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Name: 20031208_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 8, 2003
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
It's already another Monday, a big fat week spanning out before us.
It is the 8th of December, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We got George doing a great job riding shotgun with us.
We'll be here for the next three hours with a ton of vital news and riveting
Very important information and I want to have wide open phones today whether you agree with me, agree with me, disagree with me, hate me, questions, comments, news items I'm not covering that you think are important.
We're going to have wide open phones on this 8th of December 2003 Monday edition throughout the broadcast.
Toll-free number to join us on air.
Any issue you want to discuss, wide open phones at 1-800-259-9299.
Coming up, Bush presides over biggest growth in U.S.
spending since 1990.
We've already talked about record expansion in the size of government and loss of liberty and every Bill Clinton activity and program being radically expanded.
Dollar drops to record against Euro, 11-year low versus the pound.
Over the weekend, gold had hit $408, or almost $408, $407 and something like 50-something cents, and it looks like it's going to continue to go upwards.
This is amazing.
I heard the experts that I trust predict this for the end of this year, and it's happening right on schedule, or as the Europeans say, scheduled.
Very, very serious.
Global warming could submerge three large Indian cities in the subcontinent.
More propaganda from the globalists, the side of AFP.
Also, last week, the Supreme Court threw out the Silvera case, which was standing up for the Second Amendment.
They affirmed the appeals court that said there is no Second Amendment.
All guns can be banned and confiscated.
The Supreme Court agreed.
Now, remember, the vast majority of them appointed by Republicans.
Of course, the Democrats are voting against the guns as well.
But we have our neocon court against the guns, against the Fourth Amendment, against the Second Amendment, against everything.
We'll be going over that.
And a whole stack of news here.
Every day I probably see, I don't know, 15, 20 of these articles, and I'm not even looking for them.
Pharmacy manager shoots would-be robbers.
Woman slashed to death in sword attacks.
You gotta ban those swords.
Home entry, not random.
Sheriff says woman attacked by criminals.
She takes him out.
Cape man defends shooting of neighbor's pet bull that was attacking him.
These articles, I see them all the time.
Also a story of a man defending himself and being grabbed by the police.
We'll talk about the travesty of justice, the plight of Melvin Spaulding.
Uh, tough new tactics by U.S.
Titan grip on Iraq towns.
They're turning entire towns, according to the New York Times, into concentration camps.
The New York Times says this is a great idea.
They're, of course, all for it, spinning it.
Now, we'll get into that report.
Also, Newt Gingrich says that we've driven off a cliff in Iraq and are going to fail, basically.
That out of Time Magazine.
This is one of the guys, of course, who was for the war.
Gingrich speaks out against administration's policy in Iraq.
So, Time and Newsweek are reporting on that, saying the U.S.
went off a cliff.
Folks, that's just some of it.
We'll get into some of the new layoffs and the real economic numbers.
After this quick break, that's only the tip of the iceberg of what we'll be covering.
New developments in the Mexican troops kidnapping Texas family.
It's all coming up.
I'm Alex Jones.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com, updated freshly this morning for you, and InfoWars.com.
We'll be back with details on the news, your calls, and a lot more.
Stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The dollar has been dropping every day for the last week.
Gold is rising in accordance with that.
And shocking a lot of establishment economists, gold is skyrocketing while the stock market has been going up.
But simply put, that's because the dollar has been massively devalued, so it's going to take more of those dollars to buy stocks.
And the dollar has dropped a lot more than the stocks have gone up.
Stocks go up by 6%.
The dollar drops by 30 plus percent.
I've been saying 32, 33%.
I actually saw some of the numbers going back over two years.
It's dropped 43% against the euro.
I've been going off numbers over the last year and a half, but if you go back over two years, the euro was about 80 cents to the dollar, and has now risen to about $1.22, $1.23 against the dollar, and so that's a 40 plus percent drop in the dollar.
The dollar has been the world reserve currency since the end of 1945.
Since the end of World War II, going into 1946, it became the world reserve currency.
And that meant we had a strong dollar, which was a commodity in and of itself.
We could buy goods worldwide if they just printed it off the press.
That was our main GDP, was the fiat global currency.
We're now being replaced with the euro, as the Davos Economic Forum said they would do three plus years ago.
They said that they were going to lower the dollar slowly as to not create panic in the U.S.
and replace the world reserve currency with the euro.
And so you may not care about economics, you may not care about the dollar, but this is affecting you, it's affecting every single one of us, and more details of that are coming up.
Also, we're going to have open phones here on the show on this 8th of December edition, on this Monday, and I know we've got folks already holding, Emmett and others.
The toll-free number to join me on air is 1-800-259-9231.
If you want to talk about the dollar, or the economy, or the layoffs, or the war,
Want to talk about the police state, want to talk about the Patriot Act, the Second Amendment.
But an issue that we need to spend a lot of time on this week is what the Supreme Court did last week that I just became aware of last Thursday.
And over the weekend I had some time to read over the Supreme Court ruling on the Second Amendment.
And they have seconded the Appeals Court ruling and put it back to the Appeals Court and said, no need to re-rule on this.
We believe there is no Second Amendment, that all guns can be registered, banned, or confiscated.
That's what the ruling says.
I have it here in front of me.
And simultaneously, they have the neocon reporters in the major gun publications saying, hey, registration isn't a restriction, banning some guns isn't a problem, don't be an extremist, go ahead and go along with this.
And a few months ago in federal court in DC, the NRA lawyer said that they're all for registering all guns and not letting you leave your home without
Well, not even with a permit.
That guns should not leave the home was the quote.
And the Cato Institute and others have gone public about their lawsuits for the Second Amendment being covertly blocked by the National Rifle Association.
Trojan horses, folks.
Benedict Arnold.
We would get our Second Amendment back.
We would repeal laws.
We have the power.
The biggest lobby in the country.
Much bigger than even seniors is the hundred plus million gun owners.
But we can't get them moving.
We can't get them to stand up and resist this tyranny.
There's about 125 million gun owners, roughly.
A little under half the population own guns.
But we can't get them moving because they all think the NRA's there protecting them and we're losing everything.
So here's reflections upon the U.S.
Supreme Court's rejection of the Silvera case that was brought by the Second Amendment Foundation and Mr. Silvera against Lockyer.
When the U.S.
Supreme Court denied a hearing in the Silvera v. Lockyer Second Amendment Lawsuit Monday, responses in the gun rights community ranged from happy and
Relieved to disillusioned and angry, see?
Having co-invested thousands of hours and tens of thousands of dollars in the case, with the amazing help of many individual American people who, like me, wanted to give the system another chance to redeem itself, I find myself in the outraged, disheartened, and disgusted camp.
This is Angel Shamaya of Keaton-Bear-Irons being attacked by the Neocon gun groups.
They had a big fund drive to fund this lawsuit.
And it was a good lawsuit on the basis of the Second Amendment, not some little side tertiary issue.
And a lot of the neocons, I have a stack of the articles here today on the Big Gun Group website, are saying, oh this is good.
We didn't want to have a Supreme Court case because the Supreme Court would rule against it and we don't want to have that.
Let's just leave it at the appeals court level, at the circuit court level, and we'll just allow that to take place.
Well now the states and all over the place have got laws to go ahead and start banning guns wholesale.
Illinois, Ohio, you name it.
And they're going to use this ruling.
So it stops there.
The Supreme Court agreed with the ruling.
Said they wouldn't hear it.
Didn't send it back to the court.
Just said, we agree with the ruling.
And the Circuit Court ruled, you may remember, earlier this year, that there is no Second Amendment.
All guns can be banned.
All guns can be registered or confiscated.
California Attorney Peter Mankus is also displeased and he's chosen to share his reflections upon the U.S.
Supreme Court rejection of Silvera below his candor.
And authenticity, accuracy, and lucidity in his message were surely to strike a nerve, especially among those who are more concerned about being liked, about being nice, and about not wanting to appear extreme than they are about being honest and forthright and courageous in their use of what's left of our freedom of speech.
Like Patrick Henry, Mr. Mancus, we're going to get him on the show this week, does not concern himself with such nonsense as
Uh, tyranny with manners.
Mr. Mancus talks straight and speaks the unspeakable with the directness sadly absent in upper echelons of the gun rights movement.
Thus, the below will get him painted as a
Heroin by some and as dangerous by others, further revealing the widening chasm between shooters and patriots.
In other words, Peter Mankus is a leader and his message below is good stuff.
After reading the statement of his, hopefully people will revisit his liberty piece too.
There's a link to that.
We're going to post this on PrisonPlanet.com.
It's KeatonBearArms.com forward slash Mankus forward slash Silvera.asp.
Now, it's 38 pages long from there, and I can't read all of it, but I'm going to read some of it.
But to boil it down, still Angel Shamaya doesn't get the full horror of it.
He's saying, man, what is it about the NRA saying they want to register all the guns and not let you leave your home with them?
What is it about the NRA being glad that we lost a gun case?
Why do they keep blocking us?
Man, they're stupid.
They sure want to get along with the politicians up in Washington.
Man, they're dumb.
No, they're not stupid.
They know exactly what they're doing.
Folks, they have bills.
To ban people under 21 from touching a handgun.
Under 18 from touching a rifle.
It would ban Junior Olympics and some Olympic shooters in Texas.
They had bills to shut down the gun shows.
They had bills to do everything.
And this was four years ago.
Two sessions ago.
Remember I went in and got the video of the bribery going on.
It made headlines all over the state and some national papers and the video was posted all over the internet.
By the grace of God we caught this going on.
But uh...
I was attacked by the NRA, that is, Peaceful Texas for Firearms Rights, in the Dallas Morning News.
They called us extreme and talked nice about the gun control groups.
And the NRA wouldn't come to our rallies.
We've had congressmen and senators at rallies before.
You know, a lot of prominent people.
JPFO's been there.
Gun Owners of America's been there.
But NRA wouldn't come.
We've seen them all over the country.
Tell people to compromise.
Well, compromise is if they gave up a foot and we gave up a foot, we'd be in the same spot.
The globalists never give up an inch.
We're just pushing more and more towards the edge of that cliff, and there's not much further to fall.
And, uh, wow, it's, uh, it's amazing.
It's amazing to see this case, to have the Supreme Court not hear it, and say that the San Francisco court
So, ruling stands for the entire country.
By the Supreme Court doing that, that's now a national precedent with that federal court, one of the highest courts in the land, and the Supreme Court says, yeah, we agree with it, we're not going to hear it.
And again, seven of the members, almost two-thirds, well the vast majority, more than, of the Supreme Court,
But we're put there by Republicans.
And I hear all this stuff of, we better vote for Bush so he'll appoint good members to the Supreme Court.
And oh, these dastardly Democrats, they block our nominees.
It doesn't matter, folks.
Bush says he's going to sign the assault weapons ban next year.
Only about six months away.
Less than six months now.
What is it?
Four months?
They're going to re-authorize the assault weapons ban, and the bill he says he will sign, according to the Associated Press, bans another sixty-something type of rifles, dozens of types of shotguns, dozens of different types of handguns.
Depending on the interpretation, it's above a hundred different types of weapons.
Folks, this is amazing!
And the average neocon listening to Savage or Limbaugh or Hannity will never know about this.
They have no idea.
When it does happen, well, I guess Bush had to compromise.
That's what the NRA magazine tells me to do.
How good Ashcroft is as he quadruples the funding for the BATF and builds a giant building in Washington, one of the biggest buildings in D.C.
now, under construction.
Almost done.
A gigantic, gigantic complex.
And they've got the Strengthening the Nix Program funding, Republican-sponsored, that Bush says he'll sign, that turns the Total Information Awareness Network loose on gun owners.
You realize how big this is, folks?
Now, who are the traders here?
Stay with us.
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Late summer 2003, mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002, I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001?
You heard the same thing.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, currently trading in a 93 to 9400 range, is down 7% from two years ago.
That's recovery?
Gold, now trading in the $360 range, is up 31% in that same period.
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The Republican Party controls the House, the Senate.
That's the legislative folks.
The executive, the presidency.
Most of the governorships of the states, they also control the judicial, the vast majority.
And all of this gun control, all of this evil taking place right now.
And again, the average conservative has no idea.
I get emails every week going, you're a liar.
Bush didn't say he'd sign the assault weapons ban.
We'll email him back and go, here's the news link.
They'll email back, I apologize.
I can't believe it.
I called the NRA and they wouldn't talk about it.
They just said, well, we're neutral on it.
We're about to go to Emmett, Ethan, John, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Then I'll get into all this Second Amendment news also.
Dollar drops, folks, to record lows against the Euro.
And no, this is not old news of last week.
It's dropping every day!
It's dropping more and more!
It's just unbelievable, and we'll talk about what that means for our economy.
Also, Bush presides over biggest growth in U.S.
spending since 1990.
Judge a tree by its fruits!
Judge a tree by its fruits!
What do you see happening around you?
Let's go ahead and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Emmett in Pennsylvania.
Thanks for holding.
First caller of the day.
Go ahead.
Yes, I hate to rub it in, but how about 36 over 10?
Equals over the Cowboys.
Yes, it's very important.
Yes, I know.
Why, Alex, does two wrongs make a right?
I'm glad that you've talked about Joe McCarthy and that he's vindicated.
But he was a Catholic.
I'm not a Catholic basher.
I buy Gregorian chants and masses and listen to them myself.
But the Catholic Church backed Hitler early in his rise to power.
Well, a lot of people did.
A lot of the establishments, Zionist groups funded him, the Rothschilds funded him, that's now known.
The British Crown was funding him, the Bushes were funding him, Roosevelt was involved with him, about everybody was.
There were New Yorker articles in the late 30s about how wonderful Hitler was.
Oh, I see.
And it gets worse.
The Catholic Church helped get a lot of Nazis out in the late 40s.
But did you know Herbert Bush's daddy, Prescott Bush, got most of the Nazi funds through his operations right up until 1953.
He was the guy putting them in Latin America, putting them out west in West Texas and New Mexico.
My grandfather worked for oil companies.
He said there were Nazis all over the place out there.
My grandfather lived out in Midland for a while.
So, yeah, the entire establishment created the Nazis, and then protected them, and they hung a couple of them for a show trial.
And then they brought legislation here, like the 68 Gun Control Act, taken word from word from the 1938 Nazi Gun Control Act, and Senator Dodd took that out of the Library of Congress letter, had it translated and passed, because he was a young assistant prosecutor in 1946 in Deutschland.
Well, you know, this latest statement by Bush that the Muslims worship the same God as the Christians really is throwing the neocons a curve.
Yeah, it is not the same God, folks.
But that's very popular in these neocon churches.
They just haven't read the Koran.
I have.
Not the whole thing, but I've read quite a bit of it.
Well, thank you very much for taking my call.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Yes, Allah is the moon god.
Now, that's the Quran.
That's why their symbol is the crescent moon, folks.
Allah was his family god, was Muhammad's family god, and that's the god he chose.
There at Mecca was kind of a crossroads.
They had hundreds of gods there.
It was a worship center for everybody, and he chose that god.
Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan, go ahead.
Yes, sir.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for putting me on.
First of all, I just want to say that I love your show.
I listen to you every day.
I update your website every day.
Don't ever stop.
And I want to say that I am a left-leaning libertarian, but I am anti-gun control.
And as a liberal, I think that gun control is a gross infringement on individual liberty and civil rights.
Well, Thomas Jefferson said he was a liberal.
I mean, I'm a liberal when it comes to putting ketchup on my french fries, but you don't mean you're the type of liberal that Bill Clinton is.
No, no.
I think that modern-day Democrats and modern-day liberals are a joke, and they're not what they say they are.
Well, I totally agree, and neither is Bush.
They're really all voting for the same package of lies.
Yeah, it's just two sides of the same corrupt coin.
I tell you what, stay there, Ethan.
I'll let you talk a little more on the other side and finish up.
We'll go to John and others.
Total free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
You're welcome to call in about whatever you want.
We'll get back to you in a second, Ethan.
Disagree with me, agree with me, whatever.
I'd like some folks to comment on the Second Amendment about to go bye-bye.
Supreme Court says they can ban your guns.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Late summer 2003.
Mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer 2002?
I heard the same thing.
Late summer 2001?
You heard the same thing.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average currently trading in a 93 to 9400 range is down 7% from two years ago.
That's recovery?
Gold, now trading in the $360 range, is up 31% in that same period.
Where do you want your hard-earned money?
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
A bunch of government officials and the Clinton White House people ending up dead.
Very, very interesting info for you here on the show.
Right now, let's go back to Ethan in Kentucky.
Ethan was talking about how he sees himself, I guess, as a classical liberal.
He's not part of the Democratic Party, and he believes in the Second Amendment.
Ethan, what do you think about Bush saying he wants to sign the assault weapons ban, re-sign it, and the so-called conservative Supreme Court agreeing with the San Francisco federal court
Saying, hey, you're not allowed to own guns, we can ban whatever we want, whenever we want.
Your comments?
Well, of course it's not a surprise.
They're not true conservatives.
They're tyrants and they want to disarm the population so they can put us under total control.
It's not a surprise at all.
And you call yourself a liberal agreeing on the Second Amendment, but Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh run offense and defense for Bush covering this up and not telling their audience.
Yeah, I mean, I'm totally against gun control.
And I do consider myself a liberal.
There are other issues that I'm more liberal on, but I am for the most limited, small, decentralized government.
That's more of a right, I guess.
That's what I agree with.
Most other things I'm more liberal on, but when it comes to gun control,
It's a personal, individual right that should never be infringed.
There's two quick things I want to talk about real quick.
The first thing was about the Mexican military's recent actions.
I understand that nothing is being done at all by our authorities here.
Yes, about two weeks ago, well now more than two weeks ago, a family of five was kidnapped.
They didn't release them for a couple days.
Now they haven't released one of the individuals.
And the FBI is doing nothing.
And when FBI agents get killed, when Border Patrol get killed, when forest agents get killed, the news basically ignores it.
There's a few local stories.
It's a whole trend of the Southwest being under Mexican military attack.
Well, here's what I think we should do.
I mean, I'm sure that we would be labeled terrorists for doing this.
And I'm not racist, but if this keeps happening,
Well, why would that be racist?
I mean, if you go down to Mexico, there are black people, white people, folks of Indian stock.
And they oppress their own population.
If you try to go into Mexico, they'll basically shake you down for money for no reason.
Why don't they say it's racist when that happens?
And thanks for the call, Ethan.
I gotta let you go.
I appreciate the call.
Look, 80 plus percent of Hispanic Americans are against the open borders and against the illegals pouring across.
Because it's common sense.
It's killing our economy.
It's bad for our society.
It's driving down the wages.
It's horrible.
But the media tries to make it an issue of race.
Well, what is the race of somebody in Mexico?
You can't even say what it is.
It's a bunch of different races.
A bunch of different mixed groups.
And Mexico is using kind of a La Reconquista, Reconquer the Southwest,
Nationalism, as Washington gets rid of our nationalism and encourages and funds the balkanization of the Southwest to make us more easily controlled.
So that's what's really going on.
John in Louisiana, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, hello Alex.
Look Alex, there's something else to be said about the Judge Moore case that hasn't been discussed.
For maximum effect, the powers that be picked, the decadent South,
In the
Birmingham, Montgomery, Alabama, the middle of the Bible Belt.
How did that grab you?
Well, there are dozens of federal courthouses and buildings that have the Ten Commandments and other Christian icons.
That's exactly what I'm saying.
In them, and you're absolutely right, and now I have the report stacked up in front of me where down in Galveston, Texas, and I have the Associated Press here, folks, a federal judge said if one
Young person in their acceptance speech says the word Jesus.
They will be arrested and served six months in prison.
I have articles where kindergartners are caught saying, God is great, God is good, let us thank him for our food.
They're being brought to the principal's office, threatened with arrest.
Lawyers are involved.
Parents are threatened.
The CPS is called.
Second graders are caught bowing their heads at lunch.
They say even silent prayer is a Christian symbol.
Now again, separation of church and state was a Thomas Jefferson letter about not having the government
Running religion, not having the Christian faith in government.
It was, let's not have the government.
Well, what's the First Amendment say?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
So it's the opposite, John.
And now they're coming in with Soviet or Chinese style rules.
And notice it was a Republican appointed judge
That threw out what Moore had to say.
Again, I rest my case.
Go ahead.
Yes, the operative word there in the first amendment is establishment, and that's never stressed like it ought to be.
Look, old Judge Moore missed the golden opportunity.
He put on a poor performance.
He picked, as his defense lawyer prior, who wound up prosecuting him.
Moore missed the golden opportunity to make the case for God and country.
And he simply blew it.
I think he's a simple good man, but he did blow it.
Go ahead.
Well, no, I agree with you that he could have done a better job, but he's on the field, he's leading the fight on that issue, so I can't really criticize him.
At least he did something that's better than nothing.
Thanks for the call.
Go ahead.
Now, take care.
Jeff in Texas.
Jeff, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
I've talked to you before, I'm the retired police chief.
I tell you what, I think people, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, and I've traditionally always been a Republican.
My family, my mother was chairman of a Republican Party in the county I was from.
I see the only party that addresses what I believe in, and I think most conservatives would believe in, is the Libertarian Party.
And I find a lot of people don't know anything about the Libertarian Party.
And I think that the listeners of this show should really check out the Libertarian Party, because they're addressing these things about the Second Amendment, about immigration control.
I mean, our troops should not be in Iraq, they should be on our damn border.
And it amazes me, though, the ignorance the people have of the Bill of Rights.
And when you look at the platforms of the Republican Party, the Democratic Party, they're doing the same thing.
Jeff, I think you've called once before, and you were talking about how they control areas through the police chiefs.
They do.
The feds run the system.
This is how they're taking over America.
But for those that just joined us, and to recap, the Supreme Court ruled that the circuit court out in San Francisco ruling, that I read on air, stands.
And the ruling says they can ban any gun they want.
There is no individual right to own guns.
There is no Second Amendment for the average person.
And now the Supreme Court has said, we agree with that, no need to hear the case.
And Bush says he'll re-sign the assault weapons ban next year with added banned guns.
And all over the country they're expanding the size of the BATF and local anti-gun police squads taking the anti-drug funding and moving it over there for the war on guns, not the war on drugs.
Your response, your take on that?
I agree, absolutely.
The war on drugs is a joke.
I'll tell you, one of my officers, I had a reserve force at the department I worked at, and one of my officers was Chuck Norris.
Chuck's a big, really a good guy, but he's a big Bush supporter, but I'm sending him your videos, by the way.
He's very smart, and we were having a discussion
A couple of years ago, he had filmed one of his shows, it was a Christmas show, and he was really having some trouble with CBS.
And I said, what's the deal?
And he said, they don't want me to mention baby Jesus.
And I said, why?
And he said, well, why do you think?
He said, the Jewish influence in the media is really, really strong.
Now, I'm not anti-Jewish.
In fact, I'm not at all.
I'm not anti-anything.
Certainly, but it's wrong for those executives who obviously don't like Christianity to try to mold things, and that's been on the record.
And by the way, sir, I may have heard of you, because I know Chuck Norris came out to the Gray's property during that standoff.
I know that he is a reserve deputy.
I believe it's Plano.
He was a reserve police officer.
I was a police chief there.
Well, Terrell's a pretty big city.
I know he's been involved with several.
I think I've heard about you.
You may have.
I was in the media some.
We got involved with the federal government, what they call a med operation, where you round up, it was targeting crack cocaine dealers.
We arrested about 105 people, and he was involved in some of the arrests.
The DEA wanted some publicity on it, and I said, one of my reserve officers is Chuck Norris, and he participated in some of the arrests.
Problem is, Alex, that of the cases filed, 105, 60 of them were state cases.
None of them, there were no convictions from any of the state cases.
The federal government put plea bargains, everything.
There again, just an example that narcotics prohibition is not working.
I would encourage, as I said, and I had discussions with Chuck about this, and the Libertarian Party's got the only answer to me on this.
And they don't say that drugs are good.
They're just saying, we're throwing a lot of money and it's not being successful.
But you know, a lot of people are getting rich fighting drugs in this country.
Well, I mean, Jeff, let's look at the facts here.
They banned alcohol, alcoholism skyrocketed, tripled, the organized crime exploded in size, it corrupted local officials, it created, helped them expand the regulators,
Yeah, with our seizure laws.
Some of those things are the most unconstitutional things there are, Alex.
And now, with the narcotics and drugs in general, we have more people in prison than ever before, we have triple the heroin, double the cocaine on the streets, and I'm telling you right now, the CIA ships in the majority of it.
And they're using these laws, Alex, to go after law-abiding citizens, to get into your homes, to seize your guns.
It's control.
It's control.
Well, now, I remember reading a lot of Dallas Morning News articles and Fort Worth Star-Telegram articles about Chuck Norris being a reserve police officer.
Isn't he married to a police officer?
Yes, his wife is a former California deputy sheriff.
Yeah, I knew that.
And I knew that Chuck liked to go out to scenes.
I mean, he showed up at the Graves property.
The landing in a helicopter.
He was very sympathetic with Graves.
Chuck's really a conservative.
But like a lot of conservatives, Alex,
The Republican Party's got a lot of them fools.
And I was a Republican for years.
I'm a life member of the NRA.
But I don't like where it's going now.
I'm kind of like Neil Knox.
But Chuck, I'm sending him your videos.
He knows of you.
We've spoken of you quite a bit.
He admires you.
But we've got to get these videos out to people.
Well, that's amazing.
Chuck Norris admires me.
I don't know why, but... He does.
Well, I hope that Jeff, you'll send me a letter with all your info and I can have you on as a guest sometime.
I'll be glad to, Alex.
Yeah, just send me a letter and inside attention, Alex Jones, and how I can get in touch with you, Jeff, and I'd like to have you on as a guest.
Well, Alex, you're to me a voice in wilderness.
You're doing a great job.
I just wish people would wake up.
Thank God we have you.
Thank God we have people like you out there.
Jeff, take care.
Alright, bye Alex.
You bet.
I've been at old stomping grounds there in Terrell, Texas.
But I know that he was involved with the Plano Police Department, and I do remember Terrell as well, raiding crack houses.
So Chuck Norris is actually the real deal.
He likes to run into crack houses, getting shot at by drug dealers.
And he did show up during the whole standoff out in East Texas and helped kind of cool that down when all of that happened about three years ago.
But amazing!
I'm going to have to probably try to get Chuck Norris on the show sometime.
We've had other famous people on the show before.
I do want to hear from callers on this subject.
I mean, what do you think about what's happening to the Second Amendment?
I mean, we're losing it.
We're losing the bedrock of America, the First and Second Amendment, the Fourth, the Fifth, the Tenth.
We're losing it all.
Paul in Indiana.
Paul, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
How you doing?
Good, sir.
I was watching C-SPAN the other day and saw a really encouraging debate at Boston University
And, uh, the topic of the debate was, are we, uh, losing our civil liberties in the war against terrorism?
And, uh, they had, you know, three people on each side of the issue giving their, um, uh, their arguments.
And, um, there must have been four or 500 kids and students in the, in the, uh, audience.
After it was all said and done, of course they had the president of the ACLU up there, and it was all said and done, and the moderator said, okay, if you're for the argument that we are losing our civil liberties, move over to the left, and if you don't think we are, then move to the right.
I'm telling you, there was like 98% of those kids and students were on the left, and they
Not only that, but they formed lines and gave statements as to why they thought we were losing them or we weren't losing them and asked questions.
It was unbelievable.
I mean, I didn't realize that there was that big of a movement
Or a knowledge that, you know, how bad it's getting.
Paul, I've been on over, and I keep saying this because it's such good news.
It's not, ooh, I've been on a bunch of radio shows, it's the good news.
I've done 1,300 plus radio interviews in the last 26 months.
Or more than 26 months now, since 9-11.
And I'm telling you, a caller who disagrees with what I'm saying is the rarity.
Everybody instinctively knows there's a problem now.
And you saw that on C-SPAN.
You say 98% of the people lining up were against the Patriot Act?
Yeah, at least 98%.
Anything else you'd like to add on to this?
You know, I just wanted to ask you... Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll get your question after the break, Paul.
We got a break.
And we'll come back and let you finish up with Adoris and others.
Then I am going to shift gears and get into the economy and the war.
And just believe me, you want to stay with us.
It's very important news.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
A lot of establishment types care about the country, but it takes real moral courage to admit the type of corrupt system we're living under and to stand up and speak out against it.
It's very easy to rationalize, but we wouldn't have all these dirty crack dens and your daughters wouldn't be crack whores or heroin heads if drugs were decriminalized.
It's just a fact, folks.
You could buy heroin, cocaine for the price of bubble gum, literally, 60, 70, 80 years ago in this country.
And drug use was a lot lower than it is today.
But you make it illegal, you add money to it, and jet boats and Porsches and million-dollar houses, it becomes a status symbol, and then you recruit an army of salesmen!
I mean, let's say if somebody suddenly made corn, you know, a hundred dollars a can, suddenly there'd be a lot of corn salesmen out there, wouldn't there?
But instead, it's a couple dollars a bushel, so nobody really wants to sell corn.
So that's kind of a weird analogy, but I hope it gets through to you.
You create the crime.
You create the laws people are breaking.
You add a bunch of money to it.
I mean, look, I'm not for the drug dealers.
They're a bunch of trash, most of them.
A bunch of weaselly trash.
A bunch of hopped-up idiots.
They kill cops.
They kill citizens.
Nine out of ten robberies are some drug head.
They're causing the crime!
Since they had the war on drugs, our crime rate goes up and up and up!
It's not meant to stop the drugs, people!
Let's go back to Paul and let him finish up.
Paul in Indiana, go ahead.
Alex, I heard you mention briefly that story in the Associated Press about the judge in Texas that made some new law about if a student in his
Graduation speech mentions God or Jesus that they automatically serve a six-month sentence or something like that?
Yes, for contempt of court.
I'd really like to read that article.
Do you have any kind of a... Yes, it is deep in last Friday's stack but I can dig it out later in the next hour and there's also a WorldNet Daily article from Friday on it here in the stack and it lists a
About, I don't know, five, six different cases of kindergartners, second graders, this is happening everywhere, but now just praying or saying the word Jesus, they're confiscating Bibles, you name it, and these cases are all over the place, but yes, I'll dig the article out.
Great, I appreciate it.
In fact, let me tell Paul Watson to do this, I know he's listening.
Paul, will you post those on PrisonPlanet.com?
Because for some reason I didn't see those on Friday on the site.
I printed them, but we didn't have them posted.
Thanks for the call, Paul.
I appreciate it.
Take care, Alex.
Good to hear from you.
And I wasn't talking to the caller telling him to post them.
I was talking to Paul Watson, not Paul from Indiana.
Before I end this hour and come back with Doris and Jacob and others,
I want to encourage every listener out there to join me this Saturday at the Alamo Drafthouse Movie Theater, beautiful movie theater, to show Road to Tyranny and John Carpenter's They Live at the West Oaks Shopping Center there at the
Alamo Drafthouse Movie Theater.
6 p.m.
I'll give a speech, show Road to Tyranny, take questions, then we'll show the film.
It's an affair that'll go from about 6 to 1130 at night.
Great place to network, great place to meet people.
Last time it sold out.
So go to Infowars.com, link through to the website of Alamo Drafthouse.
Go ahead and pre-buy your tickets.
I don't think it'll be oversold this time because it's the second event, but who knows?
Hope to see you there this Saturday in Houston, Texas.
Also, get Road to Tyranny, get Masters of Terror, get Matrix is Evil, my new video, get Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get the videos.
Or call toll free to get the films and make copies of them and give them to people.
Like Jeff's gonna do to Chuck Norris.
Make the call.
1-888-253-3139 and they make great gifts as well.
Second hour straight ahead.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends.
Already into the second hour of this December 8th, 2003 Global Edition of the show.
As we blast out on the AM and FM dials, simulcast on global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 9320, two different frequencies to choose from depending on where you're listening on the globe.
And at night at 5.085 and 6890.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Doris and Jacob and Dan and others, your calls are coming up here in about 15 minutes.
I want to go ahead and launch into news right now.
Again, the toll-free number to join us on-air is 1-800-259-9231.
Wide open phones, taking a lot of calls.
On today's edition, 1-800-259-9231 will get you up and on the air.
We've heard from a few of the callers on this subject, but I think it's important to just recap it.
The Supreme Court ruled that they agree with the appeals court out in San Francisco that they can ban any gun they want and that you have no Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms.
The Republican-controlled court agrees with the most socialistic liberal court based out in San Francisco.
This has national implications and states are already moving
To go after the second amendment, using this ruling.
So, and Bush says he'll sign the assault weapons ban.
What do you think about them apples?
Jumping into global financial news, dollar drops to record against euro, 11 year low, versus the pound.
And gold was at like $4, $407.50 something since last night.
I looked at it this morning.
It was about the same.
In fact, during the break, I'll check gold again.
That's a key indicator.
When the economy's really going south, despite all their rhetoric to the contrary, saying it's in good shape, gold goes up.
It's a harbinger of bad financial times.
And I'm not pleased with this, but it's just the facts.
Dollar drops to record
Against Euro, 11-year low versus the Pound, Bloomberg Financial, the dollar dropped to a record 1.22 against the Euro and fell to its lowest in more than a decade versus the British Pound.
On speculation, the Federal Reserve will keep interest rates at a 45-year low in coming months, eroding the appeal of U.S.
Fed policymakers tomorrow will keep the target rate at 1% according to 77 economists surveyed by Bloomberg News, half of the European Central Bank's rate.
Since August, the Fed has said it will keep rates low for a considerable period.
You have to scramble around to find reasons to buy the dollar at this point, said Stephen Englander, Chief Foreign Exchange Strategist for North American at Capital Incorporated in New York, a unit of the UK's third largest bank by assets.
Returns on U.S.
investment, including bonds, clearly are not favoring the dollar.
Against the euro, the dollar traded at 1.22.17 at 9.49 a.m.
New York time a few hours ago.
And in late Friday trading, it was at $121.70.
In New York, the dollar slid to a low of $1.7363 against the pound.
It's weakest since October 92.
And gold is trading right up at about $408 an ounce.
I bought gold at $240, $300, $315 in my gold purchases the last two years.
And I have bought a few collector's coins, but mainly I have bought bullion.
I bought some semi-numismatic that have some collector's value, which makes them non-confiscatable.
The government has confiscated gold for separate
Times of the non-collector type.
You know, that's your so-called free country.
They gave our great-grandparents Federal Reserve notes in the 30s back at gunpoint for their gold, then promptly boosted the price of gold by doubling it and made billions of dollars for themselves.
That is, the big banks.
Come back, get more into this.
Also, Bush presides over biggest growth in U.S.
spending since 1990.
A bunch of pro-Second Amendment news, people defending themselves in a horrible tragedy case that happened to a Second Amendment defender.
And some of the martial law stuff in Iraq.
It's all coming up.
Stay with us.
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My friends,
Since I got on the air nine years ago, I've learned a lot.
But the core mission of the New World Order being the source of the tyranny in the world, fostering corruption, accentuating the evil that has already been part of human history, is clear.
And I knew when I got on the air nine years ago, there was a plan with the European Union, because it had been stated
By the big financial institutions and their own publications, that the general public never read or see, that they would bring out the Euro, and by the big European banks owning and controlling our Federal Reserve, they would set up policies that would drive down the dollar, boost the Euro, to make a globalist system look good for the world, and to centralize power and control, and to get rid of our middle class, to make us a more manageable population.
And now if I tune into NPR, I hear them bragging about, well, the dollar plunging will teach Americans not to live outside their means, and we consume 40% of the world's goods, and we're only 5% of the population, and this is what we deserve, ha ha ha.
But the average person, again, wasn't taught in college, wasn't taught in high school, what currencies mean to a country.
But a lot of you, I bet, have gone to Canada, a lot of you have gone to the Caribbean, you've gone to Mexico,
You've gone to countries whose money isn't worth as much as ours.
And so suddenly, you can buy more goods, more services.
You could, you know, sometimes in Mexico, for five dollars, take a family of four out for a lavish dinner with drinks.
For five, ten dollars.
And we would make fun of, oh yeah, you know, Mexico's pesos worth about what the ruble is!
Ha ha, those Russians!
Well, now the dollar is trading behind every western country's currency except for the ruble.
I want you to understand that.
And again, Russia is arguably part of the West.
But the point is, we're almost dead last now.
And every week, the dollar goes down more and gold goes up further.
We sit.
Last year, the euro's coming online, the dollar's going to start dropping, and it did.
It wasn't hard to predict this, folks.
The Globalist had bragged three and a half years ago at the Davos World Economic Forum about how they were going to, quote, turn on the lights in Europe, financially, and turn off the lights of America.
Their only concern was, and it said that the head of the World Bank was laughing, and the head of the IMF were laughing, Wolfdenson and Michelle were laughing, going, we don't want it to be too tough on the Americans.
It has to be slow and gradual.
Meanwhile, don't think there's a fight between Bush and his European masters.
Bush has Treasury Secretary Snowe out bad-mouthing the dollar, saying a dropping dollar's good.
It's horrible.
The Federal Reserve is keeping interest rates very low.
And then Europe gives about double the interest rate for investors, and so everybody's going to Europe.
Everybody's dumping the dollar, going to the Euro!
This is very, very serious.
And, you know, I said I'd check it during the break, and I didn't check it.
I was busy thumbing around through these articles trying to find that world, that Daily and AP article about
The judge down in South Texas is saying that if people at their graduation ceremony say the word Jesus, they'll be given six months in jail.
Hey George, will you check that for me?
Check the price of gold?
I wanted to check that, and it's my fault I forgot during the break.
But this morning it was right below $408.
Again, when I was buying gold a couple years ago, it was $245 an ounce, folks.
And so it's just been a massive, massive, massive increase.
And it looks like there's no end to it in sight.
But we'll get that number for you.
But I guess it's really pointless to watch it rise short term.
We'll have to see what happens.
Bush presides over biggest growth in U.S.
spending since 1990.
President George W. Bush is presiding over the biggest growth in U.S.
government spending since 1990 as a Republican-led Congress provides money for programs ranging from fight against terrorism to the dried plant exhibit at the New York Botanical Garden.
Federal spending rose 7.3% to $2.2 trillion in fiscal 2003 and 7.9% the year before.
That's not true.
I have other numbers that were saying it went up 24% the last two years.
The most since George W. Bush, George W. Bush's father, George Herbert Walker Bush, was in the White House.
Congress will vote this week on a $328 billion fund
To fund such projects as the $18 billion loan guarantee for an Alaska gas terminal that may benefit ConocoPhillipsCo and Exxon Mobil Corp.
The spending threatens Bush's pledge to cut the federal budget deficit in half by 2008, said Robert Bixby.
How much did you say?
Okay, it hasn't changed since this morning.
Gold is at $407.70.
Thank you, George, for that info.
The spending threatens Bush's pledge to cut the federal budget by 2008.
The big boom you're having right now might not be sustainable if the deficit continues to be large, said Stephen Hess, an analyst with Moody's Investor Service.
Now, let's stop right there.
MSNBC is laying people off.
Speaking of Exxon Mobil, they're engaged in layoffs.
Boeing, Advanced Micro Devices, Motorola, IBM, you name it, they're laying people off year after year.
We're, what, into year three of layoffs?
They're shutting down plants for good, moving them to China, moving them to India, and they factor in the profits in Asia, in Europe, into our GDP, because these are, quote, American companies, which they're not really.
And then you have the hundreds of billions that have been already spent on the war.
And yes, those go into corporate profits.
And the Fortune 500 came out this year.
They all got richer.
The Bill Gates of the world all got richer.
So, the rich got richer.
Government ballooned at record levels.
But, the average income of the American citizen went down massively.
Layoffs increased.
You know, hardcore jobs that can sustain a family are disappearing, being annihilated.
The bankruptcies, the corporate, the private, the public debt is exploding.
Those are the real numbers!
But of course, here, right around Christmas, they're telling you how great the economy is because factory orders went up and a few other numbers like that.
But here's your conservative president.
And by the way, about half of the spending is military and police state.
You could say, well that was unforeseen.
It's still been record growth since 1990, if you look at the numbers, because Bush expanded the Department of Education, he expanded the Department of Transportation, he expanded almost every federal bureaucracy at levels above Bill Clinton!
He signed on to UNESCO with the UN.
I mean, again, I'm not a Democrat, folks.
I'm not saying go out and vote for the Democrats.
I'm saying let's be honest about the real policies of Bush and how the neocons on talk radio will not mention this.
Very, very scary indeed to have this type of garbage taking place.
And they've got a lot of different angles on new global taxes they want to add into this financially.
And that's why they've got to get a national ID card in our hot little hands.
So they can start taxing us with a global sales tax, a national sales tax, a local sales tax, all collected digitally during the transaction process.
You'll still be able to pay cash
but there will be taxes deducted with a swipe of your driver's license or ID card which will be the world ID card announced two years ago by the UN and they're standardizing these policies now at the state level at the county level at the county level in England at the at the regional level in Europe they are standardizing these databases through the new global passport it's all happening and the whole global warming argument isn't just about
Making people shift over to a new patented air conditioning system to make big companies money.
When their old patent ran out, it's always been about satellite tracker boxes to be put in European, British and U.S.
vehicles to tax us as part of a new global tax, which they're officially beginning to push and announce in the news.
This is out of AFP, more of the fear mongering.
Global warming could submerge three large Indian cities.
Global warming could submerge three of India's biggest cities beneath the sea by 2020, unless the crisis was brought under control, an Indian scientist warned yesterday.
If the warming continues, there will be about half to one meter increase in sea level by 2020, and cities like Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras will be completely submerged, said Rajav Najam, a scientist with the Geological Oceanography Division of the Western Indian state of Goa.
He said that a one meter rise in sea level could cost five trillion rupees or 147.24 billion worth of damage to property in Goa alone.
This is a quantum of damage in a small state like Goa that has only two districts.
Imagine the extent of property loss in metros.
In metros like Bombay, he added, at a workshop in the National College in
He also predicted that the global warming could cause frequent cyclones along with coastal areas and affect the annual monsoon rain, which is crucial for India's farm dependency economy.
Folks, most scientists say global warming is a complete fraud.
You got a lot of government-run scientists who will say it's real.
You gotta remember though, the global government admittedly has patented weather control systems.
This is mainstream news.
They can manipulate the weather.
We do have natural cycles.
We go into ice ages every 12,000 years and come out of those ice ages.
We are actually due, according to North Pole and South Pole ice core samples, we're actually due for another ice age in the next 1,000 years.
And we're just entering the peak of the heat cycle, which then triggers another cycle of freezing.
But again, they're teaching everybody that global warming is a fact, and we gotta give up our cars and pay a global tax to stop it.
And it is racing ahead.
Contrary to popular propaganda, Kyoto is alive and well.
We'll be back with your calls and more news.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
We do this show talking about real issues that actually affect you and your family.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, Central back from 9 to midnight.
And again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
Let's go to Doris and Jacob and Dan and Don and Eric and many others and then I'll get back into tough new tactics by U.S.
tighten grip on Iraq towns.
They're turning them into Red Dawn style concentration camps.
Also, even Mr. Ginrich is saying we've gone off the side of a cliff in Iraq and we're in deep trouble.
This out of Newsweek and Time.
Both have articles on it.
We'll get into some of the layoffs.
Also, Harrison crash at airport kills two Whitewater figures.
And some of Clinton's cronies who knew about all the dirt are dead.
Also, top scientist advisor to four presidents dies violently in D.C.
and there's some type of cover-up on that.
Dean defends theory that Bush knew of 9-11 plot.
Also, Cursing Kerry unleashes foul-mouthed attack on Bush.
Oh, his little skull and bones buddy throwing a fit.
Also, police shut down highway and new sniper hunt.
Now it's a sniper hunt.
Another sniper, isn't that horrible?
Also, Fed's hype conviction rate in terror fight, critics say.
Turns out they're listing things as terrorism now.
Listing drug arrest, you name it, as terrorists, see?
And oh, all the terrorists they've stopped.
But when you go look up who the terrorists are, it wasn't terrorist events at all.
Also, new bill will be the backdoor to legal euthanasia
That's just some of what's coming up.
But first, your calls.
Thanks for holding.
Doris in Arkansas, you're on the air.
Hello, Alex.
Hello, Doris.
This isn't what I was going to talk about, but I want to make a comment on it.
When my children were young, I'm grateful that they had a teacher in a small school that led them in that little prayer you mentioned.
God is great.
God is good.
Let us thank him for our food.
Let me stop you.
You'll be now expelled from school if you say that.
I think since we were founded as a Christian nation, those that are offended should just leave this nation and let us go on as a Christian nation.
But that wasn't what I called about.
What does this new ruling by the Supreme Court do to
Sheriff Max Case, that he brought before the Supreme Court on states' rights, and that they said that the Brady Bill was unconstitutional.
Well, and yes, they did rule that it was unconstitutional in 97, but you notice the Brady Bill is still in force.
If they don't like a ruling, the government just ignores it, the executive and legislative.
If they like a ruling, they'll enforce it, and the appeals court
Uh, out in, uh, San Francisco, they ruled a few months ago that there is no Second Amendment, that they can ban guns, any guns they wish, and the Supreme Court ruled that they agree with that ruling and are not going to hear the case.
And, uh... Is the Sheriff Mac's case still banned?
Well, you know, each case is separate and different, and he won his case, but again, the Brady Bill was kept in force and expanded.
Yes, the Supreme Court said that they're not allowed to have instant checks and checks and all that, but they don't care.
It continues.
I'd have to talk to one of the experts of how this new ruling affects things, but it just shows they don't care what the court rules are coming after our guns, but now the court has finally agreed with them that we don't have a Second Amendment.
Well, we do.
Well, I guess we'll just consider ourselves to have it and know the Constitution's been.
Thanks, Doris.
And think about this.
This same Supreme Court, you know, the same folks meeting in that building, ruled that women couldn't vote.
That same Supreme Court ruled that black people weren't human beings, or were two-thirds human, or subhuman.
Well, finally, blacks didn't go along with it.
They said, we're human beings, and stood up and fought back.
Same thing with women.
The Supreme Court can rule that the moon is made of cheese, but the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Founding Fathers clearly stated that it doesn't matter what Congress, the Executive, or the Legislative have to say, if it's in violation of that Bill of Rights, and if it's in violation of God's laws, and the Ten Commandments, we don't have to follow it.
You can go, wait a minute, yes you do.
Oh, so if Hitler was in Germany and passed laws, you had to follow those, huh?
No, you didn't.
You have every right to stand up against dictatorship, against oligarchy, against autocracy.
And I'm telling you, if the NRA and Shotgun News and others would tell the truth about these rulings and would stop pacifying gun owners, we'd get our Second Amendment back.
We'd be repealing the gun law next year.
The assault weapons ban, instead of Bush expanding it.
But the average gun owner doesn't even know about this.
Because Rush Limbaugh and the NRA have done their job of keeping you in the dark!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Hey Doris, great news!
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Did you receive an inheritance?
Well, no.
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But Jim, I signed a note promising to pay back the loan.
Isn't it wrong even if I could discharge the loan?
Doris, I felt the same way until I took the time to learn the truth about money and banking.
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Doris, get your pin and find out how many Americans are finding financial freedom by having their mortgages eliminated in less than five months.
My friends, what would you do if the federal government passed a law
That at least one day a week you had to report to a local community service board, part of the Growing Soviet-Style Neighborhood Watch, that you had to go help dig ditches, help with community projects, pick up trash, pull weeds.
Engage in checkpoints, help the police run checkpoints at random checkpoints on the side of the highway.
What would you do if they were trying to pass a law to do that?
Well, they are passing laws to do that.
They've built the infrastructure under AmeriCorps, now SecurCorps, which is a division of TIPS, which they increased the funding for.
TIPS was never canceled.
And to get out of high school, you'll have to serve several years.
As a tattletale, helping police serve warrants, building clearing, assisting at checkpoints, fugitive apprehension, picking up trash, digging ditches.
They have bills and they've started the new draft boards for a universal draft where even older people will have to serve domestically in support roles, kind of like during the depression.
Where you'd be ordered, if you wanted to eat that is, if you wanted your quote, welfare check, well you're getting welfare, you gotta go work for it, you gotta go work at the local construction site where we're building a road, or where we're putting in a dam, or cutting down trees, or building government housing.
They're gearing up, setting all that up, talking about it in the news, training the children to accept it.
It's the equivalent of a cop coming to your door and saying, come mow my lawn.
You know, you don't have to follow their orders.
But you see, people think, oh, that's not going to happen.
Oh, there's a big terrorist attack.
See, well, it's what we've got to do.
We've got to pull for the country.
We're in World War III.
We're in a war with China.
We're in a war with Pakistan.
We're in a war with India.
We're in a war with Syria.
And some are saying, what do you mean a war with Pakistan?
Oh yeah, their government could be replaced overnight, folks.
Same thing with Saudi Arabia.
We have this whole global destabilization, and we need to talk about it.
They're shifting America into a classical fascist society.
First they socialize the wealth to fund this huge government.
They grew it to record sizes.
Now they're privatizing those assets and giving it to select Fortune 500 who are being given under Patriot Act 1 and 2 and Homeland Security governmental powers.
And, uh, yes, they have not passed Patriot Act 2, but they admit they are implementing it without congressional passage.
We're about to go to, uh, Jacob and Dan and others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
I'm gonna shoot through these calls real quick, then I'll get into the tyranny that's going on in Iraq that rivals Saddam's abuse.
But before we do that,
I want to encourage everybody who lives in Texas, or New Mexico, or Louisiana, or Arkansas, or all over Texas.
If you live in South Texas, you have no excuse.
A great place to meet like-minded freedom lovers, Christians, libertarians, patriots, people that can see the big picture, that can connect the dots and know what's happening.
Meet hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of like-minded people at the Alamo Draft House this Saturday from 6 to midnight at the West Oaks Shopping Center in Western Houston.
We have a map and details and a place to order tickets online at the movie theater website at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com
And tomorrow I'll be giving out the address and phone number for folks that need more details.
But 6 o'clock, Houston, Texas, this Saturday, West Oak Shopping Center.
Can't miss it.
I'll be there.
I'm going to give a 30-minute speech.
Then we're going to show Road to Tyranny one more time.
Last time it was an overflow crowd.
Then I'm going to show John Carpenter's They Live.
To give folks an analogy on the big picture, it's a great film.
You need to see it.
And it's a great place, as I said, to meet other like-minded freedom lovers in the network.
And of course, I'll be there with the videos and the books at the table as well.
So please, come to the event.
It's $10.
And of course, most of that goes to the theater, who are great folks.
But the other portion goes to support the broadcast and what we're doing.
Road to Tyranny and They Live!
So please come out and see the event.
And that is going to be this Saturday, the 13th of December, 2003 in Houston, Texas.
Also, I've made 10 films.
And if you live in Rhode Island or Los Angeles or if you're in Kansas City, wherever you're at, if you want a tool that will wake up your friends and family,
That has a great track record of unlocking minds and showing people the big picture and connecting those dots.
You need to get 9-11 The Road to Tyranny about September 11th and what really happened there in the Globalist Master Plan.
You need to get Part 2 of that, Masters of Terror.
Again, expanding on 9-11, part two of that.
You need to get Police State 3, Total Enslavement, my third Police State film.
I hadn't made one in three years.
We cover a lot of what's happened in the last three years in this new film.
What the New World Order is, what neocons are, how the left and right is controlled, government-run white slavery rings.
The Cashless Society Control Grid.
Other examples of government-sponsored terror.
Patriot Act 1 and 2.
Homeland Security.
It's all in Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
My new film, Matrix of Evil, is now out!
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Great new film.
They're all over 2 hours.
Some are 2 hours and 5 minutes.
Some of the films are 2 hours and 40 minutes.
Like Road to Tyranny or Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
You need to have these videos.
They're so well done.
I want you to get them.
I want you to make copies of them and give them to your friends, your family, your pastor, your local talk show host, your sheriff.
Because we're unlocking minds, one mind at a time.
Go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order, or to get my book or Paul Watson's book, Order Out of Chaos, or the new video by Eric Huffschmid, Painful Questions, about 9-11.
This is important stuff.
The best stuff I've found out there, that I've seen, that I've read, my own work, others' work, we have it all available, and your purchase makes this show possible.
So again, here's the toll-free number.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Again, 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Recall, toll free 1-888-253-3139.
And if you order this week, we'll be able to get it out to you by Christmas.
Average time is about seven days.
We ship, you know, normal U.S.
mail, but sometimes it takes two weeks.
So, get the order in this week so you get it in time to give it as a gift.
And again, get the videos, make copies, give them as gifts.
That's my goal, is to reach people.
Air them on AXS TV.
This is such a big part of what we do.
It's the most powerful tool I have in waking people up.
And we don't have that power unless you get the videos and pay it forward.
That is, make the copies and spread the word.
Alright, let's go ahead and talk to Jacob in Oklahoma, who's been holding patiently.
Thank you, Jacob.
Good to talk to you.
I appreciate the chance to talk to you, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
I don't think we need to get too excited, uh, because, uh, well, Sheriff made me a visit over a gun issue.
He brought the ATF with him.
But, uh, well, he just come up and knocked on the door.
Said, I want to talk to you.
So I opened the door and let him in.
And just if it was a business in that echelon, you know that DEA guy?
He come down in the county and get the sheriff to come out and see me.
And I told that young DEA, I said, I'll tell you what, I said, you, you be quiet and pay attention a while.
When you figure out what's going on, then you join in.
Now, let me get this straight.
You're saying we shouldn't get too excited about Bush saying he's going to reauthorize the assault weapons ban, adding, depending on how you interpret it, 60 to 100 plus ban types of guns, on top of the others that have been restricted there.
We've got the Supreme Court saying they agree there's no Second Amendment in a major ruling, and you get a visit by gun grabbers who've been spying on you and you're not upset.
Yeah, but you see, uh, we got rid of that sheriff next election.
But they, uh, they can pass all the laws they want to in Washington, but it only applies to federal property.
Well, here's the problem.
I agree with you.
Very well said.
The local fight is where it's all at right now.
They've got the stronghold of Washington, but that's their base.
They're racing to put in the touchscreen electronic voting.
Admittedly, mainstream news, run by the CIA, stealing every major election.
All the big companies have been caught doing it, and they're racing to put in the touchscreens.
You better stop them now, wherever you're listening, folks.
Well, you know why they call the Klan the Invisible Empire?
Why's that?
Because you don't ever see the ones that count.
Like me and the rest of the guys around here.
So you're in the Ku Klux Klan?
Well, I mean, nobody knows it but me and the neighbor.
And you think that the Ku Klux Klan is going to stop the government?
Well, it stopped it here.
The thing is about it, see, everybody belongs to the Klan.
As soon as they challenge their righteous indignation, they get up on their horse and they ride.
And that's what's going to happen.
Okay, thanks for the call, Jacob.
I'm not against black people or Hispanics or any other race.
I am disgusted by the Black Panthers.
That's the new leader, Khalid Mohammed, who says kill all white people.
And I've got him on video, folks, in a debate with Anthony Hilder saying we want to kill every white child, every white woman.
I've got him on video marching in Houston saying the same thing with loaded shotguns, which is their right to do.
They guarantee to arrest a bunch of white people doing that.
But, and then whites see the racist blacks and then they go join the race groups.
And the Mexicans and Hispanics see the racist whites and they go and join the racist Mecha and La Raza.
And this is exactly what the government wants.
Now, going back to the beginning of the Klan, after the Civil War, during Reconstruction, I had, you know, ancestors who were in the Civil War.
And when the northern troops came in and raped and killed a bunch of people and burned down hotels and slaughtered everybody, it started by camouflaging the horse, because if somebody could see what your horse looked like, they could come out and kill you later.
That's how it all started, putting camouflage sheets over your horse.
Because you can say, oh, that was the horse that was there, that Palomino or whatever.
And that's how it all began.
And groups of Texans removed two governors at gunpoint
From downtown Austin in the 1770s.
In the 1870s, excuse me.
And so there's that whole history, but when you talk about the Klan of the last 100 years, it's a Masonic organization, number one.
Albert Pike, the big Confederate general, you know, one of the founders of it, and all of this, and I've gone out and protested the Ku Klux Klan, and in Waco, Texas,
And every time I investigate them, they're run by feds.
In fact, it's the old joke of somebody goes to a Klan rally or a white supremacist rally, and it'll end up where it's only feds there.
I mean, that's actually happened.
They had the BATF, the FBI, and the DEA and others were caught at that good old boy roundup in 1992 in Alabama.
Where they were burning effigies of black people, selling the black person hunting licenses, and the rest of it.
I have no doubt that good old boy groups in towns, secret societies like the Klan, even a blind hog finds an acorn occasionally, have blocked federal intrusion.
Because that's the roots of it.
But I don't agree with the Ku Klux Klan.
I have to say that here on the air.
Any more than I agree with the racist Mecha or La Raza or the Black Panthers or any of it.
Or Mr. Farrakhan, who says white people are the devil.
He's kind of softened that in the past.
You know, I've had black people call me a blue-eyed devil and make comments when I was growing up in Dallas.
And I've had blacks attack me, but I'm not going to hate all black people because I've been attacked by blacks.
But I will stand up and speak out against racist blacks or racist whites, because let me tell you something, all it does is add to this whole thing.
We're not going to win this fight unless we get everybody together against the main target, the New World Order.
We're all under attack.
And I know when I go to a rally to fight the Patriot Act, or to fight for somebody's land, or to stand up for the Second Amendment, there are Hispanics there, there are black folks there, and they care about freedom.
And we should not exclude them.
And they shouldn't exclude us.
I'm against multiculturalism.
That's destroying all our cultures.
I'm against the racism of any of these groups.
I think we should be able to speak out against the racism of the Zionists, and a lot of Jews are doing that.
But tribalism feels really good.
Primitive tribalism.
Racism's an invented word.
It's all tribalism.
It's in us.
In Africa, one black tribe hates the next black tribe.
In Ireland, it's Protestant against Catholic.
It's North against South.
We gotta get past that to focusing on the New World Order.
Let's talk to Dan in Illinois, then Eric in Connecticut.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
What do you say there, Alex?
You may disagree with me or what on this, but
I really believe the state that we're in today, where we're losing our freedoms, goes right back to the beginning when this all started.
When self-righteous, fearful groups started pressuring the government to start interfering with the way adults behave.
And as soon as they started doing that, that's the steamroll to where we're at today, where the government's going to tell us what to eat or not to eat.
Well that's it, and it's all going to be selectively enforced.
All of this is to be selectively enforced.
Right, but I mean, you go back to, you know, you just look at an old Wild West movie or something like that and a guy could carry a gun, right?
Where did this, I don't think the government on its own got this idea.
Well forget the Wild West, my father in a pretty big school would carry a shotgun or his deer rifle to school, walk in with it loaded and put it in his locker.
Right, but was it the government that stopped doing this or was it pressures from people, fearful people who didn't
Well, no, it's a feedback loop.
The government plays on the pressures, funds the useful idiot groups that create the illusion that the people want all this.
That's now, but I think from the beginning it wasn't that way.
Well, a lot of it was people moving into cities.
We lost touch with reality.
Living out in the country has a way of getting you back to reality.
But there's this other thing... Stay there.
Stay there, Dan.
Then Eric and others.
Third Hour is coming up.
I'm going to get more into the Second Amendment news and this Iraq news.
There's a lot of it.
We've gone through about half the stack.
I haven't even begun.
PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com are the websites.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look.
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Be there!
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You know, I might as well tell this story now, and we'll go back to Dan, Eric, John, Howard, Ralph, and many others.
When I was a teenager, I had, I mean, so it was a lot rougher in Dallas, and I'd gotten in some fights, and, you know, I'd hurt a couple people pretty bad.
I hadn't been indicted
Because they would go to the witnesses and find out that I had been attacked and I would just fight back.
But my dad didn't like the way things were going, so a couple summers he sent me down to my grandma's.
In fact, he already had just to learn ranching and also work for a large animal vet.
And I was sent down to where my family lives.
They live really closer to Buffalo in East Texas than they do to Fairfield, Texas.
But I was sent for a couple months until I couldn't stand it.
To school in Teague, Texas.
I actually spent a few months of high school going to school in Teague, Texas.
And at the, um, and I was on the football team, at the, um, and this was the last straw, last day of school I went there.
And it was the bonfire.
I guess for what, like the second football game.
They had this huge bonfire.
And, I'd already, this is a big school folks, I think it was like 3A, thousands of students.
Nice school.
And everybody's all acting weird out there, and there's some black kids there, and they go, I'm getting out of here, I'm not going to stay here for this, and they all run off.
And all of a sudden, in the middle of the fire, they pull a rope, and a big ol' cross gets hauled up in the middle of the fire, and there's these hundreds and hundreds of people out there,
All basically, you talk about the invisible empire, yes folks, invisible empire.
And I was sitting there with my mouth hanging open, watching this.
And when I went home and told my dad about it back in Dallas, he said, oh yeah, when I was a child we used to go swimming.
At the Teague Public Pool, because that's closer to where my family lives in Fairfield, though my grandfather was involved in county government there in Freestone County.
At the county seat in Fairfield, I could only go to school in Teague because that was the school district I was in.
My dad said, yeah, I would.
My mother would be a substitute teacher.
She even worked during the summer.
My grandmother was a school teacher.
She'd go do teaching for summer school, and he'd have to hang around with her, walk down to the pool.
And kids would come over to him and go, you Yankee, get out of here!
And of course, my family had Spanish land grants from 1830.
But that's my experience with the Ku Klux Klan.
Is that it's basically used to harass anybody in business they don't like.
Somebody from the next county or next town over isn't any good.
And I had family in reconstruction who had their hotel antique burned down.
And on the gravestones it says, murdered, killed by northern soldiers.
But again, you've got a lot of people there, who I would later ask around, who aren't even from Teague, Texas, but they come in, they show up, they start the Klan, they run around and use it for their own political control.
So that's my experience, my only experience with the Ku Klux Klan.
And yes, it is an invisible empire.
It is all over the place.
It is tens of millions of people.
I will tell you right now, the toothless people you see on TV are not the real Ku Klux Klan.
And let me tell you, the Ku Klux Klan at the county level is involved in drug dealing, it's involved in corruption, graft, it's a good ol' boy, masonic network.
I'm not saying that every person who's in it is pure evil, but you are certainly misguided.
Just like everybody in Mecha or La Raza isn't evil, Hispanic racist groups, you're just misguided.
And it's tribalism and it feels good, and I can understand that, but you better wake up and come to the realization that we've all got to come together to defeat this new world order.
Alright, so I've now told you that bizarre story.
We'll be back in the third hour.
I promise I'll go right back to Dan and Eric and John and Howard and Ralph.
Everybody stay there.
Bunch of other key news and analysis for you in the third hour.
So please stay with us.
And the websites are at fullwars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We'll be right back.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, already 30 seconds into this third hour.
I'm Alex Jones, your host, and we're going to be live here for another hour.
I know we have loaded phone lines and so much news.
I want to get into Bush's anti-gun activities for neocons out there that are ignorant on this fact.
Also, tough new tactics
By US to tighten grip on Iraq towns, basically setting them up like concentration camps.
Newt Gingrich says we've gone off the edge of a cliff in Iraq.
And just a ton of other absolutely amazing news.
Deaths of Clinton confidants left and right.
And other top globalists dying mysteriously and being butchered.
So, that is coming up as well.
Right now, let's get back to the calls.
Dan, in Illinois, you were trying to make another point when we hit the last break.
Go ahead.
Yeah, just two real quick things, Alex.
One is that once the government, the people in charge, got a taste of the power, like a drug, they've been plotting and scheming ever since how to get more and more to how to control people as adults.
I mean, you know, like children.
To the point where anyone who's got guns now are treated like rebellious children because they're not going to be able to control them so easily.
And it's all in our best interest, all to take care of us, the government cares so much about us, but really it's about controlling the cattle.
That's right.
And now the other thing I was going to say is that a lot of times, you know, people reap what they sow as far as that's concerned.
You know, Bush-loving Dr. Dobson, in his newsletter one time I read,
Is that he helped pass the ordinance in Colorado Springs that if you swear you'd be put in jail.
So, now people use the word Christian, they're going to be put in jail.
I mean, that's how crazy it is.
That's the type of stuff I'm talking about.
Well, no, I agree.
I mean, I don't agree with drugs, but the criminalization of them energizes the criminals, creates 9 out of 10 crimes, and there's more drugs on the streets than ever before.
And it creates animosity.
You know what I mean?
Because there's this restriction going on.
There's two different sides at all times.
It does.
Thanks for the call.
Take care.
I appreciate it.
Eric in Connecticut.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Hey, Alex.
Hello, sir.
Um, I have something to tell you.
I actually have been in the Masonic Fraternity for nigh close to 20 years now.
And I've been a fairly active member.
And not too long ago I asked God, and this is no lie, I asked God to put me in the way of knowledge that I had been previously ignorant to.
And this was shortly before I discovered you, and discovered a lot of other information on the Internet and elsewhere about September 11th, Pearl Harbor, and many, many other things.
And I have to be honest with you, Alex, I'm really starting to question my Masonic affiliation.
I'm really starting to question, does this organization put on a very friendly front that talks about brotherly love, relief, and truth, where behind the scenes, though, there's a real dark series of actions going on to basically create this New World Order, to create all this chaos and mayhem, and to advance Satan's cause.
Are you?
What degree are you?
Well, I've made masturbation.
I was raised, actually I was raised in 87.
March of 87 I was raised.
And I've been, like I said, I've been fairly active.
I was sort of in the chairs and, you know, I've sat in the East and all this kind of thing.
And, you know, I've initiated candidates and the whole thing.
And like I said, you know, I'm reading this book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
I've done some studying on it, and I have to really start to question.
You know, I look at these bloodlines.
I look at the Illuminati script of World War II.
World War II followed an Illuminati script.
Well, you're sitting in the... Yeah, Albert Pike wrote about it.
In the 1770s, your big Grand Mason founded the Klan and all the rest of it.
Pike, you're sitting in the command base of the Masons up in Connecticut.
Oh, absolutely.
It's not really D.C.
I tell you what, stay there, Eric.
We'll talk more about the Masons and what they really are when we get back after this break.
Then we'll go to Howard and Ralph and others.
Toll-free number to join us on air, 1-800-259-9231.
We'll get to more of your calls and into more of this news after this quick break.
This should be an interesting discussion with Eric, so don't hang up, Eric.
Stay right there.
We'll be back to you after this break.
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We're good.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Coming up, my friends, more on the Supreme Court saying, hey, we're not going to hear the case out of the big federal court in San Francisco where they say that they can ban any gun they want.
Now that the Supreme Court has agreed with that, that's what they've done, that will have national implications.
More on that, more about the real abuse of the Iraqi people going on in Iraq by our troops.
But they have to do this in preparation for sending in the UN as the saviors
Newt Gingrich says we've gone off the edge of the cliff in Iraq.
It's all coming up and more.
And of course we've got loaded phone lines.
Eric in Connecticut says that he's a master mason.
I guess by that he would mean a 32nd degree.
And he says that in the last period of time since he discovered this show or asked God to show him the truth that he found this show and
He's been researching the New World Order, and he asks questions, but let me boil down in just a nutshell what the Masons are.
Back in the time of Solomon's Temple, even before that, in Egypt, they had secret construction guilds.
The mathematics was one of the most powerful things, most valuable things on Earth.
Construction secrets were power.
And they didn't just have public schools to teach construction.
So they formed secret society, secret rights, to make sure that they were not giving building secrets or mathematics secrets to anyone but a part of the union.
It was a union, just like a steel workers union, or an education union, or a plumbers union, whatever today.
And of course, because it was ancient, it had a lot of Babylon mystery religion trappings because it came out of antiquity.
And any type of science had religion wrapped around it.
It's like astrology grew into the real science of astronomy.
But all of our sciences began in what you'd call alchemy.
They would attach religious significance to any type of reaction.
And over time it picked up more and more of history, more and more secrets, and the Masonic system from time to time gets infiltrated at the top and controlled by different groups of people.
The Masons will argue that, well, George Washington was a Mason, and Sam Houston in Texas was a Mason, the Lone Star State, and the obelisk are all Masonic Egyptian symbols, and, you know, the secrets are the secrets of Solomon's Temple, and this is what the Masons are into.
Texas is one of the strongest Masonic states, other than Connecticut, in the Union.
And almost all of those that died at the Alamo were Masons, and they meant well.
They were mid-level masons.
They weren't at the higher levels.
George Washington wrote letters near the end of his life, warning about the Illuminati masons that were taking over.
Any secret society, any good old boy network, is perfect for what we call intelligence agencies today to take them over.
And that's exactly what's happened.
And it's compartmentalized like the CIA.
In fact, the CIA is mainly masons.
Because it's tailor-made for it.
And it's compartmentalized with 99% having no idea what the ultimate secrets are.
But Albert Pike admitted what some of those ultimate secrets were.
Writer of Morals and Dogma, Supreme Grand Mason of over a hundred years ago, you know, the big granddaddy folks.
And he said, we worship Lucifer and then he gives us power and that's the God they worship at the higher levels.
When I went to the Bohemian Grove and saw
One of the mid-level rituals that most masons would never be allowed to see, but that the higher levels, you know, are even more into more advanced black magic.
I saw what you would kind of call Golden Dawn, or not white magic, not black magic, but so ancient that it's just Babylonian.
And they went through this Earth Mother, Goddess, Horn God stuff, basically paganism, Wiccan stuff.
But most masons are lured in that, oh, this is a Christian organization.
And over in England there's been a lot of mainstream news articles about how you can't get a consulting job, you can't get a big government job, you can't get found not guilty unless you're a Mason or unless you're Barrister's a Mason.
And they found out that they're all scratching each other's backs.
It's like Italian Mafia or something.
It's kind of a wasp mob, you could say.
And they team up with other Masons around the world.
It's a global thing.
My great-great-uncle told my father the story of when he was running bars during Prohibition in Houston.
Some guys tried to rob him.
He killed two of them.
Walked in, flashed the Mason in distress sign at the judge, instantly case dismissed.
So it's also basically a license to kill.
Number one, Eric, you say you're practicing Master Mason.
Has anything I've said been inaccurate?
And then you say you're beginning to wake up to this and have questions.
You have the floor.
Go ahead.
Oh, thanks, Alex.
When I said Master Mason, I was talking about Blue Lodge.
I had just the third degree Master Mason degree.
I have not gone into the higher levels up to the 32nd, although I had many offers.
I was briefly involved with the Grotto
I had offers to go into the Eastern Star, which is primarily sort of the women's arm of the Masons.
I was offered to go into Scottish Rite, York Rite, and various other things.
But, you know, there's sort of a little voice gnawing at me, and I'm asking myself, okay, have you sort of been a useful idiot here in the trenches of this giant fraternity?
And I ask myself this question, have I sort of been a useful idiot, you know, practicing
The tenets, I mean, the tenets that are preached in my lives seem to be wonderful tenets.
But is it a veneer for something that's far deeper and far more dark?
Well, yeah, I mean, if you haven't even gotten into the Scottish Rite, and if you haven't gotten up into the higher degrees, by the way, there's 360 degrees.
Yeah, and humans can't go over about the 76.
Yeah, and then there's Principality sitting at the other points of the compass with Lucifer at 360.
Because, yeah, like I said, I was offered, you know, many times to go into the higher... And look where you are.
You're at the third level.
Well, technically they say the Master Mason is the highest rank.
The third degree.
When you are raised to a Master Mason, that is... And then they claim that the 33rd degree is only honorary.
That's what they say.
Not true.
I'm sorry?
Not true.
Oh, really?
Not true.
There's a lot of things that, like I said, Alex, I'm sort of a neophyte here.
I'm just beginning to learn all this stuff.
There's so many chapters, so many verses, and I'm just sort of on the beginning of a very long journey.
But, you know, I got involved.
I was working at the shipyard in Groton, and then I was, you know, in fact, I was involved with the design and the construction of Trident subs, the ballistic missile subs, and
The 688s.
And a lot of the guys that I knew in the shipyard were Masons.
And I talked to them and I sort of got interested.
And the next thing I knew I was surrounded by Masons.
And I was joined.
I joined at the age of 28.
A little older than you.
I'm about 45.
And for a while it seemed like a very interesting thing.
I met a lot of good guys and everything.
But like I said, I asked God to put me in the way of knowledge.
Yeah, a Mason's not supposed to ask you to join.
Well, they didn't ask me to join.
But I've had them ask me to join over and over and over again.
No, they can do it very subtly without coming out and asking you.
Would you like to join?
You know, people ask to join.
We'd like to talk to you.
We'd like you to... Well, have you thought about joining?
Right, exactly.
So I just wanted to mention that to you, and I also... I have something here.
There was an article in my paper over the weekend about Admiral Kimmel.
Pearl Harbor, the fight presses on.
If you'd like, I can send it to you from the New London Day.
And it has a whole... Admiral Kimmel, he died in 1968 in Groton.
In fact, he lived like right down the street from where I grew up.
And he was stripped of two bars.
And there's a group here locally that's trying to press Mr. Bush, who's sitting on his nice little hands, not doing anything about exonerating Admiral Kimmel.
And his family and friends have been pressing for like two years now.
To exonerate him officially via presidential decree.
And Bush isn't doing anything.
And I think that he's concerned that if he admits it to a cover-up in Pearl Harbor, well, geez, maybe there was a big cover-up in 9-11, too!
Well, look, just like the Kennedy assassination, just like Goblin Tonkin, all of this is fake.
Pearl Harbor was a staged event.
That's an admitted fact, and I appreciate your call, sir.
Alex, I could send you the article if you'd like.
Yes, please do that.
Certainly will.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you, sir.
Yeah, I mean, look, it's like the CIA.
Most people are good in the CIA.
They're compartmentalized.
Most people are good in the Masonic Lodges.
They don't know what they're part of.
That's why you gotta judge a tree by its fruits to know what the person's really up to.
Let's go ahead
And talk to, I guess, up next here is Howard in Colorado.
Howard, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, how are you?
You have a great show.
Actually, I'm from Washington, D.C., and I've been doing a lot of demonstrating.
I spend three or four nights a week in front of the White House chanting against this Bush and this regime that he set up.
And as far as I'm concerned, this is nothing more than a fascist government.
And I have one thing or two things I want to talk to you.
This is curtains ordered for media coverage on returning coffins, which I'm sure you're aware of.
And this is what Barbara Bush, George Bush's mother, said on Good Morning America on March 18th, 2003.
Her quote is, let me quote her, why should we hear about body bags and deaths and how many?
What day is going to happen and how many?
What do you suppose?
Oh, I mean, it's not relevant.
So why should I waste my beautiful mind on something like that?
Well, so far, as of... Well, let me stop you and I'll hold you over.
Barbara Bush, about a month ago, said on CNN's Larry King Live, and we've got the transcript posted, she said, if anybody talks about my husband or my children, they're dead.
Now, that's a death threat.
From the former First Lady, the CIA Director's wife, I take that serious.
And the woman that sued the President, alleging rape, got shot in the back of the head about a month ago in Houston, Texas.
And it only rated a mere mention in the obituary.
So I take it serious when Barbara Bush starts talking about how, you talk bad about her family, you're dead.
Stay there, we'll talk about it when we get back.
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Alright, we're talking to Howard.
Man, Howard, so you're in Washington D.C.
right now?
No, no, I'm in Colorado.
Okay, good, because you told us Colorado, that's why we said that.
I'm up in Eaglevale.
But let me say this... But you're saying you've been in D.C.
protesting, go ahead.
Oh yeah, well I live there part of the year, and I know it's just like a police state there.
I'm continually harassed in front of the White House by the Uniformed Secret Service, the Park Police, and
Watched all the time.
I mean, it's just nothing but a police state.
And as of October 17, 2003, there was 336 men killed in the same period in Vietnam.
There were only 324 killed.
And also, I would add to this that you mentioned the covering up the coffins.
That's right.
I mean, that's what the Soviets did.
Why are they putting up curtains so we can't see how many are dead?
They don't want any media coverage because it arouses too much
Also, I have an AP article a few months ago where they will not allow the media into the hospitals to talk to the troops.
That's absolutely right.
At Walter Reed Army Medical Center you can't get in there, or the Naval Hospital.
Or the VA hospitals.
I mean, there's a total curtain on this, and it's all a lot of whitewash.
And not surprisingly, there have been reports of all the big bases, the medical bases, not giving people treatment for months.
That's exactly right.
So what happens when you don't have oversight?
Bad things happen.
It's a historical fact.
Yeah, well, that's absolutely correct.
The other thing I want to mention, did you know that Prescott Bush, George Bush's grandfather,
Yeah, so this is the kind of slime and scum that we got running our government.
Uh, they're just puppets.
Bill Clinton was bad too.
Yeah, oh I understand that.
I mean, the whole thing is, uh... Yeah, because if we just say one party's bad, it helps the globalists, because they've still got the other party we're believing in.
No, no, I understand that.
These guys already, they got their marching orders by the time they get in there.
Yes, Alex.
Are you there, Alex?
Yes, I am.
Okay, I spoke with John Flatterty, and I was surprised he didn't know a thing about it.
Anyway, that's the Scott Eisenhower case in Oklahoma.
I'm about to get to that.
I mentioned it in the first hour.
Okay, you're already at it.
Why don't you tell folks about it?
Well, best I know, this probably started in late October.
He killed two people there in the DePue area, and they had him surrounded in a 10-acre wooded patch.
The establishment spent 30 days or better there in an untold fortune.
Couldn't flush him out, and I guess they gave up on it, and you didn't hear it.
That was the end of the topic of all your news you heard.
And then just a little while, he re-emerges.
I guess it was in Arkansas, because an Arkansas doctor and his wife, he kidnapped them and they wound up in Texas.
And once he revealed to them that he had nothing to lose and who he was and all that, the doctor pulls his little .22 caliber revolver out and shoots him four times in the chest.
Yeah, he should have had a .357 Magnum or a .357 Sig.
Why don't somebody come to my house?
They're going to get shot with a Mossberg shotgun and they're going to get seven rounds.
Right, yeah.
But anyway, within three days it's almost just like Oklahoma City.
When this thing first started clear back in, let's say, late October.
Yeah, when a citizen defended and did what the cops couldn't get done, suddenly the story disappears.
There are stacks of articles every day where people defend themselves.
Folks, guns are used conservatively five times more often to stop crime by citizens, that's not counting the police numbers, to stop crime and they are used in crimes.
Guns make us safe.
It's just like Oklahoma City, the way they have reconstructed the news to leave out that part that the armed citizens did for just a few cents.
With a .22 caliber pistol, what they spent a fortune on.
Yeah, what is that, about 20 cents?
For a 22, I'd be way left.
For four rounds with a 22, it'd be a lot less than 26.
I wonder why the doctor didn't put it up to us, Temple.
I'm sure he's wondering that himself.
Yeah, they'll probably arrest him.
They would in England.
Yeah, I'm waiting on that.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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All right, folks.
I'm going to take about four more calls quickly because I've got to launch into some of the news we haven't gotten to yet.
Believe me, it's important.
Let's go ahead and talk to Brock in British Columbia.
Go ahead, sir.
You're on the air.
Good to talk to you, Brock.
I wanted to ask you about Planet X. Is it for real?
What is it?
And I also wanted to ask, in a nutshell, if you could, who killed John F. Kennedy?
Okay, Barack, let me answer those questions.
Thanks for the call.
If you've been listening to the show for a long period of time, you'd know that I said three years ago, four years ago, that Planet X was a complete fraud.
I mean, it comes from Zacharias Sitchin, the little New Age propagandist funded by the Rockefeller Brothers Foundation.
And he goes and interprets these Sumerian texts, and it's been proven that he interpreted them wrong, and there's this tenth planet that's gonna swing around every, you know, 3600 years and kill us.
Cause earthquakes and titanic floods and all the rest of this.
And everybody got on the air, not everybody, but a lot of people, and picked up on this and said, oh, it's the end of the world, it's gonna hit us.
It was supposed to kill us last summer.
And then, strangely enough, you notice that Mars got closer to the Earth than it had been in hundreds of thousands of years.
In fact, it got half as close than from what normally is.
It covered half the distance from its normal orbit around the Earth.
And a lot of researchers, like Tex Mars and others, have looked at this and
Said that the Planet X phenomenon is a coming of the occult.
And so this was all a double meaning for the occultist in high places.
And again, when I talk about occultists in high places, I mean Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones, the Thule Society, real stuff we can prove is going on.
I want to talk about real documented issues.
And so for them, they meant by Planet X, they meant
Mars getting close to the Earth as the sign of their coming to power.
And Mars is still quite close to the Earth.
It gains more distance back to its normal position every day, every minute.
But it's still a lot larger and more prominent in the sky than it is in any thousand year wait you might engage in.
So what happened a few months ago was very historical.
But Planet X, I predicted three, four years ago that when it didn't hit us, the scammers would then say, or the useful idiots would then say, oh Planet X was on the Gregorian calendar
It was all three years.
So it's really coming in three years now.
And just like clockwork, they said, oh, it's the Gregorian calendar.
We were wrong.
Now it's going to be coming in two years, three years from now.
So they can keep selling their books and videos.
And that is exactly what they did.
It wasn't a hard guess.
These scam preachers that say the end of the world is next year.
Give me all your money.
Every time the end of the world didn't come, you know, in 1987 or whatever, like they said, they would then say, oh it's the Gregorian calendar, it's in three years!
And then start the whole process over again.
So I stick to legislation and bills and real things.
I'll tell you what is scary, record sun blasts, solar coronas, ejections, super flares,
That have never been seen before in the last 160 years since they've been recording it.
But again, we only have 160 years of data, so is this abnormal?
We don't know.
That's real.
That's scary.
Genetically engineered super weapons that kill specific races of humans.
Those are real.
Those are scary.
That is nightmarish, you know, to the 10th degree.
The genetic engineering of the food crops, killing the life cycle where plants don't create their own seeds.
Monsanto trying to buy up all the seed companies.
That's ominous and frightening.
So there's enough real stuff, but governments into these type of scams, into world scams to get control with their global warming.
A lot of preachers get a lot of gas mileage out of it.
I don't do it.
Now that was your first question.
You asked who killed Kennedy?
The large banks that own the military industrial complex ordered Texas hitmen and others under CIA control, and we've had the witnesses and the people that were there, and LBJ's lawyer and his mistress on the show, and it's all admitted now that they did the planning and execution, but the big bankers pulled the lever, ordered the hit.
Because Kennedy wanted to get us out of the Federal Reserve.
He wanted to stop letting corporations be international and leave the US.
He was going to increase tariffs on trade.
He was getting us out of Vietnam.
He cut taxes by 50%.
They were not happy with him.
He was going to abolish the CIA.
Let's talk to Don in North Carolina.
Don, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
Thanks for taking my call.
You bet.
I've got a quick question.
I was looking at a video.
It's on the propaganda matrix.
It was done by John Pilger.
It's called Breaking the Silence.
Yeah, it's a streaming video.
It's leftist stuff about the UN being our savior, but the news about Afghanistan and Iraq is very accurate.
Yeah, I was just wondering, is there a chance maybe you could have him on as a guest?
I thought about that when I watched it, yes.
Yeah, because he seems pretty knowledgeable.
You know, it's a pretty interesting video if people want to watch it.
It's on the multimedia section.
And one other thing I just wanted to mention real quick about the Freemasonry.
In the Scottish Rite Journal, it's the March 2002 edition.
I have some photographs of one of the Grand Masons there in Cuba.
It says in here that Cuba
There's over 316 lodges on the island.
So you've got to wonder why Cuba, the small island, needs 316 lodges.
You have to wonder why.
It's such a freedom organization.
Why hasn't Fidel kicked it out of the country?
I mean, it's crazy.
Down in Charlotte, you know, Charlotte's pretty well inundated with Freemasonry.
And, you know, they have all-seeing eyes on the pavement down here.
And bees, you know, they put bees on the pavement.
They named their original basketball team, the Harnets, and they played in the Beehive.
They named their hockey team as the Checkers.
Checkerboard is symbolic of the Masons.
There's a lot of obelisks.
No, you're absolutely right.
Obelisks, all-seeing eyes, the checkers.
And the Carlisle Group has an office here in Charlotte, too.
They actually have an office right here in Charlotte.
And James Baker has a business here, too, but I think it has to do with
I know what it is.
It's book publishing for libraries and schools.
You know, I'd have to pull up the documents, but I don't remember... Yeah, it's an educational system.
Yeah, yes.
There's a lot of... Things are in Charlotte because of the big banks here.
I think they're number two banking center behind New York.
By the way, they've looked at James Baker's textbooks.
You'd think Bill Clinton had written them, but he's so conservative.
Yeah, wasn't he just...
He's going to manage the reconstruction of Iraq or something.
Yeah, the hundreds of billions of dollars of funds will be managed by James Baker.
And then they'll say, oh, he's independent as he hands out the contracts to Dick Cheney and others.
It's blatant, out-of-control corruption right in front of our faces.
And how do you think these neocons, Don,
Sit here while Bush pushes through more gun control than has ever been seen and they hail him as this wonderful conservative.
People are just stupid.
Even my friends.
You can show them the doggone contrails in the sky day in and day out.
And they just say, well, that's just an atmosphere effect.
I mean, it's pollution.
That's the question I have.
Why did the trails disappear in seconds a few years ago, but now they hang there for hours, but planes right next to it aren't leaving trails?
I just don't know why that's happening.
Well, I've seen it down in South Texas, where I'm from originally.
I've actually seen an airplane.
It looked like a 707.
It was at a lower altitude.
And he was just blowing stuff up.
Yeah, back to the airplane.
He was low enough to see that I could actually identify the airplane.
I hear you.
Thanks for the call, Don.
Two last calls.
I've got to move quick here.
Let's talk to Stan in Missouri, then Spencer.
Go ahead, Stan.
Hello, Alex.
I heard you talking earlier about the NRA wanting this gun registration, and then you said also that they wanted to be able to tell us, give us permission where we could drive around with a gun in their car and all this.
The NRA does not own us, Alex.
Well, for those that don't know that just joined us, the Supreme Court ruled that they agree with the ruling by the Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
So you've got the Republican-controlled court agreeing with the Socialist court, and the San Francisco court said, federal court,
They can ban any gun they want, but the Second Amendment is not an individual right.
Now they said that, what, six months ago.
Now the Supreme Court throws out this suit against it and says, we agree with the lower court.
And again, you're not going to hear word one about this from Rush Limbaugh.
Alex, you remember they've had two different court interpretations on the Second Amendment.
They need to get their act together, they really do.
These people, this is just completely insane.
Well, yes, we have the Fifth Circuit saying it is an individual right that cannot be infringed.
Then you have the California court saying it can be.
But now the big Supreme Court says, oh, we're going with San Francisco.
So I'd like people to call into the Sean Hannity's and the, oh, I forgot, they screen the calls, you won't get through.
I'd like you to call through to the Michael Wieners
I mean, savages of the world.
The name's Weiner, folks.
And stand up to them!
That's what we've got to do, Alex.
We've got some corruption going on right now down here in Sedalia, Missouri, with a public administrator.
Her name's Marilyn Smith.
And those people are not familiar with what a public administrator's job is.
They take care of the disabled and the elderly.
They're not able to take care of their financial resources.
What this young lady did, Alex, will really make your blood boil.
She was in charge of taking care of an 83-year-old blind lady's house and taking care of her.
She had a cleaning entourage that went into her house and they found $90,000 underneath this poor lady's carpet.
So what do they do?
They go in there and they take it to her, Marilyn Smith.
And what she does, she said that the house was only evaluated like $1,000.
She spends $54,000 on this lady's house to get it back in shape.
This is the kind of corruption that's going on in your local and your state administrations, Alex.
And I'm sure all of her buddies got the bids.
Yes, Alex.
And another thing they've done, this poor lady too, they were taking her to church.
Now you're really going to love this one.
You know, the church is there.
They ought to go in, you know, and help the elderly, you know, take them.
Well, one of the guys who was going to her church was charging her $100 a month just to take this poor elderly lady to church.
All right, thanks.
Thanks for the call.
Boy, that's sad.
That's sick.
Let's, uh, last caller.
Spencer in Ohio.
Go ahead, Spencer.
Sir Alex, I always wondered why the Constitution didn't mention government by the masons for the masons.
We're being hoodwinked by false divinators, and when George W. Bush became president, he said he read a book by John Quincy Adams called Letters on Freemasonry, which Tex Mars has republished, and I bought that book, and my public library will not even carry that book, and he said, Bush did, he said he had something in common
With John Quincy Adams.
Well, what was it?
John Quincy Adams was anti-Masonic.
John Quincy Adams, because of the European Illuminati taking over Masonry, and this is the President, folks, had it banned.
And that's why, according to MSNBC, who interviewed 100 Skull & Bones members at Yale, they sent German money over to take over Yale as a base to take America over.
Now that's what Bush has in common, is that the Skull and Bones cult helped take America over for the New World Order.
Yeah, John Quincy Adams said the oath of Freemasonry is contrary to the laws of God and the laws of the land.
So therefore, being that Webster's Unified Dictionary calls it a cult, we should use the Monroe Doctrine to counter the cult of Freemasonry.
Thanks for the call, Spencer.
I'll just say this.
At the higher levels of Masonry, it's the same as the Skull and Bones oath.
You have to promise
To cut the entrails out of anybody, to hang anybody, to strangle anybody that you're ordered to.
Any fellow Mason that lets out any secrets, you have a promise to strangle your wife with her intestines after cutting her open.
If you're ordered to do so, that's what they do, folks.
I mean, but again, the average Mason is low-level, like Davy Crockett or George Washington.
They never got into higher degrees.
They were good men.
They go after good people.
They want to suck you in.
So it's not
Again, folks, some people say it's the Masons, it's the Catholic Church.
No, it's the Jews running it.
No, it's the WASP.
Folks, it's evil people in all groups.
And these groups want to make everything racial or group-oriented so you can't criticize these organizations.
But all these big organizations, whether it's the NRA or the ACLU or the Masons or those running Israel who killed Yishak Rabin because he wouldn't follow orders,
These are the evil people.
Evil people!
Regardless of what color they are.
It's just that simple.
We've got to fight against those evil people.
Tough new tactics by U.S.
heightened grip on Iraq towns.
This is out of the New York Times.
As the guerrilla war against Iraqi insurgents intensifies, American soldiers have begun wrapping entire villages in barbed wire.
In selective cases, American soldiers are demolishing buildings thought to be used by Iraqi attackers.
See, that's Israeli tactics.
And by the way, I have an article here admitting Israel's there running all this.
They have begun imprisoning the relatives of suspected guerrillas.
Now, the Nazis did that, see?
Arresting children and women.
Oh, you're going to pay.
Because we think your husband did something wrong.
Notice, suspect.
They have begun imprisoning the relatives of suspected guerrillas in hopes of suppressing the insurgents to turn themselves in.
Folks, that is so illegal, so criminal, so bad.
The Americans embarked on their Get Tough strategy in early November, goaded by what proved to be the deadliest month yet for American forces in Iraq.
With 81 soldiers killed by hostile fire, the response they chose is beginning to echo the Israeli counterinsurgency campaign in occupied territories.
Kidnapping people's children, folks.
How can you say that's good?
So far, the new approach appears to be succeeding in diminishing the threat to American soldiers, but it appears to be coming at a cost of alienating many of the people the Americans are trying to win over.
Abu Hishma is quiet now, but he is angry too.
And, uh, it says if you have one of these cards, you can come and go.
Coaxed Lieutenant Colonel Nathan Sassman.
See, they have their national ID cards.
The battalion commander and his men oversee the village about 15 miles north of Baghdad.
If you don't have one of these cards, you can't.
The Iraqis nodded and edged their cards.
I see no difference between us and the Palestinians, he said.
We didn't expect anything like this after Saddam fell.
And our news says torture's good and they're kidnapping people's children.
We're wearing the black hats, folks!
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This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look.
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A Closer Look will air Monday through Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.
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Be there!
The plan in Iraq is to have the U.S.
go in, do the dirty work, and then have our foreign European owners take credit for coming in as the saviors.
And now Newsweek is reporting, Ginnrich speaks out against administration policy in Iraq, saying the U.S.
went off a cliff.
In an exclusive interview with Newsweek, former White House
Former House, excuse me, Speaker Newt Gingrich, a quiet confidant of Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, says the U.S.
went off a cliff in Iraq.
That's a quote in the December 15th issue on newsstands today.
Gingrich talks about the shortcomings of the Bush administration policy in Iraq, saying that Americans can't win in Iraq, only Iraqis can win in Iraq.
And Gennars is a member of the Influential Defense Policy Board, argues that the administration has taken our far too much emphasis on the military solution, and they are sliding the political element, report the National Security Correspondent John Barry and Assistant Managing Editor Evan Thomas.
And he says, while he's not speaking for the entire board, it is rare that one of the members' voices is a dissenting view in public.
The Army's reaction to Vietnam was not to think about it, he says, rather than absorb the lessons of counterinsurgency.
Genrich says, the Army adopted a deliberate strategy of amnesia because people don't want to ever do it again.
The Army rebuilt a superb fighting force for waging a conventional war.
I am very proud of what
Operation Iraqi Martial Law Franks did, I added that martial law part, up until the moment of deciding how to transfer power to the Iraqis, then we go off a cliff.
And in some of the other news here, news of bizarre deaths, Harrison crash at airport kills two Whitewater figure pilots.
Harrison, Arkansas.
This is the Associated Press.
A two-seat, single-engine beach plane crashed about a thousand feet short of the Boone County Regional Airport runway Thursday morning, killing the 72-year-old pilot John H. Haley.
Haley, a lawyer for Governor
Jim Guy Tucker, an ex-chairman of the state's prison board, with all the tainted HIV blood, I remember that, was involved in the Whitewater scandal.
Also killed was Parish Kincaid, 70, of North Little Rock, who was along on a business trip.
Boone County Sheriff Danny Hickman said Haley had a car rented at about 10 a.m.
until 1 p.m.
when he was due to fly back to Little Rock, according to Judy McCutcheon, airport manager.
In 95, a federal grand jury indicted Haley, Tucker, and Williams, J. Marks, for concocting a sham bankruptcy to avoid paying taxes on the sale of Florida cable television system in 1980s.
Haley pleaded guilty in 98 to a misdemeanor charge and paid $40,000 in restitution.
And he also cooperated with Whitewater investigators in exchange for prohibition, probation, and a fine.
State investigators later dropped efforts to disbar him.
And it goes on and on with him involving the scams with Clinton.
Another bizarre death.
We're almost out of time here.
Top Secret Advisor to four Presidents dies violently in D.C.
Gus W. Weiss, 72, Advisor to four Presidents on Top Secret Policy Matters, died violently in Washington D.C.
on November 25th, but his death was not reported by the Washington Post until December 7th.
In the obituary section of the bottom page of C-12, his hometown newspaper, the Nashville Tennessean was the only a week late in reporting his death, but at the time of the date, and all they would say was the circumstances surrounding his death could not be confirmed this night.
Reading on the news articles, it looks like, and he'd been saying he was against the Iraq War, and it looks like he was murdered.
And many are shocked by his death.
Again, I'll have to cover more of this tomorrow, or back from 9 to midnight tonight.
I'll be in Houston the 13th, this Saturday, showing Road to Tyranny, and they live from 6 to midnight at the Alamo Draft House, West Oak Shopping Center.
Be sure and visit Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com to learn more, and to get my documentary films or books, and to spread the word and fight the New World Order.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm out of time.
Thanks to all the sponsors and affiliates and listeners.
God bless you all.
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