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Name: 20031110_Mon_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 10, 2003
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You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
You know, I've got this giant stack of really important news in front of us today and we've got several guests coming on as well.
But right in front of me is last Friday's top story for this show, the Las Vegas Review-Journal, the big paper of that state of Nevada, where it talked about how in a corruption case of a topless bar allegedly paying off a county commissioner for zoning, that Homeland Security, FEMA, they're all involved with the FBI through the Patriot Act.
Because when you have a Patriot Act investigation, it's under the Terrorism Clause, so the whole shadow government is involved, but this was exclusively, in the prosecution of it at least, a local matter, but you have the Fed supplying information using the Patriot Act and violating the Bill of Rights and Constitution.
Think about that!
And they said, oh, this is the first time to our knowledge, the defense attorney said that this has been used in a
A corruption case.
Well, the FBI said they were using the Patriot Act up in Philadelphia with that mayor, and they're using it in thousands of drug cases that we know about.
But think about that.
The government told you, the media told you, this is only to be used to stop terrorists.
And I've pointed out over and over again for the last two-plus years that, well, you see, the definition of a terrorist isn't the definition I would have or you would have.
We think of someone in a black ski mask about to bomb a school bus, or a state capitol building, or a power plant.
But in reality, the definition of terrorism isn't kidnapping for political gain, or murder, or sabotaging bridges.
It's any crime that endangers human life that's a violation of any federal or state law.
So, maybe, just maybe, listeners would like to call in on this subject, because we covered a lot of different news, but we didn't get a lot of calls on that subject last Friday.
We had calls on every other subject, basically, but we should discuss this.
And if anybody argues with you about the Patriot Act being misused, there are now hundreds of articles from the New York Times, the Washington Times, to the Associated Press, to the Las Vegas Review Journal, to the Austin American-Statesman, where they admit this is happening.
But no one seems to point out in the news that Ashcroft said it would only be used against terrorists and that the average citizen wouldn't be affected.
We've got Paul Joseph Watson coming on in the third hour to talk about some of the latest developments in the police state.
Also, an article that Henry McHale wrote about how one of the top Trotskyites admitted when he was captured by Stalin's secret police that, you better leave me alone.
I work for the capitalists.
The real communist conspiracy works for the capitalists and the Illuminati.
So that's coming up.
New big developments on the USS Liberty in the last few weeks, and I haven't covered this properly.
We will.
It's been in a lot of the major papers.
This time it's out of Newsmax.
The USS Liberty bombshell.
Turns out people involved in the government whitewash have now come forward and have said we were told a lie.
And say that Israel did this on accident when in truth it did it on purpose.
And yes, LBJ knew about it and they let the whole thing take place so they could blame it on Egypt as a pretext to invade.
Attacking your own troops to blame it on foreign enemies.
Hitler did it.
Our government's done it.
Operation Northwoods details it.
And now shocking smoking gun evidence.
There's already smoking gun evidence and red flag evidence on this story.
But even more, just the cherry on top.
I'm sure there will be hundreds of other cherries placed by the end of it.
But a lot of big time former brass
Coming forward and saying I was part of the cover-up, basically.
So, that's coming up.
More on the bombing in Saudi Arabia.
More on the troops getting killed in Iraq.
It's just a big show, so you'll want to stay with us on this Monday edition, the 10th of November, 2003.
The websites are InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
We'll be back.
Please stay with us.
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Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Monday through Friday, from 11 to 2 Central, and back from 9 to Midnight Central, we do this show live, blasting out on the AM and FM dials, simulcasting on Global Shortwave, the Internet at InfoWars.com,
And, uh, on four different satellite frequencies, three different satellites, and all the details of our affiliates, frequencies, internet listening, is at GCNLive.com.
I was at the grocery store early this morning and I saw Time Magazine, government propaganda vehicle, and I picked it up.
I rarely buy it.
Headline, are we giving kids too many drugs?
A medicated generation is growing up with quick fixes for mood and behavior.
Here are the benefits and the risk.
And I read about a third of the article stuck at red lights in traffic and read some of it sitting here before this show started.
And I haven't read the whole article, but I can comment on what I did read the first few pages.
A few years ago there was a Time Magazine headline
The shame of foster care, how you're five times more likely to be abused in foster care.
I'm not bashing all foster parents, I'm just saying statistically you don't do as good a job as parents.
The government hurts children on average, so the bad guys, on average, are the ones claiming they know how to do things.
Well, it's the same thing in this article.
And before I read part of the story, I'm going to try to read the last half of it, the last two-thirds of it, during other breaks.
It says, Jamari 8 is being treated for what doctors believe is a mood disorder.
Man, that's the cover.
And basically, well, yeah, there's a few problems, but drugging 10 million children is good.
10 million adults on Prozac and other type drugs alone.
A total of 20 million on some type of mood-altering drug.
Just in the adults.
And a lot of these numbers aren't reported, so it's probably much higher.
They admit the kids are crushing up the red line and snoring it.
It's basically methamphetamine.
Pharmacological grade.
We could spend all day on this.
I mean, your child is hyper because they got Coke machines and candy bar machines all over the school.
And the children are bouncing off the walls.
I mean, when I was in junior high, high school, they had vending machines everywhere.
They were just putting them in.
And every other break, I'd take a couple dollars every day.
I'd eat two candy bars.
I'd drink two Coca-Colas.
I mean, I was so hopped up by the end of the day on sugar, I'd have headaches, sugar crashes.
And then we wonder why they're overweight.
We wonder why they're hyperactive.
Oh, your child's being obnoxious.
Here, let's not discipline them properly with the corporal punishment like we all had growing up.
Let's hop them up on Ritalin, Prozac, Luvox.
And now they're even getting them into lithium.
You name it.
And in your guts, in your heart, you know it's wrong.
And it's come out that in young people, the Prozac-style drugs, that old class of psychotropics, boosts the amount of suicides.
Every mass shooter we've looked at, every woman drowning four children,
Every person running around at a party stabbing seven people with a butcher knife.
Every time I see one of these articles, a month later it'll come out in the paper, oh well it emerged they were on Prozac, they were on Ritalin, they were on Luvox, they were on both, they were on Zocor.
All these different drugs.
I mean every shooter.
Kip Kinkle, Harris Kleibold, Malvo, Muhammad,
On and on.
The Tasmanian shooter killed 24 people.
On and on and on.
They're always on it.
Not most of the time.
Because they put you into a dreamlike, mesmerized state.
Literally, you're like sleepwalking.
And yeah, most of the time you're smiling, you're happy.
But when you have a nightmare.
When you have a break with reality and what they call a bad trip.
Because the psychotropics are categorized as hallucinogens.
Did you know that?
When something bad happens, you become a psychotic, and you lose that connection with reality, and you don't have those natural God-given buffers in your psyche that God has given us.
So it's very, very, very serious.
So we'll spend some time on that, but when you read a Time Magazine article of the shame of foster care, or the real Jessica Lynch, or the
The dark secrets of drugging our children.
The answer is, well, there's a few problems, but overall it's good.
See, they know that you know there's a problem, so they come out and report the story and then kind of binge you to their will and soft-soap the whole situation.
And that's what's happening.
So, we'll get into that a little bit later.
In the last segment, I mentioned that Las Vegas Review Journal article about how they're going after the topless Barb.
The County Commissioner for Zoning Corruption, Zoning Laws, with the Patriot Act.
Maybe you want to comment on that.
I mean, how many news articles have you seen?
How many cop shows now?
People send me videos all the time of cops on Fox, or this other show called Las Vegas, where it's, you know, the cop shows, and they bust some kids trying to...
Do some graffiti on a billboard and they go, you can't see lawyers, you better answer our questions.
Because we can use the Patriot Act on you.
Back to Las Vegas.
And I'm using the Patriot Act on a wide range of issues.
Of course we should repeal the Patriot Act.
The entire thing.
I'll dare them to say we should give up liberty for security when those that are taking our liberty for so-called security are involved in September 11th, involved in every form of lying you can imagine, and moving to have the matricula consular, or the consular matricula, fake IDs accepted in the entire country.
And then I've got this article here, the USS Liberty bombshell.
I'm going to read it in total here in a second.
Then, shocking images shame US forces
A series of shocking pictures revealed U.S.
soldiers tying up Iraqi women and children in their own homes and provoking international outrage.
Well, why is everybody mad about them tying five-year-olds up or tying them up out in the sun or beating women up or bulldozing orange groves or date palm groves?
Yeah, it's bad.
Yeah, it's what the bad guys do generally in history.
We've got our own problem.
You know, last week I saw this article in the videos posted on Infowars.com, I believe on Prison Planet, too.
They busted into that Goose Creek School.
Dozens of police ordered all the children, cussing and screaming at them, by the way, to get down on the ground.
I've got a link to a local newscast.
I forgot to tell my webmaster to do that.
Off the local news, it's much more detailed than what MSNBC posted.
I gotta call my wife up and tell her to post that link we were sent from a local newscast from last Thursday.
It's a lot stronger than what came out over the weekend on MSNBC.
The police yelling, screaming at the children, pointing guns at them.
MSNBC edited it down to some of the less offensive stuff.
And they thought there was some marijuana in the school!
And by the way, another wrinkle in the newscast is, it shows the principal with these giant computer screens, these giant plasma screens.
We're talking costing $2,000 a piece.
We have dozens of little camera boxes in each one.
You know, little TV screens.
You know how you can get the big screen TV and have 20 screens up on them at once?
Well, these computer screens have got all the little, you know, each plasma screen has dozens of little screens in it that shows the principal.
Well, we got the whole school surveilled.
Yeah, all over the country.
They got them in the bathrooms, the showers, the classrooms.
We got the whole place surveilled, and we heard from a tip there might have been some marijuana.
So we had the raid.
And so all your children, like it's a lockdown at a prison, everybody learns how to get down on their faces, put their hands behind their heads, and no drugs are found.
Well, I'm not the only one that has a problem with this.
The parents aren't the only ones that have a problem with it.
The state police have got a problem with it.
State Investigate School Drug Sweep Associated Press.
State police are investigating why officers charged into a crowded high school hallway with guns drawn and a drug sweep.
Videotape from Statford High School surveillance camera showed students sitting on the floor Wednesday while officers with guns drawn look for drugs.
Charleston area prosecutor Ralph Hoiston asked the State Law Enforcement Division to look into possible police misconduct, that'll be a whitewash, in the operation.
He called for the probe Friday after counseling and consulting with Barkley County Sheriff Wayne DeWitt.
No drugs were found in the early morning sweep that included 14 officers and one drug dog.
Some students were cuffed during a raid.
I don't think there was anything wrong at all with law enforcement addressing a problem in a high school.
But I have serious concerns about the need for restraining students and drawing weapons.
Now let me just say this to you.
Folks, they do drills from Austin to Dallas to D.C.
to Los Angeles.
To Detroit, Michigan, where I got video of them screaming, cussing, pointing MP5s at fifth graders as they cried, as they put plastic handcuffs on everyone in the school.
These are drills.
They shot, two years ago, cop of the year in Fort Worth, in the head, in a drill with loaded guns.
About a year and a half ago in Detroit, this is just when I did a web search on it for road to tyranny, I put a couple articles in there about this, they shot a, what was it, a nine-year-old girl in the face,
With a Glock 9mm splattering her head, she lived, splattering her head in one of these drills.
They've got drills where they shoot your children and shoot fellow police officers.
Don't believe me?
Do a web search.
Police officer injures student, shoots student in drill.
In raid.
Type it in.
You'll find dozens.
And doesn't.
These are the type of sections we've got to create on the website.
So I've been thinking more about this.
Let's just create horror sections of what they're doing to us.
So everybody's freaked out about a drug raid where this happened, and of course it's bad.
You can wear your ID cards, get searched, drug dogs, barbed wire fences around the schools, and now when they think there's some marijuana, as they're handing out Ritalin and Prozac, ten times worse, a hundred times worse, they come in and train your children how to be
Basically criminals or prison inmates.
Alright, I'll get into the USS Liberty and a lot more when we get back.
But everybody's freaking out about this treatment of Iraqis.
We get worse here!
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I want to get back into this school raid and the video cameras.
A little bit more, then I'll get into the USS Liberty, then to your calls and a bunch of other news and several guests today.
But it's, you know, it's not just that the police wanted their guns drawn and had all the children, the young people, lay down with their hands behind their heads.
It's that the entire school was under massive total surveillance.
On top of it, that's a whole other, again, wrinkle in this situation.
It's not just Louisiana and Mississippi that have been in the news putting cameras in.
Right here in Austin, they got microphones in the bathrooms, cameras in the halls, in the classrooms.
But, uh, they've got the police in here.
Aarons said the guns, or just guns, were drawn as, quote, a matter of officer safety.
I don't think it was an overreaction, he said.
Anytime you have qualified information regarding drugs and large amounts of money, there's a reasonable assumption weapons are involved.
Police handcuff students who fail to respond to repeated police instruction.
That's not on the video, by the way.
The scene captured on the school video surveillance cameras were played much of the day on national news channels.
I'm absolutely outraged, said Danny Parton, whose stepson attends Stratford.
This is supposed to be a free country, not a police state.
You see, we may not be a free country anymore, but people have the memory that it is.
They still think it is.
So in a way, it still is.
Because what gives orders in this world is the will to stand up.
The will to oppress.
The will to resist.
That's a two-way street.
They had all the children lay down, face down, with their hands behind their heads with those loaded guns aimed at them.
With a bunch of trigger-happy, roid-head dogs all over their trail.
And again, they've killed and injured a lot of children and a lot of police officers in drills, not school raids.
And when there's a real problem at the school, the police are going to sit out there for four hours, like they did at Columbine.
And I'm not just bashing police here.
It's the system.
It's what they've been told to do.
How they've been trained.
And the National News put this out trying to condition us that this is normal.
This is acceptable.
It's not acceptable.
And I want to say something about this drug war.
Again, they've got those children on Ritalin, Prozac, and a dozen other very dangerous drugs that are dozens, hundreds of times, depending on what statistic you look at, more dangerous than marijuana.
By the way, the drugs wouldn't be popular and fashionable if they weren't illegal.
There wouldn't be large amounts of money involved in it if they weren't illegal.
It's just like alcohol prohibition.
It's been done to corrupt our police, to bring large amounts of money into the black market, to energize the drug trade in this country.
There are a hundred plants in any state that'll get you high as a kite, but nobody uses them or talks about them because the media hasn't advertised them and promoted them and pushed them and made them so risque.
This drug war gets bigger and bigger and the bigger it gets, the more prisons we have, the more people in those prisons, the more crime we have, the more drugs we have, the more police knocking down your door in the middle of the night and spraying you with machine gun fire.
I love what this parent said.
I'm absolutely outraged.
Said Danny Parton.
This is supposed to be a free country, not a police state.
Parent Nathaniel O'Day went to the police department Friday afternoon to file a complaint.
He said his son, a senior basketball player, was pulled from another part of the school Wednesday and placed in the hallway in restraints.
He claims his son was compliant but was handcuffed anyway.
I'm appalled, he said.
To just take a bunch of innocent kids and put them in restraints?
And to not even find anything?
It's ridiculous!
So sweeps happen periodically at high schools, at principal's request, but this is the first time restraints were used, said Dave Barrow, supervisor for Barkley County High Schools.
It says, some residents sympathize with the officers.
I'm sure students were frightened, but the harm there is with drug dealers is far greater than the police coming in.
Ah yes, give up liberty for security.
I trust them to do what's right.
I appreciate what they did.
Now let me tell you something, Judy Watkins, that's what paved the way for Hitler and Stalin and Mao and slavery in this country.
And it's disgusting!
You're a slave, you should move to Russia!
So that's the new America, folks.
They think there's some marijuana, so they do this.
Everybody's upset about them doing the same thing to Iraqis.
Shocking images.
Shame U.S.
A series of shocking pictures revealed U.S.
soldiers tying up Iraqi women and children in their own home has provoked international outrage.
Oh yeah, that's what oppressors do.
The captive populations, you go into whole neighborhoods and tie everybody up.
Here in Austin, we've had the Army involved with the local MJTF, Multi-Jurisdictional Task Force, so when they don't find drugs in one house, they start going house to house.
And Sheriff Margo Fraser got up on the news and said, we no longer need warrants in Travis County.
Of course, she lost a lawsuit over that little remark.
This is what they think.
This is what they're trying to do.
This is what they're trying to set up.
Toll free number to join us on air on this issue or any other issue.
The websites are Infowars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
Stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time.
I do this show live.
We're about to go to Pete Allen and others that are patiently holding the toll-free number to join us on this live Monday edition.
It's 1-800-259-9231.
Before I do that, I do want to read this article about the USS Liberty from Newsmax.
Then again, we'll go straight to your calls and we'll get into what's happening in Iraq, what's happening with the illegal aliens.
Some of the election news and the drugging of the children.
Before I get to this USS Liberty bombshell story as Newsmax builds it, I want to remind the listeners that I produce ten full-length feature documentary films.
There's no better tool we've found to wake people up.
Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State 3, Total Enslavement, the new film Matrix of Evil, Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove, America Destroyed by Design.
X-Mars, Gulag, America, that gets into the concentration camps, that's some of the other films we carry.
Matrix of Evil is my newest film, my 10th film.
We interview Congressman Ron Paul, excerpts of his speeches, he talks about the New World Order, and who runs Washington, Congresswoman McKinney, on 9-11, government assassinations.
Uh, government-run white slavery rings, Frank Morales, police state expert, Colonel Craig Roberts, excerpts of three speeches I've given.
It's a great video with a lot of prominent, informative people, and there's a lot of solutions and a lot of good news about the awakening that's taking place in this country.
In the new film, Matrix of Evil.
By the way, you can watch the trailer for that at InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
I hope you'll go watch the trailer for Matrix of Evil if you aren't online.
There's, of course, Road to Tyranny, 9-11 Road to Tyranny, that covers September 11th, the government-sponsored terror, and the police state master plan, and how to stop them.
There's part two of that film, The Masters of Terror, which some say is the best video.
Everybody's got their favorite.
There's Police State 3, Total Enslavement, gets into PNAC, What the New World Order Is, Patriot Act 1 and 2, Homeland Security, the government-run white slavery rings, forced inoculations, concentration camps, the cashless society control grid, and there's also my book, Dissent into Tyranny, 9-11, Dissent into Tyranny, that covers a lot of what's in Road to Tyranny and Masters of Terror, focused down into one book.
There's also Ordered Out of Chaos, elite-sponsored terror in the New World Order, which is frankly the best 9-11, Oklahoma City, MI5, MI6 terror attacks in England.
It exposes Mossad controlling Hamas.
This is all out of Heratz and Jerusalem Post.
It gets into the fake UFO movement being controlled by the government.
It's an amazing book, 1995, over 300 pages.
You get a second copy for $11.95 when you buy one copy to give as a gift.
These are great tools to wake people up.
So you can write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Or you can call toll free to order the videos, and operators are there right now.
Stop procrastinating.
These are great tools, and your purchase supports the show, and you're authorized to make copies for non-profit, not-for-sale purposes to help multiply this information.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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And when you get three or more of the videos that are all over two hours long, they drop down from $25.95 to $20 a piece.
Big discount.
So again, 888-253-3139 or 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Boston, TX 78704.
Let's cover the USS Liberty, then we'll go into your calls, and then back into all of this really important news.
USS Liberty bomb shell.
On June 8, 1967, the USS Liberty, then the world's most sophisticated intelligence gathering ship, came under attack in the eastern Mediterranean after a two-hour attack by planes and torpedo boats.
Seventy percent of the 294-man crew
We're either dead or wounded.
The attack was launched by a friendly country, Israel, which three days earlier had begun its six-day war with Egypt and was preparing to invade Syria the next day.
The Chronicle of the 20th Century, which briefly records newsworthy events in chronology order
Chronological Order says that for its entry of June 8, 1967, quote, Sinai Israelis accidentally attacked U.S.
ship killing 10 and injuring 100.
Actually killed more than that.
That reflects the inadequate and inaccurate reporting by the news media at the time of the attack.
The deplorable incident has festered like an infected wound for 36 years.
Israel insisted that its pilots mistook the Liberty for an Egyptian freighter.
A claim that those members of the crew who survived the attack deride.
They charge that the Israelis conducted aerial surveillance of the Liberty for six hours before they attacked it.
And Israeli pilots were on the record as saying they were ordered to attack it.
They saw the American flag.
It's on the record.
They and others familiar with the ship said it was flying a large American flag which was replaced by an even larger flag when it was destroyed by the attackers.
They also point out that the claim that the ship was mistaken for an old Egyptian freighter is absurd.
An intelligence ship was loaded with antennas and carried a large satellite dish on the elevated structure near the stern.
It was four times as large as the old Egyptian freighter.
Identification numbers were painted on the bow in white letters ten feet high.
If the numbers couldn't be seen by the Israeli pilots, they could not have missed the torpedo boats that fired on the lifeboats deployed by the Liberty at only a few hundred yards away.
The Liberty Alliance, an organization formed to counteract the lies said to have been told to justify the Israeli attack, and the cover-up by President Lyndon Johnson, deployed its forces on Capitol Hill on October 22nd, 2003.
The Chairman of the Liberty Alliance, Admiral Thomas H. Moore, former Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff, presided over the news conference in the Rayburn House Office Building.
The most stunning revelation was the statement by Captain Ward Boston, the Senior Legal Counsel for the Navy's Court of Inquiry into the attack on the Liberty.
His statement was read by Rear Admiral Merlin Starling, a former Judge Advocate General of the Navy, following her portions of what he read.
Before I finish the last page of this, and there have been a lot of other big articles written about this, five years ago I had more on about this.
I had other survivors of it on.
I've had them on earlier this year, back in January.
They were called on board the aircraft carrier after they were finally rescued after hours and hours and hours and hours of the planes being ordered to stand down.
And finally, Israeli Special Forces who blew up in helicopters.
The story is they refused to board and kill everybody.
They basically had their own little mutiny.
The helicopters were right there with special forces ready to be loaded on and kill them.
But when our sailors, including the captain, who stood at the deck for hours while his leg was half blown off, he won the Congressional Medal of Honor, as did others.
When they got off, the Admiral said, men, tell me exactly what happened.
And he took his hat off and said, I'm just an enlisted man now.
And when they told him what happened, he put it back on.
He said, if you ever tell anybody what happened, you will be court-martialed and given life in prison or worse.
And they knew what worse meant, you'll be killed.
I don't like the people that told the truth about what Jessica Lynch really did.
Five of them are now dead.
In the last two weeks, sniper attacks, suicides, car wrecks, drowning in puddles of water.
And so they were told, keep your mouths shut!
Now, it came out, we've had dozens of the survivors, I've probably had them on ten times, multiple guests each time.
We're gonna have them back on, by the way.
All the new developments.
Because now people involved in the so-called inquiry are admitting they were told a lie.
These are prominent people coming forward.
The important thing here is, is I don't just blame Israel.
Israel can do wicked things just like our government can, just like the Syrian government can.
Governments can do evil things.
They do do evil things.
They do ruthless things.
Most governments do.
That's the norm, not the exception.
But the point here is, is that the aircraft carrier launched fighter interceptors to take out the gunboats and jets that were attacking an hour after hour, over 700 cannon holes, a huge torpedo hole 30 feet wide on both sides, thousands of .50 caliber armor-piercing holes, white phosphorus bombs, napalm, the list goes on for hours, literally.
Dozens of aircraft, four torpedo boats, hours and hours of attacking.
When those jets were going to intercept from 40 miles away, halfway there, the White House had taken control of that ship a week before.
Never done that before.
They were in control.
They had told that ship, the Liberty, where to park, what to do, how to sit there in their national waters.
And they told the jets to turn back and not to help them.
And then began sending a transmission order that that's not our ship, leave it alone, don't help them.
While the ship is on the radio, begging the aircraft carrier and the task force for aid.
So again, what does Operation Northwoods call for?
It says we can blow up a ship again like we did in Havana Harbor in 1898.
We can park a ship, blow it up, kill everybody on board, and blame it on the Cubans.
This is 1962, folks.
Signed by Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, L.L.
They say we can kill Marines at Guantanamo using U.S.
Army, dressed up like Cubans.
We can bomb D.C., we can commit sniper attacks in D.C., and then we'll grab patsies and blame them and have show trials.
It describes how to do the whole thing!
It's public document.
It's on InfoWars.com in the 9-11 section.
It's on PrisonPlanet.com in the 500-plus news articles section on 9-11.
So see, that's why this is so important.
They've carried out
Everything that's in that plan.
Because in the Northwoods document, they call for remote-controlling hijacked jet airliners.
They said, it's better to have young people on board.
If we kill a bunch of college students, that'll really get people mad.
That'll cause a healthful wave of national indignation, close quote.
You sit there and wonder how the government could carry out 9-11, when we got their own official plans?
In 64, to get us into Vietnam, they just had the destroyers claim they were under attack.
That's now admitted to not be true.
Does this mean we support Cuba, or we support Vietnam, or we support the Egyptians?
It means that you don't become worse than them to beat them.
This is how they warped our military, warped our government.
You dance with the devil, you turn into him, I guess they say.
We finished the last page and I promise we'll go to Pete and Alan and many others that are patiently holding.
Now this is a quote from the press conference with Admiral Moore and others.
The late Admiral Isaac Kidd and I were given only one week.
This is by the captain who was doing the whitewash.
In Congress, their next door to Congress, giving a speech.
The late Admiral Isaac Kidd and I were given only a week to gather evidence for the Navy's official investigation.
Despite the short amount of time we were given, we gathered a vast amount of evidence, including hours of heartbreaking testimony from the young survivors.
The evidence was clear.
Both Admiral Kidd and I believe with certainty that the attack, which killed 34 sailors and injured 172, an encyclopedia says 10 soldiers, folks.
See the lies?
It wasn't deliberate when it was 34.
Was deliberate effort to sink an American ship and murder its entire crew.
I am certain that the Israeli pilots who undertook the attack as well as their supervisors
...who had ordered the attack, were aware that the ship was American.
I saw her flag, which had visibly identified the ship as American, riddled with bullet holes, and heard testimony that made it clear that the Israelis intended that there be no survivors.
Not only did the Israelis attack the ship for two hours, with napalm, gunfire, and hundreds of rockets and missiles, Israeli torpedo boats, machine gunned, three lifeboats that had been launched in an attempt to save the crew, a war crime.
After saying he was moved to speak out by the book titled The Liberty Incident by Jay Kristol, he described it as an attempt to whitewash the facts.
He then dropped the bombshell saying, I have first-hand knowledge from many personal conversations with Admiral Kidd and President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary of Defense Robert's piece of garbage McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conclude the attack was a cause of mistake identity despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
You heard that Admiral Kidd and President Johnson and Secretary of Defense McNamara personally ordered him to cover up the true facts and conclude the attack was a case of mistaken identity.
He did not mention the LBJ, also rescinded an order to send carrier-based fighter planes that were only 15 minutes away to defend the liberty.
Liberty Alliance is
We're going to get them all on the show, folks.
I'm going to do maybe an hour for five shows in a row on this.
I'm going to do probably five hours on this.
We'll have our own little court proceeding.
But I've had second mates on the show.
I've had officers on the show that were on that ship.
I've had people involved in the investigation.
I've had more.
The Admiral, later Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, who blew the whistle about nerve gassing our own troops.
By the way, I was talking to my uncle this weekend who was in NAM on secret CIA missions to, uh, into Laos.
He couldn't tell me much.
He just said, yeah, we had that gas.
He never did it himself, but he was on missions.
The Special Forces, uh,
Again, I'm not going to get into it.
The point is, that's all public, folks.
And Moore blew the whistle about that.
Operation Sawdust.
And, uh, Moore's a good guy.
He's an amazing individual.
He was Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, folks, in 70-72.
Or 70-74.
So you can't hide this.
I've had the sailors on who were told by the Admiral on board the ship, you're going to life in prison if you tell anybody what happened.
Now, the question is, and I'm not defending Israel on this or the White House, the question is, why did they have the Israeli helicopters there with the special forces with their shotguns?
Why did they refuse?
Because it has come out that they just said, no, we're not going to go on board the ship and kill them.
The Israeli government was evil, but the pilots had to be ordered three times to attack the ship.
That's why it's on the radio record.
They've gone public in Jewish newspapers.
The real culpability here lies, the bigger story, is the U.S.
government and Lyndon Baines Johnson and the New World Order and how that ties into the Northwoods document.
Because if we just blame it on Israel, who is culpable and should pay for this?
But if we just leave it with Israel, how did Israel call back the jets?
How did Israel cover up what happened?
How did Israel take control of that ship and order it to be parked there at that certain area of the waters when normally the ship was to move quickly back and forth along the coastline?
That ship was to be sunk, and I've had the members on that ship, dozens of them, they agree.
And the evidence shows that ship was to be sunk, everyone on board to be killed, including those in the life rafts, to be blamed on Egypt as a problem, reaction, solution, scenario.
So, that's the reality, folks.
And I've talked to Don Darling, who's the captain of a ship in the Mediterranean when this happened.
He was the captain of a nuclear submarine retrieval vessel.
You know, top-rated Navy diver.
The guy is something else.
He's with Veterans for Peace here in Austin, and nuclear radiation survivor.
And he's interviewed all these people, and you know, he'll tell you, it's obvious, what happened to this situation and how it ties into 9-11.
Alright, we'll come back, I promise.
Go straight to your calls and cover a lot of other key news.
This USS Liberty is very, very important.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
Covering all the real news, folks.
Pete, Alan, Steven, Tony, George, your calls are coming up right now.
Let's go ahead and talk to Pete in Missouri.
Pete, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, hi Alex.
It's been a while.
Nice to chat with you again.
Not normally available when you have your show during the day, so I listened to the refeed at night.
What I wanted to call in about, the main point was an issue that you raised in, I think the show was on Friday.
You mentioned the internationalization of Social Security.
Well, yeah, and they're going to have the same number through your passport and ID.
It's going to be an international card.
The standards are already set.
This is admitted mainstream news.
But again, it's like we tell people the Jessica Lynch story isn't true.
We tell them that the Federal Reserve is private.
We have to wait until they find out on their own.
They won't believe us.
Well, Alex, I think you hit on an issue.
You might say you really found the dog that hunts, as far as a political issue, to push that business about the internationalization of Social Security.
Because, you know, very often if you tell people, you know, Social Security is voluntary, and you don't have to have that number, they'll look at you with this glazed-over look and give you this silly grin.
And that's the federal law, by the way.
What, that it's voluntary?
Well, of course.
I know you could write the Socialist Security Administration.
They'll even send you a letter to that effect.
However, most people are under the assumption that it's mandatory because
In a de facto sense, it is mandatory, because your average employer would not know what to do unless you gave them that number.
Yeah, you can neither buy nor sell without it.
They go, oh, it's not the law, but you can't get gasoline without it.
Well, yeah, exactly.
And the reason I say that is under the new British ID card, you won't be able to leave your house without it.
Well, the issue is to push, though, is not
I don't know.
That's the issue to raise.
Either A, don't internationalize it, because these are our taxpayers, and they've earned those credits.
They don't need to be supporting people overseas with their retirement.
Or B, if you're going to internationalize it, then you need to give everybody here... I hear you.
Thanks for the call.
Great points, Pete.
On this subject, I would add that
It's about merging our governments.
This is how the United Nations got the EU through, was so-called trade deals and so-called social security deals with their pension plans.
This is how they're getting it done.
And look, these illegal aliens on average pull more welfare than anybody else.
They'll have multiple ID cards, multiple identities.
I mean, California's going bankrupt because of, more than anything, because of the 30 billion dollars a year.
That's a year that the illegals are pulling out of the economy.
And so now, the government says, oh, we gotta give them their fair share.
They pay taxes into the social security system, so now we're gonna pay this into the Mexican government.
Again, it's about merging our governments, and that's what's happening, but you do have a good point.
We're gonna break here and come back with Alan, Steve, Tony, George, and others.
The toll-free number is 1-800-259-9231.
What do you think about children being held up at gunpoint when the police think there's marijuana in the school, having everybody lay out in the halls with their hands behind their heads?
What do you think about them using the Patriot Act to go after topless bars and county commissioners for zoning scams?
What do you think about more U.S.
soldiers getting killed this weekend and helicopters getting blown up?
What do you think about the USS Liberty now with the captain who was in the White House being told to whitewash what really happened with the USS Liberty?
All these subjects and more, I haven't even scratched the surface.
We've got two hours left and a guest coming on.
Big show on this 10th of November, 2003 edition.
And I want to go to these calls a little bit quicker, so make your points, ask your question.
We're going to move on to the next person.
I want to get everybody in today.
We'll be back.
The Berkey Light's unique design combines the age-old process of microporous filtration coupled with modern, state-of-the-art technology and the highest quality materials, bringing you the finest water filter available in any... You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, my friends, we're already into the second hour.
Wide open phones.
We talked about the USS Liberty.
Captain Ward Boston, who was in the White House, has gone public with the fact that LBJ ordered him, with the admirals, to cover up what really happened to the USS Liberty back in 1967 on June 8th, where the Israelis with torpedo boats and fighter aircraft bombed it, strafed it, attacked basically a point-blank range with their gunboats, the men in the water in their lifeboats, which is a war crime.
And now you've got the former Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman, you've got admirals, you've got captains, and yeah, it was a big cover-up.
And it's coming out.
The news will report all of this, except for what the survivors have said as well, that the White House was behind this to blame it on Egypt!
Again, another example of government-sponsored terror.
A bunch of other key news is coming up, but right now let's go to calls.
Let's talk to Alan in Texas.
Alan, you're on the air.
Good to talk to you, Alan.
Dr. John Breeding here in Austin, who you've had on your show before, who authored and had passed legislation in Texas regarding the drugging of our children.
And now in Texas it is illegal for a teacher to suggest drugging, to recommend drugging to parents or doctors and children to counseling.
Because they're not medical doctors.
That's right.
They can't practice medicine and he wrote the book
The wildest cults make the best horses.
That's right.
About how they're targeting children with leadership qualities, male and female, but predominantly male, and that Ritalin shrinks the brain, causes heart palpitations, mental illness, then hormone deficiencies, then Ritalin and Prozac, the dosages are increased of these drugs.
I asked John to call you today, but he's down with the flu, and so I'm sort of carrying the torch for him.
He said you probably won't need to read the rest of that article.
It's marshmallow coated and does not point the finger at the problem.
Okay, for those that didn't hear the first five minutes of the show, tell them what I talked about.
Well, a major article that talked about drugging, front cover article about drugging of our kids in the schools, and all it really highlighted were some of the parental issues,
Everything on the user side.
It has nothing to do with the source of this humongous problem, which is the use of our children as a product.
Our children are a product for the drug industry.
And they are experimenting on our children.
Every child that they see is a dollar sign.
They put millions upon millions upon millions of dollars into filtering the media, controlling legislation, lobbying our legislators,
To control this obscene use of our children.
And this is right out of Brave New World.
How could that be written in the 30s?
Because Huxley's brother was the first UN Secretary General of UNESCO.
This has been a long-term plan.
Yeah, so I would like to redirect ourselves here to some solution.
Now, John's website, wildestcults.com
I think so.
Well, for those that don't know, it's a Time Magazine article.
They have one a few years ago, The Shame of Foster Care, and then they see how good it is.
This one is, Are We Giving Kids Too Many Drugs?
Medicaid a Generation is Growing Up with Quick Fixes for Mood and Behavior.
Here are the benefits and the risks.
And from what I've read, I haven't read the whole article, it's basically how wonderful the drugs are.
It's a big propaganda piece.
Well, at the last fundraiser I was at for John's cause, there were
Not that kind of talk.
We had the parents of children who had suicided on the drugs, and talking in tears.
Well, that's now admitted.
I mean, methamphetamine causes suicide, LSD causes suicide, and that's basically what these drugs are.
Yeah, so I would suggest that our listeners find the legislation on John's site, clone that to your own state, send that to your legislators, let them know that
This has been looked at in detail and has been one in the... Well, look, when I was in high school, I had the school nurse pushing on me.
When I had the flu, I had school teachers pushing.
They're told to pedal this trash.
We'll be right back.
Thank you.
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents the Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
Alright folks, 8 minutes and 15 seconds into this second hour.
Good morning Alex.
I want to thank you for having your show.
I'm a first-time caller but I recorded some of your radio programs when I was in Amarillo, Texas.
I just want to thank God for you and let you know that because of you I'm
I'm aware now, and I'm figuring out new ways on how to fight the New World Order, and as you put it, to rust up the iron fist of tyranny and oppression.
And I just wanted to add some comments that, well, the Iraq War scene and this weapons of mass destruction, I found out from a Sierra Club book that I was reading, that they're the number one producer and maker of weapons of mass destruction.
Well, the globalists are the biggest sellers of chemical, biological, radiological, conventional weapons systems.
They'll arm both sides, have both countries go into debt to the big central banks.
This is an old
We're good to go.
That are admitted to be there, but they can't show you those on the news because it's U.S.-made weapons right beside the Russian-made weapons.
And the point here is, is that the whole world is armed to the teeth now, and the globalists are busy arming Pakistan, they're busy building reactors in North Korea, giving missile systems to China, whether it's Bill Clinton or George Bush.
It's the same policy of order out of chaos, creating this arms race, this escalation.
I understand.
Mr. Alex, before I go, I'd like to make one comment, and then if I can get information on your films, I'd like to do that.
And the closing comment before I go is that I think that for those that believe in God, that I think God is going to be with you and with people that fight this New World Order, because, well, it was tried once before with the Tower of Babel, and if God wanted us to all have one world, then He would let the Tower of Babel go on.
Thanks for the call.
I appreciate that.
Can I get information on the films so that I'll know how to order them?
What info do you want?
Info on all the films.
If you send a catalog, which you did earlier, what I do is I photocopy them and I send them everywhere I can and then as soon as I can I'll start showing these films and making copies of them and giving them to everywhere I go because I'm in trucking.
Sure, I mean, we'll send you an order form or a brochure, I guess you'd call it, a little catalog with a brief description of each video or book we carry.
What particular information do you want?
All of them.
Also, Mr. Jones, one of the founding fathers of America, the Patriot, I don't know if it was Thomas Jefferson or Patrick Henry, but one of them said that occasionally the blood of parents and
Patriots have to mingle in order for the Tree of Liberty to grow.
Now that was Thomas Jefferson.
Yes, sir.
And I think that if, you know, if there's not enough, if there's too many tyrants, and there's not enough people willing to give their blood or help where it counts, like you have, then, well, then we get what we deserve.
Well, that's what George Washington said.
He said that evil triumphs when good men do nothing.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
And Edmund Burke also.
All it takes for the triumph of
Yeah, in fact, that was his quote.
I was paraphrasing George Washington.
I read the reference also.
He said the similar... Yeah, George Washington said that all the evil men and tyrants need to flourish is that good men do nothing.
That was his quote.
Well, Mr. Jones, the military-industrial complex is really, it's not only killing us, it's killing the whole world.
I mean, it's, you know, it's crazy.
And they would rather kill everybody than give up control.
Well, that's worth the earth in pieces, right?
Well, that's what control freaks always want throughout history.
That's what most governments have done.
And then, today, the media says, oh, anybody that says, watch the government, or anybody that says, restrain unlimited power, that's crazy.
No, it's crazy to say that we shouldn't keep an eye on the government.
It's crazy not to expose their corruption.
It's crazy to give them unlimited control over our lives.
Bravo, Mr. Jones.
I hope that
Well, if there's a breakaway republic in America that's coming soon, which I think is going to have to happen, I think that you'll be the new father.
I recommend the Colony Wars and we'll be the League of Free Worlds.
Alright, well I appreciate the call.
No, I wouldn't even want to be in any type of...
Second U.S.
I mean, I want our old government back.
I want to go forward with our constitutional republic.
I'm a restorationist, not a revolutionary.
I want our republic back.
I want to kick the revolutionaries, the corporate criminals, the organized crime syndicates and their PR arms out of this country.
And the military industrial complex owns the dominant media.
They own Big Pharma.
They own the folks that put the poison in the vaccine.
They put the fluoride in the water.
They're the people that are selling all the weapons.
They're the people that fund and finance the terrorists.
So they have the crisis, the pretext.
That's who we face.
The slave masters.
Thanks, Steve, for the call.
Let's talk to Tony in Colorado.
Tony, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Okay, Tony, is it still there or are you gone?
Go ahead.
Yes, Alex, thank you for everything you do.
I'll ask a question and I'll listen to the response on the radio.
I was wondering if you could shed light on the usage on your signature of, without prejudice, UCC 1207.4, which talks about common law as opposed to admiralty law, and something having to do with the yellow fringe around our flags in the courtrooms.
Well, you're talking about all the symbolism of the military-industrial complex of the Admiralty Lobb.
The British Lobb said that the common law didn't count if you were a captain at sea because you were judge, jury, and executioner.
And, you know, I remember 10 years ago hearing the Patriots say, well, they're using admiralty law on this land grabbing, gun grabbing, all these different forms of oppression.
And then now I've seen federal court rulings where they are taking people's land, where they are taking over people's liberties and freedoms, where they do cite
Admiral T. Jurisdiction, that's really what the Patriot Act does, is make us all criminals, all enemies of the state, all enemy combatants, and then say that we don't fall under the Constitution.
So they create a new fraudulent jurisdiction.
And by going through your UCC code, and this is what their law says, though they don't even follow it, you know, it's like going to
Somebody with a gun to your head and saying, well, you're violating the law.
They don't care.
But by saying that you signed something in duress or that you reserve all your rights, that does in some cases at least allow you to bring that argument up in court.
But again, you're dealing with criminals who don't even follow their own laws.
They have all that UCC and Admiralty law or
What they call administrative law now, they have all those back doors for themselves, for their own corporations.
They have all these back doors not to pay income taxes legally and lawfully.
But that's only for them.
See, it's selectively enforced.
When you try to do it, they come after you.
So that's what I'll say on that subject.
And it's a whole complex area of law.
You could study it for ten years and not understand all of it, but it is real.
The problem is there's a lot of quacks out there teaching it, or, oh, come sign up with me, I got a trust for ya.
You just better be careful, folks, because just because the government's bad, just because somebody says they're fighting the government doesn't mean they're good.
Let's go ahead and talk to George in Colorado.
George, you're on the air.
Oh, hi, Alex.
Or Canada, go ahead.
In Canada.
I wanted to bring up a point, too.
You talk about guns pointing at children by the police.
In the great land of the beaver up here, that happens too.
There was a horrible incident this summer in Ontario, in cottage country, where a gentleman was out hunting.
He was near a schoolyard.
Some kids came to play in the schoolyard, so he packed up his toys and he started to go home.
And then, of course, somebody saw him with a rifle, phoned him in as some type of sniper, and the police take him down with extreme prejudice at his home nearby.
He was strip-searched in the street, body cavity search, left naked for all his neighbors to see.
When his wife and child, the child's three years old, recovering from transplant surgery, when that child came home, like they have to have regular medication every couple hours to support this transplant surgery, the police used that as a bargaining chip to get consent from this chop so they could go inside and search his home for weapons.
So, uh, they just said, well, we're not, we're going to let your child... All the time.
...be here until he can die.
Austin and Travis County has all these areas, you know, 100 acres here, 20 acres there.
I've talked to people all the time who were out
You know, 50 acres from houses shooting shotguns, and all these little weirdos who never touched a gun panic, call the police and they call the SWAT teams out, and the SWAT teams will walk up to people in bird hunting outfits, get them down on the ground, confiscate their rifles, their shotguns, on their own property.
And again, this is the demonization of guns.
You say the word gun in school, they will come SWAT team you.
You draw a picture of the gun, they'll call in psychiatrists, CPS, and all over the country the police shoot children in drills, not just raids.
And now we've got this case with the state police up in Goose Creek.
Investigating us, coming in, they thought there might be some marijuana, so they'll just point guns at people's heads and make them all lay down in the hallways.
It's just training us how to be slaves.
Well, I wrote every MP in Canada about this issue, Alex.
301 of them.
I got one response back from one chap out in Western Canada who said that's not a good thing and he's going to look into it and monitor the situation.
Those aren't very good odds for our elected representatives out here.
Most of them just couldn't give a damn.
Any chance to stop us?
Any chance to bosses?
Any chance to get in our face and let us know we're little people?
Well, if you can push long enough and hard enough, but then the bottom line is sooner or later the people have to stand up and say we're fed up with this stuff and then you get the bag dads and the Mogadishus.
But I don't think that maybe they turn on a light inside their skull and say maybe there's a better way.
Well, you know, the people in Canada are openly saying we're not turning our guns in, aren't they?
Uh, by and large, there's many people out there, because we know what they want them for now, Alex.
And, uh, gun control is a big love-in, but, you know, was it very recently?
It was the anniversary of Kristallnacht?
Stay there.
I'll let you talk some more.
I want to hear from you, George.
We'll go to Wes and others.
Stay with us.
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George's comments from Canada.
Finish those up and we'll talk to Wes in Texas in this segment.
I'm going to come back in the next segment and just shotgun through a bunch of important news we haven't gotten to yet, then we'll take your calls.
Once again, then we have a guest coming on.
George in Canada, you were talking about
Crystal Night, where the Nazis went after their own people.
How does that tie in with gun control in Canada?
Well, Alex, it's a good thing to share information with your listeners, because some people may take this on to mainstream radio, but one of the biggest gun control debates I ever won was in a local radio station up here, and I used Crystal Night.
And how I used it was, I read the New York Times articles about the gun seizures before it happened, and a couple of days preceding this event,
The Berlin police rounded up so many hundreds of handguns, so many thousands of rifles, and so many tens of thousands of ammunition.
And I asked the show host, like I just said it, like I was reading it out of the paper today.
I said, isn't that great?
Isn't that wonderful?
And he agreed with me.
And he goes, yeah, it's about time that some governments finally got onto the gun control bandwagon and actually did something.
I said, oh, but I'm not talking about today, sir.
This is 1933, three days before Kristallnacht.
And then we all know what happened then, don't we?
And he just fell down in flames.
So by knowing our history and by knowing how to apply it properly, we can lure these people easily into a verbal ambush and just make them look like fools.
When you had one of your school shootings a few years back, there was also another big international news story.
It was about 50-something children burning alive in Kenya in a school fire.
Never made the news in most of the industrialized world.
They used that one too.
Why was that not important?
One kid got shot in the United States in a schoolyard.
It was worldwide global news.
50-something young girls burned alive in Kenya, and it was only on the BBC World Service, and it was just lucky for me, I listened to it that day.
Listen, there's stabbings every day where people are stabbed up in schools, never makes it out of the local news.
Well, what happened, Alex, is I just asked the guy, I said, you're a professional radio man, I'm just a radio junkie, just tell me why this happened.
Is it because they're poor?
Is it because they were black?
Or is it because they weren't shot?
And he just didn't know what to say.
And all the minorities in Southern Ontario wanted to burn the radio station to the ground with him in it.
And I just lambasted them for not having a proper balance on their show.
They had to eat humble pie, something fierce for weeks on end from the amount of overwhelming response that came in to deal with these people.
And it's easy to fight back with them with the truth and the knowledge.
And with your website and other websites and news junkies like myself and your listeners,
You get that information, twist it around, turn it on, and you can win the propaganda war, the info war very, very easily.
Just know you can do it and never give up.
Well, that's my point on the drug war.
Redlin and Prozac and all these other drugs have horrible side effects.
It's admitted, but then they're raiding schools at gunpoint because somebody might have some marijuana.
I've had a wife who was on the Prozac.
The things I've seen, the aberrations that I've seen in her behavior,
One of the other bizarre little effects, pilots aren't allowed to take it because it affects your fine motor skills and your memory.
And she had all kinds of car accidents and backing over things and not even remembering that they even happened.
It is classed as a hallucinogenic psychotropic.
It puts you in a mesmerized, sleepwalking state.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
You bet.
So somebody will just get a gun and go, I'm depressed.
Blow their head right off, not even knowing what they did.
It turns you into a psychopath.
Let's go ahead and... It doesn't turn everybody into one, but it turns a lot of people into it.
Let's go ahead and talk to Wes in Texas.
Or is it Tennessee?
Go ahead, caller.
You're on the air.
It's Tennessee.
Alex, with your permission, there's three quick subjects that I want to just bang out here real quickly, one after another.
USS Liberty in Hamas.
The first one is on drugs.
If you'd refer your listeners to the November 3rd issue of Time Magazine, the cover says, Are We Giving Kids Too Many Drugs?
There's a quote on the inside by a doctor from the U.S.
University of California, San Francisco Psychiatric Institute.
Our usage exceeds our knowledge base.
We're learning what these drugs are to be used for, but let's face it, we're experimenting on these kids.
So, thumbs up on Time Magazine for a change.
That's a switch.
I believe that the Jews control Hamas, but I believe the Saudis can control the Arabs that just blew up a bunch of their own people.
And as far as the USS Liberty, when you've got Moshe Dion, admittedly one of the world's foremost military leaders,
In a country that kicked the hell out of all the Arab nations in six days, why would they need to drag the U.S.
into the war?
I mean, what was the purpose of going after the Liberty and making it seem like it was the Egyptians if they were already just kicking the living daylights out of them?
More calls, but look.
I'll answer when we get back.
But what we're saying about the Liberty isn't our opinion.
The Israeli pilots have said it.
Those involved at the White House running it have said it.
The admirals have said it.
The documents have stated it.
The Northwoods plan calls for it.
And they didn't just want to fight the Arabs, they wanted to go into Egypt.
We'll be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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In Paul Joseph Watson's book, maybe we should talk about this, he has the Haratz articles, he has the excerpts of the Jerusalem Post, the excerpts of United Press International.
In 1973, Israel went in with the money and founded Hamas.
Now, this isn't Alex Jones, this isn't Paul Watson saying this, it isn't the Keebler Elves.
This is Israel admitting it.
They've caught a bunch.
This came out in 2001.
These so-called Al-Qaeda cells were groups of young Palestinians that the Israelis have hired to go around carrying out bombings and shootings.
This is on the record, folks.
And again, we're not just bashing Israel here.
The U.S.
government does it.
The German government does it.
The British government does it.
The Russian government does it.
The Nazi government did it.
It's admitted that's how the Nazis, while we were talking about them last segment,
To go into Poland.
They didn't just attack Poland.
No, Hitler just decided to attack Poland with Stalin.
They had over a dozen men at a radio station.
A radio relay station right up on the border with Poland.
They sent in SS officers.
They machine-gunned all of them.
Killed them.
Burned down the radio center.
The radio shack.
And then said, Poland has attacked us.
The Blitzkrieg will
We'll stand up for our valiant men who were brutally sneak attacked by the cowardly Poles.
I mean, folks, I've even seen the old German newsreels on this.
That's even come out on the History Channel.
And so, Wesley, it's on the record that Israel is behind a lot of these terror groups, again, to keep the war going, keep the bombings going, and some of them are real terrorists doing stuff, but to keep this going,
That's how they get all the money from the U.S.
That's how they keep the pretext to keep picking people out of the settlements and expanding their own settlements.
The Northwoods plan, sir, calls for blowing up a ship and blaming it on the communists, whoever.
And that's what they did with LBJ.
And you say, why would LBJ blow up his own ship?
You know, use the Israelis as a proxy.
Israel's own pilots have admitted this.
We have people at the highest levels of the Pentagon, in the White House, saying this now, Wesley.
You may have missed me covering that.
But this is on the record, sir.
Comments, or why you disagree.
Any effect at all?
I mean, I accept everything you said as the gospel truth.
There are just two questions I've got.
If during the Six Day War, the
Jewish forces, the Israeli forces under Moshe Dayan had virtually destroyed the Egyptian Air Force on the ground before these guys even got their planes airborne.
I don't know that after they kicked the butts of the entire world in six days why they would need our help with Egypt.
They ran them right off the Sinai Peninsula.
Okay, let me boil this down, and can you boost his audio for me, thanks.
Let me try to boil this down.
I've talked on the air with guests, but it's a admitted fact as well, this is part of the public record, that billions and billions of dollars of weapons for the last three or four wars Israel has had are shipped there, are flown there by aircraft in an emergency situation.
The US government was advising the Israelis, giving them intel.
The Israeli aircraft sprayed LSD out
on their enemies to incapacitate them and it worked and Israel did have a good military does have a great military could have taken over and occupied all those Arab countries but they wouldn't have had the international support and the American people wouldn't have supported it but if a ship could have been sunk and then all aboard kill which they were trying to do shooting up the life rafts
Then they would have had that pretext.
And please, don't believe everything I say.
Please don't believe me at face value.
I'm glad you asked these questions, and I hope you'll check out what I've said, and I hope you'll listen to us when we have these guests here.
Oh, sure.
No, listen, I'll tell you, Alex, that makes perfect sense, and thank you for pointing that out.
That was just an angle I hadn't thought of.
Well, what I'm saying is, I'm tying it in.
Northwoods, everything in Northwoods has been done.
Bombings, and sniper attacks, and killing U.S.
troops, and hijacking jets by remote control, and blowing up ships.
This has all been done.
They're doing it.
Can I ask you just one last quick question about Hamas?
On the surface, what you said makes sense.
It really does.
I mean, I can see the propaganda value in doing something like this.
Israelis have come forward.
The only question I might have is this.
With such a small population, it would seem that it would be pretty risky on the part of the Jews to be killing their own people.
I mean, there's, what, less than 5 million, I think, in the country?
Yeah, there's about, what, 18 million worldwide.
There's plenty of Jewish folks from the US, Russia, Europe, all of Latin America, and that's another reason that some of the Zionists who hate the Jewish people, and this is according to the rabbis, folks, and the New York Orthodox Jews and many others, they will pay governments to carry out pogroms
To force them out.
In fact, Hitler was kind of seen as a big pogrom.
These are actual documents by the Zionists who actually helped fund him early on.
Because, number one, they were going after Stalin who wasn't playing ball.
They wanted to use Hitler to threaten him.
Then both of them got out of control for him.
We're talking about that in the next hour.
And so they use oppressors, whether it's Hamas or other terrorists, to attack their people to keep them in line under their control.
Just like our government does that.
I mean, it's the oldest trick in the book.
Hitler did it, killing their own radio operators to blame it on Poland.
And so there's only been, what, I don't know how many thousands of Jews that have died.
It's horrible to the families who lose family, but it's not horrible for the government.
Well, listen, I really appreciate your taking the time to explain that.
You know, I agree with you on everything.
I was just sort of playing the devil's advocate.
Well, I hope you don't agree on everything, because I make mistakes and I'm not perfect.
Don't forget that November 3rd issue of Time, I'd like people to check that out.
It's at least got a little bit of balanced reporting in it.
It's not a badly written article at all.
Well, like I said, I only read about, I don't know, a third of it, half of it this morning.
I've got it here in front of me, but thanks for the call.
It's Time Magazine.
Aren't we giving kids too many drugs?
And, uh, you know, the drugs are good for the kids, but maybe we're giving too many the drugs.
They're doing that because there's a giant backlash against all of this, and they're trying to make you think they're balanced.
That's what I get from the article, but you say you've read the whole thing, so you probably know more than I do.
I just didn't have time to read the whole thing.
I read part of it, and it seemed like propaganda to me.
Boy, there is so much here.
Let's launch into it, then I'll go to Richard in Florida and others, and we've got Paul Watson coming on the show a little bit later.
Prepares for filibuster war.
Senators threaten to use last resort to clear judicial nominees.
In a year when congressional Republicans have piled up a string of victories on issues from tax cuts to the war in Iraq, Democrats can point to one enduring triumph.
A hard-nosed filibuster against four President Bush's judicial nominees.
Now I want to stop right there.
The neocons on talk radio talk about this all day long, about how important it is.
We know the Democrats are bad.
We know that they're the Communist Party USA.
We know they're for big government, gun control, abortion on demand, UNESCO, all of it.
But 7 of the 10 members of the Supreme Court, the majority of the members on the Supreme Court were appointed by Republicans.
And I've looked at some of the new nominees they've got.
They may have an R before their name, but that's it.
They're like Arnold Schwarzenegger, your conservative homosexual porno master, who's for open borders, abortion, gun control, involved with Enron, and then saying he's against it.
And so, it's a red herring.
This abortion ban.
Partial birth abortion ban.
A few of the conservative newspapers have admitted that, well, they can't kill the baby out on the table now, they can just kill it in the birth canal.
It isn't a ban on late-term abortion.
It isn't a ban on partial birth abortion.
It is a formality.
When late-term abortion period should be banned, abortion period should be banned.
But again, they've got the legislative, the executive, the judicial, the Republicans do, the neocons do, so they've got to act like they're doing something.
You know, Bush will raise a bunch of different taxes, raid Social Security funds, and then lower taxes with a moderate tax cut, which we're glad is there, because he has to.
They've got to do something.
It's like rat poison.
It's got to be partially good food.
But the poison kills the rat, kills the mouse.
So that's what's happening there.
At least two killed in Riyadh bombing.
Possible suicide, car blast.
Wounds dozens at Saudi housing complex.
The article goes on.
A powerful bomb exploded late Saturday in a housing compound in Riyadh, the capital of Saudi Arabia.
Killing at least two people and injuring as many as 86 according to U.S.
and Saudi authorities.
The bombing came one day after the United States closed its embassy and two consulates in the oil-rich kingdom because of intelligence indicating the terrorist-plotting attacks were moving from planning to the operational phase.
Interior Minister official told the Associated Press early today that the attack at the Muhunya compound, an area near Riyadh's diplomatic quarter that houses mostly Arab and Western foreigners,
Was a suicide car bombing.
The official said he thought it was carried out by an Al-Qaeda because of similarities to the May 12th attack in the capital that killed 35 people.
Again, you had another question, Wesley.
You were asking, why would Saudi Arabia do this?
I didn't say Saudi Arabia did this.
When, a couple months ago, they were going to release the 27, 28 pages of documents showing Saudi banks funding Al-Qaeda,
Saudi said, go ahead and release that.
If you do, we're going to release that we're owned by four Western banks, and that the British are carrying out these attacks to destabilize our country, bring down the House of Saudi, to have a radical Muslim group take over, so they have an excuse to use their troops that are here to set up their own pro-Western system, and take all our oil.
Which is exactly what I said they were doing, from all the evidence I have.
Saudi Arabia is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Bank of England.
I mean, they pulled up in, you know, 1918, gave a box of machine guns and hand grenades to the little tribe of Saudis and said, you'll be the bosses.
How's that sound?
They created Kuwait.
They did it all.
These Arabs get about eight to ten percent of the actual money.
They're nothing!
The British are good at not showing their wealth.
That's why they're in power.
They're puppets.
It's like all the other puppet dictatorships the British have run throughout history.
Continuing with the news, Verichip Corporation records first sales of subdermal RFID Verichip products to countries in Europe.
Distributor for Switzerland and Russia submits internal purchase order for 400 Verichips and 34 handheld scanners and agrees to buy a total of 1,000 Verichips and 100 scanners in 2003.
Five-year minimum of 51,000 microchips and 2,600 scanners required to maintain exclusivity.
And, again, Mexico, our government, they're all doing it.
Bureau of Prisons in California was going to do it until they got caught by Reuters.
They didn't cancel that.
And my cousin, high-level Special Forces guy, he will tell you... He obviously heard about me talking to him.
He didn't want to tell me much this weekend.
It's a funeral.
My grandmother, but... They have all been told they're getting microchips, folks.
See how weird stuff's gotten?
They were going to renew the ban on internet taxes for another five years.
Looks like that's on hold.
They may go ahead and start internet taxes at the state level, federally administered.
Pipe bombs found in California's town, mailboxes, Associated Press, at least eight people, at least eight people have found pipe bombs, eight pipe bombs have been found over the past week and a half in mailboxes and near homes in the rural community about 30 miles northeast of San Francisco.
Five of the homemade devices exploded.
While no one was injured and the bombs did not appear to be rigged to go off when a mailbox was opened, Solano County Sheriff Gary Stanton described the incidents as domestic terrorism.
Well, folks, I would guess the M.O.
on this is a zit-faced kid who is a big fan of Fight Club.
It was a listener a couple years ago during the pipe bombs, remember during the anthrax attack?
They had another diversion?
The pipe bombs, and one of our listeners said, looks like a smiley face.
And another listener said, that movie Fight Club on this show, within a day it was in the news, Fight Club.
The young man had watched Fight Club where they bombed the shape of smiley faces in high rises.
That didn't stop the feds from saying they were sure it was, quote, the black helicopter conspiracy people.
warns of increased Iraq attacks.
Reuters, Iraq
Governor Paul Bremer warns guerrillas will step up attacks to stop reconstruction efforts and says several hundred foreign militants have entered the country.
Bremer vowed in an interview with the Times newspaper U.S.-led forces would not be driven out of Iraq by the militants because the price of failure was too high for the country itself and the Middle East.
We are going to have increased attacks and increased terrorism because the terrorists can see the reconstruction dynamic is moving in our direction, said Bremer, adding that foreign fighters were from Sudan, Syria, Yemen, and Saudi Arabia.
There will be more of a problem in the months ahead unless the intelligence gets better, he said, preparing you for an escalation in this light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel Vietnam situation.
You need to understand something, folks.
You need to understand that the globalists know what they're doing, and they've ordered our troops to bulldoze the fruit trees, to abuse the people, to not restore power and water, and to oppress them, and this is by design, so we can be run out of the country, and the UN can come in as the savior, and look at them admitting that Paul Bremer is, quote, the governor!
Talk about a global empire.
We now have British-style governors.
Articles out of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Toronto Star Associated Press.
Talk of draft grows despite denials by White House.
United States.
Uneven record in Iraq has kindled a small but persistent push to reinstate the military draft.
They're already passing subsections of it.
A politically charged idea that hasn't been seriously considered since the end of the Vietnam War.
Yet, despite denials from the White House, the draft was under consideration, and despite the obvious political fallout of such a move during an election campaign, the talk of a draft has heated up in recent days.
Asked this week if the President is considering re-electing the draft, Press Secretary Scott McClennan gave a quick and emphatic no, he said, moving to the next question.
Military observers said some members of Congress say that the notion of a possible military draft is gaining traction in part because of questions from Democrats in Congress about the conduct of the Iraq reconstruction, from retired military officers who are worried about the forces too small to accomplish such a big and difficult job, and because the administration itself.
The Defense Department fueled the debate this week when it placed a notice on its website asking for men and women in the community who might be willing to serve as members of a local draft board.
That's a quote.
The White House is now engaging in quiet rumblings that they may reinstate the draft after the election.
And the Democrats are for it.
You watch, it's going to be bipartisan.
They're going to blow up another high-rise.
God forbid, release smallpox or something, but that's in the cards.
And then that draft will be instantly in place.
And it's for women, it's for professionals, it's for almost all of us, and a lot of it will be serving here domestically.
Hey, folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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We're about to go to Richard in Florida and others and a bunch of other news in the third hour with Paul Watson.
I'll throw out these stories, get his take on it.
And your calls.
Before we go to Richard,
I've made 10 documentary films.
The 10th film is Matrix of Evil.
It's a little bit different than the other films.
It's a compilation of interviews and speeches of Congressman Ron Paul, myself, Congresswoman McKinney, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, Colonel Craig Roberts,
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All the little news clips and documents backing up our claims in the film.
Ron Paul admitting the globalists are engineering world depression.
Ron Paul admitting that those that believe in global government are in the Congresses and are running things.
It's an amazing new film, Matrix of Evil, great tool to wake people up.
We're good to go.
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Or write to me, Alex Jones at 3001.
That's 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Or 1-888-253-3139.
Let's talk to Richard in Florida.
Richard, welcome.
Hello, Alex.
Alex, isn't there a law that goes something like this, that the federal government can only pass laws in the D.C.
You know what I'm talking about?
You're talking about the incorporated United States of America, not the United States.
This is how they do it.
It's like the United Nations is an incorporated body that claims its sovereignty, and it's up to us to say no to its edicts.
But yes, under the 14th Amendment, under laws along those lines, we become corporate fiction citizens under this administrative law or admiralty.
Okay, that's in the 14th Amendment?
Uh, yes.
I just started my tenure as a grand juror.
Uh, what do you recommend?
Are you a state grand jury?
No, federal.
Oh, wow.
A lot of power there.
We ought to have you on with Red Beckman then.
Grandfather of the Fully Informed Jury Association.
Well, if the federal prosecutors are going to try to make you think that you're a rubber stamp from them that you follow orders, in truth, you're supposed to call witnesses, you're supposed to control the proceedings, and you're supposed to decide what is to go on.
We've got the ballot box, the cartridge box, the jury box, the grand jury box is arguably the most powerful box or area of voting we have
And if I was you, I'd get one of those little citizen rule books for 55 cents the network sells at cost.
I think if you buy one, it's a dollar.
And that'll basically sum up what a fully informed juror or grand juror does.
Well, you know what?
I need to get your number, Richard.
I need to get you in touch with Red Beckman.
Oh, sure.
Do I give it to you off the air or what?
What type of experiences have you had of being a federal grand juror?
Did you just get into it?
Uh, well, I don't want to... I cannot talk about specifics, right?
I can talk in generalities, right?
Honestly, some of those cases are hot potatoes, if you ask me.
By hot potato, you mean it's questionable?
Well... I tell you what, stay there.
Stay there, Richard.
Third hour's coming up.
We'll talk to Richard more than talk to Watson.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
We've got one of my favorite guests who comes on routinely every couple weeks for commentary, Paul Joseph Watson, coming on here in about six, seven minutes.
I got a whole stack of vital news I haven't even gotten to yet, like Rothschilds conduct Red Symphony by Henry McCown, who's a Jewish writer himself.
Also, fury over Bush visit.
Bush has demanded martial law be in London and a shutdown of the city while he's there.
He wouldn't speak to the EU unless they were guaranteed to serenade him, clap for him.
Ludicrous EU officials ready to ban yogurt.
Again, the tyranny.
And $6,000 fines in New York City for business owners.
Even ashtrays found.
An ashtray is a criminal action now.
Disillusioned Czech teens torch themselves.
It's all coming up.
But we had an important call at the end of the last hour from Richard in Florida, who is now on a federal grand jury.
And that's a big, big deal.
A grand jury was able to call Bill Clinton into the state of Arkansas for his lying.
A grand jury could indict public officials or call for an investigation and then order the district attorney or state attorney, county attorney to indict a state attorney general.
This needs to happen.
And Richard was asking what he should do now as a federal grand juror.
And it's simple.
If cases come in where you think the person's guilty, but you think the government is hiding evidence or lying, you gotta let them walk.
Because the greater danger is a corrupt government than just a lone criminal.
If a grand jury thinks that somebody's guilty and the government's not going after them, hard enough.
It's your job to do the investigation, to call the witnesses, to get that indictment.
I mean, Richard, just go online and type in jury nullification, grand jury nullification, Red Beckman.
You should find some of the premier writings on this, sir.
Go ahead.
Yeah, well, you just said something that's been on my mind.
I guess I can speak in generalities.
Take a drug dealer, for example.
I mean, I understand how the drug issue works.
I mean, the reason drugs are illegal is to eliminate competition.
And then, of course, you have Hollywood and making drug usage cool.
So, in essence, if you're a corrupt insider, you have the best possible deal you can have, right?
Yeah, when the morphine monopoly started getting violated, they made it illegal.
So, what would you say?
I mean, is it the lesser of two evils here, or is wrong wrong period?
If I was you, if you think it's a violent, psychopathic scumbag
Because, again, bad people radiate into the drug culture, into the dealing culture, and so that's a good enough reason to put them behind bars.
But if you think it's a non-violent person, I would... That's up to you.
I mean, it is, in a way, a lesser of two evils.
I mean, if you think about it, and it is a commercial crime.
I mean, the way it's stated, you know, consuming drugs is not illegal, but
Telling them is obviously.
It should be as stated earlier.
I mean, it shouldn't fall under admiralty court then.
I mean, not criminal court.
If anything?
Well, look.
I'm against this phony drug war.
Because it energizes the criminal element, it corrupts police.
We have more drugs on the streets, more people in prison now because of it.
We know it's designed to bring the country down as a pretext to scare the population into accepting police state.
It's up to you to make those decisions.
But if you think it's an unjust law, you think they're violating somebody's rights, you need to try to know Bill.
Okay, Alex.
You wanted my number?
Well, I want to give you Red Beckman's number.
And so, yeah, let me have your number, because I want you to talk to a real legal expert.
I don't want to sit here and advise you on this.
I'm not looking at the cases you're looking at.
But definitely, if you think it's a violent, bad, criminal individual, because bad people radiate towards this, then go ahead and nail them to the wall.
But that's up to you.
I'm not in your shoes.
Yeah, we'll put you on hold.
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
You know I had a fellow saying that he was a federal grand juror calling in asking what he should do and I can't tell him because I'm not in his shoes.
I don't know the cases he's looking at and actually Richard
I didn't take down your number because I think you just need to contact Red Beckman or research the federal law and go back to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, on what grand juries are supposed to do.
Study the history of it and then if you see prosecutors trying to order you around, trying to violate the law, maybe you should have an investigation of them.
But Red Beckman has always said the key thing with a grand jury is to use it to go after official misconduct, to use it to go after public officials, authorities.
That is, public servants that are out of control.
And that's where the incredible power of the grand jury lies.
And that is very, very exciting that you're in that position.
But as for being on a grand jury charged to carry out the laws, even laws you don't agree with,
That's a serious question.
I know if you're a jury, you're to judge the law as well as the facts.
And I guess that would be the same for a grand jury.
We're having some phone line trouble from here to the United Kingdom with Paul Watson.
And so we're trying to line him up.
He should be on with us here in just a few minutes.
There's a bunch of different subjects I want to cover.
One of them is Rothschilds conduct Red Symphony.
Incredible and bizarre as it sounds, humanity is indeed the victim of a diabolical conspiracy.
War, depression, and genocide in the past century were not accidental or inevitable, but the result of a malevolent design.
Shocking evidence in the 1938 Stalinist police NKVD interrogation of the founder of the Communist International, Christian G.
Ravidovsky, 65, who was facing the firing squad for plotting to overthrow Stalin.
The 50-page transcript of his interrogation, dubbed the Red Symphony, was not meant to become public.
It confirms that the Rothschild Illuminati planned to use communism to establish a world dictatorship of the super-rich.
And he tells his Communist chapters that the, quote, communist capitalist
Financial International controls him, and it confirms the revolutionary movement was designed to enlist support by penetrating and pretending to serve mankind's moral and collective needs.
The real aim, however, is to divide society, undermine established authority, and create totalitarian rule.
Revolutionary means overturning Western civilization.
Christianity, he quotes, is our only real enemy, since all the political and economic phenomenon of the bourgeoisie states are only its consequences, Rabidowski says.
And we're going to get more into this, but it's not just these documents.
We know the West.
We know Wall Street funded Lenin and Trotsky.
We know that it's been reported by Ron Paul and by major publications that, quote, Trotskyites run the White House today.
How could this be?
The biggest banks, the biggest money out there created Hitler, created Stalin, created Mao.
They now admit on the History Channel that Mao Zedong was, quote, put into power in 1949 by the OSS and the new fledgling Central Intelligence Agency.
Because they, quote, called him stabilizing.
They have to build up these enemies.
Again, it's always problem, reaction, solution, over and over again.
We do have Paul Watson.
Paul, thanks for coming on the show today, sir.
Always a pleasure, Alex.
I know you posted on Prison Planet Rothschilds conduct Red Symphony.
Government sponsoring terrorism.
They do it over and over and over again.
What can you say about the creation of the communist movement by the Illuminati?
Well, first off, obviously we have to qualify the fact that Israel or Jews do not solely run and control the New World Order, but they form more so part of an alliance, which is obviously dominated by the Rothschilds, who used Judaism just as Christianity was used by the Freemasons.
To centralise power and demonise their detractors, which is what we've seen with all this hate speech which has exploded.
And as you mentioned, we're carrying on PrisonPlanet.com today, Henry Macau, his article today.
Bear in mind that Henry Macau is himself a Jew, and the article we've got today, posted, talks about how
The Rothschilds controlled both Stalin and Hitler, who later became loose cannons to some extent, which led to the Trotskyites.
Again, Trotsky was a Jew controlled by Rothschild, who they used to infiltrate the Communist Party when Stalin became out of their control.
And obviously they also used the Trotskyites to take out Lenin and Stalin.
And we've got that article posted today.
Now the point here is, is that Macau is a PhD, been studying this, the point he makes is that these people really aren't Jewish, they really aren't Christian, that they're Satanists and that they're allied with the big British royal family and others and that they create Hitler and others to create these crises.
Well yeah that's the point and I mean people
If you say you're a Christian today, then people immediately associate that with George Bush when we've proven that he's not a Christian.
And so again, they can take religions, they can take political movements like the black movement, the gay movement, whatever, minority movement.
They take religions and movements and transform them into serving their purposes, which is what we've seen with Judaism.
And we can fast forward to the situation today between Hamas and Israel, where the policy of the Israeli Likud party and that of Hamas are essentially the same, which is no settlement at any cost.
Now, for those that, in perpetual war, in fact, these 73 documents that have been in UPI and Haratz and other major papers say that they wanted to radicalize the Palestinians because then there could never be a peace.
Yeah, which is why when you get someone like, um, Pit Shop Rabin in power, who genuinely tried to seek peace, which will benefit both, um, Palestinians and Israelis, um, they always seem to be mysteriously assassinated in curious circumstances.
Which is obviously what happened with Rabin, because, um, when he was assassinated, his security detail stepped back from the scene and allowed the assassin to come through, and then we have
Well, they shot him again and that even came out in the hospital records.
Yeah, it seems that he was in fact shot again by his own security detail within the limo and then when he arrived at the hospital there was no one to greet him and one of his bodyguards was actually running through the halls of the hospital trying to alert the hospital staff to the fact that he was seriously injured and the fact that a prime minister gets shot and there are not, you know, hospital staff awaiting him is beyond the pale.
But, I mean, that's the point that any Israeli Prime Minister that seeks to initiate a peace process, a real one, as opposed to the so-called Middle East roadmap, which is just continuing the tension.
Well, look at Lord Jacob Rothschild that just came out, and Itar Tosh, and London Independent, and others.
He secretly owned the big oil companies.
With the arrest in Russia, it turns out he's taking over the media now.
In England, that's London Independent.
He's the guy behind Arnold Schwarzenegger who says he loves Hitler.
I mean, over and over again, if you find Nazis, you find Rothschilds behind them.
Well, yeah, and the immediate spin with the Khodorkovsky arrest in Russia, the Yukos oil president, was the fact that it was obviously a crackdown on free business by Putin.
But then you look into the history of Khodorkovsky himself, and he was closely affiliated with
And now it turns out that indeed the whole thing was owned by Lord Rothschild.
Yeah, so it seems that the whole thing itself was a set-up to pass the assets of Yukos Oil, which is the biggest oil corporation in Russia into the hands of
Lord Rothschild and at the same time you've got him taking over key positions within the British media.
And you have Rothschild funding the UN and the anti-Israel movement saying Israel's an illegal state and calling to cease all the settlements and calling Israel war criminals while at the same time funding Israel, controlling both sides.
Yeah, the whole anti-war movement, obviously the main organisation behind it is ANSA, which is again publicly funded by people like Rothschild and the Ford Foundation, tied into their anti-war protests are obviously these pro-Palestinian demonstrations.
So again, we trace the money back and it turns out that they are funded by people like the Ford Foundation and
So Paul, what's the synthesis?
Whether it's Nazis, or Zionists, or the Black Panther Party, or Meche, it always leads back to the Dutchroll family, the Britishroll family, and the Rothschilds.
It always leads back to order out of chaos.
I mean, you can go back to 78, where the Israelis
We're good to go.
And then if you're a real Nazi, you don't have any problems.
But if you're an anti-Nazi, you'll be called a Nazi.
Paul Watson, stay there.
We'll be right back, and we'll get into a bunch of other important news.
And we're gonna take calls.
You wanna get involved, we'll take a lot of calls.
We got 40 minutes left.
Hey Matt!
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This show is documented.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright, folks, take notice.
Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 Central.
That's 12 noon to 3 p.m.
We're live during the day and of course back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time as well with a rebroadcast from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
all-time Central Standard.
We're going to open the phones up in the next segment if you want to get involved on air.
Couldn't get in earlier, we've got some open lines now.
Any issue you want to raise about the police state, the New World Order, how we're fighting back against it, 1-800-259-9231.
Got any questions about InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com?
Paul can talk about that as well.
During the break I was talking to Paul from his home in England,
And he was talking about some of the different issues that we could talk about.
The Iraq situation, the bombings in Saudi Arabia, Jessica Lynch, the national ID card that the Queen is pushing for.
Paul, any other comments you want to make about... I mean, it's part of the record that the Communists were funded by the big banks.
And it's now come out that, quote, McCarthy was right when he thought the army was behind communism.
He had just broken through one more layer of the onion.
There were a bunch of others there.
Do you have any ideas for solutions of how to shift people's political paradigm into seeing the big picture?
Well, yeah, that's the main plank of what we've got to focus on, the left-right paradigm.
The most important aspect of which is waking people up to the fact that it's controlled.
It's exemplified today by the Al Gore speech in which he states that Bush is leading America towards a 1984 society.
Now, listeners probably know that the Associated Press release stories and they get picked up by newspapers across the country.
Well, in the case of the Gore speech, it's received more newspaper attention than any story in the last few months.
And why is that?
Middle-of-the-road conservatives read what Gore's saying, and then equate anyone who says, repeal the Patriot Act, or Bush is building a police state with whining, bedwetting liberals.
And when you look at it, in fact, Bush is merely following Clinton's policy, which is militant nationalism abroad, you know, Bosnia, Kosovo.
Fast forward with Bush to Afghanistan, Iraq, and socialism at home.
Which is obviously the framework that Adolf Hitler used.
It was Hitler's doctrine.
You know, the Nazis were the National Socialists.
And it turns out that the Trotskyites, which they admit run the White House, also follow Professor Strauss's economics of fascism.
And again, America's being used as a set piece by the globalists.
And so Al Gore then also energizes his party and makes them look like the People's Party, keeping the scam going.
Like Hitler, the Bush administration, the latest incarnation of this agenda, have managed to tag government onto the end of God and country in the minds of the masses.
So you can't be a Christian or a patriot without supporting the government.
Well, here's an example.
I have Sunday's Dallas Morning News, and it's George Bush Sr.
giving Ted Kennedy this big award.
Complete rhetoric.
I mean, we can take the example of the partial-birth abortion so-called ban, supposedly a pro-life conservative legislation signed into law by Bush, when in fact you look at it and it holds no weight whatsoever.
The day after Bush signed the bill, the National Abortion Federation requested that judges refuse to enforce the legislation.
And that's only on the fake left-right fight level.
Below that, it doesn't even ban partial birth abortion.
No, that's the point.
Judges in New York and San Francisco agreed immediately afterwards, and now the majority have followed it, that abortion providers can just
And then he signs onto UNESCO, that's the biggest pusher of abortions worldwide.
Yeah, and then you've got a centralized economic policy, which again is, you know, hallmark of Trotskyism.
And then we have the articles out of the mainstream Canadian press, Trotskyists walk the halls of the White House, and so we see that, again, it all feeds into the wider agenda.
It's not about conservative or liberal, it's about... Well, the new prescription drug plan takes your insurance you've paid for all these years and makes you take the socialized medicine.
And then over in England, they're refusing cancer surgery, aren't they?
It's unbelievable.
Paul, stay there.
We're going to come back, get into the British ID card, part of the World ID card, which they've now announced.
We'll get into Private Lynch.
We'll get into the bombings in Saudi Arabia and Iraq.
And we'll take your calls on the other side, so stay with us.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
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Mike in Colorado and others, your calls are coming up here in just a minute or two.
The toll-free number to join us again is 800-259-9231.
Talk about the latest developments in the USS Liberty.
Talk about the mounting deaths in Iraq, what's happening with the economy, Big Brother systems, and how folks are waking up about it.
All these issues we're discussing today and more.
But Paul, since you're over in England, the London Evening Standard reported
Scotland Yard fury over Bush visit.
White House security demands covering President Bush's controversial state visit to Britain have provoked a serious argument over Scotland Yard.
American officials want to a virtual three-day shutdown of central London and a bid to foil disruption of the visit by anti-war protest.
They are demanding that police ban all marches and seal off the city center.
In Africa, we saw Bush ban marches, have arrests of thousands.
He refused to speak to the EU because they didn't quote, promise to clap for him.
Again, all the signs of a dictator against our societies, your Magna Carta, our Bill of Rights, and what do you say to this banning of marches?
Well, yeah, I mean, the very proposition of Bush coming to Britain on any kind of visit is ridiculous, because although many people have bought into the left-wing paradigm, the fact is that people in Britain violently hate Bush, and any visit that he undertakes is likely to be subject to massive protest.
And so, even the planning behind this just baffles me why he would come to the country in the first place, because it's not going to do his image any good, basically.
And as you mentioned, we got the London Evening Standard article out today about how the American security wants to shut down the capital for three days, basically.
Many people
Look at Bush's involvement with Skull and Bones and the fact that his code name in Skull and Bones was temporary.
And so this has led many people to speculate that he will be assassinated to refuel the neocon agenda because he becomes a martyr, basically, if he gets assassinated.
And we hope that that doesn't happen, but every president
That was elected on a 0-0 year.
That has happened except for Ronald Reagan, who they had an attempted assassination of.
We're glad he wasn't killed by the Bush family when they tried that.
But this is very, very serious.
And they've got Commissioner Sir John Stevens.
He told the Breakfast with Frost Show a balance had to be struck between the president's safety and protesters' right to make their voices heard.
But again, the Bush White House has banned protest.
I pointed out that
The governor's office was trying to order the state police and APD to not let us protest Fox and Governor Perry.
They refused to go ahead and arrest us.
I can see them having the discussions.
But again, where Bush can get this type of silencing dissent done, he will.
And at the same time we've got legislation being passed in America which defines protest as terrorism.
We had the legislation that leaked which said that protesters would be sent to forced labour gulags.
Now, that was Senator Menace's legislation.
He was the head of the committee in Oregon, and that's in Police State 3.
That's on the website.
Just type Oregon's Forced Forest Labor Camps in the search engine.
It should pop up if you don't believe this.
So they would love to try to set up a system like this, wouldn't they?
Yeah, and we've got Bush's visit, I believe it's on the 19th of November.
Very, very suspicious that they would even allow Bush to give such a public parade in Britain.
I know they've scaled it back because he was due to give speeches to Parliament.
Also, what about Australia?
I read the Sydney Morning Herald article last week where somebody sent a non-threatening email by cell phone.
All protest has been banned by law.
They're now arresting people who even send emails.
Yeah, and about six months ago we also had out of the Herald Sun, which is a big Australian newspaper, the fact that Australians were being discouraged to protest the World Trade Organization and websites protesting it were even being shut down by the government.
Folks, Banning's sending an email.
Let's talk to Mike in Colorado.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yeah, I just have two quick questions for you.
One of them's about Jessica Lange and the other one's about the partial birth abortion ban.
On the partial birth abortion ban, where can I find some of the information that you're talking about where nothing's really changed other than I guess the head can't be out of the vaginal canal?
Because I've told other people about it and they don't seem to believe it.
Yeah, that was posted on Prison Planet.
It needs to be reposted.
I told my wife every time she posts something on InfoWars about the partial birth abortion ban, we need to post the News with Views article.
There were several others that had links to the bill
I read the bill months ago and it says that you just can't kill the baby if the head's out.
You've got to kill the baby inside.
So it doesn't ban late-term abortion or killing the baby when it's being delivered.
You just can't kill it when the head's outside by crushing the skull and sucking the brains out.
Paul Watson, can you repost that?
Yeah, it's actually New York Post article on Friday, which is the 7th of November, so if you go to Prison Planet and click on the 7th, it's the very last article with the picture next to it, bottom right hand side of the page, and it's the New York Post article which says basically that the partial birth abortion plan is
The ban is meaningless because these judges in New York, Manhattan and San Francisco refused to enforce it.
But more than that, the day it passed, there were several articles, one was News & Views, with great analysis with links to the bill, where again, they just say you can't kill the baby on the table.
And that'll be, I can find that on PrisonPlanet.com?
And the reason why, I'd like to download copies of that and hand them out to people at my church, and hopefully that would help to wake some of them up.
Yeah, Paul, will you repost that News With Views or a couple others?
Yes, certainly.
You're awesome.
And then, my other question was, I listen to your show every day, and I don't really watch the news anymore on TV.
Maybe I should, but from what I understand, you're saying that they've made Jessica Lynch out to be a war hero?
The reason why I'm asking is, I watched the Made for TV movie last night, I guess they re-aired it or whatever, and on that, they just showed that she was in, basically they rear-ended a truck and she was knocked out.
Didn't show her doing any shooting or anything like that.
I'm wondering if they've now changed their story.
This is the big controversy.
They had to re-edit it.
Thanks for the call.
Paul, the story of Jessica Lynch.
We said day one it was a fraud.
It's all come out.
Jerry Bruckheimer, according to BBC, consulted for the production of the raid and the two days before on the hospital.
In about a minute and a half, a breakdown of the Jessica Lynch situation.
Well, for those who don't know, last week Jessica Lynch came out and publicly stated that the official story of her rescue was a stage-managed fable.
There was no epic battle to save her.
There was no exchange of fire.
The Iraqis had already deserted the hospital.
The Iraqi doctors treated her kindly.
There was no rape, which was a story that came out on Friday.
Two hours later it was declared to be false.
Now it's a fear.
That's it.
Yeah, it was Lance Corporal Sok Kak Ung who was killed in a drive-by shooting.
We also have David M. Tapper, petty officer, died of wounds later on in Afghanistan.
We also have Kyle Edward Williams who worked in the same company as Lynch, mysteriously died of, quote, suicide.
And so, this whole Lynch fable is just one of many examples where lies are being used to justify the war.
Another one died in a car wreck.
Yeah, the fourth one died in a strange car accident where he veered off the edge of the road.
And ran into a tree and then drowned in a puddle of water.
One of their favorite tactics.
And I think he was... He was raising another... He had another question, but I can't remember it now.
Let's talk to Rob in Wyoming.
Rob, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, I wanted to ask your guest what his take was on this.
Well, it's strange that in the Malvo and Mohamed case, we've got Moose over there in the same town they were based in, in Oregon, then you've got people seeing white men in white vans shooting, the death card being left, the Northwoods plan calling for sniper attacks on page 9, then how to frame Patsy's, all Watson comments.
Well yeah, the whole media line two, three days before their capture was white van, white van, white van.
Obviously it turned out that there was no white van.
But it gave the pretext for the police in ski masks and we had the picture at the time to stop every single white van in the area.
And as you said, we had the death cards left with skull and bones references.
And he was using a Bushmaster 322.
Yeah, and people track the locations of the different shootings, and you connect the dots on the actual geographical diagram of it, and it's a six-pointed star.
And by the way, for folks that doubt this,
On the anniversary of 9-11, the New York Lottery comes up 9-11, the Chicago Mercantile comes up 9-11, which is, again, like 1 out of 14 billion.
They do this over and over again, like normal psychopaths do, just average run-of-the-mill.
They're into symbology.
Police out there, you know your criminology.
You know what these nuts do.
Again, the nuts in government do it too.
Yeah, which is, I mean, we can take this forward and say that we hope that nothing big happens on the 13th of November, which is coming up in three days' time, because obviously we had September 11, 2001, October 12, 2002, the Bali bombing, so we've just got to pray that they don't have a special surprise planned for us on November 13, 2003, because they're into this sort of symbology and not us.
They are.
Rob, does that answer your question?
I just want to point out, it was a big deal at the time when Chief Moose had the press there and he was saying, we've caught the sniper like a duck in a noose.
And I couldn't wait... And he kept saying that and then suddenly they're foaming at the mouth on the side of the road, stumbling around hours after he says that.
But now they don't even mention it during this trial.
That's why I was waiting for the trial, so this could explain itself, you know?
Well, there's also a made-for-TV movie for that, too.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate it.
Comments to the duck-in-the-noose comment.
Well yeah, obviously we know the history of Manchurian candidates and these trigger words, and remember Tex Mars had a few articles out on that, that this duck-in-a-noose trigger was used to out the snipers so they could bring an end to it all.
So again, symbolism is the key.
Let's talk to Dylan in Texas.
Dylan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for being of service today, Alex.
Mr. Watson,
Uh, I just want to lay down kind of an open-ended statement and let you finish it up, and I'm going to hang up and let you finish it up.
We know about, um, Lewis Jr.
Dad was President.
Dad was Vice President.
Before that, was Director of the CIA.
Can you go into, briefly, who was the President's, the current President's grandfather, who is Rockefeller, and who is Rothschild?
Thank you.
Well obviously the current president's grandfather was Prescott Bush and we had new revelations that came out on this already backing up what we already knew.
London Telegraph with the Nazis.
London Telegraph, yeah, we're tying it in with the Ford Foundation, which were also building the Nazi war machine while refusing to help the RAF, which proves that they weren't neutral, they weren't helping everyone, they were just helping the Nazis at the time.
So we had Prescott Bush,
And the human genome, and the police state, and everything else you can imagine.
I guess Dylan's already gone.
Paul, shifting gears here, some of the issues you want to discuss.
It was in Reuters last week that the UN has called for several years for a world ID number.
It's the same number as in your social security, the same prefix number, the same number of digits.
We have them calling for this world biometric passport with the US, Germany, France, and the UK leading the charge, along with Australia and other echelon countries, and InfoPoll 9 grids.
Setting up this world tax now your queen is saying you've got to take your ID cards What's going on with the ID card fight in your country?
Well, the news about the British ID card, and the same debates are going on in Canada, you know, the same policies at the same time.
We got an article out of the Edmonton Sun on Prison Planet about that today.
The British ID card was supposedly delayed, and this led to all the civil libertarian groups claiming victory.
Well, in fact, the ID card is still very much on the agenda, on the table, and the Queen is likely to include it in her speech.
People say that the Queen has no influence over politics anymore when the fact is that her speech sets the entire legislative agenda for the coming term of Parliament.
And so then we have all these royal scandals which reduce the royals to a joke so that most people are deceived into thinking that they've been stripped of their influence.
And it turns out the major tabloid TV production company is owned by the Prince.
Yeah, so then we have the ID card being in the Queen's speech and in the meantime they're already going to have the EU biometric driving license in place.
Already anyone in Britain applying for a new driver's license or a replacement license has to submit to a digital photo and the license itself has a little EU flag in the top corner.
And 40 of the states in the US have been doing it for at least five years.
Yeah, and the EU driver's license is obviously going to be shifted into the fingerprint identification, etc, etc.
But at the same time as this, they're also introducing the EU health card, which...
Now this is a place where the U.S.
is further along than you are.
We have a national ID card.
It's our driver's license, our ID card.
To have a bank account, all of this, we're more ahead of you guys.
The British people refused after World War II to carry the National ID card.
You've already gotten rid of it once, so they're having to creep along, aren't they?
Yeah, there was a single case after World War II where one individual refused to produce his ID card after he was stopped by police on a lonely rural road.
But we have all these different forms of ID, the driver's license, the health card, the National ID card.
And obviously what we'll hear is that there's a discrepancy between the British ID card and the European ID.
And so why don't we just take everything and roll it into a world ID card which contains everything.
Which the Reuters article admitted they've already done.
This is according to a set standards going back over a decade.
Yeah, the UN were already debating it two years ago.
And talking about cameras, I was all over rural Texas going to my grandmother's funeral this weekend.
There are cameras in the middle of nowhere and in every small town.
Dozens of them with microphones hanging out.
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Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones on the GCN radio network.
That's right, folks.
Alex Jones here.
Don't have any time to take any more of your calls, but we'll be back tonight, nine to midnight.
Back tomorrow, eleven to two Central Standard Time.
If you'd like to write for InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, go to PrisonPlanet.com and on the bottom of the left-hand page it says Contact.
Contact Webmaster.
And just email any articles or ideas you have to Paul Watson, and if he wants to put you up there, he's the editor, you could say, and we want more writers, we want more people's insight, more analysis, more research.
And if you find an interesting political cartoon or video clip or audio clip, again, email it
To Paul there, off of PrisonPlanet.com.
I got a few final news items I want to hit on here, Paul Watson, but before we do that, Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror, and the New World Order.
You know, I'm not just proud of your book because I printed it, because I published it.
It is really the most comprehensive, well-documented book exposing government-sponsored terror and other sneaky globalist activities from the U.S.
to England to Russia to Israel to the Middle East.
It exposes concrete dozens and dozens of examples of governments sponsoring terror in history and in modern day.
Why should folks get to Ordered Out of Chaos and buy a second copy at $8 off to give as a gift, Paul?
Well, I've had some emails saying basically, you know, I know all about the New World Order, why should I buy your book?
Well, the book itself is not really about the history of the New World Order and who controls it, because obviously that's been covered numerous times by different authors.
The book itself is about modern examples of how the agenda is advanced and predictions for how the future agenda will unfold.
You give a short history of examples, concrete examples, then you launch into all the modern examples, a lot of examples I haven't covered in my films or my book, and it's a great book to give to a scoffer, to somebody that doesn't believe.
Yeah, which is the point about, you know, if you know everything about the New World Order then fine, but that's why we've got the author of the second book at half price with Christmas coming up.
You can pass them out as gifts to people who may be overly sceptical about the whole New World Order paradigm because
Obviously there are a lot of conspiracy theories, real conspiracy theories, floating about, you know, like 9-1-1 ghost planes and all this sort of thing, whereas my book has the factual documentation with links to mainstream newspapers where you can check everything out for yourself, which is part of the reason why we've got the half-price second book offer, because it's great to wake up sceptics
Well, if we don't do it, we're dead in the water, folks.
And it is an amazing new bug.
A $19.95 to get one copy.
$11.95 to get the second copy.
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You also support my ministry and what Paul's doing.
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Or go to InfoWars.com.
PrisonPlanet.com to link through and buy the book online or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704.
This is important work.
The world deserves to see it.
Paul's work needs to be seen.
It's very insightful, very documented.
Please help us spread the word.
Paul, you've got 40 seconds left.
What are your final comments to the listeners?
Well, I end Or Out Of Chaos with a quote from Jefferson, which basically says that if we awaken the people generally, then tyranny will be vanquished like spirits at the dawn of day.
So that's the point, to get, to stop preaching to the choir, and get the information out to the people who haven't come across it as of yet.
Yeah, there's a lot of people who know a ton about this, but they're busy picking at others instead of getting involved in the fight.
So join us, shoulder to shoulder,
In the fight for civilization and humanity against the Antichrist forces.
That's what it really boils down to.
Paul, I'll talk to you soon and thanks for coming on the show.
Okay, thanks Alex.
You bet.
You can see his fine work and my fine work there at PrisonPlanet.com.
We're out of time for now.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Take care.
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