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Name: 20031111_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 11, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
It's already Tuesday, the 11th day of November 2003.
I'm Alex Jones.
Your host will be live for the next three hours.
We have Tito Howard.
It was on board the USS Liberty back in 1968 when the ship came under attack and we're going to be talking about the film he made several years ago, The Loss of Liberty.
In the past we've had former Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Admiral Moore and others on.
I'm going to be getting Captain Boston on the show later this week.
We're going to do several hours on this because it's now come out in the mainstream news
People at the highest levels of the Pentagon face-to-face when LBJ and McNamara covered up the fact that the Israelis intentionally attacked the USS Liberty.
And I've talked over the years to dozens of the survivors on air, and they agree that the U.S.
government was in control of that ship, ordering the Israelis to attack it, to sink it, to blame it on Egypt.
This has now come out, mainstream news, so we'll be going over that in the second hour of the show.
So stay with us and tell your friends and family to tune in.
I got a call this morning from a friend and he was saying, Alex, I need specifics on this partial birth abortion ban not being really a ban of the procedure.
And so I looked around for a few minutes, found a couple of the news articles.
We're going to post them, if they're not already posted, on InfoWars.com.
And I guess it's really open for debate.
And so I'm not the medical expert on partial birth abortion, so I'm going to have the national right-to-life groups on the show.
I'm going to have the people on, the groups on, that are saying this isn't a real ban of partial birth abortion.
A lot of people want to say that Bush is this big Christian conservative.
Well, I know what's not debatable.
The guy signed on to UNESCO, the UN which pushes abortion.
He increased funding to UNESCO.
I know that Bush is a member of Skull and Bones, the Bohemian Grove.
I know he clapped to summon the demon at the Shinto Shrine in Tokyo.
I know that he has Muslim prayer meetings.
I know that the guy is deeply into the occult.
And still people deny that and say, well, it's debatable.
Maybe he's just having fun at Skull and Bones.
Maybe he's just having fun at the Bohemian Grove.
There's a lot of denial out there about the type of individual that George W. Bush is, but this is debatable.
Whether it's a ban on partial birth abortions.
So I'm gonna, as I said, I'd set up guests on the USS Liberty.
Give me a few days, I'll set up the National Right to Life Organization Foundation.
I'll get on the show.
In fact, I've already emailed him this morning.
David Brownlow of News With Views, who I've seen write great articles in the past, who says that the partial birth abortion ban is a fraud.
And I'll get on a couple of the other conservative writers that have said the same thing, and then we'll let you listen and decide.
Because, I mean, again, it depends on what the word is, is means.
You know, it's more of this doublespeak.
And Bush had to do something, because the Republicans have the legislature, the executive, the judicial.
I mean, we see this Republican-controlled Supreme Court saying that sodomy is A-OK.
Maybe you're in denial about that, too.
I don't know.
Those points aren't debatable, though.
This is debatable about the partial birth abortion ban, because it's all done in lawyer-speak, and it's up to the discretion, really, of the doctors, and now they've got the courts piling in on the debate.
So we'll talk about that, too.
There's just so much crazy news.
Remember that BBC reporter who said that rural communities have served the same rights as Muslims and gays?
He said homosexuals.
Well, he got arrested.
Now the big bishop over there is going to be arrested.
Because he, he said that homosexuality isn't good.
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It is Tuesday, the 11th day of November 2003.
I'm your host, Alex Jones.
Thanks for joining us today.
We have Tito Howard, who's been at the head of the Liberty Committee, the group that has Admiral Moore and several other admirals, dozens of captains, many of the victims who were on board the USS Liberty in the late 1960s.
And it happened June 8, 1967.
I said June 8, 1968.
I'm bad on dates, but here's the article right in front of me.
And it has now come out that Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty, his statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlyn Starling, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, following her portions of what was read.
And we covered this yesterday about how LBJ ordered them
This is now on the record, as we told you years ago, but here it is on the record, to lie, even though they knew that it was a deliberate attack by the Israelis on that spy ship, that they were ordered to lie about it.
And also on Veterans Day,
Bush is cutting benefits.
They announced that yesterday.
Two veterans, veterans of the Gulf War, they're quote, taking their disability checks to quote, pay for the new war in Iraq.
A mother of seven is being ordered back to Iraq despite the fact that she may lose custody of her children.
It looks like the depleted uranium levels are even higher than we first were hearing about in the mainstream media.
They're higher than 1,900 times.
So we'll talk about supporting the veterans here on the show as well.
And I can think of no better way to honor the veterans than to tell the truth of what happened to some of the folks, including the Congressional Medal of Honor winner, the captain of the USS Liberty back in 1967.
And this is now on the record, no debating it.
I've been criticized for having the crew of the USS Liberty on, for having Admiral Thomas Moore on, I've been criticized for having Tito Howard on, why the History Channel says the attack on the Liberty was an accident, how dare I say this?
You know, I can't help it if I have the actual victims, the actual heroes on the show.
I can't help it if the Jewish newspapers admit it and the Israeli pilots admitted it and didn't want to attack the ship.
I can't help it if LBJ had the fighter aircraft turned back.
I can't help it if it fits in with the Northwoods plan.
I can't help the facts.
I can't.
You know, I do my best here, Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 and back from 9 to midnight, to tell the truth.
You know, I got up here
Just a few days after the Jessica Lynch story came out and serious questions began to surface, and I said, looks like a fraud.
Then we found out Jerry Bruckheimer, the big Hollywood producer and director, was involved in scripting it.
That was admitted by the BBC.
Now a bunch of people involved with the case have turned up dead.
People who have been blowing the whistle on the fact that the Jesse Lynch story wasn't true.
Oh, by the way, the woman that filed the rape charge, the 38-year-old woman that filed the rape charge against George W. Bush, the Houston Chronicle did report that she died of a gunshot wound to the head a couple weeks ago.
We just learned of this.
I have the Houston Chronicle article here in the stack today, and that's being posted on InfoWars.com as well.
I stayed away from that case.
I've mentioned it two or three times.
I said, I don't know if it's true.
Any wacko could claim this.
You know, this type of stuff happens.
We don't know.
She could be telling the truth.
But now she's dead.
Kind of like the guy that wrote Fortunate Son about Bush and cocaine use.
Ending up dead in an Arkansas bathtub, Arkansas hotel bathtub.
We also have a few weeks to go and the transcript of this from CNN is on InfoWars.com, being posted right alongside the Houston Chronicle obituary.
Barbara Bush, the matriarch of the family, has gone public saying, if you criticize my family, my children, my husband, you're dead!
So what do you think about that?
Just a lot of death swirling around.
Now I remember about two days after the Patriot Act passed, even before Ron Paul had made statements on the subject, I went and got the bill.
I read almost the entire bill.
I spent hours and hours and hours
Over two nights reading it, I wrote an analysis that's still posted on the site of Patriot Act 1, where I said it has secret warrantless searches, it will be used against the general public, it will violate your rights at every level.
Well, I got a lot of criticism for that one, too, and they said, no, it's only to stop the Muslims, it's only to stop the terrorists, it's only to stop the foreigners.
And I said, Section 802 says it's for any action that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
And now the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the Associated Press, the Washington Times, ABC News, they've all been reporting it's being used for marijuana, family violence,
Check writing, hot check writing, sending emails, spams.
It's being used across the board.
And the Las Vegas Review-Journal, with one of the worst cases I've seen, is using it.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal is reporting on the feds using it to go after a topless bar owner they think paid off a county commissioner for favorable zoning changes.
I'm no fan of the topless bars or that type of lifestyle, but my point here is that it has nothing to do with terrorism.
And here it is for you.
Now, I throw all that out there because I've gotten a few emails and a few phone calls by good folks asking, Alex, where's the articles, where's the proof that this isn't a ban on partial birth abortion that took place a couple weeks ago and that Bush signed into law?
Where's the proof?
And so, what I'm going to do is, I'm going to have David Brownlow of News With Views On, and I've read his articles over the last few years and found them to be very accurate, very insightful.
And I saw a couple other articles by some pro-life groups saying, well, this isn't strong enough, but it's a start.
And Mr. Brownlow says the partial birth abortion ban is a fraud, is a scam.
So I'm going to get Mr. Brownlow up, and I'm going to get some of the big pro-life groups that we've supported and had on the show
On and we'll have a discussion about this and I guess I'll try to make up my mind and I guess you can try to make up your mind.
I will reserve judgment and say that I'm not totally sure that there was a ban on partial birth abortion or that there wasn't a ban on partial birth abortion because questions have been raised and I don't have definitive answers.
I've read the bill.
I need to print the bill again.
I need to read it again.
It's going to take hours, and it's going to take a while to set up these guests, but we will have a two-hour show.
We'll do two-thirds of a show.
We'll do two hours of a broadcast, and longer if need be.
We'll do several shows if need be.
On this subject, we'll take your calls from folks in the pro-life movement, like myself.
I've been in it for about eight years.
Not as long as a lot of people and we will we will come to a consensus here on this broadcast Let me right now though read the David Brownlow article of September 25th 2003 Okay, so this is from a couple weeks ago after 30 years.
There's the headline the partial birth abortion scam and
After 30 years of empty promises by pro-life leaders in the U.S.
Congress, it came as no surprise that they would pass a completely meaningless ban on a barbaric and indefensible method of child killing known as the Parfle-Birch abortion.
Partial birth abortion.
Senate Bill S.
3 and House Bill H.R.
760 provide ironclad proof that it is impossible to spend decades voting for the lesser of two evils and end up with anything but evil.
It does look like the Senate and the House will work out the language in their respective bills and send it on for the President Bush to sign it.
Unfortunately, there appears to be no argument on the key wording of the actual ban.
Now again, I have read the bill from this point on.
I don't know if they changed it right before Bush signed it, right before it finally passed.
We'll find out.
Both of the bills allow a doctor to kill a child during the very process of birth until
In the case of the head first presentation, the entire fetal head is outside the body of the mother.
Or in the case of a breech presentation, the child should be killed before any part of the fetal trunk past the navel is outside of the body of the mother.
Actual text of S3 and HR 760 in quotes.
This is not a ban.
Those are targeting coordinates.
Plain and simple, the abortionists may be cunning, but they are certainly not stupid.
This will not even slow them down.
A law that only protects a child in the last ten seconds of a nine-month pregnancy is a total fraud.
It is hard to imagine how anyone could even write a law that would provide fewer restrictions on the legal killing of a human being.
As such, it is highly unlikely that even one child will be saved.
Using the language of this ban.
In a somewhat stunning setback for the cause of the unborn, while the pro-life members of the U.S.
House managed to simply pass a meaningless piece of pro-life legislation, the pro-life members of the U.S.
Senate have taken betrayal to a whole new level.
Most in the pro-life community chose to ignore the poison that was slipped into Section 4 of the March 2003 Senate version of the ban as part of S.
348 Republicans and 16 Democrats voted to approve the sense of the Senate
concerning Roe v. Wade, which says, findings the Senate finds that abortion has been a legal and constitutionally protected medical procedure throughout the United States since the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S.
113, 1973.
And two, it goes, the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade established constitutionally based limits on the power of states to restrict the right of a woman to choose to terminate a pregnancy.
B. Sense of the Senate in the sense of the Senate that the decision of the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S.
113, 1973 was appropriate and secures an important constitutional right.
And two of part B, such decision should not be overturned.
And it says every Republican senator who ever told us they were pro-life is simply amazing.
Now, look.
The point here is, while we're all celebrating how Christian and good Bush is, the point is, you still have, and you can't debate this, late term, third trimester, nine months, abortions going on, that needs to be banned, not just pulling the baby's head out and killing it.
We'll be right back.
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I've got a giant stack of really important news here.
A bunch of phone calls.
So I want to hurry, but I want to spend a little bit more time here from this article that I was babbling through by David Brownloeb from News With Views.
And again, it's up on InfoWars.com right now.
And I agree with these points he makes.
This bill needs to die for a number of reasons, and he goes on.
It is a complete fraud.
It won't save any lives.
The signatures of the pro-life Republicans who voted to reaffirm Roe v. Wade will permanently stay in the Congressional record.
He's talking about the sense of the Senate statement that a bunch of Republicans signed on to reaffirming Roe v. Wade.
Four, it will give political cover to the phony pro-lifers in Congress.
Hey, I'm pro-life.
I voted for the ban.
Five, it will give the Congress an excuse not to pass a real pro-life bill, such as Article 3 reversal of Roe v. Wade,
Or the inclusion of the unborn in the Fifth Amendment definition of a person.
It will give comfort to pro-lifers that something is being done to save children, when in fact nothing is being done.
Millions will continue to die when the bill is passed.
And again, the bill was passed.
But I'm gonna have this guy on, and I'm gonna have some of the good pro-life groups on, and we'll... I mean, it obviously does something.
It means they can't, you know, suck the baby's brains out and crush its skull.
It limits much of the partial birth abortion procedure, but again, as this writer says, in the last few minutes of a nine-month process, to be able to kill a baby that can be adopted right there on the spot in the last trimester is totally insane and totally wicked.
And I'm hearing a lot of people celebrate how great Bush is and what a wonderful job he did and how, you know, we should just thank God for him.
Folks, I thank God for all the pro-lifers that have gone to jail, all the people that have protested and demonstrated and written letters and contributed money and supported radio stations that speak out against this abomination.
I mean, look at George Bush's wife out there promoting Roe v. Wade.
We need to understand that the battle has just begun on this subject.
But I'm going to get to the bottom of this, and if I'm wrong in saying that they haven't really banned partial birth abortion, if these other writers are wrong in saying that, then we're going to find out.
I mean, I occasionally am wrong about things.
I hope, I pray,
That they've really banned partial birth abortion.
But from the other articles I've read on this subject, from what doctors have been saying, is the abortionists are just going to kill the baby up in the womb and take it out of the woman's body.
And so, yes, one of the more grisly forms of abortion may have been restricted if the socialists are defeated with what these wicked federal courts are doing.
But to
To say, oh, we've had this great victory.
Look how good George Bush is.
The Republicans have the Supreme Court.
The Republicans have the governorships.
The Republicans have the legislatures.
They have the House and the Senate.
They have the executive.
We need to repeal Roe v. Wade.
And look, we're not a democracy.
We're a republic.
The numbers on abortion have shifted.
Now the majority of men and women, the vast majority, what is it, 68% of women and 72% going from memory of men are now against abortion, period.
So we have the majority, but it's just like illegal immigration.
80 plus percent of Americans are against open borders and all these illegal aliens, but you see the Republicans and the Democrats moving forward with it.
So again, you're welcome to call in on this subject.
I'm going to have to spend some time tonight going back over the bill and again I'm going to set up some guests on this subject and we're going to have a debate about it.
Now, I haven't made my mind up because reading this legalese is complex.
But I lean towards what David Brownlow of News With Views and what others have said that it's a scam.
But again, if I'm wrong, praise God!
That would be a wonderful thing.
But, uh, I don't disagree with his points about how this is a psychological sab that, oh, they can't kill the baby outside the womb now.
Isn't that great?
They can just kill the baby inside the womb.
Oh, George Bush is such a good Christian conservative.
Now, let me tell you about some of the news that's coming up, then we'll go to these calls.
Police to question Bishop over gay cure comment.
The Bishop, uh, Reverend Peter
Orster, Bishop of Chester, will be questioned by the Constabulary after the force received a complaint about his comments in a local newspaper last week.
He said that we should reach out to homosexuals, try to wake them up, try to reform them, and they've already arrested BBC reporters and others for doing this.
Now they want to take him into custody for questioning, decide if he should be charged, and they're consulting with the Scotland Yard Diversity Unit.
Now folks, talk about mind control.
Talk about thought crimes.
This is it.
So we'll get into that and a bunch of what they're doing to the troops on Veterans Day and your calls all on the other side.
But for those that have read the bill, for those that have seen the debates, do you think this was a ban on partial birth abortion?
Is it a ban on late-term abortion?
We'll talk about it on the other side.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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You know, folks, I just have a bad feeling overall, and I've learned to follow my discernment, not just the evidence in front of me, about this so-called partial birth abortion ban.
We're going to get to the bottom of this and find out what it actually does.
But from the reading of it, they can still kill the baby up in the birth canal, and they just can't pull its head out and suck its brains out and kill it if any part of it has come out of the womb.
Now, again, I just have news articles that quote the subsections.
I don't have the bill in front of me today, but I am going to re-read it and go over it and, as I said, have some guests on about this subject.
But overall, this worship of the Republican Party and this defense of George Bush and all these neocons saying, oh look, he signed this, he's good now, we knew it all along, he's a good Christian.
I know that's a fraud.
I know he says he's going to sign that assault weapons ban.
I know he's for blanket amnesty and open borders.
I know he signed on to UNESCO.
I know he's expanded the size of the federal government.
I know he signed the Patriot Act and wants to sign Patriot Act too.
And I know they're using that against the American people.
And I know they've got the Pentagon lying in our media and sending out fake letters that weren't signed by the soldiers about how much they love the war.
And I know they're not allowing bids for the reconstruction of Iraq.
I know that legions, you know, the fruits of the New World Order are all around us, whether it's Bill Clinton or George W. Bush.
And I'm not going to be sucked into all this partisanship.
You know, Al Gore comes out a few days ago and says, George Bush has got us marching towards 1984 in an Orwellian society.
And CNS News rightfully points out that, wait a minute, the Patriot Act is part of a 10-year plan that Al Gore publicly called for.
Why Bill Clinton tried to pass many of the subsections that are in Patriot Act 1 and 2.
And Al Gore, when he was a senator, was there supporting John Ashcroft on similar legislation.
So just see what happens as conservatives, good people, see Al Gore come out against something.
And so, oh, the Patriot Act must be good!
You know, I was listening, before I go to these calls and much other news, I was listening to talk radio this morning, a local talk show.
I listened to ten minutes.
I was driving to the office supply store to buy some more paper to print these articles.
And I listened about 10 minutes, and I heard an ad for 24 tonight about biological attack.
You know, the government has to take all your rights away.
Beaver Sutherland, we're gonna get hit by bio-weapons.
Next ad, OnStar keeps you safe, unlocks your car.
Or if you're stranded, they save you with satellite tracking.
Next ad, tonight on KI.
The children on drugs want to rob you.
What they're doing to fight juvenile crime.
You're not safe.
Only the police can save you.
Then they come back and the show is talking about how good the Patriot Act is.
It's wall-to-wall propaganda in the ads, in the TV shows, in the radio shows, in the newspapers, everywhere.
And we try to decipher all of this.
We try to find out what's really going on, what's really happening.
And that's the job of this show.
We're trying to get people to think for themselves.
Now again, coming up, police to question Bishop over gay juror comment.
You're not allowed to criticize homosexuals, even use the word homosexual, in England.
And we reposted the BBC article from last year where they arrested the big BBC host of the Rural Affairs Show, a man and his dog, where he walks around the countryside with his dog.
Kind of a rural affairs program, that's what it's called.
We had him on the show.
He just said rural communities have served the same rights as Muslims and homosexuals, and Scotland Yard Diversity Unit had him arrested for the word homosexual.
They said that's hateful!
Like, let me cover this Bishop article now, then I'll go to Brock, Wes, Dean and others.
Policed a questioned Bishop over gay cure comment.
Notice they say gay, can't say the word homosexual.
This is out of the London Independent.
A bishop who called on homosexuals to seek medical help to change their sexuality is to be interviewed by police.
The retired Reverend Peter Foster, Bishop of Chester, will be questioned by Cheshire Constabulary after the force received a complaint about his comments in a local newspaper last week.
The Anglican Bishop, who opposed both the
A consecration of the openly gay, can't use the scientific word, homosexual.
That's illegal in England.
Gene Robinson, as Bishop of New Hampshire, in the U.S., and the proposed appointment of canon Geoffrey John, a cabinet, a celibate, homosexual, as Bishop of Reading, said he would encourage gay people to try reorientation.
He said, some people who are primarily homosexual can reintegrate themselves.
He added, I would not set myself up as a medical specialist on the subject.
That is in the area of psychiatric health.
He didn't even say it was wrong!
And it is true that most homosexuals can shift back into being a heterosexual.
Cheshire Police confirmed yesterday that they plan to speak to the Bishop.
Assistant Chief Constable Grim Gerhard
...said, we are aware of the article put in the Cheshire Chronicle, or Chester Chronicle, excuse me, and have received a complaint.
He continued, we will examine the issues raised in the complaint and will speak to the reporter and the Bishop of Chester before considering any further action.
A spokesman said the force would send a copy of the article to the Crown Prosecution Service to see if an offense had been committed.
Now again, they arrested the BBC guy, quote, took him into custody for questioning.
It looks like that's going to happen here.
The Bishop's comments to the Chester Chronicle came as the Church of England faces the prospect of a worldwide schism over the consecration of Bishop Robinson, which was bitterly opposed by the Anglicans in developing countries.
His comments also follow a study at Columbia University in New York, which suggests some homosexuals can become predominantly heterosexual through psychotherapy.
The study was based on interviews with 200 men and women who said their sexual preferences had been changed by therapy often provided by religious organizations.
So this guy doesn't even criticize it when the Bible says it's bad.
Doesn't even criticize it.
He says, well, maybe we can try to get folks to reintegrate into being heterosexuals.
And for that, oh, you've got to come in for questioning at the police department.
And the article goes on from there.
I don't have time to read any more.
It's on InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com right now.
And on InfoWars.com, we have posted the BBC article where they arrested the BBC reporter.
And the Scotland Yard is quoted in there as saying, he used the word homosexual.
That is unacceptable.
That is illegal.
They have the head of the Scotland Yard Diversity Union.
They're having hate crime raids on people that said something to someone in the street.
Meanwhile, there's record gun deaths, stabbing deaths, muggings, three and a half million cameras in the country, total police state, and the police are out focusing on what you said or what you did.
And it's not just criticizing homosexuals.
There have been ministers who've been fired, or arrested, or fined because they called the EU criminal, or they criticized the European Union.
And our Supreme Court, our dear Republican Court, along with their willing accomplices, the Democrats, have said on the record they're going to follow the rulings of the UN.
The only member on the record against it is Scalia.
That's the only person not making these statements about following the UN's orders.
All right, let's go to Brock in Canada.
Brock, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hello, Alex.
I wanted to sort of take us down an example of, you know, in this country we have a terrible justice system, you know, where people can, you know, mug and break and enter and get off scot-free.
And I'm just wondering, with this terrible lack of justice, is there a Judas Goat leading us somewhere?
Like, is there going to be New World Order laws that are going to come in where, you know, people are going to have to pay for certain crimes, or are they going to let the break and enter criminals off and just demonize others?
California and England are models.
So is Australia.
I read the article last Friday.
And it said it.
Out of the Sunday Morning Herald, an activist sent an email to the government, to the U.S.
Consulate, protesting the Iraq War, and it said he didn't threaten anybody, it's just illegal to demonstrate or to organize or to protest now in Australia.
Now folks, that's what they said.
That's the law.
Four years after taking the guns.
In England, you get taken into custody, you get questioned, you get arrested, you get indicted.
They've had, according to the BBC, articles about 200 homes raided in one night for hate comments.
So they arrest an average person for making a comment, or allegedly making a comment, a comment that isn't even inflammatory, a comment that's covered under free speech.
But then they go out and get prominent people as well to create the chilling effect.
So, sir, I have trouble getting books and videos into your country.
They won't even let conservative speakers come up there and speak in your country.
Canada is so controlled.
So we already have the New World Order laws.
Governor Mark Schweiker of Pennsylvania
According to CNS News, the Associated Press, passed a law that if preachers read out of the Old Testament comments that are against homosexuals, they can be held liable criminally or civilly.
So this is happening everywhere.
A guy was arrested in Utah for calling someone the N-word.
I don't agree with calling someone the N-word, though the black man was assaulting his wife and called him racial terms towards white people.
But in front of the crowd, when the reporter was being choked by the black coach, the woman's husband ran over and called him a name back, and he was arrested, and she lost her job, according to the Boisean newspaper, according to WorldNetDaily.
Well, it seems that, you know, I see here, you know, violent young punks, and they over and over just get revolving door through the
The courts and yet you can be arrested for calling someone a homosexual.
Do you see the laws still remaining lax where old people can be beaten up and home invaded?
Or do you think they'll come down on that, too, in a New World Order?
Well, you're in Canada, and we've read the articles where if you defend yourself in your home, they'll indict you, release the criminal.
Look at all the cases with the farmers, and even Harrison the beetle, and there was some woman who was being stabbed, and the husband stabbed the intruder.
He got indicted.
The police questioned Harrison, who's dead now, but when they were attacking his wife and stabbing him, his wife finally hit him over the head with a lamp and they questioned her considering an indictment.
I mean, this is the insanity, but this is about training us to accept abuse.
And so the statistics are out there.
Non-violent offenders stay in longer than violent offenders because they make better Wackenhut workers, private prison workers.
Violent offenders are released to continue to create the crisis.
Yes, well I believe that.
My other question was going to be, is the New World Order behind schedule?
I kind of think it is.
It is way behind.
We've had a lot of victories, and we need to celebrate those victories.
But we haven't won the war against the Patriot Act.
We haven't won the war against abortion.
And a lot of these are just surface victories, but at least they're having to respond to us.
Thanks for the call.
That's the key.
Weston, Tennessee, you're on the air.
Go ahead, sir.
Pretty good.
What did you research?
I forget the call.
I was questioning why Israel would want to try to drag us into a war against Egypt when they seem to be doing so well on their own.
Israel, and again, I get attacked by the ADL, I get attacked by the Nazis.
I mean, there are a bunch of websites, you know, saying I'm a Mossad agent.
It's totally ridiculous.
And yeah, I'm an Easter Bunny, too, and a Chinese jet pilot.
But the point here is, Israel didn't control that ship.
Israel didn't turn back the fighter jets.
Israel wasn't shipping the weapons to Israel.
Israel was following orders, and that doesn't defend them.
Israel was being used as the proxy to attack our ship.
Yeah, I mean, that was perfectly clear from the research I did yesterday.
Well, I mean, this stuff's in the Associated Press now.
It's not a secret anymore.
I just wanted to say that
You know, when we talk about partial birth abortion, or abortion even in the first trimester, when you stop and think that a country whose very first words in its declaration of independence include life, liberty, and so forth,
That without life, you can forget about liberty in the pursuit of happiness.
Well, I mean, it's like the media saying that Terri Schiavo was a vegetable when she wasn't.
When she wasn't, absolutely.
So, I mean, it's the same thing.
But all I'm saying is, people I respect are saying this isn't a real ban, that it just restricts the way they can do a partial birth abortion.
I don't know.
I'm going to find out the answers, and I hope it's a real ban.
You know what, Alex, no matter where the heck it takes,
That's what I'm saying.
When we stoop to the level of turning a chamber... It's a compromise!
The Republicans control everything!
Where is the ban on Roe v. Wade?
I want it now, and I don't want to hear that it's politically unpopular.
The death crowd's gonna vote for the Democrats regardless of what we do, and the majority of Americans are now against abortion.
We've been winning this fight, and we're right down to the goal line.
Let's go ahead and run it up the middle and win this thing!
I mean, I stand behind you 100%.
That's what I'm saying.
This whole thing stinks because we're all thanking George Bush for saying you can't kill the baby out of the womb.
Let's get a ban at least on third trimester.
Now if Bush did that, I have to tell you, that right there would be wonderful.
It would also make me almost believe he was a Christian, but I'm not buying it.
You know, you've said that many... Well, I get criticized for saying he's a member of the Grove, and I don't have proofs at the Grove when there's a hundred news articles from the Washington Times and the San Francisco Chronicle with him getting off a jet going in there.
Well, I mean, you were there.
Well, I didn't get video of his face!
Well, excuse me, so what?
You know, I trust you.
Wait a minute, a week later when I got back, they announced on CNN that he picked Dick Cheney at the Grove!
Oh, I see.
It's ridiculous.
They admit he goes to the Grove.
They admit he's stolen bones.
But still, there's this denial.
This is a stronghold of Christianity.
I'm sorry.
You know, you can walk the walk.
I mean, you can talk the talk.
But unless you walk the walk, you don't have me convinced.
Well, my point is, even if you're not a Christian, you should be against abortion.
Well, sure.
It's murder, no matter which way you look at it.
And see, now it's euthanasia, now it's eugenics, now it's, see, it's all the other stuff that comes with it.
Yeah, all these names, but you know what?
Alex, the day that women start bearing chickens is when I'll accept that abortion's okay.
I mean, what are they trying to convince us that that is growing in that woman's body?
Well, it's amazing and... It's a human being for Pete's sake.
It's just a small human being, but it's a human being and if you leave it the heck alone, eventually in nine months you're going to have a big human being.
Well, my point is, with partial birth abortion or late term abortion, you can adopt those babies.
It needs to be illegal.
That's where we start.
Again, we've got to keep moving forward.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Hi Dean and others, your calls are coming up here in just a few minutes.
Then we've got Tito Howard coming on the show from the USS Liberty, one of the survivors.
Later in the week we've got Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel, who was face-to-face with LBJ when he told him
You cover this up, and they've now talked about this in press conferences, on the record, got a bunch of people coming up, we're going to do several shows on this, and again, several shows on what really happened with the partial birth abortion ban.
Does it really change anything of substance, or does it just give different targeting coordinates to the murderers, to the abortionists, there at the abortuaries?
Before I go any further though, I've made my 10th film, Matrix of Evil,
It's got Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.
It's got Frank Morales, police state expert, Colonel Craig Roberts, excerpts of three speeches I've given, my entire speech before the Austin City Council, before they threw out the Patriot Act.
It's got a lot of different news clips and documents.
It's a very powerful video full of solutions.
Matrix of Evil!
Over 2 hours long, $25.95, but when you order 3 or more of any of the 10 videos, Road to Tyranny, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Police State's Retotal Enslavement, it drops down to $20 per video, and your purchase also makes this show possible.
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It's having a massive effect.
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2-5-3-3-1-3-9 or write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
It's up to you to wake people up.
Dean in Canada, another call from Canada, go ahead.
Hi Alex, I spoke to you the other day, thank you very much for your answer.
Bohemian Grove, who are the thousand people that are watching and how did you get in?
And after that, I have another question for you.
Well, in my video, when you called a couple weeks ago, I asked you, have you seen the video, and you said you hadn't seen Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, but the first hour of the two-hour and five-minute film is flying there with the British media covering my infiltration, how we snuck in, maps of the grove, video of us sneaking in, but I basically climbed on my hands and knees across fallen trees through a swamp-like moat they dug out,
Uh, up over a, uh, fence into the parking area.
Then I posed as a Grove member and climbed on one of the shuttle buses that took me into the 2,700 acre Redwood Grove.
And, uh, who were the thousand people?
Well, the member list has been public and it's posted.
At the Sonoma County Free Press Group has been protesting it for 22 years and it's the heads of major banks, governors, Hollywood people, who's who of the elite basically, Bilderberg Group members, CFR members, Trilateral Commission members, that's who goes to the Grove.
Wow, that's amazing that there are actually, you know, there's at least a thousand people out there.
Yeah, the number total of memberships is about 1,400.
Switch topics now.
Everyone that's educating us about, you know, the Illuminati, New World Order, etc., etc., is always doing it in contrast with Christianity, which puts Christianity in a favorable... Well, what does that say about Christianity, that we're the people fighting the New World Order?
I'm not sure what it says, but that's one thing I wanted to talk to you about.
Well, you know what?
I've got Tito.
We've got Howard coming on the show, but we'll get him on in about five minutes.
Stay there, and I'll try to answer your question when we start the next hour, but I'm not exactly sure what your question is specifically.
But we'll talk about it on the other side.
I'm talking about real Christians, certainly the establishment Christians are telling us George Bush is basically the second coming.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Again, I feel I just need to state this again.
The Las Vegas Review-Journal has got members of the U.S.
Senate, members of the legislature,
Talking about how they're now using the Patriot Act against county commissioners against topless bars in zoning corruption cases.
So again, see we told you so.
I told you that over two years ago when I read the Patriot Act.
We're all terrorists, from misdemeanors to felonies.
If you're suspected of committing any crime, you have no rights under the Constitution, the Bill of Rights.
And I'm going to get into more of the Patriot Act in a third hour and a ton of other news I haven't even gotten to.
Walmart commits billions to RFID and has been caught in a lie.
The tracker chips, they have now been caught putting it in your clothing and other items to track you outside the store.
This is all mainstream news.
A bunch of horrible news of how they're treating the veterans on Veterans Day.
In the next segment, we're going to have Tito Howard, who made the Loss of Liberty film, who's one of the head folks with the Liberty Alliance, along with Captain Ward Boston, who's coming on later this week, dropping the bombshell that LBJ told them!
Here to cover up that Israel intentionally attacked this ship and tried to sink it and strafe the lifeboats, try to blame it on Egypt.
But again, the Pentagon was in control of that with LBJ.
This has now come to light, as we told you years ago it was, from all the evidence.
That's coming up.
But Dean in Canada, he called a couple weeks ago or was it last week and said, asked questions about the Bohemian Grove video and
Again, there's just so many mainstream news articles out there.
They admit the Grove's real.
The world leaders go there.
Helmut Schmidt, in his own book, Men and Powers, German Chancellor, before Helmut Kohl, said that, I'm a member of the Trilateral Commission, CFR.
I love the Druid rituals we do at the Bohemian Grove with the presidents.
I snuck in there.
I got video of the ritual.
The Grove admits on national television, on the Trio Network, that I indeed did get this video.
It's a real story.
And Dean keeps bringing that up and asking questions, which I think is important.
Are you doubting what I'm saying, Dean?
I became a little bit suspicious because the video wasn't clear, to tell you the truth.
Now, you said you haven't seen the video.
You haven't seen my video.
Yeah, no, I'm sorry.
What you posted on the net wasn't clear, I should say.
Well, there's a lot of other clear video streams on the web.
Some of our streams aren't the clearest.
You might search around.
I mean, we're not masters of the whole, what they call, video cleaning for the web.
But, again, you just keep saying that wasn't clear.
Have you researched mainstream news articles?
Type in Bohemian Grove, hundreds will pop up in your search engine.
Have you researched the Grove?
I was just going to ask you that next.
Where can I go to do that, but if that's all that it takes... You go to a major search engine, you type in Bohemian Grove, George Bush.
That's amazing.
You go to a major search engine, you type in Skull and Bones, George Bush.
I've seen that.
That I have seen.
I've actually watched video on that.
Of course, not with his face, but you know, other videos of Skull and Bones.
No, because they don't take their black hoods off.
That's right.
You know, like the SWAT teams.
You go, show us their faces.
When we go into court about a SWAT team blowing a child in half, they go, well, what was the badge number?
Well, whose face was it?
And then we have a little problem, like bank robbers do.
Okay, can I get back into the issue of Christianity now?
Yeah, go ahead.
I've been raised Pentecostal.
Let me just get right to the point here, and I don't mean for this to be offensive in any way, believe me, but I think that, you know,
The way that I was raised was about the most controlling way anybody could possibly be raised.
Now, everything that's being said, I, you know, I love the information that people like you bring out, but I can't, I can't fully hop on board with it all because of the contrast that is always there with Christianity being the, I don't know... Well, look, I'm not asking you to hop on board.
You should investigate what we're talking about and do what you feel is right, okay?
I mean it's real simple and your parents loved you and didn't want you to end up in prison or on heroin probably.
They were probably scared to death of the world getting you and destroying you.
Thanks for the call.
We'll be back with our guest.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, over the years we've had filmmaker Tito Howard on who is an investigative reporter and made the film Loss of Liberty.
We've had with Mr. Howard on some of the survivors of the USS Liberty and he's really been a focal point in getting a lot of the victims, the heroes together concerning this subject.
And now that a new book came out propagandizing about how it was a big accident by Israel on June 8, 1967 to attack the USS Liberty in international waters and torpedo it and napalm it and white phosphor it and shoot it with cannons and strafe the lifeboats for hours.
And when this new book came out, whitewashing it,
Captain Ward Boston, who we're getting on the show later this week, Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty, his statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin, starring a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, following her portions of what he said.
We'll go over that.
And he also talks about how he was there with LBJ and McNamara, and told to cover up the fact that Israel attacked the ship on purpose.
And again, we've talked to a lot of the survivors on the show.
We're setting them back up for the show to go over this later this week.
It's clear that the U.S.
government was in control of that ship, knew it was going to happen, and wanted to be sunk, turned the fighter jets back when the ship called for help, because they wanted that ship to sink, all aboard to be killed, to blame it on Egypt!
And we've had the pilots, some of the Israeli pilots have gone public and said that they knew it was an American flag.
They radioed back three times and said it's an American ship.
We're ordered to still attack it.
Once the people finally were rescued and got on board the aircraft carrier, an admiral talked to them and said, if you ever tell anybody what happened, you'll be arrested or worse.
And joining us is the documentary filmmaker Tito Howard, who again is lining up for us a bunch of folks.
We've had Admiral Moore on before, we've had a bunch of the people on board the ship on the show, but we're going to be having more of them up this week.
But somebody who's very articulate, done some of the best research is Tito Howard, this investigative journalist and the maker of The Loss of Liberty.
Thanks for coming on the show, Tito.
Oh, I don't know what you left for me to talk about.
It's good to be back on with you, Alex.
It's great to have you here, and any word yet on what day this week we're going to be able to have some more of the folks on?
Well, I'm going to be meeting the admirals tomorrow afternoon and let them know what's happening.
These are fighters, but they're older fighters, and I just need to coordinate things smoothly for them.
But you and I will talk about it later this afternoon, perhaps.
What about, absolutely, what about the Captain Boston?
Oh yes, I think he's critical to this now.
He's the news thing.
We organized a thing on Capitol Hill at the Rayburn Building as the guest of Congressman John Conyers of Michigan.
And we met in the Gold Room in the Rayburn Building.
And at that press conference, there was only two.
I normally introduce them, but I wanted this just to be the American Navy and the pro-Israeli lobby.
And it worked.
I filmed it.
I'll have some copies ready by Thursday.
I'll send you out one, because it's powerful.
And then having a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, who also had very close, insightful knowledge of the liberty thing, who went on to become the Chief Navy Lawyer to the Secretary of the Navy.
That's where Admiral Merlin's starring.
That's right.
And this man speaks in a very clear, strong voice.
And him reading Captain Boston's affidavit, we got him to sign it in the form of an affidavit.
And this is what made it newsworthy.
I knew we had scored when Associated Press on their webpage had this 36-year-old story under Latest News.
And Ward Boston is the reason for that.
Here's a guy who kept silent for 36 years and now he says that that court was ordered by President Johnson and Secretary McNamara to come up with a mistaken identity.
Now I've got an AP, I've got a Washington Post, I've got a Newsmax article here.
According to his quotes, that he was there in the room with Johnson and McNamara, telling him, you cover this up.
That is massive.
It is massive, yeah.
And Isaac Kidd had indicated to some other people, some crew members and others, you know, that it should be investigated more.
I think it haunted him.
He wound up a four-star admiral and was generally well-liked.
I think that was the one stain on him.
And, you know, his father was a great American sailor who was killed on the Arizona at Pearl Harbor in 1941.
And so, I mean, there's so much historicity into this, but Moore raised some very important things that were not in the actual documents.
We put together a thing of the findings.
These were 12 separate findings that all of the people on this commission signed.
With the exception of Ray Davis, he died on September 3rd.
He was a four-star Marine General and very critical on some of the findings and other things that we put together.
We miss him.
Now Tito Howard, I want to make it clear when I do make a mistake, I'm the first to admit it.
It's probably been a year since I had you and some of the victims on.
You were not on board the ship.
You're the investigative journalist we've had.
I don't know.
I've probably done five shows on this.
I've probably had a dozen people on over the last three or four years.
On this subject, I want to make that clear earlier.
But again, later this week, we're going to do probably two hours on this and have several of the survivors on.
And we've had, again, quite a few over the years.
But to hear their first-hand stories of being napalmed and white phosphorus and torpedoed
For those that just joined us, before we get into the findings and what Captain Boston has said on the record, for those that just joined us, what happened to the USS Liberty in 1967?
Well, the Liberty was our best intelligence ship.
Probably the best in the world.
It had a moon-bounce dish on the back, on a tall structure.
It had eight 40-foot whip antennas.
We're good to go.
At least 12 Israeli unmarked aircraft.
The only time that I know of where Israeli forces used unmarked aircraft in any of their wars, but they did on the Liberty, which certainly helps to indicate what kind of an attack it was.
Now, the Liberty was pounded for about 25 minutes by these planes.
There were probably eight
We're good to go.
And then the motor torpedo boats arrived at about 2.37, if memory serves me correct, and they fired six torpedoes at the Liberty.
Only one hit, and that was, you know, this is the Israeli Army and Navy that was very, very highly rated.
The Air Force had done an incredibly powerful job on wiping out the Egyptian Air Force on the ground on
The morning of June the 5th.
So the Liberty then, while the air attack was going on, the attacking Israeli aircraft were jamming all five of our American emergency radio signals.
But the crew, incredibly brave, able crew, and of course there's always some that panic under attack situations.
Most of these guys had not seen panic.
I mean, had not seen combat.
The main players in it were absolute heroes.
George Golden down in the engine room, Captain McGonigal on the bridge, and people like Smitty
That was a 30 foot hole, correct, through both sides of the torpedo?
40 by 42 feet.
Oh, 42 feet, excuse me.
Yeah, and only one of them hit, and the interesting thing about that is... Wasn't there 700 cannon holes, too?
No, there were 821 cannon and missile holes, and over 3,000 holes by armored piercing
50 caliber machine gun bullets.
Okay, my memory wasn't serving, but you said the interesting part about the torpedo.
Go ahead.
This is why I think that if there ever was divine intervention, this is a good example of it.
Here, the crack Israeli military misses in perfect weather on a 460 foot long ship, misses with five.
The one that does hit, it's one of the ribs that holds the superstructure together.
And otherwise it would have gone into the ship, exploded, probably blown the ship in half.
And so hitting the rib, and if anyone had hit even another rib or anywhere else, the ship would have gone down.
It's a miracle it survived.
And we need to think of the geopolitical inference of that, too, because if the Liberty had survived, the Israelis would still be in control of the entire Sinai Peninsula.
Uh, which would have created serious, uh, problems in addition to the ones that are going on.
Now, from having you guys on last time, you all agreed, going from memory here, correct me if I'm wrong, that it was to be blamed on Egypt.
And again, it was the grace of God that that didn't happen because that would have been World War III with the Russians.
Well, I'm not sure if the Russians would have gambled, but they were getting concerned because they were getting embarrassed.
And Syria and Egypt were two Arab countries where they had, you know, some influence.
But we have to remember that just six years after this war in 1967, that the... Stay there, we'll continue to cover this, to get in the latest developments and take calls.
We're talking about the USS Liberty and the new developments.
We'll be right back.
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We're also going to open the phones up later in this hour.
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We're going to have some of the survivors back on the show, and hopefully some of the admirals that we haven't had on.
We've had Admiral Moore on, as well as Captain Boston, who was involved in the cover-up in the whitewash for Johnson, and his first hand in the Oval Office testimony that he's now signed in an affidavit.
That's why the media cannot ignore it.
You know, Howard, there's so many facets to this.
I mean, after the attack took place, we're going to get back into the attack.
You have the cover-up.
You have the people being told you'll be arrested if you tell anybody about this.
You have the secret ceremony giving the captain the Congressional Medal of Honor.
And then you have people being attacked by the mainstream media, whoever brought up these issues.
It's got to really feel good to you and the survivors of the USS Liberty, the heroes, that now the evidence, bombshell evidence, factual evidence, from so many high-level officers has now come forward.
And so I want to fast forward to where this is going, what's going to happen now.
Going from two events.
We had the one in the Rayburn building on the 22nd of October.
And that's what got the AP story, UPI story.
It was in a lot of newspapers and picked up by a lot of radio talk shows.
But it's still alive.
And the approach by the pro-Israeli lobby has been to ignore it to death.
But they are really scared of this story.
Because if there ever is an investigation,
We're good to go.
Somebody's going to have to answer all that one of these days.
But again, expanding this discussion, it's obvious the U.S.
government had taken control of that ship, the presidency had, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, it's obvious they turned the jets back, and from past discussions, would you agree, Tito, that it's clear that they wanted that ship to go down, this was part of a larger plan, to have the pretext to blame it on Egypt?
I think that that's true, and one of the real evidences of that is that
The Israelis attacked the ship with unmarked planes.
The people on board the Liberty, being pounded from all these different directions, couldn't see any insignia or national identification.
So if the Liberty didn't know, how did Washington know to force the recall of a plane sent to help Americans in trouble?
And after the heroes on board the USS Liberty, and there were many,
The first American hero not on board was Joe Tully, the skipper of the Saratoga.
We had two large carriers with the Sixth Fleet in 1967, the Saratoga and the American.
And they immediately launched.
By immediately, I mean within eight or nine minutes from getting the call through from the Liberty.
And the Liberty guys, the radio men, Rocky Sturman, Terry Albartier, and others, there were some really smart people.
That figured out that the attacking Israeli aircraft were jamming all five of the emergency American signals.
But that when they were firing missiles, they had to cut the thing that was jamming it, because it would have prematurely triggered the missiles.
It was in that little tiny window that they got through to the Saratoga, and later to the America, and the Saratoga launched.
And those planes were called back, although the Liberty was still under attack, and that's when the second great hero, not counting the men on the ship, Admiral Larry Geiss, who was the carrier division commander, not in tactical command of the Sixth Fleet, that was Admiral Martin, but he would not go along with the order to recall.
And so first, McNamara called me, and we just got this interview.
With a Mr. Hart who was in Port Laodi, Morocco, and had the responsibility to connect and keep on the line Secretary McNamara and Carrier Division Commander Geiss.
And Geiss was refusing to recall the planes because he said, but the Liberty's still under attack.
If the attack stops, we'll recall them.
And McNamara insisted.
Geist just wouldn't go for it, and McNamara said, we're not going to war over a bunch of dead sailors.
Imagine how that would play in the Navy.
McNamara needs to be arrested right now.
It's outrageous.
He's an absolute piece of trash.
These are new developments with Tito Howard.
These are signed affidavits.
We'll be back with more of these bombshell revelations.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
Again, my friends, we've had Tito Howard, investigative journalist, researcher, and many of the victims, the heroes of the USS Liberty dastardly attack of 1967, during the Six Day War, on the show.
We're going to do a couple more hours on this later this week with
Some of the admirals and captains and others that have been blowing the whistle and some of the survivors.
I want to get a bunch of these folks on and we're setting it up right now.
But there have now been new developments.
And in these new developments,
We don't just have the evidence of the unmarked planes attacking and then strafing the people and the lifeboats in the water and the assault helicopters coming with the special forces to finish off the job and finally turning back.
Now we have the radio operator connecting McNamara's phone call in with one of the admirals who was refusing to turn back the aircraft.
We also have Captain Boston who was in the White House
During the whitewash when LBJ and McNamara said, cover this up.
Tito Howard, let's continue with these new revelations.
Where are you left off?
Recapping that and then continuing it.
This is an amazing development.
Oh, it is indeed.
I'm sorry, Alex.
The one thing is that didn't happen in the White House.
It happened in Malta, in Naples.
It happened on board the Liberty.
The livery from the 8th to the 13th was limping at 5 knots to get the maul to get in the dry dock and get, you know, repaired.
And that's when he had those contacts with, you know, Admiral Kidd, who was the president of the Navy Board of Inquiry.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
Well, I'm mixing two different instances together.
Because we got caught off in the break.
You were talking, Tito Howard, you were discussing the radio transmission during the attack from McNamara to the Admiral.
Yeah, Larry Geist, the carry division commander.
And it's interesting because Geist never did agree to do that from McNamara, and the commander in the field, he doesn't agree with an order, has the right to ask the next higher up, well after the Secretary of Defense, it's the President.
And that's when Johnson got on and also got mad with Geis, and he yelled at him, he says, I don't care if the ship sinks and we lose all hands, we're not going to embarrass our ally Israel.
Alright, let me stop you right there, because we got interrupted by a break.
I want you to start back over.
This is so important, Tito.
It is.
With the ships under attack, the radio operators figure out that they're being jammed, but that they have to turn off the powerful jamming transmission to fire their missiles, because that could interfere with it.
Let's start over from there.
They get the distress signal out.
What happens next?
Okay, Joe Tully, the skipper of the Saratoga, launches.
And Don Engin was the skipper of the America.
He was Captain Engin in those days.
He retired as a two-star admin.
I knew him when he was the director of the Air and Space Museum in Washington.
Very bright guy.
But he had it wrong on Liberty, and I just slowly turned him in the first three meetings we had.
And I was going to do an interview with him on August 8th, a couple of years ago, and he was killed in a glider crash in Nevada three weeks before.
Anyway, let me get back to the other, because the breaking thing is important.
Here is Ward Boston, who had an exemplary career in the Judge Advocate General Corps, and we have Merlin Starring, the only other high Navy legal official, who was the Chief Legal Officer for Admiral John Sidney McCain, Jr., the Commander-in-Chief of U.S.
Navy Europe, which encompassed the Mediterranean.
He's the senator's father.
Yeah, that's John McCain's daddy.
That's right.
John Sidney McCain, Jr.
So he was a great admiral in a lot of ways, but he got caught up in the political thing here.
And, you know, trying to cover up.
And my favorite line in my film I wrote at 3 o'clock in the morning, in the doctor Richard Kiefer, who was an incredibly tough and brave man in 1967.
The ability to get that much power on a ship and have the ship survive just spoiled a lot of people's plans.
But now we have, oh wait, the line I was going to give, because it's a powerful line, and I wrote it at three in the morning, and what the line was, never before in American military history has a military board of inquiry
Nor the eyewitness testimony of American military, and taking on faith the word of their attackers.
And Dr. Kiefer delivers it in the film, I think, very well.
So, we've got a lot of things, but now to get back toward Boston, let me just read, if you'll give me a couple of minutes to read, just a couple of quotes from this affidavit, which is the news-breaking thing.
I know from personal conversations I had with Admiral Kidd that President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara ordered him to conclude that the attack was a case of mistaken identity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
So, and he says, it is important for the American people to know that it is clear that Israel is responsible for deliberately attacking an American ship and murdering American sailors.
And so, you know, incredible breakthrough that this guy would say this 36 years later.
And a pro-Israeli retired Navy captain, Jay Crystal, wrote this book, which is a total whitewash and infuriated this guy.
I saw Captain Boston back in February, and I have him on film saying these things.
So, I mean, we'll save it for posterity.
And to have the man who was in London at the time, and the Chief Navy Legal Advisor to Admiral McCain, to come out and read it and talk about how he was taken out of the whole loop of judicial review, which is almost unheard of in the Navy, because, in his words, he was having serious problems with the evidentiary support
of the
With the same insightful coverage that you did before.
And I think we, and your people should, the ones that don't have a copy of the film, just write to Liberty Alliance, Box 663, Front Royal, Virginia, 22630.
They're $25 a piece, but they're $50 for three.
And then you get the findings.
Also, the 20 most commonly asked questions about the USS Liberty, and we send all of that in the package.
I would also recommend that people, because ultimately we're going to have to win this information battle in the trenches, which means American Legion posts, VFW posts, Veterans for Peace, and get them committed.
This is a story a long time ago.
When Admiral Starring and I spoke at the Exchange Club on Capitol Hill last Wednesday, it was amazing to me.
I'm standing up there talking to these people.
They're believing us because it's blessed by Admiral Moore, and they all know who he is, and he's greatly admired by all military people that I've talked to.
And here's Merlin Starring in XJAG, and they're reading the thing from Captain Boston.
So they believed it, but they didn't know the truth.
I'm talking about admirals, you know?
It's amazing.
How this cover-up has worked so well for so long with the complete complicity of the American media.
Now, Tito Howard, we're going to give that address out again before this hour ends.
Folks, get ready with a pen and paper for that.
It's a great film.
We've aired it here locally on cable more than a dozen times.
It's one of the most popular, popularly requested items that we do air here routinely on Time Warner, Cable Channel 10 and 16.
Before we go to Darren and Mike and others that are patiently holding, and the toll-free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231.
We got interrupted by that break 12 minutes ago.
And that was so important what you were getting into with the gentleman relaying the call, listening to the call from McNamara and then LBJ getting on the phone during the attack, telling the Admiral you turned that second group of planes back.
Can you recap that and go over that?
Because you were still talking when we hit the break.
Yes, because it is a critical part of the story and the part that has more in some of these admirals most upset.
Let's use Admiral Moore's words.
He said, those sailors and marines, there were three marines on Liberty, two of them were killed.
He said, those sailors and marines deserved our best defense.
And we gave them no defense.
That's powerful for the next chairman of the Joint Chiefs.
Well, we lost his phone line.
And that happens sometimes.
Are you back Tito?
We're going to get him back.
That happens a lot with these type of interviews.
Oh boy.
And let me just read what Captain Boston... The most stunning revelation was a statement by Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on Liberty.
This statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin Starring, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, following reportions of what he read.
This is right next door to the Capitol.
The late Admiral Isaac Kidd and I were given only one week to gather evidence for the Navy's official investigation.
Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors.
The evidence was clear.
Both Admiral Kidd and I believe with certainty that this attack, which killed 34 sailors and injured 172 others, was a deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.
I am certain that the Israeli pilots that undertook the attack, as well as their superiors who had ordered the attack, were aware the ship was American.
I saw our flag, which was visibly identified.
The ship is American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended that there be no survivors.
Not only did the Israelis attack the ship for over two hours with napalm, gunfire, and hundreds of rockets and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats with machine guns, three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt to save the crew, a war crime.
After saying he was moved to speak out after the book titled The Liberty Incident by Jay Kristol, he described it as an attempt to whitewash the facts.
He then dropped a bombshell saying, I have first-hand knowledge from many personnel.
Again, I have first-hand knowledge from many personal conversations with Admiral Kidd, President Lyndon Johnson, and Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conclude that the attack was a case of mistaken identity despite overwhelming evidence.
To the contrary,
Again, LBJ also rescinded an order to send carrier-based fighter planes that were only 15 minutes away to defend the liberty.
Now we've got Mr. Tito, Tito Howard, the filmmaker researcher back on.
Let's get this out again.
During the attack, McNamara, LBJ, on the phone with the Admiral, out there in the Mediterranean, from Washington, and you have witnesses that were transferring the call, listening to it in Navy Intelligence.
You have these witnesses.
I have it on film, even.
You have it on film, even?
In February, I'm going to be putting together a new version of the film with Captain Boston.
And this man, Hart... Repeat what Hart heard McNamara and LBJ say about that ship.
He only heard the conversation between McNamara and Larry Geiss.
Geiss is the real hero in all of this.
He and Joe Tully of the Saratoga.
What conversation was it where LBJ says, I don't care... That was later because Admiral Geiss, the Carrier Division Commander,
Had to write the challenge in order to the next higher up.
That's when Lyndon Johnson got on the phone.
Okay, let's make this clear then.
Go through that chain of events, please.
Okay, the first contact went through Fort Lauderdale, because that handled from the Pentagon where McNamara was.
So then Johnson came through and that was routed some other way, so the same person did not hear both conversations.
That conversation was told to David Lewis, who is the
The Chief American Intelligence Officer on board Liberty, that was our most sophisticated intelligence ship, and he had two-thirds of the people on board Liberty were intelligence people, mostly Navy, but three Marines and one civilian, and so they were, let's see, you've got the first conversation
We have the guy on film who did that.
The second conversation, David Lewis was Commander Lewis at the time, and the Chief Intelligence Officer.
He was the highest ranking of the most seriously wounded, which were medevaced on the morning of the 9th from the Liberty, about 830 to 9 o'clock, to the America, which they had more doctors and
Although Dr. Kiefer was still going, the man had badly damaged legs, 11 pieces of shrapnel in his abdomen, which he kept together with a life jacket.
The man stood on those legs and operated for 28 hours, and nobody's ever heard of him until our film.
Anyway, then Johnson calls him, but through another routing, and it was Larry Geist telling this to David Lewis, and so it was David Lewis who waited until
Admiral Geist died, and then he told that.
And so that's the second.
In that conversation, Johnson was getting mad at this guy because he was refusing the President of the United States, who was trying to recall the planes.
Although, how the hell did we know that it was Israelis at that time?
You know, with unmarked planes.
The Liberty didn't know it.
And they're saying, we're not going to embarrass our ally.
That's right.
He said, I don't care if the ship sinks and we lose all hands.
We're not going to war and embarrass an ally.
I mean, it's outrageous!
You know, it's like his Gulf of Toc and Vietnam stuff, and just as deadly on a smaller scale.
I mean, there were 70% casualties on the Liberties, the most decorated crew in the history of the United States.
And the guys themselves have been battered all these years, the government turned their back on them, they were incredible heroes at the time, and, you know, they're on, some of them have a heavy antidepressant drug, some of them even drink, I mean, it's terrible what's happened to these
Great American heroes and uh... I've worked closely with him for a long time and uh... it's it's difficult it's very difficult and you have to understand things from their perspective.
Now going back to the first conversation with McNamara calling back the aircraft again how did that take place?
uh... no McNamara uh... that was the first conversation because Larry Geiss had also launched well this time we already have twelve planes and four A-4
You know, Gasoline equipped the A-4's, because it was very far away in combat.
Yeah, that's fine.
So he, McNamara, was trying to get Larry Geist to recall him, and Geist never did agree to do it.
He insisted on speaking to President Johnson, he was the next tire up.
And even he was arguing with Johnson after that.
Johnson said, I don't care, you know, if the ship sinks, we lose all hands.
He's not really embarrassed.
I mean, look at this.
We've got the President and the Defense Secretary managing this as the ship's under attack and the ship doesn't get aid until the next morning.
That's correct.
When we come back, I want to go to Darren and Mike and others that are patiently holding.
And I want to go over the machine gunning of the live boats.
That's important.
And then what happened in the whitewash afterwards.
Stay with us.
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Folks, Alex Jones here, and our guest is going to stay another 30 minutes into the next hour so we have time to get to Darren and Mike and Elizabeth and Peter and Roger and others.
Why is this story, 36 years later, such a big deal?
Because in Operation Northwoods, the 1962 plan by L.L.
Lemitzer, it calls for blowing up U.S.
ships and blaming it on foreign enemies.
It calls for hijacking jets by remote control and crashing them to create a helpful wave of national indignation.
It calls for killing Marines with U.S.
Army dressed up like foreign troops.
We saw the Gulf of Tonkin.
The attack never took place in 64.
This was a government plan being carried out from all the evidence that's clear
Within minutes of the attack, they're on the phone, they're on the radio, and the radio's patched in from the aircraft carriers to the Defense Secretary and the President, and they're saying, you don't defend that ship, that's Israel!
With unmarked planes, something Israel doesn't do!
This is a big, big deal, folks.
People say, oh, the government couldn't have allowed September 11th to take place.
That's hogwash.
You look at the evidence, it's obvious.
The PENAC plan, written up by Cheney and Wolfowitz and Perl and Jeb Bush, calls for terrorist attacks, says we need these to get people behind this New World Order.
So you start adding all this together, it's very, very, very serious.
Before we go back to Tito Howard and tell you how to get his great film,
We need you to spread the word about this broadcast, to tell 10 people a day about this show, so we can reach millions more people.
And we need you to get Matrix of Evil, my new film, with Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman McKinney, Frank Morales from the police state, Colonel Craig Roberts, myself.
It's a great new film, exposing what the New World Order is doing today, using terrorism to scare us into submission.
So get Matrix of Evil, $25.95.
Order three or more of any of my ten videos.
They drop down to $20 apiece.
The new book, Ordered Out of Chaos, is out.
You really need to get it as well.
Go to Infowars.com.
Go to PrisonPlanet.com.
Order the videos.
Call toll free to get them.
Your purchase of these videos also makes this show possible.
So it's very important you do that.
But number one,
Whether it's 9-11 Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, Matrix of Evil, they're waking people up.
And as a caveat to that, we have a 10-minute teaser from the 2-hour and 40-minute Police State 3 Total Enslavement, now on Infowars.com for free download.
So definitely email that out to folks and let people know it's available.
So again, 888-253-3139, or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
Get my videos, folks.
Get them out to people.
Make copies of them.
Now, we're about to break.
I promise we'll go straight to Dean and Darren, Mike, Elizabeth, Peter, Roger, everybody.
But in the next minute and a half, Tito Howard and your film's incredible.
How do folks get the video, Loss of Liberty, to know the truth?
As you said in this information war, how do they do that?
We're over the 8,000 mark in copies of the film.
Television, except for community access and other limited things, has been absolutely deaf to us.
But it's working.
These recent events have really helped a lot.
This story won't be told unless listeners take action and get this video.
And particularly with friends that were in the military or understand the military.
Tell folks the mailing address.
It's outrageous that our government would protect the attackers that killed 34 American soldiers.
Give them the mailing address, we got 30 seconds.
Okay, it is the Liberty Alliance, Box 663, Front Royal, Virginia.
It's $25 for one copy, $50 for three.
We pay the shipping.
And you make checks payable to Howard Films.
Alright, Howard Films.
We'll get that out again before you leave us.
Third hour, your calls, and more on the Liberty when we get back.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
All right, my friends, we've got Tito Howard, the documentary filmmaker, investigative journalist, Ph.D.
in modern military affairs and history.
And later this week, we're going to have Captain Boston, who was involved with the cover-up under orders from LBJ and others, coming on.
We're going to line up some admirals and hopefully some of the survivors that we've had on in years past.
Now it's broken big news because such big guns in government are telling the truth about it.
And again, Tito Howard, kicking off this investigative report, because we're going to do several of these this week, is joining us.
We've got loaded phone lines, a lot of patient listeners.
1967, during the Six Day War, June 8th, 1967, over a dozen Israeli fighter bombers, six attack torpedo boats,
Attacked the ship, but by the grace of God it didn't sink.
Most highly decorated, highest number of casualties in U.S.
history for any one ship in one attack.
The captain was given the Congressional Medal of Honor in secret.
And now the cover-up's coming out.
But the bigger cover-up is that the U.S.
government controlled that ship, meant to sink it, to blame it on Egypt.
And I've talked to the survivors, Tito Howard, the admirals on the show.
I've been talking about this for four or five years, I guess.
They agree this is part of a New World Order takeover system, basically government-sponsored terrorism.
It's the same M.O.
over and over again.
Tito, you ready to go to some of these calls?
Let's do it.
Let's talk to Darren in Colorado.
Darren, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
I'd like to wish you both a wonderful day, and it's a privilege to be here with you.
I am usually in lockstep with the views you espouse, Alex, but I've got to take issue with this one.
My rudimentary knowledge of the attack on the USS Liberty is that it was our highest technologically advanced surveillance ship of the day.
And what they were doing were monitoring the Israeli Army's communications and they were beaming those to the Arab assailants against Israel.
That's just not true.
That's just not true.
Liberty was there to monitor everything in the Middle East.
We were not taking sides in the conflict, certainly not openly.
There is strong
Feelings that there are people inside our government that help set the liberty up.
As Alex had mentioned.
But this argument has been used a lot to denigrate the argument of this brave crew.
Well let me ask the caller a question.
Tito, let me ask the caller a question.
So is it good that they didn't allow the planes to go defendant?
Is it good they strafed the lifeboats in the water?
Because they were quote, helping the Arabs?
My understanding is that the Israelis' hand was forced because they needed
And knock that ship out.
And their only aim was to disable its monitoring capability, not to sink it, not to kill America.
That's why you shoot it with a torpedo and blow a 42-foot hole in it and have thousands of cannon holes?
And a two-hour and 15-minute attack.
And then I guess strifing the lifeboats is to stop them from using a ham radio to warn the Arabs.
I mean, even this heart-string-tugging rehashment of all the survivors, just the fact that there are all these survivors,
I think it's important for this gentleman to understand that on the 8th of June, all the fighting was done.
The Israelis had won the war actually by the evening of the 6th, and they realized that if you took all of the Arab
Military from Morocco to Kuwait.
At that point in history, they could defeat him.
But they did not yet have the Golan Heights.
I tell you what, stay there, Darren, okay?
Are you there, buddy?
Okay, Darren, don't hang up.
I want to talk to you on the other side.
I mean, you talk about psychological gymnastics to make excuses for this.
But I guess you're not saying that the Liberty wasn't intentionally attacked.
Now it's because their hands were tied.
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Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, later this week, we have a bunch of the survivors of the USS Liberty.
We have some of the officers involved in the cover-up under Johnson's orders.
We talked to him.
And all these years, we have a filmmaker, Tito Howard, been researching this for years, on with us, Law Celebrity Filmmaker.
We got loaded phones, we're about to go back to your calls.
All these years, oh no, Israel didn't know, it was a mistake, it's a conspiracy theory to say that.
Now the people involved in the cover-up have gone forward with incredible honor.
And so this caller, Darren, says, well, the Israelis had their hand forced, as the war was ending, to go ahead and try to sink this ship.
No, they didn't try to sink it, I guess that's why they strafed the lifeboats.
I mean, I have no... the psychological gymnastics of rationalizing this, you know, it's like rationalizing Bill Clinton bombing Oklahoma City, or the connections with the U.S.
government and Al-Qaeda.
I mean, we've had Israeli writers on to talk about the Israeli government killing Yitzhak Rabin, I guess.
You know, I mean, can Israel do something wrong?
You know, I've focused mainly on the U.S.
government using Israel to do this, to expand the war into Egypt, which they wanted to do.
That's what the evidence shows.
But, Darren, to have you here defending this atrocity and saying, oh, that's why there wasn't that many casualties, when it's record casualties, and talking about heartstrings here, and the Admiral threatening the sailors on board the ship, keep your mouth shut or you're going to prison.
Go ahead, defend yourself, Darren.
I'm amazed by your statements.
Well, we may have lost Darren, but let me just say this.
Well, hold on.
Is Darren not there?
I'm right here.
Go ahead, Darren.
The Jews, when you do the mass, should have lost that war.
They did everything they had to do to win, and even to this day, it's a miracle they overcame the numbers they were up against.
So LBJ's saying, I don't care if they all die, so what?
That's a good thing?
They needed to do what they had to do.
There was no military
Necessity for the Israelis to do anything... Wait a minute, I thought it was an accident!
Hold on!
Hold on!
Israel always said it was an accident!
Are you saying they're lying?
I'm saying that both governments sought to let this thing stay underneath a rug.
Well, why didn't they just pull the ship out?
That's ridiculous!
The White House knew it was Israel attacking it.
Why didn't they just pull the ship out of there?
That's the President!
They wanted to sink that ship to blame it on Egypt!
The Americans were helping the Arabs.
That's what that ship was doing.
No, that's not true.
I've talked to people.
We were shipping them, shipping the Israelis all the weapons.
That's insane!
Well, we weren't sending that many weapons at that time.
They're mostly dependent on French weapons.
But it is very true that we knew that there would be an Israeli victory.
It wasn't a surprise.
And they wiped out 80% of the Egyptian Air Force on the ground.
The same numbers that we lost at Pearl.
With a non-carrier Pacific Fleet.
We lost 80%.
The war was over, except that the Israelis wanted the Golan Heights and all of the West Bank, which they took.
I am by no means a scholar on this subject.
Well, don't pick up on Israeli spin, because they're the best in the world at it.
The truth is that that was premeditated and deliberate, and I came upon this very honestly
Because I was told that by Admiral Thomas Moore in 1975, that it was a premeditated and deliberate attack, and that it was five months after he stepped down from being Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
When I first... In my film... Darryl, have you seen the film?
What film?
My film, The Laws of Liberty.
No sir, I have not.
Well, you should order a copy of the film and then present the argument.
I've got Arlie Burke in there.
You remember the USS Cole?
Yes sir, I do.
Marine General Medal of Honor from the Chosen Reservoir.
Tito, let me ask this question.
Because it's admitted that the Israelis strafed with the gunboats the life rafts.
Why'd they do that?
No, the gunboats did, not the airplanes.
I mean they said gunboats.
Yes, yes.
Well, because they didn't want any survivors.
That's why later on there were two large Israeli helicopters and one of the crew members took a photo of one of them and I had the thing blown up and that's when we discovered
That it was first attacked by the Israeli Air Force, then by the Israeli Navy.
These two helicopters were Israeli Army commando helicopters.
Had 18 heavily armed men on it.
They were sent there to finish it off.
Why did they turn back?
Because they picked up that American forces were finally on the way.
It wasn't true, but it worked.
It's an absolute miracle that that ship survived.
And the problem in the Middle East
As far as the American people is concerned, is that there is absolutely no causal relationship, no cause and effect for the things that Israel does.
We just passed the 20th anniversary of 243 marines, later 268 total, some dying from wounds, in Beirut, Lebanon.
Our marines would not have even been there if the Israelis had not lied to our government, saying they were going to go 20 kilometers
When I first sought to educate myself on this subject, I listened to talk radio and I called a couple of prominent radio talk shows.
I found it to be such a contentious issue that they wouldn't allow the format on the air, the subject matter on the air.
When I was able to get people to engage me on it, my main references come from a writer named John Loftus.
John who?
John Loftus.
And he wrote a book called... Well, sir, all we're doing is going off the admirals, and the captain of the ship, and the witnesses, and what's admitted.
And I appreciate the call.
We gotta go to other callers.
I just... You need to get informed, sir.
Order the film.
Look, I'll criticize Germany, I'll criticize England, I'll criticize the U.S.
government, I'll criticize Israel, I'll criticize anybody that does something wrong.
I stand up against evil activities.
And this was evil, leaving our men out there to die, and the real culprits here, even bigger than Israel, is LBJ and that turkey McNamara, and all the rest of them.
Now let's go to Mike in Arizona.
Mike, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yeah, hi Mr. Howard, Alex.
You know, I was just amazed listening to the former apologist for Israel, but you know, sadly,
I think much of what he was saying comes right out of the pulpit of many of the evangelical churches in this country.
This Israel worship is what it amounts to that says that we must bless Israel by turning a blind eye to every crime they commit.
And I don't think that's what the Bible teaches, and I know it doesn't teach that.
Well, I mean, that's what Jesus was doing when he was there criticizing the corruption of the establishment.
I mean, all these governments.
The Bible says the devil has the whole world in his sway.
And I mean, you know, I mean, let's go off the Bible.
If the Antichrist is going to go take over Israel, we're going to be told to worship the Antichrist?
I mean, this is ridiculous, but my whole point here is we have the facts of the USS Liberty, and people are still in denial about government-sponsored terrorism.
Yeah, for him to suggest that.
Well, look at how many survivors there were.
Only two-thirds of them had injuries or were killed.
It's like saying, look at all the Jewish survivors from World War II.
Well, there couldn't have been any atrocities committed against the Jews.
No, it's just as callous as that is.
But let me ask you, there are a couple of serious questions I have.
At what stage of the Arab-Israeli War was the attack on the Liberty?
Was it toward the beginning of the war?
Oh, no, the beginning of the war.
It was the wee hours of June the 5th.
The Israelis attacked in force.
The Egyptians had been told earlier that day that there would not be a war, so they were sort of relaxed, and the Israelis knew it.
The Israelis claimed that the Israelis had moved armor and infantry out of the Sinai into the Negev desert.
It was a lie.
And nobody's challenged that except some in the UN, but certainly not in our government.
So they, under the guise of that excuse, wiped out 80% of the Egyptian Air Force.
At that point, the war was really over.
They had to do some clean-up stuff.
If you remember, the genesis of the 1967 war had to do with the closing of the Gulf of Aqaba through the Straits of Tehran near Sharm el-Sheikh.
And Yutant, who was then the UN guy,
I ordered under Nasser's thing, Nasser wanted to pull back, I think it was 20 kilometers or whatever it was, and we told him, no, just take them out of Sinai, and that laid the groundwork.
So, we do not have very clean hands in that, and one has to remember that six years later, we were helping Israel so much that the Arabs made an oil embargo against us and Western Europe and everybody else.
And it destroyed literally thousands of American companies.
We've got to move on.
Anything else there, Mike?
Yeah, Alex, by the way, our policy changed dramatically when Kennedy was assassinated and Johnson took over.
Suddenly it opened up wide.
From white to black.
Did Israel ever fly combat missions against any of the Arab states without identification markings?
Never that I know of, except in this case.
Just this case.
That's my understanding.
And the Joint Chiefs of Staff had taken specific control of that ship weeks before this happened and had it parked out there under their control.
Correct, Tito?
That's correct, and there were three messages that were sent by the Joint Chiefs of Staff to the Liberty, and this is part of what Alex was referring to earlier, the setup of the Liberty.
The Joint Chiefs of Staff was trying to get the Liberty to move further offshore, because it was getting through some of its intelligence in Tel Aviv and some other places, that the Israelis were contemplating an attack on the Liberty.
But all three of those messages got misrouted.
One went to Port Laioti in Morocco, one went to Crete, and one went to Subic Bay, our big
Navy base at that time in the Philippines.
None of them reached the liberty until after the attack.
That's outrageous.
We gotta break.
It's obvious, folks.
Again, get past Israel, get past all this stuff.
The United States government was doing this and controlling this.
Do you understand that?
To blame it on Egypt to expand the war.
The Northwoods plan being activated.
That's exactly what the Northwoods plan calls for sinking a ship and blaming it on someone.
We'll be back with more calls.
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Folks, evil is evil.
And government-sponsored terror is the norm, not the exception.
And the evidence is crystal clear and hardcore that the Israeli and U.S.
governments were trying to sink that ship to blame it on Egypt.
And, I mean, it just shows the, frankly, the delusional nature with that caller, Darren, earlier.
Darren, I'm not your enemy.
I mean, you sounded like a nice guy.
You know, saying, well, you know, they just wanted to break the antennas and shows the low level of casualties.
It's record casualties for a single ship.
I mean, it just, everything you said goes against the facts here.
We're talking to Tito Howard, filmmaker.
We're going to have some of the survivors on later this week with Tito.
Elizabeth and Marilyn, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
This is really four-star radio investigative journalism, and I'm very grateful to you and Tito Howard.
I look forward to the continuing series.
If you recall, about three weeks ago, I phoned you that I was going to start a radio show on 840 WKDI in Annapolis.
And it's on Fridays for a half hour after your show.
One of our great affiliates, God bless him, go ahead.
Yes, and I think that you've inspired me quite a bit that this is the same wheel of evil that you've described there in the way you said that the precedents were set for the future provocateur and terrorism incidents, and like the Northwoods plan, and I think it's almost like a perfect closure today, Alex.
Here's the U.S.
Liberty, and I'm going to
On Veterans Day, I'm going to ask people to write to Ron Paul and the Liberty Committee and to all other legislators and fax them and telephone them.
And the reason is, the latest understandings that I have on the Universal National Service Act, not just the draft, and the bill is H.R.
163 in the House,
And in the Senate it is 89.
That's 163 HR and Senate 89.
Now that's accurate.
I have that in Police State 3.
Universal draft for everybody.
18 to 49 for domestic service corps.
Tito Howard comments to what she's saying.
Well, I'm very interested in what the lady said.
And the only chance to get the truth out against a very powerful
Of course, like the pro-Israeli lobby in this country, is through radio programs, community access television, because the mainstream media just won't be nudged.
We had a breakthrough meeting on Capitol Hill, followed by another meeting at an important group, the exchange club in the U.S.
You know, the mainstream newspapers have not picked it up.
I think so.
We tend not to pay much attention to our own interests and what the tremendous cost is.
On Veterans Day, we've got witnesses, high-level officers, saying, Johnson said, I don't care if they all die.
That's wrong, folks.
troops come first.
And again, this is our own government carrying out Northwoods.
Thanks for the call, Elizabeth.
Could I add one more thing?
Real quick, there's other calls.
Great, I think the rubber is meeting the road, that if we don't complain now, we are not going to have our liberties, because the only reason we won't have, we won't have any armed forces, it'll be to maintain internal order here, as part of the UN Peace Force.
That's it, thanks for the call, and notice the symbology, the USS Liberty attacked,
And today we see government-sponsored terror being used as a way to attack our real liberties.
It's out of control.
Alex, that's why I named the film, The Loss of Liberty, because it means both.
We're going to plug after this break real quick.
I've got to get the video again.
Peter in Florida, you're on the air.
And then Roger, that's it for calls.
Go ahead, Peter.
Yeah, hi Alex.
I've got a question for Howard.
On the 15 hours after the attack, that none of our fleet out there went to help him or rescue him?
I believe there was one Russian ship that pulled up and asked if they wanted assistance and they said no.
That's correct.
Was there any radio communication going on during that 15 hours, like calling for help?
Well, there was communication after the attack was finally called off at about 4.27.
So it was a 2 hour and 15 minute attack.
And of course those Russians wanted that secret transmission system.
Yeah, and Russian trawlers also track the Liberty all the way to Malta, hoping to get some papers or stuff floating by them.
Maybe a status report on the condition of the ship, so they would know how to play it out later or something.
On May 14th, a bunch of admirals went down to Washington, D.C.
for a news conference to try to address the Congress, to put the pressure on.
Do you remember that?
May 14th?
Yeah, May 14th of last year, I think.
Oh no, I know what that was.
No, that was our announcement that the film was done in the formulation of the Liberty Alliance with Moore as the chairman.
That was done in the Army-Navy Club and well attended.
We got a break again.
Do a few more minutes with Tito.
Take a final call from Roger.
Now I'm going to shift gears.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Black Berkey Replacement Elements are ideal for use in any gravity filter.
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Coming up, U.S.
blocks payout to Gulf War veterans.
Bush administration has blocked compensation for U.S.
soldiers captured and tortured during the first Cold War.
Arguing the money is now needed for Iraq's reconstruction.
That's from London Guardian.
Also, mystery illness causing major U.S.
troop casualties.
Army orders Mother of Seven back to duty in Iraq.
Not enough troops for Veterans Day parades today.
Also, martial law to be declared in London.
No one's allowed to protest Lord Bush when he comes to town.
That's good news.
Jessica Lynch to be supposedly naked in Hustler Magazine.
So that's just classic.
It's a lot of key stuff coming up here in about 5-10 minutes.
I appreciate Cheeto Howard coming on.
It's been an interesting show.
We're going to have him back up with some of the officers involved in the whitewash that have now gone public because of their conscience and some of the survivors later this week, Thursday or Friday.
We should have another two hours on it.
But again, I'm no enemy of Israel, folks.
I'm no enemy of Germany, of England, of the U.S.
They're bad people.
Tearing out acts of terror against their own citizens to blame it on foreign enemies is a pretext for war.
You better start figuring this out, folks.
That's what we're focusing on.
Before we go to a final call, Tito, any other key points you want to add here?
Well, I think that we need to really harness the momentum coming out of these admirals and Navy JAG officers that have stepped up after all this time, and we need to
Give very strong support for this crew that's somehow kept up the fight all these years.
That according to an earlier caller, needed to go ahead and die.
Well that's outrageous.
People have been rain washed, so they're very sympathetic to anything the Israelis do.
And the comment about the evangelicals is unfortunately true.
And I know some, and they're awfully good people, some very good citizens.
But on this issue, it's very, very dangerous for the
Well look, DynCorp, a US company, nothing to do with Israel, got caught kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
And along with the U.S.
government and the U.N.
And that's mainstream news.
Then I cover what 60 Minutes has Israel having these big slave brothels of kidnapped women and children.
I've exposed Saudi Arabia too.
Why is it okay when I expose Saudi Arabia or Bosnia or Dyncor?
But I talk about Israel.
Oh no, they can't do anything wrong!
I know, it's outrageous.
It's like they're above the law and that's what's happened here.
We live in a society that's democratic and based on the rule of law.
Well, it's like
It's awful, really.
Well, it's the same thing with the Liberty, but again, it's bigger than Israel, from all the evidence, and the survivors and the people have agreed, you've agreed, that the U.S.
government was orchestrating this.
Final call, Roger in Pennsylvania, you're on the air, go ahead.
Yes, thanks gentlemen, and just before my real question, I just wanted to respond to Darren in this vein, and it seems to me that the purpose for Israel was just to disrupt the intelligence-gathering ability.
Of course, assuming, not assuming that would have been a valid objective in advancing Israel's interests, of course, that, I'm guessing, could have been, was accomplished a quarter of the way into the attack, with no need to sink the ship otherwise.
Is that a pretty valid surmise?
Well, no, no, that's true, but I mean, there's a lot more to it than that.
But I mean, the assumption that the Israelis had to knock out the Liberty for
The ongoing war and the safety of Israel is just not true.
The war was over.
The Israelis had won the war, but there were three reasons, in my view, that the Israelis attacked the liberty, and that there was some complicity with our government at the highest level.
I take it no one's ever argued that America would have been in a position of providing information to anyone other than Israel anyway?
Well, there is that, but we would not do anything that would harm Israel's interests, because we had agreed to the Israeli attack on Egypt because we had bought the Israeli argument that Nasser was the key to bringing communism to North Africa and the Middle East, which was not true, but that was what was believed.
Tito, days before, days before, you've got
Uh, the message is to pull the ship out of there, and then those messages are rerouted, and then LBJ could have, anytime he wanted to, called that ship back, but they didn't.
They had the planes all painted up, they covered up the insignias, the whole thing was a setup.
Yeah, no, it is outrageous, and it needs to be fully investigated.
We don't call for a congressional investigation.
It was taken away from the Navy in 67.
By the political maneuverings of LBJ.
But go over the three points of why... Okay, alright, in this order.
The Israelis knew that they'd won the war by the 6th of June.
The fly in the ointment for them taking the Golan Heights and all the West Bank was the Liberty.
That was a very strong reason for the attack.
They wanted to get it out of the way.
If they could sink it, kill all the survivors, blame it on Egypt, then the second reason would come in.
If you remember
Eleven years prior to that, under the cover of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956, the Israelis, with military and diplomatic help from the English and the French, attacked Egypt.
The Israelis had gone all the way to the east bank of the canal.
The United States was not even involved in the decision, we weren't even told about it, but Eisenhower was president.
This was an election year, but he was furious.
He sailed part of the 6th fleet between the English fleet and the Egyptian coastline to get the message, and he ordered the Israelis out of Sinai.
They refused, and their propaganda machine kicked up here, but Eisenhower was a man of great courage, and he insisted that they get out, threatened to
Cut off all aid?
We're out of time.
Obviously sink the ship as a pretext to go into Egypt and expand the war.
Okay, yeah, but the argument here is, and it is very clear, is that in 1956 they were forced out of the Sinai because of world public opinion and American political pressure.
Now, if the Liberty sank with the loss of all hands and it was blamed on Egypt, number one, it would have been believed
And number two, there wouldn't have been any world public opinion against, and there certainly wouldn't have been any American political pressure.
And the Israelis would still be in Sinai.
They'd still be in Sinai, and that's what Northwood says.
It says, by blowing up ships, it will cause a helpful wave of indignation to blame on our enemies.
So, we understand, and that is so central.
So that's the two points.
What's the third point?
Okay, now, you have the three.
You have to understand the situation of where everything was in 1963.
The Israelis wanted to build the greater Israel, Golan Heights, Sinai, West Bank, and all of those things, and if they could bring
The United States, even into the war from a subjective sense of resupply and so on.
Looks like the Lusitania.
Similar, similar.
If one looks at all of the preparation that went into this, and we have to remember that this decision had to be made very high up at the time.
Levi Eshkol was the Prime Minister.
And within an hour of the attack going, we already have LBJ knowing all the details.
And ordering us back, although nobody could know it was Israelis, so somebody here had to be involved, had to be people around LBJ.
And Alex, just one other comment, if I might.
We have to remember that at that time, you had Walter Rostow, who was Chief of Staff and Chief Security Guy, a big Zionist, and his brother,
Eugene Rostow, who later was head of American negotiations with the Russians on disarmament.
Eugene Rostow was Undersecretary of State and in charge of the Mideast Desk in the State Department.
Okay, I got to end it there.
Thanks for the call, Roger.
Tito and Howard are going to be back on with some of the officers and some of the survivors.
You can line up three or four of them if you want.
I'm going to try and set it up for Thursday and Friday.
I'm meeting with the Admirals tomorrow.
Once I know how that's going, then I'll call Captain Boston.
We'll get you some people Thursday, Friday, Monday latest.
We'll coordinate that with you, but call me if you would.
Tomorrow evening or early Thursday morning.
We'll just go ahead when you talk to them, find out what's good for them.
Go ahead and try to set them up for Thursday or Friday from noon central on.
We'll do two hours on it.
And one more time, that mailing address for folks that want to get a copy of Loss of Liberty.
Okay, it's box... First, it's Liberty Alliance.
This is the Chairman's Admiral Moore.
It was sent to the Liberty Alliance Box 663.
Front Royal, two words.
All right.
All right.
Howard Films.
Tito, thanks for coming on the show.
All right.
Thank you, Alex, for the opportunity.
You bet.
I appreciate it.
And if some of that sounded a little helter-skelter, folks, it's just so many facts, so many witnesses, so many documents, so many different angles here.
But this is what I do.
I expose government-sponsored terror.
And our government clearly was operating under Operation Northwoods.
It's exactly what's in there.
The sniper attacks, the hijacked jets, all of it.
Gulf of Tonkin.
Hitler did it with attacking his own radio men on the Polish border and then blaming it on Poland.
I mean, it's what these governments do!
And I don't care what government you are!
You start killing American citizens and killing our troops, I'm gonna expose you!
You killed Yashak Rabin, we expose that!
They don't want the Jewish people being free.
They don't want the Palestinians being free.
The New World Order runs America.
They run Israel.
They run everybody.
And they're a bunch of Satanists.
They're not Jews.
They're not Germans.
They're not Easter bunnies.
They're evil people!
They're evil people!
And we've got to come together and say no to this.
And on Veteran Day, on Veterans Day of all days,
To have somebody who sounded like a nice guy, believing he was saying the right thing.
He didn't sound like a bad person, going, well, this just had to happen to our troops.
It's sick!
It's insane!
It's nuts!
I appreciate her holding the last 12 minutes, and then in the final segment, I'm going to hit some really key new stuff about what's happening to veterans right now.
But before we do that, Debbie, thanks for holding New Millennium Concepts.
If folks believe in what we're doing, they should, number one, stop poisoning themselves with water.
Number two, this supports the broadcast.
Debbie, you've got some new specials, holiday specials for us on the water filters.
I do.
How are you doing, Alex?
Pretty good.
We have two different sets of specials.
One is the holiday special, and then we have the November special.
The holiday special will go through Christmas, you know, probably through the New Year.
And then the November special will just be from now until the end of the month.
Let me go over the November special first.
It's really good because people have been waiting for this for a long time.
We now have a huge supply of the PF2 fluoride reduction elements that work in conjunction with the Black-Berkey filters to take out the fluoride from the water.
So, what we're doing is we're giving them away for free.
If someone buys a Berkey light with the lights, whether they want to get white lights or blue lights, it doesn't matter, they actually get the set of PF2 Fluoride Reduction Filters absolutely free, which they're normally $49.
And a lot of people have been waiting to get those fluoride filters, so now we're making it available.
If they don't want the fluoride filters, but they still want to get in on a good deal, then we've got the Berkey light with the light, and they can get an extra set of the black Berkey elements for half price, which is normally $96, and they'll get it for $48.
So both of those November specials
Again, this is a top of the line filtration system with the added post filter to knock out the fluoride and some of the stuff that all the other filters don't cut out, folks.
This is an amazing system, a great value.
You need to take advantage of it.
If you already have a big murky or you want replacement elements for it, the new black murky element, or you want to give it as a gift to family,
The water is just full of hormones and Prozac and herbicide and pesticide and dead bacteria.
Stop drinking it!
I was talking to my uncle this weekend.
We went to, of course, a funeral for my grandmother.
And he said, Alex, because I drink out of a water filter and, you know, a Berkey.
And he said, after drinking tap water, I mean, it tastes like poison.
Folks, you don't know what you're drinking until you've been drinking clean water for a while, and you try to go back on tap water.
Give Debbie a call.
This is one of the best deals I've seen in a while.
A Bertie Light, that's the big high-quality, simple to put together.
It takes a couple minutes.
Gravity Fed Filter System with built-in emergency lights that run for two weeks off the batteries.
You can also buy a little solar charger to plug in that'll charge up the batteries, then they'll run for two weeks again.
Uh, you've got, uh, you know, this, this great survival buoy, basically, is what this, uh, gravity-fed filter is, with the best filters you can imagine in there.
On top of it, the post filters that, uh, cut out the floor and a couple other nasty things, so you get the cleanest water really possible.
This is so important to make this call and to take advantage of this and to take control of your lives and stop drinking the poison.
Folks can call Debbie right now at 1-888-803-4438.
That's 1-888-803-4438.
Anything else, Debbie?
Well, we do have the Holiday Special and, you know, anyone can call me if they need to review what they are, but we do have some really good, you know, buy four and get a discount, buy five, get a discount of the Berkey Sport Bottles for $99.
You can get five of the generic.
Or you can mix and match with potassium iodate, and you can get 10 or 12 of each.
And these are portable mini filters that cut out a lot of the garbage, not everything like the big filter.
Yes, that's right.
And they're real handy.
Take everywhere.
You know, take them while you're out shopping, take them when you go to work, and that way you have good water everywhere.
It's great for the grandchildren, a great gift, folks.
How many gallons in its lifetime will a Sport Berkey do?
Actually, I've never figured out how many gallons, but it does up to 640 refills of city water.
So, I mean, 640 refills of 22 ounces.
If you bought a bottle of water at the store for a dollar a bottle, you know, when you're on the go, that'd be $640.
Yeah, I mean, it's such an incredible savings.
And they're really handy.
You just take them everywhere.
Saturday at a school doing a little trade show thing with my girlfriend and I had my sport Berkey with me and one of the teachers had mentioned that her son was over somewhere where she wasn't allowed to know because he was a seal.
And we were talking about water and things.
So I gave her my sport bottle.
I said, would you please just mail this to him?
That would bless me so much.
Yeah, the US government won't give them filters.
They make halibut and truck it in because they make more money off of it.
Yeah, send some to the troops.
Thanks, Debbie.
Final comments, final news, straight ahead.
Stay with us.
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Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
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Folks won't know about the USS Liberty.
They won't know about the Bushes funding Hitler.
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They won't know about it unless you spread the word about Infowars.com, about the videos, about what we're doing to fight the globalists and government-sponsored terror, no matter who carries it out.
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That's 888-253-3139.
To get the videos, they're $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more, they drop down to $20 apiece.
You can also write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
And your purchase does support this show and makes guests like you just heard possible so millions can hear the truth.
Oh man, there is so much news here.
Look at this.
Ludicrous EU official ready to ban yogurt.
Officials at the European Commission are preparing to ban yogurt from Britain because it does not conform to their definition of a standardized Euro pudding.
Another article here, they're talking about bringing in for questioning, possibly indicting a bishop because he said that people could reform themselves and not be homosexual.
That is a thought crime.
Talk about 1984, this is out of the London Guardian here, folks.
Also, U.S.
blocks payout to Gulf War veterans.
London Guardian, the Bush administration has blocked compensation for U.S.
soldiers captured and tortured during the first Gulf War.
Argument that money was now needed for Iraq's reconstruction, veterans' lawyers said yesterday.
Well, I guess, you know, the troops are traitors if they ask for their money.
Again, they're traitors if they don't, you know, take their shirts off so enemy troops can shoot them easier.
You know, this is the new patriotism.
A mystery illness causing major U.S.
casualties in Iraq.
American Free Press.
The overwhelming majority of soldiers sent home from recovery from current Persian Gulf War were not injured in combat, but probably by a doctor's needle, and it gets into details of that.
We're going to have James talk around about that.
Army orders a mother of seven back to duty in Iraq despite the fact she may lose custody of her children because her husband's in the military too.
They say they don't care.
He's been ordered back on that plane and flying out of the country.
Another article here out of the Washington Post.
Not enough troops for Veterans Day parades, even as thousands of U.S.
troops are stationed in war zones abroad in 160 countries.
Plans for Veterans Day parades across the country are being scaled back or scrapped.
No problem.
Not enough troops.
Tanks are humvees to wow the patriotic crowds.
With a large number of active and reserve units called up, a lot of them would normally be available, but they're not available.
See how serious this is?
And they are basically declaring martial law for three days in London.
When Bush travels there, you're not going to be able to protest in most of the city.
And again, they'd like to do that here.
It could be like Mexico where they don't allow protest.
Also, a plan for UN to run the internet will be shelved.
Financial Times of London, an attempt by developing countries to put management of the internet under the United Nations auspices, is likely to be shelved.
Next month's World Information Summit in Geneva, but the issue is now firmly on the International Agenda Summit, sources say.
And that's taxation of the net, they already control the IP addresses.
Jessica's Hustled, a skin mag, playing yesterday.
It has pictures of Iraq POW Jessica Lynch frolicking, topless, with male soldiers before she went off to war.
And, uh, spokesman for the 20-year-old Army Private, the subject of Sunday's TV movie.
Leave it to hustler Larry Flint to do something like this, said Paul Bogards of Alfred Trump Publisher.
I am a soldier.
Boy, we're out of time.
Jets, within minutes, intercepted a plane that strayed close to D.C.
in the White House.
Why were they told to stand down for over an hour on September 11th?
This is out of the Associated Press.
We're out of time, folks.
I'll be back tomorrow, 11 to 2 Central, during the day, and of course, here at night, 9 to midnight Central Standard Time.
Don't forget that new clip of Police State 3 for free, 10 minutes long, is on InfoWars.com.
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