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Name: 20031112_Wed_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 12, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Well, every couple days there's more massive bombings taking place in the Middle East.
The bombings have spread from Palestine, the West Bank, Gaza Strip into Iraq, Saudi Arabia.
Every day or two, and there's been a huge attack at the Italian base
In Iraq, it's been devastated.
At least 23 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on the Italian police base in the southern Iraq city of Nazaria.
We'll be getting into that.
Also, Europe unveils agency to protect its borders.
Again, they get rid of the borders, then get rid of the sovereignty of the countries in the name of controlling the borders.
They've called for that here for the Pan-American Union.
I've seen UN generals on CNN and ABC promoting it.
We'll cover that.
Bush vows enemy will be defeated.
The BBC reporting the U.S.
makes weather control system.
Wait till we get into that.
Terrorists may have planned attack on the Sears Towers.
We'll be getting into those reports.
soldiers fire on truckload of civilians.
Bush cheers gay church after marriage week.
More Christian conservatism.
Lockyer, the gun-grabbing Attorney General of California, tells of new allegation of Arnold's groping activities.
Governor Gray Davis did sign a good bill before he left office, saying that they can restrict the black boxes that are in all your cars, tracking and tracing what you do.
We're no supporter of Davis, but the Democrats occasionally do something to look like they're anti-police state when they're behind it.
New York City, a district, denies birth of Jesus, says there can be no nativity scenes because they're, quote, not historical.
Device that reads human thoughts, now possible, study finds.
San Francisco Chronicle, they're putting these up in the airports under NASA control.
A bunch of Big Brother news.
It's all coming up.
Just a lot of important info in this three-hour transmission.
Wednesday, the 12th of November, 2003.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
In the second hour,
We have David Brownlow of News With Views joining us.
He's a fellow who's run for Congress, he's been a pro-life activist for decades, and he's written some articles.
Partial birth abortion ban, the betrayal is now complete.
He says it's a scam, that it really doesn't change anything.
He'll be joining us in the second hour along with folks from the National Right to Life Committee.
We're going to have their legislative director on.
They do a lot of great work and we're going to have both these organizations, this researcher and the organization, the National Right to Life Committee on to discuss this.
Where we go from here, is this really a ban on partial birth abortion or on one of multiple techniques they have for killing babies that could be adopted on the spot?
Very serious issue to be discussed in the second hour of this show.
In the third hour, I'll get back into your calls and the news.
And we have Dr. David Wolf, a pastor, coming on for the last 30 minutes.
Because he's Jewish, and his three radio stations carry my show up in upstate New York.
And he talked to me this morning.
He said, you know, we listen to your show.
We totally agree with you.
The Israeli government is evil, just like any other government can be evil.
And people that say that Israel can do no wrong are greatly deceived.
Look at all the prophets.
Look at Jesus speaking out against the corruption of the government.
They're in Israel.
So just like we expose China or the U.S.
or England or Germany, we will expose Israel with the USS Liberty and other dastardly deeds here on this show.
And Dr. David Wolf wants to come on to talk about that subject.
He's a Baptist.
So that'll be very, very interesting as well.
We're going to have wide open phones in this first hour.
Any issue you want to discuss, any topic you want to raise, any news item I've thrown out that you want to get into, if you disagree with me, you agree with me, you have questions, comments, we're going to go to your calls early in this first hour.
Toll-free number to join us.
Load those phones up.
I want to talk to you.
1-800-259-9231 on this Wednesday edition.
Websites have been updated.
They're Info Wars and Prison Planet.
Are you having problems with the high cost of prescription medications?
Who isn't?
Perhaps it's privacy issues.
Either way, grab a pen and write this number down.
That's 1-800-615-7094.
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Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
That's right folks, DVD.
The original film was 144 minutes long.
The DVD version is 170 minutes.
If you want to wake up your friends and families to the truth of what happened on September 11th, this is the film for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
We're going to go to your calls pretty quick into this first hour, maybe even in this segment.
The toll-free number to join me on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We are eight minutes and about 25 seconds into this first hour.
Again, announcing the guest today.
We have a Jewish Christian joining us, Dr. David Wolf, who has us on three of his radio stations.
Great radio stations from Buffalo to Rochester up into Niagara in
Northern New York.
I guess he's been carrying my show for about three and a half, four years up there.
And he heard the show yesterday about the USS Liberty and about the evil that Israel engaged in there.
And he totally agrees.
And he says that, you know, these people that claim that Israel can do no wrong.
I mean, look at the Bible.
All the prophets are there criticizing corruption in that government, trying to rebuke it.
And again, the evil one has the whole world, folks.
All the countries are run by evil.
All of them.
You know, Saddam Hussein was evil.
Mubarak Gaddafi is evil.
Does that mean that we support going to war against these countries?
No, because the countries waging war on them are evil.
The globalists are really good at pointing out the evil of some nation and saying we need to attack them, but then you look at the reasons why the globalists want to attack those countries, and it's to get their natural resources, it's for weapons sales, it's for a political diversion here domestically.
So Dr. Wolf is going to be joining us, he's a pastor, for the last 30 minutes of the show today to talk about the biblical situation with Israel and the evil leaders that Israel has had, just like every other country or people.
In the second hour, we have Douglas Johnson, the Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee that does so much wonderful work, joining us to talk about what this partial birth abortion ban really did.
And where we go from here, with the murder of 45 plus million babies in this country, and we've got David Brownlow coming on at noon, 30 minutes before the legislative director of the National Right to Life Committee comes on.
We're going to have both these gentlemen on together.
David Brownlow, and I tend to agree with his analysis, and I've got the bill in front of me, says that it just restricts how they can do a partial birth abortion, but is not a ban.
And is not a true victory, and that we shouldn't stop pushing here to get rid of this barbarous activity.
So that's in the second hour of the show, a debate, a discussion, trying to find some type of consensus here with the experts.
And of course, we'll open the phones up to your calls in this hour, and in the second hour, and in the third hour.
Call the free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
Let me run through news for about 10 minutes, then we'll go straight to your calls.
This is out of the BBC.
Italian base in Iraq devastated.
At least 23 people have been killed in a suicide bomb attack on the Italian police base in the southern Iraq city of Nazaria.
14 of the dead were Italian military personnel, while one Italian civilian and eight Iraqis also died.
These are the first deaths to hostile action among the 2,400 Italian force in Iraq.
Witnesses spoke of seeing a petrol tanker ram the gates of the compound before exploding in a ball of fire.
And you can click there and see a map of where the attacks have been taking place.
The entire front of the three-story building was ripped off and there are fears that some of the victims might still be buried in the rubble.
So again, we'll find out how many really died as this develops.
The force of the blast, which occurred at about 10.30 local time, GMT, blew out windows in another building across the Euphrates River.
The BBC Paul Adams at the scene says that there was one of the worst attacks of its kind of the non-American target since the war began.
My goodness.
Italian officials say 11 of the dead were paramilitary police officers known as Italian Federal Police, or Cominari, and three were soldiers.
Local hospital officials quoted by Reuters News Agency say eight Iraqis were also killed.
Very, very serious.
More developments on that as they come out.
I want to get into this little news story because it's so important.
Europe unveils agency to protect its borders.
London Telegraph plans were unveiled yesterday for a pan-European border agency to help seal the European Union's new frontier after expansion next year.
The fledgling agency is scheduled to start work in January 05 with a 4 million pound budget and a staff of 30.
That's nothing but window dressing.
The Agency for the Management of Operational Cooperation at the External Borders will serve as a headquarters for air, sea, and land surveillance, keeping watch on Poland, Slovakia, and the Baltic states that will soon have the task of patrolling the EU's eastern border.
Antonio Venturio, the EU Justice Commissioner, said the staff would take
...incursions from EU minister and would not be able to dictate strategic policy Britain hopes to join as long as the agency remains no more than a coordinating body.
I've been reading the foreign news for years on this subject.
Under trade deals they started the European Union 45 years ago.
In the last 10 they've admitted that they're unifying the government, they're getting rid of free speech, property rights, juries, everything.
And they have gotten rid of their borders.
Tens of millions of illegals from Eastern Europe, from Asia, from the Middle East, from Africa have poured in to these countries with no let up.
It's only intensifying.
If you look at the graphs, it's going straight up like a rocket.
And in the name of stopping this, they are again taking control of the border police
And again, you have the EU, the UN, DynCorp, and others involved in the kidnapping of millions of women and children.
200,000 admitted in court last year, just out of the Balkans in 2000 alone!
This is admitted!
And I have seen, on our news, the head UN General, I've seen Colin Powell, I've seen others say that the answer to the border problems here, which they've created and pushed and fostered with all the welfare they offer, and lack of prosecution against businesses that hire illegals, and the matricula, consular matricula, and all the rest of it, their answer is a Pan-American Union security force of UN deputized federal police working together from Chile to Alaska.
So you better keep your eyes out for that, because they create the crisis and then offer their solution, more globalism.
Government outgrows cap set by President Washington Post.
Discretionary spending up 12.5% in fiscal 03.
And it was up along those same lines in 2002-2001, confounding President Bush's pledge to rein in government growth.
Federal discretionary spending expanded at 12.5% in the fiscal year that ended September 30th, capping a two-year bulge that saw the government grow by more than 27%, according to preliminary spending figures from the Congressional Budget Panels.
The sudden rise in the spending, subject to Congressional annual discretion, stands in marked contrast to the 1990s when such discretionary spending rose an average of 2.4% a year, or with inflation.
Not since 1980 and 81 has federal spending risen at a similar clip.
Before those two years, spending increase for the magnitude occurred in the height of the Vietnam War, 66 to 68.
The preliminary spending figures for 2003 also raise questions about the government's long-term fiscal health.
Now understand, they're talking about how we had a 7.2, 7.4% growth in GDP.
But you have a 12.5% and then with last year's numbers, a 27% growth in government spending.
So again, the growth in overall economy, that is, in GDP, is outstripped by the expansion of government.
And you look at the numbers, the Fortune 500 got richer, the government got bigger, but the middle class began to evaporate even faster by another 12% in the last 12 months of the fiscal year, according to the Financial Times of London.
So the middle class is disappearing, more people have gone into real poverty, and the rich are getting richer, not off free market, but off of criminal enterprise.
But that doesn't matter.
Bush has got his new 87 billion, with no bids allowed to go directly into Bechtel and Halliburton's pockets.
Bush vows enemy will be defeated, victory crucial in Afghanistan.
Iraq raises specter of new terror attacks.
They were going to ban any protests in the city of London.
People protested, so now there's been a convenient Al-Qaeda threat.
So now they can't allow the protests to happen in about two-thirds of the city.
Because, well, Al-Qaeda stepped up to agree with the President right on time.
Just like two days before the war started, everybody was saying that Saddam was against Al-Qaeda, because he had been in the past.
He was a secular government who'd actually killed a bunch of the radical Muslims.
Not defending him, just stating the facts.
And suddenly Al Qaeda puts out an audio tape saying, we work with Saddam!
We're with Saddam!
Attack him, attack him!
Again, whenever they need Bin Laden to magically say something, they snap their fingers and he does.
It's like Colin Powell before Congress saying, well there's the new tape on Al Jazeera where he says he's working with Saddam and is going to get us.
The news media all ran to their TV screens and to the news wires and came back an hour later and said, there's nothing on TV.
Al Jazeera says they have gotten no such tape and Al goes, oh, they'll get it within the next two hours.
And they did!
They did get the tape to agree with Bush.
It's just sick, folks.
Remember the fat guy video, too, of Bin Laden?
Some fat guy in a dark room?
I mean, folks, this is a sick joke.
All the fake letters they've mailed out, supposedly from the troops.
Turns out those are fake to the newspapers.
All the fake bioweapons, all the fake mass graves, the fake weapons trucks.
It's lies!
The Jessica Lynch story's a lie!
Lies, lies, lies!
Disgusting lies!
We'll come back and take calls and we'll get into terrorists.
May a planned attack on Sears Tower.
Folks, if I had an office in that building, I'd be getting out of there.
I mean, I would not.
I hope nothing happens to the Sears Towers, but for years they're saying that's the next target.
It's like we said the World Trade Center was going to be the next target.
And, uh, I mean, just, if I had an office in there, I know I wouldn't be keeping it.
But, again, that's just my opinion.
If you want to stay in there, go ahead.
I hope nothing happens.
makes weather control system.
government, with a private company, and in the midst they have weather control.
Yeah, it's about 40 years old.
Folks, there is so much Big Brother news, so much legislative news.
It's all coming up.
But your calls, when we get back, the websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We've got a new video clip from Police State 3 up there.
You'll want to go watch.
It's ten minutes long.
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Two hour and 40 minute film.
Police State.
Three total enslavement.
Give you an idea of what's covered in the film.
The clips we've got get into the Patriot Act, PNAC, the New World Order.
A lot of the police corruption issues, that little 9 minute and 45 second clip, is on Infowars.com for free streaming or download.
Right now, I hope you'll, after the show's over, before the show's over, whatever, we'll go get that and look at it and hopefully email the link out to friends.
Let's go to calls and we'll go back into news.
Let's talk to David in Kentucky, then Frank, Wyatt and others.
David, you're on the air, go ahead.
Okay, I heard a click.
I didn't know if you could hear me or not.
You're on the air.
Go ahead.
First of all, I love your show.
I've been listening to it for three to four years.
What are we going to do about these guys that are just, the people that are just sitting back not wanting to do nothing, Alex?
I'm concerned about these people.
Well, those that won't take action have never counted.
They're spectators.
They're not in the arena.
And it was 5% that won the Revolutionary War.
It was 2% that started it with the Committees of Correspondence and the pamphlets.
And, you know, out in the back of the barn with the printing press.
And we've got bigger numbers than that today.
The problem is, is the globalists have arrayed such an army of bureaucrats and criminals.
But the good news is, a lot of people in government are waking up and joining us.
So, we've got a fighting chance with God's help.
That's a good thing.
I tape your show a lot and I try to play it for people.
They don't want to hear it.
They don't want to believe it.
Well, have you been listening for three or four years, you've probably heard the majority of the callers say that 90 plus percent of people that see the videos are waking up and they're seeing a massive renaissance taking place, but I do talk to people who say they can't wake anybody up.
It may be the people you're talking to.
I'm wanting to see your movies and I haven't seen any of them yet.
There's a movie out right now that was on GMT, Gospel Music Television.
It's called The Gathering.
I don't know if you've seen that, but it explains the police coming in the houses and taking over, taking our guns and doing what they will.
And it's called The Gathering.
Well, I need to... I hope somebody will send me a copy of that.
I'll get the director on or the producer of it on.
Sounds interesting.
This actually shows Jesus coming back, too, in this movie.
It shows the sun in the sky and these comets flying around it.
It's Him coming back, I guess, in the movie.
Also, it shows the black suit officers with their machine guns breaking in doors and walking in and doing what they will.
Well, I hope it doesn't say that we should rejoice in this starting to happen, because, oh, that means it's the end, because it's happened hundreds of times in history, and we need to stand up against it.
That's our job.
Duty is ours.
Consequences are God's.
The other morning, I was listening to Clear Channel, or Coast to Coast AM.
I don't know if you're familiar with that.
Yeah, I'm familiar.
OK, on 84WHAS.OK, yeah.
And I was listening for about a half an hour, and they were talking about the sun.
Well, he played a clip from a show that he had aired, and he said, I want to show you all that this is the government blocking my signal.
He was sitting there talking on the air, and all of a sudden, ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-ch-
What they do is they mix real issues in with a bunch of other issues like snowmen and werewolves and aliens and then it discredits the real issues that are mixed into it.
But the sun is acting the most volatile since scientific history was able to register it in the last 150 years.
And it is firing bigger and bigger flares in the direction of the earth.
And there is a huge escalation in that.
Thanks for the call, David.
I appreciate it.
Frank in Florida.
Go ahead, sir.
Yeah, I'm on air?
Yes, you are.
Yeah, I was watching the news down here.
I'm in Fort Lauderdale, but we get to Miami Station, and they reported how they are arresting demonstrators who are coming in from outside, or maybe even live in the Miami area, before the Trade Conference of the Americas begins.
Yeah, they had a planning meeting a couple weeks ago in Miami and Atlanta.
The big one's coming up, what, the 17th or the 22nd?
Yeah, I think so.
And this is to expand NAFTA and GAAP.
They've got conservatives, liberals, farmers.
And what they do now is they arrest the organizers, and they put state police into the meetings, and they provocateur them.
And I do have a report on that, and I'm sure your news says it's wonderful to arrest protesters.
Why they do it in Australia, why not here?
Yeah, it gave a bit of a negative slant on it, but... I tell you what, I want to hear what the slant was when we get back, okay?
Don't hang up, Frank.
We'll come back to you and Wyatt and H.W.
and others.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
If you protest in Australia, anything, they arrest you now.
That's mainstream news, City Morning Herald.
And they're about to ban protests in London, and they're going to do that here too.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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We're good to go.
I have seen multiple cases in the mainstream media and they report it like it's a good thing where if a white person calls a black person a racial name
Even the black person starting a fight with them and calling them racial names, the white person is arrested.
We've had them on as guests.
We've read the news reports.
They passed laws in Pennsylvania.
The Republican governor signed it.
Word of the preacher reads Old Testament verses condemning homosexuality.
They can be held liable or arrested.
In England, they're arresting BBC reporters, calling in for questioning bishops who even say, hey, homosexuals can become heterosexuals, that's considered hateful.
They're saying rural communities deserve the same rights as Muslims or gays.
This is thought crime.
This is 1984.
Oh, but it's to protect people's rights.
We see articles every week where people are being arrested, fired, fined in Europe, if they try to have a farmer's market, and they criticize foreign produce.
That's considered racism, xenophobia, if it's French or German produce in England.
I mean, I see this all the time.
They've banned a protest period in Australia,
I mean, it's like Iraq under Saddam Hussein or something.
And this is freedom!
And they're trying to ban protests in London right now, and there's a lot of pressure on them not to do that.
This is happening.
And yes, I do have an Associated Press article here out of Florida and Miami, where the police are already raiding protest organizers, already arresting people, trumping up charges.
They're trying to ban protests all over this country, trying to restrict them.
And this is not freedom.
I want to go to these calls quickly, because there's a lot of them.
Finish up, Frank.
You're listening to local news, and what did they say about going after the protesters?
Well, what was nice is that they did interview the protesters, so it made it look like, you know, a clear violation of democratic rights.
So, I mean, it did look better from that point of view, but... What did they say?
What did the police do?
The state police?
I don't think that they mentioned anything about that.
You mean, did they interview them?
Yeah, I just have an article saying arrests were made and some raids and they're not saying why.
What was your local news saying?
Well, basically because they were afraid of protests at the conference.
They were trying to, you know, make a preemptive strike.
They don't even say why they did it here.
It just says that they raided some protesters and organizers who were making puppets.
I mean, every time somebody makes one of these big puppets, you know, of Bush as a devil or whatever, they get raided.
This happened in Boston, happened in L.A., it's happening in D.C., and they just said the police don't want to protest?
Yeah, basically they were suggesting they were coming in from the outside and they were trying to prevent the protest that would occur.
At the conference.
And do they say what laws they supposedly broke?
No, they didn't say anything about that.
What do you think of this, Frank?
Well, it's an outrage.
It's the ratcheting up of the police state.
It is.
Thanks for the call.
Go ahead, finish up.
Let me just say one other thing real quickly.
I've taken your 9-11 videotape and I've gone to the Sheriff's Department's
They're doing the checkpoints at Port Everglades here.
And I get a kind of a favorable response.
I get kind of a kick out of somebody giving them anything.
And I got back to one of them and they thought, well, that was very interesting.
And this speaks to the last caller who says nobody's listening.
You gotta realize, like you say, it's a minority that we're gonna reach.
And I think it's very important to try to reach the police, because in a lot of areas they're approachable, like I find down here, to my surprise.
As Jack McClam, Police and Military Against the New World Order, says, tyranny will come to your door in a uniform.
As Aaron Zellman, Jews and Preservation of Firearms Ownership, will tell you, we've gotta target the police.
With the information to try to wake them up to join the American people.
They're compartmentalized.
Most of them aren't bad.
They've just been brainwashed.
We've got to counter that.
Thanks for the call.
Wyatt, Maryland.
You're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Good afternoon, Alex.
How are you?
Hey, listen.
This Jessica Lynch story that came out.
Of course, the propaganda movie that came out was totally false.
It was a 180 of what the Jessica Lutz interview was with Diane Sawyer.
Three or four places, Wyatt, in stores and on the street, I heard people that didn't even know me talking about how much they hated the TV show that 14.7 million people watched, how much they hated it, what lies it was, but then I heard local talk radio where they're defending it, saying it's true, callers are calling and saying how
How dare people say this isn't true when Lynch is on the record with gun grabber Sawyer saying it's quote a fable and a bunch of lies.
So these neocons will defend it even after it's admitted.
Well, that's the brainwashing of the dumbed down public that's been able to have been so effective.
Also, you know, you were on the front line back last April Fool's Day when this took place.
I don't think so.
To solidify it in the brains of the furniture dead.
Well look, I mean I told folks the Patriot Act would be used for all crimes and now they're going after county commissioners, topless bars, zit-faced 14-year-olds with a bag of pot.
I mean has nothing, and the government's shipping this trash in.
One other thing you mentioned,
When I was going through high school, I graduated in 1973 out of high school, and for a long time it was always the Gross National Product.
Now it's been changed because of NAFTA, GATT, and the World Trade Organization.
Now it's called the Gross Domestic Product, which means that they're measuring the corporations that are overseas in third world countries in Mexico.
Yeah, whatever comes in or out.
It's fake numbers.
Yes, it's absolutely false.
It's phony.
Okay, so it grew at over 7%.
The government grew in the last two years by 27% Congressional Budget Office.
Right, well, they're forming their own.
It's just, you know, it's so much lies, Alex.
You know and I know it.
These bombings that take place in Saudi Arabia, it's there to disrupt the
The regime that's in charge there... That's MI6, according to the Saudis, and the evidence is clear, trying to put a radical Muslim group in, so they can then send in troops.
Right, they closed the American embassy in Saudi Arabia, in Riyadh, and then all of a sudden there's these bombings.
Well, wouldn't it be more to the advantage of a so-called terrorist that they're fabricating to bomb the closed embassy?
In fact, if they wanted to really strike a blow at the Americans, of course not.
There are some real hand-grenadings, fraggings, there are some real rocket attacks, there are some real sniper attacks, and when you bulldoze thousands of acres of fruit trees of the peasants, that's going to happen.
And they did that by design to make us the bad guys, then the U.N.
comes in as the good guys.
But in a lot of these bombings, especially when we have time for evidence to come out,
It looks like Chalibi's involved with it, this convicted bank robber that runs Baghdad, and the evidence is showing that it looks like it's the Globalist.
Oh, absolutely.
And I'll hang up, let the rest of the callers call in, and Alex, keep up the good work, and God bless you.
Well, thank you, I appreciate the call.
Let's go ahead and talk to Immigrants on these calls quick, folks.
HW in Colorado, go ahead.
Let me, Alex, let me uplift the spirit of the hard-working American
Class a little here.
There's three reasons why working too hard doesn't get you anywhere.
The first, of course, is you can't do anything without resources.
The most precious resource, oxygen.
It used to be 50% 50,000 years ago.
Now we've got only about 21.6% in the air, probably less.
They measured like 23, 200 years ago.
Well, the second reason not to work too hard is, you'll find out, the more you have, the more you'll want.
In the end, you've got so much junk you want to walk away from.
And if you don't, the police, they take your property because property taxes are not really giving you all the rights.
It's just a rental fee, really.
The third reason is the more you have, the more the other people want to have what you have.
Well, you gotta work hard to have resources just to protect yourself and to be able to reach people, but in the communist countries that happens because they take everything you got, so why should you work and then the production falls off to nothing?
Well, that's true for here too, KKK countries, all together, communist, capitalist, cataclysmic, all the same clan.
One simply has to learn
To be and to save his energy and we got until really things are worked out.
The best advice I can give is people start working, certainly stop building bombs and rockets and be and guard your health.
All right, thanks for the call.
That's why they want us off the rural land in the compact cities working in their modern Maquiladores
So that we're dependent on them.
It's all about getting us into their web through the judicial system, the criminal justice system, to the psychiatric systems.
Now through this national draft, compulsory national service, destroying the economy, creating a fascist system where the government subsidizes the private corporations and controls it.
Let's talk to Lee in Ohio.
Lee, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Is your offer to disagree with you on something still open, Alex?
Sure it is.
Go ahead.
I agree with you about rat poison being partial truth mixed with lies.
I agree with you that Fritz Springmeier is a good guy with that flyer that you put out on Mind Control Illuminati.
I agree that talking about a million Chinese robotoids is a smokescreen for larger topics.
So is it a bad thing to point out that we shouldn't be listening to people perpetrating these things?
Like Stu Webb is going to do on Jeremy Floyd's show tonight?
You know something?
We got the New World Order to fight.
They are the New World Order.
And I'll tell you, I'm not going to have people stir up stuff on my show against this radio network, against this radio station.
I don't sit here.
I got the New World Order to fight.
I don't sit here.
They are the New World Order, Alex.
I don't sit here.
Let me assure you, this network is not the New World Order.
Barbara Hartwell, CIA, is not the New World Order?
Jeremy Floyd's going to have Stu Webb with Barbara Hartwell, who is CIA, cutting down Fritz Springmeier and spreading disinformation this evening.
Well, that's... Ben, if I'm listening to it, I'll call in and, uh... I'll call in and disagree with it, and I appreciate your call, Larry.
Look, folks, I'm not going to sit here.
This show's been successful.
I've gotten legislation, with your help, defeated federally, locally,
We've been able to defeat the so-called Second Amendment groups that are actually undermining the Second Amendment.
We've been able to boycott Smith & Wesson and annihilate them when they were trying to sell out the Second Amendment.
We have had so many victories.
You know, I make documentary films.
I tell people they can make copies of them.
Give them to their friends and family and opinion makers.
And I have on all these guests and have them promote their books and their films and their organizations and the land rights groups.
And I'm about people that are moving forward and taking action and affecting change.
And I don't agree with everything that I say.
Sometimes I listen to a show I've done and I'm like, well that was a mistake or that was wrong what I said or I listen to other shows and I hear things that aren't what I would say are completely on target.
You know, I make mistakes but and I don't agree with a lot of the things that some people, some guests have to say.
And I've cautioned other hosts about this but I'm
I am my brother's keeper, but at the same time, overall this network's doing a fabulous job.
The individuals involved in it that I know are good, hard-working people that don't compromise.
Ted Anderson has dumped his life savings into making this network a success and reaching millions of people is wonderful and has never censored me.
One scintilla.
And I just got bigger fish to fry.
I am not going to sit here and descend into picking at people on this network.
I mean, it's that simple.
And my show is not here to do that.
You know, a few times I've attacked other so-called patriots, and I think it was a mistake when I did it.
When I went after Bo Grites, viciously.
I made a mistake.
I don't like Bogreitz.
I don't like the fact that he claimed that the pipe-bombing attacks in the Southwest were probably the, quote, black helicopter shortwave listeners.
And I got him up here in the air, and he was mean to me, too, and we got in a big fight.
But it didn't do anything.
It was just a big diversion, a big distraction.
And so I very rarely descend into this, and a lot of people out there like to do this because it's how they get attention, or it's how they tear down everybody else but themselves.
And I'm not going to do that.
I mean, it's really that simple.
I've got stacks of real news, real information, and I see this blight on the Christian conservative slash patriot libertarian movement
of people that just pick at others and talk about how wrong they are instead of putting out their own information.
I mean, I remember warning Rick Stanley that
That it was easy for his organization to get infiltrated, that what he was calling for had serious flaws, and that I cared about him, and that I thought that he was a legitimate individual after interviewing him on air and listening to some of the things he'd said.
I don't think he was a bad guy.
I think that's proven now.
The guy went to jail!
He was obviously fighting the New World Order.
But we're able to turn the police, turn the liberals, turn the socialists, turn the neocons.
I'm having success after success.
And I'm non-violent.
And I'm not looking for physical confrontation.
Believe me, the globalists are going to give it to you soon enough if we don't get the word out of how they're behind the terror.
We're on the nice edge.
It can go either way.
We're in toe-to-toe battle.
We've got to wake up as many people as we can now.
Civilization and humanity and creativity and the family is all on the line right now.
And you know, after I interviewed Rick, I then found out in retrospect that the guy had been out there sniping at me, and that just hurt my feelings.
I was trying to keep him out of trouble.
I was trying to keep the people who were involved with him from getting into a bunch of trouble.
I mean, nobody who works for me has ever gotten in any trouble, knock on wood, as they say.
I'm trying to change people's minds, to get people outside the box, to get them to think for themselves.
I'm not a knitting circle or an intramural scrimmage league.
We're fighting this Death Star System or like a bunch of X-Wings going in against it.
And I'm focusing on the guns on the towers and the TIE fighters shooting at us.
I'm not going to focus on the fact that one of the pilots beside me going in against the Death Star may not have his targeting on properly or may not know how to evade the enemy.
I've got to focus on attacking the major system that's in front of me orbiting the planet at maximum velocity about to fire on the moon on the far side.
Again, we're down to the wire here, folks.
I'm getting shot at from every angle.
As they say, when you're over the target, you get flack.
That's how you know you're over the target.
So not on my show, Larry.
And Larry, you don't have to call him with a fake name to get on my show.
You want to talk about the New World Order, you're welcome to do it.
But you want to talk about other shows on this network, it's just not going to happen.
Because we're too few in the leadership positions
Again, going in against this Death Star.
To use the Star Wars analogy.
We're going to come back and I'm going to cover a smattering of other key news.
Then we'll get into the partial birth abortion debate.
Did this ban really do anything?
Or is it a sab to make conservatives think Bush is doing a good job?
That's coming up as well.
Toll free number to join us on air, 800-259-9231.
We've covered a lot of news.
We haven't even scratched the surface
Some of the most important aspects.
And again the websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back.
Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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We have David Brownloeb, who says that the partial birth abortion ban, it really isn't a ban at all, from news and views coming on.
And we have scheduled Douglas Johnson, the Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee, and going back over our notes, we have had them on several times in the past.
We're pro-life.
We've now been told that the Right to Life group went and looked at my website, which is just AP, Reuters, bills, documents, and we just have on the site that we were going to have a discussion of this and find out what's really going on, and I'm told that they saw the website and cancelled.
Isn't that interesting?
I bet they go on a socialist show or a liberal show, I mean, a neocon show.
I just want to have them on to get their take on this.
We're supportive.
But I guess from a true conservative position, maybe they don't want to talk to me.
I don't know.
But my wife, who's my producer for this radio show, the webmaster of InfoWars.com, is on the phone, I'm told, with their office.
I know we have a lot of members of this group as listeners, the National Live2Life Committee,
And if they don't come on, maybe you should politely call them and ask why they wouldn't come on the show.
We're trying to find out if this really bans partial birth abortion, or what it does, we wanted to have a discussion.
It really was going to be a discussion, not even a debate.
I guess you could call it a debate, but just to flesh this out, as I said yesterday, to come to some type of consensus with the experts.
But I don't know.
We've got the bill here, we've got the articles, and we're going to go over this in the next hour.
I hope the National Right to Life Committee will come on.
We've got a bunch of phone callers here.
Jerry and Wolfgang and Ann and others will get to you here in a few minutes too.
Before I do that, Police State 3 Total Enslavement's been out for a few months.
It's an amazing film.
It covers what the New World Order is, what the neocons are up to, how they're calling for a New World Order, what PENAC called for, Homeland Security, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Ashcroft's lies, how the Patriot Act's being used for common crimes, government-run white slavery rings, gun control, foreign troops, concentration camps, the Casual Society control grid.
Two hours, forty minutes long.
The new film, Matrix of Evil's out.
Two hours, ten minutes.
With Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney,
Frank Morales, police state expert.
Colonel Craig Roberts, New World Order expert.
Excerpts of three of my speeches, some of my best speeches in the last six months.
It's an amazing new film, Matrix of Evil.
I hope you'll go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com and watch the trailers of the video clips of the films and hopefully be moved to order them.
That also supports the show and then make copies of them and get them out to people.
The toll-free number to order the videos is 1-888-253-3139.
You want a great book that tells the New World Order's criminal activities in the modern era, you need to get Order Out of Chaos by Paul Watson that I published.
Or my book, Sentinel Tyranny.
So again, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
And that's how you get the videos or the books and also support this show.
I'm very concerned that Douglas Johnson would cancel because, quote, he saw the website, what I was told by my wife, when
We're wanting to know if the partial birth abortion ban really does something.
And wouldn't come on and tell us this?
That's very, very interesting.
But we'll see if he comes on.
We hope he does.
We're going to come back in the next five minute segment and go to Jerry and Wolfgang and Ann real quick, then we'll go to our guest.
Some of the news that's coming up after that, U.S.
makes weather control powder, Michigan control the weather, Bush cheers, gay church.
After marriage week, attempts to please family advocates, homosexuals baffle.
Both groups.
Lockyer tells of new allegation of Schwarzenegger groping just last year.
Black boxes in your cars, what they're up to.
New York District denies birth of Jesus displays, because it's not historical.
Devices that read human thought to be deployed against you and your family.
It's all coming up.
So we got a big two hours lined up for you.
And I'm going to intersperse some of this news when we come back from breaks, even while we have these guests on and we're doing this interview.
So second and third hour coming up.
Stay with us.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
They're new and they're more powerful than any gravity filter element on the market.
These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed in the... This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, already into the second hour, we talked about how the government grew by 27% in the last two years, over 12% this year, outstripping the growth in gross domestic product,
Coming up, U.S.
government admits they have weather-controlled technologies, BBC.
We'll get into more groping allegations by the Gropenführer.
That's what they call a governor in Austria, Gropenführer.
I think the name fits.
If it fits, use it.
We've got David Brownloeb, who's a writer and pro-life activist, who says the partial birth abortion ban really doesn't do anything.
It's a hollow victory.
And I've had him on before, the National Right to Life Committee.
They saw the website, I guess the AP and Reuters articles, that scared them.
And they said, well, we're not coming on.
We wanted to find out what their view is on this partial birth abortion ban, but we've got callers calling in saying this group is controlled by Bush.
We'll go to Joanne in Texas and others once our guests are on in the next segment.
So, we're going to have a discussion of this.
Right now, let's take calls.
Let's talk to Jerry in Wisconsin.
Jerry, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
How's it going?
I was just wondering on the global, that group that's trying to control everything there, what's really keeping them from, I mean, what's really preventing them from, I mean, keeping them in power there?
I mean, they come out, you know, telling the people that they're going to eliminate like 85 or 90 percent of the population.
I'm wondering what's keeping them afloat.
I realize like the Rothschilds got like over a hundred trillion dollars and stuff, but the money goes only so far when it comes to the personal protection.
Okay, these families, these criminal enterprises, these syndicates founded all the major universities, Yale, Princeton.
They control the Rhodes Scholars, they control the institutions, they own the machines that print the money.
And they're very good at putting puppets out there, controlling a false left-right debate.
They've owned all the major newspapers for at least the last 95 years.
This is where they get their power, sir.
I mean, there were emperors and kings and strongmen that had control and would pass on their power for hundreds of years.
The globalists are now just a more sophisticated model of tyranny.
And so that's the world norm, not the world exception.
And that's how they've held on to power.
I mean, they're holding on to power right out in front of you.
Okay, thanks Alex, appreciate it.
Thank you, it's a really good question, I appreciate it.
Anne, in New Mexico, go ahead, you're on the air.
In New Mexico?
Good morning.
Good morning.
Oh, I agree with what you're saying, and I'm happy to see you encouraging your listeners to take action based on real information.
That is the will to act.
Alex, can I read a quote?
Last night I was reading this booklet and almost fell out of my chair.
Sure, what's the quote?
It's Hitler.
He said, a new age of magic interpretation of the world is coming, of interpretation in terms of the will and not of the intelligence.
And isn't that what they're doing?
They're just
Raw will.
He wanted to switch off the thinking process.
The priest of power, as George Orwell has O'Brien say while he's torturing Winston, and switching off the thinking process is what it's all about.
He was obsessed with the occult.
Listen to this, and this is what he also says, quote, what you tell people in the mass in a receptive state of fanatic devotion will remain.
Words received under a hypnotic influence are radical
Yeah, talking about mind control, that is a Hitler quote.
I've read that.
They're just running over everybody.
And if we don't stay awake and resist the programming, we're going to fall into it.
Well, I mean, it's like every day they say, oh, we're going to put microchips in all of you.
It's good.
Think of how bizarre that is.
But they say we're weird for being against it.
I mean, it's just raw will just throwing it in our face until we just basically burn out psychologically.
Great points, Ann.
Call back anytime.
I appreciate your fine points.
We're going to come back with our guest and we'll go to Kelly and Joanne and others.
We'll talk about this partial birth abortion ban.
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Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations.
The new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
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That's 888-803-4438.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, a couple of weeks ago they passed a partial birth abortion ban.
George W. Bush signed it last week.
And it does restrict at least
One type of partial birth abortion procedure, or the one that was most widely known about taking the baby's head out of the woman's body, sucking its brains out, crushing its skull.
Very barbarous, and I'm glad that happened, but again, there are many other ways to kill a baby in the last month of pregnancy, in the last three months of pregnancy, in the third trimester, many ways to still crush its skull and take it out.
According to the bill I have here right in front of me,
David Brownlow of News With Views had written several articles about this, and I tend to agree with his analysis of what's going on here.
And so I wanted to have a discussion of this with another organization that we respect, and that's the National Right to Life Committee, and Douglas Johnson, federal legislative director.
And I've had this group on before over the last few years, and we've been supportive of what they're doing.
I have a lot of listeners that are members of it.
And then we got a call this morning that Mr. Johnson was going to cancel because he saw something on the site he didn't like, and I went to the site.
All it says is we're going to have a discussion between the author of the partial birth abortion scam, David Brownlow, a discussion, folks, and legislative, federal legislative director, the National Right to Life Committee, Douglas Johnson.
My wife was able to call him back and convince him to come on, but he said
I'm going from what she said, that if he gets attacked or if it gets weird, he's going to hang up.
We weren't having him on here to sneak attack him or to tell him he's bad.
We just really want to have experts on and get different points of view on this.
That's all we're attempting to do.
We're glad he's coming back on.
He's still coming on the show here in about 20 minutes.
Probably won't change his mind in that period of time.
We've been consistent here for what we believe in, so we're having both points of view within the Right to Life movement on the show.
And we're going to go to some of your calls here, people on this subject, before we even get Douglas Johnson on.
And we may even continue this debate next week with other folks, because it's very, very important.
But David Brownlow, and I've read a lot of his articles, has done some really wonderful work.
David, tell us a little bit about yourself before we get into what your analysis is of the Partial Birth Abortion Ban.
Thanks, Alex.
Great to be on your show, too, by the way.
I appreciate the offer to come on.
I'm an engineer by trade.
I've been in the business world since 1979 when I got out of engineering school.
I've been involved in the pro-life movement since about 1981.
I've been thrown in jail before for blocking doors to abortion clinics, so I've kind of been fighting the life battle and most recently I ran for U.S.
Congress with the Constitution Party here in the Portland District, District 3 it's called in Oregon, and began to do a lot of research about what I thought I knew about government and about the pro-left movement and as you begin to evaluate
The story behind what we see in the papers, it's quite a different story out there.
Like most things, as you point out, well, aren't quite as they seem.
And I found the same thing out to be true with, unfortunately, a lot of the pro-life activities, particularly in Congress, weren't quite what we thought they were.
Well, I don't know about the entire pro-life movement.
I've been to, I think, four or five pro-life demonstrations.
I've been threatened with arrest for being 100 feet away, folks.
And I have a lot of friends who've been in jail six months, who've been beaten by police.
We've aired this on television.
We've protested the mistreatment.
We've protested the ACLU for not taking up these cases.
So I'm not a super veteran like a lot of people, but I've championed the cause on the air and, you know, several times a month I have guests on on the subject and almost every week I cover articles concerning it.
I've had these pro-life organizations on.
What do you think about the statements of the National Right to Life Committee that this is a ban on partial birth abortion?
And why do you write the articles that say that this is all by the government, by Congress, is a scam?
Why do you say that?
Okay, and I'm not trying to pick a fight with National Right to Life or anybody else.
I guess what my point is
If we're going to spend time and money on an effort, let's make sure it's going to bear some fruit.
And part of the problem is, few people have actually gone to trouble to read the exact text of these bills.
And what really got me going on the partial birth ban was actually back in March, when the Senate passed the original S3, their flavor of it, and they added a statement in there that was an absolute, solid reaffirmation of Roe v. Wade.
The sense of the Senate saying, we love Roe v. Wade, it's the law.
48 Republicans, which is unbelievable, every single one of them who ever said they were pro-life, signed that statement.
And the excuse was, well, it moves it forward, or the Democrats put that in, or blah, blah, blah.
Hey, man, you put your name on the line and said, I agree with this.
You signed a death warrant.
For millions of babies.
And all the excuses.
And they praised it back in March.
And I tried to get dialogue with everybody of the leaders in the pro-life movement, and, guys, you can't do this.
We can't agree this is a good thing to hopefully move things forward.
Well, then back, I want to say September, when it was between the House and Senate to get the bill worked out together, the Senate sent, effectively, a rebuke back to the House, because the House version took out the Roe v. Wade reaffirmation.
And that passed unanimously.
And they signed it.
These guys, and people don't want to say,
A man's signature means nothing any longer.
Well, how do you deal with that?
But when you sign a document that says, uh, Roe v. Wade was good, and the House shouldn't have taken Roe v. Wade out of their version of the partial birth control.
They're saying we have no plan of trying to restrict abortion more.
So what it means is, you're right, exactly.
It means, okay, we'll give you this, pro-lifers.
It's kind of a ceasefire, like with the North Koreans.
It really is.
And then the next thing, too, think about this.
Okay, you mentioned very graphically what this thing bans, and the entire head of the child has to be out, or the entire, as they say, the fetal trunk past the navel has to be out for this killing to be illegal.
Which means that the fetal nose, or the fetal mouth, or the hair, or whatever, kill it that way.
So what we're really doing is, we aren't saying that the act of killing a child is wrong, we're saying that, well just make sure it's in the right spot if you're going to kill it.
So, effectively, first of all, my contention is, the way it's written, and if you read it, I think people would agree with me, an abortionist who's intent on killing a child for profit will find a way around this ban.
He will kill that kid if he wants to.
Well, you talk about how it's coordinates.
Now, we've got the text of the bill, we've got it posted on InfoWars.com, and your article and a link to the National Rights Alive Committee, and I've supported their work, by the way, we're glad you're coming on.
I'm a little concerned that just by us saying we're going to have a discussion of the ban, that that would be somewhat upsetting.
I mean, I really want to find out the truth here.
You know, I've tried to dialogue, I've emailed all the leaders of all those groups, and I've said, what gives?
Help me through this thing here, because I don't see what you guys see here.
I don't see it will save any lives.
And I think what's really happened even more than that, we've spent now 10 years doing this debate, and 13 million kids
have died by the garden Friday method failing scalding ripping apart the kids I mean you know okay we we sacrifice 13 million kids now for 10 years of doing nothing but this for this well people are hungry for a victory it's like a football team that keeps losing and wants to have a victory but I want to point out the polls have shifted the vast majority of Americans are now against abortion period when just five years ago they weren't so we are winning the battle in the hearts of minds but it's like
Illegal immigration.
Eighty-plus percent are against it, but the Republicans and the Democrats are moving for blanket legalization, and Senator Cornyn's calling this a victory, and neocons are telling me to shut up!
Let's have the guest worker program.
It's a victory when it's not a victory, but let's go over the bill before we go to some of these calls, because you've got the subsections.
Read those subsections to folks, David, and I'll be reading along with you here and why you think it doesn't really ban partial birth abortion.
Hey, I'll go to the actual text of the bill here.
Section 1531 of the S3 is where the meat of this bill is, and it defines the partial birth abortion.
A person performing the abortion that says, deliberately, unintentionally, vaginally delivers a living fetus until, in the case of a head-first presentation, the entire head is outside the body of the mother, or in the case of breach, any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside the mother, for the purpose of performing an overt act that the person knows will kill the partially delivered living fetus.
So, what that means is that they've now, and I say targeted coordinates, because it really is.
Now, I'm not a doctor, but I've actually, one of my friends has aired videos of this on TV and almost was arrested here locally in Austin.
Don't they generally, while the baby's head is in the vaginal canal, suck the brains out there and crush it?
So it generally doesn't take place outside, does it?
My understanding of it is, and I'm not an expert on the procedure because I try to avoid that type of thought, but yeah, they go in, the head can be crowned, and they crown the head, and then they, you know, I've got four kids, and you know what, when the head's all the way out of the baby, this baby's out.
It's gone.
It's out.
It's gonna be... Yeah, it takes about 10 seconds once the head gets past the cervix.
And they generally would want to make the head not there to be graphic here.
They don't want the head to come, they want to get the head crushed while it's still in.
So, this whole thing is... Well, that's, that's what, so... But this bill says, outside the woman, or is it, or is, or is, uh, outside the woman, meaning outside the, uh, the, uh, service.
Well, what this says is that Vagelin delivers, okay, and the entire head is outside the body of the mother.
So that's not even the general partial birth abortion procedure?
No, it really isn't.
And then the other thing, too, is the penalty is maybe two years in jail, so it says here, there's no penalty for the woman who does this to herself.
But the point is that a doctor, quote, okay, an abortionist, who's already
A killer.
A psychopathic, you know, killer.
He's gonna worry if he missed, and he got the baby late.
He's gonna go run and confess his crime.
We have the cases where they get fully delivered and they drop them in buckets of water.
So, if you read this, now you and I could read this thing and say, well good, of course, of course it's good, you know.
But you can't read it like we're normal people.
You can't read it.
You've got to read it from the mind of a total wacko who does it for a living.
Well, it's like Patriot Act 2, Section 802, says it's for all the citizens.
People didn't want to believe that.
Now they're using it.
They twist this stuff.
Okay, stay there.
We're going to come back and talk more about this, take some calls, and we're going to get the folks on from the National Right to Life Committee and get their analysis of this.
Stay with us, David.
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Alright, we're talking to David Brownlow, who has looked at this law, looked at what it does, and feels from the evidence that it really isn't a ban on partial birth abortion.
Because from what I've read about the procedure,
And, uh, by the way, I've seen video of it.
It, uh, goes on while the baby's still in the mother.
And so they shifted the debate in Congress over to, well, when the head comes out, which it does sometimes, uh, killing it there.
So I guess it bans it in certain cases, uh, unless the doctor can claim and sign a sheet saying it threatened the life of the mother.
That's in there too.
But it's an important discussion to have because the globalists are good at giving us hollow victories.
David, let's take a call from Joanne in Texas.
Joanne, you're on the air with our guest.
Go ahead.
Thank you very much.
I totally agree with your guest, and I've been involved with the pro-life movement for about 20 years, and I was a big supporter of the National Right to Life Organization, until I learned that they do totally compromise.
And I still get their monthly magazine, and they absolutely love Bush.
And when I heard yesterday that you were going to have them on, I thought, well, I know what they're going to say.
They're going to say it's a wonderful bill.
And I think that part of this is just to keep Bush's pro-life voters.
And I just don't believe that Bush is pro-life, really.
Well, the Republicans have the legislature.
They have the executive.
They have the judicial.
We need to see a total ban.
That's right.
That's right.
You make a great point about Bush.
I did a little piece on Bush's pro-life-ness a while back.
There's no evidence he's even remotely pro-life.
And what this bill does is it gives these people who really aren't pro-life at all an excuse to say, hey, I'm pro-life, I signed your ban.
What's missing here, though, and this is probably the most damaging aspect, is it shifts the debate.
The fact is the federal government is the abortion protector in this country.
When I was arrested, in fact, in Austin, Texas, for blocking the door to an abortion clinic, the abortions didn't put me in jail.
The government put me in jail.
The government kangaroo court convicted us without a trial, basically.
And we've allowed the courts to take over authority for writing laws, which is totally against the Constitution.
Well, the states have still got their 10th Amendment, and murder is still murder at the state level, so it should be attacked there as well.
But let me add this, that again, I don't want, in our frustration, to sit here and blame the pro-life groups, because they're, you know...
Because, you're right, this is an evil Congress, whether it's Democrats or Republicans, or they would have already banned this thing.
Seven of the members, the vast majority of the Supreme Court, were put in by Republicans.
Where is the ban?
And then you look at the wording for this partial birth abortion ban, it restricts the procedure, but doesn't outright ban it.
I think that is clear.
Comments, Joanne or David?
Well, I think you're absolutely right.
And, uh, you know, another thing about Bush, when he was running for governor, that's when I became aware that he really wasn't pro-life because he went to a pro-abortion senator and asked her to present the parental notification bill in Texas.
And if you read that bill, it was not going to hold up.
And sure enough, just a few months ago in Florida, they overturned it.
And he used that to say that he was pro-life.
Well, I don't know about the big anti-abortion groups, but I know the NRA is
Actively, you know, in federal court saying we're for the registration of all guns.
So again, we have these Trojan horses and, you know, in that culture in Washington, this tends to happen.
That's why we have to be no compromise.
We're the majority.
We're in the right.
It's against the law.
It's against the Bill of Rights.
We're going to find out with our guest, our next guest, we're going to keep David Brownlow on with us and try to get the take of the National Right to Life Committee
But I appreciate your call, Joanne.
Thank you.
You bet.
We'll take more calls in the next segment.
Anything else you'd like to add, David?
Alex, if compromise and appeasement was an effective tool to fight abortion, we wouldn't have abortion any longer.
For 30 years, we've accommodated, we want to get along, we wanted access to the power
And it hasn't brought us any... Well, compromise means that we give in.
They never give in.
But I think the view here is that they've finally given an inch here.
An inch.
And so, I mean, it is a victory in that they've at least had to respond.
But if it's used as a salve to stall out the pro-life movement when it's reaching a majority proportions,
Uh, then it's a bad thing.
It takes the pressure off us, too.
People will think, well, we're making progress, we're going down that road, and do the numbers.
Uh, the estimates are 2,000 to 3,000 of these are killed per year, which is a tragedy.
Well, what is Bush doing about the Clinton laws for racketeering against pro-lifers?
Absolutely nothing.
I mean, that's a Justice Department policy.
Saying, you're an organized criminal, you protest an abortion clinic.
Why hasn't he gotten rid of that?
Why'd he sign on to UNESCO?
Stay there, David Brownlaw.
We'll be back with you and hopefully Douglas Johnson, Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee.
We've got a link to their website at infowars.com.
Go check it out.
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Folks, we're back live here.
We're trying to get both of our guests lined up here.
And on air, and I'm just trying to find out what this partial birth abortion ban really does.
I'm really searching for the truth.
We got David Brownlow, who wrote a news article, and I respect his work, saying that it really doesn't ban anything.
And then we've got the National Right to Life Committee saying that it does.
I mean, it's obviously a victory in that the government's having to at least respond in this case.
And let's go ahead and go to Douglas Johnson.
Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee.
And Mr. Johnson, thanks for coming on the show, sir.
All righty, folks.
Again, we're bringing up our guest.
Do we have him now?
All right.
What we're going to do is we're going to let David Brownlow go, because we obviously can't get two people up on air off these lines for some reason.
And we're going to get
Douglas Johnson on that line.
Do that.
Go ahead and take care of that.
Thank you.
Again, folks, we are attempting to get the guest up on the show.
And we will do that here in just a few minutes.
And I know we have loaded phones, people wanting to discuss this issue.
When it rains, it pours.
And Douglas Johnson was nice enough to come on the show.
I'm told we do have him, though we're not able to get his audio through.
And I just would like to know the course of action we're going to take on this issue here today on this show.
But you know what?
I'll just leave it at that then, won't I?
Because, well,
It's very frustrating, folks.
Very frustrating.
But, again, David Brownlow has written the article where he says that it doesn't really ban it, and I'm looking at the bill here, and it restricts it if the baby's head is outside of the womb.
But it doesn't restrict it if the baby is still there in the vaginal canal.
And it's a horrible subject to have to talk about, but it's going on.
And now we have this culture of death that has expanded out into many other areas.
We have this culture of death where they now want to get rid of people who aren't even in vegetative states.
We have the Dr. Peter Singers at Princeton saying that old people and retarded children and people who are handicapped or a subhuman.
And so we see this growing and growing and growing.
Hey, Vince, what's going on, bud?
Okay, fantastic.
I tell you what we're going to do is we're going to bring, we have new folks around the show, actually some training and the main folks were gone and don't know how to get two calls up at the same time, I'm sorry.
Let's bring David Brownlow back up on the show.
If we're able to get him, can we get him on or?
I'm here.
Good, good to have you there.
This never happens I guess once in a blue moon and we're dealing with it today and I apologize to our other guest there.
Douglas Johnson, we'll be getting to you, sir, as we blast out coast-to-coast on AM and FM stations, shortwave internet, and the satellite.
What are some of the questions you think that we should ask Douglas Johnson?
I guess the question is, what are we going to do to fundamentally attack the premise here that the taking of a human life is wrong?
We're nibbling at the far, far edges of the problem.
We aren't really dealing with a core problem.
In several aspects, we're letting this thing go through, which is fine.
I'm not against these guys doing their work.
I mean, I appreciate their dedication.
But what's the endgame here for us?
And how long will it take?
30 more years?
Another 44 million kids?
I mean, what is our strategy here?
The next thing is, we've got to talk about the government.
Our government, our Republican Congress, is in charge now.
And we're letting it continue.
And by pacifying these people, and throwing praise their way,
We're enabling them to continue down this path.
And everything, not just this.
You know, there's a lot of other issues.
Okay, we now have, we fixed our technical problem, thank the good Lord, and we now have Douglas Johnson.
I appreciate holding the last seven minutes.
Mr. Johnson is the Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee, and we appreciate you coming on, sir.
We just wanted to find out what, because you're an expert on this, what your take on the whole situation is.
Yeah, let me address a couple of the issues that have been raised.
I wasn't able to listen to everything that has gone before, but I think I heard
A few minutes ago, Mr. Brownlaw would say that the President had signed the bill containing an affirmation of Roe vs. Wade.
Is that right?
Did he say that?
No, I did not.
No, he's saying that they put the sense of the Senate in the bill.
Yeah, well, it's not in the bill anymore, and everybody knew it was going to be taken out.
He said it was taken out in the House.
What he was saying is, how dare 40-plus Senators sign onto this?
Well, of course, that didn't happen, and right away, you should ask
Is that plausible that 93-0 the Senate would endorse Roe v. Wade?
Of course it's not plausible.
It didn't happen.
And that whole analysis just reflects a complete misunderstanding of the procedures of the U.S.
Okay, break it down for us.
Well, but I'd rather talk about the bill.
But anybody who thinks the Senate voted 93-0 for Roe v. Wade, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn.
I can tell you that the Senate is narrowly in favor of Roe v. Wade, regrettably, 53-47.
But when you see a claim
That they unanimously endorsed Roe, you should right away know that there's something wrong with the analysis.
But let's step back for a minute.
I mean, it's been 30 years since Roe vs. Wade.
And for the first 20-some of those years, most Americans never heard anything specific about abortion procedures.
And why not?
Because of what we call the media filter.
Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, Brokaw, people like that were not interested in transmitting any concrete information about abortion to the American people.
And they control the gateways for the most part, although less nowadays.
And frame the entire issue in terms of women's rights, autonomy, and so forth.
Most people never understood fully what the argument is about.
It wasn't until the Republicans took over the House in the 1994 election, and pro-life lawmakers took over key chairmanships, that any type of pro-life legislation could even be considered beyond
Very narrow proposals, such as the Hyde Amendment.
Very restricted in the type of legislation that could be considered.
And so this was the first major pro-life bill, and what did this bill do, among other things?
It penetrated the media filter.
It showed millions and millions of Americans, for the first time, something specific about abortion.
Yes, about a specific method, and there were good reasons for singling out this method for a discrete bill.
And that has had an effect.
You referred a few minutes ago, Mr. Jones, to the movement in the polls in recent years.
Well, there's a lot of evidence that that movement relates, in large part, although not entirely, to the national debate over partial birth abortion.
Because once people started finding out something specific about abortion, such as shown in these drawings, these medically accurate drawings that are now up on your website,
And also on our website at nrlc.org.
So abortion wasn't just a black box that no one understood, they got to see it?
Well I don't say no one, but there are an awful lot of people who never heard anything except the slogans.
And all of a sudden something penetrated that smoke screen of euphemisms and they said, hey that's a baby!
And we said, well this is in the fifth and sixth month.
These are done by the thousands and this is just one way they do them.
We have never said that ethically
This is different from other methods of abortion, but there are some distinctions which made it appropriate to target with legislation.
We can go into that if you like.
It has never been proposed as any kind of panacea.
It is a targeted bill, which has already done enormous good in opening a lot of people's eyes, not just to the brutality of this method, but
Of other methods.
Because what's one of the things that the opponents of this bill say, the abortionists who are now challenging it in court, they say, well, we don't fully understand this definition.
You know, we think this might apply to these other methods.
Well, what are they?
Well, for example, when we reach in with our forceps and pull a leg out of the womb and then we rip it off and we can look on the ultrasound, they say, and we can see that the fetus's heart is still beating in there.
So is that a partial birth abortion?
And these are the kind of things that people need to understand better.
Sir, let me just jump in here for a second.
I've got the language of the bill here, and am I incorrect in saying that many of the partial birth abortions are done while the baby is still in the vaginal canal, and so this only bans part of the partial birth abortions?
Well, this is a legal term of art in the bill that more than half the states pass bans on partial birth abortions, and regrettably,
By a 5-4 decision, the five justices of the Supreme Court struck those down three years ago.
And they did that on two grounds.
One of them is they said they were confused.
They weren't sure that the definition was clear enough.
They were worried, these five justices, that the ban might apply to these procedures I've just referenced where the baby is dismembered.
And they said they wouldn't want that.
So Congress rewrote that to make it even more explicit.
They have done everything now
That they could do to make it as clear as possible.
They've done everything.
Okay, well make it clear for us.
Alright, I'm about to do it.
But if anybody looks at those medical drawings at nrlc.org, or they're on your website now as well, that's what this describes.
That it's a partial birth abortion if the baby is delivered, if feet first, and that's usually the way it's done, feet first, until
The baby's body is outside the body of the mother, past the navel of the baby.
So they have said, Judge, we've been absolutely explicit.
We've drawn a bright line, as they say in the law.
Now, if any abortion doctor thinks, well, I can get around that by just delivering the baby head first, it says no.
It's also a partial birth abortion covered by the ban if the head is entirely outside the mother.
Now, there's a lot of other kinds of abortions, absolutely.
This bill is addressed to that.
That it does not, we hope, anymore leave the option of these judges of saying they don't know what's being talked about.
The Congress has done everything to take that medical drawing and paste it into the bill.
Okay, Douglas Johnson, Federal Legislative Director for the National Right to Life Committee.
This is all we wanted you to come on the show.
We're not antagonistic and I'm curious why looking at InfoWars.com you were reconsidering not coming on the show.
We just wanted to hear what you had to say about this.
Thanks for raising that point because what
The observation I made earlier to the Booker was not about what you have displayed on your website now, but about what you had displayed on it this morning, which was just a one-sided attack.
It was the name of the headline of David Brownlow's article, The Partial Birth Abortion Scam.
I remarked, we've really got our hands full right now fighting off the ACLU, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and all of their hosts and resources, and we have limited time to get in arguments like this with people who think that this is
Not productive.
I think most people who follow the abortion issue, particularly at the grassroots level, have found that this is enormously productive.
Well, sir, we've had callers calling in who day one were saying they had problems.
We're trying to address this and find out what's going on.
Let's let David Brownlow comment.
David, comments?
Yeah, sure.
We aren't attacking anybody here or questioning motives.
We're questioning tactics.
But I would like to clarify a point.
The facts are clear about the Republican Senate in March of 2003.
48 of them signed a bill that said Roe v. Wade was a good thing.
You can't deny that happened.
They signed it.
The Democrats put the amendment in the bill, but the bill is a finished product.
These guys find it, and again... They did not.
That's nonsense.
That's nonsense.
That's absolute nonsense.
Sir, I've been working with Congress for over 20 years, and you don't know what you're talking about.
That was a vote to go to conference, and everybody on both sides, from Barbara Boxer to the National Abortion Rights Action League, to everybody on our side, knew as soon as it got to conference
We were going to get rid of that Roe vs. White amendment, and that's what happened.
Everybody here understood that.
Just let me finish.
September 17th.
This is not against you.
This is against the Republicans in the Senate.
September 17th, there was a motion called to disagree to the amendment of the House to S.3.
It passed 93-0, which was
He favored that.
Don't you understand we had to do that to get it to conference so we could take out... I understand what you're saying, but we're having people that are signing things that they disagree with, which is wrong to start off with.
That's not what happened.
You don't understand the procedures.
You're outside your competence here.
Ninety-three Senators didn't vote to endorse Roe vs. Wade.
There are 53 who support Roe.
We wanted to go to conference.
Do you understand?
We wanted to go to conference so we could... that it was the only way
To clean up the bill and get it to the President, and that's what happened.
Okay, here's the question.
Here's the next question, and I've got to throw this out.
It's so important.
The Republicans have the Supreme Court.
They have the legislature, the House and Senate.
They have the executive.
Where is the outright ban on abortion?
Why isn't the Supreme Court upholding that?
Why aren't they passing that law?
Well, we're not here to defend every Republican.
There are pro-abortion Republicans, and there are some pro-life Democrats in the Congress.
We don't have enough senators right now who agree with us on the pro-life issue.
I just said there are 53 senators who really do support Roe vs. Wade.
Not 93, but 53, and that's a majority.
And that's problem number one.
So to pass anything, we have to be able to persuade some senators who support Roe vs. Wade that nevertheless they should go along with the particular measure.
How can that be when the poll numbers have been reversed?
I guess they just don't care what their constituents want.
That's a good question, but you see, poll numbers are not
What drive votes in the Senate necessarily?
There has to be an accountability at the polls, the election polls.
And where that occurs, then you begin to see change.
And we have seen change.
We have things happening now that have not happened before, but look what's happening right now in the Senate.
You have, on judicial nominations, a majority in favor of jurists who will take a constructionist view of the law, and yet you have a minority
Obstructing them in a way never before.
Okay, you've been up there for decades, Mr. Johnson.
What's going to happen with abortion?
Well, it depends on what's going to happen at the polls, but in the short term, we think that there are some other things that are feasible within the political realities that I've just described, with having a majority of the Senate for Roe vs. Wade.
And I think one of those things is what's called Lacey and Conner's Law, or the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, that would make it clear
That's a human being.
That when a criminal attacks a pregnant woman, commits a federal crime in which a pregnant woman is a victim, he's really claimed two victims.
And that sets the precedent.
That is not the case right now in federal law.
If Lacey Peterson had been, let's say, a captain in the army and that crime had occurred on a military base, that would have been regarded in federal military law as a single homicide.
Mr. Johnson, I want to shift gears here.
You know, we're not attacking you, but Mr. Brownlow, you said he's outside of his competency.
When he talks about Senate procedures, he simply does... Well, I think he makes a legitimate point, though, to just get it into committee, to still sign that.
People, as you said, are ignorant.
They can hold that up and go, we had a vote on the sense of the Senate.
They support Roe v. Wade.
I mean, can't you see his point?
I understand what he's saying, but he's wrong.
That's not what happened.
Nobody signed anything.
Rick Santorum, the chief sponsor of the bill, and everybody on our side, voted to send it to the committee where it had to go to clean it up and get it to the president, and that's what happened.
Aren't there procedures to get the House to override the Senate?
This is the problem.
I couldn't hear.
Aren't there procedures where the House can override the Senate?
Well, no.
The two houses have to agree on a bill.
That's the way the system works in the Constitution.
They have to finally agree on the same text, and that's what happened.
It worked.
It worked.
If we had done what Mr. Braunlau was suggesting, the bill would be dead today.
Okay, well here's my point.
We have, as a Christian community, and pro-lifers in particular, we have voted for, generally speaking, for a block of voters, for Republicans.
And it's time to take a look back and say, what have we got for our commitment and our efforts and our money, frankly?
And you look at it and you say, there are
No fewer abortions now than there were before we voted.
I tell you what, we've got one five-minute segment left.
I know both of you are busy.
I want to come back with Douglas Johnson and David Brownlow in one final quick segment.
I appreciate both of you coming on the show and discussing this because I want people to be able to make up their minds.
There's been a discussion of this.
Stay right there.
We'll be right back.
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This is a very complex debate and a very, very serious issue.
And we're going to discuss it more next week.
And in the next hour, I'm going to take your calls on the subject and get your take on it.
But we're talking to a writer for News With Views, David Brownlow, who I really appreciate his work and the questions he's asking.
Asking questions and looking at this bill is very important.
I think it all hinges on the fact that Douglas Johnson, federal legislative director,
The National Right to Life Committee has been up on the hill for years.
It all hinges on the fact that he's saying this term from past court cases with the Supreme Court about partial birth abortion.
Pigeonholes the abortionist to where they can't carry this procedure out.
I'm not a doctor.
You know what?
I'm going to try to have some doctors, maybe some of the abortionists that are no longer abortionists, on.
That's what I'll do.
I'm going to set some people up on that subject, and I'm going to talk to doctors on this show, and I'm going to find out.
Because I'm not a doctor.
And I have seen video of this stuff, I've seen the graphics of this, but you're saying, Douglas Johnson, that this will stop partial birth abortion.
You're saying this is going to knock it out cold.
What's described in the bill, and you've read the definition and people can go to the website at nrlc.org or to your website and see it graphically accurately depicted, that is prohibited under this bill.
Now there are lots of other things they can do to unborn babies that are just as bad, but let me get
Come back to the main point here, that this has had an impact on public consciousness about abortion like nothing else we've done in 30 years.
And the gentleman said a minute ago, Mr. Brownell said a minute ago, that the number of abortions is the same.
It's not true.
It's been dropping year by year.
And this corresponds to the movement of the polls.
And particularly encouraging is the growing pro-life sentiment among the younger age groups that shows up in poll after poll, to the extent that the New York Times recently did an article called
Surprise, Mom, I'm anti-abortion.
About people in middle age or older finding out that their children don't share their pro-choice views.
Well that's because the pro-life folks like yourself, like Mr. Brownlow, have done a great job and have spoken out and have educated people.
I think Mr. Brownlow is also worried that this will allow kind of the heat to be off some of the neocons like Mr. Bush's wife, who is pro-abortion, and then of course Bush signing on to UNESCO that's out there pushing abortion.
How do you counter that?
Let me tell you what David Garrow said about this, and he is one of the chief strategists for the pro-abortion side.
He wrote a book celebrating Roe vs. Wade.
It won the Pulitzer Prize.
In the same New York Times story, he said, and I quote, and he's talking about this movement in the younger groups, more and more in the pro-life direction, which he laments, but he says, quote, there's been so much media attention over the last seven to eight years on partial birth abortion,
We shouldn't be surprised that some of it has had an effect on 12 to 14 year olds.
End of quote.
And I've got a collection of those type of quotes, and I rest my case.
Well, I appreciate you coming on the show, and I'm going to continue to investigate this, and I'm going to have doctors on who have performed abortions and partial birth.
And I'm going to get their analysis of it, and I think that will then answer our question completely.
But I appreciate your honesty in coming on the show, and we're not enemies of what you're doing.
I've had your organization on in the past, sir.
Well, I hope I'll have an opportunity in the future as well.
Thank you.
Okay, take care, Douglas Johnson.
Going back to David Brownlow, David, can you stay on with us about 10 more minutes in the next hour so we can get your final response to this?
Yes, certainly.
I don't think we've answered the question completely.
We need to continue to investigate that, investigate this, and I commend your research and your analysis, and I think that there's just not a meeting of the minds between yourself and Douglas Johnson, though I think you're both good men doing a good job.
And Mr. Johnson has some questions to answer by his constituents, because we've got him loaded phones here, and I'm told most of them are pretty upset here, so we're going to try to find out.
What's going on?
And folks, if you want to get involved on this subject, I'm going to find out which of these callers, some of them are going to want to talk about this.
We'll find out.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
I don't know about the pro-life groups, the big ones, where they're really at.
But I know the gun groups, the big gun group, NRA, is anti-gun.
I've proven that.
Their statements in court have proven it.
Their actions have proven it.
We're going to find out, we'll get to the bottom of this.
Third Hour Straight Ahead, InfoWars.com.
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You want answers?
Well, so does he.
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And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright folks, we're 40 seconds into the third hour of this global transmission, blasting out on the AM and FM dials, simulcast from Global Shortwave and the internet at Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
I've got a bunch of other news I want to cover, so I'm going to spend about 10-15 minutes more with our guest, David Brownlow, who's asked some very serious and important questions, researched questions, about the Partial Breadth Abortion Ban.
Because from what I've seen with the procedure, it looks like there's loopholes for the abortionists to continue to carry that out.
But as promised, I got the National Right to Life Committee on, I got Mr. Brownlow on, now I'm gonna get abortion doctors on.
You know, there's hundreds of them that were abortionists and have now gone public, and if you've got anybody you want to recommend who's been out there on the talk circuit exposing abortion who was an abortionist, email that to tipsandinfowars.com, and next week we'll have Brownlow and Mr. Johnson and the former abortionist.
We'll have them on the show another hour or two on it.
Because I want to find out the truth on this, and I'm going to find out the truth on this.
How do you think that discussion went, David?
I've heard that before.
It's really a difference in philosophy.
There are those who believe that we can finesse and finagle and work our way into a pro-life victory.
We really can't.
What's happened is we've been voting the lesser of two evils for so long now.
You sound like Larry Pratt.
He says confrontational politics is the way to go.
You know, as far as this guy signing these things, they didn't mean anything.
We're at the point now where you really can't argue that.
They couldn't put a gun to my head and make me agree with what would be a good thing.
If people are willing to sign those things for the procedural... Again, he says that you're incompetent on that fact because you just don't know the procedures.
No, you understand the procedure.
You're saying any compromise is wrong.
If compromise was going to do something, we've got 30 years of practice.
We're no closer now than we were 30 years ago.
People are becoming more aware.
That's because of people like you out there with a big sign with a picture of a severed baby.
I take no offense to that because I've heard it many times before.
My views are not popular within the mainstream pro-life.
But I guess my point is now, why keep doing things that don't work?
Why do the same thing over and over again?
It's not working.
I see no reason to keep doing it.
Well, I'm going to get into this in more depth, and we'll have you back.
We're going to come back and take a few calls from folks that are holding here for you.
There are two things that I've recommended that would be of interest, I would think.
Which is, one of them is in Article 5, definition of the person that came to the Department of Life and Liberty without due process of law.
And it would be a definition, a clarification, and it would be really no court involvement.
The other one is Article 3, Section 2, mandates Congress to regulate the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court.
And we're letting the courts run rampant in many, in every area, really, but this is one area.
Well, it was a Republican court that reversed the state's partial birth abortion ban.
Our precious neocon court.
They don't have the excuse of the Democrats in the Senate.
Well, see, I haven't heard President Bush one time
Yeah, we've heard Bush say Arnold would make a good governor when he's pro-abort, but he's not carrying the flag, he's not using his bully pulpit.
If you're pro-life, if you think abortion is murder of a child, the response should not be one of,
Compromise and acquiescence.
It ought to be, hey, you're killing kids, quit doing it!
Okay, I'm going to find out which of these loaded phones are people that want to talk about the abortion issue, then I'll get to others after you leave us.
We're going to bam, bam, bam, go to your calls when we get back.
Your take on what you just heard in the last hour.
It's the GCN Radio Network.
I'm Alex Jones.
I want to thank the folks running the show, the affiliates, the sponsors, and number one, you, the listeners, and the good Lord.
We'll be right back.
We've got 55 minutes left.
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Alright, we're going to get the caller's response to the debate, the discussion you just heard on what this partial birth abortion ban really does and the differences in, I guess the differences in the approach to getting rid of this legally sanctioned murder.
Of our most tender and dear, sinless creatures.
Let's go ahead and go to Kelly in Kansas City.
Go ahead Kelly, you're on the air with David Brownlow and your host Alex Jones.
How are y'all doing today?
Here's my problem with this whole situation.
My problem is, with this administration, is the hypocrisy that they have used about the partial term abortion.
And the hypocrisy is, I watched Dr. Bill Frist, the new Senate Majority Leader, and Rick Santorum all tell about how terrible this is.
But then on the other hand, what this administration does, since they're all in bed with the drug companies, is everybody aware that the lung lining of aborted fetuses is used in our chicken pox vaccine?
Most people don't know that.
Yeah, and they're not out speaking out against abortion, and they're endorsing Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Yes, and this is about money.
And I just don't know when the American people are going to wake up.
Abortion's wrong, but it's okay to inject this nasty substance into our kids that, by the way, has never been proven that it works.
Let me get a response from our guest, David Brownlow.
Well, you know, the Congress could, tomorrow morning, make a new bill that would ban RU-46.
The president could actually, the FDA, who approved RU-46, which is a lethal, obviously, lethal drug, the FDA could
Procedurally, not with any vote, ban the use of RE40.
By the way, that's been killing people.
Well, yeah, obviously, but the mothers too, but... Yeah, I'm talking about the mothers.
Right, exactly.
But see, you're right, they say one thing, but they could ban RE40.
President Bush could write a memo to the head of the FDA tomorrow, because it's an executive level department, and say, ban it tomorrow.
It could be done tomorrow morning.
But you're worried that this will be used so they can run for cover in this election?
We put the heat on them, now they're having to act like they're doing something.
That's what I think.
I'm trying to figure this out because it's a complex issue.
Thanks for the call, I appreciate that call, Kelly.
Let's talk to Bill in Wisconsin.
Bill, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, thanks for taking my call, Alex.
You know, I've called in on all the other issues.
This is a total package.
And this is a total sham.
Here in Wisconsin, the Right to Life groups are so mealy-mouthed and compromising, it's ridiculous.
There's a group we have in the state here called Missionaries for the Unborn, and they go around with these big posters and these big pictures to all the little towns in Wisconsin, showing the aborted babies.
And the Right to Lifers run and hide.
I am so sick and tired of
Uh, them supporting this liberal Republican agenda, it's ridiculous.
We supported Buchanan in the last campaign because I felt he was strong in the pro-life area, as in some other areas.
But, you know, Ron Paul, anybody.
This Bush family is total hypocrisy, and the only thing I'd say to Mr. Brownlow
These are not kids that they're killing.
These are children.
Well, they are.
They're God's children.
Thank you for the call.
Let's talk to David in California.
You're on the air, David.
Go ahead.
How are you, Alex?
Listening to this in the last hour, I was kind of surprised to hear that, well, actually, it's not a surprise when I think about it.
Waffling on this issue.
It very much reminds me of Secretary of War Stanton during the American Civil War.
He was Lincoln's Secretary of War, and it's been since found that he was profiteering, buying and selling from the South, and selling rotten pork to this Northern troop that he was supposed to be defending.
So this whole idea of
The origins of the Right to Life movement, going back to John Ehrlichman, when it was obvious that Nixon was going to be impeached, he got John Ehrlichman to put together the Right to Life movement so it would put together a Taliban of people who would protect Nixon at all costs.
Now, when it's pretty obvious that Bush is going to be impeached, he's doing his best to develop any Taliban that he can possibly do.
He's going after the Ten Commandments guy.
He's got the Arnold troops.
He's got the Cubans down in Mexico.
In Florida, he's going for the right to lifers again.
He's developing any Taliban he can get in order to protect him from impeachment.
Well, the biggest Taliban would be the Second Amendment people, but he's saying he'll re-sign the assault weapons ban.
Well, there you go.
The guy is going to waffle at any stage in order to keep his New World Order.
And then let the liberals in the courts, many of them Republican, block it.
There you go.
I mean, it's amazing.
By the way, I just wanted to, as a side note, we had what was called the Green Festival here last weekend, and your videos were, that table with your videos on it was surrounded at every moment, so they're very popular out here.
So folks were selling copies of the videos?
Oh yeah, yeah, absolutely.
I wish they'd buy them from me, but at least the information's getting out.
Well, I don't know.
Do you have somebody wholesaling them?
This was a fairly big, you look for it at greenfestivals.org.
In fact, it might even be .com.
And they apparently are doing these tours around the nation.
So, you know, these were legitimate booths.
Well, it may have been a wholesaler.
That's good news.
I just hear about people all the time at gun shows selling copies.
And frankly, as long as the information gets out, that's what really, really matters here.
And yeah, people are renting out movie theaters, showing the videos.
It's really having an effect, so it's exciting to hear that you saw that.
Oh, yeah.
Uh, one of your videos on my cable TV show out here.
So it's, uh, you know, you get good response for it.
So, keep up the good work!
Hey, thank you, David.
I appreciate the call.
What do you have to say to, uh, what, uh, David was just saying about doing this because he knows the overwhelming majority of people are against this, and so now he gets to, and again, that's the one feather in the cap.
Okay, I'm a socialist on every other issue, but I signed the partial birth abortion ban.
He's pandering for votes.
Bush has become, well, he's unveiled himself in a pretty terrifying way.
I am more fearful of Bush than any other person on the planet right now.
But he's good at it, what he does.
He's got the Christian people thinking he's some Christian guy who loves his unborn kids, and no evidence!
There's absolutely no evidence.
And who to blame for that?
Really, it's us.
The Christian and the pro-lifers.
We've allowed these people... Well, you know, I wish you would, because I know the President or the Congress can ban or stop any drug they want or call for an investigation.
Where's the ban on the morning-after pill that's killing all these women and children?
I'm telling you, these guys, they don't want to do it.
Because they can give us a little bit of a shred of a victory, and we'll love them for life and vote for them again.
And they can still straddle the fence and say, well, we didn't do anything real bad to the pro board side.
And I think it's pretty sinister, really.
I'll say this, my gut level feeling is Douglas Johnson's a good guy.
I see his arguments.
I understand what he's saying.
But my gut is, and it's been very accurate in the past, and with all the evidence filtering in, is that they were forced to do this.
And it's a desperate tactic, and it really, they're going to let the court shoot it down, and there's questions about does it really ban partial birth abortion?
We're going to get doctors on about that subject.
I got a bad feeling about this too.
I got a bad feeling about it.
I hope I'm wrong.
Hey, I hope we get an abortion.
I really do.
Because God is not going to let this go on in America forever.
But until then, you know, I think really we've got to wake up the church more.
I mean, the church, as I found out in Austin, Texas, when I was sitting in front of an abortion clinic, getting myself arrested, I found out the church
Yeah, why aren't these Baptist and Catholic preachers saying, come on, we're all marching out of the pews, we're going down to that abortuary, all of us, right now?
That was the question, this was back in the 80s, the question I asked many times in front of these guys.
You know what?
This is a different topic, but the church is a corporation of the state.
They've agreed to the 501c3 giveaway of money from the government.
Actually, the church has become a government agency.
And now Bush is for the faith-based initiatives.
We've linked the church so tight with the government that they can't... I mean, what a tactic.
Get the church to join your team.
I hear you.
David Brownlow.
Folks can go to newsreviews.com and read your great articles or they can link through it.
I've got a website too.
I'm running for Congress again.
I've got some interesting things on there.
Oh, that's right.
DaveBrownlow.com, folks.
Alright, thank you for coming on.
I look forward to having you back on soon.
Thank you, sir.
Take care, my friend.
Before I end this segment and come back with some calls, some other news, and another guest, get my videos.
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They're great.
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The new book I published, Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order, is excellent.
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Get a second copy for $11.95 as a gift when you get one.
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You want to start waking people up, get the videos, folks, and support the show at the same time.
Operators are there right now, or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001-S3001, South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Take action, make great presents, great birthday gifts, give them to your neighbors, give them to the local talk show host, air them on AXS TV, make copies, hand them out at the gun show, or at the green party, whatever.
Just get these videos, get these books.
We'll be right back.
Stay with us.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, let's take some calls.
We've got Dr. Wolf joining us.
Barack in Canada, then Bob in Alaska and others.
Barack, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I just want to say I do not, for the life of me, understand why we have open borders.
That is the most ignorant, stupid thing.
Well, it's ignorant if they were doing it for good reasons, it wouldn't make sense.
Why are they doing it?
They want to drive down wages, bring in a voting bloc, balkanize the country.
It makes perfect sense.
Well, you know, it seems to me that there's a
Like a thrashing rod out there to try and beat everyone into accepting tyranny and abuse.
I mean, you look at like corporate corporations, you're guilty till proven innocent if you do something wrong.
And it's almost like this mindset is what the government are grabbing onto to intimidate people into fear and cowering.
And I say, why do we have UNESCO and what's with this UFO?
Government UFO bit.
Well yeah, they've got a lot of advanced technologies they're suppressing and then they put out their disinfo people to say it's, you know, space aliens.
Thanks for the call, Brock.
Bob in Alaska, up to Alaska.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
This is Bill Palmer in Alaska.
Okay, Bill in Alaska, go ahead.
And I just wanted to present for your consideration that the very things were in this new
Well, I
Legislative head for the National Right to Life Committee was saying that they made it specific so they can't do that.
But I want to know why this Republican Supreme Court did that to begin with.
Well, there's no logic or consistency in the... Well, there is a consistency, but I think it's in the negative vein of the Supreme Court.
Yeah, to a good person, none of this makes sense.
To evil people, you look at it from their view, it all makes sense.
Well, all of our laws have gone the way of all things because of judicial interpretation.
Doesn't matter what our legislative bodies do.
The Supreme Court seems to, you know, act dictatorially to put their liberal agenda into effect.
Their globalist agenda into effect.
Anything else you'd like to add?
No, sir.
I just wanted to throw that in there.
Alex, you have a good day, sir.
Well, thank you, Bill.
I appreciate the call.
Here's some of the other news items that I'm going to jam in before the show ends.
Because there are a lot of them, and they're all very important.
I'm going to throw some of these out at Dr. Wolfe, who's coming on with us.
makes weather control powder, BBC Today.
A company in the United States claims it has invented a powder that can be used to remove clouds from the sky and even stop the development of hurricanes.
They say the new product could help many areas of the world that are subject to extreme weather conditions.
The Florida-based company, Dynomat, used a military aircraft to drop four tons of its powder into a developing storm cloud.
The cloud disappeared from radar screens which were monitoring the experiment.
Officials from the company, which produces materials to absorb pollutants such as oil and acids, say they used a specifically developed powder that absorbs large quantities of water.
Complete safety, they claim.
Folks, this stuff's 40 years old.
I mean, the show Atmosphere is on the Weather Channel.
Lister sent it to me.
They admitted that they got weather control systems with antennas that charge the atmosphere.
By the way, they just announced they're going to radically expand the power of the HAARP antenna system.
That's mainstream government filing yesterday up in Alaska.
That can manipulate weather.
The Russians have antenna systems they'll rent out to you for a million and a half bucks.
They promise any event you want, the skies will be clear.
But now they're just now coming out and saying, oh, we have these technologies.
What do you think these jets shooting these chemtrails out are doing every time a storm front comes in?
They're blocking it.
We had big floods last year and Texas killed 30-something people.
They admitted there was some private company in a government contract out flying around spraying right before all this happened.
And that was in the papers in San Antonio.
So, just interesting subject there.
When we get back, I'm going to throw these stories out at Dr. Wolf.
Bush cheers gay church after marriage week.
Attempts to police family advocates, homosexuals, baffled on both sides.
Lockhear, the gun-grabbing attorney general, says that Arnold groped other women and there's an investigation.
That's basically just a blackmailing.
Protections against Black Box Big Brother.
They claim that the governor did this before he left office.
New York City District denies birth of Jesus and activity seen barred as not historically accurate representation of the event.
Just more tearing down our foundations.
Devices that read human thought now possible from the sound of San Francisco Chronicle study says.
Bunch of Big Brother news.
And we'll talk on some other issues with Dr. Wolfe as well from the great Sunshine Radio Network that carries this show.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
All right, we're going to go through some different news articles and get Pastor Dr. David Wolfe's take on it and also even take some calls here in the last 27 minutes or so.
Dr. Wolfe, of course, is on this network.
Dr. Wolfe has his own, well, three radio stations in upstate New York.
He's carried my show for many years.
We have him on from time to time.
I was talking to him this morning.
I said, well, you ought to come on the show.
And we can go ahead and cover that issue first, I guess.
Dr. Wolfe just brought it up that, well, you know, here at the office, at the radio station, we agreed with you about how Germany can be evil, England can be evil, China can be evil, and yes, Israel can do evil things.
And the Bible is replete with examples of the prophets coming and rebuking, you know, bad things they were doing.
Look at Saul and David.
With what happened there.
So it really is a tactic of the government to say don't criticize Israel.
And of course, Pastor Wolf is Jewish himself.
He'll tell you, I know I'm a Christian.
But that's why his take is very important on this subject.
Dr. Wolf, thanks for coming on.
Well, first of all, Alex, I used to follow you.
I think someone's got a speaker on in our studio.
Feedback here.
But I used to follow you 3 to 4, but it was just a tough act to follow, so I'm glad I'm down at 5 to 6 Eastern Time out there on Genesis Communication Network.
People can kind of cool down or get ruffled up or whatever after they hear your great program.
And I'm saying this because I feel like it.
I'm very proud to have you on our radio stations, the Sunshine Radio Network, WASB 1590 AM, Brockport Rochester, WMJQ 105.5 FM, Brockport Rochester, and Canandaigua WRSB 1310 AM, which is Brock Canandaigua, Rochester.
And we put you on, I got to check with my engineer, but we have you on at least four hours a day.
That means technically you're on 12 spots or times a day.
And if folks aren't out there buying your videos and things to keep you going, then they need their head examined.
I'm a little tough on that, but you know, we've got the devil is a devil and he's tough and he doesn't care who he wipes out.
Well, we need to get folks to support people like you.
You didn't ask me to do this.
Alex, when an Italian is Catholic,
And he becomes a Baptist.
He does not lose his Italian ancestry, or German, or French, or whatever.
And the Jew name comes from Judah, because Jesus is a Lion of the tribe of Judah, L-I-O-N, and also from the L-I-N-E, Lion of the tribe of Judah.
And so God let the twelve tribes be synonymous with Jew, because he never wanted us to forget THE Jew.
Jesus Christ.
But, yes, I am a born-again Christian, and I have to say this in reference to what your beginning little bit of a clip there was.
It doesn't make any difference if you're Jew or Gentile, Arab, Indian, red, yellow, black, and white.
If you are unsaved,
I don't care if you're in Israel.
I don't care if you're Elrio Saron.
I'm looking at two pictures of him where he signed my Bible.
I stood right there in Israel with him and others.
But the Bible says...
In reference to anybody, you know, people pick on the Jew, or they might pick on the Republican or the Democrat.
What we discussed a little bit this morning, and you were so kind to invite me to come on, but Alex, I don't care who they are, what blood they have, if they're... The Bible says in 1 Corinthians chapter 2 and verse 14, 15, and 16, if I can read them, sir?
It says, But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him, neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
But he that is spiritual judgeth all things.
I got a letter in my pocket.
I'm going to have it on our program at 5 to 6 Eastern Time,
We're good to go.
In 1 Corinthians 2, the Bible says, but he that is spiritual judgeth all things.
I don't want to be so secular, but put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Yet he himself is judge of no man.
If you're standing for what's right, the Bible backs you up.
God backs you up.
Christians back you up.
Dr. Wolfe, the important point here is
That there are wicked people in all these secular governments, and some individuals, they'll say, don't criticize Bush or you're not a Christian.
Or they'll say, don't criticize anything Israel does.
They can do nothing wrong.
Where do they get this idea?
I don't know.
They don't get it from the Bible.
And there are a lot of churches which I have seen and preached in where quote, good pastors say, don't you dare say anything about the Jew.
God will deal with you.
This, that, and the next thing.
I want to tell you something.
God is going to send the Jew.
This is tough, Alex.
God is going to send the Jew or Gentile to hell.
No, in Israel, God has promised a certain amount of land, which would take a couple good hours, and I probably should do it on my program to show people that the land that Israel, and some claim that's not Israel yet that the Bible's speaking about, but the land that Israel has right now,
That was taken away from them.
Land was taken away from them many years all along the way, but that's a judgment of God.
But there is more land that Israel will gain by the time the Millennium comes, when Jesus, the King of Kings, will set up and rule.
But there are Jews today in Israel that would
Be just like a Muslim, except they know we kind of pray for them, pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
They would wipe out the Jew.
They helped kill the Jew.
They killed the prophets.
They helped kill Paul.
They helped kill Peter.
They helped kill Jesus.
No, it wasn't just the Jew that killed Jesus.
They stoned.
But the Romans crucified on the cross.
But it was our sins that killed Jews.
But the Jews called, you know, released to us Barabbas.
We want to get rid of that Jew.
So Jews hate Christians.
Except that they're getting support.
Lots of money.
And lots of help.
But I don't...
Throughout the fact that in all of God's program, He is bringing Israel back from the four corners of the earth as He said He would.
Some of them are believers.
I have a pastor that I preach.
I'm looking at his picture in my office.
In Bethlehem, a Namkuri, a wonderful Arab.
He just told me he wanted a Jewish soldier to Jesus Christ.
Anywhere you go, there are believers and unbelievers.
But the whole world lies in the hands of the wicked, when you basically said that yesterday.
And Israel is a strong part of the One World Order.
But you know what, Alex?
I've got listeners on my program that are just as much a part of the One World Order.
They don't accept Christ.
Well, that's the point I made about the U.S.'
's liberty.
It's clear.
It's admitted.
The Israeli pilots admitted it.
The generals, the admirals admitted it.
They tried to sink the ship.
Blame it on Egypt.
The U.S.
government was in control of the whole operation.
Well, that's what they're doing with Bush today, because he claims to be a Christian.
Oh my goodness.
You're the Baptist preacher, Dr. Wolf.
How many prophets, how many people went into Israel, were killed or run out, and they were Jewish, speaking out against the corruption of that government?
So regardless, we need people, whether it's George Washington or Jeremiah, speaking out against corruption, don't we?
Yes, absolutely.
And we need to call out the Jew, as well as the Gentile, and basically say, my friend, you're following the One World Order, the Antichrist kingdom you think will be set up, and it won't be.
You need to come to Christ, because he will set up that kingdom that the Antichrist is trying to set up with his New World Order.
Well, absolutely.
And then we have all these counterfeits out there.
It's absolutely amazing.
Dr. Wolf, switching gears here for just a second, I've got all these different news articles here about what the Bush administration is up to.
You know, they do a lot of things on the surface to make people think that they're doing a good job, but this morning you were telling me some examples of things that Bush was doing that were bad.
Well, WorldNetDaily did a good job on it.
You know, the Bible says, forgive me for using it, but it says in James 1, verse 8, it says, a double-minded man
is unstable in all his ways.
Bush, not long after he endorsed Marriage Protection Week, Alex, he sent a letter of congratulations to a denomination founded by homosexual activists that performs more than 6,000 same-sex weddings each year.
And I'm reading from WorldNetDaily.
The President wrote to the founding congregation in Los Angeles of the Metropolitan Community Churches, and I've been fighting that for many, many years, led by leading homosexual activist, Reverend Troy D. Perry, on the occasion of its 35th anniversary.
And by encouraging the celebration of faith and sharing of God's love, Bush says, and boundless mercy,
Churches like yours put hope in people's hearts and a sense of purpose in their lives.
Bush said in his October 14th missive, this milestone provides an opportunity to reflect on your years of service.
He's talking to Perry.
He's talking to homosexuals.
He's talking to the guy that just got his marriage consummated in Canada with his boyfriend, Philip.
Well, don't call me.
Let me stop you.
This is out of the London Independent yesterday.
Police to question Bishop over gay queer comment.
The Bishop is going to be taken into custody and questioned.
They're arresting BBC News reporters and they use the word homosexual, which is a scientific term, just like heterosexual, and they're saying it's illegal to criticize, even say you think something's wrong.
So now we have this massive tyranny
We have the Governor, Mark Swiker, Republican in Pennsylvania, saying if pastors read from the Old Testament, they can be arrested or fined.
I mean, this is unbelievable thought crime stuff happening now, but it's... This is amazing!
I mean, your response to that?
Can I, in response to that, can I read a little poem I wrote at 3 o'clock in the morning, Sunday morning?
It's not too long, and I know your timing and everything.
Ain't it a mean crime, this true hate speech of mine?
It is not hate speech, it's truly sublime.
If you don't believe in Christ, you're going to hellfire.
If you don't believe in Christ, you'll make Him a liar.
Then you will suffer in that burning hellfire.
You see, the living, godly Bible truth can genuinely save true Christians a real proof.
Religions of all kinds say you use hate speech.
They hate the Bible, willingly the Word preached.
Damnable heresies, false doctrines they teach.
But what they call hate speech is what God said preached.
Jesus Christ the Lord said, they hated me too.
The world's false religions will also hate you.
Isaiah 520, good is turned around.
Truth about many other things are not found.
They killed the Jews and Christians and the prophets too.
They killed Jesus who gave them a heavenly view.
Drugs, drinking, wrong sex living, wrong will kill you now, kill you now.
By hating the truth, you still will in hell to Jesus bow.
This is tough, but pretty true.
So is this preaching a real hate speech crime?
Receive Christ and new heights you will climb.
The hate speech makes them heady.
Scripture says they are condemned already.
Homosexuals, Romans 1 says you are wrong this time.
Go ahead, fools, fools, call what God says a hate crime.
By false teaching in America, but false teaching in America doesn't belong.
If you reject Jesus, His blood, you are wrong.
Muslims, there's no Allah, the God of the moon.
Get ready to meet Jesus, who's coming soon.
Ain't it a mean crime, this true hate speech of mine?
It's not hate speech.
It is God's Word for all time.
Dr. Wolf, now, that was great.
My point here is, and I'm a Christian, but even if somebody isn't a Christian out there, they can have Harry Potter in the schools, they can have the Greek goddesses at the federal courthouses, they can have all this.
Why is it just the minority Christian Church, the real Christian Church, fighting the New World Order, homeschooling, why is that under attack by the world and
We now see the homosexual movement and others moving to not let people even speak out against them.
That's the First Amendment.
So see, they're bringing great tyranny.
And I've noticed that the whole homosexual movement, they're there pushing abortion, the culture of death, euthanasia.
A lot of you have been conditioned.
You've accepted the culture of death because they told you, oh, just be nice.
Oh, just give us our rights.
Oh, just let us.
But you see what they bring.
They bring tyranny.
And can you speak to that?
Yeah, I know I sound like you're so kind to say I'm a Baptist preacher and I am for 45 years.
I think it's the St.
Alex, these churches, these organizations, these people that say, I think, and I got a letter here from a guy saying the very thing I'm going to have on my program at five.
I think.
I think.
And not one time did he quote the Bible.
We're not the best.
We're not perfect Christians.
We're forgiven.
But we quote the Bible.
I was counseling with a lady today that got hooked up with a homosexual and she didn't realize it.
And I said, did you know
That God said in Romans 1 that when you do these things, God gave you over to a reprobate mind.
I looked that up one day and it said incorrigible.
I'm not God and I don't know when someone's wiped out and never going to be able to get back in or in with God.
But incorrigible means there's no way coming back.
These unbelievers have a world mind.
They don't have... Jesus said, Paul said to the Philippians, we must have the mind of Christ.
If we don't have the mind of Christ, even though we're religious,
We accept the world's way.
The world, the flesh, and the devil.
Alright, let me read one more article.
New York City District denies birth of Jesus.
Nativity scene barred as not historically accurate representation of an event.
So, this is our holiday, and they've replaced it with Santa Claus and Coca-Cola.
Now they're gonna make everybody take the nativity scenes out, but they're gonna have everybody else's religious icons.
It's discrimination.
Well, we had Roy Moran six times on our program and he's fighting a battle today.
The court in Alabama is going to decide whether they remove him from his Chief Justice position.
But what I really was shocked at just recently is there are 2,000 cases similar to what you're saying or the Ten Commandments in courts today.
Stay there, we've got a break, we've got a break.
And folks, they're not just removing the Christian icons, they're replacing it with the occult stuff.
Can't you see the agenda?
Very important.
We'll be right back with Dr. Wolf for a couple of other key news items.
Stay with us.
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Turn on any of the networks, any of the side networks, on cable, on broadcast television.
It's a cult!
The witchcraft Barbie dolls, the cartoons, and that's all normal and good, but the whole world then coming after real Christians.
The homeschooling, Bible-believing, anti-New World Order Christians.
That tells me something, folks.
And I've studied the New World Order.
I've researched them.
They're into the occult.
They do worship the devil.
The Bohemian Grove and Skull and Bones and their symbol is the all-seeing eye of Lucifer.
And so, a lot of good people have seen the false church, the corrupt church, the scamming church that the devil put out there as a counterfeit, and you thought, oh, that's Christianity.
And that's been done very skillfully.
It's, you know, making Republicans look bad with George Bush.
The globalists have done that.
Now building a giant counter-leftist revolution that they'll put into power.
You need to get my videos to understand this.
You need to get Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Matrix of Evil,
Need to get the new book, Ordered Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order?
Go to Infowars.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com and get the books, the films, get them out to people.
Wake America and the world up.
We can do it.
We can affect change.
Or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
Don't wait, folks.
Spread the word.
Dr. Wolf, why don't you plug your fabulous website that's updated multiple times weekly?
I'd rather plug you, but I will just tell them and those all across the country, if there's not a station picking our program up at 5, they can get it on our front page if they go to www.fountain-of-truth.com.
I began to say, Alex, that you're not only on 1 to 3, our Eastern Time here on our radio network, but you're also on in the evening from 12 o'clock a.m.
and on, and we really appreciate your input.
I think Ted Anderson has done a great job with the Genesis Communication Network and putting us all together.
We're a lot of different kinds of people, but I think we're going, got the same basic philosophy.
Many of us have the same theology.
You know, you talk about Pokemon and all of this stuff.
See, all the way through the Bible and all the way through, you know, Cain killed Abel.
There has always been a small little group
Seth and Andra have followed God's teaching, and there's been the world and the flesh and the devil that hates God.
Satan, in Isaiah 14, said, I'm going to be like God.
I'm going to set myself up in the north and set myself in the south.
And the government, with its Total Information Awareness Network and the rest of it, is trying to be God.
Yes, but you see, the Bible never changes.
I like that old song, the Bible stands like a rock undaunted.
Need the raging wrecks of time, and on it goes.
And the things that you're standing for, not to slap you in the back so you slap me in the back, but the things you're standing for,
Alex, basically have come from God-given unalienable rights.
A lot of folks say, well, he's unalienable rights.
Yeah, but we got him from the Bible.
We got him from God.
It comes out of the Mosaic Law in Mount Sinai, right through the Magna Carta, 1214, 1776 with the Declaration of Independence, 1789 with the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and we've got to defend it.
And when they attack the Ten Commandments, they attack the heart of our country, our sovereignty, our liberty, our freedom, and the blessings God promised the people there at Sinai pass on to us.
We follow his laws.
If we don't, where are we going, Dr. Wolf?
Well, somebody said, I don't think it was you.
It may have been one of the folks you had in your program, but we pray God bless America.
Well, how can he?
If we don't get back to God.
Hey, if we're evil, folks, we're going to reap what we sow.
Dr. Wolfe, thanks for coming on the broadcast.
You'll be on at 4.
Thanks for inviting.
God bless you and your sweetheart and your little boy and all of your ministry.
All right, thank you so much.
Dr. Wolfe will be on from 4 to 5 today.
Central, I'll be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Central, all of our affiliates from Rhode Island to Austin, Texas, to Albuquerque, New Mexico, to Denver, Colorado, to Kansas City, to New York.
Have a great day.
Get out there and fight the new world order.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
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