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Name: 20031201_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Dec. 1, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Well, well, well.
We're breaking open a new month that spans out before us.
It is December 1st, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
We're going to have wide open phones, and we're also lining up some very important guests for you as well.
The websites are InfoWars.com and InfoWars.net and PrisonPlanet.com.
Definitely check them out daily as they're updated with vital information for you and your family.
Coming up in the news today, U.S.
forces say that they killed 46 Iraqis trying to ambush them.
Bloodiest month in Iraq leaves 105 U.S.
troops dead, as well as many others killed.
New sniper feared after death on Ohio Highway.
They think there may be more sniper attacks starting up.
Of course, they need to get your guns now to keep everybody safe.
The L.A.
Times is reporting Patriot Act author has concerns.
We confronted him a few months ago in Austin, Viet Dinh.
Detaining citizens as enemy combatants, a policy not spelled out in the Act, is flawed, the legal scholar says.
So they're in so much trouble now, they're trying to act like they're going to soften their stance, while Congress passes new Patriot Act provisions two weeks ago.
Speaking of the devil, new surveillance guidelines fuel debate in California.
This is out of the Boston Globe.
Terrorist base south of the border.
Paraguay sees major influx of Arabic-speaking Europeans.
Of course, the government's doing nothing to stop that, but they will spy on you and your family.
Federal camps for you and your family.
That's out of the Washington Post.
Georgians question detention center plans.
People are questioning the federal super camp plan for your safety, but the people don't like it.
This is out of a Washington Post discussion of federal detention centers.
Woman knocked unconscious by Walmart shoppers.
There were a bunch of reports of this over the weekend, late last week, of people stampeding, knocking people over, busting their heads open, frothing, grabbing DVD players greedily, fighting over the slave goods, fighting over killing the economy.
British prisoner confesses plot to poison bomb parliament.
Turns out it's obviously the product of torture.
Time Magazine, inside the wire.
Security breaches, suicidal detainees, a legal challenge.
Heading to the Supreme Court, welcome to Guantanamo.
You can't believe any of the confessions that come out of there.
They're admittedly torturing people.
Also, Bali Group.
Indonesian Army had curious link.
This is out of the age.
Australia talking about government-sponsored terror.
Another article out of WorldNetDaily.
Saudi official blames foreigners for terror.
Says Western governments are behind it to destabilize the region.
Oh, I've got a bunch of articles on government-sponsored terror today coming out.
The St.
Petersburg Times.
Miami crowd control would do a tyrant proud.
Says the result of what happened in Miami last week would have made a Latin American dictator blush.
So we'll get into that.
Army forcing out sick Gulf War veterans, denying them health care, and they have the policy reports here.
911 victim Elaine Marani opened letter to the President of the United States talking about the prior knowledge and involvement of September 11th.
I'm going to read this letter.
More on that study I haven't spent enough time on on-air.
First Amendment survey finds knowledge lacking over two-thirds of college students and administrators, professors, deans don't know what the First Amendment is.
When they're told what it is, they say they don't agree with free speech.
And I watched a little TV over the weekend and saw two separate cases of torture being promoted in the dramas that air on broadcast television.
Torture, torture is the new American pastime, like baseball and apple pie.
And they even said on a promo for a new ABC show, they said, whose side are you on?
And then it cut to them torturing someone.
They're getting you ready for the love.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
In my new film, The Masters of Terror, we chronicle the globalist master plan for world domination.
The Masters of Terror details how the elite are using manufactured terrorism to drive the world population into accepting tyranny.
Witness in horror the execution of the September 11th attacks and the ensuing whitewash.
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soil, the U.S.A.
Patriot Act, Super Big Brother Total Information Awareness Network, and much, much more.
It is absolutely vital that everyone see the masters of terror.
Only by exposing the perpetrators of September 11th can we stop them from carrying out the next wave of attacks and destroying our constitutional republic.
Order online now at Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or by calling 1-888-253-3139.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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I have been here on the air from day one
When we first learned of the details of Patriot Act 1 in late October 2001, and I spent hours and hours and hours, I spent three evenings spending four or five hours at a sitting reading it, checking the U.S.
And I wrote an analysis of it.
I put out news alerts to the listeners.
I wrote an analysis of Patriot Act II as well.
A lot of people were shocked by my analysis where I stated that they will go after every citizen, every misdemeanor is punishable by secret arrest, and yes, secret execution.
Well, two years later, it's mainstream public knowledge that all of this is accurate.
Others, from across the political spectrum, have now looked at it for what it is.
An atrocity against the Republic, an abomination against America, and the values that our veterans have fought and died to preserve, protect, and defend.
And now, Viet Dien, who has been billed as the author of Patriot Act 1, and 2 by the way, who has left the Justice Department, surrounded by a cloud, they say he resigned,
Has gone public and said there are some problems with it and the things that are happening.
This is in the Los Angeles Times today.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And he talks about the secret arrest of citizens, how we can disappear, never to be seen again, and how that's wrong.
And he says, well that's not in the Patriot Act, but he says it's being implemented.
Well, again, it's in Patriot Act 2,
Which hasn't passed yet, but they're already implementing Patriot Act II about a year and a half ago, and then trying to pass the accompanying legislation.
But the powers and the designation of being a terrorist, for any action that endangers human life, that's a violation of any federal or state law, that is in the first Patriot Act.
So we'll analyze what old, old Viet Dien is up to, and what he has to say.
Another LA Times article that I covered on last Wednesday before I took off Thursday and Friday, a true rarity, but I took off a few days to spend time with family, was an article that we could not possibly spend enough time on.
They're going to spend the next two years on Michael Jackson.
Well, we're going to spend a couple days on this.
Mission creep hits home.
American armed forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles.
So, later, after I go through the latest news that came out in the last few days, I want to get back into this because I got a big stack of Orwellian, police state, concentration camp, federal detention centers, secret arrest information for you today, all again mainstream.
They're telling you how wonderful all of this is for your safety, while you're freedom plus, freedom plus tyranny and a boot on your throat.
So that's coming up.
Perhaps you heard a few weeks ago when we first started reporting on Cigar Aficionado article, the articles about that story that we posted on Infowars.com.
We now, thanks to a listener, have the entire Cigar Aficionado article with General Tommy Franks, the outgoing head of CENTCOM, saying if we're attacked again, and there's a big attack, chemical, biological, radiological, we're gonna, quote, set aside the Constitution in favor of a military form of government.
And then we have the head of NORTHCOM sitting out there in Colorado Springs, General Eberhard, and he basically says the same thing.
It's for your safety.
We need to do this.
It's not a bad thing.
Sure, we resemble a third world country during protests or marches or demonstrations or with our laws, but that's okay.
Now we're going to go to the next level of tearing.
So this is the big issue.
One could not spend enough time on this subject of the unfolding control grid, the cage that's been built for the American people, the people of the world.
This weekend I just kept thinking about how I wanted to get back on the air and warn people and how could I properly explain the situation that I personally am witnessing from my studies that I know is very accurate.
It's so saddening to me to watch America being destroyed, to watch our institutions being overtaken, to watch a revolutionary force of organized criminals controlling the levers of power in the military-industrial-media-pharmacological complex.
The overriding desire that I have is to warn everyone.
We are repeating history in the most horrible fashion imaginable.
And with the next major terrorist event to be carried out by the revolutionary criminals, by the terrorists in control, we are going to see a huge escalation.
All the police state, all the activities, all the cameras, and the biometrics, and the RFID, and the
Cameras in the classrooms, and school bathrooms, and all of the echelon, and military surveillance, and the drones, and the foreign troops training here publicly for decades.
It's all in preparation for the big push by our enemies.
The good news is, a lot of military and police are beginning to wake up to what's happening, a lot of firefighters, a lot of professional people.
Finally, fascism command and control.
The autocracy is being discussed.
And that's good.
And it can happen here, it has happened here before, and now it's being prepared on a mass scale.
So please, please become leaders, educate yourselves, speak out, and expose the fact that those in power, those that sell the weapons and own the oil companies and own the dominant media,
Those that rule us are using terrorism that they have engineered, that they have loosed upon us as a tool to destroy the fabric of a free society, to liquidate the middle class, to complete our journey deep into the bowels of a total despotism, a total tyranny.
Let's go into some news, then I'll get into Viet Dinh and the Patriot Act and the Indo-Paci Commentatus.
forces say they killed 46 Iraqis trying to ambush them.
This out of Reuters.
soldiers killed 46 Iraqis and captured 8 trying to carry out a series of attempted ambushes on U.S.
convoys in the central Iraq city of Samarra on Sunday.
A U.S.
military spokesman said the 4th Infantry Division
Repelled multiple ambush attacks.
Lieutenant Colonel William McDonald told reporters at least 18 attackers, five U.S.
soldiers, and a civilian traveling with the troops were wounded during the ambushes.
The attacks were coordinated in locations very close to each other, he said, adding that the ambushes were made on separate U.S.
convoys using mortars, grenades, and small arms fire.
Three buildings from whom roofs the attackers fired were destroyed.
The attackers attempted to block one of the convoys' way with a makeshift barricade, McDonald said, citing three main attack points around Samara, north of Baghdad.
In all of the clashes, Coalition firepower overwhelmed the attackers, resulting in significant enemy losses, he said.
If you attempt to attack one of our convoys, we're going to use our firepower to stop that attack.
Some of the attackers
...wore the attire of the Fatahkine, a militia formed by Iraqi President Saddam Hussein before U.S.-led forces toppled him earlier this year.
The Fatahkine are among the former Saddam loyalists blamed by Washington for coordinating a rising insurgency against Iraq's U.S.
This is the largest ambush of our task force since we've been in the area, McDonald said.
He declined to say whether the coordinated ambushes were linked to attacks on civilian foreign nationals in Tikrit and other cities in the last two days.
Samara and Tikrit, where the 4th Infantry Division is based, are located in the center of Iraq, where most attacks on foreign forces and Iraqis cooperating with them have been coordinated.
Now, look, I mean, I'm for our troops.
I think it's terrible.
They're breathing depleted uranium at 1,900 times the safe levels.
That's the Army's own doctor saying that.
Dr. Rook.
They are being denied a lot of their pay.
Bush pulled that ridiculous stunt, sneaking in like a coward, confiscating the cell phones of reporters who weren't even told that would happen until they were on board the plane.
Literally kidnapped, folks.
I've read the stories.
But it's, again, hidden in plain view.
No one seems to notice it.
They fly them there.
He's there two and a half hours, flies out, running around with turkeys, handing out turkeys.
It's total theater, just like landing on the deck of that aircraft carrier, when it's now documented fact that he went AWOL and had a score of 25, one more point lower.
He couldn't even have been allowed to fly.
I mean, it goes on and on.
If you want stunts, they're going to give it to you.
Form over substance.
Rhetoric over facts.
And this is the same military that has been caught, the same Pentagon, posting hundreds of fake letters in newspapers with fake signatures about how much the troops love the war.
The same group lying about Niger selling uranium to Iraq with the fake weapons dossiers, the fake mass graves.
The fake weapons dossiers written 12 years ago, all the endless lies, the fake Fat Bin Laden videotapes.
So when I read this, again folks, in the last few months we've caught them blowing up innocent people and claiming it as victories.
It's happened before.
I don't know if this is true.
The point is, it's a sickening mess and regardless this is being used like it's a football game to make you think we're still in the game.
We were destined to lose this by design so the UN can come in as the savior.
We'll be back with our troop losses.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We will open the phones up to comment on any of the news we've been covering.
Coming up in the next segment, toll free number to join us on this December 1st edition of the World Wide Transmission 1-800-259-9231 1-800-259-9231.
Before I get
The bloodiest month in Iraq leaves 105 troops dead.
Our troops.
Before I do that, I'm going to be in Houston, Texas on December 13th at the Alamo Draft House at the West Oaks Shopping Center.
Big, nice, you know, modern shopping mall with the big, fancy 350-seat movie theaters.
It's big, padded seats, pizzas,
We're good to go.
Go to Infowars.com, link through to AlamoDraftHouse.com, and you can buy your tickets online there.
We're going to show 9-11 Road to Tyranny again.
I'm going to give a speech and take questions after the film.
And then at about 9 o'clock at night, we're going to show They Live!
John Carpenter's They Live!
I'm going to start things a little bit earlier this time.
We rolled Road to Tyranny at about 8 o'clock at night last time.
By the time we got done showing it, it was pretty late when we showed THX 1138.
So you'll be out of there by about 11 o'clock at night.
And so it's going to go from about 6 to 11.
And if we have some extra time and you've got questions, I'll take questions or take your comments after we air They Live.
So I hope to see everybody December 13th at the West Oak Shopping Center there in Houston, Texas.
And it's a nice place.
The folks that own it are Patriots.
Travis Doss is a great guy.
And him and his father are listeners of the show.
And so I really look forward to seeing everybody there December 13th.
Please come.
I'd love to meet you or see you again.
And it's a great place to network.
forces say they killed 46 Iraqis trying to ambush them.
And in the last couple weeks they've been blowing up entire areas of neighborhoods claiming terrorists were in there.
They've been bulldozing more orange groves and more of the plantings of the peasants.
And this is designed to create outrage against our forces.
And they've already said, Javier Solano's already said he talked to Bush, the U.N.
will take Iraq over.
They will be the good cop.
Our job is to squeeze and become hated and make the world hate America and to make the EU and the UN look good.
Meanwhile, our troops die being used.
The bloodiest month in Iraq leaves 105 troops dead.
The bloodiest month since the United States led the invasion and occupation of Iraq has come to a deadly close after insurgents killed 14 people from five nations in a weekend of apparently carefully calculated attacks.
But you're not hearing about our 14 dead.
All you're hearing about is the big victory against killing some Iraqis, which will only enrage them more.
Days after President George Bush slipped briefly into the country on Thanksgiving, his opponents reported
Responded by killing civilian contract workers, military intelligence agents, diplomats, and soldiers.
Last night, the Americans claimed they had killed, now it's 54 Iraqis, up from 46, who were involved in a series of ambushes on U.S.
convoys in the central city of Samarra.
18 Iraqi fighters and 5 U.S.
soldiers were also injured.
During the past month, however, America's allies bore the brunt of the assaults, which were intended to fuel opposition within their countries to the occupation and to hinder efforts to rebuild Iraq.
This is all totally staged, and our troops are in the middle of it with the poor Iraqi people.
I feel sorry for everyone.
I pray for everyone.
I hope you will, too.
New sniper feared after death on Ohio Highway.
Fear that a copycat sniper is on the loose.
Gripped Ohio yesterday after a fatal shooting and ten other attacks on the Jack Nicklaus Highway.
Ten other attacks!
Triton Motors began avoiding the five-mile stretch of Interstate 270 near the city of Columbus, Ohio that passes the golfer's birthplace.
Police were out in force.
Although the authorities are avoiding the word sniper, the shootings are being compared with the 10 murders on the Beltway near Washington, D.C.
last year.
Gayle Kinsley, 62, was on her way to see her doctor last Tuesday when she was shot.
What was that, she asked her friend Mary Cox, who was driving the white Pontiac just before she slumped forward in her seat.
We heard the bang like a balloon or something, Ms.
Cox said.
I could not see the bullet hole.
Other people are now reported shooting incidents all but one in the past two months.
Windows have been shattered, tires blown out, and bullets lodged in bumpers and vehicles.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
I'm here live back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Coming up, Norm, Manuel, Dan and others, your calls.
The total free number to join us on air is 800-259-9231.
Let me cover a couple other important news stories and we'll go into your calls and back into news.
Just recapping, they're saying they killed between 40 and 60 Iraqis.
No one's sure.
There's different numbers coming out.
Supposedly fighting back ambushes in central Iraq in two separate cities.
We've lost 105 troops.
A bunch of other foreigners who were in Iraq.
Poles and Spanish and others.
British have been getting killed.
Turning into a quagmire very rapidly.
They think there's a new sniper loose on
270 Highway in Ohio.
Getting very, very serious there.
Of course, there'll be lots of fear-mongering about how we should all turn our guns in now.
The L.A.
Times reported last week that NorthCom admits that, well, they need to have troops on the streets to run our lives.
I want to get back into that.
A new report out of the L.A.
Times, Patriot Act author has concerns.
Detaining citizens as enemy combatants, a policy not spelled out in the Act, is flawed, the legal scholar says.
Now again, number one, he is not the author of the Patriot Act.
Viet Dinh is not the author of the Patriot Act, the former Assistant Attorney General.
Most of the Patriot Act, which I've read the whole thing in the attached U.S.
Code, again took days to do it,
Is old bills that they couldn't pass before that would get rid of the Fourth Amendment, allow them to secretly arrest you, administrative subpoenas, basically the FBI issuing its own warrants, a big fat rubber stamp, literally.
And so number one, Viet Dinh didn't write it.
So I'm sick of the media saying that.
Okay, maybe he compiled it or was over the compiling of it, but I mean that's like compiling a bunch of news articles together and saying you wrote them.
It's major plagiarism right there, but the Justice Department's war on terrorism has drawn intense scrutiny from the left and right.
Now a chief architect of the USA Patriot Act and a former top assistant to Attorney General John Ashcroft are joining the fray, voicing concern about aspects of the administration's anti-terrorism policy.
An issue is the government's power to designate and detain enemy combatants, in particular in the case of dirty bomb plot suspect Padilla, the Brooklyn-born former gang member who was picked up at the Chicago airport 18 months ago by the FBI and locked in a military brig without access to a lawyer.
Civil liberties groups and others contend that Padilla, as an American citizen arrested in the U.S., is being denied due process of law under the Constitution.
Viet Dinh, who until May headed the Justice Department's Office of Legal Policy, said in a series of recent speeches and in an interview with the L.A.
Times that he thought the government's detention of Padilla was flawed and unlikely to survive court review.
The principal intellectual force behind the Patriot Act, the terror-fighting law enacted by Congress on September 11th, attacks DN has steadfastly defended the Justice Department's anti-terror efforts against charges that they have led to civil rights abuses of immigrants and others.
While the Patriot Act does not speak to the issue of enemy combatants, his remarks still caught some observers by surprise.
Two years into the war on terror, he said, it is time to move beyond case-by-case development.
Another top former Justice Department official, Michael Chertoff, who's head of the Department's Criminal Division, has said he believes the government should reconsider how it detained enemy combatants.
Again, he said two years into the War on Terror, it's time to move beyond case-by-case developments.
Chertoff said, according to an excerpt from a speech he gave last month at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Law School.
We need to debate a long-term and sustainable architecture for the process of detaining when, why, and how long someone may be detained as an enemy combatant, and a judicial review should be available, he said.
Chertoff, a federal appeals court judge, also mentioned at a judicial conference in Philadelphia this month the need to re-examine procedures for combatants.
Inevitably, decisions on war are made with imperfect information, he said.
Perhaps the time has come to take a more universal approach.
Okay, you know, reading this article, let me bring it down to a nutshell.
They know that you're now, millions of you, aware of what's in the Patriot Act.
One and two.
They know that, we know, that Patriot Act 2 is being implemented without being passed.
We know that they're using the Section 802 in the First Patriot Act to designate us all terrorists.
We know that they're using it against topless bars and county commissioners and in land rights disputes.
They're using it to arrest people who sue public officials in Wisconsin, saying it's an act of terrorism to sue a public official.
That's the major Milwaukee Journal Sentinel article.
A guy got five years for suing a public official, they said under the Patriot Act you're a terrorist.
They know that we know that they're a pack of liars trying to destroy America.
They know that over 400 cities and now four states have thrown out the Patriot Act, with hundreds of other cities and dozens of other states moving to do the same.
They know that there has been a massive backlash against their activities.
And so they're now having to admit that maybe there's a few problems to make you think that they're trying to do the right thing.
But if you listen to what Michael Chertoff, a dangerous creature that I'm well aware of, targeting Christians and homeschoolers in the past, the at den, another dangerous un-American creature, a minion of the New World Order, knows that there's a massive backlash.
So they're feigning that they're going to do something about it, talking about judicial review.
Over a year ago, a federal court has already ruled that they can have enemy combatants and arrest anyone they wish with impunity, never to be seen again.
That in any criminal case, they can spy on your lawyers.
And the bar followed suit six months ago by changing its policy and saying, lawyers, you are to report on what your client is doing to the prosecutor and, of course, to the judge in any criminal case.
So they're racing ahead.
Two weeks ago Congress passed, re-passed Section 213 under a new label after they moved to repeal it a few months ago.
So they repeal it and reinstate it.
It's theater.
That's all it is, is Shakespearean theater trying to make you think that they're caring about your liberties and freedoms and that there's some process in Washington.
That there's some type of debate.
It's disgusting.
Thoroughly disgusting and a lie.
It is a complete lie.
It is a complete and total fabrication.
It is a fabrication.
Viet Dinh and Michael Chertoff are greedy haters of America.
And they're nothing but errand boys.
They didn't write these acts.
They're nothing but figureheads, fall men, scapegoats.
Bill Clinton tried to pass this legislation.
George Bush's father tried to pass this legislation, and now George W, the fake Texan, George W, the fake fighter pilot, George W, the man who delivers, in one hand, Thanksgiving turkeys in a ridiculous stunt, and in the other hand delivers depleted uranium, denials of benefits to veterans.
Let's go to calls, then I'll get into new surveillance guidelines fuel debate in California.
Terrorism base south of the border.
Paraguay sees major influx of Arabic-speaking Europeans.
Federal camps for you and your family.
Georgians question detention camp center, Washington Post.
Woman knocked unconscious by Walmart shoppers.
Very important article.
British prisoner confesses to plot to poison bomb Parliament.
Inside the wire, inside Guantanamo Bay from Time Magazine, Bali Group, Indonesian Army had curious link to terror.
Saudi official blames foreigners for terror, saying the West was behind it, to destabilize.
Only dictators ban television news, Seattle Post-Intelligencer.
Miami crowd control would do a tyrant proud, St.
Petersburg Times.
Army forcing out Gulf War veterans, denying them healthcare.
This, out of the London Telegraph, 9-11 victim, Elaine Marani, opened letter to the President of the United States on September 11th.
I want to read this later and a bunch of other key news.
Right now, let's go to the calls, Norman, Colorado.
Thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
Welcome, sir.
Yes, thanks for taking my call.
You say a lot of things that get our attention, but you left me numb the other day on one of your shows, and I've been trying to reach you ever since, if I may purvey it to you.
The gentleman that you're talking about that specialized with a .243 as a sniper, I guess he's in prison now, Harrelson or something?
Yes, Charles Harrelson.
Okay, I'll make this brief.
James Earl Ray,
When he supposedly shot at Martin Luther, he went to a pawn shop and got a .30-06 and was sent back and told to specifically get a .243.
Did that ever register with you?
Yes, I've had the investigators on, I've had members of Ray's family on, I have had others on.
Clearly, again, just like with Oswald, a patsy, Ray's walking around, being told to leave the area, and then you've got professional shooters there.
We don't know if Charles Harrelson was the shooter, though.
Yeah, that specifically sent back to get a .243, that just left me numb when you were talking about the other incident with the guy.
Well, it's a very fast, flat-shooting round.
Oh yeah, I'm familiar.
I'm familiar.
I just thought the coincidence of him having to specifically get that, and then you name someone that specialized with that weapon.
I made the connection, or my mind did, and this left me numb.
Well, for those that don't know, I mean, it's truth is stranger than fiction, but Woody Harrelson's father is in a Beaumont federal prison for the killing in the mid-1980s of a federal judge who was going after the mafia.
And he shot him at over 300 yards with a .243 in the neck.
And Martin Luther's son apparently went and interviewed James Earl Ray and come out of the prison and said, that man didn't kill my father.
Well, I mean, not just King's son believing it.
The evidence, Norm, the evidence is overwhelming.
My mind still says there's a connection there, so I'll go and let somebody else have some time on my air.
Thank you.
Alright, I appreciate that.
Well, that is interesting.
I do remember reading that.
But, again, we've got so many witnesses and people at the meeting with LBJ and his mistress and his lawyer and all these other people inside, outside government saying the same thing.
I'm not going to focus in on particulars of areas that we can't prove or nebulous areas because there's so many areas that are documented.
Let's talk to Manuel in Pennsylvania.
Manuel, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I want to point out a couple inconsistencies in the news regarding that report about the 54 Iraqis.
I'm not a military strategist, but I'd like to tell you.
We can all decisively say these Iraqis pretty much got this guerrilla war thing down.
Now in keeping with that, they would know not to wear uniforms attacking a convoy, number one.
Number two, how did they pinpoint an American convoy at the exact time and focus that attack that way?
Also, I noticed on the media, I was watching TV,
CNN International did not trumpet up the news, they didn't ram it in your face and keep hammering it in to your face on CNN International, but CNN, the U.S.
Channel, and Fox News also kept saying the American troops have been attacking, they killed all the Iraqis.
I would like to, you know what I think?
This is my theory, and it's a good possibility because this has been a method of operation in the past.
They might have hired, using CIA-controlled Goldbridge Greens,
Some youthful idiot mercenaries to carry out that attack on the heels of Bush's visit.
You know, the valiant leader, in keeping with their theater.
Because this is really strange.
And also the Japanese men that were killed, the witnesses said down there on the ground that those were not Iraqis on the ground.
No, I know.
They said white men.
Yeah, they said they were definitely not Iraqis.
And over and over again, at bombing scenes, you name it, white men, white men, white men, white men.
Exhibit A, Manuel.
Exhibit A.
Is that we have hundreds of fake letters from the troops with false signatures put in newspapers from coast to coast.
We have fake Niger documents about uranium.
We have fake mass graves.
We have fake mobile weapons trucks.
We have fake weapons dossiers.
We have lie after lie.
We have the Fat Bin Laden videotape.
I think they were hired mercenaries.
Well, I know this.
In the case of Afghanistan, they were.
They've been under CIA control since 1979.
They've been brought to the U.S.
and lavished and brought to secret government installations in 1996 and 1997.
The battle plans of the U.S.
troops were massed in Afghanistan a month before September 11th.
And in the middle of the war, they would not attack the main bases
Of the Taliban and Al-Qaeda leaders, the Arab fighters, they would only bomb the people on the front lines who'd been pressed into service, who'd been drafted.
At the point of a Kalashnikov.
They then loaded these 8,000 on C-130s and flew them out to Pakistan publicly.
And then they just said, oh, it was an accident.
And then all opposition crumbled and they had their victory in a month that the Russians couldn't win in eight, nine years.
So, that is staged.
We know that's staged.
We know Al-Qaeda is synonymous with CIA.
We know, we know, Rumsfeld admitted that the Republican Guard, most of them trained here in the U.S.
in the 80s by the way, were paid off before the war even started.
That's why there was no real opposition.
Then suddenly the opposition pops up later.
Some of it is Arabs on their own, Muslims on their own fighting, but the big coordinated events have CIA, MI6 written all over it.
This attack is very, very odd.
Especially, since they're saying on the news, what I really found strange was that having to notice that these big coordinated attacks.
I see the way they report it on the media.
It just strikes me how they say the U.S.
forces, aren't there other troops over there?
How would they just focus in on these people?
And they just wouldn't wear, they wouldn't wear no feather jean uniform.
When they're fighting guerrilla warfare.
Well you made a good point too about how watching television, which I don't do much of these days, but as I said I watched quite a bit this weekend.
Oh when I saw that break you have to keep on because you know they left a flip.
Well what they do is, they have one brand of propaganda internationally, then they have a domestic brand.
Internationally, we're bad, we're evil, America's a bully.
Domestically, we're good, we're good.
I got one more blurb.
On Thanksgiving Day,
It was just one quick blurb like that.
It was just on News World International.
I don't even know where they got the report from.
Yet another, tally it up, yet another detainee, enemy combatant, personal vengeance, whatever you want to call it, was tortured to death because they used the phrase, died during interrogation.
Now we know what that means.
That's code for they killed him.
Yeah, they calmly announced that a lot of them are committing suicide.
And then the average good ol' boy says, good, they deserve to die.
Folks, those aren't even real Taliban or Al-Qaeda.
They were flown out to safety.
They grabbed a bunch of old men and young people for theater to train the troops.
And then this weekend, all over TV, the TV shows are how good torture is.
Our minds are being warped.
Being prepared.
Thanks for the call, Manuel.
Excellent points.
Dan and others, you're up next when we get back.
Ton of other news.
Wide open phones today.
I don't know if that ambush was real or if any of this was true.
But I'll guarantee you, most of the people they killed were innocent.
And I know our troops don't deserve what's happening.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Order today and spread the word!
This is a very important point that Manuel was bringing up in the last segment.
Then we'll go on to Dan and Pete and Henry and others that are patiently holding today.
Tonight, this morning, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in.
When you watch the foreign news, or read the foreign newspapers, owned by the very same conglomerates that own our media,
It can even be CNN International compared to domestic CNN.
The propaganda is totally different.
They say we've got a wild, insane cowboy from Texas, a bloodthirsty creature.
America is bad.
Americans are bad.
Their way of government is bad.
You see the U.N.
and the E.U.
and the I.M.F.
and the World Bank, they're good.
World government is the answer.
A loving, liberal world government to counterbalance the evil right-wing government of the Texas crazy.
That's the term they use.
The Texas crazies.
And so, again, it's more theater.
And so the world sees the E.U.
and the U.N., who on the surface was against the war, as the good guys.
When, in truth, the big banks that own Europe own America.
And the power base is in Europe.
They're turning off our dollar.
They're shutting down our economy.
They're bringing us into the world government.
They're merging us.
They're pushing for the Pan-American Union through the free trade area of the Americas.
And so you see the propaganda.
It's, well, it looks like the US government carried out 9-11, they say.
Those evil right-wingers.
This is all over the foreign news, and they bring out the evidence of 9-11, but then say it's an American thing.
Oh, it's that cadre in the White House.
They did it.
And so then that makes the UN become the savior.
And so when you watch the foreign propaganda, it's to demonize us.
While domestically we're given all the propaganda about how good we are and how wonderful all this is and how we're saving the planet and how we have our own world government system to save the earth and perpetual war and all this.
It's been set up beautifully.
And so we better get our heads out of the sand and see the big picture now.
In fact, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, one of my new videos, does this.
It's two hours and 40 minutes long.
And the first 30 minutes is worth the price of the video because it gets into who the neocons are, the false left-right New World Order choice we're being given, the globalist white papers where they say, well, people aren't going to want world government, so we've got to go ahead and admit it's there because it's gotten too big to ignore.
But we'll give them a false left-right choice of what type of world government will it be.
The evil right-wing American world government or the loving liberal European world government when it's all the same system.
And we get into what the new world order is and the difference between the left-right system and how they're controlling us.
That's the first 30 minutes of the film, okay?
And then we get into Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, government-run white slavery rings, the militarization of police, the concentration camps, the cashless society control grid.
It's an amazing film, folks.
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It's the equivalent of three or four films in one.
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So go to InfoWars.com or go to PrisonPlanet.com and get the new film, The Matrix of Evil I just made, or Police State 3 Total Enslavement, or 9-11 Road to Tyranny, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Again, that's Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com or 1-888-253-3139.
Operators are there right now to take your order or to answer your questions.
1-888-253-3139 or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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The second hour, your calls, a ton of other vital news, straight ahead.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
There are several items that I want to detail in this hour.
One is an L.A.
Times article from last week, Mission Creep Hits Home, American Armed Forces are Assuming Major New Domestic Policing and Surveillance Roles.
Another is an open letter of one of the widows of September 11th, basically saying the government's behind 9-11.
Very interesting.
Republished in a newspaper.
Also, Viet Dinh, the supposed author of the Patriot Act, I guess they mean the compiler of old legislation they could never pass, but that they did pass opportunistically in the aftermath of 9-11, is saying, yeah, the secret arrest of citizens needs to be, quote, looked at by the courts, knowing the courts have already ruled they can do this.
Which doesn't make it constitutional.
These same institutions said black people weren't human beings.
I refuse to follow that order.
I refuse to follow criminal violations of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So that's coming up too.
Just a ton of important news.
The dollar plunged to record lows.
$1.22 is what the euro was running against the dollar.
The dollar, of course the euro, was 90 cents against the dollar about a year and a half ago, so that's a 32 cent increase in the euro.
And Buffett and Soros are running around celebrating.
Bush has his Treasury Secretary Snow, snow-jobbing the people, telling us how wonderful the dropping dollar is.
So we'll talk about that too.
As promised, we're going to have open phones on this show.
Let's get some more of the great calls out of the way.
Dan in Illinois.
Good to hear from you, Dan.
Go ahead.
Yeah, look, I got a little... two things.
The one thing is that I got a little different slant than those 54 people that were killed.
Yeah, for those that don't know, recap what you're talking about.
Well, this morning there was 54 people killed by the U.S.
troops, and they claimed that these were
People that were attacking them or something.
And they admit now that they've been randomly just basically bombing neighborhoods where they think there might be some terrorists.
And yes, they want to get the body count up and the thing stinks to high heaven after all the past lies we've been told.
Well, according to the BBC this morning, the people of that town are claiming that the majority of those people were just citizens, not soldiers.
And what's unique about that town is that that town has signs all over the place that say, American occupation, go home.
Down with Bush.
They're all in English.
So they're very openly a protesting town against Bush.
So it's interesting.
And others that have protested have had their entire farms bulldozed, ancestral areas, which is going to cause more rage.
And again, the UN is going to come in later as the fake savior.
Welcome democracy.
And the second thing is, I looked up on the internet, Alex, you know that from Dallas to Baghdad is 7,300 miles?
I knew it was over 6,000 miles, yes.
According to the internet.
500 miles an hour in Air One.
That would be 14 hours each way.
He was missing 28 hours?
I don't think so.
Plus the two hours there, that means 30 hours he was missing in the air.
I don't think he was gone that long.
Something's wrong some way.
Well, we know that Bush Sr.
would be delivered for secret meetings via SR-71 Blackbird, that's admitted, back when he was vice president, and even before he was vice president, for that CIA director, head ambassador to the UN, ambassador to China.
But I know this, that was a gigantic, disgusting stunt, just like landing on the aircraft carrier when he went AWOL from the Air National Guard in Texas.
Well, Joyce was saying something this morning on a website.
It was saying that that was a totally staged, wag the dog type of thing.
Well, of course it is!
You don't have to... I mean, it's obvious!
He sneaks into Baghdad, gives them a turkey, flies out, while they're cutting their benefits and refusing them health care.
30 hours?
I mean, that's... He wasn't gone 30 hours.
If he took Air Force One, anyway.
Anything else on your mind, Dan?
Take care, Alex.
Alright, thanks for the call.
I saw a online photograph, an altered photo of Bush instead of a turkey.
It was a little flag-draped coffin.
I'd like my webmaster to post that on PrisonPlanet.com.
It was a flag-draped coffin instead of the turkey, with Bush's face altered to look like the Grinch.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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You will lose your liberty.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I don't like being manipulated, folks.
Remember saving Private Lynch?
Day one, we knew that was a staged event.
Turned out the Iraqis tried to turn her over two days before the Iraqi military had pulled out.
Turns out the jury, Bruckheimer, he admitted to the BBC, the big Pirates of the Caribbean producer.
He produces four or five different TV shows every season.
Most of them police state extravaganzas.
Pushing a whole New World Order agenda.
He was a consultant for that for the two days leading up to the raid.
Turns out that what the Pentagon put out about her shooting back at the Iraqis and fighting them with a knife in her teeth, that was all stage, that was theater, that was propaganda!
And again, we have the fake letters in hundreds of newspapers written by the Pentagon trying to manipulate the American people.
Folks, that's a mind control, a propaganda action by the Pentagon against you!
That's illegal.
That's criminal.
That violates every canon of a free society.
Look at all the indicators of police state and oppression and repression around you.
And so we have this new event with Bush and the turkey.
He takes off the day before Thanksgiving, flies into Baghdad International Airport, goes to a nearby hangar,
A Bob Hope Entertainment Center, R&R Center, he goes in, the troops had no idea, he comes out and for photo ops, hands them turkeys!
With all the relish and hors d'oeuvres hiled up around it.
And the big part of this story, one of the key areas of the story, is I have now read what major reporters had to say in newspapers about how they were brought to Crawford Airport, or the airport nearby to Crawford, a former Air Force base there in Waco, and how White House aides would pick them up and say, I can't tell you where we're going
They would then load them on Air Force One.
Bush ordered their cell phones be taken.
He gave the orders.
They said, take the batteries off so that they can't be tracked.
Oh, because when the battery's on them, even when the phone is off, they can be tracked, by the way.
That's now admitted.
Part of the tracking system.
And then they landed at another base on the East Coast and took off from there with more reporters who had no idea where they were going.
And then once they were over the Atlantic Ocean, they were told, you're going to Baghdad with the President.
They then told them, you are here with us and you're going to be able to cover this after we take off and have left
Iraqi airspace.
So they land in the dead of night, from the time the plane touched down, from the time they took off, 2 hours 25 minutes.
Air Force One landed with its lights off, took off with its lights off, accelerating to top speeds of 664 miles an hour, screaming out in a cowardly fashion.
And of course, that's not really focused on the media.
It's just, oh, look at his courage landing and bringing them turkeys while they breathe depleted uranium at 1,900 times the safe levels, as they are denied water filters and clean water, as they're denied basic health care when they're wounded, as they're denied their pay for months on end,
If they're injured, they're not given their disabilities.
They're kicked out.
I have articles today on this.
Every day, new horrors.
So, in truth, our troops are being treated like cannon fodder, but in the media, oh, the dear leader, Kim Jong-il, the hereditary leader.
Oh, I was thinking of another hereditary dictator.
I mean, George W. Bush.
He is so gracious, he delivers turkeys.
I mean, this is a sick, cynical manipulation!
Like everything else!
And a lot of people are buying it.
I've heard disgusting talk radio this weekend and this morning talking about how great he is.
Look at him!
How much he cares bringing them turkeys!
He cares about them!
He flew over there just to bring them turkeys!
Boy, I tell you, Bill Clinton would have never done that.
Bill Clinton pulled similar stunts.
Hillary Clinton was over there basically campaigning for president in Afghanistan, bringing them turkeys.
Did you know there's identical photos, you know, very similar with her with the turkeys?
Yes, type into the AP search engine or the Reuters search engine, you'll see photos of it, disgusting images that were flashed on news screens briefly Friday of Hillary delivering turkeys.
As she does nothing to take care of the troops, and as she pushes for more war and supports the entire neocon agenda.
Let's talk to Pete in Missouri.
Pete, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, Alex, Manuel stole my thunder.
I was going to talk about that.
I have two other quick points.
One, did you look at the news regarding the Simcanon trial at all?
Well, for those who don't know, the owner of Aero Custom Plastics, who helped fund the full-page ads in USA Today, saying, where's the law?
The U.S.
Code says the IRS is private.
The 16th Amendment was never ratified, giving us the Income Tax, which is now admitted by the major states, who never even ratified it in their own records, but again, they just announced it back in 1913, when they gave us the Federal Reserve Act as well.
And Dick Simkannon was arrested
Well, that might be true, but in a way it's a victory that he came so close to an acquittal.
After such a very short trial with the judge disallowing virtually every means for defense that he had.
Well, there was a female airline pilot who refused to pay the taxes on the law and she was acquitted.
That's true.
The thing is that Dixon Cannon was not withholding from his employees.
Which is a real threat to them.
Yeah, he simply gave his employees the law and says, do you want me to do this or not?
You can pay it yourself if you want.
And he said the law is clear, which it is, and so he was arrested and not given bail.
Folks, think about this.
Yes, go ahead.
Okay, the other point I want to cover, the thing you're doing at the Alamo Draft House,
I'd love to be able to set up something similar for you where you don't have to travel here to Missouri.
Maybe you could teleconference in.
Are you showing a 35mm print or is it on video?
No, it's projected.
It covers about two-thirds of the large movie screen.
On film?
No, it's a... They have modern projection systems where video looks pretty good on the big screen.
Oh, okay.
So that kind of equipment would be necessary.
But there's one here in St.
Louis that I know they're set up for 35.
I don't know if they're set up for that.
Maybe equipment could be brought in.
Most theaters that are in the business of letting people show alternative films have the projection system.
Well, I'm going to go ahead and contact them, but I'm thinking that in the future, if you do this, if you're live at the draft house, you could be teleconferenced in to a number of other different theaters.
I've seen this with multi-level marketing presentations.
Well, I'm not on AM or FM in St.
I routinely am a guest on shows.
I would have to set it up, go on some shows, promote it for it to be a success, but I really can't plan stuff like that on the air right now.
Would you like me to contact that theater in town, the Tbilisi, and get back to you?
I know a lot of people have been showing Road to Tyranny in theaters without asking my permission.
So yeah, just get in touch with my office and we'll try to set something up.
Alright, thank you very much Alex.
Hey, I appreciate it Pete.
I just want to reach out to people.
I just want people to see the truth.
That's why I say when you order my videos, you're authorized to make copies of them for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
I want you to get them.
I want you to make copies.
I want you to hand them out to people.
I want you to air them on AXS TV.
I want to wake people up and warn them about what's happening!
An overthrow of America by the private interests that own the military-industrial complex.
Let's talk to Henry in Colorado.
Henry, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
Yes, welcome back.
Listening to this John Hinckley stuff that's been going on lately about his being let out of jail.
And that's the guy, for those that don't know, that shot Ronald Reagan in 1981.
They claim John Hinckley Jr., and he's been getting home visitation now for two years, and they want to release him.
It made me focus back on an issue that happened back in the Clinton administration, where just before a gun-grabbing bill
Was passed.
They had a gentleman from security Colorado here that shot up the White House.
And this gentleman has never been heard of.
I've tried to see where he's at or I've contacted the media and it's like nobody wants to give out any information on him.
Some people claim they don't know what happened or anything about it.
I was wondering if that might be part of a northward type of propaganda.
Well, for those that don't know what Northwoods is, it's the official U.S.
government plan that got green-lighted all the way up to Kennedy, who said no to it, to commit sniper attacks in D.C.
and blame it on patsies, even describes how to do that, to bomb D.C., to bomb Miami, to crash jets, to blow up ships, to kill U.S.
Marines with Army soldiers dressed up like Cubans.
So, yes.
I mean, even Limbaugh's had to admit.
Every time there's a gun bill introduced, suddenly there's a mass shooting the day of the vote or the day before the vote.
I mean, we haven't heard of this guy's parole or any type of motions at all.
It's just like he just dropped out of sight.
Another issue I want to touch on... Stay there.
I'll let you comment on it, Henry, when we get back.
Then we'll talk to Wesley and others.
Then I'm going to get into the open letter to Bush by one of the widows at 9-11.
I want to get back into the end of Posse Comitatus, putting troops on the streets, and I want to talk about the plunging dollar.
Stay with us.
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All right, I want to hurry through these calls because I do want to get to what's happening with the Patriot Act as some of the people involved in its sculpting are now saying they have reservations.
I want to get into the admissions now of the fact that the Pentagon is going to basically run our lives and a letter by one of the widows of September 11th to George W. Bush as well as the plunging dollar.
Right now, let's go back to Henry in Colorado, who was bringing up John Hinckley Jr., who's about to be released from the mental institution for the 1981 shooting of Ronald Reagan.
And again, if you're talking about the shooting of Ronald Reagan, or Martin Luther King, or JFK, we could spend whole shows proving that it was the government.
Proving that it was criminal elements.
This is just part of state's craft in history.
Part of wickedness.
But, you know, I almost hate to get off into the issues because there's so many facets to it.
To just mention it and say it's the fact does it a disservice without going over the evidence.
But go ahead, Henry, finish up.
Yes, sir.
Thank you.
Another point I found very suspicious was last week when the two troops were stoned to death.
I understand one was a sergeant major.
And the first report said he was out there without any communications and in a Toyota pickup truck.
I find that and has four months left in service.
First of all, I find a Sergeant Major very unlikely with that amount of time left to be out in the field.
And what was he doing out there with no communication?
Well, first they claimed that they had beaten them and drug their dead bodies around.
It turned out that was a lie.
So, again, we've been lied to so much, we don't know what to believe.
We've caught them in so many lies, premeditated, systematic, Hollywood-style, in many cases run by Hollywood, propaganda, so we don't know what the truth is.
I was wondering, with these troops supposedly running around in unmarked vehicles, is it possibly there could be criminal black market activity going on?
Well, that usually happens in war, and our military isn't immune to that, but I don't know.
All right, thank you, sir.
You bet.
I mean, there's so much stuff I can prove, I just can't really speculate.
I'm sorry.
I know they've arrested some troops for black market thieving and stealing.
But again, they'll bust a few low-level troops for taking home some knives or some gold, while the globalists loot the entire country.
So, it's like going after Martha Stewart, who's involved in a couple of multi-million dollar possible scams, then you have multi-trillion dollar scams going on with the California pension funds and energy deals, and there's almost no discussion of it.
Let's talk to Wesley in Tennessee.
Wesley, go ahead, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, how are you today?
I'm pretty good.
I'd like to talk to you about John Lear and General Tommy Franks.
Okay, go ahead.
John Lear last night on a radio talk show said that if you were to fly a plane the size of the plane that allegedly struck the Pentagon, if you flew a plane that size,
That close to the ground that there would be such a counter force or a lifting force that would be so great that it would actually have lifted the plane up and over the top of the building that you couldn't fly a plane that size that close to the ground without having that kind of a reverse effect.
And of course the Lear character is the heir to the Learjet fortune and the engineer himself.
People are saying, wait a minute, you land planes.
Yes, you slow down the jets at a certain angle with the nose tipped up.
You slow down with your flaps.
You come in in a controlled landing.
You don't fly in at maximum speed 20 feet off the ground with precision and T-bone your target.
And so there's a lot of focus on where is the Boeing?
Where is the jet?
And again, I don't particularly myself focus in on that because I can prove public officials were warned not to fly to New York and D.C.
I can prove that the Taliban and Al Qaeda is CIA controlled.
I can prove that NORAD was ordered to stand down.
I can prove that explosions went off in those buildings.
I can prove that Building 7 imploded in a geometric fashion.
On and on and on and on, I can prove it.
When we get into the missing Boeing, it becomes kind of a black hole of discussion where it can't be proved either way.
The second thing that I wanted to mention was General Pammy Frank's interview in Cigar Aficionado.
While I was on the phone waiting to talk to you, I re-read the article twice, Alex.
And, you know, if you were to be elected president, it would be such a catastrophe.
We'd be better off to all move to Mexico.
Nowhere in that article did he mention anything about employing a military type of government here in the United States.
Pardon me?
You know what?
I'll tell you what.
I got a quick guest coming on, but I want you to stay right there because we'll come back to you after that.
Stay there.
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Okay, more of your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes after I get into some of this news.
But I want to finish up right now with Wesley in Tennessee.
We posted the Cigar Aficionado article, the whole thing, not just the Newsmax article with the headline that Tommy Frank says after next terror attack, we'll go under military government or martial law.
And that's all posted on InfoWars.com.
And we hit the last break.
Wesley was... I believe you were saying that you read the article and you didn't get that from the article that he said that we go under a military form of government.
Your comments.
No, I bet my last buck on it.
I mean, I re-read the article twice while I was holding for you.
What he did include was an absolutely heart-wrenching description of himself as a lover and defender of the good old Constitution of the United States.
And gosh, I'll tell you, if you read that part of it, you better get a box of Kleenex,
It'll just rip your heart out.
Where he says, I'm an old-fashioned, corny guy.
I knew day one it was Al-Qaeda right when I saw the buildings.
I'm sad to say it, but if there's another attack, we're going to, what was the exact quote, we're going to have the people called, we're going to a militarized form of government or a militarized society in America.
Well, hold on, Wesley, because what the Associated Press got from it, what Newsmax got from it, is what I got from it.
You're saying you got something different, but look at those headlines from the news.
Then we posted the article.
How he's selling it, you don't expect him to come out and say,
Marshall Law is great because we want to run your lives.
No, they sell it to you like Defense Secretary Cohen did in 1997 in the Army Times when he said, well, I'm sad to say it, but he actually said this, but we're going to have to have armored personnel carriers on every corner.
It's just terrible to say it.
Uh, but, uh, you know, we've gotta go ahead and go along with it.
It's like Jacques Cousteau, before he died, saying, it's horrible to say that 355,000 people must be killed a day if the Earth's gonna survive, but it's even worse not to say it.
So what he's doing is he's setting it up.
He's saying,
We're going to have to have this type of government if this happens, and that's why those analyzing the article said that.
I wasn't the first to say it, so I disagree with what you get from that.
I mean, have you seen the cover of Cigar Aficionado with his CIA cufflinks?
I don't know.
I mean, I think you need to read it.
What, 20 page article?
So I think if you've read it twice, you need to read it a little bit slower.
And, I mean, you can respectfully, I can respectfully disagree with you, Wesley, but I think what Newsmax got from it, and what I got from it, is accurate.
I mean, I can read what the head of Northcom has to say, in fact I will, out of the LA Times about troops on the streets of America.
So, where are you going with this?
Well, no, I'm certainly not a defender of Tommy Frank.
Like I said, if he got elected president, we might as well move to Mexico because he turned this country into a third world nation anyway.
Well, look at who is running for president.
Wesley Clark, the head of the Waco operation.
Absolutely right.
Now, he did say in the article that he was in favor of hiring civilians to move into
into some military jobs, freeing up the military
From a lot of clerical duties and allowing them to be more occupied with the business.
Already about a tenth of the force in Afghanistan is mercenary.
They're using mercenaries in Iraq.
The move is to using front companies that are basically the CIA to privatize the profits to former deputy directors and directors who run these companies to then run the society.
Then it's private and there's no oversight.
Well, I got to hand it to you, you've got a good eye.
I've got the copy of Garfish Net on my lap, and by golly, he does have CIA coupling signs, so you're a pretty observant guy.
Look, that whole article is tailored to sell the guys that make $500,000 a year, that think they're part of the elite, that own the yachts and the jet boats and all the rest of it, to read that and think, oh, he loves America.
Well, I guess if we get attacked, we're going to have martial law.
He's sad about it and so am I, but that's just the way it is.
Hey, listen, Wesley, I appreciate the call.
You need to read that article a little bit closer.
But call me back if you disagree after you've read it again, because I agree with Newsmax.
It's martial law, folks.
Now, before I go to Kevin and Charles and others that are holding and try to cram this news I mentioned in, I'm going to get to it here, folks.
I want to bring up a good friend of mine, our biggest sponsor, a great guy, Jim Shepard, who's been holding now for nine minutes, and I appreciate that.
Jim Shepard is the owner of New Millennium Concepts.
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Folks, every day I see articles of Prozac and Ritalin and Hormones and MBTE and Cryptosporidium.
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It's amazing.
Jim Shepherd, thanks for coming on with us.
Always a pleasure.
You know, Alex, I was listening to your conversation on Tommy Franks'
That's a great comment.
When that story broke last week, I was listening to another conservative talk show host, and he was actually in favor of it.
I was kind of scratching my head on that.
His callers were calling in and saying, well, if we have to suspend the Constitution for a short period of time so we can clean the terrorists out of this country, then it's worth it.
And then he did a poll, and I was shocked.
If I think I heard it right, 70% of the people that were polled were in favor of it if we had a terrorist attack.
Boy, I think that's naive.
You know, one thing about the government, they're always happy to take power, but they're very reluctant to give it back to the people.
Well, Jim, even more ominous, they've been building
The infrastructure for this for decades.
That's what my films have covered.
We said that terror would come.
They would do exactly what they're now doing.
Terrorism, these fools don't know, is any action that endangers human life.
It's a violation of any federal or state law.
And it's being used against the topless bars and county commissioners and marijuana dealers.
And it's now being used
At every level, in every way, it's being used by local governments against people that sue local officials, are calling it paper terrorism.
Was this a syndicated show or a local show?
A national show.
Go ahead and tell us the name.
Michael Savage.
Yeah, Michael Savage says he's a fake neocon.
I have heard him, I've probably listened 15 times, and I've heard him 10 times say, so he must say it every hour on the hour,
Every person that disagrees with the government should be arrested and put in a forced labor camp to, quote, pay for their keep.
He says anyone that disagrees should be arrested.
And that's his conservatism while he protects George Bush.
And his mindless Nazi audience, I guess, must think that going under martial law is good.
And so you say you heard him conduct a poll
In which 70% of his disgusting, mindless, liberal listeners, ultra commies, don't even know they're communist, that's how communistic they are, sat there and said it was a good idea.
So, that proves... And I want to qualify that, because I tell you what, I was being distracted during the show, but I thought I heard that, the results of his poll.
He did do a poll, I imagine it's on his website, the results of it, but I was kind of shocked by that.
I thought, whoa, that is really bizarre.
Well, that many people would be in favor of it.
Even anybody would be in favor of it.
I mean, we do have laws on the books to take care of these terrorists.
Without suspending the Constitution.
Yeah, but you notice, Jim, that that's what the Frank's interview did.
I'm real sad about it, but it's gonna happen to keep us safe.
See, that's the solution.
He's saying the solution is martial law, setting aside the Constitution.
That's what you get from the article in a psychologically twisted way.
And that's, as you just heard the listeners, that's what we're getting now.
And these fools have no idea that the real FBI
Anti-terror training is for Christians, and homeschoolers, and land rights groups, and I have FEMA teaching police that in my film, Road to Tyranny.
Well, you know, it is amazing to me that people don't think it through.
If we don't have a Constitution, there are no rights.
People can disappear, never be heard of again, and there's no requirement that any disclosures be made
And I'm telling you what, that doesn't sound like peace, safety, and security to me.
Well, again, they tell us give up liberty for security, give up liberty, you get tyranny.
History shows us, but they're creating this false mindset that give up liberty, you get security, but you pointed out, Jim, rightfully so, that they don't just create a new government agency and then get rid of it.
No, it's going to grow, and they said that the terror threat is going to grow.
And remember, this is a 50-year war, so I guess we suspend the Constitution for 50 years and hopefully our grandchildren, out of the kindness of their heart, turn the power back over to the people.
I'll tell you, I think that you used a good word, and I think that the word is ominous.
It is ominous, and it's real, and if people are freaked out over Frank's comments, the head of NORTHCOM,
Air Force General Ralph E. Eberhardt said stuff even worse in an LA Times article last week.
So they're clearly preparing the mind now for this.
Jim, we've got the new shopping cart on InfoWars.com, the secure online shopping cart for the filters, for the specials.
You've got some new specials for folks.
Why should people stop drinking the water that this government's giving them?
Well, you know, you may recall that Congress didn't get this legislation passed, and really it kind of got hitched on, and they're going to address it again in January, but I guess where they couldn't come into agreement was that they wanted to exempt MTBE manufacturers from being sued.
Remember, this is the stuff they're putting in reformulated gas.
It's been found in the water supplies of 49 different states.
I think so.
But that's just one chemical.
There are other chemicals that are being found in our water, and there are other pollutants.
And so, basically, Alex, it makes a good sense to clean up your water at point of use.
And a lot of people, you know, they get confused with respect to water filtration systems, so they buy bottled water.
Well, there's no regulation on bottles.
And, uh, it's basically self-regulated.
You can use tap water and call it, you know, spring water if you want.
They have found in many cases that bottled water is more contaminated than New York municipal water.
It's killed people in some cases.
Plus, there's the prohibitive cost.
Well, a lot of these bottled waters are actually adding fluoride to the water.
They're adding caffeine to the water.
By a study of the University of Cincinnati, they found that 75% of bottled waters that they tested had a bacteriological count 10 times or greater than what would normally be found in tap water.
So, it's just a false sense of security.
It might taste good, but you really need to treat that water at point of use because the reality is you just don't know what's in the water.
And, you know, we have people call us all the time, geez, where can we get our water tested?
People don't even know where to get their water tested.
Well, Jim, there's so many facets.
The MBTE, the fluoride, the chloride, the hormones, the Prozac, the birth control stuff.
It's massive.
Stop drinking the poison water.
Tell folks about the specials, Jim.
Okay, Alex, we have an overstock of the large imperial ceramic filters.
And so what we're going to do is we're going to put together kind of a new animal and this is and we're going to put together some Berkey lights without the lights with the oversized super sterile ceramic filters and give your listening audience a great price on it so they can buy these for their family.
They can buy them at an inexpensive price.
We have a number of other specials, but I want to talk about this one.
And basically, what we're going to do is we're going to assemble the Berkey Light with two of the Imperial Super Stereosil Ceramic Candles.
This system would normally sell for $199.
During the month of December, we're going to offer it to your listeners for $149.
That's roughly 25% off.
This is a great way to get the kids something.
And of course, the ceramic filters remove the pathogenic bacteria and that type of thing.
And then we're also going to offer a second special for folks that are concerned about arsenic fluoride, MTBE in the water.
We're going to offer the PF4 arsenic fluoride and MTBE reduction elements.
Normally $85, a set of four of them for $70.
And that's enough to last a year with the filtration system.
So those are two great specials.
Now you'll need to go to our website to get that special if you want to see the description of it.
And you've got that on your website still, the link for the specials.
Absolutely, or folks can call toll-free 1-888-803-4438.
And folks, I really want to encourage you to go to InfoWars.com and link through the Secure Online Shopping Cart as well.
They also have little sports bottles.
And we do have some other specials.
It's worth going up and looking at the specials, the holiday specials.
These are designed for folks that want to buy gifts.
Hey, I'll tell you what, Jim.
Jim, we got a break now.
I hear the music.
And when we get back, we'll briefly finish up.
Then I'm going to get into this 9-11 victim.
Tell him, Bush, I think you intentionally allowed 9-11 to happen to gather public support.
We'll talk about that when we get back.
Stay with us.
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What really happened September 11th and who stands to gain?
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Alright, we kinda...
Ran into that last break, it snuck up on us.
Uh, Jim Shepard, you've also got the special, holiday special, where you get, what, five of the sports bottles for $100.
What is it?
$10 for $200.
That's a huge discount.
These are little portable units that cut out a lot of the stuff.
They don't cut out everything like the Berkey Light or the Black Berkey Elements.
But those are another great deal to give as gifts.
1-888-803-4438 or InfoWars.com.
Final comments, Jim?
Yeah, well, you know, a lot of times during the holidays, people send you trinkets, you know, something you can hang on your wall that you'd never hang on your wall.
You know, what we do is we put things in a closet that all these little trinkets people send us, then we pass them on the next holiday to somebody else.
But you know, if you're going to give somebody something for the holidays, this is a gift that could save their life.
It's a gift that will certainly benefit their health on into the future.
It's a gift that keeps on giving day after day after they use it.
And so what we did, Alex, is we put together these holiday specials so that you can get quantity discounts.
If you want to get several members in your family gifts, it would be a good thing to go up and look at some of these specials.
We have the potassium iodate mix and match specials and so forth.
Alright, well Jim, thank you so much for coming up on the show.
I didn't hear the Michael Savage garbage, and I'm glad that you were there to report on that for us, and God bless.
Alright, God bless you.
Take care, my friend.
And understand, folks, Rush Limbaugh, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, they say, oh, we gotta control the borders, oh, we gotta do something for the Second Amendment, oh, we gotta stop the liberals.
But they don't talk about how Bush has the exact same agenda as Clinton, but they're nothing but New World Order puppets.
And I've heard Savage say, put anybody in a camp that disagrees with the government.
Now that's what he says!
Put people in camps!
Now America isn't America if we start putting people in camps with no due process for what they say!
And you look at what they're doing at these protests, with the police, and the riot gear, and the armored vehicles, all of it!
Now I ran out of time for this hour, because I got off in Tommy Franks, and then off into water filters, and I know we got a lot of phone callers, and I wanted to get to this, so let me start this article, then we'll go into the next article with the news I promised to cover, then we'll go back to your calls, okay?
This is on InfoWars.com, 9-11 victim Elaine Moraney, an open letter to the President of the United States.
Mr. Bush, this open letter is coming from my heart.
I want you to know that I am neither a Republican or Democrat, and this is not an attempt to bash the government.
And then later she says, in the days following the attacks, all air traffic was grounded in America, including myself.
We're stranded.
And then she goes into flying the Bin Ladens out, but listen to this.
It is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9-11 to happen to gather public support for a war on terrorism.
These wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not accomplished what you stated were your goals.
Why have you not captured Bin Laden?
Where are Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction?
All that has happened is a bill
That it's passed before Congress for 87 billion dollars to rebuild what you ordered blown to bits.
As an American who lost a loved one in the war on terror, I do pray and support our troops who were sent to Afghanistan and Iraq by you.
These troops have and will continue to die for your lives.
As an American, I can make this statement as it appears that associates of your family may stand to prosper from the rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq.
So I'm going to read the whole letter.
That's just bits and pieces of it.
When we start the next hour, I'll start at the top and read the letter.
It's not that long.
It's two pages.
And then I'll get into Mission Creep Hits Home.
The head of NORTHCOM says we need troops on the streets to keep us safe.
This is from the LA Times.
Another story I haven't spent enough time on.
This is out of the Washington Times.
First Amendment Survey finds knowledge lacking.
Over two-thirds of college students and administrators who participated in the national survey were unable to remember that freedom of religion and the press are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights.
That's why we're in so much trouble, folks.
Because by design, they've dumbed people down.
Your calls, a ton of news, straight ahead when we start this third hour.
Websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
More real talk radio when we get back.
Berkey water filters are the ultimate filters used worldwide for normal or hostile filtration environments to provide the most delicious, sparkling, clean water possible.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, I gotta pace myself in this hour to finish up the news.
It's really important.
And to get to all your calls.
Kevin, Charles, Brian and others will get to you in the next segment.
The toll-free number to join us on air in this third hour of this December 1st show, 1-800-259-9231.
Now, there have been a bunch of widows and widowers of 9-11 victims that have gone public.
400-plus of the victims' families say that Bush was behind 9-11.
They're with Mr. Hilton, Bob Dole's former chief of staff, who's suing Bush for involvement, not for prior knowledge.
Who's deposed all these members of the government.
Again, and the media is doing a great job of covering this up.
Let me read this open letter by Ellen Marina, and we will go over this and then back to your calls and into the Marshall Law News.
9-11 victim open letter to the President of the United States.
Mr. Bush, this open letter is coming from my heart.
I want you to know that I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, and that this is not an attempt to bash the government.
You, Mr. Bush, should be held responsible and liable for any and all aspects and acts that were committed to aid in any cover-up of the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
As President, you have a duty to protect the American people.
On September 11th, you did not instruct your staff to issue a nationwide emergency warning alert to advise us of the attack on America.
We had to receive the news of the attacks via the news networks.
In the months leading up to the attacks, you were repeatedly advised of a possible attack on American soil.
During your daily intelligence briefs, you were given information that you had been uncovered that the very real possibility existed that certain undesirable elements would use commercial aircraft to destroy certain target buildings.
You never warned the American people of this possible threat.
Who were you protecting?
When you took no responsibility towards protecting the general public from the possibility of attack, you were certainly not upholding the oath you spoke when you took office.
In that oath, you pledged to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America.
On the morning of the attack, you and the members of your staff were fully aware of the unfolding events, yet you chose to continue on your
Emma E. Booker Elementary School to proceed with the schedule event and photo op.
While our nation was under attack, you did not appear to blink an eye or shed a tear.
You continued on as if everything was business as usual.
In the days following the attacks, all air traffic was grounded, and Americans, including myself, were stranded whereby they had been when the flight ban was imposed.
I was stranded in Midway Airport in Chicago, unable to continue to California for my daughter's wedding.
Imagine my surprise when I later found out that during this no-fly period, a number of people were flown out of the country on 747 with Arabic lettering on the fuselage, which was now admitted to be the Bin Laden family.
None of these people were interviewed or questioned by any local state or emergency officials.
Why were they allowed to leave and who exactly was on the flight?
We know for a fact that some of the people on the flight were members of or related to the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia and members of the Bin Laden family.
Were these people allowed to leave America because of long-standing relationships that your family has with both families?
It is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9-11 to happen to gather public support for the war on terrorism.
These wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have not accomplished what you stated were your goals.
Why have you not captured Osama Bin Laden?
Where are Saddam Hussein's weapons of mass destruction?
All that has happened is a bill that has passed before Congress for $87 billion to rebuild what you ordered blown to bits.
As an American who lost a loved one in the war on terror, I do pray and support our troops who were sent to Afghanistan and Iraq by you.
These troops have and will continue to die for your lives.
As an American, I can make this statement as it appears that associates of your family may stand to prosper from rebuilding of Afghanistan and Iraq.
We'll finish up with some really important areas of this letter.
Read it in its entirety, finish up with it.
Then get to your calls and more vital news.
Please stay with us.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart piece by piece and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, I'm finishing up with this letter from just one of the widows of 9-11.
A letter to George W. Bush.
Again, it is my belief that you intentionally allowed 9-11 to happen to gather public support for a war on terrorism.
She then goes into how the war on terrorism is being used to build up the whole New World Order operation.
Mr. Bush, the time has come for you to stop your control over us.
Stop blocking the release of certain evidence and documents that were discovered by the 9-11 Investigation Commission.
Lady, that's a whitewash.
If you have nothing to hide...
Proving you did not fail to act and prevent the attacks of 9-11.
Your reason for not releasing this material is that it is a matter of national security.
When in fact I believe that it is your personal credibility and security that you are concerned with.
You do not want the public to know the full extent of your responsibility and involvement.
After 9-11, the Patriot Act and Homeland Security were passed.
Both of these allow the government to tap your telephone, search your home, and seize whatever they feel like they need to do on a whim.
They can do this without a judge's review or a warrant.
I feel that this is a direct conflict with our rights, as stated in the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We, the families of 9-11 victims, need to have answers to the following questions.
One, why were 29 pages of the 9-11 committee report personally censored at your request?
Well, the Saudis told us the week before.
They said, if you release that, blaming it on us, we will expose that the four major banks that own Saudi Arabia and control us as puppets, and that your government is behind the terror attacks.
That's why.
They said it.
There's new articles out of Saudi Arabia today on that.
Number two, where are the black boxes from 5-11 and Flight 175?
Where are your voice recorders from Flight 11 and 175?
Why can't we gain access to the complete air traffic control records for Flight 11 and Flight 175?
Where are the airport surveillance tapes that show the passengers boarding the doomed flights?
When will complete passenger lists for all the flights be released?
Why did your brother, Jeb, the Florida Governor, go to the offices of the Hoffman Aviation School and order that flight records and files be removed?
These files were then put on a C-130 government cargo plane and flown out of the country.
Where were they taken to, and who ordered it done?
It has been over two years since hundreds of our lost loved ones' remains have still yet to be identified, and their remains placed in a landfill at Fresh Kill.
We want our heroes brought back and given a public and proud resting place where we can pay our respects and honor them.
These innocent people never had a chance and they were taken from us on that sad September day.
In the court of public opinion, Mr. Bush, your lies are being discovered each day.
My husband, all of the other victims, and their families, and our nation as a whole has been victimized by your failed leadership prior to and after 9-11.
I will prove this in a court of law.
And that's Ellen M. Marina.
Or Mariana.
I don't know.
I'm going to have her on the show.
And there's a bunch of these women going public.
Of course it's women going public.
The men in this country are way too cowardly.
Too busy sucking their thumbs watching football or something.
Let's go to some calls, and then I'm going to get into Mission Creep Hits Home.
American Armed Forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles.
Right now, let's talk to Kevin and Mass, then Charles, Brian, Wesley, and others.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Hi Alex, and hello fellow listeners and patriots.
I was listening to your comments, not appreciating the political manipulation and propaganda
Thank you.
Buy that one piece of stock.
Gold has broken 400 today as the dollar reaches new lows.
When you go on vacation and turn your dollars into British Pounds or Sterlings or Euros, you're going to get a lot less.
The Asian countries may stop buying our bonds.
The Fed keeps printing out more and more dollars.
They keep becoming worth less.
The bubble is going to burst.
And they're gearing up with riot police and giant federal detention camps, according to the Washington Post over the weekend.
That's on Infowars.com.
And absolutely.
Euro tramples dollar, hits new high.
Over the weekend it was at $1.22 against the dollar.
Again, up from 90 cents against the dollar a year and a half ago.
That is a 32% increase in the euro and a massive decrease in the value of the dollar.
Now trading against almost all western countries.
Trading below the yen against the mark.
Well, it's now the euro.
But these are still traded as internal units of that.
And Treasury Secretary Snow says it's a wonderful, wonderful economic boon for us.
Well, you know, they used to say the four B's were bullets, beans, band-aids, and bullions for hard times.
You can add Berkeys, but you definitely need some bullion.
I got, from what small piece I could afford, but it's something.
I talked to a guy named Johnny Horton, who's over at Ted Anderson's company, which I heard through you, and I've been happy with him.
Well, that's, you know, I bought some, the parent company that started Genesis is our gold dealers, and I shopped around and bought gold from them.
It's not the most expensive, it's not the cheapest price, it's about in the middle of, and you get a lot of service for that.
They educated me on it and got me into the collecting aspect of it.
Well, that's good because it's non-confiscatable.
I personally would buy about 90% bullion, maybe 10% collector.
I was wondering, you commented about the cell phones story for W when I was tripped to a wreck.
I was wondering, did he really go?
Because I was looking at this coverage and it was like, I thought they were going to play the dun dun dun dun.
He had to wear glasses and have the shades pull down.
It seems kind of comical and I'm looking and to me it could have been an airport hangar.
In some military base in South Carolina.
I didn't know he was in Iraq.
No, I believe he was there.
It's too big, too many people.
But again, when they lie to us with fake weapons dossiers and Jerry Bruckheimer producing the saving of Private Lynch and fake weapons trucks and all these lies, we don't know what to believe.
One other final closing comment.
Some caller was on the other day, and he was complaining about his tape.
I received my copy of Matrix of Evil.
I liked it.
It didn't take too long to get.
I found it powerful stuff, and I prefer the format in that.
I like the public speeches format, where you can see the enthusiasm of some people.
You don't feel like you're the only one listening.
Sometimes you cover very detailed news reports,
But again, it's like you and me having a private conversation.
This thing, you can see, you're out there at city council meetings, you've got two people from the Congress there along with you, and it shows that the movement is growing.
Absolutely, and you see Ron Paul and Cynthia McKinney and Frank Morales and myself all saying that we've never seen such an awakening, that a lot of positive things are happening.
Thanks for the call.
Yeah, I think, what was it, Wednesday, a caller called in.
He said, yeah, I ordered your tapes two and a half, three weeks ago.
No, it was two and a half weeks ago.
Not even two and a half weeks, and he said, I want them!
I'm like, oh, I can't help you, sir.
I mean, most people get the videos in about seven days.
That seems to be about the average.
But sometimes, I've had friends that have ordered the videos in Austin, and they'll get them in two weeks.
So, yes.
And when you get the videos, you're authorized to make copies of them.
You're authorized to put them on Access Television.
I want you to spread the word.
You know, my wife's gotten spoiled of this.
So have I. We'll order something from eBay and it'll get there in like five days.
Of course, it's UPS.
You pay a lot more for shipping.
You'll end up paying more for shipping than you pay.
We still use the Postal Service.
Uh, though we're starting to try to shift over.
But, uh, it's instant gratification.
And, uh, somebody calls me and goes, uh, I want them!
I ordered them two weeks ago!
I'm like, uh, well, I can't help you.
I just, uh, again, if you ever have an inquiry about an order, uh, it's, uh, 888-253-3139.
Or you can call my office directly.
We got one lady there, so if she doesn't answer the phone, she'll call you back within 24 hours.
Sometimes, about half the time, she answers.
But, you know, I see that as a good sign.
People are chomping at the bit to get these videos.
And if you order them now, you'll get them well before Christmas.
I know that.
And then you can make copies of them.
I mean, buy one copy of Matrix of Evil.
One copy of 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Make copies of that and give it as a Christmas gift.
Give it as a present.
Give it as a birthday present.
Give it to your neighbor.
My goal is to expose this evil.
And yeah, a lot of people, I'm starting to get a lot of feedback now that Matrix of Evil's been out for about a month, not quite a month, about three weeks.
I'm starting to get feedback and people who are seeing it and they're saying that they love it.
Because it does have news clips and documents, but it's interviews, it's speeches, it's
A lot of incredible information.
Ron Paul talking about the global government crowd running Washington, and Cynthia McKinney talking about UN-run white slavery rings, and Frank Morales on the police state, Colonel Roberts on the Second Amendment, myself on a bunch of different issues.
I've been given some of my best speeches lately, and there's excerpts of three speeches I've given in the film.
Matrix of Evil.
So, thanks for plugging that, sir.
I appreciate it.
If you'd like to be a distributor for the film,
You can call 512-291-5750.
Or if you want to buy them individually, it's 1-888-253-3139.
I'm going to come back and try to get Charles and Brian and Wesley out of the way.
They've been holding patiently.
And then I want to get into... Martial Law.
That's right, I have a nice little article here out of the LA Times.
I'll read the story and you decide what the head of North Com is saying here.
We'll be right back.
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All right, folks.
History's repeating itself.
They're setting up textbook tyranny.
We're trying to expose it.
If the program of enslavement is exposed, if the people say no to it, they cannot get away with it.
But if they continue to pose as our saviors, they will.
Let's talk to Charles, and Charles is calling us from Missouri.
Charles, go ahead.
And let's turn that radio off.
We'll turn that radio off or roll up the window or whatever's going on and go back to you.
Charles, you there now?
Yes, sir.
How you doing, Mr. Jones?
Good, good to talk to you.
I have a comment.
Last week you had a speaker from England, and he was telling you what's going on.
And the lawyers, they got up there.
If a guy breaks in your house and rapes your wife, you're not even supposed to defend your wife.
Yes, I see the articles all the time where they arrest and charge the person that fights back.
Yes, but Tony Blair has guns and bodyguards, I bet, huh?
Of course he does.
I just want to ask you an opinion.
I want to say one thing else.
What do you think is going to happen if they do take the guns away from the American people?
What chance will we have?
Well, again, guns are a canary in the coal mine.
Slaves are disarmed.
If they do disarm us, then you can be sure they'll move against us.
They have to try to convince us to accept tyranny through terrorism if we're armed.
They have to try to fool us.
If they get the guns, it'll be like China or North Korea or Russia.
It won't matter.
Yes, sir.
Well, I just want to thank you for what you're doing, sir, and ask the people, it's Christmas time.
Get these tapes out to their families.
I'm trying to get a tape to Governor DeBlanco right now.
She's a woman governor up here.
She took over.
She won from Foster.
He's retiring.
And I'm just trying to get tapes to the public officials.
And I'm asking everybody, please help me in some way.
I'm so tired, Mr. Jones, but we need more people to put out more tapes or to give them constitutions.
Charles, how many copies of my video have you handed out?
Wait a minute, right here.
Oh, 4,212.
Well, that's since 1999 now, you know.
I've been doing it for a long time.
What effect is giving out 4,000 copies of my videos done in your area?
Well, I moved in a new parish, but the last parish I was in, I got the whole police department to change their attitude toward things and be a little bit more lenient and talk to me about it instead of condemning me.
I made friends with a whole police force.
I'd go into the police building, and everybody shakes my hand, and they agree with the tapes.
Some of them just, their mouths just dropped open.
They asked me to make a tape for their mother.
They gave me extra tapes.
They even gave me money to buy copies.
Well, police.
We found the videos are working up police and military even more than the general public.
Because they're investigators.
They already know about the criminal mind.
They already know the information is accurate.
We just lay it all out on the table for them.
Thanks for the call, Charles.
Thank you.
And you keep it up, my friend.
Let's talk to Brian in Illinois.
Brian, you're on the air.
How you doing, Alex?
Good, sir.
I wanted to ask you about what your thoughts are on the John Birch Society.
I know you said your dad was a member.
Well, I get questions on this, probably about once a month on air, every day via email.
I think the John Birch Society puts out great books and tapes, a great magazine.
I think they put out really good information, and I don't think they're quite aggressive enough, but they've done more good than I've done.
I think they have great membership.
My father isn't a member now, he was a member in high school, and went around giving anti-communist speeches, but he's not really active in politics now.
Well, I appreciate everything you're doing, and I'm trying to get the word out in Chicago about it.
Well, I appreciate that, and again, remember, you have the power.
The power lies with the people remaking the political landscape one mind at a time, and we've never seen such an awakening taking place.
It's like this victim of 9-11, the widow, writing to Bush saying, in the court of public opinion, Mr. Bush, your lies are being uncovered each day.
My husband and all the other victims and their families, and our nation as a whole, has been victimized by your failed leadership prior to and after 9-11.
I will prove this in a court of law.
And she went on to say, before that, that people are waking up.
And that is happening.
Where do I find the letter on your site?
It was posted this weekend on PrisonPlanet.com.
I think it's still on the main page.
If not, it'll be on... There's a calendar there and you'll just click on the 30th or the 31st.
Thanks a lot.
Hey, I appreciate the call.
Take care.
I'm gonna come back and cover news.
Mission Creep hits home.
American Armed Forces are assuming major new domestic policing and surveillance roles.
More on the Euro trampling the dollar and who's behind that.
And some other economic news.
Also, Army forcing out sick Gulf War veterans.
Denying them healthcare.
We'll be back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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All right, folks.
We've got about 26 and a half minutes left.
We'll take a few calls coming up here in a few minutes from Wesley and others that are patiently holding.
I covered some of this last Wednesday, the last live show I did here during the week.
I didn't spend enough time on it.
It's a big deal.
It's a lot more important and scary than what the Cigar Aficionado article had with Tommy Franks.
Mission Creep Hits Home!
American Armed Forces are Assuming Major New Domestic Policing and Surveillance Roles.
And this is by William M. Arkin.
Military Affairs Analyst who writes regularly for the L.A.
And it says,
Comfort Vermont preoccupied with the war on Iraq and still traumatized by September 11, 2001, the American public has paid little attention to some of what is being done inside the United States in the name of anti-terrorism under the banner of homeland security, the military and intelligence
Communities are implementing far-reaching changes that blur the lines between terrorism and other kinds of crises and will break down long-established barriers to military action and surveillance within the United States.
Now, much of what we're going to read is half-lies, half-truths, propaganda.
We must start thinking differently, says Air Force General Ralph
Ed Eberhardt, the newly installed commander of Northern Command, the military's homeland security arm.
Before 9-11, he says, the military and intelligence systems were focused on the away game and not properly focused on the home game.
Home, of course, is the United States.
As early as 1990... 1988, excuse me.
15 years ago.
There were Marine Corps officers in police uniforms kicking down doors in Virginia.
There have been urban warfare training operations all over the country.
We've videotaped military checkpoints going on in Iowa and Maryland and North Carolina.
It's in Police State 2000, Police State 2 The Takeover, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
It's nothing new.
They're just announcing it to you now.
It's like they had Echelon for decades spying on you.
Then when they want to use it and go public with it, they announce it.
It's like torture.
Our government's been the biggest trainer of torture for the last 30 years.
They train all these countries how to oppress and torture.
Then when they want to use it here, they announce how good it is and then have accompanying soap operas and dramas where the heroes torture people.
Continuing with the article, Eberhart's Colorado-based command is charged with enhancing homeland security in two ways, by improving the military's capability to defend the country's borders, which they're not doing, coast and airspace, unquestionably within the military's long-established mission, and by providing military assistance to civil authorities when authorized by the Secretary of Defense or the President.
Well, it's already a blank check authorized, according to the document we were given by the FBI at a checkpoint.
They were running with the Army in 1999, the day before, two days before Thanksgiving, in Temple, Texas.
And the document is on InfoWars.com.
It's in the film.
Keyword search, Martial Law is here.
That'll bring the article up and the links to the document.
And it said, the Army's here to engage in all law enforcement, seven days a week.
24 hours a day, 365 days a year, call us at any time.
For warrant service, kicking down doors, on and on and on.
So again, this was already going on quietly, illegally, long beforehand.
Now again, that too may sound unexceptionable.
The military has long had mechanisms to respond to a request for help from state governors.
Yeah, for forest fires and floods.
New after 9-11 are more aggressive preparations and presumption that local government will not be able to carry the new homeland security load.
Being the military, moreover, contingency planners approach prepared by assuming the worst.
All of this is a major and potentially dangerous departure from past policy.
This is the LA Times.
The U.S.
military operates under the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits the direct use of federal troops to execute laws of the United States.
The courts have interpreted this to mean that the military is prohibited by any active role in direct civilian law enforcement, such as search, seizure, arrest of civilians.
Through the abundant reasons for rejecting the further expansion of the military's domestic role, says Mac Byrne T. Owens, a professor of strategy and force planning at the Naval War College.
Looking at the issue historically, Owens wrote in an August 2002 essay in the National Review's online edition that, the use of soldiers as a posse places them in the unfortunate
An uncomfortable position of taking orders from local authorities who had an interest in disputes that provoked the unrest in the first place.
Moreover, Owens said, becoming more involved in domestic policing can be subtle and subversive.
That goes like a lymphoma or termite infestation.
Did you hear that?
It goes, though we are far from having tanks rumbling through the streets.
Guess you haven't been in Miami or New York or DC.
Though we are far from having tanks rumbling through the streets, he said, the potential long-term effect of increased military role in police and law enforcement activities is a military contemptuous of American society and unresponsive to civilian authorities.
Close quote.
Eberhardt says his Northern Command operates scrupulously within the bounds of the law, which they've gotten rid of in 96.
We believe the Posse Comitatus Act, as amended, provides the authority we need to do our job, he said, and no modification is needed at this time, he told the House Armed Services Committee in March.
Of course, what he knows is that the amendments approved by Congress in 96 for their earlier civilian war, the War on Drugs,
Have already expanded the military's domestic power so that Washington can unilaterally act unilaterally in dispatching the military without approval from a state's request for help.
Long before 9-11, Congress authorized the military to assist local law enforcement officials
In domestic drug interdiction and nearing terrorist incidents involving weapons of mass destruction.
Furthermore, the President, after proclaiming a state of emergency, can authorize additional actions.
Indeed, the military is presently operating under just such an emergency declaration.
Eberhardt's command has defined these levels of operations, each of which triggers a larger set of authorization activities.
The levels are extraordinary, emergency, and temporary.
At the temporary level, which covers such things as Olympic Games and the Super Bowl, limited assistance can be provided to law enforcement agencies when a governor requests it.
Primarily in such areas as logistics, transportation, and communications.
During emergencies, the military can provide similar support, mostly in response to specific events such as the attacks on the World Trade Center, where they stood down for an hour and a half.
It is only in the case of extraordinary domestic operations that the unique capabilities of the Defense Department are deployed.
These include not just such things as air patrols to shoot down hijacked planes, or the defusing of bombs and other explosives, but also bringing in intelligence collectors, special operators, and even full combat troops.
Given the absence of terrorist attacks,
Inside the United States, it's 9-11.
It may seem surprising that the Northern Command is already working under the far-reaching authority that goes with the extraordinary operations.
But it is!
See, folks, we're under martial law.
They're not going to call it that, though.
They call it extraordinary.
We are not going to be out there spying on people, Eberhardt told PBS's NewsHour in September, but he said we get information from people who do.
Some of that information increasingly comes, not from the FBI, or those charged with civilian law enforcement, but from the Pentagon.
So he says the military isn't involved, but the Pentagon is.
From a Pentagon organization established last year, the Counterintelligence Field Activity Civilian Law Enforcement.
We're the Conor Intelligence Field Activity, or C.I.F.A.
The seemingly innocuous C.I.F.A.
was originally given the mission of protecting the Defense Department and its personnel as well as critical infrastructure against espionage conducted by terrorists and foreign intelligence services.
This group was already in operation years ago, folks, and they were the ones running the drill of flying hijacked jets into New York and D.C.
landmarks at 8.30 in the morning on 9-11.
Yes, and now they're over everything.
But in August, Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld expanded the CIFA's mission, charging it with maintaining a domestic law enforcement database that includes information related to potential terrorist threats directed against the Department of Defense.
The group's assessments and technology directorate, which shares offices with the Justice Department Foreign Terrorist Tracking Task Force, has already identified 200 foreign terrorist suspects in the U.S., according to Defense Department report to Congress.
This year, the Pentagon Inspector General authorizes signing military special agents to 56 FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force operations at FBI field offices.
Folks, I first covered articles on the FBI being in with the military five, six years ago.
I mean, again, it was the FBI five years ago at the checkpoint in Temple, Texas that gave us the document going, we have full authorization to carry out all law enforcement with the Pentagon.
Warrant service, you name it, we have the signed document
From the Captain at Fort Hood, handed to us by an FBI agent, bugging his eyes out, hatefully.
So again, everything they're now announcing was already in place.
Bill Clinton gave speeches about Homeland Security in 1993, folks.
These military agents will pursue leads in local communities.
This is the LA Times.
Military agents will pursue leads in local communities, a potential threat to the military.
Eberhard also plans to have his own cadre of agents working with local law enforcement.
Next year, he plans to transform Joint Task Force 6, a drug interdiction unit, at Fort Bliss, Texas, into Joint Interagency Task Force North.
The new task force will be given nationwide responsibilities for working with law enforcement agencies.
Another ambitious project is being undertaken by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, which is gathering geospatial information about 133 cities.
We're good.
Intelligence analysts speak of one day being able to identify individual occupants as well as their national background and political affiliations for the military is just getting its systems in place.
There can be no other conclusion.
Domestic surveillance is back.
It never left.
It's not that we're heading towards martial law.
We're not.
But outside the view of most public, the government is daily expanding military operations into areas of local government and law enforcement that historically has been off-limits.
And it doesn't seem far-fetched to imagine that those charged with assembling acturable intelligence will slowly start combining databases of known terrorists with seemingly innocuous lists of contributors to charities or causes.
It goes on and on.
Yes, it is martial law.
Secret arrest of citizens for no reason.
Giant federal prison camps being built.
Cameras everywhere.
Armored vehicles.
What did you see in Miami two weeks ago?
Martial law.
So I'm going to get the writer of this on, plus the people that are quoted in the article who are against what's happening.
I can't find anybody in here who's for it other than North Com Head, Eberhardt.
I will try to get Eberhardt on.
That won't happen.
Maybe we can get one of their deputies to come on, but they all know my name.
I'm on at the North Com Command Base.
I'm on the local radio there.
Oh, in Colorado Springs, but there you have it.
There was more to the article, it got even worse, but this is martial law, but they're not going to call it that.
They're going to say, like Frank said, well it's regrettable, it's saddening, it hurts me,
But if there's a big attack, the people are going to demand a militarization of America, moving into a military-style government to keep them safe.
And Wesley called in last hour, and he disagreed that the Cigar Aficionado article with Tommy Franks, thinking of Wesley Clark running Waco, and that martial law event there,
But I told him to re-read the article and call back when he was more sure, and he disagreed.
Now he says he's sure of it.
Why do you think Wesley Newsmax had the headline, Clark says martial law will replace Constitution after another attack?
He doesn't use the term martial law, but a military government, the people demanding a militarization of the society, that is martial law.
Go ahead.
God bless you, Alex.
You're absolutely right.
What he gave was a politician's answer, and I should have been a little sharper.
But in the meantime, I overlooked probably the most important part of the whole interview.
It dovetails in with just exactly what you're talking about.
He was already on his way to Pakistan when 9-11 took place?
He says, quote, look, let me tell you this right out here at MacDill Air Force Base today, there are more than 60 nations represented.
There are more than 60 nations represented out here with full-time senior representatives, military representatives, who formed the largest military coalition in the history of the world.
And he has supported the proposition of the global war on terrorism since 9-11.
And he finishes by saying, my, my, my.
It just makes you want to punch him.
Well, I don't want to do that.
He's a sarcastic son of a gun.
But I mean, to be so smug and sit there and just say, my, my, my.
That we've got 60 countries.
Well, Wesley, you called about two years ago, three years ago, before 9-11, and it was in the Knoxville News Sentinel that they had regular troops out on the highway, shutting it down, grabbing people out of vehicles.
In one minute, this was in the mainstream news, folks, what happened to you on that highway?
It was something that was out of a bad nightmare.
I found myself with a
I don't know.
I'm not sure, but I thought I saw an armored personnel carrier, because things were happening so fast.
Well, the newspaper said it was regular Army and National Guard, but go ahead.
Well, they were dressed in American military uniforms, and I got yanked out of my car.
I had muscular dystrophy.
I was pitched face down on the cement highway.
I had my hands jerked behind my back.
I had a kid with his knee in between my shoulder blades, pinning me to the ground.
And in the background, I could hear these guys pop the lid on the trunk of my car.
Not more than just three days before that, or four days before that, I had purchased a Kel-Tec 9mm, and I heard one of the soldiers say, here's one for your trophy case.
And by golly, when I got up, one of them eventually let me up, and I was able to get back over to my car.
And look in the trunk, sure enough, my, uh, my brand new... Now understand, the gun wasn't illegal.
You weren't arrested.
They violated the federal law, posse comitatus.
They're out there, and it's in the newspaper.
They would jerk everybody out of their cars.
They've been getting ready for this all over the country for decades.
This is martial law.
Thanks for the call.
It's what degree of martial law will you accept?
Some final news tidbits you don't want to miss when we get back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
My friends, I'm going to be in Houston, Texas the 13th of December.
Coming up here in about 12 days at the West Oak Shopping Center at the big palatial Alamo Draft House movie theater showing Road to Tyranny and They Live, a double feature.
Starts at 6 p.m.
I'm going to give a speech.
Show the film, take questions, then show they live.
Hope to see you down there.
Also, I've made the new film, Matrix of Evil, with Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, myself, and others.
It's over two hours long, $25.95.
Order three or more of any of the ten videos I've made.
They drop down to $20 a piece.
Also, we have a lot of other great items by other authors and filmmakers at InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
It's a great gift to give during the holiday season.
Again, InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, and also your purchase supports this broadcast.
Toll-free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
You know, you may think I harp on this martial law police state stuff a lot, but that's what happened in Russia and China and Germany.
It happened here to the Native Americans.
We don't want it to happen to us, and they are setting it up.
There's no question.
They will move as far as we let them move.
We've got to stop them by exposing what they're doing, and that's now starting to happen, because they've lowered many of their veils.
They're right out in the open setting up textbook martial law.
We're already in martial law.
They've enacted it.
They've set it up.
The question is, are they going to try to close the gate?
Close the doors?
On a scale of 1 to 10, we've hit about a 6 on the Richter scale.
It doubles in intensity, geometrically, at every increase on the notch.
When I wrote the article, Martial Law is Here, with Ed Homan, back in 1999, I said that we were on a 3.5 on the Richter scale.
And folks said, oh no, we're much higher.
I said, no, we're at 3.5.
I will tell you, we're now at about a 6, and it's rapidly, the mercury is rising!
If we don't expose, who stands to gain from the terror?
Who's behind the terror?
They're going to continue to carry it out.
And 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State Free Total Enslavement, the new book Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson, they all do an excellent job of exposing this and 90% of those that see them are waking up.
That is an incredible track record.
We have the tools.
Please get them and use them.
There's more of us and there are of them.
A lot of police and military are waking up.
We've got to reach out to them.
As Jack McClam says, like no other group, 1-888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And please spread the word about this broadcast.
Please tell your friends and family about the show.
Please support our sponsors.
Thank our local stations.
The show is really growing.
We're now on in Los Angeles, thank God.
Wonderful to be on there in the third hour.
I'm out of time.
We covered most of the news today.
I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
But again, Euro tramples dollar, hits new high.
$1.22 against the dollar.
That's a 32% increase in the last year and a half.
Gold has exploded past $400.
And we've got Warren Buffett and George Soros speculating against the dollar.
Bush has his Treasury Secretary out bad-mouthing it.
And as the caller said, we have a 30-plus percent reduction in the value of the dollar, and the stock market goes up by 6%.
That's because
Now the dollar is devalued.
It takes more.
It inflates the price of stock.
It's artificial.
The real economic indicators are not good.
I hate to tell you this, but you deserve the truth.
Public and private.
Bankruptcies are at record levels.
And now they're going to expand NAFTA and GATT.
We've got to try to block the free trade area of the Americas.
Most Americans are against it.
Most Americans are against gun control.
But again, the government ignores us regardless of who's in office.
We've got to stop that.
Back tomorrow and back tonight.
Take care.
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