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Name: 20031128_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 28, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Well, my friends, we're now at the midway point of this week's transmissions.
It is the 19th already of November 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
We'll be live for the next three hours.
I do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 and back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Boy, the crimes of Lyndon Baines Johnson have been getting exposed on this show.
I hold Lyndon Baines Johnson and Robert McNamara responsible for the USS Liberty attack of 1967.
They were clearly involved in it, trying to sink it under Operation Northwoods to be blamed on Egypt.
The hitmen being used were the Israelis, but we have LBJ's former lawyer, the father of the White House Press Secretary, joining us in about 30 minutes to
Talk about LBJ bragging to people.
We've had his mistress on about eight years ago.
She's dead now.
Had her on several times.
Admitted mistress of LBJ.
Had an illegitimate son by him.
Who died of cancer in midlife.
She's going to be joining us.
Well, he's going to be joining us.
And she did join us.
But we're going to be talking to the White House Press Secretary's daddy, LBJ's lawyer.
Who says the government killed JFK.
Now I haven't seen the men who killed Kennedy, the new version of it.
I've seen the old version of it last night.
I was at the TV studio and they had it on at one of the edit bays.
And I watched about 10 minutes of it.
It was amazing!
It's a three hour special.
Again, I saw 10 minutes of it.
And I was talking to folks who have seen it.
I'm getting a lot of emails, a lot of calls, a lot of faxes about it.
They've been airing it every day this week.
I'm told it's going to air again tonight and through the weekend, the anniversary of JFK's murder in downtown Dallas at Dealey Plaza.
And supposedly this film comes right out with a secret meeting with LBJ and all the big bankers and people there and how they bragged about how they were going to kill him the next day.
So it's really coming out.
Why is it coming out?
Well, because 84%
In big polls, it was 80% a few years ago, now it's 84% believe the government had a hand in killing Kennedy.
And so when they get up on the news, and when Tucker Carlson on CNN, every other show, at least when I watch him, talks about grassy, gnoll conspiracy theories, and oh, all these kooks, they're talking about the majority of us, we know the facts, we know they're liars.
And so they're now basically having to admit all of this.
How is this going to affect things?
Because they know when it hits 80 plus percent, it'll be 90 percent before you know it.
And there might be that 2 percent out there that still say the world is flat, we say it's round, we're right, we don't care what you say.
And one day very soon, already about half the people I've talked to believe the government carried out 9-11.
Only one out of 30 callers disagree with it on talk radio, on interviews I do on a daily basis.
So, in that case it's 90 plus percent.
Here in this country, people are one day going to know the government did 9-11.
You can kill whoever you want.
You can whack researchers.
You can arrest people.
You can try whatever you want.
We're all going to know you carried 9-11 out.
Guaranteed, no matter what you pull or what you try, the facts are already out quicker than they came out on JFK, with more hardcore evidence, times 100, it's over for you.
And go ahead, get more desperate, carry out more terror government.
It ain't gonna work for you.
Not gonna happen.
Same thing with vaccines.
Now coming out that it's killing the troops, that the vaccines they're giving people are causing diseases.
All mainstream news today.
A bunch of other financial news.
It's a very big show lined up for you.
So stay with us and we'll go into news for 25 minutes or so.
Well, on the other side of the break, 23 minutes.
Twenty-two minutes, and then we'll get LBJ's former lawyer on, talk about LBJ having Kennedy killed.
You might want to stay with us for that, I don't know.
Of course, I have the Associated Press here, and Times of London, you name it, talking about this interview we're about to have.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Protect your family.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're now 8 minutes and 30 seconds into this first hour of global transmission.
A former lawyer of Lyndon B. Johnson says in a book his boss was behind the Kennedy assassination conspiracy.
That's the Straits Times headline.
Again, I have the Times of London Associated Press Washington poster in front of me.
He's the father
of the White House Press Secretary right now.
Here is yet another JFK conspiracy theory.
LBJ did it.
Well, that's what we've always said.
It's not a conspiracy theory.
The latest claim by a respected member of the former Vice President Lyndon Bain Johnson's legal team comes as America marks the 40th anniversary this week of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
Again, he'll be joining us in about 20 minutes.
It is the latest in a never-ending chain of theories in a whodunit that continues to grip the American consciousness even after the passing of so many decades.
People get confused because the evidence shows the Mafia was there.
The evidence shows that the Secret Service knew and was ordered off the car to protect him.
The public knows that bullets don't change directions three times.
If somebody's shot in the back of the head, their head goes forward, it doesn't go backwards.
If you're shot in the back of the head, the front of the head blows off, not the back of the head.
They know that Dallas police arrested big ol' military-looking men behind the grassy knoll with rifles, and that that was all covered up.
And so you hear about CIA operatives like Oswald, who was admitted to CIA, deep cover, went to the Soviet Union, went to Cuba, went all over the place.
They know that it had Cubans involved in it, right-wing Cubans.
People know that the military was involved.
People go, well, wow, how are all these groups involved?
Who did it then?
Is it the Mafia?
Is it the CIA?
Is it the Army?
Is it LBJ?
Well, how do you think organized crime works, folks?
Why do you think J. Edgar Hoover, in the mid-1950s, got up on national TV and said, before Congress, there is no Mafia, there is no La Cosa Nostra?
That's like saying there is no sun that comes up in the morning.
Because he was controlling much of it for the federal government.
The real mafia is run by the government.
They'll bust a little low-level pimp.
Uh, you know, occasionally, and talk about, ooh, how powerful the mob is and how scary they are.
They'll go after some tiny drug cartel who wasn't paying their cut into the New York Stock Exchange publicly, and they'll go after them with a military invasion or a hit.
This is what they do.
I mean, John Gotti, folks, and I've talked to folks, people in and around New York, media people.
I mean, Gotti was just a loud-mouthed street thug who took over some New York operations of the Italian mob.
The biggest mob is the WASP mob, folks.
The WASP mob, the Dixie Mafia in the South and the East Coast, Connecticut.
and New England and Rhode Island mob.
They're the people that founded the universities.
They're the people that own the ships that traffic to the opium for hundreds of years.
They're the people that own the big banks.
They're the people that run the CIA.
They're the real mafia and their foot soldiers wear US Army uniforms.
They got thousands of assassins.
But again, Hollywood gives you this image.
So, what did they do at Dallas?
Now, I'll get into a bunch of other news.
We've got the guests coming up.
Well, it's simple.
It's classic CIA operations.
If you know anything about the CIA, all over the third world, all over the Eastern Europe, all over Western Europe, all over the Mediterranean, going back to World War II, they would use the Italian, they would use the Sicilian, they would use the Greek Mafia, because they
Had control of local officials and police.
They had assassins on the ground.
They knew the lay of the land.
That's what the CIA has always done.
So in the case of killing Kennedy, they had some U.S.
government snipers there.
We even know their names.
They had some Italian hitmen there.
And they had good old freelancers like
Well, one of the little Hollywood star's daddies who was there, and he's in federal prison right now for shooting a judge at 400 yards with a .243 in the neck.
He's in Beaumont right now in federal prison.
So we're going to go over all that later.
So they had all different types of people there, and this is plausible deniability.
This is how they operate.
People say, well, was it the Texas Oil Men?
Was it LBJ?
Was it the East Coast Elites?
Folks, they were all in that room in Dallas.
They were all there the night before.
All these famous people.
And there's a lot of witnesses they haven't killed to this.
So, how embarrassing to have the White House Press Secretary's daddy, LBJ's lawyer, saying all of this now.
It's really, really interesting to have this going on.
And so we'll be talking about that.
New evidence in JFK assassination compels LBJ attorney Barr McLennan, again that's the father of the White House Press Secretary, to demand release of documents.
McLennan, former attorney for Lyndon Baines Johnson,
Petition support of the Senate Judiciary Committee and Department of Justice to investigate new evidence and release all documents in JFK assassination case.
Yeah, 40 years later, they were set to be released in 2012.
Bush, one of his first actions when he got into office in 2001 in January 24th, almost three years ago, one of his first actions was to back that up
To 2034.
So we're not going to wait 40 years.
We're going to have to wait 70 years.
70 years!
Yeah, that sounds real reasonable.
Let's not release all these documents.
Think about it.
And, of course, the Hollywood person I was talking about whose daddy was one of the assassins is Woody Harrelson, his father.
Charles Harrelson is in federal prison down in Beaumont for shooting a judge at 400 yards with a .243 in the neck.
It's a nice shot.
He's a well-known assassin.
Funny, I remember interviewing LBJ's mistress eight years ago.
When she talked about how he was at the party, and how they'd go out to the golf club here in Austin, or they'd go to the country clubs up in Dallas, and team members having to bring in little packages at the shooting range while he was out getting ready for things.
It was just a big joke around here, folks.
And according to people inside the system, it was Harrelson that did the big head buster from behind the grassy knoll, or as Kennedy had.
A lot of the evidence shows at least 10 bullet holes in him.
The car was full of holes!
So, and of course the Subruder film was edited, large portions of that were cut out as well.
This is the reality, folks.
This is what's going on in your country.
And by the way, I have a Dallas Times Herald article, which was then bought out by the Dallas Morning News,
I guess back in the late seventies, but I have the 1963 news article from the next day and it shows Harrelson, a handsome man in his big trench coat, being arrested by police.
He was later released under orders of the head detective.
He was making his way through the train yards with his little rifle that blew the president's head off, basically.
But again,
Truth is stranger than fiction.
And he's in, again, federal prison right now for murdering a judge under mafia control.
And according to the people that knew him, he killed somebody every couple months for the CIA, for the mob.
He was a specialist with a rifle.
Of course, a veteran in his own right.
So this is the type of stuff we deal with here.
And so we've got
Mr. McLennan coming on the show here in a few minutes.
Here's some of the other news.
Dollar falls to fresh low against the Euro.
This is out of the Financial Times of London.
The dollar fell to a record low against the Euro on Tuesday as data showing sharply weaker capital flows prompted new fears over the funding of the U.S.
current account deficit.
Treasury figures showed net capital inflows into the U.S.
fell from about 50 billion in August to 4.2 billion in September, the lowest since the near collapse and bailout of the long-term capital management hedge fund rattled markets in 98.
The euro rose 2 cents to $1.19 against the dollar, beating its previous
Lifetime high of $119.33 set in May, and it's actually gone above that during off-hour trading.
I think it's come to $1.22 against the dollar.
They only count what happens during our normal hours of trading.
The data raised fears that the U.S.
may have difficulties funding its current account deficit, which ran at about $46 billion a month in the first half of the year.
Funny, $46 billion is just about our monthly trade deficit with China.
It's $44 billion now a month with them, folks.
The trade deficit is like $300 and something billion now total.
Over $100 plus billion now with Mexico.
Uh, by the way, uh, the numbers show we had a billion dollar trade surplus before NAFTA went in.
And they're meeting right now.
They have a basic police state going in Miami, going after protesters.
They have the armored vehicles all over the place.
Forty police agencies in Miami right now.
When we get back, uh, U.S.
soldiers' death is tied to vaccines, Washington Post.
You didn't hear it from me.
Of course, you did hear it from me for years, but here it is in the Washington Post.
Another one here.
Out of nature, the big scientific journal, polio vaccine may spawn diseases.
And of all groups, the liberal village voice is saying that Terri Schiavo isn't in a coma, and there may be foul play involved, but she shouldn't be killed.
But the neocons are saying that she should be killed.
We'll be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Coming up, we got Barr McLennan, LBJ's personal lawyer.
Father, the White House Press Secretary, going public about the assassination of JFK and his boss, LBJ, bragging about having him killed.
It's a good thing Mr. McLennan's speaking out, because having this type of knowledge is very dangerous for your health.
And not speaking out, once you put the info out, you're a lot safer.
Coming up, U.S.
soldiers' death tied to vaccines.
Before I do that,
I do want to invite you to get my videos.
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We also have Dark Secrets inside Bohemian Grove from when I snuck in there three years ago and caught the world leaders involved in satanic rituals.
That's now admitted mainstream news, by the way, that I got the footage.
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It's not debatable.
You need to see the video.
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Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
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And by the way, nobody else does this except for maybe Pastor Budge.
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That's my thrill, is defending against the New World Order.
All right.
End of the news here.
Washington Post.
soldier's death is tied to vaccines.
A 22-year-old female soldier who died last spring after getting multiple vaccines, including the one against smallpox, succumbed to an immune system disease apparently triggered by the immunization.
They always report on these shows individually.
They always report these news articles and we cover them individually, I should say.
Well, folks,
It's thousands of troops that have died.
Thousands of troops that have died from the vaccines in the last two Gulf Wars.
That is the conclusion of a panel of experts reviewing the military's experience with smallpox vaccine, which has been given to about 515,000 troops the past year.
The second panel believes that vaccination possibility caused the young woman's death.
The woman received smallpox, typhoid, anthrax, hepatitis B, and measles, mumps, rubella vaccine on March 12th.
Who wouldn't die getting all that?
I mean, they tell you not to take all these vaccines at once, but the Army just does it.
Even if the vaccines weren't really bad for you, all of them together is.
On April 4th, she died of lung complications caused by an acute attack of the autoimmune disease lupus.
She'd never shown symptoms, but analysis of two blood samples stored in the military's 30 million sample repository showed that she had abnormalities associated with lumps, lupus, as far back as 98.
The vaccinations apparently triggered a first flare of lupus, which an Army official, Colonel John D. Rabenstein, said had been observed a few times in civilians.
Neither panel cited a specific vaccine as the cause.
And it goes on to say that the big government advisory committee on immunization practices and armed forces epidemiology board said the evidence strongly favors the theory that vaccination led to the death.
But again, they say it's just due to the exception.
Oh yeah, they're now saying that the big NBC reporter died from his shot.
A bunch of people have dropped dead.
Here's another one out of the Journal of Nature.
Big prestigious report.
Polio vaccine may spawn disease.
Full of cancer virus.
Oh, the new stuff is too.
In fact, they're finding cancer viruses and other nasties in vaccines that aren't even involved, that aren't produced from animal tissue.
I don't know why it's showing up.
But your doctor will look at you like you've got 14 heads when you don't want to vaccinate your children.
People are ignorant.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Box 1227, Jacksonville, Oregon, 97530.
The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Welcome, folks.
We're now 33 minutes into the first hour of this show, blasting out coast to coast.
On the AM and FM dial and at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com, I'm coming to you from deep in the heart of Texas.
Coming up this weekend is the 40th anniversary of the assassination of one of our greatest presidents, John F. Kennedy.
Later, of course, his brother and Martin Luther King were killed, and the evidence shows with the same gaggle of individuals in the military-industrial complex.
The father of the White House Press Secretary, who himself was a lawyer to LBJ from right here in Texas, is Barr McClellan.
And he is joining us from New York today, and he's got a new book out.
We're honored, so honored, to have him spend some time with us from his hotel room in New York City.
Barr, good to have you on the show, sir.
I'm honored to join you.
Thank you.
I'm kind of down here in your old stomping ground of Austin.
Yeah, I did do a lot of stomping around there over the years.
College on the way through to heading for Houston back in 1982.
Sir, tell us a little bit about yourself, your relation.
I mean, I have the Associated Press, the Washington Post here, the bombshell you dropped about a month ago about LBJ and the assassination of JFK.
I've had LBJ's former mistress on.
I've had a lot of the witnesses on.
Their stories all are identical to yours.
Can you first tell us a little bit about yourself and then why you've gone public?
I was an attorney in Austin for many years with the Clark Thomas Law Firm and we did the representation for Lyndon Johnson.
Ed Clark was the only man he Lyndon Johnson trusted and Don Thomas was the business attorney.
I was an attorney with them and did a lot of work in that area from 1966 until Johnson's death and even afterwards it continued.
I left the firm in 1978 over an ethical dispute.
I've since moved on and am now finishing up this book.
The book is finished.
It's out.
And I'm telling the story.
Now, let's go over what the book covers.
I mean, your book, according to press reports, I have not gotten the book yet, though I was told a copy is being sent to me by your publicist.
The bombshell that you've dropped is that LBJ had bragged to people that he was behind the assassination.
Well, he knew that there was an assassination.
He never himself said that he was behind the assassination of John Kennedy.
I think.
Ed Clark was behind the assassination and later this was confirmed in 1973.
Well obviously there's a lot of people, I'm talking about that whole power structure, the meeting in Dallas the night before, we've had the witnesses on who said that he bragged that, you know, he'll never bother me again, he'll be dead tomorrow, but go over who Mr. Clark is for those that don't know.
Clark was known as the boss of Texas as early as 1949.
I think so.
He was stealing money from the quartermaster, for which he was kicked out of the army.
Somehow he survived that and gained the power he had.
This power continued, and the book has the exhibits laying this out, with Johnson saying, you're the only man I trust.
I have, you know, deeply indebted to you.
But the main thing it shows is how they had a conspiracy as early as 1949, where in Clark's own handwriting, he says, we're going to take care of this man for good.
And we have this debt problem that we've got to go along with, and Johnson the next day writes back and said, we know the risk you're taking, and we'll see that you're protected.
Lays out the basic arrangement they had up through past the assassination.
And that's really the heart of the book.
68 exhibits all showing what went on during the Johnson-Clark years, and taking through to the fingerprints that put one of Johnson's hitmen, Mack Wallace, on the sixth floor in Dallas.
And the cover-up, which is also part of the crime.
68 exhibits tell the story.
The evidence of, and how this evidence surfaced, obviously as LBJ's lawyer, for you, how this surfaced and exactly what they were doing, how the operation was carried out from the evidence you have.
Well, what I have, it shows Johnson's involvement in a crime where a federal agent was murdered on June 3rd of 1961.
The grand jury looked into the crime a number of years later and would have indicted Johnson for that murder.
The point there was Johnson in 1960 had all the motivations to be president.
He'd been de facto president, but had lost out to this young upstart named John Kennedy.
And he, Johnson, was also in trouble with this murder.
He was facing serious problems.
Can we have particulars of the murder, please?
Yes, the particulars are Billy Saul Estes had been working with the Department of Agriculture, getting a lot of money.
Some of that money was going to Johnson.
But he'd gotten in trouble, he, Estes, and the
Henry Marshall was investigating the financing.
Johnson and Estes sent Mack Wallace, who had killed before for Johnson, to visit Henry Marshall.
And on June 3, 1961, up in Robertson County, Marshall was killed.
He was beat up.
Carbon monoxide poison was apparently tried.
And then he was shot five times in the side with a bolt-action rifle.
Because of Clark's control of the justice system in Texas, the ruling was suicide.
That was reversed by the grand jury later, and they would have indicted Johnson if he'd still been around.
Now the hitman you just talked about, I remember his name being brought up by LBJ's mistress as well, about how he was constantly around him, how if somebody went out with this guy's girlfriend, he'd go after them.
Just incredible.
Well, he was there, but he was kept pretty much undercover.
He was sent out to California to give him perfect cover and brought back as needed.
He always had a phone number in Dallas where he could be reached.
And he was tied very closely to the assassination by an eyewitness who was supposed to be one of the other patsies in the assassination.
He wrote a book came out on what Lloyd Factor saw of Mack Wallace on the sixth floor.
We got the fingerprint putting Mack Wallace on the sixth floor.
And as you mentioned, Madeleine Brown said he was there and Billy Solis just said he was there.
So we have eyewitnesses, we have fingerprints, and we have a crime scene that shows how it was done.
Now again, Madeline Brown is the mistress at the party with all the big Texas elite, some of the East Coast elite, basically a planning meeting with LBJ there.
That's basically what it boiled down to.
When the power structure gets together, they are above it all, and they really don't have to get into the details, but they knew what was going on, and they were behind Johnson, Clark, Wallace,
And that happened that day before.
Right when the assassination took place, how long did it take you to become aware, as LBJ's lawyer, of all this going on?
Well, I was mentioned first to me in 66.
I really didn't believe it at the time.
In 73, it was pretty well confirmed to me by Don Thomas.
I think it was a good bit of denial on my part.
Now tell folks who Don Thomas is.
Don Thomas was the business lawyer for Lyndon Johnson and knew as much about the business as anyone.
He was the other partner with Clark.
They were the two men, really, that took care of Johnson's affairs.
From the people you talked to who were there at the party and the things that, I mean, any particulars you'd like to bring forward for the listeners?
No, I wasn't there.
I have a good idea of how it was done because Clark had this way of talking insider knowledge
And he would give out the information that something really big was going to happen, and he had the support of the people for what that was.
There was no specific saying of how it was going to be carried out.
But as insiders' knowledge, he's good at doing that.
That's what Brown said.
She said they were all just laughing and giggling and saying, boy, we're on the high road now.
He won't bother us after tomorrow.
Ha ha ha.
There was a great deal of pleasure.
There were many people who were very unhappy with John Kennedy and were looking forward to seeing him gone.
And then now it's even coming out, I'm told, I haven't seen it yet on the New Discovery Channel and History Channel shows they're airing, with them bragging that, you know, going over the radio, we got him, we got him, right after they blew his head off.
These things were all reported and have been there and they are on the History Channel.
It's got a three-part series on the men who killed Kennedy and that's all being presented.
Now, I haven't seen that report yet.
I mean, obviously, everybody's calling me about it and telling me about it.
Have you seen it?
Well, I was taped for a good part of it for a couple of days.
I have not seen it myself, because it started while we were up here on a press conference, and I just haven't picked it up yet.
Oh, I know the feeling of being so busy you can't even watch TV.
I'm gonna try to watch it tonight.
I'm told it's re-airing.
Look, this is such a big story.
You're right, you know, on the inside of all this.
And again, you're quoted in the press as saying that you talked to people in and around Johnson.
We're saying, oh yeah, he talked about it.
What do the listeners need to know, and why is this story so important?
Well, as laid out in the book, Johnson really got things started when he turned over the Secret Service policy manual for the protection of the President, Ed Clark, while he was still Vice President.
In effect, he gave him the master plan for protecting the President.
That got Clark started.
He could bring Wallace back into the picture.
Wallace, we know, through other witnesses, recruited shooters to do the job, including Oswald.
We've traced Oswald into the Clark camp through three different sources, and we know that Wallace and Oswald had a practice shot to General Edwin Walker up in Dallas in March of that year.
So all this has been traced back and presented and takes us right up to the assassination day itself, where the crime scene, once you analyze it, and knowing this conspiracy was behind it, you see exactly what happened.
And I've laid that out in the book, of course.
And for those listening to us, from the evidence you have, what happened that day, in a nutshell?
What happened was Wallace showed up with Oswald.
Oswald took the first shot.
Wallace took the second shot, Oswald got in a third shot, and a man was over on the Grassy Knoll area, and he took the fatal shot.
We know how Wallace got away because we know how Oswald got away.
Wallace was ready to leave in an instant, and he did.
Oswald saw he'd been duped, he'd become a patsy all of a sudden, and he took off the same way.
Now I've been told by former NSA people, by Brown, the mistress, and by others, and I have the Dallas Times Herald photo of them taking him into custody,
We know he was behind the knoll.
From your research, was it Harrelson who took the headshot?
We have not been able to make that identification yet.
We have several good suspects, but we don't have the kind of evidence we have for Wallace, where we've got fingerprints and eyewitnesses that were there.
So we haven't made that identification yet.
I hope the book will bring out some people.
Who can help, and we are seeing some of that happen right now.
We are getting people coming through.
I know Harrelson will not give interviews.
Father Woody Harrelson, he's in federal prison for killing a judge at 400 yards with a .243.
That's right, and he is inaccessible as far as I know.
Well, he's kept his mouth shut and his family's been certainly rewarded.
It's all just absolutely amazing.
Sir, we're talking to Barb McClellan.
He is a former lawyer, personal lawyer for LBJ.
His son is the White House Press Secretary right now.
Sir, incredible courage coming forward.
Number one, have you been threatened in conjunction with this exposé?
And number two, why is this all coming out now with the History Channel and Discovery Channel and huge exposés coming right out with LBJ being involved?
This is amazing!
Well, it is, and to answer the first question, I haven't been threatened, but a couple of people working with me have had at least some questionable events come up.
As far as why it's coming out now, of course, the 40th anniversary is one big reason.
I wasn't able to get it all together and present it in book form until now, but I first started talking about it in 1984, when I put it in an affidavit in Texas courts, and it's been around for that long.
It took until 1992 when I had an agent that was interested in the book.
We had to do a lot of research to get the prints together, to get all the other exhibits that are in the book, and then we had to present it to the government, and that was really the toughest time I had because this is going on in the real world, and I had to let the Kennedy family know that this had been done and that we were bringing it out.
We had to do that.
What did the Kennedy family say to you?
Well, we didn't expect an answer.
They typically don't.
It was a courtesy more than anything.
We've had since a call indicating that what went on in Dallas is correct from the Kennedy side of the family.
Well, I'm told that JFK Jr.
was about to use his magazine to expose this.
Have you heard that?
I've heard it, but I don't know anything about that.
I just don't know.
I understand.
Obviously, the Warren Commission, the Congress, they all work together with the President to cover this up, to take away the car, to have it refurbished, you know, to have it rebuilt, to have all the bullet holes covered up.
I mean, the cover-up goes on and on, so how does this tie in to the military-industrial complex?
Well, what it ties into is a cover-up that was set in place immediately.
It started with the first meeting of the Warren Commission.
It started with J. Edgar Hoover, when he assured everyone there was one lone nut.
And some of that's in the book, showing how Clark's hand is there, keeping Ruby quiet and making sure the FBI didn't get investigated for its mistakes.
How this all ties in is, at the time, there was this general feeling that John Kennedy was trying too hard to compromise things with the Soviet Union.
There were strong people
Who wanted to keep up a strong defense and not show any signs of weakness.
General L.L.
Lemitzer was fired by Kennedy when he wanted to carry out terrorist attacks to be blind on Cuba.
And this was all going on and there was a lot of unhappiness.
And you got to remember now, Big Oil had plenty of money and a lot of that had gone into the military-industrial complex.
And Big Oil did not like John Kennedy.
While they were willing to work closely with Lyndon Johnson, I mean, after all, he'd been their lobbyist on the floor of the Senate while he was there.
Uh, they were really unhappy with John Kennedy, so when Clark talks to him about having to do something there, he got support.
Well, you focus in a lot on Clark, but I mean, again, obviously he's just one of the super gophers on the ground.
No, he was the top man.
He was what was called in some quarters a super lawyer.
He was the boss of Texas, according to Reader's Digest, as early as 49.
He was running the state.
And he had the trust of these men in power, and he could bring them together, and keep them together, and make sure the cover-up worked.
Well, by Super Gopher, I mean kind of Henry Kissinger to the elite.
It really was, and when you say elite, you're really talking the elite.
These were the top guys, and you very seldom get to see how they really operate.
Well, let's name them.
Hunt and... Well, you had Big Oil in Dallas, and Big Oil there was Clint Marcus and himself, and you had Hunt.
I don't know.
You can also pick up the Military-Industrial Complex in Dallas.
Like I say, it was pretty well financed, but big oil.
And then you can go down to Houston and see the other friends that Johnson had down there, and you can follow Clark as he talks to these different groups, and that's laid out in the book.
How do folks get the book and the name of the book?
It's available about everywhere.
The name of the book is Blood, Money, and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK, and you can get it on the net also.
Well, sir, I know you're very busy.
Can you stay with us a little bit longer?
I'll be glad to.
Do you have an idea how long you can stay with us?
I think another 30 minutes or so.
That's fantastic.
Far away.
Well, that's great.
Let's come back and get into some more evidence and whatever key issues you'd like to cover.
And then I'd like to open the phones up because we have listeners from upstate New York to California to Austin, Texas who would like to talk with you.
Is taking calls okay?
All right, folks, your chance to talk to Barr McClellan, an incredible individual, LBJ's personal lawyer, father of the White House Press Secretary.
I mean, he's risked a lot going public here, and this is incredible info.
We'll be back.
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Now, coming up in the next 20 minutes, you know, he's going to be with us for this segment in the 20 minutes and in the next hour,
Next hour, we'll go straight to the loaded phone lines that instantly filled when we gave the number out to talk to Barr McClellan, personal lawyer to LBJ, blowing the whistle about the elements in and out of the government assassinating him 40 years ago.
Well, just a few days short of 40 years ago.
Barr, when I mentioned to you that the Military-Industrial Complex, L.L.
Lehmann, Sir Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, had a terror plan
I have the ABC News, the Baltimore Sun, articles where, and this came out before 9-11, that there was a U.S.
government plan to hijack jets and crash them, bomb D.C., commit sniper attacks, blow up ships, blame it on Cuba as a pretext to start World War III.
Now that's mainstream news.
It says that Lemitzer became enraged at Kennedy.
He fired him.
Now even Frontline on PBS admits that's why Kennedy wanted to get rid of the CIA, get us out of Vietnam.
He'd been a hawk before that.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
And when I mentioned government-sponsored terror, you said that's right.
Can you elaborate on your understanding of this, or are you aware of Northwood's?
No, I'm not.
And one big reason is that some of that evidence is still being withheld.
That's one of the key questions that we still have ongoing right now, is we need to get this evidence out.
Yesterday at a press conference at the National Press Club, I made another strong call for that.
There's a lot of that going on now.
But the details are there, and we need to see them.
I can't tell you what they are because I haven't seen them, and my different approach here is I knew what was going on back home, back in Austin, Texas, where the national media and the rest of the public didn't really know what was happening.
The military and their activities that you just mentioned are not something I'm familiar enough with to comment on.
I understand, but in your years of research, have you come upon those links?
Because I'm telling you, there's so many documents, there's a lot I haven't seen, a lot of this is public, and I guess you just haven't come across it yet.
Well, I know there's a lot out there, but like I say, some of these key ones, like the special committee to advise the President, those records just haven't been disclosed.
So we know...
I'm just telling you, though, that we know that there were arguments, that the Joint Chiefs were mad at him.
We know that happened.
You're saying the particulars of those meetings are still secret.
Yes, but we do know that, oh yes, there was this real unhappiness with John Kennedy on the part of the power structure that had been so happy with Dwight Eisenhower.
He, John Kennedy, was trying to make peace.
He was promoting it in several important ways.
And the military didn't like it, but the people that really backed the military, these power structures, were opposed to it also.
And they deal in a very subtle way with life, and they know the fundamentals that they want to see there.
They don't have to worry so much about Vietnam as they have to worry about being really prepared to fight any fight, and being ready to do it.
Well, absolutely.
I will, during another break, get your mailing address.
I'm going to send you Northwoods and ABC and Baltimore Sun, but I have the document, sir, where they wanted Kennedy to blow up ships, blow up planes, and blame it on Cuba.
That is now public, sir.
Very good.
Will that be helpful to you?
Oh, yeah.
I think this all fits into what I can tell you was going on in this inner sanctum where Johnson and Clark would meet out at the LBJ Ranch in a very secluded place where they could talk.
privately and not be overheard.
Not a chance.
This is such an incredible interview, Mr. McClellan.
We're so honored to have you.
We're going to break here for one minute, come back and go straight to calls.
And anytime you want to jump in with an issue or a piece of information, do it, sir.
We're going to have you again for another another 20 minutes into the next hour.
Two more segments, folks, and we'll go straight to your calls.
And we get back again.
The name of the book, sir.
The name of the book is Blood, Money, and Power.
How LBJ Killed JFK, and I've got to get you one.
Blood, Money, and Power.
I'm told your publicist has sent anyone, sir.
We'll be right back with the second hour.
Stay with us.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right folks, second hour of worldwide transmission.
You want answers?
We've got answers.
We've got Barr McClellan, personal lawyer to LBJ for many years.
He's right here in Austin, Texas.
He's up in New York right now and he has written a new book and we're going to tell you about that, Blood, Money, and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK.
He's got all the evidence.
It's all put in a
Document form.
He's presenting a case.
He's getting great reviews.
And all the eyewitnesses, all the information, how they did it.
And this totally jives with all of the mistress and the military people I've had on.
All of it over the years, my 10 years on the air.
And as promised, we're going to go to your calls now.
This is breaking on the History Channel.
A three-hour special.
The men who killed Kennedy coming right out with it.
It's at the 40th anniversary.
It's heartening.
But I guess they had to allow some of this to come out because 80 plus percent of Americans believe the government had a hand in killing Kennedy.
Are you ready to go to calls, Barr?
Let's go to Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, go ahead.
I want to thank your guest.
I was 17 years old at the time of the Kennedy assassination.
I thought this was going to be one of these age-old, endless mysteries.
It would never be solved.
The mass media, the network, has been covering this stuff for years.
I didn't think we'd ever know the truth.
Sunday night, I saw the three segments on the History Channel.
They are unbelievable, mind-blowing, and I'm sure the book must be a lot more informative than the History Channel series because you can never put this information all in a TV program or a movie.
It is absolutely unbelievable, and I would tell your listeners, they need to see the History Channel series, and they need to get the book if they want to find out what really happened.
So, you've seen the series.
Again, I just saw it at the TV studio at my own TV show last night, about 10 minutes of it.
Everybody's freaking out over it.
What did it cover?
Alex, it was so long, it was unbelievable.
It started out with Oswald's mystery.
Who was with him in New Orleans.
She covered Oswald's tie-in with the CIA.
Oswald's early tie-in was Jack Ruby.
How they compounded a cancer virus that was supposedly going to be used against Castro, which I suspect was eventually used on Jack Ruby.
There was an interview later, another part, with a
Who had a doctor who had been a second year medical student at Parkland Hospital.
The day of the assassination, she was actually leaning up against the presidential limousine, talking to some friends, and noticed a bullet hole in the windshield.
The bullet hole went from the front to the rear, broken out on the back side, the inside of the car.
Let me get some comments from our guest on what you're saying.
Well, what he's talking about, of course, is what is on the History Channel.
Nigel Turner prepared that.
I had a lot of tape on that, and I have not seen it yet.
But what he's pulled together is what the research community in Texas and others has known.
And we've been able to make this case.
And Nigel Turner is able to present it, so it's really, I'm sure, really worth watching.
Are you going to be in Dallas?
There are so many elements involved that you have to look at all of them, like a jury's going to look at a case and just see how it does all fit together.
Are you going to be in Dallas on Saturday?
In fact, my son is getting married, so I'm going to be at a wedding ceremony.
Is that your son, the press secretary?
That's the one.
Well, thanks for the call, Ron.
We'll come back and go to Barney in Maryland, Ann in Texas, John in Ohio, Scott in West Virginia, and others.
Now, we need some West Coast calls.
Quick break.
Long segment coming up.
Final segment with our guest.
Callers, be quick.
Have a comment or question for our guest.
I want to get as many of you in as possible to cover as many angles of this as possible.
I'm Alex Jones.
The website's InfoWars.com.
We're talking to Barr McClellan, personal lawyer to LBJ, exposing the assassination of Kennedy in his new book.
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Again, folks, we're talking to the author of a new book who's in the History Channel, The Men Who Killed Kennedy documentary.
He's Barb McClellan, son, of course, is the White House Press Secretary.
This has gotten international attention in hundreds of major papers.
He's written a new book that's now available, Blood, Money, and Power, LBJ Killed JFK.
And it was released last month by Hanover House, 464 pages, $24.95.
I hope you get it.
I'm going to talk to the publisher for my bookstore.
I think I want to carry that on the website.
This is really important.
I can't wait to get my complimentary copy.
This is amazing.
Let's go right back to the calls.
Barney in Maryland, you're on the air with our guests.
Go ahead, Barney.
Okay, how you doing?
I wanted to ask Mr. McClellan.
If he has ever read the book, a Texan looks at Lyndon.
Indeed I have, and old J. Everett Haley was on the right track then.
They just, no one had the evidence that was going on behind the attorney-client privilege, and they couldn't get it.
That book laid out what a ruthless man Johnson was.
Now who wrote the three-part series?
Because I read those about 15 years ago about how even when he was at Southwest Texas as a student he ran things with bribery and coercion.
He was basically the dean there as a student.
That was Robert Caro.
He's got those three series out.
He's coming out with a couple more.
He's writing a very good, detailed story of the Johnson career.
So, I mean, would I be safe to say that Johnson was basically a gangster, an instinctive gangster?
It seemed to be.
He would have been a juvenile delinquent by today's standards in his growing up years, and he never changed.
He remained ruthless to the end.
Ruthless till the end.
Anything else, Barney?
Well, no.
I just wanted to say that it would be good if all those books could be republished.
Of course, Mr. Barr probably brought it all up to date.
All right.
Thanks for the call.
Well, we know the truth.
We know what happened.
They killed him.
They killed Kennedy.
The government did.
Let's talk to Ann in Texas.
Ann, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
I became very curious about Mr. McClellan's book when I read a silly review in the Austin American-Statesman that you'd published it.
And, of course, they put the book down silly.
And I got on the waiting list right away because I have about every book there is about Alice, Texas.
That's where I spent my childhood.
My father, and it was very eerie when I read the chapter about Ballot Box 13, my father was one of the veterans that went there after World War II.
They all had become friends over at Seabees when they worked with the Seabees at rebuilding Pearl Harbor.
So when they came back, they settled in Alice and started building.
And my father,
I'm giving authenticity to Mr. McClellan because it is accurate what he says in the book.
You're saying you grew up there, you knew about the Good Old Boy Network?
We moved there in the late 50s after an attorney who helped these veterans kind of organize.
I think his name was Buddy Floyd.
And his son was killed in his garage one Christmas.
And they felt like that the boy and the father looked so much alike that when the boy came in late that night, the assassin got him mixed up and killed him on purpose.
For those that don't know, inside Texas politics, sir, would you like to comment on what she's saying?
And what Anne is saying is right.
There were several veterans that went to Alice and they were a real thorn in Johnson's side.
They were heroic, and more than one of them was killed.
Well, for those that don't know why, why were they heroic?
What happened?
They went in to fight the corruption that George Parr, a close friend of Lyndon Johnson's, was running down in South Texas at the time.
They were fighting just boss hog oppression.
They really wanted to clean up the political system, and then they get stuck in the middle of the 1948 election that Lyndon Johnson steals by voting 202 dead people after the election was over.
And that's now admitted?
Oh, that's generally known, and what I have brought to the whole story here is that Don Thomas was the man who went down and voted the 202 dead men.
And then people that stood up against the corruption got blasted.
And they did indeed, and what Ann was talking about,
Her parents were brave people doing what they did, and there were killings.
There were killings.
Okay, Ann, thank you.
And she's impressed with the book, and she lived it.
John in Ohio.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, there's a key individual, Colonel Fletcher Prouty, who wrote the book Secret Team, and he was the chief liaison officer between military intelligence and the CIA.
And he says that the CIA did kill Kennedy for all the reasons you mentioned, that he was going to leave Vietnam, he was going to normalize relations with Cuba, he was going to destroy the CIA in his own words, he said he was going to... A thousand pieces.
Yeah, and send it to the wind.
An interesting thing, but an interesting treatment that he got.
He was the Mr. X, incidentally, in the JFK movie by Oliver Stone.
Yeah, I've talked to Novel Stone, all of them.
Go ahead.
When he was set up on the Jim Bohannon, on that wretched Jim Bohannon program for an Ambush interview, he was not allowed to barely finish his sentence.
Bohannon turned into his usual thuggery.
Smeared him, insulted him, and then censored him and cut him off the program.
Okay, well let's get a comment from our guest about Fletcher Brody.
One more point, if I may.
The role of the media in this, I think, is really shown by the fact that one of the major researchers, Mark Lane, got his CIA Freedom of Information Act dossier highly censored, but it said that the chief
John, what John is saying is accurate.
There's still this cover-up going on.
I'm having trouble getting the book out.
We're running into censorship here and there.
Some suggesting don't buy the book.
I say the quick answer to it is get the book and find out what's going on.
It's still happening.
Well, look, there's too many good men and women that are willing to stand up like you've done, Mr. McClellan, and again, look at the polls.
Eighty-plus percent know there's a cover-up, know the government was involved.
So again, this is a good case point example that if we just keep exposing evil, that finally it will be brought down.
But it is awful hard.
The New York Times today is carrying a big article about all the shows that are going on, and they all say there was a low nut.
And you just can't fool most of the people, you know, most of the time.
That's what they're trying to do, and it's not working.
Eighty percent say they're dead wrong, and yet they pass it off as the only truth there is.
Well, now with this History Channel special in your book, it's going to be 90 percent, I predict.
I mean, they can keep their lies going.
It's not going to work.
They're losing all credibility.
Scott in West Virginia, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Go ahead, Scott.
Thank you both, gentlemen.
An observation and a question.
I think that all the reasons for his killing are true, but if we look at it bigger, they've called it a military coup, but I think Kennedy, what they were really afraid of, was a real president with the people behind them.
Yeah, he was getting rid of the Federal Reserve notes.
Correct, and they would have lost the takeover that started in the 30s, so it wasn't a coup in the 60s.
It was a counter-revolution.
Well, we know he was a gofer for the big oil men.
We know he was already CIA at that time.
They had Cuban operations named after his wife.
Comment, Scott.
I have not seen anything of George Bush in this.
What I have seen is that he did start a two-party system in Texas that was really important.
But I can't comment on that.
I don't have any good information.
I don't expect you to.
I've seen photos the day of the, supposedly the day of the execution.
Yeah, Alex, I want to thank you so much for having Barr on your show.
I saw him on the Jesse Ventura Show a while back.
I'm going to get your book.
And I've just been enthralled in this since the day I saw Oswald get killed by Jack Ruby on live TV that morning with my father.
My dad telling me that Johnson did it.
I just couldn't believe it.
Now it seems like it's coming true.
Yeah, your daddy knew.
That's a good question.
The killing of Oswald, any key info on that for us, sir?
Yeah, the main thing is that Ruby had the connections there, and he was brought in to do just what he did.
They had to silence Oswald.
He was what he said he was, a patsy.
And he'd been abandoned, really, on the sixth floor.
How would they get Ruby to do that to his life?
Did he already know he had cancer?
Why did he do that?
No, the cancer seems to develop later.
I wish I had better information on that to say with more assurance.
But he was available, and he was put to good use.
And we know what happened, and it's in the book where Clark,
One of his best friends, Joe Tannehill, is named Ruby's lawyer, and they tell Tannehill, the lawyer, to make sure Ruby doesn't talk.
You know, watching that film of Jack Ruby killing him, the police obviously were ready for it.
They brace him, they hold him up.
I mean, that was an execution.
I mean, your take on it?
Well, I can't really tell you for sure on that.
My main inquiry was to put together the good, hard facts on what happened on the sixth floor, but what you're saying is certainly possible, and I sure don't rule it out.
A bar?
What is your take on the book that came out in 1996 by this truck driver, Ray Tex Brown, where he, it's called Broken Silence, where he basically says in his book also that it was Lyndon Baines Johnson that called him up on a pay phone and told him to not remember any of his dealings with training Ruby and Oswald and the others in the shooting range.
Brad, I'm sorry, I have not seen that book.
I have heard about a lot of them, but that one I missed.
You're saying one thing is right, and that was everybody knew LBJ was behind it.
That's what I'm hearing from everyone, and I'm able to show you how.
Is your book going to finally do something?
Is it going to finally bring this out?
My big hope, of course, is that it will.
We've got to get some more records.
I'm angling to set up a forum to have this really discussed.
We know where the evidence is, we just need it produced, and what I can tell you is there.
Show it to us.
Thank you, Brad.
It really seems like the dam is breaking.
I wanted to talk about the press conference yesterday, how that went.
I know you probably need to leave.
Can you do five more minutes with us?
Sure, sure.
Okay, great.
We're going to have a quick little break here.
We'll come back.
It's a short little five-minute segment.
We'll talk about the press conference, and as the media
Some of the media seems to be telling the truth, others seem the same old, you know, ha ha ha, it was a lone nut, anybody that doesn't think that's crazy, I want to talk about that in our little final bonus segment with our guest and maybe jam one or two calls in if we have time.
Bar McClellan is our guest in the book that I suggest all of you get, Blood, Money, and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK, and released last month by Hanover House, 464 pages.
The bookstores near you, or if it isn't, demand it.
We'll be back.
The website's InfoWars.com.
Our final segment with our guest when we get back.
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All right, my friends.
We're talking to Barr McClellan, LBJ's personal attorney.
He's written a new book about, well, blood money and power, how LBJ killed JFK.
And the dam has broken on this story, as it will on all the other examples of government crime, if people are willing to stand up.
I know we have loaded phones, we only have time for a few of these, but I wanted to
No, I haven't and that's been surprising that nothing at all has come out of them.
The book's been out a while and also they've known what I've been saying since 98 for sure and probably 84.
Been dead quiet waiting to hear from them.
Can't get her to talk up.
Well, she can listen out on the FM out there in Radio Free Fredericksburg right by her little ranch.
So we want to say hi to her.
Interesting lady.
A great match for LBJ, let me tell you, from what I know about her.
What about the press conference?
How did that go?
It went real well.
We had good attendance.
A lot of the foreign press was there.
And we're getting a real interest over there where they understand from their own experience how this can happen.
Over here, the accepted wisdom is we just don't have a banana republic.
We're a strong democracy.
In fact, we have exactly that from what happened back in 1963, and we need to face up to it and do something about it.
We have a banana republic, not a free society.
That was what it was back in 1963.
I know that for sure.
I can't tell you now, because to know these things, you have to be what I said earlier, a super lawyer.
A guy really on top.
A guy like Ed Clark could be.
You can see it all then.
Alright, let's take a couple calls.
Real quick, how was the press responding to you during the press conference?
Oh, very good.
I was shocked when I finished up.
I went for about an hour.
I got applause from them.
It's going to be on C-SPAN, too, over the weekend.
Oh, please, folks.
Tape that and send it to me.
John in Colorado.
Go ahead, real quick.
Yes, very quick.
Can you hear me?
Very, very quickly.
The reason why I called, I believe, partly for the reason why John F. Kennedy was murdered is for the same reason that Abraham Lincoln was murdered, partly.
And that is, they both were involved with currencies.
Lincoln with the greenback.
And Kennedy with the U.S.
Treasury note.
Well, he reissued the greenback.
He was going to issue $45 billion.
He issued $5 billion, little $5 bills.
Nowhere on it does it say, Federal Reserve Note.
Any comments to that?
Thanks for the call, John.
Any comments?
The power structure likes it the old way, and they don't like change.
And they do a lot to make sure that things don't change.
They're very happy in their world.
Mike in Arizona, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Mike, go ahead.
Mr. McClellan, how do you reconcile, and I'm not saying there's any distinction because I haven't read your book yet, your findings with Gregory Douglas, who wrote Regicide, who basically pointed out that he was basically using the records of a deceased head of covert operations for the CIA, who indicated that Kennedy had been leaking
...secret documents to the Soviet Union, both, perhaps, Kennedy and his brother, Robert Kennedy.
Well, Kennedy told the Soviets, you better back off, because the military may get rid of me and go to war with you.
We know he did that.
Mr. McClellan?
Yeah, and Mike's looking into what's really at the heart of this thing.
And you've got to see it from where I could see it, and that was from the deep inside, from behind the lawyer-client privilege.
And what I'm telling you is how it all came together at the very top.
The top of the power structure said it's OK for John Kennedy to go.
He's causing too much trouble for us.
All right.
Thank you, Mike.
Joe in Montana, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Last caller for our guest.
Hello, Alex and Barr.
I've been watching that History Channel thing and saw your segment on it, or at least one of them.
It was very impressive.
And they are using your voice, as I think, to do some of their promos on the series.
I think that it's very good this is coming out, but I think that my concern is that it can't be allowed to stop here.
And you've alluded to the fact that the power structures are there, and I'm convinced, I think we all know that they're still there.
They may have different people.
Yeah, they're more powerful and more out of control now than they were 40 years ago.
Absolutely, and I think, Barr, that we need to find a way, and perhaps you could be interested in helping contribute to that, to bring it up to date.
And to tear the cover off of these power structures and power centers that are there... Okay, that's it.
Let me get his comment on that.
Thank you.
And in the book, my last chapter is devoted to the reforms we need to cure just what you're talking about, and there are some big steps that can be taken, and we can do them and become that powerful democracy and that great people that we really are.
We need to get our constitutional republic back, and I appreciate you having the courage to do this.
I really appreciate you coming on the show.
Barr McClellan and the new book, Blood, Money and Power.
Can we get you back up on the show in the near future?
Alex, you bet.
Great show.
Let's see what happens the next week or so and do it again.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Take care.
We'll be right back.
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Exposing all the horrors that are the New World Order and by exposing them we can defeat them.
But folks have to first know how they're under attack.
You need to understand the corruption of the New World Order and what its plans are for you and your family.
Coming up, a bunch of news.
From NATO announcing its world government, its world army, to a bunch of gun control legislation that we've just learned of, a lot of key info here on the show.
In the next hour, hour plus, if they want to stay with us, we have Jon Stattmiller, who's a great talk show host in his own right on this network from 4 to 6 p.m.
every day, Monday through Friday.
And then, of course, Robert Galen Ross, good friend of mine, expert on the Kennedy assassination and how it ties into the globalists and the Rothschilds.
And I've interviewed Robert Galen Ross.
He got me the interview years ago, about six, seven years ago, with LBJ's mistress.
And that's now all in the new Men Who Killed Kennedy documentary that Robert says is pretty accurate.
So we'll go over all this and ask the question, why is this now public?
Why are they now coming out with this?
And one of the answers to that I didn't cover yesterday on my show, I should have, was it's not just that they've lost control and now the story's out there so they might as well go with it because 80% of us know the truth.
Mainly to get credibility.
The media is losing credibility.
People are tuning out, not just to broadcast TV, but out of cable.
They're going to the alternative media at record levels.
They're having to report some of the truth now to try to gain credibility.
And once the majority of us already know the truth, they might as well come out with the truth as damage control so we trust them on other lies they're telling.
Because most of what's on Discovery Channel or History Channel is twisted.
Some of it's true, like History Channel two years ago admitting that our government put Mao Zedong into power.
They had a former Deputy Director of the CIA, at the time in 49, he had been the Section Chief in China.
He admitted we put Mao into power.
Our government put Mao in.
That's admitted!
But that's the type of issues that they're having to admit, but a lot of it's lies.
It's like rat poison.
A lot of it's good information, but it's the poison mixed in.
Before we go to John Stattmiller and my good buddy Robert Galen Ross, author of Elite Serial Killers of JFK, RFK, and MLK, and talk about the latest developments in the Kennedy assassination, the 40th anniversary coming up this Sunday, the 22nd,
I want to encourage everybody, or I guess this Saturday, I want to encourage everybody who is out there listening to this show to spread the word about the broadcast and secondarily, get my videos because they're excellent, they're waking people up, they're having an effect, they're dynamic, they're professionally produced.
And they're waking people up like nothing we've seen.
90% of those that see the films are waking up.
A few years ago it was half the people that saw it were waking up.
Why is it 90% now?
Because people have already seen so many pieces of the puzzle, so many
Points of the dots that they now realize independently of what I'm saying that it's true.
I'm just putting it all together.
The new film Matrix of Evil is out.
It's absolutely amazing.
The trailer of it's on the website for free if you want to download it or stream it.
We got 10 minutes out of the 2 hour 40 minute.
Police State 3 total enslavement on the website as well for download.
These are all excellent films.
They cover the government-sponsored terror, the concentration camps, the foreign troops, the Patriot Act.
But the reason I like Matrix of Evil, my newest film, my tenth film, is it gets in to solutions with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Krebs Roberts, myself and others.
Bottom line, you need to have these videos.
They're $25.95 apiece when you order three or more of any.
Of the 10 videos, they dropped down to $20 a piece.
The new book by Paul Watson, Ordered Out of Chaos, that I published is amazing.
Best book out there on the New World Order.
Very well written, very succinct, very focused in a bunch of chapters.
A lot of photos and documents.
It's $19.95.
Get a second copy for $11.95 to give as a gift when you buy one.
So buy one for yourself and one as a gift.
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Make copies.
Air them on AXS TV.
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Here's the toll-free number to order.
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Secondarily, this makes this show possible, makes more films, more books possible.
Or PrisonPlanet.com or InfoWars.com to order.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And by supporting us, you hear people like Mr. McLennan, the White House Press Secretary's father, LBJ's personal lawyer that said, LBJ, he knows for a fact that Kennedy killed yesterday on this show.
You get to hear Robert Galen Ross, you get to hear John Stattmiller, you get to hear all these great guests and all this amazing insight, you get to hear these admirals and generals and congresspeople on exposing the New World Order.
So support Robert Galen Ross and John Stattmiller as well.
We'll tell you how to do that a little bit later in the show.
But again, get the videos, get the books, don't wait.
I want to bring John Stattmiller up first.
I appreciate Robert holding.
John, in a nutshell, this is a very important clip that we need to play from the movie, JFK, by Oliver Stone.
And look how accurate this is from ten plus years ago, today, with all the, well, new revelations for the general public, old revelations for us.
Yeah, you're exactly right, Alex.
This is Jim Garrison's summation at the end of JFK.
It is not exactly verbatim what Jim Garrison said, you know, Hollywood, how they like to embellish a little bit, but the key points that were said in the summation of this trial, which is done by a movie actor, but I want you to pay close attention as to what happens in this clip.
It's real, and the shocking thing about it, the last words that he says in this movie, he looks into the camera's eyes
At the audience, in the theaters, when JFK was running, and it got a lot of notoriety.
He has tears in his eyes, and throughout this, it was genuine.
His voice was cracking.
I saw subsequent interviews, and it was really amazing.
I'll tell you what, without any further ado, let me run this clip.
Well, John, let me just add this, because he talks about, hey, this is our country, and evil can't win if good people stand up and say no
And I did see some of those interviews too, John, where the actor, Kevin Costner, came out and said, no, we all knew the facts, we all believed this, I was really crying when I did this, I'm upset about what happened.
Oliver Stone has said that too, in Scarface, he exposes how the banks are really behind the drug dealing, how the government's really behind the drug dealing, and both these films got attacked by critics because they are exposing the New World Order, so go ahead and hit it.
Here it is, folks.
This is from the movie JFK.
Treason doth never prosper, wrote an English poet.
What's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it treason.
The American public is yet to see the Zapruder film.
The American public is yet to see the real x-rays and photographs of the autopsy.
There are hundreds of documents that could help prove this conspiracy.
Why are they being withheld or burned by the government?
Each time my office or you the people have asked those questions demanded crucial evidence.
The answer from on high has always been national security.
What kind of national security do we have when we've been robbed of our leaders?
What national security permits the removal of fundamental power from the hands of the American people and validates the ascendancy of invisible government in the United States?
That kind of national security, gentlemen, enjoys when it smells like it, feels like it, and looks like it.
We call it what it is.
I submit to you that what took place on November 22nd, 1963 was a coup d'etat.
Its most direct and tragic result was the reversal of President Kennedy's commitment to withdraw from Vietnam.
The war is the biggest business in America worth $80 billion a year.
President Kennedy was murdered by a conspiracy that was planned in advance at the highest levels of our government, and it was carried out by fanatical and disciplined cold warriors in the Pentagon and CIA's covert operation apparatus, among them Kalei Shah here before you.
It was a public execution, and it was covered up by like-minded individuals in the Dallas Police Department, the Secret Service, the FBI, and the White House, all the way up to, including J. Edgar Hoover and Lyndon Johnson, whom I consider accomplices after the fact.
The assassination reduced the President to a transient official.
His job, his assignment, is to speak as often as possible of this nation's desire for peace while he acts as a business agent in the Congress for the military and their hardware manufacturers.
Now some people say I'm crazy.
Southern caricatures seeking higher office.
Well there is a simple way to determine if I am paranoid.
Let's ask the two men who profited the most from the assassination, your former president Lyndon Baines Johnson and your new president Richard Nixon, to release the 51 CIA documents pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby.
All the secret CIA memo on Oswald's activities in Russia that was destroyed while being photocopied.
All these documents are yours.
The people's property.
You pay for it.
But because the government considers you children who might be too disturbed or distressed to face this reality,
Or because you might possibly lynch those involved?
You cannot see these documents for another 75 years.
I'm in my early 40s.
So I'll have shuffled off this mortal coil by then, but I'm already telling my 8-year-old son to keep himself physically fit, so that one glorious September morning in the year 2038, he can walk into the National Archives and find out what the CIA and the FBI knew!
They may even push it back in.
Hell, it may become a generational affair, with questions passed down, father to son, mother to daughter.
But someday, somewhere, someone may find out the damn truth.
We better.
We better, or we might just as well build ourselves another government, like the Declaration of Independence says to, when the old one ain't working, just a little farther out west.
The American naturalist wrote,
A patriot must always be ready to defend his country against its government.
I'd hate to be in your shoes today.
You have a lot to think about.
You've seen much hidden evidence the American public has never seen.
You know, going back to when we were children, I think that most of us in this courtroom thought that justice came into being automatically.
That virtue was its own reward.
That good would triumph over evil.
But as we get older, we know this just isn't true.
Individual human beings have to create justice.
And this is not easy.
Because the truth often poses a threat to power.
And one often has to fight power at great risk to themselves.
People like S.M.
Holland, Lee Bowers, Gene Hill, Willie O'Keefe, have all taken that risk.
They've all come forward.
I have here some $8,000 in these letters sent
Sent to my office from all over the country.
Quarters, dimes, dollar bills from housewives, plumbers, car salesmen, teachers, invalids.
These are people who cannot afford to send money, but do.
These are the ones who drive the cabs, who nurse in the hospitals, who see their kids go to Vietnam.
Because they care.
Because they want to know the truth.
Because I want the country back.
Because it still belongs to us.
As long as the people have the guts to fight for what they believe in.
The truth is the most important value we have.
Because if the truth does not endure, if the government murders truth, if we cannot respect the hearts of these people, then this is not the country in which I was born, and it is certainly not the country that I want to die in.
Vinson wrote,
Authority forgets a dying king.
This was never more true than for John F. Kennedy, whose murder was probably one of the most terrible moments in the history of our country.
You, the people, the jury system, sitting in judgment on Clay Shaw, represent the hope of humanity against government power.
In discharging your duty,
In bringing the first conviction in this House of Cards against Clay Shaw, that's not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
Do not forget your dying king.
Show this world that this is still a government of the people, for the people, and by the people.
Nothing as long as you live will ever be more important.
It's up to you.
It's up to you, ladies and gentlemen.
And John, go ahead and cut that audio.
It's got a little bit of a feedback sound.
Thank you.
John, thanks for playing that for us, and I can't say any better.
Can you?
You know, and it's amazing, Alex.
I'm seeing damage control.
I saw Jack Valente, the father 35 years ago, the MPAA ratings for Hollywood, that was actually in the motorcade.
He was a six-car back, and he was on the plane when they hijacked John F. Kennedy's body, took it out of Dallas-Fort Worth area, back to Washington against federal and state laws.
And Valente was on IMS in the morning on MSNBC.
They do this simulcast.
For what reason, I do not know.
But there he was, just saying that, oh, this is all hogwash.
And Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter.
And the Warren Commission was correct.
And after all of these years, after all of these still witnesses alive that have described in detail, including Marina Oswald, which I personally spoke to over the years.
I mean, John, we have the mistress of LBJ, we have his lawyer, we have the people at the meeting while they're saying we're going to kill him tomorrow.
Let's bring Robert Galen Ross up.
It's a pleasure to join you two guys.
The facts are coming out.
Barr McClellan added just another stack to the pile.
We just may get a grand jury hearing or the DA may reopen the case one of these days in Dallas County.
We're going to talk about that meeting and the eyewitnesses we've interviewed who were there when they were all meeting to plan the murder of him the next day or to basically celebrate it, but why do you think it's coming out on the History Channel now with so much detail, so many witnesses?
Why do you think that three-hour special is airing, Robert?
Well, they're actually running specials every night on History Channel, and I've watched most of it, and there's a lot of accuracy.
There's a couple of disinformation pieces, but so far it's been pretty reliable.
But I really think they're trying to maybe get the information out there, trying to head off the
The people like you two guys that are trying to get the truth out and maybe trying to belittle what you're doing.
So they're desperately losing control, as 80-plus percent say the government did it now, so they might as well try to spin it and gain some credibility for themselves.
John, what do you think?
Well, and it was interesting that they're coming out.
I understand that this is the 40th anniversary of JFK's assassination, November 22, 1963.
But because of the movie Oliver Stone did, JFK, and subsequently all the people have been crying out for justice and the truth,
And the government destroying evidence, destroying interviews, destroying everything.
And of course we had the phony Warren Commission, of which Gerald Ford was on, and also Arlen Specter with his magic bullet theory.
We'll be right back.
We've got a break.
Robert Galen Ross and John Stapler are our guests.
I'm Alex Jones, InfoWars.com.
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All right, my friends, it's Thursday, the 20th of November, 2003.
We're talking to Robert Galen Ross, former officer of the National Security Agency.
He worked for international oil companies overseas as a consultant.
He's an author and lecturer, filmmaker as well.
And we've got John Stapmiller, one of my colleagues from the network.
I routinely am on his show.
He's on my show.
We do a Saturday show, 1 to 4 p.m.
Central as well.
Robert Galen Ross, John Stattmiller, I want to get into the details of the assassination a little bit in the next hour and take calls, but right now I want to talk about more of why they're doing this, why this is happening, and where it's going to go from here.
Are they just going to, you know, admit all this and then no one's brought to justice?
I mean, here's my first question.
I mean, those two can come in a second, Robert and John, but Lady Bird, her involvement in this, she certainly had knowledge of it.
She's alive right now.
We have witnesses to this.
Should she be indicted, Robert?
I really don't think Lady Bird ought to be indicted at her age at this time, even though she had a lot of knowledge of what was going on.
Certainly, we need to get the truth out about Lyndon and all the terrible things he's done throughout his life.
At least a material witness, Alex.
I don't know about an indictment.
We still have Arlen Spector, the young attorney that was working with the Warren Commission that certainly knew that his story about the magic bullet was a fabrication and ended up in Parkland Hospital outside of the examining room on a gurney, just in pristine condition.
Also, Gerald Ford, which is still alive, ex-president.
And remember who Mr. Ford brought in after we went through the Nixon years.
We had Spiro Agnew that was booted out.
Gerald Ford was brought in.
Nixon was thrown out.
And then, of course, we brought a Rockefeller into the White House.
There are people that are material witnesses, whether the evidence would prove indictability would be a question for a full Senate investigation, or at least as you suggested, Galen, the prosecutor of this in Dallas County should reopen this.
The states have the power to call these witnesses.
And to bring this to a culmination.
The evidence and witnesses still are alive out there, but if this goes on much longer, it's just going to be a repeat of what we're seeing on television.
And Alex, you asked the question, why are they bringing this up now?
My first reaction to this is because we've got the free trade of Americas, the mirror to the European Union, and one step closer to the global
Absolutely, and we know there's internal fights inside the global system as well, but
Basically, 80-plus percent now believe the government did it, so they had to take control of it for credibility reasons.
I think that's the number one reason.
Robert, what do you think?
Yeah, they'd have to try to get some diversion from, well, from two major things.
First of all, we're in a near-depression economy, and also the need to get the public's mind off of the creation of the American Union, which they now call the Free Trade Area of the Americas.
Dick Cheney said in my video that they will complete the free trade area of America by January 2005.
And for those that don't know, it's official.
They're on C-SPAN doing it.
They're getting rid of our sovereignty, our borders, creating joint security forces, merging with social security systems.
We're becoming the EU-America version right now.
It will be a carbon copy of the European Union.
And Galen, I've said this on my program before, we're going to do this with Canada, United States, Mexico, Central and South America.
And now we're going to demonstrate to the world the inequities and the imbalances between the two systems, so it's going to be a natural course just to meld those two with a one-world currency or the cashless society.
Well, that's what Fox was saying three weeks ago in Austin.
It's amazing, Alex.
We've got a lot of things going on right now, but for the time being, it's the, in two days, on Saturday, November 22nd, will be the 40th anniversary of, well, the ability for the government and associated parties to murder a president and get away with it.
In plain view of everyone, we'll be back with more information, more analysis, and your calls, 800-259-9231.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
You know, if you were to throw 100 ball bearings at a magnet, most would bounce off.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central, back from 9 to midnight, I'm here.
I'm Alex Jones.
We're talking to Robert Galen Ross, author of Who's Who of the Elite, also
Elite serial killers of RFK, JFK, RFK, MLK.
And everything that Robert Galen Ross has laid out over the past few years that he's been writing about, interviewing all these people, the now late mistress of LBJ and others, has now been documented, seconded by other eyewitnesses, LBJ's lawyer, others.
Why are they doing it?
Because they've lost so much credibility, people aren't believing their lies, everybody is starting to tune out.
More and more.
Watching less and less television.
They're losing credibility.
They're desperately trying to gain it.
You see, they have to disclose the Matrix to us now.
Try to get us seduced back into it.
Okay, this is going on, but not anymore.
You can trust us now.
We reported on it.
So they can inject all their other lies.
We're going to come back in the next segment and take calls.
If you want to join us on this live Thursday edition, 1-800-259-9231, 800-259-9231.
Any subject on the New World Order, John, Robert Galen Ross, myself, we can all respond to.
We've got quite a brain trust here, the three of us, and your calls combined.
Any key areas of the disclosure, basically the government now having to come out through its organs and admit all this.
Any theories of the assassination or what's developing that we need to be made aware of, Galen Ross or John?
Well, a lot of people, in fact no other author except myself and Madeleine Brown have gone into details on the Kent Merkson meeting the night before Candy was killed and the purpose of that meeting was to cover up the killing that's going to take place the next day.
And we really need to get that out to the public.
And now LBJ's former lawyer has talked about the eyewitnesses that told him who were involved in the assassination about that meeting.
Yes, that's correct.
Barr is one of the exceptions.
He hadn't gone into details, but he did mention the Clint Merckx meeting in his book.
Well, let's let John jump in, then we'll come back and talk about that meeting.
It's important to recap it, then we'll take calls.
John, your thoughts on what we're saying?
Well, the investigation, and I don't want to minimize the death of John Fitzgerald Kennedy.
I believe personally that John Fitzgerald Kennedy was hand-picked, as all the presidents are going into the Oval Office.
But there were so many people, there were so many cross-sections, both Republicans and Democrats, blacks, whites, young, old, it didn't matter.
There was a Camelot in Washington, D.C.
There was a feeling that we had somebody in there that at least wasn't a crook and he was charismatic.
And people liked him.
And I think what happened with John F. Kennedy is he started to become the man that everybody wanted him to be.
And the reason I say that is they couldn't chance it having Bobby with all the inside information or at least the questions about his brother's death.
They couldn't suffer having him President of the United States, so they had to kill him off.
And then we have John F. Kennedy's son that mysteriously went down, flew upside down while flying out to their island.
And it turned out it wasn't bad weather like they said.
No, it wasn't.
It was not.
So we have the Kennedy legacy here that they keep saying that was jinxed.
But as you know, Galen, as most of the people in this listening audience do, even in the hearings in Washington, D.C.
back in 1996 where
Arlen Specter was a part of it.
Also, Dianne Feinstein from California had senatorial hearings into the militia, and they wanted to know what was going on.
It didn't matter if you were in law enforcement.
It didn't matter if you were with a concerned citizens group.
It didn't matter that Rayburn office building was packed.
And when one of the panelists said to Arlen Specter, you know, your magic bullet theory didn't fly very well, there was a ripple of laughter that went through that place.
And Mr. Specter got a little bit indignant about that.
Uh, so there's a lot still on the table, there's a lot that can be discovered if we're having the courage to do it, to press the government, not only about that, but since the murder of JFK.
Well, yeah, now we've got the 9-11 cover-up.
I mean, we know what they're saying is a lie, we know they did it, and we can't wait 40 years or it's over.
We'll be back with Robert Galen Ross, Sean Stattmiller, I'm Alex Jones.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're talking about a very important subject.
A CIA hit squad in Dallas, Texas 40 years ago this weekend
Riddling the body of our president with bullets, splattering his head, and then killing a lot of the witnesses and covering it up and putting out ridiculous whitewashes that a five-year-old could punch holes in.
And now we've had all these witnesses in and out of government involved in it go public.
And it's so very important.
And now we have our government, the criminal elements of it, carrying out September 11th, telling us more terrorists coming, setting up a massive police state.
We don't have 40 years to expose this, folks.
We've got to do it now, and we have the facts.
And things are moving quicker.
Things are moving quicker because of the Internet, because of self-published books and documentary films and radio shows like this one.
Robert Galen Ross,
We have a listener who's protesting there, Lord Bush, right now.
We're going to go to him in a few minutes from England, just for a few minutes, because it's important, but...
Get into the Clint Murchison, Hunt, LBJ, crime syndicate meeting the night before they killed Kennedy in Dallas, Texas.
Cover that key meeting for us and how you learned of this, and this has now been confirmed by others.
Okay, my sources were Madeleine Duncan Brown, who was Lennon Johnson's mistress for 21 years, gave birth to his only known son, two members of the Associated Press, and a
A mafia associate, after reading my first book, who the elite contacted me and said if I would keep his name private, he'd tell me all about the Clint Markson meeting and the killing the next day.
I agreed to do that, and so it's not speculation.
I have absolute documentation, and I've got a two-hour video of Madeleine Duncan Brown covering the Clint Markson meeting.
So it's probably important to cover the people that attended that meeting and the purpose of it.
The purpose of that meeting at Clint Markson's, which was held in his house off Preston Avenue in North Dallas, the night before JFK was killed, and the stated purpose was to honor J. Edgar Hoover, who was in town.
But the real purpose was to cover up the killing that was going to take place the next day, to discuss the evidence and make sure that
Everybody had planned their job.
And so, let me get right into the attendees.
It was at Ken Markson's house, so he was there.
Hunt was there.
Lyndon Johnson.
George Brown, owner of Brown & Root, now owned by Halliburton.
And a very key person, John J. McCloy, was in attendance.
At the time, he was chairman of the Council of Foreign Relations and
Chairman of the Chase Manhattan Bank, former high governor of Germany, and an agent for the Rothschilds.
Yeah, that's the Rothschilds' boss there with their covey of minions.
That's right.
And David Rockefeller took over from John J. McCloy when John J. McCloy died.
And Richard Nixon was at this meeting.
J. Edgar Hoover, along with his playmate Clyde Tolson.
Earl Cabell, the mayor of Dallas, was there.
Amon G. Carter, Jr.
I don't
A fella named Malcolm E. Mack Wallace was in attendance.
He was Lyndon Johnson's number one hitman in Texas.
Let me stop you for a second.
By the way, I've seen the Submariner film, but they also have another Discovery Channel show that shows like 20 other small cameras that were filming that day down the route.
Everybody's smiling and waving, but Conley, the governor, is grimacing, crouched down, looking real nervous.
I just wanted to add that, because I noticed that when I saw the films.
Go ahead.
He knew the bullets were going to fly.
In fact, there were eyewitnesses standing next to the car when he was shot, and his statement at the time, he cried out and said, my God, they are going to kill us all.
Lee Harvey Oswald is not a they.
But another person that attended was Cliff Carter.
It was actually running a meeting at Merkston's and at the time he was executive director and treasurer of the Democratic National Committee and ran most of Lyndon Johnson's campaigns.
And then we have Carlos Marcello, who was head of the Mafia in New Orleans.
Joe Cervello was head of the Mafia in Dallas.
And an underling, Jack Ruby, was there.
And Jimmy Carter couldn't attend, but he sent his number one lieutenant there, Larry Campbell.
To attend, along with the Sheriff of Dallas County, Bill Decker, and U.S.
Marshal Clint Peoples, who later became Senior Texas Ranger.
Now, so you have two of the wealthiest all people in the world at the time, meeting with the number one banker of the world at the time, three of the mafia members, two of the highest level managers of the FBI,
And two people in law enforcement discussing the cover-up that was going to take place at the murder.
Because they'd already trained the snipers, they'd already gone over the plan for months.
Now this was kind of the, you know, before you go on a mission, going back over the details one more time.
Yeah, in fact Cliff Carter asked the question, what about the evidence?
So, uh, J. Edgar Hoover spoke up and he says, all evidence must come through the FBI.
Don't worry about it.
I've got it wired.
This is the same guy running around saying that there was no LaCosa Nostra before Congress.
That's correct.
He said many times before Congress that there's no such thing as the Mafia or LaCosa Nostra.
And there he is meeting with them to plot the cover-up of the killing that's going to take place the next day.
Well, and I think it deserves to be pointed out here, gentlemen, that
Kennedy was a very dangerous man to the powers that be.
He ordered the United States Treasury to print federal dollars or federal notes, not Federal Reserve notes.
He made the statement later.
Shortly after he wrote that executive order ordering the Treasury of the United States to print this money, that he's going to give the American people a break.
In other words, what he was saying is he was printing money that was going to be zero interest bearing.
Yeah, to create a dollar, the Federal Reserve creates a dollar of debt.
There's no way to get out of that debt pit.
And to give folks that executive order he signed, Galen.
It's Executive Order 11110, signed June 4th, 1963 by
John Fitzgerald Kennedy instructing the Treasury Department to print $4.3 billion worth of silver certificates in direct competition with the Federal Reserve notes.
Now also, let's talk about Northwoods, then we'll go to some of these calls.
Toll-free number to join us, 800-259-9231.
It's very important that we now know, even Frontline admits it, you know, I stated it two years ago, but now the evidence is totally clear, only three years ago it came out in 2000, late, actually early 2001, so two years ago.
A little over two years ago, right before 9-11, the Northwoods plan, the official U.S.
government plan to hijack jets, bomb D.C., blow up ships, blame it on foreign enemies, that got authorized all the way up to Kennedy.
He said no.
Fired General L.L.
Emmons, our Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He'd been a hawk pro-war, said, I'm getting out of Vietnam.
We're not going in against Cuba.
He even told the Soviets, you better back off.
They're about to remove me.
And this is on the record.
They're about to have a military coup.
And that scared the Soviets, they went scaring back in their holes.
Galen, is that accurate, what I just said?
Absolutely, and the Northwood document just came out, as you said, just a couple years ago, and it is a plan by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, L.L.
Lannister, to have an excuse to invade Cuba, and he said, we will shoot down
American plane, and we'll disguise it as communist, or we will sink a boat, or we say we sunk a boat, and say the Cubans did it, or we can say that there are Cuban terrorists in the area, and whether they're there or not, and all to give us an excuse to invade Cuba, and then... He said we can detonate plastic explosives in D.C., commit sniper attacks, and then frame people.
And say that they're terrorists here from Cuba, and all of this is just sort of an echo of 9-1-1.
Well, and also, Galen, as I said, there was a lot of reasons to get rid of John F. Kennedy.
The CIA at that time had 15,000 advisors in Vietnam, and what was really odd, the day that John F. Kennedy was shot, he was withdrawing those advisors 1,000 of the time.
The first plane had touched down in the United States the very same day that John F. Kennedy was killed.
There was a Pentagon, just a brief note from the Pentagon, saying that we have re-evaluated the position in Vietnam and we agree we should withdraw.
They came out with a re-evaluation of the re-evaluation after JFK was killed, literally a couple of days later.
Yeah, and he's probably talking about the CIA primarily.
And he was fixing to scrap the CIA completely.
And because he had issued these silver certificates, that's plain evidence that he was going to get rid of the Federal Reserve System.
And he was going to mess with the oil depletion allowance, and the oil people didn't like that.
And he was probably going to normalize his relationship with Khrushchev.
Probably was going to set up friendly relations with Cuba.
So what happened, Robert, because he came in, he was a hawk, and he doubled defense spending, slashed taxes by 50 percent, was beefing up the CIA, and then he gets Northwoods and suddenly does a 180.
That's right.
And he also said that at the Democratic National Convention in 1960, Joe Kennedy had told the mafia that
If they would support Jack Kennedy and his campaign, then he would see that they would leave him alone, and both Jack and Bobby both reversed that and were in a hell-bent project to put all the mafia people in prison.
Also, Joe Kennedy, the daddy, the ambassador to England, he'd had a stroke and was no longer in control of them.
He was bedridden.
We're going to come back and let John have some more comments, then we're going to go to all these callers.
Robert Galen Ross, John Stattmiller, our guest.
I'm Alex Jones.
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Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a furnace... In Texas, in Kennan, Texas, Spencer, Ohio, H.W., Colorado, and others.
Be patient, we're going to get to you.
I want to hold our guests over, if they can, the rest of this hour, because it's so important.
But Simon is calling us from England.
He called in on Dave and Joyce's show with an update.
They're protesting by the tens of thousands.
Lord Bush, Lord Blair pushing their new world order saying give up your liberty or world empire won't protect you.
And real quick, an update from the middle of the protest is Simon in London, England.
Simon, what's going on right now?
Alex, the protest is now breaking out.
Uh, it seems that, uh, there was a crowd vastly in excess of what they, uh...
As projected it might be.
I spoke to one organiser and I think there might have been as many as 150,000 people here, which for a weekday really is just unbelievable.
There are over a million people here in February protesting against the war in Iraq before it happened, but for a weekday to have more than 150,000, considering the estimate was maybe 60,000, two and a half times, it's probably more than that, but we've had police helicopters up in the sky all day keeping an eye on us.
Thank you gentlemen.
I've got a couple of hecklers here.
There's been a lot of police.
They've, for the most part, been very good-natured.
Some of them are smart.
Some of them have been talking.
They've been quite friendly.
The protest is just amazing.
Everyone has been in good spirits.
A lot of people here for all sorts of different causes.
But they've all come together to try and let America know that Bush is not welcome in Britain.
Well, Simon... Simon... Why do you think Bush did it when he knew it was very unpopular?
Well, Bush is unpopular because he lied.
He used Tony Blair to buttress his lying.
I mean, I know personally of at least two Americans who said that they didn't trust George Bush and his assessment on the war.
But because Tony Blair said that he agreed with Bush, they believe that... But why did Bush come to England then?
Why are they doing this?
Well, this is obviously for his 2004 election campaign, and they set the date
Okay, let me stop you right there.
Because the lies about the Iraq War are like the lies about the Kennedy assassination.
Robert Galen Ross, do you have any questions for Simon?
Or any ways this ties into the bigger picture?
John Stattmiller, do you have any questions?
Yeah, Simon, John Stapmiller here.
I wanted to ask you, it's being reported in the American medias that this is not people showing up, by and large, in protest of George Bush because of the Iraq war.
That, as you said, you've got a coalition of different people, but it's being slanted in this country that these are people that are disaffected because George Bush didn't sign on to the Kyoto Agreement, and it's a bunch of environmentalists over there protesting.
Well, there is some left-wing hijacking.
Your comments to that?
Well, I mean, there are people here who object to George Bush's rejecting the Kiyosho Treaty, and I know that listeners to GCN have their own issues with that, but I can tell you that the reason that everyone is here today is because of the war, that people have not been discussing, well, people have been discussing other things, but the
The reason that they're all here, the reason that they've all come together, is because of the war in Iraq.
Without nothing else.
Now, Robert Galen Ross, any questions for our guests there in downtown London?
Yeah, I understand that Tony Blair's popularity has really dropped to the lowest level in quite some time, along with George Bush's.
What are you hearing about his situation over there in England right now?
Tony Blair's approval rating.
Plunging, Simon.
Sorry, Alex.
Say again.
Alright, sounds like his phone cut out.
We'll let Simon go.
Thank you, Simon, for that.
You know, we can talk about any subject.
It all ties back into lies.
9-11's lies, the Kennedy assassination lies, the weapons of mass destruction lies.
Now our troops are breathing depleted uranium, causing all these health problems, deformities.
And again, they just don't care.
Robert Galen Ross,
John Stattmuller, why do they know that we know, but they don't care?
They just keep going, pell-mell.
Yeah, they send the young men and women of the citizens of the United States into battle all around the world, and none of their children participate in these battles.
And that's the reason they created the so-called all-volunteer military back about 20 years ago, so that their kids would never have to go to war.
But they'll send ours in as chattel.
I think the reason why they're so arrogant and they have to push forward is they had their timeline.
It was all marked out.
They were behind schedule.
And I've said this about the Iraq War.
Donald Rumsfeld, as glib as he was, a great guy to have at a cocktail party, but when the question was asked of him, why don't we have any plans during the occupation, post-occupation, all of a sudden now we have the chorus here in America saying, well, this should be coalition forces led by the United Nations, so take your poison pill, either one.
Well, that was the plan all along.
Absolutely good point, John.
We'll come back and I promise we'll go to
We'll go to Ken and Michael and Spencer and H.W.
and others.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're about to go to these loaded phone lines, and let's go ahead, in fact right now, and go to those calls for our guests Robert Galen Ross and John Stattmiller.
Let us first talk to Kevin in Texas.
Kevin, or Ken in Texas.
You're on the air, Ken, go ahead.
Hey Alex, hey John.
I am actually directing this call toward Mr. Ross.
Mr. Ross, my mother Wilma says hello.
Hello there!
She was kind enough to loan me your book and I was just going to say it was really a fascinating read and I really appreciate that you put so much bibliographical information in there to where I could kind of research a lot of it on my own.
What a stunning read.
It's pretty amazing some of the stuff that goes on.
I've been discussing some of this with an elderly friend of mine who used to work for Brown and Root as a construction contract
That's great.
I appreciate the kind words.
Some very high-level people directly involved in the killing of Kennedy, and that's what you're referring to.
Yeah, and what was it that you had listed in your book?
There was, like, just, you know, an amazing collection of assassins and mercenaries in Dallas that day, by coincidence.
I'm sure they were all just there for shopping.
Well, besides the 15-person death squad that I tell about in my book, there were a number of other killers that were stationed downstream.
Alex, I've got a note here.
The History Channel that has been running these series, The Men Who Killed Kennedy, and it's been a compilation of different documentaries, on Saturdays,
I'm sorry, and this Saturday from 11 a.m.
to 6.30 p.m., and I do believe that's central time, check your local listings, but they're going to be running all of those documentaries back-to-back on the 40th anniversary of Kennedy's death this Saturday from 11 until 6.30.
And I would suggest to people, when you tape them, don't do it on an extended play.
Just be there every two hours to change the tape over.
This may be the last time you ever see anything like this aired.
So that's this Saturday on the History Channel.
Yes, absolutely.
And I've watched some small segments now, and it's just a shocking interview after amazing interview, jiving with all the information we've had with our guests over the years.
And to the research community, my hat's off to you for staying focused and telling the truth on this issue.
And we see the expose on 9-11 accelerating.
I want to talk about the 15-man death squad and some of the other death squads and who they were, including Mr. Harrelson.
But before we do that, let's go to more of these calls.
Let's talk to Michael in Texas, then Sherry in Colorado, and Spencer and H.W.
and many others.
Go ahead, Michael in Texas, you're on the air.
Yes, this is directed towards you, Alex.
It's regarding the Free Trade Agreement of the Americas.
I didn't realize it was going to be fully implemented by next, not this January, but next January.
Yeah, that's like the EU.
It was a free trade movement for 50 years, and then right there in the last four or five they announced, oh yeah, we are merging our governments.
Now France and Germany may merge and get rid of their borders entirely and have one government.
That was in the BBC two days ago.
And so all these global movements about getting rid of borders and merging countries are part of the world government.
We see the American Union already beginning to merge with the EU in different deals, different economic systems, the borders, the trade, the currency.
Robert Galen Ross is an expert on this.
Robert, would you like to speak on the free trade area of the Americas?
The Free Trade Area of America started back with the NAFTA, and that was between Canada, the United States, and Mexico, and what they call CAFTA, or the Central American Free Trade Area, will be complete by the end of this year, and that will be all the nations of Central America, and shortly after that, Chile will
Come within the FTAA and then all the rest of them will fall.
And in my video, I have a clip from C-SPAN where Vice President Dick Cheney says we will complete the Free Trade Area of the Americas by January 2005.
Yeah, you have a live C-SPAN CFR meeting.
And it says right there, Council on Foreign Relations, and just five years ago you'd say CFR, the newspaper would attack me saying Jones believes in an imaginary group.
You know, it's like they say the Rothschilds don't exist when they're, you know, taking over Yukos oil two weeks ago.
In Russia, this is all over the place.
We're just talking about the real world, people.
That's all we do.
Anything else, Michael?
I believe you've had Jerry Spence on your show about a year or two ago?
No, I haven't had the lawyer on.
I would like to, but I never thought to do that.
Well, I ordered these three videos from AmericanPatrol.com, and the third one is the best one.
It's called Conquest of Aspland.
Yeah, Conquest of Aspland.
They're getting rid of the border.
That's all funded out of New York.
The videos were $44 for three, but
Out of watching your videos and these videos, this angered me the most.
Burned me up.
Thanks for the call, Michael.
John Stattmiller, I've got an article here where Advanced Micro Devices is going to move most of its plants to Deutschland.
Dell's moving to China.
They say the high-tech layoffs will get seven times worse to Indy in the next five years.
We thought NAFTA and GATT was bad.
I mean, they promised us it would be milk and honey.
Where are we going to be in a few years under the free trade area of the Americas and the Captain?
Well, people have to understand this.
This economy is based on money, even though it's the phony reserve system.
We are, the Treasury admitted there were 43 trillion, that's with a T folks, 43 trillion dollars.
That's Dallas Morning News, by the way.
In debts and obligations.
We have an economy here, we have more and more people out of work.
The companies that are posting, like Dell in this last quarter report, $677 million.
I talked to one of the executives at Dell.
He said all that money was made over in the European markets, none of it here.
The job base is going to continue to erode.
The tax base is going to continue to erode.
That doesn't exonerate us.
From our debt payments or interest payments to the International Monetary Fund.
And the government is deep-sixing the dollar.
It plunged to record lows yesterday.
And what you're going to see is the end of America as we know it.
It's inevitable.
All you have to do is just a simple math on this deal and you see it.
It's inevitable.
It's inescapable.
John, what about people who, and you can thank globalism for this,
What about people who say, well, the government wants us to make money.
They don't want that.
Folks, the globalists engineer it to consolidate, to make you a peon, to make you a serf.
It's about control.
They don't want you to have a high standard of living.
They want you to live like they do in Guatemala or Russia.
John, comments?
Galen, comments?
Alex, yesterday I did a story on my program, The Intelligence Report, about a young man that's in Afghanistan.
He's now in Iraq.
Winter's coming up.
The government told him, the military told him, you're not going to be here for the winter.
They're going to be there for the winter.
They have no winter clothes.
This guy is sick.
He had to write home to mom to go to a PX.
Now they're denying them basic payments and medical attention.
And they're also making deductions.
They're making uniform changes and taking those deductions right out of their pay.
I mean, anybody that says to me that this country, George Bush, after coming back from Camp David this past weekend, and the first thing out of his mouth, the impromptu press conference after he climbed out of his helicopter,
First thing out of his mouth, while I was praying about this weekend.
I don't know who he's praying to, or what answers this guy's getting back, but it doesn't have anything to do with God, morality, or ethics.
The only non-stage photo op where it's a Shinto shrine or a Buddhist temple or whatever is at the Bohemian Grove in Skull and Bones.
That's his religion.
Galen Ross comments to what we're saying.
Yeah, you bring up the Bohemian Grove and I'd like to compliment you, and I've done it many times, about your bravery in sneaking into the Bohemian Grove to expose this terrible religion that the Molochs worship in this 45-foot concrete isle.
The sacrifice of the human in front of the owl.
These are evil people and actually, Lucifer doesn't exist in body, but they worship Lucifer.
And by the way, for those that just joined us, it's like the Kennedy assassination.
It's not our opinion they killed him, it's now admitted.
And the Grove admits, I snuck in and got this, and they say, what's the big deal?
It's like Skull and Bones on ABC News.
Ah, they worship the devil.
You know, they showed the video of it.
Oh, they're just having fun.
Why are they throwing it in our face like this?
Well, they're trying to get the attention off of themselves.
Trying to ridicule those that are trying to get the truth out.
Let me make one suggestion that Lou Dobbs is a very, very brave anchor on CNN.
If you watch Lou Dobbs at 5 o'clock every evening, he has been talking for the last two weeks about exporting American jobs.
He's now talking about the creation of free trade areas in America.
And I don't know how he stays on the network.
I've had that same question.
I've watched some of the series of his programs and I'm astounded that this man is on Ted Turner's CNN.
By the way, Alex, we have not mentioned Galen's site.
His website is www.4rie.com.
And by the way, everybody get pens and paper ready.
We're going to plug John's info and Robert's info at the end of this hour.
Let's go straight to the calls.
There's a lot more of them there.
I believe it's Sherry in Colorado.
You're on the air, Sherry.
Go ahead.
Yes, I have a question about the Kennedy assassination.
I've been in and out, so I hope this isn't repetitive, but why did the Kennedys go along with the cover-up?
Could you give me an idea about that?
Bobby Kennedy really was powerless, even though he was Attorney General.
J. Edgar Hoover ran the FBI and J. Edgar Hoover wouldn't do anything that Bobby asked him to do.
It's like having your spinal cord snapped.
He couldn't get the orders down there.
Well, I think of all the years that Ted Kennedy's been in the legislature since, I mean, and he's never made a fuss about it.
Well, Bush just gave him an award.
Bush Sr.
I mean, they're globalists.
I mean, obviously, Jackie spoke out that day, but clearly what's happened is they've been told to keep their mouths shut.
Is that correct, Galen?
Yeah, and Ted Kennedy is still haunted by Chapquiddick.
He's just hoping that will go away.
I see.
And he was an alcoholic for a number of years.
I think he straightened out recent years, but he really was not all there for quite some time.
Well, he's another useful idiot.
He still has the Kennedy name and none of the power that the Kennedys had.
And also, there was an ongoing battle between J. Edgar Hoover and the then Attorney General
Bobby Kennedy wanted J. Edgar Hoover gone.
So, you know, roll that in.
They wanted to dump the CIA.
They wanted J. Edgar Hoover gone.
They wanted a replacement for the FBI.
So you add all these elements in.
And it's not much of a stretch of imagination, even to somebody that doesn't believe half of what we're saying here, to understand that the key players were the ones that were going to be on the outs.
Yeah, and also the elite literally own all of the major news media, and so they deliberately cover everything up.
Yeah, and now they've lost a lot of control because of the internet.
Anything else, Sherry?
Nope, that's it.
I appreciate that.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to Spencer in Ohio.
Spencer, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, sir, Alex.
Thank you for taking my call.
Mr. Ross, you mentioned Jack Ruby and H.L.
Hunt being on the Murchison party list.
Was Lamar Hunt on the Murchison guest party list?
No, he was not.
Secondly, did Lady Bird's Media Monopoly have any partnership with the KRLD TV station where Dan Rather worked, and who says in his biography that he was stationed near the Grassy Knoll, where you state the three tramps are located close by in the boxcar?
Why didn't Dan Rather mention this at all?
And also, there are several Warren Commission exhibits which named Dan Rather, who interviewed Bill DeMar, a ventriloquist,
I'm not aware of that.
I know he's accurate in his statements, and I don't have anything to add to it.
Okay, let's keep moving quickly through calls.
HW in Colorado, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hi, everybody.
I just read half of number 4rie.com, the elite serial killers by Mr. Ross.
I'm very impressed.
I got, since Native
Since German is my native tongue, I got something to tell about the derivation of the Rothschild name.
Actually, red battle shield does translate into Rotes Kampfschild.
And once you know that, and that red street sign is Rotes Straßenschild.
Yeah, that's where they got the name Rothschild.
Well, my German partner says that Rothschild simply means red sign.
Red shield, yeah.
In German, it has, Kampfschild translates into, no, Battleshield translates into Kampfschild.
So it has both meanings in German.
Kampfschild, just remember that.
And then they left out the ES.
And in the old German, they used to put an H into the road.
So then they just crossed out the ES.
All right.
Thank you, H.W.
Thank you so much.
Jim in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead, Jim.
What happened to Madeleine Duncan Brown?
Was she murdered or did she die a natural death?
Also about Gerald Ford, is he going to be in our inspector?
Are they going to be brought to trial for this?
Let me get his answer.
Those are two important questions.
Yeah, Madeleine died, I believe it was June 20th or 22nd of last year.
A very dear friend of mine and a terrible loss of information about Johnson and the Clarkson meeting and all of the high rollers at that time.
She knew them all.
Was she murdered?
No, she died of, well, she was in the hospital with heart trouble and she was visited by a lady that probably caused her death, early death, and I won't mention her name, but put Madeline under stress and she just couldn't take it.
You know we have a King George Boulevard in Ann Arbor?
That's how blatant they are.
Right down from Father Coughlin's church, they have a, uh, a, uh, uh, uh, what do they call them?
The, uh, red...
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I'm familiar with Ann Arbor, Michigan.
That's a place you wouldn't want to be.
It's a university town, U of M, Alex, and it's been taken over by... That's where they fly the U.N.
flag, right?
Oh boy, that's Communist City slash Socialist USA.
Tell you what, we're coming back with more calls.
Johnny Meyer and others, toll free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I've got some other topical news items, too, that are important I want to throw out at John Stapmiller and Robert Galen Ross.
We'll be back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
That's right.
We're only about five and a half minutes away from the third hour.
John Stapler is going to continue to ride shotgun with us and cover a bunch of global, world news, local news, national news.
Continue with your calls.
Robert Gellin Ross has got to get on the road to Dallas where he's going to be speaking and visiting with folks on the 40th anniversary.
Robert, your book, Elite Serial Killers of JFK, RFK, and MLK, your video with Madeline Duncan Brown, the mistress of LBJ, real inside stuff there when they were planning the murder.
This is all really important.
The website, the mailing address, how folks get in contact with you.
The website is www.4rie.com, that's 4rie.com, and my toll-free number is 800-883-4RIE.
And I would encourage folks to get a hold of that information, a lot of the books and stuff.
There's excellent information from a former NSA officer and international oil company consultant and executive, Robert Gellin Ross, put a lot on the line to do this and a lot of original research and really been borne out to be correct.
We have hope in this fight, Robert.
I know you've been watching me for 8 years since we met each other.
I've been doing a 10 years fight in the Globalist.
I've grown, we've learned more, we've reached millions.
We can all be leaders in this fight, can't we?
Yeah, you're still a very young guy, but you've very matured in your presentation.
You're doing a fantastic job, Alex.
Well, I appreciate that, Robert Galen Ross, but I wasn't even tooting my own horn.
I'm just saying we're all just average people in this fight.
We can all affect change massively.
And do we have a hope against the New World Order?
All we've got to do is educate 5% of the population of the United States and it'll all be over.
And that's a historical, scientific fact in geopolitical systems.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate you joining us.
Drive safe to Dallas.
About to go back to John Stattmiller and then to all of your calls.
And John has been kind enough to spend more time with us.
I'm really enjoying this.
Even though it's painful information, it's good to let the pus out, folks.
That's what we do.
We're lancing the wound here and trying to clean the wound.
This is a very positive, upbeat show.
I know we can defeat this system.
I would ask that you support Robert Galen Ross, you support John Stattmiller, you support our AM and FM affiliates.
You support me, because I need your support.
I've got employees, I need to get more, or I'm going to go crazy.
I've got so much work to do.
Just reading your emails and letters.
I need your support.
The videos are excellent.
They're a full-length feature, professionally produced, exposing the big picture of the New World Order, connecting the dots.
If you want a tool to wake people up, the videos will do it.
Infowars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Get Matrix of Evil, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, 9-11, Road to Tyranny, America Destroyed by Design, Great Films, the new book Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson.
Make great gifts.
Get them.
Make copies.
They'll have an effect.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And John didn't know I was going to do this, but John and his outreach, his show,
Folks that work for him.
He sells the best shortwave radio, Sanjeev, at the lowest price I've seen.
Need to give John a call.
Need to give him a call about some of the other great items they have at CSIN.
John didn't know I was going to do this.
You need to call John.
He's, Sandra's there right now.
To again, support this international outreach and the things we do.
And John's going to be building a big website soon.
Need support for that.
So, give John a call right now, folks.
John, what's your phone number over there?
It's 877-605-9200.
And the website that's under construction right now, that you were kind enough to mention, the website, the new website, Alex, as many years as I've been in broadcasting, I never had the ability to maintain a website.
And I'd like to thank Jason.
I know he's listening to the show right now.
It's www.intel123.com.org or .net.
We got them all.
That's awesome.
Give that number out again.
It's 877-605-9200.
Folks, third hour, straight ahead, standing up for liberty, resisting tyranny.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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