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Name: 20031219_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 19, 2003
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, folks.
Thanks for joining us today.
It's already Friday, the 19th of December, 2003.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
I covered this article yesterday on air, but the author of it, Maggie Burns, will be joining us.
Chinese Megabucks for Bush Brothers.
All part of the payoff to Clinton, Bush, all of them, ongoing by the Communist Chinese to sell out sovereign nations and allow their tyranny to expand.
They've caught one of the big electronic voting machine companies having their top managers running their operations, being convicted felons.
We see this pattern over and over and over again.
Only convicted felons would do what these companies have been engaging in, or people that should be convicted felons.
Paul Bremer, the minion over Iraq, wants to double the coalition authority's size.
There's news now coming out about Rumsfeld's visit to Baghdad in 1984.
Not the 83 visit that was caught on video, but the 84 visit was to reassure Saddam that it was okay to nerve gas people.
That's right.
This is out of the Washington Post.
We have the top military man in the Pentagon saying that they will capture bin Laden.
Dead or alive, he will be captured.
Now just a few months ago it was, forget about bin Laden.
He's not going to be captured or he's dead.
Now, oh well, we're going to be bringing him back dead or alive.
We're sure of it.
And we saw rumblings of this before the Saddam captured Congressman LaHood and of course General Tommy Frank saying, oh we're an inch away from catching him.
We know something you don't know.
Ha ha ha is what LaHood was saying and Tommy Frank was saying similar things.
There's an article here out of Salt Lake City
Well, the reporter makes fun of the conspiracy theory people about the change in the color of money.
And how we're holding up progress.
And it says we always do.
It's always them.
Those that say there's a New World Order.
Hey, buddy, I don't know if you've been watching the Presidents and the Supreme Court and governments and the treaties and what's happening, but we're inside the New World Order.
Just like the sun came up this morning and will set this evening.
Just like the ducks, the geese fly south for the winter.
You know, it's the facts of life, but you're still there trying to manipulate people into not believing that.
Either you're a complete idiot or, what's more likely, you're a shill.
This article's funny if it wasn't so scary, so we'll be going over that, too.
There's just so much news today, and I've been doing a good job of taking a lot of your calls and not having folks hold that long.
Getting to all your points.
The toll-free number to join us on air.
Always love to hear from you.
It's Open Line Friday.
Any issue, any item, any topic of discussion, any angle you want to explore, any paradigm you want to shatter, any piece of propaganda you want to reveal,
Your eyes and ears out there.
Any particular news item that I don't cover you think is important, 1-800-259-9231.
Each and every day we update PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com with video clips, audio clips, legislation, documents, news articles from around the world as we chronicle the criminal activities of the global elite, also known as the New World Order.
So 1-800-259-9231
The websites are www.infowars.com, infowars.com, and prisonplanet.com, as well as infowars.net, jonesreport.com, and virginutah.com.
Just some of my websites.
Strap yourselves in.
Big show coming up.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, folks.
From 11 to 2 Central.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm here, I'm your host.
We're gonna take a lot of calls today, tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in around this planet.
And Martin and Norman and others, your calls will be up first here in just a few minutes.
The toll-free number to join us on any issue you'd like to discuss is 1-800-259-9231.
Now here's just some of the news.
General Myers says Bin Laden probably alive and is sure to be caught.
That's right.
Search continues for a Border Patrol agent who was in hot pursuit after some coyotes, that is, immigrant smugglers.
And a lot of them have been killed.
FBI's been killed.
Border Patrol's been killed.
Forestry Service agents have been killed.
And the government's response is to cut the funding for their guns, to not give them body armor, to make them pay for it themselves, to cut their pay, to make them pick up garbage, anything but control the border.
And the head of Homeland Security wants the border wide open and total legalization and to accept any type of fake consular matricular or consular identity cards from Poland, Mexico, Venezuela, Chile, you name it.
Dozens of countries now on the list.
And of course, about four weeks ago, a family of five was kidnapped who lived about four miles over the U.S.
border by Mexican troops.
And the last time I saw an article about it a few days ago, they're still holding one of them.
There's absolutely zero national news on this.
Just a few local news stories about it.
Search continues for Border Patrol agents.
Authorities on Thursday searched for a U.S.
Border Patrol agent who disappeared while pursuing suspected illegal immigrants along the Colorado River earlier this week.
James Epling, 24, vanished just north of the Mexican border Tuesday night.
He had pulled a woman from the river before
Uh, chasing other members of her group along the trail, officials said.
Searchers combed a two-mile stretch of the riverbed but found no trace of the agent, Border Patrol spokesman Jerome Wolford said.
Now I have a new article on this, it looks like there were coyotes involved.
And there is a $200,000 bounty
Uh, on the heads of Border Patrol agents.
But, again, can you imagine if some militia group had a bounty on federal agents' heads?
It'd be national news every millisecond, but when it's foreign troops and shooting and killing people and kidnapping and raping and pillaging, the average American has no idea this is even going on.
And that should make you angry and be cause for concern.
Some good news, Minnesota shuts down controversial police database.
It was a private database, a massive state-run database of confidential police files was shut down yesterday out of concern it violated privacy laws, officials said.
Now again, it was privately maintained, governmentally funded.
Uh, though a password protected internet site, the system gave police access, sometimes right from squad cars to a deep mine of records that included the names of suspects, witnesses, and those who have been arrested, convicted, and sought gun permits.
Sought gun permits?
The network sometimes offered a physical description and also contained juvenile files, which is totally illegal.
Some saw it as a sort of tool that could help police protect citizens, but others described it as a big brother network operating outside the bounds of state regulation.
Because again, it was a private database.
On Thursday, a non-profit organization that owns the network voted to immediately purge the multiple jurisdiction network organization
Of its millions of police contact records.
The records have been collected by more than 175 Minnesota police agencies and a handful of Wisconsin's over several years.
Folks, this is the Matrix System.
And if you just tuned in, every time I mention the Matrix System, I get an email going, now you're making stuff up.
The Matrix is a movie.
The Matrix is a federal program with the states in place for at least seven years
That has your divorce records, what type of car you drive, are you a gun owner, are you a Vietnam veteran, your psychological files, your welfare files, your credit report, everything.
And it's called the Matrix System.
This type matrix surveillance system into a search engine prepared to see thousands of mainstream news articles telling you how wonderful it is.
Well, it is not wonderful.
And yesterday, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, second highest court in the land, out of the Supreme Court, said that they can't just grab citizens and hold you indefinitely without lawyers and take you off to the death camps
Because that's what's in the Patriot Act 1 and 2.
They said that Lord Bush can't do that, but of course the Justice Department is appealing and is going to ignore that ruling.
They hadn't even passed Patriot Act 2 until last weekend, six days ago, when Lord Bush signed it.
And so now, they're just going to continue with the implementation.
I mean, they were implementing it before it was even passed a year and a half ago.
Also, terrorism drills showed lack of preparedness, report says.
This is the New York Times.
The Feds, over the last month, have had all these terror drills, takeover drills in major cities and small towns.
And the Feds say, oh, we did a horrible job.
We need more control.
We'll get into that.
There's an interesting article here.
Cats try to eat incapacitated owner.
At an L.A.
apartment, a group of hungry cats began to eat their 86-year-old owner after she suffered an apparent stroke.
That's horrible, folks.
I don't usually get into such gory side issues, but it's just interesting.
And couldn't get up for nearly a week, officials said Thursday.
That shows how much your cats love you.
Your cats are absolute trash.
I'm sorry.
I'm now showing what I really think of cats.
Compared to a dog they are.
Your dog, if it loves you.
98% of dogs will not eat you and then this has been found in a thousand cases.
It's in police files.
You can be collapsed for a week.
The dog can be starving.
No water.
It will chew a hole through a thick wooden door.
It will bark.
It will freak out.
It will pull you out of the water.
It will lick your face.
It will love you.
Cats will eat you.
This has happened before.
Cats don't love you.
Okay, I'm a dog lover, folks, and it's a side issue, but I don't like cats.
I can't stand them.
They don't care about you.
You can just tell the way they act, the way they look at you, their mannerisms.
Just how anybody would have cats over dogs.
I know we've got a lot of cat lovers out there.
Maybe your cat likes you, but I guarantee you, when the going gets rough, that cat will turn its back on you, if not try to eat you.
Just a side issue, folks, and it's borne out in the facts.
Dogs are good and loyal.
Cats are parasites.
Again, it doesn't matter in the scheme of things.
I'll read this.
Mae Lowry, who lives with seven cats, was discovered unconscious and riddled with bite marks Wednesday night at her
Panorma City Apartment Fire Department and Hospital official said.
In fact, they found people who have been decomposed with their dead dog.
That's happened many times and the dog will starve to death rather than eat you.
But not, now the dog doesn't know you, it will eat you if it's starving, but not if it knows you.
She was listed in fair condition at Kaiser Medical Center said hospital spokesman Lisa Court.
We've got more serious issues.
I don't want to go on my crusade against cats, which I never mentioned on air.
I even have a cat.
My wife has a cat, and I don't like it.
It doesn't care about me.
It doesn't care about her.
It's annoying.
It's stupid.
Okay, I've opened a can of worms here.
I'm sorry.
I like dogs, okay?
A gold mine!
Saddam Hussein loyalist infiltrated U.S.
operations in Iraq.
Oh yes, we'll be getting into that little piece of propaganda.
Also, tape show abuse of 9-11 detainees.
This from the Washington Post.
Interesting article from Counterpunch.
Remember how the name of the operation capturing Saddam was called Red Dawn?
Well, it gets worse.
We've now learned details.
They call the Iraqi insurgents Wolverine 1, Wolverine 2, Wolverine 3, and the colonel
Hinckley went on in his code words to use other revealing terms.
It has now been discovered he used terms back from British imperial occupation of Ireland.
So they're using imperial oppression terms.
They see themselves as the Soviet force and they even call the Iraqi insurgents Wolverine Nest.
And the colonel was caught calling them freedom fighters as well.
So, uh, and you know what?
I don't want to call them freedom fighters.
A lot of them are trash.
They're Ba'athists and, uh, who haven't been given a share of power.
They're Sunnis.
Uh, they're Shiites fighting with each other.
I mean, I'm not saying any side in this is good, but certainly, certainly, uh, this is revealing to see the military seeing itself as the Soviets.
And folks, I didn't name these operations.
They admit, Red Dawn and the enemy is the Wolverines.
You starting to figure stuff out?
You seen the movie, folks?
The Soviets, you know, the operations Red Dawn, the Americans are the Wolverines.
And by the way, I've been to the military bases and I've been in the cities when they're doing the training.
They're training to go after Constitutionalists, Patriots, Christians, gun owners.
I have them on video.
So see, this is just all their training showing up there in Iraq.
But I guess, you know, as FEMA said in Kansas City to a group of police and firefighters, the Founding Fathers are bad, Christians are bad, gun owners are bad, America's bad.
If you're not for communist China, you're a communist.
If you're not for gun control, you're a liberal.
If you're against open borders, you're a socialist.
No, you are.
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You know, I've got tons of earth-shattering, vital news to go over.
I don't know why I started spouting off about how I don't like cats.
I mean, I don't hate them, I just realize that they don't care about me.
I realize that they are parasitic, that they can care less about you, and dogs will give their lives for you.
And that was my point about these cats trying to eat their owner who was paralyzed on the floor.
Dogs don't do that, folks.
Dogs don't do that.
Again, they'll go in the water to save you.
They'll starve to death right next to you.
They're amazing creatures.
In fact, I wish more people were as good as the dogs I know.
But, uh, I've got this annoying cat.
I mean, I pet it and stuff, and I'm nice to it.
It's just very annoying, and I know it doesn't care about me, and I don't like having things around me that don't care about me, that I know are just basically worthless.
So what I'm saying is, cats compared to dogs, I don't know why anyone has cats.
I'm really getting off into petty stuff now.
What's your favorite color?
Let's talk about your favorite vacation spot here on the show today.
Let's talk about how the evil liberals are after George Bush.
Here, let's talk about mindless idiocy.
But seriously, your calls are coming up in the next segment with a load of phone lines here.
General Meyer says Bin Laden probably alive and that he is sure to be caught.
I just mentioned this, but here's some more details of it.
Osama Bin Laden will, quote, with absolute certainty be caught if he is still alive, the chairman,
of the U.S.
Joint Chiefs of Staff said on Thursday as the U.S.
military acknowledged for the first time that a Taliban commander targeted in an assault that mistakenly killed nine children got away.
General Richard Myers on a one-day tour to boost troop morale along with ultra-socialist and Clinton lover Robin Williams
And other entertainers said Al-Qaeda mastermind was likely hiding in the border region between Pakistan and Afghanistan.
You mean where the U.S.
government dropped 8,000 of them off and fully paid them?
It's very difficult to find individuals.
What will happen is, with absolute certainty, he will be captured someday, just like
We captured Saddam Hussein, Meyers said, at Bagram Air Base, U.S.
military headquarters in Afghanistan.
He said Bin Laden likely was hiding in the rugged mountains between Pakistan and Afghanistan, where he has some support.
Where he can buy support, and probably in very difficult terrain.
Since December 2nd, the U.S.
military has been engaging in large-scale, sweet-dubbed Operation Avalanche, targeting the south and east of the country.
The operation, which involves 2,000 troops and has been billed as the largest since the war ended, was designed in part to put the Taliban on the defensive ahead of the historic Constitutional Council that began Sunday in the Capitol.
The operation has been overshadowed by the deaths of 15 children in two attacks earlier this month, including a December 6th raid in which a A-10 war plane, an A-10 warthog was called in to bomb a field in a village in the province.
An adult and nine children who were playing there were killed.
Isn't that interesting?
So they claim that they're going to be capturing Bin Laden.
Anytime a Madeleine Albright thinks they already have him and are going to roll him out for the election.
What I've been told is, by a little birdie who was on Air Force One, is that he died of kidney failure, they're in business deals with their family, which is admitted out in the open, Bush Sr.
met with Bin Laden's older brother on the morning of 9-11, they flew him out of the country, they're in business with him and a dozen companies plus, that they have the dead body and are going to roll it out.
As a show right before the election.
Who knows?
We'll find out what happens.
When you get into all this cloak and dagger stuff, it's somewhat foggy as for what is really going on.
When we get back, we'll go to these calls, and I want to get to this news article demonizing anybody that is concerned about the change in the color of money.
Now at first we were kooks for reading the Federal Reserve website policy board four years ago where they said they were going to change the color and why?
To restrict the money supply to control the population and track and trace.
That's what the Federal Reserve said.
And now it happened.
But this reporter says we're all raving loons because we don't like the colored money and because the Federal Reserve can't change it too fast because it's quote always those conspiracy New World Order people.
They're always holding everything up.
It's always them.
They're always causing all our problems.
I don't want to read the quotes by the military officer.
Over in Iraq, calling it Operation Red Dawn to get Saddam and calling the nest of Iraqis Wolverines.
Why would you do a thing like that?
Why would you take on the mantle of the Soviets and call the Iraqis the equivalent of American Freedom Fighters?
Why would you do something like that, Colonel?
We'll be back, ladies and gentlemen.
After this quick break with a lot of news and your calls.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Coming up in the next hour, we're going to have Margie Burns from the online journal Chinese Megabucks for Bush Brothers.
Why is Bush changing a 50-plus year treaty with the Taiwanese, cutting them loose, and then calling it status quo?
I have to admit, Rush Limbaugh even admitted that it was a horrible thing and that it was violating our treaty and was a change in policy.
I have to be honest when the neocons occasionally tell the truth.
I mean, I couldn't see him trying to scam everybody on that issue like the neocons normally do, but I heard Hannity saying it was a good thing.
So, you know, this is how these guys operate, but to Limbaugh's credit, he did admit that it's bad to cut Taiwan loose, and very horrible what Bush did, encouraging the Communist Chinese, who've massed troops, to go ahead and invade, which they've said they'll do, and quote, kill everybody, and nuke us while they're at it.
That's why they tell us that they're our allies in the media.
But we're about to go to Martin and Norman and Rick and Tim and Kenneth and others that are holding.
But let me read this one article first, then we'll go to your calls.
This is out of Salt Lake City Weekly, one of their local newspapers there.
And it's The Color of Money is the name of the article.
Now listen to this propaganda.
I see stories like this all the time, but here's just one we picked to read.
When the new $20 bill was introduced, the Federal Reserve touted it as the most secure currency in U.S.
It's got all the fancy new whiz-bang gizmos with the color-changing ink, like the old 20s, the watermark, again like the old 20s, and the security thread ditto.
In fact, there's nothing very new about the New 20 at all.
It's pretty much the same yuppie food stamp Americans have been extracting from ATMs for the past six years.
Oh, except now it's in color.
You're totally wrong, and I'll tell you why in a second.
It was with a fair amount of anticipation that we awaited the release of the Peach Bite.
With the new 20, will our currency finally join the attractive ranks of Canada and England, or even Uruguay?
Unfortunately, it won't.
The new bills are made even more pathetic by the weak attempt at colorization.
The blue is barely perceivable.
The peach makes the bill look as though it may have once been washed with a vaguely red shirt.
If we want a strong and vibrant economy, wouldn't that best be symbolized by a strong and vibrant currency?
This is some sick propaganda, folks.
The Fed is concerned that changing the money too drastically might cause people to feel insecure, to lose faith in the currency, use ink a shade too bright, and there will be panic in the streets.
Now here's where it gets interesting.
Conspiracy theorists are to blame.
Change one thing about the money and suddenly Armageddon is upon us.
So as not to cause them undue discomfort, it's always them, isn't it?
That's what he says in quotes.
The Fed prefers to make small incremental changes.
Unfortunately, small incremental changes only serve to invite frog-boiling analogies from the nervous New World Order folks.
Tranquilization may become necessary because further change could be in store for our change.
Representative Mark Souder, Republican Indiana, wants Ronald Reagan, who as of this writing is still alive, immortalized on the dime.
It's a movement that has gained much momentum on the right and will generate just as much resistance from the left.
Eventually, history will be able to answer the question that plagued the 40th president.
And it just goes on to divert everybody.
Now, let's go through this article just real quick, piece by piece, and we'll go to the calls.
He says that there's no difference between this new color 20, and by the way, all the denominations are going to come out in the next year now, phased in into color.
And by the way, they do get brighter.
And by the way, you show your internal knowledge, Brandon Burt.
Of course!
First with a big face, then phasing in color, then the color is getting more bright.
And what's the reason for that?
Well, one of the side issues is counterfeiting, which the globalists do themselves with this fiat currency owned by private banks.
But more importantly, it's about calling in the old money supply.
The money that's in the mattress, or that's in the bricks over the fireplace, or that's buried
That's what it does.
And they said it's going to do that.
They can call in the old money
Destroy it, take it out of circulation, which they admit they're doing, and then only have a limited amount.
They're trying to go down from 3% actual paper currency, or cotton currency, it's actually cloth, compared to the ratios of zeros and ones in the Federal Reserve computer banks.
Understand, if you all went to the bank and asked for cash, there's only 3%, and not even that much, they claim 3%.
3% actual cash for zeros and ones on deposit with general depositors.
Then the numbers even get higher when you talk about the amortized national debt and the T-bills and all the rest of it.
And they did this in the 30s, well with the Great Depression.
They restricted the money supply so you physically couldn't pay off debts.
And they say that the strip in the money, the magnetic strip, the RFID tracker system,
They admit can be scanned by devices police are now being given.
They also say that if you don't keep your money in a bank, they will devalue your money over a year down to worthlessness.
Now this is the official Federal Reserve website.
Not a conspiracy theory, Brandon Burt, but again you've shown your knowledge with your little article.
You've shown that you're not an idiot.
No, Mr. Burt.
You've shown yourself as a New World Order lackey, boot licker, trying to convince your readers that we're crazy for being concerned with the strips and the money and the colorization of the money.
It's unbelievable, folks.
I remember reading government handbooks on extremists years ago.
The stuff that went public over a decade ago, and it would say code words for them, or posse commentatus, or colored money, or fellow reserve.
Yeah, our code words are watch out if they get rid of the federal law, to put troops on the streets, which they now admit they're doing.
It's been in all the big papers, how wonderful it is.
Yeah, watch out when they colorize the money, because that means they're about to bring us into a major consolidation process.
You know it as depression.
Yeah, watch out when that kind of stuff starts happening.
Watch out for the Federal Reserve.
Oh, we're so bad to talk like that.
But he says here that the Federal Reserve can't change the money quick enough.
So as not to cause them undue discomfort, it's always them, isn't it?
He says.
We're causing the problem with the economy.
We're doing it all!
We're so bad, the Federal Reserve has to manipulate us and incrementally do it because of all these pesky troublemakers!
So, this guy says, he's a good writer, he says in the same paragraph,
That the Federal Reserve has to incrementally change the color so as not to upset the conspiracy theorists.
And then it says, oh you know the conspiracy theorists, they say that the incremental changes only serve to invite frog boiling analogies from the nervous New World Order folks.
Oh no, we're not the New World Order folks.
You're the New World Order folks.
It's another thing, too, they'll change definitions.
I see articles every day where they go, Big Brother's helping.
Big Brother wasn't so bad after all.
Changing definitions.
Same thing here.
Now, we're the New World Order people, see?
It's not the President's giving speeches.
It's not the Supreme Court in USA Today saying they're going to follow the UN's orders.
It's not all the treaties.
It's not world government and the free trade area, the Americas, and the loss of jobs and the open borders.
No, it's not all that.
It's us that are trying to fight it.
Let's go to the calls quickly.
Let's talk to Martin in Ohio.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hi Alex.
Yeah, I've been listening lately at night on my shortwave on somewhere around 5.070.
And this Smith guy was talking about down around Panama being around 1,200,000 Chinese troops.
I don't know about that, but there are hundreds of thousands of Communist Chinese troops in 2000, the Communist Chinese military.
Uh, through Hutchinson-Wampoa, their publicly controlled front, took over the canal, and they took over our old bases, and there are hundreds of thousands of them there, there are hundreds of thousands of them in Sudan, in Africa, running BP's oil production, and they are mercs, they are mercenaries, they are Hessians of the British Crown.
Yeah, he talks, too, about up in Canada being Russian and German and UN heavy armor.
Well, you don't have to go up to Canada.
You can just go out to some training op and see Czech Republic troops right here in Texas.
Yeah, I believe it.
You know, I figured it's pretty concerning.
People ought to, you know, kick that around.
People hear it anyway.
That's about all I really have to say.
Alright, thank you.
Thank you, Martin.
I appreciate you bringing that up.
I would challenge everybody not to speculate about foreign troops.
I've probably gotten a thousand calls, ten thousand emails, hundreds of faxes, hundreds of letters about, I heard this guy says there's foreign troops.
I heard they could be massing in the woods.
I heard, folks, in my films, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement,
All over my website, we have the foreign troops, we have the Associated Press, we have Reuters, we have it all right there where the Chairman Joint Chiefs says we'll use foreign assets if America is under attack, if our troops are tied on overseas, where they have the deals to quote have Mexican and Canadian troops patrol America in anti-terrorism and peacekeeping operations.
Yes, it's true.
Red John.
And where are the Wolverines?
According to the Colonel.
I'm going to get to that in a few minutes.
Norm in Florida.
Norm, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
I want to just say I received a brochure from Washington Mutual and they said, very interesting in it, storage of cash and safety deposit boxes effective immediately
Well, that's because under Patriot Act they can take all that, and as we warned folks, they will, if we go into a depression and we see them making the preparations now, which doesn't look good, they will go after coin.
And they'll go after collector, they'll go after bullion, they'll go after whatever they want.
But it's pointless.
They can just take your cash and make it worthless overnight without physically taking it.
So, that gold is very important.
So you still think that gold is important, but where would you store it?
If you can't put it in a safety deposit box?
Well, where are you going to store your body?
They could come arrest you.
Well, I'm not too worried about that if you... Well, I certainly wouldn't keep anything in a safety deposit box.
I mean, they steal that stuff all the time.
We're not a free country, buddy.
Yeah, so safety deposit boxes aren't the safety that people think.
I wouldn't keep a roll of toilet paper in a safety deposit box.
All right.
So then another product to sell on your program would be then safes.
Yeah, that's a good idea, but because of the cost of shipping safes and all that, I mean, you'd do better just getting one locally in your area.
Okay, I thought.
I watched a program on Link TV and they were talking about water, shortages of water throughout the world.
Yeah, and they've artificially... I saw IMF World Bank documents eight years ago where they were going to start the fake shortage, the perceived shortage, to charge you more.
Go ahead.
Well, this is a shortage of water in different countries throughout the world, not even talking about our own country.
No, I understand.
It's IMF World Bank plan.
Go ahead.
Could that be a possibility, why the reasoning behind a world government would be so that they would regulate things like population and water and food, so that wouldn't happen?
Well, again, you've instinctively come up with the absolute documented fact, so I would point you to the interview section of InfoWars.com.
My first interview with BBC Newsnight award-winning journalist Greg Pallett, where he interviewed Joseph Siklitz, chief economist, World Bank, who quit over all this.
He got over a thousand pages of secret documents.
Where, let me give you an example.
Why do you hear of shortages in Africa and Argentina?
The World Bank says, you will give all your water to this private company.
They give them the water, and they turn the water off for a week or two, and then say, we're out of water.
And this is admitted.
They say, we turn it off, then we turn it back on and quadruple the price.
Because if folks think it's like the gas shortage of the 70s.
There was plenty of oil, but they just made the ship sit there to train you to accept an increase in price.
So it goes way up, then it only comes down halfway.
You understand that training process?
Oh yeah, it happened in the 70s and they did have oil around.
It's the same thing with water, sir.
We have their documents, okay?
They plan.
Well, look at your power prices.
My power prices in Austin have tripled in the last five years.
I used to have a $200 power bill in the summer.
I had bills this summer that were $800, $900.
That's privatization.
It's not privatization.
Yeah, that could put a hurt on a lot of people.
Yeah, it puts the hurtin' on me!
There in the winter, it's $500.
I mean, you see me goin' around, turnin' all the light switches off, you know, my house is basically, it's a joke!
Well, the part that bothers me that I think that some of this might be true and not just a conspiracy, is the fact that I went to a small town in West Virginia where I went to college, way in the back hills,
I think
Do you think that maybe there should be some controls involved there?
No, because the Western world is dying at about 3% a year in Europe.
We grow at about 3.2%, but that's because of a massive third world influx.
Our actual population is dying at about 4%.
The old American population, regardless of any middle class people.
Population growth goes into negative once you hit industrialization.
Well, I'm not talking about us.
Talking about the rest of the world and in places like... Well, no.
Education and industrialization does that.
Instead, the UN's going around giving everybody AIDS and the polio and hepatitis shots.
There are countries in Africa where half the population has AIDS, sir.
Oh, yeah.
I think it's horrible.
Yeah, I read Dr. Horowitz's book.
But don't worry, the eugenics people just think it's wonderful.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
It's amazing.
We'll come back and talk to Rick and Tim and Kenneth and others.
We've got a guest coming up, too.
We'll talk about Bush's sellout to the chi-coms.
The conservicoms, I'm sorry.
The conservative Chinese leadership.
I need to learn to get my terms correctly.
Again, this show is pro-gun, pro-family, pro-border, pro-God.
That means we're ultra-hardcore communists.
If you're anti-gun, anti-family, pro-communist China, you are a conservative.
We are not conservatives.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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That's 888-253-3139, or order online at Infowars.com or Infowars.net.
Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
More news and a guest coming up later in the next hour.
I do want to encourage every single one of you to get involved in the fight, to be part of history, to stand up and be counted, to resist the tyranny.
You need to get my videos, folks.
I've made ten films.
They're amazing.
They're informative.
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The newest is Matrix of Evil with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, myself, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales.
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You need to have it, ladies and gentlemen.
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There's also 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, the book Order Out of Chaos.
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Let's talk to Rick.
In North Dakota.
Rick, welcome.
Yeah, hello Jones.
Yeah, I've got two quick questions for you.
What would happen if Michael Jackson came out and said that the Palestinians were getting a bum rap?
Uh, that would not be good for the Palestinians.
Change politics now, wouldn't it?
Yeah, it shows how we pay way too much attention to what celebrities do.
Sure, but I mean, he's a major league world figure who romps around with all the world leaders, doesn't he?
I mean, when he goes to Asia, or when he goes to Germany, he's meeting with all the dignitaries.
I don't think very much about that space alien.
Well, I'm just saying, one thing about Jackson's problem is I think he's being politically assassinated.
Michael Jackson is a demonic hog goblin.
Michael Jackson, you can just look at that, that fat spider, he makes me sick!
Sure, he's pretty strange, but I mean... Oh, give me a break!
Man, you can, if you've got discernment, brother, you can just look at that, that creature.
Sure, I'm just saying, he's a very political, powerful force.
Who's a danger to the politics in this country.
I'm just saying, I think he's being politically assassinated.
I wonder if you've ever heard of the Mosul-Haifa-Israel pipeline?
Yeah, that's the pipeline out of Iraq that Israel's going to be getting all the oil.
Sure, you know, it was built by the British before Israel was a state.
And it's been blocked since the 50s.
And they're going to bring it back to life.
I don't know.
I don't think too many people know about it.
It's amazing, and they're going to get the oil for free, folks.
Well, they got the oil for free from the Shah all those years, but then what happened is when the Shah got kicked out, they got cut off.
That's it?
Okay, that's all I had to say.
You're right about that, thank you.
No, you're wrong about Michael Jackson.
They just brought that out as a diversion at the time.
They've known what that cockroach is for a long time.
And they selectively enforced their laws.
You know, they're not going to go after the Dutch Roll family for what they do.
Same taste as Michael Jackson.
They're not going to go after the people in Parliament in England.
Sick, folks.
We've got a huge section on that at PrisonPlanet.com.
All right, Tim and Kenneth and Tom and Alex and everybody else that's holding your calls.
A bunch of other key news and a guest are coming up in the second hour.
Keep it locked in and stay the course.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, it is December 19, 2003, a Friday live edition.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Thanks for joining us.
We're about to go right back to your calls and then I'm going to get more into General Meyers says that Bin Laden probably alive and he will be caught with an absolute certainty is the quote
And we've got a guest coming on talking about the sell-out of Taiwan by Lord Bush because he's paid off and his family's paid off by the communist chi-coms.
Now that's coming up here in just a few minutes.
Right now let's go back to the calls.
The show's all about freedom, folks.
Let's talk
I guess up next is Tim in Illinois.
Tim, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I got a quick question and two quick comments.
First of all, that Firefighters Magazine that talks about the collapsing towers,
Is that available to the public?
Yeah, it's an organization.
It's firefighter engineers and they were interviewed after the collapse saying it was a cover-up and that it was criminal to tear up the crime scene and ship it to China.
Oh, again, China, our good buddies.
Right, I'd like to have that.
We've got copies of the cover of it and zooming in on their comments in Road to Tyranny.
Oh, but I actually have it in my hands.
Yeah, it's online.
Their comments are online, too.
Okay, I'll look for it.
Also, my wife works in upper management at McDonald's.
I thought you might think this is interesting, although you already know this.
All illegal aliens working for it, pretty much.
They're still crossing the borders like mad.
One guy last month called her from Mexico and told her when to put him back on the schedule.
And I even made a comment to my wife, I'm like,
What makes him think he's going to get across?
He goes, well, he said he'd be here Wednesday at this certain time, and he showed up.
I mean, they're just going back and forth like nothing ever happened.
Well, that's the point.
They just drive across, and they're just, Ridge said, legalize all of them, and they'll bust 300 people at Walmart to make you think they've done something.
We're talking about 30 million people from Latin America alone in this country.
It's not 20 million, it's not 22 million, it's over 30 million.
And, oh, but they busted 300, 300 people at Walmart.
They've solved the problem.
Right, yeah.
But no, they crossed like mad.
There's so many of them going down there now for Christmas, and they're going to be back.
And we're competing against people all over the world, either in government prison camps or living in cardboard shacks.
We're competing against that.
What's that going to do to your pocketbook?
What has it already done to you, folks, but you still go out and buy the Chinese slave goods?
It's like cutting your leg off because you're starving.
I think one of the main things supporting this economy now, I don't know if you've heard of Mike Rupert, but I think there's a lot of laundered drug money, the CIA.
I don't think I know.
Yeah, the head of the stock exchange.
I think that's the only thing making the collapse last so long.
I hear you.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Let's talk to Kenneth in Texas.
Kenneth, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
You bet.
Go ahead.
You know, George Bailey in the movie, It's a Wonderful Life, his little girl said, every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.
Well, I got a new one for that.
Every time a Judaized neocon talks, a fallen angel gets his horn.
But anyway, the suicide rate in Iraq, that's what I called to talk to you about.
I heard that many of our soldiers are committing suicide because they're beginning to realize they're the enemy by blowing up villages, shooting at civilians.
Is this testimony true or what?
Uh, yes.
They admit a lot of suicides in the numbers.
We know there's a lot of suicides, but it looks like the numbers are much higher than what they're even admitting.
And it's a terrible thing.
That's it.
Thank you, Kenneth, Tom, and Alex.
Linda and Logan and everybody else, your calls are coming up.
We do have a guest, but it's all concerning the same issues, the New World Order.
And so we'll go to your calls early in this interview, as promised.
And the total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Got Margie Burns, who wrote a great article about the Chinese Megabucks for Bush Brothers, coming up, so stay with us!
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we are now eight minutes into the second hour of this global transmission.
And we're going to be going to Tom and Alex and Lorraine and Bill and Robin.
Everybody's call is coming up here in a little while.
We've got a great guest on.
Just a programming note, this is going to be posted at GCNlive.com.
I'm on the Star Guide feed with ABC with Clear Channel.
That doesn't mean I'm with Clear Channel, folks.
That means we rent one of their satellite feeds.
But we also have some old analog satellite systems that a lot of folks can listen to on the six-foot dish in their backyard.
A lot of radio stations still use that.
Galaxy 9 is going to be turning off the first of the year for maintenance.
And we have a lot of stations pick us up off that and so they're going to hook up a bunch of extra auto couplers which is a high quality phone signal for emergencies if stations need to dial into those and we'll have that for you by the first of the year on the website or you can call the network and get the details.
We're jockeying around right now trying to get another analog satellite so stations don't lose that but the stations you know this happens
Satellite switch formats change and luckily we have a lot of different satellites but a lot of you don't have the big Star Guide receivers and the big, big dishes that radio stations have.
So we're trying to work that out and as soon as I'm given details of where to direct you to get that information, I will do it!
I will get that out to you.
Okay, yesterday I read a news article
Uh, by a lady who really has done her research, and I've seen some articles in the Washington Post, the Wall Street Journal, about this, and they only scratch the surface.
There's so many business dealings with the Bush family and the Communist Chinese that it just, it just, you know, makes my mind real.
Makes my mind, uh, just dumbfounded.
The first ambassador to China after it was opened back up under Nixon was George Herbert Walker Bush.
He gets, you know, $700,000, $800,000, a million dollars to go give a speech to the communist Chinese.
That's an open payoff right there.
Clinton gets criticized for, you know, doing a suit deal for a clothing line for a Chinese company, and ooh, the evil turncoat, which he is, folks.
But compared to the Bushes, you know, when Clinton was transferring all that technology, he was allowing the transfer to the Commerce Department, but the companies were all neo-con-Republican run.
It's like Rumsfeld with the nuclear reactors to China.
Clinton lets the deal take place and he's evil and bad, but oh, Rumsfeld's good actually being the one doing it with ABB.
And there's just dozens and dozens of examples of this, and last week, or now a week and a half ago, Bush comes out on Wednesday with the new premier, and the communist Chinese folks have killed more people than Hitler.
And he says we're going to cut Taiwan loose, a major change in policy.
It's just amazing.
And Margie Burns is a contributing writer to the onlinejournal.com that does a lot of great work.
And again, I've already researched what she covers in her article.
It's very accurate.
And it just gets into the payoffs to his brothers who, I mean, they'll get millions of dollars when they're asked, why are you getting this?
You're not even involved in this semiconductor company.
They'll just say, well, they like me.
And Ms.
Burns, thank you for coming on the show.
Well, thank you.
I really appreciate you doing that.
Go into this for us.
This was a big, big deal, and the so-called conservatives were real upset when Bill Clinton was doing stuff like this, or even getting a clothing deal, but you give them sensitive technology, it's wonderful.
Well, there is a lot of exchange of sensitive technology, and there's going to be even more, and it goes far beyond the scope of one short column.
In fact, I'm afraid my one article stuck mainly to money.
I didn't even go into the semiconductor aspect of it.
There are two brothers here in separate deals, of course, but what they have in common is that, you know, in both cases, members of the Bush team, even including, you know, the President's close relatives, benefit financially from arrangements with the country we used to call Communist China.
I mean, mainland China.
And these arrangements were made not too terribly long, I mean the really lucrative ones, were made not too terribly long before President Bush, George W. Bush... Ms.
Burns, can you do me a favor and talk right into your telephone?
Oh, okay.
We're having to boost your audio.
Good, go ahead.
Alright, is that better?
That's wonderful.
Alright, well these lucrative arrangements were made
Not at all.
Long before George W. Bush, as you just pointed out a couple of minutes ago, shifted course, more or less, on China and Taiwan and came out with a rather flat-footed pronouncement
You know, criticizing Taiwan for being about to hold a referendum.
And now apparently they're going to hold it anyway.
And they've always been independent.
That's what the 50 plus year old treaty says.
They're just reaffirming that under communist massing troops and threats.
Well, yeah.
I mean, I don't see that that referendum could be.
I mean, I don't understand how that referendum could be considered any kind of a threat to us.
To this country, to our national strategy, or any kind of interference with our strategizing, I don't see why the White House had to make any sort of statement about it.
And I certainly don't see why it needed to be condemned.
I don't even see that it's particularly a threat to mainland China.
It's how the island could be.
Margie, imagine if Bill Clinton would have sat there with one of these creatures and done this.
Well, you can easily imagine every single one of those corporate speakers who are so vehement would be fanning the flames from coast to coast.
George F. Will and Charles Krauthammer on television.
And Rush Limbaugh and Bill O'Reilly on radio, and maybe a couple of the ministers even, you know, bad to say, every single one of them.
We're just lucky there have been some holes opened up in that line, what with, you know, Mr. Limbaugh's unfortunate drug problem and Bill Bennett's gambling addiction and so forth.
I mean, I think this is a time when some actual voices for freedom could be
It might be a little freer than usual to get into the discussion.
And not fake conservatives there to compromise and co-opt a real conservative movement.
Again, dozens of these deals, but you focused on two of them in particular.
Can you go over that?
Yeah, the easiest one, I think, to clarify is the one involving Neil Bush, the third brother in the Bush family, after George and Jim.
Now, Neil Bush has got, and this is court papers, these are public records.
And the contract itself, or at least what is presented as the contract itself, with a Chinese company called Grace Semiconductor Manufacturing, is online at truthout.org, if you want to take a look at it.
It was posted in BuzzFlash a couple of days ago, or very recently, anyway.
Anyway, the contract has, it's a five-year annual retainer deal for Neil Bush, who has said, also in court papers, this is all in connection with his scandal-ridden divorce, of course, that he has no experience in semiconductors, but has done a lot of business in Asia and so forth.
The contract has him on annual retainer for five years, worth $400,000 a year.
$400,000 in stock in a viable company.
This company was founded by two men, Winston Wong, a businessman from Taiwan, actually, and Zhang Miang, who is the son of the former president of China.
I mean, it's, you know, what you would consider a very well-connected company.
And this is, I didn't mention this in my article, but this is actually not Mr. Bush's, or Neil Bush's,
I don't have a first connection with these people either.
Of course not.
Yeah, right.
Winston Wong, as I said, one of the two co-founders of Gray Semiconductor, which has Neil Bush under this quite good contract arrangement, was also an investor in Neil Bush's educational software company called Ignite Learning.
The headquarters is in Austin, Texas, I believe.
I tried to get in touch with Neil Bush through his companies, but didn't get any response.
Well, I saw articles a month ago, before all this really broke, where Neil and others were denying this, and then the divorce records come out and it shows it.
I mean, this is incredible.
Well, I didn't know that he had denied this specific arrangement, because I hadn't read about this, I'm afraid, before recently, very recently, before the divorce proceedings were made public.
But I do recall that, you know, before this, I mean, somebody else has pointed out to me that obviously he has arrangements, deals, dealings, not only with mainland China, but of course with Taiwan.
You know, he has tried in several places to sell his educational software, you know, the Ignite learning software, and among the places he's gone has been Taiwan, and he was alleged, or to put it better, a political opponent of the Taiwan
Well also...
No record of what went on in the meeting and so forth.
Now, the other candidate denies it, of course, but there have been those kinds of links for a while.
Well, also, we know that there's over 3,000 communist Chinese front companies to get sensitive technology that have been operating for over a decade here in the U.S., and in your article you get into how some of these companies that are involved in this, with Bush on the boards, with different Bush brothers involved, is the perfect conduit for sensitive technology.
Well, I don't get into how they transfer technology very much, but if they're doing anything at all, it's got to be there.
In other words, if they're anything but shell companies, and if they're in the telecommunications or the cyberspace industry, then there has to be that kind of transfer.
There are no walls in cyberspace, and there aren't very many in telecommunications.
And while we're at it, I would like to mention, I don't know whether I made this very clear in that short column, but the Chinese economy is one which is not officially communist at this stage, but where there is such a very heavy degree of what we would call public-private partnership, that where one stops and the other starts, you can hardly tell.
Yeah, it's fascism coming out of control.
Stay there.
We'll be right back with our guest and your call.
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For selling out a lot of our secrets, but again, it was Republicans involved with him doing it.
And then now, the neocons can sit up there and basically not even comment on this, or say it's okay, or make apologies for the President, and then you have him changing his policy with Taiwan.
How do we force some type of investigation, or how do we respond to the hypocrisy?
Well, I think it probably has to be done in rather gradual steps.
You know, it's partly a one-teach-one.
If the corporate media are not going to do what they should, you know, to step up there so that people don't have to become their own reporters, then individuals have to do a little bit of, you know, informing each other.
And eventually, after, you know, I hate to sound so gradualist, but eventually,
After enough people know about it, then the major papers and the network news just become laughingstocks for not reporting it, and they have to report it.
And then everybody else gets to know.
I mean, you use the term hypocrisy.
It's a good enough word for some of what's going on, but you might as well call it imposture.
The other deal that I mentioned in this short article of mine benefits another brother of George W. Bush's, his youngest brother named Winston Bush.
Uh, that deal is one that benefits a company called, a private investment firm called Winston Partners.
And I, I would like you to, I'd like to read you just a little something from, you know, about the, the, the investment structure of Winston Partners from public record, from SEC files.
Chatterjee Fund Management, LP, a Delaware-limited partnership.
Winston Partners II, LDC, a Cayman Islands-limited duration company.
Winston Partners II, LLC, a Delaware-limited liability company.
Chatterjee Advisors, a Delaware-limited liability company, etc.
And First Down Trading, Ltd., a company organized under the laws of the Isle of Man.
One of his own brothers is directly, and I mean directly, involved in offshoring.
It's just, you know, as simple as that.
Meanwhile, if a private citizen goes offshore, it's not illegal.
The IRS will selectively enforce and go after them.
Well, I don't think they've gone after Winston Partners yet.
I mean, I see no indication that they have.
Well, you've got one of these companies worth 500 plus billion dollars.
I mean, this is incredible.
I just don't know how people can put up with it.
I don't either, but I think mainly it's just that most people don't know about it.
I mean, there is just, there is not one percent of the focus and emphasis given to some of these arrangements, and of course some of them are rather complicated, but some of them are really pretty clear and straightforward.
But if this was Bill Clinton, if this was Bill Clinton, Bill Gertz would be telling us all about it.
Oh yeah, of course, of course.
Everybody would.
I mean, it would be coast to coast, and you just couldn't miss it.
I mean, think about
You know, we just haven't had 1% of the emphasis and focus given to this kind of thing that was given to Ms.
Well, we're trying to change that, Ms.
How do folks read your fine investigative reports?
Well, thank you.
Some of the articles appear in a journal, a magazine, a periodical called the Progressive Populist, which is published in Iowa and Texas.
And I've got an article on a different topic coming out in a magazine published in Illinois called Chronicles in January.
And I do a weekly column for the little journal newspapers in the DC suburbs.
All right, and obviously a lot of your stories are posted at OnlineJournal.com.
Thank you so much for coming on, and I've seen a few mainstream news articles about this.
Shocked amazement by some real conservatives, but again, there's an overall cover-up of this, and hopefully with your great research we can expose this corruption.
Thank you for being with us.
Take care.
We're going to come back, I promise, and go straight to Tom and Alex and Lorraine and Rob and Randy and others.
But understand, the neocons would expose Bill Clinton for this, but then not let Dan Burton prosecute him for it, not let the Congress go after him.
It's theater, folks!
I mean, I didn't like what Bill Clinton did.
I went after Bill Clinton.
And then when Bush started doing it, expanding it, I'm exposing them for it.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight, I'm your host.
And when I got involved in my fight against tyranny 9-10 years ago, I consciously made the decision to seek out the truth and to not be a hypocrite.
Bush is going to re-sign the Assault Weapons Ban.
He said he'll do it.
He's for open borders.
He's blocking Dan Burton's Pardon Gate Committee.
He signed campaign finance reform that goes after the First Amendment and restricts who we can interview 60 days before an election.
He took all the restrictions off supercomputers to Communist China.
He did hundreds of things like signing onto UNESCO and the UN.
Signing the Patriot Act.
Signing Patriot Act 2.
Last weekend, last Saturday.
The list goes on and on.
So when I sit there and I hear neocons on the air going, we gotta stop the liberals, they're taking over with the UN, they're taking over with open borders, Bill Clinton's evil, he did a clothing deal with the Chinese, you know, on and on.
Well, yeah, it's evil.
You're all part of the same system, making us think we have a choice, giving us false choice within your false paradigm.
And I'm not putting up with it, folks.
I'm not going along with Bush cutting Taiwan loose, or Governor Ridge of Homeland Security saying, we're going to legalize all the illegals.
That is not conservative.
So listen to these neocons real careful, because they say the right things,
But they'd have you believe it's all the Democrats.
And then the Democrats get sucked into that, too, and think, well, if the evil neocons are against the Democrats, the Democrats must be good.
Oh, don't be so foolish.
And I talk to these leftists.
They know it's a police state, and they're building prisons everywhere, and getting rid of posse comitatus, and reinstituting COINTELPRO, and yeah, they've got Roundup plans, and it's horrible, and fascism is upon us.
Let's turn our guns in!
That'll help!
I have leftists all the time stop me in the grocery store and agree with me, but go, why are you for guns?
And I'll tell them, I'll say, well, are you against an American Indian, a Native American having a gun?
During the 1800s?
Well, no.
Well, are you against Che Guevara having an AK-47?
Well, no.
That's a revolutionary struggle.
Well, the Che Guevara things are controlled, revolutionary struggle.
It's not for real, but the point is, is that they don't know why they're against your guns, and they know we're in tyranny now, but they think the solution is a big government to counter the evil corporations when the big corporations bankroll the big government.
And so 9-11 is like a big spider wrapping us up, the American people, in the web.
Cocooning us.
Hanging us up in the web.
Getting us ready for the main feeding.
This is all just preparatory.
This is all preparation.
This is all just the setup.
The deep breath before the plunge.
And they're hesitating because as they prepare for the big plunge, we're busting out of the spider's web.
We've got some legs free.
We're struggling.
We could fall out of the web and pull the rest of it off of us and fight back.
I suggest you struggle!
Because the feeding fangs are moving close.
Oh, so close.
The more we struggle, the more the spider backs off and looks at its prey and tries to apply more of its knockout gas.
Okay, there I've used the analogy.
Let's go to calls and we'll get back into some more of this news that, believe me, you don't want to miss.
Tom in Ohio.
Go ahead, Tom.
God save and long live the Constitutional Republic of Taiwan.
Sounds like, hold on, sounds like leftist talk to me.
He that would beat his sword into a plowshare will plow for him who did not.
Boy, that's really left, isn't it?
Well, I had a listener yesterday that asked me where I stood on nonviolence and I said I'd answer the question and I forgot to do it.
Leslie in Tennessee brought it up, Tom, but
Again, at this point, I'm non-violent, I'm defensive, because we're doing more good waking folks up in the info war.
If they launch an attack, if they try to arrest people, round up, do all of that, then things will be much different.
But it's up to everybody's own discernment.
Go ahead.
Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
And I would suggest everyone, quickly, get a copy of the Citizen's Rulebook.
You can get them at Midas Resources.
I don't have the number.
Well, that's true.
That is the booklet that will teach you how you've been dumbed down and how that you can get this Republic back without a fight.
You can do it with a vote.
If you don't, you'll have to go back to he that beats his sword into a plowshare will plow for him who did not.
Thank you, Alex.
Thank you, Tom.
And let me just add to that before we go to Alex and others.
I'll tell a socialist who thinks they're anti-establishment when they couldn't be more establishment with the big corporations funding the universities that taught them this fraudulent system of big government.
I'll go, well, would you be against a black slave having a gun and rising up against his master?
Well, of course not!
Well, why is it any different today, when you admit there's tyrannies upon us, why would you want me to turn my guns in?
And it's not... Understand, just having the guns, having 130 million people that are armed, with maybe 10 million of them that are willing to fight, holds back the globalists from real, super oppression on an Orwellian scale.
The Orwellian control grid's in place, but the action
is greatly camouflaged for the criminal justice system.
It's not as overt as I'd like it to be under Patriot Act 1 and 2 provisions now passed into law.
And so again, to the leftists out there listening, stop being idiots.
Listen to me.
Your environmental groups, your land grab groups, your gun grab groups, all of it, your attack on the family,
It is not progressive.
It is not open-minded.
It is slavery!
So we will expose the neocons here, but you're their stupid twin.
So stop it!
Wake up right now!
Wake up to history and ask yourselves, why with tyranny upon us would we turn in our swords?
Why, you fools?
It's common sense!
Your guts tell you it's true!
Stop it!
Break your conditioning right now!
I love you!
I love freedom!
And if I'm gonna be free, you gotta be free!
So stop it!
If you people would wake up...
The Christians, the Conservatives, the Libertarians could combine forces with you and we could defeat the New World Order if you would wake up and come out of your culture of death and join the ranks of the living, the alive, the people that are on the field fighting the New World Order.
Stop it!
Stop being so stupid!
It's right in your face!
The truth is there before you!
You know the truth!
What does your heart tell you?
What does the evidence tell you?
What does your political spectrum tell you?
Let's go back to the calls.
Alex in Louisiana.
Go ahead, Alex.
Hi, Alex.
First-time caller here, but long-time listener.
I have two quick questions for you.
The first one is, it is pretty obvious and a proven fact that the U.S.
government armed Saddam for the last 20 years.
So why didn't Saddam use that excuse before the war and before he was capturing that many interviews and radio addresses he gave?
Well, he did in some of them.
You just didn't see those clips on the news.
He did go over that.
And I'm not defending Saddam Hussein.
I mean, he was in the CIA employ, according to Congress, since 1954.
He was told to attack Iran.
He was told to go ahead and invade Kuwait.
And the whole thing's a disgusting setup compared to North Korea or China or Russia.
He's a choir boy.
But he's sitting on top, four plus trillion in oil, over a trillion in natural gas.
According to President Bush's own official policy group, PNAC, who said that Saddam wasn't a threat.
I didn't say it.
Dick Cheney said he isn't a threat, but we're going to quote, use him as the pretext.
There's no debating that the war is a giant fraud.
What else is on your mind, Alex?
Yeah, the second question is similar.
What's your take on peak oil?
Because I believe peak oil fits perfectly into the picture of the current wars and even to the regime change call on the PNAC.
Because China is a huge oil consumer.
China is being used as the muscle, just like German soldiers were used as the muscle to try to subdue the United States when we first formed in 1776.
China was given by our government the Panama Canal, allowed to inject troops in.
The BBC has reported that British Petroleum uses hundreds of thousands of Chinese troops to control its oil fields in Sudan and other areas of Africa.
And so China is a client state meant to break the back of our middle class, meant to consolidate power.
You see, it's a sweetheart deal.
Only select corporations can get the special deals in China.
They then bring in the slave goods that no one can compete against.
They then consolidate power.
It's about consolidating power.
Thanks for the call.
I hope that answers your question, my friend.
Lorraine in California.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
You're welcome.
I just wanted to ask you what you thought about this Ramsey Clark.
He has a website to impeach Bush and he's for the Bill of Rights.
Ramsey and then I also saw on a Google search that he was like, they were trying to say he was communist.
Yeah, and I've met Ramsey Clark.
There's a little clip of an interview I did with him.
I think, what is it?
Okay, let me go over Ramsey Clark.
He was the Attorney General for LBJ.
He was Assistant Attorney General under Kennedy.
Ramsey Clark is a socialist.
Ramsey Clark is a gun grabber.
Ramsey Clark is a true believer, useful idiot.
And I like Ramsey Clark, but let me break this down for you.
Ramsey Clark was the lawyer in the Waco case, in the civil case.
He had the case taken away from him by a Bush shield.
And then the federal judge, Walter Smith, only allowed the shield to run the proceedings into the ground.
Clark has been all over the world and has been involved in some good causes, some bad causes, but he's been to some of the anniversaries at Waco.
He was there the first year.
I built, with the listeners' help, a memorial church there at Mount Carmel and he was there and gave a speech.
Yeah, no, I mean, Ramsey-Clark, again, the left is good on some things, but then they're bad on other things.
Yeah, I think I consider myself a conservative Democrat anyway, but, you know, the thing is about the Bill of Rights, they should care about the Second Amendment, too, because it goes right there with it, you know.
Well, the problem is, over two-thirds of college administrators and students don't know what the First Amendment is, in major studies.
Oh, you mean the first one, freedom of speech?
Freedom of speech, religion, petitioning, gathering, all of it.
But see, the left has just been so dominated by the liberals now that the conservatives have moved over to the right, but there's a lot of people disenchanted with them, too.
I hear you, thanks.
Just like you.
Okay, thank you, bye bye.
Hey Lorraine, thank you for holding great points.
But let me elaborate on the real political spectrum, then we'll go to Rob and Randy and Ron and others.
Let me make this, say this as simply as possible.
We didn't have a left-right political spectrum of thought or of teaching in universities anywhere in the world until the turn of the century.
And the robber barons publicly
The Carnegies, the Mellons, the Rockefellers, the Brothmans, all of them.
They pub-lick-ly.
funded a left-right political spectrum, where on the far right you have fascism, on the far left you have communism, and we're supposed to be in the middle of that spectrum.
Well, on the far right of the false spectrum, the police wear black ski masks and uniforms, there's prison camps, a small group of men run the economy in an oligarchy, you have public-private partnerships, command-and-control, surveillance economy.
On the far left, under communism, you've got police in black ski masks, prison camps, oppression, a tiny group running things.
There is no difference.
Through all of history, there was freedom and there was tyranny.
There was despotism and there was liberty.
And everybody knew that.
The question was, are the people free?
Can we own property?
Can we live our lives?
Do we have to stop at checkpoints and be searched by the king's men?
That was humanity's struggle.
So they learned how to change definitions where we're all up in some mindless left-right discussion, which is only window dressing.
And so that's the real political spectrum.
It is command and control versus anarchy.
Anarchy, command and control on one end, total slavery on one end, a boot-stomping on the human face forever on one end, and on the other end, you have anarchy.
Anarchy is impossible in groups of bigger than three or four people, and so it always settles into kind of a road warrior-like, you know, strongmen, warlords, whatever.
That doesn't exist.
We want to be in the middle of that spectrum
Or a little bit over towards the side, towards anarchy on the spectrum, away from command and control.
But command and control has a political, cultural pull.
It is a mass.
Power centralizes more power and draws more power upon itself.
So it's like a, it's like a heavenly body.
It has a gravitational pull.
Anarchy is some unknown out there that has no political weight in the quantum mechanics of the spectrum of human activity.
So we're like a rocket ship, in another analogy, always blasting, trying to pull away with our engines from the tyranny.
The tyranny draws everything into itself.
And it gives itself different labels and different names to give you false choices.
But it is this huge mass of energy and control and the parasites that work within it to expand their own empires continually increases the pull of that system.
And it draws everything into it and gets bigger and worse and more out of control.
We are trying to pull away and human history is the move towards liberty and decency and creativity and family, which is always under attack by the centralized control system.
And right now, if we were a spacecraft going around the sun, the skin of the craft is beginning to melt.
We're being pulled in.
There are huge blasts of tyranny radiating out from this sun, this burning all-seeing eye, and we're being drawn into its bowels, okay?
And it's going to be unlike any collision with command and control humanity has ever seen because now they have the high-tech systems to truly destroy our humanity and to complete our journey into the depths of dehumanization and serfdom, neo-serfdom, neo-feudalism.
And so the fight is between slavery and freedom.
That's the real spectrum.
But they know how to rob you of having an honest debate.
Just like there's world government now, is now upon us.
And so, years ago, The Globalist said in policy reports, public stuff, that, well, the people know there's a world government now, so we've got to bypass the debate of world government to, will it be a left or right world government?
Now we're debating, what type of world government will it be?
And again, that's debating, you know, what type of silverware we're going to have, but the meat and potatoes is the same thing.
What's being served is the same dishes.
We shall return, ladies and gentlemen, with your calls and a bunch of news and so much more.
Stay with us.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Powerful people want more control.
There's never enough for them.
And they've engineered us to not even understand that we're under attack, that we're being herded and dumbed down and controlled.
We must have an awakening, a renaissance, a revelation, an epiphany of understanding if we're going to survive, if we're going to survive being totally dehumanized.
We're about to go to Rob and Randy and Ron and Scott and John and many others.
And the third hour is straight ahead with a ton of other really important news I haven't gotten to.
And, you know, a recap, like General Meyers saying, oh yeah, we're going to catch Bin Laden with absolute certainty.
That's a quote.
Very soon, of course, for the election for you.
And who knows what the truth is?
They've lied so much.
Before we get to your calls and all of that key news, I do hope that every listener to this show will join us in the fight against the globalists.
And one of the best tools I've found, if not the best tool, are my videos.
They're shocking, they're scary, they're well put together, they're encyclopedic.
You need to have Matrix of Evil, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, America Destroyed by Design, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Take Bohemian Grove, three years ago,
I snuck in to the Elite compound in Northern California, and I snuck in there, and I caught world leaders on videotape engaging in a satanic ritual.
And they admitted the news.
Yeah, I got the footage.
It's aired on national TV here.
You need to have dark secrets inside Bohemian Grove.
How could any of you, just with curiosity, not get that video?
It's amazing!
The videos were $25.95 apiece.
$20 when you order three or more of any of the two plus hour films.
Call right now, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or go to PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order via our secure online shopping carts.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
What would happen if you all got the video, if you made ten copies, and you gave it to other folks and told them to make ten copies?
Thousands of tapes turn into millions of tapes.
It's already happened, but we've got to keep that going.
So take action, get the films, get the books.
Rob in Wyoming, and then others.
Go ahead, Rob.
Thanks for holding.
Hey, Alex.
The phony legal system's worst nightmare, Gary DeMott of Boise, Idaho.
Been in prison in Mississippi.
They tried to kill him in a hospital right outside Jackson, Mississippi.
This happened around Easter of this year.
He had an exploded artery in his head.
They left him to bleed for 24 hours.
Now, the doctor that operated him wasn't the one that made that order.
There was another doctor who ordered the nurse not to give him any water or IV.
When he came back 24 hours later, he found the nurse or a nurse
Giving him ice water and an IV, and he tried to fire that nurse.
This is in a regular hospital, not a prison hospital.
So I wanted to report that to you.
The reason he's their worst nightmare is he has the standing to prosecute them, and he's teaching other people how to do it.
And they call that the Milwaukee Journal, and it's in Police State 3.
Is there any way to send you a video?
That you'll get and watch.
I mean, that you'll know stands out.
Well, yeah.
I mean, I look at everything.
Is it the address you've given on your website?
Uh, yeah.
3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Are you done, sir?
Well, I got more.
Well, then stay there.
The third hour is straight ahead.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Come on up, my friends.
A true American story from Counterpunch.
Hail Jim Hinckley of the colonial occupation of Iraq by Harriet Brown.
And it says, you think the Americans don't know what they're doing in Iraq?
They know all too well.
Check out, for example, Captain Christopher Serino of the 82nd Airborne, who told an English journalist in Valjala a few weeks ago, quote, the men are being attacked by Syrian-trained terrorists and local freedom fighters.
That's right, he said Freedom Fighters.
Now check out the codenames employed in the weekend swoop of Saddam Hussein or Decret Red Dawn, they called it, with suspected Iraqi resistance locations tagged Wolverine 1, Wolverine 2, and so on.
Press comments have noted that Red Dawn, a 1984 John Millis flick that chronicles a Soviet invasion of the U.S.
is a favorite movie of American right-wingers.
What hasn't often been pointed out is that the heroes of the Red Dawn are a brave band of ragged small-town resistors to the invasion, and they call themselves the Wolverines.
It gets worse, folks.
It gets worse.
People are going, man, Operation Red Dawn?
That's a Soviet term for invading, a term the army had for a Soviet invasion.
Sneak attack.
And then they're even calling the Iraqi Resisters, Wolverines.
Our troops taking the part, seeing themselves as Soviet occupiers.
And Harry Brown goes on to continue talking about this.
That's coming up.
And just a bunch of other news.
They say they're about to get Bin Laden, and they want to get into the economy, and a bunch of other legislation that's moving forward.
The good, the bad, and the ugly.
Right now, let's sit with Rob in Wyoming, and Randy, Ron, Scott, John, and others.
Rob, finish up your points.
Well, I just wanted to also tell you that here in Casper, Wyoming, we have Kevin Meenan, our District Attorney, 7th District, who was elected President of the National District Attorneys Association in 2001.
He was charged with 10 felony counts.
I think so.
Rob, thanks for the call.
The Dallas Police Department put
I think?
The Houston Crime Lab has framed thousands of people.
In Tulia, Texas, they just round folks up randomly.
No drugs, no paraphernalia.
District attorneys all over the country have been involved in scams.
The FBI running murder for hire all over the country.
I mean, it's just, the government is totally rotten.
The government is totally and completely rotten to the core.
And you got good old boys feeding off the government trough in all your towns and cities.
It is.
And that's just low-level boss hog type stuff.
And from there it just gets worse and worse.
Most of the drugs in your community are dealt by high-level police, with the CIA.
There's hundreds of stories on this.
And it all comes out.
I see these stories every day.
It's admitted.
They've been caught doing it.
And yeah, of course there's selective enforcement.
See, the smart criminals don't run around on the streets snatching purses or robbing banks.
Smart criminals go get a badge and a gun.
Smart criminals become politicians.
Smart criminals get into power positions.
And then they use the media to teach us how to be gullible little saps.
Well, I'm not going to be part of it.
What about you?
Your calls and a bunch of other news straight ahead.
Stay with us.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're gonna race back into your calls and then coming up, critics, convicted felons working for electronic voting companies.
Now, folks, they have caught the big three electronic voting companies accessing votes while elections were taking place, hidden wireless internet connections in the machines that no one was told about, manipulating the votes while they're happening, meetings with the directors of these companies, who all three of them have former deputy directors of the CIA running them.
I mean, we really are having our right to vote being taken.
Do you understand?
It's actually happening.
It's just like with the face scanning.
The big face scanning company.
Turns out the big director of that's a convicted felon.
Involved in all this scamming.
It doesn't matter.
They're going to put it in all the schools now.
Well, with this, a manufacturer, and this is by the way the San Jose Mercury News, a manufacturer of electronic voting machines has employed at least five convicted felons as managers.
According to critics, demanding more stringent background checks for people responsible for voting machine software.
By the way, Diebold's own chief engineer quit and said it was all a scam about two months ago.
Voter advocate Bev Harris, anti-corruption investigator, alleged Tuesday that managers of a subsidiary of Diebold Inc., one of the country's largest voting equipment CIA fronts, I would add, included a cocaine trafficker,
A man who conducted fraudulent stock transactions and a programmer jailed for falsifying computer records.
A computer programmer jailed for falsifying computer records.
And they ran the California election.
About 3 million Californians cast ballots on Diebold machines.
The programmer, Jeffrey Dean, wrote and maintained proprietary code used to conduct and count hundreds of thousands of votes as Senior Vice President of Global Election Systems, Inc.
Diebold purchased GES in January of 02.
The man running their software has been convicted for falsifying computer records.
According to a public court document released before G.E.S.
hired him, Dean served time in a Washington correctional facility for stealing money and tampering with computer files in a scheme that involved a high degree of sophistication and planning, the police said.
You can't tell me these people passed a background test.
Harris, author of Black Box Voting, ballot tamper in the 21st century, said in a phone interview, Michael Jacobson, a spokesman for North Canton, Ohio, base dabled, emphasized that the company performs background checks on all managers and programmers.
He said many GES managers, include Dean, left at the time of the acquisition.
We can't speak for the hiring process of a company.
Before we acquired it, Jacob said, he would not provide further details.
It goes on saying, company policy bars discussion of current or past employees.
The former GES is die-bold wholly on subsidiary global election management systems, which produces the operating system that touchscreen voting terminals use.
Dean could not be reached for comment Tuesday afternoon.
Oh, isn't that nice?
And then you read on, it turns out he's still working there.
And what, five or six big universities, including MIT, looked at it and said, this has been designed for backdoor control.
And designs you can cover up once you've done the backdoor manipulation and they've caught them in Louisiana, Texas, California, New York, Missouri, Indiana.
I mean, they've caught Diebold alone in almost every state with these things where it'll be in a little local election.
And there's only 15,000 people in the town.
And they'll have all of the precincts reported, and then suddenly the numbers will flip, or in some cases it'll just suddenly double the number for the establishment candidate.
And then it'll be more people that are registered voters that vote for the person.
And they'll just say, well, sorry, he's elected, and well, that's it.
And the state election board says, oh, we certify.
We certify you.
By the way, you can't vote in Austin now without going through these machines.
And they've got a lot of different local media people, the program directors at TV and radio stations.
We're on the little board deciding it, and we're getting financial compensation.
They had the media all paid off.
I talked about this on a TV show, one of my associates did, and they actually, one of the local TV station heads, called up and tried to get them off the air.
How dare you talk about the machines not working!
That's all they said.
You can't talk like that!
You can't do that!
Don't even question us!
And you see, the average person just can't believe that this would actually be happening.
But it is.
It is happening, folks.
I'll get more into that later.
Let's go to calls.
And that's how mad I was told the individual was.
Let us now talk.
Let us now discuss things with Randy in Oklahoma.
Randy, welcome.
Yeah, thank you, Alex.
How are you doing today?
Pretty good, sir.
Yeah, well, I've got here to talk about it.
It, uh, it'd be pretty lengthy and time-consuming, so I'm just gonna kinda touch on it, okay?
Alright, uh... Over 25 years ago, uh, the, uh, electronic, uh, engineers and workers determined that pixels are unsafe to watch.
Now, this is what, what you look at on your computer screen, and, and, uh,
We're good.
Did you hear about the Pokemon cartoons that would make 5,000 Japanese children convulse every time the lights would flash, that American children had convulsions, and then they tested it and had to change the cartoon?
Uh, that's, you know, how a hypnotist with a flashing light is able to hypnotize you if you're in a relaxed state, not aware of the hypnotism.
It's even easier.
That's what happens.
And the flickering of the screen, the, uh, laser projection, uh, shooting out, uh, you know, scanning back and forth, shooting out the images, uh, frame by frame, does have that flickering effect.
That's why you hear the term, couch potato.
You'll just catch yourself for hours just, ooh, sitting there watching television.
And that is going on, and it's even worse with the digital televisions.
And I have the patents, I have the mainstream media reports.
What you're saying is not science fiction, it is reality.
Go ahead.
If it's analog, you know, old black and white, it's safe to watch.
Your videos are digital, but they can be watched that way.
That's safe.
No problem there.
But if it's all digital,
That incoming signal is digital.
That's unsafe.
That's going to ruin your eyes.
I don't know about ruining your eyes.
Yeah, absolutely.
Okay, why is that?
It's just light emissions.
It's similar to the type of light that... laser.
You know, laser beam.
Hey, thanks for the call, sir.
Look, what I'm saying is...
That the flickering can put you in a mesmerized, altered state.
There's a bunch of statistics and research out children that play video games for more than a couple hours a day, they get into actually a lower state of brainwaves.
This is what electrodes hooked up.
This is major universities.
Then someone in the deepest sleep, but they're awake.
They're playing the game because they're so focused.
And I remember playing video games
I don't
Uh, no.
I mean, certainly it strains your eyes to stare at a computer screen.
It strains your eyes to read a book.
But to say that the light emissions... I'm talking about the rate of the laser shooting the screen.
The light from it, no, doesn't damage your eyes.
Sitting here in the studio day after day with this bright light right over my articles.
Sometimes I walk out of here and I can like see the light still.
I need to move it.
That'll damage your eyes.
The sun will damage your eyes, but thanks for the call, sir.
Let's talk to Ron in New York.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm going to digress for a moment, but then I want to get to my real issues.
You mentioned those video games and certain type of, I guess, I don't know, electronic flashes, if you will.
In Japan, about a year ago, they had had a broadcast, and they did that over television.
It caused a number of children in Japan to actually go into some type of epileptic seizures.
That was four years ago.
It was all out of the Washington Post articles.
Every time they would air the episode, thousands would go into convulsions.
They had mentioned it even a year ago.
I'm telling you, it was an incident within the last year.
And beyond that, stop and think about it.
Here you are in this dream state, okay?
And you're watching things.
It's sort of a form of hypnosis.
Things could be suggested.
And what are our video games?
They're all rife with the most rank violence you'll ever see.
So think about it.
You lull somebody into this.
I don't know.
I think it's called a paragogic dream state.
They're sort of awake, but they're not awake.
And then you implant violence like that in their minds.
That's what the occult practitioners would do with a crystal ball or a mirror or a candle.
You stare into it and hypnotize yourself.
That's where all that comes from.
And now you've got this fast flickering light that's the exact brainwave pattern.
That's a fact, folks.
And the image being sent out is a very violent image.
But I'd like to get to my main point.
Okay, but I would add to this, we'll let you do that after the break, that you can see the increase in crime congruent with television and then violence being introduced to television.
That is a fact.
So, yes, and you know it, folks.
You've caught yourself drooling watching television, haven't you?
That's why I don't watch more than one hour a week.
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Late summer 2003.
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Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001?
You heard the same thing.
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6 to 10 times?
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All right, back to your calls and into more vital news to the future of this republic and the families that live in this country, all of us together.
Uh, Ron in New York, go ahead and finish up what you were saying.
Okay, Alex.
Yes, yesterday in the New York Post, buried in a small article in the center of the paper, they made mention of the fact that the federal government went into an arrangement with the state of New York and the city of New York, and as it turns out, they said they've gone into this arrangement over the last year with 44 other states in our union, to which there'll now be no real separation or division between the exchange of tax and income information between state
And the same thing is happening with Mexico and China and Europe.
All the data being put into this global database.
Global government is upon us.
And dig this, the focus of this information swapping is primarily going to be concentrated on people who are individually employed sole proprietors and small businessmen.
And they said that it's designed to
Um, stop them from getting involved in tax avoidance, avoidance, they have to emphasize that word, schemes.
Anybody in your audience who knows tax law knows that tax avoidance is legal.
Evasion is illegal.
So in other words, they're trying to frighten people who are self-employed and in small businesses
Out of even using that which is legally available to them.
Yeah, people are having enough trouble hanging on by their fingernails competing against all the Chinese and Indian slaves and all the poor Latin American serfs and so they're coming in with this and that's what the Patriot Act 1 and 2 does.
It's all a control grid.
It's for citizens.
Hey, what do you think about DIBOL with all these convicted felons?
Oh, Dybald, that whole issue, you know, I've heard about it on your show.
The Pacifica Network's been talking about it.
It's a disgrace that this isn't addressed.
This goes to show you how for granted they take the American people.
I guess they assume that we're peasants and serfs, too, and that we're stupid, and for the most part, a large portion of us must be, because nobody's raising hell about that.
Well, they admit that there's no paper trail, that the elections can be stolen by anyone who can hack in, but then they catch Diebold and others doing it during elections and nothing happens.
They engineered a backdoor system into it.
They engineered a back door system into it.
Well, that's what MIT and a bunch of other universities say, and that's what their own engineer quit and admitted at Diebold, but it's the other companies too, and then we have this corporate meeting between them and the federal government, the CIA, that the news is reported on, but I mean, this is... We're losing... Think about the analogies, the comparisons, the parallels.
They're trying to get us down on the economic form of their grid, right?
Stalin did that with Kulak peasants.
Think about it.
Stalin once said,
It's not who votes, it's who counts the votes.
And obviously they're controlling the process of who counts the votes.
So in essence, what we're getting is a new form of technically sophisticated, maybe slightly sugar-coated, Stalin.
So how do we reach out to the yuppies who think they're part of the establishment and can't believe this is happening, even when it's admitted?
Well, there's two ways, and only two ways they're going to be reached, Alex.
It is through information, but you know what?
They have to feel the sting of that whip.
When they start to lose... By the way, they're also boring in, the government is boring in terribly, into pension funds.
Man, they're like a termite going into wood, and everybody's different pension fund.
It's unreal.
They want to get hold of your pension fund.
Well, I told you two years ago they began changing the rules where you don't own your pension fund.
No, you don't.
Here, listen to this.
If you make a loan against your own pension fund, and by the way, they try to demonize pension funds, too, if you read the popular press.
If you get a loan from your own pension fund, now,
You're going to pay that loan back, and at a rate of interest, right?
And it's your own investment, it's your own equity, and you're paying your own equity back at a rate of interest.
The Internal Revenue Service will now consider that a form of benefit to you, and that will be added on to your income taxes, and create a greater liability to you, even though you're paying back your own equity.
And paying it back at a greater rate of interest.
I mean, how could that be a benefit to you, if you've got to pay back your own few dollars?
Yeah, they raise a hundred taxes and then cut one tax and we rejoice.
Right, and they're demonizing.
Alex, if you read the local New York papers, every day they're demonizing.
Oh, this pension fund's no good.
That pension fund's no good.
The government wants to use it for this, use it for that.
Oh, the people who were part of the fund are no good.
They're demonizing funds.
They're going to go after your pension funds.
And that's when these yuppies,
They're all invested in one fun or another.
That's when they're going to understand.
They've got to feel the burn of the flame before they will listen to the truth.
Right now, they're just living the high life, the champagne life.
And they're intoxicated with this.
And they don't see it.
But once they get that sting, and it's just around the corner, they will understand it.
Hey, real quick, Ron.
What do we do about how rotten so many police departments have gotten with framing people?
Well, Alex, listen, police were never ideal, but we've got to de-federalize them.
Ever since the federal government's had a bigger hand in these departments, these departments have become worse.
You made an astute observation about left and right.
It's false.
I mean, as J.P.
Morgan once said in the early 20th century, I like the idea of left and right, especially when you control both sides.
It's a fun game.
All right, we'll be back with Scott and John and many others and some more really important news.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're here, folks.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
The websites are amazing, jam-packed with so much key info daily.
We put a lot of work and energy into this.
That's what we're fighting as the Prison Planet.
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We're fighting Earth being turned into a high-tech control grid prison planet through the InfoWar and very effectively when we stand and fight.
When we expose the lies with our secret weapon, the truth.
The total free number to join us on air, it's always good every couple hours to give the phone number out.
We'll take more calls before this show ends.
What do you think about the government-run election fraud?
What do you think about the government saying they're about to capture Bin Laden for you?
What do you think about Bush cutting Taiwan loose?
What do you think about all these revelations?
Before I go to Scott and Mass and others and back into some more news, I'm carrying a new video.
And it's by Eric Huffschmidt, a software engineer.
It's an amazing new video.
We carry the book that goes along with it.
Painful Questions.
This is Painful Deceptions, a video supplement to the book Painful Questions, an analysis of the September 11th attack.
It's two hours long.
The World Trade Center towers, how could both towers disintegrate into dust and short sections of steel in less than ten seconds?
Building 7 of the World Trade Center, how could this 47-story steel-framed building disintegrate at 5.30 that evening without being hit by a plane?
The attack at the Pentagon, how could a terrorist fly a Boeing 757 into the restricted airspace around the Pentagon?
And a lot more.
You need to get painful deceptions.
If we don't expose 9-11, the globalists will continue to carry out terror to scare us into submission.
Also, there's my two films on September 11th.
9-11, The Road to Tyranny.
Two and a half hours long.
Even longer on DVD.
It's two hours, 24 minutes on VHS.
170 minutes on DVD.
Almost three hours on DVD.
Almost two and a half hours on VHS.
And we go into the history of government-sponsored terror, the World Trade Center bombing being the FBI took the bomb and trained the drivers in 93, Oklahoma City being a federal bombing, World Trade Center 2 attack being a federal operation.
We're good to go.
And it's $12 full of diagrams and photos and documents.
There's Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
Over 300 pages full of photos and documents.
1995 by Paul Watson.
It gets into just so much.
You gotta get that book.
Second copy when you buy one is $11.95 to give as a gift.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Get the videos.
Get the books.
Make copies of the videos.
Get them out to your friends, your family, opinion makers in your area.
Air them on AXS TV.
You can affect change.
You can expose the murdering globalists.
And avenge those that carried out September 11th.
Again, avenge those that were killed by those that carried out September 11th.
We must expose those that did it for those that died.
And by stopping the next terror attack, by exposing this system, we can stop the next terror attack, folks.
It is so vitally important
That we do this because 9-11 was only the precursor.
It was only the preparation of the globalists.
We've got to avenge those that were killed.
We've got to expose the globalists.
And we've got to expose them so they can't carry out another attack.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
The videos are $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more.
They drop down to $20.
Please get the videos.
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Now it's up to you.
1-888-253-3139 is the toll-free number to order.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or off the shopping cart on the website.
Or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones.
At 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Let's go to Scott in Mass.
Scott, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, thank you for the time.
And I ask the continued blessing of the Holy Trinity on your work.
What I'd like to say real quick is that Article 1, Section 10 of our Constitution says, no state shall make
Anything but gold and silver coin, a tender for payment of debt.
That's what our Constitution said.
Because the Founding Fathers said in the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist papers, and in the public debates, and in the editorials in the newspapers, and I've read hundreds of them, that the Rothschilds and those in Europe
would issue gold receipts for more gold than they had.
Let's say you got 100 ounces of gold in your local bank, but you're in the bank, you issue script, that is receipts for gold, for 10,000 ounces.
And out of paper, out of thin air, you buy up the world.
That's what we were fighting against, one of the key things, that and gun confiscation.
And now we have this private Federal Reserve, which is Federal Express, folks.
It's called the Global Unreserve.
Well, anyway, to continue on, as far as, um, you're talking about guns before, and I'd like to really just quickly give you, uh, something Mao Zedong said.
He said you'll find political power at the end of a barrel of a gun.
Well, he says political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.
Right, okay.
Close enough.
Now, you know, you get so much information in your head and you just can't memorize it exactly the way
Hey, you did a great job!
Well, thank you.
This one is out of my Bible, and this is instructions for the time of crisis, directly from Jesus Christ himself.
He said to them, when I sent you forth without a money bag or sack or sandals, were you in need of anything?
They said to him, no, nothing, they replied.
He said to them, but now one who has a money bag should take it, gold and silver, and likewise a sack.
And one who does not have a sword could sell his cloak and buy one.
Yeah, that was... Direct from the Lord Jesus.
Yeah, that was... Luke 22, for anyone who wants to pick it up and read it.
Those are his instructions for the end time.
That was the Garden of Gethsemane.
Yup, that was just... That's right.
You're absolutely right.
That's very good, Alex.
The other thing that you were talking about, subliminal induction.
I read a book about 20-25 years ago called Subliminal Induction.
And by the way, it's like weather control.
There's bills, there's documents, there's news articles.
It's on the weather channel that can control the weather.
They have shows about it.
The average person was preconditioned it didn't exist.
Just like subliminal conditioning.
They teach it.
No, and that's absolutely true.
And I read this book 25 years ago, and then once your eyes are open to the manipulations that they're doing to you,
You have some protection from it.
That's it.
Once you're conscious and look at the world consciously, seeing how they're trying to manipulate you, it's amazing.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Good to hear from you.
Great call.
Let's talk to... Who's up next out of all these callers?
Who should I go to first?
Ian in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Hey, I had a question.
My girlfriend right now is in Minsk, where she's from, and I was curious what the globalist agenda in that area of the world might be.
Your audio's a little fuzzy.
Where is she in the world?
Showing my ignorance, is that in Eastern Europe?
Well, kind of right in between.
It's right in between Poland and Russia.
Yeah, Central Europe.
I know about the generalities of that region, I know a lot about Ukraine, Poland, the Balkans, but there's so many, there's like 50 little countries there.
I can't particularly tell you about that country on the border of Central and Eastern Europe, but I will tell you those countries are under the same system they were 20 years ago.
I didn't know if there were any, so I just wanted to kind of double check.
This morning on the way to work, I saw somebody with a 1360infowars.com poster in their window.
Yeah, that's what I thought too.
And easy on the cat, man.
Cats aren't that bad.
The cat is my wife's.
She likes the dog more than the cat.
She saved it when it was starving to death as a kitten when she lived in Florida and now the cat's like 10 years old and it's really annoying.
My point here is that these cats, when this old woman collapsed out in California, were eating her.
Her own cats.
Dogs don't do that.
A dog will starve to death right next to you, a dog will chew its way out and rescue you, and a cat will do nothing for you.
I'm saying, you know, cats are okay.
My point is, compared to a dog, a cat is worthless.
I'm just busting your chops, Alex.
You have a great day.
Okay, you too, buddy.
I appreciate the call.
Let us go ahead now.
We're never going to get to all these calls.
And I wanted to get into Nazi fluoridation.
The Nazis, their own documents I have in front of me on fluoridation.
They used it to sterilize and to, as a toxic chemical, to basically control and sedate concentration camp victims.
This is admitted, by the way, at the university reports, the letters to Congress.
I have it all right here on a 20-page article.
But the fluoride's good for you, isn't it?
It's so good for you.
Let's go ahead and talk to Dan in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, Dan.
My wife and I enjoy your programs a lot.
Well, thank you.
I'm calling about something you may have talked about.
I don't really know.
I'm talking about satellite radio.
Have you had some conversation on that?
Yeah, and speaking of my lovely, wonderful wife, she bought it for me last Christmas and I returned it.
I don't like it.
It's basically the same garbage, you know, just more channels of it.
But let me suggest something else.
It's going to limit people's choices in terms of both entertainment and music as well as opinion.
I have to be 68 and I'm a radio junkie going back to the time I was very young.
And I used to like to, and I still do, like to listen on the AM radio all over the country in the East.
I'm from Pennsylvania, New York.
But you have a lot fewer choices even on broadcast radio now, don't you?
Oh, it's much more limited.
I quite agree.
In my particular area, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, you can pick up at, between 12 and 3, Rush Limbaugh and 13 locations, from Boston down to Washington, D.C.
Yeah, it's the same thing here.
Yeah, what you're gonna have is...
You're going to have morning and drive time hosts, the profit centers for the stations, they can only afford hosts then, and you might have a host who has one thimble of libertarian ideas or something, and he may not screen your calls, yes.
Yeah, yeah.
So, I would urge people who might listen to this before they go out and invest in a monthly fee and buying the damn thing.
Think about what they're doing to people's choice, their choice, and everybody else's choice over the years.
Well, look, they could easily, with the uplinks, give them more choice and put a hundred alternative hosts.
I don't care if it was from communists to Christians to libertarians, a real choice, I would buy it!
I listen to it and I'm like, I can get Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh and Michael Savage and the Discovery Channel anytime I want, I'm taking this piece of junk back!
Okay, you made the right decision.
Keep going, we'd like to hear you.
Okay, thank you.
And look, it's technology.
The technology isn't bad.
But, I mean, I don't need, I could get everything on there other than Discovery Channel.
It's got Discovery and History Channel.
I listen to the audio from that.
I mean, I was just, there was nothing on it.
I don't listen to music.
I'm always too busy thinking about the New World Order.
I just, it's worthless garbage.
Worthless garbage.
I mean, if I could just hear local hosts from around the country, who even I disagree with, that's something different!
I don't need to pay $50 a month to hear Sean Hannity!
I'm sorry!
Tell me how good microchips and Communist China are!
Let's go ahead and talk to Bob in New Hampshire.
Go ahead, Bob.
Okay, my suggestion is that every ballot that you get,
I would have, I mean, separate ballots.
It might be 1A, 1B, 1C.
Yeah, the League of Women Voters is lobbying to not have any more paper ballots and to have no record.
You get a receipt at an ATM or at the cash register or wherever, but they don't want you to have a receipt from these electronic machines.
Well, they're full of baloney.
They are criminals, is what they are.
Oh, yes.
I've got video of League of Women Voters stealing elections in Florida.
Well, my idea would be to have every ballot
And as they are used, there would be a copy on the bottom.
That sounds like something Al-Qaeda would say.
Yeah, well, in other words, that would be a receipt, and tear that off and you hand in the ballot.
And then, if they had more than, say, 100,000
People allegedly voted and they had all these ballots.
Then it would be traceable to find out just who did and who didn't vote.
Well, they've been stealing elections for a while with paper ballots that they computerized, but now with this touchscreen, I mean, they've been caught scamming us.
It's not like we think they could, or there's back doors and wireless internet connections built into them.
We've been catching these creatures.
Well, Al, it isn't something that has just happened.
It's been going on for some years.
Yeah, now it's going to be unified and total.
Well, that's the bad part of the whole thing.
They're going to say, it's a democracy you voted for us to take your guns.
I didn't vote for a democracy.
I know very well this is supposed to be a republic.
That's it, but they're going to say it's the democracy.
Yeah, but they're lying through their teeth.
And the difference between a republic and a democracy is, in a republic, if 51% say kill all the black people, it doesn't happen.
But in a democracy, if they do, it does happen.
Or in a democracy, if they say you've got to jump around on pogo sticks on Tuesday mornings, you have to do it.
In a republic, you don't have to.
I haven't heard that one, but it's very good.
I appreciate your program.
I listen whenever I can, and if I miss something in the afternoon, there's always the evening.
And last night, there was some QRM.
I don't know what's doing it, but it was just about impossible on some stations, including a very strong one.
Usually, uh, WBZ.
It was bad on that, and they just had to drop it.
Well, I'm sorry to hear that.
We'll be right back with more news, more calls.
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We know of is, quote, fluoride in the water isn't even on the periodic table.
It is a toxic combination of chemicals used in aluminum purification process in the manufacture of fertilizer.
It's called sodium fluoride, which according to the Merck
Now, index is primarily used as a rat and cockroach poison and is also the active ingredient in most toothpaste and is an additive to drinking water, but sadly there is much more to the sordid tale.
That's from the big pharmacological index.
Did you know that sodium fluoride is also one of the basic ingredients in Prozac?
And sarin nerve gas?
Yes, folks, the same sarin gas that terrorists released on a crowded Japanese subway train.
Let me repeat, the truth that American public needs to understand is the fact that sodium fluoride is nothing more than a hazardous waste by-product of the nuclear and aluminum industries.
In addition to being a primary ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, it is also a main ingredient in psychiatric drugs as well as military nerve gas.
That goes on.
Independent scientific evidence over the past 50 plus years has shown that sodium fluoride shortens our life, spans for most various cancers and mental disturbances.
It goes on and on.
Concerning the practice of putting sodium fluoride into drinking water, where did this insanity begin and who tried it first?
And this is from congressional reports, from mainstream books, you name it.
The very first occurrence of purposely putting sodium fluoride into drinking water was in the German ghettos and Nazi Germany's infamous poison camps.
The Gestapo, you see, had little concern about sodium fluoride's supposed effect on children's teeth.
Instead, their reason for mass-medicating water with sodium fluoride was to sterilize humans and force the people in concentration camps into calm bovine submission.
See, for reference, the Crime and Punishment of I.G.
Farben written by Joseph Borkin.
Kind of shocking, isn't it, folks?
Ah, but it gets even better.
Then they have letters from top chemists and universities and congressional reports and reports from the German General Staff.
German General Staff talking about repeated dosages of infinitesimal amounts of fluoride within time reduce the individual's power to resist.
I'm slowly poisoning and narcotizing a certain area of the brain, thus making him submissive to the will of those who wish to govern him.
A convenient and cost-effective light lobotomy.
That's the German General Staff.
Oh, man!
I mean, just, this is, you wonder why people are jellyfish out there.
Just amazing, sucking this trash down.
I want to take some calls, but I had other news to hit.
Let me just try to jam this in and then go to the call.
Islamic militants get training in U.S.
This is from the Deccan Chronicle and a bunch of other newspapers.
Back in 2000, May of 2000, Islamic fundamentalists in Britain are getting training in the use of firearms and explosives at a secret terror training camp in the U.S.
to join militants in places like Kashmir.
And it goes into Al-Qaeda and Taliban and all that.
Mary Ann in California.
Go ahead.
Last caller of the broadcast.
I think you're absolutely right.
You know that weather modification is happening.
They are chemtrails.
They are spraying us.
You're talking about fluoride.
Let's talk about aluminum and barium and titanium that is coming down on us by the buckloads through these KC-135 fighter planes.
This is absorbed into our systems, through our pores, in our foods, everywhere.
It's insane.
We need to be talking about that.
That's going on all the time.
I know.
It's totally insane.
And look at the number one ingredient in your right guard antiperspirant deodorant is aluminum.
And they admit it builds up in the brain and then rots little holes in your brain.
It kills the tissue.
And we're breathing this stuff in day in almost every single day of the year.
The Bush administration just
And now they admit that NASA said yesterday the Earth is 20% darker because of these sudden cloud banks forming globally.
I hear you.
We're out of time, Marianne.
Out of time.
Thank you.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on your local AM and FM dial or at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, the premier websites in the information war.
And on Global Shortwave at 9, 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 6890 during the day at 12.172 and 9320.
I'll be back tonight and I'll see you back on Monday and tomorrow for Real Talk Radio 1 to 4.
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