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Name: 20031212_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 12, 2003
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Good evening, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in as we blast out and radiate the message of freedom worldwide.
It is 12-12-03.
12-12-03, the 12th day of December 2003.
It is Friday, ladies and gentlemen.
And I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We have two guests coming up today in the third hour.
Congressman Tom Tancredo from Colorado.
One of the best voting records in Congress, especially on the open border issue.
And now we have Bush admitting, yes, Ridge was actually opening a new front, a new salvo, on Tuesday when he told a gathering in Miami that we need to find a way to legalize all the illegals.
Getting rid of our sovereignty, paying Social Security to illegals, accepting any fake ID card.
This is your Homeland Security head.
And now Bush says, yeah, we're going to head with amnesty!
And the assault weapons ban, and cutting Taiwan loose, and everything else you can imagine.
The conservative Supreme Court says they love campaign finance reform, the brainchild of Hillary Clinton and others.
Bush signed on to.
That's happened to this week.
In the next hour, we've got the author of the Phoenix Project, written back in 1990, been following it for decades, the CIA assassination squads, breaking some new big stories.
He'll be joining us in the next hour.
Big show lined up for you.
The websites are www.infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We're fighting the prison planet control grid, hence the website is prisonplanet.com.
Jonesreport.com, infowars.net, some of our other great sites.
Congress pushes for larger military.
Members of Congress from both parties are pushing for the first significant increase in the size of active-duty military in 16 years, despite resistance from the Pentagon.
Yeah, right, from the Pentagon.
And they're way under recruiting numbers, even after 9-11.
And they got their national draft coming up.
That's the USA Today.
We'll get to that.
Also, Iraq Army walks out over pay.
Our own troops aren't being paid, but now the local forces aren't being paid either.
Soldiers in Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction protection, nor will they ever get it.
Care less about the troops, folks.
All those contracts have to go to Halliburton and others.
Speaking of that, Pentagon finds Halliburton overcharged.
Oh, yes.
And the numbers are in the tens of billions of dollars.
And no bids are allowed.
Only Bechtel, Halliburton, and DynCorp are allowed to get the money.
War profiteering right out in the open by those in the administration.
Again, it's conservative just like cutting Taiwan loose, or campaign finance reform, or resigning the assault weapons ban.
I'm a liberal because I'm against all that.
I'm for Taiwan.
I'm a communist.
I'm pro-gun.
I'm a liberal.
It goes on and on.
I'm being serious here now.
This is what you are as neocon conservatives as you help destroy America.
intelligence, North Korea using internet to indoctrinate the masses.
See, the internet must be controlled.
North Korea uses it.
Yeah, and Rumsfeld gives them reactors, but that's okay.
Phoenix School, first to install face scanners.
Thumb scanners to eat, face scanners walking around, scanning your faces for a good reason, of course.
Cameras in the bathrooms and showers.
Mondo Quake in Pacific Northwest.
The geological evidence shows massive earthquake brewing.
Also, flu forces some public schools to close.
UK may ban antidepressants for children.
They admit it's causing massive suicides.
They knew that in 1983 when they approved Prozac.
Also, from Declan McCullough, the big writer for major publications.
How to delete your child's DNA from databank.
Oh, you didn't know that all your children are in a DNA databank?
Yes, you are!
Yes, it's not a blood test of your child when they're born.
It's going into a state and federal international databases.
That, too, when we get back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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It's Open Line Friday.
Any issue, news item you'd like to discuss, you disagree with me, you agree with me, you have a question, a comment, 1-800-259-9231.
I'm actually proud of myself.
I've been getting more of the calls in a quicker fashion.
Now, I'm kind of in a catch-22 here, because a lot of stations don't carry the first five-minute segment, but I still do it, because it's the real news.
I always want to recap what's coming up, but Congress pushes for larger military, Iraq Army walks out over pay, soldiers in Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction protection, Pentagon finds Halliburton overcharged them, uh, yeah, no kidding, war profiteering, major scamming, computer crimes unit makes first arrest, 20 years in prison for spamming,
Phoenix school first to install face scanners.
Giant earthquake brewing under Pacific Northwest.
Flu forces some public schools to close.
UK may ban antidepressants for children.
Did you know that all of your children in the last 20 plus years, it's actually 30 plus years, have been put in a federal database.
A federal database.
I was thinking that Prozac has been authorized for 20 years, since 1983, and I have the trials here in front of me, where they knew it was causing a massive level of suicides, but the FDA, the same folks that approved genetically modified garbage and fluoride in the water, they went ahead and said that Prozac was a good thing.
But getting back to blood samples of your children, how to delete your child's DNA from a data bank?
And this is from Polly Techbot, or the website of Declan McCullough, who writes for Wired Magazine, CNET, The Washington Post, you name it.
I'm going to get him on the show next week.
I'm trying to get him on today, but guaranteed next week to talk about this, because I've been focusing on it for years.
And by the way, in the next hour we have the author of the Phoenix Project about CIA assassin squads.
He's also a reporter with some late breaking news on the hit teams.
...that are being fashionalized in the media, being made trendy.
In the third hour, we have Congressman Tom Tancredo talk about Governor Ridge, who wants totally open borders and blanket amnesty, and Bush has now announced that, yes, that is the official plan.
Well, we already knew that, but it's a restatement of it, so the congressman from Colorado in the third hour.
But, uh, Politech, how to delete your child's DNA?
From the state data bank.
This article explains how to delete it from a state data bank, but not from the federal data banks.
I'm going to get Declan and the person's story that he posted on about this next week.
Also, tax protester wins one over the U.S.
government, but they don't care.
They go ahead and keep him in jail despite that.
Also, a net out of control.
Unthinkable how the internet could become a tool of corporate and government power based on updates now in the works.
Censoring out all alternative news and information.
Shutting down anything that criticizes the government in any way.
It's already begun.
We've already told you about this.
That's MSNBC.
There's a lot of interesting news and information coming up here on the show today that, well, I haven't even gotten to yet, like this one.
I already mentioned it, but here's from the Washington Times.
White House verifies Immigration Review that they're searching for a way to legalize all illegals in the country.
And again, Tom Ridge, time to legalize the illegals.
Also, terrorist acts organized by Russian secret services.
Yesterday it was the British admitting right out in the open that they were bombing stuff to blame it on their enemies.
And an anti-Bush drawing called Hate Speech and removed from a museum in California.
And I'm looking at a picture of the painting and it's
Bush standing on top of a grave or beside a grave that talks about freedom must die and it blames Bush in the text under it for carrying out 9-11.
So that's hate speech and must be removed here in the good old U.S.
of A. Mental health experts call sniper defendant brainwashed.
They say he's been under some type of brainwashing.
Yeah, no kidding.
If you think Charlie Manson could brainwash people, what do you think the government can do?
So that's just some of the news that's coming up today.
Let me go ahead and get into this DNA database story first, because that's obviously very, very, very important and affects everybody.
And about six years ago, I saw a federal report
A listener emailed me a congressional reauthorization package for hundreds of millions of dollars to maintain the national DNA database held on everyone in this country.
And that's been going on for roughly, well we're going to go into the 33rd year in the new year.
These states are mandated, it's not even a law, but if they get their state health department funding, which goes on down to the county, then they have to take three ampules of blood from the heel of your newborn baby.
And it is true that the county takes the blood and puts it on a splotch test and tests for blood diseases.
It's an inexpensive test and the hospital could do it, but they don't.
33 years ago, these states came to the local hospitals with the health department and said, here's a new health department regulation.
You were to take three ampoules of blood and no longer do the blood testing here at your hospital.
And the hospital said, sure, we follow whatever your guidelines are.
And it's not a law, it's the guidelines.
And so they started giving the ampoules of blood to the county health department.
Now why did the county need three jiggers of blood?
Why did they need three capsules, three ampoules, three packets of your child's blood?
I have the official federal document from the reauthorization six years ago.
They reauthorize funding every year for it.
They take the blood and one goes to the county for testing, another goes to the state, and another goes to the federal government.
And about 30 years ago, from England to Canada to Australia to New Zealand, what I call the echelon group of countries, they all do things in the same order, under the same names in many cases.
In the last year, we've had a congressman on from Virginia about the subject.
He's against it.
I have read out of the Sunday Morning Herald where they had the Bali bombing that killed all those Australians.
Right when Australia didn't want to get in the war, why a nightclub full of them gets blown up, killing on Al-Qaeda for the war effort.
Good old CIA, I mean Al-Qaeda.
And they said in the news, guess what?
Guess what?
Everybody under about 32
We have your blood in this Australian national database and so we can use it to identify the bodies!
And then at the bottom of the article it said, oh and there's a discussion of using it for all crimes now and having a national DNA database it would save so many people.
It would catch so many criminals.
We've got the blood we've just been keeping.
Just so happens we've got it.
Same thing here in the U.S.
You realize how big a deal this is?
They start the National DNA Database 30 plus years ago, all over the western world, or the echelon group of countries as I call them, and you tell your doctor, I don't want you taking the blood and sending it off to the feds.
Well, it's mandated.
What's your problem?
Should I call CPS in here?
That's what they do.
Tell them, go, well just do the blood test here, I'll pay for it.
No, no, no.
The feds pay for this and this is mandated and blah blah blah.
Think about this, folks.
Parents with children born in the state of Michigan.
This is from Declan McCullough's website.
Again, a writer for CNET News, Washington Post, Wired Magazine.
Parents with children born in the state of Michigan can request that their children's blood samples be destroyed.
When our son, Dylan, was born at the University of Michigan Hospital, the blood sample was taken without parental consent and over my explicit objections.
Two techs who work for the state drew the blood sample, placed five drops on the top of a carefully marked card, and left without giving us discharge instructions.
Uh, or left without speaking to anyone else.
Several doctors came in ahead of the techs, began giving us discharge instructions at the time the sample was taken, and
Trouble reading the small print.
And they stood in my way as I tried to approach Dylan.
They couldn't understand how I would mind that a blood sample was being gathered by the state.
Merely saying that it's required by law and that it doesn't hurt too much, they later gave me several pamphlets explaining the importance of newborn screening.
Indeed it is, but I can ask my doctor to do it myself.
I spoke with Harry Hawkins of the Michigan Department of Community Health, who assured me that the samples were kept at an undisclosed warehouse
Which was locked behind a chain link fence and that they would be destroyed after 21 years.
However, he agreed to destroy the sample and both parents requested it.
His mother and I sent Harry Hawkins a letter stating, please destroy all samples of our son's blood.
If any identifying data such as DNA fingerprint has been obtained from the sample, please destroy that data also.
And then there's all the required details below.
I later received a notarized form indicating that the blood sample had been destroyed and witnessed.
There was no mention of any DNA information, but I have no reason to believe that they gathered any, so I don't intend to pursue the matter further.
Well, you're naive, Harry C. Hawkins, in the story.
That's okay, at least you're concerned.
That's just the state blood, buddy.
There's three ampules.
One is in an international database publicly.
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But let's walk through this.
You have a Fourth Amendment.
They have to have a warrant to come into your house and take one of your magazines, or take some of your files, or take your silverware, or to test your carpet, or to look in your basement for marijuana plant.
But, when your baby's born, the doctors just sit there, the nurses just sit there sucking ampules of blood out, sending it off to a federal slash international database, it's stored in a state database, the health department does destroy the sample, they actually do the blood test.
Why is the health department doing the blood test?
It started 30 plus years ago to get them into your life, as an excuse to get a hold of the blood, federally funded.
This is admitted!
This is admitted!
Stealing your child's blood and putting it in a DNA database.
Now, what can they do with that?
Well, they can do medical experiments with it.
They admit that some of these samples have been bought by big pharmacological companies.
And there's been a Supreme Court ruling, a Ninth Circuit court ruling as well that I've seen the last few years, where they rule that
Medical institutions can sell your blood samples, and that if an institution, if a scientific firm makes a breakthrough with a protein or a gene in your blood, you don't own it, they own it.
Did you know that?
Oh, so they steal your blood and sell it.
You know, hospitals all over the country have been caught stealing people's corneas.
Stealing their skin, even though they said, I'm not an organ donor.
But these are dead people!
What about stealing living people's blood and your DNA?
And then you have an FBI crime lab that's been caught framing hundreds and hundreds of people.
The Houston crime lab has been caught framing thousands of people, over 2,000, according to the Houston Chronicle.
And the police chief?
We have Tulea, Texas, where they frame 56 people.
No drugs, no paraphernalia found.
They get 20 to 90 years in prison.
Again, you've all heard about these cases.
The FBI in Boston running murder-for-hire operations, imprisoning innocent people so their guilty hitmen would go free.
And so this group is going to have all our blood.
Folks, they have my blood.
I'm under 33 years old.
They have my blood.
They have your children's blood, they have your grandchildren's blood, and they didn't ask for it.
They put it in a legal database.
They engage in a open conspiracy, ordering the health departments, if they want federal funds, to get your blood and mail it off to them.
And it's in Canada, it's England, it's Australia, it's the US, it's New Zealand.
The five countries that do everything
Have the same programs, the same operations.
We're the Echelon Group of Nations.
I say Echelon because I first noted that all these countries do the same thing in the same order with Echelon back in the 60's and it's right through to today.
We have Head Start, they have Smart Start in England.
They have Great Start in Australia.
It's ridiculous, folks!
It's the same social planning, the same program!
Then they announce it to you.
We need to, if you ever get arrested for a parking ticket or whatever, even get ticketed, we want to take your blood or your cheek swab for a DNA database.
They're starting all this now, see?
Getting you ready for it.
Congress is about to pass the law.
Even if you're not convicted or indicted, they put you in the DNA database.
They've already got the DNA database.
They're just getting you ready for it.
Legalizing their criminality.
But it's still illegal what they're doing, taking your baby's blood.
I don't want to spend all day on this, but does this outrage anybody?
Uh, we'll, uh, come back and talk to, uh, all the great callers that are patiently holding.
And then we'll get into Congress pushes for larger military and the draft.
Iraq Army walkout overpaid.
Soldiers in Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction protection.
Pentagon finds Halliburton overcharged them, engaging a massive criminal enterprise.
Anybody else should go to prison, but don't worry, they'll go after Martha Stewart for you.
Make you feel like they're doing something.
Computer Crimes Unit makes first arrest in Virginia.
20 years in prison for sending out spam.
That's the Associated Press.
That's just some of what we got.
Face scanners going in the schools.
Already got cameras in the showers and bathrooms.
Bottles will go all the way!
And you're saying, Alex, you mention every day in the last month how they put cameras in the bathrooms in schools.
Folks, do you realize how evil that is?
How un-American that is?
That's Soviet Union on steroids!
And I got stacks of these articles today, just all out in the open, every article, how good it is!
How wonderful!
It's so good!
Again, Congressman Tom Zancredo.
Bob Bush wanted to get rid of our borders completely in the third hour.
The author of the Phoenix Project, CIA assassin teams exposed.
In the next hour, your calls and more news when we get back.
Fight the New World Order.
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The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
So, the government is quietly erasing the 4th, the 5th, the 10th, the 1st, the 2nd Amendment, the 7th, the 9th, the 3rd.
They're getting rid of the whole Bill of Rights and for 30 plus years they've been taking blood samples from your children and putting them in a federal, now an international, database.
A DNA database.
To come in your house and to look for drugs or whatever, they gotta have a warrant.
Or to come in your business and get records, they gotta have a warrant.
To take a bean out of a bag of beans in your pantry, they have to have a warrant.
To take a speck of dust off the floor, they have to have a warrant.
But not to take your child's blood, they illegally take it and do this, and it's an admitted fact, and the average person has no idea about this.
But more and more news stories come out about it as the government goes, yeah, we have it, we ought to just make it a national DNA database.
They did it all along, folks.
Now they think you're dumb enough to accept this.
And the FBI and local police all over the country have been caught framing everybody up one side and down the other with fake DNA and the rest of it.
Planting blood, taking blood from suspects, and going and planting it at the scene.
They don't have to do that with this new DNA database, folks.
Do you understand they've been caught doing it?
What an illustration of how outrageous this is.
You know, it's like pulling up to your house and criminals have got a van out front loading your TV sets and DVD players and computers and jewelry up in the back and you run over and go, what are you doing?
I'm calling the police and they go, hey buddy, back off!
Why are you acting so upset?
What's wrong with you?
Are you some kind of extremist?
I bet if a criminal calmly said that to you, a lot of Americans would go, huh?
Who are you?
You'd at least be off balance.
That's what they do.
You got a problem with the government putting cameras in hundreds of school districts' bathrooms?
You got a problem with us having the borders wide open?
You got a problem with us cutting Taiwan loose?
You got a problem with police wearing black ski masks and driving armored vehicles and dressing up in Darth Vader outfits?
You got a problem with the army hiring convicted felons and illegal aliens?
You got a problem with the troops breathing depleted uranium at 1,900 times safe levels?
Army doctors admit?
You're weird.
Weirdos are against that.
Strange people who might have al-Qaeda leanings.
We never said it wouldn't be used against terrorism.
It's just that you didn't look at the definition of terrorism, they say.
Topless bars, county commissioners in bid rigging for zoning, pot dealers.
We're going to use it for everything now.
This is what they're doing, but a new article from Declan McCullough, a posting from Declan McCullough, again, writer for CNET News, Wired Magazine, about, yeah, you call up the Michigan Health Department, they admit they're keeping your baby's blood for decades and decades, but forget that database, it's the federal one, folks!
They take three ampules of blood!
And no one's really talking about this.
The last few years since I started pushing it, I've seen a few news stories about it,
But, just, it's such an illustration of, you know, you go, you have a child, you talk to the doctors, you say, do the blood test here.
But it's mandated.
But it's a DNA database.
But it's mandated.
Well, do the test here.
No, it goes to the government.
It's all color of law, like all of this trash.
And if we just accept it, it'll become like the driver's license.
Did you know you didn't have to have a driver's license in this country?
The Supreme Court ruled in 1918 that the general and regular conveyance, you don't have to have a license, but at that time it was a horse and buggy.
You still don't need a license to have a horse and buggy going down the highway.
Did you know that?
But still the unusual conveyance is the automobile.
It's all color of law.
You know, they just told us, it's a privilege to drive, and we go, okay, privilege to drive.
Now they're saying it's a privilege to own a gun.
And more and more people are going, OK, it's a privilege.
And the gun magazines are going, well, having a registration of gun owners early isn't an infringement.
We need to be a little more reasonable.
And Josh Sugarman of Violence Policy Center bragged.
He said, look, we got your children in the public schools.
I'll never forget that March 25, 2001 article in the States where Josh Sugarman said, look, we got your kids.
We're going to ban your guns.
You know, it's just real funny, isn't it?
And you got cops driving around all over the place that think they're enforcing the law, and doing their job, and you guys don't even know what the Bill of Rights is.
But you know what?
The police know a lot more than the general public.
Again, over two-thirds of university professors, administrators, students, don't know what the First Amendment is in a major survey.
But they'll have a debate with me about how, you know, how the country works and how America operates.
Oh boy.
You know, I wouldn't argue with a professional umpire about the rules of baseball.
And so until you studied baseball a little bit, don't argue with them.
Well, you can argue with me, but what scares me is, is that you don't know how to argue.
You don't have any facts.
I'm talking about the yuppies that'll occasionally corner me at the grocery store and laugh at me.
Oh, you're that black helicopter kook.
You think the government's corrupt.
Ha ha ha!
And I'll say, well, actually, history shows that governments really have been dangerous.
We should watch them.
The founding fathers.
And they'll just laugh at me.
And it's their own little form of, you know, mental
Tiddlywinks is a better term for it, but I won't use it.
It's their own little form of mental ring-around-the-rosie, running around in circles, just feeling good, laughing at me.
And I'm, like, desperately trying to get them out of quicksand, and they're laughing at me.
It's disgusting!
But again, that's the vast, vast, vast, vast, vast, vast, vast minority.
I mean, here I am on my own syndicated show.
Dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of AM and FM stations.
We're on in L.A.
right now.
We're on in Rhode Island.
You know, just points of the compass there.
East and West.
Affiliates all in between.
And I sit here going, call me!
Disagree with me!
Years ago, people would call and do it.
I could load the phones with it.
They don't call anymore.
They know it's all true.
They heard me say the Supreme Court was following the U.N.'
's orders six, seven, eight, nine years ago.
Now they're in USA Today, AP, Washington Post, Nightly News.
We follow the U.N.'
's orders now.
That's global government, boys and girls.
But still, I find that some professionals, the yuppies, they feel like they're part of the establishment.
They will defend it like ants.
Defending their anthill.
And I don't know what to say to you people driving along in your cars right now.
Don't laugh about what I'm saying.
You know deep down it's true.
That's why you're afraid to have a real debate with me.
Come on, what am I saying that isn't true?
Let's talk to Cindy in South Carolina, then Bill and others.
Go ahead.
Hi Alex.
My son is connected with the 4th Infantry.
I agree with a lot of what you have to say about Bush.
I actually wrote an anti-Bush poem that I submitted to your website.
Are you still there?
I think you've got call waiting or something cutting in on you.
Are you there?
Yeah, we get thousands of emails.
If we didn't post it, send it again to tipsandinfowars.com.
And say, Alex says post this poem.
Okay, I wanted to let you know that I did receive communication from my son in Baghdad.
And he was talking about the house-to-house raids that they were doing in Tikrit.
And how they were publicizing over here that they found all these weapons, they rounded up all these weapons.
He said they rounded up a couple of guns and they weren't even, they didn't even have ammunition to go with the guns.
He said he was frustrated because his unit is finding no weapons of mass destruction over there.
Oh, but they hold AK-47s up on the news and say, there's the weapon of mass destruction.
We're taking their guns.
And by the way now, you can't own a gun under our government, but under Saddam, you can walk right into a gun shop and buy guns.
Saddam could stand around with 10,000 people around him with AK-47s and no one was shooting.
Yeah, and he was frustrated because that big news story came out over here about how the morale was suffering in the troops.
And so he said that his unit was ordered not to speak to the press.
And he said, Mom, I thought we were fighting for the freedom of the Iraqi people.
And he said, they're trying to take away our own freedom of speech, and they won't let us talk about what's really going on over here.
Well, Cindy, they have ordered, according to the Associated Press, the Iraqi governorship to not report with their health department
Numbers of dead civilians from starvation, bombs, you name it.
And so that's the freedom we're bringing.
Before we heard about the million and a half dead Iraqis from the sanctions, now we won't hear about it.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Of course.
And, you know, it makes me sick to listen to these conservative people like Sean Hannity on the radio kissing Bush's butt and talking about how great it is and how we went to this war for a good cause.
And nobody's willing to publicize what our own soldiers are saying.
Don't play Hannity's game.
He's a shill to keep the border open, to make you feel good while he gets our guns.
According to Hannity's political paradigm, he is a Marxist-Leninist.
No, I'm serious!
The major Canadian papers, major US papers, have reported that the 4th Communist International, Congressman Ron Paul gave a speech on this, survives in the administration and is running the administration.
I don't care how nuts that sounds, that is Ron Paul in the floor of the House, in a 47 minute speech, that is the Canada Post, that is, type, type into a search engine, the ghost of Trotsky walks the halls of the White House.
The Communist Fourth International has taken control of the government.
I believe it.
And you don't think once the commies got in control, they would turn all over the banks and the money.
They want all the power and control for themselves.
Communism doesn't exist.
Communism, fascism, socialism, it's all command and control.
But the people that were communist fourth internationalists, the top people, the heads of it.
Crystal's daddy was the head of it.
Apertrovsky was killed in Mexico with an axe.
A hatchet, excuse me.
They are the brainchild of that.
Truth is stranger than fiction, Cindy.
What else is your son saying in the 4th Infantry?
He wants information on what we're hearing over here, because he says what we're hearing over here is not the truth.
They're not finding these massive caches of weapons.
There are no weapons of mass destruction.
I don't know.
Uh, that he thought, you know, we were, I mean, he's beginning to see that this is all about oil revenue.
Well, your son better worry about the 1,900 times over the safe level depleted uranium.
That's the Army's own doctor who quit over it.
Their own head of it.
Thanks for the call, and we're sad for your son.
Depleted uranium.
Bill in Ohio, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
You were talking a few moments ago about the government taking the blood samples from youngsters.
Is it totally just newborns that they're trying to do that from, or are they using whatever other sources they can to get as much as they can from the general populace?
I don't know about that.
The federal documents on every one under 33 years of age is in a federal database.
Well, about seven or eight years ago, I
I made an application to an insurance company.
I jumped ship from a company that I had hospital insurance with.
They went through several premium increases that I thought were too high, so I found another company.
I figured I could get a better deal.
Before they would sign me up, they sent a nurse around to my home one day.
Called up, made an appointment, said when was I going to be there?
Yeah, they're testing for drugs and nicotine.
Well, is that all it is?
Well, that's what they say.
Again, I don't have federal documents on the insurance.
She drew enough blood out of my arm to start a bank account for Dracula.
And I was scratching my head wondering what it was for.
But... They didn't tell you?
No, it's... I've got life insurance.
It's for... It's to make sure you're not smoking cigarettes, to make sure you're not, you know,
Drunk when they come do it to make sure you're not on cocaine.
I know there's a DNA database, we have the documents, the news articles, on the children, on everybody born.
I don't know, I know that some hospitals have been caught selling blood samples
Two genetic engineering firms, when they come out with patents, they've been sued on stuff they got from the blood, and the Supreme Court and another federal court have ruled, you don't own your own blood.
So I know that sometimes they're selling it.
I don't know about your case.
I do know about the case of newborns.
I kind of wondered about that.
Something else too, that real quickly, I have in the last week or two, I try usually if I don't get to hear the program in the
During the daytime I try to catch it at night on the rebroadcast or else sometimes if you're on it on live and I've noticed that I think it was 6890 and also I've found it at 5085 and for the last week or two
I have not been able to pull in those nighttime frequencies.
Is that due to the sunspot interference?
Look, I don't know what's going on.
I mean, it's coming in better during the day now and worse at night.
Yeah, I'm hearing it fine now at 90, 91, 20 I think.
93, 20.
93, 20, yeah.
But at night, there's a lot of hissing and static and a noise that cuts in and out.
It sounds like
My electric shaver running.
Yeah, I'm sorry, we'll try to look into that.
Thanks for the call, Bill.
Mike in Virginia.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Mike.
Good to talk to you, buddy.
I got a couple quick points maybe you can relate on.
The first one is, a friend of mine and I down here in Virginia, we put your bumper stickers up in, I call them non-inclusive places, you know where they
I don't put them on the front of signs, but I'll put them on the back of stop signs and I'll hand them out.
We've even had business cards made up with InfoWars.com on it saying that it's documented and we hand them out.
Maybe your listeners might mention sometime where they learned about InfoWars.com from that we might develop a scenario that is more effective and we could
You know, put more of that out there, whether it's like my friend does the videos, he copies them and we hand them out.
I learned about you years ago on shortwave when you first came on.
I was a shortwave listener and I've been listening to you now for
Oh, five plus years, I guess.
Well, I mean, we get the feedback.
AM FM stations, places where I've been on as a guest, is one of the biggest.
Internet links from other websites.
And a lot of it is people making copies of the videos and handing them out to people.
That's probably about 30% of it.
You were on AM here at one time, and that station was quickly bought out.
You know, they went to a format that... I've probably been on a hundred stations that get bought.
It's kind of an inside joke, but if you want to sell your station for more, put me on for a year and you'll suddenly get millions more for it.
Yeah, it's probably more than a joke.
And the other point was, you know, when I... Tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, Mike.
I'll let you finish up.
Then Laura in Alabama and others, we got some guests coming on as well.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and families to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
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Again, that number, 888-253-3139.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We've had our tolerances raised to corruption.
Again, if Bill Clinton tried to cut Taiwan loose and change the policy of defending them and being pro-independence, it would have been, oh, how dare him?
But Bush comes in, oh, it's okay.
And it's the same thing with Halliburton.
No bids allowed.
You know, they get just one of the contracts for $15 billion.
There's another $10 billion contract, another $8 billion contract, several other multi-billion dollar contracts.
To Halliburton alone and its subsidiaries,
And then they get caught overbelling the Pentagon.
Folks, last year there was $1.2 trillion.
Let me say that again.
Type it into a search engine.
$1.2 trillion missing from Pentagon fund.
You'll get Washington Post, AP, all these articles.
Just $1.2 trillion missing.
No big deal.
Oh no, we don't have criminals running things, folks.
And it's just like, well, Bush is a good conservative.
We've got to support the troops by not letting them get their pay and letting them be on food stamps, but let Bush have the money.
And the neocons get up there and lie and go, he's not getting any money from this.
He's good.
Folks, the whole Bush family has giant criminal records.
I mean, they're unbelievable.
And now they're pushing for blanket open borders.
We're about to go back to the callers that are patiently
Holding Mike and Laura and Robert and Stan and others.
But before I do that, I do want to encourage you to join me tomorrow.
That's tomorrow, the 13th of December.
That's Saturday in H-Town in Houston, Texas.
Remember the Alamo.
The Alamo Drafthouse Cinema Movie Theater at the West Oaks Shopping Center.
You can link through off the banner, go to the movie theater website, buy your ticket for the double feature of 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
And then of course, John Carpenter's They Live.
And right on the main page, we posted the map, the map from MapQuest, of how to get to InfoWars.com.
Yes, how to get to InfoWars.com.
How to go to the InfoWars.com event.
That's tomorrow, 6 p.m., Houston, Texas, about 6 to midnight, folks.
It'll be a long event.
Two films, a 30-minute speech, a question and answer, a great place to network.
Houston, Texas, tomorrow!
And go ahead and get your tickets online if you're smart, or if not, show up 30 minutes early, folks, so if it does sell out, you won't get turned away.
But don't be discouraged.
You'll get tickets.
Just get there a little bit early.
Last time it sold out and a lot of folks got turned away.
I don't think it'll happen on the second showing, but
Be safe, folks.
The map's on InfoWars.com.
You can also get Matrix of Evil, my new film, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
It's all available at InfoWars.com, or by calling toll-free to get these amazing films at 1-888-9111.
That's 888-253-3139.
You get big discounts when you get three or more of any of the ten films.
Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Let's go ahead and let Mike in Virginia finish up.
He had one more question.
Go ahead, Mike.
Yes, Alex.
Actually, it was just kind of a point maybe to help your listeners also.
I live here in the Navy area, Norfolk, Virginia, and when I engage in conversations with people, a lot of them in the military, you know, they're nice people per se, and I generally, you know, discuss world events.
I start with, well, how many wars have we been in since World War II?
And while they're trying to figure out that answer, I just ask them, well, how many have we won?
And it's kind of a stunned look that comes on their face when they realize, done.
And I said, well,
What makes you think we're going to win this war?
And when they pause to think that, I just look at them and say, television.
Now you know why they call it programming.
And you can see it gets them to thinking, and that's generally when I try to hand out your InfoWars.com business card.
And I just tell them, if you want to know the other side of the news that you see, this website provides documented information.
And I always emphasize that point.
It's documented.
This ain't just because you're going to see stuff.
You too, my friend.
We'll be back with a second hour.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Already into the second hour of this global transmission.
Defending liberty, resisting tyranny.
In the third hour of this show, we've got Congressman Tom Tancredo coming on to talk about Bush and
Homeland Security dictator Ridge saying, hey, total legalization.
The White House now made it official yesterday.
Yeah, we want total legalization of all illegals.
Pan-American Union, you name it.
Did we mention gun control is conservative?
Big four guns is communism.
It's basically what it's come to in this country if you're a filthy neocon.
Coming up, we're going to get into CIA assassination squads with one of the premier experts, Douglas Valentine, and that's in the next segment.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk to Laura in Alabama, then Robert, Stan, and others.
Laura, you're on the air.
Yes, I'm presently involved to some extent with the Second Amendment Committee with Bernadine Smith.
And her website is libertygunrights.com.
You can download a bunch of material in there, and a lot of it can be mailed to the state legislatures in your own state, the governor, the secretary of state, and the state attorney general.
I need to get Bernadine Smith back on.
She's a great lady.
She probably explained some of this on many of her shows.
One of the articles is how our government was taken over, and a lot of material on unconstitutional federal activities, and the ability of the states to override the federal government.
And it's acts and state preemption.
There's a lot of material.
Hey, what do you think of the NRA lawyer arguing last month that all guns should be registered and not allowed to leave the house?
Well, that was part of that act they tried to pass earlier in the year, the Holt Act.
HR 124, it was very similar to that.
But you know, the NRA is for total gun registration in a federal lawsuit.
That sounds real conservative.
Yes, it's kind of scary.
What do you think about them keeping a DNA database on every baby when they're born, taking blood and giving it to the feds?
That's now admitted.
Illegally, they've been doing it.
Well, again, it's unconstitutional and they override everything.
They're absolute criminals.
I don't know if it's too late to mail this material out and get the congressman and the governor to say, we're not going to take this anymore.
It's never too late to fight back against tyranny.
If people like you and Bernadine Smith and myself and others weren't out there fighting, we'd be in a lot worse trouble right now.
I think the states have to take united action on their own, individual states, to correct the problem.
One state may be ahead of another, and Tennessee is ahead of Alabama.
And, uh, we're working on Georgia and Florida right now.
There's some people down there they have to work within their own state.
Each state has to work... The people that are in each state have to work with their own, uh, legislators.
We need to repeal gun laws, not have more of them passed.
That's right, and the Second Amendment should, uh, cancel out anything that comes
I agree with you.
Thanks for the call, Laura.
Robert, you're on the air.
Where are you calling from?
Thank you very much, Alex.
I'm calling from Denver.
Thank you.
I've got your DVD, 911.
One hour, seven minutes into the movie, you can actually see the blast and detonation of World Trade No.
You can actually see it.
Freeze frame it and see the inside explosion that brings the building down.
Yeah, a lot of folks have pointed that out.
That was a supposed video no one had seen.
It's in the film.
I've never seen that, Alex, ever.
We were taping that day and caught that.
I have never seen that before anywhere and it's unequivocal proof that you've got them.
That's all I can... I mean, you've got them.
You can actually see the blast go off inside the building from the inside out and then the towers collapse.
Um, I also know you're going to have Tann Clayto coming up here, and um... Hey, I tell you what, stay there Robert.
I'm getting my guest on now, but he can hold just a second.
I'm going to let you come back and finish up.
And we'll go to calls early in this hour with our guest.
Very important info coming up.
So everybody stay right there.
Call the free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
Website's PrisonPlanet.com.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Monday from Friday from 11 to 2 Central Standard Time.
Back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Got a guest coming up a little bit later in this hour about the CIA and assassination squads.
Right now, let's go back to Robert in California, in Colorado.
Boy, I'm kind of off today.
In Denver, talking about an hour and seven minutes in the road to tyranny.
You can see the blast going off symmetrically down the building.
And a lot of people have seen the video on Road to Tyranny and the video that was on the news.
You can clearly see the blast points, the explosions going off down at the seismographs.
Pick that up.
And if you're saying, oh no, the jet fuel did it.
Well, the firefighters said the fires were almost out.
They were up there in the floors that were hit by the aircraft.
Bush declared national security on that, ordered him not to talk.
That's been in the New York Daily News.
Grabbed the audio traffic tapes, not before a transcript was released of the radio transmissions, the emergency transmission transcripts, with the firefighter saying there were bombs in there, and then reporting that explosions were going off.
So, what about Building 7?
It wasn't even hit by an aircraft.
But it collapsed.
But while we're getting our guest on, let's let Robert in Colorado finish up.
Go ahead, Robert.
Yes, like I've reiterated, you can see it crystal clear as day.
You can see a massive explosion.
The building is smoldering, basically.
It's just smoldering.
Black smoke coming out.
Not a lot.
All of a sudden, there's a massive orange fireball and the building just comes down.
It's about one or two seconds.
If you're showing it tomorrow, freeze frame it.
Everybody will get a good look at that one.
And totally kind of shocked me.
I've been looking at it for the last couple of hours yesterday and I couldn't believe it.
Well, I hope you'll make copies of Road to Tyranny and hand it out to folks.
I mean, people have got to wake up.
This is just unbelievable.
Also, I know you're having Congressman Tan Credo on here, and I have some major problems with the Congressman.
Um, when he's going against the illegal aliens, but then he did a telethon for them, a fundraiser for an illegal alien family and raised them a quarter of a million dollars for a child's opera.
See, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, but I'm in Denver.
Yeah, I was aware of it.
I, uh, I'm just, I just think he's a total fake and a phony and he's trying to get reelected any way he can now because he's on the clear channel network plugging for himself saying, oh, I made a terrible mistake.
Well, if you're making mistakes like that, Congressman, we don't need you in office.
We need people that are serious about this country.
Let me get in before you, Alex, real quick.
I look at his legislation that he puts in.
It's a lot of school legislation, like the lockdown you just saw in South Carolina.
He's promoting that kind of school legislation after Columbine.
That's all he's really done.
And I don't like what he's doing.
I think for him to come on this radio show is kind of a shill, and he really needs to explain to you and the listeners what he is exactly doing.
Well, I suggest this.
I suggest you call back when he's on with us.
I mean, I just want, if I'm not able to, just ask him a couple tough questions, like why he did a fundraiser and raised a fundraiser for an illegal alien for some organs.
But here's the point.
It's a human being.
The problem is that we have open borders, driving down the wages, NAFTA, GATT, and now Bush wants to totally legalize all of them.
And I know Bush has put Tancredo on his political hit list, like he did Senator Bob Smith and Ron Paul.
That's a good sign for Tom Tancredo that Bush is after him.
Okay, granted that.
I still want to know what he's doing, though, about this.
Because you've highlighted the fact that you have
Mexican troops coming into the country kidnapping people.
We're going to talk about that.
What are these Senators in Texas and Arizona and New Mexico doing?
I don't understand what's going on here and why nobody in politics is doing anything about it.
Well I thought about doing a broadcast in front of the Mexican Consulate next week concerning the kidnapping of five American citizens by Mexican troops and the news media almost completely ignoring it.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you very much.
And by the way, they came across our border to do it.
They kill federal police all the time, state police, border patrol.
They kill forestry service agents.
They kidnap, they rape, they kill.
I mean, the Mexican troops are notoriously corrupt narco-terrorists.
And that article is out of the Associated Press.
They're in Arizona.
They've been killing people.
They come across the border in Texas, kidnap people.
It's out of control.
Alright, I know we got a lot of callers.
Your calls are coming up a little bit later in this hour, so stay with us.
Douglas Valentine has written a bunch of books.
Douglas Valentine is an author, researcher, investigator, consultant, critic, and poet.
And he is joining us.
And back in 1990, he wrote the book, The Phoenix Project.
And he has some new breaking news on CIA assassin teams.
And we've seen the media
He's preparing the ground, softening us up on shows like 24, where the CIA torture leader, played by Keither Sutherland, tortures and kills everybody, and he's such a good guy because he does it.
On the show Threat Matrix, torture is on every episode.
Torture is now a new American value.
Assassination squads are loving.
If you're a drug dealer, you're arrested for terrorism, your children are taken.
All over the media, all over the culture, they're selling this to us, and they're torturing people in Afghanistan and Iraq, at Guantanamo Bay, they're torturing them to death.
This is all admitted, they fly into Egypt, and other countries for torture, and it is pure evil.
Our government took Joseph Mingla in, he helped train the CIA in torture, helped set up what is the School of America today, Klaus Barbie dealt drugs for them, Bardo Ron Braun ran our missiles, but joining us is Douglas Valentine.
Douglas, thanks for coming on the show.
Well, you're very welcome, and thank you for inviting me on.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and your background, as I would call you a great journalist, and what the CIA's up to with hit teams, and how this is being sold now, coming out in the open with the American people.
Okay, just quickly, I wrote my first book about my father, who was a prisoner of war in World War II at a Japanese camp, and so I got to learn
About the harsh realities of war, a soldier fighting the Japanese in World War II learned all about that, and being a prisoner of the Japanese, he was in an extraordinary situation, and he survived.
He came out with a feeling of affinity more with Vietnam veterans.
Which he developed over the years with World War II veterans, because his experience as a prisoner of war in a Japanese camp wasn't something that he could talk about.
And I got interested, after I wrote that book about my father being a prisoner of war, I got interested in, well, what really happened in Vietnam?
What was it really all about?
What were the secret operations that went on?
And I started poking around, and I went to a veterans hospital in New Hampshire where I live, and I asked the director, well, do you have any Vietnam veterans here who are involved in secret operations?
And he said, I got a guy who was in the Phoenix program, and I had never heard about that.
And I asked if I could interview the guy, and he said he'd set it up, but the guy wouldn't talk to me.
He was afraid that if he talked to me about being in Phoenix, that the government would take away his veterans' benefits.
And that got me really interested.
I mean, why would a... And this guy's been in Special Forces.
Why would a vet... Why are veterans, why were veterans, people who were in the Army and fought for the country, so afraid about telling the truth about this Phoenix program thing?
Well, let me just stop you for a second.
I can't say much about this on air because it involves family.
And you know Admiral Moore went public about the nerve gas on the carriers dropped by the jets.
If our troops were captured they would just nerve gas them?
That's right.
But I've talked to people, family, who were in Vietnam, on missions into Laos, and watching other missions going on, that they witnessed, where they were told to put on their gas masks, where they were Operation Sawdust, dusting, and I can't say much more about that.
You know what Moore said on the record, but go ahead.
Well, what we're doing is, what's happening, and it's been happening since the Vietnam War,
Is through this operations like the Phoenix Program, in which the CIA sent soldiers, U.S.
Army soldiers, out into the field to assassinate civilians.
Okay, that's what the Phoenix Program was about.
It was created by the CIA in 1967, and it was run by the CIA by itself for the first two years, but in 1969 they started bringing in regular soldiers.
And the job was to go out and to assassinate the civilians who were leading the insurgency.
Now, one congressman likened it to Lincoln sending soldiers into the South to assassinate the mayors of Macon, Georgia, and all the other cities.
I mean, you know, assassinating politicians in time of war, which is what the Germans did in France and stuff, is a war crime.
All right, and the whole Phoenix Program concept is based on the idea that the only way you can really destroy your enemy is capacity to fight it, to go out and kill the civilians who are leading the insurgency or whatever.
Now, this is what they're proposing.
This is what Rumsfeld supposedly has just proposed to start doing in Iraq.
Well, we know they've always been doing it.
And now they're putting barbed wire around whole towns.
Yeah, and these are things that are being done by soldiers.
Now, since Vietnam, what's been happening is we've been creating a culture, and you hit the nail right on the head when you said torture and assassination are becoming de rigueur.
You know, I mean, it's like
It's like chic now to be a torturer or an assassin.
Slowly, over the last 20-30 years, the American population has been propagandized to believe that it's okay for us to go out and do these things.
And my point in writing this book about the Phoenix Program and trying to wake people up about it is that what happens is that the average soldiers who get 19, 20, 21-year-old boys
And now girls, who get caught up in this stuff, and they're like, are sent into Iraq, and they're told to put bombed wire around villages, and put bullets on the heads of civilians, and demolish their homes, and to assassinate them in the middle of the night.
This is gonna screw them up for the rest of their lives!
When they come out of the military, and they come back home,
Stay there, sir.
We've got a break.
You're absolutely right.
They come back here and become police.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking about the nature of evil.
But to be more to the point, how they twist the minds of well-meaning men and now women in the military.
And our guest is Douglas Valentine.
He's an expert on the Phoenix Project and government torture and the twisting of our government and our people.
And he got into studying torture and this stuff because he wrote a book about his father who was a prisoner of war in a Japanese prison camp, and they were extremely brutal, but I guess by American standards now, it's a patriotic, loving, good thing to do what they did.
Of course, I'm being sarcastic, and he mentioned before the break, these people are coming home.
Remember, four members of a Delta Force unit came back from Afghanistan?
Came home and murdered their wives?
Uh, I guess if you're against murdering the wives, you're for Al-Qaeda.
I mean, this is kind of where the whole mindset goes.
And, uh, they're finding either the sociopaths or the psychopaths or the well-meaning Dudley Do-Rights to do this, who then break down later in life.
Uh, and we've had a lot of calls to this show by a lot of people on the street.
If you were involved in Phoenix Project or other projects, you want to get involved on air, or you know people who were, or you saw this in Vietnam, or some of the other covert actions in Latin America, 1-800-259-9231.
And our guest's website is DouglasValentine.com.
We have a link to his website at InfoWars.com.
Douglas, continuing with a point that you were making, go ahead.
I wrote a book, this book called The Phoenix Program, in 1990.
And the last few sentences in my introduction,
This book is about terror and its role in political warfare.
It will show how, as successive American governments sink deeper and deeper into the vortex of covert operations to combat terrorism and communist insurgencies, the American people gradually lose touch with the democratic ideals that once defined their national self-concept.
This book asks, what happens when Phoenix comes home to Roots?
Well, guess what, Alex?
Phoenix has come home, in a big way, and the Bush regime has now said that the Phoenix program, which is this idea of going out and assassinating civilians, not soldiers, but the civilians that we don't like,
It's going to be the main weapon in the global war on terrorism.
Well, they've also said they're getting rid of Posse Common Tautus, the head of NORTHCOM.
General Eberhardt has said this.
Well, that's what I'm saying to you.
Phoenix is coming home to roost, as you see, because they're using this phony war on terrorism.
They're going around the world and they're creating enemies.
Out of thin air.
Well, Douglas, I have a London Guardian yesterday where MI5 has now been caught red-handed carrying out most of the bombings in England to blame it on their enemies.
You know, take the movie The Quiet American, where they're blowing stuff up to blame it on their enemies.
This is their favorite tactic.
I wrote an article about, a review about, you know, when the movie came out, The Quiet American was one of my favorite books, and for the people who don't know, it was the CIA in 1954 that was
Setting off bombs in Saigon and blaming it on the Communists so that the military could come in and intervene.
And it's not just MI5, I mean, this is the thing that the CIA does best.
By the way, did you know the government pressured the makers of that to cut some scenes out?
I wonder what was cut out.
Yeah, well, they got their point across, thank God.
You know, and there's a lot of pressure.
And here, every book, it's hard, it's really incredibly hard for writers and journalists nowadays
I think so.
Well, we had the case last night, Doug.
It's all part of the Phoenix program concept.
Doug, a month ago, hundreds of fake news articles, letters from troops, posted with false signatures in newspapers.
That's the CIA engaging in domestic propaganda.
That's right.
It's called psychological warfare.
Black operations.
And we're succumbing so deeply into it, and yet
Most people are buying it.
It's a bill of goods.
But if you look at, you know, most of your listeners probably aren't buying it, but most Americans are buying it lock, stock, and barrel.
And what do you do to overcome it?
How can you overcome it?
Because every day, the government's getting more and more powerful, and the individual society
It's losing more and more rights to fight back.
Uh, Doug, wasn't it, uh, Phoenix where they had the old zoo, using it to torture people?
Uh, they started that right in 1954.
That was even before, that was even before being... Well, let's talk about, let's talk about torture.
It was bad when Joseph Mingala did it, but it's good when we do it.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look, heard live 6 to 9 p.m.
Central, Monday through Friday, and 7 to 9 p.m.
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Operators are standing by.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
It was bad when Saddam Hussein would torture people.
It's bad when Joseph Mingala does it, or Stalin, or Mao Zedong, or Pol Pot, or Fidel Castro.
But it's good when we do it.
It's a new virtue.
I've got articles.
Terrorism and the war on terrorism.
Torture, the new virtue.
Law enforcement magazines before 9-11.
Well, maybe torture's needed.
Yeah, let's legitimize its use.
Corrupt police for many years have tortured people for confessions, and now it's just becoming part of our culture, the mass twisting of our minds.
But another example is a lot of your major metropolitan police departments, starting with LA and New York in the 60s, were taken over by the CIA.
Did you know that?
Oh, that's admitted now.
And they'll have former CIA guys, former FBI, becoming most of our sheriffs and county judges.
They're taking over quietly.
And then they deal drugs on the side and run the whores.
It's organized crime!
Like the FBI running the hit squads all over the country, framing innocent people.
Jagger Hoover saying there is no Lacosa Nostra, there's no mafia.
Yeah, because he was the head of it.
Now, for listeners that want to talk about this, people that were involved in this, people that have points they want to add, or questions they have for Douglas Valentine, we're going to take your calls here in a few minutes on this live Friday edition 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
Does it upset you?
How many newscasts have you seen where they promote torture?
You know, in my film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Doug, I have some little news clips where they're going, well, we are torturing people, but how about torturing their children?
This, I mean, it's getting... Well, the Soviets did this, but they did it underground, quietly.
Now we just announce it.
What's happened to us?
We've lost touch with our identity as people who once
The one thing that once made America great is that people thought they could get a fair shake here.
They ran away from despotic countries where they were under the heel of dictators and they didn't have a vote or whatever, and they came to the United States because they thought they could get a fair shake here.
And even if they were, you know, for a first generation or two, you know, laughed at because they had an Italian accent or something, eventually they got into, you know,
I don't think so.
I don't know.
Torture people and it was okay.
That became institutionalized in the Phoenix program.
The Phoenix program in Vietnam was based on two foundation stones.
Well, let's go back to the zoo and the torture, because that's a foundation stone.
Well, that was something that the CIA... Yeah, I mean, there was a zoo in Saigon, and they had in one of the administrative buildings there a basement.
And because they wanted... That's where the CIA initially carried out
Well, in league with the secret police who work for the DM, that's where they carried out their secret interrogation so that nobody would know what was going on.
I mean, the whole thing has to be done in secret.
You pick somebody up in the middle of the night, you know, you scarf them up, you take them to one of these places, you work them over until he rats out his friends or he becomes a double agent, or he dies!
But then, that place wasn't big enough.
To handle everybody that they were scarfing up.
So, starting in 1964, what the CIA did was it built a secret interrogation center in every province in Vietnam, and there were 44 provinces, and they were like a state in the United States.
And as a footnote, you can be sure the same thing's going on right now in the United States, through FEMA and the CIA.
They're building their own secret interrogation centers right here.
But anyway,
Those province interrogation centers were staffed by CIA officers, and they were one of the foundation stones of the Phoenix program.
That's where people were brought to be interrogated, and then, based on the information that they got out of these people, they would send out the hit teams, and the hit teams were the other foundation stones.
In 1971, a really tough congressman from
California named Pete McCloskey went to Vietnam.
McCloskey had been in the Korean War, and he barged his way into one of these CIA interrogation centers, and some tough CIA guy tried to intimidate McCloskey, and McCloskey just laughed at him.
You know, he'd been in combat, and he didn't care.
Anyway, and that's when the truth came tumbling out about these interrogation centers that the CIA had set up all over South Vietnam, and which of course they're setting up all over Iraq,
I think?
And now the enemy combatant, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Victory Act 1 and 2, which whether it's passed or not, it's all being implemented, the only passed piece of legislation.
And see, Doug,
Perhaps the people, if not all the people, in Iraq.
Uh, killing a bunch of people, but in Afghanistan, they'd pack thousands in containers, half would die from supplication, they'd line them up and shoot them, 3,000, 2,000 at a time.
They admit they've got interrogation centers, they're bringing dead bodies out every week.
Oh, they committed suicide!
I mean, this is amazing!
And in Vietnam, anybody was a terrorist who ended up on the CIA's Phoenix blacklist.
Now, that could be, if you were a policeman, or you had a friend who was a policeman,
It could be your neighbor because his dog was pissing on your yard.
You know, all of a sudden, you're mad at him, so you become an informant and you tell the police, well, yeah, my neighbor's a terrorist.
So his name goes on the blacklist, and boom, he's gone.
Hey, Doug, Doug, I'm not mad at you.
You're a great guy.
I've read some of your research in one of your books.
You're wonderful, but we have a lot of homeschoolers that listen, a lot of Christian stations.
I'm curious.
I want to tell you and all the listeners,
Uh, let's, let's, let's be very, we're addressing thousands of school children.
I know, I'm not mad at you, we just gotta be careful there.
Okay, I'm sorry.
No, no, no, that's fine sir, I apologize for even having to gripe at you.
But listen, uh, fast forwarding through the history of this now, through today, because I want to go to some calls.
Fast-forwarding through the history, so we have this in Vietnam, McCloskey comes in and complains, shoves the thugs aside, comes back, talks about the Geneva Convention, fast-forwarding the day.
And the CIA completely countered his arguments by saying that the Geneva Conventions only apply to sentencing for crimes and they don't prohibit a state from interning civilians or subjecting them to emergency detention
I think?
Due process for everybody.
Yeah, we're now under martial law.
It's what degree... We're now under martial law, that's right.
It's what degree of it is are we under.
Did you see the LA Times article two weeks ago with General Eberhardt, the head of North Common Colorado Springs?
We were on the radio, by the way.
And he said, well, we are under the extraordinary definition right now, which is full military control.
So we're under extraordinary.
There's three levels.
Temporary, extreme, and extraordinary.
We're now under extraordinary.
Yeah, well, and as soon as we have the next incident, and whether it's a Ferran, you know, breakout in a subway, or it's another bombing somewhere, and this next event, whatever it is, is preordained.
It's going to happen.
And that's what's next.
It's going to happen as sure as the sun's going to come up tomorrow.
We're going to go to the next level.
And Tommy Franks already said, we're only one step away from martial law in this country.
Well I will say, you're a very knowledgeable guest, because again, you're one step ahead of me with that.
Everywhere they're now acclimating us.
We even have the news media memos saying, acclimate folks to martial law.
It's a good thing.
Oh yeah, sure.
Like, we should give up our freedom?
And that's a good thing?
I don't think so.
We won't be America anymore if we give up our freedom.
And we've already given up a lot of it, and we're not really the America that our fathers and mothers lived in, that's for sure.
All right, let's take some calls.
We'll get more into this, sir.
I'm honored to have you, Douglas Valentine.
We'll have to even have you back on in the future.
We'll go to Scott in Hawaii, Patrick, Texas, Roy, Michigan, Albert, Colorado, and others.
Scott in Hawaii, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how are you doing today?
I'm pretty good.
I don't mean to digress from what you and your guest are discussing, but Alex, I've got a question for you.
When was the last time you tried to fly, you know, cross-country to another state, you know, obviously in a plane, you know, and get a ticket?
My point is, and please forgive me, because I love what you're doing, but my first inclination is, how do we know you're not working from the inside for these people?
I'm serious.
No, no, that's fine, but how does that tie into flying on planes?
Because they wouldn't allow you to travel.
Because you'd be on the terror watch list, and you would be denied your rights for travel.
Sir, you've made an accusation, or you've questioned something, so let me answer you, okay?
Please, please.
Okay, stay there, Scott.
In Hawaii.
I flew to L.A.
a couple months ago.
And I am totally left alone by the establishment.
I'm pulled over by APD.
When they see it's Alex Jones, they say, get out of here and walk away.
They let me fly.
They do not let Green Party officials fly.
They do not let some of the anti-war demonstrators fly.
And then they got sued over it.
They quit doing that about six months ago, as far as I know.
Now, to answer your question,
The way you know if somebody's a Fed is, this is what they do.
Now let me just tell you what they do, because I've studied COINTELPRO.
I have been the victim of it years ago.
I have stopped provocateurs at rallies and demonstrations against the Fortune 500, against land grabs.
I've been at right-wing, left-wing demonstrations.
If it's something I agree with, I'll go demonstrate.
Now let me tell you something.
Now listen carefully.
And I've made films about this.
And Doug, I appreciate you holding while I digress over this.
And then you can comment.
It's a very important question.
A government agent or provocateur will sow seeds of distrust saying everyone's an operative.
A government operative will want everyone to sneak around in the dark, will try to sow paranoia, will try to get you to call for violence.
We'll try to get you to call for, it's time to start shooting.
That's what a Fed will say.
A Fed doesn't get on the air for nine years.
Let me finish.
A Fed doesn't get on the air for nine years, make powerful films,
Exposing the terrorism of the military-industrial complex, doesn't do thousands of radio interviews on other stations, doesn't tell people that they have to be leaders, and to take over the grassroots, and to remove the electronic voting machines, and to say no to the vaccines, and to eat organic food.
Feds, and if you look at all the stings they've done, because it always comes out after they do it, they sneak around stirring up distrust,
Getting people to build pipe bombs so they can bust them.
A Fed doesn't get on an alternative radio network and tell people to fight the corruption and to get involved and that you have power and that you can affect change.
Does that answer your question?
And here's something else.
We're all on one list.
You ever subscribed to a gun magazine?
Ever subscribed to High Times?
Ever subscribed to a gardening magazine?
Ever subscribed to a Baptist publication?
To a Quaker publication?
Ever subscribed to alternative energy publications?
Ever did anything?
Have any military training?
You're on a list.
And here's the point.
We're waking up the police.
We're waking up the military.
We're waking up the firefighters.
They're refusing 99 plus percent to take a smallpox shot.
We're waking up their enforcers.
We're in the info war.
They better watch it, because they're the criminals running this.
Now, go ahead and comment on that, Doug, if you want.
Well, sure.
The people who are spreading, the people who are the provocateurs are the people in the mainstream media.
They're the ones that are
The agents who are spreading propaganda.
It's not independent people like yourself who are speaking out.
And I should also add that the government can create as many blacklists as it wants, but the people still have the power.
And we still have the ability to organize ourselves and to change the government and to bring this country back.
To its ideals.
To what it really could be, and to make it into an ideal place once again.
This thing is just beginning, and the people are just beginning to fight back.
Well, Doug, they've been claiming that, you know, telling us echelons, listening to everything you're doing.
It has the power to listen.
They don't have, if they had 10 million people, to go actually listen to what you're saying.
So they're announcing it as a chilling effect to try to scare you folks, okay?
But yeah, if you dress up in camo, run out in the woods, and hang around with a guy that calls himself the Commander, chances are he's an FBI agent.
But if you're at the City Council, fighting the Patriot Act, wearing a suit and tie, marching down the street, it is totally... Go ahead, Scott.
Alex, like I said, I mean, I've only been listening for maybe a month and a half now, and I am just
Overwhelmed at all the evidence.
Like I said, I've never just heard anyone plain ask you that question.
Yeah, but regardless if I'm a fed or not, which I'm not, you need to be a leader and stop making excuses to fight the New World Order.
Thanks for the call, Scott.
Okay, it's an important question, it's an annoying question, it's a stupid question if you really understand this stuff.
Well, look, everybody has a First Amendment right to free speech.
So people have a right to ask stupid questions.
I mean, I say it's important because it needs to be answered, but at the same time, to even question me for that is stupid, because it's so obvious that it's not the case.
Patrick in Texas, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, Alex, you mentioned about South America.
I lived down there from 68 to 72, and there was a Roman, there was an American there that was selling drugs, so they flew them back on X-15.
And another thing is, there's a...
We're each doctor by the name of Dr. Milton, who is passing out electric shock treatment to all kinds of people.
I was walking down the steps, next thing I know, everything's black, and I wake up, and a man in the station with pills and soap, and that's it.
Well, there's a lot of, uh, the CIA did a lot of kidnapping and medical testing.
The founder of the American Psychological Association in Canada ran a huge CIA brainwashing operation.
Ewing Cameron, uh, correct, uh, Doug?
That's right, Cameron.
They had Dr. Rommel down there who came to where I live at in this town and I told him he was wanted by South American Law and they just, I don't like what you said about Dr. Rommel.
And then they grabbed you and did that.
Okay, thanks for the call Patrick.
Roy and Albert and others are up next with our guest when we get back.
We'll tell you how to get his book too.
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You know, I've tried to not run over Mr. Valentine five or six times today, but I've just done it because I had to make comments on what he was saying or what listeners were saying.
I totally agree with everything he's been discussing.
He's very well informed, more than I am in some areas.
Reading over all the work he's done, he's an amazing individual.
I'll have to have him back up.
We're good to go.
I'm going to be in Houston, Texas tomorrow from 6 p.m.
to around 1130 midnight at the Alamo Draft House Cinema at the West Oak Shopping Center in West Houston.
Tickets are available at Infowars.com and it's a really nice theater.
I'm going to show 9-11 Road to Tyranny, take questions and answers, give a speech, and of course show the
Uh, Rowdy, Rowdy Piper, uh, film, uh, that you don't want to miss.
They live kind of an analogy of what we're facing.
So please be there in Houston tomorrow.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get my films or to get the books I've written and the books I've published.
Mr. Valentine, what books would you recommend for folks and how do they get them?
Regarding what?
I know you've written a lot of books, but regarding, well, you've obviously got the Phoenix Program book.
You've written some other books, too.
Well, my first book, The Hotel Proclamation, about my father, if people want to know what it was really like for a person to have been a Japanese prisoner of camp, that's my first book, and my favorite book.
The Phoenix Program book, of course, actually predicted everything that's happening today.
I highly recommend that, and I have a book coming out in the spring.
It's my latest book, and it's coming out in May, and it's called The Strength of the Wolf, and it's about the Bureau of Narcotics.
It's a non-fiction book, and it's about the organization that preceded the DEA.
It existed from 1930 to 1968, and it explains, this book explains how the intelligence and security agencies of the United States government
Well, it also had the same director from its founding until it shut down, and he was a real piece of work.
He was married to Andrew Mellon's niece.
Andrew Mellon, of course, was one of the wealthiest men in the country.
And again, to boil it down, I haven't read your book, it's not out yet, but the establishment had people cutting in on their drug supplying of legal drugs, laudam and other stuff, opium, so they made it illegal to militarize things, to make it illegal and to get higher black market profits.
You really, really have an incredible breadth of knowledge.
Oh, please don't dip your head.
I just know what they're up to.
Hey, let's take a call here.
Roy in Michigan.
You're on the air with our guest, Douglas Valentine.
Yeah, Alex.
That accusation about you being an agent, that's an accusation that I get a lot also.
Well, that's the kind of thing you get from agents.
I'm not saying that guy was an agent, but that's the type of stuff agents say.
See, the thing of it is that maybe you don't even understand it.
But the fact is, as well as an information war, this is also a spirit war.
And, see, those that are walking in fear are the ones who are the vulnerable ones, the ones that the government is going to be picking up.
Well, I've got to agree that I've found that if I don't care if police arrest me or beat me, they don't do it.
The person that cowers gets beaten.
That comes from the scripture.
It says a man who tries to save his life will lose his life, and a man who is willing to lose his life will find his life.
Okay, I'll tell you what, we've got five more minutes with our guest.
I also want to tell folks about the website, DouglasValentine.com.
Learn more about the publisher and the books there.
Can you stay with us for five more minutes, Doug?
I'd be honored to.
Okay, we'll be right back, and then stay there, Roy.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
In about eight minutes, we'll have Congressman Tom Tancredo joining us to talk about the open border situation, while Ridge says give up all of our liberties doesn't make much sense unless you're the terrorist.
And I'm going to have to have our guest, Douglas Valentine, back up.
He's the author of several books.
One of them, The Phoenix Program.
His website's DouglasValentine.com.
Links at InfoWars.com.
Roy, finish up real quick because I want to get Albert and Barney and folks in here real quick.
Yeah, I just wanted you to know that it's the Lord who has protected you.
That's where your protection is coming from.
This is why they're not able to do anything to you.
It took me a long time to catch on to that's what was happening with me.
Because the threats were there.
I know the people that creep around fighting this are the ones that get smashed.
If you're going to get in a fight, you might as well go in full throttle all the way.
Defending my family is worth it.
I don't even think about it.
It's not even a courage issue.
I'm so disgusted by these people.
There's not even a question of fighting them.
Doug, has that been your personal experience?
And if you're not intimidated, then you win.
Then you're not afraid.
You're not up there with anxiety at night.
Here's an analogy.
You are who you are.
Here's an analogy.
We have two chihuahuas.
A three-pounder, an eight-pounder, and we have a big, full-size Boston Terrier.
The small chihuahua is the boss.
Because it thinks it's the boss.
And that's how we should all behave.
Great point, Doug, and thanks, Roy.
Albert in Colorado.
Albert, go ahead.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
I don't know much about the Phoenix program, but the way I heard the story, they were killing South Vietnamese that they expected would resist the Communist takeover.
Have you heard anything?
Do you have any information about that?
Comments to that, Doug.
That they were killing Vietnamese who were going to resist the Communist takeover?
Yes, that's what I heard was the purpose of the Phoenix Program.
Well, the stated purpose of the Phoenix Program was to kill the people who supported the Communists, but what happened was the Communists infiltrated the program and started putting the names of loyal citizens on the blacklist, so
Everybody started getting killed.
Yeah, that's the problem with a system like this.
You can't rely on torture.
You can't rely on those that will do the torturing.
And if I'm correct from what I've read, Doug, if somebody in the South Vietnamese government didn't like a business competitor, they just put their name on the list.
Same thing happened in Nazi Germany.
If they wanted your good-looking wife, they'd say you were a communist.
And the same thing is happening in Iraq, because Americans aren't Iraqis, and they can't go undercover
And create agent nets as undercover agents.
So they have to rely on Iraqis and the people that the CIA is hiring right now in Iraq as its agent force.
Former Ba'athists.
For Saddam Hussein's torturers.
Yeah, former Ba'athists.
Well, look at Chalibi, the head guy in Baghdad.
He was a torture guy for the Shah.
And these people are being touted on ABC, CBS, and the New York Times as our saviors.
These are the people who are going to win the war for us.
Just like we hired the Nazis after World War II, now we're doing the same thing all over again.
And the point is, it's totally unnecessary.
If what you're doing is honest, and if what you're doing is God-fearing and correct, you have no reason to resort to torture, to assassination, or any other criminal activity.
If what you're doing is right, you can stand up and you can do whatever you have to do in the full light of day.
Thanks, Albert.
I'm sorry to Barney and John and others.
We'll get to your calls.
Dan Credo's only on for 20 minutes if you want to hold, folks, but Tom Dan Credo, the Congressman, is coming up.
Douglas Valentine, incredible breadth of knowledge.
I hope to have you back on the show and have my producer call you and set you back up for two hours next week if you want to do it.
I'd love to.
Thank you very much.
Okay, and just douglasvalentine.com for details on one of the books, The Phoenix Program, and thanks for coming on, sir.
Thank you for having me.
You bet.
Okay, we'll be back as we continue the crusade against evil hooks with the great American Congressman Tom Tancredo.
Stay with us.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
We're back live, and we just got a call from Congressman Tom Tancredo's staff, who are great folks.
We've had him on about ten times over the last two years.
He's stuck in a hearing right now.
He should be out in the next five, ten minutes.
We will have Congressman Tom Tancredo on to talk about Governor Ridge, saying, hey, let's legalize all the illegals.
That's a quote, folks.
Legalize all of them, and now the Bush White House has said, well, yeah, it's official.
We want to, quote, change the policy.
They dropped another bombshell on us Tuesday and Wednesday, with first the administration saying, yeah, we're going to cut Taiwan loose and not defend them, telling them not to vote for independence, and then Bush came out and rebuked them with the new communist Chinese butcher premiere.
And so that developed as well.
I've got a bunch of key news we're about to get to.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead and talk to John in Tennessee.
John, go ahead.
I've worked with several people who claim to be serial killers for special forces in Vietnam and all the wars since, with body counts over 50, just like Governor Ventura.
According to CIA Director, I believe it was Bill Colby, to U.S.
The Phoenix Program murdered 60,000 of our allies in South Vietnam.
Uh, on the official news site, but not, I didn't see the video, everybody called about it and I went and found the transcript, and I read the transcript on air, but paraphrasing it, on Jay Leno's Tonight Show, he said, and this is paraphrasing, he said, you know, I did a lot of things, a lot of things I thought were for the country, for the three tours that I was in Vietnam as a Navy SEAL.
And let me tell you something, Jay.
It was all a lie.
It was a fraud.
We killed a lot of people with what I did in the Phoenix program.
We lost a lot of good people on our side, and it's a fraud.
9-11's a fraud.
All this care is a fraud.
Did you hear about that?
I'd like to see that transcript.
I read it on air.
It was about two or three months ago.
I wish somebody sent me a video of that.
We got a bunch of calls.
I went online, found the transcript of it.
It was a news article about it.
He indeed said that.
And he got upset, supposedly.
He said, visibly agitated, jumped out of his seat, was leaning over at Jay Leno.
I wonder why he'd do that.
Well, these people are traumatized, and there's tens of thousands of them all around us.
And they'll talk to anybody who's willing to listen to them.
Most people just will not listen to them or they block it out and say, such things can't be true, they must be making it up.
But these people are willing to talk and go into great detail about what they did because that's the only way they can clear their conscience and keep their sanity.
Well, I mean, I don't want to say too much about it.
The family member I have was not involved in nerve gassing himself, but he was on missions into Laos where this stuff was going on, and it just calmly... and this came out three years ago in the tailwind story on CNN.
Admiral Moore talked about it.
He's a great guy, the former chairman and joint chief of staff.
There's a colonel now, I can't remember his name, but he's talking about how he's the guy that was supposedly the bad guy in Apocalypse Now with Martin Sheen, and he said that
The Pentagon would literally try to kill thousands of American soldiers at one time by sending in a larger force of American soldiers to kill the Americans if they didn't participate in the Phoenix Program properly.
So this wasn't just against the South Vietnamese, our allies, this was against the American soldiers.
Now last year on a commercial airline flight from Portland, Oregon to Dallas, Texas,
I coincidentally was assigned a seat next to a family member of an Oregon state police officer.
This was the daughter of a state trooper and he was also a military police officer recalled from retirement to go into the new Gulf War.
They basically wouldn't let him out of retirement.
Let me stop you, let me stop you.
That is official, by the way, listeners.
People who have been out for 15 years, they get recalled, it's basically a draft, and then they have a stipulation, even when you sign up for a two-year or three-year sign-up with any force, any of the armed services, there's an open-ended contract to keep you in for upwards of 20 years, and they're now doing that!
People want out, they're saying no!
Well, she admitted that the Oregon police bragged that they have death camps in the National Forest of Oregon, where they currently take people to be murdered and then buried in secret.
Now, they tried to play it up like, oh, this was, you know, a bad criminal and we couldn't catch him with the law, so we had to take him out and shoot him.
Well, LA had that 25 years ago with that assassination team that got caught.
That's admitted.
But here's the deal.
We have Senator Menace
Everyone in the protest will be given life in prison in a forced labor forest camp.
It says, forced labor forest camp.
Then I have the county commissioner on about the camps the feds built in Washington.
Remember that?
And there was even a local TV newscast about it.
I'm not trying to scare you folks, but this is really happening.
Well, since I'm a veteran, I was able to confirm a lot of what she said.
And the fact that she was a stripper only verified her inside knowledge of gangsters and organized crime, since strip clubs are notorious for laundering profits from drug dealers who own the strip clubs.
In other words, they're mid-level distributors for the CIA.
Think about how disgusting that is, though.
So she was bragging about the death camps.
How wonderful.
Oh, yes!
And I kind of questioned whether that was a coincidental assignment.
Well, it probably was, sir.
Don't ever think you're that important.
I don't think I'm that important.
But listen, let me tell you something.
It's like when I walk in the Brooksville Police Department and a woman runs from behind the counter yelling, I want martial law!
Line them up and shoot them!
It's a mental illness.
It's a nest of these people.
Well, sure.
Well, a second example occurred in Knoxville, Tennessee.
I did work as a citizen investigator pro bono on a murder case of an informant for the U.S.
Drug Enforcement Administration.
We did get a conviction for murder and later on kidnapping.
Then the DA fired the prosecutor after a 17-year career, and the killer was released three years before his first parole date.
The killer, the two-time convicted killer, now works inside the DA's office as a paid informant, uh, narcing on a few of his, uh, customers.
Well, the FBI's been caught coast-to-coast running the hitch and putting innocent people in prison.
Thanks for the call.
John in Ohio.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, I was just reading an article on the World Socialist website about how the media has, about two months ago, started this campaign to justify concentration camps and terror and assassination of people.
Yeah, that was posted last week on InfoWars.
The inside memo is about start warming people up for martial law.
Yeah, this article was pointing out that as much as the government is responsible, the New York Times, the Washington Post, Jim Hoagland, Max Boot and others are being trotted out all over the media.
The New York Times have been advocating torture as the method for crushing the insurgency.
They're bringing out this old Vietnam phoenix assassination program.
This Max Boot was quoted in the New York Times of reprising the phoenix assassination program.
The rationalization for it that was used during the Vietnam War that the guerrillas used the idea of the
Uh, uh, idea that they had to be up by and from the people and swim among the sea of the people.
So, uh, the, uh, turn that around and say that the sea of the people have to be killed, have to be assassinated, have to be, uh, tortured and terrorized and to, uh, uh, stop supporting the, uh, the insurgents and- Which, by the way, they know will backfire.
The plan is to send the leftists in the UN in as the saviors.
Thanks for the call.
I- Muhammad in Colorado, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Muhammad.
Hey Mr. Jones, how are you?
Hey guys, you know that gentleman who called from Hawaii saying that you're an agent?
Somebody who is from Afghanistan knows who Taliban Al-Qaeda is.
I can assure that caller what you're saying is 110% true.
You know, it is amazing.
It's just people, you know, I drive a taxi here in Colorado and Denver.
I try to let people know about your website.
I've ordered your videos.
I can't wait to get them.
I don't mind dishing out.
I mean, I take about 50 to 70 people a day in my taxi, and I don't mind dishing out five bucks a tape and just letting people know, you know, guy, I'm a naturalized citizen.
I love this country.
I fell in love with the constitution of this country.
I read something that Thomas Jefferson told all of us long time ago, Mr. Jones, is that never allow financial institutions to overtake your government.
And that's what we have allowed.
And he also gave the antidote of love.
Has that ever happened?
He said, rise up and revolt.
I know that's asking for violence.
Well, let me stop you, Mohammed.
That's what they did in the 70s and 80s, is they created the terror teams, they created the Taliban, they created the Al-Qaeda, they still control them, and now they're oppressing the people, putting the warlords in charge, and now they want to turn America into Afghanistan, turn America into Iraq.
We can't let that happen, can we?
No, we cannot.
This is the last frontier.
I'm serious.
I hate to start.
Make it sound like some western movie name, but this is the last frontier.
We're the last defense against these sons of a beast.
A globalist, because if we don't do anything, I'm going to tell you something, Afghanistan, you know, I tell this to everybody, Mr. Jones, Afghanistan, the Soviets, we had this monarchy king, the Soviets fought the people around him when he realized too late, because he was a nationalist, he loved Afghanistan, it was too late.
The Soviets came in with 200,000 soldiers in 1979, not a single shot was fired.
Because he bought, and if people think that cannot happen in America, I think they live in a fantasy land.
They will.
Well, the military, General Eberhardt at NORTHCOM there in Colorado says they're going to go to martial law.
Frank says it.
They're all just doing it like, oh, it's a good idea to be under a military dictatorship.
And God bless you, Mohamed.
Mohamed, I'm going to put you on hold.
I want to talk to you.
During the break about your great work waking folks up in the taxi cab, and I want to get the statistics from you on how many people are waking up to that.
Thanks for the call.
I'm going to come back, cover news.
Congress pushes for larger military.
Iraq Army walking out over pay.
Soldiers in Iraq did not have weapons of mass destruction protection.
Halliburton Pentagon found out they're cheating on the bids they're putting in.
Not even the bids.
There's no bids on the bills they're putting in.
That's all coming up.
And we've got Tom Tancredo scheduled.
He's still in the committee meeting, but he'll be coming on with us.
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Alright, Larry in Kentucky and others, we'll get to you coming up in the next segment.
And again, Tom Tancredo's never done this to us before, but I know he's in a committee meeting, it must be an important vote or something, so he should be on, they said by now, but we're calling his office right now, trying to get him onto that meeting.
White House verifies immigration review.
The New York Times is reporting on this.
So is the Washington Times.
The White House yesterday said a new immigration review is underway that could lead to amnesty for millions of illegal aliens living and working in the United States.
Confirmation of the review came during the White House briefing just two days after Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge
So during a town hall meeting at Miami, that the government had to quote, afford some kind of legal status to the 8 million to 12 million illegal aliens in the country.
Oh, isn't that nice?
And they've taken thousands of border patrol off, that's the actual numbers, 2,000 off the southern border alone, going to be air marshals paying them more, they're even lower in the pay of border patrol to drive folks out of there, and Tom Ridge timed to legalize illegals
He wants to, quote, come to grips with it and somehow legalize all these illegal aliens.
But we've got to have the government sticking a microscope down our throat, watching us.
It's ridiculous.
Of course, they're lining up the new national draft for you and your family, and here's USA Today.
Congress pushes for larger military.
Members of Congress from both parties are pushing for the first significant increase in the size of the Al Qaeda military in 16 years.
Call-ups of part-time troops from the Army National Guard and the Army Reserve to fill the ranks in Iraq have intensified the bipartisan sentiment that the Pentagon doesn't have enough troops to fight an extended war on terrorism while keeping enough well-rested, well-trained troops ready for an emergency.
But the Pentagon, it says, doesn't want that.
No, they want to drive our troops into submission, have them break down from fatigue, and further erode the offensive nature of the military, to roll that into the EU, and then send the UN into Iraq as the savior.
And, uh, what was that, my dear?
Oh, we do have the illustrious guest who we drug out of a committee meeting.
I hope it wasn't too important.
I hope the meeting's over now.
Tom Tancredo is what happened for this segment and the next segment.
And that was the news I was just covering.
White House is back with its amnesty plan that they were promoting on the steps of the White House two weeks before 9-11 with Vicente Fox in the henhouse.
And we've got Mexican troops kidnapping U.S.
citizens on our side of the border.
To bring us up to speed on this is the premier congressman from Colorado, fighting this issue of sovereignty.
Congressman, good to have you on.
Good to be on, thank you very much.
You bet.
What committee meeting were you in?
It was a water hearing here in Colorado.
Let me tell you, you know, who was it that President Roosevelt, somebody said, out here in the West anyway,
You know, whiskeys for drinking and waters for fighting.
And believe me, it's a very volatile topic, just about as volatile as immigration.
Well, also, Mexico's been stealing water from Texas and New Mexico.
That's exactly right.
They have not abided by the pact.
They have been taking far more water than the pact allows.
And of course, it's a good example.
If that had happened,
With a state.
If Colorado were in that situation, there would be, of course, recourse.
You'd go to court and there would be some decision made and somebody would be able to actually bring some closure to it.
But because it's Mexico, nobody wants to do anything about it for fear that it would affect other issues.
And that goes to show you just how difficult it is to deal with issues like immigration with Mexico.
When people are petrified to talk about it,
I think so.
Even the Secretary of Homeland Security is ready to throw in the towel because he's fearful of the political consequences of not doing so.
Political consequences?
Eighty-two percent of Hispanics want the borders shut.
Eighty-seven to eighty-nine percent of all of the groups averaged in.
This is an extremely popular and constitutional issue.
You got elected with what?
Sixteen percent of the vote?
Almost sixty-nine percent, yeah.
Almost 70%.
So what are they afraid of?
They're corporate backers that want all the slave labor?
Yes, sir.
That is exactly what it is.
It is the issue of cheap labor.
That is what is driving and fueling this thing.
Well, on the Democrat side, they know that the influx of massive numbers of immigrants, both legal and illegal, mean potential voters for Democrats.
On the Republican side,
They look at the same phenomena, and they think of it as a massive number of cheap laborers.
And so, that's why you can have 70% of the American public demanding some sort of reform, but nothing happening in the Congress.
It is because the convergence of those two points of view in the parties that control our government.
I'll tell you what, Congressman, do one more segment with us, quick three-minute break, and we'll be back with Congressman Tom Tancredo if his cell doesn't cut out.
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Alright, Congressman Tom Tancredo is our guest, and I've got a few central questions for the Congressman.
First off, Bush, I wouldn't say is throwing in the towel, or Red isn't throwing in the towel, Congressman, because right before 9-11 when you were saying terrorists could attack us with the borders, Bush is with Fox saying open the borders, it's the free trade area of the Americas, Pan American Union, New World Order,
And now Ridge says we've got to legalize them.
Well, 800 cities have already done it, accepting these fake matricula cards.
I've had the leader of the Colorado Senate on, Congressman, who had his staff go out and get four of these cards, one person, under different names.
You've documented this.
You've defended the Republic.
You've done your duty.
So what do we do about Bush, who's already said you're targeted by the neocons in human events and in roll call because they don't like you because you're a real conservative.
What do you say to that?
I say, come and try!
Come on and try!
You just do what you need to do to the White House and anybody else.
Look, when I take an oath of office, every two years, if I'm lucky enough to be elected to the Congress of the United States, and I'm down on the floor of the House, I put my hand up in the air and I take an oath.
And you know that that oath is not to the President of the United States, and it is not to the party, it is to the Constitution.
And I'll tell you right now, that that oath means more to me than any allegiance that I have, which I do have, both to the President and the Republican Party.
But I have a greater allegiance to the Constitution in this country.
So I don't care what anyone does as a result of my devotion to that cause, I will do exactly what I'm doing.
And you know what?
I do put my life in God's hands.
I say, you know, as long as I do what I believe I should do and what I think he wants me to do on this planet, then that's the only one I'm really accountable to.
Well, Congressman, what do we do when the Republican and the Democratic parties ignore the Constitution, ignore our security, ignore our sovereignty, ignore the will of the people,
And they're getting rid of the border right now, as you've said.
Mexico says it belongs to them.
That's being funded out of New York.
What do we do?
How do we stop this from happening?
I'm telling you that I have seen now, in the last maybe six, eight months, a momentum shift.
Alex, I guarantee you that if you wouldn't have been doing what you're doing, and the other talk show hosts around this country that care, and the internet wasn't there, and Fox News,
I guarantee you by now we would have already had a complete and total amnesty, we would have had a formal change in terms of the way in which our borders are constructed, and that has been stopped.
And not only has it been stopped, but I get the distinct impression that this is
This total thing is moving more in our direction.
So the best defense is a good offense, the Bushes are now, because they're in trouble, are trying to throw it back in our face and get the momentum by trying to call for amnesty again?
Well, I'll tell you that the, that balloon I think that they set up there, and I don't know, I still don't know right now, it's hard for me to believe that that was a purposeful
I'm going to really float this idea that as the Secretary of Homeland Security, as an agenda item for this administration, that we're going to have amnesty.
I have the impression, after reading it, in fact it came about in a series of questions after he spoke, that I think he
He actually blew it.
You know what I'm saying?
Congressman, I appreciate you giving him the benefit of the doubt, but you're back in the district.
I won't blame you if you didn't read the White House statement today, published in the Washington Times.
The White House came out in a press conference.
McClellan said, yes, we are going to reissue the amnesty call.
That was this morning.
Ah, no, you're right.
I did not see that.
And maybe he forced him into making that
I'm glad, because you know what?
Now that we know that's where they're coming from, we can establish what we're going to do about it.
And I guarantee you, they're not going to be able to get that through the House.
Now, the Senate, that's a bunch of wimps.
I wouldn't for a moment try to predict what they would do, except to probably cave in.
But on the House side right now, we've got some stalwarts.
One is the Chairman of the Immigration
Mr. Hosteller.
And I'll tell you right now, they're not going to get an amnesty bill passed him.
I don't think they're going to get one passed Mr. Sensenbrenner.
And I'd be surprised even if the Speaker of the House would agree to have a bill come up like that because he knows what happened the last time.
When that happened, they brought one up, it damn near tore our conference apart.
Okay, here's the problem, Congressman.
You know it better than I do.
By fiat, the states and the counties and the cities are setting up day labor sites, public housing.
They're accepting the matricular cards.
They are going ahead and just legalizing it without Congress even doing it.
You got Hatch wanting to give the illegals all this welfare money and tuition.
We've got all these different things happening.
We had Fox here a couple weeks ago.
I protested him in Texas.
He gave an award to the Austin Police Department for violating federal law and refusing to arrest illegals.
Illegals don't get arrested when they have automobile accidents without driver's license, but I would be.
They are better than I am.
They have more rights than I do.
Two questions.
Why do they have more rights than I do?
Why are the Republicans enabling them?
And then number two, how do we criminally prosecute city leaders that violate federal law because it is racketeering?
Oh, brother.
Those are two great questions.
Why is it that these people who are achieving greater rights, not only in the area you just described, but let me point out something else.
There are two groups of people in this country that have access to all of the health care benefits they need, regardless of whether or not they're able to pay for them.
And there are only two groups.
One are prisoners and the other are illegal aliens.
And our veterans are waiting two months to get health care.
I visited a detention center where, and in fact I've been to two or three now, detention centers for illegal immigrants.
There are specialists on staff, health care professionals.
You get a dental exam when you come in.
And all of your dental work taken care of.
Then you can get an MRI.
I saw the MRI machine inside a detention center.
You can have these folks go through and if they come up with cancer, they're sent to an oncologist.
I guarantee you that I have people in my district who do not have the same access to healthcare that we provide both prisoners
Well, Congressman, I have a friend who had to sell his car to pay his $4,000 MRI bill.
Oh, what's going on with Hatch?
Oh man, I'll tell ya, it does drive you nuts.
But I also mean it when I tell you I believe there is some momentum on our side.
All we can do is what we can do.
You know, Alex, the fact is that every single person in America is charged with, you know, some responsibility in this effort.
And what an individual can do around the water cooler at work, the way they vote, when they are confronting a city council person, or the President of the United States asking for their vote, what you do is you say, what are you going to do about
This problem with immigration in this country.
And don't just say illegal immigration.
Because, I'll tell you right now, the problem is immigration, both legal and illegal.
Well, they're going to make it all legal, so we better start talking about legal now.
That's exactly what will happen.
If you just simply say, well, if the problem is with illegal immigration, I'm all for immigration, but illegal, they will simply say, fine, everybody coming into the country is here legally.
So that's the end of that.
And I'll tell you, as long as you've got a country that is
I think so.
to another country, then immigration, period, is a problem.
Yeah, it's total balkanization, divide and conquer, and again, you've said that so eloquently, Congressman.
So again, we need to prosecute city officials who are in sedition.
They gave awards to the APD for not enforcing federal law.
It was in the newspaper!
My goodness.
Unfortunately, most of the federal law on this issue has no penalty.
It's just simply on the book.
There's no penalty that is meted out to anybody for violating it.
You know, there's a law that says that no state or local government can impede the flow of information from the INS or to the old INS.
But of course, Houston is
flagrantly violating that law.
Cities, there must be 400 cities in this nation that are doing that.
It's 800, 400 cities is about another 400 towns, yeah.
Towns, okay, so you got 800 communities in the United States of America flagrantly violating that federal law.
I went to the floor of the House and tried to add an amendment to it, the Homeland Security Act, saying that any city doing that couldn't apply for any funds.
I mean, trying to put some sort of, you know,
Well, Congressman, it goes deeper.
You may not be aware of this one.
Let me throw this out at you.
I have a friend who manages one of the biggest apartment complexes in Austin.
She was sent to the big corporate meeting.
It's the biggest management company in the country.
Golf courses, hotels, apartments.
She was sent to the big corporate meeting in Dallas and she was told if it's illegals, let them be 10 to a two-bedroom.
If it's a citizen,
No sir, I wasn't.
I had never heard of that.
I'm not telling you.
This conversation is making me even more upset than I was when I started it.
Also, you said something on the lead-in that I heard, something about Mexican Army
Mexican military kidnapping American citizens or something?
What was that about?
You didn't... Oh!
Yeah, Associated Press, Newsmax, last week, South Texas, a family of five, about six miles over the border.
They were shooting at rabbits with .22s.
Mexican troops came across, kidnapped five of them.
Now, it came out last week, they kidnapped them November 24th.
They released four of them.
We're still holding one of them.
And I was going to mention to you, I've seen one AP article, one Newsmax article, nothing else.
I'm going to try to dig that out, it's here in the stack.
These are American citizens, and one of them is presently being held, and they were taken from the United States of America?
Yeah, you were even quoted in the Newsmax story as, Tancredo, since there's been 181 incursions like this.
But they pulled that out of a separate story, you know what I mean?
Yeah, exactly.
But there has been so little reporting that even you... No, I never heard that.
Yes, sir.
And of course you talk about FBI being shot, Border Patrol being shot, Forest Service.
You have exposed that with this new thing happening.
What do you say?
Well, first of all, I'm going to try to get the Secretary of State on the phone.
You know what we need?
I keep saying that every time I call, like if I call the Department of State and I say, I need to talk to somebody about a problem in Afghanistan.
They always say, well, you have to talk to somebody on the Afghan desk.
Well, you know what I'm going to call over for and ask for somebody on the American desk at the State Department, because I need somebody at the State Department that's actually on our side.
And we do not have that.
But I'm going to, as soon as I get back to my office, I'm going to try to get
I don't know.
I mean, I guarantee you, if some right-wingers thumped one of these illegals in the nose, it would be, you know, Dateline, NBC, 60 Minutes, but Mexican troops are engaged in carnage and machine-gunning every week down there, and it's not even in our news!
And in the article, it said that Newsmax and the AP kept calling the FBI and they will not make a comment.
They don't even care!
Well, we will dig something out of them.
I guarantee it.
We'll dig something out of them on this.
And I will continue to do it until they make a statement, until we get some... I have never heard of this particular thing, and you say that this happens a lot, but we've never had it where an American citizen was actually kidnapped from the United States by the Mexican military before.
That's a new one to me.
But believe me, I swear to you, that we will follow up on that one, too.
Well, I figure we need to see you on Fox News tonight.
This is a major story, and I bet if you call them, they'll pull the article up.
I bet you can go right on there and do it.
Well, I'm going to be on Fox over the weekend, I know, and if possible, I will add this to the discussion.
Well, I'll tell you what, I know listeners can email it to you quicker than I can, or I can send it this afternoon.
Where do we send these articles?
Um, let's see.
The best way to do it, you can fax it.
Are they faxable or just only in electronic?
Well, I'm just ashamed because I said last week I need to call Tancredo and I said I'm sure he knows and none of us told you and we fell down on this.
Folks, shame on all of us.
Yeah, the fax is great.
Folks, I want you to fax it to him.
The AP and the Newsmax right now.
What's that fax number?
I'm getting it out.
I'm setting up the light here in just a second.
It is District Office 720... 720... 283... 283... 9776.
I guarantee you we will go after this.
I guarantee it.
Well, as you've said, it's an important call.
I can't guarantee that I can get him out, but I will do something about this.
Well, Congressman, it shows how important it is that we contact you and others because it does count to call Congress.
I mean, you guys are so busy.
You're in your districts right now.
You know, you didn't... I mean, and I can't blame you.
I mean, the newshounds know this, but the White House said today that, yeah, they are calling for amnesty.
See, I mean, this news just isn't getting out.
Well, and it's been... I've been in that hearing ever since about 8 o'clock this morning.
Oh, no, I'm not blaming you.
I understand.
It's our job to inform you.
Well, you're doing a good job.
I will also try to get that.
Should I have that apartment manager, she's afraid to lose her job, should I have her call your office and tell your office what this corporate group told her?
Absolutely, and I'm going to give you a number for that too, and anybody else that's listening, it's 720-283-9772 and ask for Charles.
720-283-9772, and Congressman, I want to thank you for coming on while I've been ranting and raving, but we're all feeling like this now.
We're sick of it, and I know you're sick of it.
We appreciate your anger when you're on television.
You know, I read a quote by a guy I don't necessarily like very much because of his politics, but it is true.
He was a senator from Arkansas, Dale Bumpers, I think, and he said,
I heard they were interviewing him.
He said, what's the thing about being retired?
How do you like it?
He said, well, I was sitting at home the other day reading about this damn Bush tax cut, he said, and I just hate it.
And I told my wife, I don't know if I'm more frustrated by being here and reading about this and knowing I can't do anything about it or being in Congress and reading about it and knowing I can't do anything about it.
So, believe me, I feel exactly the same way many times.
Oh, man.
All right, folks.
We'll send him everything you've got on the kidnapping.
And how many times this year have they shot up Border Patrol vehicles, Congressman?
Well, let's see.
This year, I think we have had maybe
So far, maybe a hundred instances where they've come across the line.
I do not know how many specifically were shot or fired at.
Not that many, thank God.
But they've come over over a hundred times where they've mixed military, have come into the United States of America.
I know over almost 300 times in the last five years.
Congressman, thank you for joining us.
God bless.
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Folks, we don't have anybody in Congress as good on immigration as we do as Tom Tancredo.
And you notice he didn't know a lot of the stuff I was bringing up to him.
He didn't know the White House in a press conference said, yeah, we're going to go for amnesty today.
Uh, he didn't know that, uh, a week ago, the news broke of two weeks before that, uh, that, uh, five American citizens were kidnapped by Mexican soldiers.
And I said on air last week, I ought to call Tom Tancredo.
In fact, that's why I was trying to get him on the show, uh, this week.
And it took a couple days.
He was going to be on Monday, but then he had a doctor's appointment, and then we ended up getting him on Friday because I forgot to try to get him back on.
And then he didn't even know, and this one person still languishing, kidnapped.
They released four of them.
Think about that!
See, that's why you got to call talk shows and send out emails and do all of this.
It is so vitally important.
I got a few final
Really important news items that I want to hit on about terrorism in Russia.
We hit on the London Guardian with the British MI5 carrying out the terror bombings in Ireland to blame it on their political enemies yesterday.
Now we've got it out of the big, the Kars News Center and terrorist acts organized by Russian Secret Services and that's already been confirmed in a thousand other articles literally and documentary films and FSB that have gone forward.
That's their new KGB.
But before I do that, look, last plug of the week on this.
Tomorrow I'm going to be in Houston, Texas.
Houston, Texas.
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to around midnight, we're going to show 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
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I don't know.
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For waking up folks that see them, you need to have them.
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And by the way, the map of how to get there is on the main page of InfoWars.
How to get to the Alamo Draft House and Cinema.
Great show today.
Thanks to all our guests, all the callers, all the affiliates, all the sponsors.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
And I'll see you in H-Town, Houston.
Remember the Alamo.
Be there tomorrow.
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You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
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The Brookie light is different.
Water molecules take 5 to 10 minutes to pass through the torturous path
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Not yet available in Iowa.