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Name: 20031202_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 2, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright folks, it's Tuesday the 2nd of December 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We have a special guest for you in the second hour.
documentary filmmaker and author Eric Huffschmid who has done just an unbelievable job exposing the mathematical impossibilities, the frauds surrounding September 11th.
It is a total conspiracy theory, the equivalent of saying the moon is made of cheese and that there are mountains made of hard rock candy and oceans of Coca-Cola on the surface of the moon
It's a bigger conspiracy theory to say that 19 lone hijackers did what they did, that the buildings fell the way they did, and that all this evidence has been covered up.
So, you do not want to miss the show, the broadcast, the warning, the alert,
In the second and third hour with Eric Huffschmid.
Of course we'll have open phones.
We'll have open phones this hour.
And there's a ton of news we're about to dive straight into.
PrisonPlanet.com has been updated for you with the latest news and information.
That's PrisonPlanet.com as well as InfoWars.com.
Iraqis deny US accounts of fierce fight with guerrillas.
That's the London Independent, here's the Guardian, Iraqi's Challenge, U.S.
Account of Battle.
And even MSNBC is saying, well, they sure aren't changing their story at the Pentagon.
First they claimed it was men in black uniforms.
I thought that was our guys.
Here in America, you know, terrorists in black ski masks.
And now on inspection, many lies are being discovered.
The whole thing could be a fraud now.
We've been lied to so many other times about this war, this would just be, well, standard operating procedure or par for the course.
We're talking about a Pentagon that mails out hundreds of fake letters with false signatures on it, supposedly written by troops of how much they love the war.
The problem is the Pentagon only did two different versions of the hundreds of letters that went out.
And they were caught and said, oh well, we're just trying to lighten everyone up and, well, put a good face on it.
The military propagandizing domestically against you.
And I guess you're not patriotic, well, they need to lie to us and run our media.
You're not with Al-Qaeda, are you?
Maybe we should arrest anybody that criticizes the government.
That's being openly discussed on national radio, folks.
And how wonderful martial law is, of course.
So, we'll get into the lies there that are now beginning to come out.
Also, UN grabbed the internet control, now coming to a head.
man dies in taped police fight.
We'll go over that.
Schools expand their power to keep an eye on students.
All over the U.S., all over Canada, the cameras are even going in the bathrooms.
In the bathrooms, Diebold backs off legal challenge.
They were trying to intimidate anybody that posted their internal documents that they accidentally made public about how they're basically scamming everybody with the elections.
And now a university said, go ahead, sue us, and Diebold backed off.
It's all color of law, all intimidation, hoping you don't find out how the CIA runs the major touchscreen electronic systems.
Stocks jump to close at 18-month high as the dollar plunges further.
Why is that?
We'll explain.
Factory growth fastest in 20 years.
More manipulation of the numbers.
Gold over 400 an ounce on currency moves.
Normally the stock market's up, gold is down.
But for the first time in like 25-30 years, got the numbers here in front of me, gotta dig them out.
But the first time in decades, gold is up and so is the stock market.
What's really going on?
We'll discuss that as well.
Big show lined up for you today.
Tonight, this morning, depending on what area of this globe you're sitting on right now.
All the different continents, the ships at sea, the troops, everybody listening.
I'm honored to have you here with us.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Strap yourselves in.
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're now 8 minutes and 30 seconds into the first hour of this worldwide broadcast.
One of the best researchers out there.
On September 11th, we'll be joining us in the second hour, Eric Huffschmid.
Right now, let's jump straight into the news.
Iraqis deny U.S.
accounts of fierce fight with guerrillas.
To Ali Abdallah Amin, the accusations and details that were yesterday flying about the latest battle between the occupiers and the occupied of Iraq, the fiercest engagement, some say, since the early days of the U.S.-led invasion, were irrelevant.
He was not interested in whether the American military was telling the truth when it said that its troops had killed 54 attackers, shorthand for Iraqi guerrillas who carried out the double ambush against a U.S.
convoy in the Sunni town of Samarra on Sunday, which turned into a running firefight.
Nor was he wondering about the details made by Iraqi hospital officials and policemen in the face of what the Americans have presented as a crushing defeat for the pro-Saddamist, Ba'athist ex-soldiers and other fighters who were violently opposing their presence.
Iraqi officials say only eight people died, including a 71-year-old Iranian pilgrim called Fatola Hajiz, whose charred passport
They were showing to all comers the old man had, it seems, come to visit the ancient gold-domed Shiite mosque in this once peaceful town on the banks of the Tigris.
Ali Abdullah Amin was interested in none of these things.
What he cared about, as he lay beneath a grubby yellow blanket in his hospital bed, was the pain in his bandaged legs, both of which were seeping blood from bullet wounds, and the whole
On the left side of his stomach, my legs hurt, my legs hurt, the little boy moaned.
That's right, as he cried in the arms of a 22-year-old cousin, Jamal Kareem.
Now, I've got about 10 articles on this from reputable global sources.
BBC, London Independent, MSNBC, you name it.
And some of the press has been to the hospitals, been around the local area.
And people who were there just minutes after the firefight saw no bodies, but it looks like the maximum number of those that were killed may be 10, may be 7, may be 6.
It's certainly not 54.
And all they found is children and women and old men that were shot.
So, who knows?
This is a Pentagon, I will remind you, that mailed out hundreds of fake letters with fake signatures from troops saying how much they love the war and how much the Iraqis love them.
This is the same government that has fake weapons dossiers before the UN that are 12 years old.
The same lying, un-American, liberal, socialist, big government group who lied about uranium from Niger to Saddam and aluminum tubing and mobile weapons trucks that turned out to be for pumping up balloons.
That lied about mass graves and finding chemical and biologicals dozens of times and quietly announcing, okay, it wasn't true.
And it looks like this is a big fat lie too, just like another stunt, like Bush flying in with the lights off on Air Force One for Thanksgiving to provide a turkey to the troops, so everyone would say, oh he loves the troops so much, he's so brave, just like when he landed on the deck of the aircraft carrier.
Does it matter that he went AWOL?
Does it matter that he's not a real Texan?
Does it matter that he's completely phony?
That doesn't seem to matter.
But again...
Ali Abdul-Amin was interested in none of the things.
What he cared about as he lay beneath a grubby yellow blanket in his hospital bed was the pain in his bandaged legs, both of which were seeping blood from bullet wounds, and the hole in the left side of his stomach.
My legs hurt, my legs hurt, little boy moaned as he cried in the arms of his 22-year-old cousin, Jamal Kareem.
He may also have been wondering about the whereabouts of his father, Abdullah Amin al-Karidi.
Father and son were shot outside a small nearby mosque, a spot now marked by large, congealed pool of blood.
His father didn't make it.
Iraqi witnesses were unanimous that Americans were to blame, pointing to a hole in a nearby cement wall.
Cemetery wall which looked like the work of a shell from an Abrams tank the US military struck Stuck by its story of the battle and by its estimation the Iraqi death toll 54 Iraqis dead It said all combatants all combatants.
They didn't kill anybody innocent
Major Gordon Tate, a spokesman at the headquarters of the 4th Infantry Division in Tikrit, insists that the U.S.
military was confident about its assessment of the battle damage.
Soldiers and commanders on the site contend, he told the Independent, early commander of the site and responsible for doing battle damage assessment, part of that includes counting the dead and wounded on both sides.
Ali and his father appear to have slipped through the net, even though the boy's hospital bed is only 10 minutes away from the U.S.
Army base in Samara.
And although he was easily found by journalists, he does not appear in part of the battle damage assessment.
Asked about wounded Iraqi civilians, Major Tate said he did not have any information on the subject.
And I've found most of the reports coming out of the Iraqis and the Arab journals, in hindsight, turned out to be very accurate and very honest.
And then almost everything coming out from the Pentagon is lies.
In fact, we can't really find anything they've said that's true.
Time and time again they'll say the two helicopters just crashed into each other, they were not attacked.
Then it turns out they were both shot by rockets.
I mean, they just incessantly lie.
Troops will get bombed or hit by tank shells.
And they'll say, oh, evil Iraqis did it.
Then it'll turn out that it was friendly fire.
I mean, it's just lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie, after lie.
And the Pentagon told us a year and a half ago, they said the Pentagon Office of Information is going to plant false news stories and lie to the world for the war effort.
Remember, they announced that.
Then the first story the new agency released was
Okay, well, we didn't mean that.
We're not going to lie to you.
And I guess they're covering themselves legally by saying, we're going to lie to you, and the next day saying, oh, we never said that, we're not going to lie to you.
Remember the Pentagon gambling system, which they announced publicly, and then said, oh, we never announced that, and by the way, they've now implemented it through a private company, according to the Associated Press, so that's up and running, too.
Just like the Total Information Awareness Network is now running under a new name.
We covered from the LA Times yesterday.
It is a wall of lies.
Understand, we have a Pentagon in control of a military that plants hundreds of fake news stories.
That is, letters from troops that they never wrote.
And they don't even write different letters.
It's form letters.
Two separate form letters that showed up in hundreds of newspapers and was in the news for one day.
And the Pentagon said, well, we were just trying to lighten people's spirits.
We just go, oh, that's what they do now.
They put fake letters in the newspaper.
Folks, that's China.
That's Russia.
That's East Germany.
That's Guatemala.
That's Mexico.
That's everything I was raised to hate.
Everything we were brought up that was bad about the Soviet Union.
And now we have secret police in America, we have cameras, we have surveillance, we have the secret arrest, everything they had in the old Soviet Union, and now they've hired the former head of the KGB, this general, to quote, according to the Associated Press and many other articles, to quote, help set up internal passports through Homeland Security.
I mean, you couldn't
Make something up this horrible.
The stuff they're doing is so ridiculous, so out of control, so massive, so huge in its diabolical nature.
I mean, I read an article last Wednesday on the show, big paper out of Canada, where it said, well, the parents don't seem to mind that most of the schools are putting cameras in the bathrooms and the showers and
Then I've got articles today about how they're doing in here all across the United States.
And, you know, we just have cameras now in the bathrooms.
Again, it was good for Winston in 1984.
And Television Week comes out and says, yeah, the new cable box really does listen to you with an audio sensor.
And it does track what you do.
And your cell phone does listen to you, even when it's turned off.
And yeah, OnStar's doing it.
And yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
And yeah, the government wants everybody to take microchips, and Applied Digital admits it's to buy and sell, and they want everybody to take the chip, and Sean Hannity says it's a good idea, and look at how crazy all of this is.
And now the Pentagon gets caught in hundreds of lies, lying about this, lying about that, planning news stories, and I've been on talk shows and expose this, and the host goes, well, yeah, I know, Alex, but we're in a war, don't you support the troops?
Well, it's one thing for him to fly around broadcasting lies out of C-130s over countries they're attacking.
That's debatable, but not planning news stories here.
No, there's no debate.
It's pure evil.
It's a horrible indicator.
And then you add it next to all the other indicators.
General Eberhardt outed, uh...
Northcom telling the LA Times that well yeah we're under extraordinary situation right now and yeah we're getting rid of posse commentators but don't worry and you know we've got Wesley Clark running around of Waco fame saying he wants a national ID card and we've got the outgoing head of CENTCOM Central Command Frank saying well if we get attacked again we'll have to set aside the Constitution you know I don't like it but it's what the people want
Then I read an article like this that I keep mentioning but I haven't read yet on air.
I really should.
First Amendment survey finds knowledge lacking.
More than two-thirds of college students and administrators who participated in a national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
Then when they asked the administrators about if they believe in the First Amendment, they said, no, it's not a good idea.
And I turn on the sitcoms and the dramas and it's all about how good torture is.
We're being warped up one side and down the other.
We'll be back with the economic news.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, Alex Jones here, back live.
And before this show ends today, I want to read this whole article that I've been mentioning for the last week out of the Washington Times.
More than two-third of college students and administrators, more than two-thirds, who participated in a national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
In a survey conducted at 339 U.S.
colleges and universities, more than one-fourth of students and administrators did not list freedom of speech
As an essential right protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution.
And a majority of them also didn't think that the First Amendment's a right that we should keep once they were informed of it.
Why, no!
Free speech isn't good!
Free speech is bad!
And every time I pick up a law enforcement journal, or again, tune into a sitcom or a drama, torture, torture, torture!
And yesterday they did have a report that, well, one of the terrorist suspects did die in custody during an interrogation, that's all.
The government comes out and announces how good torture is in hundreds of articles and then later says, we never said that, we're not doing that.
Again, conditioning you.
And I know almost every day I mention the fact that they're promoting torture all over the place.
I just can't get over this.
That means they're preparing you, folks, to accept this.
And again, the Iraqis challenge U.S.
account of battle.
Other foreign press are doing it as well.
They've already caught them in a bunch of lies.
More on that coming up.
But before I go any further here on the electronic voting machine news as they take your right to vote away and the rest of it, I want to get into some of the economic news.
Stocks have jumped to close at an 18-month high yesterday.
Stocks jumped to close at an 18-month high on Monday, led by industrial stalwarts, International Paper Company and Alcoa Incorporated, the big coal mining group.
As investors, welcome to reports showing U.S.
factories barreled ahead in November, fastest clip since 1983.
Now, I looked at the indexes last night that they're reporting on, and they're counting global companies that have somewhat of their assets based here, so they're counting U.S.-owned factories in China and Mexico and India, so.
You know, the Fortune 500's gotten more wealthy, the government's grown by leaps and bounds.
We've had bankruptcies, we have seen personal and private debt foreclosures at record levels.
But they tell us that despite all the layoffs and people being pushed out of factory jobs and high-tech jobs into service, that things are better.
Businesses are increasingly convinced this recovery can be sustained, and it won't just be a flash in the pan, said Richard DeCasseur, chief economist at National City Corporation.
The outlook for the economy was given a boost early in the session as the Institute for Supply Management Barometer of Manufacturing Activity surged 62.8% in November from 57.0 in October, far exceeding economic forecast and putting the to rest doubts that the manufacturing recovery will be sustained.
And another report showed U.S.
construction spending
Jumped to an unexpected 0.9% in October, setting a record for the fourth straight month.
So we have all this economic numbers.
And by luxury sales, luxury items are up too.
And they're saying the fastest factory growth in 20 years.
But again, they're using all the foreign numbers and what the assets of the globalists are up to.
It's like Dell lays off more employees post a big profit in the last quarter as they shut down and lay people off.
And their profits are in China and in Europe.
But again, those are counted here domestically.
And a lot of people are asking, well, why is the stock market racing back up?
Why is the stock market going back up?
But you notice it goes up, it goes down, it goes up, it goes down.
Trending downwards in the last two years.
Why is it doing that?
How can gold be at record highs for the last 10 years, gold over 400 an ounce on currency moves, and at the same time have the stock market up?
Because normally when the stock market rises, in fact, not normally, the majority, the vast majority of the time, when the stock market goes up, gold goes down.
But instead, the stock market went up, but gold went up way outpacing the gains of the stock market.
Gold's up, what, 40% now in the last year and a half?
Stock market's up maybe 6% from what it was a year ago.
So look at the real gains there.
Why is that?
Why is this happening?
Well, I'll tell you what I think's going on here from past research.
When we get back, and then we'll get into the electronic voting machines, latest developments there, more on the economy, and more on the situation in Iraq.
We've got a great guest coming up.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're here live, folks.
Eric Huffschmid will be joining us in the next hour to break down a large strata, a huge area of the government lies surrounding the fairy tale story they put out on 9-11.
And how it ties into all the lying we've seen on other issues.
It's as if the establishment is going for broke.
Is all out.
Doesn't care how many lies they get caught in.
Doesn't care how many times they get caught funding and training and protecting and running terrorist organizations.
And then on top of it, they tell us, oh look, factory output is at record levels.
That is,
In an index comparing what's coming out of foreign factories owned by U.S.
So there's the manipulation right there.
And then they say, oh, look at the stock market.
It raced up yesterday.
And so did gold.
Gold over 400 an ounce on currency moves.
This is out of Reuters.
Gold jumped to its highest in more than seven and a half years.
I'm told ten years.
Above 400 an ounce in Europe on Monday as fund buyers took advantage of a strong euro dollar rate and also dragged silver to a near four-year high above 550 an ounce.
The euro hit a lifetime high of 120.41.
It was 122 plus over the weekend.
That was in after hours trading.
The euro hit a lifetime high of
$1.2241 against the battered dollar early on Monday and also rose to its highest in more than two months against the yen following the death of two Japanese diplomats in Iraq.
Spot gold rose to $397.45 in London after hitting a high of $401.40 approaching levels last seen in late February 1996.
That compared with the $3.9775 at the London market close on Friday.
The euro was at $1.1986 at close.
Dealers said the gold market moved higher, was exacerbated by thin conditions as US players returned from long Thanksgiving weekend.
And on other foreign markets,
Gold is selling in some cases as much as $450 an ounce in some of the Asian markets, so it's a huge demand there.
Latest U.S.
economic data were positive for silver, which was able to take advantage of its dual role as a precious and industrial metal.
The metal shot up to a fresh three
Plus year high at $5.50, $5.52 from $5.34, $5.36 previously.
Spot palladium and platinum also moved higher.
Folks, again, if you look back, not even in almost every case, in every case in modern history, when you have a stock market going up, gold goes down.
But instead, the stock market goes up a little bit.
They can call it huge, but compared to other gains in the past, or other drops, it's moderate.
It goes up, they bill it as huge, oh my gosh, jump back into the market, it's the best thing we've ever seen in our lives, the economy's so wonderful, put your nest egg back in immediately, let us rake you back over the coals again.
And then suddenly gold skyrockets.
And what is Warren Buffett doing?
What is Mr. Soros doing?
Top globalist minions.
Well, they're dumping stock, they're buying gold, they're saying the economy's in deep trouble, and they're insiders.
So, again, I don't know what's going to happen.
I'm not going to sit here and tell you what's going to happen.
But the reason, the main reason, and we know this, that gold's going up while the stock market's going up is because the dollar
Has lost 32 cents against the Euro in the last year and a half.
About a year and a half ago, the Euro was right at around 90 cents to the dollar, 91 cents, 92 cents, 89 cents.
It fluctuated back and forth in that area because we've been following it.
In the last year and a half, it has exploded past 120, sitting and hovering right at the 120 mark.
A little above it, a little below it.
But trending ever upwards on a monthly basis on the graph.
I've got a graph here in front of me.
It's going straight up.
And Treasury Secretary Snowe and others say this is a wonderful thing.
This is so good for manufacturing.
And by manufacturing, it means that third world countries, and now even first world countries, because the dollar is so weak,
Can come in here with their notes, now the world reserve currency, the euro, and buy our goods, because the exchange rate is different.
And this is a massive form of inflation, my friends, a hidden form of inflation, devaluing the dollar.
And it shouldn't be hidden, it should be the big headlines.
So, you got the dollar down by 30 plus percent.
And the stock market's back up by, what, less than six percent.
But it's still lower than it was two and a half years ago.
So think about that.
Now if we saw the stock market increase by 32 percent, 35 percent, I would say yes, that's a real gain in the stock market.
But if we've got a six percent increase in the stock market, and a 30 plus percent reduction in the value of the dollar,
Well, there's your answer right there.
It's taking more dollars to buy the same amount of stock, whereas if you're a European, a European investor, a European bank, or a Japanese, or a Chinese, or... We're below all these currencies now, folks!
We're at the back of the pack of the industrialized world for the last eight months!
The point at which the Euro overtook us.
So think about that.
We actually have a reduction in value of the stock market.
We have a reduction in the value of the dollar.
That's the reality, because somebody comes in here with a Euro, somebody comes in here with a Yen, somebody comes in here with another currency, they can buy more of that stock for their units, their fiat currency, than we can.
So when you look at it, we've got a 24 to 27 percent, depending on where the Euro is,
And it's only trending upwards.
Reduction in the value of our stock market.
Isn't that disgusting?
I have a little nest egg, a little emergency fund in the bank.
Not a lot of money, but I've got some, you know, cash, some Federal Reserve notes, some zeros and ones in the bank computer.
And it's been reduced by 30 plus percent.
That upsets me.
But, again, the average American has no idea that we're now attaining third world status.
You know, the dollar has been the world reserve currency since 1945.
It didn't matter if we had factories.
It didn't matter if we had high-tech workers, because we still have this fiat currency.
We could go out and work at Burger King, or at the shopping mall, or at the golf course, and take that money.
And pay for an apartment and pay for a car and take the children out to Six Flags or Disney World.
And we were normally in debt as a country and getting deeper in debt, but still we had that fiat currency so we could buy a Chinese CD player for $10, a DVD player for $50.
We thought we were wealthy!
We had the trappings of success.
Flat-screen color TVs, but real wealth, real investment, real capital, real money in the bank.
We have the worst numbers in American history.
We've never been more dependent on government, more crammed into compact cities, more non-self-sufficient, more dependent.
And folks, you know, I'm here on the chopping block too.
I can't imagine what it's like for people who have, you know, a job at the shopping mall and a job bagging groceries.
I've got friends who've got several degrees, are very intelligent.
We're making $150,000 three years ago, and they're working two, three jobs.
Daddy is.
Mommy's working one job.
Grandma comes over and keeps the children.
They can't even afford a good daycare, which is what people want.
It's actually good that their children are home.
They're in more and more debt.
They have all this credit card debt.
And it's getting worse and worse.
I know people have been out of work for two years.
Three years, and I know every day they're beating the pavement in between their third world jobs.
Every day they're putting resumes in.
Every day, every week, they're going to job fairs.
Oh, they'll get a job with a high-tech company for three, four months, temporary, and all they're there to do is train an Indian who goes back to India with their job.
They're even told that.
We've got a job for you for three months.
As soon as you train this Indian, you're gone.
And they're getting paid about half what they were paid two, three years ago.
So they've got all these degrees, engineering degrees, electrical engineering degrees.
They're getting 10, 12 bucks, 15 bucks an hour paying.
For their children's insurance, and the health care, and the taxes, and all the rest of it.
And already, NAFTA and GATT, and the WTO, already, when they go in for temporary work at a factory, or in a programming job, they're getting half of what they got a few years ago.
Before, $24 an hour, now they're getting $12 an hour.
Before, some of them were getting $50, $100 an hour.
Now they're getting $25 an hour.
And it's all temporary.
I talked to hundreds of these people.
There's houses for sale everywhere.
The shopping malls on most days are empty, whereas three or four years ago they were jam-packed.
I walk into CompUSA to buy printer ink or more CDs or something, and I go in there and there's no one in there.
Before, you had to fight past the lines of people.
Before, they had five cash registers with long lines at them three, four, even two years ago.
Now, they always have one person, even at rush hour, at the customer service desk, and that's where you go to pay for your goods.
Even layoffs in the service industry.
I know what my eyes show me.
I know what the price of gold shows me.
I know what's happening to the dollar, and it's disgusting.
And George Bush, and the Democrats, and his Treasury Secretary, they know what they've done.
Yes, I have three short things, Alex.
First thing is
They've taken you off the first hour here at KCXL in Missouri.
The short thing is, Howard, who has Liberty Ship Films, was his first name Tito?
Oh, okay.
And then the last one is, the author that had the book on blood, money, and power, it
The Bush's father's name was Poppy, but in another book by Anthony Sutton, America's Secret Establishment, it said his secret name was Maycock, and I'm just asking you
I've interviewed Sutton, he's dead now, but in his books they have different nicknames, but I read that it's Poppy, and people have called him that publicly, his friends and associates.
So that is George Herbert Walker Bush's nickname is Poppy.
George W. Bush's nickname at Skull and Bones is temporary.
Side issue, we've been on KCXL for I think four or five years and I know some days they pick up two hours, some days three hours, some days one hour depending on if they got live games or something.
What exactly do you say happened?
They took you off the first hour and they put someone else there in place.
Well how many hours a day are they running?
It used to be three, now it's just two.
Yeah, but again, a year ago it was just two, and then it went back to three.
That just... Hey, they're great folks, and I think they have me on there at night, too.
I'm not able to pick you up.
It's too low.
Well, also, I think... Aren't they getting a new, bigger station?
I've been told I'll be on that one, too.
Well, they're in a...
What do you think about the gold being above $400, and at the same time the dollar plunging even more, and then they're telling us how great the economy is?
More of a continuation of the decline of the whole economic system.
It is terrible.
It's just absolutely out of control.
I appreciate your call, sir.
Take care.
We'll go to your calls coming up here in the next segment, and then we've got Eric Hubschmidt, who's an amazing
Individual, in his own right, with just incredible info for you.
So I hope you'll stay with us into the second hour for that.
And I do have some news here because he's a computer programmer, an engineer himself.
I want to talk to him about the electronic voting machines, which they've admitted are fraud ridden and run by the CIA.
That's mainstream news.
They were going to sue people that were talking about them and exposing them.
They've now backed off.
Their secret documents were posted by a major university.
They were very upset.
But they threatened to sue.
The university said, go ahead.
And now they're backing off.
So that's coming up as well.
Before I end this segment, I want to remind you, the listeners, that I've made 10 full-length feature documentary films.
The new one is Matrix of Evil Exposed.
It's got Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself, Frank Morales, who's a police state expert, talking about the government-run white slavery ring, Cynthia McKinney does, Ron Paul about how globalists run Washington.
We've got Colonel Craig Roberts on how the government's sponsoring terrorism in the Second Amendment.
It's got my speech before the City Council in Austin, very fiery speech, getting the Patriot Act thrown out.
It's jam-packed with news clips and documents.
It's a great new film.
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1-888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action.
All that these evil people are counting on is you doing nothing.
We'll be back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
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Before I go to Jerry in Wisconsin and our guest Eric Huffschmid and some other news on the electronic voting machines.
This is all, every news story is so out of control.
I spent three hours on this one article.
Before I do that, I will be in Houston December 13th at the Alamo Draft House Movie Theater at the West Oak Shopping Center showing 9-11 Rotetarity, giving a 30-minute speech, taking questions, and then airing They Live, the John Carpenter
Yeah, hi Alex.
How's it going?
Yeah, I was wondering, every once in a while I hear you talking about fluoride in the water and telling people not to stop drinking the crap and stuff.
I was wondering, maybe you should tell some of the listeners to stay away from even the fluoride toothpaste and stuff.
I mean, a few years back, I went to Walmart and I checked on the shelf and it was like, every one of the tubes of toothpaste that I looked at, it said fluoride right on the label there.
And if people stop using that, they can't sell that stuff.
It's against the law to dump that stuff in landfills, but people are paying money to use it.
I mean, it doesn't make any sense.
Well, let me give you an example.
Without having a whole diatribe on fluoride, I'm glad you mentioned it.
Depleted uranium.
Top scientist, epidemiologist, radiation expert.
He's got like five medical degrees, okay folks.
They hire him in 91 to go disprove that depleting uranium is bad.
He shows up, he says it's deadly, it's causing lung cancer, lesions, radiation sickness.
For our troops, it's horrible deformities.
And our troops are three times more likely to have deformed children, by the way.
From the first Gulf War.
He comes back.
Now in this war, they use at least 15 times what they used last time.
It's 1,900 times safe levels.
Above safe levels in downtown Baghdad.
They used it all over the place this time.
Rook on his own tests the blood.
Other doctors do.
It's all over the Australian British News.
It's horrible.
And our news says it's good for you.
Now, folks, this is the stuff left over from nuclear power plants.
It's left over from the separation process to make the rods.
It's left over from nuclear weapons production.
It's deadly.
And they just say it's good for you.
So the same thing with fluoride.
At the end of the Second World War, they had all these aluminum factories, all these fertilizer factories that had this toxic fluoride left over.
They just said, hey, we'll just put it in the water.
And it is deadly, deadly, deadly.
And the back of the toothpaste bottle says, if you swallow even a pea size of this, call poison control immediately.
It is deadly poison!
And what does it just so happen to do?
And I have hundreds of universal reports.
It deadens the mind.
It is a toxic sedative used by Nazis in death camps to sedate Jews and others.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, thanks a lot, Alex.
I just wanted to add that.
You made a great point.
Go ahead.
That's all I got to say.
I just wanted to make sure people are on top of that.
I appreciate it, Alex.
Have a good day there.
Thank you for the call from there in Wisconsin.
So no wonder people don't know what the First Amendment is.
No wonder most people don't know how many continents there are, where Iraq is.
They're drugged.
And by the way, your food is full of fluoride.
Because they feed it to the pigs, and the sheep, and the cows, and all of it.
They've tested the food, it's full of deadly fluoride.
Because, see, there's calcium fluoride that isn't very bad for you, but you need a little bit of it.
But then there's the sodium fluoride, all these other types of fluoride that are DEADLY!
By the way, the top scientist who was in charge of putting fluoride on the water in Canada, he's now gone public, apologized, said, I was wrong, it's deadly poison.
We have one of the top epidemiologists and he also has a degree in chemistry on a few months ago and that's at presentplanet.com in the audio section.
You ought to go listen to that.
It is so deadly.
It's unspeakable.
We'll be right back.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, ladies and gentlemen.
We're now into the second hour of this global transmission.
Thanks for joining us.
The websites are infowars.com and prisonplanet.com.
We're going to have wide open phones in this hour to talk about 9-11 and other government cover-ups.
I'm joined by Eric Huffschmidt, and he's an author and documentary filmmaker.
He's written a book on 9-11 and the cover up there.
Actually, I got into it in a roundabout kind of way because I just developed software for a living.
Towers went down.
I was noticing on the Internet, there's a lot of people that were called conspiracy nuts, talking about how, oh, we shouldn't trust this government of ours.
Something's funny about this attack.
And, you know, I was like most people.
I wasn't paying that much attention.
I was dismissing them as nuts.
But eventually they got through to me, you know, the constant complaining.
And I look on.
So I started looking closely at what happened on that event.
That's when it occurred to me that those towers looked like they were blown up.
Building 7 looks like it had explosives in it also.
And I was thinking, so my first reaction was to tell people about it.
You know, I put some documents on the internet saying it looks like these towers were blown up.
Of course, nobody's really paying any attention to me either.
And I emailed maybe a hundred or more people at universities and NASA and other people saying, why don't you guys look into this?
Well, you know, look, something's wrong here.
Why don't you check it out?
Of course, nobody would do anything.
And I was thinking, isn't anybody going to say anything about this?
Yeah, they have a massive investigation with a fire marshal.
The barn burns down, but you have the biggest collapse of steel buildings ever before happened.
Building 7 wasn't even hit by an aircraft.
It imploded from a small fire.
Seismographs picked up explosions.
Federal and state.
The firefighters reported bombs going off.
Firefighter engineering says it's a cover-up, hauling the steel away.
All this is going on, you start adding it all together to believe their story is the wildest conspiracy theory ever.
Oh, exactly.
And I was wondering, why isn't anyone saying anything?
What's going on?
Because here I am, sending out an email saying to look into it, and they're not doing it.
Now, Eric, you did find that I was looking into it, didn't you?
I didn't know about you either in the beginning.
You see, the information does not get very far to people.
I didn't even realize you existed at the time I was doing this.
And, you know, it's afterwards, after I started doing it, people said, hey, check this out, and, you know, this person, that person, this website.
But the majority of people are, like, oblivious, and they're not talking.
You know, most people, that television is like heroin.
They'll sit in front of it for hours a day and not even notice what's going on around them.
And so they don't really, information doesn't really spread from what you might call the ordinary people very far.
Well, it spread slowly, but now the polls are 90 plus percent, up from 80 percent believe the government killed Kennedy.
So over time, we do get the story told, it does spread faster than it did a few decades ago, thanks to the internet.
That does make a big difference.
And of course, DVDs and videos are also helping spread information, since people sit in front of a TV so much, it is a little easier to get information that way to them.
I want to go over what your book and your film covers and the scientific facts when we get back.
Eric, I also want to get your take on Diebold and all these different CIA people and all these elections where they've been caught manipulating things.
As a programmer yourself, I want to get your take on electronic voting.
Just in a nutshell, what do you think of it?
Well, anybody who's written software is going to think it's probably the same thing.
You're just asking to be taken advantage of, because it's... Unless there's... You know, when it's so secretive, when people are allowed to control this stuff secretly, when the software is secret, when everything is a secret, you're just asking to be taken advantage of.
And then no paper trail, and then surprise, surprise, in hundreds of elections, they've been caught manipulating things red-handed, and the CIA is involved, mainstream news, we'll be right back.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right folks for this hour into the next we're going to be talking to Eric Huffschmid who's done a lot of original research number crunching on September 11th issues that we've got to expose that we've got to push the forefront because you see
The Globalists will continue to carry out more terror to scare us into submission and to take our liberties if we don't.
And we've now got Tommy Franks and others, the head of NORTHCOM, General Eberhardt, saying that, well, we need to go ahead and have troops on the streets and set up a military dictatorship for our safety or the terrorists will get us.
And we've caught them in so many lies.
When you look at 9-11, we know they're lying.
We know they funded the terrorists.
We know they had NORAD stand down for over an hour.
We know they flew the Bin Ladens out of the country.
We know they flew Al-Qaeda and Taliban out of Afghanistan.
We know public officials were warned not to fly to New York and D.C.
that day.
From Mayor Willie Brown to the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, to all of them!
We know there was insider trading that led back to the CIA.
Eric Huffschmid is a software designer, computer programmer, he joins us, author,
Filmmaker, stepping up to the plate and waking up a lot of people in the process.
But I first want to talk about electronic voting with Eric.
Diebold backs off legal challenge.
Diebold Election Systems is withdrawing legal threats against voting activists and internet service providers for publishing copies of internal staff emails the company says were stolen from its servers.
That's not true.
The idiots had a open link to it.
The company was storing stuff on their open server, their internet file.
The documents pointed to security flaws with Diebold's computerized voting machines and suggest the company knew about those flaws long before it sold machines to several states, including California, Maryland, and Georgia.
Millions, by the way, voted in the California election on those systems.
The Diebold chairman said in an internal memo, now made public by the Associated Press, that he would, quote, deliver all the votes to the Republican Party.
In three of these big electronic voting machine companies, they have former deputy directors of the CIA on their boards.
And in dozens of elections from Texas to California, they've been caught manipulating votes.
They have wireless internet connections to their machines.
One of their top engineers three months ago quit, went public, said that they were covering up the fact that they were shipping out machines that had built-in back doors and that were, quote, malfunctioning.
Beginning in August, Diebold issued cease and desist letters to more than a dozen individuals who posted the documents or links to sites hosting them on the internet.
Then later you get your website put back up, but they would just threaten the ISPs.
They need to be sued, folks.
The company claimed copyright infringement under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, or DMCA, a law designed to guard against the improper use of creative works.
Diebold said the documents revealed proprietary information about the workings of its e-voting system that would benefit its competitors.
Now understand, folks, it's all these companies have been caught doing bad stuff.
Understand something here.
This is very important.
As Eric Huffman said before the break, they won't let you know what's in the machines.
They won't let you look at the code.
They won't let you have a receipt of what you've done.
And they've been caught manipulating elections.
So you add all this together, then there was a corporate meeting reported on by the mainstream news where
The government, the federal government, the lobbyists, and the big voting machine companies were all together in a quote secret teleconference where they talked about we can't let the people know about this that we're all meeting it could be considered racketeering and so they went around trying to sue and intimidate anybody that posted the documents or put a link to the documents or wrote about the documents.
Now writing about the documents was evil.
But people stood up to them, now they're backing off.
The non-profit ISP Online Policy Group and two Smarthmore College students sought a court order in October to block Diebold's action.
On Monday, Diebold reversed itself without explaining its decision, saying only that it would not sue over the copyright claims.
In a conference call with the U.S.
District Judge Jeremy Fogel, a lawyer for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is representing the online policy group of students, Diebold said it would send letters to ISPs retracting demands that they take down the documents.
I'm told by internal sources inside and around these universities and other activists that suit
are being prepared very strong suits against Diebold uh... for their malicious false charges uh... against uh... public policy groups research organizations think tanks universities uh... you know you can't do that Diebold it's not copyright infringement when you foolishly post documents about how you're scamming us on your website then we go public with it and you attack us
And you did attack us, didn't you?
Alright, Eric Huffschmid, what do you think about all this?
Well, I'd say that computerized voting system is sort of like computerized gambling machines.
I don't know how people can do it without wondering what's going on behind the scenes.
I mean, it's the same thing with those computerized gambling slot machines.
Somebody could just be manipulating them also.
You have no idea.
I don't know how people can feel confident in it, except that most people, since they don't know software,
You know, they look at the machines as like magic, you know, new magic technology.
They don't realize there's somebody that could be manipulating this on his laptop a thousand miles away from here.
And it could even be worse than that.
It could be that Diebold's doing some things and then some other groups are also secretly trying to get control.
In the California election, the one of 2002 and the one of 2003, Diebold, this is mainstream news, folks.
Diebold got caught accessing the machines remotely during the elections, adding and subtracting votes.
And they said, oh, it was just an accident, Eric.
And then you also have to wonder if there's other people that figured this out and they are also quietly trying to manipulate.
So you got a fight going on.
I mean, this is really just asking for trouble.
When you have paper ballots, the only way to mess them up is to be physically there, and that requires a lot of people and requires breaking through security.
But when you have a computer, one person can manipulate everything.
Well, there's a, there's a, on the internet, there's a billboard, or a piece of, you know, political art, and it shows a cash register, and it says, receipt.
You get a receipt.
It shows a ATM, you get a receipt.
But when it comes to touchscreen voting, no receipt, and the League of Women Voters is arguing against receipts, and so are the touchscreen companies.
Is that a good indicator?
Yes, it's a sign, and of course, even if people did get receipts, unless somebody then added the receipts together, you still wouldn't have a... you'd still have to do something with those paper receipts.
Plans within plans.
That's what they've done now, is they're going, okay, we'll allow receipts, and they go, oh, everything's fixed now.
Right, and most people will take the receipt and throw it away.
So what good does it do?
Unless you take the receipt and say, okay, now add them all up.
Well, it's clear.
You'd have to have a ballot printed out, a paper ballot from the machine, and then put together in boxes for a recount later.
Have they been caught manipulating that as well?
I mean, it's not like this hasn't happened before.
Yeah, it's asking for trouble.
But then the paper ballots, if you're going to do that, you may as well just go to paper ballots.
And what's the sense?
Well, the University of California at Berkeley, MIT, Carnegie Mellon, all these top universities did studies and found that it looks like Diebold's system is designed to be remotely accessed and then to have the access covered up.
Oh, I would think so, because that's the best thing is to have a computerized voting system.
It gives the people in control control of the elections.
So I would think that was what it was all intended for in the first place.
See, that's the problem with secret voting.
If everybody's vote had a name on it, I mean, if we didn't have to do it secretly, if there was no fear of voting, then a computer could do it because then it could be published and everybody has his name, we could all verify that voting was as we thought it would be.
It's a secret
The secret nature of voting that allows it to be manipulated, because nobody can then look back at the votes and say, well, wait, I didn't, that's not my vote.
Or, you know what I mean?
You just have numbers.
They don't correlate to people.
So, I mean, if you're going to have computerized voting, the only way to make it safe is to have each person's name associated with his vote, then you publish the results.
You've got a list of every person and his vote, and people can just randomly check their own to see if it was actually what they did.
Well, the point here is it's horrible.
They've been caught scamming and they don't care here in Austin.
They've totally replaced everything with these machines and they just say that's the way it is.
Most people don't care.
Most people are just mystified by the computer anyway.
They don't even want to think that this could be manipulated.
There's still this resistance from the average person to facing such a big scam is what it seems.
Okay, we're going to break here in a second, Eric.
I want to shift gears for what you came on about, and I appreciate you talking about this with us.
The film you've made, the book you've written, what are we going to cover in the next hour?
Because I want to go over the lies of 9-11, the facts of what happened, some of the key areas of this huge, huge story that you think are most important.
Well, there's basically two events with 9-11.
It was the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Of course, there was also that Flight 93, which I didn't really spend much time on.
I was more on the World Trade Center than a little on the Pentagon.
And so those are the two big events, and they're very different from one another, as if almost two groups of people were involved in the planning for those two.
I would say that's the biggest part of this.
Flight 93 is a bit of a mystery also, but the most obvious part of this scam are those towers and Building 7, and then of course the Pentagon being hit, and nobody can find any plane parts or body parts.
So, I mean, if you want, we can discuss those two.
Yeah, let's go over, just blow by blow, what you put in the book, what you put in the film, because it's conclusive.
We're being lied to, and then you add the whole cover-up with the wreckage, and then there's all the political tie-ins with the public officials being told not to fly, and the Bin Ladens being flown out, and the CIA running a drill that morning of flying planes into buildings in New York and D.C.
and ordering NORAD to stand down.
We're not going to get into those facets.
We'll get into the mathematical computations with the towers.
We'll be right back.
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Alright, we're talking to Eric Huffman, writer, researcher, documentary filmmaker, software engineer, programmer.
And for those that just joined us, Eric, again, plug the name of the book and the film, and later we'll tell folks how to get those.
And then I want to go into what really happened on 9-11.
Alright, the book is called Painful Questions, An Analysis of the September 11th Attack, and
The video is called Painful Deceptions.
The book has a lot of color pictures.
This is the reason I put it together.
I was having an impossible time trying to talk to people in word about what happened.
So I decided if I had something in my hand I could show them.
There are hundreds of color pictures in that.
Then of course there's the film.
So let's just say I'm an average guy on the street.
You've got the film.
You've got the book.
You're going to try to explain this to me.
What happened?
Tell me.
Well, what it looks like, when you look at how these towers... First of all, when the planes hit the towers, you cannot even see in the video that the... I mean, there was news cameras all around it, and those towers didn't hardly move.
They swallowed those planes up as if they were nothing, like a bee had run into them.
Which shows how strong those towers were to swallow a plane up at that high a speed without really shaking or wobbling or cracking.
So the planes themselves did not damage the building all that much.
The planes hit, the towers shook a little bit.
You heard the people inside saying they felt the towers sway, but it was like a strong winter storm.
And then the tower stood back up again, and then settled down, and then stood there, perfectly motionless.
There were no crackings going on, there were no pieces falling off.
It looked as if it had survived the plane crash.
And then the fires were burning inside, but initially there was a big fireball because of all the jet fuel, but then after that burned out, the only thing burning is, you know, some pools of jet fuel that were still inside the building, as well as office furniture.
So, at that point, it starts becoming like a regular office fire.
And office fires have never destroyed steel buildings before.
So, the events were, you know, the plane hit the building, the building did nothing but sway a little bit, and then you got some fires going.
And then, for no apparent reason, the building, the South Tower, just starts pulverizing itself into dust.
Now, this is the key thing.
It didn't just crack and
Something fell over.
It didn't just leave a big stub hanging in the air.
It completely pulverized itself into dust and short pieces of steel.
And the photos of this are just spectacular.
I've got these five on like page 52 through 57 of this five shots, one after the other, where the thing is just blowing itself up into dust with jets of dust flying out the windows horizontally.
I mean, when do buildings fall down like this?
There are stills from Fox Television that show clear explosion points, and then I've seen photos compared to hotels in Las Vegas under demolition.
The exact same thing happens.
Then you have the firefighter tapes that they declared national security on, but they're reporting bombs going off.
You have explosions in the bottom of the building as it begins to fall.
We have the seismographs picking up explosions at the state and federal level.
I mean, again, there's just so many indicators here.
Right, and then when you look at the rubble, there's not even a piece of anything except steel.
There's some steel beams.
The entire structure, both towers, everything disintegrated.
I mean, it'd be at least acceptable if maybe a piece had fallen down and hit the ground, a big chunk, but everything, down into the basement,
I mean, two towers, how do you explain this?
Nobody can explain this.
No fire has ever done this to a building before.
And there have been a lot of fires.
Well, by the way, a fighter bomber, what was it?
Oh, the one that hit the Empire State Building.
Yeah, a B-17 flew into it.
And it started a big fire also.
But it's like everything.
You know, the steel buildings, they can survive this sort of thing.
And the fires, I mean, steel can contain a fire.
It doesn't...
Disintegrate from it.
I mean, look at the steel grate in your fireplace or a barbecue pit.
Well, then in the book you get into the temperatures, and that's been put out there, that it would take at least 600 to 700 degrees more on top of what jet fuel burns it to do this, but instead there's all these NOVA specials, What Made the Towers Fall, Discovery Channel specials, just full of propaganda that I want to ask them, Eric, what made Building 7, what, like eight hours later, implode and fall down?
In the evening, about 5.30, that building just suddenly collapses.
And it doesn't collapse.
It pulverizes itself, just like the towers.
And the interesting thing is, almost nobody even knows what this building is, or that it collapsed.
And there's only one reason why you don't see Nova explaining this.
Nobody can come up with something... Also on the New York Daily News, Giuliani says, I got a call from someone saying, get out of the building.
Then the fire started.
Stay there, Eric.
We'll come back and cover that.
Stay with us, folks.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns.
We're talking to Eric Huffman, and folks, I carry his book, Painful Questions, over 100 pages of color photographs and documents.
And believe me, it's all on target.
He's a smart guy.
An analysis of the September 11th attacks.
Now there's the film Painful Deceptions.
We've already aired this about 10 times locally here on the local cable channel.
People request it like mad, want to see it re-aired.
Please go to Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com because I just started carrying the video and DVD.
And it's an amazing film.
Two hours long.
You really need to get Painful Deceptions, the video, and Painful Questions, the book.
You need to get these, and you need to give them to public officials, engineers.
Folks in your area, because again, if we don't expose 9-11, it's over, folks.
They're going to carry out more and more attacks.
Now, the toll-free number to get Painful Deceptions is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com or infowars.com.
Or just write to me, and I'm selling the video for $22, to Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And when you get the film, you support this show.
When you get the book, you support this show.
You also support the work of Eric Huffschmidt, a very successful software engineer and computer programmer in his own right, who saw the lies, was outraged by them, just like I was ten years ago, but he was outraged two years ago, and began his crusade to expose this evil.
So, again, please get Painful Deceptions, the video or DVD.
And please get the book, Painful Questions, available through our operation.
I'm also now carrying Loss of Liberty, the two-hour film covering the facts of what really happened to the USS Liberty, again exposing government-sponsored terror.
This is their race in the hole.
This is how they scare us into submission.
Eric, I wanted to mention something.
And this interview is still posted from September 11th, 2001 on the website.
I had a fella, Jimmy Wright, on the show who is a big successful banker,
Well, that is, he works for a big bank.
He does international deals on real estate.
He lives in New York, but he's married to one of my friend's sisters.
And so I've been out to their ranch quite a few times.
I consider him a friend of mine.
They have a ranch out in Fredericksburg, Texas.
And on the morning of 9-11, I was on Derry Brownfield's show.
I was on other shows.
I thought, who do I know in New York?
And I called out to the ranch, and I said, is Jimmy in New York?
And they said, yes.
He's also an accomplished sailor.
The guy lives on his boat there in the harbor, literally just a few hundred yards from the World Trade Center.
And he was in the World Financial Center just a couple hundred yards away.
He was up there on the 40, I believe 42nd floor, looking across at the towers.
This is just an hour or two after it happens.
I call.
I get him on at the start of the show.
Mr. Wright,
Also, has a degree in engineering, and again, unprompted
Out of his mouth, he said, this is the most controlled demolition I've ever seen.
Again, he's got an architecture degree, folk.
He's an engineer.
He says, it's the most controlled demolition I've ever seen.
Something inside those buildings brought them down.
They imploded in a symmetrical fashion.
And he was on with us for about 30 minutes, via cell phone, literally in the dust, in the rubble, saying this.
And the designer of the building said this, and in the design said it was designed to take a jumbo jet.
Then a big engineer out in a university in New Mexico said it.
They suddenly all shut up.
I talked to firefighters who said, I can't come on, I've been told to shut up.
Firefighters have been quoted as saying bombs were going off.
Eric Hubschman, how does this all tie together?
Let's go through the facts.
Well, I'd have to... that's probably very accurate.
I mean, the people... if you look closely at these photos, you can see why they think it's a demolition.
Because buildings just don't behave in this manner.
It looks like somebody lit them on fire and they're just... things going off.
It's turning to dust, flying out hundreds and hundreds of feet.
And they go floor by floor, very, very symmetrically.
I mean, like, you can see it if you look closely at these pictures in the page 52, 3, 4 and so on.
There's just one line after the other, floor by floor, dust flying out.
And there's so many suspicious aspects of it, like people going to work and saying, well, how come there's nobody in this office but me?
You know, where is everybody?
By the way, MSNBC had a headline, Urban Legend Not
They went and interviewed everybody and did find out the building was over half empty.
The children across the street a week before were saying those buildings will be gone next week.
They found out that indeed that was true.
Right, even in building 7 there were some people going up there to their work and thinking, where is everybody?
And that building evacuated very early in the morning also.
Guess who was based there?
In 99, they built the Y2K Command Center there, with the bulletproof glass, the rest of it.
The CIA and the FBI were based in that building.
Yeah, I think the Department of Defense might be in there too.
Yeah, everybody.
It was a big government nest.
Also, they said that there were fires so hot on the 60th to 90th floors, but there's video and photos of people leaning out the windows.
Oh, you can't even see the photos.
I mean, you look at the photos, you can't find only more than a few flames, and just a couple of the floors of that building.
And even the towers, there weren't that many flames either.
So, I mean, there's something... You can tell this fire... The whole story of the fires is so grossly exaggerated.
The fires were all small, and they don't affect steel buildings like this at all anyway.
And then, of course, with Building 7, you had another strange thing.
Between 4 and 5 p.m.
that afternoon, people that were near the building were told to get away because it might come down.
I mean, under what?
Who would ever say something like that?
Who would ever tell somebody, oh, stand back, that building, this might collapse?
By the way, and again, in your book and your film, and I've got all these news articles at PrisonPlanet.com, over 500, we stopped at about 550 articles on this.
Mainstream folks,
Firefighters, engineers, they're all saying, we've never seen anything like this.
A building has never, never, a new design, that means the last 80 years, has never collapsed.
And they've been hit by aircraft before, Eric.
And they've had bombs go off in them, they've had fires, they've had earthquakes, all over the world.
I mean, you have disasters, but when do you ever see buildings do anything?
Steel buildings.
Yeah, I noticed in the
PBS special and the Discovery special.
I watched both of them.
Not a mention of Building 7.
That's the best way.
It seems the best way to avoid this is to just don't talk about it, because if you talk about it, then people start saying, hey, wait a minute.
What hit that building?
What brought that down?
So you just don't mention it.
Most people will not go beyond what they see on TV.
They won't even ask these questions like, well, what happened?
And so if they don't mention it, then people don't even know it existed.
Well, again, it's like the electronic voting machines.
This is from Wired Magazine.
The Diebold emails consisted of internal correspondence sent by company employees to several staff mailing lists related to box fixes, technical support, and company announcements.
They detailed information about the internal workings of Electronic Voting Machine Maker and pointed to difficulties with the company's machines cited by employees and election officials.
Among revelations contained in the memos was information about the Microsoft Access database used by Diebold System to collect and calculate votes
Was not protected by a password.
This meant someone could alter votes by entering the database through physical access to the machine or remotely using a phone system, which it was hooked up to.
The memos also reveal that the audit log, which records any activity of access to the database, could be easily altered so that an intruder could erase the record of intrusion.
My point is, is they've caught these companies, in elections, scamming it, and it's not on the nightly news, Eric.
It's the same thing.
Massive stuff, going on in plain view.
The average person has no idea.
This is one of the things that's, um, you know, when they created America, they had no idea television would ever exist.
Our Constitution is going to have to be redone to deal with this.
This is, like, incredible.
Television is more addictive than heroin or cocaine.
It has such control over people.
And not only does it have control over them, but there are some people that will look at my book and think, wow, this really was a scam.
But through the weeks of watching TV, they slowly get pulled back into the crowd of sheep.
I've talked to thousands of people who go, yeah, you're right about this, but there's nothing we can do.
And the average adult watches three hours and 46 minutes of TV.
It's a two-year-old study.
I'm told it's worse now.
Three plus hours.
An average child watches over four and a half hours.
This is incredible!
It's like a drug, and it has such control over people.
And of course, people also have a tendency to follow each other anyway.
So, I mean, this is something that our country should have... Of course, they had no idea it was coming, but, I mean, this control of the media, whoever has control of the television has control over the majority of people.
And the rest of us are just like in that Matrix movie saying, hey, what's going on?
This is ridiculous, you guys.
You know, it's like we're a small group trying to wake people up, and they're just in this fantasy world created for them by television.
The engineering professors, the designer of the building, they suddenly shut up real quick.
The firefighters, like Lou Cacioli, who was in People Magazine the week after saying that there were bombs going off.
I talked to him.
He said, I've been told not to talk and hung the phone up.
Why do you think they're telling him not to talk and declaring national security?
They said that all the firefighter radios malfunctioned, but it turns out none of them did.
The feds have grabbed those radios.
I wonder why, Eric?
Well, yeah, they confiscated a lot of information and a lot of people did get quiet.
You have to wonder what, you know what, obviously there's no reason to keep quiet if there's nothing to hide.
Secrecy only helps you when you're trying to commit some sort of a scam or something.
Also, there's a company called Controlled Demolition.
Controlled demolition did the controlled demolition, pun intended, of Oklahoma City a few weeks after the bombing.
They wouldn't let anybody in.
They took the remains to a landfill, poured concrete in with it, and have armed Wackenhut guards to this day.
What is it?
Seven, eight years later, we have that going on.
They're the company that took all the metal and hauled it to China, and the oldest firefighting group, Firefighter Engineers, went public and said this is a cover-up.
And they also said it's a crime.
He even said, we looked through the laws trying to find an exception.
And there's no exception.
You are not allowed to destroy that rubble.
I mean, you can see the difference between the rubble of the space shuttle.
You were told, don't touch that stuff or you're going to jail.
I interviewed a United Press International reporter about two weeks after the attacks who was arrested for taking photos.
Remember FEMA?
Banned all photography of the rubble?
Yeah, they were trying to keep people away from it.
Why would you ban photography of the rubble?
Yeah, they did the same with that Flight 93.
They arrested a couple of photographers over there, too.
They don't want you to see it, and there's only one reason.
Remember, secrecy only helps you if you're trying to commit a crime.
It doesn't help you if you're honest.
So, you have to ask yourself, when the government acts this way, there's got to be a reason.
And the reason is, they don't want you to know the truth, obviously.
Now, again, there's just so many facts in your book, in your film.
I want to take calls, Eric, but, I mean, where should we, what are some of the other points that we should go over?
I mean, it's an orgy of evidence here.
Oh yeah, well one of the, there's so much things, I know there's so much, it's so obvious that something's wrong here.
You have also the attack on the Pentagon, the complete lack of any dead bodies from the Flight 93, or the suitcases, the plane parts, I mean there's only, there's nothing at that site either.
And then you have all these strange coincidences, like it hit the empty section of the Pentagon, flying a few inches above the ground.
It flew in a manner that nobody can even fly an airplane.
And then it hits in an area where there's hardly anybody in it anyway.
So you have also that Pentagon thing, which is very suspicious.
This is the most photographed building, most surveilled in the world, and all they've got is four frames from a camera with an explosion.
And again, Eric, when we look at this, by no one can fly at that rate.
You have to slow down, put down your flaps, tip the plane up, come in at a slow speed to land one of those jets.
But in this case, it's at 500 and something miles an hour.
Going super fast, a few dozen feet off the ground, maybe, T-boning the Pentagon perfectly, then the Pentagon doesn't even collapse in on itself until later in the day, when they spray all the water on it, and they can't find a single piece of it.
Right, and then they send dogs in there to search for people, and the dog has got this blank expression on his face in every photograph you look at.
I mean, how can a dog not find pieces of 64 people?
That's a tremendous amount of people.
This dog is like clueless, which is only a sign that there were no bodies there.
That's how come it didn't see any.
Well, by the way, my dad had to do some of the identification because they were matching people by medical records back in, what was it, 84, 86, when that jet full of like 200-something people ran into that building at DFW, and he had to go
Let's just say examine the bodies, and that thing burned, that thing exploded, that thing ran into a huge building, and only the pilots were unidentifiable by anything but their dental records.
Oh yeah, it's sort of ridiculous to assume a plane like that, 120 tons or whatever, can
I mean, where does it go?
Well, they said that the parts burned up, but that never had happened in any other plane crash.
And furthermore, if it had happened, if a 120-ton airplane burned up, the aluminum would become aluminum oxide, which is like sand, so you'd have 100-something tons of sand or crusty
By the way, by the way, in the photos and video after it just happened, it was green grass right up at the building.
The first thing they did four hours into it was to bring tons of sand, to dump sand on the ground to make it look like it was all blown up.
Yeah, it could have been.
It also may have been that they just wanted to bring in, they were sinking into the grass also.
I mean, the whole thing, you look at that grass, they're making jokes in France about it's like a golf course, you could go golfing on it.
This is after a plane hits it, and jet fuel's flying all over, people are flying all over, yet you can't see anything on the grass.
I mean, this is so silly, and then there's no hole in the building.
So, the whole Pentagon attack is really silly.
It's a difficult one for most people to deal with.
That's why you spend some time, mainly you spend it on Building 7 and the towers, and this is a whole area of research.
Again, you wrote a book and made a whole film just about that.
Then, you know, we do it as service and we don't also mention public officials told not to fly, NORAD standing down, Bin Laden's being flown out of the country, Bush ordering FBI not to stop, Al Qaeda W199i, insider trading by the government,
troops massing into Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
On and on and on.
CIA running drills of flying planes in the buildings.
That day, ordering NORAD to stand down.
Stay there, sir.
We'll come right back with Eric Hubschman and we'll take your calls at 800-259-9231.
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Alright, we're going to keep Eric Hubschman in the next hour if he can stay with us.
We're about to go to Art and Stuart and Dan and James and Rick and others that are patiently holding
Before we go any further, I really do hope that all of you will go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I hope you'll get the book, Painful Questions, An Analysis of September 11th Attack, and the accompanying film.
And I get the film, it's incredible.
Painful Deceptions, How Did Osama Pull Off Such a Devastating Attack?
Again, 1-888-253-3139 or InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to get painful questions or my new film Matrix of Evil or 9-11 Road to Tyranny or any of the great items we have to offer.
It's all about waking people up.
Eric, I know there's a lot of facets to the film and the book we haven't gotten into yet, but we've thrown out a lot of these questions.
That they can't answer.
We know their side of the story is a lie.
We know the wildest conspiracy theory is to believe what they're saying.
I mean, this is even crazier than the lone assassin magic bullet.
Let's go ahead and talk to Art in Tennessee.
You're on the air with Eric Huffman.
Go ahead.
Alex, we're listening in Gatlinburg, Tennessee.
And David Wynn Miller has a video out with an explanation of what happened.
He says it was an electromagnetic impulse.
Which turns steel and concrete into dust, into powder.
You know, I'm going to say this.
We know that public officials were told not to fly.
We know Bush signed an order ordering the FBI not to stop Al Qaeda.
We know that they created Al Qaeda.
We know all of that.
We know the buildings fell, in some cases, faster than gravity.
We know Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft.
We know they're having trouble explaining the Pentagon.
We know all that.
To get into electromagnetic pulses, or was there something on the belly of the plane,
That is, again, getting off on the edge of things we can't prove, Art.
Well, I was just wondering if you were aware of it.
He said the furniture was all changed the month prior to 9-11.
It contained the electronics to pull us off.
Well, you might check his video out and see what you think about it.
It's like arguing over what type of bullet hit John Kennedy.
I mean, it's a scam regardless of whether it was lead or copper or steel.
I mean, it doesn't really change much.
You know, whether they had explosives or what type of explosives, those buildings did not come down because of Osama.
They came down because somebody in the U.S.
government allowed it to happen.
I agree with that.
How did Osama Bin Laden order NORAD to stand down?
How did Osama Bin Laden do the insider trading?
How did Osama Bin Laden sign W1999?
How did Osama Bin Laden get the Bin Ladens and the Saudi Royals flown out when all their air traffic was grounded?
How did they do that?
How did they have the CIA run a drill that morning of flying hijacked jets into buildings?
Well, it had to be somebody in the USA to have the knowledge to pull this off.
I know this, those buildings evaporated.
You say hundreds of feet, it was thousands of yards, white plumes shooting out.
If you'll notice in the USA Today picture that they put out, with all the dust flying everywhere, all the paper was just floating around.
It didn't, the paper wasn't burned or anything.
Absolutely, great points Art.
I guess up next is, who's up next?
Who in Virginia?
Stuart, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Mr. Huffschmid, I think your documentaries are right on target.
In a discussion I had with a high-ranking officer the other day, I kind of stumbled at a point.
He objected that Building 7 had these tremendous reservoirs of oil for the generator station there.
That that is what brought it down, and I had a second question about the Pentagon.
Well, the idea that the oil brought it down, still there's no explanation for how that did it.
How does burning oil do it?
I mean, how does burning oil cause a building to fall, and especially in the manner in which it fell?
Yeah, it didn't explode out like a demolition, it collapsed.
Stay there, Stewart.
Ask him, did the oil make NORAD stand down?
Did it make Bush sign W199I?
Just incredible.
So stay there, Stuart.
We'll come back to you and others in the third hour.
We'll be right back.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed... You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're into the third hour.
We're talking to documentary filmmaker and author Eric Huffshuman.
I'm Alex Jones.
And we're going over the fact that Building 7 wasn't hit by an aircraft, but it imploded and fell down symmetrically.
In about, what, 3.1 seconds or faster than a bowling ball would fall.
Only by blowing out the lower floors can something like this happen by basically evaporating the lower floors, then the building isn't as tall and falls.
We also have people saying, well, the jet fuel in the other buildings caused this.
Well, the firefighters, this has been in the New York Daily News, before they were told to shut up by a federal gag order.
And the Feds claim their radios malfunctioned.
That's why they couldn't release the tapes.
Turns out that was all lies.
This is now all admitted.
They said the fires were almost out.
There were people walking around where the planes had crashed.
There was no problem.
The fires were only in some of the upper floors and were, again, going out.
This is on the record.
But then the fires caused the pancaking and the whole thing to fall apart.
It melted the steel.
Despite the fact that jet fuel burns at about 1,100 degrees and to melt steel at least 1,800 degrees, this is all scientific fact.
And then now we hear the excuse of, well, Building 7 fell down because there was a coal oil tank in there.
Well, it would have exploded.
It would have blown part of the building out.
But, you know, thousands of pounds of plastic explosive wouldn't have brought down that building if it was all in one spot.
It would have to be on different girders.
So, any type of psychological gymnastics to deny what's happening.
Stewart in Virginia was saying, he talked to a high-level military officer, who said it was all the oil, the coal oil, which burns, by the way, very cold.
And oil, coal oil doesn't explode unless you put an explosive in it.
It just burns.
But go ahead, Stewart, and comment further.
Well, this was all part of a general officer briefing.
Made available to flag rank personnel, I guess, retired and others in the Washington area.
They gave them a briefing of how the buildings came down?
And the other feature I wanted to ask Mr. Huffschmid about was, it was claimed that the density of the metal used in the avionics, like the radar and everything in the nose cone of that alleged airliner, was able to penetrate through all those concrete walls into I don't know what ring of the Pentagon.
You have that picture?
Well yeah, they have a picture of a no real hole, but then where is the plane then?
If it went inside, if it did penetrate, there's nothing inside of it either.
All the photos, all they show is office furniture and building materials.
Yeah, I've seen video of inside with the open hole in the wall, and there's nothing.
There's furniture still sitting there.
Do you have any feel at all for what was carried away under that tarp?
No, absolutely.
They're not letting any information out.
The military has got to be the most secret organization.
By the way, this is the same military that plants hundreds of fake letters from the troops, how much they love the war, and claims that Niger sold uranium and puts out fake documents.
It all rather reminds me of Isaiah's criticism of Israel in his time, that she was corrupt from the head to the toe.
The high-ranking people and the lower orders are quite cheerful to follow the higher-ranking people on to imperialistic adventures around the world.
Well, I want to know this.
It's the most surveilled area in the world.
Where is the video of the plane?
They're keeping it a secret.
They've got it, and they only let us see a couple frames.
Well, look, they declared national security.
I've had the lawyers on who sued in the Oklahoma City bombing.
They had over a dozen videotapes of specifically that truck.
But again, they've got the tapes, national security, on Oklahoma City, they will not release them.
It's incredible to me that no general officers slapped their thighs and said, this is ridiculous.
What kind of idiots do you think we are at that briefing?
Well, some of them may have, and see what I'm thinking is happening... Hey, I'll tell you what, stay there, Stewart.
Are you in the military, Stewart?
Stay there.
Stay there, Eric.
Stay there, Stewart.
We'll talk more.
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I think?
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright, we had Stuart on the line from Virginia.
Talking about some military briefing and for some reason the phone line disconnected.
So Stuart, if you can get back through
I'd like to hear more about this military briefing where they're standing around telling you how building 7 collapsed.
I mean, it's ridiculous.
It's like that special FEMA report they put out about how Oklahoma City, how the truck bomb did this, how it blew the building out and blew chunks of it across the street.
It's incredible what they do.
We're about to go on to some more calls.
Eric Huffman, you were trying to say something before we hit that last break.
I think he was saying how they all fall for this.
See, it's not just incredible that they do it, it's incredible that so many people will accept it without thinking.
That's what I find, that's what's been amazing to me ever since my book's been out, is the incredible ease at which people can be manipulated.
And I think that's like an issue in itself, the ease at which this is occurring.
It's giving them confidence just to keep going.
Unless people do something, it's just going to go on and on and on, probably.
Real tragedy to see this happening.
Let's go on to Dan in Illinois.
Dan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, Eric, just in response to what you were just saying, it's because the society keeps turning this responsibility over to the government.
Yeah, the voters do not want to be held responsible for anything.
The people don't want to be.
I mean, even now they're trying to say when they get fat, it's because of McDonald's.
I mean, it's
People don't want to be responsible.
They don't want to take part in what they're supposed to be doing.
And now they're going to tax us through our national ID cards.
That's how they're going to sell it to us.
We have to swipe it to see if we're eating too much fattening food.
They've already got the children trained with these cards, doing that at the schools.
And if they're one pound overweight, they send CPS after the children.
Folks, here's an exercise.
Think of all the crimes you know the government's committed.
Think of all the bad things they've done.
All the lies they've told.
And it's the big, institutional monster that can do these things on a mass scale.
But still, you trust them.
Oh, well, they wouldn't do something wrong.
Oh, they wouldn't?
Well, as you turn the responsibility over, you become more childish.
And then they become more the parent.
So it's like facing your parent head-on that they're evil.
That's a good way of looking at it, I guess.
They're teaching people, don't be responsible.
You're helpless.
Just feel sorry for yourself.
We'll take care of you.
That's the attitude in this country.
How did Osama Bin Laden turn off the no-fly zone in the Pentagon?
How did he stop those stock market investigations around the world, too?
That was another good one.
It's just so silly.
You guys were talking about voting before.
I just wanted to ask you a question.
Nobody's ever talked about this.
That one senator that got killed in Minnesota in that airplane crash?
Mondale, the ex-Vice President, ran in his place.
And you usually get the sympathy vote of the person who just dies.
And he loses?
How did he lose?
Yeah, that could be another one of the voting.
If there was that touch screen up there?
I don't know, but... Here's the point.
We have dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens and dozens of local, state, and federal elections where the touchscreen companies have been caught remotely accessing and stealing elections in plain view.
When they get caught, they say it's an accident that they illegally backdoor go in and change votes.
They have been caught doing it.
It isn't they could be doing it up in Minnesota.
They've been caught doing it.
Well, if they can make that investigation of the plane go away.
Nobody's ever even looked into it.
They sure can act and fix an election.
That's the point of 9-11.
They can assassinate a president right in front of us.
They can steal elections right in front of us.
They can blow up buildings right in front of us.
We're good.
And that morning, they're running a drill of the same thing in the exact areas of New York and D.C.
And again, the drill is the way to order NORAD to stand down.
I need Steve, or Stuart, to call back in, because we accidentally disconnected him during that break, and I want to hear about this military briefing he was in, 1-800-259-9231.
Dan, thanks for the call.
Go ahead, Eric.
Oh yeah, I was going to say, I have to agree with you.
I forgot what I was going to say, but it's just shocking that they're not only getting away with it, but then they feed people the TV, and that meeting that he was talking about, maybe to just put the ideas in everyone's mind, oh, here's what Building 7 was, so that when they hear any alternative opinion, they've already been told what's official, and they already know what's official.
So then, you know, by feeding people the lie first,
Anything that comes in after is now like contradicting the authority.
Well, I had Stanley Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, the guy who has 400 plus families represented by him, suing Bush for running 9-11, not for prior knowledge.
He's deposed all these colonels and generals and people because they had to answer his questions in that deposition about how NORAB was ordered to stand down.
Hilton comes on and talks about that, about how the White House was ordering him to stand down.
ABC News has to admit that Dick Cheney is on the loudspeakers in the continuity of government bunkers, this is admitted, giving them some message.
Now, they won't release the transcripts of what his orders were,
And then on top of this, to get out ahead of the story, two weeks after we break it here, suddenly, we put out a transcript of it, it went all over the internet, got tens of millions of readers, with Hilton saying this, suddenly the AP comes out, oh yeah, there was a drill that morning of flying hijacked jets into buildings.
You understand how that gets out ahead of it?
So now if it comes out, they go, oh it was just a drill, see?
Right, they feed everything first that they want you to know.
And then anything that comes after it is contradicting them.
So it's a good way to get going, you know, get something going.
Well, I mean, it's open damage control.
Hilton's making these allegations, and then they try to get out ahead of it and go, yeah, yeah, we were running a drill that morning at 8.30 in the morning.
And then there's never a discussion of it.
It's just, here's our reason.
There's no questioning.
I know there's no thinking.
And that's what our schools, of course, teach, too, is don't think.
Just sit there like a baby while we spoon-feed you with what you're supposed to know.
I mean, there's no kicking them in the butt and saying, get to work.
Think for yourself.
Do some research.
You know, just sit there.
We'll tell you what pages to read and what to do, and we'll take care of you.
All right, let's talk to James in Texas.
James, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
Hey, this is actually Jason.
Okay, Jason, welcome.
Hey, thanks.
Listen, I've called before.
Really quickly, as far as context is concerned, I know that you've alluded to both the Liberty and then indirectly alluded to the Oklahoma City bombing.
But there's a congressman that is near and dear to your heart that, after the Oklahoma City bombing, actually financed his own private investigation of the bombing.
You know, because of all the national security calls that were released on those tapes.
But contextually speaking, this is nothing new.
If you recall, just before the Oklahoma City bombing, there was legislation in place on domestic terrorism, and the lobbying groups did analysis and realized that there wasn't support for it, and then two weeks later, the next thing you know, a Ryder truck pulls up in front of the Murray Building in Oklahoma City,
The thing blows up six weeks later.
Domestic terrorism bills pass unanimously with one or two dissenting votes, one of which was said congressman that's near and dear to your heart.
It's amazing.
Eric Huffman comments to what Jason's saying.
Well, yeah, I guess he's saying basically that this goes on and on.
In front of our faces is what I suppose he's trying to say.
Well, yeah, I mean, basically what I'm trying to say is, you know, that was obviously during the Clinton administration.
And, you know, September 11th was during the Bush administration.
And, you know, I think what needs to come to an end is the dichotomy between liberal and conservative politics.
Because, quite frankly, it doesn't matter if somebody's a self-declared liberal or somebody's a self-declared conservative, that there's an apparatus in place
To basically, you know, thunderbolt through legislation that, you know, is in accordance with current paradigm.
Well, that's it, Jason.
That's a good point.
And on top of it, I heard so-called neocon talk radio that'll tell you about the problems, but not how Republicans are going along with it or energetically getting it passed.
It's all the Democrats are bad.
I mean, I heard one of the big national hosts attacking Hillary, who I can't stand, who's a horrible creature.
For going to Afghanistan to hand out turkeys.
But then say it was good that Bush went to Baghdad to hand out turkeys, that that wasn't a political stunt.
And so it's double think.
The people can see that it's a stunt by Hillary, but not by Bush in the same sentence.
It's mind control.
I mean, it's unbelievable.
Well, the fact remains, I mean, what you need to point out, and, you know, you more or less do this on a daily basis, is that, you know, people have to basically get off of the government pit.
I mean, as far as information's concerned, as far as, you know, corporate and private welfare's concerned, just get off of it, and, you know, the quicker that we do so,
And the quicker that we dissolve this dependency, the quicker that this will come to an end.
And we know that, so they're trying to get us all with psychiatric designations, they're trying to get us all on drugs, or they're trying to get us in the criminal justice system, or now they've got the national draft that they're engineering to get us all in the system one way or another.
Or on the flip side, what we can do is we can all get on welfare.
And we can dissolve the government much more quickly in that capacity.
And in doing so, you know, basically history has proven history true, just like the Roman Empire.
It dissolves and we possibly get something that's a little bit more aligned with our, you know, our mores and values.
I hear you, Jason.
Interesting points.
We'll get Eric Hubschman's take on them.
We get back and take more calls.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks.
Back live, talking to Eric Hubschmidt.
And it's not just Kennedy, it's not just Oklahoma City or the second World Trade Center attack.
It's the first World Trade Center attack where the FBI cooked the bomb, trained the drivers.
That was admitted in the Chicago Tribune, New York Times.
They just calmly announced, yeah, the FBI cooked the bombs and let it go forward.
They're real sorry about that.
And I've got the, right here, I've got the Saudi Arabians going, hey, the MI6 is blowing stuff up over here to destabilize the country.
We're not doing this.
They want radical Muslims to take over, overthrow the country, so they have an excuse to come in and invade the place and take it over.
And that's exactly what the globalists are talking about doing.
So it's just all about war, folks.
It's all hidden in plain view.
Eric Huffman, I'm sure you've heard of Donald Rumsfeld's P-2-O-G Pentagon group that admits they go out and kill people's families to get them to attack them so they have an excuse to target the enemy.
I mean, this is bringing down attacks on us, real attacks, and they just love it because the cattle out there will buy into this.
Comments, Eric, before we go to John and John?
Well, yeah, the problem is it's easy to stimulate anger with people.
I mean, all you do is fake a terrorist attack, but it's very difficult to stimulate responsibility or thinking.
So what they're doing, basically, is taking advantage of this weakness of human behavior and giving us fake attacks, stimulating anger, and then sending them off.
Go over there!
Go kill, kill, kill!
And by the way, the Northwoods plan says that killing Americans, having lists of casualties in U.S.
newspapers will cause a helpful wave of national indignation.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee, then John in Kansas and others.
Go ahead, John.
I've seen Eric's video.
It was really good, especially the proof that a cruise missile or a Global Hawk hit the Pentagon.
And it's now so obvious that jet fuel can't melt steel buildings that a PBS special this year alleged that burning paper
Made the World Trade Center collapse.
And that's getting even worse because paper burns at an even lower temperature.
Yeah, it's a oxygen stealer.
It steals the available oxygen and then smolders.
Has anyone ever tried to throw a bunch of newspapers into a raging outside fire?
It can burn for 20 minutes and down in the core, it'll still be paper.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, it's obvious that demolition charges brought it down.
Controlled Demolitions Incorporated and Browning Ferris Industries
We're paid $7 billion to clean up the World Trade Center massacre, but it only cost $1 billion to build the World Trade Center.
And of course, they also worked together after the Oklahoma City bombing.
And CDIs exploded 7,000 buildings, mainly for the government in Hollywood, and in the movie Enemy of the State, the evil director of NSA had his birthday on 9-1-1.
And BFI's employees were convicted under the RICO Act for defrauding the World Trade Center for garbage contracts,
And for membership in the Gambino and Genovese Mafias, the CEO of BFI lives near Knoxville, Tennessee, and the owners of CDI graduated from the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
By the way, that whole thing about the trash company's been on 60 Minutes.
Yeah, and A&E, Modern Mob.
Our Skull & Bones Mayor, Victor Ashe, just dedicated a memorial to 9-1-1 in Knoxville, which is a black
Yeah, and you know, a $250,000 shipment of mercury.
I mean, that's what he hijacked.
For carjacking on the local corner.
You know, he goes for the big time.
These are very serious people.
The Nazi wealth was funneled through Prescott Bush, according to mainstream reports, right up until 1953.
Thanks for the call.
Great points.
Eric Huffschmid comments.
Well, I'd agree.
I mean, the corruption is extreme.
Part of the problem is there's so many people in this country willing to do it, and then there's an enormous number willing to ignore it all.
And that just allows it to continue.
Watching a fire burn in your house, instead of putting it out, you just go to the TV and say, oh, what can I do?
I'm just one person.
See, it's this attitude that we can't do anything that's allowing this.
But that's not true.
Over 400 cities, 4 states have thrown out the Patriot Act.
99 plus percent of the firefighters and police and medical workers have refused a smallpox shot.
That's holding them back from launching that attack because their enforcers aren't inoculated and now give it to us.
People are speaking up against the end of Posse Comitatus, Diebold, and the other electronic touchscreen companies are getting exposed.
That's right, that's what they need.
People are refusing, they're demanding organic produce and milk and meats now.
People are waking up, Eric.
Yeah, that's what we need.
It's more people to realize they are not helpless.
Stay there Eric Kapschman, you did an amazing job.
We'll come back, tell folks how to get the video, get into more of what's in the film.
Talk about the Saudi Arabians, the new report where they say the globalists are behind the terror over there.
So are the Filipinos, so are the folks in Indonesia.
We'll talk to John, we'll talk to Brian, we'll talk to Barbara, and others as well.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're back live.
If you want to talk to Eric Huffschmid, 1-800-259-9231.
Just briefly, folks.
If you want this great new video, Painful Deceptions, how did Osama
Bin Laden pull off such a devastating attack.
The World Trade Center towers.
How could both towers disintegrate into dust in short sections of steel in less than 10 seconds?
Building 7 of the World Trade Center.
How could this 47-story steel-framed building disintegrate at 5.30 that evening?
The attack at the Pentagon.
How could a terrorist fly a Boeing 757 into the restricted airspace around the Pentagon?
Where's the plane?
Where's the video of it?
It's so important that you get this $22 two-hour video.
Also, the $22 book full of, I don't know, over a hundred color pictures and diagrams.
This is a lot of research.
Incredible work went into this.
You need to have the book and the video.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
You support Eric's work, you support my work.
At the same time, you get a powerful tool to wake your friends and family up.
Then, of course, there's my videos.
9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror.
Both of those two-plus-hour videos cover government-sponsored terror and dozens of admitted examples and official U.S.
government terror plans.
There's also now the new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Matrix of Evil.
The films are $25.95 a piece, because most of them are like two and a half hours long.
When you order three or more of any of those, they drop down to $20 a piece.
Go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, and order the films today, or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And with my films, you're authorized to make copies for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
I want you to air them on AXS TV.
I'm begging you to show them to your VFW hall, your college students.
I want to thank those that have been doing this.
It's had a massive effect.
It's had a huge effect.
I do radio interviews every single day.
Sometimes four or five a day.
Sometimes I've done like eight or nine in one day.
And almost every caller that calls the show
Has seen my videos.
And I ask them, I go, have you seen them?
Did you buy them from me?
No, it was on local access, or they showed it at my church, or my neighbor gave me a copy of a copy of a copy.
I've had Congress people on who have announced this unbeknownst to me.
It's having a huge effect.
So please get the videos, please take action.
Eric Huffschmid with your film, Painful Deceptions,
I know in an earlier version of the film, and I believe it's in the new version, you talk about Road to Tyranny.
Did Road to Tyranny answer any questions for you?
Was that a film you think is good?
Eric Huffman?
You know, the Oklahoma City thing, there was a lot of cover-ups.
See, out here, you guys may see more because it was closer to you in Texas, but out here in California, we did not see those local news reports that you guys might have had access to.
You know, films like yours are, you know, providing a lot of information that we never even knew about.
And like you say, your expression, information war, that is really what is going on here.
It's who controls the information, and people who don't think they have any authority, you know, the people that say, oh, I'm just a little fish, what can I do?
They can take these videos and books and then slip it into people's houses and bypass that television.
You know, and it's in a sense like it's a soldier sneaking around,
Getting into the enemy territory and saying, here, look at this.
And here's the difference.
The enemy has to reapply their lies on a daily basis.
Once we show somebody how they've been lied to, once we put the questions in their minds, they're going to seek the answers.
They're going to start seeing the propaganda.
I mean, I've said this over and over again.
When you watch dramas and sitcoms, there's more propaganda there than on CNN or Fox.
It is wall-to-wall.
Start consciously looking at what they're trying to sell you, what type of mindset they're pushing, what type of government.
I mean, Eric, I don't watch more than an hour of TV every two weeks.
This weekend I watched three or four hours because it was vacation time and I wanted to monitor stuff.
I saw two or three shows where torture is good.
Shows where homeschooling's bad.
Shows where guns are bad.
Shows where the government's good.
I mean, it's wall-to-wall.
When you watch television, do you see all the propaganda?
Well, I never even had a TV.
I got sick of it when I was a teenager.
So, right now, I only have it just so I can see a couple of these videos like yours and some of the others.
But I agree with you, and you should see things like the Threat Matrix.
You talk about propaganda.
That one's ready to get people signed up to be Homeland Security agents.
Okay, the show Threat Matrix.
Again, I will not watch it.
Listeners have sent me some copies of it.
I'm going to be reviewing them soon.
Keep it up, folks.
Threat Matrix, 24 with Kiefer Southerland, In the Line of Fire, some other new show.
I go to ABC's website, I read the synopsis for this week's episode, and it'll say,
You know, their unlimited power.
They've got to get answers.
And then I go see a movie, Open Range, and they had an ad for Threat Matrix before it.
And in the ad for Threat Matrix, they got a guy chained down, lesions all over him, and they're torturing him, and it's a good thing.
The hero, the woman, is torturing him, and it's good.
It's a very persuasive movie, but it's got all these subtle messages also in it.
Basically, it's really blatant.
Everybody's getting surveilled in another Threat Matrix show because I read the synopsis of it and listeners called in about it.
It said, Billy Bob's a Gulf War veteran.
He loves America, but he deals drugs.
Because he's a drug dealer, he's arrested and his children are taken under the Patriot Act.
Drug dealing is an act of terror.
And in the real world, they're using it for drug dealers and topless bars and county commissioners in zoning scams.
See, folks, what they're doing?
Well, it's like Jerry Bruckheimer producing the Saving Private Lynch.
He actually consulted them on how to do that and how to phrase it and what to call it.
This is the guy that makes Pirates of the Caribbean, folks, and Black Hawk Down.
Well, Eric, if we just do one thing, and we just get them to think that, hey, they may be being lied to and manipulated, then if they'll just witness it, it'll be horrifying.
That's why I can't watch TV, Eric.
It is horrifying to know how evil they've gotten.
Yeah, it's bad.
Plus, it's a waste of your life, anyway.
It is.
Let's talk to John in Kansas.
John, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yeah, thanks, sir.
Pleasure to speak with you.
This is going to blow your listeners' mind.
This is Top and Class 5 material.
Hey, go ahead.
I've talked to a physicist.
Yeah, I work for the government.
Who believes the laser beam technology was infrared, originally developed by Israel and Soviet Union.
That caused the collapse of the towers.
And, uh, Cheney and Bush have already asked, uh, Leader, uh, Daschle, uh, to limit congressional investigation.
And, uh, he asked the House and Senate Committee... Well, sir, sir, sir, sir.
Again, we know that their story's a fraud.
We know they were involved.
But to say it was particle beams or magnetic weapons, we can never prove that.
It's a black hole.
Well, actually not, Alex.
Fire Engineering Magazine, a 125-year-old respected journal, published technical studies of major fires, recently criticized FEMA, and numerous indicators of fuel fires, as you know,
Hey, sir, sir, I appreciate the call, John.
I really do.
What you're reading is firefighter engineering from two years ago, and that's in Road to Tyranny, where they said there's a cover-up and that fires couldn't do that to the buildings, but then that doesn't mean that it's particle beams.
Eric Huffsman?
Well, I agree.
It's just like I said, it's like arguing over what kind of bullet hit Kennedy.
I mean, it's like, what difference does it make anyway?
It's still a scam.
So, we can't really prove it no matter what, whether it was conventional explosives or particle beams.
What difference does it make?
It wasn't Osama.
That's what's important.
And so, what's the sense of arguing about it?
You know what I mean?
To me, it's just a waste.
Well, absolutely, Eric.
Elaborate just in bullet points what your film covers for folks that just joined us, then we'll go on to more callers.
Well, it goes over things like how the Pentagon, you know, the Pentagon is a very suspicious one.
There's a lot of secrecy about it.
There's no sign of any airplane hitting it.
There's no sign of it.
There's something hitting it.
There is definitely something going on there, but it does not look like a passenger commercial jet full of people.
So something hit it, and it goes over that issue.
Well, I have some local newscasts where the first witnesses were saying they saw a quote, small commuter plane.
Right, and some people say it sounded like a little missile.
The witness reports do not even support the accusation that it was a large commercial plane.
Because they have military witnesses who were running around going, I saw a missile, I saw a missile.
And they go, well, you know, people on the scene are notoriously, you know, off target.
How do they not get a plane, a passenger jet, compared to a missile?
And yeah, people are notoriously inaccurate, but at the same time, where's the plane?
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Yeah, I agree with you.
I mean, the plane, it's too big, it's too... A 757 is so large, and there's so many people on it, and so many pieces to the plane, the engines,
The engines alone, there's two of them, nine foot diameter at their maximum.
I mean, how do you lose this kind of material?
And these are bigger than cars, those engines.
Where are they?
Well, also, the hole in the pentagon is smaller than the fuselage, just the internal fuselage.
Where are the marks from the wings hitting the building?
And even the hole, we can't even see in those photos how deep it is, or if it's even a real hole.
It's so small.
It's even debatable as whether it even is more than... It's a black spot.
Yeah, I mean, it's even debatable.
Is that even an airplane hole?
So you go over that, you also get into Building 7, and... And then, yeah, the towers, and of course, what people really need to realize is this is a fight over who controls the news, who controls the information.
That's what's really important for people to realize, that this is an information war.
It's deception.
Deception is what's being used as the weapon nowadays.
Let's talk to Brian.
Brian, where are you calling us from?
Good to talk to you.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you.
Hey, great guest today.
Hey, I was wondering, was there a fire sprinkler system on the Twin Towers?
Yes, there were, and there was also supposed to be water
Thanks for
Well, I've read the transcripts of what the firefighters, the stuff that got leaked out, and then the Feds had to admit, okay, the firefighter radios didn't all malfunction.
We've declared national security on this.
They reported the fires were almost out, right where the planes hit, that there was no problem.
That's why the firefighters were all rushing in.
They'd been in other building fires with fuel and stuff.
They knew!
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Oh yeah, you're right.
That's why they had no fear of running into this building.
No fire has ever brought a steel building down.
They had nothing to worry about.
And what's burning inside there?
Just carpeting?
Office furniture?
It's not like it's made of wood.
It's got concrete on the floor.
It's got steel in the frame.
They had no reason to worry.
They get up there, they're walking around it.
Well, they've had 50-story buildings, hotels and stuff that catch on fire, burn for three days.
I mean, nothing happens.
The concrete and the steel contain it.
They might buckle a little and crack a little, but they don't do anything.
And then we find out a year later that they were walking around in the fire zone of the South Tower, according to their radio report.
But it would take 1800 degrees to melt steel.
Go ahead, Brian.
And the other thing is, you know, you think of the impact of the jet, if there was structural damage, that on that side of the building, either that side of the building would collapse, because there wasn't damage to the opposite side of the building to speak of.
So, you know, I'm just not buying the whole... Well, it would buckle, it would break in half, it would fall apart, it wouldn't just disintegrate into powder.
Right, that's all I had.
You know, I've got hundreds of hours of video that Lister sent me.
I was recording on two VCRs, two separate channels, from like five minutes after the first plane hit.
My phone was ringing off the hook.
And folks, I want you to understand something.
Good question, Brian.
Good questions.
Good points.
I've sat there and reviewed all these tapes.
I could make five more 9-11 films.
I have footage of a CNN reporter standing down there when one of the buildings starts coming down, and she goes, explosions!
And you see, you know, this wall of smoke coming down the road.
I mean, everybody said explosions.
What about the seismographs, Eric?
Well, they show the whole building coming down in about 10 seconds.
They have a big spike, and then it decreases a little.
It's almost as if
Again, you look at these seismic graphs, and this doesn't look like a building coming down either.
It's coming down, first of all, much, much too fast.
You know, these are 1,300-foot buildings.
There's 110 floors, and it's going down in 10 seconds?
That's averaging 10 floors per second.
And it actually is faster than that, because it started out slow and then speeded up.
So, you know, by the end, it's going faster than 10 floors per second.
Well, also, before they collapse, the second one it began, they hear all these explosions.
Up and down the building, there's little plumes shooting out that are identical to controlled demolitions in other cases.
I mean, folks, I had an engineer on the day it happened, a friend of mine who doesn't even believe in the New World Order, and he's an engineer, and he says, Alex, it was the most controlled demolitions I've ever seen in my life.
Well, yeah.
How else do you explain the pulverizing to dust?
Barbara, in Pennsylvania.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
It's the Pentagon crash that I am most interested in.
So far, I've heard five different people get on radio programs and talk about it.
And I have asked the same question, and only one of these people partly answered my question, and I was wondering if you could.
On the 757 that was supposed to have crashed into the Pentagon, the manifest of passengers and flight crew, did you track any of the families down?
A lot of these manifests, they're not even releasing the seating arrangements.
They're keeping some of this a secret.
There's no Arabs on these that they claim were hijackers.
By the way, I have an answer for it.
On the two flights, ma'am, I'll hold you over if you need me.
On the two towers that were hit, there were exactly 20% occupancy on both of those planes.
20% occupancy.
How does that happen?
Exactly 20% occupancy.
Go ahead.
Well, I'm wondering if the families of any of these supposedly dead people got any insurance policies?
Uh, got anything from the, uh, government, uh, any word or anything like that?
I'm wondering about that.
Yeah, we know, we know that they tell all the families, not just of the planes, but the buildings, if they'll sign a form waiving all liability and saying they'll shut up, they get some money.
Well... I'll tell you what, stay there, Barbara.
We'll come back to you in a second.
And then I'll get to this Saudi Arabia story.
Stay with us.
And I appreciate Eric riding shotgun today.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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On Sunday, the Pentagon, three days ago, two and a half days ago, claimed that they had killed 50-plus people in black uniforms screaming Saddam.
The foreign press, including some of our press, went to the hospitals, looked hilarious.
All they saw was old women, old men, and children with their arms and legs blown off and bullet holes in them.
And the U.S.
military can show no photographs or no bodies of dead fighters.
And I got on air and I said, I don't know what the truth is about this.
I know we've been lied to a bunch in the past.
Now more evidence has come out.
It's clear they're lying to us yet again.
But that's stuff I can prove.
And the stuff that Eric Huffman covers in his film,
The facts that what they're saying is a fraud, that's what we can prove.
Then you add to it all the other evidence, we know they're behind it.
So that's the key point we're making here.
We can endlessly speculate on things that we can never prove.
You know, why did two of the hijackers' passports at two different crash scenes, when nothing else is found, come fluttering down into the rubble uncharred?
Why was the Deputy FBI Director who just resigned and said the government's going to allow attacks as a pretext to invade Afghanistan?
He told the foreign press that.
John O'Neill!
You know, why has there been an investigation of that?
There's thousands of these questions!
It's incredible!
Barbara, finish up your points here with Eric Huffschmid.
Well, my point was that, like I said, I've heard five different people get on talk shows and talk about the Pentagon crash.
And when I asked one of them this question, he managed to partly answer my question.
What is your question?
Have we contacted the victims of the flight that supposedly hit the Pentagon?
He said that one of the people that was supposed to have been
Well, it's hard to figure out.
I mean, see, here again, how do you know who exactly was on the plane, who and where are they, if they're even alive?
Some people have, like, that one government official, he says his wife, you know, Barbara Olson, was on that plane, and he says she's dead.
I mean, what are we supposed to do?
Call him up and say, are you telling us the truth?
I mean, we're not going to get it, even if he's lying.
And some of the people on other passenger planes, like the sons or their wives or husbands, some of them are talking.
Some are complaining.
Some are even filing lawsuits.
Yeah, I just read a letter to Bush from one of the victim's wives saying, Bush, I think you did it.
So, I mean, there's a look.
Stanley Hilton has 400 of the families in his lawsuit.
He's saying Bush ran the attacks.
Yeah, there are people contacting some of the family members.
I personally didn't, though.
Yeah, you just went over the scientific evidence that is inclusive in your film.
I hope that answers the question for you, Barbara.
Okay, thanks for the call.
We're out of time.
Eric Hofschmid, I want to get you back up in the future.
I appreciate your hard work.
I appreciate everything you've done.
And God bless you for your film and your book.
You've done a smashing job defending this republic, and I hope folks will get the video and the book and spread the word.
Well, let's hope so, because, like you say, it is an information war, and that is one of the tools we have.
Thanks for the call, and take care, my friend.
Okay, bye.
A Saudi official blames foreigners for terror.
Prince Abdul-Rahman, by the way, they threatened the White House.
They said, if you don't stop saying we did it, we're going to release the names of the four banks that really own Saudi Arabia who are behind the terror.
And that's why they excised the 29 pages.
Prince Abdul Rahim, Saudi Arabia's Deputy Minister of Defense and Aviation, says foreign hands are behind the Riyadh bombings that left scores dead, implying the attacks were not the work of Osama Bin Laden or al-Qaeda network, but rather nations opposing the country's strict adherence to Islamic law.
...and which want to impose foreign domination upon the kingdom.
He called on the armed forces to be ready to defend the country against foreign interference with all the force at their disposal.
According to Arab News Report, the prince said the kingdom would continue to apply the law and said foreign countries stood behind recent events in an apparent reference to the November 8th bombings in Riyadh, adding that it would be regrettable if it were proven that they were friends of the kingdom.
Threats to the bushes to back off.
Folks, this is coming to a head.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
God bless you all.