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Name: 20031204_Thu_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 4, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
We've got a very informative, powerful broadcast lined up for you on this 4th day of December 2003.
As we accelerate towards 2004.
In about 26 days.
We've got a very interesting guest coming up in an hour.
He's Alan Charles Horse, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, or FIRE, in Philadelphia, which commissioned the major survey at 339 U.S.
colleges and universities.
I've been covering this off and on for two weeks because it's such a big deal, but I haven't really detailed it.
The major study found that more than two-thirds of college students and administrators who participated in a national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
And a large portion of the administrators also believe that the First Amendment is not a good idea.
And more and more people are believing this in the country.
It's becoming more and more accepted, and it's a very frightening trend that's affecting every corner of our society.
Thought crime, ladies and gentlemen.
So that's coming up in the next hour.
You do not want to miss it.
Coming up in this hour, and boy is the news important, gold explodes.
Up even over $400 an ounce, the dollar plunges even further, and U.S.
forces accused of Iraq massacre, Financial Times of London, Associated Press, you name it.
Remember Sunday?
They had the big victory, killed 54 Iraqis in black uniforms, couldn't find any of their bodies.
Turns out, as usual, the whole thing's a big fat lie.
And it's come out, I told you bottom line, that whole turkey thing was a stunt.
When Hillary had the turkey over in Afghanistan, that was a stunt.
When Bush had the turkey in Baghdad the same day, it was a stunt.
And now it's come out that it was designed by the White House, set up, sat there, he went in as part of a photo op, picked up the turkey that no one was allowed to eat, prepared by special chefs with all the garnish and the cornucopia of fruits around it, the grapes,
And it was totally staged.
The troops were eating turkey out of MREs.
Of course, the news cameras didn't show you that.
It was totally staged, folks.
Just like all the fake letters posted by the Pentagon and major newspapers with false signatures from troops, how much they love the war.
Just like the Niger uranium document that was falsified and created out of thin air.
About uranium to Iraq.
Just like the mobile weapons trucks, the mass graves, the aluminum tubing, the weapons dossier that was twelve years old, written by a graduate student.
It is total theater.
Jerry Bruckheimer producing the Saving Private Lynch Delta Force rescue.
It's all fake, folks.
The Qatar base that they had, a Hollywood set, all of it!
It's total theater!
Want to know what Bush is really doing?
He's going to sign the assault weapons ban.
He's moving for total blank and amnesty open borders, free trade area of the Americas, signed on to UNESCO, protecting Bill Clinton, blocking Pardon Gate, signing campaign finance reform, restricting the First Amendment, supercomputers to Communist China,
Nuclear weapons, missile parts to North Korea, reactors to North Korea, on and on and on and on and on and on.
Remember Bush with the Maiden USA spray painted on the boxes with the Maiden China covered up?
Remember Bush making people at a rally take their ties off under threat of arrest because they wanted the news cameras to see people that look like average Americans?
It's totally staged.
Hillary is a New World Order, whoremonger, liar, stage-managed twit.
And so is George Bush.
And anybody that covers up for that is either an idiot or a traitor.
And these neocons all over talk radio are the most socialist government pigs I've ever seen.
They're not conservatives.
And America's dying because of their treachery.
I haven't even scratched the surface of the news.
You'll want to stay with us.
Believe me, you want to hear what's coming up.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we're now 8 minutes and 10 seconds into this show, into the second segment.
We got, what, 2 hours 51 and a half minutes left here.
Big program, counter-programming lined up for you today.
First Amendment survey finds knowledge lacking.
I've talked a lot about this in the last week and a half.
More than two-thirds of college students and administrators, more than two-thirds, who participated in a national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
And we have Alan Charles Course.
President of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, or FIRE in Philadelphia, who commissioned the survey, joining us in the next hour.
This was at 339 colleges and universities.
And, you know, I see the big studies and polls every year with the last high school seniors.
Who's the vice president?
And in one poll I saw it was 75%, another one last year it was 90%.
Obviously Al Gore was more visible, so 70% didn't know.
Cheney hides in a bunker.
But again, people should know his name.
So now it's 90%.
Think about that.
Most Americans, the vast majority, don't know how many continents there are.
I make this point a lot.
They don't know where Iraq is, what the 4th Amendment is, what the 5th Amendment is, much less the 1st Amendment.
And that's what's scary.
They'll have a debate with me about politics and the world, but I know the numbers of thousands of bills and documents and the Magna Carta, and I've read, you know, a hundred history books and went to school for it.
And again, I'm not even saying I'm that smart, but compared to most people, I'm light years ahead of them.
And folks, that scares the daylights out of me.
It's scary.
And again, talk radio listeners are generally more informed, more highly educated, and they've done studies on this than the general public.
Remember, only about 25-30% depending on what studies, I've seen different studies over the years, but it hovers around 25-30% of people regularly read news items in a newspaper or watch news for political news items.
That is, most people tune in occasionally to get the sports or to get the weather, but they're not paying attention to legislation, to new laws, to new trade deals.
They're just totally unaware of it.
So we know at least 70% of people get their news from sitcoms and dramas.
And really, I've been talking more about this and I've been focusing more on it, television.
That's where the propaganda lies.
And almost every new show is about the CIA, and torture, and secret arrest, and how good it is, and it's very frightening.
Because you've got these jello heads out there, and I don't want to say they're dumb, or that they have low IQs.
What they have is a lack of focus on real issues.
I mean, look, I have nothing against sports.
I'm on a lot of radio stations that are mainly sports.
I mean, I'm on some stations that are all sports, and then they have my show stuck in the middle of it.
I played sports.
You know, I played baseball, and softball, and soccer, and football, and track.
I did it all, folks, while I didn't play basketball.
And I'm one of the guys, you know, until I hit about, I don't know, 17, 18, who would, you know, get on an airplane and fly somewhere to watch an NFL football game.
Okay, I like football.
I like eating pizza and watching football and screaming at the television.
I'm primitive too, alright?
But when they're putting cancer viruses in the food, when they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, and I have the Associated Press on that, when the DynCorp's kidnapping hundreds of thousands of children publicly and nothing's happening,
Uh, when they're getting rid of our sovereignty and our factories are shutting down, simultaneously they're saying factory jobs are up, it's a total lie.
As the dollar's plunging, and been devalued by 32%, as we're losing our sovereignty, as they're passing thought crimes laws in this country, as all of this is happening,
And the test scores are dropping in the schools, and they're bringing in foreign troops, and they're passing laws for secret arrests, making every misdemeanor crime an act of terrorism.
How can I as a man, as a family man, as a married man, as an American, as a human being,
Stand by and know every football score, and every baseball score, and every basketball score, going back decades, and spend hours a day calling into shows, upset about, oh, our team's losing.
These guys will get so upset about it, but they could care less about their country.
So I'm not saying you're bad to go to a football game.
It's even better to actually, you know, be on the field or involved in some sport yourself.
I think you'd find that better for you and more enjoyable being on the field.
You know, I say be on the field of life.
Don't be a spectator in politics or in the fight for liberty and freedom.
And so you have this 30%, it's roughly less than that, who actually watch the news, watch CNN, watch the Sunday news shows, and get that propaganda, that spin,
But the general public isn't even involved in that!
Their social mores, their ideas, are set by the football games, by what they see at halftime, by what is on Frasier, or Threat Matrix, or 24, or NYPD Blue.
And when you watch the Super Bowl, now the last three years in a row, there's troops, there's armored vehicles, there's face-scanning cameras, again, for the idiots that
are like modern Romans.
Rome wrote textbooks on how games were to divert and control people and to let them discharge their native militarism against tyranny and their energies to resist the repression.
And that's exactly what it is today, folks.
And so, as a culture, we have to start putting more time and money and energy and our voices behind the Second Amendment, behind pro-life, behind defending the borders, behind getting us out of NAFTA and GATT and pulling out of the UN.
Because you've got this tiny, you know, 30% out there who are politically, somewhat politically aware, it's an even smaller percent that are politically active,
And we've got to reach out to those people, but frankly, just as important is that 70% that doesn't know their head from a hole in the ground.
So when they are flipping through talk radio channels maybe once a month, and they hear some national host saying, anybody that disagrees with the government should be put in a camp.
That's a big deal, folks.
When the good old boys reading Cigar Aficionado
See, Tommy Frank saying, well, it's regrettable that martial law is the next step in America.
When they open up the LA Times and the head of NorthCom, General Eberhardt, is talking about martial law and how good it is, we've got a problem!
But people don't even know what America is, what it's about, what history has shown us, that when generals and governments start amassing and centralizing power and their minions start wearing black masks, that that's the worst indicator you can have.
No, we just accept overnight that now the good guys wear black masks, whereas five years ago we all knew that the bad guys wore black masks to hide their identity and intimidate people.
Oh, they wore black masks in Russia 50 years ago.
In Mexico 50 years ago, when they formed the Foxes paramilitary oppression force.
And now we have it here, and we have the doors being kicked in in the middle of the night.
We have the armored vehicles rolling around, and the face scanning cameras everywhere.
Here's the news, folks.
forces accused of Iraq massacre.
Music industry targets even computerless people that don't even own computers.
Beijing warns that Taiwan referendum could lead to war.
Chicago High School will require all students to get drug tested.
See, first it was if you want to park in the parking lot, if you want to be in band or football, or if you want to be in any student group, you've got to be drug tested monthly and criminally charged.
Well, now if you want to go to the public school, period, you'll all be drug tested.
And I told you they do this, but they say, don't worry, we'll just counsel you and get CPS, it actually says this, we'll just counsel you and get the human services involved.
Oh, now you're not even under the criminal jurisdiction where you get a trial, and now they're going to stick CPS on your family because you were dumb enough to smoke some of their drugs, some of the trash they ship in here.
That's why I'm for total decriminalization, because they ship the trash in, the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs we've got, the more prisons.
I don't use any of their garbage.
And you see, and then by next year, you watch, by next year these schools, by the way, hundreds of them are now announcing this,
It all happens because they ship all the superintendents and city managers off to New York to get their marching orders, you know, over steak dinners and five-star hotels.
And then they come marching back if they want to have their loans guaranteed, their bond packages.
They've got to ban smoking, smoking ordinances, environmental land grab ordinances, drug testing in the schools.
And two years ago I saw on Army News Watch here in Austin, Cable Channel 17,
The Army on TV going, whether you got two employees or a hundred, we'll drop by and drug test them, blood or urine, we're absolutely free.
Every week if you want it.
The Army's new job is taking your bodily fluids.
Are you starting to get it, folks?
The schools are now prisons.
Your companies are now prisons.
We are turning into a giant prison.
So that's coming up.
Also, the bird was perfect, but not for dinner.
In our right picture, Bush is holding the centerpiece.
And they're now saying, oh, it was spontaneous.
Bush didn't plan to go pick up the centerpiece and hand it to people.
Of course, the video out there shows him saying, eat, enjoy yourselves.
The whole thing was staged.
Now they're trying to spin it and saying, well, it was a centerpiece and no one was allowed to eat it, but he didn't know that.
Folks, this is totally staged.
And I hear you out of one side of your mouth say, Hillary's bad for doing it in Afghanistan.
Same thing.
But Bush is good.
I mean, you people have double think.
You need to go back to 1984.
You'd love it.
In 1984, they had cameras in the bathrooms.
Oh, they're doing that now in hundreds of schools in America, hundreds in Canada, hundreds in England.
You read that book, and you look at what's happening today, we're surpassing it.
Minus the secret arrests and tortures and execution.
They're doing that on a smaller scale than was in 1984.
But the control grid is in place.
We'll get more into this news and other news when we get back.
Stay with us.
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I mean, folks, think about this.
All over the country, all over the western world, they're not just putting hundreds of cameras in the elementary schools and watching and recording on digital data banks and having it accessible by the federal government via the internet.
They're not just putting them in the hallways and classrooms, now they're putting them in the stalls, in the bathrooms, in the showers.
Folks, that's not freedom.
That's not America.
That's worse than Russia.
And now they're going to start drug testing all of the children.
Well, you don't have anything to hide.
Where's the Fourth Amendment, folks?
Against illegal search and seizure, unreasonable search and seizure.
But again, your children are being trained in now thousands of school districts, no cash allowed.
You must thumb scan to get your school lunch.
They're being pushed
On to Ritalin and Prozac and other drugs, other amphetamines and psychotropics.
Speed and hallucinogenic drugs.
In almost every school out there, by middle school, they have them writing dossiers on their parents, quote, in their journal.
They have BATF in hundreds of schools as, quote, liaisons.
They give them little credit card tattletale cards, and that's in Road to Tyranny.
They put fences up.
They have drug dogs.
They come in and scream and put hundreds of children in handcuffs.
No drugs are found.
They point loaded guns at their heads, screaming.
They routinely shoot innocent children in Detroit, Michigan and Houston, Texas.
They shoot cop of the year two years ago in Fort Worth, Texas in a drill.
They train them with their hands behind their heads in almost every school, had a load on the buses with their hands behind their heads, with men in black uniforms and ski masks pointing guns at them and yelling at them.
And one unannounced drill, they went into the art teacher's class in Minnesota.
We had her on, she almost had a heart attack.
She thought she was going to die and soiled herself.
They walked her out towards the woods.
She fell to her knees as they screamed and cussed at her.
I mean, folks, this isn't America!
So you're all, you know, middle class, off in your house, in your business, and everybody treats you with respect and everything's alright.
Meanwhile, your children are being trained how to be prisoners.
It's amazing.
In fact, here's the article out of WBBM News Radio.
I also have an AP article about this.
And I'm going to try to get Bob Roberts, who wrote this article, on the show.
Beginning next fall, St.
Patrick's High School on the northwest side will become the first in Illinois to require drug testing of all its students.
Well, maybe the first in Illinois, but I've seen these reports all over the country.
A number of public schools require students who participate in extracurricular activities to undergo drug testing, but are barred by the Supreme Court ruling from extending such tests to all students.
Principal Josh Schmidt said he considers the all-boys school at 5900 West Belmont Avenue the catalyst of Illinois for universal testing.
Schmidt is quick to note that this will not be a zero tolerance program.
He said any student who tests positive will be asked to find a counseling or treatment option.
And you go on.
They'll have you with a counselor and the CPS.
The whole program has an emphasis on don't do drugs.
If you do the drugs, stop.
If you can't stop, get some help.
Schmidt said.
And again, they're going to have you sign over your rights into the psychiatric system.
Worse than being incarcerated or put into the criminal justice system.
But he said St.
Patrick's will expect improvement quickly.
See, you'll be tested again if they fight it, then criminal charges.
They have really a hundred days because that kid's going to get tested again, Schmidt said.
We'd better see some improvement, if not a total stop in terms of what happens with drug use.
Smith said parents of St.
Patrick's 1,000 students are almost universally supportive.
A task force of parents and school staff worked on the plan for several months, although he said the first began testing, the talk of it first began at St.
Patrick's in 99, after Dela Sale High School in New Orleans began a similar testing scene.
Going on for years, folks.
I remember first seeing about that in 99, now I've seen hundreds of articles.
The Christian Brothers religious order operates both schools and other Christian Brothers
School in Memphis began drug testing in 2001.
Schmidt said St.
Patrick's Task Force used the testing programs at both schools and models.
All students will be required to undergo testing each fall at a rate of 10 to 20 a day.
About one quarter of the student's body will be tested at random.
Remember, that means about one quarter of the student's body will be tested at random at other times during the year to assure enforcement.
Schmidt said the cost for the testing will be $60 per family each school year.
By the way, did you know when I played football at Rockwall High School, we were drug tested and it was never in the newspaper?
I never even thought to tell my father.
You see?
People don't even know what's going on.
I just remembered that.
They did urine testing.
And you could say, well, you know, it'll stop drugs.
Folks, the bigger the drug war gets, the more drugs are used.
That's the nature of rebellion and they know that.
It's just like prohibition.
They ship the trash in and they push stuff even worse than illegal drugs in the form of legal drugs on them.
Come back and get to the fake turkey with Bush and just war with Taiwan between China.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're here, nine hours a day, folks.
11 to 2, Central, 9 to midnight.
Central, a rebroadcast of the daytime show.
From 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m., blasting out on two digital satellites, ABC and Clear Channel satellites.
And simulcasting during the day on an old analog satellite that a lot of folks get us off of, Galaxy One.
Galaxy 9 is going to be going digital at the first of the year, so stations picking us up on Galaxy 9 need to call Affiliate Relations here at the network.
And that's, what is it?
What's the number?
877-996-4327, extension 115.
Or go to GCNLive.com.
They're figuring out what new satellite to get right now.
That should be up within the week at GCNLive.com.
Just a program note.
I thought I would throw that out there to people.
We're trying to figure out what new bird to get to replace that one.
That's Galaxy 9.
We'll still have Analog G1 and that SEPC feeder, whatever you call it.
We've got four or five feeds.
What is it, Mark?
Is it four or five feeds?
We got a lot of different feeds.
We'll just put it to you that way.
We're trying to get on Dish Network right now.
That'd be a great way to reach people.
Boy, there is so much news and I want to get to Jeffrey and Mike and others that are patiently holding.
I'd also like to hear from some first-time callers or folks that don't call in every week because a lot of times I hear from people who've been trying to call in for months and can't get through to the six phone lines we have.
But I think we have one or two lines open right now.
Here's the toll-free number of your first-time caller.
If you disagree with me, if you have a question, a comment about the world government, what the European Union's doing, what the plunge of the dollar means, the cameras going in school bathrooms all over the U.S., the drug testing of the students.
All of it!
I want to cover a couple other news items that are very important.
And then we'll go to your calls.
But again, 1-800-259-9231.
And I'm Alex Jones, your host, and the websites are InfoWars.com, InfoWars.net, and PrisonPlanet.com.
We do have a great guest coming up about how two-thirds of people in college and the administrators, two-thirds plus,
Over two-thirds don't know what the First Amendment is.
It's very important and just illustrates why we're in so much trouble.
Before I plug these little news stories, get into them, I want to talk about my videos.
They're great videos, they're informative, they're dynamic, they're the best that's out there.
Many people have said when it comes to fighting the New World Order, you're authorized.
That is, I beg you to get them and make copies of them and hand them out to people and force, multiply the info to put them on local cable channels, local access channels to give them to local opinion makers, talk show hosts, your pastor, your rabbi, your whatever.
Get it out to opinion makers now!
I've made 10 films.
They're all a little over 2 hours long.
Some are 2 hours and 40 minutes.
Some are 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Some are 2 hours and 20 minutes.
Some are 2 hours and 5 minutes.
They're all the equivalent of 3 or 4 films in one.
The new film is Matrix of Evil!
We interview Congressman Ron Paul about the globalists running Washington and the plunging dollar in the world, depression, their engineering.
We interview and have a speech with Cynthia McKinney about the U.N.-run white slavery rings and the 9-11 cover-up and Frank Morales, police state expert, Colonel Craig Roberts on the New World Order.
Excerpts of three speeches I've given.
It's a dynamic film, different from my others.
It's interviews and speeches and some news clips and documents, but people really, I'm getting rave reviews of it.
I didn't know what the response would be.
And then you have 9-11 Road to Tyranny done in just a documentary format about government-sponsored terror and September 11th and the police state master plan and how to stop them.
Masters of Terror is part two of that.
Such a big story.
Takes two films to tell it.
There's now a police state three total enslavement that's just amazing.
Folks, I can't describe everything that's in these films, but you need to have them.
Let me tell you about three minutes of Road to Tyranny.
FEMA in Kansas City saying all Christians are terrorists, all Founding Fathers are terrorists, and are enemies of the federal government, and then their training manuals saying that defenders of the U.S.
Constitution are enemy terrorists.
We have their training manuals, we have them on video, in classrooms teaching police this, we have it all.
That's about three minutes of the two and a half hour video.
Well, it's 170 minutes on DVD, longer version, 144 minutes on VHS, so about two hours and 24 minutes long there.
You really need to get it and you need to get it and make copies of it and get it out to people.
You need to get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
We're now carrying Eric Huffman's new video that's incredibly powerful.
Painful Deceptions.
How did Osama Bin Laden pull off such a devastating attack?
It's $22.
We also have the Loss of Liberty video about the USS Liberty.
That's something you've got to have.
It's $22.
My videos are $25.95, because they're a little over two hours.
And you get three or more, they drop down to $20.
And then secondarily, your purchase of the video supports this show and what I'm doing.
So, get the videos, folks.
Get the books.
Go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Get Paul Watson's new book, Order Out of Chaos.
It's the best thing out there.
Make the call.
Give it as a gift.
Get the videos.
Make copies of them.
Give those as gifts.
Just get them out to people.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001.
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Now, remember, I'm down here in Austin, Texas.
The folks running the show are up in Minnesota.
And my compatriot, my comrade, my buddy, the man riding shotgun with me, Mark, just popped in my ear.
I didn't hear what he said.
Mark, what'd you say?
Oh, okay.
Well, thank you, sir.
Just appreciate that info.
He was telling me that we have a cell phone call, or we like to put those out of the line.
Before I do that, let me just... So much of this.
Again, this is the type of stuff I look at each day.
I could spend three hours on one of these stories.
Listen to this.
forces accused of Iraq massacre.
Financial Times of London.
Looks like it was just a massacre, as I predicted from the available evidence on Monday.
That supposed big victory looks like it was just killing some women and children and calling it a victory.
Beijing warns the Taiwan referendum could lead to war.
Again, Chicago High School to require oral students to get drug tested.
Also, Bush, that was a fake little set piece with the whole turkey business, as I told you it obviously was.
They weren't allowed to have that thing.
It was a real turkey, but they couldn't have it.
They got to eat turkey MREs.
Of course, the news didn't mention that.
The news said Bush was delivering luscious turkeys.
Also, this is out of National Review, there's discussions that Bush may announce that we're going to the moon again.
That'll be a nice stunt.
Nice distraction.
Hey, it's better than blowing up more buildings.
Need to boost your approval rating?
Let's go to the moon.
I think that's a great idea.
You want us to worship you with a stunt?
Let's go to the moon.
Let's not blow more stuff up, please.
I'm begging you.
Brussels considering imposing currency controls.
The European Commission is expanding and examining the legal basis for the 1970s style exchange controls to stop the Euro surging to destructive levels.
Oh yes, and federal agents raid Hell's Angels sites across the West.
Economic boycott, protests, the illegals not being given their licenses.
That's just some of what's coming up.
Let me just cover the China thing now and then we will go to your calls, okay?
Let me just do that first.
Beijing warns that Taiwan referendum could lead to war.
Chinese military officers said today that Taiwan's leadership had pushed the island toward the abyss of war.
With its independent drive, making clear China could consider a popular vote on Taiwan's political status as a cause for war.
And they've masked the troops and said yesterday they're willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of soldiers to do it.
And Bush is selling them lots of weapons, of course.
And not selling Taiwan the weapons.
Again, that's neoconservatism.
In lengthy interviews carried prominently by the official New China News Agency and other news outlets, the military officials also said that China would prevent Taiwan from formally declaring independence even if that meant pushing the mainland economy into a recession or destroying its plans to be a host to the 2008 Olympics.
We'll get to more of that later as well.
Let's go ahead now and go to the calls.
Let's talk to Mike in North Carolina.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just wanted to ask you if you've had any indication that there's any jamming going on with your program.
Well, you know, this is a classic discussion, because we simulcast not just on AM, FM, Internet, but on shortwave, that, oh, we think the government's jamming you.
I know about five years ago, they openly would move Voice of America around and play it over me when I was on another shortwave outlet, and complaints were filed and they stopped it.
But, look, I don't know.
And what can we do about it if the government is?
Yeah, well, the reason I asked is I listen to you on shortwave.
And see, I'm picking this up from Tennessee, from Manchester, wherever the transmitters are over there.
And I'm in North Carolina.
And just like this morning, I listened to Derrick Brownfield, and it was clear as a bell when you came on, you were clear as a bell.
And then there is a signal that comes in there.
It's like a pulsating signal.
It's not like any kind of static or anything you get.
I listen to a lot of short waves.
And I just wondered if it was right after you at the beginning, you know, you were talking about all the phony things that were going on.
And I just wondered if, you know, I just wanted you to be aware that I've noticed it at night and I've noticed it in the daytime.
And it seems like that I listen to this station
Up until the time for you to come on, and then all of a sudden I start getting this signal, and it sounds like a mechanical, you know, generated signal.
You ought to call the station and have them investigate that.
Anything else, Mike?
No, that was basically it.
I just wanted to make sure that you were aware of that.
Oh yeah, we're aware of it.
We're aware of it.
I appreciate the call.
That's why every internet listener needs to email all their friends and family and tell them to tune in.
The other local AM or FM shortwave internet just all of our vehicles for listening need to be promoted and we need to get more affiliates which we are doing we just went on in LA we're on there now and I still have not really properly plugged that station and call letters and frequency but a lot of exciting things happening
And so, you know, whether people are listening to us in Maryland, on an affiliate there, or in Albuquerque, New Mexico, or in Austin, Texas, or Kansas City, or Pensacola, Florida, or Denver, Colorado, or Northern California, you know, wherever, the show is growing, despite the big media monopolies and the buy-ups of all the stations and
It's so important.
But yes, and the website Infowars.com is blocked by major corporations, by major universities, by major libraries.
And if it's blocked, go to the library and ask why.
Have them look at the filter software.
See if it's blocked.
Call your local reporters.
Have them go look at Infowars.
And decide why it's being censored and find out why.
It'll be a major news item.
You have to make it an issue.
You have the power.
And we know that's happening.
That's been admitted.
That's been confirmed.
And what's on InfoWars.com today?
Well, the New York Times.
Beijing warns the Taiwan referendum could lead to war.
We read it, we comment on it.
Ooh, radical!
Here's another one.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Music industry targets even computerless.
People that don't own a computer are being sued by them for supposedly downloading music.
Uh, here is WBBB News Radio.
Chicago High School to require all students to get drug tested.
Ooh, very radical.
We're very radical here on the show.
forces accused of Iraq massacre.
Financial Times of London.
Ooh, we're so radical.
Uh, here's the Washington Post today.
The bird was perfect, but not for dinner.
Iraq pitcher Bush is holding the centerpiece.
President Bush's Baghdad turkey was for looking, not for eating.
Again, stage manager.
Ooh, Washington Post.
We're so radical here.
Uh, National Review.
Bush may announce a trip to the moon.
Oh, we're so radical.
Oh my gosh.
Oh, we're gonna, you know, we need to be censored.
We're so deadly.
Uh, Brussels considers imposing currency controls.
Uh, the business section of the London Telegraph.
Man, we're getting radical.
Associated Press.
Federal agents raid Hells Angels.
Economic boycott to protest illegals getting licenses.
Or not getting licenses.
That's out of the Fresno Bee.
Here's USA Today.
Ooh, really getting evil now.
Federal local cuts pull cops off streets.
Here's another one.
Israel played key role in failed intelligence assessment before Iraq War.
The reason they don't like this show is because we'll take General Eberhardt saying martial law is a good thing.
We'll take outgoing SimCom head saying basically the same thing, Tommy Franks.
We'll take another LA Times article, Patriot Act author has concerns.
We put it all in one place, not one real news story sprinkled in among a thousand mindless articles.
We will take news stories
From all over the spectrum, the bill, the legislation.
We'll post the section of the Patriot Act that says every American's a terrorist.
And then we'll go, okay, they're liars.
Here's a link to Congress.
Here, go read the subsection for yourself.
Oh, it's so radical.
Oh, the Bushes are in business with the Bin Ladens.
Here's the articles.
Oh, they ordered the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
Here's the BBC.
Yes, we're very dangerous because we don't engage in conspiracy theories.
We don't engage in mindless racist diatribes.
We don't engage in mindless leftist tripe or phony neocon garbage.
We talk about history and what tyranny's done and how to fight it.
Okay, next up is
Who's up next?
Jeffrey in Louisiana, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Hello, Alex.
Yes, hello.
Yeah, this is Jeffrey from New Orleans.
I want to tell you, first of all, that I have a website since I'm running for president within the Libertarian Party.
Okay, what's your website?
Geocities.com forward slash J-E-F-F-T-I-K-E-T forward slash.
I'll repeat it again.
Geocities, G-E-O-C-I-T-I-E-S dot com.
Hey, that's great.
Does anybody have any comments about the news I'm covering?
Yeah, well, as far as I'm concerned... I'm not mad at you, Jeffrey.
I just, it's gotten to where it's just, it never, anything I mention doesn't get talked about.
It's just... Well, let me tell you this.
Tuesday I was riding the bus to go to a supermarket, and the bus driver stopped at a stop where children were there.
He asked them, quote, do you have a release permit?
Do you have a release permit?
And of course, to show you just how the schools are turning into prisons.
And he would not pick them up if they didn't have this release permit.
But anyway, Mike, as I said, the website is geocities.com forward slash Jeff Dykert forward slash.
At any rate, um, other than that... You're running for president, well that's good, it'll give you a good platform to speak out.
I'm not mad at you for calling, and let me stop you.
Because other shows wouldn't let you call in and plug your website.
My whole point is, if people are going to call in and plug stuff, I just want to hear some discussion of the New World Order.
Yeah, well obviously the New World Order is our enemy, there's no question about it.
And that's one of the reasons I'm running, because a lot of Libertarians don't get the whole idea.
For example, some of the candidates are asking to continue to trade with Red China, and we know what that leads to.
So what's your last name?
Jeffrey Dyket.
Well, that's great, Jeffrey.
Do you want to add anything else, you don?
Pretty much so.
Okay, thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Alright, Mike and Frank and Bill and Matt and Carson, your calls are all coming up.
We also got a guest in the next hour.
Very important guest, so stay with us.
One small note, December 13th, that's not this Saturday, but next Saturday, in about less than nine days, I'm going to not be in Austin, I'm going to be in Houston, Texas.
And I'm going to be at the Alamo Drafthouse Luxury.
Really nice movie theater.
300 plus seats.
I got several theaters, but they got a big 350 seat theater.
Big padded nice.
It's a nice place.
Full food, everything.
I mean, they got all the stuff.
Showing Road to Tyranny and then a John Carpenter film, They Live.
And I'm going to speak for 30 minutes and have a question and answer.
Starts at 6 p.m., West Oak Shopping Center in Houston, Texas.
West Oak Shopping Center, December 13th.
It's $10 to see both movies and it's a great place and I hope to see everybody out there.
It's a great place to network.
Details are at Infowars.com.
You can buy tickets online there by looking through to thealamodrafthouse.com.
Good to talk to you, Mike.
I wanted to talk about this.
It's not a racist issue.
It's the police brutality with that guy in Cincinnati.
You know, the guy that got beat up real bad by the cops?
They killed him.
They killed him, right.
You know, you watch that tape, they're showing it on CNN News, all these stations are showing it over and over and over again.
Give me a break, the guy took a swing at the guy and then they're gonna murder him?
I mean, Alex, this is unbelievable.
To tell you, and I'm out of the loop, I've seen all the news articles, I have not seen the video.
I do not watch much TV.
I watch TV shows, people mail me, like Threat Matrix and stuff.
Uh, but, uh, I read the synopsis of what TV shows are about from their own websites.
You know, this week we're torturing people and it's good.
You know, Threat Matrix, tune in.
Uh, or I see the ads for it occasionally.
I watch a little bit of TV.
But, uh, so I really can't comment on this.
I know that I've punched somebody before in high school and put them in a coma.
They attacked me so I wasn't charged.
Uh, so I, I,
It's stupid to swing at cops.
I'm not saying it's good what they did.
You've seen the video.
Does it look like they were trying to kill him?
I mean, they should know.
Yeah, they did.
I mean, obviously.
He took, from what I saw, one swing, and then they were beating the hell out of the guy.
I mean, come on.
Obviously, there's other ways to subdue somebody than beat the heck out of them with their sticks, you know?
Well, it sounds wrong, and it shows this overuse of force.
It's like the high school kids all on their bellies with guns to their heads, no drugs found, just in a suite, not a raid.
It's horrible.
I've seen the photos of it.
I hear the video is terrible.
Didn't they keep beating him after he was on the ground?
Oh, yeah.
You couldn't see it, but you could see him taking swings at him.
But also, Alex, I want to talk to you about the Chicago public schools being drug tested.
I just want to let you know, since I live in the Chicago area, not only is it the... It's not just Chicago schools, it's the whole Cook County, which is more than just Chicago.
It's several, several suburbs.
Yeah, I know.
They always announce it like it's something new.
It's going on all over the country, public and private.
Everyone has to be drug tested.
Where's the Fourth Amendment?
Unbelievable, Alex.
Well, keep up the good work.
I saw your films.
I'm going to get that Matrix film, because I haven't seen it yet.
But keep up the good work, Alex.
Hey, I appreciate the call, Mike.
We'll come back and talk to Frank and Bill and Matt and others and Carson.
And later in the next hour, we've got the guests coming on.
But, yeah.
I mean, I've got video police out of their own squad cars where people don't even touch them and they beat them up.
And then they charge them with assaulting them.
So I know it's out of control.
It's very thuggish.
And they beat people to death all the time, and it's a real tragedy.
Police should know, you start beating somebody with a club, you're probably going to kill them.
I mean, people die all the time in fistfights.
I mean, if you... That's why fighting is not good, folks, because you get in a fight with somebody that doesn't have the psychological inhibition against releasing their full power, they'll kill you.
That's why I'm afraid to get in fights with people, because I'll kill people.
That's why I wouldn't be a cop.
We'll be right back.
Berkey water filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
The Berkey Light Self-Sterilizing... This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
We're now into the second hour.
Coming up here in about ten minutes, Alan Charles Kors, president of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education.
How are you doing?
It is very good to talk to you.
I tuned in and found your radio station last week, and am very pleased with it, and I think I have an answer for you.
Okay, an answer for me on what?
The Constitution and why nobody knows about it.
Well, they don't teach it in school by design, but they teach all about the U.N.
It's not in the book.
I just helped my fiancée's ninth grade daughter do a report
On a federalist, anti-federalist view on why we need a new constitution.
The constitution is not in the government book.
And this book was released last year.
So why we need a new constitution if it's not taught in the textbooks?
That's what I want to know.
I mean, hell, the one we've got now is useless.
It's no good.
The government doesn't know about it.
Well, hold on, hold on, sir.
The Constitution isn't bad.
We've become useless because we let them take it away from us.
Some people think we need a new Constitution because the old ones failed.
It didn't fail.
We jumped out of the lifeboat.
Well, yeah, you're right there.
I'll have to give you that one.
But the government, they don't pay any attention to it.
They do what they want to do.
What they say is they say it's constitutional to put cameras in elementary school bathrooms.
And that's ridiculous.
And it's not constitutional.
It's right out of 1984.
Well, let's put it this way.
Let's say you own the business.
You put a camera in your bathroom.
You're going to jail because you're a pervert.
Well, what gives the government the right to do it?
Hundreds of schools are doing it, including little girls' showers, little boys' showers, 12-year-olds, 11-year-olds.
That's the Associated Press from Illinois to Tennessee to Louisiana.
California to New York.
I fully believe you.
I have no doubt on that in any manner, shape, size, form or fact.
I don't want you to believe me.
I want you to go to the website and get the articles because a lot of people do deny this until it comes to their school and they go, oh, I guess it's good.
I have.
I drive a truck for a local construction company here in Cheyenne and
When I first heard your program, I'm driving down the road trying to write down the website address so I could go and look at it when I got off work, and I did.
We've got a lot of affiliates.
We're learning of new ones all the time.
What frequency are you listening to?
Is this AM FM?
It's AM 1360, and the station is out of Colorado.
Oh, no, I know.
Yeah, that is an incredibly powerful station.
Yeah, I know about that station.
Please tell ten people a day about it.
I do.
I do every day.
I tell everybody that I've known about this station and I got a lot of them listening to you.
Get on your CB and... Are you in your truck right now?
I'm sitting at the rock quarry right now.
Hey, hey.
Pick up your CB and tell them to tune into 1360.
I do every day.
And we're also on the Colorado Radio Network, four affiliates there, and they got great... I need to give out some of their frequencies too, a lot of great folks.
Yeah, you do, because the one that I'm picking up is very staticky.
I have a lot of trouble picking it up.
Well, that's because you're picking it up from... it's just north of Denver.
How far away are you from Denver?
I'm 90 miles from Denver.
Why don't you pick up your... pick it up and tell folks to tune in.
Do it right now.
Pick it up.
Let me hear you tell them.
I guess he's not going to do it.
Hey everybody, I want y'all to tune your CB radios to AM 1360.
Hopefully you can pick it up right here.
And listen to what this fella's got to say.
He's spreading a lot of good word out there.
Alright, God bless you.
Thanks for the call.
Alright, that's wonderful.
Just all great folks.
We'll be right back, so stay with us.
We've got a guest coming up.
Your call's too.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that Berkey water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other water filtration systems are measured.
The Berkey Light gives you the freshest, cleanest water possible from the world's most revolutionary water filtration system.
The self-sterilizing black Berkey elements remove pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, volatile organic chemicals, trihalomethanes, radon-222, and much, much more.
Its rechargeable 8-lamp bright white LED lighting system provides the ideal source of emergency light.
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Get the Berkey Light, the standard of excellence for only $259 by calling New Millennium at 888-803-4438 and tell them Alex Jones sent you.
That's toll free at 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
In my new film, The Masters of Terror, we chronicle the globalist master plan for world domination.
The Masters of Terror details how the elite are using manufactured terrorism to drive the world population into accepting tyranny.
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soil, the U.S.A.
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It is absolutely vital that everyone see the masters of terror.
Only by exposing the perpetrators of September 11th can we stop them from carrying out the next wave of attacks and destroying our constitutional republic.
Order online now at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Alright, folks!
Whether you're Bill in New Jersey, or Matt in Louisiana, or Carson in Colorado, or Wyatt in Maryland, or Larry in Arizona, we're gonna get to everybody's calls coming up here in about 10 minutes, because no matter what subject of politics, or world government, or corruption, or this war you're talking about,
It's affected by what our next guest is exposed.
And I already knew this was the fact, just from being on talk radio around the country, on AM and FM and shortwave and internet, and talking to thousands of people, well millions of people every day, but talking to thousands on air as callers every month, and being a guest on other talk shows, that a lot of people don't know what the Constitution or Bill of Rights is, so how can they know how the government's supposed to operate?
And since this article came out about a week and a half ago, I've mentioned and read parts of it a few times, we've got a guest on, Alan Charles Course, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, or FIRE in Philadelphia, which commissioned this major survey.
First Amendment survey finds knowledge lacking, this is in the Washington Times, by George Archibald, more than two-thirds of college students and administrators
...who participated in a national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
In the survey conducted at 339 colleges and universities, a massive survey, a massive study, more than one-fourth of students and administrators did not list freedom of speech as an essential right protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
And Alan, thank you for coming on the show.
Tell us a little bit about yourself, about the study, about the organization, the website, and let's launch into how, well, I like your quotes here about the shocking results demonstrate a profound and dangerous failure to comprehend the moral and legal basis for religious liberty.
Well, that's exactly right.
I'm a professor of history at the University of Pennsylvania.
I have been fighting political correctness and coercion and efforts at indoctrination on our campuses for many years.
I co-founded, and I work for it pro bono, I've co-founded the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, and we are concerned with free speech, with freedom of religion, with privacy, with freedom of conscience on American college campuses, and with legal equality.
A very large number of cases that were coming into us, and if your listeners look at our website, you'll see that we've
Dealt with an extraordinary number of cases, and the ones you see on the website are merely the ones we had to take public.
Often we can get a university to back off simply by threatening public exposure, because they can't defend in public what they do and believe in private.
But a large number of cases coming in dealt with religious liberty, and university administrators, and often students, seem to have no notion.
And for those that don't understand, the socialists, the liberals, can make a student go to a gay bar,
That's part of their class.
They can make them watch porno movies.
They can talk about how bad America is all day.
They can have so-called minorities badmouth and say racist stuff about whites.
But then there's no equality for someone to even defend themselves against this.
And basically that's what a lot of these studies have shown.
This new study
It's scary because it shows a large percentage of administrators and students thinking the First Amendment's a bad thing, and the vast majority, though, not even really knowing what it is.
Like, the study you would ask them, or the study group would ask them, what is the First Amendment?
Two-thirds-plus didn't know.
Then, a large portion didn't believe in it once they were told what it meant.
That's exactly right.
You're also exactly right that the whole regime of repression at American universities
It depends absolutely upon a double standard, that you have rules that are only enforced on politically incorrect groups, and that the cultural left on campus can say whatever it wishes, in whatever manner it wishes.
But that other people can be found guilty of insensitivity, incivility, harassment, simply by stating their own honest and passionately held beliefs.
But let me give your listeners an example.
As you know, the very first freedom
...recognized and guaranteed by the First Amendment is the free exercise of religion.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.
That's correct.
And we ask students and administrators of student life at universities across the country, what is the first freedom addressed by the First Amendment to the Constitution?
6% of administrators correctly named freedom of religion.
6%, only 2% of students.
Furthermore, while an extraordinary number of administrators, 50% of administrators at public institutions,
Did not believe that religious students had a right to spread their views by whatever legal means.
Let me give you an example of this.
It was about two years ago.
I had a Temple University from there on the East Coast.
I don't
And so they got their own time, as their own group, to have a rally, and he was called to the office, they kidnapped him, put him in the mental institution, the doctors said nothing's wrong with him, we're releasing him, and they tried to ban.
Basically, it's like secret Soviet police.
You even say, I'm against that, a lot of times security guards will grab you.
And now, folks, I'm not exaggerating, this is going on, am I correct, sir?
It does go on.
The general pattern that happens,
Uh, is that if you are, uh, if you're the university equivalent of indicted for, brought up on charges, um, for views that offend other people, um, read traditionalist or conservative views... But they grabbed this young man, the head of the Young Conservatives, and took him to the, uh, the university-run mental ward.
Well, here's what normally happens.
That, that, that's, uh...
That's heavy-handed and crude.
Did you hear about that?
I did.
The same thing is usually accomplished by a somewhat more subtle means.
Namely, they will say you now have a choice.
You can face charges that could lead up to suspension or expulsion and never get your degree and have a judicial record on your transcript.
Or, you can agree to undergo sensitivity training.
Which is brainwashing.
Brainwashing by the campus zealots, by the most radical feminists, by the most radical self-appointed spokesmen for so-called minority groups on campus.
And this is, in fact, thought reform, what passes for sensitivity training on campus.
And here's a frightening statistic.
While half the administrators of public institutions believe that students ought not to spread their religious beliefs by whatever legal means they chose, over a third of administrators at state-funded public universities, and virtually half of administrators of private universities, reported that their institutions
...had mandatory non-curricular programs, the goal of which, and this is direct quote, quote, the goal of which is to lead students to value all sexual preferences and to recognize the relativity of these values compared to the values of their upbringing.
So students are not free to spread their religious views by legal means on campus.
But, on the other hand, universities, including public universities, are free to send students to mandatory sensitivity training on matters of race and sex and sexuality.
Now, this is the Sovietization of America, Mr. Corse, but also the bigger issue is that over two-thirds of administrators and students don't even know what the First Amendment is, and that's because the public schools have nothing on the Constitution.
It's all about the UN.
It's all about world government.
This is amazing!
The ignorance of the Constitution really is shocking, and you're quite right.
One does not want to blame college students because it's never been a part of their education.
Um, what the constitutional principles of this nation are, um, and what the moral principles underlying that constitution are.
Yeah, people put their hand over their heart and, you know, say the Pledge of Allegiance, but you have to know what you're pledging to.
That's why the police go, I'm not violating your rights, I'm just kicking your door down without a warrant.
Well, the second point you make is, of course, also profoundly important that if you have a nation that doesn't educate in individual liberty,
Uh, you are not going to have a citizenship that knows when it has lost.
And that's by design.
Uh, that.
So, what really is striking is both the ignorance of college administrators when it comes
Uh, to foundational constitutional rights.
Both at the level of what the Constitution says and what they ought to want.
I tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, Alan.
I want to come back and get more into this, but I want to go to some calls as promised.
And, and, and, they'll be all over the map, but it's all affected by this.
And I want to keep you on, uh, with us for at least another 30 minutes to go over this.
And when we get back, I want you to plug your website.
Great organization.
Folks, get ready to go check out this website.
Grabbing people, putting them in mental institutions.
That was in the Associated Press.
Late summer, 2003.
Mainstream press tells us we're having a stock market recovery.
Late summer, 2002.
I heard the same thing.
Late summer, 2001.
You heard the same thing.
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That's recovery?
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You hear a lot about the quality of air outside these days.
Is it as healthy as you'd like it?
Probably not.
Well listen to this.
Did you know according to the American Lung Association combined with the EPA, the air quality inside your home is actually 6 to 10 times worse than the air outside.
6 to 10 times worse.
How could that be you ask?
Think about what's inside your home.
Air spray.
Does anyone smoke?
What about all those cleaners under your sink?
Where do you think all those fumes go?
Toxic fumes.
Well I'll tell you where they go.
We're good to go.
I've probably had Charlotte Isserly on the show 20 times over the last 5-6 years.
She's the former deputy head of the Department of Education in Reagan's administration.
And she has a book the size of a phone book full of government documents how they want to dumb the children down, how they want to warp their minds.
They say we're all mentally ill because we don't want to go along with this.
And to illustrate that, you notice our guest heard about the story, it was in the news, we had him on, where they just arrested, you know, you're going to the mental institution, you're against this play, you want to have a protest, you're not allowed to, even though you're a student group.
I mean, this is not America, folks, and they're moving to do this.
And even if I don't agree with what some groups are doing, I'm for their right to say it and do it.
But again, these groups, they want to have their free speech, but they don't want us to have our free speech.
Yes, that's really the crux, Alan, of what you're getting into here.
Can you plug the website?
Our website is www.thefire.org.
Fire stands for the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
I want to get more into this, but let's take some calls, and they'll be all over the map, but it's all affected by the dumbing down here and the free speech attack.
Bill in New Jersey, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, here's a good one.
I hope you can handle it.
Wall Township.
Police in Wall Township say fake guns are creating a serious problem for law enforcement officers in the community.
In the past few years, police say they have seen an increase in the number of people carrying toy guns that appear real.
And all over the world, they're banning toy guns.
First the image of something, then they ban it.
In reality, this is more thought crime.
You know, the poor guy that was selling them, they already shut him down about a year ago for selling swords.
Then his store got broke into.
150 fake guns were stolen, and they caught two girls robbing a bank with one of them.
After they had painted the tip of the gun so it looked more real.
This was on News12.com.
Going back to our guest, this ties into what you're saying.
Everything does.
Where we're a country now, we're just the image of something they're trying to ban.
Comments, Mr. Kors?
Well, you know, there is a certain peace to be had in a police state.
It is not the peace that America is all about.
And it is harder to go after people who commit crimes than it is to eliminate all things that might possibly cause crime.
But we live with the messy business of freedom and liberty and individual rights in this country.
And if people would concentrate efforts of law enforcement on the appropriate job of going after people who actually commit crimes,
Yeah, pre-crime.
Everything is shifting to pre-crime.
Oh, what you said could have caused somebody to commit a crime.
We're going to arrest you.
That's how the hate laws are being pushed.
Well, that's exactly right.
And on college campuses, there is this belief that people simply are incapable of living with disagreement, and incapable of living with knowing how each other actually thinks.
And so we designate specific groups, and it's not really the group.
It's people within the group who think a certain way as having the right to be protected.
All right, let's go to more calls.
Thanks for the call, Bill.
Matt in Louisiana.
Matt, you're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
Alex, great to talk to you again.
You know, I first found you on Shortwave a couple years ago, and you really got to me because a lot of the stuff you were saying
I thought it was a little crazy, I gotta tell you.
As I started, you changed the way I watched the news, and read the paper, and the way I interacted with people, and I realized you were dead on.
I got your films, tried to turn a lot of friends onto the New World Order stuff in half, but I get the same thing every time I talk to people about it.
I was not confronting, but having a friendly
Ah, debate with a friend who was telling me all of the great benefits of the OnStar system on his Suburban.
And I get the same thing every time, which is, well, what, are you a drug dealer?
Why would you be against being able to track everywhere you are?
And something else I find to get a lot of my talk about this is people saying, what, are you a Democrat?
And I just say, look, I am a patriot.
And I mean, I hate to see what's going on in this country, and when I tell people about it,
I'll tell you what, stay there, Matt, and I may hold you over, but I want to get a comment from our guest, because again, I want to show all this ties together, whatever issue you're raising.
We also see, Alan, from the so-called neocon conservative movement, where they've got their own forms of censorship, where you're not patriotic if you speak out.
So we're getting the left and the right coming out with censorship, aren't we?
Uh, well, yes.
I mean, the impulse to censor knows no politics.
Uh, it's, uh, I think it was Mark Twain who said, the only thing stronger than the sex drive is the drive to censor other people.
I tell you what, stay there, Matt.
I'll let you finish up with our guests.
When we get back, we'll go to Carson, Wyatt, and Barry to get more into this survey.
And we'll also tell you how to visit the website of this organization.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Folks, I read the Associated Press, UBI, Reuters, and the big newspapers
For about three hours every morning, about two, three hours every night.
And I see instances of people being arrested.
You'll have a black man attacking a white person.
The black man will say something racist, and then the white person will say something racist back in Idaho, and the white person is arrested, and the police admit, well, when you say something racist, it's racist.
I don't agree with the white person saying something racist or the black person saying something racist.
But, I'll fight to the death to defend both their rights to call each other names.
But, you take this Temple University student, you know, the top of his class, Clinton aide, but a conservative, and they were going to just have their own conservative rally, which they're allowed to do, and this was in the newspaper, the dean admitted it.
He walked in, he sat down, they started yelling at him.
He wouldn't get mad.
He said, fine, I'm going to have to sue you guys, because you won't let us have our protest.
And when he walked out, the police tackled him and took him to the mental institution.
And the doctors said, no, we're not going to drug this guy.
What is this, a police state?
That was in the news.
We had them on the show.
And I want to illustrate, that's the exception now, but that's what they want to do.
When you read their policy reports, when you hear what these Soviets or fascists, because you've got right wing ones, left wing ones, but mainly it's left wing,
When you see what they're trying to do, I have friends in college, when they're attacking the Second Amendment at UT, and they'll try to have a discussion, and the professor after class will say, you're not to talk of this anymore, it's hateful, there can be no discussion of the Second Amendment.
That is to counter what they're saying.
And then in a major survey, a scientific survey, here it is in the Washington Times, 339 U.S.
colleges, over two-thirds of administrators and students didn't know what the First Amendment was, and the vast majority think you have no right to free speech.
Again, recapping what I was saying.
We're about to go back to these loaded phones.
We're talking to Alan Charles Kors, the president of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education.
Thefire.org is the website.
A lot of key studies and cases.
You want to know how bad things have really gotten.
Alan, is there really a... I can't overemphasize, you can't overemphasize, that if this continues, this is the death of our free society, is it not?
Is this not the death of our free society, Alan?
It would indeed be the end of all freedom in this country.
And again, we are educating our students in a climate that does not respect freedom and individual rights.
It's incredible.
Well, it is.
When we asked public and private college administrators to name rights protected by the First Amendment,
Only one-third mentioned the right of assembly and association, only 23% mentioned freedom of the press, only 21% mentioned freedom of religion, and only 4% mentioned the right of citizens to petition their government for redress of grievances.
Now, if we have college administrators who have no notion of what the very First Amendment of the Bill of Rights
We're in a lot of trouble.
If thought crime and political correctness is bad now, what's it going to be like in 10-15 years?
Well, there's a very interesting set of programs on campuses, to reinforce your point.
Almost every university has something very innocently named leadership programs, in which they take out potential activists from student organizations whose political goals they admire, and they give them leadership training.
And this is some of the most politically and ideologically loaded and propagandistic stuff that occurs.
I was about to say, public schools.
Remember the Governor's School with Clinton?
Well, you've got, this is happening at public universities, but even at private universities, of course, the taxpayer subsidy is extraordinary.
And it's also happening with fraud.
You don't have universities that say on page one of their catalog,
We believe that your sons and daughters are the racist, sexist, homophobic beneficiaries of an unjust society, and for massive tuition and massive taxpayer subsidy will coerce them into thinking differently.
They don't have the guts to advertise their actual agenda.
So it's also fraudulent inducement.
They promise legal equality, they promise non-discrimination,
They promise academic freedom, and they deliver on virtually none of those.
Well, there was a group of Veterans for Peace in the capital of Florida on Veterans Day three weeks ago, and they signed up weeks before to march.
They paid their little fee.
There were Hooters girls in the parade.
There were car dealerships.
It had nothing to do with the veterans groups.
And when they were marching, the police walked over and said, the people don't like it.
Some are booing.
You're not allowed to march.
We'll arrest you if you don't get out of the parade.
And they were just carrying a Dove banner.
I saw the photo of it.
The symbol of Veterans for Peace.
Now, whether you agree or disagree with Veterans for Peace, the point is you should agree with the First Amendment, folks.
That's right.
You've said the crucial thing.
Whether you agree with or disagree with any specific point of view,
The thing about America is we have agreed that liberty is a way of being human.
And ten years ago, police would have known you don't walk over the people who are signed up for a parade during the parade and say, because people don't like it, you've got to get out of line.
The other thing that you see on college campuses is the view that certain beliefs are discriminatory and can be suppressed.
I'll give you my favorite example.
At Pennsylvania State University, not my University of Pennsylvania, but Pennsylvania State, Penn State, there was a group, Young Americans for Freedom, whose constitution said that rights were God-given and thus beyond the reach of any government.
The university, until we intervened, ruled that that phrase, that rights were God-given and beyond the reach of a government, constituted religious discrimination.
Against people who didn't believe they were God-given and the group was derecognized and defunded from its life on campus.
But you'll have the Muslim groups on campus, the Wiccan groups on campus, the Palestinian groups on campus, Mecha who openly, I've seen him at rallies with big posters saying, kill all whites.
That's loving and good!
Well, there was a case years ago, well, in the 1990s, at the University of California, San Diego, whose chancellor went on to become the head of the whole University of California system, Atkinson, in which they had a policy forbidding, at a public university, jokes circulating on email that might offend.
And then MECHA, the radical Hispanic group,
Came out with an editorial calling for the death of Hispanic American border guards as race traitors, calling for their execution.
And you don't see the FBI swooping in on them?
Well, when a public uproar occurred, the university came in and said, hey, we're a university, free speech, the First Amendment.
Yeah, but free speech doesn't cross over to saying, go kill that person.
Well, no.
In fact, if you ever were going to suppress free speech, a terroristic threat would be the place to do it.
But here was a university that had violated the First Amendment by forbidding jokes that offended feminists.
But then turned around and cited the First Amendment in order to defend the right of Mecha, and a call for the assassination of Hispanic American border guards.
So the double standard is just intolerable.
Well, I mean, when one of these white supremacist idiots says, go out and kill black people, SWAT teams raid them instantly.
Indeed, and the sad irony of this, of course, is the whole struggle in this country has been for equal justice under law.
That we all have the same rights, and we all have the same responsibilities for our actions.
Well, I have to tell you, that message is getting across on my local TV show.
I speak out against the Klan, I speak out against Mecha, I protested both groups, and I've actually been able to deprogram
A lot of the liberals, by not being hypocritical, by going, yes, I'm for your peace group being able to march, and yes, I'm for this, and yes, I protest the Klan, but I also protest Mecha, and so we're really able, by going across the left-right paradigm, to wake folks up.
Let's go to some of these calls.
This is Riveting Info, and we appreciate you joining us, sir.
Thefire.org is the website we have their president on right now.
Let's let Matten in Louisiana finish up his point, then I want to go to Carson, Wyatt, Barry, and Joe.
I just want to let you know, I am an academic and work at a university and I agree with everything your guest is saying.
I see it every day and it's something that definitely over the past 10 years I've seen just get worse.
But my question was, I need your help because people who are open minded to these types of things, it's easy to talk to them about it.
I find that if I sit down at a dinner party and start talking about cashless society, controlled world, Operation Northwood, government run, white slavery rings, people look at me like I have three heads.
You know, how do you, how do you broach these subjects with people without looking, without
What you're saying is, again, we're talking about that 20-30% that are into books, that are into history, that are into the Constitution.
You can talk to them, but when you talk to the general public, they can be an expert on computer programming or an expert at football, but they have no grasp of what you do is, you bring them a copy of a video, because it's not just you saying there's government-run white slavery rings.
In Police State 3 Total Enslavement, they will see BBC, Associated Press, where they kidnapped all these women and children in the Balkans, and the UN and DynCorp flew them out.
So, I mean, if you're going to bring something up like that, you bring Northwoods, you bring the ABC News article, you bring the BBC News article about the government-run white slavery rings.
That's how I found you would stuff this incredible... I didn't want to believe it.
Well, I'm going to be in Houston.
I'm going to drive from Baton Rouge to Houston next Saturday.
I look forward to meeting you.
Well, thank you so much.
I look forward to... I'm going to be... The most amazing thing is going to be if you can... If you... I listen to you six hours a day and only hear you for 30 minutes before the movie.
That's what I'm waiting to see.
All right, thanks for the call.
Yeah, I'm going to be showing Road to Tyranny and then John Carpenter's film, kind of a dystopic film about shifting your paradigm, They Live.
I'll speak for 30 minutes at 6 o'clock, show Road to Tyranny, then at about 9.30 we'll show They Live.
But let's go ahead and go back to the calls, and that's next Saturday.
That's the 13th in Houston.
Let's go ahead and talk to Carson in Colorado.
Carson, you're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead.
Another great guest, Alex.
Another great guest.
Thank you.
Thank you, Alex, for what you do always.
And this is a slow run-up, but radio check.
I'm listening to the same station that our trucker was.
He was 90 miles north of the location of the station.
I'm 150 miles south of that station.
It is the American Freedom Network, The Lion.
Absolutely, and then I was also going to plug our other separate affiliates, the Colorado Radio Network.
The Colorado Radio Network is also a wonderful, wonderful station.
My coverage is a little bit better down the further south I can get.
However, I want to run about four things out by you quickly, if you'll give me 20 seconds to set them up.
You and your guests, you pick one and I'll listen off the air as we get to some of your other fine callers.
Sure, my friend, go ahead.
Watch a lot of TV, but the Cuba travel ban was lifted by the Congress.
They jointly agreed to lift that travel ban.
I had someone call me and say, quick, turn on the TV.
The President was saying he was going to use the provisions of the Homeland Security Act to track and trace and punish and prosecute any
Let me just say this.
Again, if folks knew their Constitution, they'd know how unconstitutional unilateral executive activities domestically are.
I don't agree with lifting the Cuba travel ban.
But again, this is playing politics.
The Republican-controlled Congress does this, then Bush says, I'm going to penalize you if you do.
No, he should execute the laws of that Congress.
And again, this goes to knowledge of the Constitution being lacking, so they can get away with this.
Alan Charles, of course, comments.
Well, I'm going to limit myself to academic politics and what I know best, but the general point is exactly right.
A nation that does not educate in the traditions of liberty, and in passing on specific and general knowledge and the spirit of our constitutional rights,
Well, what's interesting is I think a lot of students
Don't buy into what's happening on college campuses.
Well, they don't buy into it, but they still don't know what the First Amendment is.
Well, that's exactly right.
And I don't take heart from the fact that they don't buy into it, because what they're missing is a positive education in the experience and in the nature of liberty.
So that's why they're learning to be cowards.
They're learning to be people who, disagreeing with the orthodoxy, the left orthodoxy that prevails on our campuses,
Um, learn to stay quiet.
That's it.
You just said something.
And to make believe that they agree.
Alan, I hate to keep jumping in here, but everything you're saying I agree with so much, and you're just crystallizing it down so simply.
I walk into a grocery store, and thanks for the call, Carson.
I walk into a grocery store
And, because I have a TV show here in Austin, 30 people will walk up to me in five minutes and start talking to me, but they all say, oh, I know what you're talking about, but nobody cares, nobody will do anything, I just keep my mouth shut.
You know, we're the majority, we have the power, but they have the top of the hill in every position of media, so they make it look like we're all alone, and so we all cower.
How do we change that?
Well, I think you have to end statalism in people.
You have to make them understand that one can defend liberty and constitutional rights successfully.
That's what our organization is all about on campuses.
And the more that we win, the more we do reduce statalism.
It sets precedent.
But it takes people willing to fight these issues.
All right.
It takes precedent.
We've got to set more precedents.
And that means you in the trenches, folks.
When somebody blocks my website out of the college, won't let you go to InfoWards, make an issue.
Write about it in the school paper.
Find out why.
Pin them down.
Wyatt in Maryland.
Wyatt, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Go ahead, Wyatt.
You're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
Can you hear me?
Yes, go ahead.
Oh, great, great.
Thank you for your guest.
Understand exactly the dilemma that this country's in when you have from elementary school all the way up to our universities on 1984 newspeak and a total ban on constitutional teaching, you have this situation we're in now.
And I don't see, I think that this study reveals a lot of things to
Your listeners and of course most of your listeners probably understand a great deal of this.
Can you hold me over?
We've only got about five minutes, four minutes in the next segment with our guests.
I'll let you finish up Wyatt and go to Barry.
I'll have to get to Joe and others the next hour if our guest is gone.
But we'll get you guys in and also plug their website again.
And it is sad.
It is scary.
It is serious.
This is just absolutely amazing, but by speaking out about it, we can turn the tide.
We'll be right back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
The military industrial complex is funding the leftist movements.
Oh, you didn't know that?
I've got congressional studies.
And the neocons are using this mass of people that have been trained that censorship is good
And it's cutting both ways, we're losing America.
It's our final segment with our guest, Alan Charles Kors, President of the Foundation for Individual Rights and Education, TheFire.org, based in Philadelphia.
Real quick, Wyatt, finish up because I want to jam some more calls in.
One of the things with what's happening is, we're living our lives and we're being stifled in our freedom of speech by ignorant people of the Constitution and of our
I'm going to shut up.
Right, and nothing in this Constitution shall be construed as to prejudice any claims.
This is why they're able to say, if you take federal funds of any way, you will be our slave.
Hey, thanks for the call.
Yeah, and the Tenth Amendment is being violated there as well.
Comments to what he was just saying, Allen?
Well, I do think that one of the great prices we've paid is an excess of intrusion.
...into what ought to be a flourishing, diverse, private university system.
But universities want federal aid.
They accept federal regulations.
But the real problem is that there is no market in higher education.
There's a monopoly.
And so reality doesn't come into play?
Uh, where a university could say to parents, no indoctrination here.
We respect your children's individuality.
We're going to expose them to debates and a diversity of points of view.
Also, the academia is failing them.
The grade of education
Free people have extraordinary powers.
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I don't know, some of Bin Laden.
Hold on, such a devastating attack.
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We're also carrying the new Loss of Liberty video about the USS Liberty.
1-888-253-3139 to order any of the books or videos or audio CDs.
3139 or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Third hour, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, folks.
Welcome already into the third hour of global transmission.
It is Thursday, the 4th of December, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We're about to go to the loaded phone lines for Barry and Joe and Ron and Dan and others.
The toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We can continue the discussion of the big survey I've been talking about of 339 universities
We're good to go.
They're as ignorant as a bucket of dirt when it comes to that.
They're experts, though, on how to act cool and pick up women or go to the football game.
And the reason I talk about police is because they're the enforcers of the law, but they don't even follow the Constitution.
It's whatever the policy is of their police chief.
And they just pay out the lawsuits with your money and just raise your taxes as they lose thousands of lawsuits per year.
So we can discuss that.
Just a bunch of other news.
A lot of just absolutely key stuff that we're going to be going over today.
Brussels considers imposing currency controls.
The European Commission is examining the legal basis for the 1970s style exchange controls to stop the Euro surging to destructive levels.
Because they say it's going to destroy America.
They just want to defeat us, they say.
That's public.
Bush is set to announce another trip to the moon.
That's a national review from inside the neocon nest.
Uh, the bird was perfect, but not for dinner.
That was a stage deal.
They wouldn't let him eat that turkey.
That was a stage deal, as I already told you it was.
forces accused of Iraq massacre.
The big victory on Sunday, turns out, what it looked like to me, is slaughter innocent people.
Chicago high schools to require all students to get drug testing.
See, now it's everybody.
Where went the Fourth Amendment?
Well, they don't know what it is, so why not do it?
That and just a lot more.
Beijing threatening war with Taiwan and really gearing up to do it in a big, big way.
Right now, let's go to Barry in Arizona, who's been holding patiently for the last 45 minutes.
Welcome, Barry.
Hey, Alex.
How are you?
Hey, just real quickly before I get to my main point.
I don't know if you looked at the November issue of Popular Science, but there's full detailed battle plans, high-tech battle plans, in case one of the states
Well, I've been getting calls about it.
If somebody will email me the online version, I'll post it on InfoWars.
Just send it to tips at InfoWars.
But the Popular Science, major magazine, it has battle plans to, again, everything's martial law now.
Why do they say the state will secede?
Well, it's a hypothetical scenario, just in case.
But, I mean, they focus on not actually the state of California, but Los Angeles.
But, um, anyway, yeah, it's all high-tech battle plans.
And that's why they're gearing up Mecha and La Raza and the whole Southwest deal.
As I said, that's where they'll first inject you in troops.
It's a federal plan.
Anyway, uh, besides that, the reason I was calling was because I was hoping to get to kind of interact with your desk there a little bit.
But, you know, ever since I've been hearing you talk about, you know, how our government's not the lawful government, I've been making a concerted effort to really try to understand what that means.
And what I've come to is that, you know, people that try to assert their rights as a U.S.
citizen are going to fail every time because there's a difference between being a U.S.
citizen and a citizen of your state.
Well, for folks that don't understand this, the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776, you may have heard of it.
It's a real American institution.
And I'll hold you over.
Stay there, Barry.
We'll talk more about it.
We'll put him on hold.
It says that it's our right, our duty, when they don't follow the rules of God's system, when they violate people's rights, they list what those are, when they list the grievances, that it's our right to say no to it.
It's simple.
If people pull up, put you in a van, and say you're going to be their slave, you have a right to fight back against them.
It's just 101, folks!
We'll be right back!
This is Michael Corbin, host of A Closer Look.
Now you can hear more of a good thing.
Beginning Monday, November 17th, we are expanding our daily program to two hours.
A Closer Look will air Monday through Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the Genesis Communications Network.
Join me each day as we take a closer look at the issues that affect your daily lives.
I take the mainstream media to task by exposing the real power behind the international elite that are working to bring this great nation to its knees.
A closer look puts you in the driver's seat by keeping you informed.
Our program, combined with other programs on this network, such as Alex Jones, strives to present a united front on the war against corruption being perpetrated by our politicians.
We provide you the means to halt their assault so we can take our country back.
So join me Monday through Saturday, 6 to 8 p.m.
Mountain, 8 to 10 Eastern, right here on the Genesis Communications Network.
Be there.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the new world order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word.
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We're good to go!
Barry in Arizona!
He was talking about how I discussed the fact that the military-industrial complex, the private corporate interests that control America are not the legitimate government.
The Declaration of Independence says that if a government tries to enslave you, it's illegitimate, you have a right, you have a duty, or you're a traitor, to fight back against it.
And then he was getting into the different, you know, the 13th Amendment, 14th Amendment,
Different facets of this, different types of citizens.
They had the 14th Amendment at the end of the Civil War.
They didn't want to give black people their true freedom, but they were taking it back themselves, so they were having to respond.
So they said, okay, we'll create a 14th Amendment, corporate serf status, with civil rights privileges.
And that's what they created.
And now, through the licenses and the rest of it, we've all been made basically sharecroppers.
So they said, you won't be slaves, you'll be sharecroppers.
And I believe that's the point that Barry is bringing up.
Go ahead and finish up.
Okay, well, you know, what you can do is be, you know, that status as a U.S.
citizen is voluntary.
Most people don't know that throughout their life, you know, they create tacit agreements that they are U.S.
Well, you can un-volunteer for all that, and you can revert back to a standing of de jure, meaning lawful citizen.
Let me break this down for you.
If you're an international corporation, you can go and incorporate in some third world country, or not even incorporate anywhere on the globe, pay no real taxes, have no regulations on you, and be du jour, or be sovereign.
And the globalists set all this up, and they will regulate and enforce
They're standing, but when you try, and sometimes it works, but when you try what you're talking about, they use admiralty simply saying that they can attack anyone they want, do whatever they want, the law of the captain, the law of the gun, and so there's no real system.
We're fighting brute force and general ignorance.
Can I tell people what they can do, though?
There's a provision in the law, the United States Code, it's in Title 8, Section 12, okay, that provides for, you know, the ability to, you know, switch loyalties, you know, and I have now filed in my county recorder's office an oath and affidavit of citizenship to the state of Arizona.
Or not state of Arizona, because that actually implies a federal zone.
Yeah, your county, your county.
Arizona Republic.
You filed with your sheriff.
And I'm telling you that what you just said is real and valid, but the feds have told them that means you're a terrorist.
Let me ask you a question.
You're a whaler.
Let me stop you.
You're a whaler, or you're somebody hauling rugs and spices from India to, let's say, Spain.
And Spain is at war with, let's say, England.
And a British ship comes pulling up beside you, a private Raider, flying the colors that it's got a piece of paper saying that it can attack you.
And it pulls up beside you and you say, I am a traitor who's simply bringing in spices and rugs and I'm not at war with you.
They don't care.
They have muskets, they have cannons, they're attacking
They're attacking you!
What are you going to do?
Because that's admiralty.
They're engaging you.
They're attacking you.
They don't care if you're in the right.
They don't care what the law says.
You understand they only have the du jour and all of that for themselves.
That's why we've got to be willing to fight for each other, Alex.
I'm trying to find remedies in the law that exist, you know.
But see, people, I mean, there are way more of us than there are of them.
We're talking about a very few centered corporate
Listen, listen, Barry, I've had you on for 10 minutes, I'm going to let you go.
I agree with what you're saying.
And it's better to do what you're doing than to just be a mindless idiot who goes in to get a bank account and signs a form waiving all your rights, waiving a jury trial, allowing the IRS to take your bank account in your house, waiving all your rights.
You just signed an agreement.
You just became a criminal.
You just waived your rights.
But again, over two-thirds of people don't even know what the First Amendment is, and we're talking about college administrators.
So, what you're saying is true, okay?
You want to know what a solution is?
Take control of your cities and counties and towns.
Make sure they don't put in touchscreen electronic voting or then you won't have votes.
Get them removed if they are there.
Cause a write-in petition, a recall of the government if they won't remove it because they cannot ignore your petitions.
You understand, and demand and have it on petition that it be a paper ballot, and then have organized people to oversee that.
And so now, you better stop them from putting the touchscreens in, because they're admittedly run by the CIA openly, publicly.
They're taking your right to vote away.
Yes, it's happening.
So you better stop that.
You better then go in, take over your cities and counties like your life depends on it, and get the fat cat good ol' boys out of there who are whores for the federal and state government.
You better get in there.
You better reduce the size of government.
You better cut off federal funds and stop all these scams.
You better research what's happening.
Take over your towns, your counties, your cities.
You better defend the office of the sheriff, which is being destroyed and gotten rid of nationwide when it's the only elected real person in the county.
There is so much, and then from there we can move on to the state level and on.
And they know this is happening.
In New Hampshire, the week of 9-11,
Dozens of cities, and I have their councilmen and women on, were pulling out under their state 10th Amendment right to revolt.
The whole state was on the edge of pulling out of the union.
Arizona came within one vote of passing a law to pull out of the union, quote, because of the New World Order takeover.
That was three years ago.
They know we're going to do this, and Barry, thanks for calling.
I meant to ask you more about the Popular Science article about a state seceding so they have to send in troops.
You know, and we've got Tommy Franks talking about it, we've got the head of NORTHCOM, General Eberhardt talking about it, it's in the news every single day.
There's the LA Times right in front of me talking about it.
It's happening!
They, look, this is the point, this is so important, then I'll go to your calls, I know you, Joe and Ron and Dan and Stan, everybody's been holding.
This is the point I'm so desperate to warn you about.
They're gonna use terror as the pretext to get more control, go to the next level of this.
We've put up with all the tyranny, and the cameras in the public school bathrooms, and frisking the children, and pointing guns at their heads, and drug testing everybody, and we've put up with open borders, and gun control, and abortion, and all this.
Owning guns, we've done this.
What is it they've got planned that's so horrible they're desperate to get our guns quickly?
What is it they're so worried about they're building up troops, and foreign troops, and huge FEMA centers publicly?
They got horrible stuff planned, folks!
I mean, I'm basically, you know, in this bus with you guys, we're all in this bus together, you know, a hundred of us, the country, driving at 110 miles an hour towards the Grand Canyon.
And I'm screaming at everybody to get control of the bus, you know, to get control of the steering wheel, and to hit the brakes now!
But again, most people don't even know that when generals talk about martial law and they're building giant camps and doing all this, that throughout history that means we're in deep trouble.
So the writing's on the wall.
I mean, it's horrible, folks.
I love my family.
I love this country.
We're in deep trouble, folks.
We can't go about our lives like everything's normal and everything's fine.
We've got to get concerned.
We've got to get upset.
We've got to get ulcers over this and take action.
This is a crisis.
We're under attack.
We're being bombarded right now.
Oh man, just we're in so much trouble.
But again, we're in trouble because they were already going to do their plan.
And we're in even more trouble because we've actually fought back and they're accelerating the program.
And so we were going to die slow or die quick, but at least we're in the fight now.
But they're launching major salvos at every level.
Physical, psychological, financial, spiritual.
At every level.
To try to stop us from defeating them.
We are fighting them.
We are resisting.
We are winning minds at record levels.
We shall prevail!
And let me say something too.
My show has never been censored and my show is never going to be censored.
You can believe that whatever I say on my show is the God's honest truth of what I believe from years of research.
And I've put my life on the line to tell it like it is and stand up against tyranny.
And I've been right about this stuff all along!
Not because I'm special, but because I've studied history and I read the bills!
Let's talk to Joe in Ohio.
Go ahead, Joe.
Yeah, Alex, patiently waiting for you.
Good to hear from you.
Hey, you too.
Well, I'll tell you what, man.
This is the TV report in Ohio.
There's a Mr. Tom Clancy has a new video game.
Shows armed forces coming in and blowing people's brains out.
And, uh, that is, uh, that is, uh, uh, and it's like a black ops special forces.
And it has a little girl singing, my country, tis a tea, sweet land of liberty, liberty.
And, uh,
And they train the military nowadays with computers like that and programs like that.
The first video game like that was an army development to get people to pull the trigger.
And now in these games, I don't know about that particular one, you torture militia members, you kill Christians, they've got games called New World Order, Deus Ex,
That's what it's all about.
Total desensitization.
After that commercial, another commercial comes on, shows the actress Drew Barrymore on there thanking our armed forces for fighting for her and our freedom.
You know, and hasn't our freedom already been fought for?
Well see, that's the point now, is it's wall-to-wall propaganda and people don't know it.
You're looking at pure government propaganda!
I got a couple more things.
And when she was the fire starter, remember that?
And then on Thanksgiving Day, the football game, on halftime, has this country singer that wrote a song bragging about blowing up country.
And he says, and if you feel the whole world's coming down on you, that's just brought to you by the red, white, and blue, dude.
I'll tell you what, a lot of people are asleep.
I'm not.
Yeah, and you know what?
It's a demon wrapped up in that flag, desecrating that flag.
They're a bunch of scum, and I know those songs are... Hey, what?
Stay there.
I'll let you finish up.
That's the type of caller I like.
Points out all this garbage.
Look around you!
You're bathed in it!
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Alright, I'm going to finish up with Joe and Ron and Dan, Stan and Jim.
That'll be it for calls because I do want to spend about 15 minutes or so before we end this show on some other news we haven't detailed properly yet.
Finishing up, Joe, you're making some great points about all the propaganda.
I mean, it's every time I turn the TV on I get so mad I have to turn it off.
It's everything.
It's all lies.
Go ahead.
He was singing that song on there because I was playing chess and then I noticed it was even on the football game and
And as he was singing, he looked guilty and scared.
He wasn't proud of what he was singing.
And I just want to say, Alex, thank you for your time.
They are the herd, I am the word, and God and Jesus Christ.
Later, man.
Amen to that, my friend.
Fellow thought criminal.
Let's talk to Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, welcome!
Yes, sir.
First, I'd like to tell your listeners, I have your 9-11 Masters of Terror.
Please take three videos waiting on delivery of Matrix of Evil.
About three of your books are all well worth the money, and they do make a difference.
Somewhere up around 175 copies of your tapes passed out.
Maybe more.
I'll lose count.
But they do make a difference.
I talked to people that passed them out, too.
I talked to a guy yesterday, and he was telling me how
Much of a difference your tapes made.
They really laid it out.
It's difficult to explain things to people, to get your point across, just to talk to them, get them to understand what's going on.
But when they see your videos, then it's right there in front of them and there's no denying it.
So I would really encourage your listeners to get these tapes.
Your books are good.
Well, Ron, I really appreciate your comments and the checks in the mail.
Well, as long as my next tape's in the mail, I'll be happy.
Well, I hope you make a bunch of copies of that one, too.
So you've made 150 copies of videos.
Wow, that's wonderful.
At least, Alex, right now I'm turning out copies of the last Kennedy program.
The History Channel, and passing them out.
You know, I haven't even... I saw like 10 minutes of that, and I saw another hour of it.
I need to buy that.
They are really amazing.
Alex, people need to understand, once they understand that the government killed Kennedy, and it's easier to name those government agencies that weren't involved rather than those who were, and the fact that the mass media, the networks, everyone has covered this up.
For so many years... Well, I'll tell you what's weird is that ABC owns Discovery, and I believe History, and they came out with a Peter Jennings special full of lies, and then on the other channel they've got a thing telling the truth, but it doesn't matter.
90 plus percent in major polls.
A few years ago it was 80 plus percent.
I saw the new polls.
90 plus percent now think the government did it.
I mean they're in deep trouble.
I would certainly hope so.
I would certainly hope so.
I've waited 40 years to find out what was going on.
But also, Alex, here a while back on an Oklahoma City television statement, or television station, I caught a little news item of the effect that since the state of Oklahoma was broke, a private anonymous group had offered the state $800 million for Homeland Security.
Alex, the whole state wouldn't bring $800 million at auction.
What's going on?
Who are these people?
The news item went on to say that the government had turned down the offer.
The governor had turned down the offer because it was coming from an anonymous group.
Well, let me break it down for you.
Probably Saudis or something.
Let me break it down for you.
Privatization isn't privatization.
They tax you, they bankrupt the government on purpose with their cash accounts, and they have their real accounts, that's the Comprehensive Financial Report.
They're double set of books, it's public, but nobody seems to know about it, like the Constitution.
And when you hear privatization, that means you pay for it, then they hand it to a crony
It's like with the supposed fall of the Soviet Union, six guys got handed all the assets of the country, then it turned out they were all Rothschild agents.
That's mainstream news.
So that's privatization is, okay, we're no longer communist, we're now private, but six guys run it.
It's then an oligarchy.
And that's what privatization is and that's what's happening.
Like I say, I was wondering,
Exactly what was going on?
I don't know, Ron.
You've sent me a lot of good news stories.
I know whatever you say is credible on the show.
Find the article, or find me an article from the TV show and mail it to me.
If I can find anything, I will.
Thanks, though.
Yeah, snoop it out for me.
You'll hear somebody on as a guest.
Okay, I'm gonna jam.
I mean, I gotta go quick here.
Dan, Steve, and Jim, and that's it.
Because I want to get to, oh man, China threatening to nuke everybody.
Bush wants to go to the moon again as another stunt like his turkey.
They wouldn't let the troops eat.
And a bunch of other stuff.
They're going to be drug testing your children.
No questions asked.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
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All right, folks.
Thanks for joining us.
We're about to go to Dan, Stan, and Jim, and that's it for calls, because I want to get to Bush.
Wants to go to the moon.
His fake turkey, just like this moon thing will be nothing but a big stunt.
What China's up to and some other key news items with the plunging dollar, what that means to you and your family.
But for the next five minutes or so,
We are honored to be joined by Debbie Morrow, and she's the lady that answers the phones at New Millennium Concepts, who sell, according to my research, and I bought filters from them before they were sponsors, the best water filters at the best price out there.
And folks, your major water supplies are full of Prozac, Ritalin, female hormones, from birth control pills, 49 states are contaminated with MBTE, a deadly carcinogen, and they've just given them liability protection so they can keep doing that.
Chloride, fluoride, lead, arsenic, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides.
Start drinking out of a real water filter.
I don't mean some little $10 rinky-dink thing that's got some charcoal in it.
Start drinking out of a real water filter, and then try to drink your water a few weeks later.
I can't do it, and I feel great.
Okay, I've been drinking big murky water now for about five years.
I've bought three of them.
No, four of them from them.
And we take sports bottles with us to the gym.
They have these little water filters that cut most of the stuff out.
Not everything, like they're big filters, but it cuts most of it out.
When I go to, you know, the local gym where I work out, I fill up at the water fountain.
I do it in a little sports bottle.
It looks like a normal sports bottle, but cuts out, I guess, about 98% of the garbage.
Whereas with the big Berkey system, with the new black elements made in America,
When they test it at major universities, nothing can be found.
It cuts everything out with the new fluoride reduction elements that go with it.
So again, folks, you need to give them a call.
You need to take action.
And with the holiday specials,
And by the way, all this is now on my shopping cart, my secure online Yahoo shopping cart, the best security out there on the internet.
You can go order the stuff online, look at it, order it online, and then every day those orders are given to Debbie, and she sends them out, and they send them out via UPS, so great service for these guys.
So go to InfoWars.com, go to the shopping cart, and click over to the Clean Water for Better Living, and find out more about it.
Debbie, tell folks about the specials.
Hi there, Alex.
Okay, we have some holiday specials as well as special December products.
Our December specials are the Berkey Light Water System without the lights, and they'll have two super sterile ceramic filter elements in them.
It's $199 value for $149, which is a $50 savings.
And by the way, these are the big jumbo super filters that go in the Imperial Crowns, going in a regular size filter.
How many gallons a day of water will this do?
Oh, well, let me think.
I wasn't prepared for that question, Alex.
But they'll do about, probably, let's see, six of them does.
I'd say, oh my math, what a question.
I know the smaller filters do 30 gallons a day.
Right, I'm sure it'll do at least 50 or 60 a day.
They're quite a bit faster.
Now again, this is a foot and a half tall filter, gravity fed, takes two minutes to put together, sits in the corner of your house, is portable, and you could, you know, give water to your whole neighborhood with one of these babies.
And how many gallons will it do?
How long do you have to replace the filters?
The Berkelyte, well the super sterile ceramic filters will go up to at least a hundred cleanings.
I've heard people use them for years and years and years.
These filters have been around for over a hundred years.
Tens of thousands of gallons.
And we're talking about a hundred and how much?
Folks, that is, I know I know you were going to plug that, that's ridiculous.
I paid like $250 for a Berkey, not even that good, five years ago.
So please take advantage of that.
You also have the holiday special on five sports bottles or ten sports bottles, a little water filter, sports bottles, great gift for the grandchildren and the family.
Tell folks about that deal.
Okay, yes.
We have the generic labeled sport bottles that have the same exact filter in it as the Berkey Sports.
You can get five of each of those bottles for $99, which is a normal $170 value, so you're saving $71.
Or you can get 12 of the generic labeled sport bottles for $199, which is normally a $420 value.
And by the way, to buy one of these at a camping store, they're normally $35-$40.
You're getting them for $20 a piece.
Alex, I saw some at a show last Saturday for $60.
I couldn't believe it.
By the way, when I have time, I've been a big camper and outdoors person.
I've bought units of these.
They're real
The cheap models out there are real lightweight, don't have a big element in them.
These have a big element in them.
Believe me, Jim Shepard is a stickler for high quality, and you're getting a great price because he's a big national distributor of these.
Here's the number.
Give Debbie a call on all these specials.
That's 888-803-4438.
And if you call and she's busy, leave her name and number, she'll call you right back today.
Just give her a call right now, 888-803-4438, or go to InfoWars.com to order them as well.
Debbie, thanks for coming on.
Thanks, Alex.
See ya.
I really appreciate you and your great sponsorship.
New Millennium Concepts is the big sponsor for our global shortwave outreach.
Six hours a day on two 50,000 watt transmitters, day and night, that cover the entire globe, and I get letters from Africa and Asia from listeners, and calls from England who are listening on that, and it's such a great way to reach out to the world, so you're also not just getting a high-quality water filter system, and protecting yourself, you're also supporting this outreach.
Let's go to the calls, as promised, then into the news.
Back to the moon.
Yes, that's what Bush is about to announce, according to National Review, and they've definitely got the inside track.
Let us talk to Dan in Illinois.
Go ahead, Dan.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
You know, the bottom line is this.
The general mindset is to turn the general population into children.
And then the government and the media, Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, all these idiots, they become the parents and the parent figures.
Children don't have freedom of speech.
Children don't have liberties.
Children don't have rights.
They trusted the government, and that's what the bottom line is.
And obviously you're talking about the earlier news articles out of Illinois and Louisiana and other areas where they're now going to drug test all of the children.
See, first it was, oh, if you're in an extracurricular activity, we'll drug test you.
Now, oh, there's no Fourth Amendment, we're going to drug test all of you, and of course there'll be criminal charges and CPS coming and grabbing you.
When the government ships the drugs in to begin with, here's the headline, Chicago High School will require all students get drug tested from WBBM News Talk Radio, also an AP article on that, and I have another article from yesterday, Associated Press, where all over the country they're putting cameras in the school bathrooms and showers and saying the administrators will look at your children naked.
Now, first, six months ago they caught him in Tennessee doing this.
That was a big hubbub.
Now they just say, we don't care what you say.
Folks, that's worse than 1984, is it not?
Yeah, it is.
And I'll tell you what, that's why these fairy tales that they tell explain things like Kennedy's one bullet and all the crap about 9-11.
But the bottom line, Alex, Patriot Act II, that'll become the baby room monitor.
You know what I mean?
In other words, you've got to keep monitored to that degree.
Thanks for the call.
And what he's talking about is the guest last hour, Alan Charles Kors, president of the Foundation of Individual Rights and Education.
They did a major scientific study at 339 universities, according to the Washington Times.
First Amendment survey finds knowledge lacking.
More than two-thirds of college students and administrators who participate in the national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
I've got one major indifference to your perspectives on brainwashing.
Okay, now I know you know this, so I'm going to take you back to the time in the 70s when Patricia Hearst was kidnapped.
Now you know a little bit about this, I'm sure.
A little bit is putting it lightly.
Okay, well, you've forgotten something.
I'm telling you.
Why was it that this young girl, you know, was so important that the whole nation had to hear that she was kidnapped?
You know, I mean, why was that?
Well, I'll say this.
Actual kidnappings from the 1980s levels are way down, but last year you'd have thought there was an epidemic, and then they came out and announced how they need the emergency alert system that was already put in all radio and TV stations to start the feds and the states taking over radio and TV transmissions whenever they feel like it.
That was their excuse to get a nationally funded AMBER alert, which has nothing to do, and I'm in radio, folks, I know the engineers,
I've had the FCC people on.
This is a national control grid.
And then Sean Hannity came out and said every child needs a microchip.
That's the answer.
I predicted that they would have a national scare of kidnappings and then say the chip was the answer.
And that's exactly what they did.
So go ahead.
I don't believe it started back in the 70s, but like you said, it was in the 80s.
When that actually, you know, started becoming more pronounced.
But the Hearst family was actually quite politically connected at the time.
They always have been, actually, since they, you know, lobbied for, you know, various... Yeah, so, Mike, cut to the heart of the matter.
I'm not getting what you're saying.
Okay, the point of the matter is, she was brainwashed, and they did a very good expose on 60 Minutes about TV is not a brainwashing instrument when it's in your home.
It's only when you have a controlled environment for an extended or a repetitious amount of time with the brainwasher at the helm, with performance evaluations and grades,
Now that's always been present, and it's going to become present with TV in the future.
But it's always been present in the colleges and where they're getting the authority in this country.
College is the problem.
Well, let me stop you for just a minute.
Now, you're talking about grades of brainwashing.
You want real Soviet-style... Oh, sure, there's... Let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
Let me stop you.
North Korean-style brainwashing.
Do you know where it actually came from?
Probably from us.
No, no, no, no.
In the 1820s, after the Napoleonic Wars... Well, yeah, okay.
Let me finish, let me finish.
This is historical fact.
If you want to talk about brainwashing, I'll tell you where the modern stuff came from.
Because you're making good points here.
The modern brainwashing started because the Prussians couldn't get their soldiers up close to kill people.
And the Marines had the same trouble in Vietnam, so they started the training systems.
Uh, to get people to cut off the thinking process.
Now, and we cover this, by the way, in the new film Matrix of Evil, by the way, folks.
Uh, with, uh, Frank Morales, police state expert, he gets into this new brainwashing system we have, we have a section that covers this, but the Prussians, that is the ruling German aristocracy over the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, couldn't get their people up close to kill.
And Napoleon had trouble, too, but he'd already been, you know, sent off onto the island.
And so they started Kindergarten.
Now, this is in the encyclopedia.
This may sound crazy to folks.
It's in your encyclopedia.
I'm not making this up.
Kindergarten was to brainwash children in Prussian military schools to be zombies.
And that's the system we got here.
Now, you go ahead now.
Go ahead and finish up.
Well, I believe it actually started before that in the Roman Empire.
Well, yeah, and the Japanese had ninja assassins who would commit suicide after they were done.
That's mind control, folks.
They did it with sex and drugs and telling them that they were the elite.
Machiavelli talked about mind control slaves 500 years ago.
I mean, look, but see, again, it's grades of mind control.
You have classic, what we think of, you know, mind control, somebody chained down, being tortured.
Then you have other greats.
Hold on.
Peer pressure.
Peer pressure is mind control.
Go ahead.
The point here is the brainwashing that is in college is far more extreme than what we see on television in our own homes.
And they're priming people for the authority positions in our country.
So let's talk about college instead of TV, shall we?
Well, I'll just spend an hour doing that with... Yeah, and his job depends upon the very fact that college exists.
And the thing is here, every time we go through educational reform, there's another measure of incompetence added to these idiots, these blood-sucking morons.
And we can't hold them responsible!
Who's making all the money in this country?
And who's doing all the work?
You tell me!
Maybe you need an education, Mr. Jones!
You know what it's like to work with these educated idiots today?
Well, wait a minute.
If your boss has been mean to you, it's not my fault.
Hey, all educated idiots think they're better than anybody because now it's controlled by your own guests.
Charlotte Isserby told you that the KGB is pretty much in control of engineering things in education colleges.
Well, they took a KGB... Thanks for the call, sir.
Call me back tomorrow.
We'll spend more time.
I'm out of time now.
Got one more call to get to and cover some news here at the final thing on the show.
I understand you're frustrated.
I understand you're mad.
And I wasn't arguing with you or getting mad at you.
I just had a lot of energy and was upset and excited with you.
If you took it personally, I'm sorry.
That was not meant for you, yourself, Stan.
I was upset about the New World Order here.
Certainly there's a place for college.
Again, people say the Constitution's bad because we're not following the Constitution.
People say the colleges are bad because college is dumb.
Well, no, you need college, especially for technical stuff.
I did talk to a college.
I woke up a guy that was the biggest liberal around.
I think so.
Yeah, the maker of the .50 caliber rifle, single shot, no big deal, done nothing wrong.
They tried to frame him saying he was making guns illegally.
He defeated that in the 11th Circuit of all places.
And then they had some felon claim that he threatened somebody in prison.
So he just got like 20-something years in federal prison for supposedly threatening a judge.
Total propaganda.
Okay, then one guy, Ron Gaydos, beat the driver's license in court.
That's good news.
Well, and the other thing I want to mention is they're going to put on this play again if we want to bring down the wrath of God on us.
I once protested it in Grand Rapids, Michigan, called Corpus Christi, where they partraced it.
Yeah, that was it.
I was wrong last hour when I said it was Jesus Christ Superstar, and I apologize.
It's Corpus Christi, where Christ is a male prostitute, and we had the Temple University student head of the Young Conservatives on.
He was kidnapped and beat up by the school administrators, and you heard our guest.
It was in the newspaper.
They put him in a mental institution because he protested it.
Well, I protested it at Grand Rapids.
There was about 60 of us, and the police were right around the corner waiting for anything to happen.
Listen, I gotta let you go.
They're gonna try it again in Madison, Wisconsin in March.
Okay, Jim.
Thanks for the call.
Go protest it.
I'm out of time for this segment.
I'm gonna come back and try to get to Milky Way Days, National Review, when President Bush delivers a speech recognizing the century of human
Heavier-than-air Howard Flight.
It is expected that he will proffer a bold vision of renewed spaceflight with its center, the return to the moon.
Yes, folks.
Back to the lunar surface.
Oh boy, is this going to be a circus.
And a great diversion.
And that ties in with Bush and his fake turkey.
I mean, it was a real turkey, but it had been designed by the government to look luscious, and like Martha Stewart made it, no one was allowed to eat it.
It was a prop!
Walking around, offering them food.
The President bringing them a platter.
It was fake!
It's a staged event!
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight, I'm here ranting and raving.
You have to know, in the third hour, I usually get all sped up and run out of time and get angry because I don't get to all the news I wanted to cover.
But you can always listen to all three hours at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
We're on global shortwave during the day at 12.172 and 93.20 and at night from 9 to midnight at 5.085 and 68.90!
There is so much to cover here, but before I get back into the moon business with Bush, Brussels considers imposing currency controls.
The European Commission is examining legal basis for the 1970s style exchange controls to stop the Euro surging to destructive levels.
The team working for Pedro Sobel's economic commissioner claims Brussels may lawfully impose quantitative restrictions on capital inflows, clearing the way for a crisis response if the dollar continues to fall.
Because they said they want to destroy the dollar, but not totally drive it down to nothing.
They want to damage it, not destroy it, I should say.
The move came as the Euro hit highs against the U.S.
dollar, touching $1.2125 yesterday, before closing at $1.2109.
It has gained 42% in less than two years, and has passed the dollar up now 32% in the last year and a half, as I've been reporting here.
But it's up 42% itself.
This is very, very, very, very serious, and it's the new global reserve currency, and we're now trading behind all the major currencies.
Bush comes out and takes all the steel tariffs off, the other countries haven't taken theirs off, and there'll be no steel production in this country, and he says that's a good thing, that's going to help America.
It's a very conservative thing to do, Bush.
Again, it's just totally insane.
And at the same time, Bush, as I told you, that whole Turkey thing was staged, and Hillary did a staged Turkey deal, too, in Afghanistan.
It was bad when she did it, it's bad when Bush does it!
You see, we're credible here.
We attacked Bush for being a police state thug, we attacked Hillary for being a police state thug.
But they're just puppets, folks.
The bird was perfect, but not for dinner.
In Iraq, picture Bush is holding the centerpiece.
President Bush's Baghdad Turkey was
For looking, not for eating!
In the most widely published image from his Thanksgiving Day trip to Baghdad, the beaming president is wearing an army workout jacket, surrounded by soldiers, as he cradles a huge platter laden with a golden brown turkey.
The bird is so perfect, it looks as if it came from a food magazine with bunches of grapes and other trimmings, complementing a normal Norman Rockwell image that invokes bounty and security in one of the most dangerous parts of the world.
And it was totally staged.
This is a guy who went to St.
Louis and had Made in USA spray-painted on boxes, had the Made in China taped over, which is a felony by the way, in a warehouse to cover up where something's made.
But that, don't worry, it's selective enforcement, nothing will happen to Lord Bush, nothing happened to Bill Clinton either.
Because he's protecting him and blocking the Pardon Gate investigation.
Yeah, we're real conservatives here on this show.
Libertarians, whatever you want to call us.
And on top of it, again, Bush is scheduled to announce the 17th of this month that we're going back to the moon.
That's going to be a great stunt for everyone.
A great diversion, a great way to unify us.
I'm all for space exploration, but not when it's pulled as a stunt.
Also, Beijing warns that Taiwan referendum could lead to war.
Chinese military officers said today that Taiwan's leadership had pushed the island toward the abyss of war with its independence drive, making clear that China would consider, quote, a popular vote on Taiwan political status a cause for war, and the government is arming them as well.
I'm out of time.
Be sure and visit InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Want to learn more?
Get my new video, Matrix of Evil, or 9-11 Road to Tyranny, or the new book, Order Out of Chaos.
A lot of new items on the website and your support is always needed.
Plus these videos wake folks up.
Call toll free to get them.
And on the shopping cart we have all those big Berkey specials and the high quality water filters so you can stop drinking the poison.
Infowars.com or 888-253-3139.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Have a wonderful day!