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Name: 20040102_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Jan. 2, 2004
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At 888-803-4438.
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That's 888-803-4438.
Protect your family.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Today of January 2004, my first live broadcast of the new year.
Thanks for tuning in to the show.
I want to give everybody a chance to get involved on air.
We're going to have wide open phones.
It's not just Friday, it's the first live show that I'm doing of this 2004 year.
I want to hear your predictions for the new year and what solutions you have to expose the criminal crime syndicate known as the New World Order.
How do we get our borders under control?
How do we reaffirm the Second Amendment and get some gun laws repealed?
How do we slow the privatization of the prisons and our economy shifting into a slave labor system?
How do we wake up conservatives to the fact that government's exploding, we're losing our liberties, and that George Bush is out-clintoning Bill Clinton?
Those are just some of the questions.
Again, we're going to have wide open phones here on the show.
We're going to go to your calls early in this broadcast and throughout the show.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
And there is so much news to go over.
I would also ask you, what do you think the most important top three stories were of last year?
Not just your predictions for this year, but for last year.
What were the most important stories that were either reported or under-reported or that were ignored by the mainstream media?
Basically, it's just a year in review and looking forward now into this new year.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I want to thank both my great webmasters for the work they do.
Chicago Top Nation in 03 Homicides.
We've got the numbers, and yet again, they are the number one city for murders, despite the fact that New York has three times Chicago's population.
They had less murders.
Chicago has even more gun control than New York, ladies and gentlemen.
Then we look at other large cities, and per capita they have much lower crime rates, where you have some semblance of the Second Amendment
That is an armed population left, and big news out of England, BBC listeners want right to kill burglars!
They're trying to pass a new law, of course if you stab or shoot someone who's killing you, you will get more prison time than they get!
And a big fight as the majority of the citizens there are against these laws that imprison you for defending yourself, the government, the Tories, that's the Republicans, and Labor, that's the so-called liberals, all agree, no, you can't defend yourself.
Why am I leading with a story in the New Year?
It's just such a key indicator of the government wanting us to be these emasculated wimps.
I want to go over also the police state production we saw on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day and continuing.
Troops marching around the streets, military helicopters from Las Vegas to New York.
Meanwhile, 20 plus people died in the Philippines during partying.
You don't see anti-partying troops out on the streets.
My point is, terrorism is not a great danger.
Even at the numbers, we've seen it statistically, but the government is fear-mongering, and that's the definition of terrorism, is creating fear to get your political wishes into place.
I want to go over some of what happened and get your response to what you saw on the news.
22 dead, hundreds injured in
Parties in the Philippines.
New Year's welcome.
Isn't that interesting?
Also, high security marks.
New Year's Eve with the military.
I didn't go over this article.
I should have.
So we're going to cover it.
Russian Secret Service seizes copies of book linking it to 99 bombings.
Government ministers to retain 150 secret laws.
That's England.
We're doing the same thing.
Preparing for the draft.
There's been a new development there.
It's all coming up when we get back.
Stay with us.
What really happened September 11th and who stands to gain?
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Well, we have a brand spanking new year laying out before us.
And today, on this Open Line Friday, we're going to be taking your calls for your predictions for 0-4.
And what you think the top three stories were.
Of 03.
And those could be under-reported stories or stories that you think are the most important.
There is a ton of news.
Again, I want to get into the Second Amendment today because Chicago, again, tops the nation in 2003 with homicides with total gun ban going there in the city with handguns and total restrictions on rifles.
And the British people are revolting against not being able to defend themselves even with knives.
uh... against home invaders will get into that also there's a mainstream media article about conspiracy theories abounding concerning september eleventh and this story would be comical uh... it wasn't so dangerous will be going over that analyzing it
As well here on the show.
Prepare for the draft.
Arizona registers men between 18 and 25 who sign up for driver's license.
It's automatic now.
Many other states have passed that law in the last year.
We'll get into that.
William F. Jasper has written a very important article for the New American, echoing something that I have covered here on the show.
Bill of Rights, implausible.
Defenders, don't look to the ACLU and its left-wing allies to defend your liberty and the Constitution against the encroaching police state.
And in this lengthy article, and I'm trying to get him on the show next week, he goes into many of the things that I've observed, that the ACLU is really there to make you think they're doing something about your rights, but then ensuring that they actually lose those battles or water down good legislation or local laws that would counter it.
And the ACLU is full of good people, but at the top, it's controlled.
It's loyal opposition.
And Jasper gets into that.
Of course, it goes on the right wing as well.
We have the NRA that can never seem to repeal a gun law, and supports a bunch of new gun laws, and calls it compromising, and his mom on Bush planning to re-sign the assault weapons ban.
So, that goes both ways.
but it's uh... very very important talking about controlling the opposition also about six months ago we started talking about the matrix system until six months ago was classified we just knew that state and local police uh... and the federal government were buying information from supermarkets from bookstores they were getting it uh... from the credit departments that they were
Hiring private firms to get your divorce records, your college records, everything!
And now they've announced it as the Matrix System, and more states are publicly signing on, like Tennessee.
I thought we'd focus in today a little bit on the Matrix System.
The Tennessean reporting state seeks link with crime data network.
Minnesota just threw out, because of lawsuits,
of the matrix system because I mean they type into it man with black hair driving red pickup truck and everybody in the state who has black hair and owns a red pickup truck instantly is pulled up.
I mean that's how detailed this is, folks.
You go, well, it'll stop the terrorists.
Folks, the globalists are the terrorists.
The border's wide open.
They're about to legalize 25 to 30 million illegals.
Bush says 8 million.
It's more like 25, 30 million.
We're not sure.
Again, they're going off 2000 census numbers, okay?
And they're saying we've got 8 million illegals off the census numbers.
How many illegals do you think actually went along with the census when they knock on the door?
The real numbers we've got is 25 plus million.
So we'll be getting into that.
My point is, they're telling you, we're going to know everything you do, everything you buy, everything you engage in.
You get a bank account, you know, the feds are going to look down your throat.
But, if you're an illegal alien, you just strut right up to the front of the line, and with a fake name, you can get a driver's license or a bank account.
And that is the case.
And of course, that article I mentioned,
Conspiracy theories abound at 9-11 Pro.
Wait till I cover this.
Willie Nelson pens a protest song.
Ballad will debut at fundraising concert for Democratic presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich this weekend.
Tomorrow, he's coming to Austin.
I might go cover that.
I like Willie Nelson.
I don't particularly like Kucinich, but he's done more good than most people.
Oh, but talk about loyal opposition.
He's it.
Three L.A.
Times reporters are injured in that blast in the Iraqi capital on New Year's Eve.
We'll be getting into that.
Also, Stardust set to comet encounter.
The Stardust probe is just hours away from encountering with a comet.
Wild 2.
That's pretty interesting.
Britain says U.S.
plan to seize oil in 73 crisis had a plan to launch a full-scale invasion of the entire Middle East.
And, of course, they were planning to use Operation Northwoods to get that done, carry out terror attacks.
EU-wide arrest warrant launched.
Talk about globalism.
torture the innocent while real culprits of Saddam's regime go free.
That's the London Guardian.
Arnold Schwarzenegger has doubled and quadrupled park fees in California and is being praised as a wonderful conservative, even by the liberals now.
A wonderful conservative, yeah.
For gun control, open borders, and the rest of it.
So that is just a sum of what is coming up here on the show.
I also want to get into this article, FDA Rules Anthrax Vaccine Safe and Effective.
Now what happened here?
Starting back in 1989, they started giving the anthrax shots.
And it killed a bunch of people.
And we have the Lansing Journal up in Michigan where employees of BioPort that took the shots dropped dead and the coroner said the shot was killing them and giving them some type of accelerated autoimmune disease that would kill them in a week to two weeks.
We've got all the reports.
So they suspended the shot in 98.
Then they brought it back two years ago.
Now two and a half years ago.
Then a federal judge put an injunction in and said, this is an experimental vaccine.
You can't force troops to take an experimental vaccine.
Again, they would hold the troops down and give them the shots and threaten them with court-martial.
But, again, you can give people something experimental if they sign a waiver and agree to it.
You cannot force anyone to take an experimental vaccine.
And the judge said, you've got to get approval for this.
Why did the FDA never approve it?
Because they didn't want to come out on record and say it was good.
Well, Bush got ordered by this federal judge to put up or shut up to go ahead and either approve the vaccine, get it approved, or stop giving it.
Well, the FDA, after what, 14 years of this being given to troops, and two suspensions of it, with it being reenacted, came out two days ago.
FDA rules anthrax vaccine safe, effective, the Food and Drug Administration made it official again.
Tuesday that anthrax vaccine is safe and effective, no matter how the injection is spread, the infection is spread.
Because they pointed out that it covers four spores, and what the Russians and others have been rumored to have as within 150 to 300 different spores, and that this anthrax shot doesn't even help you.
It's like the smallpox shot doesn't help you.
Because the stuff they claim our enemies have is weaponized.
Plus, if you've ever had the shot, you don't need it.
They told you it was for life, it is for life.
Plus, it's dangerous.
They don't care.
But the Food and Drug Administration made it official again Tuesday.
The ruling comes a week after a federal judge halted the military's anthrax inoculations, saying he thought the vaccine was experimental, if used to prevent inhaled anthrax instead of the through-the-skin form.
The Justice Department, citing the FDA order, asked the U.S.
District Judge Emmett G. Sullivan to set aside his preliminary ban, except for the six plaintiffs who filed a class action suit against the Defense Department to stop the vaccinations.
Now, again, the FDA didn't want to say that this was good for you, that this was approved.
They didn't want to say this for 14 years of its use.
And they illegally gave it to troops, so they're still liable.
But now to keep this happening to the troops, they go ahead and approve it.
Amazing, amazing development here.
And remember, this was the same Pentagon that says that depleted uranium at 1,900 times safe levels is good for the troops.
This is the same Pentagon who sprays chemical and biologicals on our troops in thousands of open-air tests in the last 30 years.
This is the same Food and Drug Administration that approved Prozac
That approved Prozac back in 1983 despite the fact that statistics showed it radically increased the level of suicide in young people.
Which is now England's banning it because this is finally, cannot be ignored, the numbers are too great.
This is the same FDA that has done all this stuff.
Then we have the Environmental Protection Agency that said put MBTE, a deadly carcinogen, that actually causes cars to burn dirtier.
The numbers are out on this now.
It's just crazy.
Just because it's a by-product of the big chemical plants, well here we'll just stick it in the fuel.
It's the same government that says sodium fluoride's good for you, despite all the scientific evidence.
So now they're going to keep injecting the troops with this, despite all the carnage.
The FDA ordered the shutdown of BioPort's Lansing, Michigan plant three separate times, citing the fact that they found viruses alive and dead, bacteria, weird DNA strands, weird hormones, masses of mercury.
Doesn't matter, folks.
Doesn't matter if we have coroners and epidemiologists and scientists saying it's killing people.
The shots will continue.
The shots will continue and the government's moving to ban over-the-counter sales of vitamin C as they've done in Europe.
Oh yeah, it just starts with a veteran, folks.
Alright, we're gonna
We're going to be back after this quick break and go straight to your calls.
And we'll go to Danny and John and Joe and many others.
Wide open phones today on any of the issues I've mentioned or any articles or news pieces you want to discuss.
It's kind of like that Washington Journal show.
You just call in with your story.
We'll be back.
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Alright, let's go straight to your calls, and I'm going to plunge into the Second Amendment news, the Matrix Control System.
That just overtly is more out of control than Orwell's vision.
It's just right out in the open, total into privacy, and they call it freedom.
Let's talk to Danny in Oklahoma, then John, Joe, Marcello, Christopher, and others.
Danny, you're on the air.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex, and Happy New Year to you and yours.
Thank you.
What I really wanted to discuss was I wrote a letter to Homeland Security in reference to your 9-1-1 road to tyranny.
And I talked to them about the founding fathers being called terrorists, how upset I was being a veteran and being labeled a right-wing extremist because I believe in the Constitution and that we're a republic and not a democracy.
Well, they deny that anything ever occurred in Kansas City.
Well, sir, I'd like to see a copy of their letter.
What does their letter say?
Okay, it says, this is in response to your request of October 29, 2003 under the Freedom of Information Act for access to documents pertaining to a presentation by FEMA to law enforcement personnel in Kansas City, Missouri at some time following September 11, 2001.
Despite an exhaustive search, we are unable to locate records responsive to your request, and then they told me
Well, sir, I'm begging you to send me a copy of that letter.
You can block out your name and your address and all that.
I'm not worried about that.
I'm an organization and they're going to send the stuff free to me if I can give them more detailed information.
That's why I wanted to know if you know the official that was speaking to them and exactly where was it held and when.
Okay, now, in 9-11 Road to Tyranny,
We show the famous flyer from Arizona.
Right, I'm going to send them a copy of that.
Pardon me?
When I send this back to them, I'm sending a copy of that pamphlet.
So you have a copy of that?
Yeah, I got it up here.
And that has the phone numbers of the FBI.
And that's what I'm going to send to them and say, what are you doing?
I mean, I've got a warrant officer that discompleted his schooling, and then I showed him the Michael New videotape in your
Well, let me just stop for just a second and try to answer your question.
This is a very important one, Danny.
I don't have the original.
I have 18 hours of video this firefighter sent me.
Uh, no, 17 and a half hours of video.
Uh, the guy's name is on it, and I could go back and find that for you.
Uh, but that was held, uh, in a police classroom, uh, in Kansas City.
That firefighter that sent it to me is a listener of this show.
Perhaps he could call in with more details, but in the film,
We don't just have that video.
We have the training manuals, the flyers, the news articles.
I mean, it's all right there.
I have an entire box.
That's what I'm trying to get to.
I have an entire box of training manuals from all over the country, other videotapes of the same stuff police have sent me.
This is going on everywhere.
This has been all over the Washington Times, all over the Associated Press.
Everybody knows about this.
Uh, this has been an Insight Magazine, as I said, and so for them to deny that this is what's being trained, taught to police, is a fraud.
I know, and that's why I'm so upset.
Because I know it's on video.
I mean, you've got the videotape.
Yeah, but we also have, we also have the flyers and training manuals with names and phone numbers.
And you say, I mean, you can go online, that flyer is everywhere, it's on InfoWars.com.
You can call those phone numbers, the FBI will answer.
I mean, they put it out.
They admit they put it out.
I don't, you know, saying anybody who makes frequent references to the U.S.
Constitution, says they're defenders of the Constitution, is a terrorist.
We've got the FEMA guy on tape saying the Founding Fathers are terrorists, the Christians are terrorists.
I mean, that's what they teach!
Right, and that's why I'm so upset, because I happen to be a homeschooler, a constitutionalist, and I'm against the U.N., so... Well, I'm glad you're upset about this, and
I've got this whole box of stuff.
I plan to make another film and add more to that, but in the video we have the Washington Times.
The Washington Times headline was, Constitutional Terrorist.
Type that into a search engine, type Insight Magazine, Constitutional Terrorist in, and you will get the Washington Times talking about the flyers.
And, uh, again, I don't have the video up in front of me right now, but it's just jammed full of evidence.
Well, you know, I see a runaway government now.
It's, you know, they're not even going by the Constitution anymore.
And it's really getting frustrating, because there doesn't seem to be anything you can do, because when you write your congressman, they send you back a letter
Or more than nine times out of ten, they don't even respond to your letter.
Well, Danny, I'm surprised you got a letter back.
Was this from Homeland Security or something?
Yeah, it sure is.
I emailed them.
What I did was I got on the internet and I emailed them and told them everything about it.
And they sent me back an attached form, which is a letter, and I printed it out.
And then I'll just... I can send you the email.
Yeah, do that.
Thanks for the call.
We'll cover it more.
Thank you.
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We're good to go.
Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen.
Thank you for joining us today.
It is the first live show I've done.
I took off on New Year's Day.
Spent time with the family.
It is the second day of January, 2003.
We're about to go back to the calls of John and Joe and Marcello and Christopher and Jerry and many others and a ton of vital news and information.
But you just heard the caller in the last segment talk about 9-11 and the road to tyranny.
A film I made now two years ago that is even more pertinent and documented and proven now two years later than when I made it.
A lot of people had trouble believing the stuff that was in it then, and now it's mainstream news.
It covers the history of government-sponsored terror, going back thousands of years, right through to 2001.
From Putin blowing up buildings to blaming it on his enemies, to the British intelligence engaging in terror attacks, to our own government carrying out the Oklahoma City bombing, the FBI cooking the bomb and training the drivers in the first World Trade Center attack.
It's all documented, but about, I don't know, three or four minutes of that two and a half hour film is Kansas City, Missouri with firefighters, police, and sheriff's deputies in a classroom with a FEMA minion
Going over the fact that the Founding Fathers are terrorists and that the Christians are terrorists and then we have the flyers and training manuals and mainstream news articles where they're reporting on the FBI and the BATF and FEMA training police in this.
But then we also have that video.
And since that film came out, I've been sent discs and VHS tapes from Kentucky and New York and Florida and California and Texas.
And people say, well then why haven't you put this new stuff out?
Well, basically it's the same thing.
It's a different person from FEMA or from the Southern Poverty Law Center or from the FBI saying the exact same thing.
I mean, I have a box of stuff, a box of documents, the slack program, the cage program, the this, the that, it's all the same thing!
I mean, it's all, word for word, the same script.
But I do, in a new film, plan to put some more of that in there.
But to give you an idea of how jam-packed my videos are, there's just one video
Just a few minutes out of the long video and that's what we have there.
Then we don't just show that, then it goes to Abby Newman
A Navy veteran, no criminal record, she pulls up to a checkpoint in Virginia, a rural area, and they jerk her out of the car because she says, you can't search my car without a warrant.
They jerk her out, frame her, which they later got thrown out of court.
Well, the jury found her not guilty of assaulting him, but they say, what are we going to charge her with?
Oh, let's charge her with assault.
Look, she's got a Police State 2000 video.
Oh, she's got
She's got, you know, this pocket Constitution.
Oh, she's one of them extremists.
So we don't just have the training going on, you know, in Kansas City or the training manuals or the news articles about it where they say all the Christians are terrorists or those that talk about the Constitution are terrorists.
We then have it actually happening from squad car video and mics on their
State Police ties as they do all this.
So we have the training, we have the video of it, we have the news articles, we have the manuals, we have the flyers, then we have it happening on the street to someone.
That we have it happening to two people.
Then we have Ferrell Montgomery.
They pull him over.
No weapons.
Gets out.
Puts his hands up.
He talked about the Constitution to the police.
The SWAT team's hitting him with two tasers.
A lot of police dogs chew on him for about three minutes.
And, you know, because he's an evil patriot.
And then the newscast comes on and says, yeah, he had pipe bombs and they hold up jumper cables.
And a week later the news had a report, okay, they were jumper cables.
But this is how they do it.
So I don't, I mean, I don't have the words to describe what's in these videos.
I mean, Police State 3 is just as good as Road to Tyranny.
Matrix of Evil is powerful.
Masters of Terror is excellent.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
You need every one of my videos.
I've made ten of them.
They're amazing.
They're incredible.
They're dynamic.
And they're tailor-made to wake people up with the truth.
The videos are $25.95 a piece, and if you order three or more of any of them, they drop down to $20.
There's Paul Watson's new book that is excellent, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order that I published.
Hope you'll get that.
Also, I've got a t-shirt that's got Hitler, Stalin, and Mao on the front, and it says, Mass Murderers Agree, Gun Control Works.
On the back, it says, Politicians Love Disarmed Peasants, InfoWars.com.
And I hope you'll get that t-shirt.
It's $20.
I've got my Tyranny Response Team t-shirts.
You want to meet like-minded people?
Put one of these shirts on and walk down the street or go in a grocery store or the shopping mall and you'll meet plenty of like-minded people.
In about five minutes.
So again, the toll-free number to order the videos, the books, the t-shirts, any of it, and all that supports this show, 1-888-253-3139.
Start the new year off right, folks.
Get in the info war.
These videos are waking up 90% of those that see them, and I want you to make copies of them.
1-888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart.
Or last but not least, you can just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Let's go to these calls quickly.
John, you're on the air.
Where are you calling us from?
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was curious if they've been testing... I heard you talking about deer hunting about a month ago.
Have they been testing Texas deer for brain wasting disease?
They have Missouri deer.
They have found deer from Colorado to Missouri to Texas to you name it with brain wasting disease.
And again, it's scary.
It seems to be getting into everything.
That's what I was curious about.
I was thinking maybe it had something to do with chemtrails and the aluminum oxide he told you your brain does in the Daleks?
Yes, it does.
Well, see?
Deer won't eat anything dead.
You couldn't force them to.
I believe they probably starve before they eat anything dead.
Well, deer are herbivores.
They don't eat meat.
Yeah, that's what I was...
That's what kind of perplexed me.
The relationship because they're both spongiform diseases and one just affects deer and one causes mad cow disease.
And now even the mainstream media is admitting that most of these Alzheimer cases, people under 30 getting it now, are really Creutzfeldt-Jacobs or CJD.
Yes sir, I was reading that on the internet too.
And I wanted to tell you, I just bought and beat the new video game.
Is it okay if I say the name?
Medal of Honor Rising Sun.
And in the booklet, the British operative that you get to play with for a while, it says that he's upset with the British High Command because he warned them of the Philippine invasion and they didn't do anything.
I just thought that was real interesting.
None of my friends got excited when I showed it to them.
They even admitted a video game for kids.
A lot of people, a lot of these programmers try to implant good stuff in the videos.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I had a chance, I aired it a few months ago, the video intro.
It's animation, but video games are like movies now.
But a game from about three years ago, Deus Ex.
Deus Ex 2 is now out.
I haven't had a chance to see it.
But at the first of the game, there's a secret government group
Who has released the Grey Plague, the Grey Death, to create martial law and fear, and they're actually battling for control of the New World Order with the Illuminati out of France, and the Illuminati didn't want to release the biological, and they talk about how they've got the entire Congress under control because they've infected them, and they won't give them the cure to the disease, the inoculation, unless they go along with the New World Order.
I mean, that's a video game!
But at the end of the game, you either join the New World Order or the Illuminati.
You either join the new, high-tech New World Order, you join the Illuminati, or you destroy all technology.
You go back to the Stone Age.
And I hear the new game's even more elaborate getting into that.
But most of these games I've reviewed and looked at, and a lot of them are made right here in Austin.
Deus Ex is made right here in Austin.
And most of these games I've reviewed are pro-New World Order.
Torture, kidnapping people, killing them.
One of the worst games I ever saw was Dungeon Keeper.
PC World reviewed it, this was about five years ago now, and you kidnap children and torture them to death and gain more demonic power than you use that to build underground war machines to invade and take over the peaceful cities.
And, folks, a lot of the games are like that now.
I have a lot of friends that are big gamers and they review them for me and show them to me and put the video to, you know, take the output and put it into videotapes for me and air it on TV or locally.
A lot of scary stuff.
But, yeah, there's some good stuff in Planet.
And that brings this up.
Something we cover in Masters of Terror.
You know, two minutes of that two-hour film.
Two-hour, five-minute film.
I hate to keep plugging the film, just the proofs there.
Mainstream news, declassified document.
Roosevelt knew that 7,000 plus civilians, men, women, and children were in the Philippines.
Wouldn't let them evacuate at gunpoint for a month.
Wouldn't let them get on the ships, though they were half empty.
And left them in the Philippines so they'd be captured because that would make good political fodder having captured civilians.
And that was used in newsreels.
Oh, the government wouldn't kill 2,800 and something people at the World Trade Centers.
No, they wouldn't do that.
They'd just leave 7,000 to be captured by the Japanese just for some political fodder.
Stop being naive.
And that's what John was bringing up.
Joe in New York, you're on the air, thanks for holding.
We just broke up there.
I don't know if you can hear me.
Can you hear me okay?
You're on the air, sir.
Let me just tell you about Talk Radio.
When they say your name, there's a noise on the phone system.
It goes, pshhh.
And that's the sound that you're on air.
Go ahead.
Alright, very good.
Last time I called, I didn't hear that last time.
I'm glad you're talking about your videos, because I have every single video you put out, and they're excellent.
And I didn't get paid to say that.
They really are.
But when are you going to actually do a desperately needed Federal Reserve documentary?
That's on my list.
I've got five videos I want to make, and here's the catch-22.
Here's the catch-22.
Because I did see one of the videos that I have of yours.
I saw you talk to Governor Bush at the time, and you're getting arrested.
I don't know how many people actually saw that.
I was kidnapped.
Yeah, I mean, just like Charles Key was.
What happened to the First Amendment when you were there?
You know, it kind of like blew me away.
By the way, the newspaper reported after I was drug out, he said, that's the freedom we've got in Texas.
The freedom to state our opinion.
As he was having me kidnapped.
So, there you go.
I mean, you know, they say one thing, they do another, but that's typical.
Let me explain something to you, and I'm so honored that you're out there taking action.
I do radio interviews.
I do my own radio show.
I do a TV show.
I want to make more films.
I'm trying to make films.
It takes time to make films.
But yes, that is on my list.
I want to start making videos about an hour long.
Because frankly, two, three hour videos, some of the general public can't absorb it all.
I want to make an hour long video on the Federal Reserve that's simple, focused, to the point.
So I do plan to do that.
Alex, also, you know, I went on to, like, so many different search engines, and I put in, like, Federal Reserve fraud, or scam, or something like that, and you come up with so many, like, lawyers looking to take on cases against the banks, where you can actually get rid of all your mortgages, all your credit cards, and you don't even get, you don't go through a bankruptcy.
Basically, they say that, you know, they're lending out money that doesn't even exist,
And you're paying interest on that money, which is illegal, so they're in violation of their own contracts.
So the banks plead no contest, because they don't want that information getting out.
And basically, you know, the person that took out the loan doesn't have to pay back the loan.
Here's the problem with that.
I have investigated it, and what they're saying is true.
The globalists don't care.
Yes, the financial system's a fraud.
Yes, it's a bunch of ones and zeros in a computer.
Yes, the bank never even loans out the money.
You're paying interest on something imaginary.
It's far worse than the fractional reserve banking.
But, the government is still criminal, and in some cases will enforce that, even though what the people are saying is legitimate.
I understand that, Alex.
But hold on, Alex.
It's really not the government's fault if the government was hijacked by a foreign bank in Europe.
You know what I mean?
I mean, I understand what you're saying.
It had to get to that point.
But if you think about it, if we're actually printing money, okay?
And when we print that money, a foreign bank is allowing us to print that money.
Basically, we're not even in control of our own monetary system.
And when we print it, we have to actually send
And those interests to a foreign bank in Europe.
Well, not just interest.
A dollar of debt and then interest accrues.
To create a dollar, we go a dollar in debt.
It's designed to enslave us.
This is ridiculous.
I mean, I think we need to let people know about this.
This is like, I mean, what power do we have if we're broke?
I mean, that's like the next thing.
I mean, I've seen the American dollar.
Let me tell you something real quick.
Over the summer, I think it was about July, middle of July, my girlfriend came down from Australia.
And, uh, she was making a lot of, you know, payments here.
She was shopping, whatnot.
And, uh, her dollar was weak.
I mean, I think it was, uh... I forget.
It was like she was paying another 47%, I think, with her exchange rate.
Now the Australian dollar is actually stronger than the American dollar.
By like 20-something percent, I believe.
So, something's going on here that, you know, just doesn't really make too much sense to me.
Well, I mean, look, now we talk about national debt in the tens of trillions instead of in the tens of billions.
A car that was $15,000 ten years ago is $35,000 now, and they tell us there's no inflation.
Yeah, right.
I mean, what?
You're gonna buy, what, a box of cereal for, you know, $7 a box?
Because now they're talking about gas prices are going up,
Um, excuse me, not gas prices.
They were talking about, um, with the cows.
I don't know if you heard this on, uh, I think it was on MSNBC.
They said that the, being that the farmers are not going to be selling so much cow and the grain is going to cost a lot more money.
Well, yeah, they've got the big meat packers.
Well, let me just say this because you brought it up.
They've got the meat packers saying there's no loss in demand.
Uh, but I heard Derry Brownville this morning, uh, the price of beef has gone down by about 25%.
I heard the same thing.
With the saying something about they're not going to be buying as much grain because the cattle are not going to be selling.
So the price of grain is going to go up.
So a box of cereal now that you're paying $5 for a box is going to be like $7 or $8.
And now they're talking about an additional 40% hike also on gasoline.
When is it going to end?
There has to be that increase in gasoline because we have to buy that petro with petrodollars and our dollar is down by almost 40% now from what it was a year and a half ago.
We're basically in the Middle East right now.
We're in almost every gas holding land there is in the Middle East and we're paying more gas prices than there ever was.
And we can't have our own oil out of Alaska.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
That's because it's about monopoly.
The globalists are not free market.
They're not capitalist.
That's what the liberals can't seem to get.
They go, oh socialism will save us.
This is socialism.
The rich socialize our wealth and suck it up for themselves.
Wake up!
We'll be back with more calls.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
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All right, wide open phones in the next hour and a bunch of other news items.
I'm going to try to go to your calls a little bit quicker here, folks.
I'm going to get a lot of calls in on this first live show of the new year.
Poll free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Marcello in Canada, you're on the air, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
First off, I'd like to extend well wishes for the New Year and beyond to you.
You too, my friend.
Thank you.
I'm calling about your Christmas Eve broadcast where the rabbi came on and I was kind of put off by him and I thought you were being a little too nice with him and what he attempted to do was to
Construct his argument in such a way that under the strict confines of his statements, his position had to be true by definition.
And what you did was contextualize his premises and then his definitions didn't work anymore.
And instead of kind of addressing your arguments, he kind of arrogantly sort of fluffed you off and said,
Oh, I was asked to come on here to present my point of view and I don't want to talk about whatever you're saying there.
And I just wanted to point out that what he's doing is a classic resolution in a Galen dialectic equation.
Yeah, they teach those tactics in freshman college debate class, and I was aware of that.
But I don't want to get back into a big squabble over it.
The whole debate was over torture.
And I'm against torture, and then you build up these impossible scenarios, and then, oh, well, aren't you for torture now?
But then, again, that floats the idea out there.
It's like all these generals saying, well, we've got to have martial law to keep us safe.
It's floating that out there of some type of solution.
Yeah, what they do is, under Hegel's lexicon of terms,
In a nutshell, his dialectic is thesis, antithesis, resolution.
And that parallels what often is described as problem-reaction-solution.
And the only trouble with that is sometimes people get confused with what problem-reaction-solution means exactly.
Well, the big thing is the globalists are the terrorists.
The globalists are carrying out the terror attacks.
From Russia to the U.S.
to England to China, we have proof that government gets bigger and more power out of terrorism, and is carrying the terror out.
We don't just have the motive, we have the evidence they're doing it.
So the people who are the terrorists in government are telling us how good all this police state is, and it's not.
Yeah, that's where their resolution comes in.
Because, I mean, to his credit, the rabbi said, well, you know, Patriot Act's really bad, and it scares me.
You know, he said, as somebody who's Jewish, and, you know, look at the Holocaust.
I'm like, well, exactly, buddy.
So you can't trust a group that's out here saying Patriot Act is also saying torture's good.
But he didn't seem to understand that.
Well, when he said that, he struck me as just being rhetorical.
Yeah, you know, he just
Well, look, people get afraid, and the primitive mindset kicks in, and that was a good show because we need to have a discussion of torture.
Because it's being pushed on us.
Hey, listen, I appreciate the call.
Good to hear from you.
Christopher in Florida.
Go ahead, Christopher.
Good to talk to you, Christopher.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you today?
I'm told we're about to go to break.
I've got to hold you over, but what's on your mind?
That's fine.
I've got a couple of issues here.
I've got an interesting note in the mail today, a credit card offer that has some language on here pertaining specifically to the Patriot Act.
Oh, I know!
Everything's the Patriot Act now!
County Commissioners, topless bars, Rush Limbaugh, your bank accounts, credit cards, buying used cars... Everything's the Patriot Act!
Unless it's your wide-open border, then they're all for that.
We'll be back with a second hour.
Stay there.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central back from 9 to midnight on here live.
It is 2004.
We've already gone to a lot of callers in the first hour, but none of you have commented on what I'd like you to comment on.
You can talk about whatever you want, but I'd like to hear your big predictions for the economy, for terror attacks, for the open borders, for the assault weapons ban, all that coming up this year.
I'd like to hear you talk about what you think the big three stories of 03 were.
I'd like to hear your predictions for what's going to happen in Iraq.
Are we going to go into Syria and Iran, as Richard Perle, known as the Prince of Darkness, and that's really his nickname at the Defense Department, is calling for.
What do you think about these issues?
Also, more on the Matrix System, more on the Second Amendment, a bunch of news that I mentioned first.
We'll be getting to that here pretty quick, but I want to go right back to your calls.
It's wide open phones on this show today.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Getting involved in the first show of the new year here on this January 2nd, 2004 show.
Almost said three show.
Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are some of the best websites out there.
I hope you'll visit them daily and spread the word.
Christopher in Florida got cut short last hour, so I held him over.
Christopher, you got something in the mail.
I've gotten it too.
Tell us all about it.
Well, it's an interesting thing.
I've got another issue or two I wanted to throw at you too, but a credit card application.
We all get these.
You know, you're pre-approved, et cetera, et cetera.
And I picked up a little line at the bottom here
And I'm going to read it to you.
It says, before completing your application, please see reverse for important information about the USA Patriot Act Customer Identification Program.
And then it continues on the back to say, the USA Patriot Act is a federal law that requires all financial institutions to obtain, verify, and record information that identifies each person who opens an account.
You will be asked to provide your name, address, date of birth, and other information that will allow us to identify you.
We may also ask you to provide identifying documentation.
Yeah, and then what happens is, that's a contract.
Everything you do and purchase will be put into the matrix system.
And by the way, every time I say Matrix, I get emails going, you nut, that's a movie.
No, folks, it's a federal program with the states.
Everything you buy, sell, or do, to be recorded.
Go ahead.
And to segue right into what you're saying there, I had a friend who was having lunch recently near a very large new car dealership.
Sitting there next to the general manager and the financial officer, the person who does all the
It was a very interesting conversation and I came back with the following, and I don't know if any of you or any of your listeners know about this, but what was overheard was the following, that apparently they are required, due to the Patriot Act, that anybody who has an appearance that is suspect, i.e.
foreign, male particularly, they are required to enter into some sort of database
I don't know.
Understand, they just say, oh, it's for foreigners and they look suspicious, but then it's for everybody.
It's like searching at the airports.
You know, the guys with the turbines go right by, but the white guy or the black guy gets searched.
It's really looking for drugs.
It's really an excuse to search and go through everything we're doing, but it's pawn shops, it's car dealerships, it's bookstores, it's everything.
Everything you do, everything you buy, cracked and traced.
Absolutely correct, and one of the other problems is that
People who are full-fledged American citizens, naturalized citizens, whose appearance may be foreign and they're quite American, are going to be subjected to additional harassment.
That's just what they tell these car dealer guys when they're implementing it.
Oh, it's for them.
It's only for the Jews.
It's only for the gypsies.
It's not for the Reich folk.
Stay there.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, the same thing that happened in Nazi Germany, the same thing that happened in Soviet Russia, is now being set up here.
In Russia, they said, oh, it's just those rich people.
We're just going to kill them and take their wealth.
It's like the French Revolution.
Oh, we're just going to get the royalty.
Then it turned into anybody who was even in the lower middle class, packs of criminals in government outfits, police outfits, running around raping and killing and slaughtering.
Same thing in Russia, same thing in Nazi Germany.
I mean, there are thousands of cases where the SS local captain wants your wife,
Or, you know, he owns a business and you're the restaurant across the street.
Well, they just have you arrested.
And you're a nice, you know, blond-haired, blue-eyed German.
You're just a poor farmer who owns five acres.
Well, they round you up and put you in a forced labor camp and then no food gets produced and you starve to death.
And let me tell you, this whole control grid
See, here it's not, oh, we're going to get the rich guys, or oh, we're going to get the Jews, or oh, we're going to get the, you know, whatever group isn't liked.
It's always, oh, we're doing all this to get them.
And, you know, that's bad enough.
And then the poor fools go, oh, well, get them rich guys, or get them Jews, or now it's get them Arabs.
Get them guys with them turbans on.
Get them idiots.
Come on, you're in deep trouble now, boy!
But it's not for them.
Certainly they're going to get chewed up first.
No, it's for everybody.
Buying a used car, getting a bank account, getting a credit card, got over $3,000 in cash in the bank, you're a terrorist!
Biometrically being scanned to leave the country, to come into the country, unless you're an illegal alien and they accept any fake ID you've got, that's admitted.
It's about a total federalization of local police, of local government, of all businesses.
Type in Patriot Act compliance in a search engine.
Hundreds of thousands of links will pop up.
Every conceivable business, every conceivable activity, everything you do with the bank or the grocery store, any big outfit being uploaded daily to Homeland Security.
Your test scores, what drugs you take, your medical records, everything!
What you watch off your digital cable box, that phone line you've got hooked up to your satellite dish, you can quote get the paid-per-view, everything you buy, everything you do, everything you watch, your OnStar system listening to you, every cell phone tracking where you're at, they can listen to you with audio, not just track you, even when the phone's off.
No more Fourth Amendment for any reason!
No more warrants for any reason!
And look at who they're using against!
Topless bars, county commissioners, zoning disputes, Rush Limbaugh to get his medical records using the Patriot Act.
Is Rush Limbaugh a terrorist?
Is the bimbo at the topless bar a terrorist?
Is the county commissioner involved in a good ol' boy zoning scam a terrorist?
And it's all to be selectively enforced.
RFID from the plant to your home to the landfill tracking you.
More and more crimes.
Send an email to the wrong person.
It's spam.
Five years of life in prison.
New laws.
Hundreds of new federal and state laws.
Every year making everything a serious felony.
Any misdemeanor, an act of terrorism, a suspected misdemeanor, then you have no rights.
I'm sorry, that was under the first Patriot Act.
It's worse under Patriot Act 2.
They don't need anything!
It's so pedal-to-the-metal, it's so dangerous, it's so wild, it's so overt, that you hear the good old boys on radio, round up all them Arabs and put them in camps.
Anybody disagrees with the government,
Put them in a camp!
Oh, there's national hosts saying that every day in every major city, and you know who I'm talking about.
On the air, saying, put people in camps, and generals talking about martial law being a good thing, and the heads of FEMA saying it, and under a red alert, you're an enemy if you leave your home, and in places like Wisconsin, passing laws that if you sue a public official, you get charged with paper terrorism, and the head of the Judicial Committee
Criminal Committee, Senator Menace in Oregon, anybody blocks traffic, one protester commits any misdemeanor, everyone in the protest gets life in prison in a forced labor camp!
That, by the way, is in Police State 3 and on the website.
Mainstream news out of the Oregonian Associated Press and the bill.
We go line through line, zooming in, right on each line, slowly, so you can read it.
The point is, this is what they want.
This is what they're doing.
I don't care how nuts it sounds!
We're dealing with people that knowingly knew that HIV and Hepatitis was in the blood coming out of the prisons and to this day are putting it in the blood supply.
We're dealing with people that'll nerve gas our troops and do a test and watch them drop dead like cockroaches and nobody gets in trouble for it.
We're dealing with a government, ladies and gentlemen, so evil that it blows my mind.
I need to stop being naive.
Is Christopher still there?
Wanted to segue into exactly what you're saying there with our troops as a veteran.
I can particularly speak to the depleted uranium situation.
My heart goes out to everybody over there in Bosnia and everywhere else, you know, as well as I, the effects of that so-called depleted product.
4.5 billion year half-life and, you know, the horrible birth defects and cancer and such.
And we're going to just see a whole new wave of problems.
And let's give folks the official numbers.
If you're a Gulf War Vet 1, you have three times the chances of having deformed children, and they find in the tissues the depleted uranium.
The Army's own top scientist resigned, said it's true, it's killing them, I won't be part of this.
Now, they used ten times as much in this war, and they used it in all the big cities before they weren't allowed to.
Okay, same numbers coming out of Serbia, where they used it.
Now it's ten times higher in the areas, the big bases where our troops are staying, in the palaces, in the military bases.
In the main streets, and if it's triple with ten times less, what's it going to be now this time?
And that's a fact.
Let me say it again.
That is a fact, fact, fact, fact, fact.
Now, how do we support the troops by not standing up against this?
Go ahead.
Why would the globalists do something like that, Christopher?
Well, you know, of course, it's all about getting us conditioned to accept, you know, authoritarian rule here in this country and to understand that
We don't have any individual rights, and that's what it comes down to.
We're losing our rights on a daily basis, and our government has used our citizens as guinea pigs for so many years, and you know that as well as I do, through many CIA experiments, etc., gases released in cities.
It's nothing new, and this is just a particularly horrendous example.
This is unbelievable, effectively nuclear war.
But what does it say about their mindset?
They know it's deadly.
It's the stuff from nuclear weapons production plants.
It's stuff, you know, I mean, it's much worse than grinding up the uranium in a chest x-ray and snorting it.
It reminds me of, you know, Damien the Omen.
That mindset.
Quite frankly, if you want to know.
And then it just so happens that they really are in skull and bones.
They really do go to Bohemian Grove.
They really do flash all their occult symbols.
They really are into that.
I want to finish up here, Alex.
I want you to know that I just placed an order for every single one of your documentaries, your book, as well as Paul Joseph Blatt's book as well.
I look forward to receiving those soon and sharing those with a bunch of other people.
You asked, will somebody please attack the big picture?
Where are we going and everything?
Your previous caller, I think, hit the real core issue there, and that's the Federal Reserve.
Where would this country be if we didn't have a bunch of elite people printing our money for us, charging us face value plus interest for the money?
Where would this country be if we had an actual, real, honest money?
And then, we wouldn't possibly be in the situation we are in today where we have a bunch of megalomaniacs who are exploiting every last resource in the world.
As you said, we have a great deal of resources in Alaska.
But they're probably not going to let us have that.
Instead, they're going to manufacture crisis after crisis and form the control grid that you're discussing and herd us up like cattle and get us under control and make us happy about it.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Great call.
Let's talk now to Roger in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Roger.
Yeah, thanks Alex.
When you had Rabbi Spivak, I'm kind of glad that I called about Rabbi Spivak, because you guys kind of all discussed this kind of highly unlikely, but not impossible situation of a bomb in a box with a combination lock, and pretty much all agreed that there you're in that sort of instant combat situation.
Yeah, you'd probably idly release the number, but you really didn't discuss
Really, these real-world torture scenarios.
The point is you don't institutionalize it, and it's admitted in Iraq that they're torturing the daylights out of these people.
Yeah, so you need to get them back to discuss these real-world scenarios that are going on right now, like in Cuba and other actions that, like, probably our own troops are placed in the positions over in Iraq.
So, yeah, bring them back on that.
Now, that should be interesting to actually draw him out on those scenarios.
I mean, you've got a room of 20 guys, and you think that
Two or three of them are likely to cough up information that could save American lives.
And can you torture them, Rabbi Spivak?
And God bless Alex.
Okay, thanks.
You know, it's an important discussion, but I'm not going to censor people.
I just don't want to keep this squabbling going any further.
I mean, it's a stupid mindset, but it's being sold to us, and it's dangerous.
And I know this.
For a hundred calls that are against torture, I get one person that's for it.
The problem is, is that the TV network shows are all pushing torture.
It's the new chic thing.
And that should concern every single one of us.
And it's being institutionalized.
The question is, should we have Fort Benning, Georgia that taught the world how to torture?
Should we have protected Klaus Barbie and Joseph Mingala and others that helped set up our CIA?
Our government's answer is yes.
I stand against Klaus Barbie.
I stand against Joseph Mengele.
If that means I'm a Nazi, so be it.
I'm against Nazis, so I'm a Nazi.
We'll be right back.
Hi, this is Jack Browning with a special offer to listeners of GCN Radio.
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And I wasn't being sarcastic when I said because I'm against Nazism, I'm a Nazi, according to the liberals, who call themselves conservatives.
I mean, Arnold Schwarzenegger got up in front of 200 bodybuilders, 1,000 spectators, and said, I hate blacks, they're subhuman trash, all NN-inners out.
He campaigned for no Nazis for the Presidency of Germany, Kurt Voltheim.
He does all this.
And then the liberals, the neocons, support him and lie about him, and he's for gun control and abortion and environmental land grabs, and oh, he's a good Christian conservative.
So I'm a liberal.
It's like when I get emails, they won't call it the show, but, you liberal attacking George W.
Oh yeah, I gave the supercomputers to Communist China.
I got campaign finance reform passed.
I blocked Dan Burton's committee going after Bill Clinton.
No, no I didn't.
I didn't pass Patriot Act 1 or 2 or sign it.
I'm not signing the assault weapons ban.
I didn't say Arnold would make a good governor.
And I'm sick of it!
I am!
I'm sick of it!
I'm tired of the ADL going after people like Steve Vos and myself and others who have never said a word about Jews or anybody.
I'm tired of the ADL calling good people names while the Simon Wiesenthal Center defends Arnold.
It's a sick joke!
It's an abomination!
It's like Ariel Sharon hanging out with the fascist leader of Italy who says he loves Mussolini and is for secret arrest and all this.
It's evil people, folks.
I'm fighting evil people.
I'm fighting the New World Order, regardless of where they come from.
And we can all agree together to do that.
It's amazing.
Let's go ahead and talk to Craig in Missouri.
Craig, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Gentlemen, you're a friend that evaluates those videos and so on.
Boy, I'd like to see about a 45-minute video on that.
I'd sure buy something like that.
That would be good to show the churches and a lot of groups.
A video on what?
Well, just on the video games.
Oh, a film exposing the... yeah, exactly.
That would be a powerful tool, I think.
Because a lot of people, you know, parents, they don't pay a lot of attention to the video games, probably.
The other thing I was wondering, you started to talk about how to cancel your mortgage and the downside of that.
You didn't get a chance to finish it.
I'd like to hear what you had to say about that.
How the Federal Reserve System, how you get out of the credit cards and all that stuff.
And the system is well past fractional reserve banking.
It is a fraud.
They're engaging in fraud against you when you go into the loan and people are going and getting out of their mortgages and the rest of it successfully and never having a problem.
What I'm saying is, though, is that I've seen the government build these rules for themselves and their corporations and then selectively enforce it against us.
It's like the IRS.
It's private, run for profit.
There is no law.
The 16th Amendment was never ratified, that's all true.
But, sometimes they will successfully come after you and get a jury that will convict you.
So my point is, it doesn't matter if what the banks are doing are a fraud, they still successfully enforce that sometimes.
More often than not, it's true, they will do no contest because they don't want to be exposed in the fraud they're involved in.
I'm just saying, as this becomes more popular, look out.
Yeah, facts of the law don't matter.
Yeah, they're not, it's piracy.
It's admiralty.
Admiralty is, my ship's got bigger guns than yours, I'm pulling up and taking over.
What did Mao say?
Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Well, thank you very much.
Well, I appreciate the call, sir.
Good to hear from you.
Do I have time for another call here?
My atomic clock ran out of batteries today.
I had time to go and get batteries.
I'm not wearing a wrist watch here in the studio.
I'm a little bit blind.
I will break and come back and talk to Dave and Gary and Kenneth and that's going to be it for calls this hour.
You know what I'll do?
We'll just take unlimited calls, but I'm going to come back for about 10 minutes to cover news, then we'll go to these callers that are holding and then to other calls.
And speaking of the IRS, we're going to have John Stattmiller the last 35 minutes of the next hour on talking about the Dixon Cannon trial and believe me,
He was interviewing Benson a few days ago.
We're going to be talking about the IRS and the developments there with this scam operation that they're running.
So stay with us.
But I'm going to come back and get to the Matrix System, the Second Amendment, the developments there, and some other key stuff.
And then we will go back to your calls.
Call for a number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Stay with me, we shall return on this maiden virgin voyage into 04.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Use a Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and a Bill of Rights for your good, not the good of manipulating government agencies.
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That's Midas Resources at 800-686-2237.
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Hey Doris!
Great news!
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Did you receive an inheritance?
Well, no.
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But Jim, I signed a note promising to pay back the loan.
Isn't it wrong even if I could discharge the loan?
Doris, I felt the same way, until I took the time to learn the truth about money and banking.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let me dive straight back into some of the news here.
Supreme Court takes another look at prison labor.
The Washington Supreme Court is taking another look at a law that allows the State Department of Corrections to award preferential contracts to private companies, giving them the unique advantage of using prison labor to compete against other private businesses in our state.
You want to understand one facet of this, watch the Shawshank Redemption.
Because, folks, prison labor.
You think, make them criminals work!
Okay, how are you going to compete against Chinese slaves?
I'll do you one better.
How are you going to compete against American slaves who are working for an average of 20 cents an hour?
The answer is you're not.
And they're now bussing them into the factories, building special factories right next door to the prisons.
They're not just building license plates and furniture anymore.
They're doing data entry, customer service.
They're putting together telephones and radios and stereos and VCRs and computer parts.
They're doing it all!
And about, last time I saw the numbers, about 65% of the prison system now is, quote, privatized, privately owned, privately run.
And they're all running some type of business.
Now, a large part of the so-called government-run prisons are selling out their prison labor to private contractors.
In fact, in the past, you could make some money having a custodial business, cleaning up government buildings, state, federal, local.
Can't do that anymore in most places.
They got prisoners in there.
You know, and that's why, by the way, they'll, on average, keep a pot dealer, some long-haired, not-gonna-hurt-anybody, sandal-wearing, you know, butterfly-loving liberal.
They'll have that guy in there for more years than a murderer in many states.
Why is that?
Because a non-violent person makes a real good little sleigh.
That's why non-violent people stay in state and federal and local prisons and jail systems longer than anybody else.
And so, while all the real criminals are pumping iron and refusing to work and watching the cable TV, all the little trustees and all the little wimps
Are out there taking your jobs, so next time you go make them criminals work, I want you to think about that.
But it's expanding, it's getting much worse.
By the way, the Bush's own large portions of stock in two of the major prison industry companies.
And the military industrial complex, the folks that make the cluster bombs, and the F-16s, and the ground penetrating radar, and the Humvees with the microwave guns on the top.
The folks that are putting in the red light cameras like Lockheed Martin, and the control grids, and the face scanning systems in the schools.
They're also moving into the prison industries now.
Oh, we have our military industrial complex buying up the private prisons.
Isn't that nice?
That's a real good position to have.
And they're telling us there's going to be lots of more crime, and there'll be 30 million of us in prison by 2010.
That's from last year.
Four years ago, I saw a CBS piece where the feds were saying that by 2024, there'd be 33 million.
They're now saying by 2010, 30 million.
And they're on track to do that.
We've gone from about 1.3 million six years ago in prison to over 7 million now.
The Supreme Court is reconsidering the decision issued earlier this year allowing private companies to set up shop inside the walls of state prisons.
We applaud the court's reconsideration when our state constitution was established in 1889.
A coalition of labor business groups came together and successfully urged the founders to outlaw the use of prison labor to the detriment of free labor.
The resulting provision, article 2, section 29 of the Washington State Coalition Constitution says the labor of convicts in the state shall not be let out by contract.
And it goes on with all the numbers of what's happening.
And it lists a bunch of companies that are doing it.
I mean, they're doing everything here.
Here's one example.
Take the example of one such business, Microjet, which is at the center of the suit against the state by Washington Water Jet Workers Association.
Microjet's industry involves a specific method of metal fabrication.
It would set up operations on the walls of the Monroe Correctional Complex.
Using the lower overhead and captive prison workforce, it competes directly for contracts with a handful of local private sector firms engaged in the same industry.
Microjet's competitive advantage is so dominating that the three competing companies have gone out of business in the past four years and one has moved to Idaho because they simply can't compete with Microjet's unfair advantage.
Several things are wrong with this situation.
Microjet is not providing goods or services that directly benefit state and local governments.
Workers are paid much less than prevailing wage in the private sector, and microjet does not have to provide them any benefits.
Workforce is entirely captive.
Microjet does not have to deal with employees, tracking or verification, or taxes for that matter, being recruited by rivals, or taking a day off when a sick child.
Microjet lowers its overhead costs through cheaper labor costs, subsidized utilities and security, and therefore employs a competitive advantage that's entirely unwritten, underwritten by taxpayers, and although job training is touted as one of the purposes of prison industries, not one inmate that has worked for Microjet
Ed Monroe has returned to society and applied for or been hired by one of Microjet's free market competitors.
Well, all four are out of business.
In fact, Microjet requires its prison workers to sign contracts barring them from competing with Microjet for two years after leaving prison.
This isn't workforce training for re-entry into society.
And it goes on and on.
It's a hundred times worse, okay?
You ought to see Texas.
We have more prisons than any other state in the Union.
We take prisoners from other states, in fact, the other 49, and when you go out to the countryside, you either raise cattle or sheep, or you work at the prison, or you work at a gas station.
That's really about it.
I mean, to give you an example, I got cousins and family and great-uncles out in East Texas, and what is it, I'd say out of about 20 family members, I think all of them worked for the prison at one time or another.
I mean, you want a job, you work at the prison as a jail guard.
Or maybe you get caught not paying your taxes right or something.
Maybe you have a gun loaded in your car or something.
Maybe my family can go work at the prison another way.
I could spend all day on that.
We're in deep trouble, folks.
And you notice as they add more and more regulations and control and OSHA and all this onto people's businesses,
That none of that's on the prisons.
And by the way, there's been a lot of cases now where you're not even given food that's eatable.
Where you're not even given medicine if you don't work in these industries.
So, it's sick, folks.
It's really, really sick.
It's amazing.
But it's actually happened.
Let me hit a few other news articles and we'll go straight to your calls for those patiently holding.
Chicago Top Nation in 03 Homicide.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Despite a sharp drop in homicide, Chicago has regained a title it didn't want, America's Murder Capital.
I'm sorry, I was just thinking about the prisons.
I was just thinking about the prisons.
I mean, that's Nazi Germany.
That's Soviet Russia.
The Gulags, folks!
Privately owned by these fat cats.
Owned by the Lockheed Martins.
Owned by the Wackenhuts.
Owned by the Bushes.
And think about that!
Think about that!
They're sending all the jobs they can to China and India and Mexico.
High-tech jobs, you name it, and then all the manufacturing and things that are left, and parts for anything you can imagine, again from telephones to CD players, is being made in the prisons.
Being made in the prisons.
And they say 30 million of us will soon be in jail?
They're going to put another 23 million in?
By 2010?
That's the Feds!
They're openly announcing this?
And they're passing all these laws that make everything a crime?
And you've got the people that are putting in the red light cameras, Lockheed Martin, who are putting in the cameras in the school bathrooms and hallways and showers.
Folks, this is so Orwellian, I'm about to rip my hair out here!
I'm glad they're making them prisoners work.
Well good.
Well good.
When you're on welfare, just remember that.
This is sick, folks.
I'm sorry, I'm getting off here.
I'm getting off subject here.
I need to stay on subject.
I just can't handle it anymore.
At every level, we are already in total tyranny.
They just haven't started arresting everybody that's speaking out against it.
And you know what?
That's because they're afraid, and they know folks are waking up to them.
They can keep the illusion going that we all love this, but 92% of us know they killed Kennedy in major polls, 80 plus percent of us don't like the open borders, 67% of us don't like the gun grabbing, and it's... Folks, we're gonna win this fight!
Just get angry, get focused, and stop letting the neocons con ya.
So, and again, the highest crime rates go like this.
Chicago, New York, Los Angeles.
What do all three have in place?
Massive gun control.
Then I got this.
Imagine being in England.
BBC listeners want right to kill burglars.
Oh, how hateful of them.
If listeners of the Today program could introduce a new law in Britain, it would be one allowing them to kill an intruder in their home,
Should the need arise, that will be a surprise, and in the program's own word, controversial choice of listeners who voted for a piece of legislation they would most likely see in the statute book.
The audience of the Radio 4 program were asked to put forward ideas and had a real chance of becoming law, and it says that more than 26,000 took part in the final vote.
And that is amazing, and the winning idea announced yesterday would authorize homeowners to use any means to defend their properties against intruders.
Oh boy, says the majority who thought that.
And every week I see an article where some woman stabs someone who is trying to rape them and she gets ten years and he sues her and doesn't go to jail.
I remember when that Beatle, Harrison, he's getting stabbed, his wife's getting stabbed, and she bashes him over the head, the intruder, with a lamp, and police considered charging her, but said, well, she was already being stabbed, and she'd been stabbed, so she was allowed to hit him, but, you know, we might charge her.
Folks, I see articles where somebody stabs, beats them with a metal pipe,
And gets prison time.
Remember Tony Martin?
He'd been robbed three times.
One of the gypsies had, I think, what, 37 convictions?
And Prescott attacks call for Tony Martin law.
This is London reporting.
And it says, a move to make it legal for householders to shoot burglars was today condemned by John Prescott as vigilante law.
The Deputy Prime Minister threw the weight of the government against the proposal after it was demanded by the public in a radio poll.
He claimed that if the measures became law, people could seriously injure or even murder burglars without fearing the consequences.
Oh, I don't want to do that.
Folks, just ten years ago, you could shoot somebody in your house.
They had a low crime rate.
They had guns in England.
The police didn't have to carry guns.
They took the people's guns, crime rates exploded to world record levels.
England has the second highest crime rate in the world.
That's the UN Zone numbers.
Okay, I got time to start going to the calls here.
I got a bunch of other news.
We'll get to Matrix in a second.
Who's up next?
Dave in Pennsylvania.
Dave, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
A friend of mine who is just an ordinary type person, he's into computers, took me aside and asked me what I knew about mad cow disease.
And when I asked him why, he said because his stepfather just died from it.
In Florida.
Yeah, I've seen the death certificates.
I mean, the Mad Cow's been here for a decade, and why did they announce it now?
Because they're ready to put in the microchip tracking of each animal, and get federal regulators on your land, when mostly open range is fine.
It's the feedlots, and the feedlots would be fine if they'd stop feeding them rotten meat!
Well, I think another part of it is that they take all the stuff that's left over that they don't sell,
They process it and add proteins and feed it back to the animals.
Of course, that's it.
They've been doing this with the chicken farms for quite a long time.
They feed little pellets that are made up of the beaks.
But the chicken is an omnivore, and so its stomach is able to process most of that out.
They have found it in chickens, they have found it in pigs, but not the level of sheep, goats, and cows.
Because you take a herbivore that's meant to eat plants, feed them meat, it's a bad idea.
Then you start feeding them rotten meat of their own species, you've got a problem.
Well, I just thought I'd bring that to your attention.
It happened near Miami, Florida, and I think once the story gets out, because the family is now doing a test, a final test to make absolutely certain that it was mad cow disease, and then they're going to release it to the media.
I just thought you might be interested to hear that.
Well, what happens is, in some of the cases, is you find out it's mad cow,
They say it's Mankow, and then all of a sudden the hospital, the feds drop by, the hospital goes, that was wrong, misdiagnosis, grabs the charts, men in black suits threaten family members.
This has happened in Austin, by the way.
Yeah, you want men in black to show up, have a family member die of Creutzfeldt-Jacobs, with the doctor saying it was Mankow.
Well, they are keeping strict accounts, so I'm quite certain that this case should come through.
I hope they don't fall off any tall buildings.
Well, me too.
Let's keep our fingers crossed.
Well, what do you think about all this happening, sir?
I mean, I've been talking about Mad Cow being here for years.
Yeah, well, it's been in England for a while.
It's a very small percentage of people who actually do get it, but it does happen.
And the industry is so big, the cattle and the beef industry is so big,
That it wouldn't surprise me that they would do almost anything to keep things quiet.
Well, I've talked to dozens of top scientists over the years on this show and they all agree.
If you don't eat the processed meats, the hot dogs, the chili, the junk meat stuff, a T-Bones bag that's carved right off the spine, if you stay away from those meats and brains and stuff, it's like playing Russian Roulette with a million-round magazine with one bullet in it.
It's very safe.
You've got a better chance of getting struck by lightning.
The problem is they're putting these spinal and brain products in everything!
Yeah, it's everywhere.
It's true that these things can turn up in things that aren't necessarily associated with beef.
So we don't need to have tracking and control and microchips and everything.
We need to prosecute with felonies anybody that puts spinal cord or brain into anything.
Yeah, and it's a very big industry and it is a source of a likely terrorist target.
If they introduce some sort of virus that takes out this industry, it could very well have a very damaging effect.
The British government released foot and mouth publicly four years ago.
It's absolutely a matter of fact.
And it can devastate the economy.
So it's something that is tied into many different levels.
So your friend had a family member who died from it?
His stepfather, he went down to Florida on Thanksgiving, and that was when the funeral was.
And he just came back, and as I say, he is just ready to sort of let this out.
I think the family might have done an article in the Miami Herald or another one.
When I find out more of the details, I'll give you a call.
I'll even tell you his name and where he's from.
Yes, sir.
Email that to tips at InfoWars.com.
Anything else you want to add, Dave?
Keep up the great work, and I love when you give out the specific sources of the things that you mention.
All right.
God bless you.
We'll be back with more calls, more news.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, this show really is continual education.
I mean, I think about all the scientists, the doctors, the lawyers, the congressmen and women we've had on, the engineers, the experts, the witnesses, the generals, the admirals, the captains, the police.
I mean, we've covered every issue you can imagine here.
And this is my life.
I've studied the New World Order perpetually.
And I'm just bowled over by the level of their evil!
It's all happening right out in front of us!
We're about to go back to your calls, Gary and Kenneth and Keith and John and many others, and then in about 40 minutes we got John Stattmiller, not 40 minutes, in about 30 minutes we got John Stattmiller on the show to talk about, well, the IRS and the trial of Dick Simpson Cannon.
He's going to be up there testifying this weekend.
But before we go any further, if you want to have a solution to this fight, a big part of the solution really is my videos.
They really are waking everybody up.
90% of those that see them are waking up.
Get the videos, get another VCR, make copies, part them to CD, whatever, give them to people.
It's having a massive effect.
Post them on the internet.
Stream them.
I don't care.
I just want to get these out.
These are professionally done.
I have poured my blood, sweat, and tears into this.
I've put my life in massive danger many times bringing this footage.
I've crawled around in alligator-infested swamps with black helicopters chasing me.
I mean, you need to see these videos.
You need to see these videos.
The latest is Matrix of Evil, there's Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road of Tyranny.
Just get the videos, you'll be impressed.
Make copies, get them out to folks, and it supports this show.
Operators are there right now, 24 hours a day, to take your call, to take your order, to answer your questions.
We've got the Loss of Liberty video by Tito Howard about what really happened to that ship and how the government did that to try to blame it on Egypt for a war.
We've got Eric Huffman's new video.
We've got Paul Watson's book I published.
We've got all my videos.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or 1-888-253-3139.
Or you can just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones, and the address is 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait, get the videos, the books today.
And I got some great t-shirts.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Gary in Kansas.
Gary, thanks for holding.
Alex, um, like you said before, predictions for this year, um, I just feel there's going to be all sorts of more chaos.
I think, um, as people see that they say they're going to give Iraq their government back in six months, that won't happen.
We'll see more chemtrails like I did on Christmas Day here in Kansas City.
And, um, I photographed an unequal sign, which was really weird up in the sky.
And I just feel that they're going to have more, you know,
Stupid high alerts to keep us conditioned.
More black helicopters with guys in black outfits and scheme-ass pointin' machine guns at us, equating that with safety as Bush moves to give total amnesty to anybody that can get here, and as Bush moves to re-sign the assault weapons ban.
Yeah, and Bin Laden, I feel, will be found by the end of summer, just due to two weeks before they got Hussein.
I was told by an Air Force personnel officer that they were gonna do this anyway, so...
I think there's a lot of chaotic.
The only thing I hope for is that Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, and Rich will be found out.
All their lies and deceit they keep on telling us on the TV.
They are being found out.
One mind, one soul, one heart at a time being unlocked and the blinders coming off, my friend.
Thanks to folks like you.
Great points.
Thanks for the call, Gary.
Keith and John and many, many others, your calls are up next.
The third hour is straight ahead.
Stay the course.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Already into this third hour of this January 2nd, 2004 edition,
We've got John Stadtmiller to talk about some news developments with the IRS trying to cover up its criminality.
I want to get into the Matrix Control Surveillance Grid System.
Also this article out of the New Jersey Star-Ledger, Conspiracy Theories Abound in 9-11 Probe, Willie Nelson Pins Protest Song, and a lot more in this third hour.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Texas.
Thanks for holding, sir.
Good day, sir.
When I had a television in 2001, 2002, I didn't get much anti-war opposition coming from the television.
Well, that didn't show it.
And if they did show it, it was maybe a white token or a black token from the far left.
uh... that would be against the war and they were just being used as uh... uh... co-op that I guess.
And they totally ignored the conservatives like Ron Paul, the libertarians, they totally ignored all the real conservatives.
Have you ever heard of a guy named Jack, Colonel Jack Moore?
Uh, yes.
Okay, well he was in Korea and he was the first to be decorated, but anyway, in one of his books he he has information that Hitler was a Jew on his father's side and uh...
When Hitler ignored Dunkirk, many of his generals started to become suspicious and organize assassination plots against Hitler.
What do you feel about that?
For those who don't know about, well, we know he was a Rothschild, but I wouldn't even call the Rothschilds Jewish.
I mean, people with blonde hair and blue eyes, and they run around saying how Jewish they are, and every time you turn around they're exterminating Jews or, you know, shutting up some program to do it.
It's more sophisticated than that.
It's like Sharon hanging out with all these fascist leaders now.
I mean, Barry Hamish will tell you the Illuminati controls Israel.
Israel doesn't control the Illuminati.
And I know at Dunkirk, yeah, he left the big British Expeditionary Force, the giant force there on the beach and allowed him to escape and did a lot of other stuff, but he was just a cultic nutcase.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to John in Indiana.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Well, good afternoon.
I certainly enjoy your program.
Well, thank you.
I'm a little bit amused that you've asked people to call in with predictions, and yet so many people were really set on fire by that Rabbi Spivak program.
That seems to come to the surface first.
People like controversy.
They like controversy.
I try to stick to information, but don't worry, I'll have more people on like that.
Well, I'm glad that you did, and I think maybe it's positive, and hopefully that's
Line in the sand that the American people won't go past, and that you've really piqued their interest, that there are people out there actually advocating it, and it really horrifies the American public.
Advocating what?
Advocating what for those who just joined us?
Certainly, advocating torture, such as Alan Dershowitz and Rabbi Spivak.
I think it's important to realize that these two people who advocate torture do not represent Jewish thought.
These are their own thoughts of a very narrow
uh... range of people and uh... that people don't get the wrong impression most people be horrified by what rebels are not so there's lots of washout promoting torture
Yeah, but I mean, Israel does torture people.
They admit it.
Yes, they do.
And so that's why you've got a certain lobby out there that thinks, well, if they do it, it's okay if we do it.
I'll say this, at least Israel admits it.
Everybody else tortures.
They just don't admit it.
Israel does.
As far as predictions for the year go... Stay there.
We'll hear your predictions on the other side, okay?
Stay there, John.
Then we'll go to Ed and others.
A couple more calls and I'm going to launch into more news and bring John Stattmiller up.
But, uh, yeah, it's amazing, ladies and gentlemen.
All this stuff that's going on.
I want to get Alan Dershowitz on.
I want to get all these other people on who are for torture.
We'll be right back.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Let's go right back to the calls.
I don't want to get into this Matrix Control Grid news, the latest developments there.
Some other key tidbits.
We've got some IRS news coming up.
I could do some more shows on the IRS and the Federal Reserve.
You know, I've done it so many times years ago that I forget that I haven't done it lately.
It's important.
Let's go back to John in Indiana.
John, go ahead.
Well, thank you.
I think your programs have opened up a critical mass of minds to the truth.
People are listening.
They're listening seriously.
And they're taking politics seriously, rather than just seeing it as entertainment, the way they did during the Clinton years.
And that's one of the biggest changes I've seen, that as elections and other issues come up, people will be more active this year than they have been in the past.
Also, on a positive note, I think more people will be taking responsibility for their own health, their own nutrition, their own self-reliance, more so than in the past.
And not just eating whatever is in front of them and doing whatever the doctor says and
I'm not thinking twice about it.
As they do pass it, as the cities throw it out, as states throw it out, people who'd never thought about the Constitution, never thought to look at legislation, never thought to get involved, have been getting involved, and so for every action there's an equal or greater reaction.
And yes, there is that reaction to it.
The problem is Peter Jennings and Dan Rather and Tom Brookjaw won't tell you that we're having victories, but we are, sir.
Yeah, yes, and it's because of programs like yours that get the truth out.
And I want to thank you for that.
Well, look, I appreciate that, but they have some websites out there.
Amazon.com has one that rates the biggest websites
uh... in the world out of hundreds of thousands and in the top couple thousand uh... patriot conservative libertarian what you'd call conspiracy theory uh... websites are are are the greatest majority of the most trafficked websites
It's not mainstream news sites.
It's not pornography.
It is what we're talking about.
Now, understand, porn is the greatest whole because there's so many little and medium-sized sites.
But when it comes to information war and the reality of what's happening, the biggest growth and the cream of the Internet is what we're doing.
I agree with you.
And I think as far as the other side, the biggest surprises for the powers that be is they've pretty well laid out their plans on paper and they're well known what they plan for the United States and for the world over the next couple years.
I think that there will be so much betrayal between the various factions of the powers that be that it will surprise them.
A lot of things will develop chaotically.
Well, I mean, here's an example from last week.
They say to Paul Bremer, hey, it's been announced that you found secret weapons labs in Iraq.
And Paul Bremer, the head dictator there over Chalibi, the torture master, says, that's ridiculous, that's a red herring, a setup, so when we don't find it, we look bad.
Well, sir, Tony Blair said that yesterday.
They can't even get their lies straight.
And I think that's going to get worse.
I agree with you, John.
Anything else?
It's a very exciting year coming up.
I hope everyone gets closer to God, and that the experiences coming up will bring out the best in them.
That's it.
There is a big storm, folks, and we're in the middle of it, but the strongest portions of it have not hit us yet.
But we're inside the New World Order right now.
Well inside of it.
How do you like it?
The economy's falling apart, they tell you how great it is.
They tell you they're going to take all your liberties, but give illegals total anonymity and total legalization.
It's a sick joke.
Ed in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Ed.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, sir.
Sunday morning on Fox News, they were talking about the government did a test called Scarlet Cloud.
Did you hear about that?
I've read about it, but tell folks about it.
It was an anthrax test, and they said the good news was that we could tell you quicker that you're exposed to anthrax, and the bad news is that we can't get the antibiotics to you in time.
So basically you're going to be dead.
And so the answer is we need to spray the cities with the medicines.
Did you hear me cover that a couple days ago?
Yeah, I did.
Yeah, that sparked an interest.
I heard that, yeah.
I read the name of the company that's gotten four different multi-million dollar funding packages for spray planes to mass medicate us for our safety.
So they treat us like little kids.
They don't tell us what anthrax is or how to wrap a wet towel around your face so you don't inhale it.
And they keep their medicines like dirt.
They're vaccines, like, oh, we got them.
You know, like, we're little kids.
They can't handle it.
They tell us we're crazy if we have a fallout shelter or medicine, as they have giant shelters and weapons and all the rest of it.
They had whole shows during the anthrax alert saying, well, if you see a plane spraying you, you know, a gas mask won't help you.
You wouldn't know how to use it.
A wet towel wrapped around your face would help you.
You just don't want to breathe the spores.
One spore could kill you.
The book on your network, Surviving a Bioterrorist Attack, is very good.
I can recommend it to all the listeners out there.
And teach you how to use antibiotics and get your hands on them.
Well, I mean, most people don't die that are hit with anthrax to begin with.
Even weaponized anthrax.
It'll make you very sick.
But yeah, if you had the antibiotics, you'd be fine.
So everybody should have a storage of antibiotics.
Real simple.
And I've seen about a dozen times on TV where they show just one little bottle of potassium iodate they found in Afghanistan.
And they say, look, the terrorists have this radiation medicine here and stuff.
Are they going to consider us terrorists because we have potassium iodate stored up and different things?
Have you got an atlas, you're evil.
Thanks for the call.
Good points.
Walt in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm a long-term listener.
Listened to you for about the last five, six years.
And I came across something.
You know, boys are in Iraq.
And of course, nobody likes what's going on there.
So I thought, being an amateur radio operator and a retired radio operator, I'd get in the Marsnet to turn around and pass health and welfare traffic.
Well, this led to a very interesting discovery, which I want to share with your audience and yourself.
I get on there and I find out they're not passing health and welfare messages.
They were passing messages about homeland security and the level that we're at and a few other things.
For those that don't operate a ham system, why don't you explain what you're talking about?
There's a regular radio amateur system that's ham radio operators listen to shortwave or communicate with one another.
That's right.
...station, which you affiliate with the military and you pass health and welfare messages for the military... But now they're blocking that out, not letting you get messages to them, they're covering up the coffins of the dead, not letting us know the numbers of dead, uh, they are blocking Bibles being shipped, and there's been articles on this, not just Craig Roberts talking about it.
Yeah, but what's the real significance of this is I ran, I asked for some information about some radio teletype, I set up the modem, and I made the comment
In a time of national emergency, this system isn't going to work because they don't know how to set up their equipment right when they're passing digital techniques, digital messages.
The director of Eastern Pennsylvania comes back at me and tells me, that's not what FEMA says, that's not what the law enforcement agency and our law enforcement agencies tell me, and I'm a law enforcement officer, and I mean, he'd be right at me, and then he tells me, I order you
Well, immediately I recognized he was trying to intimidate me, so I came back at him and I told him, I said, look, Title 50, Chapter 34, executive orders haven't been implemented to make this a dictatorship yet.
You don't tell me nothing.
I quit.
You can go, you know where you can go.
And boy, he went nuts.
And finally, to get him off my back, I had to threaten him, his superior, that I would write my senator and I'd get some attorneys involved and I'd make a mess of it.
So basically you've got a bunch of tin horn, petty, wannabe dictators, and that's what happened in Germany.
Every little nobody goes nuts with the power.
I'm taking your rights!
I'm shoving you around!
I'm ordering you around!
Because we've got to have a national draft and make everybody dig ditches!
Because we're under attack!
And if you don't do what I say, you're with the terrorists!
You got exactly right, and that's how I felt about it.
And I thought, by calling you up, other people who listen to your program,
We'll be aware of this.
These people have been told by FEMA something.
This guy wouldn't act on his own unless he fully had power.
And, uh, you know, it's just an outrage.
These people are implementing stuff before it even has come down.
I mean, they're really bold now.
They're just coming out, in my estimation.
And you know what I'm talking about, Title V or Chapter 34, which is another thing.
How did this get by us?
I thought it was Chapter 32.
It's a clamp down on what the government is doing and total transparency in what we're doing.
And then the first thing they do is start building more prisons, opening the borders, running Halliburton scams on the fuel, no bids, just total, total, they're sucking the treasury dry.
We're being gang raped by the New World Order.
It's a criminal bank robbery going on right now of the public treasure and the public good and our Bill of Rights.
Just a mass slaughter.
Common sense tells you a dollar twenty, it takes a dollar twenty-six cents to buy one euro.
Our dollar's worthless.
It means everybody's bank account's virtually worthless.
And the average person's going, everything's great!
Yeah, it's great alright.
I love prison economies.
Make them go to prison, them criminals.
I want to lose my job to somebody in a prison getting 20 cents an hour.
I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!
Put cameras in the school bathrooms, that's freedom!
Legalize all the illegals.
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All right, let's talk to Eric in Connecticut, then I'm getting into this Matrix story.
Eric, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
First of all, I want to wish you a Happy New Year, and I hope you had a great Christmas.
I wanted to call in about a prediction that I have, and it's not a very pleasant one to make.
I do think that a lot of people are waking up to Bush, and I do see a terrorist attack in this country this year.
Possibly in a major metropolitan city like New York or Los Angeles.
And it could be in the form of something like a fuel air bomb.
I don't think the globalists want to contaminate any kind of property.
They just want the gold and all that, but I just think that a lot of people are catching wise to what's going on.
I do think they're in sort of a quandary because yes, they can, like Ridge not too long ago, claim that yes, we may have terrorist attacks and all this.
If no terrorist attacks occur, they look like the boy that cried wolf.
If terrorist attacks do occur, well, people can say, well, look at all these extra measures that you took.
I mean, Patriot Act, and clamping down on civil liberties, and all but body cavity searches at airports.
Well, then they're going to argue, well, you held us up.
You know, probably one of the 400 studies through the Patriot Act out, they'll say, see?
You caused it!
You're with the terrorists now!
You don't ever question us again!
You know, did you once, Alex, like last year, have a gentleman named David Icke on your program?
Yeah, I had David Icke on.
Oh, the last name's Ike.
Okay, I didn't know that's how it was pronounced.
And I've heard that he's written some books.
I don't know, are you familiar with them at all?
Yeah, about 95% of it's accurate in the books.
The other 5% is science fiction.
95% huh?
That's pretty frightening.
You know, sometimes there's an old saying, be careful what you wish for because you just might get it.
You know, one time I called in and I mentioned that I'd asked God for knowledge and some of the stuff I'm finding out
I tell people about it, and they look at me like I've got three heads.
But you also say it seems like folks are waking up.
I mean, I've done over a thousand radio interviews, and maybe one out of thirty callers calls in and disagrees.
Oh yeah, well I'm talking about some of the more arcane stuff that seems fantastic on its face, but when you really dig into it, it isn't true.
What, like putting cancer viruses in the vaccines?
That's a good example right there.
I think a lot of people, Alex, just don't want to believe it.
Because it just seems so terrible.
Well, I don't want to believe it either, but I'm safer believing it and standing up against it than sticking my head in the sand.
It's scary!
Yes, it is.
Well, you've said that a lot of times if somebody knows something, it's better to come out into the public.
You know, like a good example is somebody like Linda Tripp or Monica Lewinsky.
I mean, yes, to an extent their cases were smokescreens, but
At least becoming public, they sort of protected themselves, because if anything did happen, the spotlight would be on me.
Oh yeah, Jennifer Flowers on Hardball, I saw it live folks, about five years ago, she said, well Bill Clinton's had a bunch of people killed, and started listing names, and he said, well why are you saying that then?
She goes, well being in the light protects me, by talking like this and telling the truth, he won't kill me.
One thing, Alex, before I go, I just wanted to say that I gave sport bottles for Christmas to my family.
I ordered them from New Millennium, and they were a hit.
And just thanks for a great idea.
Well, thank you so much for your support, and that is a great water filtration solution, and I'm glad you did that, sir.
God bless you, Alex.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
God bless you, my friend.
Matrix Speed Database Searches.
And it says the Matrix Multi-State Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange System combines various databases, some available in the public and some available only to law enforcement agencies.
The system allows authorities to quickly narrow down lists of suspects in terrorism cases and other crimes.
And every time they do it, they violate the Fourth Amendment.
People by name, social security number, date of birth, address, vehicles by
Full or partial license tag number, make model color, phone and property records, criminal history including sex offender records, employment records, divorce records, purchase records, all of it.
Police database called intrusive by rights group, system designed to let cops coordinate quick searches for terrorists.
It says Al Nelson had no idea police were watching him last April when he allegedly tried to scam an elderly woman into paying $2,800.
Spraying bogus sealant on the roof of her Tampa, Florida home.
As Nelson and a partner shouted demands at the woman, police said an agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement moved in and arrested both men.
The article goes into how wonderful the Matrix system is and how it protects little old ladies.
They were shocked, recalled Agent Dennis Russo.
Russo was in the right place at the right time because of a powerful tool called Matrix for Multi-State Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange.
See how positive that article is?
And here's a story, State Seeks Link with Crime Data Network.
We'll talk about Tennessee and others.
When we get back, stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
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Become a part of the Genesis team by calling your local station or call the national line at 877-996-4327.
This is Pat Cooper with 10 reasons to listen to the Tony Del Vecchio Show.
Reason number 10, no one listens to him at home.
Reason number 9, I don't want to be the only one calling in.
Reason number 8, think of the rest of the mission yourself.
I got a lot of things I gotta do today.
Like get a job and get paid.
I don't understand this guy.
That's all about this with your host, Tony Del Vecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
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Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
Sponsorship is critical at both local and national levels.
If you have a business product or message that could benefit from this broadcast locally, call the station you're listening to.
For national exposure, call 877-996-4327.
Become a part of the Genesis team by calling your local station or call the national line at 877-996-4327.
This is Pat Cooper with 10 reasons to listen to the Tony DelVecchio Show.
Reason number 10, no one listens to him at home.
Reason number 9, I don't want to be the only one calling in.
Reason number 8, think of the rest of the meeting yourself.
I got a lot of things I gotta do today.
Like get a job and get paid.
I don't understand this guy.
That's all about this with your host, Tony DelVecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
And if you don't listen to his show, you'll have to deal with me.
Alright, we've got about 26 minutes left in this first show of the new year.
Finishing up with this Matrix article.
Matrix can be used to cut off any form of particular suspicion, Dempsey said.
It's a good thing.
Then it goes on, he said, Matrix recalls the defunct Total Information Awareness Network at the Pentagon.
Congress cut off money for the program after it was harshly criticized as a political threat to privacy rights.
Of course, we now learn Matrix is four and a half, five years old.
Indeed, some states declined to participate in the Matrix pilot program based on similar concerns, but the system creator to those objections are baseless.
Oh, yeah.
Everything we do, tracked and traced, public or private.
In giant databases being looked at daily.
By sentient machines.
And on top of this run by an FBI that's been caught scamming and framing people at the FBI crime lab.
Their own head Quentin 97 over it.
We've interviewed him.
Dr. Frederick Whitehurst.
And we've got the Houston Crime Lab, and Tulia, Texas, and all the frame-ups, and the murder-for-hire with the FBI.
You can't trust the foxes to guard the hen house.
You've got to guard your freedom.
You've got to restrict government, or it will run all over you.
And here's one out of the Tennessean on the Matrix System.
State seeks link with crime data network.
Tennessee officials have applied to become part of an information-sharing network intended to rapidly track terrorist and suspicious individuals across state lines.
See, terrorist and suspicious individuals.
It will be used for all crime.
If the link is approved, state officials say they would be able to more rapidly communicate with other agencies through the multi-state anti-terrorism information exchange, known as MATRIX, in law enforcement circles.
The program is already in use in Alabama, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Utah.
It's in all states, folks.
They just can't use it in prosecutions until it's agreed upon, you understand?
It gives participating states access to information from government and commercial databases about suspicious activities, and of course, all gun owners.
Oh, I got some other news here we'll get to before we end the show.
Right now, I'm honored to be joined by another talk show host from this network.
John Stattmiller has his own show from 4 to 6 p.m.
weekdays, Central.
And I do a show with him Saturday from 1 to 4 Central, called Real Talk Radio.
And John has been involved in the Dick Simpkanen Aero Custom Plastics case, is going to be testifying.
And why is this important to you?
Well, John will explain to you why it's so important.
John, thanks for being on the show.
New Year's, Alex.
I'm not saying Happy New Year, because looking at 2003 and knowing what we're going to be facing in 2004, I'm just saying New Year's to folks.
All right.
How are you doing this afternoon?
My head is spinning.
Everything's going to private prison labor.
These idiots are hurraying it.
I guess they want to compete against 20 cents an hour.
They're building control grids, cameras, tracking, police state, military helicopters aiming guns at us, looking through our walls.
It's horrible, John.
Well, wasn't there a book written, it was entitled 1984, George Orwell wrote it.
I think he was a few years too early on this deal.
As we look at the situation, Alex, over the holidays, I've been thinking a lot about this.
I've made my New Year's resolution.
My whole program geared toward next year is going to be based on one thing, getting results.
The folks out there that listen to your program, listen to my program, they're pretty much up to speed as to what's going on.
And the one thing that is missing in this equation is, how the heck do we stop this?
John, we've been getting results.
The New World Order wasn't built overnight, it won't be torn down overnight.
But how to get everybody listening to become the leader they are, we need everybody pulling at the oars.
Well, and we just have a few minutes here, Alex, and I wanted to come up on your program.
Thanks for having me up on the Dixon Cannon case.
We've got a guy here that's been in jail.
Arrow Plastics out of Bedford, Texas.
And I know Dixon Cannon.
I know him fairly well, as well as you can know anybody, maybe aside from your spouse or your own family members.
They've had this guy in jail for six months.
And what was his crime?
Failure to withhold
income taxes from his employees paychecks even though that he told the employees look I'm not going to be the tax collector for the government here I've researched this there's no law saying that I have to do this so I'm going to apprise my 47 employees that the federal income tax deal that's your bailiwick if you want to file go right ahead and do it but I'm not withholding your taxes this man has absolutely no criminal record whatsoever
uh... and here he is he's been in jail now for six months supposedly some kind of threat to society that uh... we've got a lock this this uh... taxi vader up in jail.
Now they just had a hung jury uh... eleven of the twelve found him not guilty but one of them uh... did find him guilty so he's going to have another trial now he's still not being given bail because he's so dangerous and all the guy did was say hey i'm not an indentured servant
Out of the Constitution, the government can't make me do a function for them as their enforcer without paying me.
And I'd like to direct people's attention to GiveMeLiberty.org.
That's Bob Schultz's webpage of We The People.
Bob Schultz has been a champion in the fight against the Infernal Revenue Service for a long time.
Spent a million and a half dollars running full-page ads in the New York Times, USA Today, apprising people of the law.
And this guy, this is the one that went on the starvation, was seated on the Capitol steps, was not going to eat.
He made it to Hannity and Combs and programs such as this.
And rather than delving into why this man's doing it, they just kept saying, well, Bob, we don't want you to kill yourself.
Well, there's things in the wings, Alex, as we say.
And I don't know if people are aware of this.
There's Senate Bill 1493 that was introduced by Saxby Shambles out of Georgia, Republican out of Georgia.
And it's a bill to dump the IRS.
Now they took this up on July 30th of 2003 and they're calling it Fair Tax Act of 2003.
And this is what the Congress found.
That the findings related to the federal income tax, Congress finds the federal income tax retards economic growth and has reduced the standard of living of the American public, impedes the international competitiveness of the United States industry, reduces savings and investment in the United States by
Taxing income, they're saying, multiple times, slows capital, lowers productivity, hides the true cost of government by embedding taxes in the cost of everything Americans buy, impedes upward social mobility.
I had Bob Schultz on my program, The Intelligence Report, the other day, and I asked him, I said, how many people are not paying income taxes, by your best guesstimates?
And he said, my best guess, he said about 40 million Americans are now not paying
Federal Income Tax.
So, what they're going to do, and a lot of people missed this, Alex.
Two weeks after George Bush took office, I think you'll remember this, he made some comment about National Sales Tax and maybe looking into the IRS question, maybe dumping the IRS.
Well, before everybody jumps up for joy here, what they're talking about in this bill is a National Sales Tax.
And they're predicating on about 23%.
Now, it's going to be real interesting how they try to implement this.
Some people are saying, well, this might be a good thing because, well, it's going to be a partnership between the feds and the state.
For those that just joined us, I saw the federal plans on this five, six years ago.
They had the neocons come out and go, yeah, the IRS is evil, it's wrong, it's unconstitutional, it's caused all these suicides, there's no due process.
They've got their own kangaroo courts.
It's wrong.
Let's have a sales tax.
Then they come back and say, OK, it'll be 15 to 30 percent.
And on top of it, we've got to keep the Social Security, so that's going to be 15, 16 percent.
With your withholding them, what your employer has to do.
But the big scary part of it is, they'll then ratchet that up, the income tax, after they got the sales tax in.
But the scary part is, and the feds have said it, this is what your driver's license, now a national ID card, federal standards for the last, well going back 8 years with some states, now 42 states have implemented the standards.
They passed federal laws for all the states to now implement, the last 8.
That national ID card is your driver's license.
You're gonna have to swipe it when you buy or sell anything.
That puts federal control into all transactions.
That's where the RFID comes in for the money history of where the cash goes and what it does.
That plugs into the Patriot Act.
And this is going to be state, local, and federal, and international, all in a sales tax grid tied into the U.N.
So this is what you're about to see happen.
Go ahead.
And Alex, I was just sitting here thinking as you're running this thing down for the listeners, I don't know if people really realize, there's some people that listen to your program or might listen to mine, they'll get the information they think that is necessary for them to hear, but what you just described,
It's exactly right on spot.
It's exactly 100% correct.
And I hate to say this, I guess it's some sort of feather in our cap to be vindicated because we've been talking about the globalists and the Washington elite and their plans to destroy America.
Oh great John, we said that if you jump out in front of that truck you'll get smashed and now it's happened.
I don't like feeling good about having blood all over my face.
Well I don't either and what we're talking about is the deconstruction of America.
I mean people don't realize how bad this really is.
Everything you buy taxed and traced and tied into the matrix system.
Well, and they have to do this.
I mean, Alex, you might be Al-Qaeda.
I might be Al-Qaeda.
Rush Limbaugh might be!
They're using Patriot Act against him!
And I'm wondering how, and I heard you mention that, I wonder how Rush Limbaugh is going to respond to this.
Is he going to give up his $20-30 million plus a year paycheck and come out against this finally?
He's been the mouthpiece for the neocons for a number of years.
And now this is getting ready to smack him right dead in the forehead, and I'm wondering if Rush Limbaugh is going to take his money and run, and maybe do one more program where he finally tells people the truth, or is he just going to whimper away?
I got a sneaking suspicion that if Rush went on and told the truth, they'd have unexpected satellite problems, and then he'd be arrested the next day.
They're holding this over his head.
But I mean, I feel sorry for the guy.
But how could he sit there and say, put everybody in prison if they use drugs, now he's caught on all this stuff.
They're going after him with the Patriot Act.
I actually feel sorry for him.
Well, I do too, because I think Rush Limbaugh, like many other talk show hosts in this country, have deluded themselves into thinking that
Well, this right-wing conspiracy paranoid claptrap that we've been talking about, it's just non-existent.
It's not as bad as you think it is.
You know, you're putting the spin on it.
Well, that's not what they really intend to do.
John, we're not putting a spin on it, and everybody should know that.
I don't have words to describe how horrible this is.
And Alex, we're talk show hosts.
I find myself now without words.
We're talk show hosts.
We have to paint the picture for the listeners.
And I love radio because it doesn't have the distraction of the television part of it.
We've got the sound.
And I'm running out of words to describe how evil and bad things really are.
And I don't know why.
I'm having a problem trying to find new adjectives and new ways of explaining the horrors that I'm looking at.
Well, people ask, how could what happened in Germany happen?
The Germans were pretty good moral people.
They bought into the law, they got a corrupt government, they went straight to hell.
And that's happening now.
Well, and it's going to be an interesting year.
By the way, you're going to have to fly solo on Real Talk Radio tomorrow because I'm on my way to
Fort Worth, Texas in a Dixon Cannon case.
I will be testifying along with Bob Schultz, many other people, CPAs, people that were inside the IRS.
Joe Bannister was hearing some of this right-wing extremist talk, and he just took the initiative to check it out for himself.
Well, he's no longer employed by the IRS.
He was a treasury agent, yeah.
He was the enforcement part of it, and he took a look at this.
He said, my God, these people are right.
So he's going to be testifying in the case with Dick Simkhanian.
Every dime you pay goes right into the IMF and World Bank, folks.
Well, and for them to come up with a Senate bill and say Congress say all these things, that Congress finds that it's impediment to people and, you know, what they're trying to do, Alex, without answering the redress of grievances, which we have the right to do in this country.
Bob Schultz has been doing this for a number of years, almost had Mr. Rosati, the ex
Head of the IRS along with the Department of Justice almost had them in a national meeting until they found out that this is going to be broadcast via the internet live and they backed out of the deal.
They're in real trouble here because a lot of people think that the income tax, well I know that we've got a lot of debt and it's to pay our fair share to keep the government running.
Look, about a month and a half ago the Treasury Department finally came out and said that well the debts and obligations of the federal government are some 43 trillion dollars.
That's with a T.
Very quietly, they made that announcement as if, okay, we're exonerated, we told everybody.
But it's worse than that.
Some pay it as much as $78 trillion.
And they cannot dump the IRS.
And what they're trying to do with the IRS system right now, is they're trying to transform that to a national sales tax.
Without admitting wrong, without admitting culpability, without admitting that they have stolen literally trillions of dollars for the American people.
And I want people to understand, it's going to be a sales tax, and they're going to keep the income tax, okay?
They're going to keep the income tax for, quote, Social Security.
Then they're going to have the sales tax, which will bring federal regulators into control, state and local.
Every cash register by law will be hooked in by a telephone line to the Matrix system.
Everything you do, that's why they're now announcing, we're going to tax beef.
We're going to tax fattening foods.
We're going to tax, we're going to regulate your life.
It's for your own good.
We're going to tax the fuel with satellite tracker boxes.
Everything will be tracked
Taxed and controlled.
And Alex, it's amazing to me, even if you and your prodigy, your child, or your children's children's children paid 100% of their income, as the IRS likes to put it, paid every dime to the federal government,
There is no way that we can retire this debt.
And it's all zeros and ones.
They just put it in a computer, and then we owe it.
And it truly is the matrix.
It's nothing but ones and zeros, and to the people in Washington, D.C., I've got a sneaking suspicion that, well, they figure that, well, it's all gone anyhow, so eat, drink, and be merry, because tomorrow we die.
These people in Washington, D.C., our President, our Justice Department, our Supreme Court, our Congress critters, our Senators,
These people have been perpetrating the scam on the American people, and Alex, we're flat broke busted.
We're flat on our back in this country.
They've shipped the jobs out.
They're allowing illegal aliens to come in, some 30 million of them now.
In between China, the illegals, and the prison labor, we don't have a prayer!
We don't, and it's amazing to me, and sometimes it causes me to tear when I watch the national news medias, and not one breath
is ever spoken.
It's like this deep, dark secret.
Like, you know, you got bones in your closet here.
It's something that they are not allowed to speak of, because if they do, they know that they would be fired.
And John, that's a good point.
You know, we're sitting here, we're wondering while they're building this control grid, this huge prison around us, militarizing the police, doing all this.
We have the guns, and we never fought them as they set it all up.
What is it they have planned so horrible that they've got to militarize, they've got to build up their force?
Because they know even you, the yuppies, even you, the liberals, even you, the good old boy, phony conservatives, are going to be so mad that a lot of you aren't going to go along with this.
They're getting ready to give you the Soviet Nazi experience.
I want everybody to hear me.
You think it's bad now?
It hasn't begun.
And what they're counting on, Alex, is to pull the sham off.
Hopefully, during this chaos that they have created, that nobody will really learn the truth.
Well, they're learning the truth because of broadcasts like yours and mine.
There's millions of people that are waking up.
And we've got to put a stop to this, and we've got to do it now, and we've got to take this republic back.
If we don't... Say what?
Stay there, John.
Final segment straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Stay the course.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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Alright folks, we're almost out of time.
I wanted to read part of this article and get John's comments on it.
The British, the US, the Israelis, the Chinese, everybody has been caught blowing stuff up and blaming it on their enemies.
Hitler did it.
This is Channel News Asia.
I've been talking about this for five years.
Four years.
Russian Secret Service seizes copies of book linking it to 99 bombings, Moscow.
Russian police and FSB, that's new KGB, special services have seized a load of books allegedly linking the FSB to deadly bombings in 99 that led to the current war in separatist Chechnya, the bookseller said.
Some 4,400 issues of the book, entitled FSB Blows Up Russia, and authored by former FSB agent Alexander Litvinko, now exiled in Britain, were confiscated en route from the western city of Poskov to Moscow.
Alexander Potrykin, I can't pronounce his name, of the Prima News Agency said late Monday.
FSB officials said the books were seized as anti-government propaganda.
Ooh, we've heard that.
They explained adding up the seas loads whereabouts were unknown.
Prima ordered the books which were printed in Latvia for sale in Russia in what they said was a legal transaction observing all customs and formalities.
And it says Levenko, a former lieutenant colonel, charges the FSB with involvement in the bombings on September 9th and 13th, 1999 which destroyed two buildings in Moscow killing more than 200 people.
The FSB repeatedly denied any involvement in the attacks, folks.
They caught the FSB planning the bombs.
And a bunch of them went public.
John, there's so many examples.
They're trying to arrest Berezovsky, the guy who has the video of all this.
We have that video for free.
The 45-minute documentary in English at PrisonPlanet.com.
People can go link through and watch it.
This is just another example.
Go ahead, John.
Alex, World War I.
We had the League of Nations.
It was supposed to demonstrate to the entire planet that the ugliness of war, and the death and destruction, and the cost.
Well, we had World War I, Part II, and shortly after that they finally got their United Nations in place.
But even that, the horrors of war, and the expense, and the carnage, and the disruption of good old planet Earth here, was not enough.
They had to concoct something that was so horrifying, so terrifying, that everybody and the entire planet
What happened?
Cities and states around the country that are already burdened with debt up to their eyeballs.
But don't worry, we'll just federalize you.
But we'll cause these alerts, and we'll get everybody on guard, and we'll inspect and detect, and we'll stop you, and we'll search you, we'll look at your emails, we'll listen to your private conversations, and this is all to protect you.
This shadowy thing that they can never give us any real evidence about because, well, they don't want to tip off Al-Qaeda or the next boogeyman on the block.
What we're suffering under here, ladies and gentlemen, is their hundred-year war on terror, and what it's really designed to do is to help foment and put down worldwide
The Resistance to the Global Governance Scheme, their New World Order.
That's it, John.
I'll be doing the show tomorrow, one to four, that we do every Saturday, and you'll be back next week with a report from the Dick Sim Cannon trial for us, hopefully, here on air, where you'll be testifying, and God bless.
And Alex, I would ask a favor.
I'm going to have Jack McClam, Officer Jack McClam, here's a police officer that discovered the New World Order for himself.
He'll be subbing for my show on Monday and Tuesday.
And if this trial lasts a little bit longer, I wonder if I can avail you.
I don't trust just anybody doing my program.
I wonder if you could sub for me maybe Wednesday.
Sure, I'd be glad to do it.
Alright, thank you Alex.
God bless you.
Thanks, John.
Have a great weekend here in the New Year.
And that goes out to all of you, our affiliates, our sponsors, our listeners, to God, to the folks running the show, to everybody.
Thank you.
And I hope everybody gets my videos.
I hope you get them, spread the word, and expose the murdering terrorists before it's too late.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The books, the videos, the t-shirts.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Or to get them, you can call 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Think of the power of all the listeners getting those videos and making ten copies apiece.
It's already had an effect.
Gotta keep it up.
See you back tonight 9 to midnight and back on Monday from 11 to 2.
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