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Name: 20031209_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 9, 2003
2451 lines.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Great people listening all over the globe, the ships at sea, the troops in foreign lands, from Rhode Island to Los Angeles on the AM and FM dial.
I'm Alex Jones coming to you live from Austin, Texas.
It is Tuesday, the 9th of December, 2003.
The websites are InfoWars.com being updated right now and PrisonPlanet.com already updated for you to be updated multiple times daily.
Thanks to the great work of Paul Watson.
Who's been turning up the heat there at PrisonPlanet.com, adding new sections every day of vital information, video, audio, documents, news conferences, assassination information, you name it.
PrisonPlanet.com, spread the word.
Huge show lined up for you.
Right now we're lining up Angel Shamaya from Keaton Bear Arms involved in the Silvera case.
The Supreme Court threw back down to the Circuit Court and said, yeah, we agree that all guns can be banned and that there's no Second Amendment.
The ruling actually says that.
Also, about once a week I have Paul Watson on the show.
I want to line him up today if he can do it to talk about a new development.
Turns out there was a government press conference
Days after the blackout of this summer, all over the east into Canada, down to the Carolinas, turns out that they were doing chemtrails spraying, some type of government drill, that much is admitted, with magnetic pulse weapons.
In the meantime, there is so much news, so much information today that we're going to cover, and I'm going to cover all of it.
If SARS hits U.S., quarantine could too.
The New York Times, any excuse to get martial law rolling in our lives.
Barracks blast injures 41 U.S.
Five killed in suicide attack in Russia.
Taiwan warned by U.S.
not to vote for independence in violation of our own treaty with them.
And they're going to have the big CHICOM leader over here with the big salute and the toasting their tyranny.
These people have killed more than Hitler, but our government loves them.
China's win to get 19-gun salute.
Spectacular pump from the White House.
again cautions Taiwan on independence, tells them to back off.
Missiles outfitted with dirty bomb warheads, apparently missing, expert says, from the AP.
Voting machine makers are trying to fight back as the evidence comes out of, well, how they're stealing our right to vote.
President Bush is less conservative than Clinton, Orange County registered.
And this was by a well-known conservative commentator.
Look, I have three editorials by well-known conservatives saying Bush is out-Clinton-in-Clinton.
Oh, you figured it out three plus years into his reign!
I mean, I wish for Al Gore or Bill Clinton or Hillary, because these monsters couldn't get their agenda through because conservatives would be wary of them!
But that's not the case with Hare Bush, so that's coming up too.
Great article by Chuck Baldwin as well, without alliance and allegiance to the Constitution, party
Partnership means absolutely nothing.
USDA creating national livestock ID system.
Two-thirds of Israelis back creation of Palestinian state, poll shows.
CDC vaccine study slammed as a cover-up of autism and what the injections are doing.
Teen generation will be the world's sickest adults, London Telegraph.
UN warns on population surge.
And more on the world ID card.
That's just some of what's coming up in this first hour.
Believe me, we haven't scratched the surface.
You will want to stay with us.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And the website's info-awards.gov.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, my friends, it is Tuesday, the 9th of December, 2003.
As we chronicle the
Dark days as the global empire expands, as freedom and liberty is destroyed, as electronic prison control grids are erected around us, and as the next phase, a massive offensive triggered by government-sponsored terror, looms on the horizon.
We are here in the trenches, transmitting globally, splattering our message out in information warfare via the AM and FM dial, a huge internet listening, listenership, as well as global shortwave, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central at 12.172 and 93.20, and at night from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
I'm about to launch straight into all the latest bombings and police state activities and disgusting communists coming here to be toasted by George W. Bush and his Clintonista clones.
But before I launch into the news, I do want to encourage every listener who can make it to come to Houston, Texas this Saturday from 6 p.m.
to midnight.
I will give a 30-minute speech.
We will then show 9-11 The Road to Tyranny on the big screen.
Then we will have a question and answer, an intermission, and we will show John Carpenter's They Live, which is an amazing film to get people's minds outside the box and to see the bigger picture.
So that's this Saturday at the Alamo Drafthouse Luxury Movie Theater.
I mean, it's so nice, folks.
Nicest theater I've ever been in.
In Houston, Texas at the West Oaks Shopping Center.
And at Infowars.com, we have directions there.
You can link through to the movie theater website and purchase your tickets online.
It is $10 to see both films.
And it's a great place to network and to meet like-minded people.
Last time, it seats 350 people.
200 were turned away.
Now, I don't think that'll happen on the second go-around, and they didn't sell out until 7 p.m.
200 people just showed up right when it was about to start, thinking that they could get in, and to my dismay, 200 got turned away.
I suggest you go to InfoWars.com and link through on the website, and buy your tickets now, or get there at about 5.30 next Saturday.
Don't get there at 6 o'clock.
Again, a lot of folks have already seen it, so it won't be as big a crowd probably, but still, you need to get there 30 minutes early to get your tickets if you're not buying them online.
I don't want to discourage you from coming.
Frankly, we ended up letting about 30 or 40 more than we should have in, and I ended up letting a bunch of people in for free once it was overflow and we put out folding chairs.
And, of course, Mel Gibson's dad and a lot of his family and Mel Gibson's sisters and people showed up.
That was a lot of fun.
I didn't want to say they were going to be there, even though they told me they were going to be there.
I don't know if they'll be there this time, but really exciting, a lot of fun, great place to meet like-minded people.
It was amazing.
It was a lot of fun and a lot of great information.
And they've got pizza and hamburgers and all that stuff there.
I mean, it's a luxury movie theater.
It's the nicest of the four Alamo Drafthouse theaters.
They've got three of them here in Austin.
I know most of you in the country can't come to this event, but it is interesting just to talk about the success of the past events.
We've shown Rotaterini twice in Austin.
It sold out here both times, though we didn't turn away hundreds of people.
So get your tickets now at InfoWars.com, or just show up 30 minutes, an hour early, buy your tickets, then go to Dillard's or Nordstrom's or
Go shopping!
You know, you can show up at 4 o'clock on Saturday, get your tickets, and then go shopping for a couple hours.
It's in a big, nice, you know, shopping mall.
And they got, it's just such a nice theater.
You'll be amazed by it.
You have your own table in front of you.
It's nice, folks.
And a great place to meet and network and get involved.
So I hope to see you in Houston, Texas this Saturday from 6 to midnight for a double feature, a Police State Expose double feature.
All right, let me get straight into the news.
I also want to take some time out to thank Stephanie and George who are both running the show today while Mark Carl is on a well-deserved two-week vacation.
I want to thank the network and Ted Anderson and Michael Trudeau for never censoring me and allowing me to have this First Amendment venue.
I want to thank from the bottom of my heart all of our AM and FM affiliates
I want to thank our sponsors.
I want to thank, number one, our listeners.
And I want to thank, well, I should say number one, God, Jesus Christ, for the opportunity and for moving station owners' and managers' hearts and minds to put this show on the air.
The show is growing by leaps and bounds.
We are reaching, conservatively, two million people a week.
Two million people a week.
And I know for a fact that a lot of prominent politicians listen to the show, have seen the films, thanks to you.
I know for a fact that many prominent Hollywood people are being deprogrammed by this show and are listening right now via the internet and well, now on the local AM that covers LA.
I know for a fact that we are changing minds and having an effect, and that is very, very exciting, and I'm blessed to be part of this, and it's humbling to me.
It humbles me to realize this many people are listening, and thank you for bearing with me when I spin off into rabbit trails and histrionics, but it's hard psychologically to stay focused on this every single day, but it would be harder to go along with the New World Order
And, you know, last night I was on KOA out of Denver, 850, for three hours.
And so I went to sleep at about 5.15 this morning, because I couldn't go to sleep for about an hour after I got off the air.
I was on from 1 o'clock in the morning, I guess, midnight out there, till 4 in the morning there, 5 in the morning here.
Got about three hours sleep.
I'm not complaining, but that's the type of dedication that it's going to take to get this country back.
And if you want to interview me on your local AM or FM station, anytime, anyplace, unless I'm live on my own show, I will be there.
Because I will not turn down an opportunity.
I talk to people in grocery store lines.
I talk to people at the shopping mall.
I talk to people on the street.
I talk to people everywhere I go.
I roll down my window and tell them to tune in to the local AM affiliate here in Austin.
I'm taking action.
I know we're under attack.
I know.
I've put on the sunglasses.
Again, the analogy of, in They Live, you put the sunglasses on, you can see the real world.
And once you've seen the real world, it's impossible to go back.
You either have to fight the globalists, or if you're a sociopath, evil, wicked demon, I guess you join them out of cowardice.
All right, let's launch straight into the news that I mentioned in the first segment.
If SARS hits U.S., quarantine could too.
Now, this is the
This is the Model States Health Emergency Powers Act, the forced inoculation program.
The CFR was saying they were going to use smallpox for sure to hit Dallas, Cleveland, and Denver, according to CFR Head Fairmonger Gary Hart of the Hart-Rubin Commission.
You've probably seen him on television.
He said we would be hit last year, but 99 plus percent of
Police, firefighters, and medical workers refused to take it.
So now they've had to move on to SARS, which has been looked at very closely, is genetically engineered, has been altered by humans.
Again, I've got voluminous, prestigious medical reports on that.
And now they're trying to fearmonger with that weapon.
I will remind you that West Nile was given to Saddam in 1984 by Donald Rumsfeld and the Commerce Department.
So we have that as well.
And this is how they're going to get their control.
Oh, we're just giving you martial law for your safety, General Eberhardt at NORTHCOM command in Colorado Springs has said.
The former CENTCOM head, Tommy Franks, has said.
As the health officer of Alameda County, Dr. Anthony Iton is prepared to make tough choices if SARS re-emerges this winter or spring, as many infectious disease experts fear.
Now again, it kills about 1 out of 100 that get it.
The flu kills 35,000.
But see, you're used to it.
You're not scared of it.
It's not the unknown.
So they have to fear monger with this.
By the way, the federal government two years ago dug up frozen bodies near the North Pole of dead explorers and whalers.
Dug out the super influenza that killed 40 million people about 85 years ago.
And they are saying that they are developing it as a weapon.
So watch that pop up too.
The county just across the bay from here has identified two large buildings where if voluntary steps to quell an epidemic were to fail, the authorities could sequester not just people who are sick, but also people who might have been exposed to the SARS virus, Dr. Eiten said.
During the hysteria, they can arrest patriots and Christians and pastors, and that's the public COINTELPRO plan.
Any public official, left, right, anybody who's not controlled by the globalists,
And in 99, they turned an old 747 hangar at the old Robert Mueller Airport here in Austin, put bolts and chains on the floors, dozens and dozens and dozens of porta-potties, thousands of cots, barbed wire inside, giant containment cages, and they built these all over the country.
Here is the New York Times admitting this for you today.
On Infowars.com right now.
Read that again.
The authorities could sequester not just people who were sick, but also people who might have been exposed to the SARS virus.
Dr. Iton said they will chain you down.
The buildings, he said, could house up to 100 people.
The one in Austin will house 1,000.
And could be guarded to keep anyone from
It's a virtual certainty that sometime in the near future, we will see SARS-like event in the United States, a highly communicable infectious disease that will require mass quarantine or isolation, Dr. Iton said.
We'll talk more about this and other key news, but this is their blueprint, their smokescreen for martial law.
Brace yourselves for it.
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All right coming up in the next segment we'll take your calls toll free number to join us on air 1-800-259-9231 and it says the plan again this is to put you in concentration camps because to keep you safe from SARS however also calls for health authorities to cooperate closely with law enforcement and to consider in extreme cases
Electronic forms of monitoring, detention facilities, and establishment of heavy-guarded quarantine zones.
It also calls for respecting civil liberties and keeping the public informed.
Again, that's like saying I'm going to shoot you in the head and take care of your personal health.
Patrick Libby, Executive Director of the National Association of County and City Health Officials, that's the guy that gives everybody marching orders, said the health authorities in many jurisdictions have been identifying possible buildings and preparing for possible outbreaks.
Oh, long before 9-11 you had.
Yes, but now you have to announce it to us, because now it's getting time to use them.
People are taking the questions absolutely seriously, Mr. Libby said.
With the SARS outbreak, it really sharpened the focus on the nuts and bolts planning.
Some issues facing health officials, Mr. Libby, added concern legal processes for imposing quarantines, ways to house people and manage their needs, and the financing of such undertakings.
Isn't that nice?
And so they're going to have to put you in these rest and relocation centers, that's what the British called them, and of course it was the British government that released foot and mouth and used that to get the farmers and ranchers off their property.
I guess they just call them farmers over there.
So you can comment on that if you'd like to.
We'll get into more of it later.
Barracks blast injures 41 U.S.
41 U.S.
troops were wounded in a suicide car bombing outside their barracks near the northern Iraqi city of Mosul today.
In a separate incident, three Iraqis were killed in a rocket attack on the Sunni mosque in Iraq's capital, Baghdad.
The attack on the U.S.
base happened after a car drove at the gate of the barracks in Tal Afar, which is 30 miles west of Mosul, U.S.
military spokesman Major Terry Cate said.
Guards opened fire on the vehicle after the driver ignored orders to halt as it approached the base of the 101st Airborne Division, 3rd Brigade, early this morning.
Also, five killed in suicide attack in Russia.
A female suicide bomber detonated explosives in a car near Moscow's Red Square on Tuesday, killing five people and injuring 13, the Artar-Tas news agency reported.
The blast took place on the capital's main shopping street.
Near the National Hotel, ambulances were on their way to get eight victims.
Ten people were treated on the spot.
Windows on the first and second floor of the hotel were shattered.
She said Russian state television showed footage of broken windows of the car.
Alarms could be heard.
We've caught Putin blowing up buildings and bombing stuff and then no body of the suicide bombers found.
There are real terrorists, but the majority of the time it's government.
Putin uses it as a police state crackdown.
Oh, we ought to be proud of ourselves here in the U.S.
Talk about Al Clinton and Clinton.
How many talk show hosts?
How many writers?
Like Mr. Gertz?
Criticized Clinton, and rightfully so, for supercomputers, missile parts, and China toasting the leaders of this despotic state in the White House.
Well, it gets worse under Hare Bush.
Clinton would never chastise Taiwan.
Taiwan warned by U.S.
island aft not to provoke China on the eve of Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao's visit.
The Bush administration signaled a tougher stance on Taiwan's move towards independence yesterday, warning the island not to take any unilateral steps that might provoke the government of the Chinese mainland.
Now the rightful government of China that our government sold out in 49 that's now admitted is in Taiwan and now it's just publicly being sold out.
A senior administration official briefing reporters in advance of Wynn's meeting with President Bush today said the administration had decided to drop a policy known as strategic ambiguity, declining to say how it would respond to efforts
by either nation to change Taiwan's status.
Instead, the official said, actions on both countries have forced the administration to spell out more clearly that it thinks each nation should do to maintain stability in the Taiwan Strait.
So, a 54-year-old policy and a treaty to be on Taiwan's side of free country, compared to China, is now being discarded out Clinton and Clinton by light years.
It will be hailed by neocons as very conservative.
You will be a communist if you're against the communists.
As part of the diplomatic code, the official said, uh, coercion or use of force by China is unacceptable, but the bulk of the official's remarks concern Taiwan, including a sharp rejection of a referendum scheduled this spring that U.S.
officials believe is designed to inspire Taiwan's independence movement.
I will tell you that we are giving the Taiwanese the message very clearly and very authoritatively that we do not want to see steps towards independence and we don't want to see moves taken, proposals made that a logical outsider would conclude are really geared primarily towards moving the island in that direction, the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity.
So, telling people not to be independent from murderers that have killed more than Hitler.
That's the new America, the new conservatism.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, I want to see you, if you live in Texas especially.
No excuse for living in South Texas.
In Houston, this Saturday, 6 p.m.
to midnight, I'm going to show 9-11 Road to Tyranny, and then John Carpenter's They Live.
I'm going to speak for 30 minutes at 6 p.m., show Road to Tyranny, then take question and answers after Road to Tyranny.
Then we're going to show John Carpenter's They Live.
And that's at the Alamo Drafthouse, the West Oak Shopping Center, obviously in West Houston.
You can order tickets online.
Link through to the Alamo Drafthouse website at InfoWars.com.
Hope to see you.
Great place to network.
A lot of wonderful people to meet in Houston this weekend.
Please bring your friends and family.
It'll be a great event.
By the way, before I go to Charles and Ron and Jay and David and Jess and others,
Always nice to hear from the ladies.
Some days we have mostly female callers, but most days it's men.
The toll-free number to join us on air on any of these news items I've been covering, 1-800-259-9231.
Coming up, more on how they're building concentration camps for you during a so-called SARS outbreak.
They couldn't get their their minions to take the smallpox shots.
They can't go ahead with that forced inoculation for the general public.
So they're falling back on SARS.
This from the New York Times.
Also more on Taiwan.
Warned that they're being abandoned after 54 years of the policy of defending them.
Bush has publicly today abandoned them and they're to give China's win
To get a 19-gun salute spectacular pump from the White House, something Bill Clinton didn't even do!
So again, you're a communist if you're against the communists now.
You're not a good neocon.
cautions Taiwan independence, threatens them.
Missiles outfitted with dirty bomb warheads, apparently missing, experts says.
Voting machine makers on the defensive as their fraud is exposed.
President Bush is less conservative than Clinton.
This out of the Orange County Register by a well-known conservative writer.
Without allegiance to the Constitution, party partnership means absolutely nothing.
This by Chuck Ball, another great article.
USDA creating national livestock ID system.
Two-thirds of Israelis back creation of Palestinian state.
That's a shocker poll.
CDC vaccine study slammed as a cover-up.
Teen generation will be world's sickest.
Uh, UN warns of population surge.
Another article on the World ID Card System being unfurled, being unveiled, being brought out in plain view.
Cannibal murderer shown to court.
The idiot videotaped it.
The sicko did.
Israel trains U.S.
assassination squads in Iraq.
London Guardian.
Also out of the Australian.
Israel aiding U.S.
in Iraq.
We reported this months ago, but here it is.
That's only going to inflame things.
Big story out of the Sunday Herald here.
It's been covered by the Boston Globe for years.
The FBI used this guy to frame men for murders.
They did not commit to keep the real killers free.
And the cover-up goes on.
Folks, that's just some of what's coming up.
Before we go right to your calls and then more of this key news, I have made 10 documentary films.
The newest is The Matrix of Evil Exposed, and it's Congressman Ron Paul on world government, Colonel Craig Roberts on the New World Order and the police state, Frank Morales covering posse comitatus and the drug war,
Cynthia McKinney on UN-run White Slavery Rings and 9-11.
Excerpts of free speeches I've given.
It's a different type of film.
My other films aren't, you know, speeches and interviews.
They're mainly done in documentary format.
This is a different type of film and people are giving me rave reviews of it.
It's a little over two hours long. $25.95.
If you get three or more of any of the ten titles, whether it's 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total, Enslavement, Dark Secrets Inside, Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design, they drop down to $20 a piece, they make great gifts, and they're waking up roughly 80% to 90% of those that see the films.
Because lately I've been hearing from a few people that say folks aren't waking up, all of them aren't waking up, so I think that number's down to about 80% right now.
I actually kind of keep a mental average of it.
But the vast majority are waking up that see the films, whereas just a few years ago about half of those that saw the films were waking up.
Now the climate has changed.
So much evil is out in the open.
The globalists are connecting the dots for us.
You have to be in great denial not to see what's happening with world government, with the Supreme Court saying we're under world government and they're going to follow the UN's orders.
So please call to get the videos.
Get Paul Joseph Watson's new book, I Published Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order, over 300 pages.
Incredible new book.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift when you get one book.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or call toll free to order at 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com.
Don't wait.
Go get the videos.
Get the books today.
Make copies of the videos.
Force multiply.
Pay it forward.
Get the information out to people.
It's one of the best and easiest tools we've got.
So what excuse do you have?
And it supports this broadcast.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Let's talk to Charles in Louisiana.
Charles, I believe he's got his radio cranked way up.
We'll ask Charles to turn that off and we'll go back to him.
Yes, Charles, go ahead.
Thank you for what you're doing, Mr. Jones.
I'd just like to say for this Christmas, all the listeners, just wake up one person this Christmas.
We'll double our audience.
We'll be stronger.
We'll have a better chance to win this thing.
I really don't feel, Mr. Jones, we've got that much longer.
I really feel... Well, I just read the New York Times.
Charles, have you seen the takeover?
Uh, then you saw the local newscast and our own video, our own interview out there at the site.
Do they not have porta-potties, barbed wire fences, thousands of cots, and places to chain us down?
That was built in 1999.
Yeah, and the airport that got changed and the flow and all that.
And now...
Yeah, the old airport's a huge camp, and now, and now, they're openly in the New York Times telling us, oh, it's a new development for our safety, and they're building these in every town.
Well, yesterday probably told the Jewish people to get them into ghettos, it was for their safety.
Oh, they told them it was to stop infection, and for their security, and for their safety, and then there was, of course, the de-lousing that took place when they herded them into the boxcars, and then on into the chambers.
Well, Mr. Jones, if everybody listening to this, just one person, just one, and everybody can do it, Mr. Jones, I beg them, please, for our country, just wake up somebody in their family, a neighbor, just do it.
We'll be twice as strong.
We'll have a better chance.
We don't have that much longer.
And Mr. Jones, I can't let my wife go to a FINA camp, maybe be raped by some foreign troop.
Well, at that point, you know what you gotta do, bud.
We're trying to avert that, but if they want to pull it, it's gonna happen.
And I would advise the police and everybody else to stay home and to not try it.
And please, I know you get tired of me talking about the tapes.
I know you do.
But if everybody get the tape and get to somebody for Christmas, we would be twice as strong.
Just one of your tapes, any one of them.
Any one of them.
And believe me, it'll start the mind rolling.
You know what I'm talking about?
It'll start the mind thinking.
The tapes are the only way I got to fight.
It's the only way I got to fight.
And right now, my VCRs are giving me trouble.
I'm kind of shut down, but I'm going to start trying to put out 120 a month now.
And how many videos have you put out?
Wait a minute, hold it right here. 4,324.
That's a lot of copies.
Well, I know this.
It's having a huge effect, so keep it up.
Well, here's the thing.
It's my life.
People get mad at me.
My wife gets mad at me.
It's my life putting this out.
This is the only way I got to fight.
You understand, Mr. Jones?
And when I don't do this, I get depressed, because this is my calling.
Well, hey, it's the same way.
I mean, there I was up at 5 a.m.
after working yesterday.
I got up at 7.
It's not true.
6.30 yesterday, and I went to sleep at 5 a.m., and I'm energized, because... That's right, folks.
I'm energized, because we don't have a choice.
Now, you talked about waking up your whole parish, police going from threatening to arrest you, to asking for more copies, and buying you donuts.
Describe that process.
Well, when I first started, I didn't have the tapes.
And I was putting out flags, you know, for the Larry Nichols Show, and they threatened to arrest me, take my dog, and all that.
So I really got depressed.
So I got the opportunity to show, and I got the Police 2000.
And I passed that out.
It didn't have too good of an effect.
But when I started passing out 9-1-1 Road to Tyranny,
I'm serious.
I feel good about myself and I'm waking them up.
Well, I hate to go on with this, but folks, this is not hype, and I didn't know you were going to go through all this, Charles, but I don't... I thank God these videos are waking up the vast majority of those that see them.
We have a tool, but let me explain why, and then we're going to move on, Charles, because I don't want to spend all day on the tapes, but I appreciate your fine comments.
I don't know what the deal is, but folks, everything we put in these is so hardcore.
I mean, take The Takeover, the second police state video.
Ten minutes of two hours and five minutes is the FEMA camp at the airport.
It's mainstream news articles about the camps.
Three or four minutes of Road to Tyranny that's two and a half hours long is FEMA in Kansas City saying all Christians are terrorists, all Founding Fathers are terrorists, they're enemies of the U.S.
I mean, they say it.
They do it for us.
All I do is take all this stuff they've set up and done and put it together.
And there's not a jury in the world that wouldn't convict them of a criminal conspiracy to overthrow the Republic.
Charles, anything else?
Yes, if everybody would just search their heart and just one tape this year to their family, we could double our audience by the first of the year.
We'll be twice as strong.
All they have to do is do it.
I don't see what's so hard about them doing it.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Take about five minutes of the two-hour, five-minute film, Police State 2000.
It's the San Antonio police chief, Ale Philippus,
He's now retired, but this was in 99.
Throwing Delta Force out for trying to bribe him and firing machine guns in the restaurants.
That's five minutes of a two-hour film.
Black helicopters, burning buildings, foreign troops running around screaming.
That's 30 minutes of the film.
I mean, I can't describe what's in them.
You've just got to see them.
Okay, let's... I don't want to plug it all day.
Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Ron.
I appreciate you holding.
Oh, that's fine, Alec.
I'd like to shake Charles' hand.
That guy must be tougher than an old boot.
He really must be.
I've talked to Charles before.
He was tortured in Louisiana with a bag over his head, their favorite tactic in Russia and the U.S., to make him confess and sign a confession.
And I believe him.
I have the FBI here caught red-handed murdering people to keep their drug dealing going.
I heard him talking about that one day.
I think there must be a time lag on your films, Alex, from the time people see them until they get over the initial shock, until they finally come around to what's going on.
You almost need to issue a disclaimer with these films, Alex.
They're not National Geographic videos by any means, and they shock people so much.
They're certainly not for the faint of heart.
Well, let me stop you so folks get an idea why.
Let's take another two minutes of the takeover.
I walk in the Sheriff's Department, big nice Sheriff's Department, in Brooksville, Florida, and I say, politely, to the public spokeswoman, I say, I would like to talk to the police chief about the Special Forces training with the police.
She begins yelling at me.
A woman comes from behind the counter screaming in a Marine Corps shirt.
I want martial law.
Line them up and shoot them.
I mean, folks, everywhere I go, this is the type of stuff we get on tape.
So that's why they're so scary.
Go ahead.
Well, Alex, my first thought is of course your 9-11 film.
I'm here in Oklahoma City.
I followed the bombing from, I mean, I felt shot.
That morning, I followed the bombing from day one.
I read the newspaper every day.
I watch the news report.
And, uh, the information was there in the newspaper and on the news.
But you'd be amazed at how many people even here in Oklahoma City didn't pick up on that information.
And, uh... I mean, there's the news saying, here we are, removing the bombs.
Well, right.
And I remember.
And I also, uh, I met an Asian kid at an auto supply house.
One night we got talking and he was telling me that his brother was an architectural student at the University of Oklahoma.
And their class assignment was to design a building that was bomb-proof.
This was after the bombing.
So his brother comes to Oklahoma City, takes pictures of the Murrell Building after the bombing, goes back to work on his assignment.
The FBI finds out about it, goes to his parents' house, since his parents are immigrants, shares the daylight side of them,
Then goes to OU to his apartment and finally finds the kid in class, drags him out of class, confiscates his picture, mind you, of the Murrell Building.
Well, that happens all the time!
And of course, the kid had already turned the assignment in, so what?
But anyway, they took what they could get, his pictures and negatives.
So yeah, I'm really aware of what goes on.
I mean, it goes on and on and on.
I remember following the newspaper account of the
Retired Air Force General coming to town.
He even testified before the legislature.
Talked about the bombings, or said that charges had to have been placed on beams in the building to have brought the building down.
In the film, we have the video of the block and blast points where they were sheared off.
Right, right.
All that information is in your film.
A lot of people aren't aware of that.
Some of your films to a World War II vet who saw a lot of combat.
Navy vet in the Pacific during the war.
He even showed me a picture of the carrier that he was on with a hole in the deck from where a kamikaze plane had crashed through the deck.
And after he watched your films, he couldn't sleep at night.
He was so upset because of what he saw and what was going on now in this country after he fought so hard and risked his life during World War II.
These films, there's a lot of information in them, Alex, and they're not ho-hum National Geographic films by any means.
They're not for the faint of heart.
Hold on, I appreciate it.
I don't want to, I mean, this happens every once in a while, it's kind of turning into a discussion of films, which I guess we can do, but yeah, they really are a good tool.
But there's one thing, what I wanted to ask you, Alex, what is the connection between the CIA, black drug gangs, local law enforcement,
Local government?
What goes on there?
And they knew that by making it illegal, that would boost their profits, they could ship it in from overseas out of Canada, and it could corrupt local officials by the black market.
It would boost prices in their market.
And they started federal checkpoints, expanded the FBI, did all of that during Prohibition.
And it's the same thing with heroin and cocaine.
I'll try to elaborate on that when we get back, then we'll go quicker to these calls.
Jay, David, Jess, Jim, and others, stay with us.
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Alright, we'll go right back to your calls.
Coming up in about 10 minutes, we've got Larry Pratt joining us to talk about the new gun rulings that are horrible.
Just on the whole drug dealing situation, people go, well they're against drugs.
Yeah, they're for seizing your house, putting you in the private prisons.
By making the illegal drugs illegal, they boost the price.
Then they ship it in.
When they bust a cartel, it's somebody that didn't play ball with the New York Stock Exchange.
I mean, Grasso would go visit the FARC guerrillas and say, invest your money publicly and the New York Stock Exchange will attack you.
They say no.
They get invaded.
They only spray the communist-controlled areas.
It's a market.
Skull and Bones was founded with opium money.
That's in your encyclopedia, folks.
This is who runs the country.
The Hyde Park Roosevelt Dynasty was the big British East India Company family.
Publicly bringing in about half the lawdom, or liquid opium, sold in drugstore counters.
Snake oil.
Yeah, you won't worry about that toothache anymore if you drink a bunch of heroin.
So, that's what's going on here.
And notice the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs we have.
So that's the relationship.
It's a way to corrupt our police, corrupt our FBI, corrupt our society.
I know you don't like to go on too much about the videos and Jay has been that way with the calls so far, but I've had a problem with the delivery of mine and it's not been just two weeks or anything like that.
It's been like six weeks.
I ordered a three-pack.
With the new one, I'm not sure if the new one is holding the delivery of the other two, you know?
Because I know you said... No, it's been released, and what you need to do is you need to call, because I'd say about one out of a hundred videos we get the wrong address or something, and it goes on and on.
You need to call this number right now.
Okay. 512...
And we'll ship it out to you.
Is that the office machine and stuff?
512-291-5750 for anybody that's had any trouble.
Now, what else is on your mind, sir?
Well, also, I got the 9-11 Road to Tyrney DVD.
And I had trouble playing it on DVD players.
I can't get through to anybody and the one number for ordering that they can't
All they can do is order.
Well sir, what happens is if you call 888-253-3139, that's an operator service, and they will give you my office number and they will call you back today.
They haven't yet, I've left messages and they've sent emails.
Let me put you on hold and I'll get your phone number, sir.
99% of people don't have a problem, but some do.
I'm going to put you on hold right now.
I've got the other one in two and a half weeks.
You've got the other one in two and a half weeks?
Did you order via the toll-free number?
I sure do.
That's where all the problems are stemming from and I may drop that service or get a new one because the operators are writing addresses down wrong and they're going to people's neighbors and stuff and it's killing me.
Let me finish.
You can always call here to the board off and give me your number.
I'll call you back, but I can't handle this on air I can't help you on air.
I'm in a radio studio, but every problem is the toll-free number and For some reason and we probably got your address wrong.
We will you got your first video.
We'll get you your videos I'm gonna put you on hold and get your number.
Thank you Let's go ahead now and talk to David in Texas David.
You're on the air go ahead.
Yes, Alex, I wanted to call and say thank you to you.
I have been watching you since the mid-90s and here into the 2000s I started getting involved in it myself.
I'm now producing a local show and hooked up with a man that you know, Eric Rainbow.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know and your listeners, please get involved.
I have a few more things.
Stay there.
We'll talk about on the other side and then we'll get to Jess and Jim as well when we got Larry Pratt coming up to talk about the Second Amendment.
So stay with us.
This is very important information about what the Supreme Court has done.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're now into the second hour.
Here in about five minutes we've got Larry Pratt joining us to talk about the Supreme Court.
Agreeing with the appeals court in San Francisco saying that there is no right to own guns, there is no Second Amendment, basically.
Bunch of other news about our government turning their back on Taiwan, saying don't go for independence.
A bunch of dirty bomb missiles missing.
How convenient, it's all coming up.
Right now, let's go back to the calls.
Let's talk, let David in Texas finish up.
Go ahead, David.
Okay, thank you.
I just wanted to make two more points and then I'll hang up and listen to your comment.
Um, I had, uh, recently moved out of town, uh, farther south, uh, into Kyle, and I had to renew my driver's license.
And I, uh, when I went to renew my driver's license, I ran into a similar situation that, uh, I had seen on one of your videos where I, I didn't refuse to put my, my, uh, thumbprint on the scanner, but I asked questions about it.
And they immediately flew into what I would consider a rage.
Yeah, the biometric scanner putting you into the global database.
I have the Associated Press on that today.
We knew this years ago.
But that's in my first film, America Destroyed by Design, where I go in, protest with 100 people, and get arrested.
And so they flew into a rage when you asked questions.
I didn't refuse to put my thumbprint on there, but I asked questions about it because I know that I put my thumbprint in when I lived in Austin, but immediately the answer I got was, what are you hiding?
Yeah, again, now you're not a criminal, but you've got to be fingerprinted.
You're guilty until proven innocent.
What are you hiding?
Let us put cameras in the school bathrooms.
Let us put cameras up on the street corners.
Let us listen to your cell phones.
Let us track you.
Let us tax you.
It was very odd, because I didn't go there to protest.
I just went there to get my life.
And then, before I left, I had a group of officers questioning me.
I was in a room with them.
They were asking me questions.
It was very odd.
I would love to have you on as a guest.
Send me a letter with your info or send me an email to tipsandinfowars.com.
I'd love to have you on the TV show to talk about that.
You're telling me they pulled you in a room?
What were they asking you?
Well, they were asking me, you know, why don't you want to put your thumbprint in?
You know, basically all I was doing was asking, well, I know I've done this in the past, why do I have to do it again?
Well, I mean, and so you must be evil, you're not wanting to be fingerprinted like a criminal, I mean, did you say that to them?
Well, no, I just, I tried to stay as calm as I could, but it was very hot.
So what did the state police officers say to you?
Well, they were questioning me.
Why don't you want to put your thumbprint in?
What are you hiding?
Do you have a criminal record?
They were typing into a computer, and I can only imagine they were looking up my driver's license record.
Yeah, you were basically under arrest, sir.
That was official oppression, false arrest, and you need to sue them.
How long were you in there with them?
Oh, just briefly.
Maybe 15-20 minutes.
Yeah, while they were running all these background checks on you.
Because you dared to not want to be thumb scanned.
And by the way, they're now going in HEB and Kroger's all over the state.
One last thing and then I'll hang up.
I'll let you go.
I had sent you an email a couple weeks ago and I wanted to call you about this.
About two or three weeks ago, I heard it from three different sources.
I heard it on NPR.
I heard it on the BBC.
Okay, what did you hear?
We're almost out of time.
Okay, basically they were trying to link Al-Qaeda to being against the world government, against the WTO.
Yeah, Harvard's been saying that, others have, that if you're against globalism, you're with Al-Qaeda, and the right wing secretly works with Al-Qaeda.
Well, see, the thing I don't like is they're linking Al Qaeda to the Constitutionalists.
Yeah, I know.
That's the whole point.
That's who FEMA's really out demonizing.
We have that in the road to tyranny.
Thanks for the call.
I'm out of time.
We're going to have Larry Pratt on in about 20 minutes.
I know he's a busy man.
I want to get an update on the legislation and also on the court rulings on the Second Amendment.
Then we'll go to Jess and Jim and Raleigh and many others.
Stay with us.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright folks, Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight.
We're here live, Central Time.
I know that we've got Jess and Jim and Raleigh and many, many others that are patiently holding for the next couple of segments.
We're going to have Larry Pratt on with us because the Supreme Court last week
Rejected the Silvera v. Lockyer case out of California.
The appeals court out in California and the Attorney General have said that there is no individual right to own guns.
They can ban any guns they want whenever they want.
The Supreme Court said, yeah, we're just going to let that ruling stand.
And that's going to have national implications, and also to give us an update on some of the Second Amendment legislation is the head honcho and a great patriot, great lover of America, Larry Pratt, joining us from his offices there in Virginia.
And Larry, thanks for coming on the show.
Alex, it's good to be with you, as always.
About a month ago we had you on about the NRA and a federal lawsuit in D.C.
saying we don't care if guns are registered and you can't leave your house without them.
That was their compromise and now the Cato Institute has alleged the NRA is trying to mess with their suits and stop those.
The NRA has done nothing with this Silvera case and now the Supreme Court ruled on this or refused to rule last Monday.
What does this mean Larry Pratt?
Well, it could be worse.
It wasn't the happiest result, obviously, but the Fifth Circuit has ruled just the opposite, and they have held that the Second Amendment does, in fact, protect an individual right.
So, the Supreme Court, for whatever reason, has decided to leave that tension among the circuits.
The Ninth Circuit, actually, that's not a new opinion of theirs.
They've had this very wrong-headed view for a long time.
The 5th Circuit, I guess their opinion's been out now for at least a couple of years.
And that was out of the Texas case.
Now, they said it is an individual right, unless prescribed by law.
Well, that's the same thing we've heard from Ashcroft.
That means, yeah, you got it, but we can restrict it.
That's bad enough, but to have the Supreme Court not hearing the 9th, I don't know.
I'd like to put this so-called conservative court to the test.
Well, indeed.
And we may or may not be pleased with the outcome, which is always the
The chance that you take when you go before the court.
Back in 1990, the same folks that are on the court ruled that the Second Amendment, with its language of the people, refers to an individual right every bit as much as anywhere else in the Bill of Rights that that term, that phrase, is used.
Now, that would make you think that if they were consistent, and if is a mighty big word,
If they were consistent, then when they do take a case, they would have to rule for being consistent that it's an individual right.
The Cato case is probably the best case that will ever get to the Supreme Court, and that's why they put it together.
They thought someday, some cases... Well, we've had them on the show.
They say the NRA's been sneaking around trying to stop them.
Well, I think Cato succeeded in derailing any efforts to sidetrack.
Why is the NRA, Larry, trying to block everybody?
They tried to block us in Texas.
Well, in the case of Cato, there was a disagreement over whether you should give the court what you might call a smorgasbord of options.
Not just the Second Amendment, but hey, maybe you want to rule on Commerce Clause, maybe you want to rule on
This, that, or the other thing, and for all I know, their case may have four or five different options that the court could use to give... But hasn't that always been the smart way to do it?
Well, I don't have any problem with that myself, because that's kind of... I figure any way you kill a snake is a good way.
But Cato figured, well, at some point, somebody's going to get a rotten case up to the Supreme Court, and that will be the basis of a Second Amendment ruling.
Better to do... What they've done is two things that are singular.
They, first of all, made a case from the District of Columbia.
Therefore, the court can't hide behind this, oh well, states still are protected by the original constitutional arrangement.
It's got to be a totally federal jurisdiction.
Totally federal.
No games that they can play about it being a state and the arguments they could use on that.
Secondly, they have a rainbow of plaintiffs.
In fact, one of them is a homosexual, another one is a taxi driver, a taxi commissioner, a lady that lives in a neighborhood full of druggies that threatens her and has threatened her life, a housewife that went through seven months to get a lousy shotgun so she could keep it disarmed in her apartment.
All these people are bringing suit from the District of Columbia, just on the Second Amendment.
So, Cato is saying, okay, Supremes.
If you want to tell us what you think the Second Amendment means, here is the case.
And they don't want to do that, at least in the past they don't, because they're going to rule anti-gun.
You watch, it'll look like on the surface it's pro-gun, but in the meat it'll be anti-gun, at least that's what they've done with their neocon actions in the past, because they don't want to state it for everybody that they are after our guns.
More and more brazen about going and openly referring to foreign law, whether it be a UN treaty or something they saw in Brussels during their last junket there, but whatever the European community is doing, and they're using that, which is really quite in violation of their oath of office, which has them upholding, defending the Constitution, and here they are
Forgetting, if you will, that the Constitution says it's the highest authority.
Well, Larry, we started America, the United States, to get away from the mercantile British oligarchy, and now most of the Supreme Courts on record are going, oh yeah, we're going to rule according to European law.
There are no juries, there's no free speech, there's double jeopardy.
I mean, it's total tyranny, and they've all been saying, get used to it, we're going to follow the U.N.
That's clearly where the court has been willing to go, and I think that bodes very ill for not just the Second Amendment, but frankly, any of our constitutional structures, the rights that are protected in the Bill of Rights, the limitations that are placed on the government.
They're basically saying, no holds barred, we're the Supreme Legislature here in the Supreme Court.
We make the law.
We're above everybody else, and of course that is exactly 180 degrees from what the Founders had in mind.
The Supreme Court is supposed to decide an issue between two parties, and when they have a decision, it only applies to those two parties.
They can't make a ruling that becomes the law of the land, because they are not the highest interpreter of what that law of the land is to be.
When you're talking about Judge Roy Moore?
Can't have violated a legitimate court order, although that's what most people think.
Well, rule of law, court order.
No, if the court order is wrong, you don't obey it, because Roy Moore took the same oath of office that those other Jaspers did, and if there's a real conflict, then you let the people decide.
We the people, after all.
That's the way the preamble starts out in the Constitution, and we're the ones to make those ultimate decisions.
Well, Larry, boil it down what the Supreme Court did with the Ninth Circuit.
Now, the Ninth Circuit said we can ban any gun we want, whenever we want.
There's no individual right to keep and bear arms.
The Supreme Court threw it back and said we're not going to rule on it, which adds validity to that Ninth Circuit court ruling.
Yeah, and it says for now the states in that jurisdiction can go off in that cockamamie direction.
Now, as a practical matter, that means that there's no relief for the oppression suffered by the people of California.
The other states in the area are not as likely, or perhaps very unlikely, to pursue that.
But I'm hearing about Ohio and others saying they're going to use that Ninth Circuit ruling.
Well, the comeback is, what about the Fifth Circuit fellows?
What about the 1990 opinion that the court had?
About the people, the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Well that's clearly, and this professor, this lying professor that's been kicked out of the college now for saying that the founding fathers weren't for guns, I mean that's like saying that fire isn't hot, or the sun doesn't come in the morning.
But shifting gears into legislation, the strengthening of the NICS Act, which is turning total information awareness and the Patriot Act loose on gun owners, in your own analysis, where is that right now?
Rest of the year, we can rejoice.
They're gone.
They're gone.
I don't think they're going to be getting to it, even with any last-minute business that they might want to take care of.
Well, for those that don't know, we know it'll be back next year.
Recap what this legislation did.
Well, it's supposedly going to provide a lot of money so that states can afford to computerize the records of people that would disqualify them from owning a gun that haven't been
computerized yet, and some of them arguably can get a gun because of the absence of the disqualifying information in the National Computer Database, the National Information Crime System, NICS, as you correctly pronounced it, as we do here inside the Beltway.
That shows you're really on the note.
But the zinger in this legislation goes well beyond that.
We don't agree with that part of the legislation.
Either, that's not constitutional, and that's become a registration scheme for everybody who has his name checked against it, but what we're talking about is letting the FBI obtain everybody's IRS health and employment records,
So that they can go trolling for anybody else that might possibly ought to be in the disqualified list.
Well Larry, what this really is, as you said last time, is funding for total information awareness and it's the coupling point from the federal to the state level for the new matrix system.
It is exactly that.
The Brady Bill all along has provided the structure for that and what we're seeing here is really little more than
Larry, one more quick segment.
I want to come back and talk about education.
You guys helped block a bill that would have allowed them to demonize the Second Amendment with school children, but that's really where the big fight is.
At the local level, they're brainwashing the children.
You can't even say the word gun or write about it in an essay or they act like you've committed a thought crime.
I want to talk about that and how we
Force Bush not to sign the assault weapons ban.
Re-sign it.
Re-authorize it next year.
Then we'll go to Jess and Jim and Raleigh and everybody in New York.
Everybody stay there.
We'll be back.
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Alright folks, coming up in the next segment a bunch of other key news on the economy, the war, you name it.
Jess, Jim, Ron, Roger, Leslie and all the other great callers we're going to get to you.
We're talking to Larry Pratt right now.
The brainwashing of the children.
Gun owners are the majority in this country.
Conservatives are the majority.
How do we stop the brainwashing of the children?
Because Josh Sugarman a couple years ago in a local article in the paper of Violence Policy Center said, look, we've got your kids.
We're gonna ban your guns eventually.
They're right out in the open.
How do we stop this?
And we don't stop them and expect exactly to lose our kids and watch them vote against the very freedoms that we hold dear.
One of the ways we can do it, of course the way my grandchildren are being educated, is to get them out of the government schools.
But for those that are in the government schools, we can certainly try to keep real poison from being given to them, and that's what was being fashioned for them under this Presidential Academies bill, H.R.
1078, that would have... Federalized curriculum further.
It would have had the
New standards for history and civics being taught by, frankly, it didn't say, it was a blank check for the education department, but given their track record, that meant every left-wing professor in the country would have been eligible to apply for a grant to run one of these academies in his state, and thus he could brainwash the teachers so that they could turn around and brainwash the kids about the history of our country.
But you guys helped defeat that.
So far.
Now this year, it's dead.
Next year they're going to make a comeback at it because I think the president wants to appear to the soccer moms and he's the education president and so they're going to try to push something through on teaching civics and history.
Next year, the assault weapons ban, when it's up for a vote, Bush says he'll reauthorize it.
They're trying to tag more gun control onto it.
When's that vote coming up?
What do you see happening?
Well, September 14 is the pumpkin day for the other side.
If they don't get something signed by the president by that time, then the ban goes away.
So they have to pass a bill.
Frankly, that gives us a tactical advantage.
Well, that's also going to be hard for a Republican Congress to act like they're conservative and reauthorize, but they're saying they will.
They're saying they will, and frankly, it's easier for us as an interest group, Gun Owners of America, to be able to block things that are trying to be enacted.
I can tell you, it's a lot harder to enact a bill than it is to beat a bill.
And that gives us at least one leg up.
But I agree with you.
The pressures are going to mount.
There'll be a media campaign that will be ferocious.
Howard Dean has already pretty well come out of the closet as an anti-Gunner.
And he will be singing that song.
He's already said for a month now that he supports renewing the band.
And Al Gore just endorsed him.
And certainly Al Gore wouldn't endorse somebody like you or me, so we can assume that Mr. Dean is pretty much like Al Gore, and that's bad.
Al Gore is real bad.
Certainly is.
Anyway, I think there's going to be a fight.
I think it's one that we can win.
I still think that that's possible.
But anybody that says we got it in the bag may be the reason why we lose, because we're going to have to remain very vigilant and diligent to be able to... So call early, call late, call often.
Show up when your congressman or woman is at the local shindig getting their face about this.
And I hope folks will go to GunOwners.org, our website, and sign up for our email bulletins, which will let them know when timely contact can be made on this issue.
And forward those to everybody.
Oh, yes.
That really helps when that happens.
I appreciate your mentioning that.
Well, that's the force of multiplication.
I mean, we've got millions of listeners every week to this show, 800 to a million at any one time listening.
If they'll all just take action, with this show alone we can affect change.
And with all the other great talk shows and all the other great gun owners,
out there.
I hope people will abandon the NRA and go join JPFO, Jews Preservation of Farms, Ownership Award, Gun Owners of America, and start your own local gun groups that are allied because, you know, I have to go in and defeat the gun legislation myself with local Austinites every two years in Austin.
The NRA isn't helping us, Larry.
Well, I think the founders had it right when they said more than once that eternal vigilance
is the price of liberty.
You know, men are sinful, and one of the biggest problems we're going to face is there are going to always be people that want our freedom.
They want to be able to tell us what to do, because they think they know better than we.
And you fight it in Austin, I fight it in Washington, but we're all going to have to fight it everywhere we are.
Gunowners.org, Larry Pratt, I appreciate you coming on on short notice, and God bless.
You too, Alex.
Thanks very much for having me.
Take care, my friend.
We'll be back and we'll go straight to all these wonderful callers that are patiently holding.
Toll free number to join us on air.
And the websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And I'm going to be in Houston this Saturday showing Road to Tyranny, and they live at the Alamo Draft House.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Alright folks, we're about to go to your calls for those that have been patiently holding, and I'm going to go to them quickly because I want to get to some of the news we've mentioned but have not detailed yet.
It's all very, very important.
So let's just bam, bam, bam, questions or comments on any of the issues we've raised or any news items you want to discuss.
Jess in New Jersey, go ahead, you're on the air.
Good afternoon, Alex.
I wanted to talk about, you know, I was listening to your guest commenting on gun control and the ferocious media campaign in support of these draconian measures.
I mean, it's actually more than that.
It's a psychological warfare technique that's being, you know, unleashed upon the populace here in America, and in Britain, too.
When one looks at, like, the events like Dunblane, I mean, that was a total... it had, like, a special operation written all over it.
So did Columbine.
Right, right.
Columbine, I feel, was just a precursor to some kind of event that's going to catalyze the total banning of gun control ownership in this country probably within the next year.
I mean, I hope that's not the case.
Well, they've got to disarm us.
They've got such horrible stuff planned for us.
I mean, here's the New York Times talking about emergency camps for us today.
I'm not sure what we're going to do to compete with the propaganda such as Bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore, who's basically a Time Warner employee.
Yeah, very sophisticated propaganda.
And notice he's going to have a new 9-11 film exposing Bush, but it's all leftist, like, oh, it's just Bush.
No, Bush is just a puppet.
And not only that, you look at these new sniper cases that are all over, but subtly on the news and in the paper, it's just a constant signal of fear that's being broadcast.
Well, what does the Northwoods U.S.
government official terror plan call for?
Committing sniper attacks in D.C.
and Miami, and even how to frame Patsy's.
Right, but logically, what's the next step?
What's the next type of event that's going to catalyze all this banning?
We've got to explain to folks that no matter how much crime there is, and our crime rate is actually way down, no matter how much crime there is, that's all the more reason for us to have guns.
The highest crime rates are in New York and D.C.
and Chicago with the gun bans, folks.
It's common sense.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, Jess.
Thanks for holding.
Jim in Colorado.
Welcome, sir.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm depending on God for my words because I'm not a real good verbal communicator.
Sounds like you are.
I'm not really.
Sometimes I'll get discombobulated.
The reason I called is to say that we're encouraged here in Colorado from your program and we're fellows in the body of Christ with you and we're encouraging people out there to identify the strongholds of wickedness in this land and to come against it and we're personally in a real heavy letter campaign to the President and to other people like Gloria Felt against Planned Parenthood and we're
You know, we're having faith in God that Planned Parenthood will have their doors, you know, closed and that, you know, wickedness across our land will be spotlighted and come against in the war, in spiritual war and in the power of God's Word and we're coming against them and we're going to run them out of this land and we're hoping that programs like yours
And others will encourage people to get out there and be vigilant and to come against wickedness.
Well, globalists can't get away with any of their evil if good men and women stand up.
But when we do nothing, evil flourishes.
And the evil has grown now so great that finally people are waking up because it's become so obvious.
Yeah, and I want to thank you for your program.
You have personally encouraged me to be vigilant and to reveal certain information to me that I've, that, you know, you're a resource of study for me.
Uh, your information and your website and everything.
And I just want to encourage people out there to come against Planned Parenthood.
It's one wicked organization that's... Well, Margaret Sanger, the founder of it, gave awards to Hitler, got awards from Hitler, but you don't hear Jesse Jackson saying take down statues of her and take her name off buildings.
And we're coming in Matthew 18, 18 through 20.
I don't want to get real heavy into, like, scriptural references and stuff, but if you look in Matthew 18, 18 through 20, we have the power over wickedness.
We're God's design and power.
We have the power and I want to encourage people to take your information and other people's information in the power and authority of Jesus Christ and to go out there and attack.
Carpet bomb, pinpoint attack, and run wickedness out of this land.
By carpet bomb you mean in the information war?
Yeah, right, and in spiritual prayers.
Carpet bomb the entire land against wickedness and pinpoint wickedness where it is and do letter campaigns
Hey, it all helps letting them know that we're aware of what they're doing.
Thanks for the call, Jim.
Good to hear from you.
Ron in New York.
Ron, thanks for holding patiently.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
I'm sorry Mr. Pratt had to go.
I wanted to ask him a question about a piece of legislation which was passed in the House of Representatives yesterday.
They had a funding and a finance bill and supposedly attached to that funding bill were some provisions
of law or amendments to the bill.
Well, Larry didn't have to go.
I wanted to get to your calls and the news.
Yeah, and there was supposedly provisions to that bill that was supposed to be pro-gun.
I was wondering about that, you know, if there weren't devils in the detail of that legislation.
That was passed in the House yesterday.
Now, I don't know if you're familiar with it or
What was the particular piece of legislation?
Well, it was a funding bill, and they attached onto this funding bill some aspects to reduce some funding for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms to prohibit them from the type of searches and raids of gun shops they've been conducting, unannounced type searches, and I forget there was a third provision to the bill.
Well, I mean, last year they roughly doubled the funding, broke ground on a giant
Uh, six hundred and something thousand, six hundred and something thousand square foot building, if that's even possible, folks.
It's a gigantic complex of buildings, uh, and so what they'll do is they'll give them all this funding and then cut one little tiny program, at least in the past, and go, oh, look, we restricted it.
Oh, well, then it's that type of game, then.
Put them, uh, ten steps ahead, pull them one step back, and say it's something, you've done something.
Well, I haven't seen the particular piece of legislation, so I don't know that, but I know whether it's TIPS or Total Information or Homeland Security or Patriot Act, they'll repeal one provision in the House, doesn't pass the Senate, then they repass the same provision under a new bill name.
Yeah, that's why I asked the question, because the way they legislate today, it's always trickery and it's always tomfoolery.
It's never straightforward and honorable.
Skullduggery, another good term.
All the time.
All the time.
And I was wondering about that.
I mean, I could be mistaken, but I'm understandably suspect of any type of legislation that Congress deals with, with reference to guns now.
I just... You know, you might say, in that respect, I'm from Missouri.
I have to be shown.
I just don't believe them at face value.
The good old Show Me State.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it, Ron.
Roger in Pennsylvania.
Roger, pleasure.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks, Alex.
I just want to highlight this thing.
I was kind of hoping to get on with Larry, but you'll do just as fine.
And to highlight why the Alabama Supremes, that is not including Judge Roy Moore and that ethics panel, why they have got to go, because each of them, there is their non-stated, implicit way of saying, you will not now
Nor 10 years from now ever challenge the federal hammerlock power grab.
Well yeah, they won't let abortion get up there, they won't let the Second Amendment, they won't let border disputes get up there, and we have a Republican court going after Roy Moore.
I mean, this is the evidence, folks.
So you'll never challenge this power grab where the Supremes invented the incorporation doctrine out of the 14th.
In other words, I'm told by Howard Phillips, and he says he has links to this on his website, because he says in Judge Moore's certiorari plea, the briefs for that included, in fact, a direct challenge to this.
If I understood him correctly, and I guess there's the text or links to his actual briefs up on conservativecaucus.com or whatever.
Okay, Roger, thank you for the call.
I'm going to try to talk to Leslie and Chris.
I know we've got loaded phones here, folks.
I've got to get to some more of this news before this hour ends, but real quick, Leslie in Tennessee, go ahead.
Hey, it's Wesley.
Yeah, that's okay.
Wesley, I apologize.
I was told Leslie.
It's okay.
I've been called worse.
Well, you're Wesley.
I apologize.
Go ahead.
No, no, that's okay, Alex.
Like I say, I've been called worse.
I just wanted to offer this up for
Food for thought.
If people weren't convinced by now that people like George Bush and the various leaders of countries around the world are nothing more than lapdogs for the globalists, consider this fact.
The United States just is holding up one-third of a billion dollars in guaranteed loans to Israel because they're ticked off about their building a fence.
To keep terrorists from just walking into their neighborhoods.
Hey, why can't we have a fence on our border?
You know, I'll tell you, that's a real good question.
You know, they paid tens of billions of dollars for a fence and guard checks every few miles all the way around Afghanistan.
Why can't we have that?
We're paying for it in Afghanistan!
It's the absolute truth.
The other thing is this recent threat of the United States against
Taiwan, not to tick off the Chinese, and the third one is the recent withdrawal of the American Army, 30 miles southwest of the DMZ, and now they're talking about, in Time Magazine today, a total withdrawal.
Yeah, they're asking North Korea, they're asking China to go ahead and invade Taiwan.
We'll be busy off fighting in the Middle East, and that's been the plan all along.
That's why they're abandoning Taiwan now publicly.
The White House is changing 54 years of treaties and policy, and they call this conservative.
Thanks for the call, Wesley.
Let's talk to Chris in Rhode Island.
You're on the air, Chris.
Thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hi, how are you doing?
I just got... I moved across the country from California, and now I'm in Providence, Rhode Island, and boy, I'll have to tell you, you know, that California is like a beta test for this globalist.
It is.
It is.
It's unbelievable.
But what I want... you know, I call you to ask you and talk to you about it.
I really think you need to go into this Federal Reserve situation.
That is what I think is the linchpin, you know.
It's their machine, their money-making machine.
I'll tell you what, for those that just joined us, I always like a different explanation of what it is.
I've done probably... I've probably done 200 shows over the years.
That's not enough about the banking system and how it's really a private bank and it's fiat.
Why don't you, in a couple minutes, explain what the Federal Reserve is?
The Federal Reserve is a private corporation.
It's owned and controlled by foreign bankers.
Most notably, the Rothschilds.
Their real name is Bowers, of course.
And how the Federal Reserve Bank works, they use a 10% reserve, okay?
It's fractional banking.
So, in other words, they can create debt certificates with no assets behind their creation.
And then they just get the okay of Congress, and they distribute it to banks.
The banks hold 10% reserve as operating capital.
That'd be $100,000, right?
They loan the rest out at 10%.
The bank then pockets $90,000 in interest, and accepts back $900,000 back as a deposit.
Therefore, the bank will retain 10%
Of the $900,000 deposit as a reserve, and loans out the other $810,000 at 10% interest.
This process can be repeated over and over again, with hard assets pledged as collateral for these loans.
In other words, they start off with nothing, no money, and end up with houses, cars, land, gold, silver.
Yeah, they're so rich and powerful, they own the money machines.
Let's boil it down.
They own the money machines.
But what's really frightening is, what is their social agenda?
I think to get to people's minds, you have to start with the money.
That's the key.
And you have to make it more simple than say, like, this Money Master's videos are too long, people aren't going to listen.
You have to start with something much shorter, and you have to refute some of the propaganda.
This Flaherty guy on the web, he's got a lot of propaganda.
So, you gotta stop these people.
Alright, great points.
I appreciate your call, Chris.
I'm gonna have to have the other callers hold.
I will get to you.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
I need to get us some more of this news.
Callers have been mentioning what's going on with
The China situation, I could spend an hour on this and not do it justice, but China's win to get 19-gun salute spectacular pump from the White House, President George W. Bush may have stripped down White House protocol in keeping with a time of war, but Chinese Premier Wen Jiabu will get a spectacular treatment, according to the White House, that's her quote,
Today, complete with a 19-gun salute, an official said, Wynne will arrive at the presidential mansion for a south lawn ceremony only offered during the administration to visiting heads of state, a senior administration official said.
Then he said Bush will hold talks in the Oval Office before sitting down to lunch.
That's going on right now.
Some of our observers have commented that Wynne's reception will fall short of what, according to what Clinton administration did for the last Chinese premier to visit Washington.
And that's a bunch of propaganda.
Now, listen to this, folks.
Taiwan warned by U.S.
That's the Washington Post.
On the eve of the Chinese premier visit, the Bush administration signaled a tougher stance toward Taiwan, moved towards independence yesterday, warning the island not to take any unilateral steps that might provoke the government on the Chinese mainland.
They go on to abandon them.
They won't sell them the high-tech weapons.
They are selling China the weapons.
It's just unspeakable.
It's off the charts.
It is so bad.
Here's more news.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Missiles outfitted with dirty bomb warheads apparently missing, experts says.
Dozens of rockets outfitted with so-called dirty bombs, warheads designed to scatter deadly radioactive material, appeared to be missing in a breakaway region of Moldavia, an expert said Monday.
Ozu Natoe, a political analyst who works at the Non-Governmental Institute for Policy Studies, said that he had seen photocopies of Russian military documents showing that the dirty bomb warheads, 24 ready to use, 14 dismantled, were missing from a storage depot near the Trans-Denster
Trespol Military Airport.
And he said that he's a respected expert on the region of Trans-Dinsterb, which is populated by ethnic Slavs, and has been policed by thousands of Russian troops since the region's fight for independence from Moldavia 12 years ago.
Folks, there's no telling what the globalists are going to pull.
Notice how they hyped up dirty bombs, and now, oh, the Russians just accidentally, this all came up missing with all the suitcase nukes, of course, three years ago.
It's unbelievable.
Voting machine makers who fight security criticism, electronic voting machine companies announced yesterday that they are banding together, we already have their inside corporate documents on this from six months ago, to counter mounting concerns about whether their machines are secure enough to withstand tampering by hackers.
They've caught the major companies going into the machines during elections with wireless internet, manipulating it, folks.
It's not hackers, it's them.
Although less than 20% of the nation's counties
Use electronic voting machines?
Their use is growing in the wake of problems with punch cards.
That's why they played that up, ballots in Florida.
Last year, Congress passed the Help America Vote Act.
Which provides funds for states and localities to modernize their election systems.
The Fed's paying to put this in, folks.
But several academic and cyber security experts argue that the new machines, which let voters make their choices on video screens, have disturbing security flaws.
In July, researchers at Johns Hopkins University, at Rice University, identified potential security holes that would allow vote tampering in systems made by an industry leader, Diebold Election Systems, Inc.
One of their own top engineers went public, folks.
Led Maryland state officials to delay purchasing $55 million in systems from Diebold, although Governor Robert L. Elrich Jr.
ultimately decided to move ahead.
Critics argue that at a minimum, the machine should be equipped to provide companion paper records of the votes as a check against simple malfunctions, someone commandeering the operating systems and voting multiple times, or causing others' vote to be lost.
It's a lot worse, folks.
We're in a lot of trouble here.
We'll come back with even more incredible news.
Stay with me.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, coming up in about six minutes we'll go straight to Brad and Spencer and um... Who's calling from DC?
Micah and Jay and many many others that are patiently holding, told to remember to join us.
Coming up, President Bush is less conservative than Clinton.
Without allegiance to the Constitution, party partisanship means absolutely nothing.
USDA creating national livestock ID system.
Two-thirds of Israelis back creation of Palestinian state in a major poll.
CDC vaccine study shamed and slammed as a cover-up.
Teen generation will be the world's sickest adults.
UN warns of population surge.
Yeah, well they're getting rid of everybody with the AIDS.
Iris fingerprints and face to be used in ID trial.
This is your World ID card.
Cannibal murder shown to court.
Israel trains U.S.
assassination squads in Iraq.
Israel aiding U.S.
in Iraq.
The FBI used this guy to frame men for murders.
They did not commit to keep the real killers free.
Well, that's just some of what's coming up.
In fact, right now, let me talk about this story.
Yesterday, I mentioned the New York Times article.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com.
Tough New Tactics by U.S.
Titans Grip on Iraq Towns by Dexter Filkins.
And it's got the colonel saying, yeah, you gotta have an ID card to go in and out of the towns.
We put barbed wire all around the towns.
We do capture people's women and children if we suspect them of fighting us and put them in camps.
I mean, it's horrible, folks.
We're wearing the black hats here.
And here's the London Guardian.
Israel trains U.S.
assassination squads in Iraq today.
Israel's advisors are helping train U.S.
Special Forces in aggressive counterinsurgency operations in Iraq, including the use of assassination squads against guerrilla leaders.
intelligence and military sources said yesterday the Israeli Defense Force has sent urban warfare specialists to Fort Bragg in North Carolina, the home of the U.S.
Special Forces, and according to two sources, Israeli military consultants have also visited Iraq.
forces in Iraq's Sunni triangle have already begun to use tactics that echo Israeli operations in the occupied territory, sealing off centers of resistance with razor wire and raising buildings from where attacks have been launched against U.S.
But the secret war in Iraq is about to get much tougher in the hope of suppressing the Ba'athist-led insurgency ahead of next November's presidential elections.
It's not Ba'athist, folks.
Special Forces teams are already behind the lines inside Syria attempting to kill foreign jihadists before they cross the border.
A group focused on the
Neutralization of guerrilla leaders is being set up according to a source familiar with the operation.
So now we've got a secret war going in Syria.
They've already got some troops in Iran.
I've been seeing the articles.
There's another one Israel aiding U.S.
in Iraq.
We'll talk about that too when we start the next hour and all the news I just mentioned and more.
Before we do that, I do want to encourage everybody to join me this weekend in Houston, Texas at the Alamo Draft House Movie Theater at the West Oaks Shopping Center from 6 to midnight.
I'm going to show Road to Tyranny, give a speech, have a question and answer, and we're going to show They Live, John Carpenter's They Live.
It's a great place to network and meet folks, and I'll have all the videos and all the books right there if you want to get them that way.
It's a great way to get a hold of them, and again, you're authorized to make copies of all of my videos to get them out to people.
I just want to get copies out and warn the American people, people of the world, I want to thank those that have gotten the films and have made copies.
You've not only helped the country, but you've also helped this show.
I've made ten films.
The newest is The Matrix of Evil, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Make the call.
Write the letter.
Go online and get the videos.
And again, make sure we get your address correct.
I'll read it back to you if you call the toll-free number.
The toll-free number to get the videos is 1-888-253-3139.
Or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 or Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order.
Again, 1-888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Go online and get your tickets for the showing this Saturday while you still can.
We'll be back.
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I think so.
That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight.
I'm here live.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
More coming up in a few minutes.
Israel trains U.S.
assassination squads in Iraq.
Barbed wire, ID cards, bracelets they have to wear with RFID tracker chips in them.
We're going to get into that.
Also, the FBI used this guy to frame men for murders.
They did not commit to keep the real killers free.
It's out of the Sunday Herald.
Also, Pearl Harbor, it might have been avoided.
Alameda Times, Starb.
We can implant entirely false memories.
The government has these powers.
Out of the London Guardian.
Like something out of the X-Files.
Also, more on the
We're good to go.
Uh, world's sickest adults here in the Western world.
Joint task force told face-to-face blackout was a military test.
Remember the blackout of a few months ago?
Uh, that's now coming out as well.
The toll-free number to join us on air here on the show is 1-800-259-9231.
Brad in Illinois, thanks for holding.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just want to make a comment about that Taiwan story.
If there isn't any Americans out there that can't read between those lines, I don't know what to say.
I mean, here the United States government is publicly coming out and saying that they're going to meddle with their free elections.
And then tell them to be subservient to a communist country, such as China.
It's totally unbelievable, Alex.
But what I really wanted to ask you was, I just finished watching your latest two movies, and for those out there listening that haven't seen them, haven't picked them up,
They better get them.
Alex are very good.
What videos?
Matrix of Evil and Police State 3?
Yeah, I watched both of those last night.
I really like both of them, but I like the Matrix of Evil better.
I like your interview with Congressman McKinney from California.
We were in California, but she was from Georgia.
And I also, of course, the spot with Ron Paul on there.
Your speeches with Ron Paul there at that one meeting, and of course your talk there in front of the council people in Austin, your 15 minutes, very moving, very good.
What I wanted to ask you was this, Alex.
I believe it was in Police Day 3, you're shown questioning Governor, then Governor Bush, and them leading you out, and then the caption on the bottom says, Alex Jones being arrested for questioning Governor Bush.
Now, were you actually arrested, or did they just lead you out, and if they arrested you?
I was kidnapped.
I'll tell you what, stay there, and when we come back in the next break, I'll answer that question fully and tell the story, but I was kidnapped for about an hour
Uh, by, uh, Bush's people.
Uh, just like, remember when Charles Keyes, uh, tried, he was on the list to be in the 96 debates?
And then when he went there for the debate, they decided he wasn't going to be allowed there, so they kidnapped him and drove him around for two hours, then threw him out by a basketball court, uh, in a crack neighborhood?
Uh, they threw the former ambassador out in a dangerous neighborhood, drove him, you know, an hour plus away, and threw him out of the car?
Well, I had the same thing happen to me.
Answer your question.
Okay, so they didn't actually arrest you, they just kidnapped you?
Well, I mean, sir, when they pull you over, you're under arrest.
Yes, yes, I was arrested.
They told me you were under arrest.
They put me in handcuffs outside, they put me in a car, they drove me around for about an hour, and then threw me out on the side of the highway.
But they didn't formally charge you, so you had to go to court?
No, but they told me you were under arrest.
That's unbelievable.
Okay, my other question is, since you were talking to Larry Pratt earlier, what ever happened to Bob Stewart?
You know what?
I can answer that question, too.
Stay there, Brad.
We'll come back and I'll go into the Bush story from 1998 and that is in Matrix, not Matrix of Evil, Police State 3, a total enslavement.
And thanks for getting the videos, Brad.
Stay there.
I hope you'll make copies for Christmas and give them out to folks because that's why I make the films and I want to thank those that have gotten the films.
We'll be back with Brad and Spencer and Micah and Jay and others.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation one and two apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We're talking to Brad DeLanor.
And he just got my two new videos, Police State 3 Total Enslavement,
And of course, Matrix of Evil, and he was talking about at the end of Police State 3, I'm, I just, well, I mean, let's bring Brad back up on the show.
For those that haven't seen it, was I rude to Bush?
Was I confrontational?
What did you see on the video?
Oh, not, no, not at all.
You just stood up.
He was speaking in front of
Some people, I imagine there was other press people there, and you stood up as a press person to ask questions, and you asked him some questions that he didn't like.
I mean, he had a totally stunned look on his face.
I'll ask you about, it was the end of his speech, because they put out the prepared speech, they had put it out on the state website.
He was supposed to take questions, there was tons of press there, probably about 500 people at the DuPont photo masking plant in 1998.
Uh, right during the gubernatorial election, and, uh, they had said they were going to take questions right before he went on stage, and they had, uh, Senator, uh, Hutchinson, and Graham, and a bunch of others there, and, uh, the Lieutenant Governor Perry, they were all there, and I, uh, they got up right before Bush walked out, and they said, look, we were going to take questions, the Governor can't do that now, and, uh, so I thought, well, I'm going to ask my question.
So when his speech was concluding, and they were clapping,
That's what we're going to do for Texas.
Stand up for Texas.
And I said, Governor.
I said, Sir.
Very politely.
And correct me if I'm wrong, you've seen the video of it happening.
I said, isn't the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations destroying America and Texas?
Aren't you going to stand up against that?
And I was grabbed by the Texas Rangers.
That's who his protection detail was.
Shaved head guys.
Drug out.
They almost broke my arm.
Gave me to constables.
It's on video.
What are we going to charge him with?
They slammed me into the wall.
And then they said, you're under arrest, boy.
You're in deep trouble.
They put me in a car.
And about five minutes down the road, the radio comes on and goes, go to your cell phone.
The governor's got a plan.
And, uh, they're driving me along and the guy gets on his, they call him on his cell phone and he goes, okay, okay, releasing.
Okay, drive him around.
The guy's talking, I'm hearing, okay, yes sir, yes sir.
Okay, governor's orders, yes, yes.
And so they, he drives me around, uh, for, uh, I guess about 50 minutes or so, uh, takes me to the county line of Williamson County, and, uh, Travis County, and just pulls off the highway and puts me out on the side of the road.
And my cell phone's in my truck, my camera guy's back there at the scene.
Luckily he had a cell phone.
I went and called and got a ride to the local radio station that's in North Austin, that was the closest area.
Had somebody pick me up, drove me back out to get my truck.
But that's the new America.
And again, Charles Keith, in 1996, the former UN ambassador, you know, the talk show host, the Christian Coalition guy.
He was on the list of the Republican debate, and he was showing nicely in the polls in New Hampshire and other areas.
He was, you know, the tail runner, but he was moving forward in the polls.
And he shows up that night, they announce he will not be allowed to be in the debate.
The Republicans have decided.
And, uh, he was kidnapped, that's what he called it, so was I. Put in a car, driven around for about an hour and 45 minutes, thrown out on the other side of town at a basketball court, literally in a crack neighborhood, thrown out there on the side of the road.
And that's, that's the tactic, that's what they do.
They will kidnap you and throw you out on the side of the highway.
Now, you saw the video, what'd you think of it?
Well, I thought the videos were great, and my, and I'm telling you, my wife
At the end of Police Day 3, she made me replay numerous times the part about Building 7 on the WTC imploding straight down with Dan Rather.
She could not believe it.
I've been telling her about it.
And Dan Rather goes, looks like well-placed dynamite.
Yeah, yes.
And you know, Alex, when you talk to people about the WTC, if you ask them how many buildings were involved in it, you almost always get the answer, well, two.
Well, two.
But there were seven buildings in that complex, and nobody knows about this building seven.
47 stories that collapsed the same way, what was it, about four hours after the two towers fell down?
Four or six hours after?
I mean, absolutely incredible.
And again, that's about a minute and a half of the two-hour, 40-minute film.
Yeah, right.
The Bush kidnapping is about two minutes.
I mean, it's all... the films, folks,
Just are just hours and hours of continual information.
They're totally jam-packed.
Very good stuff.
Can you answer real quick and I'll get off to the other caller.
Bob Stewart.
Yes, thanks for reminding me.
I know there was another question.
Bob Stewart, Monty Griffin, bolt action, single shot, .50 cal rifle, never been a crime committed in the U.S.
with a semi-automatic, I mean with a single shot.
One crime committed with a semi-automatic, an armored car robbery.
Uh, and, uh, Bob Stewart, uh, you know, making these guns, his own little factory, busted, charged, uh, and then he defeated that, it was thrown out of court, and then he was charged with threatening the judge from prison, a convicted felon, uh, testified against him.
And he's now been given 20, what is it, 23 years in federal prison.
He will spend at least 21 years of the 20 plus year sentence.
You serve about 95% of a federal sentence.
And the man has been totally railroaded and happens to gun dealers and gun manufacturers.
And gun distributors all the time.
We've gone from 300 plus thousand gun dealers in 1994 to about 24,000 last time I checked.
And a lot of the gun shops in Austin are closing down from harassment.
Federal firearms dealers I know are stopping sales.
It's all around us.
Thanks for the call.
That's horrible.
Thank you.
Yeah, thank you.
And let me just right now cover this.
Now, again, I have this from Texas.
I have this from New York.
I have this from Boston.
I have this from L.A.
I have these articles from Denver, Colorado.
I have these articles from Kansas City.
I have these articles from Miami.
I have articles like this every week!
And I've gotten to the point where I've become desensitized to it.
I don't even cover it.
But talking about framing people,
They just claim that you threaten somebody and you're gone, folks.
That's why you've got to espouse, and be honest about it, non-violence, because they want to blame people for this.
The FBI used this guy to frame men for murders.
They did not commit.
To keep the real killers free, 30 years later the cover-up goes on, Sunday Herald.
The idea of four
Innocent men going to prison for life for a murder they didn't commit is horrifying enough by any standard.
But the fact that the Boston FBI agents knew of their innocence, set up the conviction, and allowed the injustice to roll on for more than 30 years has horrified America.
Was part of a long-running FBI scheme to protect top-secret informants who, frighteningly, were murderers themselves.
It has now been revealed.
Uh, the FBI was getting money for murder for hire, folks.
They are the mob.
Remember, uh, uh, the head of the FBI saying there's no LaCosa Nostra in 54?
I mean, that's like saying there's no moon.
Two of the men wrongly accused in 65 of killing a small-time Boston crook, Teddy Deegan, died in jail.
The other two were finally released.
Joseph Salvetti, after 30 years in jail, and Peter Lamone, after 33 years of incarceration.
Now the FBI has been accused by a powerful congressional committee of causing incalculable damage to the public, are protecting the deadly informants over a period of 38 years, and a report running to 141 pages entitled, Everything's Secret, degenerates the FBI's use of murderers as informants.
The House Committee on Government Reform has branded the FBI's behavior as one of the greatest failures in the history of federal law enforcement.
Folks, let me just give you a few examples that I gave before the City Council in Matrix of Evil here in Austin before they threw the Patriot Act out.
Number one, Tulia, Texas, 56 black Americans, none of them even had a criminal record, no drugs, no drug paraphernalia found.
A cop who was paid, doubling as an informant in other counties, would be paid about $1,000 to $1,200, depending on what article I've seen in the Associated Press, per person who was convicted.
He would go around, 56 black people, no criminal records, no drugs were found, were given between minimum sentences of 20 years to 90 years.
That was Tulia, Texas.
Later, he went out with some other people and framed them.
He got caught, admitted it, and the governor had to pardon him.
The courts wouldn't even let these people go.
About three months ago, the Houston Chronicle headline, police chief goes public about frame-ups.
Thousands, upwards of 2,000 people framed by the Houston Crime Lab with DNA, hair evidence, fibers, you name it.
They would just stamp false evidence and bring it into court for anybody.
Austin, Texas has been caught doing this.
I mean, everywhere.
Everywhere I live is full of this.
I know people who've been framed by the FBI.
I mean, it's just, it's incredible.
And J. Edgar Hoover said there was no Lacoste or Nostra.
Folks, he ran the mob for the big banks.
When you hear about the Italian mob, or the Jewish mob, or the Irish mob, that's nothing compared to the real powerful WASP mob that runs all these people.
Nobody ever hears about the German mafia that has been the most powerful thing in Texas for a hundred years.
But again, these big powerful mafias, they're the judges, they're the governors, they run the drugs, they run the whores, they run it all, folks!
They run the cocaine, the heroin.
A lot of your counties have former FBI agents or BATF as their sheriffs or chiefs of police now.
We have evidence that almost everyone we investigate is stealing masses of narcotics.
Their own SWAT team is on the take.
They'll raid your house if they think there's some marijuana.
But, I mean, it's a sick joke!
The people that they deal the drugs to every few months will give them somebody they sold drugs to and they'll go bust them to pack the prisons and seize houses and cars.
So they sell the drugs, then raid the people.
Some of the people they're selling is another form of taxation.
And it happened to Bob Stewart.
Dr. Charles Sell, the Army doctor, called into Waco to do medical records.
Said they killed those people.
He was there during the siege.
They grab him, say he's mentally ill.
Claiming a shooting range.
He threatened to go after the FBI.
Forced drugging for six years, five of it in solitary confinement.
They're not even giving him a trial.
I mean, we're the Soviet Union now!
And so this is the FBI that wants national DNA databases for people who aren't criminals.
This is the FBI that wants face scanning cameras and cameras in the classrooms and the bathrooms.
This is the FBI that wants the state to thumb scan you to get a driver's license.
This is the FBI that wants to secretly arrest you for any misdemeanor under Patriot Act 1, Section 802.
They cannot be trusted!
Do you understand me?
We'll come back, cover more news, get to more calls.
Everybody just stay there, we're gonna get to you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
All right, folks.
Let's go back to some of your calls.
Then I'll get into all the other news we haven't even gotten to yet in a recap of top stories that are all very, very important.
Let's talk to Micah in Washington, D.C.
Been patiently holding.
Thanks for the call, Micah.
How are you doing, Alex?
Fantastic, sir.
First of all, I just want to say that you're an excellent researcher and very informed.
And I remember something you said from a previous show.
You said something to the effect of, if it can't be proved, you know, I don't want to believe in it.
I just tend to brush it aside as a random theory.
Now, about the alien theory, okay?
The theory that there is an extraterrestrial race that is taking advantage of us.
That is a theory that I believe could be proven and has been to an extent.
I wonder why you don't see that as valid, though.
Well, let me see.
I have a London Guardian article where the U.S.
government admits they can implant false memories in us.
Let me finish.
I have a
Uh, New York Times article where they admit that there is a hum going on in many cities making people sick.
We know they have ultra-low-frequency weapons.
The Boston Globe a few months ago admitted that DARPA is going to deploy these on cell towers.
What we'd already known, but I wouldn't talk about because it's too crazy sounding, is now in the New York Times and in Senate legislation.
It's hard enough for folks to believe they're building concentration camps.
That's in the New York Times today.
I'm going to recap that later in the next segment.
Of course, it's for your safety, they say.
It's hard enough to believe General Eberhardt out at Colorado Springs is saying this.
Now, martial law is a wonderful thing.
It doesn't matter if it's hard to believe or not.
My point is I have them saying it, I have the bills, and I know there's a US government plan that we have in the book Order Out of Chaos, Paul Watson's great research, that exposes that the Air Force and the US government
I have even told Spielberg to go put out these films, that Fox puts this out.
The Sci-Fi Channel is run by a Rothschild.
That's the Kansas City Star in New York Times.
And so we go over all this, and they're creating this, and a lot of their secret ops are really covers for secret government technologies.
Okay, well let me ask you this.
If that's the case, my contention is that
Most of this is alien technology that has influxed through our military-industrial complex.
But my question to you is, if this is just all a ruse, how do you account for these extreme and extraordinary, amazing changes that have taken place in such a small amount of time?
Well, again, what happens on this show is... That's another influence coming from an outside source.
Well, sir, how do I know that pink elephants on pogo sticks
Uh, aren't jumping around, uh, off the, uh, Alpha Centauri's, uh, gas cluster.
I mean, I mean, how do I know that the world isn't really flat?
I'm not saying there aren't space aliens.
I'm not saying, but look, the establishment puts somebody talking about UFOs on 500 radio stations.
They want you to think about that.
They want you to talk about that.
They don't want you talking about the Federal Reserve, or race-specific bioweapons that can kill whole races of people, and how the PENAC document in 2000, Dick Cheney calls for getting the public to accept killing certain races.
Why isn't that big news?
Well listen, this is my point.
That is all extraordinarily important, and it all ties in together because there's an infrastructure, a power hierarchy,
Yes, there is a secret government.
There is 35 years at least of suppressed technology.
We are in a false reality of older technology with the elite arrogantly that have built spires of higher technological development and we are being dehumanized.
They do plan to kill 80 to 95 percent of us, their own statements.
But see, that sounds nuts and I can prove it, so I'll say it!
But, I cannot prove it's Little Green Man, and I will not... I mean, you're not censored.
Anybody can call in here, do whatever they want.
We're one of the few shows that doesn't do that.
You're welcome to call in with whatever your topic is.
And you know, another thing I wanted to say, you're extremely, extremely polite to your callers, and you're one of the very few talk show hosts that is.
That's amazing to me.
Well, look, we just try to do the best job we can.
I mean, all I'm saying is I can't touch it, feel it, taste it, smell it, so I don't get into little agreements.
Okay, you should research what happens to these eyewitnesses.
I have researched it.
It's the same government conspiracy stuff that happens to other people like you were talking about.
You know, kidnapping and trying to hide them, pushing them under rugs.
It's the same thing that they do.
It also happens to the people that are eyewitnesses
Look, we're a tiny blue jewel orbiting a standard sun, two-thirds of the way out on the spiral arm of the Milky Way Galaxy.
And, you know, the Bible talks about the Nephilim and genetic engineering.
I know all that, sir.
It's just, I only stick to stuff I can prove.
People have enough trouble admitting stuff when it's documented.
Well, you know what, you're an excellent mind, and I can say that
You will come to the bottom of this as I am trying to do as well.
Okay, hey, good to hear from you.
Thanks for the compliments.
You're a great caller too.
We'll come back and go to Jay and Ed and Spencer and John.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing the lives of disinformation.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
Back from 9 to midnight.
Going out on the AM and FM dial from Los Angeles to Providence Road Island.
Simulcasting on the internet at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
And global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20.
And at night 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90.
We're about to go back to Jay and Ed and John and Leslie and Spencer and others.
And that'll be it for calls.
Those five callers is all I have time to get to because I want to go into some of the news we have not gotten to yet.
But going back to the FBI.
All over the country framing, killing people, running hit teams, sending innocent people to prison, people who politically were fighting against their corruption.
It's come out in Boston.
We've only found the tip of the iceberg and it's prolific.
So how can you trust them for their new DNA database they're about to pass in Congress?
For everyone, people who aren't criminals.
Again, how do you trust the big monolithic structure of government?
You see, because it can mete out more abuse than any other institution.
How can you trust them to surveil and run your life?
And oh, you don't have anything to hide, you don't have any privacy.
But they want total privacy, total secrecy.
It's scary, folks!
We're in a very scary time right now in America.
In the world, tyranny is upon us, but people are waking up, are speaking out against it.
Before I go back to these calls real quick, and to the news, if you live in Texas, Louisiana, if you live in New Mexico, you live in, oh, you name it, up in Arkansas or Oklahoma, or anywhere in South Texas, you don't have an excuse.
I hope to see everybody
Who wants to network and meet like-minded people and see 9-11 Road to Tyranny and John Carpenter's They Live.
I hope to see you all in Houston, Texas this Saturday from 6 to midnight for a Police State double feature with my documentary and then of course the Hollywood production of They Live.
We're going to show Road to Tyranny.
I'm going to give a 30-minute speech.
We're going to take questions.
Then we're going to show They Live.
They've got food, drinks, everything at the Alamo Draft House, West Oaks Shopping Center in Houston, Texas.
And there's a map to it at InfoWars.com.
You can link through to the website of the movie theater.
And you can buy your ticket there.
And if you don't do that, I just suggest you show up about an hour, 30 minutes early.
Because we didn't sell out until 7 o'clock last time.
It sold out and then a bunch of people showed up right after that and it was sad to turn them away.
So I suggest you get there about an hour early.
There's a shopping mall right there.
You can go shopping or whatever.
There's restaurants all over the place.
And then, uh, come on in.
We'll have the videos, we'll have the books, it'll all be available.
I'll give a 30-minute speech, show Road to Tyranny, take 15-20 minutes of questions and answers, then we'll show, uh, John Carpenter's They Live at about 9.30, so you should be out of there by about 11.30 or so, uh, that evening.
That's Houston, Texas, Alamo Draft House, West Oaks Shopping Center.
Remember the Alamo.
It's a luxury movie theater.
Got your own tables and everything.
I mean, it's nice.
Holds 350 people.
Also, if you live elsewhere and you can't come, get Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get Matrix of Evil, get Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
You just heard callers raving about the two new films we've churned out quickly that are some of our best work.
You need to get these videos.
You need to make copies of them.
Who else says, get my work non-copyrighted for non-profit, not-for-sale educational purposes?
Very few folks.
Because I know the power lies in you getting the videos, putting them on access, giving them to sheriffs and county commissioners.
Don't count on others to do it.
I want to thank those that have.
But those of you that haven't, you got the videos already?
Make some copies.
Get them out to people.
You know, I put my life on the line to fight the New World Order.
I'm in this because I have a little bit of honor, and I realize how sick the globalists are, and I'm not going along with them.
So the future of Western civilization is at stake, and frankly, we have the best tools in these videos in the fight that we've found to wake people up.
So go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com to order via our secure online shopping cart, or write me a letter,
Be sure you got your address clearly on there.
I actually get orders without addresses sometimes.
I don't know how to handle those.
And please get the videos.
Please get the books.
Get the new book by Eric Huffschmid, which is just an amazing documentary, Painful Deceptions, How Did Osama Pull Off Such a Devastating Attack, an amazing film.
Get Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
The videos are $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 apiece.
Some of the videos are only $22 by themselves.
They're just two hours.
I charge $22.
They're over two hours.
We charge $25.95.
And all of your purchases make this show possible, folks.
We don't sell as many videos because we have an honest audience who wouldn't make copies of them if I said don't do it.
And so people make copies and give them to people and folks don't buy as many.
That's great!
But for those that haven't gotten them and haven't gotten them out to people, please do it.
Toll-free number to order.
Operators are there right now.
And please, we're having problems with folks not making their address clear, and then some of the tapes go out into the black hole out there, and they come back later.
Please have the operators read your address back carefully if you do the toll-free number, because that's where we're having a few problems.
They can answer your questions, great folks, but again, make sure your name and address is correct, folks.
1-888-2-5-3-3-1-3-9, or thebestwayinfowars.com.
I mean, those tapes go out the day we get the order.
Or just write to us, another great way to do it, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100.
Austin, Texas, 78704 or 1-888-253-3139.
Take action, get in the fight, be part of history.
Let's go ahead and talk to Jay in Colorado.
Jay, thanks for holding.
Go ahead, sir.
Hey, how are you doing, Alex?
I was wondering if you could talk about the origin and the subsequent abuse of presidential orders.
Who thought of that genius idea?
In 1789, when we got the Constitution and Bill of Rights, they allotted literally a few thousand dollars to adorn the White House, to buy China, to buy meals when the French ambassador or the British ambassador was coming by for dinner.
And an executive order Congress would give George Washington the power
Uh, to pay for the horse and carriages, to pay for mail, uh, to pay for a secretary.
I think he had like 10 employees.
That was ridiculous.
Uh, that's where they started.
With the National Security Act of 47, the entire government went secret and underground.
I think?
To the President, making him dictatorial, and it's the exact same woven web of control, whether it's Bill Clinton, or George Herbert Walker, or George W., or LBJ, it's the exact same system being expanded and set up.
Alright, a couple other little quick things.
Where we got the Statue of Liberty from, namely the Illuminati supposedly, we know that that torch above it... Yes, it's a giant transvestite, and that's mainstream, folks.
It is a male, or the unisex god-goddess, Lucifer, with the Illuminati torch and the sun god crown, and that's what the maker of it in France said.
I've read mainstream books about it, it's true, and it's an Illuminati symbol.
Okay, and what was, what's his name, the General Clark's role in Waco?
And lastly, have you read Rule by Secrecy?
Okay, thank you for the call.
I have not read Marr's book.
That's not Tex Marr's, Jim Marr's.
I've not read that.
I heard it's good.
Take your last question first before I forget about it.
And then I believe you were, oh man, my brain's not working because I had three hours sleep last night and I was on KOA until five in the morning.
In Denver, what is the, what was his question?
I let him go and then, oh, the next caller can tell me.
Let's bring the next caller up.
For some reason my brain's not working.
Ed in Utah, what was Jay's other question?
Yeah, what was Jay's other question?
I missed it too.
Well, sorry about that, Alex.
Somebody may remember it, but go ahead.
Listen, I've got some breaking news here.
Your good ally host in town, Jack Stockwell.
Yeah, good guy.
Yes, he is.
And I'm hoping to let some information out here.
I know that you've talked a little bit about this child theft ring that Ted Gunderson has spoke of.
Well, what I've covered is the BBC and the Associated Press with Don Corr convicted of kidnapping 200,000 women and children in 2000 and how it's been covered up by the mainstream media.
Well, why I called you today is former Congressman Merrill Cook broke a story here on the same station that your friend Jack Stockwell is on concerning the Thaxton family.
And I'm hoping to get your help a little bit on this, Alex.
Well, you've got to give me some info, because I'm ignorant of it.
I know the Jack Stockwell Show on KTalk.
I'm a frequent guest.
If I can end up by giving out the website for information that's going out on this.
But it had to do with a vegetarian family.
Which, of course, is being branded as quite controversial.
Oh, I remember when they grabbed their children, yeah.
And, well, the story that you might be familiar with is the one that did break here on the regular news with the Jensen's.
That story is out there.
But covering it, there wasn't much coverage on the Faxton's, which is, like I said, just broke on Ktalk with Congressman Merrill Cook.
We're good to go.
And what it is, is since they're vegetarian, they had a very tragic death with their baby a couple years ago, and using that, without any certifiable medical data, Alex, they went and took their next age, I believe age 7 child, Matthew, they took him away last June, and now the 6 month rule is up here in Utah, where they're going to adopt it out before there's been any chance by the
Good family.
Well, I know if you don't get your B vitamins, the baby will die.
They had a bunch of Israeli babies die because of bad formula, but why did this other baby die?
Well, the one and only baby died.
There's new information from a carbon monoxide expert that it was coming in through bad ventilation.
But the point is, the speed with which Child Protective Services
Well, I'll tell you what, I'll tell you what.
Uh, Ed, get me some info and I'll have the folks on as guests.
Okay, thank you very much, Alex.
Can I give it out to the website now or not?
Go ahead and give it out.
That's Lifesave.org.
Save, all one word, dot O-R-G.
Well, that's a good domain name.
Well, it is.
Now, these are vegetarians, and you're talking to a meat eater here, but I know what the state is up to, and there's a press release on that website with contact numbers, even for you, Alex.
And like I said, Jack Stockwell is quite involved in this.
Alright, I will check it out, Ed.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Thank you.
John in Florida, then Leslie, and then that's going to be it.
John, go ahead.
Yeah, I was calling to see if you had seen the History Channel special they're running on the KKK.
The federal KKK?
No, I haven't.
Oh, okay.
Well, I'm taping it so I can send you the tapes then.
Okay, great.
What's it about?
It's basically what they're trying to do is they're connecting the Patriot movement with
With the KKK?
Yeah, no, that's what the FBI and BATF does.
If somebody talks about the Constitution, they're secretly, and I have the actual FEMA reports on this, they're secretly wearing Klan hats.
Yeah, yeah.
It's disgusting.
They're trying to connect patriots with Al-Qaeda.
Well, the CIA's got the connections, and the FBI's got the connections to the Klan.
Oh yeah, definitely.
And the way they put it all together, they put, like, uh, Timothy McVeigh in with the Oklahoma City thing, like he was the sole one responsible, and he had these militia ties, and
I mean, you'll see the special.
It's just amazing.
And Clinton tried to say it was Rush Limbaugh's fault.
I mean, we're not going to put up with this.
As if Rush Limbaugh was behind Oklahoma City.
And Clinton said that!
That's amazing.
Yeah, he's trying to knock out his competition.
You know, I was going to say, did you ever see the special that Fox ran about three or four years ago?
It was called America's Vanished Freedom 1 and 2.
Yeah, that was actually before Fox got really bad, but it was a good... Actually, I had the producer on of that.
About the land grabbing, it was excellent.
Yeah, yeah, okay.
I had called them to see if they would rerun it and they said they had no intentions.
You know, obviously now they've changed.
Hey, thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, because they can put out real news when Clinton's in and act like it's his fault, but when it accelerates under Bush, they've got to act like it's not the case.
Leslie in Virginia, thanks for holding her on the air.
Thank you there, Alex.
I appreciate you letting me take part in your program.
Appreciate you.
Go ahead.
I just wanted to make a comment for whatever it's worth there.
I mean, when I consider everything that I've learned from your program and from Tex Marz's program, which I listen to faithfully daily,
You know, I'm reminded of a statement that a man made, most inspirational statement that I've ever heard by Horace Greeley, who was the founder of the New York Tribune in 1852, I think it was.
But he stated that, as I'm a born-again Christian, and he stated that it is impossible, since enslavement is a total go, he stated that it is impossible to mentally or sociably enslave a Bible-reading people.
And, of course, when I consider what Christ had said, I see what the action of Christ's prophetic words is when I hear people like yourself, when he said, there's nothing hidden that shall not be revealed.
And so, you know, there's just so much inspiration involved here.
It's such encouragement, even though in the dark times here that we face, which, of course, you talk about Nero.
When he persecuted the Christians, instead of getting fear, that driven them more into faith in their God to give up their lives for Christ.
Yeah, that's what I've said.
They're separating the wheat from the chaff.
They're hardening the steel and the fire.
And people wouldn't be waking up if the globalists hadn't moved so quickly.
And they're moving quickly because people were starting to wake up, but they've only accelerated it, and a lot of their programs are in trouble right now.
That's exactly right.
And, you know, it's a total classical case of the
Sheep in warps and sheep clothing.
When a person figures that out, they know what to do.
They just know how to act.
Absolutely, my friend.
You're totally on target.
I just wanted to say that.
It's just so encouraging here.
I pray for your efforts there.
I appreciate your information.
It's made me an active part because it makes us all involved.
This is our sovereignty, our constitutional right.
And above all, the basic foundation of what this country is founded upon, and that's God's Word Himself.
And I really appreciate your time today.
That's all I wanted to say.
Thank you, my friend.
Let me, I'm going to recap top stories and a few news items we haven't gotten to when we get back.
Like, we can implant false memories.
That's the London Guardian.
I could talk about that for hour after hour by itself.
Also, the teen generation will be the world's sickest adults.
And I'm gonna get Paul Watson on tomorrow to talk about Joint Task Force told face-to-face blackout was a military test.
This is documented, folks.
Remember the big blackouts?
But I have an article here about Bush being more liberal than Clinton out of the Orange County Register.
Conservative columnist.
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I just want to have a program note here.
The folks in front of the show are doing the jobs of two or three people, George and Stephanie.
We're doing an amazing job.
I thank them for their work, the affiliates, the sponsors, the listeners, number one.
Of course, God will, number one.
But we're talking about people, the listeners, number one.
And I get dozens of letters a day with people having their children taken and their land taken and their guns taken.
I get hundreds and hundreds of calls every day.
The voicemail box fills up and it takes a hundred messages, folks, in three boxes.
Fills up several times a day.
I've had to hire somebody else to try to handle that.
I've got your emails pouring into me.
I don't get emails for a week when they come from Vanity Fair.
Keep it all coming.
You know, major newspapers call me.
I just, I'm totally, I was working till, I woke up at 6.30 yesterday, worked till 5 a.m.
and went to sleep about 5.30 and slept till about 8.30.
I'm not bragging.
I'm just saying, you know, when you call me, you email me, or you got questions, I'm sorry if I don't get back to you quickly or my staff doesn't.
We're trying.
If you support us by getting the videos, we can hire more people to give you better, better response.
It's just, it's out of control.
We're a very small organization with millions of listeners, and we're victims of our own success.
Here's the news, folks.
We can implant entirely false memories.
You were abducted by aliens, you saw Bugs Bunny at Disneyland, and then you went up in a balloon.
Didn't you, Laura Spinney?
Of our remembrance of things past.
Alan Alda had nothing against hard boiled eggs until last spring.
Then the doctor, better known as Hawkeye from M.A.S.H., paid a visit to the University of California, Irvine and the new guys as a host of a science series on American TV.
He was exploring the subject of memory.
The researchers showed him around and afterwards took him to a picnic to the park.
By the time he began to leave, he had developed a dislike of hard-boiled eggs based on a memory of having made himself sick of them as a child.
Something that never happened.
Aldo was an unwitting guinea pig of Elizabeth Loftus, a UCI psychologist who was then obsessed with the subject of memory and
Unreliability since Richard Nixon was sworn in as President.
Early on in her research, she would invite people into her lab, show them traffic accidents, feed them false information and leading questions, and find that they subsequently recall details of the science of the scenes differently, and finding that has since been replicated hundreds of times.
And it gets into how to place false memories.
Here's another one.
Teen generation will be world's sickest adults, London Telegraph.
The present generation of children and teenagers will turn into the most obese and infertile adults in the history of mankind, doctors warned yesterday.
Yeah, they're saying like 70-year-old men have higher sperm counts than young people in the U.S.
and England.
The drinking, eating, sexual, drug-taking and smoking habits of adolescents were creating a public health time bomb, they said.
It's the vaccines, folks.
And I'm going to get Paul Watson on
probably tomorrow on the subject joint task force told face-to-face blackout was a military test an under publicized public comment meeting which was publicly announced by a department of energy news release michael kane outlined his report published the global free press stating that august fourteen blackout was part of a uh...
Testing of multi-faceted military tests.
The task force was very attentive, attempting to take notes as fast as Michael spoke.
And it gets into chemtrails and a magnetic pulse that caused the blackout.
And that was shown on radar screens on national news.
And we talked about it.
I'm out of time, folks.
Great show today.
Great listeners.
Great callers.
All of you.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Then I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, right here on this network and on this same station.
Please spread the word, stand up against tyranny, and fight the New World Order.
God bless you all.
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