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Name: 20031107_Fri_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 7, 2003
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
Our strategy is the truth.
Our policy is the truth.
Our roadmap is history and an understanding of the world system that we all live in today.
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
I'm Alex Jones, your host.
It is Friday, the 7th, the 7th day of November 2003.
We're going to be live for the next 2 hours and 59 minutes.
We're going to have wide open phones.
The total free number to join us is 1-800-259-9231 on whatever issue you want to call in about.
Coming up, more and more often there are news reports about people's cars, trucks, stolen vehicles being turned off by satellite tracking systems.
In some cases, satellite tracking systems in the cars, control systems that the owners didn't even know about.
We'll get into that.
More on election fraud beginning to develop as the American people find out about the CIA taking over the votes in the country.
New FBI rules where he lacks restrictions for total police state activities.
United Nations derails ban on human cloning.
Ah yes, the good old Nazis at the UN.
Six dead as army helicopter crashes in Iraq under attack.
Wow, 24 dead last Sunday.
Multiple troops dying each day this week and now six more dead and that's just what we're hearing about.
Pentagon says a covert force is hunting Saddam Hussein.
Schwarzenegger to hire a group to probe his groping, a whitewash commission.
Let me see, the groper is hiring people to investigate himself.
That's like paying the Simon Wiesenthal Center $5 million to say that Arnold isn't anti-Semitic.
And a big story out of the Las Vegas Review Journal, the big paper of that state, Patriot Act Laws Use Causing Concerns, and they're using the Patriot Act on strip bars, folks!
I told you Section 802 says all crimes, everything, no rights, no juries, no warrants, no nothing in America.
We read the legislation over two years ago, folks.
Over two years ago in Road Analysis covering this, and how many times have you seen Ashcroft and his lying minions from the Justice Department tell you that that's not the case?
They're arresting people who have small amounts of marijuana and charging them with terrorism.
That's the Associated Press.
But here it is now.
The federal government using the Patriot Act out in Philadelphia to go after that mayor, that came out.
Now they're using the Patriot Act to go after politicians in the state of Nevada.
So we'll get into this story.
Also, bipartisan SAFE Act aimed at reining in Patriot Act, truly a whitewash.
North Korea says we do have the bomb and we'll use it, and if you try to pull Donald Rumsfeld's reactors out of here with our business partner, we're gonna steal them.
Queen speech to pave way for ID cards.
The Queen's gonna tell the British people how wonderful having a slave card will be.
I mean, it was nice in Nazi Germany.
Why not here?
Jessica Lynch disputes army account of dramatic rescue.
For all those people that emailed me and said, how dare you, you traitor!
Not paying for her!
How dare you not like the fake letters posted by the military and major papers signed by soldiers that never even read it about how they love the war?
And how dare you say the Red Cross steals money for charity and gives it to gun control?
For all you people that are so gullible, Jessica Lynch says what we've been saying.
I took a lot of courage for her, folks.
A lot of courage.
And of course now, not four, but five of the people that were speaking out about it being a fraud, they're dead.
Wonder how long she'll be alive.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Welcome, my friends.
I remember a couple days after the convoy in the middle of the Desert Storm II turned down a wrong road and got ambushed by Republican Guard.
I remember hearing the stories.
I mean, it was in the news.
Jessica Lynch had a knife in her teeth.
She single-handedly killed 20 Iraqis.
She's the new Audie Murphy.
She was up on top of the tanks, fighting to the death.
And it was really a Hispanic American.
And from the accounts, the maintenance company basically cowered and were sitting ducks and only two or three of their company really fought back.
And it was this Hispanic gentleman.
We've read his name on air.
I'm sorry I don't have it.
Nobody ever talks about him, you see.
Climbed up on top of one of the armored vehicles and did kill a bunch of Iraqis and did get shot four or five times and then the Iraqis came up and stomped on his body and bayoneted him to death because they were so angry that he killed so many of them.
And nobody will know his name, you know, they'll put it in the news maybe once or twice that his dad's mad.
We read the article months ago.
I remember reading that article and I did get a few mean emails.
How dare you talk about
Jessica Lynch, she's a real hero and she did all that.
Well, it came out folks that Jessica Lynch cowered.
Jessica Lynch did absolutely nothing.
Jessica Lynch was hiding under the covers of her hospital room when the special forces came in to save her.
And look, I'm not blaming her for that.
I mean, if I'd been
We're good to go.
The point here is, is that you can't blame a person for doing that, or especially a woman.
I mean, let's face it, folks.
This is neo-con-liberalism trying to have a woman as the poster girl because they got a draft that Rangel's gotten past, folks.
The first authorization stages to begin it, to begin drafting you and your families, all men, all women, they struck out the word men and added persons, and it's going to be everybody.
18 to 49 and so they need this new poster girl when in truth it was the Hispanic gentleman on top the vehicle slaughtering the Iraqis and showing amazing courage and dying doing it.
But then the story got even worse.
I've got the articles here.
I need to dig it out.
I do have his name.
I've read it a few times but can't remember it here.
Embarrassing moment here for the guy who has a photographic memory on many subjects.
But the point is
You've already all heard about this.
We've covered it 10 or 15 times.
But what got even worse is they had Jerry Bruckheimer of Pirates of the Caribbean and all these big Disney films.
Admittedly, he told the BBC, yeah, they got the word a day and a half before they went in for the raid.
And he advised the Pentagon, as he did in Afghanistan,
And his sub-producers had already trained their cameramen before this for such missions on how to shoot the video, what to do, what to call it, how to sell it.
And Bruckheimer's a master of this.
He's more profitable just in the last 10 years than Steven Spielberg.
Steven Spielberg has had bigger movies and more gross total because he's been big in Hollywood longer.
But Jerry Bruckheimer, I mean, really is a master of making entertaining films.
I mean, I like Pirates of the Caribbean.
I enjoyed it.
I mean, I need some escape here.
But the point is, we know what happened here.
Jerry Bruckheimer produced that sucker.
It's like he made Blackhawk Down.
This is all war propaganda.
It's like he made Pearl Harbor.
The guy works for the Pentagon.
This is admitted.
He had a TV show they produced in Afghanistan with Pentagon money that aired on national television.
Now that should concern every single one of you out there.
This guy's got dozens of TV shows going, and they're full of New World Order propaganda.
I mean, I don't like Jerry Bruckheimer.
He's very evil.
And really, I guess I shouldn't go see his films.
I've only seen one or two of them.
But the point is...
As I keep saying, is that this was a production.
And now we don't have four dead soldiers who have been involved in the rescue or involved in the company.
We have five of them and they're dying with gunshot wounds in the back of the head.
They'll be at a barbecue.
Somebody will jump up behind a fence and shoot them in the head with a sniper rifle.
They'll have car wrecks by themselves and drown in an inch of water.
They'll be found strangled.
So I wonder how long Jessica Lynch is going to be alive because
So many people said, oh, how dare you try to put her down.
Well, Jessica Lynch, I was never putting you down.
I was putting this government-run media, this propaganda system down, this Hitlerian propaganda down.
And this is from the Drudge Report.
It's also in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
We're updating InfoWars.com right now.
Prison Planet, after the ICAN-UN ordered takedown, is now back up.
Jessica Lynch criticized military for exaggerating accounts of her rescue and recasting her ordeal as a patriotic fable.
More, asked by ABC News anchor Diane Gungraber-Sawyer, if the military's portrayal of the rescue bothered her.
Lynch said, yeah, it does.
It does that they used me as a way to symbolize all this stuff.
Yeah, it's wrong.
Asked how she felt about reports of her heroism.
It hurt in a way that people would make up stories that they had no truth about.
Here to tell the story.
Only I would have been able to know that because the other four people on my vehicle aren't here to tell the story so I I would have had been the only one able to say yeah I went down shooting but I didn't ask about claims that the military exaggerated danger of the rescue mission yeah I don't think it happened quite like that so good for her and obviously she was talking in a
In a halted kind of stumbling fashion, because it's very dangerous to do what she's doing.
Because she's so high profile, they probably won't kill her.
But if she keeps shooting her mouth off, she'll die in a car wreck.
They will kill her.
Make no mistake, folks.
Jessica Lynch is the type of person they'll kill.
And if somebody jumps up at a barbecue and shoots her, and runs off in a military outfit,
Uh, the, uh, news will just say, um, strange shooting, or, you know, she dies in a puddle of water.
They'll just say, well, Jessica drowned.
Like everybody else involved in this situation.
And, uh, who's spoken out.
Because they don't want you knowing what a pack of liars they are.
Folks, you can't believe anything comes out of their mouths.
How do you know when Bush is lying?
Well, same thing with Clinton.
When their lips are moving.
And so here's what we told you from the beginning, folks.
And the Iraqi doctors came down the road and said, hey, Jessica Lynch is here.
And they said, meet us back in an hour.
When they drove back down to meet them, they'd already gotten orders to kill the doctors.
They tried to kill them.
They barely escaped.
Delta Force was on the roof.
A few hours later, watched the building for a day and a half.
The Iraqis had already pulled out.
They were taking good care of Jessica Lynch.
And, uh, they went in, slapped them around, busted down doors, scared everybody, just for theater!
And so, when you watch the news, I want you to realize, it's the same crafting, it's the same twisting.
You cannot trust this media, you cannot trust Rush Limbaugh, you cannot trust Sean Hannity, you cannot trust Peter Jennings, any of them!
Now, their lies are so sloppy and so ham-fisted and so big,
That we're punching holes in them every day because they'll tell different stories every day.
So if you want to respond to Jessica Lynch and what she said, I mean, I honor her.
I thank her for telling the truth.
I think the individuals that did fight back and died deserve the credit.
But see, they don't want to show
A white man, or a black man, or a hispanic man, and it was the hispanic gentleman that really showed the heroism as they statistically do more than anybody.
It's just a fact.
They don't want to show that as a hero, because that's who the heroes are, folks.
I mean, let's just face it.
It's men that go out and do the killing.
That's what we're designed to do.
You don't stick women in front line units.
You don't do it.
Women aren't pro football players.
It's just that simple.
And I'm not bashing women.
I can't produce a new life.
I'm not beautiful like a woman.
I don't have the intuition of a woman.
Women have got a lot of things over men, okay?
But this whole image of the women warriors is degenerate.
And it's because they want to draft you and use you, okay?
And so we're protecting women by speaking out against this system.
It's just that simple.
Now, are there women out there that can break my neck?
Are there women out there that can shoot better than I can?
Are there women out there who can carry a bigger pack on their back than I can?
Are there women that can fly an airplane better than I can?
Are there women that can drive cars better than I can?
The point is, you don't put women in frontline combat.
The Russians tried it.
The Israelis have tried it.
It does not work.
The Germans tried it.
It does not work.
So this is all about selling us to have women in the military.
So they can draft you, ladies!
What do the women out there have to say about this?
What's your response to this?
You see, men, statistically, if they're under attack, will savagely fight back.
Women, statistically, unless they're protecting a child, will not.
They will freak out, they will go to pieces,
Because the left and right hemispheres of their brains are not separated.
Men's left and right hemispheres are separated.
We have the equivalent of two brains.
Women have one brain.
I'm not saying our brains are bigger.
We have two brains.
Women have one brain.
Remember Time Magazine a few years ago saying, there really is a difference between the sexes.
Yeah, men are frankly a little more mindless.
We will switch over and one side of our brain will take control.
That doesn't happen with women.
But again, this feminism is about destroying women.
It is about the government taking control of women.
And that's what's happened here.
And I commend Jessica Lynch for going public and not taking the credit for the people that really fought and died there.
She cowered in fear.
Just that simple.
And the media took it and turned it into a disgusting spectacle.
Toll-free number to join us, 1-800-259-9231.
The Patriot Act is being used in Las Vegas against local officials.
Thought it was for terrorists.
We'll be right back with that.
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Folks, the Congress is in the process into the final stages of passing a draconian national draft that for the first time in U.S.
history will include women in front-line fighting positions.
And Jessica Lynch's story was a cynical attempt to sell sending our daughters
Our mothers, our aunts, into combat.
And they took the memory of the three people, two to three it's debatable, that actually fought in that twenty-member maintenance company.
To take their members was a black guy, a white guy, and a Hispanic gentleman.
And the Hispanic gentleman was the real hero.
And they took everything they did and gave the credit to Jessica Lynch.
And she
is an incredible person after all this attention after all this all these gifts she's been given after all all this in the Pentagon telling her not to talk that's on the record telling her family not to talk she went on national TV and she did talk and I say that took more courage in many respects than firing a machine gun that took a lot of courage I say moral courage is more rare
And physical courage.
And my point about men and women having different brains, they're radically different, folks.
Radically different.
Women, again, have their left and right hemispheres merged.
And they operate as one unit.
Whereas males have a one-track mind, kind of what they call the lizard brain takes over, and turn into machines under pressure.
And again, that's not saying all men.
It's statistical.
That's why you don't put women in frontline combat.
Yes, women will fight savagely, cornered with their children.
In many cases, more savage than men.
But not in killing units.
Not in bands or hunting parties.
We are designed, men are designed for that.
That's why we do the fighting.
That's why you go see men fight in prize fights.
Because that's what men do.
And I think women are more wondrous and more amazing, more magical than men by far.
I think they are the better part of the sexist.
But I'll tell you that when it comes to killing, that's the purview of men.
It's real simple, folks.
Now, again, all that's a side issue compared to Jerry Bruckheimer involved in the production of this, the lies, and now the five deaths of people that were speaking out about this issue.
Again, we have sniper killings, we have people drowning, people committing suicide.
They're obviously killing people, folks, because they wanted to keep the story going.
And remember, the Pentagon also got caught with hundreds of fake letters with fake signatures all over the country in newspapers about how much the troops love the war.
How many lies have we not caught them in?
Are you beginning to get an idea here?
Alright, I'm about to go to Chuck and Mike and others.
I'd like to hear from women on this issue.
I need to get the family on of the real hero of that convoy who hasn't gotten any attention or support, and that's flat wrong.
But again, on InfoWars.com, see, I told you so again, Jessica Lynch disputes Army account of Dramatic Rescue.
She didn't fight, she didn't shoot, she didn't do any of that.
But they lied to you from day one, the whole time.
The whole time.
Let me cover this first, then we'll come back and I promise we'll go to your calls, okay?
Toll free number 1-800-259-9231.
It is Friday.
This is out of the Las Vegas Review Journal.
It's by J.M.
Kalal and Steve Kinnerelt.
The investigation of strip club owner Michael
Bill Aldrin and numerous politicians appears to be the first time federal authorities have used the Patriot Act in a public corruption probe.
Again, headline, Patriot Act law used causing concern.
Government officials said Tuesday they knew of no other instance in which federal agents investigating allegations such as racketeering and bribery of politicians have employed the act.
How about you use it on Governor Rick Perry grabbing Fox here to get rid of the federal law.
I don't know that it's been used in a public corruption case before this, said Mark Peralo, a spokesman for the Justice Department.
An attorney for one of the defendants in the De Laudrey case said he researched the matter for hours Tuesday and came to the same conclusion.
I've discussed this with lawyers all over the country, and if the government has done this before, then this is definitely the first time it has come to light, said Las Vegas attorney Dominique Gillette, who represents former Clark County Commissioner Lance Malone, De Laudrey's lobbyist.
Two of Nevada's lawmakers blasted the FBI for employing the act in the probe, saying the agency overstepped its bounds.
Folks, I got stacks of AP Washington Times articles.
They bust your zit-faced child, who's 16 years old, with some marijuana.
They're gonna charge him with terrorism, folks!
They're gonna spend 20 years in the pen!
We'll be right back!
We're on the march.
The empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Welcome back, my friends.
I've never gotten a call from Denmark.
We're going to be going to Mark in Denmark here in just a minute or so.
Then we'll go to Brandy in Texas, Chuck in Texas, Mike in Michigan, Peter in Oregon, and many others that are patiently holding.
Jessica Lynch, I commend her incredible courage, moral courage, for saying that the Army told a bunch of lies and that she didn't shoot or fight and that no one was abusing her at the hospital and that she didn't do the heroics.
Now, again, we hope she doesn't die in a car wreck or have somebody jump up behind a fence at a barbecue and shoot her.
We hope she doesn't commit suicide like so many of the people involved in the rescue or in that company who had been speaking out about what happened and who are dead now.
Oh yes, this Jerry Bruckheimer production was very important for the government.
I'm saying Bruckheimer's involved in any of this, in these deaths.
I'm saying Bruckheimer produced the little production.
That's in the BBC.
Hollywood producing news pieces for you.
Yes, lies.
And now they're using the Patriot Act to go after strip clubs in good old Las Vegas.
And public officials.
So that's coming up, too, and just a bunch of other really important news after we go to these calls.
Before I do that, though, I want to remind the listeners I'm a documentary filmmaker.
I've made ten films.
The tenth film is out.
It is Matrix of Evil.
Two hours and roughly ten minutes long.
Congressman Ron Paul, Congresswoman McKinney, Cynthia McKinney, Frank Morales, police state expert, Colonel Craig Roberts, another new world order expert, three excerpts of speeches I've done where we got rid of the Patriot Act here in Austin,
It's a great new film, a compilation of interviews and speeches and news clips and government documents.
Very informative and has more solutions in it and more good news in it about the awakening that's taking place than any film I've made to date.
So, go to nfowars.com or prisonplanet.com and go watch the trailer for Matrix of Evil that Mason Collier did a great job making, my editor.
And then Order, Matrix of Evil.
And if you haven't ordered 9-11, Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, or Paul Joseph Watson's new book, Order Out of Chaos...
You get a second copy, $8 off the second copy to give us a gift.
If you haven't done that, it's waking people up, it's having an effect, and your purchase supports this show, so please give the operators a call, place your order today, or go to the website and order.
The toll-free number is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Or you can just write to me to get the videos, the books, the t-shirts, the bumper stickers, the deception dollars, whatever you want.
Write to me, Alex Jones at 3001, that's 3001, South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
The globalists are counting on you not getting these videos, not making copies of them, and not getting them out to people.
But you have been doing it.
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The gift of knowledge.
The gift of the red pill, to use the Matrix analogy, to wake people up.
Let's go to the calls.
Mark in Denmark.
Good to talk to you, sir.
Hello, sir.
Nice to talk to you.
Good to talk to you.
I called you now.
I've been searching 26 years, you know, for finding freedom.
I grew up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in Denmark.
And my parents kind of were missionaries in Africa.
And I never had understand, you know, the truth in Jehovah's Witnesses.
Always thought that it was too small for me.
It didn't really matter, you know, all the beliefs in God and all those things.
And I want to dedicate, you know, this talk, this question, you know, to a man named Paul and another guy from Denmark named Mr. Jacobson.
And especially for telling me about a book
called Children of the Matrix by a writer named David Icke, and it has really been very new for me.
You know, this controlling people's mind, and I think a lot of people need to improve, improve a lot.
They have to get off this control in religion, and a lot of people in my country cannot understand anything.
And we are very few people in this country and it is very difficult for us to get free, if you know what I'm talking about.
You're taxed when you get a parking ticket according to how much money you make.
Everybody's bank account is controlled by the government.
You have euthanasia, you have the destruction of the family.
These Scandinavian countries are very advanced in the New World Order, but so is the United States.
Yeah, sure.
But we are very few people, and it has been 26 years searching, you know, for finding people who
We think in my way, so I met this American guy in Asia named Paul and he told me about this conspiracy thing.
And it's been a very big pleasure listening to your radio.
We have a couple of guys who meet every Friday evening and we listen to your radio here in Denmark.
So we just want to thank you for a good program, that's all.
Well, God bless you and thanks for spending time with us and please spread the word there in Denmark.
How did you find the show?
I found it, you know, before I told you about it, my friend Paul,
And I met this guy, you know, who could... it was very... it's very difficult to explain, you know, but I am... before I was Jehovah's Witnesses and I found out, you know, that you could smoke marijuana, you know, and the police caught me here in Denmark and they locked me up in psychological prison, you can say.
And people here in that place, I met a certain guy then, and he told me about that I should have to read some books.
So when you were in jail, you found out about the New World Order.
Thanks for the call.
Good to hear from you, Mark, there in Denmark.
Never got a call from Denmark.
I've had calls from Antarctica, had orders from Antarctica.
They're at the government bases.
We've had calls from Mexico, calls from New Zealand.
Calls from all over the globe, and if you'd like to call us, you're always welcome to.
Just dial your country code access and 1-800-259-9231.
Let's talk to Brandi in Texas.
Brandi, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Hey, Alex.
I was just calling about the Jessica Lynch thing.
I was in a maintenance platoon myself, and basically, she was never supposed to be out there.
I mean, they left them totally unguarded.
They never secured the rear.
And basically all she did was pump gas into trucks.
Yeah, we're not saying she's bad or cowardly or anything.
Oh, no, no.
We're saying she has amazing courage for coming forward and saying it's all lies.
Oh, yeah.
But I mean, it's the government's fault that they had such a faulty
I mean, those kids, you know, what is a cook doing out in the middle of a war zone, or basically a gas station worker?
I mean, what were they doing out in the middle of a desert?
And it just doesn't make sense why our government put them in that position in the first place.
Well, they're now going to rotate amputees back into right up against the lines, secondary areas, support areas.
They're now going to bring amputees into the mix.
Yeah, it's just sick.
Did you hear about Fort Stewart with the soldiers being left out?
The National Guard Reserve just being left out on a tarmac basically in tents.
That is one of dozens of bases from Germany to Iraq to Kuwait and Saudi Arabia and all over the United States from Colorado to New York to Delaware.
Where you have troops not even being given medical attention.
This is admitted, and the government will not let the media in to see them.
They're basically prisoners.
Well, the whole thing has to change.
I mean, all these kids in there now, they just, you know, they go with the promise of the free education and the money for college, and then when it comes out after the war, the government's not going to take care of them.
They're just using them like a meat grinder, basically.
Well, I hardly agree with you, unfortunately, and I would add to that that about six months ago I read the Washington Post article where they admitted that all the troops from Korea, Vietnam, World War II,
We're good to go.
If we told you you'd get health care for life and education, you don't get anything, and neither do your progeny, your children, as promised.
And now they've changed the rule where you don't own your pension funds, your private pension funds.
And every time I mention this, I get calls off-air, because they're too cowardly to call here, telling me I'm a liar.
I mean, you people are living under a rock if you don't know what's happening.
Alright, well thank you for listening, Alex.
Well, I appreciate your call, Brandy, and bless and take care.
Let's talk to Chuck in Texas.
Chuck, you're on the air.
Hi, Alex.
I want to thank you for showing up and bullhorning Perry and Vincente Fox the other day.
Absolutely, and we do have some of those news articles posted on InfoWars.com.
What I'd like to do, if it's all right, I've got the governor's comment line here in Texas, and I know you have a lot more listeners around the U.S., but, you know, not just people from Texas are listening, but... Well, we have eight affiliates in Texas, so go ahead and give the number out.
Okay, that's 1-800-252-8000.
9600 1-800-252-9600.
I wanted to do this two days ago, and I dropped the ball and didn't.
I'm so overwhelmed, but everybody grab a pen and paper.
I'm going to call during a break, and you tell Perry that he needs to have a state police investigation of the APD, which received an award from Vicente Fox yesterday, before he flew out of here, before that preacher left.
He gave him an award for accepting the matricula and violating the constitutional federal law.
That's one of the three duties of the federal government.
Totally constitutional.
And Bush and all of them are ignoring it.
You call Perry and you say, we know you're involved in this and shame on you.
Whenever I would write the governor letters, he would always have someone write me back saying that he's with state government, that I need to take this up with the federal government.
But of course, we know better here in Texas that the State Highway Department, you know, they used to stop some of this stuff.
And I was in California a couple of weeks ago, and coming in from Cannes, they would just wave us through all the secondary stops and everything.
We didn't go across the border into Mexico, but
You know, usually they would at least stop and ask you if you're an American citizen, but they just waved us through.
Now that's what NAFTA and GATS are about.
Look, they're getting rid of the border.
They're giving extra welfare to the illegals to do this by design.
Have you heard about, uh, Cornyn's, uh, I think it was John Cornyn's bill and Solomon Ortiz, uh, about having the, uh, southern border be like the Canadian border where they could come across with, uh, uh,
Just to prove that they're a Mexican citizen and they could come in for 60 days?
Yeah, of course, and then get their fake documents and the rest of it, and then have the Mexican consulates issue matricula, which then the local governments will accept.
And look, Mexico has already taken over California.
Arnold, starting Monday, will issue over two to three million driver's licenses to some of the illegals.
And that's just the first salvo.
We're seeing total legalization
And the liquidation of the border before our very eyes, and John Cornyn calls it a reform, and I heard local neocon socialist radio stations, more socialist than NPR and Mao Zedong, literally, going, we've got to do the conservative thing, we've got to pass Cornyn's bill, this Republican, we've got to pass his bill for, quote, the guest worker program.
Well, this is even beyond the guest worker bill.
From what I understand, it's to let folks across for 60 days, just like the Canadian border.
But it all kind of confuses me, because I know how they tack this on with other bills and everything.
Yeah, I've actually got the story here.
I'll try to dig it out during a break and read it.
Well, I sure appreciate it.
Just in case somebody didn't have a pen there, let me hand that number out again.
And even if you're not in Texas, remember, they're coming to your town very soon.
And they're going to take your jobs and pull the lever in that voting booth.
Thanks for the call.
Mike, you're up next.
Where are you calling us from, Mike?
I'm calling from Missouri, Alex.
Welcome, go ahead.
God bless you.
I just wanted to let you know that the RFID chips were back on the Fox News Channel yesterday.
And their big deal was it was for inventory control only, and their big thing was, oh, well, they'll have to have batteries to transmit it, and they can't do any harm with just the battery.
That we're supposed to just accept all this.
And they're announcing the school ID cards they're getting them, the college ID cards, the grocery stores, the money has it in them, all the material for the military.
They're putting it into everything now for the Iraqis to have a job.
They've got to wear a bracelet with a RFID tracker chip in it.
And we have the internal documents from the Biometric and Slash RFID Consortium at MIT, with Walmart and Ridge and others meeting saying, quote, how do we neutralize public opposition?
How do we force them to accept this new system of control?
And they admitted it was for taxation tracking, and they talked about that, well, 78% of people in our internal polls are against this, but it doesn't matter, they're apathetic, we just gotta do it!
It's just, and the propaganda that they're putting out there is just unreal.
They're both working men, and under Republican rule, they've got to keep more of their tax dollars.
I mean, give me a break.
These guys are millionaires, and they're talking, you know, people just don't realize what these guys' agenda is.
The globalists are billionaires and trillionaires, and they're not free market.
They use government to confiscate our wealth, to destroy the middle class, and they must be exposed.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
We'll come back and talk to Peter and Mike.
And John, and others, and get into more of this news.
I want to spend more time on the Las Vegas Review-Journal admitting Patriot Act is being used in strip club, drug cases, corruption cases.
It's being used for everything.
Just common stuff.
Patriot Act, and you have no rights under the Patriot Act.
Thought it was for stopping terrorists.
Well, the definition of terrorism is any action that endangers human life.
It's a violation of any federal or state law.
Section 802 of H.R.
The U.S.A.
Patriot Act passed October 27, 2001.
And they got secret execution clauses for any misdemeanor in Patriot Act 2.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
Alright folks, we've got the second and third hours coming at you here in just a few minutes.
We'll get more into Jessica Lynch, more into Vicente Fox, openly calling for getting rid of our borders.
With our government moving to do it as well.
We'll also get into Schwarzenegger taking control of his own groping investigations.
Another six dead in an army helicopter crash when it got shot down.
UN derails ban on human cloning.
New FBI rules relax restrictions.
Wait till you hear about that and much more in the next hour.
So stay with us.
Right now let's go to Peter in Oregon who's been holding patiently.
Go ahead, Peter.
Morning, how are you?
Yeah, I just wanted to call in.
I had a similar experience to the theater experience you were talking about with the Matrix TV show or whatever it was, the CIA show.
Yeah, Threat Matrix, where every episode is about torture and taking people's rights, but it's for our safety.
Yeah, exactly.
Well, on Halloween I went with my fiancee to go see, they re-released Alien.
She had never seen it.
I just thought it would be fun to have something, you know, scary.
While we were waiting for the movie to start, there was a guy sitting a couple seats over from me that I just said hi to and asked if he'd seen it before when she was going to get something because she's the kind of person who, you know, I have to, you know, it's uncomfortable for me to just sit next to somebody in a big empty thing and not talk to them.
Yeah, I got you.
You started talking to him.
I just said hi and whatever and she came back and I went to get something and as I was coming back to sit down they were doing a preview for this new television miniseries they're going to do about the Jessica Lynch story.
And I had just finished, I had just heard you talking about it that day on your show and I had actually gone and read the BBC articles and some other articles so I was aware of
Everything that you've been talking about.
And I just, you know, when I came in and sat down and saw that on the screen, I just sort of exclaimed, you know, reflexively, you've got to be kidding me.
You know, real loud.
Just, you know, couldn't even believe it.
And I sat down and as I continued to watch this, you know, this complete propaganda, you know, I just couldn't believe it and I was shaking my head and I turned to that guy next to me that I said something to earlier about the Alien movie.
And I just said, you know, we've always been at war with Eurasia.
And he said, no, no, we've never been at war with Eurasia.
And then the guy, a couple sitting behind me, I heard that guy say to her, you know, it really does feel like Oceania.
With this whole thing.
So, again, the media makes us think nobody's waking up, but I have those experiences every day.
People know.
They can see it.
I mean, they should be able to.
It's right out in the open.
And I actually spoke to him.
I said, you know, I just happened to read an article about this today.
And, you know, and explained about how, you know, they had tried to take her to them in the ambulance and they'd like turned them around and almost ended up killing them and everything.
And it was just saying, yeah, you know, it's completely unbelievable and it's all out of control.
I also want to mention something to you.
I haven't been able to get on your websites today.
Infowars.net came up, but none of the other ones are coming up.
I just didn't know if you were aware of that or not.
They're coming up here, but what we have is giant registries of names of patriotic websites are being blocked by ISPs.
And so what they're doing is, and we have the United Nations, and they won't tell us why, order ICANN to bring down Prison Planet.
We got it back up.
And it's not just my site, it's thousands of sites are under sustained attack.
I'm not going to get into details.
We haven't confirmed.
We've had hack attacks, denial of service, other stuff.
I mean, they are very afraid.
You're saying you can't get to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com.
That's right, or JonesReport.com.
And, you know, yesterday you had mentioned that you were having those
Well, I'll tell you what, folks call in and give me frequency reports.
Tell us, that is, if you can get us on the internet, can you go to Infowars.com and complain to your ISPs because
They've been blocking sites.
They've been putting them into registries.
You should complain to your ISP and tell them to take the blocks off.
Yeah, if it doesn't come up in a few hours, I'll call them.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that murky water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other water filtration systems are measured.
The murky light gives you the freshest, cleanest water possible from the water.
This is the GCN Radio Network.
You know, all we do at PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com is take the mainstream news, compare the lies, show how they change the stories,
Post legislation, write critical analysis of it, post video, audio links, and we've got tens of millions of people every couple months visiting our family of websites.
Tens of millions of people.
And that's just my websites.
That's hurting the globalists really bad.
And so, thousands of websites, pro-Second Amendment websites, Christian conservative sites, pro-life sites, sites that expose the UN, leftist sites that expose the world government, libertarian websites, they have found them being blocked out by chat rooms, ISPs.
What happens is your internet service provider will not allow you to go to those websites.
I'm talking about tens of thousands of them.
When you buy the new software so your child doesn't see all the filth on the net, it doesn't block all that out.
It blocks out anything that has the word gun in it, including the NRA websites.
PayPal won't let you use money now to buy anything gun-related.
Gun magazines, anything.
It's censorship.
It's control.
It's not going to work for them.
Every time we have attempted hacks or attacks or things happen, I go out and buy more servers and launch more websites.
So that's it.
In the next month, I'm going to launch three more websites on three separate servers.
You attack me again, three more.
Attack me again, three more.
Attack me again, three more.
You want to keep attacking us?
Other people are putting up websites.
In fact, I would ask every listener to daily on your own server, download PrisonPlanet and InfoWars.com if you'd like, or weekly.
And post it, a copy of it, on your website.
In fact, I think we're going to try to have the entire website available where you can download it a lot easier and create clones of it.
But Pandora's box is open.
They want to start taxing the internet so that you can't afford it.
But we're damaging them greatly.
We're generating the real news stories.
We're affecting change.
We're infiltrating the mainstream media.
We're not going to stop.
But I know for a fact that hundreds of major ISPs are blocking InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And so if for a week straight you can't get to my website, just call up and say, do you have a block on this website?
I can't get to it, and if they tell you yes, say take it off.
We've had hundreds of listeners call us, I've even been sent letters before, where they have forced their ISPs to take the block off of our site, not other people's.
If any site you're being blocked from seeing, you should do that.
And you should leave those ISPs and go to real ISPs that won't censor you.
I know Infowars.net is internet service, great internet service, they've got that new hyper dial-up
They've got cookie blockers.
They've got virtual browsers that block your identity.
Go sign up at InfoWars.net if you're tired of it.
Very simple to do.
Run by the folks at RovinNet.
Great service.
Just stop putting up with it, folks.
Stop putting up with it.
Our websites are InfoWars.net, VirginUtah.com, JonesReport.com, InfoWars.com and PrisonPlanet.com.
And we're going to launch more subsidiaries.
Because we're not going to stop.
I mean, when the enemy hits us back, we know that's because we're having an effect.
And again, ICANN, the big internet private body, which is under U.N.
regulation, has been going around to Bev Harris and my site and others, and just, they're just takedown orders, they won't even say why, they're just a takedown order on your site, and I have to call up and yell at people, and they go, we don't know why, it's just an order, we'll put it back up.
This is the type of stuff that's going on.
And so some non-governmental organization just calls up people and says, do this, do that, and it happens.
So this is going on everywhere, folks, because we're hurting them.
Because we're hurting them badly.
So spread the word about the websites and go to the websites and order the videos, the books, the materials.
Make a hundred copies of the videos and get them out to people.
They can't stop all of us.
They can't stop the swarm.
They can't stop people who know they're in the right and keep on a-comin'.
So lift up that standard when the enemy comes in like a flood, and we shall prevail.
We'll be back with your Kallsmore News.
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Big Brother, Mainstream Media, Government Cover-Ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Alright, let's go to your calls on this open line Friday as quickly as possible.
And I guess up next on the show would be Mike in Texas.
Mike, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Yes, I have a question about the draft.
I have a friend who's of draft age.
And is this draft that they're talking about, is it for the upcoming conflict with China?
Or is it also as a means to destroy the next generation of Americans?
Well, I've seen a total of nine different draft bills.
No, ten different draft bills.
And now Rangel has passed out a committee, and they've passed a bunch of other regulations beefing up the preparation, the funding for the draft.
The Army website, the Pentagon website, admits, as of two weeks ago, that they're preparing for a draft.
And the new draft is for men and women, and it is for professionals.
Firefighters, police, medical workers, doctors, engineers, embalmers, that is mortuary folks, coroner type people.
It's massive.
And your guess is as good as mine.
I mean, supposedly they're going into Syria, Iran next.
Then they're talking about North Korea.
And of course, they've already armed all these enemies.
I mean, it's coming out that Rumsfeld's company, ABB, gave the nuclear reactors that have been used for nuclear weapons production
If you try to pull out your funding for this, I'm going to just confiscate the assets and keep using all this material.
But that's all staged.
I mean, they've already said they're not going to pull out.
And Pakistan's involved arming North Korea.
China's involved.
And China is getting ready to go into Taiwan.
So yeah, they're setting up a stage-managed World War III, where the U.S.
grabs areas of the Middle East,
China's allowed to grab Taiwan and other areas, and then the EU comes in as the white horse to be the savior of the Arabs and the Muslims, as we're finally kicked out of the Middle East as the bad cop.
Well, I wanted to ask you this too.
What do they say exactly what the time date for the draft is?
Basically, it's all set up now, and all they've got to do is decide which one of these bills they want to implement.
Nothing, too, about the governmental structure of the United Socialist States of North America.
Well, they're not going to call it that.
It's the Pan-American Union.
Union of American States are different bodies.
It's going to be based in Atlanta, Georgia.
They've already had one free trade group of the Americas meeting two weeks ago.
They're going to have another one later this month in Miami.
And they're merging our laws, our social security, our borders, our police, our military.
The head of the Navy said last week in a Connecticut newspaper that they're going to merge with Russia, merge with a global Navy.
We're entering global government.
Look, they've been building the EU for 40 years and called it a trade deal.
So that's how they get it over on you.
For the Reconquista, the Mexican occupation of America,
Is that also going to go to the rest of the 50 states as well as Canada?
Yes, I mean the Southwest and Florida.
Florida is going to be a base for the new Caribbean sub-directorate.
Uh, and then the main capital of all this will be Atlanta, and then the Joint Forces Command is gonna be, uh, up in a base at Canada and also in Colorado, and they've already signed deals to bring in Mexican-Canadian troops, Czechoslovakia, and that was in the AP a year and a half ago.
Uh, also, again, a large portion of the troops in Iraq are Mexican.
Uh, you can be an illegal alien, an aggravated felon, and they will hire you according to the Washington Times.
One more thing, just so we keep a little of the callers' talk, is that in about 2000, according to the British Broadcasting Corporation, Russia under Putin and China had signed a non-aggression treaty.
Yeah, they did that a long time ago.
Thanks for the call.
Look, Russia, China, they're all controlled by the globalists, folks.
They're monsters that have been created to threaten the world.
And now the United States is being used by these global banks to go around and take over areas of the world.
And they just play off their different subsidiaries like there's a fight going on.
So we're in it right now.
I mean, you just heard about Cornyn's bill.
The senator, the Republican from Texas.
And yeah, he wants 60 days, you know, a pass for anybody to come into the country.
And then the Mexican embassies issue matricular cards in the cities and counties, and the states accept those.
So it's carte blanche legalization.
Total amnesty for anybody that can get here.
Now Poland and Venezuela and everybody else are issuing matricular cards.
Consola Matricula.
Let's go ahead and go to another caller.
Let's talk to John in Tennessee.
John, you're on the air.
Yeah, I switched my ISP to Infowars.net, and now I'm not censored anymore.
Comcast and Scripps Howard censored my email.
Dreamhost.com killed my website.
AOL Customer Service in India charged me $170 a month for free internet.
And if you prepay at Infowars.net, it's only $15 a month, which is
Pretty good.
And for those that know, I'm so busy, I don't run that.
Dwayne Coots, a great guy, runs it.
We're about to even revamp it.
Full Wars.net, add a bunch of new services.
The best part is the cloaking device, the proxy browser, so no one knows who you are and it blocks all the cookies and the trash.
And no, there's no filters on InfoWars.net.
They have some conservative filters if you wish to activate them that come free with it, you know, once you do the basic service, you know, for porn and stuff.
But no, the new filters are guns, Christian, everything.
Well, uh, regarding women in the military, if, uh, what you say is true and women have one brain and men have two brains split in half, doesn't that mean that the man's two brains are only half as big?
Well, I was simplifying things.
You know, there's a left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Well, also in the movie, uh, Black Hawk Down, I don't know if Bruckheimer did that, but, uh, that censored the true story of a 17 year old female
She was a security police officer in the U.S.
Air Force.
She was a machine gunner, gunned down and killed on the front lines of the war in Somalia.
She was straight out of basic training, and I don't know her name, but this is according to a veteran of USAF Special Forces, a sniper who saw it happen, and he suspected they were intentionally put into harm's way and put under fire, that the Pentagon wanted the Somalis to use them for target practice.
Well, I don't know about that, but I know the U.N.
wouldn't help us, and our troops had to go in there at gunpoint and make the Pakistanis hate us, our gallant little allies that are arming North Korea.
But let me make clear what I was saying.
There's a left and right sides of the cerebral cortex.
And that's the area of the brain that directs your conscious thought, much of your conscious thought, according to what I learned in college, I'm a doctor, that directs your conscious thought and accesses the memory banks, that accesses the subconscious.
And women have about six to ten times, depending on the woman, connections between left and right brain.
They actually have an area of the brain we don't have.
And I was saying that men
In a combat situation or a hunting situation, that's where it developed, God designed it, shift over to that animalistic focused side of the brain.
I'm saying women don't have that developed area of shifting over actually into a mindless robotic type state.
They're conscious generally and
Well, one point is that if 17-year-old American kids are dying in combat, then 17-year-old civilians need the right to carry guns, drink alcohol, and drive cars under the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution.
Also, my wife is a USAF veteran of the 1st Gulf War.
She stood up against fraud, waste, and abuse of taxpayer funds, which is worse than combat, as far as stress, because you're going against your own country, high-ranking people who are doing illegal things.
Oh, wait a minute, there's only a trillion-two missing from the Pentagon.
Yeah, she identified over a billion dollars, according to a memo written by a two-star general after she identified it.
That's an annual thing, just in the Air Force alone.
Hey, let me add something here.
You say your ISPs, before you went to Infowars.net, were censoring where you could go.
They were probably doing that, but mainly they were actually reading and censoring my email and calling a basic email spam.
They killed my entire website without notice.
And then when I switched to AOL, they killed my ISP without notice.
Just cut me off.
After I prepaid all this stuff for a year, and then I switched to AOL, and they were charging me $170 a month for free internet out of India.
So it's just a switch to Infowars.net everybody.
So you haven't had any problems with Infowars.net?
The only problem I have, which may just be my phone, is I usually have to dial it two or three times, you know, to log on initially.
I don't know if that's something they're doing on my phone or if it's a bad phone line out in the country.
But once you get connected, how's your speed?
It's great.
It's great.
I'm very happy.
Well, what you do is, because now they have this super dial-up offered, if you're having a problem, you just contact them.
They'll send you another disc with other phone numbers.
Yeah, I think it's my line.
I've had problems with wiretaps before.
I do a lot of legal work, suing the city and working on
Government corruption cases.
Yeah, if somebody's clicking on and off, that'll cause a disconnection.
Well, they've got little things out of ShomerTech catalog that can redirect your outgoing phone calls to misdial intentionally.
Yeah, that big law enforcement catalog, that's in Road to Tyranny, where the police brag, yeah, we've got devices that send out ultra-low frequency that make crowds get sick at protests.
A lot of police have used this to stop protests.
The biggest law enforcement catalog brags about how to stop protests.
Doesn't that sound like a free society to you?
Anything else you want to add, John?
Uh, yeah.
Okay, stay there.
We'll come back to you, and then we'll talk to David, Diane, Leslie, and others, and we'll cover a bunch of news as well.
Stay with us.
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This is Pat Cooper with 10 reasons to listen to the Tony Del Vecchio Show.
Reason number 10, no one listens to him at home.
Reason number 9, I don't want to be the only one calling in.
Reason number 8, think of the rest of the reason yourself.
I got a lot of things I gotta do today.
Like get a job and get paid.
I don't understand this guy.
That's all about this with your host, Tony Del Vecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time, right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
And if you don't listen to his show, you'll have to deal with me.
Waging war on corruption.
Alex Jones, on the GCM Radio Network.
Alright, let's get back to the calls on the Supply Line Friday.
John in Tennessee, go ahead and finish up.
When my wife stood up against the fraud, waste, and abuse in the Air Force, it was worse than combat, like I said, because you're going against your commanders who are doing criminal acts.
She sat in the office of the base inspector general and survived many direct threats.
A man could have never stayed cool-headed
I know I couldn't.
He would have just freaked out and done something violent.
He eventually did get several commanders fired, including the four-star General Chief of Staff of the Air Force, who was fired in the middle of Desert Storm.
The man who fired him, Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, then offered her a job at the Pentagon.
Turned it down, took early retirement, then the VA stole her retirement check because she was disabled by Pentagon med malpractice.
He also survived four heart attacks within a year of retirement at age 32.
Thanks for watching!
But there's no need for women in combat until the country is completely overrun by the enemy inside our nation.
Well look, what I was saying is that men work better in groups in combat and statistically.
I just said there's a lot of women that are tougher than I am, smarter than I am.
Women have a lot of skills men don't have.
What I was saying is the sexes are different, our brains are different.
That's all I was trying to say, and I said it took a lot of courage for Private Lynch to admit she didn't do the things the government claims she did, and that the credit was taken away from the people that died there.
I agree.
And so that's a big deal, having her go public, and we'll recap that.
Thanks for the call.
We've got news on the UN blocking a ban on cloning, a bunch of Patriot Act news, but let's hurry these calls.
Let's talk to David in Michigan.
David, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you, Alex.
I want to ask you about your experience with the bullhorning of Vincente Fox on the, I guess, the mayor of Austin, Texas.
The governor.
The governor, sorry.
Well, the mayor was there too, so.
Well, maybe you can talk about that, and I hope you do, but I want to mention, it's something that you've talked about before, but I think it can't be overemphasized enough.
Is that these stories, I believe, are being sort of parsed out to us deliberately.
I don't know about the Jessica Lynch story per se.
I don't know if you've got... Yeah, well, look, they got caught lying.
It had already come out.
They'd lost total credibility.
So now Diane Sawyer comes out and Jessica Lynch tells the truth.
And, well, I guess we can still trust the media.
Yeah, well, you know, that's what I used to think it was.
But now I really believe that
We're really in a phased, graduated process whereby the bulk of the people in this country are supposed to lose all faith in our system.
Well, I've said that.
They'll think that America, the world thinks America's bad for doing all this bad stuff.
When America's controlled by Europe doing the dirty work, this is meant to destroy our faith in the system so people just see our government, not those controlling it.
I agree.
Exactly, and ultimately what happens is that our system and our way of life gets thrown out and America is taken down and this is part of the graduated destruction of our country.
We're like guppies in a gigantic feeding tank and they parse out pieces of the truth to us like
You know, like fish flakes and we eat it up.
Well, I've seen globalists, I already knew they were doing this, but I've actually seen globalists on the news admit when the government slowly admits the truth, they call it inoculating us psychologically.
I saw this globalist say that, I'm like, man, that's what I've called it.
They are not just conditioning us or acclimating us, they are training us to accept evil.
Well, that's just what they do.
Well, the government just blows up the buildings and blames it on people.
They're killing our ability to react to it, and at the same time, ultimately, when our country is taken down and world government is offered as the solution to the kind of terrible things that we do, like invading countries on completely false pretenses and all the other phony stories surrounding it,
Then we'll be unable to resist.
Well yeah, that's what Europe, the EU, the British government does all these tyrannical things and then the British can only appeal to the EU and in some cases the EU does the right thing just to legitimize itself.
Thanks for the call.
Thank you.
Great points, David.
Diane in Pennsylvania, thanks for holding.
Hello Alex, nice to talk to you.
The gentleman before me took a little bit of my thunder.
I'm calling about the Jessica Lynch story.
I mean this thing smelled from high heaven the day that they first aired it.
But the thing that really has my antenna up is the fact that all of a sudden, well yesterday they were saying that she was raped but she doesn't remember, and then this morning
She's recanting everything about this story.
To me, this is a major heads up.
And it's coming through Diane Sawyer.
Diane Sawyer, who is... Tell you what, Diane, I'm riveted by your comments.
I want to hear what you think on the other side.
I didn't see the Diane Sawyer piece, though I have a transcript of it.
And I think it's damage control.
I think they know that they've been caught lying.
They've got to try to do some damage control.
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I'm gonna let Diane finish up her interesting comments from Pennsylvania, then I'm gonna cover news for about 10 minutes, then we'll go back to Wesley.
HW, Helen, Kevin and others.
Diane you're saying you get a big heads up or your antennae over Jessica Lynch because they're saying yeah they were adding new lies that she was raped and all this not just that she killed 20 people with a machine gun that are bare hands and had a knife in her mouth and was just like
The second, you know, coming of Joan of Arc or something.
Now you've got different people who are involved in the rescue or involved in the company dying, obviously being assassinated.
This is a big story.
And really what I see on the face of it is the globalists don't mind discrediting Bush, discrediting the Republicans, discrediting Democrats.
They don't mind discrediting their titular heads, their puppets, because the system gets some form of credibility out of that.
What do you see happening?
What does your gut instinct tell you?
Well, I think that what's being set up here is a fomenting.
People are now pretty much inundated with the lies.
I mean, it's too much in your face not to see it.
I don't watch television.
I've been unplugged for years now.
But this story is going to be released on Tuesday, as I understand it.
Diane Sawyer is the mediator.
Diane Sawyer is as deep into this, into the elite operational lines as you can guess.
She's counsel on foreign relations.
She's probably Eastern Star.
She's been rumored to be Deep Throat during Watergate.
I mean, you know, that's just part of her resume.
But for her to release this story, for them to allow this story to come out,
Now, at this particular time, tells me that there's something on the horizon, something's coming into play.
They're releasing this to cause such fermentation amongst the general populace that we start to have
The breakdown.
We start the camp forming, if you will, of the populace.
Yeah, just like the 60s, where they controlled the leftists and the right-wingers and used an unpopular war to split the country down the middle to start the riots.
They played us like a violin in the 60s.
I was there.
I know.
They're doing it again now, and they're really setting this up, but they're setting it up fast.
But it's right in our faces.
There are other things that are going on.
And the fact that this story came out today, during this month, which I think is a very, very critical month, is a big, big heads up to me.
Now, let me add something to this.
I don't even wonder, not to interrupt you Alex, but I even wonder, did Jessica do this on her own?
How could she?
She has to be let to be able to do this.
The family did say that they had been told to keep their mouths shut.
I knew that.
And the people in the company and so had Jessica.
You know, also the aluminum tubing being fake, the 12-year-old dossier at the U.N.
with Colin Powell, the mobile weapons trucks they knew day one were for pumping up balloons, surveillance blimps, the fake memo from Niger, all of this lying, killing Dr. David Kelly in such a sloppy fashion.
This is by the globalists to discredit America.
That's Bush's job.
I agree with you.
This is about totally
Discrediting what Europe calls the cowboy from Texas when he's really a blue blood from Europe.
And yes, it's part of a more elaborate, widespread plan.
And I think that they allow this to come out and just don't care because they've been caught in so many lies now.
They're trying to go to the other extreme of just burning us out with it to where... I mean, I'm getting conditioned now.
They're on the nightly news saying every child needs a microchip.
I don't even report on it anymore because it's such old news.
I understand.
But I think this is more than that.
I think this is more than just countering, you know, covering for the lies and, you know, trying to give them some credibility.
I think it's more than that.
That's too simple, Alex.
Logically, it goes deeper than that.
I think it's much more.
And that's all I'm going to say about that.
I will say something else, too, that I picked up something this morning about George Soros.
I don't know if you've gotten this yet, but apparently 40 armed men broke into Soros' headquarters in Russia.
I didn't know that.
Where did you see this?
Well, I picked it up on Rumor Mills, but there's a link to it, and it's a legitimate story.
What is it?
ITAR Toss?
I can't run my computer at the same time that I talk on the phone.
I only have one line.
I understand.
Let me throw this out then, Diane.
I can throw a tip to you and give it to you.
Well sure, I'll tell my webmasters, we'll try to post that.
But if that's true, last week they arrested the supposed richest man in Russia.
Yep, and now he's in Israel.
And now he's in Israel.
They gave him citizenship in Israel and he's there now.
But guess who took over the oil company after they grabbed him?
I don't know.
Well, according to ITAR-TAS, Moscow Times, and the BBC, guess who took over the Russian oil monopoly?
I'd only guess the Carlisle Group.
Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Oh, really?
Yeah, I covered that on Monday.
Very good.
So, isn't that pretty?
And guess who just took over some of the private British media?
Lord Rothschild.
Lord Jacob Rothschild.
That was the London Independent.
Makes sense to me.
Uh, yeah.
There are a lot of machinations going on, Alex, and they're going on fast.
And this, like I said, this month, I haven't had my antenna peaked this high for a long time.
This month is a critical month.
Well, women have the antennas, so...
Appreciate that insight and thank you for the call.
Okay, we're going to go to Wesleyan HW and Helen and Kevin and many others here, but I've got to go over some more of this news here.
Again, if you just joined us, you're going to hear all about it.
Jessica Lynch admitting that it's not true.
She didn't shoot.
She didn't fight.
They didn't mistreat her at the hospital.
None of it's true.
And she says it hurts her feelings.
They lied.
The Pentagon lied.
I mean, why did the Pentagon send out hundreds of letters, form letters, signed by different servicemen in a woman's handwriting, obviously fake, and then admit they did it?
I mean, yes, they're... Folks, why is 9-11 so sloppy?
I mean, I've said this, why was 9-11 so incredibly out-of-control sloppy?
I mean, you've got to be in serious denial or a low-grade moron or hiding in a cave somewhere to not know the globalists carried it out.
And they just piecemeal put it all out there.
They released Northwoods right before 9-11.
It's amazing when you look at all this.
And yes, this is all to be blamed on America and to make Russia and China and the EU the new good guys.
And it's been George Bush's job to keep you domestically
In the dark about this, and that's exactly, precisely, what they've done.
It's been Rush Limbaugh's job to keep me distracted, you know, on Hillary Clinton and what she's doing, when we know she's a traitor, we know she's a criminal, we know she's a New World Order minion.
Alright, I'll go to these calls in a minute, but let me get into this.
Again, this is out of the Las Vegas Review Journal, I'm going to recap this before I get into other news because it's so important.
Use of statute in corruption case.
Unprecedented, attorneys contend.
Patriot Act laws used causing concerns.
And an investigation just into corruption of local officials.
Payoffs and things.
They are using the Patriot Act.
Think about this.
Now, this article is on Infowars.com right now.
The investigation of a strip club owner, Michael Gallaudry,
And numerous politicians appears to be the first time federal authorities have used the Patriot Act in a public corruption probe.
Erman officials said Tuesday they knew of no other instance in which federal agents investigating allegations such as racketeering and bribery of politicians have employed the act.
Now again, they're using it in marijuana cases, drug cases, family violence, banking cases, nothing to do with terrorism, but see, that's your term for terror.
Their definition of terror is everything.
I don't know that it's been used in public corruption cases before this, said Mark Rallo, a spokesman for the Justice Department, an attorney for one of the defendants in the Laudrey case, said he researched the matter for hours and came to the same conclusion.
I have, this is a quote, I have discussed this with lawyers all over the country, and if the government has done this before, then this is definitely the first time it's come to light, said Las Vegas Attorney Dominique Gillette, who represents former Clark County Commissioner Lance Malone,
And it says, uh, Galadri's lobbyist.
So you got a politician, a county commissioner, lobbying for topless bars.
Lobbying for their zoning.
And, I mean, folks, this is just one-on-one boss hog corruption.
It's not good, but it's light-years, light-years away from putting cancer viruses in your vaccines.
Light-years away from the CPS seizing over a million and a half children a year.
Light-years, it, it, it, light-years from the CIA shipping cocaine and heroin.
This is, you know, 19th century stuff.
18th century stuff.
Two of Nevada's lawmakers blasted the FBI for employing the act in the probe, saying the agency overstepped its bounds.
And, uh, you know, no warrants, secret wiretaps, breaking and entering, sneak and peek.
At the end of America, folks, we're a county commissioner in Las Vegas who may have taken some money to zone a strip bar.
You know, that's a matter for the police.
And my Fourth Amendment, my Fifth Amendment,
My 10th Amendment is more important that the police go out, and they could have gotten a warrant, the feds could have gotten one, but no, they didn't do that.
And again, they told you it wasn't for any non-terror cases.
Nothing's non-terror in Section 802.
Everything's under it.
Two of Nevada's lawmakers blasted the FBI for employing the act in the probe, saying the agency overstepped its bounds.
Senator Harry Reid of Democrat Nevada
Said Congress intended the Patriot Act to help federal authorities root out threats of terrorists and spies after 9-11.
The law was intended for activities related to terrorism and not to naked women, said Reid, who as minority whip is the second most powerful Democrat in the Senate.
Let me say, Mr. Galadri and this whole gang, I don't condone, appreciate or support all their nakedness.
But having said that, I haven't heard anyone say any time that he was involved in terrorism.
Man, it's a long article.
It gets a lot worse, folks.
It gets a lot worse.
Sources said FBI sought the records under Section 314 of the Act.
Section allows federal investigators to obtain information from a financial institution regardless of the accounts of the people engaged in and responsibly suspected based on credible evidence of engaging in terrorist acts or money laundering activities.
Or money laundering.
Folks, in Patriot Act, too, if you got over $3,000 out of a bank, they can walk you out and shoot you in the back of the head.
It's in there.
This is just Patriot Act 1.
So there you have it, folks.
That's the, uh, that's the new America.
It gets more bizarre.
This is out of the Associated Press.
Arnold Gropenfuhrer, that's what they call a governor in Austria, is a Gropenfuhrer.
I think that's a proper term for this Nazi, uh, racist who says he hates black people, who says he hates Christians, who's for open borders, I would add.
Governor-elect Arnold Nazi,
We'll hire a private investigator to look at allegations that he groped women, but he may keep the results from the State Attorney General.
A spokesman said Thursday, Arnold's going to hire someone to investigate himself.
Let's hire Al Capone to investigate Bugsy Siegel.
Or maybe we'll hire John Gotti to investigate Jimmy the Bull Gravano.
Schwarzenegger spokesman Ron Stutzman said that those statements violated attorney-client privileges and have for Schwarzenegger to reconsider whether he would provide
Any information to Bill Lockyer, Mr. Gun Grab that Schwarzenegger loves so much.
So, there's Schwarzenegger being blackmailed to follow orders.
Lord Jacob Rothschild's got the news firmly around his neck.
Six dead as army helicopter crashes in Iraq.
Troops ambushed in Mosul amid fears of insurgency spreading northward.
An army Blackhawk helicopter crashed Friday into a riverbank near Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit, killing six U.S.
The military said it probably was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade.
An officer said two Americans were also killed in separate attacks Thursday and Friday in the northern city of Mosul, raising concerns that the insurgency was spreading north.
So see, we get vanquished in Iraq.
The U.N.
comes in as the savior.
And the CIA is behind all this stuff, folks.
We have the evidence.
Six soldiers were on board.
All of them were killed.
Major Jocelyn Abarel, a spokeswoman for the 4th Infantry Division based in Tikrit.
They were all from the 101st Airborne Division, she said.
White smoke could be seen rising from the crash site on the west bank, east bank of the Tigris River, as three other helicopters circled overhead.
More helicopters could be seen hours later flying over the hilltop village of the west bank of the river.
Separately, guerrillas attacked a convoy in the eastern part of Mosul, 250 miles north of Baghdad with rocket-propelled grenades and small arms fire Friday morning.
The military said one U.S.
soldier died and six others were wounded in the crash.
There'll be five dead soldiers by tomorrow, you watch.
Three others were injured later in the day when a roadside bomb exploded near Mosul Hotel, which is now used as a military barracks, the military said.
Military statement released Friday and the soldier died the day before near Mosul when a homemade bomb exploded.
The latest confirmed U.S.
military fatalities bring at least 31 the number of American troops killed in action in the first week of November.
Two American civilian contractors working for the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers and a Polish officer also died in attacks over the last seven days.
And there's more attacks in here.
I can't read them all, folks.
We're going to see a massive acceleration of this.
UN derails ban on human cloning.
The United Nations has blocked moves to impose a global ban on research into all forms of human cloning.
The UN General Assembly legal committee voted 80 to 79 in favor of the Iranian proposal to delay any decision on a ban for two years.
The move meant that members did not get the opportunity to vote on the proposal by the U.S.
and Costa Rica, which would have banned human cloning.
We'll get into this more later.
Also new FBI rules.
Relaxed restrictions.
Gets even worse.
Suspect code used in state votes.
Total election fraud.
Satellite tracker systems in your cars.
Pentagon says covert force hunts Hussein.
Bipartisan move to restrict the Patriot Act.
We'll get into that.
North Korea says we have the bomb and we'll use it.
Queen's speech to pave the way for national ID cards.
And a bunch of Big Brother news I haven't even gotten into, and more on Vicente Fox, what happened yesterday before he left Austin.
When we get back, we'll go straight to these loaded phone lines.
But we have one open line.
Do we have any open lines?
No open lines.
Okay, well I won't give the number out.
Well, when somebody hangs up, you can call in at 1-800-259-9231.
We'll come back, and I'm really going to try to go to the calls quickly.
I've done a decent job, but not a great job.
We'll try to go to you really fast.
Try not to interrupt, question, comment, get about a minute and a half apiece.
I want to just rampage through 20, 30 calls before this transmission ends in one hour and nine minutes.
And again, the websites are InfoWars.com, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.net, VirginUtah.com for local Second Amendment solutions.
And, of course, you can also spread the word about the show via the internet, if you listen that way, or shortwave, or satellite, or our wonderful growing list of AM and FM affiliates.
But there is a bunch of news coming up in the next hour and nine minutes, a bunch of your calls, and a ton of important info.
We haven't even scratched the surface, but I'd like to get your response on them openly using the Patriot Act, from marijuana to topless bars.
I guess that's terrorism.
You're beginning to realize how deep this gets.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the Sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
Homeland Security, executive orders, forced vaccinations, the new prison economy, the Total Information Society, the Pan-American Union, federal gun grabs, government-run white slavery rings, and much, much more.
If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police State 3, is for you.
Visit InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com to order or call toll-free 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
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Before I go straight to your calls, I want to plug an amazing trading card.
Kind of like the little pamphlets they handed out in 1776 or the decade before to wake people up.
Really great artwork.
A lot of great websites posted on it.
We have it at Infowars.com.
Thousands of these things have been handed out now, I'm told, according to press reports, in San Francisco at the Matrix opening to the people that are standing in long lines.
It's got Infowars.com on it and a bunch of other great websites.
It's kind of like the Deception Dollar.
It's gorgeous artwork.
Exposing the New World Order and exposing the real Matrix.
So I hope you'll go to the website and get that and email it out to folks.
Also, an incredible piece of artwork done by a local activist who does comic books.
And he's done artwork for the Austin Paratimes, a great local newspaper, a monthly newspaper.
We've even covered some of his work here on the show, read some of his news articles.
Mac White, he has written a two-page comic strip, but it's not a comic strip.
It's basically an illustrated historical picture of government-sponsored terror, starting with the Northwoods document right through to 2003.
And I hope you will email that out to everybody.
Because this is something a lot of people won't read Operation Northwoods.
A lot of them won't find out about government-sponsored terror.
A lot of them won't watch Road to Tyranny or Masters of Terror or Matrix of Evil.
But they will look at a playing card.
A two-sided playing card.
They will look at and read a illustrated story.
And we can affect millions of people if you take action on this.
So that's at InfoWars.com.
I also hope that you will
Get the videos.
9-1-1, The Road to Tyranny, Masters of Terror, Police State, Three Total Enslavement, the new film, Matrix of Evil Exposed.
They're all excellent.
They make great gifts.
Please get them.
Please make at least ten copies.
Give them to public officials, opinion makers, talk show hosts, pastors, rabbis.
And wake America and the world up.
The films are $25.95 apiece.
Order three or more.
They drop down to $20 apiece.
And the toll-free number to order the books or the films is 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or PrisonPlanet.com or Infowars.com to order.
And I want to encourage everybody to support Paul Watson's work.
He wrote a great book.
It deserves to be seen.
Order Out of Chaos, Elite Sponsored Terror and the New World Order.
And if you don't get the book, if you don't buy a second copy for $8 off to give to friends and family, no one's ever going to read this great book that Paul Watson wrote.
And it really is excellent.
The best book on 9-11 and government sponsored terror and dozens of examples of government sponsored terror and the fake UFO movement.
And the history of terror in England.
It is such an important book.
Nobody's going to see it.
Nobody's going to read it.
Nobody's going to know about it unless you give us the legs.
Unless you help us spread the word.
And Paul does such a great job being the webmaster and editor for presentplanet.com.
And this also supports him financially.
So, please get Order Out of Chaos.
Elite Sponsor, Terror in the New World Order.
Over 300 pages.
It's got, I don't know, 50 plus pictures and diagrams and documents.
Get a second copy for $12.
$11.95 to give as a gift.
You buy one copy.
Or, just write to us, right here in Austin, Texas, to Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Take action on that.
We're going to come back.
I know I said to get the calls.
Got a little bit late there, but we've been doing a pretty good job today.
Already taken about 20 calls.
And we'll come back and talk to, I guess, who's up next?
I guess it's Wesley, H.W., Helen, Kevin, Elaine, and others.
We're going to go straight to your calls, then back into more news.
When we start this third hour, I sure hope your station carries it.
If they're not, ask them why.
Hello folks, Alex Jones here introducing you to the Black Berkey Replacement Elements.
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These powerful filters fit most gravity filter systems and can be installed... You are listening to GCN, the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream Media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
Waging war on corruption.
Crashing to the lies and disinformation.
Defending liberty, resisting tyranny.
Monday through Friday from 11 a.m.
until 2 p.m.
Central Standard Time back from 9 to midnight Central Standard Time with a retransmission of the daytime show from 1 a.m.
to 4 a.m.
Again, I'm your host Alex Jones.
We've got loaded phone lines, news on Jessica Lynch, news on more casualties, a bunch of news on the police state and the Patriot Act, on cloning,
A bunch of other Big Brother news that I didn't get to yesterday or today that I want to cover for this hour ends.
But right now, let's get this bank of callers out of the way that have been holding patiently.
Let's talk to Wesley.
Wesley, in Tennessee, welcome to the Airwaves.
Well, thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
Excuse me, I was going to say it was actually a pleasure to wait because you just had tons of really good information and I thank you for it.
As usual, you're just right on top of the situation.
This is just kind of a heads up for movie fans.
There was a 1996 movie starring Russell Crowe called No Way Back that has a real interesting piece of film in it showing an airliner flying at dusk, at sundown, across the front of the Twin Trade Towers.
There's nothing significant in it, but it's just an interesting view of the Twin Trade Towers and, of course,
Yeah, the big jet airliner flying in front of the two buildings.
It's not like the Egyptian calendar that showed a jet flying into them six months before.
It's not like the Fox Lone Gunman piece where the secret government hijacks a jumbo jet by remote control to fly it into the towers to get martial law.
Yeah, that was the killer.
It really was.
They're just rubbing our face in it, and that's what's really getting me angry about it.
You know, it's bad enough that they're doing it, but I just don't like getting my nose dipped in it.
That's why I don't watch hardly any television.
I'm sick of watching these serial killers sit up there and pose as our saviors.
Alex, I was going to say, for the people that were paying attention,
We were actually told ahead of time that people would be prosecuted for marijuana use, possession, sale, or whatever.
Yeah, they ran those ads where they go, you smoke pot, you help the terrorists.
And that was all before they started using the law to prosecute us.
So they were just telling us ahead of time, if you're involved with marijuana, you are funding terrorist organizations.
And now if you own a topless bar, it's over for you.
Yeah, really.
Now if you own a topless bar, that's it.
I was just going to toss this up as a quick piece of information.
I heard a scientist talking about the super volcano that they're worried about in Yellowstone National Park.
Yeah, the government has seismic weapons.
They could do something like that to get a diversion going.
Well, he claims that the vibrations that are causing the rise in the
I can't remember what the heck they call it.
It's a giant exploded cone of a mega volcano that exploded and there's pieces of it here in Texas from when it blew up last time and now it's sinking and rising at record levels.
Yeah it is, as a matter of fact.
And this guy said that he was convinced that rather than the way volcanoes normally operate, which is from below the surface in a vertical direction,
These vibrations were coming through the ground in a horizontal direction.
Volcanoes have done that a lot, especially the really big ones.
They'll go sideways, they'll form a magma chamber.
What you've got is a big hole in the ground where it exploded last time, so it's doing a lot of weird things down in there.
I really need your help on this one.
I've been trying to explain to people how
9-1-1 was something set up by the Illuminati, by the globalists.
And I don't know exactly how this works, except that I do know this much.
I know that if a plane, a commercial plane, were to break radio contact with the control towers, that there's an automatic procedure that gets set in motion.
And there'd be jets all around it.
We'll be back, thanks for the call.
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Alex Jones here announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster for the New World Order.
The New World Order.
Can emerge.
The film documents dozens of confirmed cases of government-sponsored terrorism worldwide.
We rip the sinister Patriot Act legislation 1 and 2 apart, piece by piece, and reveal the arrogance of what Ashcroft has to say about your liberty.
You will lose your liberty.
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Executive orders.
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If you want to understand what the New World Order really is, then my new two and a half hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones, on the GCN Radio Network.
During the break I was thinking about all the crimes the global government has committed, the big financial interests that own the governments.
I mean, they've been caught kidnapping hundreds of thousands of women and children just last year out of Serbia.
The U.S.
government with the U.N.
and DynCorp.
What happens to DynCorp?
They admit in court, yeah, we kidnap children.
It's one of our major operations with the U.N.
and they fly them out to all these different countries, these slave brothels.
They'll have the Amber Alert turn on and, you know, take over your TV and radio and the big billboards.
Oh, a child's missing!
A child!
We care so much!
We've got to have the government watching you and tracking and tracing you and every child needs a microchip because we want to save the children!
And you've got the UN involved in white slurry worldwide in hundreds of major cases.
You've got the government shipping in the narcotics, the heroin, the cocaine, pushing the riddle in the Prozac, all these drugs on our children, our population.
You've got them putting all this horrible stuff in the vaccine, genetically engineering the food, adding all this bizarre stuff to it.
You've got the black men in Tuskegee, the sterilization of 400,000 women in this country.
Henry Kissinger's own 73 plan, ordering the third world countries to forcibly sterilize half their women or they won't get any of the money that the IMF and World Bank print out of nothingness.
Then I read a New York Times article today where it's like India's normal and good because they're going to forcibly not let people have children or forcibly sterilize people or limit their numbers.
It's like it's a good thing.
Oh, we need to be like India.
You know how sick this is?
These people, unlimited power and money and control with ruthless killers working for them and they sell you everything.
Oh, we're going to take your children in Arkansas if they're a couple pounds overweight.
That's part of the public school curriculum now.
Oh, we're going to make you swipe your national ID card when you buy things that aren't good for you because we've got to have a tax on it because we all pay for it through the socialized medicine.
We're gonna watch everything you do, and there's gonna be satellite tracker systems in your cars, and the Patriot Act, you're a terrorist if you run a topless bar, and... On and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on and on.
But we're so acclimated to it, we've been in it so long, we can't even recognize it when it's coming down upon us.
I mean, things are worse than 1984.
They're almost as bad as Brave New World on the technology end.
The only thing they're not doing is they don't have the masses of police that will go out and line people up and shoot them.
They have to keep the formality of legalism and, oh, we're the good guys, because most of their people aren't bad, they're just ignorant.
So all they're missing is the Russian or Nazi style or Mexican style oppressive government that can get away with carrying out a real hardcore oppression on a mass scale.
It's going on a wide scale, but they at least have to snare you in the system and have some semblance of a kangaroo trial.
They like to release the violent offenders because they keep the middle class in fear and that gets to build up the police state.
But the one thing holding them back from really moving hard and going ahead and carrying out their smallpox attack is the fact that their own people don't trust the smallpox shot and 99.9% plus refused it.
And secondarily, I should say two reasons, we've still got our guns.
But they're not letting you advertise them in the major newspapers and magazines.
They're shutting them down on the websites.
They got the filters that block it out.
They're teaching the children they can't say the word gun in school or write the word gun in a report.
They're teaching them thought crime.
It's happening, folks.
It's happening.
But we're fighting back.
We can stand against this.
We don't have a choice.
All right, let's go to the calls.
HW in Colorado, thanks for holding.
Go ahead.
HW here.
After I got my master's degree in engineering at the then probably best technical university in Germany, Aachen, I started paying attention to what technology things it's going to do to life on Earth.
I very soon noticed
The political management and the effort of certain people to control.
The first thing that made me suspicious is that they were trying to upgrade the university, and we're talking about the university for the elite, which was going to be constructed in Bochum.
And I thought we had the best university already.
I said, now, who is the elite?
I thought we were the elite.
I was a refugee from Eastern Germany.
And I thought, uh, we did good and had good intent and we're going to advance life and all of that.
Well, there was a couple other experiences then, but when Bush was talking, and I heard his original statement in the New World Order, I said, gee, what's going to go on in the world?
I mean, isn't God controlling life and not those people?
And I could talk forever in support of you.
To those listeners,
Wait, don't believe it?
Well, they're going to get their own experiences, too, and then you informed us more about it.
Well, that's it.
I mean, if you haven't woken up yet, you will.
And I hope it's not too late.
What was it like living under the Stasi?
Now, oh, my God.
Well, I did have no time to think about anything else than that they told us.
But I knew communism wasn't going to be a solution for my life.
I was very respectful of living creatures.
How did you get into Western Germany?
I escaped.
I took my backpack and walked away.
If they would have known it, they would have put me away.
A cousin of mine, they put him in jail later.
He tried to do the same thing.
They caught him, but I got in four years before the wall was built in 1957.
Our local church in Austin, I've never told this story.
Our local church, not in Austin, in Dallas growing up.
Now I'm in Austin.
Our local church took about four or five East German refugees, this was in the early 80's, who had snuck over, climbed over the wall, you know, been shot at, all that.
And our church took them here for like a year to teach them English.
And one of them lived with us.
His name was Christian Gunter.
And Christian Gunter lived with us for a year while he was learning English.
Then he was sent back to West Germany.
And again, it was a Christian sponsor.
My family ended up paying for it, but it was a Christian sponsor that brought him here.
And he talked about how he was... And this guy was probably 25.
He's now a very wealthy printer in Germany.
He writes his letters.
He's done quite well in West Germany.
But let me just finish.
Christian Gunter
Again, stayed with us for a year, learned English, and then was sent back to Western Germany.
But he told the stories of the things he had to do to try to get out of Eastern Germany and the things the Stasi were up to.
And I remember sitting around the dinner table hearing this stuff.
You know, my family was very violently anti-communist.
My dad had been a John Bircher and stuff.
But, uh, I remember when that was happening, my mother's like, after about six months, I don't like this, David, to my father, because we had white vans outside our house, uh, uh, the phones were clicking on and off, and that was just through our church.
I remember when the preacher asked us, would you be interested in one of these Christian East Germans trying to teach him English, so he can then go back and stay in, in, uh, Western Germany.
But, uh, go ahead and make your comments.
Yeah, I saw that coming in 57 that there was going to be a wall built, so I thought I better got out now.
I was 17 at the time.
Now, I could expand a lot on your philosophy.
Let me make one very serious statement right now.
All the sins of all the men who have all the time are accumulating in the universe.
Now, you elaborate on that, lady, but later you wouldn't probably give me the time.
So, man is born a sinner.
Though I'm not a staunch Christian or anything, but I know there's something wrong with Islam.
I agree on that, like he was terrorist and prophet of doom and all the titles of the books explains that.
By the way, I just read Gestapo USA by Bill Winterstein.
Very interesting.
I studied under a professor, never mentioned, Professor Herbert Wagner.
He was the second hand of Wernher von Braun.
Very interesting person.
I'd love to have you on as a guest.
Yeah, the father of NASA.
Thanks for the call.
Appreciate that.
Very interesting, H.W.
Helen, you're on the air.
Where are you calling from?
Yes, where are you calling us from?
Penn City, Missouri.
I wanted to say a little word about the Bohemian Club.
Oh, the Christian Conservative Organization.
Oh, absolutely.
And I've run across an interesting one paragraph in a book I've been reading, and it mentions in this book about the members, including former President George Bush and former Governor Edmund Brown of California.
And of course it mentions that they hold an annual meeting in the Redwood Forest in Sonoma County.
Then there's this part, which is why I called.
During which all members cross-dress.
They put on jewelry and makeup and perform comic skits in nylon, petty hose, and high heels.
Yeah, I have the annuals of the Bohemian Grove that a listener sent me from Reno, Nevada.
Very rare book, only about a thousand of them are printed every ten years.
It has Bush and Bush Sr.
in front of the owl.
It has them dressed up like women.
The cover of Spy Magazine has Henry Kissinger and Alexander Haig and others dressed up like women.
And according to Parade Magazine, Washington Times,
They do a lot more than just dress up like women.
Let's just say they could make their own porno movies in there.
And they bust in like Beluga Caviar, the male and female high dollar prostitutes.
Yeah, and it also mentions that a club attorney who also described his own stage appearance as a wood nymph.
And quote, he said, we wore wings and body stocking.
And so I think, you know, these people are the ones that are making decisions for us.
You know, whether it's Iraq or the Patriot Bill or whatever.
But this is Roy's.
What book is this?
This is a book on misogyny.
In case people don't know what that is, that's the male malady, the people, the men who hate women.
Well, they do hate women.
That's what the Grove is all about.
And, uh, boy, do they love men.
Let's just put it to you that way.
Our Christian conservative devil worshipers.
We'll be right back.
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Diane, Kevin, Elaine, Rob, and who's that last caller you told me about, Mark?
And Marion, Connecticut.
That'll be it for calls today because I do have a bunch of other news I want to get to, but let's go right back to the calls.
Let's go ahead and talk to Kevin in Texas.
Kevin, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
How you doing, brother?
Yesterday, Dick Cheney's entourage arrived a day ahead, which entails a C-5 Galaxy landing out at
We're good to go.
I know at the demonstration the other night, I was getting questions from the media, you know, who organized your group?
Who's the leader of your group?
I said, there's no leader.
Well, who organized it?
No one organized it.
I said, you know, it was mentioned on the radio, and there's a local micro here in town that put out an action alert that day, and she just couldn't understand that there wasn't a leader of this group.
I said, I don't even know these people.
You know, black, white, brown, it didn't matter.
And I have to say, if I die tomorrow, that I live that day and I'm still catching the buzz from it, I mean, that rush that you get from standing up for what's right and just being alive, I mean, I'm still vibrating from it.
Well, I tell you, Kevin, I'm looking at a picture of you standing right beside me from Reuters.
Yeah, and I would add, Kevin, that, I mean, to say who was the leader, all of us, everyone there are leaders.
I mean, obviously I'm the guy running around with a bullhorn with folks following me around, but everybody was there speaking out, everybody was getting involved, and I wish we'd had a month, we'd have had a thousand people down there.
I just want that to be a lesson.
All the listeners have called up and praised you for doing this.
It was nothing.
It took no planning.
Actually, Kevin, you called in on Tuesday, and you said, hey, we ought to go down there.
And I said, OK.
And then on Wednesday, I said, hey, folks.
And again, my show didn't even air until the nighttime on 1260 AM.
That's when they carry the nighttime show.
So yeah, just here on the micro during the day,
You know, we said, hey, be there, and 50 people showed up.
We had a man and his son drive down from Dallas, did the demonstration, and turned around and drove back to Dallas.
And that's a long haul.
Well, for those who just think, we weren't just standing around.
We shook Vicente Fox up.
We took over the press conference.
I've now seen the local newscast.
I mean, you could hear everything I was saying, and he was shaken.
Oh, definitely.
And that's the power of 50, 60 people.
Uh, they came together from all walks of life with a common cause.
And, uh, and we didn't know those, most of those people there.
They just showed up.
And, and I'm so proud of everybody.
And, and just let that be a lesson to everyone around the country that when these things happen.
Get out there and make a difference.
I mean, Fox is, you know, the look on his face was just, you know, Governor Perry, how can you allow your peasantry to get so close to us elites?
I mean, it was just, it was awesome and I'll let you go and more power to, power to the people, let's use one of those lefty slogans, but power to the people and we can make a difference, alright?
Well, absolutely.
Power to the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the power to God to set the parameters of this country won't have liberty and freedom again.
No doubt.
Thanks, Kevin.
Let's talk to Elaine in Texas.
Go ahead, you're on the air.
Hey, I got a little 411 for you about why Vicente Fox was here.
I just got actually recruited today, or someone tried to recruit me in my business.
To come work for them.
And what they have is this debit card that they want to start paying people with.
And that Vicente Fox, they met with him and he wants to get Mexico online with it January 15th.
Is it Wells Fargo?
It is.
It is.
And the guy, I asked him for some literature
On it, and he wouldn't give me anything without having me sign some papers saying I wouldn't repeat this.
And I'm like, of course I'm repeating this, so I didn't sign it.
Wow, sounds like freedom!
Yeah, I'm not kidding!
Alright, let me break it down for folks what's happened.
This is what, this is the rocketeering I'm talking about.
What happened is, Fox gave the APD and Wells Fargo an award
Oh, definitely.
He was telling me people that are already paying their employees with this card.
Yeah, I'll tell you what.
Stay there.
Stay there.
We'll talk more about it.
They want to force everybody onto this.
Be right back.
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Monday through Friday from 11 to 2 central, back from 9 to midnight, we're live.
Look, they're getting rid of the borders, they're getting rid of the sovereignty, they're bringing in the illegals.
800 plus cities accept the matricula card, now from Poland, Venezuela, Chile, Mexico.
Governments are here just issuing ID cards, and the banks all accept them, and you can walk in and get four or five for yourself.
We've had the leader of the Senate, from Colorado on, whose office got four of these cards.
One person did in one day.
Can all go register for welfare and when things bankrupt the feds will come in and federalize your state and raise your taxes and they say the satellite tracker boxes in the cars are going to be where they're really going to get that money and through your national ID card they'll tax you there as well.
But you've got the banks as well that are saying that they want to issue ID cards.
We've heard about Visa wanting to do this and the government's going to accept it and Wells Fargo's doing it and Wells Fargo already accepts the matricula and
It sends tens of billions of dollars a year down to Mexico and makes billions of dollars because they charge the poor immigrants $50 to wire that down there.
I think that's like the lowest charge they do.
Maybe it's gone down, it's been years since I wired money, but this is what they're up to.
I know that the government, states, a lot of big corporations penalize their employees if they don't take automatic money transfers into a bank account.
So this is very, very sinister and with a new wrinkle on this, I was aware of some of it, we have Elaine in Texas.
Elaine, describe how this person attempted to recruit you from Wells Fargo.
What developed?
What happened?
Tell us the story.
Well, what's funny, he's a regular customer of mine where I work.
He thinks I'm Hispanic, because I look that way, and he was mostly interested in Spanish-speaking people.
And he went on to tell me a little bit of why, because of this deal where they're trying to get Mexico online for this by January 15th.
He gave me a specific date, even.
And I told him, you know, I wasn't, you know, really into sales and stuff.
But he started describing it more, what's going on.
The way he said it was,
That it would bypass the matriculus card.
This would be all you would need.
And you would just get direct deposit from your employer.
It's like a prepaid credit card.
And he was also telling me people, companies here that are already using it.
He mentioned U-Haul, Blockbuster, and he said the Dallas Cowboys.
He said Jerry Jones is already using the system.
That kind of seemed funny.
And then he said, I can't give you any information.
You've got to sign a nondisclosure agreement.
I wanted some literature because, you know, this is just conversation.
Of course, I'm not going to get it all right.
He's offering you a service and he says, oh, no, can't do that.
And of course, I'm not signing anything.
But he told me if anybody I know that is interested in a job with these people that, you know, we can come out tomorrow.
And he was still trying to get me to come.
And again, that's what Fox was here for.
He gave an award to the APD for, and this was in the news, for accepting fake IDs.
I mean, that's racketeering, folks.
He gave an award to Wells Fargo, and Wells Fargo's going to issue its own form of ID, and your cops are going to accept it, folks.
I mean, this is the new America.
But hey, as a citizen, you try giving a cop that ID card from Wells Fargo, and you'll find out about the new world order real quick.
Hey, I'd just like to say where it is in case anybody wants to go research it themselves.
They're having applications tomorrow at Bezos Restaurant on 290, which used to be Bevos, and that's from 9 a.m.
to 12 noon.
9 a.m.
to 12 noon?
Where is that?
I mean, I'm going to be out of town at a funeral, but maybe folks should drop by and
And expose this.
So where is this again?
Um, they sell the restaurant right off of 290.
It used to be Bebo's.
That's the restaurant that got in a lot of trouble for using that name.
I'm not exactly sure where we're at on 290.
Alright, well, so what did he say when you asked questions?
Did he think that was very bizarre?
Well, he, actually he wanted to know my opinion first on, um, what I thought about these certain things.
You know, what I thought about Fox and what not.
You know, we talked a little bit.
Yeah, just here in America, with the local banks and the government and awards, and what do you think of our new president?
Basically, that's what he is.
Hey, listen, I have to go.
I have a customer.
Okay, thanks a lot.
Appreciate you calling into the show.
Well, isn't that just precious?
Yeah, I was aware of that.
I didn't know they were already running around doing that part of it.
There you go, folks.
I see them pulling old ladies out of their cars all the time, black, white, Hispanic, throwing their goods all over the side of the road.
They get them loaded back in their car, but illegals, there's been sheriffs on the record, they've been told, do not stop them, do not arrest them, let them be.
I know a lady who runs the biggest apartment complex in Austin.
And she went to the big corporate meeting in Dallas and they told them, we don't care if there's 10 illegals in that apartment, you leave them alone.
But they go, if it's a citizen, you give them fines, fees, you kick them out, you shut down their lease, you put it on their credit.
And Orrin Hatch wants to double the tuition for illegals that citizens get.
Think about that.
It's designed to bring them up here.
By design.
It's not happening by accident, folks.
If something happens in politics, you can bet it was planned that way.
Let's talk to Rob in Wyoming, and then one final call from Mary in Connecticut.
Rob, you're on the air.
Hey, Alex, that's what FDR said, huh?
If it happens, it was not by mistake.
Up here, we've got a prosecutor that has been accused of a total of 90 years penalty.
I should say penalty punishment and fine for felonies.
And he's not, he's not being, he's still a prosecutor.
He's still acting as the prosecutor.
He refuses to step down, let alone be booked into jail and have forced... About a year and a half ago, the city manager of Milwaukee, I forget her name, there was a recall petition on some of the council members and she in open city council said,
This is in the Milwaukee Journal News.
Just type it in, you know, City Leader Calls for Martial Law.
She said in an open meeting, well we all had the meeting about martial law, let's just declare martial law and put police on the streets.
They can't recall us, we run this city.
Now that shows the mindset of these psychopaths.
It sure does.
And this guy hasn't denied any of these charges.
His defense seems to be that they are the victims of... Well, the governor, the new governor, Arnold, has hired a private investigator to investigate him.
Arnold is paying him privately to investigate him.
People go, oh good, that sounds real nice.
Well, she's wrong if the police realize what the law is and who's outside the law.
Well, it's not the police.
What needs to happen is the state grand jury, the county grand jury, needs to start proceedings.
That's a good idea.
Maybe we could do that here.
I don't know.
So what are the charges?
They'll force vaccinations on you just for being accused by a guy who doesn't swear out a complaint under penalty of perjury that he thinks you're guilty.
He goes around, he has a vested interest in accusing people all day long, every day.
Who is this?
Oh, just the, you know, district attorneys and prosecutors.
And they throw you in jail for that accusation and then force vaccinations on you.
But not the prosecutor, he doesn't have to go to jail.
Yeah, it's a nice system.
And now the Supreme Court's ruled that before even indicting you, they can grab you and forcibly drug you.
Hey, it worked for the KGB!
But, uh, so what is the, uh, what is the District Attorney or the Prosecutor, what's he being, um, what are the charges being leveled at him?
He's technically District Attorney.
He's, uh, he, he forged, um, he's accused of being, uh, having mishandled his stepchildren's, um, a settlement that they got in a lawsuit.
And forging their signatures to obtain credit cards.
And that's a crime under the common law of forgery.
And that is intent to deceive and intent to defraud whether the stepchildren have reconciled with him or not.
It's the intent.
Criminal intent.
And there's a couple of... And then there's one, out of all those charges, one of them's not a felony.
It's official misconduct.
And I can't remember how that ties in.
And he says, I'm not stepping down.
It's like this former FBI Williamson County Sheriff who's stumbling around drunk routinely with his pants down around his ankles and full view of women on the side of the highway.
This really happened.
Then it comes out that he's involved trying to get police and APD to forge and expunge records of drug shenanigans.
I mean, it's just these people are out of control.
We do have one good sheriff up in Bighorn County here.
He refuses to let ATF and those types just barge in and take over and stuff like that.
Well, God bless him.
Thanks for the call.
Let's talk to Mary in Connecticut.
Last caller.
Welcome, Mary.
I'm so happy that you're there.
I'll tell you.
Anyway, I found something in our local paper that I thought would interest you very much.
In the year of 1946,
The plans for the U.N.
headquarters involved taking 42-square-mile area of the backcountry of Greenwich, North Stanford, and parts of Westchester County.
And by the time, you know, the plans, you know, had gone underway a little bit, they'd swelled to 175 square miles.
The blueprints revealed a totally separate town with a hotel, school, churches, hospitals, and a police department.
And a 12 story structure that would accommodate 50,000 employees.
Yeah, just like the District of Columbia, making its own little corporate command base.
And this would have been by eminent domain.
But because it entailed taking a lot of rich people's land, they were able to fight it.
But, you know, they were shown in the media to be snobs and anti-Semitic and the whole bit.
Oh, really?
When they wouldn't give their land over to the U.N.?
He won't submit to Nazism!
You're a Nazi!
You don't like Arnold who screams in front of thousands that he hates blacks and they're subhuman, and he calls them the N-word!
You're calling him bad?
You're a racist!
It's very sad.
Well, that's how it works now.
Can I ask a question, too?
You're against Hitler.
You're anti-Semitic.
I'm sorry, go ahead.
I'm very interested in the revelation that I can only find on your show, even after having done a Google search, that there were only five members of the Senate present when they had that voice vote for that Iraq package.
A listener mentioned that, and I had read that, and I think it was a Reuters report, but that they passed the change into a larger spending bill
Uh, five senators did.
Did you report that on your website?
I believe it was about, uh, what was that, Monday when that passed.
Uh, but, uh, the problem is you'll do a Google search and then stuff will pop up and it may be in the body of the text.
I read it.
It's not there.
But, um, anyway, I know you're in a hurry, so I'll get off, but thank you.
Okay, I really do appreciate your call.
Take care.
Let me get back into some of the, I'll recap some of the top stories on the news I haven't covered.
Again, Jessica Lynch criticized military for exaggerating accounts of her rescue and recasting her ordeal as a patriotic fable.
Asked by ABC News anchor, gun grabber Diane Sawyer, if the military's portrayal of rescue bothered her.
Lynch said, yes it does.
It does that they used me in a way to symbolize all this stuff.
Yeah, it's wrong.
Ask how she felt about reports of her heroism.
It hurt in a way that people would make up stories
That they had no truth about, only I would have been able to know that, because the other four people in my vehicle aren't here to tell the story.
So I would have been the only one able to say, yeah, I went down shooting, but I didn't ask about claims of the military exaggerated danger of the rescue mission.
Yeah, I don't think it happened quite like that.
So the truth is out on that, as we told you all along.
Continuing, again, six dead in a helicopter that they say was shot down, probably shot down by rockets.
Another couple troops killed in bombings and attacks on convoys.
A bunch of other people getting killed, civilians.
A big story out of the Las Vegas Review-Journal in a case of a county commissioner who may have been paid off by a strip bar owner.
They're using the Patriot Act in that and calling it terrorism.
That's the big paper of Nevada, folks, okay?
Again, there's your Al-Qaeda, and they got a bunch of members of the state legislature saying, is it a trip bar, Al-Qaeda?
Well, you didn't read the legislation, did you?
Every crime, including misdemeanors, are punishable by secret execution.
They just don't have troops that'll carry it out.
It's like this guy over in Iraq who was an interrogator.
And, uh, from the foreign press, we're talking about British press, there's more news on it, there was a mangled body, he was being ordered to torture for answers, somebody dying, and he freaked out and said no!
And so, now they're gonna court-martial him.
And even our news admitted that he was, quote, involved in interrogation, and when he saw the mangled body of the dying man, uh, he ran out of the tent.
Torture him.
Torture that man as he pleases.
I can't do that.
I've got to do that.
That's illegal.
You're under court-martial, buddy!
Get with the programmer!
You're under court-martial right now!
General Rick Baucus, Brigadier General, quit, folks.
And then they said, okay, fine, you're relieved from command from Camp X-Ray because he refused torture.
They've been grabbing all these other people who don't go along with it and calling them Al-Qaeda members.
Oh, you're not for torturing people.
You must be with Al-Qaeda.
Isn't that just, just absolutely, totally and completely precious?
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And it goes into how safe it was and how they've stopped all these criminals that steal cars.
We just turn their vehicles off and all your new cars.
We can do this and this is a good thing.
Trust the government.
Everything's fine.
The UN has blocked a ban on cloning.
That's from the BBC.
New FBI rules.
Relaxed restrictions.
The FBI will be able to more easily check on a person's background for potential terrorist activities under national security guidelines.
Issued Wednesday by Attorney General John Ashcroft.
Civil Libertarians that the rules could invite abuse against innocent people.
The guidelines enable the FBI to conduct a threat assessment of potential terrorist or terrorist activity, and again that's everything, without initial evidence of a crime or national security threat as required to begin a more formal preliminary or full investigation.
The argument is, well look at all these FBI agents that couldn't stop Al Qaeda.
They specifically said they're planning to do all this and they were told you'll be arrested if you do stop them.
And Bush signed W199I.
Departmental Directive to the Justice Department.
So that's just incredible.
And we get back.
Suspect code used in state votes.
Pentagon says a covert force hunts Saddam.
Yeah, right.
And I got a bunch of other really interesting news here on North Korea, on national ID cards in England.
A little bit on Fox's visit.
In the final segment, I'm going to briefly, for about 60 seconds when we get back, plug my new film, Matrix of Evil.
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Stay the course.
Stay with us.
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I won't back down, I can't back down.
We got a bunch of psychopathic degenerates that love engaging in sadistic behavior that must be resisted, bottom line.
Be sure and join me back Monday from 11 to 2 and 9 to midnight.
And I generally do the Saturday show with John Stattmuller from 1 to 4.
He'll be doing that because I'm going to go to my grandmother's funeral.
If you want to get my videos to give them as gifts or to educate others or to put them on AXS television or show them to your college students, whatever.
To get any of the videos or books or things we offer, 1-888-253-3139 if you want to learn more and support this show.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Please tell, it's not hard to do, ten people a day about this show, whether it's AM, FM, shortwave internet, or satellite, that you listen.
And make copies of better shows that you think are informative and give them to people on cassette or CD.
You can go download them off PrisonPlanet.com, some of our best interviews, burn them on CD and give them to people.
There's a lot you can do to affect change, and I think we're doing one of the better jobs here of exposing the system, so please help us do that.
It's so important.
And please get the videos.
And the books.
Oh boy, there's so much here.
We do have the bomb, North Korea envoy says.
London Telegraph, North Korea's ambassador in London, explicitly confirmed yesterday that the nation possess nuclear weapons and was ready to use them.
Yeah, they've had them for like eight years.
They've got missiles that can hit any part of the U.S.
An interview with Reuters News Agency, Ryo Ho, asked whether North Korea had a nuclear bomb, said, what we are saying is a nuclear deterrent capability.
And they're threatening that if Rumsfeld pulls out his nuclear reactors, he sold them,
Don't worry, he won't.
They're going to seize those and not let him pull them out.
The Queen sets the agenda and is the Master of England.
They own the tabloids.
Did you know they own the big tabloids?
They badmouth themselves to make them look like a joke, but they've got power.
This is out of the London Guardian today.
Queen's speech to pave the way for ID cards, final decision on compulsory scheme to be put
For years, the cabinet yesterday agreed to table a draft bill of identity cards in the Queen's speech and allow the Home Office to start technical preparations for the compulsory national scheme.
We hear Bush, and we hear Leslie Clark, and we hear Queen Elizabeth saying how we need this.
And it is a national ID card, and they already have it via their driver's license, but they want to make you have it to leave your house.
WFSB Channel 3 Eyewitness News CBS reports
We've all heard of black boxes and airliners, but you may not know that your car may have one, too.
Insurance companies and police are aware of the fact, and they can use the information from that box against you.
Yeah, and it has a satellite tracker plug-in.
Also, states in India take new steps to limit births.
Yeah, to get their IMF and World Bank money.
And the New York Times acts like this is a good thing.
Sick article.
Japan to begin joint naval exercises and last weekend said they will no longer be a peaceful country and may use preemptive strikes themselves.
Out of this preemptive strike dogma we're seeing a massive worldwide escalation when mutually assured destruction, MAD, kept us in such good stead.
The Karloff Group and others just love this, and the Rothschilds just love it because out of global anarchy and crises, they can build their new world order.
Again, order out of chaos.
Good news, renewal expected on ban of internet access taxes, at least for another couple years.
Though they say that after that, they're going to go ahead and start taxing the internet.
That's from USA Today.
There was also an anthrax scare.
Shut down 11 Washington Post offices.
And they got shut down when they
At the U.S.
Navy Mail Handling Center, they said that their automated mail handling operation, they thought they found a substance that could be anthrax.
Well, we know where the anthrax came from two years ago, and that was the CIA!
You know, they tried to pin it on Hatfield, just like they tried to pin the Olympic Park bombing on Richard Jewell.
Well, it's the most weaponized anthrax ever seen.
And when Bush was on Cipro, the anthrax-fighting antibiotic,
On September 10th, even before 9-11, four weeks before it showed up in Boca Raton, Bush in his cabinet.
Back tonight, nine to midnight central.
Be sure and join us.
And then back on Monday.
Have a safe weekend and wake somebody up and spread the word.
We shall prevail.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
You know that Berkey water filters have become the standard of excellence by which all other water filtration systems are measured.
The Berkey Light gives you the freshest, cleanest water possible from the water