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Name: 20031223_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 23, 2003
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
It's the 23rd day of December 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host on this Tuesday edition.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com updated for you daily as we chronicle the criminal activities of the global elite, as we talk about the real world and the systems of power that surround us, the goals of the criminally insane elite.
Again, it is Tuesday.
We're going to continue with open phones today and a ton of vital news and information.
Any issue you want to discuss, as long as it pertains to the geopolitical system or what's happening locally in your area, the police state, the land grabbing, the fight for the Second Amendment, the fight for the borders, we covered it all on this show.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
California quake kills two, injures dozens.
Governor Schwarzenegger is saving everyone right now, like the superhero he is.
And we'll go over that.
Also, terror threat greatest since 9-11.
Americans told not to change your travel plans, but the Al Qaeda has pilots now!
Yes, ghost planes are going to come hurtling down out of the sky any minute unless we submit and give all our rights up to the military-industrial complex, which doesn't want to set aside the Constitution, but has to, has to, as General Frank said, to keep us safe.
Terror threat greatest since 9-11 also.
Again, terror threat to extend through January.
Officials say Al Qaeda operatives may be fully trained airline pilots.
There's that missing 747.
Iran warns against Israel strike.
They talk about full-scale war against Israel.
As Israel talks about bombing their four nuclear reactors, perhaps more.
to fingerprint all visitors.
That's the beginning of the global passport system.
The borders will stay wide open, though.
Also, cars that retina scan you and more.
They want to make it the law.
Also, it's openly being discussed in the Associated Press.
Taxing and tracking your eating habits.
You'll need your national ID card for that.
That's why it has the strip on the back.
To get your food, you'll have to swipe it.
It's for your safety.
We're too fat.
We're good to go.
You've got to get to Iraq to breathe your depleted uranium and to get your anthrax shots.
Hey, that's nothing, folks.
They hire convicted felons now in the military.
They hire illegal aliens that have aggravated assault records, according to the Washington Times.
20,000 of the troops in Iraq aren't even citizens.
Condoleezza Rice of the 9-11 Commission, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice is apparently not keen on going under oath for the keen 9-11 Commission.
I guess that's an interesting little pun there from Time Magazine.
Oh yeah, I don't want to go before the whitewasher for a staged event.
High-tech policing, more on all the millions of little cameras going up around the country, federally controlled.
arms sales to Israel end up in China.
We'll get into arming China to the teeth.
And again, what I already mentioned, states, cities consider food rules to curb obesity.
Hitmen target former Ba'athists and Shiite cities.
Rumsfeld may Iraq overture in 84 despite chemical raids by Saddam.
More on that.
Pentagon ordered to stop anthrax shots of the troops now for the fifth time that that's happened.
It's all coming up.
Huge show lined up for you and your calls will be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're gonna be live today.
Tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
For about two hours and 40 minutes of the show, I had a lot of requests to re-air the Ron Paul interview that I did yesterday, because a lot of people didn't get a chance to hear it, or they only heard part of it.
Congressman Ron Paul talked about everything from Bush cutting Taiwan loose, to the open borders, to the plunging dollar, to Patriot Act II.
So, at the start of the next hour,
Or eight minutes into the next hour, I will air those two segments with Congressman Ron Paul from yesterday.
Again, because we've had a lot of requests to hear the Congressman give out the important information he was covering.
So that's coming up.
We're going to have open phones throughout this broadcast.
Any issue you want to discuss, you disagree with me,
You've got a point, you've got a comment, a question.
Maybe you think torture's a good idea.
We had a caller yesterday that doesn't have a problem with torture, who also thought that I was making it up, that we had jet pilots, fighter-bomber pilots, shot down over Vietnam.
He said that didn't happen either.
Hey, if you think torture's good, or that we didn't lose fighter pilots in Vietnam,
Or maybe you don't know what the Constitution has to say.
Maybe you don't think there is a Constitution.
I'm not being sarcastic.
I'm being a little bit sarcastic, I guess, but it seems on my own show and on other networks or when I do interviews on a daily basis, the few people that call in that disagree with me
Really don't have their facts straight.
Maybe you do have your facts straight.
Maybe you'd like to pin me down on something.
I love it.
And the phone lines are always, you always go to the front of the line if you disagree with me.
Toll free number to join us on air.
Again, that's 1-800-259-9231.
It is the 23rd of December, 2003.
Only two days from Christmas.
Ooh, I was politically incorrect.
I may have offended someone.
Well, who cares?
California quake kills two, injures dozens, and this is out of the Associated Press.
I'm sure you've already heard all about it.
It hit San Francisco, LA, but the main shock was in a relatively unpopulated area, and that's certainly good.
Rescue efforts were called off as darkness fell over the central California city following a magnitude 6.5 earthquake that rocked the state's coast, killing two people, injuring dozens more, and prompting fears that aftershocks might cause more damage in the days to come.
Residents from San Francisco to Los Angeles were shaken by Monday's quake, the first to cause fatalities in the state since a magnitude 6.7
hit Northridge in 1994.
The bodies of two women were pulled from under the roof of the Peso Robles 1892 clock tower, which pitched into the streets and crushed a row of parked cars in the San Luis Obispo County community of 25,000, about 20 miles east of the epicenter.
Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger planned a tour downtown on Tuesday.
The main shock was centered in a sparsely populated area about, what does this say, one mile north of the coastal town of Cambria.
It was followed Monday by more than 80 aftershocks, larger than 3.0, the biggest of which estimated at 4.7 according to U.S.
Geological Survey.
And they had an earthquake in Oklahoma a few weeks ago.
They've had an earthquake on the East Coast.
Lots of earthquakes.
Record volcanic activity going on on the globe right now.
And record sun ejections of those big supercoils hitting the Earth.
A lot of records being broken.
I understand they've only been keeping accurate records for about 160 years on the sun.
They've got a little bit better records on earthquakes, and it's record levels for both.
But in the scheme of time, tens of thousands of years, there are cycles.
We don't have numbers on if this is unusual or not.
I'm not going to sit here and say it's the end of the world,
You know it's all over for us but certainly it's the end of the world for the two people that were killed and not a good day for their family members so our prayers go out to them.
Let's get into the terror news for you.
Terror threat greatest since 9-11.
This too, out of the Associated Press, the government on Sunday raised the national threat level to orange, indicating a high risk of terrorist attack and said threat indicators are perhaps greater now than at any point since September 11, 2001.
The strikes possible during the holidays.
Americans were promised extensive and considerable protections by our federal government around the country and told to stick to their travel plans despite intelligence indicating that Al Qaeda terrorist network is seeking again to use planes as weapons and exploit suspected weakness in US aviation security.
Some of the intelligence information gathered in the past few days suggests that extremists abroad are anticipating attacks that will rival or exceed the scope of those on September 11th, Homeland Security Chief Tom Ridge, Mr. Open Borders, said.
He also said officials did not see a connection between last week's capture of ousted Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein and the heightened security alert.
The threat information comes from multiple credible sources, but officials are unaware of a specific target of means of attack, added a senior law enforcement official.
Now last Friday they had multiple credible reports, and then there was the white powder on the street, there was the female suicide bomber about to jump out of the jack-in-the-box and get us,
Turned out that was a false report and we have a White House that's been caught dozens of times issuing false alerts in the past when it's politically expedient for them.
They did the same thing last Christmas.
The question is, will the military-industrial complex, who we have official documents from them, like Northwoods, calling for terror attacks on the U.S.
to scare us into submission into accepting worldwide tyranny, will they carry out more attacks?
And again, you have to be in the mind of those running these operations.
We don't know.
But now we are getting some specifics.
This is from CBS News.
Also NBC reporting on it.
Terror threat to extend through January.
Officials say Al-Qaeda operatives may be fully trained airline pilots.
Authorities raised the terrorist threat assessment over the weekend after new intelligence indicated that the operatives of Osama Bin Laden's Al-Qaeda, I mean CIA terror network, possibly trained and licensed to fly passenger jets, may now be pilots for some foreign airlines.
Ideally positioning them to carry out suicide attacks.
officials told NBC News yesterday they're saying the reinforced cockpit doors that were meant to stop and thwart hijackers after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks would now protect any terrorist pilot at the control, the officials said, on condition of anonymity.
Well, it's like saying that there's a mass shooting going on.
They've put it in most schools.
Automatic lockdown bolts that the principal in the office hits and locks everyone in.
They've got wire mesh over the windows.
You can't get out.
So if someone's got a machine gun walking around splattering your children's brains, you're going to see hundreds dead, not dozens dead.
And no one will be held accountable.
They'll just take more of our liberties.
It's like when the SWAT team sat outside for four hours at Columbine and admittedly shot some of the children.
That's Rocky Mountain News, Denver Post.
No one outside Colorado seems to have ever seen those articles.
But they caught the police on tape admitting it, and actually one of them cried about it.
And a school administrator recorded him.
But the point is, they stayed outside for hours.
Four hours!
I had the Rocky Mountain News editor on a few years ago, and I said, man, three and a half hours.
He goes, no, no, no.
Four plus hours.
And so four plus hours, no one was ever held accountable.
Let's just give these same people more power and control.
And so now they'll lock down the schools during the next mass shooting, and your children will be captured, and they won't be able to escape, and the death toll will be unbelievable.
And then no one will question why they were all locked inside.
Just watch it happen.
Watch it happen.
So we'll take your comments on this when we get back at 800-259-9231.
Also coming up, Iran warns against Israel attack.
President Mohammed Khatami, or however you pronounce it.
I can't pronounce these names.
...of Iran has said Israel would be making a mistake if it carried out its threat to destroy Tehran's nuclear capabilities.
He was reacting to comments made last week by Israel's Defense Minister.
The Minister, Saul Mozas, had implied that Israel was making plans to destroy Tehran's nuclear sites.
The Defense Minister's comments were the latest in a series of threats by Israel on the danger they believe Iran poses to the Middle East.
Well, I have BBC, Harots, Associated Press, where Israel and the U.S.
and England are arming Iran.
I love it.
They give them the parts, the components, the systems that are only for enriching uranium, and then they are going to blow it up.
Hey, that's great for the weapons sellers, and great for the U.S.
to crack down on our population, Israel to crack down on their population.
Great way for England to do it.
But no one ever points out that Rumsfeld arms North Korea.
Bush is arming China, just like Clinton did.
Israel, England, the U.S.
are arming Iran.
And there's more articles on that today!
Everything we give Israel ends up going to Commie China!
I mean, I don't appreciate it.
And then China arms Iran.
They got 40,000 engineers there right now.
And they arm Pakistan, and they arm everybody else.
I don't want to hear Israel whine about their security when they are the traitors against Israel.
The people running Israel are the traitors.
If any of us did this, we'd be arrested.
And we should be, but not them.
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Alright, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Joe, Henrique, and others.
How can we sit here and watch Israel and the UK and our own government arm China, arm Pakistan, arm Iran?
And I'm not a fan of any one of those countries.
How can we sit here and then have them tell us, give up our liberty for security while they're doing that, and then tell us what threats they are?
It's like Child Protective Services, according to Time Magazine and the major federal numbers,
They're five times more likely to abuse children.
They have the worst record of anyone.
The predators gravitate towards those jobs, towards truancy officer jobs, and towards social worker jobs.
So we give them more authority, give them more power, get rid of due process.
Police detectives are the most corrupt people in the country.
I have the federal numbers.
Drug dealing, murder for hire, prostitution, bid rigging, all of it.
Hijacking shipments of televisions, police.
I'm not saying all police are bad, I'm saying statistically they are.
That is to a higher level in the general citizenry.
And these are facts, folks.
That's why the Founding Fathers said that government is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.
It's like fire.
That's why you restrict it.
You watch it.
You covet your freedom.
You know your liberties.
You stand up energetically against tyranny and despotism.
As Ron Paul said, and he'll be saying it again in the next hour, that history shows that tyranny is the norm.
It's what's normal.
We're becoming normal now.
And you talk to the general public, they don't understand this.
I'm angry at our government.
I'm angry at England.
I'm angry at Israel for arming China, and arming Iran, and arming North Korea, and arming Pakistan.
And you list those four countries, they're all a revolving door with weapons of mass destruction with each other.
But we just don't have our government arming China, who arms North Korea, who arms Pakistan, and Pakistan then arms India, or threatens to nuke India, and then Pakistan then arms Iran, who threatens to attack.
It goes on and on.
No, no, our government specifically is arming these countries.
And so is Israel!
And then they sit up there and talk about their security needs,
And how we'd better go along with their Big Brother activities or we won't be safe?
We gotta think about this, folks.
We've gotta discuss this.
It's so horrible to see this happening and to see them lining up a draft.
Gearing up for a draft, gearing up for Homeland Security in our streets, in our businesses, in our factories, on a daily basis, bossing us around, ordering us around, all the controls they're bringing in to our lives.
We'll discuss it when we get back.
Let's go to calls right now.
Joe in New York.
Joe, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
Fine, sir.
All right.
Listen, Alex, I've been listening to you for a long time.
It's the first time I'm calling.
What I would like to see you to do is take InfoWars to the next level.
It's great to talk about this, get people involved.
But what I think we need to do is put a petition on your website.
And have the people sign it and send it to you.
So you can represent the people in Congress.
I don't know how many signatures you're going to need, but at least put together a petition that states what you want to do and when you want to get it done by.
Have them, have your listeners sign it, and then represent it in Congress.
This way, I know if you have a certain amount of petitions signed, that you can represent the people in Congress.
Sir, sir, sir, Joe, I'm not trying to belittle what you're saying, because it's certainly a solution, but it's not a silver bullet.
There is no silver bullet.
We need to relearn our freedoms, get a Bill of Rights culture back, as Aaron Zellman says at JPFO.
We need to relearn what our liberties are.
And I can't really do any more than I'm doing.
I'm working conservatively 16, 18 hours a day.
And I am a news broadcaster and an analyst, basically, in this war for freedom.
Alex, I understand that.
You're doing more than one person can do possible.
But you can have other people, if you really want to change something overnight, put a petition, if you're really serious about changing something.
But John Birch Society's brought petitions before with 5 million signatures, and it's thrown in the trash can.
Well, maybe you'll have a different situation if, uh, you do it.
You know, maybe people look at you a little differently.
Maybe the petition that he had wasn't effective enough.
Draw up something.
Put something more on there.
Let people sign it.
Let's be active.
Well, sir, sir, I did write a law to have cities throw the Patriot Act out.
I did that first.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming up in just a few minutes, we'll go back to your calls, then I'll get more into Iran warns Israel against a strike, war brewing, U.S.
to fingerprint all visitors, that means citizens too, folks.
I had the plan years ago, the federal plan.
Also, drunk drivers, beware the car that shops you.
It is the ultimate nightmare for drunk drivers, a car which tells you that you are unfit to drive and conducts police if you ignore its warning.
The device developed by neuroscientist Manchester Metropolitan University will establish if a motorist is unfit to drive because they are too drunk or have taken drugs, and it is a retina scanner, and by the way, England developed this.
They claimed three, four years ago that a Houston company developed it.
And I've got the skinning on what this system is going to do and how it ties into everything else.
We're going to cover this and a lot more, the new terror alerts and what that really means.
And, of course, your calls.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
There are big discussions by the Agriculture Department, Health and Human Services, state governments, to start taxing you a fat tax on fattening food to take your children if they're overweight.
That's already begun many years ago, but now it's going to be codified into a new police force.
Already has been in Arkansas.
We'll get into that as well.
But before I go back to Joe and Henrique and others that are patiently holding and then back into the news, I want to bring my good buddy Jim Shepard up for five minutes to talk about ways to really protect your family.
You know, folks want to take control of their lives.
And a lot of times there's simple ways to do it that are hidden in plain view.
I was down in Houston a few weekends ago and I drank some of the tap water and it tasted so bad I thought I was drinking kerosene, folks.
I don't mean a little bit of a bad taste.
I mean it tasted like gasoline.
And certain cities aren't as bad as Houston.
Houston's obviously the worst in the country because of all the chemical plants and pesticide plants and fertilizer factories and the big refineries with all the MBTE and the rest of it.
But I watched people all around me slurping tap water with enjoyment, their taste buds deadened to it.
I thought I was drinking a scotch in water, folks.
I'm not kidding.
It was that strong.
I was amazed.
I went back and got other glasses, tried to drink tap water at other restaurants, thinking it must have been the pipes.
No, it's the entire city.
There's Ritalin, Prozac, pesticides, herbicides, fluoride, fluoride, dead bacteria, living bacteria.
It is a disgusting soup!
And a lot of the water filters you buy at the store do not protect you, folks.
They're low-quality garbage that have to be replaced every few months.
But New Millennium Concepts has a solution.
It's made right here in America, and it's the best you can get.
It's what I use.
Jim Shepard, tell folks about the Murky Light, the Black Element filters.
Tell them about the specials.
Alex, I think that you raised a good point about people's taste buds getting deadened to the taste.
We have, uh, one of our facilities has water that is so bad, I mean, you can't choke this stuff down.
I mean, it is horrible.
And I brought, uh, one gentleman in, and I said, uh, here, taste the difference of it.
Now, Alex, everybody is amazed at the difference in the taste, and this gentleman tasted this one stuff, and I thought he was gonna spit it out.
And he tasted the other, and he says, I can't tell any difference.
And he's never used a water filter in his life, so he just can't tell the difference.
It actually, I mean, and everybody was kind of sitting there looking at him going, I can't believe you're choking that other stuff down.
But it tasted fine to him.
The Black Berkey filter elements that are used in the Berkey Light remove pathogenic bacteria entirely.
What we have been informed is we are the only water filter that is able to demonstrate that.
Alex, we also do that with chemicals.
And we also reduce the heavy metals and we also remove entirely radiological radon-222.
So we really have overkilled on this system.
It's powerful enough you can take it out to a pond, lake, or river and filter water.
It's not dependent upon water pressure, electricity.
It just filters water.
Now we have a couple, uh, we have a number of specials on your website.
Folks can go up there.
They can still get those specials, but they will not arrive before Christmas.
I've got three specials today, uh, for those folks who either, uh, want to get one in before Christmas and they've just delayed, or as you know, in the news, they've raised the terror alert.
Uh, I, you know, God only knows if this is legitimate or not.
God only knows if, uh, this terror alert by raising it will prevent something that would otherwise have occurred.
But the point is, if there are folks out there on the East Coast or the West Coast where they say that it is being targeted, that just feel a little bit uncomfortable and you want to get a hold of this product ASAP, then this is also a special that's designed for you.
Basically, we have three systems that we're offering on this special.
We have the Berkey light with the ceramic filters at $149.
We have the Berkey light with the black Berkey purification elements, the ones that strip all that stuff out of the water.
Those are $1.99.
And then we have the Berkey light with the LED lights that will act as a light source in case the power goes out.
Those are $2.59.
And if folks order those today, they've got to order them early in the morning before our UPS goes out around 3 o'clock, 2 o'clock Central.
And, uh, but we will overnight those instead of charging the full amount for overnight, uh, an additional $10 on top of the normal, uh, shipping charge.
And we'll get those out to you overnight so you can have those in your hands tomorrow.
All right, here's the toll-free number, folks.
Stop procrastinating.
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That's 888-803-4438.
Folks, stop drinking the poisonous water.
Drink from a Big Berkey for a month.
Go back to your tap.
The Austin water tastes like nauseous garbage.
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Folks, it is now time to take control of your life.
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This is a great deal.
Get your order in.
Jim, thanks for coming on.
Thanks, Alex.
I appreciate you, my friend.
And have a great Christmas.
Again, I'm politically incorrect.
I still call it Christmas.
I apologize.
I'm being sarcastic now.
We're about to go back to your calls, and then I'm going to dive straight back into this news.
Believe me, there's a lot of it, so you'll want to stay with us.
Most of it is unbelievable, but it's right out in the open.
It is happening.
Right now, let's go back to Joe in New York, if he's still there.
Joe, before the last break, was saying, I should do more.
I should create a petition to go represent the people in Washington.
And certainly, petitions aren't bad.
Recalls are good.
And we got real candidates in there other than Arnold Schwarzenegger replaced one turkey with another turkey.
But Joe, I can't do any more.
I did write up the law to get cities out of the Patriot Act.
Other people wrote their own laws.
400 plus cities have passed this.
Four states.
And so all of us can do stuff like this.
I need you to get out there and become a leader.
I don't want to be the leader.
I just want to put the info out.
Does that answer your question, Joe?
It answers my question.
I just feel that, you know, it's good to have all this knowledge.
But, you know, if our hands are tied and our mouths are taped, what good is the knowledge if we don't actually, you know, kick down the door, put something in our hand and be heard, you know, on a real network?
But the power, the power, sir, the power lies with you, the people, doing small things every day.
I agree, Alex.
I'm not saying that I don't agree with you.
I think if I had to pick one person that actually has the testicular fortitude, it would be you.
I mean, you're dealing with... Look, understand, Joe, I'm not criticizing you.
I'm honored that you would say this to me.
My only point is that I'm so busy, I have trouble remembering to brush my teeth or pay my bills.
I understand that.
All I'm saying is have somebody or yourself write a petition up.
Put down what you want to change.
Have the listeners.
You must have enough listeners that would want to sign a petition.
You can't be scared of this now.
Now we've got to go to the next level.
The next level is getting people to sign things.
Everybody has enough knowledge already.
And the information is always changing, which means that you're just going to keep going and going and going like an ever-ready battery.
With the latest next, you know, topic that's in the media.
And I think, you know, that's great.
But now it's time to be heard and on a major network.
And the only way I think you're going to do that is maybe do a big march or have a petition with a lot of people signing it.
I mean, it's great what you're doing.
I'm not saying that it's not.
I learned a lot of things from your tapes.
I have almost every tape that you put out.
I gave tapes out.
We also had a cable show a couple of years ago.
Why did you stop doing the cable show?
For personal reasons.
It kind of made a lot of enemies with family and friends.
You're asking me to go further, but you started the fight and then have kind of gotten out of it.
I didn't get totally out of it.
There's just some things that I guess I had to stop because it was just wrecking
You know, employment situations, and I'm sure all the listeners know what can happen if you keep on... Well, you know, I've had employment problems, but then I've also had good things happen because of the show.
I've had more good things happen.
Early on, bad things happen, but you keep going, things get better.
And if they get worse, I'm going to keep going, because my family's worth it, my friend, and I appreciate your call, Joe.
But I think the solution to saving this country, you're going to find that person looking at you in the mirror.
And there's a lot of things we can do, but let me just spend a minute or two on solutions, on good things you can do.
Because I was thinking about this.
We gain new affiliates to this show every single, not every week, but every couple weeks.
But about every month, stations I've been on for years get sold and go to sports or, you know, go to music or get bought.
And so we just, you know, hover up there, reaching a couple million people.
Every week.
And what would happen, I'm not talking, if you're listening to us on an AM or FM station right now, tell 10 people a day about that station.
It's easy.
Call their sponsors, tell them thank you for picking up the show.
Support those products, okay?
But also, if you're listening on a short wave of the internet,
Call your local AM or FM station, if you don't have an affiliate in the area, your local mom or pop, do not waste your time on big establishment stations.
Christian stations, local libertarian stations, there are a lot of stations out there that don't have this network on.
Tell them, pick up the Alex Jones Show!
Or pick up any of the shows on this network they like.
Dave & Joyce, or John Stattmiller, or Dr. Monteith, or Pastor Butch Paw, or Derry Brownfield.
Derry Brownfield's been broadcasting for 40 years.
You know, the guy's on like a hundred stations.
We got a lot to offer here.
So that's one thing you can do.
Start your own access show, which you quit doing, which is bad.
At least you did something.
I'm not criticizing you, but you shouldn't have stopped.
You're going to get in a fight and go all the way.
Put up websites.
Go get your own local radio show on the weekend.
That usually starts by getting an access show, proving yourself, using that as a demo for the program director.
A lot of people are concerned about what's happening right now in this country.
A lot of program directors, a lot of station owners didn't believe the stuff we're saying a year ago.
They've seen it happen.
Their daughter got beat up by cops for no reason.
They've had the IRS come after them for no reason.
Uh, they, uh, they saw, you know, the local SWAT team got caught killing somebody who was innocent, or the local police got caught dealing drugs, or, you know, they've got a son in the military who's dying from the anthrax or smallpox shot.
They're waking up!
Okay, so they're looking for the shows.
They don't even know about this network.
Or they've heard about the network 50 times from listeners, and finally they put us on.
I don't want to go on a long diatribe about this, but we need more AM and FM affiliates.
And you are the foot soldiers to get it done, folks.
Hold that station.
Tell them to go to GCNLive.com.
Look at the satellites we have to offer.
Chances are they've already got one of those satellite dishes and receivers.
And pick us up, even if it's on the weekend.
They put us on on the weekend.
Within months we'll be on the daytime lineup or nighttime lineup.
And we'll reach millions more people.
But get your own radio show.
Put up your own website.
Get your own cable access show.
You know, we've had senators down here to Texas for gun rallies.
They'll fly down here to talk to a crowd of 800 people.
They know the power of people.
But you'll turn your nose up at going on a small town access station that may have a thousand viewers at any one time.
A thousand people!
A thousand properly motivated people could take this country back.
Did you know that?
And so my films have aired on hundreds of access stations.
I've reached tens of millions that way.
I've reached tens of millions doing interviews on AM and FM stations.
A lot more than I've reached on my own show.
So I started my fight a decade ago.
I've reached tens of millions of people.
You can become a leader.
You can reach tens of millions of people.
It starts, though, with talking to your neighbor, talking to the good police officers in your neighborhood.
It starts with running for County Commissioner.
It starts with stopping touchscreen electronic voting machines going in where you have the evidence of their fraud.
You can stop it.
It starts with getting the cameras removed in your town.
It starts with getting your city to pass a law against the Patriot Act.
And if you don't go down there and push for it, nobody will.
And so you want solutions, that's where the solutions lie, folks.
Supporting these broadcasts, supporting this network, supporting our local affiliates.
Whether it's AM, FM, shortwave, internet, satellite.
Supporting those that tell the truth and stand up against tyranny.
It's just that simple.
And, you know, to all the stations that pick us up, God bless you for loving America.
You know all we cover is the documented facts here on this show.
A lot of this is horrible news, but isn't it better to know it?
Thank you for being part of history with us.
Thank you for standing up and helping us tell the truth.
I commend you.
We should all pray for those that helped stand up against evil.
Because we'd be in a lot worse shape right now if it wasn't for you.
All right, let's go to Henrique in Colorado.
Go ahead, Henrique.
Yeah, although I don't agree with everything that you talk about, all your opinions and such, I just appreciate the way you hustle and you get the information out there.
I'm sure you made a lot of sacrifices along the way to do it, and I do understand that you are a Christian, that you have placed your faith in Jesus Christ.
However, Ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 18 says, For in much wisdom is much grief, and who increases knowledge
Increases sorrow.
Now I'm not down in wisdom or down in knowledge.
Um, but there's... Yeah, but sir, that's taken out of context.
When you've got an ignorant population, you've got people who are enslaved, and it's painful for those that can see it, because they're now aware of it.
But overall, it makes the world a better place where you have an educated, enlightened population.
Oh, indeed.
I'm just trying to encourage you, um, with all the information, just as you said a couple minutes ago, a lot of the news that you do put out there is horrible, you know what I'm saying?
But people do need to know these things.
The information does need to get out there.
Especially from an alternative source.
However, I would just encourage you as another Christian to provide a message of hope as well.
Well, sir, the message of hope is if we can inform the people, we can turn this around.
But we've got to make folks face how bad it is.
Most people are in denial.
They know something's wrong, Enrique.
But they don't know how wrong it truly is.
Anything else?
Yeah, just the hope is not found in necessarily what we can do, but it's found in Christ.
You know what I mean?
I'm sure you know that.
But how are they going to know about Christ if you don't tell them?
And they've got to find the real Christ, not the 501c3 Christ that tells them lay down to tyranny.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright my friends, Alex Jones here back live.
We're going to go to more of your calls here in this segment and the next segment.
We got Ron Paul on for 20 minutes.
I want to re-air that because it was so important.
I know a lot of you didn't get a chance to hear it.
Then I want to get into the new fat tax on bad food.
We're going to have to track and trace you there.
Also, more of the surveillance grid that's going in.
There's just tons of it.
I haven't even gotten to yet.
Right now, let's go to Bobby in Hawaii.
Bobby, good to hear from you.
Pleasure talking to you, Rick.
I just want to honor you for just spreading the word and having the courage to do it.
We listen to you out here in Hawaii.
I just wanted to mention that I think a billionaire needs to step up to the plate.
We put a satellite in outer space so we can actually get a real happening network that will compete with all the idiots out there that are, you know, telling the lies.
Well, here's the problem.
Clear Channel and Infinity, CBS, have bought up almost everything.
So can't we... And so you could have pro-New World Order programming, it wouldn't get on very many stations compared to Clear Channel because they control it.
What if we put a satellite with our own license out in outer space and we're able to have our own... Well sir, we have the same satellites as the big boys.
We're on a clear channel controlled satellite because that's who's got the satellite.
We're on an ABC satellite.
We're on ABC.
We're on Clear Channel.
We got a lot of AM and FM affiliates from Los Angeles to Rhode Island, from Denver, Colorado to Austin, Texas, from Kansas City to Albuquerque, New Mexico, from Pensacola, Florida, you know, to Northern California.
We got AM and FM affiliates, but you're right.
We need hundreds and hundreds more.
The problem is that all the stations are being bought up right now.
Well, God bless you, man.
I'm doing my best to try to get some kind of syndicated alternate news on Maui here, and it's like pulling teeth.
There's a community-sponsored radio station here that plays great music, but they don't want to take the risk in bringing that stuff on the island.
Oh yeah, I don't want to have people talk about the New World Order or the legislation or the Patriot Act.
It's unbelievable, man.
It's like pulling teeth.
I'm actually thinking about getting a pirate radio station going so we can at least bring you in.
Well, that would just be terrible if you stuck a 200-watt FM up on a hill.
Thanks for the call, brother.
God bless, bro.
Hey, Bobby, I appreciate it.
We've got a lot of callers calling in trying to think up solutions, and that's good, but the New World Order wasn't built overnight.
We're not going to defeat it overnight.
See, individuals always want to do some big, huge thing by themselves.
Big, huge things are built by lots of people doing small things.
I mean, I haven't even begun to fight, and I'm always trying to think of new angles to fight the globalists.
I've had a lot of success.
Believe me, folks, they're in deep trouble right now.
Okay, we're going to come back and go to David in Texas and a couple other callers, then we'll get into this Ron Paul interview that was just unbelievable.
20-minute interview, wait till you hear all the stuff he talked about.
I rarely re-air interviews, but we're going to do this because he had so much important stuff to say for all the questions I threw out at him, from the draft to you name it.
Before we end this hour, in the next minute, I would encourage you, one of the biggest solutions we've got
Something that's waking up 90% of those that come in contact with it is my videos.
There's your solution right there.
Get them.
Make 50 copies.
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Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the videos or the books.
Or call toll-free right now, folks.
Your purchase of these videos also makes the show possible.
That's another way to help.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Alright, a ton of news.
Your calls.
Congressman Ron Paul.
It's all coming up in the next hour.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're back live into the second hour.
I'm going to re-air this 20-minute Ron Paul interview coming up in the next segment.
We've had so many requests for it.
A lot of important info we talked about yesterday.
Then after that, more ear calls and a ton of other news items.
We're about to go back to calls right now.
States, cities consider food rules to curb obesity.
Uh, yes sir.
I wanted to thank you for taking my call.
You don't have to thank me for taking your call.
We're honored to have you, sir.
Great, thank you.
I have a couple comments, and then I'd like to hear a response from you.
First of all, I've been talking with some of my colleagues about this, you know, the pagan rituals that are in our society today, and we were talking about the Nimrod, I'm sorry,
Yeah, Santa Claus, Santa Claus is... Exactly, exactly.
All of the pine tree and you know how there's the first Bible where Matthew talks about going into their homes and seeing the pine trees with the colored balls and anyway, I'm getting some interesting responses on that and I just am seeing how ingrained this is in our society.
My second comment that I want your comment on is, also, I've been doing some, really looking into Bush and the sovereignty with Taiwan, and how in the mid-70s Taiwan kicked out of Japan, and I've kind of been watching this, and I want your comments on it, and I just wanted to say Merry Christmas and I'll hang up.
Alright, thanks for the call.
I mean, look, almost every... I mean, Easter is not about a bunny rabbit and eggs.
The egg is the symbol of Ishtar, a fertility god.
So is the rabbit.
That's why Playboy is a rabbit, folks.
Rabbits have a lot of babies.
They have a lot of procreation going on.
Christmas is not about a seven-foot elf in a red outfit coming down your chimney.
And it's not about the tannin bomb, which all the pagan societies worshiped evergreen trees.
That's what's been injected in.
I'm not saying you're a wicked devil if you have a Christmas tree.
I'm just saying, let's know history.
Let's be honest about it.
I hope that answers your first question.
It's in the encyclopedia.
It's not my opinion.
This is admitted fact.
On the situation, I believe your second question, you were... Oh, I forgot your second question.
What was his second question?
I do that sometimes, because I got to thinking about his first one.
Oh, Taiwan!
Yeah, Taiwan.
Taiwan is the rightful government of China.
Taiwan has an elected government now.
We have a 53-year-old treaty with them since 1950.
And now that's been severed, basically, by Bush.
They are independent.
That's what the treaty says.
They're standing up against China for the cause of liberty and decency and honor and freedom.
And so Bush is exercising his will and his power in blocking them and chastising them and encouraging Communist China to attack them.
That's what he's done.
And our government is arming China with the newest weapons.
Including cruise missile factories, folks.
Our government has helped equip them with that.
Allowed U.S.
companies to do that.
While giving old, aging, 30-year-old destroyers with ancient missiles to Taiwan.
So it's horrible!
It's like Bush taking all the restrictions off arming China, and then taking the restrictions off on arming them with the supercomputers to build the nukes.
I mean, out Clinton in Clinton.
What am I supposed to say here?
It's amazing.
I'm blown away by it.
We'll be right back with Congressman Ron Paul, Warrior-Cosmore News.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already 8 minutes and 35 seconds into the third hour of this December 22nd, 2003 Monday edition.
And I've had Ron Paul on this show many times.
We're going to have him for the next two segments, maybe even get to a few calls in the next segment.
I got a host of issues I want to throw out at the Congressman, but Congressman Ron Paul...
Before we go any further, I had a caller last hour that caused quite a controversy here on air.
He said that he thought torture was basically a good idea.
And then I said, well, what about our troops that got shot down in Vietnam?
They got tortured.
Are you saying that was okay?
He then said, no, none of our troops got shot down over Vietnam.
I'm going from memory here, but weren't you involved in Vietnam in the air?
No, not really.
I was involved during that period of time.
I was in the military.
I was in the Air Force as a flight surgeon from 1963 to 1968, but not actually in Vietnam.
I know that we had a bunch of aircraft shot down and troops tortured, but can you give us your historical view on that?
Well, I mean, that doesn't even deceive... I mean, I can't understand anybody saying that.
We probably had a lot more helicopters shot down than airplanes, and the people in the helicopters were the ones that ended up being prisoners so often, but there were hundreds of helicopters shot down.
And I'm sure other airplanes were shot down, too, but it was mainly the helicopters that were knocked out of the air.
Yeah, how could that guy be deceived by that, as you were saying?
But, no, he was saying that our jets didn't get shot down.
We lost masses of pilots.
Remember John McCain and all those people?
Yeah, and Duke Cunningham, also in the Congress, was, you know, I think he was captured.
And Johnson, Sam Johnson from Texas, was also a pilot.
Yeah, and he was not a helicopter pilot, either.
And McCain was not a helicopter pilot.
So there were a lot of planes shot down.
I don't know the numbers, but I mean, we ended up losing 60,000 men, so they had to shoot a lot of them down.
I'm going from memory, I believe it's over 2,000 fixed-wing aircraft were shot down, and helicopters were shot down, I believe it was over 8,000 times.
But now, many times they were just technical difficulties or they had to land.
But I didn't mean to get off on that side issue, I was just so blown away by that statement.
But I mean, we just had the big report, 339 universities
No, I didn't see that, but I guess I'm not surprised.
A lot of them can't even name who the Vice President is.
You were down at the Jefferson Forum, and I got a bunch of calls out of Houston.
You were saying that it looks like they're lining up the draft now.
Rumsfeld in Time Magazine just said, yeah, we need a bigger military.
They've got a bunch of legislation lined up to do it.
What do you see happening, Congressman?
Well, I hear a lot of talk behind the scenes, but there's been legislation introduced, some by moderate liberal Democrats, as well as the Black Caucus.
And there are all sorts of arguments, you know, to increase the size of our military.
Rumsfeld, who's always argued for a small military, he's never argued to, you know, slow down on the intervention overseas, but he's always argued that we don't need a lot of men, just highly skilled.
But now he's admitting that they need more men.
The question they never ask, and the Congress should ask, and I'll continue to ask, is, well, if we're coming up short of men,
Why don't we cut back a little bit on our empire?
Why do we have to be in 130 countries and going looking for trouble around the world?
Then we wouldn't need so many individuals in the military.
Well, I mean, I've read the Houston Chronicle where it says they've got a bill to draft skilled people, professionals, doctors, engineers, firefighters, and some of these national drafts look like you'll serve domestically, some will serve overseas.
What do the different pieces of legislation say?
I haven't looked at them all, but that sort of follows a historic precedent, especially for physicians.
Even when they ended the draft in the early 70s, they kept the doctor draft going on for a while longer, and they have already talked about drafting doctors.
There's a pseudo-draft on right now as well, because those individuals who have been scheduled to get out of the military and have not re-enlisted,
Well, I've seen articles, Congressman, where they also, if you had served a five, ten year stint before, that you're being recalled.
Yeah, and I guess they do sign some of that paperwork where they'll claim that they have agreed to do that.
And it's not a very good sign.
Okay, well I hate to put you on the spot.
I don't ever really do this when you're on with us, but you've got some children.
What are you going to do if they try to draft your children?
Well, they're all going to be old enough to make their own choices.
My kids are all past that age.
I have grandkids that age, and it'll be up to them.
The individual himself has to decide that, but to me it's a real tragedy.
I think that, you know, the use of the Conscientious Objector Clause, it was used more in Vietnam than ever before, and I'm sure
It's going to be used a lot more.
Well, let's take Texas.
You know, if Texas was attacked by Mexico, they said we're drafting men for a war with Mexico, that would be constitutional.
We're under attack by a foreign government.
I would imagine you would support a draft there, but not to go gallivanting around 160 countries.
No, I'm not even... I wouldn't go that far either, because I don't think we should ever have a draft.
But I always believed that if we're attacked, that we would respond.
We didn't have a draft in the Revolutionary War, and we won it against the greatest in power at that time.
So if it's a righteous war, we're going to have more men than we need.
And the real defense of a country comes by civilians armed.
And that's why the Second Amendment is so important.
And the militia, the concept of the militia,
I think?
That makes no sense.
It's unconstitutional.
We may be fighting it for the United Nations.
So it is more atrocious now than ever.
Let's shift gears into torture.
There's a big debate about, is torture good?
Should we do it?
We know it's already going on some.
Your view on torture?
Well, there's two practical reasons not to.
If we torture them, they'll torture us.
And the other thing is, is what torture does not to the person who may well deserve it,
I think?
Plus, Congressman...
You can't trust a government that tortures.
You can't trust the confessions.
I mean, you can't say Joseph Mengele was good.
So how can, you know, Saddam's back as he tortured.
Now we're going to become Saddam Hussein if we do this.
Shifting into immigration.
Governor Ridge, while raising the alert level, wants to give amnesty to at least 8 million illegals, accept the matricula cards all over the country that can easily be faked.
How can they have a magnifying glass down our throat
But then, have the borders basically wide open?
Your take on that?
Well, that's essentially what they're doing.
You know, the other day, a couple weeks ago, we had a bill that was threatening Syria almost to the point where, you know, we put on sanctions and we were getting ready to invade Syria.
And they said the main reason was the borders weren't secure.
And my argument was,
Well, how can you expect the Syrians to have secure borders between their country and Iraq at the same time we don't have anything called secure borders?
So, the whole thing is complete nonsense.
And that's why our money and our personnel should be used domestically, not internationally.
Well, how can we say... We should have more secure borders.
Well, I agree.
How can we say that Saddam is this great demon when he is a bad guy, but then Bush cuts Taiwan loose and violates basically the treaty and changes our 50 plus year policy with Taiwan?
Well, whatever is practical they do, and if they want to go with the big red Chinese, they do.
They don't follow moral principle, they follow just pure financial pragmatism, because we were close allies with Saddam Hussein and Osama Bin Laden in the past, we helped build them up, and when they don't serve our purpose, then we turn them into Hitler themselves, and we did that with Noriega, and we do it constantly.
That's why I argue the case that the more non-intervention we have, and the less entangling alliances we have, the better.
Well, that's like what George Washington said, but that's radical extremism, Congressman.
Yeah, I know.
And somebody said the other day, they said, boy, this sounds like you're almost like an isolationist.
I said, not really so.
And then I pointed out George Washington said it, and they said, yeah, but that was a long time ago.
I said, does that mean our Bill of Rights is no longer necessary because it's a long time ago or the Ten Commandments no longer do we have to abide by because they were written a long time ago?
That's right, and I think freedom, although
We had a hint and a taste of that in our early years.
Freedom is a very, very modern idea.
Most of all, history has been built on tyrants and government control and very, very minimal protection of civil liberties for the individuals.
So I would say that we are the progressives, even though that's a horrible term today.
We are the progressives.
We are the liberals.
We're the ones that believe in liberty, and we believe in the future.
They do want to go back to the old ways.
That's it.
We're going to break, maybe go to a few calls, but I want to get into the plunging dollar, the $43 trillion deficit, according to the Dallas Morning News.
That's right, folks.
That's what we really owe in all of our agreements.
Forty-plus trillion dollars.
Get those questions answered by Congressman Ron Paul.
And maybe jam a few of these calls in.
We've got loaded lines.
I want to find out who wants to talk to the Congressman.
Then after that segment, we'll come back and just talk to the callers and go back over some news I haven't covered yet.
We'll be back with Congressman Ron Paul from Texas.
I'm Alex Jones.
Infowars.com is the website.
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All right, my friends, Alex Jones back here live with Congressman Ron Paul.
Try to go to a few of your calls here in a couple minutes.
Congressman, getting back into important issues, dollar drop becomes more ominous.
We have the euro trading at $1.25 when it was 90 cents against the dollar just a year and a half ago.
And what does this mean to us to have the world reserve currency and to now be losing it?
Well, it means a whole lot.
They're still buying our currencies and the central banks are still trying to prop it up.
But if they get to the point where they really leave the dollar and oil is not priced in dollars, you're going to see tremendous price inflation.
You're going to see us paying a lot more for oil
I think so.
Thank you.
Yeah, you know, the exporters keep thinking a weak dollar is going to save them, but it never seems to happen, and members of Congress who represent steel districts and farm districts think that's just the salvation.
Just have a weaker dollar, and then there'll be, you know, generous exports, which means, well, they don't care about consumers, and they don't care about importers.
I mean, a lot of companies depend on imported goods.
This whole notion that government should be manipulating and controlling the value of the currency, the market should determine it, but it should be determined by a commodity, of course, rather than a fiat currency.
I said I was going to go to calls.
I don't know if that can happen now, because I forgot the biggest question I had for you.
You said before H.R.
2417 passed, you said that it had a lot of Patriot Act II in it.
Bush sneakily signed that quietly last weekend during the whole Saddam announcement.
What does this mean?
Well, this was the conference report on intelligence authorization, and they'd been talking about Patriot Act No.
2, but they decided not to bring it up, calling it Patriot Act No.
So they started doing piecemeal, and they put a major piece into this conference report, and it had not been discussed before.
And it has to do with more intrusion into the financial affairs of every American.
That they do not have to have search warrants and they can demand information from auto dealers and travel agents, pawnbrokers, anybody and everybody.
And now we're hearing about them going after topless bars, county commissioners, marijuana dealers.
They're using Patriot Act.
I have articles every week against everybody.
That is right, and it's the kind of thing that has been on... they've been proposing for years and years, but this post-9-11 atmosphere has helped them to get this stuff passed, and they haven't even been satisfied with Patriot Act No.
They're demanding even more power.
So, how do we stop them?
I mean, they say it's for terrorists, but their definition of a terrorist is misdemeanors, according to Section 802.
Well, it is really tough, because I think, with your help, there was a lot of awakening about Patriot Act No.
1, and when we did have a clean vote on repealing some of that in the House of Representatives, we actually won it overwhelmingly to repeal the sneak and peek.
But that, interestingly enough, when it got to the conference, it was deleted.
So they put in the bad stuff, they delete the good stuff, and then everybody leaves town and everybody forgets about it.
It's a darn hard job, so we have to keep plugging away.
Information to the American people is ultimately the only thing that counts.
Absolutely, Congressman.
We've got about a minute left.
Folks will come back and take your calls, but Congressman's got to leave us.
We appreciate him during this holiday week joining us.
In the last minute, any other key issues we need to be made aware of?
I think he touched on just about all of them, but I think it's the appetite that the American people have for spending that is the big issue.
Congressmen get, for the most part, re-elected and they vote for all the spending, so evidently either they're totally uninformed or they support the idea that the government should continue to spend all this money domestically and police the world.
But one of these days it'll change because we're going bankrupt.
We are literally, technically bankrupt, but when it's discovered the dollar will crash and then we will have to cut back and we'll have to live within our means.
Alright, many questions.
Supreme Court, campaign finance, they say it's good.
Well, it's amazing because when it was on the House floor, there were a lot of us that were yelling and screaming, but DeLay and these other guys said, ah, don't worry about it.
It's so bad that the courts will throw it out.
And we're going to get some political pluses by saying that we're for campaign finance reform besides the president wants it.
And I guess a lot of them were shocked when the courts actually didn't cover the Congress and rule it unconstitutional.
All right.
Congressman Ron Paul, have a great Christmas.
Appreciate you coming on the show.
God bless.
We'll be back with your calls.
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All right, my friends, we're back live.
And it is the 23rd day of December, 2003.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us.
I want to go to a lot of calls now in the second half of the show.
Bam, bam, bam.
Your questions, your comments.
Any news articles you want to mention?
Any ideas for solutions to expose this tyranny?
Want to discuss any of the stories I'm going to be going over?
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get you up and on the air.
In the first hour, I mentioned this London Guardian article.
It says, well, they've started road tolls, they've started all this, you know, scanning your faces, red light cameras.
Now the government wants to put a retina scanner in the car.
And every time you get in your car, everyone will have to retina scan to decide if you're on drugs or alcohol or too tired to drive.
I saw an article three plus years ago in the Houston Chronicle with this Texas company that claimed they invented this and corporations have already bought it and make their employees retina scan.
It doesn't just look at your retina or the blood vessels and identify you, it does that.
It also microscopically measures the movement of your eye and decides if you're tired or angry or if you're on drugs.
And in this new London Guardian article it says the government wants to do this because, you know, if you're upset or tired or on drugs or alcohol and you continue to try to drive the car, the cell phone built into the cars, your OnStar system, that is a cell phone system hooked into a satellite tracker box, will call the police to come get you.
So it's like Isaac Asimov's iRobot future, where the robot's totally enslavist, but it'll be the government using this technocracy to do that.
So we're going to get into that.
Also, going after people that eat fattening foods, taxing you, controlling you through the new national ID card.
That's why it's got the scanner strip on the back.
A Brooklyn cop investigated.
Wait till you hear what he was investigated for.
This is just indicative of the arrogance that they have ingrained into police.
I'm not against police, I'm against the warping of our police into a third world type system.
Also some good news, Pentagon ordered to stop anthrax shots and much more.
Before I get back into this news, and then your calls,
I want to remind all the great listeners out there, whether you're listening in Maine or in Florida or in Texas or in California, wherever you're listening to us, you need to get my videos.
They're amazing films.
Take two minutes from The Takeover, a two-hour, five-minute film.
I walk into the Brooksville Sheriff's Department and I say, I'd like to talk about the military training drills with the police for domestic control.
I say it totally calmly and politely.
A woman begins getting mad, the public spokesperson, asking why I want to know that.
Then a woman runs from behind the counter wearing a U.S.
Marine Corps shirt, yelling, I want martial law.
Line them up and shoot them.
Death to the people that resist.
I mean, it's insane, folks.
And then another minute or two of the film, I walk over to a neighborhood and I go, uh, the troops have been training in this area at night.
And they go, yes, and they told us who you are, Alex Jones.
Well, what'd they tell you?
That you're crazy not to talk to you.
And I said, well, uh, I just would like to ask you a few questions about the troops.
The troops told me not to talk to you.
And then we turned the camera off and they basically ran us out of there.
But the point is,
That's about five minutes of that film.
It's all stuff like that.
Or worse.
You want to see Marines trying to take your guns?
Put you in FEMA camps?
Police State 2000.
Police State to the Takeover.
You want to see FEMA saying all Christians and all Founding Fathers are terrorists, enemies of the federal government?
Road to Tyranny.
That's about three minutes of that film.
I can't describe everything that's in these videos.
It's incredible.
It's so shocking and so horrible it wakes people up.
Because it's not Alex Jones up there saying what's going on.
I show the documents, the articles, the bills, legislation.
Then I go, here, let's show you it actually happening on the ground.
Let's interview Marine Corps officers who, in the late 80s, were kicking down gun dealers' doors while wearing police outfits.
Posse Commentatus has been gone that long.
You'll see the evidence of who carried out September 11th.
You'll see the evidence of the Northwoods plan in Road to Tyranny and Masters of Terror.
Bottom line, you need to have these videos.
Please, if you have the videos, make copies.
Give them to people.
Air them on public access.
Give them to opinion makers, talk show hosts, county commissioners, your priest, your rabbi, your pastor.
Just get it out to opinion makers now.
We have a tool that's working.
We need to use it.
If you haven't gotten the videos, you need to order them.
America destroyed by design.
Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports Exposed, America Wake Up or Waco, which we're now offering again.
You need to have these videos.
You need to make copies.
You need to warn the people in the great tradition of Paul Revere.
We're a media culture.
This is the equivalent of Paul Revere riding through the dark, yelling to arms to arms, the redcoats are coming.
The videos, some of them are two and a half hours, some are two hours five minutes.
They're all over two hours.
Police State 3 is two hours 40 plus minutes.
It's actually two hours 40
Three minutes long.
It's so... It's an amazing film.
You want an encyclopedic knowledge of the New World Order?
It's my second-to-newest film.
Matrix of Evil's got Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Roberts, Frank Morales, myself.
They're $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more of any of the films.
I dropped down to 20.
There's my book, Descent into Tyranny.
Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsor, Tearing the New World Order.
They're great as well.
InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to peruse the items and shop and get some of this info and support the broadcast.
Or call toll free to order right now at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Don't wait.
We've got to expose the terrorists or they're going to carry out more attacks.
It's that simple.
The hair's been standing up on the back of my neck, folks, the last few weeks.
We're very close.
We've got to stop them.
We've got to expose them, even if they carry out the next attack.
More people have to know who was behind it.
It is so important.
You can also write to me at 3001.
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Be sure and put the South Lamar, the South part, and the Suite 100 in there if you want us to get your letter.
Oh, there is so much here.
I already went over what's in the
Big British newspaper, how wonderful it will be to be retina scanned each morning to decide if you're on drugs or done something wrong.
And if we had an angel-like government, I guess it would be fine.
The problem is they already use 9-1-1 calls as an excuse to get in your house.
I know hundreds of people in Austin who, hundreds, hundreds, who never called 9-1-1 and at 2 a.m.
police bust down their door, stand around with machine guns without a warrant, a fully dressed SWAT team saying,
Saying, oh, we got a 911 call.
By the way, we're going to search for your guns now.
Make sure none of them are illegal.
I mean, well-to-do middle-class people, working-class folks, auto mechanics, doctors.
I know personally, face-to-face, multiple friends this has happened to.
I know dozens of people personally this has happened to who are acquaintances.
I have received dozens and dozens and dozens of calls to the office and on air concerning this nationwide.
I know, over 100 people in Austin.
You see, imagine what this retina scanner will do.
Oh, we had to pull you over because it showed you were on drugs.
I remember two summers ago, what was it, something like 35 children in one summer.
We're good to go.
They're going to the mall, come out five hours later, eight hours later, an hour later, to find their barbecued child who died a horrible death.
And so, the federal government came out and said, we're in talks with the auto manufacturers within five years.
Remember, this was about two years ago.
They said within five years to pass a law, but General Motors wants to go ahead and start offering it in 2004.
Folks, I have no idea if they're going to offer it.
They said they were.
To have a wireless phone system hooked into the OnStar, well that's basic with it, with a small infrared camera port.
It's a little hole.
Small camera.
That when the car temperature, there's going to be pads in the seats that feel pressure and movement, and if there's movement in the car, when the car goes above, it said 98 degrees, so I guess every time it's a hot summer day and you get there, this is going to happen, but they said over 98 degrees for a certain period of time, that the police will be dispatched off your satellite tracker box.
You see, that's the OnStar system watching and controlling and manipulating.
And this Texas company, over three years ago I saw the Houston Chronicle article, I covered it many times, saying we're going to retina scan you to drive your car, to get into work, get into businesses.
They're saying we're going to have to wear RFID bracelets to be in a big building working, to make sure off the wireless system that we all get out if there's an attack.
This total control grid.
The children are already thumb scanning to get their school lunches in public schools.
No cash allowed in hundreds of these districts.
Hundreds of districts from Tennessee to Texas to New York.
I've seen articles where whole school districts are putting cameras not in the halls, not in the classrooms.
Oh, they're there too.
But in the bathrooms, in the showers.
It's for the children's safety.
And it's hooked into control grids down at the sheriff or police department, where the police can just dial into the cameras.
Folks, that's not freedom.
That's 1984.
There's all these different stories of this happening.
It's happening all over the country, all over the Western world.
It's worse than 1984, and there's so many facets of this.
I have a stack of articles about face scanners going in schools all over the country.
The face scanning software, any camera that's digital can do it, of high enough quality.
I've got articles about thousands of cameras going in in small towns, big cities.
I've got stacks of them today!
Listen to this from the Associated Press.
More control freak behavior, and I want to take your calls on this subject.
State cities consider food rules to curb obesity.
Fighting to shed a few pounds and control that waistline?
For the soaring number of Americans who are becoming dangerously overweight, states and cities across the country want to help.
They want to help you.
With the U.S.
Surgeon General calling obesity an epidemic,
Legislators nationwide are offering measures to encourage healthy food choices and ban the worst temptations.
Banning it.
Skeptics say the government should stay away from trying to legislate something as personal as what we eat.
But supporters say they can't ignore the growing public health problem or how it derives the ever-rising cost of health care.
Cease with socialized health care.
We're all paying for your overeating, so now we must be punished.
And a child one pound overweight in Arkansas that goes into this will be taken from their family.
But, oh yeah, oh yeah, but states have considered scores of bills this year that would, among other things, get children exercising after school, little military training camps, it actually gets into that, warn restaurant eaters about fat, sugar and cholesterol on the menu, and ban sugary sodas and fattening chips from school vending machines.
That sounds reasonable and it is.
It's a big money maker.
It's wrong.
They need to get them out of there, folks.
In a Louisiana experiment, the state will pay for a few government employees' gastric bypass surgeries, or stomach stapling, to see if that reduces health care costs.
As a country, we have to wake up.
We are in an epidemic, said Nevada State Senator Valerie Weiner, who has had her own battles with weight, but now is a champion weightlifter.
Under the laws of the past, states will test the BMI, Body Mass Index, of ratio of height and weight of students in six Arkansas schools and send results home.
Pediatricians say regular tests like that should be performed nationwide to track children at risk of becoming obese.
Folks, I read the bill on there.
They take the caliper test, and if you don't lose to below the point they say, CPS is dispatched, and you've read the articles where they're taking kids nationwide because they're overweight, to a group that's five times more likely to abuse you.
Again, the criminals will come and get you.
Any excuse to get in your life.
Ban junk food from vending machines in California.
That's a good idea.
New York City in an administrative decision.
But the kids won't bounce off the walls.
You can't put them on a Ritalin, though.
You're not giving them five Coca-Colas a day.
Ban hard candy, donuts, soda, and salty chips from the vending machines.
But see where this goes, though?
More and more control.
It should be a local issue of the school board.
Requiring physical education programs in Louisiana schools and encourage it in Arkansas and Mississippi.
Those are after school, by the way.
The ones of Staple's daily classes are only required by state law in Illinois and other states.
So see, they mix in stuff that sounds reasonable, but I've seen the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Health and Human Services, they both have their own plans.
Through the national ID card that 42 states now have, your federalized local state card, they will swipe it.
They already swipe it for cigarettes or beer in most states to put a record in that you weren't underage.
But now they want to swipe it where you get your gallon of ice cream a week or your chips but over a certain point they will begin taxing you for eating things that are unhealthy and quote put part of that into a health care slush fund because you're overeating is causing health problems and we have to pay for you.
See the socialism?
Folks, they're waiting over a year in England
For cancer surgery.
Once they get it socialized, then the rationing, the control, all begins.
So this is just the beginning, seeing it sounds reasonable, because we are.
We're fat slobs.
I mean, I've gained way too much weight.
I've been losing it now.
We're a decadent country, folks.
In France, they live an average of eight years longer than us.
They chain smoke cigarettes, but they walk to work and they don't overeat.
And so they live longer than us, even though they have, in many cases, a more unhealthy lifestyle.
Because they're burning that blub off.
You know what?
I've been working out five days a week.
I feel great.
I'm going to get back in tip-top shape.
Get back to bench pressing 320 pounds.
Oh, I just, I don't know what to say about it.
What do you think about this?
Because you notice in this AP article, they tell you about programs, but don't tell you the details of what those programs really do.
Ask somebody who lives in Arkansas.
They've told them.
And it starts in six schools this year.
Next year, it goes to all the schools.
State law.
They're gonna measure the fat level.
And if your child doesn't lose all of that weight, C-P-S is involved.
Of course, I read the article out of England yesterday, out of the Scotsman.
If you yell at children in a football game, that is soccer here, you will lose your children.
You will be criminally charged.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
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I know we have totally loaded phone lines, so we're going to go to everybody.
And I want to take 20 calls by the end of the next hour.
So when you hear somebody hang up, just call right in, folks.
And yeah, I got about 20 other stories I'm going to hit on, too.
I have another article here saying, beware the technology.
And it gets into microchips everywhere, tracking everything you do.
And a few days ago we posted an official industry, actually it was yesterday, an official industry cartoon of what RFID tracker chips will do.
From the industry!
From the factory, to the truck, to the store, to your car, to your home, to who you are, to the landfill, a total record of everything you do.
And Bush, by the way, just signed two new interdepartmental orders, directives to Homeland Security.
You'll want to hear about these.
That's coming up in the next hour.
This is classical tyranny we're seeing unfold.
Let's go to Jay in Colorado.
Jay, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex.
I just wanted to talk about a couple of things on the news I saw and a commercial for a new video game, Invisible War, the war on terrorism.
They're getting more of that out there where they got the guys running around.
Looks like America blowing stuff up.
I've been at CompUSA and looked at the games.
I'd say about 15-20% of the new games are warfare, torture games, kill the patriots.
And then there was, I saw
A website that was showing the actual price of medication, or well, manufacturing the pills versus what they charge, and you were talking about how this new fat thing, they were trying to lower the cost of health care and all that stuff.
All they have to do is do what every other country in the world does, is put a limit on how much they can charge for all this, all these medicines they're giving us.
Well, that's a catch-22, because there is a lot of research that goes into this, but
It's not fair that in some cases we pay ten times what other countries do, and they are certainly jacking the prices up way above what's reasonable.
And then there was another story I saw about a kid in New Jersey that had a website that he made for himself.
He was a junior, a middle school kid.
I think he was fourteen or something.
And he had a website about his school.
He did it himself, didn't use the school for nothing.
They found out about it, the superintendent found out about it.
They told the kid he had to get rid of the site, even though, you know, First Amendment and everything.
He had to get rid of the site.
He agreed, his father and him agreed, and they still suspended the kid for a week from school, a month from sports.
Now, sir, which case is that?
Because I see one of these every month.
There have been cases where they just say, I don't like the extracurricular activities, they don't give us enough gear, or I think the principal's a pig.
Some of that I can see a problem, but what does it teach them with the First Amendment?
And certainly a youngster should be able to have their own website and write whatever they want as long as it's not calling for violence.
Right, and that's what, uh, that's what they said in the case was that the parents were outraged because there was nothing on the site except for just kids, you know, saying, you know, the hamburgers are rubbery and, you know, all this stuff, or, you know, the jocks stink.
Yeah, I did see that article now that you give me specifics.
Yeah, that's what they're teaching them.
Look, they can't write the word gun in a fiction story for English without being arrested or expelled.
Yeah, and they can't, they regulate what you wear.
If you got a Guns N' Roses t-shirt, you're out of there.
Well, that's what Columbine did.
Well, that's what people always, when I say something about Columbine or something like that and how it was, seemed to be, um,
A big ruse.
People say, why would they do that?
What the heck would they do that for?
And there you go.
The schools are, like you said before, becoming prisons.
And it's every part of the country.
The administrators in the schools think they're some kind of cop.
Coming to people's houses and regulating everything you're doing.
They have, in almost every middle school in the country, you write dossiers on mommy and daddy.
It's called your journal.
The BATF in the schools.
We'll be right back, third hour.
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That's toll free, 888-803-4438.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The federal government is publicly moving to satellite track and tax every
Car owner, driver in this country, they are publicly moving to test all your children for their weight and to take them from you and to have inspections of your home, period, by CPS.
Everyone who puts their child in Head Start gets a CPS visit and about a third of them have their children taken.
Oh, you didn't know that.
Millions of children in the last several years have been taken.
Thousands are missing in Florida that they've grabbed.
But now, new ways to get in your life.
And in England, if you yell at a soccer game at your children or other children, you will be criminally charged.
I read that article yesterday.
It's actually happening.
This is the control.
The total Orwellian control.
Always for our best interest.
Wide open phones in this third hour and a bunch of other news coming up on the terror alerts, the earthquake, on the 9-11 whitewash commission.
It's all coming up.
Right now, Glenn in Colorado.
Glenn, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
The suggestion for those people informing fellow citizens about the New World Order, I suggest that they don't waste energy talking to co-workers, church members, or family.
I spent 20 years in sales and it proved to me that it's easier to sell a stranger.
Stranger has no history or ego with you or invested in you.
It's amazing.
Strangers believe you.
I sold stocks over the phone to people nationally.
Statistically, I want to back up what you're saying.
From thousands of contacts with people on the street that don't know me, but my own family in some cases will argue because they have an ego battle.
They think you're trying to put them down, warning them, but somebody that doesn't know you will listen.
That's right.
So I only approach strangers.
I'm the guy that sells me at the stationery store, the gas station, somebody at the big box store, whatever.
By the way, I have a big Berkey and I visited a friend.
He has a very expensive under the sink system.
The water was terrible in taste to the to the big Berkey.
It was amazing.
Well, sir, I only push things I believe in.
Water filters, videos, books.
I don't believe in magic cures, super magic machines, snake oil of any type.
I only stick to real proven stuff, and I bought Big Berkies four years before they were our sponsor, and we're so proud to have them.
Well, you didn't leave me wrong.
I really appreciate the, because I've been looking for water filter, and I'd looked a lot of them.
And I tell you, this is really fit the bill.
Well, uh, you know, about 150 years ago, the Queen gave a big award to the British scientists that came up with the British Birkfeld.
And, uh, you know, it's why spring water's so good when it goes through all that limestone.
And that's what it's doing.
And now, with the Black Berkey elements, it's even light years ahead of that.
This is what the
People, missionaries, and others buy.
This is what you'll see in Africa in the villages.
And, I mean, it's just tried and trusted.
Well, like I say, thanks for the... I'm glad they advertised with you because it really introduced me to a great, great filter.
I appreciate it.
Glenn, anything else?
No, that'll do it.
Take care.
Thank you, sir.
I don't want to shortchange Bill on time, so we'll break and come back and talk to Bill, Joe, Michael, and many others that are holding.
So remember to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
You know, Christ said, don't cash your pearls before swine.
I'll talk to anybody and spend time with them, but if they laugh at me,
When I'm warning them, sincerely, I mean, I know they're delusional, because if you don't know something's already wrong, you're not paying attention, as the bumper sticker reads.
If you're not appalled, something's wrong with you.
I don't expect you to have all the answers and know everything.
None of us do.
But if you laugh at me, if you think it's funny, if you think 50 million abortions is funny,
If you think Bush about to sign the assault weapons ban is funny, or cutting Taiwan loose is a joke, I'm not going to waste my time.
I'm going to move on.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Oh my-
I can't believe I got these drugs prescribed for free and shipped overnight to my door without seeing a doctor.
Yes, it's true.
For a limited time, our doctors are prescribing drugs for free.
Our doctors are prescribing the most popular diet pills, muscle relaxers, sleeping pills, and Viagra.
You heard it right.
Free prescriptions over the phone for painkillers, migraine relief, anti-anxiety, allergy relief, and heartburn relief.
The list goes on.
On and on.
Free prescriptions for hair loss, birth control, antidepressants, acne creams, and herpes medication.
Did I mention free diet pills and Viagra prescriptions?
This is a limited time offer.
Our doctors will not be prescribing drugs over the phone for free and shipping them overnight to your door for much longer.
If you don't call 1-800-615-7094 right now, you may miss out forever.
To participate in this limited time offer and have your drugs prescribed over the phone for free, you need to call 1-800-615-7094 now.
That's 1-800-615-7094 for drugs like Phentermine, Ambien, Fiorise, Sama, Ultram, Viagra, and many more.
Call 1-800-615-7094 now before it's too late.
1-800-615-7094 for free prescriptions.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
But, if you placed them on the magnet, all would stick.
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Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
We're good to go!
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Live from Austin, Texas, let's go back to your calls.
Let's talk to Bill in Washington, and Joe, Michael, Michael, Larry, and others.
Bill, you're on the air.
Welcome, sir.
Oh, thank you for having me, Alex.
You bet.
Thanks for calling.
You're doing a great job.
I wanted to ask you a couple of things.
Are you aware of the peak oil lie?
The story about peak oil, and I've looked at it, I've studied it, is not true.
We have enough oil to run the U.S.
for 100 years at current levels in Alaska alone.
That is the discovered oil.
We have enough coal, clean coal, in Utah alone to run our automobiles for 200 plus years.
There is oil everywhere.
They have capped wells all over Texas, all over Oklahoma.
There is more oil in Russia, they now are saying, than in the Middle East.
There is oil all over the ocean.
There is oil everywhere, but
The UN, I remember about six, seven years ago when I first started studying the environmental land grab movement.
Wrote reports saying, we've got to create the illusion that there isn't enough water, so if people think there isn't enough water, create artificial scarcity, they'd rather, these governments, these corporations the UN works for, would rather charge you more money for less water and control your life.
Same thing with oil.
They tell you there's not enough oil, we've reached peak consumption.
That's not true.
That is not true.
There's information that oil is from biological sources and there's basically an unlimited resource.
And that's why the Russians have been able to find so much oil.
They've solved the problem.
It's just another way of controlling us.
Are you aware of the scalar weaponry?
Well, I know that there are a lot of psychotronic weapons.
We have legislation.
We have patents on it.
I know about scalar waves.
I know they've been discovered by major institutions.
I don't know about their application.
A lot of that's classified, and I have no idea.
Well, I've sent you a couple of websites with information on that.
There's a lot of information available on the Internet.
Here's the problem.
There is zero-point energy.
There are all these things, but
90% of the people handling it are saying they've got the answer or frauds.
I've investigated it.
So there is a lot of advanced technology.
There are a lot of suppressed technologies.
But, you know, the guy saying, send me all your money and I'm going to start the corporation.
You're going to have stock in it with my magic machine that gives you unlimited power.
But I can't show you one.
Or I got this box that'll heal you, but you just can't open it up.
You know, I just stick to stuff I can prove.
Have you seen Tom Bearden's website?
Well, I've sent that to you a couple times.
I can send it to you again if you'd like.
The next thing I wanted to talk to you about is how you're doing.
Are you taking care of yourself?
It sounds like you're kind of working too hard.
Yeah, no, I feel great.
I feel awesome.
I did about 100 sit-ups, which I'm out of shape, and my stomach's not that sore.
My back is sore and is hurting right now, but other than that, I'm awesome.
Thanks for the call.
I really appreciate it.
Take care.
Bill, I'm going to let you go.
Thanks for the call.
Joe in New York.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call again.
I was just watching the news.
I don't know if we can mention the news company that we actually saw something on.
I'll give you the details.
Well, sure.
We don't censor people here.
Alright, yeah.
I was just watching MSNBC, and they did a report on DuPont.
They were getting involved with biometrics and how it's going to be used on your credit card.
I don't
Yeah, it's always new technology.
The Faceit technology with the Canadian company Faceit is not new.
They've had face scanning for at least 20 years.
They take a digital photo of your face.
They can take it from three sides and combine it.
Your driver's license photo gives them a good face scan.
Yeah, well they were saying that this new technology would be better than a hologram because it takes days for them to actually create a hologram.
They can actually do this type of 3D technology within just a couple of hours.
So that's... You know what I'm telling you is, sir, two years ago at some of the upscale clothing stores, they have a biometric scanner you step into in close-fitting black body stocking, men and women.
And it scans your body for the exact tailoring.
And they have biometrics for your walk.
My whole point here is, is that there's this London Guardian article about a retina scanner to start your car to decide if you're tired or drunk or on drugs.
Yeah, I heard you talking about that before.
And they said, Ark, this British scientist invented it.
Well, no he didn't.
The Houston company says they invented it years ago.
My point is, these companies are all such congenital liars that whatever new invention you're hearing about was some Defense Department creation decades ago.
Oh, absolutely.
I'm aware of that.
For every year, from what I was told and what I researched, for every year that goes by annually, it's about 40 years in military technology.
For every year that actually goes by in technology.
Well, yeah, that's debatable, but there's a geometric doubling.
So you are familiar with the buyer metrics on the credit cards now, and DuPont was basically going to be putting that out?
Yeah, basically everything is going to be your national ID card.
They're not going to say, here's your national ID card.
What they're going to say is, and this has been announced by the way, years ago.
That makes sense.
Your credit card, your driver's license, when you get on the bus, when you buy something, it all goes into the federal database.
Already does.
Well, that's good, because, like, for them, I guess, it's not good for us, but good for them that, let's just say you happen to lose your driver's license, well, they can just take your credit card and get all that information.
I mean, it's like if they put everything on so many different cards that someone carries,
They're bound to find one card that they can use to get all that information.
It's almost like having a key to a lock.
Did you know I have the 68 law that Texas passed?
Did you know they passed a law to make you thumb scan to get a driver's license in 68?
Well, let me tell you something, Alex.
I moved to Nevada in the summertime and I opened up a bank account.
Uh, Wells Fargo.
And I was blown away because I couldn't open up an account unless I fingerprinted.
But I'm sure you saw an illegal alien, no problem.
Wells Fargo is probably the worst.
And Wells Fargo just got an award from Vicente Fox in Austin a month ago.
Well, yeah.
Well, I can understand it.
You go to Wells Fargo
If you're a Mexican citizen, you get super citizenship.
None of the taxes, none of the regulations, no nothing.
Fake names.
With that, you can go get driver's license, everything else.
Where I live, there's a 7-Eleven, like, maybe, like, five minutes away.
And there's all sorts of, like, people from Mexico, I'm sure, that are here illegally.
I mean, I'm not talking about a few people.
There's gotta be, literally, anywhere from, on a good day, 60 to 150.
Illegals that just hang around right on the 7-Eleven waiting for some construction guy.
There are 30 million from Latin America alone.
Thanks for the call.
Hey, thank you sir.
I appreciate it.
I got this article here.
Caution over computerized world.
We'll go back to more calls.
A future where everyday objects have computer chips in them will have a dramatic effect on our lives.
But we should know about the potential risk from technology, say researchers.
The team in Switzerland looked at the health, social, and environmental implications of what is called pervasive computing.
We should reflect on how we use technology, said Swiss professor of computer science, Lawrence Hilley.
A society is not reflecting enough.
Folks, the average person doesn't know what the First Amendment is or how many states there are.
The idea behind pervasive computing is that everything around us contains some sort of electronic device.
In their report, the Swiss team talked about a future where computer chips, remote sensors, and radio transponders are scaled down to microscopic size.
Already happened.
And built into just about everything.
Already happening.
You could have a pint glass that sends a signal for a refill when it's empty.
Or even have paint that contains electronic dust particles that could control a room's temperature or turn a wall into a big screen.
And it goes on and on in the article.
And all of that's already here.
I love these articles.
It's always, oh, this could happen, and it's already in the stores being implemented against us right now.
Right now.
You want to find out what's really happening?
The public schools.
Let's talk to Michael in Florida.
Michael, you're on the air.
Yes, thank you.
A couple of things.
Charlie Walters, I believe he was talking a year or so ago when I was listening to him about
Nutrition, and that's why Americans are overweight in a lot of the Western world, because of our farming practices.
We're just not getting the nutrition.
And the reason people are overeating is that they're hungry all the time, even though they have a full belly, because they're not getting the nutrition.
And the second thing I wanted to ask you was about David Chippers.
Have you heard from him lately?
What's going on?
I haven't heard anything from him.
A year and a half on your show.
Well, let's take that now.
David Sippers, the guy that impeached Bill Clinton, brought down the mob in Chicago, says the Bush administration had prior knowledge, tried to warn him beforehand, he's in road to tyranny.
The film bit on this show.
He was suing the federal government to allow his FBI agents under him, people he represents, to be able to go public about Bush and the Bin Ladens.
And last time I heard, all those lawsuits are tied up.
Are you going to be on your show any time soon?
You know, that's a good idea.
I'll try to get David back on.
I'll try to... I'm going to write that down.
David Shepherds.
One last thing.
Maybe we're going to swap Taiwan for North Korea.
Let China have Taiwan and we're going to have North Korea.
Oh, that's how they did it in World War II.
You know, you're absolutely right.
I'll comment on that when we get back.
Thanks for the call.
More calls coming up.
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Alright, the caller was talking about the Globalist allowing China to take Taiwan, and then the Globalist here will have a nice weapon of sale, bloodletting, diversion with North Korea.
And this is the pattern we've seen in other wars.
These global empires are really controlled at the top by the same financial interest.
And it's clear that they're going to get us into World War III in the Middle East, and with North Korea, with a Pakistan-India exchange, and that during that period, China is going to get into Taiwan.
And it'll be just like during World War II.
You see, the globalists couldn't just have one big global empire out in the open, taking everything over, because then people would resist it more.
But if they create a false, bipolar political system,
Which they're doing again now with the phony terrorist.
They're able to do that.
And Bush, it's such a big deal.
It's such a huge indicator.
To have President Bush changing 53 years of treaty with Taiwan and saying you're not independent.
They've been independent the whole time.
And they're a little country of 30 million people boldly standing up against Communist China.
Murderers that are worse than Hitler.
That's right, they've killed more people than Hitler, folks.
And we just sit here and watch our neocon president do this.
This is amazing.
Let's talk to Michael in Colorado.
Michael, go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing today?
A lot of calls from Colorado.
Yeah, well, you've got a lot of us out here listening.
We're doing our best part to spread the word.
You know, I've got a couple videos that I make regular copies of and give to people that I know and don't know.
And so, you know, it's slowly but surely working.
The word's getting out.
I had a question, though, you know, I'm going to be moving back to Austin at the end of this weekend here, and I was wondering, once I get back to Austin, I was wondering, you know, are there some certain things that I can be doing in addition to the videotapes that can help, you know, just kind of speed up this process?
Yeah, I would tell you, if you're moving back to Austin, Texas, there are about 700,000 Time Warner Cable subscribers in the metro area.
And I would go down and get your own access show.
Costs you about 150 bucks a year.
And you can be on during prime time, conservatively, talking to 15,000 people.
So I would tell you to go get your own access show, to start your own website.
I would tell you to call into mainstream talk shows and bring up real topics.
You'll have to lie to the screeners, that's our free country.
I would tell you to get involved politically in the gun rights movement, or the land rights movement, or for the border control.
Now there's a lot of issues where we need able-minded embodied people.
Those are some real good ideas.
I definitely appreciate that.
But I'm just saying one of the best solutions is my videos because we really do have great effect with people that get the films and make copies.
It's literally astounding.
I mean, I talked to everybody for probably about the first year and a half I listened to your program before I actually bought any videos, and people just think it's like a new hobby I picked up.
And once I get videos and I show them videos,
By the end of the time the video's over, it's literally astounding how much their facial expressions, their whole mood changes, and everything.
That's good, and of enough people!
And again, we're just one, you know, one rust in this fight.
We're just, you know, some of the sinews in the fist.
But all of us together are having a massive effect.
I mean, things are bad right now, but if we weren't up here on the air telling it like it is, being honest about how horrible it is, it's that tiny minority that sets the bush fires, the minds of men and women.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, Michael.
Another call from Colorado.
Larry in Colorado.
Go ahead.
Hi, I wanted to see if you had any update on the Mariani case back in New York, or hopefully Pennsylvania, on that one.
And I was wondering if Paul Watson or you remember or talked about the taxation on the drive in downtown in London, how they already did that?
Yes, Germany is going to make all drivers buy 07 satellite track and tax.
All commercial vehicles from taxi cabs to small trucks to large trucks are now having to do with satellite track and taxation.
I saw a story, it had to be a year ago,
Where they were talking about it going in downtown London because of the traffic congestion and everything and then they had a guy I think he was in in New York or in New Jersey was bragging about his company had already figured out that they could tax people down in New York City and like 15 cents a minute if you're on Fifth Avenue or depending on what busy streets you're on if you're on a busy street you get taxed
Yeah, and we don't have to put up with this.
The government doesn't need more money.
We don't need to go along with thumb scanning for our children to get school lunches, training us to accept it in stores, where the thumb scanners are now going in.
We don't have to accept the electronic voting machines.
We don't have to accept any of this!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, my friends.
Continuing with all these loaded phone lines.
Great callers making wonderful points.
Continuing with this string of callers from Colorado.
Let's go ahead and I guess up next would be Dave in Colorado.
Dave, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Wonderful to talk to you, Alex.
I'll give you a quick tidbit here.
One of the public schools here in town
If you know Fort Collins area, we have the largest outbreaks of influenza in the country, and of course the West Nile virus, which they sprayed many of our neighborhoods with untested pesticides supposedly.
Oh, we have the same thing.
Trucks driving by, belching it, spraying it at your houses.
But here's my story.
My friends live across town, and they have a boy that goes to the junior high school here.
He's 13.
And he, I was, they know my stand, they know I listen to you, they go to Infowars.com and the other, what's the other website?
PrisonPlanet, yeah, I told them to go there too, and they frequent your sites a lot.
But I was talking with their son, and he's 13, and he's a fairly intelligent boy for 13, and I asked, I told him something about how I thought that somebody was behind the influenza, and he told me that the week before the outbreak, that two health
Human service trucks pulled up and they were, you know, like five people got out of each van and they were going into the schools and into the ventilation systems and stuff.
And the principal told kids in the area to get out of the area or they would be suspended.
And then that day alone, he said, 12 of his friends got sick immediately.
And over the course of the next week, over 300 children in that school got sick.
And then there was the largest outbreak of influenza in the nation that began here in Fort Collins, Colorado.
Just so happens we have a CDC center here.
And, you know, if there's no correlation, it sure is a big coincidence.
You need to get me the names of these young people.
You need to have them call my office.
We need to have them on as witnesses to this.
And by going public, they'll be fine.
You can't put up with this.
Sir, I have read hundreds of mainstream articles on air where they have sprayed cities, towns, subways, troops, children.
With the flu in the past, with other germs, uh, with bacteria.
It's going on statewide for six months now in Oklahoma.
Thousands of pounds of Subtellus Globoge that they say doesn't usually hurt you.
It's just a ongoing homeland security drill with hundreds of aircraft flights over all the towns.
And they just calmly announced this.
I mean, we have a government with Project Shad.
Project Shed.
Until 1985, and in some of the last tests in 1985, they'd have US and British troops stand out in the fields in Wales, they'd fly over them and spray them with nerve gas and kill them.
Killing troops.
Now that's the BBC.
So people that'll do that will do anything.
And yes, the CDC is the Center for Spreading Disease.
They have had dozens and dozens and dozens of microbiologists.
I have the Houston Chronicle that have died.
The last one two weeks ago.
Worked at the local university.
He was a microbiologist, specialist, and chemist.
Had multiple degrees.
He was studying the bizarre outbreaks on cruise ships.
Somebody in a van jumped the curb, smashed him against a wall, ran over him again, and drove away.
Well, and it's just like the influenza shots.
Then they came in, and that was the next wave.
He said they came into school, and he didn't get the shot, and his family wouldn't allow him to.
But like a lot of his friends did and it's sad that they did that.
That the health department.
I want to keep them right now.
I don't want to say their names or anything.
Yeah, but sir, I'm not saying say their names now.
Right, right.
You need to get a bunch of the children together.
We'll email you for sure.
Well, yeah, tipsandinfowars.com.
You need to get a bunch of witnesses.
Three or four of these young people.
We need to get a hold of the principal.
We need to get the records of that.
But he said they were going into the ventilation systems.
Well, this is what he said.
I just heard the story last weekend, and he said that it was like on a Monday, and these two vans from Human Health Services or whatever, I don't know if that's county or federal, I don't know what it is.
Well, local might as well be federal because they're controlled federally.
Well, he said that these people came out of the vans and that they were, I don't know if he said they had aerosol or what kind of things they had going on, but he said that they made them evacuate the area, but the people that were
Friends of his that were actually in the area that got out before this had started, the principal said, you will be suspended if you don't leave the area now.
So then those kids got out of there, but those children actually got sick that day, my friend was saying, and they didn't show up to school the next day.
Well, there have been news articles, you can type into search engine, biological tests done at school, and this has been done before.
I don't know about this case, I don't know if this is true or not, but get me some info.
I will, I will talk to him.
In fact, I'm taking him and his family to go see a movie this, after Christmas, and we're going to go see a movie, and I'll talk to him about it then.
All right, thanks for the call.
Look, the tyranny is going to come to your door in a lab coat.
The model states, and this is all proven, the model states held the Emergency Powers Act of two years ago.
They tried to get states to pass it.
About 22 states did pass it.
It was a little over 22, but I stopped counting at 22.
Then the police, the firemen, the medical workers refused to take the smallpox shot.
They were preparing them into little brigades for security, you name it, how to round you up.
I mean, I had one of the ladies on from Denver, city councilwoman, oh yes, we're prepared for your safety to put you in the sports stadiums and forcibly inject you.
Folks, it was all over the news.
I'm sure you heard about it.
And they said the smallpox attack is coming.
But then they couldn't get their own enforcers to take the shot, so they had to suspend the program.
They announced a few months ago, the smallpox program is dead in the water, was the USA Today headline.
So we know they have this big plan.
Bush got 5.8 billion of the 6.3 billion funding that he wanted for a program called BioShield.
And this is to build three dozen, three
A dozen level four bioweapons plants in major cities all over the country.
To, among other things, make biological weapons, but also, quote, make vaccines for all these deadly bioweapons, and then to forcibly make you take it.
And see, that's the perfect smokescreen for the tyranny, for the hysteria, for the troops on the ground, for the roundups.
The British government calls them rest and relocation centers, mass roundup plans.
The Rocky Mountain News reported, we keep going back to Colorado, mass graves, incinerators have quietly been prepared.
But the border's wide open, and then you look at who's been behind the terror, it's elements of the government.
If there's a major biological release, this will be the hysteria needed to get martial law going in the U.S., out in the open, where you'll accept it.
And so tyranny comes to you in a white lab coat.
They're saying SARS is about to explode on the scene.
Deadly flu.
This is all just little precursors to get you ready.
To let you know how evil these county health departments are.
And I should say how mindless they are.
They follow any order.
Well, it was the county health departments that rounded up 400,000-plus women and forcibly sterilized them until the mid-1980s, and that's when they supposedly suspended it.
They said if you were a single-parent family and your child made under a B+, that was grounds that you were feeble-minded, they would drop by, take your daughter, and sterilize her using medical students.
This is mainstream.
This is admitted.
Health departments were involved, not just letting black men die of syphilis, it's now come out, giving them syphilis.
Health departments have been involved in everything wicked.
For 33 years, the health department takes the blood samples from your baby, taken from your baby's heel, and sends it to the federal DNA database.
I can keep going for hours, you want me to?
The point is, I don't know what that caller was just saying was true.
But frankly, my guts tell me it's going on.
In 1968, and I use this example because it's something you've all heard about.
In 1968, in New York's subway, a biological was released by time-release light bulbs that had a hollow chamber inside of them, and the heat would cause the aerosol spray to begin being released.
Deaths resulted
And the Pentagon had its medical officers and CDC officers at New York hospitals so when the people came in they could log the results.
Just type in Army Test Biological in New York Subways.
Prepare yourself for MSNBC, New Scientist, Associated Press, on and on and on.
They killed mommies and daddies and people going to work.
They killed you.
And those that got sick, they monitored you.
And those that died, they sat there over your hospital bed with a clipboard and coldly sat there as they died.
Now, what I just said is fact.
You can't trust these people.
I remember back in 1994, right when I first got a TV show, I remember seeing a Time Magazine article that said, well, they wouldn't do this anymore, but in the 40s and 50s, the pregnant wives would come in to the military station doctor to get some treatment, and they would say, here miss, here's some vitamins I want you to take.
There were hundreds of these done, admittedly.
A woman would take uranium and plutonium pills and then she'd come back the next day having a violent miscarriage and in some of these cases they would even film it for their data banks.
How would you give a pregnant woman uranium and plutonium pills and watch her
In incredible pain and radiation poisoning, losing her baby.
This is your government.
Yes, this is an illegitimate government.
They would take people's children who were sick and go,
The children of G.I.s.
We're going to give them an x-ray now.
They would radiate them.
Many of the children would die before leaving the bed.
That's admitted.
Check it out for yourself.
Stop denying the facts.
You check out what I just said.
Folks, we have a government that would stick troops out in the field and fly over and spray them and kill them.
And they want you to take their vaccines.
I just hope you realize all of this, and I hope you're aware of this.
And if we keep being gullible and denying this is going on, it's only gonna get worse.
You ask, why am I still alive while this is true?
Because I was smart enough to make film
And if they kill me, people will take what I have to say more seriously and will make more copies of the videos.
I'm out in the open, standing firm, standing tall with thousands of other prominent people.
It's the people that creep around in the dark or that work for this system that are fed upon by it.
And 90 plus percent of people in government are good.
They're just gullible fools who believe any form of wickedness is just doing their job.
But it is that 10% that are knowing sociopaths in the power structure.
And of that 10%, it's a smaller than 1% that are fully active and know the big picture.
Oh, a lot of people know about the New World Order.
Oh, yes.
They decide, through cowardice, to join it.
I will never join this system!
Not just because I fear for my eternal soul, but because I love humanity, I love decency and honor, I'm disgusted by these degenerate, eugenic, trash, running things.
It's that health department you trust so much that puts you in a DNA database and you didn't even know it.
Let's go ahead now and talk to Angus in Canada.
Welcome, Angus.
Hello, Alex.
You mentioned a website earlier.
I do periodic reviews on children's products such as books and games and things from Disney and Reader's Digest and things like that.
And one of the things that I noticed is some games that are coming out lately, maybe I should begin to address an awareness thing for the readers of games that maybe they should avoid or be aware of as parents.
Well, what I was saying is that when I'm at CompUSA, I will go over and look at the video games and read the backs, and over 10% are
Being special forces, killing people, torturing people, or they're like Grand Theft Auto, where you have sex with a prostitute, blow her head off, get more money.
I mean, these games are truly evil.
I remember four years ago, a game called Dungeon Keeper came out, and PC Magazine gave it a rave review.
You kidnap children, torture them to death in your sub-pit, and by extracting their soul energy by torturing them, which is what Satanists believe, you build a secret war machine army for the New World Order.
Oh, that's lovely.
So this is CopUSA.com?
Is that where I would find that?
I don't believe I ever set a website.
A listener called and mentioned the video games.
No, no.
Oh, Comp!
Yeah, yeah.
Well, I'm saying, when I'm in CopUSA buying inkjet printer cartridges, or I'm in there buying CDs or whatever, I will go over and look at the video games.
I'm sorry, I didn't hear the M in that.
Yeah, well, I mumble.
I'm a broadcaster.
Well, thank you, Alex.
Keep up the good work.
Hey, I appreciate the call, yes.
I'm just saying, go investigate.
There's a lot of these gangs that are doing this.
Let's talk to Rod in Colorado.
Go ahead, Rod.
Yes, sir.
I'd like to comment on that guy that called yesterday and said that none of our planes ever flew over North Vietnam and all that.
And were never shot down, and by the way, torture's good.
Yeah, well, Admiral Denton, or Senator Denton, was one of those that spent seven years in the Hanoi Hilton.
And then the man that ran for Vice President with Barreaux, Ross Barreaux, he also spent a good long period in there.
So did McCain, so did Ron Paul mentioned a bunch of them.
Yeah, well let me mention one more man, Howie Rutledge.
Commander Rutledge was the executive officer for a fighter squadron of F-8, and he led an attack over
North Vietnam in 1965.
I think it was November of 1965.
And he was shot down and he wrote a book.
He spent seven years in Hawaii Hill and tortured, starved to death almost.
But he got out there and he was in bad shape, but he wrote a book with his wife and it's published by Guidepost Magazine.
Well, what do you want to say to the guy that says torture's good, and by the way, I'm a liar saying we had people shot down and tortured?
Well, we should torture him until he tells the truth.
No, I'm only kidding.
Torture is bad.
Even in World War II, I was a Marine in World War II, and we would capture very few Japanese prisoners, but we never resorted to the kind of treatment that they gave to our people.
I tell you what, stay there, Rod.
I want to talk more about this.
I would imagine you guys fought even harder because you knew they were torturing our men, didn't you?
Is that the case, Rod?
I beg your pardon?
Did you guys fight even harder against the Japanese knowing they were torturing our men?
Absolutely, absolutely yes.
Tell you what, stay there.
I want to talk more about this when we get back.
Stay with us.
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Don't worry.
This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Yeah, don't worry.
This show is documented, folks.
That means evil is going to be defeated.
It always is.
It implodes in on itself.
Talking about World War II, you know, not just the prior knowledge of Pearl Harbor, but Roosevelt, the documents have now been declassified.
We're talking Associated Press here.
I had the lawyers on involved in it a year ago that got the documents declassified.
7,000 men, women, and children civilians were in the Philippines, and Roosevelt would not allow them to be evacuated for a full month.
They said that, well, having them captured would be great political tool in our media with the newsreels.
So, folks, you need to stop being naive.
We're talking to Rodney in Colorado, who was in World War II, and you say you didn't torture the Japanese like they tortured us.
Yeah, that's right.
You know, there's been plenty of books written since World War II about how the Japanese mistreated the Filipinos and the American Marines, and even civilian workers that were on Wake Island.
There were a couple hundred of them captured, and most of them were murdered
Brutally with machine gun fire and decapitation because the islands were going to be taken back by the U.S.
And they were brutal.
They practiced cannibalism and everything else.
And even when Bush was shot down, George Bush was shot down near Chichijima.
And later after the war, he asked the officers there, well, what would have happened if they'd have caught him first before he was rescued by the submarine?
And the Japanese said,
Well, he would have been eaten, because the commanding officer of that particular island practiced cannibalism on any prisoner they caught.
Yeah, that's part of the record too, but these naive people want to deny it.
So do we want to turn into those type of beasts?
Now, Japanese were captured, they were in fear of getting the same brutal treatment that they gave, but when they found that they didn't get that, they were very delighted.
Thanks for the call, sir, and thanks for your service to this country.
Amazing call.
I mean, Americans don't torture.
Americans don't eat people.
Americans aren't supposed to act like that.
And that goes back to 1776.
I've read the historical record from both sides.
The British would kill you, torture you, hang you.
We didn't do that!
And to people that want to desecrate America, I'm sick of you!
Let's talk to Malte in Denmark.
Thanks for holding, Malte.
Go ahead.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
I just want to start with a comment about the 1776.
You know, you're dealing with the Queen of England when you're talking about the crown.
Yeah, that's a big part of the New World Order, yeah.
But that's not the biggest thing I'm talking about.
That's about this thumb scanning.
Well, I was in a lecture last year, and this year, in May, a little lecture, and there was about 20 or 25 people, and there was, a woman was just speaking, and she was talking about mind control and the microchip, and it was very,
I don't know.
It was very... Most terrible.
I cannot describe what she taught me.
It's horrible.
Yeah, it was horrible.
It's horrible what they're planning.
It's horrible what they've done.
Thank you, Malta.
Call us back tomorrow.
Sorry to Bruce.
Thank you, sir.
Sorry to Bruce and everybody else that was holding.
I'm out of time!
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2 central.
I'm so thankful to all our AM and FM affiliates.
Support them.
Support their sponsors.
Tell them thank you.
If you're listening on shortwave or internet, get us more affiliates.
Call your local station.
Get them to pick us up.
That's how we get our stations.
Now get the videos.
Make copies of them.
Spread the word.
It's having an effect.
The websites are InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The new film is Matrix of Evil.
It's up to you folks.
I know these videos are working.
Will you get them?
Will you make copies?
It's up to you.
Phone number and stuff's on the website.
I'm out of time!
Get out there and stand up for your family.
You don't have a choice.
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