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Name: 20031117_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 17, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Hello, my friends.
Welcome to another live edition of the Alex Jones Show.
It is already Monday, the 17th of November.
We're going to be live for the next three hours.
I have Paul Joseph Watson in 30 minutes for a quick half-hour report from England, where they're basically setting up martial law ahead of the visit of his lordship, George W. Bush, who now has said he won't even speak to the British Parliament.
He already cancelled the speech before the EU because they didn't promise beforehand
to uh... clap for him and and only show support and uh... now he's canceled the meeting before parliament because they have said they will not order members of parliament to not uh... heckle him and of course Ashcroft won't show up for any public uh... events most of the administration won't because they're booed and protested everywhere they go this is unprecedented
There is so much news we're going to cover today.
I mean, look at this article, WorldNetDaily, and we posted this on PrisonPlanet.com about six months ago.
Walmart covering up I Hate You baby toy.
The toy subliminally tells the baby, I hate you.
And we found lots of toys and lots of video games and stuff that does this, but this is for six-month-old babies.
On Infowars.com, on PrisonPlanet.com, we've got the original articles clipping out of Washington State.
On this, U.S.
probes Iraq helicopter crash.
Two of them collided, we're told.
It wasn't rockets this time.
agrees to international control of its troops in Iraq.
I told you that was coming.
After we're made to look like the bad guys in the loose war, then the U.N.
comes in as the good cop.
We'll get to that article.
Here on the show.
Also, CIA finds no evidence Hussain sought to arm terrorists.
After they said he was, now they admit that they were, quote, mistaken.
Yeah, right.
Brain scan identifies race bias.
Now, they announced to the BBC last week that all the British airports are going to get brain readers.
It's total quackery.
A listener called it a P.T.
Barnum machine.
A sucker's born every minute.
We've proven that the lie detector test is a fraud, so now they're moving on to more complex black boxes, and the government will say, oh, you can't prove the computer's wrong.
And I told you, they're going to decide if you're, quote, homophobic, or they're going to decide if you're a hate monger.
They're going to decide if you're a racist.
They're going to have these in the public schools.
Why do I know?
I read federal documents two years ago on it.
We're all going to be brain scanned for our safety.
This is mainstream news.
A brain scan that can apparently root out racists has been developed.
Yes, we're going to brain scan you.
I mean, this is worse than 1984.
Worse than Brave New World.
So the tales of that coming up.
World Bank okays Caspian Pipeline financing.
I found a great website that has, you've been wondering what all those things are, red lights on the highways, well they've admitted they're for reading your license plate, they're for scanning your car, they're for interfacing with the computers that are already in your car and have a little antenna.
Yes, the tracking grid.
So we'll go over some of the little instruments that are up on lights and poles.
We're going to post these on Infowars.com so you can go look at them and see the particulars of it.
That's just some of what's coming up here on the show.
They've been having emergency drills all over the country, all over England, all over the U.S., all over Canada.
Little takeover drills by the Feds and the Army.
And a lot of times foreign troops are involved because they're going to be our helpers.
I have a whole stack of news, mainstream news on that.
It's all online at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us, we'll be right back.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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That's 1-800-615-7094.
It is Monday, the 17th
Of November 2003, I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Big show with tons of vital news and guests coming up for you.
Morning, noon, or night, depending on what time zone you're listening to us in on this planet.
And again, the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Let me just start with this.
Brain scan identifies race bias.
A brain scan that can apparently root out, oh we're going to root out racists, this is from Ananova, has been developed by scientists.
The technique was used on white volunteers, shown photographs of black individuals.
If those with racist tendencies, a surge of activity was seen in a part of the brain that controls thoughts and behaviors, scientists believe this reflected volunteers' attempts to curb their latent racism.
You mean their latent tribalism?
After interacting with real black individuals, the same group performed poorly in a task designed to test mental resources.
The American researchers concluded that harboring racial prejudice, even unintentionally, stirred up an inner struggle that exhausted the brain.
Dr. Jennifer Richson, Assistant Professor of Psychology and Brain Sciences at Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire said, we were surprised to find brain activity in response to faces of black individuals predicted how research participants performed on cognitive tasks after actual interracial interactions.
The scientists first measured the racial bias of 30 white individuals using a standard technique.
Now, understand, folks, that I'd like to see them show white people to black people and see what happens.
Because I've seen the actual federal statistics.
There's more black racial crime against whites that is racially motivated than there is whites against blacks.
Now, a lot of this is economic, obviously, and on top of it, the media has played up how evil white people are, and so there's a lot of
Condoned racial hatred towards whites that's been built up by the bankers in New York who want to balkanize this country.
Also, people have a lot of guilt, a lot of latent guilt, and that's obviously what's being measured here if you believe this scientific study.
In fact, multiculturalism actually creates division, creates all this anxiety, and that's what they're measuring.
And that's why they threw out lie detector tests, because when they would get to the big question of, did you murder your wife?
Did you kill the police officer?
Did you take the bribe?
They found that a lot of people would show increased heart rate, fluctuations in blood pressure, a tightening of the jaw,
And they would feed all this in and say, oh, this shows you did it.
Well, no, it's a scary question.
Did you murder your wife?
Did you take the bribe?
Did you, did you embezzle the money?
And so it's been proven to be totally inaccurate.
It's a joke.
It's the way the police would just say, well, we know you're guilty.
And real criminals knew how to fool the machines.
They would just get upset, the most classic tactic, at every question.
You know, is your name John Doe?
Do you live on blah blah blah avenue?
And the person would upset themselves, uh, psychologically think horrible thoughts, think guilty thoughts, and that would then throw all the readings off.
But it didn't matter.
I mean, it was the FBI giving you the questions.
They would just still say, well, it's obvious he's guilty, or she's guilty, or she's innocent, or he's innocent.
Well now, last week they reported, and it's been in the news now for two years, that five airports in the U.S., all the airports in England, are gonna get a MRI brain scanner.
Now you gotta pay $4,000 on average to get one of these.
Yourself, if you've got insurance, you'll only pay, you know, $500 or something.
But you've gotta pay all this money to get an MRI, but they're just gonna stick these big, fancy, new-fangled, uh, NASA-developed MRIs
Cat scans in the airports and in the streets and they're going to scan your brain.
Oh, that's not a violation of the Fourth Amendment.
The Fifth Amendment is scanning your body.
And they say, you've heard them on the news, well we're going to measure your walk.
We're going to measure the blood levels in your face.
We're going to scan your brain.
And with all of these three areas of data collated, we've got a biometric
Or behavior metric, behavioral biometric I believe is the term, system and it'll collate it with the data and the algorithms and the assessment and profiles we've put in the computer.
We'll tell if you're planning terrorism.
We'll know, I've seen this before about two years ago in a federal document, we'll know if you're secretly a racist.
Police stations, they're going to stick you under these and go, why, the machine shows you're lying!
And they put the face scanning cameras in Tampa, remember that two years ago?
And furrowed a lot of this two years ago at the Super Bowl and they put it on the streets and they SWAT team construction workers and SWAT team businessmen or SWAT team mothers with children.
Why, it showed you were a bank robber and in all the cases it turned out the people were innocent.
Of course, the argument was then, well, we're just going to fix the system.
Well, that's not the argument at all.
It's not, does your RFID work?
Does your biometric face scan work?
The question is, do we want this system?
You see, they always get you off on a side debate, but the point is, this stuff doesn't work.
Number one, the government can't be trusted.
DNA is about 100%.
is a great way to catch criminals.
The problem is the government has engaged in so many frame-ups federally and at state and local levels.
They've been caught in so many thousands of cases in Houston, Texas alone framing people.
The crime lab would certify anybody guilty with DNA without even having a sample if the police asked for it.
That's now been in the Houston Chronicle.
So see, my point is, even with something that we know is 100%, the government can't be trusted to administer it.
Hey, I'm for the death penalty, but I don't trust this criminal government that carries out more murders, more drug dealing, more crime than anybody else.
I don't trust them to carry out the death penalty.
You see, you have to think of the big picture here.
But this brain scan garbage is total and complete propaganda.
They stick a white person under a magnetic resonance machine, under an MRI, a CAT scan.
They scan your brain.
They show you a picture of a black person.
You're riddled with guilt.
You've been taught how bad you are.
And that shows some brain activity in an area of the brain, and they say, oh, you're a racist!
Folks, they're not talking about using this to quote, look for terrorists and criminals, they've already put it in airports!
And according to CBS News, about a year ago reporting on this, you walk under it and if your walk looks like you're upset or hiding something and your brain looks upset and the blood levels in your face look like you're agitated, they walk over and say, may we please ask you to go behind doors here?
Then they sit you down on the machine, start scanning your brain right there, doing a medical procedure, and begin asking you questions!
That's what they say they do!
Millions and millions and millions of dollars of equipment.
They said in the Boston Logan Airport, it's over four million dollars of experimental NASA equipment scanning you.
Oh, by the way, at those airports, those five, they also have the machine that looks through your clothes, gives you a nice crisp color image, detail, like something right out of Hustler.
And this is all being recorded digitally.
By the way, that's your freedom?
That's your freedom.
Folks, this is worse than Brave New World.
This is worse than 1984.
Again, I have television weekly news articles that are on InfoWars.com, the News and Focus section.
I have AP articles where they admit the digital TV, when hooked to digital cable, or any standard TV, is listening to everything you're doing, not just tracking what you watch and creating a detailed psychological algorithm and psychological profile.
They admit your cell phones have Homeland Security, even when they're turned off, tuned into them.
They admit all this.
This is worse than 1984.
Folks, we've been in this so long, we can't even recognize it anymore.
So, that's the new America, and we've got to protest.
We've got to sue.
We've got to demand.
They just announced about a week ago on Austin TV that an additional thousand plus cameras are going up in Austin.
Folks, we had microphones by the hundreds four years ago in Austin.
That's in Police State 2000, the mainstream news articles.
There are now cameras in many of the neighborhoods.
When I drive north, east, south, or west, every small town, I mean one-horse towns with too many marts and a courthouse, you drive into them, there's cameras all over the place.
They got antenna arrays, car scanners, license plate scanners, computerized interfaces for your on-board computer that they're now admitting is in your car.
Imagine, when we grew up, we heard about the Soviet Union, where people are trained to tattle, and where they interrogate you, and where they do all this.
This is worse than Russia.
Worse than China.
But now it's going in worldwide.
And we just sit here, and we just accept it, and then you talk about the thumb scanners going in for kids to get school lunches, the cameras in the bathrooms in the schools, in the classrooms.
Cops all over the country going in having all the kids get tied up in handcuffs pointing guns at them.
I see that every week in a news article.
It's just big news last week because they caught video of it because the whole school was wired with hundreds of cameras.
And they show the principal on there and it shows bathrooms.
He's got these hundreds of camera banks behind him.
I mean, we're in 1984, and now they're promoting torture and secret arrest on the news and the sitcoms and dramas, getting you ready for the next phase.
They've put the grid in, they've set the trap around us, now they're getting ready to flip the lever.
And we gotta stand up and fight them if that happens.
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All right my friends Alex Jones here back live 24 minutes and 22 seconds into this first hour.
We got one of our regular contributors of the show the webmaster and editor of PrisonPlanet.com updated for you today.
Joining us because he's right there in England where a lot of this stuff happens and comes down
Talking about all the bizarreness surrounding George W's visit to the Enchanted Isle.
So that's coming up.
How he's refusing to speak to Parliament because someone might boo him.
How he wanted no protests to be allowed.
The authorization of the Secret Service.
They don't even like how protesters look.
Go ahead and mow them down.
It's all coming up with Paul Watson here in about five minutes.
You know, I spent a lot of time on this brain scan, finds out if you're a racist.
Don't you see where all this is going, folks?
And again, I cannot stress enough that any little town I go to, folks, I mean towns that aren't even towns, any four-way stop, any side road, they've got cameras now at them.
And they're putting them up in our neighborhoods, in rural areas, and they announce a thousand more for Austin, Texas.
And they said it's for homeland security and traffic.
Why are they building this prison for us?
Because they intend on taking our financial
System down.
They intend on taking the private property of the general public and transferring it to the elite.
This has been stated.
And they know you're going to resist them.
That's why even small police departments have been issued federal riot gear, have gone through anti-terror training.
That's why foreign troops have been openly trained in this country for civil disturbance.
Because they're going to bring us more terror attacks.
But the good news is they would have already done this.
They're behind schedule.
Their own police and firefighters and medical workers refused, almost in total, to take the smallpox shot.
They were going to force them to take it, then release it and force us to take it.
I didn't say that.
Gary Hart, Warren Rudman of the CFR Commission, who's on TV every day fear-mongering, said Dallas, Cleveland, Denver would be hit with smallpox.
He said that a year ago.
He said it'll happen soon.
It didn't happen, because they couldn't get their own enforcers to take it.
Passively saying no to the New World Order, if you're in government, is pretty good.
It's not, you're not doing your duty, but you're doing at least something.
Your duty is to openly speak out against this, to blow the whistle, to stand against this tyranny.
And for those of you that can't figure out why a government would do this, why an elite would do this, you've just ignored history.
Of how authority corrupts, how total authority corrupts absolutely.
You've got to be ruthless, you've got to be cunning, because of the nature of man to even be in positions of power.
And on top of it, many times they have an enjoyment of abusing.
An enjoyment of mutating, an enjoyment of dumbing down.
They know what they're doing.
They've got every major university in the country figuring out ways to control you.
I've been inside the University of Texas psychology department.
A giant complex run by DARPA.
It's all mind control going on there.
And I've just been in the unclassified areas.
You're under attack!
You better start recognizing that!
How they ever convince people to think it's weird to say that government's corrupt or government should be watched.
How did they ever twist your minds to believe something so ridiculous?
Alright, coming up, we'll give you an update on what's happening in England.
Then, the U.S.
agrees to international control of its troops in Iraq.
That already happened months ago, but now it's being admitted.
CIA finds no evidence Hussein sought to arm terrorists.
probes Iraq helicopter crash.
Walmart covering up, I hate you baby toy.
Paul Watson first reported on this after a listener emailed him the news article.
I don't know, six, eight months ago out of the West Coast.
A baby's toy, after it's been on an hour, after parents are out of the room, it starts telling the baby, I hate you.
And this is from WorldNetDaily, but right now, U.S.
probes Iraq helicopter crash.
Army in Iraq is examining the wreckage of two Black Hawk helicopters which crashed in the northern city of Mosul, killing at least 17 soldiers.
It was the worst U.S.
helicopter crash in Iraq so far.
See, it's a crash.
The other one killed 20-something.
That was shot down.
But officials are not yet able to say precisely what caused it.
Some witnesses say one of the helicopters was hit by a ground fire and then collided with a second aircraft.
Five troops were injured and one is still missing after the crash, which hit the 101st Airborne Division forces.
But see, we're going to be removed now.
Our troops will still be there dying.
But the U.N.
will come in and be the saviors.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, folks, to 33 Minutes Past the Hour.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
I told Paul Watson I was going to have him up for 30 minutes today.
I drive him on the show really each week because he has
Insight, I respect.
That's why I hired him to run PrisonPlanet.com.
That's why I published his book, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror in the New World Order.
But I may need to keep Paul on a little bit longer because I want to talk about the story that he posted months ago out of the mainstream news, but it was a news clipping.
And we've now found the original story online about the Walmart subliminal brainwashing toy for babies.
And I also wanted to get his take on that because now it's popped up at World Net Daily.
Whether it's Terry Schiavo or...
Or just hundreds of stories they develop right here on these shows on this network and then get picked up by the alternative and the mainstream media.
But Paul Watson, before we go any further, first off, Lord Bush is coming to town tomorrow.
He's going to be there through Friday.
And a lot of interesting things have happened, including Bush saying he won't speak to Parliament now.
Yeah, a lot of interesting developments out of this situation, Alex.
First, we really need to focus on why the story which came out on Saturday has been buried, and the story was that MI5 and the other internal security services in Britain
I think?
And in the book Order Out of Chaos, in my book, I go into how this was used as a bullying tactic to intimidate protesters into submission, which is what we've got developing now.
And it turned out that Blair had actually hired so-called Al-Qaeda members, they knew it, given them jobs in the airport, it was all staged to create fear.
That was even in the mainstream news.
Yeah, that came out in the London Times that immigration had been ordered to allow these known Al-Qaeda members through straight into London, right on the very eve of when he issued that alert.
And so we see the tactic again and again whenever a politically sensitive event is about to take place, these scripted terror alerts are issued with no credible information to back them up.
It only comes out many months later.
Well it also came out that for Bush's visit to the Philippines that the government, this is admitted, was blowing stuff up to blame it on the Muslim group.
Turns out the Muslim group was founded, is run by Indonesia, according to the colonel who went public, to keep martial law going
And to make it look like Bush was this guy who had all this courage to go to the Philippines.
Yeah, all the vagrants and the dissidents in places like the Philippines and Africa, whenever Bush is on the eve of visiting, they'll get locked up and put in camps.
Which is the same thing we've got with this visit to London.
Finishing off with a fake terror alert, obviously.
Ari Fleischer, the former press secretary, actually admitted that when people were asking questions about September 11th, when it broke really mainstream in May and June of last year,
Fleischer said, and I've got the quote, he said the terror alerts were issued as a result of the controversy that took place last week.
And that was in the Washington Times.
Now don't we have, I know I've seen that posted on Prison Planet and InfoWars, doesn't Prison Planet have a fake terror alert section?
Yeah, we had a fake terror alert section, but it was in the old format, so I need... actually there's a couple that I need to update to the new format, so... Well, we ought to just post a link to the old site that's still up.
Now, well, you have like 20 articles...
Where, uh, there was the Capitol Hill Blue and the ABC News report where the White House, quote, in a memo said, issue fake terror alerts for controlled hysteria to protect us politically.
Then Fleischer, which is why they got rid of him, every once in a while he'd slip up.
He admitted Bush was on Cipro before 9-11, right through the Boca Raton attacks and the White House attacks and the Capitol attacks.
Uh... he admitted uh... that uh... that that they were he said obviously you saw what happened last week this is for political uh... why do you think Fleischer would come out and say stuff like that?
Well because it was basically becoming obvious that that's what they were doing and we've seen many uh... Bush administration members suddenly resign for no apparent reason so it's obviously obviously the case that some of them slip up and the actual first uh... line of the Washington Times article was
Well, his quote was...
This is a paraphrase, I'm trying to make it exact.
He said on Meet the Press, if you continue to frustrate our anti-terrorism activities with investigations, you're ensuring an attack larger than 9-11.
And they're still holding on to the documents and editing them.
So again with the Bush visit, we see this same pattern and some of the biggest protest organizations that have been out in the media today
Are basically saying the same thing, that Blair scripted these terror alerts to create fear and ramp up antagonism towards the peaceful protesters.
Now also, they've banned protests in Australia.
Two weeks ago, a man was arrested for sending a non-violent email to the US consulate under US request.
He was arrested.
You've got the calls last week to ban protests in London.
Under public pressure they refused, only banned it in some areas.
What's happened with that?
Well yeah, we can take a look at the other cases and see the pattern that indeed there is this big movement on the part of governments in alliance with the media they control to abolish the right to peaceably assemble by means of
Infiltrating provocateurs into the crowds, filming the chaos, and then blaming it on all the protesters.
And we had this situation in Seattle in 99, which is documented in your police state videos, where the black bloc anarchists were hired by the authorities, protected in safe houses, and then when the police were ordered not to arrest them, they started breaking windows and rampaging on the streets.
Same thing with Genoa in 2001 in Italy,
I thought it was three times.
Bill stated that they would be interned at a forest work camp, just as many peaceful protesters were arrested and taken to a FEMA camp during the Seattle protest.
And that, by the way, is in the takeover.
And then we can look at the situation in Oakland, where police were firing rubber bullets, wooden dowels, and concussion grenades, that was a quote out of the article, at anti-war demonstrators.
We can cross over to Canada, where a few months ago a big report from the CSIS, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, said that they now considered animal rights activists and anti-globalisation protesters as terrorist threats.
And then you mentioned earlier the situation in Australia.
Where somebody got arrested for sending an email for misuse of a mobile phone.
And we also had the case where the federal government ordered anti-WTO websites to be shut down right before the protest, thereby obviously preventing large numbers of protesters from organizing.
And just continuing, your bishop who said homosexuals might be able to change
Didn't even criticize him.
They've brought him into custody for questioning.
They arrested the BBC reporter who we had on.
I mean, it goes on and on here in the U.S.
We have the Washington Times article on that.
They've banned criticizing homosexuals in Pennsylvania by preachers.
They're trying to pass a new hate law with Hatch and Kennedy.
I mean, this is not freedom, Paul.
Well, yeah, now we've got the article out today which says that brain scans can identify racists.
Another pretext for the government to go in and mess with genetic structures and so forth.
Well, there has been discussions of, by law, scanning the embryos to genetics, and if it shows the quote racist tendency, total quackery, that you may not be able to have that child, Paul.
Yeah, and finishing off with the protest situation, the ban on protesting,
In England, in July of this year, the police used this new anti-terrorism bill that they got through after September 11 to arrest peaceful protesters at an RAF base.
So, from Canada to Australia to Britain to America, the same precedent is being inoculated that Kuwait is basically protesting with terrorism.
And in a way,
I mean we're lucky because as I mentioned earlier when Bush visits Africa or the Philippines they just lock everybody up in camps straight away and now those same measures are being discussed within the Secret Service in anticipation of this Bush visit this coming week.
And what they do with the environmental protesters is they have a couple on their pay, and we found out about this, they'll blow something up, burn an SUV, that's a government agent, then they can go out and call all the environmental demonstrators, many of which are good, speaking out against GMO, Genetically Modified Organisms, food, and they arrest everybody there.
So, Paul, it's clear they're getting ready for some really big events, and they want to have the troops, the precedent,
Well, in the next seven days, maybe we will see some kind of event.
I think?
These agents will not have diplomatic immunity, so that basically means that they'll be operating under British law and will be prosecuted.
But what we basically have is US police patrolling the streets of Britain.
And the BBC reported a month ago that in Scotland, Czechoslovakian and other Eastern Bloc troops, Ukrainian troops, were jerking families out, women were crying, freaking out,
Well, a few people complained and basically that was the end of it.
It was an exercise under NATO auspices.
We had a similar thing happen in America around the same time.
Ukrainian foreign troops just setting up checkpoints in the Scottish countryside and just yanking people out of their cars.
Well that sounds like freedom, doesn't it?
You've got foreign US troops, police stomping around, Ukrainian troops.
I remember back in 99 when Delta Force hit Texas they had Czech troops with them.
So we've got this precedent of creating this, you know, fluidity whereby troops from any country can police any other country.
And this is what we've got happening with the Bush situation this week.
Now, I have the articles here where they said we'll shoot protesters if they get out of line and not even violent.
Well, just in Australia a year ago said they'd do that too.
It's an obvious intimidation tactic.
But why are they so afraid of people protesting?
Well, many people have asked the question, why is Bush visiting a country which basically, universally hates his guts?
Because, obviously, on the surface it appears that it's a PR exercise, but then you look at the fact that there are going to be 100,000 to 200,000 protesters out there, burning giant effigies of Bush, then obviously it's not going to look good for, you know, international politics, PR purposes.
So with the shoot to kill threat, the worst case scenario is that obviously they infiltrate some of these black block anarchists into the situation.
Worst case scenario is that it would be a massacre, basically, because the Secret Service would open fire immediately.
Hopefully that won't happen, but blowing the whistle on it beforehand is, in a sense, a preventative measure to stop them from actually pulling something.
Now before the New York Times says that we're talking about black people, the black bloc is what the international anarchists, the
It's 50 guys, they fly around the U.S., they got a few dozen in England, they publicly work for the government, publicly are housed, publicly are trained, publicly are funded.
I have newscasts, police, news articles in the Takeover, and we see this all the time.
These guys go around, burn a trash can, hit a cop, they videotape it, that's put on the news, and then, oh, we've got to attack everybody.
It's like the fake video of
Palestinians two years before 9-11 burning American flags and they cut to it on Fox and say, and on CBS, look what they're doing right now.
So it's just more propaganda, folks.
I mean, when we talk about black bloc, we don't mean black people, because they also have red bloc anarchists, which are socialist, communist, and green bloc anarchists, which are environmentalist.
So, it's just a different section of that movement, basically.
Well, yeah, I mean, I'm not being sarcastic when I say that.
You've got, just in this politically correct system, they may brain scan us, Paul, and find out we're secretly Martians.
Now, Bush has said he was going to speak to the European Parliament, cancelled that because they wouldn't promise to only clap.
Now he's cancelled his Parliament speech.
Yeah, they've basically scaled the whole operation down.
According to the official timeline, he's going to arrive on Tuesday, and basically he goes to Buckingham Palace Tuesday, and that's about it.
The peak days for the whole thing are Wednesday and Thursday, where the protesters are going to mass.
And he's going to... Bush is going to meet with the family members of the victims of September 11th and both the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, so that should be interesting.
Then on Friday, he's actually going on a walkabout with Tony Bush, I mean with Tony Blair, in his constituency of Sedgefield, so that's where something interesting might occur.
Bush pulls out of speech to Parliament, is the headline.
George Bush was last night branded chicken for scrapping his speech to Parliament because he feared being heckled by anti-war members of Parliament.
The U.S.
President planned to give a joint address to the Commons and Lords during his state visit to Britain, but senior White House adviser
Dr. Harlan Ullman said there would have loved to do it because it would have been a great photo opportunity, but they were fearful it would turn into a spectacle with labor backbenchers walking out.
And there's actually still arguments going on whether the Houses of Parliament, the actual road, will be closed to protesters.
So again, they're trying to sideline the protesters so the media, you know, don't get a view of them, just like those Vietnam veterans who were against the Iraq War were basically shunted away from the main parade on Veterans Day.
Despite the fact that they had Hooters girls and car dealerships and these guys signed up.
Here's another line from the article.
The decision to abandon the speech came as extraordinary security measures costing 19 million pounds placed London under a state of virtual siege ahead of Mr. Bush's arrival tomorrow.
Yeah, they're talking about 12, 15,000 UK police and then you've got
Fifty snipers on rooftops around every place that Bush is going to walk.
So again, this massive paranoia effect.
But something that concerns me is the fact that according to Gordon Thomas,
He said that experts encountering biological warfare from port and down will be stationed at the Ministry of Defense during the Bush visit.
We can go on into what port and down have been involved in and why that is a very dangerous thing to have those people crawling around at the time.
We'll do that when we get back with Paul Watson.
I'll try to hold him in the next hour.
And we're going to open the phones up.
A bunch of other news.
We'll talk about the Walmart hate toy.
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If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Every time I hear that commercial that we run for police state three total enslavement, concentration camps, foreign troops, Patriot Act one and two, government run white slavery rings.
We have giant news sections
On PrisonPlanet.com, on InfoWars.com, with all these mainstream news articles.
Where, oh yeah, the U.S.
government got caught shipping kids and women into this Middle Eastern country for slaves, sex slaves.
Yeah, public officials all over Europe have been caught in, you know, the murder rings of children.
Yeah, DynCor admits they got caught in court shipping 200,000 women and children kidnapped.
Folks, this is who's running the New World Order.
They're not just criminals.
They're the worst evil you can imagine.
Paul, I want to get into what you mentioned about Porton Down and why they're deployed and how serious that is.
But before we do that, how important is it for people out there to get order out of chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order?
Well, it's important because we go into all this, we go into the fake terror alert, the whole paradigm whereby the government itself carries out the chaos to bring their order to this situation.
As I've said before, it's not just a book that scratches the surface of the New World Order.
It goes into detail about how modern events are being perpetrated to advance this New World Order agenda.
So, it's both a book for beginners in the fact that it explains the whole Hegelian dialectic, and it goes into detail towards the later chapters about how these modern day events are being crafted to fulfill this long-term agenda.
In a minute or less, how evil are the globalists?
Is there any way to describe just how corrupt and wicked they are?
No, and most people don't understand the fact that people, by their very nature, are evil.
And people that get into positions of power have to be evil to get into those positions of power.
Which is why, when I get emails and things from anarchists, they know, yeah, I'm an anarchist, this is the solution.
And we have to explain to them that anarchy cannot exist, because there always emerges a leader, and that leader is, by the very human nature of things,
Is evil, and most of the people below them aren't evil because they're hoodwinked into being convinced that they're serving a benign objective.
Yeah, there's always going to be a strong man, that's why you've got to have a republic to tie the hands of government and the powerful, and that's what our founding fathers said.
Folks, get Order Out of Chaos, elite sponsor, tearing the New World Order over 330 pages, 1995, 50 plus documents and photos, get a second copy,
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They make great gifts, great birthday presents, a great thing to give the neighbor.
It's so important.
Air them on AXS TV, get them out to Opinion Makers, and get Paul's book.
Okay, Paul, second hour's coming up.
I want to get into Porton Down.
I want to get more into the police state on this Walmart subliminal brainwashing doll for babies.
I want to cover it all, so stay with us.
Listeners, if you want to join us on air, your calls are coming up early in the next hour.
We'll be back.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
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These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed... This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're already into the second hour.
Total free number to join us on air.
Any issue you'd like to discuss?
Any news item?
And we're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, who I routinely have on the show, probably about once every two weeks, but now every week because he has great insight.
Webmaster for PrisonPlanet.com.
We're talking about Bush headed to England.
Basic martial law has been set up.
They say the Secret Service will shoot to kill anybody that doesn't follow orders.
He won't speak to Parliament because somebody might boo him.
Uh, and on top of all this, and how they're saying Al-Qaeda is going to strike, why?
You know, they're on their second highest state of the alert.
The scientists and bio-weapons experts from Porton Down, who has launched bio-weapons attacks on the British people before, and their top scientist and former head just died mysteriously, they're showing up at the event.
Paul, why is that important?
Well, it's concerning because, um,
Obviously, as Gordon Thomas reported in the American Free Press over the weekend,
These biowarfare experts will be crawling around London, stationed at the Ministry of Defence during Bush's visit.
Now, we know that Ports and Downs has links to all sorts of horrors, including the worldwide spate of deaths of top microbiologists over the past two years, including David Kelly, and direct involvement in releasing foot and mouth in England three years ago.
I mean, you were covering that on your radio show, where
It was supposedly sneaked out of Porton Down, which was a Level 4 bioweapons facility with 50-foot electric fences and deep underground facilities.
It was supposedly sneaked out of there by animal rights activists, which is obviously a blatant cover for the fact that they released it because it came directly from there.
And Porton Down, also as late as 1985, was spraying biologicals on US and British troops in the field in England and killing them, that is now admitted.
Yeah, and it's actually got links back to World War II, where we had the article that came out where plague bombs were released over Scotland, and nice gifts of that nature.
Also has links to Fort Detrick, which is obviously... So there are a bunch of murdering killers, and they have a history, so murdering killers will be on the ground, involved in this, and they love to kill innocent people, so watch out.
Yes, you've got biological experts working for the British government who we've proven have carried out terrorism in the past, crawling around London during Bush's visit, after the media in Britain has been screaming that London will be biologically attacked for months now.
In league with these unannounced secret drills that we've reported on that have been taking place around public landmarks in London.
So, it all makes for very suspicious stuff.
And now this weekend, the most drills I've ever seen, bioweapon, chemical weapon attack drills with the feds and troops practicing taking over coast to coast.
Very, very interesting, Paul.
And on top of this, we've got even more overly paranoid measures, including the fact that Bush's guest suite at Buckingham Palace was swept for bugs, and this particularly baffled the British, who said that it would be like MI5 checking Tony Blair's room at the White House for bugs.
So it's very interesting indeed, and maybe we should be more worried about the fact, not the fact that they're checking for bugs, but the possibility that they may be planting something.
Well, and even more than that, that's a great point, we have Bush on Cipro with his cabinet on September 10th, four weeks before Anthrax showed up, so they have a nice history of this too, releasing weaponized Anthrax.
Yeah, and we can get into the
Facts about the president elected in the year ending with zero targeted for assassination which is not something that we advocate but it is something that has happened over the last hundred years or so.
We certainly hope nothing ever happens to Puppet Bush because that would be used by the globalists as a way to really expand the police state.
We'll be back with your calls and a bunch of other news items.
From Paul Watson, I'm Alex Jones.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're 8 minutes 30 seconds into the second hour of global transmission as we blast out on the AM and FM dial from Rhode Island to Denver, Colorado from Austin, Texas to, uh, I'm just told San Diego here in the next week.
By the way, I have to give that information to the affiliate relations.
I forgot to do that this morning.
And on top of that, we simulcast on global shortwave at 12.172 and 93.20.
During the day from 11 to 2, and 5.085 and 6890 from 9 to midnight.
The websites are PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com as well.
Before we go to Rosemary in London, England, Joe in Mass, Elizabeth in Maryland, Ron in Oklahoma, Maddie in Oklahoma, and others.
Before we do that, I promised to cover this, so let's just cover it real quick, Paul, and then we'll get to the calls and all this other news.
This is onprisonplanet.com right now.
It's World Net Daily.
And I guess six, eight months ago, we posted the news clipping out of Washington State.
Mainstream news.
Walmart did pull the toys.
A little seashore sleepy time thing you tie to the crib.
Looks like a doll.
It's like a fish.
It tells the child, it sounds real nice for about an hour, then it starts saying, I hate you!
I hate you!
I hate you!
And I've seen a lot of this in the toys, in the cartoons, in the video games, but for babies.
And Walmart is at the heart of the New World Order, just like IBM.
There's only a few corporations that are.
We always find them engaging in this type of stuff.
And now it's in World Net Daily.
Wal-Mart covering up I Hate You baby toy.
Wal-Mart has yanked a baby crib accessory from its shelves after parents all across the country complained it did and again we report on the same months ago or maybe longer disseminates a subliminal message of hate
But you wouldn't know it unless you called the major retailer.
We felt it was an item that wasn't up to our quality standards.
Wal-Mart spokesman Karen Burke told World Ant Daily an explanation of why the toys were removed from store shelves nationwide earlier this year.
And it goes on to where they admit the toy does say that it hates you.
Paul Watson, you've been on this since day one.
What's going on here?
Well, we actually reported on this originally more than 10 months ago.
I was going from memory, it was more than 8 months.
Yeah, in January 2003, I actually got sent an original scan from one of the visitors to the website of the original Columbian article which came out in January 2003.
I don't think so.
I see emerging from this the perfect pretext for the justification of RFID tags.
We know that Walmart are the pioneer of RFID.
They want all their suppliers to have initiated this system by 2006.
It's the perfect pretext, using the justification of protecting the children from Chinese subversion, because that's the line that's come out of the articles, that because these products are being made in China, that it's sort of counter-offensive to trying to condition the young in America.
So, again,
And now they're getting reports from Washington to California, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, West Virginia, Maryland, and it's the whole product line.
But folks, I'm here to tell you that they caught Toyota in Toyota Europe and England
Folks, this is Times of London five years ago.
And I have the article in my satanic file.
They caught them in Toyota Camry ads.
It's called something else in Europe, not a Camry, but it's equivalent of a Camry.
And in the ad, the father's driving to pick his baby up at the hospital.
His mother went into... or the man's wife, the mother had gone into labor.
So he couldn't get there, he gets word at his business, he has to run through the rain in his Toyota Camry, and in the background of the darkness, driving through the rain, is scrolling, and film students found this, just pausing it.
It was there, clearly, but they admitted it, about satanic sacrifice, blood, the moon, killing children.
Paul, why do you think they're putting this in so many ads and in so much of the media?
To subconsciously desensitize us to murder and torture and evil?
Well, yeah, and the point is that you get them while they're young, which is why you look at children today compared to even as recently as ten years ago when I was like, you know, ten, eleven, the fact that children basically run about being complete delinquents.
They're not interested in playing sports or anything, they're just interested in throwing fireworks at each other and watching Christina Aguilera and so forth.
But you mentioned the Toyota ad, that was actually
Strangely enough, at the time it came out, it basically won awards for the fact that it was the best ad in Britain at the time, and the actual soundtrack to that Toyota ad, which had the flashing satanic images in the background, actually won awards because it was the biggest selling advert in Britain at the time, and it was repeated basically hourly on British television.
So the fact that it gets so much airtime
In alliance with the fact that it's got these satanic, almost subliminal messages scrolling through, is very interesting indeed.
And if I remember correctly from four or five years ago, back to the articles, it was big news obviously, you heard about it at the time.
If you look at it, there were film students studying it because it was so successful, and there it was clearly in each frame.
So again, folks, who's running your government?
I mean, we're not making this stuff up.
This is mainstream news.
And now, Paul, it's not even subliminal.
I mean, it's right out in the open.
You turn on the channels, it's either satanic, it's witchcraft, it's police torturing people, it's women kissing each other.
They had a newscast in Austin last week about the new fad of young girls kissing each other and how wonderful it is.
And by the way, the next newscast, a thousand new Homeland Security cameras going in.
I mean, this is wall-to-wall, Paul.
Yeah, there's actually a story out today where...
Teenage girls across the country being suspended from school for re-enacting this so-called lesbian kiss which MTV put out at the recent Music Awards between Madonna, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.
And even the recent European MTV Music Awards, I basically saw parts of it just flicking through the channels.
The whole thing was dedicated to
Criticizing Christianity.
I mean, you had Aguilera walking on in the nun costume and ripping it off and going into this devil song about, you know, being dirty and being basically a whore is now the new fad for young women to follow.
And again, for young women and young men listening, folks, even the teenager magazines, this has been all over our news, promote homosexuality,
Folks, this is happening.
They're pushing it.
It's not, oh, leave us alone, let us have our life.
They're pushing it.
And again, the UN documents show this is to stop birth rates in the Western world, which are already plunging, by the way.
We're dying.
And then on top of it, it is to break down the family, because the family is self-sufficient.
And then you've got even the biggest liberals out there, like Bob Geldof.
And by the way, it's brought to my attention another one of these magazines targeting teenagers and it shows boys who are boyfriends and how fun it is
To have their homosexual sex.
Alright, I promise we'll go to the calls.
This is scientific to destroy the human system.
Let's talk to... Who's the first caller from England?
I was told... Rosemary from the United Kingdom.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Oh, hi Alex.
I just thought I'd tell you the latest on the...
I got a call from my sister 10 or 15 minutes ago, and she says that an older lady, about maybe 50 years old, has climbed the gates of Buckingham Palace, and she's got a big message, she's got a flag, maybe a US flag, I don't know, and it says that Bush, we don't want you.
And she's sort of defying them to get her down, and she's still up there.
Well, I'm not saying that she isn't acting alone, but it's that type of stuff that'll allow him to shoot everybody.
Paul comments.
I'm not sure about that, Alex.
I sort of think that she might turn the mood around because people are torn between, you know, this situation being used as a way to sort of fake a bit of a phony attack and clamp down on protest, and then on the other hand, you know, people do want to be heard.
I wasn't able to watch it myself because I couldn't watch it and phone you at the same time.
But as I said, maybe it will diffuse the situation.
I don't know.
How long have you been listening from England, Rosemary?
About six months now, Alex.
And I really appreciate being able to listen free online.
Because when I started listening to the show, I wasn't working and I couldn't have afforded it.
Well, absolutely.
That's why it's there.
And we have some of the best interviews at PrisonPlanet.com.
We've done over the last couple of years.
Do you have any other comments, Rosemary?
Not really, just that, um, hopefully, um, we'll be able to show our feelings here without it being turned around on us.
But again, you know, thanks for everything you do.
Well, thank you, Rosemary.
Are people there on the ground in England realizing what a police state this is?
Very much so.
We have a bit of a different attitude.
People here are very solid.
We realize that Blair has brought in a lot of Muslims into the country, a lot of foreigners in the last few years.
But we sort of see it that he brought them here for a purpose.
You're against how they're being used as tools.
We'll call back any time.
Great hearing from you.
You bet.
Joe and Elizabeth and Ron and everybody else, stay there.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, we're already about halfway into this broadcast.
We've only taken one phone call.
I do want to take a ton of calls.
The toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
Let's go ahead and go ahead and go to these calls.
Let's talk to Elizabeth in Maryland.
Elizabeth, go ahead.
Good to talk to you, Elizabeth.
You're on the air.
I hear you and Paul Joseph Watson bringing us the serious news, and you're to be admired for trying to stop some of the demonic deprivation that the youth have.
Are you there?
Yes, I am.
Oh, good.
And I do have a little surprise for you about the toys.
I have a two-minute clip from my radio show that I told you about, and I hope there's a little humor in it, and I hope it'll work.
Would I be able to play that clip for you?
Go ahead.
I'll try.
We'll see what happens.
All right.
If it doesn't come through, we'll have to let you go.
Welcome to Siebel Department Store.
How can I help you?
What's your name?
I'm a little early shopping for the holidays, but I've heard about some new toys.
You know anything about the Evil Barbie?
The Evil Barbie?
Yes, there's some kind of an Evil Barbie.
And then I heard on the Power Hour from Joyce Riley and Dave Van Clyst about an 18-wheeler truck.
It has NATO markings on it and no U.S.
And I think my nephew George would like these.
You have anything like that?
Well, I'll look and see whether they're in stock.
And I wonder whether they make a Harry Potter figure that tells lies and he can blow up his aunt.
I just think that my cousin Myrna would like this for her children.
And then I also heard about some policemen that their uniforms are different.
They don't look like our U.S.
They look like Nazis.
Oh, I love a Barbie!
I love her!
I love her!
It's like my name!
I'm a Barbie!
All right.
Hey, Elizabeth, that audio quality's not the best, but I can't hear what you're doing.
That's very, very funny.
But it's not funny when you realize it's real.
Most of the toys, whether it's Pimp Barbie or Drug Addict Barbie or Gangbanger Barbie or Nazi G.I.
Or, you know, SWAT team leader, or NATO, or spy toys.
I mean, it's all New World Order and that ties in nicely with the whole Walmart situation.
Paul Watson, what's your take on this?
Well, yeah, as you said, it's a funny clip but it's not really a joke because
On top of all that, we have things like the Lego World Surveillance Truck, and the Lego World Police, as well as the Wiccan Barbie.
Tie this in with the Commander George Bush figure, and again, similar to the Walmart situation with the I Hate You toy, conditioning the kids to accept the police date, just as they are being conditioned to accept Big Brother within schools with all the security guards.
You met Elizabeth Banks?
Are you still there?
Thanks for the call.
It sounds like you've got a great radio show.
Let's talk to Ron in Oklahoma.
Ron, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
First off, I've got Watson's book.
It's absolutely fantastic.
Tex Marr's book.
Circle of Intrigue.
Three of your tapes.
9-11, Masters of Therapeutics, Matrix of Evil, hopefully is on the way.
Your listeners need to get these.
They're really good.
They're just fantastic.
These last two books, Watson's book and Maher's book, are just unbelievable.
They have so much information and they fill in so many gaps.
Well, and it sounds like you've got Matrix of Evil, or as you were saying, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, or the Paul Watson book, From Info Wars, Circle of Intrigue, we also carry that, and Fritz Springmeier, he just got sentenced to federal prison on a total fabrication, and I'm going to be talking about that later in the show, that book, Bloodlines of the Illuminati.
What else is on your mind, Ron?
Alex, if you'll let me hit a couple things really fast, it's kind of complicated.
Yeah, go ahead.
I'll make it fast.
So, first, this week, the History Channel is showing the men who killed Kennedy.
Tonight, I think they show three segments.
What I found really fascinating is, our local newspaper, Daily Oklahoma, Sunday Oklahoma, and the TV Guide, for this week, I went to look up the series for the History Channel.
I got last week's TV Guide and this week's Covered.
It happened last year and another year too.
What is going on?
How managed is our media?
And what we do see in the newspaper, they're promoting government storylines that Oswald was the only shooter.
I think there are four or five made-for-TV
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Again, that's 1-800-622-THIN.
We're about to go back to Ron in Oklahoma, then Joe, Maddie, Alan, and others.
The total free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
And yes, I have a ton of other news items I'm going to get to after these calls.
I'm going to throw out to Paul Watson and get his take on them, who's riding shotgun with us from the United Kingdom on the eve of Lord Bush's martial law visit.
Before we go back to Ron and others,
I've made 10 films.
The 10th film is now out.
Matrix of Evil exposed.
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Interviews, speeches, documents, news clips.
It's an amazing new video that covers the New World Order, their master plan, how they're going to engineer a worldwide depression.
It gets into everything.
You need to have this new video, Matrix of Evil.
You need to have Paul Watson's book.
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You need to have Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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If you haven't gotten that one, that's the first thing you should get.
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And your purchase also supports this show
And on top of that, I authorize you, the listeners, to make copies of my videos for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes.
So get them, make copies, force multiply this information, 90% of those that see the videos are waking up.
So get the books, get the videos, 1-888-253-3139 or just write to me
And I'm Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Okay, Ron in Oklahoma, go ahead and finish up what you were saying.
Alex, for your listeners that don't really believe that your governments are really corrupt, let me tell you this.
Now, this instance has happened to me twice.
Last week, I got a military catalog, which I did not order, I've never ordered anything from, okay?
I ripped the address label off of it, threw it in the trash.
This morning, the Oklahoma City Rescue Service picked up trash people, picked up my neighbor's trash at 830.
They came back about 12, picked up mine, the truck drove up in front of my house, picked up my trash can alone, backed all the way back down a half block down the street to the corner and drove off with my trash alone.
This has happened to me twice, Alex.
I don't do drugs.
I don't do anything.
Well, let me, again, I mean things can happen like that, but I don't have the number of personnel to really do that on even a small scale.
If you subscribe to, say, Cabela's, or you subscribe to... You buy a lot of guns.
I don't buy guns.
People sell your... We don't do this, but a lot of big companies sell mailing lists to like-minded groups.
And so that's what ends up happening, is you end up getting... I mean, I get so much junk mail
Uh, when I bought a house, then I suddenly got, I'm talking ten mortgage, uh, offers, you know, to refinance every day.
Uh, so it's incredible.
I don't buy guns.
I don't buy weapons.
I don't do drugs.
Well, I'll tell you what happens here in my neighborhood.
They come down to get the trash on one side of the street, and the way their route goes, they come back two hours later and get the trash on my side of the street.
Why didn't they get my next door neighbor on my side of the street?
Instead of going past their house, they backed all the way up to the corner.
Well, you could have some type of state police investigation or something.
Why does my telephone pick up AM radio and my answering machine, too?
Well, generally, if they're tapping you, you don't know about it unless they want you to know.
Dr. Fauci.
Pardon me?
Anyway, Alex... No, no, let's go back to this.
This is important.
I mean, I've been doing this for 10 years, Ron, and all I see is people waking up, police agreeing with me, having victories, and I just want you to know that all their announcements about Echelon listening to us and how the Total Information Awareness Network is going to get us, that's meant to be a chilling effect.
There are tens of thousands of patriots in this country, and only a few thousand globalist spies and enforcers domestically.
My question is, you may have somebody spying on you.
Oklahoma's pretty bad, but I'm saying statistically, you're the vast minority.
That's all I'm saying.
I don't want to create a chilling effect for the globalists.
That's all I'm saying.
Right, I understand what you're saying.
I am just saying in this particular instance, I've used my cell phone, been working on a rooftop, and looked up a number of times five minutes later, there's a helicopter flying over.
That happens all the time here.
There were army black helicopters all over the city last week.
I was walking in stores.
People are saying, what are they doing?
What are they doing?
When they fly directly over you right after you use your cell phone, Alex, something ain't kosher.
Okay, what would the cell phone tie into?
They can follow you, your cell phone transmits constantly when it's turned on, you know that?
When you go from cell phone tower to cell phone tower.
No, no, I really wanted to know what you were saying.
Yeah, it's, all the new ones have a tracking beacon in them.
Homeland Security can dial in with the audio and listen to you.
Even when your phone's off.
I keep the battery out of mine, and Voice Dream told me that somebody's been roaming on my phone, but they can't take it off.
T-Mobile, Voice Dream.
Yeah, well let me expand on that.
Uh, the points you're, uh, raising.
They fly over with the Army helicopters with huge ground-penetrating radar pods, scanning every house in the city, uh, over grids about once a month.
We're all under surveillance.
They're videotaping the contents of our houses.
Uh, the, the, the... Paul Watson comments to what Ron's saying.
Well, yeah, the fact is that we're already living in a police state.
I mean, but they need to resort to more sophisticated methods to make everyone aware that they're being watched to try and intimidate them.
I mean, with the mobile phone situation.
The technology is 10-15 years old whereby they can produce these specific tones that give out this docile signal which makes everyone involved in receiving these tones switch to a docile nature and they often use that in protest situations.
I get the same thing.
I mean, we've got our own specific helicopter just for this little area that flies over my house every day, but in the end you just stop worrying about it because you have to point at them and say that they are the criminals because they're not allowed to do that.
It's not going to intimidate me into stopping anything that I'm doing.
Well, yeah, Paul, you had a friend visiting you from the U.S.
If you're an Iranian with a plastic explosive, you can walk right into the airport, basically, if Tony Blair controls you.
But when you had your friend coming in, they called you and said, what's your website?
What do you do, Mr. Watson?
Yeah, I mean we've seen the news stories about CAPS 2 and all the biometric integration with the airports and the fact that they're proposing to have every piece of information on you which you have and people are fighting this but they already have it because
Alex, the bottom line is...
I don't do anything wrong, but it's nobody's business where I go and what I do.
Who I talk to, what I say, it's nobody's business.
I'm not involved in any criminal activity.
But they are!
They're the criminals, sir!
I realize that.
They're afraid that you're exposing them!
They know you've got power!
They're afraid of you!
You've got power!
Anything else, Ron?
Well, there was another instance.
Let me recount this really quick.
I know one day, while it was a slow day, I was out pond shopping.
And, uh,
Everywhere, every pawn shop I went into, somebody would come in after I was there a couple of minutes, a few minutes, and look around, someone who didn't fit, maybe someone who was wearing a suit, and just stick their head in the door and look around.
This time I couldn't figure out how they were doing it.
This was before I had heard you talk about the cell phone and how you could be tracked by your cell phone.
Because I knew I wasn't being followed.
I always watch my rear view mirrors, and that's good advice for anybody.
Pay attention to what's going on around them at all times.
Well, I gotta tell you, I mean, a lot of times I've been in a shopping mall and have a guy with a suit following me around because they think I'm gonna steal something, and they have a lot of police stings at pawn shops thinking you're trying to sell illegal stuff.
I'm not saying that's what it is, but hey, Ron, I gotta go.
I got a lot of callers here.
I appreciate your points.
Let me just try to say this simply, and I'm not saying you're doing this, Ron, but the Patriot community as a whole
They spend most of their time talking about who's good, who's bad, what's going on, wives' tales, paranoia, all these things that are happening.
I'm in a war in the trenches fighting the New World Order.
I'm moving forward.
I don't care what the costs are.
I'm going to fight this thing.
And I know mathematics.
Let's say they've got 5 million people working in NSA, which they don't.
They don't have 300,000 working there, folks.
And most of those are janitors, or people putting light bulbs in, or people collating data.
Even with keyword software.
Even if they have the personnel to listen to you.
They don't have the personnel to follow you, or the personnel to do anything to you.
They can pick out specific people here and there to go after to make examples.
That's about it, folks.
I mean, I'm a big fish in this whole thing.
I'm kind of a canary in the coal mine for you, you could say.
My only thing is, they're the ones that should be afraid.
They're the ones involved in all the criminal activity.
They're the ones that have been caught kidnapping children by the hundreds of thousands.
They're the ones putting AIDS virus in the corn, Associated Press.
They're the ones doing all this stuff, so they better watch it.
Go ahead, Paul.
Well, yeah, and you notice that the people that do tend to hide in the shadows are the ones that are more likely to get raided, so the correct response, if you think that you're coming under that sort of surveillance, is to fight them even harder, and then that acts as a sort of protection against their illegal activities.
Well, that's what I've found, and I mean, I got, you know, back during the Waco thing, rebuilding the church there as a memorial.
I'm not a Davidian, I was building a memorial church.
And it seems like 400 people.
A lot of great folks got involved.
And I got involved in the court case, the civil case, protesting the judge.
And I got threatened, folks.
And I just told them, OK, you know, I'm not going to give up my values.
I'm going to fight for my family, for my country.
They left me alone.
Uh, so, I mean, a lot of it is this.
It's probably state police, if you're having problems, Ron.
They get federal money.
There's no real threats out there.
And so most departments now have an anti-terrorism liaison officer who's federally paid for.
The state police have hundreds of these guys.
And they are.
They're out doing stuff.
They're out looking for stuff.
They're out harassing fertilizer salesmen.
They're out, you know, harassing school children who write a report about the bridges because they were told to, then that's putting the newspaper to scare everybody.
But I hope that answers his question.
Let's go to these calls, folks.
I wanted to go to a lot of calls.
It's not happening.
I'm going to try to go to you quickly.
Let's talk to Joe and Mass.
Joe, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Um, Archive, I was reading your Concentration Camp Archive at your site, how they... Do me a favor, tell whoever that is talking to be quiet for me, Joe.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I was reading your Concentration Camp Archive at your site, how they have plans to evacuate all the cities.
Is there a chance that what happened in Bhopal and Cambodia will happen here?
Well of course, they're setting up for that and they're building mass evacuation centers.
Paul, what do the Times of London call yours?
Rest and relocation centers?
Yeah, they're called Rest and Relocation Centers, and they've already announced that they're going to set up these mass morgues within giant tents in fields after this staged biological attack.
I mean, we've got an entire archive on Prison Planet and on Infowars, whereby these camps are already set up, they have been for years, and they're just preparing to release the biologicals, as was predicted by the Dark Winter Project, which came out before September 11.
Gary Hart and Warren Rudman again.
Yeah, and even a few months ago Gary Hart was saying that...
All these, you know, Tennessee, all these different cities and states would be hit by biologicals and he was involved in the initial project which put forth that scenario so we can see the same people behind it.
Yeah, does that answer your question, Joe?
Yeah, and they also, they don't have to, they can just see right through your walls to locate you inside your house.
They don't have to go inside.
Yeah, that's the ground penetrating radar given by the Defense Department to big police departments five years ago.
Now announcing the news.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Let's talk to Allen in Texas.
Allen, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Real quick.
One thing real quick.
I heard on the public radio this morning that 18% of the population have turned off their TVs and the networks are freaking out.
They can't figure out what they're going to do to get them back.
Yeah, I can't handle it.
For some reason, I watched the last hour of Red October on cable last week.
People will call me about a local newscast.
I will go read the synopsis on their website.
For some reason, I can't stand watching it.
They're figuring out it's garbage, but what I was really calling to ask you, I really need some information here.
I was bitching and moaning one time and this guy said, well, Alan, what are you going to do about it?
And now about all these cameras that are going up, do you know who, what agency?
Are they state?
Are they local?
Are they federal?
You know what agencies are putting them up?
Who's paying for them?
That's our tax money, isn't it?
Yes, the Federal Department of Transportation.
The Federal Department of Transportation.
So what we can do about it, nobody's happy with these things.
If they're happy with those cameras, they're bonkers.
And the feedback I get from anyone I talk to, they don't like the cameras.
So we need to hit our federal congressman, right?
Uh, yes.
We need to let them know that this is an issue that we don't like it, and we're not going to support people that support those.
We do have hope to have these removed, but we've got to create a national movement to do it.
But it does help to call Congress to write letters.
This is how it works.
Whether it's your police, or it's the cameras, or it's the CPS getting all the federal funding, they send the money in, set the parameters for how it's spent,
And so if they're on a federal highway, or a road that takes federal money, it's a federal camera.
Right, okay.
If it's a state highway, part of it's federal, mandated, that will give you X amount of billion dollars, you gotta put in X amount of cameras, then the cities also get those federal dollars.
The city buses in Austin have over a dozen cameras, or bus, with cameras on the buses, pointing outwards as they drive as well, and again,
You gotta protest Capitol Metro.
You gotta boycott that.
But notice what they're doing.
They're just going ahead at breakneck speed with a thousand more in Austin.
Okay, so it's probably illegal to shoot those things.
It's probably time to form the No More Cameras Club and start developing that political push, right?
Yes, and you should go out and watch them as they rotate off the highway and aim into your neighborhoods.
And these are admittedly tied into the federal government.
Okay, well you answered my question.
Thank you, Alex.
Hey, I appreciate it.
I mean, it's like all this.
It's like thumb scanners in the classrooms.
You know, parents locally have to refuse that federal funding or pull their children out.
Paul Watson comments.
Well yeah, and that is a major plank to join the fight because
In a year or two's time, you'll have a situation that we've got in this country whereby you've got 2.5 million, 3 million cameras, but not just cameras, you've got actual telescreens that are stationed in parking lots and they scream at people if they, for example, park in a disabled parking space and so that's a system that's coming now even more so than in America.
These are intelligent computers with computer voices
That was the BBC two weeks ago, shouting at you.
Now, I've got an article today, they're going to make you answer your phone with a special emergency ring.
If you don't, you'll be fined.
I mean, folks, it's 1984!
Yeah, Paul, you've got over three million cameras in your country now.
And now they've got behavior software, don't they?
Yeah, and that's going into all the airports.
That watches how you walk.
Hmm, we have to question you.
You weren't walking properly, folks!
But yeah, Alan, just, just, there's more of us than there are of them.
We gotta start speaking out now.
We'll be right back.
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Well, you know, I enjoy taking calls.
The callers have raised a lot of really good points.
But I tend to not get to as much news when we do have a lot of calls.
But we'll continue with the calls and I guess this is our final segment with Paul Watson.
I'll come back with news and more calls in the third hour unless Paul wants to keep riding shotgun.
I love his company.
He's got a great memory and great insight.
Let's talk to
I believe it's Maddie in Ohio.
Maddie, go ahead and then Jerry and John and Brett and others.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey Alex, how's it going?
Listen, I got your videos and I just wanted to know if I could get your permission to rent some halls here and just start playing your videos for like, you know, hundreds of people.
Yeah, do it.
Go ahead.
Okay, because I'm tired of this and I figure if we don't do something soon, we're all going to end up in concentration camps and I don't want to be there.
You know, I definitely don't.
Well, they're certainly building the camps right now, and if we cower in fear, it's over.
I know.
Well, I was told if I'm going to do something, don't be afraid.
So, I'm going to die fighting, and you stick in there and, you know, keep on doing what you're doing.
Well, Maddie, if you do rent halls and then, you know, put out flyers and get on local talk shows, a big crowd will show up, and then you can tell them to go out and inform others.
That's what the plan is.
That's definitely what the plan is, because I'm sick of these black helicopters flying over my neighborhoods waking me up in the middle of the night, you know?
Yeah, the black helicopters that don't exist.
Right, they don't exist.
But, you know, I would like to have one, and I'd like to fly it over them.
Well, look, a lot of times it's just military maneuvers, but if it's a black helicopter flying over each neighborhood day after day in a grid, it's videotaping the inside of your house, that's not a free society.
Thanks for the call, Maddie.
Go ahead.
You were going to say something else?
You were going to say something else, Matty?
Okay, she's gone.
Let's talk now to... Who's up next, Mark?
Alright, Jerry in Colorado.
Go ahead, Jerry, you're on air.
Hi, Paul.
Hey, I just wanted to let you guys know, first off, we are moving forward with you guys out here in Colorado.
And I didn't call about the
uh... video cameras but that that last caller that talked about the video cameras he needs to get onto the computer and type in intelligent transportation system because all the states are using an intelligent transportation system which is also federal and uh... that's what it's all coming under and by the way uh... a lot of these cameras uh... the dome cameras the little bubble shaped ones those have lexan covers by the way and they're uh...
They are bulletproof, so don't even think of that.
And if he wants to do something about it, he can do a petition for redress of grievance, or he can put stickers on the posts where these are that say that they violate your rights.
And you know what's another good thing they can do, Alex?
They can take photographs of the guys who are installing them.
And we've done that out here in Colorado, and those guys hate being photographed when they're putting these cameras up, so they're always turning their heads and whatnot.
Well, I heard about the telemarketers who are threatening an LA Times writer
Who published the telemarketing center's phone number.
And they said, how dare you give us unsolicited calls?
Yeah, I believe that.
I'm not even saying publish it or anything, just have it.
And they hate that whole idea.
The reason I call real quick is, we have a pamphlet out here which the title of it is, Checkpoints Violate Your Rights.
And we would like to give a free one to every person who sends us an SASE.
Can we do that?
I don't know who you are, sir.
I'm sorry, I can't do that.
Oh, okay.
I don't even know your name.
You just call in and... Well, can I give you my whole name and everything?
Pardon me?
Could I give you my full name and address and everything?
You know, if I let you do that, I did that a few years ago.
People would call in and try to sell trackers on the air.
Just put up a website, sir, and then I... I let folks plug websites, okay?
Totally free.
I understand.
I don't know who you are, sir.
Can I write you a letter and tell you all about it?
Yeah, that'd be great.
Might have you on as a guest.
Thank you.
I really appreciate it.
I'm not trying to be persnickety.
Take a walk in my shoes.
Paul, you want to stay with us and take some more calls, or you need to punch out?
I can stay as long as you want, Alex.
Okay, let's just have you ride shotgun with us, and we're going to come back and talk to a couple other callers, and then I'm going to go back into news, because we need to cover some other important issues.
We'll go back into more of your calls.
Third hour of this broadcast coming up.
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Big Brother.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, folks.
We try to talk about real issues that actually affect you and your family on this show.
We talk about the tyranny that's growing all around us.
About having the courage, the moral courage, to stand against it, to speak out against it, and to know that you have liberties and freedoms.
And understand, if you go along with tyranny, it'll feed on everybody, even those that have served it.
If you stand against it, you will have liberty.
So the safe course, the safer course, is standing up, being bold, being focused, being out in the open.
Coming up, CIA,
Finds no evidence Hussein sought to arm terrorists.
That's coming up.
agrees to international control of its troops in Iraq.
Also, we're going to get into the fact that they're covering up the 9-11 evidence and excising it, redacting it, the information the White House is giving to the White Wash Committee.
More on the helicopter crash that killed a bunch of U.S.
troops, too.
Helicopters colliding, looks like they were fired upon.
World Bank okays Caspian Pipeline financing.
Speaking of cameras, I've got some of the different
Surveillance pods here from a website that's got some really good info.
We'll go over that and a bunch of emergency drills they've been having to scare everybody into submission here in the last few days.
These martial law training drills.
We're talking to Paul Joseph Watson, who I have riding shotgun with us on average about once a week now.
Paul, let's go back to calls.
Brett in Washington, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
How are you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
Sounds like you're driving a truck.
Yeah, I'm a truck driver.
I'm a truck driver slash preacher, what do you think?
See, I just guessed with that loud noise that it was an 18-wheeler.
No, I've learned the sound of somebody in an 18-wheeler versus a car.
Yeah, well, you're catching me grinding through the gears right now.
Thanks for holding.
What's on your mind?
Yeah, thanks for taking my call.
A couple statements, but before I get to that, I have a real quick question.
William Cooper, you know him?
Well, he was murdered by a SWAT team a year and a half ago.
Oh my gosh!
Is that right?
I did not know that.
Yeah, they killed him at his house in Arizona.
John's, Arizona.
Oh my gosh.
Boy, that's... Wow.
I did not know that.
You know, I used to listen to him...
Uh, Richard Palmquist.
He, uh, I guess he was a station owner out there in, uh, Delano, California near Fresno.
Yeah, in Fresno, yes.
Yeah, used to run, uh, KDNO, Truth Radio, 98.5.
He got rid of that, but I used to listen to him.
Uh, William Cooper, I used to listen to his show the hour of the time back in the, uh, early-mid 90s.
Anyway, I was just wondering if he was around.
Yeah, he's dead.
Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that.
A SWAT team came and killed him and his dog.
Oh my gosh.
Was he married?
Yes, he was.
His family wasn't there.
Oh, wow.
Okay, well that's too bad.
Okay, that was your question, Ed.
I wanted to make a comment about Princess Di.
Princess Diana?
Yes, we have an expert on right now about that.
Uh, you know, I'm kind of wondering if, uh, the upper royal hierarchy had something to do with that, because I guess she was involved with a Muslim, is that right?
Yeah, she was pregnant, and we know they had her killed, and I'm gonna go ahead and let you go, listen after the break, and Paul Watson will recap what happened to Princess Di, okay?
Thanks for the call.
And then we're going to cover news for about 20 minutes or so, then we'll open the phones back up if you want to join us at 1-800-259-9231.
Big news blitz when we get back after this break.
Paul, the evidence is pretty clear on Princess Diana, is it not?
Yeah, I mean, we had an interview probably about three weeks ago, and it's still posted on the main page of Prison Planet.
Where this new evidence came out about how Princess Diana feared for her life, so we went back over all the old evidence about how the cameras in the tunnel were turned off, the car went through a different route, the Mercedes itself was took in for repairs and altered and it seems that yes, it was a remote control job whereby they... We'll be right back, stay with us!
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Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
You know, we're having some interesting radio during the breaks today.
I've been talking to Mark, who's running the show, about deer hunting.
We've done kind of a nature show, a hunting show, off-air today.
It's been an interesting discussion.
Maybe more interesting than what's been on air, no.
We've been talking about the real world and how serious things are and we're not just here putting out negative information as some say.
We're trying to expose something that is covered up or is put out there piecemeal by the media to condition you.
And Paul, that's a tactic, isn't it?
By the globalists and secondarily, isn't it in itself positive to admit the problems?
Isn't that part of the battle?
At least people knowing that they're under attack?
Yeah, well you find that most people who labour the point, you know, what can we do about it?
Those particular people aren't even doing anything about it themselves.
So, I mean, that's what leads them to say that.
But they do put out so many lies that we pick up on where sometimes you get to the point where you think,
You know, I know all the lies, and yet, am I any nearer to the truth?
So it is that kind of disappointment factor that they try and inoculate into people, whereby they put out every horror that they do.
So everyone knows about it, but nobody knows, you know, what's really going on, because it's just a smoke screen of lies.
And I think overall the call from Allen was positive.
What do we do to get these cameras out of here?
You know, who's putting them up?
And our answer, the Department of Transportation, federally, through the state, through mandates, will give them half the money and then make the state pay for the other half.
Or, quote, you don't get your other highway funds.
Well, that's not free federal money.
That came from the states, from the people, and is sent back with strings attached.
It is social engineering, and we've got to get the general public to get as knowledgeable about social engineering, which is more important in your life, than being knowledgeable about football.
And it's not that we hate football, it's that we hate the fact that people get so upset about sports, know all the inane pablum and statistics, but don't know what the fourth or fifth amendment is, or how many continents there are, or that Saddam Hussein is a known government agent.
Well, and you've made the point many times, Alex, that you can go into any bar and find some fat, bloated guy that knows every single statistic about the football spanning, like, 50, 60 years, but knows nothing about their rights.
So, at least we know that the potential is there.
Everyone has their own brain and only uses, you know, 25% of it, as they say.
All we have to do is put the right information in there and then we can get people caring about freedom rather than football.
Well, that's it.
Or, it's like 1984.
They control the population with the lottery.
It's a tool for the proletariat.
I mean, it's all the same systems of control today.
And even people that, I mean, there have been big studies that have come out in Germany whereby they select a family and they say you can't watch television for three weeks and that family, in some cases, it's like an addiction.
They have to turn it on, even though the price of not watching it for three straight weeks is like, you know, $10,000 or whatever.
But people who have switched off the television for three weeks notice a remarkable difference in the way
Well, I hate watching TV and I feel guilty that I don't to monitor them, Paul.
What's happened to me?
I mean, just in the last three months, I don't watch TV anymore.
Well, same with Mike.
In my case, I mean, watching television for me just makes me furiously angry because the lies are blatant and you know that millions of people are watching it.
And it is possible to read the same lies in a, you know, just a text format online with all the articles and deal with it and then analyse it, but when it's in your face via the television with all these pre-selected, scripted reports and the sheened newscasters that present them, then that does make a person angry.
Yeah, some number 10 blonde licking her lips, smiling, selling us death of our culture, death of humanity.
The globalists have killed 200 million people last century.
They're arming every one of the teeth, getting ready for national drafts, carrying out terrorism, putting cancer viruses in the vaccines.
I'm angry!
I'm sick of it!
This is life and death!
Paul, do you ever just feel like screaming?
I'm so sick of watching these serial killer murderers stand up there as our saviors.
All the time, and that's why...
You probably remember, probably, I think it was just before September 11th, CNN and other major news networks basically sacked a whole plethora of their old school newscasters, basically middle-aged men, replaced them with these blonde bimbos because they knew that the propaganda was getting more sophisticated and so they needed to get it across to the
And licking their lips when they talk about Bush, our great leader.
So sick, folks.
Just trying to go over this propaganda.
Paul, I got a couple articles here I want to throw out at you.
This is out of the London Independent.
The U.S.
agrees to international control over its troops in Iraq.
The United States accepts that to avoid humiliating failure in Iraq, it needs to bring its forces quickly under international control.
Well, I said six months before the war, we're going to go in, we're going to get pinned down, we're going to win the major takeover, lose the war, the UN will come in as the savior, because I read globalist reports where they said that was the plan.
They go on to say this has already been covertly set up with Bush, comments Paul Watson.
Well, yeah, we were talking about the bombings last time around, and we were saying, well, why are these bombings taking place?
Why are some of them being allowed to take place?
And we commented that, you know, it would be the pretext for international control, UN, EU control of the occupation of Iraq, and that's exactly what happened.
And people
Trying to place a portion of blame onto who's behind these bombings.
Obviously the mainstream line is, oh, it's Al-Qaeda coming across, when before the war even MI5 admitted that they were being told to link Saddam with Al-Qaeda, when in fact Saddam Hussein and Al-Qaeda are basically two opposing views.
They hated each other basically.
And then we get all these bombings and people don't realize that although Saddam Hussein and the Iraqi Republican Guard were paid off to leave the country to Belarus and other Eastern European countries, which was reported in the mainstream media in April of this year,
People don't realize that there are still some remnants of that original Iraqi army.
I mean, they didn't just disappear.
So, obviously, part of these bombings is due to those remnants, and part of it is staged events involving the CIA.
Yeah, well, a lot of the smaller events is different portions infighting with each other for control after we leave, but to add something here, you see, what happens is we go in, our troops are ordered, bulldoze the fruit trees, kill peasants,
They do all this, that creates hate.
Then when the UN comes in and takes the pressure off at one level, they'll accept it.
I mean, there were Roman statecraft manuals 2,000 years ago of how to put in an oppressive governor, then remove him, reprimand him.
But overall, for the EU and Europe,
Who owns America and England, they use us to go to the dirty work, then they come in and take over, and this makes them look like good guys.
That's why domestically the propaganda is how wonderful Bush is, but internationally they admit, ah, Bush blew Saddam out, here's the proof, it's a big scam.
Everybody gets to see the corruption, but they're told it's America doing it, not that it's the globalists, Paul.
Oh yeah, and then you've got U.S.
soldiers being ordered to tie up Iraqi children.
You've got Iraqis selling alcohol, being hooded and taken to prison camps, which are basically, you know, rivaled Guantanamo Bay.
That's Associated Press.
If you sell anything without an RFID bracelet on, saying you work for Halliburton, you're arrested and put in a camp.
Go ahead.
Yeah, you've got ID cards being issued for anyone, any Iraqi that wants to leave the immediate area.
I mean, every single Iraqi's been disarmed.
You've got... And Baghdad's a city of 5 million.
The other cities are big too.
This is great training for your troops.
And then you've got, I mean, the Red Cross being bombed, which we know has been linked to communists in the past in the UN.
That is supposed to be helping the Iraqis, the Red Cross, with a humanitarian effort, but then that gets bombed, and you ask, well, if the Iraqis are being helped by the Red Cross, why would they bomb it?
And then the Red Cross, immediately after their complex gets bombed, they move out of the country.
So again, it's the same thing.
And then ask for a bunch of money.
Yeah, and all the reconstruction contracts, after all these bridges and complexes get bombed, go to, surprise, surprise, Halliburton, Bechdel all have close links to the neocons and the Bush administration.
And here's another one, this is the Washington Post, CIA finds no evidence Hussein sought to arm terrorists.
They tell you the lie up front, then they admit the lie, but say it was an accident to retain some credibility.
The CIA's search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq has found no evidence that former President Saddam Hussein tried to transfer chemical or biological technology or weapons to terrorists, according to military and intelligence experts.
And it goes on, Anthony Kordsman, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies,
Uh, provided new details about the weapons search and Iraq insurgency in a report released Friday.
It was based on briefings over the past two weeks in Iraq from David Kaye, the CI representative who is directing the search for unconventional weapons in Iraq, L. Paul Bremer, the U.S.
civilian administrator there, and military officials.
But here's the deal, folks!
If they wanted to find weapons, they'd find them.
On purpose, they're not allowed to produce them or manufacture them to, again, make America look bad so the UN can come in as the good cop.
We didn't just come up with this scenario.
I said this over a year ago, Paul.
Yeah, and even MI5 were being ordered before the war to link Saddam with Al Qaeda.
And again, I've got an entire chapter in the book about how these weapons were sold to Saddam by U.S.
government and these same corporations in the late 80s.
So if they wanted to produce them, they would produce them, but they haven't for a reason.
We'll be back with more news and more calls.
Stay with us.
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All right, John, Elias, Henry, Jess, and others, your calls are coming up straight into the next segment, then back into more news right now with Paul Watson, who's again the webmaster of PrisonPlanet.com, and has amazing insight on the New World Order.
Our minds are basically one on these issues.
That's why I hired him to be my webmaster, because I found his analysis to be excellent and not kooky.
Or to be a part of the little sewing circles, like so many of the other patriots out there.
Paul, World Bank okays Caspian Pipeline financing.
That finally went through a few weeks ago.
Now they've made it official.
The World Bank agreed, using our money to provide the money to build the oil pipeline out of the Tajikistan, Uzbekistan area, right through Afghanistan, down through Pakistan, out to the ocean.
Another one of the nice little motives here.
Yeah, even before September 11th we know that, I mean we had the report out of the BBC where it was a UN international contact forum involving mainly the European countries and
They basically stated that there needed to be an invasion of Afghanistan during, you know, towards the end of the year, and this report came out in July of 2001.
And troops were, uh, 18,000 British troops, 40,000-plus US troops were massed, ready to invade, two days before 9-11, and Bush had the launch orders on his desk.
Yeah, that later came out in NBC News that Bush had the Al-Qaeda attack planned on 9th of September.
And, um,
In June 2002, when everyone was talking about the pipeline, which had been scheduled for many years, we had the Taliban in Texas report out of the BBC in 1997.
The BBC reported actually that it was a conspiracy theory that this pipeline was set to go ahead and then in January of 2003 I remember it was a Globe and Mail report saying that all these countries had got together and agreed that the construction of the pipeline would take place imminently.
So again, another conspiracy theory turns out to be true and now you've got all these different groups jumping in on who controls it and who gets most of the revenue from it.
Here's another report.
I talked about telescreens.
You talked about them now.
The cameras have TV screens.
The computer knows how to look at certain activities, scan cars.
They shout orders at you.
It actually says they shout at you meanly.
Now here in the U.S., I've been reporting this for years, your phone will ring.
If you don't answer it, you'll be fined.
It's a special government phone call ring.
And this is out of the Arizona Republic today.
Emergency dial system is starting in January.
An automated dialing system for Maricopa County residents of emergencies goes live in January.
Officials have been working and installing the 2.5 million community emergency notification system for a year.
The system can call up to 2,200 phones a minute, alerting residents of hazardous fires, toxic spills, or even a terrorist attack.
And by law, they want to make all the new TVs, all the new radios, the FEMA control systems are already in the radio stations and TV stations since 95, excuse me, 97.
Now, they're going to make it the law, I had the FCC guy on a few years ago about this, where you have to answer the phone or you get some criminal charges.
So now we're going to have to answer the phone to get our government messages.
It's for our safety, Paul.
Yeah, and they've actually coined a new term for it.
I mean, everyone knows about biometrics and telemetrics.
Now the new term is behaviourmetrics, whereby your behaviour brings up red flags, and that leads to suspicions of terrorist activity, which includes the reports that we had, and this spans back over a year, loitering in train stations and so forth, and people ask,
Well, if they have, you know, in this country, two and a half million, three million CCTV cameras, so what?
I mean, you can't get the same amount of people to watch every screen, which is why they're feeding it all into these centralized databases, which includes the ID card in Britain and things like the Matrix database in America, which is already being announced, to bring up these red flags to centralize the system so that... And now I'm looking at an article
Or they admit that on the highways, not just the cell towers, but these antenna arrays on the cameras are going to scan your RFID chips that Walmart is already going to put in all its products with Homeland Security.
Ooh, Paul, sounds nice!
Yeah, and we've already got the technology whereby these same antennas can scan the radio frequency that you're listening to as you're driving along in your car and then pinpoint-directed advertising towards you on the next billboard.
And now, if you go into bars in London, they make you give a DNA cheek swab to go in and drink beer.
Yeah, and if you refuse to submit to that, the article out of the Telegraph said that they've got police on standby to question you because it's suspicious not to take the DNA swab.
And they've said that it's part of a new national DNA database.
Folks, you didn't tune in to a late-night horror science fiction flick.
You tuned in to the Alex Jones Show.
We're reading nothing but mainstream, in-your-face, pure evil as they destroy the world.
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Don't worry, this show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
I fell into a burning ring of fire.
I went down, down, down, and the flames went higher.
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire.
Alright, I got about ten other really important news stories we'll hit before we end the show.
And we've got John and Elias and Jess and Kelly and many others.
That are patiently holding.
We'll get to your calls quickly as well.
1-800-259-9231 is the toll free number.
Join us.
Now I'm not going to give any specifics out on air.
But this is so funny.
And we've talked about it during the break all day today.
So I have to talk about it.
And again, we're not going to say any names.
But so many patriots out there
Patriots, Conservatives, Libertarians, whatever.
They're so busy thinking other Patriots are out to get them, and there's men in black hiding behind, you know, the bushes, when the helicopters are openly scanning all of us, that I saw a website where the person posted one of these emails from Africa.
Now anybody that's got emails gotten one of these.
I was talking to Rob that runs the internet for the network.
He says he's gotten a thousand of them at least in the last month.
I get 50 of them a day for at least two years.
Let's bring Paul Watson up.
Paul, I bet you've gotten these emails that say, my country's recently changed the law.
I want to send you $20 million, $5 million.
Just wire me $5,000 and you get the $15 million.
And only greedy pea brains or really stupid people...
Uh, who are involved in magical lottery thinking would buy into this, but obviously it's working because I get so many of these emails.
Somebody's doing this.
Somebody's sending, you know, wiring the money to this African bank account in South Africa or Zimbabwe or, or in Nigeria.
You know, it's all different African countries.
Same form letters.
And I'm on the internet looking around and I see this on a, on a forum.
It's, it's, it's, hey, look, see the attempted bribery of me to not talk about the new world order.
And I'm looking at it, and people start responding, man, are you nuts?
We all get those emails.
That's not the government.
You know, that's not the government doing that to you.
But my point is, is that how can I talk to these patriots who think I'm bad or somebody else is bad, when they think emails from Zimbabwe or emails from wherever are the government trying to bribe them?
Let me tell you how the government tries to bribe you.
Hello, this is
John Doe from one of the biggest syndicators in the country.
I'm sure you've heard of me.
We'd like to meet you at the Four Star Restaurant.
And we'd like to, and you get there and they offer you a million bucks to sell out and go work for them.
If you've ever been in this long enough and worked hard enough and affected change enough, maybe that'll happen to you.
If you're a good enough talk show host.
And then it's not like we're here to pay you off.
It's, hey, come join us.
You know, don't be with those kooks.
Be like Limbaugh!
So, I don't know why I'm telling this story.
It's just, I see so much of that.
Where, you know, like I've got call waiting at my house.
And when I'm on my cordless phone, when somebody calls in, it'll cut out for a second.
And I've talked to friends, and they hear that and go, oh, did you hear that?
They're listening to us.
Folks, if they're listening to you, you don't hear it.
It's all digital now, unless they want you to.
All I'm saying is, the number one cause of death is driving in your car until you're 55.
Then it's heart attacks and cancer.
You still get in your car, folks, chances are it's gonna kill you.
Chances are, the statistics are even worse, that you'll get really hurt, real bad in your car.
In fact, I've been hurt quite a few times.
I'm still gonna get in my car today.
Now you look at how evil the globalists are, all the horrible things they do, they're expanding what they're doing, going along with them ensures their victory.
We've got to fight them.
But again, we have a so-called patriot community, where everyone's a Mossad agent, or, you know, oh look, my phone clicked, I'm being spied on.
Folks, they don't have the personnel at Echelon, they don't have the personnel at NSA, they don't have the personnel at CIA to do this.
Now, they do have local police units, federally funded, out looking for someone who's a terrorist.
That is true.
Again, you should give those people a copy of my video.
You should wake them up.
Paul, I don't even know why I brought this story up, but I shared it with you on the phone yesterday.
Is it not ridiculous?
Well, it is because, I mean, sometimes the Patriot community are their own worst enemy.
I mean, with this email scam, I mean, it's been going on for years.
In fact, I've just clicked on my email, and in the last five minutes I've got one, and you can tell that they are these kind of emails by the fact that the email subject line and the sender are all in capital letters.
I mean, you get a subject heading like, please, I need your urgent assistance, and it's obviously this offer to transfer millions of dollars into your bank account.
Everybody knows about, it used to be called the Nigerian Banking Scam, but now they've got a bit more sophisticated and they send them from South Africa and Zimbabwe and other countries.
So again, it has been going on for years, everybody gets these emails, nobody reads them, everybody just deletes them.
But then you tell the person, hey, this is a scam everybody's got, and they go, no, no, you're just jealous because I'm so powerful they're trying to bribe me.
Well, it's because in the last five years or so, there's this huge cult of celebrity that's grown, both in America and Britain, and so any chance at elevating one's own self-importance, people normally will fall for that, because the ego is a powerful, seductive thing, and so if people receive this sort of thing, they're more prone to take on this paranoid nature and elevate their own ego to say, oh look, people are trying to bribe me, I'm getting all these emails,
Everybody gets them, and it's just, it's all fake.
Yeah, let's take some calls.
I just, I had to mention that.
I mean, when I saw that, I was just rolling.
And then people were telling them, hey, that's not true.
We all get those.
I mean, folks, this is what's wrong with the country.
I just, I don't understand it sometimes.
I just can't understand it.
We've got massive, real things happening.
Paul, they admit they're putting cancer viruses in a lot of the vaccines.
They're still administering the oral polio vaccine in Austin, which they admit has SV40 in it.
What's SV40, Paul?
Well, that's the cancer, and then we've got...
Um, the same thing being put in potatoes in Britain and other, you know, produce.
And so it's the same thing.
You've got all these horrors going on, but people try and find these distractions.
I mean, it's similar to people who argue, oh, there's, you know, this big split within the New World Order, Russia's fighting Israel and, you know, America's, you know, with the Jews, but then there's this faction within America that doesn't like the Jews.
It just, it seeks to make the whole thing more interesting when the overall picture is that they are all together and we need to fight them on a universal front.
Well that's it, it's not Jews, it's not Germans, it's not Chinese, it's evil people throughout history, regardless of what color they are, need to be resisted!
And I'm trying to bring people together.
I get criticized, Paul, because I bring people together.
Because I'm able to wake leftists up and have them go out and buy guns and become conservatives.
I mean, what's wrong with that, Paul?
Well, the New World Order don't like that, because obviously they've got the leftist control, because the big leftist groups are funded by the Ford Foundation, and then on the other side, the big pro-war rallies were sponsored by Clear Channel, which is, you know, Bush administration background.
Clear Channel, Ford Foundation, it's the same people, so if you try to wake the leftists up to that, then they can't see it.
Let's talk to John in Florida, then Elias
Hey Alex, how you doing?
Go ahead.
I'm just calling about the Jensen Beach Pineapple Festival they just had this weekend.
And it was, uh, they had the Little River Band in concert.
And before the concert, the local bank manager, she came out and said that the Little River Band was busy, um, on their tour bus watching their favorite show, Cops.
Then they bring out this guy who's like a local hero, and he helped the police apprehend someone who, quote, wasn't on the right side of the law.
They give him some loose white plaque, and, uh, tell the audience to give him a round of applause.
And of course, that was from the local TV.
Yep, it was a stage, like a stage... Well, I mean, I'm asking you, was that on local TV?
Oh, I don't know.
No, I was at the concert myself.
I don't know who... So basically it was all, oh, sorry guys, you can't see the band, they're watching cops, here, let's give awards to Tattletails.
It was all like a worship of the police state thing?
And then, you know, the Little River Band comes out and they had a bunch of cops in the front, they had security guards, and then they had this guy who was dressed in camo gear with like a black beret.
And he was kind of like running the whole show.
He was running back and forth here and there, pointing people out.
I mean, this is like a local little festival, you know?
See, that's the message with Bush, with the police state, and Blair, and the rest of it, and Resente Fox.
If you're powerful, you've got militarized troops around you, see?
So now everyone wants to imitate that.
See the sick culture?
Oh yeah, absolutely.
I mean, it was just, you know, you felt like you were some kind of a, like, captive in this little thing.
And like I said, they were pointing people out, and anyone who had a camera, they would grab them and throw them out of the concert because... Oh, see?
Yeah, we gotta keep all the terrorists in line!
Right, right.
It was just amazing.
Well, it's like the article out of the Las Vegas Review Journal.
They're now going after county commissioners in zoning scams with the Patriot Act.
Paul, it's terrorism, isn't it?
Yeah, that's what we were talking about earlier with the
Oh, look how they brainwash young children to beat people up to be members of the tax police.
They wear black masks.
Oh, it's so good!
Well, Heidi, I just wanted to say, too, your movies are great.
I came across you about a year and a half ago.
I have all of them, and I'm still waiting for the newest one you put out.
And I've just got to say, they really are good.
They help wake people up.
Well, thank you very much, sir.
I appreciate you getting Matrix of Evil.
Thank you.
I appreciate it.
Yeah, Matrix of Evil has been shipping out for two weeks now.
I know everybody is feverish to get it.
A lot of you are now telling me you've gotten it and are amazed with it.
And the video's shipping out the door, folks.
So for those that have gotten the other videos and liked them, get the new video.
And here's a good spot to do this.
We'll go to Elias and the other callers.
Paul Watson, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
Go through in a minute the different chapters in the book.
Different chapters in the book.
We've got MI5 carrying out terrorism with the Omar bombing in 1998.
We've got the Israelis founding and sponsoring Hamas and globalist groups like the EU still funding Hamas to this day.
We've got
Three chapters on September 11th, which goes into more depth about how the actual operation was carried out, not just the prior knowledge issue, but while, you know, refraining from getting into holographic planes and all that sort of stuff.
We've got PNAC, the build-up to the Iraq War, how it was all scripted.
A great expose of PNAC!
Yeah, going right up to the, basically the announcement of the Iraq War.
And how the U.S.
government armed Saddam Hussein in the first place, and then more in-depth information about how, while there is sort of a tiny fissure within the New World Order, the basic overall agenda is the same.
There's just disagreements on how to implement it without people noticing that it's basically a totalitarian takeover.
So in that instance, we do go into some sort of highbrow depth, which occurs in the later chapters.
As I said before, it's good for both novices and people who have studied it.
Yeah, folks, this is the book.
I published it.
It's the best book and I've read dozens about government-sponsored terror, about the globalists.
You want a tool to wake up that college professor, that high school history teacher, your pastor, your rabbi, whatever.
You need to get Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order, over 300 pages, but in concise, focused chapters, an easy read, full of documents and photos.
Second copy, $11.95 to give as a gift.
And this is what supports Paul Watson, who updates PrisonPlanet.com six or seven days a week.
You need to get the book and support what we're doing.
When you support us, we expand.
When you don't support us, we contract.
Obviously, you've been supporting us because we're expanding.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com to get Matrix of Evil, Police State 3 Total Enslavement, Masters of Terror, 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get the videos.
Get the books.
Write it down, folks.
Take action.
This is what you can do.
This is a great tool to wake people up.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Let's go to Elias in Michigan, then Jess and Kelly.
Elias, go ahead.
Yes, go ahead.
In Britain, His Majesty is visiting.
As Pinochet visited Britain, they should arrest him with a mass people's movement to bring the criminal to justice.
Now, you certainly realize George Bush is a puppet, doesn't run anything.
Yes, but he is the head, and he is the one, and he is the mass murderer.
I don't even know what time it is.
There's only one thing to do.
He's visiting the provinces.
Paul, he's visiting the province of the United States, which happens to be the beautiful isle.
Okay, but it's time to get him.
Thanks for the call.
I wish no harm against President Bush or any other member of the federal government.
I want to wake the good people up in government and then I want to cause a movement constitutionally to indict criminals for treason.
That's what I want.
Let's talk to Jess in New Jersey.
Go ahead, Jess.
Hi, good afternoon guys.
I'm a big fan of both of your work.
My question is relating to Princess Diana.
Or the seeming assassination?
Oh, we never answered that question from the listener earlier.
Go ahead.
Basically, I think this whole Princess Diana thing is... Or rather, the homosexual allegations or bisexual allegations with Prince Charles is a distraction from the whole Princess Diana assassination.
From the murder.
I would agree.
And, I mean, it's just another example of a preemptive type of disclosure.
Yeah, that's with the United Nations.
Comments, Paul?
Well, as soon as the... I mean, I knew about the Prince Charles situation about two weeks before it broke in the British media.
At that point, I was thinking, well, this might be interesting, you know, another royal scandal which shows them to be complete decadent scum, basically, which is what most people in this country think of them, but...
As soon as it started to break, it did become obvious, and I said this on the website, that it was a blatant distraction from the fact that two weeks previously, this whole Diana thing had come out where she predicted her own death and it brought up all the evidence to do with the fact that she was killed.
So yes, the Charles bisexual allegation situation is a blatant distraction.
And hey, look what it did for Arnold!
I mean, to be a conservative, you've got to be for open borders, gun control, and in hardcore gay porno mags.
And that was where Zell gave him that statue, by the way.
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Final segment of a great show today.
We do this show Monday through Friday from 11 to 2, back from 9 to midnight central.
Let's try to let Jess, Kelly, and Rick finish up here.
Yeah, sure.
The other thing I want to comment on is just these
The trend with the children's programming on television, it almost seems like the parents in all these situations, in the cartoons and such, are framed as being idiots.
And I think there's an agenda behind that.
Of course!
And in Fox television, the dad's always bad, the mother's the authority figure, breaking down the family.
It's an official globalist policy.
I've read it hundreds of times.
Official Department of Education policy.
Official activity of Nickelodeon.
They even bragged about it.
Paul Watson comments to that.
Well, yeah, we've seen this evisceration of the atypical, you know, strong father authority figure, which makes the, you know, strong family unit that's accepted throughout the ages.
And what this leads to is what's going on in this country right now.
Serious talk and actual legislation being introduced that bans parents from smacking their children.
Now, my argument with this is that if criminals are going to abuse children, then why is the law going to stop them?
The only thing the law does is prevent responsible parents from disciplining their children and hands their upbringing over to the state, which is exactly what this kind of legislation seeks to achieve.
Thanks for the call, Jess.
Go ahead, Kelly.
You're on the air, Kelly.
Texas Net told her they could no longer supply her special needs and threatened her with being charged with harassment if she tried calling them again.
Well, I mean if an internet service provider doesn't want to give you service, just go to somebody else.
So you're not calling from Utah?
Yes, I am calling from Utah.
And Sue Ann never was in error or even advocated violence.
Sue Ann is an activist fighting to expose the ways the government currently harasses citizens.
Yeah, I know her.
She's a nice lady.
I think she had a website about the police state, didn't she?
I believe so.
And then they kicked her website off.
They sure did.
Well, I'll have to talk to her.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Rick in New York.
Rick, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Last caller.
Yeah, what do you call it?
The other night I was up until about 4 a.m.
and I was watching C-SPAN and they had the George Marshall Foundation dinner report and on it was David Rockefeller and they were honoring Colin Powell.
And I like what Robert Welch says in The Politician that Marshall is basically an agent of the Kremlin.
Yeah, but that's only one level of it.
The communists are controlled by the Rothschilds and the big banks.
Oh, of course.
I wouldn't argue that.
I agree with that 100%.
I know.
It's like two weeks ago, Bush gave Kennedy an award.
I mean, it's just disgusting.
It is.
Okay, I'll let you go.
I just wanted to give you that tip.
If you want me to send it to you, you want to see David Rothschild?
Yes, please.
I love video like that.
Thank you.
Thanks for the call.
We're out of time, folks.
Be back tomorrow, back tonight.
Tonight, it's going to be at 7 o'clock, be there about 645, Big L BJ Bass Lecture Hall.
They got the former head of CIA counterintelligence terrorism, Total New World Order, former deputy director of the FBI there.
Come to the event, they're going to take questions.
Ask them questions.
I'm not the only one that will be there asking questions.
I want to see you there tonight, and then of course on the radio 9 to midnight.
Paul Watson, Final Comments, my good buddy.
Well, just with the communist thing, we've got another article from Henry Macau today, which talks about the Communist Capitalist International, and obviously, it was not just the communist movement, it was co-opted, just like the New York capitalist movement was co-opted.
So, all controlled from the top, and we've got that article on Prison Planet today.
Alright, the globalists actually created and had the Communist Manifesto written to con the masses back into serfdom.
It's serfdom, they call it freedom.
It's all command and control.
Take care.
See you back tonight.