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Name: 20040106_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 6, 2004
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Big, big show lined up for you on this 6th of January, 2004, Tuesday edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, and they've both been updated for you today.
We've got three separate guests coming on the show.
In the third hour, we have Dr. Kilner, John F. Kilner,
And he is the head of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity talking about the New Jersey move to legalize cloning embryos for industrialized use, how this ties into other countries that are racing to do it as well.
We'll be discussing
Cloning, coming up in 30 minutes, James Bovard, author of Terrorism and Tyranny, Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace, to Rid the World of Evil, and six other books.
He's a frequent contributor to the American Spectator, Investors Business Daily, and has also written for the Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek, and many other publications, and we have his article posted as one of the headlines on InfoWars.com.
Quarantining dissent.
I read part of this story on air yesterday.
How the Secret Service Protects Bush from Free Speech.
Destroying the First Amendment.
And by the way, he's a conservative exposing that, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's coming up as well.
And in the middle of the next hour, we've got Paul Joseph Watson from the United Kingdom joining us.
He joins us once a week at least to be discussing
What's happening with the Princess Diana case?
I was driving along early this morning, listening to AP Network News, and they said, could one of the members of the British royal family have killed Diana?
She said that it was a royal in a letter planning to kill her in an automobile accident.
Now, we talked about this months and months and months ago, and have been talking about how she was murdered since she was killed in the late 1990s and 97, but to hear it on mainstream news was certainly interesting.
It's like I walked into a Barnes & Noble
This weekend, and saw Barr McClellan's book, and it said there is the subtitle, how JFK was killed by LBJ, or excuse me, how LBJ killed JFK.
So more and more of this coming out, and so we'll have Paul Watson on to talk about the murder of Princess Diana, the latest developments there, and a bunch of other
Important news.
The New York Times has a story, and I've laid out what Neighborhood Watch is going to be doing.
But here's the New York Times admitting it.
Again, I've read the federal documents, but now to have the New York Times reporting it, they're going to have three people in the country
Paid by Homeland Security.
Three people paid to watch a bank of cameras via their computer screen for up to eight hours a day.
Private citizens.
They're going to hire hundreds of thousands of people to monitor all these cameras in your neighborhoods and at your schools and I guess in the schools as well and report back to Homeland Security.
And also they'll have volunteers from Neighborhood Watch doing this as well.
So you're wondering how they're going to use all those cameras and have somebody on the other end of them.
But the story gets even weirder.
It says that they're going to put fake images of terrorists onto video camera feeds from around the country to keep all of us on our toes.
So people in these little tattletale internet rooms
Are going to see terrorists scaling walls and planting bombs just to keep them on their toes.
Now again, how many terrorist events have we really had?
But see, this heightens the virtual reality effect of, oh, we're all under attack, give your rights up.
That's why they have all these anti-terror drills for years before 9-11, getting us ready for the terror attacks, preparing us, creating the instinctive illusion that it's an everyday, commonplace occurrence.
There's so much other news, folks.
We'll start getting into it right after this quick break.
Believe me, you don't want to miss this show.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
This broadcast is all about liberty and freedom.
It's about getting your minds outside the box, seeing the big picture.
Throughout history, powerful elites have sought to control and dumb down and continually expand the level of slavery that the populations they own are under.
We have a parasitic elite known as the New World Order, globalist, internationalist, and they are setting up a system of Neo, that is, New Serfdom, Feudalism, Slavery, Tyranny, Despotism.
And whether it's Republican talk show hosts or Democrats, liberals or conservatives, in Washington it's only labels.
When it comes to open borders, gun control, more regulation, more loss of liberty, they're all racing ahead to destroy this country.
And it makes me angry, and it makes a lot of people angry.
And the climate out there right now, from the general public, is that people don't trust this government.
They know it's illegitimate.
They know something's wrong.
They can stink.
They can smell the stink coming from beneath the floorboards.
They know something is dead and dying or rotten down there, and they want to know more.
But the problem is, the Peter Jennings, the Dan Rathers, the Bill O'Reilly's, the Rush Limbaugh's of the world keep them in the dark and create this illusion that we're all going along with it, or they distract us with petty issues of little or no significance.
Let me race through the news because we've got a guest coming on, James Bovard, who writes for the American Spectator and Investors Business Daily and many other publications about quarantining dissent, how the Secret Service protects Bush from free speech.
Very important.
Then we've got Paul Watson coming on about the assassination of Diana, the new developments there.
Not new for us, but now it's in the mainstream media.
And we'll also get into cloning in the third hour with Dr. John F. Kilner, the head of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
He's the president of that center, and he's also on the president's bioethics board.
Three separate great guests for you and of course Open Phones here on the show.
We'll take calls with all of our guests.
We may even take calls before we get to the guest.
Toll-free number to join us 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Homeland Security Neighborhood Watch.
And it says the roughly 47,000
Strategic facilities in the U.S.
are vulnerable to terrorist attack.
Security is either too expensive or impractical.
With U.S.
Home Guard, webcams installed around the facilities send images every five seconds to a central processing center.
These pictures are then enhanced and sent out to spotters who observe from home computers around the country.
If someone looks amiss, a spotter alerts
The Processing Center, a sequence of confirmation leads, if necessary, to the involvement of local authorities.
This is out of the New York Times, and it says, and again, I've heard Ridge announce this, I've read federal documents where they were planning this, I've seen it on C-SPAN.
I hadn't seen it in a big, major paper, though, that they're going to, well, let's say your high school student wants to graduate from school.
Well, under Secure Corps, Division of AmeriCorps, and the TIPS program,
They're going to have to serve the last two years of high school in picking up trash, in warrant service, helping at checkpoints, doing environmental work, that is brainwashing people into feudalism, and yes, monitoring security cams from their home computer.
That's how you get your hours.
I've seen it proposed.
They've got the new national drafts.
They've got, what, eleven different versions in the House and Senate.
They've got six different versions in the Senate.
Five different versions that I've seen in the house.
And in several of those versions, 18 to 49 you'll have to serve, but most of us will have to serve domestically.
And it's from literal public works projects, digging ditches, tattling on neighbors, being support groups for police.
I mean, this is literally East Germany, folks.
And here it is in the New York Times.
By Matthew Bernsinski saying that, oh, companies like Priceline and others want to work with the federal government to hire out, for $8 to $10 an hour, thousands and thousands of employees that will monitor the 47,000 strategic facilities.
Now, what are strategic?
Power plants, chemical plants, police stations, federal buildings, courthouses, schools.
And this is where they're putting all the cameras up.
And there are already over a million and a half cameras that the government has.
In fact, most of you, I've been all over the country, and I know here in Texas that now the smallest towns will have dozens of cameras at all the big four-way stops, even cameras on big poles rotating around with telephoto lenses in neighborhoods.
Within 200-300 yards of my house, there are over 50 cameras, and I live in the edge of Austin.
I live in southwest Austin, and there are cameras everywhere.
I'm up here at John Stattmiller's studio today because they're doing some work on my studio, and just driving up here to Round Rock, I saw dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of cameras.
They've got them at four-way stops.
They've got them in the neighborhoods.
They're all over the place, and these admittedly
Admittedly, are going to be watching the American people, and they're going to have these neighborhood watch programs, paid employees, high school juniors and seniors, old ladies, people under the new National Compulsory Service Act, and again, National Compulsory Service folks, involved in this.
Think about it.
But what gets crazier in this article is, it says that
To make sure the spotters are doing their job.
They're going to have fake images on the video screens.
That's how good this technology's gotten.
You talk about fake newscasts and fake events on television, we know they have that technology for decades.
Now it's gotten so cheap and inexpensive, they can have images of people scaling walls, planting bombs, sneaking around to make sure the people tasked with watching the computer screens are notifying local police the instant they see something amiss.
Let's say would-be saboteur is scaling a fence, this is from the New York Times, in the middle of the night at a reservoir in northern New Jersey.
Motion detectors and infrared technology sense the intruder and software at the data processing center instantly enhances the image adding red dots to highlight where the heat or motion was detected.
A spotter at home in Albany say received the image and suspecting something is up immediately alerts the data center which then automatically sends up to 20 more photos from cameras around the trespass location
to a second group of spotters in the second group confirms the alert supervisor the data center review all the footage and can demand through loudspeakers again this is 1984 folks and they already have the telescreens TV screens hooked up to cameras in England and they shout orders at you okay and they have computers that shout orders at you through loudspeakers placed on each camera
Then the intruder identifies himself.
If the intruder's answer seems suspect, supervisors, telephone, local law enforcement, the whole process can take less than 30 seconds.
Can you think of hundreds of thousands, and I admit it's going to start with tens of thousands, of do-gooders, and little old ladies, and 17-year-old kids, and all the control freaks in your neighborhood, looking at these cameras, and you're walking your dog in the vacant lot,
You know, behind the school, and all of a sudden the speaker's going, what are you doing?
What are you doing out here?
See, it gets us all involved in this program of control freak behavior.
But it's worse.
It says, dummy shots of intruders are randomly inserted into images to make sure spotters are not asleep at the switch.
And the images they see are selected from thousands of different sites around the country, so no one knows for sure where the site that he or she is observing is located.
With each frame, the spotters, who will be paid $18 an hour, are asked, do you see a person or vehicle in this image?
Yes, no, not sure.
So see, I don't want to get too complex here, but I know you're a smart audience.
They're moving towards this information technology third, fourth wave system, where there's not going to be any jobs as checkout counters, bank tellers, no real factory jobs.
Everything is going to be prison guards or security guards.
Or police officers, or tattletale squads of bureaucrats.
And they're going to shift the economy over to, there'll be lots of jobs watching computers, watching TV screens fed to the computers, and yelling at people over telescreens.
A TV screen hooked to a camera, with a bullhorn, shouting orders at you, with tens of thousands of control freaks all over the country asking what you're doing, calling the police if you do anything.
Are you starting to get an idea of the type of country, the type of world, the type of system we're all going to be living in?
I hope you're thinking for yourselves out there.
I hope you realize how serious this is.
And the article has more, and it's on Infowars.com, it's on PrisonPlanet.com.
I saw an article out of the Associated Press in New Jersey about a month after 9-11,
And it said that the federal government in FEMA had already gotten hundreds of neighborhood watch programs to go under federal control.
And the APR, a reporter, went to a meeting and he described old ladies, old men, young people from the neighborhood.
And they were saying, you look for women with baby carriages.
You look for a priest.
You look for people that look normal.
You don't look for Muslims.
No, no, no.
And by the way, terrorism isn't just, you know, blowing stuff up.
It's drug dealing.
It's illegal guns.
It's spanking a child.
It's all crime.
And all these new laws they're passing.
Can you imagine this?
And they're setting it up.
They're setting it up.
They didn't put that camera in your neighborhood.
They didn't put it in that rural community you live in for no reason.
And all the cameras, I even saw this on C-SPAN one morning, they had the head of the transportation department on and they were showing camera shots around the country from neighborhoods and highways and, oh yeah, we can all look at it here at the federal offices and this is going to be used for law enforcement too.
Folks, that was before 9-11.
So all those cameras they put in, they're not for traffic, they're not for
That was the excuse.
They're for face scanning you.
They're for ordering you around.
They're for watching you.
And they're going to put little control freaks, do-gooders, in the seats.
And everything's an act of terrorism.
Alright, we get back.
Very serious, very serious news.
Europost, new all-time high against the dollar.
It's now at $1.2725.
And gold's exploding.
There's so much more.
Stay with us.
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Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001, you heard the same thing.
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That's recovery?
Gold, now trading in the $360 range, is up 31% in that same period.
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If you're suffering, try MSM.
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I talk a lot on this show about the cashless society control grid.
The entire bottom two-thirds of the Austin American Statesman, the paper here in Austin,
Says new security for foreigners visiting U.S.
and there's a huge photo of a person thumb scanning and finger scanning.
Below that there is a huge photo of dozens of people lined up, thumb scanning and face scanning.
And it says security check requires photo fingerprint to enter for foreigners.
And all over the country, I've seen the headlines for other major papers.
It's, oh, you have to thumbprint and face scan.
Oh, it's just for those foreigners.
Further conditioning us.
But wait a minute, Texans.
When this goes for people living in 41 other states, 42 states do this.
You were doing this years ago.
You were thumb scanning and doing a digital photo, a face scan.
So see, it isn't just for the foreigners.
And now, did you know that they signed a deal late last year
Worldwide and hundreds of countries signed on to the UN to start this thumbprinting and face scanning when anyone enters a foreign country.
This is a world identification system that goes into a world identity database.
So when you get off the plane in England or when you get off the plane in Brazil, they're going to face scan and fingerprint you.
My parents went on a cruise two years ago and there was the customs department there
Retina scanning them and thumbprinting them and giving them their ID for the trip.
And when they would get off at Customs at some of the Caribbean countries, they would be there swiping the cards.
This is the whole Maritime Administration, which ties into the Department of Transportation, the Department of Commerce.
This is all a UN treaty.
How many people know that?
How many people know that hundreds and hundreds of cities have passed laws against smoking in bars and restaurants and now on the streets because it's a U.N.
That's admitted!
But you tell the average person that they can't believe it.
Yeah, the feds sign a treaty with the U.N.
and then they tell the states, local cities, you want your funding, pass this law.
That's how it works with the transportation funds.
You want your highway funds?
Then pay for half the federal cameras we're going to put in.
But don't worry, you can use them too and
Oh, the citizens can have access to them to look at the traffic, and oh, now the citizens can have access to them to the neighborhoods, and oh, now we're going to draft you and make your citizens spend a few hours a day on Tattletail Watch watching their computer screens, and you better pay attention because we've got computer simulations on the video of terrorists attacking, and if you don't call the police, you're going to get in trouble.
I just read the New York Times, folks.
That's what they're doing here.
But the average person, the psychology here is, it's just for them foreigners.
I remember when they put thumb scanners in in Texas in 1993.
Clinton signed the executive order and they put them in by 94.
And Lamar Smith, a supposed conservative, oh this is to stop illegals.
Then they gave the illegals a waiver where they didn't even have to show ID to get an ID.
And now Bush wants to give them all
legal status except their matricula cards and it's a sick joke folks.
If I wanted to change my name to Vladimir Verovosky or Putin, I could go down and get three or four social security numbers, get four or five different IDs, get different bank accounts, never pay my bills, scam whoever I wanted.
If I wanted to call myself Jorge Gonzales, I could go do it.
But because I'm Alex Jones and an American citizen, I don't have any rights.
I'm a pathetic slave.
This is about you and your family taxing you with a new national sales tax that's really an international sales tax and you've got to swipe the card even when you pay cash so we all pay our fair share and of course it'll be amortized out over the year and there'll be different charges for how much money you make and so we'll have to swipe our card to make sure it goes into our file and what's the big deal you know everything you do is transparent.
This isn't freedom folks.
Then I've got this, Europost, new all-time high against the dollar.
Oh my goodness, the Europost to a new high against the dollar.
Tuesday, rising above U.S.
Above that, for the first time in a continuing rally paced by concerns about the U.S.
budget and trade deficits.
I thought trade deficits were good.
I thought NASDAQ were good.
Europe's 12-nation currency brought about $1.2708 in morning European trading, spiking as high as $1.2725.
On Monday, the euro peaked at $1.2681, and again today it's peaked at $1.2708.
Market analysts have linked the dollar's weakness to the U.S.
deficits, lower U.S.
interest rates compared to the European Union that make investing in dollar denominations' assets less attractive, and fears of terrorist attacks in the U.S.
Neither the U.S.
Central Bank or the European Central Bank
Uh, have indicated readiness to intervene in the currency markets to prop up the greenback.
But I talk to the average American, they don't even know.
I go, you know the dollar's devalued now by about 40%.
Well, you've heard about, you know, how the peso's worthless, right?
Hey man, did you see that football game?
Man, I like it.
I'm tough.
I drink a lot of beer.
Sir, we're losing our Second Amendment.
Who's there?
Who's there?
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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I love the cliche that it's not about left and right, it's about right and wrong, and it is.
Whether it's Bill Clinton or George Bush in office, we're losing our liberties, and the borders are more open than ever.
Alex Jones here, folks.
We're 33 minutes and 25 seconds into this first hour of the show.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson joining us from the United Kingdom in the next hour to talk about the new developments with the murder of Princess Diana, who was pregnant.
We've known that for years, but now it's mainstream headlines.
Then in the third hour, I have Dr. Kilner, Dr. John F. Kilner, the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
I want to talk about New Jersey racing ahead to industrialize the use of human embryos in stem cell research.
Very, very serious.
Here in a minute or two, we're about to go to our first guest, James Bovard, who I've read many of his articles here on air.
Author of Terrorism and Tyranny, Trampling Freedom, Justice, and Peace to Rid the World of Evil, and six other books.
He's a frequent contributor to the American Spectator, Investors Business Daily, and has also written for the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Newsweek, and many other publications.
Bovard will be discussing his excellent article that's posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, Quarantining Dissent.
I read part of that article yesterday, How Secret Service Protects Bush from Free Speech.
Now, Clinton started this
And I've been at demonstrations where the President isn't even involved, and where Democrats and Republicans will quarantine you a half mile, a mile away, they'll put a fence up around you, barricades, threaten to crack your skull if you leave them, and of course the news is a mile away and you're never on the news.
I remember the good old days when you got to go scream at who you didn't like from the side of the road, but well, you know, we're like Russia or China now.
So that's coming up here in just a few minutes with the man who wrote a detailed article about this dangerous un-American trend.
Before I do that, I want to remind the listeners that I'm the maker of 10 documentary films.
The newest is The Matrix of Evil.
Congressman Ron Paul talks about how globalists run Washington, how there's a coming depression coming set up by the globalists.
We talked to Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney about 9-11, about the UN and its kidnapping rings.
That's been in the mainstream news.
That's in the film too, but she talks about it.
We talked to Colonel Craig Roberts about the police state.
And the Globalist as well.
We talked to Frank Morales, a police state expert.
It's got excerpts of several of the speeches I've given here in Austin, getting the Patriot Act thrown out.
It's a great new video.
It's waking a lot of people up.
You need to have it.
I've also got Police State 3, Total Enslavement, that gets into PNAC, and the neocons, and what the globalism is, and the cashless society control grid.
It's two hours, forty minutes long.
Very good.
You've got to get it.
I've got 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, the footage I shot when I snuck in there back in 2000.
The videos are $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more.
They drop down to $20 apiece.
There's also the book I've written, Descent into Tyranny.
You need to have it.
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Go to Infowars.com.
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So take action.
All that evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men and women do nothing.
All right, joining us, and I'm honored to have him, he's a great researcher and writer, is James Bovard in the article, Quarantining Dissent.
And James, good to have you on the show.
Hey, thanks for having me on.
I appreciate that.
You bet.
You know, I even heard Drudge a few weeks ago on the air during the stuff in Miami with the World Trade Organization and the free trade area of the Americas trying to push that through, going, these people weren't doing anything.
They're quarantining them a mile or two away.
They're beating them up.
He goes, I want to be able to go out and protest as a conservative.
And we saw Bill Clinton try stuff like this.
But it's getting institutionalized, as I said, even locally, they do this, to maybe 20 protesters, like we've got leprosy.
What's happening?
Well, it's amazing how much further the Bush administration has pushed the standards for this kind of thing, because especially, I mean, this happened, I think, sometimes, perhaps in isolated cases under Clinton, but with Bush it seems to be becoming systematic, where you've got the Secret Service going to a place where Bush is going to speak, the Secret Service goes there ahead of time,
And in your article, can we go over that?
Because I covered some of it yesterday.
I mean, we have admitted cases where they go in and say, people that don't like Bush, don't let them get on the side of the road, quarantine them.
We have cases where people that have signs that are pro-Bush are left there.
In fact, the DPS four years ago, when he was governor, lost a lawsuit because people that were pro-Bush were left there.
In fact, people even staged this.
Folks that were against Bush went and said, we're for Bush.
They were allowed to stay.
Those that were quietly standing there with signs against Bush were arrested just for standing on a public sidewalk by the governor's mansion.
They lost several hundred thousand dollar lawsuits.
Can you go over that?
This is a case in Texas, when Bush was governor of Texas?
Yes, well I wasn't saying over that particular case.
No, but I'm sitting here and my ear is perked up because I had not heard about that.
That sounds like a fascinating case, and it sounds like it's part and parcel of what the Secret Service is doing now.
That'll be in your LexisNexis, it was in the Dallas Morning News and Austin American Statesman.
Okay, fine, I will pluck that up.
You know, what has happened in many places, for instance, what happened in Labor Day 2002, George Bush was going out to give a speech close to Pittsburgh, and there was a retired steel worker, 65 years old, Bill Neal, was there to greet him, holding up a sign saying that the Bush family must surely love the poor since they made so many of us.
Well, it turned out that the cops, the local police, at Secret Service's behest, had set up a designated free speech zone
Which was on a baseball field, surrounded by a chain-link fence, a third of a mile from where Bush was speaking.
And so the cops told this bill, Neil, this retired steel worker, he had to go there, and he said that he wouldn't do it.
And he apparently argued with a cop, and from what he said later, it was the cops that he had to arrest him, and the cop said, so how old are you?
And Neil says, I'm 65 years old.
And at that point,
There have been cases where people are miles and miles away in some city park.
In this case it was a way where you couldn't even see the President's
I don't know if the East Germans were quite that brazen in some ways.
But the thing that fascinates me is to see how little controversy there has been over these kind of policies, because this is such a brazen trampling of the First Amendment, Americans' right of freedom of speech, and there have been some local
And state judges, which have said that, which have struck down the arrest charges against some of these demonstrators.
But there's a federal case that we're supposed to be getting a decision any time out of South Carolina by a federal magistrate.
And this is a case that was prosecuted by Ashcroft's Justice Department.
There was a single guy there, a 54-year-old guy, holding up a sign saying, no war for oil, when Bush visited in October 2002 in South Carolina.
And the police there, under Secret Service orders, had set up a free speech zone half a mile from the airport hangar where Bush was speaking.
And Brett Bersi was amidst hundreds of people carrying pro-Bush signs, but the police singled him out and told him he had to leave, you know, and go to the free speech zone.
Bersi said no.
He was arrested.
And shortly thereafter, the cops there dropped the charge against him, but the feds came in and filed a charge against him.
So now he's being charged with a federal offense.
And, uh, his trial was in November, and they were supposed to make a fast decision, but they haven't done it.
So, uh, and some people were saying the Justice Department might be trying to set a precedent in a very conservative state like South Carolina, which it can then use against demonstrators across the country.
Well, folks, I mean, understand, these are admitted cases where you got a retiree standing there with a sign, and the Justice Department comes and arrests him and charges him.
I mean, this is getting more and more insane right out in the open.
Sir, did you hear about, and I can pull up the details here, did you hear about Bush when he went to some of those African countries?
They would arrest thousands and put them in sports stadiums just because they didn't want a news camera showing Bush driving through slums and they would bulldoze the wreckage?
I had not heard that, no.
Now, I will try to pull that up here on the internet, but it was in the BBC and this is happening all over the place.
I mean, they have the Fortune 500 rally
We had a rally against it a few years ago here in Austin.
There were conservatives, liberals out there against it.
Only about 400 of us.
And they made us stay about a quarter mile away and block the road and threatened to arrest us and had police trying to provocateur.
This is, again, I don't know if the listeners realize how serious this is.
Yeah, and you know, the folks who are being quarantined
Are you
We're good to go.
Where it's conservatives protesting, liberals protesting, it doesn't matter.
They will hurt us as well.
When Vicente Fox came to Austin, we were protesting across the street from the governor's mansion, and we tried to go around the governor's mansion, two streets down on a public street, and the police just walked up and said, no, you can't go down there and protest where they're facing the back of the governor's mansion, and this was just a few months ago,
And I literally had to go down two more streets and go around.
Police came over and tried to stop us, but the whole crowd was coming.
They just went ahead and didn't stop us.
But how do they get cops to think their job is arresting or stopping people from standing on public streets?
Well, good question.
My impression is that there are some law enforcement officers who are not willing to go out and arrest people simply holding up a sign or people making a peaceful protest, but there's a lot of others who will do it.
So, I mean, part of it is that there's so much deference being given to the president, to the federal government, and to the Secret Service.
And there are many people in law enforcement who don't understand that the Bill of Rights
Is a higher authority.
than the orders of the Secret Service or the orders or the wishes of President Bush.
Here, here.
Did you hear about Portland last year?
And I saw the local news video where they herded about 3,000 people about a mile away from the hotel where he was staying.
They kept them a mile away.
And there were people in wheelchairs, folks with toddlers.
And the police just opened fire.
They herded them all together.
Then they opened fire, wouldn't let them escape, ran right up and sprayed a baby right in the face with mace.
And the father said, how dare you?
It's my child.
He said, you shouldn't bring a child to this demonstration.
Did you hear about that?
I don't think I heard about the Portland case.
I've heard about some similar cases where the cops were very, very aggressive and, you know, well, very aggressive in cases where people were not violent.
I mean, it's just, it's amazing this stuff has not created more protest across the political spectrum.
Conservatives, liberals, radicals, even moderates should be concerned about these kind of things.
I wonder if the American Spectator will let you write an article about this for it?
Well, the thing that's interesting is, this is a story which I originally did for the American Conservative, Pat McKeown's magazine, and they were very good to work with on this, but the American Spectator, I guess, is not hitting these kind of issues right now, shall we say.
Well, a lot of people aren't.
You know, Rush Limbaugh wouldn't talk about the Patriot Act until they started using some provisions to go after his medical records, and that's been in the news.
That is rather ironic now, isn't it?
You know, better late than never to understand the danger of government power.
And now he's actually saying on the radio that it's a conspiracy, but he didn't ever believe in government conspiracies before.
Well, it's going to be fascinating to see how that plays out.
I'm going to be curious to see what evidence that they actually have.
From some of the things which Limbaugh has kind of admitted, I mean, he's someone who was in favor of very vigorous enforcement of these laws, and I don't think there should be an exemption for a multi-millionaire radio host in these laws.
Well, that's the amazing thing, is I've heard the guy say, if somebody's caught with pot, throw them under the jail.
Ha, ha, ha, you idiot dopers!
And then he's on something a hundred times stronger, taking levels of a drug that literally, folks,
Taking a hundred of those a day would kill an elephant.
He had to really build the dust sub.
And I actually feel sorry for Rush, but yeah, it's very hypocritical.
Yeah, I mean, and I've been surprised that there's not been more of a backlash against him, but maybe that will come as time goes on.
Oh, where's the backlash for Bush saying he wants total legalization of any illegal that can get here?
Yeah, is the White House going to make an announcement on that today?
Yeah, they're scheduled to just say, and I've read the law that Bush says he likes, the model law is McCain's law, and it says if you get here, you're legalized for three years.
I guess that's conservative.
I guess Mao Zedong is conservative now.
You know, it is so funny.
I'm doing some research now.
I'm looking at a number of other areas.
Well, you know, it's interesting as far as crowd control and the Patriot Act.
I've got a new book out called Terrorism and Tyranny, in which I walk through the Patriot Act and some of the ways that the Bush administration has tried to suspend parts of the Bill of Rights, and to see the type of doctrines, to see what Ashcroft says in public, to see what Bush says in public.
It's amazing how much power these folks are grabbing and how little resistance they've had from Congress.
They've had almost no effective resistance from Congress.
No oversight.
Union guy with his sign, and they're charging him with a federal crime for having a sign and a mass of Bush supporters, and they'll probably get a conviction, they'll probably put him in prison, and then I guess if I'm ever out protesting anywhere, I'll go to federal prison.
I guess that's the new freedom, is to go to federal prison for having a sign.
I don't know if this guy is going to be convicted, or if he's convicted, if he'll go to prison.
But they're prosecuting him.
Right, right.
Which is bizarre.
Which is completely bizarre.
It would have been different if he had been caught, you know, one mile from the President with a concealed weapon and he was talking about an attempted assault.
Something like that would have been different.
But he had a sign.
He had a No War for Oil sign.
This is not a deadly weapon.
I don't know, though.
Did you see the Oakland Tribune article early last year?
I was digging through my files and saw it two days ago and fell over.
I forgot I even covered it.
Mike Van Winkle, the Assistant Attorney General of that state, said, this is a war on terror, and war protesters may need to be arrested, because by protesting the war, they're aiding terrorists.
Now, that's a quote, sir.
I know that sounds insane, but what you're saying sounds nuts, but we have the White House saying it.
What do you think about them apples?
Well, yeah, it's interesting seeing the statements by Mike Van Winkle from the Oakland Tribune.
Oh, you saw that?
Yes, yes, and I had that in the American Conservative version of the article.
I don't know if the San Francisco Chronicle used that.
Stay there, no, the Chronicle I don't think did.
Amazing, wow, so you did see that.
Folks, it's really happening.
You protest, you're with Al-Qaeda.
I mean, that's a Democrat.
We'll be right back with our guest.
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You know, it sounds crazy when I say that Mike Van Winkle, a Democrat, said, oh, we can shoot with rubber bullets or attack protesters, even if they're peaceful, because
We can arrest whoever we want, because if you're protesting the war, you're aiding Al-Qaeda.
When we talk about them arresting 65 and 55 year old steel workers and charging one of them for having a sign,
Uh, federally going after him.
I mean, this is really happening here in the good old USA.
It's not America anymore if we can't stand on the street corner.
Now, they tried years ago saying you gotta have a permit.
That's not true.
A permit to take over the street, to have a parade, not to have a protest on any public sidewalk or street you want.
And I'm telling you, the next time Bush is coming to Texas, I'm going out to protest, and I'm gonna have a sign, and I'm gonna get on the public street.
If they want to arrest me, that's fine.
I'm gonna sue them.
And again, I guess they don't care, they just use our money to fight us with.
Where do you see this going, James Bovard?
Well, I don't know, but it's certainly very worrying.
It is a question of how many people speak up and protest this.
How many people recognize the government is acting out of control here?
The government's got no right to be doing this kind of stuff?
So far, I mean, Congress has done nothing on this.
Congress has not had any hearings on this.
There's been a smattering of stuff in the papers on this.
There's been one or two things on TV, but by and large, the feds are getting away with this.
Why would Van Winkle say something like that?
You know, it's a typical law.
It is a mindset which is not unusual in law enforcement to assume that anybody who's out there protesting is anti-Gummard or anti-American or whatever.
I mean, there are many policemen who don't have that mindset, but this is something which I've run across a number of times.
Well, that's called tyranny.
Well, it's certainly overreaching massively, but the thing that's nice about some of Van Winkle's comments is they are so bizarre that they're comical, and it's always great to make people laugh at these characters.
Yeah, it's so bizarre, but I'm sure you heard about the head of the Judiciary Committee
Up in Oregon, who says if one protester blocks traffic, all protesters get life in prison in a forest labor camp?
Uh, you know, it does, you know... Did you see that bill by Senator Menace?
Yes, yes.
It was, you know, it was kind of... You really wonder if, you know, there's someone who forgot to take his medicine that day.
I mean, James, we're talking about forest labor camps now in mainstream bills.
Well, it was one bill, it didn't go anyplace, but it's certainly amazing that he would even propose that.
It was stunning.
Well, he's the chairman!
I'm totally freaked out, and I want to get a copy of your book from your publisher, and get you back on.
That's Terrorism and Tyranny, Trampling Freedom, Justice and Peace, to Rid the World of Evil.
And that's exactly, last week, what Richard Perle said.
We've got to attack all these countries, maybe even France, because they're evil.
Well, you know, that is something which I take personally, being of French descent, though, you know, about 400 years ago, I always say the best thing that ever happened to my family was being kicked out of France for being Huguenots.
But still, I mean, all this anti-French sentiment that Richard Perle and other people have been stirring up, it's insane!
Hey, they helped start this country!
They haven't attacked us twice like England!
That's true.
And I'm not.
I mean, I'm Alsatian.
I'm German-French on my mom's side, but I'm just getting sick of this.
Well, look, James Bovard, I really appreciate you coming on the show, and I want to have you back on in the future and a great job.
Where can folks read some of your latest columns?
Well, I've got a website, jimbovard.com.
And I've got a lot of stuff there, and stuff's popping up in a lot of different places, and hopefully it's going to pop up some more.
We've got a link to the San Francisco Chronicle article you wrote a few days ago.
Yes, I've got a link to that.
I've got a link to a lot of stories that have been published recently there.
All right, sir.
Thanks for coming on, and God bless.
Oh, boy.
Well, you heard about the Forest Labor Camps.
You heard about arresting protesters because we're terrorists, and they are arresting them and charging them as terrorists.
You heard it, 55-year-old men.
We'll be back with your calls and a lot more in the second hour, so stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I tell you, if you missed that last hour, it was absolutely incredible.
There I had James Bovard, who is a well-known conservative slash libertarian.
Rights for the American Spectator, Rights for Pat Buchanan's Magazine, Investor Business Daily, Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Newsweek.
James Bovard, folks, saying he can't believe how bad it's gotten.
They're arresting 65- and 55-year-old steel workers for holding up a sign amongst thousands of Bush supporters that says, no blood for oil.
And they arrest you and charge you from the Justice Department under terrorism clauses.
I mentioned Mike Van Winkle last year, the Assistant Attorney General of California, a Democrat, saying, we're arresting the protesters because protesting the war is an act of terror and we may shoot them.
He actually said, we can shoot them, beat them, doesn't matter if they're peaceful.
Folks, he said this in a TV interview.
It was all over the news.
And I didn't know that Bovar knew about that.
He mentioned it.
It was in his article, but I guess not in the exercise when I read the mainstream news.
And we know, I talk about forest labor camps, and he goes, oh yeah, those forest labor camps, yeah, yeah.
You know, I mean, we're living in the Twilight Zone.
Bush is for open borders, gun control, he's conservative, we're liberal because we're against it.
You know, if you're against Hitler, you're a Nazi.
If you're against Stalin, you're a Communist.
I mean, and I'm not being sarcastic here.
It's gotten that crazy.
He talked about how most conservatives out there just love it.
They think, well, this is the new conservatism.
Good, arrest anybody that protests the war.
We're talking about peaceful protesters here, folks.
This is unbelievable.
Absolutely unbelievable.
There's so much more news coming up.
We've got Paul Watson here in about 30 minutes to talk about, admittedly now in the media, the government killing Princess Diana, how she was pregnant and the rest of it in her note listing one of the British Royal Family members as planning to kill her in a fake car accident months before she was killed.
That's coming up, and just a bunch of other insane news that's all mainstream, telling you how wonderful all the tyranny is.
Right now, let's talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, Alex.
I didn't hear that normal sound that comes on the air.
Listen, I've got something I think it's important to tell you.
I've seen these unmarked helicopters before, and I'd heard of them before.
After 9-11, I'd watch the skies.
I'd see the NATO star on some of them, going way low and stuff.
And it's admitted, NITO aircraft, F-16s and AWACS and others are in our skies.
It's all part of the freedom.
And since then I've seen flying in tandem in broad daylight and stuff.
Nobody cares.
Okay, now, last couple days I've been using the internet, chat room, just normal chat rooms, talking to people in other countries, right?
France, Britain, Pakistan.
And just being normal, but when the subject comes up, talking about it.
Pointing out Mahmoud Ahmad, the ISI chief, meeting with Porter Goss and Phil Graham, the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, on the morning of 9-11, eating breakfast with them in Washington, D.C.
Pointing it out, saying it flat out to them and letting them know that this is going to affect them and us and everybody.
And they don't like that very much, I guess, because for the last two days, I got to where I didn't bother with these
Aircraft going over anymore.
Usually it was this Life Flight plane, supposedly doing training missions, I guess.
Or training flights, you know.
They're flying three or four times a day all over the place.
But, it has to be training.
It can't be that many medical emergencies.
But anyway.
So, every once in a while, you'd see an unmarked one instead of the Life Flight.
So, last couple days I've heard this horrendous noise.
This one really low flying one yesterday when I started doing this on the chat rooms.
And I didn't go out to look at it, but today it was so loud and so low.
Well, sir, I mean, to say they're doing that to you because you're on a chat room is a... I mean, they're doing it to everybody.
Rob, Rob, Rob, I can be in a hotel room in California and there's helicopters scanning houses flying around.
I mean, it happens to my house.
It happens when I'm, you know, at a restaurant in South Austin, North Austin.
Stay there.
We'll talk more about this.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we have Dr. John F. Kilner.
Coming on, the President of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity to talk about cloning.
People don't know that embryos are human beings and that that is indeed cloning when you clone embryos.
Now industrializing the process for body parts and stem cells.
That's coming up in the next hour.
Also, we got Paul Watson here in about 25 minutes to talk about the latest Princess Diana information.
You know, our caller, Rob,
He's saying he has unmarked helicopters perpetually flying around his house, flying over his house.
And, you know, could it be because he's fighting the New World Order?
And it certainly could be.
But statistically, I've talked to hundreds of people who don't even know about this, who have helicopters hovering over their house.
Here in Austin, government-owned Cessnas with ground-penetrating radar admittedly fly grid patterns over the city, looking right through our walls with the ground-penetrating radar, recording what's in your house, the details, the floor plan, the layout.
It's part of this big spatial network that Homeland Security already had set up under DARPA, but has now announced.
They've got digital photos of the front and back of all your houses.
They've got this all laid into computers.
And it happens to everybody!
This is part of the new free country, is helicopters and planes and foreign aircraft, admittedly, just flying around.
And, you know, people mention foreign troops.
The BBC reported a few months ago several Eastern Bloc countries
Ukraine, you name it, running checkpoints in northern Scotland, pulling families out of cars, shoving men to the ground with guns in their heads.
They were panicked, people freaking out.
We've had that happen here with foreign troops.
It's always a drill, and we're sorry.
It's part of acclimation.
So when it really happens, we hesitate, and, oh, that's happened before.
So your local police will hesitate, and, oh, it's just a drill.
You know, almost every town in the country has had drills where troops practice taking over the city hall.
I mean, I've been to dozens of them right here in Texas.
Foreign troops, police chiefs admitting it.
Well, the check troops are here, and some police chiefs throw them out.
Well, they tried to bribe me.
That's a San Antonio police chief.
That's in Police State 2000.
But to say that they have the infrastructure or the people, let's take my website.
It gets, I don't know, 5 to 10 million hits a month, you know, depending on what month it is.
Prisonplanet.com gets the same.
Infowars.com does.
Millions of individual people.
Do they have planes to all visit everybody that goes online or does something?
Again, that's part of the illusion.
The truth is, most of the troops, most of the military, most of the police are starting to wake up and are on our side.
99% of them said no to the smallpox shot.
Ninety-nine plus percent.
In major polls, now they had a major poll just came out where 91% of police are pro-Second Amendment, but they're ordered to carry out these unconstitutional orders.
So my point is we shouldn't be afraid.
Yeah, they announce Echelon can listen to all of us and they're listening to all our phones and tracking us and doing all this.
Yeah, they have the power to do that, but they don't have the infrastructure or the people to follow it up or do something with it.
That's why the New York Times article I read in the first hour is so important.
Where, under the new national draft, to graduate from high school, or some will be paid, you will, a few hours a day, watch your computer screen that will feed you shots of power plants and schools and other things around the country, and if you see suspicious activity, you yell at them over loudspeakers.
This is the New York Times, getting us all involved in the tattletailing and the telescreen that was shout orders at Winston.
He's walking down the street not doing something right.
What are you doing?
Are you a terrorist?
Are you suspicious?
Are you with Goldstein, which is Al-Qaeda?
Stand there!
We're going to have some guards come interview you.
I mean, it's literally that.
Rob, go ahead.
I'm going to be interviewing them, I hope to be.
They've got some things to answer, too.
I'm going to be watching them.
What's in your area?
Let me say this.
I'm in Mills, Wyoming, which is just on the northwest side of Casper, the biggest city in Wyoming.
I hope they do it again, because I've got a digital movie camera now, and I'll just photograph it all and the relationship to the rest of the house and so on.
That way, I'm sick of these people denying that this is going on, or they'll even acknowledge it is, but it's perfectly understandable.
Let me ask you a question.
Oh yeah, you're crazy to ask.
The Sheriff's saying these masked men are coming to town, but don't worry about them.
It's okay.
I gave them permission to.
Well, let me ask you a question.
I've talked to former SWAT team people.
One of them works at the airport now.
He's a retired Vietnam veteran sniper in Vietnam.
He was the head of the SWAT team.
I've talked to others.
Many times, they would be told, go raid this house.
They'd bust in.
It'd be generally some old retiree.
There'd be four or five fish tanks and maybe some plants.
And they were using too much power.
They have computer programs that the city does, the police department does, that, okay, two people live here, and the average for this size house, it's using too much power, and just on that, you get a SWAT team rating.
And they said many times, more often than not, sometimes they bust down a door,
Nobody would be home.
They wouldn't find anything.
They would just leave.
Not even file a report.
No, I'm not kidding.
So, this is the new freedom in America.
You've got a home business.
Too many computers running.
Too much power use.
You might get a SWAT team raider.
You've got some lights that are real bright in your house.
Well, those show up on the infrared.
We've got to raid you.
See, it's all part of this freedom, Rob.
Well, you know, and you make a good point and it makes sense.
It's very possible that it's just an indoctrination for the whole city.
Yeah, everything is getting us used to being droned and scanned and camera'd.
Did you hear me read where they're going to have tattletale squads watching all the cameras and shouting at you on bullhorns from cameras?
I think that's what they want to have, but I don't think we're going to stand for that.
Oh, I don't know.
I think it's to stop terrorists.
The terrorists attacked and we gotta... I think it's breaking up and I think one of the best tools of all is the internet and especially going into chat rooms talking with average people.
A lot of Americans, of course.
All over the world.
Keep it up.
God bless you.
Take care, man.
You bet.
We'll go to more calls here in just a minute.
I want to cover a couple other articles.
If you want to join us on air, we'll take calls up until Watson's on.
And with Watson here in about 15 minutes, 20 minutes.
I'll also mention that the Euro is now at $1.27 plus against the dollar.
I mean, folks, this is getting insane.
Again, a year and a half ago, the Euro was at 90 cents.
It's now at $1.27 plus.
And the whole world's talking about how our economy's folding right now, and our news is, everything is wonderful, everything is good, the stock market is up, don't matter that the record bankruptcies, 165, 1,650,000 plus bankruptcies, record foreclosures, all of it, just don't worry about that, everything's fine, a weakening dollar is good.
It's just amazing, folks.
So that's happening.
New York Gold hits 15-year high in first O4 session.
Gold futures traded above the 425 an ounce for the first time in more than 15 years in New York Monday, extending its watershed rally on the first trading day of O4 as investors continued to diversify out of the beleaguered dollar.
I thought it was good the Treasury Secretary said to have a bad dollar.
Yeah, it was good for Mexico to have a weak peso.
What's wrong with you people?
Other precious metals surge as well, but gold is considered a form of currency and is seen as a hard alternative to the greenback.
It built last year's 20% gain as the dollar hit a new low against the soaring euro.
So you have a devalued dollar, and so of course you're going to have a stock market that's up.
It takes more of those devalued dollars to buy U.S.
Do you understand that, folks?
That's what's really going on here.
And it's absolutely amazing.
Again, coming up, Diana Death Plot Royal Named.
The senior member of the royal family who Princess Diana believed was plotting to kill her in a car crash has been named.
I mean, she says in letters and videotapes.
By the way, the videotapes were seized by Prince Philip.
A few months ago, out of her safe.
They didn't know it was there.
Found out in MI5, dropped by and got those.
We'll be seeing those videos, but she said that a member of the Roll family was going to kill her in a fake car accident.
Well, now they've named that Royal.
We'll be talking about that with Watson.
Diana's allegation was made in a letter written ten months before she died.
It was written in another letter two months before.
In a Paris car crash in 97 and was included in a book by her former butler, Paul Burrell, last year.
But don't worry, the Roll family is now calling for an inquest.
It's like Janet Reno appoints John Danford to investigate her on Waco, and we all call him independent.
It's like Bush, with his appointed committee, with his former business partners and others, all on it, and this is independent.
It's like Herman Goering being hired to investigate Hitler.
Oh, it's incredible.
We'll be going, again, more into that.
Also, Bush grabs new power for FBI.
There's finally a few articles that, oh, Patriot Act II was really passed.
While the nation was distracted last month by images of Saddam Hussein's spider hole and the dental exam, President Bush was quietly signing a law, a new bill, that gives the FBI increased surveillance powers, a lot more than that, and dramatically expands the reach of the USA Patriot Act.
Also, USDA kills 450 calves in Mad Cow Scare.
It has begun.
agriculture officials have decided to kill 450 calves in the Washington state herd.
That includes an offspring of a cow diagnosed with mad cow disease.
It has begun.
Digital Angel promotes livestock cracker and wave of mad cow.
It's the answer to everything.
Problem with child kidnappings?
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Cashless society?
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Alzheimer's patients?
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Want to work for the military?
Chip them.
Again, my cousin, a military officer, 20 years in, 19 years in, has been told they're all going to get chips in the next year now.
And in response to a variety of inquiries, Digital Angel Corporation stated today that its proprietary microchip meat safety systems are specifically designed to complete, fulfill the livestock tracking and tracing needs necessary to minimize the human and animal health effects of mad cow.
See, it's just the answer for everything!
Blair makes surprise visit to Iraq.
This is ABC News of Australia.
And he slipped up and said, Freudian slip, he said that we're talking about weapons of mass distraction.
He said that.
We'll get into that too.
Blair's Freudian slip betrays terror scams.
And Iraq police chief says U.S.
Army gunned down a family knowingly.
Conservative Simmer is spending mushrooms under bush?
Well, that is conservatism!
This is all coming up, plus suddenly Rush Limbaugh is concerned about conspiracies.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, I'm just sitting here loving this country and my family watching it turn into a giant prison system.
And we're trying to wake folks up, desperately.
Let's talk to Chris in Colorado on a cell phone.
Go ahead, Chris.
Yes, sir.
I'm a new listener, about six months, and I wanted to make a comment about a question you asked yesterday, referring to the cat and cow disease.
You said they had discovered it before,
Why were they making it public now?
And maybe this is kind of a simplistic view, but right now, or before they announced this mad cow, beef prices, live beef prices in the United States were as high as they've probably ever been.
And I really think that they're trying to break the producer.
And they couldn't
Well, no, that's what a lot of experts are saying, and Big Agra did this, and they can survive the shake-up, but the small ranchers and farmers are going to have big problems.
They put all this in the food, they disease the cattle, which is a small minority of them, the bee's pretty safe, folks, then they come in with regulation, microchips, federal control, and that's exactly what's happening.
So, we can see that happening.
So, yes, we know it was there, we know they covered it up,
And we know that that is now coming out because they feel like it, because the technology is now up to the point for them to put this in.
Yeah, like I say, maybe that was just a small view on my part, but I really thought that was the reason that they announced it now, so they could bring the beef prices back down.
They're not going to allow the producer to make money.
If the producers all go broke, which is happening on a regular basis,
When you control the food supply in this country, you control the people.
Well, sir, we can barely afford, and I'm talking about my family in East Texas, my father's side of the family, that I'm very close to.
We can barely afford to put new fences in, and we've got to because they're falling down.
And we pay the taxes, we put in the fences, and with these prices up, we were going to be able to get all the new fences done in a whole section of the ranch.
It's a large ranch, you know, Spanish-era ranch.
And you're right.
Now, we may not be able to.
This is really going to hurt my family.
And I'm so mad at Big Agra, I'm mad at them for everything they're doing.
Right, right.
And, you know, the sad part, I think, is the general public blame the farmers for the prices in the grocery stores.
And it's not the farmer.
The farmers, you know, wheat prices are comparable to what they were 80 years ago.
I don't have the numbers in front of me, but what is it, for a bushel of corn or something, the farmer will get like five cents or something, and then by the time they sell it to you at the store, you know, the box of cereal is, you know, seven dollars, five dollars.
I mean, yeah, the markup is incredible.
Yes, exactly.
I think, I haven't looked recently, but I think last time I had looked, wheat prices to the farmer
We're probably in the $2.75 to $3.00 range per bushel.
That's 60 pounds of wheat in a bushel.
Okay, then I'm thinking of a smaller number.
Again, I said I don't have the numbers in front of me.
But the ratio, I've seen it in the news over the years, the ratio is the big producer makes a couple dollars.
And the farmer that actually produced it only makes a few cents.
I don't have those numbers in front of me.
You're exactly right.
And that's why the small farmer is going broke today.
And I'm seeing it right and left.
I try to do some farming myself, but I've got to hold down another job.
And I honestly believe, and I had this argument with an employer that I had, and he just couldn't see this.
When they control the food, they're going to control the people.
Well, that's the first thing Stalin and Mao did.
Thanks for the call.
Really great points.
Bill in New Jersey, then Ann and Paula and others.
Go ahead, Bill.
Yeah, a really good thing people can do right now is start planting trees all around your property, any kind of apple or fruit producing or food, nut trees, stuff like that, you know.
Uh, very good job you've done as far as reporting, you know, different stories and stuff like that.
But the thing that really bothers me the most, aside from living in New Jersey and having, uh, feeling everything, you know, you talk about, we have here, you know, tenfold, uh, a lot harder, you know, hitting on us.
Sid Kaspersen, your state FEMA liaison, said under a red alert, you can't leave your house or you'll be an enemy combatant.
You want to talk about helicopter traffic like right outside my house, but you know, the encouraging thing is a lot of times like I kind of get down, you know, listening to you, like just giving the news, not really your fault, but you know, it kind of bumps me out.
But the encouraging thing is that the people that are flying these helicopters and they're out there, whatever they're doing, you know, it's music to their ears.
When they hear your show, Alex, and you know, the different things that you talk about,
And the stuff that I say, all put together, you know, they're really on our side.
And, you know, the bad guys... No, you're right.
You're right.
Most of them are.
They're upset.
People in government don't like this.
That's why we have to be the leaders, stand up and say no, then it makes it easier for them to join us.
Amazing points.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright, Anne and Paula and Jerry and Ed and others will get to your calls here in just a few minutes after Watson gets to his first story with Princess Diana murder.
Paul Watson, bringing you up here on the air.
Before we get into the Princess Diana story, you're the author of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
It's one of the best books out there covering government-sponsored terror.
It's the most well-documented I know of, from MI6 and MI5 carrying out terror, to the Israelis doing it, to the U.S.
government doing it, to Putin involved in it, to what the globalists are up to.
Order Out of Chaos.
Why should folks get your new book?
Well, as you said, Alex, I don't mean I'm being getting all sorts of flack, calling me a conspiracy theorist and everything, but that's the point.
The book itself has roughly around 30 documented sources for each chapter.
We list them at the bottom of every page where you can find exactly what I'm talking about with the hyperlink to the mainstream article.
So, I mean, I gave it recently to a family member who was in the military who disagreed completely with what I said initially.
He gave them the book a couple of months later.
He actually apologized to me and he basically woke up, it woke him up, and he'd been in the military 20 years.
So it's the kind of book that can really act as a good... Well, same thing with my cousin.
You know, three or four years ago, he'd argue with me at Thanksgiving, and then they'd call him into a room and say, you're all getting chips in the next couple years, and that woke him up real quick.
I mean, this is really happening.
I hope folks will get Order Out of Chaos.
It's 300 plus pages.
I don't know, 50-60 graphics, documents, news articles, photo shots of them in there.
This is all very important.
$19.95, second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift.
We offer that special by calling the toll free number or via the internet.
So go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, link through the secure online shopping cart and get Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order and give a second copy as a gift and get that for $8 off, folks.
Also, I've made Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, Police State, 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11, The Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, America, Wake Up or Waco.
These are all great videos.
They're all over 2 hours.
Some are 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Some are 2 hours and 40 minutes.
It's worth the money.
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Again, I've made these ten films.
Get them and make copies!
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Only maybe Pastor Butch Paul with his great videos.
But get my videos, make copies, give them to friends and family, put them on AXS TV, give them to police chiefs, give them to local talk show hosts.
Here's the toll-free number to get the videos, the books.
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Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 787
And the globalists are counting on you not taking action.
The videos are $25.95 apiece.
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Paul, let's talk about
Uh, the Diana situation.
For our listeners, it's nothing new.
We knew three, four years ago she was pregnant.
We knew they had her killed.
We knew she talked to friends and family about this.
But now it's all come out with the latest developments, and they're now saying that they know the name of the royal, uh, that had been blacked out in the media, uh, that, uh, she was saying was gonna have her killed in a fake auto accident, and that's exactly what happened!
Then you have all the other evidence.
Go over it for us.
Well, yeah, the update on Diana, as both inquests on her death and Dodi Fayed's death are actually just started today, is that the man who Diana named as being behind a plot to kill her by means of a car crash has been revealed to be Prince Charles.
Now, we've been through the evidence in a previous interview, and that's in the Prison Planet audio archive.
Anyone can listen to it.
But the incessant drumbeat in the British media today is, oh, will the inquest prove the conspiracy theories to be true?
And it's not a conspiracy theory that the journalists saw a flash of light in the tunnel before the crash.
It's not a conspiracy theory that the journey to the hospital took 70 minutes and the ambulance passed two hospitals on the way.
And they made her stay there at the crash site for an hour and 20 minutes.
Yeah, and it's not a conspiracy theory that the car itself was driving in the opposite direction to Dodi's apartment, which was the initial, you know, where they were supposed to be.
It's not a conspiracy theory that the CCTV cameras were turned towards the wall.
And they now admit that the driver did indeed work for British Intelligence.
Yeah, and that came out in a documentary on Channel 5, which is one of the big channels in Britain, that Henri Paul was an MI6 informant.
Thousands of pounds in his bank account, and he'd been working with them in the past, and the tunnel itself was crawling with MI6.
And the cameras turned off minutes before by accident and turned towards the wall.
And the crash scene itself was not preserved.
It was sprayed clean immediately after.
And now it's come out that the senior police officer in France saw the medical reports, which confirmed that Diana was pregnant at the time of the crash.
Diana herself told the press days before her death that she would have a big announcement to make, and this is obviously why her body was immediately embalmed after she died, because the use of formaldehyde made it impossible to tell if she was pregnant, so that's why they used the formaldehyde.
And now they're going to perhaps dig the body up, and of course the uterus will be cut out.
Yeah, set for more cover-ups, and it came out
In the middle of December that Dodie and Diane, I mean we already knew this, but it was confirmed that they were both under surveillance by MI5 and the NSA.
And as I said, the tunnel was crawling with those agents.
Now the inquest which is taking place after six years, obviously normally an inquest into somebody's death is conducted within six months, but the inquest itself is chaired by somebody called Sir John Stevens, who the government appointed, and you mentioned
Earlier about Reno pointing, you know, her own person to investigate herself.
Well, Sir John Stevens was also appointed by the government to whitewash MI5 involvement in Irish Republican terrorism in Northern Ireland.
He basically said that it was a mistake that MI5 had an agent within the Omar bomb squad helping the terrorists.
So, I mean, as with the Hutton inquiry into David Kelly's death, what I'd see happening is that they will confirm
All of the evidence we've presented regarding Diana will then bury it within hundreds of pages of firm transcripts, and the media will deliberately ignore it.
And now, I mean, look, we have Princess Diana saying, they're going to kill me in a fake car accident, Prince Charles is.
And then that happens.
I mean, come on!
Well, I mean, that's the thing.
We've got, again, this incessant drumbeat of, oh, will the conspiracy theories be proved true?
This is evidence, and when you tie it with motive, you know, the path was laid clear for Charles to remarry.
Also, the car got stolen a week before, had the computer taken out, a new computer put in, and then his return cleaned and detailed?
I mean, normally, for a governor or a state rep or anybody, if their car gets stolen, returned clean, you then have a major investigation.
Is there something in that car?
Yeah, I mean, the car itself after the crash was
Impounded on a, you know, securely guarded facility under a giant tarp and nobody's allowed to go anywhere near it.
And I mean, the same thing will happen with the Hutton Inquiry.
It will come out that, you know, Kelly bled to death and there was no blood at the scene.
Apparently there were, you know, men in jumpsuits around his body before they found him.
And yet the media was more interested in the fact that his wife was selling the family estate.
With the Diana Inquest, a similar thing will happen.
They'll basically put the truth in plain view, but then spin it to look like something else.
So, our job is just to stick to the facts and present them as they are.
What are people saying on the ground?
I've seen polls where 75% of the British people believe that Prince Charles had her whacked.
Where are the numbers now?
Are there any new polls from last month?
I haven't seen any new polls, but yeah, as you said, the initial polls, 80-90 percent, and even immediately after her death, the polls were already 60-70 percent.
So all this new evidence is just, you know, convincing people to a greater extent.
But of course, nothing will happen to Prince Charles.
There's now the rape charges with the little Illuminati fund they like to have with the servants.
But I guess, where is that going?
Yeah, that's the thing, that the rape case involving Charles completely disappeared out of the public view.
And of course that woman that alleged that Bush raped her in Houston, Houston Chronicle said she shot herself in the back of the head a couple times, but hey, it's a suicide, Paul.
Yeah, and in fact...
One of the witnesses to Diana's crash, who was driving a white Fiat Uno, who went on to prove that he had nothing to do with the crash, but that was the patsy that they were attempting to blame it all on.
He later turned up dead after being burnt out in his car, and there was no sufficient explanation behind that.
Just a burnt-up skeleton in a car, but probably dropped a cigarette or something.
Again, it's just like the Kennedy assassination.
All the witnesses that can say what happened are taken out.
Yeah, I know if I witnessed some type of government assassination, I'd probably move to New Zealand and change my name.
Well, I mean, that's the first thing.
One of the journalists, the first person to actually inspect the crash scene and see that it was Diana.
I mean, he went to the police station to tell them that, you know, Diana had been killed in a car crash or was still alive at that point.
And the police immediately arrested him and held him in detention for almost a day.
And then he was forced to sign a deposition saying that basically he'd revoked everything that he'd just said.
So again, eliminate the witnesses if you're trying to successfully orchestrate a cover-up.
They do it every time.
But it is coming out now.
We have to ask ourselves why.
Well, obviously the public pressure for an inquest has been so great because it's been six years that the government are having to whitewash it, basically.
And it does serve as a distraction, as we were mentioning, to the Prince Charles rape case, because as soon as that broke in the headlines, this letter was released from Paul Burrell saying that Diana predicted her own death.
They interchange these sort of things to distract from each other, I'm sure.
Now, the media was admitting that somebody got raped there in the royal household, and that was admitted.
Then when it came out that Charles was doing it, that disappeared.
What's the details of that?
Well, it was actually Charles' servant.
Apparently one of the porters at Buckingham Palace walked in to find Charles in bed with his servant, basically.
And the media couldn't report that it was Charles for a very long time, even though everyone knew it was Charles from day one.
And then the media came out and said that the witness to what happened was a drug addict and a drunkard.
So every time you take the witness, you either take them out physically or you assassinate the character.
But why do we first hear of it as rape between servants, then it turns into Charles, then it disappears?
Yeah, I mean, they interchange the things, they change the evidence, and then they focus the media attention on something else, even if it's within the same, you know, sphere.
So, we see that tactic over and over again.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Anne in Ohio, then Paula, Jerry and Ed and others.
Anne, go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Hey, I'm calling because I'm really upset about this illegal immigration thing that the Bush administration is pushing.
And at one point, I had heard a real high poll number stating how the Americans felt that over 70% of the Americans wanted... The Gallup poll showed 80 in the high 80s.
My memory's been failing me today.
It was 87, 89% when you average Hispanics, whites and blacks and Asians together or against open borders.
Yes, well, that was what I was wondering.
I wanted to know a reference for that number so that I could
Just type in majority of Americans want more immigration control into a search engine and a bunch of polls should pop up.
Okay, how about the trial in Fort Worth, Texas that's going on this week?
Are you familiar with that?
Yeah, Dixon Cannon, Arrow Custom Plastics refused to withhold because it makes him an indentured servant to do the work without being paid to collect taxes.
And that trial is going on right now, and John Stettmiller is up there testifying on behalf of Sim Cannon in it.
Okay, I just didn't know if you were aware of that.
And the other thing I wanted to say is I got the Berkey Light right before Christmas, and we love it, and I got three of your tapes, and I handed them out before Thanksgiving, and I got them back New Year's Eve, and I can only imagine how many times they were copied.
So, we're doing our best here in Ohio.
God bless you and thanks for that.
I appreciate you taking action there, Ann.
Paul, I mean, how transparent is this?
They say we've got to put a magnifying glass down your nose, down your throat.
Everything you do is going to be watched.
We're going to have all these volunteers watching the surveillance cameras, shouting at you on bullhorns mounted to them if you look suspicious.
But we're going to legalize anybody that can get here.
Well yeah, we got the article on Prison Planet today from the Washington Times.
Bush will propose plan on illegals.
President Bush will propose sweeping changes that would allow a portion, and it's basically all of them, of the 8 million illegal aliens in the country to move towards legal status.
But I've read the bill.
It says if you get here, you're legal for three years, then you go file another form, get another three years.
Yeah, and at the same time they're crowing on about how terrorist cells are operating within the country.
Well, I mean, this is basically going to legalize them all.
Add it to the record budget, the biggest expansion of the federal government we've ever seen.
Grown by what, 24% last year?
24%, yeah.
We've had several articles on that in the past few days.
And it's basically tantamount to a socialist agenda which dwarfs anything that Clinton did.
We've got all these conservatives worshipping Bush when he's blatantly not following any kind of conservative agenda.
It's incredible, Paul.
Let's take a call.
Let's talk to Paula in Texas.
Go ahead, Paula.
Yeah, Alex, I had a couple of things to talk to you about.
The first one is my husband.
He works over here in Houston.
And a man that he works with, his brother, works for Ford.
And he said that he went into a meeting with the high-ups at the Ford and they had made a 10-cylinder engine that could get 30 miles to the gallon.
Well, when they submitted it, the government said, no, we don't want it.
We don't want something that will get that many miles per gallon.
They just gave a tax exemption where if you buy a 6,000 pound SUV, it's a total tax exemption.
I have no problem cutting any tax, and I like SUVs.
I drive a Tahoe.
But my point is, is that yeah, folks, my wife's got a Volkswagen that's four-cylinder, and I don't want to say I've had it up to 130 miles an hour.
I wouldn't drive like that.
But the point is, is they got new technologies, which they put in this car.
This little Passat she's got,
It's a four-cylinder, folks, and the speedometer goes to 160, and I have no doubt it goes that fast.
And the thing, it's incredible gas mileage.
A little four-cylinder turbo.
Yes, they've got six cylinders that'll pull more than a modern ten-cylinder.
So I have no doubt that's there.
You should have your husband call me.
Actually, he just walked out of the other room, but also, my husband and I, we go on to a program on computer called PalTalk, and it's an audio chat room.
And he opened his own room about three nights ago, and we've been playing the audio of your movies in the chat room.
Tell you what, stay there, because I want to get Paul Watson to comment on advanced technologies being suppressed, so we keep using more oil, and get some other callers.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, Paul Watson's going to be staying with us for about five minutes in the next hour, then I've got this doctor coming on the show, Dr. John F. Kilner, going to be talking about cloning and how, well, they're just changing the names around again and calling it stem cell research when it's the industrialized cloning of embryos for use by the medical field and others.
We've got loaded phones here and we'll go to calls during Kilner and you can bring up any subject you want.
It'll all end up coming back to the same thing, the New World Order.
But I want to try to finish up with Paula and Jerry and Ed and I guess Wayne and Adam and just a bunch of other people, Warren and others that are patiently holding.
Paula, you were saying your husband works for Ford.
Sounds like in a management position down in Houston and they're saying that
They got a 10-cylinder engine, he's in the meeting, that gets better gas mileage than a, sounds like a 6-cylinder, and they're not going to let that come out on the market?
No, it's not my husband, it's a man that he works with, his brother.
Okay, well I was confused by what you said.
Yeah, they said no, they didn't want it out because it takes away from their tax money.
So, they didn't want something that gets that good of gas mileage in a big car like that.
They like the gas doublers.
But, my husband and I opened a room on a program called PalTalk,
And we've been airing your videos through audio over these rooms.
And we opened them the first night, which was three nights ago.
This is the fourth day.
We opened it in the Christianity section.
Because we want the Christians to start realizing what's going on and what they're being taught is not exactly what they think.
And what happened?
And Caltech moved it.
They moved it from the Christianity section to the Social Issues section.
But when they moved it, we had 57 people in our room.
And everybody moved with it.
And then it started, atheists were coming in the room, and all kinds of people were coming in the room.
We were number one on the Christianity section for two hours.
We'll see.
I mean, this show is routinely number one on Shotcast out of 3,000.
Of 500 radio stations and networks.
We beat AP Radio, Dr. Laura, all of them.
I mean, that's a fact.
Go to ShopKast.
I mean, the network's routinely in the top 10, and that's just one of our streams.
You've got all our streams together.
We're always in the top 3 or 4.
I mean, they're a success right there, but they do everything they can so folks can hear this show.
Thanks for the call.
Paul Watson comments to what she was just saying about, I mean, that's a great example of taking action.
Imagine if everybody like her went out and did that.
That's wonderful.
Well yeah, but what you can do as well is put Alex's videos on Kazaa so people can download them from that, because that's got tens of millions of users.
But regards to the fuel situation that she was talking about, I've got a book which carries a popular science article from 1922 which talks about the invention of a
300 miles on a gallon of oil.
Now, I don't know what that is now, because I don't drive, but at the time it was 10 times the mileage possible for the present-day motor engine in 1922.
So, just imagine what they've got now.
I mean, it's this dichotomy, this lie, this public facade of technology basically going backwards.
I mean, we had the Wright Brothers in 1903, 60 years later, the moon landing, and now China's talking about
You know, maybe, possibly, they'll send a probe to the moon in 2020.
So it appears, at least on the superficial level, that technology is going backwards again.
Whereas these devices are being invented and basically kept suppressed because it challenges the monopoly.
So that's what we've got going on there.
That's a really great point, Paul.
Let's talk to Jerry in Florida.
Go ahead, Jerry.
All right.
Actually, hi Alex.
I'm actually in Idaho, and I'd like to wish you and all your listeners a safe and free, particularly free, New Year.
And I've got your videos, and I've been listening to you for over a number of years, and I really like what you're doing.
I think you're doing God's work without a doubt.
And I'd like to comment a little bit about what we all see, a lot of your listeners and a lot of your guests.
I'll tell you what, let me put you on hold and we'll let you go with us into the third hour, Jerry, in Idaho.
And you can tell us what you think.
You know, what we all see, where it's all going.
And then we'll try to get to Ed in there and then Warren and Adam and Simon and others are probably going to have to hold into the interview with the doctor about cloning.
Big third hour.
You'll want to stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
As usual, this will be a jam-packed third hour of global transmission.
We've got Dr. John F. Kilner coming on the show to talk about, well, mass production of clones.
Bet you didn't know that was going on.
New Jersey moving to let them start cloning embryos and using them in an industrial capacity.
And, of course, we'll get to all your calls and a ton of other news.
We're talking to Paul Watson.
The webmaster for my website, PrisonPlanet.com.
Let's go back to the calls, try to get as many in as possible.
Let us talk to Jerry in Idaho, let him finish up.
You were making some comments, Jerry, go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
I would like to comment on what we see.
What we see is a manifestation of an organization.
The New World Order, I think people have a general concept that this is out there, it's not a tangible thing, there's no real steering hand behind this, and yet
When you really analyze it, you can see that there is a steering hand.
It's involved with politics.
It's involved with finance.
It's involved with our schools in America.
It's involved with my religion, which is the Catholic religion.
And I know you've had some people on, and you have some listeners that are very anti-Catholic.
There's a facet in my church, the Catholic Church, which is steering my church as well, and has been for a long time.
Well, I'm not anti-Catholic, I'm not anti-Protestant, I'm not anti-Jew, I'm not anti-anything.
I know that.
I'm against corrupt people controlling different groups.
Well, the group that is controlling this uses the motto of the gentleman who wrote the book Order Out of Chaos, or Ordo.
Oh, yeah, the Illuminati.
Well, Illuminati is a branch, actually, of this group.
The group is Freemasonry.
Yeah, but again, Freemasonry is the same way.
Most of them are useful idiots at the bottom.
The first three degrees of Blue Lodge, you get to the 30th degree, 31st, 32nd, 33rd, then you realize... Well, you can't even hardly get a job now in England if you're not a Mason.
You can't get convicted of a crime if you're a Mason.
It's big news in England.
It's kind of broken out in England.
What goes on here is now mainstream there in the news.
Paul, talk about it.
Well, yeah, as you said, every time you raise the subject of Freemasonry, all the lower-level Masons come out and say, well, how is this being kept hidden from me?
But it's the upper echelons.
In this country, you cannot get a job as a judge if you are not a member of the Freemasons.
That's a minute!
Yeah, Grand Lodge in England, and Grand Orient is the Communist branch, which is actually out of France.
I think what we're seeing on a global scale, and this has occurred for hundreds and hundreds of years now,
Is that it's a conflict between French Grand Orient Freemasonry, which is the Communist end, and the Grand Lodge in Britain, which is the Geist end, or the Merovingian.
You know about the Merovingian?
Yeah, and you know, that's kind of what Mel Gibson says in Conspiracy Theory, where they're talking about who runs the New World Order on the bush.
But even at the higher levels, they're on the same team.
They're all on the same goal, which is a One World Order, a One World Currency, forsaking complete forsakement of civil rights or state sovereignty, individual sovereignty.
And they're pushing us all in that direction constantly.
They say the soldier dies, but the battle continues.
There's an interesting book.
Have you heard of the writer John Daniel?
No, I haven't.
He wrote a series of three books in 1994 called Scarlet and the Beast.
They're out of print.
They're very difficult to obtain.
He has a website.
Can I plug it?
Oh, I actually have the Scarlet and the Beast book.
I never read it.
Yeah, what's the website?
It's ScarletOnTheBeast.com.
Okay, listen, I've got to let you go.
Just one more website for your listeners.
I have no affiliation with John Daniel.
I know, sir, but we're up against a break.
Sure, go ahead.
It's FreemasonryWatch.org.
Okay, thank you.
Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
You can call me back another day.
We don't have a bunch of guests on.
We can give the callers longer.
Tom, I want to try to get one more in now.
We can't do that.
Paul Watson, I want to thank you for coming on the show in the last 45 seconds.
Anything else you want to add?
Well, yeah, basically, the sides are basically polarizing.
I mean, we've got Domino's Pizza putting out the figures that the second biggest night for ordering pizzas behind a reality show and in front of the Super Bowl was the declaration of war on Iraq.
People's rational minds have been so fried by television that their only recourse is to openly worship the tyranny.
It's like a basketball fan who will go to watch his team, half of which consists of rapists and wife beaters, and still cheer them on like heroes.
So we've got this polarization where either you're awake or you're completely asleep.
Great points.
We'll see you back here live next week.
We'll be back with our next guest.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Our guest is the President
For the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, John F. Kilner, PhD, is President of the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity in Bannockburn, Illinois, and Franklin Foreman Chair of Ethics at Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois, author of numerous articles in medical, public health, legal, religious, and ethics journals.
He has written or edited 12 books, Does God Need Our Help?,
And before joining the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity, Dr. Kellner was Senior Associate at the Park Ridge Center for the Study of Health, Faith, and Ethics and an Adjunct Faculty Member of the Northwestern University Medical School, both in Chicago
Prior to his move to the Chicago area, he was an associate professor for social and medical ethics at Asbury Theological Seminary.
He directed the ethics and grand programs at the University of Kentucky Medical Center, taught medical ethics as an adjunct professor at the University of Kentucky, and served as a hospital ethics person for the St.
Joseph Hospital Lexington, Kentucky.
After completing a BA degree at Yale University, he earned another degree from
From Harvard, he also has an A.M.
with distinction in religious ethics as an emphasis in bioethics from Harvard University.
There he received the Newcomb, Danforth, Eisenhower, Dekarma, goes on and on.
Folks, he is an expert on bioethics.
And why does this affect you?
Why does this matter to you?
Well, we've had Wesley Smith from the Wall Street Journal on.
Listing the names of people who are begging for water and food, who are paralyzed, neck down, being killed.
They call that a vegetable.
Please help me, give me water.
Or the Terri Schiavo case.
She's not in a coma, but they're going to kill her anyways.
We've got all this happening, but what does it mean to have the clones?
And now the industrialization of embryos, and now he was just telling me during the break, when we first got him on, about
Discussions of doing this through birth.
That sounds crazy, but everything's crazy nowadays.
Doctor, thank you so much for coming on the show.
It's great to be with you.
For the layperson out there who never really thought about cloning, or it's still some kind of science fiction thing in the back of their mind, go over bioethics, what we're facing, and how this ties into cloning.
Well, right now we're learning so much about how
Human cells and human bodies work, and as a result of that, we're learning about certain special kinds of cells called stem cells that can be very productive and effective in developing new treatments, and we're learning about how to duplicate cells, copy cells, produce, you know, people are familiar with Dolly the sheep, you know, that we cloned a sheep, and we've done this with many other
We're good to go.
So, we haven't had born human clones, but we've been able to produce clones that have just developed to a certain point.
Now, did they die or were they killed?
Because I had read that they terminate the embryos at a certain level.
Right, yeah.
Well, the research plan that they developed required them to kill them before they reached the point at which they could be implanted.
In a woman's womb.
But in this case, they just technologically didn't develop even that far.
And so we really haven't demonstrated that we could do anything like give birth to a clone yet.
But because we've been able to start the process and because we can do it in animals, there's no reason scientifically to really think that it can't happen.
So that's why the law now and public policy and public debates are starting to say, well,
It sounds pretty feasible.
We better start talking about the ethics of this.
What's OK and what's not OK?
So that's where we're at right now.
And so what was in the news just recently was this law passed in New Jersey, you know, where they said, sure, we're going to allow cloning and we're going to allow the clone to develop through the embryonic stage, through the fetal stage, all the way to birth.
And the law amazingly says, and even through the newborn stage, and we're not going to put any restrictions on this in place and saying it's illegal to do this.
Well for those that we just, I mean we can't just blaze over that incredible statement you just made and I've got the news articles here where it states what you just said.
We're talking now
About allowing them to bring a clone to term, and then after that, in the development for medical parts.
So I guess it's going to be like a Frank Herbert book, where you've got these tanks with these humanoids growing in it.
I mean, I'm not saying that's what they're doing, but you just said they legalized that.
Oh, absolutely.
It's very explicit.
They say that you can produce, through cloning, these human beings.
You can let them develop as embryos.
You can develop all the way through the fetal stage.
So women can be carrying
Uh, these clones and then it says that you can, uh, uh, kill them, abort them, take their parts.
And it says, although it puts in place saying, well, you can't actually make big profits off this.
Oh, what it says you can do is get reasonable payment for doing this.
And it includes all the costs of storage, transplantation, implantation,
All sorts of things, but there's no fixed rate.
But what is this?
I mean, I've got an Associated Press article here where it has that quote you just gave from the law.
They're saying that they can bring it past birth?
What on earth does that mean?
That's a really good question, because it says they not only can bring it through the fetal stage, that would by definition be all the way up to birth, but also through the newborn stage.
Now what does that mean?
I mean, if language means anything, a stage is a period of time
That's saying you can do this for a period of time, even after birth.
And what should give us real pause here, this is in New Jersey, that's the home of Princeton University, and their most well-known bioethics person, Peter Singer, is advocating that we should be able to kill newborn babies
If they don't measure up... Well, not just newborns.
I've seen him say 18 months to 2 years.
Well, yeah, exactly.
It goes beyond that.
Well, I mean, that's reasonable.
What's wrong with killing newborn babies?
It's no big deal.
Let's go ahead and take the clone out and put it in a tank and grow it up bigger and add
You know, buds of other organs and grow those off the clones.
You know, I've read in the BBC where this is being proposed, they could grow humanoids larger in utero in cows and get more parts.
Hey, what's the big deal?
Maybe we can, you know, in the age of feeding irradiated beef to school children, let's just go light years past that.
Maybe we'll put humans on the store shelf.
Yeah, exactly.
What this notion of even going past the newborn stage, what this should, the red flag this should raise for us.
Is that this isn't about any reasonable definitions of when you have a human being or not.
What this is really about is saying in the interest of doing whatever we want to do scientifically and economically, we're going to potentially run roughshod over any protections for
Particularly the weakest and most vulnerable human being.
There has to be a wake-up call for us.
Well, Dr. Kellner, I mean, I could yell, I could scream, I could pull my hair out, I could say a bunch of horrible words here, and that wouldn't be abnormal.
I don't know if listeners realize that they're saying, we're going to clone right through to birth and after.
That means they're going to do weird experiments.
And these people aren't going to have any rights.
They just decided they're not human beings.
They don't have a soul, and we're going to kill them if we feel like it.
I mean, this is like the worst science fiction movie I could imagine.
And, you know, it's bad enough when it's in the womb.
But when people think of abortion, usually they just think of, oh, you know, very difficult and rough cases.
What we're talking about here is actually women being contracted
And so when David Rockefeller or Bill Gates, and I'm saying this hypothetically,
You know, it's reasonable for their endowment.
You know, it costs five million dollars.
Well, you can pay seven and he gets his own little clone grown and quietly gets his new replacement organs and new DNA treatments and it's just real, you know.
Yeah, exactly.
And I'll tell you, doctor, this is all going to be legalized.
It's all going to be done because the elite wants it.
So how do we stop it?
What do we do?
How do we get the average ball game fan who doesn't even know what the Bill of Rights is to care about this?
Right, exactly.
Yeah, I think that public awareness of the big issues involved here are absolutely key, because I think when it gets to the level of like this New Jersey bill, it's presented to the legislature there as, you know, are you for or against scientific progress?
Well, I mean, that's silly.
You know, it's created here as a stereotype of either you're for economic well-being and scientific progress,
Or you're against it?
Well, that's not what this is about.
Well, that'd be like Joseph Mingelis saying, hey, so I'm sewing two Jewish children together.
What are you complaining about?
Are you against progress?
Right, exactly.
And the problem here is that there are some very exciting developments taking place in the whole biotech medical arena.
For example, as I was mentioning before, stem cell research, for which cloning is, you know, they want to use it because then you can tailor stem cells to genetically match
Well, stem cell research is not an all-or-nothing sort of thing.
In much of what's going on in biotech research, you can achieve many, if not all, of the wonderful benefits that are out there, but you can either do it by cutting corners ethically and creating tremendous risks to human beings and society in the process, or you can do it in an ethical way.
That's what we have to be standing up for.
Well, Doctor, I've read they can just suck
Your own fat out of you, and it turns out, on average, to be better than baby parts.
Well, exactly.
And the counterpart to that in terms of stem cell research is that all of our bodies have supplies of stem cells in them.
And we can either get stem cells from already developed human bodies and get them just like, you know, blood donations, or we can take human embryos and cut them up into their pieces.
Stay there, Doctor.
We'll be right back.
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Some people know all about drinking and driving.
I, uh, would often leave a bar and, uh,
I remember going out to the car, and I remember then winding up in bed at home, but I don't remember any of the middle, how I got there.
I know that at certain times I would simply use the center line as an aiming device with the ornament on the hood, and just really aim the car, not actually seeing where I was going.
The real tragedy, of course, in a situation like that is not what you can do to yourself,
But what you could do to someone who is either bicycling on the road or walking along the road.
In my case, I just simply often did not see them.
Some people don't decide how they're going to get home until they're incapable of making a responsible decision.
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Alright folks, coming up in the next segment, I'll get to all these callers that have been holding and a bunch of other news we haven't covered yet, but right now we're talking to John F. Kilner, doctor, PhD, and we've got hyperlinks to all the news stories, Associated Press, you name it, where they just calmly announce, oh, there's a new cloning law in New Jersey passed.
Well, it says that they can, you know, have somebody grow a clone up to birth, and then after that, do things with it.
So it's saying that they don't have any rights, that it's not a human, that they can... I mean, this is... I can't believe this, Doctor.
It's amazing how fast this has advanced, actually, even just in the course of the last three or four years.
It's something that I think most people really don't realize.
I mean, it is absolutely essential that people get informed
On what's happening, because I think for many people's mind, this is just science fiction.
You know, this is just way out there somewhere, rather than something that we're actually making decisions on now as to what we're going to allow and what we're not going to allow.
Well, I think the term is sleep at the wheel.
I mean, I'm mad at the American people because, I mean, I'm not that smart and I know what's going on.
They had a major study of 339 universities and
What was it, 65% of the administrators and students didn't know what the First Amendment was?
I mean, I'm scared here, because this is amazing.
I mean, we're going to take our very humanity and allow them to grow humans like tomatoes and then do whatever they want with them?
Right, exactly.
It's just amazing.
I mean, the significance of what we're talking about.
I mean, certainly there are a lot of issues that are out there that are important, but I think certain issues rise to the top.
In a certain period of time in history, because you're making decisions that are going to chart the course that are going to affect the human race all the way indefinitely into the future.
And these bioethical questions are right there, right now.
I mean, it's going to be in the next few years that the course that we take on all of these issues that we're talking about right now, and there are many... I mean, right behind this wave of biotech issues is a whole nother
That's why we are working around the clock, full time here at the Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity.
One of our biggest efforts right now is to get this information out on our CBHD.org website, to get the information out.
Just to give you a sense of
The visibility, I mean, when you do a search, an internet search on Google or Yahoo or whatever, there's like a million sites that come up related to bioethics.
But the cbhd.org site comes up on the first screen every time, and it's because we put a ton of information on there.
But that's where the battle is right now.
People have to get informed.
It's not that the information's not there.
We have to recognize that this is not science fiction.
It's not out there in the field.
Well, Doctor, they should have you address the Governor's Conference two years ago instead of Peter Singer.
I mean, Peter Singer needs to be in a loony bin, but his ideas, and the ideas of Princeton that brought him there, of let's just kill babies after they're born.
I mean, that seems to be what the establishment really wants, regardless of the ignorant public.
When you ask them about this, it's obviously against what they're doing, but still sees it as some type of science fiction.
I want to briefly go back over this new law, because that's so important.
Restate that for folks.
They're saying that they're not just going to clone humans, but that they're going to continue on with stuff after they're born.
Well, the New Jersey law says you can produce clones at the egg and embryo stage, and then
They can continue to develop.
What they're doing is saying, okay, how long can they continue to develop and we can just kill them, cut them up, use them for body pieces before there's any problem with that?
And it says, well, that can continue on through the embryo stage, through the fetus stage, which goes all the way up till birth, and through the newborn stage.
Now what does that mean?
Through the newborn stage?
Well it's obvious and you talk about stem cells and I get it from fat tissue and how I've seen the studies it even works better in many cases.
They want to use wombs.
They want to create clones.
I read the studies.
They want to create larger artificial wombs out of fetuses and babies.
And they want to create these big clusters where they can grow a hundred livers on one clone.
They want to industrialize this.
This is totally sick!
Yeah, it really is commercializing human beings, commercializing the human body.
That's just a direction that we should never go.
I mean, there's property, there's things that are subject to buying and selling, and then there are certain things, human beings, that have a dignity unto themselves.
Well, that's it!
How could you work at one of these places with human beings around you in tanks?
Right, exactly.
I mean, it's just we're losing the distinction.
Between people.
I think the term is we're going to hell in a handbasket.
CBHD.org CBHD.org, link through at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Sir, I sure hope folks will go read your writing and your organization's writings and I just want to thank you for coming on.
Happy to be with you.
I'm going to let you go, but when we get back I'm going to plug your book, okay?
Thanks for coming on, Doctor.
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I was kind of ranting over the doctor there at the end, trying to end that segment, and I appreciate Dr. John F. Kilner coming on.
You know, I read those news articles last few days, mainstream news out of New Jersey.
It was, oh, there's a debate about it.
Some of the religious right doesn't like it, so it lets you grow the clone up and give birth to it, or grow it in a tank and then use it for body parts or keep it alive.
I mean, what's the big deal?
It's like you tell people that Dimecore got caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
That's admitted!
They just go, huh, what's that?
You hear about Kobe Bryant?
That's really important.
Do you realize how evil this is?
Do you realize how out of control things are?
It is probably the end of the world.
I cannot imagine.
We have turned into just evil scum.
Lazy, stupid morons.
But what about the large portion of us that are good, decent, half-decent?
I'm not perfect.
People who just... My humanity, my soul screams when I... Look at this!
I'm sick of evil!
I'm tired of you old people getting away with what they do!
I'm about to go to Warren and Joe and Carl and everybody, I promise, in just a few minutes.
I do want to plug Dr. John F. Kilner's books.
One of them is, uh, Does God Need Our Help?
Cloning, Assisted Suicide, and other
Challenges in bioethics, cutting-edge bioethics, the Christian exploration of technologies and trends, who lives, who dies, ethical criteria and patient selection.
This is some highbrow stuff and he's a really smart guy and a good guy and a Christian and I hope you'll support the CBHD.org.
Also, you know, while we're sorting out the problems at my little studio in South Austin, I've been doing my show here at John Stattmiller's studio and I'm very
I'm thankful for that.
They didn't ask me to do this, but I want to plug it.
They got some of the best shortwave radios, Sangean radios, cheaper than you'll find them at Radio Shack.
I bought two shortwave radios from John.
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I bought two from him.
I bought one four years ago, still have it, and I bought another one about a year ago from him.
They got great shortwave radios.
Give them as a gift, or if you've got a piece of junk, and you want to hear the show with higher quality,
They've got it all, folks, at very low prices.
Give them a call.
Also, they've got the Aeronizer, which is an amazing system.
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It's amazing.
What does Aaron do?
The patented process of a machine that tightly packs oxygen molecules.
It's just an oxygen maker.
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It says, inhibits mold and bacteria growth, ionizes the air so that dust, smoke, reticulates, and oxidizes odors will precipitate from the air, oxidizes hydrocarbons and organic and inorganic odors.
Why do you think it is that you hear that fresh air will kill bacteria?
Why do we get more colds and flus during the winter?
Because we're inside more.
We have the doors shut.
Why do you think a piece of steel out in a field will rust and rot?
from the oxygen.
It's powerful.
It's corrosive to microorganisms, folks.
Well, why do you think, then, that piece of steel won't rust in 50 years in your house?
Because there's not air, oxygen, running across it.
It's real simple.
And I have one of these in my house I got from John.
You need to have one.
There's one running right here in the room with me.
I mean, they've got three of them running in this house, and they've got them from
From what, $200 up to thousands of dollars that will cover whole factories.
Hotels buy these.
It's a big deal.
And you need to give them a call.
You need to call here to the office folks.
It is so, so incredibly important that folks call here to the office.
And there are several numbers here to CSIN.
I would ask Sandra.
Sandra, what number is best for me to give out?
Because I always use the local number here to call you guys.
I know there's the 877-605-9200 number, and that's the number for the Aeronizer or the shortwave radios.
They've got a beautiful, full-color, 20-something page catalog that goes through the patented process.
The 50-year-old company.
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9200-877-605-9200 or go to AaronAir.us.
And Aaron is the patented process.
Aaron is A-R-A-N-A-I-R dot U-S, not dot com dot U-S.
So here's the number again.
Call right now.
Get a free catalog or order an Aeronizer.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Go ahead now and talk to Warren in Colorado.
Warren, you get the prize for holding.
Thank you.
Go ahead.
Okay, thanks.
I'd like to make a quick comment or a point on the 450 calves that are being eliminated in Washington, I guess it is.
The article I read was that it's actually the bull calves, the 450 bull calves that were being eliminated.
And that doesn't make sense at all because it's the heifer calves, it's the dairy
Dairy farmers save and bring up to replace their old cows.
Well, I have an AP article here.
Let me read it.
USDA to kill 450 calves in Mad Cow Scare.
agriculture officials have decided to kill 450 calves in the Washington state herd.
That includes the offspring of the cow diagnosed with mad cow disease.
And it says also, DeHaven said USDA officials would visit Mexico to discuss that country's ban on American beef products.
Mexico was among more than 30 countries which halted U.S.
beef imports last month after scientists diagnosed the first case of mad cow disease in the U.S.
And it says the herd that is to be destroyed is one of three under quarantine in Washington because of ties to the infected cow, a six-and-a-half-year-old Holstein dairy animal.
That's the black and white cows.
The other herds include cows that have calves from the same Alberta farm as the sick one.
So it doesn't say here if it's male or female calves.
It just says it's the herd.
Yeah, on the Dish Network, we get the Reuters News, and it actually said bull calves, and I think I might call and see.
Well, that makes absolutely no sense.
If you're going to kill a herd, you kill all of them.
Yeah, that's exactly right.
That's the point.
I couldn't believe that I read just bull calves.
But there's a Montana cattle slaughterhouse that they slaughter 30 cattle a month, and they supply it to local restaurants and so on.
And this guy got railroaded out by the USDA.
Because he couldn't handle all the demand for his slaughterhouse.
Yeah, what happens is they target the small beef or poultry or pork producer that's doing a good job.
The regulators harass, and I have friends that are involved in environmental groups, the good ones that go out and look at these places.
They want you to come and look.
These organic farms are so much cleaner, so much better, and they get harassed.
You've got the nail on the head, and I'll try to dig up that article on January 4th in the Denver Post.
Some gal did a real good job of reporting.
But they're going to feed irradiated, literally, rotten meat to your children.
They're going to irradiate it.
And don't worry.
Oh yeah, what about the toxins from the bacteria, folks?
They're going to feed your children irradiated food.
Yeah, this ConAgra here in Colorado is unbelievable.
They've recently switched to Swift Foods.
You know, I studied business ethics, and I think it was a waste of time, you know, compared to what your guest did, bioethics.
Yeah, what do you think about them?
They're going to grow the clones up to full size, take them out of the womb, and then hook them up to stuff and grow a bunch of things on them.
How's that?
That sounds real nice.
Well, it's, you know, there's no soul there.
There's no, there's no, you know, it sounds nice, but
Believe me, they're probably going to do it for other reasons.
It sounds nice!
We're going to clone humans and then use them for parts?
Thanks for the call.
This is amazing.
Let's talk to Joe in New York.
Joe and then Carl.
Go ahead, Joe.
Joe, go ahead.
Do we have Joe there?
Can you hear me?
Yes, sir.
All right, very good.
Are you aware that there was some U.S.
fighter jets following a commercial airline
Just recently?
Yes, I was actually checking that online and there have been over a dozen, about 13 different cases of them claiming terrorists were on planes.
No, no, no, Alex.
I know right now.
I know.
What I'm saying is that these have all been fake alerts in the past.
Okay, yeah, but they were saying that there was a possible terrorist suspect on a plane coming from France, that there was two fighter jets following the plane and it was going to land in Ohio.
Then MSNBC retracted the information and they said something like, uh, the woman was taken off the plane before it took off.
She had, like, a leather jacket.
It was a motorcycle jacket with wires in it.
Listen to this, Alex.
They said it was a motorcycle jacket that you can plug into, like, your motorcycle to warm yourself while you're riding.
In other words, they took her off the plane because she had, like, wires in her leather jacket that was, I guess, it was almost like one of those, like, electric blankets.
But it was a leather riding jacket.
So she was pulled off the plane.
They retracted the whole story that there was a suspect on there.
She was off the plane.
And then guess what?
They put her on another flight to go somewhere.
But that's what I was saying to you up front is they'll put a fake terror name into something, pull a five-year-old child off, and for two days announce we stopped the terrorists, and then there's a quiet retraction.
Okay, it wasn't true.
Yeah, right.
That's my point.
I mean, we never heard of... I heard you say that before.
You were making those comments before, yeah?
Yeah, so it's just total and complete fear-mongering.
Alright, here's the other thing.
I wanted to see if you thought this was a coincidence.
I took out a dollar bill the other day, and I'm looking on the back of it.
And it's kind of funny that it has an all-seeing eye and a pyramid.
Meantime, there's no... It's kind of funny it says New World Order under it, yeah.
Well, I got a lot of things... Don't cut me off here, because I want to make a few points.
Because last time I called up, I've been calling a few times, and you cut me short.
But I want to make a point to you.
If you go to the back of a dollar bill, and if you can do this, Alex, if you have a one-dollar bill, it'll be pretty amazing, because I don't think you've ever seen this before.
You have one on you?
Sir, let me just say number one.
On average, I have callers on longer than other talk show hosts do.
And you already made a point, and I'm not fighting with you, but please don't imply that I'm cutting you short.
You're on the air right now.
No, no, no.
Let me just finish up real quick.
Okay, well you're asking if I've got a dollar bill on me.
Yes, I have a dollar bill.
Alright, if you draw a line from the A in annuit, if you look on top it says annuit coeptis, and on the bottom it says novus ordo seclorum, which means announcing the birth of a new world order in Latin.
If you draw a line, a horizontal line, from the A in annuit,
That's already on the dollar, and you look at all the points now.
Yeah, and it makes the star of Solomon.
No, Alex, Alex, look.
Look at it.
You have the M in cyclorum.
You have the A in annuit.
You have the S in coeptis.
You have the second O in ordo, and the N in novus, which spells Mason.
Perfectly, symmetrically, right in your face.
That is not a coincidence.
And then if you look right over the eagle, you have the same symbol.
Did you connect all the dots with all the little stars?
Yeah, I know.
It's all symbolism.
And yes, I had seen that before.
Now, did you see where it spells Mason?
Yes, sir.
I've seen this online before.
I've seen this pointed out.
And there's also an owl on the front of the dollar bill.
Yeah, he's peeking up over the one dollar bill.
Alright, well, thanks for your time, Alex.
You have a great day.
Hey, I appreciate it.
Absolutely, sir.
No, it's not like the stuff in The Money's Hidden.
I mean, it says New World Order on the back with an all-seeing-eye pyramid, like Total Information Awareness Network.
I mean, it's New World Order, folks.
I've got hundreds of news articles with presidents and prime ministers and the pope and everybody calling for world government.
I mean, it's not like it's a conspiracy theory.
That's really going on.
You're absolutely right.
Let me just cover the article he mentioned.
Terrorist suspect landing at Cincinnati Airport.
There are reports of a fighter jet escorting a jet into Cincinnati Northern Kentucky Airport.
The plane is Delta Flight 043.
And it left Paris at 11.20 AM.
And it says the flight is said to be of interest.
According to reports, a woman was removed from the flight before it took off from Paris.
Charles de Gaulle International Airport.
Because she had an electronic device that was causing some suspicion.
The idiots had never seen a leather jacket you plug into the lighter.
They sell those everywhere.
The plane will be held in an area after, from the terminal when it lands, and then, uh, there's another article here posting, yeah, saying it was a false alarm.
So a flight from Paris is escorted by jets to land in Cincinnati.
So they get her off the plane, but, uh, just terrorists are everywhere, folks.
We're so lucky they're taking our rights away and arresting
Anyone that holds up a sign protesting Bush.
The Justice Department is now charging people for protesting.
It's wonderful.
But the border's going to be wide open and everything's going to be happily ever after from there.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I'm glad to take your call.
I don't censor people.
If you actually time how long I keep a caller on and how much they talk, because I've done this.
I've listened to my rebroadcast before and I've sat there with a watch on my arm and watched it.
A caller usually gets to talk about two and a half minutes.
And then I'll talk about two and a half minutes with him.
Because I like to talk, too.
You know, I like to jump in and add something.
And I could do like other talk show hosts.
I could have you on about an average of 45 seconds.
That's about the average.
The consultants even tell you to do that.
45 seconds, maybe a minute, and they cut you right off.
Maybe we'll just start cutting folks off.
It's about 45 seconds.
And then they can complain that Alex cuts people off.
Because that's not what I do.
That's not what I do.
Let's go ahead.
It's a good point you made, sir.
Thanks for making that point.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carl in D.C.
and then Ed in Pennsylvania.
Carl, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing?
Great, sir.
I just wanted to say greetings from the Police State Capitol.
I wanted to invite everybody down to see the Capitol building and the White House before it's too late.
There's a seven or eight foot wall approximately around the Capitol.
They've blocked off the White House in about a two block radius.
That's happened months and months.
And I've talked to family who's been in D.C.
If you try to videotape Lincoln, guards will run up and begin screaming at you.
Video cameras anywhere in the city, they freak out.
As if you're evil, you might be a terrorist.
As if terrorists couldn't get pictures of the monuments.
They're training us how to be slaves.
But it's for your safety, right?
But the border stays wide open.
Yeah, and you also got to be sure to side-step the gray uniformed police that kind of look like something out of World War II Nazi Germany, but of course that's for your safety, too.
They're everywhere.
I mean, it is unbelievable how many... I can tell you, from May of 2003 to current, today, right now, eight months later, the number of police, it's increased by a factor of ten.
And they've always got to hire more, and then they've got to have more reasons to, you know, to arrest you for any reason, why everything's terrorism now.
Isn't it great?
Don't you feel safe now?
The question is, what is it they have planned that's so horrible, they know we're going to resist?
See, why are they gearing up?
Well, okay, can I come back after the break?
Sure, sure, but I'm asking you, why do you think that?
Why do I think?
To keep everybody under control, just like, uh,
Out to Germany.
Think about that.
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I think so.
Guarantee you this folks, the more liberty you give up, I guarantee you,
The more liberty you give up, the more tyranny you're going to be living under.
All right, let's let a couple callers finish real quick.
Go ahead, Carl in D.C., and finish your point.
Well, I just wanted to say that I found God, I guess, about a year ago, but I'm feeling really angry and depressed, and I guess you've never really gotten a call like this, but it's hard to be positive.
It's hard to keep a positive
Hey, at least you have a mission.
At least you know the truth.
Imagine being back in darkness, not knowing what's going on, having the wool over your eyes.
Now you have a mission to warn others.
You know, it's depressing to pull up and see your house on fire, but you can stand there and be depressed, you can run in and save your family.
So we're trying to save this country.
We've all got a job, and you won't be depressed once you take that anger and put it into taking action one day at a time, a little bit at a time, unlocking people's minds, standing up to this evil, and bringing these corrupt pieces of garbage to justice.
Roger that.
And you remind me of the judges in the Old Testament.
Once I read that, boy, that put a whole new outlook on things.
God bless you, and I appreciate your call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Let's let Ed in Pennsylvania be our tail gunner, because I've got a few final news articles here.
Go ahead, Ed.
Hi, brother Alex.
I just wanted to call and say that, man, just read parts of the Bible that deal with faith, and that's all you can do, really.
But I wanted to have one... I come up with a lot of... I'm in contact with a lot of people from the public, and the people in the public, and the public in general, and I have
I drove a young kid, about 15, the other kid was 16, I was taking them to a private military school, and I asked them what they learned in school, and they went through the whole thing, geometry, math, you know, science, everything, and all the subjects except for history.
And I asked them, I said, well what, don't you have history?
He says, oh no, that's an elective.
And I almost ran off the street, I couldn't believe it.
Well of course!
History is an elective.
It's absolutely amazing what they're teaching these kids.
And this is a private... I'm sure it's probably about maybe $15,000 a year to send these kids to this private military school.
It's a military school.
And they're not even teaching... It's an elective.
It's amazing.
I mean, I can't... Back when I was a mandatory when I was going to school, that you had to learn
And I guarantee you, if 10% of the parents of those children said, we want it to be mandatory, it would be.
Then the next step would be, make sure it's good history, not globalist garbage.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Good to hear from you.
We're almost out of time for this show.
We'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central during the day as well.
And we'll let that caller go.
Thank you.
There is just so much I wanted to get to.
Again, Tony Blair, folks, got caught in a speech saying, weapons of mass distraction, and it's made headlines.
That little slip of the tongue.
There was a bunch of other news we didn't get to, but we had three great guests on, and I'll cover some of this news I didn't get to, like Rush Limbaugh now believes in conspiracy theories.
Tomorrow, along with all the other news that would have stacked up by then, we've got a lot of other great guests coming up this week and a lot of key info.
So you don't want to miss any of these shows.
Before I end this show, if you believe in what we're doing, I want to wake folks up.
I want tools, so you won't talk yourself blue in the face, waking people up.
You want results?
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, my videos.
Get them, make copies, give them to friends and family.
Air them on AXS TV.
Give them to a local talk show host.
Effect change.
Keep it up.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order the videos, or the books, or the t-shirts, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order right to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 787-04.
The videos are all excellent, $25.95.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
Don't wait.
Get the film.
Stop sitting there and let the Globals take over.
These things work.
See you back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.
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