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Name: 20031114_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 14, 2003
2365 lines.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Alright folks, it's Friday.
Big show lined up for you.
The global news, the national news, information from the four corners of this country, the legislation, the economy, your calls.
Admiral Starr will be joining us with Tito Howard, continuing our series on the USS Liberty.
And government-sponsored terrorism to get us into a war.
That's coming up in the second hour.
And I'm working on another great guest for the third hour as well right now concerning the Roman slave system and how they are breaking up our families using a tried-and-trusted system.
I was just listening to the guy and I've heard his info before and I've gone over it myself.
I just listened to him on Derry Brownfield.
I want to get him on this show.
And of course, wide open phones.
There is a ton of news here that we're going to go over.
gunship hits Iraqi militants.
war dead in Iraq exceed early Vietnam years.
Now, we already covered this a few weeks ago, but now the numbers are even worse.
Quitting Iraq means chaos, Bush warns, but Iraq must still speed up forming government and constitution, he says.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
Ten Commandments judge removed from office.
Latin American states give up, that is, give aliens ID cards in the US.
What's wrong with that statement?
Latin American states give aliens ID cards in the US.
This has been going on for several years.
Now it's spreading to Eastern Bloc countries in Europe.
This is world government, where foreign countries can issue any ID card to their citizens they want, and those are accepted for welfare and basic naturalization, basic citizenship in this country.
That's world government by fiat, folks!
They're doing it right now, and again, it's hidden in plain view.
CIA rejects claim it sought Osama deal before 9-11.
It's now coming out how they met with Bin Laden.
It's being confirmed by governments and how he worked for them.
This is out of the New Zealand Herald.
Also, deal on 9-11 briefings lets White House edit papers.
The 9-11 Commission's a total whitewash, folks.
And so they have these little chicken fights, good cop, bad cop, where they act like, oh, you better give us the documents.
When the people on the committee were intimately involved in the information and activities of 9-11, meeting with the Pakistani general and others, now they're running around
Blaming, oh, we're going to make the White House give us documents and it turns out they're just giving them basically fake documents.
We've seen a lot of that happening.
Also, Bush unfazed by UK protest plans.
You know, he is fazed.
He tried to get protest banned over there.
Also, they're displaying the Koran in the New York Police Department, but
People can't put nativity scenes in their yards.
They can't put them in schools.
Children can't pray at lunch or they're arrested.
A continuing cover-up, alleged, and probe of USS Liberty.
That's coming up the next hour.
This is from London Guardian.
Newsmax, the Associated Press.
We've got Admiral Starr coming on.
Right here in Austin, the Capital Area United Way is pulling its funding from the Boy Scouts because they will not have homosexual scout leaders.
And the statistics show that it's very dangerous for the children.
But that's like having a male scout leader for the brownies.
Or girl scouts.
I mean, this is sick, folks.
But no, you gotta have the males in the tents with your children when you're not there who like little boys.
I mean, this is sick, folks.
And I've told you don't give money to United Way or Red Cross or any of these groups.
They're anti-gun, they're anti-family, and they steal your money.
Now, I don't know about the capital group for United Way, but the national group's been caught stealing dozens of times.
So stop giving your money to these people.
Give it directly to the Boy Scouts, a great organization.
In fact, I want you to write a check to your local Boy Scouts.
I want you to call the United Way if you live in Austin and tell them I've never given you another dime!
You make me sick!
Remember they took all that money from 9-11 and gave it to the gun grabbers?
As I told you they would!
Look, I've only scratched the surface.
It's all coming up.
Stay with me.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Welcome, my friends.
We have, in about 52 minutes, an admiral who was the head of the Navy's judicial process, who's blown the whistle about the cover-up of the USS Liberty in 1967 coming on.
With Tito Howard, the filmmaker, part of the Liberty Alliance that's been exposing this.
It's a very important story because it goes to the heart of government-sponsored terror, creating crises to offer a police state or World War III solution right out of the Northwoods plan.
So Admiral Starr will be joining us on Monday.
We have Captain Boston.
Also involved in the cover-up under direct orders that he got directly from LBJ back in 1967.
Now blowing the whistle after all the propaganda he saw in the news.
He couldn't go along with it any longer.
I'd start coming up because we talk about the New World Order.
We talk about legislation.
We talk about the Second Amendment, what's happening to our borders.
We talk about issues to inform people and to mobilize the American people and the people of the world against tyranny.
I have an important program note right now, and I'm only going to address this one time.
And that's this.
The Genesis Network is not a sewing circle or a bevy of old hens sitting around, balking and squawking about an unsubstantiated propaganda shotgun effect at any and everyone.
We are reputable.
We have incredible credibility because we have stated the facts, most of our hosts have, year after year and been very accurate on the record.
We will not be part of elaborate COINTELPRO disinformation bombs, basically.
We're standing against the New World Order.
That's what I've always done.
I'm about unifying people.
I'm about informing people.
I'm about making our movement mainstream and affecting change.
And we've been successful at doing that.
Now, again, I see us having a massive effect.
I go on all these hundreds of radio talk shows, thousands of radio talk shows, to be accurate.
I hear everyone calling in agreeing.
One caller out of 30 on average.
I'll literally sit there, you know, marking four stripes and then a slashed room.
That's five.
I'll sit there on a show for two hours marking how many callers agree, how many disagree.
I know that we're changing people's minds.
I know we're breaking through.
Because we don't focus on UFOs, we don't focus on chupacabras, we don't focus on the abominable snowman or Bigfoot, or werewolves, or vampires, or Easter bunnies, or Santa Claus.
We talk about documents, legislation, geopolitical movements, economics, quotes by globalists in their own publications and white papers.
People ask me, why is this show so successful?
Despite my histrionics and my occasional blow-ups, we talk about real issues.
We have real guests on.
Congressmen, and activists, and land rights organizations, and second amendment groups, and widows being oppressed by the government, and the downtrodden.
And all the other so-called patriot networks have gone up in flames because they descend into a hack
frenzy bar fight as everyone begins sniping at each other spewing unsubstantiated garbage in every direction and not even addressing news and real issues.
People don't want to tune in and hear two three-hour gossip columns about people they don't even know in microscopic corners of the world.
I don't want to hear it.
I don't want to be sued.
I want to talk about credible things.
When I say DynCorp kidnapped 200,000 women and children, I have the BBC.
I read the court case where they lost.
When I say Texas company ProteiGene put AIDS virus in corn, pharmacological corn, and planted it in 96 locations, open air, I'm reading from the Associated Press.
When I say George Bush attends satanic meetings, I snuck in and got video.
It's been admitted in the Washington Times, the San Francisco Chronicle, on the Trio Network on national Japanese television.
When I claim they're putting cancer viruses in the vaccines, I have the scientist on.
I read the Chicago Medical School articles on air.
I have the top epidemiologist in the world, Nobel Prize winners on.
Let me tell you, truth is stranger than fiction, and it's hard enough for people to believe it when you've got it posted on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And I and this network are never going to be sucked in to these operations where both sides are controlled, they have a fake fight with each other, spew a bunch of lies and propaganda and half-baked garbage, and then
Totally turn everybody off to standing up and getting involved and going down to their county commissioners and getting the Patriot Act reversed, or getting gun laws reversed, or stopping gun control legislation, or getting the consulate matricula fake IDs thrown out.
We're about real action here!
We're not about getting people to join up with federally infiltrated militias and sit around campfires guzzling beer, being provocateured into shooting your mouth off, and going to federal prison!
We're about wearing suits and ties, and writing books, and making documentary films, and speaking before legislatures!
We're about defending the Republic, and I've been doing it for ten years!
And no one in my sphere and my circumference has ever been burned.
And I look at all these other idiots that are so easy to be infiltrated, that will sit there and just listen to the most obvious garbage on the planet.
You know, there are so many people that have spewed the most ridiculous propaganda imaginable about me.
I'm a Mossad agent.
I am a CIA agent.
I do this and that, and then I hear them talking trash about somebody else.
I know it's garbage!
So understand, and I have limited it to a bare minimum, and I don't censor people on this show, but there will be no sewing circles.
There will be no trash talk.
There will be none of this on my show.
And I have it from the top of this network.
There's going to be none of it on this network.
Zero trash.
Zero stirring up garbage.
We're about putting out information and we do not censor any of it.
But we are not about spewing garbage that is designed to bring networks down.
That's why I've been on the air for 10 years and never had a problem.
Because everything I cover is right out of a bill.
It's right out of a news story.
It's right out of legislation.
It's right out of government documents.
If I'm covering it, it's documented up one side and down the other.
No matter how wild it sounds, you know my track record.
I only got on the air one time.
One time.
And said the government's gonna attack New York using Bin Laden as the Patsy?
Call the White House, tell them don't blow up the buildings.
I said that July 25th, I said that July 26th, 27th, I said it for two months.
In 2001, right before 9-11, and I gave the phone number out every single day.
And people were in shocked amazement when exactly what I said was going to happen, happened.
How did I know that?
Because I've got a brain and I know how to look at the indicators and connect the dots and follow the lines, project the lines as Welch said, founder of the John Birch Society.
I have that gift and I can look at the rancid, putrid,
Propaganda being spewed by all of these people, the useful idiots and their controllers, on both sides of these phony fights that they want us to be involved in on a hundred different issues.
Don't do it!
Stay focused on the New World Order, stay focused on the top of the pyramid, and what the Dark Lord is up to, and you will affect change.
You will get things done!
All right.
Coming up, U.S.
gunship hits Iraqi militants.
war dead in Iraq exceed early Vietnam years.
Putting Iraq means chaos, Bush warns.
Ten commandments judge removed from office.
Latin American states give aliens ID cards in the U.S.
What's wrong with that picture?
Can our government issue us ID cards for being in Mexico?
You're not a country if you do that.
This is globalism.
CIA rejects claim it sought Osama deal before 9-11, New Zealand Herald.
Deal on 9-11 briefings lets White House edit papers.
It's a total whitewash.
Bush unfazed by UK protest.
Yeah, he just tried to have them banned.
Koran displayed in NYPD headquarters, but no nativity scene.
You can have a menorah, you can have a Koran.
No Bible.
No Ten Commandments.
Even though it's the foundation of our law.
Cover up alleged improv of USS Liberty.
That's coming up and the bombshells are going to be dropped by the good Admiral
So you'll want to stay with us for that.
Also, the United Way in Austin pulls its funding for the Boy Scouts who are doing it all over the country.
Stop giving your money to them and tell your family not to give them money!
When they ask for money at the gas station, when you gas up and, you know, buy a bottle of water, and you walk up to the counter and they go, money for the United Way?
Come on!
Come on!
Come on!
Scientists use DNA to make viruses?
Yeah, that's what the human genome's all about.
USDA sued over drug-growing crops?
They're being sued over their HIV corn!
Wired News, Pentagon limits funeral coverage.
You can't just get in now to see the coppers coming off the planes, and you can't get in to see the people in the VA hospitals.
Hitler even let the German media in to see the hurt soldiers.
Now you can't
Video tape any of the stuff at Arlington Cemetery, because there's so many more dead than they're saying.
Oh, that's the Washington Post, by the way.
And a new development, a Second Amendment case concerning Bob Stewart.
Look, it's all coming up in your calls.
No in circles.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Real issues moving forward, affecting change, defeating the New World Order, force multiplying,
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
Back from 9 to midnight.
Central Standard Time.
We've got your calls coming up.
Loaded phones here in the next segment.
Might as well give the number out.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
We want to talk about real issues of substance and significance.
No aliens, no chupacabras.
No, she said, he said, that this guy is a Chinese agent from the moon.
Okay, I'm sorry.
We're just not going to do that on my show.
gunship hits Iraqi militants.
troops in a helicopter gunship have killed seven Iraqis suspected of preparing rocket attacks on a U.S.
base in northern Iraq.
military says the attack near Tikrit appears to be part of a more forceful coalition response to increased Iraqi resistance.
troops are pressing on with a similar operation in Baghdad where fighter aircraft have been deployed.
And then continuing here, U.S.
war dead in Iraq exceed early Vietnam years.
We've already covered this, but now new numbers are out.
It's worse than we first thought.
The U.S.
death toll in Iraq has surpassed the number of American soldiers killed during the first three years of the Vietnam War, the brutal Cold War conflict that cast a shadow over U.S.
affairs for more than a generation.
A Reuters analysis of U.S.
Defense Department statistics showed on Thursday
But the Vietnam War, which the Army says officially began December 11, 1961, they didn't announce it began until 64, but later they revised that, produced a combined 392 fatal casualties from 62 to 64, when American troop levels in Indonesia stood at just over 17,000.
Again, American troop levels in Indochina stood at just over 17,000.
By comparison, a roadside bomb attack killed a soldier in Baghdad on Wednesday,
Brought the total to 397, the tally of American dead in Iraq, where U.S.
forces currently number at about 130,000 troops, the same number reached in Vietnam by October of 1965.
They're going to keep us in the war, they're going to split the country down the middle, they're going to energize the gun-grabbing leftists that are right about the war being wrong, but wrong about everything else, and then they're going to bring the U.N.
as the saviors.
It's already been set up, already been stated before the war started, public U.N.
documents, Blair documents, Bush statements, and people say, how did you know this?
How did you know?
Folks, they say what they're going to do in their own policy reports, because there's hundreds of thousands of globalists
Minions, only a few thousand controllers, they've got to communicate with their people.
They just don't put it in the New York Times.
I sit up late every night for hours, drinking ice water, hard stuff, reading this, okay?
And then I just come here and basically give you a prime projection of what's going to happen.
So it's horrible and we're just going to have to sit here and watch it happen, I guess, and have a conservative movement, a libertarian movement against the war, and not let the communist, the other side of the New World Order, the left hand of this ogre, Bush's the right hand, control the debate.
Very, very important.
You know, it's like these leftist sites, they're right about depleted uranium, it's admitted fact it's killing our troops and Iraqis and Serbs and others, but they're
For total gun control in this country, and they're for abortion.
They'll show videos of all the deformed children from DU, deformity up 700 plus percent in Iraq in the last 10 years since they used it there 12 years ago.
And then they'll be all for abortion, how wonderful it is.
It's sick!
It's disgusting!
We've got to break through to these people, and we're able to do it if we're not hypocritical.
Of course George Bush isn't good!
Of course he's evil!
You should love him, leftists!
He's for gun control, open borders, funding UNESCO, protecting Bill Clinton, campaign finance reform, on and on and on and on and on and on!
Wake up and stop being the left hand of the ogre or the right hand of the ogre!
Get outside the system!
Change America!
Bush says quitting Iraq means chaos.
Bush warns, but Iraq must still speed up reforming government constitution.
They're now saying in reports they're going to be there for 10 years.
And they're going to, again, they've already appointed a puppet dictatorship.
That was their election, was our government appointing 282 people.
Now they're going to let those guys set up an election and quote, appoint who they want in a larger, they're talking about several thousand people voting.
This is insane!
They're going to try to share power with the Shiites and the Sunnis and the Kurds and the Christians and try to break the country off in an imperial fashion to keep control.
It isn't going to work, folks.
It's going to be a mob war.
And a lot of these attacks aren't the CIA and aren't Saddam.
They're groups fighting for control over there.
That's what happens in revolutions.
It's chaos.
It's anarchy over there.
And our troops are in the middle of it.
But don't worry, after 5 years and 10,000, 20,000 dead U.S.
troops, the number could be higher.
If this continues at this rate, even if it slows dramatically, we're talking about thousands and thousands, then the U.N.
will flat down like the Savior.
Makes me so angry.
We'll come back, cover more news, go straight to your calls.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Not yet available in Iowa.
All right folks, Alex Jones here back live.
I'm going to try to get into a little bit more news, then we'll go to Daryl and Geneva and Kelly and HW and others that are patiently holding.
The toll-free number to join us on this Friday live edition is 1-800-259-9231.
Before I go any further, I want to remind the listeners that I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made 10 films.
They're very informative, very professional, extremely dynamic.
We're finding that about 90% of people that see 9-11, Road to Tyranny, or Masters of Terror, or Police State, Three Total Enslavement, or Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove are waking up
What an amazing success rate!
And it's not just that my films are so powerful.
I mean, they really are good.
A lot of people said, other than myself, that they're the best Patriot films out there.
Which is scary, because, you know, we could even do better.
But we're stepping up to fill that gap of information and to put it all together in a concise form that gives people the big picture.
But the real reason the films are having, instead of a 50% wake-up rate like they had a couple years ago, but a 90% wake-up rate, is people have already heard or seen most of what's in the films, they just never connected the dots.
They never projected the lines.
Now when they see it, they already know it's all true,
They just had it all compartmentalized.
The pieces all fall together.
It's an orgy of evidence, as the police say.
A concerning New World Order criminal activity hidden in plain view.
So please get the new video, Matrix of Evil, exposed with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Colonel Craig Roberts, Frank Morales, and myself.
It is so jam-packed.
Interviews, speeches, news clips, documents.
2 hours, 10 minutes, $25.95.
Order 3 or more of that title or any of the titles and they drop down to $20 a piece.
Do the math.
It's an $18 discount or $17.85 discount on the 3-tape special, $24 discount on the 4-tape special and so on.
And your purchase makes this show possible and helps fund my staff.
The show, and research, and making the films, and writing books, and publishing books.
I also have published Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
And folks, it really is the best book on government-sponsored terror in 9-11 and the New World Order that I've seen.
I've read hundreds of them.
I don't know why all of you have not ordered it.
You really need to get Order Out of Chaos.
Paul Watson's done such a fabulous job.
His work needs to be seen.
It's a tragedy.
If you don't give this book legs and give it to people as a gift.
One copy is $19.95.
A second copy when you get one is $11.95 to give as a gift.
Over 330 something pages.
50-something photos, diagrams, documents.
It's amazing!
You've got to get Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
There's my book, Descent into Tyranny.
It's only $12, over 200 pages, covering 9-11 and government-sponsored terror.
These are the issues, and you need to know the facts specifically.
The books, the videos will do that.
If we don't expose government-sponsored terror, it's over, folks.
They're going to keep carrying it out.
We have backed them off, I have to tell you for now.
They were already planning smallpox attacks, as the CFR said they would take place last year.
They didn't.
They were planning all other sorts of things.
We're on a razor's edge, folks.
Go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com, order the videos via our secure online shopping cart.
Or call toll free to get the books or the films or the t-shirts or any of it.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or, just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Don't wait, make the call, go to the website, write the letter today.
Alright, I've already covered some of the news, let me just hit a few others, because then we want to go to your calls, and we've got guests coming up, the Admiral coming up.
So it's just very important that we go ahead and get to some of this.
Now look, this morning it hit me, and I've already stated this a hundred times, we've already gone over it with a hundred guests at least, but it just hit me how blaring and obvious and hidden in plain view this is.
I read this headline from Reuters.
Latin American states give aliens ID cards in the U.S.
Now just think about how out of control that is.
That is world government.
Where our government says we'll accept any ID card that any government issues.
And remember, earlier this year they gave the record bonus to the heads of the embassies that under FBI orders let Al Qaeda back in the country.
Remember, they got the biggest bonuses, federal bonuses of 2002.
They were awarded them in January of this year, 2003.
The border's wide open.
They're bringing the terrorists in.
They issued record visas to terrorist-sponsored nations according to human events.
Hundreds of thousands of them!
But they're going to have drones looking through your walls with ground-penetrating radar on the police helicopters.
They're going to data mine you, all your purchases, everything you buy, what you do, being tracked, face-scanning behavior cameras going up everywhere.
They announced in the news two days ago, a thousand more cameras will be put up by the state in Austin.
They got them already in the neighborhoods.
Where are a thousand more going to go?
A thousand!
All of this, and you read the headline, this has been going on for several years, but now it's just out in the open.
Latin American states give alien ID cards in the U.S.
Several Latin American countries plan to follow Mexico's example by issuing consular identification cards to illegal immigrants in the United States, despite FBI warnings that the cards pose a security threat, officials said on Thursday.
You'll have the FBI come out and go, oh, this is bad, but Bush is calling to accept them!
And the Limbaughs will talk about how bad this is, but they'll not tell you Bush is doing it!
And you've got Clark, the Rhodes Scholar, Bill Clinton's roommate, you've got McCain, you've got Kerry, you've got Dean, all these idiots, all these New World Order trash, up there saying the same thing.
Folks, for two years they've been accepting them from Poland, from Venezuela, from Chile.
They've been accepting these cards from everywhere already.
Again, years after it's in place, we've been telling you about it, how many years you've been listening to me talk about this, it's finally in the news.
Foreign countries issue any card and our government accepts them.
The federal government accepts them.
Eight hundred cities accept them.
Last week, nine days ago, last Wednesday, Vicente Fox was here in Austin giving awards to the APD thanking them for accepting the matricula.
Thanking Wells Fargo that their debit cards are now accepted as matricula.
Oh, now we got banks issuing ID cards that the government accepts.
Federal crimes!
They build day labor sites, infrastructures, give them welfare!
Hatch has got a bill to give the illegals double the tuition that citizens get.
And so Arnold Schwarzenegger could be president, rescind the 22nd Amendment.
Moving to start a constitutional convention on that subject.
I mean, can you see the magnitude of this?
And I went and bullhorned Fox with valiant Texans, black, white, Hispanic, didn't matter, wonderful people, and I was attacked on local talk shows on the radio.
That I'm bad, that I embarrassed Austin for going and bullhorning Fox, and how dare I?
Maybe I shouldn't be allowed to talk like this.
And these are my Neocon talk show hosts.
Oh, how embarrassing.
This is Texas, the Alamo!
We got a foreign guy who says this belongs to Mexico, here in my city!
Where my family's been for hundreds of years.
Here telling me, telling you, that this belongs to Mexico.
They got official Mexican documents on the website, in the image section, where they hand out flyers telling their people to jump the border.
They give them survival packs.
They're suing the federal government to put roads and water stations in for them.
And I'm bad because I go and stand up to this narco-terrorist, this organized criminal, Vicente Fox.
There's ample evidence of that.
So just look at that headline.
Latin American states give aliens ID cards in the U.S.
and it says the U.S.
government accepts it.
Nicaragua spokesman Arturo Wallace.
I love the ruling elite and Latin America is never Hispanic.
We are also interested in providing some form of identification for our citizens in the United States.
We are carefully analyzing the Mexican-Guatemalan experience.
Nicaragua has 600,000 to 1,000,000 nationals in the U.S.
That's a lot more than that.
Mexico's got 25,000,000 here.
How many more are we going to take?
We don't have a country.
This is the New World Order.
This is the Pan-American Union, where all these IDs are accepted.
They merge our social security system, merge our borders, merge our military.
Darrell in Pennsylvania.
Go ahead, sir.
Thanks for holding.
Hi, Alex.
I made two phone calls to my congressman late this morning to let them know how much I'm opposed to the universal draft.
And I called back even a second time to really let them know how much I'm opposed to them drafting women.
By the way, the draft boards are being reassembled officially on the government Pentagon website.
They are reassembling them.
They are preparing for the draft.
This is official.
Well, Alex, at the end of my first conversation, I had a real nice female staff, courteous female staffer, and I asked her something, and her answer was very disturbing.
I asked how many people, if they had very many people calling in about this subject, and she said no, and I found that very disturbing, and I realize there's a lot of people say we can't get anything done by calling our congressman, but I'd like to
No, it does work.
It does work.
At least it makes them have to sneak around.
Yes, I want to plead with the listeners to please make phone calls, e-mails, fax, write your congressman, and let them know how vehemently you're opposed.
I would assume most people are vehemently opposed.
Darryl, are you a veteran yourself?
I'm a 20-year military veteran, and I explained that to him.
I'm not anti-war, but Alex, I believe it was the guy from Illinois, Everett Dirksen, that says, when I feel the heat,
I see the light.
There are still a few fence-sitters in Congress who aren't totally compromised that will do things like filibuster.
And what I explained to this staffer, I said, you folks need to talk among yourselves, even, because it's your sister, it's maybe your mom or your daughter or your granddaughter that are going to get hauled off all around the world.
Well, the government's going to carry out another terror attack.
That's when they're going to implement them.
I've been saying it for two years.
They've got the universal service draft, S87.
It's for all women, all children.
Fourteen-year-old kids that get out of high school are going to have to serve their last two years in digging ditches, warrant service, fugitive apprehension.
This is all official.
It's under FEMA and AmeriCorps.
It's the National Service.
So about 80% of those from high school right through to 49, depending on what bill it is, we're all going to have to serve.
And 80% of the big number, the millions that will have to do this, it's going to be domestic folks.
It's going to be like what Roosevelt did with the work force.
Dad's got to leave because the economy is belly up.
Dad's got to go work on the dam project.
And Alex, as a military veteran, I really appreciate that in the past on air that you have pointed out that there are serious differences.
between men and women that mitigate against having women in combat or even combat support roles where they're exposed to combat because it's not like World War I or even World War II where you often have battle lines that are set, you know.
This is guerrilla warfare, there are no lines.
Exactly, the battlefield is so fluid with air assault and airborne units that you could have units drop in behind you and you're exposing your, like I said, daughters, granddaughters
Number one, fully 49% of all women in the Iraq operation became pregnant.
They're turning into camp whores and that's what this is all about.
So these globalists have got a whole string of women.
It's like Lynch now in the Larry Flint hustler photos.
It's a sick joke.
And there's another problem with females in the military, Alex.
When I was at Fort Campbell, Kentucky with the 101st Airborne Division, we started having a lot of women come into
Uh, the combat support units, the military intelligence units.
Hey, let me tell you, I wouldn't join the military for one reason.
Can you imagine that they now have restrooms for men and women where you've got to, where you've got to do your business a foot from a woman?
I mean, that's, that is incredible!
But besides the sanitary problems, you also have the problem that women don't have near the upper body strength.
They can't put a 50-pound pack on and carry a weapon and some equipment, other equipment besides, and hump over a mountain, Alex.
Let me tell you, I've talked to WWII vets
They're all dead now.
I remember going to the deer camp as a child hearing them all sit around and talk about it.
You'd have to beg them to talk about it, but they didn't want to talk about it, but when they did, I remember Elmer Nevils talking about killing German women and children because they'd jump up with their, you know, missile launchers, their white phosphorous tip grenade launchers, and, you know, the stories of them having to go house to house, bayonetting women and children.
You do not want to put your women in combat!
I'd really appreciate it, Alex, if you'd keep, once in a while, pointing that out, that we don't want our women in there.
One final thing I'd like to say is, you mentioned about your videos earlier.
They are the best ones out there.
Your two 9-1-1 videos and your three police state videos.
I urge everybody to get them.
I've had great success with them and I know other listeners have.
Get them out and let people see them and wake folks up.
God bless you, Alex.
Thank you, I appreciate it.
Alright, now we're going to talk to Geneva.
Go ahead, Geneva in Tennessee.
Alex, I enjoy your show very much.
I have one question.
I heard something about this on the news the other day.
Our government will be out of money the 21st of November.
I haven't heard a thing about Congress trying to pass a budget.
Yeah, it's the budget.
They always do that, bringing up the wire and then add a bunch of pork barrel onto it.
But don't worry, they can always print more.
Oh, okay.
I love your show, enjoy it, and keep broadcasting the news.
Thank you.
Well, thank you.
You bet.
You're not going to hear any gossip here.
Or what patriot's the best?
Let's talk to Kelly in South Carolina.
Kelly, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Alex, did you hear what happened over here?
I thought maybe you might have heard it.
You hear what happened over here?
Well, a lot happens in South Carolina.
What happened?
A whole gang of swats went into a school.
Guns are drawn and everything.
Got all the kids down on the floor.
I mean, they really terrorized the place.
Oh yeah, we posted the video on Infowars.com on Monday off the web.
I'm told, listeners, mailing me the VHS copy.
I'm begging for that right off the news.
And I've seen the video.
I wish I had copied it.
I hadn't got it myself.
Well, for folks, yeah.
Well, somebody sent me a VHS copy, but I do have the internet, MSNBC link.
Go back to Monday's archives of the police state.
I've seen the video!
Yeah, on the internet.
Listen, they come in yelling, cussing, make hundreds of them, teachers too, get down with handcuffs on and didn't even find any marijuana.
Everyone's guilty until proven innocent.
Training them how to be prisoners.
Go ahead.
Well, it's shit here anyway.
I just want to let you know that it hit Columbia, South Carolina.
That's the first.
That's the first one that happened over here.
So, the people up there think it's going to happen where they are.
It's going to happen.
Sir, they do it all the time in Austin, but this school is totally surveilled with over a hundred cameras, they said.
Over a hundred cameras!
They got it on the newscast, it shows these big flat screens with dozens of screens within them, with the bathrooms, everything right there on tape!
I just wanted to call, if anybody doesn't believe what you put on the film,
I see it right here in Columbia, South Carolina.
Yeah, that's in, by the way, Road to Tyranny, how they routinely shoot children and officers in drills.
They routinely kill students in drills, not even in the real thing.
And here were your children with guns to their heads, just randomly teachers with guns to their heads.
Well, they started to make a big thing out of it, and then it died.
There's nothing being said about it now.
That's because there's been a state investigation.
The media was saying, this is a good thing.
This is for your safety, is what the newscast said.
Now there's a big... Anything else you want to add, Kelly?
Anything else, Kelly?
Okay, thank you.
Thanks for the call.
More calls coming up.
And then the Admiral.
Real issues.
Meat and potatoes.
None of the tinsel.
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Again, Admiral Merlin, starring the former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, joining us in the next hour to talk about the cover-up of the USS Liberty.
By the way, he's the highest living person involved in the cover-up.
You'd have to have... Well, I guess that's not true.
McNamara's still alive.
LBJ died.
Now, these are people that actually talk to him, you know.
Eyeball to eyeball, over the telephone, all of it.
You want to hear the truth.
They just went public a few weeks ago, by the way.
We've been covering it here for at least five years when I picked up on this.
A lot of you for 20 years have been talking about it.
People like Tito Howard for 30 years.
You don't want to miss it.
Right now, let's go to Scott in Alabama.
Scott, you're on the air worldwide.
Thank you, Alex.
I just wanted to update you a little bit on the activities of the New World Order in Montgomery and things that I witnessed while I was down there for the crucifixion of Judge Moore.
The police activity down there is just unreal, the things that they were doing.
I had a group of atheists
Who had a permit to be on one corner.
All of us who were in support of Judge Moore were forced to stand on the opposite side of the building from where they were having the press conferences.
They can't do that.
You should let them arrest you and sue them.
There is massive precedent.
They just lost lawsuits two years ago for around the governor's mansion for arresting peaceable protesters.
You should let them do that and then own their house, sue those officers personally.
Let me tell you what I did.
I demanded access to walk up the street, and the officer finally stepped aside and let me walk up the street.
That's right.
It's all intimidation, just like they do in Mexico and China, and how dare that officer spit on George Washington and spit on every American veteran.
You people make me sick!
It was.
It was sickening.
My sister,
What do they think America is?
What do they think this country is about?
You said your sister and children were there, go ahead.
Would not allow her to walk down that part of the sidewalk.
Yeah, the wolf thought the women and children were weaker.
And, you know, there were about eight atheists, you know, who had their little protest going.
Of course, they got massive coverage.
Of course, of course.
Some on the news last night when I turned it on.
They were allowed to walk freely.
They were not... I stood back and watched.
They were allowed to go freely between the barricades.
Supposedly, the barricades were there to keep us separate, you know, so we didn't get in fights or something.
I don't know.
But they were allowed to walk freely between the barricades.
Well, hey, they're doing it to peace activists, too.
They'll make them be ten miles away from wherever the stuff's happening.
This is happening to everybody.
And let me tell the leftists something.
Conservatives stand up for your rights.
You better start standing up for ours.
We're all going to hang together or we'll hang separate.
That's right.
You go ahead.
I'll quit interrupting.
They had told her, like I said, they were letting the other people go through the barricades.
They forced her to push her stroller out into traffic and walk down the middle of the street.
How dare them!
Because she was not allowed to walk through that part of the sidewalk.
I mean, it was horrible.
One of the things I noticed that anybody who looked like they had either been in the trial
Or had business in the building.
I dressed up in a Moses outfit and I was carrying a hand-carved Ten Commandments that looked like a rock.
Other guys were letting through.
I was stopped.
They didn't want that near the cameras.
The law enforcement catalogs sell systems to disrupt peaceable rallies.
They have a sonic nausea machine at the ShomerTech website and we bought one.
It makes everybody sick.
They're selling ultra-low frequency weapons and they say, we use these against crowds very successfully to frustrate free speech.
Right, and that's exactly what they were trying to do.
They were trying to keep us away from the cameras.
They're selling weapons.
You know, just a minor minority support for Judge Moore.
And by the way, it's not just religion that they're after.
The main reason they hate him is because he will not bow to federal tyranny.
That's it.
Thanks for the call.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be insta- and can- This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
Blasting out on the AM and FM dial from Rhode Island in Northern California, from Austin, Texas, to Denver, Colorado, from Pensacola, Florida.
Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
Simulcasting on the internet at infowars.com.
I'm your host.
We're into the second hour of this global transmission to tell the truth, to support our military, to stand up against socialism, communism, and all the garbage that's happening in our government.
And I'm so honored.
Last week, we've had him on several times over the years.
Tito Howard, the filmmaker of The Loss of Liberty.
And there's the Liberty Alliance, an organization formed to counteract the lies said to have been told to justify the Israeli attack on the cover-up by President Johnson.
And now, Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty, has gone public about the truth.
And also, his statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin Starring, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy.
We're joined by Admiral Starring, and we're also going to be joined by Tito Howard.
We're going to break here in just a couple minutes, and then we'll get back to them.
But right now, let's go ahead and go to Retired Admiral Merlin Starring.
Admiral, thank you for taking time out to join us.
Thank you very much.
I'm honored to be asked.
We've just got a few minutes there and we're going to break and come back in a long segment.
Plenty of time to get into detail.
What happened with the Liberty in a nutshell and why have you gone public valiantly?
Well, what happened to the Liberty in a nutshell was that she was attacked and my position in it was very brief.
I had recently been ordered to be the senior legal officer, Navy legal officer
At the headquarters of the Commander-in-Chief of Naval Forces Europe in London.
And when the attack occurred in June of 1967, I was aware of it only through the message traffic at the headquarters.
And I was not called into the matter to have anything to do with it until the Court of Inquiry had completed its one week of work down in Malta.
And at that time, the president of the Court of Inquiry, Rear Admiral Isaac Kidd, and his counsel to the court, Captain Ward Boston, appeared in London, apparently, obviously bringing the record of their proceedings down there.
And my first contact with it came when Captain Boston appeared in my office in London.
And said that he had been asked by Admiral John Sidney McCain, Jr., who was the Commander-in-Chief and my boss, to bring the record up to me for my review.
And I immediately swept all other matters aside and started to work on the record.
This was in the middle of the afternoon of a regular working day.
And I worked on it until about three o'clock in the morning, at which time I took a brief respite and got two or three hours of sleep and came back at about six in the morning and went at it again.
And Captain Boston came back to me at about ten o'clock that following morning and said, asked me how I was doing.
And I told him, well, I was working on it full time and full speed.
Uh, that I was about a third of the way through the record.
It was, uh, about four or five inches thick, and I think it comprised something like 600 pages of material.
And, uh, I told him that I was having some problems with it, uh, among other things.
I tell you what, uh, Admiral Merlin's starring stay right there, sir.
We're gonna have a quick three-minute break.
We'll be right back to you after this.
We'll also bring up Tito Howard.
And we're having Captain Ward Boston on next week.
And again, you read his statement at a press conference a few weeks ago.
I want to go over that.
We're so honored to have you.
And it's just a very important subject, obviously, for the heroes on that ship.
The truth be told, we'll be back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, for those that just joined us, for stations that carry the news in the first segment of each hour, let me just go over
A few quotes here out of the Associated Press, out of Newsmax, and out of London Guardian.
Then we're going to go to Rear Admiral Merlin, starring a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, involved in what happened with the USS Liberty, and now going public about the cover-up.
And next Monday, we've got Captain Ward Boston, who was really involved in all this, who's gone public coming on.
But here's a little paragraph or two out of Newsmax, then we'll go back to our guest.
This is about the ship attacked on June 8, 1967 by the Israelis for hour after hour.
800 plus cannon holes, white phosphorous bombs, the gunboats strafing the water in the lifeboats, then the men being told to keep their mouths shut about what happened, the unmarked Israeli planes, LBJ on the phone to the aircraft carriers, telling the admirals to turn the jets back, admirals arguing with the commander-in-chief,
I mean, this is an amazing story.
This has all come out.
The most stunning revelation was a statement by Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty.
His statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin Starring, a former Jedi Advocate General of the Navy, following her portions of what he read a couple weeks ago in a press conference near Capitol Hill.
The late Admiral Isaac Kidd and I were given only a week to gather evidence for the Navy's official investigation.
Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors.
The evidence was clear.
Both Admiral Kidd and I believe with certainty that this attack
Which killed 34 American sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.
I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their supervisors who had ordered the attack, were aware that the ship was an American.
I saw our flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that it made clear that the Israelis intended that there be no survivors.
Not only did the Israelis attack the ship,
For over two hours with napalm, gunfire and hundreds of rockets and missiles, as well as an Israeli torpedo boat, machine gunning three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt to save the crew.
A war crime!
Again, the Admiral, who's on with us, reading Captain Boston's statement.
After saying he was moved to speak out about the book titled, The Liberty Incident, by Jay Kristol, he described it as an attempt to whitewash the facts.
He then dropped another bombshell saying, quote, I have first-hand knowledge from my personnel, from my personal conversations with Admiral Kidd, that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conceal the attack.
Yes, thank you.
As I indicated, the record was handed to me in the middle of the afternoon of a business day in my office in London.
for my review and I worked on it until about three o'clock the following morning, steadily.
I took a break for two or three hours to catch a little bit of sleep and came back at about six o'clock in the morning and at about ten o'clock that following morning, Captain Boston, who had been the counsel for the Court of Inquiry, appeared back in my office and asked me how I was coming with my review
I told him that I was about a third of the way through the record, which was approximately 600 pages, about three or four or five inches thick, and that I was having real problems with it.
And I told him that I was having trouble finding in the record evidence to back up some of the conclusions.
That the Court of Inquiry had recorded as a result of its investigation, and that I would continue to work at it.
Well, he took my word, obviously, and left my office, and he came back about 20 minutes later and said that Admiral McCain, my commander-in-chief and boss,
Uh, conclusions or inputs or comments on it at that time?
Uh, Admiral, for those that just joined us, again, this is, uh, after they towed the, the, the Hulk of the shot up, bombed out ship back to, uh, a base to be studied.
There was a week-long inquiry.
And now you get the report and dive into it immediately, and John McCain's father, the head of the Navy, you get a call to bring the record back down.
I just wanted to add that.
Go ahead.
That is correct, yes.
And so I did give him the record back, and I never had any conversation or communication from Admiral McCain, my boss, about the subject, nor from anybody else on the staff.
I was concerned
We're good to go.
Admiral McCain's staff in London for the purpose of being his senior legal officer.
Now, I'm going from the Associated Press.
They say that you were basically the senior legal JAG officer for the Navy.
Is that accurate?
Not at that time.
I later became the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, but at that time I was a captain in the Judge Advocate General's Corps of the Navy, and I had been assigned to the
uh... commander-in-chief in london as his uh... senior legal officer i had one other legal maybe legal officer in my office so there were the two of us i was the senior and uh... so i was his principal legal advisor you're basically kinda like the attorney general for the head of the navy uh... so to speak yes okay and uh... in any event i knew that admiral mccain having ordered
The investigation, the Court of Inquiry, into the assault upon the Liberty was going to have to put an endorsement on the record of those proceedings and send it on into the Navy Department in Washington and to the government headquarters.
And later that same day, I learned that Admiral Kidd, who had been
The President of the Court of Inquiry had departed London, headed back for the United States.
And I knew that he must certainly be carrying the record back with him, and that Admiral McCain must therefore undoubtedly have placed some sort of an endorsement on the record.
But I did not know what that endorsement might have been or who had done it.
Admiral, was that record at that time marked secret?
I don't think.
I don't know exactly.
I think it probably was.
It may have borne a classification.
I just don't recall that offhand.
No, thank you.
That's thank you.
But I was concerned because I knew that when that record got back to the Navy Department, that one of the first places it would go would be to my professional superior, the judge general of the Navy.
That if it had not been processed properly, or if it was endorsed by Admiral McCain, the convening authority, as approving it, and there were found to be no support for some of the things the court had concluded and so on, that this would be a reflection upon
...upon my performance as his legal officer.
Now, he did not have to rely upon me.
He did not have to take advantage of my services.
So this made you start asking questions.
Why are they acting like this is kind of a... Well, I didn't ask any questions of anybody else, but I was puzzled by it.
And, as a matter of fact, I felt that when it got back to the department in Washington,
That if it was a lousy job, as I think it may have been at that time, that it could be a reflection upon my professional capabilities.
And so I, after two or three days of rather feeling concerned about this, I wrote a personal letter back to the Judge Advocate General of the Navy, who was at that time Rear Admiral Wilfred Hearn.
And I told him exactly what had happened, that the record had been given to me.
I had had it for something like 18 hours, perhaps.
And then it had been withdrawn from me without any of my input.
And what did he say?
He never said anything.
I never had a response to that letter.
I just wanted him to know how it had happened.
So, boiling it down, when do we get into the statements you read about the cover-up?
What was your question, though?
Well, in your press conference you were, I mean, just going through this process, boiling it down, what ended up happening and with you talking to Captain Boston and others?
Well, I have never talked with Captain Boston since the time he departed from my office with the record to take it back down to Admiral McCain.
And I did not have any conversation with, I never had any communication from Admiral Hearn or any of my superiors in Washington on this subject.
And I have not, to this day, had any communication with Captain Boston.
Well, he's coming on Monday, and we've got Tito Howard about to come on.
You read these statements at one of the congressional buildings.
I want to talk about what happened with the investigation, what really developed, why you went public about saying this was a cover-up.
Okay, Admiral?
Well, it isn't a question of my having gone public, exactly.
I've always answered the questions about my involvement with the Liberty by telling exactly what I was called upon to do and what happened.
Okay, well we'll discuss that, sir, when we get right back.
Thanks for joining us.
We'll bring Tito Howard up.
Stay with us.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, my friends, Alex Jones here back live.
And we're talking to Admiral Merlin Starring, former Judge Advocate General of the Navy.
Back when he was a captain, he was involved in the whole USS Liberty situation to a certain degree.
And he was in a press conference and read some of the quotes.
End of the record by Captain Boston.
We have Tito Howard, a documentary filmmaker, who's done a great job covering this.
Admiral, I'm looking at a newspaper article here where they have the quotes of what you were reading.
Was this your quote?
Are you reading Boston's statement, his affidavit, where it says, quote, the Liberty incident by Jay Crystal.
He described it as an attempt to whitewash the facts.
He then dropped another bombshell saying, quote,
I have first-hand knowledge from my personal conversations with Admiral Kidd.
President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conclude the attack was a case of mistaken identity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Whose statement is that, Admiral?
That is obviously a Captain Boston statement and I was asked to read that statement
In Captain Boston's absence, because he could not come to Washington for that purpose.
Okay, Admiral Moore, former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff and Admiral at the time of all this going on, said on the record on this show, and he said in the newspapers that it was a cover-up, what is your statement for the entire case?
What do you want the listeners to know out there?
I think from my opportunity to observe the events,
What I can say is that after the Court of Inquiry concluded its taking of evidence and its preparation of its record, that that record came back to the convening authority, Albert McCain in London, and that it did not at that point have a complete legal review by a competent attorney
To assist Admiral McCain in any conclusions he might have reached or placed in his endorsement.
So what I know is that that record was not given a legal review before it was sent by Admiral McCain back to the Department of the Navy and to the government headquarters in Washington.
But they later claimed that there had been a review.
I beg your pardon?
They later claimed that there had been a review.
Who later claimed that?
Well, that's what Boston and Moore and others have said.
I've got the articles where the government said, oh, we had a review and it was an accident.
That was the statement by the White House.
I don't quite understand the connection, but there normally would have been a review by a competent legal counsel to determine whether
The work of the Court of Inquiry and the conclusions they reached was adequately based upon evidence that they had taken.
And so what I'm saying is, is that from the evidence the White House and the Defense Department claim there had been a review, and you're saying that there wasn't a full review.
I'm saying that there was certainly never any review, never a full review of that record at the headquarters of the convening authority.
Admiral McCain in London.
What happened to him after that, I do not know.
Admiral, we're so honored to have you.
I want to keep you for another 10-15 minutes after this quick break we're about to have, but I want to bring Tito Howard on with you, who's made the film and who has obviously been there when you guys have been doing these press conferences.
Tito, any points we need to make or questions you have for the Admiral?
Well, there's just a couple of things I would like to clear up, just factually, if I may, a couple of things that were said.
You'd mention that John McCain was the head of the Navy.
He wasn't the head of the Navy.
No, he was his father.
No, no, we're talking about John Sidney McCain, Jr., the gentleman in London which Admiral Starring is referring to.
He was not head of the Navy.
He was the Cincus Navior, which is Commander-in-Chief, U.S.
Navy, Europe, which encompassed the Mediterranean.
That's not head of the Navy.
The U.S.
Navy, Europe.
One other thing, because you're so good on this issue,
I think it's important that all the facts are clear.
No, it is.
That's why we got you guys on.
The Liberty was not towed in the malt.
It steamed under its own power, like the proud old ship that it was.
And I think the crew deserves credit for being able to steam all that five days of steaming it, five or six knots, while they're having to clean up the blood and pieces of their fallen comrade.
Thanks for making that specifically clear.
One other comment, if I could.
The Court of Inquiry record was indeed marked top secret.
It was not released until the mid-eighties.
There was a sixteen-page sort of compendium put together, which was really honey-coated to support the issue of mistaken identity.
Okay, we'll let you ask questions of the Admiral and you guys talk because, again, you're more experts on the subject than I am.
We get back in this final segment with
With the Admiral and of course with our guest, the filmmaker Tito Howard.
And the next week we've got Tito coming back on with Mr. Boston, Captain Boston, who really is the one making the incredible statements, which are backed up by fact.
Be right back.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
The USS Liberty bombshells, one of the headlines, another one, cover-up, alleged, and probe of USS Liberty, London Guardian.
And we're talking to Rear Admiral Merlin Starring, later to become a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, and of course at the time a Captain there.
Assigned to this whole thing, and we're talking to Tito Howard, a documentary filmmaker who's done a great job.
Tito and Admiral, looking at these subjects, what happened here?
Number one, why is the USS Liberty case important 36 years later, and what are any other key areas that the listeners need to be made aware of?
Tito, do you have any questions for the Admiral?
No, I do want to make a couple of comments, and I would like him to shed a little light on one area, because the presence of Admiral Starring and Captain Boston
These were the two main Navy attorneys involved with the Liberty Board of Inquiry report.
And the fact that Merlin Starring, who had an exemplary record, he was later made, in 1968, the very next year, he was made the Navy's top legal advisor to two secretaries of the Navy.
And then later became the Assistant Judge Advocate General and then THE Judge Advocate General.
And for that man, with that distinguished record, to say that he was having serious problems with the evidentiary support for the statements of fact in the record of the Navy Board of Inquiry is outrageous.
Incredibly powerful thing.
And then to be followed
All these years later, by the main attorney for the Navy, Captain Ward Boston, who made these incredible statements in his 80s, although the evidence was to the contrary, they were ordered to make a statement.
Well, we have Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff on the show, Admiral Moore, saying the whole thing is a cover-up.
That was two years ago.
Admiral Starring, taking your Admiral hat off, or your Judge Advocate General hat off for a second, from reading the evidence, later being able to read the whole report, what happened with the USS Liberty?
Why was it covered up?
I want to know your take on it.
I don't think that I'm really qualified to draw that kind of a conclusion for you, Mr. Jones.
The things that Captain Boston has revealed in his recent affidavit were all news to me.
As I indicated, I've never had any communication with him.
I've obviously never asked him why that record was withdrawn from me.
Well, we're going to be asking him next week, and that should be very, very interesting.
Admiral, why do you think they gave the Captain the Congressional Medal of Honor at a shipyard and didn't give it any fanfare?
I would have no idea as to why they would do that.
So again, you're going as a legal mind just from the affidavits, just from the documents, and that's basically your statement.
That's correct.
Overall, your basic analysis of the USS Liberty, the event,
Well, one has to get themselves really in the time frame.
We're talking about June the 8th, and remembering that the Liberty was surveilled on 13 different occasions from 6 o'clock in the morning until noon.
They knew exactly where everything was on the Liberty.
As David Lewis, the commander of two-thirds of the people on the Liberty, he was the chief intelligence officer on America's most important intelligence ship.
He said it was a perfectly planned military attack.
The planes came, knocked out the communications, so Liberty couldn't ask for help, but I told you about them getting into the window when the missiles were being fired, that they couldn't jam the Liberty's frequencies anymore.
There were five emergency radio channels for the Liberty.
All five of them were jammed by the
Oncoming Israeli aircraft attacking jets.
And if the Israelis really want us to believe their argument of mistaken identity, they at some point are going to have to answer.
Why in the world did they jam all five American radio channels if they thought the ship was Egyptian?
Why jam American signals if they think it's Egyptian and the ship's two-thirds bigger?
It's 4.2 times the size of the El Casir.
It's 10,300 tons to something under 2,500 tons.
What is the Liberty Alliance, an organization formed to counteract the lies said to have been told to justify the Israeli attack on the cover-up by President Johnson?
The question for Tito Howard and for Admiral Starring, for both of you is, what type of investigation would you like to see?
What are you calling for?
What's the next step?
What we're calling for, and we're a single-purpose organization, we're people that
We have had contact with and information about the Liberty, and we're really committed to this.
And all we're asking is an honest, complete investigation into the attack.
It's 36 years old, and it can't be protecting anybody.
But the American people need to know the truth, and perhaps even more importantly, our young men and women, we call the gold of the battlefield for us, need to know that they will be protected
Uh, from anybody.
Doesn't matter if it's Israel or England or anybody, when they're under attack.
And again, the naval officers, others are on the record in the mainstream news saying that they were on the phone with McNamara and Johnson that day saying, you turn those jets back.
Uh, Admiral, uh, what do you think the next step should be?
What type of inquiry?
What body?
Well, I think that, uh, it, it should be a congressional inquiry, which would have the stature of, uh,
Of the proceeding that would normally be used by our government in looking into the facts of a major episode that affects the United States.
And while this had its origin in the Navy, it should certainly have congressional supervision, and if they elect to do so,
They could ask that the Navy convene a new Court of Inquiry or investigative body and report to the Congress.
But I think that it should be something that should be aired and that the survivors of that assault should have an opportunity to tell for the record and for the public their story.
Would you like it to be televised on C-SPAN, Admiral?
I don't have any idea whether it should be done that way or not.
I think that it should be conducted as a serious, objective investigation, and what the media attention might be, I would leave to others.
Well, I think that's a good idea, and it should be public, and as you said, with the public that have access, I think it should have C-SPAN national coverage so people can't ignore it.
Tito Howard, how many people of the survivors are still alive?
How many of those sailors and officers are still alive?
Well, it's a difficult thing to answer because there was 294 people on the ship at the time of the attack.
One-third of those were crew, ninety-nine, and the rest were intelligence, mostly with the National Security Agent.
And the comment that Moore made about that I think is one of the strongest, and he said, those sailors and marines deserved our best defense.
We gave them no defense.
Somebody's going to have to answer that, Admiral, someday.
They deserved our best defense, we gave them no defense, that's the
Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, he was an Admiral at the time, correct?
Later to become the Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman?
Yeah, maybe even more important, he's the only American Admiral to have served two terms as CNO, Chief of Naval Operations.
Then also two terms as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
Well let me speak to... Let me just finish this one line if I might.
And that he was on there for those four terms, and no other admiral has ever done that.
And he became the CNO in July of 1967, the very month after the attack on the Liberty, the Chief of Naval Operations.
And they had frozen him out of getting access to things, because he was furious about it.
And he's still furious about it.
Well, we had him on several years ago.
We need to get him back on the show.
Probably into next week, early following.
He's 91, but he's got four children.
I don't know how many grandchildren.
And that was starting, and I saw last Wednesday a picture of him with yet another great, great grandson.
Oh, I know when we had him on two years ago, he was sharp.
Oh, he's sharp as a tack now.
He has trouble getting around.
He uses a walker, but that mind is incredible.
And the Liberty Alliance is the main vehicle, and our only purpose is to get an honest investigation, and the way the Admiral put it is exactly the way we all feel, and that is there should be a new Navy Board of Inquirers taken away from the Navy in 1967.
They were ordered to come up with something else.
And that's because they were good men, and they obviously knew that the truth would come out, and they couldn't... Mr. LBJ couldn't have that.
Admiral Merlin Starring, I really appreciate you coming on the show and I appreciate you speaking out publicly at a press conference years later and all the other officers that have done so, but again, you're a lawyer and an expert on the law and you're just sticking to the parameters that you were involved in this in, but as an American, as a sailor, as an officer,
I mean, obviously you've gone public for a reason, and we've talked to these other admirals and victims, sailors on this show, and we've been talking about this for five years.
I've done dozens of shows on it.
Why have you gone public, and do you want to make any statements about what you think about the case itself, as Admiral Moore has done?
Not particularly, and I don't like to have you use the word that I've gone public.
Responded always to any questions about my participation or my knowledge of the Liberty situation.
Okay, that's fair.
How long have you been speaking out?
I've been asked that question for maybe the last three or four years.
There was a long period of time when I had no communication on the subject at all.
My feeling about it right now is that I am
Outraged to learn that the sailors and the men, the officers aboard the Liberty were browbeaten and threatened as they claimed to have been and told that they should not discuss this case with anyone and that they therefore were for years kept quiet about it.
And I'm amazed
To find that Captain Boston, at this point, has also revealed that he, likewise, felt under a necessity to be quiet about what he knew.
And the things that he knew were certainly news to me when he came out with it.
But I think that the survivors of that attack are certainly entitled to have the full facts
And the accurate fact of the assault come into the public domain so that their part in the episode is put in a proper perspective for the American people.
Admiral Merlin, starring, thank you for being candid with us.
That's such a central area that I had forgotten to raise.
I believe about a year ago, Tito, we had three of the sailors, I believe one of them was an officer,
He took his stars off.
It had to be Admiral Isaac Kidd.
And he did that to small groups of sailors, about four or five or six sailors at a time.
And we've had three of them on, but I want to go back to the history of this because it's so important.
We had the eyewitnesses on this show about a year ago, and they talked about how he put his stars back on, and he said, after telling them they could speak candidly, he said,
You're going to get life in prison or worse if you don't keep your mouth totally shut.
Now, is that accurate?
Yeah, what he said, mostly, he said it a little differently.
He said it at least a dozen times.
That's what's so outrageous about this.
Because they were ordered not even to speak about it to their wife, family, right?
And he said, but if you do, there will be a court-martial, imprisonment, or worse.
Like some of them I have saying on film, we all knew what worse meant.
This is probably the greatest scandal in the history of our country.
I mean, here, the line in our film that I like the best is, never before in the military history of the United States has a military board of inquiry ignored the testimony of eyewitness American military and taken on faith the word of their attack
Now, going back to Monday's show, or was it Tuesday's show, who were the admirals arguing with McNamara and LBJ?
Well, it was the same admiral.
It was Larry Geiss, who was the carrier division commander.
He was not in tactical command of the Sixth Fleet at the time, but we had two big carriers.
The Saratoga and the America.
All right.
It is.
I think not, sir.
I just appreciate the opportunity to talk with you about it.
Well, we appreciate you always, as you say, being honest when asked questions, and we certainly share your outrage for this un-American activity of threatening sailors, and we appreciate you coming on.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate it.
All right, Tito, stay right there.
I want to come back and real quick plug the video.
By the way, I've decided to carry it.
I want you to go ahead and order it from Tito now, but I'm going to be carrying this video.
They can call it controversial.
It's not.
It's the cream of our military, our Navy, telling the truth.
Heroes, Congressional Medal of Honor winners, and we're going to tell the truth on this show.
Give the hair lift the Admiral.
All right, as they say.
We'll be back.
But again, by next week, I'm ordering a bunch of these.
I'm going to be carrying it.
But we'll give you the mailing address to get them from Tito here on the other side.
And we'll be back, folks.
And then I'm going to shift gears into a bunch of news and your calls.
We're going to let Tito get back to work.
InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
This show's been accurate on the war in Iraq, on the Jessica Lynch propaganda, on the weapons of mass destruction fraud, on the Patriot Act being for citizens and all crime.
This show's been right on about the Second Amendment and what's happening to it.
We've been right on about the USS Liberty.
We've been right on about terrorism in America and who's really behind it.
We got the facts, folks.
Coming up in the next hour, genetic engineering run amok.
Bunch of news about the borders, the economy, the war in Iraq, the police state, it's all coming up in your calls.
The toll free number to join us on air, get the calls going again, 1-800-259-9231 for the third hour.
Tito Howard, again I'm going to be carrying the videos, I'm ordering.
250 of them from you today, and I'll have those up by next week.
But for folks that want to get them from you, directly from you, $25 for one, $50 for three, I believe.
People just write to you.
It's an amazing video.
We've aired it dozens of times here locally on cable in Austin.
Everybody else should in their area, because this is a great example of globalist activity.
Your mailing address, please, sir.
Okay, it's the Liberty Alliance.
And people who want to join the Alliance, Moore is our Chairman, you just spoke to the Treasurer.
Imagine having a Judge Advocate General as a Treasurer.
Nobody's going to screw us out of a dollar.
But the address, just Liberty Alliance, is $25 a film, and that's PO Box 663, Front Royal, Virginia, 22630.
Give that out again one more time.
Okay, it's the Liberty Alliance, PO Box 663, Front Royal, two words, Virginia, that's the capital of the Shenandoah, and the zip is 22630.
And make checks payable too?
Howard Phelps.
Howard Films.
Peto, we've got Captain Boston on for Monday, correct?
Monday or Tuesday.
I'll let you know by tomorrow.
Alright, that's good.
And then I want to go ahead and get Moore back on and maybe in the series next Friday.
He's already agreed to do that.
Okay, great.
So, we'll try to get Boston for Monday and he's already agreed to do it, correct?
He's agreed to do it, but he hasn't agreed to Monday.
He's agreed to Monday or Tuesday.
Okay, great.
He's not sure he's getting some medical treatments and stuff.
I understand.
He's happy to do it, but he's got to work around those parameters.
We're posting all these interviews in the audio section of PrisonPlanet.com for folks that want to share them.
Thank you, Tito.
Alright, thanks again for the opportunity, Alex.
You bet.
Take care, my friend.
Great American.
Great, thank you.
A third hour, bunch of news, bunch of calls, it's all coming up, 1-800-259-9231.
More real issues, no knitting circles, no rumors, just information to be educated and fight the New World Order.
That's what we're all about here.
Before I end this hour, you want to support what we're doing, folks?
Because we certainly support the First Amendment and freedom, God and country.
You need to go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and get The Matrix of Evil with Congressman Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself.
All about the New World Order.
Great new film, my 10th film.
Police State, 3 Total Enslavement, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
They're all great videos.
They're $25.95 a piece.
Order 3 or more, they drop down to $20.
The new book, Order Out of Chaos, is wonderful.
Go to Infowars.com to order or call right now, folks.
Don't wait.
Get these videos.
Get them out to people.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
By early next week, I'm going to have 250 of the Liberty tapes getting them mailed to me EPS, so if you want to write to us to get that video to, it's $25.
We'll have that for you, too, to be shipped out next week.
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
We're now 30 seconds into this third hour of global transmission against tyranny, blasting out, radiating out on the AM and FM dials, simulcasting on global shortwave and the internet.
The global shortwave during the day, 11 to 2, is 12.172 and 93.20, two different frequencies, 9 to midnight central, 5.085 and 68.90.
Please spread the word.
About the satellite, the AM, the FM, the shortwave.
It's all important ways that people can listen to this show.
The network website, of course, is GCNlive.com.
I want to take a lot of calls in this hour.
Any subject you want to discuss, the USS Liberty, the war in Iraq, what's happening to the economy.
I got a bunch of biological weapon news.
It's very important.
There's a ton of key stuff and some recap stuff from the first hour.
It's very important as well.
The toll-free number to join us on air.
I'm going to take a lot of calls.
I want to go to you quick.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
He just hung up on me when I went to him.
That's Murphy's Law.
I'll tell you what we'll do.
We'll get all the calls straight and then we'll go to your calls and we'll get back in this next segment.
So again, 1-800-259-9231.
And coming up, before we end this hour,
The CIA rejects claim it sought a Sama deal before 9-11.
The New Zealand Herald, the CIA has rejected as fantasy, claims its new book that it tried to negotiate a non-aggression pact with Bin Laden just two months before September 11, 2001 airliner attacks.
It has come out that they did meet with him, but they say, you know, that wasn't to have a non-aggression pact with our asset, our agent, known as Tim Osman.
Richard Lamversie,
Author of The Corridors of Terror, released on Thursday, says the CIA's Dubai station chief approached Bin Laden while the Al-Qaeda leader was being treated for a serious kidney complaint in the United Arab Emirates.
Well, that's admitted now!
He said the meeting took place in the American hospital in Dubai on July 12th, barely eight weeks before Al-Qaeda militants slammed fuel-laden hijacked airliners in the Pentagon and the New York's World Trade Center, killing almost 3,000 people.
Such allegations is sheer fantasy.
The CIA will say drug dealing is sheer fantasy, too, and they've been caught at a hundred airports doing it.
No such thing occurred, CIA spokesman Mark Mansfield said, echoing an earlier rebuttal of French media reports in October 2001 about the alleged Dubai meeting.
Oh, really?
Why'd you fly the Bin Laden family out to safety in this country?
8,000 Taliban and Al-Qaeda out of Afghanistan.
That's all admitted!
You say it was an accident.
It's an accident!
A Pakistani general wiring 100,000 to Mohammed Adda.
The hijackers train at U.S.
military bases.
The hijackers, uh, being protected.
FBI being threatened with arrest if they try to stop Al Qaeda under W1999.
Public officials being warned not to fly.
The insider trading by the CIA against American United.
Say it ain't so, George W. Puppet!
But don't worry that they're having the second investigation in Washington.
A New York Times deal on 9-11 briefings lets White House edit papers.
A commission investigating a September 11th terror attack said on Thursday that its deal with the White House for access to highly classified Oval Office intelligence reports would let the White House edit the documents before they were released to the commission's representatives.
Ha ha!
That's total garbage!
An umbrella group of victims' families joined the criticism, saying the terms of the accord should be public.
So, again, it's totally staged.
While spokesmen for the panel refused again to provide the terms, citing the sensitivity of the talks with the White House, an executive director acknowledged that the White House would be able to remove information from the reports unrelated to Al-Qaeda and to the attacks on September 11, 2001.
So, that's it, folks.
It's just that the people on the commission are involved with the Globalist.
Some of them involved in the whole cover-up beforehand.
Meeting with all these unsavory characters.
And now, the documents aren't even going to have anything, but the average American here is, oh, there was a fight between the panel, the investigators, and the White House.
No, there wasn't.
It was good cop, bad cop, Shakespearean theatrics.
We'll come back and take your calls, launch into a ton of other vital news.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my most comprehensive documentary exposing the New World Order's orchestration of the September 11th attacks yet.
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That's 888-253-3139.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends.
8 minutes and 27 seconds into this third and final hour of transmission.
Let's go ahead and go to these loaded phone lines, then back into all the important news.
John in Tennessee is there.
John, go ahead.
You're on the air.
Yeah, I was wanting to ask a question of the Liberty professionals there.
The attack on the Liberty was obviously a botched attempt to rally American support for Israel's first strike of Egypt.
Yeah, Admiral Moore says that, and so do the victims of the ship.
The lawyer admiral we had on was being very careful.
Yeah, he's talking like a lawyer.
The U.S.
Navy Commission in the 70s reported that the USS Maine was sunk by an internal explosion, so I was wanting to know what the JAG
Since he was in that, in the Pentagon during that period, what he knew about that report, and of course that started the Spanish-American War for Cuba and promoted... Well look, it is admitted that the government blew up the main, now they put out other reports trying to cloud that, but they blew that ship up, and because the Northwoods plan says we can blow a ship up like the main again!
Yeah, James Banford, I don't know if you've had him on lately, but he was...
He linked the USS Liberty to Operation Northwoods in his book, Body of Secrets, and was interviewed by the History Channel about the Liberty.
So the Liberty is tied to Operation Northwoods and the USS Maine, according to James Banford.
Yeah, it's a classic British tactic.
Every time they wanted to go to war with the French, except it was really obvious for the British, this propaganda was pretty easy back then.
There was no other media other than the Queen's newspaper, the Times of London.
All they would do is blow up a ship, sink it, and then blame it on the French and go to war.
Well, do any of the Liberty veterans mention Operation Northwoods in the main and how that self-inflicted terrorism works?
Yeah, Tito Howard does.
Some of the people on board the ship do.
More will touch on it.
But these are admirals, former chairmen, joint chiefs of staff, and others.
Uh, you know, they're just sticking to the things they can prove.
But, yeah, when you add the fact that the White House already knew that it was Israel attacking it, it was unmarked planes, they called back the planes twice, that LBJ was on the phone screaming at the Admiral, I mean, that's obvious.
I mean, two plus two equals four doesn't equal ten.
Why are these veterans of the Liberty so scared of these death threats from the Admirals when they've already gotten the ultimate death threat of a bunch of Israeli attackers trying to kill them?
I mean, that seems to me that would break them of any fear they might have of a sniper or some other assassination team coming after them now.
Well, that is on the record that the, uh, Admiral Kidd, uh, death-threatened, uh, dozens of the, uh, crew.
Why did none of the crew at that time make an arrest of the Admiral for treason?
I mean, you can do that when an illegal order is being laid.
Well, they've done the studies.
They've done the studies.
To go against the peer pressure of your own clan, your own tribe, your own group,
Moral courage is more rare than physical courage.
That's statistical, major university studies, it's admitted fact.
Charging machine gun nests in a pack mode is hard to do, but it's easier than being teleported back to the Aztec Kingdom and telling them they're wrong to cut their children's hearts out.
You know, when in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Peer pressure is ultimate and paramount.
You know, that's why these admirals and this captain and others are just now going public because they, you know, they're older and, you know, many years from now lying in their beds, you know, to just watch, tell our enemies you can take our lives, never take our freedom.
I mean, this is classic for people in their twilight years to finally tell the truth.
That's why the Globalists a lot of times kill people who've been in sensitive areas when they get older.
Yeah, that's definitely happened to a lot of veterans after they retire.
They keep their mouth shut, and the President's, keep their mouth shut after they retire.
So it is a real threat, but at the same time it's such mind control.
They can't kill everybody, and these sniper teams that come after them often times make their own judgment call to not kill the person they're ordered to kill.
You know, you just hit on something.
You're a very intelligent person, John.
I'm not just buttering you up.
That's why they can't round us all up and arrest all of us and kill us, and why am I still alive?
I've talked to people in government, folks.
People know I don't have a big mouth, I can keep my mouth shut about specifics.
Okay, I've talked to people in government.
I have... I don't even want to say it on air, folks, but I mean, I've had assassins tell me, I'm not even going to get into it.
The point is, that's happened with me, okay, years ago.
And they can't find the killers anymore, that's why they're trying to hire foreigners, that's why they're merging Interpol with the Russians, that's why they've got the former KGB chief, this general over here,
Uh, helping with the internal passport.
That's why they're bringing in Czech Republic troops.
That's why they're bringing in Germans.
That's why they had Russians, Israelis, and Germans and British at Waco.
That's Fort Worcester Telegram.
They don't have the personnel, the armies, to go out and do all the KGB, GRU, NKVD arrests.
That's why the sitcoms and the dramas are all about torture, and how it's as American as apple pie and baseball, and how arresting people that homeschool is good on every show, and gun owners are secret terrorists.
They're trying to warp the mass that all this is normal, and I'm telling them it isn't working!
Well how do we close the borders?
Because that's the only thing that can save this country at this moment.
How do we
Look, 87% to 89% in major polls.
82% of Hispanics are against open borders.
They're not stupid people.
And we're the majority, and it's constitutional, and it just continues.
This is treason.
And they know we're waking up, that's why they're going to blow more stuff up.
But we've got to take control of our local governments so they can't accept the matricula.
So they can't accept the fake IDs.
We've got to sue public officials.
We've got to bullhorn Vicente Fox.
We've got to stand up and scream our heads off.
We've got the power!
Thanks for the call.
And you know what?
I don't care.
I'm willing to die for this country and my family.
I'm not delivering my children into total slavery, folks.
I mean, it's just that simple.
You just gotta decide to move forward, regardless of the consequences.
Consequences are God's, folks.
Duty's mine.
And let me tell you, when you have a nation of people that have a backbone, you live in a free society.
Not having a backbone ensures enslavement.
That's the big joke here, is that people think cowering makes you safe.
It doesn't make you safe!
I'm committed.
I mean, it isn't even a question for me.
I've given the analogy many times.
If I saw five thugs attacking and beating up a woman and trying to rape her or whatever, and they had axes, I wouldn't hesitate.
I would instinctively, savagely, viciously attack them.
I'm not going to talk about how I'm a tough guy and all this stuff, but I am, folks.
I guess I'm primitive.
I guess I'm not the modern man.
When I see innocents being attacked,
My eyes bulge out.
My adrenaline flows.
My muscles knot.
I shake!
And I have the same view of politics and statesmanship and involvement.
And I've made a conscious decision to fight with my mind and my pen and a video camera and my mouth.
Because I can have greater effect that way.
My instincts, my guts, my heart, hound with a desire to crush the enemy.
Let's talk to Ron in New Jersey.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I'd like you to address the National Guard and, well, several issues, but the first and the related National Guard and Reservists that are being called up to go over to Iraq.
Oh, by the way, I have the Associated Press article.
They're being denied their full payments.
Now for months, they're not even paying the troops.
That is mainstream news.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
That's exactly my next point I wanted to mention to you.
That was in our local newspaper last night.
Are they being called up to be sent out of the country purposely?
So the public two-year deal to bring in Canadian, Mexican, German, and Czech Republic troops.
I got the mainstream articles.
Yes, yes, yes.
They give the troops a survey.
76% on average, going back over decades, it stays at 75-78% right around in there, hovers in there in different surveys.
Will you fire on citizens in order to do so?
The majority say no.
They get the vaccines, they get shipped out, they breathe depleted uranium.
The scumbags that say they will fire on us stay here.
The purpose is to bring and allow foreign troops to be here
You know, I remember 10 years ago when I heard people saying this, I didn't believe it, but I have to believe the Associated Press, the public documents.
They have set up the North American Command.
It is made up, at least a third of it, by foreign assets.
They've got the NATO aircraft, the Norwegian F-16s.
Yes, they are setting it up.
I don't know if they'll do it!
But they had foreign UN troops three years ago to fight the forest fires.
I mean, they're capable of anything, sir.
And the purpose for them being here is what, in the future?
Saving us from the smallpox attack.
The Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff has said, now they got Boykin in there, Waco fame.
They've all said that
If we're, quote, tied down in the war on terror, and there's a domestic attack, we will, quote, use foreign assets.
That's nightline.
That's mainstream news.
They have said it.
They have done it.
It is real.
They are setting up a Red Dawn takeover, but the news is all going to say they're here to help us, you understand?
And the real purpose is?
For them being here?
They want to release the biological, and then cause riots and total breakdown of society.
And then the yuppies will beg for anything to just give them back their latte coffee.
So the result is you'll have foreign troops here telling people what to do and we will be, for all intents and purposes, living in a foreign land in our own country.
There have been foreign troops injected into the United States four separate times.
En masse, generally German mind control forces.
Kindergarten, that's what it was developed for, was to brainwash the youth to sacrifice themselves.
It's a mind control program, the Shaves Heads, all of that.
Yes, certain sectors of the country will be controlled by different units.
I will be under Czechoslovakian attack.
The East Coast will be under German and Russian attack.
The West Coast will have Chinese and Mexican troops swarming into the Midwest.
I'll tell you what, stay there.
You're bringing up good questions, Ron.
I said I'd go to calls quick.
We will.
Ron and Ian and Phil and Bob and everybody.
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I got a star on my car and one on my chest.
A gun on my hip and the right to rest.
We're just going to talk to Ron, Brian, Phillip, Bob, and Mark, and that's it for calls, because I do have to get to some more of this news.
Boy, there's a large stack of important stuff.
Going back to Ron in New Jersey, you had another question or another comment?
Go ahead.
Is the plan, the agenda, to set up an international police force here so that foreign troops will be the soldiers that are here in the United States?
So in other words, we are just going to be
We're good to go.
To Camp X-Ray in Guantanamo.
Citizens, where they're now pouring thousands of these concrete buildings and building a huge city there.
This is to go on all over the world.
And it is just horrible.
But again, they're not going to get away with it.
Because we're going to expose who's behind the terror.
So when they blow stuff up or release smallpox, no one's going to listen to them or follow their orders.
Including 99% of doctors, medical workers, firemen, and police.
Thanks for the call.
We are going to win this thing, folks.
We are not going to stop.
We're going to save our families.
We don't have a choice.
I'm fighting for my family's life.
I hope you realize you're fighting for yours, whether you're in the fight or not.
You're in this world.
You're in this situation.
You're in their crosshairs.
Great questions, Ron.
Bill Moyer said on Sunday, on Channel 13, the fact that soldiers were
We're being housed and wounded soldiers when they came back here and even, I think it's in Iraq too, but certainly back here.
Germany, Iraq, and the US, they're not being given treatment.
The media isn't allowed in to see them.
And now the burials are going to be secret at Arlington.
That is the Associated Press today.
And you just read your local newspaper last night, I have the article right here, where they said we're not going to pay the troops.
It was also mentioned in a local paper that representatives of the government, nor Bush, President Bush, is present at any of the
A funeral of the soldiers when they came back here.
And it's secret how many coffins come off.
Thanks for the call.
Yes, appreciate it.
Ian in Canada.
Ian, go ahead.
Hello, Alex?
Yes, go ahead.
I wanted to pass on a detail which might be interesting on the Liberty.
A couple of days ago, a caller suggested that the Liberty was broadcasting
Battlefield information directly to the Arabs, which reminded me what Al Cuppett said when he was asked about the Liberty.
Al Cuppett, who was a staffer on the Joint Chiefs, I think Colonel Al Cuppett, he must be familiar to you.
Oh, yes.
Now, he was asked about the Liberty, and he said that as far as the Liberty's function went, he understood that they were broadcasting or transmitting directly to a UN.
Why didn't the White House just order the ship to stop transmitting and come back?
I think your scenario is entirely consistent with that.
It's a global elite playing the parties off against one another.
Well, yeah.
Look, it's the Northwoods plan.
Bamford has the witnesses.
It's on the record.
Israel was the tool.
The globalists in the U.S.
took control two weeks before that ship had it parked out there.
We're watching it.
And made sure the messages didn't get to him that the Israelis were about to attack him.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it, Ian.
I mean, I just... Let's talk to Phillip in Virginia.
Phillip, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, it seems like every time we turn around this Project Northwoods is being implemented somewhere.
We just had a whitewash here with the sniper trial in Virginia Beach.
Totally bizarre behavior on behalf of the defense.
They practically didn't even offer any.
I spoke with Mr. Greenspun personally twice.
He called me.
Well, tell folks who that is.
He is one of the so-called high-powered lawyers on Mr. Muhammad's defense team.
He would not answer my question if he had been contacted by the Attorney General's Office of the United States.
Because, I mean the whole thing's a sick joke, and then Chief Moose is told, we've been told by the sniper to say the duck is in the noose.
I mean, that's total programming.
The jury hasn't come back yet, have they?
No, they haven't.
Now the jury's out right now.
You want to talk about the sniper case?
Okay, stay there.
Then we'll talk to Bob and Mark, and that's it, because I got news about the troops.
Being tall, Walter, is not going to pay you now.
How's that, sir?
And if you speak out against not paying them, you're not for America.
You're not against the troops, are you?
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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This is Pat Cooper with 10 reasons to listen to the Tony Del Vecchio Show.
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Reason number 9, I don't want to be the only one calling in.
Reason number 8, think of the rest of the region yourself.
I got a lot of things I gotta do today.
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I don't understand this guy.
That's all about this with your host, Tony Del Vecchio.
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Let's go back to the calls.
We're talking to Phil.
Phil's bringing up the whole sniper story, which is right out of Operation Northwoods.
They say we'll commit sniper attacks in New York and D.C., Miami.
Excuse me, D.C.
and Miami will shoot people, kill them, wound them, and then grab patsies and frame them.
It actually describes how to do that.
It says we'll use our special forces to kill people and then blame it on patsies.
Whatever group we're wanting to go after, we'll blame it on that group.
I mean, folks, here it is.
They're carrying Northwoods out continually, and I don't have time to get into the whole sniper case, but believe me, it's not Malvo and Muhammad.
Those two drugged out of their minds.
Those guys are so hopped up on psychotropics.
Remember, they're marching them around when they came into arrest.
They look like soldiers we got back after Korea that have been tortured for years.
I mean, literally, folks, that thousand-yard stare.
Let's go back and let Phil finish up.
Go ahead.
You're watching the quack trial up there, the show trial.
Go ahead.
More globalist theater, Alex.
Yeah, and that's another question I couldn't get answered by Mr. Greenspun if his client was on, according to the recent Supreme Court decision, that they could drug those who are incarcerated.
But this is the mentality that I'm dealing with over here because I think that people's level of comprehension of what we're up against is a regional thing.
I've expressed that to you before.
Mr. Myers, Larry Myers,
Even after I got the chance to ask him how he felt about the fact that the United States government had a plan to carry out sniper attacks in Washington, D.C., he was speechless.
After the trial Thursday, he said that Larry Myers was the brother of Dean Myers, who was one of the victims.
He thanked the prosecutors and expressed his faith in a system that
He said is on the verge of bringing justice to the man accused of his brother's murder.
And that is just so nauseating to me that I can get out there and bring this information to Mr. Muhammad's lawyers, which would have been a perfect defense for the man.
And it's like they just offered him on the altar, you know.
It's the same thing with McVeigh.
Thanks for the call.
Let's not demand the government produce all those surveillance camera tapes.
They have grabbed international security.
Let's forget about John No.
Let's just ignore all this.
The building was blown out.
Let's forget the newscast.
The bomb was being removed.
Let's get paid $18 million.
It's a joke.
Jones got paid.
Let's go ahead and take another call.
Let's talk to Bob in Colorado.
Bob, go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I was on the USS America from 1966 through almost fall of 1969.
And that's one of the aircraft carriers that launched aircraft for the Liberated but were told to turn back.
What happened that day?
They launched.
We knew nothing about it until almost after the fact.
I was just a crewman.
I was nobody in any
Any positive type of communications network, but I also I saw the ship once we got to it.
It looked it was just bullet riddled and the water line was really up high where the water ship was sitting high.
And I don't know how it made it on its own power, let alone stay afloat.
Now for those that just joined us, our ship's under attack for hours.
The President's on the phone to the Admiral, saying you will not defend the ship, you will let it sink to the bottom with all its sailors, so it can be blamed on Egypt, folks.
And you're on board this ship in 1967 when this happens.
I was there, I was on that ship for three years.
And what I wanted to tell you was I know one of the deceased people.
I went to electronic school with this fellow at Great Lakes, and he went to the Liberty, and I went to the America.
Now, I don't know how orders are handed out, but our alphabetical names in that class were very close.
Both started with the same last initial, the same last name.
I could have had those orders.
But he got them.
And he got killed when a torpedo hit the IC room.
He was on watch or on duty, one or the other.
What do you think of that caller, Darren, earlier this week, who said that, well, you know, tell them they need to die, because that would help Israel.
That's right.
But I know I've been trying to listen, working things, and getting what I can off of your program, but... And I was just...
Did you hear the caller, who sounded like a nice guy, that, well, you know, we gotta, you know, the troops have to die, they have to die, if it helps Israel, did you hear that?
I heard you talk about him, but I didn't hear him, no.
But I can, uh... And the sick part is, I mean, he sounded like, you know, he'd done, he'd reasoned this out, you know, hey, Alex... Right.
I can give you this fellow's name, off air, if you want, and I can tell you the city he was from, if, I don't know if any relatives are still in the area or not.
I might even be able to dig up a picture of the guy, but I don't know about that, but I definitely know his name, and I definitely know where he was from.
Well, if you're an electronics guy, you ought to write me a little article about it, and email the article and the photo to tips at infowars.com, and I'll post an article about it.
You ought to do that, then a couple million people will read it.
That'd be worth looking at, I'm sure.
Yeah, we have millions that go to the website, so we can certainly have an effect.
Thanks for the call, sir.
And thanks for your service to our country.
Oh, are you still there?
Yes, I am.
I was going to ask you one more question.
So when they towed this, or when this ship came steaming up at six knots or whatever, exactly what did it look like?
I've seen the photos, it was just like blown to pieces.
Oh, the superstructure, the funnel,
There was no armament on that thing for any defense.
Everybody knew what it was.
It was surveillance, electronics, and all that.
I don't even think it had an anti-aircraft saluting battery on it.
It had nothing to defend itself, and that's what our planes were for.
Well, I'm sure the scuttlebutt around the ship was, hey, we didn't defend the ship after a few days.
What were the sailors saying on board?
Why'd they go there and have to come back without doing anything?
Just total nonsense.
Were people angry?
I didn't go view the body or anything, but I couldn't think of the man's name right away, and then the name of the ship rang the bell with me, and I thought of his name, and then I called the medical department and talked to the
One of the Corpsmen on duty and I gave this man the name and I said, is he one of the dead or wounded?
And he says, he's deceased.
And I believe we had some of the wounded but I was told we had all the dead.
And we kept them in the reefer until they were flown off or whatever and I don't know when that occurred or where they went.
Alright, thanks for the call.
Very interesting, Bob.
Take care.
Mark in Rhode Island, last caller, go ahead.
Yes, Alex.
How are you, sir?
Good to talk to you today.
Good to talk to you, my friend.
Alex, I was listening to my shortwave radio last Saturday night, and I had on EBC News.
And there was a woman, I can't think of her name, it was Gracie something or other.
I was doing some work late at night in my house, and she said, oh, we're going to have an interview with Roe Talbott.
So my ears perked up, and I
That's the guy who said we will have World Government and Time Magazine under Secretary of State.
That's right.
He had a quote that was in Epperson's book, The Unseen Hand, that said, way beyond the year 2000, there'll be no boundaries and there'll be no borders and things like that.
There'll be no countries.
That's right.
But anyway, I made it a point to file in my brain some key things that he said and I was wondering if I could just share them with you.
Sure, I think we'd love to hear it.
The main buzzword that he kept using, Alex, he didn't say New World Order, he said globalization.
He said that over and over again.
Yeah, it's the same thing.
And then he said, he threw out population numbers, I think for the civilized world, I wasn't sure, but he was basically saying that half of the people are for it, half are against it, and that's the problem.
And the sooner we get on board with this whole idea, the better off the world will be.
Oh yes, no more wars while those pushing global government are arming all the parties to create the crises.
And he also said, he actually hit him pretty good on his elitist background and connections and things like that.
He really kind of just downplayed it a lot.
Yeah, they're having to do that to make it look like the media is giving us good info.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate it.
I really do appreciate the call.
Let me just now launch Pell Mill for the last 18, 17 minutes into news.
Appreciate all the guests, all the callers today.
Now let's finish up the news.
Very important stuff here.
A Qur'an displayed at NYPD headquarters.
This is the same city with their banning public display of the
I think?
Placement of Muslim book under glass arranged by Muslim chaplain and it says, um, former Alabama Justice Roy Moore had been removed from office due to controversy surrounding a religious display in a public building.
The New York City Police Department is displaying a copy of the Muslim Quran in a lobby of its headquarters.
According to Newsday, the holy book was placed in the glass
We're good to go.
It was in a letter from Thomas Jefferson about separation of church and state.
The government isn't to make an official religion or sanction one or push it.
The founding father said this is a Christian nation.
This is just for those that love the United Way and the Red Cross while they give money to gun grabbers and sicko groups and the rest of it.
This is out of KXAN News 36.
Banning gay members is costing Austin area Boy Scouts a bundle.
I didn't know the Boy Scouts was about sex.
Again, are we going to have men in the tents with the Girl Scouts and the Brownies?
They have horrible statistics and huge liability because of this, the massive rapes and molestation going on.
It's like perverts that go to be Catholic priests and then get a whole little kids.
Predators, and this is a federal numbers folks, are much higher to be truancy officers, CPS workers, priests,
uh... daycare workers and uh... especially trying to get into boys uh... uh... situations uh... with the uh... with the uh... a different uh... you know boys club or the YMCA uh... or the Boy Scouts of America it's so horrible and and again they want to sexualize everything you've got to give your money to the Boy Scouts even if you never gave them money, give them money
And boycott the United Way.
I mean, dozens of times since I've been covering the news, they've caught United Way chapters in the big federal one ripping off millions of dollars.
It's a joke!
Banning gay members is costing Austin area Boy Scouts a bundle.
Thursday night, the United Way says it will stop giving the Boy Scouts money because of their policy against homosexuals.
The two groups are parting as friends.
I'm not sick.
Scouting is about to get a little more expensive, the troop leader and dad Patrick O. Brin, now that the United Way Capital Area is ending local funding.
So this is... I'm just speechless.
I'll just dig deeper in my pocket to do my part to help cover some of the gap that's been created as a result of the decisions Scout parent Patrick O. Brin said.
The decision was made because the Boy Scouts banned gay members.
And either way, officials want their funding to help groups that don't exclude any Central Texans.
Hey, leave our children alone, you perverts!
Stay away from them!
And that goes for the heterosexual perverts, too.
All of you make me want to puke!
Bunch of sick trash!
I read what the Boy Scout policy was federally, what they put out at the national level two years ago, and that you cannot have people who are openly homosexuals jumping around saying, I want to be in the tent!
I want to be in the tent!
I mean, this is so sick!
Oh, man.
They want to destroy the innocents.
I tell you, it's out of control.
Keep your hands off the children, you dirty trash!
Bunch of pedophiles.
Scientists use DNA to make virus.
scientists have produced a wholly artificial virus using a method they claim could lead to new life forms.
Oh, how nice!
The synthetic organisms on the scale of bacteria would be engineered to produce clean energy or mop up pollution, the researchers say, or kill every human on Earth, I would add.
It is only the second time a virus has been constructed from scratch in a lab.
That's a total lie.
The new effort is said to produce substantially quicker results.
Ah, they have the human genome.
They can make whatever they want.
They've got that mousepox thing that will kill all humans.
The work is reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
It gets into the details of it.
And so they can cover themselves, the Australian researchers, with a weapon that will kill any mammal, if you specifically engineer it to do that, will kill 100% of the group.
Never before seen.
They've now published how to do it.
Thanks a lot!
So when they do it, they can say somebody else did it.
USDA sued over drug growing crops.
Now, I've had people confront me in businesses, you can't have cross-species, you can't have crops grow medicine.
Uh, yeah, it's about 10 years old that we know of.
It's all over the news, okay?
A coalition of environmental groups and consumer advocates sued the U.S.
Agriculture Department and federal court on Wednesday to try to halt the experimental planting of biotech crops engineered to make medicine.
Environmentalists, consumer advocates, and food industry groups have used the USDA to impose stricter regulations on pharmacological crops, fearing the unapproved plants could accidentally slip into the food supply.
Biotech companies like Dow Chemical and Monsanto have experimented with corn, soybeans, tobacco, rice, and sugar crops as a cheaper way to mass-produce medicines to treat a large range of human ailments.
The coalition, which includes Friends of the Earth and the Center for Food Safety, accused the USDA of allowing the experimental crops to be planted in open fields without assessing the risk to other crops, wildlife, and humans.
And, uh, last year the Texas company, um, Prote-Gene in 96 locations from North Dakota to Texas to, uh, many other states.
What was the other big one?
It was, uh, Ohio, Iowa, and Nebraska.
There we go.
Memory failing me, folks.
In a long week.
And they planted it in 96 locations, open air, and then it spread into soybeans.
And then it got into a granary.
A seed granary.
Just by accident, of course.
It produces AIDS virus.
It grows live AIDS virus in it.
And it says the lawsuit can only serve to impede the potential medical benefits of the technology said Lisa Dry, a spokeswoman for the biotechnology industry organization.
Folks, the globalists could easily release a mass plague that would wipe a bunch of stuff out, through that crisis crackdown have a police state.
And they've already released foot-and-mouth, weaponized foot-and-mouth, important bioweapons lab four years ago to take over agriculture in England.
Monsanto spokesman for the company decided to shut down its plant-made pharmacological program to cut costs and focus in its resources on the seeds and biotechnology business.
The St.
Louis-based company said it expects to complete the process by the end of the year.
I don't believe that for a minute.
They've split off another subdivision.
Protect themselves from liability.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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Pentagon limits funeral coverage.
The Army tightened rules yesterday on press coverage of funerals at Arlington National Cemetery, directing that reporters be kept far enough away from the grave sites that they would likely be unable to hear a chaplain's eulogy.
They do not allow them into the Army hospitals, the Navy hospitals, the Marine Corps hospitals, the Air Force hospitals.
They do not allow them to see the coffins coming off the aircraft.
They put up curtains.
A lot of stuff happening.
Reporters will be restricted to a roped-in bullpen that is generally far enough away that words spoken at gravesite cannot be heard.
Officials said.
Jack Metzler, Jr., the superintendent of Arlington National Cemetery, said the cemetery will be following the rules that were already in the books, but had not been strictly observed in recent years.
We're just enforcing what has already been in place, he said.
The order to enforce the restriction came from the Army.
Officials of the Pentagon, Metzler said, said the order came from the response to a complaint.
Ah, yes, sure it did.
And here's another one.
Nevada groups call for statewide opposition to Patriot Act.
A broad spectrum of activists rallied in Nevada on Thursday for the campaign to repeal the USA Patriot Act, citing that they said were federal threats to cherished American rights.
Yeah, they're using the Patriot Act to go after county commissioners that might have taken a bribe for zoning.
They're going after hot dealers.
I mean, just give me a break!
And Ashcroft goes, well that's listed as terrorism, like I told you!
Walmart turns customers into RFID rats.
This is out of the register.
We reported this six months ago, but here it is.
They are putting chips in your clothes when you leave and tracking you.
You ever wondered what it's like to buy lipstick while in a petri dish?
Consumers in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma know the experience too well.
Walmart's tracking that and other products.
Rock band rails against the e-vote.
Now there's universities, rock bands, Christian groups.
Everybody's saying the electronic voting system is a total scam and there's a flash animation.
It's called Terminator 3 Rise of the Electronic Voting Machines in the image section of InfoWars.com.
You've got to see.
It's amazing and it's all documented.
New small value payment tag launched in downtown Toronto.
More cashless society RFID to buy and sell.
A GQHQ whistleblower about lies about the Iraq War has been charged with treason, basically, in England.
They got the same laws here in the Patriot Act, too.
ID cards in doubt as Scots opt out.
Scotland's a government, so we're not taking your national ID card.
And boy, there was a lot of other news we didn't have time to get to, but it's up on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I've got a few other articles I'll hit right here in the last 20 seconds, but before I do that, I just want everybody to get my videos.
We need your support, but that's secondary.
They're powerful films.
They're informative.
They're waking people up, whether it's America Destroyed by Design, about Oklahoma City, and the UN taking over the national parks.
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Judge Roy Moore kicked out yesterday, but Harry Potter's in, folks.
And there's just a bunch of other news you definitely need to go to the websites and look at.
But again, folks, just get the videos.
Get them out to people.
Don't wait any longer.
It's so very important.
war dead in Iraq exceed early Vietnam years.
It's escalating.
Very serious.
See you back on Monday.
Take care.
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