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Name: 20031229_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 29, 2003
2215 lines.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Looks like we're going to make it into 2004.
It's the 29th of December, 2003.
It is Monday.
We've got a guest coming on in about 30 minutes.
Soldiers at my front door, National Guard unit that's headed for Iraq, taunted a pacifist priest in a small town in New Mexico in the early morning.
They stood outside the church, in front of witnesses, chanting, kill, kill, kill, for about an hour.
This is out of the Toronto Star, there's also an Associated Press article about this.
They then tried to get the priest kicked out of his parish.
And this is because he's been an outspoken critic of the war, so now you get troops chanting kill, kill, kill in the parking lot of the church for an hour.
That's coming up.
Just what it's like to not have Posse Comitatus, my friends?
More on Mad Cow Disease, which they've been covering up for a long time.
Why are they now announcing it?
Why now is the Food and Drug Administration
And others admitting it, but trying to spin it.
We'll get into that.
Also, they don't know if it's 20,000 or 30,000 or 40,000 hope dims for finding survivors of the earthquake that hit last week in Iran.
Foreign aid rescuers arrived to help quake-ravaged Iran.
We'll be getting into that as well.
Also, I've got Paul Watson from PrisonPlanet.com, our webmaster there, joining us in the second hour on a host of very important issues.
And there's a lot of news about government corruption and demonization of patriots, you name it, here today.
We have Howard Dean blasting Bush over the Mad Cow Scare.
Iraq bomb blast kills two U.S.
soldiers, two children.
The former head of the EU, Prodi, survives parcel bomb attack, the second he's gotten, Patriot Act being used to go after Rush Limbaugh!
That's right!
They're using Patriot Act provisions!
So, now Rush Limbaugh is in with Al Qaeda!
But hey, they're going after topless bars, pot dealers, people alleged to be involved in family violence.
Everything's an act of terror under Section 802.
Mr. Limbaugh, who'd been a supporter of all this, is, well, now falling under the axe.
And he sounded desperate last week.
I heard part of his show.
I actually feel sorry for him.
I really do.
All the times he said lock people up who use drugs, throw away the key.
I wonder if it'll happen to Mr. Limbaugh now?
I wonder what'll happen to him.
The fake little neocon.
Also, there's more news about the CIA and MI6 and others controlling the dominant media.
Revealed how MI6 sold the Iraq War.
The Sunday Times planting false news stories.
We have our own Pentagon planting false news stories here in our media.
The average person has no idea.
And, uh, there's been an apparent suicide bombing that killed, uh, six in Afghanistan's capital as well.
Sixty suicide bombers ready to strike, says the CIA, I mean the Taliban.
And, uh, the relatively charmed life of Neil Bush.
I hadn't wanted to get into this, but I guess we should.
The communist Chinese backdoor deals, the prostitute payoffs.
I mean, hey, you're in the company of Bill Bennett, aren't you?
The Christian conservatism, the gun-grabbing open borders promoting Christian conservatism just goes on and on, doesn't it?
We'll be back with all this news and a lot more.
It's a big show.
You'll want to stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time, back from 9 to midnight, I'm here.
I'm your host.
We're in the final days of 2003.
It is the 29th of December, 2003.
On this Monday edition, the websites have been updated.
They are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We again have a Catholic priest or a father coming on the show here in about 22 minutes.
Soldiers at my front door.
He's been outspoken peaceably against the war, so they stood out front the church and chanted, kill, kill, kill, and this is all admitted, this is part of the government's new activities, and we have the Pentagon planting false news stories and fake letters in the newspapers.
The British government, big headlines, has been caught doing all of this, of course, but now we get to have troops chanting in the middle of the town, kill, kill, kill!
So that's coming up and we've got Paul Watson joining us in the second hour to talk about a bunch of different news that's developed and of course to take your phone calls.
There's a lot of news, I'm sure you've already heard many times that between 20 and 30, some say 40,000, they're not sure.
Over 25,000 they're now saying, they're sure of that, have died in Iran in one of the biggest death tolls from an earthquake in modern history.
A 6.5 just hit a week or two ago out in California, only killed a couple people, but that's because of the construction.
Living in ancient, you know, five-story buildings, brick buildings, some of them built hundreds, if not 500 plus years ago, is not a good move in an earthquake-ridden zone.
But we'll go back over a little bit of that.
Some of the most important news that we have here is the Mad Cow because of what it will do to the economy.
When they say that whole meats, that is, a steak or what you cut the brisket off of, is safe.
What you don't want is the brains or any of the meat around the spinal cord.
That's where the little protein crystals that will get in your brain and kill you grow.
Well this is the same government telling us that there wasn't any mad cow in this country when we knew it was going on for decades, at least a decade, is now telling us don't worry.
infected beef spreads to eight U.S.
The question is, if this was going on for a long time, which we know it was, why are they just now announcing it?
Officials lobby Japanese to accept the meat that is safe.
America's task of convincing the world that it had the BSE outbreak under control grew more difficult yesterday, after the U.S.
Agriculture Department announced that infected meat had been distributed more widely than initially believed.
Meat from the infected cow, which was slaughtered in Washington State, was sold as far away as the U.S.
Pacific Islands of Guam and Hawaii, as well as in Alaska, Idaho, and Montana.
Earlier officials had said the meat was sold mainly in Washington and Oregon with smaller amounts in California and Nevada.
The announcement will make things more difficult for a delegation of U.S.
agriculture officials who will try today to persuade the Japanese government to lift a ban of U.S.
beef imports amid fears of mad cow disease scare could prove disastrous for the multi-billion dollar American cattle industry.
Again, over 90 plus percent of the beef in this country is totally safe because it's range fed.
That's what you want to do.
You want to have enough land and not have to feed the cows a supplement.
Most of the Texas meat, most of the Nebraska meat, most where you have open areas you don't have to feed them these feeds that have the bone meal and the blood and ground up dead cows in them.
Now they're also trying to claim this came from Canada.
And I've got a bunch of articles here where the Food and Drug Administration has been caught lying dozens and dozens of times.
The Agriculture Department has been caught lying over and over and over and over again.
So we don't know what to believe.
That's the point here.
Mad Cow link raised in Creutzfeldt-Jacobs cases, which have exploded in the last decade and a half in this country and all over the Western world.
But they're not in countries that don't import beef that's been fed other rotten cows.
And we have the statistics right here.
Family and friends of victims of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, the fatal brain disorder sometimes linked to mad cow disease, I've seen the death certificates right here in Austin, on Friday questioned whether the victims contracted the condition from contaminated US beef.
After federal authorities said on Tuesday that a cow in Washington State was found to have a disorder known as Mad Cow Disease, public health officials have been calling for a review of the U.S.
Agriculture Department's screening procedures for cattle.
Which are basically non-existent.
Now this will bring in a wave of federal regulation and micro-management and control, but only over ranchers and farmers that aren't big agribusiness.
We've seen this with poultry and beef, with Tyson and others.
Tyson Foods can have 1,300 plus violations at one plant in Arkansas in 1997, and competitors get two violations and are shut down.
So it'll all be used by those that want to consolidate.
We've seen this with a long track record over the years.
So pretty scary.
And the publication of the North American Vegetarian Society is putting out some good info because I've researched it.
Currently, 4 million Americans are diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
The percentage of cases is on the rise with solid research showing that there are about 360,000 individuals newly diagnosed each year.
At Yale University and University of Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh, researchers recently studied the brains of people who died of Alzheimer's disease.
46 in the Yale case and 54 in Pittsburgh study.
Surprisingly, the autopsies respectively showed that 13% of the 5% of the dead were actually CJD cases misdiagnosed as Alzheimer's.
In a third, smaller study published in the Journal of Psychiatry and Neuroscience in 1995, investigators reported that 3 out of 12 patients diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease were found to have CJD when autopsied.
It showed, and it should be noted, that CJD symptoms
Maybe remarkably similar to those of Alzheimer's.
And now we have this new trend of tens of thousands each year under the age of 40 getting Alzheimer's, or what they call Alzheimer's.
See, this is the mastery of the globalists.
They will create a plague.
They will allow it to take place, or engineer it, and then misdiagnose it.
It's like, uh, suddenly babies go get their shots and die within two days.
And there's studies on that.
After the shots, they die.
But that's ignored!
It couldn't be the hospital, didn't they, wrong?
Not the healthcare people!
Not the system that made the vaccines!
No, you shook your baby!
It's a new, new national trend again!
And, uh, as all the brain disorders explode, and autism's up by 2,000%, why it's...
Again, it's amazing, and there's so many different facets and areas of this.
Very, very scary, folks.
But don't worry, the Snake Dean, Howard Dean, blasts Bush over mad cow scare.
I say that because I've been studying Dean and watching him, and that guy's got evil in his eyes and evil in his actions.
He says Bush didn't do enough quickly enough to stem the tide of panic, and he says we need federal control and federal funding to help you ranchers.
And I'm not saying I like Bush.
My point is, these guys are all globalist trash, folks.
He's another Yale boy.
Iraq Bomb Blast!
Let me just speed through the news, folks, because there's so much of it, and later I'll go back through all this in greater detail.
Iraq Bomb Blast kills two U.S.
soldiers, two children, in a busy Baghdad shopping district on Sunday, killing at least two U.S.
soldiers and two Iraqi children.
Another U.S.
soldier died in an attack on a convoy west of the capital.
Ambushes, folks.
It came a day after coordinated attacks in other Iraqi cities that killed Iraqi soldiers and civilians, and now another suicide bombing in Afghanistan, killing the local constabulary.
Prodi survives parcel bomb attack.
European Commission President Romano Prodi escaped unhurt after a parcel bomb attack on his home in Bologna, northern Italy.
He unwrapped a novel and it caught on fire.
He's had other fire parcels.
I wouldn't call it bombs.
And it goes on to say that the books catch on fire.
Isn't that interesting?
The parcels catch on fire.
And it's some unknown, now newly announced anarchist group, the Informal Anarchic Federation.
Uh, claim the earlier rubbish bin attack.
Someone mails it and the books get thrown in the trash and set on fire and gets trash cans on fire.
Uh, folks, we've caught the Pakistan dictator, Musarraf, staging fake bomb attacks so he can crack down.
That's admitted now.
We've caught our government, the Philippines, blowing stuff up to quote, keep martial law rolling.
We've caught MI5 and MI6 carrying out bombings to scare people.
And I don't know if this is real or not, but every anarchist I ever run into on the street who's getting any media attention is a federal agent.
And I've got police admitting it, documents, news articles in the takeover, and one of my police state videos covering this.
So, I don't know if this is a globalist operation, but in every other case, as we have time to look at it, it turns out to be that.
So, we don't know.
We don't know.
We get back, Patriot Act uses snag Rush Limbaugh.
Yes, it's true, they're using the Patriot Act on him.
I actually feel sorry for him.
Old, old heroin head.
Hillbilly heroin head, that's what it is.
He said, put everybody in jail, he uses drugs, he loves the Patriot Act.
Well, now it's being used on him.
But I, you know what?
I feel sorry for him.
Hearing him sound so desperate last week with fear in his voice.
All the arrogance gone.
I feel sorry for him.
Oh boy.
Revealed how MI6 sold the Iraq War.
The Secret Intelligence Service has run an operation to gain public support for sanctions and the use of military force in Iraq.
The government yesterday confirmed that MI6 had organized Operation Mass Appeal, a campaign to plant stories in the media about Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction.
More, we have our own little Pentagon body who admits they lie and do that here.
We'll go over that too, and, well, the stack's about 5 inches thick.
I've got about 80 articles that are all just as horrible.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
You know, I want to spend some time on this today.
Tonight, this morning.
Depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
World Net Daily, five years ago, was amazing.
Three years ago, it was okay.
Two years ago, it was getting a little disgusting.
And now, for every one good article that has some real substance, there's five of neocon ilk.
And I don't do this with any pleasure, but we ought to know, I mean, Joseph Farah wrote Rush Limbaugh's books.
Joseph Farah is showing himself to be a neocon.
He's got this article which the ADL could have written.
In fact, Harvard had a symposium a few months ago where they said that secret right-wing groups work with Al-Qaeda and the conservatives are really controlled by them and if you don't like the UN, you're Al-Qaeda.
Well, Joseph Farah is now doing this.
And it's following the exact script.
And I've got to cover this.
It's amazing.
I mean, it's gotten me to the point where I don't even ever want to cover another WorldNetDaily story on this show.
With friends like this, you know, who needs enemies?
It's like Bush saying last week, well, yeah, it's true what Ridge said.
We're going to legalize all illegals.
I've read the bill, by the way.
I've read the announcements here on the air by Bush.
In fact, I'm going to go back over that today if I have time.
If you can get here, if you can get here, you are legalized.
No more deportations of people they catch pouring across the northern and southern border.
No more nothing.
You get here, you get to enter this form and you get two years to be here legally before you even get given your green card.
And it says that you then get your green card.
Well, it's giving you a green card, folks.
And that's the new conservatism.
Bush is going to re-sign the assault weapons ban next year.
That's the new conservatism.
Total open borders, the new conservatism.
Joseph Farah is just going with the times, I guess.
He says that the liberals secretly control the patriots.
And the white supremacists are in there, and it's Muslims and liberals and white supremacists, and we've got to watch all of them, and they're going to be working for Al-Qaeda, and they're going to bomb us!
It's like I'm watching an episode of 24, or Threat Matrix, where every episode I've seen, every synopsis I've read of the other episodes, of ABC and Fox's websites, because I won't go watch the shows, usually I'll just go read what this week's episode is.
It's right-wing extremists works for Muslim terror group plans to nuke the city, or Jenny tortures the evil right-winger and gets the answers of how he works for Al-Qaeda.
I expect this out of the ADL, I expect this out of the Southern Poverty Law Center, I expect this out of Fox and the dramas and the shows, but to get up today and to have this article in front of me and to read it, I said I'd get to it later, here I am already talking about it, it's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now and it is scary.
It is very scary.
This whole infrastructure being built, is it for Khalid Mohammed, the black Muslim who says kill all the white people, kill all the Jews?
This isn't for the rich Saudis funding all this stuff.
No, they're business partners with the Bushes.
This isn't for the Ku Klux Klan.
Folks, it's for Rush Limbaugh.
That's right, now being gone after with Patriot Act provisions.
I have the article here in front of me.
It's for the topless bar.
It's for the pot dealer.
It's for the person that violates a firearms law.
It's for all of us, whether we're German or Jewish or Chinese or Native American.
It doesn't matter.
It's for the American people.
Every time I burrow into some extremist group, as they call them, it's a federally funded operation.
That goes for the racist blacks, racist whites, the racist Jews, the Zionists.
That goes for all of them.
They're all controlled by the Illuminati, the globalists, the occultists.
And we're in a lot of trouble.
So, see, now you're liberal if you're not for Bush.
His open borders, his gun control.
That's basically what the neocons say.
And now, if you're one of those patriot groups, you're secretly al-Qaeda, you're secretly a white supremacist, you're secretly in with the black muslims, you're going to get everyone.
Really scary stuff.
Oh, we got our guests coming up.
You don't want to miss this.
And, uh, a Catholic priest who, um, we'll wait till you hear about it.
With the troops chanting, kill, kill, kill, outside the church.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You could say, and if you said it you'd be right, that I'm a specialist, an expert on posse comitatus, police state systems.
That's been my specialty, my foray, what I've focused on.
They're setting up a textbook military dictatorship in this country, brainwashing the public.
I just read articles, we're getting more into them, where they're manipulating our media.
Very scary stuff.
I've been to urban warfare training drills where the troops were training to take our guns, put us in FEMA camps.
That's in Police State 2000, Police State 2, the takeover, Police State 3, total enslavement.
Those are just small portions of those lengthy films.
We've got a guest coming up here in a minute or two, Father John Deere.
Here's the headline out of the Toronto Star, also an AP article here.
Soldiers at my front door!
And they marched down the road from local armory, stood out front the church and chanted, kill, kill, kill!
And again, we see more and more of this type of activity because the father, the local priest, had been a calm, well-spoken, I've looked at what he's put out, critic of the war.
So wait until you hear this story, it's coming up here in just a few minutes.
Shades of more to come if we don't expose this.
Before we do that though,
Speaking of the films, if you want to see the military industrial complex taking over the country, how they're doing it, how to stop them, the urban warfare training drills, the firing troops, all of it, you need to get Police State 2000, Police State 2, The Takeover, Police State 3, Total Enslavement.
These are amazing, over two hours apiece.
The latest is two hours forty minutes.
Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, the militarization of police, the FEMA camps, the cashless society, control grid, system, what PNAC is, what they're up to, what the New World Order is, how they control the left and right.
It's an amazing new film.
You need to have it.
Take the New York Times today.
They admit that OnStar is listening to you.
That it's a bug in your car with the FBI listening to you.
Well, I made Police State 3 Total Enslavement 8 months ago.
8 months ago!
And it's in there.
It's all in there.
You want to know what's going on?
That's about a minute of the 2 hour, 40 minute education.
Need to get it.
Need to get my film, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, how the Globalists orchestrated that.
I need to get Masters of Terror, Part 2 of that film.
My book, Descent into Tyranny.
Paul Watson's book I published, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
The videos are $25.95 apiece, $20 when you order three or more.
And they're lengthy and well done, you get your money's worth.
And your purchase supports this broadcast and makes it possible.
The toll-free number to order the films is 1-888-253-3139.
I've also added some new videos.
Eric Huffman's Painful Deceptions video about 9-11, excellent.
Tito Howard's loss of liberty about the attempted sinking of that ship to blame it on Egypt.
More government-sponsored terror.
Need to have that video.
It's on Infowars.com or presentplanet.com to order it online or by calling 1-888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action, my friends.
Get the films, get the books, get them out to people.
It's having a huge effect.
Keep it up.
Alright, our guest, we have a link to his website on InfoWars.com, is Father John Deere.
And here's an article out of the Toronto Star, a National Guard unit that's headed for Iraq, haunted a pacifist priest in a small town in New Mexico in early morning.
And to tell us this story is Father John Deere.
Father, thanks for coming on the show.
Thanks for having me, Alex.
You bet.
In a nutshell,
The article says they came from the nearby armory, marched around at 6 o'clock, 7 o'clock in the morning, then stopped in front of the church and chanted, kill, kill, kill.
You went out and confronted them.
Then the base people complained, tried to get you kicked out of your position.
We've seen this before.
We got troops on the streets here in Austin, in plain clothes, in uniforms, you name it.
This has been going on before 9-11.
But tell us about yourself.
What happened?
Go over it for us.
Well, it was all very disturbing and shocking, and I guess, as you say, all to be expected in this kind of culture of war.
I've been speaking out against war and nuclear weapons for 25 years, and I live in a very tiny, remote, desert town in New Mexico, and I've been notorious in New Mexico for speaking out against not only the bombing of Iraq, but nuclear weapons at Los Alamos.
In mid-November, they announced that the local National Guard unit for northeastern New Mexico was actually going to Iraq.
And the next day, Thursday morning, November 20th, at 6 o'clock in the morning, I woke up to hear all these people shouting and screaming, and they were... I didn't know what it was, and it scared me, because the town where I live is so quiet and peaceful.
Tell folks the name of the town.
It's Springer, New Mexico.
I looked out the window and there were about 75 soldiers in jogging suits, but they were in army fatigues, and they were marching around my block.
I live in a big old house right next to a big old church in the center of town, so they were going around the block singing and chanting, you know, those kind of military slogans like, swing your gun from left to right, we can kill those guys all night, that kind of thing.
And this was shocking.
It had never happened before in this town.
Let me stop you.
Let's make it clear.
They came into the town to do this?
The armory is about five or six miles out of town.
We're in the desert, so they practice all over the place.
I thought, well, they're just looking for support and waking up the town.
I don't think so.
I don't think so.
The slogan of their local battalion, which is, one bullet, one kill.
But they hadn't practiced and they weren't in unison, so they were all over the place, and here were these young kids being egged on by their commanders, going, and it sounded to me like, kill, kill, kill.
They're standing in front of our church.
Well, sir, sir, sir, sir, they've got a general now saying that it was, you know, bullet kill.
That's a classic chant, kill, kill, kill.
By the way, there's been big articles about a new chant the Marines do about have the school children gather around, throw the candy on the ground, kill them little bleepers, kill them all.
Now they have kill children chants, but go ahead.
Gosh, that's just so shocking.
But understandable, because war is about mass murder, and you have to psych up people to kill, as you've been saying.
Well, we're under the Prussian model, and it's so normal we don't even notice it.
Shaved heads, screaming, kill, kill, kill.
This is mind control.
Yeah, it's total mind control.
They came deliberately to my house.
I've learned that very clearly later, including local politicians were involved in the planning of it, to harass me, intimidate me, and to try to get me.
And you know, none of this would ever happen on the East Coast or maybe even on the West Coast, but way out in a remote desert town, you know, like, who cares?
I had to say something, so I went outside.
I walked right outside into the middle of the street, into the middle of them.
They all stopped.
They looked at me and I said really loudly, just like this, in the name of God I order all of you to go home and stop this nonsense.
I don't want any of you to go to Iraq.
I don't want any of you to kill anybody or to be killed.
I want you all to quit the military, disobey your orders, and start practicing the love and non-violence of Jesus.
Because God does not support war.
God does not want you to kill poor people in the desert in Iraq so that Bush and Cheney can get more oil.
And so go home and stop all this.
No, God bless you.
That's the way I said it.
And I was speaking religiously to them because they had all
I don't know.
I don't know.
And for the following week.
Now that's amazing!
Didn't have them march back to the base.
Dismissed them right there in front of your church.
Yeah, well, they had deliberately come to the church and to my house.
Well, I mean, I've got the articles.
The military admits, okay, maybe we shouldn't have done it.
Yeah, we were just having some fun.
How are local constabulary involved in this?
I mean, this shows the mindset.
We gotta watch these people that don't agree with us.
Well, I, you know, it's
Small town desert life is everybody knows everybody's business.
I mean everybody knows everything.
So I have heard from countless parishioners more and more stories about what happened and how people had planned it at the bar the night before the commanders and some of the politicians because they're so annoyed that this
This is posse commentatus.
You're not supposed to have the military out and engaging with the public.
For 15 years they've had them in police uniforms, doing raids on gun dealers, sneaking around with helicopters, looking through our walls with ground penetrating radar.
This is the lust.
General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, has said we're going to have troops in our lives, troops in the factories, troops watching us.
This is the new freedom.
Yeah, I think you're totally right, because I experienced it.
There's so many ways to talk about the outrages that are happening, but theoretically, their theories, they're going to kill in Iraq in the name of democracy.
But I am not allowed to practice my democratic right of First Amendment free speech, and literally I'll be harassed.
It's like being in Chile under Pinochet.
Um, that's what was happening.
It's just pure, outright harassment.
And I think they've been embarrassed now because I, as a priest, have been telling the whole world about it.
And, you know, some of them should have all lost their jobs besides the fact that all those young people should quit.
You know what you should have said to them?
Hey guys, you're going to breathe 1,900 times the safe level of depleted uranium.
Type in 1,900 times safe level DU into a search engine.
You'll see the Army's own top chemist, Dr. Rook, who went there, came back and says our troops are dead and dying from it.
And by the way, you're going to be three times more likely to have deformed children.
How does that sound?
I could have said all of that, and you're absolutely right.
There's just this total, total despair at every level now in our country.
I have, actually, in terms of Gandhi and Martin Luther King nonviolence, only sympathy and love and respect for them.
These people here in this town who are being shipped off have no future.
They've got no jobs, no education, nothing.
And the military went after them like you wouldn't believe and said, here, we're going to give you this great education.
All a lie.
And now they're totally scared.
They never thought they'd be going off to war.
By the way, I have articles today, we've already announced this, but now they're not letting anybody out.
Those contracts you signed for two, three years, folks, are up to 25.
And they're saying, we may never let you leave.
That's a form of draft right there.
They're getting ready for the new draft.
Ron Paul, Congressman, was on last week.
We are very close.
Well, we live in a culture that has 30,000 nuclear weapons.
That's what I keep thinking about.
And we are waging war around the world.
We're just totally into a total war mentality.
And we have also numbed the mainstream population.
So I'm glad I spoke out.
My hope and prayer is that people all around the grassroots communities in the country will speak out.
Disrupt military actions, tell people to quit the military, denounce this war, demand our troops go home, the UN resolve everything, and dismantle all our weapons of mass destruction.
We just have to keep doing what we can.
I gotta stop you.
You know, I think you're a good person, Father John Deere.
But you have to understand the big picture.
Maybe somebody should mail you a copy of Police State 3 Total Enslavement, but the U.N.
was created by the big financial interest in New York.
It's the good cop.
We play the part of the bad cop.
The U.N.
is going around committing atrocities all over the globe.
You say, have the U.N.
resolve it.
I said before the war, we're going to go in and play the part of the bad cop.
The savior is going to be the U.N.
The U.N.
kept those sanctions on Iraq for 12 years when over a million and a half Iraqis died.
And I'm telling you, no world government.
We've got this answer of, well, we won't have the right-wing world government of George Bush.
We'll have the leftist world government of the U.N.
And I'm telling you, Father, from my studying of this, it's not going to work.
I agree.
I see your point and I know that the U.N.
does terrible things and that they supported the sanctions.
They're just pawns of the American empire.
You know, I just hope we can keep speaking the truth as you're doing it against all war.
Well, my last question, and then we'll plug your website, sir.
My last question is, I would imagine, as a statement and a question, I would bet you've gotten more parishioners, more people in the church now since they did this.
I would imagine that it's backfiring on them.
I don't know.
I've only been in New Mexico a year and a half.
I came from New York City.
When I arrived, I said, folks, I'm a priest, remember?
If you're going to follow Jesus, he was a person of non-violence and says, love your enemies.
You can't be bombing your enemies if you're following Jesus.
That's that.
A lot of people were upset.
Yes, I think so.
I think it's a good thing.
Yes, I think so.
No, no, it's been about the same.
I think everybody and everywhere is divided.
I would imagine those that are involved in your church are now more focused, more fired up to stand up against this tyranny now, though.
Yeah, definitely, because they've been hearing a lot of truth that they haven't heard before, and they're open to it.
Okay, Father John Deere, out in New Mexico with the troops chanting, kill, kill, kill, outside your church, standing up to them.
What's your website?
It's www.fatherjohndeere.org, and my name is spelled D-E-A-R, just all out, fatherjohndeere.org, and I have about 20 books on peace and justice issues, and I'd love it if people wanted to write to me.
I appreciate you coming on the show, and take care.
Thanks very much, Alex.
All the best.
You bet.
Again, folks, this is just an illustration of what's going on.
The mindset of chanting kill, kill, kill.
Then you try to go out to a demonstration against this war and police and military are together.
Hire provocateurs and attack the crowds.
You starting to get a picture?
We're good to go.
I don't know.
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Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, we've got Paul Watson coming up in the next hour on a host of issues.
Always rapid fire info war.
I know we already have some callers holding.
We'll take calls early in the next hour.
If you want to join us on air, it's 1-800-259-9231.
Coming up, the charmed life of Neil Bush.
This is out of the Washington Post.
Old Bush is a communist Chinese cash machine and well, he admits all the hookers and the high-priced hookers and all the good stuff.
It's good to be the king's brother and the son of the former king.
But again, you've got to be like that to be a Christian conservative now.
If you actually love Jesus, I guess you're a devil according to these people.
If you're not involved in massive gambling debts and
If you're not running around and worshipping Satan at Bohemian Grove publicly or at Skull and Bones, you're not a Christian!
And if you don't like Al Qaeda, you're evil!
You're a liberal!
If you're for guns, you're a liberal!
Again, I'm not being sarcastic now!
That's what they've done here!
It's invasion of the socialist big government, fascist promoting pimps!
You go fascism isn't socialism, it's all command and control, folks.
We have an amalgamation of socialism, communism, fascism with a big fat oligarch sitting up there.
That's the reality.
I got news of the government taking over the media, you name it.
But let me cover this right now.
We'll cover the other stuff with Watson and the Callers in the next hour.
This is from World Net Daily.
Patriot Act used to snag Russia.
And it says it was widely reported as an outrage a use of the USA Patriot Act by the Attorney General John Ashcroft and his Justice Department to go after a crime that had nothing to do with terrorism.
agents considering using Title III, the section, and this is also in the A.P.
folks, of the U.S.A.
Patriot Act that covers money laundering in Operation G-String, an investigation of corrupt allegations against a strip club owner in Las Vegas.
He may have paid off a county commissioner for his zoning.
The agents used Section 314 to seize the financial records of local elected officials the F.B.I.
thought might have taken money from the owner.
That's one of the oldest scams in the book.
Gotta pay your yearly backdoor payoffs to keep your whorehouse going.
That section allows the government to conduct wide-ranging searches of financial institutions in cases involving suspected terror acts, or money laundering, or crimes, they add that, and or, apparently it is the key word in the case.
And it goes on, and it says, uh, now
It's being used against Rush Limbaugh to get his medical records and to do all this.
Isn't that interesting?
Isn't that nice that that is happening to Rush Limbaugh?
I'm actually disgusted by it and they are discussing charging Limbaugh with money laundering as a federal crime.
Radio commentator Rush Limbaugh, for instance, reportedly is being investigated by Palm Beach, Florida authorities for structuring, that is, withdrawing money from his bank account just below the $110,000 threshold under which banks are required to report cash transactions to the government.
There are provisions against structuring in both federal and Florida money laundering laws.
And Limbaugh says he was not laundering, but they may use the subsection of the Patriot Act, Title III, to do that.
And it's a long article, ten pages long, but it gets into all that.
So, there you have it.
We're all terrorists now.
You've got a sad addiction to hillbilly heroin, which is sad, folks.
Understand, I don't use any drugs other than caffeine and occasional cigar, but the point here is, I don't support this phony drug war.
It's a war on your freedoms.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You can call me the gunslinger in the information war.
I'm that machine that keeps on a coming against the evil man.
To defend my family, that means I gotta defend this country and this world by exposing the criminals that run the planet.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We've only got a few days left in this year of 2003.
It is Monday the 29th of December 2003.
Masses of vital news.
The earthquake.
The government being behind the power outage on the east coast a few months ago.
Bush saying we'll legalize anybody that can get here.
Enough plutonium for five bombs missing from England.
Neil Bush with high-dollar whores and on the pay of the commie chi-comps.
MI6 manipulating British media.
It's all coming up in this second hour of worldwide transmission, and I haven't had him on in a few weeks.
Always enjoy having him up.
He's the webmaster for my website, PrisonPlanet.com.
We also have InfoWars.com.
He's Paul Watson, and I respect his insight and research, and we have him on to go over the news with us, whatever's on his mind and what's on my mind, and of course your mind.
We're going to take calls early in this first hour at 1-800-259-9231.
First off, Paul Joseph Watson, author of Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
They're saying that the evidence is clear they're using the Patriot Act to go after Rush Limbaugh now.
What do you think about that?
Well, I mean, do you remember the article out of the Washington Post which came out in November 2001?
And that basically stated that the Bush administration had erected a parallel legal system, which right there told us that any legislation that they would subsequently introduce, and obviously
I don't know.
I don't know.
But now, now it's not just our interpretation of Section 802, now they've been doing it, and even before they passed Patriot Act 2, 2-3 weeks ago, they already implemented it!
And there's even been, as well in Las Vegas, they've been going out and rounding up all these so-called UFO hunters around Area 51 and calling them terrorists as well.
So casting a wide net around anyone, basically, just to set the example of defining anyone which they don't like as a terrorist.
And now, WorldNetDaily, Joseph Farah, is saying that the right-wingers secretly work for Al-Qaeda.
With the leftists, of course.
Anyone who disagrees with the government now has got to be watched.
Well my whole point is this latest thing by Farah
Uh, is, is, is staple.
It's what we saw a few months ago from that Harvard, uh, article, where they had the meeting and said, people that disagree, believe in a new world order, are secretly working for Al-Qaeda.
That's what the leftists are saying, and now Farah says, ooh, we're exposing the leftists, they're with Al-Qaeda, and with the right-wingers.
We also had CNN reporting the same thing, that right-wing groups were working with Al-Qaeda in South America, so it's both from the left and the right that we get this.
And at the same time, we have all the TV shows saying this now.
The 24's and Threat Matrixes.
Very interesting.
We'll go over this and a lot more.
And take your calls on the other side of this quick break.
Everybody, strap yourselves in, because we're in liftoff.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
One of the final broadcasts of this year.
It is the 29th.
We've got Paul Watson online with us coming up the next segment.
We will go to your calls, my friends, at 800-259-9231.
For those that are patiently holding and want to get involved on air.
All right, some of the news is coming up.
We're going to get into the earthquake.
We're going to get into the Mad Cow Disease, which they've been covering up for a long time.
We're going to get into masses of uranium, plutonium missing all over the world.
Army stops many soldiers from quitting.
The draft is already in, folks.
Islam's unholy alliance with neo-Nazis, leftists, western-made terrorist plot joining Al-Qaeda and Red Jihad.
Well, you have to understand, when they say Neo-Nazi, they mean someone who fights Nazis.
I don't know about Farah's definition, but every time some group's been called Nazis, it turns out they're some decent organization, but real Nazis are funded and loved and cared for, just like the black racist and the Mexican racist and all the rest of the race groups.
Also, court sentenced members of neo-Nazi band to prison.
And again, remember, the top Nazi group in Berlin, it turned out, was founded by MI6 in the 60s.
And we'll go back over that.
Again, you take their right to speech, and they're going to take everybody's right.
Also, from Global Research, the Pentagon declares war on America by Frank Morales.
I'm going to be getting him back up on the air.
Bremer rejects Blair's Weapon of Mass Destruction claim.
They can't even get their lies
Straight now, Paul Bremer, the head minion over in Iraq over Chalibi, the torture master, is saying Blair made it up about the weapons stuff.
Boone County waits on paperless voting machines.
Good news as the fraud of the electronic voting machines begins to come out.
The UN wants to inspect Brazil's nuclear plants now.
Also, Iraq Council flexes muscles, doesn't follow US orders.
That's total propaganda.
A lot of other key news here that, believe me, you do not want to miss, like immigration reform.
Bush will legalize anybody that can get to our borders.
That's the official plan.
More on the bombings that have been taking place.
Romano Prati got a firebomb sent to him.
Also, a big news article that we'll cover second here with our guest.
Revealed how MI6 sold the Iraq War, planning false news stories just like our Pentagon Office of Deception or Strategic Information, as they call it.
But first off with Paul Watson.
Paul, two, three weeks ago, two and a half weeks ago when they caught Saddam,
You said, give it time, we'll see what develops.
They always lie, they're probably lying here.
It's come out clear evidence that the Kurds have said, we had already had him captured.
We have the colonel admitting that, telling his troops to stage everything.
We have all this stuff swirling around.
Now there's been new developments.
Give us a synopsis, the history of the Saddam capture and the newest info.
Well, as you mentioned, I said on the show a couple of weeks ago now that proof would emerge, as it always does in these situations, which would be smoking gun evidence to verify the official story behind the capture of Saddam and the fact that it basically was a lie.
And now it's confirmed, as we speculated on the show at the time, that he was captured by Kurdish militia and kept prisoner before
We're good to go.
We're good to go.
If left unharvested dates slowly ripen to a firmness like that of ripe apples to a softer, ever more sugary consistency.
In fact, if left alone they'll basically drop off the tree and you do not find ripe dates in December hanging from a date palm.
In the Denton Record Chronicle we also had the quote from that which told us that
Quote, a bountiful date harvest is one of the few things about being in Iraq, few good things about being in Iraq during the searing month of August.
So there are no ripe dates in Iraq in December.
And we've checked into that, there is no species or subspecies of date that is in medium ripeness or the yellow area right before full ripeness.
The dates were all on the ground months ago they weren't harvested.
And furthermore, as you mentioned, we posted the video from CNN which showed the commander of the raid, Colonel Hickley, telling the troops which found Saddam, quote, nobody mentions anything and that Saddam was literally hiding in a hole like a pig.
Now as I wrote,
It sounds to me that Hickey is giving them what turned out to be the official story before warning them to shut up about what really happened.
And we have that video clip on PrisonPlanet.com.
When you watch it, he's giving them the story, and there's more to this.
You know, we had them telling Saddam.
This is all on the record, folks.
This is all on the record.
Telling Saddam, we're going to let you leave the country.
He says, okay, I'll take it, two months before.
Then Bush, the headline, Bush tells him, no amnesty, you know, you can't leave.
Then Rumsfeld brags, we've paid off the Republican Guard, we've paid off the army groups.
Then they admit they're on the ground, Delta Force and MI6 and SAS, paying everybody off in gold and euros and dollars.
Saddam's going to go to the airport, be flown out to Belarus.
Some of his wives and girlfriends are flown out to other countries.
That's all admitted.
Then suddenly this guy with this beard that would take 6-8 months to grow pops up and then Australian reporters get in there, say that he's now got photos of it.
Injection ports on his arms to inject him with drugs.
He's totally drugged out, looks half beaten to death.
This is all servicing.
They say that they were holding him at the Baghdad airport.
That's where Bush lands.
It gets weirder and weirder and weirder.
Yeah, I mean, you can watch the video right now, it's right at the top right-hand side of Prison Planet.
The question is, why would Hickey need to tell them that he was found literally hiding in the hole if they had found him, the troops that he was talking to?
I mean, they would already know this, so he's obviously giving them the official version of events.
Everybody stay quiet, here's where, the way it went down, we found him in that hole.
You hear me?
Yeah, and that's exactly what he said.
Nobody mentions anything.
So it's just like the Jessica Lynch fable.
The official story is, again, a scripted lie, and yet most Americans will go on believing it.
And it gets worse.
We're talking ABC News, Australia.
Not here.
Australia admitting, yeah, it's official.
Our allies had him, you know, a long time before.
This was all staged.
But here, the average person, it's a conspiracy theory.
Yeah, it also came out in the Sydney Morning Herald.
It's like the biggest newspaper in Australia, so everybody knows it there, and yet it's not picked up in the American media.
And again, we've got today out of the London Times, basically the government admitting that they'd started a program called Operation Mass Appeal in the months before the war, which planted fake news stories about how Saddam had weapons of mass destruction, what they'd do.
Which is what the Pentagon Office, they announced a year and a half ago, said they would do.
Yeah, I mean, they said they would lie in foreign media, and the first lie was that the Office of Strategic Deception didn't exist, and obviously that was the first lie that they told.
They announced, we're going to be lying to you, the first story.
We are not going to do that now.
So they admit that they liked us, and then they say, well, why would we do that?
Lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, lying, planting articles.
How do we believe anything, Paul?
Explain to folks how we get this synthesis, how we're so accurate, how I'm so accurate, because we really are, because we have the big picture, we see the road map, we understand the systems.
Explain to folks how they can enlighten themselves, turn their brains on to do that.
Well, the process is... I mean, a lot of people occasionally catch the news and they catch the big headlines, whereas we're tracking the news every single day, so we get basically the reverb from all the big stories, and time and again, all the major stories which break turn out later to be scripted or false.
I mean, we can take another example.
We've got the Orange Alert going on at the moment, issued in a blaze of fear-mongering.
And today, the British government basically claimed yesterday that there was a plan to fly two small planes with explosives into a large British Airways plane out of Saudi Arabia, and that the Saudi authorities had seized the two planes and arrested the suicide pilots.
Now, both British Airways and the Saudi authorities have come out today and said that no such arrest took place, and they have no idea what the British are talking about.
Also, the French said it was totally fake, totally made up, all those shutdowns.
The governor of Nevada says it was all fake.
That's the Associated Press.
It's all propaganda.
Now, we're not saying they're not going to, you know, fly another plane into a building, or blow up another skyscraper.
Oh, they'll do that, don't worry.
But the point is, a year ago they got caught scripting alerts to, quote, create hysteria.
Yeah, the FBI agents came out and said that very thing.
I mean, the initial reason for this orange alert was an ABC News report which said that a female suicide bomber was targeting New York, and the London Times came out the day after and said that it basically was a false report.
As you mentioned, whenever we talk about fake terror alerts, we get to mention the quote from the Washington Times last year.
It's amazing, folks.
Think for yourselves.
Think for yourselves.
We'll come back, take calls, cover more news.
Stay with us.
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Alright folks, we're about to go to your calls.
I'm Alex Jones, Paul Watson's our guest.
Coming up, more on MI6.
Manipulating the British news media.
Our government's been caught doing it.
Do you realize how big a deal this is?
And on Joseph Farah putting out what I would call Bill Clinton-type propaganda.
It's amazing stuff.
That's going to be here on the show.
Also, I want to get into the missing plutonium and uranium and the mad cow and all the rest of it.
But right now, let's go to the calls.
Manuel from Pennsylvania, you're our first caller.
Go ahead.
Yes, I just want to call in and tell you guys, we're definitely making a dent.
And for everybody out there who really lives this, all we've got to do is keep doing this because I no longer consider it a coincidence when a topic is talked about.
You guys better wake up.
That's all.
You guys better wake up.
It's actually going on and it's actually happening.
And we're not conspiracy theorists.
I mean, come on.
It's actual facts and documentation we deal with here.
Well, that's true.
Unfortunately, I wish this was a conspiracy theory.
This is documented.
I mean, they admit they lie to us.
They plant false news stories.
I mean, why would we live this life thinking it was entertainment?
You'd have to be an absolute nut to dive into this world knowing what's going on in reality and actually standing up to it.
This is not something that is fun.
It's rewarding.
It's absolute, yes.
But it's not fun.
It's not entertainment.
It's work.
And it's life.
Paul, comments to what Manuel was saying?
Well, Manuel was saying how the mainstream media often have to counter offensive the stories that we're putting out.
I mean, this is one of the reasons why we get these scripted alerts.
They're not only to fearmonger, but also to distract from sensitive issues.
One of which, no doubt, was the phony story behind the Sudan capture.
Each time there's a counter offensive which shows that the real impact that we're having day-to-day on these issues.
I'd like to make one last point.
If you'd watch the news decisively, you fools out there, you'd notice.
And I'm talking to the people who won't believe this and think we're conspiracy theorists.
The news only operates on buzzwords, on an emotional strata.
They deal with nothing intellectual.
They don't deal with research.
They deal with emotions.
They deal with...
That's what they call box forest.
They play with your feelings.
Well, Manuel, I agree with you, but let's be clear.
The dominant Michael Jackson story, or the Kobe Bryant story, or the Ilya Gonzalez story, that's a big emotional smoke screen.
What you call the news, real stuff will come out in the Associated Press or Reuters, but it's the back of the paper, and the average person never even hears about it.
Right, I'm talking about the theatrical, prepared, operational psyops mechanism that they portray on television.
That's what I'm talking about.
Your Fox News, CNN, CBS... I agree with you, Manuel.
Thanks for the call.
And earlier I was saying, you know, how do we have this long-term view?
Why are we so accurate?
I mean, myself, Paul and others.
Because we don't get off into conspiracy theories.
We understand the globalist agenda.
We understand the way they like to lie, how they like to twist, how they like to manipulate it.
And we have a long-term memory, so we're able to put all of this together cogently.
And that's the key.
But if you want to know how the media lies, this is how they do it.
Okay, the top screen voting companies, it's proven, are CIA run.
They're manipulating elections while they happen.
They've been caught all over the country doing it.
It's a total scam.
We're actually losing our right to vote.
You hear about it in your newspaper as a glitch, a problem.
Boy, how are they going to fix it, see?
And then we simply go, oh, here's the head engineer at Diebold who quit, who says it's all a fraud.
That's in some, you know, newspaper in Ohio, mainstream interviewing him, but by the time it gets to your paper, it's, oh, there's a glitch, they're fixing it.
Paul Watson?
Another thing to remember about the mainstream media, and I get this a lot, is people say, well, if you say you document your work with mainstream media, but on the other hand you also say that mainstream media lies, then how can you back up your argument?
And that's the point.
The stuff that we point out is in the back of the paper.
It's at the end of the news headlines.
It's never the top story.
Or it's the retraction later.
That, oh, we lied to you.
And see, we'll go actually read the bill, and thousands of researchers will, and point out stuff in bills, and we'll go look at it, and we'll talk about it.
That's how we knew two-plus years ago that Patriot Act would be used on all citizens for all crimes.
Because it said it would do it, Paul.
Yeah, and I mean, they only give you one dot, and all we do is take all the dots together and connect them up.
It's a simple task.
It is, folks.
I mean, they want you to be just on the surface, never feeling it in the back of your brain, never really getting it in your guts, okay?
It's all just like it's entertainment, just splashes of news.
We go behind that.
We'll be right back.
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The Empire's on the run.
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Alright folks, going back to your calls.
I normally get the calls in the first hour, but we have a guest star in the first hour.
Now another guest in this hour, Paul Watson riding shotgun with us, as he does every couple of weeks.
1-800-259-9231 if you want to comment on any of the issues or news articles we've raised here.
And there's so much corruption, so much evil, that I hate to just glaze over these particular articles.
Patriot Act being used to go after Rush Limbaugh, MI6 admittedly manipulating British media, planning fake news stories, a mad cow disease, the government covering that up.
All of this is so incredibly important.
Let's go back to calls.
Let's talk to Joe in New York.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi.
Good day, gentlemen.
I've been reading a lot on the UCC code.
I just actually ordered cracking the code.
And as far as the governor's control is concerned, there's been a lot of collateral, correct?
So basically, they destroyed a whole bunch of collateral on 9-11.
And from what I see, they're passing all these laws to fill their prisons with more collateral.
Well, I mean, it's certainly physical destruction of... Joe, hold on.
Pardon me?
Well, let's go ahead and let Joe go.
I think he's having a conversation with somebody else.
Joe, I...
It's saying that we have collateral, or that the globalists carried out 9-11 somehow to make money off the rebuilding.
I mean, that's microscopic compared to the big scale PNAC, the think tank that Bush had formed
Before 9-11, the Project for an American Century said why they wanted terror attacks, and that was to galvanize us for imperial mobilization.
Brzezinski said the same thing in 97, and the founder of the Trilateral Commission was David Rockefeller, but so did Pinak.
That it was about getting oil, but setting the precedent to invade other countries, using Iraq as a military base, weapons sales, and a political smokescreen to set up a police state here domestically.
Paul comments.
Well, yeah, the caller mentioned the destruction of certain things within the World Trade Center.
Obviously, it's a wider picture, but they do try to kill a number of birds with one stone.
I mean, we know there were records related to Waco, Ruberidge, and so forth in the towers.
And people say, well, if the towers were brought down by explosives, then how did they get them in?
Well, in the book, I go into the eyewitness testimony, which came out of the BBC report, which stated that
There were a series of unannounced and unexpected drills in the World Trade Center the weeks before 9-11 whereby everybody would be evacuated out of the towers and this had never happened before and so obviously that gave them the perfect chance to plant these explosives and yes that is one reason that there were things within those towers which they wanted destroyed so it's killing a number of birds with one stone basically.
Yeah, the Globalists only move on an operation unless it covers almost every area of their agenda and forwards that.
Ed in Utah, you're on the air, go ahead.
Well, thanks a lot, Alex.
Listen, Michael Piper from the American Free Press has done a lot of work on connecting 9-11, Oklahoma bombing, the 1993 Trade Towers, and several other incidents in an amazing speech, an historic speech he wrote last March, and I think he could join in with Mr. Watson here and really connect some other dots.
I called you about something that's been on my chest.
I want to get off here, Alex, concerning Christmas.
As you know, Clear Channel is owned by a group of people behind Henry Kissinger.
And they not just manipulate the news and all that through talk media, but also music.
And it was a disgusting display of so-called Christmas music that those pukes put out over America's airwaves.
Well, for those that don't know, Clear Channel has a playlist where the word peace wasn't to be allowed on any of their stations the last two years.
That's official news, folks!
They don't even want you to hear the word peace!
Right, and they don't want the Prince of Peace talked about, and when you put that together with the fact that... Did you notice we heard Happy Hanukkah almost as much as Christmas?
And I've got reports from around the country that marquees on the interstate highways clear down in Florida were saying Happy Holidays.
So it's Happy Holidays, no Christmas, no reference to Christ.
Or Happy Kwanzaa, which is made up.
Well Alex, one last thing.
I don't know if you heard this, maybe I missed this if you talked about it, but you know a lot of us wondered why George Bush of course, even for show, didn't back Judge Moore there in Alabama.
And we had a lot of Jewish lawyers that launched that whole thing with the Anti-Defamation League against Judge Moore.
It turns out now that George Bush has offered a judgeship
To that turncoat, Mr. Pryor, that betrayed both Bob James, the good governor that stood by Judge Moore years ago, and he also, Mr. Pryor, stabbed Judge Moore in the back.
George Bush is secretly offering him, or quietly offering him, a judgeship.
Well, it's not quietly happening.
That's been in the news.
And Bush says he wants anybody who can get here to be legalized.
If you can get here, you're legal.
And he wants to sign the assault weapons ban.
I mean, across the board.
Of course he turned his back on Moore.
Yeah, the quiet is coming from his surrogate mouthpieces, those neocons that would not connect the dots to that fact that Bush is behind the silencing of our prayers in school.
He's behind his Ten Commandments desecration.
He is behind gun control with the Tom Bean case.
He is for the pro-homo rights there, continuing Bill Clinton's Washington, D.C.
same-sex employee benefits.
This is a charlatan that the naive Christian conservative has to wake up to, and I appreciate the work you're doing, Alex.
Hey, I want to thank you for the call.
Paul Watson comments to what Ed had to say.
Well, on the Christmas point, basically, and we see this across the board, not just to do with Christmas, it's about taking Christ out of Christmas.
I mean, we had numerous stories about how Christmas cards couldn't display Nativity scenes, office decorations couldn't display any images of Jesus.
I don't think so.
We're good.
You know, they've got the Jewish symbols in there.
Everything's okay, but Christianity.
Yeah, I mean even the official Christmas card of Britain put out by the Culture Department had every image of every ethnic race and all their daubings, but nothing to do with Christianity, and Britain's still supposed to be a largely Christian country, so they're removing Christianity from culture and replacing it with this pagan ethic, which is the same thing that's happening in churches.
It's unbelievable.
Let's talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey guys, I wanted to call in a couple days ago.
Now that we've got Comrade Farah, there was this Heritage Foundation.
I don't know if you've done any investigating on it.
It's kind of like the Pew Charitable Trusts, you know?
They're creating all these World Trade Organization documentaries on PBS.
There's another one, the head of the Spy Museum gave an interview on Wired Magazine.
That the reason we haven't had any terrorist attacks is because Fatherland Security has been on the job.
They haven't even been set up and established until just a few months ago.
But yet that's why, and now there's another thing in the memory hole.
Farah and Simpleton and all the rest of them are claiming that Saddam Hussein and Al-Syedah claimed responsibility for this.
That's the whole idea of terrorism, is if you don't get the credit for it, you don't get your objective met.
It's like robbing a bank and leaving the money.
There's no point.
No one claimed responsibility for September 11th, and Oswald Bin Laden denied responsibility.
But now, they've totally forgotten that.
It's really annoying me, you know?
And then they talk about arresting those that have any terrorist ties, so that means county commissioners and popless bars in Rush Limbaugh, obviously not terrorists, love them, hate them, whatever, not terrorists, but that's their new definition.
And at the same time, I mean, here's the article, Islam's, and thanks for the call, Rob, and I'm going to get Watson's comment on this, Islam's unholy alliance with neo-Nazis and leftists.
Western-Made Terrorist Plot Joining Al-Qaeda in Red Jihad!
Western-Made Terrorists, motivated by Marxist, Anarchist, and Neo-Nazi ideology, are forming alliances with the Jihadists and are planning copycat-style attacks and others utilizing funding from Islamists, according to intelligence sources, reports Jezefera.
Now, notice that we have the dramas, the 24's, the Threat Matrix, all these different shows where that's it, the right-winger that talks about the Constitution and gun rights is secretly a Nazi who secretly works for Al-Qaeda and has a nuclear bomb under his arm.
And Harvard was saying this a few months ago, those that talk about not liking the UN or the New World Order, they said this,
Was in the Harvard Newspaper, at a big symposium, and this was the leftist all saying this, are secretly Al-Qaeda!
Constitution is code for this!
While old line non-Muslim terrorists seem to have been in hibernation since September 11th, they are waking up to the need to act!
So they've gotten all their Patriot Act passed now.
Now it can be the next phase is the evil right-wingers.
Availability of funds from Osama Bin Laden.
Oh yes, from Al Qaeda.
Yes, they're being funded.
And similar jihadist groups according to the premium, premium online newsletter.
Danger spots were recently identified in Europe, Asia, and North America.
And it goes on to talk about sleeper terror groups are careful not to deal directly with money laundering, drug dealing, organized crime.
This is due in part to ideological beliefs, but more because of the need to keep a low profile away from the eyes of law enforcement.
So, Paul, and the article goes on and on, we just have these evil right-winger leftists everywhere.
So now we have the left and the right both saying the same thing.
It's these evil right-wingers, they're really funded by Al-Qaeda.
Well, yeah, I mean, we covered the articles out of Germany where there was a big court case.
I don't know.
I think so.
I don't know.
And then in reality, they never left it because under Bush it radically expanded the FEMA training that all Christians are terrorists, the Founding Fathers are bad, homeschoolers are enemies, maybe Al Qaeda controlled, those that say they're defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are terrorists.
I mean, we have the video, the training manuals, the news articles, and they've been very careful with their Padilla and others to grab people
And try to create this illusion, you know, they were so desperate, out of millions of people, they found one idiot.
The American Taliban.
Remember, where is he now?
And then here's World Net Daily.
Over three years, scores of Europeans, Americans, and Asians have been trained in Arab terror bases in Lebanon, Syria, Sudan, Libya, and Iraq.
A number of those were later involved in attacks on international air travel, including airports.
Meanwhile, Marxist terror and guerrilla attacks in Latin America and Asia have never ended.
I mean, this is a joke!
This is a joke!
We have the articles where in 99, 2000 in England, the U.S., there were these terror camps run by the U.S.
government with all these Arabs and white guys out there.
It's all CIA, folks, Paul!
Well, you mentioned the poster boys that they put up there, the Padilla and the Mussoie.
Both the Padilla and Mussoie trials collapsed because both those individuals sought testimony from these so-called captured Al-Qaeda members and when the government refused to produce them because it turned out they hadn't actually caught them, both trials collapsed and so it's all built on a foundation of complete fabrication in the first place.
Here's an important question.
They'll announce they arrested an Al-Qaeda leader three or four times.
Then it turns out they were dead years ago or still alive or CIA and released.
This is all admitted.
How do they get away with that?
Is it that people just don't have a memory?
Why would they use the same person?
Why would they say they caught somebody three times every few months announcing it again with no retractions or no discussion?
Are they just setting the precedent to just spew unbelievable lies and then have those accepted?
Well yeah, I mean it's like 500 terrorist suspects supposedly arrested in England and they raided inner city communities and so forth.
By a week later every single one had been released apart from two which had some minor visa violations but the public only remember the first story which was top of the headlines for three days that there was this massive raid of terrorist suspects
Then the release of all of them is quietly reported, you know, a week later.
It doesn't even make it on the evening news.
So it's just this initial impact.
I mean, it's the same thing which they use with all the terrorist attacks they pull out.
They just bring out the patsy that receives attention.
It becomes the official story.
And then when the evidence doesn't back it up, no one cares anymore because it's been ingrained into them by the impact of the initial declaration.
Well that's really the tactic is it's Lee Harvey Oswald and then they kill him and 40 years later 92% of us know the government killed him but no one's held accountable.
It's like LBJ, the audio tape two months ago released from down the street from me at the LBJ Law Library, Presidential Library, and it comes out with the audio tape of him going, yeah, it was all fake, but I'll still argue with some idiot who's emailing me saying Gulf of Tonkin was real!
I mean, I just, there's no way to deal with ignorance of this level.
Well, it's like the Fatih Bin Laden video that they put out two months after September 11th, when Bin Laden himself, two days after, came out in Pakistan's biggest newspaper and said, basically, I've got nothing to do with this.
And then they put out this video, you know, screen it.
Um, in the middle of New York and everything on the big screen with this fat bin Laden accepting responsibility when it's not him.
You just have to look at the nose and it's not his facial.
And later they admitted, okay, it wasn't real.
Then they announced new bin Laden tapes released two or three times.
Turns out they're compilations of old videos and then that's the back of the paper.
We've got an entire archive on PrisonPlanet.com of all these faked arrests where, I mean, the guy who was supposedly planning to blow up the Brooklyn Bridge turned out to be an FBI informant, had no plans to do so, and wouldn't have been able to do so anyway.
It's not logical.
Stay there!
More calls, more news coming up.
Stay with us.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
I think?
I think so.
We're good to go.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, my friends.
Central time, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here live.
We're about to go to a caller from Denmark.
Got a couple callers, a caller from Denmark, Jim in Colorado, and many others that are patiently holding.
The total free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
In the next hour, I want to get back into the Mad Cow and really how widespread is it?
I want to get into The Open Borders, a host of other key news items we've already covered quite a bit, but you'll want to stay with us for the third hour.
Also, the man who's joining us, Paul Joseph Watson, has written an amazing book that deserves to be read and researched and studied.
It's Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order.
It's 1995, 330-something pages long.
50 or 60, I don't know, there's quite a few documents and photos and bills and graphs in the book.
It covers the government-sponsored terror, the New World Order, all their different lies.
He had a second copy to give as a gift for $11.95 when you buy one.
It's an amazing book, I published it, Paul wrote it, I'm really proud of it, and it deserves to be seen and read, so please order it, and please give it to friends and family.
Also, I've made Matrix of Evil with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.
The film has Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, myself, gets into the New World Order, tons of solutions, the coming depression that's being engineered, how globalists run Washington.
You want to wake somebody up, this video will do it.
There's Police State, three total enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Masters of Terror.
They're all great films.
I also carry the Loss of Liberty video about the USS Liberty and that government-sponsored terror.
I carry Eric Huffman's new video, Painful Deceptions.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
And I want you, when you get the videos, to make copies of them.
To give them to your friends and family.
To give them to public officials.
To opinion makers.
It's having a huge effect when you get the films and make those copies.
Thousands of films turn into millions of films out there in people's hands.
253-3139 or just write to me and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100 Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait, take action now.
We can't expose these murderers.
Let's talk to Malta in Denmark and Jim and others.
Go ahead Malta.
Hello, I want to talk about two things.
I want to comment about
About the Kennedy Assassins.
You're probably reading a lot of books about him.
I don't know if you understand how powerful these guys are.
You're very angry.
I'm too, but... They're covering everything up.
You cannot expect to expose them for a couple of months.
Well, their program's gotten so overt, they expose themselves almost purposely.
It's just the lying has gotten so ridiculous.
What are you getting at, Malta?
What do you mean?
About the murder on Kennedy?
I read David's book about the murder.
David Icke's book.
Well... This is a ritual murder.
The murder on Kennedy should be a ritual murder.
Yeah, they did that with Diana, but I don't normally get into that level of it, just the eyewitnesses that say the government killed him.
Paul Watson, comments?
Well, if anyone wants more evidence on the Kennedy assassination, then they can go to the audio archives of PrisonPlanet.com, where Alex has interviewed with the father of the White House Press Secretary, where he laid out everything beforehand, which they were all talking about, you know, Kennedy won't be a problem tomorrow, yet more evidence on top of what we've already got.
Yeah, and they will be exposed, Malta.
92% of Americans, up from 82% a year ago, believe the government killed Kennedy.
I mean, the globalists are in deep trouble, Malta.
Don't let them get you down.
We'll be back in the third hour.
Stay with us.
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We're good.
Big Brother!
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're now into the third and final hour of this December 29th, 2003 global transmission against tyranny.
Human beings are having the blinders taken off, minds are being freed at record levels.
I'm joined by my good buddy, a great researcher, a man I respect, Paul Joseph Watson, the webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com, the editor of PrisonPlanet.com, the author of Warner out of Chaos, elite sponsored terror, and the New World Order.
I do have a bunch of news on Mad Cow, government sponsored terror, you name it, in this third hour.
And Paul, I want to get back into that
That uh... government press conference where it came out about the government testing a magnetic pulse weapon back at the end of the summer, right below the day of the big power outage.
I want to talk about that as well.
I want to take a lot of calls this hour.
We even have a few lines open, a rarity here.
The toll free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Paul, I want to go to this call here in a second, but what are we going to hear when you get into this press conference that's been almost completely ignored, considering, concerning the power outage?
Well, the press conference itself was called the Task Force Interim Report.
There's basically the official conference after the blackout of this past summer and it came out that the HAARP system was actually turned on at 4pm on August 14th, which was just 11 minutes before the blackout occurred.
And by the way, the conference, the scientists, they bring this up.
It's not us bringing this up.
People saw the Doppler radar, saw the satellite photos.
There was a giant pulse a second before the power outage.
And there was a military operation announced two days before called Determined Promise 2003.
Also reported were chemtrails above the area where the blackout first occurred in the minutes before as well.
So we've got all this on top of each other.
I mean, we know that they've had these systems in place.
And we can look at the Iran earthquake and see the same thing.
What most people don't know is that there have been 10 major earthquakes since December 21st, including the ones in Iran and California.
Now obviously earthquakes happen on their own and we go through cycles, but when you have bills talking about seismic weapons and using
Spray in the clouds to resonate the harp signal.
We're talking about incredible power that can tip an earthquake in one direction or the other.
Well, we can also look at the comments of former Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, who said at a press conference in April 1997, quote, Others are engaging in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
Well, we just lost Paul Watson.
Mark, will you get him back on for us?
That was interesting.
Yes, we've compiled a lot of this on the website, creating a section on it.
Sounds unbelievable folks, but we're in 2003, and we do have the government saying that they were involved in the power outage.
Now I know HAARP can do that, and I know that they just announced that they were going to quadruple the power supply of HAARP about two months ago.
And that was a government announcement.
We have that posted as well.
So we'll be right back after this quick break.
We'll go to Jim in Colorado and others that are patiently holding.
You want to comment on the chemtrails, on the mad cow, on the lying media, on the Patriot Act may be used, it is being used against Rush Limbaugh.
I mean, this is insane.
We'll talk about all of it on the other side.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
We disagree with something we've said.
You have us a call as well, or you have a comment, a question, piece of news we haven't covered, 800-259-9231.
Websites are InfoWars.com, short for Information War, and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're trying to stop Earth from being a prison planet.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
My friends, the norm in the world is that despotic king rats, dictators, oligarchs,
Dominate populations, dumb them down, feed upon them because it's their very ruthless, sadistic nature.
Somehow we've been convinced that governments all-knowing, all-loving would never do any wrong.
We chronicle their crimes that are as voluminous as the fish in the sea, the stars in the sky.
They're more apt to be abusive and criminal than the general public statistics show.
Whether it's Child Protective Services, five times more likely to abuse children than anyone else in the population.
But we make them the arbiters and the controllers and get rid of due process.
The CIA!
Statistically more apt to carry out terror attacks, deal drugs, murder for hire.
We make them the bosses.
FBI caught running scams at FBI crime labs, murder for hire, drug dealing, prostitution, everything else, money laundering, gambling, organized crime.
We put them in charge.
We sit here like idiots.
You've got to restrict the size of government knowing government is always going to be criminal to a certain degree so it can't abuse you on a wide scale.
We've forgotten that.
We haven't been taught our Bill of Rights or Constitution to be able to forget it, many of us.
We have to relearn it or learn it for the first time.
And we've been lied to on so many issues.
The globalists will do the most evil things you can imagine to the point you stop them.
To the point you say no.
To the point you stop being sheep.
Paul Watson is joining us.
Let's go to these calls.
We'll go to Jim and Ed and Dick and Chris and John.
Who's up first, Mark?
Okay, so Jim, I was about to go to you and you hung up.
Let's talk to Ed in New York.
Ed, you're on the air.
Thank you, thank you Alex.
Great show.
I want to ask you a question about the mad cow disease.
In the 80's, I guess it was in Europe, 145 people died of the disease.
More than that, people died in the 80s, the 90s, they kept it quiet until just about... I just got finished reading a really quick book called Deadly Feast by Richard Rhodes.
Now, which is very interesting, because I would really like to know, if people are saying, like, I'm looking at the Troy, the front cover of the Troy now, it says, a meat from infected cow, now in stores.
But it's saying that the USDA is asserting that there's no zero risk.
Now, are you kidding me?
How could, you know, now they're saying that they're going to recall the meat.
Now, if they're saying that the only way you can get the infection is through eating the actual brains and spinal cords, then there should be no problem then.
When they talk, notice that they say, almost no risk.
Let's expand upon that.
Because stuff is so deadly that when they're butchering it, a drop of juice
I don't think so.
These taco shops where they ground up basically the whole cow and put it into there, or the little weenies that you buy.
That's where the danger is.
But understand, this is a government that said there was no mad cow in this country.
I've seen dozens and dozens and dozens of reports where they find mad cow and a day later say, oh, it was a false alarm.
The question we have to ask is, why now are they announcing something we already knew about?
And why did they say it was safe and hadn't been shipped out?
Now we find eight states and several countries.
Paul Watson comments.
Well yeah, you mentioned all this mad cow thing that's basically been rumbling on for years and they've only chosen to bring it out now.
One of the reasons is that they've recently been pushing in the last few months this mandatory tracking of all livestock via RFID tags which of course were open at Pandora's Box of Government Restriction and Control, so I mean that's one of the agendas, but we know the agenda because we've seen them pull this before.
In any country, one of the biggest fail-safes between government having total control over the people is the
What's the first thing the Chinese did, the first thing the communist
Russians did.
You get people off the land.
You create big agribusiness.
You centralize the control.
And Paul, you have a government that quietly admitted four years ago that they released foot and mouth.
That was admitted, but again, the back of the paper.
Well, as you mentioned, this is exactly what Stalin did.
Basically, he settled the corporate government access where the farmers become employees of the government.
And in Britain, four years ago, the government already had the wood piers set up weeks before the foot-and-mouth disease mysteriously appeared.
Then it came out that environmentalists had stolen it from Porton Down Bioweapons Facility, which is obviously impossible because that site is ringed by armed guards and 50-foot electric fences.
So the government released the disease and then told farmers that they couldn't restock their sheep and that basically wiped out half of the British farming community in one fell swoop.
So it remains to be seen how bad they allow this mad cow scare to proliferate, but the agenda remains the same.
It's a direct attack on the backbone of the nation.
It's exactly what Stalin did.
And understand that big agribusiness wants this.
More regulation will put the small time operator out of business and will centralize.
It's like Tyson Chicken can have 1,322 violations at one plant, their competitor has 2 and is shut down.
And obviously it will also pave the way for the widespread introduction of GM foods.
I mean, the European Union... Oh, by the way, that's the new solution.
They say they have a genetically engineered cow that can eat meat, the South Koreans, and it's already being introduced into our stock.
So now we're going to have it... Oh, well, this cow's just from a clone.
Its genetics were mated with this, so now it's safe.
And I mean, with the fishing industry as well, you've got the European Union trying to do the same thing by regulating how many fishing patrols fishermen in Scotland can go on each week, even though it will basically cripple industry in the name of saving the supposedly endangered fish.
So again, it's all about big centralization and big agribusiness taking control.
I wanted to ask the gentleman in England, is it a big delicacy to eat brains in Europe?
Cow brains?
Not cow brains, no, not that I'm aware of.
Maybe in places like China.
Right, exactly, but that's interesting because it's going around that these people that died from their cow disease actually ate brains.
Look, here's the deal.
Let's say you buy...
One of those roast beef sandwiches of a lower grade place.
Well, that's reconstituted.
They take a ground up cow, put it together, shoot it out of a machine, make it look like roast beef, but it's reconstituted.
That's the problem.
There are hundreds of these different meats and fast food and stuff that's sold on store shelves and different types of little things you eat and pizza toppings.
The coatings on pills too have a gelatin that's from the cow.
Yeah, that's it.
And so to say it's not a problem, it's amazing.
Thanks for the call.
You're welcome.
Let's take more calls.
Let's talk to Dick in Indiana.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
You have Alex?
Okay, I'm a little bit confused.
I've been taping you for quite a few years.
Can't have it both ways, Alex.
You say on the tape that no man's fathered any time.
And I just wondered about the scenario out in the desert.
I kind of think that was a staged event.
Like problem, reaction, solution.
Well, what I mean was, uh, when, you know, you and Tex are good friends, and, uh, I kind of believe almost everything Tex Moss says, and, uh,
Well, let me just stop you for a second.
This is an important call.
Don't hang up until we're done, okay?
I mean, there are people that say that I'm a Assad agent.
There are people that say I'm a secret Nazi.
There are people that say I secretly work for the Pope.
There are people that say, you know what?
Number one, that's ridiculous.
I'm a guy from Texas who woke up to the New World Order and is defending my family and standing up against the New World Order.
I have a rabbi on.
It doesn't mean I'm Jewish.
I have a Catholic priest on.
It doesn't mean I'm Catholic.
I have a Baptist preacher on.
It doesn't mean I'm a Baptist.
And I don't agree with everything that my guests or people say on this show.
So, to sit there and go, well, I heard something bad about Tex, and well, I wonder about you.
Are you bad?
I mean, I'm really confused, sir.
I put out the info.
I talk about the New World Order.
It's up to you to research what I'm saying and to decide what you're going to do.
But I'm going to tell you right now.
That I am someone who spends every waking hour thinking about fighting the New World Order and how to do that.
And I'm very confused by just foggy, well I think these troops chanting kill in front of the church could be staged.
Well I don't, because everywhere I go I see troops, I see COINTELPRO, I see militarization of police.
And I told you six, seven years ago they were getting rid of posse comitatus, now they announce it in the news.
So stay there, we'll try to figure this out.
But I mean, we have a track record!
Get my first film I made in 97!
It's more pertinent today!
In 2003!
We're the real deal, judge the fruits!
Late summer, 2003.
Mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002?
I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001?
You heard the same thing.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, currently trading in a 93 to 9400 range, is down 7% from two years ago.
That's recovery?
Gold, now trading in the $360 range, is up 31% in that same period.
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My friends, everybody heard me ask Dick in Indiana to stay there.
We're about to go to Chris and John and Rick and Jeff and others.
He didn't.
He didn't hold over.
He's been listening to my show for years.
And he heard some kook say something bad about Tex Mars or myself and so he suddenly believes it.
Now if you hear me criticizing somebody in the quote Patriot or Libertarian or Christian Freedom Movement, I'll criticize them for what they have said or done.
And I normally try to stay away from that period.
The New World Order is a big enough problem to deal with.
I mean, there's a guy who likes to attack me almost every day, who gets on the air and says he doesn't think Jesus is the Son of God, he doesn't think the Bible's real, and you still love him, because you're a good Christian.
There's people that that's all they do, is attack other people who are fighting the New World Order.
You notice I get all hyped up about fighting the globalists and keeping our liberties and freedoms and protecting our children.
But no, no, let's not have a discussion of that.
Let's all say this person's an agent, that person's an agent.
Well, hey, listen.
You know you're not an agent, so why don't you take action and be a leader and get involved in the fight for freedom?
I mean, how could you tune into people who all they do is attack others?
24-7, attack others in this movement, and then hear that constantly, and then buy into that.
That's what COINTELPRO does.
COINTELPRO doesn't tell you, you have power, you can affect change, get involved politically, locally, be your own leader, stand up for the borders, for the Second Amendment, stand up to provocateurs.
COINTELPRO sneaks around, saying things about others, and don't trust that person, and keep your head down!
Well, I mean, you can tell the agents.
I mean, there are a few.
They're the people that don't put any work into fighting the New World Order.
I mean, look at what we do.
We update websites, you know, three times a day.
We put out videos.
We run the radio every day.
We put in the hard work.
All these people who attack others, that is basically their whole life existence, and there's no fruits of their work, point to fighting the New World Order.
I mean, I get emails saying that, it's this whole guilt by association thing, that because I link to CNN on my website, then that means I'm advocating everything CNN says, well obviously that's not true.
Well, I mean, I don't know which it is.
Am I a Nazi commander or am I an ADL general?
You know, which one is it?
I mean, I've had people, the same people will attack me for being everything.
I work for this group.
I work for that group.
All I'm doing is covering the news trying to get you to think.
But these other people, they don't want you to stay focused on them.
And a lot of people are frustrated right now.
They don't feel like they have any power, so let's just buy into all this.
It's amazing.
Let's talk to Chris in Maryland.
Chris, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, thanks for taking my call.
It's the first time I've ever called in, and I've only started listening to your show.
I don't think so.
All the debt and everything is, the whole show, the cat and, you know, the dog and pony show is going on.
And I want to talk to you about gold, because obviously you see all the disturbing trends that are happening.
And I was hoping that based on what your hunch is in terms of, now I'm not asking you for a forecast or anything, obviously, because I'm not even investing in stock.
What's going on, because what I'm seeing in the stock market over the last nine months
Yeah, normally, in fact never, do you see gold rising with a rising market.
So why now do we have a different economic condition than what we've seen before?
And do you know about the Plunge Protection Team?
No, I do not.
Well, the federal government will have the Treasury go in and dump billions a day in to prop stock up at key points.
Oh, like they did in the crash of 87?
That's when they publicly set up the Plunge Protection Team.
I'm sure you know about it.
You just did a different name for it.
Why is the stock market up 6-7% from what it was a year or two ago, and then gold up at, what is it now, $420-something an ounce?
Yeah, Alex, the stock market's up about 30% across the board.
And NASDAQ's up about 40%.
Well, no, wait, not up, that depends at what index.
From what point are you saying it's up 30%?
From the low in March.
Okay, well I'm talking about from about a year and a half ago.
Oh, okay.
Because if you look at that trend, it goes up and down.
I'll tell you what, stay there and let's talk about it on the other side.
See, that's another thing with numbers they can do.
I don't have my charts in front of me, but it's what index they show you.
It's like unemployment.
Well, unemployment is at least double what they say it is, because they don't count those that are off the rolls.
It's how you look at those numbers.
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll all talk about it when we get back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Hi folks, this is Steve Crowley of the National Steve Crowley's American Scene Talk Radio Show.
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Late summer 2003, mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001, you heard the same thing.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, currently trading in a 93 to 9400 range, is down 7% from two years ago.
That's recovery?
Gold, now trading in the $360 range, is up 31% in that same period.
Where do you want your hard-earned money?
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Gold was trading at about $350 an ounce a year ago.
It's now been hovering between $415 and $420.
The 52 week low of the NASDAQ
It was $12.53, it's now at $19.94 as of about 10 seconds ago.
The 52-week low for the Dal Jones Industrial Average, what is that, the top 30 stocks, $7,416, now at $10,408, so a little under 30% on that.
We're right at 30% as our caller said.
But you look at all the stocks averaged together, and these are the numbers I've been looking at.
And it depends, and I don't have all the graphs in front of me.
This is what I could grab during the break, thanks to Mark's help.
Overall, stocks themselves are about 6-7%, not from their low of what, a year and a half ago.
Look at gold.
I mean, what's the difference between 350 an ounce and 415, let's say.
It's 414 right now, but it's been fluctuating back and forth between there.
Really about the same increase there that you see in stocks.
But normally if you have a stock market, in fact every case I've looked at, a stock market going up, you'd see gold going down, but the opposite has been happening.
And why do you see stock prices going up?
And a lot of the experts I trust have pointed this out.
And Ron Paul agreed with this last week, that because the dollar has been devalued, let me see.
I don't want to give numbers out and not have them in front of me, but I know the Euro was about 84 cents to the dollar about two years ago.
About a year ago it was 90 cents to the dollar.
Now it's trading at about $1.24 against the dollar.
So from 90 cents to the dollar to $1.24, $1.25.
I think?
The euro going up, the dollar going down, now it's going to take more of those dollars to buy that same amount of stock, and so that's why you've seen the increase in the stock market, this jobless recovery.
Less jobs, less factories, more bankruptcies, more debt, public and private, but Fortune 500 saying they're having modest gains, all becoming more profitable in the aggregate.
And then at the same time, you have government growing.
So government's growing, the Fortune 500's getting richer, the public's getting poorer.
And I'm no economist, but overall, the way I've seen the numbers crunched, the economy is constricting.
Let's get comments from Chris in Maryland on this.
Chris, what do you think?
Here's what I call it.
I'm just a hunch that something more interesting might be going on, and what I'm thinking is
We're good to go.
Well, I want to know how you have a weakening dollar, strengthening gold, which are normally signs for the stock market implosion, but it is slowly being ratcheted back up.
I will say this, though.
You get more value in a stock that is grossly overinflated with its PE ratios, price-earnings ratios, compared to just having the fiat currency.
Well, I mean, the question you've got to ask is, will the price of gold even matter under H.R.
2147, because they're basically
We're good to go.
And they're going to use the financial provisions to go after Rush Limbaugh.
I mean, to give you an idea of how wide-reaching this is.
And that has to do with cash in a bank.
But the globalists know what they're doing.
I mean, Chris, why do you think the Treasury Secretary Snow is out bad-mouthing the dollar?
Which is insane.
I mean, they're really pulling a rabbit out of a hat here with the stock market going up, with the dollar plunging and the trade deficits ballooning.
So it is artificial, I know that much.
Yeah, I would agree with that.
What Snow is doing is fairly typical, I think, of someone in his position in a Republican administration.
Not that I want to, you know,
We're good to go.
What seems so sinister about it is that it just seems to be every day just gradually rising.
Gradually rising.
Gradually rising.
And the thing is also, all the press, even the Bears and the Bulls and the people who are going back and forth, I stopped listening to CNBC.
It seems like one big, I don't know, I just don't get any substance out of it anymore.
It just seems like you're just following a party line.
Well let me ask you this Chris, what do you think is going to happen?
I think after Bush gets in, I think you're going to see bad, bad correction.
If Bush gets re-elected, and I think that's what they're doing, I think my hunch is that they're going to try to make everything look as good as possible until next year.
And they cross that finish line, you're going to have things like the draft and everything else, and I think they're just going to pull the rug out from underneath everything.
And whatever agenda that they have in the international arena, in the financial industry, in the financial arena, I think will be known in probably two to three years.
I think right now they're just doing this shell game.
Well yeah, they're kind of setting up the dominoes now to later knock them over.
All the rumblings we feel across the board, military, police, governmental, financial, all of it, regulatory, it's all just, this is just the prelude, this is just the setup.
Thanks for the call.
Very interesting questions, Paul Watson, and again, you can look at these numbers however you want, get whatever numbers you want out of them, but overall, the real standard of wealth production is being liquidated and the store lines are much shorter than they were a couple of years ago when I'm out shopping.
There's more houses up for sale, more people with double mortgages.
What do you see happening?
Well, obviously that's the agenda.
They're bringing us down to a third world economy.
It's not about bringing the third world up to our level.
It's about bringing us down to their level.
But, I mean, they might take the other option whereby they ramp up this economic crash right before the election.
Alright, well said.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Sodom reportedly used his own relatives as doubles, so a DNA test would not be able to tell the difference, even if they didn't lie about the test result.
Yeah, I remember reading a couple of his doubles were cousins.
Yeah, so a DNA test, this is according to a lab expert, that a DNA test can't tell the difference, they can use a bypass.
Well, John, let me stop you, let me stop, because here's a problem number one with what you're saying.
As if we could even trust any DNA test out of this government who's been caught hundreds of times falsifying tests.
Go ahead.
Yeah, they're just pathological liars.
Also, I wanted to report that a wing commander at an Air National Guard base is now locked up in a loony bin for alleged drunk driving.
This is Colonel John Keenan, commander of the 134th Air Refueling Wing in Knoxville, Tennessee.
And this is a very strange arrest and sounds a little bit like what happened to Dr.
Colonel Hsu in Texas where he suicided his car after duct-taping his hands and feet and then cut his nipples off.
Now with Colonel Keenan, police said that the pilot did not know the name of the president or what direction he was driving, but he was not speeding in a mystery informant called police.
He commanded forces in Afghanistan and Iraq.
So why is he in the loony bin?
We had him stripped of his command and facing court-martial.
They said he was drunk driving.
He did not smell of alcohol, but his blood alcohol test was .38%.
This requires drinking two cases of beer in one hour.
I've never heard of one that high.
Right, that's a coma level.
So-called blood alcohol test cannot test for alcohol.
They can't report this or people might lose faith in the police state and the justice system.
I mean, I'm not reading your local papers today.
What's going on?
An acidosis from a Gulf War vaccine.
But why do they have him in a loony bin if it's drunk driving?
They call it rehab, but you can't leave rehab.
You're locked up in jail.
And they don't treat you for anything.
It's massive medical malpractice.
They just lock you up.
Oh yeah, you're not even tried.
It sounds like Dr. Charles T. Sell of the Supreme Court ruling they can grab you and drug you for as long as they want before trying you.
Right, this is very strange because the wing commander is next in line for general.
He's the highest ranking guy on the base.
He owns his own Officers Club bar, his own police force, and his own chauffeurs.
He can walk to the bar and home if he wants to drink.
The police would never allow him to leave base drinking.
These pilots kill for their jobs.
They love their jobs.
They would never risk their career by driving off day.
So you think something's going on.
We'll try to check into it, John.
Let's talk to Rick in North Dakota.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just wanted to make a comment about Barb McClellan's book, LBJ's Lawyer.
One point of the conversation I was listening to on the show, he said that he could have gotten half a dozen hitmen to kill Kennedy.
I take an issue with that because I don't think you could have gotten anybody to take that contract.
I don't think you could have gotten anybody in Washington or even in the ugliest side of the Lower East Side of New York to take that contract.
I mean, when you talk about murder for hire, you need trust.
And that's the last thing that was in that equation.
Anybody that was
Contractor to take that hit who had that kind of talent would know better that if I shoot Kennedy I'm going to be dead tomorrow and then the people that hired him knew that we got to get rid of him and he's going to get rid of me.
I don't believe the government had anything to do with it.
The government covered it up.
They covered it up to protect some people and to keep the peace on the streets of this country and it was better off just to
I'm going as far to say that the Vietnam War was nothing more than a distraction from the water cooler in the workplace to get this Kennedy thing under the rug and get it behind us.
Look, everything you're saying isn't backed up by facts or reality.
It's all just, I think it's a water-cooler distraction, okay, when they'd already got it started before Kennedy.
Also, we've interviewed the witnesses, the mistresses, all the people.
I know what a criminal LBJ was, the globalist.
If that's the case, how have all these other presidents and prime ministers been assassinated and brutish?
Stabbing Julius Caesar to say you can't get people to follow orders to carry out military assassinations.
Not out of Washington.
Let me stop you again.
You say they don't have government-sponsored terror.
What about the Northwoods plan?
I'm not arguing about that.
It's the same thing.
It's the same people.
Paul Watson, you got comments for this?
Well, if you take the argument that nobody would want to carry out the assassination because they fear for their own life, then, I mean, all you'd have to do is... They fear for their lives not taking the order because now they've been told to do it!
Once you're told, you do it!
Look, there's plenty of people that wanted him dead.
There's plenty of people that didn't like the Kennedys, but to get somebody in this country or out of Washington or in the military to take that contract, I find it very hard to believe.
You're very naive!
The same J. Edgar Hoover told us that there was no such thing as La Cosa Nostra!
That's because Meyer Lansky had pictures of them.
That's all that's about.
I'm just saying that nobody would have taken that contract.
It's an international hit.
And I guess the government wasn't involved in 9-11 either?
Oh, they were involved.
They were probably involved.
Oh, really?
How did they get people to carry that out then, knowing what would happen to them?
Alex, Alex, the government themselves did not pull off 9-11.
But they probably had an idea of what was going on.
They probably had it.
Thanks for the call, sir.
I mean, give me a break.
I've studied this.
I've looked at this.
How do the public officials get told not to fly?
How do the so-called hijackers get trained at U.S.
military bases?
How do they have their cars and credit cards and homes paid for by the U.S.
Why was Bush Sr.
meeting with the head bin Laden that morning?
Why were the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees meeting with the head of Pakistani intelligence?
On and on!
And why did they fly 8,000 of them out to safety?
Why did they fly 144 of the bin Laden family out that day?
On and on!
Why did they order NORAD to stand out?
How did they get them to do that?
Well, the CIA told them it was a drill of flying planes into buildings stand down.
That's Associated Press.
You are naive, hoping this isn't true, with no facts.
Go ahead, Paul.
Well, I mean, take 9-11, for example.
Yeah, take Israel!
Now admitted that Mossad killed Yusuf Rabin.
You say, how'd they get Mossad to kill Rabin?
They know that they'd later be killed.
No, that's not how this works.
They got old hitmen living in Hawaii and they take the youngins in and show them how they're living and what's going on.
They do a bunch of jobs for them.
This is how this works, buddy.
He's saying we don't ever have political assassination because we can't get people to do it.
That's ridiculous.
On top of that, you've got the fact that a lot of these assassinations are carried out by mind control victims, which has obviously been in the Congressional records.
They themselves wouldn't have any knowledge because they just create these amnesia walls around the event, and so they wouldn't blow the whistle on the fact that they carry out the assassination.
But again, those technologies weren't well-developed in the early sixties.
They arrested the tall, clean-cut guys in bum outfits, and then the Dallas Police Department was ordered to release them.
I mean, folks!
Come on!
How did they get Jack Ruby to kill Oswald?
Did he just do it because he was angry?
A guy who was involved with Oswald?
A guy involved with the Mafia?
He just decides to walk up and shoot him?
It's incredible!
On top of that, most of the witnesses to the actual shooting on the ground were also taken out in the weeks and months after.
So even if there was, you know, a spillage of information or whatever, then they wouldn't be there to blow the whistle on that either.
And then we've got the Nixon tapes, which came out about six months ago from the White House, where he was talking about the fact that it was a cover-up.
So it goes on and on.
Well, I mean, we have here... We have here 92% of the people
Waking up, so you, Rick, need to wake up.
We'll talk to Jeff in Louisiana, hit a little new final news stories here.
The end of this transmission with Paul Watson.
Stay with us, InfoWars.com.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
You know, Paul Watson, you live in England.
How many historical examples are there where a prince or a princess or
A member of the royal family has the king or the queen killed and finds plenty of assassins willing to go along with it, knowing the danger.
I mean, this is ridiculous to say that the government couldn't find people who were willing to follow orders to carry out the assassination.
That's exactly what happened.
And we have all this evidence.
I can't believe that guy was in denial.
I mean, that's exactly what it is.
It's complete denial.
We have, you have to repeat, we have the father of the White House Press Secretary, the lawyer of LBJ, who got the information from the meeting the night before where they were talking about how he wouldn't be a problem anymore.
And the fact that there was more than one shooter is established by even the official investigations after
You know, the Warren Report, and so, I mean, back and to the left, you know, there was a shot from the front, and I mean, more than one shoot thing has been proven conclusively, and now the polls show that 90% believe that the government was involved in the assassination, and that's what all the evidence points to.
Let's talk to Jeff in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Jeff.
Uh, hi, Alex.
How you doing today?
Good, sir.
Uh, listen, uh, how much truth is there to this peak oil stuff?
And is there a correlation between Dick Cheney's Energy Task Force and the President's National Security Strategy?
Well, these wars are partially about oil, but to control it, to monopolize it, because there's so much oil, if they don't have a monopoly over it, they can't gouge people for it.
There's enough oil around this country for a hundred plus years in one field in Alaska.
So, no, that's a U.N.
leftist propaganda piece.
Just like they say there's not enough fresh water now.
Well, not after they're done grabbing it all up.
They can charge whatever they want for it.
They'd rather charge you a million bucks for something that's plentiful.
It's like De Beers with the diamonds.
The diamonds are plentiful, but they artificially control it to have artificial scarcity.
Paul Watson?
Well, I mean, there's this thing about peak oil in six years, you know, it's on the decline.
But, I mean, they've had the alternative technologies and the entire, you know, history of this subject is the fact that they've been suppressed time and time again, which is why this whole... I mean, Bush came out in State of the Union and said that they'd be doing research into, you know, water-powered cars and all this sort of thing.
They've got no interest in creating abundant alternative energy because they don't control it and then...
And by the way, oil is at the end of it.
We've got the coal that'll run cars.
They can get the fuel out of that.
Plenty of that.
I mean, there's everything we need.
So this whole line about there's not enough oil, it's like global warming.
Does that answer your question, Jeff?
Yeah, that sounds pretty good.
Thank you.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Bye bye.
Listen, we got tons of oil in Russia, all over the oceans, in the U.S.
It's about a monopoly.
Why won't they let us get that oil out of Anwar, up in Alaska?
There's your answer.
It's about controlling it to create artificial scarcity.
We're out of time.
I hope you'll get Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order.
What's in the book?
Real quick, Paul.
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Thanks, Paul Watson, for coming on, my friend.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight, back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
As we accelerate towards the end of this year, to our affiliates, our listeners, our sponsors, the folks running the show, to everybody, great job!
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