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Name: 20040107_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 7, 2004
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, we're live.
It's another
Edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm Alex Jones.
It's the seventh day of this new year, January 7th, 2004.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Coming up in the next hour, we have Neil Knox, former NRA board member.
In an October 2693 profile, the Wall Street Journal said Neil Knox is likely to have a greater impact on the rapidly escalating firefight over gun control than any other individual in America.
He's one of the no-compromise old line people that used to be in the NRA at the higher levels.
Now it's basically
A gun-grabbing Judas Goat extravaganza.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Coming up in about 30 minutes, he's got one of the biggest websites on the internet.
Tens of millions of visitors a month, and the site's only been up a few years.
And he's Michael Rivero with WhatReallyHappened.com.
We'll be discussing the police state September 11th, you name it, with Mr. Rivero.
So you do not want to miss that in about 30 minutes as well.
And we'll have open phone lines, whether you agree with our guest or disagree with him.
It should be very, very interesting and informative, as they say.
Obviously, we're going to talk about something we've been talking about for a long time, but now is a big issue.
Total amnesty of any illegal alien that ever gets to this country.
I've read the White House statements.
I've heard them say they like the McCain plan.
That's the bill.
That's what's probably going to pass Congress.
If you can get here, you're legal.
It's not like what they did in the mid-80s, where they gave, you know, 10 million people amnesty.
There's been several amnesties.
They gave 3 million amnesty, 8 million amnesty, 10 million amnesty.
They're saying this is an 8 million amnesty, but not an amnesty, it's a new word.
Again, it's like changing the labels here.
It's like, well, he wasn't hit by a train, he was loved by a train.
You know, let's just change the definition.
Well, you're still hit by a train.
You can call it whatever you want.
But this is different because it's in perpetuity.
It changes the law where it's not just an amnesty for those that are here.
Okay, and by the way, there's not 8 million, there's over 25 million, and then by the way, all their family can come here.
But that doesn't matter, they don't have to bring their family now, because if their family gets here, gets across the border, they are legal for 3 years, and then after 3 years, they're totally legalized and given a green card.
And Bush says this is his solution, oh, you've got your finger cut off here, let me chop your arm off.
How about we hack your leg off?
That will fix it.
This is amazing, folks.
Bush proposing immigration reform for millions, looking to draw more Hispanics behind his re-election bid.
Okay, that's a fraud right there.
This headline that we've seen in the New York Times, the Washington Times,
The Associated Press, Reuters, it's all the same opening line, looking to draw more Hispanics behind his re-election bid.
82% of Hispanics in major polls want the borders shut and illegals deported.
Every Hispanic I've talked to who's an American citizen, and most of those that are immigrants as well, don't want more illegals.
They know it drives down their wages.
They're not stupid, but again, they're creating this illusion that all Hispanics want this, and some are starting to buy it and go, yeah, yeah, you're against Hispanics if you don't want an open border.
Hey, I'm not against Russians, I'm not against Mexicans, I'm not against Chinese.
There's over 6 billion people, they all want to come here.
We're now right up at 300 million, and that's just off some of the latest census numbers, folks.
Most of the illegals don't go out and talk to the census taker, okay?
A lot of estimates are we're at actually 325 million people.
So we'll go over this, and you thought NAFTA and GATT were bad.
You thought the tens of millions of illegals were bad.
Oh, it's going to get a lot worse.
And they're going to vote.
And they're going to pull that lever for gun control and socialism.
And the government's going to take everything we've got.
It's a great new system.
They'll also make up the military and be our prison guards.
Oh, I have the mainstream news articles.
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Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I had James Bovard, a well-known conservative columnist who's written for the New York Times, the Washington Times, American Spectator,
They don't want his articles, though.
Only the liberals want to run them.
Articles where you go out with a sign amongst 500, 1,000 Bush supporters, and you say, no blood for oil, and they come over and arrest you and charge you with federal crimes.
And Mr. Bovard said, you know, I can't imagine that they're doing this, and he says, I can't imagine that a judge will convict
The latest 55-year-old man that they arrested and have criminally charged.
And they admit he was standing in a big crowd of people on the side of the road.
And they all had Bush-supporting signs.
They had held back the protesters out of view of the media and the President.
He went with his sign and just said, I'm going to stand here with it.
And they were ordered to arrest him.
I guess our veterans have fought and died so that you can't stand amongst Bush supporters with pro-Bush signs and have an anti-Bush sign.
I guess that's what America's all about.
It's the new conservatism.
Like the open borders, the gun control, the bloating regulation and size of government.
That's conservative.
Communism is what the founding fathers wanted.
I'm learning that I'm a communist.
I'm not a conservative.
And that'll be quoted in the newspaper.
That's a joke.
It's a way of illustrating here.
But it's very serious.
Well, guess what?
They convicted this guy.
He was facing massive fines and quite a bit of time in prison.
But the judge convicted him.
And said, well, you're only going to have to pay a $500 fine, but then repudiated him and said, you know, how dare you think that you can go protest?
So I have that article, and I want to get Bovard back on, because he said, well, I can't believe they're arresting people all over the country, and I can't believe they're criminally charging, you know, 65-year-old steelworkers and, you know, grabbing 55-year-old people and just standing there with signs.
Then I pointed out that the Dallas Morning News and Austin American Statesman have both reported that the state lost three lawsuits.
This was about five years ago, four and a half years ago.
Bush was governor, and if you stood anywhere on the streets around the governor's mansion across the street from the Capitol, these are main avenues in Austin, Texas.
They're on the corner of 11th and Lavaca, or anywhere around there, they would come over and arrest you.
And I have been out there protesting before.
And, you know, protesting against gun grabbing and other stuff that was going on.
And Bush wanting open borders here in Texas and trying to do that.
And I had state police walk over and APD walk over and say, we're going to arrest you if you don't leave.
And I'd say, hey, go ahead and arrest me.
I'm going to sue you personally.
Understand that, buddy.
I'm going to sue you.
And I'd say, I know you've been arresting a lot of people, but please, I want to sue you.
And they'd back off from me, but others.
In fact, one of the big suits they lost was a bunch of handicapped folks who were out there protesting, and they arrested a bunch of old ladies in wheelchairs, loaded a paddy wagon with them, and that was just one of the lawsuits.
They had to pay $100,000 a piece out to each of the old people.
A couple of them were old ladies of those that sued and won.
And they were on the sidewalk, not blocking traffic, sitting there with signs about the state budget.
And boy, really dangerous.
Let's arrest them.
And that was under the governor's orders.
Get them old ladies out of here.
And that was in the paper.
And when it really got obvious, here in Austin, when I worked for KJFK, one of the hosts who was on before me, Shannon Burke, he said,
To one of the interns, he said, I want you to go down there with a sign that says, I like Bush.
And they sent somebody down there with an audio recorder and a video camera as well across the street to tape all this.
And the intern, I ought to call Shannon and get her name and have her on.
It was in the Dallas Morning News, as I said.
And she went and stood with the sign, I like Bush, during another protest of about 15 people against the death penalty.
Pops came, arrested every one of them.
She was standing among them, didn't say a word, just held her sign.
They didn't arrest her.
And then she came back on the radio and talked about how they winked at her.
There was video of all this too, I ought to get that video.
So they kept arresting people and arresting people and they lost three different suits.
Several of the suits had multiple parties, and in the cases, they all won $100,000, a little over $100,000 a piece.
I mean, folks, that's not a free country.
That's what they do in China and Russia.
Do you understand?
That's not America!
That is not America!
I've been out at 50 traffic stops or checkpoints.
We'll be 100 yards from the police.
And they will walk over and say, turn those cameras off!
And I'll say, no, it's the First Amendment.
We're not going to turn our cameras off.
Well, let me see your press pass.
My press pass is the First Amendment, buddy.
A press pass is for a private institution who only allows certain members of the media in.
Do you understand that a press pass is for a football game or a opera or a theater show where you can't have a million people claiming their press.
Press passes were started about a hundred years ago because a lot of folks were saying they were press going to paid events.
You don't need any press pass to walk down the street with a video camera.
You don't need any permit to march or rally.
You gotta have a permit to block traffic.
You don't have to have any permit to be on a public sidewalk.
And these are the laws, these are the precedents, this is the Constitution.
But the cops, the average police officer out there, and I don't dislike you, I'm just angry at your ignorance, has been told our policy is, arrest anybody on the street with a sign, take anybody to jail that's doing this, but when they lost all those lawsuits downtown, at the Capitol, now suddenly in this city we don't see as much of that.
Though Mike Hanson, who does some camera work for me, got a call that one of our listeners, they wanted to search his car and have his ID and all that, and he said no.
Mike goes out to the scene, they're taking him to jail.
Mike's about 70 feet away in a parking lot videotaping.
Cops run over.
Are you a police officer?
Then get out of here!
Turn your camera off!
What are you doing?
And Mike said, it's called the First Amendment.
Well, give us your ID.
No, it's the Fifth Amendment.
Back off!
I know my rights.
They were about to arrest him and backed off.
You're learning.
We're not your slaves.
Do you understand?
You want to have helicopters looking through our walls and cameras on the street corners and cameras in the school bathrooms, but we're not supposed to have our cameras?
And by the way, I see articles every week where people will be at a county courthouse
As a college student with blonde hair and blue eyes, you're really in trouble if you've got dark skin.
But all the time, white-bred Americans will be out there for a school report.
I've seen dozens of these.
And they'll be taking photos of the county commissioner's quarter or the city council building for their report.
And the police will come over and arrest them.
Take their camera.
Why, you could be a terrorist.
You could be photographing our building.
And now, you know, the White House says, look out for those that have road atlases, or almanacs, or there's a bunch of other stuff.
Look out for folks that have this.
But you know what?
They're not worried about the 25 million illegal aliens that they're about to legalize.
And this new law doesn't just set a date.
It doesn't, like the old amnesty say, well, 8 million, 5 million, 3 million, 10 million of ya.
Who are here?
You got one month to line up and get your amnesty.
And you're legal.
In perpetuity, if you can get here, you get a three-year... It's not even called a green card.
It's a joke.
You're just illegal.
It's not amnesty either.
They don't know about that.
You're just legal, and you get an ID card issued by the government.
Now, I've read the bill.
I've read the White House statements.
That's what it does.
This is their solution to illegal immigration.
You know, it's like saying,
Well, you don't like arson.
You don't like arsonists.
Well, we just won't call it arson anymore.
We'll call people setting fire to buildings, Loving Helper Friends.
That'll handle the problem of arson, say in Detroit on Devil's Night every year, where hundreds of structures are burned.
We'll just legalize it, won't call it arson, and we'll call it Happy Helper Friends.
Problem solved.
Hey, you don't like dying of cancer?
There's no such thing as cancer anymore.
We call it, uh, uh, happy apples.
Oh, he's, he's not feeling well because of the happy apples.
We don't have a problem of cancer anymore.
I mean, do you get how absurd this is?
Oh, it's not amnesty.
They're all just going to be totally legalized.
And by the way, then they can bring all their families in and the instant they get here, they're legalized.
Oh, that's wonderful.
We've got
Hundreds of millions in India that want to come here.
Hundreds of millions in China that want to come here.
And every couple decades, there's hundreds of millions more.
There are tens of millions of new births every year in Latin America.
They're building giant superhighways right down into there.
And now Bush is going to meet with Vicente Fox, just like he did two days before 9-11.
Two weeks before 9-11, excuse me.
And is going to do this.
And Vicente Fox came to Austin a couple months ago.
And he gave an award to the police department for ignoring the federal law.
Gave awards to the Wells Fargo because they issue a debit card that is accepted as ID by other banks and the Austin Police Department and hundreds of other cities.
We're not just going to have the government issuing ID cards.
Private corporations will issue their smart cards and that will be accepted, but not for you.
I have watched illegal aliens with no ID, unable to speak Spanish.
I've sat there in line with my wife, who does speak Spanish, and I have sat there and she has told me what they're saying and they are there with no paperwork and a Spanish-speaking teller comes up and gives them a bank account.
I told you about the lady I know who runs the biggest apartment complex in Austin for the biggest company in the country, management company.
They went to a big Dallas meeting last Christmas and they were told
Illegals, you can let 10 be to a two-bedroom.
But citizens, you fine them and kick them out.
They said we are covertly government housing now, but no one is to know that one-third of our properties are government housing.
That means one-third inside properties.
And that we've been told by the feds to let the illegals do whatever they want.
This is designed to destroy the middle class.
Why do you think they give double tuition to illegals in several western states?
Why do you think they give
No income taxes for seven years for any foreigner.
Why do you think that?
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There's a lot of propaganda surrounding Bush's quote, immigration reform.
Number one, the word reform is not properly understood by the general public.
Reform simply means to change the shape of.
But we think of the word reform as a good thing.
It's like campaign finance reform.
Double the amount of money.
Corporations can give and stop the amount of money.
Cut it completely cold.
Dead what individuals can do.
That's their reform and restricting non-profit organizations like Gun Owners of America and others 60 days before elections being able to go on talk shows and tell you how members of Congress voted.
Oh, that sounds real good, violating the First Amendment.
People said, oh, the courts will never uphold that.
The Supreme Court did.
Just like the Democrats said, oh, they'll never uphold this redistricting in Texas.
Of course they did.
People said, oh, they'll never allow them to arrest protesters with peaceful signs among those that support government officials.
Yes, they did.
Oh, they'll never give authorization for secret arrest of citizens.
Yes, they did.
In one case, they didn't.
But the point is, these courts are out of control.
You're like, well, we've got to get Bush back in for more good appointments.
They've got two-thirds of the Supreme Court are Republican-appointed.
I mean, it's a sick joke, folks.
All I'm saying is we don't have a Republican Party in this country.
People go, well, Bush is better than Gore.
No, because conservatives would be awake and watchful and mistrusting of government, which the Founding Fathers said we should always be, regardless of who's in office, if we had Al Gore in office.
I wish Al Gore was in office.
Al Gore wouldn't have put us back on UNESCO.
Bill Clinton didn't do it.
He knew it was too unpopular.
But not Bush, because it's conservative.
Bush proposing immigration reform for millions, and it says that in addition, those outside the country, not just people that are already here, but those outside the country wanting to work for the United States will be able to sign up for jobs that most Americans don't want.
What a fraud!
Oh yeah, the high-tech people don't want their computer jobs.
Oh yeah, oh yeah, I know people fighting
American citizens to get the lawn mowing jobs and the jobs trimming trees.
It's a joke!
Or jobs in sheet metal factories.
And we're not just competing against the illegals, we're competing against the prisons too!
We've read the stories where, you know, a prison will set up a private industry and then there'll be four companies that were private hiring more people there in the city and it takes Seattle and four of them go out of business.
All of them go out of business and now the prison gets all the business with a private company running the business and the prisoners get twenty cents an hour.
Starting to get this and depending on which federal law they use, they get seven to ten years.
Did you know that whether they're from Pakistan, or Russia, or Germany, or mainly Latin America, or any of these countries, ask them, go to one of these stores.
You wonder why all the stores are owned by foreigners?
Owned by people who can't speak English everywhere you go, 90% of them?
Because they don't have to pay income taxes for 7 to 10 years!
No one can compete against it!
No one!
The big gas companies,
Publicly, only try to give franchises to all these foreigners.
Because, again, no one can compete against not having to pay income taxes.
Not having?
Why do foreigners get that?
The average American doesn't even know that.
Did the government do it because it loved us?
It's a bad thing to be a citizen.
You're there to be abused.
You're there to be
Turned into a third world serf.
They hate you middle class.
They hate you having money.
They hate you not being on welfare.
Because when you're on welfare, they can say, if you don't take all the vaccines and your children don't, you don't get the welfare.
It's about control.
And they say the estimate ranges from 8 million to 14 million illegals.
But anyone who's here, anyone that can ever get here, it's instantly legalized in perpetuity.
It's an ongoing total amnesty.
So, I hope you enjoy this, and I want you to remember what the economy was like today, ten years from now, as the illegals become legals and pour in and vote and take your guns and take your private property and ratchet up the taxes and vote in our new democracy for satellite tracking and taxation.
I just, and the illegals, they won't mind, you know, once they're legal, swiping their card for the National Sales Tax.
It's all going to be so much fun being slaves.
I'm not trying to be negative here, I'm just stating the facts.
I know it's not as important as Pete Rose.
I know it's not as important as any of this ridiculous garbage.
I know it's not as important as Colby Bryant.
You know, yesterday we had one of the top bioethics folks on.
We read part of the bill on air where New Jersey legalized taking clones to term, having the surrogate mothers give birth to them, keeping the babies alive and using them for body parts outside the womb.
I know that's not important.
Hey, what's important is Pete Rose.
Let's talk about Pete Rose when we get back.
That really matters to pathetic jellyfish.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright ladies and gentlemen, coming up in the next hour we have Neil Knox.
The Wall Street Journal said Neil Knox is likely to have
A greater impact on the rapidly escalating firefight over gun control than any other individual in America.
And he's a former NRA board member.
We'll talk about the State of the Second Amendment coming up in the middle of the next hour, about 57 minutes from now.
We'll also get into Bush proposing immigration reform.
Again, it's reform.
It's like putting blacks back into slavery and calling it reform.
Up to six months in federal prison and a $5,000 fine.
But instead, he got a $500 fine for standing amongst hundreds of Bush supporters on a public street with a sign saying, no blood for oil.
So again, the courts say, yeah, you can't stand on the street with a sign.
That's evil.
And we just can't allow that.
Also, CIA fake German terror alert.
That's out from mainstream Norwegian news.
China to drop martial law out of its constitution and call it a civil emergency or crisis or state of emergency.
Oh, they're getting more modern, aren't they?
And civil contingencies bill gives the UK government dictatorial powers.
We'll be going over that.
Blair says I'll take Britain into the Euro by 2007.
Before we go to our guest, Michael Rivero with WhatReallyHappened.com, an amazing website, one of the biggest alternative sites on the internet.
I want to encourage every listener.
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And secondarily, it also supports this broadcast.
I've made ten films.
I carry other great films, like Eric Huffman's 9-11 video, Painful Deceptions, Tito Howard's The Loss of Liberty about government-sponsored terror and the sinking of that ship, The Blame It on Egypt,
Uh, to bring us into war with them.
Uh, we carry, uh, my new film, Matrix of Evil, I made with Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, myself.
It's an amazing video.
They're all over two hours.
Police State, three total.
Enslavement is two hours, forty minutes.
The first twenty-five is, what is the New World Order?
What is globalism?
Then, who are the neocons?
What is PNAC?
Other examples of government-sponsored terror, other than 9-11, stuff I haven't covered in other films, then we get into Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, all of it, the cashless society control grid.
It's a great film, and you need to get Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
There's a lot of great videos, they're $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more.
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That's 888-253-3139, or go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order them via our secure online shopping cart, or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
It is so important to get my videos, to make copies, to put them on AXS TV, to give them to opinion makers, talk show hosts, pastors, rabbis, whatever.
It is so important.
It's having such a huge effect.
We have a chance to expose the globalist terrorist before they carry out more terror.
So please get the films, the books, today.
Alright, we're joined by Michael Rivero with WhatReallyHappened.com and the site's just a few years old.
It's one of the biggest out there.
Millions of visitors each month.
Infowars.com gets over 8 million visitors a month and What Really Happened even gets more than that.
A lot of interesting info and analysis there on the site with different perspectives each and every day.
Mr. Rivero is a case point example of how just an average person can take action and reach millions of people.
Michael, good to have you on the show.
Thank you for having me on the show this morning, Alex, and obviously a lot of the material that I have in my site is linking to InfoWars.com.
Well, I just want to say that you've done so much wonderful work over the years, and again, I go back to that.
We really can stand up against this, can't we?
Yes, we absolutely can, and I think the most important thing about websites such as yours and mine, and increasingly more and more every day,
...is that we've broken the information monopoly of the mainstream media.
People are now able to find information that the TV networks and the major newspapers would just assume that they not see.
And in a lot of ways, these modern blogging websites are very similar to what was called the Samizdat in the old USSR, which was a network not of computers, but of fax machines that passed around stories from machine to machine.
Which basically exposed the corruptions and deceptions of the government and ultimately was a major contributor to the collapse of the former Soviet Union.
Now, the globalists count on us only dealing in the now, not having a long-term memory as Winston talks about in 1984.
But by showing the progression of their lives, by showing the patterns of their corruption, by taking regionalized news that never gets out of certain regions and bring it all to one place, we are very accurate at even predicting future events.
Very much so.
One of the ways in which the schools shortchange our children
And they do not see the connections of what is happening from one event to the next and why one event leads to the next.
Whereas before, classical Western teaching was event history.
That's what makes it interesting.
That's how you learn history.
And now, Michael, they're just phasing out history altogether.
Yes, it is being very much de-emphasized in terms of more indoctrination about current politics.
And whole sections of history which are really meaningful for what we're going through right now are simply not being taught in the schools at all.
Michael, how did you get involved in this?
You know, as a case point example for those out there that are saying, oh, what can I do?
Well, believe it or not, it was almost by accident and this coming March will be the 10th anniversary of my website.
And it all started back with the death of White House Deputy Counsel Vincent Foster.
And I really was not involved politically at the time, but my day job, I work in motion picture and TV special effects, and I happened to see the photograph that was leaked by the White House to Reuters News, showing Foster's hand with the gun.
And the instant I looked at it, I knew it was a staged shot, because there were so many problems wrong with it.
So I grabbed a copy of it, and I put it up on a sub-page on my then-at-the-time business website, saying there is something funny going on here.
And the next thing I knew,
We were getting death threats in the middle of the night, and there was a serious amount of career-wrecking going on around Hollywood to basically bury me, much as the way the FBI had buried Gene Seberg and others during the 60s.
Did you know that when I go out to L.A.
and I meet with famous people, and I'll talk about it on the air, my name, and I'm just a little guy, all the big execs know who I am, they all talk about me, they walk up to me in restaurants and know who I am.
They really know who we are, don't they?
Yes, they do.
They absolutely do.
There's kind of a situation where a lot of them really do admire and support what you're doing and what I'm doing and what others are doing, but they can't really say it in front of others because they're never sure how it might come back to negatively impact their own business dealings and their own career.
And for people who've spent their entire lives to try and get to the positions where they're in, that's a lot for them to risk.
They may say privately to you one thing and then publicly something else, but there's a lot more support there than you might think.
Well, absolutely.
And under Bush, they've even got dossiers going around.
They've got Karl Rove and Lionel Chetwin admittedly managing the media, paying them funds for what I call propaganda placement.
Not product placement, but placing propaganda in the TV shows.
And I even had Lionel Chetwin threaten me in a stage bathroom on the Conspiracy Zone set.
Yes, there's a tremendous amount of pressure being applied right now because ultimately the government cannot control the Internet.
All they can control is the movies and TV and networks because of FCC and a lot of existing influence.
So they're pushing it as hard as they can to try and counter what is coming out over the Internet.
And I think what is really laughable is this new
Liberty event that is being staged by the State Department, and I use the word staged because it's obviously in response to the revelations by one of the investigators of the original U.S.S.
Liberty investigation that LBJ ordered them to conclude it was an accident, even though the evidence pointed to something else.
So, now the U.S.
government feels that they have to put up this little dog and pony show with a retired bankruptcy judge who is neither an investigator nor a scientist,
I don't
You know, cover this up, and it's clear.
And people even talked to McNamara on the phone, on ships, on spy bases, and were told, you keep this quiet, you shut this down.
As the planes were being launched, one of the admirals was refusing to turn them back, and it's clear, and correct me if I'm wrong, Michael, that this was the White House with Israel, together, planning to sink that ship to blame it on Egypt.
That seems to be the most obvious conclusion.
One issue that keeps coming up over and over again for those who keep saying, oh, it was just an accident, is if Israel attacked the USS Liberty thinking it was an Egyptian ship and a legitimate target of war, then why did they attack it using unmarked ships and planes?
When, if it was a legitimate attack during time of war, they could have just gone ahead with their regular marked aircraft and boats for the attack.
Obviously, the only reason to use unmarked ships and planes is to put the blame for the attack on a third party.
Well, I've read papers out of Israel where pilots and others have admitted that they were told to attack the ship and knew what it was.
Yes, absolutely.
There was one pilot who came forward and said he kept saying on the radio, this is an American ship, what do you want me to do?
And he kept getting the order, you will attack and sink it.
So, I mean, he's not anti-Semitic, he's not anti-Israel.
All these pilots and insulters that are refusing to bomb apartment buildings to kill one person, they're not bad.
No, they're not, and they're being punished and put in jail for refusing to violate the Geneva Convention.
Meanwhile, we have the gentleman who shot an Israeli-Jewish protester at the wall the other day.
He's being let off without any charges at all, so there's an incredible double standard going on there.
Yeah, I saw that.
Routinely, they're beating and killing fellow Jews.
It's horrible.
Yes, and it's getting completely out of control, and I think we're coming to the point where there's going to be not only a crisis in this country, I think there may even be a crisis within Israel itself, because there's actually more people are moving away from Israel than moving to it.
Why didn't Likud kill Rabin?
I'm sorry?
Why did the Likud party, and we've had Barry Hamish and others on, folks, why did the hardliners in Israel kill Yishak Rabin?
Well, this is an area in which I'm probably less qualified to answer than some of your other guests, but it does appear that it was an attempt to simply remove a potential competitor who was standing in the way of Ariel Sharon's rise to power.
Now, obviously on your website you cover a lot about 9-11.
In just a few minutes, your synopsis of September 11th and the ensuing police state.
Well, I think it's very obvious if you go back and look at the foreign press, the United States was already announcing to other nations a plan to invade Afghanistan in October 2001, and they were making this announcement as early as March of 2001.
So, when 9-11 happened, it happened at exactly the right moment to anger the American people into support of the invasion of Afghanistan, which was already in progress.
And Bush had the launch orders on his desk two days before.
The troops en masse, this was all done with precision.
It absolutely was.
It was all ready to go when it happened.
And it is, in light of some of the revelations that have come out about the original Pearl Harbor, following the declassification of certain documents in 1994,
It is appropriate to call 9-11 the new Pearl Harbor, because both of them were deceptions designed to goad the U.S.
into a war they otherwise would not have supported.
Now let me throw something else in here.
60 miles from me is the Fredericksburg National Pacific Museum, the Animal Limits Museum.
Now, as a young child, I went there and saw the midget sub sunk that morning before the attack even began.
Now it's come out that three others were sunk at the gate of the harbor that morning, and the ships and people were still told to stand down.
I mean, that is amazing right there.
Yes, it absolutely is.
The radar had the planes coming in.
There's a book out called Day of Deceit by Commander Robert B. Stinnett, which is a wonderful expose of the Pearl Harbor deception.
And since I live here in Hawaii, I've been able to actually go around and confirm a great deal of the material that is in that book.
Most notably, that the Japanese fleet was broadcasting on their radios all the time.
They were not maintaining radio silence, and their transmitters were so powerful that the passenger ship, SS Lure Line, picked them up, and their radio operator gave a log of the intercepts to the U.S.
Navy here in Pearl Harbor two days before the attack.
And that record has now, of course, completely vanished.
But it is a complete myth and deception to say that the fleet was maintaining radio silence.
They weren't.
So back to September 11th, I kind of diverted you off of that.
It's not an urban legend that the Otago Instant Messenger company, I have the Jerusalem Post on this and others, or ROTS as well, did tell their employees not to go to work.
It is a fact that Mayor Willie Brown was told not to fly to New York.
It is a fact the Joint Chiefs of Staff were told not to go to D.C.
that day in New York.
This is all on the record, but all of these hundreds of points have just kind of receded back into the background.
Your take on that and also this new whitewash commission.
Well, my take on that is, along with the other information, of course, it's come out that Willie Brown got his warning not to fly that day directly from Condoleezza Rice's office.
So that puts the line of inside information right into the White House itself.
There was also one other event which seems to have escaped a lot of notice, and that is that many of the key executives of businesses operating in the World Trade Center had been invited to a special breakfast.
uh... that was uh... conducted uh... in uh... i think it exactly where the last got a u s military base warren buffett yeah that was that that was the one i was talking about so a lot of those key players were invited away from the building by the way that's the associated press i'm sorry that's the associated press on that go ahead uh... i think what is key to understand is that there are clear signs of frame ups going on in u.s.
terror attacks
And I think we want to start with skipping off to one side a moment to the anthrax letters case, which everybody was all screaming about Stephen Hatfield and going back and forth and the FBI was haranguing him and harassing him and tore up his girlfriend's apartment and they even drained a pond near his home and found absolutely nothing.
Meanwhile, the Hartford Courant reported that there was actually a suspect that security systems had caught going in where the anthrax was being stored, but the FBI has never bothered to investigate him.
The key point is that... And of course, this guy's an Israeli.
He's Jewish.
I don't know if he's specifically an Israeli citizen, but... In the articles I've seen, and this is mainstream stuff, he's got Mossad connections.
That very well may be the case, but the point is that regardless of whether it's Dr. Zak or Dr. Hatfield, those letters that were included with the anthrax proved that somebody was trying to frame Arab Muslims for terror attacks in the U.S.
Now, with that hard proof of that, we go back to September 11th, and we start- Stay there, Michael Rivero.
We'll continue with the facts.
The facts, wherever they lead.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
There's so many facets that we can cover here of government-sponsored terror.
Michael Rivera, let me just throw a few out at you.
It's now come out.
It's totally clear they killed Princess Diana.
It's clear MI5's carrying out the terror attacks in London and in Northern Ireland to keep the fear going and expand their control.
It's clear that Putin's blowing buildings up still to blame it on his enemies.
We have them caught, you know, dead.
Hand in the cookie jar on so many occasions that government loves this problem, reaction, solution.
Can you speak to that?
Well, there's nothing new with this.
This kind of deception has been going on for a very, very long time, and the reason it works is because your average citizen wants to believe that they are brave and courageous and can stand up to a government that's gone corrupt.
But the reality is, they aren't, and they don't even want to admit that to themselves.
So, all propaganda really does is give people who don't want to think about what's going on an excuse not to think about what's going on.
That's why you have people 40 years after the fact with all that's come out, you still have people clinging to the Warren Report because they don't want to have to admit that the government itself was behind John Kennedy's assassination, because then they'd have to do something about it.
And the instant they know the government is doing something wrong and then decide not to do something about it,
Then they have to stop thinking of themselves as being brave and courageous and standing up for truth and honesty.
You know, you crystallize that down in just a few words, and I try to elaborate on it, but that's it.
This propaganda is good because it makes it easy.
It makes it, you know, oh, it's just for this group or that group, but you know, it's so skillfully done where it plays to our laziness and our fear.
That's exactly right, and yet it will not withstand careful scrutiny, and it's not designed to.
Propaganda is really just that lie that most people will be comfortable with.
So, will Vladimir Putin, will Tony Blair, will any of these people be brought to justice for acts of terrorism?
Well, only if they make a really bad mistake to where the public simply cannot avoid confronting the reality of what's been going on.
And every once in a while that does happen.
It happened in the United States in 1776.
It happened in France during their revolution.
Where the people who were in charge just made one mistake too many, and the people said, okay, we can't pretend that this is not the way the world is right now, and we've got to do something about it.
What do you see happening in this new year?
More terror attacks, or have we done a good enough job so far of exposing them to back them off from doing big domestic events?
Well, I'm hoping the latter, because the one thing that will prevent more staged terror events is if the perpetrators think that there's a real chance
That they could be exposed, that people will not believe the fall guy, the scapegoat, and there has been a lot of fragmentation, if you will, of the existing cover-up.
Robert Mueller, the head of the FBI, has actually admitted there is no real evidence that links the named 9-11 suspects to the actual crime.
And more and more, as I said, people are becoming aware that we really don't know who was on those planes, only who we're supposed to blame for it.
Well, also, every person that's a supposed enemy terrorist, like Bin Laden or Saddam, no one has connections to them like the Bushes.
Absolutely, or the CIA.
And there was that incident in Palestine about three months ago where they busted an Al-Qaeda cell and realized they had actually picked up a bunch of Mossad agents.
And by the way, that's the Jerusalem Post and the Haraj.
That's even in their newspapers.
UPI, we're not making this up.
Yeah, that was covered pretty much everywhere, but then it was very quickly downplayed, much as the Carl Cameron story on Fox News, the four-part series about the Israeli spiring.
They don't even deny this stuff, though.
It's like, well, let's not talk about that.
Yeah, that's basically the attitude.
It's, yeah, it happened, but it's not important.
You know, please keep looking at the Arab Muslims and think Al-Qaeda when something blows up.
So it really is, it's almost where they are becoming just as lazy in the propaganda.
Because when they get caught, they just shrug, because nothing happens to them when they're caught lying.
So you think that's laziness?
Because, I mean, I wonder why it's so sloppy.
You know, they capture the same person three times.
I mean, it's a joke.
It really is.
They're just counting on the TV mainstream news to keep selling it over and over again.
And it really isn't a sales job.
These aren't newscasts anymore.
They're infomercials.
Infomercials for the war.
For terror and keeping the people so afraid that they can't really evaluate logically.
Michael Rivero from WhatReallyHappened.com.
Stay there, we'll be right back to you.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into the second hour of this global transmission against tyranny.
The next 15 minutes we're going to be joined by Michael Vivero of WhatReallyHappens.com.
My websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're talking about government-sponsored terror, whether it's the U.S., Russia, Israel.
They do it over and over and over again.
Hitler did that.
Stalin did it.
That's how Hitler was able to attack Poland.
You know, the Germans didn't just buy what Hitler was saying, oh, let's attack Poland tomorrow.
No, it's not taught in history, but it is in the encyclopedia, is that Hitler attacked his own radio station, his own military relay station, had the people killed, left some uniforms laying around, and announced, oh, we've been attacked, we've been attacked by the evil Poles.
It is their favorite.
Favorite tactic, and I do just want to mention that when it rains, it pours.
This happens about once a year.
The T1 lines are having problems, so may drop guests, may drop callers, but we'll make it through this.
Let's go back to Michael.
Michael, I was just talking about government-sponsored terror.
It keeps going back to that.
What are other key issues we should be aware of?
Well, the key issues that we have to keep in mind is there is no question but what the government is lying to the American people to further their agenda of war and conquest.
There never were any weapons of mass destruction that were a threat to the United States in Iraq.
Some of the earlier videotapes of Osama bin Laden turned out to be completely fake, and it is very telling that with these latest
Yes, I think so.
Somewhere else in the world conclusively proved that it wasn't.
Also about three months ago they released a quote new tape on the news and two days later quietly okay it was edited old tapes together.
We have a Pentagon that plants fake letters from troops and newspapers about how much they love the war.
The Pentagon Office of Strategic Information admittedly lying to us and we can't believe a word they say.
We absolutely cannot and the important thing to keep in mind right now is that the burden of proof
...has shifted from the public to the government.
The government is now obligated to prove every claim they make.
They can't just simply stand there and say, you will believe what we say because we're the government and we're here to help you.
And this applies to just about every aspect of the relationship between the government and the people.
We know the government lies.
Only a fool would go on listening to the government and giving them the benefit of the doubt.
From now on, everything must be viewed with a tremendous amount of suspicion
In terms of who is benefiting, what the government is attempting to do, certainly we're continuing to see the same kind of propaganda campaigns against Libya and Syria and Iran that we were seeing leading up to the war in Iraq.
Well, whatever happened with Jessica Lynch?
They admit that's a fable, and they still release the Made for TV movie and there's no discussion of it.
Absolutely, and even Jessica Lynch herself was saying, you know, this is not what I remember.
It's a fable.
It's all packaging, and I think part of it may be that Bush and his neocon advisors are sitting on the top of several layers of mid-managers who don't want to share with them just how bad it's really getting out here in the heartland.
Bush says he doesn't even read the newspaper.
I think that's a very telling comment.
I think Bush and his neocon buddies may be living inside an artificial bubble where they really think this is all working.
So it's like Hitler's bunker.
Yeah, very much so.
And they're telling him that there are armies there that don't really exist and everything to keep him happy.
But I think probably there's a layer of people between the White House and the rest of the world that are simply saying, boy, if we tell them how bad things are going, we're going to lose our jobs.
So let's just tell them that everything's fine and that everybody believes Jessica Lynch and everybody believes Syria is nasty and the rest of it.
And when it finally breaks through, it's probably going to be a very uncomfortable moment.
We'll hear when you think that's going to happen, and I respect your opinion on it.
Michael Rivera, WhatReallyHappened.com, in our final segment with him.
Then we're going to take a call or two for him when we get back, and we'll then go to Neil Knox.
You hear a lot about the quality of air outside these days.
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Probably not.
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6 to 10 times.
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Think about what's inside your home.
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They go into you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we've only got a few minutes left with Mike Rivero.
We've got seven minutes here.
I want to take one or two calls here in a second.
But, Mike, you know, I was posing that question as we went into the break, and can you answer that for us?
Could you refresh my memory which question that was?
Well, just, you know, you were talking about them living in these ivory towers and this bad thing, you know, this explosion, this geometric awakening to the tyranny and the lies being quite an event, and when do you see that happening, if it happens, or how will it happen, or will it be more of the globalist system falling apart with a whimper not a bang?
Well, I'm hoping it'll be with a whimper rather than a bang, because, you know, I'm opposed to violence and bloodshed.
I think it's bad for tourism.
And I think what we're probably going to see is, ultimately, the U.S.
government is going to go the way of the former Soviet Union, in that it's going to collapse from its own debts and its own corruption.
Because I think this idea of a global grab for resources and dominance might have worked if they'd started it 10 to 15 years earlier.
But right now, with the U.S.
economy in such tremendous difficulty, I think we may see
The economic system collapsed before too much longer, and that will pull the government down with it.
Now Mike, that's really scary because Congressman Ron Paul says the exact same thing, and it's in my film Matrix of Evil.
He says they're in these ivory towers, there's going to be a depression, and that we're in deep trouble, and we don't think of this giant system falling apart, but it really could happen.
Yes, it very much could happen.
It's really a three-pronged issue.
We have a stock market which has lost a lot of credibility because of the Enron scandal.
We have a nation which, starting 30 years ago, pretty much turned its back on the manufacturing ability, and we just started licensing our technology to other countries, which then manufactured it and sold it back to us.
And the third, of course, is because of that, we have this incredible balance of trade problem of a billion and a half dollars per day.
And between all three of them, there is really no way to prop up the dollar.
And one of the reasons given for this grab for Middle Eastern oil was to turn oil from an imported to an exported product to demand dollars to be paid for it, thereby literally supporting the US dollar with oil rather than with gold.
Now, I mean, it's like when you spray cockroaches with poison, they start mating, basically.
It's a horrible analogy.
An even worse one is it's like a gas station bathroom.
Nobody takes care of it.
It just gets worse and worse.
It seems like America's turned into that gas station bathroom, and the people in the system are just trying to make all the money they can.
I really do see that starting to happen.
Oh, I absolutely do.
I've had a quote on my website for many years now that the last official act of any government is to loot the nation.
And I do believe that we are starting to see that right now with this rampant corporate looting of their own companies, and they're being allowed to just go ahead and do that as long as they kick something back to the politicians.
I mean, we have Kenneth Lay walking around a free man with all the billions he took from his employees and investors, while at the same time we've got Tommy Chong in jail for selling a pipe.
And that pretty much tells you just how seriously skewed out of balance the whole society has become.
Tommy Chong put his name on a website selling
Well, the point is that he didn't take money from people who weren't willing to give it to him, as opposed to Ken Lay, who just swindled billions and billions of dollars.
Exactly, but I mean, they're even using the Patriot Act on Lord Limbaugh now.
They're using it on topless bars and county commissioners.
I mean, this is very transparent.
Oh yes, it's gone completely out of control, and all the assurances that we were told that this was only to fight terror
Definitely that was another one of the lies.
Have you thought that, and this is what they say, that they're actually designing this implosion to make us a third world country?
That's why they're setting up the police state when the middle class finally realizes it?
I think that this police state is so that as they go on raising taxes and taking more money out of us that we no longer have the right to say no.
And did you hear about the now a federal court ruling where, yeah, you can't stand in a group of Bush supporters on a street with a sign that's against Bush?
Yeah, that's a pretty scary development.
Our rights to free speech are basically being eroded away.
Okay, Mike in Illinois.
We've got a minute or so with our guest.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Mike?
I agree with everything you say, Alex.
I agree with everything you say.
This is like a science fiction movie coming true at a fast pace.
It's real scary.
I want to ask you, Mike,
You're talking about the economy.
My friend has a lot of money in the stock market.
In the last, maybe, couple, two, three weeks, he's been bragging how the stock market has made such a turnaround.
Our economy's coming up.
We're doing so well.
And I don't disagree with anything you're saying.
And I try to tell him, you know, it's a thing waiting to crash.
Let me ask you, what's your analogy of how you see it coming up and it's rising?
A lot of people will tell you on the street, oh, the economy's coming up.
Okay, I'm going to let you go because Mike's got to go.
He's got another interview.
But answer that question for him.
Okay, just real quick.
First of all, Bush is going to dump a lot of printed paper on the nation to make the economy look good going into the election.
The other thing is to look at those companies whose stock are doing well and seeing if they're really based on manufacturing profits or if it's just more creative bookkeeping like we had with Enron to run up the stock prices and personal bonuses.
And then, oh, we're safe because they're going after Martha, who's a minnow compared to a whale, and the dollars he valued by 40-plus percent.
It takes more of those dollars to buy that same stock.
We actually have a net loss in the stock market.
Mike Rivero, I want to get you back on the show.
Thank you.
I'd love to come back.
You bet.
God bless.
You know, that's a guy who started out in 94 exposing Vince Foster murder and Bill Clinton.
And then now here he is 10 years later exposing George Bush.
But Bill Clinton, George Bush, they're just management teams.
And presidents are just figureheads of those management teams.
Understand that.
The stock market going back up, I mean, it's very, very dangerous.
And I told you, for two years, before the stock market really started going down in mid-2000, I said, hey, remember when it was up a couple thousand points above what it is now?
I said, folks, you need to get out now.
And I had a lot of Dellionaires and other local folks that had Dell stock worth a million bucks or whatever.
You know, just people that worked there.
I said, you better get out now.
They'd laugh at me.
Oh, I never will.
I'll never get out of AOL.
I'll never get out of... And I said, these dot-coms are going to bust.
You know, because I looked at the companies.
They were throwing money at... You know, somebody just started dot-com for anything.
Wouldn't even sell anything for two years, but their stock would go up and up and up.
I mean, that's not a real business.
And let me tell you what's up.
Prison industries, bomb, you know, weapons manufacturers.
Yeah, they're up right now.
Oil stocks have been up because of what's happening.
But the global has started something new here that we haven't seen since the depression.
Now they'll take a real company that has real assets, they'll transfer the assets out the back door quietly, blow out the company and say there are no assets, and defraud the shareholders.
So that can happen.
There are real companies out there that do have real value.
Obviously the P.E.
ratios are very inflated, but still.
You've got something more real than just a piece of paper that's a U.S.
Federal Reserve note.
A private Federal Reserve note.
So certainly to take some of those green Federal Reserve notes, the cotton, I say paper, they're really cotton, to take those pieces of cloth, thin cloth,
And put it into stock, you know, is certainly there's more value there than just having the money.
I would say have some stock, have some gold, have some silver, pay down those debts, have a couple acres you can retreat to of biological weapons released.
I mean, that's my economic plan.
So, I mean, I would just tell people to diversify, but a lot of these companies aren't really making anything, and it is creative bookkeeping.
The other question is, do you want to own stock in IBM?
It's not going anywhere.
They're in the biometrics, they're in the slave grids, they're in the face scanning cameras, they're in the implantable microchips, they're in the human genome project, owning half of it.
I mean, you want to know one of the few companies that will be left at the end of all this, it's going to be IBM.
But I wouldn't own IBM.
I wouldn't buy stock, you know, in, you know, if Adolf Hitler owned a company, I wouldn't buy stock in it, even, you know, in 1936, even if I knew my stock would quadruple or quintuple.
I'm not going to be involved with Adolf Hitler.
And, uh, by the way, IBM did help Hitler, and that's why they put the tattoos on the slaves in the camps.
That was an IBM International Business Machine number.
They decide off the machines with IBM technicians how much to feed somebody for their weight and age or whether to kill them in the slave camps.
And that's an admitted fact.
And, of course, they're behind the implantable chip.
Their front company is Applied Digital.
I told you about that four years ago.
It's now mainstream news.
The Communist Chinese military and IBM own that company.
But again, it's bad PR to be running around promoting microchips, so they use a front.
I don't want to get off into IBM, but I'm just talking about companies.
That is such a wicked organization, folks.
The most evil company in existence, with its fingers in everything.
Oh, boy, we're in a lot of trouble.
And of course, the IBM folks are the family that owns it and runs it, are the heads of the bohemian grove at the highest level
They're right up there with David Rockefeller and just a couple others, the Dutch Roll family, the British Royal family and of course the Rothschilds.
But folks don't talk enough about IBM so I thought I'd throw that out there at you just so you would be aware of its activities.
We'll break and come back and take calls.
You know, this stuff rarely happens but
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You'll have to hit extension 125 to get to the board.
Let's go to Ron in New York.
Go ahead, Ron.
Hi, Alex.
One thing I do want to say is your guest had made a remark.
Something that I myself have been saying many times for many years.
It boils down to this.
That many people in this country are basically cowardly.
And for them to have to confront their own cowardice is something they couldn't psychologically accept.
So they go along with all this tripe.
They go along with the lies that are told to them.
Because that is easier.
Yeah, stay there.
I'll let you finish after the break, Ron.
And then we'll get to all this other news.
And Neil Knox, he's a former NRA board member, the head of a good gun organization.
There's not just Gun Owners of America, there's not just Jews, the Preservation of Firearms.
They're great groups.
There's also Neil Knox's organization, Firearms Coalition.
We'll be right back.
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Let's go back to Ron in New York, then Fabbros in Canada and others.
Go ahead, Ron, finish up.
Yes, Alex.
So, as I was saying, this is why people behave the way they do.
I mean, this is nothing new.
As I understand it, the history of our own American Revolution at that point in time, 30% were very patriotic and wanted liberty, 30% were indifferent, and 30%, of course, remained loyal to the crown.
Meaning 60% essentially were cowardly, they wanted to stay with the status quo, would do nothing.
And 30% were very determined to have liberty.
Well, it was actually about 2% started the war, 5% won it, but yeah, about a third were supportive.
Bottom line is, majorities are always cowardly, because it's just the nature of human beings, and it's the very committed minority, sizable, something in the 30-some-odd percent range is sizable, but a minority, that usually brings about the affirmative change in any society.
And I think that eventually was going to have to happen here.
What happened today with the Bush administration is pretty much, I think, the final flag, if you will, or the last straw to indicate that these people do not have the interest of the American people, the citizens of the United States of America.
And for those who don't know, it's total legalization in perpetuity of anybody that wants to come here, and the government will even be a job locator for those in third world countries and help them get here.
Alex, I think it would be better set
If we were to say, it is total displacement of the Native American population by a corrupt government that wants to destroy this society and this country as we have historically known it.
And they've done it before!
Yes, they're bringing in what I call the social economic equivalent of Haitian, you know, military.
Like the British brought the Hessians in, rather.
I'm sorry, Hessians, beg your pardon.
They brought the Hessians in.
to try and fight the American Patriots.
We now have our own, well, we now have this government.
Yeah, they're desperately pouring in a giant mass of third world people, and the majority of Hispanics are against this happening, but the news keeps saying Bush is doing it to make Hispanics happy.
When they all know, the focus groups know, the polls are 80 plus percent of Hispanics are against this.
But it isn't just the, you know, Latin America's the majority, that's why we talk about Latin America so much, it's all these other countries.
Well, that's a nice cover story, but the reality is Bush is probably doing this to help out transnational financial and banking interests, you know, who want to turn this place into nothing more than a slave factory.
That's it.
Thanks for the call, Ron.
Ron, I appreciate the call.
Fabros, I believe, in Canada.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
It's a real blessing and an honor to be on your show.
I'm calling up from Toronto, Canada, to let you know that we have problems up here, too, with regards to a police state.
Since the early 2002, myself and a few other people here in Toronto have been spreading the word around.
We have some of your videotapes.
We've been giving that around.
We've been giving lists of websites and stuff.
And it's obviously having an effect to the point that now the public libraries, as well as university libraries, now have people, they have to log on and enter their name and a special number.
So basically they can monitor
Who is watching what, and people now have to self-censor themselves, and it's becoming a real problem in regards to getting information across.
You should get a group together, an organization, and stand against that, and sue!
You could affect change countrywide!
Yeah, that's probably, we're going to have to take, that's right, the legal route.
There's also other problems, too, with regards to militarization of police.
Even the transit police up here,
It's unbelievable.
They're all having bulletproof vests.
They carry semi-automatics, stun grenades, tear gas, mace.
It's really getting, you know, it's beyond out of control.
Oh yeah, they wear the black uniforms and the ski masks like they do here.
Canada's been a pretty docile place, but they certainly are gearing up up there.
Yeah, so it's not just America.
You guys are not alone, that's for sure.
And also one more thing... We've also got all the illegals pouring in, but they make them legal there too!
Yeah, see it's the exact same thing.
And gun control and all this kind of stuff that's going on.
All these kind of problems.
But I just wanted to say one more thing.
If you ever wanted to come up and give a lecture up here in Canada, I can provide you free space actually up at the University of Toronto.
I can actually do that for you if you want.
Wow, are you a professor or something?
No, I'm a graduate student.
I have a group up here that I can manage to obtain free space.
Well, wow, thanks for the invitation.
I might do that sometime.
And I appreciate you guys making copies of the videos and taking action, because it's very hard.
I can get videos into Germany, Australia, England, and we might lose one out of twenty shipments.
Canada, we lose about half of them.
And that's another form of censorship.
I've gotten letters back from your customs.
This is on the not allowed list.
So keep it up, sir.
Make a lot of copies of those videos.
It makes them real mad.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, ladies and gentlemen.
We are now joined by Neil Knox, and you can go to his powerful website, neilknox.com.
We have a link to it on infowars.com.
Firearms Coalition Frequently Asked Questions.
And, you know, who is the Firearms Coalition?
Well, we'll talk about that, because there's not just Jews for the Preservation of Firearms, a great organization, or Gunners of America, another wonderful group, with Larry Pratt.
There's also the Firearms Coalition, and Neil Knox, again, in a profile in the Wall Street Journal, said that Neil Knox is likely to have a greater impact on the rapidly escalating firefight over gun control than any other individual in America.
And of course, he has been the founder and editor of Gun Week, editor and publisher of Hand Loader and Rifle Magazines, and executive director of the NRA, ILA, following a member's rights revolt at the 1977 NRA convention in Cincinnati.
Since 84, he has worked as a writer and lobbyist, supported by people who believe, as he does, that the Second Amendment is about the fundamental right to defend self, family, home, country.
There was no compromise.
If we had a bunch of Neil Knox's at the NRA, we'd be repealing gun laws, not talking about Bush getting ready to reauthorize the assault weapons ban.
Neil Knox, good to have you on the show, sir.
Well, my pleasure to be here.
You bet.
Let's... Go ahead.
I'm sorry.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, and then let's get into the Second Amendment and where you see it going.
Well, you hit the high spots.
That covers a lot of
I used to be a newspaper man down in the great state of Texas, in North Texas, Vernon, Wichita Falls.
Then I went to Sydney, Ohio to start Gun Week back in 1966.
At that time, I had been writing for some of the gun magazines.
I had what I believe was the first footnoted scholarly type article on
Whether or not gun laws actually reduce crime, because I was chopping down what Tom Dodd was saying then.
But I started lobbying the Hill back in the summer of 66, and I have been at it ever since.
I didn't want to bore everybody with a long life tenure, but during the time that I was the Island Director, which was from 1978 to 1982, that was a year after the Cincinnati Reform, the so-called Member Revolt, which I played a significant role in that.
We put Harlan Carter in as the one that was on the board and a former
Executive Director of ILA, we felt that he would do the best job and he talked me into coming back to D.C.
in January of 78.
At that time I was in Prescott, Arizona editing Hand Loader and Rifle.
I'm very proud of the fact that my so-called too hard of a line, the no-compromise line, and hold their feet to the fire line, I'm proud to say that that did work
I remember the day that I took the job.
I sat down at my desk and thought, well, Neil, you've been preaching for a lot of years.
It's time now for you to plow.
And it was a scary thought, but it did work.
During my four and a quarter years that I was in there, not one federal gun law
was passed and we started out with an anti-gun majority in the House, particularly, and in the Senate.
They were all Democratic-controlled, Democratic Party-controlled.
Not one bill passed.
Part of that was luck.
Part of it was greed on their part.
They wanted more than they could get for sure.
And by trying to get more, they got nothing.
But we hammered them very hard.
Now back then they were a little more honest about their plans to disarm us.
Now they use mislabeling in this creeping death format.
But I'm very interested that back in 1977, the NRA convention in Cincinnati, how you had that members revolt.
How do we engineer one of those today?
Because the NRA and its magazine and its publications will not tell its members that Bush has said
And the Associated Press that he's going to reauthorize the assault weapons ban, no matter what's tacked onto it.
That is incredible!
Well, I don't think he has said quite that strong, but what he said was... Yes, he has.
You may have missed it.
Well, I didn't see the, no matter what is tacked onto it.
What has happened is Scott McClellan, who was then deputy and is now the full-time press secretary for Mr. Bush,
He said, in answer to a question, that they did support, as he had supported in the 2000 campaign, the re-enactment.
And I don't think they've gone beyond simple re-enactment.
I don't like simple.
I want to see that thing gone.
It expires September 13 of this year.
I want to keep it off his desk so that he doesn't
Have the opportunity to do it.
He has done nothing, I guarantee you, that I know of, to push it.
And this has been causing the people over on the other side to scream madly.
I don't like the fact that he's where he is.
At the same time, he hasn't been out there pushing for it.
And I think that if we all keep putting the pressure on the White House, he won't.
Well, I don't have the articles in front of me, but I've had quite a few guests on and Pratt and others, and we've gone over the statements and they have been asked, well, you know, if they bring you this bill and it's got stuff added to it, what are you going to do?
And they say, well, we support the reenactment.
And, you know, that sounds to me like they're saying they're going to authorize it.
And they've said that they will re-authorize what's already there that's bad enough.
I mean, look, most politicians that are pro-gun get re-elected, what is it, 86% in the 2000 election, I saw the numbers.
It's constitutional, it's what the people want, we've been winning the fight for the minds of the people.
I mean, how do we get that law repealed or not get it re-enacted?
Well, that's the advantage.
We do not have to repeal it.
All we have to do is let that thing die.
Now, Tom DeLay has said that he would not call that bill to the floor.
What's bothered me is that the other side is going to do their best, and I've seen some internal memos from the other side where they were talking about working with certain senators, that they want to put
The Quote Assault Weapon Band, mechanically identical to the one that my dad, who's 91 years old, last year when he busted a nice 10 point buck about 70 miles north of you up near Lampassus.
He used a Browning BAR, beautiful little hunting rifle, that is gas operated, magazine fed,
We're good to go.
To put that on any piece of legislation that they can get to the floor.
Whether or not Tom DeLay can prevent that from coming up, I don't know.
He's a potent man up there and I'm proud of it.
He's been very supportive of us.
And I must say that the administration has been helpful to us in a lot of ways.
I was irritated with them back in the fall when they did not help us on one that
The Office of Personnel Management had given a contract to Andrew McKelvey, the guy that came up with this mislabeling that you're talking about.
McKelvey's group is so-called Americans for Gun Safety.
It's not even really an organization.
It's funded through one of these not-for-profit groups and goes through the Tsunami Fund.
He gave 3.6 million bucks.
I don't know how much he gives each year to it, but that mislabeling business of his is the one that says now we're going to talk about gun safety instead of gun control, that kind of thing.
Now, those people plan to try to add the so-called assault weapon ban to S-659, which is the
It's like if I go and buy a Louisville Slugger and kill somebody with it, you don't go after me, you sue Louisville Slugger.
That's their weird notion.
And that's one of the big fights of the year.
Now, NRA has been pushing that one since 1998.
They have called that their top priority, and I was more than a little concerned, oh, let's say a little over a year ago, when I first started hearing this noise about combining those two.
I was afraid that NRA might accede.
To combine it.
And for those that don't know, that would bring massive California-style so-called safety regulatory control over gun manufacturers, you know, like they do with a lot of other industries.
And then with that, they'd be able to ban guns outright by declaring them unsafe.
Well, you're talking about the Consumer Product Safety Commission stuff, which
You're right about what they want to do and what it would do, but the one I'm talking about... I've read articles where they're going to try to attach that to a bill.
Oh, they absolutely, they've been trying to do it ever since 1974 when they first rolled it out.
Okay, let me cover a few other issues here real quick with you, Neil.
This is very important.
I mean, again, if we had people like you at the NRA again, back on the board, we'd be repealing laws.
How about Bush?
If he's so pro-gun, they stop the building of this new giant BATF complex.
How about he not increase the funding for the BATF, which he's done?
How about they get rid of Project Exile,
Which federalizes gun crimes.
You know, some old guy carrying a gun in his car in some state where you quote, can't do that.
How do we get lots of these laws repealed?
We have the force of numbers.
We have the Constitution.
How do we force the Republicans that have the Supreme Court, the House, the Senate, and the Executive to start repealing and dismantling gun control that has made Chicago the most dangerous city in the country?
Well, in answer to all those questions, I don't know.
But I do know that you cannot do it by patting a Republican on the head just because he's a Republican and saying, there, there, that's okay, go ahead and vote against us once in a while and we won't object.
You've got to object.
That's one of the keys.
Now, I don't know, on all these bills out here,
How we're going to stop the laws, how we're going to turn it around.
I was one of them who warned the NRA board that this idea of enforce the gun laws we've got, which came from NRA.
And it's a great PR move, but it is terrible policy because we've got a bunch of guys that have a 40 year old conviction.
That could be a domestic violence conviction, that's one thing.
Well, now they're going after people with misdemeanors.
Yeah, that is a misdemeanor.
Domestic violence misdemeanor.
And right there in the great state of Texas, I remember in Austin, statesman American a couple of years ago bragging about Project Exile version in Texas, they said that
This one old boy that had been hammered had no previous criminal record, but he had possessed a gun while he was under a restraining order.
In the great state of Texas, a restraining order in a divorce.
It's just automatic.
It's almost boilerplate.
Yeah, they admitted that she admitted there was no violence.
The lawyer just has that done to control the proceedings and to kick the man out of the house.
And this is just a standard procedure.
And then, of course, he won that case, went to the Fifth Circuit.
And that brings us into my next issue, the Ninth Circuit.
Again, I wouldn't call it a Republican court.
I'm not that fond of it.
I'm not that fond of all Republicans.
Don't misunderstand.
Reichert, the judge in the Ninth Circuit, wrote that opinion, which all he had to do was say, we affirm what we've said before.
But he wanted to get his licks in, and he took a slap in his opinion at the Fifth Circuit Emerson case decision that you were talking about.
And in his case, they went up to the Supremes.
They've declined to hear it.
But I'm thankful they did, because look at what this other, what you call Republican court, which I really don't.
Put in by Republicans!
Well, I wouldn't argue that.
Souter was put in by Republicans, so was Senator Dale Conner.
They both voted wrong on, as far as I'm concerned, on under God in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Uh, on affirmative action.
These things that, that they just turned the constitution on its head.
I don't want this court considering the second amendment.
And I was not pleased with the severe case because it was a real bad case technically to bring that case up.
They, uh, the most people don't realize that, uh,
Here you're dealing with a state law, and the state law in California is far worse even than the federal law.
It's really nasty, and they're saying that that, quote, assault weapon law would have to be found, first of all, to be a violation of the Second Amendment and applicable to the states.
See, the Second Amendment has never been held
I understand.
They can use the Tenth Amendment when they want to destroy our liberties, and then ignore the Tenth Amendment when they're federalizing.
Stay there, Neil Knox.
We'll be right back with you.
And I want to talk about how illegal immigration ties into the Second Amendment.
Oh, it does.
With our guests.
Stay with us, Mr. Knox.
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All right, folks.
We're talking to Neal Knox.
He'll be with us a little bit in the next hour.
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We're about to go back to Mr. Knox.
He's done so much for this country.
He really has won a lot of Second Amendment victories.
The NRA was a real organization that held back the flow for four or five years when he was in there.
And we need more like him.
Before we go back to Neil, I want to encourage everybody to get Paul Joseph Watson's new book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
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There's also my new video, Matrix of Evil with Congressman Ron Paul.
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And again, there's so much information, so many great books.
uh... and uh... and and magazines and and info and legislative alerts at neil nox dot com you'll definitely want to visit uh... that folks uh... mister nox continuing uh... we've got twenty five million illegals not eight million not fourteen million and uh... they're going to legalize all of them legalize any illegal that ever gets here whether it's from russia or mexico these people have no history of freedom statistically they will pull the lever for gun control in those voting booths
This amnesty Bush is pushing for, the Democrats just love.
Look, this ties into the Second Amendment because the people coming in here are going to vote for gun control.
Your take on that?
Well, I know that Bush was going to make some noise on that today.
I haven't read what he's done, but I know that you're right.
In much of the Southwest, the people vote the wrong way when they come up from Mexico.
I do not like the idea of supporting people who came in illegal.
And giving them all the benefits of home once they get here.
We've seen that abused.
I don't know what the whole solution is.
I do know this, though, that a lot of those people that came into the U.S.
out of Cuba and out of Mexico and out of Puerto Rico, San Salvador, where they didn't have the guns or else wanted guns,
And they did not have them and did want them.
Those people can be brought over to our side of the fence because they've seen the bad side.
This is an area that I don't claim to be an expert in.
I know a little bit about it because my stepmother's father
Absolutely, but we don't have a government and a state government that will teach these people that.
Now they're filling them full of New World Order.
Tell you what, Neal Knox, stay there, sir.
I want to keep you with us another 15 minutes or so if you'd do that.
I've got a bunch of other legislative questions for you, and we want to take some calls as well.
We'll be back with Neal Knox in the third hour.
Stay with us.
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I think?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We're talking to Neil Knox and
He was an NRA board member back in the 70s.
Nothing passed on his watch.
They stopped gun control during one of the biggest pushes ever.
And he's been an outspoken critic of the compromisers at the NRA.
And he's got a couple great magazines and a lot of great info at his website, neilknox.com.
He has a real Second Amendment organization that I suggest folks support, Firearms Coalition.
And I do want to go to some calls now, Mr. Knox, but then before you leave us, I do want to talk about the coalition and how people can get involved, perhaps even myself, because I support any real Second Amendment organization because that right is so important.
In just a minute or so, what is the Second Amendment and why is it important?
The Second Amendment is fundamental to
Our other rights.
It's the muscle behind the First Amendment.
With the exception of the Middle East, which I don't begin to understand, there is no case of a totalitarian dictatorship that has existed where the people had the right to own firearms.
Now there are places where we didn't yet have a dictatorship, but we've got a socialist government
We've got total control of the people, even in England, where they have very restrictive laws and it's getting much worse very quickly.
But it's an insurance policy for us to have that, and that's exactly why the Founding Fathers made sure that that pre-existing right continued to exist.
Let's talk about, if you don't mind, before we jump to calls,
Let's talk about a couple of things that people can do right now, things that are coming up that are positive, that are where we are on the offense.
One of them is a section of, it was originally the Representative Todd Tearch's amendment to the Justice Department funding bill.
The TRD Amendment was put into the Omnibus Crime Act, which is going to be the first item up when Senate gets back January 20.
That has a block of reforms in there that Sarah Brady's screaming about, saying that's going to weaken the BATF.
Parts of it, the very good, strong parts of that,
We're knocked out in the conference committee by a Republican congressman who happens to be my congressman.
Not that I'm proud of him.
And let's say his name.
That's Frank Wolf.
And he's ready to retire and so he's not worrying too much about it.
He's not leaving this year, unfortunately.
So let's just sell the grandkids out.
Well, he's been working on us.
Amendment would have stopped some of the foolishness that BATF has been doing that's really severe, but there's other things in it that are important to all gun owners.
One thing about it is when they passed the so-called instant check, the law said that those records were to be destroyed.
If I buy a gun or you buy a gun through a dealer that is supposed to be destroyed, and the intent was,
I know it was their intent.
I argued with them about it.
They said, oh, this is going to be destroyed immediately.
There won't be any record kept.
Well, originally Clinton wanted to keep that record for 18 months.
Then they wound up keeping it for 180 days, which is half a year.
And now it's being kept at 90 days, Ashcroft.
The Attorney General.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we got a bunch of callers here that want to talk to Neil Knox.
And this guy did, in the 1970s, in 1977,
What should be happening now?
Staging a revolt at the NRA convention, taking over the NRA, demanding repeals of all gun laws, and making it a state matter again.
Now, it's gotta happen.
It's gotta happen now.
And you know what?
We can do this.
We ended slavery in this country.
Women didn't have the right to vote.
You know, we can make them.
It doesn't matter if they want to sit up there and tell us we're wrong.
Now, you know what?
If the Supreme Court says there's no Second Amendment, I'm not following it.
Again, the same Supreme Court, that same building, you know, said black people weren't human beings.
So they're not God, folks.
I've got my God, and it's not them.
Neil Knox, you were talking about some positive things.
Boil them down for us real quick.
Okay, I'll jump real quickly to it.
Hillary Clinton is going to be leading the charge to take out the so-called TR Amendment.
The most significant thing is the limit on the time that they can keep records on law-abiding citizens who buy guns.
They can't keep them... Right now they can keep them 90 days.
This would cut it to 24 hours.
There's other very important provisions in there that she's trying to take out.
That is going to be up January 20th.
It's part of the Omnibus Funding Bill, and I don't know what's going to happen in the Senate, but it's going to be a fight.
There is another bill, H.R.
3193, that was introduced last fall by Souter of Indiana and Ross of Arkansas.
That bill would get rid of the D.C.
gun law.
Now, the reason that this is important to the entire country,
is that the Second Amendment has never been held to apply to the states.
In D.C., that is a federal enclave.
So if we can make that apply in the district, and there will be a knock-down-drag-out fight on this, if we can overturn that law by passing H.R.
3193, it's going to greatly help our position
When the time comes to apply the Second Amendment to the states.
Now those two bills are up and moving, and those are things that people need to be looking at right now.
Let's talk to Regina in Pennsylvania, then Ron, Randy, Harold, and others.
Yes, to the Terre Haute Amendment, maybe you can get Tom DeLay to help us on that since Frank Wolf got rid of it.
I just wonder, when you bring up Tom DeLay, I sort of shake a little bit, because this man, from my understanding, you check this out, he voted for No Child Left Behind.
This is the biggest educational mandate that we've ever had in the country.
And it's going to work on the states, and there's a part of it, which I wish you would look at, H.R.
1078, it's the American History and Civics Education Act.
Mr. Bush is pushing this wildly, because it fits in with the goals of UNESCO, which he pushes into, which basically destroys the family.
And the last message I got from the Education Department, they want the Children's Guard to be the education part, and grow the children's faith in the education of our country, not in their guard.
They're running to my territory when they go to that.
This H.R.
1078 would have children questioning their gun rights.
So, you know, when you open up a big bandwagon, like with No Child Left Behind, and then you blame it on the Democrats later, when they go after all your gun rights, when you educate the children in it, and you use Tom DeLay and George Bush pushing it, and I'd like to say that I understand that he also redistricted, reset up Ron Paul's district, the best friend we have on this gun rights, and a lot of other things.
Well, I know that Ron, for instance, Ron Paul, is
Not beloved of the people up here.
He's not, he doesn't play the game with him, and this is why I love him.
Back in 1970, no, in 1976, when Ron Paul was in Congress before, he was the only one that was standing up there trying to get the Congress to vote on killing this D.C.
gunman that's been with us for these 30 years almost, and the one that we're trying to
Knock out now.
And by the way, I give credit.
I want to make this loud and clear.
NRA is behind both of those bills.
There's 150 co-sponsors in the House on that Mark Souter bill that I just mentioned.
Okay, let's go to another call.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Go ahead, Ron.
I heard Anne Credo on Michael Savage last night.
Savage was savaging the Bush administration.
I heard Joel Skelton, World Affairs Brief, and others, people that make Alex Jones seem awfully calm on coast-to-coast a lot lately.
Are we seeing a shift here?
Are we seeing a shift here somewhere?
Well, we could stand some shift if I go on, too.
Well, I'm kind of wondering.
I am really amazed at what I've been hearing lately.
Well, look, what's happening is they know that we know, so they have to mix some good stuff in, so that we will then, you know, bite on.
It's like you coat a cyanide pill in sugar.
Well... Do you understand what I'm saying?
I agree.
I understand where you're coming from, Alex, but I'm beginning to think that you're doing some good.
I think you're actually getting through, and
With your guests like Neil and more and more people like him are speaking out on your program and other programs, and I'm thinking the message is starting to get through a little bit that people are starting to wake up.
I certainly hope so.
I get that feeling, that impression.
Well, I hope so, too.
I'm thinking about Beau Prey, who only won by 171 votes last time.
Remember the redistricting was done by the state of Colorado and by the state of Texas, and let's see what happened.
I know that Tom DeLay was involved in that, but I know also that Martin Frost was in it on the other side.
The one that we're trying to get rid of.
Which is very interesting that conservative Democrats have been written out in Texas and Ron Paul has had his district altered.
Very suspicious activity.
Thanks, Ron.
Let's talk to Randy in Washington State.
Go ahead, Randy.
Hi, gentlemen.
A quick comment and a question.
I own six of the rifles that are on that ban list.
Now, I have approximately 25 magazines for every one of those rifles, and the price of the magazines was fairly cheap.
And from what I understand, there's like a 20-year supply still out there.
So I can't understand why the law was passed in the first place.
But I would like to see if, uh, Neal thinks the main battle will be in the Senate, because the House, uh, members are already leaning toward a no vote if DeLay's trying to block it.
And the reason I ask this is I'm looking at an article dated 1604 saying that Senator Russ Feingold is now leaning against not voting for the ban.
Well, that's interesting.
Are you talking about on the quote assault weapon ban?
I'm reading it on a site called awbansunset.com.
Yeah, I'm familiar with that web page, but I hadn't seen that.
Yeah, but what is the header?
What article is it they've posted?
It's 1604 Senator Russ Feingold leaning against the default weapons ban.
There's a question mark.
It was from the Green Bay News Chronicle.
Now that's a mainstream newspaper.
I'm not really hopeful.
I really have my doubts about the Senate because there are a couple of highly questionable Republicans in there.
Well, you know, we're going to see what happens, but we've got to put total pressure on them.
And you can say it's not a repeal, but the law will automatically repeal itself.
It will die coming up this September.
We've got to tell them, hey, I don't care.
If you reauthorize that law, I am voting for Hillary Clinton or Dean or whoever, because at least we'll know what we're facing.
Well, I've already made up my mind.
I'm not voting for George Bush.
The thing that just finally pushed me over the edge was the amnesty deal that he announced today.
He's a rhino.
Now, I've already read the bill.
They're supporting McCain's bill.
If you get here, you're legal in perpetuity.
It's on a one-time amnesty.
Also, illegals can file with the government to be brought in from foreign countries.
I mean, this is incredible.
But I didn't see Bush's comments yet.
What did he say?
It's mostly been reporting on mainstream newspapers, things like the Drudge Report, saying that he supports it.
Well, yeah, I mean, I have the thing that he's going to announce it in his meeting Monday with Fox, but everybody keeps saying he's going to announce it today.
They already announced it months ago.
Neil Knox, comments to what the callers have been saying?
Well, I don't know.
I do know this about there are a lot of senators that are being hammered, fine gold,
It might be one that would come our way.
I know that his buddy McCain is the other way on the, quote, assault weapon ban.
Bear in mind, folks, that even though the Republicans have a majority in the Senate, the gun owners do not have a majority in the Senate.
And I hope that we would have a majority, a thin majority, after this next election, because that's looking pretty good.
We'd lose some good friends, but we also...
I don't know.
In the house, we're in pretty good shape on that.
All right, Neil Knox, one more segment, got a few other calls for you.
Okay, go ahead.
I also want to talk about your organization, how folks get involved with that.
We're going to break here, come back with a final segment with Neil Knox, take a few more calls.
Stay with us, folks.
Then I'm getting back into the amnesty, back into all the news I haven't detailed yet in the final 30 minutes of this show.
Please stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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I have some questions directed to Neal Knox.
I have read the magazines that he
I'm a NRA Life and Endowment member and also a sustaining member of the ILA that he was director of.
I'm very surprised to hear that he seems favorable to G.W.
My first question was, why did he, Bush, sign the so-called Patriot Act?
And how does that help us as gun owners?
That's my first question.
And the second question to Neil is, what can I, as a life and endowment member of NRA, do to help him straighten out the NRA?
And I think I'll just stand by and listen.
Well, first of all, the only thing that an NRA voting member can do, such as this man,
The only thing that he can do is to vote in the director elections and to support those of us who, on occasion, try to amend bylaws by mail.
See, what happened in Cincinnati, we could, at that time, amend the bylaws at the annual meeting by a vote of the members.
Powers that be in there, I put an end to that.
It's very limited now, what a member can do.
But that is the only thing I can say to do.
We haven't run a slate in a couple of years.
We may run one before it's over with.
I've had people pushing me to again run a slate, and we're talking about it.
Okay, for those who don't know what running a slate is, explain it to them.
That's where you have several directors, or several
I don't know.
To have a common goal.
Okay, well, Patriot Act comment.
Make a comment on that.
Alright, on Patriot Act, there's a lot of things in it that make me nervous.
I am really nervous when I think about how that law would be enforced by somebody that, oh, let's say a Janet Reno.
I'm worried about John Ashcroft doing it, but I know John Ashcroft well enough that I'm not as worried about him.
As I am the people that are going to follow him, and this law has got some dangerous provisions in it.
It needs to be repealed.
Of course, Bush just signed Patriot Act 2 three weeks ago.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
Go ahead, John.
Go ahead, John.
You're on the air.
Here's why we can't give our guns to a gangster government.
In Tennessee, three weeks ago, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security's TIPS program were used in a DUI case.
The Wing Commander of the Air National Guard Base in Knoxville was stalked by the citizen-informant truck driver of the Highway Watch Program.
The police declared that he had not been drinking and was not speeding, yet they arrested him and then forced him to take a fake blood alcohol test.
The score was .38, but every DUI lawyer knows those tests cannot test for alcohol.
So it was some kind of medical condition, but not diabetes, so maybe Gulf War vaccines.
Uh, now this guy's been locked up in the loony bin rehab for three weeks, which is a psych ward like Rush Limbaugh.
If he gets out, he will then be arrested, according to the sheriff on TV, and the D.A.
can never drop charges against innocent people or they're going to get sued for false arrest.
I'll tell you what, John, I'm going to put you on hold and talk about this after the break.
I want to let Neil Knox go.
Neil, I want to thank you for coming on.
The website is neilknox.com.
What are some of the other contact points for you, or some of the info you're putting out?
Well, I put out a newsletter called the Hardcore Report, and anyone that contributes to what I'm doing, and the main thing that Firearms Coalition is, it's a coalition of
Groups around the country, the activist groups on the ground, that's where the real power of the gun lobby is.
It's the people down there who cast the votes, who talk to their congressmen and to their state reps.
Okay, how do folks get in touch with you and get the hardcore newsletter?
Well, they can look on Webline and it's got the address there, but it's Post Office Box 3313 Manassas.
Like in Bull Run.
Manassas, M-A-N-A-S-S-A-S, Virginia, 201-08.
Okay, Neil Knox, we'll have you back on.
God bless you.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
I'm not going to have any time to take any other calls after John in Tennessee because I want to get back into some of the main headlines and then some of the news we haven't gotten to yet here in the last 27, 26 minutes of this worldwide broadcast.
John, you called in last week or two weeks ago about an Air Force officer who they grabbed and tested and said he was drunk and
And that they were using the local tips program that's been implemented nationwide to the truck drivers.
But really, if you email me the article, I missed it.
But for those of us that don't know what's going on, can you explain this to us?
John Keenan, he's the wing commander, the highest ranking commander at McGee-Tyson Airport, the 134th Air Refueling Wing, which is a Tennessee Air National Guard base.
He commanded troops in Afghanistan and Iraq.
Now he can't be trusted to drive the speed limit down the interstate.
So, uh, you know, he was minding his own business.
I don't know if this is the tips program or if they, uh, targeted him on the tips program with an informant because they reported an informant tracking down the highway and called police.
Maybe he found a billion dollar pallet of heroin coming back from Afghanistan on his tankers.
You know, I don't know.
Somebody was stalking him though, for sure, according to the newspaper.
And that could be the T.I.P.S.
program because they said it was truckers, and the truckers are the ones in the highway.
Sir, that's where they implemented T.I.P.S., and T.I.P.S.
was not defunded.
They changed the name and doubled the funding.
Yeah, well, this is one week after Tennessee made a $250,000 speeding ticket arrest under the Patriot Act with the Highway Patrol.
I did get that article.
Yeah, they seized $130,000 cash, a $100,000 vehicle, and even though they admitted no crime was alleged or anything, so it's now illegal to drive across any state without crossing state lines while carrying over $3,000 cash.
And that's Patriot Act, yeah.
That's the Patriot Act.
That was in the news.
They admitted it.
So crooked cops are loving this Patriot Act because they can seize anything and do anything, and on cops on TV they had a
A cop arrested a guy because he held a brick and accused him of terrorism.
I know, everything's terrorism now.
As far as guns, I wanted to ask Mr. Knox if he knew about the Battle of Athens, Tennessee, where 100 World War II vets opened fire on a sheriff's jail to get the ballot boxes back.
And the sheriff fled and Congress awarded the vets a big pat on the back.
So guns can be useful in certain situations if you have to make a citizen's arrest.
Which is what they did on the Christmas show.
You know, I've read about that story, and that's a true story.
It's been on TV.
I would love somebody to call me involved with that, or a family member of those guys, or one of them, if they're still alive.
I'd like to have them on this show.
There's a book written called The Battle of Athens.
You can go to Amazon.com and probably get it in the used book area.
You know, if they would have lost that, they'd all be in prison.
That's right.
Nowadays, if the sheriff was stealing the election and you went and got him back, he'd still go to prison.
They'd say, so what?
You're a terrorist.
We're stealing the election.
Well, anybody can make a citizen's arrest of any police officer that gets out of line.
That is what happened in a... Well, that's the law, and that's what America was.
That's why we were different from Russia.
But they don't even know about that now.
Well, a little 80-pound woman in Knoxville, Tennessee, two weeks ago, arrested a big ol' cop who beat her up in a traffic stop.
She won her trial, and the same afternoon she swore out an affidavit of criminal complaining.
You're saying an 80-pound woman arrested the cop?
Well, she went to the Judicial Commissioner, and he issued the arrest warrant.
He just filed an affidavit.
What did he do to her?
He punched her in the back while she was handcuffed.
And it was on video.
You know, I'm not saying all police are bad.
Most of them are just good old boys.
But folks, all the time, right here in Austin, they're hiring a bunch of steroid heads.
They beat women up.
You name it.
I mean, it's getting crazy.
Well, if we waiver our rights, we have no rights.
And it's like your guest was saying, you just gotta
Stand your ground and fight!
I think we need to get away from these civil lawsuits
And get into the area of filing criminal charges against people when they break the law.
I don't think we need to be listening to that.
Well, let me tell you something.
I have friends, I myself, have tried to file criminal charges on police.
When you call up or walk in there to do it, they'll say, you turn around and walk right out that door, we're arresting you.
Or they'll let you see Internal Affairs and they will laugh at you.
I've been down that road.
There's three ways or four ways you can make an arrest.
If they block one area, you go to the other.
You can write a letter to the Grand Jury Foreman
That's the answer!
That's one of the... Go over the four ways, go ahead.
Well, you can write a letter to the Grand Jury Foreman, you've got to find the address, and then just, you know, stealth, go in there and write the letter and get it to them however you can.
Or you can go to what they call here a judicial commissioner, which is like a magistrate, and you're supposed to... the DA tries to vet the applications, but you don't have to go through that.
You just need to do a full
Detailed letter and affidavit where to the truthfulness.
Use videotapes, use audiotapes, use photographs.
Get your dates and times and witnesses down.
And study the pattern jury instructions so you know what the elements are.
You don't need a DA then.
You can always get a special prosecutor, pro se.
You don't need a DA in court.
Or you can make a citizen's arrest.
You just tell the person they're under arrest and you touch them and you grab them and you take them down to jail.
Let them wave a gun at your head, but they're probably not going to pull the trigger, and take them to the judge.
Hellier's case to the judge.
And then the news says an 80-pound terrorist attacked one of our love forces, one of our good little angels.
They had to back off.
They had to back off, but the cops were so funny because they were crying.
They said, we're all going to be afraid of arresting anybody now.
We're afraid to arrest anybody because they can follow
Criminal charges, they should go to Internal Affairs first, which of course, like you said... Well, you can always file criminal charges.
To say that people are above the law, when you're a public servant, you're even, you're under greater scrutiny.
Well, most of them are breaking the law anyway, like traffic tickets or civil matters that they want you to plead guilty.
That means the court.
The judge and the cops are all committing a fraud and can go to prison for fraud.
Hey, listen, I gotta let you go.
I appreciate the call.
Yeah, how did America ever get along without tickets?
You know, they're only about 50 years old.
60 years old.
They started in that cesspool that is New York City.
Yeah, we could... I mean, big cities could have their front doors open.
Big cities would have a sheriff with maybe 50 deputies.
But we got more and more cops, we got more and more crime, more and more private prisons owned by the military industrial complex.
And it's always, we need more, we need more, we need more!
You got more to give you tickets, more to bust in your door, looking for drugs that the government shipped in to begin with, more to get you into their clutches and make you plea bargains so you can build widgets in some private prison.
Alright, I want to go into the news here.
There's a bunch of it.
Bush proposing immigration reform.
I want to mention that again.
Bercy found guilty.
Fined $500.
You cannot protest Bush now.
It's not allowed.
That goes into quarantining dissent.
We discussed yesterday, CIA faked German terror alert.
China to drop martial law from its Constitution and add the term state of emergency.
That's some of what's coming up in a minute.
I do want to take a minute or two out though and encourage everybody to stop procrastinating.
To tell somebody every day about this radio show or a local talk show host that's telling the truth.
To call into a local radio talk show that is ignorant and to inform them or to drop by and give them documents or videotapes.
To go to a city council meeting, to start studying law, to read your constitution, to read your Bill of Rights.
The journey of a thousand miles, the old Chinese proverb says, starts with a single step.
Take that first step.
Stop talking about how you can't affect change, you don't have any power, there's nothing you can do, and take that first step, folks.
We were all there once, okay?
And none of us are going to save the world by ourselves, but together we can affect change and
You know, come out on the side of the good guys.
We've got to do it.
And to that aim, if you want to do more than just talk about it, you want to have evidence, professionally produced evidence, documenting the long train of abuses and criminal activities of this global crime syndicate, and that's what it is, a big commission, a mafia commission, a syndicate,
Instead of mafia captains over each city, it's globalist families over each country.
They literally meet in their big committee of 300.
They have their managers in the CFR and Trilateral Commission.
If you want to expose this system, you need to get police state 3 total enslavement.
It goes into the system, what they're setting up, what they're doing, how to stop them, matrix of evil exposed.
With Ron Paul and Colonel Craig Roberts and Frank Morales and myself and others.
You need to get Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, America Wake Up or Waco.
These are all incredible films and they won't be seen, they won't be known, they won't inform anybody unless you
Get the videos.
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Alright, so please make the call.
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It's all at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com via our secure online shopping cart, or you can call toll-free.
And that's 1-888-253-3139.
Again, that's 888-253-3139.
Or, just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Alright, what can I say about Bush and immigration?
We could talk about this for the whole show.
I talked about it some in the middle of the show, at the first of the show, but bottom line, I've read the bill that Bush is pushing.
They support this McCain bill.
And the bill will legalize everybody that's here and anyone that ever comes here in perpetuity.
End of borders, end of everything, and it will even allow foreigners to even get financial aid to come here.
Oh yes.
But it's in a database, quote, of jobs Americans don't want.
So not just legalize everybody that is here,
Uh, but in addition, those outside the country waiting to work in the United States, wanting to work in the United States, would be able to sign into a computer system.
Employers would first have to show the jobs cannot be filled by Americans.
Oh, I'm sure the employers want to pay an American eight dollars.
I know, they'll get an illegal who's now legal, who, uh,
We're good to go.
and uh... don't pay the taxes and uh... it doesn't help them it doesn't help citizens doesn't help anybody but the big fat bankers so it doesn't just legalize everybody that's here or could ever get here it also helps people get here so uh... we also yesterday with James Bovard
Covered the article out of the San Francisco Chronicle.
He's a conservative, by the way.
Has to go to liberal papers to have stuff like this published.
Quarantining dissent.
How the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech.
They're arresting 65-year-old retired steel worker.
He was in a... He refused to be at the baseball field out of view a third of a mile away with a fence around it for the designated free speech zone where no one could see any of the media.
And the Secret Service told the police, and they're doing this everywhere, to arrest him.
They did.
Another 55-year-old man was in a large crowd of pro-Bush supporters on the side of a busy road in 2002.
And he had a sign saying, no blood for oil.
He was ordered arrested by the Secret Service for standing in amongst the crowd.
They told the police, no anti-Bush signs allowed on these roads.
Coming in.
And they arrested him and the court found that that's a good thing.
A judge fined Brent Murcy $500, ruling that Murcy broke a federal law
Designed to shield the President from harm.
As if somebody after the President wouldn't have a sign saying, I love Bush.
I love this.
It's for the President's safety.
No one can protest.
Uh, Bersie 55 said he would appeal and call on President Bush's opponents to continue criticizing his policies.
Magistrate Bristow Marchette acknowledged Bersie was not a threat to Bush during the President's October 24, 2002 visit to Columbia, but the judge dismissed Bersie's free speech defense and ruled the protester had no right to be as close to Bush as Bersie wanted to in his efforts to show
That some South Carolinians oppose his plan to attack Iraq.
And again, it has the details of it.
Bush was pulling into the hotel, and people were being held back across the street.
A bunch of frothing, gun-grabbing neocons who want open borders were worshipping him.
Worshipping the growth of big government, and Mr. Bursey stood in the crowd with his sign that said, no blood for oil, and was singled out and arrested.
Again, when President Bush travels around the United States, the Secret Service visits the location ahead of time and orders local police to set up free speech zones or protest zones where people opposed to Bush policies are quarantined.
And it goes on to describe how they openly, they've got police interviewed here.
They just walk over and say, okay, anybody with a sign against Bush, kick them out or arrest them.
That's your new free country, folks.
And when he went into Africa, Bush had thousands arrested and put in a sports stadium because they didn't look good.
They looked unseemly.
Just absolutely incredible.
CIA fake German terror alert.
This is out of Netvisen TV, official TV in Norway.
Sources at the German Intelligence Bureau claim that CIA misinformed them about the alleged planned terror action in Hamburg December 30th.
Anwar al-Islam was accused of being behind the attempt.
According to information provided to TV2 by German intelligence, they are convinced the CIA information was wrong, and they allegedly fear that American authorities planted the information.
Of course!
Oh no, they just plant fake letters from troops in newspapers saying how much they love the war.
They just lie about weapons of mass destruction and mobile weapons trucks.
They just told us they'd be lying to us.
And it's like the woman with the self-heating leather jacket they sell everywhere.
They knew that it was no big deal, had fighters chase it, and for four hours, people thought that there was a plane about to crash into us.
It's incredible.
And there's dozens of these examples in the last two weeks.
I mean, it's just, it's theater.
Over the last year, they've been admitting that they're ordered to put out fake terror alerts.
Also, German police were tipped off by the CIA.
Doubt that the terror alarm was real.
Maybe fake.
And they go on to say that there's evidence that a lot of the info they're given is false to create fear.
You bet!
News of Halliburton getting kickbacks comes in.
Double-charging the Pentagon.
Suddenly, there's orange alerts!
We're in trouble!
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Taking a lesson from the more sophisticated PR-driven globalist,
Here in the U.S., the military-industrial complex.
This is the Channel News Asia report.
China to drop martial law 15 years after Tiananmen crackdown report.
China will strike the term martial law from its constitution during an upcoming legislative session 15 years after military crackdown on unarmed pro-democracy protesters.
Oh, it's like Miami and Seattle in Tiananmen Square.
According to the Oriental Outlook Weekly, the Constitutional Amendment will strip the strong committee of the National People's Congress of the power to declare martial law, and instead it empowered it to call a state of emergency.
Like General Eberhardt, we're not going to have martial law, but we are in a state of emergency.
Or Tommy Franks, well, martial law, but you know, it's kind of a good thing there.
This is out of BBC, talking about civil emergencies.
Civil Contingencies Bill gives UK government dictatorial powers.
Planned new powers for dealing with a major terrorist attack and other big emergencies are unveiled on Wednesday.
Ministers have already published drafts of the new laws, which were criticized by an influential committee of members of Parliament and peers for putting human rights at risk.
They fear that unless the Civil Contingencies Bill contains suitable constraints, its powers could be abused by a future government.
And it admits they can arrest people, put them in quote rest and relaxation camps, you name it.
Civil rights campaigners want the new powers to be more strictly defined.
The government published its draft legislation last June to give members of parliament and peers the chance to examine legislation before it was debated in parliament.
The Queen's speech included a promise to put the plans in the law.
Parliamentary committees set up to look at the plans said they had potentially dangerous flaws.
Police powers.
The measures are aimed at shaking up legislation that dates back to the 20s, giving ministers all new powers they need to tackle a wide range of incidents ranging from foot and mouth to an attack on the internet.
The draft plans include enabling the government to rush through temporary legislation without prior parliamentary approval, with authorities having new powers to declare a regional state of emergency.
The police would get new powers to evacuate danger areas in the event of a catastrophic event.
Oh yes, forcibly at gunpoint.
The definition of emergency would also be extended to encompass emergency situations affecting national security, human welfare, the environment, and potential political, administrative, or economic stability.
And it goes on saying it's a dictatorship.
But you know, dictatorships needed when the terrorists are attacking
Blair, I'll take Britain into the Euro by 07.
Despite the fact that 80 plus percent don't want to give up their sovereignty, it's going to happen.
Tony Blair has set a stage for 07 to take Britain into the Euro, and wants the government to agree to public pledge to secure membership by that date.
You're not going to have a vote now, referendum, we're just going to do it.
Doesn't matter what you want, it's for your safety of course.
Big surprise, Diana not pregnant at death, says Queen's man.
The Queen's coroner went in there and dug the body up and says Princess Diana was not pregnant when she died.
A former royal coroner says, apparently ruling out one of the rumors that was swirled around.
Folks, she had told people she was pregnant.
She said they were going to kill her.
That's all admitted.
This is just more spin.
So that's very interesting.
That's, that's, that's nice.
Uh, also Diane, uh, Dottie Murdered says, uh, Dodie Alfiad's, uh, father.
They get into all that.
We're out of time!
Forty-two journalists have been killed during the Iraq War.
We have the mainstream news articles where the U.S.
government said they were gonna target even Western journalists and kill them to stifle coverage.
Sounds like a good government, killing journalists.
Hey, let's give our rights up to them and then we'll all be safe.
Won't that just be wonderful?
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, Central Standard Time.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, Central Standard Time.
God bless you all.
Please spread the word about the broadcast.
And please get out there and warn people about history and how it's repeating itself in the most horrible way.
Take care.
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