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Name: 20031104_Tue_Alex
Air Date: Nov. 4, 2003
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You are listening to GCN.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas,
Alex Jones.
It's already Tuesday, the 4th of November 2003.
I'm your host Alex Jones.
We'll be live the next three hours on this 4th of November 2003 transmission.
The websites have been updated.
They're PrisonPlanet.com and InfoWars.com as well as InfoWars.net.
We've got some folks coming on from the Paragon Foundation, the premier land rights organization with some new tricks they've found to defeat these federal and state courts in their land grabbing operations.
Also, there's a lot of Rothschild activity in the mainstream media.
We'll be going over some of that.
In fact, here's some of the news.
Valley Blast FDA support for animal cloning warns people are not guinea pigs.
They're getting ready to approve cloned cows, pigs, sheep, everything.
And you're not going to be told about it.
It's going to be on your plate.
It's going to be at the supermarkets.
It's going to be everywhere.
Very, very serious.
This is the same FDA saying a radiated beef and poultry and chicken is good for your children in the public schools.
So sales of cloned cattle multiply.
That's the headline today.
Two stories on that.
Sun on fire unleashes three more major flares.
The sun cut loose with three major flares in less than 24 hours.
Bringing to the number 9, the number of major eruptions in less than two weeks.
Scientists have never witnessed a string of activity like this.
Another headline, BBC, what is happening to the Sun?
This is very, very serious because in 200 years of watching the Sun, 150 years of real data being gathered, this has never
Never happened.
I mean, two weeks ago they said it was the biggest flare since 1859.
Then last week they had another flare that was 100 times bigger than that.
And I've seen photos of the sun and the size of the coils that are being launched from it in the past.
And I'm looking at a photo here of the sun yesterday ejecting a bunch of these.
And these things are gigantic.
They're bigger than the sun itself.
It is massive.
That's what the articles say, so we'll go over that, too, early in this hour.
Bush wins his $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan, so the war is not going to end until Halliburton and others have sucked that dry.
The troops won't get a dime of it, of course.
They won't even get health care when they're shot.
That's mainstream news.
Also, U.S.
will seek another $2.22 billion for military aid for Israel.
China to help Pakistan, our gallant little ally, build second nuclear power plant that's being used to build nuclear warheads for missiles.
Missiles that can now hit parts of the U.S.
and they're also helping arm North Korea.
But the Pentagon and Echelon are going to watch you and your family.
The border's going to stay wide open.
They're going to arm all these enemies, okay?
Also, U.S.
military upholds TV cover ban on Iraq coffins and won't let the media in to see any of the troops in the hospitals.
This is out of Reuters.
More and more like the Soviet Union every day.
Israeli war planes overfly southern Lebanon.
They're threatening to attack areas of that sector.
Anti-war activists charge for misusing phone to protest U.S.
About a year and a half ago, Australia, after taking the guns, banned any protest of the IMF, World Bank, or military activities.
They said, if you're out on the street protesting anything, we're allowed to shoot you dead.
That was the headline.
People couldn't believe it.
It was out of the mainstream papers.
Well, a man used a cell phone to send an email, non-threatening, protesting to the U.S.
They requested he be arrested.
He has been arrested.
In Australia, you send emails just protesting, you're arrested.
This is Sydney Morning Herald.
They calmly report it like it's a good thing.
That's your new democracy, folks.
Uh, let me see this.
I've gone through about two centimeters of stories, and it's about four inches thick.
It's all coming up when we get back.
Stay with us.
Big ol' stack of stuff.
Hey folks, Alex Jones here, and I'm very excited to announce the release of my bombshell documentary film, 9-1-1 The Road to Tyranny, on DVD.
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That's toll-free, 888-803-4438.
Not yet available in Iowa.
From his Central Texas Command Center, deep behind enemy lines, the information war continues.
It's Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
I have a big old stack here of articles about, well, the bizarre activities, the unusual activities of Sol or the Sun.
In the hundreds of years that they have been tracking the corona of the Sun, they've never seen this much activity.
But, I mean, obviously,
150 years in the scope of the life of the Sun isn't that long, and so we haven't observed enough of the cycles to know if this is really serious, though it can affect satellites and power lines and different electronics here on the ground.
But according to the scientists, they're very concerned because it's not just shooting out record
Record ejections of superheated plasma at millions of miles an hour towards the earth and then dissipating into radiation or light.
It's doing it every day now.
They're getting bigger and bigger and bigger and more and more frequent in the last two years.
And now in the last three weeks, that's geometrically grown.
Again, in the space of a week, they had the biggest flare ever recorded, and then they had one the next week, last week, 100 times bigger.
And we were hit with flares even bigger than that yesterday.
And they say there's more ejections taking place.
My goodness, and there's all these fires out in California, and we've got all this other stuff going on.
It's interesting, isn't it?
And they are having record temperatures.
I wonder if your air conditioner is causing the sun to do this.
I'm just waiting for the environmentalists to say, well, we need to start taxing you to drive your cars or making you live in compact cities because global warming is affecting the sun, which is, of course, totally ridiculous, but I expect to hear it.
Very soon, because they know we have a population that doesn't know where Iraq is on the map, doesn't know where England is on the map, doesn't know who the Vice President is, the vast majority, including the British people, the vast majority, don't know who their Deputy Prime Minister is.
People don't know how many, again, continents there are, or what the 5th or 4th Amendment is.
And so, when the government tells them, give up your cars, let us tax and trace you, there's global warming caused by
By different chemicals, and all the evidence shows it's a fraud, but they don't care.
I mean, you're talking to people who don't know their head from a hole in the ground.
But we'll go over the situation with the sun.
I guess it's time to escape to Mars and start the terra-farming now, and move into the moons of Jupiter and Saturn.
They say that those are habitable.
We could live on those.
In fact, we already have the technology to do it, but of course, the globalists are too busy suppressing us and dumbing us down to have any real vision for humanity.
It would be smart, because we never know when an asteroid is going to slam into us and we're going to have nuclear war.
We need to get off this planet immediately!
We want to boost the economy, start a massive space program.
And again, now you're getting off, now we're getting off into my dreams and vision, but instead the space is going to be a military zone of space planes and particle beam nuclear bomb platform space stations.
Circling the Earth.
All right.
Just continuing with the news here.
Boy, there's a lot of it.
I mean, how to cover it.
You know what I'm going to do?
I'm not going to comment in any depth until I go through all these articles.
Just letting you know what's out there, okay?
FDA is supporting animal cloning, and there's warnings that people are not getting pigs, but the FDA says they're going to approve it.
And it's going to be on your store shelves, possibly within months, and they're about to flood the market
With thousands of canisters, each canister containing hundreds of cloned embryos of bulls, and prize bulls, and cows, and horses, and pigs, and sheep, and ducks, and everything else, folks.
And if we follow what the globalists have done in the past, they will genetically engineer this stuff like they've done the plants, where it can't reproduce, but you've got to keep buying the clones from them.
It's about patenting life, creating a monopoly.
But I said I wouldn't get into any depth, and I'm already breaking that statement instantly.
But that's coming up.
Sales of cloned cattle multiply.
It's already going on en masse.
Sun on fire unleashes three more major flares.
What is happening to the sun, the BBC says.
The sun's intense activity in the past week will go into the record books.
And it's causing people to see aurora borealis.
Or, well, it's the Aurora Borealis if it's up north, and I guess it's the Aurora Australis if it's down around Australia where they have a thin atmosphere.
But now they're seeing them.
Well, a couple nights ago, I was out at night and they had a clear sky.
I was out in East Texas visiting with families and my grandmother died.
And I looked up and there was weird northern lights in East Texas.
And there's an article here about that, too.
Bush wins $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan.
So I hope you enjoy that little tax increase.
And the government is seeking another $2.22 billion for military aid to Israel.
China is helping Pakistan build a second nuclear power plant.
Oh boy.
And the U.S.
military upholds a TV coverage ban on Iraq coffins.
That's because they're suppressing the real number of dead.
By the way, we finally got the official number yesterday.
It wasn't 18.
It wasn't 22.
They're now saying the official number, and by next week it'll probably be higher for yesterday, but by then it'll be in the back of the paper, a small correction.
It's now 24 dead soldiers, three dead private Americans for oil companies, and dozens of others, and we're not sure on those numbers.
So, looks like at least 40 people died yesterday.
Boy, that's a bad day.
That's like the end of Vietnam or something, those... that high of numbers.
military upholds TV coverage ban for Iraq coffins.
Hmm, our free country.
Israeli warplanes overfly South Lebanon.
Anti-war protester sent an email to the government and they say all protests is banned.
He has been arrested under terrorism charges.
Folks, I'm not joking.
This is the National Paper of Australia's City Morning Herald.
Another article out of Wired Magazine about how wonderful Australia's touchscreen systems are, how we need those.
Give me a break.
Aussies do it right, e-voting.
Rothschild brought on board at Sky Television as SOP to anti-Murdoch camp.
Now, boy, what a twisted headline.
It's not accurate.
That's not one independent.
Again, those Rothschilds.
Just gubernatorial elections of Schwarzenegger, land-grabbing organizations, Ford Foundation, IMF, World Bank, Federal Reserve Control, currency speculation, Enron scamming, Venezuelan coups, TV takeovers.
Financing and controlling is the sci-fi channel and most of the big UFO talk show host.
That's, by the way, Kansas City Star, New York Times.
It's always a Rothschild sneaking about, but...
According to law enforcement pamphlets, to say the word Rothschild, they say that it is an imaginary code word of terrorism.
It's like if you say posse comitatus police have been taught, that's a code for terror.
No, it's a federal law.
It's like, we talk about real people, it doesn't exist, we're crazy.
We talk about real laws, that's the tactic, folks.
Government is corrupt.
Ha ha ha, the sitcom says.
Only crazy people say that.
But again, Rothschild brought on board at Sky a shop to Andy Murdock camp.
And out of Channel News Asia as well as ITAR-TAS, two different articles here, Russian, ITAR-TAS is the official Russian news agency by the way, Russian foreign minister rejects U.S.
criticism over Tycoon's arrest.
And again, all you have is different globalist criminals robbing each other over there.
Russia is the same as it always was, command and control.
Call it fascist, call it communist, call it a plutocracy, call it an oligarchy, call it whatever you want, it's all command and control.
Russian Foreign Minister Igor Inovov rejected U.S.
criticism over arrest of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorovsky and pointed the finger at the financial scandals in the United States saying, oh look at your Enron.
Yeah, and who's involved?
Same people.
Says right here, listen to this.
To complicate issues further, a London newspaper claims Sunday that control of the shares in Yukos, the biggest oil company in Russia and owned by the richest man in Russia, has passed to a member of the Rothschild banking family.
Under a deal which they hammered out prior to the Russian oil baron's arrest, voting rights to be shares passed to Lord Jacob Rothschild.
Oh, the guy, we have a photo of him with Arnold meeting last September.
With Warren Buffett.
67 under a previously unknown agreement.
Oh, previously unknown.
Decided to take effect in the event that Kordodowsky could no longer act as beneficiary of the shares, the Sunday Times said.
Rothschild now controls the voting rights on the stakes of Yukos with almost 8 billion pounds or 11.6 billion euros.
13.5 billion dollars.
Ooh, look.
A dollar.
13.5 billion to 11.6 billion euros.
Just a year ago, it was the opposite ratio.
Where's your currency?
The newspaper sent in a dispatch from Moscow.
By the way, they're applying morphine to you as they suck your blood out.
The media's going, the economy's doing real nice right now.
All the debt explodes, all the foreclosures rampage, all the trade deficit balloons, they're going, oh, we had increased manufacturing, the stock market's up.
Uh, yeah.
Enjoy the drugs they give you as they assanguiate you.
My whole point is, I told you Russia was owned by the Rothschilds.
They've got about half the shares, or 51% in Russian ownership, since about 1918.
The other 49% is shared by the Sachs-Coburg-Gotha, a German-to-Dutch royal family that runs England and uses those good people as their power engine the last 200 years to create a world empire.
We're now going to be the main engine here in the U.S.
with a subsidiary frigate being England.
It is Subsidiary Attack Cruiser.
You want to look at it in terms of capital ships.
And, uh, it's always the Rothschilds.
Cynron, PNAC, you name it, Rothschilds.
Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rothschilds.
Porn industry, Rothschilds.
Owning our media, Rothschilds.
Turnover, rock, Rothschilds.
Funding the ACLU, Rothschilds.
The biggest, the baddest, the top of the pyramid, your enemy, sworn to annihilate 80-95% of you in their own policy papers.
But again, they don't exist.
Law enforcement manuals say it's an imaginary family.
Doesn't exist.
Only terrorists talk about them.
Uh, yeah, because they wrote the manuals for you, boys.
Don't worry about the chief mafia, Don.
You just go back to pulling old ladies over.
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We're good to go.
I think so.
Hello folks, this is Alex Jones.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk, Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
Weekdays, 11 to 2 Central.
Standard time, we're here live.
And then of course, 9 to midnight Central.
Getting back to the Rothschilds, I told you Warren Buffett is just one of about 50 managers that we know of that worked for the Rothschilds.
And everybody says, oh, how does the Oracle of Omaha, Warren Buffett, how does he always know what's gonna happen?
You know, how does George Soros, the big currency speculator and financier, how does he always know what's going to happen before it happens?
How do these guys have this crystal ball?
Every time I turn around, they're chairman of the board of dozens of Rothschild-owned companies.
And they're always involved, putting people into office, getting referendums passed, manipulating currency.
And right now, all the different Rothschild agents, from Japan to the United States to China to Israel, are running around, bad-mouthing the dollar.
And we've got, simultaneously, Treasury Secretary Snowe, Bush, everybody, bad-mouthing the dollar.
And it just plunges and plunges and plunges and plunges and plunges.
The money you have in the bank's been deteriorated in its value by about 30 percent.
And it's killing us and our trade deficit's out of control.
And they're telling you how good the economy is.
The real economy.
That is wealth creation for the middle class.
People coming out of poverty is in horrible shape.
More people are going into poverty at record levels in US history since the Great Depression.
More debt is here than has ever been here.
Corporate, private, public, that is governmental.
And I'm not trying to be gloom and doom here.
It's just you sit here and you watch the news and they tell you how great it is and so you think, well I must be a loser then because I'm not doing good.
I better try to keep my chin up and go out and go into debt or something this Christmas.
Maybe that'll fix the problems for me.
Then they lower interest rates real low for you to encourage you to get into deeper debt.
It's very serious, but you've got the guy who supposedly owns all the Russian oil.
He was just handed it by Mikhail Gorbachev, who's over here on our Base Closure Commission and meeting just last month with Bush Sr.
and Helmut Kohl.
It was a big headline in the newspaper, said, New World Order Discussed.
And Gorbachev just hands over all the industries to six strong men in Russia.
And then now those six strongmen, if they don't follow orders, they get arrested and it gets handed back over to the Rothschilds.
And then they hand it over to some new puppet manager.
And that's all that's happening.
Now, some people could say, well, this really shows that Russia and China and everybody are lining up against the globalists and Western world and the Rothschilds because they're trying to seize Rothschild wealth right now.
But, uh, I don't believe that's the case here.
But again, some people out there who have done their analysis and who I respect say that is happening.
But only at a certain level.
It's like yesterday when I read about Henry Ford right through into World War II with the slave labor at the Ford plants building Panzers and ball bearings and car parts and parts for Messerschmitts and Folk Wolfs and he wouldn't build engines for the RAF.
Remember that?
Remember that story yesterday?
Out of the London Telegraph?
It's on InfoWars.com and AirStateNews, you'll want to see it.
But it's the same thing.
It was IBM, it was General Electric, General Motors, they were all involved.
Bush's grandfather, Prescott, all of them.
Joseph Kennedy, all of them.
Roosevelt was involved, all of them.
They create the Saddam's, they create the Hitler's, they create the Stalin's and the Lenin's and the Mao's.
History Channel admits
I had an old, former section chief, 80-something years old, and he goes, yeah, in 49, we put Mao in.
We thought he was more of a stabilizing effect.
And I already had read that and knew that, but again, I almost fell out of my chair.
I screamed at the television because it made me so angry that they think we're so stupid that they can just throw it out in our face now.
You don't like communists?
You don't like all the troops we've had die fighting them in Korea, and fighting them in Vietnam, and fighting them in Cuba, and fighting them in Latin America, and fighting them in Eastern Europe, and all these clandestine operations?
What Pol Pot did?
And what the Chinese did?
Well, you better start disliking the Rothschilds and the Sachs-Coburg Gothas!
That's the House of Windsor.
You better start knowing who your rulers are.
See, if you don't even know who your rulers are, your owners are, how are you ever going to be free from them?
At least a black slave on a plantation knew who their owners were and knew how to fight back.
But you don't even know who your owners are.
Well, they may have a lot of control over my life, but I'm not owned by them because I'm a free human being standing up and fighting back against them.
All right, we're going to come back and take calls and get into a whole other stack of news and detail more of what I already mentioned about the sun acting very jittery, about the economy, what's going on in Iraq.
Stay with us.
We're on the march, the empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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Do you know a lot about the quality of air outside these days?
Is it as healthy as you'd like it?
Probably not.
Well, listen to this.
Did you know, according to the American Lung Association, combined with the EPA, the air quality inside your home is actually six to ten times worse than the air outside?
Six to ten times.
How can that be, you ask?
Think about what's inside your home.
Does anyone smoke?
What about all those cleaners under your sink?
Where do you think all those fumes go?
Toxic fumes.
Well, I'll tell you where they go.
Your sofa.
They go.
We're good to go.
All right, ladies and gentlemen, we're halfway into this first hour.
We do have the Paragon Foundation coming on to talk about ways to stand up to the land grabbers in the third hour.
I think a lot of calls covered a ton of news in the next hour and a half.
Before we get our guest on, the toll-free number to join us on air is 1-800-259-9231.
We're about to go to Brock and Ron and Phil and Dylan and others that are patiently holding here in just a few minutes.
Then I'm going to go back into more detail about the Rothschilds involved in taking over the oil supply.
They've always been in control, but reasserting that in Russia.
And the Rothschilds involved taking over the media in England.
That's another headline here.
Again, they've already been in control, but now they're expanding the consolidation over new media that's moved into England.
And coming up, driver's license facilities gearing up for immigrant licenses out in California.
Arnold's going to continue that, of course.
He's going to continue every Davis policy.
He was involved in the Enron scamming with Michael Milken.
And Ken Lay of Enron fame.
Here's another one.
Bush to meet firefighters in Schwarzenegger.
So Bush can now grandstand around in the moonscape of Southern California, which they admit the Army, in quote, drills set the southerly fires outside San Diego.
So Bush is going to be, it says, in a cowboy hat and cowboy boots, literally, strutting around with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
This is really sick.
And again, President Vicente Fox is going to be in Austin tomorrow, throughout the rest of the week, and then in
Out in Arizona, telling the governor here, Rick Perry, and the governor in Arizona to give us blanket amnesty.
And, uh, he's saying, give Mexico blanket amnesty.
Give us what we want.
And I heard the Neocon talk show this morning in Austin, the big number one morning talk show, the conservatives, going, well, we do need to go ahead and track these illegals, let's go ahead and let them have the guest worker program.
Oh yeah, blanket amnesty for everybody here and whoever can get here.
And the local papers and the national papers are saying, go ahead and capitulate.
There's 30 million illegals.
Just go ahead and give in to it.
There's nothing you can do.
Pan-American Union.
So, 89% of you want the borders shut, illegals deported.
The media tries to make it a racial issue.
Last night at dinner, I couldn't even eat dinner because so many great folks came over at the restaurant I was eating at.
Roadhouse Steakhouse, my wife, and out of 20 people that came over to the table, most of them were Hispanic.
Folks, they're all against the open borders and what's happening.
They know it's killing our economy, but the media tries to make it racial.
We'll get into that.
New card removes stigma of food stamps, welfare checks.
Biometric passports suffer bumpy ride.
Countries want digital identifiers and passports by next year.
Will the technology be ready?
See, the question is, do we want this?
The question is, does it work?
And globally, the UN said two years ago, all countries by 2005
Must have a world ID number and biometric system.
This is world ID card.
We'll get to that.
Applied Digital Solutions is buying up cell phone to companies and technology and moving into satellites so they can own the entire chain of their control system with their implantable chips.
Walmart to hold ID tag meeting.
Gotta force that on you.
That from CNET News.
The little tracker chips.
China wants to have its own space station.
Construction surges to record in September.
And October factory growth, fastest since 2000.
Yeah, and they count prison factories being built, being part of that.
But there's another editorial here.
The Capital Times, trade deficit foils economy and is really having a bad effect.
That's what's destroying us.
The tax cuts, the small tax cuts have helped though.
And folks, there's just so much more coming up.
Before I go to Brock, Ron, Phil, Dylan and others that are patiently holding.
And then back into what the sun's up to with record solar activity and flares.
Very serious.
And more on the situation in the Middle East that's unfolding.
Now they're saying 24 dead Sunday, ladies and gentlemen.
So that number just keeps growing.
But before I do that, I really want to encourage all of you to get my new video, The Matrix of Evil.
Matrix of Evil is excellent.
It is two hours, ten minutes long.
We interview Congressman Ron Paul, Cynthia McKinney, Congresswoman, former Congresswoman, Frank Morales, police state expert, Colonel Craig Roberts, expert on the New World Order.
He talks about gun control, government-sponsored terror.
There's excerpts of three of my latest and best speeches.
An impassioned speech I gave before the Austin City Council, right before they threw out the Patriot Act.
Excerpts of myself on national TV, on free speech television about a month ago, where I received second place for Project Censored.
I gave a really powerful speech there.
Kind of a different film than what I put out in the past, but it's great.
Got a lot of video clips, a lot of documents in it, little news clips.
Matrix of Evil's got Ron Paul talking about the globalists setting up a depression.
Talking about how those that are in Washington believe in global government.
Cynthia McKinney talking about 9-11, government assassinations, government-run white slavery rings.
It's really a great film.
You need to have it.
It'll wake a lot of people up from across the political spectrum.
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It's a great book, 1995, over 300 pages, full of photos and diagrams and documents.
You get a second book to give as a gift for only $11.95 when you get one of the books.
And your support's needed, folks, for us to continue to write more books, to publish more books, to make more films.
I mean, I was up working last night till midnight on another film.
I'm just working around the clock here to fight the globalists.
So please go to InfoWars.com or PrisonPlanet.com, link through to our secure online shopping cart, get the videos, get the books, give them as gifts to friends and families as birthday presents.
It's so important.
Toll free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones, and I'm at 3001, that's 3001 South Lamar, L-A-M-A-R, Suite 100, Austin, Texas, 78704.
Or again, one more time, that phone number, 1-888-253-3139, or the websites.
Please take action.
The videos are waking people up en masse.
Cynthia McKinney ran over, hugged me,
Hello Alex, I wanted to ask a couple of things.
One of which, the World Trade Center bombings.
The way I understand it, there's the Illuminati, a few of them in each government, so I guess they got together as a team and carried that out?
Is that basically it?
Their story, their story, we know they funded, trained, protected, ordered FBI not to stop the supposed hijackers.
We know the hijackers were, quote, trained at military bases.
Then they went out to flight schools to create their dossiers.
Just to create the ledger, the fake trail.
We know the public officials from Mayor Willie Brown to Salman Rushdie to Ashcroft, the Chairman and Joint Chiefs of Staff, were told not to fly to New York that week.
We know that the head of Pakistan Intelligence wired $100,000 to Mohammed Atta.
We know that he was meeting that morning with the heads of the House and Senate Intelligence Committees, as well as the Director of the CIA.
We know the CIA was running a drill of flying hijacked jets into buildings that morning, ordered NORAD to stand down.
We know NORAD did stand down for an hour and a half.
We know they've done all this.
But then we look, so we know they were involved.
Then we look at their story of 19 guys with box cutters take over four airplanes.
When you've got pretty tough airline pilots, you know, former Marine Corps fighter pilots, one of them was.
I mean, these are not wimps.
They don't just give up their plane to a guy with a box cutter.
And then you've got these maneuvers that even fighter racers say they could only maybe achieve one out of five tries.
Uh, just amazing maneuvers happening, going on.
Because, you know, they have to concentrate and focus to bring a plane in right and land it on a big ol' runway.
Imagine coming in, doing loops, coming in perfectly, T-boning, uh, you know, buildings.
Uh, and again, this is all on record, and the German Technology Minister has said only the U.S.
government could do this.
The British Environment Minister said the same thing.
I mean, this is out there.
Anybody who's got a high enough IQ to know the laws of gravity and physics and facts knows Building 7 fell faster than a bowling ball, than a lead ball.
That can only happen if many of the bottom floors were disintegrated.
So, it just goes on and on.
So we know their story is impossible.
Okay, their story is the equivalent of Alex Jones sprouting wings and flying to Paris.
It just didn't happen.
Okay, go ahead.
And then we have official U.S.
government plans like Northwoods and PNAC and others to carry out terror attacks for political control.
Well, I think that the next move, I mean, we look at what happened in Iraq a couple of days ago.
And then almost instantly, the Congress and the House, the Senate, gave Bush that $87 billion that he was looking for right after the attack.
I thought they would not give it to him.
So it looks like when there's a crisis, Bush gets his way.
Well, we know the bombing of the U.N.
looks suspicious.
We know
That Israel carries out bombings against Jews.
This has been in Herat, folks.
If you've got a problem with it, go tell them.
It's been in the Jerusalem Post.
They do that because by killing their people, they get to keep control of the media, keep control of the population, continue the bulldozing of the settlements.
Continuing building their settlements.
We know that happens there, but this thing in Iraq, I think some of this is legitimate bombings because you do have the Shiites fighting with each other, fighting with the Sunnis.
The Sunnis attacking, the Kurds killing each other and others.
Some of the sniping and bombing and hand-grenading is real.
Some of these coordinated attacks do look a little suspicious, but I'm not...
Again, you've got some type of bullet, a little bullet, that's shooting through an Abrams tank.
You can drive another tank right up, shoot an Abrams at point-blank, you know, with a T-70 Russian tank it won't go through, but somebody's got a rifle that'll shoot through them.
That sounds like Russians.
The Russians were there with GPS jammer devices.
Well, again, the Rothschilds control America, they control the Russians, this is the order out of chaos, then it makes Europe look like the good cop, we fail, Europe and the UN come in and are the saviors in Iraq, okay?
And the other thing I wanted to ask is what, if you could encapsulate it, what is going on in the Middle East?
If you could just, you know, put it in a nutshell.
The roadmap to peace is like all these other deals.
It's meant to go on and on.
You think Egypt wants the fighting to stop?
No, they want their $8 billion a year.
You think Israel wants the fighting to stop?
No, they want their $10 billion a year.
No, order out of chaos.
You think the generals want the wars to stop?
That's how they get fame and fortune.
You think the weapons manufacturers want it to stop?
You think the media wants it to stop when they get ratings?
You've got all these interests that want this to continue going on.
So finally what you're going to see, and they're setting this up, is U.N.
troop occupation, and they're discussing this, and American soldiers in the West Bank.
So that's where it ends.
More specific control.
You know, you tend to have corrupt people.
That's the norm in power.
I'm no fan of the Ayatollah.
I'm no fan of Saddam.
I'm no fan of Muammar Gaddafi.
The point is, they're sovereign.
They're not under globalist control.
That's why they're going to get taken over.
You've got a bigger Satan coming in to take over one of his demons.
You've got a bigger mob boss taking over territory of rival gangs.
Thanks for the call.
So, that's what's happening here.
People go, well, you're not for Saddam, are you?
Well, no, I'm not for Saddam.
But is this good for America?
Is it good for the Iraqi people?
It's good for the bankers.
Were things better in Iraq?
More secure?
More stable under Saddam?
When we had a different policy, that's why the globalists put him in.
In 1958, as an assassin.
1967, as the head of Ba'ath security.
1976, as the dictator.
He works for the bad boys.
Okay, he works for the people now, supposedly over there to save us.
Let's talk to Ron in New York, then Phil, Dylan and others.
Ron, go ahead.
Hi Alex.
I'm going to digress a moment, but then I want to get to the main point of my call.
You mentioned the employment and the economic situation.
There's a very easy way
To tell how that's going.
Most of us in this day and age have relatives or friends around the country.
America is not such a provincial type of society anymore.
All you have to do is look at the way you're living, and call three or four friends who live in different parts of the country, and you'll get a much clearer and accurate picture of how the economy and employment is going, rather than watching CBS, NBC, or ABC lie to you about that.
That's a very easy barometer.
Well, there's record unemployment, record foreclosure, record people going into permanent long-term poverty.
Wrong word.
Long-term poverty.
Sustained real poverty.
Truly becoming poor, not just out of work at the time, which we've all been.
At least I know I have before.
I mean, I know I lived many years, you know, in a one-room apartment.
And I enjoyed it.
I mean, but the whole point is, boy, my life's a lot more complex now.
The good old days.
But, it's horrible what's happening.
Real wealth is disappearing.
And I look at my family, I look at my family, my whole family.
They're living better, they were living better when they were 25, 30, 35 than the children are today.
That's correct.
And this is with education.
Go ahead.
And in addition, and I'm going to get off this topic and go to really what I called about.
There was an article in last week's Daily News by an economic reporter named Lou Dobbs, in which he just cited what you said.
That 1970, what would be our parent, had it better than we do today.
There's something wrong with that when time goes forward, but social and living conditions go backward.
And before, it was the complete opposite.
Things were always getting better in America.
That's correct.
Now, my main point is this.
I went for a little trip into Manhattan yesterday.
Midtown Manhattan, around the Rockefeller Center area, where there's a famous Grand Central Station, a very big Barnes & Noble.
Sir, let me stop you.
You went to the Rothschild Gubernatorial Compound.
Well, I'll tell you something.
That's correct.
And because of what I saw there, this amazed me.
When I got off of the train at Grand Central Station, I saw people there, who were handing out flyers, who were opposed.
I'm surprised.
The first time I ever saw this there in my life.
Who were opposed to the Patriot Act.
They were shredding copies of the Constitution.
They had a ladder and they were telling people, this is what's happening to your civil rights.
I went over, I spoke with them.
They were opposed to the Patriot Act and a lot of things that were going on, but even they didn't know as much.
They didn't know about the Victory Act and other subsequent laws.
I was actually informing them, telling them, it is bad and you're right to assume it's bad.
Well, I'll tell you what, Ron.
Inform us on the other side of this break.
I'll let you have a minute or so on the other side to finish up your story.
I want to hear it.
We'll go to Phil, Dylan and others.
I'm Alex Jones, PrisonPlanet.com, InfoWars.com
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Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
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There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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If you want to understand what the new old order really is, then my new two-and-a-half-hour video, Police Day 3, is for you.
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I think so.
Alright folks, we're talking to Ron in New York.
So Ron, you go down there to Rockefeller Command Base, the regional governorship of the Globalist in New York, the real capital of the U.S.
You're down there at the Capitol of the United States.
Let's just start being honest about stuff.
You're at the Capitol of the United States, the Dictatorship Command Base, and you saw folks out speaking out against the Patriot Act.
Go ahead.
Yes, I did.
Right there in Grand Central Station.
And if anything, I even informed them of more than they were already aware of.
They were eager to take it in, but they were very publicly and openly talking out against it, which we would never have seen before.
I then went to a little store that was in Grand Central Station.
They have a number of stores in the station itself.
And I was talking to a guy there, and he was saying that he struck a conversation up about the use of computers, that he doesn't feel comfortable with it anymore himself because of government intrusion.
Into your emails and things you do online.
Now, I go to the Barnes & Noble bookstore, which is right in Rockefeller Center.
I think it's their flagship store nationally.
And I see something I never expected to see.
They have a magazine rack.
On a magazine rack, not hidden, but out there, is a magazine, The Free American, which I'm sure you're familiar with.
I would never think a publication like that would be on a rack in a Barnes & Noble bookstore, right in Rockefeller Center.
I'm then
Talking to some of the book dealers in the place.
They even had these bumper stickers from, I forget his name, Michael Morris.
Hey dude, where's my country?
And I'll tell you, it was amazing that these book dealers were, like, really opposed to the Patriot Act.
I'm like, wow, this kind of reaction... Yeah, the key is, here's the problem, they're going to let that resistance build up, then they're going to blow more stuff up and say, see, you tied our hands, now we're taking all your rights for your own good.
But thank you for the call.
Okay, go ahead.
Alex, in that magazine, there's a photograph of Warren Buffett, Arnold Schwarzenegger, and Lord Rothschild together in England just before the Caliphate.
The color photo of that's on Prison Planet and Infowars.
Gotta let you go.
Gotta let you go.
Really appreciate your call.
What the globalists don't want on the magazine racks is something that doesn't attack everybody's race or everybody's color, but brings everybody together against the New World Order.
They either want it to be something that's right-wing or something that's left-wing.
They don't want something that is showing people the real matrix, the full scope of the system.
That's what scares the globalists to death.
And yes, if you want to see that photo of
Arnold and Lord Jacob Rothschild and Warren Buffett together on September 24, 2002, getting their walking orders for the election.
Just go to Infowars.com and it's in the New World Elite Has Big Plans for Schwarzenegger article right there.
Okay, I want to get to the other calls.
Phil in Omaha, thanks for holding, sir, go ahead.
Alright, now I don't want you to filibuster me, Alex.
I'm going to read something to you.
Out of the Junior Jewish Encyclopedia.
Fourth edition, 1961.
Are you ready?
Well, I'm not allowed to talk, you just said.
House of Rothschild.
Bankers and philanthropists.
Founder of one of Europe's greatest banking firms.
Meyer Amschel Rothschild was the son of a German Jewish merchant.
Meyer entered banking when he agreed to invest the fortune of an Austrian nobleman.
He was so successful that he soon found himself in charge of the finances of several royal families.
At his death, he bequest his five sons a banking establishment with enormous assets and branches in several financial centers.
Eldest son, Anselm Meyer, became the head of the Frankfurt Bank.
Solomon Meyer, head of the Vienna establishment.
Nathan Meier, the London Bank, Karl Meier, the Naples Bank, and Jacob Meier founded and headed a Paris Bank.
Because of the extent of the Rothschild family undertakings, they became known as the financial kings of Europe.
The influence they wielded was enormous.
By refusing loans to warlike governments, they could help prevent the outbreak of war.
By extending credit, they helped launch education systems in France and Germany and accelerated the industrial development of many European countries.
Yeah, they stopped war.
Isn't that nice?
Interesting, Phil.
Anything else?
Later generations of the Rothschild family gained prominence as patrons of the arts and philanthropists.
You know what?
You're going to have to hold.
We've got a break.
Second hour coming up.
And we'll talk more to Phil and others.
Stay with us.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
The sun is acting in more and more of a bizarre fashion with super ejections on almost a daily basis.
Now we'll get into that.
Bunch of news on the economy.
The story out of the Sydney Morning Herald.
If you protest in any way the government or any other government, you're arrested.
No protesting is allowed in Australia.
That's your so-called freedom.
That's coming up, but last hour I read an article out of ITAR-TOS and several others, London Independent about the Rothschilds buying up all the rest of the TV and media in England.
They have this Russian, the richest man in Russia supposedly, just like Warren Buffett's so rich, but he's a Rothschild agent.
He got arrested by Putin and now things were transferred over to the Rothschilds.
Yeah, this is a very powerful, probably the most powerful family in the New World Order.
Then you've got the German side of it with the Sachs-Coburg-Gothas, the British Royal Family and others.
Phil in Omaha was reading out of an encyclopedia, I think he was reading a Jewish encyclopedia, about the Rothschilds.
And we should know who the Rothschilds are because they funded a lot of people like Hitler and Stalin and Mao.
And it's a very, very serious group of people.
And they were behind Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Nazi, as well.
So go ahead and finish up your points there, Phil.
Alright, it says, it goes on to say, and this is a Junior Jewish Encyclopedia, 4th edition, 1961.
Later generations of the Rothschild family gained prominence as patrons of the arts and philanthropists.
Outstanding among them was Baron Edmund D. Rothschild, who became one of the chief architects of modern Palestine.
Anonymously, at first, he poured millions into the support of the early agricultural settlements in Palestine.
In fact, for about 15 years, from the 1890s to 1905, most Jewish colonists were directly dependent on the Baron, or the well-known benefactor, as he was known.
Now, so, he was one of the first Zionists, Jewish Zionists.
And, you know, if they can prevent loans to warlike governments, they can also grant them.
By stopping credit, they can also strangle a country.
Well, I mean, obviously that encyclopedia is going to be positive about the family, but, you know, that part about them, I mean, mainstream history books admit the Rothschilds bragged that they would fund both sides, start wars to make money.
For them to claim that they were out stopping war is like saying Stalin was out fighting communism.
Well, see, here's the thing, Alex.
You can't say anything about them, and they don't exist, because then they'll have their front groups, their Rothschild-funded front groups, the ADL, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Simon Wiesenthal Center, call you an anti-Semite.
Here's the difference.
They did nothing while Ford and GM and the rest of them were running the slave camps, killing Jews and others.
They're supporting Arnold, who campaigned for a known Nazi and said, I don't care if he's a Nazi.
Arnold says he wants to be like, quote, Hitler.
Well, wait a second, Alex.
Let me finish.
Let me talk.
Because you've been talking for two and a half minutes.
I need to say something here.
I'm letting you talk.
I want that on the record, Phil, that I've had you on for two segments now, and I'm letting you talk.
But this is going to go both ways.
I appreciate what you're saying.
My point is, is that people say, oh, well, it's all the Jews, or it's all the blacks, or it's all the whites, or it's all the Mexicans.
No, it's evil people in all these groups.
Yes, they're powerful Jews in the New World Order, and I'm telling you they could care less about Jews.
They care about world government, and they funded Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Go ahead.
Well, now, I know a person personally that was in the basement
Of Warren Buffett's father's store.
Here in Omaha.
Warren Buffett's father was a congressman.
And he had a store, and in the basement, there were all these books, Alex.
And guess what these books were about?
Jewish banking.
Well, I know that Warren Buffett is an agent of the Rothschilds.
That's admitted.
Well, and he's probably just a benefactor.
Probably isn't worth $30 billion.
Probably $3 or $4 billion.
Well, it's like this Russian, the richest guy in Russia gets arrested and the Rothschilds take over.
I mean, they've always run Russia.
And that's what I've been trying to say here.
But they support Nazis.
They don't have a way to deal with that, see?
We'll be right back.
Thanks for the call, Phil.
Alex Jones here, announcing the release of my new film, Police State 3 Total Enslavement.
Police State 3 details the architecture, goals, and operations of the New World Order.
There is a chance to use this disaster as a New World Order.
A New World Order.
You will lose your liberty.
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That's 888-253-3139.
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He's the T-Rex of political talk.
Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, folks, already eight minutes and 12 seconds into the second hour of global transmission against tyranny.
We're trying to get your head outside the box.
I want you to think for yourself.
Going back to McCauls, into more of the news here in just a moment.
Dylan in Texas, thanks for holding her on the air.
Go ahead.
Thank you for taking my call, Alex.
Thank you for being of service today.
I'd like to comment on
One item you were talking about earlier regarding Australia, regarding our Second Amendment gun rights.
Anywhere where there's total gun control, I consider that to be martial law.
Don't you, Alex?
Yes, that is the key, strongest indicator or definition of being in a tyranny, is if you are disarmed, you are a slave.
Slaves are barred defending themselves.
Slaves are barred owning weapons.
It was the same in Spartacus time, or for a black slave on a plantation.
And when a human being can't have a weapon, they're a slave.
Bottom line.
Okay, I would just like to point out, Public Law 87-297, Arms Control and Disarmament Act.
1962 passed into public law.
Yeah, and it was presented to the UN in 1962 as well.
Uh, this is Title 22, United States Code, Section 2551.
Now give that bill number out again, and of course the U.N.
version is 7277, but give that bill number out again, the plan to disarm us, then the police, then bring in foreign troops.
Okay, well I know the law number, Public Law 87-297, and you can't find this on foreign law.
There will be articles on it if you pull it up on Google.
One of these articles recommends going to the library to look up the 25-book set of the United States Code.
I have the original bill from 1962.
I'd like to report something I don't have written documentation on reported on yesterday by Brother Officer Jack McClam, retired policeman, war veteran, Jack McClam.
Yeah, we've had him on about 50 times.
He reported the National Association of Chief of Police and American Federation of Police participated in a poll from 17,000 city, county, and state.
And 91% of police said they're against gun control.
I took that 90% did not agree that banning of any firearm... Sir, I have the poll right here in front of me.
It is an official poll.
They're trying to suppress it, but it was in the Associated Press.
And thanks for reminding me of that.
I gotta get that posted on InfoWars.
I had 86% did not agree that the Second Amendment was put into the Constitution so people could go hunting and target to the target range.
They cited reasons
For the defense of oneself and one's property, and also for the defense of this nation from all enemies, foreign and domestic, and for the defense of the Republic.
Well, sounds to me like the FBI training manuals aren't brainwashing the police.
I mean, I knew that 60% of cops were good on average.
And this wasn't street police.
This wasn't street police.
This was the higher echelon.
Well, that's because it was a private poll that was done without having to put their name on it.
What happens is the feds come in and they tell them, if you want this federal grant, come stand behind us at a press conference against guns.
And they go out and do it.
The mayors order them to do it.
I know one thing, if it had been the street police, the percentages would have even been a lot higher, usually about 99%.
Well I'll tell you, if 99% of the police said I couldn't own a gun, I still got a God-given right because I'm not their slave.
But yes, I was shocked by 91%. 74%
No, 76% in major government polls, and then even some of the private ones that have been done, going back to 29 Palms, but it's in the high 70s, say they won't serve the UN, won't confiscate guns in America.
The 20-something percent that say yes, get promoted and are used domestically, the others get sent overseas to be used as cannon fodder, given deadly vaccines, huff, depleted uranium.
I was shocked to hear that 91% of police are against gun control.
That is very, very exciting and that is a prestigious poll.
Well, I think it really just ties into your article that you brought up about... Sounds like your phone's having some problems.
Are you on a cell phone?
You just dropped off.
I believe you were going to say that ties into Australia.
Let me read this article now.
Anti-war activists charge for misusing phone to protest U.S.
Now, again, type in Australia bans protests in a search engine.
You'll get Sydney Morning Herald, The Age, ABC News, Australia.
I mean, we covered this a year and a half ago.
And they said, this was in the news, we read the articles, they said, if you are out protesting, troops have been ordered to shoot you and kill you.
Now I don't care how crazy that sounds, that's what the government said.
And this is of course five years after banning their guns and the crime rate exploding 300% and all those numbers are out from the Bureau of Statistical Data and Analysis of the Commonwealth of Australia.
He posted all that on Infowars.com.
Just type in Australian gun statistics in the search engine.
It should pop up for you from, you know, three or four years ago on the website.
Anti-war activists charge for misusing phone to protest to US.
Now, people still come out and protest despite the fact they've been threatened with being shot.
The troops have refused to shoot them.
An Auckland peace activist, that's one of the states of Australia, an Auckland peace activist who sent an email to U.S.
Embassy objecting to the war on Iraq has been charged with misuse of a cell phone.
Police went to EBSOM home of University student Bruce Hubbard, 38, yesterday afternoon and took him to the Kupanuna police station for questioning.
Mr. Hubbard last night said he had been charged under the Telecommunications Act and had been told by police that they would seize information from his computer under the Counterterrorism Act.
Such as fellow activist John Mento were alerted to Hubbard's plight when he sent an email before being taken to the police station.
A spokesman for Takapuna Police confirmed Hubbard had been charged and was on bail, but was unable to confirm the charge.
Mr. Mento said Hubbard sent the embassy an email in about March.
Hubbard is a member of the left-wing group Global Peace and Justice, Students for Justice in Palestine, and the Green Party.
And he has every right as a human being to be in that group.
In January, he helped organize a protest against the deployment of a frigate, Temena, to aid U.S.
forces in the Middle East.
He has also been outspoken on the treatment of Algerian asylum seeker, Ahmed Zouani.
Hubbard is due to appear in North Shore District Court on Monday.
Now, I typed in this headline, got some other articles, and they elaborate.
It is illegal to send an email to any embassy or to anyone against the war protesting.
It is against the law to organize.
It is against the law to have protests of any type in Australia.
And they tried to say a year and a half ago that they were authorizing the police and military to quote, shoot to kill anyone protesting.
Now that's, folks, this is mainstream news.
I told my wife to put a flashback up on this, some of the old articles on it, because then you wouldn't believe it.
I don't know if she did, but they're not on Infowars.com.
We'll get them up there, you know, the older articles, or just type in Australia Bans Protest and prepare yourself.
Now I'm sure you heard about England last year.
We had the host of A Man and His Dog, popular rural affairs show, was on there for six years, on the show and he gave a speech about how they were taking people's land.
He said, why don't rural groups have the same rights as homosexuals?
Or foreigners.
Or gays.
He even said gay.
But he also said the word homosexual.
And Scotland Yard Diversity Unit says that's a hate word.
I thought it was a scientific word.
You know, these are just scientific terms.
But again, they take on.
If they say they're hateful, they're hateful.
And he was arrested by Scotland Yard Diversity Unit, folks.
He was taken to jail.
Because he said the word homosexual, and the head of the Scotton Yard Diversity Unit said, the word homosexual is unacceptable, you will be arrested!
So, all over the place this is happening, all over the place, just stuff right out of the Soviet Union, but it's always for the environment, or it's always to stop violence, there can't be a protest, because there might be violence, or
Well, you saw in the takeover that I made in 2000, late 99, first 30 minutes of the video is local newscast, amateur video news articles, where the police say, no protest, no anti-WTO pins in the city.
They pull people's cars over, search, they find a little button, they take it away, arrest you, spray mace in your face.
And the cops say, hey, we had some violence at the march, and so there's no protesting allowed anywhere, and I'm taking, I've got to search your bag to see if there's any anti-WTO literature.
They said, what about the First Amendment?
And the cops go, not after what happened in our city yesterday.
It's for your own good.
Of course, the 50 thugs that set the trash cans on fire, hit cops with beer bottles, knocked out windows, were hired by the Delta Force, according to the Seattle Post-Intelligencer and Seattle Weekly.
In the story, by the way.
And then we have police admitting they were ordered not to stop the vandals.
They were then housed in a government building, a four-story building, had food catered in, everything for them.
So, that's the reality, folks.
It's simple.
They have some thugs burn some trash cans, they protect them right in front of you, and then you don't have a right to protest.
Well, the same thing has happened in Australia.
And I just read you the article, you're not allowed to protest or organize protest in Australia.
It was such a free country just 20-30 years ago.
It was so free that Hutton Gibson moved his family, Mel and others, out there in 68 to keep away from the Vietnam War.
There's nowhere to run now.
The eye of the Dark Lord, the New World Order, is upon everything.
The darkness is spread across the globe.
We've got to stand up and fight this.
We've got to roll up our sleeves, engage the enemy, end the Info War now.
Their crimes are legion.
All we need to do is expose their crimes.
This is Joe Sixpack and Sally Sockermon.
Alright, thanks for bringing that up, Dylan.
You just got me really fired up.
Yeah, I've got the story about the 91% being against gun control.
86% saying it's not for hunting, it's for self-defense.
Come back and talk to others.
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Crashing through the lies and disinformation.
It's Alex Jones, only on the GCN Radio Network.
All right, let's go straight to these calls quickly.
Jim in Michigan, you're on the air.
Go ahead.
Good to talk to you, my friend.
We've got millions of copies of stuff with your website on, and I sent you something on Veronica Luke and the Bayside Prophecies.
Everything you're saying is in there, and yet the Catholic Church is in denial.
And it was for 25 years, Jesus Christ and the Blessed Mother told them everything.
I'll give you an example.
Here's what Jesus said in September 7, 1985.
Also warn you that my mother cannot be taken lightly in what she has just given you is knowledge of the KGB.
They are now holding the major stations in your government.
That was September 7th, 1985.
And it says, another one here about the England.
I see a power, England, but I cannot fully understand the involvement with Satan.
They pretend to be friends.
It is a conspiracy there to be watched.
It is the uniting of the forces to destroy the United States.
They're doing their work so well so far.
But a Blessed Mother stresses the power of prayer to hold back the darkness.
That was December 24, 1970.
And here's one.
Consecrate Russia.
Unless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity
With all the bishops in the world, unless they consecrate Russia to my mother's Immaculate Heart, that's for the blasphemies against her, the world will be doomed because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and pestilence in families.
Is this what you want, my children?
Jesus Christ, June 17, 1989.
United Nations, America, you will remove yourself as a country from that breed of vipers in your city that has set itself up to govern the world's people and lead them to destruction.
Our Lady, December 7th, 1971.
25 years of apparition.
Sir, if I let you just read and read and read, everybody else will want to do it.
Anything else on your mind?
Well, it's all in there, and I sent you the book of ten years of those prophecies where she was talking to Veronica Lucan for twenty-five years, and St.
Teresa, Father Coghlan's saint, the little flower, appeared to her for the previous two years before that, so there's twenty-seven years of apparitions, and showed her miracles so she knew it wasn't coming from Satan.
Alright, well thank you so much for the call.
Let's talk to Jim in Indiana.
Jim, you're on the air, go ahead.
Okay, I was going to read a couple things here to you, but it looks like it's read day here, so I'm just going to do something real quick here for you.
I want to get to a point here.
In every stage of this oppression, we have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms.
Our repeated petitions have been answered only by repeated injury.
Now, what I want to cover on that, the point I want to get to... And that's from the Declaration of Independence.
Yes, sir.
And with the Supreme Court, you're aware, I guess, and I've heard you on the radio... Yeah, they said they're not going to hear the case on the Ten Commandments, and they're saying they're going to follow the orders of the United Nations.
That's official.
Also, did you know that Sandra Day O'Connor talked to, was on the radio show the other day,
And made a statement to Paul Harvey that that's what they're going to do.
Yeah, that was reported on, but they've been told to do this.
They've been already doing it for 20, 30 years, but now they're in USA Today, they're on Meet the Press, they're on Paul Harvey, and I did see your quotes, that we've got to do what the UN says, and
We gotta, you know, start following what their rulings say.
Okay, let's look at the U.N.
That's what we got away from.
Byzantine, command and control, no juries, can't face your accuser, centralized dictatorship.
We're now gonna have to follow that?
This is hot treason!
And seven of those nine members were put in by Republicans!
And they're the ones that are involved in it!
Well, Alex, I have a suggestion.
I know what I'm going to do.
I mean, if they're going to not recognize the Constitution and rule on constitutional law,
Then, as far as an American, I do not recognize the federal government.
Well, it's not legitimate.
This is not our federal government.
It's a criminal enterprise with its puppets in place.
The national security dictatorship.
They're saying they're getting rid of the borders.
We keep saying, fix the problem, fix the problem.
They give extra welfare, extra schooling, all these incentives to get the illegals here.
The government is behind it.
They're destroying America and our economy right now.
Well, the way I look at it, if they come, I told an officer this today, I told him, he's a friend of mine, I told him, I said, look, if they want to come to my property with a federal warrant, I said, I don't recognize it anymore.
The Supreme Court's not going to recognize the Constitution.
I do not recognize their authority.
They come armed on my property.
I have a right to defend my family and my life.
They're criminals.
They're criminals, and I will take their lives if they come on my property.
That's the way I look at it.
Either they rule by the Constitution,
Or, you know, it's a legitimate government or it's an illegal government.
And right now it's an illegal government.
Well, it really is.
So what did your police officer say?
He was in uniform.
He wouldn't say anything.
I know the man.
He agreed with me.
I know he agreed with me.
Well, 91% believe in the Second Amendment and they're tired of being told to go lie about it.
Major Poll, thanks for the call.
Anything else you want to add, Jim?
Uh, no, that's... we all gotta hang together.
We all have to hang together.
Well, we'll hang separate, thank you, as Patrick Henry, I believe, said.
We'll be back and we'll talk to, um, Adam, and then I'm gonna shift into news and back into calls.
Bunch of news coming up.
But, uh, it's charities upon us, folks!
We're on the march.
The Empire's on the run.
Alex Jones and the GCN Radio Network.
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A lot of great callers on this fourth day of November 2003.
Jim in Indiana sounded like a really good guy, and I talked to a lot of people that have those same sentiments.
I mean, when the Supreme Court says they don't care about the Ten Commandments, when they say that they're bringing down rulings because the UN said so, I remember being on the air eight years ago warning people about that.
They'd roll their eyes.
They don't laugh anymore.
It's not funny.
When they say they're going to follow the UN and other courts' orders and precedents, when they say that the police have no
uh... prerogative to protect you or even respond, but then you can't have a gun to protect yourself.
When they privatize the prisons for just wicked devils like Wackenhut to run it, when DynCorp's caught with the UN kidnapping 200,000 women and children.
That's admitted mainstream news!
Then they give them the contracts in Iraq and Afghanistan.
When they don't give our own troops treatment.
When they use depleted uranium, which they know is deadly to the troops.
Their own scientists have told them and gone public.
When they give our troops these deadly vaccines, when they do all the things they've done, this is not our government!
And here's an analogy, if you can't get your mind around this, then we'll go to Adam in New Mexico and then into some news.
And I appreciate Adam holding.
Okay, I don't talk about space aliens and stuff like that, it's an analogy.
Imagine if, you know, like a Simpsons episode, a big alien spacecraft landed in DC, took over the Capitol, they walked over to the TV cameras,
You know, with ray guns in hand, and said, we are now your legitimate government, bow down, follow our orders, give us your first born, we like to eat them.
Now, there'd be a lot of politicians and a lot of people, you know, who would say, okay, you know, you got the power, we're gonna follow you.
But most people would say, believe me folks, there'd be people who'd try to bow down to them and do what they said.
But a lot of people would say no and fight back.
So there's the analogy.
Let's use a more reality-based analogy.
Let's say Hitler would have gotten the nuclear bomb first.
Or to be accurate, the atomic bomb first.
And they sent in British Special Forces, American Special Forces.
You talk about daring raids.
I mean, Special Forces doesn't pull stuff like this off the day.
I don't know why they were just incredible individuals.
The British, what became the SAS and what became the Special Services in this country.
These guys snuck in to underground German bases in mountains.
Blew them up.
Snuck into factories.
Blew them up.
Then they find out that a big tanker of heavy water
But the German system of making atomic weapons had it already shipped out and been put on a barge.
You know, they'd swim out, meet the barge, plant a bomb on it, blow up, sink the heavy water down to the bottom of that water.
Heavy water is a compound they use to make nuclear weapons in that primitive fashion.
The point is, Hitler would have gotten that stuff.
What if Hitler would have started sending A-bombs over to London?
On those V-6s and V-1s.
Flying bombs, guided missiles.
What would have happened?
Well, let's say there had been a capitulation, an armistice.
And just like Iraq had an armistice, or just like Germany had one in World War I, you've got to accept troops in America.
What if they sent German troops over here to boss you around and tell you what to do, and to make you work in their factories?
You'd have a right to resist them, and they would be illegitimate.
It's the same thing today, folks.
We have foreign banks that took over in 1913, the printing of the money, bought up the planet.
In 1947, the government went secret, built all their bunkers, created their shadow government, took over education, started all the dumbing down process, are setting up the police state, gearing up for the next level of control.
It's not your government!
It's as legitimate as if space aliens landed and took over and raised their flag over the Capitol.
It's as legitimate as if the
As if the Deutschland Umbrellas was our new national anthem.
It's illegitimate!
And it's run by sociopathic psychotics!
Let's talk to Adam in New Mexico.
Listen to us on 1310.
Welcome, sir, to the Airwaves.
Go ahead.
Good morning, Alex.
What a pleasure it is to talk with you.
Good to talk to you, my friend.
Well, you know what?
I'm a first-time caller and a first-time listener.
Formally, I'm from... I was born in California.
You've got to forgive me.
I'm a little nervous.
Hey, that's okay, my friend.
Okay, but anyway, you know what?
I'm just going to tell you a short story.
My birthday, Alex, falls on April Fool's Day.
And my girlfriend, she attends, what is it, Rio Hondo College in Whittier.
And an instructor gave her your tape, what is it, the 9-1-1, the Road to Tyranny.
And I got that as a gag gift from her.
And, you know, we were just
Managed from, you know, from erasing it and, you know, we saw it.
And you know what, Alex?
That just changed my life.
I've, to date, I've made over 180 copies.
That one tape.
And, you know, I've, you know, followed, you know, the Michael Savages of the world, the Rush Limbaugh's, the Sean Hannity's.
And, you know, I've come to the conclusion that all those guys are liars.
Well, they're trash of the earth.
Excuse me?
They're trash of the earth.
Oh, definitely.
Definitely right.
And, you know, I moved over here to Corrales.
And, you know, I got pulled over for a cracked windshield.
And the cop that pulled me over, you know, we started talking about you.
I didn't know who you were or anything like that.
He saw the jacket on the seat there.
He said, well, you know what?
I have a tape.
What is it?
Bohemian Grove, I think.
I saw that.
Made 54 copies of that.
We ordered the police state.
Let me ask you a question.
What exactly did the police officer say to you about knowing who I was?
Well, you know, he told me, well, you know, Joe, you know,
You know about that tape, right?
And I said, you know what I got?
I told him the whole story.
He laughed.
He said, hey, you know what?
Somebody at the police department over here, he's a state cop.
And somebody left a copy of that Bohemian Grove, he told me, in his locker.
And that turned him around.
So he told me, he said, you know what, that guy has a large following over here in the state of New Mexico because everybody's so liberal down here, Alex, and just like some of your callers were saying, there's
And think about that.
We have liberals hearing about why guns are good, hearing why the Constitution's good, and because we'll expose Bush and won't be hypocrites, they will then wake up to Bill Clinton and Hillary.
By not being a hypocrite, we go across the spectrum.
Amen to that, yes.
And you know what?
I've got to tell you something.
The congressman from Denver, Colorado, they listened to you over there on 1360, Tancredo.
Tancredo is, you know, he just sings your praises, man.
You know, you're talking about the borders and everything like that.
You know, where I came from, we saw that every day.
The point is, I'm not even against the people that are coming here.
They're being used, they're coming from tyranny down south, and the globalists have helped keep that tyranny in power, helped keep those people in bondage.
The point is,
There's 200 plus million people, 20 million births a year, all coming this way.
We can't sustain it.
I've been to Latin America.
I don't want our standard of living to be like that.
I want to raise their standard of living.
But the globalists have said they want to lower all our standards of living so they can get control of us.
The question is, how do we stop it when the Republicans and the Democrats are selling us down the river?
That's true.
You know, all you've got to do, you know, just look at
You know, look at the state of California.
I don't know anybody there that's native-born anymore.
You see different people every day.
It's a Tower of Babel.
Nobody can communicate with each other.
Amen to that.
No one is assimilating each other's cultures.
It's just turning into a giant, giant mess.
And it's only going to get worse until we all come together.
But that is so exciting.
Now, are you saying you made copies of Bohemian Grove, or are you saying the police officer did?
He got, uh, somebody left a copy of that in his locker.
And, you know, to this day, he told me, well, you know what, I don't know whose tape it was or whatever, but I just made, you know, I saw it.
I didn't know who Mr. Jones was.
And, you know, it just, you know, that started from there.
Well, praise God for that.
What an amazing story.
Anything else you'd like to add, my friend?
Well, you know, what I'd just like to tell you, Alex, you know, God bless you and, you know, and, you know, for all the work that you're doing.
And, you know, all those people that are, you know, that are like me, you know, I'm a, you know, born Republican.
And, you know, like I said, you know, I used to, you know, you know, follow the, you know, the Limbaugh's and all these.
And, uh, you know, I was lied to.
I was lied to, you know, for all those years.
And, uh, you know, it just took a few minutes for me to watch that tape.
And, uh, you know, I encourage anybody and everyone that's, you know, that's listening to this station right now, uh, pick up these tapes, you know, they're, uh, you know, the facts are there, you know, and, uh, you know, you present, uh, you present the facts, you know, and
And, you know, they're well done, Alex.
They're well done.
Thank you.
Thank you.
And call me back sometime, Adam.
I appreciate the call.
And I get those type of letters and emails and faxes all the time.
And we're having such a massive effect because of people like Adam.
I mean, I'm just one of the seeds.
And when people like Adam take action, it waters it.
It gives it sunshine.
And imagine that state police officer, another state police officer, obviously stuck it in his locker.
Talkers Magazine, a couple years ago I saw the statistics, over half the people consider themselves, quote, conservatives.
That is the fake Limbaugh type.
And now Talkers just came out, I heard Davon Kleist reading the statistics, 50 plus percent consider them independents, not Republican or Democrat, and now only 21 percent consider themselves a Republican.
People say, well then that means the Democrats are going to win.
No, of course they're not Democrats.
They know now.
Because the Republican Party is for all the same things the Democrats are.
They're just able to get it through because you go to sleep.
Look at Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Open borders.
Gun control.
Giving ID cards to illegals.
All of that stuff.
And a lot more.
And a lot of people woke up when Limbaugh and Hannity endorsed him.
And look, I think Rush Limbaugh should be arrested.
He should go to jail.
Because that guy, I heard him a hundred times.
I listened to Limbaugh since I was in high school, folks.
I remember that guy a hundred times say, anybody caught with drugs should go to jail.
Throw these kids in jail.
Throw them in jail.
Got marijuana, put them in jail.
And this guy is taking a hundred Oxycontins a day sometimes.
That's, that's hillbilly heroin, folks, a narcotic.
Schedule 3 drug.
Now, if you get busted with it, and you haven't been a hypocrite, I don't think you should go to jail.
But don't sit... and he probably does have a problem.
He did get addicted with back pain.
A lot of people do.
I feel sorry for him.
But no, he could sit there in a mind-drug stupor and then talk to 20 million people and say, put him in jail or they're caught with it.
Put him in jail!
Put him in jail right now!
You know, Limbaugh says, don't worry about the UN taking over.
Oh, those that say it is, oh, they're just, they're just lying.
He knew all along, and now it is taking over our courts and everything else.
If he'd have told the truth, this country wouldn't be in this position.
Sean Hannity's even worse.
Limbaugh's good compared to Hannity.
Hannity is a disgusting creature.
Every child needs a microchip.
I love Arnold.
We need to arrest all the militia.
I've heard it all out of his mouth.
O'Reilly's even worse!
Ban SUVs!
Tax SUVs!
I'm sick of it!
Alright, I'm going to go through a news blitz here of some really important stuff.
Before I do that, you heard Adam.
I forgot to ask him, was the professor doing it?
Is it a gag gift?
I doubt it.
I got a couple emails yesterday from professors who say they're having a 99% wake-up rate.
I think one email said, out of four classes, one person disagreed after watching Road to Tyranny.
Professors, you're unbelievable.
You're just absolutely amazing what you're doing.
See, we're cutting through that left-right trash, back to freedom, back to standing up against bondage.
It's real simple.
People know it in their bones, know it in their guts, that we're slaves and we don't want to be slaves anymore!
And the Republican-Democrat pony show isn't working anymore.
So, join people
Like Adam in the Second American Revolution or Restoration of our Republic.
For everyone, whether you're German or Jewish or Black or White or Hispanic or Asian, if you love freedom, I'm your brother.
I'm your friend.
We can only win this thing together.
We're in deep trouble, folks.
The globalists have got really sick plans for us.
Get Matrix of Evil.
Get Police State 3.
Get Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove.
Get 9-11 Road to Tyranny.
Get Masters of Terror.
Get Police State 2000.
Get America Destroyed by Design.
Get the new book Order Out of Chaos.
Get a second copy to give as a gift.
Get a big discount when you do.
Support us.
We'll support you.
Make copies.
Put them on AXS Television.
Give them to opinion makers, professors, talk show hosts, sheriffs, county commissioners.
And never stop.
Because when I started this stuff ten years ago on cable access, the radio eight years ago, I don't know, the radio in 1995, however long that's been,
Coming up on eight years.
When I started this, I'd load the phone lines with people calling me a kook.
But you know what?
They heard me eight years ago and now they see it on the news and they remember, that's our power.
Because we're telling the truth.
And the government's a bunch of liars.
They're getting caught in more and more lies and more and more crimes.
So, get the video.
Give them as gifts.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, TX 78704 or 1-888-253-3139 or prisonplanet.com
Or InfoWars.com or InfoWars.net to order the videos via our secure online shopping carts.
Don't wait, folks.
Secondarily, it's vital to the future of this broadcast what we do.
We get more orders, we can expand.
We don't get orders, we contract.
With the staff and what I'm doing, and I'm the guy that carries the garbage out around here.
I'd rather have people that did that, but you know, because I could do more radio interviews, fight the globalists more, do a better job on films.
So don't wait.
Do like Adam did.
Take action.
Do it now, folks.
It's so important.
When I tell you 90% of those that see Road to Tyranny are waking up, that's the numbers.
I've done 1,200 plus interviews the last 26 months.
One caller out of 30 disagrees.
And they're screaming, they're yelling, they're saying, I want to kill you.
I want to put you in prison.
You need to go to these camps.
And everybody else is coherent, focused, have real points to make.
We got the thinkers, folks.
We got the people that are involved.
We're winning the fight.
The Pentagon's waking up.
The state police are waking up.
People inside the FBI are scared.
They want to join us.
Give them an open hand.
Join us in honor and duty and family under the type of republic that God wants us to have.
You know in your guts
You know and you're so!
It's the right thing to do.
Join us!
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The Genesis Communications Radio Network proudly presents The Alex Jones Show.
Because there's a war on for your mind.
You know, some of you may think I'm harsh.
Really disliking these Neocon talk show hosts.
Look, I wouldn't dislike the Redcoats.
They'd just be the enemy if I was a Continental soldier.
I would really hate Benedict Arnold or other incendiary traitors.
I mean, you know, Judas Iscariot doesn't hold a very good place in the Bible for betraying Christ.
It's the traitor, folks.
It's the person acting like they got your best interest.
Acting like they're a conservative.
That's our major enemy.
And Ron Paul did a big speech about that called Neocon.
The real threat, folks.
We're going to come back in the next segment and go to Kevin, Jason, and others.
Then we've got Al Schneeberger, one of the top folks at the Paragon Foundation, former head of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association, about ways to defeat the land grabbers.
And so, this is really important stuff.
Even if you don't own private property, you're going to want to stay tuned for that.
It'll be on in about 30 minutes and I'll get back in other news.
But right now, FDA support for animal cloning warns people are not guinea pigs.
The FDA is being warned that.
Today's statement of support for animal cloning by the FDA was swiftly condemned by Organic Valley, one of the nation's foremost organic brands, and the only one of 100% farm-owned, farmer-owned.
Only want to be 100% farmer-owned by allowing foods and cloned animals into the food system without proof of their long-term effects on humans, animal, environmental health.
The FDA is not protecting the consumer.
The FDA is furthering their support for the abhorrent attempt of corporate interests to control the genes of our citizenry.
Warned George Simon, CEO of Organic Valley.
American families should not be guinea pigs for corporate greed.
Contrary to what the FDA says, there is no level of acceptable risk when it comes to putting unproven science on the table for dinner, said Simon in reference to the FDA's pro-cloning rationale.
Here's another one.
Cattle are quietly being cloned and sold for high prices as the livestock industry anticipates government approval for letting their offspring into the food chain, industry officials said.
Industry officials, the Austin-based biotech firm Biogen, said Friday the cow cloned from a prodigious producing animal was auctioned for $170,000 in Missouri.
To some members of the Texas Cattle Circus,
Some members of the Texas Cattle Circles, I'm trying to read quick and I mess up, have reservations about whether cloning is commercially practical.
The cost of a cloned calf currently is estimated at $19,000 and some cloned animals develop health problems.
A lot of these cloned animals have not been a high performance and the animals have been cloned from.
Then it goes on with the genetic engineers saying that cloning is good because it speeds up genetic mutation.
Yeah, where you get some, you know, two ton cow that can't walk and you just stick a tube in it in some closet and feed it and then you eat that trash.
It'll destroy land rights.
A lot of people pay for their taxes with this stuff.
My family, out in East Texas, couldn't hold on to all our land with the taxes.
It wasn't for cows.
I don't want to babble through this anymore.
It's just horrible, folks.
They're about to approve everything cloned for your dinner table.
They've already approved irradiated beef and chicken and pork for your children when it's just horrible.
Record sun flares.
Biggest ever with the most ejections ever seen.
Scientists have never witnessed a string of activity like this.
This is from Space.com.
BBC reports what is happening to the sun.
They say it's one for the record books.
Powerful solar flares are given an X designation.
There was an X8 and X3 event on Sunday.
On Monday there was an X3 flare followed by smaller ones.
Last week there was an X7 and X10 events that took place back to back.
Flares in the next rating are unusual, and if the gas cloud from them reaches the earth, they're capable of causing geomagnetic storms.
And now there's borealis or skylights even in Texas, folks.
You know, the weird northern lights.
We got those now down here in Texas.
Seeing them at the equator.
We'll continue to track and follow this for you.
Later in the next hour, I'll get back into all the news I haven't gotten to.
It's very frustrating.
There's a lot of it.
Right now, we'll come back and talk to Kevin and
A couple other people that are patiently holding.
Then we'll get to our guest.
Talk about the land grabbing and how to stop it with some new developments that are positive.
We'll be back in the third hour.
Introducing the most efficient gravity filter available.
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This is the GCN Radio Network.
Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
A plethora of news we haven't gotten to yet.
More on Iraq, more on legislation, more on the police state, what DARPA's up to.
A world ID card publicly being unfurled.
Your calls, it's all coming up.
We have Al Schneeberger, former New Mexico Cattle Growers Association head and a member of the Paragon Foundation to talk about some new pro-property rights developments and legal tactics that have been working with the land grabbers.
And we've got some environmental land grabber news as well.
Now they're taking property because of endangered bugs, but first let's go to Kevin and Jason quickly.
Kevin in Texas, go ahead.
Hey Alex, I've got a little bit of an action alert for some of your viewers in the Texas area.
I've got the itinerary for Fox's visit starting tomorrow on Thursday.
That's Vicente, open the border, Fox.
El Presidente.
He is to arrive at 7 p.m.
at Austin Bergstrom International Airport.
He's scheduled to have a dinner at the Governor's Mansion at 745.
And what I'd like to do is put a call out there to all the listeners in the area to try to arrive around 630 p.m.
at 11th and Lavaca.
That's where you get your tags at the DPS office there.
And let's try to meet at 6.30 and stage a protest outside.
No violence, no anger, just... Where did you say he was going to be again?
Governor's Mansion dinner at 7.45.
Okay, and 7.45 tomorrow?
Yeah, so we're going to try to get out there at 6.30 just in case they try to pull one on us.
Perhaps I should arrive with my bullhorn?
Bullhorn in tow, please, yes.
Okay, I'll go ahead and go down there.
And what's important here is
Is that Fox has said he wants totally open borders to merge with the U.S.
and they're teaching the La Reconquista doctrine that the Southwest belongs to Mexico and because Mexico is being used as a pawn by the New York banks to break down our sovereignty.
Did you say people were invited to the LBJ event or that's private?
Oh, private.
4.50 p.m.
visit the LBJ Museum and Library.
6.30 departure from Austin.
And like I want to emphasize, let's be there at 6.30 Wednesday at 11th and Lavaca.
It's on the backside of the Governor's Mansion.
You know it well, Alex.
And we'll go from there.
We may protest at the ribbon-cutting ceremony the next morning or when he gets to the Four Seasons.
But also, he's given an award on Thursday.
Fox will present Rick Barchiaga
Regional president for Wells Fargo Bank with a Mexican government award of appreciation.
Barquiaga worked with Rudy Landros, an assistant chief of the Austin Police Department, to spearhead the widespread acceptance of the matricula card.
Yes, so we've got an enemy agent here violating federal law, giving people awards that violate federal law, and the reason it's important to go protest him and to bullhorn is so the media can't just write a news article saying how much we all loved it.
I'll be there
I wanted to touch base in regards to a recent publication that's coming out of Austin Energy.
And my position on it is kind of varied, and I was going to get your take on it.
Okay, tell us about it.
There's a gentleman by the name of Michael Osborne, who is a local writer, and he called Silver in the Mine a long-term comprehensive energy plan for the city of Austin.
And aside from the fact that there's maybe some, I guess, leftist rhetoric in there,
The guy seems to be open and in fact excited about the fact that it seems like the market is going to push Stay there!
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Big Brother.
Mainstream media.
Government cover-ups.
You want answers?
Well, so does he.
He's Alex Jones on the GCN Radio Network.
And now, live from Austin, Texas, Alex Jones.
I have Vicente Fox's itinerary and I've been thinking about going down there and what Kevin was saying was accurate.
Sometime between 6.30 and 7.30 his lordship will arrive.
He's here to give awards.
The local officials that have committed crimes of ordering the police to accept fake ID cards in a dangerous hall and continue to carry out the fraud of businesses hiring illegals.
You've seen all the arrests taking place.
Here they are committing crimes right in front of us.
The officials trying to continue this criminality.
I'll be protesting El Presidente with El Governor tomorrow.
So I hope to see you down at the Governor's Mansion tomorrow night at about 630 downtown Austin Tejas.
If Mr. Fox gets his way.
So that's coming up.
I want to let Jason finish up real quick.
I've got Al Schneeberger, former New Mexico Cattlemen Association Chairman.
That is New Mexico Cattle Growers Association Chairman, and he's been involved with the Paragon Foundation.
They've been having a lot of victories now by making land grabbers pay you best use for that property.
Okay, this is very important, and I heard Mr. Jones, one of their head guys on the Paragon Foundation on Derry Brownfield, so I wanted to get Mr. Schneeberger on the show.
But real quick, Jason, you say Austin Energy.
Austin Energy is about the government getting involved in forcing you to take so-called green energy systems and selling washing machines, selling dryers, getting into the business of private trade.
That's where I have a problem.
What's this particular thing you were mentioning?
Well, basically, the book that was published is written by an employee of Austin Energy, but he's basically
I've been an expert on alternative fuel sources and sustainability over the course of the last, you know, 15 years.
But see, that key word, sustainability, is financed by the big banks as the pretext to get people's property.
Yeah, and I understand that, but the one thing that I don't understand is that if you look at the precepts of the American founding, okay, one of those is self-reliance.
And honestly, if I had about $100,000 tomorrow,
And, you know, if new technologies were allowed to develop, you know, I could have a self-saving system in my home.
No, no, no.
I think the alternative energy movement's great, and a lot of what you call patriots are the ones that have actually adopted it for self-sufficiency.
The problem is when they say, and I've been at the Smart Growth Conferences, when they say sustainability and all this, that's code for taxing you to drive your car, restricting your systems, giving you hybrid systems that really don't work very well.
Okay, well I tell you what, I'm going to send along my review of the book.
And I'd like you to look it over and basically tell me what you think.
Yeah, I don't know.
I really can't comment on this particular book.
Austin Energy and the Austin Air Force and these other groups do a lot of bad things.
I'm sure they've got good people working there, but again, I'm just talking about the general direction it's all going in.
Yeah, and also, I do want to mention that the book is free.
Now, it's not free.
It's been paid for with grant money.
But if you walk into Book People tomorrow and you ask any number of people where you can get a copy, they'll give you a copy.
Okay, thank you so much, and maybe we'll get him on as a guest.
I got articles here where they're planting salamanders on people's land, planting the lynx or the bobcat, where they're planting wolves, where they're planting dragonflies.
They're doing this all over the place.
And it's about getting your property, but more and more it's just about
The Nature Conservancy, Sierra Club and others being the biggest landowners in the country, financed by big banks, have been at the Smart Growth Conference, as I just said, several times, coming in and stealing your land, bullying you into their federal courts, where they pay you a pittance what it's worth, but you have a recourse
If they want to condemn or steal that land, they're going to have to pay you best use.
That is, what you could conceivably use it for.
Say, if you sold it to a theme park or something, or a shopping center, or whatever, they've got to pay you the maximum amount.
And if you force them to that, they'll usually scurry off and rob somebody who's ignorant.
Joining me is Al Schneeberger.
And he is the former New Mexico Cattle Growers Association head and has worked with the Paragon Foundation, the premier land rights organization in the country.
And Al, it's good to have you on the show.
Well, thank you very much.
Glad to be here.
You bet.
Tell us a little bit about yourself and about the Paragon Foundation and all the cases you've been involved in and via trial and error what you've learned.
Well, I don't know if I can go into all of it.
I can give you a general overview.
First off, I was the Executive Director of the New Mexico Cattle Growers for six years, so I'm sure the President wouldn't want to be introduced.
All these titles get confusing!
Before that, I was associated with the New Mexico Department of Agriculture.
I have a Master's Degree in Range Science, which I probably never used.
Uh, you know, when I got out of school, I wanted to manage land, and it turned out that, uh, you know, I had to go out and fight to manage a piece of ground anymore.
Those people that want to be stewards are, you know, they've got a real serious problem.
If you just want to take care of a piece of ground and live your life on it in peace, it's getting harder and harder in this country to do that.
Well, that's feudalism.
That's serfdom.
And they could certainly use somebody like you out in California or New Mexico to stop all these fires.
Statistically, managed property has more wildlife, the animals flock to it.
Why is that?
Well, landowners always take better care of their property than the government.
You know, we have a concept called the tragedy of the commons.
Have you ever heard of that?
Why don't you elaborate on it for the listeners?
Well, the tragedy of the commons goes back to the idea that when they used to set up towns and they'd have a commons in the middle of the town and nobody owned the commons.
And one of the phenomena that took place is when nobody owns something, everybody misuses it.
And that's what's happened on a lot of these federal lands and lands that are owned in common by people.
They don't have a vested interest.
It doesn't really belong to them.
They can't ever claim any title to it, so they don't take good care of it.
Well, that's why communism doesn't work.
This is a basic principle.
Exactly so.
Now, the idea of the tragedy of the commons was an old brain science idea that came forward.
Of course, range science was the original applied ecology, and it was the range science people that came forward and gave us all the terms, ecology and ecotone and ecozone and all of that stuff.
And they were the ones that went out in the world and looked how the world really worked and applied science to it.
But now the range science guys have kind of fallen into
I saw a presentation by one of these guys on TV here locally.
Of course, it was on this local cable access, you never see it.
He took hundreds of acres, it was all dry and dead, and over ten years by planting the right grasses, suddenly there were all these springs running, and now he has a small lake and streams, all just by the grasses he planted.
Well, you know, we can do, you know, any piece of ground out there is going to produce more with management than without management, and that's the false
The premise of environmentalism is that nature has some specific thing that nature is moving to and that we have to step out of the way and let nature go there.
Nature doesn't care.
Nature absolutely does not care.
If there's never another spotted owl born in the world, nature doesn't care.
You've got some kind of spider down there.
I read this morning.
They were punching a highway through and they found a spider in a cavern.
Now they've got to stop the highway.
Yeah, and cave bugs, and dragonflies, and of course it's all scams to get control of a feudalist surf system.
I was listening to Mr. Jones on the Derry Brownfield Show.
He was talking about
Well, the highest and best use, of course, is what the government likes to do.
And, of course, I've got to tell you right up front, whenever the government moves in next door to you, the government's kind of like, you know, there used to be a story that ranchers used to tell about the big cattle baron.
And, you know, they said, well, he's trying to buy up all the country.
And then he said, no, no.
He says, I'm not trying to buy it all up.
He said, I just want that which joins me.
And that's the way the government is.
They're not trying to get it all.
They just want everything that touches them to become theirs.
But if they move in next to you, and they have any kind of a program going to acquire land, it will depress the value of those properties almost immediately.
And that's one of the things that the government
So it's like the blob, they grab whatever's next to them and they grab whatever was next to that, whatever was next to that, whatever was next to that.
Yeah, that which joins me.
That's all they want.
That which joins me.
And it doesn't stop.
But, you know, they'll come in and they might want to take a ranch or a farm and
You know, they want to pay the farmer based on what he gets in production, what he produces in production, and that's what the land is worth.
Well, you know, this guy, he's a good steward.
He likes ranching.
He likes farming.
He does it for the way of life.
He feels like he's making a contribution by being a good steward and passing the land on to his children and giving them at least as good as he got.
And so this has hundreds of years of profitability factored in.
It has the cultural factors.
It has the homestead.
It has all of that.
They've got to pay for that.
They don't pay for culture, and they don't pay for stewardship, and they don't pay for the future.
Now, they're going to acquire the property, and they're going to acquire it under the guise that we're going to acquire this for the future.
So, on one hand, they're saying that this is priceless.
We have to have it.
It has to be in the hands of the commons.
All the people have to have this, because it's so valuable.
But then, on the other hand, they want to take it for the production value of a few cows.
And so what we've been trying to do and been fairly successful at is trying, you know, of course, you want to fight these takings long before you get to the point where you're down to the valuation, but there are several ways that you do it.
Well, let's go over that, Al.
We've got a quick break here.
Come back and let's go over
How you do that.
This is very important.
And this goes for if you're trying to take your neighborhood for a shopping mall, folks.
This affects everybody.
So learn something.
Stay with us.
These guys are on the forefront of this.
They know what they're talking about.
Al, stay right there.
I'm Alex Jones.
We'll be right back.
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That's all about this with your host, Tony Delvecchio.
Saturday evenings from 9 to 10 p.m.
Central Time.
Right here on the Genesis Communications Radio Network.
Hi, Ted Anderson here.
I'm happy to announce that the audience has increased over 200% this year, and our advertisers have sent testimonials complimenting the responsiveness.
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Welcome back, folks.
Got about 35 minutes left in this broadcast today.
We're going to have our guest with us in about 15 more minutes, then I'm going to shift back into a bunch of news we haven't gotten to yet.
He's Al Schneeberger, and he's the former New Mexico Cattle Growers Association Executive Director.
And we're talking about the land grabbers and tactics to counter them.
And if you haven't been harassed by these people yet, believe me, it's coming down the pike whether you own an acre or a thousand acres.
What are some of their tricks?
How does it usually begin if it's state, federal, or if it's just a local land grab group getting a state or city to pass a law against your land?
How do you counter this?
How do you fight it?
What are some of the tricks in the years of the Paragon Foundation fighting these cases?
You don't want to wait until they're out there in front of your house making you an offer before you do something about it.
And if ever people should be diligent, now is the time for them to watch this stuff closely.
A very terrible thing happened four or five years ago.
The Supreme Court expanded the meaning of the term imminent domain.
It was always thought up until that time that government entities could acquire property for highways and dockyards and power lines and things like that.
And most people would agree that there is some legitimate reason for doing those things.
But then the Supreme Court came in and they said that government entities, if they could identify a public good,
I don't know if y'all have talked about the situation where Walmart comes into a town that's
That's right.
Because the town could identify a benefit for the jobs and the taxes it would bring into the community.
And the sick thing is they won't even pay you fair value because people don't know their rights.
Well, yeah, but you're exactly right.
I mean, but that's, and I know that that's kind of what we're talking about, but once you get to that point where they're at the valuation point,
It's already gone too far.
Okay, how do you stop that?
What do we do to stop this?
You can fight for the highest valuation you can get, and we're using a number of formulas.
Some of them are formulas that were developed by the environmental community to stop dam building and things like that, and they've been fairly effective.
They used to do the economic
Well, there are formulas where you can plug that stuff in if you know about them.
All right, but you were saying stop it before it comes to that.
What do you do?
Well, the first thing is people need to watch what's going on in their government because, you know, we worry about the economy and we worry about the price of gasoline, but I'm telling you these governments are out there and they're doing things.
So just like 400 cities have passed laws against the Patriot Act, we need to go in and take over our cities and counties to stop the land grabbing.
Well, if you've ever been involved in the political process, it's a lot easier to stop something before it happens than to get it repealed after it's happened.
And, you know, I tell people all the time, we're going to have to be at least as tough as the people that settled this country.
And they always say, well, yeah, but...
I'd rather fight engines than I would to use a fax machine.
And I always say, well, did you really ever fight any engines?
I mean, it's, you know, being a pioneer is not that easy.
And passing it on to our children is not going to be that easy because we're in serious trouble in this country.
Well, the same thing that happened to the Native Americans is now happening to everybody.
The same type of land grabbing, same type of putting us in these compact cities, modern reservations.
So what comes around goes around.
We'll be right back with our guests.
Al, stay with us.
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We're talking to Al Schneeberger, former New Mexico Cattle Grower Association Executive Director, member of the Paragon Foundation.
Doing a great job fighting all this tyranny.
Coming up here in about 10 minutes after our guest leaves us, we'll go to Lorraine in California and others and get into some more news.
But Al, let's say somebody's got a ranch.
And suddenly they claim there's a golden-cheeked warbler bird that may have been seen on your property.
We just want you to sign an agreement.
We'll even pay you a little money saying that you will check with us for you to use your land.
What do those agreements really do?
How should somebody respond to that?
What are some of the other ways that the land grabbers come at you, state, federal, local, private?
Well, don't sign anything like that.
And if you don't believe me, just go ask your realtor.
Because the value of that property will drop precipitously if you sign any of those kinds of agreements.
And there are some people that say they've done well with them, but our experience has been that it guts the value of that property.
Nobody wants it for the future.
You know, I mean, they don't want those kind of covenants laid on the property.
Well, it's got a big fat lien on it.
It's got a big fat lien on it.
Yeah, yeah.
It can never be developed, and what people are finding is that, you know, we're not talking housing developments here.
We're talking about building a new outbuilding, a hay barner.
Now, by the way, once the land grabbers have gotten property, though, they'll take the restrictions off and build a shopping mall there.
We've seen a lot of that.
Yeah, it's amazing how the Nature Conservancy can go out on the seashore and buy up a bunch of beach that they say must not be developed, and then the next thing you know, they're putting an appropriate type development out there.
And then the movie stars and their friends move out there.
It really is an elitism that is unprecedented for this country, but not in the world.
Well, it's freebooting.
It's piracy, Al.
Yeah, and as you said, it is a type of feudalism.
They've bankrupted this country on our productivity.
Based on the productivity of the country in the future, and now you've got these outfits like the Nature Conservancy, and you know, they say, well, we really believe in property rights, and I've always said, yeah, they believe in property rights like a vulture believes in death, you know?
They're all for it, they just don't want no part of it.
Well, they believe in it once they own the property.
Oh, yeah, yeah.
They believe in using every part of the system out there, but when you get these NGOs, non-governmental organizations,
that are aligned with the government, then it's a serious problem.
Now last year we had Jay-Z and Wally on.
The legislative director of the NRA was getting behind a $47 billion land grab bill.
And the NRA had nothing to do with that.
He tried to attack Paragon.
Paragon hit back and that guy got fired.
That shows the power of the grassroots when folks get involved.
How do people get involved with Paragon Foundation?
Well, they can call us at Paragon Foundation at
505-434-3195, and we'll get them plugged in if they want to help out.
And the website's Paragon.org?
Yeah, Paragon.org is the email, and then there's also Ecologic at Freedom.org.
And that's Henry Lamb?
That's Henry Lamb.
He's part of our group.
Now, I heard Bob Jones, your head honcho, correct?
Well, he's the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Paragon.
Well, in some of the lawsuits that we've been involved in, one of them, the Wayne Haig lawsuit, and it will go to trial to see how much money Wayne gets from the government.
And of course, if he wins, that'll be a big win for everybody.
I don't know if you've talked to him or had him on your program before.
Why don't you in a nutshell tell about that story because I am familiar with him for those that don't know and then we got cases of them coming at gunpoint, stealing people's cows, going to auctions illegally.
I mean they're out of control.
Oh yeah, the law enforcement end of the BLM and the Forest Service, I mean they're big time cops now.
They all go to law enforcement school and they
I don't
There was a case in Nevada last year where they'd stolen the cows off the private property.
They were in trouble.
They didn't have a bill of sale or a warrant or anything to be at the auction selling it.
The owners were on the public street protesting and there's video of the BLM guy running up with a gun pointing it at the man with the sign.
Well, it even gets worse than that.
There was a gentleman in California.
US Fish and Wildlife wanted his property.
They wanted it to add to a wildlife refuge that they were putting together.
So they happened to tell the DEA that the gentleman was growing marijuana on his place, which was completely unsubstantiated.
They went to his house in the middle of the night, broke the door down, came in with what they call flashbangs, throwing flashbangs in his house.
Of course, he jumps up out of bed and grabs his rifle and goes to defend his home, and they killed him dead.
And then, they found the documents where they bragged, this guy's got a lot of land, we're going to get the property and the cops are going to get part of the money.
This was on California News, this was mainstream.
Then his wife protested.
He's dead, and I don't, see they don't chastise or put these guys in jail.
You know, I mean, these federal agents, I guess Congress thinks, and really, law enforcement today, we're talking about bureaucrats.
That's what they are, is bureaucrats.
And I'm a law and order guy, but we even got a guy, you know, we got all these laws where it's all about money.
Well, Al, do you know what happened to the man who they killed's wife?
No, I didn't hear the rest of that story.
She was, uh, they were threats.
You said she was getting threats.
She started suing them and somebody firebombed her house.
Well, it doesn't surprise me because, of course, the eco-terrorists, they watch all this stuff and they've got their own little acts to grind with the Wildlands Project.
I'm sure you guys have talked about it yet.
And that's all right out of the U.N.
So again, I keep throwing stuff out at you, Al, but what are some of the good points?
Go back to that story you said that is kind of a silver lining.
Duane H. Well, they went up to his ranch and he went out one day to work on his water rights right away.
The Forest Service was out there and they arrested him while he was cutting brush on the right-of-way, which he owned and he had a perfect right to maintain.
And that's when this all started.
He's been fighting them now for about 18 years, I think, and maybe 15.
It's been a long time.
The man dedicated himself to this and he's a great patriot.
But it's taken him 15 years to get this to a trial date, and the court claims to see what he was going to get.
But the courts have consistently ruled in his favor that water is property that's compensable, and that the forage that's attached to the water right is also compensable.
So at some point, if he wins, then this will sting him pretty good.
Now, again, it's about setting the precedent that the government and their minions, their NGOs, their private pirates, own everybody's land.
Well, they probably do.
You know, I mean, the courts are going to rule in their favor because there's something else going on that's even a little more insidious than that.
Well, tell us about it.
Well, there's a book called 200 Million Custards.
And what it talks about in this book is how the Indian tribes, like the tribe, I think it was the Penobscots up in Maine, they brought a lawsuit against the federal government for violation of the treaties that they had signed with the federal government.
And they won in federal court.
And of course, the state of Maine, Banger and all of the housing and housing developments and the industry, it's all there.
And all the titles in the state of Maine are guaranteed by the government.
And so the government told the Indian tribe, they said, well, you know, we can't let you just take all this land back.
We're going to have to pay you.
I think they paid them $20 billion.
I don't remember just what it was.
I could look it up.
They paid them a pretty fantastic amount of money over time.
And of course, the real Native Americans never see that money.
Well, yeah, now that's the political process within the various tribes.
Some of them do very well, some of them not so well.
You know, I've seen some of them that really manage their affairs.
They're like, you know, like any other
Uh, entity, you know, if the people have a good voice in it and they participate well, then yeah, they can receive some benefit, but the point...
Tell them about that.
I will, but I wanted to make this one point.
Everybody always thought the best title you could get was a Spanish land grant.
But really, the best title you can get is to buy the underlying right of the Native Americans that were here first.
And the federal government is going around and they're quietly settling these court cases with the Native Americans, paying them off with money, and now they own the underlying right
The very rock bottom right under everything.
So, I think in a lot of cases the federal government really does believe they own all the land.
Which is about as perverse as it gets.
Well, I've said it.
Vicente Fox doesn't own Texas.
If anybody does, it was the American Indians that were here.
But yeah, we got a Spanish land grant on our property in East Texas.
But you're saying that...
There's not a lot of tribal land in Texas though to go to the Indians.
Well, but I don't think the point is so much that the tribes are going to court and winning and attempting to get what was due them in the first place.
I think the underlying idea, or the thing, the danger is, is that the federal government really believes now that they own everything.
And to give folks an idea, won't they own 90% of Nevada now?
Well, yeah, if you're governor of Nevada, you're only going to be governor over 17% of the state.
So, you know, the rest of it is what they call federal lands.
I guess the feds like to call them public lands, but that's a misnomer.
They're really split state lands.
We really do have a serious situation in the West, but these things are happening in Texas as well.
You look at, in New Mexico, when the environmentalists wanted to use the Endangered Species Act to stop logging and mining and construction and all that,
They went to the federal agencies because we have so much federal land in New Mexico.
In Texas, you didn't have that.
So what did they do in Texas?
They got right in the court under the federal law and started suing people under the federal law.
And you could say that they've been just as suspective down there in Texas with all the private land as they have here in New Mexico with the federal land.
Well, they use cities.
Maybe more so.
They use city laws, too.
County laws.
Oh, yeah.
But, you see, the Endangered Species Act is such a powerful law, you know, that they can use it anywhere to good effect.
Okay, Al, just two more quick questions.
We're going to let you go, and I really appreciate you coming on.
They've been caught in Colorado.
They've been caught in the Dakotas.
They've been caught in Texas.
They've been caught everywhere.
People are getting arrested for killing rattlesnakes in their yards now, when the things were all over the place.
They've been caught, though, planning so-called endangered species.
They've admitted it and then nobody goes to jail.
Where are those cases going?
I don't think they're going to go anywhere.
I haven't seen any will coming out of Congress to supervise or to hold these people accountable at all.
I mean, bureaucracy is such a terrible phenomenon.
A bureaucrat will do nothing.
If he thinks he's going to suffer any consequence at all.
So you have to absolutely protect a bureaucrat from any consequences.
Because if these other bureaucrats... See, I go to work every day, I can't get too far out ahead, and I gotta do enough to justify my existence.
And you do too.
But these bureaucrats, they can go to work day after day, and they don't have to do anything.
And they won't lose their job.
They're not exposed to the reality of life like you and I are.
So, they'll transfer them, but they won't fire them.
Well, we need to all get involved, learn the law, stand up to them from the beginning, take over our counties and cities and states, and throw these people out.
Paragon.org, and that phone number again for folks who want to get some information from Paragon.
Yeah, just a second.
That's 505-434-3195.
And that'll get you to the main office.
Well, Al Schneeberger, thank you so much for coming on the show, and God bless you, my friend.
Thank you, sir.
You bet.
Take care.
Another great American.
Who's my next caller there, Mark, you were saying?
Who should I go to next?
Lorraine in California.
Go ahead, and thanks for holding.
You're welcome.
I wanted to mention about the movie, The Passion.
You know, the movie from Gibson?
Yeah, being demonized about the last 12 hours of Christ's life.
Well, I have a different look on it and, you know, because we're all, you know, different and independent Christians, whatever, but they have an Illuminati icon in the beginning of the movie.
Have you noticed that?
Well, I haven't seen the film, but I know Icon Productions is a face, like a medieval face, looking at you, and then it disappears into the background.
Well, it's the left eye, and Zachariah talks about the idol shepherd, and the right eye is darkened, and if you watch the trailer,
Jesus' right eye is shut, where it's been hit, and then the left eye starts rolling around, and it's like weird.
And I know he got demonized, but at the same time, it's not something I, as a Protestant, would support.
Well, I know the Gibsons are good people.
They're listeners of this show.
And I know they've seen the films.
I know Mel Gibson's done a lot of good work with the Patriot and Braveheart and
I'll look at the fruits of what they've done, and they're doing good work.
I would have to disagree with you, but I do know about the symbol for Icon Productions, and it's a face.
It's like a cracked old wall painting.
Well, this one, when you look at the trailer, it has just the eye.
Like, you know how the pyramid on the back of the dollar has just an eye on top of it?
Yeah, that's a classic symbol of the New World Order, but I haven't seen what you're talking about.
So you just saw the trailer on TV?
I saw it on the internet.
Somebody posted it on the internet, and I checked it out.
And so I saw that, and I saw the part.
I saw something that looked out of place, but I couldn't figure it out.
It looked like somebody Jewish out of the 21st century going to like throw a rock or something at them, but it was so cut off I couldn't really see it.
It looked really, it just looked out of place to me.
But that is not the reason.
I'm totally confused now.
You're saying it looks like a Jewish person throwing a rock?
Yeah, I couldn't see the whole thing.
I guess the person has to make their own opinion on that.
As far as the Illuminati connection, I can see it.
I don't want to say that.
You say it was somebody in modern clothes throwing a rock.
Well, like they have the curls and stuff.
I have heard they have the curls and stuff like you would see in Brooklyn.
I only could see it so fast, but that's what it looked like to me, so I don't want to make a total opinion on that.
I've got to let you go.
We've got a break.
Thank you for the call.
I appreciate it.
Look, I know that when I made 911 emergency release, we just offered it for a few months, I started the video with an image of a giant pyramid going up behind me and I said, the new world order is upon us.
I got all these emails, I don't know, like 10 emails, probably 10 calls over the months it was out.
Going, why is there a pyramid?
Is that secret programming?
Well, of course it's a pyramid!
Of course, I'm talking about the New World Order!
Yes, yes, I put a pyramid in there.
Big, giant pyramid.
I mean, on the covers of my videos, three of my videos, I got all seeing eye pyramids.
Yes, this is the New World Order.
This is their symbol.
This is... but to say that you chose one of Jesus' eyes, so you think it's a... I just... you know, that's quite a stretch.
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Don't count on somebody else to do it.
And your purchase also supports this show, which is needed.
Total free number to order, 1-888-253-3139.
That's 888-253-3139.
Or just write to me, Alex Jones at 3001 South Lamar, Suite 100, Austin, Texas 78704.
Don't wait, it's up to you folks.
People are waking up, we can win this thing if you take action.
Just recapping, they're approving cloned beef and chicken and pork for your table, for your restaurants.
Not gonna tell you about it.
You gotta boycott this, you gotta stand up to this.
Nobody wants this except the big corporations who try to monopolize the biosphere.
Also the sun acting very strangely.
Record ejections of the big solar storms really causing problems with communications.
A bunch of other news here that we really need to get into.
Let me try to accelerate through some of this stuff.
Bush wins $87 billion for Iraq and Afghanistan.
You mean for your boss's coffers.
will also seek $2.22 billion military aid for Israel.
China to help Pakistan build second nuclear power plant.
Remember, Pakistan's supposedly our ally.
They're helping arm North Korea.
Our government's helping arm North Korea, helped arm China.
And now Pakistan's got all these nukes.
I mean, look at what they're doing, but they're gonna take your liberties away and accept all these illegal aliens' ID cards.
They gotta take your rights to keep you safe, but they gotta give nukes to everybody.
See what a joke that is?
military upholds TV cover ban on Iraq coffins.
military said Monday it was sticking to a policy of forbidding television cameras, crews, and photographers from filming coffins soldiers killed in Iraq, U.S.
air base in southwestern Germany,
24 troops died on Sunday, folks.
Not 20 or 22.
It's now 24.
Israeli warplanes are flying over southern Lebanon in a provocative move.
Rothschild brought on board at Sky Television.
Lord Rothschild, the financier, was last night named deputy chairman of BS Sky B, a new position as the company tried to counter the move over the appointment of James Murdoch as chief executive, which was confirmed.
That's all staged.
They're all worked together.
Here's another one out of ITAR-TAS as well as Channel News Asia.
They arrested that Russian tycoon, the richest man in Russia, and handed it over to Lord Jacob Rothschild.
They're arresting people and they even send an email or protest the war in Australia.
That's their wonderful freedom after gun control.
Driver's license facilities in California gearing up for what they believe will be millions of illegals.
Upwards of 2 million people could seek driver's license under the new law that violates federal law and Arnold Schwarzenegger could care less.
Bush can meet firefighters in Schwarzenegger tomorrow and act like he cares.
Vicente Fox coming to Austin tomorrow.
I'll be down at the Governor's mansion at 6.30 to confront him.
With a bullhorn to protesting.
There'll also be an Arizona later.
And, uh, just a bunch of other news.
There's a story here.
Biometric passports.
Countries want digital identifiers.
The UN's pushing it.
A world ID card for your driver's license or your passport.
I'm out of time.
Be back tonight, 9 to midnight.
Back tomorrow, 11 to 2.
Get out there and take on the globalists and wake somebody up!
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