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Name: 20040108_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 8, 2004
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're live.
It's already Thursday, the eighth day of the new year, January 8, 2004.
We have several very important and informative guests coming on the show today.
We have Brett Bursey coming on, fined for exercising his right to free speech.
They wanted six months in prison and a $5,000 fine.
John Ashcroft did.
He's the guy that
Stood in a crowd of hundreds of Bush supporters with signs saying they love Bush.
He had a sign saying no blood for oil.
Whether you agree with him or disagree, don't you think he has a First Amendment right to do that?
And they're arresting people all over the country.
If you won't go a mile away, a half mile away, a third of a mile away, five miles away in some cases, ten miles in some cases, to your warehouse or field with a fence around it for your protest with no media around, and if you try to go stand on the side of a public street with a sign, they'll arrest you under Secret Service orders.
The federal judge says this is totally American.
This is what America and Russia and China are all about.
So that's coming up.
Also in the third hour, Bob Chapman, who's done a lot of amazing predictions over the years on this show and this network, the international forecaster head, will be joining us to talk about the economy in the third hour.
And of course, the open borders and all the other key issues.
Big show lined up for you.
A ton of news here.
copter goes down in Iraq, killing nine.
reasserts right to declare citizens to be enemy combatants.
The New York Times, they don't care what the judge says.
Pentagon presses for U.S.
operation in Lebanon.
Oh yeah, I want to go ahead and start a war there.
IMF says rise in U.S.
debt is threat to world economy.
You should know you're behind it.
China announces second suspected SARS case.
Remember, it started last year with one case, then became a big hysteria here in the U.S.
We'll watch that.
And the Ledger did a good analysis of the legislation Bush is pushing.
Bush would give illegal workers broad new rights.
Yeah, no kidding.
Blair pledges to quit if proven to be a liar about the David Kelly affair.
Well, you are a liar, so how can we believe a liar that you'll quit if you're caught to be a liar?
You said you'd quit if weapons of mass destruction weren't found, you liar.
Again, you're just a little socialist minion.
That's why George Bush and the conservative neocons, who are conservative, love you so much.
You're so good.
You're Bill Clinton's big buddy, too, but oh, you really love Bush, don't you?
Democrats should love Bush in this country.
I mean, you want open borders, big government, gun control, loss of freedom, everything Bill Clinton tried, you're getting it.
So, if you get past the rhetoric, you NPR listeners out there should love George W.
And the scary news, U.S.
looking for dirty bombs in five cities.
Bioweapons experts still on high alert.
Use detectors hidden in briefcases.
Oh, they're trying to keep us safe.
Experts seeking dirty bombs will get into that.
Also expect Al Qaeda to attack regularly in 04.
That's what the U.S.
government's saying.
Ah, yes, for the election year, you can bet on it.
Also, judge lifts ban on Pentagon anthrax shots because they wouldn't approve it.
The FDA wouldn't approve it, so a judge said you can't keep giving this to the troops.
So the FDA said, OK, it's approved in about four days.
They've been giving it for 14 years, and they admit it's killed a bunch of people.
And so now it's back to giving the troops the shots.
That's a small percentage of the news that we'll be detailing after this quick break.
You do not want to miss this broadcast.
Please stay with us.
And we'll take calls in this first hour, early in the show, at 1-800-259-9231.
Infowars.com is the website.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Thanks for joining us.
This show is not about hypocrisy.
It's not about left and right.
It's about right and wrong.
We're not hypocrites here on this show.
Before I get into the U.S.
copter goes down and Iraq killing nine and tons of other very important news, I meant to get to this yesterday and I didn't so I'm going to cover it right now.
Now on Monday I was ranting and raving about the set, the Hollywood stage that the Crawford Ranch is just north of where I sit in Austin, Texas.
Bush goes out there and poses in a cowboy hat.
Oh, we can trust him.
He's a man of the earth.
He's a good Texan like John Wayne.
He's so wonderful.
That's the illusion we're given.
But there's other, you know, better examples.
The turkey that no one was allowed to eat that Bush brought out with all the fixings on it to show to the troops like he was bringing them food.
Or Bush landing on the aircraft carrier.
And then talking about what a great fighter jockey he is in the media.
What a man!
And the guy really went AWOL, but no real discussion of that.
Or going to St.
Louis and having Made in USA spray-painted on the boxes at the warehouse and Made in China taped over, which is a felony by the way.
You know, these are just some of the examples.
Going to Indiana and the Secret Service, ordering the entire crowd of thousands of people to take their ties off, and then if you refuse, they threaten to throw them out or arrest them because they wanted to, quote, give the image of the general public, working class folks.
I mean, that's the level of micromanagement and control.
And Bill Clinton did that stuff too.
Bill Clinton engaged in that as well.
It came out in the Oregonian and the Associated Press last year.
I remember the fires started right when Bush went out there to give a speech about how we've got to cut down more of the trees because the fires are causing a problem, all this dead wood.
And you know what?
That's true.
We have more forests now than we had 100 years ago, but the point is
That this was in the local papers.
Witnesses saw black helicopters flying around the day before he arrived in that morning, and that every time they'd take off, a fire would start.
About eight different fires started in one day, and so Bush stood there with flames behind him and smoke.
Now we can't say they did that, but the paper even said that locals believe they did.
But we know about all the other staged events.
There's hundreds of them.
I mean, we have a Pentagon that is openly planning false letters from troops from Iraq about how much they love the war.
And it comes out there staging that.
It's in the paper one or two days, and then nothing's ever done about it.
You know, the Jessica Lynch fable.
She admits it's a fable, the weapons of mass destruction, the fake Niger document, fake mobile weapons labs, twelve-year-old dossiers written by college students, Pal holding it up as the latest British intelligence.
They're lying to us, okay?
They admit they're lying to us.
Fake terror alerts, that's all been proven, that's all admitted, but put on the back burner.
So we know that they stage.
We know that it's an advertisement technique of propaganda.
It's a pitch, okay?
That's what's happening.
They're using high-tech advertisement techniques to sell us an image, to sell us an idea that they're our saviors, give our rights up, they'll keep us safe.
But the hypocrisy comes in here.
This is off Rush Limbaugh's website.
The making of the money shot.
And it says, did any of you wonder when you saw this photo of Howard Dean and Bill Bradley Tuesday in Iowa, how the diminutive Dr. Dean, who claims to be 5'8 and 3 quarters, appears the same size as 6'5 former NBA star?
We did too.
Well, the images below, grabbed from CNN's coverage, show us how that feat was pulled off with some skillful platform.
Click the panels for larger images and they've got a clip to provide and to see what's afoot.
They've got a video clip.
In the first frame, Bradley is speaking and you'll notice that he's standing on a platform while Dean watches far in the background.
When Bradley introduces Dean, they switch places.
Dean steps up and Bradley steps down.
A series of images show from behind how their position switch puts them at a relatively equal height.
Having duped their willing accomplices in the media, and they think all of us, you idiots, in America, they turn for the money shot and suddenly our vertically challenged Democrat frontrunner is as tall as the imposing looking as the former NBA superstar endorsing him.
And yes, this is how they stage things, but that's the oldest thing in the book.
We're politicians that aren't very tall to have a box because you'll have different speakers and the box will be there for the shortest speaker and an aide will slide that into place before the shorter person gets up there.
In fact, every time Bush is giving a speech!
And there's others who are going to give speeches.
I've seen this time and time again, just never even mentioned it.
This just goes without mentioning.
They have taller speakers up there.
Then an aide will walk up and say, the President of the United States.
And while he's doing that, when he steps back, an aide is leaning down.
You can watch a live speech and see this.
They will place a box into the area so that Bush will be above the microphones at the panel.
At the lectern.
I mean, I've gone and given speeches before, and they've had to adjust things, because I'm only 5'10", and they might have a speaker who's 5'5".
You've got to really adjust the podiums.
This is just standard.
It's no big deal.
It is stage-managed.
The way they did it was skillfully done, and it is made to make him look as tall as Bradley, because he was going to be standing next to him.
That's different than putting a box up to a high lectern.
Again, compared to Bush and the White House admits after they got caught, spray painting with a stencil, Made in USA in big letters over a bunch of boxes, haphazardly like it was real, and then down below, Made in China taped over?
That's a felony!
Ordering people to take their ties off?
I mean, how control freak is that?
I mean, this is amazing, folks.
I mean, I remember when Bill Clinton would go give a speech somewhere, they'd cut down a bunch of ancient trees behind him just so you could see the mountain view.
Bush does that, too.
But why would Rush Limbaugh sit there and make a big deal out of Howard Dean trying to look tall compared to people committing felonies?
Or handing out fake turkeys?
And I heard these very talk show hosts, these neocunts,
That don't care about open borders, that don't care about Bush planning to sign the assault weapons ban, that don't care about all the, you know, the sell-out of Taiwan to China.
They don't care about that.
They squealed when Hillary went to Afghanistan to present turkeys to the troops.
And of course it was a staged event.
Yes, it's obvious, but it was bad when she did it, and simultaneously, I heard it on one big national show in the same ten minutes, good when Bush does it.
I mean, this is ridiculous double-think and double-speak, and I'm sick of it.
So, Howard Dean is evil and duping the idiots and the willing accomplices in the media because he stood on a box.
But George Bush would never do such a thing out there at his ranch, which is a total and complete set.
Complete with old tractors, hay bales, all of it.
Out there cutting brush from time to time, riding vents.
You can just see him riding over the hill with Davy Crockett.
So we continue to just buy into all of this, and I for one am so tired of it, but this is a great example of the amazing level of hypocrisy.
Total and complete
Massive hypocrisy.
And the people listening to that show and going to that website won't even remember, won't even be aware.
And if you point it out to them, they'll say, shut up, communist!
I'm handing my guns in as a good conservative.
I'm so sick of you idiots.
I'm serious.
I mean, neocons, you're the scum of the earth.
You're the most mindless idiots.
And secondarily, there are the mindless, bug-eyed liberals.
The NPR listeners of this country.
You guys should love George Bush.
Open borders, gun control, selling out Taiwan, supercomputers to China, campaign finance reform, protecting Bill Clinton and blocking Dan Burton's Pardon Gate Commission.
I mean, if you, literally, if you like Bill Clinton's policies, then you should love George Bush.
But again, it's not about actions, is it?
It's about rhetoric.
If it was really about actions, conservatives, if you hated Bill Clinton, you should hate George Bush.
But see, it's not about reality, is it?
It's about perception.
It's high-tech advertisement spin.
And you're buying it hook, line, and sinker.
So what do you have to say about this?
And Limbaugh, you're now saying there's a conspiracy against you with the money laundering investigations and doctor shopping investigations.
And I'd have to agree.
I mean, yeah, you've got some liberals down there in Florida that don't like you.
And yeah, you're being persecuted with a law.
They're using the Patriot Act to get at your medical records.
They're using Section 3.
And it's wrong.
But, again, no, you're a conspiracy theorist, there's no such thing as conspiracies.
You fool.
So, just, uh, you know, just stay hopped up on your hillbilly heroin and talk about putting teenage kids in jail for smoking pot while you're hopped up on synthetic heroin, okay, boy?
While you're taking 100 pills a day.
It's just unbelievable.
I am, again, hypocrisy.
Total hypocrisy.
I am sick of it.
copter goes down in Iraq, killing nine.
A U.S.
Blackhawk medevac helicopter crashed Thursday near a stronghold of the anti-American insurgency, killing all nine soldiers aboard, U.S.
military said.
Also Thursday, a soldier died of injury suffered by a motor attack.
A day earlier, they wounded 33 other troops and a civilian west of Baghdad.
Hundreds of angry Iraqis, meanwhile, waited outside Baghdad's infamous Abu Ghraib prison for a much-publicized release of detainees that did not occur by late afternoon.
All right, I just got unbelievable news about they want to invade Lebanon now, their Pentagon wants that, and just the news is all very important.
I hope you'll stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, I'm going to your calls in the next segment.
Toll-free number to join us on air on this live Thursday edition of the show, 1-800-259-9231.
Another point of hypocrisy by the neocons.
I remember Bill Clinton having anti-Clinton protesters arrested out of crowds of Clinton worshippers.
And the neocons on talk radio would rant and rave and rail against it.
But now that Bush is systematically doing it on a greater scale, I've heard them on air defending it.
Basically, neocons defend Republicans for gun control, defend them for open borders, they defend sweatshops, they defend genetically engineered nightmare foods and animals.
Basically, their job is to sell you slavery, folks.
And the reason I talk so much about them is because conservatives, deep down, are the enemy of the New World Order.
But you've been compromised, you've been diverted, you've been pacified by these people.
And I say, you better wake up if you love this country.
Meanwhile, more troops are dying over in Iraq, which is just a tragedy.
But Bush says, bring them on.
Hey, he went AWOL, so it's easy for him to say, bring them on.
Him and the rest of his chicken hawks there, a bunch of draft dodgers like Clinton.
reasserts right to declare citizens to be enemy combatants.
The Bush administration on Wednesday asserted its broad authority to declare America's citizens to be enemy combatants, and it suggested that the Supreme Court consider two prominent cases at the same time.
And with this socialistic court, I mean, they'll probably authorize it, a lower federal court.
Well, the Second Circuit said that, no, you can't grab a citizen under Section 802, call them a terrorist, and they're never seen again.
The Justice Department, in a brief file with the court, said it would seek an expedited appeal of a federal appeals court decision last month in the case of Jose Padilla, jailed as an enemy combatant in 2002.
The divided appeals court of the Second Circuit in New York ruled on December 18th that President Bush lacked the authority to indefinitely detain an American citizen like Mr. Padilla, who was arrested on American soil simply by declaring him an enemy combatant.
Mr. Padilla has been held incommunicado as military brig in South Carolina.
And understand, folks, that they're using the whole Patriot Act against topless bars, against Rush Limbaugh, against county commissioners, against speeders.
They're using it all over the country thousands of times.
Thousands of folks.
How do I know that?
Because I'll hear some state attorney or some county attorney
In some article I've seen just dozens and dozens and dozens of these going, oh yeah, we've used it hundreds of times already.
The Justice Department, before Congress early last year, said, oh yeah, we're going to use it for all crimes against citizens.
Of course we'll use all our tools.
That was amazing, but they did that.
So, again, I mean, they're using it over and over again in small towns around this country.
The Justice Department is saying they're using it.
I've seen all these different U.S.
Attorneys and State Attorney Generals and District Attorneys in the cities and counties saying they're using it.
I see articles every day where they're using it.
And the most common thing is to charge a pot dealer or a cocaine dealer or some other drug dealer.
Uh, for distributing weapons of mass destruction.
I know that sounds crazy, that's what they're doing.
Uh, for selling drugs.
Now, possessing drugs are charging people with terrorism.
I hear it on the news all the time.
Uh, police charge man who attacked neighbor with knife with terrorism.
See, everything's terrorism now.
So they can grab you and take you away without a trial.
They're saying they want to put military on the streets and have the military run our lives and have NORTHCOM and Joint Task Force 6 run our lives.
This is not freedom, folks.
This is not freedom.
So we'll see what happens with that.
Pentagon presses U.S.
occupation in Lebanon.
The U.S.
Defense Department is said to be mulling a proposal to expand special operations forces and send them to destroy insurgency strongholds along the Lebanese-Syrian border.
Oh great, now we're going to attack other countries.
defense sources said the proposal is being examined by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.
They said the plan calls for a multi-pronged attack on insurgency strongholds such as countries as Lebanon and Somalia.
The Global War on Terror is continuing, and it will for the foreseeable future.
Rumsfeld, who did not cite future U.S.
counterinsurgency targets, said on Tuesday, as we prosecute the war, we'll need to continue to strengthen, improve, and transform our forces, modernize, restructure programs, and commands.
And by the way, they are not giving troops medals in Iraq.
I have the article here today.
They're giving all the troops a Global War on Terrorism medal.
Yes, everyone gets a black beret.
Everyone gets a medal.
They're handing them out like they did in World War II in Germany.
Iron crosses for all the cooks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright, folks.
We're about to get into IMF says rise in U.S.
debt is threat to world economy.
China announces second suspected case of SARS.
Bush would give illegal workers broad new rights.
That puts it lightly.
looking for dirty bombs in five U.S.
Oh, sure they are.
And a lot more.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead and take a call.
Let's talk to Shannon in Colorado.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, I am actually, this is the first time I've tuned in to your station, but I've also have experienced a lot of, I guess the Lord has kind of shown me a lot of
Stuff that, you know, the government is hiding, like mad cow disease.
We've experienced, actually, mad cow disease ourselves.
Through members of our family, and that kind of thing.
Oh, multiple members of your family?
How do you know that?
Well, we went to certain different people.
Like, for instance, I was wondering if you ever heard of the man named Dr. Overman?
No, I haven't.
No, you haven't?
Well, he's pretty much right up your alley.
I mean, you guys talk about the same things, but he was called into the whole medical field, you know, with naturopathic healing and stuff like that.
But he's actually cured lots of people with mad cow disease.
Oh, really?
Well, you know, I've had scientists and epidemiologists and all sorts of different doctors on years ago, and they were covering up Mad Cow.
Many of the Alzheimer's cases were caused by the CJD, by the Creutzfeldt-Jacobs disease.
Yeah, that was in 1987.
And now they do admit that a lot of the Alzheimer's cases are indeed C.G.A.D.
That's even been in, again, mainstream papers.
But this was all caused because they continued to feed rotten meat to cows.
And now they're going to come in with federal regulation and go after the good farmers and ranchers instead of simply enforcing the law and not allowing them to continue to feed all this horrible stuff to animals that aren't even meant to eat meat.
Yeah, and I was wondering, because obviously it's widespread, and it's kind of just been covered up, but I was wondering, when everything starts getting more severe, I mean, what do you think that the government is actually going to do with all of us?
Well, more severe?
What area?
Well, when we actually start seeing
The side effects more prevalent and stuff.
Well, we have seen the side effects more prevalent.
Alzheimer's is way up from the vaccines.
Autism is up by over two thousand percent.
That's right.
All this stuff, they just quietly misdiagnose it and the AMA says this is how you diagnose these symptoms and we'll just go about our business.
Yeah, but I was just thinking, you know, I was wondering if it was probably going to get worse and then we're going to see a lot more
Well, I don't know if it'll get worse.
If they'll just stop feeding rotten meat to cows and meat to cows and sheep and pigs and other animals, we won't have that problem.
And you think that the government will actually stop doing that kind of thing?
Oh, I see.
Yeah, thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you.
Okay, thank you.
You bet.
Good to have you there as a new listener.
Please spread the word about the show.
You know, I know we have loaded phones and we'll go to some of those calls here in a few minutes, but let me get back into the news for you.
IMF says rise in
debts is threat to world economy.
Now again, this is like a mafia chief, Al Capone, saying the mafia was a problem in the 20s and 30s in Chicago.
They run our Federal Reserve.
They set the policy on a global scale.
They are the private receivership arm of the big central banks of Europe and the private shareholders here in the U.S.
as well.
They have set up this implosion.
Joseph Stiklitz, two years ago, quit the IMF, went public.
Thousands of pages of documents were released.
The IMF did not deny their validity.
They said they were accurate.
They were copyright and shouldn't be released.
And the IMF described how they wanted to implode almost all the major economies in the Americas, in Asia, in Africa, drive down the currencies, and even do this to the U.S.
Cause riots and then use martial law under a civil emergency to set up dictatorships.
And then here we are years later as it begins to happen and they're there posing as our saviors.
With its rising budget deficit and ballooning trade imbalance, the United States is running up a foreign debt of such record-breaking proportions that it threatens the financial stability of the global economy, according to a report released Wednesday by the International Monetary Fund.
And they go into the plunging dollar that's now down by over 40%.
Prepared by a team of IMF economists, the report sounded a loud alarm about the shaky financial foundation of the United States,
Questioning the wisdom of the Bush administration's tax cuts, and warning that large budget deficits pose significant risk, not just for the United States, but for the rest of the world.
Now, this is more of this good cop, bad cop business.
The OECD, another globalist body that's chaired by the same people that run the IMF, World Bank, UN, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, it's just a handful of people,
They have come out and they've called it tax havens.
They've said that America's average tax of about 50% is not high enough that the world average tax should be the French model of 87%.
These are official IMF, World Bank, OECD documents.
And they are pressuring all their member countries to raise taxes.
And so they will then come into the U.S.
and say, oh, see, you're causing all these problems because you have such a big deficit because you cut taxes.
It isn't because they cut taxes a little bit that we have the deficit.
It's because the Federal Reserve System that is a unit of the International Monetary Fund and World Bank System creates a dollar of debt every time a dollar is created.
It's designed to cause implosions.
And we have the IMF's own internal documents on this.
So I just wanted folks to be aware of that.
China announces second suspected SARS case.
We'll cover this and I'll go to your calls.
China announces second suspected SARS case.
A waitress in a hospital in China's southern city of Guangzhou was today declared the country's second suspected SARS case of the season.
The government announced.
Well, how could she get it if somebody else didn't have it?
The one-sentence announcement gave no other details, but earlier reports of the 20-year-old woman worked in a restaurant in Gooms Hoo, which served wild game.
The woman, whose name was not released, went to a hospital on December 31st with a fever, according to reports.
She was isolated after tests showed possible inflammation in her lungs.
I don't even know if this is SARS, folks.
And now there's a 32-year-old television producer, was admitted in hospital in the southern city on December 20th, and Chinese and international experts spent weeks testing samples before declaring that he was confirmed to have severe acute respiratory syndrome or SARS.
So, they're confirming that, but can you believe anything the communist Chinese say?
And these different outbreaks are great diversions for governments, our government, their government.
Mark, who's up first here?
Joe in New York, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Fine, go ahead.
Over the holidays, I was watching a news station, and I heard about a hangover pill released by the FDA called RU21.
And then I said to myself, boy, that sounds sort of familiar.
And then I remembered the abortion pill called RU486.
And I started thinking to myself, okay, how does that make sense logically?
RU21, you know, as far as the hangover pill, RU21 to drink, and the abortion pill RU486.
And what do you do when you throw something out, Alex?
You 86 it.
So RU486 is the abortion pill name.
I thought that was kind of like a little sick.
You know, and they spend sometimes millions of dollars.
I saw a report where they spent like five million dollars with three different ad agencies to come up with a name.
I believe it was Nexium.
A little purple pill just to come up with that term.
I believe it was Nexium.
That was a few years ago.
But, this is just another example, and I don't, what you're saying sounds valid, the globalists love to have stuff hidden in plain view, we know they pore over what to name something, and it sounds very valid, yes.
I mean, I mean, how valid can it be?
RU21 is a hangover pill.
Makes sense to me.
And RU486 is like, you might as well put a question mark after that.
I did hear about that hangover pill.
No telling what it does to your brain.
You know, I heard the real hangover pill is drinking a couple glasses of water that evening.
But no, we'll just take some toxic pill.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
So you heard of the abortion pill though, RU486?
Of course.
Yeah, it's killing a bunch of people.
Yeah, okay.
So I just wanted to make that comment.
And when are you going to be making your videos on DVD, all of them?
You know, we're still doing it in VHS because despite the fact they're trying to phase out VHS,
Still, there are three times as many VHS players in the country.
About half my listeners don't have DVD players, and it's easier for people to make copies, VHS to VHS.
So to get the word out, I still have them in VHS.
But I am planning, in the future sometime, to come out with DVDs with all the films.
But right now, the only DVD I've got is 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
That makes sense.
Alright, great work Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
Okay Joe, thanks for your call.
Who's up next now?
Danny in Tennessee, go ahead.
Good to talk to you Danny.
Hey Alex.
I love you, love your show.
I've called you a couple times in the past.
I used a different name.
My real name's Robert, but Danny is my nickname.
That's fine, sir.
Go ahead.
I just woke up a little while ago, but anyway... Okay, that's fine, too.
Go ahead.
I want to go ahead and get to the point.
My dad had just left recently to go get a bite to eat or something.
He was telling me before he left that... He's like, you know, did you read the newspaper today?
I was like, no.
And he's like, you know...
I was like, why?
And he told me that Bush is trying to give illegal immigrants amnesty or something like that?
Well, you've got to learn the doublespeak.
He's reforming it.
It's not amnesty, but anyone who's here will be legal.
Anyone that can get here in perpetuity is legal.
In the past, but let's go along with the lie, it's not amnesty, it's just total legalization.
Yeah, exactly.
In the past, they would only legalize who was here.
5 million, 10 million here or there, 3 million here or there.
In perpetuity, anybody that ever gets here, anybody that's here, is totally legal and gets benefits!
Well, my dad's a big fan of your show, too, and he's the one that kind of turned me on to you, and then we bought a couple of your videos and gave them out to friends and stuff.
Well, I appreciate you doing that, my friend.
I just wanted another comment.
I used to work at this television show.
I don't know if I should say the name, because it might give them a bad name, but... You can say the name of anything you want, sir.
It's called the First Amendment.
Well, that's what I'm about to get to.
Okay, a friend of mine I work with, I used to roommate with him, but I moved out because he was just complete...
I don't know, it's, I guess, jerk, maybe.
Okay, fine, go ahead.
And I brought up a couple points, you know, I was like, yeah, you should really listen to this guy on the radio.
He's like, well, radio shows are blah, blah, blah, and trying to talk bad about you or something, trying to just say that you tell lies and all that.
And I was like, you know, no, he makes complete sense to me.
I'm, I think, outside the box, you know.
And I guess he's just brainwashed or something.
I tried to tell them about Pearl Harbor and how the president knew about it like two weeks in advance and he's like, no they didn't know that.
Well that document is declassified in public now.
Yeah, and everybody at the work thought I was crazy or some terrorist.
They labeled me anti-American just because I believe the president's not a good person and the government can't be trusted, you know, and I thought that was
It made me really mad because I mean... So I guess all the Founding Fathers are terrorists because they said don't trust the government.
Yeah, exactly.
And I just, it makes me so mad that they label me as anti-American just because I have, you know, I speak out against what the media says, you know.
As you say, the media of deception, you know.
I mean, you can't really believe anything they say and it just cracks me up because these people are just
They don't want to believe it.
They're in denial.
Well, it's not just don't believe what they say.
A lot of it's true.
But it's spun, or they lie by omission.
There's a lot of different sophisticated propaganda techniques they use.
They use very simple techniques.
They use very complex techniques.
That's what makes it so complex is that they have different propaganda for different levels of the public within the same newscast.
There's multivariate, multifaceted algorithms of classical propaganda with high-tech semantical distortions that is very, very serious.
Yeah, and just one more thing.
My mom's a big fan of CSI, Crime Scene Investigation, and all this.
And on there, a couple times I watched it with her, they actually talk about Big Brother, like, you know, think the Big Brother, blah, blah, blah, you know?
Oh, no, that's the thing.
In the news, on the sitcoms, in the dramas, Big Brother's now a good thing.
Yeah, exactly.
I see headlines every week that say, Big Brother helping.
Big Brother wasn't so bad after all.
Torture wasn't so bad after all.
Secret Arrest was good.
Yeah, I mean, they just openly talk about Big Brother like it's the best thing in the world, you know, and I'm like, no.
See, now you're crazy because you don't like Big Brother.
See, that's un-American, too.
Well, thanks for listening to me, Alex.
You have a nice day.
I'm going to go ahead and let you go so you can get to your other callers, alright?
Hey, I really appreciate your call.
I sounded a little irritated with you.
I have a bad headache today.
I really have headaches.
I've got a splitting headache if I sound a little grumpy here.
Maybe it'll go away if I eat something.
We'll come back and go to more calls and we've got two guests coming up after that and we'll take calls for those guests as well.
I've gotten through about a half inch of the news and this stack is about four inches thick.
It's just to give you an idea of what's here.
Bush will give illegal workers broad new rights.
Blair pledges to quit of proving a liar.
You've already been proven a liar.
looking for dirty bombs in five cities.
I'll get to that next.
Also, expert Al-Qaeda to attack regularly in 04.
Lots of that on the forecast.
When you hear Al-Qaeda, that means CIA.
Judge lifts ban on Pentagon anthrax shots.
Devour unique Russian UFOs.
This is a mainstream news article about the U.S.
and Russian government building a drone factory together.
And then when folks ask what they are, they just say they're UFOs.
Also, State Department worker found dead outside agency.
Cannibal reveals meat.
Maneater network.
It's all coming up.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
You see, the advertisement pitch they're selling you is perceived, massive, sustained terrorist threat.
That's why long before 9-11 they had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, probably in the thousands, of anti-terror drills, decontamination drills, nuclear spill drills,
Attacks on school drills.
They had those before Columbine, with the Secret Service and FBI involved.
And FEMA, by the way, that's in my film, Police State to the Takeover.
Notice FEMA has a program to stop mass shootings, and then suddenly, of course, you have the big mass shooting, and then all the foul play there by the federal government.
But, it creates the perception that we're all about to be attacked by terrorists any second.
And here's the Toronto Star.
And again, it's admitted.
The terror alerts to Germany, the terror alerts to France, the terror alerts to Nevada were false, and German intelligence says they believe the CIA was planting false stories for a political diversion.
Well, FBI and CIA agents went public last year in ABC News, Associated Press, Capitol Hill, Bloomberg, the story that we've been ordered to issue fake terror alerts to quote, create hysteria.
I'm not saying the Globals aren't going to blow something up, but in between those attacks they launch, they want to keep the fear going, and so when they have a terror drill in many cities, like Top Off 1, Top Off 2, that were nationwide, and folks living in Denver know about this, they really did it big time in your city, twice.
They will quietly announce a month before, we're going to have a drill.
Then, they'll have the drill and not tell people it's a drill for about 8-10 hours.
Then, late at night, they'll say, okay, it was just a drill.
Meanwhile, folks are wondering why black helicopters and troops are driving around and why the police are out, you know, practicing shutting down roads.
And I've had city council folks on from Denver, I've had them on from Austin, I've interviewed people all over the country where they have these fake terror attacks then later admit, oh it was just a drill.
This is to create that perception.
looking for dirty bomb in five cities.
Bioweapons experts still on high alert.
This is out of the Toronto Star, while huge New York Eve celebrations and college football bowl games.
The U.S.
government last month dispatched scores of casualties, excuse me, casually dressed nuclear scientists with sophisticated radiation detention equipment hidden in briefcases and golf bags to scour five major cities for radiological or dirty bombs, according to officials involved in the emergency effort.
The call up of Department of Energy radiation experts to Washington, New York, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and Baltimore was the first since the weeks after September 11th.
Terror attacks, it was conducted in secrecy in contrast to the very public cancellation of 15 commercial flights into the United States from France, Britain, and Mexico over the holidays.
Because, see, you have the overt
Fake terror alerts.
But the real action is in the red alert that all major cities have been under since 9-11.
And they call the cops in and give them classified briefings and have a nuclear scientist walk out and scare them.
And, man, you got to do what we say and not tell anybody.
And once we go under a big terror attack, which is going to happen,
You're going to be instantly federalized, and don't worry, you'll get a supplemental paycheck.
How does that sound?
You're now secret agents.
Here's your decoder ring, basically.
You're in the treehouse club now.
You're cool.
You're in.
You're secret agents, okay?
Watch everyone, trust no one, unless they're wearing a black helmet and a black ski mask.
That's basically what it comes down to when they drill with these special encoded ID badges at the police and folks have been given that they carry around their glove compartments and keep real quiet about so during an emergency they can get through roadblocks and be little dutiful federal slaves.
We'll come back and go to Mike in Kentucky and then we'll get our first guest on talking about the end of the First Amendment and a lot more so stay with me.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now into the second hour of this global transmission.
We've got a guest coming on, Brett Bursey.
Convicted for standing in a crowd of bush worshippers with a sign saying no blood for oil.
Secret Service said arrest anyone with signs that don't agree with the president.
This is the police admitting this.
They arrested him and he was found guilty two days ago.
We've been talking a lot about this because it's a very dangerous precedent.
But I guess in Russia they had a good idea of arresting folks that didn't agree with
Yeah, I heard you click me over and I just realized I had a radio way in the background.
I went to the other room and turned it down because I heard it started echoing.
A lot of people don't realize that.
Okay, but what's on your mind, sir?
You know, you're talking about the First Amendment being in jeopardy.
I just discovered something in our hometown.
The local newspaper did not buy what should be their obvious webpage name for their newspaper, and so there's somebody else out there that has bought it and put up a message board.
And I think I know who it is, but I know you can buy webpages kind of anonymously, like if you use a credit card that's not in your name or whatever.
So, that's causing some trouble around here, and I think it's probably a good idea if people just use their heads a little bit and then go search to see, like our newspapers trying to act, I guess, a little bit big for its britches, and they have a webpage that implies that they're bigger, and you know, they print newspapers for other towns and stuff.
So, the local webpage is called moorheadnews.com and it's not associated with the newspaper at all and it's a pretty neat open forum for people to talk about local stuff that the
The newspaper is totally ignoring, or if you send them an editorial and they won't print it, then there's another outlet.
So that's what some people might consider with these.
And there's nothing the newspaper can do.
I mean, if it's the name of the town... It's not copyrighted.
The town, even though it's incorporated, I guess they didn't copyright the name Moorhead.
There's lots of jokes about it.
Well, you can't copyright the word milk either.
You can't copyright the word Austin or Detroit or Michigan for that matter, though they've been trying.
But yeah, that's a creative thing.
If there's a newspaper you don't like in your area, get a name very similar to it, put up your own newspaper where you just put your comments, your own blog.
Your own, you know, weekly or daily info, put a message board up and it will drive the local constabulary nuts.
They can't stand the little people being able to interact other than in their system.
Well, another thing that I just realized, because I found out now, the government has huge storage capacity in computer mediums.
I mean, back when, before the CD-ROM came out, they were using LaserDisc ROM.
Which has, I don't know how many times, what a CD-ROM has, and as far as I know, they're still using it, but they've got lots of other technology that we don't have.
Now, I just found out, you go to a large photo processing place that takes two or three days to get back, you know, like, well, the unnamed big department store, vacuum cleaner as I like to call it, your pictures, your photographs,
are in interstate commerce because chances are they're sent out of state to a massive photo processing center and so they are probably being scanned in for facial recognition or whatever and put in large databases and of course because it's interstate commerce the federal government can do it more than likely I didn't realize that they were being sent that far to go to drop them off.
No telling what's really going on.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
We're going to come back and go to our guest
Believe me, you want to hear about this.
This is a big, big deal for America.
It is totally un-American what these courts are doing.
We'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight.
We do this show live, folks.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Coming up, after some calls, we're going to have Brett Bursey on the show.
And I interviewed a conservative writer, James Bovard, on Monday.
Excuse me, on Tuesday covering this issue and then later that day the federal court ruled...
Quarantining dissent, how the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech.
James Bovard wrote this article.
When President Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up free speech zones, or protests, where people opposed to Bush policies are quarantined.
These zones routinely succeed in keeping protesters out of presidential sight and around the view
Outside the view of media covering the event, when Bush went to Pittsburgh area in Labor Day 2002, 65-year-old retired steel worker Bill Neal was there to greet him with a sign proclaiming, the Bush family must surely love the poor, they made so many of us.
The local police at the Secret Service's behest set up a designated free speech zone on a baseball field surrounded by a chain link fence a third of a mile from the location of Bush's speech.
The Bush
Oh yes, very American.
Neil later commented, as far as I'm concerned, the whole country is a free speech zone.
If the Bush administration has its way, anyone who criticizes them will be out of sight and out of mind.
At Neil's trial, police detective John Inochone testified that the Secret Service told local police to confine people that were making a statement pretty much against the president and his views.
That's a quote in a so-called free speech area.
Paul Wolf, one of the top officials in the county police department, told Salon that the Secret Service had come in and do a site survey and say, quote, here's a place where the people can be and we'd like to have any protesters put in a place that is able to be secured.
Basically a little prison with a fence around you.
Some cases they put them in warehouses, folks.
You can protest in a warehouse a mile away.
Pennsylvania District Judge Shirley Rove threw Kula throughout the disorderly conduct charge against Neal Darling.
I believe this is America.
Whatever happened to, I don't agree with you, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it, the judge said.
Similar suppressions have occurred during Bush's visits to Florida.
A recent St.
Petersburg Times editorial noted at a Bush rally at the Legends Field in 2001, three demonstrators, two of whom were grandmothers, were arrested for holding up small handwritten protest signs outside the designated zone.
At last year, seven protesters were arrested when Bush came to a rally at the USF Sun Dome.
They had refused to be cordoned off into a protest zone hundreds of yards from the entrance of the dome.
One of the arrested protesters was a 62-year-old man holding up a sign, War is Good for Business, Invest Your Sons.
The seven were charged with trespassing, obstructing without violence and disorderly conduct.
Now folks, why do they do this?
Bush lost, the state lost, a bunch of lawsuits.
Three separate class action suits of groups that sued back in 98 here in Texas.
And I've talked about this, but it's a big deal, folks.
Why do they do this?
Well, you notice whenever you see Bush go anywhere, you just see cheering people.
And you see that because they arrest people who will try to stand in a crowd on a public street worshipping Bush.
They can do it, but if you are against Bush, you can't.
Police have repressed protesters during several Bush visits to St.
Louis area as well.
When Bush visited January 22nd, 150 people carrying signs were shunted far away from the main action and effectively quarantined.
Denise Lieberman of the American Civil Liberties Union of Eastern Missouri commented no one could see them from the street.
In addition, the media were not allowed to talk to them.
The police would not allow any media inside the protest area and wouldn't allow any of the protesters out of the protest zone to talk to the media.
When Bush stopped by at a Boeing plant to talk to workers, it says, uh, Christina Maines and her five-year-old daughter disobeyed orders to move to a small protest area.
Far from the action, police arrested Maines and took her and her crying daughter away in separate squad cars to Justice Department.
Again, the Justice Department is now prosecuting Brett Berzy,
who was arrested for holding a no-war-for-oil sign at a Bush visit to Columbus, South Carolina.
Local police, acting under Secret Service orders, established a free speech zone half a mile from where Bush would speak.
Berzy was standing amid hundreds of people carrying signs praising the president.
Police told Berzy to remove himself to a free speech zone.
Berzy refused and was arrested.
Berzy said that he asked the police officer
It was the content of my sign, and he said, yes sir, it's the content of your sign, that's the problem.
Berzy stated that he had already moved 200 yards from where Bush was supposed to speak.
Berzy later complained the problem was the restricted area kept moving.
It was wherever I happened to be standing.
Berzey was charged with trespassing.
Five months later the charge was dropped because of South Carolina law prohibits arresting people for trespassing on public property.
But the Justice Department, in the person of U.S.
Attorney Strom Thurmond Jr., quickly jumped in charging Berzey.
With violating a rarely enforced federal law regarding entering a restricted area around the President of the United States.
If convicted, Berzy faces a six-month trip up the river and a $5,000 fine.
Federal Magistrate Bristow Marchette denied Berzy's request for a jury trial.
Another little caveat.
I thought we got those.
Because his violation is categorized as a petty offense.
I love this stuff.
They got laws all over the country where they take your house.
If you leave town, your 20-year-old son has a beer party.
They got several cities in New Mexico do this.
And then they come in and take your house and you can't have a trial because, well, it's a city ordinance, but the ordinance says they take your house, but you don't get a trial.
Some observers believe that the feds are seeking to set a precedent
In a conservative state, you mean a neocon area, such as South Carolina, that could then be used against protesters nationwide.
So understand folks, you don't get a jury trial.
He was facing six months in federal prison and a $5,000 fine.
The Constitution says, what, if the offense is above $20,
You get a jury trial, but the feds, the judges say, no, no, six months in federal prison and a $5,000 fine.
That's petty.
You don't get a trial.
You starting to get it?
Oh, we take your house, but you can't have a trial because you can't have a jury trial because it's a, it's a city ordinance.
Oh, we're fining you $2,000 a day for having three inch grass in your yard as they do all over the country with federal zoning that's been passed locally.
Federally packaged and pushed stuff that's been passed locally and I've done dozens of stories dozens and dozens here on the show just in Austin I've done several TV shows about it where you go out and show three-inch grass it's always some old person they got a database at one of the hospitals we know of where they kind of send a letter off to the IRS and the local city hey this old person just had a heart attack
The hospital doesn't even know why they're told to do this, but they send it off, and then suddenly you start, you get a health department visit and start getting these $2,000 a day fines for weeds, rubbish, or other questionable, objectionable material, and then after a couple of weeks you've got tens of thousands of dollars built up.
One guy, Roland Ellingston, in two weeks had $14,000 plus.
They were preparing to take his home.
He went on my TV show.
The next day, a SWAT team came, knocked on the door, arrested him, and said he was drunk.
They knock on your door, you come to the door, they arrest you and take you to jail.
That's the freedom.
And we have all that on video that we've aired many times.
Here locally.
And they said, you can't have a jury trial because, well, because it's a city ordinance.
But we're going to take your house.
So a good police officer called me and said, have you seen Jackie Goodman's house?
She owns two of them in a middle class neighborhood.
And they're both got tarps on the roofs, water, tall weeds.
I go out to the house where the police officer told me it was Jackie Goodman's house indeed.
And there was the blue tarp on the roof.
There were, I'm not kidding, four, five foot tall weeds in a neighborhood with manicured lawns, fountains in the front yards, you name it.
I put that on TV and said, Jackie Goodman, you don't let the city council take this old World War II vet's house.
And guess what happened?
They backed off and dropped the charges.
By the way, he lived on a corner lot.
He had two houses front to back.
He built on a corner lot with houses that are going for $400,000 a piece.
A corner lot.
What is it on?
West 37th Street.
And you notice I go from talking about getting rid of free speech, and then I migrate
Over into just this little tidbit.
See, when I read an article, I understand the full system of what they're doing.
So I see these little tidbits of, oh, you don't get a trial.
You're just facing six months in prison and a $5,000 fine because you stood amongst a bunch of people with ProBush signs on a public street.
Yours said no blood for oil.
So, you don't get a jury trial because it's a petty offense.
Oh, we're taking your house but you can't have a jury trial because it's a petty offense.
And if we didn't have our little cable access show, which they're shutting down all over the country too, we couldn't have shown that city council member and the hypocrisy.
I also went to government buildings and showed foot-tall grass and
And trash on the ground.
And then I went to his house and showed nothing on the ground.
He'd done nothing.
He had three inch grass and English ivy, which they demanded he cut.
On his private property.
They wanted a house.
Two houses.
Again, houses were selling down even more.
$400,000 a piece on that street.
He had two of them.
But he didn't have the money as a retiree to pay the $14,000 fine.
They wanted his house because they're filled.
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You know, I was just told that InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are down right now because we
We've already overdone our month of bandwidth on our huge servers for the month of January, so we're having to expand right now.
And last hour, I didn't even plug my videos or books.
That's how you support us.
It's expensive to have eight plus million people, individual folks, visiting our websites each month, and that's growing.
We try to put free video clips up there, and audio files,
Everything else, I hope folks will support us or we'll have to restrict how many audio and video files we have or something.
So go to InfoWars.com and buy some of the videos and books.
It's great stuff to begin with.
I tell you to make copies of my videos and spread the word.
I don't know what more you need.
What we need is your support, though, folks.
Let's... Growing Pains.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Brock in Canada, then Joe in Illinois and others.
Go ahead, Brock.
Hello, Alex.
I'd like to mention about the circumvention of the First Amendment.
If you're a life insurance firm, I understand that you can't mention that homosexuals, the average age is 37, because that's politically incorrect.
Well, yeah, they can
They can charge you a higher rate if you're a black male because you have a better chance of being shot and killed or dying in prison or because of diabetes and certain other diseases.
They have a lower standard lifespan and that's sad but that's a fact.
So black males get charged more because it goes into the index.
Somebody who has hereditary problems that have been announced, they get charged more.
Every group
gets charged accordingly except for homosexual males who have an average lifespan of 36 years, the lowest lifespan in the United States.
And my point is, I'm saying they should be able to get insurance, and I'm not saying discriminate against them.
This is discrimination against everybody else.
We've got to ask ourselves, why is that?
Yeah, that's another attack of the First Amendment, I suppose.
But I was going to ask, is the mad cow scare a big scam?
They've been feeding rotten meat to animals that shouldn't eat meat for decades.
And a lot of the Alzheimer's cases, it's now admitted, are really mad cow and humans.
And it is affecting tens of thousands of people all over the Western world.
I mean, compared to automobile accidents and deaths or, you know, stuff like that, or cancer or heart attacks, it's low on the scale.
Compared to vaccine damage of children,
It's low on the scale, but it is a problem and they can just stop feeding the cows rotten meat and meat period and it'll go away.
So why don't they?
They're not going to stop that, they're just going to regulate all the farms and ranches more and bring in federal control.
And so that's why they're deciding now to announce that Mad Cow is real, when they've been covering it up for decades.
Now they've got the implantable chips ready, they're saying that's going to be the law.
Now they've got the Homeland Security Infrastructure Protection Act in, which already announced before the Mad Cow announcement, they were going to track all the food production.
Then there'll be scares in restaurants, well you gotta have your national ID card, security coding to have that job.
I've seen Rich say this, oh there's been an attack at a factory, now factory workers have to wear this RFID badge.
You see, every industry, every sector will have its own crisis and federal control is the answer.
How soon do you see this happening, within two years?
It's all, most of it's already happening and being put in place, and yeah, within a year, all the cows are going to have to have microchips in them, RFID, the FDA and agriculture are already doing that.
It's all coming down right now.
And when do you think the end of the First Amendment's here?
It's been eroded.
Well, in Canada, you know, they'll arrest you if you say you don't like the government in many cases.
They'll say it's code word for anti-Semitism.
Your customs doesn't let a lot of stuff in.
I mean, I think a pocket constitution would scare them.
Down here, they're trying to pass hate speech and thought crime laws and just trying to use political correctness or peer pressure to make people not engage in free speech.
But this is the end of the First Amendment.
They found this guy guilty.
Uh, who was standing in a crowd of Bush supporters on a public street with a sign that said no blood for oil.
And the cops told him.
And the cops have testified that yeah, the Secret Service said no signs that don't like Bush on the street.
So that's the end of the First Amendment right there, buddy.
Yeah, it's terrible.
I just think that the world's gotta rise up and really hammer these yahoos for doing this.
The Founding Fathers, when they put the First Amendment together,
Their color of thought was not to have protest-free zones.
That's it, my friend.
Great points.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I hope everybody understands what's happening.
Bill Clinton tried having protesters arrested, harassed by the Secret Service.
They'll do whatever they're told.
They had folks detained in many cases.
But the courts would say, no Bill Clinton, you can't do that.
And the Rush Limbaugh's of the world would decry it.
But Bush systematically, openly has the Secret Service do it, and now city and county and state governments are trying it.
This is a trend to set up three speed zones a half mile, a mile away, in a warehouse, and then the people that support government are all surrounding the emperor with their signs.
That's ridiculous, folks!
That is totally un-American.
I don't have words to describe how bad this is.
But yesterday I got into the human cloning and the day before that we had a guest on, a doctor from one of the big bioethics organizations going over this and we read the Associated Press and we read the different news articles about it where they have legalized in New Jersey cloning a human being up to birth
Keeping the humanoid or human, depending on how you view them, alive and using them for body parts after birth.
I don't have words to describe how horrible that is.
That's so wicked, that destroys all human dignity.
That is something out of a late night science fiction horror movie.
But they're doing it right out in plain view and the average person could care less.
They don't even realize what that is.
They can't even consciously get it through their mind.
Taking the human form, a human body grown, taking it past birth, keeping it alive, using it for parts, growing other organs inside of it.
The industrialization of this.
New Jersey passed the law on Monday!
The law says you can pay a woman to have a surrogate clone in her, bring it to term, and then private industry can keep the baby alive and grow it up to whatever size they want, and that it has no rights, and they can use it for experimentation or body parts.
And that they can make money off of it.
It actually says that.
We posted those articles on Monday and Tuesday.
I think about six or seven different articles, mainstream articles, quoting the bill that New Jersey passed.
I mean, listeners, do you have any comments on this?
Maybe you have the words to describe how horrible this is, or maybe you think it's a good thing, you know?
You think abortion's wonderful.
You think all the other stuff's a fabulous thing.
You talk about pure blasphemy.
You talk about total wickedness.
You talk about nightmares.
This is it.
Before we go to Robert and John and others that are patiently holding, and we do have the International Forecaster joining us in the third hour.
And you do not want to miss Bob Chapman because he made amazing predictions over the last three years on this show, and unfortunately they've all come true.
Now he's making predictions, I don't even know if I can believe these, but he's got a great track record, so we'll go over it with Bob Chapman.
Our liberal friend who was convicted
Uh, admittedly, for protesting.
The judge says, yeah, you can't protest the president with folks that support him on a public street.
Uh, Brett Berzy was real paranoid when we talked to him yesterday.
And, well, this is talk radio.
Am I going to get, you know, ambushed on the show?
No, sir, you're not.
Go to the websites, look at them.
And we've been calling and calling.
His phone's busy.
You know, he may have the wrong time zone.
That happens sometimes when a guest doesn't show up, which is quite rare for this show.
But we'll be getting Brett Bergey on because I want this guy to find out that there are people on talk radio that support anybody's free speech.
I happen to agree with his free speech against the war, by the way.
But if I disagreed with it, I would support him.
But before we go to your calls, folks, I guess for the first time this hour I really should plug my videos.
But there's something else I never plug.
Infowars.net is an internet portal.
It's a nationwide internet service.
Proxy servers and the browser, the cloaking device so it blocks cookies and people don't know who you are as you're surfing around the internet.
Oh, I forget.
It's got all the services there.
What's the term for that, Mark?
It's not a proxy browser.
What's that call where you have the browser that's at another server, so it blocks your identity?
Yeah, anonymous surfing, but there's another term for it.
I mean, that comes standard with it.
I don't run it either, because I'm not technical.
I have a great fellow who is one of the biggest internet service providers in Louisiana, who just so happens to have the servers for Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and they go down about once a month, which most big websites do, but he just does a fabulous, fabulous job at Infowars.net.
I think it's gone down once.
In the last year, which is a record that almost nobody has, it's on separate servers, run by Dwayne Cooch, and it's great dial-up.
They got that super-turbo-accelerated dial-up.
It's not like your cruddy dial-up.
It doesn't track or trace you, and it supports freedom.
And the money that comes in off that pays for the servers.
And by the way, I've gotten to the point now where I have to get bigger servers.
I'm in it with a whole server farm.
This gets very, very expensive.
Not just when you have 8 million individual visitors to my two big websites a month, but also the audio files, the video files, all the sites that are linking to us.
We really need you folks to go sign up at InfoWars.net.
Why you would be with AOL or others who have horrible service, who track and trace you, who sell your info.
We don't do that.
And there's so many great services at InfoWars.net.
Go sign up for it.
I never plug this, and I should.
I really should.
And you also support us by getting my videos.
Now, that's not why you should get them, because they're great videos.
I mean, I've got stuff that'll curl your hair, turn your hair white.
I mean, I've got the globalists caught engaged in their criminal activities.
We list the long train of abuses.
We expose how criminal they are.
The average person hasn't figured this out yet.
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, my book, Descent into Tyranny, Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com, which are now back up.
I'm told they were down for about 30 minutes.
We're having to put bigger servers in.
And you need to go to Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com and you need to get my videos.
You need to order them.
You need to stop procrastinating.
These are amazing films.
I mean, take
Two minutes of the two-hour, forty-minute film, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
Bush finishes up giving his speech.
I ask him about the CFR and Trilateral Commission, Federal Reserve.
I say, Sir, isn't that what's destroying America?
And he has me kidnapped, and it's all on video.
That's, uh, two minutes of the film.
And by the way, if you or I did that to somebody, we'd be charged with kidnapping.
Just like when Charles Key, uh, in the, um, 90, um,
In the 96 elections, remember, he was one of the three Republican speakers at the debate.
He was scheduled to be in the debate.
And when he got there, the Secret Service grabbed him, ordered police to put him in a car and drive him around for an hour, and they threw him out on the other side of town in a literal crack-infested neighborhood.
That's how he described it.
They threw him out in a dangerous junkie park.
That was a kidnapping.
Well, the same thing happened to me.
And there's video of him.
He finishes his speech.
I calmly ask the question.
They grab me.
Almost break my arm.
Tell me, you're in deep trouble, boy.
Drag me outside.
Slam me up against the wall.
Put me in a car.
Tell me how my life's over.
And then they drive me around for almost an hour and throw me out on the side of the highway in the middle of nowhere.
So that's two minutes of one film, okay?
Two minutes of one film.
Two minutes of one film.
They're all over two hours long.
It's all jammed with stuff like that.
I cannot describe what's in these videos.
Get them.
They're $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more.
They drop down to $20 a piece.
Call right now, folks.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Or again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
And get the videos and make copies.
Let's go to some calls and I'll get back into this stack of vital news.
In Illinois, go ahead, then John and others.
Yeah, Alex, hello, Robert calling from Chicago.
A couple things I wanted to pass along.
First of all, there's this message that's going out over the email in regard to that Sylvia v. Locklear case out in the Ninth Circuit Court of Abuses and Defraudments in California.
Okay, let me just stop you for a second.
Because listeners call in who are info junkies, you know all about stuff, you start talking like we're having a private conversation here.
Don't talk a hundred miles an hour like I do.
Tell folks what you're talking about.
The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, which is incredibly abusive as we all know, has claimed that the right to keep and bear arms is not an individual right.
And that all guns can be banned.
And the problem we're having is that it's enormously abominable and people can go read the case of that Silver v. Locke.
I forget the second name.
Silvera v. Locke here.
Silvera v. Locke here.
But they can go read the case and what people have to understand is this.
Yes, we are.
States and jurisdictions that that ruling binds are those under the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal.
People have to bring similar cases in all of the other twelve jurisdictions for the following reason.
Because amongst all those judges, not all of them are totally corrupted.
Even if they are totally corrupted, by getting decisions that are incompatible with the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals decision, by getting decisions that affirm that the Second Amendment... Well, that's already happened with the 5th Circuit in Louisiana.
Good to hear.
That's what I'm saying.
Edith Jones, we have to find the judges that have some accountability, and they get on a panel, and then we get authority that's incompatible with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, and then we start building the case.
But these people were sending out emails, the guy, Edgar Steele, I think it was, that now that's the law throughout the country, and it's very important to make that distinction, that no, we have to keep bringing cases in all the different circuits,
Yeah, that's the same court that doesn't want to have the Pledge of Allegiance.
Thanks for the call.
And, of course, there was a so-called conservative court in Kentucky three years ago, that federal court, that ruled that, now brace yourselves for this, that the Declaration of Independence is unconstitutional.
I mean, folks, this is like saying apple pie isn't apple pie.
It's like saying mama ain't mama.
It's like saying the sun isn't the sun.
I mean, it just... These people make me sick.
It's like the judge going, yeah, well, you can't protest Bush on a public street with a sign amongst those that support Bush.
They're allowed to, but you're not.
I'm ruling that you're convicted.
I got the judge's quotes right here, folks.
Thanks for the call, Robert.
Good points.
John in Colorado, go ahead.
Uh, yes, uh, thank you Alex for taking my call.
Uh, the reason why I called is I have an answer, solution, and a request for, uh, a gentleman to come on to your program.
Uh, he's from Florida, and he's indirectly involved right now as we speak with the solution that I'm bringing to you.
Uh, the answer to the problem of arresting people who are protesting with the signs saying no, uh, blood for oil, is the fact that you gotta ask, you gotta ask yourself, what is their status?
Are they either illegal aliens, legal aliens, or US citizens, which are of course citizens of a federal corporation, Title 28, Section 3002, Subsection 15, Paragraph 8, that's where you'll find that.
These people do not have rights, they have privileges, and you know that.
Well, sir, sir, sir, they can say we're all under the 14th Amendment and so indentured servants, property of the corporation, but that, you know, sir, sir, sir, sir, this is a fight for the hearts and minds of the people.
We all know we still have the First Amendment.
So the First Amendment's still there, and we're not going to go along with this.
And if they want to arrest us, that's fine.
More of us should get arrested.
Next time Bush comes to Texas, I'm going to try to make it there and stand with the worshippers with a sign against Bush, and I'm going to let them arrest me.
More of us should do that.
Alright, here's the solution.
The solution is that each state is a sovereign nation.
Because it has a constitution.
We're not one nation under God, we're a union nation.
Union of nations under God.
That means... Here's the point.
Where am I going with this?
The point is, there are no citizens in Texas.
No Texas citizens.
No Colorado citizens.
They're either one of the three categories that I just mentioned.
Well, let me just tell you this.
You go declare yourself with the sheriff and everybody, a citizen of your county, of that state.
Let me finish.
They're gonna take you to jail still.
They're gonna charge you in their same system.
Okay, here's the thing.
You have to go through a three-step process.
I've been doing this for ten years and I've heard all this and I've watched it and I'm going to tell you something.
It does not work.
It's about to work.
There's a gentleman by the name of John Jennings that's in the process in Florida doing it.
He's already won a case, not an at-law court, not a case law court in a state court, an in-law court where you're dealing with laws legislated by state legislators, not by a judge presiding at the bench.
You see the difference why he won that case?
He won!
He won!
Sir, I appreciate your call.
You know what I'll do?
I'll do some shows on the Federal Reserve, I'll do some shows on the 14th Amendment, I'll do some shows on common law, and the incorporation of the states, the incorporation of the District of Columbia, but believe me, and I'm not mad at you, caller, it's good points you're making, 98% of people listening do not even know what you were talking about.
And so we can't just sit here on one call and go over this.
But it gets into Admiralty Law, Maritime Jurisdiction, which is the Patriot Act, which is what they're using.
They're now trying to replace the Constitution, the Organic Law, the stuff that comes out of the Magna Carta in 1214 and back to Mount Sinai thousands of years ago, 3,000 years ago.
With Moses and the Ten Commandments.
That's why they're trying to remove the foundation of Western law that came out of Israel.
They're trying to remove that now and put in Roman civil law or magistrate law.
And that gets into the Uniform Commercial Code and it gets into these different types of courts they've set up.
And what he's talking about is the example here of where they say, well, we're going to put you in jail for six months, give you a $5,000 fine for peacefully protesting, but you can't have a jury trial because this is a petty crime.
We're going to take your house, but you can't have a jury trial because it's a petty crime.
They change definitions, create false courts, and give themselves authority because they're backed up by bailiffs with guns.
And SWAT teams with black helmets and machine guns.
So it's just tyranny, folks.
And what I'm telling you is, yeah, you can win some of those cases low-level.
But when the rubber meets the road, they're ignoring the real law.
They're ignoring the Constitution.
And they got criminal judges that'll find you guilty.
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I think?
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Alright, let's go back to the calls.
I just want to make a comment about all this common law stuff and state citizenship versus federal citizenship.
A lot of it is based in reality and facts.
And people are trying to address this fraudulent federal system that is controlled by a criminal crime syndicate.
and so people try to address it and get a redress of grievances uh... by declaring themselves uh... you know a sovereign or you know outside the jurisdiction and certainly that's legitimate because this system is is a fraud but i'm telling you it's like highway men at a at a at a uh... road stop saying you gotta pay a toll to pass this bridge they don't have a law behind them they may pin a ten badge to their breast
But what really matters is that they're aiming a gun at you.
And that's my point.
And the problem is, I don't know about the individual you mentioned, I'm sure they're wonderful, but a lot of the people involved in the sovereignty movement are no better than the government themselves.
Because I've investigated this.
I've gone to dozens of meetings and dozens and dozens.
I have researched.
I have read.
I've looked at U.S.
And a lot of these people, you know, I got a trust.
Sign up with a trust with me, and then I watch the person, you know, grab somebody's property.
So all I'm saying is, just because somebody says they're a patriot, or says they've got all the answers, you know, don't just blindly run into it and believe it all.
That's all I'm trying to say here.
You know, we know the government's bad, but at the same time, you can't believe everything you hear.
I mean, I tell you, don't believe what I say, folks.
Check it out.
I'm all about the facts.
And anybody who wants me to interview these different people, these different schools of thought about how to address this fraudulent system, is welcome to email me at tipsandinfowars.com.
And I'll look at it and perhaps have some on the show.
I'm thinking about doing a whole series of shows, maybe two or three shows, where I spend several hours each broadcast having the different schools of thought on to debate with each other.
Because, and then we'll let you decide, okay?
But yes, is there a fraud in this system?
But does that mean that all the answers to it are the silver bullet?
Does that mean that there aren't some good ideas and some effective tactics in there?
I mean, pro se litigants, pro se defenders are winning more cases on average, I saw the numbers in 2000, haven't seen them since then, but are winning more cases than lawyers are.
Bar certified lawyers.
So it's real.
But a lot of people get burned, so I'm not going to sit here and give out legal advice other than within the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
And I'm very careful about who I have on this show, spouting off all their wonderful legal remedies.
I'll tell you who has been effective and won a bunch of federal and state cases, and it's a very lengthy process, but he knows what he's doing, and that's George Gordon.
And he works within the system to defeat their system.
But a lot of these other people I've investigated, I mean over years, I've had an open mind here, are frauds.
I'm just trying to protect you folks.
We'll come back and go to Dave in Delaware, Robert in Michigan, Myron in South Dakota, Vig in Colorado, Mike in Indiana, everybody else.
We'll get to you, don't worry.
And then I got a bunch of other news stories here that are all so vitally important and some top news I'll also recap.
The problem is the globalists are attacking us from a thousand different angles.
And the thing that's going to be the biggest part of the solution is getting the general public to realize history that power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely
And get back to a Bill of Rights culture and restrict the size of government.
Then no matter what criminals we've got in government, they're not going to have the mechanisms to control our lives.
That's what the Founding Fathers said.
I'll stick with them.
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Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
I think?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now into the third and final hour of this January 8, 2004 edition.
I'm still getting used to that.
We got Bob Chapman, the international forecaster.
Coming on, and I respect his opinion because he's made a lot of amazing predictions in the past, I mean, two, three, four years out, that have come true.
And so we're going to have him on about the economy and a bunch of other different news items.
He, of course, worked in military intelligence.
And it's made the government very mad at him lately for what he's been forecasting.
Right now, let's go to the calls.
Let's talk to
Oh, I guess up next is Dave in Delaware.
Go ahead, Dave.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
I was talking to a friend who's a district attorney.
And we were talking about the cameras that have been put in transformers, you know, the telephone lines and telephone poles.
I had another friend who actually, you know, is a technician.
He was telling me
That they're actually, you can't even see them, they're really small.
We know how small cameras can be now.
Okay, for those, since you just got on with the subject, there are the visible cameras.
But there have been hundreds of thousands, and there's company websites and news announcements, sold where it looks like a transformer, but it's really a surveillance pod with cameras in it.
And yes, go ahead.
And when I heard about that, I couldn't believe it, but the source that it was telling me was a highly trusted source.
And it was confirmed by a couple other people, and I really believe them because they're
They're just technician types.
They have nothing to do with anything that's here.
Well, sir, just type into a search engine, uh, hidden cameras and transformers and streetlights, and you'll have hundreds of mainstream news articles.
Well, this is, but the, when I was talking to the, uh, this, uh, District Attorney about this, I said, well, what's going on with these cameras everywhere?
This District Attorney knew about it, and the District Attorney said, yeah, you know, we know about these sort of things, and we can't do anything about it.
I said, well, what about our right to privacy and all that sort of stuff?
And the, and this District Attorney said, well, that only covers
What you write.
It doesn't cover your image.
So you can be photographed as much as you want.
And that's totally false.
Again, they tell these district attorneys, they tell cops, you know, there's no First Amendment anymore unless you're on the moon.
And they go, OK, there's no freedom unless you're on the moon.
It's just totally made up.
So he said we can do nothing about it, of course, because it's federally funded for the states and counties.
But did he say why they could do nothing about it?
Again, when the issue of privacy came up, it was made clear to me through the district attorney that you're only covered in the things that you write.
Oh, so they can put a camera in the school bathroom now?
That's a total fraud.
People go to jail all the time.
The cop just did up in New York for videotaping people peeping Tom's.
That's pure garbage.
I don't even know who's watching these things.
I don't know if it's the sheriffs.
Oh, you obviously didn't hear yesterday's show.
They're going to have people to graduate from high school who will have to spend hours every day watching these cameras fed into their computers and they're going to have citizens watching them and then reporting to police.
Well, as I said, your image is not covered.
That's not true!
Well, that's what they're telling us.
He can say that!
He can say black people are slaves and they gotta be out in the field with a bit in their mouth.
It isn't true.
Well, they're doing it anyway.
So every time you step out of your house, or even when you're not out of your house, assume that you're being videotaped or video recorded.
Well, they also have ground-penetrating radar that looks right through your walls.
Sure, they can do it.
But, I mean, tell this fool that what he said, you know, a two-year-old should know that's not true.
Well, yeah, perhaps.
I mean, they're sort of powerless themselves in a lot of ways.
Perhaps he's wrong.
They do have a right to privacy.
It's not just what you write.
That's ridiculous.
I thought I'd just let you know.
Oh no, I really appreciate your call.
Where are you located in Delaware?
And your district attorney told you
Well, no, this is a district attorney.
I don't want to say who it is.
Okay, well, hey, I appreciate the call.
I'm not mad at you, you understand.
I'm just upset about what he said.
And I appreciate you sharing that with us.
It's very informative.
We'll be back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're 8 minutes and 30 seconds into this third hour.
Let me hit a couple top headlines, then we'll go to Bob Chapman, and we'll go to
We'll go to Robert and Myron and Vig and Michael and everybody else.
We're going to get to you, don't worry, here early in this interview because it all goes back to the same thing.
The New World Order crime syndicate.
Pentagon presses for U.S.
operation in Lebanon.
The Defense Department officially says they want to invade Lebanon now and perhaps Syria.
This is big headlines.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Also the New York Times reporting the White House says they don't care what federal judges say.
They're going to continue to enforce arresting citizens without charging them for any suspicion of terrorism.
And under Section 802, all suspicion of misdemeanors is terrorism.
So that's the enemy combatant designation.
copter goes down in Iraq killing nine.
And they're not saying how it went down.
They're not sure.
A bunch of other troops have been getting shot and killed and mortared, and 30-plus people were injured in one of those attacks.
Very, very serious information.
But bringing Bob Chapman up to the airwaves now is the international forecaster.
And Bob, I've had you on quite a few times over the last, I guess, three years.
And you've made a lot of amazing predictions.
You predicted that gold would go up quite a bit several years ago.
You predicted that the dollar would plunge.
You said 30 to 40 percent last time you were on about six months ago.
Before that, you made the same prediction.
How were you able, I mean, I also from what the IMF and World Bank said they were going to do to us, was saying it was going to go down, but how do you come upon your system of analysis?
Well, you have to remember I'm old, and I've been doing this for 44 years, virtually the same thing, and that is researching
I think so.
So we've got a pretty good handle on what's going on, and the experience really helps.
We've been through several bull markets in gold and silver, most of them small except for 1978-80.
And we work 18 hours a day at it, and I do it because I love it.
Give folks some background on yourself.
Well, I went to university, and the government invited me to join them, as they did in the olden days.
They drafted you.
And I spent five years in counterintelligence for the United States government, and then 28 years as a stockbroker, owning my own firm.
And then when I retired, I couldn't stand it, so I started writing the International Forecaster about 15 years ago.
I started writing in 1967.
What is the New World Order?
What are they doing financially?
What do you see happening in the near term and the long term?
Well, the dollar will continue down another 40% versus the dollar index, as well as the euro, whether the Europeans like it or not.
And it's been overpriced for a long, long time.
The price of gold this year will easily go over to $512 an ounce.
Could very well go to $680 or $840 for that matter, depending upon what happens.
Like, if we send troops into Lebanon and other places, then the goal's going to jump more than it would otherwise.
It's interesting your commentary just earlier.
I see that they're sending in several hundred mercenaries.
The United States government is into Georgia, and that they're going to train the Georgian military there.
And that is really the equivalent of Russia.
They're sending their mercenaries to Mexico and Canada to train them.
Well, they are!
I'll tell you, it's really heating up.
And incidentally, you know, they're extending for two years all of those who are in the military who are going to retire, and they're also forcing an extended tour for another two years
For those who are up for re-enlistment, their terms are up.
And now they're calmly talking about invading Syria, that's the Pentagon report, and Lebanon.
I mean, this is amazing.
Alex, the big question is, are they going to draft you and I again?
I don't think they want us.
We might have a strike and the military would all sit down.
Well, it's amazing.
You see the dollar going down even more?
Considerably more.
Gold and silver going considerably higher.
The current account deficit going higher.
The fiscal budget deficit going higher.
I see interest rates starting up this year.
Ron Paul says we're going to have a depression.
And I'm believing, I don't like hearing that.
And meanwhile, people are saying, hey, the economy's up, the economy's up.
What's going on there?
Well, they threw a lot of money at the economy two ways.
One, by a tax break.
The second one.
Second tax break.
And then the Fed, along with the fiscal profligacy of the United States government, and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they've been creating somewhere about $1.5 to $1.7.5 trillion a year for the last four years.
So that's what's kept things going.
That's what's kept deflation and depression from grabbing the economy and sucking it down.
Now, they can't do that forever, and what's going to happen is we're going to have inflation.
Whether we'll get 13% again like we did in 1979-80 remains to be seen, but just 7, 8 or 6, 7, 8, 9% is enough to throw gold easily over $1,000 with silver trailing behind.
And so, you have this box that they're in.
There's no way out.
So, they will inflate first, buying time, and then we will go into a depression, and Ron Paul is right.
And, incidentally, this year, as I was going to say, interest rates will go up at least a point, and probably a point and a half.
Now, when that happens, mortgage rates go up, and the sale of new homes and existing homes have slowed down in the last four months.
This could be the top, and if interest rates go up, we could have a slide in real estate, and that would take away people's confidence, the game would be over, and then the stock market would go back and test $72.36,
And then it would break it and go lower.
Now, Bob, the stock market's up quite a bit, obviously hasn't gotten back all of its losses, but if the dollar's devalued by 40 plus percent, then it's going to take more of those dollars to buy stock, so in reality the stock market's actually down, is that fair to say?
That's fair to say, and it should be pointed out
That major American corporations are using their cash to buy their own shares, as well as other S&P and Dow-based shares.
And the United States government Plunge Protection Team, the working group in financial markets as it's officially known, is in the market every day rigging it.
Now, this is publicly admitted, but the average American has no idea of its existence.
Explain the market group and what the Plunge Protection Team does.
Well, first of all, the market group is directed, supposedly, by the Secretary of the Treasury, the head of the Fed, the New York Fed, the CFTC, and the President of the New York Stock Exchange, when in fact they have a group of people that are ramrodded by the Undersecretary of State.
And they're the ones, they have full-time staff, 24 hours a day, just absolutely doing as they please in the markets, which are tax dollars.
And you ask why the public doesn't know, that's why they have the Alex Jones Show and other shows like it, so that people can really learn the truth.
And that really is top-down market manipulation and insider trading on the giant industrial scale.
Then they'll go after an inch-long minnow, as I describe her, like Martha Stewart, who's done nothing compared to the Enrons and others.
But again, that's institutionalized.
Fraud is okay, with Grasso getting a hundred and something million kickback when he left.
Well, she's not connected, and she's not part of the
Elitist group, part of a conspiracy that has existed for many, many years.
And she's being made a goat of.
Quite frankly, I don't think she did anything wrong, but let the jury decide.
But the point is that I was involved and have been involved for 44 years with the brokerage business directly and indirectly.
And the FTC and the NESD
For the most part, go after the little guys, the small and medium-sized brokerage firms, the little brokers who can't afford to challenge them.
And they have perpetually let the mutual funds and the large brokerage firms get away with financial murder.
Well, they even admit the Martha Stewart thing is to, quote, increase confidence.
Oh, she might have done some after-hours trading when she knew the stock was about to go down, involving a couple hundred thousand, maybe a million bucks.
Ooh, we really busted a big one for you.
She ran a stop sign if she's guilty.
That's how ludicrous it is.
The guy that's really done a lot is the Attorney General for the City of New York, which is Eliot Spitzer.
I mean, he's just ripped their pants down.
He's just shown that the SEC does nothing, nothing, but pander to the conspiracy.
Okay, well that's a good question.
Why is Eliot Spencer, in New York's the heart of this, actually... I mean, what is he really up to?
Well, I think he wants to aspire to higher office, and I think that's a wonderful idea.
He's exposing all these evil people, and believe me, that's the correct word.
But again, I know these globalists to go after people that mess with them.
Why haven't they gone after Spitzer?
Maybe he has, at the moment, too high a visibility.
Exactly, I agree.
I mean, he'd be a hard man to whack.
Alright, we're going to come back and get into more of your predictions and when this depression's coming.
And folks, I don't like talking like this.
Ron Paul says on this show and in Matrix of Evil, the video, we're going to have a depression.
I don't like what Bob Chapman's saying.
I don't like what Ron Paul says, but they have credibility.
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All right, my friends.
We're about to go to Robert and Myron and Mike and others that are patiently holding.
Going back to Bob Chapman, International Forecaster, and we'll tell you about the newsletter here in a few minutes.
Bob, I get confused.
You know, they say they invaded Iraq.
One of the reasons was because Iraq had said openly they were about to start only accepting Euros for oil.
Or the new gold standard the other Arab countries, the Dinar, were setting up.
But then at the same time, Treasury Secretary Snowe is running around bad-mouthing the dollar, saying a dropping dollar is a great thing.
They're keeping the interest rates low, which is the big effect.
So far, an investment is leaving right when the Euro comes online.
I mean, this is all obviously being choreographed.
From your research, what's the reality here?
Because we know the European shareholders own our fellow reserve.
You know, we talk about the Europeans don't like a dropping dollar.
Well, they said at Davos Switzerland four years ago at the World Economic Forum, they want a slow decline of the dollar, not a fast one.
So, with all those points I threw out, what do you say is going on?
Well, in the last five years, the switching, as Iraq did,
...to the Euro for trading in oil was confrontational.
On the other hand, I wrote articles back in the early 1990s, in fact I mentioned it in my next issue, and I said the reason that Iraq is going to be invaded is that they want to, the United States, wants to outflank Russia.
That was the first consideration and, you know, the movement of troops into Turkmenistan and now Georgia and other areas up there approves the point, especially the taking of Afghanistan.
And so that's a very good point, the first strongest point for the administration, because they can indirectly and perhaps directly control the supply of oil.
You then move to Saudi Arabia, which could very well be on the verge of an Islamic civil war, and that would have the effect of the United States moving their military in there to bring stability.
And so what they're up to here is wrapping up all the oil supplies in the Middle East
And Iraq just happens to be step number one.
They are looking for excuses to go into Iran and Syria.
Now you talk about Lebanon.
But another part of that question is, why are they killing the dollar?
They're killing the dollar because I really believe, and I have for a long time, that they want to make the United States into a financial, economic,
Uh, entity which is on a par with Europe, if not lower.
And by doing that to the dollar, the present reserve currency, they can bring that about in outsourcing of both corporations as well as particular jobs.
It's absolutely ripping this country apart.
There's no way we can survive.
Well, I mean, I've heard them on the news and on NPR admit, oh, this will teach us Americans not to live outside our means.
Ha, ha, ha, it's so cute.
Which will also consolidate wealth into a tinier elite with a smaller, more manageable middle class.
But, you know, you talk about Saudi Arabia may fall.
The Saudis have said that MI6 is in there blowing stuff up to destabilize it.
They want a radical Islamic regime.
So they then have an excuse to send troops in?
And as far as debt is concerned in the United States, it's encouraged by the Federal Reserve, our banking system, particularly in the issuance of credit cards.
Most people are behind the eight ball.
In fact, every program I'm on, the first thing I've got to tell people is, please get out of debt.
I know you have to have a house, get the tax write-off, but everything else, clear it out.
And then you move into gold coins, and once you've done that, you move into gold shares.
And at the end of the road here, wherever gold and silver are going to, you may not want to sell what you have in exchange for fiat currency.
Well, I've been buying gold for three years, and it's all increasing value, whether I bought it at $250 or $350.
And people are calling me saying, you want to sell that gold?
And no, I don't.
You've got a long way to go.
I mean, we haven't even finished phase one of three phases.
Gold is going over $3,000 an ounce.
Silver and gold, it's hard to say, but it could easily go back to its high end in the $40, $50 area, and perhaps even to $100, because it just isn't any out there.
Now, you're saying $500 by the end of the year?
And then, where is this $3,000 mark?
That's probably in 05, 06.
And nothing happens overnight.
You know, all the years I've been in this, you learn to have patience.
No, I understand.
Now, can we see a correction in gold before it goes back up?
We've already seen it in the last few days.
It's going higher.
They're trying to suppress it, and they can't.
Okay, we'll come back, take three or four calls, I promise, folks.
Then we'll get into how they suppress gold prices.
And again, this is public, too.
This isn't secret.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption, folks!
I've always believed in gold because, well, you got some paper currency that can be manipulated, and it's always manipulated.
The big banks like to create depressions and recessions to consolidate power.
But all these years I told you, don't own gold, stay in the stock market.
And then now a lot of them are saying, okay, better buy some gold, and so the
Fraud Meisters are having trouble suppressing it.
We'll talk about how they do that.
But right now, I'm here with our guest, Bob Chapman.
Let's take a couple calls.
Robert, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, Robert from Michigan.
Yes, two points.
I was wondering if you heard recently that 165 communities have passed ordinance against the Patriot Act.
Employee, government employee of that community or county will be prosecuted or charged if they try to enforce it on any of its citizens.
Yes, in fact I was part of getting the Patriot Act thrown out in Austin.
I was either the first or one of the first people to write the law and we have that law.
I wrote on Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com in the Patriot Act sections and where I also have my analysis of it.
And it's not 160, it's over 400 cities and four states.
But the news keeps reporting 200 cities, 150 cities.
I mean, that was a year ago.
It's well over 400.
I'll have to call George at the Emerson Review and tell him to revise that.
Number two, this is for Bob.
Over history, Silver has been basically 10 to 1, to 15 to 1, up until his late 70s.
To me, it looks like silver has a long way to go, to put it in its old perspective.
I think you're right, but I think that the ratio lost its significance with the demonetization of silver back in the late 1960s.
And I do think silver's going to go up, but for different reasons, and that is supply-demand.
There's just too much more silver needed every year.
Uh, for industry and other things, and I think that that is going to continue.
And, uh, I think the above-ground supplies are, are very, very, very small.
And, uh, I think that those people who are short on the CFTC and COMEX, I think that they have been continuing to short.
And the only way that they can absorb the kind of losses that they are, is they have to have somebody behind them guaranteeing that.
And the same goes for the gold market.
And I believe that's the United States government.
All right, well, does that answer your question?
Yeah, one more quick one.
As far as taking possession versus paper on gold, I'm in the process of selling a home.
I want to buy some hedge, gold and silver.
You do both.
Out of 100% of the funds that you have available, you want to have 25%, maybe more, in coins and the remainder in shares.
And the reason why is that
There's enormous leverage in the shares, but you have to be careful because the leverage works both ways.
In other words, if silver doubles, you might have a silver stock that went up eight times.
And so, you've got to get some good advice, too, from someone who specializes in that area.
Well, thank you very much.
On coins and bullion, you absolutely take delivery.
That's the way I feel, yes.
Well, listen, thanks, Robert.
You've been very informative.
All righty, let's go ahead and talk to Myron in South Dakota.
Go ahead, Myron.
Yes, Alex, you were talking about the courts earlier.
You know, if you go to the Constitution, Article 3, Section 1, the courts are
Operating under the control of the Congress and under their good behavior.
And if they start getting out of line, Congress has the right to virtually abolish those courts.
And now Congress is moving to cut funding to several of the courts, including the Ninth Circuit.
Oh, I didn't hear that.
I was going to ask you, Alex, are you familiar with Kevin Phillips?
The name rings a bell.
Refresh my memory.
Oh, he goes back to the Nixon era.
He wrote a book, and he was on C-SPAN Monday, and then yesterday morning he was on IMAS, and this last night he was on Scarborough.
He wrote a book called American Dynasty, Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush.
It's all about the Bush family.
So that'll be kind of interesting.
You may want to get a hold of this guy.
And one other question I have for Chap and
Was there any investigation in the selling of put options on UAL for American Airlines before 9-11?
After 9-11, yes, but we have never been, as a public, privy to those findings.
Well, we know who was involved.
There were a lot of former deputy and executive directors of the CIA involved.
They busted two FBI agents in New York who were involved only in, I believe it was a $300,000
I hadn't even heard what you just said.
I've never seen that anyway.
Yeah, that's New York Daily News and New York Post, just little blurbs, yep.
Yeah, I get the Post every morning as well as the Times.
Well, that was about, that was right after 9-11, about six months after 9-11, those two boys, two federal, two FBI agents got to prison time for insider trading on 9-11 prior knowledge, and then you never heard about it again.
There was a lot of people who didn't get apprehended.
Alex, one other thing.
I was watching C-SPAN earlier this week in the Morning Washington Journal, and there was a little blurb that Richard Vigery, who has been a big guru in the conservative movement, raising money for conservatives, he thought maybe with the Bush administration's 50% increase in size, then they've been in control.
That maybe we'd be better off to have Howard Dean become elected president and maybe the Republicans will start acting like Republicans again.
Well, see, you're a liberal.
You're against gun control.
You're against open borders.
You're against cutting Taiwan loose to China.
You're a communist.
If you support communism, you're a neocon.
Bob, would you like to comment on the massive growth of the government, the police state, all of it?
Well, I think it's there for all to see, and the intention is the suppression of the American people.
And that's part of the syndrome of taking the United States down to a level where they're not going to argue with these people when they want to institute a world currency and a world government.
By the way, the father, Mundell, of the
I'm having trouble here.
Not the IMF, of the EU, on Monday, what Charles Mundell called for a world currency.
He said, well, since we have a problem with the euro versus the dollar now, we always knew this was the plan, let's go ahead and merge the two.
Yeah, he was instrumental in the formulation of the euro, starting back in 1972.
And I wrote a piece about him this week, which will appear in the next issue.
So, now, as we knew they would do, because their plans have been public for a while, they just don't put them in the nightly news, how long until, first they're going to move to a global system that just sets the rates of the currencies, then they're going to move to one currency, how long do we see that?
The evolutionary process could take a number of years, at least a minimum of four to five, and I think they're grandiose ideas,
Expectations, they're out in left field because they know there's going to be an enormous window of opportunity as we go into inflation and then deflation, which is depression.
And that window of opportunity is going to be open to the public to change their government.
Because there are going to be a lot of people unemployed, there are going to be a lot of people who have lost their homes, and there are going to be a lot of people who can't feed their families, and they're not going to be very happy.
And that's why they're gearing up the police state to suppress.
That's why you absolutely never turn in your weapon.
And by the way, folks, for those who don't understand, that's not my opinion, it's not Bob Chapman's opinion, how important were the Joseph Stiklitz World Bank documents that got released two years ago, Bob, where they admitted that they like to create depressions, then that cause riots, then they can have a police state crackdown and put a dictatorship in place.
Absolutely, and they came right out and said that.
And Siglitz, they call him a rogue now.
This is a man who worked within that structure for many, many years.
Well, he was the head economist.
That's right.
I wonder why he quit.
Well, he said why.
He said he couldn't sleep anymore.
Well, there are some people out there who have a conscience who are involved in that whole thing.
And there's millions of people involved.
They're all over the world.
That know what's going on inside.
It's just that the remainder of the world, the other 99% don't have a clue.
Well, that really is the problem.
They don't have a clue.
And they don't want to hear about it.
You know, don't bother me, they're sheeple.
Well, I tell folks that the, you know, dollar's down by over 40% and they go, what's that mean?
And I go, haven't you heard, you know, Mexico had a low value peso, that's a bad thing.
You know, Russian rubles, ha ha ha.
And they don't even know what I'm talking about.
No, you're right.
And we're not talking about people who dig ditches.
We're talking about people with university degrees.
And you know, if you hark back to the time you were in school, you'll say to yourself, gee, in Echo 1, 2, and 3,
I never was told anything about gold or silver or classical economics.
It was Samuelson's book and all that garbage.
And that's all I ever learned.
So it goes back to the educational system.
I just had a major study of 339 universities.
Over 65% didn't know what the First Amendment was.
And that was administrators too.
And then they would tell them what it was and they said, oh no, I don't agree with that.
Well good, go to another country.
Well, I mean, I have this problem.
You know, the Pope called for a new world order last Friday.
It was in CNN.
And I still get emails saying, I'm crazy, there's no such thing as a new world order.
Well, people can't project themselves.
And most of them are too busy trying to make a living.
We're going to go to some more calls here in a second, but thanks for the call, Myron.
Bob Chapman,
I want to briefly, before we go to more calls, talk about how, and there's been lawsuits over this, how the big banks suppress the price of gold.
How do they do that?
The big banks are used as the instrument.
We're talking about JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Citigroup, and they act in all probability and guaranteed against loss by the U.S.
Is the subsidiary to the U.S.
Treasury formed in 1934 called the ESF, which is the Exchange Stabilization Fund.
And they use that fund to influence the stock market through the Plunge Protection Team.
And they also use that fund to suppress the price of gold and silver and anything else that they want to do.
And that's basically how it's done.
It's just that simple.
It's just if you ask a thousand people in America what's the Exchange Stabilization Fund, there may be one or two that know what it is.
And chances are they work for it.
Either that or they listen to your program or read the International Forecaster.
Now, one of the lawsuits that was brought against them by a big gold mining association was, they take ten big banks,
Interlocking owned by the same people.
You know, it's like standard oil broken into twelve parts.
Well, it was just twelve different venues owned by the same people.
They will then sell each other gold at incredibly low prices, and thus that then sets the benchmark for low gold prices.
Isn't that the most classical way to do it?
It has been in the past, but they may be doing that right now, but more so they're going in and suppressing the market, and that's because
They have this tremendous physical offtake going on, particularly from India, China, and the Middle East.
That's where most of the buying is coming from.
Now, officially, official holdings of gold are 32,000 tons.
There's one group that estimates 15,000 of it have been sold.
My estimate is 22,000.
That leaves 10,000 tons that's available to physically suppress the market, and they may not even have that.
The United States may not even have its gold that they say it has, because it hasn't been audited since 1957, and they won't allow an audit.
We don't know whether they got any gold or not.
Well, also, you know, I tell people every time I talk about how gold has been confiscated four separate times in the last 80 years,
They roll their eyes at you, but my grandparents remember it.
I've got one grandmother left now, but they all remember it and talk to an old person before they're gone, but you can also get the news stories.
But Roosevelt,
First act as president.
Turn your paper, uh, turn your gold in.
I'll give you paper.
After all the gold was turned in, they turned around and doubled the price of gold after it had been publicly sold to Europe at the reduced price.
I mean, that's highway robbery!
And we've been buying American 20s from Europe here in the United States ever since.
Yeah, I've talked to the gold brokers and the gold, uh, buyers.
That's where it comes from.
That's right.
Buying our gold back that they got for paper money they gave us.
That's right.
So if we have scams that big, Bob, how do we stop them from doing that to us again?
All we can do is what we're doing right now and trying to inform the public, because they're not going to get the truth in the media from their politicians, from their universities.
We've just got to do the best we can do.
Yeah, they can come take your children, take your wife, take your gold, take your car, but having the money in the bank or a safety deposit box is even worse, because the new Patriot Act doesn't even let you keep gold or cash in a safety deposit box.
Now they can go take it from you.
Well, that means you've got to bury it, doesn't it?
This is so overtly criminal.
How did they convince our grandparents, your parents, Bob, to turn their gold in for paper?
Well, I think one of the things you have to consider is that not an awful lot of people owned gold in those days because they were in the middle of depression.
And a lot of it had been sold in order to get money to live.
And what was left was probably in the hands of the more wealthy.
I mean, you know, just look back.
We had a depression that began in 1929.
The worst years of the depression was 1933, 1934, and 1935.
And had it not been for
a deliberately convoluted war uh... we would have never came out of it.
It's amazing Bob.
So how long till we go into this depression that Ron Paul's talking about?
Oh, we'll go in starting next year and uh... the following year I think it'll be in the streets.
Now, you've never talked like this Bob, why do you think that's going to happen?
Well, it's a simple
A group of events, one of which follows another.
You have a depression, you have unemployment, you have people who lose their residences, you have people who don't have any money left, you have people going bankrupt, you have people who can't feed their children.
They're gonna go out there and start raising heck!
Yeah, we're not the Christian society we were in the 1930s.
Can I chop some wood for you for a sandwich, man?
Well, you're absolutely right.
Bob Chapman's final segment.
We'll take a final call and we'll also plug your newsletter and give out the toll-free number.
When we get back, stay with us, folks.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're back live.
Bob Chapman, I know that you offer a free copy of your very informative and thick newsletter.
How do folks get a copy of that before we take a couple final calls?
We publish weekly by the internet, by email, and
It runs around 30 or 40 pages a week, and we publish twice a month in hard copy.
You can get an introductory copy by calling 877-479-8178, and I'll repeat that.
And Midas Resources is special, and they are offering anyone who buys more than $3,000 worth of coins from them
A free one-year subscription.
So you should keep that in mind.
All right, so what's that number again to get the free copy?
It's 877-479-8178.
All right.
Let's folks take advantage of that.
Let's talk to Bill and Mass.
Go ahead, Bill.
Good afternoon, Alex and Bob.
I'm a little bit confused.
I did a very interesting study in college on
Economic, but lately I've been hearing big concern about where Iraqi oil is sold, and I always thought it was a commodity, the same way I used to think that gold was a commodity.
Now, since hearing you folks talk, I'm beginning to think of it not so much as a commodity, unless it's traded.
Well, understand that it's done through monopoly.
What we're talking about is, what will the Arabs accept for a currency?
If they won't accept the dollar, that drives it down further.
Well, as far as oil is concerned, it goes into the open market, unless it has to be spirited out of the country, which Iraq was doing earlier.
And they also, in the
And the oil that they were selling officially under sanctions had switched to selling it in the form of Euros.
As far as gold being a commodity, yes it is in the sense that it's used in manufacturing, but gold is the oldest money in the face of the earth.
And that's something that I did not learn when I went to Northeastern University.
Where did you go?
But, I'm wondering, today in, well, of all places, the Drudge Report, I was reading about the IMF being very concerned about our national debt, and how it may be screwing up the world economy.
And I'd like to hear more about that.
What you've been talking about is the... Well, that's just good cop... Sir, I read that article in the first hour, and it's on Infowars.com.
That's good cop, bad cop behavior.
The shareholders of Europe are the shareholders of this system.
Bob Chapman, your comments on that?
That's a beautiful answer, because that's exactly what that is, because the IMF and the World Bank are the antithesis of gold.
I would like to buy some gold, but I'm just afraid that somehow or other, just like guns,
Gold would be taken away.
Well, that's the point.
They could, hey, don't have children because they could take your children.
Don't walk outside because you might get, you know, run over by a car.
That's the point is that nothing's safe in tyranny, but at least you'll have physical possession.
That's what we've been discussing here.
They can take your stocks.
They can take your bonds.
They can take your bank account.
That's the point.
We're living in tyranny, my friend.
Thanks for the call.
I'm sorry to Scott and others.
Call me back tonight or back tomorrow.
Bob Chapman, thanks for coming on the show.
Please have me back.
I love it.
You bet.
Give folks the number again for the free newsletter.
That number is 877-479-8178.
God bless.
Folks, I'm not going to plug my videos this hour.
They're great films.
You want to support us?
You should get them.
They're all excellent.
Well, I'll tell you the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
You can order them via our secure online shopping cart or call toll-free 888-253-3139.
Get out there and expose evil, folks.
Wake up to the reality.
Get your head out of the sand.
See you back tonight, back tomorrow.
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