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Name: 20031216_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 16, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
It's Tuesday, the 16th of December, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be live here.
The next three hours we will talk more about the whole Saddam Hussein situation and the latest developments here politically with that and take your calls and get your response, your insight, your take on it.
We haven't had Paul Joseph Watson of PrisonPlanet.com, my webmaster and researcher, on in a few weeks.
We've got him coming on in the second hour to talk about the Saddam situation and of course mainstream headlines that MI6 may have been involved in the murder
of Princess Diana.
There's more government-sponsored terror news coming out with MI5 doing the bombings in England.
Looks like President Musarraf, the dictator of Pakistan, may have staged that bombing to make it look like he's under terror attack, just like our government does.
Congressman McDermott, who I don't agree with on many things, he's a big socialist, came out and said, looks like they already knew where Saddam was, may have even been holding him, and this was staged.
I mean, look, we have the Israeli websites saying it looks like he was a captive.
We have Congressman LaHood, Ray LaHood, on December 2nd telling the Associated Press and other newspapers that, oh yeah, we've got Saddam, we'll be bringing him out real soon.
We've got Tommy Franks in the Marshall Law article.
Uh, that was published in Cigar Aficionado, also saying that, uh, we'll be catching Saddam in the next few weeks.
So, interesting little leaks there, adding credibility to this.
But people howling and saying, how dare McDermott question this?
I mean, that's his right.
That's a good thing.
We need questions.
And look, I mean,
Howard Dean, George W. Bush, it doesn't matter who wins the election, folks.
They're all globalists, the same agenda, gun control, open borders, more NAFTA and GATT, it's all the same stuff, and a lot of people are acting like the Saddam capture is winning the Super Bowl, and boy, aren't we all big now, and meanwhile the dollar plunged more yesterday, and the trade deficit got bigger, and did you know they passed the Patriot Act, too, under a new name over the weekend?
Yeah, Bush signed it, and giving them almost unlimited powers on a whole new wide range of subjects, but that doesn't matter.
Hey, you know, that's what Saddam would do.
Saddam would have legislation like that, and after all, our government put Saddam into power and told him to attack Iran and did all that.
I hear the neocons talking about how evil he was attacking Iran all last night, all today, how evil Saddam is.
It is evil what he did.
He is evil.
But we cannot look at the geopolitical spectrum and not look at what our government has done.
It's out of control.
It's a fraud.
It's a joke.
So we're going to take your calls on this subject.
And give you a chance to give us your take on what's happening and what's developing and what you think about this.
The toll-free number to join us on air.
We'll go to your calls early in this first hour.
We took about 40 phone calls yesterday, so I'm doing a good job of going to lots of people.
9231, any issue politically here in the New World Order, the Second Amendment, the open borders, the plunging dollar, Saddam Hussein, passing Patriot Act II, whatever you'd like to discuss, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get into all the news when we get back.
And it's online at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are two wonderful websites that are updated each and every day.
Again, that's 1-800-259-9231.
And we'll get you up and on the air.
Again, we have Paul Watson joining us in the second hour.
In the third hour, former top CIA advisor to George W. Bush, Herbert Walker Bush, excuse me, and Ronald Reagan, Ray McGovern, will be joining us.
He joined us briefly yesterday, but he's going to join us for a longer period of time in the third hour as well, so you do not want to miss that big show.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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All right, my friends.
It is the 16th day of December 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're going to be live here for the next two hours and 51 minutes.
We do have Paul Watson joining us in the second hour and Ray McGovern in the third hour.
Ray McGovern, National Security Advisor from the CIA to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush, talking about the propaganda and fraud.
He is joining us in the third hour.
It is Tuesday.
The 16th of December, 2003.
The second hour, Paul Joseph Watson.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We will go to your calls early in this first hour.
On any issue you want to discuss, the plunging dollar, what's happening to our ballooning trade deficit, the Second Amendment, the anti-Second Amendment legislation being rammed through Congress.
We will get into Patriot Act 2 under a new name being signed by Bush this weekend.
But we were all busy running around celebrating the arrest, the supposed arrest of the former CIA asset and terror master, Mr. Hussein.
So this is just some of the news that we'll be covering here on the show for you today.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Congressman questions Saddam timing.
This is out of the Associated Press.
The Washington congressman who criticized President Bush while visiting Baghdad last year has questioned the timing of the capture of deposed Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
Representative Jim McDermott, Democrat from Washington State, told a Seattle radio station Monday the U.S.
military could have found Saddam a long time ago if they wanted to.
Asked if he thought the weekend capture was time to help Bush.
McDermott chuckled and said, yeah, oh yeah.
The Democrat congressman went on to say there's too much by happenstance for it to be just a coincidental thing.
When interviewed by Dave Ross, asked again if he meant to imply that the Bush administration timed the capture for political reasons, McGermott said, I don't know that it was definitely planned on the weekend, but I know they've been in contact with people all along who knew basically where he was.
It was just a matter of time till they find him.
It's funny, McDermott added, when they've been having all this trouble, suddenly they have to roll out something.
State Republicans immediately condemned McDermott's remarks, saying the Seattle Democrat again was engaging in crazy talk about the Iraq War.
Once again, McDermott has embarrassed this state with his irresponsible ranting.
GOP State Chairman Chris Vance said in a news release, calling him to apologize
Okay, well let's talk about the facts.
I'm looking at the Associated Press and several other news reports.
Lahood, Hussein's capture imminent.
This is December 2nd.
This month, folks, about twelve days ago, thirteen days ago, U.S.
Representative Ray LaHood held his thumb and forefinger slightly apart and said, we're this close to catching Saddam Hussein, or an inch away.
Once that's accomplished, Iraq resistance will fall apart, said the five-term Republican congressman from Peoria, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.
A member of the
Pentagraph editorial board, not really expecting an answer, asked LaHood for more details, saying, Do you know something we don't?
Yes, I do, replied LaHood.
LaHood spent an hour at the newspaper Monday discussing the war on terror, the 04 elections in central Illinois, regional economic development, and his less than enthusiastic appraisal of Governor Rod Blagojevich's performance.
A comment about the deposed Iraqi president came while LaHood discussed next year's elections.
And he again went on to say, uh, do you know something we don't?
Yes, I do.
Well, it looks like General Tommy Franks, the outgoing head of CENTCOM, who was interviewed in the December issue of Chigar Aficionado, we have the whole article transcribed.
It wasn't online, but now it is, on InfoWars.com.
And among the other little tidbits in there, not just martial law, the next step in our government, but he also said, oh, we're going to catch Saddam in the next few weeks.
And guess what?
They caught him in the next few weeks.
He said, we're going to catch him real soon.
And LaHood says he knew something that the media didn't know when talking to a Central Illinois newspaper and then, of course, picked up by the Associated Press 14 days ago.
But McDermott is a wild-eyed, crazy liberal, which I agree.
He's a socialist.
He wants our guns.
He's for more taxes and regulation.
Oh, he's just like George Bush.
So there's no real difference there, but we don't like him, but we love Bush because he has an R before his name.
But you have all these people bragging about how they were about to catch Saddam.
Other generals spouted off, and you have the Israeli publication that's been pretty accurate in the past, the Debka file, and they're saying it looks like he'd been beaten, looks like he'd been, you know, that he'd been drugged, looks like he was down in this hole for a long time.
By the way, it's being pointed out that Saddam's beard, and again, the average person can grow a beard that long in about a year or longer, but let's say Saddam grows a beard twice as fast.
I don't
To his temples, because folks, I've seen a million beards, so have you.
If somebody's going to have gray, solid gray up to their temples, and it's not going to turn black suddenly at the temple, right up to the top of his head.
But his hair is black, with no gray in it, and then suddenly you get to his beard and it turns gray.
Just instantly.
Reuters reported that he had had his fake beard ripped away by the troops and suddenly in the Associated Press it was, oh no, they shaved his beard off, he had a run-in with an army barber.
So we don't know what the truth is.
And I dug up some old news articles from earlier this year where they talked about his 10 body doubles.
Where's number 2?
Where's number 8?
Where's number 6?
Where's number 7?
Where's number 9?
They admit he has body doubles.
It's not like we're just on the air saying there's body doubles.
It could be a body double.
They've been on the record saying he's got body doubles.
Now this looks like the Saddam we've seen a lot in the past.
Some are pointing out this guy has light brown eyes.
We went and looked.
Saddam really does have dark black eyes.
It looks a lot like Saddam though.
Better than the guy with the glasses during the Shakinah bombardment.
So I don't know.
I just know we've been lied to about the Jessica Lynch rescue that was produced by Jerry Bruckheimer.
I know we've been lied to about mobile weapons trucks.
We've been lied to about mass graves.
We've been lied to about weapons of mass destruction.
We've been lied to about Niger uranium transfers.
Turns out that was manufactured.
The Pentagon has planted hundreds of fake letters from troops with false signatures in major newspapers.
We know they lie to us!
So we don't know what the truth is, but more is beginning to emerge.
But how can they criticize McDermott when he says, oh, well, we know that they knew where he was, when we've got LaHood, Ray LaHood, the Republican congressman, and we've got Tommy Franks, the head of CENTCOM, and all these people saying the same thing, basically, weeks before!
But we're a dumbed down population and listening to Neocon talk today before I went on the air, it was Saddam has mass graves.
Saddam had the mobile weapons trucks.
Saddam has the weapons of mass destruction.
He's a big murderer.
He did this to his own people.
He attacked Iran viciously.
And I'm going, wait a minute, they admit those mass graves, those boxes of sand and bones, were an exchange program with Iran.
That was admitted back in 92.
They knew right where that warehouse was.
They went there to go, oh look, mass graves, when they knew full well ten years before what it was.
We know that Saddam is a killer.
A CIA assassin in 1954.
By the late 60s, the head of Iraq security.
And of course, the coup in the late 70s.
I've been saying 78, it's 79 when he took over.
Then he followed orders and attacked Iran, was a big hero.
I remember sitting there in the kitchen, my mother had a little TV in the kitchen, she still has it, things lasted forever.
She's watching television, cutting up, uh, you know, I mean, I'd come back from soccer or football practice, she'd be in there cutting up carrots and stuff for dinner, and I remember hearing every day how Saddam was this great guy fighting the evil Iranians.
But not anymore!
The neocons say, vicious, evil, demonic, kill all these Iranians, blah blah blah.
It's amazing, folks.
The CIA helped train his Republican Guard, the School of America's helped train him in torture,
And you notice our media one day saying how good torture is, and the next day, Saddam's evil, he tortures.
So I'm just saying it's hypocritical, it's a fraud, Saddam's nothing compared to China that Bush just cut Taiwan loose to them, changing our 50 plus year treaty.
Uh, nothing compared to Rumsfeld giving nuclear reactors to North Korea.
These are the real threats, folks.
But they tell us Russia and China are good now, and our little buddies, and Hussein's the new Hitler.
They keep comparing him to Hitler down in his bunker.
It's a fraud if you know the historical facts!
And Bill Clinton continued the bombing of Saddam.
The Democrats, if they were in power, would have done the same thing.
They're acting like they're against it now.
I mean, we can't make this a partisan issue.
It's an issue of right and wrong.
It's an issue of this being a fraud.
They can't sit there and say he's evil because he attacked Iran when he did it under U.S.
government control!
It is ridiculous!
And it just shows how dumbed down everybody's gotten.
Coming up, the real significance of Saddam's capture.
Saddam tried to negotiate with U.S.
Saddam drugged, says sister.
Also, we'll get into his roots being dark black, but everything else being gray.
It turns out Musharraf, fake bid of life, a fake bombing.
Times of London, again, government staging bombings.
It's being admitted all the time.
The Scotsman, Diana's death linked to MI6 plot.
Bush approval rating jumps 10 points.
troops disperse pro-Saddam protest in Tikrit.
Americans snap up foreign goods, push deficit with China to record high.
Dollar drops again against the Euro.
GIs beat arrests, disperse pro-Saddam protesters.
More on electronic voting machine fraud.
Two guests.
Your calls.
Big show.
Lined up.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central.
Back from 9 to Midnight, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're about to go to David, Cliff, KC, Joe, John, and many, many others that are patiently holding and back into all the Saddam news, the news on the economy.
Coming up, they passed basically Patriot Act 2, is what Ron Paul is calling it.
They passed Patriot Act 2 quietly this weekend.
Bush signed it.
But that doesn't matter.
You can celebrate that we're becoming more and more like Saddam's CIA kingdom.
But that doesn't matter.
Not having freedom is what it's all about, right?
No matter if it's Bill Clinton or George Herbert Walker or George W. Bush, the same agenda is being forwarded.
Before I go back to David and Cliff and Casey and Joe and John and many others, you know I've made ten documentary films and
The newest is Matrix of Evil.
We've got Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
I've got the book I've written, Descent into Tyranny.
Paul Watson's book, Ordered Out of Chaos.
And when you get the videos, I want you to make copies of them.
I want you to get them out to your friends and family.
I want you to make copies of them and educate everybody in your area.
It is so vitally important.
You can call the toll-free number to order the films at 1-888-253-3139 or go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
And if you want to be a distributor of the films, you can get them for about half off, or the books.
We have an office line.
It takes 60 messages.
We answer it live sometimes.
Sometimes we're on the other line.
Now I have two employees down there.
We try to keep it open so you can call if you have a question about being a distributor or a question about an order.
We're trying to get the messages off there twice a day.
Shirley's there right now answering the phone.
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We have to wade through.
People have their houses grabbed, their children grabbed, the black helicopters, the urban warfare training.
I get hundreds of calls a day.
And it's amazing, but if you have a question about being a distributor, or if you have a question about your order, whatever, that's the number to call, folks.
And for those that call me later and say, you never called me about taking my children in Illinois, or you never called me back about my child being beat up by the police, I'm sorry, folks.
I'm totally, completely, insanely overwhelmed.
It's amazing.
David in Missouri, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I was going to give my thoughts on the economy and a certain aspect of it, and then I wanted to get your take on it.
Sure, go ahead.
My gut check has been telling me for months that basically the only thing holding up our dollar right now, and therefore any resemblance in the markets of any kind of a recovery, is the fact that election's coming up next November, and nobody wants to see the dollar
Uh, tumble, which I think it'll inevitably do anyway.
Well, the dollar's already tumbled 35%.
And, uh, it went up about a cent on the weekend, and then by yesterday plunged to a record low against the, uh, against the, uh, euro.
But I'm talking about the descent into the, uh, global economy that I think they want to bring upon us by bringing America down.
Well, the trade deficit hit its all-time record.
People are snatching up every foreign good they can get, slitting their own throats.
My gut feeling is nothing real serious will happen.
And I know this is serious enough, what you're talking about.
Don't let me trivialize what's already happened.
But I think things to really be concerned about may not happen until after the election.
That's been my feeling, simply because politics is to not let the economy go too far to pot before a major election, because that gets votes.
Of course, if it's sustainable, so to speak.
I mean, I've got my gold and silver holdings, not as much as I'd like, and I'm about ready to pull out of my 401k at work next year, simply because I've heard some things that people like you and some of your guests have said about 401ks.
Well, the government has changed the rule where you don't own your pension fund.
It can be taken from you.
The question is, will they do that?
You see, why are they massing all these troops for martial law?
Because if they crash the economy, they can then have a terror attack and we'll forgive the government and get behind whatever they do.
That's the psychological tactic.
Whereas if they just crash the economy by itself, people will get mad at the government.
You notice the stock market started going down and a week later we had 9-11.
I've also noticed that the gold and silver markets tend to go up lately, whether the stock market news is good or bad.
And always in the past, the gold would go down with a high stock market.
This has never been seen in modern history to have gold exploding in price with the stock market going up.
But again, the dollar has been reduced in price.
And thanks for the call, David.
A good call.
The dollar has been reduced in price now by 35%.
The stock market goes up by 6%.
It takes more dollars to buy that same stock.
So the dollar's down by 30-plus percent.
The stock market's only up by 6%.
That's why gold's up.
You understand?
It's still, in real numbers, a massive drop in the stock market.
We'll be right back with more calls, more news.
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Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Well, while you were busy drooling and worshipping Bush, talking to the neocons out there and talking about how great he is, now this has been a great Super Bowl victory, arresting the supposed Saddam Hussein, this beaten and drugged out looking Saddam.
There's more and more questions of, is it Saddam?
We're going to go over that.
While that was happening, Bush was signing the Patriot Act, too, under a new name.
Isn't that nice?
Isn't that just special?
No more secret police, no more torture chambers in Iraq, Bush said.
Well, that's a flat lie.
They've hired the former top torture master of Iran, the guy under the shaw, Chalibi, and here domestically we've got our secret police and they're telling us how great torture is every single day.
But I guess folks can't put two and two together.
Coming up here in just a few minutes, Cliff, KC, Joe, John, David, and everybody, we're going to get to you.
Stay right there.
And I'll get into this Patriot Act II news, the latest Saddam developments, and what Congressman McDermott had to say, which meshes with what Republican Congressman Ray LaHood said about, I know something you don't know.
He said a week and a half ago, we're about to capture Saddam.
But before we go over that, for the next five minutes, I want to bring Debbie Morrow up from New Millennium Concepts with the best water filters at the best price you're going to find.
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Debbie, thanks for being on the show with us.
Hi there, Alex.
Thanks for having me.
Well, you know, Alex, you and I were talking about how there are so many new listeners that maybe people don't even know what the Berkey water filters do.
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So is that alright with you?
Yeah, let's go over that for folks.
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It doesn't take any electricity to filter the water.
You put the water in the canister and it drips down through the purification elements.
Gravity pulls it down.
It drips into the bottom canister and then you have a spigot and you get your water out through the spigot.
The filters that are in it
They are really purification elements more than filters.
They do remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, and parasites to below non-detectable levels.
That is, you can't find it in there in the test?
And almost all the other filters, even the expensive ones, can't say that?
That's right.
That's right.
And these filters have actually set a new standard for gravity filtration.
Now folks may not want to buy them because they're made in America and that kind of, you know, isn't what we do nowadays, but the new Black Berkey is made here in America.
The Berkey light system, it's see-through instead of stainless steel.
You can also go to stainless steel if you want folks.
It has a little light system, LED lights that will burn for two weeks off the batteries with a solar charger.
A lot of great stuff.
One of the things that's really special about this system, it also
It takes out 85% of your nitrates.
And for people, especially in rural areas, in farming communities where they have nitrates in the water, that's a really big issue.
Yeah, near chicken and pig farms.
So it does remove greater than 85% of nitrates and nitrites.
It removes greater than 95% of your heavy metals like lead, mercury, aluminum, things like that, you know, that cause
You know, respiratory problems, kidney problems, you know, these are things that are in your water.
You can't see them, but they're there.
Let me give you an example.
I was in Houston this weekend.
I drank some tap water.
It tasted so horrible, I thought I was drinking kerosene because I'm so spoiled on Berkey water.
Water in Austin is supposedly pretty good.
It tastes horrible when it's tapped here, but it comes out of an aquifer.
This, the stuff in Houston was so horrible, and people were just drinking it all around me.
Folks, you've got to stop drinking it, and this will save you money.
It's a lot better water than bottled water.
Bottled water isn't safe.
There have been major studies.
I'm sure you've read about that in the news.
Go to filtered water.
Your body is 70 plus percent water.
This is where you're getting most of the toxins.
You're still going to get it in food and the air, but this will cut out most of the stuff in your life.
Water is life.
These are great systems and you're a great sponsor.
I bought Berkeys from these folks before they were sponsors.
How do folks call, what are the holiday specials?
Well, we have great holiday specials and we are still able to get you your holiday, you know, before December 25th.
So, you know, I've had a lot of people ask me if they could get it for the holiday and we are shipping immediately.
So, we have the
I don't
Yes, we do.
That's a great deal.
It's a great deal, great gift.
What about, what do the sport bottle filters do for folks that don't want to drink the tap water at work, don't want to drink the tap water at the football game, whatever?
These look like a little sports bottle.
They're a great system.
They don't cut out everything that the big Berkeys do, but they cut out a lot of it, more than, you know, cleaner than what bottled water is, and you've got an amazing deal on those.
Right, we do.
The Berkey Sport Bottles hold 22 ounces, and they do remove unpleasant taste and odor, toxic chemicals, your PCBs, your VOCs,
Um, harmful microscopic bacteria like Cryptosporidium guardia.
And how many refills?
How many refills?
Um, they go 360, I'm sorry, 640 refills of municipal water and 160 refills of like pond or lake water.
So if you figure if you were buying even a 99 cent bottle of water at a convenience store
That's 640 refills.
That'd be $640.
And when you buy it in this package deal, how much does each sports bottle come out to?
We have several different ways you can do it.
We have two different types of bottles.
One is labeled where it says Berkey Sport on it.
And the other one is a generic label that doesn't say Berkey Sport, but it has the same exact filter in it.
And you can either get the Berkey Sport for four bottles for $99, which is a $57 savings, because they're normally $39 a piece.
Or you can get five of the generic labeled bottles for $99.
And obviously, folks, you want the generic.
It's the exact same thing.
It makes a great gift.
Here's the toll-free number.
Debbie's there right now to take your call.
If you call and it's an answer machine, your name and number, she'll call you right back.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thank you, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
You bet, folks.
1-888-803-4438 or go to Infowars.com to our secure online shopping cart.
And Debbie goes on there each morning and gets those orders and sends those out at UPS.
Which, I've been saying this for six months, I am going to be shifting in the new year to UPS.
I am done with the Puzzle Service.
We're still shipping out with the Postal Service.
It takes a couple weeks.
They're real pieces of work.
The folks at New Millennium Concept ship UPS.
I think we're still going to offer USPS if you want it.
I don't know.
In fact, we've already got the machine to do it, and then all the setup, we've already signed up with them.
We've just got to shift over to that, but it's a great deal.
Okay, let's go back to the calls.
Thank you for holding, but water is so important, and it's a great sponsor.
Let's go back to the calls.
Cliff in Texas.
Cliff, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing today, Alex?
Great, sir.
Good to talk to you.
Hey, God bless you.
I met you in Houston the last time you was here.
Oh boy, that was a huge crowd.
Yeah, it was.
How did it go this last time?
Pretty good.
It was great.
We didn't turn away hundreds of people, but a lot of folks showed up.
That's good.
I went through with... I took my mom and, you know, she was always saying, well, the government can't do this, they can't do that.
After she saw 9-1-1, the road to tyranny, I never heard her say that again.
Made a believer out of her.
Well, absolutely.
What's on your mind today, Cliff?
Well, you know, I've just been kind of watching these little videos they have on the news channels of the buzz of the dime.
And I think, from looking at his mannerisms and this and that, I know that it might be him.
But I don't know if they just found him in the hole.
I think they've probably had him captive for a long time now.
Well, here's the problem.
Number one, they admit he had at least ten body doubles.
I have government announcements from eight months ago where they're talking about number two Saddam, number eight Saddam, number seven Saddam, number ten Saddam, number three Saddam.
And so we say it looks like Saddam, that's because we've seen the doubles so many times, or is it really Saddam?
But then they point out that Saddam had dark black eyes.
This guy has light brown eyes.
He has light brown eyes, almost green eyes.
Then on top of that, his beard goes up gray right to the temples and then suddenly turns black.
Now, has he been dyeing his hair?
Where are the roots?
There are no roots.
There's no gray hair.
And Reuters reported that it was a, quote, fake beard.
Then the government said, no, no, no, it was a real beard.
Then you mentioned had him in a hole for a while.
It's not just liberal McDermott saying this out in Washington State on the radio yesterday, the congressman.
We have Republican Representative Ray LaHood telling an Illinois newspaper and the Associated Press
They said, do you know something we don't?
Yes, I do, replied LaHood.
We're this close, holding his fingers up an inch apart, to catching Saddam Hussein.
We have General Tommy Franks saying in a news article that's on my site that we're about to catch him in the next few weeks.
And then we have the Israeli intelligence people at the Debka file going, you know, it looks like he's been held captive, looks like he's been beaten, maybe drugged, down in this hole.
I mean, what do you think?
Well, every time the ratings drop, they pull an ace out of the hole.
And it's like you said in The Waking Life, it's all a big buffet of lies and I'm not eating it.
Well, thanks Alex, you're doing a great service to the country.
Hey, I appreciate you my friend.
Yeah, for those that don't know, I never tried to be in a Hollywood movie, but it was a Fox Searchlight production, and the director called me up.
Uh, Richard Linklater and he said, hey, you want to be in a movie?
And, uh, they say, according to, uh, the news article, whose article was it?
It was that, uh, Ebert guy.
That my scene at the film festivals would get standing ovations.
I know it did here in Austin when they showed it.
But that was a lot of fun being in that movie.
And yeah, it's my best rant ever in that film.
And it's got Ethan Hawke in it and a bunch of other people as well.
But I want to get off into discussions of movies.
Though every day I think about, man, all I do is radio interviews and make my own documentaries and do this radio show.
I need to go start casting for films.
I want to be in movies!
But you know what?
I never do it because I'm too busy fighting the New World Order, ladies and gentlemen.
And that's what's most important.
Let's talk to KC in Ohio.
KC, you're on the air.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Thanks, Alex.
God bless you.
I appreciate your call.
What's on your mind?
Well, I'd just like to caution everybody, first of all, when there's this many lips moving about any subject, there's something funny.
And, you know, all these pictures of Saddam,
To me, I think that none of them are him.
I mean, they're just playing a shell game with these photographs.
If you look at the ones that they just showed with the beard and the one without the beard next to him, it looks like that face was built around those eyes.
Like a double.
Well, let me say this.
There's no real discussion other than Dan Rather saying hours after the announcement Sunday morning that this is him, we've done DNA testing, we've proven it, dental records.
Then it came out the government never said that, so Dan Rather was just making that up.
His lips were moving.
Yeah, his lips were moving.
And then we add to this all the lies they've told us in the past.
The Jessica Lynch thing was, quote, a fable.
The fake letters from troops planted in hundreds of papers.
When we've caught him lying, and remember, you know, eight, nine years ago, I saw Forrest Gump accept an award from JFK.
Well, that's the main subject I wanted to talk about is how this changed the subject from who killed JFK.
They pulled an ace out of the hole just when they needed it.
You know, every time we start talking about George Bush Sr.
being in Dallas and all that, and the discussion... And every time we talk about Halliburton... Halliburton and all that, we get all these
Distractions around this time of year.
And, you know, I'm thinking there's a joker in the hole somewhere here.
If we start talking about JFK again, maybe we can find those weapons of mass destruction.
I appreciate the call, KC.
Good to hear from you.
We're about to go to Joe and John and David and others that are patiently holding.
Toll free number to join us, 800-259-9231 on this live Tuesday edition.
Listening to talk radio for a week, I've meant to talk about this and I haven't.
But let me give you a perfect example of propaganda mind control manipulation.
Are you ready?
This is one we can all understand.
It's right out in the open.
There's 1.2 trillion missing from the Pentagon over the last eight years.
That means Bill Clinton, George Bush, they're all involved in it.
1.2 trillion.
Nobody's being held accountable.
So they come out with all this news about Halliburton.
There are no bids allowed in tens and tens and tens and tens.
It's now like 76 billion dollars that Halliburton's been signed on to contracts alone.
You'll read one news article about 15 billion, one about 5 billion, one about 2 billion.
But those are all different contracts.
Together it's over 76 billion.
Last story I saw.
No bids allowed.
And so
And that's for American companies.
Do you understand?
They do not allow bids.
Only Halliburton, Bechtel, and a few other companies, like Dyncor, are allowed to be given the contracts.
There's no bids.
They're just given them.
When this story gets really big and everybody hears about it, suddenly they have the neocons come out and go, how dare you?
We're not giving contracts to the evil French and the evil Germans.
They didn't help us.
Then the whole discussion becomes, yeah, we're not going to give bids to those foreigners.
Well, there's no bids, period.
But see, now when somebody hears about bid rigging and no bids, it's, well, we're not going to give them French.
We're not going to give them Germans.
We're not going to give American companies either.
No bids allowed.
And then suddenly there's no discussion of Halliburton being caught also overcharging.
So see how they do that?
See that fast when they pulled on you?
I called into a talk show and said, on my way back from Houston, I finally got on and I said, well yeah, you know, there's no bids allowed in this and Cheney's overcharging.
The host hangs up on me and goes,
We're not about to give those French and Germans the contracts.
How dare you!
I wasn't talking about that!
I was talking about Halliburton overcharging and no bids being involved, period!
And you know it!
Oh my!
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Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
But, if you placed them on a magnet, all would stick.
The same principle applies in water filtration.
Most filtration systems force water through the filter at 60 to 90 PSI, causing water molecules to race through the filter in less than a second.
The Berkey Light is different.
Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
...of the self-sterilizing filters.
This allows the proprietary media formulation to remove and reduce pathogenic bacteria, cysts, chemicals, herbicides, pesticides, organic solvents, foul tastes, odors, heavy metals, and nitrates.
It is so powerful, it purifies raw, untreated water from remote lakes, streams, and stagnant ponds.
Get the Advanced Berkey Light for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
In my new film, The Masters of Terror, we chronicle the globalist master plan for world domination.
The Masters of Terror details how the elite are using manufactured terrorism to drive the world population into accepting tyranny.
Witness in horror the execution of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing whitewash.
The cashless society control grid, implantable microchips, mass mind control, militarization of police, concentration camps, foreign troops massing on U.S.
soil, the U.S.A.
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It is absolutely vital that everyone see the masters of terror.
Only by exposing the perpetrators of September 11th can we stop them from carrying out the next wave of attacks and destroying our constitutional republic.
Order online now at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
We're about to go back to Joe and John and David and Tom and Kenneth and many many others that are patiently holding.
We have Paul Watson joining us in about 10 minutes.
Ray McGovern, former top intelligence analyst for the CIA who was in the White House with Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush.
Wait till you hear this information.
He was going to join us yesterday but had an emergency with his inner city youth program he had to leave to go cover.
Though he did join us at the very end of the show.
Had him on many times in the past.
Now, we are about to go back to your calls.
We're going to take a ton of calls the next hour.
We're going to get Paul Watson's take on things, and we're going to go right to your calls.
And also, MI6 now in the Scotsman saying that they may have killed Diana.
I mean, more evidence of that.
We've got government-sponsored terror news out of Pakistan, out of the Philippines.
A lot of new developments.
Bush signed Patriot Act II this weekend.
Did you know that?
I just learned that from Ron Paul yesterday and never even got to it.
That's coming up with Paul Watson.
Before I go back to Joe and everybody else that's holding, I've made 10 films, folks, and Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police Day 3 Total Enslavement, the books, we have
Painful Deceptions by Eric Huffman about 9-11.
You need to go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping carts.
Get those videos, make copies of my films, and get them out to people to spread the word and expose this evil.
Heard the earlier caller say his mother didn't believe in the New World Order until she saw 9-11.
And if you want to be a distributor or you have a question about an order or something along those lines, call 512-291-5750.
And again,
If you're calling about them grabbing your children or something, I'm sorry, I can't help you.
I mean, I can have you on the air or something, but we're getting hundreds of those calls every day, grabbing people's land, grabbing, you know, military training, helicopters spraying them.
I mean, this is a nightmare, folks.
I got millions of listeners, and everybody's calling me, and it's just absolutely overwhelming.
So be patient with us if you're calling.
Or to get the videos, 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And the videos are $25.95.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20.
Let's go to Joe in Boston.
Joe, thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Yes, sir.
How you doing?
I love what you're doing, man.
Thank you.
What's on your mind?
Well, first of all, I just want to say I'm pretty intent on putting you... I'm a screenwriter, so I'm pretty intent on putting you in at least one of my movies when I get out there.
You do great work.
Wow, that sounds interesting.
You'd make an excellent character in any one of my... in a storyline.
But, what was I going to say?
Bush is calling for a public trial of Saddam Hussein.
Don't you think that would be the last thing he would want?
Considering all the fact that, you know, we hired the guy, armed him, and put him in power?
Well, if you torture somebody for just a couple weeks, you can make them say whatever you want.
Our best and strongest Marine Corps fighter pilots would cry like a baby and say that they were evil fascists after Viet Cong got done with them.
And so, uh, he'll say whatever they want.
Whoever this person is they've got, he'll say whatever they want.
I mean, they've got induction now directly to the brain.
They can put a wire right into your brain and make you feel pain untold.
And that's one of their ways of torturing people now, so, and not leave a mark on him.
So you think they'll just drug him up to the point where he'll be doped up throughout the whole trial?
Well, look at Muhammad, look at Malvo, look at McVeigh.
McVeigh openly had Jolion West, the admitted MKUltra doctor, as his federal doctor in federal holding.
I mean, again, you couldn't write a screenplay like this.
Nobody would believe it.
I got one called Execution Mania, and it's set about a couple years in the future where they pay-per-view public executions on TV, live from Guantanamo Bay.
Hey, sounds exciting!
I'll be sure to send you a copy.
Hey, I appreciate that.
What else is on your mind, Joe?
I was just wondering, do you know who had command control on the day of 9-11?
Yes, the quote, shadow government that Bush announced, Homeland Security that was already set up, through FEMA, and Northcom.
Yeah, because it looked like the day before Saddam was captured, everyone was talking about the fact that Flight 93 might have been shot down.
There's a lot of things that this smokescreens.
Good to hear from you, Joe.
Great call.
We'll be back with a second hour.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed in minutes.
Black Berkey Replacement Elements are so powerful they remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites to non-detectable levels.
The trihalomethanes and volatile organic chemicals such as atrazine, styrene, chloroform, and MTBE are removed below detectable limits.
Black Berkey Filter Elements also reduce nitrates and unwanted metals such as lead, mercury, and aluminum.
Get the Black Berkey Filter Elements, leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
And the Black Berkey Filters are reclaimable.
Simply brush them up with Scotch-Brite pads.
Normally $48 each, you get a 2-pack for only $91, or a 4-pack for only $173.
Get the powerful Black Berkey Replacement Filters now for $3.8 and protect your family.
You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thank you for joining us on the 16th of December, 2003 edition.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
Coming up, we'll talk to John in Texas, David in Texas, Tom, Colorado, Kenneth, South Carolina, and many others.
We have Paul Joseph Watson, who I haven't had on in a couple weeks.
The webmaster and researcher at PrisonPlanet.com, my website, coming on to talk about his take on the whole Saddam Hussein situation.
We have Ronald Reagan, CIA advisor, joining us, Ray McGovern, in the third hour as well, and a bunch of your calls in this hour.
We have the Democrat congressman being attacked, Jim McDermott, who is a gun grabber who I don't like, but so is George Bush, I don't like him either.
And McDermott, though, did have questions about 9-11 that were reasonable and good.
And he now has questions saying, look, we all know that they knew where he was for the last few weeks or months.
This is staged.
And everybody goes, how dare you?
But in the December 2nd news articles out of Illinois and the Associated Press, Congressman Ray LaHood
Uh, said that, uh, we're this close, an inch away from catching Saddam.
The reporter said, do you know something we don't?
Yes, I do, replied LaHood.
Uh, Tommy Franks, in this month's issue of, uh, Cigar Aficionado, came out two weeks ago, three weeks ago, uh, said, uh, that they were, quote, about to capture Saddam.
So, yeah, folks, they had him in that hole as a prisoner.
Probably Republican Guard paid off by Rummy, who admits he did pay off a bunch of Republican Guard.
Also now, questions are rising.
Is this a double?
There's some evidence showing that now.
Details of that coming up right now.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to John in Texas.
John, good to hear from you.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
First of all, God bless you, man.
I listen to you all the time, and I print out stuff from various websites and yours, including yours in Prison Planet, and I hand it out to people when they don't need me, and they inevitably get really quiet.
Anyway, question.
Are you going to do an analysis of what Ron Paul is calling Patriot Act 2 that got passed a couple of days ago?
Yes, I'd love to be able to write an analysis of it, but Ron Paul's done that, and he says it's mostly what was in Patriot Act 2, which they were already implementing without passing the law, and this weekend Bush signed it.
And so, what a wonderful smoke screen, the capture of Saddam.
So, there's your neocons in action.
That's coming up in this hour, I promise.
All right.
Well, God bless you, man.
Take it easy.
Hey, thank you.
I appreciate the call, John.
David in Texas.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, sir.
Thanks for taking my call today.
You bet.
I'd like to make a couple comments and then I'll hang up and listen to your comment.
Earlier you had a
A gentleman, one of your callers, was saying, you guys were talking about the economy, and I'd like to just make a few comments about that.
I believe that, you know, the money that's in power likes to see it go up and down.
Well, yeah, that's how they consolidate.
We have the American Banking Association reports back a hundred years ago saying it.
My view is that, you know, when, in my industry, this stuff started, you know, four or five years ago, three or four years ago,
They really tightened up, and the people that work in that industry have learned to do a lot more with less.
So because they're so poised to make so much in the manufacturing industry, and really poured on with the money, or to create money, essentially by having the workers just do twice or three times the amount of work that they used to before, that's in a sense creating money.
So I think the economy is fixing to go up,
Of course, eventually it'll go down.
I also think that gold is going to go up because of this.
Gold has gone up.
I just also want to say thanks a lot for the free speech format that you have.
One of our local AM stations don't really allow this kind of free speech and, in a sense, screening the call.
So thanks a lot.
Hey, thank you.
I appreciate it.
I've got some comments on the economy when we get back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, we're now 8 minutes into the second hour.
We've got about an hour and 51 minutes left.
Ray McGovern, top CIA advisor to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker Bush is joining us in the last 30 minutes of the next hour.
We have my good buddy and great researcher joining us right now, Paul Joseph Watson, my webmaster for my site PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to get his take on the Saddam situation and the latest developments on Princess Diana and MI6 murder.
This side of the Scotsman today, coming up here in just a few minutes.
The last caller talked about the economy and how the globalists like to constrict the economy and then like to build it back up, always getting us in more debt, always overextending us, consolidating.
And that is absolutely true.
They've got to have boom-bust cycles to consolidate power.
Now, a few months ago there was an article in the Austin American Statesman, derived out of Forbes Magazine, where they show that the Fortune 500 all got richer,
And have big profits.
And how government grew at record levels.
So government grows at record levels.
The Fortune 500 grows at record levels.
But the small and medium-sized businesses, and medium goes up into hundreds of millions of dollars, folks.
That's a medium-sized business, a corporation.
Big corporations are in the hundreds of billions and leveraging trillions.
And they all got smaller, and bankruptcy and public and private debt got bigger, and foreclosures went to record levels we haven't seen since the Great Depression.
So you notice in a constricting economy, and I've looked back at this over time, whether it's the 70s or the 30s, the elite get richer during depressions and during recessions, and the government grows in size.
Because they're not free market.
And so they're laying everybody off, they're squeezing, they're doing all this and making record profits.
And by the way, the economy going down was just a smoke screen for the shift of even more jobs to India and China and even out of Mexico to India and China.
And now they're announcing record trade deficits, record plunge in the dollar.
It gets more and more serious by the millisecond and more on that coming up.
Also more on Bush signing Patriot Act 2 this weekend.
So I guess you can celebrate that we're becoming more like Saddam's Baghdad every day, Saddam's Iraq here in America.
But let me just state, I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein.
He's a bad guy.
But compared to China, compared to North Korea, compared to Russia, compared to a lot of our supposed buddies,
He's nothing.
And he was put into power in 79.
He was made the head of Ba'ath security in 67.
In 54, he was a CIA assassin.
That's all on the record.
He was told to attack Iran.
He was funded by our government.
And that's on the record.
On the record.
On the record.
On the record.
But I hear neocons on TV and on the radio saying, oh, he's so evil he attacked Iran.
Oh, he's got mass graves.
Turns out those mass graves were fake, folks.
They knew about that site in 92.
It had been inspected.
Iran said, yeah, it's an exchange program of our dead and their dead.
That's why it was boxes of sand and bones.
Our government knew exactly what that site was, ran in there, the day they captured it, said, look, mass graves, mass graves.
The neocons, I heard three different shows today on the radio, all stating it.
They know it's a lie.
I even heard a show mention mobile weapons trucks.
They know, day one, that that had British serial numbers on it.
They knew it was for pumping up hydrogen blimps for surveillance from the trench warfare in the mid-80s with the Iranians.
They knew all of this!
They knew that they planted fake news articles, fake letters from the troops in the papers.
They knew about the Niger document, the fake uranium.
They're lying to you, so we can't trust what they're doing with Iraq and Saddam right now.
That's all I'm saying.
And people don't want to have a thought process here.
You don't want to have a memory, at least the neocons don't.
And you heard the caller earlier say local talk stations in Austin won't let you get on and talk about this.
They're screening calls.
We're not doing that.
Call the free number to join us on air.
1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231
Well, the average person listening to talk radio thinks everybody thinks this is just great propaganda, and, oh, we just won the Super Bowl, and aren't we powerful?
We're part of kicking that bully's hind end.
When in truth, he's our bully, and the big bully's now taking him over.
Paul Watson, thank you for joining us, my friend.
There's a lot of different facets and angles on Saddam here.
As you said when I talked to you last time on the phone, more will emerge.
It has emerged.
They're batting just a perfect score right now for lying to us, staging events with Private Lynch, all of it.
Looks like something's going on here as well.
Paul, what's your take on the situation?
Well, first off Alex, I think a lot of people are being led up the Gordon Path on one issue and we need to amputate completely a line of inquiry that is serving as a distraction and there's a lot of disinformation on it already.
Yes, it is the real, in inverted commas, Saddam Hussein.
It's not a double.
I've been receiving dozens of emails saying, you know, compare the nose, compare the years, etc.
to the historical photographs.
But when you do compare them, it's the same man.
And some are saying that you can't do a DNA test that quickly when in fact
If you have everything prepared beforehand, then you can finish a DNA test in 12 hours.
All I said, Paul, was that we know he had at least 10 doubles, so it's okay to ask that question.
Yeah, and that's all we're doing at the moment.
As I said, expect something to come out of a major smoking gun in the next three weeks or so, which will confirm it either way.
The only thing that I can establish at the moment is the man shown in the footage is Saddam Hussein.
That's not to say that there aren't a plethora of other inconsistencies that we can go over.
At this point, we're not constructing elaborate theories.
We're just asking these questions.
This smoking gun, I believe, will come out in the next three weeks because they're so sloppy at covering these things up.
Something always leaks out, as it has done in the past.
No, it's just that the only thing that we can establish is the fact that it is Saddam Hussein in the video.
That's not to say that... Well, I said that it looks just like him.
The other doubles, the guy with the glasses on TV didn't look like him.
One of the big smoking guns isn't just...
Congresswoman McDermott saying, oh, we knew they already had him, or we knew they knew where he was, and this has been brought out politically because Bush has trouble.
It's not just a Democrat partisan.
We have Ray LaHood, the representative Republican from Illinois, Bloomington, Illinois,
And he said two weeks ago today, out of several newspapers, that they said, do you know something we don't know about Saddam?
Yes, I do.
We are this close to capturing him.
We have Tommy Frank saying that in the interview.
How does that tie in?
Well, from the evidence we've got, I can go and stick my neck out and say that Saddam Hussein was not captured on a Saturday night, Sunday morning.
He'd been on ice, as it were, for at least weeks, maybe even months.
As you mentioned, ten days before the announcement, we've got Congressman LaHood in an interview with the local newspaper, the Pantagraph, saying that we're this close to catching him and saying that he knows something that everybody else doesn't.
And then today, we have the article out of the Associated Press where Jim McDonough says, quote, I don't know what, that it was definitely planned on this weekend, but I know they've been in contact with the people all along who knew basically where he was.
And he also said that they could have captured him a long time ago.
So we have both Democrat and Republican, one before the event, saying the same thing, that the sudden discovery of Hussein was scripted and that in actual fact he's been safely tucked away for an undetermined amount of time.
But the media is going to make it a partisan issue now and ignore LaHood and ignore Tommy Franks.
But on top of that, we've got NBC's Meet the Press reporting that Cheney and CIA Director George Tenet were engaged in a secret meeting a few hours before the footage was shown.
Now, we know that Bush was told Saturday night, but the question is, why were Cheney and the CIA having a meeting hours before, and were they directing the subsequent news conference?
Well, that's what the interim head of the provisional government said yesterday.
Our own Minion said that.
Yeah, of course, if this is the case, then it has much less propaganda value if local bounty hunters and criminals hand him over rather than if the troops swoop in and arrest him.
And the whole Bremer, we got him speech would have had a lot less gusto.
But they don't seem to care.
I mean, they got caught staging the private Lynch deal.
They get caught staging this.
It's just no one's held accountable.
Yeah, and as in the case of Lynch, they're going to basically change the story to maximize
Now, the Israelis are saying that, too, from the evidence.
The Debka file is saying that.
Yeah, and the fact that Time Magazine were reporting details of what Saddam was saying about six hours after his arrest was announced is very suspicious and suggests that words are being put in his mouth already.
Likewise, today we have Fox News reporting that documents were also discovered which linked him with directing the bombings in Iraq.
So we have
A man in a hole with no means of communication directing attacks every day.
Let's see, if somebody has common sense, it makes no sense, but again, people have lost their common sense.
Well, it's like claiming that Bin Laden was directing 9-1-1 from a hospital bed on kidney dialysis.
It's like claiming that 19 hijackers were preparing to direct 9-11 while getting drunk in a strip club the night before.
Some are raising the possibility that Saddam was captured on the first day of the war.
We all remember the so-called decapitation strike, which apparently Saddam avoided by minutes and then... Well, they claim they killed him three times.
Yeah, and then one of his dubious body doubles appears on TV three hours later.
So, there is a chance that he was captured, treated for injuries and held ever since the war actually started, which of course means the whole war was scripted too.
And they can torture the daylights out of him, roll him out before a trial, and he won't say a word.
And that would explain why he had a six-inch beard.
As you pointed out, Alex, a beard only grows three-quarters of an inch a month.
So the original report said it was a fake beard, but then that explanation mysteriously disappeared.
So again, it's an open-ended question.
Well, if it was a fake beard, it's Hollywood makeup artists.
Stay there, Paul Watson.
We're going to come back and take calls, get into Princess Diana and a bunch of government-sponsored terror news.
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It's your chance to talk about the Saddam capture situation, where the trial will be held, the economy, Bush signing Patriot Act II over the weekend,
What's happening with the plunging dollar, the ballooning trade deficit?
We're about to go to Tom and Kenneth and others.
Paul Watson, later before this hour ends, I want to get into the Patriot Act, too, being passed.
I want to get into Bush cutting loose Taiwan, which is, of course, a very conservative thing to do.
Big sarcastic folks.
I want to get into the latest evidence of the MI6 killing Diana, which we've covered here in the past, but more evidence now coming out mainstream news.
But on the Saddam situation, how hypocritical is it to have them attacking Congressman McDermott?
We're saying, oh, we all knew they already had him or knew who had him and we're going to roll him out soon.
When we have other congressmen who are Republicans saying, oh, yeah, you know, we're about to get him and you watch, we're about to have him.
I mean, this is a this is pretty obvious.
Well, on top of that, we've got another aspect, which is the possibility that this staged capture could have been part of the deal that was agreed back in April, where Saddam was flown out of Baghdad by the Russians after brokering a deal with the Americans.
That's right.
Well yeah, because it was the precursor to the ridiculously easy fall of Baghdad, before which all the experts said would cost 10,000 soldiers lives, and it was a walkover because the deal had already been done, so again... And we saw the same thing in Afghanistan in the middle of the war, flying 8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders out, that is admitted fact by our own news, Fox News Associated Press, then they just round up a few of the conscripts and put them in Guantanamo Bay for show.
Yes, I mean, the footage could have been filmed eight months ago, for all we know, as part of this agreement, and that ties into what we were discussing earlier about these congressmen saying that Saddam was captured before his capture was publicly announced, which would again explain why Saddam offered no resistance.
Then you have Saddam's sister coming out today and saying that he was drugged before the capture, which again suggests preordained
Circumstances before.
Well, she says they quote have his entire family and they're going to be doling him out.
And when I looked at him, he did look drugged.
I mean, yeah, that's the first impression I got.
I mean, we've got this image created of this tyrant that would, you know, do anything to avoid being captured.
And then basically it's like a frightened puppy when we saw the footage.
Let's take some calls.
Let's talk to Tom in Colorado.
Tom, welcome, sir.
Thank you.
Good morning, gentlemen.
Alex, it's a pleasure.
Good to talk to you.
This is probably a little off-topic, but I've only been a short-time listener.
You may have covered this in the past, but I was wondering if you've ever done any investigation on our income tax system and the fact that maybe it does... Yeah, I've had former IRS agents, Treasury agents.
They never ratified the 16th Amendment.
It's a private collection agency for the Federal Reserve.
Ron Paul has said that.
Yes, I've done about 100 shows on it.
And what about the fact that it may be tied to the fact that maybe we still are being ruled by Britain?
I wouldn't say maybe, I mean the same financial interests that own England own America.
And I know in the Painful Deceptions video, which I just watched on the website, there's a tie on there also to a Britain company who cleaned up the rubble at the Oklahoma
Oklahoma City and World Trade Center, yeah.
A controlled demolition.
Paul, comments?
Well, yeah, I mean, that's where the Federal Reserve came from, the Bank of England.
Any country that has a central bank has the same system of slavery, where money is not even, you know, tied to the government.
It's a private corporation, and that's why they have such a stranglehold over when to crash and when the bubble bursts, etc.
Does that answer your question, Tom?
It does, it does.
I appreciate it.
God bless you, Alex.
Thanks for the call.
Thanks for bringing this to the attention of everyone.
You bet.
Kenneth in South Carolina, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, I listen to you a great deal and I enjoy your broadcast, but the last time I called in, you said that unemployment in this country is 16%.
And the official figure, when I read the Wall Street Journal all the time, I read Investors Business Daily.
Those are the leading business newspapers.
They reported just recently that unemployment is 5.9%.
Okay, I said that they say unemployment is 6%.
That's right.
Okay, but they only count who is on the unemployment rolls.
When you go off the rolls, that's not put into the statistics.
Can you hold me over?
Sure, we'll talk about it on the other side.
But I said that.
I made that clear.
I mean, I'm not the only person saying this.
A lot of economists are saying it.
And it's much higher than double that because so many people have gone off the rolls and have gone out of the workforce.
So stay there.
We'll talk about it on the other side.
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Or are you celebrating the capture of Saddam when he is nothing compared to Kim Jong-il in North Korea?
Nothing compared to the Chai Com premiered
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Talk about a spin.
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1-800-259-9231 800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
We were talking, myself and Paul Watson, we're talking to Kenneth in South Carolina.
Kenneth, when you heard the show the other day, I clearly stated that they claim unemployment's at 6%, but that even in the past, it's always conservatively double that, because it's whoever's gone off the rolls.
That is how they calculated, and the numbers I've gotten are 15 to 17%, depending on what alternative economist you're looking at.
I know on my street where I live, a lot of people are unemployed.
A large percentage of people are taking two or three service jobs.
And so, in some of the statistics, they'll count a person working two jobs as two people employed.
Is that a middle-income neighborhood where you're living?
Okay, let me just put one more question before... Well, no, I mean, I'm glad you're asking the question, but I know this.
Unemployment is well above what they're saying it is, but you go ahead.
Okay, I wanted to put... I used to work in the textile industry.
The textile plants were somewhere, if I wanted to go out, I could always get a job.
Because there were lots of them in this country.
Now we only make 20% of our textiles in this country.
Why do people like Rush Limbaugh, and he's echoing our government, they believe that these kinds of jobs are just expendable.
And in the next five years, the remaining 20% of the textile jobs, they're going to be leaving.
So why are these jobs just expendable?
Now, I thought you were disagreeing with me about the actual unemployment numbers.
No, I wasn't, but I wanted to ask you a second question.
Okay, well, your second question is, why are they expendable?
It's about getting rid
I think so.
We're good.
Let me just finish with this.
My last textile job I could make $12 an hour and I got health insurance.
The plant is gone.
It's down in Mexico.
So, I mean, they're just, we're expendable.
That's my point.
I heartily agree with you.
Thanks for the call.
Paul Watson, what's it like over in England right now with the NAFTA and GATT type stuff?
Well, it's joyous.
We've got the news article today.
IBM shipped out another 4,000 jobs to India and China.
We have the big bank in this country, HSBC, doing the same thing.
And it's not about helping the third world.
It's about bringing us down to a third world level.
I think?
Reagan did when people serving in the military were reclassified from not in the labor force to employed in order to reduce the unemployment rate.
So it's just a different spin on that kind of manipulation.
Well, they don't count people who are off the rolls.
I mean, they keep you on the roll six months, nine months, and then you're off the rolls.
And it's amazing.
Let's go ahead and talk to
Dennis, in Kansas City.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Yes, I've met you before.
You know, you're right on about the glorification of the police state and all that.
What you probably hadn't noticed, if you noticed, I saw on C-SPAN, that Congress is trying to change the rules for overtime pay.
And especially in my line of work, like a union pipe fitter, I have to travel all over the country.
I depend on that overtime pay to pay for my expenses.
And by doing this, this is real sly and under the table, and this would not only affect me, it would affect policemen, firemen, all kinds of people, is that you would literally shut the country down or at least come to a crawl because nobody
It would destroy all the incentive for working overtime.
Oh, you're right.
You're right.
But also look at the states.
The states are giving more and more federal orders.
If they want their little bit of federal money, they've got to spend three times that in their own money.
But the whole system's set up to run off that federal money.
So the states are all going bankrupt, and the feds come in with their answer.
The national ID card, a national sales tax through it, a satellite tracker taxation box in the car.
They're proposing this quietly now.
It won't work, Alex, because people like me
With my skill and level will tell them, you know, where they can, you know what I'm saying?
And I mean, I've never seen anything.
So, I mean, I see what you're seeing now, because it's just like when I watch on TV.
I mean, you can actually see it unfolding and just these things that nobody catches, just like this, that they're secretly trying to do under the table.
And there's other things as well.
So far, Congress has put a stop to it, but Bush, the Bush administration, despite the majority of Congress saying no.
Look at what Bush did with Steele.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
And I understand your concern.
Look what he did with Steele.
Look what he did with... Thank you.
Look at what he did with the Taiwan situation.
Paul Watson comments on Taiwan.
Well, with regard to the previous point, if you remember we had the article, they already announced that they're going to have Homeland Security armed guards in businesses, so people are basically going to be working at gunpoint.
I mean, with the Taiwan situation, I mean,
The arming of China only got worse after Clinton left office, and that was reported by Insight Magazine, and so obviously, I mean, we've heard about seven articles about how Bush is basically following all the goals of the Communist Manifesto, the biggest expansion of federal government.
And on top of this, Rumsfeld's arming North Korea with nuclear reactors, but Saddam, he's the big threat.
And then you're not patriotic, and you point that this is just a big joke.
Talk about death camps, I mean it's admitted that North Korea's got 200,000 political dissidents in gulags where babies are delivered and stamped to death by the guards there and that's all admitted and North Korea quite proud of that and the fact that they starved a million of their population to build a million man army and yet there's no invasion of North Korea.
And they're building them up to nuclear stalemate, and now they've got the Taepong Dong too, can hit any part of the U.S.
But the neocons won't talk about this.
They talk about the liberals all day and how Bush is fighting the liberals.
Bush is bringing in the whole agenda!
I mean, no one can look at this and not say that that's not the case.
We're going to go to more calls here in a moment.
We're all of those out there patiently holding, but Patriot Act 2, is what Ron Paul's billing it, with a new name, was signed by Bush on Saturday, but nobody's talking about that because they're talking about the Saddam diversion.
Let's discuss it.
Well, yeah.
I mean, in this bill, Bush has basically reauthorized total information awareness.
We got the Associated Press reporting that it authorizes agencies to continue research on computerized terrorism surveillance suspended... Without warrants!
Yeah, so they're obviously talking about total information awareness.
Ron Paul stated that it appears we are witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously unpopular Patriot 2 legislation that was first leaked several months ago.
Perhaps the national outcry when a draft of the Patriot 2 Act was leaked has led its supporters to enact it one piece at a time in secret, and that's exactly what they do.
They take it one bite at a time.
With this Saddam thing going on, it's just a big fat distraction both for this Patriot 2
And the Ellen Mariani case, you'll notice whenever 9-1-1 gets hot again, they come out with a big fat distraction to divert everyone's attention.
So that's what we've got with Patriot Act 2 also.
And the dollar was at $1.2287.
That was the big rebound, was by about half a cent Sunday in off-trading.
Now it went down again to a new record level of well past $1.23.
And this is very, very serious.
We've got ex-Pentagon official sentenced in fraud case.
We've got all this happening, but that doesn't seem to matter, you know, because we've had a big victory, haven't we?
Yeah, I mean, that was the thing that, oh, the dollar's going to rebound now in the back of this brilliant news, and, you know, it basically didn't happen, and it's gone down again today, I believe.
So, yeah, it's just
Amazing the fact that they say that this is all going to happen, and it's just, yeah, it's a big distraction in the main.
And you're a liberal if you're against the Patriot Act.
That's the spin that we continue to hear, that you're just a vicious, evil liberal if you're not for all of this.
So, what do we do, Paul?
I mean, how do we educate people on these facts?
Well, the thing about the Patriot Act is the people that are trying to repeal parts of it are mainly Republicans anyway, and yet they pay no attention to that particularly.
You know, people like Ron Paul.
So, I mean, that is a major issue to outline the fact that it's not a left-right issue on anything.
We've got people on both sides of the political equation speaking out on this.
We've got groups like Eagle Forum joining up with the ACLU, so... While Saddam was captured, stealth enactment of the Patriot Act II legislation
While CNN and other media outlets are rejoicing because of the capture of Saddam Hussein, Bush again introduced new legislation last Saturday, which increased the federal powers to investigate and reduce the privacy rights of American citizens, H.R.
2417, Intelligence Authorization Agreement of 04, and there's the White House statement posted on PrisonPlanet.com, Bush signed it Saturday.
Comments of Ron Paul, congressman for Texas, on HR 2417.
It appears we're witnessing a stealth enactment of the enormously unpopular Patriot 2 legislation that was first leaked several months ago.
Perhaps the national outcry when a draft of the Patriot 2 Act was leaked has led his supporters to enact it one piece at a time in secret.
Whatever the case, this outrageous and unacceptable, I urge each of my colleagues to join me in rejecting this bill and its incredibly dangerous expansion of federal powers.
Now, here's the AP article from Saturday.
Bush signs bill extending FBI powers.
President Bush has signed legislation making it easier for FBI agents investigating terrorism to demand financial records from casinos, car dealerships, and other businesses.
Every business, folks.
No warrant.
We're included in a bill of authorization of intelligence programs.
Most of the details of the bill are secret, including the total cost of the program, which are established at about $40 billion.
That would be slightly more than Bush had requested.
Bush signed the bill Saturday at the White House announced, and it goes on to say it allows the FBI and other U.S.
authorities conducting intelligence work can demand financial records without seeking court approval.
Did you hear that, folks?
And there's Ron Paul.
Let's shift gears into Princess Diana, then into Massaraf and the fake bombing activities.
The Scotsman reports Diana's death linked to MI6 plot more than six years after the deaths of Diana and Prince of Wales and Dottie Alfayad.
The questions surrounding the Paris car crash in which they were killed continue to grip the public imagination.
This just came out with some new developments.
What's going on, Paul?
Well yeah, there was an article in the BBC as well yesterday which basically confirmed the fact that Henri Paul, the driver of the car, was an MI6 informant and that's what previous MI6 agents have come out and said and now that's been confirmed by this.
And they turned the cameras off in the tunnel and she had said they're going to kill me in a fake car accident and all of this.
Yeah and that's all come out as well and the fact that
They used the blinding flash of light and some other high-tech jiggery-pokery to cause the driver to swerve, which again is how they formulated the plan to kill Slobodan Milosevic.
And now we know that MI5 and MI6 more has come out about them carrying out terror bombings in England as well.
That's just calmly announced in your news.
How are people responding to that, or is there no buzz on the street?
There's no buzz whatsoever, because it's always buried on page 28 or whatever, but I mean, that's the thing.
We had yet more evidence come out.
Not only did they carry out, you know, one of the biggest bombings in Ireland, which was the Omore bombing, and they had an MI5 agent cooking the bomb, and with the bomber at the time, when the bombing was being carried out, they surveilled the car from its origin right to the destination of the bombing.
Now we've got another report about
I don't
Oh God, man.
Also admitted was the fact that both the NSA and MI5 had Diana under surveillance at the time of the crash, which they somewhat admitted to, but now that's being confirmed as well.
And they sat there for an hour before taking her to the hospital.
Also out of the Times of London, Musarraf fake bid on life.
Islamabad, contrary to claims made by Pakistan President
We're good to go.
Was continuing to maintain a stoic silence about who may have been behind the so-called assassination bid, Paul.
Well, yeah, I mean, Musharraf has been caught not only faking attempts on his own life, but faking terrorist attacks.
They had an attack which was carried out by a man named Gun Rusman Gwannon, which happened a few months ago.
We had the article.
He was blamed for the bombing in Pakistan.
It later turned out that he'd actually been arrested months earlier.
So, I mean... And in the Philippines, they've gone public with the government's blowing stuff up there to keep, quote, martial law going.
Yeah, Michael Mearing, the CIA agent, did a really bad job and basically they had to sequest him away to a hospital because he was supposed to blow up an apartment and failed.
Stay there, my friend.
We'll be back with calls right after this quick break and more news.
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All right, we're about to go to Ali and Babs and Gary and Charles and Ken and many, many others.
We're going to have Paul Watson with us for another 30 minutes or so.
I appreciate him joining us.
And then we've got Ray McGovern, top CIA advisor to Ronald Reagan and George Herbert Walker both joining us to talk about the real Saddam and how we created him.
And that's coming up the next hour.
Before I end this hour and go back to your calls, I want to encourage everybody out there to get a great book.
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Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsor Terror and the New World Order, my new film Matrix of Evil is out, over two hours long, Congressman Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Kurt Roberts, Frank Morales, myself, great new video, Police State 3 Total Enslavement,
Uh, there's also Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
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I want to thank those that have gotten the films and supported us.
And I want to thank those that have gotten them and made copies.
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1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action, expose the globalists, expose their lies.
People are very open-minded to this right now.
They've already picked up on some of the lies themselves.
Let's talk to Allie in Oklahoma.
Allie, thanks for holding her on the air with Alex Jones and our guest, Paul Watson.
One of your listeners a while ago seemed to think he would be able to just thumb his nose at the boss when he called overtime.
Well, I've got news for him.
The big corporations and the government doesn't really care how skilled or how efficient you are.
You're expendable.
And cost efficiency is not necessarily an object because generally the owners of these big corporations are spending
Well yeah, I mean the fact is that
The jobs are not only being shipped to India, they're bringing Indians into the country to work the jobs for lower wages.
I mean, we've got the so-called Skilled Worker Program in this country, which does exactly that, making more of us unemployed.
And as you were saying earlier, Alex, I mean, even people you know are being asked to train these Indians to take over their own jobs where they get a temporary contract just to do that, and then they're booted out of the company.
Yeah, I know people who've been at companies 20 years,
And so they've gotten up in this, you know, seniority.
They got an engineering degree.
They're making $75,000 a year, working their tails off.
They've been making $200,000 ten years ago.
And they tell them, uh, we're going to cut your pay in half.
We can let you go right now.
We want you to train this in-dem for three months, then you're fired.
You want it, or do you want to be out of here?
And they'll make this overtime mandatory, like the post office already does.
And you'll work overtime or you'll hit the road.
Well, Allie, shame on you.
You're talking about really important issues instead of Saddam.
Oh, I'm sorry.
Anything else you want to add?
This is using subterfuge to require longer work week and... Tell you what, stay there, Allie.
I'll let you finish up.
Third hour coming up, then we'll go to Babs and Gary and Charles and Ken and everybody else.
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks!
Welcome back.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight, we're here live.
We've been talking a lot about the economy, which is just terrible, the listeners.
They care about a ballooning trade deficit, a plunging dollar, the expansion of NAFTA and GATT in the free trade area of the Americas.
Why, they said the troops in Iraq are getting a bonus.
They'll be kept warm by the capture of Saddam as their wives go on food stamps and CPS takes their children.
And how dare you say it's bad for Bush to hand Taiwan over to China, which is basically what he's done by arming them, not arming Taiwan, and breaking our 50-plus year treaty with them.
You're a communist if you're against communist China.
You're a communist if you're for the Second Amendment.
You're a liberal if you're for controlling our borders.
That's the new neocon paradigm.
And people are buying it hook, line, and sinker, though a lot of folks are starting to wake up.
But why are they destroying the middle class?
Why are they driving down the wages of doctors?
Why are they driving down the pay by two-thirds for engineers shipping the jobs to India?
It's about getting rid of the middle class, getting rid of any group that can challenge the elite.
They want you on welfare, in the psychiatric system, or in the criminal justice system.
It's about control.
Allie in Oklahoma, finish up your comments and then we'll go on to other calls.
Well, really, I'll
You know, you must not watch enough TV.
You're concerned about the economy shutting down and the police state and the Federal Reserve.
Don't you care about Saddam?
How about you just be homeless?
You can still worship Bush.
I suppose that's what they'd like to see us do.
As a matter of fact, you may be required to for very long.
If you don't worship him, you're for Al-Qaeda.
Thanks for the call.
Watson, comments on that?
Well, all it is, is this false capitalist system that China came out and publicly announced, oh, we're now capitalists.
It's low wages, long hours, working at gunpoint.
That's their definition of free market capitalism.
Three years ago, Jiang Zemin said at the 50th anniversary of Mao, three years ago, and in Tiananmen Square, he said, capitalism is the ultimate form of communism.
Well, that's their capitalism, where it's a police state.
You're absolutely right.
Yeah, it's government tied in with corporations, which goes back to the very definition of fascism.
So, you travel so far around the political spectrum, and you arrive at the same place, whether you want to call it communism or fascism.
Well, it's the same thing with Russia.
You've got six strongmen running the country, still the same secret police, still the gulags, but our media just doesn't talk about it.
Remember two years ago, and every year, Russia buys more slaves from North Korea?
Publicly, just buys trainloads, 30,000 at a pop, for the slave camps.
And the Russian guards wouldn't shoot them when they'd escape, so that's how it went public, all these people starving to death in forest labor camps, Paul.
And then they call Russia a democracy because they have elections, the recent elections in Russia, before which there was a nice, convenient terrorist attack, of course.
And the elections themselves were rife with ballot stuffing and all this sort of thing.
The media was only towing the party line of the party that Putin wanted to win.
But they're capitalists now, and they've put the red stars, he's so good, back on the tanks.
Yeah, I mean, I still get emails from people who think that Putin's some kind of, you know, fighting the New World Order by calling for a different New World Order.
It's like the difference between vanilla ice cream and strawberry ice cream.
It's still the same ice cream.
It's the New World Order.
Whether it's led by China or Russia or whoever, it's all about world government.
We're going to come back and go to Babs and Gary and Charles and Ken and others.
Toll-free number to join us on air in this third hour, 1-800-259-9231.
We're going to talk more about Patriot Act II that Bush signed over the weekend.
Yeah, yeah.
And we're going to get into what's going on at the Pentagon and Halliburton and how they've twisted that.
It's all coming up.
Again, we're pro-gun, pro-family, pro-Jesus Christ.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
In the last week, it has been confirmed
Dozens of times, but confirmed yet again that the British are carrying out almost all terror bombings in London, in Ireland, over the last 20 plus years.
In some cases, last 30 years.
Since 1976.
It has been confirmed that in the Philippines, the U.S.
government and the CIA are carrying out the bombings to quote, keep martial law going in the nation.
It's being confirmed that Musarraf over in Pakistan blows stuff up, has fake assassination attempts on himself as a pretext to crack down on the population.
It's being confirmed that MI5 and MI6 were involved in other bombings, and MI6 involved in the killing of Princess Diana.
This is mainstream stuff!
It's admitted that Porton Down Bioweapons Lab released foot and mouth four years ago.
It's confirmed that our government has attacked our own troops to blame it on foreign enemies.
And we covered that in my documentary films.
We covered that here on the air.
This is so important.
And we've been lied to on a hundred fronts concerning Iraq.
Saddam Hussein is a horrible thug, but when the media says, he's so evil, Saddam attacked Iran, which I know you've all heard, our government funded and ordered him to do it.
We put him in.
I hear him on the news going, he beat his way to power, a ruthless dictator.
Yes, we put him in, but people don't have memories.
So yes, he's bad.
What does that mean about our policies?
It's incredible.
Paul Watson, does that annoy you when you see him do that?
Yeah, I mean, in order out of chaos, I've got a whole chapter on how Saddam Hussein was put into power by the US, given all the biologicals.
I mean, this is out of Republican Senate reports, and I mean, I've got a quote here out of the London Times.
Donald Rumsfeld, the US Defence Secretary and one of the most strident critics of Saddam Hussein, met the Iraqi President in 1983, and it's almost 20 years ago to the day.
We're good.
This has all come out in official government documents, and yet, I mean... We have the CIA there telling him wind patterns, satellite photos, and because of that, he didn't kill all those children or Kurds.
We've got the guy who was in the White House when it happened, Ray McGovern, coming on.
That was Iranian blowback, just like the Germans had in World War I, of their own cyanide Soviet gas they were given.
This is admitted!
That's why you notice now when they talk about the trial, it's been alleged he nerve-gassed them.
Now notice it's been alleged, Paul.
Yeah, I mean that article came out end of last year where it was in the New York Times where the CIA agent who was on the ground at the time said that he didn't gas the Kurds.
It was blowback and the Iranians were involved in it as well.
Well, they tested the blood.
The Iranians used cyanide gas.
Saddam was using sarin and VX.
So it's real simple.
But the point is we're not defending Saddam.
I mean, I've heard them on the radio, Paul.
I don't know what it's like in England, but on the radio here, they go, this savage demon seized power bloodily in 1979.
He wickedly attacked Iran, who was defenseless for no reason.
He evilly did this and that.
When our government the whole time was ordering him, running him, it's admitted!
I just, how do they get away with this?
I'll tell you, people are so ignorant, they don't know what the First Amendment is, they don't know where Iraq is, they don't know how many continents there are, they don't have any history, do they?
Well no, but they know how to buy an uncoolter action figure.
Fact is with Iraq, I mean, yeah, that's the outpouring that I've seen.
Complete government worship.
And it goes back to Orwell's 1984 where we forget who we were at war with.
We're now at war with someone else and just forget about the previous war against Iran when we were supporting Iraq.
The same process, and I mean they'll use it again when Saddam spills the beans on Syria after being tortured, which is what Harat's newspaper reported, that he's going to implicate Syria with weapons of mass destruction, and then we'll go in and take out Syria as well.
Then they'll grab Assad and he'll say it's Iran's now got him, and then Iran will say, oh no, Libya's got him, and then it's just a domino effect.
And then Iran will say, oh yeah, we got ours from North Korea, and then they'll go into North Korea.
The same process again and again.
And they've got the nice new national draft, and when we're attacking North Korea and losing hundreds of thousands of troops with the new national draft, there'll be no discussion of Rumsfeld selling them the nuclear reactors.
No, and that was reported by Reuters, and in fact that's still going on.
They recently put another reactor back online, and it turns out that this is one of the reactors that Rumsfeld sold them back in.
Yeah, he was on the board of ABB.
Let's go to, we're about to go to Babs and Gary and Charles and Ken, but real quick, Malta in Denmark.
We get calls from Canada and Denmark and Germany and Australia.
Malta, go ahead, you're on the air, from Denmark.
I just want to say, you're talking too much about this corruption and about your government.
It's not your government, it's not my government.
It's the Bloodline's government.
They decide what's to happen.
Only them.
We don't have any influence of that.
I think they only do something we like if they think they're in trouble and they have to do something.
Well that's it and there is a top globalist banking families and royal families
And they manipulate the phony left-right spectrum, they get us through the dirty work in Iraq, they make the UN look like the good cop is against the war, and then energize the leftward-leaning world government, and then bypass any discussion of, we don't want a world government, now it's, what type of world government will it be?
The Globalists even write white papers up about how to present the world government with this bipolar left-right situation, when it really is a unipolar, one-pole,
Paul Watson comments on what our caller from Denmark is saying.
When you go up to people and say that the U.S.
government carried out 9-1-1, sometimes they say, oh yeah, I agree that U.S.
foreign policy is partly responsible.
We're not talking about U.S.
foreign policy because we report on the international forums that not only U.S.
but worldwide leaders have.
Bilderberg, Royal Institute of International Affairs,
Hi Alex, there are a couple of things.
I would like to have a definition and also
Oh yeah, that's exactly what it is.
I think so.
Does that answer your question?
Yes, I think so.
Now, would you tell me what you said a while ago?
You were talking about Russian slave guards?
What was that word?
Okay, I've got BBC, I've got Scotsman, I've got AP, I've got Reuters, but Limbaugh or Hannity would never touch it.
Our good little reform buddies, Putin, for three years in a row, it happens each year,
Uh, North Korea owes 4.3 billion dollars last time I checked.
And to pay down the interest on their debt, they transfer 30 plus thousand slaves, political dissidents,
I remember the actual article was out of the London Times.
I think it was July 2001.
So if you just go on to the London Times website, then I'm sure you'll find it.
I don't know the exact date, but it was July 2001.
He had a press conference and thanked them for the slaves.
Oh, how horrible.
They sit up on podiums, thank people for slaves, and then we all sit here and talk about how evil Saddam is.
It's a disgusting joke.
Alex, my family, all of them, don't believe what I'm saying.
I have known about the One World Order since 1965 when I lived in California.
I learned at that time that Prescott Bush said it was going to take about... He said in 1933 that it would take about 65 years to get the One World Order in place for a takeover.
Now, I want to know where I can find that in writing so that my child will believe it.
Well, I'm not an encyclopedia.
I know Prescott Bush.
You do a pretty good job, Alex.
Well, thank you, Babs.
Let me answer your question.
We're going to let you go.
Prescott Bush, Skull & Bones member, Bohemian Grove member.
The Nazi money went into his coffers right up until 53.
That's mainstream news, just came out last month.
He has been a supporter of world government.
The particular quote you're talking about, I don't have in front of me.
No, I don't have it either, but I mean, his son said the same thing in 1991, calling for a new world order.
N92, N90, and...
1989, every State of the Union he gave.
We'll come back and talk to Gary, Charles Kinn, and others.
And then we've got Ray McGovern coming on.
Our final segment with Paul Joseph Watson, author of Order Out of Chaos, lead sponsor of Terror and the New World Order that I published.
He's the webmaster of presentplanet.com.
If you want a powerful book, get Order Out of Chaos.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, folks.
Evil always fails.
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We will prevail, ladies and gentlemen.
Ray McGovern coming up.
Try to get through as many of these calls as possible.
Paul Watson.
Some more big 9-11 news broke and it's been overshadowed by the Saddam diversion.
Comments on that?
Yeah, well we had an article from North Jersey Media Group which talks about how the Air National 177th Fighter Unit based at Atlantic City International Airport had two F-16s stationed eight minutes away from the World Trade Center.
And what happened is that a few weeks before the attack, they had their mission changed from being a scramble-ready squadron to protect American airspace.
How y'all doing?
Well, I had a theory about
We're good to go.
Would he be so brainwashed that he would... Well, we're not saying it's a body double.
We're saying he'd already been captured and that's what a lot of members of Congress... What I'm saying is, if it was me, I'd be saying, hey, don't shoot.
I'm one of these body devils.
You know, you got the wrong guy.
You got the wrong guy.
Absolutely, Gary.
Thanks for the call.
Well, yeah.
I mean, we've already gone over the fact that we don't think it's a body double.
But, I mean, the fallout from this is, I mean, will he blow the whistle on his former business partners at the trail?
I mean, you've got Milosevic in his trail almost every other day thing.
Oh, I'm being tortured to confess.
You know, it's all about a new world order.
They're putting me on trail.
So, if Saddam comes out with those sort of comments, then you can expect the media to hush them up immediately, and that's what... Yeah, you don't hear about Milosevic saying, it's a new world order, I've been tortured.
And by the way, Bill Clinton with his lies about mass graves.
I'm not saying Milosevic's a good guy, but compared to the Croats and the Muslims, Bin Laden working with the CIA to start the war, that's admitted congressional hearings by Republicans in 99.
It's a disgusting joke, folks.
Absolute fraud.
Charles, Louisiana.
Go ahead, Charles.
How are you doing, sir?
I have a question for Mr. Paul.
Do you think that people in England will stand up when the time comes, if it comes?
Do you think they have the guts to stand up?
Well, I think they have the guts, but they don't have the guns, because we've been completely disarmed.
So, I mean, that's why the main focus of our website is on America, because it's the last bastion of freedom, where people are armed, and a lot of people are still informed as to what's going on.
So, I mean, England is basically a completely spineless socialist cesspit, I'm afraid to say.
And that's been the case for many years, so my main focus is on saving America and saving the world via, you know, that route.
Because England's basically gone at the moment.
That's what I'm afraid of.
Y'all can't even defend yourself down there.
Oh, you're put in prison.
If you catch someone raping your wife and you stab them, you get five years in prison, they get a pension.
Well, I just thank you, Mr. Paul, for what you're doing, son.
You're really a brave man.
I just hope the American people start fighting, doing something, helping you all out.
Because if we don't fight, sir, we're going to perish.
We're going to perish.
It's better to die free than be a slave.
Thank you for what you're doing, Mr. Jones, and I'm really discouraged, but I hope they pass your tapes out there, and I hope to God that the people get some guts to start standing up to these people.
I am sick of these people.
I am so sick of them.
Sick of their lies.
I hear your concern.
God bless you.
Ken in Texas, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Ken.
Good to talk to you, Ken.
How you doing, Alex?
Feinster, go ahead.
Yeah, I just want to say I don't beat around the bush when I make a call.
There's no doubt the American people cried out to God September 11th, but they just cried out to the wrong one.
They cried out to the federal government.
And with this Patriot Act, uh, two that Bush signed, uh, you know, that's what we get.
We, uh, look at the app at those Arabs or quote unquote, the terrorists or the Muslims, and we get politically stabbed in the back.
So I guess the moral of the story is don't, uh, cry out to a false God.
I hear what you're saying.
Paul, comments to what Ken just said.
Well yeah, I mean that's what's going on.
They've made government the God because they've tied it in with this false George Bush Christian ethic when George Bush is not a Christian and he's proposing all these laws which then butcher the Constitution like Patriot Act 2 which he just passed and which he called... And now they grab their business partner and nothing's said and Bin Laden's their admitted business partner.
Time and time again this is all staged.
Thanks Ken.
Paul Watson, thanks for coming on the show.
I really appreciate you buddy.
Okay, thanks Alex.
You bet.
We'll come back with our CIA analyst and a bunch of other key news.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're about to go to our guest, Ray McGovern, a 26-year senior analyst
Uh, at the Central Intelligence Agency, personally advised Ronald Reagan, George Herbert Walker Bush, and others, and, uh, he's part of an organization that's trying to bring some sanity to all of this, and I found his, his, his research, his, his historical understanding, uh, to be very, very, uh, accurate from my research.
That's coming up here in a few minutes.
I've got quite a few questions for him, and I know we've got a bunch of callers on this subject of Saddam and the rest of it, so we'll get to you, too.
Before I go to Mr. McGovern,
I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made 10 films.
My 10th film, Matrix of Evil, is out.
It's got Congressman Ron Paul talking about the phoniness of this war, and PNAC and the neocons.
Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney talking about prior knowledge of 9-11.
DynCorp and the UN caught kidnapping children.
This is mainstream news, folks.
Frank Morales, police state expert.
Colonel Craig Roberts on the globalists and the gun control and the rest of it.
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It's full of solutions.
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Order three or more of any of the ten films I've made.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, and I'm at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action.
Ray McGovern was going to join us yesterday.
He did briefly.
He had to go as part of an emergency meeting or something.
Something he had to take care of with a program he does for inner-city kids.
But he does join us today here for the next 25 minutes or so.
Mr. McGovern, just in a nutshell,
A brief history of who Saddam really works for, what really happened in the 80s, what this capture means.
Of course, none of us are fans of Saddam, but what this really means and how can they allow him to be tried if he's going to blow the whistle on who's sold him the chemicals and biologicals.
You have the floor, go ahead.
Well, it's good to be back, Alex.
You bet.
Thank you for inviting me.
It's a complex story and I'll try to be brief.
Back in the 80s, of course, we had just escaped from the trauma of having all those U.S.
diplomats and others hold up in the U.S.
Embassy in Iran.
And so Iranians were our primary, quote, enemy, end quote, in those days, and certainly we didn't want any of the Iranians to be expanding their power still more.
And so Saddam Hussein was seen as a counterweight to that, and so he became
A bad guy, but he became our bad guy, sort of like Noriega in Panama.
There's a difference between other guys, bad guys, and our bad guys, okay?
So we supported Saddam Hussein during his war with Iran to the point of exchanging very sensitive intelligence with him, which gave him the upper hand.
We also did all kinds of things in terms of allowing sensitive
Sensitive materials to get to Iraq.
Those materials later criticized as being precursors to chemical and biological weapons.
Well, the 94 Senate report says anthrax, botulism, West Nile as well.
That's exactly right.
And so it's quite hypocritical.
Since we knew that he was using nerve gas, for example, against the Iranians,
In those years, all of a sudden we turn around after supporting him in that, after saying nothing about it essentially, then all of a sudden he becomes an imminent danger not only to his neighbors
But to us.
And that's after his real capability has been blown to bits.
I mean, they could say he was dangerous in 90, but not after 91.
And I mean, I hear him on the news going, he attacked Iran.
He came to power in 79.
He's a vicious killer.
Didn't our government basically, well, back in 54, use him as a CIA assassin?
Well, I'm told, I don't know this officially, but I'm told that our government did support his consolidation of power, and that seems pretty clear from the historical record.
But the whole thing is the background here, and it relates to your other question, Alex, when you question how we can possibly allow a free and unfettered trial of this fellow.
That's going to be a real problem for our administration, because if Saddam Hussein is allowed to say all the things he could say, it will be very damning to U.S.
policy going back into the 80s, and it will show that it's been a very two-faced policy.
Well, the Israelis at the Debka file, mainly Mossad folks, say he looked like he'd been held for weeks, if not months, and that he'd been worked over pretty bad.
And then we have Congressman McDermott saying that, and that he's attacked as partisan.
But then I have another congressman here, LaHood, Ray LaHood, on December 2nd,
Yeah, I found LaHood's comments really intriguing.
He sits on the Intelligence Committee in the Congress, and so he has access to some of this information.
I don't have a definitive judgment on this, but it is intriguing indeed.
Well, how can they say that McDermott is an evil communist traitor, as the neocons are now saying, for saying something that Frank said in Cigar Aficionado in the December issue, the head of CENTCOM, saying something that LaHood said?
Well, you know, this business of name-calling, when people call General Zinni, for example, who headed the CENTCOM troops, when they call him,
A Marine General, highly decorated, when they call him a traitor of some kind, and now they call other people traitors.
I mean, that just shows the depths to which the discussion has degenerated.
Now, take Congressman, the one from Washington you just mentioned.
McDermott, yeah.
He was over there, you may recall, he was over there in the fall of 2002, okay?
And I remember George Stephanopoulos asking him live on his program, Congressman McDermott, do you think that the President would deceive the American people?
And Congressman McDermott smiled and he said, of course I do!
And George Stephanopoulos sort of gulped, and I could hear the, in the TV rooms in my rather affluent neighborhood, I could hear the gasps going up, like that!
And of course, then McDermott said, you know,
Deceiving the American people is a bipartisan activity.
Think of how Lyndon Johnson deceived the American people.
And so don't be surprised.
Just be aware that any time a president decides to go to war, which Bush had already decided three months previous, any time a U.S.
president decides to go to war,
Then you cannot really expect that you'll get the full story.
Well, look at all the lies we've seen about fake news articles posted by the Pentagon, signed by troops that never saw it, Jessica Lynch fables, Niger uranium deals that didn't exist, mobile weapons trucks they knew day one were British sold trucks were pumping up hot air balloons.
I mean, they knew all this, and how can we believe anything they say?
I've never seen lies at this level, and I cut my teeth
Mr. McGovern, exposing Bill Clinton.
I have never seen a wall of lies.
Have you?
Like this?
I have not.
And let me just add to that, Alex.
And I go back a ways.
I came on in government when John F. Kennedy was president.
So I saw LBJ and I saw Nixon and I saw all the rest of them.
There was a lot of duplicity and there were a lot of lies.
And why are you now speaking up?
I saw you on a British interview saying compared to Scowcroft and Bush and the senior, the people running the White House now are quote, crazies.
Yeah, well now that's a different, that phrase goes back to the 80s, but let me just tell you the difference between now and then with respect to the lies.
I have never seen such a
Well orchestrated, the epitome of PR proficiency, campaign going for 18 months as they prepared for this war.
You see, the other lies, the lie about the Gulf of Tonkin, well that was sort of a spur of the moment opportunity as LBJ saw it.
I don't excuse that, but it's a different kind of conspiracy.
What we had over the last 18 months was a concerted campaign, extremely well planned, to deceive the representatives of the American people, namely our congressmen and senators.
A program!
Yeah, into thinking that Saddam Hussein possessed weapons of mass destruction, tricking them into giving their power in the Constitution.
Brief George Herbert Walker Bush, when he was vice president every other morning, and I worked directly for him when he was the director of the CIA.
I think very highly of the man.
We have a good personal relationship still.
And, you know, when I think of the differences here between his son and him, that's just very striking.
But getting back to the crazies, during the mid 80s, early 80s,
These fellas were all around.
I mean, Wolfowitz, Feith, Wormser, Bolton, Cheney, they were all around.
They called Pearl the Prince of Darkness.
Yeah, right.
I should have mentioned him first.
They were all in the Pentagon or somewhere, but they were kept at a sort of innocuous middle level until Wolfowitz wrote that defense posture statement in early 92.
Somebody leaked that, it went to the Times, and what did it say?
It said all the things that we have now implemented.
It said, for example, that when we see a situation where we have a chance to assert our strength in an area where we can, a strategic area like Iraq that has a lot of oil,
We damn well better do that, because that's our responsibility.
That's manifest destiny for our country.
And that was repeated by the PENAC documents, and the neocons will say, it's never about oil when we have signed confessions from it.
So, what I'm saying is here, that when that document came out, the Wolfowitz defense posture document, George Bush I was still in power.
He called his chief advisor, General Scowcroft, and Jim Baker, who was Secretary of State, and they discussed it.
What do you do about this?
How did this guy get on the loose?
You know, we're supposed to keep those people in their place.
Well, they decided the only thing to do is to disavow it and put it in the circular file, which they did.
And so, those of us who knew that story, when we saw what George Bush II started to do when he came into power here in Washington,
And giving top jobs to Cheney.
Well, Cheney, of course, was elected, but Rumsfeld and Feith and Wolfowitz and those folks.
And we said, my God, the crazies are back.
And why would we call them the crazies?
Well, because that's how they were widely known in the 80s.
If somebody said, whoops, something have to do with the crazies, everyone knew precisely who those folks were.
And I submit to you, Alex,
But if you look at the decisions that have been made with respect to Iraq over the last year or so, I mean, crazies is the only possible explanation.
Well, we've had Marine Corps generals go public, we've had admirals, we've had CIA people, we've even had Scowcroft.
But then they get called traitors by the media, and there is no so-called leftist media, and they claim, oh, the leftists are against the war.
Well, Alex, I hope this doesn't happen to you, but I had an interviewer on an ABC affiliate here in Washington who had me on maybe seven or eight times.
There was another fellow in WOR up in New York that had me on twice.
Both of them got canned.
Both of them were told, we no longer need your services.
When people called up and said, what happened?
They said, well, the audience reaction wasn't all that good.
Yeah, and that's not true.
They purposefully, all over the country, censor calls now, Clear Channel and others do, where you can't even get on the air if you disagree.
And then people hear the shows like it's the First Amendment and there's a discussion going on.
It's not.
It's staged.
And it's very scary to see this happening.
Let's briefly, and then I'll take a few calls here, nerve gas.
On this show you talked about what really happened with the nerve gas, who really nerve gassed the Kurds, and you talked about the cyanide-based nerve gas of the Iranians.
You were there in the White House at the time.
What really happened?
Well, you know, Alex, that's still not altogether clear.
Uh, one of my colleagues has written extensively suggesting that it was Iranian, uh, gas that was used there.
But, uh, I am no expert on this.
I have checked with many experts.
And most of the others feel that it was indeed the Iraqis that gassed the folks in Khalajpah, but that it was not an extenuating circumstance, certainly, but it was during the war, there was a pitched battle going on, and both sides were using nerve gas at the time, so it's not really
Nothing is.
Well, last time you were on it, I read the articles about how when they tested the dead bodies, it was the Soviet variant of gas the Iranians were using.
Yeah, I know, Alex, and I know I said that last time, but I've gone more deeply into it with more and more experts.
And all I can say is that it's not conclusive.
Well, no, I respect that.
And understand, I'm not here defending Saddam Hussein.
He's a horrible thug.
But compared to Bush saying, Taiwan, you know, we're going to change our policy, or, you know, compared to giving reactors to North Korea, I just, you know, see this as an excuse to grab oil and sell weapons and to have a private cash machine for Dick Cheney and Halliburton.
Your comments on that?
Well, it's also, and these are all true.
There's an overwriting rationale for this, though, and that rationale appears in the documents to which you referred, the PNAC documents.
For those of you who are listeners, just go on the web and type in, Project for a New American Century.
And the documents that will appear there are the ideological, the strategic justification for the policies that are now being implemented by the crazies.
The war against Iraq and so forth.
And you'll see in those documents the equivalent of Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Now, Mein Kampf was the strategic document that if anybody took it seriously, they could have seen what was happening.
And people have not taken very seriously the documents of the Project for a New American Century.
Well, in the Rebuilding America's Defense of September 2000, Cheney says we need to legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
I mean, that is so insane, I can't believe I just said it.
I read it off their website.
Legitimize the use of race-specific bioweapons.
They're talking about killing certain races, folks.
Now, he wrote that.
We'll be back with Ray McGovern and take some calls.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I was talking to
Ray McGovern during the break and we're not sure who used the nerve gas on who.
They've got army documents that say it was the Iranians.
They've got CIA that say it was Saddam.
The point is they're all a bunch of thugs over there killing each other.
We were backing Saddam.
It's very hypocritical now to go, oh look how evil he is.
America's cleaned him up for, you know, for everybody when we helped put this monster in power and backed up what he was doing.
We're going to try to jam a few calls in here.
For Ray McGovern, I really appreciate coming on the show.
Ray, and I know you can only speculate here, but using your analyst mind, do you think they'll assassinate Saddam?
Will he get a Lee Harvey, Oswald Jack Ruby type killing?
Or will he get a fast developing cancer?
Or will they torture him and roll him out?
Or will he make a deal and blow the whistle on Iran or Syria with false info?
What do you think is going to happen?
Well Alex, it's a difficult situation for the administration because they need to get an international, objective, non-partisan presence in there as they deal with Saddam Hussein.
Unfortunately, the arrogance and the disrespect for the opinion of humankind that has been illustrated by this regime in Washington would suggest that they're not going to do that.
Now, if they don't do that, if they don't have somebody watching them,
Then all the bets are off.
Number one, they will never let Saddam Hussein say all he knows about the U.S.-Iraqi relationship.
And number two, they will always disparage what he says if it doesn't accord with what they have said.
For example, the weapons of mass destruction.
Well, where are they?
Okay, where are they?
I've been accused of having my tongue in cheek when I said the first thing they should ask them is, where are the weapons of mass destruction?
And they did!
Well, they did, yeah, but now he says there aren't any, okay?
And people say, or the mass media says,
Well, how are you going to trust him?
He's lying.
Well, is David Kaye, the U.S.
Inspector, lying when he says it?
Well, the point is that they didn't have that many weapons before the war.
They had a lot less after.
They're nothing compared to their other neighbors.
You can't have one policy for Iraq and ten other policies for other countries that are a hundred times more dangerous.
Mike in Ohio, you're on the air with our guest, Ray McGovern.
Go ahead, Mike.
Hi, Mike.
Yeah, my name's Mark, but that's okay.
Mr. McGovern,
What was your cabinet post there at the Bush-Reagan administration?
Mark, it wasn't a cabinet post.
I was one of the CIA briefers that took the President's daily briefs down in the morning and briefed the highest advisors to the President.
I'm also familiar with Wolfowitz's document.
Is there some way I can actually
I believe so.
Try first with the Project for a New American Century.
Project for a New American Century?
Yeah, and I'm sure that they would have links to it.
Yeah, that's their website, too.
It's not us saying this.
Oh, it is?
Yeah, and you know, for example, one of those documents, the one that Alex just referred to, talks about the ability of our military has to be able to
Uh, wage two wars, uh, at the same time, and also conduct what they call constabulatory, uh, duties.
In other words, be constables in the countries that we occupy.
Yeah, occupy countries in imperial... Yeah, actually, I'm familiar with that document a little bit, because I saw a PBS special dealing with that.
Mark, I gotta let you go.
Gotta let you go.
Oh, sir, I just want to also tell you that, uh, your signal's being jammed here in Cincinnati, Ohio.
So, apparently, your guest right now is... Okay, thank you for the call.
Gotta let you go.
We're out of time, ladies and gentlemen.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Ray McGovern, thanks for coming on.
Not at all, Alex.
I appreciate it.
Hope they don't jam your signal.
Thank you.
Sorry to Ed and everybody else.
Bunch of callers we didn't have time to get to.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Thanks to all the affiliates, sponsors, number one, the listeners, and God.
But on this earth, thanks to the listeners, and in heaven, thanks to God.
And pray for America, and pray for the people's minds and souls, that their eyes be open for the hypocritical corruption all around us.
Because while they're dealing with Saddam, they're creating ten more just like him.
We'll be back tonight, back tomorrow.
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Thank you.