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Name: 20031215_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 15, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
I'm chomping at the bit to comment on the supposed capture of Saddam Hussein.
I was in Houston, Texas Sunday morning after a successful showing of Road to Tyranny and John Carpenters.
They live at the local movie theater there.
Great seeing everybody.
And I got up that morning, turned on the television, something I rarely do these days, and they were announcing that they had captured the rat.
They had the ace in the hole.
They had captured Saddam Hussein the day before.
And they were announcing it to us.
The governor, the American governor of the territory, of the holding, was saying that we have done it.
And some Iraqi journalists, about ten of them, jumped up and started hooting and hollering and praising this development.
Of course, they didn't point out that if you don't have a pro-coalition news article, you get arrested and your paper gets shut down.
They said, look how spontaneous it is.
And they showed
More spontaneous celebrations on the street.
10, 20 people jumping around.
Close shots, just like last time.
With a pull down of the statue that turned out to be Chalibis people in stage celebration events.
Though Saddam was a horrible thug, he was our thug.
That is, the globalist thug, I should say.
And there's been so many false reports of captures of other people, I thought we'd go over this today.
I don't know what to believe.
And we're going to open the phones up early in this hour and yes, we'll take dozens and dozens and dozens of calls today.
Wide open phones on the show.
What do you think is happening?
Your chance to respond.
I don't know.
I know this though.
That Saddam they showed during the war with the glasses was not Saddam.
The Israelis and Iranians and others looked at it and said that's not Saddam.
I could look at it and tell you it wasn't Saddam, though it was a better body double than the fat guy that they claim was Bin Laden two years ago.
Remember that video?
The fat guy in the dark room that looked nothing like Bin Laden?
Had a nose twice the size of Bin Laden's?
We know that was fake.
We know that the Pentagon has planted hundreds of fake letters from troops in newspapers with false signatures.
We know they've lied to us about mass graves and mobile weapons trucks and uranium from Niger.
We know that they've planted false news stories of impending terror to quote, create hysteria.
We know the Jessica Lynch story was a quote, fable.
So, I don't know.
I told you I thought Jessica Lynch's story stunk to high heaven the day after it happened.
Then we found out Jerry Bruckheimer produced it, and it was all lies, and now she has said that.
About three months after I said it.
And many others said it.
I don't know, okay?
I'm looking at this, I'm studying this, I've got my gut level understanding, which is usually about 98% accurate.
I am occasionally wrong, but I'll tell you what I think's going on in the next segment.
And you can bounce it off of me and I can hear what you have to say.
I've thought a lot about this.
I put my mind to it yesterday.
So it's going to be a big show lined up for you.
This is what the Israeli intelligence has to say, which doesn't even go along with Bush.
Indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
That's from the Debka file and that's exactly what I thought as I was driving back from Houston listening to talk radio and the propaganda.
Thinking about it, I sat there for an hour eating breakfast in my hotel room, listening to what they were saying, what they were up to, what they were doing, and I came away with, that guy had been a prisoner.
And he was drugged.
I mean, you know when somebody's on drugs, he was on some type of depressant.
That was clear.
Looked like somebody hopped up on psychotropics as well, or lithium.
The Iranians are still saying that the U.S.
government flew them out.
We'll go over the history of Saddam, what I think happened.
Take your calls.
Believe me, you don't want to miss the next two hours and 55 minutes.
Call a free number to join us on air.
Your chance to respond.
We're going to call quickly in this show today.
Stay with us.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, about 9 to midnight central, I'm here, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We're going to have open phones on the broadcast today to discuss
Well, all the news articles and different spins coming out concerning Saddam Hussein.
Has he been captured?
Was he being held hostage by Republican Guard, paid off by the U.S.
government, which they admit they paid off the entire Republican Guard leadership?
Is this nothing more than a staged event?
Or have they really captured Saddam hiding in a rat hole, as they've said?
The ace in the hole?
I can care less about Saddam Hussein.
The guy was a CIA assassin in 1954.
He was put in at the direction of the U.S.
government as the head of the Ba'ath security apparatus.
In the late 60s and the late 70s he became the Iraqi dictator.
He was funded by our government when he committed all of these atrocities.
I love how they talk about the atrocities he's committed.
I was watching CBS and ABC this weekend, yesterday, and they were saying
He committed atrocities against the Iranians.
He viciously attacked them.
I'm thinking, yeah, under U.S.
government control and funding and orders, it's just so hypocritical.
And compared to North Korea, compared to China, that Bush just cut Taiwan loose to, compared to all these other people, compared to Russia, Saddam Hussein is nothing!
And I've had the former top CIA people on this show in the Reagan administration where they say Saddam did not nerve gas those Kurds.
It was the Iranians.
They did the blood test.
There were congressional hearings.
They were hit with cyanide gas, which was used by the Iranians, sold to them by the Soviets, not sarin or VX.
But Saddam is a thug.
Saddam did torture people.
I mean, Bush's speech about, there'll be no more secret police, there'll be no more torture.
They've set up Chalibi, the former lieutenant of the Shah, who was the number two man in the Iranian torture squads under the Shah.
That's admitted!
He's a convicted bank robber in Jordan, our ally.
They've been torturing people all over the country to death.
It's admitted!
And so they talk about the end of torture, and then I hear the news bragging, hmm, Saddam may get tortured, and I hear these people going, Saddam's such a thug, he tortured people, and five minutes later, yeah, let's torture him!
You're engaging in double-think out there.
It's like we've won the Super Bowl or something, and oh, this is a great victory, we've captured Saddam, let's not have any politics, let's savor this for the troops.
If you really cared about the troops, you'd get past
Norman Rockwell images of Bush with the fake turkey presentations.
You know, not for eating, just for looking.
You would get past all that and get into real stuff like them not getting their pay, the troops going on food stamps, their families.
CPS grabbing their children while they're out of the country.
That's been coming up.
The deadly vaccines they're being given.
The smallpox, the anthrax, admittedly deadly.
The 1,900 times the safe depleted uranium level that our troops are breathing.
The first Gulf War troops were three times more likely to have deformed children, lung cancer, you name it.
A lot of it from the depleted uranium.
They hired Dr. Rook, the Army doctor, sent him over there to disprove it.
He resigned and said it's true, they've got radiation lesions and bleeding intestines, classical radiation sickness, bleeding gums.
And they use roughly ten times the level of depleted uranium in this Gulf War than they did in the last Gulf War.
And the same sicknesses are showing up now in Serbia, where they use this stuff.
And our troops are breathing it!
You may not care about the Iraqis, but I care about our troops, folks, and I care about the Iraqis, too.
So, folks, I've got to tell the story now to let you understand why I'm so frustrated.
I showed Road to Tyranny and
Another film at the movie theater in Houston.
Big success.
Great seeing everybody.
And so I get up Sunday morning, and I'm eating breakfast in the hotel room.
And I turn on the news at like 9 o'clock, 8 o'clock in the morning, and there's Saddam captured.
And so I watch that for a few hours, leave, and I'm driving back to Austin, three and a half hours, listening to Houston talk radio, Austin talk radio, and San Antonio talk radio.
And briefly, Dallas.
I listen to three local shows and part of a syndicated show.
I call into three local shows on big, you know, 50,000 watt AMs.
I call into them and I say, well, I just want to point out that Bush cut Taiwan loose, and so they could be on their own violating our treaty with them.
China's a much greater threat, more abuse than Saddam ever thought of.
Why are we talking about Saddam as, quote, the next Hitler being captured?
But not talking about how our government funded and created him and they'd say, thanks for your opinion and hang up on me.
So I'd call back and I'd go, this is Kevin.
I think they ought to hang that piece of filth.
And I think we ought to arrest anybody that disagrees with Bush.
Sir, let us get you right on.
Let us get you right on.
And they would put me on the air and I'd suddenly switch back to my regular, you know, Alex Jones and I'd say, uh, I'd shift out of character.
I'd say, you know, we put Saddam in power and told him to invade Kuwait and told him to attack Iran and, uh, you know, he is a thug, but compared to all these other people, he's nothing.
And the PNAC documents say that they want, uh, you know, wanted to have terrorists excused to get the oil, that Saddam wasn't a threat.
Dick Cheney wrote that.
And the host would hang up on me and go, how dare you say you were for the President, or for this, and then come on and do that.
You lied!
But by them doing that, they showed they were censoring the calls.
And I would try to call in first, and get on, you know, telling them what I plan to talk about.
They're trying to stop the First Amendment.
So then I called in a local Austin station, after the President's namesake, LBJ,
And I try to get on and they say, thanks for your opinion and hang up on me.
Don't put me on air.
And so then I call back and give them a fake name and tell them I just, you know, totally agree with the president.
I'm right on air.
And the host knew who I was and says, this is Alex Jones, isn't it?
Yeah, it's Alex Jones.
He hangs up on me and goes, look how dishonest you are calling in and saying, but again, they were showing that they were censoring the calls.
And then I called up, I think about six or seven of my friends here locally, had them all call into that local show.
And I instructed them to first call in and say that they were for exposing the government connection with Saddam.
They wouldn't let them on.
They'd keep them on hold for 20 minutes, not go to them or hang up on them.
And so I told them, OK, now call in and say you agree.
And of course they got right on.
Folks, think about this.
I mean, when you're listening to regular talk radio, that's what's going on.
And so only the people that thought it was like a major football victory or something, only the people that thought we just won the Super Bowl and, THIS IS SUCH A VICTORY!
Before I got home, I pulled in to get gas in South Austin.
People are walking out with cases of beer, people are giving each other high fives, and I go, so it's a celebration, YEAH BABY, WE'RE GONNA PARTY, YEAH!
And I was just going, WOAH!
So, and that's the way the media presented it.
Ooh, this really shows Bush was right about the war.
He captured Saddam.
What does that mean?
It means absolutely nothing.
So I haven't made up my mind from all the indicators of what's going on here, but I would suspect, in probability, we know that they flew the Taliban and Al Qaeda out of Afghanistan.
They worked with the CIA.
That was totally staged.
That's admitted.
We know they flew the Bin Ladens out on 9-11 and Bush Sr.
was meeting with the Senior Bin Laden in D.C.
and we know that the Pakistan Intelligence said he wired $100,000 to Ada was meeting with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman.
We know that was all staged.
They flew them out, too, out of this country.
144 of them, not just the 8,000 out of Afghanistan in the middle of that war.
That was totally staged.
So all this is happening.
We know all that, and then we know Rumsfeld got up before the war and said, we've paid off two groups of Republican Guard, only one more group to pay off.
This is press conferences, I have them on tape.
We have paid off two of the major army groups, only one more army group left.
And then after the war, Rumsfeld says, we never paid anybody off.
They fought to the fullest.
I never said that.
And he was in front of thousands of, you know, cameras and TVs, and no one called him on it.
And we know that they met with Republican Guard Generals.
We know they flew them out and paid them off.
That's now totally admitted.
And even the Israelis are saying, which I'm surprised by, they're saying it looks like Republican Guard were holding Saddam down in that pit.
That was more like a prison.
The Viet Cong used those on us.
It's a little man trap.
Dig a hole, line it, stick somebody down in it.
It's total control.
And it looks like they were keeping him on ice to then bring him out.
He looked drugged.
He looked like he'd been beat up.
He had swelling all over his face, which the Israelis point out, which I had noticed, like he's been beaten a lot the last few months.
Because when you've really been savagely beaten, all the bruising doesn't go away around the eyes.
There's still a general puffiness, a raise.
You can see some new scars on his face that weren't there.
And, uh, he looked like he was hopped up.
And, in fact, everybody was saying that.
Man, he looks like he's drugged!
So, you look at that, you know, I found out from a high-level Bush administration official that I cannot name, a lot of them live here in Austin, that on Air Force One, Bush Sr.
bragged that they've got bin Laden dead from kidney failure, part of an agreement with his family.
And I've been saying this for two years, plan to roll him out right about a month before the election.
And I don't know if this is the case.
But I don't know if they're trying to give me disinfo.
But this is classic.
And I said they can roll the weapons of mass destruction out right before the new year.
Right before the election.
Now this is a classic, classic, classic tactic.
But when we get back, we'll go over
The Debka file that's on InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
His own people were trying to collect a $25 million reward.
That'll be their spin, of course.
Analysis capture has few initial gains other than poll increases.
We'll get to what Greg Powell has to say.
I want to go over the history of fake arrests.
Chemical Ali outlive death reports.
Captured Al Qaeda man was FBI spy.
Was mastermind really captured?
Mystery surrounds convenient arrest of Al Qaeda's mastermind by September 11th.
Pakistan accused of staging Bin Laden aid arrest.
There's hundreds of these on Prison Planet right now.
Mainstream news where they've done other staged events where it turns out the people they're arresting are really FBI or CIA.
We'll be back.
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Alright, coming up here in just a few minutes, I'm going to start going to your calls.
Manuel and Kevin and Paul and Dylan and Charles and everybody else is patiently holding, and I appreciate your patience.
As I said, we'll take a lot of calls on this situation today.
But when you think about the fake Jessica Lynch capture, rescue, the fake letters posted in the newspapers by the Pentagon,
There's been like five cases where they bust Al Qaeda lieutenants and then they get caught secretly releasing them and paying them off because they're known CIA or FBI agents.
It's just totally staged.
They have staged arrests.
Well, we know that Saddam Hussein in 1954, when he was 19 years old,
Was hired and taken to Cairo for two years for intensive assassination training.
He killed dozens of Iraqi officials.
He was vicious.
He was wounded in an unsuccessful attempt to kill the Iraqi president, though he did shoot him.
And I don't believe he killed the driver going from memory.
I've got the articles here in front of me.
And then he was put in as the new security chief in in in 68, 67.
Then in 76 he became Iraqi dictator.
They told him to attack Iran.
They told him go ahead and attack Kuwait.
He was always following orders.
He's nothing compared to China.
He's nothing compared.
Uh, to any of these people that our government is funding and training and never talking about them.
I mean, they kill Christians, take their organs in China.
You don't hear any big discussion of that.
But it's Saddam such a murderer, what he did to the Iranians!
He's so bad.
So, we don't know what to believe, but let me read this Debka File article and then we'll go to the loaded phone lines.
Indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
A number of questions are raised by the incredible, bedraggled, tired, and crushed condition of this once savage dapper and pampered ruler who was discovered in a hole in the ground on Saturday, December 13th.
The length and state of his hair indicated it had not seen a barber or even a shampoo for several weeks.
The wild state of the beard indicated he had not shaved for the same period.
The hole dug in the floor of the cellar is a farm compound near Tikrit.
It was primitive indeed.
Six feet across and eight feet across with minimal sanitary arrangements.
A far cry from his opulent palaces.
Saddam looked beaten and hungry.
Detained with him were two unidentified men.
Two gay, eight-and-forty-seven assault
Rifles and a pistol, none of which were used.
We've been told that, folks.
The hole was only one opening.
It was not only camouflaged with mud bricks.
It was also blocked.
He could not have climbed out with someone on the outside removing the covering.
And most important, the $750,000 and $100 notes were found with him, but no communications equipment of any kind, whether cell phone or even carrier pigeon, for contacting the outside world.
According to Debka file analysis,
Analysts, these seven abnormalities point to one conclusion.
Saddam Hussein was not in hiding.
He was a prisoner.
That's exactly what I thought an hour into watching the news.
After his last audio tape message was delivered and aired on Al Arabiya TV on Sunday, November 16th, on the occasion of Ramadan, Saddam was seized, possibly with the convenience of his own men, and held in the hole in Adwar for three weeks or more, which could have accounted for his appearance and condition.
Meanwhile, his captors bargained for the 25 million prize the Americans promised for information leading to his capture, alive or dead.
The negotiators were
Mediated by Jahal Tahmini's Kurdish P.U.K.
These circumstances would explain the ex-ruler's docile, docility described by Lieutenant General Sanchez as resignation in the face of his capture by U.S.
He must have regarded them as his rescuers and would have greeted them with relief.
And from General Sanchez's evasive answers to questions on the $25 million bounty, it would be inferred that the Americans and Kurds took advantage of the negotiations with Saddam's abductors to move in close and capture him on their own account for three reasons.
And we'll go over those reasons later in the hour.
I want to come back and go to your calls.
And there's some spin in this article too, but yes.
I mean, the guy's been beat like a ball-headed stepchild.
The guy was hopped up on something.
They probably dropped some knockout gas in there five hours before.
They had a seven, eight hour timing.
They went in there, hauled him out, took him to the Baghdad airport, stuck him up there in front of everybody.
And then there's the question of body doubles, because they admit he had ten body doubles.
And I'll tell you, he looks like the real Saddam.
That guy they put up there with the glasses on TV, different bone structure, different nose, different lips, little chicken neck.
Saddam had a big old fat neck.
Uh, that was not Saddam Hussein, so we know there's body doubles mixed in here.
And Dan Rather had to respond to this.
We've tested his DNA, we've tested his teeth, it's him.
How did he know that just a few hours after they announced it?
They didn't.
There's no proof of that.
So, Dan Rather's trying to allay your concerns.
After all these staged arrests, after all this staged business, I don't know.
But I know this, we're being lied to about some of these facts.
We've been lied to about every fact in Iraq up to this.
Will this be a lot like all the others?
We'll find out.
Your call straight ahead.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Debka file that we have a link to on InfoWars.com is made up of former and current Mossad and others.
That's why I'm very surprised
To see them coming out and being honest with their analysis because it's exactly what I, the conclusion I came to about an hour into watching the footage Sunday morning of the disheveled, bedraggled, ace in the hole, cockroach in the hole.
Again, I'm no fan of Saddam Hussein.
The problem is it's like taking a lower demon and giving it unto Satan and thinking Satan is going to do something good.
And that's how the globalists make themselves look good.
They create a Hitler, they create a Lenin, they create a Mao, put them in power, and then tell us how good they are fighting them.
And it's a historical fact that they create all these people.
We're about to go to these loaded phone lines, but the Israelis are saying, look, this guy's been beat up.
He'd obviously, you know, been tortured.
He'd been held captive.
Folks, there were videotapes of Saddam out with guys with guns around him in different Iraq cities two or three weeks after the takeover.
He had no facial hair other than a mustache.
I looked at that beard.
It has to be at least six inches long in places.
The fastest a beard can grow is a little over a half inch a month.
We're just saying three quarters of an inch a month.
To make it, you know, impossible, it wouldn't be that long.
And again, he has CIA control over him going back to 1954 when he was an assassin.
We're going to go over that news today.
We have Ronald Reagan's chief CIA advisor, Ray McGovern, joining us in the next hour to take your calls.
Let's go to the calls now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Your chance to respond with what you think is going on.
Go ahead.
Alex, this one looks kind of sloppy.
Because when they threw him in there,
You can see a specific, direct indication of manipulation and insertion of theatrics.
When they say that he had Mars Bars in there, the Red Planet, the God of War, that's a direct message there.
You see their intent for the theatrics, how they placed it.
And for those that doubt it, it sounds crazy.
It's like leaving the skull and bones card at the sniper scenes.
It's like on the one year anniversary of 9-11, the New York Lottery 9-11, the Chicago Mercantile 9-11.
I did see that.
Very bizarre.
That shows their intent for manipulation and insertion of theatrics.
Right there.
He did look like he was placed there.
It's obviously Saddam.
At first, my first reaction, before I turned on the TV, was, is it Saddam?
Then I said, you know what, it looks like it is Saddam, but was he placed in there?
Well, remember the guy with the little chicken neck and the mustache?
That was worse.
Well, they later had to admit that was one of his doubles.
The Israelis, the Egyptians, the Iranians said, that is not him.
And you could tell it wasn't him.
This looks like Saddam, folks.
Well, you know that
Always the main ingredient in their little concoctions of stage events and manipulation is always hypocrisy, number one.
And two, is they rely on a lack of memory within the American psyche.
You're very familiar with that yourself.
We talk about it all the time.
People do not have a long, not even a long, a
A minor short-term memory.
Well, this is being looked at, Manuel, like it's a football game.
Like, we just made a big touchdown.
I'll tell you, my family members, I was here on the couch listening to my shortwave when my father came down here.
It was, we got him, we got him, we won.
I said, who won?
He said, Bush won.
I said, what are you talking about?
Then we got Saddam.
I said, you know what?
What does that change in Iraq?
Does that change the situation?
How long has Saddam Hussein been contracted by the CIA?
How many lives are we losing?
Well, that's my point, is all these terrorists and dictators, they have to admit we're CIA!
Well, they still are!
And who will they put into power now?
And what changes?
And what changes here on the ground?
Do we have a First Amendment back?
No, we don't.
Do we get the second to keep that?
No, we don't.
Do they recognize our rights now?
No, they do not.
Thanks for the call, Manuel.
Good points.
And that's the point I was trying to make in Bush's speech at noon.
Or at 11.30 or whenever it was.
It was 11, excuse me.
He gets up there
11 Central.
Bush gets up there and says, no more secret police, no more torture chambers.
The guy they got running, Baghdad, Chalibi, was the second in command of the dreaded Iranian torture forces under the Shah.
Now that's admitted!
Our ally, it's not like it's serious saying, our ally Jordan is demanding they turn him over and they said no.
He is a convicted bank robber.
They've been torturing the daylights out of people.
They've hired most of the Ba'athists back.
Paid them off before the war even began.
That's admitted.
And folks, I don't think it's three weeks that the Iraqis had him in that hole trying to make a deal.
I think it's four or five months.
If they didn't tell him he was getting on a plane to Russia, fly it out and fly that sucker right back.
And believe me, his face had puffy spots all over it from bruises months ago.
As the Israelis say, he clearly had been beaten up one side and down the other.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in North Carolina.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hey, how you doing, Alex?
Listen, I'm riding land with you on that Saddam.
About time to bring him up to the top of the hole with that Halliburton stuff coming out, won't it?
Yeah, Halliburton in no-bid contracts and overcharging the Pentagon.
$1.2 trillion missing in the last eight years from the Pentagon.
Let's just forget about that.
Let's talk about the big victory.
We got Saddam.
Well, not to jump subject with you, but how about this U.N.
thing in Macedonia where they're handing out lottery tickets to get you turning your weapons?
Uh, everywhere the U.N.
goes they confiscate the guns and our troops are getting good training doing it.
Yeah, well they said it won't, won't mostly collect because of course there ain't but 55 billion of them running around the world and uh, they were upset because they won't get nothing but mostly hunting guns and uh, right after that they said if you didn't turn it in you'd get 10, 15 years in prison.
Sounds like freedom.
Yeah, getting free every day.
Yeah, they could own guns in Iraq, but not in the countries where the globalists get their way.
Well, we're the last ones that's got them there about, so it's about time for them to start something.
This reminds me of Clinton's little deal back in there, you know.
I should have known we had trouble when he was up on there doing the Macarena, you know.
You know, same old stuff.
You can't get rid of these people.
They keep coming back, and I guess Lord Bush will be running if he loses.
What do you think about how I've tried to call into talk shows, and when I'm trying to expose this, they won't let me on the air?
Well, it's power with stupidity is all it is.
I try to work on them too, but I tell you... How do you get a board operator and a radio station to censor calls out that disagree?
Well, you threaten his job, Alex.
That's what you do.
That's how you get a lot of men to do a lot of things they wouldn't do.
But, I mean, I just hope the listeners realize that most of these stations, when you hear everybody buying this, that they're censoring the calls.
Thanks for the call.
Again, I had like five, six, I guess it was seven people call this one local station, and they wouldn't let them on the air.
And they're acting like that they are not censoring people.
That's one of the local stations here in Austin that I am not on.
So you just think about that, folks, when you're listening to that station.
Let's talk to Paul in New Jersey.
Paul, you're on the air.
Alex, I think the timing of this was uncanny, because the weather on the East Coast was bleak and horrible in the population centers in the United States.
And so everybody was at home.
And of course, they sprung it on an early Sunday morning, which makes it the perfect news time.
So they knew it was going to disseminate.
Well, also, right when Britain wants to back out of the war for power and oil and weapons sales, right when Bush is about to speak, two British entrants get bombed.
Every time they were denying that Saddam was with Al-Qaeda, bin Laden releases a tape saying, I'm with Saddam.
Every time Clinton gets caught with his pants down, then Lydon blows something up.
And then now, with the Halliburton news, the plunging approval ratings, all the corruption coming out, they capture Saddam, a beaten and obviously drugged Saddam, in a hole in the ground.
Yeah, one thing about this too that I kind of am going to dread, because the one thing I would hope to get out of a man who's probably going to be given the death penalty, is I'd like to see his, like a testament,
Or a quick autobiography of his put out by his jailors.
And you know this, they're not going to let this happen.
Because he would be able to explain exactly what him and Rumsfeld discussed back in 1983.
No, no, no.
About a week before he's killed, just like with the Patsy Lee Harvey McVeigh, he will admit to everything.
And it won't be on video, it'll be text.
And he will admit to everything.
Yeah, and of course having done it all on his own volition and never with any American intervention.
Yes, he'll say, I never worked with the CIA, I work with Al-Qaeda, I had lots of nuclear weapons, yeah.
Yeah, and also I targeted the Iranians with the chemical weapons on my own and I didn't need any satellite imagery.
Exactly, thank you for the call Paul, great points.
Dylan in Texas, thanks for holding sir.
Thanks, Alex.
Thanks for being of service today, and thanks for bringing us this information and opinions about Saddam.
Unfortunately, I feel... I'll tell you, I'm having a hard time today keeping my head above water, keeping my attitude right.
I'm a veteran.
A bunch of my friends of mine served about the time I did about a decade ago.
I was very fortunate.
Not to go to Iraq, one of my friends did, and the Marines.
And, you know, it's just like our media focuses on the lives of the rich and famous.
And we're so dumbed down that we focus on that, too.
And I appreciate you bringing this topic up, Alex, but it just shows how much we're all affected.
We have to focus on the lives of the rich and famous when
There's, what is it, 1,000 times the safe and healthy amounts of radiation going on in Baghdad?
1,900 times.
1,900 times the safe level, dozens of news agencies, dozens of medical centers.
It is a fact.
The Army's own scientists went public and said this is killing our troops, killing the Iraqis.
It is deadly.
Our troops have tripled the rate of deformed children.
This is a fact.
But no, the good old boys won't discuss that while getting drunk, going, we got Saddam!
We got Saddam!
I saw people running out of the stores with cases of beer for the celebration.
They told us, celebrate tonight!
Oh, I know.
Celebrate America!
Get drunk while our troops die for the globalists!
Alex, I'm really trying to keep my attitude right when I'm speaking to people and really trying not to fly off the handle.
I'm really trying to talk intelligently because a lot of people, they just don't think about
People who are serving right now, or the veterans.
Thank you, Alex.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
I mean, to them, caring about the troops is not caring if they're giving smallpox or anthrax shots, proving to make them sick, not caring if they're huffing depleted uranium.
Think of the crimes the globalists committed.
Three months ago, a BBC article came out
We didn't know Project Shad went until 85.
We always thought it was suspended in late 1979.
It was declassified.
The British government admitted it.
In a joint exercise with the U.S.
as late as 85, they would have U.S.
and British troops stand out in a field, spray them with nerve gas.
Some would die on the spot.
Some would die a week later.
Some survived.
We're talking about hundreds of troops they killed.
Our government, killing our troops, knowing what it would do.
And it said no one's going to be charged because the porting down scientists followed U.S.
and British government orders.
No one's going to... You have a government that will nerve gas our own troops in a field.
They did dozens of these experiments.
We have a government who admits thousands of times releasing radiation, chemicals, biologicals over U.S.
They're doing it still today, folks.
This is all declassified.
We have an FBI that's been caught running the prostitutes, the drugs, the murder-for-hire all over the country, crime labs, federal and state and local, framing people.
It's all over the news every day.
Again, this is a criminal government.
That's the point.
It isn't the U.S.
And you've got a bunch of compartmentalized people in the CIA, the FBI, and others that are good people that don't understand what the higher-ups are up to.
And the criminal mass is growing, getting bigger and more powerful.
And lying about more and more.
To the point of, we don't know what to believe anymore.
Everything they've said about Iraq has been a lie.
And I always say, let's give it time, let's look at it.
I don't know what happened with Saddam.
I don't know if he was flown out of the country, though they said he was.
I know they paid off the Republican Guard.
I know this guy was obviously being held prisoner.
It's obvious from all the indicators.
And again, the Mossad agrees with me.
How weird is that?
Again, what do you do?
What do you say?
Charles in California, thanks for holding her on the air, my friend.
Hey, how you doing?
I haven't talked to you in a while.
Good to hear from you, sir.
Yeah, listen, I don't watch mainstream TV anymore, so I haven't really seen the pictures or anything, but I probably tend to agree with what you say.
It's probably just a phony vote-getting thing, like, let's have a celebration, nothing else going on.
So, I don't really know too much about the Saddam thing.
I think it's... What are they going to do?
Draw and quarter the poor guy?
I mean, not that I have anything to say positive about him, but I mean... Let's be honest about Saddam Hussein.
He's a tough guy.
He climbed up the ranks.
He's a CIA killer.
He murdered communists.
He murdered their families.
He bombed them.
He shot them.
He stabbed them.
The estimates are that Saddam Hussein personally, with his own hands, killed over a hundred people for the U.S.
He was a secular, right-wing, anti-communist.
And our government put him in power and told him to attack Iran, which was funded by the Soviets.
We got the former deputy for Ronald Reagan, top CIA guy for Ronald Reagan coming out.
I'll tell you all this next hour.
And he did his job.
He followed his orders fighting communists.
They told him to invade Kuwait.
He did it.
And then all this happened.
No, I don't support Saddam Hussein.
He's a dangerous killer.
But compared to North Korea or China, that our government's armed into the teeth, he's nothing!
He's not a boogeyman!
Or what we're doing over there in Iraq, too.
What's the difference?
What's been going on over there?
All the reports you hear and stuff.
Innocent people getting slaughtered and that.
For what?
Also, I wanted to ask you, did you ever hear of Nassera before?
Yeah, it's not real.
It isn't?
No, it's a government propaganda piece that there's a secret bill that America's okay, and there's patriots, and Washington's already gotten rid of the Federal Reserve.
It is total propaganda to make people think everything's okay, as they set up martial law publicly.
Oh yeah, I just heard something about it.
I looked at their website, but I don't know what to draw on it.
I'm glad you know about it.
Also, did you know you're in David Icke's new book?
Are you familiar with David Icke at all?
No, I didn't know.
I'm in the new book.
He mentioned your trip to the Bohemian Grove on page 308, and he also mentioned the video is available on Infowars.com.
Well, I appreciate that.
Thanks for the call, Charles.
Mark in Rhode Island.
Mark, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Mark.
I was able to spend some time this weekend with my 14-year-old son and get him some weekends.
We turned the TV on in the morning and I saw Saddam was captured and whatnot.
I've been telling him a couple of years now about the NWO and about you.
Actually, I had him watch
Online, your video of 9-1-1, the road to tyranny.
Oh, great!
Get all things online for free, yeah.
Yeah, and also, there's a guy out here who put an access, on the access channel, yesterday, when we watched the whole video, I think it was your second Police State movie?
The takeover?
Yeah, the one where you showed the big thing in Seattle there.
How that was staged, yeah.
Yeah, yeah, and he watched the whole thing.
Good, I want to commend who's doing that.
And the other thing is, Alex, just this whole thing with Saddam.
You know, like you, I agree.
The guy is not a saint.
He's certainly not an angel by no means.
But the fact that he's been being paraded out there, all over the channel, all weekend, and even this morning and tonight.
Well, let's be honest.
Our government gives medals to all the other people for doing what he's done.
He followed his orders, he did what he was told to do, and then they
They pulled the rug out from under him in 1990.
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up, Mark.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
We had Ray McGovern coming on the show.
He's been on four or five other times.
I believe he's now going to come on in the third hour.
He had some type of emergency meeting he had to go to, probably national television.
I see him on there sometimes to talk about the lies.
So that's coming up later in the third hour.
He's scheduled to be with us.
And we're going to continue with your calls and all the news, which is a good thing because there's so much of it here.
Before I go back to Mark and Bill and Moses and John and Randy and others, toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Both the sites are absolutely jam-packed with the background of fake arrests, CIA connections, CIA control of Saddam, Al Qaeda, all mainstream stuff, folks.
Videos of Rumsfeld with Saddam, you know, all that stuff.
That's there, so please email your friends and family and tell them, if they want the truth, to make their own decision about what's happening, go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
There's a bunch of other police state news and other things that are happening with legislation that we can't let be totally smoke screened by this Saddam thing, but we will talk about Saddam for the entire show today, interspersed with some other key police state news that we must cover.
As well as martial law developments.
Now the government says we're about to see more massive terror attacks.
Before I go back to these loaded phone lines, I want to encourage every listener who hasn't gotten my new film, The Matrix of Evil.
The Matrix of Evil.
That's Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself.
It's an amazing film.
Talking about the New World Order, full of solutions.
There's 9-11 Road to Tyranny, police state to the takeover.
Uh, there's uh, all my great films.
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, where I caught the world leaders involved in occult rituals.
Yes, they admit I got the video, folks.
It's real deal.
Uh, you need to get that video as well.
They're $25.95 a piece, all over two hours.
Order three or more of the films, they drop down to $20 a piece.
I'm carrying the new Loss of Liberty tape by Tito Howard about the USS Liberty.
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Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, get the films, make copies of them, air them on AXS so others can be awakened.
We're having a huge effect.
We've got to expose the globalists.
Call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, and I'm Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action, these tools are working.
Let's go back to Mark in Rhode Island.
Finishing up, Mark, go ahead.
Thank you, Brother Alex, I appreciate that.
So, like I was saying, going back to the mainstream media and
You know how they're just parading him out there like a dog and pony show, talking about Saddam.
And, you know, the thought occurred to me, is this a Christmas present to the general public?
They even said that.
The general at Fort Hood said this is a present for everybody.
And it's just ridiculous propaganda.
We'll all feel good now and go out and spend more.
And then, you know, you couple that with Alex.
And I'm sure you're aware of the media blitz and barrage of the, you know, the flu and you gotta get your shot and we're gonna get, you know, you're gonna die.
It's just, it's disgusting.
It really is.
We're gonna take care of you.
There should be a law.
You gotta take this.
These people that were against vaccines, they're eating their...
The Crow now, and then I heard Dr. Dina Dell this weekend, well how would anybody not take a vaccine?
Because your own CDC admits a baby by the second round of shots has 160 times the safe level of mercury in their blood, that's why?
Amazing, and I just, you know, I know you're waking up the people, Alex, and a lot of people are, and I just pray that the people will wake up
And that, you know, especially a lot of Christians.
I mean, I think they're really naive and gullible and, uh, they need to... Well, they think George Bush is a Christian.
They think he's the answer to Bill Clinton when he's the continuation of Bill Clinton.
Thanks for the call.
Listen, folks.
Saddam is a thug.
A killer.
But he was under the globalist's control.
And, compared to Bush cutting Taiwan loose last Tuesday, I mean, Saddam is no threat at all.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Is it Saddam Hussein that they have in custody?
Had he been captured by loyal Republican Guard, controlled by the CIA, who we know were publicly paid off, and had he been held captive for weeks or months?
That's what the evidence is pointing towards.
Was Saddam flown out of Russia and flown back to Iraq?
Did he ever leave?
Is that the real Saddam?
Well, we know that the Saddam they showed us wearing the glasses on TV wasn't the real Saddam, that's admitted.
We know the government has staged hundreds of fake arrests, dozens of arrests where it turns out they're FBI and CIA.
They will arrest people multiple times and announce they've arrested them again, knowing we don't even have a memory for names, faces, or places.
We're taking a lot of calls today, tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
We're getting your response to what you think's going on.
Another question, where will this Saddam individual be tried?
Will it be by the UN, the EU, by the Iraqi people?
They keep saying the Iraqi people.
That governing council is run by Mr. Chalibi, who was the Shah's number two torture expert in his secret police.
That's admitted.
So I guess Bush lied when he said the gone are the days of the secret police and the torture rooms.
Remember, Saddam was a globalist creation, being a CIA assassin as early as 1954, working for them right through 1990.
So, that's part of the discussion as well.
We'll get more into the tidbits of deception and manipulation by the Globalist and let you decide.
That's what we're doing here today is getting your take on this.
Bill in Wisconsin, then others.
Go ahead, Bill.
Yeah, Alex, I felt the whole thing was staged.
They seem to do these things on Sunday mornings, Monday mornings.
When there is a great deal of attention can be geared through the media.
Now the thing that interests me, I watched McLaughlin's report later on on Sunday, and that was taped before.
And the news was entirely different.
They went over Taiwan, and they went over the Al Gore endorsement of Howard Dean.
And I think what this did was completely take all of that
Off the air so that people will not fix on that at all.
Now, I'm not in any way, shape, or form in favor of Gore or in favor of Howard Dean, but Howard Dean recently had made the statement that Bush may have been tipped off about 9-11 by the Saudis, and the Republicans were screaming about it.
How could anyone in a position of being
By the way, before I forget,
You know, in that Tommy Frank Cigar Aficionado Martial Law article, he said, we're quote, going to catch Saddam real soon, within a month or so, you'll see.
And another officer, and I have the Associated Press article, also said that on November, excuse me, December 3rd.
So, I mean, these guys love to brag, don't they?
Yeah, yeah.
But I thought that that was interesting.
Then Tim Russert,
Okay, they bring out Lieberman, Joseph Lieberman, and he of course is ecstatic over all of this.
I'm the candidate that the Democrats have to nominate because I am in favor of getting rid of Saddam.
This is a great day, and so on and so forth.
I wouldn't be surprised that, you know, there's a little bit of a spat going on there within the Democrats.
Well, we know there is.
We know there is.
Thanks for the call.
Now, we know that Lieberman's hopping mad about his former candidate buddy not endorsing him.
It doesn't matter, they're all a bunch of snakes.
Thanks for the call, Bill.
Moses and John and Randy and Davey and everybody else, your calls are up next.
When we get back, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com are the websites, so stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I was down in Houston this weekend showing 9-11 the road to tyranny.
And so I was in Houston Sunday morning when I learned the news of Saddam's supposed capture.
And then riding back in the car, I tried to call into, what, three or four different talk shows.
And if you wanted to talk about how Saddam worked for the U.S.
government, which is admitted congressional fact, right up until 1990, and still, the only people allowed to do business with him were Dick Cheney and a few other companies.
They were the only companies allowed in to do oil work, Saddam's only choice.
They wouldn't let me call into the shows.
They would screen me out.
I had friends try to call in.
I called people via my cell phone and said, call in, try to get in on here.
They wouldn't let them on.
So I was watching mass censorship by a Houston radio station, a San Antonio radio station, a well-known Austin radio station.
And then you'd have to use a fake name and say you love world government basically to get on the air.
Well, we don't do that here.
And as this develops, I know that there's more to this story than we're being told.
Again, the Israelis and the well-known Mossad publication Debka filed, full of former and current Israeli intelligence specialists, indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
Now that's what I thought just by looking at him.
He'd obviously been beaten over a long period of time.
That pit he was supposedly in was obviously a prison.
A lot of people have used stuff like that in the past to hold our troops in Vietnam.
And I know our government had paid off the Republican Guard.
Probably had him since the end of the conflict and we're just waiting to release him.
Others are reporting that he was flown out of the country.
There's a lot of evidence to that.
We know that he has doubles.
We know that in the middle of the war that was a double on television.
So we don't know right now what to believe.
But I know this.
Saddam is nothing compared to China.
And you want to talk about bringing freedom to a region, how dare Bush change a 50 plus year treaty obligation to the tiny country of 30 million people of Taiwan.
But there's no discussion of that now.
No, no, no.
Are the troops breathing depleted uranium?
That doesn't matter.
So we'll go into more on indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
And a huge prison planet section with AP and BBC and you name it news articles.
And we've got the fake terror arrest section.
Chemical Ali outlived death reports.
Captured Al-Qaeda Man Was FBI Spy?
Was Mastermind Really Captured?
Mystery Surrounds Convenient Arrest of Al-Qaeda Mastermind Behind September 11th.
Pakistan Accused of Staging Bin Laden Aid Arrest.
There's dozens of these articles.
Go read them for yourself!
So, this makes us question anything that the globalists do now.
The same military that planted hundreds of fake letters from troops in major newspapers.
The same people that staged the private lynch rescue that she called a fable.
Chemical Ali outlived death reports.
Chemical Ali, a mass killer, and one of the great survivors of Saddam Hussein's Iraq, even outlived reports of his own death.
It emerged yesterday when he was captured, was revealed.
And where is Chemical Ali?
We never saw him again.
Captured Al-Qaeda man was FBI spy, the American Al-Qaeda operative, unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge, was first detained in March, and has been used by the FBI for months as a double agent.
It was reported yesterday, and they always release these guys later.
Was Mastermind really captured?
In the theater of the absurd into which America's hunt for Al-Qaeda so often descends, the quote, arrest
of Khalid Shaheed Mohammed is near to the Gilbert and Sullivan end of the repertory by this stage it looked like a case of whoops school of journalism a good story that just might be totally untrue and then it went on remember they caught Mohammed the other disheveled photo of him turned out that was totally staged he'd supposedly been killed a year before then they captured him two more times
They don't even use different names on us now.
And then whether it's a bombing in Indonesia or a bombing in the Philippines or a bombing in Israel, the CIA flies in, picks up the person after they confessed everything, pays them off and releases them.
It's staged!
Mystery surrounds convenient arrest of Al Qaeda mastermind behind September 11th.
The United States badly needed a big victory.
Again, the United States badly needed a big victory.
And it's Warren Al Qaeda to counter those critics who said that the violent and fanatically anti-Western network represents a far greater, more immediate threat to Americans than Iraq.
Another article of a fake arrest.
Pakistan accused of staging bin Laden.
Aid arrest.
A grainy video reporting to show the arrest of two Al Qaeda leaders.
It has now come out.
Was false.
It goes on, Pakistan's ISI breaks silence on Al-Qaeda captures, shows videos of raid.
Pakistan's secretive intelligence agency opened its door to foreign journalists Monday for an unprecedented multimedia briefing on the capture of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.
Again, turns out that was totally fake.
Khalid captured in conflict.
ISI shows faceless arrest tape.
There's another article here about confirmed Ramzi's bin al-Shabaab has not been captured and information surrounding the much-trembled arrest of al-Qaeda leader Ramzi bin al-Shabaab in Karachi has continued to be marred in controversy as eyewitnesses account has emerged that finally confirms earlier reports that his capture was a public relations ploy and that he is not in the hands of the Americans.
Then it goes on that no, he was in the hands and was released because he's CIA.
Colonel unaware of Al-Qaeda arrest.
The commander of a brigade of the U.S.
Central Command said captured 74 suspected Al-Qaeda sympathizers Monday that he had no knowledge of any such arrest.
Turned out that was fake.
Folks, it goes on for seven pages.
The newest Bin Laden videotape they released earlier this year
Uh, here it is.
Bin Laden video is compilation of repeats, says expert.
Bin Laden tape is old material.
Bin Laden's right-hand man, a new videotape, was arrested 18 months ago.
That's Fox News.
Uh, here's another section.
Endless fake terror alerts.
Where the White House has been caught ordering fake terror announcements.
Folks, are you starting to get an idea here?
of what I'm talking about.
Let's go back to calls and I'll get into the evidence that Saddam was being held captive and that they were keeping him on ice under Republican Guard control.
And that's why our troops had the whole area encircled for the last five months.
They were just there keeping the area under control.
Let's go ahead and talk to Moses in Texas.
Welcome, sir.
Whoa, buddy, whoa!
You're riling me up!
Now hold your horses!
Are you trying to say... I heard you in your commercial saying that world leaders involved in occult practices, and now you're saying that President Bush and that these leaders are working evil and doing stuff for evil?
Well, I just saw President Bush over there feeding the troops turkey!
And he was there on the banks of the Euphrates River, in Old Babylon, and he was preaching the gospel of Jesus right out of the Yale Bible, right there by Skull and Bones there, saying that Jesus says, kill your enemies, and if somebody hits you, fight them back more, and do unto others... Well, actually, General Boykin says that Bush is a disciple, is an actual emissary of God, and that this is a holy war.
But it is a holy war of the Skull and Bones God, not the God of the Bible.
Well, yeah, and another thing you got me riled up, you said that Saddam, now we know Saddam is evil, and you said that he had business deals with our government?
Excuse me, sir, but he had business deals with Cheney and Rumsfeld
And George Sr.
and these guys, private business deals, it was all fair and square blood money, and it didn't have nothing to do with the government because they work for the International World Government of the Illuminati guys.
I saw that on 60 Minutes when they talked about Skull and Bones and how our beloved president belongs to that, and it's a big Christian group, and they all go in there, and it says, they even said, it's like Harry Potter meets Dracula.
Now, Dracula, that's just a nice bedtime story in Transylvania,
Oh, and besides that, you messed up, because when you gave your movie, and you showed They Live, you forgot to show Fahrenheit 451, where they say, Stop telling us this stuff!
It's hurting me!
Alright, thank you for the call.
A very interesting call.
Where do you think, I want to hear predictions, where are they going to try the Saddam individual?
Where are they going to try him?
Is it going to be at the UN?
Is it going to be in Iraq?
They claim it's an elected government.
No, it's not.
They were appointed.
All 300 plus were appointed by Bremer.
Now that's admitted!
But the Iraqi people are going to try him.
A tribunal of a bunch of former Shah torture technicians.
Again, just Saddam clones.
They're going to have a bunch of new Saddams trying an old Saddam.
What do you see happening?
What do you predict?
I think they're going to have a big show trial
Yeah, I think the whole thing's a big sham.
I think he got out either by the... got flown out, or else he got out through that big underground tunnel.
Actually, when I looked at the pictures last night, and they only showed... it's a funny thing, they only showed it once.
They showed a still of his old picture, when they... you know, of him for real.
And if you notice on the old picture, the eyes are much bigger by the nose and then they get smaller as they go out towards the side of the face.
Now when you look at this body double there, that they had in jail there, his eyes are real small towards the nose and they get real big as you go out towards the side of the face.
Well I know this, I've looked at him and it looks more like Saddam and that admitted fake they had on TV during the bombardment, during the shock and awe, but
Again, there's no telling what the truth is.
We've been lied to so much in the past, you know, with Jerry Bruckheimer involved in the productions, literally, that there's no telling.
Not only that, his demeanor didn't appear to be a Saddam essay.
I mean, the guy, you know, would have been more silent, more blunt.
Well, I know that beard was too long for somebody that had been in custody for even five, six months.
It's a fraud.
It's a fraud.
Well, I know this.
They could have taken real video of Saddam
Because it's so short and edited it.
But then how are they going to do that at the show trial?
We'll be back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Alright, I've taken about ten calls.
That's not enough.
I want to start just rapid firing through calls and I'm going to put in some extra news that we've covered in the past about Saddam being flown out to safety.
These were from credible sources.
Then more from the Israeli intelligence saying it looks like he's been tortured, beat up, drugged.
That's what I thought when I saw him and it does look like a real Saddam to me.
At least better than that last bad body double which they admit was fake on television.
So remember, we've got body doubles flying around, we've got paid off Republican Guard by the CIA, that's admitted.
We've got all the lives that we've been told in the past.
I don't know what to believe right now.
But more will certainly come out as it develops.
Your calls have been very interesting.
Have a question or a comment.
If you disagree with me, you're welcome to call in on some issue 1-800-259-9231.
And when you hear somebody hang up, when I let somebody go, that's your chance to get in.
Randy in Pennsylvania, go ahead.
Hey Alex.
A couple points here.
I remember the media saying that Saddam was a germ freak.
How could somebody like that be in that kind of condition?
I'm still sane.
Another thing is the American money with the brand new $100 bills.
Wouldn't that leave a trail in Iraq?
People like me having Canadian money on the run.
Well, actually, dollars are the main reserve currency there.
Now it's shifting over to Euros and even the old Saddam money, the old Iraq money, but it seems that the Ba'ath Party was running off dollars.
But remember,
The Ba'ath Party is who's been put back into power.
They've been very quiet about that, but it is admitted the majority of those in power are high-level Ba'athists or former Shaw-era secret police.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, Randy.
Davey in Texas.
Go ahead, Davey.
I've got three things here real quick, Alex.
I'm in concurrence with your suspiciousness on this.
But one, Friday you had Congressman Ken Credo on.
Y'all were talking about the invasion that's been going on.
The Mexican troops kidnapping American citizens, yes.
Right, exactly.
And he was supposed to be on Fox this Sunday morning and of course turned over to look and lo and behold, no talk about the invasion, but I do hear Red Dawn.
Is it that a nice name, Red Dawn, and we have a Red Dawn with General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, saying we're going to martial law, Frank saying it, and foreign troops smashing here publicly, and they name the operation Red Dawn.
Good job mentioning that.
Big red flag, but Alex, just about an hour ago, Bush had a press conference.
One of the reporters asked him about 9-1-1
Now let me stop you.
You're telling me that a reporter got up and somebody, they're going to re-air this.
Please send me the press conference on C-SPAN, folks.
I'm begging you, somebody do it for me.
You're telling me, Davey, that Bush had another press conference.
We'll try to get it and air it.
You're telling me Bush had a press conference and that after he had the press conference,
Or that during the press conference, somebody says, what about Dean saying you may have known about 9-11?
He pauses, talks to a handler, probably Rove or McClellan, and then he says, that's just absurd.
Now, number one, was the question, is that hate speech?
That was the question.
I saw an article last week of, was it hate speech for Dean to do that?
Now they're using the leftist terms.
Thought crime.
What did Bush say about it being hate speech?
He said after a long pause that that was absurd, and the second part of the question was that his dad called and talked to him.
But what it pointed to most provocatively was the fact that this event,
The Bush press conference itself was staged, just like everything else that they've done has been staged.
Well that thing in Baghdad...
Uh, where about no more than a dozen Iraqi journalists celebrate, well, yeah, they arrest you and shut down your radio, TV, or newspaper, if you even criticize anything that the occupation force is doing.
So, of course, they're going to have the hand, you know, hand-picked people cheering.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's a staged event across the board, and I really respect your gut instincts, Alex.
They're right on the target so much of the time.
It's a real joy to watch.
Uh, finally, have you heard of the EMAT Group?
Uh, no.
In World Mag, it's www.worldmag.com.
Go down to the archives.
18 August, 01.
Flash traffic from Washington by Joel C. Rosenberg tells about the EMAT Group.
And what is the EMAC group?
Well, it's a group of billionaires who want to further the interests in the Middle East of a particular group of people that are in fact terrorists.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're gonna try to find an online version of the press conference that Bush gave about an hour ago where he
Let's ask the question about what do you think of Dean saying you could be covering up 9-11 or had prior knowledge?
Because that's solid gold.
We're going to try to air Bush's statement and then part of the press conference.
I guess George just download, record the whole thing.
I'm talking to the guy doing it.
I appreciate him doing it.
And then we'll play Bush's comments, then find the clip with the questioner, and we'll play that part of the press conference sometime next hour, if we can, because that is so important.
Of course, we've got all the satellite feeds, too.
I guarantee it's going to be re-aired on some of those feeds.
You can find it there.
It's important to have that.
I rarely play their propaganda, but if something like that comes out, I will.
I want to, again, continue with your chance to respond and get involved on air.
I do want you to know, though, that now we're all focused on Saddam Hussein and what this means, or where he'll be tried, or is it Saddam Hussein, or was he held captive by the Republican Guard or Bush?
We know the Republican Guard was paid off.
The Israelis are saying this now, which is unusual to have them saying something that doesn't go along with Bush.
But that's where my gut is.
on this and from the evidence we have.
While we're doing this, we're not talking about the dollar plunging further, we're not talking about the factory shutting down, we're not talking about police squad cars with will kick your bleeper now decaled on them in Bakersfield, California, or SWAT team raid drills on schools where they shoot kids in the face with paintballs, or have police dogs jump on them.
We're not talking about all the different New World Order stuff that's happening, the gun legislation in Congress, the open borders legislation, the Mexican troops kidnapping U.S.
citizens, killing federal officers.
We're not talking about that.
We're always too busy talking about Michael Jackson or whatever the newest big distraction is.
Now this Saddam thing is not a distraction if we look at it and learn from it.
I'm going to take some more calls and I'm going to get into the quotes of Tommy Franks and another officer saying, oh yeah, the last three weeks, we're about to capture Saddam.
You watch.
You watch.
Yeah, we're about to get him.
Yeah, I bet.
You said that with such confidence.
I wonder who is up next here out of all these callers.
I guess it would be Mike in New York, and then Joel, John, Julie, and Ralph and others.
Go ahead, you're on the air, Mike.
Or I guess you're not on the air, Mike.
You hung up.
Let's talk to Joel in Illinois.
Joel, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I don't know if you remember me.
I sent you the article from the New American about Bush saying the
The war in Iraq was to boost the U.N.
Yes, I did get that.
And that's what I said again years ago.
This war will be to make the U.N.
look like a good cop while we play the part of bad cop.
Go ahead.
Which is why I predict that he has to have Saddam Hussein tried before the International Court of Justice in order to further legitimize the United Nations.
And then of course it'll come out that Saddam has been a CIA minion all along, which is admitted in congressional reports.
Unless they try to cover that up some kind of way.
I mean, look, they could have shot video of Saddam months ago, killed him, and then they'll try a body double and then he'll retire with a face job to the Cayman Islands.
You know, the same thing happened with McVeigh.
Mainstream reporters said his stomach was rising and falling as he was wheeled out.
This is a Pentagon that plants hundreds of fake newspaper articles in the papers with fake signatures from troops, the people that fake the Jessica Lynch rescue, the people that lie about weapons dossiers and mobile weapons trucks and mass graves.
They lie, they lie, they lie, so I can't believe a word they say, but I don't know what the truth is.
What do you think is going on?
I think that we have to
Like the article said, we have to legitimize the United Nations.
In any way we can do that, that's what we're going to do.
And you're saying you don't want to legitimize them, you're saying Bush is doing it.
Right, right.
I care less for the United Nations.
Do you think this is really Saddam they have?
I think that it is for one reason.
Because they have to capture him.
If we let him keep, you know, if the story is that he's still on the run, then it just brings down the morale of the troops.
Also, where's Bin Laden?
See, I've been told they've got him on ice, they're going to roll him out before the election.
We'll see what happens.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that call and you joining us.
And by the way, this Bush administration person has told a bunch of Austinites this, so I'm not the only one that's been told this, so no reason to have me get run over by a truck.
By the way, another microbiologist, the one studying for a major university, studying the bizarre outbreaks on ships,
On cruise ships, a van jumped a curb and smashed him up against the wall, ran over him and drove off.
Let me see, that's over 30 microbiologists involved in government programs or studying ways to treat this stuff that have been shot, killed, stabbed.
I think four or five of them have been run over by cars.
A couple have drowned in an inch of water.
Others bash their brains out and throw themselves off bridges or die in airlocks or slit their wrists out in fields with undigested pills in their stomach.
So, it's getting real serious.
I have the Houston Chronicle here in front of me.
Being a microbiologist studying bioweapons that are being released is very unhealthy.
Let's go ahead now and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Talking about censored call-in shows, C-SPAN's Washington Journal seems to be a pentagon front.
You really have to lower your standards to watch it, but it's the only national TV call-in show.
I don't know if anybody really watches it to watch it, or if it's just propaganda people from the government who call in to do their little... No, I've, uh, for ten years I've been calling in.
I've probably gotten through ten times, once a year or so.
Uh, but, uh, now I've tried to get in, and when you tell them that something articulate, they will hang up on you.
Are you seeing a shift?
Well, I spent six hours yesterday speed dialing Washington Journal, but only got busy signals.
So I don't know, uh,
If that's an indication of something or not.
They were talking about Hussein.
Everybody wanted Mr. Hussein tortured and executed.
They worshiped Bush and his Operation Red Dawn.
And I just wanted to say, regarding arresting leaders of mass destruction, the next step is to capture and arrest the man and the people behind the 9-1-1 massacre, which is a five-time convicted felon, George Bush Jr.
And we can now use the USA Patriot Act to torture him to death at Gitmo like we did to thousands of POWs in Afghanistan.
Alright, I don't agree with your statement and thanks for the call.
I wish no harm upon George W. Bush or Dick Cheney or anybody else in this administration.
They're high-level puppets.
Nothing more.
And I'm against the fact that they have tortured quite a few people to death.
At Guantanamo Bay and they're admittedly not even Al Qaeda or Taliban.
They're young men, old men.
They just randomly grabbed folks off the street to create that illusion while they flew 8,000 of the leaders out to safety.
And that's the facts.
And I understand that the caller was illustrating how it's wrong to do this.
And how it's wrong to have a policy like our government now has of assassinating leaders.
But you need to be careful how you talk because that could be interpreted differently.
No, I wish no harm upon Bill Clinton or George Bush or anybody else.
They're just puppets.
Let's talk to Julie in New England.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Thank you.
I just wanted to say something.
My initial reaction when I saw this Saddam thing on TV was I fell on the bed laughing my head off.
I thought this was the funniest thing I'd seen yet.
Well, I fell on the bed and got very depressed.
I wanted to see what charade they were going to make out of this, right down to pulling the bugs out of his head.
I mean, that was really good.
I thought, wow, this is Hollywood at its best, you know?
And I thought it was kind of funny because I know they're up to something.
Well, that's the one image, too.
That's the one image, Julie, where they're not overtly humiliating him or belittling him, but it makes him look horrible, disheveled, with somebody in his mouth in the Arab world.
You know, that's a big no-no.
He could be going along with this, Alex.
It's just part of a charade, I think.
Well, Saddam Hussein was a CIA asset publicly from 1954 to 1990.
Now, I don't know about after, but I know that his Republican guard, Rumsfeld, bragged a week before the invasion began that he'd already paid off over two-thirds of their military.
Okay, and it's admitted that they met him and paid him off, and now the Israelis are saying from the evidence, and I agree, that it looks like that the Republican Guard and folks have been holding him for weeks, if not months, that he'd been tortured and all the rest of it.
This is totally staged, and that's why... Totally.
That's why Franks and other officers in the last month said, you watch, we're about to capture him.
Can I say something else here?
I wanted to know if you noticed if he looked a little too chubby to have been living in a hole for the last six months.
Well, that actually might make you chubby if you're getting fed okay while you're in custody.
Yeah, I thought he should look a lot more emaciated.
Well, he looked a little chubby because if you look, those were uneven swellings.
Looks like he's been beaten pretty bad.
And that's not what I'd say.
That's what the intelligence agency's looking at his face saying.
Okay, I just wanted to give you my opinion.
Hey, it's a really good point you made.
Anything else?
No, not right now Alex.
Thank you so much for everything you do.
Where do you think they'll try him?
At the UN?
Um, I don't know.
I think we just have to wait and see what's going to go on.
It should be good.
A UN-sanctioned trial with maybe a nine-member tribunal?
A nine-member judge, and I think three of them will be Iraqis, the rest will be from the UN, and they're going to have a big show trial, and who knows what will happen.
Thanks for the call.
You bet.
And I don't want to, you know, these idiots I hear on other talk stations, the ones that are allowed to get on air, not those of us that are exposing this, but the idiots, I shouldn't say that, the people that are blind, I'd like to hear from you at 1-800-259-9231.
Because you're saying, oh, the new Hitler's been captured in a bunker.
The new rat, you know, ace in the hole.
Oh, we got him.
Oh, man, he's so evil.
We're so good.
Number one, he's our creation, globalist creation, using our government.
Number two, this is very important, our government just changed 50 plus years of treaty and told Taiwan, you're on your own.
And I commend Limbaugh.
I heard him Friday actually admit this and say it was wrong.
He had to.
It's evil, folks.
I did hear Hannity saying it was okay.
Think about that.
China is worse than Hitler, folks.
It killed more people than Stalin.
Okay, so I don't want to hear it.
And the people they've hired to run Iraq are the former Shah torture people.
Torture experts.
It's disgusting.
Our government told him to attack Iran, told him to go ahead and go into Kuwait.
So when they talk about how he's evil for doing it, that means they're evil.
Don't you understand that?
Man, have a thinking process out there.
I know you're listening.
I wish you had the courage to call in.
See, we can defend our ideas here.
We can defend them here.
We don't have to screen the calls out.
No, we don't have to do that.
We're just here on all these AM and FM stations.
Rhode Island, L.A., Kansas City, Austin, Albuquerque, Denver, Colorado.
All over the place.
All over the place.
And you won't call in.
I know you can't get in, so let's try to get through more of these calls quickly.
Let's talk to Ralph in Rhode Island.
Ralph, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, you do a fine job.
Very, very good.
Bill Cooper and
The rest of you guys that do a good job.
Very disgusted about that.
Very, very disgusted about that.
That's because you're a communist.
Oh, well, excuse me.
You're pro-gun, anti-communist.
You're a commie.
Oh, my goodness.
Gotta get in the Neocon thought process.
Should I start wearing red more often?
You will be a conservative then.
Um, listen.
Red Dawn was a movie in the 80s.
Have you ever seen that?
Uh, yes.
I've seen Red Dawn.
Uh, I would tell people to check out Red Dawn and wag the dog.
Well, why would they call this Red Dawn when Red Dawn was the name of the communist operation in the movie?
I have no idea.
It's baffling me since I heard that.
And I'll tell you something, Dan Rather had a look on his face there on Thursday when he was talking about the new Murrow building.
I sent you an email about this.
And he looked like he was from outer space when he mentioned Timothy McVeigh.
He did, I'm telling you!
No, I saw Rather on Sunday and this was about, I don't know, 11.30, I'm about to leave my hotel, and he goes, no, folks, let me tell you, a lot of you were hearing, don't think it's really Saddam, but one of the body doubles, he certainly has those, but this is Saddam, this is him, this is him, so don't be saying that, and he looked like a deer in the headlights.
Thank you, Alex.
By the way, after 1991, there was a PBS special
Uh, that only aired on a few of their stations that got censored, where Dan Rather got caught four days before the invasion doing a mock invasion newscast.
I remember that.
That was in total precision.
I remember that.
And it's come out that there was never a 48-hour ultimatum.
They were going in regardless.
It's all staged, folks.
This guy, like you said, I couldn't have said it any better, and I've talked to other people that listen to your program every day.
And they said he looked like he was on drugs or something.
He looked bewildered on Sunday morning.
He looked like... And to tell you the truth, Brokejaw looked like the same way.
He was bewildered.
Wait a minute, I thought this guy was down in Honolulu in some motel.
And they were taking care of him.
Thanks for the call.
Ralph, Frank in West Virginia.
Frank, you're on the air.
Your chance to talk.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
I just wanted to call
Well, about today's holiday, I'm not sure if you mentioned this earlier because the reception is a little poor, but it's Bill of Rights Day.
Oh, yes!
You know, Aaron Zellman and Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership, he started this a handful of years back and seems to be catching on in a lot of
Yeah, they have Bill of Rights Day and Bill of Rights meetings, and local Lawsonites each month go to the Capitol and have Bill of Rights rallies, and according to Bush, they're Al-Qaeda rallies.
Yes, yes.
Certainly terrorists are holding those.
There'll be no more secret police or torture rooms.
Yeah, right, Bush.
But I think it's a fine way at least to get people educated about it, give them an opportunity to bring it to their forefront.
A lot of people don't know what their freedoms are, and I think that's one good way of getting out the message.
Well listen, I want to ask you a question, Frank.
How can these people call into shows?
And after I finally got on the air, you know, by saying I love Bush, and then said no, our government put him in, told him to invade, gave him the weapons, the host goes, well that's true, but he's bad now, and the callers were calling in going, how dare him question on this day of celebration!
I mean, how can we know that Saddam followed the globalist orders?
It's all staged!
How did they sit there and celebrate this when they've handed over Taiwan to China?
It is, exactly, and it's all staged.
In fact, this morning I woke up to my clock radio and 7-something said, oh, we caught Saddam, and the soldier who caught him, anyhow, said compliments of George Bush or something along those lines, and I thought,
Wow, sounds like Wag the Dog right there.
Something they made up.
It's amazing.
Thanks for the call.
Ace in the hole.
He's the Ace of Spades.
He's in the hole.
I mean, come on folks.
Come on.
We'll be back with more calls and a bunch of other news items.
You don't want to miss this show.
Stay with us.
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All right, I know that we've got loaded phone lines.
I want to go to Roger and Walt and Irving and David and Gene and everybody else.
I want to get back into indications are Saddam was being held prisoner from the Debka file, which is basically a Mossad intelligence agency news reporting outfit.
And I agree with what they're saying.
Also, we've posted a big Prison Planet section of where they've captured other people they quietly released later because they're CIA agents, almost the entire top echelon of Al Qaeda.
This is admitted, folks.
It's never turned into a big news story.
Also, they're interrogating Saddam, they claim, and he's saying some things.
I want to go over that.
Also, Iran continues to raise the secret deal claim.
This is out of Gulf News.
I'm digging around here for the... Well, here's Newsmax.
Saddam key an early CIA plot.
This is from April 11th this year.
A big article admitting his CIA control.
Another one here by a Western reporter interviewing top officers saying they did fly Saddam out.
LaHood, Hussein's capture imminent, U.S.
Representative Ray LaHood held his thumb and forefinger slightly apart and said, we're this close to capturing Saddam Hussein.
And this is out of the Associated Press, also out of the Pantagraph newspaper, and this was on December 2nd.
Once that's accomplished, Iraq resistance will fall apart, said the five-term Republican Congressman from Peoria, who serves on the House Intelligence Committee.
And also, in the December issue, and I've got it right here in the entire interview, is on InfoWars.com, General Tommy Franks told Cigar Aficionado, we are only days away from capturing Saddam.
Again, yeah, you got him in a hole, sitting there, out there guarding him in the middle of nowhere, you bet.
And that's not Alex Jones saying that, that's the Israelis, folks.
The guy has been beaten half to death, you can tell that.
Given him a few weeks for the bruises to go down, but not the puffiness.
He looked like he was drugged.
It's amazing, but again, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Before I go back to your calls, it really is important for everybody out there to direct your friends and family to PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com because I found no single place like these sites
That has all the news and the lies and the fake terror alerts and the propaganda there, and we don't make a conclusion.
We just say, read this, look at this, and you decide whether you can trust anything coming out of their mouths.
And there's millions of you listening to this show, and there's hundreds of thousands on the computer right now.
If you'll just email your friends and family and others, we can cause a buzz on the internet that will spread right now and counter the spin we're seeing.
Also, I've made ten full-length feature films.
The newest is Matrix of Evil with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, myself, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales,
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Order 3 or more of any of my films, and some of them are 2 hours, 40 minutes, like Police State 3.
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Need to have all these videos to see the big picture.
Get them, make copies, get them out to everybody.
Call toll-free to get the films, folks.
Don't wait.
And we're going to try to ship everything.
Every order we get this week, we're going to ship it out by Friday.
So you should.
We're shipping it priority mail.
We're going to try to get it out to you by Christmas.
Please get the videos.
And even if it's going to be after Christmas, send somebody a card saying, hey, I got you a video coming for Christmas.
Give us that address.
We'll mail it right to the address you want it.
So, call toll free to get the films, the books, the videos.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait.
We have the tools to wake people up.
So take action now and expose this evil.
All right, third hour, your calls, bunch of news coming up.
Stay with us.
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We love freedom.
We believe that Bush cutting Taiwan loose, changing 50-plus years of treaties, is treachery.
We believe that Communist China is a hundred times worse than Saddam Hussein and has killed thousands of times more than Saddam Hussein did.
We know that Saddam Hussein was a CIA assassin from 1954, put into power in 1976, head of the Ba'ath Party security apparatus by the late sixties.
We know he was told to attack Iran and told to go ahead and invade Kuwait.
We know, ladies and gentlemen, that the media is now going how evil he was for attacking Iran when
He was told to attack Iran by our government, and when talk show hosts are confronted with this, neocons are confronted, they will come right out and say, cutting Taiwan loose is good, Bush signing the assault weapons ban is good, Saddam's the ultimate evil, shut up, you're a liberal if you don't like it!
Campaign finance is good, open borders is good, no, it's not good!
And we're sick of it!
Now, we've got congressmen, generals, officers saying we're about to catch Saddam in the last three weeks.
They were all bragging.
A congressman two weeks ago, less than two weeks ago, twelve days ago, came out and said we are an inch from catching him.
And, uh, yeah, because they had him down in that hole just waiting to release him.
Question is, is it the real Saddam?
We know there's body doubles involved.
We know even Dan Rather had to respond to this.
We're taking a lot of calls.
I want to take
25 calls before this hour ends, and I want to hit at least 10 news stories in detail we haven't covered.
So we're going to move quickly to your calls right now.
Let's talk to Roger in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead.
Yes, thanks Alex.
To me, more important, if it somehow does turn out to be the real Saddam, more important than whatever contrived show trial they cook up is going to be how they're going to insulate him from any independent researchers like they did for Germany's Albert Spears.
Yeah, because he's totally in business with the Bushes, and even through 2001, only Dick Cheney's oil company was allowed to do business there.
Saddam could only buy from Halliburton.
Again, you talk about a staged event.
God bless.
Thanks for the call.
Good points.
Walton, Kansas City.
Welcome, sir.
Well, God bless you, Alex.
Great show.
Listen every day.
Tell you what, I wanted to make a point about this thing, the capture of Saddam, and I think it is somewhat a diversion.
However, it's good news, like I called in to the radio talk shows here locally, trying to get information out.
And I told them, I said, well, this is good news for everybody that loves freedom.
Our burgers are still wide open.
Boy, the first show I called Sunday,
I think so.
Uh, you know, these guys could, they could put them, uh, in these Mexican-style cowboy hats, cowboy boots, and jeans, and a t-shirt, and they're carrying, everybody's carrying something under their arm, and if you're looking at them at 500 yards through a pair of binoculars, they're gonna look just like another Mexican.
Well, that's the point.
I mean, how can the head of Homeland Security say we need to legalize all the illegals, but then we're going to have the government putting a microscope down our throats, into our lives, and it is good for the troops, closer to the end of this war, to have Saddam if it is Saddam, but they're just going to put an even worse dictatorship in!
Our government put Saddam in to begin with, and no one wants to discuss that!
Yeah, and you know, the point I was trying to bring up,
Thank you.
Thank you, Walt.
Gotta let you go.
Thank you, Irving, David, Gene and many others.
You're up next.
We ought to give out a special phone line so folks that disagree can get in.
I want to hear from people that disagree with us.
We don't censor the calls like you do.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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We're good to go!
Alright folks, we have the press conference that Bush gave
At about 11.15 a couple hours ago.
And I have no idea if they're going to edit out the comments that a reporter brought up.
And we have confirmed those comments were made.
That presidential candidate Howard Dean says you could have had prior knowledge of 9-11.
And that Bush then paused and had to have his handlers tell him what to do.
That was off script.
And that he said that it was ridiculous, but that the reporter said it was hate speech.
We found Bush's speech in press conference.
We don't know if that part of the press conference is there.
We're listening to it, and that's probably coming up before the end of the show.
CNN is legendary, and others are legendary for editing these things up, but we did find a news story concerning it, so it was said.
It already has made news.
We got loaded phones.
I said I'm going to take a ton of calls.
I'm keeping the callers down to about a minute and a half apiece, so we can get everybody in.
Let's bang through five of them, then I'll hit another news story on Sedona, and I'll go back to five more calls.
Irving in Colorado.
Irving, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Thanks for this opportunity.
You're off the air here in Denver now, but I'm on the phone listening to you.
Oh, you're listening on the stations that carry the first two hours.
That ace in the hole thing, I used that already on a morning talk show here, but I would like for you to connect the dot.
If you can find out who came up with that whole Decker card analogy, you will know probably when they had him.
They claim that a lieutenant at the Pentagon thought it up.
But they lied about everything else.
We don't know if that's true.
He probably did.
And by the way, sir, we're not just on the four stations that carry the first two hours.
All three hours are carried by 1360.
1360 on AM?
Oh, okay.
So we have more affiliates for you.
Oh, okay.
I was not listening to your 1060 here in Colorado.
Yeah, that's another great affiliate, but you can also listen on 1360 to all three hours.
Okay, I'll try to have that.
And that station, 1360 covers almost the whole state, goes into three other states.
And the reason I think Ace in the Hole was played, I had heard Friday that Bush darn near called Cheney a racketeer.
Uh, with this, uh, Halliburton, uh, uh, 61 million for gas.
You got to have an ace in the hole, little secret that nobody knows.
Well, let me tell you this.
Bush better watch out because I remember when Bobby Kennedy accused somebody of, uh, racketeering.
And that's all I have to say on this.
Let me, let me stop you because I've been out of pocket this weekend showing a film in Houston.
I know last week it broke real big that there was bid rigging.
Well, there were no bids allowed.
But even in the bills they were giving, which is normal procedure for defense contractors, that Halliburton on the oil and sales and the rest of it, overcharged by hundreds of millions.
Are you saying Bush was getting ready to cut Cheney loose last week?
It sure sounded like it.
What did he say?
It was on a broadcast here in Denver.
I haven't heard it since.
You heard Bush.
I heard Bush out of his mouth say that Halliburton, Cheney's company, is bordering on racketeering.
So, Bush was so worried about this story that he was beginning to try to even burn his buddies.
Thanks for the call.
I'll have to confirm that.
Folks, did you hear that?
Did you see that?
Did somebody email me that?
I have no doubt the callers, 95% of the time, are telling the truth.
I believe you, but I cannot confirm it.
I need to find out, Irving.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to David in Illinois.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I'm a recent listener to the show, and some of these things are so hard to believe, but if we're sticking with the Saddam story, if they captured him and it was just a setup, and they said that there was no radio equipment on him or around there, shouldn't they have planted that so as to say he is behind the resistance?
Okay, this is a complex question, David.
Have you heard the background?
Now, let me just ask you, do you not know that Saddam was an admitted CIA asset until at least 1990?
I do believe that.
Well, that's admitted.
That's Congress.
That's Alphonse Tamado.
I mean, this is admitted.
We got Rumsfeld kissy-kissing in 1984 with him, literally sitting on his lap on a couch.
So he's a CIA agent operative that
They decided to use us as a stooge to go into the Middle East?
Or is he like a rebellious agent?
Uh, exact... No, let's break it down.
Things went sour in 1989.
Do you remember BCCI?
I don't know.
I'm not familiar with that.
Clark Clifford, the engineer of the National Security Act, all these Bush people, all these top Democrats, members of Congress, involved in a giant group of banks running chemical, biological, drug money, money laundering, one of the biggest banks in the world.
It went down with major implications for Baker and Bush and all of them.
And the thing went bankrupt because Saddam refused to pay back over $30 billion to Bush.
That was 1989?
But Bush and them still acted like they were friends, and April Gillespie, the U.S.
Ambassador, went, and this is on video, I've got a really bad copy of this off the news, I wish somebody would ever see a better copy, send it to me folks.
But this is admitted, just type in, April Gillespie told Saddam to go ahead and invade Kuwait.
There'll be hundreds of AP articles and you name it about it.
This is six days before he rolled tanks into Kuwait.
Saddam was saying, look, I'm bankrupt money-wise for buying weapons from you and the Russians.
This is in the debate from the Iran-Iraq War.
I can't pay you the $30 billion back to BCCI.
He said, let me go into Kuwait.
That's where the major oil fields are at.
They're stealing my oil with horizontal drilling.
Uh, into our sweet crude.
He said, I'm going to go in and she smiles and says, we don't get involved in inter-Arab affairs.
We have a defense treaty with Iraq.
You are an ally.
We will not get involved.
And you think, and you think that, uh, let me, I'm telling you the history here.
Six days later, a giant battle group, and I understand he's attacked the Kurds under our orders, he's attacked Iran, a hundred and something thousand Iraqis died each year for eight years.
I mean, he did all this, he was trained by the CIA in 54, he killed Ba'athist leaders, he was put into power in the late 70s, but he worked for them all along.
He rolled in and suddenly was no longer Saddam Hussein, he was
He was Saddam Hussein, which means basically pervert.
They changed his name in the media, didn't give him a way out, and did that.
I'm not defending him.
He's horrible.
But he's a low-level criminal compared to the rest of these people.
Okay, Iraq was the only country where you could have a Christian church on the street corner.
In Saudi Arabia, they'll knock your teeth out, grab a gold cross off you, blow your head off.
Right, I understand that.
Okay, yeah, a bunch of garbage.
Saddam bought, you know, church equipment, pianos.
Tariq Aziz, his number two guy, was a Christian.
Saddam, compared to everybody else in the Middle East, was the best guy there.
Okay, and he fought communists, he fought the Iranians, who are pretty bad folks, and look what he gets, okay?
That's all I'm saying.
Compared to China and North Korea and Iran and Syria, he is nothing!
Now, to answer your question,
About what's happening now, is I'm saying this, we know there's Saddam body doubles, at least ten of them, they admit that guy with the glasses on was a fake, remember that?
Yeah, I mean that was on the news, and even when he was on the news they were saying it was fake.
And they admitted that the Fat Bin Laden tape was fake.
And now they admit the army planted hundreds of fake letters from troops in newspapers.
They admit the mobile weapons trucks were for pumping up balloons, and they knew that day one, but for months so we found mobile weapons trucks.
They've lied, lied, lied, lied, lied,
Now they find Saddam in a hole in the ground, like a prisoner.
We don't know if the gun stuff's true, and I'm saying the Israeli intelligence people at Debka believe he had been captured by Republican guards, somebody for the ransom, and had been held for weeks or months.
And I'm saying from all the indicators, that looks accurate to me.
I don't know.
He was held captive by the United States military then?
Well, you notice they all converged on the Tikrit area and sat around there.
And took casualties there, but Saddam wasn't commanding anything from that spider hole, as they correctly call it.
That's what they call them in Vietnam, according to what I've read.
And it looks like his own... I'm sure you watched the news before the Gulf War, too.
Do you remember Rumsfeld giving multiple press conferences saying, don't worry, we've paid off the Republican Guard, we've paid off two major army groups in gold, they're going to give up, it's going to be easy, they don't like Saddam.
Remember that?
Well, I don't remember that, but I'm sure you've got it documented.
Yeah, I do.
I've got it on tape.
And then after the war, he said, I never said that, they all thought, oh, we're so valiant.
My point is, is that I believe from the evidence that if they didn't fly him out, which had come out earlier, that they've been holding him the whole time.
Buddy, that's a five, six month beard for somebody that has a fast growing beard.
That they held him the whole time as a hostage to opportunely bring him out at the right point.
I don't know though.
I know we have a Pentagon and a media that's a bunch of liars and has lied about things just as big.
I know they've been caught lying.
I know now that there's weird stuff surrounding this.
I'm saying, what is probable?
You know Alex, I've only listened to a few episodes of your show, but I don't know if you can cover this question in its entirety, but if the Bushes are, you know, Satan-worshiping globalists,
Just the implications of that, just to coordinate that, is the U.N.
and the United States conflicts that, you know, just to show is the... That's total... yeah, we'll look at the... The Cold War, I mean, was the Cold War, was there reality or we got competing globalists in there?
Oh man, you know, that's a ten hour question.
Yeah, I know, I know.
But I've covered that.
Let me break it down.
Lenin clearly was a globalist, that's admitted.
Stalin got control and broke away for a time.
By Khrushchev, they were back under our control.
By our control, I mean the globalists that run America.
The U.N.
is publicly controlled by the big banks that publicly own America.
They're playing the part of good cop not going into Iraq.
We go in, do the dirty work, take the blame.
The E.U.
is then shown as the savior, along with the U.N.
for the third world.
Now that, we have white papers on by the globalists.
See, remember for years they denied global government?
Now they say, will it be a UN world government or an American world government?
And we bypass discussion of not wanting world government.
To, okay, what type of world government will it be, David?
Yeah, I mean, this is international bankers, this is just for a show then.
Well yeah, well look at Bush's actions.
You know, he signed on to UNESCO at the UN.
He increased UN funding across the board.
He expanded the Department of Education and Department of Transportation.
He signed on to the UN treaties, except for a couple of them.
And then I wonder how Israel fits into this.
I mean, I gotta...
Israel is just a Middle Eastern base of all this.
I wouldn't say Israel's at the top of it.
Thanks for the call.
Now I spent more time with David because he was kind of skeptical.
I will if you disagree or are skeptical.
We're going to hammer through Gene and Alan and Dee and others when we get back.
And into more news.
Stay with us.
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Let's continue, giving the listeners a chance to respond to this.
We've been lied to so many times when concerning Iraq, that I don't know what to believe.
Now, if you don't know what we've been lied to about, should I refresh your memory?
One of the biggest examples I keep giving is two months ago, hundreds of fake letters from troops with false signatures that they never read or never signed showing up in hundreds of newspapers.
The Pentagon is manipulating our news, okay?
Do you understand this, folks?
They lied to us about the weapons of mass destruction.
Don't worry, I'm sure they're going to pull those out right before the election.
I've been told they got Bin Laden on ice for rolling him out before the election.
Let's go ahead and go to Gene in Colorado, and then Alan, Dee, and Curtis, and others.
You're on the air, Gene.
Oh, yes.
It's Gene in Kansas, Colorado.
We're right next door to Colorado, though.
That's okay.
Okay, meeting the question we want to ask all you callers.
I haven't heard anybody say anything on this yet.
When they captured Hussein, they were supposed to capture I think over $7,000 or something like that in American made money.
Yeah, $700,000.
What kind of business did he have there in the United States where he was making that kind of money from us?
Well, Saddam Hussein dealt in hundreds of billions of dollars a year.
The biggest oil exporter in the world until the Gulf War was Iraq.
And by taking that offline, predominantly, that helped boost world oil prices, which made BP and Amoco and Dutch Rochelle and Exxon Mobil a lot more money.
And so by them not shipping out a lot of oil now, that actually keeps prices higher and makes them money.
It's not just about shipping the oil, it's about controlling the oil and controlling the refineries here in the West.
But Saddam Hussein, they found tens of millions of dollars and euros and gold buried in each big palace.
So $700,000 compared to world leaders is like having a nickel in your pocket.
Oh, I see.
Okay, now, how could I get you to call me sometime?
I've got another one.
It ain't related with who's saying, but it's... Okay, I'll tell you what, sir.
I'm going to let you go, Gene, in Kansas.
I'm live on the air right now.
Anybody that wants to try to talk to me or my office can call us at 512-291-5750.
Allen in Ohio.
Allen, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I don't know if this is a disagreement or not, but I have a little bit of a different take on the Saddam thing.
George Bush is being squeezed in relation to the dollar-euro scenario, and I think he's looking for a way to end this.
The Russians want us out of Iraq and Afghanistan, and he can't stand for oil to be priced in euros, which is what they're threatening him with.
And especially in an election year.
And that's a red herring.
We have four, five, six-year-old PNAC documents written by the president's cabinet that wasn't in office at the time, but already formed, where they said we want the oil, we want an operation to attack Syria and Iran, we want it for weapons sales.
That's why we're going into Iraq.
We need a terrorist attack.
To get the people to accept it.
Once Saddam knew he was going to get invaded, once the troops started massing, he said he was going to dump dollars and go to Euros like everybody else is doing.
Bush doesn't care if the dollar drops.
Bush works for Europe.
Bush has his Treasury Secretary, Snow, out bad-mouthing the dollar, saying it's good for it to drop all over the world to the point where the Europeans are panicking, the low-level folks, not the bosses that own us, saying this is going to destroy America and destroy a trading partner.
They're talking about trying to freeze the euro, but the Rothschilds and others have said, no, we're not going to freeze the euro.
Yes, go ahead.
Okay, Alex, this guy was talking a while ago about Bush eating turkey with
Because he cares?
Well, none of the troops got the turkey.
They flew in an expert on prepared meals to make it look like they were going to feed them that.
A set piece on a television show, no one was allowed to eat that turkey.
Hillary brought a turkey to Afghanistan, didn't let him have it.
And by the way, Neocon said it was bad when Hillary did it, which it was, but it's good when Bush does it.
It's bad when Clinton's against Taiwan, but it's good when Bush is against it.
Stay there.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alright folks, if you disagree with something I've said about the whole Saddam situation, if you've noticed a piece of media propaganda that needs to be exposed, if you want to comment on anything we've been discussing here, we've even got a line open right now for about 10 seconds.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Total propaganda presentation with a Saddam capture.
I'm no fan of Saddam.
But to compare him to Hitler is a joke.
When our government is wallowing at the feet of dictators and oligarchies and despotisms that make Saddam look like a choir boy.
Your chance to respond and get involved on air.
Let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Curtis in Louisiana.
You're on the air.
Hey Alex, I got three quick points for you.
The first one is that piece that she was talking about, about the invasion of Kuwait.
There's a little piece on the video called The One Iraqi People.
It's on informationclearinghouse.info.
The second point is the caller that called about the press conference this morning.
Bush was asked about the 9-11 thing and about what he thought about it and was it about hate speech?
He never answered the question.
He did pause for a few seconds and say it was absurd.
They also asked him about... And I'm probably a Fox reporter.
We now have the file and I guess we're going to try to... We're almost out of time.
It's a press conference.
We're probably going to air it tomorrow or maybe one of the other shows will air that.
But just amazing.
Oh, is it hate speech to say you had prior knowledge?
See where we're going?
Yeah, and also they also asked him
Was it personal with him and Saddam because Saddam tried to murder his father?
And what did he think about it?
I can't remember what he said, but he seemed like he kind of got mad and I know he ended up saying good riddance to Saddam and you know, just stuff like that.
And I also wonder how is it possible that when they had the celebration when he was supposedly caught, where people could fire these automatic weapons, you know, in the air but then, you know,
One minute it's okay to do it when you're celebrating, and then the next minute you get arrested for having it.
Well, you get arrested for having it, or you get shot.
They've been killing a bunch of people at weddings if they shoot their guns in the air.
Thanks for the call, Curtis.
Good to hear from you.
Kevin and Mass, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Kevin.
Hi, Alex.
The closest I can come to providing a call that disagrees is to say that, you know, I still, when I talk to my wife and some others,
They'll say, you know, they don't want to believe this.
They won't say that I'm crazy anymore, because they know that, and they just are uncomfortable talking about it.
But today, you know, during this coverage of the alleged capture, I picked up my son's GI Joe, and I was kind of mimicking the thing, like, oh, here, we got him, you know?
And my wife, not only my wife was cracking up, but even my five-year-old son can see through this stuff.
If they keep up with this poor, you know, job on their propaganda,
We're going to continue to grow.
This is great, I think, because they provide such a poor show that it makes it easy for our job to get the word out.
People are catching on.
They blew up Oklahoma City and Waco to marginalize folks who question the government, i.e.
make them like Timothy McVie, or they're crazy right-wingers, or those people who store arms are crazies.
This is what happens to them.
It's also a threat to those people.
Well, you notice it's also a big distraction with this Saddam thing.
We're not talking about Bush saying, we're going to cut Taiwan loose and change our treaty.
That doesn't seem to matter.
Or Ridge saying we're going to have open borders and legalize all illegals.
Or Bush is going to sign the assault weapons ban.
We're not discussing that.
Or Arnold's groping anymore.
No, now it's all Saddam, Saddam, Saddam, Saddam.
It's a hollow victory.
I don't think people are buying it.
Conan O'Brien used to do that when he had Bill Clinton, and he'd have his lips through there, and he'd say, oh, you know, he'd mock Clinton, and he'd say, I don't think they're still buying it, Mr. Clinton.
He'd say, oh, they're still buying it.
Well, I think that's where George is these days.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
There are a lot of idiots that buy it, but they put them on the radio and censor out those that disagree.
And I experienced that yesterday trying to call into talk shows, driving back to Austin from Houston.
But not our show.
We don't censor your calls, folks.
No, you can call right in.
Let's talk to...
Brian, where are you calling us from?
Okay, it's Bruce in California.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
I don't know if you noticed on the forum yet, on the Prison Planet forum, but there's a post on there about Saddam being a fake.
Pretty good points in there.
I don't know if you noticed back in August 2nd, 2003, CENTCOM had released pictures of what they thought Saddam would look like.
And they got about five pictures on there.
It looks like he's got, you know, the gray in the mustache, gray in the hair, and then a few with pictures of him with a beard.
The beard is very, very short.
So they're basically proposing that we believe that in four months, he grew this big, huge Santa Claus beard.
Well, that's the point that I've made, and I actually did some research this morning.
People have the fastest growing hair.
It's about a half inch a month.
Well, we say even if it was three quarters of an inch a month, it couldn't get to, in some areas, six inches long.
And as a matter of fact, I looked up a beard fact.
I saw a beard fact that said five inches a year.
It grows about five inches a year.
Another piece of information, I don't know if you caught this, but one was from Reuters, the other was from AP.
Uh, Saddam captured in Tikrit disguised and dusty.
I'll cut to the chase.
Soldiers tore off a false beard and took samples from the ousted dictator for DNA identity tests after digging down into a cellar.
And then you look at, that was from Reuters, if you look at Associated Press, it says, uh, let me see, oh, the, uh, said Saddam had a salt and peppered beard
I don't know what happened, but I know it stinks to high heaven.
Thanks for the call.
I know we got a bunch of callers and I've lost track of who to go to next.
Who's up first?
Who in Colorado?
Gary in Colorado, you're on the air.
Hi there.
Good to talk to you, Gary.
You too.
I just had a quick comment about something that stood out for me when I was watching coverage yesterday, is the demonstrations in the streets of Baghdad.
Close-up shots of Chalibi folks.
I saw some of the same people I saw at the falling statue, and they've got the ten reporters jumping up with glee.
Yeah, you're not allowed to be a reporter unless you agree with a globalist.
That's already been admitted, so of course they're going to have some lackeys there getting all excited.
Another interesting thing was they all had the same red banners and they all had the same exact same pictures that they were holding up.
Well yeah, it's the communists.
Remember last week they had a quote, protest, demonstration against the terrorists?
And it was all communists.
The communists are thanking us.
And again, I have no love for Saddam.
He's a piece of filth.
But he's our piece of filth.
He did what he was told to do.
He's nothing compared to China.
And Bush is talking about, we've gotten the new Hitler.
Everybody's getting drunk having celebrations last night.
I mean, it's ridiculous!
That was my comment.
Thank you.
Thank you for the call.
Who's up next?
Roy in Ohio.
Go ahead.
Uh, the thing that got me was they, right away, they got the DNA sample.
I don't know how long it takes to take a DNA sample, but surely it's not five minutes.
Well, yeah, Dan Rather said that morning, yesterday morning.
He said, well, sure, it's him, DNA sample.
Yeah, that's what got me.
Well, I'd give a hundred of your tapes away, so that's all I have to say.
Thank you, over and out.
Hey, thank you for the call.
He's given a hundred of my videos out.
Get the videos, get the films, make copies, expose the lies.
Tim in Ohio, you're on the air.
Alex, how you doing?
We are so grateful for having a guy like you on the radio to tell these people they should listen to you and get
With the program as to what's going on.
I was saying, you know, I hate to bring back Jessica Lynch up again after this.
But she said it's a fable.
All the little heroes said it.
Must be a secret Al Qaeda.
The day that it happened, I was telling everybody, this is a complete fabrication of the truth.
And no one wanted to believe me.
And then the day she comes out and says, oh, this wasn't true.
She said it was a fable.
And the Hispanic gentleman that actually killed all the Iraqis
They told his family to shut up, and four of the special forces people that quote rescued her spoke up.
Now it's five, and they all got assassinated.
Isn't that amazing, when you run in those circles.
I mean, we could go on the list as long, isn't it?
The woman that sued Bush for raping her.
Carnicorn, yeah.
The woman that sued Bush for raping her.
I didn't know if she was telling the truth.
I ignored the story.
I mentioned it, but I said, I don't know if that's true.
And then, boom, she gets shot in the back of the head.
It's amazing how they can do that, huh?
Well, there's another microbiologist in Houston.
It's in the Houston Chronicle on Infowars.com.
A truck jumped the street.
A microbiologist, a chemist, ran over him.
Here's another thing about that, about people dying on the street like that.
We'll go back to Dr. Kelly over in Britain.
Another microbiologist had a portent down, slitting his wrist with undigested pills in his belly.
Now, if we have all of these TV cameras in London, or supposedly like we do, how come we didn't get a glimpse of any of him walking down the street?
Well, when the police finally showed up, they saw five men in black uniforms talk to them and then leave the scene, and then there's been no discussion of them.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, yes.
Who's up next now?
Okay, Jeremy in Indiana, go ahead.
Yes, I'd like, I was thinking about, I'd like to see, you say you've got videos of things on tape from news articles and such that you've seen, and not all of us have been fortunate enough to see that, and I was wondering if you could do for your next documentary, or one of them coming up, Iraq front to back with the whole thing.
I thought about doing that.
That's why I taped hundreds of hours of video.
That's why I've got thousands of news articles.
And yes, I have a small operation, but I have certainly thought about doing that.
All right.
Thank you very much.
Thank you for the call.
Miles in Texas.
Miles, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I'd just like to know how you would comment on this.
I'm wondering what this really means on the timeline.
What it could mean for the globalists?
Is this like a signal that we're even closer to a declaration of a police state here?
Are we closer to the CIA doing terrorist acts here?
What's your comment on this?
Yes, we're much closer.
It is a signal.
General Eberhardt telling the LA Times that martial law is good and troops on the streets are good and the Pentagon spying on us is good is a major indicator.
The same week in Cigar Aficionado to have Tommy Frank saying how this is the next step.
They have Asia Times saying it with the Pentagon documents.
They have the government saying we're about to be hit by bio-attacks.
We've got roundup camps ready.
That was the New York Times last Monday with RFID tags we'll have to wear.
Martial law is good, keeps you safe.
Yes, this is a massive acceleration towards the election.
And it's very, very serious.
And everybody kept saying George Bush is going to lose.
He's got his die-bold machines in.
It doesn't matter if he loses, he'll just get a Democrat who's the same person.
But they've already carried out terror attacks.
They're not going to stop unless enough of us expose that they are the terrorists.
Does that answer your question?
Alright, thank you for the call.
Who is up next now, Stephanie?
I got out of order.
Okay, well, you know what I'm going to do?
While you're getting all those calls straight here, I'll try to jam four or five more in, if you can get me their names and where they're calling from.
Before I do that...
Let me just hit some final top news stories for you.
On PrisonPlanet.com we have the articles where they killed Chemical Ali over and over and over again and confirmed his dead body and DNA and then captured him again.
Where they captured the top Al-Qaeda leaders.
The American Al-Qaeda operative unmasked last week as having planned to bring down the Brooklyn Bridge.
It turned out was an FBI asset and it was a staged event to create fear.
They have the capture of Khalid Shaheek Mohammed.
Turns out he had been captured two other times and been killed another time.
And there's a bunch of articles here of other countries where there's a big bombing in the Philippines, the CIA swoops in, gets the guy, turns out he's a CIA agent, on and on and on and on and on.
This is out of Debka file, which is basically Mossad.
Indications are Saddam was being held prisoner.
A number of questions are raised by the incredibly bedraggled, tired, and crushed condition of the once savage, dapper, and pampered ruler who was discovered in a hole in the ground on Saturday, December 13th.
The length and state of his hair indicated he had not seen a barber or even had a shampoo for several weeks.
Several weeks?
Again, yeah, it would take probably a year to grow a beard that long, conservatively.
The wild state of his beard indicated he had not shaved for the same period.
Uh, he didn't grow that in two weeks, Debka.
The hole dug in the floor of the cellar in the farm compound near Tikrit was primitive indeed.
Six foot across, eight foot across, and minimal sanitary arrangements a far cry from his opulent palaces.
Saddam looked beaten and hungry.
Detained with him were two unidentified men.
And they throw in the icky 47s.
We don't even know if that's true.
The hole had only one opening.
It was not only camouflaged with mud and bricks, it was also blocked.
He could not have climbed out without someone on the inside removing the covering.
And most important, the $750,000 and $100 notes was found with him, but no communications equipment of any kind, whether cell phone or even a carrier pigeon, or contacting the outside world.
According to Debka analysts, these seven anomalies point to one conclusion.
Saddam Hussein was not in hiding.
He was a prisoner.
After his last audio tape message was delivered and aired over Al Arabiya TV on Sunday, November 16th, on the occasion of Ramadan, Saddam was seized, possibly with the convenience of his own men, and held in that hole in Adwar for three weeks or more, which would have accounted for his appearance and condition.
Meanwhile, his captors bargained for the $25 million prize to the Americans, who promised for information leading to his capture, alive or dead.
The negotiators
We're good to go.
from General Sanchez envisions answers to questions 25 million bounty he evades them it may be inferred the Americans and the Kurds took advantage of the negotiations with Saddam's abductors to move in close and capture him on their own account for three reasons and we have Tommy Frank saying we're about to capture in the next few weeks and cigar aficionado we have the congressman
Coming out on December 3rd to the Associated Press and saying that they were about to capture him, quote, we're this close and showed his fingers up, you know, as an inch.
This is amazing that this type of stuff is going on.
And remember, it was reported by the Iranians, by British press on the ground, that Saddam was flown out of the country.
He had been offered an amnesty deal, which he then tried to take a month before they invaded.
Then Bush said, no, no amnesty.
That's on the record.
We know they paid off the Republican Guard before the invasion, so all of these indicators together shows that they probably captured him and stuck him in that hole for months and months and months and months and months and now released him.
So, very, very important.
An Iranian news agency, close to top conservative military figures, attributed the fall of Baghdad to a secret deal agreement between Saddam Hussein, Russia, and the U.S.
According to the Batztob Agency, 13 days after the start of the war, Saddam and Russian intelligence agency pledged to hand over Baghdad with minimal resistance to Allied forces, providing they spare the lives of Saddam and 100 of his closest relatives.
Did he come in to get amnesty and get grabbed and stuck in that hole?
We don't know.
Is that the real Sadam?
We know there's doubles.
We don't know.
It looks like him a lot better than the last guy they had on TV, which they admitted was a double.
We'll come back, jam a few final calls in and a few final pieces of news, and then I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2, and this network will continue to cover all this information.
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Alright folks, Ray McGovern.
He is a 27-year veteran of the analysis section of the CIA at the highest levels for the National Security Council.
He advised George Herbert Walker Bush, Ronald Reagan.
We've had him on many times.
He'll be joining us tomorrow in the third hour.
He's on with us just for a few minutes.
He runs an inner-city youth program and had an emergency.
Had to go deal with that today and had to cancel.
But he's here with us now.
And, uh, Mr. McGovern, you exposed that it was really the Iranians, and it's come out in congressional hearings, that nerve gas, that's a lie.
You've gone over all this in three minutes.
What do you think about this capture?
What do you think it means, and how can they allow him to have a real trial if many of his crimes, or what they call crimes, were committed with BCCI and the Bushes and others?
You have the floor.
Well, if it's, uh, thanks, Alex.
Uh, if it's a real trial, that is, if it's a real open and honest one,
It will be incredibly embarrassing for the Bush administration because of the past support that this country has given to Saddam Hussein.
We pretty much put him up in business.
We didn't at all object when he used the gas against the Iranians and so forth.
So the important thing, Alex, is to make sure that the
Any trial would be plausible.
That requires an international presence.
There are international ways to do this.
The U.S.
and the people it's put in place in Iraq decide to handle this exclusively without letting real participation from the international sector.
It's not going to be credible at all.
Well, they can't let Chalibi, the former torture expert for the Shaw, do it.
Bush says this is the end of torture, this is the end of secret police.
This looks like it's the beginning.
They're putting the Ba'athists back into power.
I mean, I don't think the U.N.
courts are that good, but compared to Chalibi or somebody, I mean, you can't appoint a counsel and then say that it's not a puppet for Bush.
So what do you see happening?
I see them between a rock and a hard place, because if they let a real trial go forward, they're going to have a lot of embarrassment.
If they don't let it go forward, they'll be all with suspicions.
The big question for me, Alex, is where are the weapons of mass destruction?
Now if anyone knows where the weapons of mass destruction are, I don't know if Satan does.
Well sir, you know a bunch of troops carrying some type of large explosives suddenly got sick and their lungs collapsed and liquefied.
It looked like chemical weapons exposure.
They've been hauling a lot of stuff around.
Couldn't they produce that?
Fake that?
They faked fake newspaper articles.
They've put out fake reports, fake Niger info.
I mean, I don't think Bush is beyond producing fake weapons of mass destruction right before the election.
Yeah, some people are very surprised that they've not done that already.
But they haven't.
And, you know, if you take a non-cynical look at this, and you give Bush the benefit of the doubt, which is really hard to do, but you say,
Let's assume there were weapons of mass destruction there.
Well, where the heck are they?
Last time we had a chance to ask somebody who knew Saddam Hussein's sons, we fired ten anti-tank missiles into them.
Now we've got Saddam Hussein himself.
Now we should
You know, one of the major things here, Alex, is what sort of legality obtains here?
Are we an occupying power or are we a power that attacked this country and arrested its leader?
What sort of juridical right do we have to do anything?
Okay, Ray McGovern, we'll talk to you tomorrow.
Thanks for coming on the show and God bless.
Looking forward to it.
You bet.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight central.
Be there back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
We're lining up a bunch of guests for you.
Sorry to all the callers, we don't have time to get to you, but we took about 40 calls today, so that was good.
And go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, get the films, read the news articles, spread the word, fight the globalists, expose their crimes.
Infowars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
To the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners, the folks running the show, great job.
I'll see you back tonight, back tomorrow.
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