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Name: 20031210_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 10, 2003
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
It's Wednesday, the 10th of December, 2003.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
In the third hour of the show, I have one of the lawyers for the young people at Goose Creek Public School, where the police did what can only be described as a Nazi or Soviet-style martial law raid.
These have actually been going on around the country for about 10 years, becoming more and more frequent, but Big Brother's own surveillance turned against them, and now part of the video that wasn't released has been released, and it shows the dog, the German Shepherd, savaging their backpacks, grabbing the backpack, shaking its head, stepping and stomping and jumping on the terrified children.
Not to mention the loaded firearms pointed at their heads.
And the comments of the police officers of, if you don't have anything to hide, what's your problem with this?
Comments that, well, there's dope in the school, so you all are being punished.
Again, it's admiralty law.
It's the new system here in the United States.
On Monday, it began to sink in, but it's really sunk in now, how incredible, on top of Bush's latest comments yesterday, while meeting with the Communist Chinese deputy leader, began to sink in how big a deal this is.
Because in the past, we had a treaty to defend Taiwan.
We said that they were independent since 1949.
And Bush, engaging in masterful spin, says, oh, we're for the status quo.
We're against your independence.
You're not an independent country.
And has rebuffed the Taiwanese leader.
Imagine, America is now against free country, standing up against communist domination.
Bill Clinton could have never gotten away with this.
He was horrible.
He was evil.
He was a puppet.
But George W. can do it.
He can do things.
He can ban guns.
He can vote for open borders.
He can sign campaign finance reform.
He can do whatever he wants!
And the idiot neocon listeners of controlled, establishment, fake conservative radio will buy it, book, line, and sinker.
Taiwan says vote still on despite Bush warning.
Taiwan now has China and the U.S.
against it.
And our government indeed is arming China with the latest weapons while giving Taiwan a 30-year-old technology.
It is saddening.
But again, maybe Bill Gertz will write a column saying I'm a communist because I'm for Taiwan and against mainland China.
Maybe, uh, you know, Rush Limbaugh will tell us how evil and liberal we are because we're for Taiwan.
I mean, I've been on talk shows and been accused of being a liberal because I'm zero compromise on the Second Amendment.
I'm not joking about this, folks.
This is how far we've gone.
Taiwan says votes still on despite Bush warning.
We'll get into that.
Taiwan's chin still bent on referendum plans despite personal rebuke from U.S.
17 students file suit over school drug raid.
We have a lawyer coming on.
Raid might have broken drug dog rules, the county's own rules.
Supreme Court upholds political money law, upholds Bush's and Kennedy's attack on the First Amendment.
Schindler writes, getting a loan.
Big Brother wants to know.
We'll wait to hear about this.
Six children die in fresh U.S.
Meanwhile, Iraq to stop counting civilian debt under U.S.
That's not to be released.
White House defends no-bid policy in Iraq.
And of course, James Baker's going to run doling out the money to Dick Cheney.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
That's right, my friends.
Live from Austin, Texas, it's Alex Jones.
Hey, did you know that Mel Gibson was in Austin, Texas on Sunday?
He showed up unannounced at Harry Knoll's little film festival at the Alamo Draft House in Austin and showed
Well, it's not the final cut of The Passion, or Christ the Passion, or The Passion of Christ.
They've been changing the name around because one of the big Hollywood studios claimed they own the name The Passion.
And it even convinced the local liberals, and this was in the newspaper, that the ADL was shooting blanks in its criticism of the film as anti-Semitic.
I mean, it's word for word from the Bible.
But to see a news article yesterday in the Statesman, very pro-Mel Gibson, was certainly exciting.
Speaking of the Alamo Drafthouse, I will be at the Houston Alamo Drafthouse this Saturday from 6 to midnight, showing Road to Tyranny and John Carpenter's They Live.
And so I certainly hope to see everybody there.
Last time we showed it, it was a surprising visit with Mel Gibson's sister, and some of his other family was there, and Mel Gibson's father.
I don't know if they'll be there this time.
I haven't called them.
I'd imagine they won't.
They've already seen Rotaterini on the big screen once, but that was certainly fun.
But I just hope to see everybody out there.
It's a great place to network and to meet like-minded people.
And they're both great films.
John Carpenter's They Live is a good analogy for getting your mind outside the box to see the big picture of the false reality.
And Road to Tyranny details government-sponsored terror and the New World Order master plan for global domination.
This Saturday, West Oak Shopping Center.
In the last segment, I know a lot of stations don't carry the first little five minute segment, I talked about how it's starting to sink in.
How horrible it is that Bush did something that Clinton never even began to do.
Bush has turned his back on Taiwan.
Now, in reality, Bill Clinton sold the latest weapons systems and allowed Laurel and Hughes, which were controlled by big neocon owners, to go into China and arm them to the teeth so they could destroy the entire United States and destroy Taiwan.
Bush has accelerated that.
I mean, Clinton would give them some supercomputers.
Bush gives them everything.
Stuff Americans can't buy, unless you're part of the national security infrastructure and have special clearances.
But the Communist Chinese can have it.
Your company can't buy it, but the Communist Chinese can.
Missile systems, submarine systems, radar systems, AWACS systems,
Cruise missile diagrams, cruise missile factories, you name it, it's gotten much worse under Bush.
But again, Bill Gertz, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, they won't tell you about it.
Mr. Crystal, they won't tell you about it.
They'll say, if you criticize Bush, you love Al Qaeda, and you're evil.
I mean, that's basically about as deep as the argument goes, a nice little slogan.
But to have Bush, have one of his spokesmen on Monday say, hey Taiwan, you better not have independence, that's wrong, and then to have Bush in a speech yesterday to tell Taiwan that independence is bad, when the treaty since 1949
Says that they are independent and we will defend them and their independence against China.
Bush has now turned his back on that and he calls that the status quo.
Oh, we're for the status quo.
And then changes a 54 year policy.
Now again, China has killed conservatively, conservatively, 50 million of its own people.
They have mobile death vans in dozens of cities.
In one city they have 24 alone, driving around with automatic injectors in the seats.
They then gut you for your organs in the back.
They insanguinate you, suck all your blood out.
This was described in Chinese and Western newspapers like it was a report on the latest way to farm strawberries or how to make cheese or something.
It was just calmly being reported how they supply the premium organs.
And it showed them dragging a young woman, choking her with looks of pleasure on the police faces to the mobile death van and said that she had been a political dissident who'd spoken out against China.
No judge, no jury.
They just pick you up and suck your blood out and cut your guts out.
I mean, I'm sorry if you don't want to hear how gruesome this is.
I mean, it's what's happening.
China will arrest you, will torture you, will kill you, will put you in a slave camp for years if you're caught with a Bible.
After all, it's unauthorized religious activity.
Gotta have your 501c3 over there.
Like our church is here.
And so this is the reality, folks.
And China has killed more people than the Communists in Russia.
In all their murders in Eastern Bloc nations, they have killed more people, roughly double what Adolf Hitler ever killed.
And, again, they don't even call them communist in the news anymore.
They're our buddies.
Every single week, Communist China, in its official government newspaper, says we are evil dogs, that they're going to nuke us, that they're going to kill us, that we're their enemy, that they're going to crush us.
And then I turn on our nightly news, and it's how they love us, and how they're good.
Are you starting to get the picture here?
What do you think about this?
I mean, it's so many of these subjects, I get desensitized to it.
George Bush, as a puppet, as a front man, he's not doing any of it, but as the Trojan horse figurehead to make conservatives think everything's all right, is destroying America, is dismantling every facet of our free society, wallowing with every dictatorship you can imagine, and
Rumsfeld's giving nuclear reactors, working with Clinton back in the late nineties, to North Korea, but again, the neocons talk about Clinton being bad, Rumsfeld being good.
It's garbage!
And then in this election or the next election, you'll get a Democrat in, and suddenly all the leftists will love the Patriot Act and the rest of it, and the globalists will take a big step with the left foot, then a Republican will come back in, take a big step with the right foot.
It's all part of the same creature.
It's all part
of the same system.
And we're losing America.
And then the New York Times comes out and says, oh, if SARS gets released, we're going to round you up and put you in these camps at gunpoint for your safety.
And, oh, and General Eberhardt at the NORTHCOM command says, well, martial law is a good thing, and the military is spying on you, and it's wonderful.
He said that in the LA Times.
And it's for your safety.
At Ford Bragg, they're getting training from the Israelis of not just how to, quote, suppress and keep control of the unruly Iraqi population, but our population as well.
Taiwan says votes still on despite Bush warning.
Brushing aside a warning from George W. Bush, since when did that happen?
Taiwan's president reiterated his plan to hold a referendum alongside elections next March, but said neither independence nor the status quo with China would be at issue.
After Bush delivered his surprise warning during a White House visit by Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao, did not say what the referendum would be about.
But earlier he suggested it would pressure China to remove missiles aimed at the island, which Beijing sees as a breakaway province that must one day, even by force, be returned to the fold.
We want to show China, the world, that military force cannot be used to solve the problem of the Taiwan Strait, Chen said after the Democratic Progressive Party official confirmed him as its presidential candidate for the March 20th election.
Taiwan's people have the right to say loudly that they oppose missiles and are for democracy.
Oh, really?
Oppose war and are for peace, he said.
This has nothing to do with independence.
There is no intention to change the status quo.
So Taiwan's chin still bent on reverend plans despite personal rebuke from Lord Bush.
And in Iraq, folks, they've killed a bunch of children, they're bombing innocent people, they're stringing barbed wire up around whole towns, making people carry ID cards.
They admit, they've got an army colonel here in the New York Times saying, yeah, we take their women and children and put them in camps to make the men answer questions.
Folks, think of all the historical examples of people kidnapping people's children to make others answer questions.
One of the worst forms of torture.
And in Police State 3, Total Enslavement, I have little news clips where they're arguing, well, let's use people's children as leverage.
Let's go ahead and torture them.
Yeah, that's a good American value!
And then the Neocon Zone PNAC documents say Saddam wasn't a threat, we won his oil.
We need terrorism to get the people behind all this.
I mean, this is sick, folks.
And now the White House has ordered their puppet leadership in Iraq to restrict the release of names of dead Iraqi civilians.
Lying to you.
Keeping the truth from you.
Again, everything diametrically opposed to American values.
But it's okay, because George W. Bush is a Christian.
Yeah, a Christian, skull and bones, Bohemian Grove member.
About as Christian as Anton LaVey.
When he's not worshipping Allah, he's off at the Shinto Shrine.
We'll be right back, folks, and get into all the other news.
And believe me, there's a lot of it.
You don't want to miss it.
Toll-free number to join us.
Take a lot of calls today.
Stay with us.
We'll be right back.
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Alright folks, coming up in the next segment we'll be taking your calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 800-259-9231.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
InfoWars has been updated today.
Paul Watson, my good buddy, who was going to be on the show, has the flu.
But I am going to get more into that government press conference that they had that no one seemed to pay attention to.
It was full of the national media about the chemtrail spring and a magnetic military pulse that was tested.
And a lot of people that looked at the radar did see the huge magnetic pulse over the eastern seaboard right before the power outage took place.
So we'll get more into that later today.
We do have the lawyer
But the 17 students who have filed suit against the school district on that drug raid, and now a new video has been released up there at Goose Creek, showing the German Shepherd grabbing the back, the backpack, the shirt.
The news says the backpack.
I watched the video.
It grabs the shirt too, and savagely shaking and ripping at it, jumping up on the children, the children kneeling and crying in total fear.
That would scare me, a German Shepherd.
I'm being told, handcuffed, to kneel forward while a German Shepherd jumps on me and snaps at me.
And they pointed guns at their heads, even more dangerous.
Again, about two years ago, a year and a half ago, in Detroit, they shot a girl in the face in a drill.
A couple years ago, they shot Cop of the Year in the head and killed him in a drill with loaded guns, with children, in Fort Worth, Texas.
And I see these reports every few months where they kill or wound somebody in a drill or in a school raid.
This one's got a lot of attention, though, because there's video of it.
Well, on Road to Tyranny, I have video of drills with men cussing, screaming, pointing MP5s in children's crying faces, elementary school students loading them on buses.
Yeah, this is going on everywhere.
So we got that lawyer coming on the show.
And now they're reporting out of the South Carolina news, the state.
Raid that might have broken drug dog rules.
Video shows Goose Creek Police using canines in school sweep.
Charleston, the Goose Creek Police Department appears not to have followed its own rules on using drug dogs in its gun-drawn raid at Stratford High School last month.
The videotape the police department released shows a police dog passing close by students who had been forced to kneel on the floor during the November 5th raid and also captured an officer lecturing students
Uh, as that part of the raid ends.
If you're an innocent bystander to what has transpired today, this is a quote, you can thank those people that are bringing dope into the school.
You mean the CIA?
Uh, who brings it into the country?
Every time we think there's dope in the school, we're going to be coming up here to deal with it.
And this is one of the ways we can deal with it.
The unidentified officer says, more than 100 students were in the hallway that morning as police dogs passed close by, barking, excitedly sniffing their backsides at one point.
The dog grabs a backpack with its mouth and shakes it.
You know, the savage attacking.
At another time, the dog jumps briefly on its hind legs onto his handler as they check students huddling in an alcove.
And Department of Procedures says that they can only search someone one at a time and that you cannot have a whole group being searched.
In an illegal narcotics detection sweep, only after the on-scene supervisor has cleared the area of all personnel, will the canine enter and conduct an illegal narcotics detection.
So you take the clothes, the backpack off, the coats off, you do not have the dog do it while the person's dressed.
And this was a German Shepherd trained in drug detection in Czechoslovakia, and trained in attack.
So we have attack dogs.
By the way, up in at Heartland in Missouri, the big Christian school with a great record of reforming youth, some of the elementary students ran in fear
Uh, from the police dog, and it did follow one outside and grab the young, uh, but she was 12 years of age, or no, she was 11.
I guess she was middle school.
Uh, did grab her and drag her to the ground, and then the police threatened people to keep their mouths shut.
Uh, about that, so... Kind of a pastime now, cornering your children with dogs and pointing guns at them and screaming at them.
That's all part of living in a free society.
Stop the drugs.
Coming up when we get back, we'll take some calls and then we'll get into some of the really meaty news.
Supreme Court upholds campaign finance First Amendment destruction reform.
Also, Big Brother wants to know about your loans.
Six children die in fresh U.S.
AP reports Iraq to stop counting civilian debt under U.S.
White House defends no-bid policy and James Baker running things.
We'll talk about folks getting prison time for defending themselves in England, and implantable microchip news.
Some new developments.
Stay with us!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging War on Corruption, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
Waging War on Corruption, Defending Liberty, Resisting Tyranny, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
More and more people globally are waking up to the true horror that is the New World Order.
Coming up here in a few minutes, we're going to go over these calls quickly.
Dan and Greg and Jan and Ethan and Lesanne and many others that are patiently holding.
Then I'll get into the latest implantable microchip news.
I'm seeing it all over the country.
Dozens of major newspapers every week about how, hey, they're going to be equipping the stores soon.
To scan your hand with a microchip.
Now remember in 97 I said they start putting in thumb scanners to buy and sell in grocery stores.
It's happened in thousands of stores.
And they're now pulling out the checkout lanes.
Going to the self-serve lanes, and once they've got you trained on those, they put the thumb scanners in and say, hey, you've got to do it.
This is the stated plan.
Then they move into microchips, which Sean Hannity says every child needs or you're not conservative.
He said the liberals are against it.
Imagine trying that psychology.
The liberals are against the microchips!
I actually heard him say that.
Every child needs one!
Every child!
I'm going to invest in the company!
You're not a conservative if you're not for communism.
I mean, it's basically gotten down to that.
We'll get into that news and a bunch of Iraq news here after the calls.
But first, before the calls!
I want to bring my good buddy, our big sponsor, up on the show.
We've created a new section on Infowars.com full of the FDA's own admissions about how the major filtering systems for municipal water supplies don't cut out cryptosporidium or E. coli.
Did you know that?
No, they don't!
And it's full of the Prozac and Ritalin and birth control hormones.
Folks, it's time to start filtering your water.
There's enough poison in the air, in the food.
The water is 70% of your body.
You need to stop drinking poison.
And most filters on the market do not clean this garbage out.
The Big Berkey, the Berkey Light, the Black Berkey Elements do it.
And it is time to take action.
And it makes a great gift.
If you really love your family, folks, this is the gift for Christmas.
Force yourselves to go off the tap water.
Jim Shepard, thanks for coming on the show, my friend.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
Well, you know, Alex, if you don't get enough hormones from your milk and your beef and the chicken that you eat, well, you can just supplement it with your drinking water.
Every corner of the country has found massive levels of Prozac, herbicides, pesticides, dead bacteria, if you're lucky.
A lot of times live bacteria, but dead bacteria are bad enough.
They're toxic.
Little microscopic pieces of rotten meat, basically.
It's time to filter our water, isn't it?
It really is.
Alex, we've got a couple of Christmas specials that we want to share with folks.
You can't say Christmas.
It's politically incorrect.
Oh, okay.
We may be arrested for thought crime.
All right.
Well, let's keep that straight then.
Anyway, we have an inexpensive system that we put together for folks that just want to get something going or they want to give a good gift, you know, and not spend too much money, you know, for the kids in college or whatever.
And that's going to be the Berkey Light with two super-sized ceramic, super-sterile filters that do remove the pathogenic bacteria from the water.
They also reduce the chemicals and so forth.
Normally $199.
If you call now, you can get those between now and Christmas for $149.
By the way, Jim, that's the best deal I've ever heard you offer.
Well, and the thing is that folks need to get their call in soon if they want to get that to folks, to their relatives.
Before Christmas, and for people that, you know, if you live in one state and your relatives live in another state, we can drop ship that to your relative.
Yeah, by the way, you know, I ship my videos out regular mail, takes a week or two.
You ship the day you get the order, or the day after, UPS, and every time I've ordered from you, I get it in three or four days.
That's right.
Yeah, we try to get them out the door right away.
And, uh, Alex, uh, and then we also have had a lot of requests for that October special, so we decided to go ahead and run that back up again.
Now, we have some other specials on your website.
If folks go to that, go down and look for the, uh, big special, or the, uh, Berkey Light specials.
And we have, right there, we have, uh, a Yahoo shopping cart, great security, and those orders every day, uh, are gotten by Debbie at New Millennium, and they go out.
So, great service through these folks.
And, so, we have, uh, a number of specials for, you know,
Package deals if you want to get a bunch of people the sport bottles whatever we have quantity discounts But we're going to extend the October special now this will not be posted on the website So you need to pay attention to it and then call and tell them you want the October special we're going to extend it here for about two weeks and It's the the Berkey light with the lights you can choose red or blue lights you get also the solar and
Uh, recharger with that that can also be used to recharge your cell phones and radios in an emergency or a blackout.
Also get the KDF shower filter to take that stuff, uh, chemicals out of your, uh, shower so you don't breathe them in.
We also have the battery adapter, uh, included in that, uh, and that will run the, uh, Berkey Light lights, which are bright enough to, uh, to light up a whole room.
You can see them a mile away.
And, uh, on four, uh, alkaline batteries, you can run it for two weeks, uh, every night.
And then we have two sport bottles or two potassium iodate, or you can mix and match, get one of each.
That's a $471 value for $383.
Basically, we're going to take care of all of your water needs.
Plus, if you get the potassium iodate, you're going to take care of your nuclear needs.
The second special is going to be, if you've got a stainless steel system and you want to upgrade from the ceramic to the black Berkey filter elements, you've got four black Berkey purification elements.
And the shower filter or a sport burka.
You can choose whichever one you want.
That's normally $241 and the special price is $192 on that.
So you can save about $50 on that package.
Alright folks, Debbie's there right now to take your call.
The toll free number to call is
If you call and it's busy, leave your name and number, she'll call you right back today.
And we have a lot of those specials listed at InfoWars.com.
You can order online there at the secure online Yahoo shopping cart or you can call Debbie directly at 888-803-4438.
But again, Jim, you're talking about the British Birkfeld stainless steel system with the mega filters that do a great job for how much did you say?
Uh, I don't know which, uh, no, this is, this is, uh, if you've got the stainless, a stainless steel system, and it can be either one of our own, or if you've bought one from another company.
No, no, I was going back to the first special you mentioned.
Oh, that, that's the Berkey light with the lights.
You get the Berkey light with the lights and you can pick a whiter blue.
Whiter is great for camping.
They're great for emergency.
Blue is just plain beautiful.
No, I mean the special before that one that was like 140 or something.
Okay, no, that's the four black Berkey purification elements.
If you've got a stainless steel system and you've got the ceramic filters and you want to upgrade them to the purification elements,
Then you can get four Black Berkey Purification Elements.
You know, Jim, I'm sorry I'm confusing you here.
The first special you mentioned with the Super Sterzil Filters.
Okay, now what that is, excuse me, that is a Berkey Light.
It has the transparent chambers.
And then we're going to put two Imperial Super Sterzil Filters in there.
They're 50% larger than the standard filters.
How many gallons a day will that do?
Well, that's going to do about 25 to 30 gallons a day.
And it normally would be $1.99, and we are going to do that for $1.49 between now and Christmas.
All right.
Jim, thanks for coming on.
Always a pleasure.
Keep up the good work, Alex.
I really appreciate it.
You bet.
They're great folks, great prices, and they pay for the entire six hours a day, global shortwave, serving the planet.
And folks, we've got listeners by the thousands that we know of in Africa, in Asia, in Europe, in England.
Just an incredible outreach.
Six hours a day.
Two different bands of shortwave.
Just wonderful folks.
Okay, let's go to the calls.
Thanks for holding, folks.
And more of the news coming up.
Thanks for bearing with us on that.
Let's talk to Dan in Illinois, then Greg, Jan, and Ethan, and Lesanne and others.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
You know, I'm a little confused about all the protesting against Mel Gibson's film, or anything else like that.
Well, it doesn't work when they show it.
Mel Gibson was here Sunday, showed it to all the liberals, and they loved it.
So it kind of blew up in the ADL's face.
Well, here's the thing.
Christians, by their existence, believe that Christ is God.
Jewish people, by their fact that they remain Jewish, says that He wasn't.
So if He wasn't God, He was a blasphemer, like
It says in the Bible.
Well, the leftists don't like Christians in Christianity, period.
And they'll attack anything Christian.
Look at the Ten Commandments.
I mean, is this truly a leftist thing, or is it more of a Jewish thing?
There are a lot of Jews who are Christians.
A big part of the liberal movement that doesn't like Christianity has Jewish organizations in it, but there's Buddhists who don't like Christians, there's Muslims who don't like Christians.
Religions are always fighting with each other.
I meant the people who are remaining Jewish.
It seems more of a pressure like that to me because it's making them supposedly look bad when actually it doesn't.
Well, I know the ADL came out against Judge Moore, but so did the Southern Poverty Law Center and a bunch of others, but yes, that particular group is always going after Christians, and it's wrong, and I don't know why, because the Ten Commandments were given to Moses!
So that's Jewish and Christian, so it's crazy.
Isn't the Anti-Affirmation League, whatever that's called, aren't they against this movie, too?
Oh, they have.
They have called Mel Gibson an anti-Semite, which is slander, which is totally, just total garbage.
Well, that's like the thing I'm talking about.
I mean, why since?
If they think they're correct in their position in their belief system, this movie just shows their position.
Well, in the article I wrote about Arnold Schwarzenegger before, you know, during the election, before he was elected, I point out that in 1978, in a banquet hall with over a thousand people in it,
He said, I hate all n-word, n-word, n-word, get out subhuman blacks.
This is in front of thousands of witnesses, 200 bodybuilders, throwing a fit because he dropped out that year because this black guy was bigger than him.
And he had to have arrests from the Roids, that's been in the news.
And it was burning his liver out.
And then he says that he wants to be like Hitler.
He campaigns for Nazis.
He says, I don't care of all times a Nazi.
And the ADL likes him.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center endorses him.
I'm sick of it!
Then they attack Mel Gibson!
I mean, it just doesn't make any sense to me.
Well, it makes a lot of sense if you understand it's a political tool to attack anybody that's wholesome.
Well, I mean, you know, I'm being facetious.
I do understand.
We don't want anything to make them look bad, and that's all there is to it.
And it's like that, you talk about censorship, you talk about First Amendment, that's... a movie has to be the... Well, it's not going to work.
Mel Gibson's going all over the country showing the passion, and people are getting a chance to see it, and the writer for The Statesman said, I don't get the big deal.
This is the version of the movie that didn't cut the stuff out that the ADL doesn't like, and there's nothing in it bad.
I mean, it's just the Bible.
It's what happened.
Is it in Arabic?
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I appreciate your call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Greg in North Carolina.
Go ahead, Greg.
Hello, Mr. Jones.
How are you?
I was just wondering, since the spring of 2001 in my little area here in western North Carolina, we had quite a bit of weird airplane traffic.
It started with a little airplane, single engine, that was marked Chinese.
I just wonder what your take would be on that.
I don't know, I don't have enough information, but I know that Chinese troops are at a lot of major U.S.
bases, have been given entrance into secure areas that citizens can't see, into NORAD, you name it, into NORTHCOM, you name it, and it's horrible and we do have foreign troops there, that's mainstream news.
This is like a signal engine type Cessna type fault plane.
Well a lot of, look, I mean we've seen Russian planes, Czechoslovakian, Hungarian, Ukrainian flying around Austin.
We'll drive out to the airport and it's some, you know, rich lawyer who bought one for 50 grand.
So a lot of times when you see foreign aircraft and stuff, people bought it.
And they can still leave the country markings on it and not change it to an N for America.
I believe that if it doesn't have proper numbers, it's a violation of FAA rules.
Okay, well I'm talking about, you know, American is in before the numbers.
This one had a B before the numbers and I called the FAA and that's China.
Yes, I know that the lawyers around here
And you know, I just happen to know two lawyers that we've pulled up and questioned them.
They don't take the markings off.
They leave the foreign markings and then add U.S.
But, I mean, if you call the FAA, how many of these single-engine Chinese planes have you seen?
We only had one who was buzzing everybody's house at low altitude, doing circles, and cutting his motor off, you know, coasting over people's houses.
Well, there's the Open Skies Treaty that any foreign plane that wants to can fly over us.
So, I don't know.
Well, he was below the 500 feet, though, which is where they're supposed to be, away from a person, house, or building, or automobile.
I don't know.
I don't know what to say, Greg.
Okay, I'll just get me a better camera and start taking pictures for the FAA, I guess.
I think that's a good idea, yes.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Sorry I can't answer your question.
I just don't have enough info.
Interesting question, though.
Jan in Colorado.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thanks for holding.
Yes, thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to say I loved your video, Bohemian Grove.
I think everybody needs to see that.
It was excellent.
Well, for those that don't know what Bohemian Grove is and that George Bush admittedly attends, so did his daddy and his daddy and his daddy, why don't you tell folks what you saw in the video?
Well, it was them having their ceremonies and important people in government and it just showed, you know, what really goes on in some of these secret societies.
And I think it's an eye-opener.
Everyone needs to be informed.
And I wanted to go into something else that I think is kind of interesting and I want to know if you've heard anything about this.
Someone told us, you know, someone in Washington, D.C., that
The higher-ups have been told to leave before the year 2006.
They are to relocate with their families.
Most people who are billionaires are building armored compounds in islands off the U.S.
coast, east coast, west coast, in the Caribbean.
They are getting islands in the Mediterranean, islands in the South Pacific.
And yes, there is a massive evacuation taking place.
Remember about five years ago, Hanoi Jane left and said the U.S.
is going into martial law.
I'm leaving.
And she divorced her husband.
Ted Turner?
Yeah, uh-huh.
So, and there was an article in the Christian Science Monitor two weeks ago about the mass evacuation that's taking place.
Do you think maybe they have planned a terrorist attack someplace close to Washington, D.C.?
Is that what's on the books?
I think unless we expose that they stand against from terror, they're going to release smallpox or some other horrible thing.
They've made preparations as the smoke screen for a total federal takeover.
That'll be their excuse for a total clampdown.
They've said they're going to do it, so...
They've said it's going to happen.
We're going to save you by enslaving you.
So yes, I think it's going to happen unless we get the word out.
We are in a life or death situation.
We're all standing in the crosshairs of history, folks.
And we are on the edge of the death of America.
Stay there.
We'll talk more on the other side, Jan.
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Alright, going back to Jan in Colorado.
She had asked why the
She's heard about this evacuation out of D.C.
and other areas.
They're moving in Congress with the CFR Commission's study, trying to implement it into law, to have a CON-CON, which is a terrifying thing, a Constitutional Convention, and if they can get a CON-CON going under the name of Flag Burning Ban or something that a lot of folks would agree with,
Then, when it's in that process, they can rewrite the whole Constitution, the whole Bill of Rights.
Well, their new reason for a CON-CON is an emergency procedure to appoint new members of Congress if a third of them are killed, a third or more.
And the President, with the state governors, would then appoint the people.
And so they are making all these preparations.
The New York Times on Monday had the article about SARS.
Well, it's going to be an outbreak.
It's going to happen.
We've got quarantines with armed police in every city and town now.
And the feds are running it.
And so this is really going on.
And then we've got the different generals and people saying, well, it's for your own good.
It's kind of sad, but we'll have to set aside the Constitution for a military form of government to keep you safe.
Creating that false perception that military government is a good thing and, well, it's what happens if we're attacked again.
And so they're setting that psychological precedent.
Anything else, Jan?
What else I heard was that most people would be safe in, like, say, the mountainous areas.
Have you heard anything about that?
Well, I mean safe.
If there is a major biological outbreak that's in your area, if you can get out to a rural area and isolate yourself until the hysteria and the rioting, which will tend to be worse than the disease itself, and then the secondary federal takeover, quote, answering that crisis, then yes, you would be safer.
I appreciate your call, Jen.
Yeah, thank you so much.
You're doing a good job.
I appreciate your call.
Let's talk to Ethan in California.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, how are you doing today, Alex?
Fantastic, sir.
I love your show.
I just saw They Live last night.
I wish I could go out to Houston to see your show, but I won't be able to make it.
I was trying to.
It was a great movie.
Really fantastic.
Also, I just wanted to thank you a lot, because I noticed you always say, you know, you do the truth and the facts, and you said the thing about the death camps this morning.
And that one kind of blew my mind, but I just went online and read about it, and that's some really crazy stuff.
Yeah, we have a whole section where they have mass graves and incinerators ready for you and your family.
That's the Colorado news there.
I looked that up, too.
You know, my friends think I'm crazy listening to you.
I'm telling them about this stuff.
I'm looking at mainstream media news.
You know, it's all about the truth, and they really think, like, why are you questioning the government?
You know, like, everything's okay.
Just take your pills and live as you do.
See, that's what's so scary is that they're floating it.
Oh, we may have to put you in a camp.
We may have to burn your body.
We may have to... But it's for your safety.
I'm looking at escape routes out of LA.
Oh, definitely.
I took my girlfriend out of town just through the mountains.
I've been talking about getting us backpacks and hiking gear.
And she's looking at me like I'm crazy.
Like, why would you need this?
And I'm like... Well, if we don't stop the globalists and expose them, you will need it.
The government is saying this is going to happen.
We're trying to expose them so they don't move.
Again, folks,
I mean, we're living in the most dangerous and most interesting times ever in human history right now.
This is life or death.
We are standing on the edge.
Most definitely.
Also, I keep a picture of John Ashcroft up in my office based on how you were saying about the reports of college students and people just knowing their government.
Most people have no clue who he is.
I can't believe it.
You know, I keep a nice picture of the one from, like, his website with him by the flag, smiling, and nobody gets it.
I can't believe it.
You know, 1 out of 14, maybe 1 out of 7 really, you know, see who he is, and that just really blows my mind, because there's all these things, too, about these flu shots, and you're right about, I think there is going to be some sort of biological SARS.
It's no more, it's not a question of if, it's a question of when.
Well, that's what the Globalists are saying, absolutely.
Just try to turn your friends onto the show, get them to listen.
Most definitely.
And hopefully wake folks up.
Anything else, Ethan?
Other than that, I love your show and I think it's fantastic and I'm here to fight with you and God bless.
You're awesome.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, we can back them up.
If enough people wake up, the Globalists will have to suspend their plans.
Second hour, more calls and guests coming up.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, you're now into the second hour of this global transmission.
It is the 10th day of December 2003 on this Wednesday.
And we're about to go to Lesanne, and John, and Lou, and Kenneth, and Matt, and many, many others that are patiently holding in this second hour.
In the third hour, coming up here in about 59 minutes, we're going to have the lawyer on who's suing the government.
17 students filed suit over school drug raid.
Remember that up in Goose Creek in the Carolinas?
The video cameras, well, new videos come out with the police dog grabbing backpacks, savaging them.
It was a drug dog, also trained in attack, a German Shepherd.
This is the new America.
Of course, no drugs were found.
And they put guns to the children's heads as well.
That's coming up as we expose police state USA.
Also, Supreme Court upholds political money law.
We'll get to that.
One alone, Big Brother's watching also.
Iraq's been told, the puppet government, not to report any dead Iraqi civilians.
And we'll talk about Bush and what's happening with Taiwan, telling them that they're slaves of China, basically.
And Verichip and stores, get ready to start swiping your arm to buy and sell.
Right now, let's go to Lesanne in New York.
Lesanne, you're on the air, welcome.
Hi, Alex.
Let's hope this works this time.
It's my first time calling.
I'm going to make a very quick comment.
First of all, I bless you for what you're doing.
It's actually a comfort as alarming and stunning as the news is.
It's a comfort for me because I feel very isolated and I feel very alone.
I live in New York in a very metropolitan area.
I know there are other individuals scattered about, but
They're the truth seekers, like I am, but I'm also a Christian and I no longer even attend services because I can't stomach what I'm seeing around me.
One of the churches is saying, worship Bush, worship world government.
Well, if you read between the lines, yes.
I would say that what I would say the church is, I'd call it like counterfeit Christianity.
You know, they're concerned with the need to maintain the comfort level of people.
You know, to keep their numbers high, and to build, and make their buildings bigger.
To tickle their ears.
I can't stomach it, and I know that I've been criticized by some individuals that are true Christians, that are also aware of the truth, that I need to not focus on those things, but there's something inside of me that just wants to literally
You know, I get very angry, and I appreciate you as a person.
I just, you know, probably nobody has really said this to you, but you have, like, this passion.
And I'm very passionate.
And because of your passion, I bet you haven't even got my daughter to listen to you.
And, you know, it's basically a teenage mentality, but because she's me, and just in that passion part, I wish I could remember all the facts and the, you know, news articles that you have, but I do have, like, folders galore.
Well, let me say this, Lesanne.
Anybody that tells you you shouldn't be upset or passionate about the evil has a problem.
I mean, Christ whipped the money changers for their activities and we're supposed to get mad at evil and to speak out against it.
And that's a good thing.
I agree with you, but you know, you're doing it and you're doing it in spite of what, you know, untold consequences might happen
Um, you know, I pray for you.
I pray for me.
Well, duties, mind, and consequences are God's.
Exactly, and I just wanted to say one more thing, you know, on the, on the, you know, one of the scriptures in, in the Bible, which... Stay there, Lisanne.
I'll let you, uh, cover more of this when we get back, okay?
I'll put you on hold.
Don't hang up.
We'll let you finish up, and then we'll, uh, real quick get to John and, uh, Lou and, uh, Kenneth and Matt and others.
We'll be right back, and I'm gonna jump into this news as well.
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That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this second hour.
Let's go ahead and go back to the calls.
Let's talk to John in Colorado.
John, welcome.
Good to talk to you, John.
Can you hear me?
Okay, very quickly.
Yes, I can hear you.
I'm talking about mistreatment as it pertains to describing and defining one's own status in society.
I've got three reasons, Terry.
You need to get a pencil and paper for reason number two.
Reason one.
We say we have rights.
When you say you have civil rights, they come from government.
When you say you have inalienable, not inalienable, but inalienable, like tax liens, they come from God.
Get a pencil and paper.
Point two.
Define the United States as it pertains to dealing with government on a daily basis and in the court system.
United States.
Go to U.S.
Code Title 28
Judiciary and Judicial Procedure.
Section 3002 definitions.
Subsection 15.
Sir, let me stop you.
Let me just give you a tip.
We're talking to people.
If you're going to get off into definitions of law and how the system really works and the fraudulent 14th Amendment making us all slaves, you might want to preface that for folks and tell them what you're about to talk about.
Well, what I'm talking about here is we're in a world of trouble because of the fact that we've been hoodwinked into thinking what we are and what we're actually not.
Yeah, we've been hoodwinked about the Federal Reserve being a government entity when it's listed in the business white pages.
We've been hoodwinked about the National Security Act of 1947.
We don't know our system of government.
The average person
As a caller said earlier, doesn't even know who John Ashcroft is, or who the Vice President is, or what the First Amendment is.
Over two-thirds of college administrators and students don't know what the First Amendment is in a major study.
So that's why we're in so much trouble.
So imagine you giving people federal rulings and U.S.
Well, this is very simple.
This is very simple.
What I'm getting at is the definition pertains to U.S.
Code, Title 28-3000-215, Paragraph A.
The meaning of the United States is a federal corporation.
You're a citizen of a federal corporation!
Yeah, they replace the rightful government with a corporation of the same name.
Right, the last point that I want to make here is, when they ask you for your ID, whether you're on the street, being stopped by a police officer, or in a court system, you present your ID.
What is it that you present?
You present your driver's license.
Look at your driver's license.
Their name is spelled in all capital letters.
They're not looking at you.
It's your corporation.
You're right.
You're a corporation.
You're right.
An official corporate entity.
A corporate entity.
And that's all you are.
And that's what we need to turn around is our court system and turn this around.
They get us to sign away our rights through treaties with the government, through contracts.
And just one more other point if I may.
When you say you're American,
You gotta understand what you're saying there.
Yeah, I'm a citizen of the state of Texas.
Right, but you say you're American.
You're D.C., Texas.
Michael, Canada, all Americans, North Americans, Nicaraguans are sexual Americans, Brazilians are South Americans, we're all Americans!
The definitions are very important.
Thanks for the call, John.
I appreciate it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Lou.
Lou, where are you calling us from?
Another call from Colorado.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to, you know, in clearing up something on that one film that you have, 9-1-1, blow up airliners full of American citizens.
I have a copy of the report from the Northwoods Agreement, but it should be noted that these are drone ships.
These are unmanned vessels that it states, you know?
Well, actually if you read the body of it, they will say
Shoot people, bomb people, kill people, and then it will restate drones, and then it will say kill them again.
So they're saying to the President, we can blow up fake ships, or we can blow up real ships, we can crash jets, we can have college students on them, we can
If John Glenn dies in orbit, we can say that the Russians or the Cubans did it.
They say we can use army troops dressed up like Cubans to attack, shoot at, bomb Guantanamo Bay.
And so, your interpretation is different than mine and different than Mr. Bamford's.
Different from John F. Kennedy's.
That document talks about killing people, and they give the offer.
We can really kill them, or we can stage their deaths.
Yeah, there's one spot that does state that, but they do talk about unarmed bustlers and stuff, but I'm just bringing this out as a matter of point.
I'm looking at the actual Freedom of Information Act Northwoods document.
No, I mean, we've got the document on the website, and we've read the entire document on air.
It actually talks about wounding and killing people.
Yes, they do talk about that.
More than once.
More than once.
They say, if the President wants to, we can stage it, or we can really do it.
Well, that part I didn't see in there, but... Well, yes, it's to the President.
It's to the Secretary of Defense.
But anyhow, I just wanted to bring it out, because some people will question me on that, as I get in the film, and that's what I...
Well, look, let me give you an example of Northwoods being implemented.
The Gulf of Tonkin in 1964 did not take place.
That was fake.
And that's Northwoods being implemented.
Now, the USS Liberty in 1967 did take place.
Right, right.
Well, there's no doubt in my mind that they have pulled stuff like this.
Talk about that one particular little thing there that I would... But, if you read that document, it says, kill people, wound people, and then it gives the opportunity, or we can stage it.
And then it talks about casualty list, and U.S.
newspapers will cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
Oh, yes, yes.
That's in there, definitely.
I mean, they're definitely setting up a phony thing here, one way or the other.
Well, you've got it in front of you.
I'm going from memory.
Page 9 talks about having their paramilitary forces shoot people in D.C.
and Miami, and then how to frame patsies.
I've got page 9 in front of me here.
Uh, they would sink a boatload of Cubans en route to Florida, real or simulated.
See, I told you.
You just said what I just said.
Real or simulated.
Real or simulated.
There, but on the other ones, there was no, it just talked about... You're not, you know, it does talk about shooting our troops and shooting people.
No, I'm just talking about the ones about the unarmed... I think from memory, and you've got it in front of you, I think four times they talk about killing people and wounding them.
Yeah, they do mention that there are some things that they would do, and they're sort of vague in a couple of factors.
Yeah, they're not clear if they're going to kill John Glenn or not.
Yeah, so... Now you say, if he died, it'd be helpful.
We could blame it on the commies.
Well, I've been giving this film out to quite a few people, and I even gave some to somebody in government, but I have a problem with these congressmen that I have out here.
One congressman, the only one I have, is Joe Heffley.
I wrote on that HR 3289,
Yeah, they...
A lot of times I just don't have the staff.
I mean, I'm in the position of getting hundreds of phone calls a day, hundreds of emails, thousands of emails a day, and I read it, I look at it, I can't respond to it.
But who knows?
You need to go out, you know, congressmen and women have these events, Lew, where they go out and meet the constituency.
You need to find out when they're going to have that and confront them face to face.
Oh, I will.
I will, I guarantee you that.
I definitely will.
Uh, and has anybody ever heard any more about what that Rubin, who is with the
Well, on that Enron deal, is there any books that are written that cover, you know, how they set up?
That guy was in the Treasury Department under Clinton and he set up that deal with the, was it, Citibank for the whole Enron deal?
Yeah, no, I mean, none of the real scammers that made the tens of billions of dollars got in trouble.
And, you know, the Arthur Anderson accountant there in Colorado, his decomposing body was found with gunshot wounds to the head.
Oh, really?
Yeah, and then we had Baxter with a gunshot wound to the head in his underwear.
After he said he'd go public, and then, you know, they go after Martha Stewart, who might have done something a little shady, instead of going after the real scammers.
Yeah, boy, that's the truth on that.
I just didn't know if there was any more.
I didn't know about that one guy getting killed from an accounting firm.
Oh, yeah.
That's interesting.
But I just wanted to bring that out.
He had a great show, and like I say, I'm getting people to wake up little by little.
Hopefully I've got to have answers for them too.
Absolutely, I appreciate your question, and it's a good question about Northwoods, but you just started randomly reading from page 9, and there it is.
Sink a boatload of Cubans, whether real or fake.
Oh yeah, yeah.
I have to be ready to answer a question if somebody pulls this back.
Well, if somebody reads the entire, what is it, 15 pages, it talks about killing and shooting people, and they say real or simulated, real or simulated.
And in that Bamford's book, he brings out that the Maine was, his explosion remained undetermined.
Nah, that's... I mean, Bamford can say it's undetermined, but the clear evidence is that they blew that ship up.
Yeah, because they use a Remember the Maine here in the Northwich document, too.
Yeah, they say we can have another... It could be arranged in several forms.
Yeah, they say we can do another Maine.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Yeah, you have to take that document in total for the spirit of it.
And it talks about killing real people.
Killing Marines, killing Cubans, shooting people in D.C., bombing D.C.
Uh, wounding people, killing people.
Um, if John Lennon was to have an accident while in orbit, that would be helpful.
I mean, you gotta read the whole thing, which you've obviously done, but if you've got some friend who picks out a part where they say, well, it says it could be simulated, yeah, it says it could be real, too.
The fact that they would talk about fake attacks is bad enough, but that document... I've got to dig it out.
It's actually in a folder over here.
I ought to read that whole thing on air again.
Go read it for yourself at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, the 9-11 sections.
Alright, Kenneth and Matt and others, you're going to have to hold a few minutes.
I'm going to cover news for about 10-15, then we'll get back to your calls.
Stay with us.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I've got a comment for our last caller.
Lew in Colorado who brought up a great point.
I mean, in the Northwoods document, they say we can, you know, sink this ship, blow this ship up with these Cubans on it, and we can do it for real, or we can simulate it.
And they say we can have real sniper attacks, wound, kill people, or we can simulate it and put out false news reports.
The point is, they're talking about doing it.
And, of course, they leave themselves that out there.
Well, it could be simulated.
But they go on to say, or it could be real.
I mean, they say they're going to mortar attack and machine gun attack Marines.
And they say that would be a real event.
This is an official government document that got greenlighted all the way up to Kennedy, who said no to it.
Now, take, and then we saw those plans actually carried out in a bunch of different operations.
Take the comments of
General Tommy Franks, a cigar aficionado.
And by the way, there was a St.
Petersburg Times article terrified by it.
There was a New York Times article terrified by the comments.
You know, because the media has to act like they're concerned, and some of the reporters are good people.
And they got the same interpretation that Newsmax and myself took from it.
You know, because Frank says, well I love America and I'm real sad about it, but if there's another big attack, we're going to set aside the Constitution and go to a military form of government.
It's what the people want.
Of course he's not going to say martial law is good, but he's preparing you for it.
He's saying that if this happens, this is what we're going to do.
It's the outgoing head of CENTCOM saying that this is being discussed.
Then we look around us, there's all the preparations.
Now the article by NORTHCOM head, Eberhard, in the 23rd of November, in the LA Times, that's on InfoWars.com right now,
He goes even further.
He says it's going to happen.
It is happening.
They're getting rid of posse commentatis.
They're going to run our lives, but it's a good thing.
Then there's the Asia Times, the big article where they got a Pentagon document about martial law by 2012.
And they say, wow, looks like it's coming a little bit early.
But it's an incremental, bloodless coup.
It's militarizing police, violating our liberties and rights, building giant prisons everywhere.
They're incrementally putting up thousands of cameras in every city.
That's what's happening.
And then I see this.
Supreme Court upholds political money law.
The Supreme Court upheld key features of the nation's new law intended to lessen the influence of money in politics.
Oh yeah, it restricts the money you or I can give as little people, but doubles what corporations can give.
Oh, it's real good.
And it restricts the First Amendment.
I mean, according to their laws, I can't have Larry Pratt on 60 days before an election.
Or the ACLU for that matter.
Ruling will be that the government may ban unlimited donations to political parties.
Those donations, called soft money, have become a mainstay of modern political campaigns used to rally votes to the polls and to pay for sharply worded television ads.
That means if you're a millionaire and want to run for Congress, and you're a good guy or a bad guy, it doesn't matter.
You can't go spend your own money, see?
But the big corporations can do whatever they want.
And it restricts the First Amendment.
It's horrible.
Six children die in fresh U.S.
The U.S.
military announced today that six children and two adults were killed during a U.S.
attack on weapons compound in the southeastern Afghanistan, the second bungled operation in the country to leave child victims in the many days.
The six children died on Friday during a night assault on a complex in Pakita province, where a renegade Afghan commander, Mullah Jallon, kept a huge cache of weapons of Lieutenant Colonel Brian Helferdy.
The next day, we discovered the bodies of two adults and six children.
You can bet the numbers are higher than that.
That's the normal tactic.
This is out of Iraq.
With the public government out of the Associated Press.
Iraq to stop counting civilian dead.
Baghdad, Iraq.
Iraq's health minister has ordered a halt to a count of civilians killed during the war and told its statistics department not to release figures compiled so far.
The official who oversaw the count told the Associated Press on Wednesday.
That's today.
The order was relayed by the Ministry's Director of Planning, Dr. Nizar Shambandar, but the U.S.-led Coalition Provisional Authority, which oversees the Ministry, also wanted the counting to stop, said Dr. Naham Motion, the head of the Ministry's Statistics Department.
We have stopped the collection of this information because our Minister didn't agree with it.
She said adding the CPA doesn't want this to be done.
So, uh, these civilian casualties are in the tens of thousands.
Our government doesn't want to count kept of that as they round up and arrest people and start, uh, kidnapping people's children to, quote, make them talk.
That's the New York Times.
A colonel admitted that on Monday.
Folks, this is so bad.
I mean, do you get how evil this is?
Maybe you don't.
Maybe you think evil's good.
We'll be back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back to 9 to midnight.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I'm here live.
Let's go ahead and take a couple more calls, then I'm going to get back into more of the news here.
Let's talk to Malta in Denmark.
Another call from Denmark.
Welcome to the airwaves.
Hello Alex.
Good to talk to you.
I just want to come to your show and say something about these evil people.
I want to say something about the Anti-Demoflation League.
My information, they are the arms of the Illuminati.
Every time the Rockchild and something else is going to get attacked, the Anti-Demoflation League is going to attack you.
That's how I've tried here in Denmark.
They are active all around the world.
Are you saying that the ADL is there to demonize anybody?
They are the arms of the Illuminati.
Every time you attack the Illuminati.
Well, I have found if you attack government corruption in any way, and never say a word of racism, you will be attacked by the ADL.
If you're a real live Nazi, you will be loved and supported and completely ignored by the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Simon Wiesenthal Center.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is Jewish, too.
I don't understand.
The management of this is Jewish.
Maybe they have some kind of connection to the anti-demoflation.
Yeah, I don't know.
Maybe that.
Well, there's a lot of organizations.
Look, it's a horrible thing to throw at somebody that they're racist or whatever.
And so the government's going to have its people that do that.
My point is, is that I'm against Mecha, who's racist, who's Hispanic.
I'm against the Black Panther Party that's now become very racist under Khalid Mohammed.
And I'm against Zionists that are racist.
I'm against all of these groups that do this.
And if you are against all the racists, there's nothing they can really do against you.
And so I refuse to play the game.
I fight corruption, period.
We have this European Constitution now in Denmark, in Europe.
We shall vote next year or next year again.
And I start to think maybe they want to do something like Homeland Security do here in Europe.
Well, your European Union is taking your rights away and taking your national sovereignty.
Yeah, that's for sure.
I mean, I read about people being arrested for criticizing the government now.
Not here in Denmark.
We have a conservative government.
It's sure controlled by the Illuminati to some kind of
But they have been elected to run an anti-European policy.
Yes, sir.
How long have you been hosting the show?
I don't know what you call it.
They have problems here with this European Union.
They don't know what they want.
Well, most European countries have not allowed a referendum because in all the nations I've seen polls on, 70 plus percent of the people are against being under the EU, but still it expands and expands and expands.
Are the people that you talk to in Denmark, are they against the EU?
Most of them.
Even the Jews.
So the question is, why are you under the EU then?
You know, the Rockchild control the media here in Denmark, too.
Well, I appreciate your call from Denmark, and please spread the word, and thanks for holding.
All right, sir.
I will do that.
Have a good weekend.
You bet, Chuck.
You, too.
Thank you.
Yeah, we get calls.
I've gotten calls from Antarctica, McMurdle Weather Station.
I get calls from Mexico, Germany, Canada, Africa.
Haven't gotten a call in about six months from Australia or New Zealand.
But if you are calling from especially outside the Americas, we will get you right on the air.
Do I have that little guest, that short guest I was going to have on?
I appreciate you getting our guest on.
Here in about 5-10 minutes we will go to Kenneth and Matt and Jack and others and I'll get into Verichip signed South Africa Distributorship.
And here's another one out of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Company aims to sell VeraChip as credit card for the forgetful bionic man or woman in your life.
Here's a credit card they can't possibly leave home without.
A microchip the size of a grain of rice implanted in the arm.
And they're moving ahead now to buy and sell and you will scan your hand to buy and sell.
As we said this chip was meant to do.
And it's really owned, the company's really owned by IBM and the Communist Chinese military.
That was in their 2000 financial filings and
Some of the stockholders of Verichip are now suing IBM, claiming they're trying to take control.
They already had control, as I told you, three years ago.
But right now, we're joined by a fella.
I won't take much of his time.
Good friend of mine.
He's the owner of the Alamo Draft House Cinema down in Houston, Texas at the West Stokes.
We're good to go.
We're going to be down in the Alamo Draft House in Houston.
I'm going to be there showing 9-11 Road to Tyranny and then of course John Carpenter's They Live.
I'm going to give a 30 minute speech, show Road to Tyranny at 630 and then at about 930 or so I'll have a question and answer.
Then we'll show John Carpenter's They Live.
Great place to network and meet folks.
And last time we did this
Uh, at about Wednesday, we'd sold about 40 tickets online.
And I was worried, oh, will there be a big crowd?
Uh, then, by 7 o'clock when it started, we had sold all the tickets.
We're good to go.
And I hope to see everybody go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, link through to the Alamo Draft House website, and buy tickets via their secure online server to this double feature.
And that's coming up this Saturday.
And folks, it's such a nice theater.
Luxury theater.
Wonderful seats.
Your own tables.
Seats over 300 people.
It's such a nice place.
They've got pizza, hamburgers, all that stuff.
But fellow Patriot, Travis Doss, joins us.
And Travis, good to have you on the show.
Yes, sir.
You bet.
Thank you.
Last time was a big success, wasn't it?
Oh, absolutely, yeah.
The last show was done on September 11th, as you all know.
And, yeah, it exceeded our expectations tremendously.
That was a Thursday, wasn't it?
Yes, sir.
Because I got back in the car that night at 12.30 and drove home to the radio show the next day.
But this time I'm going to be staying down there in Houston.
It was an amazing event to see all these people interacting.
That's the reason I look forward to going.
Yeah, absolutely.
We had people emailing me for weeks after we did it, lamenting the fact that they weren't able to be there and see you.
I actually had other theater owners from around the country calling me and were jealous that we had you, so it was pretty interesting.
Yeah, I get calls every week from theaters that want to show Roderick Tierney, and I
But they always want me to come there, and I just can't do it because of the radio show.
I'm not bragging.
Oh, I'm in such demand.
The good news here is that people care.
People know the truth about September 11th, and I think it's going to be a big success this time.
But, Travis, wouldn't you encourage folks to go online now and go ahead and get the tickets?
Yeah, absolutely.
So they won't be disappointed.
Yeah, there was a tremendous amount of people who were disappointed last time.
Yeah, I would highly encourage them to come if they can.
The interesting thing was it didn't sell out until about 6.50.
Everybody, a bunch of people, showed up right when it's supposed to start.
So folks, just show up a little early if you're not online.
I don't want to discourage people to not show up because they think they can't get tickets.
If you know somebody who does have a computer, get them to go online and get you the tickets.
Yeah, they should definitely come and we're going to try to get you starting speaking at 6 p.m.
sharp so that we can have the full amount of time.
That was probably the highlight of it, the Q&A that you did and just you sharing your thoughts.
Hey, did you get a chance to come down and see Mel Gibson this weekend?
No, unfortunately I had to work.
No, I couldn't make it.
I wish I could have.
Well, I had heard the rumor that Harry Knowles was going to have him there, but I said, I'm going deer hunting.
I'm not going to try to weasel into that, even though I'd have loved to have gone.
That was certainly interesting.
And actually, the leftist newspaper said, I don't get why the ADL is attacking Gibson.
This film isn't bad.
That is interesting.
That was a lot of the reviews that I heard that said, what's the big deal?
Well, that shows the insanity.
Arnold can scream in front of thousands that he hates black people at a bodybuilding contest in 1978, and can campaign for Nazis, and he's OK.
But Gibson has never done anything anti-Semitic, and he gets attacked.
I don't know.
I guess it's just a leftist kind of tool to demonize anything.
It's like the Ten Commandments.
I don't know.
Travis, how do folks get to the Alamo Draft House there in Houston?
We're located on the west side of Houston.
We're located at Westheimer and Highway 6.
And if anybody needs better directions, they can go to our website.
It's www.drafthouse.com.
And then they would click on West Oaks.
We're at the West Oaks Mall.
And your mascot is a fitting individual, John Wayne.
And it's Remember the Alamo, folks.
You can't forget that.
And a lot of great folks involved.
And I really enjoyed the Houston crowd.
And folks came in from far away as, I think, states like Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico.
And so I look forward to seeing everybody there this Saturday.
I look forward to seeing you again, Travis.
I know the staff had a lot of fun last time, too.
They're looking forward to it, aren't they?
Oh, of course, of course.
Yeah, we've got a great staff.
I think everybody who came, we had a lot of people who hadn't been here before.
I think everybody had a really good time.
I think your film is fantastic.
I think there's probably a lot of people who haven't seen the John Carpenter film.
Uh, either, and it's very eerie when you compare some of the things in that film.
It's sensationalized, but to compare some of the things in that film to some of the things that you speak about that are on the horizon, it's interesting.
Well, I mean, I'm showing they live because it's a good way to get people to look behind the surface, to think about the big picture, to shift their paradigm.
It's an analogy of what we're really facing.
And one more time for folks that just joined us, how do they
How do they get to the Alamo Draft House at the West Oaks Shopping Center?
Yes, sir.
We're on the far west side of Houston.
We're three miles south of I-10 on Highway 6 at Westheimer.
It's Highway 6 at Westheimer, three miles south of I-10 on Highway 6.
We're inside of the West Oaks Mall, and you can once again go to www.drafthouse.com and click on West Oaks, and it'll take you directly to our website.
Absolutely, and your link is on the top right-hand corner of the West Oaks homepage.
If they just click on your Road to Tyranny link, it'll take them right to where they can buy tickets.
And you are a freedom lover.
Your dad has been a radio listener here in Austin for years.
Oh yeah.
And I always enjoy getting to see him, and I hope he'll be there.
He's standing here right now listening to you.
All right, well say hi to your dad for me.
Do you want to put your dad on?
Yeah, I'll put him on right now.
Alex, how you doing?
Hey, Mr. Dawes.
Good to talk to you.
Oh, good talking to you.
We're excited about you being here this weekend.
Well, I love doing it, and the crowd was so awesome last time that I look forward to coming there again, and hopefully in the future we can show some of the other films there.
We want to do it, and we're available for you anytime you want to come, Alex.
We believe in what you're doing, and we're excited to help.
What do you think about the developments in the New World Order right now?
You know, Alex, I hope that you can help people wake up to what's going on.
This whole New World Order, it's been around for so long and people seem to be waking up now, but only because you and some of the folks on your show there have told the truth.
Well, that's the key to standing up against evil.
I think Mark Twain said it best in the beginning.
A patriot is a scarce man, hated and feared.
But in time, when his cause succeeds, attempt to join him, because then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
And there's thousands of people that hit the barbed wire before I did and others did, that opened that wedge up for us.
But it's life and death now.
And to defend our way of life and our heritage, we've got to do it.
Thanks a lot for all your support, Mr. Dawson.
Tell Travis, thank you.
I'll do it.
Thanks a lot.
Take care, my friend.
I'll see you this Saturday.
All right, folks.
I'm going to go to your calls.
Loaded phones here in just a minute, but I appreciate them coming on the show and look forward to seeing folks in Houston this weekend.
Company aims to sell self-veritchip as credit card.
Again, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Five years ago, two years ago, did you ever think you'd be hearing about this?
For the forgetful bionic man or woman in your life, here's a credit card they can't possibly leave home without.
A microchip the size of a grain of rice implanted in the yarn.
The VeraChip, which transmits a unique ID number by radio frequency to a scanner, actually has been implanted in more than 30 people for a variety of potential applications, including as a building ID badge, medical bracelet, and anti-kidnapping device.
Now the chip's creator, Applied Digital Solutions of Palm Beach, Florida, is pitching it as a digital wallet that would automatically make purchases in stores.
Yeah, they've also signed a deal with the Bureau of Prisons in California.
When that went public, it fell apart.
And they've signed a deal with the Communist Chinese to implant their population, and that's where the big plant is based in Beijing, and it's owned by IBM.
This is their front company.
Now listen to this.
It gets even worse.
This is an Alex Jones saying it was a Walmart plan.
Involved with the RFID, because that's what the Verichip is.
It's the Seattle Post Intelligence, sir.
Listen to this.
The device employs radio frequency identification technology, or RFID, which companies such as Walmart stores are testing for more mundane purposes, such as tracking inventory and ringing up products at the register.
Now, they want to force out the barcode, which they implemented in 84.
For example,
A chip embedded in a product or its packaging can transmit signals informing the retailer that it is removed from the shelf or purchased and needs replacing.
But how does one install such a chip in a human?
Easy, says Applied Digital.
Now, again, we cannot become desensitized or acclimated just because there's hundreds of articles every month about how wonderful it is.
What do you think about this?
When we get back, we'll take your calls on all the subjects you're calling in about Kenneth and Matt and Jack and others.
And the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And we do have a guest coming up about the police state that you don't want to miss in the next hour.
And I do also want to talk about George Bush telling Taiwan, hey, you're not going to be independent, like our treaty with you says.
This isn't status quo as he's trying to spin it.
This is a major change in course.
Bill Clinton wouldn't talk like this.
He'd be called a commie, but Bush can do it.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Alright, we'll be taking your calls, getting through these folks that have been holding here in the next few segments.
Then we've got the lawyer with the class action suit, remember, up there.
At that public school with all the cameras and the drug dogs, now we learn grabbing on the bags and shaking things and terrifying the children, the guns to their heads, no drugs found.
All part of martial law, folks.
That's martial law.
They weren't that brutal in Germany until they got you to the camp.
So that's coming up in the next hour before I go to Ken and Matt and
Jack and Charlie and everybody else.
I want to encourage everybody, my first plug of the day for this, to get my videos.
I've made ten films.
You don't have to come to Houston to see them.
You can get 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, my newest film, Matrix of Evil.
You can get the videos by going to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You can get Eric Huffman's new incredible film about 9-11, Painful Deceptions, which covers the different facets of the collapse of the buildings and what happened at the Pentagon.
You can get the Loss of Liberty video about the USS Liberty attack.
It was to be blamed on Egypt as a pretext for World War III.
We now carry that.
A lot of really important items at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or you can call toll free to get the videos.
They make great gifts.
I authorize you to make copies of them.
Yes, I want you to get my films and duplicate them and hand them out to people and get them out to opinion makers and public officials.
The videos are all over two hours long, $25.95 a piece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 a piece.
Total free number to order is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or Infowars.com or Infowars.net.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And your purchase also makes this show possible.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kenneth in Texas.
Go ahead.
How you doing, Alex?
Fine, sir.
Thank you for taking my call.
I want to make a real quick mention of what that lady had to say earlier in the hour about the churches.
You know, that worship George Bush or whatever.
I've seen good Christian men, you know, Clint Eastwood type, and about in three years time, the churches effeminated them and they were dancing ballerinas.
They're good preachers on shortwave.
I listen to Pete Peters and Tex Mars, and those preachers right there got more testosterone than probably a lot of the male preachers in this country put together.
But I called about the, what did I call about?
The underground bunkers.
Uh, you know what, I got a feeling that, I say let them build them underground bunkers, because I think those underground bunkers are their tomb.
Uh, I think the next terrorist act, major terrorist act, is going to be committed by Jesus Christ himself.
Psalm 58.
I want everybody to look at it.
Do you think the earthquakes in Oklahoma and
And the Carolinas are God.
Well, I'm not going to say that.
I'm not going to say that at all.
I'm just saying something.
I encourage patriots and Christians alike to read Psalm 58 tonight.
Well, talking about the secret government, in Road to Tyranny, I have the Washington Post where they admit that the quote, secret government's in control.
Congress, the headline is shadow government.
That's what the White House called it.
The rich elite are moving out of the country.
That is happening.
The question is, why?
I think, from what I hear, they might want to use Russia to destroy America, but I think God might have different plans.
Well, the Globalists are a pack of criminals, and there's no telling what's going to happen.
I just know this, we're in the most dangerous period of history we have ever been in.
Hey, thank you for the call.
Appreciate it, Kenneth.
We'll come back and talk to Matt and Jack and Charles, and we've got our guest coming on.
You think you know the whole story of what happened up there at that goose creek school?
Well, you're going to find out a little bit more.
And is this coming to a school near you?
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time, we're here live, waging war on corruption.
Crashing to the lies and disinformation.
Coming up, we're going to have a guest on talking about what happened up there at that Goose Creek School with the police dogs and the searches and the drawn guns and the class action suit that's been filed.
Dwayne Green of Charleston is their attorney.
He'll be joining us here in a few minutes.
And I've got a bunch of other big brother police state news.
Knowing is half the battle, folks.
We're here exposing it.
But right now, let's go to the calls.
Matt in Louisiana, go ahead, you're on the air.
This isn't what I'm going to talk about, but just hearing your last call, whenever I hear the word shadow government, why in the world couldn't they have gotten a better name?
I mean, if it weren't so serious, it sounds comical.
Yeah, and this is a great point.
Why did the Bush White House come out and go, the shadow government is now in control?
They want it to sound ominous.
Homeland Security is meant to sound ominous.
The black ski masks are meant to scare us.
They're meant to scare those of us in the know, and doubly dumb down the idiots out there.
I tell you what, Homeland Security is getting scarier today.
Have you heard what Tom Ridge, this is why I'm calling, have you heard what Tom Ridge told a Miami audience yesterday?
I have an article on that, and I have not read it even myself yet.
I printed it off as I ran out the door.
What did he say?
There's an article today in the Sun Sentinel, Miami-Dade County News, by a writer called Tanya Weinberg.
And last night, in Miami, of all places, Tom Ridge was talking for a non-profit, a Council for Excellence in Government, and he straight out said he endorses legalizing undocumented immigrants.
And this is a Homeland Security chief.
Bush has said he wants blanket, open borders, end of sovereignty.
It's the Pan-American Union.
It's crazy.
And then just to hear his double speech, there's a quote from a minute that says, quote, this is Tom Ridge, I'm not saying make them citizens because they violated the law to get here.
So you don't reward that type of conduct by turning over a citizenship certificate.
You determine how you can legalize their presence.
Then, as a country, you make a decision that from this day forward,
This is the process of entry, and if you violate that process, we have resources to cope with it.
Oh, so if you get here, you're legal, kind of a super citizen, but that's okay, this is how we deal with it.
That is amazing doublespeak.
And I saw this there today, and it's starting to get picked up by some other people, but I can send it to you because it needs... No, I actually do have the article.
But I mean, folks, think about this.
The border stays wide open.
They'll accept any fake matricula card from Poland or Guatemala or Mexico, but as citizens, we're going to have the Pentagon watching us.
I mean, for me, that is really...
I was out in Colorado this summer listening to you every day on 1380, which was awesome, by the way.
I did not have to be on computer or shortwave right out there in the open.
And, you know, when you started talking about that, it really all came home to me.
Open borders, yet police us to death.
I mean, that's the one thing that, for me, really makes people click and say, wow, there is something to this.
And then you find the government funding the terrorists, having a motive.
Bush now has James Baker running the hundreds of billions of dollars of Iraq's spending and giving out the contracts.
No bids allowed.
I mean, this is just ridiculous corruption right out in the open.
And now he says, Taiwan, we're cutting you loose.
Imagine if Bill Clinton would have tried that.
Well, one, they would have, I mean, he was already getting called a commie, if he would have said that, good lord.
But, you know, we're going into one country to build a democracy, Iraq, allegedly.
Another, communist country, wants to become a democracy.
And, uh, we say, no, you gotta go back in with, uh, mainland China.
It's just, time and time again, from every corner, we're just hearing,
Contradictory misinformation and all you have to do is open up the newspaper.
Open your mind and you'll see it.
Then Jack, the average American doesn't even know what the First Amendment is or where Iraq is, but they'll form an opinion off watching Peter Jennings.
We'll be back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends.
We're 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this third hour.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles, California to Providence Road Island, from Austin, Texas to Kansas City, Missouri, from Denver, Colorado to Albuquerque, New Mexico.
And last month we started talking about the shocking video images
All right.
Hundreds of children handcuffed on their knees, police pointing loaded guns at them, which by the way, in some of the drills they've shot children and other police.
This is very, very, very dangerous.
And I hope these law firms that are suing in the class action suit will do a LexisNexis search and pull up where they shot children up in Detroit, where they shot cop of the year in Fort Worth during one of these drills.
This is very dangerous and they know it.
And then no drugs were found, but we're all guilty until proven innocent.
Now new videos come out, it's on InfoWars.com, on my website, where they have the vicious German Shepherd trained in drug interdiction and in attack dog techniques, grabbing and savaging a backpack on a child's back, and here's an article
Uh, out of the Associated Press, Raid might have broken drug dog rules.
They're supposed to take backpacks and jackets off of people.
You're not supposed to put the dog on a human being, because they have a good chance of biting them.
And they knew that!
But they also aimed guns at their heads!
And no drugs were found!
And by the way, most of the students were singled out, were black.
Two-thirds of them.
I know we got a lot of callers on this subject.
We're gonna get to
Jack and Chris and Mike and Frank and everybody, I'm joined by one of the lawyers, one of the attorneys, Dwayne Green.
Here on the show, and there's also some other big law firms that have been involved, even the big tobacco suits, some heavy guns involved in this.
And to give us details of what's really going on is Dwayne Green.
And Dwayne, I appreciate you taking time out to come on the show to help us expose this miscarriage, this abuse of these young people.
Well, thank you very much for having me, Alex.
I'm glad to be here.
It's an important issue.
As this story develops, we learn more and more and more.
There's dozens of cameras that caught this.
We're only seeing snippets of it.
What really happened that day?
Well, I think you summed it up very accurately, Alex.
It was a normal day for most of the students who came to school that day.
And the way that Berkeley County is, is there are rural areas that are mostly by African Americans, as you noted.
But in this particular instance, they went to Stratford High School, and they didn't know, or the parents weren't alerted, that there was a drug raid, a drug sweep, to take place that day.
If you've seen the video, it's shocking.
It's very similar to what you might see on a cop's video if they go into a crack house or something.
The difference is, these weren't
Drug dealers, these were students.
Some honor students, some students with disabilities, white and black students.
Yeah, it's like a lockdown of a prison or something.
Most definitely.
If you've seen the television show Oz, that's the only time I've seen people treated like that.
And of course, that was hardened criminals in the show, which of course is a depiction.
But the real life in this instance was every much as shocking, every much bit as shocking.
So what happened after that was the dogs came out.
They did not clear the students.
You've seen those handcuffs they use on detainees in Iraq or in any of the places where the United States is abroad.
Handcuffed students, they were thrown to the ground.
The dogs paroled the hall, snarling very close to the students' faces.
Any student who just looked behind to see what was going on had a gun to the back of their head.
Really tragic.
They found no drugs.
They didn't find anyone who had done drugs and it all came because of
Uh, the principal suspicion that he had seen what he thought to be drug activity on one of the video cameras that they have monitoring the hall.
Uh, and this is just some of the video that was seen.
A lot of it wasn't caught on tape.
The dog, uh, this vicious German Shepherd, uh, began savaging, uh, the backpack.
It grabbed it, and we've got the video.
Starts shaking it viciously.
We've all seen that in police training films on TV.
I know I'd be really mad if my child had a gun put to his head, and then had a German Shepherd jumping on him.
That is terrifying!
I think that's what we can all relate to.
There's some people who are canine lovers, and God bless them.
I don't think so.
They're meant to subdue the criminals, and to use that on high school students aged 13 through 17, I think what shocks the imagination is any one of our children going through that.
Well, I have to tell you, I'm not just saying this because two-thirds of the students singled out were black.
I've seen film of South Africa in the 80s where they would have everybody line up on their knees and watching police dogs bite on people, and it's very akin to that.
Well, what you said is very interesting, and what we've looked at and what we've found is, if you even think back to the 60s, the use of police dogs in those instances, but what shocks the conscience and what was very interesting was that not only black students were targeted, although this section of the hall was an entrance for the bus that was from a more rural and predominantly African American area.
So it just so happens that a lot of black students were there, and it was, okay.
That's right.
It was two-thirds, about two-thirds, it was about 107 students.
Two-thirds were black, about one-third were white, and it shouldn't have happened to any children.
And it didn't seem that the barking dogs and the barking police that were yelling at them were singling out one group, they were just attacking basically everybody.
Well, they definitely had guns to everyone's heads, and what is very interesting for everyone, black and white, we need to really see what those cameras show, and we're in the age where
Unfortunately, we have the ability to see what happened and not just have the accounts of students.
We all know that the cameras don't lie, but on that particular day, not only were there school cameras, there were police filming the procedure as well.
There's been a Freedom of Information Act request to the police to try to get that as well.
I was reading the police were trying to block that release.
They were, and of course, why would you block something unless you had something to hide?
That's what they always tell us.
That's very true, and we think in today's society,
If what you're doing is proper, then you should be able to show what you did under the light of day, and if it passes constitutional muster, then there's nothing really to be worried about.
Well, and the government constitutionally has a higher standard, because they have the force.
The suit, what's being alleged here, I think the evidence is clear.
And how are you going to win this thing and punish these people so they don't do it again?
Because this is precedent-setting.
I studied this, sir, and I want you to know, if you want me to get you to the info, my office can do it.
This is going on all the time.
It just so happened that we got the video in this case.
So this is happening all over the place.
Well, we do hope this is a precedent that can prevent this from happening across the United States, but interestingly enough,
The main thing we're looking for in this suit is injunctive relief.
As you're familiar with the federal courts, judges and juries have the ability, judges in particular, not only to award damages in the monetary sense, but also to declare certain actions unconstitutional and to say things like this shouldn't happen again.
And that's examining it under the microscope of the Constitution.
I want to commend your lawsuit, your class action suit, for stating that it's
Trying to have an injunction blocking further raids like this because, I mean folks, this would traumatize anybody and I know it would outrage me.
Now you have their own, according to the Associated Press, their own guidelines, and these are national guidelines but also local guidelines, not to let dogs alert on people who are wearing the backpacks, but they did this.
Precisely, precisely, and that's one of the most
Damaging bits of evidence to come out thus far.
Whenever an institution, particularly a governmental entity, promulgates rules, regulations, that's meant to protect the students.
And also it's meant to set a guideline for teachers, administrators, officers to follow if they enter the school.
When police officers or anyone in a position of power violates their own guidelines,
That goes against the very protections that we hope to have if we send our children off to somewhere safe and somewhere they're supposed to be protected.
So, you hit the nail on the head earlier on.
What if a gun had gone off?
And lawsuits aren't about what if.
It's about not letting this happen again.
Well, sir, your staff can dig up hundreds of cases in the last decade.
A bunch of cases right here in Texas where they're shooting cops and students doing this.
There's just no video of it, but I think that'll be useful in court to show the danger of what could have taken place.
Well, I think that's very important.
What you see, and I don't want to bring it back to race all the time, but if you think about the Rodney King video or some of the other videos we see where someone's
Been beaten to death.
Seeing it on TV, I think, makes it strike home a little bit more than just hearing about these instances.
And when these cases have happened before across the country, whenever a case goes forward, there's supposed to be a precedent set.
A precedent so that if these actions are found unconstitutional, they won't happen again.
Well, we're also training our children how to be prisoners and they're violating their rights.
I mean, I'm sure you've heard about the articles where the schools are putting cameras in the bathrooms now.
Very much so, and it breeds a mistrust of authority.
I think what most police look for when they walk their beats or they patrol a neighborhood is they want a trust, they want a connection, a relationship that's positive with the young people in that
In that neighborhood, and if they go through instances like this where young people who are on the right side of the law are taught to fear the police or are treated in this manner even though they've done nothing wrong, it does set a dangerous precedent from the children's standpoint.
Well yeah, they're not going to call the police when they know something's happening that needs to be exposed because they're going to be afraid.
That's true, and Alex, I think a very important point that also has been brought up
It's a lot of people looking at these videos are adults and people looking at CNN.
Most teenagers don't usually look at CNN, but some do.
But the people who went through this are age 13 through 17.
And I think when you look at the context of the effect it has on the students and why we want to prevent things like this, is children at that age are definitely at a more sensitive point in their lives than we adults.
And though we might have some background or some knowledge of how police are, we generally
Yeah, police are out giving themselves bad PR nationwide.
And they need the support of the citizenry.
Stay there, Dwayne Green.
We're really honored to have you.
He's part of the class action lawsuit, attorney at law.
We're going to come back and take some calls.
In fact, we have a caller from South Carolina, and we'll go to that caller.
Also callers in Florida, Illinois, you name it.
We'll be right back.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
It's not about left and right, folks.
It's about right and wrong.
The old cliché rings true.
All over the country, police are being trained that we're basically their enemy.
We don't have any rights.
They bust in our door wearing their black ski masks without warrants.
They set up checkpoints.
They treat our children like prisoners.
And I hope, I hope that that county is bankrupted.
And I hope after there's a civil case that's won, even beforehand, I hope that people will file criminally against these police.
Because this was abuse.
This was assault with those police dogs.
Hey, how will those police like this happen to their children?
This is not America when this type of garbage goes on!
Now, I don't mean to get angry, but watching the film just disgusts me.
Better never do that to my children, that's all I can say.
Dwayne Green is one of the lawyers leading up the case on this class action suit.
And Dwayne, we've got a bunch of callers here.
Charlie in South Carolina, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Alex, I was calling about another incident that happened over here.
Did you hear about that one?
Which one?
About the shoot-up up there in Abbeville County, near the Georgia line.
What happened?
Well, they took some of the land from them people, and they didn't pay them any money, so they were protesting it.
Well, actually, I don't know the whole story, but anyway, they barged the door down, broke the door down.
There was a shoot-out.
Two deputies got shot.
I've seen the kid, the younger guy, the father was 74.
He got seriously shot up and the sun was on.
Charlie, do you have any comments for our guest?
The only thing I've got to say is don't compare that school with Rodney King because Rodney King was nothing but a criminal.
He went after the police first of all, like the other guy just recently.
There's no comparison.
I appreciate that, and I don't mean to compare the instance of Rodney Kingsley.
He's talking about the power of film.
The film, exactly.
I was just showing that something that happened would not have made such an impact on the national conscience.
Well, you ought to go after these people for terrorism, because they terrorize the people.
Isn't that a new law now, terrorism?
Thanks, Charles.
There's a lot of new rules under the Patriot Act, but we're looking at just basic assault, battery, false arrest.
Some of the causes of action that have been named in the complaint, and there's precedent out there that a police officer may be liable for assault if he or she uses greater force than necessary under the circumstances.
Hey, I guarantee you, if you put a cop down, put a gun to their head, had a police dog bite on their uniform, you'd be charged with assault.
Let's talk to Frank in West Virginia.
You're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Hello, thank you for taking my call.
I just want to make a comment and ask you a question.
I've got inside information here in West Virginia.
Police that are patrolling the schools under the, I believe that would be the Safe Schools Act, where a parent can't even walk into a school, go to the office, they have to ring the doorbell, buzz in, before they can open a school for them.
They've been trained that if there is any kind of a problem, such as a school shooting,
That they're to be locked in, all the children.
Yeah, that's been in the Washington Post.
Yes, they will lock them in with the shooter, causing more deaths.
Go ahead.
Yes, and it makes no sense, but I'm sure they'll have some kind of rationale for it, just as they have a rationale for Columbine and all the other things that they're doing to violate people's rights.
Now, somebody who has their child in a public school, I don't understand why
They would allow somebody else to care for their safety.
I told one police officer, if I had a child in the school, and I don't, but if I did, and I knew of a murderer being in there, I'd certainly go in there, and there wouldn't be anybody stopping me.
Well, take Columbine.
They sat out there for four hours.
Let me get a comment from our guest.
We're almost out of time.
Go ahead, sir.
Yes, the important thing, and I think you raise a very good issue, Carler, the issue is whether or not there's a reasonable fear by the police that there are weapons in the school, or there's a murderer, or what have you, and what are the means you go about to affect whatever your goals are.
In the instance where there's a suspicion of drugs, which is to be distinguished from deadly weapons, or someone who's known to be a murderer,
What can the police reasonably do to promote the safety of the children?
You raise a good point.
Are leaving children locked up inside the school the way to do it?
That's an issue we need to look at.
But certainly in this instance, what the problem is, is using more force than necessary
Yes, that was the rationale.
And we fear for our lives so much, we're going to use that as a rationality.
All right.
We're out of time.
Frank, we're going to let our guest go.
We'll come back with Jack and Mike and Chris.
Sir, I want to thank you, Dwayne Green, and I hope to have you back up as the case develops.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Appreciate it.
Well, you're doing a good thing.
We wish you well.
We'll be right back, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right, folks.
We've got about 26 and a half minutes left.
We'll take five more calls and launch into some of the news we haven't covered that's very important and recap top stories.
Let's go to these calls quickly.
We'll go to Jack and Mike and Chris and John and Alan.
That'll be it today.
Jack in Florida.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Mr. Jones, I just wanted to tell you and your listeners about an incident that happened to me here in Florida back during the last primary election.
Here in Florida,
Most of our elections are held in buildings or usually churches as close to a particular district.
I walked into the building.
At the front of the building, there's two desks.
The first thing the lady asked me says, are you a Democrat or are you a Republican?
Well, I said, I'm neither one.
I happen to be a libertarian.
She says, well, your name is not on the book.
You cannot vote today.
And I said, well, wait a minute.
The U.S.
Constitution guarantees me a right to vote.
And she says, no, not in the state of Florida, it don't.
If you do not have a candidate running on the ballot at that particular time, you cannot vote at that particular time.
And so I just want to let you know what happened.
At this particular time.
Well, Florida has a hand-picked Bush campaign contributor company that collates the names, throws people off that have different first names, same last names as any felon, so there's any felon with the name Jones, nobody named Jones can vote, that's an actual real case, and it's just how they operate.
Yeah, but I was figuring, me being a registered voter, I'm registered in the state of Florida, shouldn't I be able to vote at any time?
Yeah, you need to sue them.
And, you know, even if you lose and just spend $1,000 with the filings and stuff over the period, lots of lawsuits will certainly give them a big problem.
I imagine that would.
What I'm going to do is, we've got a primary coming up.
I think it's in January.
I think this time, if they'll let me get away with it, I'm going to try to take my video camera with me along with my next-door neighbor.
And see if I can film them or either get them on audio or something of this nature stating this.
That way, you know, it's not my word against theirs.
Well, usually the League of Women Voters runs elections and we've caught them stealing elections.
Their law being that there be no paper ballots with the new Diebold and other voting machines.
I mean, it's just... The average person isn't involved in voting, period, or how it even works.
That's why we're losing our right to vote in this country.
I know.
I know.
And radio programs like yourself here is what's helping people to wake up.
And I'm glad that you have undertook this massive undertaking.
And I'm sure your research crew there has to be outstanding to be able to come up with these.
Well, you're looking at the research crew.
I've been studying the Globalists for years and I research the news and I know what the Globalist battle plan is so I know what their activities are going to be.
Thanks for the call, Jack.
I'm sorry that happened to you.
Mike in Illinois, you're on the air, go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing?
I have a question for you, Alex.
I haven't been able to listen to your show.
I've been out of town for a couple of weeks and I have a question for you.
I don't know if you've even touched base on this.
The, uh, lately my mom's heard this on a couple of the Christian stations locally here in the Chicago area, and I've heard it on, I've actually read it in the newspaper.
They're talking about this flu that's going to come out that's so bad.
You know, the people that died in the Denver area, the kids.
Now one died in Florida.
Now they said one died in Chicago.
The cholera thing is linked to this nasty flu virus.
They're pushing all these flu shots.
They're saying how they're all out of them.
And then a doctor actually went up and said, and this is nothing now, he says, you know, 50 to 100,000 are going to die this year from the flu alone.
And they said the next 5 to 10 years, millions are going to die because the flus are going to be so bad.
What's your take on that, Alex?
We know that official government documents from Canada, the US, England, Australia call for engineering super flus to kill the population, to create fear, and to force people into taking flu shots.
They then add other garbage to that can sterilize people, attacks the brain, causes an IQ reduction.
I mean, they've been caught doing this.
Two years ago, the federal government dug up
I think?
And you notice that if you actually look at the statistics from flu deaths in the last 20 years, and I've seen that graph, they've gotten worse since we started the flu shot.
And they admit the flu shot can seep out the virus and get others sick, and it's just training us, the government puts in us what they want, when they want,
Look at the smallpox shot, look at the anthrax shot.
It's the government setting a precedent to put things in your body forcibly.
They had troops show up in Mesa, Arizona last year and just say, okay kids, we've got those that haven't had shots from your shot records.
Line up, the Army's going to give you shots.
That was in the Arizona Republic.
Right, it's problem, reaction, solution, Alex, is what it is with the shots.
Yeah, I wouldn't take any of their shots.
No, absolutely not, Alex, but I think the danger's out there.
It's kind of scary if the government has done what you had.
Well, the last couple years there's been about 35,000 people die of flu each year.
And normally it's the young, the old, or the infirm.
If they're saying it's going to go up $50,000, $100,000, that is a huge increase.
If they're talking about millions now, that is very, very scary.
And yes, I have those articles here.
And look, they couldn't get us to take the smallpox shot.
Couldn't get the states to pass that.
Couldn't get the police and firefighters and medical workers to take it.
So now it's SARS is coming.
We're going to have to round you up and put you in sports stadiums.
That was the New York Times on Monday.
It's all about the military has to get involved.
We have to federalize.
We have to arrest lots of people.
It's just suddenly this crisis is here and Homeland Security is going to help.
Alex, I'm going to send you newspaper clipping.
I just sent it to the 2001 South Lamar because I didn't get the chance to talk to your guest.
But about a month ago, here locally in the town I live in, they had six police departments in the surrounding areas going to the high school, and they had canine units and everything doing drug searches in the high school unannounced.
They said it was a bug up, people, because the parents were very upset about it.
Yeah, no.
What they've done is, see, the next 50 times you hear about it, we'll get more desensitized to it.
It's no big deal to us.
We're being trained.
All of us, even if we hate it,
To accept it.
This stuff of putting kids down on the ground, putting guns to their heads, just during drills, has been going on for four or five years.
And so, yes, this is going on everywhere, but go ahead and send me the clipping.
All right, Alex.
Thanks a lot for the show there.
You bet.
I appreciate you.
And the address to write to me is 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
3,001, South Lamar, Austin, Texas, suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
And so it's not Dose, it's Trace.
Okay, let's go ahead and talk to Chris in Kentucky, and then John in Tennessee, and that's it for calls.
Chris in Kentucky, go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
You're absolutely right.
I was going to, very much what I wanted to talk about, I was going to ask your guest a question, but
They have been doing newscasts here how the police are walking around the public schools.
I work part-time in a public school.
We don't have any there yet, but I know it's coming.
And you're absolutely right.
This is the conditioning.
They're going to be nice, and then they're going to condition you to do all this, and then they're going to surprise them and say, this is okay.
They're going to dumb you down and just condition these kids to accept it.
And that's what they're doing.
It's like admitting to the cops that this is all normal.
Yeah, exactly.
And the newscasts are saying this is okay.
Well, it's to keep our children safe.
And the terrorists out there, too.
And I mean, folks, get your kids out of the public schools.
If you good parents out there are really, really concerned, get them out of the public schools and homeschool them, or private schools.
Well, then I might not be able to have the jet boat.
And it might not have that, and CPS will grab the kids, and you'll never see them again.
But that's okay.
You'll have the jet boat.
You'll have that.
You'll have all the other stuff there.
It's just such good stuff.
I mean, this is what the new America's about.
Massive engineering to train us to be slaves.
Thanks, Chris.
Thank you, Jeff.
You bet.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
In Tennessee last week, a Scott County Sheriff's deputy shot and killed another deputy in a drug raid.
The house was a suspected meth lab.
Yeah, I saw that article.
Every two or three days I read about a cop killing a cop.
These SWAT teams, the statistical biggest danger is your own cops!
So look in the mirror!
Go ahead.
Yeah, the killer was the son of the sheriff, so they instantly announced no criminal charges would be pressed.
But they waited four days to tell the public that it was a deputy who did the killing.
Well, you're lucky in Austin when cops kill cops.
They just frame whoever's nearby.
Yeah, somehow the people fled and were able to tell their version of the story before that happened.
Now, Desoxyn, D-E-S-O-X-Y-N, is a prescription drug for methamphetamine used for ADD for children.
But it's safer than Ritalin because there's no cow milk in it.
Now, in September in Tennessee, a SWAT team shot two innocent students at a college and killed the person feeding them free pizza and holding them hostage.
That was Dyersburg Community College.
Yeah, I saw that too.
Yeah, it's a scourge.
Hey, cops!
You know, we don't have to fight you.
You're just killing yourselves.
Go ahead, keep it up.
I'm sad about it.
You're your biggest own enemy.
Well, I want to say something about Rodney Quinn King.
Uh, his name is actually Glen King, not Rodney King, so the news couldn't even get that right.
He was nearly beat to death over a bogus speeding ticket.
Uh, speeding tickets are civil summons to civil court.
King was driving the world's slowest car, a Korean Hyundai Excel.
The California Troopers were a husband and wife team, and King pulled up behind them on a freeway off-ramp, so the cops used only their rear-view mirror.
No radar was used, and that bogus ticket killed 60 people,
Well, certainly it can be handled better, but they've got to get the police where they're the enemies of the people.
And I would just tell police, don't be part of it.
Well, they alleged King was high on crack and all that stuff, and he wasn't.
It turned out even that was a lie.
Well, I mean, King has been in a lot of trouble.
He does.
He's kind of an idiot.
Sure, but the police were more of a criminal than King.
Well, I just know this.
We're in trouble as a country.
And we're going to have to wake up and stand up and speak out against this.
We have to have our voices heard.
We're the people.
It's our country.
They work for us.
We don't work for them.
Well, here in Knoxville, our own city government sued its own employees for racketeering and organized crime last week.
They filed a case in state court.
I don't know about Knoxville, but about three years ago, and I read this article probably twenty times on air, I couldn't believe it, there were a bunch of articles in local newscasts, but the Washington Times had a three-part series
Where the police, in uniform, own the towing companies.
You know, the lieutenants do.
They will pull up, they were videotaped by a local news team in an investigation, pulling into a McDonald's.
They stole a dozen cars.
A man ran out and said, I'm parked in a normal parking spot.
They pulled a gun on him and said,
Go back in the McDonald's and they take them to a chop shop and publicly steal cars.
I mean, it's just, and they keep doing it.
It's, we got machine guns, you don't?
Shut up!
Well, Giuliani, Mayor Giuliani's brother ran the largest, or uncle, ran the largest car theft cartel in New York State, according to the Village Voice and the New York Daily News.
I know.
They're just a bunch of mobsters.
It's just incredible.
They're our leaders.
They're our saviors.
They keep us safe.
Thanks for the call.
It's just disgusting.
Listen to this.
This is the Patriot Act, folks.
They're going after topless bars, county commissioners with it for zoning laws.
They're going after marijuana dealers.
And this is out of the Lansing State Journal on InfoWars.com.
It says, getting a loan
Big Brother wants to know.
And this is the writer, Mr. Schindler, writing about this for the newspaper.
When a credit union official told Bill Simpson that the U.S.
Attorney General was interested in his son's $8,000 car loan,
Simpson wondered, half-whimsically, is his son should have bought a Chevy instead of a Honda.
My guess, Simpson said, is that since it's a foreign car, maybe John Ashcroft thinks my son is going to load it with weapons of mass destruction and distribute them to Al-Qaeda cells around the country.
Bill Simpson and his son, Ian Simpson, are members of the Eaton County Education Credit Union.
Ian recently applied for a car loan
Which was going to the local car dealer.
Bill went along to supervise.
At some point in the process, the loan officer started talking about federal government's interest in the transaction.
I thought he was joking, Bill Simpson said, but he assured me he wasn't.
And it says, new order.
Of course, the government's concern has nothing to do with the brand of the vehicle.
It has everything to do with the terrorist attacks of September 11th.
Kenneth Hubber is treasurer and manager of Simpson's Credit Union.
He explained how two post-September 11th events changed things for American financial institutions.
The first was President Bush's executive order requiring all financial institutions to block all assets held in the names of individuals or organizations identified as being associated with terrorist groups.
The second event was the USA Patriot Act passed by Congress, a provision that law requires financial transactions to know who they are doing business with.
So, see?
Everybody being spied on.
This requires extra verification of identity of people opening new accounts.
Folks, I would tell you that illegal aliens walk up with no ID and get bank accounts.
The big apartment complexes have had their managers told at big corporate meetings.
I mean, I have friends personally, folks, who manage big complexes, that illegals, no ID, no nothing, let 10 of them stay in a two-bedroom, but if it's an American citizen, they gotta jump through all the hoops.
That's the new America, folks.
And it's incredible.
And it gets even worse.
It talks about people going to restaurants being spied on.
It says, Hubber agreed that the law's new requirements are very consuming and expensive for the credit union, but as far as Bill Simpson is concerned, that's the least of it.
He called the intervention ridiculous and an invasion of privacy.
It's really none of their business that we are borrowing money, he said.
It's really pretty scary.
You bet it is.
Folks, no more warrants, no more financial privacy, no more nothing.
An act of terrorism is any misdemeanor, okay?
Section 802.
Section 802 of H.R. 3162.
They want to pass Patriot Act 2.
They're already implementing Patriot Act 2 without passing it.
This is the reality.
And here's an article.
China, you have to share banking information.
The Mercury News, we're going to give them information on us.
They're going to give us their information.
That's out of the San Jose Mercury News.
This is the type of country that we are now living in, in this constitutional republic.
And Israelis give a course in urban warfare.
Taipei Times, Israeli counter-insurgency specialist, have been sent to Fort Bragg to teach U.S.
Special Forces how to keep an unruly Iraqi population under control.
They've been doing it for years, how to keep us under control.
Israeli advisors are helping train U.S.
Special Forces in aggressive counter-insurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.
And we read the article yesterday of the New York Times, where they kidnap people's children.
Terrorist suspect children are being kidnapped and being held as hostages.
Now, that's admitted by the army colonel who gave the interview.
Torture, they're telling us, is good.
Kidnapping children is good.
And police dogs jumping on your children is good.
Putting guns to their head is good.
Having no freedom or no liberty is now good.
No, it's not!
Video cameras in school showers and bathrooms put there by the government, federally funded, is not freedom!
I'm gonna hit some other news I haven't covered and recap some of the top stories in this final five-minute segment we're accelerating towards.
Infowars.com is the website.
Please stay with us.
Stay the course.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that Berkey water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other water filtration systems are measured.
The Berkey Light gives you the freshest, cleanest water possible from the world's most revolutionary water filtration system.
The self-sterilizing black Berkey elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, volatile organic chemicals, trihalomethanes, radon-222, and much, much more.
Its rechargeable 8-lamp bright white LED lighting system provides the ideal source of emergency light.
The lights can run all night on a single charge and it is bright enough to read by.
This provides a relaxing and ambient night light that allows for optimum use during emergency conditions.
The Murky Lights revolutionary transparent design takes the guesswork out of refilling because you can see the water level at all times.
Get the Berkey Light, the standard of excellence for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Before I end this show, I do want to remind all listeners, especially that are in South Texas, that I'll be in Houston this Saturday at the Alamo Drafthouse Movie Theater at the West Oaks Shopping Center in Houston, Texas, showing 9-11 The Road to Tyranny.
I'll give a speech, I'll have a question and answer.
Then I'm going to show John Carpenter's They Live, a double feature, buy your tickets online by looking through to the Alamo Drafthouse website at Infowars.com or get there a little bit early to make sure you get tickets because it's sold out
Uh, at the start time last time, but you should be able to get in if it gets a little bit early.
Uh, I hope to see everybody there.
That's this Saturday, Houston, Texas.
Also, if you want to get the films we're talking about, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, other titles, like Eric Huffschmid's new video.
Painful Deceptions concerning 9-11.
The Loss of Liberty video about what really happened to the USS Liberty.
We're carrying that as well.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to link through our secure online shopping cart.
The films are $25.95 apiece, all over two hours.
Order three or more of any of the titles.
They drop down to $20 apiece.
The new book is ordered out of chaos.
Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order that I published by Paul Watson.
It's excellent.
Go to InfoWars.com to order or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704, or 1-888-7000.
That's 888-2-5-3-3-1-3-9.
And your purchase also supports this show.
They make great gifts.
You're authorized to make copies of them for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
My goal is to spread the word, and they're the best tool we've found to wake folks up.
And they're amazing.
You won't be disappointed.
Iraq to stop counting civilian dead.
The White House has ordered the government there to not keep track of dead civilians killed by the U.S.
Again, total tyranny, folks.
Total cover-up.
White House defends bid policy in Iraq.
Oh, they won't allow bids, folks.
The White House on Wednesday firmly denied, defended, excuse me, a new policy barring companies
That's a smokescreen, folks.
companies don't even get the contracts.
Only a handful do, like Bechtel and Dyncor and Halliburton.
Listen to this.
Imagine living in England.
Jail cut for man who stabbed burglar to death.
Oh, how gracious of them.
A man jailed for five years for stabbing a burglar to death had his sentence cut to three years by a court of appeal today.
The Lord Chief Justice, Lord Wolf, ruled that although the jury had been right to find Barry Lee Hastings guilty of manslaughter at the old Bainly trial in October last year, there were special circumstances which allowed him to cut the prison term.
The father, from Wood Green, North London, who launched his attack after finding Roger Williams in the home of his wife and children, is now likely to be released in three months time.
So think about this.
They go, yeah, it's illegal to defend yourself.
The Lord goes on to say that.
The Lord.
But, you know, he's already served a year or so in there, so we're going to let him out.
They arrest people every time they defend themselves.
I see it every week.
That's what they want to do here, folks.
That's what they want to do here.
I'm not going to put up with it.
The Supreme Court has upheld campaign destruction of First Amendment reform.
That's what it really did.
And so that's developed there.
And Bush is cutting Taiwan lists, calling it the status quo.
It's not the status quo.
We have a treaty with them since 1949.
Clinton could have never done this, but Bush the neocon, the whore of the New World Order can.
The gun-grabbing, open-border-promoting, missile-secret-selling creature, continuing the New World Order policy of arming all our enemies to bring us into World War III, institute the national draft, and implement total martial law.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
And I'll see you in Houston on Saturday.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed in minutes.
Black Berkey Replacement Elements are so powerful they remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites to non-detectable levels.
The trihalomethanes and volatile organic chemicals such as atrazine, styrene, chloroform, and MTBE are removed below detectable limits.
Black Berkey Filter Elements also reduce nitrates and unwanted metals such as lead, mercury, and aluminum.
Get the Black Berkey Filter Elements, leave in the nutritional minerals that your body needs.
And the Black Berkey Filters are recleanable.
Simply brush them up with Scotch-Brite pads.
Normally $48 each, you get a 2-pack for only $91 or a 4-pack for only $173.
Get the powerful Black Berkey Replacement Filters now by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's 888-803-4438 and protect your family.