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Name: 20031205_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 5, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Folks, the next three hours are so important.
Last night and this morning, reading news articles from around the world, I was blown away by how overt and obvious the massive tyranny and dehumanization is.
We have more mainstream news articles where the government is admitting its plans for martial law and total control.
We have another headline, Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
Bush Sr.
met with Bin Laden's brother on September 11th that morning, a development that we had missed but had been in the mainstream news for over two years.
The dollar has plunged even further.
Gold has exploded even higher right now.
Euro at new dollar high as ECB holds rates.
Howell asked for NATO help in Iraq, bringing in NATO, already signing the deal with the UN.
Dozens die in Russian train blast.
Putin's been caught doing it in the past.
He's our number one suspect.
More coming out about the fake turkey behavior and how staged Bush's entire visit was and how the reporters were kidnapped.
Now even mainstream media is starting to point this out.
Again, hidden in plain view.
Lawyer quits the terror cases after death threat.
This was Mike Vreeland's lawyer.
Mike Vreeland has disappeared and had his apartment ransacked.
I mentioned this U.S.
military, a creeping civilian mission in the sub-headline.
It seems the United States military coup of 2012 has arrived ten years early.
That's the headline of the Asia Times.
We'll be getting to that and how it ties together with American Armed Forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles we covered last week out of the LA Times.
Folks, this is just some of the news.
Also, they caught a janitor with video cameras in a girl's restroom and they've arrested him, which is good.
Why aren't they arresting all the public schools in the US and Canada and England that have them in the showers?
But see, if the school does it, it's okay.
See how amazing that is?
Absolutely amazing.
Also, when I saw this Toronto Star article headline, Girl 6 Locked in Dryer for Weeks at a Time, I knew automatically it would be CPS.
The way the headline was written, I knew that they would call it the mother, and then bury in the article that it was CPS.
Because about 90% of the time, when I hear about someone being tortured or killed in their parent's custody, the bottom of the article they will say that it was a foster parent or CPS.
And I will hear the talk show host saying we've got to add more money to CPS to stop these parents while it's CPS doing the abuse.
Five times more likely to abuse children than anyone else and that's even Time Magazine.
And I read the article and of course as always it was exactly as it normally is.
So I know what's in these articles before I read them.
That's how out of control the globalist are.
That's how a listener can call in and start reading some article that I haven't even seen.
I guess the next line
I do that every day.
You know, if it's some article pooh-poohing the Kennedy assassination with the government involved, or if it's some article saying there's no world government, or there's some article saying surveillance is good, they're all basically the same.
The same techniques, the same propaganda.
Just bottom line, folks, it is a big show lined up for you, and we have some guests as well, as I'll announce later in this hour.
You do not want to miss this show, this Friday, the 5th of December, 2003 edition of the Alex Jones Show.
The websites are InfoWars.com, that's I-N-F-O, W-A-R-S.com, and PrisonPlanet.com, as well as InfoWars.net, JonesReport.com, and VirginUtah.com.
We'll be back with a power-packed broadcast for you
For this 5th of December global transmission, please stay with us.
We'll also open phones.
Strap yourselves in.
Get ready for impact.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Again, my friends, we're 8 minutes and 27 seconds into this first hour, here in the second segment.
It is the 5th of December, 2003, on this Friday edition.
Almost every political event you watch is a completely staged theatrical situation.
And here's one from CNN with our headline.
They can't even be bothered to lie to you anymore.
Queen visits mock Nigeria village.
A lot of people have pointed out that Bush may not have even been at an Iraqi Air Force base, and that he wasn't obviously staging things with that turkey, and that's come out to be true, that it was all staged with the turkey, like Hillary was in Afghanistan at the same time with an identical looking turkey doing the same thing.
And there's more serious issues of this, instances of it.
You know, you've got Bush with the Made in America taped over at the warehouse, with the Made in China taped over at the warehouse, with Made in America spray-painted across the boxes.
We have Bush in Indiana making people take their ties off.
We have black helicopters, according to the Ordogonian, and witnesses setting fires days before Bush showed up to push for passing a law that people were not for, and then suddenly all these fires start magically so he can stand there with a backdrop of flames shooting up.
But this latest article
is out of Nigeria as leaders of her former colonies converge for a Commonwealth Summit.
Queen Elizabeth II wants to visit a mock-up Nigerian village populated by actors playing villagers coming as close to ordinary people of the country as she is likely to because of security concerns.
Now on British TV what they show, and they've been doing this for a while, is they will show the Queen walking around and they will say a dramatization at the bottom.
But it doesn't matter.
Psychologically, the image is still there and imprinted on your mind.
Like Bush with that giant 40-pound turkey, perfectly browned, and with all the relish and trimmings around it, all the fine grapes and goodies.
When the troops were really eating out of MREs, their turkey.
And the press was not told where they were going.
They had their phones taken, the batteries taken off of them.
They were told not to tell anyone where they were going once they were aboard the aircraft.
And they took them across the world, 7,000 miles, and had that staged event.
It were even to believe that!
We have an army, a military, that plants hundreds of fake letters from troops
With fake signatures, they don't even bother to have different variations of the letters they had posted.
Out of hundreds, there were two different variants.
Just form letters, signed, how much they love the war and how great things are.
Turned out that was totally fake.
We have the mobile weapons trucks, that's a lie.
The Niger document on the uranium, totally made up, falsified, not a mistake, a lie.
The mass graves, a lie.
The weapons of mass destruction,
And Bill Clinton does it, Al Gore does it, but nobody does it like George W. Bush's handlers.
And they get caught doing it on a daily basis.
People just say, oh, well, that's what they do.
Folks, the sitcoms, the dramas, it's all propaganda.
The news is laced with it.
It's everywhere.
But imagine the Queen going to
A country, and going into a mock village, when Bush went into Africa, two separate countries, they bulldozed homes, arrested thousands, put them in sports stadiums, all over the headlines of foreign countries, never in our news, bulldozing people's houses because they, quote, didn't look good on the road from the airport for Bush to see.
Think of some Roman emperor bulldozing
Parts of Greece, or Egypt, or Israel.
I mean, imagine if some history book had a Roman Emperor having homes demolished so he wouldn't have to look at them.
I mean, this stuff, if you wrote it down in a fiction book, people wouldn't believe it.
So that's the level of propaganda.
They can't even be bothered to lie to you anymore.
Queen visits mock Nigeria village.
The 72-year-old British monarch's virtual Africa tour Thursday falls on the eve of the opening of the 52nd Nation Summit with organizers
Struggling to keep sanctions against Robert Mugabe Zimbabwe from dominating the agenda and dividing Commonwealth leaders.
Elizabeth and Prince Philip, the guy that says he wants to kill 80-plus percent of you in two publications, his own book he published, folks.
Elizabeth and Prince Philip opened their two-day visit Wednesday, marking the Queen's first return to Nigeria since 1956.
And it says Elizabeth was then only four years into her reign in Nigeria.
Britain's most populous remaining colony was still four years away from independence.
And it goes into her and the mock village constructed by British Broadcasting Corporation.
The BBC constructing fake villages.
Fake turkeys.
Fake Made in America boxes.
Folks, mainstream news, black helicopters flying around, seen setting fires hours before Bush arrives.
And then the news said, look at his courage to stand near the flames.
Oh my goodness, this is unbelievable.
And that was up in Oregon earlier this year.
A few months ago, out in L.A.
and San Diego, I have the TV news and radio news reports, as well as a local news report, that admitted that most of the fires in between San Diego and L.A., where they originally started four at one time, were set during Marine Corps and Army joint training.
Just accidentally, four separate areas.
Dozens of miles from each other, just magically, these fires accidentally started.
And then I remember the fires last year in Arizona.
Marines in the hills doing a training op.
I just...
I mean, how do I even express how out of control all this is?
Bush slammed over secret Iraq trip lies, Reuters.
United States President George Bush's flight plan was falsified last week.
New highest Thanksgiving Day visit to Iraq, the White House said on Thursday.
And another example of extraordinary and divisive and deceptive steps taken in staging the battle zone trip.
Critics have said,
Said, admitted deceptions over the trip threatened Bush's credibility, which has been challenged on larger issues such as his assertions, Iraq's developing alleged weapons of mass destruction that have not been found.
Yeah, if they'll tell reporters, oh, you're just gonna have a meeting with the president, take their phones away, fly them to a foreign country, bring out a fake turkey, not let anybody eat it, and then the news says, oh, he was delivering luscious turkeys, I mean, this is ridiculous!
See, they'll lie about stuff like that.
They'll lie about the weapons of mass destruction and everything else.
On Thursday, White House spokesman Scott McClellan read the reports of a British air traffic control statement that the flight plan failed, filed for the trip, said the plane was a Gulfstream V rather than Air Force One.
Oh my goodness.
This is unbelievable.
And just look at the types of articles I have here.
Look at this.
This is a Newsmax article.
I also have a little AP blurb on this.
It should be national news.
Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
But what's the main headline on Newsmax right now?
Uncensored Harris Hilton.
Why should I care if the whore daughter of the Hilton New World Order dynasty is putting out porno tapes?
In a staged event, obviously, for publicity, just like Pamela Anderson.
We're not going to talk about Michael Jackson, and we're not going to talk about Paris Hilton.
And I've seen Newsmax shift into neocon propaganda and shift into Hollywood behavior.
And of course, their endorsement of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
And, hey, I'm sure it'll be great success for you, Newsmax.
You have it buried in there that Mexican troops kidnapped Texas family to keep your old audience, patriots, conservatives, freedom lovers, and then shift into your major story about Paris Hilton.
Jump on the porno bandwagon!
I'm sorry.
We'll talk about Dying Corp kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
Mainstream news.
We think that's more important than Michael Jackson, the obvious degenerate scumbag.
And we're not going to talk about Paris Hilton on this show.
I'm sorry.
We will talk about how your dollar's now been devalued even more.
Robbing you that you don't even know about it because the news won't make it a major issue.
Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
We'll get to that in a second.
Also, Bush Sr.
met with Bin Laden's brother on the morning of 9-11.
Everybody was meeting with the Bin Ladens.
It was quite a celebration.
Bureau at New High, dollar plunges.
Powell asks for NATO to help in Iraq.
Dozens die in Russian train blasts.
Putin's been caught blowing stuff up before.
Don't know if this is him.
I'm sure we will within a week or so.
Probably will be.
Lawyer quits terror case after death threat.
He says it came from intelligence agencies.
The U.S.
military creeping civilian mission.
Now reporting the official government document.
A strategy document about the military bringing in martial law.
I did get a copy of it.
Popular Science has a big headline about martial law.
Now it's a helpful thing.
So does Cigar Aficionado and the L.A.
Just all at once.
And now we have the memos from inside the big networks that we need to be told how good martial law is.
And CPS is torturing children to the edge of death as usual.
And then the headlines say that it's parents and families.
Then you read in for the articles at CPS.
I mean, you talk about deception, and these average people out here aren't even tuned in to the fact that there is deception.
You tell them, you better look out for deception and lies and government corruption.
How preposterous!
What are you going to tell us next, Alex?
That there's gravity on Sol?
That Earth has gravity?
Ha ha ha ha!
What next?
That humans breathe oxygen?
Ha ha ha!
Everyone knows we breathe liquid cyanide.
How ridiculous you think they breathe air?
We'll be back.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
You know, I'm sitting here in, not shock disbelief, but they're quietly announcing that they're not going to be out in public with us anymore.
John Ashcroft will call it a town hall meeting and have 200 hand-selected police and military there, and the news will report that it is a town hall and everyone loves the Patriot Act.
And he meets with the media and had a big meeting in LA and said, you know, be positive about the Patriot Act, write editorials about it, and they did do that.
Bush has staged meetings and staged events and Queen Elizabeth goes to fake villages built and they put it on the news, oh she's visiting the village and they have role players playing the part of her loyal subjects in Nigeria.
Then I think back to the thousands, I mean I've seen articles of several hundred
Urban warfare training drills in the last two weeks all over the country.
Chances are you have one in your town.
And they'll get the high school drama club to have fake intestines hanging out and arms blown off and fake blood spraying.
I've got some of this in the Road to Tyranny up in just north of Austin in Temple.
And they, the little town south of there, Belton, well it's not a little town, it's like 50,000 people,
And what do I have?
I mean, robots rolling around with shotguns, army troops walking up and asking what we're doing, two cars exploding in downtown, fire and black smoke shooting up, guys running around throwing hand grenades into cars.
The mayor gets up and goes, we've been attacked by terrorists.
And the headline of the newspaper said, Belton, it's in the film, attacked by terrorists.
And I said to the mayor at the end of it, I said, sir, this has all been a drill.
And he goes, of course it's been a drill.
But again, that was at the bottom of a two-page article that it was a drill.
But you're reading it, having the emotional response.
You see, this is what happens to an unconscious mass of people.
It creates the perception.
Your subconscious considers that there are all these terrorist attacks.
That's why they had Operation Top-Off and Top-Off 2 and Top-Off 3.
The last five years, getting you ready for this.
Training to, quote, seize control of cities.
Training for the neural connections from the central nervous system, FEMA and Homeland Security and NORTHCOM, to your local police departments.
And now it's submitted out in the open, they've been getting ready for this.
It's the same thing since Columbine.
They had it before Columbine, where the black scheme-ass police scream and cuss at the children.
They put their hands behind their heads, they load them on buses.
They take them to a local FEMA center or local prison holding facility, and covering that since 98, before Columbine, we started seeing this happen.
And I have the AP article in the Takeover, where it says that FEMA, FEMA and quote, the Secret Service, have been running a secret federal program to protect our schools.
Yeah, the program starts in 98, in 99 you have Columbine, and ooh, the son of an FBI agent founded Trenchcoat Mafia two years before.
Harris and Kleibold's parents are both.
One's a military officer, another one in a secret underground quantum mechanics nuclear base.
And these guys run the school's computers.
There's a hundred bombs inside.
The sheriff's meeting with the principal while the attack takes place.
The school was half empty.
You can put two and two together, can't you folks?
These are giant theatrical events!
They'll have a couple hundred fake ones and then a real one occasionally, and people have the perception that it's real.
That there's thousands of school shootings and thousands of terrorist attacks.
In fact, in 99 here in Austin, and this is in Road to Tyranny, they have fake bio-attacks, fake chemical attacks, shutdowns of most of downtown, and we pull up at the scene and see the role player
They're standing behind his car, shaking hands with the cops, high and tight, uh, you know, haircut.
It was a military officer, and the news had had him as a possible Arab terrorist, and are we being attacked?
And then later that night, they quietly announced, oh, it's just a drill.
I was already on the air that day going, it's a drill, it's a drill, it's a drill, it's a drill!
It's fake, it's fake, it's fake!
And then they had a fake nuclear spill, and then announced that night, okay, it was just a drill.
Then they had three attacks, where they shut down hospitals and the DPS and the rest of it, and turned out that they were going to go ahead and keep saying it was a lie, and I called ABC News here locally and I said, look,
And I bluffed them, folks.
This is war.
I rarely do this.
I asked the listeners, was this proper?
I lied to them.
I said, I got proof it's fake.
I know you're involved in it.
I'm going on air with this on TV tonight.
I've got witnesses from inside your organization.
Within an hour, ABC locally was reporting, just a drill, just a drill, just a drill.
So, you better get it straight, folks.
You're under major psychological warfare attack.
Major psychological warfare attack.
And most people aren't even conscious.
That's why you got brains of jellyfish.
You need to wake up.
We'll come back and get into the Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, Central Time, back from 9 to midnight.
It is Friday, the 5th of December, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to have open phones today.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
That's 1-800-259-9231.
You want to comment on how
Government puts on staged events, Queen Elizabeth goes to mock villages to meet with mock Nigerians, role players.
I was just mentioning all the fake chemical and biological and radiological attacks we have in Central Texas, later to be admitted to be false attacks.
If you did that or I did that, we'd go to prison.
The White House has confirmed that they ordered false terror alerts to be put out to quote, create hysteria.
If you or I did that, we'd go to jail.
They do it, they get rewarded and get more funding.
And there's so many other news items here.
There's Bush Sr.
meeting with Bin Laden Chieftain on 9-11, like everybody else was doing.
We're going to go over that with Paul Watson here in just a few minutes.
I want to cover this Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
They've bashed the brains out of FBI, killed, what is it, up to like 10 Border Patrol guards now.
They've shot a bunch of other people.
They murder countless thousands of Mexicans every year, robbing them.
They've kidnapped FBI agents.
It's like getting kidnapped by North Korea.
The government will just say you don't exist.
The FBI won't return phone calls.
Let me just tell a federal agent something.
Mexican troops can kill you
beat you do whatever they want to you and I understand I'm a terrorist because I'm against that.
I understand uh... that uh... they've uh... and literally here locally we've had Morris Dees attacking ranch rescue and uh... some folks that uh... I've been on their local TV show all they're doing is exposing the open border Morris Dees is here after them suing people that defend their ranches and call the police on illegals they're suing uh... America to put water stations in
For them, they've put out, what is it, hundreds of thousands of survival packs with compasses and water and food and maps and comic books have been found with them, given to them by the government.
A great way to get to the uneducated.
Telling them that they're part of a military operation to reconquer the Southwest.
Our government funds those comic books and textbooks and the schools.
But that's the type of stuff you find in the survival packs.
And then meanwhile, Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
As many as eight armed Mexican soldiers crossed the border near a tiny Texas Hamlin and kidnapped an American family of five last week and are still holding one of them, sources tell Newsmax.
According to law enforcement sources who spoke in condition of anonymity, the incident was reported to local authorities by family members upon their release the following day.
From there, local officials reportedly contacted the FBI.
Federal officials said they'll be looking into the incident.
And the FBI will not return calls, by the way.
The source said the Mexican unit may have been prompted to cross the U.S.
because the family of father, mother and three minors, were shooting rabbits on their property.
Well, yeah, the Marines will kill you if you're out shooting at rabbits.
Texas, which is located along the border in Preseto County.
By the way,
We've confirmed the report.
In North Carolina, a man on his own property hunting in a deer stand had British troops threaten to arrest him.
An FBI-type guy in a suit arrived and said, get out of that deer stand or you'll be arrested under the Patriot Act.
Get off your property and don't come back.
This was all done at machine gun point, by the way.
And we have hundreds of these reports.
The source said the military Mexican unit
Came across the border, a law enforcement bulletin described the incidents that the family of five was kidnapped.
That's the law enforcement bulletin.
That's good officers on the ground.
No doubt they'll probably be slaughtered by Mexican troops and nothing will be said.
Again, this is from the bulletin.
Family of five kidnapped by Mexican officials at gunpoint.
Occurred around 5 p.m.
local time November 24th.
So this has been covered up this long.
border authorities were notified the next day.
The family was taken by gunpoint by Mexican officials to Mexico.
The bulletin said, as of November 25th, four of the family members, one female and three minors, were released.
And it's just horrible, and they are Hispanic Americans.
Presidio County, Texas authorities confirmed in Newsmax the incident had been reported to the Sheriff's Department, but a spokesman said the FBI had taken over the investigation and referred questions surrounding the report to them.
An FBI spokesman in Washington, D.C.
referred Newsmax to the Bureau's El Paso, Texas office, but no one there returned calls seeking comment.
Nevertheless, the bulletin provides more specific details.
You can read the law enforcement bulletin
At Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I'll read some of that in a few minutes.
But, folks, there have been dozens and dozens and dozens of deaths of Border Patrol being machine-gunned, killed.
They find Heckler and Koch, .308 rounds in them routinely, the exact type of, the same rifling out of the Hecklers that the Mexicans are carrying.
It's been witnessed, but we at least know that around 10, they say 9, 12 different articles in the last five years have been killed by Mexican troops.
Also, Mexican troops came across from, what is it, Mexico or whatever, right across the border two years ago and grabbed two FBI agents, beat them up.
One of them is still in a coma.
They tortured him so bad.
Looked like they were trying to cut in on some of the drug operations of the Mexicans.
They're killing forest agents.
I think three forest agents have been killed in the last four or five years.
I'm trying to go back from memory.
A lot of sheriff's deputies have been killed or wounded.
There have been hundreds of cases.
Tom Tancredo's in the article saying, if you find the article, he says 118 instances where Mexican military or law enforcement had been engaging people, shooting up vehicles, you name it.
Now again,
Our government's being sued, and it's going to lose the suit on purpose, with their socialist lawyers, to put in water stations for the illegals and totally legalize them.
You go to Mexico, they'll beat you up, they'll rape your wife, they'll put you in the prison, they'll suck all the money out of your family, you will starve to death unless someone brings you food.
It is the most degenerate, corrupt country in the Western Hemisphere, with poor, pathetic slave citizens.
And we're becoming Mexico because the government wants to do it that way.
Paul Watson, thanks for holding the last five minutes while I went through that article.
You've got some other big headlines for us here, but I'd like to get your take on it.
How would the British people respond if the French were coming across and kidnapping your citizens?
Do you think it'd be a news item, or do you think it'd be ignored for a week and a half?
Well, it depends.
Obviously, as you said, that particular news item should be mainstream headlines across the board.
And, of course, we had Bush carrying on the Clinton policy of refusing to arm the border guards down there, even though they're getting shot up every week by the Mexicans.
It is totally constitutional to put tanks, helicopters, F-16s on our border, and two, and this is what we've always done in the past, kill every Mexican soldier on that border.
They have been attacking us for years.
Attack them!
You want to go to war, Washington?
Draft me to go to war against Mexico!
I'm sorry, it's in my blood.
I want to crush that country!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well then, obviously you mentioned the fact that Newsmax will bury these kind of headlines below the Paris Hilton Michael Jackson distractions.
Same thing with World Net Daily, and we see that since September 11th, they've sort of crossed over to the neocon variety of news reporting.
I mean, they'll report that Clinton had prior knowledge of 9-11, and China had prior knowledge of 9-11, but anyone who says Bush had prior knowledge is called a conspiracy theorist.
It's absolutely amazing.
You were trying to make some points about this when I jumped in with my rant.
But, I mean, we have enemy troops killing, kidnapping, attacking us.
We need to go to war against Mexico!
Mexico has announced that the Southwest belongs to them, and Washington loves it!
What's the proper response, do you think, Paul, looking at it from the outside?
Well, obviously, the kind of action that you took against Vincente Fox, where you bullhorned him again.
That got picked up by, you know, the Associated Press character picture, but apart from that, again, it's buried beneath everything else.
Well, I think that we should, you know, have our states move to request that Washington engage in a military campaign to secure our border, and any troops firing on our soldiers should be killed.
Well, yeah, and obviously when this whole reconquista thing goes down,
They'll use it as an excuse to bully and intimidate the American population rather than defending it from these Mexicans who publicly stated goals.
And this is not just the Mexican radicals, it's the actual politicians leading the country that they plan to reconquer the South.
And even Popular Science is saying they're going to send in troops to oppress American citizens regardless of what color we are to accept this break-off.
There's a bunch of towns in South Texas now flying the Mexican flag and no American flag.
You're not allowed to speak English in the court proceedings.
That's the San Antonio Express News.
Well, Ian, you mentioned the polls that say that over 80% of Hispanics want all the illegals deported.
So it's not a racial issue.
It's an issue of sovereignty and we need to do what we did back in the 1830s and 1836.
We need a real government that will defend the people.
Instead of running around attacking innocent countries and stealing their oil, this is who you go to war with, somebody attacking you.
Look, years ago they should have told Mexico, you kill one more of our border patrol and we're going to war with you, it wouldn't have happened.
But you notice when they kill FBI, Border Patrol, Sheriff's Deputies, Forest Service, nothing happens.
It's not even a news item.
It'll be a local news story.
They will not even complain to the Mexican government.
And then Forest Service agents will come arrest patriots when they're out trying to surveil and fly drones in the sky or get photos of all the illegals.
They love it.
They love being slaves.
I guess they love being killed by Mexican troops.
Well, I mean, you can look at it from the British perspective, where the Home Secretary, David Blunkett, is trying to ram through a national ID card for British citizens on the basis of the fact that it will stop illegal immigration, when under the Labour Party, illegal immigration into Britain has gone up at least tenfold.
So again, they create these problems and then punish us for the solution.
It's amazing!
You want to cover Bush Sr.
meeting with Bin Laden's brother on 9-11, which is now confirmed.
We just missed this.
So many smoking guns and red flags.
Here's one over two years old that nobody seems to know about.
London Guardian, as well as several other mainstream publications, this is admitted.
Where do you want to get into the Queen and her fake visit to Africa?
Well, we get into the... I've got two 9-1-1 updates.
Obviously, we can talk about the lawyer with regard to connections in the Mike Vreeland case.
But with the Bush Senior meeting with Bin Laden's brother, I was digging around last night and I came across this little known fact.
I mean, it completely slipped under the radar, despite the fact that we've been covering 9-11 in depth for over two years now.
Well, it's like going to a serial killer's farm and finding 100 bodies and a few years later the police find a couple more.
It's like so many dead bodies, so many smoking guns, an orgy of evidence, but here's something to add to the pile.
Go ahead.
Yeah, and it's 9-11 starts to pick up some steam again since the Ellen Mariani case, which we featured in the interview that you did with her, which is on the website.
We know already that the chief financier of the so-called hijackers, General Mahmood Ahmad, was meeting with the Bush administration officials the week before 9-11.
And he also met with Bob Graham and Paul Goss on the morning of the attacks.
They were, of course, the later heads of the 9-11 whitewash committee.
But the latest revelation is the fact that George W. Bush's father, the former president, was meeting with a former Bin Laden's brother, Shafiq Bin Laden, in the Ritz Carlton Hotel, Washington, on the morning of 9-11, and they were on Carlisle Group Business, just a few miles from where the hijackers, supposedly acting on behalf of
The London Observer reported, quote, on 11th September, while Al-Qaeda's planes slammed into the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon, the Carlisle Group hosted a conference at a Washington hotel among the guests of honour with a valued investor, Shafiq Bin Laden, brother to Osama.
This was also reported by CBC Canadian Television in their recent 9-11 documentary.
Now, debunkers have already attacked the Bush-Bin Laden family connection.
Bin Laden's brother-in-law, Bin Mahfouz, funding Bush's first oil company via James Bath.
The US government approving the flight of the Bin Laden family out of the country the day after 9-11.
But that's all admitted!
Yeah, the debunkers say...
None of this matters because Osama is the black sheep of the family and that they have disassociated themselves from him.
Yeah, every time there's a bombing in Saudi Arabia, I mean every time in the last 12 years, the Bin Ladens rebuild the building and get the contracts.
No bid contracts.
Go ahead.
And the fact that Osama is not the black sheep can be proven false not only by the fact that when Bin Laden was in the US hospital in July 2001 being visited by CIA agent Larry Mitchell, he was also being visited by known family members.
And we've also got the article out today, Swiss confirmed Bin Laden bank link, which says that the Bin Laden family opened a Swiss bank account and that Osama had a share of the money allocated to him.
So, um, whether Osama is dead or alive, and I know, um, Alex, you had the incident where someone told you that, uh, basically they had him alive and were going to announce his death right before the election.
Yeah, I died of kidney failure, and again, that comes from directly on Air Force One, you know, a lot of the Bushites are here in Austin.
This is from a high-level administration official, and I'm not going to get into any more of that.
I don't know if that's true.
I was being deliberately given this info.
I just mentioned it about, what, about a year and a half ago.
I also had an email from somebody who claimed to be high level saying the same thing, so it could be disinfo, it could be the real thing, we'll just have to wait and see.
But, um, whether he's dead or alive, the fact is that he's not a black sheep, and the family members which he remains in close contact with were not only flown out of the country, but were meeting with the President's father on the morning of September 11th.
And again, we've got the General, the Pakistani CIA Chief, wiring 100,000 to Adam, meeting at the Capitol with the House and Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman on the morning of 9-11.
We've got, you know, all of this together, it's just incredibly obvious what's going on.
And then, the second update which I wanted to get into concerns the articles out today regarding Rocco Galati, who's a lawyer in Toronto who's defending terrorist suspects.
Now, besides the fact that most of these suspects are never charged with anything, I mean, for example, we got a BBC article out today which says that only two of the 500 arrested in Britain have actually been charged with anything.
You know, it's obvious that we have to make these arrests to manufacture this perception that there are terrorists running around everywhere, so the government has a pretext to take our rights.
But, um, Galati has come out and stated that he received death threats from Canadian and U.S.
intelligence agencies telling him to drop the cases, and that's what he's done.
Now, when I was on the show last week, we had a caller who asked about what happened to Mike Vreeland.
For anyone who doesn't know, Vreeland was the former naval intelligence officer who, while in jail, passed a note to prison guards in August 2001 saying that the WTC and the Pentagon were about to be attacked and he had seen Russian government documents where it was discussed that these attacks were about to take place and of course this was on top of basically every other intelligence agency in the world saying the same thing.
Now, it turns out that, um, Galati's lawyer, a man named Paul Slansky, was also the lawyer defending Mike Rieland in 2001.
And I hear the music, so we'll, um... Yeah, we'll tell you what happened to Rieland when we get back.
It's bye-bye.
And, uh, we'll get into... Fake villages with, uh, fake role-player Africans worshipping the Queen, and they show them the news and go, oh, look, they love her!
They love her!
Folks, this surpasses 1984 in its sophistication.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, Ken in Texas, Kevin Mass, Moses in Texas, and others.
Your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Every time I get Watson on, I just want to keep him on.
Maybe he'll stay a little bit with us into the next hour, and we do have some other guests we've got lined up as well.
A bunch of other news.
Just believe me, you want to stay with us to know the full scope of the tyranny.
Paul Watson continuing.
Mike Breland, this intelligence officer, dead on the record.
The Canadians admit it.
The jail guards admit it.
Gave him this document about how there was going to be this attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon in the next few months.
It did happen in a few months.
That was in August of 2001.
I mean, I was on the air in July saying, call the White House.
Tell them not to use bin Laden to attack New York.
I mean, everybody knew about this, okay?
And whatever happened to Mr. Vreeland, now we've found out some new clues according to these articles.
A Toronto lawyer, Rocco Galati, has received death threats from what he says are intelligence agencies for defending these terrorist suspects.
And it turns out that Galati's lawyer, Paul Slansky, was also the lawyer defending Vreeland in 2001.
And the Toronto Star is reporting today, and I just posted the article on Prison Planet about half an hour ago, it's right at the top of the page right now,
And Toronto Star's reporting that although Slansky himself won't confirm it either way, the voice that threatened to kill Gallarte is also the same voice that threatened to disappear Mike Vreeland if he didn't shut up about government prior knowledge and involvement in 9-11.
And the Toronto Star confirms that Vreeland has in fact disappeared and that his apartment was ransacked and the evidence
Related to the 9-11 claims was stolen.
The article actually states, quote, did Vreeland skip town?
Slansky argued no.
He said he believed his client had been killed, kidnapped or harmed because he had evidence that the US government knew ahead of time about the September 11 attacks.
So we have the same voices threatening people to shut up about September 11th, and the investigations arising out of it in both cases, both according to these respective lawyers, came from US and Canadian intelligence agencies.
Paul, stay right there.
We're about to come back in the second hour, and you can ride shotgun with us if you'd like, another 30 minutes.
Get your insight, we'll talk to all these callers.
Toll free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
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Second hour straight ahead.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks, it is Friday.
The 5th of December 2003, we've got one of our regular contributors, the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com and author Paul Watson riding shotgun with us.
Just talking about Bush Sr.
meeting with the Bin Ladens on 9-11.
This has been mainstream news, but no one had mentioned it.
We had missed it.
But the London Guardian and CBC articles are now posted on PrisonPlanet.com.
Also, there's been some new 9-11 developments.
We'll go back over those.
Also, more details of Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
The Feds will do absolutely nothing to stop this.
This has been going on since November 24th, and we're just now learning about that.
Euro at new highs as the dollar plunges further and gold surges.
And an incredible article out of the Asia Times about
Pentagon documents about martial law and how this ties into all the other articles about martial law and a dozen die in Russian train blasts.
There's a bunch of other news, too.
This is a jam-packed show today, ladies and gentlemen.
We're about to go to your calls.
In fact, we're going to do that right now.
Let's go to Ken in Texas, then Kevin and Moses and others.
Ken, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for picking my call, Alex.
Jesus Christ of Galilee called Herod a fox.
And Abraham Foxman of the Jewish ADL, he's a fox.
And Vicente Fox of Mexico, he's a fox also.
So I guess the moral of the story is never trust a fox.
By the way, I did see two turkeys on Thanksgiving.
One was on the table and one was grandstanding.
And I'll tell you this much, I enjoyed the one on the table much better.
Well, I mean, here's my point.
If he'd lie about that turkey, lie about where he was taking the reporters, don't lie about anything, just like the Queen with her fake Nigeria village that they built for her to act like the people like her, complete with actors.
It's staged, folks, and it's right out in the open.
Paul Watson comments about why the fake turkey behavior with Hillary and Bush, they're both doing it, is so important.
Well, I saw a cartoon actually which was quite funny where Bush was holding the turkey and the speech bubble said, the difference between me and you, and he was talking to the soldiers, is that I'd take this flak jacket off and go home.
Fact is that, yeah, these things have been staged for not just photo ops.
I mean, Shakespeare said that all the world is a stage and the thing with the Queen was this meeting was staged on a set of a soap opera in Nigeria with the actors already there and they actually bussed in.
And by the way, we're now getting more news on this.
It was shown on African TV as if it was real.
They showed it on British, and then later, after everyone had seen it, oh, it was a stage.
I mean, that's incredible, Paul.
Yeah, and the actual quote out of the Telegraph article today says, as her official car neared the compound, a loud speaker sounded out, market traders, please take your positions.
Drummers, thank you.
And so the whole thing was
Yeah, one more thing.
This blue-collar white male right here was looking for a job the other day and I happened to look in a newspaper
And the article was anti-Semitism in Europe is an alarming virus.
They use the word virus like if it's a sickness.
And the article is anti-white male and anti-Arab male.
And it seems like in this Judeo-New World order, it's the white male and the Arab male is the negative force in the world.
And it's them two that would like them to fight each other so they can have supremacy.
Well, I appreciate the call.
I think it's, you know, it's bigger.
The globalists play every group against each other.
I mean, if it's Africa, they play black tribe against black tribe.
If it's England, they play, you know, Catholic against Protestant, Protestant against Catholic.
But, I mean, certainly, I mean, they're creating divisions every which way.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
That's right, 8 minutes and 10 seconds into this second hour of global transmission.
It is the 5th of December, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones.
A toll-free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
We're about to go to Kevin and Moses and others that are patiently holding.
And then coming up, just a shotgun plethora of cornucopia of incredible news.
We're riding shotgun is our contributor, Paul Watson from the United Kingdom.
In fact, let's go to Kevin in mass right now.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I'm up here near Boston, and in local locality news, current news story is Boston snowplow operators are refusing to sign the new contract because it's trying to force them to carry phones with a GPS tracking system.
You know, we gotta know where our
No plow operators.
They make, in Austin, they have GPS, dozens of cameras, face scanning per bus, and with them pointing out of the bus is roving cameras.
They're making police do it in many areas of the country.
Then when the enforcers have to do it, well then, they won't have a problem making us do it.
And that's the point police and others need to know.
You, government workers, are always going to enjoy more of the tyranny than we are.
Go ahead.
I agree.
On a more dire note, on the future that I'm reading and hearing confirmed somewhat here, is that after this 6th election, where they've got their governors in charge in New York, and in Florida, and Arnold, and California... Their touchscreen systems in place.
After that happens, there's going to be another larger fake attack on American citizens again.
Probably, maybe bio, it looks like.
Then they can bring in the martial law, like they predicted in the Cigar Aficionado with Tommy Franks, and elsewhere.
Then we can have conscription, because simultaneously, as they've written back, they're going to simultaneously attack Syria, Iran, and North Korea.
And how do they keep China out of it?
Well, they'll let China take over Taiwan.
It'll be just like with the Soviet Union, where they grab Eastern Europe and the globalists on this side grab other areas of the globe.
I couldn't disagree with you.
That looks like the battle plan right now.
We can stop them by exposing it.
Paul Watson comments.
GPS tracking systems.
I mean, you can go and look at the European Commission's own public documents, and that's the executive arm of the EU, where they state that the GPS tracking device is going to be initiated pan-Europe wide, and then it's going to be
Rolled over into a global system, and they're publicly proposing that at the moment.
And they're publicly.
Four years ago I had the federal documents, now major states are announcing a federal plan that shares local, state, and federal with the international bodies.
All the new cars for the last six, seven years, no, eight years, have GPS tracker plug-ins in them for the $25 unit.
We're on the edge of this happening.
How many years have I warned you?
Now you've seen it in the newspaper.
Well, I was hoping I could quote or at least try to paraphrase the assassinated patriot William Cooper.
I heard on a 1993 interview in response to a question of the radio interviewer that was on with him, you know, aren't you afraid to speak out if what you say is true?
Now, mind you, this man has already lost a leg in a car crash caused by being run off the road in an attempt on his life.
And he said, he answered,
Why don't you ask if the soldiers dying in the Gulf War, and that was Gulf War I, are afraid?
No, I'll face death in defense of freedom.
Well, I mean, William Cooper was a highly decorated gunboat captain fighting the Vietnamese commies, so he wasn't a coward.
And people say to me, aren't you worried?
And frankly, folks, I have no doubt I'm going to be killed by him.
It could be next week, it could be five years from now.
I mean, it's an honor.
To fight against tyranny?
To stand up against pure evil?
I mean, I wouldn't go fight in Iraq because that's a joke.
That's a fraud for them.
But to defend my country and my family, it's not a question.
Again, I use this analogy.
If across the street, you know, five thugs with knives and guns were attacking an old lady, I know, if I didn't even have weapons, I would go up and try to disarm one and kill the others.
I would fight them.
My instinct is to fight thugs and fight scum.
And, you know, that's how men were in the past, folks.
Our forefathers had incredible courage, whether it was on sailing ships or
You know, in far away lands, regardless of what color we are, men were men, women were women.
You know, this is how it operated.
I am not a castrated coward!
And I know I could end up in the Ministry of Love someday with an O'Brien hanging over me.
And you know, they may be able to torture me enough to where I cry and say I love Big Brother.
But the point is, I stood up and I fought, and we have this freedom, we have this bounty, we have this liberty, because countless, hundreds of thousands and millions of people died in defense of humanity.
And I'm part of that stream of history.
And I'm part of that, like the old Norse saying says,
Cattle die, and kinsmen die, and so one will die oneself.
There's one thing I know that never dies, and that's the fame of a dead man's deeds.
Paul Watson comments to that.
Well, I mean, it's like this Canadian lawyer that we've been talking about.
He received death threats.
What's the first thing he did?
He came out and gave a public conference saying, I've been receiving death threats.
That gives him a layer of protection immediately.
So, I mean, that's the best way to go about it.
If the Lord and Jesus Christ is with you, who can be against you?
And we may go down, but
You know, you've got to ask the listeners, in these times of peril, will you deny Christ, or will you give thanks for the all-powerful living spirit of the one true God that we have the knowledge of what's going on to be able to stand up and to praise Him in their time?
It's their time that's coming to an end.
Well, amen to that, and thanks for the call.
Before we go to Moses, let me just say one more point on this.
When everybody cowers like jellyfish, you ensure maximum tyranny, maximum oppression and repression.
When a cadre of people stand up and say, no, we're not going along with it, that holds it back.
That resists it.
And so it's better for all of us.
And I have an ingrained duty to defend the weak.
I have an ingrained duty to stand up against this.
You know, I'll tell you right now what Paul said's right.
When you speak out, when you're up front, when you resist the globalists, they are more apt not to kill you.
Plus, they're busy killing so many people in other countries right now, taking over 160 countries, that they don't even have the forces to do it.
It's easy to get their killers, their general killer, to go out and kill, you know, foreigners, and just say, oh, this guy's a terrorist.
It's harder for them.
They've got a smaller cadre of killers that'll
Kill anybody.
But it's not hard to fight the globalists when you realize that their favorite group against all the big defense contracts for security overseas, DynCorp, has been caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
We're fighting people that kidnap children, folks!
Now, if you won't stand up against kidnappers and murderers of children, who ship them into horrible death and control, into nightmares you can't imagine, if you won't stand up for those little ones, you aren't even a human being!
You are a wicked piece of trash!
A cowardly piece of filth!
And for the yuppies out there that make excuses and deny what I'm saying, and want to block this out, you know, you're the worst type of trash.
Paul Watson comments.
Well, talking about standing up, I mean, we can take the Winston Churchill quote, which, I mean, you've mentioned many times.
If you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly, you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance for survival.
There may even be a worse case.
You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves, and that's exactly what we're trying to underline here.
And we're at the point of precariousness right now.
And if it goes into absolute annihilation, where we don't have a chance, I'm not going... I will bite their ankles on the way down.
I mean, it's that simple.
Moses in Texas.
Moses, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Hey, brothers.
You know, that commercial you have, when George Herbert Walker Bush, Poppy Bush, when he announced September 11, 1990 to the Congress, a new world order can emerge as soon as
Clinton sets up the framework and my son inherits it and leads the glorious march to the empire of death, to Armageddon.
See, these guys, their weapons are carnal, like this General Boykin, this guy prancing around in his outfit in the churches saying, we're going to kill for Jesus.
By the way, he has, I guess, been doing some killing.
He ran the Waco operation, and he says, he says that George Bush is a, he said this, is a prophet of Jesus Christ, and that Christ is speaking through them, and at that same church, Bush had King of Kings, Lord of Lords behind him with no cross, no Jesus, no nothing, and again, another photo op, and they're saying Bush is basically God's
God's creature!
Yep, total deception.
Hey, I've got two articles for you.
One I can't find, it's from this week from the San Antonio paper about the Canadian, the guy who emigrated to Canada, the top Iraqi nuclear scientist, that he wrote that book, it's just out a few days ago, about, he's the one that came out before the war started across the Euphrates, you know, Revelation 16, God says,
Before you go to Armageddon, I'm going to lose the Four Angels, the Quartet, which is Peace Plan to the Armageddon.
God's going to lose them at the River Euphrates.
But anyways, this Canadian, this guy, this Iraqi scientist, it was in the paper about how the whole thing was a fraud and how Bush lied and everything.
But I've got the paper here from November 17th, the San Antonio paper, Inmates Watch for Terror Ties, Dateline Austin.
It says that Texan prison officials are monitoring inmates.
At the prisons, it says, uh, they took a secretive, uh, program, grew out of a videotape that they did out of this, uh, out of California, this, uh, message to the oppressor, this, uh, imam, so-and-so, because, listen to this, because he suggested that Al-Qaeda terrorists were not responsible for the September 11, 2000 terrorist attacks, and instead blamed the Illuminati, ooh, skull and bones, international bankers, Zionism, they're, it's all of them, they're, they're, Sharon's an atheist, like Bush,
Fascism, imperialism, even the military-industrial complex, the American state, are reported.
This is a war against Islam and Muslims, he said, of the U.S.
response after the attacks.
Prison officials seized the tape after a Muslim coordinator questioned its political content and alerted the warden.
We know that inmates are particularly vulnerable to recruitment by terrorists, and we must guard against the spread of terrorism and extremist ideologies.
Notice they link terrorism
With ideologies.
Thanks for the call.
Truth is our weapon.
Gotta let you go.
We gotta go to a break now.
Thank you.
We'll be back and we'll take more calls and get into more news.
More on Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, I want to shift gears, shift gears back into news here.
For about 15 minutes or so, then we'll go back to your calls.
If you have any questions or comments, we'll get to those that are holding or those who would like to call in on this live Friday edition, 1-800-259-9231.
Paul Watson is my webmaster at PrisonPlanet.com.
He writes a lot of original analysis and news articles and is the author of Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and The New World Order.
I want to get your take on some of the articles that we've mentioned but that we have not yet detailed here today.
We've talked a lot about this.
I remember two years ago predicting that gold would be above 400.
I remember predicting that when the euro came out within a year, it would surpass the dollar to about 1.15.
I was wrong.
It's gone to about 1.23 now, even above that.
Euro at new dollar high as ECB holds rates, Financial Times of London.
The euro hit another new lifetime high against the U.S.
dollar on Thursday, after the European Central Bank left interest rates on hold, apparently trugging aside rising concerns about the impact of the currency's strength on the eurozone's recovery prospects, because they say it's going to destroy the U.S.
But our news says it's great.
The ECB's decision was widely expected by the markets, despite the Euro's rise, after senior European bankers this week suggested a change in policy was very unlikely.
Gold's been at about $403, $404.
In fact, Mark, look that up for me and tell me, if you will, what gold's at right now.
Following the decision, the Euro hit its fifth lifetime high, as in many days, and Paul Watson comments about this situation.
Well, we've got live markets on PrisonPlanet.com right now.
Gold's listed at $405.2.
Now it's at $405.2!
Well, let me see.
My gold's just gone up in value on a $300 coin I bought.
Now I'll get $405.
And we've kind of got two factions going on with this Euro-dollar battle.
Obviously, one of the major reasons for the invasion of Iraq was the fact that
Saddam Hussein chose to exchange dollars for euros in the same case as with Venezuela, which is why the CIA tried to overthrow Chavez.
By the way, Greg Powell said four days before the coup that there's about to be a coup and then they tried the coup.
Remember that?
Yeah, and then on the flip side of the coin we got
Um, this article saw us speculating against the dollar, along with Warren Buffett.
So I mean, speculating against the dollar isn't a forecast, because he pulls the strings, basically.
That means that there is going to be a crash, because he's right at the top of the ladder.
He's the head on the hydra, so... Gonna be a crash?
The euro, a year and a half ago, was at 90 cents to the dollar.
Now it's over 122.
Look, people don't know because they're going, economic numbers are great.
They're using the factory numbers from U.S.
factories overseas saying we've got an increased factory output.
It's total smoke and mirrors.
Brian, you were talking about earlier this week, the fact that everyone's running around saying that the stock market's going up, while the dollar's being devalued, so it takes more dollars to buy stock, so again, that whole thing is staged.
So let me see, the dollar's down by 30 plus percent, the stock market's up by 6 percent.
What's that mean, Paul?
Well, it means obviously that this thing, I mean,
People say, oh, we're in the middle of a recovery.
Well, you just take the long-term perspective, follow the line, which, you know, from two, three years ago, and it's a complete downturn.
Well, I know at all the shopping centers around here, strip malls, restaurants, you couldn't find a parking space two, three years ago.
Now, you walk into a store, it's a ghost town.
And I'm not trying to be negative, folks.
Look, all we had left was the fiat currency.
That's what we could buy all the slave goods.
We have the world money that people accepted.
And when it's fiat, it can lose value overnight.
And now we're losing that, and it's horrible.
It's terrible for our economy.
The little bit of money I've got in the bank, cash money, has gone down in value by 30%.
And, oops, the gold I've got has gone up by over 30%, so the exact equation we discussed has now happened.
You know what, though?
Gold may go down next week or next month, but I'm not dumping my gold, Paul.
What do you think of that decision?
Well, it's a good decision, and we also have to remember that part of this stage of economic collapse is to eventually completely obliterate the dollar, to be merged into this world currency, which, of course,
It's basically halfway completed with the Euro, so that's another agenda, that they will create this Pan-American Union currency.
With the Amaro dollar.
Oh, and people will laugh at us until they issue it in three years.
Well, it's like people were laughing at us for saying that the money was about to change color when the Federal Reserve had the press release on their own website two years, stating that that would happen, and then it comes out in the news.
We've got other news when we get back.
I want to talk about what CPS is up to.
The latest bombing in Moscow.
A lot of key stuff.
You do not want to miss it.
Ear calls and a lot more straight ahead.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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And of course the website is InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We're going to go to your calls here in a few minutes.
Folks, we've got to cover some more of this news.
But I do want to tell first-time callers or people that disagree with me, I've been getting really good at not yelling at folks that disagree.
I've actually, if you disagree with something I've said, or you know, I'm not right-wing enough, or I'm not, you know, you don't agree with about the future of the New World Order.
Or if you agree or you have a question or a comment or a question about PrisonPlanet.com, Paul Watson can answer that.
Questions about 9-11, any of these issues, the Mexican troops kidnapping American citizens, coming over into our country and doing it, and the FBI doing nothing.
These are just some of the issues we're discussing.
Now, there's a lot of different key news here I want to cover, but Watson, let me get your take on this stuff.
Powell asked for NATO help in Iraq.
Now, we know they've already said they're going to bring in NATO in the U.N.
Harvey Arcelano said that.
So this is, we said this before the war, the good cop, bad cop stuff.
We're the bad guys, they come in as the saviors.
Reuters reports Secretary of State Colin Powell urged NATO to take a more prominent role in post-war Iraq on Thursday, days after a dozen people allied to the United States were killed in attacks throughout the country.
Paul's call came for help as the bodies of two Japanese diplomats killed last weekend while on their way to a reconstruction conference in Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit arrived in Japan for burial.
Also continuing, BBC.
Let's get your comment on that, Paul.
Well, I mean, one of the reasons why they're having to bring NATO and the UN is the fact
The soldiers over there in Iraq are complaining bitterly about the fact that, I mean, basically, they don't know when they're coming home.
Some have said, you know, June next year.
Some are speculating.
And they told them, we promise you, once we get to Baghdad, you get to go home.
Yeah, now, I mean, top officials are saying that they could be there for ten years or more.
And this comes on the back of, I mean, we talked about the news memos earlier this week, where
It was speculated that there was going to be some sort of a troop mutiny around Christmas and again we've pre-empted the news because yesterday the article came out of Kyodo which is Japan's official news agency
And it said, quote, 1,700 U.S.
soldiers have deserted their posts in Iraq, with many of them failing to return to military duty after getting permission to go back to the United States.
And I found Japanese reports to be very accurate compared to our media.
Also, a French magazine is saying that.
Yeah, it's a sighting a senior French official posted in Washington.
The magazine also said that 7,000 US soldiers have left Iraq allegedly due to psychological troubles and other illnesses.
So if this develops we could see some kind of larger mutinies.
It's another example of how essentially we're ahead of the news reporting it because we talked about this on Tuesday and now it's happening.
And there's a new news memo leaked out we covered two days ago
And very accurate in the past, saying that the news media says the government is making preparations for martial law and to create reports about it, desensitizing us to how wonderful it is.
Yeah, that's obviously on the back of the Tommy Frank's public statements in Cigar Aficionado.
The fact that they're getting ready to stage an attack.
It said the pro-Bush terrorist faction would stage an attack after the election and then this might...
They've been discussing in depth what's coming to full force.
All right, here's another one.
Dozens die in Russian train blast.
An explosion has ripped through a crowded commuter train near Chechnya in Russia, killing at least 36 people.
Blast derailed the train full of students and workers between the towns of, not going to try to pronounce it, Vody and...
I posted a link to the assassination of Russia video which we got posted on PrisonPlanet.com and in September 1999 and basically the month following that
I don't
Real explosives.
And they were caught but allowed to leave the country by... Moscow police caught them.
FSB members have gone public about this.
And we've got... Don't we have a whole section on Prison Planet about that?
All mainstream news articles?
Yeah, there's a section in the 9-11 archive.
It's, you know, examples of the Hegelian dialectic.
So there's a bunch of articles in that section as well.
Not anyone
I think.
Also, the U.S.
military, a creeping civilian mission out of the Asia Times, this on the heels of the L.A.
American armed forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles, L.A.
Times, with General Eberhardt, the head of NORTHCOM, admitting all this for our safety, of course.
Here's the new article, Asia Times.
It seems the United States military coup of 2012 has arrived ten years early.
Well, okay, not the full-fledged classic coup, but a general on a horseback, but as they say, close enough for government work.
First, more about the coup in 92.
A then little-known deputy staff judge advocate, Lt.
by the name of Charles J. Dunlap, Jr.
published an article titled, The Origins of the American Military Coup of 2012.
Number one in the U.S.
Army War College's military journal, Parameters, and a plot that was a cross between Arthur Koestler's Darkness at Noon and the movie The Siege.
He depicted an America in which a military coup had taken place in the year 2012.
General Thomas E. Brutus, commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces of the United States, occupies the White House.
Yes, sir.
Diversion of military forces to civilian use, the monolithic unification of the armed forces, and the system of military community, and the insularity of the military community.
While Dunlap, now Brigadier General of the Air Combat Command, has not weighed in on this recently, the last two trends have been evident for many years.
The Goldwater-Nichols reforms passed by Congress in the 80s greatly strengthened
Jointness among the traditionally separate armed forces and increasingly conservative and Republican nature of the armed forces.
That's not true.
It's NEOCON, which is well documented by journalists and academics.
It's a long article.
It gets into getting rid of posse comitatus and the urban warfare training and the counter-drug operations and Paul comments.
Well yeah, I mean that's the major way that it's been shifted in by the so-called war on drugs.
We had the article last December, I think it was.
I don't
So, on top of that we've got pilotless planes, drones, the military, Global Hawk, flying routinely in civilian airspace is what the New Scientist article told us.
We've got US and Canadian troops joining together in PACS in case of emergency, according to the BBC.
And then we've got, I mean, even up in Scotland we had Ukrainian NATO troops setting up checkpoints out there.
All these different facets being rolled into this military occupation.
Let's talk to Ethan in California.
Ethan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey Alex, how you doing today?
Come on, do me a favor and turn your radio or whatever that is off.
Oh, I apologize.
Sorry, my speaker's off.
Come on, hold.
Or he may have a speakerphone on or something.
It's kind of incoherent.
We'll go back to Ethan now.
Ethan, do you have it fixed?
Oh, he disconnected himself.
Well, we'll go to calls here in a few minutes, but I do have to tell folks that
Just when you call in, turn your radio off.
Or he may have had a bad phone.
If you can get back in, Ethan, we'll go to you first.
Yeah, I mean, look, Paul, how you just threw out that article out of the BBC.
It was also in the Scotsman.
A few months ago, families in rural northern Scotland have foreign East Bloc troops jerking them out of their cars, shoving them around.
And this is happening here, this has happened here hundreds of times.
And it's all getting us prepared for it.
Did we ever find out what developed out of that in Scotland?
No, basically there were a few complaints and there was an apology made and basically that was the end of it.
But I mean, there was also a report on these situations in the past where we have
Military training exercises where the police believe that, you know, it's a real situation and not some kind of scripted setup.
And they go in and try to apprehend these people.
Police officers have been shot and killed in the past trying to stop these things going on, thinking that they were real events when in fact they were just military drills to desensitize people.
So we've got people dying for this sort of thing all over the
Yeah, we've had police, we've had troops die, we've had them in 98, fire bullets into a Miami restaurant, Delta 4s, blow up buildings in 99 all over South Texas, terrorizing people, Czech Republic troops running around screaming.
There's video of this in Police State 2000, and police chiefs speaking out, sheriffs speaking out, police chiefs admitting foreign troops, video of it happening.
But again, we're weirdos, Paul, for talking about it, because they told us through social taboos that black helicopter is a code word for insanity.
Well, yeah, I mean, that's the major line that anyone who talks about New World Order is a terrorist.
We had the Harvard Symposium a few months ago which said the very same thing, and then we've got, obviously, as we've talked about, all these movies and sitcoms which portray gun owners and people who are fighting the government, fighting a world government as
Terrorists, and we've had that in Threat Matrix, and 24, and all these other shows.
And then all these new video games, Deus Ex, and the rest of it.
Cliff in Colorado.
Cliff, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, Alex.
One thing we can learn is from history, and what Hitler did in the 30s, besides set up martial law and gun confiscation, along with the gossip laws of 1936.
One thing he did was called Operation Can Opener.
And when he invaded Poland, the German citizenry did not appreciate him going into Poland, and they put up massive protests.
Well, what he did is he took political prisoners from concentration camps, drugged them, dressed them up in German uniforms, and put them up in, like, radio stations or small businesses or farms and ranches, and then he'd have his SS men dress up as Polish
I mean, this is even on the Discovery and History Channel, but let me give you what actually happened, okay?
And there were many events of this, but two days before they invaded, they went into a real German radio station, radio post, killed all the members of it, and then put that on the news.
So I don't know, Operation Can Opener?
I'm not sure on the particulars.
Maybe Paul can enlighten me if I'm off target on this.
Well, I'm not sure about that particular one, but I know we've got articles which came out recently which talked about how the U.S.
raid operations in Iraq were being named after Nazi operations.
Operation Iron Hammer.
I've got a Reuters article which says the U.S.
military's code name for a crackdown on resistance in Iraq was also used by the Nazis for an aborted operation to damage the Soviet power grid during World War II.
So, they're taking all these
I guess my point was, I was just reiterating what you were saying about what was happening in Chechnya, that the Germans used their own police to kill innocent German civilians, and then used their prisoners.
We didn't hang up on you.
Your phone got disconnected, Cliff.
Oh, no, you had call waiting.
When someone calls you, it does that blip out thing.
Go ahead and finish up.
Okay, we'll let Cliff go.
He's getting calls and they're clicking in on him.
Let's go to Michelle in Rhode Island.
Michelle, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
Hey, Paul.
You do a great job on the website, Paul.
I love it and I learn a lot from it.
Thank you very much.
Um, just a small example of the police state.
On the news last night, there's a community near Providence called Central Falls.
It's kind of a bad, poor side of town.
And I guess there was a man who had a dispute with his neighbor and he was running around with a gun and they were trying to find him.
And they put people out of their homes last night, and it's down below freezing here this time of year.
Yeah, they never did that before, but now if somebody sees a gun, they'll evacuate a whole neighborhood.
Or if NATO's coming to Colorado Springs, they'll evacuate whole neighborhoods.
On the news last night, they had this SWAT team going into people's homes, and the lady said, they came into my home and put me out on the street.
Now, how are people safer on the street than in their homes?
In the freezing cold.
Well look, they give them these policies to train us that there's no Fourth Amendment, that they can do whatever they want to us whenever they want.
Well what should I do Alex?
Should I go down to the police station and give them the...
I would do that.
I would get my videos and make copies of them and give it to them.
I would go speak before the City Council and say you better change this policy.
This is wrong.
You know, we're opposing the Patriot Act.
Everything's this emergency society now.
For any reason, we have to leave our homes and go to the emergency relocation centers.
The children are loaded on buses and drills and taken to the emergency relocation center.
They're drug tested.
There's cameras everywhere in the bathrooms.
Well, everybody needs to be serious about this and speak up about it.
And anybody who sees this in their community needs to speak up about it and educate their police and their sheriff's department.
Thank you, Alex, and God bless you.
Hey, thank you.
Good to hear from you, Michelle.
Another call from Rhode Island.
Mark in Rhode Island, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, thank you, Alex.
And Paul, how are you guys doing today?
Well, we're doing pretty good.
We're here fighting the globalists.
We do certainly appreciate that, Alex.
Alex, a couple of things, just a couple of instances of media brainwash that kind of just stick in my mind.
I'd like to bring one up, and I'm sure you guys remember this, but it was a little after 9-11, I can't remember exactly what time, but maybe a few days, when they had the big rubble in New York City, and President Bush came there, and he was walking among the rubble, and all the guys were around there, the firemen, the policemen.
And he was saying, the people that knock these buildings down, we're gonna knock them down.
Yeah, they're gonna hear from us, and then you see this group mentality, you know, all
You know, big macho, you know, macho, you know, we're gonna get him, you know, that attitude.
And there they are with the person that did it.
And I still think of that, you know, that image, how that played and I think back to it.
You know, it just continues in so many ways.
Then I can think back of
Uh, a radio station.
Um, I can't remember the neocon guy who it was, but... Hey, let's stay there, Mark, and then we'll go to Joel and Spencer, and then we're gonna end our interview with Paul Watson.
I really appreciate riding shotgun with us.
We got one more segment with him.
Then in the third hour, a ton of other news items and key info we haven't even gotten to yet.
Believe me, I've only gotten halfway through the stack.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCM Radio Network.
Hey Martha, what's this show about?
Well, it's about waging war on corruption.
That's the answer, folks.
Third hour's gonna be totally jam-packed.
Got a bunch of callers here.
We'll get to everybody.
Before we go back to Mark and Joel and others here in the final segment of this hour, and then to Spencer and others, I want to remind the listeners that I am going to be in Houston, Texas next Saturday.
Not tomorrow, but next Saturday.
About seven and a half days from now.
I'll be there at 6 p.m.
at the Alamo Draft House Movie Theater at West Oaks Shopping Center in West Houston.
The details are at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I'm going to give a 30-minute speech.
We're going to show 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Then I'm going to take questions for about 15 minutes.
Then we're going to have a brief recess, uh, intermission, I believe they call it, and we're going to show They Live, John Carpenter's They Live.
Believe me, you want to see this movie.
A great place to network.
A lot of wonderful folks.
I'll be there with my books and videos and Paul's book and all the great stuff as well.
And so I hope to see you in Houston, Texas next Saturday, seven and a half days from now.
TheTales at InfoWars.com.
The Alamo Draft House, the West Oak Shopping Center in Houston, Texas.
Also, I've made 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
These are powerful videos.
You need to have them.
I authorize you to make copies of them.
I want you to get them and force multiply the info.
The majority of those that see the videos are waking up.
We have a tool that will unlock people's minds.
Get them.
Make copies.
And give the copies as gifts this Christmas season.
Just get it out to people.
It's so important.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com to order the books, the videos, all the great stuff online.
And get a great book.
Get Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson.
Because, number one, it's a great book.
Number two, it supports Paul's work with PrisonPlanet.com as my webmaster.
So take action!
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Mark in Rhode Island, go ahead and finish up your comments.
Hey Alex, I was going back to a little bit more mass media manipulation and control.
When Attorney General Ashcroft there, when he was nominated for Attorney General, and he was running and the push was on to get him in there.
I remember I was listening to a show, and I can't remember the guy's name, but he used a song from the late 50s, that song Johnny Angel, do you remember that song?
Uh, no.
It's an old song, Johnny.
It was sung by a woman.
It was a big popular song.
They basically took the words out of that song and basically superimposed
Johnny Ashcroft, how I love him, da da da, and he goes, Attorney General for me, and he would play it over and over.
And I'm thinking to myself, you know, this is incredible.
And they were talking about how he was a Christian conservative, we gotta get him in there, and I went, wait a minute, he's tried to pass all this draconian legislation in the past, he's a phony, he's part of that weird brotherhood group, it's a complete fraud, thanks for the call.
Paul Watson, we're going to break and come back with calls the next hour.
You're going to leave us here, but Joel and Spencer and everybody will get to you.
Paul, any final comments here in the 60 seconds we've got left?
Just about the book.
I hope people do get the book because we've had a lot of stuff coming out recently about astronomical events like the sunspot activity and all this sort of thing.
In the book, I actually get into the fact that not only is the UFO movement funded by the elite, but this whole intergalactic threat by way of asteroids, etc., is funded.
I mean, we've got Steven Spielberg, a public Bilderberg member, who attended the 1999 meeting in Sintra, Portugal.
I talk about the public evidence of how he was involved in secret briefings at US Air Force bases, and they told him
And that's even come out on PBS that they've had this working group trying to get the media to create fear.
Good point.
Paul, thanks for coming on the show.
The book is Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
$19.95 for one copy, your second copy $11.95.
Alright, third hour, straight ahead.
You don't want to miss it.
Your calls and then the news.
We'll be back.
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, it is Friday, the 5th of December, 2003.
We're in the third hour of this Friday edition.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight.
We wage war on corruption.
We resist and expose tyranny.
We defend, to the hilt, liberty.
Coming up in this hour, I'm going to recap some of the top stories, get into more detail that I have not covered properly yet.
Mexican troops kidnap Texas family.
The feds are doing nothing.
Dozens die in Russian train blast.
Lawyer quits terror case after death threats, he says, from the government.
American Armed Forces moving more and more towards martial law.
Asia Times, LA Times, Cigar Aficionado, the newest is Asia Times.
Very scary stuff here.
Also, Girl 6 locked in dryer for weeks at a time.
And the article acts like it was the parents doing it, but it turns out it's CPS as usual.
We'll talk about these monsters and what they're up to.
Also, females secretly videotaped in a school restroom, and they are criminally going after the suspect, the janitor.
But here's the twist.
Simultaneously, I posted mainstream news articles from ABC and other places, where they're putting video cameras in the girls' showers, officially, and the school says there's nothing wrong with it.
So, they do it, and the news says, oh, it's a good idea.
I had a Canadian newspaper where they're doing it all over that country last week.
They say it's a good idea.
But if somebody else does it, you're a pervert.
You're all a bunch of perverts!
This is incredible, folks.
Let's go to Joel in Illinois, then Spencer and Mark and Jeremy and others.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Joel.
Hi, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
Been listening to you for quite a while.
I'll be honest with you, when I first started listening to your program, I thought you were nuts.
I apologize for saying that.
Well, the Alex Jones of eight years ago would have heard this show.
I'd have thought he was nuts.
But the Alex Jones of today just goes off the facts.
That's it.
And I'll be very brief.
I've heard you talk about the war in Iraq and the U.N.
and how it's supposed to boost the U.N.
I've got the December issue of the New American here.
I'm a member of the John Birch Society.
And page five.
It's an article saying how he stated himself that the Iraq War saved the U.N.
So, if anybody doubts what you're saying, I'll just refer them to that.
Yeah, I said before the war, before the war, we're going to go in, we're going to do oppressive things, we're going to pull out, the U.N.
will come in, take the restrictions off and be the savior.
This all makes the E.U.
and the U.N.
look good.
People keep going, Bush is fighting the UN.
No, he's increasing their funding, signing onto UNESCO, empowering them.
They said, either you accept us occupying you Iraq totally, and another 12 years of sanctions, so 24 years of sanctions is what they wanted.
They said, yeah, it'll probably last another 12 years or so, and hundreds of thousands, you know, dead and dying from the depleted uranium and lack of medicine and stuff.
They said either you accept that or the bad cop America comes and gets you.
It's all good cop, bad cop.
So you're telling me McManus finally figured this out?
Doesn't have the skills of Mr. Welch at projecting the lines.
Welch would have seen this long before I did.
Go ahead.
The other thing is that it's really amazing the way they made it appear like Bush was against the U.N.
when this whole thing started.
I'm very impressed looking back at that now, how skilled they were in making that appear to be so.
Well, it's to fool the majority that are good conservatives, but are led by the Judas Goat neocons.
Okay, thanks a lot, Alex.
Good to talk to you.
Hey, thank you, Joel.
And I don't take the free American.
They used to send me a free copy.
I need to call back and get that.
Send me those articles.
We shall return and talk to Spencer, Mark, Jeremy,
Duke, Leto, and others.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
You disagree with me, give me a call.
If you've got a question, a comment, whatever you want to talk about, we can handle it.
We'll be right back.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, eight minutes thirty,
Four seconds into the third hour.
We're about to go straight back to your calls.
If you just joined us for the first time, you're wondering what this show is about.
It's about getting past the rhetoric and getting down to the actions of the politicos and then looking at the systems of power that surround us both historically and in a contemporary fashion.
I got into politics ten years ago, volunteered for the Republican Party, found out very quickly that it was socialism lite.
That it was basically the arm of the Democratic Party, that the Republican Party could get more evil through on the people because conservatives simply look at the R before their names.
Bush has given supercomputers to Communist China, pushing for blanket open borders and amnesty.
He wants to expand unconstitutional trade deals that destroy our sovereignty.
He has signed on to UNESCO, one of the most vicious, out-of-control UN social engineering systems.
He has increased the funding for the Department of Education, the Department of Transportation, almost every other federal department.
His Patriot Act 1 and 2, I've read them, are totally un-American.
And it just complements stuff that Bill Clinton got passed with an omnibus crime bill, terrorism package, in 96.
George W. Bush signed campaign finance reform that restricts the First Amendment 60 days before an election that Democrats hailed.
George W. Bush, my friends, has protected Bill Clinton and viciously blocked Dan Burton's Pardon Gate Committee.
Donald Rumsfeld was on the board of the company that gave nuclear reactors to North Korea.
Bush took all the controls off the supercomputers in China and has been giving them incredibly powerful weapons by giving Tinker Toy type stuff to Taiwan!
George W. Bush is big government on steroids.
Is Bill Clinton at light speed with a cloaking device?
He's more dangerous, but understand he's just a puppet.
Bush says he'll re-sign the assault weapons ban with an added 45 different types of firearms banned and over 200 subgroupings.
George W. Bush has the new Lady of Peace Act strengthening the NICS program bill that he says he will sign that will put the Total Information Awareness Network that never got canceled over gun owners.
That's the Associated Press and the Bush White House press releases.
They're proud of it.
So don't call here telling me I'm a liberal because I'm against George Bush.
You people, if you love this country, you better wake up to what's really going on.
Now, if you're a neocon out there and you don't know what real conservatism is, you better go read what Congressman Ron Paul said on July 10th in a 47-minute speech he gave before the Congress titled, Neocon'd!
That is on the News and Focus section of InfoWars.com.
You can go read the text of it there.
And in that speech, he laid out how the Trotsky Communist Fourth International controls Mr. Kristol and the neocon movement
The Toronto Star has reported that the ghost of Trotsky, quote, walks the White House halls, but it's so incredible conservatives can't believe it when the most conservative member of Congress gives a 40-plus minute speech exposing it and exposing how Bush and his cronies in the PNAC documents talked about how they needed a 9-11 attack to get us behind giving up our liberties and a war to get oil.
So don't sit there and point at the U.N.
who was against the war and go, oh, well Bush is against the U.N., he's a conservative.
That thing was good cop, bad cop theater from the start before the war.
They'd already said the U.N.
would come in as the savior after we did the dirty work for our European owners.
That's all that happened.
I've been saying it for a full year before we went to war with Iraq, and that's exactly what they've now done.
Romano, Prodi, and the rest of them have said that Bush says they're handing it over to NATO and the UN.
So again, folks, if you disagree with me, if you like what's happening, if you think it's liberal that I'm pro-gun or pro-border, and you think Stalin is conservative, you got your head in the ground, you got your head screwed on crooked, but I'll be polite to you, I want to hear why I'm wrong.
You know, little radio station screen calls.
We don't do it here.
You understand this folks, and I have done over 1,300, I've done a couple today already, radio interviews on talk stations across this land, from LA to New York, and on average one caller out of 30 will call in and disagree with me, on my own show.
A hundred times bigger than what it was eight years ago when I was on one station here in Austin.
I could load the phones with people disagreeing.
But so much has come out.
So many people have woken up.
We've got such a track record of being accurate, because we read globalist policy reports, and then decipher the news with those, that almost no one calls here to disagree.
And I'm a lot nicer than I used to be with people who disagree.
So don't be afraid.
I guess Spencer in Ohio is up next and then we'll go to Jerry in Pennsylvania and others that are holding.
Go ahead, Spencer, you're on the air.
Yes, sir.
I wanted to remind you that Nellie Connolly has a book out about surviving the motorcade.
That's a bunch of propaganda.
Yeah, I figured it was.
And I wanted to remind you about Thomas Dodd's anti-gun bill
That was right after the JFK assassination because Oswald had been to a shrink.
And Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership has Senator Dodd's letter to the Library of Congress.
And I've gotten a copy from the Library of Congress myself of this.
I wanted to confirm it three years ago.
And in the letter, he told the Library of Congress, I want the 68 Gun Control Act.
I want to write it from a German law.
When he was on the Nuremberg board, he was a prosecutor.
He said, I want that Nazi gun law.
He translated the whole thing, changed two words, changed two words, and that's the 68 gun control act that Bush now wants to expand.
Go ahead.
That's right.
And you know, the other day I was on a radio FM talk show and I just suggested to them to read the Al Fletcher Prouty book about the JFK assassination where he states there's enough evidence for a murder trial
Because there's a picture here of the tramps being escorted in front of the Texas School Book Depository and he says that actors were involved in the assassination and
I was wondering if Jack Valenti knew anything about that.
Alright, thanks for the call, Spencer.
I've already had LBJ's late widow on the show four years ago.
She's dead now.
It's an admitted widow.
She was at the meeting where the head of the FBI and the mob and the CIA were there and said, we're going to kill Kennedy tomorrow.
I've had LBJ's lawyer on, Barr McClellan, whose son's the White House Press Secretary.
He was LBJ's private lawyer.
He has first-hand evidence of them bragging about killing him.
And, I mean, there's no debating it.
They murdered JFK.
Let's talk to Jerry in Pennsylvania.
Jerry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Am I on?
Yes, you are.
Okay, I would implore you and everyone else out there that go get yourself a copy of the December 8th issue of Shotgun News.
Right now, I just got mine yesterday, but right now it's being replaced on a newsstand with a latest edition, but you may still be able to get this.
It's an article in here by Clayton Kramer.
It says, extremism in defense of liberty does not win in court.
And the thrust of the article is more or less that it's people like you and I that are the reason why we're losing our rights.
You know, the hardcore constitutionalists and extremists.
Oh, we've got a compromise!
And in it, he takes a swipe at Angel Shamara, and it's basically a puff piece in favor of Steve Halbrook.
And he states that registration does not infringe on the right to keep and bear arms.
Let me stop you and I'll hold you over if need be.
Let's give folks some background and context or this will fall on deaf ears with some.
Look, a month ago, two months ago, the NRA got caught in a federal lawsuit arguing that they are for total weapons registration, they are not for unregistered firearm ownership, period, that guns should only be owned inside the home.
Now, those are quotes, folks, okay?
Then, a big conservative think tank, and I had the articles here in front of me months ago, was it the... Cato Institute.
Cato, thank you.
Cato Institute said, we were trying to have a pro-gun lawsuit and the NRA went inside and blew it up from the inside.
Other groups came forward.
This is what the NRA does.
They're loyal, opposition, just like Bush.
They're supporting the new assault weapons ban, folks.
Won't even tell their members about it.
And so Angel Shamaya and Larry Pratt, who's got the book by his group, Confrontational Politics, only way to do it, they're all being attacked by the NRA.
And you're telling me Shotgun News has an article defending that NRA lawyer that says we should all have to register our guns?
December 8th issue, get it.
Send me, email it to me, somebody, fax it.
Okay, thank you.
Who was this idiot who wrote the article?
Clayton Kramer.
Let me just take a sidestep here.
There are a lot of researchers and a lot of historians who've done research and who've done books on the right to keep and bear arms.
Steve Hallbrook, for example, this fellow here, Clayton Kramer, John Lott, Don Cates, etc.
A lot of us are under the impression that these people are hardcore constitutionalists.
Many of them are not.
They'll take a hard position when it comes to something that happened in the past, in the 18th century.
When it comes to the here and now, they're willing to compromise.
Sir, we've had the NRA try to block us defeating gun bills in Texas, and attack us more viciously in the Dallas Morning News.
We did defeat the bills, despite what you tried.
Uh, in the Dallas Morning News.
You don't have to tell me.
I'm glad you did tell the audience though, Jerry.
Anything else?
No, just for everybody trying to get this issue, December 8th, Shogun News.
Tell me more of what this person said.
Was there more?
He attacked Angel Shamaya?
Oh, by the way, the Supreme Court decided not to hear the case that they brought.
Did you know about that?
Tell you what, stay there.
We'll talk about it when we get back.
We'll talk to other callers.
Bunch of other news coming up, too.
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Alright, I'm going to take five more calls and then cover news.
I want to do it quick because I do have to get to this stack of stuff we haven't covered yet.
And a recap of Mexican troops kidnapping U.S.
citizens coming across the border.
The Fed's doing absolutely nothing.
But again, Bush just thinks it's a wonderful thing.
So do the Democrats.
We were talking to Jerry in Pennsylvania, this shotgun news story.
You're telling me they defend the NRA lawyer saying that gun registration is not a restriction or a violation of the First Amendment.
You've got to be kidding me.
Are you telling me, Jerry, that that's the case?
He says that the government may regulate our rights shouldn't be any great surprise.
It's about all of our rights are subject to some reasonable restrictions.
Uh, he mentions Angel Camargo.
Hold on!
Hold on!
That is an exact Handgun Control Incorporated, Violence Policy Center comment that, well, we regulate cars, we regulate businesses.
Well, it's a reasonable licensing process.
Yeah, and then with guns, they stopped giving the license.
The license is the Second Amendment.
Go ahead.
And, uh, he addresses... Read that again.
Read that again for people.
That the government may regulate a right shouldn't be any great surprise.
Just about all of our rights are subject to some reasonable restrictions.
Vote on quote.
Nobody should buy that newspaper.
I'm gonna get this guy on.
I'm gonna get him on.
Get this article.
It's quite revealing.
This is why we're losing.
It's because of people who promote themselves as being pro-gun.
They continually use this compromise.
They're dialoguing us.
They're facilitating us into an area of giving up on our freedoms.
Absolutely incredible.
Thank you for the call.
Somebody mail me that article.
Thank you so much.
Let's talk to Mark in Minnesota, then Jim, Robert, and Chris.
Go ahead.
You're on the air, Mark.
Hey, Alex.
How are you doing?
I'm not doing too well hearing that from Shotgun News.
These Fox conservatives, I don't think they're going to last too much longer.
People are hungry for the truth, but I just wanted to share something that I would imagine probably not a lot of people are aware of this, but in fact this is so horrible.
Another example of the radical left-wing agenda coming from the Bush administration.
His foreign policy is really centered around
You know, advancing population control around the globe.
And what is interesting, I don't know how many people recollect this, but you can see the transcript right at WhiteHouse.gov, is Bush's State of the Union Address, January of 2002, actually had in attendance a lady by the name of Seema Samar.
And she's infamous because she was pretty much driven out of Afghanistan by the Taliban
Well, I mean, he sends letters to the gay marriage compound saying that the Lord blesses it and thinks it's great.
He prays at Shinto shrines to demon gods.
He goes to Muslim confabs.
But, you know, it gets worse with all of his...
All of his different activities.
The British and the U.S.
government's funding it have sent dozens and dozens and dozens of radical feminist groups funded to Iraq.
I mean, that's just what the Iraqis need.
It's horrible.
And there was Bush, you know, giving this lady accolades, all ecstatic because she's going to liberate the women of Afghanistan by helping them to get abortions.
In fact, there's a pro-life group a few months ago that
They were, of course, probably not going to do much good, but they were calling on Bush to keep Iraq abortion-free.
But, of course, that's not going to happen.
They're going to turn Iraq into a pro-abortion country.
Making the world safe for abortuaries.
Hey, what kind of liberal are you, buddy?
I'm sorry.
In fact, I'm thinking with an al-Qaeda mindset, too.
That's it.
Thanks for the call, Mark.
Let's talk to Jim in Colorado.
Jim, go ahead.
Hi Alex, about the OnStar system.
Yes, the tracking taxation grid.
Right, out of Johnstown, Colorado, where I took up your station, before your program, a host brought up something about the FBI being, taking a task in court, because by them listening in, they were interfering with the emergency process of the
OnStar systems, so that they were told to go back to the drawing board.
These satellites are federally owned.
This is documented fact.
And the federal government, according to the Associated Press, is listening any time they want over the OnStar microphone in your car or any of these satellite systems.
And your cell phones can listen to you even when the battery is turned off.
It's got to be off the phone.
That's why Bush told the reporters on Air Force One to Iraq for the fake turkey bit
Uh, to take the batteries off their phones and the Secret Service took them.
Go ahead.
Was the FBI corrected in court on this matter?
To go back to the drawing board?
I know they got in trouble for getting caught doing it, but they're not going to stop.
Well, what alarmed me, what really, uh, concerned me was that the matter wasn't that they were told not to listen in, but not to interfere with the emergency system.
So once they go back to the drawing board, they can figure out
Yeah, that's the problem.
It's not that the face-scanning cameras are scanning our faces, it's that sometimes they don't work.
Stay there.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, ladies and gentlemen.
Again, we're going to take some final calls here, and then I'm going to launch straight into some of the other key news items, and then a recap of some of the top stories of this important Friday, December 5th, 2003 edition of the show.
Quickly, Jim, listening to us on a local AM in Colorado,
Finishing up your points about OnStar.
OnStar, cell phones, wireless systems, digital cable.
I've got all the mainstream articles.
It's listening to you.
They're putting cameras in the school bathrooms.
This is worse than 1984!
You know, this ultimate tyranny nightmare of the last 50 years.
This seminal work of what tyranny, as bad as it can get,
Now we've surpassed it with surveillance, but the border's wide open.
Go ahead and finish up what you were saying, Jerry.
Jim, go ahead.
Sorry, Alex, I heard a security guy say that he even has to take his battery out of his cell phone in order to travel from one place to another because they'll track him if they wanted to.
Well, I mean, again, if you read the myriad reports about they would pull up in cars, they would have White House interns, staffers, pull up,
Pick up reporters and they'd say, we can't tell you where you're going.
They would then, but the president wants to see you.
This is, this is the accounts, folks, in a local paper here in Austin and the Washington Post, you name it.
They would march them on board the aircraft, Bush walks in and says, hand over your cell phones.
And then they watched the Secret Service take the batteries off and put them in a big bag.
And they said, why are you doing that?
And the president said, because you can track any cell phone if the battery's still on it.
Even if it's off.
And the enemy could track them if they wanted to.
Well, exactly.
But the point is, is that they made this law in 96.
They paid the phone companies to do it.
By October
First, 2001, it was the law, set way back in 96, it had to be implemented by 2001, October 1st, and it happened!
And now, governors, there was a Green Bay News article, the governor goes, well the feds are tracking and listening to people with their phones, literally using the phone as a bug, not just listening to you, but tuning in and using the microphone even when it's off to listen to you.
They had to design that into it.
That's how far reaching this tyranny is.
The governor of Wisconsin said, we're going to put in a big command center in every city and track everyone by their phones for their safety and yes, occasionally tune in and listen to you.
Can I bring up one more thing real quick?
Sure, go ahead.
And I'll hang up.
When I'm with my friends, supposedly fellow conservative types of people, I get the distinct impression that whenever I have a criticism or a complaint about Bush, like you said, then I automatically become like,
In league with the liberals or something?
Yeah, it's... What is this?
They're in this whole left-right fight.
You've got to explain to them the things I hit on earlier in the hour.
All the bullet points of how the rhetoric's different, but the actions are the same.
Explain the good cop, bad cop system to them.
They're so busy, though, associating their personal power with Bush, like he's a sports hero or something, that they can't get past that.
Thanks for the call.
And when he signs their assault weapons ban, I guess they're going to like that, too.
You know, it's like this article being mentioned out of Shotgun News this month where it's so wonderful to have your guns registered.
I mean, the NRA argues that in federal courts and tries to block and defeat other good lawsuits that are trying to put the Second Amendment back in place.
Jim, thanks for the call.
I guess up next is Chris in North Carolina and then Robert in Missouri.
That's it for calls.
Maybe I'll talk to Joe in New York.
Go ahead, Chris.
First off, I want to say you've done a great job with Prison Planet.
I've been taking a look at that for a little while and watched the development of it.
I just want to appreciate and tell you that you're doing just a great job.
One main question, actually, and then I'll let you go.
I know you've got to get on with your day.
The global policy report you were referring to at the beginning of the hour, you said that you were able to cipher the news based off of those.
How do you obtain those?
How can I obtain them?
Okay, the Council on Foreign Relations has about five different types of reports.
The CFR found it 1922 to overthrow America publicly.
The Council on Foreign Relations
puts out their foreign affairs brief every two months.
It's in all major bookstores.
It's called Foreign Affairs.
That's their outward propaganda for the general public.
But on their website and in interdepartmental reports and reports to the President or Congress or to other private think tanks, they say what they're going to do.
You've got PNAC, Project for a New American Century.
You've got the reports of the Carnegie Foundation.
Going back to the thirties, we have these.
You've got the Ford Foundation battle plans.
You've got Rand Corporation.
Then you've got
Then when you know who the members of these groups are, you see them then writing news articles for major magazines and newspapers and on the Sunday news shows, and you can see the different grades of propaganda they're putting out for different audiences.
It's very sophisticated.
And those are the type of global policy reports that I was talking about.
Well, I do appreciate that information.
That's definitely going to send me in a different direction.
I also wanted to make just one more comment.
Early on, trying to... I mean, just like yourself or anybody else that is pretty much brand new to all this, you spend a lot of time looking for alternative news sources and organizations that can keep you current or whatever.
And it's very damaging because you wind up wasting a whole lot of time trying to find... That's why we have InfoWars.com.
Bless your heart.
And I'm going to tell you what, I'm sure I speak for a whole lot of people out there when I say you have done one hell of a job.
We appreciate everything, your whole effort.
You're doing a great job.
You are.
I do appreciate everything a great deal.
Thank you very much, Alex.
Alright, well thank you Chris in North Carolina.
I would just say then help us spread the word.
Tell ten people a day about PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com, our local AM and FM affiliates.
Whether you're listening in Los Angeles or in Austin, Texas or in upstate New York, tell
Ten people a day.
It's easy to do.
I do it myself.
About the local AM or FM affiliate.
About the internet.
About the global shortwave frequencies that are at GCNLive.com.
Now what we do, you know, it's not just looking for alternative news sources.
Once you know the agenda, you find the news in the mainstream media.
You read an LA Times article about how wonderful martial law is.
You read a cigar aficionado article about how wonderful martial law is.
You read this where the generals are saying it's a good thing.
Well, we just say it's a bad thing.
It's subject to interpretation.
So you take the spin off what they're doing.
Also, you know, you can go in and what happens is, let's say there's a hundred articles a day of pure propaganda in the BBC.
But there will be four or five real news stories buried in it without spin.
Uh, and again, this takes years of study.
You have to know the policy reports, you have to watch the globalists, see what they're doing, study their activities, read their battle plans, many of which are public.
And then, then you know what's accurate in the news, then you know what writers are there as tokens.
So what the globalists do to discredit really important real news is, they mix it in.
And in between Paris Hilton and Michael Jackson and Ilium Gonzales and, and, and, and, you know, all this garbage, they'll have some really important article stuck in there.
So we look at the whole spectrum of pap and Hollywood and celebrity and diversions and distractions.
We go in and we pick out the police state information, the cashless society control grid information, the news on the EU, the really important financial news, not all the pablum but the serious hard economic data of bankruptcies and foreclosures in public and private and corporate debt and gold prices and we
We understand how to get down into the real news spectrum.
We're about action, not rhetoric.
We cut through their rhetoric to the core of what's happening.
We analyze the enemy's propaganda.
And there's a lot we can learn from their propaganda.
Because it's attuned at different layers for different segments of the population.
And the biggest thing we do is we catch them in lies.
And that's another way to expose him.
Okay, two final calls.
Robert in Missouri.
Go ahead, Robert.
Hey Alex, I ordered your Matrix of Evil a couple weeks ago.
Have you finished producing that yet?
No, yes sir.
And we say take two to three weeks for delivery, sir.
And a lot of folks have been calling in who've gotten it.
And what you need to do is, anybody who has a question about a delivery of a video, you call 512-291-5750, and Shirley, if she doesn't answer the phone, will call you back within a day, sometimes she'll call you back in ten minutes, and we'll check on the status of your order.
But what happened is, the film came out four weeks ago,
And we only had a few hundred made, because I don't sell that much stuff.
Those sold out.
Then we had the color covers printed, and those were messed up.
We had to reprint them.
That held us up a week.
And so, most people are getting it in about two weeks.
The general delivery time is seven days from the time we get your order.
Yeah, my friends are just dying to watch it.
I make copies of all your tapes for hundreds of people.
Oh good, so you've certainly gotten all the videos in the past.
Yeah, I started listening to you about four years ago.
Well, I'm just curious for customer service, because culture's kind of changed.
You know, five years ago I'd order a sweater, it'd take a month, I didn't complain.
I even catch myself calling in two weeks, where's the sweater?
Because things have gotten, you know, quicker with eBay and stuff.
But how fast did you get the other films?
Usually in about two and a half weeks.
Yeah, usually it's pretty good.
Somebody said you hadn't quite finished producing it at that time.
One of your other listeners said that you mentioned that you hadn't quite finished producing the tape.
Well, I said that a month ago.
No, no.
I don't offer a tape until it's done.
I don't offer it until I've handed the guy the master and they're making the duplicates.
Let me ask you one more question.
One of my friends told me that you said a couple years ago that Child Protective Services
And tell you the exact titles of articles, maybe a few months back.
I have a semi-photographic memory.
I cannot, from two, three years ago, pull that up.
But it was a big issue with the family rights groups.
It was all over the news.
Because, what is the number?
It's something like 30 billion a year goes for Child Protective Services, just federally.
I mean, it's a massive amount.
And they said that you have to double the number
Of children you grab each year, and Clinton did that in 1998.
And I do not have the articles in front of me.
That's four or five years.
It's actually been years and years.
We may have mentioned it a few years ago, but the key announcements were three or four years ago.
Well, I appreciate your time, Alex.
Matrix of Evil, or Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, or Police State 3, Total Enslavement, or the new book, Order Out of Chaos, call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
And your purchase also supports this show, and I hope you'll do what Robert's done with the videos he's gotten in the past.
I hope you'll get it and make copies.
And thousands of tapes that I send out over the years turns into millions of tapes.
And yes, it's how I support my operation.
And frankly, I just hired another person in shipping, so now I have two!
I'm a big business now!
Two people shipping!
But it's kind of a catch-22 if you don't buy enough videos and I won't have any business.
I could have five employees just answering email and phone calls of people having their children taken and their land taken and getting raided.
It's amazing.
1-888-253-3139 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
The videos are all over two hours long, $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more.
of the videos and they drop down to twenty dollars apiece so please make the call write the letter get the videos it's so important to spread the word these are amazing films you just gotta get them you gotta see it to believe it how much concentrated globalist evil we have them red-handed engaging in so 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com
And that listener was mentioning, oh I remember what I said about a month ago, more than a month ago now, I had finished Matrix of Evil.
And I had sent it off to be duplicated, and I said stop the presses, bring it back, and I added just a few little video clips to it.
I've been known to do that, and so I think that's what they were talking about is why I ended up announcing the release of it a little bit later.
But we've got boxes and boxes of them now, and they are shipping out to everyone.
I'm sorry, we've got loaded phone lines here and I just can't take your calls.
There's too much news I have to cover here and I want to do a recap of top stories.
Girl 6 locked in dryer for weeks at a time!
Toronto Star.
Now, as I read the headline this morning, before I even read down to the body, I said it's going to be CPS.
I'm not psychic, folks.
90% of the time,
The article will say that parents are torturing their children, and it turns out it's CPS.
And it was in this case.
Now, even Time Magazine admits you're five times more likely to be abused in their custody.
It's more dangerous in foster care or CPS custody than in a penitentiary, the statistics are.
An Ottawa woman has been convicted of locking a six-year-old girl in a clothes dryer where the girl ate, slept, urinated, and defecated for six weeks at a time.
They need to execute this person.
That's torture.
Ontario Court Justice James Fontana, who heard the case over 24 days, spread over more than two years, convicted the 41-year-old degenerate, I mean woman, of forcibly confining the girl in the dryer and failing to provide the necessities of life for the child.
The girl was in the woman's care because the child's biological mother was unfit to handle the troublesome youngster.
The girl is now back with her biological mother.
You know, we didn't used to have a lot of misbehavior in this country because we didn't feed two-year-olds Coca-Cola and sugar cookies.
And people had love and spent time with their children.
Let me tell you something.
You spend time with your children and bring them up right, they're not going to misbehave until they hit puberty, folks.
That's the way it was always worked in the past.
Then they got rebellious.
God's way of getting them out of the house is biology.
Fontana also convicted the woman of two counts of assault for hitting her son repeatedly with a paint stick and slamming his head against the wall.
Folks, I see articles every day of CPS torturing kids to death, okay?
In Florida, 3,000 of them are missing.
They find them dead all the time that the government took!
So people say, well, what's wrong with the government?
We got bad parents.
Who's going to watch the Watchers?
This is a civil group.
If it's criminal, set the police on abusers.
But what is abuse-y?
Now they're even trying to ban yelling at your children.
I guess when your child runs out in the street, don't yell.
That could be abusive.
Get out of the street!
And they're trying to ban corporal punishment, which did me a lot of good in high school.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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My friends,
My friends, there's a double standard when it comes to the government.
Girl six locked in dryer for weeks at a time.
And again, they just later in the article get into mentioning it's the government.
Then I read this article.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Females secretly videotaped in school restroom.
A dozen girls and women were secretly videotaped in a restroom of a suburban high school and the head custodian has been suspended according to school officials.
And it says, Pittsford Sutherland High School, Custodian Allen Weems, 52, was suspended November 26th.
And videotapes and computer disks were turned over to the Monroe County Sheriff's Office.
Officials said no charges were immediately filed.
The Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reported in Thursday's editions.
It appears the videotapes were taken from inside one female restroom at Sutherland High School and that the people on the videotapes were unaware that they were being recorded.
And he says, uh, that, uh, you know, this is a horrible thing.
But I got dozens of articles from all over the western world, from England to the U.S., where they're putting them in the bathroom stalls, in the showers, with 10- and 12-year-old boys and girls, in Tennessee, Texas, you name it, Louisiana.
And it's just a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful thing.
In fact, I have ABC News here on that on InfoWars.com and several other articles posted where you can go read about schools putting them in the bathrooms and the showers.
You've all heard about the sexual examinations they do to the eight-year-old girls and the rest of it without even having a permission slip.
Your child can get an abortion, but they can't go to the zoo without a permission slip.
Isn't that classic?
I mean, this is incredible.
They're all a bunch of perverts.
Trust-betrayed school security tapes of kids undressing viewed on the net.
ABC News, a Tennessee school district where security cameras were installed in the middle school locker rooms is accused of allowing images of children changing their clothes to be viewed on the internet.
Oh yeah, they did that too.
We've had all the lawyers on, that's confirmed.
That's from months ago.
That was from July 16th.
We just type into a search engine.
Uh, you know, school sued over cameras and showers and dozens of articles all over the country will pop up.
Folks, that's not freedom.
I mean, I don't know how else I could say it.
That's about as bad as it gets.
But see, some pervert does it, and ooh, it's bad.
Well, why haven't they charged this guy?
I guess they probably, his defense will be, well, I just thought I was helping.
And, of course, they want to drug test all the children in the schools now, violating their Fourth Amendment.
We've got some of those idiots coming on next week who think this is all great.
I'm going to get more neocons on, more liberals, more police state minions here in the future.
Also, down in South Texas, a family of five was kidnapped by Mexican troops who came well over the border to grab them.
And this went on November 24th, but nothing, repeat nothing, has been done.
Mexican troops kidnapped Texas family.
As many as eight armed Mexican soldiers crossed the border near a tiny Texas Hamlin and kidnapped an American family of five last week and are still holding one of them, sources told Newsmax.
And the FBI won't talk to the press and says they're not going to do anything.
And this is happening all the time.
They're killing federal officers, state officers, and the feds will do nothing because they don't want you to know about it.
Because they want to break up the Southwest as we go into this whole Pan-American Union.
Folks, I want you to have a great weekend.
I'll be back on Monday from 11 to 2 Central during the day, 9 to midnight at night.
And of course, Friday evening, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time on the Global Shortwave at 5.085 and 6890 on the Internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com or on your local AM or FM station.
Support the sponsors, support those stations, tell folks about the broadcast, that's how you can help out.
Get out there and fight for the Second Amendment, controlling our borders, land rights,
Fight to get us out of the UN.
We have the power, and when we move, the globalists cannot stand against us.
You're the leaders.
Don't wait for orders from headquarters.
Go to the sound of the guns, as Pat Buchanan says, in this culture war for the future of our civilization.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
See you on Monday.
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