louisiana.
A friend of mine's been pounding the pavement trying to get the word out.
So he stopped, he was at a store, and the guy walked up to him, and so he walked up to the guy and he asked him, he said, do you own firearms?
And the guy told him, well no, because I got kids.
And then my friend told him, he goes,
Well, what are you going to do if somebody breaks into your house?
Let me pick up his arms and infect his muscles.
What kind of mindset is that for the rest of the world if you think you're the strongest man in the world?
I know.
Oh, I've got children, so I don't protect them.
I mean, these idiots think you're not supposed to have a gun.
Rosie O'Donnell and Oprah say, women, throw your husband's guns away.
What you do is you put in an instant access pistol safe, or a spring safe,
And your child can never get that gun out, but you can get that gun in three seconds.
That's what you do, folks.
That's how you protect yourself.
Or you simply sleep with your keys by your bed and up on the shelf away from your children.
If somebody busts in, you can grab it and open the lock.
Or you simply have a locked closet.
And once your children get old enough, you tell them you don't get near the gun case, you don't get near the closet.
I never broke the rules, and there were loaded guns in there.
It's called discipline.
Yeah, I hear you.
Maybe when the criminals come in, you say, wait a minute, time out, time out, let me get my keys and get my beans out.
Well, that's why, you know, I want to get a sponsor who sells instant access pistol safes.
I've never sought one, but that's another product I believe in.
It's like I believe in water filters.
I believe everybody should have two instant access pistol safes.
They're small, they'll go under a table, they'll go under a bed, they'll go under, you know, whatever.
There should be one in
Hey Alex, good to talk to you again.
I want to let you know what I've been doing lately.
I've been up until like 4 o'clock in the morning this past weekend.
I've been showing, they live, I've been showing clips from your videos, 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny and Police State to Takeover, and it's having a real effect on people, but it's scaring them, you know, it's senseless because, you know, when we have a discussion afterward, and I try to offer solutions, you know, to how to change certain things, they act like they're so afraid of these men in black that they're ready to wet themselves at the mere thought of taking a stand for themselves.
You know, and so, you know, I had a conversation with you a little while ago when I called in and I told you that ever since you made that comment about how our government's not our legal government, I've been working to study and understand what that really means.
I'm coming to some real conclusions about how we can improve our legal standing in at least that context.
Sir, how are you, where are you showing the videos?
At my friend's house and stuff.
Well, great.
That's what the Founding Fathers did in the ten years leading up to the Revolutionary War.
It was called Committees of Correspondence.
But, uh, go ahead.
Well, the thing is, is that, you know, I mean, that John Carpenter film, They Live, you know, I, I, when you talk about archetypes and stuff, I mean, I understand these things very well, and I tell people, you know, you gotta understand, this is almost what we are really, truly dealing with.
So I'm trying to pass out the sunglasses, the special glasses.
The people can see.
You know, but the thing is, is part of the obfuscation comes from, you know, the law.
And, uh, I hear the music.
Are you, can you hold me over?
Well, do you want to get into a discussion of common law or what?
Well, no, what I want to tell you is, uh... See, I went to, uh, register to vote, Alex.
And what I found out is that I couldn't register unless I wanted to declare that I was a U.S.
The statutory definition of U.S.
citizen is a citizen of the United States.
Stay there, we'll let you finish up.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, I said I wanted to get through all these callers.
Let's do it quick, because I want to get into some more news, then get the cloning guest on.
Believe me, you want to stay tuned for that.
This is incredible.
But let's go back to Barry in Arizona.
Yes, Barry, they set up
Uh, white collar fraud, contract fraud, where when you sign the agreement to have a bank account, you waive your rights and allow the IRS to seize your bank account and waive your right to a trial.
When you sign up for voter registration, you then go under the 14th Amendment jurisdiction, which isn't being a real citizen of the states of the original republic.
You go under the District of Columbia, an admiralty law.
This is what they set up.
And now with enemy combatant and all that, they're just being public about it.
So, yes, that is all true.
But, again, most of it is just color of law.
We're free.
We have a First and Second and Tenth Amendment and Fifth Amendment and Seventh Amendment and all of it because we uphold it, because we believe it, because we remember it.
You know, so much of this is just possession is nine-tenths of the law.
We must hold and control our own destinies and say no to the tyranny.
And just simply not go along with it.
Go ahead.
Well, my solution, what I've been trying to get people together to do in my community is to assemble maybe 50 to 100 people and take on a very small task, which is to go to the county recorder's office, the election commissioner, and demand to be registered to vote as citizens of Arizona State or Republic, what have you, and just not capitulate, not just refuse,
That's the key and thanks for the call.
We've got to take over our city councils, we've got to take over our county commissioners, we've got to say no to land grabs, no to big bond packages.
If they want to raise money, just have a one-time fee.
A small town will raise $50 million to pave the sidewalks.
And then, whereas it could be a one-time fee of every landowner,
Instead, they do it in bonds, and you end up paying for $500 million instead of $50 million.
It's a joke.
It's a fraud.
There's no reason to do this.
There's all sorts of stuff we can do, but to do that, we've got to stop the electronic touchscreen voter fraud systems from going in, which the feds are paying to have put in.
Let's talk to Marcello in Canada.
Go ahead, Marcello.
Hello, Alex.
You mentioned that George Bush is just about to announce a new manned mission to the moon and also to Mars.
And you've also commented on a past show that the original manned mission to the moon might have been a fraud.
I was just curious, have you ever heard of a video called Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon?
Yes, I have.
And what I've said is that I know we've got the technology to go to the moon, to go to Mars, to go all over the place, but I've seen evidence from NASA released photos of them staging photos.
So it's very confusing and I don't really cover the issue because I can't prove it one way or the other.
Well, have you ever seen it?
Yes, I have.
What do you make of that clip where
He uncovered some footage that apparently was mislabeled and it shows the astronauts manipulating the image of the Earth to make it look like it was much further away.
It's amazing, and you know, shadows going different directions, hash marks that are behind astronauts, lens marks that are behind astronauts, folks.
That's impossible.
A lot of bizarre behavior going on, but I have friends who worked the NASA program, and one of them told me, and he was shaking when he said it, he said, we can't get, he goes, I can't say much, but we can't get film back because of the Van Allen radiation belt, so photos were staged because people demanded images.
Yeah, and every photo of the astronauts on the moon does not contain one single star in it.
How could that be?
Very interesting.
Very interesting.
Thanks for the call.
That's it for this hour.
We'll come back with another short segment, cram some news into it, and then go to this interview, and then more news and info.
Please stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
And now, back to Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, folks.
Now into the third hour.
We've got a discussion of the Nightmare Cloning coming up in the next couple of segments.
And of course, more news and information.
Right now, let's let Bill in Texas have his say.
Bill, go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
I'll make it quick.
I drive a truck.
I deliver beer in Austin, Texas.
And I'm sure you've seen in these certain 7-Eleven stores
Under the Greater Austin Merchant Association?
Uh, yes.
Anyways, um, I was in a liquor store the other day, and a guy asked me about it, and apparently, what he heard is that the Greater Austin Merchant Association, or GAMA, is forcing a lot of these big beer companies to make, like, what he heard was a $20,000 donation to this Pakistani charity.
And apparently, if they don't comply and make this donation,
Then these members of the Gamma are going to cut their shelf space.
To me, it sounds like extortion or whatever, but he went on to say that there was no paper trail for where this money is going.
I don't know.
He asked me about it.
I figured you'd know more about it than I would, since you're here in Austin.
I also wondered if maybe in other big cities, is there a greater Houston Merchants Association?
There's 250 companies involved in this in Austin.
And of course, Pakistanis and Indians own everything, so they can leverage and do whatever they want.
Sir, you need to call the statesmen, you need to call the Chronicle, you need to get them on this, because if what you're saying is true, this is huge.
This is massive.
And just just incredible and all the beer companies should get together and say forget you and call for an investigation.
And of course, this probably sounds like it's right up their alley.
They probably won't do anything.
But I have heard of some more things around the country.
But give us a donation to our Pakistani charity or you can't put your beer on our shelves.
All right.
Well, I think there's his words were going to cut your shelf space.
But, you know, I wondered whoever, you know, other people that might be listening, if they know of things like this in their town, maybe the Greater Houston Merchants Association, you know, I go in a lot of different places all day long and I've asked liquor store owners and other, you know, grocery store owners that aren't of any other nationality and, you know, they all know about the Greater Houston Merchants Association, but they're not involved with it.
They all say, no, that's Pakistani or that's an Arab membership or whatever.
And everybody kind of turns their nose up when I even mention it.
They're like, no, don't even mess with them.
So I don't know about it.
I didn't know if you did.
And I thought it'd be up your alley.
So thanks for taking my call.
You know, if that's true, that, boy, that really stinks.
I smell rotten fish, folks.
Something's fishy, as they say.
Something's rotten in the state of Denmark.
But I have no knowledge of the particular thing you're talking about.
But this is what we discussed yesterday.
Seven to ten years, no income taxes for foreigners.
How can anyone compete against that?
How can any American citizen, whether you're black or white, regardless of your color, how can you own a business and compete against people who don't have to pay taxes, and then sell it to their family member after the ten years is up, and then start another ten years?
And, uh, yeah.
I mean, you go in these stores and, uh,
I mean, it's amazing, folks.
It's hard to find a store that isn't owned by foreigners.
And again, why is that?
It isn't that Americans are lazy and don't want to own convenience stores.
Why is it all people from Central Asia?
In fact, you don't even really see Asians from Southeast Asia, or China, or Japan running these.
It's always Pakistan or India.
Well, because the government set it up where they can take over.
And, man, if they are demanding a donation, boy, that is what you said.
But I don't know if that's true.
But, frankly, I don't doubt it.
I'll try to check into it.
That's the problem with this show.
I've got hundreds of articles each day, confirm corruption, and then there's all this other stuff people want me to check out, and I'm just one guy, my head is spinning.
But that certainly should be investigated.
We're going to break, folks.
We'll be right back.
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That's ADEC.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We have Dr. John F. Kilner coming on, the president of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, to talk about cloning.
People don't know that embryos are human beings and that that is indeed cloning when you clone embryos.
Now, industrializing the process for body parts and stem cells.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Also, we got Paul Watson here in about 25 minutes to talk about the latest Princess Diana information.
You know, our caller, Rob, is saying he has unmarked helicopters perpetually flying around his house, flying over his house.
And, you know, could it be because he's fighting the New World Order?
And it certainly could be.
But statistically, I've talked to hundreds of people who don't even know about this, who have helicopters hovering over their house.
Here in Austin, government-owned Cessnas with ground-penetrating radar admittedly fly grid patterns over the city, looking right through our walls with the ground-penetrating radar.
Recording what's in your house, the details, the floor plan, the layout.
It's part of this big spatial network that Homeland Security already had set up under DARPA, but has now announced.
They've got digital photos of the front and back of all your houses.
They've got this all laid into computers.
And it happens to everybody.
This is part of the new free country, is helicopters and planes, and foreign aircraft, admittedly, just flying around.
And, you know, people mention foreign troops.
The BBC reported a few months ago
uh... several eastern bloc countries uh... ukraine uh... you name it uh... running checkpoints in in in in the northern scotland pulling families out of cars shoving men to the ground with guns in their heads that were panicked people freaking out we've had that happen here with foreign troops it's always a drill and we're sorry it's part of acclimation so when it really happens we hesitate and oh well that's happened before so your local police will hesitate and oh it's just a drill
You know, almost every town in the country's had drills where troops practiced taking over the city hall.
I mean, I've been to dozens of them right here in Texas.
Foreign troops, police chiefs admitting it.
Well, the check troops are here, and some police chiefs throw them out.
Well, they tried to bribe me.
That's a San Antonio police chief.
That's in Police State 2000.
But to say that they have the infrastructure or the people, let's take my website.
It gets, I don't know,
Five to ten million hits a month, you know, depending on what month it is.
PrisonPlanet.com gets the same.
Infowars.com does.
Millions of individual people.
I mean, do they have planes to all visit everybody that, you know, goes online or does something?
Again, that's part of the illusion.
The truth is, most of the troops, most of the military, most of the police are starting to wake up and are on our side.
Ninety-nine percent of them said no to the smallpox shot.
99 plus percent.
And major polls.
Now they had a major poll just came out where 91% of police are pro-Second Amendment.
But they're ordered to carry out these unconstitutional orders.
So my point is we shouldn't be afraid.
Yeah, they announce Echelon can listen to all of us and they're listening to all our phones and tracking us and doing all this.
Yeah, they have the power to do that, but they don't have the infrastructure or the people to follow it up or do something with it.
That's why the New York Times article I read in the first hour is so important.
Where, under the new national draft, to graduate from high school, or some will be paid, you will, a few hours a day, watch your computer screen that will feed you shots of power plants and schools and other things around the country, and if you see suspicious activity, you yell at them over loudspeakers.
This is the New York Times, getting us all involved in the tattletailing and the, you know, the telescreen that would shout orders at Winston.
He's walking down the street not doing something right.
What are you doing?
Are you a terrorist?
Are you suspicious?
Are you with Goldstein, which is Al-Qaeda?
Stand there!
We're going to have some guards come interview you.
I mean, it's literally that.
Rob, go ahead.
I'm going to be interviewing them, I hope to be.
They've got some things to answer, too.
I'm going to be watching them.
What's in your area?
Well, let me say this.
I'm in Mills, Wyoming, which is just on the northwest side of Casper, the biggest city in Wyoming.
I hope they do it again.
Digital, you know, movie camera now.
I'll just photograph it all and the relationship to the rest of the house and so on.
That way, I'm sick of these people denying that this is going on, or they'll even acknowledge it is, but it's perfectly understandable.
Let me ask you a question.
Oh yeah, you're crazy to ask.
Yeah, well, the sheriff's saying these masked men are coming through town, but don't worry about them.
It's okay.
I gave them permission to.
Well, let me ask you a question.
I've talked to former SWAT team people.
One of them works at the airport now.
He's a retired Vietnam veteran, sniper in Vietnam.
He was the head of the SWAT team.
I've talked to others.
Many times they would be told, go raid this house.
They'd bust in.
It'd be generally some old retiree.
There'd be four or five fish tanks and maybe some plants.
And they were using too much power about allowing them to bring a clone to term.
And then after that,
In the development for medical parts.
So I guess it's going to be like a Frank Herbert book where you've got these tanks with these humanoids growing in it.
I mean, I'm not saying that's what they're doing, but you just said they legalized that.
Oh, absolutely.
And it's very explicit.
They say that you can produce through cloning these human beings.
You can let them develop as embryos.
You can develop all the way through the field stage.
So women can be carrying these clones.
And then it says that you can
Kill them, abort them, take their parts, and it says, although it puts in place saying you can't actually make big profits off this, what it says you can do is get reasonable payment for doing this.
And it includes all the costs of storage, transplantation, implantation.
All sorts of things that there's no fixed framework for.
But what is this?
I mean, I've got an Associated Press article here where it has that quote you just gave from the law.
They're saying that they can bring it past birth?
What on earth does that mean?
That's a really good question because it says they not only can bring it through the fetal stage, that would by definition be all the way up to birth, but also through the newborn stage.
Now what does that mean?
I mean, if language means anything, a stage is a period of time
That's saying you can do this for a period of time, even after birth.
And what should give us real pause here?
This is in New Jersey.
That's the home of Princeton University.
And their most well-known bioethics person, Peter Singer, is advocating that we should be able to kill newborn babies
If they don't measure up.
You know, buds of other organs and grow those off the clones.
You know, I've read in the BBC where this is being proposed, they could grow humanoids larger in utero in cows and get more parts.
Hey, what's the big deal?
Maybe we can, you know, in the age of feeding irradiated beef to school children, let's just go light years past that.
Maybe we'll put humans on the store shelf.
Yeah, well see, exactly.
What this notion of even going past the newborn stage, what this should, the red flag this should raise for us.
Is that this isn't about any reasonable definitions of when you have a human being or not.
What this is really about is saying in the interest of doing whatever we want to do scientifically and economically, we're going to potentially run roughshod over any protections for
I don't know.
That they're saying, we're going to clone right through to birth and after.
That means they're going to do weird experiments.
And these people aren't going to have any rights.
They just decided they're not human beings.
They don't have a soul.
And we're going to kill them if we feel like it.
I mean, this is like the worst science fiction movie I could imagine.
And, you know, it's bad enough when it's in the womb.
I mean, that's, you know, but when people think of abortion, usually they just think of, oh, you know,
Very difficult and rough cases.
What we're talking about here is actually women being contracted for there to be lab experiments to clone these embryos, then women contracting to carry these fetuses in the womb.
These youngest of human beings are being intentionally created in order to be dismembered and the parts then used for experimentation.
And so when David Rockefeller or Bill Gates, and I'm saying this hypothetically,
Uh, you know, it's reasonable for their endowment to, you know, it costs five million dollars, but you can pay seven, and, uh, he gets his own little clone grown, and quietly gets his new replacement organs and new DNA, uh, uh, treatments, and it's just real, you know, and, uh...
Yeah, exactly.
And I'll tell you, doctor, this is all going to be legalized, it's all going to be done, because the elite wants it.
So how do we stop it?
What do we do?
How do we get the average ballgame fan, who doesn't even know what the Bill of Rights is, to care about this?
Right, exactly.
Well, I think that public awareness of the big issues involved here are absolutely key, because I think when it gets to the level of like this New Jersey bill,
It's presented to the legislature there as, you know, are you for or against scientific progress?
Well, I mean, that's silly.
You know, it's created here as a stereotype of either you're for economic well-being and scientific progress,
Or you're against it?
Well, that's not what this is about.
Well, that would be like Joseph Mingel saying, hey, so I'm sewing two Jewish children together.
What are you complaining about?
Are you against progress?
Right, exactly.
And the problem here is that there are some very exciting developments taking place in the whole biotech medical arena.
For example, as I was mentioning before, stem cell research for which cloning is, you know, they want to use it because then you can tailor stem cells to genetically match
Well, stem cell research is not an all-or-nothing sort of thing.
In much of what's going on in biotech research, you can achieve many, if not all, of the wonderful benefits that are out there, but you can either do it by cutting corners ethically
And creating tremendous risks to human beings and society in the process.
Or you can do it in an ethical way.
Well, I've read that... That's what we have to be standing up for.
Well, Doctor, I've read they can just suck your own fat out of you and it turns out, on average, to be better than baby parts.
Well, exactly.
And the counterpart to that in terms of stem cell research is that all of our bodies have supplies of stem cells in them.
And we can either get stem cells from
From already developed human bodies and get them just like, you know, blood donations.
Or, we can take human embryos and cut them up into their pieces.
Stay there, Doctor.
We'll be right back.
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Alright folks, coming up in the next segment, I'll get to all these callers that have been holding and a bunch of other news we haven't covered yet.
But right now we're talking to John F. Kilner, doctor, Ph.D., and we've got hyperlinks to all the news stories, Associated Press, you name it, where they just calmly announce, oh, there's a new cloning law in New Jersey passed.
Well, it says that they can, you know, have somebody grow a clone up to birth, and then after that do things with it.
So it's saying that they don't have any rights, that it's not a human, that they can... I mean, this is... I can't believe this, Doctor.
It's amazing how fast this has advanced, actually, and even just in the course of the last three or four years.
It's something that I think most people really don't realize.
I mean, it is absolutely essential that people get informed
Well, I think the term is, sleep at the wheel.
I mean, I'm mad at the American people, because, I mean, I'm not that smart, and I know what's going on.
They had a major study, 339 universities, and
What was it, 65% of the administrators and students didn't know what the First Amendment was?
I mean, I'm scared here because this is amazing.
I mean, we're just, we're going to take our very humanity and allow them to grow humans like tomatoes and then do whatever they want with them?
Right, exactly.
It's just amazing.
I mean, the significance of what we're talking about.
I mean, certainly there are a lot of issues that are out there that are important, but I think certain issues rise to the top.
In a certain period of time in history because you're you're making decisions that are going to chart the course that are going to affect the human race all the way indefinitely into the future.
And these bioethical questions are right there right now.
I mean it's going to be in the next few years that the course that we take on all of these issues that we're talking about right now and there are many right behind this wave of biotech issues is a whole nother
That's why we are working around the clock, full time here at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
One of our biggest efforts right now is to get this information out on our CBHD.org website, to get the information out.
Just to give you a sense of
The visibility, I mean, when you do an internet search on Google or Yahoo or whatever, there's like a million sites that come up related to bioethics.
But the CBHD.org site comes up on the first screen every time, and it's because we put a ton of information on there.
But that's where the battle is right now.
People have to get informed.
It's not that the information's not there.
We have to recognize that this is not science fiction.
It's not out there in the field.
And the ideas of Princeton that brought him there, of let's just kill babies after they're born, I mean, that seems to be what the establishment really wants, regardless of the ignorant public, when you ask them about this, is obviously against what they're doing, but still sees it as some type of science fiction.
I want to briefly go back over this new law.
Because that's so important.
Restate that for folks.
They're saying that they're not just going to clone humans, but that they're going to continue on with stuff after they're born.
Well, the New Jersey law says that you can produce clones at the egg and embryo stage, and then
They can continue to develop.
What they're doing is saying, okay, how long can they continue to develop and we can just kill them, cut them up, use them for body pieces before there's any problem with that?
And it says, well, that can continue on through the embryo stage, through the fetus stage, which goes all the way up till birth, and through the newborn stage.
Now, what does that mean?
The newborn stage?
Well, it's obvious.
You talk about stem cells and how you get it from fat tissue and how I've seen the studies that it even works better in many cases.
They want to use wombs.
They want to create clones.
I've read the studies.
They want to create larger artificial wombs out of fetuses and babies.
They want to create these big clusters where they can grow a hundred livers.
That, you know, on one clone.
They want to industrialize this.
This is totally sick.
Yeah, it really is commercializing human beings, commercializing the human body.
And that's just a direction that we should never go.
I mean, there's property, there's things that are subject to buying and selling.
And then there are certain things, human beings, that have a dignity unto themselves.
Well, that's it.
How could you work at one of these places with human beings around you in tanks?
Right, exactly.
I mean, it's just we're losing the distinction between people.
I think the term is we're going to hell in a handbasket.
CBHD.org, CBHD.org, link through at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Sir, I sure hope folks will go read your writing and your organization's writings, and I just want to thank you for coming on.
Happy to be with you.
I'm going to let you go, but when we get back I'm going to plug your book, okay?
Thanks for coming on, Doctor.
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I was kind of ranting over the doctor there at the end, trying to end that segment, and I appreciate Dr. John F. Kilner coming on.
You know, I read those news articles the last few days, mainstream news out of New Jersey.
It was, oh, there's a debate about it.
Some of the religious right doesn't like it, so it lets you grow the clone up and give birth to it, or grow it in a tank and then use it for body parts or keep it alive.
I mean, what's the big deal?
It's like you tell people that Dyncor got caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
Let's admit it!
They just go, huh, what's that?
You hear about Kobe Bryant?
That's really important.
Do you realize how evil this is?
Do you realize how out of control things are?
It is probably the end of the world.
I cannot imagine.
We have turned into just evil scum.
Lazy, stupid morons.
But what about the large portion of us that are good, decent, half-decent, I'm not perfect, people who just, my humanity, my soul screams when I look at this!
I'm sick of evil!
I'm tired of you people getting away with what they do!
I'm about to go to Warren and Joe and Carl and everybody, I promise, in just a few minutes.
I do want to plug Dr. John F. Kilner's books.
One of them is, uh, Does God Need Our Help?
Cloning, Assisted Suicide, and Other Challenges in Bioethics.
Cutting Edge Bioethics, a Christian Exploration of Technologies and Trends.
Who Lives?
Who Dies?
Ethical Criteria and Patient Selection.
This is some highbrow stuff, and he's a really smart guy, and a good guy, and a Christian, and I hope you'll support the, uh, CBHD.org.
You know, while we're sorting out the problems at my little studio in South Austin, I've been doing my show here at John Stattmiller's studio, and I'm very thankful for that.
They didn't ask me to do this, but I want to plug it.
They got some of the best shortwave radios, Sangean radios, cheaper than you'll find them at Radio Shack.
I bought two shortwave radios from John.
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It says, inhibits mold and bacteria growth, ionizes the air so that it does smoke particulates and oxidizes odors, will precipitate from the air, oxidizes hydrocarbons and organic and inorganic odors.
Why do you think it is that you hear that fresh air will kill bacteria?
Why do we get more colds and flus during the winter?
Because we're inside more.
We have the doors shut.
Why do you think a piece of steel out in a field will rust and rot from the oxygen?
It's powerful.
It's corrosive to microorganisms, folks.
Well, why do you think then that piece of steel won't rust in 50 years in your house?
Because there's not air, oxygen, running across it.
It's real simple.
And I have one of these in my house I got from John.
You need to have one.
There's one running right here in the room with me.
I mean, they got three of them running in this house, and they've got them from, from, uh, what?
$200 up to, you know, thousands of dollars that'll cover whole factories.
Hotels buy these.
It's a big deal.
And you need to give them a call.
You need to call, uh, here to the office, folks.
It is so, so incredibly important that folks call here to the office.
And there's several numbers here to CSIN.
I would ask Sandra, what number is best for me to give out?
Because I always use the local number here to call you guys.
I know there's the 877-605.
9200 number, and that's the number for the Aeronizer or the shortwave radios.
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So here's the number again.
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Get a free catalog or order an Aaronizer.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Warren in Colorado.
Warren, you get the prize for holding.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Okay, thanks.
I'd like to make a quick comment or a point on the 450 calves that are being eliminated in Washington, I guess it is.
The article I read was that it's actually the bull calves, the 450 bull calves that were being eliminated.
And that doesn't make sense at all because it's the heifer calves that the dairy farmers
Well, I have an AP article here.
Let me read it.
USDA to kill 450 calves in mad cow scare.
agriculture officials have decided to kill 450 calves in the Washington state herd.
That includes the offspring of the cow diagnosed with mad cow disease.
And it says also, DeHaven said USDA officials would visit Mexico to discuss that country's ban on American beef products.
Mexico was among more than 30 countries which halted U.S.
beef imports last month after scientists diagnosed the first case of mad cow disease in the U.S.
And it says the herd that is to be destroyed is one of three under quarantine in Washington because of ties to the infected cow, the six and a half year old Holstein dairy animal, that's the black and white cows,
The other herds include cows that have calves from the same Alberta farm as the sick one.
So it doesn't say here if it's male or female calves.
It just says it's the herd.
Yeah, on the Dish Network we get the Reuters News and it actually said bull calves.
I think I might call and see.
Well, that makes absolutely no sense.
If you're going to kill a herd, you kill all of them.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
That's the point.
I couldn't believe that I read just bull calves.
But there's a Montana cattle slaughterhouse that they slaughter 30 cattle a month and they supply it to local restaurants and so on.
And this guy got railroaded out by the USDA because he couldn't handle all the demand for his slaughterhouse.
Yeah, what happens is they target the small beef or poultry or pork producer that's doing a good job.
The regulators harass.
And I have friends that are involved in environmental groups, the good ones, that go out and look at these places.
They want you to come and look.
These organic farms are so much cleaner, so much better.
And they get harassed by the Agriculture Department, by the Food and Drug Administration.
But Tyson Chicken, at one plant in Arkansas, had over 1,300 violations.
And a plant down the street got shut down for two, buddy!
So you're making a great point.
You've got the nail on the head.
And I'll try to dig up that article on January 4th in the Denver Post.
Some gal did a really good job of reporting.
So they went after a good beef producer?
But they're going to feed irradiated, literally, rotten meat to your children.
They're going to irradiate it, and don't worry.
Oh yeah, what about the toxins from the bacteria, folks?
They're going to feed your children irradiated food.
Yeah, this ConAgra here in Colorado is unbelievable.
They've recently switched to Swiss foods, and you know,
You know, I studied business ethics, and I think it was a waste of time, you know, compared to what your guest did, bioethics.
Yeah, what do you think about them?
They're going to grow the clones up to full size, take them out of the womb, and then hook them up to stuff and grow a bunch of things on them.
How's that?
That sounds real nice.
Well, it's, you know, there's no soul there.
There's no, there's no, you know, it sounds nice, but
Believe me, they're probably going to do it for other reasons.
It sounds nice!
And we're going to clone humans and then use them for parts?
I mean, thanks for the call.
This is amazing.
Let's talk to Joe in New York.
Joe and then Carl.
Go ahead, Joe.
Joe, go ahead.
Do we have Joe there?
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
Alright, very good.
Are you aware that there was some U.S.
fighter jets following a commercial airline?
Just recently?
Yes, I was actually checking that online, and there have been over a dozen, about 13 different cases of them claiming terrorists were on planes.
No, no, no, no, Alex.
I know right now.
I know.
What I'm saying is that these have all been fake alerts in the past.
Okay, yeah, but they were saying that there was a possible terrorist suspect on a plane coming from France, that there was two fighter jets following the plane, and it was going to land in Ohio.
Then MSNBC retracted the information and they said something like, uh, the woman was taken off the plane before it took off.
She had like a leather jacket.
It was a motorcycle jacket with wires in it.
Listen to this, Alex.
They said it was a motorcycle jacket that you can plug into like your motorcycle to warm yourself while you're riding.
In other words, they took her off the plane because she had like wires in her leather jacket that was, I guess it was almost like one of those like electric blankets, but it was a leather riding jacket.
But she was pulled off the plane.
They retracted the whole story that there was a suspect on there, she was off the plane, and then guess what?
They put her on another flight to go somewhere else.
That's what I was saying to you up front, is they'll put a fake terror name into something, pull a five-year-old child off, and for two days announce we stopped the terrorists, and then there's a quiet retraction.
Okay, it wasn't true.
Yeah, right.
That's my point.
I mean, we never heard of... I heard you say that before.
You were making those comments before, yeah.
Yeah, so it's just total and complete fear-mongering.
Alright, here's the other thing.
I wanted to see if you thought this was a coincidence.
I took out a dollar bill the other day, and I'm looking on the back of it.
And it's kind of funny that it has an all-seeing eye and a pyramid.
Meantime, there's no... It's kind of funny it says New World Order under it, yeah.
Well, I got a lot of things... Don't cut me off here, because I want to make a few points.
Because last time I called up, I've been calling a few times, and you cut me short.
So I want to make a point here.
If you go to the back of a dollar bill, and if you can do this, Alex, if you have a one-dollar bill, it'll be pretty amazing, because I don't think you've ever seen this before.
You have one on you?
Sure, let me just say number one.
On average, I have callers on longer than other talk show hosts do.
And you already made a point, and I'm not fighting with you, but please don't imply that I'm cutting you short.
You're on the internet.
No, no, no.
Let me just finish up real quick.
Okay, well you're asking if I've got a dollar bill on me.
Yes, I have a dollar bill.
Alright, if you draw a line from the A in annuit, if you look on top it says annuit coeptis, and on the bottom it says novus ordo seclorum, which means announcing the birth of a new world order.
If you draw a line, a horizontal line from the A in annuit,
That's already on the dollar, and you look at all the points now... Yeah, and it makes the star of Solomon... No, Alex!
Alex, look!
Look at it!
You have the M in cyclorum, you have the A in annuit, you have the S in coeptis, you have the second O in ordo, and the N in novus, which spells Mason.
Perfectly, symmetrically, right in your face.
That is not a coincidence.
And then if you look right over the eagle, you have the same symbol.
Did you connect all the dots with all the little stars?
Yeah, I know.
It's all symbolism, and yes, I have seen that before.
Now, did you see where it spells Mason?
Uh, yes, sir.
I've seen this online before.
I've seen this pointed out.
And there's a little, also, uh, an owl on the front of the dollar bill.
Yeah, he's peeking up over the one dollar bill.
Alright, well, thanks for your time, Alex.
You have a great day.
Hey, I appreciate it.
Absolutely, sir.
No, it's not like the stuff in The Money's Hidden.
I mean, it says New World Order on the back with an all-seeing-eye pyramid, like Total Information Awareness Network.
I mean, it's New World Order, folks.
I've got hundreds of news articles with presidents and prime ministers and the pope and everybody calling for world government.
I mean, it's not like it's a conspiracy theory.
That's really going on.
You're absolutely right.
Let me just cover the article he mentioned.
Report, terror suspect landing at Cincinnati Airport.
There are reports of a fighter jet escorting a jet into Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport.
The plane is Delta Flight 043 and it left Paris at 11.20 AM.
And it says the flight is said to be of interest.
According to reports, a woman was removed from the flight before it took off from Paris, Charles de Gaulle International Airport, because she had an electronic device that was causing some suspicion.
The idiots had never seen a leather jacket you plug into the lighter.
They sell those everywhere.
The plane will be held in an area after, from the terminal when it lands, and then, uh, there's another article here posting, yeah, saying it was a false alarm.
So a flight from Paris is escorted by jets to land in Cincinnati.
So they get her off the plane, but just terrorists are everywhere, folks.
We're so lucky they're taking our rights away and arresting anyone that holds up a sign protesting Bush.
And the Justice Department is now charging people for protesting.
It's wonderful.
But the border's going to be wide open and everything's going to be happily ever after from there.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I'm glad to take your call, and I don't censor people.
If you actually time how long I keep a caller on, and how much they talk, because I've done this.
I've listened to my rebroadcast before, and I've sat there with a watch on my arm and watched it.
A caller usually gets to talk about two and a half minutes, and then I'll talk about two and a half minutes with them.
Because I like to talk, too.
You know, I like to jump in and add something.
And I can do like other talk show hosts, I can have you on about an average of 45 seconds.
That's about the average.
The consultants even tell you to do that.
45 seconds, maybe a minute, and they cut you right off.
Maybe we'll just start cutting folks off for about 45 seconds, and then they can complain that Alex cuts people off.
Because that's not what I do.
That's not what I do.
Let's go ahead.
It's a good point you made, sir.
Thanks for making that point.
Let's go ahead and
Talk to Carl in D.C.
and then Ed in Pennsylvania.
Carl, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Great, sir.
I just wanted to say greetings from the police state capitol.
I wanted to invite everybody down to see the capitol building and the White House before it's too late.
There's a seven or eight foot wall approximately around the capitol.
They've blocked off the White House in about a two block radius.
That's happened months and months.
And I've talked to family who's been in D.C.
If you try to videotape Lincoln, guards will run up and begin screaming at you.
Video cameras anywhere in the city, they freak out.
As if you're evil, you might be a terrorist.
As if terrorists couldn't get pictures of the monuments.
They're training us how to be slaves.
But it's for your safety, right?
But the border stays wide open.
Yeah, and you also got to be sure to sidestep the gray uniformed police that kind of look like something out of World War II Nazi Germany, but of course that's for your safety, too.
They're everywhere.
I mean, it is unbelievable how many... I could tell you from May of 2003 to current today, right now, eight months later, the number of police, it's increased by a factor of ten.
And they've always got to hire more, and then they've got to have more reasons to, you know, to arrest you for any reason.
Why, everything's terrorism now.
Isn't it great?
Don't you feel safe now?
The question is, what is it they have planned that's so horrible, they know we're going to resist?
See, why are they gearing up?
Well, okay, can I come back after the break?
Sure, sure, but I'm asking you, why do you think that?
Why do I think that?
To keep everybody under control, just like, uh,
Out to Germany.
Exactly, but why are they gearing up so quickly?
What fun do they have planned for us?
Think about that.
Think about that.
We'll put you on hold and I'll give you about 30 seconds on the other side.
Then I gotta go to Ed and a few others and a few final news stories.
Stay with us, folks.
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I guarantee you this folks, the more liberty you give up, I guarantee you, the more liberty you give up, the more tyranny you're going to be living under.
All right, let's let a couple callers finish real quick.
Go ahead, Carl and DC, and finish your point.
Okay, well, I just wanted to say that I found God, I guess, about a year ago, but I'm feeling really angry and depressed, and I guess you've never really gotten a call like this, but it's hard to be positive, hard to keep a positive
Frame of mind.
Hey, at least you have a mission.
At least you know the truth.
Imagine being back in darkness, not knowing what's going on, having the wool over your eyes.
Now you have a mission to warn others.
You know, it's depressing to pull up and see your house on fire, but you can stand there and be depressed.
You can run in and save your family.
So we're trying to save this country.
We've all got a job, and you won't be depressed once you take that anger and put it into taking action one day at a time, a little bit at a time, unlocking people's minds, standing up to this evil, and bringing these corrupt pieces of garbage to justice.
Roger that.
And you remind me of the judges in the Old Testament.
Once I read that, boy, that put a whole new outlook on things.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Let's let Ed in Pennsylvania be our tail gunner, because I've got a few final news articles here.
Go ahead, Ed.
Hi, Brother Alex.
I just wanted to call and say that, man, just read parts of the Bible that deal with faith, and that's all you can do, really.
I couldn't contact a lot of people from the public, and the people in the public in general.
I drove a young kid, about 15, the other kid was 16, I was taking them to a private military school, and I asked them what they learned in school, and they went through the whole thing, geometry, math, you know, science, everything, and all the subjects except for history.
I asked them, I said, don't you have history?
He says, oh no, that's an elective.
And I almost ran off the street.
I couldn't believe it.
Well, of course!
History is an elective.
It's absolutely amazing what they're teaching these kids.
And this is a private... I'm sure it's probably about maybe $15,000 a year to send these kids to this private military school.
It's a military school.
And they're not even teaching... It's an elective.
It's amazing.
I mean, I can't... I was a mandatory when I was going to school that you had to learn
And I guarantee you, if 10% of the parents of those children said, we want it to be mandatory, it would be.
Then the next step would be, make sure it's good history, not globalist garbage.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Good to hear from you.
We're almost out of time for this show.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central during the day as well.
And we'll let that caller go.
Thank you.
There is just so much I wanted to get to.
Again, Tony Blair, folks, got caught in a speech saying, weapons of mass destruction, and it's made headlines.
That little slip of the tongue.
There was a bunch of other news we didn't get to, but we had three great guests on, and I'll cover some of this news I didn't get to, like Rush Limbaugh now believes in conspiracy theories tomorrow, along with all the other news that would have stacked up by then.
We've got a lot of other great guests coming up this week and a lot of key info.
So you don't want to miss any of these shows.
Before I end this show, do you believe in what we're doing?
I want to wake folks up.
I want tools so you won't talk yourself blue in the face, waking people up.
You want results?
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil.
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Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order the videos.
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Videos are all excellent, $25.95.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
Don't wait.
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Stop sitting there and let the Globals take over.
These things work.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.
Now get out there and take on the New World Order.
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